Performance Analysis For Francis Hydraulic Turbine Based On Normalized Operating Condition and Its Application

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VOL. 46, 2015 The Italian Association
of Chemical Engineering
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Guest Editors: Peiyu Ren, Yancang Li, Huiping Song
Copyright © 2015, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.,
ISBN 978-88-95608-37-2; ISSN 2283-9216 DOI: 10.3303/CET1546190

Performance Analysis for Francis Hydraulic Turbine based on

Normalized Operating Condition and its Application
Youping Li*a, Hanli Wengb, Jian Chenga, FeiXiang Chenc
Technology and Research Center of China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd, Yichang 443002,
College of Electrical Engineering & New Energy of China Three Gorges University, Yichang, 443002,
Yalong River Hydro-power Development Company, LTD., Chengdu, 610051.
[email protected]

The operating condition is normalized based on unit parameters and runner velocity triangle for hydraulic turbine
in this paper. The hydraulic turbine performance is analyzed by using the normalized operating condition
parameter and the actual data obtained from the stability and performance test for prototype turbine under
different water heads for a certain hydropower plant. On this base, an instructional suggestion about the
recommend output and guide vane opening under the entire operating water heads is proposed for the
hydroelectric unit operation. According to theoretical analysis and actual data, the regularity of hydraulic turbine
during operating can be revealed and summarized more directly and easily by means of adopting the
normalized operating condition parameter. This researching conclusion could provide a new solution to analyze
the hydraulic turbine performance and guide the operating of hydroelectric units safely, steadily and efficiently.

1. Introduction
The stability and energy characteristics are two important index of hydraulic turbine and can be used to reflect
the performance of hydraulic turbine. The stability parameters include vibration, displacement, pressure
fluctuation and etc. (WANG (1986)). The energy characteristics include such as the efficiency (  ) and output
( P) of hydraulic turbine (YAN el al (2012)). Above-mentioned performance parameters of hydraulic turbine
vary greatly with different operating conditions (Ha and Kim (2009), XIE and XU (2009), D el al (2012)). In order
to make clear the characteristics of the unit and guide the operation, model and prototype tests are usually
performed at different water heads and outputs to draw the hill charts (LI and HUANG (2011), and get the safe
and stable operating condition area (LI et al (2007), QIAO et al (2014)).
By summarizing a large amount of document about hydraulic stability of turbine in the world, PAN et al (2002)
analyzed the factors, such as draft tube vortex, blade vortex, Karman vortex, that cause hydraulic instability of
turbine, and the author gave the proposals that it is necessary to optimize the operating and avoid being
operated at strong vibration operating zone to reduce the vibration during operation for hydraulic turbine. When
discussing the relationship between the pressure pulsation in the turbine draft tube and the operating condition
of Francis hydraulic turbine, the relationships between the pressure pulsation and the circumferential
component in the outlet as well as the unit parameters were analyzed, WU et al. (1998) pointed out that it is
important to select appropriate unit parameters when designing Francis runner with better stability. LAI (2004)
analyzed the hydraulic instability of operation caused by the vortex core and channel vortices, and researched
the relationship between vortex and flow behavior at runner exit, based on the analysis and by means of the
calculation of flow behavior, the author suggested a method to predict the zones of the unstable operation and
the draft tube pressure pulsation when a Francis turbine operates at partial load.
Generally, unit discharge ( Q11 ) and unit speed ( n11 ) are adopted to describe the hill chart for model turbines, as
for protypes the water head ( H ) and output ( P ) or discharge ( Q ) are used (IEC60193-1999, H (2010), Shi et
al. (2012)). After the design and installation for hydraulic turbine, the operating condition is closely related to the
flow pattern in passageway actually. The operating condition of hydraulic turbine described by two parameters
can hardly indicate the flow pattern simply and clearly. As a consequence, the hydraulic turbine performance is

Please cite this article as: Li Y.P., Weng H.L., Cheng J., Chen F.X., 2015, Performance analysis for francis hydraulic turbine based on
normalized operating condition and its application, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 46, 1135-1140 DOI:10.3303/CET1546190

difficult to be directly analyzed, and the influence of the flow pattern on the hydraulic turbine performance cannot
be disclosed exactly by two operating condition parameters.
On the basis of above analyses, a parameter representing the flow pattern should be taken into account to
discover the influence of flow pattern on the performance for hydraulic turbine during operating, which is defined
as the normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine in this paper. Furthermore, the practical
application of this parameter is discussed.

2. Normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine

For the researches on similarity law of hydraulic turbine and the performance of model turbine, there are two
important parameters: unit discharge ( Q11 ) and unit speed ( n11 ), which are respectively defined as follows (LIU
Q11 
D2 2 H

n11 
Where Q is discharge, D2 is diameter of runner, n is the rotational speed and H is net water head of
hydraulic turbine.
Defining a new parameter c as the normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine, which is
expressed by:

In virtue of (1)-(3), equation (4) comes into existence:

Q11 Q nD Q
c ( 2 ) / ( 2 )  ( 2 ) / (nD2 )
n11 D2 H H D2
Figure.1 is used to analyze the runner outlet velocity triangle of hydraulic turbine. In this figure, V2 is the
absolute velocity of flow at the runner outlet; U 2 is the convicted velocity of the flow to the runner, which is
equal to the rotating velocity of the runner; W2 is the flow velocity relative to the runner; Vu 2 is the velocity
component of V2 in the runner rotating direction; Vm 2 is the velocity component of V2 in the axial direction;
 2 is the angle between V2 and the runner rotating direction; V2' is the axial velocity of the normal discharge
point of turbine; W2' is the flow velocity relative to the runner of the normal discharge point of turbine;  2 is the
angle between V2 and rotating direction, which equals to the angle of blade outlet  b 2 .
According to Fig. 1, Q can be given by:
 D22  Fe sin  2
Q  Vm 2   Fe   V2 D22  k1 sin  2 V2 D22
4 4
where, k1   Fe and Fe is the effective coefficient of flow passage area at the runner outlet, which is relevant to
the type and structure of hydraulic turbine.
U 2 is related to the rotating speed and discharge diameter of runner, and given by:
 D2 n 
U2    nD 2
60 60
According to formula (6), for a certain actual operated hydraulic turbine, as the rotating speed and discharge
diameter of runner have been decided, U 2 is same under all operating conditions. By virtue of the normal
discharge point of turbine, U 2 can be expressed by:
U 2  V2'  ctg 2  V 2'ctg b2

With respect to equations (4)-(7), equation (8) comes into existence:


k1 sin  2V2 D22 60U 2
 k sin  2V2
) 1 
k 1

sin  2V2 V V
 k 2' sin  2  k m'2
D22  60 U2 60ctg b 2 V2' V2 V2

Where, k  k1  2 Fe tg b 2 .

60ctg b 2 240

Figure 1: Runner Outlet Speed Triangle of hydraulic turbine

It can be seen from equation (8), the normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine c reflects
the ratio between the axial velocities of the flow for a certain operaing condition and the normal discharge point
of turbine at the runner outlet. Meanwhile, it also reflects the angle between the absolute velocity of flow and
rotating direction of the runner under the certain operating condition. Therefore, it can be adopted to represent
the flow pattern of hydraulic turbine for the certain operaing condition.

3. Performance analysis based on bormalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic

turbine and its application
Based on the actual data obtained from performance test for hydroelectric unit at different water heads and
loads with the rising of the reservoir upstream level in a hydraulic power station, the applications of the the
normalized operating condition parameter c in the hydraulic turbine performance analysis and guiding the
actual operation for hydraulic turbine will be discussed in this section.
The parameters of the hydraulic turbine are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Parameters of the hydraulic turbine

Discharge Diameter of Runner D2 (mm) 9767.4
Operating water head range (m) 86.1-114.2
Rated Output (MW) 800

3.1 Performance analysis based on normalized operating condition parameter

Fig. 2-Fig. 6 respectively show the relationships of output and parameter c to performance parameters such as
pressure fluctuation, efficiency of hydraulic turbine, displacement of turbine guide bearing, vertical vibration and
horizontal vibration of head cover at different water heads during performance test for the prototype hydraulic
turbine in the power station.
In each figure, curves in (a) express the relationships between hydraulic turbine output and performance
parameters, curves in (b) express the relationships between parameter c and performance parameters. In
addition, the data in the parentheses in each figure denote the upstream water levels of the reservoir。
Table 2 lists the values of parameter c corresponding to the maximum efficiency point of hydraulic turbine,
inflection point of pressure fluctuation for draft tube cone 0.3D below the runner under high part load conditions,
maximum displacement point of turbine guide and maximum horizontal vibration point of head cover under
different water heads respectively.

(a) (b)
Figure 2: Relationships of hydraulic turbine Output and Parameter c with Pressure Fluctuation

(a) (b)
Figure 3: Relationships of hydraulic turbine Output and Parameter c with Efficiency of hydraulic turbine

(a) (b)
Figure 4: Relationships of hydraulic turbine Output and Parameter c with displacement of Turbine Guide

(a) (b)
Figure 5: Relationships of hydraulic turbine Output and Parameter c with Vertical Vibration of Head Cover

(a) (b)
Figure 6: Relationships of hydraulic turbine Output and Parameter c with Horizontal Vibration of Head Cover

