This Study Resource Was: Finance
This Study Resource Was: Finance
This Study Resource Was: Finance
Additionally, they participate in the M.B.A. program; see the
and personal risk; insurance as a risk management tool.
er as
Master of Business Administration Program in the Catalog.
Prerequisites: ECON:1100 and ECON:1200.
The department also partners with the Emmett J. Vaughan
Institute of Risk Management and Insurance to offer the FIN:3500 Hawkinson Scholar Seminar 1 s.h.
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undergraduate Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance. Advanced skill and understanding required for pursuit of
investment banking, management consulting careers;
Programs specialized résumé and interview training, industry
return analysis, cost of capital, capital budgeting, cash risk management and speculation; pricing relations with
flow estimation; financial statement analysis and financial underlying securities. Prerequisites: FIN:3100 and FIN:3200.
planning. Prerequisites: ECON:1200 and ACCT:2100 and FIN:4220 Fixed Income Securities 3 s.h.
ECON:1100. Corequisites: for finance majors—FIN:3100. Theories of fixed income securities, term structure of interest
Requirements: 60 s.h. completed. rates; asset pricing models, valuation of fixed income
FIN:3020 Professional Finance Seminar 1 s.h. securities and contingent claims, fixed income portfolio
Seminar topics include finance careers, curriculum, management, immunization strategies, yield curve analysis.
understanding of current events, internships, professional Prerequisites: FIN:3000 and FIN:3100. Corequisites: FIN:3200.
designations, ethics, and general finance acumen.
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2 Finance
FIN:4230 Real Estate Process 3 s.h. FIN:4350 Applied Wealth Management 3 s.h.
Fundamentals of real estate finance and investments; How wealth management relates to managing the financial
economic base analysis, asset analysis, market analysis, well-being of individuals; process of determining goals and
mortgage markets, underwriting, alternative mortgages, objectives for someone and assessing their risk tolerances;
mortgage-backed securities, real estate securitization, land development of a strong financial plan involving a variety
development, valuation principles, investment analysis, tax of steps and process including insurance needs, savings
consideration, portfolio management. Prerequisites: FIN:3000 requirements, estate planning, budgeting, asset allocation,
and FIN:3100. and portfolio development; experiential component where
FIN:4240 International Finance 3 s.h. students make recommendations for real clients or a pool of
International monetary systems, exchange rate funds. Prerequisites: FIN:3000 and FIN:3100.
determination, use of currency derivative in hedging and risk FIN:4410 Enterprise Risk Management 3 s.h.
management, currency swaps, foreign direct investment, Analysis and treatment of pure and financial risks faced by
international corporate finance, international capital business organizations; development and implementation
budgeting, international portfolio investment, Third World of the risk management process, application of varied
debt, privatization, joint ventures. Prerequisites: FIN:3000 and risk management techniques to identified exposures; how
FIN:3100 and FIN:3200. businesses manage risk and how insurance is used to manage
FIN:4250 Applied Equity Valuation 3 s.h. the cost of risk; case studies. Prerequisites: FIN:3400.
Equity valuation and portfolio management techniques by FIN:4420 Property and Liability Insurance 3 s.h.
investment professionals; economic forecasting, industry Fundamentals of commercial property and liability insurance;
analysis, financial statement analysis, spreadsheet modeling, commercial property and liability contracts, functions of
cost of capital estimation, equity valuation and portfolio property and liability insurers; regulation and financial
construction; students manage the University of Iowa's Krause analysis of property and liability insurers; marketing,
er as
Fund (an endowed equity portfolio that blends academic underwriting, rate making, claim settlements. Prerequisites:
rigor with real-world portfolio management experience). FIN:3400.
