Thermal Treatment of Kaolin Clay To Obtain Metakao
Thermal Treatment of Kaolin Clay To Obtain Metakao
Thermal Treatment of Kaolin Clay To Obtain Metakao
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B.R. ILIĆ, A.A. MITROVIĆ, Lj.R. MILIČIĆ: THERMAL TREATMENT OF KAOLIN CLAY... Hem. ind. 64 (4) 351–356 (2010)
sentative 5-kg samples of kaolin clay were taken from Thermal behavior of the starting clay was investi-
the initial materials using the quartering method. Before gated using a Netzsch STA 409EP instrument. The
being characterized, the samples were dried to less than sample was heated from 20 to 1000 °C at a constant rate
0.5% moisture content, crushed and milled (to the par- of 10 °C/min in air.
ticle size of less than 43 μm). In order to confirm the characteristic bands of kao-
Chemical composition, determined by silicate me- linite in raw sample and the absence of these bands in
thod, and physical characteristics such as specific gra- thermally treated samples, a FTIR spectrophotometer,
vity, γsr, specific surface area, Sp, and fineness, R (given Nicolet 6700 Thermo Scientific, was used.
as residue on the sieve), determined according to stan- The pozzolanic activity of the thermally treated
dards SRPS EN 196-3 and SRPS EN 196-6, are given in samples (metakaolin) was evaluated according to Cha-
the Table 1. pelle test [18]. Metakaolin of a mass of 1 g was mixed
with 1 g Ca(OH)2 and 200 mL boiled water. The sus-
Table 1. Chemical composition and physical characteristics of pension was subsequently boiled for 16 h and the free
the starting clay Ca(OH)2 was determined by means of sucrose extrac-
Component Content, mass% tion and titration with HCl solution.
SiO2 48.00 Calcination/dehydroxylation procedure
Al2O3 31.75
Samples of about 50 g were heat treated in the la-
Fe2O3 4.38 boratory furnace at different temperatures (550, 600,
CaO 1.00 650 and 700 °C) and at different heating times (30, 60,
MgO 0.48 90, 120, 150 and 180 min). After heating, the samples
Na2O 0.16 were “quenched” to room temperature at ambient condi-
K2O 1.50 tions to avoid crystallization of amorphous metakaolin.
LOI 12.33 The weight of the samples before and after the
Physical characteristics thermal treatment was measured in order to determine
γsr, g/cm3
2.60 weight loss during calcinations process.
Sp, cm2/g 9180
R, % (sieve, 0.043 μm) 4.90
Thermal behavior of the starting clay is presented
Applied experimental techniques in the Figure 1. The main changes revealed by TG and
Mineralogical composition of the starting and ther- DTA analysis are as follows [14]. At temperatures be-
mally treated clays was determined using a Siemens low about 200 °C release of water absorbed in pores and
D5000 diffractometer (CuKα radiation, Ni filter). on the surfaces occurs. Between 200 and 450 °C, mass
B.R. ILIĆ, A.A. MITROVIĆ, Lj.R. MILIČIĆ: THERMAL TREATMENT OF KAOLIN CLAY... Hem. ind. 64 (4) 351–356 (2010)
loss attributed to the pre-dehydration process takes pla- Using mass loss values during calcination, and LOI
ce, as a result of the reorganization in the octahedral obtained by chemical analysis (Mmax), the degree of de-
layer. In the temperature range 450–650 °C, dehydroxy- hydrohylation calculated by Eq. (2) are presented in
lation of kaolinite and formation of metakaolinite takes Figure 2.
place, while at about 1000 °C, mullite was formed, as As can be seen, nearly complete dehydroxylation
indicated by an exothermic peak. The observed endo- was achieved after 90 min for temperature of 650 and
thermic peak with a maximum at 552 °C may be attri- 700 °C, for which the degree of dehydroxylation, Dtg, is
buted to dehydroxylation process. 0.97.
In order to obtain optimal calcination parameters, In order to confirm disappearance of kaolinite peaks,
the clay was subjected to thermal treatment at different after thermal treatment, the XRD patterns of starting
heating temperatures and times. The mass loss of start- and calcined clay were compared. The results are pre-
ing clay for given calcinations parameters is given in sented in Figure 3. It is evident (Figure 3a) that the ma-
Table 2. jor mineral constituents of the starting clay are kaolinite
As can be seen, for calcination temperatures of and quartz. The results of XRD measurements of the
550, 600 and 650 °C, mass loss increases up to 90 min, calcined clays, selected on the base on their degree of
while prolonged heating has a negligible effect on the dehydraxylation, are given in Figures 3b–3d. After ther-
mass loss. For all applied heating times at temperature mal treatment of clays at temperatures 600, 650 and 700
700 °C obtained values for mass loss are nearly the same °C and heating time 90 min, characteristic peaks for kao-
≈12%. It is evident that at calcination temperature 650 linite (2θ 12.41, 20.21 and 25.49°) [19] disappear, while
°C and heating time 90 min, mass loss is almost iden- peaks assigned to quartz (2θ 21.22 and 27.45°) remains
tical with the values obtained at 700 °C. If we take eco- unchanged.
