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High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) - An Alternate For Improvement of Voltage Drop Profile

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)

ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015

High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS)-An

Alternate for Improvement of Voltage Drop Profile
Ritula Thakur, Puneet Chawla

ABSTRACT: In the past, the consumption of electricity is prime high voltage lines are extended to as nearer to the loads as
motto, as it is available in lot with a capacity to do work, but as possible and erect the small size transformers. HVDS
the time spent, now time is to conserve the electricity not to system aims at LT less system or less LT lines and the
consume the electrical energy. In fact, it has become essential
ingredient for improving the quality of life and its absence is
unavoidable short LT lengths to be covered by insulated
associated with poverty and poor quality of life. Sub-transmission wires like ABC (Aerial Bunched Cables) [1]. The major
and distribution systems constitute the link between electricity advantages of using ABC in HVDS are that the faults on LT
utilities and consumers. Efficient functioning of the segment of lines are totally eliminated. As the authorized consumers do
the electricity utility is essential to sustain the growth of the not allow unauthorized tapping by another consumer as their
power sector and the economy of the country. So, the present transformer gets overloaded or may get damaged, resulting
situation is characterized by unacceptable high losses, power
quality and reliability of supply, billing sector, revenue collection,
in outage of power supply for longer durations. It is noticed
frequent interruptions in supply and thus consumer that the investment on conversion from conventional low
dissatisfaction etc. Distribution Sector requires economical voltage system into HVDS is recovered by way of loss
system to provide electrical energy at a suitable prize and at a reduction within a period of 3 to 5 years in most cases.
minimum voltage drop to reduce the voltage regulation. So, we Intiatives: AT&C loss REDUCTION [2] There are two
require the economical way to provide the electrical energy by technological interventions for T&D loss reduction used in
State Electricity Boards to various consumers at minimum
voltage drop and reduce the regulation of voltage. This paper
the distribution systems:
presents the various aspects of High Voltage Distribution System 1. Energy Audit upto the DT level: prioritizing focus.
commissioned for improvement of voltage drop profile in the 2. HVDS and LT ABC Implementation: Technology
distribution sectors for economical way to customer’s interventions for theft prevention.
satisfaction. These are methodologies used in the distribution sectors
Keywords: Low voltage distribution system (LVDS), High controlled by State Electricity Boards, but the time
Voltage Distribution system (HVDS), Aerial Bunched Cables consumption are more and thus, the result are not
(ABCs), Annual savings, Payback period, voltage profile. satisfactory and upto the desired level.


HVDS system is to reconfigure the existing Low voltage It is found that around 30% of losses are occurred during the
(LT) network as High Voltage Distribution System, wherein transmission and distribution of power in our country. So, it
the 11kV line is taken as neat to the loads as possible and is necessary to look for various reasons for higher losses in
the LT power supply is fed by providing appropriate the existing LT system. The main reasons are:-
capacity transformers and minimum length of LT lines with 1. Lengthy distribution lines.
an objective to provide quality power supply, reduction of 2. Inadequate size of conductors.
T&D losses and better consumer services. In the existing 3. Over-rated distribution transformers and hence their
system of LT system, large capacity transformers are under utilization.
provided at one point and the connections to each load is 4. Low voltage (less than declared voltage) appearing at
extended through the LT lines. This long length of LT lines transformers and consumers terminals.
is causing low voltage conditions to the majority of 5. Distribution transformer not located at load centre on
consumers and high technical losses. In the HVDS projects, the secondary distribution system/
long length LT mains are converted into 11kV mains and 6. Low power factor.
thereby installing the appropriate capacity distribution 7. Poor HT/LT ratio.
transformer as near as to the end point and the supply is 8. Too many stages of transformation.
provided to the consumer at suitable voltage level. By 9. Higher transformer losses.
converting the LT lines into HVDS system, the current 10. Bad workmanship.
flowing through the lines shall reduce by 28 times and will 11. Direct tapping by the non-customers.
bring down the technical losses in the LT lines drastically. 12. Pilferage by the existing customers.
HVDS system is the most effective method in reducing the 13. Defective metering, billing and collection functions.
technical losses and improving the power quality of supply
in power distribution network. In this system,

Manuscript Received on January 2015.

