Balu Paper 16
Balu Paper 16
Balu Paper 16
0 3,368
2 authors, including:
Dr. Balakrishna R
Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Development of Scheduler for Real Time and Embedded System Domain View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Dr. Balakrishna R on 29 December 2014.
RTU includes:
(a ). Multi-function Transducer : The MFT is
designed with RS485 Modbusoutput to display the
different electrical parameters including maximum
demand & min.& max. values of all electrical
parameters with time. Available in single phase &
three phase is wire (balanced & unbalanced)
Fig1:Typical Scada architecture involving field configuration in a single module.
device RTU and Communication servers interacting (b). DC Transducer with modbus: DC Transducer
to provide real time information of power flow in is designed to convert 0-110 V -220 V DC input into
electrical network 4-20 mA analog O/P. It also shows 0-10 V input
value on computer through modbus communication
The scalable hardware platform of the protocol
RTU560 fulfils the requirements of communication (c). Tap Position Transducer with modbus: Tap
gateways. The RTU uses multi-processor technology Position Transducer is designed to monitor Tap's by
to achieve high performance in data processing. The modbus communication. 4 -20 mA analog output is
RTU560 simplifies complex communication also given with respect to tap's position . The
structures through decentralized communication advantage of using modbus communication is that
gateways. Together with the flexible redundancy complete analog RTU Card can be saved.
concept various levels of availability can be achieved (d). Status Indication: The status of Circuit breakers,
according to the operational requirements. Isolators, Earth switches are made known through the
potentially isolated Opto-couplers.
5000 50.5
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