OCP ANTIPOLO CITY 2019 - Citizen's Charter

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Office of the City Prosecutor of Antipolo City


I. Mandate:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) derives its mandate primarily from the Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292). It carries out this mandate through the Department Proper and the Department's attached
agencies under the direct control and supervision of the Secretary of Justice.

Under Executive Order (EO) 292, the DOJ is the government's principal law agency. As such, the DOJ serves as the government's prosecution arm and administers the government's criminal justice system by investigating
crimes, prosecuting offenders and overseeing the correctional system.

The DOJ, through its offices and constituent/attached agencies, is also the government's legal counsel and representative in litigations and proceedings requiring the services of a lawyer; implements the Philippines' laws on
the admission and stay of aliens within its territory; and provides free legal services to indigent and other qualified citizens.

II. Vision:

A just and peaceful society anchored on the principles of transparency, accountability, fairness and truth

III. Mission:

Effective, efficient and equitable administration of Justice

IV. Service Pledge:

We undertake to provide every person equal access to justice, to faithfully safeguard constitutional rights and ensure that no one is deprived of due process of law.

Our commitment is to advocate for reforms in partnership with our stakeholders, to simplify processes and to re-engineer systems to best serve our constituents.

We shall work with honor and integrity for the institution, for God and Country.

V. Service Specification:

1. Receiving Criminal Complaints for Preliminary Investigation

A preliminary investigation is an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there is a sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the respondent is probably guilty thereof
and should be held for trial.

Office or Division: Office of the City Prosecutor- Antipolo City

Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: All


o. Certificate of discernment (for cases City Social Welfare
No. of covered by R.A. 9344 "the Juvenile and Development
Document Where to Secure
Copies Justice and Welfare Act", in cases
1. Complaint-affidavit/sworn-statement of 5+ Complainant where the offender is 15 years old
witness/es of private complainant/victim (1 number of and below 18 years old)
original copy, 4 + no. of respondent/s respondent/s 4. Investigation Data Form (1 original copy, 1 2 Office of the City
photocopies) (Note: photocopy) Prosecutor
copies as
required by
2. Affidavit/sworn-statement of witness/es (1 5+ Witness/es PROCEDURES
original copy, 4 + no. of respondent/s number of Fees Processing Person
photocopies) respondent/s Client Steps Agency Actions to be Time Responsible
(Note: Paid
Additional 1. Submit the Check the None 5 minutes Administrative
copies as documentary documents. Assistant V
required by requirements properly
court) bound, arranged, If complete, require
3. Supporting Documents (1 original copy, 4 + 5+ labeled and paged. the complainant to
no. of respondent/s photocopies) number of fill-up the
respondent/s Investigation Data
(Note: Form (IDF).
copies as If incomplete, return
required by all documents.
court) 2. Fill-out and submit the Check the None 5 minutes Administrative
a. Certificate to File Action (for Barangay Hall IDF. completeness of Assistant V
offenses covered by the data in the IDF and
Katarungang Pambarangay) require the
b. Medical Certificate (for frustrated or Hospital complainant to
attempted homicide, murder, subscribe/ certify
parricide, and physical injuries under oath the IDF
cases) and the
c. Police Investigation Report PNP complainant/witness
d. Police Sketches (for vehicular PNP (es) affidavit/s
collision case) 3. Certify under oath the Administer the oath None 10 minutes Prosecutor
e. Photographs (for vehicular collision PNP information contained on-duty
case) in the IDF and
f. Inventory/List of articles/Items PNP complaint/witness(es)
subject of the offense with their affidavits
respective values (for theft, robbery, 4. Submit to the Stamp “Received” None 5 minutes Administrative
Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway receiving staff. with name of office, Assistant V
Robbery, and Anti-Fencing Law date, time, name
cases) and signature of
g. Gambling paraphernalia or its PNP receiving staff.
photograph, if any, item/cash money Write or stamp the 5 minutes Administrative
(bet/wager) (for illegal gambling assigned NPS Assistant V
case) docket number on
h. Certification (for Anti-Car Napping Traffic Management the IDF.
Law case) Group/ Record the 5 minutes Administrative
Land Transportation complaint in the Assistant V
Office appropriate logbook
i. Certification (for illegal possession Firearms and and electronic
of firearms, ammunitions and Explosives Office database, if any.
explosives cases) 5. Receive the duly
j. Certification of Non-Licensee or Philippine Overseas stamped/ received
Non-Holder of Authority (for illegal and Employment copy of IDF with
recruitment case) Authority assigned NPS docket
k. Chemistry Report/Laboratory Law Enforcement number and sign in
examination report signed by Authority the logbook
forensic chemist (for Dangerous
Drugs Law/ Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act cases)
l. Death Certificate (for parricide, Philippine Statistic TOTAL: 35 minutes
murder, homicide cases) Authority/ Local Civil
m. Authority to File Complaint (for Bureau of Custom /
violation of the Tariff and Customs Bureau of Internal
Laws or National Internal Revenue Revenue
Code, respectively)
n. Birth Certificate; or dental chart
accompanied by the certificate of
Philippine Statistic
the dentist; or affidavit of any of the
parent/disinterested person stating
the age and date of birth of the
victim/offender (for minor victim/
2. Receiving Criminal Complaints for Inquest Proceedings