nomic factors into consideration, the optimal parameters Besides XRD measurements, IR spectroscopy was
for calcination are temperature 650 °C and heating time applied to confirm kaolinite transformation during calci-
of 90 min. nation. IR spectra obtained for starting clay and ther-
Table 2. Mass loss (%) of kaolin clay for different calcination temperatures and times
Temperature, °C
Heating time, min
550 600 650 700
15 – – 10.72 11.90
30 9.26 10.56 11.22 12.00
60 10.49 11.42 11.73 12.05
90 11.11 11.80 12.00 12.07
120 11.24 11.80 12.03 12.15
150 11.33 11.74 11.92 12.11
180 11.51 11.76 – –
Figure 2. Dependence of degree of the dehydrohylation, Dtg, on calcination time for different temperatures of thermal treatment.
B.R. ILIĆ, A.A. MITROVIĆ, Lj.R. MILIČIĆ: THERMAL TREATMENT OF KAOLIN CLAY... Hem. ind. 64 (4) 351–356 (2010)
1500 L
1000 Q
0 20 40 60 80
(a) (b)
3000 3500
M L 1500
1000 Q 1000 Q
500 500 K
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
2θ 2θ
(c) (d)
Figure 3. XRD Patterns of starting kaolin clay (a) and thermally treated (calcinated) at 600 °C for 90 min (b); at 650 °C for 90 min
(c) and at 700 °C for 60 min (d). K – kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4), Q – quartz (SiO2), L – mica (AlSi2O6(OH)2), F – feldspar
((K,Na)Si3O8), M – montmorillonite ((Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2⋅nH2O)).
B.R. ILIĆ, A.A. MITROVIĆ, Lj.R. MILIČIĆ: THERMAL TREATMENT OF KAOLIN CLAY... Hem. ind. 64 (4) 351–356 (2010)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. IR spectra of starting kaolin clay (a) and thermally treated (calcinated) at 550 °C for 90 min (b); at 600 °C for 90 min (c)
and at 650 °C for 90 min (d).
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Biljana R. Ilić, Aleksandra A. Mitrović, Ljiljana R. Miličić
Institut za ispitivanje materijala ad, Beograd
(Naučni rad)
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja dobijanja metakaolina ter- Ključne reči: Kaolin • Metakaolin •
mičkim tretmanom domaće kaolinske gline. Polazna sirovina je bila kaoli- Kalcinacija • Dehidroksilacija
nska glina sa ležišta Vrbica (Aranđelovački basen), čiji je sadržaj kaolinita Key words: Kaolin • Metakaolin •
oko 80% i gubitak žarenjem 12,33%. Diferencijalnom termičkom anali- Calcination • Dehydroxylation
zom (DTA/TGA) utvrđeno je da do dehidroksilacije i transformacije kaoli-
nita u metakaolinit dolazi u opsegu temperature 450−700 °C. Proces kalci-
nacije je praćen termičkim tretmanom kaolinske gline u laboratorijskim
uslovima na temperaturama 550, 600, 650 i 700 °C, različito vreme: 15,
30, 60, 90, 120, 150 i 180 min. Kao glavni kvantitativni kriterijum za
ocenu ponašanja kaolinita u procesu kalcinacije, korišćen je stepen de-
hidroksilacije materijala, Dtg. Optimalni parametri procesa kalcinacije, pri
kojima je postignut stepen dehidroksilacije 0,97, jesu: temperatura 650 °C
i vreme zagrevanja 90 min. Transformacije kaolinita u metakaolinit potvr-
đene su rendgenskom strukturnom analizom i IR spektroskopijom polazne
gline i termički tretiranih glina. Na difraktogramima termički tretiranih
glina nisu uočeni karakteristični pikovi kaolinita, dok IR spektri pokazuju
odsustvo karakterističnih veza kaolinita. Pucolanska aktivnost metakaoli-
na, određena direktnom metodom, pri optimalnim uslovima kalcinacije iz-
nosi 0,65 g Ca(OH)2 / g metakaolina. Na osnovu ovih istraživanja može se
zaključiti da je kaolinska glina sa nalazišta Vrbica pogodna za proizvodnju
metakaolina, odgovarajuće pucolanske aktivnosti, a koji se može primenji-
vati u svojstvu dopunskog cementnog materijala u sistemima na bazi ce-