Dear Shanice Please Proceed With This. Thanks.: Ramesh Kumar

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 2  October  2015  4:47:56  pm  Singapore  Standard  Time

Subject: RE:  [FMS  2015]:  Dra1  Answer  to  Further  and  Be=er  Par?culars  [Mentor]
Date: Friday,  2  October  2015  4:22:54  pm  Singapore  Standard  Time
From: Ramesh  Kumar
To: Shanice  ANG  Xuan  Run
Dear  Shanice
Please  proceed  with  this.

Ramesh  Kumar
Partner  |  Allen  &  Gledhill  LLP
T  +65  6890  7878  |  M  +65  9853  7431  |  F  +65  6302  3267  |  [email protected]
One  Marina  Boulevard  #28-­00  Singapore  018989  |

Allen  &  Gledhill  LLP  (UEN/Registration  No.  T07LL0925F)  is  registered  in  Singapore  under  the  Limited  Liability
Partnerships  Act  (Chapter  163A)  with  limited  liability.  A  list  of  the  Partners  and  their  professional  qualifications
may  be  inspected  at  the  address  specified  above.

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information  contained  herein.

From: Shanice ANG Xuan Run [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, 2 October 2015 4:08 PM
To: Ramesh Kumar
Subject: [FMS 2015]: Draft Answer to Further and Better Particulars [Mentor]

Dear  Mr  Kumar,

I  am  very  sorry  for  the  mul?ple  emails.  
I  would  like  to  check  if  you  received  my  previous  email  regarding  the  dra1  answer  to  Further  and  Be=er
Par?culars,  as  I  have  not  received  an  acknowledgement  from  you  (ac?ng  as  client).
Thank  you  and  I  look  forward  to  your  reply.
Best  regards,
Shanice  Ang
From:  admin
Date:  Friday,  2  October  2015  2:33  am
To:  Ramesh  Kumar
Subject:  [FMS  2015]:  Dra1  Answer  to  Further  and  Be=er  Par?culars  [Client]
Dear Mr Phua,
Thank you for your response to our email dated 28 September 2015, regarding the request for Further and
Better Particulars.
We would like to apologise for the mistake on our part for including certain requests in our email, which
are not valid. Those requests are not valid because they are requests for evidence, instead of requests for
particulars. We seek your kind understanding and have incorporated the changes into our draft of the
Answer to Further and Better Particulars.

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Attached is the draft of the Answer to Further and Better Particulars. If you are agreeable, we will file
the Answer to Further and Better Particulars on Friday, 2 October 2015.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any clarifications.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Shanice Ang
Legal Associate | Ang LLC
T: +65 9092 3688 | F: +65 6583 3664 | [email protected]
1 Pivett Drive #12-01 Singapore 901256

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