Ritula Thakur, Asset. Prof. Electrical Engg. Dept, National Institute of
Technical Teacher’s Training & Research, Chandigarh
Puneet Chawla, Asset. Prof. Electrical Engg. Dept., Ch. Devi Lal State
Institute of Engg. & Tech., Panniwala Mota (Sirsa)

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Retrieval Number: C0803023315/2015©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
16 & Sciences Publication
High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS)-An Alternate for Improvement of Voltage Drop Profile

Technical losses Commercial losses

 Ill maintained equipment and substations, ageing  Theft and pilferage.

transformers.  Low metering efficiency.
 Inadequate investments for infrastructure  Non-reading of meters.
improvements.  Faulty meter reading.
 Overloading of system elements like transformers,  Inefficient billing.
feeders, conductors etc.  Under billing.
 Insufficient reactive power compensation e.g.  Faulty bill distribution.
inappropriate capacitor banks.  Software errors.
 No re-configuration of feeder lines and distribution  Prolonged disputes.
transformers so as to reduce the length of LT lines and  Inadequate revenue collection.
 Non usage of smaller size energy efficient  Revenue accounts not updated regularly and
distribution transformers  Insufficient collection avenues.
9. Considerable reduction in the line losses are there and
III.ADOPTION OF HIGH VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION consequent there is savings in power purchase cost.
SYSTEM (HVDS) [3] 10. No additional generation capacity is needed for giving new
Adoption of HVDS by converting existing LVDS to HVDS loads due to reduction in power drawls.
reduce the technical losses appreciably. This can be 11. Since the losses are reduced considerably, power can be
explained by one single illustration that for a 100kVA load, supplied to additional loads without any further investment
the amperes at 11kV is 5Amps whereas it is 140Amp. at LT of infrastructure.
voltage of 415Volts. The loads in rural areas are widely HVDS envisages running 11kV right upto a cluster of 6 to
dispersed and to feed a small load. LT lines run for long 10 customers or 2 to 3 pump sets, employ small sized
distances. Prior to introduction of HVDS 11kV 3-Φ lines distribution transformers (15kVA) and extend supply to
were being run up to large sized 3-Φ transformers these customers with least LT lines. Thus keeping the above
11kV/433V from which lengthy 3-Φ LT lines were run. parameters, HVDS system can be classified as:-
Such a system is not suitable especially for rural areas, as 1. Single phase single neutral HVDS system.
voltage profiles are weak, poor, losses are high and outages 2. 2-phase 2-wire system and
in supply are also high. HVDS envisages running 11kV3. 3-phase HVDS system.
lines right upto a cluster of 6-10 customers, employing small 1-Φ HVDS system: In this practice, 1-phase high voltage
sized distribution transformers (15kVA) and extending 11kV line is taken near to consumer and it is taken near to
supply with nil LT lines. In case of LT lines of 415V, 3-Φ, consumer & stepped down to lower voltage. 1-phase
efficiency of the electric gadgets is also affecting and transformer is connected between phase & neutral (earth). 1-
breakdown is also very high. Also there is a tendency of Φ system is mostly used on domestic areas. Neutral point/
unauthorized connections to hook to the LT lines which line can be drawn from the substation otherwise multi
grounding can be done near to transformer to provide the
results in over loading of the transformers and failure of
power supply to consumers. Loads can be connected to
transformer. So, HVDS scheme consists of converting the
transformer by using LT Air bunched cable to avoid theft
existing 3-Φ 4-wires lines to 11kV systems using the
due to authorized tapings. 1-Φ HVDS system can be
existing supports and providing intermediate poles wherever applicable for:-
necessary and individual transformers are provided. The
length of LT lines is restricted to less than 300meters,  Medium / Low density areas where 1-phase consumers are
whereas in HVDS system lines are extended to as nearer to spread.
the loads as possible and erect small size transformers. This  Areas where building clearance is difficult.
system aims at LT less system or less LT systems.  Areas where roads are narrow.
 Absence of proper planned civil layout.
ADVANTAGES OF HVDS SYSTEM  Areas where no difficulties in multi grounding is there.
1. LV system losses can be minimized to the lowest level.  Areas where no difficulties in laying new neutral line from
2. Pilferage can be minimized by introducing this system. substation are there.
3. Comparative analysis of reconfiguration of existing LV 1-Φ HVDS system was first attempted as 1-phase system,
distribution system with HVDS concepts. running one phase of 11kV and one neutral wire from
4. The registered customers will feel ownership and take 33/11kV substations, install small sized 5, 10 or 15kVA
responsibility. single-phase transformers 6.3kV/230-0-230V and changing
5. Failure will be minimal because of no over loading and all 3-Φ pump sets to –Φ pump sets. Fig. 1 shows the 1-Φ
no middling of LT lines. HVDS system for rural residential consumers.
6. In the event of equipment failure only limited number of
customers will get affected instead of maximum
customers in original system.
7. Customer has sense of ownership.
8. Prevention of unauthorized loads is more effective.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0803023315/2015©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
17 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015