An inquest proceeding is an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public prosecutor in criminal cases involving persons arrested and detained without the benefit of warrant of arrest issued by the Court
for the purpose of determining whether or not these persons should remain under the custody and correspondingly be changed in Court.

Office or Division: Office of the City Prosecutor-Antipolo City

Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: All


No. of Copies Where to Transportation
Document Office
1. Affidavit of Arrest/Apprehension (and 5+ PNP  Other evidence of Land
Affidavit of Turnover if citizen’s Arrest) (1 number of ownership Transportation
original copy, 4 + no. of respondent/s respondent/s Office
photocopies) (Note: Additional g. Violation of the Anti-Cattle Rustling
copies as Law (PD 533)
required by
2. Investigation Report (1 original copy, 4 + 5+ PNP
no. of respondent/s photocopies) (1 number of  Machine copy of the cattle
original copy, 4 + no. of respondent/s respondent/s certificate of registration
photocopies) (Note: Additional  Photograph of the cattle, if Law
copies as readily available Enforcement
required by Authority
3. Affidavit of complainant and witness/es 5+ Complainant
(1 original copy, 4 + no. of respondent/s number of and Witness/es h. Violation of Illegal Gambling Law (PD 1602)
photocopies) respondent/s
 Gambling paraphernalia PNP
(Note: Additional
copies as  Photograph of the gambling PNP
required by paraphernalia, if any
court)  Cash money, if any PNP
4. Supporting Documents (1 original copy, 4 5+ i. Illegal Possession of Firearms, Ammunitions and
+ no. of respondent/s photocopies): number of Explosive (PD 1866, as amended by RA 8294)
respondent/s  Chemistry report duly signed by the PNP
(Note: Additional forensic chemist
copies as  Photograph of the explosive, if readily PNP
required by available
court) j. Violation of the Fisheries Law (PD 704)
a. Murder, Homicide and Parricide  Photograph of the confiscated fish, if PNP
 Certified true/ machine copy Philippine readily available
of death certificate of the Statistic  Photograph of fishing paraphernalia, if PNP
victim Authority/ Local any
Civil Registry  Certification Bureau of
 Autopsy report and the PNP Fisheries and
certificate of post-mortem Aqua
examination, if already k. Violation of RA 9262 (VAWC)
available  Marriage Contract/Certificate, or Philippine
 Marriage certificate (for Philippine affidavit/evidence of “dating relationship”, Statistic
parricide case) Statistic if applicable Authority/ Local
Authority/ Local Civil Registry
Civil Registry  Barangay protection order , if any Barangay Hall
b. Frustrated or Attempted Homicide, l. Where the victim/offender is a minor:
Murder, Parricide and Physical
 Birth Certificate; or dental chart Philippine
accompanied by the certificate of the Statistic
 Medical certificate of the Hospital
dentist; or affidavit of any of the Authority/ Local
complaining witness/victim parent/disinterested person stating the Civil Registry/
showing the nature and age and date of birth of the Dental Clinic
extent of the injury and
duration of healing
 Certificate of discernment (for cases City Social
 Certification or statement as Hospital
covered by R.A. 9344 "the Juvenile Welfare and
to duration of the treatment Justice and Welfare Act" Development
or medical attendance
5. Investigation Data Form duly accomplished and certified 2 Office of the City
 Certification or statement as Hospital
