January 22 Announcements
January 22 Announcements
January 22 Announcements
Rabbi Frand on Parshat Yitro
ARTSCROLL, 394 The Prototype of first copy having been the first day: "On the
HERTZ, 288
Mishpat Amongst destroyed by Moshe next day Moshe said
HAFTORAH the Jewish People following the sin of the to the people, 'You
ARTSCROLL, 1154 Golden Calf). have committed a
HERTZ, 302
The Parsha is named grievous sin!'..." In our
after Yisro, because Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi situation it is just the
Yisro gave Moshe Soloveitchik quotes the reverse -- "On the
Candle Lighting 4:41 pm Rabbeinu good following principle: every next day" refers to the
Friday Mincha 4:40 pm counsel. Moshe time we find the day after a wonderful
Rabbeinu had a expression "And it was on day -- the first Yom
Haskhama 8:00 am
problem - he was the next day" (Vayehi Kippur. On that next
Youth 8:30 am
overwhelmed. People m'mochoras) in the day, Moshe sat in
Parsha Shiur 8:30 am lined up from Torah, the Torah is trying judgment of the
Main Minyan 9:00 am morning until night to to contrast or connect the people.
have him settle their two days. Either
Intermediate 9:00 am
Minyan disputes. Moshe had something terrible The Torah is trying to
no time. Yisro gave happened on the tell us that there is a
Beit Midrash 9:15 am
him the advice to previous day and the connection between
Gemorah Shiur 4:00 pm establish a system of Torah is indicating that the first day of
Mincha 4:30 pm courts. the next day was better, judgment -- the first
or something tremendous day in Jewish history
Shabbat Ends 5:50 pm
Rashi, on the words happened on the where people went for
Sunday Jan. 23 7:30/8:30 am previous day and the dinei Torah (decisions
"And it was on the
next day" [Shmos Torah is indicating that from a Rabbinical
Mon. Thurs. 6:35/7:45 am the next day was infused Court) -- and the Day
18:13], says that this
was the day after with the spirit of the of Atonement. What is
Tues.Wed. Fri. 6:45/7:45 am previous day. the significance of this
Yom Kippur -- the
day Moshe connection?
Late Maariv 8:15 pm descended from the In Shmos 32:30
mountain, following (immediately after the sin Rav Soloveitchik
Mincha Sun./Fri 4:50 pm receipt of the second of the Golden Calf), we described the mood of
copy of the Ten find an example of a the people on that
Latest times for Commandments (the terrible event happening day: they had
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei
January 22 9:40/10:29 am
YES! Our family wants to be part of the New Kol Hanearim Tallis project at GNS.
Please fill in the appropriate area for your family below.
One Name (choose one option) Family Name _____________________________________
First & Last Name ________________________________
Small Stone – 3 Names 1. First & Last Name ______________________________
2. First & Last Name ______________________________
3. First & Last Name ______________________________
Large Family Stone + 5 Names Family Name _____________________________________
1. First Name ____________________________________
2. First Name ____________________________________
3. First Name ____________________________________
4. First Name ____________________________________
5. First Name ____________________________________
Small Family Building + 5 Names Family Name _______ _____________________________
1. First Name ____________________________________
2. First Name ____________________________________
3. First Name ____________________________________
4. First Name ____________________________________
5. First Name ____________________________________
Large Family Building & 8 Names Family Name _____________________________________
Birchat Kohanim – 1st Passuk 1. First Name ____________________________________
Birchat Kohanim – 2nd Passuk 2. First Name ____________________________________
Birchat Kohanim – 3rd Passuk 3. First Name ____________________________________
All 4 Tsitsis 4. First Name _____________ _______________________
Hamalach Hago’el Passuk 5. First Name ______________ ______________________
City of Jerusalem 6. First Name ____________________________________
7. First Name ____________________________________
8. First Name ____________________________________
WOMEN’S TUESDAY LEARNING Gedale Horowitz and Family would like to thank
The Tuesday class with Amit Yagoubi will begin at 10:30 am.
