April 16 Monday Shabbat Announcements

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Parshat Acharei Mot-Shabbat Hagadol April 16, 2011 12 Nissan, 5771

Rabbi Frand on Parshat Acharei Mot/Shabbat HaGadol

Artscroll, 636 At the beginning of of heat" (i.e. – when the that it was made known to
Hertz, 470 Parshas Achrei Mos, tragedy is fresh news). The them that they are
immediately following the Talmud answers: Rabbis are described as children of
Haftorah death of Aharon's two different since at every the Omnipresent, as it is
Artscroll, 1220 eldest sons, Aharon is moment their teachings are said, 'You are children to
Hertz, 1005 given the mitzvah of the quoted, every moment (even Hashem, Your
ritual service on Yom after much time has passed G-d' [Devorim 14:1].
Kippur. There is, from the death) is considered
however, a redundancy in "at the moment of heat". It is noteworthy that the
the Parsha's opening pasuk chosen to buttress
Times pasuk [verse]: "Hashem Here too, the two sons of the idea that man was
spoke to Moshe after the Aharon were "those near to created in G-d's Image is
Candle Lighting 7:16 pm Him, through which He was a pasuk in Parshas Noach
death of Aaron's two
Friday Mincha 7:00 pm sons, when they sanctified." They were great (Chapter 9 of Bereshis). It
approached before men of Israel and great men may seem a bit strange to
Hashkama 8:00 am of the world. With such quote a pasuk from
Hashem, and they
Youth 8:30 am died." [Vayikra 16:1] Why people, it is not a matter of Chapter 9 when there is a
does one pasuk mention "they die and it's over with". pasuk in the very first
Parsha Shiur 8:30 am the fact that Aaron's sons The lack of their presence is chapter of the Torah that
Main Minyan 9:00 am died two times? felt constantly. Achrei Mos states explicitly: "And G-d
(after they died) v'ayamusu created Man in His Image,
Beit Midrash 9:15 am The Shemen HaTov (their death is felt all over in the image of G-d He
Mincha 6:50 pm answers this question by
again). created him" [Bereshis
reference to a well known 1:27]. Why did Rabbi
Drasha 7:15pm Gemara [Moed Katan The mishna in Pirkei Avos Akiva, in impressing upon
[Ethics of the Fathers] [3:18] us the fact that man is
Shabbat Ends 8:26 pm 24a]: When Rabbi
Yochanan was told that states: He (Rav Akiva) used beloved because he was
Sunday Rabbi Chanina died, he to say – Beloved is man, for created in the Image of
April 17 7:30/8:30 am tore kriyah on 13 he was created in G-d's G-d, take a pasuk that
expensive wool garments Image; it is indicative of a appears 8 chapters later,
Mon. 6:30/7:45 am greater love that it was made passing over the first and
Erev Pesach (out of grief and
mourning) and known to him that he was most explicit reference in
Tues., Wed. Pesach commented "The man I created in G-d's image, as it the Torah to this very
(see page 3 for schedule) was afraid of has is said: 'For in the image of fact?
departed." The Talmud G-d has He made
Thurs., Fri. 6:30/7:45 am man' [Bereshis 9:6]. Beloved Likewise, in supporting the
asks why Rabbi
Mincha Sun/Fri. 7:25 pm Yochanan tore kriyah on are the people Israel for they idea that the Almighty
a hearing "distant news"? are described as children of treats Israel as his
Latest times for the Omnipresent; it is children (banim), the
Normally one only rips
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei indicative of a greater love Tanna goes all the way to
clothing "at the moment
April 16 9:35/10:41 am
Kiddush is Shabbat Hagadol Drasha
April 23 9:29/10:37 am
Sponsored The Hidden Heroine of Pesach
Next Shabbat
Chol Hamoed Pesach by Mincha 6:50 pm
Candle lighting 7:24 pm Great Neck Drasha 7:15 pm
Please eat seudah shlishit at home
Mincha 7:00 pm Synagogue
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100
the middle of Sefer Devorim to find the proof. This idea is Sunday, April 17th
also explicit much earlier in the Torah -- in the book of Bedikat Chometz this evening
Shmos, where it says: "My son, My first born, EREV PESACH
Israel." [Shmos 4:22] Monday, April 18th
Shacharit with Siyum for first born 6:30 am / 7:45 am
Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik offered a beautiful insight: Chometz may not be eaten after:
The 'chibah yeseirah' [greater love] that G-d grants man Magen Avraham 10:16 am
Vilna Gaon 10:40 am
over the rest of the creatures of the universe, and the
Chometz must be destroyed by:
'chibah yeseirah' that G-d grants Israel over the rest of the Magen Avraham 11:35 am
nations, comes with responsibilities. Divine Love is not a Vilna Gaon 11:47 am
gratuitous gift. It comes with obligations and requirements. Candle lighting 7:20 pm
Rabbi Akiva passed over the initial mention that man was Mincha 7:25 pm
created in G-d's image and cited the pasuk in Parshas
Noach because it is there that the Torah links man's PESACH I
Divine image with the prohibition of murder: "Whoever Monday night, April 18th
sheds the blood of man among men, his blood shall be Kiddush after (first Seder) 8:20 pm
Tuesday, April 19th
shed, for in the Image of G-d He made man." Where did
Hashkama 8:00 am
G-d "make known to man" his chibah yeseirah? He made Main Shul 9:00 am
it known to him when he taught him his special Beit Midrash 9:15 am
responsibilities. Mincha 7:25 pm

