MS 20 Use of GeoTubes in India

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Indian Journal of Marine Sciences

Vol. 43(7), July 2014, pp.

Use of sand-filled geotextile tubes for sustainable coastal protection-case

studies in Indian scenario
M.D.Kudale*, A.V.Mahalingaiah & B.R.Tayade

Central Water and Power Research Station, Khadakwasla, Pune-24, India

*[Email: [email protected]]

Received 13 August 2013; revised 23 October 2013

The geotextile tubes are widely used as reef structures, with their crest below the Mean Sea Level. The requirement of the beach
width is the main criterion to decide crest level of the nearshore reef structure. For greater depth placement, stacked tubes may be one
of the alternative solutions. In certain circumstances, the geotextile tubes are also used right at the eroding coastline. It is well known
that tubes placed abutting to the eroding coastline get damaged at an early age. This has been experienced at Devbag in Maharashtra,
Candolim in Goa and Shankarpur Coast in West Bengal. However, geotextile tubes placed at the eroding coast & covered with sand
or rubble protection; enhance the life of the structure. In case of Beach Nourishment project, the unsegmented row of tubes placed
below MSL is useful for many purposes. It acts as an offshore reef & helps in attenuating the wave energy directly attacking the
coastline, it traps the sediments during the downrush and also acts as a barrier to hold the nourished sand. Recurring periodic
expenditure of the beach nourishment also decreases after the beach stabilization within 2-3 years. Experiences with geotextile
tubes for coastal protection works in India are described in the paper. Pros and cons of the geotextile tubes placement, crest level
decision, significance of the protection of fabric from UV rays etc. are discussed in details with a few case studies.

[Keywords: geotextile, seawall, environment, offshore reefs, coastline.]

Introduction are permeable fabric, which is able to hold back

In the recent years, the rate of coastal erosion material while water flows through. Geotextile
in all the maritime states and the union territories tubes are large tubes filled with sand slurry mix.
of India are considerably increased due to The mix usually consists of dredged materials
anthropogenic and natural causes. In the from the nearby area.
conventional system for mitigating the coastal The trends in the design of coastal protection
erosion, hard solutions like seawall or groynes are have been transformed into sustainable soft
being suggested. These solutions are made up solutions in terms of material used for the hard
with quarry stones or various types of concrete solution. The adverse effects of hard solution for
blocks. Theses traditional forms of the coastal the coastal protection have been experienced by
structures have become expensive to build & the coastal community since long. In the recent
maintain because of the non-availability of heavy years, geotextile technology has widely spread all
rock. Also, heavy machineries are required for the over the world due to its simplicity & less impact
construction. Furthermore, the massive rubble on the coastal environment. Despite the lack of
mound seawalls are not preferred from aesthetic proper design criteria such as hydraulic stability,
point of view. More environment friendly structural functionality and perspective of their
structures are need of time. behaviour during and after construction, the geo-
Recently, geotextile tubes are being textile technology has attracted the coastal
increasingly used in the marine structures. These engineers and has become the effective solution
tubes have proven to be economical alternative for for the coastal protection. The field experience is
the construction of offshore reefs, groynes and of great help for the engineers to improve the
seawall etc. They have also been used for designs of coastal protection works using the
slope/bank protection in the riverine problems. geotextile technology. Apart from the geotextile
The tubes are made up with woven/non-woven tube design or its hydraulic stability, placement of
polypropylene/polyesters fabrics. The tube exhibit the tubes plays important role in its functionality.
high strength, while having good workability and
physical toughness and is relatively cheap. They
INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 43, NO. 7, JULY 2014

Materials and Methods groyne (25 m long) in a form of 3.0 m dia. tube
The sand-filled geotextile tubes are flexible was also provided on a sloping bed towards sea.
and can be widely used for various marine
applications with different sizes, depending upon
the requirements of the projects. In the coastal
environments, they are used as submerged reef,
groynes and for the sand dunes stabilization. They
are used as single or stacked and with
combinations of other materials. It has been
observed that tubes tend to deteriorate and fall
apart if not protected from the UV rays. It should
be covered with proper medium partly or fully.
They can be appropriately covered with sand, if it Fig. 1: Layout plan of the coastal protection work at Devbag,
is being used for sand dune retention or it can be Maharashtra
fully submerged in the sea water permanently or
periodically. Allowing this, the life span of
geotextile tube may substantially increase. The
tubes are susceptible to vandalism. Also, they are
susceptible to damage if placed on rocky bed.