system as per IEC regulations from 407.57V to 414.16V to

the last consumer on the agricultural feeder. In the
distribution system,
(i) 8% voltage drop is allowed between primary of 1 st
transformer & end of secondary of last transformer with
maximum load on circuit.
(ii) Regulators are set up to provide a voltage at primary of
1st transformer of about 4% more than normal voltage.
The size of secondary distribution is to be designed for
voltage drop is such that it is within the limits to maintain
voltage at last consumer’s premises the limit.
The methods of reduction of losses and maintaining the
voltage profile constant in Distribution system by
implementing HVDS over LVDS had been studies with the
MATLAB simulation applied on Distribution System [5].
The voltage profile is seen as constant profile throughout
with different RL loads and different ratings of Induction
3-Φ HVDS system: Existing LT lines are upgraded to 11kV motors, located at different distances from the distribution
and small capacity 3-Φ Distribution Transformers (15kVA) transformers (DTRs) such as nearer to 100kVA transformer,
are employed. The 3-Φ load is feed by the 3-Φ small at some distance, located far away and at the extreme corner
capacity transformer. This results in improvements in tail- of the DTRs. The rating of the distribution transformers
end voltage, reduction of losses etc. in this practice, 3-Φ (DTRs) should be judiciously selected to keep the losses in
high voltage 11kV line is taken near to consumers and it is the permissible limits. For the existing LVDS system, the
stepped down to lower voltage. Depending on requirement appropriate capacity of distribution transformer may be
of loads, 3-Φ or 1-Φ supply is used in Industrial areas. The taken as very nearly equal to the maximum demand at good
raring of transformers used are 400kVA, 315 kVA, 250 power factor, but the voltage profile at the extreme
kVA, 160 kVA, 100 kVA, 63 kVA and 25 kVA. Loads are corner/load point is as least as not required as per the IEC
connected by using LT Air bunched cables for to avoid regulations. This is due to power factor demand of the loads.
unauthorized tapings. Simulation studies have shown that by having Express
3-Φ HVDS system can be applicable for:- feeders, the voltage profile can improve and losses can be
 Medium / Low density areas where mixed load reduced by around 25% & a total benefit of 50% loss
conditions 3-phase or 1-phase consumers are spread. reduction can be achieved by HVDS system [6]. The
 To avoid theft due to unauthorized tapings. implementation of high voltage distribution systems is not
 Design of Low loss system. carried out on all rural feeders which can be taken in war
 Requirement for higher reliability of system. footing.

As the physical survey of the urban and rural distribution PROTECTION SCHEMES [7] The distribution circuit
feeders, it was found that the following parameters cause the neutrals and equipment are earthed (i) to stabilize the circuit
extensive increase in the losses & decrease in revenues voltage to earth, (ii) to provide maximum protection by
generation:- limiting the voltage stress to earth of the insulation of the
 Lengthy overhead lines. equipment and (iii) to provide the maximum safety to
 Over rated Transformers installations. operators. The neutral of the distribution system is grounded
 Under-sizing of conductors. properly. The main protection provided for the distribution
 Poor maintenance of the lines and installed transformers system is (i) protection against the lightning using valve
in the urban areas. type of expulsion type lightning arrestors and (ii) over-
 Magnetostiction and oil leakage in the transformers. current protection using fuses and fused cut-outs, circuit-
 Poor combinational conductor laying in the urban areas. breakers are used for heavy short-circuit currents and also
 Installations of many transformers to feed many automatic reclosers. The protective devices are well-
consumers in one vicinity. coordinated.
 Poor/ No Tap changing installed on the feeders. The installations of Fast-acting current limiting devices in
 Poor jointing and termination of the consumers. the electrical distribution system in order to reduce the
short-circuit current to acceptable values [8]. The type of
 Inefficiency in power factor improvement.
electrical distribution system depends on many factors, one
of the most important being the amount of power required.
The comparison of existing Low voltage distribution system
Other factors such as the availability of the power supply are
with proposed high voltage distribution system (HVDS) in
equally important but not directly related to the maximum
terms of losses in the agricultural feeders had been
available short-circuit current. In addition to the higher
investigated and with the feasibility of the proposed work,
values of short-circuit current, the nominal current will
the annual savings of Rs. 86.325 lakhs with a payback
period of 2.27 years was computed [4]. The HVDS system
had also improved the voltage profile in the distribution

