CAMS - M6 - FD - Seakeeping Models-1

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Seakeeping Models in the

Frequency Domain
(Module 6)
Dr Tristan Perez Prof. Thor I Fossen
Centre for Complex Dynamic Department of Engineering
Systems and Control (CDSC) Cybernetics

18/09/2007 One-day Tutorial, CAMS'07, Bol, Croatia 1

Linear hydrodynamic forces in waves

„ Linear theory can describe hydrodynamic loads to a great extent in

low to medium sea states (depending on the size of the ship)

„ Linear means that the loads and the motion are proportional to the
wave amplitudes.

„ Linearity means superposition: the loads and responses due to

irregular seas can be obtained by linear combination of responses to
regular or sinusoidal seas.

„ Also due to the linearity assumption, the study can be performed

either in time or frequency domain.

18/09/2007 One-day Tutorial, CAMS'07, Bol, Croatia 2

Linear hydrodynamic forces
τ hyd = τ rad + τ rest + τ exc

waves Linear Linear eq Motion

Loads of motion

Some of the loads depend on the excitation due to the

waves, while other depend on the motion of the vessel
The second type of loads give the system a feedback

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Adding nonlinear forces
Once we have a linear time-domain model, nonlinear loads can be
added due to the assumption of force superposition:

waves Linear Linear eq Motion
Loads of motion


So, the linear model should not be seen as a limitation; rather as a

basis upon which we can build nonlinear models based on the
assumption of force superposition.

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Linear hydrodynamic analysis
Due to linearity, we can study the problem for sinusoidal excitation and then
use these results to obtain solutions to non-sinusoidal cases via

The hydrodynamic problem of obtaining loads and motion for sinusoidal waves
can be separated into two sub-problems:

„ Excitation problem: The ship is restrained from moving and kept in its mean
position, and the excitation loads are obtained as a result of changes in
pressure due to the incoming waves.

„ Radiation problem: The ship is forced to oscillate in calm water in each DOF
with a frequency equal to the wave excitation frequency.

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Radiation forces
Radiation loads appear due to the motion of the ship—
the change in momentum of the fluid due to the
motion of the hull changes the pressure on the hull,
which induce the loads.

These loads have two components

‰ Proportional to the accelerations

‰ Proportional to the velocities

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Radiation forces
Boundary conditions:

free surface condition (dynamic+kinematic conditions)

sea bed condition

dynamic body condition

Regular outgoing waves radiation condition

are observed at large distance
from the vessel

Φ rad = ∑ j =1 Φ j

∇ 2Φ rad = 0

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Computing forces
Forces and moments are obtained by
integrating the pressure over the average
wetted surface Sw:
Radiation forces and

⎧ ⎛ ∂Φ rad ⎞ 1-surge
⎪⎪ − ∫∫Sw ⎜⎝ ∂t ⎟⎠ (n )i ds i = 1,2,3. 2-sway
τ rad ,i =⎨
⎛ ∂Φ rad ⎞ 4-roll
∫∫ ⎜ ⎟ (r × n )i −3 ds i = 4,5,6. 5-pitch
⎪⎩ Sw
⎝ ∂t ⎠ 6-yaw

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Radiation forces for regular motion
If the motion of the vessel on the
DOF i is harmonic:

ξi = ξ cos(ω t )

Then, after integrating the pressure over the surface

of the hull, the radiation forces in the DOF j due
to the motion in the DOF i take the following form:

τ rad , j = − Aij (ω ) ξ&&i − Bij (ω ) ξ&i ← Only in steady

state condition.

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Radiation forces for regular motion
τ rad , j = − Aij (ω ) ξ&&i − Bij (ω ) ξ&i
„ The coefficients that multiply the accelerations are called
added mass coefficients even though not all of them have
units of mass. The added mass terms give the forces due to
the accelerations of the fluid as the vessel oscillations—the
whole fluid will oscillate with different fluid particle

„ The coefficients proportional to the velocities are called

potential damping coefficients. The potential damping terms
represent the energy carried away by the waves generated
due to the motion of the hull.

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Added mass and damping
Example of added mass and
potential damping in heave
of a symmetric rectangular
barge 8x4x45m:

The added mass and damping

coefficients depend on

„ Shape of the hull

„ Forward speed
„ Water depth

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„ There is a total of 36 added mass and 36 damping

„ If the structure has zero speed and a plane of symmetry,

half of the coefficients are zero. (for this to hold with forward
speed, the plane of symmetry has to be parallel to the
forward direction.)