Prerequisites: FIN:3100 and FIN:3000. Requirements: UI
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FIN:4430 Life and Health Insurance 3 s.h.
cumulative g.p.a. of at least 2.80. Types of life insurance and annuity contracts and their
FIN:4310 Advanced Corporate Finance 3 s.h. uses; regulation of life and health insurers; development of
Understanding and evaluating major corporate actions such financial plans using life insurance products; Social Security,
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as mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, spin offs, group, and individual health insurance products, including
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and debt and equity issuance; introduction to venture capital major medical, disability income, long-term care policies;
and leveraged buyouts; includes a substantial experiential marketplace analysis; contractual provisions, determination
learning component and attempts to nudge students away of human life values, mathematics of life contingencies and
from textbook-based learning towards acquiring practical pricing. Prerequisites: FIN:3400.
skills needed to succeed in the corporate finance industry; FIN:4440 Employee Benefit Plans 3 s.h.
students will be required to collect and evaluate financial Management of employee benefit plans (e.g., group life
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information and be challenged to think beyond the lecture and health insurance, retirement programs); design,
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material presented in the classroom. Prerequisites: FIN:3100 administration, and financing of employee benefits;
and FIN:3300. federal administration of employee benefit plans; funding
FIN:4320 Commercial Banking 3 s.h. requirements, financial alternatives; funding and vesting
Management of commercial banks and financial service firms; of retirement annuities; design and management of health
asset and liability management, credit policy, capital risk, care plans, including "cafeteria" approach and nonqualified
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liquidity planning, use of swaps and derivatives to hedge deferred compensation arrangements; economic effects and
interest rate risk, global banking, investment strategies. financing employee benefits and retirement plans in private
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and strategic advice to companies and governments; recent where risk analysis has become important (i.e., finance,
global financial crisis; how banker's role as intermediary insurance, corporate risk management, personal financial
between companies and markets adds value and creates planning); principles of probability theory, mathematical
conflicts and risk. Prerequisites: FIN:3100 and FIN:3300 and finance, and actuarial science developed for use
FIN:3000. in quantitative analysis of important risk management
FIN:4340 Wealth Management 3 s.h. problems; spreadsheet-based course. Prerequisites: FIN:3000.
Financial services for client wealth management; how to FIN:4460 Insurer Operations and Captive
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Finance 3
FIN:4999 Honors Thesis in Finance arr. FIN:9160 Quantitative Finance and Deep
Independent student project directed by faculty or staff Learning 0,3 s.h.
advisor; culminates in thesis that conforms to University Quantitative techniques in investment and trading with
of Iowa Honors Program guidelines; may include empirical focus on machine learning approaches; introduction to
research, library research, applied projects. Prerequisites: quantitative approaches already popular in investment
BUS:1999. and trading including quantitative security selection,
FIN:7110 Finance Theory I 3 s.h. portfolio construction, statistical arbitrage, and algorithm
Consumption-based models of asset pricing; arbitrage, trading; emerging machine learning techniques in financial
contingent claims; market efficiency and information industry including advanced regression methods, news
economics, behavioral models; emphasis on theory. sentiment analysis, and deep learning with applications in
Requirements: Ph.D. enrollment. price forecasting and high frequency trading. Corequisites:
BAIS:6060 or BAIS:6040, if not taken as a prerequisite.
FIN:7120 Seminar in Corporate Finance 3 s.h.
Valuation (DCF and CAPM); valuation under certainty, FIN:9200 Portfolio Management 2-3 s.h.
uncertainty; financial structure, cost of capital; dividend Introduction to fundamental elements of modern portfolio
policy; firm investment in perfect, imperfect capital markets. theory, application to investment analysis; investment
Requirements: Ph.D. enrollment. environment, instruments, types of investors; concepts of risk
and return, broad perspective on historical risk and return of
FIN:7130 Finance Theory II 3 s.h. various asset classes; asset allocation decision, risk and return
Continuous time theories of financial markets, including dynamics of a multiple securities portfolio; varied asset pricing
connection between an arbitrage-free pricing system and models, how capital markets work for investors and users of
martingales; pricing of contingent claims, general equilibrium capital. Prerequisites: MBA:8180.
and term structure theory. Requirements: Ph.D. enrollment.
