Report On Corporate Mentoring
Report On Corporate Mentoring
Report On Corporate Mentoring
The gap in
North American
corporate mentorship
To find out, we interviewed & surveyed employees from 50+ leading North
American companies
Despite the value of mentorship,
not all companies facilitate it
68 percent of employees think Yet only 57 percent of
mentorship is either important companies have a formal
or very important mentorship program
Even when formal programs
exist, it’s often not enough
HR never followed-up on
pairings in 65 percent of
programs to see if mentors
met their mentees “My mentor had already left
the company by the time I
How Together can help
“I never reached out to my In addition to assisting in the
mentor and he never
reached out to me” scheduling of meetings, Together
follows-up with mentees to confirm
“I met my mentor once, but
they met their mentor and check on
didn’t have a good personal how valuable they found the meeting
Many factors influence a good
mentor-mentee pairing
Percent of employees who think each criterion for pairing is either
important or very important
Customizable Secure
Not every program is the same. That’s It’s hard to know who you can trust
why we allow you to tailor the program with your employee data, that’s why
without requiring a developer. we’re SOC 2 certified.