Geotextile tubes in coastal protection works

In India the use of geotextile tubes for the
purpose of coastal defence started in the last
decade. Unavailability of proper design methods Fig. 2: Cross-section of sand-filled geotextile tube seawall at
Devbag, Maharashtra
tend to depend on the past experiences of the
completed geotextile tube projects. Along with the The recommended geotextile tubes are of 3.0
sea wave dynamics, the material properties of the m and 1.0 m diameter and 20 m length each. The
tubes, foundation conditions, local scenario, and tube takes elliptical shape after the filling of sand
alignment of the tubes and experiences of the as shown in Fig 2. The geotextile tubes installed
people involved in the construction projects also at the site worked satisfactorily as an immediate
play important role for the success of the project. temporary protection work for the two seasons. It
In Indian scenario, the use of sand-filled was proposed to embed these geotextile tubes in
geotextile tubes for the coastal protection works is the permanent coastal protection work (seawall).
in the developing phase. The compilation & Unfortunately, the permanent work was delayed
analysis of the data regarding success/failure of due to some reason. As such, these geotextile
projects may improve the techniques of using tubes suffered some damage. Despite the damage,
geotextile tubes. The experiences with the few these geotextile tubes used as a temporary coastal
case studies of completed projects using protection measure saved further recession of the
geotextile tubes in coastal protection works are shoreline.
discussed,, in the following paragraphs.
Geotextile tubes at Shankarpur, West Bengal
Geotextile tubes at Devbag, Malvan, Maharashtra Shankarpur coastal stretch is situated between
Coastal stretch at the village Devbag was Dubda creek and Mandarmani creek in West
severely eroded during 2006 monsoon. In order to Bengal. About 9 km stretch of the Shankarpur
mitigate the coastal erosion, it was decided to coast has been suffering severe erosion. The
protect the eroded coastline by providing erosion is threatening livelihood of the residents
temporary coastal protection works with sand- and ruining valuable forest land. In order to
filled geotextile tubes. It was also proposed to mitigate the erosion, the project authorities
accommodate these geotextile tubes in the core of decided to provide geotextile tubes along the
the rubble mound seawall. The tubes were aligned coast. About 900 m long construction with
parallel to the coast, near the eroded vertical cliff. geotextile tubes was completed in the year 2007.
The total length of protection was about 150 m. The geotextile tubes were laid in the stacked form
In which, 50 m portion lies on the creek side, consisting of two 3.0 m dia. geotextile tubes at the
while 100 m lies on the sea side (Fig.1). A small base and one 3.0 m dia. tube placed over it.

maintenance of the geotextile tubes has been

carried out, as and when damage occurs.

Geotextile tubes used as nearshore reef/bund

Geotextile tubes are widely used in the
construction of the nearshore detached bund/reef
parallel to the coast. Requirement of the beach
width is the main criterion for deciding the
alignment or the depth contour of the bund. The
offshore reef structures or nearshore bund have
proven to be very good solution for the coastal
protection and helps in the formation of the wide
beaches. It can be combined with sand
nourishment, which helps rapid stabilization of
the beach. As such, the offshore reef or nearshore
bund could be of dual purpose viz. allowing
overtopping of the waves for the sand deposition
and secondly, it holds the nourished/deposited
sand on the beach. Generally, the emergent bunds
for the purpose of holding sand are constructed at
the nearshore region without gap and special
attention has to be provided for the turbulence
created by the breaking waves. Crest
elevation/width and the alignment/location of the
nearshore bund play key role in deciding the
design details. Use of geotextile tubes as a
Fig. 3: Geotextile tubes as a coastal protection at Shankarpur, nearshore bund for holding the nourished sand is
West Bengal (2008)
the new trend adopted in India instead of
conventional rubble mound offshore structure.
These geotextile tubes were covered with non-
woven polypropylene sheets for extra resistant
Nearshore geotextile tubes reef at Candolim, Goa
against UV rays. Immediately after the execution
Candolim beach is situated at about 15 km
of the tube work, the Shankarpur coast faced
north of the Panjim, Goa. A ship named ‘River
severe wave attack during the storm in August
Princess’ was grounded a few years ago at
2007. Due to this, about 200 m length of the tube
Candolim’s nearshore area. The 300 m long ship
protection suffered damage. The damage was in
was obliquely rooted at about 150 m to 200 m
the form of dislodgment of 6 to 7 tubes and
from the coastline. Since then, considerable
complete removal of the sand from 3 to 4 tubes.
recession of the beach on southern side of the ship
Geotextile tubes provided for the scour protection
and accretion of the sand on northern side has
also suffered damage.
been observed. Rate of erosion was high and
Subsequently, the coast faced similar situation
threatening the precious properties located at the
during 2008 monsoon period. About 400 m
coast. In order to combat severe erosion at
length of geotextile tubes had undergone similar
Condolim, a solution in three different stages was
type of damage. In order to reduce the severe
suggested viz. i) Revetment at the eroding coast
wave attack on coastline, the project authorities
with 2 t tetrapods in the armour ii) Near shore reef
constructed two rows of wooden bullies filled
with sand-filled geotextile tubes and iii) Beach–
with hard laterite stones. The bullies structure was
nourishment1. This design was suggested
placed at about 20-25 m away from the geotextile
presuming that the work would be completed
tubes towards sea side (Fig.3). The purpose of
before the onset of the monsoon of 2009. But, due
piling row of bullies was to break part of the wave
to monsoon climate & unfavourable working
energy brunt before reaching the geotextile tubes.
conditions at the site, only one geotextile tubes of
These vertical bullies structure offer a partial
20 m length could be placed in the offshore
resistance to the sea waves and causes reflection
of the sea waves. The geotextile tubes structure is
As such, the sand-filled geotextile tubes in two
now in somewhat sheltered area. Periodic
rows (one of 3 m dia and another of 1 m dia on
INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 43, NO. 7, JULY 2014