According to comparative analyses of hydraulic turbine performances respectively taking the output and
parameter c as abscissas, it can be seen that:
(1) In the case of taking the output as abscissa, the hydraulic turbine outputs are different under different water
heads at special operating conditions points such as vibration, displacement and pressure pulsation inflection
point under high part load conditions, maximum vibration and displacement points, best efficacy, etc. Besides,
the hydraulic turbine outputs corresponding to special operating points generally move in the direction of greater
output with the rising of the water head.
(2) In the case of taking parameter c as abscissa, values of parameter c corresponding to aforementioned
special operating points under different water heads nearly equal to each other (as seen in figure b).
By virtue of Table 2, it can be concluded that:
(1) Values of parameter c , which respectively correspond to best efficiency point of hydraulic turbine, upswept
point under high part load conditions of pressure fluctuation for draft tube cone 0.3D below the runner. According
the flow pattern in the passageway under the above conditions, upswept point under high part load conditions of
pressure fluctuation corresponds to normal discharge points of turbine under different water heads. In this case,
the hydraulic turbine has maximum efficiency, minimum circumferential component in the outlet and minimum
pressure fluctuation.
(2) The values of parameter c corresponding to maximum displacement point of turbine guide bearing and
maximum horizontal vibration point of head cover are close to each other. According the flow pattern in the
passageway under the above conditions, the operating conditions deviate further from normal discharge point of

turbine, due to the increasing of circumferential component in the outlet, the pressure fluctuation, vibration and
displacement will increase and the efficiency of hydraulic turbine will decrease.
In view of the above analyses, the hydraulic turbine performances under different operating conditions can be
revealed more directly by means of adopting parameter c , and parameter c can represent the flow pattern of
hydraulic turbine. Additionally, it is objectively proved that the flow pattern has significant effect on the
performance indexes of operating hydraulic turbine.

Table 2: Values of Parameter c Corresponding to Special Operating Points under Different Water Heads
the normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine
maximum pressure pulsation maximum maximum horizontal
water head efficiency point inflection point of draft displacement point vibration point of
of hydraulic tube cone of turbine guide head cover
94.5m turbine
10.56 10.99 bearing
6.92 6.89
97.5m 11.53 10.79 6.96 6.97
99.7m 11.02 11.10 6.94 7.07
102.4m 11.74 11.07 6.89 6.88
102.6m 11.12 10.88 6.83 6.87
111.2m 10.63 - 6.80 6.71
average value 11.10 10.97 6.89 6.90
3.2 Applications of normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine operation
Under actual operating conditions of power station, values of parameter c corresponding to the optimum
operating conditions with high efficiency and low vibration, and worst operating conditions with high vibration
and displacement, which are determined by means of related characteristics of hydraulic turbine and parameter
c , can be acquired. Since the guide vane opening and output can be adjusted and measured quite easily,
according to the above mentioned values of parameter c , the guide vane opening and output corresponding to
the optimum and worst operating conditions under test water heads can be obtained. Fig. 7 illustrates the
relationships of output and guide vane opening to parameter c . In the figure, the solid and dotted lines denote
the values of parameter c corresponding to the optimum and worst operating conditions respectively.
Furthermore, the curves which denote the relationships of guide vane opening and hydraulic turbine output to
water head under optimum and worst operating condition are established, as seen in Fig. 8. It should be noted
that the actual guide vane opening under high water head cannot reach the optimum due to the limitation of
generator output. In accordance with Fig. 8, the guide vane openings and outputs, which should be avoided (as
shown by dotted line in Fig. 8) and recommended (as shown by solid line in Fig. 8) when the hydraulic turbine
operated under all operating water heads, can be determined. In this event, the safe, stable and efficient
operation of hydraulic turbine can be ensured.

Figure 7: Relationships of hydraulic turbine Output and Guide Vane Opening to Parameter C

Figure 8: Optimum Guide Vane Opening and hydraulic turbine Output under Different water heads

4. Conclusions
Operating condition of hydraulic turbine is an important factor to determine the performance of hydraulic turbine
during operation. As supported with the analyses of unit parameters and runner outlet velocity triangle of
hydraulic turbine, a normalized operating condition parameter for hydraulic turbine, which can represent its flow
pattern, is proposed in this paper. According to theoretical analysis and actual data, hydraulic turbine
characteristics can be revealed more directly by adopting the parameter. Moreover, it can provide excellent
guidance for the safe, stable and efficient operation of hydraulic turbine

Actually, the water flow in the hydraulic turbine flow passageway is also affected by the flow at runner inlet.
Therefore, the flow pattern through the whole passageway of hydraulic turbine can be revealed more realistically
by means of combinational analyzing the velocity triangle at inlet and outlet of the runner, and establishing the
relationship of the velocity triangle of the two parts. And this problem is expecting for further research.


Supported by the Open Research Subject of Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua University),
Ministry of Education of China. Grant No. szjj2014-047.


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