Likewise with the chibah yeseirah of the Jewish people, PESACH II

the initial pasuk alluding to the father-child relationship Tuesday night, April 19th
between G-d and Israel was a gratuitous gift. This Candle lighting after 8:22 pm
appears in a statement directed to Pharaoh. Rabbi Akiva Preparations for the second Seder
should not begin before 8:22 pm
is trying to impress upon Israel that their special
Wednesday, April 20th
relationship with the Almighty binds them to a code of Hashkama 8:00 am
behavior: The pasuk in Devorim makes such a Main Shul 9:00 am
connection: "You are children to Hashem THEREFORE Beit Midrash 9:15 pm
you shall not cut yourselves and you shall not make a Mincha 7:25 pm
bald spot between your eyes for a dead person." The Yom Tov ends after 8:30 pm
chibah yeseirah stems from the fact that the Jewish
people are different. Because they are like children to G- CHOL HAMOED
d, they must act differently. This is how and where He Thursday, Friday 6:30 am/ 7:45 am
Mincha 7:25 pm
makes His special love for them known to them.


By Mark Gersten Candle lighting 7:24 pm
When you kindle Sabbath light Mincha 7:25 pm
Pray for all of us that night Hashkama 8:00 am
When Hashem sees candles bright Main Shul 8:45 am
He wants to render all wrongs, right Beit Midrash 9:00 am
To bring his people joy and health Shir HaShirim is read this morning
Peace and goodness, blessings, health Shiur 6:15 pm
He listens to a woman's prayer Mincha 7:15 pm
When you light candles, He is there Shabbat ends 8:32 pm
Sunday, April 24th 7:30 am/ 8:30 am
Mincha 7:30 pm
Great Neck Synagogue
Shabbat Activities Program Magen Avraham (Rabbi Avraham Gombiner 1633-1683)
Great Neck Synagogue and Gra (Vilna Gaon, 1720-1797)
Shabbat Activities Program
There is a major dispute among the Aharonim as to how to figure
Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Sha'ot Z'maniot – the “halachic” hours (1/12 of the day) upon which
Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi these times are based. According to the Magen Avraham, the day is
Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus reckoned from amud hashahar (dawn) until nightfall. According to
Michael Bleicher, Daniel Schwechter, Rabbinic Interns the Gra, the day begins at sunrise and ends at sunset. Therefore,
Zeev Kron, Cantor the Magen Avraham's times will always be earlier than that of the
Gra. For example, if sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. and sunset is at 6:00
Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus
p.m., the Gra's ending time for K'riat Sh'ma will be 9:00 a.m.,
Mark Twersky, Executive Director whereas the Magen Avraham's ending time will be 8:24. Our shul
Joseph Hecht, President policy is to follow the Gra
Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
                                  SISTERHOOD  BURN BABY BURN
  Due to liability concerns and on the advice of the Fire
We will be collecting the following new items to   Department, we will no longer be hosting a communal
use in “baskets” for the clients of the Nassau County   chometz burning on erev Pesach. The safest way to burn
Coalition against Domestic Violence. When a survivor   your chometz is by using your barbeque grill. There will also
enters a new home or apartment, many times she is left   be no garbage disposal at the synagogue that morning and
without necessary items.  Anything you can donate to   all members are encouraged to dispose of their garbage in
help us fulfill this mission would be greatly appreciated.   the normal way and place the garbage cans by the street
WISH LIST INCLUDES (new items only):  before Pesach begins, disclaiming any ownership of that
NEW HOME BASKET  garbage. The parking lot will be closed following services on
Batteries  erev Pesach morning.
Carbon monoxide detector  KASHER‐IN 