the seaside) were provided near the shore abutting the coast line. The height of the 3m dia and 1.0 m
the eroding cliff. This work was a temporary dia. geotextile tubes after the sand filling was
protection to the eroding coastline (Fig.4). It was approximately 1.60 m and 0.50 m respectively.
decided to accommodate these geotextile tubes The 3.0 m dia. tube was mainly provided to take
along the coastline in the proposed revetment main brunt of the wave attack and to hold the
work near the coast. During 2009 monsoon, few nourished sand. The 1.0 m dia. tube placed on the
geotextile tubes suffered damage and dislodged sea side of the 3.0 m dia. tube was expected to act
from its position, however, they avoided the as the toe and was provided to take care of the
recession of land during the monsoon. probable scour on the seaside of the geotextile
Later, it was decided to implement nearshore tubes. The area behind the geotextile tubes and the
reef and beach nourishment solution. The purpose proposed revetment was nourished with sand with
of the geotextile tubes nearshore reef was to its elevation near the nearshore reef as +1.10 m
reduce the incident wave attack on the coast (near (approx) and that at the revetment as +3.00 m
the proposed revetment) and to hold the nourished (approx.).
sand on the beach. The construction of the offshore reef with
geotextile tubes for a length of 800 m and the
beach nourishment work were completed in the
April 2010. It was seen that, within a month,
considerable sand accreted on the beach (Fig.5).
The process of the deposition of sand after
completion of the work eventually continued up to
2010 monsoon. In the monsoon, the coast suffered
stormy conditions and larger waves attacked the
geotextile tubes. Due to this attack of the waves,
scouring of sand took place beneath the geotextile
tubes. The offshore movement of the sand from
the base of the geotextile tubes resulted in damage
to the geotextile tubes. The punching action of the
scattered stones in the nearshore region on the
geotextile tubes due to the large waves also
caused damage to the geotextile tubes.

Fig. 4: Geotextile tubes laid at Candolim beach, Goa (2009)

It was proposed to provide geotextile tubes at

the bed level of (-)0.50 m (approx.) to form a
nearshore reef. For placing the geotextile tubes,
this level of (-)0.50 m was selected, so that the
operations of placing the geotextile tubes in
position, filling the geotextile tubes with sand etc.
could be carried out at the low tide level and
enough time period would be available for the
constructional activities. Two types of U.V.
Resistant geotextile tubes, one of 3.0 m dia. and
another of 1.0 m dia were laid, parallel to the high Fig. 5: Near shore geotextile tubes reef at Candolim beach,
water line (parallel to the alignment of the Goa (2010)
proposed Revetment) and about 50 m away from

Nearshore geotextile tubes reef at INS Hamala,

Mumbai Nearshore Geotextile tubes Reef at Dahanu,
INS Hamala is the naval establishment located Maharashtra
at the Aksa-Marve coast at the mouth of the Dahanu is situated at a distance of about 110
Manori creek, Malad, Mumbai. The coast at the km North of Mumbai. The beach at Dahanu is
INS Hamala has been facing sea erosion since last extensively used by the tourists for the
few years. In order to mitigate the erosion, the recreational activities.
project authorities constructed a 900 m vertical
UCR wall at the eroding coast along with the
beach nourishment.

