Report On Corporate Mentoring

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The gap in
North American
corporate mentorship

Report on corporate mentorship

May 2020
When done right, mentorship clearly improves employee
retention and performance . . .

Those intending to stay with Mentoring connections Mentorship is the most

their organization for more made early on are related to effective diversity initiative and
than five years are twice as productivity levels five years can boost the representation
likely to have a mentor (68 later of minority groups at the
percent) than not (32 percent) manager level by 9 to 24%
- Google re:Work employee study
- Deloitte Millennial Survey - Cornell University IRL School
research paper
But how are North American corporations performing?

To find out, we interviewed & surveyed employees from 50+ leading North
American companies
Despite the value of mentorship,
not all companies facilitate it
68 percent of employees think Yet only 57 percent of
mentorship is either important companies have a formal
or very important mentorship program

How Together can help

Together provides an end-to-end
mentorship platform that makes it
easy to implement and administer a
best-practice mentorship program
right out of the box

Even when formal programs
exist, it’s often not enough

70 percent of employees 63 percent of formal 49 percent of

think 2 - 3 mentors is the programs only provide 1 employees have 1
ideal number mentor mentor or less

How Together can help

Together’s software can make it easy
to support multiple programs where
Mentorship needs change over
time but programs don’t adapt
Percent of employees who think a senior or junior mentor is
important or very important by tenure

How Together can help

Together uses contextual pairing to
pair the right mentors with mentees at
the right time

Mentee tenure In addition to accounting for a

mentee’s tenure, Together also
evaluates a mentee’s evolving goals
“I didn't have “A junior mentor is “My company never
anything to ask my super useful at the updated my pairing
senior mentor when I beginning to ask all as my needs
first joined” the stupid questions” changed”
Mentees want consistent
mentorship sessions

49 percent of employees But aren’t always able to get

want mentorship mentorship frequently
once per month enough

“I’m nervous to put time on How Together can help

my mentor’s calendar
because he’s very busy” Our mentorship platform automatically
helps schedule mentor and mentee
“I wish our program was meetings at the appropriate cadence
more structured on when to
meet our mentors”
to ensure mentees get the time they
“My program didn’t provide
any support in scheduling
Lack of follow-up means mentees
fall through the cracks

HR never followed-up on
pairings in 65 percent of
programs to see if mentors
met their mentees “My mentor had already left
the company by the time I
How Together can help
“I never reached out to my In addition to assisting in the
mentor and he never
reached out to me” scheduling of meetings, Together
follows-up with mentees to confirm
“I met my mentor once, but
they met their mentor and check on
didn’t have a good personal how valuable they found the meeting
Many factors influence a good
mentor-mentee pairing
Percent of employees who think each criterion for pairing is either
important or very important

How Together can help

Together makes it easy to collect the
relevant information and incorporate it
into the pairings

Moreover, it uses AI to learn over time

what makes the best pairings in your
“My pairings felt like “I need my mentor to “I didn’t relate to my
HR randomly have similar interests mentor at all”
assigned them” to build a personal
Organic mentorship is the
most valuable, but needs
support too
63 percent of mentees found Yet programs don’t provide
their most valuable mentor support for these types of
outside of a formal program mentors
How Together can help
“I wish there was more
support for mentoring Together doesn’t only focus
outside of the assigned
on forced pairing

If a mentee finds a mentor organically,

“When it comes to finding
our platform still supports this
your own mentor, you’re on
your own” relationship by helping guide the
mentors and mentees to meet at the
right frequency and keep their
“I have people I think are my
mentor, but I can’t be sure” conversations focused on goals
Diversity group pairing is
essential for some, but not all
41 percent of employees from diversity 28 percent of employees from diversity
groups think it’s important or very groups think it’s not important or
important that a mentor come from the somewhat not important that a mentor
same group come from the same group

How Together can help

Together allows employees to
anonymously identify with a
diversity group, which will be
incorporated in their mentorship

“There are some “I don’t think my “I’d be comfortable if

questions I would minority group has I knew it was
only be comfortable any unique completely
asking another challenges” anonymous”
woman” 11
Together manages your program from end-to-end

Registration Pairing Scheduling Development Reporting

Key information collected Support for both “admin Help for reminding users Pairings reminded before All interactions through
through a simple led” and “mentee led” to schedule sessions at each session of mentee’s the platform are captured
registration process pairing processes. an appropriate pace. goals as well as best making it easy for HR to
practice tips report on the program’s
Integrates with existing HR Advanced recommendation Platform tracks success and make
data to simplify registration and optimization algorithms mentorship session Follow-up measures how adjustments where
process help when necessary scheduling and can mentees and mentors are needed
assist if necessary progressing

Email & Calendar HRIS

Integrations Integrations
and more. . .
Why Together?
Simple Results focused
Every product decision we make is From our reporting to our pricing we
focused on how can we make this want to drive meaningful business
simpler for our users. results and be aligned with your goals

Customizable Secure
Not every program is the same. That’s It’s hard to know who you can trust
why we allow you to tailor the program with your employee data, that’s why
without requiring a developer. we’re SOC 2 certified.

Scalable Accessible on All Devices

Scale comfortably with as many Our end user platform is mobile
programs and employees as you responsive and works across all
need (100,000+). devices


[email protected]

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