Chap - 11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Chap - 11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Chap - 11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
The origin of non-aqueous drilling fluids lowered fluid loss and reduced friction
can be traced to the 1920s when crude between the drillstring and wellbore.
oil was used as a drilling fluid. The These water-base “oil emulsion” sys-
advantages of oil as a drilling and com- tems are rarely used today because
pletion fluid were obvious even then: they led to the same hole problems in
• Clays do not hydrate and swell. water-sensitive shales and became con-
• Wellbore stability is improved. taminated like any other water-base
• Production is improved from mud system.
sandstones containing clays. Improvements in the performance of
• Problems are reduced when drilling non-aqueous drilling fluids (primarily
evaporites (salts, anhydrite, etc). crude oil) came with the development
• Wellbore enlargement is reduced. and use of asphaltic additives to increase
• Mud properties are more stable. viscosity and reduce fluid loss. However,
• Contamination resistance is increased. these oil muds had a poor tolerance of
water contamination.
Oils also have certain characteristics
In the 1940s, diesel-base muds were
that are undesirable. They are flamma-
developed that not only tolerated water,
ble and may contain compounds that
but used emulsified water to control and
cause the failure of rubber goods such
maintain properties. Emulsified water
as hoses, O-rings, gaskets and Blowout
droplets lowered fluid loss and raised
Preventer (BOP) elements. Oils lack gel
viscosity. The continuous oil phase of
structure and are difficult to viscosify so
these muds made them act as oil muds
they can be weighted. Many oils con-
— wetting with an oil film and prevent-
tain toxic or hazardous compounds that
ing emulsified water from interacting
cause Heath, Safety and Environmental
with water-sensitive shales and cuttings
(HSE) concerns. They have high gas sol-
to provide good wellbore stability. The
ubility for many of the gases encoun-
muds were tolerant of salt and anhy-
…an invert tered when drilling wells (natural gas,
drite contamination. These muds were
emulsion carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide).
emulsions in every sense and were
This can interfere with kick detection
mud is a and well-control procedures. Oils may
called “invert emulsion” muds to dis-
fluid with tinguish them from the water-base “oil
not degrade readily under certain con-
emulsion” muds that were in use at the
diesel oil, ditions. Oils also float on water and
time. Today, an invert emulsion mud is
can migrate a significant distance from
mineral oil their source.
a fluid with diesel oil, mineral oil or syn-
or synthetic thetic fluid as the continuous phase and
Several different approaches have
water or brine as an emulsified phase.
fluid as the been taken to use oil in drilling fluids
The emulsified water or brine is dis-
while minimizing the associated prob-
continuous lems. Water-base “oil emulsion” muds
persed within the oil (see Figure 1). This
phase and is the internal phase. Calcium chloride
were developed that contained 10 to
salt is used to increase the emulsified
water or 20% emulsified oil. Chemicals were
water phase salinity to a level where it
brine as an used to emulsify the oil in the water as
does not influence (soften or swell)
small droplets that would remain dis-
emulsified persed in the water rather than float-
water-sensitive formations and cuttings.
phase. ing to the surface. This emulsified oil
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Emulsion Fundamentals
Invert Invert emulsion drilling fluids are mix- is then emulsified into spherical droplets
emulsion tures of two immiscible liquids: oil (or having a radius of 1 micron, the inter-
synthetic) and water. They may con- facial contact surface area would increase
drilling tain 50% or more water. This water is to 300,000 cm2 (2.38 x 1012 spheres,
fluids are broken up into small droplets and uni- each with 1.26 x 10–7 cm2 surface area).
mixtures formly dispersed in the external non- This represents a 40,550 times increase
aqueous phase. These droplets are kept in interfacial contact area just by form-
of two suspended in the oil (or synthetic) and ing the emulsion. In an emulsion, the
immiscible prevented from coalescing by surfactants huge number of droplets cause an
liquids: that act between the two phases. increase in viscosity and act much like
Figure 2 compares two water-in-oil fine solids added to a water-base mud,
oil…and emulsions of substantially different increasing the plastic viscosity.
water. water content. Provided the droplets To adequately emulsify the water in
are equal size, the system with the oil, there must be sufficient chemical
least water would be more stable due emulsifier to form a film around each
to the greater distance between water droplet. The emulsion will be
droplets, thereby reducing the unstable if there is not sufficient emulsi-
chance of coalescence. fier. As the water content increases, the
As shown in Figure 2, simply emulsify- required concentration of emulsifier
ing the two phases causes a tremendous increases.
…the smaller increase in the contact surface area From the standpoint of stability, the
the droplet, between the two phases (oil-water inter- smaller the droplet, the more stable the
face). For example, if the containers in emulsion since large droplets will coa-
the more Figure 2 were a 2.72 cm cubes with a lesce more easily than smaller droplets
stable the volume slightly over 20 cm3, and 10 cm3 (see Figure 3). Uniform droplet size also
emulsion… of water were added to 10 cm3 of oil makes the emulsion more stable. To
then allowed to separate (as shown in obtain small droplets of uniform size,
the upper right corner of Figure 2), energy or work must be applied in the
the contact surface area of the inter- form of shear. Sufficient shear to form
face between the oil and water would a stable emulsion is often difficult to
be only 7.4 cm2. Assuming this water achieve in mud pits and in liquid mud
plants. Sufficient shear can be achieved
Oil/water ratio: 75/25 Oil/water ratio: 50/50 through turbulent agitation by special-
ized high-shear devices or when circu-
50% water
75% oil lating through the bit jets, mud guns or
50% water
25% water
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
The impor- with some centrifugal pumps. The solid is said to be preferentially wet-
tance of suf- importance of sufficient shear and ted by that liquid. The low-contact
small droplet size and their relationship angle promotes the liquid to spread
ficient shear to mud stability cannot be overempha- out and coat the solid. A high-contact
and small sized. Small, uniform water droplets gen- angle shows that the liquid prefers to
droplet size erate viscosity and gel strengths that ball up and not spread out over the
help support weight material and aid in surface. When a solid is preferentially
and their the reduction of fluid loss by becoming wetted by a liquid, it has an affinity
relationship trapped in the filter cake. to be coated by that liquid only, even
to mud sta- Increasing water content (internal though two liquids are present in the
phase) of an invert emulsion: emulsion. In Case 1, the angle formed
bility cannot • Increases the size of water droplets. by the water and solid surface is <90°,
be overem- • Increases the chances of water showing that the solid is preferen-
phasized. droplets coalescing. tially water-wet (also indicated by the
• Increases the emulsion plastic contact angle of the oil being >90°).
