Geotextiles and Geomembranes: E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas
Geotextiles and Geomembranes: E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas
Geotextiles and Geomembranes: E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The shoreline in Malaysia has experienced severe erosion due to the impact of high energy waves, both
Received 19 December 2010 on the predominantly mud coasts and the predominantly sandy coasts. This perennial process has
Accepted 19 December 2010 resulted in the deterioration of the quality of the beach on the sandy coasts and loss of valuable land.
Available online 23 July 2011
Several measures had, in the past, been implemented to mitigate these adverse effects but these had
mostly been hard solutions. The application of geosynthetic tubes for shoreline management was
introduced in the State of Terengganu on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia which experiences severe
erosion during the North-East Monsoon period. A pilot project, utilising geotextile tubes installed as
submerged dykes, was undertaken in 2006 to address the erosion problems and arrest the further
Rield evaluation erosion of the shoreline at Teluk Kalong, Kemaman, Terengganu. The geotextile tubes comprise of high
strength woven geotextile in-filled with sand slurry. Subsequently in 2008, the state implemented
a similar shoreline protection project at Pantai Batu Buruk, protecting a 5 km stretch of beach. These
works comprise of the installation of 3.5 m diameter geotextile tubes, as submerged dykes, approxi-
mately 150 m offshore. The geotextile fabric allows consolidation of the sand to create a long sausage-like
gravity structure. Post-installation surveys carried out indicated that the shoreline has improved with
much wider foreshore area. Significant sand deposition was also recorded on the foreshore area, which
contributes to the long term shoreline management and promoting sustainable protection of the
shoreline. This article discusses the concept of shoreline management using geotextile tubes as
submerged dykes. The details of these two projects and the outcome of the projects are presented.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction these activities are served by facilities that have either already been
damaged or will be damaged in the near future. The affected
The Malaysian shoreline is in excess of 4800 km and a large activities include agricultural community life, recreation, trans-
portion of this comprise of sandy coasts. Sandy shorelines dominate portation and tourism.
the east coasts of Peninsular Malaysia and occupy a significant World wide climatic changes have resulted in significantly
portion of the coasts of Sabah and Sarawak. The Economic Planning increased incidences of shoreline erosion and effective control
Unit (1985) reported that about 30% of the Malaysian shoreline measures are necessary to protect these shorelines.
suffers from erosion, with a high percentage of the eroded areas Teluk Kalong in the district of Kemaman in Terengganu,
largely along the shoreline of Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysia has encountered erosion of the shoreline. A case study of
Development of coastal areas to serve important economic and the shoreline protection measure in a pilot project at Teluk Kalong
social needs often interferes with natural processes to the extent of is discussed.
causing the shoreline to respond differently and to alter the erosion Pantai Batu Buruk is located in Kuala Terengganu, the capital city
and accretion patterns. Erosion of coastal lands in Malaysia has of the state of Terengganu in Malaysia. The shoreline is exposed to
reached an alarming stage and the number of problem sites has the direct impacts of severe storms, especially during the North-
increased over the last 12 years. The consequences of coastal East Monsoon periods, causing widespread erosion. The result of
erosion are severe in Malaysia as much of the economic and social the continuous erosion had created a sandy beach which, however,
life of Malaysia depends on activities in its coastal areas. Many of is not conducive to beach users, particularly with the steepened
beach profile. The second case study in this paper describes the
* Corresponding author. shoreline protection measures at this beach front and the results of
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.C. Lee). preliminary performance assessments carried out Fig. 1.
0266-1144/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 30 (2012) 8e15 9
2. Shoreline erosion protection measures The function of the revetment structure is to prevent the loss of
shore sediment and to limit wave run-up from overtopping the
2.1. Structural measures structure. Wave run-up is reduced by the roughness of the
revetment surface and the size of the rocks is determined by wave
Structural control measures have been employed in the past height. Soil bearing capacity will determine the strength of the
throughout Malaysia. The measures used are generally designed to foundation support of the structure. Commonly, a layer of geo-
harden and armour selected areas against wave attack as well as textile is incorporated into the revetment structure as a filter and
the use of groynes to trap sediments and alter long-shore transport. separator.
These include rock revetments, concrete-faced bunds and dykes, Common causes of failure to these hard structural measures are
and rock-filled or concrete groyne structures. Examples of these are undermining of toe, excessive settlement, failure due to lateral
indicated in Figs. 2e4. movement, overtopping and flanking. Failure of filter system will
The erosion problems in Malaysia have resulted in the also result in excessive loss of materials behind the structure (Fig. 5)
construction of over 60 km of revetments. Even with this effort, and may result in excessive settlement.
continuous erosion still persists, paving the way for a search of
alternative forms of protection.