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0803023315/2015©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
18 & Sciences Publication
High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS)-An Alternate for Improvement of Voltage Drop Profile

Current limiters are good solutions to solve the problem of DTR utilization factor is 34%. So, HVDS presents one of
unacceptably high short-circuit currents in industrial sites. the best least cost options for reducing the distribution losses
Their use has been proven over the years and in addition to and for providing reliable and quality supply to the
clearing severe faults, they also reduce the strain on healthy consumers of Delhi. The payback period calculated is about
equipment by limiting the peak currents and thus the 3.2years.
mechanical stresses the downstream equipment. Current
limiters can be easily integrated into the MCB Set line up VI. CONCLUSION
and thus be designed and installed like a medium-voltage
It is found that the substantial amount of generated power is
being wasted as transmission and distribution losses. So,
loss minimization in power system has assumed greater
significance. HVDS scheme has led to the formulation of
The following criteria is followed for analyzing HVDS new technique of energy management and minimization of
network for its implementation:- losses. The adoption of HVDS has been indicated as the
 Data Source is required which can be taken by GIS. necessary factor in efficient energy distribution and
 Sum of Sanctioned Loads (for all zones of distributed developing the proper utilization of electricity. It is
feeders)/Maximum demand Index (MDI) for individual concluded that the use of distribution transformer (DTRs) of
connections on individual transformers to be taken with small rating for two or three consumers has reduced the
appropriate diversity factors for domestic loads where no. of outages, transformer and power losses due to low current
connections are more than 4 and for non-domestic loads and pilferage to a great extent. The restricting of LVDS as
where no. of connections are more than 8. HVDS in agricultural field presents one of the best
 Suitable load growth (feeder specific) is applied on technically feasible and financially viable method for
individual transformer to estimate loading on transformers reliable and quality power to the consumers. HVDS system
after 2-5 years. is more advantageous as it has improved voltage profile and
 For every transformer, where proposed loading is more reduced power losses. Even though there is a drawback of
than 90% to its rated capacity, proposal in form of load shirt high initial investment, payback period is very less. One
on nearby unloaded transformer, swapping with under- more drawback of this system is that it is only concentrated
loaded transformer, augmentation of transformer or addition to the agricultural sectors, the same work can be extended to
of new transformer can be given. the commercial, large residential and unbalanced
 Prioritization of proposals based on proposed loading on distribution systems. The protection of the HVDS scheme is
the transformer and cost implications may be formed. also the major concern for its efficient use, as the chances of
By meticulously following the above mentioned steps, the failure of supply to the consumers are significantly large.
Distribution Transformer utilization factor have
considerably increased as compared to past features. REFERENCES
1. Report of TATA Power DDL, Delhi, July, 2014.
V. EFFORTS TO ENCOURAGE ADOPTION 2. Rakesh Das Begamudre, “Energy Conversion Systems”, page no.
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distribution losses by reducing the power theft. So, the 4. Amit Dembra and A.K. Sharma, “High Voltage Distribution System
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adoption by each and every power utility for better voltage 8, July, 2014.
profile and reduction in AT&C losses. The following states 5. W.V. Jahnavi, “Reduction of Losses in Distribution System Using
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 Andhra Pradesh is the leading state for implementation 6. K.V.S. Ramachandra Murthy and M. Ramalinga Raju, “Electrical
of HVDS scheme Energy Loss in Rural Distribution Feeders-A case study”, ARPN
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 2, April,
 Greater Noida 2009.
 Madhya Pradesh 7. M.V. Deshpande, “Electrical Power System Design”, page no. 284-
285, Edition 2006.
 Haryana in their Agricultural sector 8. Terence Hazal, Senior Member, IEEE, “Limiting Short-Circuit
 Punjab in their Agricultural sector. Currents in Medium Voltage Applications”, International Conference,
 Delhi. PCIC, 38050 Grenoble, France, 2001.
In Delhi, the HVDS scheme was implemented by Tata
Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL). In Delhi
distribution system at Pragati Nagar, the total installed
capacity of Distribution transformer (DTRs) is 5287MVA,
in which distribution type DTR accounts for 2445.91MVA,
HVDS DTR accounts for 2386MVA and the HTC consumer
accounts for 455.549MVA. The peak demand during the
summer of year 2013-14 was 1573MW (1797MVA). So the

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Retrieval Number: C0803023315/2015©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
19 & Sciences Publication

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