Vampire The Requiem - The Danse Macabre

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Sun’s rising. So what ?

This party’s st ill going. I st ill have blood to drink.

I st ill have one more song in me.

the danse macabre

Across the city, some of us are crawling back to our hovels,
our mansions, our coffins.
But some of us aren’t.
Some of us are st ill hunt ing for something. Down in the
closed-off subway tunnels. Up in the might iest penthouses.
Here in the warehouse district. There at the docks, under the
docks, around the docks. Always hunt ing, forever hungry.
A lot of us, we don’t pale when the sun comes up. We know
This book is: we’re bad folks. We know that if we get caught out there and
• A look at how to play
Vampire: The Requiem at
those white teeth bite off a bit of our long shadows, well, then
three different tiers of play:
coterie, city and conspiracy maybe we deserved it. We deserved it because we’re stupid and
• Classic covenants made we’re selfish and maybe the combinat ion of those two things
global, and a handful of
entirely new covenants,
including the Brides of
means we’re evil incarnate, I dunno.
Dracula, or the Children of
the Thorns. If it happens, it happens.
• A bloodbath of new rules: Me, I’m going to give the finger to Sol Invictus, the Ol’
social combat, mental
combat, gargoyles, Banes,
new Humanity rules, and
Sun, Big Bright Happy Face.
You hear that, sun?
• Ready-made chronicles,
allowing you to kick down We don’t give up the night that easy.
the walls and play way
outside the box. Want a
noir game? Vampires in the
—Some F **king Vampire
mode of Romeo and Juliet?
A post-apocalyptic end-of-
days scenario? We have you
a sourcebook for

9 781588 463852 PRINTED IN canada WW25314
978-1-58846-385-2 W W25314 $39.99 US
Russell Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, David Brookshaw,
Christopher Cowger, Bethany Culp, Matthew McFarland,
Greg Stolze, Chuck Wendig
Authors: Russell Bailey, Benjamin Baugh,
David Brookshaw, Christopher Cowger, Bethany Culp,
Matthew McFarland, Greg Stolze, Chuck Wendig
Developers: Russell Bailey and Chuck Wendig
Editor: Genevieve Podleski
Art Director: Craig S Grant
Book Design: Craig S Grant
Interior Art: Helsa Amadi, Patrick Ballesteros,
George Bough, John Bridges, Felicia Cano,
Dan Duncan, Jenny Frison, Craig S Grant,
Mathias Kollros, Marco Mazzoni, Jeremy McHugh,
Mark Pexton, Esther Sanz, Matt Smith,
Doug Stambaugh, Matthew Starbuck, Bill Thompson,
John Wigley
Frontispiece: Bethany Culp
Front Cover: Michael Komarck
Creative Director: Richard Thomas

© 2010 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without

the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden,
except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character
sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White
Wolf, Vampire, and The World of Darkness are registered
trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Storytelling
System, Vampire the Requiem, Mage the Awakening,
Werewolf the Forsaken, World of Darkness, and The Danse
Macabre are trademarks of CCP hf.
All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by CCP hf.
CCP North America Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CCP hf.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction
and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
Check out White Wolf online at PRINTED IN CANADA.

2 credits

–Table of Contents–
Credits 2
Introduction 5
A Season of Secrets: Part One 8
Life After Dark 15
A Season of Secrets: Part Two 62
The Bonds of Covenant 64
A Season of Secrets: Part Three 126
Bloody Business 127
A Season of Secrets: Part Four 222
Dead, Dread Chronicles 226
Outro 261

I quit White Wolf (the first time) just before we planned to do another
edition of Vampire the Masquerade, and came back specifically to work on
revised. I worked on that for several years, then we relaunched the World
of Darkness and I worked on Requiem for a while. Then I quit again.
And then, I came back again. Vampire brought me back.
It’s a powerful draw. I’m addicted to it. It’s my vitae.
When I started here, I was a dewy-eyed youth, afire with my love for
games and the World of Darkness in particular. Now I’m married, have a
kid, and have been here for fourteen years — and I still love Vampire as
much as I did almost two decades ago when my then-girlfriend introduced
me to it.
It’s been a wonderful experience for me, among the most gratifying
things I’ve ever done. It’s indescribably fulfilling to peek in on
people’s chronicles, be it at conventions, in online journals, at LARPS,
or in person, to see what people have done with the world. How people
feel about the World of Darkness is amazing: It’s resounded with gamers
in the way precious few other worlds have. I’m proud to have been a part
of something that has touched people’s lives so profoundly. The joy
people take in the experience makes all the hard work worthwhile, death
threats and anonymous Internet name-calling notwithstanding.
That part of the story where we publish a new Vampire book every month
has come to a close, though. Not the game-playing part, because so long
as people get together around a table or in a social group and someone
has a copy of Vampire, the game can happen infinitely. It’s a little
bittersweet, I have to say, but looking forward means that we’ll be able
to take what we’ve done here and apply it to something new.
I hope you’ll join us. Just because we’re publishing in a different
format doesn’t mean there’s not still going to be a world out there
for you to make yours. I’m part of making that world, and I want to see
everyone who ever had any portion of love I had for Vampire bring that
same enthusiasm (or deviousness, or treachery, or subterfuge) into what
happens next with Vampire. Without you, I’m just a lone weirdo clattering
away at a keyboard in a room.
And if you’ve been any part of the ride over that almost-two decades
Vampire’s been out there, you’ll know that the night is nothing without a
few other monsters with whom to share it.
I’ll be there….
Justin Achilli

A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges.
—Benjamin Franklin

This book is us saying, “But there’s so much more you

The Bereavement Boogie can do with this game, and goddamnit, I still have the
Welcome to The Danse Macabre. The name means dance talking stick.”
of the dead, and speaks to the society of the Damned— You want social combat? Done. You want Vampire Noir
these awful creatures must interact, and when they do, in the Dark Metropolis? Amen. You want new systems for
it is a waltz of knives, a whirl of fangs, a floor filled with Devotions, for humanity, for how vampires deal with each
pirouetting monsters. In this wretched dance, none are other? We got your ass covered. We have new covenants. We
equal, all are separate, and nobody’s following the same have old covenants done up in a new way. We have all kinds of
rhythm. viscera-caked thought-meats shoved into this sausage casing
And yet, the name has other connotations, too: the (and as you surely feel in your hands, this is not a small book).
dance macabre is a medieval art-form, an allegorical look
at a parade of skeletons or corpses leading other dead How to Use This Book
men to their grave. What it means is that, guess what? (The Bloody Parts, Arranged)
We’re all going to the same place. We’re all in the great
big Conga line to the crypt, baby. All things end. We’re The whole of The Danse Macabre seeks to crack the
all just dancing skeletons. breastbone with a rib-spreader and take a new look at
many of the key component parts of Vampire: The
Hence, the irony. The vampires think of the Danse
Requiem. The chapters are laid out as follows:
Macabre as the endless dance of unequal monsters, and
yet the term itself implies a finality and an equality. We A Season Of Secrets: Throughout this book you’ll find
all go to the grave. We are all equal in our passing. fiction in four parts. This story—“Season of Secrets,” by
Greg Stolze—returns us one final time to the vampires
In that tension, between finality and eternity, lies our game.
of Chicago who suffer an upheaval when a grotesque
deviation of the Traditions occurs. Can the city survive
Okay, But What Is It Really? this transgression? What do they make of the transgressor?
All that metaphorical shit aside, this book is meant to Intro: You’re reading it. Don’t get excited.
be another, deeper look at how to get your hands bloody Chapter One: Life After Dark first introduces you to
when tinkering with Vampire: The Requiem. a whole new way of looking at and playing Vampire: The
It’s not a player’s guide. We already did that. Requiem, which is the “tier system.” We break the game
It’s not a Storyteller’s guide—er, sorry, “Chronicler’s out into three tiers (similar to what’s done in Hunter:
guide.” We did that, already, too. The Vigil) and give a host of new rules that helps you
It’s somewhere in-between. It’s something bigger. rejigger the game with whatever awesome hacks suit your
Something weirder. game table the most. After that, it’s time to chop apart
We want to tear apart the whole game of Vampire: The the clans and see what makes them tick. Why would you
Requiem. We want to look at all the greasy, gore-soaked play them? What do they mean? We cut right to the heart.
constituent parts and more importantly, we want you Finally, we give you a look into the roles vampires play,
to look at these spare parts, too. Consider them. What and mechanically bolster these roles (the Masquerade
happens when you put them back together? What happens and the Requiem).
when you staple this here, and duct tape that there, and Chapter Two: The Bonds of Covenant rips apart what
then zap it with lightning and feed it a mouthful of ancient you already know about the existing five covenants in
demon’s blood? What lumbering monstrosity awakens? Requiem and reinvents them as gonzo, global conspiracies
This book, that’s what. lording at the tippy-top of the third tier of the layer cake.

After that, it’s a deadly parade of fresh new covenants Disciple-Skill marriages? All these rules (and more) seek
for use in your game whether as antagonists or as groups to give you new ways to play Vampire: The Requiem at
players may choose for their characters. the game table.
Chapter Three: Bloody Business is not your typical Chapter Four: Dead, Dread Chronicles gives fresh
rules chapter—these rules are as wide and varied as meat to both Storytellers and players in terms of conceiving
arterial spray on the wall (each spatter its own piece new chronicles—unexpected chronicles, even—within
of art). Social combat? Mental combat? New rules for the mode of Requiem. Can Vampire support a noir
Humanity? New ways for players to roleplay through the chronicle? Hell yes, it can. What about Romeo and Juliet?
creation of unique Devotions? Yes, yes, yes and yes. Want What about the end-of-days apocalypse?
new combat rules? Montages? Time compression? New

This Book Is No Unitasker

If you work it right, this book can earn you a lot of mileage.
In fact, this book isn’t good for just Vampire: The Requiem. No, really.
The social and mental combat play well across any of the games within the Storytelling System.
The banes could be used as an alternate Morality or derangement system for monstrous characters, be they
werewolves or changelings or, who knows, heart-eating death-unicorns.
The new covenants (and new looks at old covenants) could make good enemies for, say, Hunter: The Vigil. Heck,
one of the new covenants (the Children of the Thorns, p. 92) could fit right into your Changeling: The Lost game.
We’re just trying to give you more bang for your buck. These pages can go far if you use them right. This book
multi-tasks quite nicely, we hope.

Sun’s coming up.

I know it the same way you know it: I can smell it.

It’s a thing. A palpable thing. It hangs in the nose. It’s like the whiff of ozone before a lightning strike, or the scent
of a big bad wolf hot on your tail. What does it smell like? It doesn’ t smell like any one thing—it isn’ t like, the bitter tang
of gun oil or the sweat from behind a scared girl’s ear (or from between her thighs). It’s a smell of finality. Of flowers
withering, of gasoline on the highway, of blood curdling on the sidewalk, of sugar cane burning and roadkilled cats and
hope and possibility and promise fucked in the ass and left to bake on the desert ground.

See, humans—the mortal herd, those shitheads—they look at the sunrise as the dawn of a brand new day. Pink cheeks!
Happy thoughts! Kiss to the wife, a tousle of the kid’s hair. Morning coffee and eg gs and toast and Sweet Jesus let
me deep throat a shotgun.

To us, though? Well.

Sunrise means hot death. Big orange ball—its fat fuckin’ face—rises up over the horizon, and for us, that’s it. Finito, the
end game, goodnight Gracie. It’s like, either you sleep (which is death), or you get caught out there (which is double-death).

Sun comes up, it’s a thing with teeth. Long bright teeth biting away the long shadows, chomp chomp chomp. Except,
we live in those shadows. Hell, some of us are those shadows.

So, as I said, sun’s coming up.

But you know what?

Fuck that shit, hombre.

I’m like a kid that don’ t wanna get up for school. Five more minutes, Mom, you goddamn slag.

Sun’s rising. So what? This party’s still going. I still have blood to drink. I still have one more song in me—hah, nah,
two more songs and at least one more piss break. Not that I piss, but those club boys on MDMA damn sure do, and
nothing like a tight bathroom stall to make quick work of one of those bubble-headed boy-toys (and any blood that spills
flushes just fine, thanks).

Across the city, some of us are crawling back to our hovels, our mansions, our coffins.

But some of us aren’ t.

Some of us are still hunting for something. Down in the closed-off subway tunnels. Up in the mightiest penthouses.
Here in the warehouse district. There at the docks, under the docks, around the docks. Always hunting, forever hungry.

A lot of us, we don’ t pale when the sun comes up. We know we’re bad folks. We know that if we get caught out there
and those white teeth bite off a bit of our long shadows, well, then maybe we deserved it. We deserved because we’re stupid
and we’re selfish and maybe the combination of those two things means we’re evil incarnate, I dunno.

If it happens, it happens.

Me, I’m going to give the finger to Sol Invictus, the Ol’ Sun, Big Bright Happy Face.

You hear that, sun?

We don’ t give up the night that easy.

The magical fool did not observe the niceties, “Mm?”

ecrets did not show proper respect to the Prince of
Chicago, but Maxwell let it pass. He had big-
ger fish to fry than contorting the thoughts
and feelings of some uppity white boy who’d
Norris glanced at the human, who smirked.
With an easy hand gesture, Maxwell indicat-
ed that the man could hear whatever Norris
had to say. Norris assumed, as Maxwell had
S be dead soon. Even if he lived out a man’s, expected, that this meant the mortal was
what, six-score and ten now? What was the food and it didn’t matter what he learned.
20th century average, and had it changed in Dead soon.
the 21st? Even if he lived out a lifespan, and

“My colleague Bawdry here,” he said,

Maxwell had his doubts, it would still be dead indicating the stranger, “has traveled from
soon by the reckoning of an immortal. Memphis, seeking a rogue member of the
“And so we’re quit,” the magician or wizard covenant.”
O - G

or whatever said to the vampire, and didn’t “And you are now presenting him to me,
bother to keep the smugness out. “Warning of course.”
you about this wasn’t even that difficult, you
“Actually, my lord, Bawdry has persuasive
know. Your rival sends out ripples no matter

evidence that the fugitive is here, in your

how subtle he thinks he is.”

home. I told him that you would never

“Mmm,” Maxwell replied, his hand strok- knowingly act in poor faith against the Ordo
ing the black fur of the puma lying beside Dracul, but he furthermore makes the ex-
his desk. Probably no good, but every little travagant claim that you are trying to learn
bit helped. some of the mystical secrets and... capabilities

“Now, for the next thing,” the magician


of our order…”
began, and Maxwell turned brown, steady “Oh, we could go back and forth, couldn’t
eyes on him. No occult power underlay his we, Norris?”
words, just the strength of authority. The spy runner frowned at the interruption
“We’ve discussed the terms. I understand and fiddled with his fingertips. One hand
them. You understand them. Surely you don’t had a handsome manicure; the other, only
need to go over them again?” Because you’re exposed pads where the nails had been torn
A Season

a weak, frightened pussy went unsaid. out during his living days. He touched one set
The living man was spared a reply by a of fingertips with the other, then switched,
knock on the door. Instead he put his hand on as if reassuring himself that nothing had
thick manila folder. He had been instructed changed. “My Prince?”
not to open it and he did not. “I could feign ignorance, and you could
“Enter,” Maxwell said, and in walked Nor- investigate, and gather all who fear or hate
ris the spymaster, flanked by two members me behind the Ordo Dracul and create a stink
of the Ordo Dracul. Maxwell knew one, and and a grievance while I played the wronged
knew that while she wouldn’t be able to ruler schemed against and it could all be a
wrest control of his puma from him, or of the big thing. Or I could just confess that, just
boa coiled above the door frame, she could as you’ve long suspected, I’ve aged to the
certainly confuse and delay them enough to point where men are no longer food. No,
take them out of the equation. Maxwell didn’t you— and you and you,” he said, nodding
even nod in satisfaction, but he thought, at the other Kindred, “are my meat now. This
Simplify things when you have the upper hand. one,” jerking a thumb at the one person in
Norris was no fool. the room who was breathing, “is not. In fact,
“My lord,” Norris said—and like the living from what my prisoner— no, not a guest,
man, he was careless with formality, to the though she’s been made comfortable— has
point of rudeness—”I have received dis- told me, I probably need to learn more from
turbing news that I hope you can shed light your order than I had originally thought.”
upon.” His smile was a reflexive simper, but “So you’re converting?” Norris said, eyes
not a sincere one. alight.
“No,” said the mortal, in the im- to be extremely forward. Cushioned •••
patient tones of one who wants his on a chorus of incredulous noises “Who the dead man, yo?” Earth
importance acknowledged. “He’s (because the drunk and horny chick Baines’ curiosity was mild and pro-
going to kill you. Or really, I am. had been gorgeous) he bee-lined fessional.
These are your reports, right?” He for Persephone. “His name’s Douchey O’Douche-
waved the folder. “A little piece of “Keep it cool,” Moore said to bag for all I know,” Garret McLean
your nastiest self. Your truest self. Hatch in a low voice— well, actu- replied. “I got a Crone chick throw-
Are you familiar with the phrase ally a normal speaking voice, but ing hoodoo on his wallet and keys
‘creo ignam’?” with the cover of music only Aurora and library cards. I don’t want to
“A willworker.” Norris’ lip curled. could hear it. “Stand your ground, know his name, you don’t want to
“And a weak one, since I don’t have he’s not going to hurt us.” She’d know his name, fuckers like these?
a file on him. That’s the best ace you seen Aurora twitch and stare and Their names are like bear traps. You
could pull out of your hole, ‘Prince’? was mentally warming up a lec- read his social security number one
Let’s see how it plays against Garret.” ture about why Aurora should go time and his pals will be able to
At the name, the Prince’s right- to Elysium, so that she’d be more track you to the end of the Earth.
hand man, his Seneschal, sauntered used to powerful Kindred, but when Think about the pun there while
into the room and stood behind McLean reached their table and you plan how to get rid of him.”
Norris. “He has dirt on me, boss,” snarled, raising a fist as if to strike, “How come it’s on me?”
Garret McLean drawled. Aurora snapped and fled towards “Shit, Baines. You wanted to
“Garret,” Maxwell began. “I un- the bathroom. move up in the world, right? Tired
derstand. All I ask is that you keep “What the hell, Gary?” Persephone of sucking hind tit? Welcome to the
out of it.” stood and glared down at the vam- big leagues.”
“I know, friend,” Garret said, and pire only she called “Gary.” In stock- “Big leagues? And this DOA is,
with casual strength— almost like ing feet, she’d be two inches taller. what, the world series of trash hau-
a yawn— his arm swung into the With the spike heels, she towered. lin’?” He wasn’t really resisting the
head of the woman from Norris’ “I need you now,” he said. job— in fact, he was transferring the
order. She shrieked, and Norris plastic-wrapped corpse from SUV to
“Oh, Gary, I like you but as a
blurred towards the magician, Hyundai trunk as he spoke. He just
friend.” The sarcasm was automatic
the snake dropped and the puma wanted to show token resistance to
struck, the magician shouted living and so was his slap. She blinked,
then flushed. the role of piss-boy body hauler.
words from a dead tongue as Max-
“I am not fucking around, this is a “No, this DOA is a will-worker.”
well upended the desk and charged
across his office. four alarm problem. He needs you, Baines blinked. “Speak English.
I’ve known him since Solomon was I don’t know what the fuck that
Then something really unex-
Embraced and I’ve never seen him means.”
pected happened.
like this. He needs…” For a moment, Garret gave him a long, level look.
Garret looked harried, almost wor- “I mean this gent, this dead guy with
Persephone Moore was out hav- ried, but after nearly a hundred no blood in him and two big-ass
ing a casual hunt and bitch session
years of never showing fear, his holes in his neck, was a magician. I
with Aurora Hatch, and she was
face just couldn’t form the look don’t know who he has as his lovely
happy being “powerful, knowing,
any more. “He needs to be around assistant or who’s volunteering
experienced” for once. She was
people he can trust while he gets from the audience but I do know
happy being the ancilla to Aurora’s
himself together. So you can do that the balance between us and
neonate, to use the antiquated
that, or I can tell your childe Aurora the wand wigglers is fragile. No one
speech of the Kindred, as the two
there that you were the one what wins if that relationship goes out of
did. They had developed a joke of
broke her daughter’s mind. You’re whack.” Garret slammed the trunk as
pronouncing it “annnncilla,” very
smart and this is simple.” emphasis. “Now do you understand
dramatically. They were contem-
“Lead on.” what you’ve been entrusted with?”
plating crashing a bachelor party
when Garret McLean strode into He took her wrist and, delayed “Mos def.”
the club and casually shoved aside a only momentarily by a group of Garret groaned.
woman who was just drunk enough bouncers, led her out to the SUV. •••
“I remember you from Persphone’s “Aw gee.” Lying, or refusing to enough for a graveyard all my
funeral,” Prince Maxwell said. answer— these thoughts were own… but the worst thing… the
“Yeah.” Bruce Miner— ‘Bruise’ to his unthinkable, in the light of the worst thing I ever did, I did tonight.”
friends— didn’t know where to look Prince’s gaze. “Well, I killed this child Then he told it, and Bruce inched
and didn’t know what to do with his molester once, but the worst thing away from him despite himself, de-
hands. He was bulky, inarticulate, and I ever did was punch my daughter spite knowing it might offend this
his skin looked like spoiling meat. into a coma.” powerful Prince, despite knowing
“And you were involved with that “Oh.” that it would do nothing to save him
ruckus Solomon raised in Elysium.” “Yeah.” Bruce’s voice and posture if Maxwell decided to destroy him.
“He killed my dog,” Miner re- were perfect grief. They were silent for a long time,
plied, and something truculent and “Did she recover?” and then Maxwell asked, “Where’s
ominous in his voice made Maxwell Persephone?”
“Someone ghouled her out of it.”
look at him sharply. “She went to get you something
“Mon Dieu.”
“You loved that dog a lot, didn’t to drink.”
Bruce shrugged.
you?” the Prince asked. •••
“What’s she doing now?”
Bruise looked away and nod- “C’mon, girl, live a little,” Perse-
ded. When he looked back, he was “I don’t know, I… I stay away from phone said, trying hard to keep
surprised to see that Maxwell had her, from my wife. Um, ex-wife, I her impatience and desperation
slumped and was staring at his im- guess. She got… remarried…” masked because nothing would un-
maculate loafers. When Bruce started to cry red, the sell a smart and successful business-
“It’s just one loss after another for Prince sat by him and put an arm on woman on coming to “a really fun
us,” Maxwell said. “Sacrifice upon his shoulder. house party” quicker than stalker’s
sacrifice, and it’s hard to tell which “Fuck,” the hideous creature said. desperation.
hurt more, the ones we choose or “I thought this was over. Y’know? G.F. Hannigan was sharp, pretty
the ones we don’t get to.” Like I’d moved on.” and educated. They’d met when
“Yeah. Hey. I’m… I’m sorry about “If we could move on entirely, it Persephone was still alive, and G.F.
the… this.” Bruce gestured vaguely wouldn’t mean anything.” had never drawn the connection be-
around him. “So how ‘bout you?” Bruce looked tween Linda Moore the lawyer and
Maxwell looked up, as if he’d no- up suddenly. His red eyes were as Persphone Moore the… well, G.F.
ticed only for the first time that he pitiful as the Prince’s were com- wasn’t exactly sure what Persephone
was sitting in a dusty storage locker did, other than go to art openings
manding. “What’s the worst thing
with no air conditioning. and nightclubs and the opera and
you ever did?”
charity fundraisers. It was an unex-
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. Maxwell opened his mouth, then amined assumption in her mind that,
“Your hospitality is greatly appreci- closed it. There was no force of somehow, Persephone’s job was to
ated and I assure you, I will remem- supernatural command, but that be fabulous. They’d had interesting
ber your generosity.” part within him that longed for conversations about art, music, real
“What? Man, don’t you, like, have justice demanded he repay this estate and the place of a successful
some fancy brownstone?” sad creature in kind. Moreover, his businesswoman in Chicago society.
“That’s where everyone goes pride would not let him rob or cheat They’d shopped together, with G.F.
when they want to betray me,” someone so weak, so transitory, getting sensible heels and Perse-
Maxwell said. “Being unobserved is who had still opened his haven phone picking up platform shoes
a tremendous luxury, and one I can (such as it was) to him. So he said, that made G.F. laugh out loud.
rarely procure for myself.” “Promise not to tell?” Persephone always had this aura
“You just need to learn the hiding “If you won’t tell mine.” of danger about her, and G.F. wasn’t
mojo, right?” Bruce was confused “Okay.” He held out his hand, sure what to do with that. Her
and his voice was low. and when Bruce shook it, he said. instinct was avoidance— caution
“What’s the worst thing you’ve “There’s a long list. I’ve betrayed had made her a winner in the down
ever done?” the Prince suddenly friends, broken oaths, enslaved market. On the other hand, her first
asked, his eyes bright and his voice people in the most horrible of name was Gladys and no matter
warm with interest. “Tell me.” ways… there are murders of course, how pretty you are, growing up
Gladys can make you long for some when she realized G.F. was pointing ing. Sounds like someone may be
glamour and excitement in your at her watch and backing rapidly looking for it in with all kinds of
life. Persephone always twisted the towards the door. spooky mystic shit, so just dump-
strange, unfocussed dread that ac- ••• ing it in the lake isn’t gonna suffice,
companied her into awe or intrigue “Yo,” Baines said, knocking fists with y’know what I’m sayin’?”
or a joke, a fun scare like Halloween, the amused motherfucker in the “What did you have in mind?”
but way down deep, there was parking lot. “’Sup?” Large’s prophecy had tied him to the
a primal and uneducated part of fate of a man who was ‘Neither black
“Just TCB, Earth.”
Gladys’ brain screaming that this nor white, neither living nor dead.’
woman was death. And of course, “Takin’ care a’ bidness?”
“I know you all… go places. Like,
that was why G.F. stayed in Perse- “No, The Country’s Best.” He
off the map, am I right?”
phone’s orbit, to prove that she had grinned. He’d been born Alphonse
Largo, but these days went by “If you think stowing the body
overcome her primitive instincts,
‘Large.’ He was six feet tall and a somewhere… um, outside… is go-
that she was educated and modern
solid 270 pounds, but he looked ing to stop anyone with meaningful
and in control.
petite next to Earth Baines, whose spiritual resources… hell, it might
So G.F. was half relieved and half
do-rag, fat gold chains and FUBU be easier to find…”
disappointed when Persephone’s
phone rang. wardrobe did nothing to hide the “Well, maybe, but what if you ate
fact that he had blonde hair, blue it first?”
“Mi scusi for a minute, G.F. I should
eyes, and hawkish Scandinavian Then came a moment of incredu-
take this. Hello?”
cheekbones. lous silence.
On the other end of the line,
The first time they’d met, Largo “What if I…?”
Bruise sounded nervous. “Um, yeah,
and his pack of wolf-men had “Crap the body out wherever,
it’s the Prince.”
ripped Baines’ sire to chunks and spread it around, you’re on the road
“What about him? You didn’t lose had only spared the big vampire
him, did you?” to Philly tomorrow morning, right?”
when they heard his name and
“Whaddaya mean…? No, he’s Earth was starting to get desper-
connected him to a series of cryptic
here he’s just… um… he won’t stop ate. The Kindred he knew who spe-
laughing. I mean, it’s been like five cialized in getting bodies converted
Baines had only heard the first into dog, rat, or mouse feces was a
minutes and it’s starting to freak of these prophecies— “The time
me out.” racist, had laughed right in Earth’s
will come when you may choose face. His second plan had been to
“Laughing?” Persephone cut to spare Baines,” which might well grind the body into mush and mix it
her eyes away to G.F. and tried to have ended with “Banes,” which in with concrete in some building’s
reshape her face into amusement, had another meaning entirely to foundation, but the first couple
as if someone incredibly witty and the other shape-changer who’d blenders he’d tried had jammed
well-spoken was telling her a price- been with Large at the time. But as and Home Depot had refused to
less bon mot. it happened, her tendency to blab rent him a wood chipper after
“I told him you were getting him had left her dead at the bottom of spotting his driver’s license as fake.
someone to drink on and he just… a New Orleans canal. Now the only Moreover, he wasn’t sure when the
I mean, he’s, like, hyperventilating remaining member of that pack,
mixers started churning, and if it
and rolling on the floor. It’s like Beth, leaned against the seat of her
wasn’t getting poured until after
some kind of fit.” motorcycle and rolled her eyes.
sunup, he wasn’t going to be on
“Why don’t the two of you meet “Tight,” Baines said. “Look, I’m hand to make sure no one noticed
me at my place?” she asked. in a thing and I was wondering if the red gunk. Finally, he’d tried to
“If you think that’s best.” Bruce y’all could stick in a hand. I’m rollin’ get it underground to Chicago’s
sounded dubious. these days, I can tuck some bank in deep tunnel— he’d heard that it
“Okay, that’ll be great! I think you’ll your paw and I know you’re always could hold a billion gallons and that
really like G.F. if she doesn’t decide a buck short.” anybody dropped into it would be
to be dowdy and stay home…” “I’m listening.” squished to paste and diluted be-
Persephone looked away to see “I got this body I need to dispose yond recognition. But after three
the effect of her words, then swore of and I mean, like, reduce to noth- fruitless hours stumbling through
shit-encrusted sewers, he’d come That gave Beth pause. She think this palette really compli-
up with this idea, getting his ‘lupine glanced at Large, who was strug- ments Mr. Miner here, or is he more
friends’ (who, to be more accurate, gling to keep his form and his tem- of an ‘autumn’?”
were more like ‘murderous shape- per controlled. “We’ll just tell them The sight of the suit stopped her
shifting acquaintances’) to haul it the vampires did it.” cold.
for him. That would make it Plan D “Think they’ll believe you? After “Bruce… this isn’t exactly his…
and he was starting to wonder what the vampires talk at ‘em with the style…?”
E might be when Large grabbed slave-eye turned on?” “Inasmuch as it didn’t get peeled
him by his lapels and hoisted him She looked from Large to Baines off a dead hobo’s back, you’re right,
onto the hood of the Hyundai. again. “The prophet told me, ‘One but I think it makes a nice change
Earth’s head slammed back into the day you will decide if Earth survives and it’ll help him blend at the Dis-
windshield and cracked it. or is destroyed. Show mercy.’ Get carded Image.”
“Do you have any idea what in your car and drive, dead thing.
you’re asking?” he seethed. “Wait, you can’t take Bruce to the
But if you ever tempt us with man Image!”
“Chill man, yo, chill!” Earth stam- flesh again, all the silver in the world
mered, eyes wide as Large’s partner “Can’t?” The Prince struck a con-
won’t save you.”
Becky started to circle to the front templative pose. “Can’t… ‘can’t’…
Baines scrambled behind the oh, you mean I ‘cannot?’ I haven’t
of the car, her look grim. Then Earth wheel, thinking oh shit oh shit oh
felt Large’s hands swelling on him, heard that word applied to me in
shit... ages.”
saw the changer’s face getting lon-
••• Her mouth worked, but no sound
ger and he opted for Plan D, Sub I.
His hand stole into his pocket and Maxwell turned a critical eye on the came out.
emerged with a rather crudely fash- suit coat. “Mmh, it really ought to be “Why the Image?” she finally
ioned three-finger ring. Its design let out a bit, but it’s better than the asked, as Maxwell flipped out an
celebrated the Cubs’ 2008 Division next size up.” Amex Black Card with practiced
Championship, but that mattered “I don’t need a suit,” Bruce mum- ease and paid for his purchases.
much less than its solid-silver con- bled. “Why not the Image? It’s an open
struction. Baines mustered all the “You should want one, though. Elysium and we’re all Kindred.”
strength he could (which was a Clothes make the man.” “Shouldn’t you be…” She moved
lot) and slammed it into the side of Bruce muttered something. Max- closer and whispered, “...resting?”
Large’s head. well heard it. “I’m not tired.” His eyes glittered
“Aaaahhrr OOOOUG!” L arge “I’ve actually seen a train wreck, with manic energy, then suddenly
howled, and Earth would later and your face really exists on a sharpened to the shrewdness he
swear that it set off all the car alarms different sort of aesthetic plane. customarily hid. “And if there’s any
in the lot. The lycanthrope also It’s smaller, more poignant, less fallout from this evening, it’ll be
reeled back, releasing Earth in order grandly tragic. It’s like comparing bandied about there first. So this is,
to clutch his head. a stadium rock concert to a jazz primus, a scouting expedition. But
Earth could move fast when mo- club performance… oh, don’t sulk. secundus, if I’m going to be hiding
tivated, and he got the car between Where we’re going, people won’t from the public, as Garret suggests,
himself and the two, then put his care about your face. With an off- I’ll want to conceal my concealment.
hands up. the-rack suit, you can just about A well-timed appearance before the
“Whoa, whoa!” he shouted. “My make it, as long as your accessories talkers and harpies gives me at least
bad! Chill, get it under control!” carry more than their weight. How a month before any other absence
“You son of a bitch,” Beth gritted, are those shoes?” becomes notable to the masses.
circling the car. Earth couldn’t help “They feel funny,” Bruce said, Moreover— tertius— accompany-
noticing that she was wiping drool glancing down at his new Italian ing Mr. Miner makes him an object
from her chin. He turned towards loafers. of interest.” He turned to Bruise and
her and curled his hands into fists. “That’s called comfort,” the Prince said, “Sorry, my man. It’s going to
“Yo, y’all probably kill me but it offered as a tart reply, then smiled be uncomfortable, but I’ll make it
will cost you, all right? And then the as Persephone came into the store. worth your while.”
dead wizard be your problem.” “My childe! Just in time. Do you “I’m not sure…”
“Trust me,” the Prince said, guid- them and instead went to the bar. about it could casually lean in and
ing the other two out the door and “Double Johnny blue for me please, hear clearly, if his ears were sharp.
into the street. “Soon, everyone Persephone… Skyy and cran still? Maxwell’s ears were very sharp and,
will wonder what the connection Mr. Miner?” of course, he knew all about that
is between you and me, and if you Bruce had been warned not to special spot.
play your cards right it will catapult drink whatever he was given and A barely perceptible shift of
you to the top of the ladder.” struggled to think of something high posture and he was spying on arch-
“I never play cards right,” Bruce class. “Um… whatcha got for wine?” gossip Tobias Rieff. Had he been
replied. The barman blinked slowly. It human, the pulse of blood in his
“Learn. That’s what I did.” looked mechanical. “Would sir pre- own ear canal would have drowned
fer red or white?” out the words, but for Maxwell? Not
“How ‘bout a Cabernet? Sauvign- a problem.
The Discarded Image was a hy-
whatever?” “...spy is still closeted at the
perbolic combination of style and
Prince’s brownstone, I don’t know
unfriendliness. The owner had “We have a nice 2002 ZD reserve.
what Maxwell’s doing here. It’s pos-
recently remodeled after some It’s Californian, but…”
sible that Norris left incognito, but
unpleasantness, and while the look Bruce shrugged. “I guess it’ll ha- why? Where’s the stranger he had
of chrome and porcelain remained, veta do.” with him, and his Dragon muscle?”
the shiny-shiny metal was now sub- “There is an unspoken, indeed, “I couldn’t say,” drawled Tobias’
tly distorted with curves and swirls unconsidered subtext to drink companion, a well-coifed woman
and bumps. Its touches of gleaming choice here,” Maxwell said to him in the garb of an unusually fash-
white and glossy black accented the as the dead thing went to get their ionable librarian. She put the stem
warped reflections. Reminiscent of beverages. “Your drink is emblem- of her spectacles between her
a funhouse mirror, if “fun” was re- atic of your identity.” teeth, a sexy gesture wasted in the
placed with “clinically induced nau- “An’ it all just gets thrown away Discarded Image. “Norris has been
sea.” Plus it was full of dead people. when we leave?” on thin ice since that horrid busi-
The first two corpses the unlikely Maxwell grinned. “I’d never consid- ness with Justine. Perhaps the bal-
companions spied upon entry were ered that aspect of the metaphor.” ance between he and the Prince
girls who’d died as teens. Their “You’ve chosen the drink of a bold finally shifted?”
clothes were expensive, too mature traditionalist,” Persephone said. “You mean ‘him and the Prince,’
for them, what Persephone would “Red wine here is unsubtle… it says dear.” She would have blushed if
have described as “Business Bar- ‘I have no time to contemplate my she could, but Rieff continued. “You
bie” if she’d been relaxed enough message and whatcha’ gonna do can’t seriously mean to suggest
to be snide and judgmental. Each about it?’ Very in-your-face.” something… permanent?” Rieff
had a Campari with soda sitting was too good to look over at Max-
“I just didn’t want to look like a fag
untouched in front of her. One had well, but the woman with him had
or a hayseed,” Bruce said, resigned.
a twist of lemon, and the other had far less composure. But by the time
a twist of lime. Lime had her back to Maxwell, in the meantime was
she looked, Maxwell was clearly
the door, so she just kept on talking inclining his head to eavesdrop.
turned away from them both.
as the Prince walked in. The Image had been laid out to
inhibit such nosiness, by and large. “Lohhhki,” Persephone purred as
“...first thing he grabbed was a jar a leathered young body slouched
While the myriad hard surfaces did
of grape jam— a big one, a three- a fine job reflecting sound waves, through the doors. Loki pulled up
pound bulk buy special— and he they got intentionally crossed and as the Prince gave him a mild smile.
hit her across the back of the head. blended and the gentle clink of “Oh. Hey.” He blinked, then in-
Well, you know Evangeline’s hair, ice in glass seemed suddenly able clined his head. “My lord.”
it’s a big frizzy mess, and jelly with to drown out whispers and low “Let us dispense with the formali-
broken glass didn’t…” voices. Unless, of course, you knew ties,” the Prince replied. “Everyone
“Psst,” Lemon whispered. “Behind exactly which stool at the bar was else here has.” There was an edge—
you.” positioned before a clear spot, hov- a slender, razor-thin edge— of
The pair quieted and turned. The ering above the counter. A minor bitterness underneath his genial
Prince gave no sign of recognizing miracle of acoustics, one who knew tone, and those who caught it felt
a chill. Tobias made a mental note “Is it true?” the priest of the Sanc- to feel Persephone’s thin hand en-
to do something very nice and very tified demanded, waving papers circle the wrist of his rising fist.
respectful to the Prince, soon. “Join at the Prince. “Have we clutched a “Careful,” she cooed. “You really
us. What brings you to the Image?” viper to us for so long?” can’t afford to break Elysium again,
“Um… I’m actually looking for “What do you mean?” can you?”
Baines.” “I mean this!” He flung the papers His head swiveled back to her,
“Young Mr. Earth? Is this official on the bar. “Garret betrayed us. then to Bruise, then to the Prince
business?” Decades ago! We always wondered before he wrenched himself free
“I’m not even sure, to be honest”, how Old John knew, knew our plans, and ran to the door. More phone
Loki said, standing idly next to their how he found us… it was McLean! clicks chased him out, catching his
bolted down trio of stools. “He Garret told him everything!” haste, his panic, the arm over his
called me asking about… a disposal “My my,” Maxwell said, glancing face to hide tears. Within seconds
thing, said it was important and down at the documents. “That was his disgrace was flying across the
very hush hush.” His eyes flicked to quick.” airwaves to the PDAs of eager and
Bruise. “This isn’t really the place…” All around them, there was a qui- hating undead.
“It’s fine. Mr. Miner has my trust.” et chorus of phones flicking open. “I can make you all pay,” he hissed
Loki shrugged. “As you will. Ba- “You knew all along,” Solomon through a bitter smile. Laughing—
ines wasn’t real specific, just that it whispered, staring at the Prince, the a sound without mirth—the High
had to be, and I quote, ‘maximum man he’d trusted, who had stood Priest of Longinus backed slowly
gone’ and that I ought to call him by him in his rise to power and through the door and then was gone.
back. When I called him back it went who held him tight in the bonds “Oh my,” the Prince said, turning
to message. I don’t know where he of public blood slavery. “You knew back to his untouched whiskey.
is now or what he’s doing.” Garret did it.” Bruise forgot himself and automati-
“So you came here?” Persephone “I’d hoped to avoid a scene.” cally took a sip of wine, prompt-
asked. ing gasps from the Campari girls.
Now only the faint sounds of
Maxwell then raised his own glass
“I was looking for Stingo,” Loki thumbs on keypads, furiously texting.
in salute and followed suit. Tobias
said defensively. “But… how could you…?” The and Persephone were neck and
“I believe Mr. Stingo is up in Boys- minister’s voice held a plaintive neck behind him, and after them
town this evening, but I wouldn’t note that few present would have everyone in the Image drank.
swear to it,” Maxwell said, and ever imagined.
“They say we’re so stagnant,”
then the door slammed open hard “Hey fucker, the look on your face Maxwell chuckled. “But look how
enough to crack its mirrored glass. is priceless.” With that, and a syn- easily things can change.”
“Solomon,” Maxwell said, with a thetic click, Bruise Miner’s cell cap-
He drained his glass and started
smile. tured the look of baffled betrayal.
to laugh.
“Solomon,” Miner grated, glaring Solomon spun on him, eyes mad
with hate. and rimmed with blood tears, only
Life After Dark
You’re born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little
higher, you take less shit. Till one day you’re up in the rarefied atmosphere and you’ve
forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
—Eddie Temple, Layer Cake

Go on, then. Picture a cake. The sponge tastes of skin, of this tier are the bottom-feeders and the bottom-fed. The
salt and sweat and fear. The frosting is butter and blood most numerous, and the most ignorant.
(pinkish, then). Sugar roses circle the top, each as red as… Second tier of the bloody cake is the ancilla or city
well, you know. The bottom is beaded, white pearlescent tier. It’s higher up and it’s smaller—the vampires of this
blobs—they call to mind a chain of pearls, broken, or an stratum look down and see those upon which they stand:
ivory garter on a porcelain thigh. the weaker, the more numerous, the cattle. They have a
The important part, really, is that the cake has tiers. better view from here. The vampires of the first tier are
It has the base. The broad, fat circle. Bigger than all at the ground-level. They see the oil-choked puddles and
the others. It’s where most of the baking materials went. the car exhaust and the dead bodies. For them, it’s all
It’s the part from which everybody will get their taste. darkness and fog and piss-colored streetlights. But those
Second tier up, a bit smaller. You start to see the roses, Damned at the second-tier can see out further. They sit
here. The cake gets a little more ornate at this stratum above the dance floor, watching the throng move. They
because, hey, not as many people are going to get a bite. sit above the city, and from the penthouses and rooftops
Those who do, they’re special. those piss-colored streetlights start to look like twinkling
stars of glittering gold. The shadow above them is small,
But not as special as those who get to eat the smallest,
so maybe they think they’re alone here. Maybe they think
most refined tier. Third tier, smaller than all the others,
they’re top of the pops. They’re not.
and higher up, too. The flavor might be different: better,
sweeter, more quality ingredients, some extra panache, Because above them yet is the final tier, the third tier,
some extra ganache. Only a few tongues will taste this the tier of elder and conspiracy. The veiled and ancient
sweetness: the bride and groom, maybe. Or the birthday creatures up here get a view like none other: they can see
boy. Or the man who will die in a few years because he’s out over the whole puzzle, can see how it all fits together.
old, and because he’s old he deserves a taste of refinement. They are the rarified tastes, the hidden flavors. They
stand on the backs of everybody else, unseen sentinels.
It’s a metaphor, of course. The Danse Macabre—the
They watch the watchers. They tug the puppet strings.
nocturnal society of the incestuous Damned—is one big
Their heads are up above the black clouds, and the only
three-tier cake. Cut it open and blood runs fresh. Dead
thing they really have to worry about is the heat of the
fluids from spongy folds. Oh-so-sweet.
sun melting away everything.
A Taste of the Cake
We’ll get deeper into it, but here’s the initial taste; how Tiers, Two Ways
the flavor profile shakes out. Tiers break out the World of Darkness and the Danse
The first tier is what we’ll think of as the neonate Macabre into strata of existence—the vampires at each
or coterie tier. It’s where most of the vampires wait. stratum discover different experiences. They suffer
Everything rests upon them. It’s sure to be crushing—their different ills, and claim unique rewards. Of course,
backs support the rest of vampire society. They’re also this carries over: the vampires confronting different
the first ones to get eaten. Of course, “eaten” can mean experiences means that, by proxy, the players and
a lot of things amongst the Damned, can’t it? It goes well Storytellers are confronting different experiences, too.
beyond being consumed for one’s blood. One’s soul might So, let’s say you want to use the tiers. You want to
be part of the meal. Or one’s influence. Or haven. Or look up and look down and see how the play experience
“friends.” But you understand the idea: the vampires at changes when you start fiddling with the knobs. First

things first, you need to figure out exactly what you want town folks and their small town politics (school board,
the tiers to mean, and that means looking at the tiers in county commissioners). Second tier, you have state
one of two ways. politics with people who hold considerably more power
and whose power extends over a far greater area. Finally
you have the third tier, the federal government, the
ones who make big decisions and big changes and could
At Present: Requiem conceivably start a war that would destroy us or spend
By and large, Vampire: The Requiem as it money in such a way that it leaves most of the citizenry
stands has a setting and system that largely
reflect the second tier—i.e. the ancilla/city tier.
penniless—the power here is concentrated, it is deep,
That doesn’t mean that all the characters are and it is all-encompassing. (Though, you could argue
ancillae, or that everything takes place in the that the federal government actually sits at the second
city. But conceptually, that’s where the game tier, and the third tier remains an unseen conspiratorial
hovers: most of the game’s action plays out in
the middle. Most of the movers-and-shakers presence, a New World Order with its withered, greasy
are ancillae. Most of the setting comprises the finger on the pulse of the entire globe.)
city to its edges and goes no further beyond
those borders. This chapter is about possibility,
about breaking out of that mold and offering
The Exclusive Concept
both Storytellers and players a new variety of Here, the tiers are not a map. The nocturnal society of
play experiences to behold. Vampire fiction and the Damned is not scaled into three tiers, because all the
folklore illustrates a wide variety of monstrous
engagement, and the tiers aim to provide a
tiers do not exist in your game.
down-and-dirty way to conceptualize this into You say, as Storyteller or as player, this game is about
new play styles and story modes for Requiem. one tier to the exclusion to the other tiers. So, say you
Don’t like it? Scrap it—but we think it’ll at the
very least give you a few new ways of thinking take the first tier (neonate/coterie) and want to use that.
about the game. The entire vampiric experience is encapsulated, then,
in that one tier. No examples will exist in your game that
reveal big movers-and-shakers, or blood-bloated elders
pulling puppet-strings. It never gets to that. All vampires
The Encompassing Model are ground-level. They’re all lost and ignorant and deep
One way to utilize the tier concept in your Vampire: The in the mire. Think of it like street gangs. Street gangs
Requiem game is to say, “Okay, the tiers are going to are generally unconnected to other gangs in other cities
serve as a model of their nocturnal society.” In this case, (though some tenuous strands connect them in a kind of
all the tiers co-exist in your game. The play experience grim criminal fraternity, but that’s not really important).
may hover at one tier, but that doesn’t change the fact Life as a member of a gang –whether you’re freshly inked
that you expect all tiers to have some effect on the story and initiated or whether you’re the big dog in charge of the
and the play experience. pack—is still a street-to-street, block-to-block affair. It’s
This isn’t conceptual. It’s a hard and fast map. Neonates about your brothers and your family and taking territory
are at the bottom, and their unlives are driven nominally one blood-spattered street corner at a time. It’s all street-
by what happens to them as individuals and within their level, all on-the-ground. It doesn’t go higher. That’s the
coteries. Ancillae make up the next level, and the city is coterie-only experience. Nobody is in control. No Prince
their playground. A rare few elders wait at the top, and shepherds the sheep. It’s Near Dark through-and-through:
have taken their power level beyond the city, and arguably you are your coterie. You eat and fuck and run together.
beyond the physical—their power is something that goes Maybe someone’s in charge of your little cabal, and that’s
outside the temporal, into the loose and unanchored fine. But beyond that? Everything is the night-to-night,
power stratum of information, personality, blood, boons, everything is about the next taste of blood, the next thrill,
banes, and the like. Moving up and down the tiers is okay the next inch carved out of a city block.
(and you’ll find advice on doing just that in a game later Or… maybe you decide to go with the second tier,
in this chapter). Characters who exist at one tier will still the ancilla/city tier. No problem. It just means that all
be affected by what happens at other tiers, though they vampires lurk at that level. While you certainly will find
may not know it. strata within this tier, ultimately it means that you won’t
It’s not an unreasonable model, and has facsimiles have roving gangs of blood-starved neonates just trying
throughout society: think of the way government to get some answers and some peace (or a piece). That
works in the United States. First tier, you have small doesn’t mean you won’t have neonates, only that those

16 Life After Dark

new to the Danse Macabre aren’t wild-eyed gang thugs of the conspiracy. They’re servants not to city politics or
disconnected from the larger society. A neonate post- to their own baser instincts, but instead to the lunatic
Embrace is shown into the world. He’s given a glimpse whims and perverse desires of ancient monsters. Whether
of the Danse Macabre and made a part of it at the city they know it or not is debatable.
level. He is given some understanding of the machinations A quick breakdown—one that will be explored more
that surround him and, to some degree, control him. The completely below—works like this:
vampires in this game mode can move within the tier— • A first tier game is a game about the vampiric
they play at clan and covenant politics, they become prisci experience. It’s a game about feeding, about fleeing,
or Princes or whatever, they are given over to the modes about a scene-by-scene struggle with the Beast. The
of feudal cruelty, and so forth. But this mode never leaves human has become monster. This game is based very
the tier. The block-to-block doesn’t matter. What happens strongly in emotions.
at the city level is everything, even for fresh blood, even
• A second tier game is one about vampiric society. It’s
for powerful elders (if they exist).
about the grim hierarchies, about predator-and-prey
Finally, it’s possible you’d rather use the third tier to dynamics writ large across a complex societal stratum
the exclusion of all the others. It doesn’t necessarily mean of night stalkers and bloodsuckers. The monster has
that all the vampire characters will be elders (though it become specifically vampire; the human trappings still
might), but it does mean that all the vampire characters exist, but it’s mostly just a suit the creatures wear. This
exist as part of a nocturnal society that is global. This game is based on politics.
society works behind the veil as the puppet-masters not
• A third tier game is one about vampiric influence. At
only of their own kind, but of humanity in general. All
this tier, that influence is obscene and prodigious,
vampires have the potential, then, to have their hands
playing out across the globe and across great heaving
on the strings. Characters don’t just control territories
spans of time. The vampire is no longer just a vampire,
or people or businesses. They control institutions. They
he has become something truly alien and inscrutable.
control entire cities. Hell, they control ideas, which is
The humanness is gone, now—if it exists, it’s as
perhaps the most dangerous and most insidious control
embers in a fire, fading and untouchable lest they
of all. The third tier offers a game of kings and madmen,
burn the hand (and the hand will extinguish the flame
of gods and demons (sometimes, literally). If you use
regardless). This game is based on ideas.
neonates or ancillae in this play experience, they’re part

First Tier: Neonate and Coterie

Hunger is everything. I kick down the door and Petey’s close behind me, and it’s like we haven’t had anything to eat in years,
even though it’s only been a few nights. The woman screams and runs for the kitchen; the man gets up out of his recliner
and thinks he’s going to use that beer bottle as a weapon, but he’s not. I break his arm. Not because I want to, but because
I have to. Because that’s what the thing inside needs me to do.
Petey’s on the woman, and I’m already doing the Violence Tango with the husband—we have our dance partners, and I
dance. His neck is fat, I don’t bite there. I grab the broken arm and lift it to my mouth. In the doorway, I see Petey sucking
on the woman’s tongue as her eyes roll around in their sockets.
We try not to kill them. We manage. This time.
Outside, the hunger continues, but smaller now. But it’s everywhere. The city’s hungry, too—it’s just one big dark mouth,
I tell Petey, with the buildings as teeth and as the asphalt as the tongue.
I hear howling, cackling, I hear sirens. The jackals are approaching. They’re not as kind as we are, or as we want to be.
They’re coming for us because we pissed them off two nights ago. I hear the keening wails and the mad laughter and I know
that the city’s working on an empty stomach, tonight. Like me, the city’s always hungry.

Themes theme. These themes work nicely in conjunction with

one another.
Operating at the first tier, a few themes will potentially
come into play. Note that these themes are not necessarily Theme: You’re Fucked
exclusive to one another. Generally in literature, a single It’s true. At this level, you’re fucked. The story will likely
theme is present, but in a game like Vampire: The prove this at every turn. How badly is a vampire at this
Requiem, every session or story can highlight a different tier fucked?

First Tier: Neonate and Coterie 17

• Ostensibly, your character is weak. Even if he’s not (Dominate or Majesty) and coerce a woman’s purse
technically a neonate, this isn’t a tier of big stats and off her shoulder the same way he’d coerce blood from
crazy Discipline use. The good news is, most of the her veins, but that has a limit. The vampire at this
other monsters out there are probably similarly low- tier doing those kinds of activities left and right is just
power, but that doesn’t mean they can’t gang up and scrabbling to keep up; eventually, someone’s going to
break your character into little bloody bits. notice. Again, the nocturnal society is not there at
• Being at a lower level of power and a lower level of this tier. It will not help the vampire. It will not cover
awareness (see “Ignorance Is Not Bliss,” below) puts up breaches of the Masquerade.
your character at far greater risk from mundane • This is predator-or-prey time. Maybe your character
threats. Police? Gang thugs? Bad weather (the blood is gaining in power and comprehension of her own
in a vampire’s undying body can freeze if it gets cold unliving state. But the shadows are deep. The streets
enough)? The single vampire isn’t strong enough are labyrinthine. The city is always home to a bigger
to rule the night. The human herd doesn’t need to fish (probably a shark, or a whole school of them).
stampede—a few drunken frat-boys can ruin your Theme: A Hunger Like Fire
character’s evening with a thrown bottle or a baseball At higher tiers, vampires are like tumors. They establish
bat. Trying to drink from the wrong victim, and your themselves and route a blood supply to themselves. There
character might end up left in a gutter with previously- they sit, growing fat and happy, nursing on whatever
pilfered blood running out of a hole in his throat or blood they’ve got coming to them (meaning, their ghoul
from a bashed-in skull. servant brings them prey, or they buy up a nightclub that
• While we’ll talk about this in more abstract terms, the makes for a perfect hunting ground, or they have a herd
fact is, a vampire at this level still has ties—too many conditioned to show up on certain nights).
ties—to the mortal world. If vampires at this tier don’t At this lowest tier, though, the neonates are effectively
belong as part of covenants or conspiracies and don’t free radicals—unstable compounds looking for a home,
have a well-oiled society to cradle them and protect stealing to survive, disrupting living cells without much of
them (which is really just another way they’re fucked, a plan. No tumor will be formed, because most Damned
by the by), then they still have to play the human at this tier can’t really manage it for long. Those that do
game. If the character isn’t slumbering in the sewers are rare, and while they might sit like spiders in a web,
during the day, then he’ll need a haven. But unless their Skills and depredations pale in comparison to those
he’s fortunate (and he’s probably not), havens aren’t at higher tiers.
actually free. Where does a vampire get money for rent
This means that blood is going to be harder to come
or a mortgage? Certainly the vampire has some in-built
by. It just is. Without being able to “farm” a blood supply,
ability to game the system—criminal endeavors are
the hunt is everything, but the hunt is privy to a number
easier when you have the strength to tear a safe door
of unpredictable complications—a drunk girl leaves the
off its hinges, or a vampire could just do his voodoo
vampire woozy, a bad bite or suspicious action draws

Uh, What Fun Is That?

Playing at this tier sounds awful, doesn’t it? Well… it is, in some ways. But that’s appropriate, and counter to
expected notions, playing a doomed or at least constantly-troubled character can actually be pretty fun, provided
you know what your character is in for.
First of all, conflict in stories is important. In life, we avoid conflict, but in fiction, we strive for it. Without conflict,
where’s the tale? Where’s the hook? John McLane in Die Hard is interesting because of the trials he’s put through,
not because he gets off the plane and has a lovely evening with his wife. No—he gets a face full of terrorists and
blood and a strained relationship. It’s hell at every turn. And we eat it up.
Second, while playing a vampire at this level is a tough scrabble for survival, it doesn’t mean the character can’t
exult in her predatory state. She still has access to Disciplines. She still can take a chest full of bullets and keep on
running. She can still seduce some club rat boy or heroin-addled stripper chick in a hotel room. In fact, at this tier,
sometimes the vampiric experience is distilled down to that predatory state should the character choose to ride the
slippery slope downward—fuck politics, forget the machinations of ancient elders, it’s all about being a vampire.
And that sounds like fun.

18 Life After Dark

attention from the police, a feeding attempt in a dark On the other hand, the vampire has all those human
alley turns into a makeshift blood hunt as the coterie feelings even after he leaves that apartment behind. It’s
that claims that alley comes to punish the poacher. And like an old suit; he can’t quite shake that human smell.
so on, and so forth. Drinking blood is delicious, erotic, empowering… but it’s
Because the hunt is ever-pressing, it means that also an aberration, a sin, a disease-ridden grotesquerie.
vampires at this stage are likely to be always at the edge Depression sets in when one realizes he’ll never see the
of hunger. It gnaws. It waits. Hunger for the vampire sun again. He tries to see his girlfriend or his mother and
might be enlivening in a mad way, but it also clouds the has to leave, lest he sink his canines deep into the meat
judgment, painting everything in that haze of red. Control of his loved ones.
is harder. Comprehension fails. At this tier, every vampire has his Beast. But every
Theme: Night to Night, Block to Block vampire also has the opposite: a tiny, human voice within.
Ever just… wander a city? On foot with maybe a couple The Beast wins, certainly. But that doesn’t quiet the little
bus or subway rides thrown in for good measure? Ever do voice. The one that warns of guilt, that cries out in pain.
so at night? The city can be huge. Daunting. It offers a The voice is forever accusing.
tangle of streets and alleys and dead-ends, a mélange of Theme: Ignorance Is Not Bliss
confounding smells (garbage, curry, sex, blood, exhaust), It’s already been said, but the Damned at this tier are
a tapestry of shadows. fairly unaware of what’s really going on. Think about it:
To a vampire wandering the city, the streets are a you’re dragged kicking and screaming into your Requiem.
hunting ground—he is hunting, and things are hunting Maybe your sire sticks around. Maybe he runs like a rabid
him. Every cross-street is a new territory, and make dog into the night. If he sticks around, great—maybe
no mistake, the city here is divvied up into cruel little he can provide some insight. Of course, his insight is
fiefdoms and domains. The same way that human gangs probably broken. His twisted upbringing will lead to your
mark out turf and protect it, vampires do the same. twisted upbringing. He knows little about the history
They scratch out hunting grounds and don’t take well of the Kindred. He doesn’t know the myriad facets of
to poachers. a vampiric existence; he just knows enough to get by.
The Kindred at this tier are mired in the present; Plus, who knows how many false assumptions he’s made
an irony given their apparently immortal state. What about the Requiem? He thinks crosses repel vampires
happens tonight is important. What happens on this city because psychosomatically they repel him. Any of his false
block is important. Tonight’s about getting fed. Or getting assumptions pass to the childe (you).
paid. Or getting laid. Tomorrow night is a whole new bag Now, on the other hand, what happens if he runs off
of popcorn. It’s hard to execute long-term plans, because into the night? The result isn’t any better, and is likely
the vampire has little context in which to form such plans. far worse. You’re alone with a physiological and mystical
Who else is out there? How will his condition adapt and condition that abides by certain rules—rules that are
evolve in ways good and bad? Too many variables wait entirely unknown to you initially. Oh, sure, you’ll figure it
in those long shadows. out over time. But how many frenzies must you endure?
Theme: You’re Almost Human How many terrible burns from sunlight or fire? How many
botched feeding attempts? Any of these can lead to you
This is perhaps the biggest curse of existence at this tier:
getting knocked into torpor until the sun arrives. Never
vampires are this close to still being human. Their Requiem
mind what happens when another pack of hungry vampires
might’ve started two weeks ago or two years, but here,
(sure, we call this the “coterie” tier, but really, vampires at
one’s human life still lurks nearby as a cruel reminder.
this level travel in jackal packs) comes upon him. It’d be
On the one hand, an ignorant and relatively unpowered great if they offered a helping hand and a comforting bit
vampire can’t just pick up and leave. He has an apartment of advice, but c’mon. This is the World of Darkness. These
the night before he’s Embraced, and he has that apartment are blood-drunk or blood-starved predators. You’re meat to
the night after; why leave it? To go where? A dumpster? them. Or a punching bag. Or the target of all their rage
The sewers? So, for a time, he remains in that apartment, and humiliations. Even if they’re good enough to offer
but it has all the reminders of his human life—pictures some help, you’re back at square one—you’re learning what
of the girlfriend, answering machine messages from his they’ve learned, which could be distorted through some
mother, food his body no longer wants, a gas burner that eternal “whisper down the lane” game.
terrifies him like a boogeyman waiting in the closet (don’t
Point is, nocturnal society does not exist for the
turn it on or you’ll freak out again).
vampires at this tier. They aren’t brought before a Prince.

First Tier: Neonate and Coterie 19

Sanctified priests do not come to them to light the dark The wildness is inside the Gangrel at this level, but no
path. The Sheriff doesn’t clean up their messes. Ignorance comfort level has been reached. She might not even be
isn’t bliss. fully aware of it. The Beast rattles the cage, but it’s likely
she doesn’t even know what that sound is, yet. She has
First Tier Requiem some distant sense that The Hunt is a real thing, a living
thing that calls to her and asks her to serve it, but she
Below is an exploration of what the setting of Vampire:
hasn’t answered the call of the wildness within.
The Requiem looks like when the entire play experience
exists at the first tier. She hasn’t gone that far, and hasn’t “self-actualized”
her predator’s nature, so it’d be a stretch to call her a
Clans “Savage” at this tier. Rather, they are Mongrels and
What might the clans of Vampire: The Requiem look Mutts: mixed-breed monsters who still cling to their
like exclusively at this tier? (Note that you’ll find more domestication. They still like the smell of man, or think
about the clans later in this chapter.) they do. They still want to do what society tells them,
even if a wilder, more distant and ancestral voice is
Daeva asking that they break the chain, ditch the collar, and
run howling into the streets. At this tier, you’ll find
The Daeva at this tier is the supermodel who’s gotten a the Gangrel slowly receding from the world: a pack of
taste of the real life, the real job; it’s not just about smiling hunters pulling away from the cities and suburbs and
pretty and staying thin, oh no. It’s about eating and trying to figure out a way to live off the land (or the blood
puking, about feeling stares from all sides, about riding that the land offers); a gang of pissed-off kids wandering
the highs and lows offered by the narcissistic rollercoaster the streets with pit bulls and black cats following close
of the night-to-night. She wants to eat, fuck and kill and behind; a band of wild-eyed thrill-junkies chasing the
look good doing it, but she also knows that this really is a next rush because they know they’re tough and the pain
rollercoaster and that she’s buckled in and can’t get out helps them ignore what they’re becoming.
no matter how much she wants to. She’s like the heroin
addict chasing the dragon time and time again, always Mekhet
trying to catch the high before getting caught herself. The wallflower, the one you don’t notice, that’s the first-tier
These Daeva reach out for the social ties that bind, Mekhet. He doesn’t want anyone to notice him, because
but can rarely manage relationships with more than a he doesn’t even know what he is anymore. Is he human? Is
few before it all becomes about the backbiting and stake- he monster? Why does he feel so goddamn hollow inside?
stabbing and weeping sanguine tears in dark alleys. He’s mired in thought. His eyes are searching things both
seen and unseen, internal and external. He’s judging
They aren’t Succubi at this level; they’re not in-control
everybody he lays eyes upon. He’s judging himself. He’s
enough for that. No, here they become Fiends and
judging his chances of getting a taste of blood, of killing
Followers, desperate and needy and out-of-control. You’ll
that girl in the corner, of rescuing that girl in the corner, of
find them in the art galleries, gathering in dark suits and
starting a fire and getting out before it consumes him (and
red dresses toward the back, with trying-too-hard smiles;
maybe it’s okay if it doesn’t). The Mekhet is conflicted.
they’re in shantytowns and tent cities as mad ecstatics
His internal compass is spinning wildly.
convinced that their own shallow hallucinations are
real-deal prophecies; they gather in cabals of prostitutes Mekhet of other tiers, they maybe have it more figured
so debased, they’ll do anything at all not for a wad of cash out—they have philosophical bents, they have ideas that
but for a thimbleful of blood. drive them, cults that support them. Not here. Here
they’re still feeling along the dark well with naught but a
Gangrel flickering flashlight to guide them. They’re comfortable
with the fact that they might not be human; what makes
She sits alone with her dog. She’s a bit dirty, but it’s not
them uncomfortable is simply not knowing.
like she’s been rolling around in filth or living out of a
garbage pile for the last six months; no, it’s more that she They’re not Shadows. Not yet. Shadows are complete.
doesn’t seem to care or know why she should care. The Shadows are full-on dark. At this tier, they are merely
dog is mangy and lean; she is, too. Both have a hungry Shades and Specters, like human ghosts who are not-
stare, like they want to eat but aren’t sure if it’s the right yet-complete, not-yet-certain of the world in which they
thing to reach out with open jaws and take the food yet. walk. Is it the world of the living, or the world of the dead?
This is the Gangrel at the first tier. You might find them nesting beneath university libraries;

20 Life After Dark

bolting down the street in anarchic mobs, throwing bricks struggle because they’re hungry—for blood, for power over
through department store and chain restaurant windows; those near them, to belong, whatever.
or gathering in mean little thief-gangs, stealing whatever They aren’t Lords at this level. They’re Lads and Cads.
isn’t bolted down in an effort to either distract them from You’ll find them in roving good-time cadres of wild-eyed
what they don’t know or to help fill in the dark spaces stockbrokers; in trailer parks fortified like castles; in press-
and meandering gaps of what they do know. gangs of callous country club wannabes with blood-caked
golf clubs and hungry looks, each wondering silently, have
Nosferatu I gone too far? but never speaking it aloud for fear of what
You’ve seen him, and you feel bad for him, and you’re scared the others might think.
of him at the same time. Something’s not right about him.
His eyes are too big. He has a smell. Maybe he’s too tall, or Covenants
his fingers too long and thin (like spider legs), or he just The covenants at first tier aren’t really that; rather, think
has a mean and bitter look on his face like someone duct- of them more like “cults.” They’re expressly local, and
taped roadkill to his upper lip and he can’t stop smelling do not carry past the borders of the city. In some cases,
it. This Nosferatu’s not full-on fucked-up, not yet, not at they might not even carry past the lines separating one
this tier. He’s not a walking corpse with a skull nose and neighborhood from the next.
worms crawling out of his tongue. But he’s off. Off-kilter,
off-course, with an off-odor. We all went to high school The Carthian Movement
with him. Or worked a job. Or saw him in line behind us (The Movement)
at the Mickey D’s. He stands apart, and we try to watch If anyone is going to attempt to carry a first tier nocturnal
him without him noticing that we’re watching him. society into the second tier, it’s the Carthians—though,
The Nosferatu here is a creature apart. He’s not the one wonders, would they refer to themselves as Carthians?
bogeyman; he doesn’t have that sense of understanding A bit lofty, isn’t it? Perhaps they’d think of themselves
or purpose, yet. He’s hungry for blood, but equally hungry only as “The Movement,” then.
to find a place for himself because nobody will have him. Whatever they call themselves, the point remains the
At the first tier, the Nosferatu cannot be the Haunt. same: these will be the vampires that want to ascribe some
Here they are Bugs and Worms: too low and too strange kind of meaning, some manner of human hierarchy, to the
to belong to this world, haunting society not the way a city’s Damned. They see a city of monsters and madmen, of
ghost might, but the way a fly or a centipede could. These viciousness and victimization. These Damned will gather
are the Nosferatu of the first tier: the chattering trio of in secret meetings (a boiler room at a local high school,
seemingly schizoid homeless, their beards and wigs kinked access tunnels beneath a parking garage, the archives of a
up with dried blood; the pack of freak-show contortionists library) in an effort to gain some kind of solidarity, to move
deciding that it’s better to scare the rubes and straights the local vampire population beyond the tribal.
rather than belong to them; the despairing wanderers who What stops them? Other vampires, for one. But more
will do anything to try once more to fit back in with the importantly, themselves. Remember, at this stage, the
humans they once knew. Damned don’t really even know what they are. They’re lost,
Ventrue they’re confused, they’re hungry. They haven’t developed
the internal fortitude to quiet both the Beast and the
The businessman who stumbles out of the bar at three
Man within; the moral nature of such creatures is a wildly
A.M., his tie askew, his jacket forgotten on a stool, a
bouncing see-saw, flinging between callous turpitudes
lost and penitent gaze on his face? That’s the Ventrue at
and desperate grabs for compassion and sanity. A group
this tier. He doesn’t know what the fuck’s going on. He’s
composed of such uncertain monsters is sure to encounter
drunk—but not on alcohol, you can tell by the blotted
gruff turbulence, and is likely to self-destruct. Ah, but there
beads of red on his too-starched collar—and doesn’t
lies the power of the Movement at the first tier: they can
want to be anymore. He knows he’s different now and
always bring in new members who reach for sanity, forever
he can’t stand it. He still wants to show up for work. He
churning through the ideologies of the hungry Damned.
doesn’t want to eat the whispers of the rats in the gutter
or talk to goddamn pigeons or suck on the carotid artery The Circle of the Crone
of that trashy girl at the end of the bar, but he’s going to, (The Circle)
and he hates it. The Circle of the Crone is already a loose confederation of
At this tier, the Ventrue are the ones who most want to cults in Vampire: The Requiem, so what’s the difference
be human, but they’re also the ones who have the greatest between that and what you’d ideally create with a first tier

First Tier: Neonate and Coterie 21

frame of reference? Easy. Lose the “loose confederation” What are they? Assuming that the Danse Macabre gladly
part—it’s now just one cult in the city. It’s a handful of takes prince and pauper alike, it’s a loose cabal of trust-fund
Damned—half-a-dozen to a dozen—who err on the side monsters, yuppie fangs, corporate head-hunters, and other
of Beast rather than man. Whereas the Movement is creatures of privilege. Feudality doesn’t likely figure into it, yet;
certain that some kind of humanity can be forged by the their numbers probably don’t support that system of vassalage.
city’s Damned, the Circle will instead mythologize the Rather, think of them like a gang of golf buddies or bar-room
monstrous whims within. brokers. It’s a gaggle of Patrick Batemans from American
Do they necessarily put a Crone figure front and center? Psycho: nice pants, clean jackets, empty relationships, the
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on how this cult reaches finest finery. Maybe a little Huey Lewis on the radio? Of
the idea that it’s more than just a handful of hungry course, no matter how nicely they dress, no matter how
vampires and is instead a cabal of creatures with mythic pristine the lifestyle, the monster waits beneath the surface,
underpinnings. Reading up on vampire lore, they might end drawn out whenever the competition gets thick. Just as Patrick
up reading about the Lamia, who is arguably a crone figure, Bateman screams inside when someone has a nicer business
and they might go from strega to strix to “owl” to “Lilitu” card than he does, so it is with the callous fiends of the Estate.
to “Lilith.” Then again, they might instead adopt a more They’re an incestuous, self-congratulatory cabal, sure; but
generalized approach, seeing that religions throughout time they’re also violently in competition with one another.
have often necessitated blood sacrifice, or that sometimes That, then, is the defining trait of this covenant at the
the idea of “god” is fairly analogous to the idea of “monster” first tier: competition. Everything is a game of one-ups.
(or at least the idea that gods often act monstrous, or that Sometimes it’s about the shallow, sure: a nicer pen, a better
monsters can sometimes be born of the gods), which takes day at the markets, the newest cell phone. Other times,
the notion of the Crone out of the picture entirely. it’s far deeper and far worse: who fed first, who fed worst,
It’s safe to assume that whatever this cult does, they who hid the bodies, who took home the prettiest corpse?
make it up as they go: they do not have a long-standing They exalt selfishness. They make competition a blood-
liturgy codified by prior cults. All they’re really doing is sport. They are the roots of an economic recession laid
ascribing religious meaning—some chants, some religious bare. They are power-hungry suits with needled fangs.
tools, some lofty sacred notions—to the many acts of
vampirism (feeding, Embracing, enthralling mortals, etc.). The Lancea Sanctum (The Haven)
They find a god or goddess. They spill blood on an altar, Looking back through history, you’ll see that the earliest
which might be a stone bench at the park or a sideboard days of Christianity is carried on the backs of various
bar table covered in crimson linens. They invoke names. cults. Before the First Council of Nicaea, that’s what you
They pray. They pretend their acts are divinely sanctioned get: various disparate groups of Christ worshippers trying
as they open a man’s throat and wet their ceremonial to figure out their new religion. It was a struggle for the
daggers in the red cascade. survival of the fittest, at least regarding the Christ meme:
some ideas survived, some didn’t.
It’s possible one of them really is having divine visions.
Maybe they’re real, or maybe he just has a habit of taking The Lancea Sanctum at the first tier is exactly that (and
blood from those kids at the park who are always dropping if you have Requiem For Rome, you’ll see that reflected
acid and eating ‘shrooms. That central figure is likely in there). As with the other covenants at this level, the
the same vein as a cult leader: a Svengali who is happy to name “Lancea Sanctum” is probably too elegant a term
love bomb those lesser vampires who gather around him. for a cult of God-head vampires, so you might go with
(Love bombing is, in short, a cult technique whereupon the “Sanctum,” or, to use a word with a loaded meaning
the cult heaps love and rewards upon a novitiate until within the society of the Damned, the “Haven.”
the novitiate breaks the rules in even the slightest way. What you have at this tier is probably a group of vampires
Break a rule, and all that love is immediately withdrawn— who are trying to find the meaning in what they’ve become,
usually along with food, shelter, and sleep. It’s a simple and are reaching for the spiritual and mythological to
but effective brainwashing technique.) answer that question—like the Circle, they’ve found an
answer, but that answer is in the patriarchal monotheistic
The Invictus (The Estate) religions (Christianity, most likely).
No feudal system, here. And the term “The Invictus” On the one hand, you might have a group who is simply
probably is too hoity-toity for the night-to-night; so too hoping to excuse their dark urges by assuming that God
with the “First Estate.” Rather, they think of themselves created everything, even down to the lowliest parasite, so
as “The Estate.” surely he created the vampire, too, which makes it all okay.

22 Life After Dark

On the other hand, you could have a small cult who Rule Shifts
will rewrite old dogma to not only include vampires into
What follows are a handful of optional mechanical
the paradigm, but also to give themselves a new means
changes you might want to make to the game in order to
of salvation (since “die and live together in Heaven” isn’t
reflect the first-tier in the game’s systems. Again, they’re
properly viable for theoretically eternal beings).
optional, and can be used or discarded as you see fit (or
The one angle is more selfish than the other, of course— even change them story to story). They aren’t exclusive
the first is an excuse for wanton parasitism, the second and do not need to be used in conjunction, but you may
is a reach for compassion beyond the monstrousness. want to use a number of these as opposed to merely
Honestly, most probably net out somewhere in-between. selecting one.
Some of the cult members will see this as a chance for
• Humanity is easier to lose. The Damned do not have a
forgiveness; they know they’re going to do bad things
set of Traditions in place, nor do they offer up a cogent
because, like addicts, they are driven to those bad things
and connected nocturnal society, and so the characters
by their nature. Others will use forgiveness as an excuse to
have no examples of the “slippery slope” in action. All
do whatever the hell they damn well please (“Forgive me
degeneration rolls suffer -1 die automatically.
father, for I have exsanguinated a prostitute and tasted her
syphilis upon my lips, and I left her body for my buddies • Humanity is easier to gain (and this can be paired
to deal with, amen”). with the above optional rule to reflect a more vibrant
but unstable moral condition): it’s now new dots x 2
Another question will be: Catholic or Protestant?
to regain lost Humanity.
Catholic is certainly the primary mode of the current
Lancea Sanctum, what with all the rigmarole and • It’s now easier to frenzy: -3 to all Resolve + Composure
ritual. But you might want to dial down the pomp and rolls.
circumstance when using the first-tier “Haven,” and go • Frenzy doesn’t last long: as many turns as equals 10
with a group of pseudo-Baptists—they gather in church minus the character’s Humanity score. (Paired with
basements, have prayer circles, group-think new psalms, the rule immediately above, this creates a condition
and try to puzzle out their natures by talking directly by which mad tempers flare easily, but are also swiftly
to God. quenched—more of an explosion than a long-burning
Forget all that pseudo-Victorian science. Forget the Coils, • Discipline rolls no longer allow the Discipline dots to
forget the Dragon’s Tail or any of that Dracula-business. enter the dice pool (e.g., Dominate •, “Command,”
This isn’t the Ordo Dracul; it’s just the “Order.” would now have a dice pool of only Intelligence +
They’re like a skull-and-bones society, a local fraternity
of Damned who just want to know what the fuck they • The character cannot add Blood Potency to any
are. It’s not a moral conundrum. It’s scientific and resistance rolls.
supernatural; what are we? Limits exist to their condition, • Players can create their own clan strength/weakness
and they seek to find them. They push themselves. They pairings: choose one strength from any clan, choose
experiment. How hard is it to stay up during the day? one weakness from any clan, and pair them together.
What happens when the sunlight touches a hand (“Not This infers that “clan” is not a meaningful identifier.
my hand,” the vampire said). Can they Embrace a weeks- • Bullets do lethal damage, as per normal mortals. This
dead corpse? This is the beginning of a legacy, not the attempts to bolster a more dangerous game where
middle or end of one. vampires are—at least biologically—a little bit closer
You’ll find this group as a cult of surgeons, scientists, to being human. (Besides, a bullet might mushroom
occultists, and academics. Certainly some want to figure inside the body, or break apart and bounce around
out the limits to their condition for power, but for the breaking bones and disrupting dead organs. It’s on par
most part, it’s a genuine exploration of what it means to be with a blade cut, or worse.)
biologically and supernaturally a vampire. It can go sour • Vampire claws and fangs always do aggravated damage.
pretty fast, of course: pushing oneself to certain limits is This also goes to create a more dangerous and unstable
sure to invoke frenzy, or even drive one mad (because, environment for the Damned.
frankly, being a vampire is hard enough without all this • Resilience is no longer necessary to exist unharmed
“pushing the envelope” business). But even those results in sunlight; the vampire has a number of turns equal
are notable, and worth studying, aren’t they? to his Humanity score.

First Tier: Neonate and Coterie 23

Second Tier: Ancilla and City
We’re at the edge, tonight. The periphery. The highway where the city limits end (definitely not where they begin, not from
our perspective).
“Miss,” Harcourt says, “they’re here.”
And they are. A red sedan slides up under the cone of streetlight, and the trunk pops. A Middle Eastern fellow with dark
eyes and a braided beard steps out, adjusts his suit, then walks to the trunk and flags us over.
“Miss Berlin offers you this,” he says, sweeping his arms in a game-show gesture. In the trunk, I see two young girls. Early
20s, probably. Each in skimpy pajamas, yet still wearing mascara (I know because it’s forming greasy tracks down their
teary cheeks).
“This is just the sample,” I say. It has to be.
“Of course. We can offer you a dozen more like this. They will make lovely guests for your party.”
“Salon,” I correct.
“Of course. Is this acceptable, Miss Quinn? Miss Berlin offers her most serious apologies, again; sometimes, her worst
urges are spoken aloud. A curse of your kind, a frailty she hopes will be forgiven.”
I twist my lips into a sneer. “I have caged my baser instincts, and I entreat her to do the same, lest she find the whole ladder
come crashing down on her pigtailed head. Remind her that I have the harpies in my pocket, that the Sheriff is my childe,
and that the few times I have let my… baser instincts out to play, we had to burn the house down just to rid ourselves of all
the sticky blood and drying skin. Will you tell her?”
The man nods, his hands trembling.
“Good. Leave these two. I’ll let my friends have a sample.”

Themes and Blood are the only things that matter.) Again, the
vampire may very well have convinced himself that this
What follows are a handful of themes potentially present voice isn’t an echo, but a fresh reminder of an internal
in a second tier Requiem game. Remember: you don’t human compass. Or, maybe he mimics having that voice
need to rely on just one. Mix and match. It’s your game. so others will notice. The Damned can go quite a long
Theme: The Costume of Humanity Matters time playing at this illusion—some go for months, others
The vampires at this tier are doing a dance… whirling for decades. Eventually, though, the echo grows faint. It
this way and that, moving in step to old music that begs stops repeating. The creature starts to slide toward that
to be forgotten. See, at this tier, vampires are what they yawning mouth, that hungry shadow. Maybe he tries to
are, which is monsters. They’re sin-driven blood addicts clamber back to a more comfortable illusion. Or maybe
whose human instincts are lost beneath a surging tide of he just allows the controlled fall downward (at which
beastly hungers. Whereas the vampires of the first tier point you could say that the vampire either retracts to
still have that mitigating human voice, the vampires of the first tier, where it’s all just night-to-night hungers and
the second tier want to have that voice, but for the most hunting, or ascends to the third tier, where he embraces
part, don’t. a new monstrous mindset, so to speak).
So they pretend. Theme: And Don’t Forget Humanity’s Trappings
They pretend so well, in fact, that they sometimes convince Why is it, then, that vampires gather in their nocturnal
themselves of their “humanity,” but that’s really like you society? Why do they establish Byzantine rules that must
donning a Halloween mask and staring in the mirror long be followed on the threat of castigation or death-by-
enough to believe it to be your true face—it doesn’t make rooftop-sunrise? Why do they gather in catty salons, or go
it any more real, but reality and fact needn’t ever intertwine. to nightclubs to watch the hot new DJ, or set areas of the
The human voice within is just an old echo for the city as strange places-of-refuge? They put themselves in
vampires at this tier. (You could suggest that this is contact with humans all the time—blood doll sycophants,
represented by the Humanity score, which goes back adoring herds, ghoul advisors. They have meetings, for
to the costume metaphor: as the vampire sheds those God’s sake, meetings that might look like boardroom
tattered pieces of the old costume, he similarly sheds presentations or Church sermons.
dots in Humanity; this in turn brings him closer to Again: why? What’s the purpose? The purpose is
a state of “true” vampirism, where Beast and Hunger twofold.

24 Life After Dark

First, it’s confirming and congratulatory. The internal
illusion held up by vampires at this tier—“Oh, I’m still
human, or at least human-ish”—is far easier to keep when
everybody else is keeping it, too. A Prince might be
complimented on the blush he brings to his cheeks. A Harpy
mocks another for the dress she wears. A Sheriff punishes
law-breakers. All of this helps to reinforce the illusion.
Second, it’s survival. The vampires have convinced
themselves (often subconsciously) that humanity might be
a mumbling, shuffling herd of cattle, but a spooked herd
stampedes and crushes the lofty men sitting high on their
horses. This is true, to a point—vampires at the first tier
are far more entrenched in the nightly race to survive.
Then again, it’s also false to another point—vampires
who ascend to the third tier, who become something
beyond the base and the vile, who climb the ladder and
become more like mad blood-hungry gods (or at least the
children of gods)… well, they survive just fine without
the trappings of humanity, don’t they? It’s all a matter of
adaptation. At the second tier, this mode of adaptation
is miming humanity’s larger organization—the dances,
the hierarchies, the laws, the faiths.
Ah, but there’s the rub: once more, this is just a mask,
and once more, the mask cracks. They play at humanity’s
trappings, but one needn’t look too hard to see that it’s
just monsters. At the boardroom meeting, they pass
around a carafe of warmed blood. In the pews and at the
pulpit, the faith offered comes in a cup held beneath the
neck of a bound sinner, his arterial life dribbling into the
chalice with the murmuring burble of a water fountain.
One Harpy comments on another’s dress, and the next
night the insulting maven is found atop a tractor-trailer,
a wooden stake and a handful of chains binding nothing
but a pile of smeary ash and assorted expensive jewelry.
That’s really what the Danse Macabre is—a dance
of death, the dead monsters playing at being alive. The
weave and weft of the nocturnal society of undead
monsters is really best emblemized by the second tier.
This is not how humans behave.

Second Tier Requiem

Since we’re suggesting that the game as it’s written
already—meaning, the game you find in the Vampire:
The Requiem book—is roughly analogous to the second
tier. The game focuses largely on the city-wide setting,
and deals most prominently with a nocturnal society
populated by ancillae. As such, it’d be redundant to offer
clan- and covenant-based information, since you can just
open your Requiem book for that very thing.

Second Tier: Ancilla and City 25

Rule Shifts • Or, that same bonus listed above (half Status, rounded
down, max +2) can be applied to rolls made to resist
The rules in the Vampire: The Requiem game already
frenzy (the idea being that fear of public shame in
reflect what is ultimately a “second-tier” reality, as
one’s social circles is enough to tamp down the Beast
noted, but you may still want to hammer home the idea
for a time).
of a city-wide ancilla-based tier with some mechanical
tweaks. These are a few optional rules that can be used • Characters created at ancilla level could start out with
in conjunction with one another, alone, or not at all. Blood Potency 3 and 75 experience points.
• Vampire society is strengthening, so belonging to that • Given the strength of the bonds holding together
nocturnal society is equally strengthening. Those who nocturnal society (those bonds being the only thing
belong to the society in some fashion can take an that keeps nocturnal society tumbling into a first tier
experience point cost break on buying Humanity equal representation of wandering blood-hungry monsters),
to dots possessed in the Status Merit (maximum of five). you might want to make the rules “Taste of Family”
and “Blood Sympathy” automatically successful
• Alternately, buying Humanity isn’t cheaper, but
without a roll (they can be found on p. 163, Vampire:
resisting degeneration is—the vampire gains bonus
The Requiem).
dice to degeneration rolls equal to half of her Status
points (rounded down, maximum of +2).

Third Tier: Elder and Conspiracy

I eat his marrow while he’s still alive. His leg is stripped bare of meat and blood by this point, and I suck at the femur like a
human child with a lollipop. The marrow tastes of sweet jelly, fatty and rich, but it’s so much deeper than that. I can taste
an injury from his youth—he fell out of a tree, I believe. I can taste the fear in him; not the fear he has right now, which is
certainly most prodigious, but the fear that drives him, the many-handed thing that reaches for him any time he closes his
eyes, a thing with his father’s face and leering stare. I can taste his fear of flying, and his fear of rejection.
I have dressed him in an orange jumpsuit because it delights me.
I tell him, “Senator, you have disappointed me,” and I list the many ways. “How dare you vote to close this place?” I ask
him. The fluorescents buzz above us like flies. The jail cells—walls of plastic glass, no longer the iron bars I expect—reveal
men watching this all unfold, me sitting cross-legged on the floor, noisily siphoning a United States senator’s marrow from
his broken leg bone.
This place, this black prison, has long been where I bring my friends to feed. Some of them live here (so to speak), in
the rock tunnels and in the walls. This is where we come to discuss how the world will change, how men will die and how
children will live.
“I’m going to have to call in a lot of favors to make this work,” I tell him, but I don’t think he hears me because now I think
it’s gotten too much and he’s dying. I explain to him that it’s okay, the world has many senators and dictators and scientists,
and if he won’t help me and my friends, someone surely will.

