Health Monitoring of Aero Engine Components by Automated Eddy Current Inspection

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Health Monitoring of Aero Engine Components by Automated

Eddy Current Inspection

Authors: Johney Thomas, S.Ganapathi Sharma, N.Venkata Sita Ramulu, and

B. V.Janardhan

Address: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Engine Division, Bangalore


Critical components of Aero Engines (both Helicopter and Aero planes) are
subjected to high stress, high temperature, corrosive environments and cyclic
loading conditions during service. Hence the serviceability of these parts are to
be monitored after certain hours of engine running i.e during overhaul and repair.
A few Non Destructive Testing (NDT) methods are involved in assessing health
of the critical components during repair and overhaul.

This paper details one of the NDT methods viz. Automated Eddy Current
Inspection using CNC based up and down system with Eddy Current Testing
equipment Elotest B 310 and standard calibration blocks with simulated defects
to find out fatigue cracks in Critical Components viz, 1st Stage Axial Wheel,
Centrifugal Impeller, High Pressure Turbine Disc and Power Turbine Disc of
Helicopter Engine during repair and overhaul.

Key Words:

NDT: Non Destructive Testing

CNC : Computer Numerical Control

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1. Introduction
1.1 Brief on TM3332B2 Engine
TM333 2B2 is a Tubo shaft Engine powers Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH
Mark 1 and 2,Twin Engine) indigenously designed and developed by Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore. Photograph of ALH is given in Fig 1 and
photograph and schematic diagram of cross section of Engine is given in fig 2a
and 2b below.

Fig 1. Photograph of Advanced Light Helicopter( ALH).

Fig 2 a. Photograph of the TM3332B2 Engine Fig 2b. Cross sectional View of
TM3332B2 Engine

This engine is repaired /overhauled under license from M/s.Turbomeca, France

at Engine division, HAL, Bangalore. The Engine is of modular construction with
annular air intake, two stage axial compressor together with a centrifugal
compressor driven by a single stage turbine. The Engine has an annular reverse
flow combustion chamber a single stage free turbine with a through shaft driving
gear reduction gear unit located in the front.
During overhaul and repair of the Engines, there are many quality checks to be
carried out as per Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) manual to certify the
parts for next cycle of operation. One of such activity is Eddy Current testing of
following critical components listed in the table 1 which are parts of Compressor
and turbine assemblies.
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1.2 A Brief on Parts
Eddy Current Inspection shall be carried out during overhaul and repair of the
engine after 2000 hours of Engine run on bores of the parts as shown in the fig. 3
(Schematic diagram and Photos). The Eddy Current inspection is carried out for
detection of any defects on the surface or which is located immediately under the
surface of the bore.

Fig 3. Photograph of the parts, Secondary master blocks and drawing shows
critical areas of bore where Eddy Current Inspection is carried out.

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Table 1. List of Parts undergo Eddy Current Inspection
Sl. Part Name Material Function
1 1st Stage Axial EZ3CND13-08(Alloy Steel) Compress the inlet
Wheel air to high pressure
2 Centrifugal Impeller TA6VPq (Titanium Alloy)
3 High Pressure NCK18K15TDA To generate the
Turbine Disc (Nickel Base Alloy) power through
4 Power Turbine Disc NC 19 FeNb (Ni Base Alloy) expansion of gases.