Clock radio  The annual Pre‐Pesach Kasher‐In will take place on Tuesday  
Coffee pot and filters  evening, April 12, from 8:00 pm until 9:30 pm. Please remember 
Dish soap and other cleaning products  that only certain types of materials can be koshered for Pesach 
Dust pan and broom  (see Pesach edition of SCOPE, now available on line at 
Flashlight  www.gns.org). Make sure that the items are clean, polished (if 
Iron  silver) and unused for the previous 24 hours. First come first 
Kitchen trash bags  served. 
Mop and bucket 
Sponge and scrubbers 
PERSONAL CARE BASKET   Chometz Collection: 
(full size products please) Shampoo and    
conditioner,  Please donate your Chometz  
Dental floss, toothbrush, toothpaste, Deodorant,  by dropping it off  
Soap bars, body wash, Slippers (women and   at Rebbetzin Katie Lichter’s  
children) Underwear, socks (women and children).  garage at 76 Berkshire Road. 
Great Neck Synagogue Please put all chometz in the box in her garage which is located 
on the side of her house on Margot Place.  
Annual Family Luncheon  
Established In Memory of Sharon Sokol Heisler z”l
There will be a drop off  
Saturday, May 14, 2011 Wednesday April 13th.  
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Lawrence Schiffman
Beautiful Catered Lunch by Prestige Caterers GNS Passover Food Drive 
$55 per person
In conjunction with the GNS Monthly Chesed Collection 
$20 per child (under 12) Food can be dropped off anytime before April 13,  
(No charge for children under 3) at the Frumkin garage, 31 North Clover Dr.  
For reservations please call or e-mail (All items should be marked OU Passover & dated 2011) 
Mark Twersky Please do not bring any items in glass jars! 
Canned Soups, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, Jelly, 
(516) 487-6100
Matzah Meal, Coffee and Tea. 
Email : [email protected] Sweets: e.g. Marshmallow Twists, Jelly Rings, Macaroons,  
and other Kid Friendly Snacks. 
NAME________________________________________ Tuna, Oil, Pancake Mix and Syrup, Juices, Sponges & Dish Soap 
(Also must be OU Passover). 
Tinfoil, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Napkins & Tissues 
No. of adults_________
and of course Matzah. 
No. of children under 12_______
No. of children under 3_____________ REMEMBER 
Seating request________________________________
Yom Hashoah Commemoration will be held on Sunday, 
Amount enclosed_________________________ evening, May 1, 2011 at 7:30 pm. Guest speaker will be 
Dr. Moshe Avital, child survivor of the Holocaust and 
For more information please call: member of the Hagannah. 
Debbie Hollander (516) 829-2013
Sun. May 22: Israel Bond breakfast honoring Howard & Florin
Silberstein. Mazal Tov to Rebbetzin Elaine Wolf on the birth of a great-
Sun, June 12: The semi-annual Blood Drive. grandson, born to her grandchildren Yael & Daniel Elyeshmerni
Tues & Wed, June 28 & 29: The Annual Defensive Driving Course. in Baltimore.
Sun. July 17: Trip to NYC Jewish Heritage Museum. Mazal Tov to Karen & Adam Zalta on the Bat mitzvah of their
daughter Linzee.
Mazal Tov to Drora Cassel on the birth of a grandson born to her
Great Neck Synagogue Family Luncheon in memory of
Sharon Sokol-Heisler will take place on Shabbat, May 14. daughter Hila and her husband in Israel
Prof. Lawrence Schiffman will be our featured guest speaker at the
luncheon. See page 3.


Back by popular demand, the Sisterhood is offering another free Zumba FIRE DRILL
class on Wednesday evening May 11th, at 8:00pm in the GNS gym Please review fire escape plans that were mailed to you and that are
presented by instructor Michelly from Zumbrazil. Please bring your own around the seats in the Synagogue. We will be holding a Fire Drill in the
water and towel and wear sneakers. Women only. To make a reservation, next month or so.
please contact Kimberly Mayer at [email protected].


