Extractive Metallurgy of Copper - 031
Extractive Metallurgy of Copper - 031
Extractive Metallurgy of Copper - 031
Copper minerals are too dilute in ore (0.5 to 2% Cu) for economic direct
smelting. Heating and melting the huge quantity of worthless rock would
require too much energy and too much furnace capacity. For this reason, all ores
destined for pyrometallurgical processing are physically concentrated before
smelting. The product is concentrate c o n t a i n i n g - 3 0 % Cu (virtually all in
sulfide minerals).
(a) crushing and grinding the ore to a size where its Cu mineral grains are
divided from its non-Cu-mineral grains
Fig. 3.1 shows a typical concentrator flowsheet with the above steps. Tables 3.1
and 3.3 give industrial data. Copper concentrators typically treat 10 000 to 100
000 tonnes of ore per day, depending on the rate their mines produce ore.
Run-of-mine ore Concentrate (---30%Cu)
(0.5% Cu) to de-watering and drying
Gyratory Re-cleaner
crusher column cells
--20 cm
H20 + Ca Semi-autogenous
grinding mill F,o;a,_on,1
reagents] [--ll--Jl--J
Regnnd Cliane~
] FioJatlon sC/ean;r/rs "x
Vibrating screen
~~(Oversize (+5 cm)
Correct size Flotation
q'7J-k~ Cone reagents
( ,~Z.u'x'~XN~ rusher ~~. mlP nllu mlP q P nip NIp nl~ r
\ -2cm ] II Rougher
!1 II- scavenger
II II III ~ to
storage and
water recovery
(0.05% Cu)
mills -~ Oversize (+150 ~m)
Fig. 3.1. Generalized flowsheet for producing Cu concentrates (-30% Cu) from Cu-Fe-S and Cu-S ores.
Concentrating Copper Ores 33
Figure 3.2a shows the effect of grind size on recovery of Cu into concentrate.
Figure 3.2b shows the corresponding Cu concentration in tailing. They indicate
that there is an optimum grind size for maximum recovery of Cu-into-
concentrate (minimum loss in tailing).
(a) too large a grind size causes Cu minerals to remain combined with or
hidden in non-Cu minerals - preventing their flotation
(b) too fine a grind size causes 'slime' formation. This slime coats the Cu
minerals and prevents some of them from being floated.
The final fineness of grind is mainly determined by the number of times an ore
particle passes through the grinding mills.
o9 90
0-~ 80
*% recovery = 100 x mass Cu in concentrate/mass Cu in ore
o 70
103 74 52 37 26 13 6
I i i i 1 1 i i i i i
Ore particle size, Pm
103 74 52 37 26 13 6
i 1 i i i i ! 1 1 I i
Fig. 3.2. Effect of grind particle size on (a) copper recovery and (b) % Cu in tailings.
The presence of an optimum size is shown (Taggart, 1954). % recovery is calculated
from ore input rate (tonnes/day), %Cu in ore, concentrate output rate (tonnes/day) and
% Cu in concentrate.
3.2.2 Blasting
Blasting entails drilling holes in the mine, filling the holes with explosive and
exploding fragments of rock from the mine wall. The explosions send cracks
through the rock, releasing multiple fragments.
Fuerstenau et al. (1997) report that closer drill holes and larger explosive charges
give smaller rock fragments. This may be useful for decreasing subsequent
crushing requirements.
Concentrating Copper Ores 35
3.2.3 Crushing
Crushing is mostly done in the mine. This permits ore to be transported out of
an open-pit mine by conveyor. It is also permits easy hoisting of ore out of an
underground mine.
3.2.4 Grinding
Grinding takes the ore from crushing. It produces ore particles of sufficient
fineness for Cu mineral recovery by flotation. The most common grinding mills
Grinding is always done wet with mixtures o f - 8 0 mass% solids and - 2 0 mass%
water. A grinding circuit usually consists of one semi-autogenous or autogenous
mill - and one or two ball mills.
Autogenous mills tumble crushed ore without iron or steel grinding media.
They are used when the crushed ore pieces are hard enough to perform all the
grinding. Semi-autogenous mills tumble mainly ore but they use -0.15 m 3 of 13
cm iron or steel balls per 0.85 m 3 of ore (i.e. 15 volume% 'steel') to assist
grinding. Semi-autogenous mills are more common.
Ball mills tumble iron or steel balls. The balls are initially 5 to 10 cm diameter.