2. Principle of Eddy Current Inspection

The principle of Eddy Current inspection is electromagnetic induction and
consists in measuring the variations in the eddy Currents generated in the part by
the alternating magnetic field of a coil fed with a sinusoidal electric current.
3. Eddy Current Technique Considerations
The Eddy Current Technique is generated for each part. The following points are
to be considered while preparing and carrying out the Eddy Current Inspection of
3.1 Preparation of Parts
Parts for Eddy Current inspection are received after strip inspection. The part
surface shall be free from superficial irregularities viz. scores, burrs, oxidation or
peening etc. For Ferro magnetic materials the parts are demagnetized and
residual field must be ≤250A/m in the areas to be inspected. For titanium parts
non halogenated solvents shall be used for degreasing.
3.2 Areas to be inspected
Areas to be inspected is bores as shown in photo and drawing in fig 3. The
surface finish of the bores are to be ensured (minimum 0.8 microns) before the
inspection since it will affect the results of the inspection.
3.3 Eddy Current Test Equipment
Equipment is used for the inspection is Elotest B300 made by M/s. Rhomann
GMBH UK with CNC based up and down system. A photograph of the Eddy
current inspection set up is given in Fig 4. Technique parameters are fed as a
program in the equipment (Elotest B 300) after finalization of the technique.
During the inspection, particular program (CNC based up and down system CS
1500) related to the part and calibration block will be selected and inspection is
carried out using the program parameters.
3.4 Master Calibration Blocks
Master Blocks are made of same material as that of the part to be inspected and
have same electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability as that of the part to
be inspected (±10 % max). Reference master blocks comprises either parts or
pieces of parts with real damage or blocks with artificial damage. Secondary
Master Blocks comprises of artificial damages which is calibrated with respect to
the reference blocks. Secondary master blocks are used for inspection of parts
at HAL, Engines division.

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3.5 Special Tools
Initially, the scanning was done manually using rotary probes which are fixed to
hand held rotors. In recently updated OEM overhaul manual automated
inspection was introduced. Importing an automated testing facility would cost 1.3
crores. To get consistent and accurate results the CNC based up and down
system is to be used for automated scanning. Hence Indian suppliers were
contacted and a Bangalore based supplier has designed and developed a four
axes CNC based up and down system (X, Y, Z and Rotary) as per HAL
specification and proved out the equipment capabilities and which was
demonstrated to the OEM and obtained the approval. CNC based up and down
system will ensure following points.

a. Easy Rotation of probes at 1200 rpm.

b. Have a full control over scanning characteristics for the area to be
c. Ensure a constant perpendicularity of the coil center line and the surface
to be inspected at all points.
d. Ensure that there is a constant distance or a constant contact between the
sensor and the surface of the part and no signal noise during inspection.
e. To get a regular displacement speed of the sensor along the bore at a
velocity 1mm/sec for an operator controlled displacement.
f. To stop the sensor at any suspicious area of the bore.
A photograph of the Entire set up is shown in the fig 4

Fig4. Automated Eddy Current Inspection Set up with CNC based Up and Down
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3.6 Eddy Current Probes and Rotors
The Eddy Current inspection of the bores is carried out with a differential rotating
probes ( Frequency range of 50KHz to 2.5MHz) using a sensor support with at
least two magnetic core coils. The Rotating probes are selected in such a way
that clearance between inner diameter of the part and outer diameter of the
probe is ± 0.2mm. This is to get best sensitivity and avoid any liftoff effects and
noise. The rotating probes are fixed to Rotors which will assist the probe rotation
of upto 2850 rpm with medium frequency range from 10 KHz to 500 KHz.

3.7 Scanning Procedure

Scanning is done using rotary probes rotating at 1200rpm.The Probes are fixed
to Rotors which are held in the up and down system and lowered to the bore at
a velocity 1mm/sec by calling pre-determined program in up and down
system. The required program saved in Elotest B300 equipment as per the
technique data cards is recalled during scanning. The Continuous monitoring of
the screen is required during scan for observing for signal from any defect
present in the part.

3.8 Calibration setup

Both elliptical and time line(Y/t) display will be used on the screen. During the
calibration, the artificial defects in the secondary standards (which are calibrated
with respect to the reference blocks) are detected and signal from the defects is
Kept 100% of the Full screen Height (FSH) using main amplifier and pre amplifier
gain (dB), low pass and high pass filters, phase parameters. The signal obtained
shall be symmetrical shape (schematic diagram as given in Fig 5). The following
parameters are adjusted to get the right signal shape from the defect in
secondary master block during calibration and the parameters are recorded in
technique data sheet.

a. Frequency, Low Pass and High Pass Filter parameters are adjusted to get
a curve of correct shape. The positive half cycle being equivalent to the
negative half and giving the largest vectorial amplitude within the sensor
operating frequency range.
b. Adjust the phase so that the signal is vertical with respect to the
impedance plane.
c. Adjust the signal to a 100% amplitude by modifying the amplification so
that the signal is symmetrical.