viscosity. Alternatively in Case 3, the angle
• Increases the amount of emulsifier formed by the oil and solid surface is
required to form a stable emulsion. <90° making it preferentially oil-wet,
• Decreases the emulsion stability. meaning that the solids are coated
with a film of oil. For Case 2, the
When oil (continuous phase) is
contact angle of both oil and water
added, the emulsion becomes more
at the solid surface is 90° so that it
stable because the distance between
is not preferentially wetted by either
water droplets is greater and the viscosity
oil or water. If the contact angle, ever
is reduced. To obtain the desired viscos-
becomes 0°, the solid is said to be
ity, gel strength and filtration control,
totally wetted by that liquid.
the oil- (or synthetic-) to-water ratio
must be balanced to meet specific needs. le
Non-wetting liquid ng Wetting liquid
The incorporation of solids into a cta
water-in-oil or synthetic emulsion can Oil Co
have either a positive or negative effect θo θw
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Contact angles can be used to explain The balance between the strength and
the theory of wetting. They are difficult character of the hydrophilic end and
to measure even in the laboratory, and lipophilic end can be measured using
trying to do so under field conditions is the Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance
impractical. Several simple tests have (HLB) range. The HLB number can
been developed that indicate whether characterize the functionality of a sur-
water-wetting is occurring. These tests factant. As shown in Figure 6, oil-in-
will be described later in this chapter. water emulsifiers have higher HLB
Surfactants Non-aqueous drilling fluids are formu- values and water-in-oil emulsifiers
have a lated using additives based on a broad have lower HLB numbers, with
group of chemicals called surface-active wetting agents in the middle.
hydrophilic agents or surfactants. These chemicals The main difference between emulsi-
polar head include emulsifiers, soaps and wetting fiers, soaps and wetting agents is the
and an agents. They act by reducing the inter- surfaces they are designed to act upon
facial tension between two liquids or and their HLB number. These differ-
organophilic between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants ences may not be sharply defined. Most
non-polar have a hydrophilic (water-loving) polar emulsifiers also have wetting properties.
tail… head and an organophilic (oil-loving or Wetting agents also act as emulsifiers
lipophilic) non-polar tail, as shown in to some degree and are categorized by
Figure 5. their primary function in a particular
formulation or by their chemistry.
Non-aqueous Oil soluble Water soluble Non-aqueous systems contain wet-
systems con- Hydrophilic ting agents that coat surfaces and solids
end to alter the contact angle (wettability)
tain wetting Organophilic end (oil-loving) (water-loving)
of the solid-liquid interfaces, as shown
agents that H2
in Figure 7. These materials allow pref-
coat surfaces H3C C C C C C C C C OH erentially wetting of solids by the oil or
H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2
synthetic. If a fluid is overtreated with
and solids to wetting agents so that solids are totally
alter the con- Carboxylic wetted, the solids may tend to settle or
tact angle… Hydrocarbon tail (non-polar) head (polar) sag. Solids must be maintained in the
preferentially oil-wet condition to
Figure 5: Surfactant structure (stearic acid).
maintain a stable fluid.
Lypophilic Hydrophilic
0 3 6 9 12 15 18
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
paints and oil-muds. Calcium soaps will aggregate and settle. Most solids
are used extensively as the primary naturally have a preferentially water-
emulsifier in invert emulsion muds. wetting tendency and require wetting
Most calcium soap emulsifiers are agents to wet them with either oil or
formed by adding fatty acid (usually synthetic fluid.
a liquid) and lime or quicklime (as an Viscosifiers. Although emulsified
alkaline source of calcium) to the base water increases viscosity, viscosifiers
oil of the mud, where they react to and gelling agents are also required.
form the calcium soap. Untreated clays cannot be used as vis-
Actually, to have a stable emulsion, cosifiers because they do not hydrate
there must not only be sufficient emulsi- and yield in oil or synthetic fluid. If the
fier to stabilize all of the water droplets, clays are first coated with an amine, so
plus wetting agent, to coat all of the that they are organophilic, then they
solids, but there must be an excess will yield and viscosify in oil and syn-
amount of emulsifier and wetting thetic fluids. VG-69T is an organophilic
agent in the formulation to coat new bentonite clay. Organophilic clay still
solids and emulsify any additional needs a polar activator (water or alco-
water which may be encountered. hol) to produce the maximum yield.
This condition of well-emulsified Therefore, their yield decreases as the
brine, coated solids and an excess of oil- or synthetic-to-water ratio increases.
treating agents is shown in Figure 9. These clays yield faster with increased
A wetting Wetting agents. A wetting agent is a shear and temperature. However, if
agent is a surface-active agent that reduces the the amine is not temperature-stable,
interfacial tension and contact angle and decomposes, the clay will become
surface-active between a liquid and a solid. This causes an inert solid. High-temperature
agent that the liquid to spread over the surface organophilic clays may be needed
reduces the of the solid, as shown previously in for high-temperature applications.