Fig. 2. Concrete units used for erosion protection. Fig. 3. Rock revetment used for erosion.
10 E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 30 (2012) 8e15
warp and weft directions. The geotextile is treated for high ultra-
Fig. 4. Concrete groyne structures protection.
violet resistance during the manufacture of the yarns with the
addition of UV stabilisers. The geotextile tube fabric also has
2.2. Soft approach significant resistance against weathering and abrasion. These are
important properties for the fabric to be used in coastal and marine
Amongst the various products within the range of soft structural applications.
measures, the geotextile tubes are considered to be very effective in The polypropylene woven fabric has an ideal mix of strength,
coastal and marine works if properly designed and installed. These stiffness modulus and filtration for such applications. The effec-
geotextile tubes can be used in a variety of coastal environments. tive pore size of the geotextile fabric is commonly less than 180
These geotextile tubes have been used as nearshore breakwaters microns to enable the geotextile fabric to retain the sand in-fill.
(Oh and Shin, 2006). They can be used to substitute rock revet- The filtration capacity of the geotextile fabric is controlled by
ments or form the core of a rock bund. When used as a submerged limiting the ratio,
breakwater, the geotextile tube provides a barrier or act as a dyke O95
whereby sediment deposition behind these barriers can be formed. 3 [1]
This sediment deposition can be natural or it can be artificially filled
with suitable soil. where: O95 ¼ pore size of fabric with 95% passing; D85 ¼ grain size
Filling pouches are fabricated onto the geotextile tube at regular of sand infill with 85% passing.
intervals for pumping with a sand-water mix (Fig. 6). The pouches
may be designed to suite equipment available on site. 2.4. Applications of geotextile tubes in coastal erosion protection
When adequately filled with sand to form a tubular structure,
these geotextile tubes rely upon their mass to withstand wave Geotextile tubes are used for a wide range of hydraulic and
action. With geotextile tube breakwaters, its function is alleviated coastal applications where mass gravity barrier-type structures are
from just being a separator and a filter, to being the main compo- required, including the following:
nent in a coastal erosion protection structure (Fig. 7).
These huge geotextile tubes are commonly supported on a layer As a revetment structure
of geotextile, which also acts as a scour apron. Geotextile tubes are used for revetment structures by providing
mass gravity stability. Scour aprons, consisting of geotextile
2.3. Hydraulic and stiffness properties of geotextile tubes filter layer is laid beneath the tube to prevent scouring of the
foundation soil.
Commonly, these geotextile tubes are fabricated with high
strength polypropylene woven geotextiles with ultimate tensile As an offshore dyke
strengths in the region of 100 kN/m to more than 200 kN/m in both Geotextile tubes are used as an offshore dyke to prevent erosion.
The filled tube is placed a certain distance offshore to dissipate
wave forces before they can reach the shoreline. These tubes
may either be submerged or exposed (Alvarez et al, 1997).
Fig. 5. Failure of protection measure protection. Fig. 7. Typical shape of a filled geotextile tube.
E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 30 (2012) 8e15 11
condition of the beach front was also not suitable for recreational
activities due to the rather narrow and steep foreshore area.
A pilot project was initiated in 2006 by the Public Works
Department to remedy the situation by using the geotextile tube
Fig. 8. Geotextile tube used for coastal protection works. as a submerged dyke. The design concept for the coastal erosion
protection and beach enhancement is to use a system of geotextile
tubes sitting over a layer of apron mattress, as shown in the typical
As groyne structures cross section in Fig. 10. The inner structure of these geotextile
Geotextile tubes may also be used as groynes to prevent littoral tubes consists of high strength woven polypropylene geotextile
drift of sediments. These tubes may be exposed or a rock with ultimate tensile strengths of 150 kN/m in warp and weft
covering may be provided depending on the circumstances. directions. An outer layer of nonwoven polypropylene geotextile
having ultimate tensile strength of 40 kN/m in machine and cross-
An example of the application of the geotextile tube in coastal machine directions was stitched onto the inner reinforcement
protection works is shown in Fig. 8. layer, to increase the durability of the tube due to abrasion and
ultra-violet degradation. The fabrics are all tested for compliance
3. Case study no. 1: pilot project at Teluk Kalong, Kemaman, to high seam strengths in excess of 80% of the ultimate tensile
Terengganu strength.