„ If the structure has zero speed and there is no current, then

the matrices of added mass and damping are symmetric:

Aij (ω ) = Aji (ω )
Bij (ω ) = B ji (ω )

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Restoring forces (linear)
The resotring forces are due to changes
in displacement:
τ rest =

(Awp waterplane area)

These are computed for calm water—Calm water stability.

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Linear Wave Excitation

„ The linear wave excitation or 1st order waves

excitation are the loads on the structure when it is
restrained from oscillating and there are incident
waves. The linear assumption assumes the loads
are proportional to the wave amplitude.

„ 1st order wave loads are separated into two

‰ Froude-Kriloff
‰ Diffraction

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Froude-Kriloff loads

„ The Froude-Kriloff loads are obtained by

integrating the pressure due to undisturbed
wave field over the mean wetted surface of
the body—It is assumed that the body does
not disturb the wave field.

„ These can be considered within a nonlinear

framework by integrating over the
instantaneous wetter surface.
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Diffraction loads
„ The diffraction loads appear due to the change in
the wave field by the presence of the body.

„ These can be computed in a similar way as the

radiation forces by considering a BVP; the main
difference is that the boundary condition on the
‰ The velocity due to the diffraction potential has to be
equal and opposite to the velocity due to undisturbed
wave potential.

This body condition ensures there will be no fluid

transport through the body.

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RAOs—Frequency response functions

τ exc
Force RAO Force to Motion

Sea surface elevation combined


Motion RAO

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Force RAO
For a regular wave
ζ = ζ cos(ω t + ϕζ )

The linear excitation forces will be

τ exc ,i = τ i (ω ) cos[ω t + ϕτi (ω )]
The amplitude and phase of the excitation force depend on

„ Encounter angle (wave freq, vessel speed, heading relative to waves)

„ Wave amplitude
„ Forward speed

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Force RAO
τ exc ,i (t ) = ζ Fi ( jω ) cos(ω t + ϕζ + arg[ Fi ( jω )])
3 1442443
τ i (ω ) ϕτ ,i ( ω )

Example heave Force RAO (i=3) for a barge (8x4x45m):

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Motion RAO
ξi (t ) = ζ H i ( jω ) cos(ω t + ϕζ + arg[ H i ( jω )])
14243 144
ξi ( ω ) ϕξ ,i ( ω )

Example motion Force RAO (i=3) for a barge (8x4x45m):

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Force to motion FRF
Using the added mass and damping with the linear
(seakeeping) equation of motion we can obtain the force to
motion frequency response function:
~ ~
[ −ω [M RB + A (ω )] + jω B(ω ) + G]ξ = τexc

This is sometimes written in the hydrodynamic literature as

[M RB + A (ω )]&ξ&(t ) + B(ω )ξ& (t ) + Gξ (t ) = τ exc (t )

This is an abuse of notation since this is not a true equation of motion; it is a

different (rather confusing) way to write the frequency response function.

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Force to motion FRF
Then we can define the force to motion frequency
response matrix:

G( jω ) := [ −ω 2 [M RB + A (ω )] + jω B(ω ) + G]−1

⎡G11 ( jω ) G12 ( jω ) L G16 ( jω ) ⎤

⎢G ( jω ) G ( jω ) L G26 ( jω )⎥
= ⎢ 21 22 ⎥
⎢ M M O M ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣G61 ( jω ) G62 ( jω ) L G66 ( jω )⎦

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Motion RAO
„ The Force RAO relates the wave elevation to the
linear excitation forces.
„ By combining the Force RAO with the Force to
motion frequency response matrix we obtain the
motion frequency response due to wave elevation or
Motion RAO:
H( jω ) := G( jω ) F( jω )
H( jω ) = [H1 ( jω ), H 2 ( jω )K, H 6 ( jω )]

F( jω ) = [F1 ( jω ), F2 ( jω )K, F6 ( jω )]

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Statistics of Loads and Motion
„ Since the wave elevation is assumed a zero-mean
Gaussian process and the system is assumed linear,
the loads and the response are also zero-mean and
Gaussian processes.