Themes The vampires at this tier are no longer beholden to

acting human. They are monsters, and so they exalt their
What follows is a look at the themes present at the third monstrousness. Humans have limited reach. They have a
tier, the tier of elders and conspiracies. As noted, these weak grasp of power, true power. Humanity’s like a flock
are not exclusive to one another, and can easily be used of birds—ever notice how birds in a flock always stay near
in conjunction with one another. to one another? Humans go the way of other humans.
Theme: You Are So Far From Human Gods, on the other hands, do whatever the fuck they
Vampires at the first tier are ostensibly still human, or at want. And that’s who vampires are at this level. Gods.
least still maintain aspects of humanity. The struggle of Or aliens. Or nightmares. At least, that’s how they see
monster versus man is implicit and strong at that tier. At themselves. If they act human, it’s just to get what they
the second tier, the vampire moves away from human want—when they have it, they drop the costume and
feelings, perhaps, but still mimics a lot of human society. the monster emerges. Their ideas are no longer cogent.
They gather in grim bureaucracies, hold political offices, Both the vampiric needs and the greatly expanded history
reap money as well as blood—they still gambol about contained in the vampire’s mind break the mold; they
amidst the trappings of the human world. no longer think on a human level. It doesn’t mean they’re

26 Life After Dark

smarter, exactly, only that they’re operating on a different because it pleases them, but also because it has that
axis of thought. (A good way to look at it might be—what precious chance to snap back and take off their heads.
if you gave a tapeworm a human-level intelligence? Or a Huge reward, but huge risk. The double-edged sword is a
shark, or a wolf?) They’re like giant ids and egos without beloved concept amongst the vampires of this tier, even
the mitigating moralizing factor of the superego. Vampires if they don’t consciously realize it.
at this tier—even neonates—are basically driven on a Theme: Fuck Local
reptilian pleasure principle. Their ego seeks only to feed Same idea applies here—the vampire has a theoretically
the id: cunning plans and alien blueprints come together powerful reach, but in Vampire: The Requiem, that
simply to provide delight and sensation to their dead reach is largely kept local. A vampire’s home is his city—
minds and bodies. it’s equal parts prison and sandbox, and that’s where the
Theme: You Are The Secret Masters creature nests and invokes his will.
As discussed, vampires in this mode of play are old and Well, forget that. The vampires at the conspiracy tier
strange and very powerful; they are ancient creatures who recognize that they have a far longer arm, and as mentioned,
are equal parts blood addict and control freak with powers they’re ego-fed nightmares with a thick, red narcissistic
that allow them to twist mortal minds to their whims. streak. Hence, they reach far beyond the city limits.
Why wouldn’t these alien-minded bloodsuckers attempt How? To where? Why? Let’s reason it out. Humanity
to play one big chess game with the world around them? is mobile. People aren’t kept to their own city limits
In Vampire: The Requiem, for the most part a vampire’s anymore, and vampires are more than a little like
influence is local and concealed. Few vampires get too parasites… so, wherever people go, vampires go. Or, at
ostentatious with their reach, because overreaching so least, the influence of vampires.
often leads to a breach of the Masquerade—pride goeth The vampire knows of a shipping boat captain, or a
before a fall, Icarus’ wings melt when he flies too close to cruise ship captain. He breaks down that man’s mind.
the sun, and so forth. The vampire nestles a seed of his own power within that
In this theme, that’s out the windows. Vampires are now-broken mind, so wherever the boat captain goes,
ostentatious creatures by their very nature. They are dead, the vampire goes by proxy. That captain can now do all
and yet they walk. They can make loving siblings turn manner of things for the vampire, things that are in no
on one another with silverware from the dinner table. way limited by the city’s borders. The captain can carry
They can burn blood in the hot channels of their dead contraband. He can bring in blood slaves. He can kidnap
veins and as a result pick up a car or tear a door off a people off his boat (ever wonder why so many people go
bank safe. Why not be ostentatious? Why not overreach? missing off of cruise ships?) and provide them to the
At this tier in particular, vampires are mad narcissists, vampire. He can pollute the waters, he can crash his boat
ego-driven kings and gods. into another, he can establish a mad, floating playground
Hence, they become humanity’s secret masters. Hell, for monsters way out in international waters.
they have been for centuries, even millennia. Take that same idea and apply it to an emissary from
Why? Well—what’s the fun in just tweaking the head another country. Or a major banking head. Or an up-
of the mayor’s aide? Go big or go home: get the mayor and-coming political celebrity. This is Invasion of the Body
himself. Or a senator. Or a pharmaceutical CEO. Find Snatchers type of stuff, in a way—the vampire hooks his
all the president’s advisors and circle the wagons with string to the minds of many, and they go out and are
ruined minds. Build an army of deranged gang thugs or capable of doing the vampire’s will. That’s how they
club kids and march them against your enemies on the become the world’s secret masters.
dark streets at midnight. Because vampires at this tier are Theme: The Individual Is King
so much more… grandiose in their reach, they are able to At the first tier, coterie is key. That’s all a vampire has is
fetter puppet strings to a whole host of elements within himself and his coterie, and if he wants to survive, well,
the world. Fuck with bank stock? Toy with—or outright that’s probably the only way to do it. Alone equals death,
manipulate—political elections? Release a plague and so to speak. The vampire has his extended family or pack
see what happens? or cabal—however you think of it, that’s what comprises
Why do this? Isn’t it risky? Yes. Of course it’s risky. his safe existence.
At any point the herd could catch the predator’s scent At the second tier, the entire city structure becomes
and turn to run, or turn to stampede. But that’s part of a kind of vampiric super-organism. The vampires
the charm. Vampires in so many ways are self-loving and define themselves by their place in that blood-sucking
self-hating. At this tier, the Damned molest the world

Third Tier: Elder and Conspiracy 27

hierarchy—are you someone’s slave, or are you someone’s at this tier. The elders—or those beyond the elders, the
Prince? Are you a lay worshipper, or do you lead the city most truly ancient Methuselahs—sit fat and mad at the
in a predator’s prayer? top, and everybody else is beneath them. Everything is
At the third tier, the vampires are above this structure. tithed up; nothing tithes down. It doesn’t mean that the
That doesn’t mean they don’t necessarily gather in coteries players will necessarily be controlling characters at the top
or that the city doesn’t have a nocturnal society of (though that’s certainly a compelling option, especially
Damned. It only means that the vampire is never truly a when they discover that even at the pinnacle there always
part of it. He goes through the motions, but really, at this exists a bigger and faster predator), but it does mean that
tier vampire society is one composed solely of individuals. all characters will be a part of this. Even those that fancy
They work together as long as their selfish orbits intersect, themselves outside the scheme are somehow roped into it,
and that’s it. Sure, the vampires of the second tier think of or have been unknowingly a part of it all along.
themselves as selfish individuals, ultimately they still can’t
help but be married to the hierarchies and conventions Third Tier Requiem
of their own self-made society. If you want to take the setting and mechanics of Vampire:
These vampires are not bound in that way. Yes, you The Requiem and dial the knob up so high that it snaps
have the notion of a “conspiracy,” meaning a cabal (big off, you’ll want to read on. We’ll provide you with some
or small) of third-tier vampires who extend control ways to tweak the setting so that the vampires present are
over major elements within the world—a star chamber true nightmares, characters that act as demi-gods with
presiding over the banking industry, an assassin’s guild deep, undying hungers.
changing the world one swipe of the straight razor at a
time, a global network of monsters televising atrocities Clans
on a concealed frequency. And yet, the conspiracies are The vampires of the third tier aren’t monsters the way
only formed out of individuals whose needs and desires that a mad dog is a monster, or the way that a spree killer
intersect. They still operate as individuals, and that driven by his rage is a monster. They’ve gone well-past
may create a kind of callous push-and-pull within these that point. These fiends are the Hannibal Lecter type;
conspiracies—some might even say this is part of why elevated, strange, unknowable. These aren’t wild, hungry
they join such conspiracies. It’s a competition of sorts: draugr. They’re calculating architects with alien outlooks
who will stab whom in the back with a sharpened stake? and only the barest shreds of humanity left whispering in
Who will steal the other’s ghouls? Who will clip puppet the wind. So, what do members of the individual clans
strings from the shadows, secretly working against the look like when used at this upper echelon? (Note that
conspiracy simply for the delight of doing so? Plus, given you’ll find more about the clans later in this chapter.)
that vampires are so often secretly self-hating (or at least
self-destructive) it makes sense that they’d step into an
arena where they’re almost guaranteed of having to suffer
Strip a character bare of everything but its base desires
the slings and arrows of hidden betrayers.
(meaning, its Vice) and you have the Daeva at the third
Theme: It’s One Big Pyramid Scheme tier. One does nothing but endlessly feed, drawing the
Two things. First, one of the key conventions of noir as city’s vagrants and cast-offs into her lair so she may
well as the conspiracy thrillers of the 1970s is that the drink till the blood is trickling from her eyes and nose
conspiracy is effectively build of an invisible pyramid. and bulging cheeks, till she’s sick and expends it all in
Every time you think you’ve found the top, you haven’t— a giddy rush, only to start the feeding anew (Gluttony).
keep climbing, because the conspiracy goes far higher Another makes a list of slights against him over the last
than you’d think. And it always starts low, too—your 300 years, insults both real and imagined, and then he
wife, your business partner. By the end, it’s all the way begins to exact a slow and steady revenge against each
to a senator or president or the entire Catholic Church. name on that list (Wrath). A third invokes Byzantine
Second, consider pyramid schemes. The idea of a schemes to collect all the objects and people she’s ever
pyramid scheme is that a person gets three people to work wanted, creating a series of interlocking tombs beneath
for him, and they each get three people to work for them, the city for her beloved “treasury” (Envy).
and so on down the line, but everything trickles up, not At this stratum, the Daeva are no longer mere Succubi:
down. The guy at the top of the pyramid gets a cut of they are full-on Devils and Demons, horrible arch-fiends
everything. The lower you are, the less you get. and callow phantoms whose minds work endlessly to
The pyramid is thus the structure of the conspiracy provide them with whatever satisfies their extreme whims.

28 Life After Dark

A Daeva at this tier might be an urban legend serial their souls are nothing but giant, sucking maws; great dark
killer, one who’s said can never die, one who can appear mouths swallowing all they throw into them. (Think, if you
wholecloth out of a drop of blood dripped on a mirror; will, of the madness put forth by the craziest conspiracy
or a creature whose Majesty literally bleeds and pulses theorists: a man sitting in an archive of his own dementia,
in euphoric waves, infecting not just the city but its hunkered over stacks of newspapers, deranged flowcharts on
suburbs and satellite towns; or an artist who sees the every wall with lines connecting unconnected things, code
entire country as a canvas for her work, a tabula rasa of words and phrases carved into his own arms—that, then,
asphalt and meadow grass, with each orchestrated twist is the Mekhet of the third tier, mired deep in the madness
of fate, each bloody accident, each horrible atrocity acting of information and the darkness of moral lack.)
in tandem as the paint colors on the monster’s palette. The term “Shadow” is too insubstantial for the Mekhet

Gangrel at this echelon; they’ve become too consumed by the

darkness within and without (shadows, after all, are lost
Civilization no longer means anything to these creatures— in total darkness). The Mekhet here are both Eidolons
and creatures, they truly are. You look at some animals, and Angels of the Abyss, with intimate knowledge of the
and you see just a rutting beast—the way a pig roots in great, deep dark.
the earth, say, or how a dog rolls around in filth to cover A Mekhet at this tier might be an unliving archive, his
its scent. But other creatures commit to actions that we mind a tortuous tangle of names and faces, of addresses
cannot hope to understand: the tilt of a mantid’s head, and numbers, of facts and fictions; or he might end up
the odd and almost neurotic behaviors of some predatory obsessed with cause and effect, forever orchestrating small
birds, the inordinately complex lifecycles of various happenstance to see what storms are brewed from the
parasites. It’s these wild-yet-incomprehensible behaviors flutter of a butterfly’s wings (riots, murders, floods, school
that define the Gangrel at this level. She is both “wolf shootings, plagues); or he might end up the keeper of a
on the hunt” and “alien parasite” all rolled into one. She dozen cults, even a hundred, serving as a mysterious god-
doesn’t care about what she looks like. She doesn’t care like figure nestled at the apex of a worldwide pyramid
if you understand her. She only cares about her land, her scheme, with blood and knowledge tithed forever upward.
beasts, her territory.
Savage as a term is too simple, too base and foul. No,
here the Gangrel become both Huntsmen and Horrors, The lesson has been learned at this point: we must always
ancient and eldritch hags, harridans, and stalkers of the dwell apart. From there, it’s just a short walk to accepting
night. They grow consumed by the pursuit, and by the and even exalting one’s own grotesqueness, and that’s the
protection of their territories. They cease to remember Nosferatu at this echelon. He has become fairy tale monster,
who they were because that doesn’t matter anymore; the a glorious wretch, the king of the bogeys, the queen of the
fog of eternity serves not to cloud their minds but clear grave. On the one hand, this is very much about physical
their minds, wiping clean a chalkboard once filled with deformation: while not all Nosferatu suffer from physical
so many meaningless scratches and hash marks. anomalies, by the third tier most of them have certainly
developed some. Many in fact either force their bodies to
A Gangrel at this tier might be a lone and distant
make… unusual shifts (double-jointed limbs, “gills” cut
hunter like the Unholy, having claimed the highways as
in nightly with a razor, eyes removed with arthritic claws
his hunting ground, forever patrolling those long dark
until they heal at which point they’re removed again), while
stretches for other vampires on which to feed; or a fat, mad
others can’t control the changes that happen (bones snap,
spider in the center of a web, setting herself up a system by
new limbs grow, tails emerge, old fangs fall out and give
which food forever imperils itself, inadvertently tumbling
way to a crooked nest of osseous shards).
into her complex traps and ending up as just another
in a long line of tasty blood-and-bone snacks; or a self- No longer merely a Haunt, the Nosferatu is now both
determined river hag, laying in the muddy bottom of an Legend and Leviathan, a mythic monstrosity that can
old river, demanding the sacrifice of sweet, sweet children barely be imagined by mortal mind. Curiously, while most
lest she tear the towns to her left and right asunder. vampires of the third tier tend to be alone (even in social
groups like their vast, mad conspiracies), the Nosferatu
Mekhet buck that trend: they seem to work well together,
The world is nothing but ideas and knowledge, and the pain gathering like ancient rats in labyrinthine warrens.
caused by both—at least, it is from the perspective of Mekhet A Nosferatu at this tier might be a blind, subterranean
existing at the third tier. They seek to be filled up and freak lurking in the sandhog tunnels beneath the city,
consumed by information and understanding, but ultimately

Third Tier: Elder and Conspiracy 29

finding ways to trap victims and force their blood to minds into confusion and derangement. Now, to a point,
dribble down the cracks and fractures into the darkness those things are still thematically appropriate—elders
(and the monster can hear the snap of a trap two miles are strange creatures and this serves to reinforce it. But,
up and the slow burble of blood drizzling downward); or that element is a limiting factor. It’s what ostensibly
she might be a horrific hag queen, a true closet-dwelling keeps elders from getting too powerful in Vampire: The
monster delighting and drinking in the mortal fear of Requiem, and it’s also what keeps history veiled deep
stupid children; or he might be a great bloated Underworld in the shadowy folds of mystery.
god with an army of ghosts and bats and eyeless dogs at his Conceptually, we don’t want that at this tier. The
command, occasionally slipping from this world into the vampires here aren’t meant to be limited; the fog of
world of the dead to commune with truly ancient specters. eternity is a cage. At this tier, the cage door is kicked
Ventrue wide open—the monsters are allowed out to play.
Now, another option is that you don’t limit memory,
They are control freaks extraordinaire: nothing must fall
only sanity—so, for every two points of Blood Potency
outside their reach. This attitude is steeped in paranoia,
gained, the vampire takes a mild derangement (or a
to boot, because if you want to control everything, then
severe one if the mild version is already possessed).
someone else does, too. Which means they’re willing to
This way, the vampire remembers everything that
take it from you. Which can’t happen, can it? The world
happened, whether it was last night or 4,000 nights
becomes binary: everything is either asset or enemy,
prior. But, what she does with those memories is
something to be controlled, or someone that wants what
beholden to the many lunacies intrinsic to her blood.
you have. The Ventrue at this tier have enormous sway
and influence, but are so mad and fucked up that they’re • Vampires at this tier may become all the more difficult
willing to explode it all to get revenge for a sour look, a to stop—bullets continue to do bashing, but so do all
perceived slight, a depressive’s whim. Whole worlds can normal attacks. Bashing can still fold over and become
fit in their grip, but when even a little bit slips through lethal, and aggravated is still aggravated.
their fingers (and it inevitably will), then they’d rather • Avoid using the clans. Third tier vampires might be
break their toys than allow anyone else to play with them. considered wholly unique; players are encouraged to
No longer content to merely be Lords, Ventrue at this come up with their own “bloodlines,” except that
echelon are easily both Puppet Masters and Prime Movers; bloodline only applies to the character (and, in theory,
their individual identities are less important than the sum any vampires that character sires through the course
of all they control. of the game). Alternately, scrapping both clans and
bloodlines and relying on only the third tier covenants
A Ventrue vampire at this tier might have his puppet
(p. 64) is an option, as well.
strings attached to a world-spanning host of disparate
marionettes (bankers, politicians, market forces, street • In pushing third tier vampires away from their
beggars, disaster monitoring stations, etc.); she might Humanity, assume that for every two points of Blood
instead find herself in the Third World surrounded and Potency, the vampire gains a -1 persistent penalty on
protected by a militant mercenary army whose collective all Social rolls involving non-thrall human beings (and
paranoia matches her own; he could be a degenerate this doesn’t carry over to Disciplines). So, a vampire
whose mind has devolved to that of an impudent child— with Blood Potency 1-2 would suffer a -1 penalty, and
of course, he’s a child with profound levels of Dominate that goes all the way to Blood Potency 9-10, which
and a mad toychest full of invented Devotions. confers a -5 penalty.
• Allow changes to an elder’s code of Humanity, as noted
Covenants below under “Inhumanity.”
You’ll find expanded information on covenants at the
conspiracy level on p. 64 of this book in Chapter Two. Inhumanity: The Elder’s Code
Sink your teeth into this conundrum: elders are deeply
Rule Shifts strange creatures, especially when reflected as they are
Below are a few “rule hacks” you might want to put into play here in the third tier. They have become something
when running a story at this tier. These are optional; feel free both more than and less than human. So, how do they
to choose or lose, or even to change them to suit your needs. retain a Humanity trait? The short answer is, they don’t.
• Fog of Memory, Begone. Lose the fog of memory (pp. 39- But the short answer doesn’t explain one thing—how
40, Vampire: The Requiem). The fog prevents elders then, do they stop themselves from becoming mindless,
from remembering things easily, and it throws their rampaging monsters?

30 Life After Dark

The slightly-longer answer is, many don’t. An elder Perhaps a different elder might go a different path,
who goes that deep and doesn’t salvage the vestiges of actively switching one sin on the chart for another—
his human nature is an elder who becomes so debased perhaps, to him, a planned crime is noble. Temperance
and bestial that he’s little more than a feral id driven by and moderation are key. Impassioned crimes, on the
endless hunger. Oh, and he’s got the power to back up other hand, are base, vile, driven by callow emotions.
his reptilian desires. So, a trigger point (perhaps where the vampire sits in
The long answer is, yes, many don’t stop themselves a puddle of clotting blood, surrounded by a tangle of
from that fate, but a few certainly manage the trick. dismembered limbs, all after having given himself over
How? Through slow shifts of their innate human code—a to a wretched frenzy) might allow that elder’s player to
creeping drift away from Humanity might allow them to switch “impassioned crime” (Humanity 4) with “planned
maintain that inscrutable alien nature while still being crime (Humanity 3). The one is now more favorable than
in relative control. the other to this vampire’s code of Inhumanity.
Trigger Points One might suggest that it’s of little value to adjust or
The way it works is this: anytime an elder character swap out the sins at higher levels, as the vampire almost
commits an action that would force that character’s player surely doesn’t exist at those levels. Except, not only might
(or the Storyteller) to roll for degeneration, the character she still remain at those elevated levels, but experience
may instead choose to adopt a new tenet of her Humanity. points also allow for one to repurchase lost Humanity. The
She may “swap out” one sin at one level of Humanity for tricky spot is, the Storyteller must approve repurchased
a sin of her creation and choosing. Humanity, and a vampire that doesn’t act remorseful will
have a hard time climbing back up that ladder. That is,
The replaced sin and the new sin must be in context
unless she’s shifted her Humanity to a code of Inhumanity.
with the event that could’ve caused the degeneration—
The more of the higher tenets she changes, the easier it
the player may be called upon to defend the choice to the
is to manifest those tenets and climb back to the top of
Storyteller or troupe in an effort to keep it thematically
the charts, so to speak.
The Cost
An example: a Daeva elder is exploring her new “art
installation,” which amounts to pinning still-living Choosing to shift one’s moral code away from Humanity to
thralls and unliving neonates dressed up as moths and a slowly-adjusted path of Inhumanity still comes with costs.
butterflies to her wall using railroad spikes and other sharp The first cost is that, for every trigger point reached
implements. Maybe this isn’t quite “utter perversion,” but that results in a shift away from Humanity to Inhumanity
it damn sure counts as torture, which is a sin at Humanity (meaning, one tenet on the chart replaced), the vampire
2. Since our elder sits uncomfortably at Humanity 3, this gains a persistent -1 Social penalty when dealing with
would necessitate a degeneration roll. human beings.
Except! The further she slides down that blood- The second cost is that it affects the vampire’s aura.
slick slope, the more bestial and vile she theoretically Her aura seems shot through with fractures—these may
becomes. So, perhaps it’s time for her Humanity to shift appear as spider-webbed cracks, or may beparts of her aura
to Inhumanity. Her player takes the tenets of Humanity gone “missing.” Those viewing the aura may not know
2 (casual/callous crime, such as torture or serial murder) what it means, but they know it isn’t good. The more one
and decides that this moment represents a Trigger Point shifts away from Humanity, the more pronounced this
for her elder. “fractured” effect becomes.
She now chooses to replace that Humanity 2 tenet The third and final cost is that, despite the fact that this
with a new sin: “Casual/callous crime of a human being.” ultimately pushes the Beast a bit deeper while still allowing a
Because her, er, “artistic peccadilloes” drive her only to vampire to be the vampire she wants to be, it doesn’t actually
torture other vampires and her thralls, the shift doesn’t destroy those bestial urges. For every tenet changed, the
affect her. Her mind has created a key divide: thralls and vampire must add an additional success to resist a frenzy
other vampires are not human beings to her. She may do (see “Systems for Frenzy” in Vampire: The Requiem, pp.
with them as she pleases. (Alternately, another elder might 178-179). So, if the vampire shifts her code twice, and must
go in an opposite direction, believing that her thralls and try to resist the anger frenzy that might result from being
blood-sucking peers are the ones deserving of mercy, while “betrayed by a partner in a deal,” her target number of
humans are little more than chatty cattle.) successes is now seven instead of five. This doesn’t penalize
the roll—it just makes the goal harder to reach.

Third Tier: Elder and Conspiracy 31

Why Third Tier? vampire emerges from his unliving shell (metaphorically
Third tier is representative of a vampire’s transformation for most, though some bloodlines may display some kind
away from “human,” and to some degree even away from of discarded carapace) as something wholly different and
“vampire.” Thematically, the impact of Humanity loss utterly strange.
and degeneration toward a feral thing driven only by (Be advised: Chapter Three, Bloody Business, also
undead hungers is felt keenly at the first two tiers. At has alternate looks at Humanity, including Atrocity dice
the third, though, it’s less significant—more significant and Banes.)
is the “chrysalis” effect that takes place, whereupon a

Fresh Blood: The Clans, Revisited

We’ve talked about the clans a little already—you’ve The Daeva vary wildly in appearance—as wildly as
already got your heads around how to look at the clans people have ‘types.’ Most Daeva Embrace spontaneously
through the distorted lens of both first tier and third tier (indeed, spontaneity is both one of their greatest weakness
player- and story-experiences. That was just a taste to and strengths). They Embrace to perpetuate the passion.
whet your appetite. Romance is a disease the Daeva transmit to others, but
Now, it’s time to go back to basics. It’s time to pick the sometimes suffer from themselves, and the culmination
scab and let the blood run free. of the undead romance is either the tragedy of death or
Let’s look once more at the clans. Let’s speak frankly the comedy of immortality. For every social circle, you’ll
about what to do with them and why you as the player find a succubus adapted to hunt in it.
might choose to play them. These vampires are all mystique but offer little actual
Each clan is written up as follows: mystery—they’re creatures of raw physicality, their urges
and desires firmly rooted in the flesh. Powerful, graceful,
Quote: A quote relevant to the clan.
and enchanting, like some strange mix of “jungle cat” and
Description: Another look at each clan, breaking down “house cat.” Here, kitty kitty kitty. But even as you admire
what they are, what they mean. their feline virtues, consider that all the qualities we prize
Character Creation Advice: A direct look at what it in cats only serve to make them more efficient killers.
takes to make the clan on the character sheet. The supernatural potencies which come most easily to
The Blood: A look at how it feels to play a member of them are among the simplest—the raw physical power
the clan. Being a vampire is a visceral experience, but of Vigor and the speed and grace of Celerity. These root
each clan embodies that visceral thrill distinctly. the Daeva firmly in the physical, in the flesh—power in
Optional Rule: Each clan is given over to a new motion. Capping this is Majesty, their signature Discipline.
optional rule that the Storyteller may decide is appropriate It’s an influence that reaches past the conscious mind,
for your game. down to the animal brain, where concepts like ‘love’ are
Why Play?: We ask the question, why would you want burned away in the forges of lust. It’s a terrifying power,
to play a member of this clan? If you’re not sure which clan because it makes victims betray themselves, debase
fits your play-style, then these sections should be useful. themselves, and do it willingly. If they catch the romance
too, they might even convince themselves the way they
Daeva feel is genuine, and not the influence of a cynical undead
predator hungry for an easy meal.
“You invited me in, served me a cold imported beer, put on
something more comfortable. You won’t turn shy on me now, The Daeva are spontaneous for another reason—if they
after being so brave and forward in the club? You walked up to stop to think about it too long, the awful reality of their
me, remember. Hush, you’re much prettier when you don’t talk.” existence creeps up and slides a blade between their ribs.
If a child is told he’s brilliant and wonderful and charming
Description and smart over and over without ever actually doing
You might assume you could spot the Daeva in the anything to warrant that praise is going to end up with a
room just by looking. Pick out the one with the six- warped idea of his own value and what he’s entitled to.
pack or the skin that looks airbrushed. Or maybe it’s Being liked comes easy to the Daeva, and there’s few drugs
the guy with the artfully tousled hair and the pearly stronger than praise and affirmation. The Daeva tend to
smile? The pale redhead flirting madly with the three go weird, like aging pop stars surrounded by yes-men and
grinning frat boys? sycophants who say, “Oh yeah, I think buying the bones

32 Life After Dark

of the Elephant Man is a fantastic idea! And you want to Why Play A Daeva?
sleep in a hermetically-sealed coffin? Done and done, boss.”
They’re sex on legs—Majesty means the Daeva have rock
Character Creation Advice star charm, no matter how plain or ordinary they might
look. They’ve got “It,” and people will do themselves
The Daeva are optimized to take the best advantage of
stupid to be close to “It.” They have an easy time feeding
Social and Physical Attributes and Skills. Some Daeva
through seduction, and their glamour grants them great
are great thinkers, but given their advantages they don’t
influence in Kindred circles.
have to be to do very well in their Requiems (and some
Daeva actually believe “thinking” is a bug, not a feature). Raw physical power—Vigor and Celerity mean the
Social Merits serve them extremely well, but if you want Daeva are among the fastest and strongest of the undead.
to kick some ass, consider a fighting style with Vigor and If they can’t break an enemy, they can outrun him, and a
Celerity: with these they can be terrifying combatants. victim immune to her charms might still be taken by force.
Or, optimized mostly for social action, augmented with Charming monsters—the Daeva embody the intimate
Majesty, a Daeva might never need to fight at all. social horror of the vampire more than any other clan.
Play a Daeva if you want social conflicts, complications,
The Blood and drama to figure heavily in the chronicle. Play a Daeva
The Daeva’s Embrace is inevitably sexual, but also if you want to talk enemies down, or seduce them away
fetishized. They objectify everything, but especially from their masters.
themselves, recognizing that the vampire is itself source of In the moment—the Daeva are impulsive, and some say
sexual fascination. Its often also wrapped up in a confection rash, though one could also say that they are passionate
of romance, a pretty story which would justify the crime. and decisive. Play a Daeva if you like improvisation over
It’s often saved for “just the right moment”—candles lit, planning, and quick decisions over careful nuanced
music swells, deep lingering eye contact, the kiss...! Even debate.
when the Daeva rage, they somehow manage to look good Leave a beautiful corpse—they’re sexy, they’re strong,
doing it. Their Majesty runs wild, and onlookers will almost and they know it. It’s hard not to relish being so effortlessly
ache for the vampire to murder them. The Daeva Beast is gorgeous and wonderful. And popular. And dangerous.
a beautiful angel, and it comes and takes control, leaving And did we mention gorgeous? And, and, and...
the Man to watch as mute dissociated witness. When they
feed, the kiss is like being fucked everywhere all at once,
like sex in the veins, like your skin itself is orgasming. (Once
“For me and mine, everything is binary. What? You think
more, a distinctly physical pleasure.) I don’t know that word? Fuck you. Binary. There: I said it
Optional: Steeped in Sin again. You’re either something to me, or you’re nothing. You’re
friend or you’re foe. You’re pack or you’re nobody. You’re
The Daeva are such creatures of impulse, that denying predator, or you’re motherfuckin’ prey.”
their worst urges requires enormous reserve of will—they
hemorrhage Willpower when they must avoid wallowing Description
in their Vice. Yet, when they exalt the impulse—riding the Most Kindred fight like hell against the Beast, against its
wave of compulsion, making it their choice to indulge rather whispers and taunts, its urges, its most terrible rage. It’s
than a burden forced on them—they’re mightier for it. the terrifying extinction of that dwindling mortal identity
When taking dramatic action in pursuit of her Vice, a preserved in the immortal corpse, and every frenzy incurs
Daeva may add +3 dice to all her actions. a tiny holocaust of the soul.
A lustful Daeva can claim this bonus when seducing, a So it’s no wonder the Gangrel unsettle so many.
slothful one when avoiding responsibility, and a wrathful They Embrace their Beasts like no other. They don’t
one when stomping the motherloving hell out of some conquer it, but they do find some way to live with it. Also
unlucky bastard’s skull. unsettling is how their powers strip away the disguise of
These actions can serve a larger purpose, and that’s really human flesh: these dread powers transfigure the man into
the point—the Daeva make their sins work for them, and a beast of the flesh, making actual the spiritual struggle
when they throw themselves into the teeth of their Vice, raging within. Looking into the ruddy eyes of a Gangrel’s
they can redirect it towards other goals. An enemy beaten wolf shape is profoundly disturbing. It says, “Look here,
and gorged upon, and left a pale shriveled corpse might and fear what you are becoming.”
serve a Daeva’s gluttony, but he’s also a dead enemy.

Fresh Blood: The Clans, Revisited 33

They have a reputation for being antisocial loners, but acquaintances they meet on their travels. Some will
it’s not that simple. They’re intensely social creatures, like surround themselves with packs of humans, thralls, or
the wolves whose shapes they steal, but not in the abstract. animals so Retainer is also prized. Haven is uncommon for
Something in the Gangrel blood imparts an immediacy the Gangrel, and even the rare Gangrel prince sometimes
to the Kindred’s reality—friends are the people standing makes do with no permanent residence, instead sleeping
next to you when things go to shit, enemies are the people in secret and even random places beneath the earth.
you’re trying like hell to kill. Often they seem like babes
in the dark woods of Kindred politics, with its long-view
planning, multifaceted alliances, convoluted rivalries, and
abstract loyalties. Yet, sometimes their immediacy is the The Shattered Mirror: Daeva And Gangrel
knife that flenses, hanging the damned political beast It’s hard not to see the comparison between what
we just told you about the Daeva and what we’re
up from a tree and gutting it beforepeeling off strips of telling you now about the Gangrel.
delicious dripping fat. Physical and Social? Decisive creatures? Act in
Their advantages make them uniquely suited to a the moment?
What’s the key difference, then?
nomad’s lifestyle, and among the undead there’s more
The Daeva are bound to the base and vile world
unaligned Gangrel wandering the back roads and of man—the Beast lets them become one with
forgotten byways than any other clan. The restlessness the herd.
of the Beast itself drives this, but also the emergent The Gangrel are shackled to the world of
beasts—the Beast keeps them from being one of
culture of the clan. Wanderers chose other wanderers to the herd.
Embrace, and the tradition perpetuates unconsciously. Daeva are the cats. Gangrel are the dogs. Lions
The powers of Protean eventually give Gangrel the power versus wolves.
to sleep safely in the earth, and they can evade watchers And yet, despite the surface distinctions,
might we suggest how interesting it would be to
and hunters easily. Find a place off the highway to park form a coterie of only Daeva and Gangrel? Sexy.
your bike, and slide down down down with the worms Dangerous. Claws out. Lips pursed. Beautiful
and next decade’s sleeping cicadas. wanderers.
Their inclinations and blood-born weakness means
intellectual Gangrel aren’t common, and this is magnified
by traditions of Embrace which try potential Kindred, The Blood
and test (sometimes to destruction) their newly made The Gangrel Embrace is savage and fast, and many
childer. They listen to the Beast’s songs of savagery and fledglings are abandoned to see how they’ll adapt and
dominance, but also to its urgings towards survival— survive, watched from concealment. It’s like being
persist, endure, escape, and then return when stronger attacked by an animal, and then becoming one (and
to destroy. here, the “werewolf” myth is ascendant, as is the idea of
transmissible rabies). Urges and instincts cloud the mind,
Character Creation Advice but there’s a new clarity too. When the Gangrel frenzy,
Overwhelmingly, the Gangrel favor physical Attributes there exists a purity to it. The Beast rises and swallows
and Skills, with Social coming in second—Intimidation the Man, then fight or flight kicks in. The Gangrel’s Beast
and Animal Ken being very common. Traits which serve is powerful, but not sophisticated enough to actually hate
them for perpetuating their survival are valued. Most the man. When they feed, the Kiss brings a bone-deep
Gangrel learn at least one way to fight, at least a bit, surge of animal pleasure to vampire and victim, the urge
for those times when relying on savage instinct won’t to rut and howl, a drumbeat tempo increasing as the
be enough. mortal’s heart speeds up (and then slows). It’s the urge to
Physical Merits like Fast Reflexes, Direction Sense, abandon everything but the pleasure of it, that of a hunger
Fleet of Foot, and Giant are not uncommon. satisfied, to accept the extermination of consciousness
While they don’t have much use for Mental Skills, the and the rise of the primal.
Common Sense and Danger Sense Merits offer a shitload
of benefits (especially considering their nomadic lifestyles). Optional: A Little Less Conversation,
Don’t neglect the Social Merits either. Allies is a very A Little More Action
Gangrel Merit, and these usually imply personal loyalties, Abstract thought and long-term planning aren’t where the
friendships, respect, or other immediate interpersonal Gangrel shine, but part of what makes them so terrifying
bonds. Contacts too, to describe the networks of to mortal and Kindred alike is how quickly they can go

34 Life After Dark

from stillness to furious action, leaping into the fray or humanity and the society of the vampire. A haven can
vanishing into the night before they muster the conscious be a prison. Wealth comes with chains of responsibility.
decision to do so. All vampires are driven by the Beast’s Politics are a collar and you never know who’s holding
instincts to dominate, feed, and flee danger, but in the the leash. They need so little, and what they do require
Gangrel this instinct is much closer to the surface, and can be taken. If you want a character who isn’t reliant on
doesn’t need the extremity of frenzy to unleash it. the existing Kindred social structures, then the Gangrel
When reacting to a situation in the most primal might be for you.
way—sudden violence, rapid flight, snarling explosions Be a stand-up guy—what they lack in abstract loyalty to
of temper or savage lust—the Gangrel may add +3 to her principles or political factions, they make up in personal
dice pools, and if it’s relevant, to Speed or Initiative for loyalty to friends and allies on the level of wolf-pack
the first turn of a conflict, when the surge of instinctual bonding. Fuck with her people, and you fuck with her.
reaction allows the vampire to act faster than thought. Gangrel are not wholly unattached to others, no. Rather,
This initial burst vanishes in subsequent turns (maximum they needn’t be attached to symbols like ideology, money
five turns) as everyone else catches up, however. To use or the static security of fortresses. They’re dog loyal rather
this, the vampire’s actions must be simple and lateral, than cat loyal, to the man and not to the throne.
with immediate results. Fight or flight. Gangrel may also Mekhet
add this bonus when detecting or reacting to ambush.
“I see you’re not one those seekers given over to feeble
Why Play A Gangrel? credulity. I appreciate your cynicism, so I’ll be straight with
you. There’s no truth here. We’re fractals of light and shadow.
Act, don’t think—There’s something almost Zen about the
Squint your eyes, and lean closer and the mysteries are made
Gangrel and their Beast, about the way they can focus
of smaller mysteries. Truth is a process, not a product. May
their existence until there’s nothing but the crystallized
I teach you how to find it?”
moment, like blood frozen on the edge of a knife—
nothing exists but this punch, this rage, this fuck, this Description
stretch of highway. Money comes and money goes. Plans
What is true? It’s a dangerous question to ask in the dark,
fall apart. Thrones crumble. Time is a monster that’ll eat
because one of the shadows there might answer you.
the whole world eventually, so deny it and live only in the
now. Play a Gangrel if you want action and you want it By far the most scholarly of the clans, the Mekhet blood
now, and leave the planning some thin-blood lick. brings with it clarity of thought rather than a clouding.
So many distractions are removed—the lungs need not
Fuck the man—in Kindred society the Gangrel have
breathe, the heart need not beat, the eyes need not
a reputation for anarchic tendencies and disrespect for
blink, the guts need not digest. The hormones and the
the rightful authorities, and whether this is actually
sex organs cease their demands. In the security of their
true or not, it means princes tend to cut Gangrel some
dark halls, the Mekhet enjoy a focus monks would envy.
slack—there’s rarely any percentage in trying to beat the
Savages into submission, with meager political advantage. Their awareness is expanded, they see what is hidden:
There’s limits, but Gangrel are often seen as something visions of past and future, of thought, of spirit. They
to be managed rather than something to be dominated. become aware of the textures of darkness, the fine woven
The Gangrel are primed to be the rebels many princes fabric of the night. And of the secrets hidden everywhere.
fear they already are. Mekhet tend to enjoy privacy, and take pains to conceal
On wolf’s feet or night-black wing—Alone among the and secure their havens. Some cloak themselves with
Kindred, the Gangrel shrug off the human facade, and their Obfuscate, and never reveal themselves, dissociating
walk as beasts. Some never go back. Shapechanging grants themselves from any ordinary interaction, and some even
a host of special abilities, but also different perspectives on live among mortals like an unseen roommate, making their
the world, different mindsets. A wolf-form Gangrel isn’t haven inside the apartments of the ignorant living. Many
a man driving a wolf-shaped proxy: he’s man, monster, find the lure of unseen watching irresistible, and spend hours
and animal all in one, a creature of complex instinct following mortals and observing their lives in obsessive detail,
and urges. Play a Gangrel if you want to explore the role- lurking breath-close through their most intimate moments.
playing possibilities offered by the transformed flesh but Yeah, that can be just as creepy as it sounds.
also transformed mind. The Mekhet have great powers of escape and
Burn it all down, then walk the fuck away—the Gangrel concealment and insight, but alone among the clans
can be wholly unattached to both the trappings of they lack the power to directly influence others, inspiring

Fresh Blood: The Clans, Revisited 35

awe or terror, or commanding obedience from people like a surge of enlightenment, like they are on the verge
or beasts. But the vampire aches for control, and so the of realizing some great secret or insight. The Shadows
Mekhet make this for themselves with their conspiracies themselves feel this too, like every victim is a puzzle to
and cults, centuries-long schemes, mystery religions, pop- be solved if only they can penetrate the mystery before
psych self-help programs. They recognize their own ache the mortal slides away.
for insight when they see it in others, and know how to
tempt it. They’re an infinite onion, layers and layers of Character Creation Advice
initiation, each a taste of revelation, each further binding Mental Attributes and Skills tend to be primary. In fact,
the initiate to the cult’s manifesto. the older a Mekhet gets, the more this turns out to be
true: as the Blood thickens, a Mekhet becomes more
The Blood and more like a corpse (in mind, if not in body): as cold
For the Mekhet, the Embrace is more like dying and and emotionless as a metal morgue table. Any purchased
being reborn than for any other clan. The mind is traits tend to go toward the refinement of knowledge and
preserved through the process, given perspective on the the uncovering of secrets. Physical Skills might be more
trial of death and transformation, it is shown the spiritual sophisticated (Weaponry rather than Brawl, and Stealth
alchemy underlying the gross physical act. This is their to hide), whereas Social Skills are geared once more
first insight, and the knowledge that no other bloodline toward manipulation and secret-seeking (Subterfuge over
shares this perspective, their first secret. The Mekhet’s Socialize, for instance).
Beast is not a screaming savage thing, it hardly feels
different at all. Shadows have trouble discerning the Optional: Mother Night
difference, whether their actions were their own conscious The sun burns them away as it banishes the dark, but
choice, or were driven by something else. Their frenzy is while cloaked in their favored element, the Mekhet are
a cool precision which seems to make perfect sense at the frighteningly potent. It’s a secret they guard, because the
time, yet there’s no volition, it’s as automatic and precise sanctified dark is so easily spoiled in this modern era of
as Swiss clockwork. Their kiss feels like revelation, like cellphone backlight and keychain LED’s, but when acting
a corpse-cold epiphany, and their victims experience it in total darkness, a shadow may add +3 to all her dice

36 Life After Dark

pools. It requires very little light to break this effect—as Power behind the throne—we’re not saying the Mekhet
little as a candle in a large room. can’t make good rulers (their clinical detachment can
There’s a reason dread of the dark is so instinctive, so help as much as it hinders), we’re only saying that they are
universal—monsters lurk in that darkness, and if you positioned perfectly to whisper in the ear of the one who
go in, you may not come out. When they must deign does rule. Advisors outlive rulers too, coming to whisper
to engage in physical conflict, the Mekhet prefer to use in the ear of usurpers.
their speed and invisibility to stage deadly ambushes, first
plunging the kill-zone into complete darkness, and then
unleashing hell on their victims. “Come closer. You afraid? Let me look at you. Hmmmm,
nice. I could eat you up. Don’t move! One twitch of your
Why Play A Mekhet? little beady eye and I’ll kill you and drink your bones. I just
The Adventures of Judy Midnight, Girl Detective—If you want to see how long you can stand there. ”
enjoy mystery stories, investigation, and secret archeology, Description
then the Mekhet are for you. They’re fascinated with
secrets, and equipped with the tools to crack them—a Even among monsters, there are those considered
great chronicle might take it as far as running each monstrous. The Nosferatu are just not right. Anybody
chapter as an episodic occult police procedural. near one can sense it, even if the Haunt doesn’t show
any obvious signs of deformity or lividity. Like a rubber-
Go anywhere, learn anything—it’s pathetically easy
skinned robot or a bad CG character, the Nosferatu live
to learn a mortal’s every secret when you can render
at the bottom of the uncanny valley. The mortal mind
yourself invisible, and lurk behind him as he enters his
recoils from them. Children cry when they walk past.
passwords, hides his pornography, calls his mistress, or
Adults shudder. Even the Kindred curl a lip.
accepts bribes. If you want to steal, you can do so just as
easily. Combined with the shadow penchant for plotting, The Nosferatu rarely Embrace people they like. You’d
a Mekhet is capable of scripting an entire long con down have to be a fucking asshole to do that to somebody.
to its final moments (even before it begins). There’s a surprising number of Haunts who were
Embraced for revenge, because the victim wronged the

Fresh Blood: The Clans, Revisited 37

vampire or one of his people or reminded the haunt of The Blood
someone who did.
When a Haunt comes out of nowhere and takes you, it’s
“Sorry. You just reminded me of my bastard ex-husband.” every nightmare of suffocation, violation, trying to run
Some Embrace entirely at random, letting statistics be and being unable to move, powerlessness, and paralyze
the asshole. Somebody gets killed by a hunk of frozen and it only gets worse. You get dragged through a fear so
urine broken from a leaky 747’s toilet vent at 36,000 feet. bad it kills you. Your heart convulses, and stops. You can’t
Someone else goes to plug in a laptop at a coffee shop, draw breath to scream, because your lungs are dead, and
and is electrocuted. Another gets bitten by a spider, and then your mouth is full of shit, pond water, or acid. You
in three weeks dies of septicemia from the necrotizing can’t puke with your dead throat, but somehow you can
wound. And somebody gets grabbed at random by an swallow the filth. The change is rough business, and can
unseen hand, dragged down a storm drain, and turned take months or years to finally set—the flesh distorts and
into a monster. deforms slowly, as if uncomfortable even touching itself.
Of course, the rare Nosferatu Embraces another If the flesh doesn’t reshape, then the mind certainly does.
because... well, he’s alone. Hard to stomach an existence A Nosferatu’s frenzy is the rebellion of the flesh and mind
where everybody thinks you’re little more than a worm in jerking stop-motion, limbs jerked about in unnatural
gone belly-up on cold asphalt. Sick as it sounds, the postures, face impossibly contorted, hissing, spitting,
Embrace is one surefire way to make a “friend” that will sometimes flushing scarlet or erupting in boils. A real
be around for, ohhh, an eternity or so. horror show. When they feed, it’s a fear that shuts down
That said, the thing about the Nosferatu that’s perhaps a mortal’s mind, and fills them with adrenaline. If they
the most unsettling for other Kindred is this: the live, the relief and endorphins bring a skydiver’s high.
Nosferatu are honest. The Nosferatu feels the living blood recoil in her guts
There’s no hiding their ‘otherness,’ no way they can ever and veins like worms in a hot skillet.
forget what they are, have a few hours or fitful hope that Optional: I’ve Seen Worse
perhaps it might all be OK in the end. They’re freed from
that by a face like a kicked November Jack-o-Lantern or The Nosferatu Embrace is rough, and after it there’s not
an invisible aura that never fails to raise gooseflesh on much left that makes a Haunt afraid. They automatically
those who pass nearby. The Embrace was all the horror gain +3 bonus dice when resisting Intimidation or other
one human mind could ever endure. After that, there isn’t forms of Persuasion based around coercion or doubt. They
much that can get under a Haunt’s skin. They don’t back may even add this bonus when resisting the effects of a fear
down, and they can’t be cowed. A prince trying to swing frenzy or riding the wave, but only in situations where the
the support of the Haunts needs to can the threats, and Storyteller rules the Nosferatu is the keeper and creator
make them an offer: stopping the gentrification that’ll of the fear and not the sufferer: so, if the Haunt has left a
soon see favored Nossie territory turned into a hipster trail of bodies and the last victim is in the corner waving
hangout would be a good start. a torch, the Nosferatu is in control because that torch-
waving fucker is only waving that fire around because
Character Creation Advice he’s afraid. Alternately, if the Nosferatu is gazing into the
Nosferatu generally favor Physical and Mental Attributes steely eyes of a vampire far more ancient than he, well,
and Skills—their weakness means social actions are then he’s not in control of shit and the bonus fails to apply.
fraught with complications and failure, but their signature Why Play Nosferatu?
discipline Nightmare does make use of Presence,
Manipulation, Intimidate, and Empathy to name a few. Never back down—The Nosferatu have seen some shit,
Skills facilitating navigating the urban jungle and caves, and they do not back down. If you want to lock eyes with
such as Athletics and Streetwise will serve all Nosferatu the world’s bastards and make them look away first, then
well, and most learn how to fight. Keeping in mind the Nosferatu might be for you.
that true invisibility isn’t possible until the third dot At the margins—The Haunts favor places at the fringe,
of Obfuscate, Nosferatu can make good use of Stealth, those border and boundary locales populated with people
Survival, and Streetwise Skills. on the edge living in extreme situations. There’s drama,
With their social difficulties, Social Merits are actually and tragedy, and desperation—some intense stories to
quite valuable as they represent social influence which isn’t tell, and themes to explore.
dependent on circumstantial checks. Allies, Contacts, and The monster in the closet—As a Nosferatu, what people
Retainer are all quite useful. are afraid of is you. Fear is your goad and lash. You can

38 Life After Dark

do more with a glare than a fist. Stalk victims and drive syphilis or rogue prions) do eventually weaken their
them crazy with terror. Fear is a marvelous motivator, too. hold, and they are supplanted by those who swear they
Nosferatu are always in high demand in certain circles, themselves will never fall thusly.
for sending ‘special messages’ to inconstant associates. The Ventrue remain unconvinced that power corrupts.
Dark avenger—the Nosferatu are weirdly positioned They continuously test this hypothesis. Most would leap at
to play superhero. They’re street level (or sub-street the chance to see whether absolute power corrupts absolutely.
level), with their ears to the ground. They live in rough It’s not surprising that the Ventrue do so well in Kindred
places where the law is cursory at best. A civic-minded politics—they’re bred for it, after all. Also, the complex
Nosferatu can carve out a protectorate, and unleash hell traditions and roles of the society are artifacts of Ventrue
upon those who violate its sanctity. You get to be a tragic creation, shaped to suit the Lords best. Whether a domain
misunderstood hero too, because the people you save are is built on the old feudalist principles, or the modern
still going to be afraid of you. notions of democracy and pluralism doesn’t matter
Ventrue because in the end political systems are power games,
and the Ventrue wrote all the rules primarily for other
“I’m sure we can come to an amicable arrangement. The Venture to play and the other clans stumble along, trying
alternative is... well, you won’t like it. Frankly neither will their best in a system subtly engineered against them.
I, because I prefer people to serve me of their own free will.”

Description The Blood

To survive a Lord’s Embrace, a mortal must surrender,
The Ventrue rule. It’s in their blood, this slavery to wholly and completely. Cushioned by this submission,
hierarchy (with the natural assumption that if not now, the transformation is a easy as waking up after a long
then soon they will be sitting at the top). Not every sleep. The more the mortal resists the Ventrue’s will,
Ventrue is a prince, but every Lord carves out a little the more the Embrace hurts, and the more it feels like
domain for herself, a realm she can rule. Scale is the violation. Submit completely, and it is the Embrace of
only thing separating the Prince of New York from a a loving parent, protective and confident. When the
mob boss, a crew leader, or some deranged Ventrue in Ventrue deigns to feed, the kiss brings a sensation of
the park lording over a flock of crows and a pack of pit pleasant listless and involution. The Lord instead feels
bulls. Some Ventrue are princes of cities, others of trailer power and authority—it feels right that it be so, the
parks, classrooms, factory floors, homeless shelters, or mortal sacrificing its life so the immortal might survive,
police stations. Every Lord finds her realm. like a good servant should. When frenzy threatens,
The stereotypical Ventrue is a creature of breeding, something of the inherited instability that afflicts the
selected as a mortal for her wealth, family, or temporal Ventrue emerges, and a Lord’s wrath can emerge like a
power. As a vampire, she can trace her ancestry back to thunderstorm. The frenzy feels righteous, and no matter
famous notables. Yet, these stereotypical Lords represent what a spectacle of herself the Venture might make,
only one justification for rulership—obey me because it when calm returns, the frenzy is justified easily, and any
is tradition. Some Ventrue Embrace nobodies, or those friend or subject so disloyal as to suggest otherwise is...
in whom they perceive a frustration with society and a well, better keep an eye on them.
helpless desire to change it. The transformation from
powerless to powerful can awaken something in the Character Creation Advice
right mortal, a potency unguessed at were only the Ventrue are social animals, and favor those Attributes and
accomplishments of their mortal life reviewed. Skills though Mental Attributes come close, as the game
There’s a strong tradition of mentorship and careful of Politics is played with the mind. Given their position in
grooming of one’s newly made childer as well, but you’ll whatever domain they rule, most Ventrue will be assailed
find no altruism in it. The relationship implies control; physically at some point, and some domains demand a
the mentor shapes the student. The old patterns hold strong hand to rule. Physical Attributes can serve a Lord
true, with young and hungry and energetic leaders rising well, though when it comes to violence, most try to have
to displace their elders, before themselves becoming ‘people who handle that sort of thing.’
the elders, but of course with vampires this process While a Ventrue can find a use for most Merits, he
is attenuated and forestalled somewhat by the elder’s never met a Social Merit he didn’t like. Mentor and
longevity. Of course, the creeping paranoia of power and Retainer (given the interplay between greater and lesser)
the Ventrue blood (and some say other things—occult are perhaps the most common.
madness as disease, boring through Lordly brains like

Fresh Blood: The Clans, Revisited 39

Optional: Hate the Game, Not the Player not distract form their most driving goal—to keep the
rest of Vampire society under a well-manicured thumb.
You can still be paranoid, even if everyone really is out to
get you. The Ventrue have a unique insight into Kindred Politics—If you enjoy intrigue, plotting, wheeling and
politics, because they invented it (er, or so they claim). dealing, then no clan gives you better access to it than
There’s also the Lordly instinct for hierarchies and power the Ventrue. Whether you’re playing the minors, and
dynamics. A Ventrue can look at a power structure, and toying with mortal politics, or trying out for the majors
tell you its strengths, deficiencies, stress points, and where in dominion politics, the Venture are built for winning.
it will all break down eventually. They have no particular Something to stand for—It’s hard for many Kindred
insight into the working of any individual in such a system, to believe in anything and to stand up and risk their
but have an intuitive grasp of the whole. They may add immortality for anything. The Beast cares nothing for
+3 dice when examining a power structure or playing at such niceties as faith or commitment. But being part of
politics themselves. This can include Social rolls made something greater than yourself, and genuinely standing
within the context of such a structure, such as during for it can be a bastion against a monstrous descent. The
official court functions or while performing the duties Ventrue believe in the power structures they’re so good
of their office. at using—though of course, each individual Lord believes
their cause would prosper if only they were in charge.
Why Play A Ventrue? The Grand Tragedy—King Lear with fangs? Perhaps.
Power—One word says it all. The Ventrue have power. With their positions of authority and control, when
They have connections. Being made a Ventrue is like Ventrue fall they tend to take others down with them.
being a made man—it means access. The Venture The stories of kings gone mad with power and paranoia,
network might be a snakepit of vicious internal politics, mistrust, or misplaced trust are grand spectacles of ruin.
but all Ventrue instinctively agree that internal strife must If you’re going to fall, do it big.

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem

The newly-made monster shapes a mask for itself from the to investigation. Old or young through, Masquerade
face of its dead human self. It might not seem that way defines the facade you present to the mortal world—who
now (though, the Embrace takes everyone differently— you know, who knows you, where you live, and what
the Daeva will leave you feeling like you just got your sort of people you might one day kill. Careful hunting
brains fucked out, the Nosferatu like they were beaten out is well and good—learning to feed well away from your
instead), but that’s what’s happening. You’re dead, bucko, counterfeit life helps protect it, but there will come a time
and the thing you’ve become will wear your old human when care and time are not on your side, and you won’t
skin like a costume, and traipse through your life making have the luxury of stalking strangers in some other burg.
all the right sounds, and you’ll think it’s you doing it. You’ll come home with the sun chasing you, a gut full of
A vampire must be two things—in the human world, mushroomed hollow points, and knuckles split open from
they must maintain their Masquerade, but among their beating someone in the face, and that nice girl in the
Kindred, it’s their Requiem they play to. apartment next door holds the door open for you because
The Masquerade isn’t just disposing of the bodies, and you don’t look so good...
not turning into a bat while a hundred school kids with Requiem is different. It’s a role you choose for yourself,
camera phones stand by gawping—the fiction of life you inherit from a sire, or have thrust upon you by arcane
present must run deeper than the bare-minimum caution tradition or a whim of the powerful. This is how you
needed to keep the mobs from remembering the torch behave in Kindred society. Requiem isn’t impossible to
and pitchfork routine. change, but vampires are creatures of habit, and if your
If you’re a young lick, your Masquerade might be who fellows are used to seeing you act as the Martyr, they may
you were before the Embrace, your old life hollowed out be slow to accept you if you assume the role of Enforcer.
and worn like a protective shell. If you’re still working, Requiem shapes the arenas of Kindred society and politics
the source of legitimate income isn’t a bad thing, nor in which you frequently find yourself tested, and how other
is the paper-trail generated by a living human. Older Kindred treat you.
Kindred who have outlived their mortal selves have to What does this mean in terms of gameplay? If the
reinvent themselves sometimes, and it’s getting harder Storyteller allows you to, you may choose a Masquerade
and harder to build naturalistic identities that hold up role and a Requiem role. Masquerade is your human

40 Life After Dark

Time And The Changing Of Masks
Torpor can be like a psychic enema, flushing away decades of accumulated mental shit. It’s also a patient weapon
that can see the end of any mortal’s life—a vampire need only find a safe hole to crawl in, and let time pass (and
during that time, humans expire). Problem is, when she crawls out of her little hole the world she finds isn’t the one
she said by-by to. Times change, and so too must lazy vampires who scene-skip though history. Requiems are pretty
constant through the ages, as they’re relevant to the undying society of other immortals, but some vampires take
the amnesiac rebirth of torpor as an opportunity to redefine. The Courtesan might become the Horror, abandoning
the niceties of society and the greasing of the social clockwork and lurk at its periphery, making sure the undead
can never become too comfortable.
Masquerades however can change fairly easily. Most are adaptable from one era to another—there are always
Artists and Junkies and Youth and Investigators, the specifics being what changes. But emerging into a world
untouched by their hands, there’s a temptation towards reinvention.
If the Storyteller agrees, then you can swap either your Masquerade or Requiem for another. You lose the Skill
Specialty this gave you, but you can pick another from the Skills of the new one. Depending on the demands of the
Chronicle, this may be handled with a quick montage, carrying you though you awakening, your trial and error as
you establish a new role, and then acceptance under those new terms. Other Chronicles may benefit from playing
the process out in more detail, perhaps even making the reinvention the focus of the story for awhile.
The length of the torpor required to break down habits and memories this much is also something of a chronicle-
specific variable. A rule of thumb might be if the waking vampire’s favorite new song when he went to sleep is a
golden oldie when he wakes, then he’s got enough psychic distance to shatter and reform himself a bit.

mask. Requiem is the vampire face beneath that mask. Merits

The Storyteller can require every player to purchase one
of each for their characters, or instead may choose to
allow the players t purchase the Masquerade and Requiem Masquerade (• to •••••)
Merits if they seek to make use of these systems. Effect: Your Masquerade is more than a thin veneer. You
Both Masquerade and Requiem are primarily game- live it, and invest effort into rendering the illusion more
level concepts. A vampire would not say to another, “I believable. You gain additional benefits as you increase
think your Executive Masquerade is interfering with your your rank in this Merit. Masquerade is hierarchical, and
Courtesan Requiem.” By mixing and matching clan, you can’t gain the benefits of later ranks without getting
covenant, Masquerade, and Requiem you can easily create the proceeding ones, and some lower-rank benefits
playable ersatz versions of your favorite vampire characters improve in effectiveness with overall rank.
from pop culture. An unaligned Daeva with a Masquerade By investing this time and energy in your Masquerade,
of Investigator and Requiem of Martyr makes a perfect you are also committing somewhat to have your mask play
good-looking broody undead detective seeking to atone a role in the chronicle. You may need to take dangerous
for past atrocities. action to preserve your Masquerade from being blow
Masquerade gives you two Asset Skills. You may open, or get involved in some entirely human struggle as
choose one free Specialty in one of these Skills. Further, the social contacts you maintain to hide your true nature
it’s now cheaper to increase all aspects of those Asset spawn trouble.
Skills—Specialties cost two experience points instead of • Networking: As you work to improve the depth of
three, and new Skill dots cost new dots x 2 rather than your Masquerade, you meet people and form relationships,
new dots x 3. personal and professional. People start treating you as
Requiem gives you a Key Discipline which closely aligns the role you’re playing, and the more people who know
with your Requiem’s role in Kindred society. Improving this you there are, the more people who you can call on in a
Discipline is easier and cheaper: if it’s a clan or bloodline tight spot. Networking works like Contacts limited to the
Discipline then the purchase now costs new dots x 4; if it’s scope of your Masquerade, and who you can reasonably
out-of-clan, then the cost is new dots x 6, instead. meet while pursuing it. Pick a fairly focused sub-set of
They can both be further enhanced with the Masquerade the possibilities implied with your Masquerade with the
or the Requiem Merits found immediately below. first dot of the Masquerade Merit, and each additional
dot adds another strata of Contacts.

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 41

Example—Jackie is a hundred years old today, but she’s Skills, you use the 9-Again rule. If some other advantage
at the Rose Creek Galleria pretending to drink an orange already allows this, then you instead use the 8-Again rule.
Julius, and talking about boys with Samantha, Caite, and ••••• Living Mask: You perfect your Masquerade, and
Hunter. Her Masquerade is the Youth, and she has a dot in it takes on a life of its own. You surround yourself with a
the Masquerade Merit which gives her contacts among the glamour of sorts, an aura of the ordinary and the expected
Popular Girls, but the company is trying, so for a change which occults even the most egregious demonstration of
when she improves her Masquerade Merit, she selects another your inhuman nature. At the worst, people within your
clique to gain some contacts in, picking the Skaters who hang Masquerade’s scope will suffer a psychotic break, and end
around outside under the sodium lights in the parking lot, up institutionalized for awhile as the two incompatible
taunting mall security. realities smash together in their brains. People caught up
•• Vouchsafe: The point of forming all these social in your Masquerade are so conditioned that they simply
ties is to strengthen the Masquerade, and when you cannot believe you are anything but what you appear to be.
gain this benefit the people you know will defend you Your nocturnal lifestyle never raises any questions, and
against accusations of strangeness or aberrant behavior. If people stop wondering why you don’t seem to get any older.
someone from outside your circle of Masquerade contacts Even when these things are pointed out by people outside
comes asking questions or poking around, your peers will the penumbra of your Masquerade, those caught within it
put them off, defend you, deflect their inquiries, and if just shake their heads and dismiss it unless the evidence
possible let you know somebody was asking. is both overwhelming and presented with conviction.
For every level of this Merit purchased (starting at two Getting them to believe you’re anything outside their
dots, so maximum of four) you gain another Retainer. assumptions requires a Presence + Persuasion roll with
Further, every Retainer gains +3 dice on any Subterfuge a penalty equal to your rank in the Masquerade Merit.
rolls used to lie about who you are really. Drawback: Being this plugged in means that the
••• Deep History: A careful campaign of records humans around you will call upon you for the myriad little
manipulation, influence, forgery, computer tomfoolery, things humans rely on each other for. They’ll ask you to
and planted artifacts adds a historical depth to your help them move, give them lifts to the airport, borrow
Masquerade which will stand up to all but the most some money. They’ll try and set you up on dates with
aggressive background check. You can now present their recently divorced sisters. Maintaining the required
childhood photos, official records like birth certificates, level of connection to these people is a lot of work, and
medical records, report cards, college transcripts, it’ll intrude into the chronicle fairly often, usually by
criminal records, financial history and credit score, minor complicating things.
mentions in the local media clippings from the place you
were supposed to have grown up. If you were recently Requiem (• to •••••)
Embraced, and are still maintaining your mortal identity, Effect: Your Requiem becomes more than an inclination,
this gives you an entirely new and fictional identity to and begins to define you and your actions. As you dedicate
segue into or alternate between. more energy to developing the Requiem and you commit
Deep History works like Vouchsafe, but instead deflects to living it, you gain further advantages from it. Requiem is
research and background checks by imposing a penalty hierarchical, and you can’t gain the benefits of later ranks
on such efforts equal to your dots in the Masquerade without getting the proceeding ones, and some lower-rank
Merit. Further, your background will stand up to any benefits improve in effectiveness with overall rank.
casual inspection, and won’t raise suspicion for any routine By investing this time and energy in your Requiem,
review, for example you can apply for credit cards without you are also committing somewhat to have your role in
worrying about revealing your lack of financial history. undead society figure more into the Chronicle. The higher
Drawback: The drawback to being in the system your rank in the Requiem Merit, the more widely you’re
is that you’re in the system. You will occasionally have known in the court for the abilities and inclinations the
to deal with the crap mortals spend so much of their Requiem describes, and the more it defines how other
time dealing with. Jury duty, identity theft, junk mail, vampires will treat you and what they’ll expect from you.
telemarketers, spam promising harder longer erections, • The Gathered Flock: For every dot in this Merit
and the occasional lawsuit. you gain another dot of Herd—in this case, the Herd is
•••• Expertise: Do something long enough, and you’ll specific to your Requiem and “flavored” accordingly. The
get good at it. Performing credibly does a long way to Herd of a Horror is a wretched, wailing group. The Herd
making a Masquerade convincing. When using your Asset of a Manipulator comprises a group of sycophants and

42 Life After Dark

yes-men (though to each other they may be incestuous Artist
and equally manipulative).
“That over there? No, that’s just random blood spatter. Here.
•• Authority: You begin to gain some sway over others This is my latest painting. ”
of the same Requiem due to mutual respect, fear, or solid
rep. You gain a bonus to rolls based on Social Attributes
when dealing with others of the same Requiem equal The Artist is a reliable mask to wear for Kindred of a
to the dots you have in the Requiem Merit. Further, if certain air. Mortals forgive a great deal from those who
your character has more dots than the opponent in the create. Art has a magical quality—those ignorant of the
Requiem Merit, it may invoke Predator’s Taint as if that hard work, the long practice, the endless failures and
character had a lower Blood Potency (if even if that’s the disappointments seem to think an artist is a mystical
not true). Buddha, from whose naval springs finished masterpieces.
Artists are forgiven for erratic behavior, loutishness,
••• Reputation: Increasingly, you’re known to others
unpredictable mood swings, and explosive tempers: the
of the same Requiem as an authority within the loose
‘artist’s temperament.’ This aura of acceptable eccentricity
association that mutual interests create. Others will being
serves a vampire as excellent cover.
to defer to you, and when vampires of other Requiems
seek one of yours for consultation or aid, they’ll be more The bohemian company an artist might keep also makes
likely to pick you. The Requiem Merit acts like Status. for a reliable stock of victims if need be. With proper
At one dot, you’re known within your court for a modest grooming, some might even consider their participation in
authority, and at five dots your name will be known in a performance piece involving some bloodletting an honor
other domains, and especially within your Requiem. rather than a horror. Artsy circles are full of oddballs, so
one more pasty Byronic profile that refuses to see the sun
•••• Adept: You gain the use of the 9-again rule for
doesn’t really stand out, and some artists (like touring
any roll related to your Requiem’s Key Discipline.
musicians) are practically nocturnal anyhow.
••••• Mastery: Once per game session your character
Artists of all sorts exist—musicians, painters, sculptors,
may make use of a +5 bonus on any roll related to
web designers, industrial artists, hair stylists, fashion
supporting her Requiem: a Horror seeking to repulse a
designers, car choppers, game designers, special effects
scene of partygoers can claim that bonus, but a Horror
gurus, model makers. There’s one guy in Vegas that makes
looking to merely leap a fence cannot (as leaping a fence has
custom vinyl action figures. For five hundred bucks, you
nothing to do with the theme or nature of that Requiem).
can have a super-deformed caricature of your city’s prince
made to order.
Masquerades To those who know the trick, art can be a cipher
Below you find the following information regarding the too—Artists often add layers of meaning to their work
Masquerade masks a vampire may wear: only the Kindred would understand, or perhaps only a
Quote: A quote embodying this role. specific one. This makes covert communication nearly
Description: An overarching look at what this mask untraceable. The Artist who knows the subject keys the
means for the vampire. message off shared mutual experiences, or universal ones
Pulling It Off: How can they vampire maintain the only a vampire would recognize. These call attention
mask given her vampiric unlife? to the layers of hidden meaning. To another eye, this
just seems like embellishment or complexity, yet can
Background: What kind of vampire suits this role best?
communicate volumes. A secret conspiracy planned with
Concepts: A handful of potential “ready-to-go” only the paintings hanging in one conspirator’s haven.
character concepts within this role.
Art also remains the way vampires can preserve their
Common Victims: Those that comprise the vampire’s image. Photography and other modern short-cuts don’t work.
“feeding circle.” Portraiture is still a valuable Skill in Kindred circles, as are
Anchor Relationships: Those that comprise the other art forms which can capture and preserve the Kindred.
vampire’s “social circle” (feel free to have this overlap There’s a little ironic pointlessness to this: the undead are
with the Common Victims). their own monument, after all. A careful vampire will
Asset Skills: Two Skills suited to the Masquerade in outlast his own image painted on canvas or carved in stone
question (gain one free Specialty in one of the two; and or worked cunningly into the lyrics of a classic rock anthem.
as noted on p. 141, buying Specialties and dots in these Here’s a sticky question. Can the undead truly create
Skills is now cheaper). art? The Lancea Sanctum would have it that the Kindred

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 43

are dead and sterile in body and in spirit, and thus Common Victims: Starstruck Fan, Art Student, Corus
incapable of truly creating anything. Ask an Artist, and Member, Roadie, First-Time Porn Talent, Artist’s Model,
she’ll tell you she’s too busy right now, but maybe you Groupie, Barista.
could talk to her at the opening party for her gallery show. Anchor Relationships: Manager, Art Dealer, Gallery
There’s stodgy academics that will rip your face off over Owner, Reviewer, Rival Artist, Collaborator, Critic, Art
questions of what constitutes real art, and there’s certainly Store Owner, Student Apprentice
no lack of inspiration in a vampire’s life, so really who’s Asset Skills: Craft, Expression
to say if a vampire’s bowl of fruit still life is art or not?
Pulling It Off Criminal
In a perverse way, the Artist’s mask doesn’t require the “I got a guy with that kind of hardware. He’ll want six for
vampire to produce any actual art. At least, not that each of them, but I get a grand up front to play matchmaker
frequently. Many mortal artists get by fine playing the even if you and he don’t set it off.”
role themselves, using it to part legs and secure loans, or Description
another semester’s cash from Mom and Dad to pay for There’s as many kinds of criminal as there are birds
the art school they dropped out of two years ago. Playing in the air, some petty and opportunistic, some feral
one of these destitute leeches feigning artistic insight isn’t and predatory, some plotting and cool-headed, others
hard, but it is depressing. If one must wear the mask and desperate. Where there’s money to be made breaking the
dance in the Masquerade, then at least let the required law, someone is doing it. To serve a vampire as a mask
role be interesting. though, the Criminal must be more than an occasional
Pulling it off as a real art-producing artist is trickier, lawbreaker, he must uphold the outlaw lifestyle and find
because it requires more than a willingness to leech a niche. The important thing is that others perceive the
socially, and because this is about being seen as an Artist vampire as a Criminal of recognizable type.
as much as being one, the work must be shown. People Many people break the law opportunistically, without
must see it, and must believe it. Perhaps much of this considering themselves criminals, without deliberately
isn’t true art, but it’s what many people think of as art, moving in criminal circles, or adopting the lifestyle
and they remember it. A good Artist soon realizes that trappings. For this mask to serve, it needs to plug a
there’s invisibility behind the easel once people start vampire into a particular criminal subculture: gangs, illicit
paying attention to the painting and forget the artist’s grow operators, long con players, meth cookers, mafia,
painstaking work. dealers, smugglers, human traffickers, drug runners, pimps
(Some vampires don’t even bother creating their own and madames, and so on.
art; they keep a mortal hidden away to do that for them. Vampires coming from an outlaw lifestyle and into
When that mortal dies and a new is gained, the vampire the Embrace transition fairly easily. Their morality is
can claim a “change in style.”) already atrophied, and the new obscenities they must
Background indulge as the walking dead sting less than they might
Most Artists segue into the Masquerade from a human life were they coming fresh and innocent into the Requiem.
spent in the pursuit of art and its creation, as picking up Many criminals already have experience of violence, as
the techniques and mindsets after the Embrace is tricky victim and as perpetrator. Many have also served time
for some old vampires. But some newly made vampires in prison, and jailhouse politics are disturbingly similar
find inspiration in the Embrace, and with no previous those of the Kindred courts, where too often it’s fuck or
aptitude or interest find they have something to say, and be fucked shower-room factionalism.
remake themselves as Artists. There’s also something utterly prosaic about the
Most Artists have the Skills to pursue their mode of Criminal. Once mortals peg somebody as a gangbanger or
Expression, and many will have a certain sensitivity to the a mafioso or a thug, then their minds are made up: once
human condition exemplified mechanically by Empathy, a big sin is discovered, few scratch the surface looking for
and the more social Artists will find Persuasion and something bigger. They feel they’ve hit bottom already,
Socialize extremely useful. They defiantly favor Social and and that’s just what the Criminal wants. (“Sure, I boost
Mental Attributes, and the Skills that fall under them. cars and am involved in illegal smuggling operations. No,
Concepts: Kinetic Sculptor, Alt-Porn Auteur, Spatter of course I don’t leave a trail of bloodless bodies across
Painter, Tattoo Artist, Composer, Singer/Songwriter, the pier.”)
Weaver, Performance Artist, Graphic Designer.

44 Life After Dark

Pulling It Off Criminals have more than a passing familiarity with
Actually doing crime is sometimes shamefully easy for a hurting people, and the Physical Attributes needed to
vampire, but what’s most important for maintaining the bring the hurt.
Criminal mask is balancing criminal activities against the Concepts: Street Dealer, Bookie, Greaseman,
risks of exposure. In pursuing the Criminal Masquerade, Con Player, Legbreaker, Torpedo, Fence, Trafficker,
because attracting the attention of the mortal authorities Grower, Pimp
or wrathful criminal rivals is the worst sort of attention Common Victims: Criminal rivals, Streetwalkers,
a vampire can be subjected to. When mortals with Random Victims of Gang Violence, Stoolies
institutional authority or street influence begin poking Anchor Relationships: Mob Boss, Cellmate, Fence,
around a vampire’s operation, there’s a risk the mask Money Guy, Right-Hand Man
might be pulled away. The careful Kindred Criminal
Asset Skills: Larceny, Streetwise
measures his successes and setbacks, positioning himself
in the middle ranks of the criminal set, never rising too Executive
high in an organization or food chain, paying the right
“No, I said by Monday! Mitchell had better have the account
bribes, showing the right people the respect their egos
tied up with a fucking bow, or he’s out on his ass. Hang on,
demand. The Criminal is rarely the big boss, but might
I’ve got another call. I have to take this. Hey, Mitchell! Yeah,
be a trusted lieutenant.
man, I was just talking to Carl, and he’s pissed about the
Being a Criminal with hideous unnatural powers can account. Yeah, you got to get this thing wrapped or it’s going
also be extremely lucrative. The careful application of to be my head. Literally.”
almost any Discipline can give a vampire an edge in the
pursuit of crime. The legal fringes are also a relatively
simple place to feed. Criminals go missing all the time, Here’s what you need: a sharp suit, a cellphone, a Lexus,
and the first assumption people make is that somebody and a mind sharp with predatory aggression. Not that
killed them, or they got out of town ahead of a warrant. much difference in the ambitious executive and the undead
It’s not a buffet though, because criminals tend to hail monster, is there? In the modern era, the Executive is
from the lower socio-economic levels, where religiosity most often a role found among the obsessively working
and superstition also like to live. An uneducated street over-stressed business community, but can include
criminal might have an easier time believing there’s anyone positioned within an organization in the upper
something unnatural about the new dealer selling on the quarter of the hierarchy where rivalries turn ugly, and
corner of his street than a better educated and privileged ambition leaves the water bloody. Any sufficiently large
citizen might, and he’s likely got a larger capacity for organization can provide a habitat for the Executive—
terrified violence. government bureaucracies, churches, charities, NGO’s,
law enforcement, and of course private enterprise.
The Executive was a fairly hard mask to wear until fairly
It’s easy to keep living the life even after you die. Criminals
recently. Once upon a time, when the world was smaller,
of all stripes find it pretty easy to keep doing the same
Execs kept banker hours, working while the financial
things. It’s not like they need to keep regular hours or do
world woke, and decompressing when the markets
a desk job from 9-5 to pull it off. Many can even keep the
closed. But it’s a whole new world, and it’s always daylight
same company before and after. Most criminals like to
somewhere, and the office is as close as a cellphone or
think they have certain standards, that there’s some things
a laptop. Deals have always been done in salubrious
they just won’t do, or lines they won’t cross. Others have
surroundings, during after-hours drinks or in VIP rooms
degenerated to a monstrous degree, and live to feed the Id
at Gentleman’s clubs. Putting in an appearance at the
on meals of violence, dominance, rape, and indulgence.
office while the sun shines high is easier to avoid without
Some are just crazy and unpredictable, while others see
raising comment now.
the benefit in seeming crazy and unpredictable—a rep for
being fucking nuts can keep opportunists off your back. It’s this independence that makes the Executive a
good mask. Managers are tied to the office, to personnel
Being a vampire is like this dialed to 11.
evaluations, and weekly meetings. CEO’s and bosses are
Mechanically speaking, Criminals favor Attributes and even more bound to conventional schedules. But mid-
Skills that help them in their particular specialties. Armed level Executives (in the sorts of organizations a vampire
hijackers need Firearms, con-men need Persuasion. can safely hide within) have a great deal more freedom
Criminality and violence go together like chocolate so long as they produce results.
shanking peanut butter in the exercise yard, so most

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 45

Scheduling itself can provide a great deal of cover for access to the powerful, and perhaps most significantly, it’s
the ambitious young undead Turk. “Oh, yeah, Friday an outlet for the aggression and ambition that could get a
doesn’t work for me. I’m in with the accounts guy all day. vampire in real trouble in Kindred politics. Living to work
Let’s do it at Harry’s after hours. Brew and wings on me. is just what some people do—the urge to hunt and stalk,
Seven work for you. Great.” back-stab, dominate, and in the end win are primal, and
A personal assistant who can answer the phone and lie certainly not unique to the vampire. Hell, there’s nothing
convincingly for you is also a pearl beyond price (or rather, the Beast drives the vampire to do that a mortal human
a pearl worth exactly the price you pay, which is around hasn’t already done without any supernatural urging. For
100K a year plus benefits and 401K). A PA clued into some people, it’s not a job, it’s who they are.
your particular status (vis-a-vis diet and unlifestyle) can Pulling It Off
also help organize the interface between your Masquerade The Executive is tricky, requiring a fair effort to play.
and your Requiem, so you don’t find yourself missing a Being plugged into a mortal organization means there’s
Court function to attend a team-building exercise at work. expectations and demands which can sometimes
For the truly wealthy Kindred there’s another way to be difficult to deflect, and some of them just aren’t
approach the Executive Masquerade. compatible with the vampire’s lifestyle. But with some
Money can buy all the trappings of the Executive life. clever time management, verifiable results, and a good
The suits, and cars, and smart-phones, private chartered wireless plan a suitably adept vampire can dominate
jets. It’s quite possible to create a fictional company to their department.
serve as a fictional Executive, or simply wear the clothes, The trick with wearing this Mask is to do well enough
and talk the talk, but never do the actual work. A mask to excuse any eccentricity, but not so well as to court
this thin isn’t a great disguise, and official examination promotion into a less flexible position. The ideal Executive
of it will reveal its falsity pretty fast. The vampire must role is the aggressive and hungry junior, not the cautious
sometimes step into the role and show her face. senior with her vested stock options, and personnel
Why do it then? Doing the Executive lifestyle requires management problems. This also necessitates occasionally
actual work. Yeah, but it also means power, influence, switching companies, and even identities, Junior Exec

46 Life After Dark

becomes an increasingly inaccurate descriptor. The This is not to say that a Guru is all charisma and his
judicious application of vampire mind tricks can stretch lessons a scam. The Kindred often have unique insights,
the time you can hold the same position, but eventually and can teach them to willing students. They might
you’ll need to start sending out resumes. even believe the lessons they teach, though that’s not
Background necessarily better than the cynical scamster manipulating
The Executive mask is made of equal parts competence the credulous truth-seekers. The charismatic cult leader
and appearance. Knowing the lingo for the business you’re is doubly scary for being a true believer.
in, how it works, and how to do it is essential if you’re going This mask provides cover not unlike the Artist, because
to make any effort to play the role well. What’s equally people expect Gurus to be somewhat strange. Because
important are the trappings of the role, and the expected of the Guru’s relationship with her students, cognitive
attitudes. Dressing just so, driving the right car, being dissonance also helps maintain the mask. The student seeks
seen in the right bars and clubs, mixing with the right something from the Guru—meaning, a better way to live
people socially. The executive clique demands more than or outright happiness—and that initial effort and credence
9-5 attendance on work, it also demands a commitment given to the Guru means the student is more inclined to
demonstrated with the sacrifice of off-hours and personal explain away disturbing things. The deeper into the Guru’s
leisure to the work set. teachings the student becomes, and the more they define
Equal parts social schmooze and canny thinking carry themselves by what they’ve been taught, the more they’ll
the Executive, and in game terms this means Social accept, especially if the weirdness is sold to them in terms
and Mental Attributes dominate. Skills such as Politics, of ‘deeper mysteries’ or ‘private lessons.’ The potential for
Intimidation, Socialize, and Persuasion will be invaluable. abuse is awesome, and few Kindred who pursue the Guru
Masquerade can resist taking advantage of it at some point.
Concepts: Junior Partner, Commodities Trader,
Revenue Agent, Headhunter, Personnel Specialist (aka Pulling It Off
an Axe-man), Efficiency Consultant, Auditor. Whether the Guru actually has anything to teach is
Common Victims: The Intern, Suicidal Ex-Employees, secondary to their ability to play make-believe. They
Business Rival, Boss who keeps riding your ass, Secretary, pretend to have something to say, and that’s all that
PA, After-hours cleaners. matters. Profundity? Not required. At least when it comes
to maintaining the Masquerade. This isn’t incompatible
Anchor Relationships: Rival Executives, Boss, Personal
with genuine insight and willingness to share it. Not every
Assistant, Attractive Consultant, Flirty Receptionist
startup religion or life-philosophy is an excuse to scam the
Asset Skills: Politics, Persuasion believers and lure them into bed. It’s just a lot easier to
Guru approach the Masquerade from that angle.
The trickiest thing about maintaining the Guru is
“And next, we move into Snake Pose. Jeanie, that’s perfect!
keeping students close enough to create the scene of
Stick around after we break, I’d like to talk to you about an...
intimacy and connection, but not so close that they start
advanced class I’m starting.”
to get an inkling of your true nature.
The Guru is a teacher, but one with a particularly
Most Gurus have a background in their philosophy
charismatic take on teaching. Not simply an instructor,
from their mortal lives, which they carry with them into
the Guru’s personal magnetism is as much responsible
their Requiem. Perhaps changed as they themselves are
for his students’ dedication as his actual wisdom. “Cult
changed, this ethos forms the basis for their teachings
of personality,” indeed.
when they adopt the Masquerade. Some however have no
There’s always been a place for this mask. In the ancient particular insight or desire to teach before the Embrace,
world, the Guru might have been a charming priest, but something happens in the hallway between life
a hermit, a philosopher, or thinker with a dedicated and death, and they emerge with an insight they feel
following. In the modern world, with the Western culture compelled to share.
of self-improvement, a Guru author might patent a self-
In terms of mechanics, Gurus benefit greatly from strong
help program and tour the lecture circuit, become a
Social Attributes and Skills, especially the ones who lack
personal trainer specializing in weight-loss, or become a
any real insight. Stringing students along is much easier.
life-coach for rich neurotics.
But if you want to have some kind of actual lessons to
So long as the human animal feels incomplete or empty each, then you’ll need Mental Skills as well, related to
of meaning, the Guru will have a place. the particular school being taught.

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 47

Concepts: Self-Help Guru, Pop-Psychologist, high mortality rates with certain illnesses. Patients can
Yoga Instructor, Sensei, Narco-Estatic, Evangelical, be gently fed upon, and then their blood replaced with
Cult Leader, Neo-Economist, PoMo Philosopher, transfused plasma before its loss harms them overmuch.
Psychonaut, Fundamentalist And if one or two of them do die, the doctor calling their
Common Victims: Naive Student, Angry Ex-Follower, time of death certainly wouldn’t be suspected of their
Infiltrating Reporter, Cult Deprogrammer murder. With some care, the Beast will rarely grow so
Anchor Relationships: Senior Student, Nonbeliever, wild that it can’t be managed.
Confidant Healers are also positioned to aid their fellow Kindred
Asset Skills: Academics, Persuasion in maintaining the larger Masquerade. Surviving victims
can be silenced or transferred to other institutions- ones
Healer wholly controlled Dead victims can be sanitized by
“And does this hurt? How about this? Good. Everything vampire medical examiners and coroners. In emergencies
looks good, but to make sure we’ll just draw some blood... supplies of cold blood can be lifted from the blood bank
for the lab.” to feed a desperately hungry vampire.
Description Pulling It Off
There have always been those who seek to heal the sick The key to maintaining the Healer Masquerade is control.
and the afflicted. Early traditions of herbalism and faith Ironclad self-control and self-awareness are both essential.
healing still persist, even if science has supplanted them in The Healer must never grow so hungry that the Beast
much of the word with a mechanistic approach to healing. usurps control at an inopportune moment, and must keep
a cool head in a high-stress situations. Not all Healers
Adopting the mask of the Healer gives vampires an
work as physicians, of course. What really makes the
authority few other Masquerades offer. The Healer is
Healer Masquerade is how society perceives the role—if
trusted and ministers to people at their most vulnerable.
the Healer’s specialty is viewed as something of the lunatic
They tend to their people when those people are weak, ill,
fringe, then it lacks the credibility and authority to be a
worried, and exposed—often literally naked before him.
proper Healer. There exists some cultural variance to
The sick give themselves into the hands of the Healer,
this—in China, herbalism and traditional medicine is
and trust he will make them well.
still widely regarded as effective and prestigious as modern
It’s a position even the most saintly find lures them medical practice, but in the US, it falls under the catchall
into arrogance, and few are further from sainthood than of ‘alternative care,’ which often means for its practitioners
the Kindred. ‘not a real doctor,’ and the healer must be a ‘real doctor’
Outwardly, the healing professions are seen as in her cultural context (otherwise, she’s likelier fulfilling
honorable and prestigious. Doctor is right up there with the Guru role).
Fireman, Astronaut, and President for what kids want It’s harder to fake your way through it as a Healer than
to be when they grow up. People want their healers to some of the other Masquerades. You’ve got to actually
be trustworthy, because they know the vulnerability of know something about your methods of healing, and to
sickness. This is especially perverse when the Kindred practice in an official capacity, there’s usually some form
hide in this guise, because they’re nothing if not a of licensure process that’s hard to fake.
pestilence in human skin, sapping the strength and
taking the lives of their victims.
It’s tricky for a vampire to assume the Healer Masquerade
So the Kindred Healer already has an investment of
without already having access before the Embrace.
societal trust, and is surrounded by potential pray that’s
Doctors in the West especially are closely regulated,
weakened and trusting, isolated and vulnerable. It’s not
highly educated, and must be licensed. By the time
a Masquerade just any Kindred can manage because of
they begin practicing, they have already amassed a huge
the self-control needed. A hungry vampire along in a
paper trail describing their progress into the healing
room with a hemophiliac, his body marbled with gorgeous
procession. Getting a position at a hospital or other
bruising, or the would-be liquor store robber shot by the
institution would be extremely difficult without this
owner, brought in covered in blood, hemorrhaging from
supporting documentation, or a significant exertion
a deep gut wound. If the Beast tempted to run wild even
of influence (admittedly not impossible, given how far
once, it can destroy the whole Masquerade for a Healer.
Kindred hands reaches).
Yet there are so many opportunities for the clever and
So for those transitioning from mortal healer to undead,
cautious Healer to feed—blood draws, anemics, and the
they’re likely to have significant Mental Attributes and

48 Life After Dark

Skills, with Social or Physical coming second (depending
on bedside manor). Those healers who seek to sooth
mind as well as body will have Empathy, Socialize and
Persuasion to a significant level.
Concepts: Old Country Doctor, Surgeon with a God
Complex, Morbid Medical Examiner, Hospice Nurse,
Angel of Death, Intense Shrink
Common Victims: The Dying, Hospital Staff,
Candystripers, Grieving Family, Cancer patients
Anchor Relationships: Fellow Physician, Trusted
Nurse, EMT, Administrator, Regular patient
Asset Skills: Empathy, Medicine

“Hey man, how about a little something to keep me warm
tonight? It’s cold tonight, man, real cold. Yeah, no, that’s not
what mean. It’s not money I’m looking for. I need something
warmer than cold hard cash, brother.”
The Junkie is a catchall Masquerade, lumping all kinds
of down-and-outs and fringe dweller with similar hard
luck and bad habits and addictions. You might call them
drunks, bums, hookers, tweakers, street kids. They’re
the lowest strata of the lowest class, perpetual victims,
and petty criminals. The forgotten, the abused, the
In this company, a vampire hardly rates a shrug. There’s
so many ways for the fringe people to suffer and die. A
cold winter will kill them. A hot summer, too. A bad
batch of Mexican tar. A dealer they can’t pay. Another
junkie defending his squat. Disease. And the whole genus
of all-too human street predators who might curb-stomp
a junkie because... well, because it’s Tuesday. Because
inflicting misery can life on incrementally out of the
same misery.
Cops don’t make it better. Getting picked up is almost
as bad as getting fucked up. The cops take you in, and
you’ll detox in the holding cell. They’ll burn all your
clothes and toss your shit because it’s unhygienic. When
you get out you won’t have anything. It’ll be back to
blow-jobs for spare change. And too many of the police
who patrol the breakdown zones in the city are afflicted
by the same soul-rot as the town itself, like they’re the
avatars of the dying metropolitan god. Get picked up by
the wrong cop, and it won’t be a possession rap, it’ll be
your teeth beaten in with a night stick. Maybe the cop’s
trying to bleed the poison out or something, leave the
awfulness in the city so he can go home to the suburbs
free and clear.

