Online Shopping Is Increasing Dramatically. How Could This Trend Affect Our Environment and The Kinks of Jobs Required?
Online Shopping Is Increasing Dramatically. How Could This Trend Affect Our Environment and The Kinks of Jobs Required?
Online Shopping Is Increasing Dramatically. How Could This Trend Affect Our Environment and The Kinks of Jobs Required?
One of the current phenomena is online shopping is on the rise. This tendency actually benefits
the environment and leads up to changes in various jobs related to this mode of shopping.
As far as environmental issues are concerned, this trend might be said to harm the environment
since an increase in the number of online shoppers is associated with a rise in the amount of
product consumption, including many things purchased even before people can figure out what
these items should be used for. It appears, therefore, to be a waste of resources.
The truth is internet shopping entails tons of benefits, one of which is saving time. In this modern
society where time is gold, saving time is so significant. Time saved could be spent on working
and boosting productivity, generating more and more resources. That is not to mention the merit
of rescuing thousands of trees which may be cut down to make paper.
In terms of jobs in this new era, many occupations related to computers and internet use as well
as online sales, be it for professional or non-professional purposes, have gained popularity. These
range from IT engineers and web designers through advertisers and market researchers to
cleaners and deliverers. In particular, those who work in delivery have now felt luckier because
of the change from eating out to staying home or at the workplace and ordering a meal online.
Summarizing, when it comes to shopping on the internet, the impact is mainly positive, and it
leads to numerous changes in the labor market, including the traditional job of deliverers. It is
hard to predict what will be the next groundbreaking transformation in the foreseeable future, but
online shopping still shocks many people in developing countries because of the convenience in
paying methods.