Fig.6: Beach nourishment & near shore geo-tube, reef at INS

Hamala, Mumbai

In order to hold the beach nourishment, a 3.0

m dia. geotextile tubes with top at MSL (+ 2.6 m)
and 1m dia. tube at the toe level as a scour
protection were provided. In order to attain a top
level of + 2.6 m, a series of tubes was placed at
the bed level of +1.0 m. and 50 m away from the
proposed retaining wall (Fig.6). The geotextile Fig. 8: Offshore reef with geotextile tubes at Dahanu,
tubes laying and beach nourishment work were Maharashtra (2011)
completed in the month of March 2010. Within a About 400 m length of the beach is protected
month’s period, beach was stabilized and by constructing PCC retaining wall with steps
geotextile tubes were buried up to el. +1.5m. towards sea side to facilitate the tourists. The
(Fig.7). beach is also enhanced by providing beach
In order to hold the nourished sand, a series of
offshore reefs with sand-filled geotextile tubes
was constructed in the year 2010-11. A row of 3.0
m dia. geotextile tubes were placed with top level
at the MSL (+3.5 m) at a distance of about 120 m
away from the coast. 1.0 m dia. geotextile tubes
were placed at the toe of the 3.0 m dia. tubes as a
scour protection. The height of the 3.0 m dia. and
1.0 m dia. geotextile tubes after the sand filling
were 1.60 m and 0.50 m (approx) respectively
(Fig.8). The series of geotextile tubes placed with
their top at Mean Sea Level is helping in arresting
the sand on the beach. The performance of the
geotextile tubes as an offshore reef is impressive
and has served the purpose.

Results and Discussions

The beach width is mostly dependent on the
Fig. 7: Near shore geotextile tube reef at INS Hamala, crest level of the nearshore reef structure. Greater
Mumbai (2010) the depth of placement, larger the height of the
structure. Stacked geotextile tubes structure may
be one of the alternative solutions for deeper
INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 43, NO. 7, JULY 2014

reefs. However, placement of the sand-filled other hard solutions. Sandy bed is essential for
geotextile tubes at deeper depths requires placing of the geotextile tubes. The bed with
sophisticated machinery and instrumentation. rocky outcrops may damage the geotextile tubes.
Furthermore, this machinery is not readily
available. The cost of these structures is high and Conclusions
it may be the major constraint for smaller projects. From the experiences of sand-filled geotextile
In certain circumstances, the geotextile tube tubes used for coastal protection, the following
technology has been used at the eroding coastline. broad remarks are drawn:
Geotextile tube structure placed abutting to the The sand-filled geotextile tubes abutting to the
eroding coastline may not perform effectively and vertical cliff of eroding coastline can be used in
get damaged at an early age. This has been partially protected areas. Near shore reef with
experienced at Devbag, Candolim and at the geotextile tubes combined with beach
Shankarpur coast. However, geotextile tubes nourishment appear to be an appropriate solution
placed on the eroding coast covered by rubble for beach protection. The crest of the reef needs to
protection may enhance the life of the structure. be at or below the Mean Sea Level.
Geotextile tubes may be used in the partially Geotextile tubes are the flexible units for the
protected environment or away from the severe coastal protection work. It has no adverse
wave attack. Geo-bags filled with coarser environmental impact on the aquatic habitats at
materials and arranged with gentle slope may be the site. The success depends on the right design
one of the alternatives for protecting the eroding and learning from the behavior of the geotextile
coastline. tubes structures in the coastal environment.
On the other hand, nearshore bunds /reefs with
geotextile tubes have greater advantage over the Acknowledgment
geotextile tubes at the eroding coastline. It may be Authors are thankful to Dr I. D. Gupta,
used as a barrier for the waves and for holding the Director, Central water & Power Research
nourished sand. The beach is likely to stabilize Station, Pune for his continuous encouragement &
after a few years. The recurring periodic kind consent for presenting this paper.
expenditure of the beach nourishment would also
decrease after the beach stabilization within 2-3 References
years. Later, the sand would be deposited by 1. CWPRS Technical Report No. 4853. (2011).
natural process. The row of nearshore geotextile Studies for the design of coastal protection work at
Candolim, Goa.
tubes is to be placed well below the MSL & may
be allowed to act as submerged reef structure.
The damaged geotextile tubes could be
replaced. Damage to the geotextile tubes does not
result in spoiling the beach, like in the case of

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