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Fig 5. Schematic diagram of signal from secondary master block and photograph
of Defect Signal – 100%FSH for calibration setup.

The parameters used for getting right signal is recorded, freezed and data cards
are generated. The additional dB as given in the secondary master block will be
added during the inspection of the part. It shall be ensured that the noise signal
obtained is nil or maximum 10% of FSH.
3.9 Eddy Current Inspection and Evaluation
Eddy Current inspection of the part is carried out after successful calibration
using corresponding secondary master calibration block. Additional gain (dB) as
given in the secondary master block is added and part is scanned. Any defect
signal obtained during inspection which is showing 50% FSH or more will lead to
rejection of part. Figure 6 shows part scanning photographs with and without
defects. After inspection of the part an end calibration will be carried out by using
corresponding secondary master calibration block similar to the initial calibration
to ensure that the Eddy Current system is working satisfactorily.

Fig 6. Signal output of Part (no defect) Fig 6b. Signal output of Part (with defect)

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3.10 Process control Checks
Following Process Control Checks given in Table 2 are to be carried out at
various frequencies to monitor the Process Performance.
Table 2.Proces Control Checks
Sl. No. Process control Check Frequency
1. Eddy Current Equipment Calibration Annually
2. Secondary Master Blocks Calibration Annually
3. Verification of Rotating Probes and Sensors Annually
4. Amplifier Linearity Check Prior to Every Inspection

4. Qualification of Personnel
The Personnel carrying out Eddy Current Testing are qualified to NDT Level 2 as
per NAS 410 standard. The procedures and Technique Data Cards are approved
by NAS410 NDT Level 3 Personnel.
5. Conclusion
Automated Eddy Current Inspection of aero engine components is indigenously
designed, developed and manufactured to inspect Aero Engine parts during
overhaul and repair. The indigenization of the testing facility has lead to 400%
cost saving and conform to made in India concept. This technique uses
secondary master blocks
With artificial defects to calibrate the Eddy current system. The Eddy Current
inspection is proved effective in finding out service defects like fatigue cracks in
the aero engine parts. The technique is approved by the original equipment
manufacturer (OEM). This is the unique surface NDT method applied on
Aluminium, Steel, Nickel Base and Titanium Alloy Parts. Automation technique
has increased the reliability, repeatability, sensitivity and accuracy of the Eddy
Current inspection on these parts. It can be also extended to bore inspection of
other parts viz. compressor blades and discs of different Aero Engine Projects.
This technique also reduced the time taken for the inspection of such jobs.
Further work on orientation of the defect, exact location and metallurgical
evaluation of defect are to be carried out characterize the defect.

6. Acknowledgements
Authors acknowledge their sincere thanks to Executive Director, HAL, Engine
Division and Foundry and Forge division for allowing us to carrying out this work
at HAL Engine Division. Authors are gratefully acknowledge Mr. Johney Thomas
Deputy General Manager (Quality), Engine Division HAL for his guidance and
encouragement. Authors also thankful to Mr. Amrith Kumar, Manager, TM 333
2B2 assembly and Mr. Bhaskar Manager (DLE) Engine Division HA, for providing
the inputs. Authors wish to acknowledge their colleges Mr. Arun and Mr. Suresh
for their contribution in preparation of Parts and assisting during inspection.

7. References
1. SAFRAN - Turbomeca Common Techniques Book Vol 1
2. HAL Engine Division, Bangalore Internal Procedure – Aero Engine Master
Process Specification, AeMPS048
3. M/s. Turbomeca Specification CCT LC 593, CCT LC 636

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