They gradually wear away as grinding proceeds. Ball mills typically contain
about 75% ore and 25% 'steel' (by volume). They give a controlled final grind.
Fig. 3.3. Gyratory crusher for crushing run-of-mine ore to -20 cm pieces. The crushing
is done by compression of ore between the eccentrically rotating spindle and the fixed
crusher walls. The crushing surface on the spindle can be up to 3 m in height.
Fig. 3.4. Semi-autogenous grinding mill. It is a rotating barrel in which ore is broken by
(i) itself and (ii) steel balls as they are lifted and fall off the moving circumference of the
barrel. Drawing courtesy www.bradken.com.au
Concentrating Copper Ores 37
Table 3.1. Industrial crushing and grinding data for three copper concentrators, 2001.
They all treat ore from large open-pit mines. Flotation details are given in Table 3.3.
Concentrator Candaleria, Chile Mexicana de Bagdad Copper,
Cobre, Mexico Arizona
Ore treated per year, 25 000 000 27 360 000 31 000 000
Ore grade, %Cu 0 . 9 - 1.0 0.522 0.4
primary gyratory
crusher one 2 one
diameter • height, m 1.52 • 2.26 1.52 • 2.26 1.5 • 2.25
power rating, kW 522 375 a t - 6 0 0 450
product size, m 0.1-0.13 0.15 0.2
energy consumption,
0.3 (estimate)
kWh per tonne of ore
secondary crushers no 6 no
First stage grinding
mill type semi-autogenous ball mills autogenous
number of mills 2 12 5
diameter • length, m 11 • 5• 10•
power rating each
12 000 4000 4500
mill, kWh
rotation speed, RPM 9.4-9.8 ---13.8 10
vol. % 'steel' in mill 12-15 32 0
ball size, initial 12.5 cm
ball consumption 0.3 kg/tonne ore
feed 70% ore, 83% ore
30%H20 17% H 2 0
product size 80% < 140 l~m 80% <215 ~tm 4 cm
oversize treatment 22% ore recycle screened and
through two 525 recycled through
kW crushers cone crushers
energy consumption,
kWh per tonne of ore
Second stage grinding
mill type ball mills ball mills ball mills
number of mills 4 4 5
diameter x length, m 6• 4.3 x 7.3 4.7 • 6.7
power rating each
5600 2200
mill, kW
rotation speed, RPM 13
vol. % 'steel' in mill -15 40
feed 85% ore, 15% H20
product size 80% <58 ~tm 80% < 130 ~tm
energy consumption,
7 (estimate) 6
kWh per tonne of ore
Hydrocyclones 14 Krebs (0.5 m 6 2to3
diameter) (0.85 m diameter)
Particle size monitor yes no
38 ExtractiveMetallurgy of Copper
cyclones send correct-size material on to flotation and oversize back to the ball
mill for further grinding.
A critical step in grinding is ensuring that the final particles from grinding are
fine enough for efficient flotation. Coarser particles must be isolated and
returned for further grinding.
Size control is universally done by hydrocyclones, Fig. 3.5 (Krebs, 2002). The
hydrocyclone makes use of the principle that, under the influence of a force
field, large ore particles in a water-ore mixture (pulp) tend to move faster than
small ore particles.
This principle is put into practice by pumping the grinding mill discharges into
hydrocyclones at high speed, 5 to 10 m per second. The pulp enters tangentially,
Fig. 3.5, so it is given a rotational motion inside the cyclone. This creates a
centrifugal force which accelerates ore particles towards the cyclone wall.
(a) the oversize particles are able to reach the wall, where they are dragged
out by water flow along the wall and through the apex of the cyclone, Fig.
(b) the correct (small) size particles do not have time to reach the wall before
they are carried with the main flow of pulp through the vortex finder.
The principal control parameter for the hydrocyclone is the water content of the
incoming pulp. An increase in the water content of the pulp gives less
hindered movement of particles. It thereby allows a greater fraction of the
input particles to reach the wall and pass through the apex. This increases
the fraction of particles being recycled for regrinding and ultimately to a
more finely ground final product.
Grinding circuits are extensively instrumented and closely controlled, Fig. 3.6,
Table 3.2. The objectives of the control are to:
Fig. 3.5. Cutaway view of hydrocyclone showing tangential input of water-ore particle
feed and separation into fine particle and coarse particle fractions. The cut between fine
particles and coarse particles is controlled by adjusting the water content of the feed
mixture, Section 3.3. Drawing from Boldt and Queneau, 1967 courtesy Inco Limited.