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 49

Playing the Junkie is so easy, almost any vampire can do Billy had been holding (and not planning on sharing!), so
it. There’s an instinct for it that transcends background. maybe it’ll be all right for a little while.
Bottom feeders wearing the Junkie’s scabby mask blend One of the biggest obstacles to sliding down to this
in so well at these depths that the illusion is perfect. Even level for those who aren’t Embraced from it is pride.
late-stage licks about to cash in their chips and go feral can That old aching human pride (which soon grows into
pull off the Junkie Masquerade. Corpse-pale skin and eyes inhuman pride, thank you very much). Dumpsters are full
yellowing like congealed fat give one a look like hepatitis, of perfectly good stuff and fresh food, but oh the shame
and the Beast’s insanity twisting the face hardly stands of being seen jumping into one! People might think you
out amongst the unmedicated schizophrenia, withdrawal, were poor or something. And then, what about feeding on
bipolar mania, and PTSD. People don’t look at those short strung-out junkies? It’s easy. It’s free. It hardly takes any
timers (when people do look at junkies on the street) and real effort, and when they gets a taste of the Kiss, half of
think, “Oh God! The walking dead!” They think, “Jesus them come looking for you next time because they need
Christ, that junkie looks half-dead.” And beyond that, it the fix. Yet, vampires slog their guts out schmoozing,
requires no more thought. and flirting, and stalking, and grooming herds when all
Some vampires develop a taste for this kind of feeding, they have to do to eat like gluttons is cross the tracks in
too, drinking from the diseased and the dying, the second-hand clothes somebody pissed on.
polluted and the abused. To the untrained palate, the Background
blood is foul and rotting, but to the back-alley epicure it’s It’s not hard to slide from being a human junkie to being
piquant, like artisanal cheese. a vampire pretending to be one, but when granted the
Living on this level is easy. It doesn’t take much effort power and freedom of undeath, many fringe people try
to appear filthy and hungry and desperate Junkies their damnedest to rise up, and claim some of the stability
are invisible too—they’ve got their own magic for and comfort their circumstances denied them. Moving
remaining unseen. Just watch the men in suits walk in the other direction is easier, and some vampires slide
past them, ignoring their jingling cups of change, and down into the Junkie Masquerade deliberately or just
their sores, and their filthy clothes. A vampire can go naturally. Some people, when freed of all their human
very well here. The Masquerade almost keeps itself too, obligations and human expectations, realize they don’t
as nobody really believes what street people say. Claims give a fat fucking shit about clothes or cars or status or
that they’ve been abused and fed upon by supernatural money or anything else, and find the depths perfectly to
monsters would hardly raise an official eyebrow. Random their liking. A quick introductory period to learn the feel
puncture wounds? Needle marks. Animal bites. Anemia? of the streets, and they’re happy as a pig in shit.
Everything else? Syphilis. Addiction. HIV. Bum fights. Mechanically, Skills that let you live rough are useful
And on and on. on the streets. Physical Attributes are immediately useful,
Pulling It Off for fighting and running away. Vampires have a dramatic
Goddamn, this one’s almost too easy. Knowing the score advantage in a fight on the streets anyhow, as they don’t
on the street is just about all that’s required to blend in have to worry about infection or dealing with the hospitals
and maintain the mask. There’s a culture of silence, if they gets banged up. They don’t have to hold back, and
of not looking too hard, of not asking questions. The most junkies aren’t willing to fight past a certain threshold
people on the fringes also know more than you’d expect, of pain. Learning to fight a little better to fend off the
and there’s a general acceptance that there’s some weird opportunists and human predators is a good idea though.
fucking shit out there, and not all of it is delirium tremens Social Skills are useful, Persuasion for panhandling or
or detox. Among the true junkies, the addicted and the Expression for busking, and of course the Fix-All of the
desperate, there’s also a fundamental breakdown in basic Junkie social world—Intimidate.
human reactions and social order. The drugs get inside Concepts: Panhandler, Hobo with a knife, Hollow-Eyed
the brain and change it, hijacking the reward system that’s Hooker, Bucket Drum Busker, Self-Medicating Headcase
supposed to make us feel good when we do something Common Victims: Addicts, homeless people, street
worthy or something to further survival. The things that kids, hookers, abusive cops, gangbangers, poor bastards
bind people into relationships—the feelings of warmth who have to live here
and connection, of desire—gets eaten by the drugs, and
Anchor Relationships: Decent cop, homeless advocate,
junkies don’t really give a shit about each other when the
drug dealer
addictions have run past a certain point. The scary guy
with the eyes killed Billy, but he gave you the three rocks Asset Skills: Streetwise, Survival

50 Life After Dark

Investigator because people are looking through you at something on
the other side, something you show them.
“It took me a long time to work my way back here, to follow
the snake and find it with a mouthful of its own tail. I’ve just Pulling It Off
got two questions, lady. Why’d you kill your husband, and Not too hard, really. It’s trickier for Investigators working
why’d you hire me to find out who did it? What’s your game? official beats, and they’ve got all the paperwork and official
Because I have my own games to play.” bureaucracy to satisfy. It’s also harder to hide your true
Description nature when you’re surrounded by people whose job it is to
notice trouble about to happen, and the vampire is damn
There’s always somebody sniffing around where they
sure a sign of trouble. Even getting in the door in a proper
shouldn’t, and there’s always people looking to learn things
police outfit is hard unless you’re already a cop before
that in the end they wish they didn’t know. Somebody
the Embrace. You can’t attend the academy after you’re
hires a Dick to snap pics of their husband slipping the
undead, after all. With some careful forgery and some
sausage into another dame’s bun, what’s it they’re really
even more careful records-fudging, you can arrange for a
wanting to know? They want you to come back and tell
fake transfer from one department to another, preferably
them it ain’t true. They want you to say you’re sorry, but
one a long way off without much official communication.
he really was playing poker with the boys or volunteering
with retarded kids, or whatever other shit he was telling Opening up your own storefront detective’s shop is way
them. But that’s never the way it works out because people easier, and securing a PI’s license is pretty straightforward
don’t hire a professional snoop when they don’t already if you can pull some short strings. With a vampire’s
know, deep inside, what the answer is. unnatural powers, digging into the petty ugliness that
pays a P.I.’s bills is going to be pretty easy. If you’ve got an
Show them the pictures. Maintain a professional but
insect’s ethics, you can help things along in a direction
sympathetic distance. Recommend the name of your
you’ll find more lucrative or acceptable. Sure, Hubby
buddy who handles divorce cases if they ask. Try not to
is banging hookers in fleabag hotels, but who’s to say
think about the kids at home who’re soon going to have
Wifey has to know? Put the guy up against the wall, and
their lives torpedoed.
put the frighteners into him (meaning: any good mind-
Being an Investigator—whether an official one (police, bending Discipline), kick down the doors of his mind
licensed PI), or a private citizen trying to squeeze a and rearrange the furniture. Tell him, “Go home to you
living out of it—you’re going to be dealing with people wife, and never do this again or I’ll fucking kill you. Oh,
in extremis. People who’ve lost loved ones to violence and here’s your bill.” Followed by a bite, and some bills
or carelessness or stupidity. People who’re hurting, and from the billfold.
looking to hurt others to even the score.
Next day, give the lady a shrug and a smile, and tell
The job is nine parts boredom and waiting, one part her, “He played poker all night, just like he said. I don’t
screaming hell and panic. Just when you’re willing to think it’s anything you need to worry about.”
give up the romantic notions soaked up from black and
In the end, you know the truth.
white Bogies for years, a dame really does walk in, and
she really got legs that know the path to paradise. (And And you got fed.
vampires can do more to change that 9:1 ratio; earn a rep Sometimes, that’s enough. Most times, that’s all there is.
for solving the really fucked-up cases, and more fucked-up Background
cases come walking through that door.) Becoming a private P.I. Post-Embrace is pretty easy,
There’s not much difference in being an Investigator but getting an official position with a law-enforcement
and playing one on TV—the Masquerade’s pretty much outfit is trickier without some tomfoolery. Regardless,
the real thing. About the only difference is that it’s harder most Investigators came into it with the Skills, and
to get drunk as a vampire, but easier to sleep. If you’re more importantly the instincts for investigation. Part
doing it for a paycheck, then you have to make sure you’re stubbornness, part obsession, mostly the bloody-minded
working nights, and don’t have to testify in court. The sense that secrets are inherently offensive.
union will stand by your disability claim for Porphyria, Mental Attributes are most important for an
and you can testify in special session after sundown if investigator, with Physical or Social taking second
need be. If you’re working private cases, then who cares position based on style and inclination. Investigators
about the hours you keep? The people who hire you don’t who favor the hard man’s tactics of kicking in doors and
want to know you. The people you investigate only care slapping around stoolies will favor Physical Attributes
about what you’re going to find. You’re a window, invisible and Skills, while those who play it cooler, talking their

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 51

subjects into confession or revelation favor Social on wearing this mask, and really for field research into
Attributes. There’s few Skills that won’t be of some use nocturnal animal habits, who could be better?
to an Investigator, but most tend to focus on the cores The Scholar gives a vampire access as well—it can
of Investigate, Socialize, Brawl and Intimidate and link them to an educational or research institution, and
outsource the specialties the resources it can bring to bear. Don’t discount the
Concepts: Sort-Timer Detective, Working Stiff P.I., hunting opportunities such places offer either, especially
Transfer from Canada, Insurance Investigator, Nosy universities which are filled with young, often foolish,
Old Lady frequently intoxicated good-looking people.
Common Victims: The Dame, Johnny Numbers’ thugs, Pulling It Off
The Fat Man Pulling off the Scholar is pretty much a matter of doing
Anchor Relationships: (Ex-)Partner, Spunky it, and not giving the game away. Maintain a modicum
Receptionist, Wiseass Coroner, Street Kid, Matronly old of caution with feeding and the revelation of inhuman
lady at the records office. powers, and few will look to closely at you so long as you
Asset Skills: Investigate, Persuasion publish, and your TAs cover your classes. As rarely as
some professors are seen, one might wonder if the whole
Scholar of American academia is overrun with the undead.
“Oh yes, this is interesting. You’ve told no one else about this? For less nebbish and monomaniacal scholars, or those
Good, good, yes. It’s fortunate you came to me first. Please, with a taste for the politics of scholarship, the vampire›s
come in, and bolt the door behind you.” instincts (and yes, powers) can come in handy. If working
Description in a university, it›s important to avoid having to teach
In nature, it’s common for harmless creatures to evolve classes in person, unless you can schedule night classes.
the appearance of dangerous ones. King snakes look like Independent scholars have much more freedom, but need
deadly coral snakes, and a moth’s wing-spots appear to the means to support their own research.
predators like an owl’s eyes. When a vampire Masquerades Background
as a Scholar, so the process is reversed and the deadly There’s no practical barrier against a vampire adopting
creature feigns the appearance of something generally a Scholar’s Masquerade even if they showed little
considered harmless. inclination towards scholarship prior to the Embrace, but
A Scholar’s pursuit of knowledge can get aggressive it’s not that common. Frequently, scholarly vampires will
in the competitive circles of University academia, but Embrace like-minded mortals to assist them, so the focus
intellectual rivalries rarely explode into violence (except on study perpetuates.
when they do). A scholar’s pursuit of knowledge can see By far the most valuable Attributes and Skills for the
them sometimes playing Investigator as they’ve got both Scholar are Mental ones, with Social or Physical coming
a large knowledge-base and the tools for increasing it. next based on personal inclination Those who pursue
Scholars come in at all levels, some playing the role their research in the field will benefit from Physical
of students, others as experts in their fields. What this Attributes and Skills such as Survival. Those expecting
Masquerade lacks in regular social contact, it makes up for to undertake their research in dangerous climes could
in privacy. Unless they have some professional obligations benefit from a combat Skill or two. Those sticking closer
to teach or meet with other researchers, many scholars to civilization (or at least, to academia) Will find Social
can pursue their studies solo, which affords them plenty Attributes more useful, and Skills such as Socialize,
of opportunity to see to their needs. Persuasion, and even Intimidate serve them well.
Scholarship also places a vampire in the right place Concepts: Old Eccentric, Antiquarian, Bookstore
to bury knowledge that too dangerous to let propagate. Owner, Arrogant Professor, Hungry Grad Student,
Oh, the delicious irony when the nation’s foremost expert Garage Researcher, Gentleman Scholar, Librarian
on the folklore of the vampire turns out to actually be Common Victims: Clueless Undergrads, Teaching
a vampire when the plucky young hunters come seeking Assistants, Hot-For-Teacher Types
vital information. Anchor Relationships: Research Assistant, Your
Certain clans of the undead are certainly better suited Book Guy, TA, Head of Department, Rival Researcher,
to this quite Masquerade, but even the rangiest Gangrel Publisher.
can find a suitably outdoorsy field of study if she’s intent Asset Skills: Academics, Science

52 Life After Dark

Socialite but being known, knowing others, and getting the right
invites is the first step, and then after that maintaining
“Darling, have you met Mirabel? Oh for shame. Really, you
the thing is like surfing, each social season a different
two have so much in common! Here, you two talk amongst
wave to be caught and ridden. It’s a lot of work, being
yourselves, I see someone I must say hello to. Oh, Miri, make
that well-liked. It requires either a devilishly fascinating
sure to ask him about his boat!”
personality, or boundless energy for schmoozing. Either
Description way, the fame is pretty much a paper tiger, but that’s fine
The Socialite is someone people know because... well... for the Socialites. It doesn’t need to be real for it to be real.
because they know them. When they hit it big enough to Getting in the door is one thing, using that access is
make the national gossip rags, they’re sometimes called another. Socialites can apply a great deal of very subtle
‘celebutants’ (or celebutards), but no vampire wants that sway over the powerful with as simple a thing as arranging
kind of attention. Kindred Socialites play to a more local the seating at dinner so the right people can be introduced
audience, perhaps getting the occasional mention in the to one another, and discover some common interest.
local paper’s Style section, but otherwise staying off the
national radar.
Even odds for a Socalite vampire to have come from the
Being a Socialite usually implies independent wealth,
circles she now moves in, or to have been raised to them
because people with real jobs rarely have the time to
by her new inclination or her sire’s desire. Those who start
pursue Society in a semi-professional capacity, and also
already part of a high society have an initial advantage,
the prohibitive expense in keeping up with fashion,
but face trouble within only a few years. The Socialite’s life
attending the right parties and events, and entertaining
demands regular personal contact, and fairly quickly old
in style. Vampires using the Socialite Masquerade can
friends will notice the vampire is not aging as they are. If
sometimes fake it for awhile, using their powers to acquire
the Socialite is reasonably new to the game, and unknown
what they need as they need it. Fashionable clothing can
to the other players, then she’s got some longevity before
be stolen or had with mental influences, as can walking-
she needs to move into more secluded circles, or reinvent
around money, and the more socially-gifted vampire
herself somewhere else.
can charm her way into the right events without much
difficulty. But there will come a time when a major outlay Obviously, Social Attributes and Skills are the most
is expected, and it will challenge the faker to make the important, with Mental Skills coming second, and
cut. It’s a dilemma faced by mortals who’ve conned their Physical trailing a distant last.
way into social circles they’ve no way of affording, though Concepts: Fashionista, Trendy Writer, The Charming
sometimes the con is the point. It’s not an uncommon Host, The New Hotness, The Dead President’s Wife
headline in the World of Darkness: “Socialite Bilked of Common Victims: Pretty Young Things, This Year’s
$255K by Charming Con-Man.” Model, The Help
Moving in society circles doesn’t usually translate Anchor Relationships: Social Secretary, The Cynical
directly to influence over powerful people, but it does Ex-Socialite, The Senator
offer access to such people when it might otherwise be Asset Skills: Persuasion, Socialize
tricky to arrange. Society parties often include politicians,
industrialists, artists, celebrities, and scions of the nations Youth
surviving old-money dynasties This access means both “I know how this works, mister. I’m older than I look.”
the chance to influence the powerful in subtle ways, Description
and the opportunity for some, ahem, fine dining as well.
It’s only recently that the concept of adolescence became
It’s fairly common when vampires are bullshitting that
accepted to describe the transitional stages between
someone will claim the Celeb du jour as a past snack. But
childhood and adulthood. In the past, children were
if the bullshitting vampire successfully Masquerades as
promoted to adult much faster. Marriages at 12 were not
the Socialite, then it’s not impossible that she had the
uncommon, with children of their own by 13. Acts we’d
chance at sneaking a nip off a starlet or three.
now consider statutory rape were... just how things were
Pulling It Off done. With disease, poor diet, no dentistry, and short
So much of what the Socialite does is faking it, so much so lifespans the bloom of youth so many vampires Embrace
that the act of faking it practically makes one a Socialite to preserve occurred at what now we’d consider at-best
(think Paris Hilton, and how her popularity feeds on late childhood, yet among the Elder Kindred there are
itself). Having the money to pull it off comfortably helps, many whose small stature (another relic of the past) and

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 53

early Embrace make them appear to modern eyes as your iPod because your peers are growing up fast, and
strange teenagers. you’re not.
These youthful elders often themselves Embrace young Background
mortals for much the same reason their own sires did, but Since looking the part is the first step to pulling off
also because changes in Western society make access to this Masquerade, it’s all about the timing of the Embrace.
older adults tricky... to catch a predator indeed. A five- While some of those Embraced young can pass for older
hundred year old undead noble, at the height of her powers, with the right clothes and attitude, some just can’t manage
and peerless in her master of her clan’s occult arts might it (or don’t make the effort). Passing for a Real Boy isn’t
find herself with two easily accessible social circles—online too hard if you do your homework, bone up on teen pop-
perverts or the loutish local high school boys. Trying to culture and slang, and employ your hide0us m1nd powerz
hunt the Rack at an eternal 14 years old is just impossible. occasionally to ensure you balance popularity against
The Youth Masquerade is for those vampires trapped notoriety, and hover somewhere between them.
with the seeming of adolescence, not exactly children, A Youth can benefit from any combination of Attributes
but not really adults—caught in that troublesome zone and Skills, though a certain amount of social-fu helps
modern society has such difficulty defining. In other maintain the clique that serves as cover.
words, jailbait. Concepts: Runaway, Homeschooler, Disaffected Goth
The culture exalts youth, fashion sexualizes girls at Kid, Righteous Dude
an earlier and earlier age. Lolita and her legions of sexy Common Victims: The sportos, the motorheads, geeks,
school-girls stalk porn and erotica, and men give each sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads
other high-fives when another attractive female teacher
Anchoring Relationships: Clueless S.O., Fake Parents,
has sex with a male student. The urge to treat teenagers
Big Brother or Big Sister volunteer, Mall Cop
as adults is there, just as it was in Shakespeare’s day, but
now they’d charge Romeo and Juliet with a crime. Asset Skills: Athletics, Subterfuge
If the vampire can stomach it, this Masquerade is easy
to adopt. Watch some MTV, wear the right clothes, and
go to the mall. Going to school is probably impossible, but
once a peer group is obtained, the modern world of social Ah, Yes, The Standard Disclaimer
So, playing potentially-sexualized 13-year-old
networking means they can stay in touch and meet-up vampires is a little bit fucked up. It’s not like it
just after dark. doesn’t make sense; our culture sexualizes people
far too young for it—culture and law war against
Some of the younger-seeming Youth might go so far as to one another. So, it’s not unreasonable that you’d
groom thralls to play parent to them, for the added cover want to take a look at making use of this in your
it provides, and also because it’s good to have someone game.
who can drive you places. The caveat is, of course, to work with the rest
of your table-mates to make sure nobody’s really
If their actual age and experience exceed those of uncomfortable with this. It’s your table, and the
their teenage peer-group, a Youth might become tired level of maturity there is yours to determine, not
ours, but when it comes to sensitive topics, it’s
of the inanity of it, but there’s not many places our best to ask around and make sure nobody’s going
perpetual 13-year old can find adults willing to converse to find discomfort in a game that’s supposed to
intelligently with a kid. Perhaps spitefully, some take be fun.
particular pleasure in pedophile baiting, and find they
have a remarkably easy time justifying it afterwards.
Pulling It Off
If you look the part, Pulling It Off is easy. Just don’t do
anything to give the game away completely, like scowling Below you find the following information regarding the
at the world with your ancient eyes, and cursing in dead Requiem roles a vampire may fulfill in her unlife and in
languages when you should be texting Madison about how vampiric society:
cute you think Derek is. Wear the clothes, and hang out Quote: A quote embodying this Requiem.
with the flock, and most people will look right past you. Description: An overarching look at what this mask
It really is a low-maintenance Masquerade. means for the vampire.
Eventually, you’ll have to shop around for a new peer Tonight: What does the night-to-night look like for
group, pick some new clothes, put some new music on vampires in this Requiem?

54 Life After Dark

Background: What kind of vampire suits this role best?
Concepts: A handful of potential “ready-to-go”
character concepts within this role.
Key Discipline: The Discipline associated with this
Requiem—as noted on p. 41, vampires may purchases
this Discipline more cheaply.

“Thank you, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the party. Have you
tasted the pretty confections wandering about yet? Oh, you
simply must. Each is high on one exotic narcotic or another.
Mix and match, the effect is delightful.”
She’s the life (metaphorically speaking) of the party. The
Courtesan’s territory are the social functions, parties,
and gatherings of the Kindred, especially those less
formalized gatherings where tradition and rote don’t rule
so absolutely. Vampires are social monsters, but their
politics are the politics of wolves—dominance, temper,
ego, and aggression always threaten to break lose in
vampire gatherings.
So to the Courtesans fall the duty of greasing the social
wheels, easing tempers, keeping enemies on opposite
sides of the ballroom with casual grace, and seeing to
it that the gather doesn’t curdle into factional clots.
It’s a bit like being a chemical engineer in an explosive
factory. Keep stirring, monitor the temperature, mix new
ingredients carefully, and if it all blows up make sure the
walls are strong and the roof is weak to channel the blast
harmlessly upwards.
Courtesans are influential, but generally not leaders
in their courts or covenants, rather they facilitate the
powerful. Without an able hand managing tempers and
keeping the party jovial, even the most able prince may
find this gatherings turning somber, and his own instincts
interfering with his desired impression.
Courtesans also help make introductions, and as they
generally know everyone in the local Court’s social scene,
they’re in a position to get people talking. Brokering
these meetings is one of their most overt forms of power,
and places those who request their aid subtly in their
debt. As fixers, they facilitate alliances, betrayals, and
political overthrows. Their neutrality is something most
prize, and the key to their survival as social brokers is
maintaining their usefulness regardless of who rules. They
may conspire like any other vampire, but do so with more
care less they commit to the losing side.
While they’re valued, their neutrality makes it hard to
trust a Courtesan.

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 55

Tonight to go on living. If a vampire wants to drink a beer or fuck,
You wake, and check your messages, email, texts, and he’s got to use a little stolen life to do it. Even something
Fangbook to see if there’s any news or upcoming events as simple as having a piss means somebody had to die a
you might want to get in on, anybody looking for advice, little bit. Instincts demand dominance, and can turn the
or introductions. You review your calendar, noting any thinking mind off like a light, and send even the most
events tonight, and any prep for events coming up soon. cultured Kindred into a blind killing rage.
You dress carefully, crafting your public persona, and go In the end, the only thing imposing a semblance
to meet your intimates at a venue chosen to convey a of order in the pressure cooker of court politics is the
certain message. You take a call from a new arrival in the implicit threat of horrible pain and extinction looming
city who wishes to meet a representative from the local over everyone who defies the hierarchy. Every domain
Circle of the Crone adherents. He mentions that an old runs a little different, but even the most liberal Carthian
ally of yours gave him your number, and the recognition cities have their heavies lurking at the doors, waiting for
phrase he uses when you answer tells you the call is on the signal to unload on somebody threatening the order
the level. You take his info down, and then on a whim of things.
invite him to the little gathering you’re attending that Enforcers use violence or the threat of violence
evening. The recognition phrase also included code-sign to impose order. They’re forces for stability in the
for “potentially interesting” and “hot,” and appearing at Kindred world—keeping in mind that that world has
an event with a good-looking stranger never hurts ones been described not-inaccurately as a ‘neo-feudal hell.’
social stock. A few more phone calls between barely It might be oppressive and primitive and unfair, but it
sipped espresso arranges an arms deal, ruins the career keeps the vampires from ripping each other’s faces off
of a mortal politico who’d unwisely defied the Lancea most of the time.
Bishop, and starts a rumor that will dog your chief rival And when it doesn’t, there’s you.
at tonight’s event, distracting him while you discuss the
Enforcers can serve the Prince, the Court, within
Prince’s upcoming wedding plans with her.
Covenants, or even local Clan hierarchies. Enforcers
Background with official roles often judge and sanction actions, while
Most Courtesans are socially adept before the Embrace, less management-oriented Kindred hit the streets and
quickly allowing them to start playing the same role in pound the pavement then hit people and pound them
Kindred society, but it’s not required. Some are Embraced into the pavement.
by sires who also pursue this Requiem, and are selected for It’s not a complicated Requiem, but then there’s the
artistic facial features, charisma, or even as a challenge. investigative angle some Enforcers miss entirely. There’s
My Fair Vampire. got to be some determination about whether somebody is
Some antisocial people find to their surprise that they’re a danger or not, whether a crime was committed or not,
better at being social after they die, and segue into the and just who should suffer for it. Enforcers with some
Courtesan Requiem entirely on their own. Not every brains to go with the brawn often find themselves having
Courtesan is elegant and cultured, and not every Court to do their own digging, infiltration, interrogation, and
responds wells to that anyhow. In some places a good old then judge whether to bring the hammer down.
boy brogue and back-slap supplant the air kiss, and in Tonight
others fortunes are made and broken over Xbox live chat
You wake up still hurting, and the burns across your back
between smack-talk and Halo teabaggings.
wept all night, and stuck to the sheets. A shower helps a
Concepts: Airhead Mastermind, The Magnification little, but your phone is ringing before you’re done. It’s the
Bastard, Social Assassin, Matchmaker, Courtly ‘office’ calling, and they’re asking whether the message was
Chessmaster delivered last night. Yeah, it was, and if there’s nothing
Key Discipline: Majesty else, a night to eat and recover might be... ah... yeah, all
right. Somebody’s thrall tried to deliver a message to the
Enforcer new gang downtown, let them know the score, but they
“We can do this the easy way, or I can break your other arm.” put him in the hospital. Going to be a goddamn slog
tonight, then. With gangs, it’s got to be all or nothing
Description in one night, or they’ll talk themselves into trying some
Somebody has to be the Bad Man. When you strip away kind of payback bullshit. You gotta hurt the whole thing
all the political bullshit and flapping noise-holes, vampires bad enough to make it stick. A couple of calls, and you
are creatures of violence and violation. They kill people know who’s running it and where they live—where they’re

56 Life After Dark

moms live too. File that one away in case they need sometimes you think you recognize them. You’ll ask the
things explained to them again. From the closet, your Heads later about them, but it’s a workshop day. The fat
hand lingers over the cut down shotgun, and then goes should be rendered down now. You can start greasing
for Old Reliable. The rebar with its duct-tape wrapping the clockwork baby’s worm-gears. One of the Shadows
brings back memories of early days, and you scratch blood reminds you about tonight’s party at the Botanical
from the rough iron with a thumbnail as you call in your Gardens. The one you weren’t invited to. It’s a game you
status for the night. play with the coquette. She throws a party, and does not
Background invite you, and then you go anyway. Oh, but what to wear?
Enforcers come from all walks of life and unlife, and Well, you do know where the coquette’s mother is buried.
are loosely divided between those who favor investigation Her dress. Her skin. It’s an outfit.
and those who tend towards the hands-on aspects of the Background
Requiem. An Enforcer can get by fine without thinking, Becoming a Horror, embracing the terror of others, and
and asking as an instrument of somebody else’s policy. Go the isolation it causes, isn’t something the healthy and
here, smash X person’s face through Y breakable surfaces, undamaged do. It takes a brush with oblivion to make
and remove Z fingers with a bolt cutter. The moderately your whole immortal existence about being an object
intelligence are going to occasionally wonder why they’re of revulsion and dread. While many Horrors enjoy the
inflicting all this pain, and then they’ll either have a isolation (or at least are resigned to it), there’s a perverse
crisis of conscious (if they still have one), or possibly get contingent who take pleasure in forcing their company
promoted to a more brain-intensive aspect of enforcement. on ordinary undead society. They’ll lurk at parties and
Concepts: Big Fucking Thug, Bouncer, Bloodhound, court functions, well dressed and polite yet horrible as
Sympathetic Torturer, Undead Gumshoe, Legbreaker cancer erupting through skin. Here, they stand too close
Key Discipline: Protean to others, and make eye contact last too long, yet give no
outward reason to take offense.
Horror How does somebody get that fucked up?
“Hello, little chicky chicky chicky.” It’s usually a reaction to soul-breaking trauma. The sort
Description of thing that’ll make somebody cut off their own face
There’s a reason even vampires should fear the dark. while singing lullabies and sew on a hog’s face with twine.
Hunger, rage, and fear are such defining traits of the It’s not impossible that this trauma came before the
Kindred. The Horror plays to the last. These vampires Embrace, or even that the Embrace itself did the damage.
are just terrifying, sometimes for no obvious reason. They Regardless of the source, there’s something just not right
embody all the things most vampires try and forget about vampires who follow this Requiem.
about themselves—the unnatural truth of the Curse, Unless it’s a cunning artifice, like a bank robber wearing
the predation, madness, and the perversity of human a monster mask to hide his true face.
imagination put in service to inhuman hunger. Concepts: The Charming Murderer, Clockwork Killer,
Every court has one or two vampires who do nothing Torture Artist, The Lurker, Crazy-Eyed Girl
to break the edicts or openly engage in insane atrocity, Key Discipline: Nightmare
yet who unaccountable give everyone else the willies.
“Goddammit, that crazy fuck is looking at me again.” Manipulator
Sometimes Horrors are the Boo Radleys of the undead “Don’t feel so bad. Yeah, I played you, but I played everybody
set—more talked about than seen, about whom baroque else too. Don’t complain too much. You’re still alive because
rumors grow up. Other times, they’re right out in the I like you.”
open daring other Kindred to penetrate their mystery. Description
When they act, Horrors are capable of doing things to The civic-minded vampire so easily slides into this Requiem
shock even the jaded Kindred sensibility, even when that it’s almost the default. The vampire application
those actions are wholly in the service of community’s form practically says, “SELECT YOUR REQUIEM, IF
wellbeing. Yes, the interlopers had to die but... what did UNCHECKED REVERTS TO MANIPULATOR.”
he do with all the faces?
Manipulation is what happens when the Beast’s
Tonight instincts for dominance and control find shape through
You’re not sure if you’re awake. You can still hear the the vampire’s intelligence. Something of the immortal’s
dream-voices. They stay with you for hours now, and long-view also creeps in. Elders for who’ve outlived their

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 57

mortal selves being to think about time differently, and hot as it should (the accelerant they were supposed to use
plots which take years and decades to unfold aren’t at was said to burn hot enough to break down water, and the
all daunting. firefighters are indeed standing off and not spraying the
There’s an inherent lack of trust in the Manipulator— inferno). Check. And checkmate in... well, you’ll have to
if she really believed others were competent to make see what she does with her rook before calling mate. Later
decisions she’d let them get on with their lives. She does tonight, you have to go out and be seen, to discuss this
not believe this. Conspiring with this mistrust is a deep arson, and what it means for the lady’s money laundering
arrogance—others can’t be allowed to decide things, but operation. You’ll commiserate with her, and enjoy the
she knows so much better how things should be. irony that you’re the author of all her troubles, waiting for
Manipulators can hold official positions of power, or late into the evening to apply the gentle suggestion and
be the Iago to a prince’s Othello. Access to others is all goad that will aim her at your real enemy.
that’s required, plus the requisite cynicism and arrogance. Background
Some Manipulators serve a cause, pulling strings It’s hard to get this focused on playing others without
to further their agenda, while others selfishly serve some natural inclination that way. True, vampires
only themselves and their own ambition Regardless, learn to do this (and some learn to do this really really
the methodology is the same, and as old as human well) via on-the-job training, but those who start out as
communication. manipulators comfortable with wielding lies like knives,
Tonight and calculating their risks do it quicker. Being a high-
functioning sociopath without any sexual sadism to
So many irons in the fire. You forced yourself to stay awake
muddy your thinking really helps too.
for two hours into the morning, and now you’re paying
for it. You’re having trouble with the mental juggling that True Manipulators find themselves locking horns with
usually comes so easily, as you toss and catch all the lies each other. While the rest of Kindred society might
you have up in the air right now. Action News at 6 is muddle along, unaware of who’s pushing their buttons,
reporting live from the warehouse fire, which is burning as manipulators have a better sense for when they’re being

58 Life After Dark

played (or perhaps that’s just paranoia sneaking in and “only feeding on evil people” is going to clear a troubled
widdling on the mental carpet)—at least, they like to think vampire’s conscience.
they know when somebody else has a hand up their asses Some Martyrs really do work to help people, others
to puppet them. look for ways to control their condition, or pursue the
Concepts: Trusted Advisor, Wide-Eyed Not-So- proverbial cure. It’s best they not think to hard about how
Innocent, Old Player, Cold Avenger, Long-Con player much blood is needed to fuel a ten year research program
Key Discipline: Dominate because if they were really genuinely committed to atoning
and preserving others from the monster they’ve become,
Martyr then taking a walk outside at noon is the fastest way to
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” make that happen.
Description Tonight
The Martyr never wanted to be a vampire, or she’s come Goddamn, you’re hungry. It’s an animal trying to gnaw its
the long hard path to regretting it. Most vampires who way through your belly. Got to find something... somebody
can remember what it felt like to breathe both regret their to eat tonight. It’ll go bad otherwise. Put it off too long.
condition and are repelled by it, but time erodes those There’s that party the bitch invited you to tonight to just
memories, and eventually they’ll realize they’ve been to fuck with you. There’d be willing people there, young,
undead longer than they were alive and just settle into it good looking. Some of them wouldn’t live through the
for the long haul (the slow decay of their humanity also night. You could go and take one out of there with you,
helps ease them into a comfortable rut). But the Martyr save him from your Kindred. Just take a little off him to
regrets it like heartache, and is soulsick with the urge to steady yourself, and drop him off somewhere safe. That’s...
somehow atone for the horrible things he’s done. that’s how it starts, isn’t it? Save somebody, and then feel
The older the vampire, the deeper the hole when a little entitled to something for your trouble. No, go see
his sins finally catch up with him, and the burden of your guy at the hospital and choke down a few units of
atonement seems more and more impossible. There’s a O neg. You’ll feel like crap afterwards, but nobody gets
prime age for Martyrs, and most fall somewhere in the hurt. Go out? Stay in? Hard choice. Go out and there’s no
middle of their first century. They’ve seen the world they telling what kind of damage you might do out among the
remember from their childhood vanish, and every living mortals. Stay in, and you’re trapped in here with yourself
person they knew as a mortal is dead. It’s a make or break all night. You go out.
point, where they either go with the vampire thing and Background
get on with it, or have a crisis of conscience about it Some few vampires come through the Embrace and
(sometimes, it’s just a matter of whether there’s enough immediately regret it, and become Martyrs. They’ll
humanity left in them to give a shit about atonement). alternate between elation at their new powers and guilt
Other Martyrs experience some kind of traumatic when they come down from the thrill. Feeding is an
revelation. Probably in the rain. Cue the swelling music, ecstatic pleasure, followed by crippling shame. Sometimes
drop to your knees, spread your arms wide and scream a mortal’s sexual hang-ups get confused with feeding, but
heavenwards as your tears are washed away in the blah other times there’s no clear reason why some never get
blah blah. That’s a problem for martyrs right there—their over their early squeamishness and get used to the new
weakness for misery masturbation and self flagellation normal.
that’ll get laughs or disgusted head shakes from some of Many Martyrs lived other Requiems until something
the better adjusted (or at least, more resigned) monsters shook them up and made them question their existence.
in the community. It’s possible to seek some kind of There’s no way to say who’ll suddenly have a crisis like
redemption without being a complete tool in the process. this. It happens to enough vampires at various points that
Martyrs tend to stay connected to regular people, to some think it’s part of the Kindred life lifecycle, part of
help them out. There’s the occasional temptation to play the evolution of the psyche from human to immortal,
superhero by protecting a neighborhood and working to perhaps a last grasping effort to reclaim something that’s
improve it. A vampire’s got power, and there’s no reason slipping away.
it can’t be used to help people, except for the bit about Concepts: Dark Avenger in the Night, Sullen Asshole,
how you have to hurt people to get the power to help Jiminy Cricket, Obsessed Virologist
them. Atonement isn’t about adding up the columns and Key Discipline: Obfuscate
making sure Good totals more than Bad: no amount of

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 59

Nomad or a package to an associate in another domain, and the
more letters of introduction you can collect by playing
“I’m moving on. Might stop in Laredo. Any message for your
nice with the politicos the easier time you’ll have.
people there?”
Some princes employ Nomads as messengers, using
their impulse to wander to their advantage. A prince’s
The Nomad is bound to no domain, and owes no Prince messenger is usually a pretty tough individual, as there’s
obedience. She’s got freedom, for what that’s worth, but many who’d like to get their mitts on a Prince’s private
also no protection or authority or safe place to crawl correspondences.
back to when the world gets cruel. There’s something
unsettled about the Nomad that makes staying put an
exercise in willpower. Panic for a minute before you remember you’ve zipped
yourself up in an inside-out army body bag in the trunk
It used to be damned near impossible for a true nomad
of your car. Unzip and work the trick catch on the trunk.
to wander between domains, back before the interstate
Once upon a time, you drove a big black muscle car.
highway system, air freight, ocean liners, and the
Aggressive as hell. But it attracted all kinds of attention.
telecommunications. Now all an anarchic misanthrope
Now it’s always an anonymous late-model sedan with a
needs is a car and a roll of tinfoil and duct tape for
roomy trunk kitted out to lock from the inside. Find a
covering up the motel room windows. At 65MPH, you can
parking lot outside an office park or anywhere else people
cover 600 miles of road easy. Get a room on the other end,
arrive early and leave late, and there you go. You got in
or park the car somewhere safe and sleep in the trunk.
too late last night to make the proper appearance, but you
When it was travel by horse or on foot, only the Gangrel
dig out your cell and call the guy you know who works
could do it safe, sleeping in the Earth’s Embrace. Now
for the local head honcho. You set up a meeting, but of
any itchy-foot neonate can hit the open road and cruise
course he can’t see you till past midnight, and that leaves
into a domain ahead of the sun.
you spinning in the wind for hours, but the guy throws
But, who’s going to welcome them? you a bone and puts you in touch with a lady who can
A domain is a carefully balanced social ecology, and help you sample the local “cuisine” while you wait. Not
outsiders have a way of fucking such careful balances for the first time you get that urge to just get back in your
up pretty bad. The young Nomad will soon realize how car and blow out of this place rather than deal with the
unwelcome she is in most places. Princes take a dim view bullshit, but there’s the guy you have to see later on, and
of unaligned unattached Kindred rolling into their towns the letter you have to put in his hand.
without knowing the score, and the power players tend Background
to start licking their lips thinking about the new tasty
morsel. The flipside of the modern ease of travel is the The wandering urge comes on some Kindred slowly,
speed that news travels- as soon as somebody spots you sneaking up on them when they think they’ve settled
squeezing the local fruit, their texting your description into things. Some rise to prominence in their courts,
to their allies, and moving in to see if you’re a resource perhaps even becoming prince, only to bug out one day
they can exploit (or worse for you, one their enemies can and never look back. Some are Embraced on the road,
exploit), a threat to their plans, or just somebody to keep already wanderers, and just keep doing the same thing.
a close eye on. Slowly, Nomads build up networks of contacts spanning
many domains, and find themselves inadvertent players
Surviving as a Nomad requires patience and diplomacy, in many cross-domain intrigues.
and it requires the ability to quickly create working
rapports with the local big kids. Arriving at a new city Concepts: Long-Haul Trucker, Biker, Traveling
you’ve never been to before is nerve-racking, but a place Salesman, Prince’s Messenger, Shiftless Outsider
where you know some people, and where some people Key Discipline: Animalism
know you is much more hospitable. Presenting yourself to
the Prince ASAP is always a good plan unless the domain
has gone feral. If it’s a democratic anarchy, then it’s trickier “Yes, I can answer your questions. But I won’t, unless you
because you have to figure out who the big players are can answer some of mine first.”
before making yourself know. But once you’re let the local Description
boss know who you are, and that you’re not going to make The Magus Requiem’s most distinctive signifier is the
any trouble, they’ll usually give you only the minimum follower’s obsession with the occult—literally, in that which
amount of grief. They might ask you to take some letters is hidden. Ever secret is another tiny revelation, another

60 Life After Dark

step closer to the spiritual alchemy and the perfection learning litanies, demon names, ritual invocations. Some
of the self. There’s a voyeuristic quality to the way the covenants teach magical practice, but that’s not enough
Magus gazes into occult windows- the obsession driving for most Magi, and the progress comes too slow.
it isn’t healthy. The obsession of the Magus can be a dangerous one.
The newly made modern vampire tries to make sense of True horrors have in the past been born by the curious
his condition, resorting to half-remembered lessons from meddling of such individuals, but there is no atrocity so
Biology class. It’s a virus... that makes people allergic to great that another won’t attempt the same operation later.
the sun... slows down the metabolism... makes us anemic Tonight
and crave blood... it also lets us control animals and You wake refreshed. The ceremonial cleansing last night
jump over cars. Ah! It all breaks down when they look was liberating, and the sacrifice of your acolytes left you
in the mirror, and see the smear where their face should flush with vitae. Your night is well-planned to not spoil the
be. Light doesn’t bounce off a diseased body differently sanctification of the previous night’s ritual, and to further
than a healthy one, and there’s no heartbeat. There’s no prepare you for the midnight ordeal. In your mind, you go
breathing. There’s no... it... it doesn’t make sense, it’s like... over the steps again and find no flow. Scraps of wisdom
Magic. carefully stitched together again to show the opening
And there it is. of a window, and through it a glimpse of a truer reality.
It’s an unholy miracle— the corpse rising up every Background
sunset and walking about and talking and seeking to fuel Magi usually begin with the requisite intellectual
its life on the blood of the living. The vampire’s existence curiosity, even if they lack the formal education before
is fundamentally dependent on hidden occult forces. It their Embrace. The spark which drives them to study
isn’t science or rationality which will explain it, but magic esoterica can come at any time, but often hits early as
and metaphysics, and only by pursuing those things can they’re trying to come to terms with their new condition.
this whole hideous thing be finally understood. The impossibility of the vampire can break a certain kind
There’s also power. Once can’t forget the power. Some of rationalist, turning her into a spiritualist.
Magi lose track of that quandary which first drove Concepts: Cult Leader, Bookish Collector, Hungry
them into occult research, and become enamored with Skeptic, Enigmatist
the power implicit in understand magical principles,
Key Discipline: Auspex

New Character Creation Considerations

This chapter offers new considerations in terms of creating characters for Vampire: The Requiem.
These changes are made to the “vampire template” portion of character creation. Consider all of this a
“Step 5.5” (reference pp. 90-94 of Vampire: The Requiem).
1. Confirm with Storyteller what tier the game will operate at—if the game is tier one, then it’s likely
that no covenant will be selected. Alternately, if tier three is on the menu, you may need to look at the
following chapter of this book.
2. Choose one Masquerade.
3. Choose one Requiem.
4. Masquerade and Requiem Merits are purchased in Step Six, as usual.

Of Masks And Dirges: Masquerade And Requiem 61

The picture was blurry. Of course it was. sun. But I will tell you this. Of all the Kindred I

ecrets Anyone who believed that photos capture
the soul, or a piece of it, would hardly expect
Solomon Birch to show up as anything other
than a washed out smear of malice and self-
know, Bruce is the least full of bullshit.”
“That’s faint praise.”
“You’d prefer a vivid put-down?”
A month had passed since Solomon’s disas-
righteousness. So Bruise Miner’s lucky, inso-
trous loss of face, and the Kindred of Chicago
S lently timed snapshot looked a bit like the
were gradually dividing over it. Persephone
Bishop, if you knew that’s who it was.
still had trouble accepting it when Kin-
It was vague, but that didn’t matter. In fact,

dred— some of them powerful, respected,

anyone looking at it could see almost any- feared— came up to Bruce to shake his hand,
thing they wanted. It was compellingly easy congratulate him, schmooze him. He had be-
to look at those ghostly features and project come, simply by being in the right place at
- G

upon it one’s own despair, betrayal, heart- the right time with the right resentment, an
break and self-pity. It was, for the undead of emblematic Everyman vampire. Honestly, it
Chicago, a Rorschach mirror reflecting their kind of ticked her off.
own most despised weaknesses.

“Ned… ‘Foot… how are you guys doin’?”

The night after it was snapped, posters

“Can’t complain. You met ever Duce

appeared, hundreds of handbills plastered Carter?”
throughout downtown. They were glued
“Pleastameetcha,” Bruce said. “You know

on the windows of El trains, stapled on bul-

Persephone here?”
letin boards in pickup bars, pasted up in

repeating rows on construction scaffolds, “Oh we’ve met,” she said, giving Duce a

left under the wipers of cars in outdoor look that leveraged her eyelashes to maxi-
parking lots. Most said, in bold letters, “OBEY mum effect.
BISHOP” but a few turned up near popular “Hey, you’ve become the man of the hour,
racks and Carthian stomping grounds with stickin’ it to the power, y’know?”
“OBEY VAMPIRE.” “I just took a picture of a guy who was a
The picture was fuzzy, but the blizzard of dickhole to me.”
A Season

words that came with it was excruciatingly Duce looked at the man who’d introduced
precise. First the text messages, the emails them. “I see what you mean.” He turned back
from Blackberries, the tale growing and to Bruise. “You’re a hero to the Carthians now,
refining itself. The Discarded Image would y’know.”
have been well past capacity if everyone Bruce shook his head. “They must be hurt-
who claimed to have seen Birch break ing for one, then.”
down had actually been there. But, like the “More than you know. You should come
muddled graphic, that didn’t matter. The down to the next meeting. Lap it up, right?”
facts mattered less than the truthiness of “While I’m still flavor of the month?” Bruce
the story, Birch blustering and being put in shrugged. “Eh. Honestly, I don’t… the atten-
his place by the creeping filth-feeder whose tion, it’s not for me, you know?”
dog he killed. And afterwards, the Prince
“We are creatures of status,” Duce said.
drinking a toast.
“Attention is our currency and, like money,
••• it’ll make trouble if you don’t put it to work
“’Zat the man?” for you.”
“Yuh huh. You want I should introduce “Aw c’mon,” Bruce said, and his discomfort
you?” was obvious.
“I dunno, man. Is he genuine, or just… mm, “Amazing,” Persephone said, after Duce
the punctuation of Maxwell making a point?” had given his card and left. “This city is rotten
“Why can’t he be both? No, look, Bruce Min- with Kindred who are desperate for nothing
er is no genius and, as you can see, he looks more than to matter, to impress their peers,
like something that got left way too long in the to make a mark and get respect. All their
clamoring and favor grubbing gets power vacuum left by the disap- Turmoil was inevitable. Beatings
them is contempt. You don’t give a pearance of Norris the spy. into torpor. Disappearances. Judi-
rat’s ass about all that, and respect is The vampire with only five finger- cial proceedings in every covenant,
practically giving you a lap dance.” nails had been personally unobtru- fresh feuds within the clans and old
Bruce just shrugged. “It’s like sive, but he dropped off the grid in ones between them given new life.
Murphy’s law or somethin’,” he a cloud of drastic revelations. Norris The usual low-lying stink of rivalry
muttered. “I just want people to had held back the vengeance of a and retribution was stirred into a
stop caring about me so I don’t dozen powerful Kindred by threat- poison hurricane. The disappear-
have to…” ening their secrets. Now, those ance of Earth Baines was a minor
“Hush!” Persephone hissed. secrets were becoming known.
turd in the shit-storm.
“No one’s listening.” Rowan, the Crone elder, was tied
Under all of it, however, in the
to a family of mortal descendants.
“Someone’s always listening.” background, was Maxwell. Not
They were all under Invictus or
They were at Elysium. even an issue, yet, but the Prince’s
Sanctified vinculum within days.
Held in the aquamarine glam- Rowan herself, who could not stand shadow fell on the minds of his
our of the Shedd Aquarium, the to see children of her mortal life subjects. Why was he hiding? What
monthly meet-and-greet of the enslaved, killed them within weeks. had happened?
Chicagoland Damned was well- The details of Sylvia Raines’ Persephone knew the Prince’s
attended and bubbling with talk. mortal Satanism were dismissed as enemies would watch their words
Lines were being drawn. Solomon’s merely embarrassing, like wearing in her presence, so when she over-
hardline followers had closed ranks leg warmers in the 80s. The more heard speculation about amaranth,
around their leader, many of them telling revelation was a detailed about the forbidden feast, about
calling it another orchestrated coup description of her primary occult soul-eating, she knew that no mat-
attempt against a Bishop too strong fundraising scheme. Again, no one ter how hard she and Garret tried,
for the ignorant shirkers to tolerate. was going to judge her, but there how gamely Bruce went along, their
But that narrative, no matter how were territorial issues with her sell- distraction had failed.
logically argued, was hard to sell in ing cocaine (of whatever type) in
the face of OBEY VAMPIRE. She’d suspected the first time
Carthian domain without approval.
she saw Maxwell fiddling with his
In fact, Solomon’s perceived con- Tobias Rieff’s compromises with fingernails. Before the supernatu-
flict with Bruise was far slighter than the previous ruler. Earth Baines’
his grievance with Garret McLean. ral senses of someone like Sylvia
defiance of a Princely order. Ogil-
Garret, in turn, was trying to run Raines or Rowan or that crazy chick
vie’s unrepentant Masquerade
the city in the conspicuous absence running the River Snakes… they’d
breach. Ludmilla Marana’s early
of Prince Maxwell, an absence that double agency between the Ordo know in an instant.
Bruise’s small celebrity could do Dracul and the Invictus. Every Unless he found some kind of
but little to mask. Less obvious but night seemed to animate another solution, the next time Maxwell ap-
more ominous to those with the skeleton from the closets of the peared in public he would confirm
perspective to see it was the gaping powerful and connected. his commission of the ultimate crime.
The Bonds Of Covenant
A compromise is the art of dividing the cake
so that everyone believes he has the biggest piece.
—Ludwig Erhard
Vampires are not solitary predators. That’s what this chapter is about. It’s a fresh look at the
They like to think they are. Hell, some of them are covenants in Vampire: The Requiem; we’re shaking it
downright proud of it—the lone survivor, the rogue up a little, mixing up the puzzle pieces and seeing what
hunter, the wild animal stalking the veldt. image forms out of the chaos.
It’s bullshit. Vampires need one another, whether they First up, you’ll find the five covenants found in Re-
like it or not. (Hey, the Danse Macabre isn’t much of a quiem reexamined as third tier, full-bore conspiracies:
dance when you have one pathetic vampire shaking his gonzo globe-spanning organizations whose power tran-
money-maker in the middle of an empty warehouse.) It’s scends the local.
why vampires gather in coteries. It’s why they engage in After that, you’ll find an unholy host of new conspira-
the political process in the city. cies for use in your game.
And it’s why they join covenants.

Covenant As Conspiracy
It’s time to take the volume knob on the covenants of Let’s kick those walls down. Let’s reimagine the cov-
Requiem and crank that knob all the way up to “11.” enants as conspiracies. Assume that they are global, not
Then we’re going to break the knob off and stick it in some local. Assume that they are far more richly and densely
poor fucker’s neck and let him bleed out on the linoleum. layered. Assume that they have long puppet strings that
The third tier—in this book listed as the tier of both travel far and are damn near impossible to see. Assume
elder and conspiracy—is one where we move beyond lo- that they have plans that go well beyond this year, or five
cal or regional interests and envision a world of clan and years, or even ten years—they are looking so far down the
covenant that is infinitely better connected. As it stands pike they might as well be envisioning a whole other world.
now, Requiem envisions a world where the darkness Yes, this changes the mood of Vampire a little. It asks
outside the cities is deep and mysterious, where what that we inject a little gonzo pulp into the mix. It demands
happens in Philadelphia has minimal connection to what that paranoia is now not about what the Prince in this city
happens in Los Angeles (or London, or Shanghai). It’s a will do to you, but rather, what some unseen perpetrator
local game. A more intimate game. A game hemmed in 1000 miles away will do to you for unrealized crimes. The
by claustrophobic walls. conspiracies have a long reach, after all.

How You Wanna Play This?

The conspiracies can exist together or separate. We don’t necessarily recommend that they exist together with
their second-tier reflections (i.e. the Invictus existing in the same game world as the Prima Invicta), but hey, it’s your
game. You could do a mix, of course, creating a game world with, say, three regular covenants and two full-blown
conspiracies (Ordo Dracul, Lancea Sanctum, Circle of the Crone, the Commonwealth, and Prima Invicta, for example).
The other question is, if the conspiracies do exist together, then are they aware of one another? The Devil’s
Eye does its best to stay hidden, but the Covenant does not. If they know of one another, how do they feel? The
political factions won’t play nice together. The Commonwealth and Prima Invicta surely oppose one another. The
Mother’s Army and the Covenant are also at odds. The Devil’s Eye stays so far under the radar they probabl haven’t
pissed anybody off directly.

64 The Bonds Of Covenant

The Details New Roles: Each conspiracy has a couple new roles dif-
ferent from the second-tier iteration. These roles needn’t
Each covenant is now a conspiracy. With that in mind,
be bound to any particular Status dot level; the Storyteller
they get a new name, a new look, and some fresh mechan-
should determine if a character is right for the role, or if
ics to enforce their faceless and nigh-limitless nature.
the role is best served by a Storyteller character.
Each conspiracy gets the following information:
Secrets: These are conspiracies. They have secrets.
Overview: Open with a brief overview of the conspiracy.
Status: Members of each conspiracy gain bonuses for
Goals: What are the conspiracy’s overarching goals? belonging. These bonuses (often an experience point
Weakness: What weakness makes the conspiracy break) occur at one dot, three dots, and give dots.

The Commonwealth
Reform isn’t a four-letter word to the vampires of the Transportation, food supply, living arrange-
Commonwealth (sometimes called, “The Common- ments—all the elements of the urban and
wealth of Carthage”). No, these vampires mean suburban environment are purposefully
it. You can tell they mean it, because as they created with human convenience and func-
unroll blueprints across the table and fire up tionality in mind. The Commonwealth
Powerpoint presentation, they speak with wild wants to do that for vampires. They want
and fiery eyes, they speak with verve and zeal. to ensure that rail systems not only run all
Their hands clench so tight you can almost hear night but that they are designed for expedient
the hairline fractures forming along fingerbones. delivery of resources (meaning, blood to your front
They want change. Change they can really door in 30 minutes or less, or this one’s for free!). They
believe in. And change doesn’t just mean a new want bars open till sun-up. They want streetlights in
political model. Stopping at “one vampire, one certain places (makes the herd feel safe and doesn’t
vote” still keeps the old systems in place, be- inhibit feeding). They get people on city council
cause elder vampires with potent Disciplines and in the mayor’s office in the hopes of making
can endure that the reality ends up being “one this happen—but it doesn’t just need to happen
hundred vampires, one vote.” on the city level. They want it on the national,
No, what the vampires of the Commonwealth even global level. Fewer airline delays (which can
want is change across the board. They want a city be costly to a vampire). Light rail from city to city.
designed for them. They want a relationship with mortal Shipping containers allowed to pass easier inspection (hey,
beings. They want to incorporate the other supernatural those shipping containers might contain blood slaves).
denizens of the world (provided they can be properly con- Second, they want to obliterate the generational power
trolled and willing to contribute to the health of the process, gap between vampires—they show figures that demon-
of course). They want a revised—dare we say it, revamped— strate the gap between elder and neonate has never been
world where vampires are no longer just a parasite suckling wider. How do they seek to fix this? Democracy can go to
on the host body’s juices but are a symbiotic part of society. hell; socialism is the way forward. If everybody is on equal
It’s the only way to move forward. And anybody who footing and the unstratified society of the Damned seeks
does like it, well. You’re either with reform, or you’re against to bond together and provide for the whole, not just the
it, and if you’re against it, then you’re a obstruction. And individual. This means elders must act like neonates and
the only thing to do with an obstruction is to blow it sky neonates must be allowed to act like elders. Just to make
high to get it out of the way. sure everybody is on the up-and-up, this further means
that everybody should be drinking everybody else’s blood.
City meetings often verge on frenzy since this practice is
Goals enforced within the Commonwealth.
To say that the goals of the Commonwealth are ambitious Third and finally, they plan on tearing the collective
is like saying hurricane-force winds are breezy. scales from the eyes of the world and announcing them-
First, they want cities designed to suit vampire needs. At selves to the mortals. Yes, that means this conspiracy
present, cities are designed (obviously) for human needs. has as one of its goals the undoing of the Masquerade.

The Commonwealth 65
They’ve been planning for this for 20 years, seeding major inconvenient,” which is all well and good. But this goes be-
media outlets with slaves and servants. When the time is yond mere inconvenience and borders on outright suicide.
right, they plan on taking over every airwave, every social
media stream, every antiquated newspaper, and they plan New Roles
on “coming out” to the world.
Below you’ll find new roles for use within the Common-
Weakness wealth conspiracy.
They haven’t really thought this through. They push City Planner
ahead regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea. They
The Commonwealth has a host of city planners: vam-
move forward despite opposition from existing power
pires who take civil engineering and turn it toward the
structures, from other conspiracies, from mortal hunter
needs of the Damned. City planners are not prized for
groups. They just don’t care.
their social abilities or their physical skills but rather for
And that could be their downfall. They’re like the their utopian design of infrastructure meant to support
technology that moves too far too fast for moral or legal the Kindred and their nocturnal blood-feeding habits.
considerations. They want what they want and they It’s for this reason you’ll find a lot of Mekhet in this role
want it now; damn the consequences. Never mind that (but don’t discount the Nosferatu, who have their own
vampires can play well together, but most choose not to. subterranean perspective).
Never mind that revealing the entirety of the Damned to
mankind will probably cause the herd to stampede and Liaison
crush them beneath panicked boot (and wave after wave The Commonwealth sends liaisons out to mortal commu-
of Molotov cocktail). nities—be they charitable organizations, political groups,
The creatures of the Commonwealth say, “If you’re go- academic groups, military—to interface with them. They
ing to have principles then they must stand even when it’s don’t make clear their vampiric nature (not yet): no, the

66 The Bonds Of Covenant

goal at present is simply to make friends. The Common- Masquerade square in the nuts. “Yes, we’re vampires,
wealth wants to give people what they want—or, more yes, we’ve existed for millennia, and we want to be
important, what they need—so that when the time comes friends.” The arc always goes the same way. It starts
to reveal themselves to the world, they already have allies off sketchy, because who wants to be abducted and
on the inside who know that the so-called “monsters” of taken to a town built by monsters? But then it evens
the Damned are really just life-challenged humans. out. A little mental massaging, a little utopian reward,
See, when the Commonwealth finally decides to throw a friendly vampire neighbor or two. And then, just as
open the door and reveal their nature to the world, they things are looking good, everything goes to shit. The
don’t do it with the aim of overthrowing the mortal vampires feed too much, or the humans off a vampire,
dominance of the world. No, they want to integrate. They and tensions rise, and restrictions clamp down, and
want to belong. They want to act openly and freely and bigger walls go up, and next thing you know some
without fear. (Good luck with that, guys.) poor kid is Tasered in the town square and a coterie
of vampires can’t help themselves and frenzy on the
Steward teen and—well. That’s that. But they keep on trying.
It sounds nice, doesn’t it? “Hi, I’m a Steward for the Com- Somehow.
monwealth.” Except, it’s not so nice. Stewards are vampires • They have spies in every other conspiracy. They have
within the conspiracy that are in charge of the defense of to. They don’t do it to be aggressive, but rather because
the conspiracy’s ideals. And “defense” easily equates to “en- they want everyone on the same playing field. Really,
forcement,” and “enforcement” can often mean a boot on the Commonwealth loves its spies (though they call
the neck, a gun to the temple, or a stake through the chest. them “diplomats”).
The stewards are soldiers. They’re trained to be revo- • They’ve set a date for their “reveal.” They plan on tear-
lutionaries and act as insurgents; they fight dirty, and ing down the Masquerade on New Year’s Eve, calling
they fight in ways the existing power structure don’t it the “New Year’s Revolution.” They figure, everyone’s
understand (use of technology, use of dirty tricks, etc.). drunk. Everyone’s happy. It’s a new start! They’re sure
They’re the dark side of the Commonwealth. For the it’ll work out just fine.
most part, the zeal of the Commonwealth vampires is
driven by utopian ideals, however insane. The stewards Status
represent the way forward for such utopian ideals, mean-
• One dot of Status gives the vampire one automatic
ing that they must be gained on the end of a sword and
dot of Herd; the Commonwealth wants to “integrate” its
under a carpet of fire.
vampires with a mortal herd as early as possible.
••• The city planner is now willing to help the charac-
Secrets ter find a better Haven—any Haven Merit dots bought for
• They have towns. Whole towns in the middle of no- a brand new Haven cost half the experience points that
where. And the purposes of these towns? To integrate it normally would (round up).
human with vampire. They walled the towns off. They ••••• Your proximity to human beings allows you to
kidnapped whole populations and brought them there buy back Humanity dots more cheaply: new dots x 2,
in the hundreds (and in some cases, by a thousand now. (The Storyteller must find this buy-back appropri-
or more). And they told them the truth, kicking the ate, however.)

Gonzo Factor
You want to amp up the gonzo? Here goes:
• Those towns the Commonwealth keep? Yeah, one went south somewhere out of the desert and the tables were
turned—the humans revolted and offed their vampire “neighbors” and got loose. Now a group of humans are
out there, off-the-grid, and they know vampires are real. They’re building an army. An army of vampire hunters.
• Fuck it. It happened. The New Year’s Revolution is on. What now? How does mankind react? Is it like with V,
the television series? Or is it like when the Cylons revealed themselves to the humans in BSG? Is this Daybreak-
ers, where suddenly it’s all “human farms” and a receding blood supply? Or can mankind strike a final blow
against the Damned?

The Commonwealth 67
The Covenant
It’s like this: God and man have had several covenants To invoke the Rapture involves being the best
(by which we mean an agreement and not necessar- monsters they can possibly be. By ruining this
ily a vampire organization). Generally with each world in ways both small and profound, they are
covenant God comes down to speak to the clearing the way for the Final Battles of good
people—or, rather, to one individual. God versus evil.
first made a covenant with Abraham, Which means that, yes, this con-
then with Job, then through Jesus, spiracy is a very widespread and
then with Saul (who becomes entrenched apocalypse cult of the
Paul), then through Mohammed, living dead.
and potentially through Joseph
Smith. And with each covenant Goals
rises a new religion, or at least a new
flavor of an old religion. They’re an apocalypse cult, a group of
vampire Millennialists that want to be as
The vampires of the Covenant—note the
awful as they can be to the world in order to tip
ego it takes to call your entire group the covenant
the scales of evil over good so that good (in the form
when other covenants exist—believe that they
of God the Almighty Father) must come down to
have made their own pact with the Almighty, and
earth and clean up the mess and usher in a new world.
this pact transcends Judiasm, Christianity, Islam, and
Mormonism. This, unlike the Lancea Sanctum, is not a At the center of their argument is that throughout
new face on an old religion as much as it is a whole new history God allows evil to exist because evil is necessary.
offshoot of Abrahamic monotheism. God himself commits acts that are against the morality of
man and even against his own precepts (murder is wrong,
At its center is God, as always. Also at its center is the
except when God does it), and so they have at hand easy
notion that a vampire cannot be “saved” and made a part
proof that they are not the righteous servants of a good
of God’s plan unless he gives himself over bodily to one
God, but rather the diabolical servants of an angry God.
of the Covenant’s intermediaries, the priest-like figure
known as a Confessor (see below). What does being monstrous entail? At the simplest, it’s
corruption at the base human level. They enslave, abuse,
The tenets of the religion are not dissimilar to that
corrupt and destroy individual humans. But it must go so
of the Lancea Sanctum: the vampires still believe that
much further than that; they must set in motion events
they are God’s chosen predators, and that they are most
that help to undo the goodness of this world. An oil spill?
certainly part of God’s plan.
A train crash? A nuclear meltdown? A civil war? They
But here we start to see some deviation. They do not spur in motion anything that destabilizes and inspires
have Longinus as a central vampire figure, though they despair over hope.
do still tell his story as a parable. Rather, the Covenant
Beyond that, the second goal is conversion, and conver-
keeps as its Patron the Roman general known as Julius
sion is done through seduction and trickery rather than
Marius, the man who marched into Thebes and met an
outright threat or violence. It is far crueler to trick one
angel of the Lord and brought back with him the secrets
into accepting this awful mission, and so in doing so that
of Theban sorcery. He formed a new covenant with God,
way they further the concept of “God’s necessary evil”
a covenant that supersedes any put forth by mortal man
in this world.
before or after.
They also have at their center a strong salvational Weakness
notion: they believe that they cannot attain salvation at Their biggest weakness it that their behavior doesn’t
present due to their immortality—and Final Death does earn them any friends. This whole “screw over the entire
not open to them a way to Heaven. No, what will earn world” approach puts them at clear odds with any group
them salvation is the end of the world. that requires safety and stability to hunt without bring-
They seek to invoke the Rapture. They believe that by ing down the Masquerade (such as the Prima Invicta or
putting in motion the End Times, then Heaven will descend the Commonwealth), and also puts them at odds with
to Earth and God will rule here, and when that happens a group like the Mother’s Army, who are a matriarchal
the vampires will be allowed to join the ranks of the saved.

68 The Bonds Of Covenant

group supporting the Crone rather than a patriarchal
group supporting God the Father. At the second tier, a
group like the Lancea Sanctum works pretty well with
the Invictus. Here, though, the Covenant and the Prima
Invicta share few common goals.
Oh, the other weakness? Evil, even if performed in
the name of God, does little for a vampire’s Humanity.
A legion of monstrous blood-suckers who have a “divine
excuse” to do wrong in the world is not a safe or sane
group of individuals.

New Roles
Below are a few new roles to put in play if you’re using the
third-tier Covenant conspiracy.

It’s worth taking a moment to address the new (and
relatively simple) hierarchy of the Covenant. At the base
of the conspiracy are all the “lay vampires”—those who
belong and worship and pray to God. They are all blood
bound through Vinculum to a central figure in the city
known as the Confessor. The Confessor’s job is just as it
sounds: to worship in the Covenant one must do evil in
God’s name, but evil is still evil and thus it requires con-
fession to mitigate that evil. The Confessor hears those
confessions and absolves the vampire of his sins, allowing
him to continue on and do more evil.
The Confessor, having vampires bound to him, can also
tell them where to go, what to do, and how best to serve
the Covenant and God Himself. In each city is a single
chapel, and at the head of each chapel is a Confessor.
The Confessor is himself bound to one of the Council
of Thebes, a group of 100 vampires worldwide who are the
“Covenant Elders.” They are the “big picture” vampires—
they are less concerned with lesser corruption and more
interested in how to break the world apart at its seams.
They are the ones who put in motion the larger designs.
Above them is one figure, and to him they are bound:
The Patriarch (see below).

The Scrivener writes. Or, rather, transcribes. He sees
things in nightly unlife and copies them down as if they
are messages from God. He contributes these to the Con-
fessor who contribute them to the Council of Thebes and
they examine these prophecies to see if in them lies any
validity. It seems like nonsense, but this is really how the
Covenant gains its inspiration to bring fresh corruption
to the world. Those who are allowed to act as Scriveners
are seen as quite fortunate.

The Covenant 69
Patriarch • They have an Inquisition. Except, this Inquisition
works a little differently than one might expect: they
The Patriarch is always a man, and if you believe the
seek out those who are secretly striving to improve
stories, has been the Patriarch since the beginning (and
themselves and do good in the world (on purpose or
is supposedly Julius Marius himself). It’s a lie; since the
inadvertently), and they’re the ones who get put to the
Covenant’s origins in the third century, the Patriarch has
screws (and the ghouled biting maggots).
changed at least five times.
• There might just be someone above the Patriarch. Shh.
The Patriarch acts as pope, as father, as president. He
Don’t tell. But he’s basically the conspiracy’s own ver-
is no doddering elder, though; he is sharp, clear-headed,
sion of Jesus—they believe they have a vampire that is
and stridently political. He’s also wholly monstrous.
the dead form of God His Ownself. He’s like an, ohhh,
I dunno, let’s just call him an Anti-Christ.
• You know how the Catholic Church has its own city? Status
How it has the Vatican? Yeah, well, the Covenant
• The character may take a free Specialty in any Social
has its own vampire city, too—it can be wherever
Skill—remember, the Covenant use their words first and
you want, though we are fans of Prague as a choice, or
foremost to make evil happen in this world.
perhaps on Cyprus (and dare we suggest Thebes?). It’s
here that the Patriarch and a number of the Council ••• New Theban sorcery rites now cost only “level of
of Thebes dwell. It’s only vampires, their servants, the rite” in experience points.
and their herds. It’s reported to be a hedonistic blood- ••••• If the character loses a dot of Humanity, even
soaked hell-fired playground of evil—I mean, if you’re during play, that character gains five experience points.
doing evil in God’s name, you might as well go big or However, set those experience points aside—none of
go home. them may be used by the player to upgrade that character’s
Humanity score.

Gonzo Factor
Time to up the “gonzo factor” of the Covenant.
• God is real. Not just real—but, like, hanging around. That doesn’t mean the Mother can’t exist. Or Dracula. Or
Nergal or whoever else you want as part of the game. In fact, the more competition for God, the better. God
is a real figure, a massive character that the characters can see, touch, even interact with. And, for the record,
he’s as much of a psychotic Daddy Figure as you’d find in the worst parts of the Bible: knocking down cities,
asking people to kill their babies or slaughter bulls in his name.
• Hey, screw it, start the end of the world. The Covenant wanted that, and now they got it. Is it everything they
wanted? Probably not. It’s probably a lot worse. Heck, this could even transform into the apocalyptic scenario
in the Dead, Dread Chronicles chapter (p. 226).

70 The Bonds Of Covenant

Vampires don’t make good monsters. At least, that’s him, and most of the other restrictions have fallen away
what the members of the Devil’s Eye think. The like dry scabs. Problem is, the conspiracy doesn’t
Damned suit that name just fine; they are cursed and yet know how to replicate it. The Coils are the
bound to too many restrictions, too many anchors closest they can get to cracking the powers that
that keep them from realizing their full poten- Dracul possesses.
tial. Can’t go out in the sunlight. Addicted
to blood. Have to hide in shadows. And on Goals
and on. It’s like having a million-dollar sports
Their goal is to change the entirety of the vam-
car, but one wheel’s off, and it can only drive on
piric condition. They want vampires to be better
backroads, and if it doesn’t have gas in it every
monsters but also to be closer to humans (at least in all
day it freaks out and drives off a cliff.
the ways that count).
The Devil’s Eye has little interest in hewing to
Do they care about ley lines and Wyrm’s nests and all
such restrictions. Then want to take the shackles
that mystical stuff? Not really. In fact, they differ in a
off the vampiric condition and make them bigger,
number of ways when it comes to the Ordo Dracul:
better, faster, stronger.
First, nothing is permanent. Well, that’s the prob-
And they want to do it for every vampire out there.
lem, isn’t it? They want permanence. They want to
Even if every vampire out there doesn’t want the same
be eternal, truly eternal. Maybe nothing is permanent
right now, but if they have their way with their mad sci-
It works like this: they’re a very literal conspiracy ence and occult experimentation, it damn sure will be.
in that, few know anything about them. Oh, sure,
Second, change must have a purpose. No, not so much.
their name is whispered and bandied about, but the
Change is its own purpose if you ask the elders of the
misinformation (and disinformation) about them far
Devil’s Eye. Isn’t it enough to want to be different?
outweighs any of the truth.
To see the possibilities? To become something
They’re also markedly different from the other con- greater, stronger, stranger?
spiracies in this section in that they are fairly small, and
comprised almost entirely of elder vampires. Weakness
These elder vampires have one purpose: to exalt the As a conspiracy, they are a global organization—their doc-
vampiric condition and to eradicate any and all restric- tors operate in every city. But, while being a secret society
tions. This isn’t much different from what the Ordo and a hidden cult has its advantages, it also means that
Dracul would’ve wanted, no, but what’s different is how this conspiracy is not as big a player on the global stage.
they go about it: they abduct and experiment. Their power is relatively limited, at least until they manage
Well, they’re not going to try untested methods on to come up with some new Coils (not impossible) or solve
themselves, are they? Hardly. Instead, they capture neo- the entire curse of the Damned condition (far less likely).
nates (preferably) and ancillae (when necessary) and they
imprison them and brainwash them and experiment upon New Roles
them. Their techniques are a pastiche of “mad science”
and “occult magic.” Doctor
They count as their founder the same as the Ordo The doctors of the Devil’s Eye needn’t be actual doctors,
Dracul: Vlad Tepes, or Vlad Dracul, or Dracula, or the though quite a few were in their mortal lives. Some are
Dragon, or the Devil. They are his eye in this world, and scientists. Others are occult masters. Many are both—a
what they see, he sees. He’s still around and sometimes he kind of “sorcerer-scientist” cross-breed. The doctors are
even still visits and checks up on the experiments (per- almost always elders (and with that come all the mad-
formed in hospitals, sewer tunnels, asylums, abandoned nesses of being an elder), and are the ones who choose
factories, wherever they can hide and get away with such what procedures to try and what direction the Devil’s Eye
atrocity). Thing is, Dracul doesn’t consider himself a should take their experimentation. The doctors report
vampire anymore. He thinks he’s transcended that. In directly to the head of the conspiracy, Dracul himself.
fact, he can walk out in the day time, stakes don’t bother

The Covenant 71
Good Patient
Not every “patient” of the doctors turns into someone
that supports the conspiracy tooth and nail. Admittedly,
most don’t meet Final Death under the experimentation,
but many are scarred mentally, if not physically, from the
procedures. Some vampires are kept for decades, and some
are thrown out onto the rain-slick streets only a few weeks
later. Some, however, stick around for a lot longer. These
are referred to as “Good Patients,” as they are patients who
experience conversion to the conspiracy’s motivations and
methods. These initiates become proselytes for the group
and are effectively brainwashed. They cease to be actual
patients for the most part and become servitors for the
group. They might be soldiers, or they might just be gophers.

Devil’s Tooth
The Devil’s Tooth are the abductors of the conspiracy.
The doctors each have access to a handful of these vam-
pires, and they’re usually quite capable (and are sometimes
the childer of the elder doctors). They’re the ones who
find, hunt, and capture the proper Kindred for experimen-
tation. The doctors give them their ‘prescriptions,’ and
the Devil’s Tooth vampires fill that prescription.

• The doctors have access to a whole other wealth of
strange Coils that are as-yet-unreleased for general
consumption by the vampires of the conspiracy. These
Coils include things like the Coil of Flame, of Human-
ity, and of Fear.
• These are not, by the way, the Coils of the Dragon.
They’re the Coils of the Devil. The Devil—really,
Satan, Lucifer, whatever you want to call him—is
a spiritual patron to this organization. They don’t
literally believe in the Devil, exactly (though Dracul
may differ on that), but they see Lucifer as a powerful
metaphor. He went against God’s own restrictions, he
sought light in darkness, he was made a monster for
his transgressions and is forever looking to surpass his
own permutations and leave Hell.
• Dracul sometimes checks on operations directly; mem-
bers of the conspiracy never know when he may show
himself. He is an active leader, and walks amongst
his people frequently. He also has an active hand in
aiding the doctors and even going out on “runs” with
the Devil’s Tooth abductors.

• The player should choose either the Occult Skill or
the Science Skill for her character when that character

72 The Bonds Of Covenant

joins the conspiracy. This Skill is now considered an As- ••••• The character is gifted at learning or creating
set Skill and she gains one free Specialty in that Skill for Devotions. If the character is learning a pre-existing
every dot of Conspiracy Status purchased. Devotion, she can take three experience points off the
••• Increasing the Coils of the Devil (mechanically cost of that Devotion. If she is creating her own (perhaps
the same as the Coils of the Dragon from the Requiem using the new Devotion system found on p. 202 of the
corebook) now costs only new dots x 5. following chapter) she can cut that experience point cost
in half (round up).

Gonzo Factor
• What if something really weird is going on? What if the members of the Devil’s Eye don’t really know what
they’re doing? Maybe they’re all dupes of Dracul, or maybe Dracul is duped by some other shadowy figure. By
destroying the curse of the Damned, are they really unlocking something awful? Are they destroying the Seals
of the Apocalypse? Are they spitting in God’s eye and earning his world-drowning wrath? Are they secretly
helping to awaken the Crone Mother? Are they actually unlocking the chains that keep the Devil bound to Hell?
• The conspiracy unveils its latest secret: they have a surprising host of Princes operating as Good Patients or doc-
tors. That’s right; the cloth drops and the curtain parts and suddenly a number of major global power-players
turn out in favor of the now-not-so-secret Devil’s Eye conspiracy.
• Finally, what happens if it works? What happens if they remove some or all of the restrictions? What happens
when vampires can walk out in the daylight? And they can breed without fear of repercussion? And fire no
longer harms them? They could become like gods among mere mortals. The balance would shift. Would the
Devil’s Eye teach these new uber-Coils only to its members? Or would the curse for all vampires fall away like
dead skin?

The Mother s Army
This is what you’d call a hot war. It’s brutal. It’s a vampire whose only fate is the howling flames of the
bloody. It’s on till the break of dawn. sacrificial pyre. The Mother likes vampires
The Mother’s Army knows that the however she can get them: as soldiers or as
Crone is real, and that she birthed sacrifices.
vampires. They know she’s not The second is, awaken the Mother’s
human, she’s not vampire, and children. The Mother created the
she’s something altogether Kindred from her own monstrous
weirder and worse. They know flesh and blood, and those children,
all this because she’s out there. like her, are sleeping. They must
Somewhere. Sleeping beneath first be roused from torpor. These
the earth—maybe in a glacier, children—often called the Igigi, or
maybe beneath the seared desert the “second gods”—are sometimes
sands, maybe at the tippy-top of thought to be the clan founders, though
some impossible mountain. And from nobody really has any evidence for that
her earthen barrow she whispers. She (and the Mother’s whispers indicate that at
whispers to anybody and everybody that’s least thirteen such children lay slumbering,
taken a taste of her blood. Which, by the way, is every which obviously outnumbers the extant clans by more
vampire within this covenant. than double).
So—why a war, exactly? Because the Mother demands The third is, learn all the Mother’s secrets. Nobody knows
it. The Mother will only awaken and lead her people exactly what this means, though the Crone delights when-
through the long dark night when conditions are right. ever the conspiracy discovers a new Crúac rite. (How can
And one of those conditions is to get the rest of the they tell she’s delighted? Because she screams and howls
Damned on her side. She wants them all to take a taste and gibbers in what could only be described as a “fren-
of her blood. Any who will not submit to this must be zied paroxysm of ecstasy.” And yes, every member of the
cut from the cloth and cast into the fire—and fire is a conspiracy hears this in their minds and in their Blood.)
very powerful motif for this conspiracy. Fire cleanses. Fire So, it’s easy to assume that once the conspiracy learns all
burns. Fire is the tribulation, the forge on which power her lost rites, then that is the third piece of the puzzle.
is hammered strong. Of course, you know what happens when one assumes...
So many vampires believe so many silly things: they
believe in God, they believe in democracy, in royalty
and transcendence. It’s all a precious waste of time. The
only thing that matters to the vampires of the Mother’s Wait. They Drink the Crone’s Blood?
Army is the Beast and the Blood, for those two things You said it. It’s the first Crúac rite a member of the
Mother’s Army learns:
are the gifts the Crone has given them. The things that The Mother’s Touch
make them special. (Level-One Crúac Ritual)
The vampire expends two points of her own Vi-
tae into a proper vessel (often an animal’s bladder;
Goals the vessel must be organic) and then mixes into the
Every goal the Mother’s Army keeps supports the ultimate blood a series of reagents in small portion: clay, me-
dicinal herbs, animal fur, animal blood, the blood
uber-goal, which is to awaken the Crone Mother herself. of a human child, and the tears from a human
She is their foul and glorious progenitor, and when she mother. The vampire then prays over the vessel for
arises she will tear the curses afflicting the Damned one hour, and then consumes it. The blood, prior
to consumption, transubstantiates into the blood
asunder and change the world by destroying it. of the Crone. Once the vampire drinks this blood,
Three goals support this end result. she begins to hear the occasional mad whispers
(usually once per night) of the slumbering Mother.
The first is, get everybody on board. Nobody’s allowed to She does not regain her two points of spent Vitae.
slip the leash. Any vampire that isn’t willing to drink the
blood of the Mother and accept her whispers in her ear is

74 The Bonds Of Covenant

They’re a big conspiracy, unlike the much smaller Devil’s
Eye (p. 71), but that doesn’t mean they’re particularly
effective. Some of the other more human conspiracies
thrive because they contain themselves or find proper
vents. The Mother’s Army does no such thing. They
accept their own awfulness and seek to be the monsters
the Crone desires. Yes, they still support “creation” and
tend to mad gardens and raise little battalions of ghoul
servants, but none of this really goes toward keeping their
human sides dominant.
As such, they’re pretty monstrous. Lower Humanity is
not uncommon. Frenzy is a feature to them, not a bug.
And this is a weakness. They work because of their brute
force (imagine a tide of army ants and you get how they
swarm), but that doesn’t give them finesse or intelligence;
strategic thinking is often drowned in a bathtub.

New Roles
What follows are three new roles for use within the
Mother’s Army.

If you were to think of these vampires as “psycho-pagan
ecstatic archaeologists,” you’d not be far from the mark.
These Damned of the Mother’s Army have a single pur-
pose: to find the secrets of the Mother and the slumbering
Igigi and unearth them. They are equal part “globe-
trotting academic” and “frenzied vampire clawing at the
earth with callused fingers.”

The Persephone—or “maiden”—is meant to be equal
parts “recruitment tool” and “sacrificial lamb.” This
is how the Persephone works: the conspiracy selects
a vampire (often a female, though not necessarily)
to go amongst the other vampires and convert them.
She is meant to be non-violent, beautiful, even seduc-
tive. She walks among the other Kindred and seeks to
bring them over to the other side—always with honey,
never with vinegar. It rarely works out. Someone usually
takes advantage of her. Often enough she ends up on
the wrong end of a beam of sunlight. And that’s okay.
Because when the carrot fails, it’s time for the stick; the
maiden perishes, then the conspiracy has full license to
send in its howling throngs to tear out the throats of
the obstinate. What’s fascinating is, wise vampires know
the deal with the Persephone and thus choose to treat
her well and not provoke the “stick” reaction. But that
means the Persephone has time to work her magic and
seduce other vampires over to the Mother’s side. So,

The Mother,s Army 75

by not dispatching her, they’re potentially allowing the sealed. And each mystically-sealed box is hidden at
Trojan horse to open. the center of a dangerous subterranean labyrinth. If
you’re thinking, “Vampire: The Requiem dungeon
The Anakim crawl,” then you’re right on the money.
The Anakim are the “children of the Igigi,” or more eas- • Who said that Crúac needed to stop at level five ritu-
ily thought of as the grandchildren of the Crone herself. als? This is the third tier we’re talking about. If you’re
Obviously, a lot of these vampires remain in torpor, too going to accept the notion of a Mother’s Army, you
(and most of them are over a thousand years old, though might as well grow comfortably with the fact that
from time to time the Igigi have awakened over the years this conspiracy has access to some incredibly potent
and sired younger childer), but a great number are awake blood magic.
and serve the Mother’s Army in various forms. Some are
wild siroccos of violence, where others are mad oracles. Status
• Upon joining, the vampire gains an automatic two-
Secrets dot Mentor within the conspiracy (though the player may
• Of the thirteen Igigi, five are already awake. And oh, choose to increase the dots on this Mentor with experi-
are they wretched, mad creatures. Creatures this close ence points); the conspiracy does not let its vampires exist
to being wholly inhuman. Creatures with unending in a vacuum. They are all connected and must learn the
power. Every one of these “second gods” that awakens ways of the Mother.
gives the Mother’s Army an additional edge. ••• Purchasing new blood magic (Crúac rites) now
• The Mother’s Army doesn’t know it yet, but the costs the vampire the level of the ritual only (as opposed
Mother isn’t buried in one location. She’s in seven to level x 2).
different locations. In this way, her body is like Osiris; ••••• You have earned the Mother’s favor; her Blood
torn asunder and kept separate. Each “part” of her pumps within your own, and her whispers give you power.
is locked away in a box. And each box is mystically Purchasing Blood Potency now costs new dots x 6 in
experience points.

Gonzo Factor
You want to up the gonzo factor found in the Mother’s Army?
• Imagine that they’ve uncovered all the blood rites of the Crone. All of them. And imagine that these rites give
them immense powers: the ability to boil blood, the ability to enthrall others and form Vinculum with but a
glance, the ability to turn the oceans to blood, and so on. Can the other conspiracies band together to stop
the swift and sudden rise of the Mother’s Army?
• The Mother is awake. Yeah. Uh-oh. And turns out, she’s a thousand miles from human. She damn sure doesn’t
look human. Instead, she looks like some massive Wyrm—a thing that is half-dragon, half blind serpent. Or
maybe she looks like some other flesh-shifting chimera. Or maybe she’s a giant specter formed out of animated
blood. Either way, she’s out, and the members of the conspiracy had no idea what they were conjuring.

