Define The Following Words. Use The Definition That Best Fits Each Sentence. Keep This Packet As A Guide As We Read Chapters 3-4

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When in tranquility, her grammar was as “He didn’t have any lunch,” I said, and explained

good as anybody’s in Maycomb. Pg. 27 my involvement in Walter’s dietary affairs. Pg. 25

Tranquility: ______________________
___________________________________ _________ _____________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________
___________________________________ _______________________________________
___________________________________ _______________________________________
Define the following
words. Use the
definition that best
She was furious, and when she was furious
Calpurnia’s grammar became erratic. Pg. 27 fits each sentence. “He examined Walter with an air of speculation.”
Pg. 25
Keep this packet as a
Erratic:_________________________ guide as we read
__________________________________ chapters 3-4 _________ _______________________________
__________________________________ ________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________

Atticus was expounding upon farm problems Jems free dispensation of my ledge irked me, but
when Walter interrupted to ask if there was precious noon time minutes were ticking away. Pg.
any molasses in the house. Pg. 27 26
Expounding:_____ ____ ______________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________

S. Scott—Cincinnati Public Schools A2S/A2E Program (2012) 1

…staying behind to advise Atticus of Calpurnia’s “He’s liable to start somethin’, and there’s some
iniquities was worth a solitary sprint past the little folks here.” Pg. 30
Radley Place. Pg. 28
Iniquities: ______________________ Liable: ______________________________
_________________________________ _________ _____________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
__________________________________ _______________________________________
__________________________________ _______________________________________
Define the following
words. Use the
…staying behind to advise Atticus of
definition that best
Calpurnia’s iniquities was worth a solitary fits each sentence. He was among the most diminutive of men, but
sprint past the Radley Place. Pg. 28 when Burris Ewell turned towards him… Pg. 30
Keep this packet as a
Solitary:___________________________ guide as we read
__________________________________ chapters 3-4 _________ _______________________________
__________________________________ ________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________

The boy did not answer. He gave a short “Thank you, darlings,” dispersed us, opened a book
contemptuous snort. Pg. 30 and mystified the first grade… Pg. 31

Contemptuous:________ ______________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________

S. Scott—Cincinnati Public Schools A2S/A2E Program (2012) 2

My replies were monosyllabic and he did not “If you’ll concede the necessity of going to school,
press me. Pg. 31 we’ll go on reading every night just as we always
have.” Pg. 35

He waited in amiable silence, and I sought

to reinforce my position… Pg. 32 “I’m afraid our activities would be received with
considerable disapprobation by the more learned
authorities.” Pg. 35

In Maycomb County, hunting out of season was a The remainder of my school days were no more auspicious
misdemeanor at law, a capital felony in the eyes of than the first. Pg. 36
the populace. Pg. 34

S. Scott—Cincinnati Public Schools A2S/A2E Program (2012) 3

Monosyllabic: ___________________
Jem arbitrated, awarded me first punch with an extra Concede:_____________________________
time for Dill and I folded myself inside the tire. Pg. 41 _________ _____________________________
__________________________________ ______________________________________
Arbitrated: ________________________
__________________________________ _______________________________________
__________________________________ _______________________________________
_____________________________________ Define the following
_____________________________________ words. Use the
definition that best
_____________________________________ He had discarded the abominable blue shorts that
fits eachthe
Define sentence.
following were buttoned to his shirts. Pg. 40
Keep this Use the as a
guide as we that best
Amiable:__________________________ Abominable:____________________________
fits each sentence.
chapters 3-4
_________ _____________________________
_________ _______________________________
__________________________________ Keep this packet as a ______________________________________
guide as we read _______________________________________
chapters 3-4 _________________________________________
__________________________________ _______________________________________

…and felt it best to keep my mouth shut or

I would be accused of believing in Hot Auspicious:_______________________________
Steam, ___________
phenomena I was ______________
immune to in the __________________________________________
daytime. Pg. 43 __________________________________________
Phenomena:_______________________ __________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________ S. Scott—Cincinnati Public Schools A2S/A2E Program (2012) 4

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