(a) insist that the sizes of particles in the final grinding product are within
predetermined limits, as sensed by an on-stream particle size analyzer
(Outokumpu, 2002a)
(b) optimize production rate and energy consumption while maintaining this
Fig. 3.6 and the following describe one such control system.
40 ExtractiveMetallurgy of Copper
H20 H20
Particlesize +
I <1
I Crushed
I ore I
i Bin (~
F--- c) (~
I Variable spee ~rsize
i conveyor
I mills
I Semi-autogeneous Grinding
1 Sump
Massflow controlloop
Fig. 3.6. Control system for grinding mill circuit ( ~ ore flow; water
flow; . . . . . . . electronic control signals). The circled symbols refer to the sensing
devices in Table 3.2. A circuit usually consists of a semi-autogenous grinding mill, a
hydrocyclone feed sump, a hydrocyclone 'pack' (,-,6 cyclones) and one or two ball mills.
(Screening and crushing of oversize semi-autogenous grinding mill pieces is not shown.)
The particle-size control loop in Fig. 3.6 controls the particle size of the grinding
product by automatically adjusting the rate of water addition to the hydrocyclone
feed sump. If, for example, the flotation feed contains too many large particles,
an electronic signal from the particle size analyzer (S) automatically activates
water valves to increase the water content of the hydrocyclone feed. This
increases the fraction of the ore being recycled to the ball mills and gives afiner
Conversely, too fine a flotation feed automatically cuts back on the rate of water
addition to the hydrocyclone feed sump. This decreases ore recycle to the
grinding meals, increasing flotation feed particle size. It also permits a more
rapid initial feed to the ball mills and minimizes grinding energy consumption.
The second control loop in Fig. 3.6 gives maximum ore throughput rate without
overloading the ball mill. Overloading might become a problem if, for example,
Concentrating Copper Ores 41
the ball mill receives tough, large particles which require extensive grinding to
achieve the small particle size needed by flotation.
The simplest mass flow control scheme is to use hydrocyclone sump pulp level
to adjust ore feed rate to the grinding plant. If, for example, pulp level
sensor (L) detects that the pulp level is rising (due to tougher ore and more
hydrocyclone recycle), it automatically slows the plant's input ore feed
conveyor. This decreases flow rates throughout the plant and stabilizes ball mill
loading and sump level.
Detection of a falling sump level, on the other hand, automatically increases ore
feed rate to the grinding p l a n t - to a prescribed rate or to the maximum capacity
of another part of the concentrator, e.g. flotation.
Table 3.2. Sensing and control devices for grinding circuit shown in Fig. 3.6.
Sensing Symbol Use in automatic
instruments Fig. 3.6 Purpose Type of device control system
Ball mill Senses mass of ore Load cells; Controls rate of ore
load in ball mill sound, bearing input into grinding
pressures; power circuit
42 ExtractiveMetallurgy of Copper
There is, of course, a time delay (5 to 10 minutes) before the change in ore feed
rate is felt in the hydrocyclone feed sump. The size of the sump must be large
enough to accommodate further build-up (or draw-down) of pulp during this
The indispensable tool for Cu ore beneficiation is froth flotation (Parekh and
Miller, 1999). The principles of froth flotation are:
(a) sulfide minerals are normally wetted by water but they can be conditioned
with reagents (collectors) which cause them to become water repellent
(b) this 'repellency' can be given selectively to Cu minerals, leaving other
minerals 'wetted'
(c) collisions between small rising air bubbles and the now-water repellent
Cu minerals result in attachment of the Cu mineral particles to the bubbles
(d) the other 'wetted' mineral particles do not attach to the rising bubbles.
These procedures cause the Cu mineral particles to attach to the rising bubbles
which carry them to the top of the flotation cell, Fig. 3.7. The other minerals are
left behind. They depart the cell through an underflow system. They are mostly
non-sulfide 'rock' with a small amount of Fe-sulfide.
The last part of flotation is creation of strong but short-lived froth when the
bubbles reach the surface of the pulp. This froth prevents bursting of the bubbles
and release of the Cu mineral particles back into the pulp. The froth overflows
the flotation cell (often with the assistance of paddles, Fig. 3.7) and into a
trough. There, it collapses and flows into a collection tank.
