Learning Activity Sheet in Biology 1: Quarter 1 Week 1
Learning Activity Sheet in Biology 1: Quarter 1 Week 1
Learning Activity Sheet in Biology 1: Quarter 1 Week 1
Department of Education
in Biology 1
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________
Important Reminders:
Use this activity sheet with care.
Read the directions carefully before doing each task.
Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is
composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in
nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out
specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can
make copies of themselves.
Cells have many parts, each with a different function. Some of these parts,
called organelles, are specialized structures that perform certain tasks within
the cell.
In this lesson, you are to explain the postulates of the cell theory. The three
postulates of the cell theory offer the basis on how an organism is considered as
a living thing.
Prior to the invention of the very first microscope, everything that could
not be seen by the naked eye was unexplainable. In 1665, English physicist
Robert Hooke used of the first light microscopes to look at thin slices of plant
tissues. One of these, a slice of cork, especially caught his eye. Under the
microscope, cork seemed to be made of thousands of tiny chambers. Hooke
called this chamber ―cells because they reminded him of a monastery ‘s tiny
rooms, which were also known as cells. Until 1676, Anton van Leeuwenhoek
published his observations on tiny living organisms which he named
animalcules. It was believed that Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe under
his microscope the structure of a red blood cell of different animals as well as a
sperm cell.
One of the leading botanists in his time, Robert Brown in 1831 was able
to compare diverse kinds of plant specimens under the microscope. He markedly
indicated that there is a common thing about them-they are all composed of
cells, and inside the cell is a dark dense spot which he termed as the nucleus. A
few years later, German botanist Matthias Schleiden (1838) concluded that all
plant parts are made of cells. Theodor Schwann (1839), also a botanist and a
close friend of Schleiden stated that all animal tissues are composed of cells, too.
In 1858, Rudolf Virchow concluded that all cells come from pre-existing cells.
Figure 1.1. Structure of cork using a microscope as seen by Robert Hooke (1665)
The discoveries made by Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann,
Virchow, and others led to the formulation of the cell theory. The cell theory
describes the properties of all cells. This theory can be summed up into three
basics components: (1) all living things are composed of one or more cells; (2) the
cell is the basic unit of life; and (3) all cells arise from pre-existing cells.
The Discovery of Cell
Direction: Research on the “Cell Theory” which tells about the discovery of cell.
Take note of the scientists and their respective works. Choose from the box
which scientist gave the following statements.
Reflection: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Among the scientists, who advanced the cell theory with his conclusion that
cells could only come from other cells?
A. Drill
B. Review
The cell is the basic unit of life. Our body is made up of millions
and billions of them. A cell is like a tiny system. Inside the cell are
organelles with different functions. Among these organelles are; nucleus,
mitochondria, Golgi bodies, cell membrane and cell wall.
C. Motivation
Direction: Using a Venn Diagram or Tabular form show the difference between
a plant cell and animal cell.
DIRECTION: Read and understand carefully the questions and write the letter
of the correct answer on the space provided below.
______1. Who was the first person to see under the microscope and give them a
a. Anton van Leeuwenhoek c. Robert Hooke
b. Theodor Schwann d. Matthias Schleiden
______2. He discovered that all plants were made of cells, which contributed to
The development of the cell theory:
a. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek c. Robert Hooke
b. Theodor Schwann d. Matthias Schleiden
______3. He advanced the cell theory with his conclusion that cells could only
Come from another cell:
a. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek c. Rudolph Virchow
b. Theodor Schwann d. Robert Hooke
______4. This structure serves as the outer boundary of the eukaryotic cell:
a. Flagella c. cytoskeleton
b. Cell membrane d. capsule
______5. Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes do not have:
a. DNA c. Cytoplasm
b. Cell walls d. a membrane bound nucleus
______6. Which of the following is NOT one of the main components of the cell
a. Cells must contain DNA
b. All living things are made of cells
c. Cells can only come from other cells
d. Cells are the basic unit of life
______7. Rudolph Virchow’s observation helped to disproved was commonly
Held belief of the time?
a. Evolution c. the existence of molecules
b. Spontaneous generation d. atomic models
______8. The word cyto means:
a. Cell c. dark
b. Jelly d. small
______9. Tiny structures that carry out cell functions are collectively called:
a. Animalcules c. organelles
b. Tissues d. ribosomes
______10. Which technology was essential for the development of the cell theory
a. Telescope c. antiseptics
b. Microwaves d. microscopes
______11. Which intervention played the biggest role in the discovery of cells by
Early scientists?
a. Magnifying glass c. lens
b. Eyeglasses d. compound microscope
______12. Specialized structures that work together inside a cell are called?
a. Organelles c. prokaryotes
b. Eukaryotes d. nuclei
______13. The cell theory states that all organisms are made of cells; cells are
The most basic unit of life; and
a. All existing cells from by free-cell formation
b. All cells have a nucleus
c. All existing cells are produced by other living cells
d. All cells are eukaryotic
______14. Unlike a eukaryotic cell, a prokaryotic cell does not have
a. DNA c. a cell membrane
b. Cytoplasm d. a nucleus
______15. What is the term for the jellylike substance that is contained inside
The cell membrane?
a. DNA c. cytoplasm
b. Organelle d. nucleus
______16. Which of the following is a network of protein that supports and gives
Shape to a cell?
a. Vesicles c. vacuole
b. Cytoskeleton d. cytoplasm
______17. What is the main functions of Golgi Apparatus?
a. Communicate with another cell
b. convert solar energy to chemical
c. process and deliver proteins
d. copy genetic information
______18. Which of the following can be found in the cytoplasm and on the
Surface of the endoplasmic reticulum?
a. Mitochondria c. centrosomes
b. Ribosomes d. centrioles
______19. Which organelles contains enzymes that break down damaged cell
a. Centriole c. lysosomes
b. Vacuole d. mitochondria
______20. Which organelles supply energy to a cell?
a. Mitochondria c. centrosomes
b. Vacuoles d. ribosomes
______21. Gasoline is to car as Glucose is to a
a. Mitochondrion c. nucleus
b. Vacuole d. cell wall
______22. Which plant organelle stores water?
a. Nucleus c. ribosome
b. Lysosome d. vacuole
______23. Which best describes rough ER?
a. studded with ribosomes
b. Protected by vesicles
c. connected to Golgi Apparatus
d. Stored in the vacuole
______24. Which organelles are unique to plant cells?
a. Ribosomes c. vacuoles
b. Chloroplasts d. centrosomes
______25. What is the main difference between plant and animal cells?
a. Animal cells are eukaryotes and plant cells are not
b. Plant cells are eukaryotes and animal cells are not
c. Animas cell have cell walls and plant cells do not
d. Plant cells have cell walls and animal cells do not