„ The spectra of loads and response is all that is

needed to compute any statistics:

Sττ ,i (ω ) = Fi ( jω ) Sζζ (ω )

Sξξ ,i (ω ) = H i ( jω ) Sζζ (ω )

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Simulation of wave loads and motion
time series
Having the spectrum, we can simulate time series of loads and
motion in the same way we do it for the wave elevation:

τ i (t ) = ∑∑τ nmi cos[ωe,n t + ϕ nmi + ε n ]

n m

τ nmi = 2 Fi ( jω ,U , χ ) Sζζ ( jωn* , χ m* ) Δω Δχ

⎛ * (ωn* )2U ⎞
ϕ nmi = arg Fi ( jω ,U , χ )
* *
ωe,n ⎜
= ωn − * ⎟
cos χ m
n m
⎜ g ⎟
⎝ ⎠

ωn* ∈ [ωn − Δω / 2, ωn + Δω / 2] εn -uniformly distributed

χ m* ∈ [χ m − Δχ / 2, χ m + Δχ / 2] in [0,2π]

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Non-linear wave loads
„ There are some problems related to wave-structure
interactions which cannot be described by linear Theory

„ The nonlinear problems attempt to describe more

accurately the free-surface and body conditions on the
instantaneous rather than mean values.

„ A convenient way to solve nonlinear wave-structure

problems is by using perturbation analysis.

„ In a second order theory, the problems are solved up

second-order in incident wave amplitude—i.e., in the
potential and pressure terms proportional to the wave
amplitude and wave amplitude square are considered.

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Non-linear wave loads
The effects of second-order loads are important
for structures which are kept in position by
mooring lines, anchors, and propulsion
systems, and for vessels following trajectories.

The solution of a second order problem


„ Mean wave drift force

„ Slowly-varying wave drift force (sub harmonic)
„ Rapidly varying wave drift force (super harmonic)

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Evidence of second-order loads
A simple way to evidence the effects of a second order
problem is to look at the quadratic term in the
Bernoulli equation:

∂φ ρ
p + ρgz + ρ + ∇φ ⋅ ∇φ = C
dt 2

∇φ ⋅ ∇φ = V12 + V22 + V32

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Evidence of second-order loads
Consider the case where
V1 = A1 cos(ω1t ) + A2 cos(ω2t )
A 2
A2 Mean components
V1 =
2 1
+ 2
rapidly varying components
2 2
A12 A22
+ cos(2ω1t ) + cos(2ω2t )
2 2
+ A1 A2 cos[(ω1 − ω2 )t ] + A1 A2 cos[(ω1 + ω2 )t ]
Slowly varying component

These give rise to 2nd order pressure force components!

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Non-linear wave load effects
„ Mean wave-drift force: Determine the equilibrium position of
the moored system (together with wind and current). They
are important for the design of mooring lines and propulsion
systems for dynamic positioning.

„ Slowly-varying wave-drift force: The forces have

frequencies much slower than the wave elevation. These
can excite resonant modes in the horizontal position of the
moored vessel. Typical resonance periods in offshore
structures are 1 to 2min.

„ Rapidly-varying wave-drift force: these forces have

frequency components which are higher than the wave
elevation frequency. These can excite structural resonant
modes: periods 2 to 4s.
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Example (Pinkster 1979)

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Second order FRF
„ For slowly varying wave-drift forces, the second
order potential is needed.
„ With the second order potential, the second order
FRF be computed:

T jkic (ω j , ωk ) T jkis (ω j , ωk )

Fi SV = ∑∑ ζ jζ k [T jkic cos([ω j − ωk ] t + [ε j − ε k ])
j =1 k =1

+ T jkis sin([ω j − ωk ] t + [ε j − ε k ])]

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Hydrodynamic Codes
The working principle of all codes:

Input data and Output data and

Code Post-processing

• A(w), [A(∞)]
• Hull geometry
• B(w), [B(∞)]
• Loading condition
• 1st order force FRF
• Environment (frequencies)
• 2nd order force FRF
• Calculation settings
• Motion FRF
• Additional damping and spring to
represent PD controller, mooring, or
linear viscous damping.

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„ Faltinsen, O.M. (1990) Sea Loads on Ships and
Ocean Structures. Cambridge University Press.

„ Journée, J.M.J. and W.W. Massie (2001) Offshore

Hydromechanics. Lecture notes on offshore
hydromechanics for Offshore Technology students,
code OT4620. (

„ Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2006) “Time-domain

Models of Marine Surface Vessels Based on
Seakeeping Computations.” 7th IFAC Conference on
Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Vessels MCMC,
Portugal, September.

18/09/2007 One-day Tutorial, CAMS'07, Bol, Croatia 34

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