Figure 4. Wetting agents have one end Alternative non-clay viscosifiers are
interfacial that is soluble in the continuous-phase available to increase viscosity. They
tension and liquid and the other that has a strong include asphaltic materials, fatty acid
contact angle affinity for solid surfaces, as shown pre- gellants and polymers. Developing vis-
viously in Figure 7. In non-aqueous cosity is a particular problem when
between a fluids, wetting agents cause solids to be mixing new fluids in mud plants where
liquid and wet with oil or synthetic liquid. The low shear mixing and low temperatures
a solid. solids (barite, clays and drill solids) do not allow amine-treated clays to
must be wetted by the continuous liq- yield. However, freshly prepared muds
uid phase of the drilling fluid or they should not be treated with more organo-
philic clay than will be required when
Emulsifier Wetting agent drilling. Overtreatment with clay leads
to excessive viscosity once the fluid is
exposed to shear and temperature in
the well. Alternative viscosifiers such
as VERSA-HRP,T an oil-soluble polymer,
Solid should be used to provide additional
suspension while mixing and transport-
ing new muds. Many polymer viscosi-
fiers, such as VERSA-HRP, degrade with
Solid Brine increased exposure to temperature and
shear. In freshly prepared fluids this is
Figure 9: Schematic of stable emulsion.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Oil and synthetic liquids can be than conventional invert emulsion
used to formulate three different muds. It is normal for them to
types of systems: have some water in the HTHP
1. All-oil systems. These systems do filtrate. They may also have mea-
not contain water in their formula- surable API (100 psi) filtrate. The
tion. In practice, while drilling they emulsions are loose, and the elec-
incorporate small amounts of water trical stability will be lower than
from the formation and cuttings. that of conventional invert emul-
Most will tolerate only very little sion muds. Relaxed systems use
water and rarely contain more than surfactant emulsifiers that do not
5% water. Quite often these sys- require lime. Relaxed filtrate,
tems, such VERSACOREE , are used to invert emulsion mud systems can
core productive intervals. be converted to conventional
2. Invert emulsions. These contain invert-emulsion mud systems,
oil (or synthetic) as the external or but conventional systems cannot be
continuous phase and water (brine) converted to relaxed systems. Relaxed-
as the internal phase of the emul- filtrate systems are generally used
sion. They can be subclassified in on land wells where Rates of
two separate categories: Penetration (ROP) are relatively
a) Conventional. These are “tight” low. They provide higher ROP
and very stable emulsions that with some bit types as compared
have zero API (100 psi) fluid to conventional systems.
loss. They usually have high
Synthetic electrical stability and a con-
Synthetic fluids are almost always
fluids are conventional systems. They are often
trolled HTHP fluid loss less than
formulated with the lowest synthetic-
almost 10 cm3 at 500 psi (3,447 kPa) and
to-water ratio that is consistent with
always 300°F (149°C), with no water in
stable properties to reduce the cost per
the filtrate.
conventional barrel. Most synthetic muds have low
b) Relaxed-filtrate. These are slightly
HTHP filtration rates without the use
systems. less stable emulsions purposefully
of special filtration-control additives at
run with higher HTHP filtrates
temperatures below 300°F (149°C).
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Density (ECD) while drilling and base fluids directly influences the Plastic
…there are Equivalent Static Density (ESD) while Viscosity (PV). Base fluids with high vis-
tripping due to these temperature and cosities make drilling fluids with higher
considerable pressure effects. An estimate of the PVs. The viscosity of all the oil and syn-
differences in downhole density can be calculated thetic fluids is temperature-sensitive —
the viscosity with M-I’s VIRTUAL HYDRAULICST soft- the viscosity decreases as the tempera-
ware. The actual density of these fluids ture increases, as shown for the funnel
and pour
is dependent on the base liquid proper- viscosity of a typical oil-base mud in
point of ties and the temperature and pressure Figure 10.
base profiles of the well being drilled. For rheology to be meaningful, it
oils and Rheology. As shown in Table 1, there must be checked at the same tempera-
are considerable differences in the vis- ture each time. A heat cup is used to
synthetic cosity and pour point of base oils and heat the sample to the desired tem-
fluids. synthetic fluids. The viscosity of the perature, usually 120 or 150°F (49 or
65.5°C), before the rheology is checked.
200 Base liquids with high pour points may
have unacceptably high viscosity at
180 cold temperatures.
18.0 lb/gal
Compression raises the viscosity of
160 the base fluid, as shown for diesel in
When a Figure 11. When a drilling fluid is com-
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt)
is even 100°F
greater than 60
the effect on 40 2
the base 350°F
fluid alone. 20
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pressure (psi x 1,000)
Temperature (°F)
Figure 10: Effect of temperature on funnel viscosity Figure 11: Effect of temperature and pressure
of oil-base mud. on diesel-oil viscosity.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Controlled Activity
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Gas Solubility
Oil and 10
synthetic Oil and synthetic fluids are soluble to
Diesel at 250°F
Gas/oil ratio (scf/bbl)
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Water-Wet Solids
When It is obvious that increasing mud den- The concentration of wetting agent
oil-wet, the sity is the only cure for this problem. in non-aqueous emulsion fluids must
When exposed to mixtures of water be maintained at adequate levels at all
solids will and oil or synthetic fluid, most solids times. Unfortunately, there are no quan-
not adhere to (drill solids, salts and weight materials) titative field tests for determining the
one another will preferentially water-wet unless sur- concentration of wetting agents. Pilot
factant wetting agents are used to make testing with added solids (clay or barite)
or to other can be done as a qualitative indication
them oil- or synthetic-wet. Water-wet
surfaces. solids in emulsion muds adhere to of reserve wetting agent. A number of
each other and aggregate so that they indications of water-wetting can be
may settle and sag, adhere to metal sur- observed along with changes in mud
faces and destabilize the emulsion. As properties to anticipate a water-wetting
discussed earlier, wetting agents coat problem. The following parameters can
the solids and cause them to oil- (or help determine the need for increasing
synthetic-) wet. When oil-wet, the wetting agent concentration before
The concen- solids will not adhere to one another problems arise.
tration of or to other surfaces. 1. Cuttings integrity. Cuttings that
The concentration of wetting agent are preferentially oil-wet are firm
wetting decreases with time and use as it is car- and possess an angular form. Water-
agent… ried off on cuttings. If the wetting agent wet cuttings are gummy, sticky (espe-
must be concentration falls below a certain level, cially to metal parts) and soft with
the solids will water-wet. When weight rounded smooth corners. Due to
maintained their gummy, sticky nature, water-
material is added to a mud, additional
at adequate wetting agent is needed to coat these wet solids tend to coalesce and
levels at high surface area solids so that they do “piggy-back” across a shaker screen.
