Kung PH.D., A.M.I.C.E.: Founda'I'Jon Vibrations
Kung PH.D., A.M.I.C.E.: Founda'I'Jon Vibrations
Kung PH.D., A.M.I.C.E.: Founda'I'Jon Vibrations
Tso Kung Hsieh, Ph.D., A.M.I.C.E.
Chief Designer, Planning Department, George Wimpey & Co. Ltd.
For written discussion
The Paper presents a method of calculating the amplitudes of vibration of a
foundation restingdirectly on soil.Sucha foundationhas six degreesof
freedom.Usuallythese are coupledtogether. Equationsare presented for
analysing these coupled modes of vibration in quantitative detail.
INdesigning a foundation to carry a static load, it is now generally appreciated
that it is not only necessaryto ensure that the ground will carry the loading with-
out the risk of shear failure, but it is also essential to estimate the amount of
displacement expected under the loading. This is to ensure that the structure
carried by the foundation cansafely be subjected to the displacement. Such an
estimation of the displacement is just as essential, if not more so, for a foundation
carrying a vibratory machine. The satisfactory operation andefficient perform-
ance of the machinery depend almost entirelyupon the magnitude of oscillation
of the foundation. Further, the amplitude of oscillation influences the loading
intensity on the foundation, and therefore this must be estimated to ensure
safety against shear failure of the ground.
2. A rigidblock foundation restingdirectly in contact with the ground
possesses six degrees of freedom. It may oscillate in its translational modes;
vertically, laterally or longitudinally, or it may oscillate in its rotational modes;
rocking, pitching or yawing. Usually, these oscillations are coupled together.
To make a complete analysis,it is necessary to establish six equations of motion
from which a completesolution may be obtained.
3. A review of the current literature on this subject revealed the need of a
complete theory for dealing with such problems. It is hoped that the present
study may partly fulfil1 this need and that in particular it may stimulate further
researches in that direction.
Therefore :
and the stress U =E 5 is :
19. Thus we get the same linear relationship betweenload, disk velocity and
displacement as that obtained for wave propagation through a conical bar.
The only difference isthat in this instance, the coefficients are not constant, but
vary with the frequency of the loading.
20. The wave equations used for the prismatical and conical bars apply only
for compression waves of length large in comparison with the lateral dimension
of the bars. Under these conditions, the lateral motion of the bar is small and
has been ignored. For a semi-infinite body, its lateral dimension is of the same
order as its longitudinal dimension and therefore its lateral motion is just as
prominentas its longitudinalmotion.Rayleigh waves and shear waves are
present in addition to the compression waves. For a circular vibrator operating
normal to the surface of a semi-infinite medium, a largerpart of its power is in
fact radiated as Rayleigh waves.13
21. If the lateral motion of the bars is taken into consideration, it is found12
that waves are dispersed and consequently the coefficients in equations (1) and
(2) are also expected to vary with the frequency of the loading. Geometrically,
a semi-infinite space is a cone with a large solid angle. The difference between
this and the conical bar can therefore be only in degree and it is thus not un-
expected that the same basic functional relationships exist betweenthe applied
force, the disk velocity and displacement.
22. Arnold, Bycroft, and Warburton'o have shown that the horizontal dis-
placement of a weightless circular disk excited by a horizontal forceZeiot is also
given bythe equation (3) except, of course, the values of the functionsfi and f 2 are
different. Similarly, theangular rotationofthe disk excitedbya couple C= Meiot
about a vertical or horizontal axis is given by
23. Equations (4) and (6) are basic equations which we shall find useful in
analysing the vibration of a foundation in all its six degrees of freedom.
24. The foregoing theory is based on the assumption that the semi-infinite
medium is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic. The ground upon which a
machine foundation restsis not such an idealmedium.However,provided
there is no rigid stratum very close to the surface (less than three times the
diameter of the base149 9 , it should provide results of sufficient accuracy for
engineering purposes.
c = - d / G p r o 4 ~-dt- G ro3 F1 4 . . . . . (6a)
F --
- f12+h2
25. The values of fl and f2 for the various cases can be found in papers by
Amold, Bycroft, and WarburtonlO and Bycroftl6t l7. They are in general very
of the Poisson's ratio of the medium v and a dimensionless
complex functions -
quantity u=-ro,/$. The parameters F1 and F2 may be calculated from the
graphs prepared in these papers. For engineering purposes, it has been found
that sufficient accuracy may be obtained from the following. (Values of Fl and
F2for values of a larger than 1-5or 2.0 are generally not required.)
