AMI Cytomorphometry Smoking
AMI Cytomorphometry Smoking
AMI Cytomorphometry Smoking
Introduction: Exfoliative cytology is a non-aggressive, non-invasive procedure with higher patient compliance and is therefore, an
attractive technique for the early diagnosis of oral lesions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare cytological changes using
morphometric analysis of the exfoliated buccal mucosal cells in smokers, with results obtained for non-smokers. Methods: Smears
were collected from the clinically normal buccal mucosa of 120 individuals. Age range of subjects taken was 40-60 years. Smears
were then stained with Papanicolaou stain. Results: Mean NA for smokers was significantly elevated compared with the mean NA
for non-smokers. Mean CA in smokers was decreased as compared to non-smokers but the difference was not significant. Also,
N/C ratio was significantly elevated in smokers group. With increasing heavy exposure in duration of years, Cytomorphometric
changes show significant altered values for all three measured parameters (NA, CA and N/C ratio). Conclusion: Increase in NA
and decreased CA as well as altered N/C ratio would appear to be due to smoking tobacco. Cytomorphometric analysis can be
used regularly to detect these cell alterations. This method can also aid in motivating individuals to withdraw from adverse effects
of tobacco smoking. Currently, use of exfoliative cytology has increased as an adjunct to screening of precancerous lesions and
malignancies of the oral cavity.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Rohin Garg, Assistant Professor, Teerthankar Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre Delhi Road, Moradabad, U.P. India: 244001.
E-mail: [email protected]
others strongly criticize that there is no role for exfoliative included in the study, since this is the age group in which
cytology in early cancer detection since it is not 100% cancer of the buccal mucosa is associated.15
sensitive. Even though exfoliative cytology is not 100%
accurate, it has its own potential value in cases where Patients for the study group were selected because they
biopsy is contraindicated like in systemically compromised fulfilled the following criteria:
patients, inaccessible areas, recurrent malignancies and in 1. Smoked at least 20 cigare es, 3 cigars or 3 pipes per day
mass screening. The smear obtained by exfoliative cytology for at least 5 years.
can be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. With 2. Did not suffer from systemic diseases such as anemia
advancements in the field of quantitative oral exfoliative or diabetes.
cytology, various parameters such as nuclear size, cell 3. Had not received radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy in
size, nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear shape, nuclear the last 6 months.
discontinuity, optical density and nuclear texture can be 4. Did not consume alcoholic drinks or using any drugs
evaluated collectively in order to confirm the diagnosis. affecting the oral epithelium.
Of these parameters, the nuclear size, cytoplasmic size
and their ratio have been shown to be significant in the Neither the smokers nor non-smokers had any oral lesions,
evaluation of oral lesions.10-13 systemic disease or even any histopathological dysplasia
in microscopic evaluation. The smears were taken from
Exfoliative cytology is a non-aggressive, non-invasive clinically normal buccal mucosa. Non-smokers were defined
technique with higher patient compliance and is therefore, by no use of cigare e or any addictive material and smoke-
an attractive technique for the early diagnosis of oral producing substances during the preceding year. Sampling
malignancies, including epithelial atypia and squamous cell was carried out from 9 to 11 a.m to exclude possibility of
carcinoma. However it has limited usage so far due to poor diurnal variations. Informed consent was obtained from
sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing oral malignancies. all the patients in the study. All the patients filled out a
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare form and specified their age, the frequency and duration
cytological changes using morphometric analysis of the of their smoking, and diseases, if any or any other relevant
exfoliated buccal mucosal cells in smokers, with results medical history.
obtained for non-smokers. This technique might yield
important information about the influence of tobacco upon 90 patients of smokers group were categorised in three
nuclear area (NA) and cytoplasmic area (CA), particularly subgroups based upon duration of history of smoking habit.
since these la er two variables are known to alter within Each group consists of 30 patients.
dysplastic tissue for which smoking is a potential etiologic Group A: 5-10 years history of exposure to smoking but
factor. not less than 5 years.
Group B: 11-20 years.
METHODS Group C: More than 20 years of exposure history.
This is Hospital based case-control analytical type of Oral examinations were performed using a mouth mirror
observational study to observe cytomorphological and artificial light. Subjects were asked to rinse their mouth
changes in exfoliated buccal mucosal cells of smokers. with water and a pre moistened wooden spatula was then
Smears were collected from the clinically normal buccal scraped firmly across the mucosa and the cells transferred to
mucosa of 120 individuals. Age range of subjects taken a dry glass slide fixed in 95% ethanol, followed by washing
was 40-60 years. These patients were attending the in running tap water for a further hour. Smears were then
outpatient department of SMS medical college and stained with Papanicolaou stain.
associated group of hospitals, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Name, age, occupation and relevant medical history Then stained slides were subjected to research microscopy.
(including whether they smoked) were recorded. In Fifty randomly selected cells were measured in a stepwise
addition hemoglobin and full blood counts were carried manner moving the slide from the right upper corner to left
out for each patient, to exclude anemia. and then down to avoid measuring the same cell twice. Only
clearly defined cells were measured, excluding the clumped
Ninety subjects were placed in the smoker group and or folded cells and unusually distorted nuclei and cells.
thirty others in the non-smokers group. Women were not
included in the study due to cellular changes that occurs Cytomorphometric analysis was done by using Image J v 1.45
during menstruation, after menopause and also due to the image analysissoftware. The nuclear (NA) and cytoplastmic
possibility of pregnancy and other hormonal changes.14 (CA) areas were obtained by drawing round the nuclear
Furthermore, only those greater than 40 years of age were and cell boundaries using the digital cursor (Figures 1-4).