not become water-wet. If salt (especially 2. Sticky solids or “sag.” Water-wet
all times. solids may coat or blind the shaker
calcium chloride) is precipitated from
the brine phase of an invert emulsion, it screens and prevent mud from pass-
will require large amounts of wetting ing through the screen. This should
agent to act on the tremendous surface not be confused with plugging the
area of the ultra-fine solids. screens with sand or bridging mate-
rials. Water-wet solids also settle and
sag, so a build up of settled solids in
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
_______________________ the mud pits or barite sag observed tated. When drilling salt, the binary
_______________________ when testing the mud can be an salt titrations and calculations must
indication of water-wet solids. be done. Precipitated salt crystals are
3. Pump pressure. “Gummy/sticky” difficult to wet and often act as water-
_______________________ water-wet solids tend to adhere to wet solids. The affinity for water is
_______________________ metal parts. When water-wet solids stronger if the salt is divalent such
adhere and build up in the bore of the as calcium or magnesium chloride.
drillstring, the restriction in flow will The salt concentration should be
_______________________ quickly increase the pump pressure. kept below saturation for the lowest
_______________________ 4. Fine cuttings. The surface of the cut- temperature in the circulating system.
tings must be oil-wet. The amount of If the salt saturation level is exceeded,
wetting agent required to oil-wet the the mud should be treated with water
_______________________ surface of the cuttings increases as the to reduce brine salinity. Increased
_______________________ surface area of the cuttings increases. treatments of wetting agent will be
Finely ground cuttings have a greater required any time saturated brine
surface area than coarse cuttings. conditions are encountered.
Cuttings when drilling siltstone, lig- 8. Red rag test. The wet “red rag” test
_______________________ nite, salt and limestone are naturally may appear unscientific, but it can
_______________________ small. The cuttings when drilling provide a simple confirmation of
with conventional diamond bits are water wetting. In the test, an oil or
very fine. Formations and bits that synthetic mud covered spatula is
produce fine cuttings will increase the wiped on a water-wet red shop rag.
requirements for wetting agents. If the mud (solids) stay on top of
5. Dull, grainy appearance. Much the rag, the mud solids are water-
can be determined by observing the wet. If the solids soak into and pass
appearance of invert-emulsion fluids. through the rag surface leaving
Systems that are stable, well emulsi- only a dark stain, the fluid is oil-
fied and oil-wet are shiny and glossy. or synthetic-wet.
Water-wet solids will give an oil mud 19. Mixer impeller test. Stir a sample of
a dull, flat, grainy appearance. In the oil mud in a Hamilton Beach-
extreme cases, free water may collect type mixer for a period of 30 min
on the surface of the fluid. at 2,000 to 4,000 RPM. Raise the
6. Water in HTHP filtrate. One of the blade out of the sample and spin
first indications of instability is an dry (do not wipe dry). If gummy
increase in the HTHP fluid loss and solids adhere to the blades, the
“free” water in the filtrate. Relaxed sample is water-wet. The mixer
systems that normally contain blade should always appear to be
water in the HTHP filtrate cannot clean and oil-wet.
be diagnosed using this technique. 10. Glass jar tests. There are two vari-
7. Saturated brine phase. Salt solubil- ations of this test, one using a
ity varies with temperature changes Hamilton Beach-type mud mixer
so that when a fluid is cooled, salt and one a Waring-type blender.
may precipitate as fine, troublesome The mud mixer test uses a glass jar
solids. All emulsion muds should be and the blender method uses the
monitored for saturation and treated glass blender jar. Both tests use the
to limit salt precipitation. In addi- appearance of the glass after mix-
tion, when drilling salt, the calcium ing the mud for a period of time.
chloride brine becomes saturated so Water-wet solids will adhere to the
that salt is constantly being precipi- glass and form an opaque film if
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Hydrogen Sulfide
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Lost Circulation
Lost conventional oil muds, lime reacts Lost circulation with oil and synthetic
circulation… with hydrogen sulfide to form calcium muds can quickly become intolerable
sulfide and convert hydrogen sulfide due to the high cost of the fluids. The
can quickly gas to soluble sulfides. compressibility of these fluids makes
become Although lime is essential to safely the density and rheological properties
intolerable drilling zones that contain hydrogen of the mud higher downhole. This
sulfide, it does not render the sulfides makes the likelihood of losing circu-
due to the completely inert. A zinc-base scavenger, lation with oil and synthetic muds
high cost of like SULF-X,T should be used to precipi- greater than with water-base mud hav-
the fluids. tate the sulfides as zinc sulfide. Lime, ing similar density and rheology. To
SULF-X and adequate mud weight pro- minimize lost circulation, the mud
vide the basis for safely drilling zones density and rheological properties
containing hydrogen sulfide. These should be kept at the minimum values
precautions can still be overwhelmed consistent with safety and good drill-
by a large “bubble” or hydrogen sulfide ing practices. M-I’s VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS
kick. NOTE: When drilling hydrogen computer program can model and
sulfide zones, no drilling fluid product optimize the performance of oil and
or system is an adequate substitute for synthetic fluids under downhole con-
training, preparation and caution on the ditions to minimize the possibility of
part of all personnel involved with the lost circulation.
