Immigration Were Not Immediately Successful, Offers, Generous by The Standards of The Era, Were Extended Throughout Europe?
Immigration Were Not Immediately Successful, Offers, Generous by The Standards of The Era, Were Extended Throughout Europe?
Immigration Were Not Immediately Successful, Offers, Generous by The Standards of The Era, Were Extended Throughout Europe?
Duration: 4 days
Name : Nisa Febriyani
NIM : 2011431725
Class : UR102
Major : Sistem Informasi
II. Structure
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1. Please give me explanation about: Pronouns
a. Subject Pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda)
yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek dalam suatu kalimat.
Contoh: I, you, they, we, she, he, dan it.
b. Subject Pronouns in Complement Position
Answer: .
Remember that in complement position after the verb BE, a subject pronoun must be
It Be pronoun (subject)
It is he whom the committee has named
Avoid using an object pronoun instead of a subject pronoun after the verb BE.
c. Object Pronouns
Yaitu pronoun (kata ganti) yang digunakan untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda)
yang berkedudukan sebagai objek dalam suatu kalimat.
Contoh: me, you, them, us, her, him, dan it
d. Object Pronouns after Prepositions
Remember personal pronouns used as the object of a preposition should be object case
preposition pronoun (object)
I would be glad to take a massage for her
Remember that the following prepositions are commonly used with object pronouns:
among, between, for, from, of, to, with
Avoid using a subject pronoun instead of an object pronoun after a preposition.
e. Possessive Pronouns Before –ing Forms
Remember that possessive pronouns are used before –ing nouns. The following are
possessive pronouns:
my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their
V Ph
S V pronouns (possessive) -ing form (noun)
We can count on her helping us
He regretted their misunderstanding him
Avoid using subject or object pronouns between the verb and the -ing form.
f. Possessive Pronouns Before Parts of the Body
Remember that possessive pronouns are used before the nouns that a part of the body.
pronoun (possessive) noun (part of the body)
He hurt his arm
Avoid using the instead of a possessive pronoun.
2. Please give me explanation about: Relative Pronouns that Refer to Person and
Answer :
Remember that who is used to refer to persons, and which is used to refer to things.
someone who
She is the secretary who works in the international office
Avoid using which instead of who in reference to a person.
something which
This is the new typewriter which you ordered
Avoid using who instead of which in reference to a thing.
3. Please give me explanation about: Relative Pronouns that refer to Persons
Answer :
Remember that both who and whom are used to refer persons. Who is used as the
subject of a sentence or a clause. Whom is used as the complement of a sentence or a
clause. Whom is often used after a preposition as the object of the preposition.
who V
Everyone who took the tour was impressed by the paintings
Avoid using whom as the subject of a verb.
` whom V
He was the only American whom I saw at the conference
Avoid using who instead of whom before a subject and a verb.
4. Please give me explanation about: Reflexive Pronouns
Answer :
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