GE 1 - Module 1, Lesson 2
GE 1 - Module 1, Lesson 2
GE 1 - Module 1, Lesson 2
Course Code : GE 1
Term and Academic Year : 1st Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021
Department and Year Level : BSCRIM 1
Module 1, Lesson 2
Types of Communication
I. Introduction
This module will give you insights to the definition of communication and the role of language in human
communication. It will also discuss the different types of communication according to mode, context, and purpose and
Moreover, this module will also help you identify the differences between the types of communication as well as
their respective advantages and disadvantages in various communication settings. You will also learn the importance of
communication in various perspectives of your everyday lives.
Thus, in order to gain a thorough understanding of this lesson, kindly read the discussion thoroughly and
comprehensibly. You are also tasked to answer the assessment and submit requirements found in the “Enrichment
Activities/Outputs” section.
b. Interpersonal Communication - Latin prefix inter- means between, among, and together.
It is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-
verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication (SkillsYouNeed, 2018).
In addition, an interactive exchange takes place as interpersonal communication takes place since the
participants in this type of communication is actively involved in a conversation. However, as it occurs, a
transaction does not necessarily take place since it can only be a simple interaction such as greetings, getting
to know a person, or ordinary conversations that happen between or among the interactants. This may occur
in dyad or small groups, also known as group communication (Madrunio & Martin, 2018).
On the other hand, if the goal is to achieve something at the end of the conversation, it becomes
transactional which is characterized as more formal and profound. Like for example, asking a security guard for
a direction or getting information about something without further conversation.
Furthermore, interpersonal talks are meant for maintaining social relationships, transactional talks only
aim to accomplish or resolve something at the end of the conversation.
2. Transactional Communication
Speaker A: Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the nearest mall?
Speaker B: Yes. In fact, you may go there on foot or simply take a jeepney. If you walk, it will take you
about 20 minutes to get there. You can just take the exit gate near the hospital then turn
left and walk straight ahead. You won’t miss it because of the bog sign. Jeepneys take the
same route and it should not take you more than 10 minutes even the traffic.
Speaker A: Thank you very much. I think I will just take the public transportation as I am running out of
time. You have been really helpful. Thanks again.
c. Extended Communication – type of communication that involves the use of electronic media. Before this type
of communication was only called for the use of television and radio, however, nowadays, extended
communication may be expanded as to include tele, audio, or phone conferencing; video-conferencing; Skype
calls; Zoom Meetings, and other technological means.
Communication is also made faster and convenient since people from distant places are linked by a
telecommunication system which enables them to participate in a meeting and conference which at present is
a trend for businesses, political meetings and most especially for education where the students and the
teachers are having their classes online.
For instance, in e-conferencing, the speaker is able to reach a large number of participants and being able
to do so, the speakers are expected to be well-prepared when they speak, making their language more formal.
Moreover, recorded videos may be transmitted in a matter of seconds/minutes and may be viewed by
many through the use of the Internet. However, in this type of communication, one’s views and opinions over
things may be influenced by those they hear, read, and see from others. One’s thinking and decision making, as
well as the attitude may also be influenced and eventually change. Thus, it is always important to weigh things
and evaluate them based on your own beliefs to avoid being persuaded or swayed by others.
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Republic of the Philippines
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d. Organizational Communication – different organizations also have their own type of communication and
mostly, the focus is on the role that communication plays in organizational contexts. Thus, setting up a system
of communication in an organization with certain rules or standards is also important since it is comprised of
individuals playing different roles. However, these rules or standards should also be made clear to all the
people concerned to make the communication patterns go smoothly. This system is also vital in an
organization as it can somehow contribute to its success.
On the other hand, as expected, members of the organization should also be equipped with the needed
oral and communication skills.
There are two (2) types of organizational structure according to Madrunio and Martin 2018:
1. Formal structure – uses the pre-defined or formal channels of communication such as reports,
memorandums, commands, orders, etc. in an organization that flows between different positions
either top-down, bottom-up, crosswise or diagonal.
Downward Communication – the communication type that flows from the superior to
President TOP Downward Communication is also called top-
down communication as it flows from the top
Campus Administrator
positions (President) and down to its
subordinates (Campus Administrator,
Department Chairperson or the Faculty). It
Department Chairperson
could also come from the Campus
Administrator to the lower position
Faculty DOWN employees.
Upward Communication – the communication type that flows from the subordinate to superior.
President UP
Upward Communication is also called
Campus Administrator bottom-up communication as it flows from
the bottom positions (Faculty) and up to its
Department Chairperson superiors (Department Chairperson, Campus
Administrator, or the President).
Faculty BOTTOM
Horizontal Communication – communication flows sideways as it takes place among people from
different units or departments but working on the same level just like in the example below.
These communication types under the formal structure brings their own advantages and
disadvantages in the organization. Furthermore, these communication type are often posted in the
organizational chart or policy manuals.
