Social Structure in Early Sumi Naga Society
Social Structure in Early Sumi Naga Society
Social Structure in Early Sumi Naga Society
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The present study aims to explore the social The Naga polity was democratic in nature from the
structure which prevails in the early Sumi society. It very beginning, making the people sole political authority.
attempts to identify those structures which form a Most of the decision rest in the hands of the village people
society. It also attempts to find out the roles and except the Konyak tribe, which follow monarchy system. In
functions of each class in Sumi society. The society which most of the Naga tribe, the form of government is republic
has neither caste nor class-based distinction yet there in nature. The Naga tribes of Konyak, Sumi and Mao had
was division seen among the people based on their hereditary monarchy system, assisted by the council of
profession. This led to a need for historical study on the Village Elders. Particularly the Konyak Chief called ‘Angh’
social structure of early Sumi Naga society. have greater role and possess greater powers. The Angh in
Mon District have many villages with smaller Anghs under
Keyword:- Social Structure, Society, Division, Profession, them. They exercised sovereignty over those villages and
Historical Study. smaller Anghs. These smaller Anghs were assisted by the
council of elders or Ministers in every decision. These
I. INTRODUCTION Ministers are selected by the Anghs of various clans of the
village. The Sumis also have their own rulers called
The Sumi society in the olden days was purely ‘Kukami’ who rule over the village. One unique feature
community-based society where every individual worked for about the Sumis is that each village has their own ruler but
the welfare of the village and the village in turn worked for have no control over the other villages. Similar to the Anghs
the interest of the individual. The villages had its own of Konyak the Sumi rulers were also assisted by the Village
customary law and every single individual were bound Elders in decision making. The ruler appoints the elders
together by that law. The village chief took the from various clan of family in the village. Though the
responsibility in guarding the law making sure everyone position of the ruler is protected and kept in high esteem, the
follows it. T. Penzu compared the government of Naga actual decision making is done by the elders or so-called
tribes to that of ancient Greek states. Alemchiba stated, ministers, who represent the people from different clan.
“Every Naga village has been republic having its own
popular village government, every citizen enjoys political The other Naga tribes like Angami, Lotha, Chakesang
stability, social justice, religious freedom. All men were and Zeliangrong followed a peculiar type of democracy. The
equal high class or low class of people, no caste distinction, chieftain system was hereditary, but they took over the
no communal feeling economically they were self-sufficient, office on the basis of election system chosen among the
and beggar was unknown”. The Sumi Nagas like any other family members. The eldest son can succeed his father, on
Naga tribes followed Patriarchal society where the father is or even before the death of his father. In most of these tribe
the head of the family and the inheritance of property is only villages, there are two or more chiefs, each over khel. These
entitled to male member in the family. However, it doesn’t khels (unit division of the village) coordinate with each
mean the females are ignored, though they were not entitled other in times of issues relating to the whole village or
to inherit property and have no voice in any important during emergency period. The chief can be removed from
meetings of the village yet female enjoyed a high position the office, if wishes so by the people. These chiefs are
in Sumi society. The women acted as an advisor to her largely influenced by the family clan. However, the Naga
husband in any decision making. She influenced the men to Rengma tribe does not follow hereditary system to appoint
act in whatever direction she desires. chiefs but the most suitable man to lead the family’s clan is
chosen. The Ao’s of Naga tribe followed the republic form
Nagas followed three types of village administration. of government, in which elected headman called ‘Tatar’ rule
First was the type of village which was governed by the the village with limited authority. The village council
members who are nominated by the people. The members consisted of elders or ministers along with chiefs’ plays and
are chosen from each clan of the village. This system is important role in the administration of the Naga sovereign
found to be the best to administer village which is found in village states. Their decision on any matters becomes the
rural India. The second type of village administration is law and bound the villages as they looked upon the will of
found among the Konyak Naga tribe. There is one Angh or the people. They decide all the civil and criminal disputes in
King who rule over one or several villages. Angh hold the the village and with different village at large.
power to administer the village with the help of Deputy
Angh and village elders. The third type of administration is Akukau (Village Chief)
found among Sumi Naga and some other Naga tribes. The Traditional Sumi village followed a sort of
village chief or he is called Goan bora, administer the monarchical form of government. In every village the apex
particular village. He holds the power equivalent to a political authority was vested on the village chiefs.
Konyak Angh. Chieftainship in the Sumi village was a very powerful