A. Vertical translation (0 < a < 1-5)
v =0 Fl = 4.0-03a2
F2 = 3.3-tO.4 a
y 21. Fl = 5.3- 1.0 a2
F2 = 4.4+0.8 U
V = 4 F1 = 8.0-2.0 U*
F 2 = 6.9
B. Horizontal translation (0 < a < 2-0)
V = 0 F1 = 4.5-0.2~'
F2 = 2-4+0.3 a
V = F1 = 4 . 8 - 0 . 2 ~ ~
F2 = 2.5 0.3 a+
V = f F1 = 5.3-0.1 a2
F2 2*8+0*4U
C. Rotation about vertical axis (0 < a < 2.0)
V = 0 to 3 F1 = 5.1-0.3 U*
F2 = 0.5 U
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D. Rotation about horizontal axis (0 < a < 1.5)
v =0 Fl = 2.5-0*4aZ
F2 = 0.4 a
26. The above are obtained for contact areas of circular shape and for con-
tact-pressure distributions correspondingto rigid bases subjectedto static loads.
In general, foundationsmay be ofother shapes and the pressure distribution may
be different. Under these conditions, the following modifications may be used
to give sufficiently approximate results.
27. For translational motion, use an equivalent radius which gives the area
of the circle equalto thatof the contact area of the foundation with the ground.
28. For rotational motion, use an equivalent radius which gives the moment
of inertia of the circle equalto that of the contact area of the foundation with the
29. For pressure distribution other than that corresponding to rigid bases
under static loading, the equivalent radius is to be multiplied by a factor m to
obtain the modified radius ro for the purpose of calculation.
Uniform distribution . . . . . . . . m = 0.78
Parabolic ,, . . . . . . . . m=059
30. The parameter a depends upon the circular frequency of the periodic
forces W, the radius ro of the base and the physical properties G and p of the
a = wro 46I-
31. This may be simplifiedas follows. The velocity of the shear wave=
the period of the wave =W , and the length of the shear wave =L = - U:'
Therefore, a = 2 a -r0
Thus a is a linear function of the ratio between the size of the base ro and the
length of the shear wave of the medium.
32. For the sake of clarity, equations (4a)and (6a) will be simplified and sub-
divided into the different cases as follows:
Vertical translation:
p = - R, 2- K,A,
Horizontal translation:
B ’
pb = 7 B,e,- B&
p b dg+BxOy-B,,8, l. . . . . .(7)
36. The rotation of the contact surface about the co-ordinate axis is the same
as that of the foundation i.e. Ox, Oy and 8,.
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37. The ground reaction therefore consists of three forces:
c, = - H v --s,e,
about the three co-ordinate axes.
38. Let the mass of the foundation and machine be M and its moment of
inertia about the co-ordinate axis be Z,, Z,, and Zz.
39. Let the unbalanced forces of the machine be resolved into three forces
acting at G : (Q,, Qy, Q3 in the direction of the co-ordinate axis and three
couples (Tx,T,, TA about the three axes.
40. The six equations of motion are therefore as follows:
M- = Qr+Py
M d2=@g
- df.2 Q,+’,
. . . . (10)
= Tx+C,+B,Py-B,P,
Z y z = Ty+C,+BxP,-B,Px
= T, -+ C, f ByPx- BxPy
41. Expressing Px,pY,P,. C,, C,,and C, in terms of Og,Vg,Pg,e,, By, and ez
by using equations (7), (S), and (g), we obtain six second-order ordinary simul-
taneous differential equations from which the displacements og,Vg,FVg, ex, ey,
and B, can be obtained.
42. Taking Q,, Q,, Q,, T,, T,, and T, as zero, we obtain fromthese equations
the six natural frequencies of the machine-foundation-soil system. It is noted
that in its general form,all the six degrees of freedom are coupled.
43. Usually the machine-foundationsystemhastwoplanes ofsymmetry
(X-z plane and y-z plane) so that B, and By are both zero. Under these condi-
tions, equation (10) can be considerably simplified.
46. All the six degrees of freedom are therefore independent of one another.
Under thesespecialconditions,eachmode of oscillationmay be treated
separately. Theoretical solutions of the problem have so far been confined to
these special cases. It can be easily verified that the above equations give the
same results as thoseobtained by others101 161 17.