76 The Bonds Of Covenant

Prima Invicta
This isn’t the New World Order. It’s the Old World
Order. It’s the shadow vampire government. It’s
ming around in the pond. But those who served well, or
those who can only serve well with the right power,
blood banks too big to fail. well, they need to be taken over and turned.
The Prima Invicta are the entrenched This gives them a damn good spread.
vampire estate, a conspiracy of the And yes, it really means they’re every-
Damned that pierces every layer of where, like roaches or the common
mortal and Kindred society. Ever cold. Big banks? Universities? The
seen a dog’s heart taken over by FBI? The CIA? Microsoft and Apple?
heartworms? It’s like that. Worms Anywhere money, blood and sin
wriggling unseen in the heart of can get them influence, they take
the animal. it. They take it even if they don’t
Whereas the Invictus saw themselves need it because this is about the long
as sharks (swim forward or drown), the con, the big game, and what they don’t
vampires of the Prima Invicta view need tonight they might need tomorrow
themselves as sleeping lions (put yourself night, or ten years from now.
in the right place and wait for the gazelle It also means you can’t really escape
to come traipsing by). Really, though, they’re like them. You fuck with the Prima Invicta—hell, you
tumors: fat sacks of blood in the worst places possible, say “boo” about them—and they’ll know. They’re a
positioning themselves so they get a Herculean dose of faceless majority. They’re the Body Snatchers with robust
the body’s blood supply. They’re a cancer. bankrolls. They can make anything happen.
And, like cancer, they’re everywhere.
This is how it works: they call it “The Great Chain of Goals
Being.” The offer, when it goes out, is simple: “Do you They want it all. They want to be the rulers of the Danse
want to belong to the Great Chain? Do you want the Macabre. But why?
things you could never have before?” They appeal to They have all kinds of reasons they tout publically: “It’ll
desire. To sin. To need. make the Masquerade impenetrable,” or, “We are driven
They push on those pressure points. They find the to be the top-most predators of the top-most predators,”
right people in the right places, and they turn them. or they spout off some bullshit about the Great Chain and
They turn them in one of three ways: the tilt, the twist, how they deserve what they can take and so they take
or the takeover. everything and blah blah blah.
The tilt isn’t much more than your everyday run-of- Really, though, it’s this: they’re vampires and they want
the-mill carrot-and-stick (coupled with a liberal dash to get away with whatever they want. They want to fuck,
of magical head-tinkering). The CEO’s secretary has a kill, and eat, and not always in that order. And having
gambling debt? Pay it off and earn a favor. The police absolute control and possessing deep penetration into
commissioner has a thing for teenage girls? You can make all strata of society (live and undead) guarantees them a
that happen—or, at least, fuck with his head enough so rather profound safety net. If you own the lawmakers, if
he thinks it happened. you control the money, if you become the authority, then
The twist goes bigger. The victim needs blood. Your you have ultimate permission.
blood. Enough to hook him at first, and if need be, enough That’s really what they want.
to make him a forever thrall (“forever” meaning, “until he And earning that permission means taking over the
no longer has value, at which point he’s a garbage bag full world. Anybody who goes against them either learns to
of bloodless body parts”). Sometimes, you need to make join the team real fast, or faces the brunt of an unending
some of them really loyal, and your sticky red stuff is just wave of conspiratorial turns (wife gets killed, money goes
sublime enough to make that happen. bye-bye because it was really just numbers on a computer
Third comes the takeover. Sometimes, you have no other screen, kids go missing, herd turns on you, cops come
choice: the target needs to die and be reborn as one of your looking, property gets rezoned, you’re on the no-fly-list,
own. Low on the ladder, of course—just a minnow swim- you’re on the no-get-to-live list, and on and on).

Prima Invicta 77
It’s good being the king. It’s not even that bad
being the lap-dog of the king. Of course, it’s being
the lap-dog of the lap-dogs that starts to grate...

First: they’re too big. No, really. Look at any big
government—say, for instance, the United States.
Nobody “up top” really knows what the fuck is
going on at the bottom tiers. Sure, every member
of the Prima Invicta is supposed to have his own
little network of tilts, twists and takeovers (and in
this way the conspiracy is equal part neo-feudal
organization and pyramid scheme as everybody
kicks up tithed blood and power to those above
them), but that also means it’s a richly discon-
nected network. The right hand doesn’t realize
that the left hand is plotting to cut it off.
And there’s your second problem: incest and
treachery run rampant. Everybody is fucking
everybody else, both in the good way and the bad
way. It’s not a hive of like-minded bees. It’s a wide-
spread organization of free-thinking monsters.
Does that sound like a good idea? Does that seem
like the paragon of efficiency? Everybody’s trying
to claw their way to the top while kicking down
hard to keep their “lessers” right where they are.
Everybody’s a pawn. Nobody’s a knight.
Third and finally: the pawns don’t like being
pawns. And the ones who are really low on the
totem pole sometimes get toothy about having a
boot in their face and a fang in their necks. The
conspiracy is rife for a rebellion—and, once in
awhile, it even happens. Of course, the tables turn
but in the end it’s just new faces at the top and
bottom, but the top and bottom are still firmly
Plus, the conspiracy keeps itself safe (relatively)
from all of this by promising just enough comfort
and sameness. Nobody likes to rock the boat. And
nobody wants to bring the whole thing crashing
down on their heads.

New Roles
Below are three new roles found in the Prima
Invicta conspiracy.

Hey, sometimes the system gets busted. Things
get broken. It’s a complicated web, and once in a
while, someone goes rogue, someone gets uppity,
something goes awry.

78 The Bonds Of Covenant

Enter the fixer. The fixer is a globe-trotting vampire And how does it work, exactly? How does the Emperor
(though, honestly, the role is often assigned to a whole coterie serve if this is a prison sentence as much as a political
rather than a single vampire), and he goes wherever he needs position? Remember the flock of vampires fucking with
to go to clean up the mess. Different fixers have different the Emperor’s head? They’re the power behind the throne.
skills, and again this is why a coterie of fixers is preferable They number nine, this flock, and they change with every
to a lone individual—each can bring a toolbox of abilities Emperor. They are chosen by the mightiest kings and in
(head-shrinking, claw-ripping, shadow-hiding) to the table. return get to choose the new Emperor. And they fold,
They negotiate. They mind-rape. They dispose of bod- spindle and mutilate that poor bastard into doing what
ies. They appease. they want and issuing their proclamations.
And yes, they kill. Whenever a part of the mighty spi- It doesn’t always work out so well. The last Emperor—
der’s web gets torn asunder, one or several fixers show up Empress Serena Svadosky, diablerist of the nastiest
to patch the silk. It’s for this reason that a fixer is some- order—broke free from the nine and made them all
times known as a “spider,” though this is often considered “disappear.” It’s rare, of course, but it can happen. And
derogatory slang. that’s okay that it happens. Any Emperor who breaks the
shackles deserves to serve, doesn’t he?
King (or Queen)
Every city has its Prince. And every nation has its King. Secrets
Okay, it actually gets a little fuzzy—North America • They have competition. From among mortal conspira-
has one king, but South America has over 10 (with 13 cies. Vampires think they’re the only monsters with
nations), and the lines of a king’s domain don’t always power—hey, fuck that. Humans have been doing this
correspond to actual national boundaries. for just as long, and they can go out in the daytime.
Still, it’s a good guideline. What does a king do and how Bilderberg? Illuminati? The International Banker Jesuit
does he differ from a Prince? Obviously, the king watches Templars? They’re out there, conspiring in their star
over a far larger swath of territory. The king makes procla- chambers, and they’re not happy about this group of
mations that ideally ripple throughout the entire territory fanged assholes trying to take a bite out of their pie.
(though kings given over to slothfulness may not actually (FYI: the conspiracies of Hunter: The Vigil make
enforce those laws). Every king, like every Prince, is his excellent competitors.)
own creature. Some are monomaniacal control freaks and • Every good conspiracy has another conspiracy nestled
bring the hammer down on every indiscretion. Others are within it, and the Prima Invicta are no different. This
just figureheads—and happy to be figureheads. Some see sub-rosa conspiracy calls itself the Black Estate, and
being such a figurehead as a reward for centuries of work. is doesn’t give one whit about mundane power. It
All the blood, money and power that trickles upward to thrives on occult power, and it believes in names and
the king is a delicious dessert. information exist true supernatural control. The more
Emperor connected they can make the vampires of the Danse
Macabre, the easier it is to gain their names and hold
One world, one emperor. If the Prima Invicta one day their souls and make the whole of Kindred society
conquer the moon, maybe they’ll manage a second em- dance to their beat.
peror, but for now? It’s one and done.
• The most recent Emperor is said to be a shape-chang-
The role of Emperor—or Empress—is not a gift. It’s ing shadow-hiding faceless criminal who—with the
not a reward. approval of his (or her) nine handlers—walks amongst
It’s a punishment. Those who have committed the kings, princes, even neonates, and reports back.
grandest crimes against the Prima Invicta run the risk of
being placed in this most unenvious of positions: a cack- Status
ling flock of Harpies and Princes and ancient socialites
groom the new Emperor with an unending dose of mind- • You gain a free Specialty in Politics or Subterfuge
twisting Disciplines and threats. (choose one).
It’s a sentence. The Emperor does an amount of time ••• Buying dots in either the Dominate or Majesty Dis-
based on the severity of his crimes. (It’s usually between ciplines costs less now due to the fact that the conspiracy
10 years and 100, though stories tell of a single Emperor has so many within the group willing to teach: the cost
who stood vigilant over his empire for the first thousand is new dots x 4 if the Discipline is in-clan, and new dots
years after the fall of Rome.) x 5 if the Discipline is out-of-clan.

Prima Invicta 79
••••• At this stage, the world is the vampire’s blood- 1 experience point per dot. No multiplication necessary:
filled oyster. She can have pretty much anything she going from four dots in Resources to five dots would cost,
wants with minimal effort: any Social Merits now cost yes, just one little experience point.

The Gonzo Factor

Want to get gonzo with it?
• Assume that the Prima Invicta control anybody worth controlling. They have shackles on the POTUS, on the
British PM, on Osama bin Laden and Oprah Winfrey.
• Play with an alternate world: the symbols of the Prima Invicta are hidden everywhere: on the Masonic facade
downtown, on our money, as one of the trademark symbols of a major television network.
• What happens when they’re exposed? What happens when the massive conspiracy cannot find the one little
leak—the one whistleblower that slips through the cracks—and the whole thing is ruined? They can’t Domi-
nate the entire known world. What happens is: they go on a rampage. Their empire is exposed, and so they
use their most powerful human allies to clamp down on the herd and create total tyranny... out in the open.
Blood camps? Giant body choppers? Nazi-esque uniforms? Fuck it, why not?

80 The Bonds Of Covenant

Brethren of the
Hundred Faces
What makes you yourself? Is there any factor
that, if removed, would obliterate your Members
identity? Or is ‘identity’ so amorphous Many who seek out the Brotherhood of
and vague that it’s only a convenience, the Hundred Faces are introverts, navel-
a label bandied about by lazy thinkers? gazers who turn inward for answers to
Is it your beliefs? If so, does that the haunting questions of “what have
mean a man who converts from Juda- I become?” and “what do I do now?” If
ism to Christianity has become an the covenant hadn’t found some very
entirely different person? Is he truly concrete and practical strategies for
‘born again’ even if he still beats his managing the Requiem, they’d be a
wife and cheats his business partners? tiny sub-sect of hermits, quietly getting
Perhaps it’s your experiences, your off on acknowledging inner deadness.
unique memories? But if that’s so, does But the Facers have their Hundred
that deny humanity to amnesiacs? Do we Masks, a program for dealing with the
cease to be ourselves when asleep? Are we Beast that (just incidentally) gives the
less human when we’re too distracted to recall covenant leaders a presence that Majesty can’t
this event or that one? duplicate and a form of durability that Resilience
No, there’s something more. Identity is spiritual. The can’t provide. That juicy plum draws an entirely differ-
soul shapes belief, interprets experiences, guides every ent crowd, a group of ambitious go-getters who would
action, is stained by wrongdoing and cleansed by righ- thrive as piranhas in the Invictus fishbowl, along with
teousness. Your soul is your identity. philosophers-of-the-deed who’d make fine Dragons if
And when you die, your soul goes away. Even if you they were willing to be called ‘slave’ and spend a decade
keep walking around, believing, remembering and drink- bowing and scraping to some funerary tutor.
ing blood. The intellectual snobs match uneasily with the arrogant
greed-heads, but at least neither has to deal with the kind
Overview of idealist-by-denial who thinks vampires can make a posi-
tive difference for mortals or for the world. Facers are in it
As a vampire, you don’t have a soul. Deal with it. for themselves, pure and simple. It’s just their definition
You are stripped of something essential, running on fumes, of “self” that makes things polluted and complex.
momentum, and all the liveliness you can steal from the liv-
ing. It explains everything—the blood-need, the emotional Membership Privileges:
deadness and the descent into brutality. Those covenants
who think the Beast is some primal nature-god have it exactly My Conscience Is My Pilot
wrong: The Beast is just the biological programming of the When a vampire is overwhelmed by her circumstances,
human body, bursting free when the restraints of the immortal she runs the risk of falling prey to the Beast. If she’s too
soul cut loose. weak, her instinctive hunger bites bleeding chunks out
Say it. Say “I have no soul.” C’mon. of her humanity until she’s a draugr, a conscienceless
Isn’t it kind of a relief? creature of bloodshed.
Sure, it’s a shitty fate, but pissing and moaning isn’t un- The Facers can’t silence the Beast, but they can give it
ringing the bell, putting the juice back in the orange or re- competition. Those who undergo the Brethren’s Alignment
attaching your soul with tiny little nails. Instead of denying (see p. 84) have a second personality (called a ‘Pilot’) over-
reality (like some covenants one could mention) we face laid on top of their own, like a double-exposed portrait.
reality. That’s the real reason we’re called Facers. The Pilot is a copy of the beliefs and behaviors of one
Well, that and the blended identities. But don’t worry of the 100 elders of the covenant, the ironically-named
about those yet. “Consciences.” The stronger an individual’s Humanity,
the harder it is for the Pilot to communicate. But as the

Brethren of the Hundred Faces 81

individual’s personality disintegrates (through failing ent to get a young art student to come look at his etchings,
Humanity), the Pilot becomes more and more prominent. but not to use Majesty or any other supernatural power.
If the original personality—the ‘Captain’—weakens, the
voice of the Pilot becomes clearer and more influential, Humanity 0: The Captain’s Abandoned Ship
eventually nearing parity. Should the Captain fail, the The Conscience persona takes over completely, and the
Pilot takes over forever. physical transformation is complete. The character is now
a “Faxist,” as described on p. 85.
Humanity 8-10: Sailing Solo
At the upper reaches of Humanity, the connection to the Dangerous Waters: The Pilot and Frenzy
Pilot is so weak that it manifests only as the occasional mo- The greatest benefit of the Pilot is that it’s always there
ment of deja vu or of a mild interest in something like opera, when the Captain needs it most, to help with a struggle
French pop music of the 1960s or the fate of Manchester that other Kindred face alone. The Pilot is in the char-
United. Only the hobbies and preferences of the Pilot are acter’s corner when the Beast starts howling.
leaking through, and those hints are easily dismissed. The character gets a +1 bonus to all Resolve + Compo-
sure rolls to resist frenzy, of any type. Pilots stand against
Humanity 5-7: Hearing Voices the Beast, not out of any morality or principle, but because
At Humanity 7, the voice of the Pilot can be heard as frenzies endanger a body that is of use to the Conscience.
an interior whisper in times of stress and struggle. Usually
it’s simple advice:”Are you sure?” “You’re too hungry, feed We Are All Mad Here:
first,” “You can’t trust a Crone.” At 6, the Pilot can be heard The Pilot and Derangements
whenever the character is nervous or uneasy, giving advice
If a character with a Pilot gets a mild Derangement, he
like, “You can trust your friend to mean well, but he’s weak,”
may choose to suffer from being Subsumed instead of
or “In the long run, that robbery is more trouble than it’s
taking one of the listed derangements in World of Dark-
worth.” The exact advice depends on the nature of the
ness or Vampire: the Requiem.
Conscience. At 5, the Pilot can easily comment on anything
the character does or thinks. It is a constant companion. Subsumed (mild): When the character has to put
himself at physical risk for gains that are purely moral,
Humanity 1-4: The Face Emerges ethical or of benefit to others and not himself, he might
At this level, physical alterations occur. At Humanity retreat from the challenge and permit the Pilot to steer
4, the character’s appearance shows subtle differences. him away. Roll his Resolve + Composure to keep him
Hair changes texture and color by a shade or two, skin on course. The character must be in a real danger of
lightens or darkens just a bit, the features shift in small injury, and it must be a selfless or virtuous act to prompt
but perceptible ways. The character may gain or shed up the Pilot to attempt such a coup. In other words, it has
to twenty pounds. to be an act that looks foolishly noble to a Conscience. It
has to be something that someone with a soul would do.
Humanity 3 is extreme. If the Captain and Pilot have
different genders, the character becomes an androgyne, or Effect: If the roll fails, the Pilot takes over. The primary
a hermaphrodite with both pairs of genitals in small and personality can still experience the body’s sensations,
unformed shapes. Even if the sexes match, the changes but is only a passive observer as the Pilot gets to safety
are now visible to even casual view, unless the host and in the most expedient way possible. Leaving a friend to
the Conscience were already very similar in appearance. die (a frequent trigger for subsumption) may prompt the
character to make a Humanity check. Luckily, it’s be one
At Humanity 2, the character is evenly divided be-
with the Pilot cheering him on.
tween his original appearance and that of his guiding
Conscience, while at Humanity 1 he could be mistaken If the character would receive a severe derangement,
for his Conscience. Even his friends would need a close he may choose Multiple Personality with his Pilot as the
look if they’d last seen him with high Humanity. alternate persona. If this is the case, when the Pilot takes
over, the character passes out and knows nothing until
On the plus side, at Humanity four and less, the Pilot’s
he once again takes control.
task memory can come through, with a little effort. By
spending a Willpower point, the character can, for a scene,
gain the Conscience’s Skill rating for mundane actions. Philosophy
This means if your Conscience was a master seducer with While the Brethren have a direct, arguably coarse ap-
a high Persuasion Skill, the Captain can borrow that tal- proach to undeath, they do operate on some principles.

82 The Bonds Of Covenant

Sure, they’re (paradoxically) self-interested even as they
deny they have full self-hood, but they don’t go out of
their way to be assholes. Stay out of their way and they
have no reason to put a boot on your face. They survive,
pursue what pleasures they can, and leave the pursuit of
‘total social control’ or ‘liberation’ or ‘enlightenment’ to
the losers stuck in denial.

Ethics Beyond Sin and Virtue

Whatever esprit vital served as a moral guidepost in life
is gone in the Requiem. Sins won’t send vampires to hell.
Good deeds won’t bribe St. Peter and get ‘em into heaven.
They have tonight and when they cease, there’s no ‘more.’
Is this a license to kill wantonly? Sure, if you want
Masquerade hassles. Kindred still have an urge toward
self-preservation. (If they don’t, the Brethren heartily
encourage suicide. It reduces competition.) But there’s no
obligation to be evil. Do what helps you, keeping a broad
perspective in mind.
‘Right action,’ absent a spiritual scoreboard, means
making yourself comfortable.

Broad Materialism
With ‘comfort’ as an value, the Facers can sink into lazi-
ness, but most don’t. The compulsion to seek blood, and
pushy other covenants ensure that sustenance takes work.
But at least the Facers are working toward things that
matter. Their prizes are met needs and desires.
A good blood supply gets you through emotional crisis
better than smugness gets you through starvation. Get
your herd and haven squared away, and then worry about
what other licks are doing.
The older and stronger a Facer becomes, of course, the
more “ensuring comfort and security” encompasses. Deal-
ing with others within his covenant is enlightened self-
interest when he may need their help some day, or enjoy
their friendship. (Sure, it’s questionable whether soulless
beings can really ‘love’ or ‘trust,’ but if the illusion brings
pleasure, why spoil it?) Interactions with outsiders are
often unavoidable, and if their behavior is unpredictable
because they’re confused about their spiritual lacunae,
the sensible thing is to pay more attention and stay on
their good side.

Strangle Your Dreams

Redemption is impossible. Your soul is gone. The process
of mourning is painful, so get it over as quickly as possible.
Lingering in denial for centuries makes you a wet, mopey
danger to everyone around you. Strangle that false hope
of ‘Golconda’ right now. You are not going to clean up
crime in your neighborhood, or rid the system of injustice,

Brethren of the Hundred Faces 83

or take down the corrupt phallocentric hegemony. The Pilots have no innate contact with the Conscience.
absolute pinnacle of Kindred accomplishment is to be well It’s like the difference between a document on a word
fed, safe, and to hurt as few people as possible. Aiming processor and a printout. The printout (or Pilot) doesn’t
higher than that is a recipe for humiliation and tragedy. change just because the document on the computer gets
If you hear stories about ‘virtuous vampires’ uplifting updated. Your Pilot is a snapshot of the Conscience at
the downtrodden, they’re lies. Even if they aren’t, those the moment the blood was withdrawn. The Conscience
guys are rarer than megabuck lottery winners. Did you may change its opinions (though, given Kindred inertia,
ever win the PowerBall? Then you don’t get to be a ‘good that’s not likely) without the Pilot altering.
guy’ either. When it comes to good deeds, Kindred are Pilots’ skills are weak. Task memory is hard for Pilots.
eunuchs in the seraglio. You don’t have the equipment. The Conscience may have been an expert surgeon, but
until your Humanity hits 4, your Pilot is just too sup-
Rituals and Observances pressed to give you any help with first aid or medical
The Brethren of the Hundred Faces have no real ‘rituals.’ treatment. Pilots can’t access their full range of capabili-
Their observances emphasize pragmatism and the realpoli- ties until you’re gone.
tik of the free market. Even their peculiar blood manipula- Pilots have no Disciplines. Whatever gives Kindred
tion resembles a medical test more than a black Sabbath. their mystic powers, it can’t be jugged in pints of blood
and transfused.
Alignment Pilots’ knowledge is cloudy. Just as their ability to get
‘Alignment’ is the process of joining the covenant, and things done is hard to access with the host’s skills in the
it’s not cheap, easy or comfortable. The core advantage way, their memory of events from the Conscience’s life or
the covenant offers is leverage against the Beast, and that Requiem are shaky and imperfect as well—especially if
leverage comes in the form of the Pilot (described under the Conscience has gone through Torpor before the blood
“Membership Privileges,” above). was withdrawn. Until Humanity hits 4, the Pilot has only
To become a full member of the Brotherhood, one the sketchiest recollection of events before it got installed
must apply to the local Mentor and, if accepted, wait for in you. It may not feel like sharing, either.
a Medical Traveler to arrive. (In a large city, it’s possible So the big transfusion isn’t going to make you smarter,
that a Conscience might be in residence, but those cities more powerful or let you in on covenant secrets. You
are more likely to get a Medical Traveler sent for their don’t get beneficial side-effects. Other than the benefits
new members, as distant Consciences try to increase of becoming valuable to an old, cunning vampire with
their personal influence and keep an eye on the local agents spread far and wide.
honcho.) Travelers arrive by whatever means they can,
hauling along about seven quarts of frozen Vitae. This Staff Meetings
Vitae has been extruded by one of the Consciences, and Also known as “face time,” these are official meetings of
the new member gets their own blood completely drained, covenant members, convened by the local Mentor. She
then replaced by the thawed fluid of the Conscience. The may not be present: Often a staff meeting starts with her
problem is, the joiner has to be drained of every drop, saying, “You, you and you; Carthians are knocking our
down to the dregs. Some Travelers take care of this the racks on the North Side. Convene at 8:00 PM tomor-
old-fashioned way, siphoning by mouth. Others starve the row in the back room at Casa Maria and whip up some
newbie out and subdue him when he frenzies. Still others action proposals. I want at least three—one diplomatic,
show up in big semi trucks with massive centrifuges in one military, one with nonviolent confrontation. More
the back, machines set up to catheterize the heart and is better, list pros and cons.” Tradition, as handed down
then spin the fluids out at high RPMs. in burgundy binders thick with implication and vague
However it’s done, the new infusion always feels icy catch phrases, dictates that the Mentor set the time,
and invasive. Afterwards, the Facer feels a presence. The place and agenda.
process of meeting their new Conscience has begun. Complete staff meetings are held in secure Elysiums
with attendance mandatory, and that’s where the Fac-
What Can’t My Conscience Do For Me? ers hash out internal problems, make covenant-wide
announcements, celebrate promotions, introduce new
Having a second layer of resistance to the Beast is pretty members, and keep people up to date on any confusing
choice, but just how much does the Pilot know and un- physical transformations.
derstand? Not as much as one might hope, unfortunately.

84 The Bonds Of Covenant

Face Markets with their Conscience through email or telephone, mean-
ing that their actions are, at least tacitly, supported by
Face markets are open meetings of Brethren from which
one of the covenant’s ultimate masters. While Faxists
non-member Kindred are barred. Held in Elysium when
are barred from becoming Mentors, they often serve as
possible, they are simply pre-scheduled swap meets for
Medical Travelers, though only to transport the fluids of
favors and services. Some Facers even go so far as to set
their own Conscience.
up a table with a poster-board sign reading “Will Beat
People For Food” or “Windowless basement apt. w. halon fire/ Most Faxists start out extremely loyal to the Conscience
intruder suppression system in North Side suburb for sale or from whom they were copied, but it’s not uncommon for
trade” on it, but this is generally considered crude, even by them to envy their progenitor as they age.
lenient Facer standards. It’s a schmooze-fest, wheeling and
dealing for advantage in a refreshingly open and blatant
Medical Traveler
mercenary atmosphere. Medical Travelers deliver and administer the bioengi-
neered Vitae required for the Alignment of new members.
Many, if not most, are Faxists, but the Consciences usually
Monopolized Domains trust a strong individual (for whom they serve as Pilot)
Each Conscience is permitted one monopolized domain, over a weak Faxist. They may have no choice, as the
and sometimes they get more as concessions in negotia- road is dangerous for Kindred and the well-justified fear
tions with other Consciences. A monopolized domain is of hijack or corruption is ever-present when the precious
one where every Facer is given that Conscience as a Pilot. essence of a Conscience is being transported.
This gives those domains high coherence. Though the Medical Travelers, then, have to be tough, capable and
kinds of people who become Consciences are usually so trustworthy. But the turnover is high enough that Con-
competitive, their attitude is “I’ll butt-surf the other guy sciences often settle for less-than-ideal couriers. Service as a
even if he’s essentially myself.” Nonetheless, they close Medical Traveler is a good first step to becoming a Mentor.
ranks against outsiders with frightful speed.
Interestingly, any Facer with a different Pilot who comes Mentor
to a monopolized domain is immediately exiled—if not A Mentor is the local equivalent of a Lancea Bishop.
murdered outright. He’s the authority to whom the rest of the covenant
Often Consciences keep their original bodies, the defers. Mentors are locally elected in a process that the
source of the Pilot-installing blood, in strongholds in Consciences cannot directly influence, nor do Consciences
monopolized domains. But some don’t trust their Faxists have the authority to overturn appointments. But of
not to try to murder and replace them. course, depending on how eroded the original Human-
ity of local members is, various factions of Pilots may
Titles and Duties have a powerful influence on getting one of their own
appointed Mentor.
Faxist Mentors call meetings, set agendas, settle disputes and
The title’s a mocking combination of “facsimile” and often toss out business slogans like “My door is always
“Fascist,” carrying some meaning of each. A facsimile is open” or (even worse) “There is no ‘I’ in ‘Team’!” They
a duplicate or a clone. A Fascist is an authoritarian who can only be removed from office by (1) Torpor, (2) Final
subsumes the individual to the group. A Faxist, then, is Death, (3) falling into Faxism or (4) being promoted to the
one of the Brethren whose initial identity has been com- level of Conscience. That last option is by far the rarest,
pletely overwritten by one of the hundred Consciences. As and is always a cause for great celebration.
the influence of the Pilot grows, the host’s body changes
to resemble the Conscience’s form, but one is not a true
Faxist until the transformation is complete and the origi- The legendary “hundred faces” are vampires who have
nal personality is utterly gone. access to some sort of bioengineering process that can
imprint their essence upon their Vitae and communicate
Faxists occupy a curious position in the Brotherhood.
it to any vampire who replaces his blood with theirs. The
Many look down upon them as weak, since they no longer
weaker the recipient becomes, the more influence the
represent two minds locked together against the Beast but
Conscience can exert over her opinions and behavior
only one, abandoned by its Captain. But the Pilot that
(see p. 82). The oldest of the Consciences have armies
remains is one of the Hundred, and it pursues its original’s
of Faxist second selves, all over the world, acting in
agenda by instinct. Indeed, most Faxists are in contact

Brethren of the Hundred Faces 85

accordance with their values even if they aren’t taking vantages in resisting frenzy, and the growing unity of their
direct orders from the original. opinions makes them tough to beat. From the inside, there’s
(Naturally, Consciences hate one another.) a pushy, boiler-room startup aura around their meetings.
Entry is restricted, of course—it’s the hundred faces, “Sorry pal, the best havens are for closers. You do a little
not ‘as many goddamn faces as we want.’ The only way to better with your rack project and we’ll talk, ‘kay?”
become a Conscience is for one of the Hundred to meet If they’re a monopolized domain, all those factors are
Final Death. When that happens, a Mentor is voted in by multiplied.
the 99 who remain. If the dead Conscience was popular
(or well-tolerated or had lot of valuable alliances), they’re Face Brethren at City Level
likely to select someone who had the old Conscience as As Ancillae, the Brethren can be refreshingly free of
a Pilot, and also someone who was close to going Faxist. pretense, at least with other Kindred. “Yes! I want to use
But the desire to keep checks and balances between Pilots you! I want you to be my tool in this matter. But I keep
on the local level usually pressures locals to vote in Men- my tools clean, and at least the payment I offer is real, not
tors with high humanity, and once they’re in that position vague, new-age wishful thinking.” Metaphorically, they
they can arrange things to keep their Humanity intact (by may piss on your leg as much as everyone else, but at least
foisting risky and unpleasant shit duties on underlings, they don’t tell you it’s an unusually warm rain storm. They
through Staff Meetings). So if a new Conscience position keep their word to the extent that they value a reputation
opens up, it could be a real change. for square-dealing and their disdain for anything smacking
Of course, the Faxists of the dead Conscience may be of ‘higher purpose’ means they’re unlikely to take risks for
really, really pissed. moral, symbolic, or mystical gains. They’re often a bloc of
amoral swing votes, available to the highest bidder. Some
Attitude Towards Others of them even stay bought.
Carthians: Replace “justice” with “Jesus” and these guys
sound as ridiculous as Christianity. Face Brethren at the Top Tier
Circle of the Crone: Doubling down on ‘spooky’ doesn’t Once they’re jet-setting and dabbling in Secret Mastery,
make you a holy monster. Just a pain in the ass. the party line about small, attainable comforts starts to
Invictus: Their methods are solid, but their pretensions look disingenuous. At this level, the covenant looks less
to nobility spoil it all. like a comprehensive survival program and more like a
Lancea Sanctum: Their faith is a chain. Either you can pyramid scheme. Who’s at the top? Why, those Hundred
lead them by it or they’ll beat you with it. Faces. They’re right in the name.
Ordo Dracul: Their awesome tricks would almost be You don’t get to be in the Hundred without a shit-ton of
worth enduring the hero worship and bullshit philoso- ambition, clout and ruthlessness. But once you are, you’re
phy. Not quite though. in a position to infect other Kindred, all over the globe,
with your personality and preferences and, hell, even your
Unaligned: Usually as practical as us, though out of
looks. Creating a small army of vampires who agree with
necessity rather than realism.
you because, as far as memories and behavior go, they are
you? That’s a goal that draws the cruel and megalomaniacal.
Face Brethren at Street Level And as they clawed their bloody way into the covenant’s top
Street level Facers are brash, often arrogant and dismissive tier, they probably took careful notes about the competition,
to outsiders. But as competition, their practical focus, ad- both within the Brethren and on the outside.

86 The Bonds Of Covenant

Brides of Dracula
The Brides of Dracula are the meanest god- has no established home is considered nomad,
damn sonsofbitches that ever took to and adds a “Nomad” patch to their cut.
the road, fangs or no. They’ll spit in an Above the local chapter level presides
Elder’s face soon as look at him, and the mother chapter. This chapter is
fuck any Sheriff who think he’s going populated predominantly by founding
to rein them in. That’s what they’ll members of the Brides. The mother
tell everyone they get a chance. As chapter presides over any inter-chapter
with all things Kindred the truth is disputes, and unofficially dictates policy
more complicated. when the need arises. They also have
Like many covenants, the Brides the sole ability to call a war, rallying all
began as a cult of personality. But Brides to the aid of one of their sister
unlike the other, older covenants, the chapters, though this power is rarely
Brides have a physical certainty that exercised. Unlike other chapters the
their founder exists and still roams the mother chapter claims no territory of
earth. His is the Count Motherfucking its own and rides exclusively under the
Dracula, and the Brides are his heralds on Nomad flag. This protects the mother chapter
wheels. In the summer 1995 a minor southwestern from its enemies, vampire and legal, and has the
motorcycle gang called the Desert Raiders terrorized entertaining value of keeping everyone else just a
the Arizona highways. Their leader, Ken Salk, guided the little more paranoid.
gang through a number of acts of extortion, armed rob- Each charter pays dues to the mother chapter. The dues
ber, and brazen road-side abductions. Eager to prove their can be in whatever form the mother chapter requests, rang-
worth against the Big Four, the Raiders also made it their ing from blood, bodies, and drugs. (Cash is rarely called
mission to pick a fight with every unpatched biker they for anymore. No self respecting Bride pays for shit.) Any
found. This led the gang to no small degree of trouble on chapter that does not keep up with its dues will have its
September 9th, 1995, when Salk picked a fight with the status revoked, and the mother chapter may call a blood
Count Dracula. The popular story in among the Brides is hunt on the former members unless a final severance pay-
that the Count soundly beat down the entire gang, sired ment is made to the mother chapter’s contentment.
Salk, and between them embraced the rest of the gang Thanks to their illicit activities and violent excesses,
before sunrise. The gang rechartered itself as the Brides the Brides are one of the rare vampire covenants widely
of Dracula, and has rained hell ever since. known to mortals. Naturally nobody dreams that the
Over the years word spread of the exploits of Count gang is comprised of the Damned. This is not because
Dracula and his Brides. Although few have ever met the the Brides make any effort to hide their nature. Rather,
Count directly, any Kindred has the opportunity to join their behavior feeds directly into the popular image of the
the Brides. outlaw biker gang already. Even if an eyewitness lives to
report something obviously supernatural, their account
Overview is so full of emotional trauma and fear that nobody be-
The Brides of Dracula are not just a group of vampires lieves it. Police departments across the country know to
who model themselves after an organized motorcycle remain wary of the Brides of Dracula. The DEA itself
club, they are a fully organized motorcycle club. Like has twice tried, unsuccessfully, to infiltrate the gang.
most mortal clubs the Brides organize themselves into The larger biker world is also aware of the Brides as a
chapter houses based on location. A sparsely populated growing influence. None of the Big Four outlaw clubs
state may support one charter across the whole thing, as have yet to approach the Brides officially, but each fears
in the Brides: Montana. A dense city can have a charter the others will successfully absorb the Brides and gain
all to itself. A major metropolis could theoretically be their momentum. Unknown to the Big Four the Brides’
divided further between multiple charters, though the dismissal of the mortal clubs will prevent any such union.
violent and restless nature of the Brides makes any shared While it was once true that the Brides began as a strictly
power short lived. Any chapter that claims a territory but American covenant, in recent years the club has gone
international. Central and Northern Europe in particu-

Brides of Dracula 87
lar have proven a suitable home for numerous chapters.
Germany alone is host to nearly as many chapters as the
whole of the USA.
Unlike their American counterparts, who generally
just want to have a good time, the European Brides di-
rect more of their energy to challenging the established
powerbases of the other covenants. With centuries of
Elder plots and class struggles at work in Kindred society,
the European Brides have a lot of anger to work with.
This political direction results in a increasing amount of
tension between the American and European chapters.
During major votes the European chapters push for direct
conflict, while the American chapters care little for their
sister’s political hangups.

The Brides of Dracula are not the most cosmopolitan of
covenants, but their membership varies far more than in
mortal motorcycle clubs. The Brides accept both men and
women, a practice which earns them more woman mor-
tal prospects than men, being the only ostensibly equal
opportunity game in town. Only Kindred are allowed to
be fully patched members, though embracing prospects
is not uncommon.
The violent and brash lifestyle of the Brides appeals
primarily to neonates. A fast track to power and freedom
is most appealing to the recently Embraced. Why labor
under the yoke of your sire, your clan, the covenants, when
you can patch up, ride fast, and party hard? To many the
Brides can even be romantic, appealing to every power
fantasy the Kindred harbored since their adolescence.
Few elders join the club. There’s little point in jumping on
a motorcycle and making an ass of yourself when you’ve
survived long enough to establish your own power base.
Even more elders are dissuaded from patching by the
number of known diablerists that within the club’s history.
The predominant clans in the Brides are the Gangrel
and Daeva. The Brides make a natural home for the pred-
atory natures of both clans. The Gangrel make natural
hunters out on the open road, and the Daeva excel in the
bar and party settings the Brides love as interstitial activ-
ity. Nosferatu are frequently found within the ranks of
the Brides, too. The biker culture that celebrates outcasts
and cultivates intimidating personas is almost custom
tailored for the Nosferatu Requiem. If the Nossie can ride,
then she’s as valued as the next Bride. The second least
common clan is Ventrue. The violent and grimy lifestyle
of the biker is a far cry from the polished marble halls of
power many Ventrue crave. Those Ventrue that do ride
with the Brides are often the loudest of a chapter, feeling
they have the most to prove. By far the rarest clan is the

88 The Bonds Of Covenant

Mekhet. The Brides are not known for their intellectual their brothers and sisters are the only ones they can count
pursuits, and they pride themselves on being anything on. It will always be them versus the world. The world
but subtle. Occasionally a Mekhet will patch up, however. can go fuck itself.
These Kindred are often a chapter’s wild card, as none of
the Bride’s enemies think them capable of the clandestine Top of the Food Chain
abilities the Shadows bring. Say you’re an outlaw biker, a one percenter type. You’re
One bloodline in particular deserves mention when a badass of badasses, and you take what you want. Now
discussing the Brides: the Bruja. This Gangrel bloodline you’re made a vampire. How fucking awesome are you?
was once synonymous with biker vampires. They were The top of the food chain.
small but effective, causing as much trouble for the local Every Bride believes that he’s entitled to whatever he
powers as any Kindred could hope. With the disappear- can get his hands on. His authority is inherent, and ex-
ance of their founder Carlos, the Bruja gradually became pressed through his actions. Robbery and extortion are
less directed. This provided a prime opportunity for the barely even crimes. If the victim couldn’t hold on to it, it
young Brides of Dracula to move in and claim new ter- was never really his to begin with. Assault is just fun past
ritory. Hunting ground disputes quickly spun into an time, with no greater moral consequence than throwing
all out way between the two gangs, one that the Brides dirt-clods at cows. And murder, hell, that’s what being a
are currently winning. More embarrassing for the Bruja: vampire is.
most of their numbers lost have not been kills, but patch In a troubling turn for most Princes and the other cov-
overs. The Brides have accepted many Bruja defects, to enants, the Brides apply much of the same logic toward
the point where nearly a full quarter Bruja in the world other Kindred. To a Bride other Kindred are better than
ride with the Brides. The Bruja gang itself still limits kine, sure, but only if they can prove themselves. Being a
itself to members of its own bloodline, severely hurting predator means you have to stay better than the competi-
their ability to replenish their ranks. At the current rate tion. If a Prince can’t handle a little partying in his town,
it will not be long before Bruja in the Brides of Dracula then maybe he shouldn’t be Prince at all? So the thinking
will outnumber the entirety of the Bruja gang. goes. For the most part Brides will leave other Kindred
alone (unless it looks like fun). Should someone challenge
Philosophy the Brides with “laws” or “rules” without demonstrating an
No hallowed halls of learning are found in a Bride club- immediate ability to back it up physically, the offender can
house. No theological or transcendent political impera- expect the full force of the Brides banging on their door.
tives guide them towards a new world for all Kindred.
To dismiss the actions of the Brides of Dracula would be Rituals & Observations
to gravely underestimate their members, however. Every Contrary to their image as chaos incarnate—one they
one is a drunken philosopher and a gun-barrel politician. will gladly nurture—the Brides have a very strong sense
They may appear as aimless anarchy, but their selfish, of order and a proper way of doing things. To ride with
supportive, and unexpectedly structured philosophies are the Brides means casting away all things week and false,
what separates them from the nomad gangs that came but it also means fanatically holding on to what the club
before. Most of their core tenets are often summarized by deems sacred and true. Certain events must be marked,
acronyms sewn on to the front of their jackets. and certain respects must be paid. Just because the gang
may mark it with reckless mayhem does not mean the
Fuck The World occasion is not sacred. A Bride can be proper without
The world is cruel, unfair and out to get you. Becoming being a pussy.
one of the Damned doesn’t change that. Most Kindred The following rituals are the ones followed throughout
and kine cope with this harsh truth by putting on monkey the club at large. An individual chapter may have dozens
suits and becoming part of the system. Only difference is more, or simply stick to the bare minimum.
kine can rely on their jack-off boss dying some day. The
Brides have opted for an unlife outside the system. There’s Patching
no thought to obeying Kindred laws, paying respects to Once a prospect has proven herself, the other Brides take
the Prince, or keeping up a Masquerade, let alone obeying her on her patching ceremony. The ceremony begins with a
speed limits and paying taxes. This is not to be confused night of intense partying, usually involving extreme acts of
with lawless nihilism, mind. The Brides follow their own vandalism and violence, particularly on the prospect’s part.
set of internal laws, and always heed the club. In the end After several hours of bacchanalian excess, the prospect

Brides of Dracula 89
then must chase down and select her own human kill. The everyone pays the club and its ceremonies the respect
mark can be any mortal, indoors, outdoors, or on the road. they deserve. The SA knows every club policy forwards
The only consistent element is that the killing wound must and backwards, and has the power to enforce each as she
be made with the prospect’s own fangs, and the victim must sees fit. The club comes before chapter, and chapter comes
not be Embraced afterward. After the kill, the prospect is before the individual. Anyone who forgets that can expect
officially presented with her “cut,” the leather vest or jacket a nasty visit from the SA. This goes especially true for
adorned with the Brides of Dracula patch. After putting the P. Should a chapter P prove himself unfit, the SA is
on the cut, the prospect wipes her hands and mouth of any authorized by mother chapter to remove him immediately
blood on it. The resulting stains (a cut is never washed) and hold temporary power until mother chapter decides
mark her first kill as a full member of the Brides. if the P was at fault.

Rally Prospect
Biker culture, both legal and illegal, revolves around A prospect is someone who wants to join the gang and has
the rally circuit. Some rallies are held in small Midwest entered into a probationary period. A prospect is techni-
towns just for the freedom of the expanse, while others cally not considered a full Bride, and is treated more as
are meant as more solemn occasions, such as prison runs property than an individual. The role of the prospect is
and war veteran events. Although participation is up to to do anything any Brides tells him to. Legallity, moral-
the chapter, most Brides make it to at least one of the ity, none of it should enter into the prospect’s mind when
major rallies a year. he’s told to do something. Usually the prospect is merely
There are numerous reasons the Brides do this. First, humiliated with petty tasks, such as picking up the same
biker rallies are perfect feeding opportunities. Traveling piece of trash for hours on end. A prospect’s life is rarely
bikers are suitable meals on the go. Once at the rally, endangered in a meaningful way. Most prospect fatalities
the chaos of hundreds of drunk bikers crammed into are the result of practical jokes. Prospects can be either
a single location makes picking off victims ridiculously a ghoul or outside Kindred. Little preference is shown
easy. Second, Brides of Dracula have achieved a celebrity to Kindred prospects. The Damned do have an easier
status at rallies, even among mortals. A Bride wearing her time proving themselves during their prospect period,
colors at a rally can expect to be showered with attention but ghouls surviving long enough to be patched are not
from wannabes. A narcissistic vampire can ride that wave unheard of.
for months after. The biggest reason, the one no Bride
will admit, is that it’s the one time they can pretend to Red Tooth
be human. As one-percenters they’re viewed not only as Of all the patches that a Bride can earn for her cut, the
heroes, but human heroes. They can party, and nobody small, understated patch of a red tooth is the most notori-
runs away screaming when things get heavy. It is this ous, as the only way to earn the it is to commit diablerie.
nostalgia and fondness that prevents any major violent Even among the Brides diablerie is seen as an extreme act
actions from the Brides at the rallies. of monstrous cruelty. But in the Brides even this sin—es-
pecially this sin—is a thing to be celebrated. Diablerie is
Title & Duties the greatest expression of the predatory superiority a Bride
can accomplish. When a Bride not only has the strength
President (P) and cunning to take down another vampire but the spine
to go all the way to Diablerie, she has proven she one of
The leader of a given chapter is known as the president, or
the toughest Damned on earth. Although technically not
P. Contrary to the name a president is not elected by any
a rank, when any other Bride encounters a red tooth the
formal process. The role goes to the strongest fuck that
diablerist is always given preferential treatment.
can best his competitors either mentally or physically. The
P has final say in any chapter business, though a P that
expects to reign for any meaningful length of time would Devotions
do well to keep his sisters happy, lest they depose him. The Brides are an eclectic gathering of the Damned.
Years of mixed coteries and chapters riding together have
Sergeant-at-Arms (SA) led to the development of several Devotions exclusive to
The right hand man of the P, the Sergeant-at-Arms keeps the club and its members. Despite the useful nature of
order within the chapter. She is the master of ceremonies many of the Devotions, the Brides are not fond of frilly
and the keeper of the club constitution. She makes sure Latinate names.

90 The Bonds Of Covenant

Toughest SOB in the Room Cowboy Shot
(Majesty ••, Resilience ••) (Auspex •, Celerity ••)
Sometimes people won’t listen. Sometimes things get Aiming a gun on the move is hard. Aiming a gun on
physical before your done talking. But goddammit, they’re motorcycle is impossible. But for one gun-happy Bride
going to listen, because you’re the toughest sonuvabitch the two great tastes of bikes and guns coming together
in the room. was a personal challenge. After years of development he
Cost: 1 Vitae came up with the cowboy shot. By harnessing the speed
Dice Pool: No dice roll necessary of Celerity and the quick eye of Auspex, he learned how
to steady his shooting hand by anticipating the bumps in
Action: Instant
the road before they happened.
Way this works is this: the character turns this power
Cost: 1 Vitae
“on” for the scene, and during that scene, every point of
lethal or aggravated damage she takes can turn into a Dice Pool: Wits + Celerity
bonus on any Majesty rolls (to a maximum of +5 dam- A vampire that uses this ability negates any penalties
age). Trick is, if she heals this damage, she loses the bonus from firing a weapon while on a moving vehicle. Any
(to a 1:1 ratio: one damage healed, one less bonus die). penalties incurred from the target’s actions remain unaf-
This power costs 12 experience points to learn. fected. Intrepid vampires have translated the ability to
hand-held weapons as well.
This power costs 9 experience points to learn.

Brides of Dracula 91
The Children
of the Thorns
Some vampires have a secret. can immediately recognize that the other has
Of course, all vampires have a secret. been to the Crypt. But when making such
They’re secret feeders, secret killers, secret checks against outsiders, the modifier is -1.
immortals. But it’s possible for Kindred to Mary’s Compassion: It’s not verbalized,
get wrapped up in their local political ploys it’s not the result of brainwashing, it’s not
and forget that they’re unnatural, unwhole- even something like Dominate or Majesty
some. A Thing That Should Not Be. that can be resisted through mighty blood.
Some vampires don’t have that option. But when one Child asks another for help,
They know they’re weird and they’ve there is an urgency that seems to galvanize
found a link to something stranger—a place every word. The Children still refuse one
and an entity that have become the core another, they still quarrel, but two strangers
of a covenant. who’ve been to the Crypt have a connec-
Do you know the urban legend of Bloody tion that charges their discussions, an
Mary? Children the world over say that if intensity absent even in the arguments of
you close your eyes in front of a mirror, friends, lovers and coterie-mates.
in the dark and by yourself, say her name When one Child of the Thorns attempts
three times and then open them, you’ll see any ordinary Empathy, Persuade or Socialize
her staring back at you. Brave kids even roll with another Child of the Thorns, the
try it. Many claim they tried it and noth- roll gets a +1 modifier. This does not apply
ing happened, and they’re probably being honest, to Disciplines based on those rolls.
most of ‘em. Mirror Travel: The primary advantage of being one of
(Though thousands of children disappear every year, the Children is also a risk. Any vampire who has made
worldwide, without a trace, as if they’d been yanked out the Pilgrimage can return to Mary’s Crypt with a simple
of space entirely while by themselves, perhaps somewhere ritual. To perform it, she must (1) be in utter darkness,
dark.) (2) be facing a mirror through which her body could fit,
The Children of the Thorns know that Bloody Mary is if it was a door, (3) spend a point of Vitae, smearing it on
real. They know that the mirror trick only works if you the mirror and (4) recite the name “Bloody Mary” three
anoint the mirror with your own blood. Vampire blood. times. If she’s interrupted before she can say the third,
But if you do it, you can wind up somewhere else. You or the darkness is incomplete, or the mirror is too small,
can travel to the Crypt. nothing happens. But if all the factors align, she vanishes
to the thorn-shrouded Crypt. Note that if the mirror is
slightly cracked, the traveler takes a point of lethal dam-
Membership Privileges age. If the mirror is mostly broken, the traveler takes a
One can only join the Children of the Thorns by making point of aggravated damage.
the Pilgrimage (described on p. 94). But once that trial The Child who activates the Mirror can bring, at most,
has been survived, the new Child gains several privileges. two others with her. This is the only way to get to the
The Bloody Divide: All Kindred (except the mon- Crypt, unless one makes it through the thorn maze.
strous followers of VII) suffer from the Predator’s Taint,
but for those who pledge themselves to Bloody Mary, it The Cemetery and the Crypt
changes. When seeing another Child of the Thorns, the
Beast still snaps or cringes, but there’s a sullen listlessness The Crypt of Bloody Mary and its cemetery environs don’t
to it. But with an outsider, alien to the Crypt, the reac- cover a lot of ground. There are a few tombstones around,
tion’s bitterness intensifies. most eroded from the passage of centuries. Here there’s
a date from the 1790s or 1800s, or one might make out a
When first confronting a fellow Child, every Child gets
fragment of a name—”Noach Van Ri…” “Aernoud De-
a +2 modifier on their frenzy or Rötschreck check, and
blie…” “…ietje Nijs” but mostly it’s illegible or grown over.

92 The Bonds Of Covenant

Vines and ivy are thick on the ground, crawling on the Members
stones and few hunched trees. The only structure bare
of them is the Crypt itself. They thin near to it but grow Becoming a Child of the Thorns means submitting to
denser as one moves away, until they merge overhead and a larger and more powerful force, one that seems de-
there are only mazy tunnels lined with inch-long barbs. termined to remain a mystery—assuming that it could
In Mary’s Cemetery, the sun never rises and the night explain itself to mortal minds, even if it chose to.
sky is overcast. Kindred who bring lights with them see a As with all covenants, some join because their sires
gray stone Mausoleum, undecorated except for the word belong and they are Embraced into it. These Children
above the gaping doorway: MARY. are raised to serve Bloody Mary as a matter of course
Every Child of the Thorns has been into that crypt. and some assume that all vampires are Crypt Walkers.
Few could speak of what they encountered within, and Others convert. Rarely do Kindred of the Lancea Sanc-
none do. tum switch loyalty to the Crypt, since it simply means
replacing one holy and inscrutable monster with another.
Night, Always Carthian and Invictus defectors were usually on the los-
Because the sun never touches the cemetery, Kindred ing end of some political ploy. Not a few of them thought
there never need to rest, nor do they spend Vitae to stay that the Crypt Walkers were a bunch of gullible mystics,
awake, no matter how long they’re there. right up until they got in the pitch-black bathroom. As for
The grasping plants around the Crypt thicken as one members of the Order and the Circle, the Children of the
moves away, but with determination, it’s possible to get Thorns promise a focus on one entity and one mysterious
through. Most of Bloody Mary’s followers who persevere location with (at least potentially) world-spanning influ-
find a transition to scrub brush, pines and thorned flower ence. Additionally, the Children’s small numbers make
bushes (like the South African fynbos). That, in turn, getting to a position of power look far more achievable.
gives way to a rundown area of Cape Town, South Africa,
just south of the mountain called Duiwelspiek. Some Philosophy
Crypt Walkers can get to the mausoleum from Cape The Crypt Walkers stand at the threshold where mystery
Town. A few Kindred stumble into the maze by accident meets material. Their occult elements aren’t symbolical
(or, if you prefer, fate) and so do rare mortals. or abstract: There’s a crypt you can touch, a name whose
But not every explorer who leaves the leafy labyrinth utterance has tangible effects. But it’s only natural, when
emerges in Cape Town. Some find themselves walking faced with a naked mystery, to clothe it with ideas. The
out amidst cactus stands in Arizona or finding the plants Children of the Thorns have drawn three principles from
growing denser and wetter until they end up in New their initiation.
Zealand. Others have claimed to find places under alien
stars, neither the Big Dipper or the Southern Cross vis- Unity of the Chosen
ible, places with curious animals and people with strange Crypt Walkers are meant to be together, destined for some
clothes and strange languages. Some return from their great and unknown purpose. Rabble Kindred are driven
explorations mad and some never return at all. apart by suspicion, selfishness and the Predator’s Taint.
Only to those who have found the bloody truth of Mary
can recognize one another without word or gesture and
resist the urges that normally set Kindred upon Kindred.
Stolen Away, Then Returned Is the ease with which they negotiate a result of their
Yes, if you have Changeling: The Lost, this covenant initiation, or does it arise naturally from an unspeakable
could serve as a covenant of vampires taken away
just like the titular characters in that game—Bloody insight? If the former, they are clearly being moved by
Mary then is a strange True Fae with a penchant for a greater power. If the latter, it’s a benefit of being elite
taking home vampires who call upon her per The and elect.
Ancient Contract. Are the vampires then infused
with blood-tinged Glamour? Or are they fetches, For make no mistake, the Children of the Thorns have
the constructed facsimiles? When the vampire no interest in unity with those other Kindred brutes. They
reaches Final Death, will she turn to worms and
bird bones and loose thread instead of just dust?
happily use them when useful and may even have some
small affection for them, but until they’ve been to the
Crypt, they exist on a lower level.

The Children of the Thorns 93

Obedience Rituals and Observances
The great danger to the Children as a covenant is not in
discovery, since anyone who gets into the cemetery can’t The Pilgrimage
get back without either entering the Crypt or finding an- The Pilgrimage is a journey, though its destination is a
other Child to provide egress. No, the danger is betrayal mystery even to the Crypt Walkers. It begins facing the
from within. The Children know how eager many other black mirror with a Child willing to show you Bloody
Kindred cliques would be to investigate their private Mary, or more rarely with a jumble of jabbing plants on
unworldly refuge, and the worst way that could happen the southern tip of Africa. When one reaches the Crypt,
would be for a Child of the Thorns to convert. the Pilgrimage is no great distance. Just to the door of
To preempt that disaster, the Children emphasize obedi- the vault, and then within. Some stone steps are barely
ence. Obedience to Bloody Mary first and foremost but, visible, descending into utter darkness, and sooner than
since she’s a distant and inscrutable figure, obedience to the onlookers would expect, the footsteps of the pilgrim fade
Attendants and the Oracles. Let the Carthians natter about to silence.
‘engagement’ and ‘participation.’ If you’re a Crypt Walker, Some Pilgrims are gone for weeks. Others for just a
you obey Mary and those who speak for her. If you think you few hours. Still others never emerge at all. But those who
deserve a better place and a louder voice, the door is open. come out don’t speak of what they saw, and most have
Go talk to her and see if you come out an Oracle yourself. absolutely no recollection of it. Going in, then coming out,
The penalty for disobedience usually starts with a with all time between lost except for glimpses that return
warning or perhaps a vinculum to an Oracle. Given how in torpor. But something happens in there, because when
persuasive the Children are to one another, greater strict- one emerges, the connection to other Crypt Walkers is
ness is too much to expect. A second warning usually clear and visceral.
takes the form of being given to an Explorer to work as an
aide, guard or bearer. Being part of a successful expedition The Price of the Pilgrimage
would certainly wipe any debts clean, and disappearing
Anyone who emerges from Bloody Mary’s crypt comes out
on one? That solves the problem too.
with one less Willpower dot, one less dot of Humanity,
Disobeying a third order is unlikely to earn any real and at least one less Vitae.
disciplinary action. Instead, the locals drag the sinner to
the Crypt and fling him inside. Most never emerge from Oracular Proclamations
this punishment, but the few who do are usually regarded When an Oracle (see p. 96) receives word from Bloody
with some respect. If they’ve earned release from Bloody Mary, it’s a big deal. Sometimes he calls together all the
Mary herself, who could hold a grudge? Children within his domain and reveals the vision (with
Faith or without explanation). Other times, they gather and
are only told there was a revelation, not its contents.
All this assumes, of course, that Bloody Mary gives a (Individuals who are indicated by the message, or who
damn about her Kindred servants and has a coherent plan the Oracle picks to carry out a related mission, are usually
that involves something a human could comprehend as pulled aside privately and given their directions.)
‘reward.’ All the evidence that supports her as a guiding
Regardless of whether the vision is public or private,
force with some ambitions for the material world can,
the announcement is a time of formal praise for Bloody
just as easily, support her as chaotic and capricious, with
Mary (though the details of worship differ from city to
anything that seems relevant to Kindred being observer
city), followed by the Oracle journeying to the Crypt to
error. (In other words, even though the inkblots seems to
offer a blood sacrifice in gratitude for the guidance. Any
indicate a plan to you, it doesn’t mean the inkblots have a
Child of the Thorns who wishes to accompany the Oracle
plan.) A third option is that Bloody Mary is playing with
may, as long as he has an offering of his own to contribute.
Kindred for her own abstruse amusement.
After the Oracle returns (through a Cryptic Rendez-
In the face of something powerful and inexplicable, the
vous, described below), it’s generally an open forum for
Kindred who’ve survived their encounter in the Crypt
Crypt Walkers to air grievances, make proposals and
believe they’re working towards their own ultimate reward,
gossip. This phase often lasts until the hour before dawn,
or at least that their labor prevents punishment. To do oth-
or later.
erwise is to admit, not only helplessness, but being complicit
in their own exploitation. Who wants to believe that?

94 The Bonds Of Covenant

Cryptic Rendezvous
Bloody Mary’s cemetery can be entered from anywhere,
but there are only two ways out (not counting “down”).
One is to wander off into the thorns and hope you’re
aimed for South Africa. But it’s also possible to exit as
another Child enters.
From the perspective of someone waiting around the
Crypt, a new arrival looks like a thick place in the air, a
foggy shadow that deepens and spreads until the traveler
(or travelers) begin to emerge from it. The darkness per-
sists for another few minutes. Someone leaving can even
ask where the new guest came from and, perhaps, get a
warning to stay away before committing to travel.
But control-freak Kindred are unlikely to rely on the
vagaries of fate when they don’t have to. The practice of
the Cryptic Rendezvous has arisen from the Crypt Walk-
ers’ desire to turn their secret into a resource.
There’s no need for mystical chants and trappings
(though some prefer them). A Cryptic Rendezvous is
simply when two or more Kindred schedule a mirror ritual
ahead of time so that someone from the cemetery side can
reach the broader world. So, for example, suppose Arden
from Cape Town has business with Prince Maxwell in
Chicago. He sends an email to Stan the Crypt Walker
in Cicero, requesting access when the sun goes down on
North America. Then Arden travels to the Crypt and
waits. When Stan enters, Arden leaves.
Note that the mirror window doesn’t let you stand
between. It opens to permit entrance, and one can’t im-
mediately turn around and leave through the same portal.
Arranging a Cryptic Rendezvous is no small thing, then.
Usually, a return trip is scheduled beforehand so that
the first gate-maker isn’t stranded. Though, of course,
sometimes there are problems.

Titles and Duties

Cemetery Attendant
Just because one can get to the Bloody Mary cemetery
doesn’t mean one is necessarily welcome. Bloody Mary
demands sacrifices, not company. Someone who drips a
pint of Vitae down the mausoleum steps is unlikely to be
summarily killed if he finds himself alone by the Crypt.
But it happens.
One Cemetery Attendant thinks the whole setup is
like a chicken coop. “Mos’ the time, dear Miss Mary, she
content to take eggs. But now’n again, she just gets her
taste set for a drumstick, y’heah?”
Cemetery Attendants are those who are most welcome
at Mary’s grave. They can go there when they want, stay

The Children of the Thorns 95

as long as they like, rest up and heal in a place where the To break it down, there are really only a few classes of
sun’s cruel rays never tread. Anyone else who presumes Oracle.
to crash at Bloody Mary’s domain like it’s a buddy’s futon • Genuine Oracles who are getting nightmare commu-
is likely to disappear when no one’s looking. niqués from an extra-real hell-hag.
Cemetery Attendants are tolerated because they’ve • Lying Oracles who are playing their Crypt Walker fol-
been in the covenant long enough to build a reputation lowers for suckers. Some can probably maintain this
(usually ten to twenty years). They’ve also made a sacrifice charade for years, but eventually someone’s going to
to raise Mary’s esteem for them. The nature of the sacrifice realize the Oracle hasn’t gone to the Crypt in a long
is a secret, taught by Attendants to those who are about time, and that’s a hard absence to explain.
to become Attendants. There must be some risk involved, • Crazy Oracles who mistake the static in their attic for
since a few people have clearly been candidates for the Words from Beyond. Whether Bloody Mary accepts
position but have failed to return from the crypt after this, destroys them or can actually communicate best
sacrificing… whatever it was. (Popular theories include: with lunatics is anyone’s guess.
A virgin mortal; a Kindred of great Blood Potency; or
your soul.) Sacred Explorer
There are usually a few Attendants around the Crypt The covenant is based around a mystery, but unlike many
all the time, though given the covenant’s international in the World of Darkness, the thorns and Crypt offer an
nature there’s no guarantee they have a common language obvious next step.
with any visitors or with each other. Their duties are to Those who declare themselves Sacred Explorers are
enforce an Elysium in the graveyard and to repel any those who intend to plumb the mysteries of the mirror
invaders or unwanted guests. Considering the large and and find answers. Or, if not answers, advantage over
oddly-shaped skeletons that Attendants sometimes have other covenants.
to dump, it’s not always a cushy position.
The three major quests of the Explorers are (1) find a
Oracle reliable path from the Crypt to Cape Town, (2) explore
the maze and see where else it leads and (3) map the
Oracles are those who speak for Bloody Mary (or, at the
Crypt itself.
very least, claim they do). As such, they’re the highest
authorities in the covenant, and in those few domains To become a Sacred Explorer, one must only be a mem-
where the Children of the Thorns are in charge, an Oracle ber of the covenant and declare oneself to be such. Every
often serves as Prince. Child of the Thorns is obligated to provide haven and
sustenance to each Sacred Explorer… once. After that,
To become an Oracle, one must be accepted as such.
the debt is discharged. Some may quibble over how much
Any Crypt Walker can claim to have revealed wisdom
defense must be provided to a fleeing Explorer (for the
from Bloody Mary and try to get others to act on it. As
role seems to draw those who get in trouble) or whether a
with mortals who claim to speak for Allah, or to Buddha,
single taste of Vitae is sufficient. Some Explorers insist that
or with Jesus, this can be hard to carry off.
offering blood from oneself (and, therefore, the chance
Most Oracles say that her commands are painful to of vinculum) violates the spirit of the duty. But by and
receive, obscure and difficult to express in words or im- large they expect food and a place to hide out the day.
ages. Bloody Mary’s commands are more likely to read like
In return, the Explorers journey into the unknown and
an I-Ching passage (or a description of a schizophrenic’s
make reports to Attendants and Oracles. If they return
nightmare) than a simple string of commands. Some
at all.
Oracles interpret these visions (often without sharing
them or, in some cases, even having them) into legitimate As with Oracles, there’s little pity for frauds. Someone
courses of actions and, if things turn out well, more Chil- who declares an intention to explore and spends years
dren are likely to follow that Oracle. claiming privilege with nothing to show for it is likely to
be set upon the third quest whether he wants to go or not.
Then again, false Oracles aren’t tolerated. Oracles
who lead Crypt Walkers into disaster may be summarily Some Explorers claim there is a fourth quest, which is
destroyed, devoured or (most commonly) brought to the to find out exactly who Bloody Mary is, or was. But to
Crypt and flung down the steps for Bloody Mary’s judg- date, the covenant does not consider this an undertaking
ment. An Oracle who comes back from that is likely to worthy of special rights.
be highly respected and lividly enraged.

96 The Bonds Of Covenant

Attitude Towards Others since they have the opportunity to travel to other places
while bypassing the uncertainties of the road. For a city
Carthians: Good clients for travel, but mystically un- level game, Crypt Walkers are a tight little cult that has
aware. semi-reliable ways to get to a few other towns (probably
Circle of the Crone: They worship shadows, but can be including Cape Town) fast. They’re peerless transporters
shown the truth. of goods and individuals, but they’re probably constantly
Invictus: Practical, arrogant, blind and dangerous. fending off spies from the Order and/or Circle while the
Lancea Sanctum: Hidebound sanctimonious bastards. Sanctified fulminate about their heresy.
Ordo Dracul: They would take what we have if they all
knew, but a chosen few can be brought in. The Sisters of Mary at the Top Tier
Unaligned: Lost, weak and wasteful. The covenant really comes into its own at this level. The
others manage to have a global reach, if not a global grasp:
Crypt Walkers at Street Level the Sisters are global by their very nature. Where other
power groups have to deal with the perils (or, at least,
A street level game with Crypt Walkers should emphasize inconveniences) of globe-trotting, the Sisters need only
how little they know. At this level, the vanishing trick is darkness, mirrors and blood. They’re probably numerous
a good one, but one to be balanced against their role as enough that big cities can have two Crypt Walkers whose
pawns of a greater power. Street Level Oracles are ranting sole duty is to swap places between the cemetery and an
out 10% signal and 90% noise while their followers make Elysium, shuttling travelers back and forth as needed.
some good escapes but, with distressing frequency, disap-
The horror of the top tier is the leverage of the few over
pear into the thorns or are dismissed with, “Mary took
the many, and nowhere is that more visible than with the
him.” A second descent into the Crypt is a guarantee of
Crypt Walkers. It’s not a secret cabal of shadowy figures
death, or madness, or mad ballsy respect from the other
who can be played against each other. It’s one monster, a
Children. Possibly two or more.
legend you can go visit, who speaks through Oracles and
leaves her followers weirdly loyal to one another.
Children of the Thorns at City Level At the global level, Storytellers need an agenda for
In a typical “Prince of the City” setup, the Children are Bloody Mary herself. She needs to have tasks she’s pur-
just one faction among several, and an insular and secre- suing through her followers, and those tasks must imply
tive one. With their social advantages among one another what she’s after. The answer of exactly what Bloody Mary
(and their altered Predator’s Taint making misunderstand- wants should tie in to the mystery of what she is. If the PCs
ings with non-members more likely) they work among can unravel that, it can be the capstone of the chronicle.
themselves more easily than they cooperate with others. If they choose not to, it should always be maddeningly
But they surely interact with unbelievers—especially opaque, but with just enough detail to fuel speculation.

The Children of the Thorns 97

Even as they describe themselves as dead or Damned, but don’t help when one is facing torpor and the
the Kindred cling to life—they steal it every night crushing weight of centuries of damnation on
from their victims, until the blood thickens, or the the soul. The covenant relies on the personal
mind weakens, or accident, violence or deliberate power of members who often at the height of
effort conspires to send them into torpor, to rise their Requiems when the covenant recruits
and repeat the cycle until Final Death. them to protect them against any other
covenants exist that answer “why?” or covenants angered at the Harbingers
to distract from the process, but most stealing their members.
Kindred never understand “how?” The stealing of other vampires is some-
The Harbingers are a small covenant that announces times literal. The covenant has a habit of removing the
itself as being dedicated to the understanding of the Kin- bodies of torpid vampires from whatever resting place
dred “life-cycle,” comprised mostly of elders who have they are found in and moving them to secret loca-
experienced torpor and found their existing covenants tions—other covenants assume that this is a misguided
lacking for an explanation of it. The group offers a recruitment tactic at first, until the Harbingers have
rationale for the changes a vampire undergoes later been present for some time and the kidnapped vam-
in “life” that satisfies enough prospective members, pires fail to reemerge; in fact, they are used as vessels
and the tiny covenant grows. by the Harbingers, the elders of the covenant using
The Kindred tell one another that they are dead, their powers over death to cause the torpor victims to
but not gone. The Embrace freezes a vampire after the “age” rather than themselves. Those powers are rooted
point of death, forced to steal life as Vitae for the power in the covenant’s beliefs about the nature of the Curse,
to continue existing. The Harbingers disagree on one and their belief that the minds of torpid vampires drift
fundamental point. The Kindred aren’t dead, the cov- into the Underworld to suffer the nightmare-dreams that
enant tells new members, but dying—very slowly dying. accompany the condition.
The clock marches on at a pace described in decades and The Harbingers preach that the trauma associated with
centuries as the amount of necrosis slowly builds up in torpor, the fog of eternity and the tendency of Kindred to
the vampire’s soul, what should take an instant slowed to madness are all caused by ineffectually struggling against
a trickle by the Curse and expressed as symptoms such the process of slowly dying, which they call “Rigor.” They
as the thickening of the blood, the urge to enter torpor point to the fact that once in torpor, as the Man no longer
and the deadening of emotion. When torpor finally does struggles against his fate and gradually dissolves into the
come the Kindred is so far dead that they can no longer Underworld, the blood of a vampire thins again until they
animate their body and slip into the underworld. eventually wake. It is not the Fog of Eternity that interests
The clock can, however be rewound. The Harbingers them—that, to the Harbingers, is clearly the result of
have mastered the Discipline to alter the “amount of damage sustained in the Underworld—but the thinning,
death energy” (or “Necrosis”) within their souls. But which the original Harbingers realized must be the result
through some quirk of the World of Darkness Necrosis of the Underworld acting upon the Curse. Somehow, be-
cannot be decreased or increased by any Discipline known ing in torpor means that the accumulated Necrosis of a
to the covenant, only moved from place to place. The vampire is released. By achieving the stillness of torpor
Harbingers will never have to go into torpor again but even while active, the blood can be thinned without the
that Necrosis has to go into a suitable vessel. sleep of ages. By understanding how the energies of death
Oh, by the way—the very best vessels are other vampires. build up in the vampire’s soul, they can be manipulated,
drawn in or bled off, allowing the careful elder to choose
how quickly she dies.
Overview Achieving the stillness of torpor involves reproduc-
The Harbingers are a morbid covenant, though one en- ing, in part, the conditions of the Underworld on Earth.
thusiastic about recruiting. Members see it as their mis- Harbingers surround themselves with the images and
sion to convert ancillae and elders to the teachings of the symbols of death, seeking out sites known to be haunted
covenant, rejecting the philosophies of the mainstream or that are looked upon as morbid for their havens. The
covenants which, to a Harbinger, sound comforting covenant looks on members of rival covenants as being

98 The Bonds Of Covenant

obsessed with pretending to be alive, or trying in vain display the properly morbid attitude to existence and,
to change the nature of the Curse while the Harbin- when they are powerful enough to survive the Predator’s
gers see themselves as manipulating the way it already Taint without embarrassment, are sent to new cities in
works. Elders of the Harbingers do not spend their days a conscious effort to seed the covenant in new domains.
in mortal accommodation—leaving the penthouses and Lastly, the Harbingers are often keen necromancers,
mansions to the Invictus, they build their havens in and cultivate members of appropriate bloodlines such as
tombs and crypts. The covenant point to what scraps the Burakumin, or those with a talent for producing the
of evidence exist about early vampires—especially the necessary conditions in the world, such as the Morbus.
Necropolis-dwelling Camarilla and the ancient Egyptian
Kindred—as proving that their ways are more valid than Philosophy
dwelling among the living.
The Harbingers are the result of the Antiquarian move-
Despite the covenant’s morbidity, it is acceptable and
ment in the 19th century, which was mirrored in the
even encouraged for one of the rare neonate members of
Danse Macabre by a rise in interest among the Kindred
the covenant to be preoccupied with mortal concerns for as
in seeking their roots. The relatively new studies of Egyp-
long as they take to be resolved. The neonates are not long
tology and other revelations about the ancient world led
Embraced, after all, and they have only just started to die,
many Kindred to look for traces of their own kind in
with several decades to go before Rigor reaches the point
the past. One common factor rang out through the Fog
of having to be managed. The covenant actively supports
of Ages: Kindred of the past had a tendency to dwell in
such fledglings in resolving any “mortal” issues they might
the houses of the dead. The combination of these beliefs
have, gaining any necessary revenge and fulfilling any
with Acolyte teachings about Kindred being part of the
fantasies the neonate still clings to from living days. Once
life cycle of the world and Dragon investigations into the
the mortal family has been out-lived, however, members of
nature of the Curse produced the Harbingers.
the covenant are expected to put the mortal world behind
them and withdraw from contact with the living. Rigor
A vampire is different to other walking dead—she is not
Members a zombie, not a ghost, not a Sin-Eater. She steals life from
The Harbingers have a skewed membership tending others and resists change, her body undoing alterations
towards high potency of blood and age. Elders have the unless they are fixed by effort of will. Over time, she
perspective they need, having long since dealt with any becomes more deathlike until torpor sets in, the taste for
remains of their mortal lives and begun to feel torpor blood growing more rarified with age.
dragging at the corners of their minds. The typical recruit The Harbingers call the aging process of the Kindred
is approaching her second bout of torpor; having experi- “Rigor” by way of comparison with the changes a mortal
enced the fear and uncertainty of the long sleep for a first body undergoes after death. Through the Curse, the
time, she is in no mood to do so again and despairs that split-second advance of death is turned into the process
any existing covenant teachings fail to offer comfort. As of centuries.
respected elders, the Harbingers can make the approach
as concerned peers.
Younger members make up the distinct minority, but
are looked upon as the future leadership of the covenant Hollow Mekhet
thanks to their head start in learning the techniques for and the post-mortem Embrace
trading in Necrosis. The covenant cannot recruit neo- So, if a vampire is actually trapped within the
nates by using the fear of torpor—they’re too young and split-second of being both alive and dead as the
Harbingers say, what about the rare cases of Em-
in most cases haven’t realized that even immortality as a brace after death, explored in Mekhet: Shadows
vampire is limited—so concentrates on those that require in the Dark?
assistance with moving beyond their mortal lives. Har- It’s up to the Storyteller. The Harbingers could
bingers will murder, protect, guide and manipulate mortal be mistaken. Alternatively, Hollow Mekhet and
other post-mortem Embraces might be immune to
friends, enemies and relatives of newly Embraced Kindred, (and unable to learn) the Thanatology Discipline.
helping the new vampire to get past the first few years of Their unusual Embrace puts them apart from other
Rigor until they’re willing to reject living ways. Ancillae vampires, a curiosity for Harbingers to study.
Harbingers are the success stories; having learned the
covenant’s magic much earlier in their Requiem, they

Harbingers 99
Necrosis is the covenant’s term for the “death
energy” that builds up in a vampire and which
causes the advancement of Rigor. It cannot be
sensed directly, only by symptom—a “touch of
the grave,” the presence of a ghost or the psychic
stain of a graveyard. It is a truism among the
Harbingers that death calls to death. Ghosts
frequent areas high in Necrosis because they are
attracted to it somehow. Necrosis is especially
attracted to the Curse of the Kindred; the vam-
piric soul is protected from Necrosis to a great
extent by the Curse, but that protection is not
total and cuts both ways, preventing Necrosis
that builds up within a vampire from easily
being released.

The Underworld
Within the Underworld, though, Necrosis is
everywhere. That strange realm, known to
the philosophers of the Kindred as the place
in which torpor dreams originate and to their
Necromancers as the abode of Ghosts, is so
flooded with Necrosis that a curious effect takes
hold on a vampire’s soul—the Necrosis within,
the Harbingers say, is pulled without by the
sheer amount of it present in the Underworld.
The pull of the land of the dead is greater than
the pull of the Curse, and so torpor lowers the
amount of Necrosis within a vampire.

The Curse can be manipulated by great effort,
and the Harbingers point out that most Kin-
dred do it without thinking about it—the same
effort that, when exerted, allows a vampire to
appear in a reflection or fix physical changes
to their waking state. Most profound is the act
of the Embrace itself, forcing the Curse into
another being.
Through will, the Curse can be forced to ease
its grip over the Kindred for an instant, allowing
Necrosis to move in or out of the soul and the
clock of Rigor to be wound in the direction of
the Harbinger’s choosing. Miscalculation can be
deadly for the Harbinger as that same force is
the one keeping an elder’s body from crumbling
to dust, but with care the Blood can be thinned
or thickened, given a suitable donor or receiver
for the Necrosis.

100 The Bonds Of Covenant

Rituals and Observances wait for everyone they knew to die of old age. In either
case, No Survivors resembles a wake for the Kindred
Gravetending crossed with the reverent destruction of any keepsakes
and mementos from living days. After the ritual, the an-
The primary observance of the Harbingers is the creation cillae is expected to participate fully in Gravetending and
of the appropriate conditions for their rituals; in order to abandon any further non-feeding contact with the living.
bleed off Necrosis and free themselves from the specter
of torpor, the covenant need access to an environment The Crossing
saturated in free Necrosis that can serve to attract or When a Harbinger falls to torpor despite her best efforts,
be attracted by that within themselves. Because of this, the covenant gathers in a ceremony to mark her crossing
Harbingers spend much of their time cultivating areas into the Underworld. Unlike the vampires gathered for
that are filled with the symbolism of death, haunted by Gravetending, members of the covenant are not used as
ghosts or otherwise regarded as “morbid.” This process of receptacles for Necrosis for fear that such behavior would
cultivation is known as “Gravetending,” and is the great be returned in kind should the perpetrators ever fall to bad
occupation of much of the covenant. The site of an atroc- luck. Instead, the fallen Harbinger is carefully shepherded
ity is a popular choice, and one can always be arranged through torpor as best as their colleagues can.
if there are no suitably ghoulish stories in the city’s past.
However, for reasons still debated by the covenant’s Titles and Duties
theoreticians, death energies cannot simply be bled off
into the landscape and require a new home similar to The Harbingers are still a small covenant, and only have
the one they are being evicted from; a ghoul made by the a few official titles within their membership.
Harbinger using the power will do in a pinch, but the best
transfers are made between two vampires. The Harbingers
are understandably wary of the risks involved in lowering A Harbinger who joined the covenant unusually early in
their own Blood Potency by increasing that of another ac- her Requiem, a Pilgrim is a recent elder who combines the
tive vampire, so the covenant collects Kindred that have age, experience and Potency of an elder still decades from
fallen to torpor, hides them in as secure a location as can be torpor with the full command of Thanatology of one many
found and uses them as Necrosis batteries—with a coterie years her senior. Pilgrims are those Harbingers tasked with
of Harbingers all transfusing excess Necrosis into them, spreading the covenant to new cities, making the arduous
the unfortunate victims don’t reduce Blood Potency with journey to a new domain in order to find new converts.
time spent in torpor and remain trapped unless rescued.
Watcher of the Graves
Publicly, the title of Watcher of the Graves refers to the
Harbinger with the greatest skill at Gravetending or the
Interference one on whose territory the covenant focus their efforts at
The covenant is by no means the only group to encouraging a morbid atmosphere. In fact, the title refers
actively go out seeking areas that have been to the member charged with identifying, acquiring and
touched by death—the sites they pick may turn keeping safe the torpor victims that make the practice of
out to be Wyrm’s Nests, Stygian Demesnes, Verges
to morbid areas of the Shadow, Wounds or other Thanatology more convenient for the Harbingers.
“interesting” sites, many of which are guarded
by supernatural beings that have their own ideas
about vampires moving into the neighborhood.
The Harbingers have refined their study of Necrosis, Rigor
and the Curse into the Discipline of Thanatology. Using
No Survivors this Discipline, the covenant is able to transfer Necrosis
between vessels to achieve startling effects.
The ritual of No Survivors is a solemn affair that marks
the graduation of one of the Harbinger’s rare younger Thanatology
members from neonate to ancillae, named for its only con- Thanatology is affected by external factors, being best
dition; the Kindred must have resolved all ties to mortals practiced in areas the Harbingers have been Gravetend-
in a permanent fashion. Some neonates kill those linked ing, and carries a risk to the vampire using it. Failure to
to them, while others are content to simply gather their manage the careful balance of forces within the user’s soul
strength, learn their moves in the Danse Macabre and can lead to the mystical properties of the Curse that keep

Harbingers 101
a vampire’s body intact and unchanging being disrupted; a ing Willpower in a scene still applies to the Discipline so
mistake using Thanatology can lead to excruciating pain the roll to activate those powers cannot be improved by
as body parts rot or crumble to dust. spending Willpower.
The following modifiers based on location affect all
uses of Thanatology. • Taking the Measure
A Harbinger first learns to sense the tug of death on the
Location Modifier Necrosis within his own soul, feeling how it is drawn to
Supernatural place of +4 other centers of death. This sense reveals the relative
death (gateway to the strength of other vampires, the presence of Ghouls, ghosts
Underworld) and any powers calling upon the forces of death.
Cost: -
Resting place of corpses +3
(Graveyard, Cemetery or Dice Pool: Composure + Investigation + Thanatology
Mass Grave) Action: Instant. The roll may be contested by Ob-
fuscate or other concealment powers as with Auspex
Site of multiple unexpected +2
(Vampire: The Requiem, pg. 119)
deaths or place corpses are
routinely handled (Scene Roll Results
of a car crash, Funeral Dramatic Failure: The character loses grip on her own
Parlor, Morgue) Curse, and suffers one aggravated wound.
Site of regular expected +1 Failure: The attempt fails.
deaths (Hospital ER) Success: The character senses the presence of death
in her immediate vicinity (Blood Potency in yards). Kin-
Site of a single death +1
dred are recognizable as such, and she knows whether
(Murder scene)
they have a higher or lower Blood Potency than herself.
Haunted +1 Ghouls, non-Kindred vampires and other beings or objects
that contain Vitae are recognized as being vampiric but
In addition, the transfer of Necrosis is most effective not Kindred. Ghosts can be sensed even if not mate-
when used on other Kindred, but can be attempted rialized. Other supernatural creatures linked to death
against other supernatural beings. Apply the following are discerned as being present, but the power gives no
modifiers. understanding of their nature or capabilities.
Exceptional Success: As per success, but the character
Target Modifier knows the exact Blood Potency of Kindred within reach
Kindred with Blood Sym- +1 of her senses. Any ghostly anchors within the area are
pathy to user highlighted as such.
Other Kindred 0 At Storyteller’s discretion, a separate Composure +
Occult roll may be used to discern further details about
Ghoul created by user 0
supernatural beings highlighted by the use of this power.
Other Ghoul -1
Non-“Kindred” vampire -1
•• Necrophage
The Harbinger takes hold of the Curse and, by an act of
Ghost -2
will, forces it open. He lacks the ability to purge his exist-
Other Death-Aspected -3 ing Necrosis, however, and the death within attracts more
B ei n g ( P r o m et h e a n , which at this level of understanding settles into the part
Sin-Eater, Moros mage, of himself the vampire has the most experience moving
zombie, Risen) his Vitae. By the use of this power, the vampire can feed
Any other being, super- -4 without feeding, leeching power from those around him
natural or mundane and using it to recharge Vitae that has been spent. The
power is best used on other vampires or ghouls who have
Note also that most Thanatology powers have a cost in Vitae of their own the Necrosis can be drawn from—but
Willpower, representing the effort of manipulating the more esoteric sources can be used in a pinch. Those
Curse. As with Theban Sorcery, the limitation on spend- without suitable reserves of Necrosis—supernaturals not

102 The Bonds Of Covenant

linked to death and normal living beings—cannot be Failure: The attempt fails.
targeted by this power. The target must first be touched Success: The player chooses an amount of Vitae up to
or grappled. Ghosts must be materialized for the character the successes rolled and his character character loses that
to be able to use this power on them. much Vitae. If the target is a vampire, she gains Vitae
Cost: 1 Willpower equal to that lost by the Harbinger. Supernatural beings
Dice Pool: Strength + Occult + Thanatology versus able to process the energies of death gain points in their
Stamina + Blood Potency appropriate power Trait, such as Essence for Ghosts.
Action: Instant Beings unable to generate their own power Trait (such
Roll Results as Ghouls), supernaturals not linked to death (such as
non-Moros mages) and normal living beings cannot
Dramatic Failure: The character suffers two points of
process the energies of death pouring into them. They
aggravated damage and may not attempt to use Thanatol-
instead suffer lethal damage equal to the Vitae lost by
ogy powers other than Taking the Measure against the
the character.
target for 24 hours.
The sudden drop in Vitae within the character can
Failure: The attempt fails.
cause hunger frenzy if it takes her below the “hungry”
Success: If a vampire or ghoul, the target loses Vitae level as defined in Vampire: The Requiem
equal to successes. Other supernatural beings lose equiva-
Exceptional Success: As per success, but the char-
lent traits, such as Essence for ghosts. The character then
acter only loses half (round up) the Vitae transferred.
gains Vitae equal to successes, halved (round up) if the
The character does not risk hunger frenzy from the use
trait absorbed is not Vitae. The Vitae gained cannot cause
of the power.
the character to exceed his maximum Vitae pool.
If this power is somehow successfully used against an
Exceptional Success: The character gains Vitae equal
invalid target (such as against an illusion or a spirit), the
to successes, regardless of the Trait absorbed.
character loses the Vitae but the Necrosis is dissipated.
Because this Discipline transfers the power seated It can be sensed as a taint on the surroundings by users
within the blood, but not the blood itself, use of it does of Taking the Measure, Auspex powers or other psychic
not count as drinking from a source for purposes of blood powers for up to the character’s Blood Potency in nights.
addiction or the feeding restrictions experienced by char-
As with Necrophage, this ability transfers the power
acters with high Blood Potency. The user does not risk
contained within Vitae and not Vitae itself—it does not
the Vinculum, and the power cannot be used to commit
cause the Vinculum or Blood Addiction and it cannot
diablerie. The sudden loss of Vitae can send targets into
be used to create or feed a Ghoul (indeed, as they are
hunger frenzy or in extreme cases torpor.
unable to process the Necrosis usefully, attempting to do
••• Purge so will seriously injure the Ghoul). A vampire may gain
Vitae from the power regardless of feeding restrictions
The core of the Harbinger’s Necrosis—that underpinning
that may apply.
her Blood Potency—is still beyond her reach, but she has re-
fined her ability to control that contained within her Vitae •••• Shifting the Scales
to expel as well as absorb it. With this power, the Harbinger
The Harbinger has now achieved the fine control needed
can burn Vitae and push the Necrosis released out into a
to manipulate the potency of her blood. Unlike lesser
target that must be touched or Grappled if unwilling. The
uses of Thanatology, this can only be used with another
power is an obvious display, the now-inert blood seeping
Kindred as the target—the Curse calls to the Curse. The
from the Harbinger’s pores as the transfer takes place.
Harbinger must touch her target, which involves a Grapple
Cost: 1 Willpower plus any Vitae lost to the transfer if the target is unwilling, and then attempts to open both
Dice Pool: Stamina + Empathy + Thanatology (versus their souls, allowing the Necrosis to flow from one to the
Stamina + Blood Potency for unwilling targets) other. She may attempt to raise her Blood Potency at the
Action: Instant other vampire’s expense, or cast off the unwanted thick-
Roll Results ness of blood onto the other.
Dramatic Failure: The character is wracked with pain, Cost: 1 Willpower plus dots in Blood Potency temporar-
and suffers three points of aggravated damage. She may ily lost in the transfer.
not attempt to use Thanatology powers other than Taking Dice Pool: Stamina + Empathy + Thanatology versus
the Measure against the target for 24 hours. Stamina + Blood Potency

Harbingers 103
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Willpower and 1 Blood Potency.
Roll Results Dice Pool: Stamina + Occult + Thanatology, resisted
Dramatic Failure: The character suffers four points of separately by beings in the area of affect with Stamina
aggravated damage. + Blood Potency
Failure: The attempt fails. Action: Instant.
Success: The player chooses whether the character Roll Results
loses or gain a dot of Blood Potency, while the target Dramatic Failure: The user suffers five points of ag-
gains or loses a dot in reverse. This transference lasts for gravated damage as the Curse cracks bones and flesh and
the character’s new Blood Potency in nights, after which incurs spiritual damage.
the traits return to their normal ratings. No character Failure: The attempt fails.
may be reduced to Blood Potency 0 or be pushed above Success: The character permanently loses a dot of
Blood Potency 10. Blood Potency, which can only be restored through time
Exceptional Success: As per success, but the character or experience. The accumulated Necrosis washes over
may choose to transfer up to successes in Blood Potency the immediate area (new Blood Potency in yards)—any
rather than a single dot. The affect lasts for the character’s beings present that are able to process Necrosis as defined
original Blood Potency in nights. for Purge gain the character’s new Blood Potency in the
appropriate power trait up to their normal maximums.
••••• Blight All other beings suffer the character’s old Blood Potency
A Mistress of Thanatology can purge the Necrosis within rating as points of lethal damage.
her Blood Potency without the need for another vampire If the character wishes, she can instead focus the Blight
to act as a participant, holding herself still or regressing onto a single target within the area. That target suffers
along the progress of Rigor. The highly potent Necrosis the character’s old Blood Potency as aggravated damage.
manifests as a wasting blight on the vicinity, or a devastat-
Exceptional Success: The Blight both strikes the
ing attack on a target that then suffers the accumulated
immediate area and focuses on a particular target. The
and long-deferred death of the Harbinger.
target nominated only takes the aggravated damage, not
the lethal damage inflicted on everything else nearby.