under oath by the law enforcer or citizen effecting the Prosecutor
to duration of incapacity for arrest
 Marriage certificate (in Philippine
frustrated or attempted Statistic
murder parricide cases) Authority/ Local
Civil Registry
c. Violation of the Dangerous Drugs
Law/Comprehensive Dangerous PROCEDURES
Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165) Fees Processing Person
 Chemistry report or PNP Client Steps Agency Actions to be Time Responsible
certificate of laboratory Paid
examination duly signed by 1. The law enforcer Check the documents. None 5 minutes Administrative
the forensic chemist, or if submits the Assistant V
unavailable, field test results documentary If complete, require the
on the seized drug as requirements complainant to fill-up the
attested to by a PNP properly bound, Investigation Data Form
Narcotics Command arranged, labeled (IDF).
operative or other and paged.
competent person If no Affidavit of Arrest and
 Machine copy or PNP IDF, return all documents.
photograph of the buy-bust 2. Fill-out and Check the completeness of None 5 minutes Administrative
money, if available submit the IDF. data in the IDF and require Assistant V
 Affidavit of the poseur PNP the complainant to
buyer, if any. subscribe/ certify under
d. Theft and Robbery, Violation of the oath the IDF and the
Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway complaint/witness (es)
Robbery Law (PD 532) and affidavit/s.
Violation of the Anti-Fencing Law 3. Certify under Administer the oath. None 10 minutes Prosecutor
(PD 1612) oath the on-duty
 A list/inventory of the PNP information
articles and items subject of contained in the
offense IDF and
 Statement of their PNP complaint/witness
respective values (es) affidavits.
e. Rape, Seduction, and Forcible 4. Submit to the Stamp “Received” with None 5 minutes Administrative
Abduction with Rape receiving staff. name of office, date, time, Assistant V
name and signature of
 The medico-legal report PNP
(living case report) if the receiving staff.
victim submitted herself for Write or stamp the None 5 minutes Administrative
medical or physical assigned NPS docket Assistant V
examination number on the IDF.
f. Violation of the Anti-Carnapping
Law (RA 6539) Record the complaint in None 5 minutes Administrative
 Machine copy of the Land the appropriate logbook Assistant V
certificate of motor vehicle Transportation and electronic database, if
registration Office any.
 Machine copy of the current Land
5. Receive duly
official receipt of payment of Transportation
the registration fees of the Office
copy of IDF with
subject motor vehicle
assigned NPS
 Photograph of the motor PNP docket number
vehicle, if readily available and sign in the
 Certification Traffic logbook
Management TOTAL: 35 minutes
3. Provision of Prosecutor’s Clearance

A Prosecutor’s Clearance is a document issued to an individual who needs the same for the purpose of local employment or foreign employment, foreign travel, firearm license, permit to carry
firearms, and retirements. This basically assures that an individual has no pending case/s.

Office or Division: Office of the City Prosecutor-Antipolo City

Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: All

No. of
Document Where to Secure
1. Request Form or documents with case information 1 Office of the City Prosecutor
2. Valid government-issued identification card with photo 1 Government issued ID from any of the following:
Philippine Postal Corporation, etc.

