Gregor Mendel

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Gregor Mendel

Understanding Heredity
 Describe how Mendel applied the principles of probability to
 Learn of Mendel’s famous pea experiment.
 Understand that a Punnett square is a visual representation of the
relative probabilities of offspring outcomes, for both genotypes
and phenotypes.
 Examine the law of dominance.
The passing on of traits from parents
to offspring
The basic unit of inheritance by which
characteristics are passed from one
generation to the next.
Gregor Mendel
The Father of Genetics
The causes of heredity remained a mystery for centuries…

 Late 1850’s - Gregor Mendel breed green pea plants

 Used the general rules of probability to explain the basic principles of heredity

 Probability –
› Predicts the likelihood of random events
› Used to estimate the likelihood of gene distribution from one generation to
the next.
› A number between 0 and 1 represents the probability of an outcome.
 An impossible event = 0
 Something that is certain to occur = 1

VIDEO The Life of Gregor Mendel (23 minutes) VIDEO - Gregor Mendel and Pea Plants
Mendel’s Question
Why are some traits found in the parents
showing up in their offspring, while other
traits are not?

› The different forms a gene may

have for a trait
› A variation of a gene
Gregor Mendel
Pea Plant Experiment
 Identified seven pairs of
contrasting alleles among
garden peas: 
› Seed color (yellow or green)
› Seed shape (smooth or wrinkled)
› Pod color (yellow or green)
› Pod shape (inflated or pinched)
› Flower color (purple or white)
› Flower position (axial or terminal)
› Stem height (tall or short)
Parts of a Flower

Image acquired from

Gregor Mendel
Breeding Peas

VIDEO - Father of Genetics

Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel
Pea Plant Observations
 Noticed that genes always
came in pairs
 Every organism receives
two alleles for each trait
› One allele from each
› Alleles were not always
Dominant and Recessive
 Noticed that some traits disappeared
in the first generation of hybrids
› “Recessive” - Not visible
› Appears only if the plant does not
have a dominant allele
› Must have two recessive alleles
 Traits that appear - “Dominant”
› Appears if at least one dominant
allele is present
Gregor Mendel
Law of Dominance
 Later generations - recessive traits reappeared in a mathematically
predictable pattern
› Example: Later generations of plants had one green pea for every
three yellow peas; The same ratio appeared for all seven pairs of
 Experiments led to the Law of Dominance
› An organism receives two genes for each trait, one from each parent.
› Expressed genes - dominant
› Hidden” gene - recessive
 Law of Segregation
› States that a parent passes on at random only one allele for each trait
to each offspring.
Gregor Mendel
The Father of Genetics
 8 years - Grew an estimated 28,000 pea plants
 1864 - Published the results of his experiment
› Proposed the theory of heredity
› Began the formal field of genetics
› Methods were advanced; results groundbreaking
› No one realized how his discovery would eventually
revolutionize science until 40 years after his death.
 1st scientist to conduct broad, thorough, systematic,
and sufficiently rigorous experiments to discern any
universal laws governing inheritance.
Gregor Mendel
Punnett Squares
 A special chart that is used to predict heredity
 Geneticists use this tool show all the possible
outcomes of a genetic cross and to determine the
probability of a particular outcome.

VIDEO - Punnett Squares




Activity: Predicting the Results
of Genetic Crosses
 Make predictions using models of genetic
 Accurately use the terms dominant, recessive,
homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and
 Create Punnett squares using the data provided.

How can the possible results of genetic

crosses be predicted?
VIDEO - Greatest Discoveries in Genetics
Standard: 2. Life Science

Grade Level Expectation: Eighth Grade  

Concepts and skills students master:  

2. Organisms reproduce and transmit genetic information (genes) to  

offspring, which influences individuals’ traits in the next generation
Evidence Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies  
Students can: Inquiry Questions:
a. Develop, communicate, and 1. How are traits passed from one generation to the next?
justify an evidence-based 2. What traits can be passed to the next generation and what
scientific explanation for how traits cannot?
genetic information is passed to 3. How can patterns in the inheritance of traits be used to
the next generation (DOK 1-3) predict how frequently they appear in offspring?
b. Use direct and indirect Relevance and Application:
observations, evidence, and data 1. There are benefits and risks to genetic engineering such
to support claims about genetic as cloning, genetically modifying organisms, and replacing
reproduction and traits of  
genes for therapy.
individuals (DOK 1-3) 2. Genome sequencing has many potential applications to the
c. Gather, analyze, and interpret field of medicine.
data on transmitting genetic Nature of Science:
information (DOK 1-2) 1. Understand the interconnected nature of math and science
d. Use models and diagrams to by utilizing math in the prediction of future generations.
predict the phenotype and (DOK 2)
genotype of offspring based on 2. Recognize that current understanding of genetics has
the genotype of the parents (DOK developed over time and become more sophisticated as  
1-2) new technologies have lead to new evidence. (DOK 1)
e. Use computer simulations to 3. Critically evaluate models used to represent
model and predict phenotype and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and genes; identify strengths
genotype of offspring based on and weaknesses of these models for representing complex
the genotype of the parents (DOK natural phenomena. (DOK 2-3)

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