drilling operation. Another reason for the increased
When hydrogen sulfide is encoun- risk of losing returns with oil and syn-
tered, the mud may require large addi- thetic muds is their low leak-off (fluid-
tions of lime, emulsifier and wetting loss) values. The properties of these
agents to stabilize its properties. The fluids make them excellent fracturing
mud should be watched for indications fluids, as they tend to propagate frac-
of water-wetting. tures better than water-base fluids. This
Hydrogen sulfide may turn the mud characteristic, combined with the fact
black. It may be detectable by its rotten that they oil- or synthetic-wet the frac-
egg odor and through the use of “snif- tured formation, prevents it from soft-
fers” or detectors. The alkalinity (POM) ening and healing as readily as with
will decrease, but this can be an indica- water-base. For this reason, oil and
tion of carbon dioxide (CO2) contami- synthetic muds are not recommended
nation as well as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for testing casing shoes and fracture
contamination. The electrical stability pressures. Because of their compress-
and rheology may drop. The modified ibility, the actual hydrostatic pressure
The buildup garrett gas train is the most reliable cannot be known with certainty, and
of solids is test method for determining if an oil or even Formation Integrity Tests (FIT)
unacceptable synthetic mud is contaminated with can pose a significant risk of fracturing
hydrogen sulfide. The procedure for the formation.
and the this test can be found in the Testing In the event of lost circulation, the
increase in chapter of this manual. When hydro- procedures used to regain circulation
viscosity may gen sulfide is expected, the gas from are similar to those used with water-
drilling breaks, connections and trips base mud systems. A more thorough
increase the should be tested with the modified discussion of lost circulation and reme-
ECD… garrett gas train in addition to the dies is covered in the Lost Circulation
regularly scheduled mud checks. chapter. Lost circulation can be divided
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
into two basic situations: (1) losses into to be applied according to the suspected
an active fracture (usually in a shale mode of loss.
near the last casing shoe), and (2) whole Lost-Circulation Material (LCM) pills
mud losses to porous and permeable containing from 30 to 50 lb/bbl (86
zones (that can range from matrix to 143 kg/m3) of LCM is a recommended
sandstones to vugular and cavernous standard. These pills should be spotted at
carbonate formations). The types of the thief zone and should be left undis-
materials and techniques used need turbed for a period of time. Generally,
Solids Control
High drill a blend of several different types of squeezes are often more effective than
solids LCM works better than a single prod- LCM pills. Again, the materials and
uct. For instance, a blend of granular, techniques should be matched to the
increase fibrous and flake materials often works rate of mud loss. In the most severe
plastic best. The particle size of the LCM used cases of lost circulation where the nor-
viscosity by should be matched with the rate of mal procedures have failed to bring
mud losses. Medium or fine grades of about total returns and cost is a prob-
crowding. mica or NUT PLUGT are recommended lem, oil and synthetic systems should be
for LCM pills. A blend of sized calcium displaced with a water-base mud system.
carbonate particles has been used suc- Efficient solids control is essential to the
cessfully in many areas, especially where economic use of oil and synthetic sys-
losses are to high-permeability-matrix tems due to their relatively high cost
formations. Losses to active fractures and disposal considerations. Although
have been shown to be slowed or drill solids do not hydrate in oil and
stopped with an adequate concentra- synthetic muds as they do in water-base
tion of larger-granule LCM additives. Be muds, solids control is critical in these
aware that flake cellophane, cedar bark, muds. High drill solids increase plastic
cane fiber, saw dust, cotton seed hulls, viscosity by crowding. Drill solids must
grain hulls, shredded newspaper and be treated with wetting agents to keep
other shredded fibrous materials can them from destabilizing the emulsion.
destabilize emulsions. These materials Excessive solids in oil- and synthetic-
Shale shakers should not be used in oil or synthetic base muds not only reduce hydraulic
are the muds, if there are other options. efficiency, but they may reduce the sta-
primary While it is a common practice with bility of the emulsion as well. The cost
water-base muds containing LCM to of the base fluid and chemicals in these
method bypass the shale shakers, this should systems make correcting solids contam-
of controlling not be done with oil- and synthetic- ination through dilution more expen-
drill solids base muds. The buildup of solids is sive than using adequate solids-control
unacceptable and the increase in vis- equipment to minimize drill solids
in oil- and cosity may increase the ECD and may accumulation.
synthetic- actually increase mud losses. A well-designed solids-control pro-
base muds. In instances of severe lost circulation, gram is preferred to relying on dilution
specially formulated high-fluid-loss to keep drill solids at an acceptable
diatomaceous earth slurry squeezes level. Dilution creates a second prob-
(DIASEALE M type), reverse gunk squeezes lem in addition to cost, because the
(200 to 250 lb/bbl of VG-69 per barrel increased volume generated must be
of water with no cement) or cement transported, stored and/or disposed of.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
solids content of oil and synthetic being returned to the system. If this
muds. Centrifuges reduce the amount occurs, adjustments should be made
of dilution needed to control mud to the centrifuge to lower its cut point.
properties. For weighted muds, a dual-centrifuge
Centrifuges can be used on unweighted (tandem) system is often used. The sys-
oil and synthetic muds to remove fine tem is designed to remove only the
drill solids and recover the expensive undesirable solids and retain both the
fluid phase. In this process, the discharge expensive fluid phase and the weight
containing drill solids is discarded while material. A primary low-G-force cen-
the effluent is returned to the active trifuge is used to recover most of the
system. The weight of the fluid being weight material, returning it directly
returned to the active system should to the active system. The overflow or
be monitored daily. If the returning fluid effluent (liquid with fine solids) is then
weight exceeds liquid phase density, processed through a secondary higher-
usually ~7.0 lb/gal, by an appreciable G-force centrifuge that makes a finer
amount, too many ultrafine solids are cut, removing as many of the fine solids
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Packer Muds
cement bond can be achieved. Most placed fluid out of the hole in the
cement companies will provide their most efficient manner.
own spacers for this purpose.
Mixtures of oil or synthetic mud and
cement may form a viscous mass that
cannot be pumped, resulting in cement
channeling, lost circulation and poor
cement bonding. In addition, an oil or
synthetic mud will wet the casing and
the borehole, causing poor cement
bonding. The use of specially designed
spacers not only eliminates the prob-
lems associated with mixing, but can
also effect a change in the wettability of
the casing and borehole. Water-wetting
…packer the casing and borehole will lead to
fluids proper bonding of the cement. If spe-
cially designed spacers are not available,
should be the use of multiple spacers will be
formulated required. These consist of water and oil
so that they or synthetic fluid placed so they are in
contact with the fluid with which they
do not settle. are compatible (i.e., cement/water, diesel
oil/mud, synthetic fluid/mud). It is rec-
ommended that specially designed spac-
ers be used when possible due to their
added advantages.
