Role of Micro Finance in Poverty Allivation
Role of Micro Finance in Poverty Allivation
Role of Micro Finance in Poverty Allivation
Sadia Riaz
ID: 11821
Sec: G
Microfinance is also the idea that low-income individuals are capable of lifting themselves out of
poverty if given access to financial services. While some studies indicate that microfinance can
play a role in the battle against poverty, it is also recognized that is not always the appropriate
method, and that it should never be seen as the only tool for ending poverty.
More broadly, microfinance refers to a movement that envisions a world in which low-income
households have permanent access to a range of high quality financial services to finance their
income-producing activities, build assets, stabilize consumption, and protect against risks. These
services are not limited to credit, but include savings, insurance, and money transfers
“Asia is the most developed continent in the world in terms of volume of MFI (microfinance
institution) activities.” This conclusion, drawn by Lapeneu and Zeller (2001:27), is based on an
analysis of over 1,500 institutions from 85 developing countries. Comparing MFIs in Asia with
those in Africa and Latin America, the study found that in the 1990s Asia accounted for the
majority of MFIs, retained the highest volume of savings and credit, and served more members
than any other continent.
This generalization of course covers up some wide disparities within the region. East Asia is
particularly well served by MFIs. The largest number of members served and the largest
distribution of loans and mobilization of savings in terms of GNP is found in Bangladesh,
Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam. In contrast, the two most populated countries in Asia, India
and the PRC, have very low outreach, despite a high concentration of the regions poor. Countries
such as Afghanistan, Myanmar and Pakistan also have low outreach due to a variety of factors.
Despite these disparities within the region, overall it is said that MFIs have flourished in Asia
and that compared to other regions they exhibit good outreach and high repayment rates.2 Table
1 below presents the most recent data from the Microbanking Bulletin, which gives only data on
the limited number of MFIs who choose to report to the Bulletin. Those reporting to the Bulletin
are thought to be amongst the best and are therefore unlikely to be representative (Meyer 2002:
14). Nonetheless amongst these, by various measures, Asian MFIs demonstrate relatively good
outreach. They account for the largest number of borrowers (70% of which are women) and are
second only to African MFIs in terms of number of voluntary savers. In terms of impact, size of
loans and deposits are often taken as a simple indicator of impact on the poor. By these criteria,
Asian MFIs have among the lowest Loan and Savings Balance per Borrower, even after
adjusting for GNP per capita, suggesting that they are effectively reaching the poor.
Microfinance provides small loans to the world's poorest people, either through nonprofit
organizations or through larger commercial lenders. Whether providing financial services to
groups that traditionally could not access them helps these people or only puts them further in
debt is still up for debate. What is certain is that this relatively new industry is in it for the long
haul. In Pakistan, only 0.5 million (or 7.5 percent of the poor households) were provided with
loans out of 6.67 million poor households through the existing microcredit schemes to date. On
the other hand, in Bangladesh 9.79 million (or 95 percent of the poor household) out of 10.2
million poor households were provided loans through such schemes so far which seems to have
reduced poverty significantly. Thus, if government aims to reduce poverty, it should also focus
on the expansion of microcredit schemes to poor since economic growth alone is not enough for
poverty reduction. Along with expansion of the microcredit services to the poor, the need to
monitor and examine the impact of its existing schemes on the living standards of the poor
cannot be overlooked.