2. Informal Communication – unlike formal communication, this type comes from the unofficial
channels of message and usually flows quickly or rapidly as it moves freely from anyone in the
organization. It is also known as ‘grapevine’
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e. Intercultural Communication – communication between or among people having different backgrounds such
as language used, religious beliefs, ethnicity, culture, traditions, gender, nationality, social and professional
characteristics and etc. These things might also affect communication as people with various orientations may
receive and interpret messages differently which results to miscommunication that usually happen with non-
verbal communication.
In the United States and most of Europe, eye contact is considered and interpreted as
paying attention, showing interest and a sign of self-confidence. Eye contact is also
appropriate in these countries and a need in developing oneself as a powerful business
professional. Americans and Europeans consider eye contact as important in assessing the
sincerity of a person while for Indians, looking straight into the eyes of a person while talking
is inappropriate. This does not, however, mean that they are dishonest or insincere.
Moreover, Indians interpret waving of hands from side to side as no or go away while it
means hello among Westerners.
For Filipinos, twitching of lips means to refer to something or someone. When someone
asks: “Where is my book?” instead of responding: “There it is,” the response may be
twitching or puckering lips. When seen by people from other cultures, such facial expression
may be taken to mean as “seduction.” It is important then not to be judgmental or to rush
into interpretation as cultures sometimes vary enormously.
Similarly, linguistic differences are of the essence. With the advent of World Englishes, different
cultures develop different lexicon peculiar only to the speech community.
In the Philippines, a local variety of English called Philippine English has been developed which
has introduced lexical innovation, not found or used in other varieties, such as thrice, batchmates, CR
(comfort room), solons, barangay captain, and high blood.
Even in terms of pronunciation, words are pronounced differently by Filipinos, which, to some,
are considered erroneous. For instance, these supposedly pronounced with a hard /th/ is
pronounced instead with a /d/ by the average Filipino since hard /th/ is not part of the Filipino
Types of Communication according to Purpose and Style
Earlier, formal and informal communication have been discussed in relation to organization communication,
Similarly, the types of communication in relation to purpose and style are formal and informal. However, rather than
focusing on the transmission of message and message flow, the focus here is on the communication setting and the
mode of delivery.
a. Formal Communication – employs formal language delivered orally or in written form. Lectures, public
talks/speeches, research and project proposals, reports, and business letter, among others are all considered
formal situations and writing.
- Note that while lectures and speeches are delivered orally, the texts have been thought out carefully and
written well before they are delivered.
- To inform, to entertain, and to persuade are the main objectives of this type of communication.
b. Informal Communication – certainly does not employ formal language. It involves personal and ordinary
conversations with friends, family members, or acquaintances about anything under the sun.
- The mode may be oral as in face-to-face, ordinary or everyday talks or phone calls, or written as in the
case of e-mail messages, personal notes, letters, or text messages. The purpose is simply to socialize and
enhance relationships.
IV. Learning Assessment
Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Please be guided by the rubrics on the next page. Write
your answer on the extra sheet provided. (10 Points Each)
1) What is the role of language in human communication in relation to your chosen career?
2) Why is it important to know the different types of communication?
Scoring Guide:
Each answer shall be evaluated using these criteria:
Content 5 pts.
Organization of ideas 3 pts.
Language facility 2 pts.
Total score: 10 pts
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Sara, Iloilo Reg. No. 97Q19783
V. Enrichment Activities/Outputs
Compare and contrast the following types of communication below by writing their similarities and differences
inside the box. Copy and answer the table on the extra sheet provided. Please be guided by the given example. (12
Similarities Differences
Types of Communication (Give 2 similarities, 1 point for (Give 2 differences, 1 point for
each correct answer) each correct answer)
Organizational Communication 1. Organizational communication 1. They differ in context since
vs. and Extended Communication organizational communication
Extended Communication can be both used in a formal focuses on the roles or positions
setting since extended of the people involved while
communication is also used in extended communication
an organization such as e- focuses on the medium or
conferencing. channel used to communicate
the information such as online
According to Mode:
Verbal – Non-Verbal Communication
Visual Communication
According to Context:
Intrapersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
According to Purpose and Style:
Formal Communication
Informal Communication
Copy and answer the following on the extra sheet provided.
1. Of the four approaches employed in formal organization structure (downward communication, upward
communication, horizontal communication, and crosswise communication), which do you think is the
best? Why? (6 Points)
2. Cite situations which will call for the use of each approach. Give one (1) advantage and disadvantage for
each. (12 Points)
Situation Advantage Disadvantage
Type of Communication (Give one, 1 point for (Give one, 1 point for (Give one, 1 point for
each correct answer) each correct answer) each correct answer)
1. Downward Communication
2. Upward Communication
3. Horizontal Communication
4. Crosswise Communication
VI. References
Madrunio, M. & Martin, I. (2018). Purposive Communication: Using English in multilingual contexts. Quezon City: C &E
Publishing, Inc.
Weekly, E. (1967). An etymology dictionary of modern English (Vol. 1, p. 338). New York, NY: Dover Publications