I. Gordon'S Typology of 11 Health Patterns
I. Gordon'S Typology of 11 Health Patterns
I. Gordon'S Typology of 11 Health Patterns
BEFORE ADMISSION The patient is aware of her health. She managed her health problems like fever, colds and cough on her own. She does not practice a regular check-up or seeking medical advice for her health.
The patient is still aware of his health. She gathers information about her present condition. She seeks medical advice and follows doctors order about her prescriptions and medications.
The patient seeks medical advice and after she was diagnosed. She makes sure that she gathers information about it.
The patient has a good appetite. She eats three times a day, with snacks. She likes to eat anything particularly meat, pork, chicken, vegetables and fruits. She drinks less than 8 glasses of water a day.
When she knew about her condition, she sticks with a diet of vegetables and fruits. She still eats three times a day and drinks water more.
She became a fruit and vegetable eater and drinks more water than before.
Elimination Pattern
The patient defecates every other day. She urinates frequently and described with yellowish color. She does not experience any discomfort in urinating and defecating.
No changes.
ActivityExercise Pattern
The patient exercise daily but when she knew about her condition, she limits down her activities. She always watches television and help with the household chores.
The patient does walking as form of exercise. She does her hygiene by herself.
The patient sleeps 5 to 6 hours a day. She does not experience any difficulty in sleeping. She does not take afternoon naps.
The patient sleep-rest pattern is the same even she is hospitalized. She was awakened by rounds
Awakened by rounds.
Cognitive Perceptual
The patient is oriented to time, place and person. She responds properly to physical and verbal stimuli. She is a college graduate.
The patient is still oriented to time, place and person. She responds properly to physical and verbal stimuli.
No changes.
Selfperception/ self-concept
The patient sometimes thinks negative about herself. She thinks that her body image is not good because she thinks shes fat and the hyperpigmentation in
The patient thinks of her condition in a positive way. She is hoping that her condition will be treated and the changes in her body because of her condition will return to normal.
other parts of her body. But she is positive that these will be solved.
RoleRelationship Pattern
The patient stated that she lives with her parents and siblings. She said that she has a good relationship with her brothers and parents. She is the youngest in the family.
The patient stated that she maintains having a good relationship with her family. Her brother and brother-in-law take turns in taking care of her in the hospital.
She has a regular menstruation and does not experience any difficulty. The patient stated that she had a boyfriend and she broke up with him after she was diagnosed with her condition.
Coping-Stress Tolerance
The patient is not open with her problems to her family. She said that when she had a problem, she does not openly share it and just pray to God to overcome her circumstances.
Value/Belief Pattern
The patient is a Protestant. She always attends their worships and prays to God.
She maintained her faith and prays to God always. Although she cant attend the worships, she makes sure that she is connects with Him and that her condition will be better.
She cant attend worships but still makes sure to pray to God.
General: The patient verbalizes that she gained weight. She maintains her hygiene and grooming as well. Head/Eyes/Ears/Nose/Throat: Head- the patient does not experience any headache Eyes- she does not experience blurring of vision, double vision and pain but she said she feels like she has acetate like vision. Ears- she does not experience any pain in the ear, ringing sound in the ear, and hearing loss Nose- the patient verbalizes that she feels that, when she breathe, there is like an obstruction in her nose. Mouth and Throat- she does not experience any difficulty in swallowing and speaking Respiratory: The patient does not experience difficulty of breathing. Cardiac: The patient denies chest pain, pain while walking and palpitations. Gastro-intestinal: The patient does not experience nausea, vomiting, stomach upset. She has a good appetite Gastro-urinary: The patient said that she does not experience blood in urine, pain while urinating and straining while defecating. Hematology: The patient experience vaginal spotting. Endocrine: The patient does not experience increase in sweating, thirsty and eating. Musculoskeletal: The patient does not experience muscle, joint and bone pain. She also does not experience weakness. Neurology: The patient is oriented to time, place and date.