C&BF Iv - Assignment 2

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1 tlain dht_akchteckuse and nkermentn

Aslkickh the sity Jenochkilan 2aiakeds

is was H capltal cdty locaked en an land.

A M _ u a t uaa hta lake
knocco n dlhs Klp
inte ouk zOnsk, eac
Zone diridad mto dstaicts, and
each dstuict_uns CROked.
c eacl Xeadinsh thusmaindamd
arounolimg he alsed Causeuiay wweke_aklikeal
loakig gatelenk_with caa unkeduiay-_amdgakdus
e, alsubs_amd tsur
alpullis (diaticks) diuilad Kchanni
HMABdat miglt, Q
tack _distuick lae i sun anaskutplact butunu
as als a maim Mmakketplace at
Temacltitlan's Tlateloce-
CO,000 penple Ladinag_at lle AmanMaatkotplacl
83 LA tlu_publ
ldings kmplto amd palaces o
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(Date I /20

)mide a ualld samake 500Ametus ko a dde , Ls

The ce£MeialWskeL
20 aeOekL alaauk 45 publicluillasg inckuolian4
T nple May lih Wo dadicak to dekc
latken dik tibelopoclei, and the Kain gd _alec, lh
pl Guekzalcsad, Hu m templ dadicaktllo_
Tenaiau taglis aou ickknA asDciaked
plattokns th gladitstial AAcRile and dDme.
wmwe tspluso
unksida adle palace Mactezua witn 100
HomA eadh u itaewn
Asmlnsnadess allii
H palaur efD Macktzuma only u
daskaicts wekL locakele
had qeLat Bumnmety
14 Lorskuntiens ekeo Le appindhy
Éalmiannilaaki, hmkieonatin_ckols iky plamnig
15 They e eehnguazcalled Limannpa atd id.
Msoanesuicam aguiulkuee utaicka alud enssnal,
Lackamgulak au loskiko, akalole. lasad o ghou
LKSpsn theMaalloilak ledls im lu aly
Q2 DeacRile in_detal u_alikeckukal dsian_and elemes
tl ciky lacclun chu
Maccu Ccln a nca citlel on a43Dau iel
MLadaian uid abexte kacked Aally uluickhis

2MaLclu tcln waA uilt i daskical haca skylee,-

Lih pelished
wit duy- stone Mall.
ke puimaky shuckuresa theItianatasaa
Page No.
Date: I20

komple Sum_am l e KoenA

Macku_Crcku Cenaicleked as a kepl estal
icl o akondenic aee0ysassia cg
Aile MOuglly dixolednto _anAbas
ects asad am daiculkutal cok, also imnmto an
Apek teun andlo ouen t kad pl,
asnd palaus wppe tOuen wtule uaklhousta_anel
Aackeisiw loek kouens
akclhikeckue adapkd to amoutaissk depaoidtly
200 bulieiags akakkaigtd a uidepakallel keskatd
aLEumo a Lal-se Comtual AGMalut
*atAtaluuayA Act an aealls_allowea atuLw
ko Ale dlkmit leels _acLoss thusikr
T easkekn Aecien th cyun pAeLalye
Riduta wl westew Achen ALpesaked by Hu
daAase 23 sk igicus_and cemunal buapeht

M wae beem ustl as

Located n tu ut z0one ae. u _puismasy
akcdokorital kuasus i.ee sblatana tu e
A amd Koena eAlsu aanadouk unt
S dedicated e dski, uik. un ga_amd gtnatst

T Ridential DEateact, e blace au

Keder cka pespleived. e mcludu sokag buia
Aimple koudtk
aka a eko
t l amauta _chakackerizal by
Reddinlnwllamd zene zeme puincL_daa
Page No.
(Date /20

Apezsi-slhaped 0ms
13 TheA AaÁtastal
Mamsolmm-iAa Cawel statu
a aulLked._andeniotamd cawe
aA LRd Aika amd achisicuae
4 lhe uaAdlkau4 a thku sideo uldisgLwi
Qpwing Gdo Trkate
he Cakennial Kok ae-sidad 2kle
5 Mek tt
utlying buildiaseha been
kLceMataced in dero_giveouulsk a better dea
ugimall4 appeaud. By 1176,30
Macha Picclu aJaen ústotud_aad ctokakien

3ecile_ in dutail tha akckikechural hanateniatics

an dueign 2 okideen ciky in£hinas
kectamale measuking 161ma
E comaisks 180 Aukuiiasg ilding h B886

he aAcieMt, wallid si oBiiman

E ncloeel in a angu, unlled akla_callsd tu
SwnpPuialLik u mpekialC im tun, emelosed ky-
ler he Quket. Ltk.
5 osbidden L kunaim ispsktamt in thiule
Mhmne e Beijinye e - Cnkralan0kh_keuth aa
emaink cakual anis Beinage
6) okbilden
p b kounda y a 71m aiglu
A l l amda bm dep hy 52m_Admcat The al
ak B.62m A at a base and tapekimg der G:cEm
at fle oh latse AallsAeLud as Aoth duemsiwe ualls-
Page No.
Date 20

Amd utaimiassnlle ke
and the palace.

antuicake kóegs boastiang 72 idges pcluring

angllion iMLe and h Yellau Aha
aullien_a tuyp appeakedin don unasyaintnge
Theuall i pitkced bya gad
eacl .
tlhe Aouhakn ide end isi h main Meuidian Gak.
Diuine Miglt Ue_Last
D n d . west
Amd gakes ake callodAlu a glasiouk Grk
amd h eakGloieu Gake, gak an h
okbidden Aily ake dokaled uitl a nint-ly-anis
aklay golden dsekmailk, excepk Jor. he täst_
glotiougak Lch has emlytiglak: hou
Yellou colout the tmpelkak usakntot all
MOss n t be dorhildenLityikp ksak yllas
gkazee lkr use a enly u ndplionk lsa
fauilion nkundik lhaddack
Hack uaA Asciakel _uakk _and
hus ki preenkion dinmilaklsp, the Lsown int
Uaideneskue geen llsecamsegttn AsBk
associated i t u00, and hu quaut
dand Smmek Lsuk
6KL all akuamged im ghoups tlhsu-£he luape
am uiagtas HpuLbeMMA-
tu smuk ounA on theolluhand akL axka
in gaaup sin-thu shape thKun tuiasha
kpsistastisus thu baskh ake duDkakd
lapisng dge buildliana A0sA ake duoa
AAth a e tatukes ded a ama
|a pluani_amd kollaud y am inpeuial dagera
impeial aaga tstaute{

12 MMmle o attuckesen i dges up

thu status Hu buildinga mmimsh uila
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Date /20

ngtthae 3 5. Th hall Apsne haknconybu

10 tlu ony saildiangein th Loumty to le pesikeel
is ina SmpeuialL
dayeut uilaings ollaur_amcient Austenmk loid
dOumJm. helaskie Rlr aws, anustial mple
palace kokase akeAs akeplacsd
M pakt palacthalacttokag auas at
blacad in thi n t pask Hu_palace Lomplen and
ebideoncein he kack
14 Thayut a builli4ollou anciutstat
Kall doun inhe_Mlasi o kelssAluss, amseltal kempl=
ake AM h palau kompla
15 Th dKign th Jorkidlden cele,kem is suekall layast
£lu simallist datnil, Was_miliculsusly planne te
leukpliksssplieal and keligioukpkiniplher, and abeve all
aynmlelizeh majesky Impeial uer

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