Please join us on Tuesday evening, May 3rd at 8:00pm in the
Braun Youth Center for a Sisterhood meeting to discuss and plan our The Cassel family would like to thank Rabbi Polakoff,
calendar for next year. We are expanding and organizing Sisterhood to
create new responsibilities and implement new ideas. We invite everyone to Mark Twersky, friends and the community for their support
come and participate in our new endeavor! and sympathy following the death of Ruby Cassel, father of
The Combined Sisterhoods of Great Neck is launching the first program of Hila and Avi Cassel.
the "Great Neck Sisters' Project", a hands-on charity event to bring together
Great Neck Jewish women. We will be collecting products to donate to the
Nassau County Coalition against Domestic Violece which helps women and
children who are victims of violence and/or sexual abuse. We will collect
products from their wish list and work together to make packages for these Nurit Weiss would like to thank the entire community and friends
victims. Please join us on Thursday, May 12th from 10:00am-12:00pm at
Temple Israel of Great Neck. Please come dressed comfortably and be for their support and sympathy following the death of her mother
prepared to work. A light breakfast will be served. Please drop off donated in Israel.
items in the box outside the synagogue office - thank you very much!
See page 3.
YOM HAATZMAUT A Parlor meeting for Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem will take place on
Those interested in joining a Yom Haatzmaut planning commit- Tuesday, May 10th at the home of Davida & Marc Yehaskel,
tee, please contact Rabbi Lichter by email at [email protected]. We 9 Willow Lane in Great Neck (off Beach Road).
would like your input and ideas to keep this important program
SAVE THE DATE: Aaron Askowitz is raising money to purchase wheel chairs for the Israel Sport
Lag Ba Omer Family Day to Benefit Ohel. We are planning a family outing on Center for the Disabled, as his Bar Mitzvah charity project.
May 22nd with games and activities for children of all ages. More details to Kosher Tailgate Party at 3PM. First pitch 7:10 PM. Individual Game
follow. If you would like to join the committee to help plan the event, tickets, including BBQ range from $150 Better Field level, $100 Field Level,
please email Sara Feldschreiber at [email protected]. $50 Upper Level. Purchase Online at www.ISCD.com Please state the
purpose of your donation in the comments line (Mets-Giants fundraiser).
BEDIKAT CHAMETZ KITS Tickets must be purchased by April 15, 2011 to guarantee delivery.
For more info, see Aaron or Reuben Askowitz.
The synagogue has a limited quantity of Bedikat Chametz kits available
(feather, spoon, candle, bag and all appropriate prayers). You can pick
up, for a donation of your choosing, at the GNS office. First come, first
Sunday, May 1, 7:30 pm. Dr. Moshe Avital will be the guest speaker.
In commemoration of Yom Hashoah, the Sisterhood Gift Shop is selling
"Saving Children: Diary of a Buchenwald Survivor and Rescuer" By
Jack Werber with William B. Helmreich. If you would like to purchase
a book, please contact Diane Rein at [email protected]. Saturday, 12 Nissan
Miriam Glaubach for Rachel Herlinger
Mitchell Siegel for Edith Turner
Please bring your chametz or extra Passover food, including grape
Y Sunday, 13 Nissan
Nadine Eckstein for Tillie Engel
juice, matzo etc. to 18 Birchwood Lane this Friday anytime before
A Monday, 14 Nissan
Annette Forman for Marlene Olk


H Robert Herman for Frank Herman
Shirley Spiegelman for Ida Shankman
Thanks to Farla & William Frumkin for leading this months collection.
Please bring Passover products, including Matzah to their garage at
R Tuesday, 15 Nissan
Mark Gold for Regina Gold
31 North Clover Drive. Please do not bring anything in glass jars or
anything chametz. Chametz will be collected on 4/6 and 4/13 at the Lichter
Z Leonard Kahn for Rachel Kahn
Mina Kotler for Pearl Rodzynek

Wednesday, 16 Nissan
garage. See page 3 for details. Marc Gottlieb for Sarah Schwartzman

Thursday, 17 Nissan
SAVE THE DATE: Paul Brody for Minnie Brody
Judith Traub for Usher Hechtkopf
The NSHA Annual Journal Dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of its High
School and its 56 year tradition of excellence will take place on Thursday, T Friday, 18 Nissan
Marvin Greenwald for Matilda Greenwald
May 26th at Jazz at Lincoln Center, honoring the visionaries who have made Jeff Pulver for Howard Pulver
the HS a reality- Founders, Lisa & Ivan Kaufman and Headmaster, Meyer Singer for Isidore Singer
Dr Daniel Vitow. To place an ad or make a reservation, please call
Mr. Arnie Flatow, Exec. Director at 487-8687ext 133.

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