3.4.1 Collectors
The reagents (collectors) which create the water repellent surfaces on sulfide
minerals are heteropolar molecules. They have a polar (charged) end and a non-
Concentrating Copper Ores 43
Fig. 3.7. Cutaway view of mechanical flotation cell. The method of producing bubbles
and gathering froth are shown (Boldt and Queneau, 1967 courtesy Inco Limited).
Flotation cells in recent-design copper concentrators are 100 te 150 m 3 box or cylindrical
tanks (Jonaitis 1999).
polar (hydrocarbon) end. They attach their polar (charged) end to the mineral
surface (which is itself polar) leaving the non-polar hydrocarbon end extended
outwards, Fig. 3.8. It is this orientation that imparts the water repellent character
to the conditioned mineral surfaces.
The simplest froth flotation separation is sulfide minerals from waste oxide
'rock', e.g. andesite, granadiorite, granite, q u a r t z . It uses collectors which, when
dissolved in a water-ore pulp, preferentially attach themselves to sulfides. These
collectors usually have a sulfur group at the polar e n d - which attaches to sulfide
minerals but ignores oxides.
'C~O~C~ C ~ C ~ C ~ C~H
/ i i I i I
- H H H H H
.~, I
/i ] /i I
, . , ~ "~,.~ -.,,,,
">. ~. I
I 1/ /
% , ( ,
/ I'1 /'
-~ ( : ,
/ 9
l__.p~ ,
Fig. 3.8. Sketch of attachment of amyl xanthate ions to covellite. There is a hydrogen
atom hidden behind each carbon of the hydrocarbon chain (after Hagihara, 1952).
The most common modifier is the OH- (hydroxyl) ion. Its concentration is
varied by adjusting the basicity of the pulp with burnt lime (CaO), occasionally
sodium carbonate. The effect is demonstrated in Fig. 3.9 - which shows how
chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite can be floated from each other. Each line on the
graph marks the boundary between float and non-float conditions for the specific
mineral- the mineral 'floats' to the left of its curve, to the right it doesn't.
Concentrating Copper Ores 45
*Sodium diethyl
" 600
, I0
~" 400
pyrite galena chalcopyrite
I I n I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 3.9. Effects of collector concentration and pH on the floatability of pyrite, galena
and chalcopyrite. Each line marks the boundary between 'float' and non-float conditions
for the specific mineral (Wark and Cox, 1934). Precise float/non-float boundary positions
depend on collector, mineral and water compositions.
The modifying effect of OH is due to its competition with collector anions (e.g.
xanthates) for a place on the mineral surface. OH ions are, for example,
selectively adsorbed on pyrite. This prevents appreciable xanthate adsorption on
the pyrite, selectively 'depressing' it. However, too many OH ions will also
depress chalcopyrite- so too much CaO must be avoided.
3.4.4 Frothers
Branch chain alcohols are the most common frothers (Mulukutla, 1993) - natural
(e.g. pine oil or terpinol) or synthetic (methyl isobutyl carbinol, polyglycols and
proprietary alcohol blends [Chevron Phillips, 2002]).
30% Cu
Column cell
re-clea hers
26% Cu
3% Cu
~ IICleaners
II II I ~%cu >1 Cleaner/
12% Cu
[~ Regrind
19% Cu 0.06% Cu
Feed from ~ ~ ~
hydrocyclones, 0.6% Cu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~-I II II II II II I~ o o6%cu Tailing
Rougher - scavenger
0.06% Cu
Fig. 3.10. Flowsheet for floating Cu sulfide concentrate from 'rock' and Fe sulfides.
Residence times in each sector (e.g. rougher-scavenger cells) are 10-20 minutes.
Representative mass flows in tonnes/day are:
T a b l e 3.3. Industrial data from 3 copper concentrators, 2001. All three treat ore from
large open pit mines. The equivalent crushing/grinding data are given in Table 3.1.