Outcome variables are were examined using t-test for equality of means. Differences
(a) Mean Nuclear area/50 cells were considered statistically significant when P < 0.05.
(b) Mean cytoplasmic area/50 cells
(c) Mean nuclear and cytoplasmic ratio. RESULTS
Statistical Analysis The age range of subjects taken was 40-60 years with a
All data were tabulated and statistical tests were performed mean age for smokers was 46.4 ± 4.9 years; the mean of
using SPSS. Significant statistical differences between groups non-smokers was 48.1± 5.7 years.
Table 1 contains the mean values for nuclear area (NA) and
cytoplasmic area (CA) and N/C ratio in smoker and control
group. Using a two sample “t-test” for independent samples
the mean NA for smokers was significantly elevated
compared with the mean NA for non-smokers. Mean CA
in smokers was decreased as compared to non-smokers
but the difference was not significant. Also, N/C ratio was
significantly elevated in smokers group.
heavy exposure in duration of years, Cytomorphometric Ogden et al. investigated the effect of smoking on the
changes shows significant altered values for all three oral mucosa in individuals over 40 years of age using
measured parameters (NA, CA and N/C ratio). cytomorphology. They reported a 5% average increase in
the NA values of smokers when compared to non-smokers.22
DISCUSSION Goregen M et al. found 16.5% increase in the NA.23 Similar
findings were also reported by Seifi S et al.24 Our findings
Few studies in the past appear to have investigated at the are consistent with these studies; however, we observed a
effects of smoking tobacco on the oral mucosa, with regard 8.6% increase in the NA value of smokers over non-smokers.
to the use of exfoliative cytology technique. Application Also decreased CA was found in our study. This increase
of quantitative techniques has largely improved the in NA and decrease in CA can be a ributed to a cellular
potential accuracy of exfoliative cytology. Exfoliative adaptation that depends on smoking. Decrease in the
cytology is considered a moderate, easy and non-invasive cellular diameter and increase in the nuclear size are two
technique compared to conventional anatomopathological significant morphological changes that occur in actively
examination. proliferating cells.25
Wrubel & Scopp studied the keratinization of the hard Various other researchers also studied different parameters
palate and buccal mucosa, following smoking cessation, by cytomorphometrical analysis. Ramaesh et al. investigated
and found no definite changes. The karyopyknotic index that the nuclear diameter of the oral mucosa cells in
(KI) for smokers was no different from that for non- cigare e smokers, chewed betel quid, or practiced both
smokers.16 In contrast, Brown & Young, who investigated these habits, was significantly greater than control group
100 cells from the hard palate and buccal mucosa, found individuals. They also found that the cytoplasmic diameter
that the Kl for smokers was increased, as compared to non- was significantly smaller than that of the control group
smokers.17 Baric et al. who studied the prevalence of oral individuals.26 Similarly, Einstein and Sivapathasundraham
leukoplakia, found an increasing number of such lesions also analyzed the effect of smoking and betel quid
in those individuals who smoked tobacco. They observed chewing on the oral mucosa and determined an increase
that cigare e and cigar smokers had higher percentage in the average value of ND, and a decrease in cytoplasmic
buccal mucosal lesions whereas palatal lesions were more diameter values of smokers and individuals with both
common in pipe smokers.18 Hirayama in an extensive these habits.
investigation of oropharyngeal cancers in Central and
South East Asia, found a definite relationship between In our study we found that with increasing heavy exposure
non chewing smokers of tobacco and cancer of the buccal in duration of years, Cytomorphometric changes shows
mucosa.19 In present study, majority of our patients smoked significant altered values for all three measured parameters
cigare es. Hence according to the observations of Baric et (NA, CA and N/C ratio). Hashemipour et al. found similar
al.18 & Hirayama19 if one were looking for changes in the oral results.27 Zimmermann and Zimmermann14 and Ogden
mucosal cells of smokers, one would expect to find them in et al.22 acknowledge the presence of cell alterations related
cells removed from the buccal mucosa. Since present study to the number of cigare es smoked per day and mentions
focuses on normal buccal mucosa, patients with lesions that the number of cigare es smoked must be considered
such as epithelial dysplasia, leukoplakia, erythroplakia, as a factor. In present study it was found that there is a
and squamous cell carcinoma were not included. significant relationship between the duration of smoking
and the NA, CA & N/C ratio. A decrease in cellular size and
The effect of smoking, as a risk factor for oral malignancies, an increase in nuclear size are two important morphologic
depends on the number of cigare es smoked per day and changes which are a ributed to precancerous and cancerous
the duration of exposure to smoking. Individuals who changes. During the transition from the normal tissue
have been smoking for 10 years or more, and/or over 2 to precancerous and cancerous lesions, some cellular
packs a day are defined as heavy smokers.20,21 In this study, changes take place at the molecular level, which can be
individuals comprising the study group smoked at least 2 determined.28 Franklin and Smite reported that increased
pack a day and had been smoking for at least 5 years. nucleus/cytoplasm ratio might be due to changes in the size
of the nucleus relative to the size of the cytoplasm and is
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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