Processing Person
Client Steps Agency Actions to be
Time Responsible
1. Fill-out and submit the request form together with ID to Check the documentary requirements for completeness. 5 minutes Administrative
Docket Section for initial assessment. Assistant V
 Make sure to secure the Order of Payment that will be
Verify the status of the case. 10 minutes Administrative
Assess and issue Order of Payment, if no pending case. 5 minutes Assistant V
Processing of the request 10 minutes
2. Pay the required fees at the Cashier by showing the Accept the payment based on the Order of Payment: 5 minutes Administrative
Order of Payment. Assistant V
 Make sure to secure Official Receipt (O.R) that will be  For Firearm License PHP 1,000 1,000
issued upon payment.  For Permit to Carry 500 500
 For Business Permit 300 300
 For Foreign Travel 200 200
 For Retirement/Resignation 100 100
 For Foreign Employment 100 100
 For Local Employment 50 50

Issue the Official Receipt. 5 minutes

3. Present the O.R. to the Docket Section. Check the Official Receipt and process the request. 5 minutes Administrative
Issue the Certificate to the client. 5 minutes Assistant V
4. Receive the clearance and sign in the logbook.
Total: 40 minutes

4. Provision of Prosecutor’s Certification of Case Status and Certified Copy of Documents

A copy of a primary/original document that has been certified to prove that such is the true copy of the original document.

Office or Division: Office of the City Prosecutor- Antipolo City

Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: All

No. of
Document Where to Secure
1. Request Form or documents with case information 1 Office of the City Prosecutor
2. Valid government-issued identification card with photo 1 Government issued ID from any of the following:
Philippine Postal Corporation, etc.

Processing Person
Client Steps Agency Actions to be
Time Responsible
1. Fill-out and submit the request form together with ID to Check the documentary requirements for completeness. 5 minutes Administrative
Docket Section for initial assessment. Assistant V
 Make sure to secure the Order of Payment that will be Verify the status of the case. 10 minutes Administrative
issued. Issue the Order of Payment if the record is available. 5 minutes Assistant V
Start processing the request 10, minutes
2. Pay the required fees at the Cashier by showing the Accept the payment based on the Order of Payment. 5 minutes Administrative
Order of Payment. Assistant V
 Make sure to secure Official Receipt that will be issued  For first three (3) pages copy of documents PHP 75 75
upon payment.  Succeeding pages 2 per page 2
Issue the Official Receipt. 5 minutes
3. Return to the Docket Section for the processing and Check the Official Receipt. 5 minutes Administrative
release of certification. Issue the Certificate to the client. 5 minutes Assistant V
4. Receive the certification and sign in the logbook.
TOTAL: 40 minutes

Client Step Person/Office

Agency Action
Frontline Service Contact Information Responsible
A. Feedback
1. How to file a feedback?
a. Accomplish the Client’s Feedback Form at the a. Type DOJ website and click Feedback
Frontline Service Form:


b. Drop the accomplished Client’s Feedback Form b. Answer the feedback form and click a. Compiles the Client’s Feedback Form and Administrative Assistant
into the designated drop box at the Public “Submit Feedback Form.” submit to the head of office. V
Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD)/Frontline
2. How feedback is processed?
b. Tabulate, summarize and evaluate the Administrative Assistant
feedback forms using appropriate statistical V
c. Submit the report to the head of office for Administrative Assistant
appropriate action copy furnished the Quality V
Management Representative (QMR) for

 Feedback requiring answers are forwarded

to the relevant offices within 3 days upon
receipt of the feedback for explanation.
d. Relay the answer to the client. Administrative Assistant
B. Complaint
1. How to file a complaint?
a. Go to Public Assistance and Complaint Desk a. Contact the following information: a. Receive and record the complaint in the Sr. Administrative
(PACD) and submit/ report the complaint in logbook. Assistant
writing/verbal with the following information:  Head of the City Prosecution Office 1/Administrative
Assistant V
 Full name, address, and contact details of the  ARTA – [email protected]
complainant 1-ARTA (2782)
 Details of the act complained of  Presidential Complaints Center - 8888
 Person(s) charged,  CSC Contact Center ng Bayan –
 Name of agency of the person(s) charged, if 09085-881-6565
applicable, and
 Evidence of such violation.
2. How complaints are processed?
b. Evaluate the complaint. Sr. Administrative
Assistant V
c. Submit / transmit the complaint to the relevant Sr. Administrative
office/unit for explanation. Assistant
Assistant V
d. Submit the report to the head of office for Sr. Administrative
appropriate action. Assistant
Assistant V
e. Send the feedback of the head of office to the Head
client. City Prosecution Office

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