The class will focus on “Tomer Devorah” How to tap into the 13 attrib- Rabbi Polakoff, Rabbi Lichter, Cantor Kron and the
utes of G-D. Five weeks cost $50. Individual classes $12.
entire congregation for their outpouring of sympathy
We welcome new and prospective members of Great Neck Synagogue
and support following the death of their beloved wife
to a Dessert Reception on Saturday evening, February 12th at 8:30pm and mother, Barbara Horowitz, z”l.
at the home of Debbie and Hal Chadow, 50 Dickenson Place. Rabbi
Dale Polakoff will offer welcoming remarks. Please join us!
LITTLE LEAGUE Baseball applications are available in shul office.
January 25, Tuesday 7:45 pm ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS
Truth Be Veiled: A Justin Steele Murder Case GNS Talmud Torah is looking for student tutors one hour per week
By Joel Cohen (author) Carla, T. Main (contributor) on either Monday or Wednesday between 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm.
The original version of this novel was conceived to teach law Chesed hour credits are available. Please contact Rabbi Polakoff at
students about ethics,” Cohen says. “However, folks, including [email protected].
students, were so enthusiastic, I decided to enlist Carla’s help and
turn it into a bona fide murder mystery. It’s difficult for the
layperson to imagine how easily the wheels of justice can get WEDDING GOWN GEMACH
For donations of WEDDING Gowns and Bridal Party Gowns, in excellent
mired in technical issues and layers of truth and falsehood.
condition and professionally cleaned, please contact:
Anyone who cares about justice and the law will hopefully be
Cindy Gold–516 482-9064 or Jenny Scherzer–516 466–3628.
intrigued by an insider’s account.” This program will take place at
the home of Margery & Barry Libin at 19 Shore Park Road. Thank you.
Saturday, 17 Shevat
Stuart Kaufman for Rose Kaufman
WANTED DONATION OF A USED CAR David Sedgh for Yaacov Sedgh
The synagogue is looking for someone to donate a car Paul Wein for Shirlee Wein
for use as a deterrent for security measures. It will be Sunday, 18 Shevat
Victor Ancelson for Carolina Galateanu
painted to look official and a beacon will be installed on Leon Fuks for Bonnye Fuks
the roof. The car does not have to run well, it just has Didi Hutt for Moshe Cohen
to be able to be driven in and around the shul. The body Monday, 19 Shevat
needs to be in decent condition. Please contact Scott Elena Berkowitz for Dvora Fridman
Marc Epstein for Fred Epstein
Danoff if you have such a vehicle, and would like to
Hedva Kessler for Ray Majus
make a tax deductible donation to the shul. Cindy Liebmann for Ralph Geller
Call Scott at 516-606-4922. Y Ellen Siegel for Alter Aviezer Givner
A Fay Smith for Richard E. Smith
Tuesday, 20 Shevat
KOL HANEORIM PROJECT H Benny Hakimi for Mina Hakimi
This year in conjunction with our 59th Annual Journal Dinner we are
launching a new and exciting project in honor of our children. We
R Elizabeth Katzwer for Benjamin Katzwer
Robert Knepper for Elizabeth Knepper
are very blessed to have a shul with so many families, young and Z Tricia Moslin for Harry Solomon
old, with numerous children and grandchildren. Each Simchas
Torah our children and grandchildren gather together under a
E Wednesday, 21 Shevat
Idida Kaplan for Aba Abramovsky
special tallis for Kol Haneorim, an aliyah dedicated to the children. I Iraj Kashani for Monavar Kashani
Our project is to dedicate a new tallis that will be a true piece of
art that will be used each Simchas Torah as well as displayed
T Gitty Louzoun for Israel Malek
Sydelle Slochowsky for Max Olshin
throughout the year. We have commissioned an experienced artist Thursday, 22 Shevat
to design this tallis exclusively for the families of GNS. We know Arnie Flatow for Morris Flatow
that you will want to be a part of this unique and historical GNS Norman Lee for Helen Rose
opportunity. There are a limited number of dedication opportunities Diane Seidle for Louis Melnick
so we ask that you to please respond quickly and generously. We Rita Silverman for Dora Pentol
encourage all families to participate in the project; together we can Friday, 23 Shevat
create a beautiful tallis to cover our children as they receive their Sheila Bachman for Max Bachman
bracha. Please go to the website www.gns.org and see the Philip Hanfling for Yehuda Schneider
Albert Safdieh for Irene Lipstein
rendering of this tallis and the list of donation possibilities.