These Geotextile Tubes were installed for a total length of 500 m
The shoreline along the coast of Teluk Kalong is composed along the beach front. The design requirements adopted for the
mainly of granular sandy materials. These sediments are easily development of the system included:
erodible when subjected to wave forces and if not adequately
protected. a. The geotextile tubes are to be sited at approximately 150 m
A length of about 500 m in length of this existing shoreline had from the shoreline.
been exposed to severe erosion, resulting in instability of the b. The geotextile tubes shall be totally submerged at low tide
existing seawall, which consisted of precast concrete slabs as condition, with a freeboard of 1 m.
shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 shows the severity of the shoreline erosion and the
strength of the waves approaching the shoreline. Loss of sandy
materials behind the concrete panels due to severe erosion had
resulted in large and uneven settlements of the panels. The
Fig. 9. Condition of shoreline before application geotextile tube protection works (June Fig. 11. Condition of shoreline and beach in December 2009 after completion of
2006). submerged geodykes installation.
12 E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 30 (2012) 8e15
The lowest astronomical tide (LAT) for the project site is þ0.0 m CD,
whereas the highest astronomical tide (HAT) is þ3.67 m CD.
The main functions of these geotextile tubes were:
3.1. Pilot project outcomes carried out. Fig. 11 shows the improved condition of the beach
profile with accumulation of sediments on the foreshore following
The installation works were completed before the onset of the completion of the submerged geodykes.
monsoon season in December 2006. Following two monsoon The widespread deposition of sand deposits along the foreshore
seasons in 2007 and 2008, a visual inspection of the project site was area has resulted in widening of the foreshore area. A post-
construction bathymetry survey was also carried out and the
results indicated that sand had accumulated to a thickness
Fig. 15. View of beach at Pantai Batu Buruk (June 2008). Fig. 16. View of beach at Pantai Batu Buruk (June 2008).
14 E.C. Lee, R.S. Douglas / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 30 (2012) 8e15
Fig. 17. View of beach after the monsoon storm (March 2009). Fig. 18. Sand deposited on foreshore area (March 2009).
exceeding 1.8 m, with a total volume estimated as 87,317 m3. Fig. 12 where: P ¼ Total wave energy per m crest width (Nm/s);
shows a typical cross section at CH 200. r ¼ density of sea water (N/m3); g ¼ acceleration due to gravity
The post-construction survey results were superimposed on (m/s2); H ¼ wave height (m)
the pre-construction survey plan, as shown in Fig. 10. This
provided further evidence on the deposition of sand on the iii. The Geotextile Tube System has reduced the potential for
foreshore area which had resulted in the shifting of the shoreline. further erosion of the shoreline, thus reducing the cost outlay
In Fig. 13, the initial shoreline is indicated by the BLUE line while to rehabilitate incidences of shoreline erosion.
the shoreline after the protection works is indicated by the iv. Additionally, the geotextile tube system has improved the
RED line. view across the beach profile due to the deposition of sand
The benefits that are obtained from this pilot project included deposits on the foreshore area.
the following: v. Generally, the geotextile tube system has increased the
potential value of the beach front.
i. A wider foreshore area with a gentler beach profile has
created a safer and more conducive environment for beach
4. Case study no. 2: beach protection project at Pantai Batu
users and has thus increased the potential for more extensive
Buruk, Terengganu
recreational usage of the beach.
ii. The deposition of sand on the foreshore area has resulted in
Pantai Batu Buruk is a sandy beach in the State of Terengganu,
subdued waves approaching the shoreline due to the reduced
frequented by tourist and local residents for recreation activities.
depth of water at the near-shore areas. This has resulted in
However, the beach profile is rather steep due to the process of
reduced energies of the approaching waves.
continuous erosion of the shoreline, particularly during the
The energy of waves travelling in shallow water conditions
monsoon storms. The project required the protection measures for
is a function of the water depth and the speed of wave travel.
a 5 km stretch of the beach to enhance the quality of the beach
These empirical relationships are illustrated in Equations (2)
front. Geotextile tubes were designed to be installed as submerged
and (3) below (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1984).
dykes in an offshore position along the shoreline to prevent further
pffiffiffiffiffiffi erosion of the shoreline and to enhance the beach.
s ¼ gd [2]
The design concept is similar to the pilot project at Teluk Kalong,
where: s ¼ speed of wave travel (m/s); g ¼ acceleration due to i.e. it adopted the submerged dyke system using the geotextile tube
gravity (m/s2); d ¼ depth of water (m) in-filled with sand slurry (see Fig. 10). The structure of the tube
comprises of a single layer of high strength woven polypropylene
rgH2 pffiffiffiffiffiffi geotextile having ultimate tensile strength of 200 kN/m in warp
P ¼ gd [3]
8 and weft directions. These high strength geotextiles possess high
seam strengths, and good resistance to abrasion and weathering. obtained during the survey carried out in March 2009. The figure
The height of the tubes was designed as 2.5 m, and these were shows that there is some erosion on the beach front and accretion
placed on a geotexile scour apron. The design requirements adop- of sediments on the foreshore. There is however net accretion of
ted for the development of the concept design proposal are: sediments.