104 The Bonds Of Covenant

Holy Engineers
We are the beloved of Death, the forgiven, the first of Scott to unwittingly complete an Egyptian ceremony
humanity to escape, in part, the dark chains of during the Apollo 15 mission, trampling a fal-
earthly mortality. We bear the Radio Sickness con feather underfoot to symbolically break
to work our will on the world, which is the the power of Horus—Horus (like Apollo
will of Death and the God Machine. We and all solar deities) being a mask for The
have been chosen to receive the signal and Unvoiced Name, our enemy.
privileged to seek knowledge from beyond. In this way, I separated our master’s soul
The Unvoiced Name, the Fury at the from its body and permitted it to remain in
center of the sun, despises us and so our its sanctum while its body (the Freemasons’
flesh is scoured by the solar broadcast. The ‘Packet Theta’) was stolen.
Unvoiced Name demands that mankind This, then, is our mission. We must re-
remain imprisoned and ignorant and seeks cover the physical remains of the Angel of
to thwart our communication with the God Death. We must return them to their rightful
Machine and usurp the signals for its own use. place in the Temple of the Black Sun. When that
But our lover and lord has prepared for us a haven is done, we shall be fully forgiven and return to life,
on the moon’s dark side, and there our blistering fully human and immortal. While the resentful sun
enemy will touch us not. may still strike us on that glorious day, we will have a
But as the Pain Prophet teaches, the ancient Fury of restored and awakened Ancient One to protect us. Some
Death is broken. Not only is it broken in purpose, as it permits who have learned the sacred sickness believe that on that day,
us to recover from the grip of the annihilating Earth, but it is lunar eclipse will become permanent and shield us from the
broken in self. Its spirit remains upon the moon, in the Temple Unvoiced Fury for all time.
of the Black Sun. Its body, however, was stolen in 1972.
The first transmission to us, Death’s chosen, came to me in Overview
1964. I had the first case of Radio Sickness and as I weak- The Holy Engineers (or “God Talkers”) believe they
ened I desperately sought to uncover what was happening are capable of rituals that broadcast questions to an all-
to me and what the message meant. I had been studying the knowing (but mysterious and obscure) “God Machine.”
physical implications of extra-dimensional mathematics since Because the God Machine exists outside the normal
Oskar Klein’s 1926 refinements of Kaluza’s work on General flow of time, the answer to the query arrives before the
Relativity. This, combined with my Kindred nature and oc- question is asked.
cult studies, equipped me, perhaps uniquely, to interpret the
Clearly, this is a time travel paradox waiting to happen,
message and realize it was an answer to a question I had yet
since the vampire might get an answer and simply not ask.
to ask, a message to the past from a future self.
But the Engineers dismiss this impossibility by insisting
Having deciphered the code, I achieved a basic grasp of that this has, in fact, happened. The energy required to
how to query the God Machine. I immediately broadcast offset information traveling backwards is taken from the
the question “How can I broadcast a question to the God questioner, weakening him until he asks the question or
Machine?” Once the time-loop was resolved, the hemorrhages, perishes. If he asks, the loop is resolved. If he dies, the
electromagnetic distortions and headaches ended. loop is irrelevant.
When next I experienced Radio Sickness, I knew the cure This wouldn’t satisfy a college logic professor, but that
was to find the essential question and ask it. That time it took logician doesn’t have radio messages leading him to riches,
me only a few days follow the answer’s hints to the works danger and peculiar missions.
of Marco Singe and ask, “What is the nature of the cosmos
and what is the Kindred place in it?” That was in 1965. By
1967 I had identified Death as my patron and learned that
the first message had been permitted after a powerful prayer- The Engineers attract absolute thinkers. People who
broadcast from Death to the God Machine in 1971, when its believe in right actions, final solutions or (so very rarely)
lunar temple was violated by the astronauts David Scott and happy endings. The hope that they can get out of the
James Irwin. More messages led me to program Irwin and Requiem, simply by stealing a highly protected mystical

Holy Engineers 105

artifact from the US government and then flying it into and more often than not the prophecy leads him into
space, is powerful to the point of intoxication, and it draws problems and secrets he had no idea existed. He gets three
people who seek hope (or intoxicants). nights to figure out the question before the next stage of
Unlike other covenants, there is rarely built-in op- the Sickness descends.
portunity for easy political gain (though, for those who Four nights after the prophecy, the Holy Sufferer
seek it, the guidance of Radio Sickness is one thing that awakens with mild hemorrhages. They cost him an extra
politicians can’t expect). God Talkers are Kindred who point of blood upon awakening. The night after that,
resist the selfishness of their condition, replacing it with it’s a point of killing damage from severe headaches and
fanaticism that often borders on masochism. two points of blood spent to awaken. The third night of
hemorrhages, they’re usually too numerous and severe to
Membership Privileges: Radio Sickness keep hidden and he takes a point of aggravated damage.
That’s the night that mild electrical effects start again,
When an Engineer receives a prophecy, it comes in the
intensifying just as they did before the prophecy. But
form of what they call ‘Radio Sickness.’
now they build up to a pitch where any electrical appli-
The early symptoms are weird electrical phenomena: ance gives the sufferer a shock and fuses fail as soon as
Lights flicker, TVs get static, MP3 players skip and ATM he enters a building. Even mortals and sensitive Kindred
screens get flecks of random ASCII garbage as the Kin- are affected as the electromagnetic distortion operates on
dred walks by. That lasts about a night. As the night goes sense-interpretation centers in the brain, thinking they
on, the effect intensifies. Half-faces groan out of video hear whispers just on the edge of audibility, or that they
screens, lights seem to pulse in rhythm—even discon- see movement out of the corners of their eyes. Every night
nected car headlights. Credit cards get erased, computers after that, the blood loss upon awakening rises by a point
get errors, ball lightning or St. Elmo’s Fire appear clinging and he takes an additional point of aggravated damage.
the tops of buildings. Sometimes compasses start spinning By the time he drops into torpor, it’s too late. His body
or northern lights appear, but when the vampire rests at continues to decay until there’s a brief spark, a sniff of
dawn, the effects abate. Until nightfall. ozone, and only ash remains.
The second night, it returns with redoubled fury, build- It rarely comes to this, of course. The covenant has
ing up until every speaker near the sufferer starts blaring learned that asking “How do I stop the Sickness?” usually
out in unison, no matter what channel or input it’s using. works as a question for any prophecy. (The theory being,
Cryptic words, phrases, numbers, foreign phrases… the any prophecy could be intended to push a vampire into
prophecy is obscure, different for every Engineer. But it certain actions on the behalf of the Angel of Death, with
beats an imprint into any receptive medium. VCR tapes the question only occurring to him after the inscrutable
carry the audio, while camera film develops images remi- mission is complete.)
niscent of the clues. (It doesn’t do digital, though. Analog
Storytellers are strongly advised to accept any half-
only.) Then it stops. Everything goes back to normal.
plausible explanation the player cares to offer for why the
Sometimes the God Talkers understands right away and character’s question fits the answer. You have the right to
asks the question the same night. (Asking the question is a veto a question that’s disruptive or silly or which violates the
matter of translating letters into a numerical code that, rather game’s setting, but only exercise that right in extreme cases.
than being base 10 or binary or hexidecimal, has a changing Moreover, be generous with rewards when questions justify
base that follows the Fibonacci Sequence.) The querent then them. covenants recruit the worthy and presumably the
spends a point of Vitae bleeding into a sufficiently powerful characters qualify. If your player chose “time-warping clue
radio transmitter (any ham radio works, or even a CB in magnet who could die from stubbornness” instead of “price
certain latitudes) and sends the signal to a carefully calcu- break on Merits,” respect the choice and give him some
lated location in the constellation of Orion. This closes the payout for putting his covenant powers largely in your hands.
time loop, asking the question for the answer he’s received.
Players, don’t send your character into the Holy Engi-
(No dice need be rolled for these messages. Obviously neers unless you are willing to let the Storyteller decide
the sending worked, or the answer wouldn’t have come. when you get a prophecy, and unless you’re willing to make
If an Engineer tries to send a message without a pending a good faith effort to find a question that pushes the plot
answer, it’s equally obvious that something went wrong forward. Usually the plot is the Storyteller’s purview, but
with that attempt because no answer preceded it.) the prophecy setup gives you a role in determining what
But sometimes the Engineer doesn’t immediately figure an important prophecy means. This can approach being
out the question. Often he has to investigate the clues a co-Storyteller. Don’t abuse that for personal gain or it’s

106 The Bonds Of Covenant

going to be a long time before you get another prophecy. obey or not, it’s all down to interpretation. If a prophecy
Use the opportunity to add cool stuff to the game and not unequivocally said to kill the local Mind Ancestor (see p.
only is the Storyteller encouraged to give you more proph- 109), the Mind Ancestor might fight it, but in a choice be-
ecy, she’s likely to tolerate questions that aggrandize your tween a neonate with a prophecy and the oldest and most
character or coterie a little bit. Just don’t go overboard. powerful elder in the covenant’s domain, it’s prophecy
all the way. But of course, a ‘clear prophecy’ is so rare it’s
Philosophy almost a contradiction in terms. Many Engineers would
find it hard to trust an unambiguous answer unless they
Except in the particulars, the Holy Engineer philosophy
heard it themselves.
is like any other cult. They believe they have the one
true answer and that anyone who isn’t for them is against Individual Leadership, Collective Responsibility
them or, at best, an ignorant and deluded obstacle. So far,
When a God Talker gets a prophecy, it’s her duty to
they’re a lot like the Nemites (see p. 111). The difference
seek out the essential question and ask it. While on this
is in the details.
quest, her fellow Engineers are obliged to help her, but the
Unique and Holy Missions degree of obligation depends on a lot of factors. Has the
seeker been helpful to that particular Kindred, or with
Every instance of Radio Sickness is a message from Death,
the covenant overall? Team players prosper. Is the request
their patron, sent via the God Machine, leading them to
for aid reasonable, not risky and not insisting on extreme
a better future for humanity (and themselves). Even when
personal sacrifice? Dying for the cause is optional for those
prophecies are unclear, destructive or in conflict, there is
who aren’t Holy Sufferers. Does her interpretation of the
a presumption of purpose behind them.
prophecy make sense? If dying for a cause is unpleasant,
Obedience to the Master dying for a mistake is tragic.
Death, the master, the Angel, is the ultimate authority. Requests for help are part and parcel of membership.
Messages through the God Machine are to be obeyed. The Requests for heroism, self-destruction, political suicide
covenant never really comes into conflict over whether to or personal impoverishment are too much. Moreover,
nobody prospers when Kindred follow fools and madmen.

Holy Engineers 107

weathers out the day there. In theory, any God Talkers
who wish to observe the Prophecy can be admitted to
witness a presentation. (No outsiders, of course, and no
Caveat Storyteller mortals.) In practice, not everyone can be found on short
There are two hazards to using the Holy Engineers,
the mechanical and the thematic. notice, and little effort is expended to find those who are
The default Requiem tone is high gothic carnage. in the covenant’s bad books.
Its tropes are powerful because they’re universal: After the prophecy emerges, there’s an open discussion
The seductive vampire, the terrifying monster,
the frisson between mortal and undead. The God of what it means, with various ‘experts’ expressing their
Talkers throw wild-eyed weirdness into that mix. opinions and giving advice. This can get raucous and shrill
The game’s big and it can handle a lot of variation, if the Clarifier doesn’t keep order (and Clarifiers tend to be
but understand that this tone can be intrusive. If
you’ve run a game that’s all old European glamour
dreamy introverts, not hard-barking political steamrollers).
and icy betrayal, suddenly propelling radio freaks Announcing a prophecy isn’t an obligation, and given the
into it can ruin the suspension of disbelief. Play chaos that can arise from Presenting, many prefer to keep
up the weirder aspects of the Ordo Dracul, the
conspiracy kooks on the Carthian fringe, and the their answers to themselves. On the other hand, dramatic
alien mindsets of Crones that aren’t just callous, outpourings of Radio Sickness draw the attention of the
they’re incomprehensibly odd. You can do this from covenant and respect for those who are open (or theatrical)
the beginning and have an Engineer as one more
loony in the bin, or you can work in those elements
about their answered prayers is hard to withhold.
with increasing frequency before springing the full
beliefs of the Engineers on your players. The Radio Confirmation
The mechanical issue is, it’s hard to provide a If someone has not announced their prophecy, some skep-
precognitive answer to a question when even
you don’t know what the question is. If you keep ticism is understandable on the part of a Holy Engineer
Holy Engineers as Storyteller characters, it’s just a being asked for assistance with a question. Fortunately,
prophecy where you get to reveal the question in there’s a process for determining whether someone has
order to clarify the answer. But if you’re putting
Radio Sickness in the hands of the primary char-
Radio Sickness and is within their dormant period. It
acters, you need to be ready for them to think up involves a mix of radio equipment and occult parapher-
unexpected and (most likely) self-serving ways to nalia—pendulums, alligator clips, candles, theodolites,
interpret your clues. To manage this, you need to pentagrams or rune stones, dials, aura-sensitive crystals,
(1) try to figure out what they’re going to want,
but that’s unreliable so (2) have lots of events to semiconducting crystals and antennae. Some swear that
put pressure on them, leading towards a manage- running the current through wire wrapped around a
able outcome. Moreover, (3) have the prophecies fulgurite makes the whole thing more sensitive, but every
vague and confusing and ambiguous, to give you
wiggle room so you can (4) be ready to roll with Engineer has his own method.
the truly confusing and unexpected. This is why the It can be as simple as having the Holy Sufferer hold
tone of confusion and mad muddle is important
to establish. It gives your own half-baked ideas
two bare ends of wire or it can be considerably more in-
protective coloration. volved, depending on the detector’s skill. The challenge
I’m not saying you shouldn’t let your players have is an extended action, with each roll representing thirty
characters join the Talkers. The fun of giving them a minutes of testing. The detector can roll Wits + Occult
clue dispenser that operates on their rules but your
timeline can provide a lot of interest and suspense. or Intelligence + Science, but each time a skill is used,
The unpredictability can be an exciting ride. Just it takes gains a -1 penalty for the next roll during the
make sure you keep your seat belt fastened. extended action. (That is, the second time Occult gets
rolled, it’s at -1, no matter how many Science rolls have
been made.)
Rituals and Observances With five successes, the detector finds that there is, in-
The Holy Engineers don’t go in for a lot of ceremonial deed, a prophecy suspended within the individual. With 10-
trappings or elaborate performance. The drama of electri- 14, a few words of the prophecy text can be heard through
cal display is often enough to instill awe and reverence. a haze of static. With 15+ successes, the entire text of the
prophecy is clearly heard, repeating over and over as long
Presenting the Prophecy as the Holy Sufferer is within the detection apparatus.
When a Talker begins to suspect she has Radio Sickness, Submitting to Radio Confirmation is sometimes a
she puts the word out and waits for the Clarifier to contact delicate matter. Someone disinclined to give help may
her with a safe Elysium in which she can spend the next deliberately sabotage their own detection efforts and then
night. Often she’s brought there at the first symptoms and accuse the Holy Sufferer of making it all up. Or, with

108 The Bonds Of Covenant

only good intentions, an unworldly detector might insist on twenty missions is going to be credited with none of
on puttering in his workshop until the entire prophecy them until he has number twenty-one in the presence of
has been heard, no matter how many hours it takes and locals. Then he’s got a score of one prophecy.
how urgent the request. Clarifiers rule on conflicts that concern non-linear
time. If two prophecies are interpreted in conflict, the
The Praisecast Clarifier decides which of the Holy Sufferers is correct.
On the night of July 30, the Talkers broadcast their en- Along with this authority comes the right to command
coded prayers of praise, gratitude and hope for Death’s a Holy Sufferer to ask a particular question in response
freedom all night long. They boost the signal as strongly to her answer. No one other than the Holy Sufferer has
as they can and aim for the God Machine coordinates in that right, not even a Mind Ancestor serving as Prince.
Orion, and they keep the signal going from sundown to In some cases, someone qualifies as both Clarifier
sunup. It’s not uncommon for the broadcast apparatus to and Mind Ancestor. It’s rare for God Talkers to tolerate
be sanctified and amplified with human sacrifice. someone serving in both capacities. Most often, the elder
Anyone in the covenant can submit a string of prayer- is asked to choose one duty and bestow the other on the
code, though the Clarifier checks all messages beforehand next-most-qualified Engineer.
to ensure there are no selfish requests piggybacking on
the signal. Attitude Towards Others
Radio Sickness tends to spike in frequency during the
Carthians: Facing the stupid future of political evolution
last two weeks in July.
instead of the true future of technological progress.
Circle of the Crone: They grasp the elephant’s trunk
Titles and Duties and think the elephant a snake.
Holy Sufferer Invictus: Obsessed with the nugatory history of feudalism
instead of the mystic history of all life on Earth.
Anyone in the grip of Radio Sickness (p. 105) is a Holy
Sufferer, and her fellow God Talkers are honor bound to Lancea Sanctum: They grasp the elephant’s leg and think
help her resolve her prophecy. There are a number of lim- the elephant is a tree.
its, however, to how much aid they are required to provide, Ordo Dracul: They touch the elephant’s tusk and think
as described under “Individual Leadership, Collective the elephant is a piano.
Responsibility.” Nevertheless, being in the grip of Radio Unaligned: Fate’s chaff.
Sickness is a good way to get the attention of anyone in
the covenant. There’s no good excuse for turning away a The Radio Sick at Street Level
Holy Sufferer without hearing the prophecy.
Riff-raff radio worshippers are ranting loonies whose
Mind Ancestor deranged screeds don’t limit themselves to Aztecs, Egyp-
tians, Apollo missions and Michael Faraday’s secret influ-
The Holy Engineer with the earliest mortal birth-date in
ence over Nikolai Tesla. They throw in Jews, Reptoids,
a domain is the Mind Ancestor, revered for her wisdom,
9/11 and Barack Obama, too. They’d be easy to dismiss as
experience and (likely as not) her ability to butcher or
a moonbat batch of Ventrue if now and again they didn’t
enslave her covenant mates. Mind Ancestors are called
barge up to Kindred they barely know with information
upon to mediate disputes between Holy Engineers on
or advice that only becomes relevant two nights later.
matters separate from the covenant’s mystical duties.
They’re freaks, but they’re also freakishly prepared for
Any beefs over turf and herd go to the Mind Ancestor.
random events, even as they have trouble with the more
So do problems with the Masquerade, or with Kindred
commonplace issues of herd and haven.
outside the covenant.

Clarifier Engineers at City Level

The Clarifier is the individual in a domain who has most Holy Engineer ancillae are secretive, distant and self-
frequently suffered from Radio Sickness. The more mes- interested to outsiders. In normal circumstances, they
sages someone has received, the closer they are to being come across little better than the Unaligned. They don’t
Clarifier. Note that most groups of Holy Engineers only talk about their beliefs until the lights start going wiggy,
count bouts that have been observed in that domain. at which point a strange transformation comes over
Someone who moves in from ‘Frisco and says he’s been everyone in the covenant. As soon as they have a Holy

Holy Engineers 109

Sufferer to rally around, they suddenly move with atypical points. The Engineers, on the other hand, know exactly
unity and purpose. Then, once the prophecy is resolved what they want to do and exactly the order in which they
and the crisis dealt with (or caused and exploited), they want to do it. If details are missing from the intermediate
return to their eccentric and individual orbits without steps, they can find them out with prophecy before they
explanations for anyone else. even know they’re going to need them.
High tier God Talkers are an international plague of
God Talkers at the Top Tier vampire sleeper agents, just waiting for the signal that
At the highest level, the covenant has a focus that’s pushes them into action, or for an opportunity to help
unique among the Kindred. The Invictus “rule every- someone sick with prophecy. They are single-minded in
thing” mandate or the Order’s imperative to “transcend their pursuit of occult artifacts relating to the God Ma-
the curse” are guidelines more than concrete action chine mythos, with their ultimate goal of recovering and
restoring “packet Theta.”

110 The Bonds Of Covenant

The Nemites
The Priesthood of Nemi is a religious covenant that pres-
ents a straightforward and practical approach Overview
to the dilemmas of the Requiem. Like the The negatives of vampirism are substan-
Ordo Dracul, they see the Kindred con- tial, no matter how you look at it. Even
dition as one to escape, and like the setting aside the physical fears of fire
Circle of the Crone they accept the and sunlight, the Predator’s Taint
powers of the blood as their right- and the icy withdrawal from human
ful due. But unlike the Order, they feelings are tortures of the spirit.
seek a spiritual transcendence, and The thirst, in the form of the ever-
unlike the Circle they believe there calling Beast, is the deepest depth
is a unique truth and a single path for both body and soul.
that leads from the maze. In this darkness, there are only
The ancient temple of Diana at a pleasures whose sparks relieve the
Nemi was famously home to the Rex gloom. The bliss of the feed is hunger’s
Nemorensis, the “King of the Grove.” An counterpoint, the apex to its nadir.
absolute ruler, his position was only vulner- As for the loneliness, the inhumanity? The
able if challenged by one who had dared to pluck blood has an answer to that too, in the vinculum,
a golden bough from the temple’s sacred woods. But if in the adoration of being Dominated, in the warming
the bearer of the bough could overcome the Grove King regard of Majesty.
in combat, he became king in turn. These, then, are the covenant’s foundations. Domina-
The myth of the king who dies for the fertility of tion, Majesty and blood slavery are the Nemite sacra-
the land and returns is, according to Joseph Frazier, ments. Join the covenant, drink of the King, and bring for
the monomyth, the underlying story of humanity. The the King to drink. Hollowed of human feeling, Nemites
Priests of Nemi endorse this interpretation (espoused in use blood artifice to maintain social stability and give
Frazier’s The Golden Bough) wholeheartedly. The vampire meaning to what would otherwise be mere existence.
is the repository of the world’s sins. Greed, suspicion and If the Sanctum promises righteousness and the In-
selfishness lead inextricably to death. (It’s worth noting victus bargains with power, the Grove of Diana’s lure
that in the Aeneid, the fleeing king of Troy plucks the is, baldly, love.
golden bough, not to challenge the Rex Nemorensis, but
as a gift to a seer that she might open for him the gates
of the underworld.)
The evils of the world descend upon the Kindred, but The Nemites recruit neonates, almost exclusively. While
while this doom is ghastly, it’s not hopeless. By keeping they eschew the Embrace almost entirely, they accept
to a strait path, by using wisely their supernatural tools, that other Kindred do it promiscuously. (Perhaps it’s
Kindred can escape their torment, silence the Requiem more accurate to say they know other Kindred do it and,
and ascend to a higher existence. In so doing, they carry in domains where they can’t put a stop to it, they recruit
the ills of the human race away with them. To cleanse as damage control.)
oneself is to clean the world. Neonates are usually confused and horrified. The
Nemites not only promise an explanation, they claim
Membership Privileges a monopoly on the correct explanation. Neonates are
just starting to see the friends and family of their mortal
Members of the Priesthood of Nemi may purchase the
life drift away or age to death—if they don’t make the
Allies, Contacts, Mentor and Retainer Merits at half the
mistake of staying close and feeding on their loved ones.
normal experience-point costs (rounding up). This cost
As they come to realize the choke hold ancillae have on
break does not apply to purchases of these Merits during
the avenues of authority, luxury or even simple comfort,
character creation.
neonates feel helpless.

The Nemites 111

The Nemites have answers to all these problems. strut and preen. Their only profits are comforts wasted
“Why me? Why do I have to be this?” Because humanity on a corpse, bagatelles to decorate their numbness. The
has as much evil as good and cannot change that bal- Vitae of a runaway satisfies as much as a CEO or pop
ance itself. It requires a supernatural agency to tilt things star’s blood. We can help you feed, we can hide you, and
back, and while the Christians got that right, they are beyond that the claims of the others are vanity.
completely inverted about who can carry sins away. It’s
not a flawless immortal who comes back to life through Philosophy
sharing his blood. It’s a damaged immortal who holds The Nemites operate like a human cult. They bring in
death at bay by stealing blood. Without us, mankind’s evil the vulnerable, cut them off from their families and suf-
would overwhelm it. We lance the sores of the world’s soul. focate them in affection and affirmation… right up until
“Why do I have to leave my family and friends?” You the night they first disobey.
draw evil now. You are the drain through which misery The conditional regard of the Nemite community is
is pulled. If you truly love those mortals, you must stay based on group’s foundation values: Love, Community
far from them. Perhaps you’ve already hurt someone you and Penance.
love. That’s the evil within you striving to emerge. Better
to come away from them, because you are not as they are. Love
You can only find new friends and a new family among us. The temptation to put “love” in scare quotes is strong
We understand you. As you are, we are. If you don’t believe and, frankly, justified. When a Nemite says the word, he
me, drink of my blood. Know an intimacy and joy you can doesn’t mean what a human does. The human is talking
never find in the blood of your beloved mortal lovers. about the genuine emotion that a child feels for a caring
“All these laws and traditions… how am I supposed to mother, or a groom for his bride, or a parent for a trea-
get by when I’m trapped by a corrupt system?” The lure of sured infant. But all those things are changed or denied
position and secular authority is a lie. Let the demagogues for Kindred, on one level or on several.

112 The Bonds Of Covenant

Nemite love stems from Dominate, vinculum and artful exchange about each other’s welfare, punctuated
Majesty, full stop. While Kindred form friendships and with “What? You want to know that Devotion? Oh, I can
relationships after death, even with others of their kind, teach you that!” and “Trouble with Devon’s ghoul? Oh,
those bonds always have a coolness to them. Even when I’m so sorry to hear that! No, that won’t stand, I’ll get that
one Kindred faces Final Death for a coterie-mate, there’s sorted right away.” It’s the same game, it’s just reskinned
a dispassion to the kindness, the action’s heat generated with a pretense of caring and generosity.
not by warm regard but by the defiant anarchy of a Beast Those who have much spread it around and bask in the
that won’t be caged. gratitude of their recipients. Those who lack sop up the
But what of it? To the Nemites, any affection that makes generosity, but for anyone other than the rankest neonate
sense is inferior. to take without giving is parasitism. To Nemites, that’s
Consider a friend of your own. You like him because you worse than diablerie. Literally.
share values, or enjoy the same things, or have important
experiences in common. You have a bond that can be Penance
explained, with good reasons for your companionship. The flip side to the façade of concern (and the genuine
The Nemites disdain that sort of conditional regard. devotion engendered with blood tricks) is the obligation
When Majesty takes over, there’s no quid pro quo. There’s of penance. Nemites see that they are monsters and
nothing earned about the loyalty of Domination. These realize they’re predisposed to sin. But surrender to the
feelings are more real because they are pure. Mortal love Beast brings greater suffering to all, if the Kindred who
arises from events and sensations. Nemite love just is, succumbs even survives his moment of weakness.
whether it’s wanted or not, compelled into dead breasts So the Nemites fight. They struggle against the thirst
with the force of a hammer blow, unstoppable or, as the that owns them. The greatest weapon in their battle is
Nemites prefer to say it, “incorruptible.” their use of penance to expiate their wickedness.
Human love is weak, evanescent as a soap bubble. You Any time a Nemite feeds, he is obligated to right the
find your wife cheating on you, or your friend stealing transgression by easing the suffering of another. One
from you, and it vanishes in an instant. Nemite love convenient way to do this is to feed another. Thus you
forgives all things. have the Nemi paradox.

Community The Nemi Paradox

Once enthralled by Nemite love, why wouldn’t someone Let us concern ourselves with one of our type named Leucip-
want to spend all his time with his fellow believers? Hav- pus. Leucippus feeds on a mortal woman, and he is thereby
ing been bombarded with messages of Nemite loyalty burdened with sin. He is selfish and callous.
(often backed up with Disciplines, but just as often us-
Similarly, if a woman of our ilk, let us presume to name
ing nothing more than a vampire’s remembered human
her Xanthippe, feeds on a mortal man, then Xanthippe has
longing for community) helping other members of the
polluted herself.
covenant becomes the default.
If Leucippus gives his woman to Xanthippe, Leucippus is
As the Carthians and the Invictus well know, generosity
innocent and, indeed, has shown moral kindness. He has
is a hard sell to Kindred, which is why Nemites don’t treat
relieved Xanthippe’s suffering by assuaging her thirst. But
community feeling as an option. It’s not only enforced
Xanthippe, now, is bearing the burden. Not only has she
with blood witchery and social opprobrium, the entire or-
harmed the mortal woman, and thereby done wrong, but she
ganization of the covenant defaults to it. Challenging the
risks becoming a burden on Leucippus and causing suffering
notion of communal belonging is to challenge the roots
through sloth.
of Nemi’s Grove. Without it, the covenant falls apart.
The resolution of this dilemma is for Xanthippe to feed her
The options, then, are to hang together or burn sepa-
man to Leucippus, and for Leucippus to feed his woman to
rately. Most opt for togetherness and, that done, the Rex
Xanthippe. Through this, the sins of each are mitigated and
Nemorensis makes sure the togetherness is not halfhearted.
the generosity of each is placed in balance. Neither is obligated
Does this mean the vaunted Kindred tendency to count to the other and each has put selflessness before greed.
coup and track favors has been organized out of existence?
Nemites who feed one another are morally neutral, where-
Quite the opposite. It’s just done back-to-front. The typi-
as Nemites who feed themselves are guilty and Nemites
cal power transaction for Kindred is “this for that.” “I’ll
who permit themselves to be fed without reciprocating are
teach you this Devotion if you gank Devon’s ghoul.” The
doubly guilty.
same exchange in Nemite culture would be a long and

The Nemites 113

Relieving suffering is the standard by which expiation is on the old King. This is seen, not as a crime or an act of
measured, and whose suffering is best relieved? Why, the contempt, but as the final tribute to a martyr. The old
suffering of one’s beloved fellows, of course. Thus Nemites soul is too great a treasure to waste, so it is drunk by the
are known to beg one another to permit some act of generos- new King, while the spirit and identity of the released
ity and, if that act of generosity places the other Kindred in King travels onward to unguessed-at rewards.
debt, that’s the other Kindred’s problem. (After all, refusing Some fight with frenzy to find the golden statuette,
aid from one’s beloved brethren is prideful and therefore and some make only a perfunctory search, but all in the
merits penitence.) covenant are given an opportunity to find the bough.
The greatest act of penance, of course, is to sacrifice your- Starting on November 1, the new Rex Nemorensis is
self, not though suicide, but by accepting destruction to save crowned and begins his reign, which lasts until the next
your fellows. Passing. Some domains hold Passing every decade, some
every five years, some every year. Few Kindred are will-
Rituals and Observances ing to face diablerie for a year of absolute power (at least,
absolute within the covenant) but a surprising number
Passing the Golden Bough think they’ll find a way out.
The central rite of the Priests selects its leader. The trap- Often, the new King performs an embrace upon taking
pings of this three-night observance vary from domain to the throne, to restore the covenant’s numbers. Others
domain, but the core is consistent. In the US and Europe, forego this privilege.
it’s most often practiced on the nights between October
31 and November 1. The King’s Blessing
On the first midnight of the 31st, the current Rex Ne- All who join the Nemites, especially those Embraced
morensis retires to a temple or sacred grove with a golden into the covenant, are given the King’s Blessing. This
sculpture of a branch, usually about an inch in length. consists of being presented to the monarch with great
He cuts himself, hiding the branch somewhere within his fanfare, being given a tangible memento from the Rex
body, then heals over it, being careful to leave no sign or Nemorensis, and then (the most prized gift of all) the
scar. After this point, he feeds only from virgins. neonate is permitted to drink the King’s sacred blood.
At sundown of the 31st, the king awakens and feeds The King’s Justice
once more, this time from virgins drugged into an ecstatic
stupor. Traditionally, this was done with belladonna or Nemite despite resolution is basic. (They prefer to call it
hellebore, but in modern times even traditionalists sub- ‘primal.’) When Nemites have a dispute, they try to sort
stitute less alarming natural hallucinogens like peyote. it out themselves, but if all parties agree that the situa-
Those who are more concerned with philosophy than tion is intractable, they call upon the King’s mediation.
convention use drugs like hashish, MDMA or 2C-B. Those who appeal to the Rex Nemorensis begin by
Everyone in the covenant gathers for the Passing, bring- accepting a drink of his blood. He then hears the details
ing gifts to share (often prized vessels) as the King gives of the case. If he finds dramatically in favor of one side
away his own possessions to those he favors. As he does or the other, he decrees that one party to the suit drink
so, he often discards garments as well, ending up naked from the other, and thereby form a bond that ensures right
on a table or altar at midnight. Then his followers tear behavior. Most commonly, he has all disputants drink
him to pieces. from each other and then attempt to re-negotiate while
under vinculum’s influence. If, after that first drink, they
While this is bloody and violent it is, at the same time,
still can’t reach consensus, he repeats the process. First
joyous and loving and often erotic. The King sees this as
they drink from him, then they discuss their problems,
his apotheosis, his reward for leadership, his escape from
then they drink from one another.
the vampiric trap. His followers drink his blood, loving
him more and more as they do, and chew through his
flesh, seeking the golden bough. Until it is found, the Titles and Duties
participants return blood to the King, so that he can heal
himself and continue the rite. This reciprocal feeding
Rex Nemorensis
continues until the bough is found. The King of the Grove rules the covenant. In theory, duty
The finder of the bough is the new Rex Nemorensis, to him supplants all other duties, including a secular city
chosen by the goddess, and he or she commits diablerie Prince in a city with mixed covenants. Wise kings don’t
push that issue: They’re in no hurry to die before the Passing.

114 The Bonds Of Covenant

The King doesn’t need to hunt for himself. His subjects The Incomplete
are expected to supply him with all the Vitae he needs,
Almost every Nemite has been relegated to Incomplete
either from their own veins or through herd procurement.
status at some point, but most overcome it pretty quickly.
Nemite vinculum promiscuity all but guarantees a King
Incomplete Nemites are those who are running at a long-
has a few vinculums when he ascends to rule, so the High
term deficit in the favor scheme. As with failed High
Priests (described below) often restrict access to the King
Priests, they get condescending, back-handed kindness but
until his affection is more equitably distributed.
they get it from everyone and it doesn’t stop until they’ve
With no need to hunt, Rex Nemorensis is shielded been shamed into favor-bombing their covenant-mates.
from many normal Kindred risks. Should he undergo They even get the treatment from other Incomplete
Final Death outside of Passage, the next King is selected and (though it’s never openly stated), Incomplete never
by group acclaim, usually from among the High Priests. become complete by helping each other. No, at this level
Thus, the High Priests take pains to protect the King. it’s all about currying favor with those who don’t need it.
Even if they covet his crown, they probably want a full
Some Kindred just don’t give a fig about what others
term and an opportunity for grand diablerie.
think and would happily sponge off respectable Nemites
High Priest indefinitely, no matter how much indignity the aid comes
with. For them, there’s a temporary stage beneath Incom-
One becomes a High Priest of the Temple at Nemi
plete, and that’s the stage of “Unworthy.”
through popularity. They may dress it up with a formal
investiture ceremony and big hats, but it’s a popularity The High Priests decide when someone’s Unworthy, and
contest. Sometimes the current High Priests cordially usually the first the new outcast hears about it is when
invite someone to join them, usually someone they owe they grab him, drag him to the King, and ask the King
favors to, or someone to whom enough favors are owed to drink the Unworthy into Final Death. It’s not uncom-
that it’s better to have them inside the Grove pissing out mon for Kings to commit diablerie during these ultimate
than outside pissing in. penances. It’s a hard taste to forget, after all.
Other times, someone simply goes to the Temple and
declares herself a High Priestess. If she’s got too much Attitude Towards Others
clout (that is, she’s been so systematically generous that Carthians: They think secular solutions can cure spiri-
everyone owes her one) the other High Priests let her in, tual ills.
though possibly with some tut-tutting about impatience Circle of the Crone: They call their prison freedom and
and brashness. If she misjudged her popularity and can’t disdain the real thing.
support the title, she’s pitied and everyone is condescend- Invictus: Bound by the tradition that reinforces sin, not
ingly nice to her. Often the legitimate High Priests offer the tradition that expiates it.
her their Vitae as a consolation prize and, of course, to
Lancea Sanctum: They preach of virtue while enjoying
refuse it is the sin of pride. Even the King may step in,
what they ought to escape.
offering a second Blessing to a failed High Priest. That’s
the most humiliating of all. Ordo Dracul: ‘Scientific transcendence’ is an oxymoron.
Other than maintaining their snob-club status and Unaligned: Alone, afraid and angry. Offer them a better way.
controlling access to the King, High Priest’s duties include
ritual observance and meddling. Meddling (or “diplo- Nemites at Street Level
macy,”) means keeping up to date on what lower Nemites At street level, a Nemite ‘sacred grove’ is likely to be a city
are doing, maybe suggesting to this one that he owes a park, pissed in by day-time drinkers and mostly known for
particular penance or implying to that one that it would being a gay cruising zone in the ‘70s. Street-level Nemites
be awfully virtuous of him to offer aid to someone else. are a dog pack with Rex as the alpha dog, symbolically
The ceremonies vary greatly from domain to domain, mounting the others into submission. There’s nothing
but most can be simplified to (1) gather Nemites to cel- classy or stylish or warm here. Theirs is the desperate pas-
ebrate something or another (2) use Majesty so that they sion of hopeless obsession, and ‘love’ is expressed through
associate Nemite ceremonies with profound feelings of rough sex, possessiveness or groveling. The Requiem is
respect and bliss (3) bombard them with Dominate mes- an X-rated, jealousy-fueled soap opera, in which love and
sages that the philosophy is correct, that penance is the hate are mingled so tightly that they fuse. But though the
key to freedom, and that dying as Rex Nemorensis is the internal battles are fierce and frequent, any outsider who
best thing that can ever, ever happen to them. troubles a Nemite is going to face the whole frenzied pack.

The Nemites 115

Nemites at City Level Nemites at the Top Tier
City Nemites make a pretense of gentility and compassion, A worldly Nemite cabal not only crafts an illusion of
to one another and, in a half-assed fashion, to outsiders. camaraderie and affection for outsiders: They’ve got
Unbelievers are visibly pitied and any interaction with a such a good fake, they believe it themselves. The scary
Nemite has a subtext (subtle or blatant) of phony regret thing about globe-trotting Priests of Nemi is that they
that the Nemite can’t help as much as they’d help someone are totally sincere.
who shared their beliefs. From the outside, the temptation to join can be intense
Commerce and intercourse between Nemites is just as because they have every sign of beating the curse. At least,
rank with hypocrisy and double meaning. City Nemites beating its emotional deadness and isolation. Even if you
fancy themselves too sophisticated to be rude, and their use compulsion, torture or mind-reading to see if it’s a
conversations are often so polite, so encrusted with the put-on, it tests positive for love. They believe they are the
signifiers of compassion that they seem positively sug- good guys and they want you to join them.
ary. But it’s always a brittle kindness, and if pushed too Of course, if you do you find out just how terrifying
far it devolves into the screaming hysteria more typical total, helpless, hopeless love can be. That Grove King
of the street level. But at least the city folk have the believes that controlling you and breaking your will and
decency to keep their jealous rages and perverse co- remaking you as his perfect creature is an act of love.
dependencies private. Unless you get away fast, you’ll believe it too.

116 The Bonds Of Covenant

The Society
of the Accord
The Kindred are a hidden society; the participants cowering in Rötshreck
tradition of Masquerade extends be- just adds to the fun.
yond security against mortal hunters Behind the orgies and the feats of
into an all-encompassing paranoia courage, new Hellions find that
in which coteries guard their there exists a purpose to the Ac-
feeding grounds from one anoth- cord. It is true that the covenant
er, covenants practice their rituals aims to say “you have no power
in secrecy and a careful vampire over me,” but the message is not
can go years without meaningful pointed at the other covenants or
contact with another of her kind. The their sires; they do not seek to slight
urge to hide also stems from shame—the their hungers, or the sun or even flame
Lancea Sanctum preaches that vampires (all elements that members taunt in their
are damned, and from the night of their rituals). Rather, the message is for the
Embrace childer are taught to try to keep Beast. By variously rewarding the Beast,
a rein on their Beast. Frenzy tears through punishing it, understanding and taming it,
careful intrigues in the red-flash of a moment’s anger, the Hellion gains self-control. She accepts her nature as a
Wassail drives the vampire on in a junkie’s hunger and monster while retaining a grip on her mind. She comes to
Rötshreck ruins Requiems with a single sign of weakness. an arrangement—an accord—with her Beast that grants
That’s the culture. A neonate striking out on his own can some control over the experience of frenzy.
see the mainstream covenants—those that distract them- Although the Accord is seen by the other covenants
selves from being vampires with politics, those that teach as being at best a Masquerade breach waiting to hap-
that vampires are unholy, or primordial, or something to pen, they are at heart a Golconda cult that hit on a
be overcome—and wonder whether any aspect of Kindred surprisingly attractive means of negotiating the pull of
“culture” could ever fit him. Where, he might ask, are the the Beast. The covenant owes its popularity in modern
Kindred who exult in being vampires? nights to the means becoming confused with the end,
Every culture has a counterculture. and elders of the Accord decry the fact that the majority
The Society of the Accord, better known individually of neonates and ancillae are in it for the rites rather than
as “Hellions,” is a minor covenant tolerated as a pressure- the enlightenment.
release for the young and rebellious at best and a possible But they do throw the very best parties.
offshoot of Belial’s Brood at worst. The covenant rejects
the idea that a vampire should feel shame for her condition Overview
as Kindred and make a point of banding together in large
groups called Voleries that act as a substitute for a coterie While many covenants hold events for their members,
for most Hellions. Voleries have a deserved reputation as few take the notion of a communal Requiem as far as the
hell-raising gangs of carousers, devoted to indulging their Society of the Accord with members traveling, feeding
vices with communal shows of excess and to proving their and celebrating together in their Voleries. It is not unusual
courage to one another in seemingly insane challenges of for the entire covenant in a city to be members of the
daring. Skirting close to breaking the Traditions with their same Volery or for the Volery to replace the functions
bacchanals and dares, the Society presents an enticing of a coterie for many members. Those Hellions that do
image to the unaligned of a group of Kindred who, against belong to coteries outside the Volery can find their time
all sense, seem to enjoy their Requiem. The Hellions mock monopolized by the covenant; the Society always has
the things a neonate has been taught to fear, from the something going on, and the pace of the calendar leaves
sun to the wrath of elders, but what truly sets them apart little time for shut-ins.
is their view of the Beast. Frenzy—of any sort—is not Events are scheduled whenever the Volery feels the
shameful to the Hellions, rather a fact of the Requiem to need (often every night—at least once a week) and the
be accepted with a shrug. That some dare end with the theme arrived at by common consensus. To an outsider,

The Society of the Accord 117

the covenant’s activities are a bewildering array of for- in the covenant’s rites. The games serve as payment in
mal rituals, elaborate tests of courage, orgies and strange their internal bargains, buying off frenzy for a time. The
gatherings. One night, the Accord might build bonfires most advanced—those on the road to Golconda, or the
and see who can jump through the flames without fear. covenant’s vision of it at any rate—keep the inner vision
Another night, they might descend together onto a mortal of the covenant alive and advise those younger Kindred
gathering and drink them all dry. Another night they all who do want to take their understanding further. This
might decide to bury themselves in a haven with a sup- disparity between the inner circle of devoted members
ply of “rations” caught from the street as though await- and the greater mass of casual members accounts for
ing Armageddon, only to emerge the next night to play the Accord’s status as only a minor covenant, especially
elaborate chase games where an unfortunate Kindred is when combined with the covenant’s view of the Requiem
declared “it” before being hounded all night by the gang as something to be shared. A new Volery only buds off
until driven into Rötshreck. from the original in a city when the number of members
Although the precise “rules” of the evening’s enter- becomes unmanageable.
tainment are made up for the occasion, there remain
two constants, one obvious and one subtle; the games Members
are always a communal experience with every Volery The Hellions attract Kindred who want to think of them-
member available taking part, and always involve frenzy selves as strong and accepting of their nature as vampires.
or the threat of it. While the majority of the Volery are Older recruits tend to be those that have served time in
taking part for the approval of their peers and the powerful another covenant and found the constant struggle of poli-
feeling of belonging that comes from carousing as part of tics to be too much like fighting the inevitable, the prayers
the gang, those that take the teachings of the covenant a of the Sanctified turned hollow or the drive to escape the
little more seriously find them empowering on a different curse of the Ordo Dracul too restrictive. Younger Hellions
level, one that betrays the origins of the group. with no previous allegiances tend towards those that just
A relatively new covenant, the Society of the Accord want to enjoy themselves somehow but aren’t sure how to
grew out of the Enlightenment as the methods used by go about it when their instinctive likes have been replaced
a small group of Golconda-seekers adapted to notions of by those of the Beast or those that were gang-members,
self-control and psychology among the kine. Recognizing natural followers, jocks or had another lifestyle based
that the Beast presents a vampire with a few common on finding a place in a tight-knit, aggressive social unit.
reptilian urges—to feed, to be safe from the things that They also find a surprising number of Embraced extreme
threaten the vampiric immortality, to warn off weaker sports fans. The covenant’s attitude to the Beast can also
predators—the covenant devised a scheme of affirmation make them a welcoming to a vampire who has suffered a
and rejection which treats the Beast as an animal to be particularly bad frenzy and wants to come to terms with
trained by reward and punishment. Eventually, after many it. Despite the propaganda painting them as opposed to
years of practice, the Beast can be brought to heel by the the Masquerade, the Accord are well used to cleaning up
promise of reward or the threat of denial, postponing after themselves for security purposes if not out of any
frenzy for a time until the Man can arrange for the Beast sense of fear; on a practical level, a Hellion neonate has
to expend itself harmlessly. made “safe” more accidental deaths through feeding than
The entertainments of the Accord are the means by many ancillae of other covenants, and it is to the Accord
which the Beast is tamed—every game is based around that the unaligned turn when they need help. After all,
either giving into or resisting one of the three types of the Accord doesn’t judge them for having frenzied.
frenzy. By dancing through bonfires or daring one an- New Hellions find that they have to sink or swim within
other into sunlight, the Volery learn to resist (or suffer) a Volery; members operate on a complex pecking-order of
Rötshreck. When they chain the doors of a club closed dominance based on courage, Predator’s Taint reactions,
and feed on every mortal inside, the Volery members Willpower, the potency of the blood and what sort of chal-
ride the wave of Wassail, allowing their Beasts to feast lenge is being attempted, with different members having
until sated. The dominance games within the covenant, different specialties. A new member doesn’t have a place
resembling nothing so much as a pack of hyenas, serve to in this shifting hierarchy, and must be assessed by a brutal
satisfy the Predator’s Taint and defy the instinct to hoard period of hazing, in which they are forced to compete in
blood for oneself. the most outrageous challenges the Volery can think of.
Those more “advanced” members of the covenant that When all six Arguments (see below) have been covered,
have started to develop control of the Beast still take part the Hellion is no longer a “newbie,” but one of the gang.

118 The Bonds Of Covenant

Philosophy The Dialogs and Arguments
Hellions that take an interest in the theory behind the The Society of the Accord describes the internal makeup
revels find that the philosophy of the covenant is based of the Other as being divided into three “Dialogs” roughly
in its origins as a Golconda cult and the advances in corresponding to the Id, Ego and Superego of the Man.
psychoanalysis that occurred in the mortal sphere during The Dialogs are named as Fear, Need and Anger and
the covenant’s rise to power. map to the three main forms of frenzy.
Each Dialog is said to communicate with the Man in
The Other two Arguments; one which the Man wins (the “Humane”
The Other is a piece of conceptual doublethink; it’s a Argument) and one in which the Other is victorious
handy label for a self-deception that the Hellion must (the “Bestial” Argument). The covenant then describes
apply. The covenant acknowledges that in truth there the behavior of the Man and Beast in terms of these
is no separation between Man and Beast—the drives of concepts—a vampire who successfully pulls away from
the Curse replace those of life—but they recognize that feeding before killing the mortal is in the state of Hu-
acting on that understanding leads to a rapid slide into mane Hunger, while succumbing to Wassail is an act of
insanity as the mind of the Man rapidly dwindles. Most Bestial Hunger.
Hellions therefore use the idea of the “Other” to explore The covenant speaks of the Dialogs as ongoing, the
their Beasts from a position of disassociation, coming to Man and Beast making their Arguments in turn from
think of their impulses as a separate person. By under- the moment of the Embrace until Final Death. If one
standing the Other and where it intersects with the Man, persona becomes dominant, the opposing Argument will
a Hellion builds a picture of their Other self. The most become ever more forceful; the covenant believes that to
advanced members of the covenant, those preparing to constantly deny the Beast it’s due leads to a vampire finally
seek Golconda, then let go of this doctrine and internalize snapping in disastrous ways, and that it is better to keep
their Others, formally acknowledging that the creature the Dialog on as even a keel as possible, giving the Beast
they’ve been describing for years is in fact themselves. it’s licks so that it will be more content to allow the Man
to take charge when necessary.

The Society of the Accord 119

The Accord their comrades to frenzy, but if the covenant think they can
get away with it an outsider is declared “it” and hounded,
Through understanding their own internal Dialogs be-
the Volery piling on the frustration until the other vampire
tween Self and Other, a Hellion attempts to establish the
snaps. Weak-blooded newcomers to the Volery’s city may
accord for which the covenant is named—a deal struck
find the covenant decide to get the Predator’s Taint out of
between a vampire and her own Beast, formalizing the
the way all at once, driving the interloper into Rötshreck
Arguments into a treaty of self-control and payment. A
while allowing themselves the rush of frenzy.
Hellion who has achieved the accord seeks to “pay” the
Other when the Man wins in the certainty that doing The killing Rite of Anger is reserved for Blood Hunts or
so will allow her to win the Argument in the future. She other occasions when the covenant won’t be punished for
might Ride the Wave in the security of her own haven it (such as by volunteering en masse to assist the Sheriff
after successfully resisting Frenzy in public, or gorge her- in bringing in a lawbreaker). The Volery goes on the
self on blood one night in preparation for going without warpath, hunting down the target of their ire and Rid-
(and resisting the hunger pangs that result) the next. As ing the Wave until the unfortunate victim is torn apart.
the end goal for the covenant’s few elders, the Accord
describes the state of Golconda as being the result of
Rites of Hunger
managing to put both sides of the vampiric mind in bal- The Rites of Hunger take a little more preparation than
ance—changing the agreement from a peace treaty to a other exercises, as the covenant believe simply burning
mutual defense pact. oneself into hunger by over-use of Disciplines to be some-
how less authentic than the long, drawn out starvation of
refusing to feed for a week. Once the participants have
Rituals and Observances properly prepared themselves, they suffer temptation to
The celebrations and strange games of the covenant break their fast.
are not all designed around the three Dialogs, but those Two major rites of Hunger exist—the going-away party
that aren’t are regarded as being on the level of social and the feast. The first is held when a vampire of the
engagements—slacking off to drive golf balls from the covenant has grown too potent in the blood to easily
roof of a skyscraper doesn’t advance the understanding rise and has decided to enter torpor; the elder literally
of the Beast, but the Volery might decide to have a night starves himself to torpor, and the rest of the Volery “helps”
off and do just that. Those activities that do fulfill the if necessary by imprisoning him away from sources of
covenant’s mission are called Rites, and are divided by the Vitae. The second major rite, along with the fire-dance
three Dialogs. Each takes multiple forms, from the regular dares, is a signature of the covenant; the Volery finds a
games to the rarer rituals that require greater preparation small population of mortals, lock the doors, make the
and are looked forward to as festivals. inhabitants safe and gorge themselves, Riding the Wave
of Wassail and drowning the Other in blood.
Rites of Fear
The Hellions are notorious for their Rites of Fear—daring Negotiation
one another to risk Rötshreck by confronting the banes The last observance of the Society of the Accord is one
of the Kindred and suppressing the urge to flee until the of the few exceptions to the communal philosophy of the
last possible moment. Participants jump through flames, covenant, but even it is not performed alone. Two Kindred
hold limbs into sunlight or intense heat and when con- of the covenant perform negotiation; the supplicant and
ditions allow expose themselves to the Predator’s Taint an ancillae trained in the position of “Advocate” (see
of far stronger vampires, allowing the instinctive fear to below). The ritual is a formal conversation between the
take over. supplicant and their own Beast, voiced and represented by
A rare form of the Rites of Fear involves soothing the the Advocate, with the aim of understanding the reasons
Other by taking elaborate (indeed, over-elaborate) security for frenzy and negotiating the terms of the accord. The
measures; these are the times when the Volery dig them- Ritual of Negotiation serves the Hellions as confession
selves into a location with a stockpile of prisoner-victims does for the Lancea Sanctum and Ordo Dracul, and can
like bunker dwellers waiting for nuclear war, running with help a participant stave off the degeneration of Humanity.
the urge to keep themselves from harm at all costs.

Rites of Anger Titles and Duties

Rites of Anger involve provocation—usually the Volery The Hellions don’t have many internal roles, but three
takes turns humiliating one another in an attempt to cause tasks are considered important enough to be given a spe-

120 The Bonds Of Covenant

cial title. The Hellions bearing each title in a Volery may Treaties of Hunger, Fear and Anger
change from night to night depending on circumstance;
These three Treaties are mechanically identical, but are
they’re descriptions of action, not formal jobs.
limited in use to one of the three frenzy stimuli. A char-
Navigator acter may have different tier ratings in the three Treaties.
The Navigator, usually shortened to Navvy, is the Hellion First Tier: Time of Choosing
in charge of organizing a particular Rite, equivalent to a The player spends a Willpower point for her character to
master of ceremonies or Mistress of Elysium. The Navvy is delay a frenzy of the appropriate type for up to the char-
normally the member of the coterie best at the game in ques- acter’s Blood Potency in nights—the “banked” frenzy may
tion, the reigning champion of the dare being attempted or be triggered by successfully Riding the Wave, but failure
simply the member who thought of the rite in the first place. to do so by the time limit causes the character to auto-
matically enter the frenzy without control. Experiencing
Advocate a new frenzy during the delay’s duration does not affect
A Hellion serving as the Beast’s mouthpiece in the Ritual the delayed frenzy, and only one frenzy of each sort can
of Negotiation is called the Advocate. Opinion varies as to be delayed at a time.
whether the Advocate actually does give a voice to the sup- Second Tier: Act in Concert
plicant’s Beast or simply uses rudimentary psychotherapy to Riding the Wave does not cost a Willpower point, and
say what the supplicant feels their Beast should say. it requires a base of only three successes, not five. The
attempt to Ride the Wave must be in keeping with the
Cleaner Treaty this Tier applies to—entering Wassail with the
The Society’s Rites are often messy affairs, and if the Treaty of Hunger for the purpose of catching fleeing prey
covenant is to be tolerated by other vampiric societies or subduing a victim, Rötshreck with the Treaty of Fear
the Masquerade must be maintained. The Cleaner is the for escape and anger frenzy with the Treaty of Anger for
Hellion (usually the Hellion thought of by outsiders as the combat.
most responsible or least worst) with the task of disposing
Third Tier: Beast’s Tribute
of evidence. The position also acts as the closest thing
the covenant have to an ambassador to other covenants. After successfully Riding the Wave to enter the appro-
priate frenzy type, the character may ignore one future
frenzy of that kind within his Blood Potency in nights.
The Hellions record their progress in forming an Accord Treaty of Negotiation
with their Beast as “Treaties,” which superficially (and wor- The Treaty of Negotiation is focused on the act of Ne-
ryingly, to the Ordo Dracul) resemble Coils of the Dragon gotiation itself—understanding the interplay between
focused on understanding the Other rather than forcing Man and Beast, with the latter expressed as the “Other.”
it to change. There are Four Treaties, one for each Dialog First Tier: Separation of Soul and Beast
and one for Negotiation. Each is bought as a Discipline in
The character gains a +2 dice modifier to degeneration
the same manner as Coils, with the total number of Tiers
checks when the degeneration is caused by an event
a character owns providing the “current level.”
stemming from frenzy. The modifier does not apply if the
Hellions acquire new Tiers in the Treaties through character rode the wave.
successful use of the Ritual of Negotiation (and by the
Second Tier: Summon the Beast’s Sight
spending of Experience) rather than the Chrysalis of
the Ordo Dracul. The Treaties are incompatible with By understanding the reactions and needs of the Beast,
the Coils of the Dragon, and a character cannot learn the character can spend a Willpower point to trigger a
both. A defector from one of the covenants can scour Predator’s Taint check against another vampire despite
themselves of progress in their original Tiers, giving up it not being the first meeting between them.
the powers involved, before starting again at the bottom. Third Tier: Refined Separation
At the Storyteller’s discretion, they might regain some of As per the first Tier, but the modifier applies to degenera-
the Experience spent on the now-vanished Trait. tion checks caused by Riding the Wave as well.

The Society of the Accord 121

The Sun-Walking Knights
For a group of Kindred to call them- Ventrue: They only suffer a -1 pen-
selves the “Sun-Walking Knights” is alty on their Humanity rolls to resist
a gutsy move on the scale of being derangement.
openly gay in Saudi Arabia. But this Weaknesses gained through blood-
covenant’s name doesn’t refer to its lines are unaffected and remain in
Kindred members. It’s named after the full effect.
people in control—the ghouls. Moreover, the Vitae of the changed
The covenant began sometime in Kindred no longer creates the Vincu-
around the end of the 19th century lum, no matter how much is consumed
with a group of apocalypse-minded or how many times. It still addicts and
members of the Ordo Dracul moving creates ghouls, it just doesn’t leash
in on a Circle of the Crone domain in souls. Vinculums created before the
French Guiana. Conflict ensued (in ritual are unaffected, and the Knight’s
retrospect, fulfilling the prophecy of susceptibility to Vitae bondage remains
doom that had prompted the Order if he tastes blood from Kindred outside
to move there in the first place) and his covenant.
in the aftermath the conflict-weary survivors fused into a Giving up the Vinculum’s emotional choke-chain is, to many
single organization called L’Ombre Sans Nom. No one outside Kindred, a regrettable loss, but it’s not without an upside. They
the covenant has a clear idea of what happened next, because can keep ghoul associates alive for decades without blunting
L’Ombre Sans Nom was isolated. The coastal highway between their senses, and they can deal with one another without the
the Suriname border and the capital city of Cayenne is still threat of blood slavery. It’s a price, but many find it a small one
sparsely populated today, both by humans and their Kindred to pay to ease a clan flaw.
parasites, and its Requiem culture is homogenously dominated
by the Sun-Walking Knight covenant that grew out of L’Ombre.
Perhaps the isolation and paucity of competition allowed
L’Ombre to discover a ritual that opened the door for a ghoul Twisting free of the Ordo’s emphasis on hierarchy and the
coup d’etat. Or maybe it was a strange hybridization of Crone Circle’s focus on individual fate, the Kindred of L’Ombre were
magic and Order pseudo-science. rudderless until their own freed ghouls reshaped the covenant
However it happened, L’Ombre Sans Nom found out a way in the spirit of the French Revolution. Liberty, Fraternity and
to suppress clan flaws, at the price of robbing their Vitae of Equality were the watchwords, even if the guillotine had to
the ability to form the vinculum. Once ghouls were driven by make an occasional appearance.
blood addiction and kiss-bliss, but no longer constrained by L’Ombre schismed between two Kindred. One was aged,
artificial devotion, they began to request, and then demand, weary and cunning. The other was younger, forceful and cruel.
greater input into covenant decision-making. With their ability As the elder dithered, the firebrand gathered more and more
to walk by daylight, they were in a fine position to back their power and put rising numbers of ghouls under his bondage.
demands with threat. They thus became the first “freighuls,” But the ghouls rebelled and destroyed him, waking the old
or free ghouls. one by day and demanding their rights as full members of the
covenant, lest they drag him into the daylight as well. From
Membership Privileges that revolution sprang the covenant’s new model, and though
the title “Sun-Walking Knights” initially meant only the ghoul
Full membership in the Sun-Walking Knights comes after branch, they became so dominant as the covenant spread that
undergoing a ritual called “Washing the Shadow.” After the the name was soon applied to all who followed the process and
ritual, the weaknesses of the clans are changed as follows. the philosophy.
Daeva: Foregoing Vice costs only one Willpower, not two.
Gangrel: The Gangrel regain the 10-again rule on Wits and Members
Intelligence-based rolls.
Three types of neonates tend to join the Knights. The first
Mekhet: They still suffer an additional point of damage from are freaked over their flaws and haven’t thought through the
sunlight or fire, but it’s an extra point of lethal damage, not benefits of ‘emotional enslavement powers.’ The second are
aggravated. afraid of both their Vinculum potential and their clan issues.
Nosferatu: They regain the 10-again rule on Presence and (Many in that category are Daeva or Ventrue, two groups with
Manipulation rolls. particular barriers to being anything less than monstrous.) They

122 The Bonds Of Covenant

We who live by the grace of the blood need it to continue, for otherwise we are bound by the normal, brief span of a mortal’s years.
We have every reason, therefore to pursue its source.
What of that source, then? It is unrevealed until the final days and its value can only be seen under sunlight through the agency of
those who have accepted the blood. Can the immortal source be said to need us? Surely not, when it can continue long after we are gone,
spanning the ages and generations of men. But it desires us, it longs for our service, longs for us to turn to it in need and find the truth
that only its sacrifice of blood can reveal.
With undying desire on one side of death’s grey barrier, and stringent need upon the other, how can aught but harmony occur? But
we are all of us fallen, greed and envy and mistrust are our birthright since the day that Eden burned. Can we truly enslave ourselves
without holding back some scrap of defiance and self-will? Can we truly be worthy servants if we do not serve with a whole heart, knowing
that we act in our own interest as well?
Here then is the conundrum. Each longs to master the other, to control the blood that mediates between life and death. But we the
living can only be as mastered as we permit, while the fountainhead of the life-giving is stymied by our mortal freedoms.
No, this cannot be slavery, no matter how ardently such a yoke is desired. We the living cannot bind over the eternal, and were
the deathless to compel our service, our service would lose its value. Only side by side, together, can we move forward. Any other choice
degenerates into stasis, stagnation and death.

see the Knights as a way to get relief without having to violate Equality is Necessary, Not Desirable
the hope and freedom of others.
Pillars (what other covenants call “blood dolls”) want their
Then there are former freighul who get Embraced into the rapturous vampire Kisses. Ghouls want Kindred Vitae to keep
covenant. Unlike unaligned recruits, or Kindred poached from them alive and empowered. Kindred want blood from the Pil-
other covenants, the freighul know what they’re getting and lars to sustain their existence. So everyone has something they
choose it. Though a surprising number of them run off before want and something to offer.
getting their shadow cleansed.
The problem is, the power isn’t balanced. Kindred provide
Former freighul tend to step right into readied seats of power, a service to both mortal types. Ghouls aren’t strictly necessary.
complete with alliances and arrangements between their old Pillars can survive just fine if they walk away and never get
Vitae donors, Pillars they’ve mentored, and freighul comrades. involved with Kindred again. But any given ghoul or vampire
Canny neonates who know how to spot jonesing ghouls and has the odds in his favor if she wants to kill a Pillar or just
can build emotional dependence without the vinculum can chain him up in a tool shed awaiting her pleasure.
gain influence and authority quickly. Scared neonates get
So the society needs to enforce equality, because that yields
tagged by control-freak ghouls who corral them with Pillars
the best outcome for a trio of factions, each of whom nurses
and treat them like cattle. Indeed, some Kindred are just fine
some hidden rationale for being in charge.
being passive donors who let the ghouls boss them around.
One Must Trust Some
Philosophy An offshoot of the previous principle involves trust. Trusting
The Sun-Walker philosophy is sketched out in a book called ghouls, Kindred, or people who enjoy having their life luxuri-
“The Poisoner’s Dilemma,” written by a Knight who couches antly spooled out of their bodies is chancy. But to get the best
the whole setup in double-meanings. Read by the ignorant, it outcome and optimize the meeting of needs and desires, trust
comes across as a masochistic take on Christianity, but those is mandatory. Where nature makes trust unwise, the covenant
in-the-know understand what “source of the life-giving blood” must step in to make it not only possible, but palatable.
really means. It lays out the core of Sun-Walker belief.

The Sun-Walking Knights 123

Of course, one mustn’t get into a foolish trust habit. Espe- liberties possible under Sun-Walker rule. It’s not necessary to
cially with those outsiders and their enslaving blood. hate the other covenants (though one needn’t look far to find
entirely voluntary hate) as a statement of their obsolescence.
Contribution Trumps Condition The new way works better than the old.
One’s condition within the covenant is either Kindred (feed- Knightly evangelism means traveling to a different city or
ing ghouls, pleasing kine), Pillar (feeding Kindred) or ghoul region, finding the Kindred, and showing them the new way.
(managing the defense of the others). But people rarely fall so This is most often done by ghouls. Without some form of occult
neatly into categories. A Pillar may be rich or connected and defense, most Pillars find the job too hard. As for Kindred, the
opt not to become a ghoul. When that Pillar helps defend the risks of travel and sunlight dissuade most. At its best and most
covenant and enrich its members, should her merit be judged organized, entire groups travel to spread the word. These groups
solely on her kine position? Ridiculous. She’s far more than a include ghouls to mitigate the risks of the journey, Kindred
mere blood source and deserves to be treated as such. to serve as examples, and perhaps a few Pillars to keep things
running smoothly.
Rituals and Observances
Titles and Duties
Cleaning the Shadow
The process is deceptively simple. One makes an agreement Pillar
with a Professor. One writes out a contract stating “I hereby Pillars, the fundament upon which the covenant is built, are
pledge my loyalty to the Sun-Walking Knights, forsaking other stock mortals. No infusions of Kindred blood, no Embrace,
covenants and thereby renouncing the practice of blood slavery just pale and sickly people who’ve had a taste of the Kiss and
and pursuing relief from the curse of my kind.” True, this has liked it plenty.
to be written in one’s Vitae, but what of that? The Professor What distinguishes a Pillar from a simple blood doll is infor-
countersigns with his own blood, the contract is burned and mation. Pillars are trusted (rightly or wrongly) and have some
thereafter the signer can set no Vinculum and has the reduced knowledge of what the Requiem is and what the Masquerade
clan flaws from p. 122. requires. They are usually regarded as ‘junior members’ and
Many professors insinuate that loyalty to the Knights is as many freighuls started as Pillars. They can vote for covenant
supernaturally enforced as the contract’s other effects. It’s officers, and are often the most numerous of the Sun-Walkers.
not. One can undergo the process, then immediately defect to
another covenant with no greater risk than any other betrayal Officers
of a group of proud and self-willed ghouls and vampires. The titles vary from domain to domain, sometimes harkening
back to the covenant’s Circle roots, sometimes borrowing from
Oaths the Carthians, but the duties are pretty consistent. There’s
The Knights take their pledges very seriously, as long as they someone who decides who needs a beating and someone who
are properly witnessed and sealed. To do so requires at least hands that beating out. There’s an officer for the Masquer-
four members of the covenant. One (the debtor) promises to ade and one who deals with other covenants. The one with
fulfill some duty to another (the creditor). (Contracts estab- the most influence is generally the one with the least actual
lishing mutual duties are common, meaning both are creditor authority, but who’s in charge of organizing elections and tal-
and both debtor.) A third acts as arbiter, judging whether the lying votes.
oath has been completed and meting out punishment should Everyone in the covenant, from the lowest Pillar to the oldest
the debtor default. A fourth is witness. These contracts are of the Kindred or freighuls, gets to vote for officers. Often it
usually written, always in blood, and are completely invalid boils down to the use of Majesty or Dominate, but severe cor-
unless at least one Pillar, one ghoul and one of the Kindred are ruption can offset that. Sometimes elections are even decided
involved. Two ghouls can make an oath with a Pillar arbiter on qualifications.
and a Kindred witness, for example.
If the arbiter or witness declares the oath broken, the social Professor
opprobrium falling on the debtor is severe. Even if the arbiter A Professor is someone, ghoul or Kindred, who can Cleanse
levies no additional penalty, the oath-breaker finds that most the Shadow. Professors are honor bound to perform this service
covenant-mates require payment up front for anything the for anyone Embraced into the covenant. Other than that, they
debtor wants and that, moreover, he may have trouble finding can refuse to do it at their discretion.
witnesses and arbiters for those deals he can make. Cleanse the Shadow is a three-point Supernatural Merit.
To purchase it, one must be taught it by another Professor and
Proselytizing must have at least three dots in the Occult skill.
The Knights believe they have a responsibility to all mortals Professors are elected by a simple majority, and since there’s
(ghoul or no) entangled in the Requiem. They are duty-bound no upward limit on how many there can be, it’s rare for a
to show them a better way and enlighten them about the

124 The Bonds Of Covenant

candidate to fail. (If he does, he can run again in four years.) vampire suppliers and plays them against one another, but
But once elected and taught, the Professor is sent from the generally the vampire holds the whip hand because he produces
domain and forbidden to return for five years unless it’s a dire the addicting substance. Freighul could shop around and hope
emergency. The Professor is expected to travel, spreading the for a kindlier supplier, but so could crack whores.)
word and building up the covenant. Most do or die trying, The non-ghoul Pillars? They’re like the daughter that daddy
since most are ghouls desperate for a new Vitae supplier, and hasn’t abused yet, but who the mama is ready to throw in front
most of those ghouls are eager to avoid vinculum. of him as a distraction for those thirsty fists. Professors are likely
to be distant figures, mysterious travelers who dole out their
Freighul favors when the whim suits them and who leave in disgust with
The title for an enfranchised ghoul of the covenant was, in the slightest provocation.
South America, “esclave libre” or “free slave,” but as the cov-
enant spread to Europe and the US, a harsher, shorter and Sun Walkers at City Level
less poetic portmanteau of German and Arabic came into use.
Around Cayenne, you might hear “esclave libre” but anywhere If the Knights on the bottom are like the people you see on
else, it’s “freighul.” Jerry Springer, the Knights in a city-level setting are more like
Though they are the only element of the covenant that could the stars of reality shows that showcase the brash, wealthy and
be done away with, they are also its core and its primary raison breast-implanted. The Kindred are still playing control games
d’etre. After all, without the services of freighuls, the covenant with the freighul, but now the vampire is more likely to sneer
would just be a bunch of off-brand Carthians. at her new dress in public than kick her in the face.
The parallels don’t stop at the emotional and fashion level, as
the Knights are often a well-funded covenant. They don’t have
Attitude Towards Others the deep fiscal history of the Invictus. They have the ability to
Carthians: Worthy beliefs undermined by their flawed blood. operate during business hours, wielded by ghouls who only have
Circle of the Crone: Trapped in a false religious hierarchy. one addiction to cope with and who know that they’re going to
Invictus: Tyrannical bullying fucks. benefit as much as the bloodsuckers. That’s no small thing. So
they make a good nouveau riche foil to First Estate old money.
Lancea Sanctum: Sanctimonious bullying fucks.
They also make good foils to the Carthians, who talk a lot
Ordo Dracul: They limit their own progress by their obsessive
about upsetting old social orders but, often as not, leave boot-
prints on plenty of ghoul necks. As for the mystic covenants,
Unaligned: We prosper together while they perish alone. they tend to regard the Knights with a mixture of contempt and
confusion. Defying the assigned order of vampires ruling ghouls
Knights at Street Level seems foolishly optimistic in the best light, and downright
perverse—like a man marrying his dog—at worst. Fear only
Down in the slums, the rhetoric about equality and justice
enters the mix when those fully informed ghouls start trouble
is just that—rhetoric. The freighul and the Kindred struggle
after sunrise, without having to snivel and double-check with
for dominance in an unwholesome tangle that neatly mirrors
some domitor beforehand.
a dysfunctional love affair. The vampires are in the role of
the abusive patriarch, a provider (of the priceless Vitae the
freighul crave) who expects to be deferred to and won’t toler- Sun Knights at the Top Tier
ate mistakes because he has an unrealistic envy of the other This is the level where the covenant really comes into its own,
Kindred’s vinculum based “marriages.” The freighul are like the because this is the level where its unique resource, the freighul,
codependent, enabling battered girlfriend, nursing a black eye best leverage their advantages. Ghoul politicians, military of-
and muttering “You have to sleep some time, bastard.” Everyone ficers and diplomats apply their occult advantages against mere
on the outside wonders why she stays with him but, of course, humans to loot Baghdad museums, win elections and crack
when things are good, they’re so good and those other bitches down on the turf of night-bound rivals.
just don’t know him.
Those nagging suspicions that the rich, the famous and
In the traditional cycle of spousal abuse, the husband’s the well-born have some kind of secret advantage that keeps
reward is that the wife puts up with his hammering, and the them on top? It’s all true, and it’s all based on vampire blood.
wife’s reward is his remorse afterwards. The same lopsided spin The difference is, the mortals with that benefit who work as
works between vampires who need ghouls for protection and Knights are still their own masters, while those other wealthy,
driver’s licenses and money, and ghouls who need vampires renowned and clout-blessed people are secretly the whimpering
to remain ghoulish. (Also, you can get role reversals where a slaves of immortal regnants.
particularly cunning or connected ghoul strings along several

The Sun-Walking Knights 125

Bella Dravnzie gave a big smile to Persephone, us, it’s about the only thing that does. With

A SeasonP ofT S-ecrets
who replied with a thin grin, lips closed.
“You aren’t going to believe I’m glad to see
you,” Bella said, “But I am. I am, I am, I am.”
“You’re not going to believe I’m glad to see
you,” Persephone replied, “Because I’m not, you
Rowan in torpor, the Circle has become…” Her
eyes turned up, like the corners of her mouth,
as she sought for the perfect word.
“Wait, Rowan’s torpid?”
“Mm hm! Did it on purpose. The Circle,” Bella
back-stabbing cunt.” said, “has become motile. Now I dropped a 411
Bella laughed. It was musical. She slung an about my elder on you. Pay me back.”

arm around Persephone’s shoulder and said, “So you can steer Maxwell towards the disas-
“I deserve that so much it doesn’t even bother ter he needs to restore his reign?”
me. But take a step back.” “Absolutely correct.”
“As you wish.” Persephone’s lip curled and Persephone thought about it. “I think I get

she shrugged out from Bella’s half-hug. It it. Here,” she said, reaching into her handbag.
earned her a glance of mock severity from the Bella leaned in expectantly, and Persephone
woman who had once been her friend. shot her through the purse at point blank range
“Now Persephone, you’ve been dead long “Persephone!” Bella squeaked as she stum-
enough to know that what one of us says isn’t

bled back, mostly startled.

necessarily how we should be understood. I
Persephone didn’t say anything, just locked
meant, ‘take a step back’ metaphorically.”
eyes on her and said, “Hold still, Bella. Don’t
“What do you want, Bella? When you’re trying move a muscle. Good.” She drew the pistol
to seduce someone you’re really quite tedious.” out of the wrecked handbag. “You stay just like
“I could make you fascinated. You know this. that,” she said, her commanding eye fixed as
So isn’t it a sign of respect that I’m not play- she put the gun under Bella’s nose and pulled

ing you like that?” Before Persephone could the trigger.

reply, Bella pushed on. “When we met you The sounds Bella made were inhuman. Im-
were scared and uncertain and didn’t even possible to decipher outside the rage and pain.
know how to kill or stop killing, and whenever
“You’re right, you’re really right,” Persephone
anything happened you ran back to Maxwell.
said, idly kicking at Bella as she thrashed weakly
Now look at you! Routinely meeting with Gar-
on the floor, forcing the blood to put her bro-
rett, a habitué of the Image, equally welcome
ken face back in place. “I never could have done
at Carthian meetings and Sylvia Raines’ hippie
that when we first met. But if I love Maxwell
Satan-rockin’ Sanctified church.”
as much as you say, isn’t it my job to lead him
“You’re going to take credit for that, I suppose? towards his necessary disaster? Assuming, of
If you hadn’t bitch-fucked me when I was weak course—as you did, because you always were
and helpless, I’d never have learned strength?” a dumb little bitch, when all’s said and done—
“That’s about the size of it.” that he hasn’t already had it.”
“Don’t hold your breath waiting for a fruit “Puh’seffy,” Bella mumbled through broken
basket and thank-you note.” teeth, “I d’n blabe you…”
“You know I have little need of either fruit or “Wow, the powder burns look like a little hip-
breath. Or thank-yous, for that matter. What I ster Van Dyke beard,” Persephone said as Bella
do need,” she cooed, leaning in, “is information struggled to get her back to a wall. “You should
about the Prince.” have made me love you while you could.”
“You have to be kidding me.” “The Circle turns,” Bella said, her face slowly
“You love him, Persephone. As much as crea- reforming through threads of blood, and reach-
tures like us can love, you love him. You want ing swatches of skin. “In this chaos, it’s turning
what’s best for him.” to me.”
“And that’s to narc him out to a treacherous “Whatever,” Persephone replied. She shot
Crone whore?” Bella again, this time in the leg, and paused to
Bella nodded, her hair bobbing with enthu- stomp the bloodless bullet hole before turning
siasm. “Crisis provokes growth! In the dead like to leave.
Bloody Business
If the people have no bread, then let them eat cake.
—Marie Antionette

Make no mistake: the Damned are singular monsters. with that, of course; the World of Darkness games
They have powers—and problems—that no other denizen make every effort to put the story first, ensuring that
of the World of Darkness has. An eternal struggle over a unnecessary systems don’t bog the give-and-take of good
long-desired haven that plays out nightly for a century? A dramaturgy. That’s the default.
refinement of the living Blood burned within the crucible This chapter is about looking past the default. It’s
of dead flesh, a refinement that awakens new abilities, lost about providing systems that don’t hinder the complex
memories, and feared deformations of spirit and skin? A tale-making that can come part and parcel with play-
knife-fight in a back alley where the one thing doing more ing Vampire: The Requiem, but instead highlight the
damage than the slashing blades is the endless invective critical undead struggles and grease the wheels for the
(paired with cauterizing wit)? great, blood-soaked, operatic conflicts you want to foster
Vampires dwell in a nocturnal world where a social slight at the gaming table, whether those conflicts be physical,
can literally invoke madness, where a chess game over social, or mental.
“resources” (meaning, soldiers and slaves) can play out Vampires are singular creatures, and therefore deserve
over the course of a thousand nights, where the presence a special touch: a bloody fingerprint on a pale thigh, a
of one’s beatific glory or nightmarish horror can change all blood-drawing pinch of skin, a gentle sinking of fangs
the stakes in the hair’s breadth of a single moment. through layers of sweet muscle.
Right now, as it stands, a lot of this is driven only by It’s time for the Devil to get his due. Time to engage in
the roleplaying of players and Storytellers. Nothing wrong some bloody business.

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat

Certainly, any Kindred can represent a potent physical a bat of blood-caked eyelashes. Certainly the option would
presence—with but the burning of the Blood, a vampire be for the vampire to then dispatch his adversary—stomp
could tear a car door off its hinges, could snap a man’s neck, his head into an oily paste of ash and skin-flake, suck his
could leap from building to building like a mad shadow. But soul out through his mouth (bite the tongue and keep suck-
physical conflicts aren’t always where it’s at when it comes ing!), or toss him into a homeless guy’s burn barrel. Done.
to the way these monsters do business. Think about it: a Except… again, you’re really not supposed to do that. In
vampire who takes his disputes to the streets is going to get most cities, that’s a no-no. Plus, that enemy, he has friends.
flagged as a pesky Masquerade-breaker. You can’t be chuck- He has slaves. He has a whole house of sharp-edged cards
ing manhole covers and taking a chest full of bullets where that could come raining down. And really, when it comes
people might see you—and in the city, people might see you. down to it, killing the guy… well, what fun is that?
Masquerade, broken. Which means someone might take Here’s where the fun is for most vampires: the social
away your haven. Or kill your favored ghoul. Or exile your sphere. You cut a vampire with a flashing razor, and it doesn’t
ass to the city limits. Or pound a wooden flagpole through last. But you dig him at Elysium with a well-placed insult, a
your chest and pin you to a high school roof so that you subtle measure of his (lack of) character, or an overindulgent
can get a glimpse of one last sunrise. and defeating boast, well… he’s going to feel that tomor-
Besides, a vampire who throws down with another of his row evening. And the evening after, and the evening after.
kind is just playing a temporary game for the most part. He Might go on for years. The Harpies whisper about it (“Did
puts his immortal enemy down for a big dirtnap, well, that’s you hear what so-and-so said about blah-dee-blah’s boorish
just torpor. The adversary’s down and out for… maybe a demeanor?”). Maybe the Prince decides not to grant that
week? Maybe a month? Hell, even a year isn’t much in terms long-desired and long-scheduled meeting (“Sorry to inform
of what eternal creatures can stomach; for many, that’s just you, but the Prince has changed his mind. He’s become

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 127

suddenly very busy. Expect that his schedule won’t clear.
Best of luck.”). Then one night, the poor fucker rounds a
corner and hears a pair of new-blood neonate cuntholes Beyond the Fang
dissing him like they’re somehow better than him. This chapter features a hell-ton of rules that are
Of course, if that vampire is in any way worth his salt, generally driven toward vampires: vampires, as
noted, are unique creatures and so you might find
he’s going to try to get back his edge. He can’t go on like that a certain specific set of optional rules will go a
this, not without reclaiming some measure of his power. long way toward enhancing the predatory nature
He bends the will of those two neonate assholes and forces of your Vampire: The Requiem characters.
them to bite and claw one another until one drinks the All that being said, hey, this stuff is portable.
It’s not universally specific to vampires, and if you
soul of the other. He disses the Prince in return (danger- want to move this over to a game of Hunter: The
ous, but some Kindred are attracted to the hard-to-get Vigil or Changeling: The Lost or whatever, feel free
game), and plants a few of his own mean little hisses into to do so. You may find it necessary to tweak the
rules (and you’ll find further rules tweaks in World
the Harpies ear, letting the eternal “Whisper Down The of Darkness: Mirrors), but that doesn’t mean this
Lane” tumble forward in its clumsy, careless way. stuff can’t be cannibalized for your other stories
And that’s the fun. It never ends. All the backbiting. set in the World of Darkness.
All the exalting. The power grabs and demeaning snubs,
the desperate ass-kissing and blubbering pleas. The gifts
of blood. The heart-rending insults. The tangled logic, the
Physical combat is about defeating another person’s
cackling debate fallacies, the nooses with which to hang
body—your character hits him, he loses Health. Simple.
oneself. Night after night this plays out at Elysium, or in a
back alley, or amongst the Primogen, or between sire and Social combat is about defeating another person’s posi-
childe or Prince and Seneschal or a pair of handcuffed tion or Social ability, but isn’t a one-way street. You might
ghouls. It’s gloriously, profoundly, awesomely never-ending. get a leg up on him, but he might turn the tables right
Just how the vampires want it. back upon you. Hence, your character insults him, wins
the turn, and he loses Nerve (see below, p. 129), and you
So, it seems that it’s necessary to have a system to
gain his lost Nerve (provided your character has empty
reflect this, right? If the social realm is ostensibly more
slots in that pool). However, in the next turn he might
significant than what vampires can accomplish by kick-
twist it back on you and win, which means at the end
ing one another’s asses physically, then the mechanics
of the turn your character loses Nerve, and he gains it.
should back this up.
Push-and-pull, give-and-take.
The idea, then, is the same as ass-kicking—it’s still
You’ll find the nitty gritty of this below, specifically
combat. But it’s not a physical struggle. The only knives
under “Social Combat Summary” on p. 129.
are tongues; the only stomping boots are clumsy threats
and crushing insults. Where to begin?
Getting Started: Social Advantages
The Bare Bones: Conceptual Difference Begin by calculating your character’s Social Advantages.
As it stands, a number of traits exist to support one’s
Here is the key conceptual difference between Physical
Physical abilities in combat (Defense, Initiative, Health),
combat and Social combat.
but now you’ll need to calculate those traits that exist to
In Physical combat, my character attacks yours with support one’s abilities in Social combat.
a pipe: the pipe connects, a kneecap shatters. It is not a
contested roll. I’m not seeking any purpose greater than Dominance Modifier (Social Initiative)
breaking that knee or delivering your character some
Presence + Manipulation
manner of harm.
Initiative in combat determines order of action: a character
In Social combat, I’m looking to be dominant in the
with higher Initiative gets to punch, kick, shoot, etc, first. It’s
conversation, gaining The Edge (p. 136), and ideally get-
necessary to establish a similar trait for Social conflict, and
ting my way at the end of the whole affair.
so you have your character’s Dominance Modifier, which
This will be discussed more in detail, but in each turn represents his “social footing” in any given social scenario.
of Social combat, only one winner occurs, and the entire Every character involved in a Social conflict will have a
scene of Social combat only has one winner, as well (which Dominance rating for that scene; the character with the
may or may not be the same character who won the turn; highest Dominance is the one who has the firmest social
one can win a battle but still lose a war, after all). footing, and who more or less gets to control the pace and

128 Bloody Business

lob the first volley. The character with the lowest is scram- Nerve (Social Health)
bling to gain some kind of foothold into the conversation.
Composure + Highest Social Skill
In the beginning of a Social combat scene, each player rolls
Health in Physical conflict tells you, in essence, how
one die and adds the results to her character’s Dominance
much damage (punches, kicks, stab wounds, gunshots,
Modifier. The resultant number is that character’s Dominance
whatever) your character can sustain before he blacks
rating (just like Initiative) for the scene.
out, starts bleeding to death, or outright dies.
Guile (Social Defense) Social combat will never be so clear: while an insult
Wits or Manipulation, Whichever Is Lower might “bruise” your ego, it’s qualitative, not quantitative.
A knife to the eye has a plain, obvious result: no more eye,
Vampires can be tricky; get into a conversation with one, and
or at least, no more seeing through it for now. But dragging
before you know it you’ve given him your wedding ring, your
one’s name through the mud is not so distinctly defined.
bank account number, and your wife. And you can’t help
but feeling like it was your idea to give him all these things. Still, in any social situation, it’s easy to see the push-and-
pull of power, the shifting of balance, the changing of a social
That’s how the Kindred roll: every word is a leg trap,
dynamic. An argument, a seduction, a dressing-down; all of
every question mark a slashing blade, every sentence a tight-
these things represent one character trying to get the edge
ening noose. The best of them could sell fire in Hell. The
over another. The question then is: how much Nerve you got?
best can wriggle free out of any promise, threat or opinion.
Nerve is the character’s Social Health, or his social backbone.
That, then, is a character’s Guile. It’s similar to a Physi-
You will find more about the ramifications related to
cal Defense, but instead of assuming that the combat is
the Nerve pool under “The Nature of Nerve,” p. 137.
filled with ducks, weaves, and parrying blows, it now
assumes that the conversation is chock full of double As a character makes successful attacks upon another in
entendres, loopholes, and other verbal trickery—all Social combat, the target’s Nerve decreases, and the charac-
done in an effort to undermine the other’s confidence in ter’s own Nerve increases. It’s almost a type of Social vampir-
the Social combat, which mechanically means (ideally) ism: one character is stealing the energy from another, but
undoing one’s attacking dice pool. it can be done in return, too. The push-and-pull continues,
until one is said to have The Edge (p. 136).
A character’s Guile works similarly to the way one’s De-
fense does (i.e. subtracted from an “attack” roll), but the
Guile is automatically decreased at the beginning of the turn, The Basics: Social Combat Summary
and does not decrease as the turn continues—the character Below you’ll find the essential steps necessary to run a
loses one Guile for every participant in the conversation scene of Social combat in Vampire: The Requiem.
beyond the first (participant is defined as someone in the Note that, from this point forward, we’re going to use
conflict actively making rolls; passive listeners do not count). two example characters throughout in an effort to frame
A character engaging in one-on-one Social combat does not Social combat in a meaningful and evocative way.
have his Guile reduced. But a Prince against five Primogen • The first character is India, a local slam poet with the
members would see his Guile reduced by four as he attempts ability to duck and weave verbally, to slither her way
to negotiate a number of personalities and their attacks. out of promises, and to constrict others with biting,
A target’s Guile score is subtracted from the attacking alliterative and rhythmic wit. India is a Daeva.
character’s Social attack pool; if your character’s target has • The second character is Harding, a tough thug whose
a Guile of three, then you would subtract three dice from sense of loyalty to the Sheriff is likely unparalleled. He
your Social attack roll of, say, Manipulation + Intimidation. doesn’t have a lot of deft moves, but he can be mean
and crazy like a distempered dog. Harding is Ventrue.