FIN:9210 Derivatives 2-3 s.h.
er as
FIN:7140 Advanced Empirical Finance 3 s.h. Examination of the wide range of derivative securities that
Market efficiency and term structure theory tests; tests of cover the financial landscape; the market place, trading,
asset pricing models, dividend policy and financial structure and investors; different derivative securities in existence,
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issues. Requirements: Ph.D. enrollment. their relationship with the underlying securities, and pricing;
FIN:7850 Seminar in Finance 1 s.h. applications of derivative securities to risk management
Requirements: Ph.D. enrollment. and speculation; application of principles to fixed income,
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FIN:7950 Directed Reading in Finance - Ph.D. arr.
international finance, real estate, and securitization.
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Prerequisites: MBA:8180.
Requirements: Ph.D. enrollment.
FIN:9220 Fixed Income Securities 2-3 s.h.
FIN:7975 Thesis in Business arr. Conceptual framework and tools to undertake the valuation of
FIN:9000 Directed Readings in Finance - M.B.A. arr. fixed income securities and the management of fixed income
FIN:9001 Directed Readings in Finance - Master of portfolios; varied fixed income instruments and the markets in
Science in Finance arr. which they trade; introduction to basic building blocks of fixed
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Coursework and topics negotiated between student and income analysis, including concepts of duration, convexity,
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instructor on a case-by-case basis. Prerequisites: MBA:8180. and term structure of interest rates; application of concepts
in bond portfolio immunization strategies; use of interest rate
FIN:9010 Contemporary Topics in Finance arr. derivatives in portfolio hedging applications. Prerequisites:
FIN:9140 Enterprise Risk Management 2-3 s.h. MBA:8180.
Analysis and treatment of risks faced by businesses; how FIN:9225 Applied Fixed Income Analysis - Hart
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process, and explores the application of various risk in which the fund operates; students analyze and
management techniques to identified exposures; use of recommend fixed income investments, implement controls
case studies to study how businesses manage risk, and how to monitor fund's performance; decisions and investment
insurance and other risk management tools help reduce the recommendations are made by students; each student is
cost of risk. Prerequisites: MBA:8180.
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4 Finance
MBA:8180. and opportunities for students to help solve; students work
er as
FIN:9270 Security Analysis 3 s.h. with the companies and a faculty member to provide an
analysis of the situation and proposals of actions to be taken.
Valuation of financial securities (primarily equities) using
Prerequisites: MBA:8180.
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discounted cash flow model; industry, regulatory analysis;
financial statement analysis; active portfolio management; FIN:9391 Thesis in Finance - Master of Science in
value-based management techniques; valuation of firms Finance arr.
outside the United States. Prerequisites: MBA:8180. Students conduct original research in finance, supervised
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FIN:9290 Alternative Investments and Portfolio by a Department of Finance faculty member. Prerequisites:
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Strategies 2-3 s.h. MBA:8180.
Alternative investments including hedge funds, private equity FIN:9400 Professional Development and Business
funds, and venture capital vehicles; purpose of alternative Acumen 0-3 s.h.
investment, including the risk/return profile of alternatives Preparation for postgraduate careers and exposure to relevant
and correlations with traditional asset classes; specific information that does not fit cleanly into academic work; how
hedge fund styles, strategies, risk profiles; portfolio strategy to grow a professional network and build depth of knowledge
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topics including diversification benefits, management of and breadth of business acumen; focus on helping students
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downside risk, international diversification, behavioral finance, investigate various finance roles, land the all-important
performance measures, and performance attribution analysis. summer and postgraduate employment, and demonstrate
Prerequisites: MBA:8180. professionalism in business; informational input on current
FIN:9300 Corporate Investment and Financing trends/topics from outside business professionals, along with
Decisions 2-3 s.h. shared student experiences, are important cornerstones and
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Underpinnings and optimization of corporations’ investment require student preparation and participation. Requirements:
admission to M.S. in finance.
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