A Concept Paper On GBV

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A concept paper on

“Campaign against gender-based violence”

Name of organization: Public Heath Action Nepal (PHAN)

Address: Sorhakhutte, Katmandu.

Contact person: Mr. Amar Nath Sah

Miss. Ramila Bhandari

Tel.: 9841594751/9803006044

Email:[email protected]

URL: www.phan.org.np
1. Introduction
Gender Base violence (GBV) means violence inflicted or suffered on the basis of gender
difference. Power imbalance is the root causes of GBV. Violence against women is the
most common GBV.GBV is also implies to men or boys. Especially boys are also affected
by women but in majority of cases it is violence against women so the term GBV becomes
synonyms to violence against women.
GBV occurs in every country and among all social, cultural, economic and religious
groups. Factor contributing to GBV are follows:
GBV is most common within cultures where gender roles are strictly defined and enforced;
where muscularity is closely associated with toughness, male honor, or dominance, where
punishment of women and children is accepted.
There is association between GBV and socio economic status. Violence is common among
the poor economic status family.

2. Situation of GBV


Women activists have been initiating different activities for long time to increase
awareness about the issues of gender base violence. They have been requesting
communities and policy makers to recognize this issue as a crucial social problem
Because of these efforts, gender –based violence is now more widely understood as an
abuse of women’s basic right and more recently recognized as a global public health
concern. Currently, combating such violence is one of the seven key strategies for the
achievement of women’s empowerment and gender equality which is one of the MDGs.

In Nepal

In Nepal there are most likely to have high prevalence of GBV based on the existence of
all types of contributing factors in the country like patriarchal society, poor economic
status ,low literacy rate, exiting political conflict, poor security situation ,cultural customs
and rituals etc .These factors have made the country more fertile for GBV. The types and
forms of violence against girls prevalent in Nepal include domestic violence of
reproductive rights, rape, sexual exploitation, gender discrimination, abuse of mentally
and physically handicapped people, harm done to women due to cultural customs and
rituals ,female foeticide , etc .There are very low awareness program done in Nepal to
uplift the status of GBV.
There is high prevalence of early marriage in Nepal. According to DHS 2006, among
Women age 20-49, 60 percent are married by age 18 and 78 percent are married by age
20.The median age at first marriage among women age 20-49 is 17.2 year. Wife beating
is very common in Nepal .There are some culture and social practices that exist in Nepal
which have affected female dignity and usually sexually exploited .They are :
Deuki, Badi and jhuma practices .kumari system, polyandry system, Dowry system, Jari
system, chhopdi/chaudi system.
3. Determinants of the problem
Lack of appropriate information dissemination among the general public about the
Gender base violence.

4. Gap analysis
Lack of trained health educator for appropriate information dissemination.

5. Concept
Realizing the factor that GBV remains one of the major public health problems
associated with social issues PHAN felt the need of an awareness campaign for the
school level students, mothers group, FCHVs at community level who can be effective
channel for dissemination of information regarding the preventive, per motive,
advocating aspects of the GBV.
6. Conceptual Framework
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Problems Issues ug{] <
• Training and Orientation
• Lack of appropriate • Awareness class
knowledge among • Rally
public regarding the • Street Drama (Mini action
Gender base violence. Project)
• Lack of trained Focus Group discussion and
manpower for lecture,
awareness programs. Media:
Power point presentation charts and
• Subjective Interaction
• IEC maternal distribution
Expected Result • Reporting
• Monitoring and Evaluation
• Raised awareness among
school students
• Effective information Current needs
dissemination through
school students in to • Appropriate education about
family and community the issue.
• Developing self leadership • Creation of sense of
among students, mothers leadership among all to
group, FCHVs and combat the problems.
community to combat the • Production and mobilization
problems. of trained educators.
• Raise awareness among • Raise the leave of
families and communities knowledge and develop
through school students , positive attitude towards the
mothers group, FCHVs GBV and victims.

7. The activities can be shown in following spiral diagram

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15 days field work

1 day's training and under the supervision
orientation class of organizers

Review & sharing Reporting &

program feedback collection

The spiral diagram goes continuous in progressive way up to one month in which
directly 2 schools, mothers group, FCHVs and 33 volunteers will be mobilized and about
two lakhs people will be benefited.

General Objective:

• To advocate about GBVs among school going children, mothers group and

Specific objectives:

• To raise awareness about GBVs among school going children, mothers group and

• To sensitize communities and family about GBVs through school student,

mothers group and FCHVs.

• To conduct mini action project in the community through community

participation and maximum use of locally available resources.
8. Project period: slxn] ug]{ <
15 days (20th Mangshir -6th Paush)

9. Action sites: sfxfF ug]{ <

2 schools and all Wards of Lapsi phedi V.D.C in Kathmandu District

10. Total number of presenters:

11 (From health sciences)

11. Total number of volunteers:

22 (Interested, experienced and energetic from any streams)

12. Action implementation plan

13. Estimated Fund

S.N Particulars Per unit cost Required Total cash
RS number required
1. Opening
S.N What When How Remarks
1. Orientation
Training Hall Mangsir 20-21th By resources
Refreshmentclass 150 person
55 8250/-
2. Preparation for
(For 55 Person) Mangsir 23-24th Through the
2. IEC materials
Transportation 100 mobilization
10 * 2 of 2000/-
Volunteers) volunteers &
3. health program
Communication 1000 presentation.
5 5000/-
4. Conducting
Banners Mangshir
1500 25- Through
5 the 7500/-
5 School
Closing Health 26 mobilization of
ceremony volunteers &
*Certificate 100 presentation.
10 1000/-
4. Preparation for
*Token of love Mangshir
505 27- Through
3 1515/-
focus group
*Refreshment 28150 organizing 9750/-
65 person members
(FGD) & its hall
*Ceremony 5000/-
5. guidelines.
T-shirt 310 40 12400/-
6. Conduct FGD
Contingency Mangshir 26- By facilitator 7500/-
7. among
IEC mothers 27th chosen
16000 by
groups &
materials(leaflet, organization.
6. Rally and flex,
booklet, street Poush 3rd By FCHVs and
etc) on GBV Saturday mothers group,
8. by FCHVs &
Resource 1500 other
3 4500/-
personsgroups. participants
7. Evaluation,
Total Poush 4-5th 64415/-
Analysis and
8. Closing Poush 6th
14. Organization Profile

Public Heath Action Nepal (PHAN) is a non-profit and non governmental

social organization established by a group of energetic youths representing
various disciplines of health and social sciences. It is registered under
Nepal Government, District Administration office, Kathmandu
(265/2066/2067) and is affiliated with Social Welfare Council

It intends to work on the principle of equity, social justice, community

participation and peoples' empowerment to promote health, prevent disease
and prolong life. PHAN deals with the promotive, preventive and
rehabilitative aspects of health in an integrated way.

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