Stage One: Determine Intent

Three Dice, One Success Physical combat ultimately has only a few key outcomes,
Remember that, on average, you’re likely to earn with most of them easily summed up with, “I want to hurt
one success for every three dice rolled. That’s the
basic probability, but is of course no guarantee; my enemy physically.”
roll three dice, and you might get zero successes, The ends of Social combat are not so clearly defined.
or you might get six successes (rare, but with the
10-Again rule, not impossible).
Each character enters into the social situation with some
goal, what we’re calling one’s intent. A character might
have a thousand and one different ambitions in a social

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 129

scenario; it’s best to sum this up in a single sentence Combat is only critical when some degree of resistance will
(usually beginning with “I want,” which is appropriate occur; giving a compliment, for instance, and convincing
given that vampires are ultimately selfish beings). Want someone of their self-worth will only necessitate turns of
a handful of examples? Here you go: Social combat if the target is so mired in self-hatred that
• “I want to seduce her.” he will be hard to convince of his own value.
• “I want to subtly insult her social standing in front of India approaches Harding who sits at the bar. She sidles
everyone.” up next to him. Her intent is to insult the job he’s doing as
• “I want to convince him that he’s worthless and leave Sheriff, and further get him to leave the bar (because frankly,
him weeping blood.” the guy’s presence is a real a buzzkill). Harding’s intent is get
this girl to leave him the fuck alone.
• “I want to threaten him so he’ll stop beating on his
own thrall.” Stage Two: Determine Dominance
• “I want to get her drunk and stupid.” Just like with Initiative, here it’s important to figure out who
• “I want him to buy my fake Rolex watch for way too has the immediate power when stepping into the social situ-
much money.” ation. Someone is always more socially dominant than the
And so on. The intent can be as simple or as complex others in a Social combat; this then helps to determine the
as the player wants it. It’s important that the Storyteller “order of operations” during this Social combat scene. Roll one
knows the intent of the character so as to help measure die, and add to character’s Presence + Manipulation score.
success or failure and to help describe the reactions of India’s got three dice in both Presence and Manipulation.
any Storyteller characters. Her player rolls a die; it comes up a 7. She has a Dominance
Note that engaging in Social combat isn’t really necessary of 13 for this scene. Harding’s only got two dice in both Pres-
if the target isn’t the type to resist. If the character hopes to ence and Manipulation, and his player rolls a 5, giving him
seduce a man who’s been known to give it up for any pair of a Dominance of 9 for the scene. India will go first for the
flashing eyes and licked lips, then no combat is necessary. remainder of this Social combat scene.

130 Bloody Business

Stage Three: Attack
“Attack” may be a bit of a misnomer, in that every roll
isn’t necessarily a direct attack on another individual, but Scenes or Nights Instead of Turns
metaphorically, your character is at least trying to gain The goal with Social combat is to simulate a conversa-
tion where stakes are on the line and intent can be
leverage over one or several targets in the conversation. either damaging or rewarding. It’s why there’s a push-
The default Social attack dice pool is: and-pull instead of just a winnowing Nerve score—a
conversation is meant to go more than 10 or 15 sec-
Social Attribute + Social Skill—target’s Guile onds; each cruel sentence and seductive whisper builds
+/—other modifiers to a mad crescendo of the course of many minutes.
Physical combat is easily defined; you only have so many One way to push past this limitation of turns,
however, is to make the combat go scene-by-scene
ways you can try to break another character’s body, and as opposed to turn-by-turn. One roll per attacker
so the rolls are clearly limited. per scene; resolve that scene; move to next scene;
repeat until concluded.
Social combat is not so limited. So, it’s important for
When might this be appropriate? If the Social
player and Storyteller to come up with appropriate rolls combat is meant to simulate a protracted event,
suitable for the attack desired. then it doesn’t make sense to limit it only to a hand-
ful of turns. Think of a long night where the Prince
The player should always describe his character’s ma- and Primogen argue, or where a hissing Nosferatu
neuver in a fairly straightforward way: “I make it clear attempts to sway the gathered throngs of blind
I want the necklace that hangs around her neck,” and ghouls and tunnel freaks in the darkness below
should furthermore say how he conveys this: “I say, ‘Lis- the city. The Prince doesn’t convince his Primogen
in two minutes; the Nosferatu doesn’t sway the
ten, if you don’t hand me that necklace real quiet-like, frothing crowd in a handful of turns. It might take
I’m going to snap your tender little neck.’” Alternately, the full night to do it, whether successfully or no.
the player might just say, “I stare daggers at her chest, a Further, consider the possibility of expanding
this out even further—night-by-night instead of
dreadful smirk on my face.” (Remember, a Social attack scene-by-scene. A sire and childe who work at
doesn’t necessitate spoken conversation. It can easily be one another with cross-purposes may only come
conveyed in sly glances, lip-licking, cruel grins, or other together once a night before going out to hunt—
each gets a jab in, represented by one roll. The
gestures and expressions.) next night is the same, and the night after that.
That roll, then, might be Manipulation + Intimidation The ebb-and-flow will eventually see a result: the
for the spoken threat, or Presence + Intimidation for the sire gives into the childe’s wishes or the childe is
finally dissuaded. But the cool thing is, it might
unspoken warning. take weeks for this small Social conflict to resolve.
The target might sling back a glib dismissal of the at-
tacker’s threat (Manipulation + Socialize), toss an unspo-
ken threat right back at him (Presence + Intimidation) or
even make up a lie about how the necklace really belongs three successes. Harding, wanting India to just leave him the
to the Mekhet Primogen, and do you really want to upset hell alone, goes for a hamfisted threat about what’ll happen
the Mekhet Primogen (Manipulation + Subterfuge)? to her if she doesn’t back off. The Storyteller allows Harding’s
Both attack rolls subtract out the Guile of the opposing player to roll Presence + Intimidation, and that player gets
target. If the conversation occurs amongst several par- only one success. Now, to resolution.
ticipants, then the highest Guile of the other participants
is subtracted from the roll (provided that the player isn’t Stage Four: Resolution of Turn
subtracting his own Guile, of course). At the end of the turn, when all Social attacks and
India, seeing that she has the attention of the bartender, maneuvers are in, compare the successes gained by each
other patrons, and some saggy-breasted blood doll standing a participant in the conversation.
few feet away, decides to have a little fun at Harding’s expense. The character with the highest number of successes
She makes mention of the number of Masquerade breaches during this turn of Social combat has “won” the round.
that have happened recently, pretending to be ignorant as to All other participants lose a number of points from their
whether Harding would know anything about it. He would Nerve equal to the successes gained by the winner of the
and does; he’s the Sheriff, and these breaches are his (failed) scene. The winner gains that amount to her Nerve if she
responsibility. India’s player determines that the vampire is has room in her pool (her Nerve points may not exceed
“just talking,” couching the insult in just a “regular conver- her maximum Nerve pool).
sation,” so the Storyteller determines that a Manipulation On a tie, the win goes to the character with the high-
+ Socialize roll is suitable for this attack. India’s player gets est Dominance Modifier (not the highest Dominance

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 131

for the scene). If that still results in a tie, then nobody is Also note that a character can attempt to prematurely
considered to have won the round, and all Nerve points exit the Social combat before losing all Nerve, but doing
remain the same. so is only contingent upon the attacker relinquishing
India, having received more successes than Harding (three to her attack. (This isn’t dissimilar from the way one might
his one) is the winner of this round. The crowd seems to have deal with a Physical attack—surrendering or trying to
responded to her veiled insult against him, and Harding’s own escape before too much Health is lost. But if the attacker
threatening retort seems to have been lost in the murmur. The continues to rain blows on the target or chases after, the
dismissal of his abilities as Sheriff stings just as she desired: combat isn’t really over.)
Harding loses three Nerve points, and India gains three (for her Finally, the winner of the Social combat has the Edge
pool was down from earlier failed Social encounters). (p. 136). The winner of the combat is the one who won
the most turns by the end of combat and still has Nerve
Stage Five: Resolution of Social Combat Scene points in her pool. If a target prematurely exits a Social
Social combat may continue for as long as any and all combat, he automatically gives the Edge to his attacker
participants choose to be involved, though it ends for provided that attacker gives up the fight. If the combat
any participant who has lost all Nerve. Losing Nerve features multiple participants, the “last character stand-
means losing the Social combat. Losing the Social combat ing” is the one with the Edge.
means not only dealing with the ramifications of having India is only emboldened by the crowd’s response. She
no Nerve (see “The Nature of Nerve,” p. 137), but also begins making none-too-subtle jabs at Harding again and
succumbing to the intent of the attacker. again, putting him against the ropes every time. He tries to
Succumbing to the intent means that, whatever the excuse himself and head to the pool tables, but she just fol-
attacker was hoping to have happened will happen. This lows after, digging and digging. When all is said and done,
has to be within reason, as determined by the Storyteller. Harding is cowed. He’s insulted. He feels all eyes on him,
Without the addition of Discipline use (more info on that and he leaves the bar. India’s got the Edge. Harding knows
can be found on p. 137), a character cannot be made to: he could’ve stayed behind and felt the sling and arrows of all
• Physically harm himself those mocking stares, but doing so would’ve just thrown him
• Physically harm another off his game and given India the Edge, regardless. He retreats
to his haven for the rest of the night (which gives the vampires
• Do something entirely counter to his character (“I
of the city something of a free pass for the next six or so hours).
want him to burn his favorite book”)
• Do something entirely counter to his well-being (“I Social Combat Modifiers
want to convince him to go up to the Prince and Below are a number of potential modifiers that you might
thumb that fucker right in the eye”) invoke to affect Social combat. These are in addition to
• Perform an impossible action (“I want her to disappear”) any modifiers you choose to use from the World of Dark-
That being said, a wide range of intent can still take ness Rulebook (“Social Skills,” pp. 78-87).
hold. Examples might include: “I want him to feel
ashamed at his actions;” or “I want to turn his anger +3 Character has the Edge
toward his sire and away from me;” or “I want to turn +2 Target is character’s ghoul or thrall
her on, sexually.”
+1 to +5 Appropriate Social equipment (bran-
The Storyteller has the last word on whether or not the dishing a weapon for Intimidation,
attacker’s intent can be carried out. offering a bribe for Persuasion, giving
Can a character resist succumbing to the intent? Yes; a gift to seduce, showing fake evidence
a character cannot be forced to do anything without the to confirm a Subterfuge attempt, etc.)
application of Disciplines. But choosing not to give in
+1 Target is “family” (within two Em-
to the attacker’s intent is costly: the target must pay one
brace “steps” of character)
point of Willpower and, in addition, loses his Guile against
other Social attacks for the remainder of the night. Why? +1 Character wears convincing clothing
Because the target is off-balance. He feels unsettled, with (a nice suit for a salesman, a sexy haute
a nagging feeling working at the fore of his mind (“Should couture outfit for a seducer, a rough
I have slept with her?” or “I don’t trust my own instincts biker’s outfit for threats of ass-kicking).
anymore”). Put another way, the character is now “off his +1 Character possesses higher Blood
game” for the rest of the night. Potency than the target

132 Bloody Business

-1 Target possesses higher Blood Potency were present, then the bonus would remain +2 because of
than the character the limited number of allies in attendance.
Something to consider, however: if allies are present and
-1 Either vampire is hungry
Social combat turns particularly nasty (say, a provoked
-1 For every mild derangement possessed Gangrel pulls out a hatchet and starts chopping), the
by opponent (derangements aren’t Storyteller might justify a loss of one dot in that particular
helpful to those who possess them, but instance of the Allies Merit.
they can hinder attempts to convince Barfly
or unnerve such individuals)
Useful only when speaking to other characters with the
-1 Character wears inappropriate cloth- Barfly Merit. If your character has the higher Dominance
ing (golf outfit for threatening, a during the Social combat scene, she gains +1 in dealing
frumpy frock for seducing) with another barfly.
-2 Either vampire is starving Contacts
-2 For every severe derangement pos- Possessing the Contacts Merit likely indicates that Social
sessed by opponent combat isn’t necessary—like with Allies, you bought the
dots, and a system is in place (pp. 114-115, World of Dark-
-4 Language barrier (character doesn’t
ness Rulebook) by which to take advantage of those dots.
speak the same language, must rely
on body language) Fame
The Fame Merit functions as normal during Social com-
bat. On appropriate Socialize or Persuasion rolls, your
Effects of Social Merits character gains a bonus equal to dots possessed in the
The World of Darkness Rulebook has a number of ex- Fame Merit. This only works on those who would actually
isting Social Merits (pp. 114 -117). How can these affect be impressed by the famousness of your Damned charac-
Social combat? ter, mind; a special effects nerd doesn’t care if you were
Allies once a famous Olympian, while the space-case tweaker
Generally speaking, a character won’t need to engage in girl at the bar does care if you’re the lead guitarist of the
Social combat with their allies. That’s why you purchased band that’s about to go on in 15 minutes.
them for your character with Merit dots, so you don’t have Inspiring
to constantly fight to get what you want out of them. Doesn’t work on Social combat directly, but those who
Plus, a system already exists (p. 114, World of Darkness support the character during Social combat (“Back the
Rulebook) by which a character can ask Allies for help. Play,” p. 134) might earn that precious Willpower point.
However, your character may find a time when she can Mentor
be backed up by her allies. Having allies present that are
represented by the Allies Merit can be useful. They don’t Mentor cuts the other way: if your character gets in-
need to contribute to the conflict turn-by-turn, and instead volved in Social combat with his mentor, then the charac-
can provide a passive bonus to your character simply by ter suffers a penalty to all Social attacks equal to the dots
dint of their presence provided the Storyteller rules their possessed in that Merit. Once in a while, it’s expected that
proximity to be significant. The bonus is equal to +1 per a mentor and his charge (or sire and childe) will engage
individual ally present, to a maximum bonus equal to your in Social conflict. That being said, if it happens too often,
character’s Allies score in that particular group. So, say your the Storyteller may rule that a loss of a dot is necessary,
character has Allies 2 (Journalists), and he’s trying to con- or the loss of the entire trait.
vince the Sheriff that something big went down last night Resources
(even though it didn’t, and your character’s totally lying). Resources has an indirect effect on Social combat, in that
You’ve got a trio of journalists backing your character up, it can provide bribery material or allow the character to
fabricating evidence, and nodding when appropriate. Even purchase proper equipment bonuses (trying to impress
though three journalists are present, your character only someone while pulling up in a Lotus, for instance). Oth-
gains a +2 to his Manipulation + Subterfuge “attack” roll erwise, it has no direct effect.
because that’s all he has reflected in Merit dots. Still, every Retainer
little bit helps, right? It would go the other way, too—if he Your character gains a bonus to all Social attacks against
had Allies (Journalists) 3, but only two actual journalists a represented retainer equal to dots possessed in this

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 133

Merit. Though, like with other Merits, renewed Social Examples could include: the character lets slip a danger-
combat time and time again might warrant a loss of one ous secret, the character informs the target of something
or all dots in this Merit. It doesn’t help to continually drastic (his childe suffered Final Death, the target is in the
antagonize the help. sights of the Prince’s goons, the target’s haven has been
Status (Clan, Covenant, City or otherwise) secretly infiltrated and searched), the character offers a
Status means something, especially amongst vampires. powerful nugget of knowledge, etc.
(One might even theorize that it’s at least a little bit super- A good benchmark is, “Would the attack make the
natural—in much the same way that the Edge represents target blanch and go paler than usual?” If the victim would
a heightened state of Social ability, Status might literally be left reeling, searching for words, then the attack could
radiate off the character.) count as an ambush.
When engaged in Social combat with a member of the (That being said, it might be possible to ambush the
agency in question, your character gets a bonus equal to victim conjuring a potent lie using Subterfuge. Again,
dots possessed in Status (That Agency). If your Daeva has the Storyteller is the best arbiter, here.)
Covenant Status (Invictus) 4 and is trying to convince If successful, then the target loses his Guile against the
a coterie of neonates within the covenant to do her bid- next Social attack.
ding, she gains a hearty +4 bonus to her Social attacks. Ambush may only be used once during a Social combat.
They know who she is, and they’re likely to be affected Outside the bar, Harding finds himself face-to-face with a
by her very presence—so imagine what her stinging young street punk, Gorky. Gorky’s got a puffed-up-chest and
rebukes and glorious promises do to engage their inter- is full of cocky swagger and thinks he’s going to mock Harding
est. However, this cuts the other way, too; if your Daeva while the Sheriff is down. It’s a bad move. Harding lets the truth
only has Covenant Status (Invictus) 1, and she’s dealing fly, alerting the punk that Harding damn well knows who it was
with a lofty elder who possesses four dots in the same, that burned down those three nightclubs two years back (Gorky),
she only gets a +1 against his +4 dice, which gives him and even though that was before Harding’s time as Sheriff, he’d
a not-unreasonable advantage. be happy to let that information casually slide into the hands
Striking Looks of meaner monsters. Gorky is left backpedaling, stammering to
As per the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 117, the gain purchase—Harding needn’t subtract Gorky’s Guile of two
Merit grants a +1 or +2 bonus to Presence or Manipu- from his attack roll of Manipulation + Intimidation, and he
lation rolls, and this applies to rolls made during Social gets a reasonable three successes against Gorky’s two. It earns
combat. However, the Storyteller should make certain him a little Nerve back, and he decides he’s done with this
considerations: first, Intimidation rolls are harder to conversation; he shoves past the punk, leaving Gorky behind.
pull off with beauty as a factor (being beautiful doesn’t
help you whack a lead pipe against an open palm), Back the Play
though it can in certain social circles. Second, if the Cost: None
target in question isn’t the type to be affected by one’s The character chooses to not make a play of her own, and
physical splendor (a Nosferatu with a sexual fetish for instead decides to back up or bolster another character’s Social
car crash victims, for instance), then the bonus likely attacks. This works like a Teamwork effort (p. 134, World of
won’t apply. Darkness Rulebook). The character must make the same roll
as the subject she’s attempting to bolster (if she’s backing up
Special Social Maneuvers the efforts of another character making threats using Presence
+ Intimidation, she must submit to the same roll). Successes
A character engaged in Social combat has a number of
gained on the roll are added as dice to the subject’s subsequent
unique Social maneuvers available to him. Each provides
roll (in this turn or the next, following order of Dominance).
unique effects that are noted below:
Jayce is India’s coterie mate and plans on backing whatever
Ambush play she makes. India, in trying to convince a pawn shop broker
Cost: 1 Nerve to let her in the back to see the “special inventory,” is making a
bribe with Manipulation + Persuasion. Jayce backs her play
The character ambushes a target in Social combat with
by highlighting the usefulness of the bribe, and perhaps making
an unexpected assault—the character must possess some
it sound better than it really is. He rolls the same, gets three
means of actually surprising the target, of course, and the
successes; but India has a higher Dominance than he does for
Storyteller will be the ultimately arbiter of whether or not
this scene of Social combat, so on the next turn, India’s roll
this is possible.
gains three dice, born as a result of Jayce’s successes.

134 Bloody Business

Measurements The attack should be in some way scathing or otherwise
inflammatory—boldly tearing down the Prince’s policies
Cost: None
and ruining his good night, revealing the target’s deepest
The character “holds” his attack for this turn, mak- and darkest secret for all to hear, or speaking an insult
ing no Social rolls (meaning, in effect, he’s contributing that cuts straight through the bone and might as well be a
nothing to the conversation and conflict). He instead lets willow branch aimed right for the target’s unbeating heart.
the conversation play out, ideally measuring what would
The character gains +5 to his attempt on this turn. In
be the best approach (i.e. thinking before speaking). By
addition, if the character wins this turn, then the victim
taking no action and measuring the situation, he gains
loses all Nerve and the character wins the entire Social
+2 to his roll on the next turn of Social combat. This is
combat scene.
cumulative; for each turn he holds his attack and weighs
his options, he gains +2 (to a maximum of +5) dice. However, this has a drawback: the relationship is ef-
fectively poisoned (the “earth is salted so that nothing
The pawn shop broker wants to try to up the ante with
new may grow”). The character from now on suffers -5 to
India, and so he refuses to commit either way during the turn,
all subsequent Social rolls made against that target. This
hoping to lead her out with a better offer. On the next turn,
penalty needn’t be permanent, but the character will need
he does gain the +2 when he tries to subtly convince her to
to work overtime to mend fences. Losing those penalty
up the bribe (Presence + Persuasion), but since she has her
dice could be the function of an entire story (reducing
coterie mate’s help, it won’t matter—her successes are still
the penalty by one per game session where the character
going to outweigh his, and his Nerve only goes down further.
makes appropriate amends).
Salt the Earth India’s childe, Rabbit, has long been an impudent little
Cost: 1 Nerve bitch, and India’s had enough. Her Blood’s running hot,
scouring her veins and guts and forcing her thumbs to pierce
One might call this “razing the castle,” or even “drop-
the inside of her palms. She doesn’t frenzy; instead, she lays
ping the bomb.” The idea here is that the character so
into her childe like she’s never done before. She calls her weak,
completely befouls the conversation, it allows her to win
verbally abusing her at Elysium with the force of flaying lashes
this scene of Social combat but largely destroys the rela-
and hooks—she even regales those around with tales from
tionship held between the two characters.

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 135

Rabbit’s earliest nights when she was just an embarrassing, and exerted his dominance. The Edge is as sweet as the
id-driven freak. Rabbit’s jaw drops. India’s attack is an insult- rush of Vitae gushing into the mouth.
ing Manipulation + Intimidation; Rabbit attempts to shake And yes, this means that only vampires are capable of
it all off with lies (Wits + Subterfuge). But India’s player possessing the Edge (unless the Storyteller rules otherwise).
gets +5 to that roll, and she gets a tremendous six successes
versus Rabbit’s one. India has salted the earth, ruining her Glories of the Edge
relationship with her rebellious scion. A vampire possessing the Edge can take advantage of the
following benefits:
Throw Up Walls • +1 to any rolls related to the three primary Social
Cost: None Disciplines (Dominate, Majesty, Nightmare)
The vampire attempts to throw up Social walls and • +3 to Social rolls made during Social combat
become effectively unflappable for the turn. The character
• +1 to Social rolls made outside Social combat
may do nothing else during this turn of Social combat; she
can’t say anything beyond a cursory few words (“Go away,” • +1 to rolls made to resist Social Disciplines (Domi-
“Fuck off,” “Don’t have time”). She may double her Guile nate, Majesty, Nightmare; as with “Mesmerize,” Domi-
score for the remainder of the turn. She can declare that nate 2), or -1 to the subject’s Social Discipline roll as
she’s going to use this Social maneuver at the beginning of resistance (as with “The Forgetful Mind,” Dominate 3).
the turn regardless of her Dominance, provided she hasn’t • While not really a benefit, one’s Edge can be seen in
yet acted. Like with Guile, throwing up walls reduces by one’s aura as a crimson edge, almost as if faintly wet
one per participant beyond the first (see “Guile,” p. 129). with blood. It seems to pulse, like a faint heartbeat.
Harding just doesn’t want to deal with any more shit tonight. Spending the Edge
On the way back to his haven, he runs into one of the screeching
Harpies who thinks to accost him and scrape away at his already A vampire may “spend” the Edge in a few different ways,
diminished self-worth as Sheriff, but he’s just not having any of it. too. Choosing to give up the Edge, the vampire may:
He keeps his head down and his feet moving, and dismisses her • Gain +3 to any one roll during combat (she effectively
with a growl. His Guile, normally a 2, is now a 4 for purposes turns her predatory advantage outward, from Social
of the Harpy’s attempts. It’s enough to give her pause; she can’t to Physical).
find any footholds, and swiftly grows bored with the effort. • Automatically resist or exit frenzy (the Edge is sacri-
ficed for her to keep her cool)
The Edge • Gift the Edge to another vampire. This is an instant
A character who wins a Social combat—or has all par- action, but demands no roll on the part of either party’s
ticipants bow out of the conversation early, leaving that player. It does necessitate that the gifting vampire
character the default victor—gains the Edge. But what partake in some kind of “boosting” act—words of
is the Edge? What does it mean, and what good does it encouragement or inspiration, a paean sung to fear
do the character? and bloodletting, a steely gaze made in an effort to
bolster the backbone of the target.
In the Blood Losing the Edge
The Edge is in the Blood. It hums, singing a song of domina-
tion and success. Dead arteries tingle. An unbeating heart A vampire loses the Edge in a few different ways:
almost stirs to life. A vampire who gains the Edge finds • She enters daysleep (the Edge only lasts for the re-
himself infused with a kind of preternatural self-confidence; mainder of the night in which it is claimed; after that,
a rush of adrenalin for a creature whose undead body has the “high” is lost)
no such adrenalin. Vampires are predators, remember, but • She is knocked into torpor
that predatory nature goes well-beyond the “hunt-and-kill” • She is defeated in Social combat
physicality of stalking prey and taking blood. They’re social • She “spends” the Edge, as noted above
predators, too—picking the wings off flies, sliding through
• Another vampire consumes even a single point of
the dancing throngs looking for someone to humiliate, or
her Vitae
convincing a victim to give into their greatest and strangest
urges. The Edge means that the vampire can now exult in Once the vampire has lost the Edge for the night, it
his predatory success. He’s done well. He found his prey cannot be reclaimed. She can only once more possess the
Edge after a restful daysleep.

136 Bloody Business

The Nature of Nerve in such a way, then the vampire also fails to gain a
point of lost Nerve).
Nerve is a number of things rolled into one—it’s a char- • The vampire takes it in Social combat (as noted
acter’s self-confidence, his conversational certainty, his throughout, being dominant in a Social conflict
moral high ground, his backbone. It’s not supernatural; causes the weaker participants to lose Nerve, and the
all characters possess it, and all characters can gain or lose strongest participant to gain it).
it. It’s just as vital to a character as his Health. In fact, for
vampires, it can be more vital, because the undead body is
powerfully resilient and easy-to-mind. Nerve, on the other
Social Combat Merits
hand, can represent a vampire’s true strength in the Social The below Merits are largely only useful for characters in
domain. It cannot be reclaimed by spending Vitae. It isn’t Vampire: The Requiem games where the above Social
supernaturally bolstered against attacks; even a human’s combat rules are used. If the Storyteller isn’t using these
insulting words can damage it, proving its fragility. Merits, then their default advantages will be largely use-
less. That said, each Merit has an additional bit of text
Systems that endeavors to make that Merit functional in games
A character with a full Nerve pool has an advantage: he where the Social combat rules will not come into play.
can take a +1 to any Resolve + Composure roll meant to
either resist frenzy or resist the effects of a derangement. Intractable (•••)
However, lost Nerve can be damning. Just like with Effect: When using the “Throw Up Walls” maneuver
Health, as a vampire reaches low reserves of Nerve in his (p. 136), the character doesn’t double his Guile score,
pool, he begins to take penalties. These penalties are only but instead may add in his Resolve or Composure score,
to Social rolls, and do not affect Mental or Physical rolls. whichever is higher.
Alternate (No Social Combat): Once per game
Nerve Boxes Marked Penalty session, the character can add in either her Resolve or
Third-to-last -1 Composure score (whichever is higher) to any one Social
roll, thus reflecting the character’s obstinate demeanor.
Second-to-last -2
Last -3 Savvy (•••)
Effect: When determining the character’s Guile score,
When a character reaches zero Nerve, he feels as if he’s he uses the higher of his Wits or Manipulation instead of
lost all self-confidence, as if any Social savvy once pos- the lower of the two.
sessed is now lost, never to be reclaimed. A character will Alternate (No Social Combat): This in effect creates
feel weak, unstable, and more like prey than predator. As for the character a Guile score, even in a game that will
a result, he suffers from the following: not use the Social Combat rules. Any Social rolls made
• A full -5 penalty on all Social rolls against the character suffer an automatic penalty equal to
• A -3 penalty against any Resolve + Composure rolls the character’s Wits or Manipulation score, whichever is
made to resist frenzy or the effects of derangements. lower. However, the cost of this Merit increases to ••••.

Losing Nerve The Shark (• to •••••)

Generally, a character only loses Nerve when in Social Prerequisite: Blood Potency ••• or higher
combat, either via another character diminishing it Effect: The character is a Social powerhouse; a true
through Social attacks, or by spending Nerve to access climber with a resonant aura. It goes beyond his looks—
certain Social maneuvers (found on p. 134). Also, a few it’s the whole package. The way he speaks. The way he
of the unique Merits necessitate the expenditure of Nerve dresses. The way he moves. The character gains +1 to his
(found below). Dominance modifier per dot in this Merit.
Alternate (No Social Combat): The character’s Social
Gaining Nerve ability is so intense and so certain, it really does affect the
A character gains Nerve in a few ways: way he moves. This becomes a •••-dot Merit instead of a
• The vampire gains one point of Nerve upon first •-to-••••• scale; now, once per game session, the charac-
awakening for the evening (gained at the same time ter can add his Presence score to either his Speed or his
as Willpower; if any effect stops the gain of Willpower Initiative modifier. It lasts for the remainder of the scene.

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 137

Disciplines in Social Combat Animalism: Bestial Presence (•••••)
A vampire’s Disciplines can have a profound effect on Cost: 1 Vitae
Social combat. The Damned can use their bloody pow- Dice Pool: None
ers to twist the conflict around her fingers; the strings Action: Reflexive
of a marionette, dancing this way, and that. Words can The mere presence of the vampire can stir the heart to
be made to cut, literally. Auras pulse, foreshadowing the madness, or lay an easy serenity on the mind. Animals
conversation to come. Shadows of veins move across pale have this ability—a loyal hound is a calming presence,
skin like the shadows of clouds on the ground, and the while a rabid wolf is anything but. The vampire may
faster they move, the more the fiend knows that his razor choose to be what he wants: an agitating fiend, quicken-
tongue is cutting to the quick. Disciplines can read the ing the pulse; or a soothing creature, softening the edges.
conflict; they can adjust the conflict; they can destroy The vampire spends a point of Vitae. He may take
the conflict. no other action during this turn of Social combat. He
Below you’ll find suggestions on how a character could chooses a target participant in the conversation; that
use Disciplines in new and unusual ways. These ways, target either gains +3 to his Social rolls for the remainder
unless the Storyteller deems otherwise, are already avail- of the combat scene, or loses -3 dice.
able to those characters who possess the Disciplines at the
requisite levels—the player needn’t buy additional dots, Auspex: Unique Measure (••)
or choose one power over the next. What you’ll find here Cost: None
are abilities in addition to what a vampire can achieve Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Auspex—target’s Blood
already. The dot ratings are the level one must possess Potency
in that Discipline to use this ability in Social combat.
Action: Reflexive
Storytellers that don’t want these powers to be au-
The vampire gains the ability to truly measure an
tomatic can instead allow players to purchase them as
opponent in Social combat—the vampire doesn’t gain
single-Discipline Devotions, with a cost of:
hard-and-fast answers. She cannot wholly predict what
Dot Level Experience Points Cost words will come next or what thoughts are cast across
the opponent’s mind, but it does allow her to gain an im-
• 3 mediate and instinctual snapshot of her foe.
•• 6 If the character succeeds on the roll, she can choose to
••• 9 know one of the following things about her foe:
•••• 12 • How much Nerve the foe has remaining
• The foe’s strongest Social dice pool (Attribute + Skill
••••• 15
• The foe’s weakest Social dice pool (Attribute + Skill
Not every Discipline will have its effect on Social com- combination)
bat, of course. Some Disciplines do not have appropriate
• The foe’s Dominance modifier
contributions to a Social-based conflict.
• The foe’s intent during this scene of Social combat
Animalism: Invader Dominance (•) • The foe’s Virtue
Cost: None • The foe’s Vice
Dice Pool: None The character may only use this ability once during
Action: Reflexive the scene.
The vampire is animal; the vampire is invader. The The Storyteller is encouraged to tell the player the hard
vampire is tapeworm. The vampire is a snake in your numbers when appropriate (“He has only three Nerve
bed, a spider in your boot, a wolf at the back door. The points remaining”) but to also describe it in an evocative
vampire can add his dots in Animalism to his Dominance way so that the player can frame it for his own character’s
modifier. This ability is considered to be “always on.” understanding (“He’s growing edgy, like he’s against the
This ability will not work on vampires with a higher Blood ropes; you suspect he’s on his last nerve”).
Potency than the character. A dramatic failure provides conflicting information to
the vampire. Her incorrect instincts force her to act at

138 Bloody Business

-3 dice on all Social rolls for the remainder of the scene. Dominate: Master of the Tongue (••)
An exceptional success allows the vampire to choose Cost: None
two of the above items to know rather than only one.
Dice Pool: None
Auspex: Twist of the Knife (•••••) Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Willpower The vampire with Dominate is, like it or not, a verbal
Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Auspex versus master. His words carry weight. Each sentence is a serpent
target’s Composure + Blood Potency around the neck and a worm in the ear. Even when the
vampire isn’t expressing Dominate to the fullest extent,
Action: Contested; all rolls are reflexive
it’s always presence, always providing a sharp edge to even
The vampire knows how the conversation is going to the most mundane phrase.
go, because this is how she wants it to go. With this abil-
The vampire with Dominate can add his Dominate
ity, the vampire can quite literally steer the conversation
dots to any Social attack roll made during Social combat
however she so chooses. If successful, the vampire can
in an effort to have his intent carried forth successfully.
choose one Social Skill for a single opponent (with the
This ability is considered “always on.”
exclusion of Animal Ken). The opponent will, for the re-
mainder of the Social combat, use only that Skill to wage This ability will not work on vampires with a higher Blood
her Social war. How the foe manifests that Skill is up to Potency than the character.
that character’s player (which may be the Storyteller)—if Dominate: Cast the Die (•••••)
the vampire chooses Subterfuge, that means that the foe
will certainly try to lie, but how she lies and what she Cost: 1 Vitae
lies about are up to that character’s player. (Also, that Dice Pool: Wits + Intimidation + Dominate versus
player can still choose what Attribute will pair with the target’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Skill—Wits? Presence? Manipulation?) Action: Contested (all rolls reflexive)
The vampire is a violator. He can slip into the room of
the mind, can raise the blinds, rearrange the furniture,
and lock the doors. In this case, the vampire can twist
Dominate, Majesty and Social Combat one’s intent to becoming anything he wants. By target-
On first glance, you’d think: “Dominate and ing a foe, the vampire can literally change the intent of
Majesty should each have more effect on Social
combat, right? More so than what’s listed here?” that foe to anything he so desires. If the target’s intent
Not exactly. The unique abilities listed on this was once to insult someone, the vampire can change it
page are beyond what is available with Dominate to “compliment,” instead. The target doesn’t even realize
and Majesty usually, but the abilities already found
within the Dominate and Majesty Disciplines (pp.
that it’s happened until the conversation is over and he
124-133, Vampire: The Requiem) generally undo not only failed to get what he wanted, but he achieved
the very need for Social combat. Social combat is an entirely different (and likely damning) goal, instead.
a way for characters to diminish the arguments
of others or direct them to perform a certain A dramatic failure only serves to bolster the target’s
way; each of these two Disciplines in its full form intent; the target now gains a +3 bonus to all Social
already does that, blessedly skipping all the pomp combat rolls during the remainder of this scene.
and circumstance that Social combat demands. It’s
one roll and done, for the most part. No need to An exceptional success further erodes the subject’s will:
go through turn after turn of trying to convince a in addition to the above change of intent, the target also
target of something when you can just match their loses a Willpower point.
gaze, declare a phrase, and have thine will be done,
right? Majesty is perhaps more helpful—Awe, for
instance, can add Social bonuses to the vampire’s Majesty: Sublime Enervation (•••)
Social combat rolls for the appropriate members in Cost: None
a crowd (and this can be quite potent when paired
with Dominate’s “Master of the Tongue,” below). Dice Pool: None
Still, for the most part, these Disciplines in their Action: Reflexive
current form are meant to bypass Social combat.
What you’ll find in this book are those abilities The vampire is a pulsing signal, a potent beacon, a
meant to ameliorate Social combat for the vampire. sacred obelisk. His Majesty radiates from him, forever
undeniable. The vampire’s Majesty automatically dimin-
ishes the Guile of those in Social conflict with him—each
participant’s Guile is diminished by a number equal to

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 139

the vampire’s dots in Majesty. It doesn’t matter if one This ability will not work on vampires with a higher Blood
participant is favoring the Majesty-bearer’s point; the Potency than the character.
radiant awe still reduces their ability to string together
cogent comebacks or to maintain a mental defense against Nightmare: The Beast Within (•••••)
the intent of others. All present find their Social defenses Cost: 1 Vitae or 1 Vitae and 1 Willpower
stripped raw. The vampire may turn this power “off” for Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare versus
a scene by spending a Willpower point. target’s Stamina + Blood Potency
This ability will not work on vampires with a higher Blood Action: Contested (resistance is reflexive)
Potency than the character. The vampire is able to poison a target’s self-confi-
dence—the monster within the foe eats his way out,
Majesty: Army of Intent (•••••) burning through the subject’s last vestiges of resistance. If
Cost: 1 Vitae successful, the subject takes a number of points of bashing
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Majesty damage equal to the number of Nerve points remaining
Action: Reflexive in that target’s Nerve pool. In addition, the character’s
The vampire’s sublime and seductive aura might be Nerve points all go away (one could argue that it is this
thought of as having invisible tentacles—with this ability, swift depreciation of one’s Nerve that actually causes the
those tentacles ensnare those nearby, bringing them into damage). If the vampire instead chooses to activate this
the Social combat to support the vampire’s argument. ability with both Vitae and Willpower (see Cost, above),
Each success on the roll above summons one human then the damage is no longer bashing but lethal, instead.
individual (this power does not work on other vampires) If the vampire rolls a dramatic failure, then the vampire’s
to the defense of the vampire. That human will involve own Nerve is destroyed (all of it), and the vampire takes a
himself in the Social combat, using whatever means number of points of bashing damage equal to the Nerve
necessary to support the vampire’s intent—haranguing points diminished (the Beast within rebels, bursting free of
the target, lying, complimenting, seducing, threatening his cage and doing untold spiritual damage to the creature).
violence, whatever. This works as per the “Back the An exceptional success not only causes the physical
Play” maneuver found on p. 134: successes gained by the damage, but also invokes a mild derangement in the
summoned participants are added as dice bonuses (no subject. This derangement lasts for one week.
maximum) to the vampire’s next Social roll during this
scene of Social combat. FAQ: Social Combat
A dramatic failure indicates that the crowd turns on You might have lingering questions. Hopefully this will
the vampire, and instead joins the conversation to work go toward answering those concerns.
against him.
An exceptional success is notable only in that it pro- Q: Can I spend Willpower on Social combat rolls?
vides added successes (and thus, added participants). Absolutely. Spending Willpower works as normal, provid-
ing a +3 to any one roll.
Nightmare: Consumption (•••)
Q: Can I spend Willpower to increase my character’s
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None Yes, just like you can do with Defense, you may spend a
Action: Reflexive point of Willpower to increase your character’s Guile by
The vampire is a monster. He is a sucking maw, a wide two until the end of the turn. Guile is, for all intents and
and endless pit. Those who find themselves locked in con- purposes, a “Resistance” trait.
versation in this way feel themselves weak and small—a
mouse in the talons of a powerful bird, a child trying to Q: Can I spend Vitae during Social combat?
climb free from the ogre’s mouth. Yes. A number of Vitae expenditures are reflexive (such
as the Vitae spent to heal wounds), which means you can
Those locked in Social combat with this vampire lose
spend that Vitae and still have your character take an
a number of Nerve points per turn equal to the vampire’s
action (like making a Social attack) that turn.
dots in the Nightmare Discipline. The vampire does not
gain these Nerve points, however. This ability is consid- Of course, spending Vitae doesn’t confer anything outside
ered “always on.” The vampire may turn this power “off” the norm unless it’s being spent on the Discipline addi-
for one scene by spending a Willpower point. tions noted above.

140 Bloody Business

Q: Can more than one vampire have the Edge at the might be on the line. Or money. Or power. With the right
same time? twist of phrasing or the proper threat delivered, an entire
Absolutely. The Edge is not unique. Plenty of vampires story can change course—in life, we might try to avoid
will feel the heady rush of dominating their peers and conflict, but in fiction, we strive for it, and Social combat
enemies from night-to-night. helps to frame a conversation as conflict.
Third, these are vampires we’re talking about. They are
Q: What happens when two vampires with the Edge go monsters. They are predators. Their unlives are spent
against one another in Social combat? working against one another and, in many ways, against
Both possess the Edge, so both gain the requisite bonuses themselves. Social combat for the Damned highlights
to their rolls (+3). Eventually, one will win or bow out of this conflict: a compliment could be a secret insult, a
the conflict; the one that loses or bows out forfeits the condemnation is a renewed promise, a simple discussion
Edge. The victor (or “last one standing”) keeps the Edge. over music or literature could frame an unspoken verbal
Q: What happens if my target isn’t resisting (such as war over territory with each threat scratched in between
speaking to a passive audience)? the lines about tempo or meter. Think of it this way: two
Then Social combat isn’t necessary. For that, the Story- vampires are dancing on the ballroom floor. Automati-
teller will likely rule it’s one roll and done. Social conflict is cally, we know it’s not about dancing. Maybe it’s about
only necessary when… well, a conflict occurs. Sometimes, lust. Maybe it’s about a polite and smiling way to quietly
vampires get what they want very easily: seducing the will- insult one another. Could be that it’s a show of power, or
ing, frightening a coward, abusing a victim. Social combat a deliberate show of weakness. The point being, a dance
doesn’t come into play in such instances. But when one between vampires is always about more than the dance,
resists? When the target plays mouse to the vampire’s cat? and the same goes for a conversation—it’s never just about
When a bully refuses to be cowed, or when a monster the conversation. It’s always about so much more, and
refuses to play the victim? That’s conflict, and that’s what Social combat helps to bring that to the fore.
determines if Social combat is necessary. If the audience Challenge: Too Powerful?
is passive, then one roll will cover it. If the audience is
active—heckling, debating, denying—then it might be a It might seem that Social combat can be very powerful.
good time to engage in a scene of Social combat to play That’s intentional. It is powerful for all parties involved.
out the ebb-and-flow of that conflict. Vampires can contain a potent measure of their own
personal power in a single word or sentence; the Blood
expresses itself in biting barbs and lustful promises. The
Storytelling Social Combat world can change on a conversation. With but a word, the
The goals of Social combat are many. First, the Social dots political winds might change, unlives might be traded,
on the page can sometimes go forgotten—a particularly alliances might be built up or shattered to pieces.
charismatic player might handily play out a scene with During playtesting, it came up: wouldn’t it be possible for
conversational aplomb, and in the give-and-take of a a cadre of neonates to slowly wear down a Prince’s Nerve
conversation with a Storyteller character or the character so that he’s exposed and weak, able to be preyed upon by
of another player, potentially necessarily rolls are lost. A other political forces (or even the neonates themselves)?
savvy player handling a socially inept character might Yes, to a degree, that is possible. It’s only possible, how-
overplay his hand, while a player not-so-comfortable with ever, in that it doesn’t take into account that the Prince
the conversational give-and-take might not always be able is likely a far larger and meaner predator, and he’s made
to accurately “act out” his character’s high Social stats. the hunting grounds work for him, not against him. He
Social combat helps give context and mechanics to back likely has a Seneschal or Primogen who back his play. He
all this up: the dots on the page matter, helping the player probably has a higher Blood Potency. The Prince also isn’t
reflect the reality of the character’s capabilities. likely to make himself available for abuse by a handful
Second, it’s key to give weight to conversations—in of nobodies—and if they did have the change to dig at
fiction, conversations are rarely throwaway. Dialogue him, would they make it to the following night without
isn’t there merely to provide entertainment or waste time. getting booted into torpor by a shadowy thug squad? And
It exists to convey information, to give clarity to (or, in yet, and yet—herein still lies a measure of promise. If that
some cases, muddy the waters around) characters, to push coterie of neonates is smart enough to get in and wear
forward a plot, and to provide subtext. More specifically, down the Prince, they really might have a chance to earn
conversations have stakes. They are driven by intent. Lives him as an ally, or weaken him so that his enemies might

Twist of the Tongue: Social Combat 141

tear him piece to piece at the upcoming Elysium. Perhaps in Social combat feels like you’re trying to out-talk a
he underestimates them and lets them get their words shark. Being low on Nerve feels like you’re a drain, not a
in without even realizing that they’re feeding off of him fountain, like you’ve got a sucking hole inside of you that
and his potential. With the right moves, that coterie of muddles the mind and fumbles the tongue.
“nobodies” could force a sea change on the city’s nocturnal It’s important to consider what Social combat feels
politics and policies, once more indicating the true power like—and Storytellers and players alike are encouraged to
that Social combat can offer to those who master it. describe (remember: show, don’t tell) how Social combat
is affecting their characters turn-by-turn.
What It Feels Like
Having the Edge feels like being sharp, sharp as a razor
cutting the wings off of flies in flight—and being engaged

The Games We Play: Mental Combat

A vampire sits across from his foe, and moves his Bishop running and staying still are tantamount to losing the
toward the King. He doesn’t have to say it, but the word is game. It’s about smartly stalking prey, or wisely avoid-
clear nevertheless: “Checkmate.” ing it—about second-guessing where one’s enemy is
Mental combat. It perhaps portrays a visual that isn’t coming from, and where he’s going.
necessarily apt—this isn’t some kind of psychic melee, • Two Damned of the Ordo Dracul have divergent opin-
some “fracas in the mind” where two monsters battle it ions on why it is that mythology’s view of vampires and
out on some invisible plane of thought. the weaknesses of such creatures differ so greatly from
No, what this is about is a game of Intelligence and the reality—and so they take to an online forum to
Wits—a battle for mental supremacy staged across a parade around their respective theories to try to earn
particular scenario, a scenario driven by Mental traits Status within the covenant.
above all others. • A pair of vampires move through a crowd: one tries
So, the aforementioned example of a “chess game” is to move unseen, while the other tries to spot him. It’s
one where Mental combat would come into play. Now, spy-versus-spy time, a battle of perceptions. The hider
certainly the chess game scenario is one that could easily uses the crowd, and tries to out-think his adversary.
be done in a single contested roll—two Mental dice-pools The seeker tries to guess on the hider’s habits, where
pitted against one another, and the winner is the winner he might go, how he might hide.
at the end of the scene. Nothing wrong with that, and • A murderer leaves a terrible crime scene—blood
frankly, we assume that’s the default approach because everywhere, but clues, too. Those clues are left on
the last thing you want to do is bog down a game with purpose, meant to compose a secret message for the
extraneous dice rolls. one who can decipher them. Later, the Mekhet Sheriff
However, you might find times where a protracted series takes a stab at the crime scene—the dried blood on
of rolls is useful—is each step of the game significant? the walls gives him hunger pangs, but he’s able to push
Are you attempting to determine how long the chess past them and examine the clues, trying to decipher
game lasts? Do you want to see the ebb-and-flow of the the puzzle left behind. (Note: this is an example where
game, move-by-move, examining each moment in time so the Mental combat doesn’t necessarily play out in
that the characters can perhaps exchange witty banter or real-time; below, you’ll find a way to make this work
veiled threats? Then it might be a benefit to the story to as an abstraction, with the criminal rolling for “creat-
see how this Mental combat unfolds rather than distilling ing his puzzle” in the past, and the Sheriff rolling for
it down to a barebones contested roll. “deciphering the puzzle” in the present—the rolls are
made at the same time even though one character has
Other Examples technically already acted.)
The chess game is only one example where Mental combat
might be appropriate. Here, then, are a few others: Getting Started: Mental Advantages
• A Gangrel stalks what he hopes will be a future thrall Time to calculate your character’s Mental Advantages.
(or a future meal, he hasn’t yet decided) through the These are the traits that guide his deftness (or lack
dark forest. It’s a game of cat-and-mouse, and it’s more thereof) in Mental combat scenarios.
than just who can run faster or who can hide—because

142 Bloody Business

Aptitude (Mental Initiative) Note that, from this point forward, we’re going to use
two example characters throughout in an effort to frame
Intelligence + Wits + Resolve
Mental combat in a meaningful and evocative way.
This isn’t a modifier; you never roll a die to add to this.
• The first character is K-Bar, a local Gangrel hood
Add up all the character’s Mental Attributes, and this is
who’s building up a small army of malcontents and
the character’s Aptitude. It determines the order of Men-
shitheads—a real anarchic crew. But K-Bar’s not like
tal combat events, just as Initiative does during a Physical
them; he’s smart, and he sees these thugs as his pawns
confrontation—that being said, not every Mental combat
on the chess table that is the city.
scene will require one to know who goes first. Consider
that, in a chess game, the turns are preordained; one • The second character is Casimir, the Prince’s Sen-
cannot “get the jump” on the other. eschal. Casimir’s a Mekhet, and serves as the perfect
right-hand-man to a bloated, lazy Prince who couldn’t
Acumen (Mental Defense) give a fuck about what’s going on outside his pent-
Intelligence or Wits (whichever is lower) house. That puts a lot of power in Casimir’s hands,
and he’s got puppet strings connected to a whole host
This serves as the character’s Defense against incoming of neonates and ancillae.
Mental attacks. This isn’t exactly like a Physical Defense,
obviously, where the character is literally blocking at- Stage One: Determine Time Frame
tacks and avoiding harm—rather, it’s more an effort to Physical combat goes literally turn-by-turn. Three seconds
reflexively represent the abstract actions of outwitting pass, and punches fly, bullets punch holes in mortar,
an opponent. It’s not literal, not exactly. Let’s go back to knives slide through the spaces between ribs. Mental com-
the chess game idea. Each character gets a move on the bat doesn’t need to work that way. A move in a chess game
table, and this is that character’s “attack”—but, each can take place in three seconds, but it can take minutes.
roll isn’t necessarily equivalent to one move. And chess Moreover, a chess game can have dozens of moves—do
is more than just the character’s single move. It’s about you really want to roll dozens of times?
anticipating not only the possibilities on the board, but
What becomes necessary than is to redefine the nature
also anticipating the psychology of one’s opponent. In that
of a “turn” in the context of Mental combat. It can be
anticipation, your character is trying to outwit her oppo-
anything, though it should be a time frame that all parties
nent’s future moves and, in fact, outthink her opponent’s
(Storyteller and players) can agree upon.
entire psychology. That’s the Acumen score. That’s what
it represents during each turn. The chess game might see each turn take a minute, or
even five minutes. Thus, the roll made for each combatant
Gray Matter (Mental Health) during that turn isn’t necessarily equivalent to “one move,”
Intelligence + Resolve but it instead equals a whole host of moves progressing the
game. Alternately, the two Ordo Dracul vampires fighting
This serves as the Health track that helps to determine
out academic theories over a protected web forum might
how much progress one’s opponent makes against your
only post once per night, meaning that each turn is now
character. This is, in part, an abstraction, but it can lead
equal to a full night—and this doesn’t mean that each char-
to literal problems where the character finds it more and
acter is incapable of doing other things during that night.
more difficult to think—as the opponent begins to clearly
If the Storyteller decides that the character can perform
show his dominance, your character might begin to feel
other actions during the “turn,” then it’s all good. (Even the
cornered, confused, frustrated (and this is can create
vampires in the chess game might be able to supplement
penalties). Just like with Health, one begins to accumulate
their Mental combat “attacks” with Social barbs—this is
penalties at the last three Gray Matter boxes (-1, then -2,
another way in which Mental combat is different from both
then -3). These penalties only apply to other Mental rolls,
Physical and Social combat.)
however. Your character’s ability to think clearly becomes
muddled, but it doesn’t affect her chance to, say, jump The attempts to outthink and outwit one another will play
over a fence or make a threatening gesture. out with Casimir and K-Bar moving both human and vam-
piric resources against one another. This isn’t something that
happens over the course of a three-second period. In fact, the
The Basics: Mental Combat Summary Storyteller decides that the best way to play this out is over
Below you’ll find the essential steps necessary to run a the course of weeks—so, each “turn” is equal to one week in
scene of Mental combat in Vampire: The Requiem. the terms of this Mental combat.

The Games We Play: Mental Combat 143

Stage Two: Determine Intent K-Bar and Casimir don’t realize it, but their players do—the
one who outplays the other on the “battlefield” that is the
It’s entirely possible that the intent of each character in
city streets gets to gain a dot in City Status. The real bear,
Mental combat is “to win.” The two vampires playing
though, is that the one who gets outplayed loses a dot in City
chess, for instance, may simply want to win the game
Status. Uh-oh.
they’re playing, and that’s it.
However, Mental combat is often about trying to Stage Three: Determine Aptitude
achieve some kind of result that goes beyond the mere Compare the Aptitudes of each character involved in the
mark of success—the Gangrel hunting his prey through scene. Highest goes first, then the next-highest, all the
the forest hopes to, well, catch his prey. The prey hopes way to the lowest.
to escape. That’s the intent of each.
In many cases, it won’t be necessary to determine order
It might be helpful to put stakes—literal or abstract—on of action, however—in the chess game, of course, moves
the table, too. The two vampires playing chess might play are made one after the next depending on who is allowed
over a set of literal, spoken stakes. The winner might get to go first. In such a case, skip this step.
to expand his domain into Chinatown, for instance. The
Casimir’s actually got his Mental Attributes as primary,
loser might have to give up a favored thrall.
and he’s a bit older and more experienced than K-Bar. Casi-
Abstract stakes might not be known to the characters mir’s total Mental Attributes tally to nine, while K-Bar’s only
(though it should always be known to the players). The tally to seven. Casimir makes his moves first during every turn
two Ordo Dracul academics fighting over the Internet of combat—he gets the jump on K-Bar every time. It might
might unknowingly be putting up a dot in Covenant provide him the edge necessary to win.
Status—the winner gains one, the loser forfeits one.
Whoever wins the combat wins their intent, provided Stage Four: Attack
it’s reasonable. The Storyteller and players should address The attack isn’t necessarily on one’s opponent—but it
intent and stakes at the beginning of Mental combat. is an attack against the opponent’s “game.” A character

144 Bloody Business

outguesses and outwits his opponent’s efforts—hoping to
untangle his knot, so to speak.
An attack roll during Mental combat should look like this: Playing With Time
Mental Attribute + Appropriate Skill—target’s As noted above in the example regarding the
Acumen +/—other modifiers crime scene, you don’t necessarily need to have
two characters engaged in Mental combat at the
Let the player describe how she wants to make her at- same time. You should probably keep the rolls
tack—in a chess game, she might say, “I play defensively, happening at the same time, but it is possible
that Mental combat plays out at different points
reserving my big guns for the later-stage game.” In the in a timeline.
battle of academia online, she might say, “I suspect my In the on-going example between Casimir and
opponent’s going to take a stuffy, academic route, so I’ll K-Bar, imagine if the character K-Bar actually put
instead go for something that plays up the mystical angle, things in motion long before Casimir ever knew it—
he seeded the streets with spies, he set a timeline
and I’ll approach it with a defter touch—less facts, but of events that would unfold at a given moment
more flourish.” From there, the player and Storyteller (maybe even with explosions), he maybe even used
should work together to come up with an appropriate roll. Dominate to condition a few of Casimir’s thralls.
To preserve a sense of driving narrative and
Note that it isn’t necessary to use a Mental Skill in the suspense, however, you can still play this out like
attack—the two Ordo Dracul agents arguing over the web Mental combat. It unfolds just as it does here, step-
forum might make either Wits + Occult rolls, or Intelli- by-step, but K-Bar’s “actions” are actually actions
that have already taken place—his player is rolling
gence + Expression rolls depending on the approach. The dice now, however.
Gangrel hunting his prey might make an Intelligence + K-Bar’s player doesn’t need to describe the ac-
Survival roll, while the prey might attempt a Wits + Stealth tions he took at the time he took them. If K-Bar
roll. Both Physical and Social Skills can apply during Men- puts his pieces in place two weeks before, his player
can just say, “K-Bar gets his ducks all in a row, and
tal combat, though only Mental Attributes should be used. I’ll describe what that means when it comes time
A character’s successes on the roll subtract from the to play out Social combat.”
Gray Matter of the opponent.
Casimir and K-Bar do not come from the same worlds,
and so they do not share a common approach. Casimir is Stage Five: Repeat, Resolve
the consummate politician—he knows he needs a certain Continue the turns, just like with Physical combat, until
groundswell of support, and he knows how to make politi- one character’s Gray Matter (Mental Health) track is
cal threats and play the pawns against one another. His roll entirely filled up. When that happens, that character has
is an Intelligence + Politics roll, for six dice. K-Bar, on the lost the Mental combat. The victor’s intent is fulfilled, and
other hand, is the king of the streets. He knows a baser level if any stakes were on the table, they come to pass. Each
of “politics”—the push-and-pull of gang thugs, drug dealers, turn equals whatever time frame you set forth in the first
and other lawbreaking deviants. He thinks on his feet, moving step—so, if each “turn” equals one night, and the Mental
players around, starting fights and inciting those on the lowly combat takes seven total “turns,” that means it takes seven
streets to rise up against their “slavers.” His roll is a Wits + total nights. (Again, provided the Storyteller agrees, other
Streetwise roll, at five dice. actions can be taken outside of Mental combat, even if
Here, though, the Storyteller decides that it’s not entirely that means dropping out of Mental combat’s flow for a
inappropriate to add each character’s City Status to the rolls time to roleplay a different scene.)
as a bonus. Casimir has four dots, while K-Bar only has two. Casimir regains the advantage, but it’s not enough—sur-
That ups their dice pools: Casimir with ten total dice, and prisingly, K-Bar manages to one-up Casimir in the end, after
K-Bar with seven, but then it comes time to subtract out one five turns of Social combat, Casmir’s taken enough damage
another’s Acumen. Casimir has an Acumen of three, and to fill up his Gray Matter pool. The two describe the Mental
K-Bar has the same. So, it’s now seven dice (Casimir) versus combat as it plays out—K-Bar knows how to position his
four (K-Bar). territories and the people within his territories in ways that
Much to the players’ surprise, Casimir’s roll is a bust. He Casimir didn’t expect. It puts a lot of pressure on Casimir,
gets nothing, and his player notes the irony that sometimes pressure that the poor Seneschal can’t seem to redirect. In
having a large dice pool seems to mysteriously punish the the end, K-Bar nets a win. Casimir’s still Seneschal, and
player (probabilities, be damned). K-Bar, on the other hand, K-Bar’s still who he is, too—but now, K-Bar has one added
scores a reasonable three successes—and Casimir’s Gray dot of City Status, and Casimir’s lost a dot, and the Harpies
Matter is knocked down by three points. let him know it.

The Games We Play: Mental Combat 145

What Happens to Gray Matter? remember a fact about witchcraft or a tip about surviving
in the woods, great. Success on the roll means the charac-
Once one’s Gray Matter is reduced to zero, does it stay
ter can take a +2 bonus to the next roll made in Mental
reduced? Technically, yes—a reduced pool means that if
combat. A character can only utilize this Merit’s benefits
the character engages in another Mental combat, he only
once during the span of this Mental combat instance.
has so much “mental energy” to go around. He’ll suffer
a kind of brain fatigue if he pushes himself too hard, too
far. The character regains one point of Gray Matter per New Mental Merits
night but not when involved in a Mental combat. Below are two Merits that apply to Mental combat, but
However, unlike with Health or with Nerve (p. 129), it’s can also apply to characters in games where Mental
very easy to “reset” one’s Gray Matter—choosing not to combat rules have not been adopted.
regain one’s Willpower point upon awakening (in other
terms, spending that Willpower to achieve an effect) Shrewd (••)
allows the character to erase all damage from the Gray Effect: The character knows a thing or two about a thing
Matter pool. It allows him to awake mentally refreshed. or two—he’s got a cunning brain that works out tangled
problems with critical thinking even when he doesn’t
Existing Mental Merits really have the required information. The unSkilled
How do the current Mental Merits affect Mental combat? penalty for the character’s Mental Skill rolls is now -1
Really, only two of them have significant bearing: dice instead of -3 dice.
Eidetic Memory: The Storyteller may rule that, if
the Mental combat is based on memorized information
Mental Alchemist (••••)
(perhaps like what the combatants were attempting to Effect: To most people, an obstacle is an obstacle—a
do in the Ordo Dracul occult-academic fight), then the lead weight in the hand is a lead weight in the hand.
+2 bonus is warranted. However, if memorization of Your character can turn lead into gold; something that
information isn’t particularly helpful, then this bonus blocks her thought processes isn’t necessarily a stumbling
should not apply. block, but instead serves as a refinement of thought and
thought process. Once per game session, your character
Encyclopedic Knowledge: This Merit may come into
can take a Mental roll (meaning a roll driven by either a
play during Social combat, with the character rolling for
Mental Attribute or a Mental Skill) and turn all penalties
the Merit’s effects as a reflexive roll. This is only where
into bonuses for that one roll. This costs nothing to do.
appropriate, of course—if it’s useful for the character to

Elegance in Simplicity
You’ll find that the rules presented for Mental combat aren’t quite as robust as what you’ll find here for Social
combat. We’ve a couple reasons for that.
First is one related to sheer practicality—we only have so much room. This book does not have infinite pages,
as much as we’d like it to (though maybe the book is a vampire—maybe as it ages, it’ll gain Book Potency points
and magically grow new pages!). That necessitates a choice, which leads to…
Second, Social combat better presents the “predator-prey” dichotomy. Vampires are a combination of social
creature and blood-hungry predator, and so Social combat can come charged with a subtext that goes far deeper
than what’s afforded by simple conversation. It should feel like you’re getting in the tank with a lean, hungry shark.
A vampire’s bark may not be worse than his bite, but it’s probably just as goddamn dangerous.
Thing is, Mental combat isn’t quite as based in the predator-and-prey dynamic. Vampires can be mental (in more
ways than one), but that’s not their driving force. They are creatures of a nocturnal society, and so the lion’s share
of word count goes toward Mental combat, instead.

146 Bloody Business

Combat Compression: Simplicity in Violence
Two monsters circle each other on a roof, surrounded
on all sides by cackling onlookers. The one has a fire ax,
the other a set of exposed claws. Under the fingernail
moon, they fight. The ax crunches down on a collarbone;
claws swipe up and take a nose clean off the face. The
air smells of fresh blood. Bones knit. Flesh mends. The
ax whiffs through air, and claws find purchase in only
the already-tattered coat of the opponent. Fangs bare.
Monsters hiss. They move swiftly—too swiftly, in ways
unnatural to the eye.
It’s a cool scene, but here’s the trick: even with the
appropriately-simplified combat found in the Storytelling
System, this might take a while to resolve. Oh, it won’t
be long in the game time, but at the table, it might take
up far too much of the session.
Of course, adhering to combat as written allows for the
troupe to detail and bear witness to all the little complexi-
ties found in combat: the burning of Vitae to heal wounds,
the nicks and scratches, the violent give-and-take of what
should be life-ending blows, and so forth.
Then again, maybe at this moment those complexities
aren’t that critical. Maybe this particular combat isn’t that
important in the grand scheme of things, or, maybe this
combat is about something more than just the damage
caused to the enemy’s body.
Instead, distill the entire combat scene down to one roll
for each combatant present. Yes, you’re going to miss a lot
of those nitty-gritty blow-by-blow details, but again, those
may not be important in this particular scene.

The Basics
Combat is now a contested action. One roll on each side,
and that’s it.

First: Determine Intent

The intent of combat often goes unspoken, and because
of this, it’s too often, “I want to prevail,” or, “I want to
hurt him more than he hurts me.” That intent is fine,
but it’s also not looking into the great potential of what
combat can do. As noted under Social Combat earlier
in the chapter (p. 127), the reality is, physical combat
isn’t nearly as dangerous to vampires as it is to everybody
else. They can beat the bloody stool out of one another
for hours without suffering enough damage to end their
seemingly immortal existences.

Combat Compression: Simplicity in Violence 147

The reality is, vampires don’t necessarily attack one in a way that goes beyond the mere desire to do damage
another for damage. They may have other goals in mind, to one’s opponent. Getting into a fight is so often so much
and it’s very important to establish the intent of each more than the need to cause damage: the damage done is
combatant before this one-roll combat scene. merely representing one’s true desire. You want to beat down
Why? Because the winner of the combat is likely to achieve that guy at the bar who made an ugly pass at your girl? The
his intent. (If the combatant’s intent is purely to cause damage is peripheral; the punishment is the true intent.
damage, fine, but then you might want to consider moving
this back to the expected model of combat—the one-roll Building the Base Attack Pool
model written up here isn’t going to be nearly as satisfying First, put together the character’s basic attack pool for
as tracking the blow-by-blow.) the scene. This is the normal attack roll (like the ones
Provided the intent is reasonable, then the winner of found on p. 154 of the World of Darkness Rulebook):
the scene (meaning, the winner of the contested roll) Strength + Brawl, Strength + Weaponry, Dexterity +
achieves the intent. The Storyteller is the final judge on Firearms, or Dexterity + Athletics.
what constitutes a reasonable intent. Your character might Now, double it. A six-dice pool becomes a 12-dice pool,
be trying to convey a message or a feeling. He might hope for instance.
to achieve some physical effect or see a consequence play That’s your base attack pool.
out as the result of the fight. He might hope to have a
social result born of the physical combat. Some examples Determine Vitae Spent
of reasonable intent might be: Note that this happens before resolution—meaning,
• “I want to humiliate my opponent in front of every- before anybody actually rolls anything.
body.” Each player should note how much Vitae he’s going to
• “I want to engage in a duel and win his most beloved spend for the combat.
thrall as my prize.” He cannot spend more Vitae than is allowed; since
• “I want merely to survive and to show her that I will you just figured out how long the combat is going to
always be indomitable.” be, you know how much Vitae can go into the fight per
• “I want to steal the keys off his belt.” participant. If the combat scene is only six turns, and the
vampire’s Blood Potency is fairly low (three dots or under),
• “I want to throw her out the window and away from
he can’t spend more than one a turn—which means he
this scene.”
can’t spend more than six Vitae during this combat scene.
• “I want to escape, which involves me getting past my
What’s the purpose of spending Vitae?
• To augment Physical dice pools (as below).
It’s important that players and Storytellers identify
intent—even if the characters themselves don’t know • To activate Disciplines (as below).
it, everybody must recognize the stakes so that when • To heal wounds preemptively. A player may say, “I
they’re achieved it isn’t a surprise. (And in some cases, spend four Vitae to heal wounds,” even though those
the characters must be aware of them, too: in the case of wounds haven’t happened yet. Once they occur, the player
the “duel” example noted above, that intent can’t really can determine how to heal them (“I spend one to heal
be made manifest if the characters don’t know they’re two bashing, I spend the other three to heal three points
actually in a duel where actual stakes are on the line.) of lethal”). What happens if the vampire overspends?
Unreasonable intent often centers around either impos- That’s the gamble; the Vitae remains lost. Why? Again,
sible effects or specific points of damage. If “I want my because this is an abstraction of combat; the assumption
enemy to meet his final death” is the intent, fine, but then is that during the many turns of combat, lots of things
that should be played out turn-by-turn, blow-by-blow. If are happening. Blows are exchanged. Damage is done,
“I want my enemy to yield and make me Prince” is the damage is avoided, damage is healed. The one-roll washes
intent, that’s likely too extreme a result for a single scene out the minutiae of combat, and this is meant to apply
of combat. (Then again, if the combat scene is one where consequence as if such minutiae still happened, regardless
the player is controlling a politically-potent vampire and of how well it was detailed.
he’s engaging in a duel with the Prince amidst a field of Add Positive Modifiers
onlookers, maybe that intent isn’t so far-fetched.)
The vampire gains a number of bonus modifiers (not lim-
Is it absolutely necessary to label the intent? No, but it’s
ited to +5) that should be added to the roll. These include:
something that will give the combat context, framing it

148 Bloody Business

• Specialty bonuses. If the vampire has a Weaponry by a participant in the fracas. That may seem like a lot—if
Specialty in axes, and he’s using an axe to go at his one of the participants has the highest dice pool at 20 dice,
opponent, then the +1 bonus is appropriate. This then the combat will last 20 turns (despite there being
bonus is not doubled. only one roll per combatant). Then again, remember that
• Any weapon bonuses. This works as with normal com- one turn is only three seconds worth of time. A 20-turn
bat -1(L) is +1, 5(B) is +5, and so forth. (It’s possible combat scene is only a minute’s worth of actual fighting.
that the equipment modifier is a penalty, which means
you need to apply negative dice instead of a positive Resolution: Intent and Consequence
modifier, obviously.) Simply put, roll the dice. Compare results the way you
• Dots in any Fighting Style, provided it’s appropriate. If would for any contested roll. In this case, successes done
the vampire has three dots in Fighting Style: Boxing, are considered to be damage, and in addition, the winner
and is going at his opponent hand-to-hand, it’s reason- of the contest is the one whose intent plays out (provided
able to add the +3 to the roll. If the vampire is wielding the Storyteller deems it appropriate).
a rusted machete, then that’s not really boxing, is it? Here’s the trick: for vampires, the roll gains the 8-Again
Note that the individual maneuvers gained through the quality. No, this doesn’t apply to normal combat rolls, just
fighting style aren’t applied—if you’re looking for the to those rolls performed in service to this one-roll combat
turn-by-turn results and want to apply a body blow, then compression system. It’s meant to represent that vampires
it’s better not to compress the fight into a one-roll affair. can be particularly dangerous, and may have an added
• Willpower spent on this roll confers its usual +3 dice. edge (one they don’t have to pay for—though one could
argue they paid for it long ago by dint of the Embrace).
• Vitae spent can confer its usual benefits—each Vitae
spent adds +2 to a Physical pool, though it only adds Note that Initiative is never rolled; the only time Initia-
it to the one roll. Vitae can also be spent to activate tive matters is at this moment of resolution.
Resilience or Vigor with normal effect, as both of those Initiative matters if:
Disciplines require one Vitae for the entire scene. The • Two or more participants do enough damage to one an-
vampire may also spend a Vitae to activate Celerity, and other to end each other’s lives (or in the case of vampires,
that means Celerity is subtracted from the opponent’s push one another into torpor or final death). In that case,
one roll. (Sure, it’s true that augmenting Physical dice the one with the higher Initiative modifier is the “win-
pools and activating Celerity are really meant to be ner” and knocks the other into torpor or final death but
“turn-by-turn” solutions, but remember that here we’re is himself saved from that fate by one damage box in the
attempting to abstractly mimic a combat scene with one Health track (meaning, the winner takes enough damage
roll per party involved. If you’re uncomfortable with this to almost kill him, but never fills in that final Health box).
benefit, feel free to up the Vitae cost—three Vitae spent, • If the results of the combat are a tie, determine the
say, allows the +2 to the Physical for that “scene roll,” winner by who has the highest Initiative modifier.
and three Vitae spent allows Celerity to be subtracted
from the attacker’s pool for the “scene roll.”) Describe It
• All-out attack is still possible, but note that this as- And now, the fun part—you’ve calculated the one rolls,
sumes the attacker is always using that during combat, you’ve rolled them, and now what? Well, it’s time to describe
and won’t get to apply his Defense against the incom- the combat. Remember, you’re not stretching this out turn
ing attack roll. by turn—just a couple sentences of description to resolve
the event. Does your character duck and weave, thrusting
Subtract Negative Modifiers a blade into the soft meat of your opponent’s side? Or does
• Subtract the opponent’s Defense from each attack roll. your character keep putting his face in the way of hammer-
If the opponent has declared a dodge, that means the ing blows, laughing and spitting blood as he suffers an un-
opponent does not roll, but, may double the Defense as merciful beat down? Obviously, you’re describing the result of
normal for purposes of subtracting from the attack roll. the dice rolls—if your character lost, then describe your part
• Most of the modifiers found on p. 154 of the World of the combat as it leads to your character’s failure (which
of Darkness Rulebook still apply. can be just as fun, if not more, than describing victory).

Determine Length of Combat Example

How long does the combat last? The combat lasts for a Harding’s done putting up with India’s shit. He wants to
number of turns equal to the highest base dice pool used make an example out of her and punish that wicked tongue

Combat Compression: Simplicity in Violence 149

of hers. His intent is to whip her ass and parade her around
in front of a handful of onlookers to show them who’s boss.
Her intent is to make him look stupid, and only further dam- One-Roll Combat: Multiple Participants?
age his reputation. Two ways to handle having multiple participants
The Storyteller allows this to be distilled down to a one-roll in this one-roll combat scenario.
First? Don’t. I know, that’s not particularly fair,
combat compression because really, the scene isn’t about the but this system is really meant to simulate some-
damage done, it’s about the delivery of intent through fighting. thing more like a “duel” rather than mass combat.
India doesn’t have a huge combat pool: she has a Strength Mass combat is often chaotic enough where it
warrants the granularity of turn-by-turn action.
of two, but a pretty nice Brawl score of three. That’s five dice, The second approach (er, the only approach)
and doubled, it means her base pool is 10 total. works like this: everybody rolls as discussed. Sub-
Harding’s a much meaner competitor in the ass-kicking tract the highest Defense from your opponents
from your dice pool. Any successes gained can be
contest—he’s looking at a four Strength and a four Brawl, divvied up amongst combatants as you see fit. The
giving him a very solid eight dice. Doubled, that gives him a combatant with the highest total number of suc-
dice pool of 16 dice—a real whopper. cesses is the winner and still has his intent carried
out however is best appropriate.
India decides to expend Vitae—one to activate her Celer-
ity, in which she has three dots, and three to heal wounds.
Harding is ballsy, and expends nothing, as he is loathe to give
into any of his vampiric hungers if necessary. Down-and-Even-Dirtier Combat
When considering modifiers, neither is adding a weapon, Okay, maybe all that is too much work. Some situations in
so no modifier there. Harding does have two dots in Fighting a game aren’t critical to resolve, and are ideally something
Style: Boxing, which is apropos, so he gets +2. India gains you want resolves fast and furious so it doesn’t bog down
no bonuses. a session or the story. The vampire is shaking down a
But, India has a Defense of three, which gains another three mook, or knocking some dude’s head through a scummy
from the Celerity. Harding similarly has a three Defense. urinal, or booting a security guard down a flight of steps.
Harding’s roll suffers—6 dice. India’s suffers -3. If the combat really isn’t significant, and is little more
Harding’s got the highest base dice pool -16—and so the than an obstacle on par with, say, climbing a fence or
combat lasts 16 rounds, or approximately 48 seconds. breaking down a door, you can distill it to a barebones
roll. This is useful particularly when the vampire wants
Now, time to roll.
to achieve a specific effect, and again, is less useful when
Harding’s player has a final dice pool of 12 (16 + 2—6 seeking to do straight-up damage. “Throw guy out win-
= 12), and India’s player has a final dice pool of seven (10 dow” is a viable goal, as is, “Shake him down for money”
-3 = 7). or even “Put the fear of God in him.”
Harding’s player rolls, and earns a below average result of The player can call for such a roll if he feels it’s appropri-
three successes. ate; if the Storyteller is fine with the vampire overcoming
Fortune favors India, once again. She rolls her smaller pool, this obstacle in a single roll, he should allow it to happen.
but the 8-Again quality grants her an unusual measure of suc- A lot of it comes down to narrative weight—a vampire
cess—six total successes, which is double what Harding got. moving silently through the halls of a corporate office
India’s the winner. Harding takes six points of bashing in an effort to stake and decapitate the bloated elder in
damage, and India takes three… but, since she spent Vitae the back office might have to run through a few security
(overspent Vitae, as it turns out), she takes no damage at all. guards. It’s appropriate to have the vampire dispatch those
India’s player describes her attack as almost cruelly playful, security guards swiftly, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to
the way a cat might antagonize a pit bull. It’s dirty-fighting have the vampire dispatch the bloated elder with a single
with lots of wicked maneuvers—feint left, kick to the nuts, roll. That’s a game-changer (or a game-ender, depending
a rake of painted nails across the face while her laughter on how it goes), and shouldn’t be hand-waved. The goal
echoes. Harding’s player describes his effort as overconfident: of this action is to have a quick dramatic moment while
Harding steps boldly into the fray thinking he’s got this locked pushing forward to get to the “good stuff.”
down, but every time one of his meaty fists takes a swing, Action: Instant and contested
she’s already behind him, putting her sharp-heeled boot to his Dice Pool: Combat roll (Dexterity + Firearms,
tailbone. In the end, Harding says he eats a handful of gravel Strength + Brawl, Strength + Weaponry, or Strength
for his effort, and the onlookers cheer on his defeat. + Athletics) versus a combat roll from the opponent

150 Bloody Business

(same spread as above) or an attempted escape roll (likely rolled above the vampire’s, or instead gets to flee (depend-
Dexterity + Athletics or Strength + Athletics). Do not ing on the roll).
account for Defense on either roll; again, this is down- Success: The vampire wins the contest. The vampire
and-dirty, more about effect than damage. does damage to the opponent equal to total successes
Roll Results rolled above the opponent, and achieves the desired effect
Dramatic Failure: If the vampire dramatically fails, then (provided the Storyteller deems it possible and appropri-
the opponent really gets one up on her: likely, whatever ate). Additional damage may apply from environmental
she was hoping to do to him happens to her. If she was effects—for instance, tossing a security guard out a third
aiming to throw the target out the window, she gets tossed floor window will certainly do additional damage to the
out, instead. guard’s body when it smacks against asphalt.
Failure: The opponent wins the contest. The opponent Exceptional Success: As above, and the vampire gains
gets to do damage to the vampire equal to total successes a point of Willpower from the heady rush of potency.

Tilts: Conditions in Combat

Combat is brutal. Even when it’s elegant, it’s brutal—a ra- two players stab out the eyes of two respective enemies,
pier point punching through the apple-skin of an esopha- one enemy should not have penalties or bonuses different
gus, a delicate claw cleaving flesh in twain, a hard tongue than the other; both are blind, and thus, both suffer from
thrusting into a socket and popping the eye like a grape. the Blinded Tilt, below).
Sometimes, though, running a combat can be tricky— The Tilts below are generally for combat, meant to
tracking the effects of such brutality can get lost at the simulate easy rules for use during combat (which can
table, especially when no hard and firm rules exist for sometimes become complex). That being said, they aren’t
every such consequence incurred during the fray. restricted to use during combat, and the Storyteller may
This system—called “Tilts”—helps to define a number rule that they have effect well beyond a fight scene.
of consequences that might occur before, during, and after
combat. These conditions are applied to one or more of
the combatants in the scene and have specific effects
upon those combatants. Why “Tilt?”
We chose the name “Tilt” because it has a number
Below, you’ll find two types of Tilt: environmental and of cool implications.
personal. Environmental Tilts affect everybody in that First, these conditions can tilt the combat in a
scene. A personal Tilt affects only the individual to which character’s favor, or out of a character’s favor.
the Tilt is applied. Second, in a game of pinball, one can literally
move the “table” to adjust the ball, but moving too
Each Tilt below is described in detail. Each details far one way or another engages the tilt mechanism,
whether or not it’s environmental or personal, and with and the player generally loses a turn.
each you’ll also see a general description, a description Third, and final, combat itself is often kind of
tilted. It’s chaotic and mad, driven at odd angles,
of the mechanical effect on the character or the scene, and the world may literally seem to have tilted
and a way to preemptively “end” the condition. Further, on its axis.
each also has attached one or several ways that the Tilt
might be caused during combat.
Note that these Tilts generally apply to all types of char-
acters in a combat—humans, vampires, Storyteller char- Blinded
acters, player characters. A few (Full-Blooded) apply only Personal
to vampires, however. These are noted, when appropriate. Description: One or both of the character’s eyes is dam-
Some of these Tilts expand upon or replace existing aged or removed.
rules found in both the World of Darkness Rulebook Effect: The character suffers a -3 to all attack rolls if
and Vampire: The Requiem. You needn’t necessarily one eye is damaged, and -5 if both eyes are damaged. The
replace these, but the goal of Tilts is to apply a unified character also loses half of his Defense (round up) if one
system of “cause-and-effect” during combat. Combat eye is damaged, and all of his Defense if both eyes have
is often unpredictable, and should remain as such, but suffered damage. This supplants the “Fighting Blind” rules
some measure of predictability in result is desirable (if found on p. 166 of the World of Darkness Rulebook.

Tilts: Conditions in Combat 151

Causing the Tilt Deafened
The primary way that one causes this Tilt is by doing Personal
damage directly to the eye as through a targeted (“called”)
Description: The character’s ears are shot—maybe
shot, which is performed at a -5 penalty. However, one can
they’re suffused with a terrible sound (the pealing of
achieve a temporary version of this effect by performing
infernal bells, an intense tinnitus ringing, the white noise
some manner of “dirty trick” in combat, such as throwing
susurrus of blood rushing), or it’s possible that one is quite
sand or kicking dirt into the victim’s face, and this is an
literally deaf and no sound reaches the ear drum.
attack move made with a Dexterity + Athletics roll, with
a -3 penalty instead of -5 (though the opponent’s Defense Effect: The character is deaf in one or both ears. One
still applies). The Blinded Tilt, when caused in this way, ear causes a -3 penalty to all hearing-based Perception
lasts only for the victim’s next attack. rolls. Both ears is more complicated—the character’s
player only gets a chance die on hearing-based Perception
Ending the Tilt: An eye is only considered ruined if
rolls, and in addition, suffers a -2 penalty to combat-related
actual damage is done to the eye, whether from bashing,
rolls (one doesn’t realize how critical hearing is to combat
lethal or aggravated damage (above). When one suffers
until they have it taken away from them—it’s disorienting,
damage that results in ocular damage, the player should
and one loses a whole host of aural cues).
mark the resultant damage from that attack in some way
(usually by drawing a small ‘x’ or dot below the Health Causing the Tilt
box). The condition can only be ended when all the
Particularly loud noises during combat, such as a gun
damage that caused this Tilt has healed (with vampires,
fired within 10 feet of the character, may cause temporary
healing this is easier).
hearing loss or tinnitus. Also, a targeted attack on the ear
(made at -4) could cause this Tilt. Note that any vampire
Blizzard or creature with “heightened senses” active are all the
Environmental more susceptible to ear-wrenching sounds, as noted below.
Description: Heavy snow carpets the ground and keeps Ending the Tilt: If the character suffers this Tilt due
on falling, a barrage of white whirling from the sky above. to a loud noise, then the condition persists as if it effects
Effect: “Whiteout” conditions make it very difficult both ears for a number of turns equal to ten minus the
to see—and the further something is, the harder it is to character’s Stamina + Resolve dice pool (with a minimum
perceive. Even items on the character’s person are hard to one turn’s worth of effect).
see (-1 penalty). For every ten yards beyond the character,
visual-based Perception rolls suffer an additional -1 penalty Drugged
(cumulative). In addition, moving through snow is difficult. Personal
For every four inches of snow on the ground, appropriate
Description: The character suffers a narcotic effect—the
Physical rolls (combat, Athletics, etc.) suffer -1 penalty
term “Tilt” is doubly appropriate, given the character’s addled
(so, 12 inches of snow on the ground means a penalty of
Perceptions. The world shifts, dips, collapses and retracts.
-3 dice). The “Blizzard” Tilt might go hand-in-hand with
the Extreme Cold or Ice Tilts, as well (both found below). Effect: You can use the list of drugs found on p. 177 of the
World of Darkness Rulebook to determine effect—how-
Causing the Tilt ever, if you want to go with a generic “drugged” effect, then
For the most part, weather happens (meaning, the Sto- the effect can be the same across the board for whatever
ryteller causes it). Certainly some supernatural powers drug is causing this Tilt. In that case, the character suffers a
might be able to cause a blizzard, however. -2 to both Defense and Speed, a -3 to all attack rolls, and a -3
to all Perception rolls. While the way the Tilt feels might be
Ending the Tilt: Characters don’t really have a way to
different, a meth-user (tweaked out) and a Quaalude-junkie
“end” the Tilt, though they can end its effects by escaping
(zoned out) will have similar penalties—the meth-user can’t
the weather or by simply waiting for it to stop. A character
concentrate long enough to make his attacks count like he
can ameliorate both Perception and Physical rolls through
should, and the sedated character finds that he’s moving
proper equipment (goggles, snow boots) that might add any-
out-of-sync with the rest of the world.
where from a +1 to a +3 to the roll, depending on quality. If
the Tilt is somehow caused by an enemy with supernatural Causing the Tilt
abilities, then it’s possible that disrupting the enemy’s at-
Generally, one must have imbibed, inhaled, injected or
tempt (or outright destroying him) could end the effect.
ingested drugs to suffer this Tilt—but that doesn’t mean

152 Bloody Business

the character has to have chosen to do so. One can suc- Enraptured / Terrified
cessfully dose another character with a Dexterity +
Weaponry attack (suffering -1 for improvised penalty, Personal
and further penalties if the drug must be administered Description: The character is lost in waves of rapture,
via a targeted attack such as through the mouth or in pleasure, fear or imagined misery. The victim may stand,
a needle that goes specifically in the arm). Note that a swaying gently back and forth, lost to the waves of plea-
vampire must generally ingest already-drugged blood to sure; or she might sit huddled in the corner, weeping softly,
suffer from this Tilt. The player should note how many plagued by an undertow of anxieties.
points of drugged Vitae are taken into the vampire’s body. Effect: The victim may not take any actions during
Ending the Tilt: A vampire can only end this effect by combat until this Tilt is resolved. The victim still gets
purging the drugged blood (in game terms, each point of to apply Defense against incoming attacks, and once an
affected Vitae must be spent in some fashion, and thus attack is performed successfully upon the victim (mean-
disgorged from the undead body). A mortal will suffer ing, the hit connects), she is jostled free from her state of
the effects until the body breaks down the chemical in rapture or terror.
the body. If you’re using the drugs from the World of
Darkness Rulebook (p. 177), they come part and parcel Causing the Tilt
with info explaining how long each “high” lasts. If you’re The Storyteller can allow one of two ways to handle
instead using a more generic “drugged” sensation, then this Tilt. In the first way, Entrancement (Majesty •••)
assume that the effect lasts for a number of hours equal is necessary to invoke the “Enraptured” Tilt, and Dread
to ten minus the character’s Stamina + Resolve dice (Nightmare •••) is necessary to invoke the “Terrified”
pool (minimum of one hour). Medical help (flushing the Tilt. In the second way, a vampire simply possessing either
system, pumping one’s stomach) will halve this time. Majesty or Nightmare can cause Enraptured or Terrified,
respectively—doing so is an action taken outside of the
Earthquake standard Discipline powers. The character rolls Pres-
ence + Empathy + [Majesty or Nightmare] versus the
Environmental target’s Composure + Blood Potency, and it costs a point
Description: A tremor shakes the ground. Everything of Vitae. Success indicates that the victim suffers from
shudders and shifts. Stability is lost as the very earth the Tilt as described above appropriate to the Discipline
below one’s feet becomes disloyal. used (Enraptured for Majesty, Terrified for Nightmare).
Effect: Earthquakes don’t last very long, but while Ending the Tilt: The Tilt will naturally end after one
the quake is actually occurring, all Dexterity-based dice scene. However, the victim may spend a Willpower point
pools suffer between -1 and -5 penalty dice depending on to temporarily end it for a turn and take an action, or can
the severity of the quake. Damage is also likely, unless spend a Willpower dot to end it for the scene (and doing
a character gets to a safe location. Assume a character this means that the character cannot suffer from this Tilt
takes between one and three points of bashing damage per for the next 24 hours). Also, attacking the character will
turn of the quake’s duration. Players can make a reflexive end the Tilt, as well.
Stamina + Athletics roll to avoid that damage (ducking
falling objects, for instance, or shouldering the brunt of Extreme Cold
collapsing drywall).
Environmental or Personal
Causing the Tilt Description: The character suffering under this Tilt feels
Earthquakes aren’t usually caused by characters, unless frozen and frost-bitten as he trudges through snow, or
they have some tremendous supernatural power (and one is blasted by bone-cutting cold winds, or is perhaps just
can easily envision an elder with inhuman Strength caus- stuck in a freezer. Any time the temperature gets below
ing a minor earthquake as he awakens from a millennium- zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) can represent
long torpor). extreme cold. However, this Tilt can also be personal, af-
Ending the Tilt: Earthquakes rarely last for more than fecting only one character: hypothermia, for instance, is
a minute (20 turns), so outlasting them is the best course a medical condition that could create this Tilt in a single
of action. individual. A vampire’s Vitae turns frigid and sluggish
in her veins when exposed for too long to extreme cold.