The formulation of spacers varies
widely. The formulation used is depen-
dent on the personal preference of who-
ever is specifying or designing the spacer
and cement job. However, there is one
philosophy or technique common to all
spacer design — The fluid being dis-
placed should be as thin as possible,
while the displacing fluid should be as
thick as possible.
This approach promotes thinning of
the fluid in the hole so that it does not
channel, improves filter-cake removal
and generates a “piston-type” action of
the displacing fluid, forcing the dis-
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
A packer fluid is the fluid that is left base muds do not offer the same level
above the packer in the annular space of performance as packer fluids.
between the tubing and casing or liner The following procedures can be
when a well is completed and ready used to formulate a stable oil or syn-
for production. Packer fluids are usu- thetic packer fluid without a specific
ally designed to provide hydrostatic formula or test procedure.
pressure equal to the pressure of the 1. The fluid to be used should be for-
producing formation. Most wells expe- mulated from an existing used mud
rience tubing failures or packer failures or should contain as much previ-
during their producing life and require ously used fluid as possible. Muds
remedial operations or stimulation. that have been used for drilling are
These procedures become unnecessar- more stable due to the previous
ily expensive and complicated if the heat cycling and shear through the
weight material from the packer fluid bit. These actions reduce and stabi-
settles on the packer. Consequently, lize the water droplet size and possi-
packer fluids should be formulated so bly reduce the size of the solids.
that they do not settle. Packer fluids Some colloidal solids are beneficial
should be thermally stable at the bot- in packer fluids as they help pre-
tom-hole temperature. They should vent sag. If new mud must be used,
also protect tubing OD and casing ID it should be circulated and sheared
from corrosion. through the well and a bit for 2 to
VERSADRILT and VERSACLEAN T systems 3 circulations or more, if possible.
can be formulated to be excellent 2. The mud system should be screened
packer muds. These packer muds pro- to remove large particles that are diffi-
vide (1) excellent temperature stability cult to suspend. This is a critical step
over long periods of time, (2) excellent in the proper construction of a packer
weight-material suspension characteris- mud and should be done without
tics and (3) lasting protection of the exception. Screen size should be as
metal goods from corrosion. Water- small as possible, up to 200 mesh.
Casing-Pack Fluids
It is common
3. Another critical issue is to be sure that must be taken not to overtreat with
practice the fluid does not contain any water- wetting agent, as this can thin the
to use the wet solids. Water-wet solids tend to fluid and cause barite settling from
drilling fluid form large conglomerates that settle insufficient viscosity.
as the more easily. Severe water-wetting may 4. The mud system MUST be treated
also prevent organophilic clays from with lime until the alkalinity (POM)
casing-pack building adequate gel strengths. stabilizes in the proper range. A min-
fluid. Before an oil or synthetic mud is used imum of 2 lb/bbl of excess lime is
for a packer fluid, it should be pilot required for ALL oil and synthetic
tested with suitable wetting agents packer muds. A new mud system
and emulsifiers to assure that water- will require large additions of lime
wetting does not exist. However, care to accomplish this because they
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Workover Fluids
of 25 to 60 lb/100 ft2. Packer fluids perature of the well. Check the static
weighing 10 to 13 lb/gal do not shear and properties of two samples
contain sufficient weight material after being static aged for one, seven
to gain suspension from particle and 30 or more days. Check the sam-
crowding. They will need higher ples for settling after the static shear
gel strengths than heavier-weight rates are taken. If both samples fail
packer fluids, and may need to be because of settling, excessive shear
formulated with bentonite or a rates, or instability of the mud prop-
low-yield clay to build body with erties, the other samples should be
colloidal-size solids. discarded and a new formulation
6. When pilot testing packer fluids, mix should be developed and tested.
enough volume of each formulation A casing pack is the fluid that is
to static age at least six samples. pumped ahead of the cement and left
Depending on the size of the static in the annulus above the cement on the
aging bombs, this will probably outside of the casing being cemented. It
Oil mud is require more than six-barrel equiv- is common practice to use the drilling
the fluid of alents. Use a sample of the actual fluid as the casing-pack fluid. When an
liquid mud that will be used in the oil or synthetic fluid casing pack is
choice for packer fluid to mix these samples. needed, the hole should be drilled with
“washing The properties of the packer fluid the system to eliminate the time needed
over” and should be checked and recorded for displacing and stabilizing the well
before static aging. Six samples of the with the casing pack. The purpose of oil
retrieving packer fluid should be pressured and or synthetic casing packs is:
casing. static aged at the bottom-hole tem- • To stabilize the wellbore.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Cause Treatment
_______________________ Undertreatment of viscosifier Add organophilic clay, VG-69
Lack of proper particle size distribution Add VERSA-HRP
_______________________ Add VERSAMOD
_______________________ Low water content Add water (brine)
New mud, lack of shear Shear through bit or shear unit
Gas stripping Increase mud weight
_______________________ Add wetting agent
Add primary emulsifier and lime
Cause Treatment
High water content (saltwater flow) Dilute with oil
_______________________ Add primary emulsifier and lime
Add wetting agent*
_______________________ Add VERSATHIN T
Incorporated drill solids
1. High solids (% volume) Centrifuge/solids control
Use dilution
Add wetting agent*
2. Fines solids problem Centrifuge/solids control
Use dilution
Add wetting agent*
3. Water-wet solids Add wetting agent and primary emulsifier
High-temperature instability Add wetting agent and primary emulsifier
Decrease water content
Reduce solids content
Acid gases Add lime (conventional system)
Add primary emulsifier and wetting agent
Increase mud weight
Overtreatment Dilute with oil
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
_______________________ Cause Treatment
_______________________ Super-saturation Add emulsifier and wetting agent
_______________________ Add water sparingly
Excessive solids Use solids control and dilution
_______________________ Add wetting agent
Undertreatment Add primary emulsifier and wetting agent
_______________________ Add VERSA SWA*
*VERSA SWA should be used sparingly and only when other treatments and methods are ineffective.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Cause Treatment
_______________________ Overbalanced hydrostatic pressure Reduce mud weight (if possible)
Use LCM pills
_______________________ Set casing
_______________________ Excessive annular pressure loss Decrease rheology and gel strengths
Decrease circulation rates
Surge pressures Decrease rheology and gel strengths
Stage and circulate tripping in/out of hole
Reduce tripping speed
Use LCM pills spotted in hole
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
_______________________ • To provide a stable fluid with good suspension over long periods of time.
_______________________ • To keep the casing from sticking
if there are plans to salvage it at a later date.
