Define The Following Words. Use The Definition That Best Fits Each Sentence. Keep This Packet As A Guide As We Read Chapters 3-4
Define The Following Words. Use The Definition That Best Fits Each Sentence. Keep This Packet As A Guide As We Read Chapters 3-4
Define The Following Words. Use The Definition That Best Fits Each Sentence. Keep This Packet As A Guide As We Read Chapters 3-4
Tranquility: ______________________
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Define the following
words. Use the
definition that best
She was furious, and when she was furious
Calpurnia’s grammar became erratic. Pg. 27 fits each sentence. “He examined Walter with an air of speculation.”
Pg. 25
Keep this packet as a
Erratic:_________________________ guide as we read
__________________________________ chapters 3-4 _________ _______________________________
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Atticus was expounding upon farm problems Jems free dispensation of my ledge irked me, but
when Walter interrupted to ask if there was precious noon time minutes were ticking away. Pg.
any molasses in the house. Pg. 27 26
Expounding:_____ ____ ______________ __________________________________________
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The boy did not answer. He gave a short “Thank you, darlings,” dispersed us, opened a book
contemptuous snort. Pg. 30 and mystified the first grade… Pg. 31
Contemptuous:________ ______________ __________________________________________
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In Maycomb County, hunting out of season was a The remainder of my school days were no more auspicious
misdemeanor at law, a capital felony in the eyes of than the first. Pg. 36
the populace. Pg. 34