Tilts: Conditions in Combat 153

Effect: The character does not heal bashing damage in an infection (though it’s possible that some supernatural
this state because the extreme temperature replaces any creatures can create a fever in a victim). One can certainly
healed bashing damage with its own bashing damage (a create this condition, to a degree: a vampire that binds a
small cut might turn to frostbite, for instance). In addition, victim to a chair next to a belching boiler has forced this
for every hour that the character suffers under this Tilt Tilt upon that individual.
continuously, he accumulates a -1 penalty to all rolls and Ending the Tilt: Escaping the extreme heat is key—
traits. Once he reaches a maximum of -5 dice, every hour finding shade will do it, as will escaping the source of the
after that he begins to suffer one point of lethal damage. heat (such as leaving the boiler room or foundry floor).
Causing the Tilt Flooded
Simply being in a frozen environment (tundra, a walk-in
freezer, etc.) will incur this Tilt, but suffering hypothermia Environmental
can cause this, as well. It is possible to create conditions Description: Some substance—water, sewage, mud,
that will put a victim into suffering under this Tilt—lock- gore—is high enough to impede the character’s progress
ing the victim in a walk-in freezer, for instance, or shov- in this scene.
ing him under the frigid waters of a frozen pond until he Effect: Assume a character suffers a -2 Physical penalty
develops hypothermia. per foot of water (or mud, or other substance) through
Ending the Tilt: The best way to escape this Tilt is to which he must slog. If the water goes up over his head,
find a source of warmth—characters warmly bundled will he must swim (Dexterity + Athletics), suffering a -5
end this Tilt, for instance. penalty if the floodwaters are rapid (flash floods), or he
must attempt to hold his breath (“Holding Breath,” p. 49,
Extreme Heat World of Darkness Rulebook) if he cannot stay above
the rising waters.
Environmental or Personal
Description: The character is stumbling through a desert, Causing the Tilt
the sun beating down on him (though, uhh, he can’t be a Generally, this Tilt is the result of extenuating circum-
vampire), or maybe he’s working his way through the tun- stances—heavy rain, swift snowmelt, a broken water
nels surrounding an old—and very active—boiler room, heater. But that last one is significant because it’s some-
where the walls hiss steam and the heat is enervating. thing a character could cause. A character could break a
Alternately, this Tilt can be personal, where a character water heater, or, with enough explosives, even detonate
is suffering under the yoke of a debilitating fever. Note a small dam.
that extreme heat is generally considered anything above Ending the Tilt: Getting to high ground and leaving
104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius); this includes the floodwaters is the best way to mitigate or countermand
the temperature of the fever. A vampire suffering under this Tilt. Certainly a long-term solution involves draining
the duress of extreme heat may feel that the living Vitae the floodwaters, but the nature of performing that task
in her dead veins moves more slowly, like molasses; her will be unique to each situation.
limbs do not animate properly.
Effect: The character does not heal bashing damage Frenzied
in this state because the extreme temperature replaces
any healed bashing damage with its own bashing damage Personal
(bruises might turn to sunburn, for instance). In addition, Description: The character is driven to the edge of
for every hour that the character suffers under this Tilt madness, hunger, and anguish. The Beast within has
continuously, he accumulates a -1 penalty to all rolls and taken over.
traits. Once he reaches a maximum of -5 dice, every hour Effect: The vampire suffers from an anger, fear, or
after that he begins to suffer one point of lethal damage. hunger frenzy. In any case, the systems for frenzy (pp.
Note that, if actual fire or sunlight is present, that’s going 178-179, “Systems for Frenzy, Vampire: The Requiem)
to create a whole host of other complications for a vampire. are still applicable, but the Storyteller may also incur
the following effect: the vampire may not apply Defense
Causing the Tilt to incoming attacks, but may instead channel the effort
For the most part, the Tilt is caused by purely environ- she’d usually put into Defense toward attacks. Whatever
mental factors—a desert is hot, a sauna is hot, a forge is her Defense is, it can apply as a dice bonus to attack rolls
hot. Even a fever is usually the result of suffering under made by the frenzying vampire.

154 Bloody Business

Causing the Tilt vampire to use Leashing the Beast (Animalism •••••)
to inspire a frenzy in a human target.
The causes and ways to resist frenzy can be found on pp.
178-179 of Vampire: The Requiem. Here, though, we’ll Ending the Tilt: The Frenzied Tilt is likely to last until
offer a variation on this, should the Storyteller choose, the end of the scene. However, a vampire’s player may
one that might work specifically well during combat or spend a Willpower point to “quiet” the frenzy for one turn,
even during the course of an entire evening. Any time or spend a full Willpower dot to end the frenzy entirely.
the character suffers some kind of frenzy trigger (insults,
damage, the smell of fresh blood), the character collects Full-Blooded
a “frenzy token” (feel free to use a d10 to mark this, or Environmental
even just pennies). Once the character accumulates a
Description: The vampire is fat with blood, satisfied,
number of frenzy tokens equal to that character’s Resolve
given over to a heady rush.
+ Composure score, she immediately enters frenzy—no
roll to resist. (Think of this as a thermometer with the Effect: A vampire with a full pool of Vitae is considered
mercury rising.) Before frenzy, the player may spend to be under the sway of this Tilt. In combat, this translates
a Willpower point to remove one frenzy token at the to a +1 to all combat rolls, +1 to Defense, and a +1 to
moment it is gained (but not after). Upon sleeping and any Resolve + Composure rolls made to resist frenzy or
waking the next evening, the character resets all frenzy supernatural compulsion.
tokens to zero. Causing the Tilt
Note that this generally only applies to vampires, but
This one is easy enough: the vampire must drink his fill,
it’s not impossible that a human could suffer under a
literally. If his entire Vitae pool is filled with blood, then
type of frenzy (perhaps thought of as “berserker rage”).
he gains this Tilt.
If a human witnesses his beloved daughter murdered
in front of him, it might be reasonable to suggest that Ending the Tilt: Also, sadly, easy enough—the way
the individual enters a state of blind, raging bloodlust. to end the Tilt is to spend even a single point of Vitae.
Also, with Storyteller approval, it might be possible for a Once this is done, the vampire loses that heady rush, that
“full-as-a-tick” sensation.

Tilts: Conditions in Combat 155

Heavy Rain Hungry
Environmental Personal
Description: The rain comes down in sheets, knives, Description: The vampire knows he needs blood—he’s
driving hammers. It falls not so much in a hissing whisper, starting to feel empty, and the Beast within is beginning
but a clattering clamor, like ball bearings on a tin roof. to whine for its meal.
The only thing a character can see is the rain coming Effect: Once a vampire finds himself hungry, he’s al-
down in gray curtains. ready losing control. Not much, not yet, but the hunger
Effect: Heavy rains (approaching tropical storm levels gnaws at him, and knocks him off his focus. In combat,
or worse) cause a Perception penalty of -3 dice, both to the vampire gains +1 to all combat rolls (because his
visual and aural (the rain is hard to see through, but it’s body is so desperate for a taste) while his Defense is down
also loud as hell). Note, too, that if such rains carry on -1 (because he’s got blinders on and is focusing more on
for an hour or more, the Flooded Tilt is likely to occur the kill and feed than anything else). In addition, the
as a result. vampire gains +1 to Social rolls (to the vampire, Social
rolls are part of being predatory) and -1 to Mental rolls
Causing the Tilt (as it becomes harder to push through the haze of hunger
Unless the character has some manner of supernatural pervading all thought).
weather control or access to cloud-seeding planes, it’s likely
that the rain is caused by the standard weather cycles. Causing the Tilt
Ending the Tilt: Getting out of the rain is the only way Generally, being hungry is a side effect of… well, not
to really mitigate this Tilt—rain ends on its own, unless drinking enough blood. “Hungry” is defined for the vam-
it’s somehow the result of a sodden apocalypse. pire as having between two and four points of Vitae in
her system (though an alternate rule might suggest that
Heavy Winds one calculate between 20 and 40% of the vampire’s total
fill—so, an elder with 30 possible Vitae in her system will
Environmental begin to feel hungry at around 12 points of Vitae).
Description: Winds buffet the character. It howls. It feels One might be able to cause this condition in another
physical, like getting jostled around by a linebacker. vampire by consuming that vampire’s blood or by cutting
Effect: First, heavy winds (of a tropical storm level or him and bleeding him out.
worse) are loud—so, characters caught in heavy winds Humans generally don’t feel the measure of hunger that
suffer -3 to all aural Perception rolls. Second, rate the a vampire feels, and so these rules don’t apply to mortal
severity of the winds from one to five—one being around beings. Mortals are not possessed of an inner Beast that
a tropical storm levels (about 40 MPH), three being hur- pushes them to greater levels of desperation and deviation.
ricane levels (around 80 MPH), and five being tornado Ending the Tilt: The vampire must consume Vitae to
levels (150+ MPH). This number is equal to the Physical end this, though spending a Willpower point will actually
penalty suffered while moving in those winds (and this temper the hungers and undo this Tilt for the remainder
includes any Drive rolls made in the buffeting winds). of the scene.
Note that characters may suffer damage from being in
such wind—objects whip around, anything from bits of
stone and straw to cows and car doors. The character may
suffer bashing damage in a turn equal to the numerical Environmental
severity of the winds, but a Dexterity + Athletics roll Description: The ground is frozen—traction is for shit,
may be allowed to “dodge” flying debris. and a foot won’t find solid purchase unless the tread’s got
the kind of cleats that would crush a man’s skull.
Causing the Tilt Effect: First, this effect can technically apply to any
Without supernatural weather-manipulation abilities, surface that’s been made slick. That means icy, yes, but
heavy winds are just sometimes a hard fact of life—siroc- it could also be the result of an industrial accident where
cos in the desert, typhoons in the South Pacific, tornadoes some kind of oil or machine lubricant coats the floor, or it
in the Midwest, wind shears everywhere. could even be the result of linoleum freshly-cleaned with
Ending the Tilt: Escaping the wind is critical to end- soap, water, or floor wax. On ice or another slippery sur-
ing this—even getting into an automobile will end the face, Speed is halved, and Physical rolls suffer a -2 penalty.
Tilt temporarily.

156 Bloody Business

A character can still attempt to move at his full Speed, each roll a character makes in attempting to end this Tilt
but doing so ups the penalty to -4, instead. Driving on confers one point of bashing damage to her.
ice is all the more difficult—Acceleration is halved, and
the character’s Drive roll is penalized by -5 dice. Insane
Causing the Tilt Personal
Ice is the natural result of water freezing on the ground— Description: The character is suffering an imbalance, a
oh, we probably don’t need to tell you that, do we? It would psychotic break, a panic attack. Her mind races. Her pulse
be possible for one to create icy or slippery conditions, beats. Nothing feels stable. Everything feels off-kilter.
however. A Dexterity + Crafts roll could be used to pour Effect: Nobody said the insane are totally ineffective in
water on a road to make it freeze, to spill an industrial combat—madness does not preclude the ability to bash
lubricant (perhaps by busting open a machine), or to mix someone’s head in with a fencepost (and, in fact, can actu-
a batch of cleaning chemicals to make a slippery solvent. ally make the act all the easier… at least, ethically). The
Ending the Tilt: One needs to go somewhere that character gains a +1 to all combat rolls, but suffers from
it’s not icy or slippery, or try to thaw the ice or clean up two debilitating effects due to her tangled mind. First, she
whatever it is that’s making the ground slippery. always goes dead last in Initiative unless she’s up against
another character suffering the Insane Tilt, at which
Immobilized point it’s necessary to roll to compare Initiative scores to
see who goes last and who goes next to last. Second, the
Personal character may not expend Willpower during combat—her
Description: The character is held fast by a grappling own internal sense of conviction is damaged and thus,
opponent, by a pair of zip-ties binding wrists and ankles, unreachable. Finally, Social rolls are made at -3 dice.
or even by a hard pine box (meaning, “coffin”) locked
with a padlock. Causing the Tilt
Effect: The character has no Defense and can take no Not every character who possesses a derangement suffers
other combat-related action beyond trying to escape (Sto- the Insane Tilt during combat—rather, this Tilt must be
rytellers will need to use common sense here; if the player aggravated, inspired to “flare up.” Any character with a
believes his character is in position to deliver a nose-busting derangement may enter the Insane Tilt if pushed to it—
head-butt even though his arms and legs are shackled, let instead of manifesting the specific symptoms associated
him make the attempt but at a significant penalty). with one’s derangement, the Storyteller may instead call
for a Resolve + Composure roll to resist a general anxi-
Causing the Tilt ety, a potent mental malady that simply destabilizes the
One causes this Tilt by immobilizing the victim. A grap- character. Or, if the character witnesses something truly
pling maneuver is likely first necessary, at which point the atrocious and mind-breakingly bad (a woman witnesses
character may immobilize simply by holding the target her husband eating the brains of a co-worker, a vampire
firm, or instead by applying handcuffs, duct tape, zip enters the Prince’s chambers and sees him wading knee-
ties, or by throwing the victim in a tight space (such as deep across puddles of gore, a father watches his daughter
a coffin or car trunk). shoot herself in the head at the whispered command of a
Ending the Tilt: Other books have their own systems monster in the corner), the Storyteller may rule that the
for escaping a grapple, handcuffs, duct tape, or zip ties, Insane Tilt is simply unavoidable and manifests.
but you can instead choose to use this universal sys- However, a character could attempt to cause this Tilt
tem—the character must make a Strength + Athletics in a victim, too. A vampire might orchestrate events that
roll penalized by either the grappler’s own Strength or by lead to a character’s psychotic break, for instance. Or she
the item’s Durability. (The Storyteller may also rule that might knowingly present stimuli that could awaken a
additional penalties are necessary—zip ties, for instance, character’s pre-existing mental conditions (if the vampire
are particularly restrictive, especially when binding both knows that her victim is on meds to quiet his bipolar
hands and feet. This might warrant an additional penalty disorder or to “shut out the voices,” who’s to say that she
of -3 dice.) If grappled, a single success breaks the hold. couldn’t stir that condition to the fore?).
If bound by an object, it becomes an extended roll where Alternately, Disciplines might work to temporarily inspire
the target number of successes equals the item’s Structure; this condition in a victim, too—using Dominate, Majesty
reaching that target number means the character either or Nightmare on an already destabilized character (such
breaks the item binding her, or slips out of it. However, as one already suffering under the yoke of one or more

Tilts: Conditions in Combat 157

derangements) might “tilt” that character over the edge. Effect: The goal here is to simplify a “poisoned” condi-
In particular, use of Shatter the Mind (Nightmare ••••) tion without worrying about Toxicity levels during combat
might have the additional result of causing this Tilt in a (as a Storyteller and player often have enough numbers
victim during the scene in which it was invoked against her. and effects popping up turn-by-turn). Here, the poison is
Ending the Tilt: Generally, this Tilt doesn’t last more either considered “moderate” or “grave”—a moderate poison
than one scene. A character can attempt to end this by causes one point of bashing damage per turn of combat, and
making an extended Resolve + Composure roll that grave causes one point of lethal damage per turn of combat.
requires she do nothing else but sit, meditate, and try to If the Storyteller knows the type of poison and its Toxicity
shut out the craziness. The target number for this roll level, he can resume the standard rule for handling poisons
is ten minus the character’s own permanent Willpower and toxins (found on pp. 180-181 of the World of Dark-
score. Each roll is equivalent to one turn’s worth of time. ness Rulebook, though be aware that errata exists for this
system at White Wolf’s website) when combat is complete.
Knocked Down Causing the Tilt
Personal While some characters suffer this Tilt accidentally (imbibes
Description: Something hits the character’s chest like a toxin without realizing it, walks into a house where the
a cannonball, or cracks into the backs of her legs—she air is toxic from a gas leak), most end up poisoned at the
tumbles to the ground. hand of an enemy. A vampire could poison a human being
Effect: The character is knocked off her feet—she loses by secretly poisoning his food (Stealth versus the target’s
her action this turn if she has not acted (but if she has, she Perception), or could attempt to do so in combat (stabbing
loses no action). A character on the ground is considered one with a syringe filled with, say, drain cleaner or snake
prone (see “Going Prone,” pp. 164-165, World of Dark- venom would be the result of a successful “touch” attack,
ness Rulebook). The character can still apply Defense with only one success necessary to inject the toxin). Rumors
against incoming attacks, and may attempt to make an exist, as well, of vampires whose fangs secrete poison as the
attack from the ground (kicking, biting, tripping, firing result of puckered sacs that lurk unseen near the soft palate.
a weapon, whatever), but at a -2 penalty. However, for a vampire to suffer from a poison, the
blood that the vampire consumes must first be tainted
Causing the Tilt by the toxin. A vampire hoping to do harm to another of
Some weapons have a “knockdown” effect listed for the Damned in this way might “poison his drink,” which
them—and, even if they don’t, a melee weapon with 3(B), is another way of saying, “poison a human victim from
3(L) or higher, or a firearm with 4(L) or higher can have which the target will probably feed.” It’s even possible
the chance to cause knockdown. A character making an that a vampire might dose himself with a toxin and then
attack with such a weapon can declare that the goal of allow an enemy to feed from her.
the attack is a knockdown (which leads to the Knocked Ending the Tilt: If a vampire feeds from tainted blood,
Down Tilt). In doing so, the attacker halves damage done mark those points of toxic Vitae somehow (a tiny dot
(round up), but achieves this effect on a successful attack. or an ‘x’ below the slashed box should do it—written in
Note that this is different from what’s found in the core pencil, of course). When the vampire purges that Vitae,
Storytelling System combat mechanics. the poison has run its course. Humans don’t have that
Ending the Tilt: A character can actually attempt to not same course of action available, obviously, but a mortal
suffer the knockdown effect by rolling a reflexive Dexterity victim can succeed on a Stamina + Resolve roll each
+ Athletics roll, penalized by the damage modifier of the turn to counteract the damage for that turn only. This
weapon used (so, for example, the roll would suffer a -4 pen- roll is reflexive, but—if the character chooses to act that
alty if a shotgun was causing the knockdown). If the Knocked turn (meaning, rolls an instant or extended action), the
Down Tilt still occurs, however, the character must spend Stamina + Resolve roll is penalized by -3 dice because
one action getting up. Getting up ends the effects of this Tilt. the character is pushing his body to do too much.

Poisoned Sick
Personal Personal
Description: A toxin runs through the victim’s veins— Description: One’s stomach churns. The world spins.
he can feel it within, tearing him apart with tiny claws, Sweat beads the brow, and chills run up the arms—a
running like acid through his gut and heart and head. fever is tearing through the body.

158 Bloody Business

Effect: The character is sickened in some way. First, then outside of combat you’re free to apply the “Disease”
determine the severity of the sickness, with the severity systems found on p. 176 of the World of Darkness Rule-
being either “moderate” or “grave.” A moderate sickness, book. If the character suffers under a sickness and enters
which might be anything from a cold to asthma to the combat, she might find herself saddled with this Tilt
flu, causes a -1 penalty to all actions during combat, and (though, note that after a combat scene has completed,
that penalty goes up by one every two turns (the first two the accumulated penalties should fade at a rate of one
turns, the character suffers a -1 penalty, the next two turns penalty die per turn). A character can spend a Willpower
she has a -2 penalty, and so on, until a maximum of -5 point to gain +3 dice, as usual, during combat, but that’s
dice). A “grave” illness is far more serious: pneumonia, a not unique to this Tilt.
deadly infection, some kind of aggressive cancer. Suffer-
ing under a grave sickness causes the same penalties as a Starving
moderate one, but the character also suffers one point of
bashing damage per turn of combat. Note that this system Personal
is meant to simulate that it’s difficult for an ill person to Description: The world is blood. The vampire can see
act during combat—the body isn’t meant to handle that every pulse-beat in every neck, can smell old blood on dry
kind of doubled-up stress, hence penalties and/or damage. asphalt, can taste the warm rush of fluid down the back of
his throat. These sensations provide a mad prelude that
Causing the Tilt drive the creature forward.
Making someone sick isn’t easy—certainly if one has a Effect: The vampire is driven by the need to consume
vial of smallpox or some other infectious disease, it might blood. Provided that he hasn’t dipped into a frenzied state
be possible. Also, if a character is herself infected with, say, (which may cause the Frenzied Tilt, found on p. 154),
a sexually-transmitted disease, she might be able to infect then the vampire’s actions are restrained enough, but still
another through the… ahem, proper course of action. framed by the desperate hunger for blood. The vampire
Vampires in particular can cause widespread sickness; gains +3 to all combat rolls, but -3 to her Defense (like
over time, the Damned run the risk of accumulating all with the Hungry Tilt, the vampire is focused only on the
manner of infectious diseases on their lips, fangs, in the kill, not the defend). In addition, the vampire gains +3 to
Vitae they drink, and so forth. Feeding from a club girl Social rolls, and -3 to Mental rolls.
with a blood parasite and then feeding from some emo-
kid an hour later will potentially transfer the parasite to Causing the Tilt
the new victim (Storytellers looking for a quick down- For a vampire to be considered starving, the vampire has
and-dirty system for this might consider rolling a chance to have zero or one point of Vitae in her system—though,
die. Rolling a ‘1’ means the infection takes, while rolling the Storyteller might rule that starvation happens when
anything else means the victim stays healthy. That’s a 10% the vampire is at or below 10% of her potential pool of
chance of infection—if the Storyteller thinks it’s higher Vitae. So, if an elder has a blood pool of 30 potential
than that, instead roll the die as a normal action—an ‘8,’ Vitae, she would be considered starving at three points
‘9,’ or ’10,’ means that the disease takes.) of Vitae, not one or less.
Note that it’s particularly difficult for a vampire to actu- See the “Hungry” Tilt, p. 156, for more information.
ally get sick. For the most part, disease doesn’t transfer Ending the Tilt: See the “Hungry” Tilt, p. 156, for
to the vampire the way that, say, drugs or poisons might. more information.
Certainly some diseases (particularly those that are dis-
eases of the blood) could affect the vampire, but generally, Stunned
consuming diseased blood just means that the vampire
has the chance of spreading that disease like a plague flea. Personal
A Discipline could cause this Tilt—the Cachexy Disci- Description: The character is dazed. Maybe her vision
pline (p. 249, Vampire: The Requiem) is a Discipline that blurs. Maybe her hearing is lost beneath a sharp, high-
causes sickness within a victim, and might result in this Tilt. pitched tone.
Further, use of the Dominate Discipline could convince a Effect: A character suffering under the Stunned Tilt
victim that she’s not feeling well, thus invoking the serious loses her next action.
version of this Tilt (though not likely the grave version).
Ending the Tilt: Generally, this Tilt is only used dur-
Causing the Tilt
ing combat; if the character is suffering under a disease, Generally, a character can be stunned by any attack that
does damage equal to or in excess of the character’s Size.

Tilts: Conditions in Combat 159

However, some weapons may have a “stun” special ability Finally, a vampire who procures an exceptional success
wherein damage done equal to or in excess of the victim’s on a Majesty or Nightmare roll may find that those af-
Stamina causes this Tilt (this is slightly different from the fected by the Discipline suffer the Stunned Tilt.
rules found on p. 167 of the World of Darkness Rulebook). Ending the Tilt: The Tilt only lasts for a single turn,
The Storyteller may rule that other effects cause this unless the Storyteller declares differently. That said, a char-
Tilt, however—a successful called shot to the head while acter can end the Tilt reflexively during her turn by spend-
using a blunt instrument, or a character caught in the ing a Willpower point, which allows her to push through
Blast Area of an explosion (p. 178, World of Darkness the pain and act. However, doing so is still not easy, and
Rulebook), might be cause to issue the Stunned Tilt. she suffers -3 dice to whatever action she takes that turn.

Running a Montage
Time passes. For vampires, this is true in a way that can Second, figure out how long each “turn” of the montage
be both rewarding and troubling—for some amongst the will be. This is a set time—each turn will push the mon-
Damned, time may crawl, sluggish as a worm, or it may tage forward by that increment. Any increment of time is
fly by with the swiftness of an arrow. An elder may blink fine, provided it’s what suits the narrative. Ten minutes?
and find himself dead for another year, the world having Sure. An hour? A day? A year? A decade? We’re talking
passed him by yet again, his mouth wet with blood he about vampires, after all, and while the world may change,
barely remembers drinking. the vampire might possibly stay exactly the same over the
In game, this can feel hard to simulate—every session course of a century. If you begin a game in 1900 and want
can feel distilled down to minutiae. Sometimes, that to push it forward to 2009, a series of montages may help
minutiae is important, yes, but other times it feels like bridge a series of gaps between tentpole moments.
it’s just a matter of filling the spaces simply because those
spaces are empty. The minutiae should never drag down
a session. The solution?
The montage. It’s a film staple, a compression of the Tentpole Moments?
Very simply, a tentpole moment is any event that
narrative that allows the characters and plot to unfold you know you’ll need to roleplay. Time dilation
swiftly over a short period of time (for the audience, at won’t work to convey the potency of that scene—
least). Calendar pages flip off the wall. The protagonist whether it’s a roof-top gunfight with a nemesis,
a trial in front of Elysium, a delicate negotiation
practices boxing against a slab of meat. The leaves on with a trio of Harpies, a tentpole moment is
the trees turn blood-red. The moon ascends swiftly in something that cannot be bypassed or hand-
the sky, forming its lunar arc. The protagonist fights waved. It’s possible that the players are aware
with his lover, but we cannot hear the words. A vampire of an impending tentpole moment—if they set
up the meeting with Harpies or know the date
feeds. The sun rises. The sun sets. Events pass in what- of the trial, they and the characters are aware of
ever time dilation the narrative demands; information what’s coming. Alternately, it’s possible that only
is conveyed swiftly and cleanly, because in a story we the Storyteller knows that a tentpole moment is
coming, and may have to make a few mysterious
don’t witness every minute as it happens (which is how insistences (“You only have three weeks until…
a two-hour movie can comprise a week’s worth of time, well, you’ll see”) to enforce any appropriate
or even a whole century). montage limitations.
Oh, and they’re called “tentpole” because
The question is, how does one run a montage in Vam- they’re necessary to keep the tent—meaning, the
pire: The Requiem? story, the narrative, the game—standing.

Step One: Determine Time Frame

This is almost two small steps in one. First, determine Step Two: Turn by Turn
if the game is subject to an ultimate time limit for the
montage overall—so, in other words, if it’s May 1st, and Each turn, go around the table and ask the player what her
the coterie has a major meeting with the Prince on May character is doing during this time. Encourage them to use
22nd, then the montage cannot possibly last beyond that, one or two sentences, and no more. “I’m weeping tears of
because that meeting is a “tentpole moment” that must blood and tearing up old photos from my life as a human” is
be played out at the table. acceptable, as is, “I’m at the Hyboria Club, laughing around
mouthfuls of blood sucked from some drunk girl’s pale thigh.”

160 Bloody Business

The sentence doesn’t describe everything that happens have to be modified to suit a single roll (and, if use of the
in that given time frame. It’s not meant to. In part, it’s Discipline requires more than a few sentences of expla-
a summation. It can serve as a general “theme” for your nation or resolution, then it might be necessary to drop
character’s actions during that time. A single sentence out of the montage mode). The new rules for manifesting
can’t sum up what your Damned character does all night, Disciplines (“Dead Echoes,” p. 162) may add some new
all year, or all decade, but given the often staid and static options to this, if used.
nature of vampire existence, it’s appropriate to hang that
entire time frame on the single image of the weeping girl Telling a Story
or the lustful feeder (or whatever you choose). It’s not critical, but montages usually do more than convey
(Note, too, that a “turn” equals whatever increment a simple sequence of events—this isn’t just a game, after
you all decided upon.) all, it’s a Storytelling game. The goal is therefore to try
to tell a story, to ascribe some manner of narrative to a
Roll Required sequence of events. It’s not merely about the passing of
It’s possible that an event in the montage is an obstacle time—perhaps it’s about a vampire accumulating assets
that the Storyteller feels should only be resolved with a and allies before beginning a covert war against a social
roll on the part of the player. That’s fine—the player can nemesis, or about a slow spiral into blood addiction.
make a single roll during the time.
For the most part, such rolls should all be instant rolls;
Storyteller Involvement
though, if the increment of time is short enough (say, 10 The Storyteller is involved in a montage only as much as is
minutes), and the extended roll is long enough (the roll necessary, which ideally isn’t much at all. Turns in which
represents 10 or more minutes of time), the extended roll a character confronts an obstacle certainly demands some
can be made a part of the montage. (A vampire examining input from the Storyteller, and it’s also possible that the
a crime scene might include as his part of each montage Storyteller will contribute one of his own montage ideas
turn a sentence describing his search of the scene—“I’m sit- per turn. Perhaps he describes a scene glimpsed in the
ting on the edge of the tub, staring into the cooling puddle city, or a moment in the unlife of a prominent vampire
of blood” one turn, and the next, “I’m rifling through old (or the mayor, or one of the character’s thralls). Montages
papers, when I spot a bloody fingerprint atop one of them.” are an interesting place for the Storyteller to chip away
at the fourth wall just a little bit.
However, if the time increment is long enough, an ex-
tended roll will need to be compressed down to an instant.
A vampire clambering up a cliff face won’t need to roll for Step Three: End It
every ten feet, for instance—one Strength + Athletics Montages end. While you could conceivably run an en-
climbing roll (with bonuses and penalties thrown in where tire game session or story in “montage mode” (and that
appropriate) should handle the entire obstacle. is perhaps an interesting challenge—go!), for the most
It’s okay, too, if the roll is contested—the down-and- part it’s about compressing time and narrative the way
even-dirtier-combat section above (p. 147) describes a one might reduce a sauce down to from a watery slurry
quick and easy way to distill combat down to a single roll. to a thick, syrupy potency.
Feeding might be a commonly-expressed contested roll That means it’s important to know when to end the
during a montage, and is actually a good place to “play montage. It’s possible that the montage will go the dis-
out” feeding—this way, it’s not limited only to a dice roll, tance and end at the natural point decided upon in step
and demands a sentence or two’s worth of interaction one—you have a set time frame, and the montage goes
between the player and Storyteller. And yet, by limiting it to the culmination of that time frame.
to the montage model, it doesn’t bog down the narrative However, it’s possible, even likely, that the montage
with needless complication. must end before that. The Storyteller may decide that
Provided it’s not a significant narrative experience, a something the characters are doing has changed the plot
contested roll between two of the players’ characters is fine, in an interesting way, and demands a shift in the story.
too—a chess game, for instance, or a simple argument. That shift might necessitate dropping out of montage
mode and back to the regular “minutiae” of playing.
Discipline Use A player can also be the deciding factor. A montage
Discipline use is absolutely doable within the span of a doesn’t exist to steamroll over player intent for his char-
montage; many Disciplines work as instant rolls, and can acter, and if the player requires a more protracted scene
be used without much of a change. Those that don’t will to handle the drama and conflict, then the player can

Running a Montage 161

call for an end to the montage. Players shouldn’t abuse Usually, downtime is handled without any particular
this, of course; if one player doesn’t like montage mode, pomp and circumstance—a discussion around the table
but the rest all find it engaging, then some semblance of of what different characters are doing over the course of
balance must be struck. The dissenting player can’t just a few days, a few weeks, even a year. If rolls are necessary,
end the montage turn after turn because he wants to they’re handled, but not with a great deal of description.
micromanage his character’s own story. Find a balance A few sentences of “show, don’t tell” covers it nicely.
at the table that suits everybody. Vampires might not be No system really protects this; it’s a bit slapdash. It
particularly good at compromise, but the players of those doesn’t have to be, though. In fact, take a look at that, and
vampires better be. then take a look back over the description for how to run
a montage. It’s not dissimilar, but the montage method is
Downtime simply a bit more strictly laid out, isn’t it?
Every game has its downtime. With Vampire: The Re- So, one option you have is to always run downtime in
quiem, this can be all the more true, because the Damned your Vampire: The Requiem game as a montage. Some-
are singular creatures with a capacity for immortality. times, you focus in on one or several scenes where the
Time crawls, and time flies, telescoping and collapsing minutiae is necessary, where the drama and conflict must
with equal cruel measure. Vampires aren’t universally ac- be seen up close and in a protracted way, and then you pull
tors; they needn’t be dynamic 100% of the time, because back out and once more enter the montage mode. Time
they can put plans in motion, and then wait. Hence, passes. Plans unfold. Desires bloom. Hatreds sour. The
downtime. It happens in every game, but in Vampire, it montage allows for narrative flexibility with a cinematic
seems to happen all the more frequently. edge while still having something of a process to follow.

Dead Echoes: Manifesting Disciplines

A vampire’s Disciplines seem like a straightforward hier- on p. 127). As with any of the new systems found in this
archy of monstrous powers: I can control bats; I can become chapter, if you’re hoping to use this in your game (whether
a bat; I can hide from plain sight; I can become your lover; you’re player or Storyteller), it should be something you
I can become your greatest fear; and so forth. That’s how discuss with the troupe at large so that everybody is on
they are, because that’s how they’re written: each ability the same page.
leads to another ability.
And yet, metaphorically, Disciplines can serve as some- Discipline Skills
thing deeper. They’re not just abilities a vampire learns, Disciplines highlight those mythic and horrific vampire
but are instead predilections bound to the Blood, super- powers found in legend and literature: turning into a wolf,
natural expressions ineluctably married to the creature’s becoming mist, swaying minds with hypnotism, etc. But,
own hoary lineage. The Damned don’t learn Animalism Disciplines are also tightly categorized: Obfuscate is about
the way a human learns typing, or gardening; he doesn’t hiding. Dominate is about social control. Protean is about
attend classes and practice, practice, practice. He literally change. Auspex is about perception.
awakens a part of his monstrous heritage that lies slumber-
If we assume that Disciplines have a resonant effect
ing in his Blood. He stirs a part of himself that was once
beyond a vampire’s control, it stands to follow that a
hidden, a part that finds sympathy forged between the
vampire possessing a certain Discipline might find that
Beast within and all those little Beasts without.
it infects and improves on anything he does within that
The way that Disciplines are presented suggests that Discipline’s purview. Having Obfuscate, then—even
they’re something the vampire can access when neces- without directly accessing its powers—might help one
sary in the same way that one might use a cell phone or hide more easily, for instance.
a laptop—just another weapon in an arsenal. But, if we
Okay, then: let’s marry Disciplines with Skills. A little
approach Disciplines as something that exists within
bit of overlap is likely. Moreover, the blood sorceries and
the Blood, then it might be something that has resonant
rituals of the covenants do not count toward this.
effects: lingering echoes that are outside the vampire’s
control. Animalism: Animal Ken and Survival
Note that, for the most part, this makes Disciplines Auspex: Investigate and Empathy
far more powerful than they already are (much in the Celerity: Athletics and Larceny
way that Disciplines can amp up Social combat, found Dominate: Persuasion and Subterfuge

162 Bloody Business

Majesty: Expression and Socialize
Nightmare: Intimidation and Empathy
Obfuscate: Occult and Stealth The Vigor Problem
Protean: Subterfuge and Survival Vigor already provides a bonus when active, so
isn’t this redundant?
Resilience: Athletics and Intimidation Yes and no. Vigor provides an Attribute bonus
Vigor: Brawl and Weaponry only to Strength. So, lifting a gate or punching
a Harpy in the mouth gain the Vigor bonus. The
Now, the question becomes: what effect does this as- Vigor Skills (Brawl, Weaponry) are only useful
signation of Skill-to-Discipline actually have? You have toward those Skill rolls.
a number of options—the troupe should choose one that So, what happens when a vampire gains the Skill
bonuses and then activates Vigor for the scene, and
best suits the tenor of the game. then has to succeed on, say, Strength + Brawl? The
default option is that both Attribute and Skill gain
Option One: Big Bloody Bonuses Vigor dots as bonus, so if the vampire possesses
two dots in Vigor, then the total bonus for that
The vampire gains a bonus to both Skills related to each roll is +4 dice.
Discipline he possesses. If the vampire has three dots in
Obfuscate, then he has a persistent +3 bonus to all Occult
and Stealth rolls, both of which are Skills that have to do
with hiding (or things that are “hidden”). This doesn’t Violent Aura: Combat Disciplines
count toward Discipline rolls, because that’s largely re-
Disciplines can also have a radiant effect on combat.
dundant. A vampire that wants to shadow a blood doll,
Makes sense, considering that vampires are ultimately
though, would find this bonus helpful.
predators; each Discipline is really just a manifestation
These bonuses don’t obviate the unSkilled penalty— of that vampire’s predatory nature. Given that each of a
the character may have a supernatural understanding on vampire’s powers is in some way geared toward making
how to blend with the shadows thanks to Obfuscate, but that creature a more effective hunter or a more potent
without actual training in Stealth (meaning, he possesses monster, then it stands to figure that each Discipline
no dots in it), the unSkilled penalty will apply no matter might affect how the vampire fights.
how many dots in Obfuscate he has.
Again, these are “always on.” Don’t use them if you
Option Two: Pick A Skill don’t want to amp up the powers of the vampires in
your game—they confer significant advantages to the
Instead of assuming that the vampire gains a bonus on
monsters that wield them. Note that, if you’re using
both Skills associated with each, the vampire’s player must
these with the “Discipline Skills” option above, you’ll
choose one of the associated Skills at the time of purchas-
find some redundancy.
ing that first Discipline dot. So, when buying the first dot
in Auspex, the player must choose either Investigation or
Empathy as the “enhanced” Skill. This can’t be changed
once chosen. So, the player chooses Empathy, and from
then on out, that vampire gains a perpetual bonus to
Alternate Option:
Empathy equal to that vampire’s dots in Auspex. Combat Disciplines As Merits
If you like the idea that certain Disciplines offer
certain “bonuses” for vampires in combat but don’t
Option Three: Bonus is Minimal want to just allow them to be free, here’s an idea:
Each Discipline provides only a +1 bonus to the Skill(s) make them Merits, instead.
in question, no matter how many dots are actually pos- Each ends up being a three-dot (•••) Merit with
a prerequisite of possessing at least one dot in the
sessed in each. This reduces the bonuses significantly Discipline to get the effect. That way, it costs the
down to what is effectively the same bonus that a Specialty player 12 experience points to get this resonant
would provide (except these bonuses are more common combat effect from his Discipline. The Merit must
be bought once for each Discipline effect (so, if the
and functional). character gains the combat benefit from Auspex,
Celerity and Nightmare, that requires the player
Option Four: Make It Cost to buy the Merit three times).
Whether you go with option one or option two, giving
the bonuses a Vitae cost helps to lessen the power ratio
a little bit—so, to gain the bonus for a scene, the player
must spend a point of the vampire’s Vitae.

Dead Echoes: Manifesting Disciplines 163

Auspex A vampire with this Discipline may choose to stop
combat for a number of turns equal to dots possessed in
Harding doesn’t hear the branch snap—it’s nothing so simple.
Majesty. It requires no expenditure of Vitae and no roll.
It’s the way his ear notices how the sounds coming from behind
It can only be used once per scene.
him are suddenly dampened. It’s the way his arm hairs stand
at attention from a faint misdirection of air. It’s in the way his Nightmare
very skin feels the footsteps resonating on asphalt. He’s about
This is what Mydra thinks: “I am gnashing teeth. I am
to be jumped, and he knows it.
worms under skin. I am long claws in your eyes, and crawl-
Auspex provides the vampire with an ability to detect ing snake in your heart. You are food, and I am hungry.” It
surprises more easily. Any Wits + Composure roll made to echoes from her eyes, her mouth, her pores. She is monster.
detect an ambush features a bonus equal to the vampire’s All understand this.
dots in Auspex.
Any caught in combat with a vampire possessing this
Animalism Discipline find their Initiative scores hampered by a num-
ber equal to the dots the vampire possesses in Nightmare.
The Beast within is in every part of him—crawling through
If both vampires possess the Discipline, both suffer the
his veins, chewing on his last nerves, tugging on every tendon
loss to Initiative equal to the other’s score. If more than
to make them taut. Cal can’t stop it, so instead, he just goes
one vampire possesses it (and some do not), the highest
with it. Every part of him is aware, the way a cat is aware,
Nightmare score is subtracted; the effect isn’t cumulative.
the way an owl is aware. It gives him an edge. Just enough to
know what’s coming for him. Obfuscate
Those with any dots in Animalism can automatically She stands directly behind her prey, her nose almost touching
choose the higher of Wits or Dexterity for purposes of the nape of his neck. He doesn’t notice. He’s looking at his bus
determining Defense. That’s a benefit that animals pos- pass, scrutinizing it; she doesn’t know why, and frankly, she
sess, and it’s now a benefit that the vampire possesses. doesn’t care. She reaches around the front of him, her hands
Celerity ready to rip his chin back so her teeth can take a bite of that
sweet apple. He doesn’t notice. They never do.
India’s body is a bow—pulled tight, ready to release. The
The vampire may add her dots in Obfuscate to any dice
claws come in, but she’s not there; they cut only air, air filled
pools used when making a surprise attack (see “Surprise,”
with India’s echoing laughter.
pp. 151-152, World of Darkness Rulebook).
Those with dots in Celerity may choose to use their
Celerity score as normal Defense instead of Wits or Dex- Protean
terity. This is in addition to Celerity’s normal effects; when Reyes knows the first order of business is always the thirst: he
spending Vitae to activate Celerity, it allows the vampire is thirsty, and so he must drink. And the first order of business
to further subtract dice from attacks and potentially dodge demands the first tool in the toolbox: his fangs, which help to
incoming bullets, to boot. quench his thirst. They rend and tear. His tongue licks at a
Dominate canine. He laughs.
The vampire may make a bite attack without first grap-
Lochlan thinks of himself as a politician, not a fighter. His
pling; in addition, the bite’s damage is lethal. A successful
weapons are words. His threat is what he’ll do to your haven,
bite indicates that the vampire may begin to consume
your domain, your childer. With but a glance, you’ll give him
blood where appropriate.
everything. You’ll cut yourself. You’ll laugh as you do it. But
even this is an advantage in combat. His power is undeni- Resilience
able, and some part of you always wants wait and see what
The knife comes down hard against her side, and she doesn’t
he’ll do…
feel a thing. Her flesh turns the blade aside. She invites an-
Add your character’s dots in Dominate to your Initiative other, and another, and another, until finally the cat is done
score. She is a dominant force, and the Discipline’s radiant playing with the mouse. Veronica reaches out and pushes her
effect helps to confirm that, even in combat. thumbs into the man’s eyes until they pop like grapes. The
Majesty knife clatters to the asphalt.
The vampire with Resilience forever has flesh that
“Let’s not do this,” Jack says, holding up his hands. “We can,
serves him as armor: halve the vampire’s dots in Resilience
I am sure, discuss this like men. Fair men. Yes? Sit with me.
(round up), and this is a persistent armor against bash-
Consider my words. Calm your teeth.”

164 Bloody Business

ing and lethal attacks (1/1, 2/2, 3/3, etc.). It doesn’t stop Halve the vampire’s dots in Vigor (round up). These
aggravated damage, and any attack with armor piercing dots now equal automatic damage done to any victim
ignores this armor. successfully hit by the character’s close combat attack
(using Strength + Brawl or Strength + Weaponry). This
Vigor doesn’t help the vampire hit the target—he doesn’t gain
His fists piston left and right, missing his target—the bitch any bonuses to attack. But if he successfully hits, then
keeps jumping around like a fucking monkey, and it’s pissing the number becomes automatic damage. If Vince’s has
him off. He’s not the best fighter, but when he hits, he hits. three dots in Vigor, then any time he successfully hits
And, suddenly, he hits. His fist connects with her chin, and with a close combat attack, he does an automatic two
he feels her jawbone crack in half. Ding. Winner winner, points of damage (type of damage determined by the
chicken dinner. type of attack).

Atrocity in Requiem
Wash and wash, but the blood won’t come off. feel on edge, foul tempered, just wrong. The more you
You stink of it, and you know others can smell it too. You have, the worse this feeling of gets, and the more you’ll
stand too close to the mortals, and they edge away without inadvertently act upon it. Worse, the more you have, the
realizing why. Other monsters know you on sight, and their stronger the Beast becomes.
lips peel back with a tiger smile. The Beast smells it too, and You can gain as many as three Atrocity dice in a single
shakes her cage, and screams in the darkness so you can hardly scene, depending on how horribly you act. The Storyteller
think anymore. You ache to unburden yourself, to find some and your fellow players judge your actions, and based on
absolution, but what you’ve done would horrify any confessor. these questions, determine whether you get Atrocity for
Atrocity is an alternative core mechanic for handling it. Questions of judgment might include:
the Humanity of vampires (and it pairs with the Hell Is Did your actions hurt someone else?
Other People system on p. 169 if you so choose). Where If yes, then proceed to the next questions. This is the real
the core rules create a sense of the Gothic melodrama, key—causing pain and misery in others. Being miserable
with a tragic and inevitable decline into depravity and and even hurting yourself rarely gives you Atrocity unless
madness, Atrocity is less concerned with tracking this its especially heinous or imaginative (and usually then,
decline, and more with creating immediate consequences there’s something else at work). Likewise, hurting others
for a vampire’s actions. Atrocity uses sin, depravity and to defend yourself or others in the heat of the moment
horror to jump-start new scenes, and to color a vampire’s usually doesn’t rise to the level of Atrocity, unless you take
Requiem with the red of the blood he’s shed. it further than self defense. For example, after wounding
Humans can become spiritually calloused, inured to an attacker and causing him to fall down, you walk up
horror if exposed to enough of it, or guilty of enough of and shoot him in the face. That’s Atrocity. Feeding is also
it. So too with vampires, though the process is different. a possible source of Atrocity, but one vampires quickly
When a vampire stops being revolted by the horrors of her grow somewhat accustomed to if they wish to survive.
existence, the Beast consumes her. That disgust, terror, So long as their victims are left alive, and suffer no per-
and anguish is the cage the Beast is locked inside, and if it manent injury most vampires find a way to justify this to
weakens the Beast can never really be locked away again. themselves. Feeding on willing victims is the easiest way
To this end, the horrors a vampire perpetuates add to a to do this, and keeping a victim ignorant of what’s really
steadily increasing pool of dice called Atrocity Dice which happening also helps.
represent a dissonant internal conflict, and her inability If I walk up to a man, and without any obvious provoca-
to reconcile what she’s done with who she desperately tion, shoot him, then the answer to this question is “Yes.”
wants to believe herself to be. Is the harm grievous?
Atrocity Dice Stealing a car would rarely qualify as Atrocity. Stealing
the car from a man who wanted to drive his ailing father
A frenzied murder, vicious beating, ruining a marriage
to the emergency room would likely qualify. It is easier to
out of spite, or a blowtorch in your hand and an enemy’s
assess harm when it’s physical and delivered immediately
ghoul tied to a chair with wire, covered in weeping burns.
in the scene. Beating back an attacker isn’t horrific, but
Atrocity offends the humanity you cling to, mocks your
growing claws and ripping him to shreds as he tries to
presumptions and your pretenses. Having it makes you
flee is. Taking an unwilling and aware victim for their

Atrocity in Requiem 165

blood certainly qualifies, because few things could be
more violating and horrific, especially when the strug-
gling victim succumbs to the kiss, and begins to enjoy it.
Leaving someone permanently reduced by the harm you
do is also often an Atrocity—maiming a victim, destroy-
ing a treasured relationship out of spite, ruining them
financially, spoiling a promising career and blackening a
reputation. These might all qualify.
If the bullet leaves him quickly bleeding to death from
a severed aorta, then the answer to this question is “Yes.”
Do you hurt more than one person?
Beyond a certain point, inflicting misery becomes a pure
statistic, divorced from the realities of human suffering,
but on a personal level there’s certainly a difference in
hurting one person, and hurting many. Causing the
breakup of a family, or worse, murdering one. Destroying
a company, and leaving all the employees suddenly jobless.
Running another car off the road, and then watching as
driver and passengers all burn to death. There must be
some kind of immediacy to this. In the company example,
you would not gain Atrocity dice for shutting down the
company unless you encountered the employees whose
livelihood you ruined, and got to see what you’d done.
How would this happen, you ask? That’s what the Sto-
ryteller is there for.
If he falls backwards into the arms of his wife, and his
blood sprays across the face of his horrified children, then
the answer is “Yes.”
Did you like it?
This one is fairly simple. Did you feel powerful and ter-
rible? Did it give you a savage satisfaction? This one is
mostly for you to answer (er, in the guide of the character).
Will you own how you felt about it the bad things you
did, or were you driven by necessity to do something you
If killing him felt good, if seeing the faces of his family
twist around screams brought a thrill of power, then the
answer is “Yes.”
The Butcher’s Bill
Each “Yes” answer on the last three of these questions
means you gain an Atrocity die at the close of the scene.
Added cool points if you work this into a quick closing
narration—the drip of blood from your fingers, your
laughter at a destroyed enemy, the quiet weeping of the
man with no more fingers who told you exactly what you
wanted to hear.
Three Atrocity dice for this cruel murder. You could
have found another way to settle your dispute or seek
recompense from this man, but you didn’t. You could
have done it quietly, at his office, or one dark night in the

166 Bloody Business

street and spared his family this horror, but you didn’t. Alright, fine—occasionally a sociopath makes an in-
You could have had the decency to feel conflicted about teresting character, and so if everyone at the table is cool
it, disgusted with yourself even as you pulled the trigger, with it, this optional Merit can be purchased at character
but you didn’t. generation or with experience to represent becoming
You put a hot slug through his gut, and watched him die. inured to certain kinds of Atrocity:
You smiled as his children froze in terror, as his wife tried to
stop the blood which just would not stop. You did it, and you New Merit : Calloused Soul (• to •••••)
liked doing it, and you left a man dead and a family broken, Effect : Each dot of Calloused Soul you possess reduces
his wife and children scared for life. the Atrocity dice you would acquire for a given scene by
But this isn’t necessarily the end of it. Here is one more one for certain kinds of actions. For example, torture,
question you can ask yourself: murder, rape, feeding, character assassination, betrayal,
or inflicting economic ruin. Choose one type.
Can I Justify it?
Drawback: Take your Calloused Soul levels as penalty
Did they have it coming? Was it for national security?
dice for all social rolls which don’t involve deliberate
Can you dehumanize them in your mind, making the
manipulation, intimidation or threat.
killings less hideous in your memory? Say how you jus-
tify your character’s actions out loud to the other players Horrifying Yourself
and Storyteller, and spend one Willpower point for each
Carrying around Atrocity means you’re edgier all the
Atrocity die you’re justifying, and you don’t have to take
time, shorter tempered, and just a little off. If you have
it (provided nobody disagrees). You only get this one shot
Derangements, they’re worse when you have Atrocity dice.
at denial—if you take the Atrocity die, you’re stuck with
Likewise, the common weaknesses of the vampiric condi-
it until you find another way to get rid of it.
tion are also exacerbated. When you roll dice in a stressful
And why did you do it? And why did you do it this way? situation (especially when added complexity will make the
Well, you killed him just like he killed you. But hell, you scene more interesting) the Storyteller can ask that some of
were more merciful than he was, because at least you let those dice be Atrocity dice instead of normal dice. You can
his kids live. Before coming here to do this thing, you separate the Atrocity dice from your pool, and roll them
visited their grave, and even though you knew your wife separately, roll them with different hands, or use different
would be as horrified by this violence as your victim’s, and colored dice to represent them in a mixed pool. Atrocity
your kids just as terrified as his, you remind yourself that dice replace normal dice in your pool one per one, so if you
they don’t have the chance to feel those things, because have three Atrocity and rolled a pool of seven dice, you’d
they’re dead. roll four normal dice and three Atrocity dice.
Fuck that guy. Atrocity dice behave normally in a pool and generate
Fuck his family. successes just like ordinary dice. It is only when a 10 is
Spending two Willpower means you only take one rolled on an Atrocity die that it affects the scene in a
Atrocity die for this heinous crime. meaningful way. A 10 means the horror you’re trying to
deal with (and the Beast that feeds upon it) finds its way
Permanent Atrocity Dice into your action. It gives your action a nasty cast, a hint of
If you get 10 Atrocity Dice, then in a massive frenzied unhealthiness, or it reveals in a small way your unnatural
catharsis scene these collapse and become a single perma- nature. While intimidating an office manager into leaving
nent Atrocity die you can never be rid of. Ever! No, really. you alone in the server room, you let out a low, almost
A part of you has been calloused and scared to the point inaudible growl that leaves him shaking. When seducing
where it’s completely dead, and a gap forms from the rot a potential bedmate, there’s a predatory aggression to the
in your soul. Through this rent, the Beast peeks, gnaw- flirtation that leaves them both entranced and frightened.
ing at the ragged edges forever. Even if you play safe, do In a fight, you hit harder, and find yourself smiling when
charity work, only feed on the willing, and do no lasting the blood comes.
harm to anyone, this awful thing colors everything you The more tens you roll on your Atrocity dice, the
do, think, and say and you’ll never be free of it. worse this unnatural revelation or cruelty becomes, and
“Wait,” you say. “My character was a killer before these dice work just like normal dice for the purposes of
being Embraced. He’s got a two-figure body count in 10-again, meaning, 10s are still rerolls.
Brazil before he even came to the US. He’s a cold hard Permanent Atrocity dice work a little different. Instead
motherfucker, who won’t blink about pulling the trigger!” of replacing normal dice in your pools, you add it to all

Atrocity in Requiem 167

your rolls. This means you get an extra die, which is good.
But it means that no matter how clean you keep your soul,
there’s always a chance (one in ten, in fact) that it’ll come Born Bad
out, and you’ll leave some damage or some pain behind When you create a new character, and roll a die
you even if you never intended any harm. to determine starting Vitae, take half this number
(rounded up) as Atrocity dice. When converting
Note that any time Atrocity dice return successes, you characters from published Vampire the Requiem
should check “Cognitive Dissonance” below. material, you can replace a derangement with a die
or permanent Atrocity, and if their listed Humanity
Cognitive Dissonance is below 5 then give them one, and if it is below
3, give them two.
Guilt, self disgust, and horror—eventually, it can get to be
too much to carry around anymore. Ask the Storyteller
for a scene which can trigger a crisis of conscience for
you. Perhaps the current situation reminds you strongly Don’t Feed the Animals
of the things you did in the past, the bad and the wrong Here is a collection of optional rules and ways to use
things. Perhaps it brings home the cost in human suffer- Atrocity to create a different experience of play in your
ing of your actions. Presented with a dilemma—act to chronicle. Some of these alter core mechanics found in
perpetuate the Atrocity (in what will likely be the most Vampire the Requiem, and produce a significantly differ-
advantageous course of action), or demure from continu- ent set of realities for the characters in the setting, and the
ing it, and Embrace the revelation, and the maddening player’s characters. None of these will break your game, or
sense of self-annihilation facing your own sins can bring. fundamentally alter the themes, but they’ll produce some
Now, the Storyteller picks your Atrocity Dice, and rolls differences in play, and leverage the Atrocity mechanics
them. Success on this roll isn’t good for the character (but to affect other situations.
good for the Atrocity!). The Beast Wakes
You can spend Willpower to reduce this pool on a one As described on p. 179 of Requiem, triggers for a frenzy are
per one basis for this single roll, but never lowering it inconsistent . Sometimes, a minor annoyance can cause
below 1 die. a vampire to lose control, while other times she endures
Exceptional Success: Reduce your Atrocity Dice enormous stress without feeling the Beast rise. You can
to 0, and gain a Permanent Atrocity Die instead. You use Atrocity to determine when a stressful situation, cir-
completely lose it for a time as appropriate to the scene, cumstances, and recent history conspire to push a vampire
descending into frenzy. When you return to rationality, over the edge. The Storyteller may ask for a roll of Atrocity
the Beast is with you like never before. (normal plus permanent) to see whether the Beast rises,
Success: Act out in accordance to your earlier Atrocity and on a successful roll a frenzy must be resisted. Resist-
to a severity determined by the successes you roll. You ing the frenzy is handled normally as described on pages
gain these successes in additional Atrocity dice, and read- 178 to 181 of Requiem, but requires additional successes
ing the questions above in reverse, determine how many to resist equal to the extra successes on the Atrocity roll.
people you hurt and how badly you do so in the process. For example, if the Storyteller called for an Atrocity roll
Alternately, you still act out, but instead of additional to see if an abusive cop causes frenzy, and this produces
Atrocity dice, you gain a derangement appropriate to the 3 successes, then the first means that yes, a frenzy begins,
situation which will persist for at least the remainder of and the second two mean the Resolve + Composure roll to
the current story. resist the frenzy must produce an additional two successes.
Failure: You come through your crisis of conscious If there could be said to be any upside to losing control
shaken and unstable, but somewhat purged. Reduce your of yourself and lashing out violently while in the clutches
Atrocity dice by half, or reduce your Atrocity dice to zero, of the Beast, your actions seem distant and unreal, like
and gain an appropriate Derangement which will persist they’re happening to someone else. This disassociation
for the remainder of the current story. insulates you from Atrocity, and the most Atrocity you
Dramatic Failure:In an almost violent emotional ca- can gain from the Beast’s actions is one die. Further, in-
tharsis, you come through the trial purified. Reduce your stead of a single bonus die to physical actions, you add your
Atrocity dice to zero. total Atrocity dice to your physical actions when frenzied.
Getting a dramatic failure is almost impossible, unless Whether they’ll admit it or not, some vampires are wise
you first buy down the pool with Willpower. to this, and let the Beast run wild sometimes, doing the
damage they want done, but leaving them insulated from it.

168 Bloody Business

Whether they’ll admit it or not, the Beast is wise to this kill. Vampires with permanent Atrocity (as most elders
too, and is perfectly happy to sew chaos, maim, murder, would surely have accumulated) are always subject to at
and glut itself when the man relinquishes control. least some damage.
Stinking of Sin The situation this creates is one where sin and horror
Other vampires smell the Atrocity on you, and it excites are immediately punished in a mystical way, and sug-
and infuriates them. Their Beast snarls and lunges on the gests a relationship between the Beast, and the burning
end of its chain as it demands dominance from you. It is vulnerability to sunlight. It also means that a vampire
the very stuff of the Predator’s Taint, and you yourself feel on walkabout during the day who commits an Atrocity
the presence of other vampires more intensely when you’ve might well burn to death on the spot.
been wallowing in depravity. Add permanent and normal
Atrocity dice to Blood Potency before comparing when
checking to see if a vampire reacts to the Predator’s Taint. Getting rid of Atrocity dice means doing something to
atone for the sins that earned them. There’s no god or
The Skull Beneath the Skin
priest to forgive you. You have to mean it, and take action
Your vampiric nature becomes more and more apparent to somehow make it better. You can’t lie to yourself here,
as your Atrocity increases, shifting your appearance sub- and what penance you do must be hard, and it must hurt,
tly. The illusion of life gets thinner and more ephemeral, and you have to be sincere about it. Ask the Storyteller
and your ugliness more disturbing, or your beauty more for the opportunity to atone, and suggest how you might
grotesque. Observers can add your total Atrocity dice do so. The more dramatic and cool this is, the better it’ll
to their rolls to spot something or uncanny about you. play. Then, during the scene you spend one Willpower
Knowledgeable observers can identify you immediately point per Atrocity die you remove to demonstrate the
as a vampire with such a successful observation. atonement is genuine, and then suffer whatever conse-
The Kiss of Heaven quences arise in the story.
Your total Atrocity dice is the maximum damage you The weeks after the killing are torture. You felt so
will suffer per round from exposure to sunlight. This righteous, and so sure of yourself, but you spun out of
means a vampire with no Atrocity would suffer no dam- control, you enjoyed the killing too much and you killed
age from exposure to sunlight. This is a major departure some more. Cased more pain. And now, its threatening
from the assumptions of the core rules as presented in to eat you alive. Despairing, you go to the wife of the man
Vampire: The Requiem, and means that vampires who who’s murder started you down this path, and you douse
do everything they can to avoid hurting others, can walk yourself with gasoline, and put a lighter in her hand. You
about during the day. This would not be comfortable for kneel before her. You look her in the eye. You apologize.
them, and die penalties commiserate with the amount of You mean it. She puts her thumb on the lighter, her
damage they should be suffering (as described on p. 172 knuckle whitens...
of Requiem) are not out of line, but the sunlight won’t

Hell Is Other People

Isolation makes people crazy. It’s one of the classic brain- Hanging out with other vampires all the time is pretty
washing fundamentals. It’s the torturer’s easiest trick. Bang bad, too. It’s like trying to quit smack when all your friends
your victim up in a cage, and don’t let him see a human face are junkies. Other vampires exacerbate your problems,
for a month, and then send in your smiling interrogator. and if you don’t have some contact with regular people,
Babies will actually die if they don’t have real personal con- you’re going to go squirrely. Even worse than the vampires
tact with other humans. Humans are wired for it. Humans are the ghouls and thralls you make for yourself, because
are social monkeys, and even when they become vampires, they’re not going to comment on the crazy when you have
what makes them human, and what keeps them human is a total meltdown over something. They’re like a rich
contact with humans. Even the hungry-eyed Gangrel no- celeb’s entourage, and they’re never going to call you on
mad always seems to end up roving with a gang or a posse your bullshit when you need it most.
no matter how aggressively lonely he tries to be. And what The people who become vampires are slain, and dragged
about that weird old fucker in the castle in the mountains? screaming back through death and into their hideously
Left alone too long, the curse does some strange things to and unnaturally animated corpses. Every moment of
the once-human psyche of the vampire. Without anything conscious existence it is impossible to forget this. The
else to eat, The Beast eats the man. body feels alien, even after a hundred years. Sensations

Hell Is Other People 169

are dulled or weirdly exaggerated Hunger is a barking simple and uncomplicated relationships. They always hurt
dog, whining for more even when sated. It gets easier and the ones they love.
easier to categorize people into three types: people to eat,
people to fight, or people to run away from. (You might How Does It Work?
want to add a fourth category—“People to fuck”—but let’s
At its most basic, Hell Is Other People serves as a short
be honest, for vampires that just falls into eating.) It gets
list of people to which a vampire is connected. These
harder to remember that people are even people at all,
anchors provide an immediacy to the vampire’s struggle
and not animate dolls with heads full of ashes. It’s easy to
to remain human. They also become characters in the
fall into the belief that they’re the only really conscious
chronicle, and in a sense ‘community property’ which
beings in the whole world, and everyone else is a zombie or
can be played by anyone sitting at the table for a scene,
a shadow puppet. The world becomes the torturer’s cage,
allowing players whose characters are absent to participate
but nobody ever comes in to ask any questions.
in that scene if they wish, and giving the Storyteller a
What ends up being most important isn’t an abstract stable of characters to with which to populate her world.
measure of your ability to relate to humanity in general, Anchors are described initially in minimal detail, with the
but your ability to forge and maintain real human contact bulk of the mechanics being about defining the relation-
with a few real humans. ship the vampire has with her anchors. It further aims
to describe that relationship’s particular quirks, benefits,
The Purpose and challenges, but more detail is added as the game goes.
Hell Is Other People is a different way to approach the Anchors can be used and abused to gain other ben-
humanity of vampires which removes the abstract defi- efits—the most obvious being a ready supply of blood
nition and mechanics for this concept, and replaces it donors—but also contacts, assistance, resources, access,
with a system for identifying the people—real ordinary or a safe haven for the night. The harder you push your
humans, primarily—the vampire cares about and relates anchors, the more you risk damaging the relationship,
to, and then examining the ways the vampiric condition or possibly worse, exposing it to the attentions of other
perverts and subverts these relationships. vampires.
The principles are fairly simple—it doesn’t matter what And of course, there’s the acidic erosion of your hu-
humanity in general might feel about you, or how you feel manity caused by the atrocities of your very existence.
about humanity as an aggregate, rather what matters is Your actions lead to dissonance within yourself, a sense
how your elderly father feels about you, and how you feel of growing horror at your own existence. The urge for
about him. He’s a tie to your human life, a reminder of confession and especially for absolution grows with each
normalcy and mortality. Even if he doesn’t know you still murder. Your anchors sense it, even if you never say it,
exist, you know he does, and you watch out for him, see but oh how you want to say it. To unburden yourself. To
that he’s taken care of. He’s an anchor, keeping you from have Mommy tell you that you’re not really a bad person,
drifting away. and not really a monster.
Two main goals are at work, here: first, to provide You hope she’s not forgotten how to lie to you.
players and Storytellers with a specific and immediately
useful alternative to the core mechanics, and second to As a Humanity Variant
produce a system which directly feeds play, outputting
This system approaches the core themes of connection,
conflict and circumstances which demand in-game action.
isolation, and sin from a different angle than that of
It then becomes possible to run a chronicle based entirely
the humanity mechanics in the core rules. They’re not
around these anchoring relationships, maintaining them,
intended to supersede the core mechanics, but provide
protecting them, grieving them when they’re lost, or
an alternative. The play experiences drawn from the two
escaping the pain and hiding inside fury and vengeance
systems will differ by design. Hell is Other People is a
Anchors are almost always mortals, and they age, and
more intensive way of tracking the declining humanity
then die. Elders who manage to stay vaguely connected
of the vampire, but rewards tracking the added fiddly bits
have buried dozens or even hundreds of lovers, friends,
with social role-playing opportunities. It also shifts the
parents, children, and vassals. And in their minds, they
focus of a chronicle gently away from the exclusive halls
somehow have to balance out the beloved dead against
of Kindred politics, and puts the vampire’s connections
those used, abused, and drained to perpetuate their ex-
with ordinary humans into a prominent position, and
istence And sometimes (all too often) somebody appears
even makes them valuable assets and terrible liabilities
on both sides of that balance. Vampires are not good at

170 Bloody Business

in those games of power. The core Humanity mechanics starting anchors, and spread them out across the vampire’s
more closely model the flow of Gothic melodrama, with span, or consider why an elder vampire has only young
its epic descents into depravity and madness, while Hell 20-something anchors.
is Other People is more concerned with the impact a Thumbnail—A simple three- or four-word phrase to
vampire has on the people around her, and the damage describe who the anchor is and what they do. Examples
she can do—like a drowning man dragging the lifeguard include “aggressively honest beat-cop,” “struggling student
down with him. stripper,” “nebbish and obsessive antiquarian,” “successful
novelist,” “homeless dude with his ears to the ground.”
That Old Ball and Chain This should give you or a player running this character
A character’s first anchors are described during character for a scene an immediate grasp of the character.
creation, and though these can shift and change during Relationship—The nature of the relationship the
play (old ones being lost, and new ones being found) vampire has with the anchor. This defines the way the
most of the work setting up this system takes place when vampire relates to the anchor, and the ways she feels
the player creates the character. This takes place in step most comfortable interacting with him. Regardless of
seven of the character creation process as outlined in the nature of the relationship, the feelings involved are
the Vampire: the Requiem (p. 93—94), and replaces intense—even if the relationship is one which normally
Morality and Humanity. might not bring with it a close emotional bond. Not all
Characters begin with seven anchors, and if a player relationships are equitable or represent the same thing for
wishes, as many as two can be traded for additional ex- both people involved. If the vampire feels differently about
perience points. Each sacrificed anchor grants the player the anchor to how the anchor feels about the vampire
five experience points (for a maximum of 10), and the then write two Relationships down separated by a slash.
loss represents a tragedy or trauma, something which tore The first is how the vampires feels about the anchor, and
the vampire’s human connections from her, but left her the second how the anchor feels about the vampire. It
somewhat wiser for it. is possible, but shouldn’t be common, for the vampire to
A vampire’s anchors define the person she’s linked to, have a relationship with an anchor who feels nothing for
and the way they’re connected. Each anchor is defined by the vampire, and might not even be aware of her. These
the following things, meaning, a player should describe should be suitably creepy, because they represent a major
these in as much detail as she finds comfortable. emotional attachment (often leading to obsessive observa-
Name—The anchor’s name (duh). tion at a distance) of which the anchor is wholly unaware.
Age—How old is the anchor? This is especially relevant You can also design relationships in the “coterie chart”
for Kindred who’ve lived a few decades or more, as their style—with names/images separated by arrows that go
first anchors will be significantly older, while they remain both ways. On one side of the arrow is the relationship
in the stasis of undeath. It has little mechanical impact, described from that one direction, and on the other is the
and really serves to drive home the vampire’s agelessness, vice versa relationship. Relationships in this way might
and the fate of all the mortals she cares about (and the even be linked to each other, and not just to the vampire
temptation to put them in thrall, or Embrace them fully). in question. Anchors are free to be a group as opposed to
Consider the age of a vampire character when creating separate individuals.

Betty wants to
John loves Betty rectally violate John
with a crowbar

Hell Is Other People 171

It is suggested that there be as few duplications among
the Relationships described for starting characters, as
too many of a type could be redundant and won’t add
anything extra to the chronicle. The types of relationships
Hot for Teacher
Relationships change and evolve, and while
available are as follows (though feel free to add your own): a vampire may exist in a state of relative
• Enemy: not all anchors have to tie down the vampire physical and emotional stasis, his anchors age
and their perspectives and desires alter. It’s
with positive bonds. An enemy is just as compelling perfectly acceptable to change the nature of the
as a lover, and the relationship is sometimes easier to Relationship a vampire and her anchors share.
maintain. For many vampires, simply exterminating A professional relationship can evolve into
friendship, or friends could drift apart to develop
a mortal enemy is often well within their powers, a solid working relationship. What’s important is
so think about why this hasn’t happened with this that the vampire remain attached to her anchors,
relationship. and that they continue to provide a grounding
in ordinary human life. The strong connections
• Friends: as easy to understand as lovers, and easier to of family and love are powerful links to this, but
maintain. Friends look out for one another, take each the respect of a favorite professor, or the hate of
other to the airport, help each other move, and provide a rival can do the same.
These shifts can happen naturally as an emer-
emotional support, advice, and beer. gent factor of normal play, or they can be a de-
• Lovers: easy to understand, easy to imagine, but sur- liberate goal when a player chooses to interact
prisingly difficult to maintain even for ordinary mor- with an anchor character a certain way. There’s
no system for this, beyond roleplaying through
tals. If one lover is a vampire, then the added threat it to the satisfaction of the other players and
of death during sex adds a whole new dimension to Storyteller, and working it into the chronicle in
this relationship. an interesting way.

• Mentor: similar to Parent, but without the familial

emotional ties. A Mentor relationship is based on
respect, instruction, and guidance A mentor teaches, vampire have dealt with before. Ironically, generating a
and provides an example. Whether the vampire is huge kink-inspired blowup makes the relationship more
the mentor or the mentee will determine the timbre resilient when a vampire dumps her personal horror into
of this relationship. it, using it as an emotional heat-sink. The catharsis can
makes the Atrocity (Atrocity found on p. 165 and You
• Parent: whether literal or emotional, the relationship
Always Hurt The Ones You Love on p. 182) somewhat
is a parental one, and whether the vampire or the an-
less damaging, provided you choose to use the Atrocity
chor is in the parental role will determine the nature
system found earlier in this chapter.
of the relationship.
Choose one Kink from the list on p. 172.
• Professional: emotional ties are restricted to loyalty
and respect, and the professional relationship often Comforts—These serve as the ways an anchor can
has a financial component. benefit the vampire, beyond just keeping her connected
to her human nature, or giving benefits when ruthlessly
• Rival: a little like an enemy, but with less effort to
exploited. While all anchors can be used (by risking them,
destroy the other party. Rivalries can sometimes drive
p. 181), some anchors provide the equivalent without the
people to excel, and other times it can drive people
need to abuse them—this usually in the form of a one-dot
to hire thugs to beat a rival in the legs with a length
Merit. A lover used to the cold kiss of the vampire would
of pipe.
not recoil in horror when the hungry monster comes
• Sibling: like Parent, the sibling relationship is about knocking, while one well-placed in the police department
real or virtually real bonds like those with a brother could be used by a vampire asking for off-the-record info
or sister. Consider whether this is an equitable rela- on current cases. Boons like this can be had from any
tionship, or one of an older sibling to a younger one. anchor, but doing so risks hurting or exposing them. With
Kinks—Kinks are the ways the relationship grows the right Comfort, however, there exists minimal risk.
complicated and dysfunctional. Human relationships are Choose one Comfort from the list on p. 174.
complicated, and when one half isn’t human anymore,
it’s far worse. Kinks are the ways the relationship doesn’t Kinks
work, backfires, is unhealthy, or causes trouble. They’re • Abuse: The relationship is marred with physical and
points of conflict, and in a way pressure release valves: verbal abuse typically in one direction, but sometimes
they’re familiar forms of dysfunction the anchor and the in both. The obvious assumption is that the vampire

172 Bloody Business

will abuse the anchor, but this need not be the case. • Dissimilarity: The relationship lacks a foundation of
The emotional stasis of the vampire means some of common experiences, and the parties involved share
them will forever be trapped in a cycle of unhealthy too little similarity of personality or interest. Some-
abuse, attracted to people who’ll mistreat them be- times, despite years in the relationship, the parties
cause while in no rational way is this good or desirable, can seem like strangers to each other, and it becomes
it just feels right. These relationships can be especially difficult to find ground on which to meet. A vampire
volatile, considering the fury of the Beast. A vampire dumping Atrocity into a relationship kinked with
dumping his Atrocity into a relationship kinked with dissimilarity might try and force his interests on a
Abuse might go home and beat or berate his anchor, disinterested anchor, or could more subtly neglect the
or possibly more disturbing, go home and provoke the anchor for someone who shares an interest
anchor into beating him. • Distance: The relationship is difficult to maintain, due
• Betrayal: The relationship endures despite regular be- to physical or emotional distance, and each meeting
trayals. Unfaithful lovers, thieving friends, lying family, involves a period of re-acquaintance and uncertainty A
and mentors who won’t stand up for their charges. vampire dumping Atrocity into a relationship dulled by
Betrayals often result in fights or reprisals: seeking to Distance might arrive suddenly without warning, and
betray the betrayer in revenge. A vampire dumping immediately demand intimacy and companionship
Atrocity into a relationship kinked with Betrayal might without any period of adjustment, crossing the anchor’s
sleep around, steal, lie, or otherwise betray the trust of thresholds of comfort and forcing them to react and
the anchor. Likewise, the vampire might take umbrage push back against the unexpected emotional closeness.
with a recent betrayal perpetrated by the anchor, and • Forbidden: The relationship is taboo, illegal, embar-
blow it up into a huge fight. rassing, or reputation-destroying for one or both of
• Codependency: The relationship involves an un- the parties. Forbidden relationships must be pursued
healthy degree of emotional interdependence. Either secretly, with due care taken to prevent anyone finding
the vampire or the anchor (or even both) need to out. Meetings must be furtive, and hidden. Example:
feel like the other party depends on them, and can’t a police officer’s childhood friend in the mob, or a
function without them. They’ll make excuses for their vampire’s romance with the Prince’s mortal great-
failings, and enable their vices and weaknesses, keep- granddaughter. A vampire who dumps Atrocity into
ing them unhealthy dependent If both vampire and a relationship kinked with the Forbidden flaunts the
anchor do this, the relationship eats its own tail, and relationship briefly, daring the world to notice despite
both encourage the other’s worst failings. A vampire the pleas of the anchor to keep it secret.
dumping Atrocity into a relationship kinked with • Horror: The relationship is rocked by the anchor’s
Codependency might take extreme action to try and horror at the vampire’s true nature. This usually
break the cycle of dependency, or might indulge in vice means the anchor knows the vampire is an undead
and sin to the extreme and try and push the anchor blood-drinking thing, but it could also mean the an-
into rejecting them. chor knows some dark and hideous secret about the
• Control: The relationship is dominated by a strong vampire. That’s she’s a serial killer, that she conned old
personality who insists on imposing his will upon ladies out of their life savings, or that she’s got sexual
the other party. This need not be violent or coercive piccadilloes that would make a Nosferatu vomit up a
(though, this kink occurs with frequently with the pint of blood. It’s not impossible that the Horror could
Abusive kink), but consistently pushes the controlled run the other way: a vampire still has the capacity
party into line with the controlling party’s desires for to feel horrified at a mortal’s dark secrets, and made
them. It is a continuous process of tearing-down, and uneasy by such revelations. A vampire who dumps
attacks identity and self esteem. Like Abusive, the Atrocity into a horror-filed relationship need only
obvious assumption is that the vampire will be the flaunt and demonstrate his unnaturalness or whatever
controlling member of the relationship, but again this it is that horrifies the anchor.
need not be the case. A vampire who dumps Atroc- • Hypersensitivity: The relationship is made volatile
ity into a relationship kinked with Controlling might by the overreactions of one or both parties to issues
demand absolute adherence to his desires, pushing and they’ve become hypersensitive to. When these issues
pushing until a blowup occurs, or it might involve the come up, rational discussion leaves the building. A
vampire defying the controlling anchor until a fight vampire dumping Atrocity into a relationship mined
breaks out. with Hypersensitivity could deliberately stomp on

Hell Is Other People 173

such a mine, provoking an explosion. Alternately, the rible things, and is somewhat inured to it. Reduce the
vampire could explode irrationally when their issue dice rolled for Horrors by 3.
came up innocently enough. Access: The anchor provides access to an otherwise
• Insanity: The relationship is troubled by the unsound restricted place, level of society, or organization. An an-
metal state of one or both parties. Insanity leaves one chor in the intelligence community could provide access
party irrational and erratic, unable to control their own to associates in that world.
mind, or regulate their emotions and actions to a greater Assistance: The anchor will physically come to the
or lesser degree. It can be disconcerting, terrifying, and vampire’s aid, serving as a one-dot Retainer.
confounding, even if the emotional bonds are real and Bleeder: The anchor will willingly let the vampire
powerful, mental illness can still sever them. A vampire drink from him, granting two Vitae (instead of one) for
dumping Atrocity into a relationship tipped over by every die of Stress.
Insanity might provoke his mentally unstable anchor to
Clued-In: The anchor knows the score in one of the
experience a psychotic episode, or could fly into one him-
major supernatural communities, though isn’t a super-
self and force his anchor to deal with the consequences.
natural being herself.
• Obsession: The relationship eclipses other interests,
Info: The anchor has access to useful information, and
and pursuing it, cataloging its progress, and tracking
can provide the equivalent of one dot of Contacts.
the activities and life of the other party becomes an
ends to themselves A vampire dumping Atrocity into Support: The anchor has funds or access to funds
an obsessive relationship might destroy the detailed which she can supply to the vampire, granting what
observations or journals of the obsessed anchor, or amounts to one dot of Resources.
might reveal to the anchor the depths of her Obses- Hurt
sion, shocking and frightening him.
Hurt is a way of tracking the health of the relationship
• Jealousy: The relationship is fraught with jealousy,
with an anchor, not unlike damage a character might
which can run in both directions freely, or be more
suffer. Hurt is tracked like this:
directed at one party by the other. Unlike its com-
mon companions Abuse and Control, Jealousy could No (0) Points: Fine—The relationship is healthy (for
just as easily spring from either vampire or anchor. A a given values of “healthy”), and fairly stable.
vampire dumping Atrocity into a relationship soured 1 Point: Troubled—There’s something between the
with jealousy could flaunt a flirtation or deliberately anchor and the vampire, something brewing. This will
blow off the anchor to spend time with someone else, find its way into the role playing between the characters,
precipitating a blowup. Alternately, if the vampire and this serves as a cue for the player or Storyteller run-
is the one afflicted with the Jealousy, he could take ning the anchor.
umbrage with the anchor’s innocent interaction with 2 Points: In Crisis—the trouble has broken the surface,
others, and flip out about it. and become and ugly conflict which threatens the rela-
• Rejection: The relationship is distorted, and the tionship. If it can’t be resolved somehow, it could mean
vampire and the anchor have radically different ex- the end of the relationship, possibly resulting in the total
periences of it. The rejected relationship is one which irreplaceable loss of the anchor.
has been refused by one party, forcing the other to 3 Points: Broken—the relationship is broken, and the
pursue it regardless. For relatively sane and rational anchor cut free. It’s still possible to recover the anchor,
people, this could rise to the level of the annoying or and somehow mend the connection, but this demands
harassing, but for unstable or obsessive individuals, it an intensive effort.
could turn to stalking or worse. A vampire dumping 4 Points: Gone—the anchor is gone, and utterly beyond
Atrocity into a Rejected relationship could suddenly recovery.
turn 180, and welcome the anchor’s overtures, only to Reducing Hurt requires at least one scene addressing it,
reject them again at a cruel moment. Or, the vampire and defusing the growing dissonance in the relationship
could stalk and torment the object of his fascination will require some kind of successful roll (and preferably
regardless of her wishes. the roleplaying to go along with it). Successes on this roll
reduce the Hurt by one point per success, but the total
Comforts Hurt acts as a penalty to that roll. Only one roll is allowed
Acceptance: The anchor is cool with the vampire being per scene, culminating the confrontation or the reconcili-
a vampire, and has seen feeding, frenzy, and other hor- ation. The Attribute and Skill used in the roll will vary,

174 Bloody Business

depending on the nature of the relationship, how much Stats
the anchor knows about the vampire’s true nature, and
Stats are a shorthand version of Attributes and Skills
how the player describes her character’s efforts to mend
allowing the Anchor to be played like a minor character
the relationship. It is possible to use Disciplines or other
(these rules are based on the those found in Hunter:
vampiric advantages to force the anchor into harmony
Block by Bloody Block). Anchors can be defined quickly
with the vampire, but doing so only exacerbates the
if needed using the following method:
problem in the long term. More on this later.
Divide eight points among the Attributes of Physical,
Exposure Mental, and Social.
Exposure is a way of tracking how aware of the anchor Make up two or three areas of experience or expertise
Kindred society is, thus exposing them those dangers, for the anchor, and divide five points among them (using
and the risk of being used as pawns in Kindred politics. the Thumbnail as a guide).
Exposure is tracked very much like Hurt, with the fol- Select a Virtue and a Vice
lowing levels: Give them a Willpower equal to Mental + Social.
None: Unknown—The anchor is wholly unknown to Give them Health equal to Physical doubled.
other vampires, and remains a secret. It can’t be used For example, my character has an anchor named Joe
against you, and so long as you prevent others from finding Parker. He’s my character’s brother, and he’s a aggressively
out, will remain safe from the covetous eyes of the undead. honest beat-cop. The Kink between us is Resentment, and
1 Point: Coterie—The anchor is known only to your the Comfort is Access. Another player wants to run Joe for a
closest allies, friends, and associates: the vampires you scene, and since it involves conflict, stats are needed for Joe.
come closest to trusting. This usually means the other I quickly assign his Attributes—Physical 4, Mental 2, Social
players’ characters, but might include a Storyteller char- 2. I give him the following areas of experience “Beat-Cop 3,”
acter or two depending on your chronicle. The anchor is “Knows the System 1,” “Knows the Streets 1.” I give him the
as safe as you trust your coterie to keep them. Virtue of Justice, and the Vice of Wrath. His Willpower is 4,
2 Points: Court—Word of your anchor has leaked out to and his Health is 8. Joe is ready to play.
the powers who rule the local vampire domain, and while
it isn’t public knowledge, it is known to some to the most
influential and politically connected Kindred in your city.
3 Points: Domain—Every vampire in your domain
knows about your anchor, and your relationship with Connecting The Dots
You have two ways to approach the process of
him. They know his value to you, and without too much describing anchors. Either the player (with the
effort, they know where to find him. usual cross-chatter and input from his fellows and
from the Storyteller) can define all his character’s
4+ Points: Taken—All your efforts to protect your anchors, the relationship, kinks, and comforts,
anchor prove fruitless, and he is taken from you. The defining them completely as he develops his
anchor is wooed away, killed, or simply vanishes. You may character concept, or he can leave some or even,
or may not know who is responsible, and whether your pending Storyteller approval, all his anchors blank
until he needs to define them during play.
grieve or seek vengeance is your decision to make, but in Some players balk at being called upon to
the end it is your own carelessness which doomed him. produce a list of names and personalities and
relationships when they want to focus on who
Reducing Exposure is far trickier than reducing Hurt, their character is, while others will find being put
and can involve such skullduggery as faking breakups, on the spot during session and asked to define
feigning disinterest, faking deaths, spontaneous moves, their undefined anchors spontaneously difficult
and name changes. Unless the anchor can be impressed and distracting. Hell Is Other People can easily ac-
commodate both, or those players who fall some-
with the necessity for such dramatic action, many will be where in between. Starting a chronicle with all the
resistant to dropping their whole lives, and moving to a anchors defined gives the Storyteller a long list of
new place, and living under a new name. Exposure can hooks and personalities to work into the story, but
having these introduced spontaneously in play can
slowly decline with the passage of time too, if you can present him with a rewarding challenge
avoid having any contact with an anchor for months, It is suggested that at minimum, a Storyteller ask
then their Exposure declines as Kindred observers reas- his players to define at least three of their starting
sess their analysis of the relationship, assuming if you can anchors, as this strikes a balance between ease,
utility and later flexibility.
avoid them so casually for so long that they must not be
that important to you.