The calcium chloride concentration needed for the internal phase is dependent
on the activity of the actual formation being drilled. Most muds use 25 to 35% by
weight calcium chloride.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
% Weight Density Density Cl– NaCl Water Brine Activity
_______________________ NaCl2 (kg/l) (lb/gal) (mg/l) (lb/bbl) (bbl) (AW)
_______________________ 2 1.013 8.44 12,254 7.1 0.992 0.989
4 1.027 8.56 24,932 14.4 0.986 0.977
6 1.041 8.68 37,914 21.9 0.979 0.964
_______________________ 8 1.056 8.81 51,260 29.6 0.971 0.950
10 1.071 8.93 64,970 37.5 0.964 0.935
12 1.086 9.05 79,044 45.6 0.955 0.919
_______________________ 14 1.101 9.18 93,481 53.9 0.947 0.902
_______________________ 16 1.116 9.31 108,344 62.5 0.938 0.883
18 1.132 9.44 123,570 71.3 0.928 0.862
_______________________ 20 1.148 9.57 139,282 80.4 0.918 0.839
_______________________ 22 1.164 9.71 155,357 89.6 0.908 0.815
24 1.180 9.84 171,858 99.2 0.897 0.788
26 1.197 9.98 188,843 109.0 0.886 0.759
_______________________ % volume salt = 100 x (1.0 - bbl water).
Properties based on 20°C and 100% purity.
Table 3: Sodium chloride brine.
• To isolate the casing from corrosive formation fluids.
• To provide a non-conductive environment if cathodic protection will be used
to protect the casing.
The properties recommended for casing packs are similar to those recommended
for packer fluids. Somewhat higher rheologies may be recommended for casing
packs than for packer fluids, in order to sweep the annulus. Casing packs will be
exposed to formation
fluids for the life of the well. To
compensate for this, casing packs are often treated with additional emulsifiers and
wetting agents. The steps recommended earlier for formulating and testing a
packer fluid can be used to formulate casing packs.
Most oil or synthetic systems can be conditioned to meet even the most
demanding properties required of casing packs and packer fluids. As with packer
muds, the fluid must be stabilized by circulating it through the well, exposing it
to heat andSalt
shear before final treatments and conditioning as
Salt Constant (C)
pack fluid. 1.565
an oil- or synthetic-base fluid
chloride 1.648 was used as the packer fluid, a similar fluid will
Magnesium be used as the workover
chloride 1.343 fluid. Oil and synthetic fluids may be used in
extremely corrosive environments and as perforating fluids to prevent formation
Potassium chloride 2.103
damage. Because of their good lubricity and low sticking tendencies, these fluids
are especially suited for “wash over” operations where there is a high likelihood
of sticking the wash pipe.
The preparation of wells in depleted fields for gas storage is an excellent appli-
cation for oil muds containing VERSATROL I. If the existing wells’ casing is corroded
and leaking, it will usually be replaced rather than repaired. The casing strings
must be washed over. Oil mud is the fluid of choice for “washing over” and retriev-
ing casing. The oil muds used in these applications will require closer attention
and more treating chemicals than a drilling operation. After working over the
wells in a gas storage project with oil-base fluids, the fluids are usually used as the
casing pack and packer fluids for completing the wells.
If the wells were originally drilled and completed with water-base fluids, the
water-base mud and solids behind the casing will be incorporated in the oil mud as
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
they are “drilled” with the wash pipe. The exposed shales will probably slough into
the hole and add to the problem. Preparations should be made on each of these
_______________________ wells to deal with large quantities of water-wet solids. The volume of workover fluid
required may be substantially greater than estimated based on the original hole
diameter. Large quantities of base oil, emulsifiers and wetting agents will be
_______________________ required to treat the water and water-wet solids that will be incorporated into
_______________________ the workover fluid.
NOTE: In the following equations, % CaCl2 and % NaCl stand for weight % unless
labeled as % CaCl2 (vol). Liquids like % H2O and % Oil stand for volume % unless
_______________________ labeled otherwise.
_______________________ BRINE CONVERSIONS
_______________________ Density (lb/gal) = SG x 8.34
CaCl2 (ppm) = % CaCl2 x 10,000
Chlorides (ppm) = % CaCl2 x 6,390
NaCl (ppm) = % NaCl x 10,000
_______________________ Chlorides (ppm) = % NaCl x 6,065
_______________________ Any salt % by weight calculation:
(Ag x C)
Weight % salt =
(Ag x C) + % H2O )
x 100
Ag = cm3 of 0.282 silver nitrate used in chlorides determination/cm3 mud
C = Salt constant
% H2O = Volume % water from retort
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
_______________________ The following technique should be used to determine the quantity of calcium
_______________________ chloride required to adjust (decrease) the water activity to a desired value by
increasing brine salinity.