Concentrator Candaleria, Chile Mexicana de Cobre Bagdad Copper, AZ
Ore treated per year, tonnes 25 000 000 27 360 000 31 000 000
Concentrate, tonnes/year 416 496 385 000
Ore grade, %Cu 0.9-1.0 0.522
sulfide 0.4
'oxide' 0.058 0.02
Concentrate grade, % Cu 29-30 28.08 30.5
Tailings grade, % Cu 0.096 0.039
Cu recovery to concentrate, % 95% Cu, 82% Au 81.85 90.8
87% Mo
Rougher-scavenger flotation
feed cyclone overflow cyclone overflow cyclone overflow
number of cells 24 140 78
volume of each cell, m 3 85 and 128 38 and 14 18
cell type Eimco OK 38 and Wemco OK and Wemco
mass% solids in feed 29 36
pH 10.4 9.6-10.5 10.3
collector SF 323 thionocarbamate Na ethyl xanthate
kg/tonne of ore -0.0065 0.012
oily collector, kg/t of ore 0.018 0.009
frother MIBC Cytec 547
kg/tonne of ore 0.03 0.01
CaO, kg/tonne of ore 0.7 0.024 0.86
residence time, minutes -20 10.5
Cleaner flotation
feed rougher concentrate reground rougher-
scavenger and cleaner-
ground in 4.27 m x scavenger froth
6.7 m ball mill (80% <50~tm)
number of cells 32 30
volume of each cell, m 3 14 2.8
cell type Denver Wemco/agitair
mass% solids in feed 20 13
pH 12.0-12.3 11.5
reagents 0.002 CaO
residence time, minutes 2.5
Cleaner-scavenger flotation
feed cleaner tails
number of cells 64 16
volume of each cell, m 3 14 8.5
cell type Denver Wemco
mass% solids in feed 20 13
pH 12-12.3 11.4
reagents none Na ethyl xanthate
Re-cleaner flotation
feed cleaner froth
number of cells 16 30
cell volume, m 3 14 2.8
cell type column Denver mechanical
mass% solids in feed 35 16
pH 12.0-12.3 11
reagents none none
residence time, minutes 14.7
Concentrating Copper Ores 49
Fig. 3.7 shows a 'mechanical' flotation cell. Air bubbles are introduced into the
pulp through a rotating agitator at the bottom of the cell. The agitator sheers the
air into the fine-size bubbles needed for ore attachment (-0.5 mm diameter as
they enter the cell). It also disperses the bubbles across the cell.
Most new Cu flotation plants use either (i) column or (ii) Jameson flotation cells
for re-cleaning their concentrate (EMJ, 1998; Dufresne, 2000). These cells
provide separate zones (Finch, 1998) for:
I $$$$
z~oZ~ oO~O,oo ~
ooffff oo
Froth overflow
(concentrste) to I
m ;0
9 9 1
, ) TeJlinge
Fig. 3.11. Schematic view of column flotation cell. The lower section 'collects' the
minerals. The upper section 'cleans' the froth. Column cells are often used for cleaning
and re-cleaning d u t y - they are particularly effective at lemoving 'rock' from the final
concentrate (Toro et al., 1993).
50 ExtractiveMetallurgy of Copper
Fig. 3.12. Schematic view of Jameson cell (MIM, 2002), drawing courtesy of Stephen
Smith. Excellent contact between air and mineral particles is provided by high-velocity
air-pulp flow (---17 m/second) in the downcomers. Settling of non-Cu minerals is done in
the body of the cell. Washing of the froth is done by water falling gently from above the
Column cells provide a long vertical particle/bubble contact zone and a well-
controlled froth-draining zone (Fig. 3.11). Jameson cells provide (i) intimate
particle/bubble contact in highly turbulent down-comers (Fig. 3.12) and (ii) a
well-controlled froth-draining zone (MIM, 2002).
Modem flotation plants are equipped with sensors and automatic control systems
(Jensen, 1999). The principal objectives of the control are maximization of Cu
Concentrating Copper Ores 51
recovery, concentrate grade (% Cu) and ore throughput rate. The principal
variables sensed are:
(a) ore particle size after grinding and regrinding (Outokumpu, 2002a)
(b) % Cu, % solids, pH and mass flowrate of the process streams (especially
the input and output streams)
(c) froth height in the flotation cells.
Impeller speeds and air input rates in the flotation cells are also often sensed.
(a) water flowrates into the hydrocyclone feed sumps to control grinding
recycle, hence ore flotation feed (ore) particle size
(b) flotation reagent (collector, frother, depressant) and water addition rates
throughout the flotation plant
(c) pulp level in the flotation cells, by adjusting the underflow valves in each
Table 3.4 describes the sensors and the adjustments they make in the flotation
Table 3.4. Sensors and their use in automatic flotation control and optimization.
Flotation cell pulp Determines pulp level Float level, hydrostatic Adjusts valves in
level sensor in flotation cells pressure, conductivity flotation cells to
maintain froth depths
prescribed by
supervisory computer
The analyses are often done by fixed crystal wavelength dispersive spectrometry
(Outokumpu, 2002b).