47. For example, consider oscillation in the vertical direction only. This is
governed by equation (13). For a periodic loading of QL=Zeiwtwe have:
K , = GroF1 = Gro -
. . . . (20)
Substituting these into equation (18), and letting
b = -M
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48. It may be noted that equations (13), (l@, (lla), (l&), (14a), and (15a)
are all similar in form. Further, they are similar to the equation used by many
previous workers based upon the mass, spring and dashpot analogy. However
there are fundamentaldifferences.
49. Firstly, whereas the analogy used previously was entirely empirical, the
present equations are obtained from theoretical considerations. The constants
R,,K,, etc. are now clearly defined and are given by equations (4a), (4b) and
others. It should be noted that these constants are functions of the properties
of the soil (G and p), the dimension ofthe foundation (ro) and the frequency of the
immessed vibration(.W ,) .
50.Secondly,termslike R, werepreviouslyconsidered to be a factor
due to viscousdamping. As no dampingwasassumed in the derivation
of the present equations, these factors appear as a resultof loss of energy through
radiation of waves into the soil. These factors are now quantitatively defined,
and consequently, it becomes possible to estimate the amplitude of vibration of
the foundation-soil systemat any frequency including resonance.
51. The equations of motion obtained in thissection are comparatively
simple and may be solved analyticallyor very easilyand conveniently by the use
of analogue computers. They provide the means of analysing the oscillation of
a foundation in detail which is essentialfor the rational design of the foundation.
After rearranging, we have:
wo2 M+2pro3 . . . . . . . (24)
56. Now, under static vertical loading, the spring constant of a rigid circular
base restingon the surface of semi-infinite elastic mediumis
. . (25)
For V = & , the value of K,, is equal to 8Gro. Substituting this into equation (24),
we have :
w02 = - K,,
M + 2pro3
. . . . . (26a) .
Similarly, it can be shown that, for v = + ,
M + pr03 . . . . . . . (26b)
wo2 = ~
where a0 =woro
JPE is the value of a at resonance frequency w0.
58. Using the above values and noting that R,= l/qro2F2=6-9d q ro2
for the case of v =f,we obtain from equation (23):
60. Let W=Mg be the weightof the foundation and machine, we have,
from equation(30b) :
0.41bg E
W = --
d b + 2 ~ .~ . . . . . . (31a)
and therefore b represents accurately the ratio of 2n times the height of the
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foundation to its base width of 2ro. For a foundation different from a cylin-
drical shape and of mass density differentfrom the soil, it may be consideredas
h, such that p7rro2h,=M. In the general case,
an equivalent cylinder with a height
we have, therefore:
b = -T h e
. . . . . . . . (33)
and b is thus independent of the actual mass and size of the foundation.
63. Equations (31) seem to provide a theoretical basis for the generally used
rule of thumb that the weight of a foundation supportinga vibratory machine
should be relatedto the weight of machine, or the weight ofthe rotating part of the
machine, or the horse power of the machine, etc. This is justifiedif the quantity
E is directly related to these factors. The result is of course only an approxima-
tion. It is however, a very simple relationship. Further, it is independent of the
shear modulus of the soil. It can therefore provide a very useful guide for
preliminary design.
64. Other generalizationsmay also beobtained.Howeverthese and their
extension to other modes of vibration may usefully be leftfor another paper.
65. A rigidblock foundation restingdirectly in contact with the ground
possesses six degrees of freedom. To ensure the satisfactory functioning of the
foundation, itis necessary to analyse quantitativelythe amplitudes of oscillation
in all six modes. Many foundation troubles are the results of vibrations in-
volving horizontal translation and rocking motion at the same time. These two
modes of oscillation are usuallycoupledtogether. A reviewof the current
literature revealed the need of a complete theoryfor solving such problems.
66. From a consideration of the propagation of divergent waves through a
homogeneous isotropic elasticmedium, a basicrelationshipisestablished
between the externally applied periodic load on a rigid circular disk and its
corresponding displacement and velocity. This forms the basis for formulating
the six equations of motion of the foundation fromwhich a complete analysis of
the various modesof oscillation may be obtained.
67. Fuither studies are necessary to investigate the influence of non-linear
and dissipative properties of the soil. Much experimental work is also required
to determine the shearmodulus and Poisson’s ratio of the soil and the distribu-
tion of the contact pressure between the foundation andthe ground. However,
sufficient is now known such that if conservative valuesof the shear modulus,G,
the Poisson’s ratio v, and the equivalent radius of the foundation ro are used,
calculationsbased upon these equationsshould giveresultsacceptable for
engineering purposes.
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The Paper which was receivedon 2 May, 1961, is accompanied by one drawing
from which the Figure Delivered
in the textbyhas been prepared.
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