Increasing brine salinity:
1. Titrate chlorides and calculate initial salt concentration, weight % CaCl2.
_______________________ 2. Estimate present AW of the fluid using Table 2: Calcium chloride brine, relating
_______________________ activity to the salt concentration (% by weight) or use the curve-fit equations.
3. Using a retort, determine the water content, volume % water.
4. Calculate the initial concentration of CaCl21 (lb/bbl whole mud).
Initial weight % CaCl2: % CaCl2
Volume % water: % H2O
% CaCl2 x % H2O x 3.5
_______________________ CaCl21 (lb/bbl whole mud) =
100 – % CaCl2
5. From a measurement or value for shale activity, determine the desired salt con-
_______________________ centration, % CaCl22, using the brine table or curve-fit equation. Using the
_______________________ equation listed below, determine the CaCl2 required to reduce the AW to the
desired value.
Desired weight % CaCl2: % CaCl22
% purity CaCl2: % purity
CaCl2 (lb/bbl whole mud) to add =
% CaCl22 % CaCl21 350 x % H2O
100 – % CaCl22
100 – % CaCl21 ] x
% purity
Initial weight % CaCl2: 10
Volume % water: 20
Desired weight % CaCl2: 25
% purity: 78
From 4. Initial CaCl21 (lb/bbl whole mud): 7.78
From 5. CaCl22 (lb/bbl whole mud) to add: 19.9
Occasionally, an increase in the activity (a decrease in the salt content) is desirable.
This is most often done when drilling salt, when the salt concentration increases due
to evaporation or when overtreatment has occurred. The following procedure can
be used to determine the amount of water to add to adjust (increase) the water
activity to the desired value.
Decreasing brine salinity
1. Titrate chlorides and calculate initial salt concentration, weight % CaCl2.
2. Estimate present AW of the fluid using Table 2: Calcium chloride brine, relating
activity to the salt concentration (% by weight) or the curve-fit equation.
3. Using a retort, determine the water content, volume % water.
4. Calculate the initial concentration of CaCl21 (lb/bbl whole mud).
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
NOTE: Adding the oil ratio and the water ratio always equals 100.
Volume % oil: 56
Volume % water: 24
Volume % solids: 20
Oil ratio =
56 + 24 ) x 100 = 70% oil
Water ratio =
24 + 56 ) x 100 = 30% water
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
In this equation;
% H2O
New liquid volume (bbl/bbl mud) =
(% oil + % H2O)
Original liquid volume (bbl/bbl mud) =
New liquid volume = Original liquid volume + oil to add
Volume % oil (retort): 51%
Volume % water (retort): 9%
Original O/W ratio: 85/15
Desired O/W ratio: 90/10 (OR = 90, WR = 10)
To increase the O/W ratio from 85/15 to 90/10, calculate how much oil must
be added:
% H2O (% oil + % H2O)
Oil to add (bbl/bbl mud) = –
WR 100
9 (51 + 9)
Oil to add (bbl/bbl mud) = – = 0.9 – 0.6 = 0.30 bbl oil per bbl of mud
10 100
Therefore, to increase the O/W ratio from 85/15 to 90/10, 0.30 bbl of oil must
be added for every barrel of mud.
Either water or brine must be added to the mud to lower the oil- or synthetic-to-
water ratio. No oil or synthetic fluid will be added to the system and the oil or
synthetic volume will not change.
To calculate the barrels of water (not brine) required to decrease the O/W ratio:
A. Record the retort volume % oil as % oil.
B. Record the retort volume % water as % H2O.
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
To calculate the barrels of brine (not water) required to decrease the O/W
ratio, the volume of salt in the brine must be compensated for because it
_______________________ is a dissolved solid:
_______________________ A. Record the retort volume % oil as % oil.
B. Record the retort volume % water as % H2O.
_______________________ SGWTMATL SGOIL
[ MWt x 100
x % Cor. Solids
] [
x % oil
] [
– Brine wt x (% H2O + % CaCl2 (vol))
(8.34 x SGWTMATL) – 21.67
C. Record the water ratio of the desired O/W ratio as OR.
D. Determine the brine volume % water (not decimal) % H2O (brine). This is
_______________________ determined by taking the fractional number from the column listed as “Water
_______________________ (bbl)” in Tables 2 or 3 and multiplying by 100.
E. Calculate the volume of brine to add:
100 x % oil (% oil + % H2O)
_______________________ Brine (bbl/bbl mud) = –
Brine Salinity
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
% oil
( )
11) OR = x 100
_______________________ % oil + % H2O
_______________________ 12) WR = 100 – OR
_______________________ Ag x 1.565
13) % CaCl2 (wt) =
((Ag x 1.565) + % H2O )
x 100
17) % CaCl2 by volume =
[((SGBR x 8.34)(100 – % CaCl2) ) ]
–1 x % H2O
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
_______________________ (
(Ag x 1.565) + % H20 )
_______________________ 2) CaCl2 (lb/bbl whole mud) = Ag x 5.4775
_______________________ 3) SGBR = 1.000318525 + (8.0899459 x 10–3 x % CaCl2) + …
_______________________ (4.0944872 x 10–5 x [% CaCl2]2) + (1.4220309 x 10–7 x [% CaCl2]3)
_______________________ 4) Brine wt (lb/gal) = SGBR x 8.34
_______________________ 5) CaCl2 (mg/l) = 10,000 x % CaCl2 x SGBR
_______________________ 6) CaCl2 (ppm) = % CaCl2 x 10,000
7) Chlorides (mg/l) = % CaCl2 x SGBR x 6,393
_______________________ % H2O = 10
_______________________ Ag = 2 ml of 0.282 N AgNO3 per cm3 mud
_______________________ % CaCl2 (wt) = 23.84
CaCl2 (lb/bbl whole mud) = 11.0
SG CaCl2 brine = 1.218
_______________________ Brine weight (lb/gal) = 10.16
CaCl2 (mg/l) = 290,440
CaCl2 (ppm) = 238,385
Chlorides (mg/l) = 185,679
B) Sodium chloride
(Assuming that all the salt content is composed of sodium chloride.)
Ag x 1.649
1) % NaCl (wt) =
(Ag x 1.649) + % H20 )
x 100
11 Non-Aqueous Emulsions
Ag x 1.565
“B” % CaCl2 (wt) (using ClMUD) =
( (Ag x 1.565) + % H20 )
x 100