The product from flotation contains -75 mass% water, most of which must be
removed before the concentrate can be transported and smelted. Most of this
dewatering is performed by settling in large quiescent thickeners. The solids
settle under the influence of gravity to the bottom of the thickener from where
they are scraped to a central discharge by a slowly rotating rake. Faster settling
is encourage by adding small quantities of organic flocculants (e.g.
polyacrylamides, Wills, 1993) to the input pulp. These cause flocculation of the
fine particles and faster settling velocities.
The underflows from the thickeners still contain 30 to 40% water. This is
lowered to 10 or 15% in rotary vacuum filters and dried to 8 mass% water in
pressure filters (Larox, 2002) or ceramic disc vacuum filters (sometimes
pressurized to 3 atmospheres gage, Outokumpu, 2002c).
3.8.1 Tailings
Flotation tailings account for---98% of the concentrator's ore feed. They are
stored in large dams near the mine property. Water is reclaimed from the dams
and recycled to the concentrator.
Most concentrators are zero water discharge plants. This minimizes water
consumption and avoids mixing concentrator effluents with the surrounding
Concentrating Copper Ores 53
water table. Also, the pH of the tailings water is close to that required for
rougher-scavenger flotation so its recycle minimizes CaO consumption.
For copper, flotation consists mainly of separating Cu sulfide minerals from non-
sulfide 'rock' and Fe-sulfide minerals. Many Cu deposits also contain
molybdenite. Others contain sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS). These can all
be separated from Cu minerals by selective flotation. Molybenite flotation is
discussed here. Sphalerite, galena, Ni and Cu 'oxide' flotation is discussed in
Biswas and Davenport (1994).
3.10 Summary
Froth flotation entails attaching fine Cu sulfide mineral particles to bubbles and
'floating' them out of a water-ore mixture. The flotation is made selective by
using reagents which make the Cu sulfide minerals water repellant while leaving
the other minerals 'wetted'.
On-stream particle size and X Ray fluorescence analyses are key components of
this automatic control.
Suggested Reading
Biswas, A.K. and Davenport, W.G. (1994) Extractive Metallurgy of Copper, 3rd Edition,
Elsevier Science Press, New York, NY.
Boldt, J.R. and Queneau, P. (1967) The Winning of Nickel, Longmans Canada Ltd.,
Toronto, Section 3.
Castro, S.H., Henriquez, C. and Beas, E. (1999) Optimization of the phosphate Nokes
process at the E1 Teniente by-product molybdenite plant. In Copper 99-Cobre 99
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Vol. II Mineral
Processing~Environment, Health and Safety, ed. Hancock, B. A. and Pon, M. R. L., TMS,
Warrendale, PA, 41 50.
Dufresne, M. W. (2000) The Collahuasi copper project, Chile. CIM Bulletin, 93, 25 30.
EMJ (1998) Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina's first mining mega-project. E&MJ, 199(5),
pp. 46WW-54WW.
Finch, J.A. (1998) Mineral processing: and where are we going? comminution, flotation
and gravity separations. CIM Bulletin, 91, 68 72.
Fuerstenau, M.C., Chi, G., Bradt, R.C. and Ghosh, A. (1997) Increased ore grindability
and plant throughput with controlled blasting. Mining Engineering, 49 (12), 70 75.
Gilchrist, J.D. (1993) Extraction Metallurgy, 3rd Edition, Elsevier Science Press, New
York, NY.
Concentrating Copper Ores 55
Krebs Engineers (2002) Krebs cyclones for mining and mineral processing
www.krebs.com (Industrial uses, mining and mineral processing).
Mulukutla, P.S. (1993) The need for specialty chemicals for flotation plant optimization
in developing countries, in Flotation Plants: Are They Optimized?, ed. Malhotra, D.,
SME, Littleton, CO, 77 88.
Toro, H., Lee, K.Y. and Bebhardt, J.E. (1993) Column flotation: a technical analysis of
sparger systems. In Flotation Plants: Are They Optimized?, ed. Malhotra, D., SME,
Littleton, CO, 70 75.
Wark, I.W. and Cox, A.G. (1934) Principles of flotation, III, an experimental study of
influence of cyanide, alkalis and copper sulfate on effect of sulfur-bearing collectors and
mineral surfaces, AIME Transactions, 112, 288.
Wills, B.A. (1993) Minerals Processing Technology, 5th Edition, Elsevier Science Press,
New York, NY.