Hell Is Other People 175

It turns out to be a good thing Joe came along when violence
breaks out. Joe is packing his backup pistol, and when shoot-
ing at the ghouls who’re trying to carve us up with machetes,
I’m Taking My Katana And My Trenchcoat
he rolls his Physical +”Beat Cop” totaling 7 dice, plus the
equipment bonus from the gun. Later, as we’re trying to get And Going Home
He’s a deadly swordsman with no past—no family,
a lead on the gang colors the ghouls were wearing, he rolls no friends, no history, and no connections to other
his Mental+”Knows the Streets” totaling only 3 dice. Joe still people that a Storyteller can ruthlessly exploit.
has a bit to learn about the more cerebral side of policing. He’s emotionally bulletproof! He can stare into
the Devil’s eyes, and kick him in the sack because
nobody can touch him, because he doesn’t give
Old Hurts a fuck about anybody or anything. No allies, no
The anchors a character starts with in part represent contacts, nothing connecting him to other people.
You know this guy. You’ve had him in your
their past, and their history dealing with humans. These party at one point. You might have played him—I
relationships are not going to all be pristine and new, free know I did.
from pain and risk. Vampires are terribly fallible, and their Trenchcoat McNinjasword never knows love or
will is often not their own. To represent this (and to inject empathy, but he has the cold hard touch of his twin
Desert Eagle point-five-oh’s to see him through.
a little motivating chaos in to the system early) two final There’s lots of reasons a player might chose to
steps are required to complete the anchoring process. create the isolated and unconnected badass, and
After you have described as many anchors as you wish unfortunately many of them relate to bad play
experiences in which a Storyteller or other players
from your starting seven, you must assign three points of abused his sense of fun by using those connections
Exposure among them, indicating which of your anchors to make him feel inadequate about his character,
have started to come to the attention of other vampires. vulnerable, or infective
If one of your players is hesitant to try Hell Is
All three points can be placed in a single anchor, push- Other People because of the explicit degree of
ing it into the awareness of your entire local domain, and connection it demands, reassure them that you
exposing your anchor to the full dangers and complexities won’t use their anchors to screw them or ruin their
of Kindred politics. Or, you can distribute these three fun, rather when anchors become figural to play,
it means the spotlight swings and focuses on their
points among several different anchors. character, and they get dedicated play out of it.
Finally, assign three points of Hurt where desired, in- Anchors are more than a line in a paragraph of
dicating which of your anchor relationships you’re most back-story too—they provide several mechanical
advantages, and aggressively manipulating and
recently damaged by your abuse or by exposing them to gaming one’s anchors to squeeze more power out
the horrors of your existence As with Exposure, this Hurt of them... well, it’s a game about callous vampires
can be assigned to a single anchor, putting the relationship isn’t it? Being a complete bastard is often a part of
the genre, and the system is designed so that re-
in imminent danger of collapsing completely, or you can gardless of the player’s motivations when abusing
divide the hurt up among your anchors. his anchors, the result is the same—relationship-
Points in Exposure and Hurt offer different axes of focused situations spiral into chaos and horror.
In fact, the system is designed in such a way as
conflict and danger. Exposure generally creeps up slowly, to tempt players to abuse their anchors. In the
and rarely declines, while Hurt can rise and fall dramati- short-term, it’s a way to grab big chunks of play and
cally in the course of a single session. Exposure gives you effectiveness. Doing horrible things to the people
who love you makes you powerful.
a rising sense of external menace and vulnerability—the That’s a funhouse mirror reflecting the tempta-
sense that a person you care about might be taken from tions the imaginary vampires might feel, when
you, or used against you. Hurt creates a more immediate interacting with the people she cares about.
threat—the sense that a person you care about may leave Alternately, if one player opts out and wants to
use only the straight-up Humanity system, that’s
you, or turn away in disgust. cool. And, hey, if they really want Katana Johnson,
Ronin of Clan Trenchcoat to be their character, feel
Green-Eyed Monsters: A Quick Trick free to keep an eye out for Dudes of Legend: How
To Be Fucking Awesome.
Here’s a simple technique for creating coteries with power-
ful internal connections (and rivalries). Require at least
one anchor be left undefined until the whole group has
completed character creation. Then, the final anchor is Bam—instant conflict.
chosen from one of the other players’ list, taking the same The characters will have to negotiate the normal human
name, age, and thumbnail description, but a different issues with sharing people in common, and then contend
relationship, kink, and comfort. with the Beast as well, the jealous monster. The Beast
doesn’t like to share its toys, and especially not its food, and

176 Bloody Business

sometimes seeing an anchor cavorting about with another
monster is enough to make it freak its shit out.
When describing an anchor taken from another char-
acter’s list, think about how you came to share the same
anchor in common, and what that means. The starting
Exposure of that anchor will determine whether anyone
else knows you share it, and indeed your characters might
not be aware of it either, creating an interesting role playing
challenge, and suggesting a delicious and possibly dramatic
revelation scene when one character realizes the elderly
gentlemen his mother has been so enamored with of late
is, in fact, the vampire sitting across from him at the table.

The Measure Of One’s Anchors

Since this system replaces the core Humanity mechanics,
it has a similar core dynamic—maintaining anchors al-
lows you to continue playing your character. Without any
anchors, a vampire descends into a wholly solipsistic state,
and he feels like the only real person in a whole world
of automatons. Without any grounding in social human
reality, the Beast quickly overburdens the Damned. It isn’t
troubled by such existential questions as “Am I real?” It
has all the evidence it needs of that in its torturous hun-
ger and savagery. The vampire without anchors is a feral
deadly thing, carrying the helpless Man about inside to
bear mute witness to the horrors it perpetrates.
As a vampire’s number of anchors declines, she’ll be-
come increasingly possessive and aggressive in defending
them, paranoid about their welfare. The vampire with
only one remaining anchor is a nearly monomaniacal
obsessive, and ironically, sometimes this instinct to
control and protect is the very thing which breaks the
final anchor. Anchors are also a calming influence in a
vampire’s life, a source of security, and even hope.
10 Anchors—A sense of wellbeing follows the vam-
pire—optimism, even joy. So many people care about
him, and he cares about so many people in a real concrete
and demonstrable way. The Beast rages against its cage,
but the door is chained shut. The vampire needs only a
single success to resist any frenzy, except those directly
related to threats to his anchors, against which he rolls
normally. The vampire also finds it much easier to remain
active during the day, and can wake and act without the
need for a roll.
8 or 9 Anchors—Still confident and optimistic, but
tinged a little bit with a sense of vulnerability. The Beast
smells blood, and howls. Resisting frenzy requires two
fewer successes than normal (to a minimum of one, of
course) except when related to threats to his anchors,
against which he rolls normally. The vampire still finds
it fairly easy to wake and acts. Roll a number of dice

Hell Is Other People 177

equal to his Anchors, and a basic success allows him to The Blood Will Out: Clans and Anchors
act for a whole scene, and an exceptional success for the
While the curse paints vampire’s experiences in similar
whole night.
broad strokes, the unique taints and perversions of an in-
6 or 7 Anchors—Edgy and uncertain, the joy of being dividual’s blood heritage adds finer details to the picture. A
connected to people is colored with the real and likely vampire’s clan informs her instinctual reactions, especially
recent memory of losing somebody. The apprehension in the intimate vulnerability of an anchoring relationship.
of impending loss sours the security of so many close
personal ties, and the vampire has no special resistance
to frenzy, but threats to his anchors don’t yet send him
running mad. Waking is increasingly difficult though, and One would assume the Daeva would have the easiest time
when he rolls to wake, he can only remain so for rounds forming anchors and keeping them happy, but their pen-
equal to the successes rolled, though on an exceptional chant for emotional manipulation and using people like
success, he can remain active for the whole scene. playthings (or furniture!) leaves them with a bone-deep
cynicism about human relationships and emotions. For
3 to 5 Anchors—Increasingly agitated, paranoid, and
the Daeva, relationships are feeding strategy, and they
isolated—the vampire watches his dwindling anchors,
have a great deal of difficulty separating their preferred
and rather than inspire comfort and security, they stir in
hunting methods from their vital sanity-preserving human
the character a grasping possessiveness and lingering ter-
contact. They’re hip, shallow, charming, and superficial.
ror. He has no special resistance to normal frenzies, and
They make and break relationships so easily that they
any threat to his anchors requires an additional success
have trouble valuing the ones that really matter. Daeva
to resist beyond those inherent in the circumstances. He
anchoring relationships tend to not be those with lovers,
finds it extremely difficult to drag himself from sleep, and
and they also favor familial forms of anchoring, though
must spend a point of Willpower before attempting the
many also find meaning and connection in a carefully
roll to wake and act, and this only ever grants Rounds
maintained rivalry. They are often kinked with Betrayal,
equal to the successes in time to act.
Codependency, Dontrol, or Jealousy.
1 to 2 Anchors—The vampire feels it all slipping away,
and now there’s a sense of inevitability to it. The Beast’s
screams are a constant companion, and it feels the cage
Like the Daeva, the first assumptions made about a Gangrel’s
door weakening. Sometimes, the vampire feels like giv-
ability to form anchoring relationships are likely wrong. Gan-
ing in and letting the monster out to do what it will do
grel are not as solitary as stories suggest. They do keep and
to his remaining anchors, and just be done with it. Yet,
maintain real relationships, but do so across spans of time
he’s compelled to obsess and protect them, guard them,
and distance. If they wander from domain to domain, they
stalk them. He clings to his last remaining anchors like a
might be scattered across a huge chunk of the country, and
drowning man to a hunk of waterlogged wood, and that’s
they may only meet them in person rarely. Gangrel are good
not necessarily a good thing, but his tightening grasp is
at the long distance relationship, but this makes it difficult
misery. All frenzies require an additional success to resist
to conceal their true nature from their anchors. If years pass
now, because the Beast is always awake, and any threat
between meetings, then the agelessness of the Gangrel will
to his remaining anchors demands an additional three
be apparent. A Gangrel’s anchoring relationships tend to
successes to resist beyond those inherent in the circum-
be friendships, and are often complicated by Dissimilarity,
stances. Waking during the day is nearly impossible now,
Distance, Forbiddance, or Rejection.
and while he can roll his one die or two dice to wake for
rounds equal to any success rolled, he must spend a point Mekhet
of Willpower to even attempt this, and failure means he Too often the Mekhet have trust issues. They’re so secre-
can’t attempt it again for the entire day. Remaining an- tive by nature, that true intimacy is difficult to achieve,
chors gain the Obsessive kink, and if they already have and even then, honesty in an anchoring relationship
this one, the Abusive or Controlling kinks instead. more difficult still. With mystery and conspiracy in the
No Anchors—The Beast is unleashed. Feeding, killing, blood—and the instinct for probing the same when they
and sleeping are all it can manage with any regularity. encounter it—the Mekhet are sometimes terribly odd in
Inside, within the Beast’s old cage, the Man watches it all, their relationships. They favor those one step removed
caught between doubting his own existence, and wishing from deep intimacy, professional and mentor relationships
desperately that he didn’t. for example, and they are often marred by kinks like
Control, the Forbidden, Hypersensitivity, and Obsession.

178 Bloody Business

quality. The Circle interests itself in the private lives of
Nosferatu its adherents, and the local circle might seem like a group
To look at them, one wonders how they have any genuine of nosy relatives with regards to an individual’s relation-
human contact at all, yet somehow they manage, and indeed ships. Creation is power, after all, and it seems natural
sometimes have an easier time keeping their anchors than to mark the anchors of members as potential neonates
those of other blood. They’re used to rejection and disgust, and acolytes. Many vampires of the Circle find their own
used to getting by regardless, of moving past the superficial, anchors in similar relationships with others of their cabal,
and somehow finding a true place. Many Nosferatu will creating a weirdly incestuous emotional landscape.
strive and fight to maintain their anchoring relationships,
because they feel the dehumanizing power of the curse Invictus
more acutely than others, and see it reflected in the faces The Invicti are both sensitive to the precarious sanity
of all those who look upon them. They have no particular of the vampire, and aware of his need for control and
favored relationship, though it is rare to find a lover willing dominance. They recommend caution and circumspec-
to endure their touch. Their relationships are often kinked tion when forming ties with mortals—never lose sight of
with Horror, Dissimilarity, Distance, and Rejection. who and what yours are, and never delude yourself that
Ventrue the relationship is anything other than what it is. They
also recognize what a weakness a vampire’s anchors are,
Like the Daeva, those of this clan are often extremely and demonstrate through ruthless exploitation to its
outgoing and superficially social, but they’re such con- membership just what happens to the incautious Kindred
summate users that they have trouble putting themselves who allows his relationships to become too well known.
in a vulnerable position, or finding any equanimity in a
relationship. The Ventrue blood also cries out for control, Lancea Sanctum
for dominance, for obedience, for respect. Instinct drives The Spear grudgingly acknowledges the need for contact
them to impose their will upon the world, and to resist with the mortal world, but demands it never interfere
such imposition. They favor the professional and the with a vampire’s sacred duties to his nature and his sect.
familial anchoring relationships, and many truly cher- When mortal affection supplants faith and service, an
ish their enemies. They frequently experience kinks in official sanction may be in order up to and including the
these relationships of Abuse, Control, Hypersensitivity, death of the distracting anchor. Members of the Lancea
and Insanity. must struggle between these demands, and the seeming
incompatibility in maintaining genuine relationships with
The Official Position On Undead Companionship: mortals, and still keeping the faith.
Covenants and Anchors
The Covenants each approach the issue of anchors differ- The Ordo is the most foreward-thinking of the covenants
ently. All recognize that some contact with the human world, where relations with mortals are concerned, and actively
and maintaining contact with mortals helps stave off the encourages its members to seek such connection. What is
advances of the Beast, but each has a different set of opinion the purpose of the Coils, if not to ease a vampire’s passage
and doctrine on how these relationships should be managed. in the mortal world? Keeping these anchors is seen as a
test of the vampire’s resolve to dominate the Beast, and
Carthian Movement overcome the Requiem. Members of the Ordo may find
The most common opinion in the stewpot of Carthian themselves inundated in helpful relationship advice when
debate is that anchors are a personal matter, and best left their anchoring relationships begins to suffer.
to the individual to manage. Those mortals a vampire
feels close to are private, and no court should monitor
or restrict a Kindred’s right to keep what relationships
Anchors In Play
she will, so long as they don’t threaten anyone else.
Some radicals in the movement who wish to destroy the
Anchors and the Man
Masquerade, and declare themselves openly say the best The Man relates to the character’s anchors like any hu-
way to begin this process is with the revelation to those man relates to others of its kind—with all the complexity
closest, and anchoring relationships should be open ones. and nuance that implies. Anchoring relationships run the
gamut from the intimacy of lovers to the distant hatred of
Circle of the Crone enemies, as petty as a friendship over the backyard fence
Secretive and insular, the Circle seems a foreboding en- with a neighbor, to as serious as marriage.
tity to the outsider yet within there’s an almost familial

Hell Is Other People 179

Sacrifice: Who Would You Kill for Power?
God demanded Abraham sacrifice his precious son, and the story resonates powerfully because it hits the core of
what occult sacrifice is all about. The sacrifice of things without value is no sacrifice at all. Human sacrifice only
matters if the human life being fed to the darkness matters to the magus. Likewise, with the occult workings of
the vampires who attend the rites of the Lancea Sanctum, and the Circle of the Crone. Both recognize the power
of sacrifice, and both have ritual workings to capture this power and channel it.
With either Cruac or Theban Sorcery, a vampire may empower a ritual with the sacrifice of one of her anchors.
The methods vary, even within the two sects, but it isn’t unknown for practitioners of Theban Sorcery to sacrifice
their loved ones through crucifixion, and for the adherents to Cruac to sometimes employ the old Druidic methods
of ritual disembowelment. The purpose of these grisly deaths is two-fold. They give the victim time to realize how
they are betrayed, and they give the vampire time to realize the depth of their betrayal, for this is as much the
true sacrifice as the death itself. The vampire gives up a piece of his humanity for power, and ritually scourges it
from himself through the murder of someone he cares for.
The game mechanics for this sacrifice are simple—taking this extreme action requires the expenditure of a point
of Willpower, and it adds five dice to the roll to invoke the associated ritual, and further (when appropriate) also
ensures that an exceptional success is had on three successes instead of five. It also inflicts Atrocity dice upon the
vampire equal to the total successes generated for the ritual, provided you use the Atrocity system. A sin of this
magnitude will not be without its repercussions.

180 Bloody Business

Each anchor represents a Storyteller character or an The kind of aid an anchor can provide can be anything
alternate character a player could assume during a ses- that could reasonably fall under their Thumbnail descrip-
sion (or, as noted, that another unoccupied player at the tion or their stats if they have them.
table might handle), and they’re automatically granted
a certain primacy in a chronicle. The Storyteller is free Kind of Aid Dice To Roll
to use them to build stories, and in doing so, making Contact (as the Merit) +1 die
the conflicts that involve them personal and vital to the
Ally (as the Merit) +2 dice
vampire to whom they belong.
Assistance (+3 dice to a roll) 1 die
Anchors and the Beast Each additional time this story +1 die
The Beast relates to the anchors in a more elemental
In a supernatural matter +1 die
fashion. The three main drives of the vampire’s Beast
which find outlets in the three kinds of frenzy also influ- In a Kindred Matter +2 die
ence how the Beast reacts to anchors, and how it tempts
the Man it use and abuse them. The Beast wants to do So if Jack Stringer calls on his friend from childhood (an
three things to all the man’s anchors: accountant) to help him puzzle out the Prince’s finances (As-
Dominate Them—The same instincts which drive sistance with a Kindred matter), it would be a roll of three dice
the Beast to rage and destroy also drive it to dominate to see if this exposed his friend to the vampire community. If
and control those close to it, to impose its will, and force he calls his friend again to help him set up one of the Prince’s
submission and obedience. The Beast wants to knock thralls for an IRS audit (thus, as an Ally in the Kindred Mat-
them down, and put its foot on their necks. It demands ter, and for the second time this story), then he’d be rolling five
deference, and has no patience for foibles or hesitation. It dice to see how it exposed his anchor.
wants to lash out at any sign of disobedience. If allowed
to dominate them, the Beast can force an anchor to obey, Hurting Them
to submit, or to grant the vampire favors or influence. In addition to all the perfectly normal ways of being hor-
Hide Them—The Beast recognizes how vulnerable the ribly to people, vampires have some special ways of their
anchors make it, and it is terrified that they will be taken very own. Abusing an anchor results in a die roll to see
and used, that the Man will risk himself and the Beast whether it hurts the relationship. The dice rolled vary
too if the anchors are threatened. The instincts drive it to depending on what the vampire does, but each success
take them, hide them, and destroy all evidence that they results in a point of Hurt inflicted on the anchor. In a
existed. If the Beast had its way, they would all be rounded scene, all the abuse is cumulative.
up and locked in a shipping container somewhere secret,
and anyone who knew about them would die. If allowed Abuse Dice Rolled
to protect them, the Beast’s instincts are remarkably true, They realize you’re a +1 die
and it can reduce their exposure even while risking the vampire
destruction of the relationship itself. You have no time to +1 die
Eat Them—The Beast hungers and wants (perhaps prepare them for it
more than anything) to consume all those ready and
trusting victims the Man cares about so much. It’s a simple Feed on them +1 die per Vitae taken
urge, and underlies almost every interaction the Man has They Witness you in a +1 die
with his anchors. The Beast hungers, and whispers about Frenzy
how easy it would be to just take a little bit, to just take a They’re harmed by the +1 die
sip. Especially when the anchor might be willing. frenzy
Perilous Exposure They see someone else +1 die
Anchors represent a source of support, information, and harmed
aid but calling upon this help—especially in Kindred They witness you feeding 1 die
matters—risks Exposure. How much you call upon them The victim is badly +1 die
determines the risks, this determines how many dice the harmed
player (or Storyteller) rolls to determine potential Expo-
sure. Each success on this roll adds +1 to the Exposure
of the anchor in question.

Hell Is Other People 181

The victim is dead or +2 dice
Use of a Discipline against +1 die Anchor At Player-Level
Is an ‘anchor’ a concept within the setting of the
them game, or does it exist on the player-level? Some
Fail to protect them from +1 die character stats and advantages have analogs in the
game world itself—Disciplines, for example. But
other Kindred Anchors are mostly a game-level concept, and don’t
You allow other Kindred +1 die intrude into the shared fiction. Some vampires who
study the psychology of the undead might postulate
to harm them that the undead seek connection to mortals to help
They witness other super- +1 to +3 dice maintain their sanity and equilibrium, perhaps even
calling these relationships “anchors,” but it isn’t a
natural horror term in common usage.
What other vampires recognize about an anchor
which has been exposed is that it really matters
So continuing the example, Stringer’s accountant friend to the character, and so represents a weakness or
comes to the Prince’s attention, and Stringer receives a sum- something they can exploit. If they take action
mons to attend the Prince in his court. He arrives to find his against the anchor, then it’s going to have some
friend and anchor bound and gagged, and lying before the mechanical implications too, but they wouldn’t
send a threatening note saying “Surrender, or your
Prince’s chair. He says, “Jack, my friend. I have the unfortu- anchor gets it!”
nate task to inform you of a worm in your apple. We found Not all of a vampire’s relationships constitute
this mortal has betrayed the trust you placed in him, oh indeed, anchors, and not all anchors are obvious to an
outsider as a close and valuable relationship—what
he’s betrayed you quite cruelly and struck out against your makes an anchor an anchor is that it in some way
Prince, whom we all here know you love. So due to the great keeps the vampire connected with the mortal
respect we have for you, we held this traitor until you arrived world, and gives them a different perspective on
to dispense the what justice you see fit. Please, do as you will reality beyond that of other Kindred, or the too-
close company of their own Beast.
to him, or if it is beneath you, I shall have the Sheriff dispatch
him with the expedience of a bullet in the brain.”
Choices, choices... Jack feeds savagely on his friend, making
a show of it for the court, and then asks to take the mortal Regardless of what the Atrocity dice roll, they’re gone
back to his haven to prolong his death. His efforts to convince after it, and the psychic dissonance they represent is purged.
the prince are successful, and he’s permitted to carry away the Another way to abuse your friends and loved-ones for fun
unconscious moral away. But when he awakes, will he have and profit is to treat them badly in line with a Vice, and do
a friendship anymore? it in a dramatic conflict-causing way. This has to be hurtful
Jack’s friend was harmed by other vampires and he didn’t and fairly dramatic. In this case, Atrocity is rolled but not
protect him, and then Jack fed on him, both revealing his dropped after the roll (meaning, all Atrocity dice are kept),
vampire nature without first preparing him for it, and taking and they inflict Hurt on the anchor normally, but each suc-
four Vitae. All total, that’s eight dice to roll for harm to the cess also restores an additional point of Willpower beyond
anchoring relationship. the one granted normally by acting in line with a Vice.
After a night of blood and fire, Jack is spent—he’s a stum-
You Always Hurt The Ones You Love bling mess, wounded and mentally drained. He hammers on
The horrors a vampire perpetrates follow him home. A his ex-girlfriend’s door at 3 A.M. until she lets him in, and
player can chose to dump his Atrocity dice into one of finding her new boyfriend there, after all the crap he’s had
his anchoring relationships in an ugly scene. Between dumped on him, after all the horrible things he’s done, it’s more
Storyteller and player, decide how the scene will be staged, than he can take. He’s got 5 Atrocity right now, and so his
and how the stress and anger the Atrocity represents player says, “Jack loses it—I’m going to hit my Wrath vice and
explodes into the relationship. The Atrocity dice are all just go fucking nuts on her, and him, and everything. Really
rolled, and each success is a point of Hurt or Exposure screaming abuse and breaking shit. If I can, I’m going to throw
inflicted on the anchor. his ass out of the apartment too.” What a shameful display of
If the Atrocity is grounded into one of the relationship’s temper. Certainly worth a point of Willpower from his vice,
Kinks instead of some random thing, then the conflict but the Storyteller picks up five dice, and rolls them getting
that results will be a familiar one, and in a way, the rela- two successes. So this nets Jack three Willpower, but inflicts
tionship survives despite it. Staging one of these familiar 2 points of Hurt on his anchoring relationship with his Ex.
fights counters the first success rolled on the Atrocity dice. The Atrocity system can be found on p. 165 of this chapter.

182 Bloody Business

Going Too Far: Breaking An Anchor can consume a vampire, but also make her mighty and
terrible. The vengeance of a vampire who’s anchors die
If your mistreatment of an anchor becomes too extreme,
is one of the reasons most Kindred are somewhat cir-
your connection to them breaks, and the feelings that
cumspect about murdering a rival’s anchors out of hand.
kept you linked to them shrivel. They become just another
mortal to you, and whatever spark or true emotion that Mechanically speaking, grief is all stick while vengeance
made the relationship powerful for you is gone beyond is all carrot. When the player chooses to play his vampire’s
recovery. If an anchor takes four or more points of Hurt, grief, it imposes a die penalty to all his actions which are
it breaks. The anchor may still be a Storyteller character functionally like wound penalties. These penalties decline
in the chronicle, but no longer serves you as an anchor. slowly, until eventually the vampire is recovered enough
to function well enough. The advantage of this suffering
If an anchor becomes too exposed to Kindred society,
is that during the process of burying and saying goodbye
eventually something will happen to them—something
to the anchor, the vampire doesn’t lose it (though it can’t
that offers you no opportunity to prevent. Most com-
be used for anything), and when the penalties cease, the
monly, they simply vanish. Some vampire somewhere
vampire can replace the dead anchor with a new one. This
decides they know too much, and poof, they’re gone. You
is a process mediated with roleplaying, and can be worked
might be able to eventually figure out why with some in-
into the progressing storyline as the Storyteller and
vestigation, but in your heart you know why it happened,
player arrange it. Meeting someone new, forming a bond
and who’s to blame. You exposed them to your world, and
with them, and cementing it into something lasting are
eventually it ate them. The anchoring relationship was
pretty significant events, and worth some attention in the
already stretched by their Exposure and your constant
chronicle. The eventual reward here is the opportunity
demands for aid, so when it happens it leaves you feeling
for some dedicated attention, some role playing, and the
empty and isolated, without even anyone to rage at, and
recovery of a valuable mechanical resource (the anchor).
without even the fury to rage.
How long does grieving last?
Broken anchors know secrets about you. They’re po-
tentially dangerous, but you also have some real history This is a judgment call for the Storyteller to make,
together. They’re going to be trouble. based on the passage of time in the chronicle (whether
play encompasses a small block or game time, or whether
If an anchor dies without Hurt or Exposure reaching
large spans of time are covered quickly), and whether
four points first, it is a different matter...
the grieving vampire is played as such. Grief affects
Death, Grief, and Payback people differently. In general, the most severe penalties
should last for at least a session, the moderate ones for a
Mortals die. Pretty much by definition. Every anchor a
couple of sessions, and the mildest for a few more. The
vampire possesses now will be dead in a century. Many,
Storyteller and the player should discuss what penalties
much sooner. If an elder were to survey his long history,
are appropriate.
he’d find a disturbing long list of his closest friends and
lovers who never got the chance to die natural deaths. What grief offers is pain and sorrow that goes on and
Dealing with this certainty, and the way it highlights the on, until eventually, one day, you’re functional again.
vampire’s own unnatural state is unavoidable, unless the What vengeance offers is the opposite—strength and
vampire is willing to take extreme measures. How does a power right now.
vampire cope with the death of someone whom she cares Up front, the cost: you burn the dead anchor forever. It’s
about, and depends upon for maintaining her connection gone, and you don’t get the chance to replace it without
to humanity? building a new one up from scratch as outlined on p. 171.
She can grieve them, suffer their loss, and eventually The Beast eats it up, and there’s no taking it back later on,
one day find someone new to fill the void. This is painful, and no painful but healing grief waiting if you renounce
this hurts, and this makes everything else in the vampire’s your vengeance later on. That might work for the bad
existence a little harder, and a little worse, but coming guy in 80’s action TV shows, who learns to love again
out the other side of grief means healing. when the heroes help him understand the madness of
vengeance, but it doesn’t work for the undead. The Beast
Or, fuck all that weeping and sorrow. The Beast is put
takes what it’s given, and gives back strength and power.
off by it, the Beast offers something else—rage, hatred,
and vengeance. Bury the grief under a torrent of hot When seeking vengeance for the death of an anchor,
fury, and go out and kill the motherfuckers who took the the vengeance-driven vampire takes bonus dice equal to
anchor away. Revenge is a powerful thing, a thing which his current Atrocity dice. Yeah, you see how that works
don’t you? You get Atrocity by being horrible and inhu-

Hell Is Other People 183

man and monstrous and going horrible and inhuman and against time and disease. If fully Embraced, an anchor
monstrous things to people, and when you’re doing those could join the vampire’s Requiem.
things to the people you’ve targeted for vengeance, you do But no, it’s never that easy.
it way worse and way easier. It becomes a double feedback Ghoul or Thrall Anchors—Turning an anchor into a
loop—commit horrific acts against your targets, get more thrall doesn’t break the anchor outright, but does severely
Atrocity, then you have more dice to do more horrific weaken the vampire’s connection to them. An anchor is
acts. Why not stomp that guy a little bit until he starts to supposed to be a link to the mortal word, and turning one
weep instead of just knocking him out? Especially if there’s into a ghoul means that link is eroded. Ghoul anchors
somebody innocent to witness it. When you kick in his stop aging, and gain the other benefit of being ghouls,
boss’ door, you’ll be carrying even more power because but gain a permanent point of Hurt and Exposure which
of the unnecessary cruelty. You’ve opened yourself to the never goes away. These connections are fragile, and it’s
Beast, and you’re no longer fighting it, and so long as you easy to stop thinking of a ghoul as a friend, valued for
steer where it wants you to drive, it screams your name, their companionship, and to start thinking of them as
and hoots, and loves it. You’re on the hotrod to hell. a servant, valued for their obedience Time will see the
Avenging a murdered anchor is easy. You’ve got a target, anchoring relationship weaken and break, leaving you
you’ve got a simple objective—find the motherfuckers, with a thrall instead of an anchor, their face a constant
and tear them apart. What about anchors that just die? reminder of what you lost.
How do you revenge yourself on cancer? Old age? Revenge Embracing an Anchor—This almost never turns
isn’t a rational process, especially a vampire’s revenge. works out. The Embrace gives an anchor the unvarnished
Figure out and angle, and make it work. It’s the oncolo- truth of the vampiric condition from the inside, and they
gist who failed to save your anchor—hurt him, destroy gain a perspective on the way you treated and used them
his practice, ruin him. Or, perhaps the incompetence of through the course of the relationship. Most are not
the whole hospital is to blame. Use your influence, and happy about this. The frisson between sire and childer
get its budget cut, close it down, or if you’re more inclined in these situations is severe, and not only is the connec-
towards direct physical action, burn it to the ground. Old tion of the anchoring relationship totally destroyed, but
age? Go gunning for the people who kept you away from the new relationship between vampires is usually marked
her in her final moments. You should have been there with animosity and spite and jealousy towards the sire’s
with her, after all these years, and instead you had to deal remaining mortal anchors. There seems like no good ra-
with some ridiculous crap from the Prince. It’s his fault. tional reason to do this, does there? Yet, the urge to save
He needs to suffer for it. a dying anchor with the power of the curse is powerful.
Like Grief, how long Vengeance lasts is an uncertain Presented with a situation where turning the anchor into
thing, but generally if the vampire pursues other things a thrall or embracing him would save his life, the vampire
instead of monomaniacally following his path to the de- must spend Willpower to prevent himself from doing it,
struction of his enemies, it’ll start to sputter and die. A and damn the consequences.
session without taking some meaningful action to further
the vengeance is usually enough for it to slip through the Making It All Better: Let The Healing Begin
vampire’s fingers, leaving him cold and empty. So now you know how to hurt, use, abuse, and expose your
When the vengeance burns out, what’s left is ashes. anchors. You know what their deaths mean. So how about
The reality of what is lost, and what has been sacrificed healing a hurt relationship, or reducing their exposure?
hits home, and the vampire is left with all the memories Here, there’s not much mechanical complexity. Fixing a
of the dead anchor, but none of the emotional context bruised relationship means performing acts in the story to
or connection, no sense that any of it mattered at all. It ease that hurt, make amends, apologize, and re-connect
all feels about as meaningful as walking down the street with an anchor. The easiest way to handle this is to ro-
to buy a newspaper from the corner store. leplay or describe the interactions, and if it satisfies the
Storyteller and other players, you recover some or all of
The Sweet Surcease of Suffering the Hurt done to the anchoring relationship. The more
Every vampire’s veins are filled with eternity—the promise hurt the relationship, the more intensive and the more
of life beyond death, an ageless forever. Watching anchors emotional this contrition and relationship mending must
decay and wither, year after year, decade upon decade... be, but because all chronicles are paced differently, some
the blood tempts, the blood whispers. If fed Vitae, an an- leeway is needed to allow the Storyteller to work these
chor could be turned into a thrall, a ghoul, and sustained scenes into the flow of the game.

184 Bloody Business

If a crunchier method of healing hurt anchors is needed, Wake Alone—Emerging from torpor is never a pleasant
players can role-play their interactions, and then roll an process, but waking to find a world remade, and all those
appropriate Skill check based on what they’re doing with you cared about (and all those who kept you sane) gone...
the anchor, recovering Hurt equal to the successes rolled. a waking vampire with decades behind him will find his
This isn’t a process of lying or tricking someone with anchors grown old, some having died, some having forgot-
bruised feelings into coming back to you—for the relation- ten him. This isn’t unlike having multiple anchors killed,
ship to work as an anchor it’s a two-way thing, and if the and the grieving process gets folded into the waking and
vampire feels disingenuous about it, then it’s not really orientation. The vampire will be driven to re-connect,
healed. Park of this healing process is the vampire herself filing the places occupied by dead anchors, and getting
feeling all right in the relationship and re-connected with reacquainted with living ones. New anchors will often be
the anchor. chosen for their resemblance to dead ones—choices which
Healing the Exposure of an anchored relationship is rarely turn out to be simple and consequence-free.
easier than reducing that Exposure. Once exposed, there’s Welcoming The New Age—One reason awakening
little that will make other Kindred forget you’ve shown vampires, or those who’ve allowed their anchors to die off,
them your throat. But because there’s nothing mystical or might wish to reform them is to find a vital connection
definitive about what constitutes an anchor, and what’s just to a new age. The stasis of the vampire can leave some
a normal association, there’s always some doubt. If you want elders unable to effectively grasp the complexities of the
to avoid any contact with an anchor for a time, Exposure modern world (some adapt remarkable well though—it
will fade. Taking action to conceal or hide an anchor can is a mystery why some thrive, and some suffer). A young
also help, as can the always-popular faked death. The mortal who’s very much of the time can be a valuable
problem with avoiding your anchors to protect them is that guide on integrating and thriving.
this itself hurts the anchors. What this essentially means
is that after a chunk of time spent avoiding an anchor,
points of Exposure can be traded out for points of Hurt.
Then, dealing with the Hurt (before it gets so bad it kills Anchors As Community Property
the anchoring relationship) is handled normally. Anchors become something like community
property. They needn’t exclusively be Storyteller
characters, nor must they be entirely player-run
Running out of Anchors characters. In an scene where a vampire interacts
Vampires get weirder and more feral as their human con- with an anchor, anyone else at the table can, with
Storyteller approval, take on the role (and rolls) of
tacts dwindle and fade. As anchors die or are driven off, the anchoring character.
the vampire’s ability to find and connect with new people As described under Stats on p. 175, anchors can
becomes harder—it’s a vicious circle. What happens to be given a set of rudimentary Attributes and Skills,
the vampire who loses all his Anchors through inatten- allowing rolls to be made for them if need be. A
player temporarily taking on the role of an anchor
tion, abuse, violence, or the grind of time? can describe these if needed and they’ve not yet
The Castle on the Hill—The classic image of the been defined.
The reward for doing this and doing it well is
solitary vampire noble, dwelling in isolation with only a that the Storyteller can award experience points
few quavering mortals to pay fealty to him is a powerful for a player’s efforts adding to the chronicle in
on, and fairly accurate when you remove the theatrics. this way. It also provides a way for players who’s
The Daeva, standing alone in a crowd of admirers. The characters are absent to participate in a scene.
Gangrel on her bike, riding fast to another empty sanctu-
ary. The Nosferatu, in his sewer. The Mekhet, cloistered
with his secrets and his studies. And the Ventrue, playing Making New Friends
to type, he surveys the city from his penthouse castle, It is possible, though difficult, to gain entirely new anchors
alone. The affliction of the true elders is isolation and during play. This is different from grieving and eventu-
paranoia—even those few remaining anchors they allow ally getting over a dead anchor. In that case, the anchor
themselves are almost unbearable vulnerabilities in their “slot” remains open, to be filled when you’re ready for it.
layered armor of lies and machinations, yet ironically, their Adding a completely new anchor can replace one lost
unwillingness to extend their trust to more mortals leaves to hurt or exposure, or give you a new one beyond your
the ones they do connect with all the more vulnerable. starting allotment.
Yet the flipside—the wrath of an elder denied his loved
As with other forms of advancement, the Storyteller
ones would be so much worse than that of a neonate.
must be circumspect in moderating this because forming

Hell Is Other People 185

a new anchor demands at least some in-game roleplaing And on the flipside, anchors themselves are a source
dedicated to forming the new anchoring relationship. The for intense situations. When the anchoring relation-
effort to genuinely connect must add to the chronicle, and ship suffers Hurt or Exposure, there’s the potential for
a player seeking such connection need make no secret a great scene there, one of melodrama or of menace.
of her desire to gain a new anchor. In fact, it allows the When a vampire tries to heal a wounded relationship
Storyteller and the other players to put the sudden intense with some careful attention, there’s a scene there full
sociability into context. of pathos and personal conflict if you want to make it
This is a judgment call of course—when it feels right, so. When a vampire’s accumulated stress and horror
then you can spend experience points and add the anchor explodes in an emotional confrontation with an anchor,
to your sheet. Sometimes, the group will find a single in- there’s a potentially devastating scene there—especially
tense scene justifies the addition, while in a less frenzied if an anchoring relationship is completely broken in the
chronicle, a peppering of scenes scattered across many process. The death of an anchor—used rarely—provides
sessions might be more natural. Regardless, adding an an object lesson in how all-encompassing the Curse is,
anchor is not a casual event, and represents the charac- and then gives the player a devastating choice to make...
ter taking a real social risk, and exposing herself to the suffer, or destroy.
dangers of human contact. She’s daring to care about a All the mechanics which mediate the change of an
human being, with all the pain that promises inevitably anchor’s states trigger emotionally charged scenes which
for the hungry immortals. you can use as you like.
When the group is satisfied with the story elements,
the you can spend experience points equal to three times Up the Stakes to Make It Personal
your current number of anchors to gain a new one. If you We mentioned buy-in earlier. Getting players to care and feel
have only three anchors remaining, this means a fourth invested in what happens to their characters, and the Story-
would cost nine experience points. teller’s characters can be tricky sometimes. Anchors provide
a shortcut to this, if as just described, their quickly brought
For the Storyteller: to life. Using them to make the larger events of a chronicle
feel personal keeps them relevant to play even when they’re
Anchors in your Chronicle not the focus of it, and puts a human face on things.
For example, in the machinations of Kindred politics,
Shamelessly Exploiting Them the downtown Invicti are pushing a program of urban
Anchors provide the Storyteller with a huge list of com- renewal and gentrification, seeking to turn the charac-
plications, plot hooks, antagonists, allies, leverage, and ters’ comfortably run-down neighborhood into the new
sources of drama and tragedy, so knowing how to take trendy place for young urban professionals to live—loft
advantage of it is essential to getting the most out of apartments in the old warehouses, and a corporate coffee
this system (and justifying the additional mechanics and shop on each corner. Losing all their favorite scummy
record keeping). night spots and street hunting will be bad, but when one
Creating Intense Situations—The players already have character gets a call from an anchor who’s just been served
at least a minimal buy-in for caring about their anchors. with an eviction notice after his building was bought out
They’ve invested a little time in them, written some things by Invicti interests... that puts an exclamation point at the
down, perhaps worked them into their character’s back- end of the sentence. It’s no longer just Kindred politics
story already. Your job is to take this seed of caring, and and territory—now it’s hurting one of their own.
water it until it grows tall and thorny. Begin early and
often using characters off the anchor list in your plotting
Drive Home the Themes
and stories, and tempt players into running them with Anchors can be used to get to know Requiem’s larger
the promise of bonus experience points, so they take on themes, to invite them in, and give them a bed for the night.
the nuances of how they’re portrayed. Your goal here is Predation—Vampires are predators. Vampires eat
to get everyone at the table—not just the player to whom human beings. They can stalk the night, creep in alleys,
they belong—to start caring about them. Once you start seduce strangers, mesmerize the unwilling... or they can
to have that, start dialing up the heat. Putting an anchor go home, and have a mortal filled with the hot red stuff
who the players have met and seen played into a danger- open the door for them, and welcome them with a smile.
ous situation will ratchet it up in terms of significance Feeding on anchors is easy and safe... at least until you
pretty dramatically. take it too far, and destroy the finer feelings that keep you

186 Bloody Business

connected with them. Every time a vampire feeds on an is almost shamefully easy to exploit. It offends the Beast’s
anchor—every time a vampire is tempted to feed on an instincts to be placed in such a vulnerable position, yet the
anchor—the reality of their curse is hammered home. Man will not relinquish these tenuous human contacts
Isolation—Rational vampires know in their hearts that because doing so would be the death of self. Anchors are
they’re the unclean, poisonous toxic things which will a source of strength as well as weakness though, and they
sicken and kill any mortal who gets too close. They know provide a vampire with a reason to go on existing, year
they hide their true nature because it would horrify their after year. Even though losing them hurts, even though
prey, ad leave them with nothing to eat. There’s a layer they make a liar and a self-deceiver out of him, even
of lies and self deception wrapped around this ugly truth though the evil-eyed old men of the world would use them
because without it, a vampire couldn’t even pretend to to control him, the Man still dares to care.
be human. Even the cynical still lie to themselves about
it, savoring only a dark chuckle at their frailty. If a vam- Anchoring Your Chronicle
pire really cared about all these people, wouldn’t she flee A chronicle run with Hell is Other People will play and
from them? Leave them safe? Yeah, right. The terror of feel differently than one run with the core Humanity sys-
isolation, of being left alone with nothing but the Beast tem, and even if used lightly will emphasize the necessity
for company overrides almost everything, including basic of interacting with mortals. It also removes most of the
honesty with oneself. Vampires cling to their anchors, negative social consequences of a declining Humanity
because they’ll drown without them (ironic, though that score—so vampires can remain socially engaged and
sounds). Yet, anchors die, the relationships wither, and dangerous up till the point when their connections fail
as they leave, a vampire’s true isolation from humanity them completely.
becomes harder and harder to ignore. Anchors are a There are two primary ways this system can inform a
bandage over an infected wound, and when they come Storyteller’s chronicling.
off they take the scab too. First is the anchor-complicated chronicle. In this mode,
Personal Horror—They do indeed make the horror the anchor system provides dies a way of complicating
personal. They put a human face on the victims, and since and confounding—adding a layer of relationship drama
they’re played and personified more deeply than normal to the vagaries of Kindred politics, and placing a vampire’s
Storyteller characters, it should bite deeper when they suffer, mortal anchors into peril. In this mode, the anchors be-
witness a vampire’s sins, bleed for the monster, or flee him come Storyteller characters when the larger scope of the
in shock and horror and disgust. The revulsion of a stranger chronicle is planned out, and get interwoven in the story.
is bad. The revulsion of a loved one is so much worse. The Second is the anchor-based chronicle. Here it becomes
vampires may experience the horror, but seeing it reflected possible to run a chronicle which is nothing but anchors
in a witnesses eyes adds another perspective on it. and anchor-prompted play. In this mode, the Storyteller
Abusive Relationships—This is an ugly and uncom- merely pushes a vampire’s anchors into an unstable con-
fortable topic for many people, so best to get it out of the figuration, forcing some to near-breaking, others into
way. Ordinary humans end up in some truly fucked up exposure. Anchors are played aggressively by other
abusive relationships, and almost perversely it seems, some players, and fleshed out as full characters as quickly as
end up preconditioned by accidents of upbringing and possible. The goal here is to make the players care about
neurochemistry to unconsciously seek out such relation- them beyond their mechanical functions as quickly as
ships, to find again and again they’ve fallen for another possible, and then to throw the anchoring relationships
abusive person. And what is a vampire, if not an abuser? into crisis which demands action to mend. Interleaving
The Beast puts the worst drunken temper to shame, and the vampires’ anchors into a tangle of affectations and
dress it up how you like, taking blood from the unwilling attractions can add another layer of conflict in the “Get
is uncomfortably close to rape. This theme is a loaded your boy away from my daughter!” mode.
one, and not for everyone to explore, but in the context
of vampires and their anchors can provide some powerful Soap Doesn’t Make You Clean
opportunities for role playing, and add an intensity to a Relationship melodrama where half the social tangle
chronicle some may enjoy. is undead rarely ends well for all concerned. Consider
Vulnerability Versus the Necessity of Caring—In the the tapestry of human experience, all the different ways
neo-feudal hell of vampire society, weakness are ruthlessly people relate to one another, and all the ways they manage
exploited by enemies, used to control, intimidate, and to screw that relating up. Lovers lie and cheat, friends drift
suppress Anchors represent a profound weakness which apart even if there’s no betrayal, teachers lie to students,

Hell Is Other People 187

parents neglect children, rivals surpass their opposition, or Knowing When to Back Off
simply lose interest in them. Now, throw a blood-hungry
We keep talking about how complicated human relation-
nightstalker into the mix. Vampires bring a whole new set
ships are, so it’s time to consider what that means for the
of stresses for a relationship (not the least, the Atrocity
actual group of actual people who sit around the table
of their very existence). They’re secretive, strange, often
to play Vampire. If some people at the table have issues
unsettling, inevitably unstable, with unwholesome needs,
with relationships, particularly unhealthy or abusive ones,
perverse desires, and horrific habits. They keep odd hours,
then some care need be taken when making these a major
odder company, and sometimes other monsters come
component of a chronicle. There’s no magic yardstick for
looking for them with rope and hooks and fire.
measuring this, and the only way to make sure everyone
Soap (as in ‘soap opera’) can wash up even a standard ac- is cool with the direction things are going is with regular
tion movie style plot, and even if the chronicle usually plays conversations about the chronicle as a whole, its themes,
like summer blockbuster, adding in the relationship-driven directions, and whatnot.
B-plot can give it some more depth... or at least, put the
This meta-discussion is valuable for more than assessing
anchors front-and-center when the cackling mad Mekhet
everyone’s comfort zones, and can provide a Storyteller
terrorist needs somebody to duct tape to a huge bomb.
with good information on tuning the chronicle to suit
Mudbath the preferences and play-styles around the table, but is
essential for avoiding alienating players when potentially
Players can suggest anchor-based subplots. In fact, they
sensitive subject-matter finds its way into the game. Giv-
should be encouraged to if you are planning on running
ing players the ability to say they’re not comfortable with
a soapy chronicle. Get them to write two or three possible
an issue, or with the handling of an issue without fear of
anchor-based complications or plots down on a card, and
disrupting the group will help keep things harmonious.
then keep these at your right elbow for ready use in play.
Most players don’t want to insult their Storyteller by sug-
When one comes up, throw the player who came up with
gesting they’re doing it wrong, so some will not mention
the idea an extra experience.
on their own initiative that the issues being injected into
Let the players know about the experience points the chronicle are uncomfortable for them. The free dis-
reward for getting their plots picked up, so they’ll make cussion forum pre-game or outside the game gives them
them as lurid and attention-getting as possible. the opportunity to speak up.
An alternative for Storytellers who like to be surprised Even if players are not made uncomfortable by the rela-
and to improvise plotting on the fly would be to let players tionship play, they might not be comfortable with how their
introduce soapy subplots on the fly, and spontaneously anchors are treated in the chronicle, especially if they’ve
injecting one of their Anchors into the current crisis. If gotten attached to them, and have begun to think of them
the group likes it—and it doesn’t strain credibility beyond as fully realized characters in their own right. With players
what the group’s willing to accept—then it goes live and cross-playing the anchors of other players, this can happen
into the chronicle immediately, and the introducing player with surprising swiftness. Likewise, a player who habitually
gets his bonus experience points. takes on the role of another player’s anchor might begin
For example: Winter is a special time for Vampires, because to feel possessive about her. This really serve the good,
it’s sometimes dark enough early on for them to stop by the because fully-realized anchors dial up the intensity, but in
bank themselves before it closes. Jack (after losing his accoun- doing so there’s the risk someone’s feelings will get hurt
tant friend) needs to file his own taxes, and so has to hit the when the anchors suffer (as inevitably they must!). Again,
bank for some paperwork. While waiting in line, somebody keeping everyone willing to be open about their opinions
at the counter ahead of him starts yelling—it’s a robbery! and needs in the game, and keeping the dialog going will
Jack’s player thinks quick, and glances over his anchors and help minimize the chance you’ll hurt or insult a player
sees J.B. Massey, an anchor who’s seen no action in play so when you use some heavy-handed season finale plotting,
far, and whose thumbnail reads “troubled street kid.” Jack’s and crush an anchor with an out of control car, and put
got a parental relationship with this kid. His player raises a them into a coma (see “Soap” in the previous section).
finger and says, “I recognize the robber’s voice.” Now, Jack
the vampire is caught in the middle of an armed bank robbery Keeping It All Straight
with one of his anchors doing the robbing. The Storyteller Five players, seven anchors per player... even a liberal
smiles and nods, “Yeah, that’s worth an experience point!” arts major knows that’s a whole lot of characters to keep

188 Bloody Business

track of. Things will only get more complicated, because In the business, this is called a relationship map, and
anchoring relationships are so unstable, mortals so frail, provides a graphic presentation of how all the characters
and the Beast so perverse. As plots get soapier, the amount in play relate to one another. Conflicts will literally be-
of crossover between each character’s stable of anchors come apparent on the map, when the loyalties come into
will get increasingly complicated. Is it Diego or Daniel conflict, anchors are torn between multiple vampires, or
who’s in love with Desmond? Is it Sharon or Susan who subject to their ire. See the example relationship map on
sold out Sarah to the Sicilians? p. 171 of this chapter.
Two tools will help dramatically when trying to keep
this all straight. A Final Hypocrisy
The Big List—the Storyteller should have a big list of Vampires may spin a fiction around their relationships,
all the anchors in play, including the same information lying to themselves that what they do is good and filled
each player has on her sheet, the vampire they’re anchor- with genuine feelings, but the ugly truth of a vampire’s an-
ing, and a section for notes and developments related to chors are this—they drain them dry. Even if the vampire
that anchor. This is the dead-basic bare minimum needed never breaks his anchor’s skin, never drinks literally from
to keep anchors straight, and use them to their fullest. them, he’s still a parasite leeching from them emotional
vitality, passion, feeling. Even if he never murders them,
The Map—on another blank sheet, write down each
beats them, eats, betrays, or abandons them he’ll still
vampire’s name, and then each anchor’s name when
doom them unless he gives them up first. The relation-
they come into play. Circle them. If you have a supply of
ship an vampire has with his anchors is unstable and it
colored pencils or crayons, you can color-code each name
degenerates Were the vampire to be honest with himself,
with a hue representing each vampire so at a glance you
he’d realize how much danger he exposes his anchors to
know which of the names on the map belong to whom.
just by associating with them.
Draw a line between the anchors added to the map and
the vampire to whom they belong, and on the line write Yet, he still does. The lies help. Love, friendship, re-
the kind of relationship they share. spect... but it’s all a con he runs on himself. Love is for the
living, and he has no place claiming the love of a mortal.
Whenever anchors become entangled with one another,
Yet, he does. He clings to them, fights for them, weeps and
forming new connections or relationships, draw lines
mourns when his influence dooms them. But he doesn’t
between them and on the line a word or two describ-
stop, he seeks new anchors, draws more innocents into
ing the relationship. You may want to add in important
the web. As he tips over lives others tumble askew too
non-anchor Storyteller characters to this as well (giving
when impacted, a domino fall of human misery rippling
them their own color) when they start to impinge on the
outwards from him, darkening the world a little more
growing complexity of interconnections. Seven degrees
with each new fall.
of separation, indeed.
Vampires are not cursed—they are the curse.

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity

Vampires play at being human. It’s the central notion behind humanity and wonder whether he ever truly understood it.
their storied Masquerade — they wear human personas like The banes system presented here takes this notion —
an actor in a commedia dell’arte troupe wears his mask. Vam- that as Humanity falls, the vampire’s supernatural side
pires even adopt stock personas. The naïve club girl looking comes to the fore — and presents an accompanying sys-
for her first taste of love. The suave, seductive man out for tem. As a character’s Humanity trait drops, the character
a fling. The “victim” trolling for muggers, or the helpful Sa- may develop a bane instead of a derangement.
maritan searching for (or arranging) flat tires in the middle
of the night. These are the masks that the vampire wears. Systems
At first, the mask is nothing more than a memory of what
Banes are divided into mild and severe categories, just as
the vampire once was, or perhaps an idealized version of
derangements are, but unlike derangements a mild bane
what he wanted to be. But as time goes on, the mask grows
doesn’t necessarily devolve into a severe one.
heavier. The Man recedes, the Beast takes up more room
in the Kindred’s heart and soul. And as this happens, the In general, a mild bane can do one of the following:
vampire’s blood grows thicker, his Disciplines grow more • Inflict bashing damage.
powerful. In as little as a decade, a vampire might look out at • Cause up to a -5 penalty to an action (but not prohibit it).

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 189

• Compel a choice between losing an expendable trait contort when he gets hunger. If his Humanity drops again,
(Health, Vitae or Willpower) and taking an action. his player will have to make the Humanity roll to see if
• Cause an inconvenient situation that might risk the another bane (or a derangement, depending on the cir-
Masquerade, if mortals are paying attention. cumstances) appears, and the Hunger’s Visage resurfaces.
• Interfere with a vampire’s supernatural prowess (Dis- Vampires might acquire banes in other ways, too. Below
ciplines, physical augmentation, healing, Vinculum) are several options:
in some way. • Atrocity: If you are using the Atrocity dice rules (see
A severe bane can: p. 165) in your chronicle, you might allow characters
• Inflict lethal or even aggravated damage. to shed Atrocity dice in exchange for a bane. Five
Atrocity dice can be removed from the character in
• Prohibit taking a particular kind of action altogether.
exchange for a mild bane, while the player can trade
• Compel a given action with no possibility of resistance. in up to nine Atrocity dice in exchange for a severe
• Expose the vampire as a supernatural creature to bane. Once a character accrues his 10th Atrocity
anyone nearby. point, though, he still gains a permanent Atrocity die.
• Interfere with something basic to the vampire’s nature Banes gained in this manner are permanent (as
— the ability to expend Vitae at all, for instance. much so as other banes, at least; see below for informa-
tion on losing banes).
Acquiring a Bane • Blood Potency: When a character’s Blood Potency
A vampire might develop a bane instead of a derange- increases via experience point expenditure, the player
ment following an unsuccessful degeneration roll at the rolls the character’s Humanity. On a failed roll, the
Storyteller’s discretion. In this instance, the bane can be character acquires a mild bane. The player can choose
“cured” just as a derangement might. If the character’s to automatically fail this roll and accept a severe bane;
Humanity increases back to the level it was when he ex- this reduces the experience cost of Blood Potency to
perience the degeneration that preceded the bane, that new dots x 7.
bane fades. Unlike derangements, though, which may or
• Diablerie: If the character raises her Blood Potency
may not return if the character’s Humanity drops again
through diablerie, the player rolls Humanity (after
(see p. 93 of the World of Darkness Rulebook), banes
taking into account the automatic loss; see p. 159 of
never truly leave the character. The character still feels
Vampire: The Requiem). If this roll succeeds, the
the effects of the bane if his Humanity increases, just not
character gains a mild bane. If the roll fails, she gains
strongly enough to affect him on a mechanical level. If the
a severe bane. The player still needs to roll Humanity
character loses Humanity again, the old bane resurfaces,
to avoid gaining a derangement as usual (or another
and the character must check once again for a new detri-
bane, if the Storyteller prefers).
ment (either bane or derangement; see below for more on
how to choose which is applicable). • Spontaneously: What if all of the vampires in the city
just woke up one night and found that they couldn’t
For example, Caleb, as a neonate, has Humanity 7…
enter homes uninvited? What if the entirety of Clan
until he loses control after a week of being unable to work
Gangrel slowly succumbed to a condition that forced
up the courage to feed and attacks a young nurse walk-
them to count grains of spilled rice? What if a handful
ing to her car as her shift ends. He kills the unfortunate
of salt could eat away at the flesh of any vampire who
woman, draining her dry and leaving her body sprawled
had ever killed a person (which is most of them)? Banes
across the hood of a car. Caleb’s player rolls for degenera-
can arise without antecedent from a particular charac-
tion and fails, and then rolls Caleb’s new Humanity rating
ter’s actions, but this kind of occurrence is thematically
(six) and fails again. Caleb develops a bane. In this case,
different from a bane afflicting a character following
the Storyteller decides that he incurs the Hunger’s Visage
degeneration. That said, the vampiric condition (and
bane (see p. 193).
mortal perception thereof) is mutable, and sometimes
In the coming months, Caleb, falling in with a coterie it’s good to shake things up.
pledged to maintaining Humanity and helping each other
to do so, shuns his vampiric side and embraces the Man Losing a Bane
within. His player spends the experience points neces- The only sure way to lose a bane is by raising Humanity to
sary to buy his Humanity back up to 7, whereupon the the point that the bane fades (see above). That isn’t easy,
Hunger’s Visage bane fades. Caleb no longer looks like a though. Raising Humanity requires that a vampire act in
monster when his Vitae pool falls, but he still feels his face a humane fashion, that she spends the time and energy to

190 Bloody Business

relate to human beings and, more importantly, that she deny • “Abstain from feeding on humans for a full year. Going
her bestial impulses. Once the Beast claws the Man down, into torpor doesn’t count. You have to live the way you
the damage is difficult to reverse. As such, vampires who normally do, out and about among the kine, but not
accumulate banes might search for a way to excise them that feed on them. You do that, the curse is lifted.”
doesn’t require the steep climb toward Humanity. Likewise, • “High Priestesses of the Circle of the Crone are all
if the Storyteller uses the optional system of allowing players taught rituals that can absolve you of these kinds of
to trade Atrocity dice for banes, or chooses to assign banes things. It’s the last thing they’re taught when they
for other reasons (see above), he might wish to allow char- ascend to the Circle’s leadership, or so I’m told.”
acters to remove them through taking actions in the story. • “Wait for the cat. You’ll know it when you see it. Follow
A bane might be absolved by reconnecting with one’s it, it’ll lead you to a person. When you see that person,
Humanity on an immediate basis, rather than raising the help him. How? You’ll have to figure that out. But if
trait. A character saves a mortal’s life with no thought of you can help that person, you’ll be cured. But you’ve
reward, and later finds that the sight of fresh cut flowers gotta watch for that cat, and you only get one chance.”
doesn’t bother him anymore. A vampire breaks up a gang • “You have to enter the Underworld. The place where
fight using Majesty, and later realizes that he can finally dead humans go. And they’ll probably want to kill
walk across the bridge to his old neighborhood without you if they figure out what you are. But if you can get
feeling ill. This method only works, of course, if the player in — and finding a gate isn’t easy, let me tell you —
is willing to put some thought and consideration into what you can make your way to the River of Blood. One
taking a humanitarian action means to the character. In any sip cures these curses. Then, of course, you have to
event, if the character doesn’t treat the fact that whatever get back out.”
he did lifted a supernatural curse with some reverence, that
• “Confess to a mortal priest. I mean, confess everything.
curse can reoccur the next time that vampire enters frenzy.
You’ll have to tell him what you are, and yes, that’s a
Another option, if the Storyteller is using the Atrocity Masquerade breach. But he can give you absolution.
system, is to reverse the rules given above. The character Real, God-approved absolution. If you do the penance.”
loses a bane, but gains five or nine Atrocity dice, depend-
• “The Ordo Dracul knows how to cure these things.
ing on the bane’s severity. In story terms, the character is
Thing is, it’s part of their freaky meditation practices
sacrificing his ability to deal with humanity for the ability
— you change your body to accommodate the curses.
to pretend to humanity more effectively. Consider: Banes
And as far as I know, the only way to learn their
set vampires apart from mortals, and make discovery
methods is to drink the Kool-Aid and join up. I know
more likely. Atrocity dice bring the Beast closer to the
Kindred who have done it.”
surface, but they don’t necessarily make the Masquerade
harder. A vampire that loses a bane in favor of Atrocity • “You get these things when you drift too far away from
dice is making a conscious choice — be a more savage, humanity, become too far removed from the human
but better camouflaged, predator. understanding, right? So the way to cure them is to
become famous. Ever notice that every year, there’s
Finally, the character might discover supernatural
remedies for banes. Certainly, in a chronicle in which
banes are commonplace, rumors of how to get rid of them
probably abound. Below are ten such rumors. It remains
up to the Storyteller to determine whether any of them
The Ordo Dracul and Banes
To expand a bit on the rumor above, the speaker is
actually work. referring to the Coils of the Dragon. Since learning
• “Drink the blood of a sorcerer. No idea how you find the Coils requires making a physical change to the
supernatural anatomy of the vampire, it stands
one or what you do if he tries to use his magic on you, to reason that the same metaphysical meditative
but if you drink his blood, you lose all your weaknesses. practices might be used to rid oneself of a bane.
Sunlight, the hunger, and anything else you might System-wise, the player needs to expend three
have picked up. The big stuff comes back — sorry — experience points for a minor bane and six for a
severe one, and the character needs to spend one
but those annoying curses that just seem to happen? full night in meditation. This option is only open
Those stay gone.” to character who have learned at least one Coil of
the Dragon. It doesn’t matter which one; the point
• “Burn off your own hand in the sunlight. I know it’s is that the character has learned to seize control
extreme, but God accepts that sacrifice. If your right of her undead state enough to expunge the curse.
hand offends you, cut it off and cast it away, right? I
don’t know if it works with eyes or not.”

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 191

always a celebrity who doesn’t have any real talent? particular kind of victim — virgins, clergy, children,
Usually attached to another celeb? I’m not naming criminals — that the Storyteller wishes to make inef-
names, but I’m just saying — some of them were Kin- ficient victims for the vampire.
dred with some heavy burdens to shed.” • Blood Tithe to Midnight: Every midnight, the vam-
• “Curses can be expatiated with blood — Kindred pire must reanimate his body. Over the course of the
blood. It takes ten Kindred. And I’m sorry, neonate, night, the vampire’s undead metabolism slows as the
but you’re number nine. If you can direct me to two daysleep threatens to overtake her. In game terms, the
Kindred that no one would miss, however, I might be player must spend a point of Vitae at midnight (the
convinced to let you off.” halfway point between sunset and sunrise, which may
or may not actually happen to be 12:00 AM), or else
Mild Banes the character suffers the daysleep for one full scene.
The character can attempt to remain awake during
• Aura of Madness: Insane people find the vampire
this scene, but suffers the same difficulty she would
fascinating. Anyone with a derangement of any kind
during the day (see p. 184 of Vampire: The Requiem).
feels compelled to follow, watch or interact with the
Kindred. The derangement in question usually plays Variations: The player must spend a point of Vitae
into the reaction, so a character with the fixation during any scene that the character sees the full moon
derangement becomes, as the name implies, fixated (reflected sunlight threatens the daysleep), or the
on the vampire, while a character with the narcissism character suffers the effects.
derangement might see the vampire as a threat to his • Caught in Webs: Cobwebs are impossibly sticky for
interests or as someone who can finally understand the vampire. If the vampire touches a spider’s web, the
his greatness. This aura isn’t strong enough to compel player must expend a point a Vitae and roll Strength
player-controlled characters with derangements to + Stamina to pull free, as though breaking an object
take any particular action, but they still notice the of Durability 3 (see p. 135 of the World of Darkness
vampire. In any case, the vampire winds up with a Rulebook).
small entourage of unbalanced people following him • Counting Compulsion: The vampire is compelled to
in short order. count grains of rice, mustard seeds, salt, beads or other
• Bells: The sound of bells causes one point of bashing such tiny objects if they are spilled or scattered in front
damage per turn. Recordings of bells or artificial bells of her. The player can spend a point of Willpower to
(such as the sounds produce by a synthesizer) do not cause avoid this compulsion, but unless the character cleans
this effect — only a bell with a clapper causes damage. up the mess or leaves the area, the compulsion lingers.
Variations: Bell sounds cause Repulsion (see below) The player must spend a point of Willpower each min-
instead. ute that the material remains visible to the vampire,
and during this time the player applies a -1 modifier
• Blood for Service: The vampire requires a taste of the
to all rolls for the character due to the distraction.
target’s blood before she is able to command a victim’s
mind. All uses of the Dominate Discipline suffer a -5 • Crossroads: If a vampire passes through a crossroads,
penalty unless the vampire has previously tasted the whether on foot or in a vehicle, he becomes confused
victim’s blood. and disoriented. He suffers a -3 on all Mental actions
for the remainder of the scene (rolls to resist frenzy
Variations: This bane might affect Majesty, Night-
do not suffer this penalty, though Discipline rolls that
mare or any similar Discipline. As a severe version, it
use Mental Attributes do). Passing through multiple
might affect all such Disciplines.
crossroads in the same scene does not deepen the
• Blood of the Unwilling: The vampire receives only confusion, though if Storyteller makes this a severe
one Vitae for every two Health points of damage in- bane, the effect might last the rest of the night or the
flicted if she feeds from an unwilling victim. “Unwill- penalty might worsen.
ing” here can mean a vessel who does not wish to fed
Variation: The character must spend a Willpower
upon (meaning an unknowing victim is by definition
point to find his way to any destination that he cannot
unwilling), a vessel that the vampire attacks rather
walk to in a straight line.
than seducing, or a victim incapable of giving consent
(asleep or drugged). • Day of Rest: Christian tradition holds Sunday as a day
of rest, while Jewish custom keeps the Sabbath holy.
Variations: The vampire receives less Vitae from will-
In either case, a vampire with this bane discovers that
ing victims instead. This bane can be applied to any
she labors under certain restrictions on this “day of

192 Bloody Business

rest.” She is able to feed, function and use Disciplines • Hatred of Beasts: Animals hate the vampire. Wild
normally, but cannot counterfeit life during the day of animals flee on site, while domesticated animals either
rest. The player cannot spend Vitae for the vampire flee or interpose themselves between the Kindred and
to gain the blush of life, nor can she spend Willpower their owners. All uses of the Animalism Discipline
to clarify the vampire’s reflection. that deal with animals suffer a -1 penalty, and mun-
Variation: The vampire might find himself unable dane applications of the Animal Ken Skill suffer a -3
to use Disciplines to command mortals to violate penalty. This bane can serve as a minor threat to the
the prohibition on keeping the Sabbath day holy (or Masquerade, but can also prevent vampires with low
whatever religious variation the Storyteller wishes). For Blood Potency from finding food easily. This bane does
a severe version of this bane, the vampire might find not affect vampires, werewolves, or other intelligent
herself unable to feed on the day of rest. beings that can take animal form.
• Faded Reflection: The vampire’s reflection becomes • Hunger’s Visage: The vampire becomes noticeably
permanently blurred and murky, and no amount of inhuman as his Vitae pool drops. When a vampire is
effort on the vampire’s part can improve it. The player hungry (see p. 179 of Vampire: The Requiem), his skin
cannot spend Willpower to appear in mirrors or pho- becomes even paler than usual, his fangs distend, his
tographs (see pp. 169-170 of Vampire: The Requiem). eyes take on an animal-like quality and color (yellow,
• Fascinated by Dust: The vampire cannot help but pale green, frost blue) and his fingernails elongate. If
stare at a cloud of dust. This might arise when the he is starving, these changes become even more pro-
character disturbs the dust of a room, or if a knowl- nounced. The vampire’s eyes turn blood red, bone white
edgeable foe blows a handful of dust in her face. In or luminous green. His flesh becomes white as chalk, or
either case, the player must spend a Willpower point a rotted yellow — either way, not a natural color. His
and roll Resolve + Composure in order to look away. breath smells like rotting blood and his fingernails are
If the roll fails, the vampire stands transfixed for a yellowed, brittle and a horrible brown color. In either
number of turns equal to (10—Humanity). If the of these states, the vampire probably suffers penalties
vampire is attacked, this effect ends. to non-Intimidation Social rolls, but the real danger of
this bane is that it breaks the Masquerade.

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 193

• Inhuman Maw: The vampire’s teeth change. They area with few streetlights, the vampire has an obvious
might become slender and snakelike, or his jaw might nimbus of soft, pale light around her. This can, of course,
unhinge to reveal a lamprey-like mouth. In any event, provide hunters with a way to identify the vampire.
unless the vampire is actively biting someone, the Variations: The vampire glows under artificial light
change isn’t obvious. Anyone having a conversation instead of moonlight, or glows in pitch darkness (which
with a vampire notices with a successful Wits + probably also imposes a slight penalty to Stealth rolls).
Composure roll (the vampire’s player can contest this • Madness in the Blood: The “sanguinary animism”
with a Manipulation + Stealth roll). derangement (p. 191 of Vampire: The Requiem)
• Insect Attractor: The vampire acts as a magnet for demonstrates what happens when a vampire believes
bugs. Flies, mosquitoes, bees and all manner of other that he takes on the traits of his victims. With this
six-legged creatures flock to him, crawling on his skin bane, the character inherits any derangements that his
and trying to enter his mouth. This can, in turn, at- victim has. These derangements remain for one scene
tract other creatures seeking to eat the bugs, but the per point of Vitae taken from the victim. If the vampire
more noticeable effect is that the vampire always has kills the victim by draining him to death, the player
some kind of insect crawling on him. This imposes must roll Humanity. If the roll fails, any derangements
penalties on Social rolls (the extent of the penalty from that victim become permanent.
depends on the situation and the audience), and can • Must Wear White: White is a mourning color in some
also mark the vampire as having some kind of super- cultures, and vampires occasionally develop a compul-
natural pedigree, if a witness knows what to look for. sion to wear white. If the vampire does not visibly wear
Variations: Vampire attracts rats or other vermin at least one white article of clothing, he feels out of
instead. sorts and exposed. In game terms, the player applies a
• Lingering Wounds: The vampire finds certain kinds -1 penalty to all rolls until the character can dress ap-
of wounds harder to heal. The player or the Storyteller propriate. If the white article of clothing becomes soiled,
chooses a source of damage when the character ac- this penalty applies until it can be cleaned or replaced.
quires this bane. Any damage from that source can Variations: Black, of course, is the color of mourn-
only be healed during the day, while the vampire is ing many cultures, but strangely, this doesn’t seem to
asleep. The character needs complete rest to will his become compulsory as often.
undead body to heal the damage. The type of damage • Occluded Voice: Electronic transmissions refuse
is otherwise unchanged; if the character suffers Linger- to carry or record vampire’s voice. That means that
ing Wounds from silver and is stabbed with a silver talking on a telephone with the vampire is impossible;
knife, the damage is lethal, but if he is shot with silver the phone transmits only static. It also means that
bullets, the damage is bashing. He simply can’t heal the character cannot be recorded. The character can
the damage until he goes to sleep. Some possibilities overcome this limitation for one minute if the player
for damage sources include: expends one Willpower point (for telephone or other
—Silver communication devices), or leave a recording in place
—Ash, yew, or mistletoe wood for a number of days equal to 11 minus one’s Blood
—Damage inflicted by virgins, clergy or “the pure of Potency. If the player expends a Willpower dot, a re-
heart” (Morality 8+) cording can be made permanent.
—Blessed weapons • Repulsion: A certain substance makes the vampire
—Attacks preceded by calling the vampire by name recoil. The character cannot come within 15 feet of
the source of the Repulsion unless the player spends a
• Lost in Fog: The vampire cannot find her way in fog,
point of Willpower. This in no way prevents the char-
steam or mist. All attempts to orient herself when sur-
acter from using other methods to affect the source of
rounded by such a condition suffer a -3 penalty, and
the Repulsion; a mortal might keep a vampire away
the Direction Sense Merit is useless. If the vampire
using a bulb of garlic, but the vampire can still shoot
finds a guide and accepts his help, she must follow him
the mortal if she has a gun handy.
until they escape the fog.
If another character is holding the source of the
• Lunar Illumination: The vampire glows slightly in
Repulsion, he can move it toward the vampire, thus
moonlight. This isn’t too noticeable in a city environ-
forcing the vampire to back up or flee. The Repul-
ment, where the vampire is probably surrounded by
sion inflicts no damage to the vampire even if comes
artificial light, but in a rural locale, or even a suburban
within 15 feet, but the player must spend a Willpower

194 Bloody Business

point per turn until the character can get away. If the might be a Vulnerability instead (or as well, if the char-
character runs out of Willpower, the player must roll acter picks up another bane). Whenever the character
Resolve + Composure to resist frenzy. touches the offending material, he suffers two points
Appropriate choices for Repulsion include: of bashing damage. The character can heal the dam-
—Garlic age normally, given time and blood, but prolonged
contact with the substance can drive the vampire
into torpor. It cannot kill the vampire, though; if the
—Religious artifacts (from a specific religion; if all Kindred suffers enough damage from this source to fill
religious symbols cause Repulsion, this should be a his Health track with lethal damage, further exposure
considered a severe bane) to the substance does not push the character’s Health
—Salt track into aggravated damage. Touching a vampire
—Orange peels or other citrus fruits with the substance requires a touch attack (see p. 157
—Roses or other fresh flowers of the World of Darkness Rulebook).
—Blood from a specific animal • Weakened by Symbols: The vampire feels weak in
Variations: Source of Repulsion strips Health points the presence of holy symbols, and actually attacking
(bashing damage) or Vitae instead after all Willpower someone carrying such a symbol imposes a -5 modifier
is depleted. on all rolls (including Disciplines). The vampire might
be vulnerable to all holy symbols, the symbols from a
• Slowed by Bloodlust: The sight of blood makes a
particular religion or subset of religions (all Christian
vampire dizzied and distracted, to the point that he
symbols, all Abrahamic religious symbols, etc.), all holy
has difficulty fighting foes who are obviously bleed-
symbols that the character recognizes as such, or only
ing. The vampire receives no Defense against any
the religion that the vampire practiced in life. In no
opponent who is visibly bleeding. If the opponent is
case does the religious devotion of the bearer make a
simply bloodstained, the vampire receives his Defense
difference — the bearer might be a serial murderer, but
normally — the opponent actually has to be losing
if he carries a cross, the vampire still suffers the penalty.
blood. If the vampire’s Vitae pool is completely full,
this bane does not apply. • Weight of the Grave: A handful of grave soil sprinkled
on a sleeping vampire forces the player to spend three
• Tangling Briars: The vampire becomes weak as a
points of Vitae to awaken in the evening, rather than
child when faced with thickets, briars or brambles.
just one (but does raise the question of why someone
The character’s Strength is considered 0 if more than
who encounters a sleeping vampire sprinkles dirt on
one of her limbs are touching such plants, though the
her rather than taking more drastic measures). Grave
player can expend Vitae to increase Strength and allow
soil slipped into a vampire’s pocket or purse can ac-
the character to pull free. If the character pushes on,
complish this as well, as long as the soil is on the
however, the player must expend this Vitae each turn
character’s person when she goes to sleep.
to maintain the necessary Strength.
Variations: Grave soil flung at the vampire slows her
Variations: As a severe bane, this might extend to
down, reducing Initiative by three during that scene.
restraints made from brambles or briars.
• Withering Presence: The vampire exudes an aura of
• Touch of Frost: If the vampire remains stationary for
death. This isn’t strong enough to harm or even bother
five minutes or more, frost accumulates on windows,
human beings, but plants wither and insects fall dead
plants and any other surface that holds it. The Kindred
when the vampire is within 10 feet or so. The effect
leaves icy fingerprints on glass, even after a brief touch.
isn’t strong enough to kill large and sturdy plants, but
• Uninvited: A vampire who enters a dwelling uninvited household plants, and flowers die noticeably quickly.
suffers three points of bashing damage. Once inside the A perceptive hunter, therefore, can follow the trail of
dwelling, the vampire suffers no further damage from dead foliage to a vampire’s door.
this bane, but cannot heal the damage until she leaves.
Variations: The vampire suffers a -2 modifier to all Severe Banes
actions while in the house; the player must spend
Willpower to enter. • Beast’s Cowardice: If a victim puts up any fight at
all — even to the point of saying, “Stop,” the vampire
• Vulnerability: The character suffers bashing dam-
loses his fangs. He cannot feed from the victim at all
age from contact with normally harmless sources.
under these circumstances, and can only take blood
Anything listed as a source for Repulsion (see above)
from incapacitated vessels or blood that is freely given.

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 195

Variations: The Beast wants its prey alive and wrig- • Death of Day’s Sleep: The vampire cannot wake
gling. The vampire can only take blood from a victim during the day. From the moment the sun crests the
that physically resists. horizon to the moment it sinks again, the vampire is a
• Burning Purity: The touch of the pure of heart sears corpse (albeit one that burns in sunlight). He vaguely
the vampire’s flesh. Casual contact with a human be- recalls dreams of drifting in a sea of blackness, but has
ing of Morality 8+ causes one point of lethal damage no other recollection from his time in the daysleep. A
per turn. This damage manifests as searing, scorching character who knows the Surmounting the Daysleep
burns, as if hot metal had been applied to the vam- tier of the Coil of Banes (p. 149 of Vampire: The
pire’s skin. The vampire’s player must roll to avoid Requiem) can spend a Willpower point to retain the
Rötschreck when the character suffers this damage. same level of activity that most vampires can manage
Variations: The vampire only suffers damage when during the day, but it might be better to stipulate that
touched by a member of a particular religion, or a a character who knows that power does not acquire
devout member of that religion. Some other definition this bane.
of “purity” (virgin, never raised a hand in violence, • Debt of Lost Humanity: The vampire finds awak-
etc.) might also apply. ening in the evening more difficult as his Humanity
• Blinding Salt: A handful of salt flung at the vampire falls. For every point of Humanity below seven, the
burns away his eyes, blinding him for the rest of the vampire must pay an addition point of Vitae to wake
night. Aiming the salt properly requires a roll of Dex- himself. Further, for every derangement gained from
terity + Athletics, penalized by the vampire’s Defense degeneration (not from other sources), the blood
(but not armor) and a -3 modifier to hit the face and tithe increases again. For example, a vampire with
eyes. If the roll succeeds, the vampire’s eyes boil away Humanity 5 and two derangements gained from losing
to a harsh-smelling goo, and he loses his sight until Humanity must pay five Vitae to awaken every morn-
the next sunset. ing. Of course, this means that the vampire must feed
more frequently, which, in turn, increases the risk of
• Cannot Set Foot on Holy Ground: The vampire is
further Humanity loss.
barred from entering consecrated ground. If he is taken
onto such ground involuntarily, he can take no other • Forced Slumber: A cross, rose, wooden nail or some
action but fleeing (but doesn’t not suffer damage while other special object placed on the body of a Kindred
he is there). What constitutes “consecrated” ground prevents him from rising the next night. The vampire
is a question for individual troupes to consider, much remains aware and sensate, but cannot so much as
as with the mild bane Weakened by Symbols (p. 195). blink. During this time, the vampire continues to lose
a point of Vitae every evening, but cannot move until
• Can’t Cross Running Water: The vampire is physi-
the item is removed.
cally unable to cross running water under his own
power. Even rainwater running through a gutter stops • Harbinger of Death: The vampire’s presence is anath-
him in his tracks, and a river makes him shake with ema to life. While healthy individuals can survive the
unnamable dread. He can ride in cars or other convey- Kindred’s touch, sick or weak people aren’t so lucky.
ances across running water, but if he falls into a body A vampire with this bane who strolls through an in-
of water, he falls into torpor immediately. firmary or nursing home might claim dozens of lives
(and the player would roll for degeneration, of course).
• Deadly Birthrights: The mortal descendants or
Pregnant women may miscarry from the vampire’s
relatives of vampires are reputed to make effective
proximity, as well, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
vampire killers (more information on these beings,
called dhampirs, can be found in the Wicked Dead This bane is meant as a curse, not a weapon, but
supplement). Since Kindred are normally incapable of if you require a system, assume that everyone who
reproduction, this is thought to be merely a story. But touches the vampire must succeed on a Stamina +
children or blood relations other vampires from their Resolve roll or suffer three levels of lethal damage.
breathing days can spell doom for vampires with this This damage immediately heals as soon as the vampire
bane. Such relatives inflict aggravated hand damage to leaves the area, but for someone whose Health track
the vampire. Their fists strike the Kindred like Divine is already full, this damage can be fatal.
judgment, shattering bone and flesh. Note that the • Haunting: The vampire stands out to ghosts. No mat-
relative in question doesn’t have to be related to the ter how cognizant a ghost is, he recognizes the vampire
vampire with this bane. Someone in his immediate as an undead creature. Ghosts respond differently to
family just needs to have been Embraced. vampires based on their lingering passions. A vengeful

196 Bloody Business

ghost might follow the vampire hoping to do her harm, such bindings if they bar his path (and, fortunately for
while a protective ghost might want to make sure the him, he knows instinctively to avoid them). If he at-
vampire doesn’t kill anyone. In any case, the ghost can tempts it, the binding — even flimsy thread — remains
spend a point of Essence per night to anchor himself taut and firm, but slices into the vampire’s flesh like a
to the Kindred (ghosts and their anchors are described scalpel. Pushing against the material causes one point
on pp. 208-209 of the World of Darkness Rulebook). of aggravated damage per turn for every limb or body
• Honesty for Kindness: The Kindred might be degrad- part exposed. A doorway strung with the offending
ed and evil, but she can’t ignore a true act of kindness. substance, then, can dismember a vampire in seconds.
If someone does her a good turn with no expectation of • Madness Sees Evil: Anyone with altered perception
reward, the vampire is unable to keep a secret from or can see the vampire for what he is. That includes any-
lie to that character for the remainder of the night. All one under the influence of mind-altering chemicals,
questions must be answered completely honestly, and legal or otherwise, and might include anyone with
to the vampire’s highest truth — that is, she cannot the Unseen Sense Merit. The Storyteller is the final
conceal fact behind semantics. The good deed that arbiter of whether a person’s perceptions are altered
the vampire enjoys doesn’t have to be unsolicited (that enough to see the vampire. Such witnesses don’t always
is, the vampire can ask for help), but if even a penny understand what they are seeing, but know for certain
is given in recompense, the vampire can lie or cheat that the vampire isn’t human and is dangerous. That
the character as she sees fit. Doing a good deed with means that clubs and parties, which are normally good
the express purpose of taking advantage of this bane places to hunt, become ready sources of mob violence
negates the effect. against the Kindred.
• Infectious: Normally, of course, for a vampire to • Maddening Vitae: Other Kindred can drink the
Embrace a mortal takes will. With this bane, though, vampire’s blood with only the usual unpleasant side
a vampire can create another Kindred simply by effects (blood addiction, Vinculum and the like).
drinking her blood. In order for this to happen, a Mortals, however, grow steadily unstable when they
mortal must die during a scene in which the Kindred drink the blood of the vampire afflicted with this bane.
feeds on her. The vampire’s player rolls Humanity. If Every time a mortal imbibes from the vampire, even
this roll fails, the victim rises the following night as a just a taste, the Storyteller rolls the mortal’s Morality
vampire. The new vampire is of the same clan as the rating. Failure means that the mortal develops a mild
parent Kindred, but knows no Disciplines and exists in derangement or upgrades an existing such derange-
a state of half frenzy. The new Kindred is animalistic ment to severe. These derangements normally involve
and seeks only fresh blood. Its human intelligence obsessing over the vampire somehow.
is gone. If the parent Kindred can find the vampire While many ghouls wind up unhealthily fixated
within three nights of the Infection, he can spend a on their regnants, this vampire’s servants lose func-
Willpower dot to make the Embrace “true.” Otherwise, tionality in short order. The mortals become unable
the new Kindred is doomed to this state forever. to cope with the world, following the vampire at all
• Interference: Most banes involve folk remedies, herbs times, extolling his virtues to anyone in the area, and
and practices from older cultures, but new banes do consuming insects and small animals in an attempt
emerge. One of them is the odd effect that some to become like their master. While the mortals never
vampires have on radio waves and other such trans- deliberately betray the vampire, they haughtily brag
missions. When the vampire gets near a device that on the vampire’s behalf to anyone who asks (includ-
uses radio waves (older televisions, radios, cell phones), ing hunters).
the device loses reception. Televisions lose picture Variations: The degradation isn’t mental, but physi-
and viewers see only “snow,” while cell phones drop cal. The vampire’s slaves become mutated, hideous
calls and radios crackle and warble. This bane gives a husks of their former selves.
hunter an excellent way to track the vampire — just • Mindless Hunger: As the vampire’s Vitae pool falls,
watch for the stream of people cursing into their cell the Man dies away. The character’s ability to solve
phones or wondering why they’ve lost a wireless In- problems, recall facts and apply logic is directly linked
ternet connection. to his blood pool. The vampire’s Intelligence Attribute
• Lethal Bindings: The vampire can be bound or even is limited by his Vitae pool. That is, if the vampire’s
dismembered by red string, prayer strips, or other seem- Intelligence rating is usually four dots, and he only
ingly harmless materials. The character cannot cross has two Vitae in his pool. then he is functionally at

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 197

Intelligence 2. If the vampire falls to zero Vitae, he swearing oaths, but can also leave loopholes in the
enters a mindless frenzy, becoming no better than a language of the oaths — as long as he doesn’t violate
draugr until he feeds. Even then, feeding only allows the letter of the law, he can do as he pleases. Oaths can
the vampire to attempt to regain control. As soon as be sworn out loud or silently, but if the words “I swear,”
the mindless vampire sups on at least one point Vitae, “I promise” or similar language passes the vampire’s
the player rolls the vampire’s current Intelligence + lips, the oath is binding.
Resolve. If the roll fails, the frenzy continues until • Offered Blood: The vampire cannot refuse an offer of
the vampire feeds again (which might be as soon as blood. Even if she is in the middle of a group of mortals,
the following turn). If the roll succeeds, the Kindred if one of them asks (for whatever reason) if she wants
regains control of himself. blood, she must answer “yes,” and immediately imbibe.
Variations: This bane can be applied to any At- If the offer is made but no blood is actually put forth,
tribute, though the effect is different. If the bane is the player must roll to avoid wassail.
applied to a Social Attribute, the vampire gains the • Paralyzed by Metal: In addition to a wooden stake,
effects of the Hunger’s Visage bane (p. 193) in addition a metal shaft such as a sword or a spike can paralyze
to the frenzy. If the affected Attribute is Physical, the the Kindred. The system for impaling the vampire
vampire becomes sluggish and weak when the Attri- remains the same as described on p. 176 of Vampire:
bute falls to zero. Any derived traits suffer, of course, The Requiem, except that the attack need only inflict
but the Kindred also enters torpor at sunrise if he fails one point of damage, not three.
to feed before then. • Rain’s Refusal: Rain, the bringer of life, refuses to
• Mortal Before God: On consecrated ground, the touch the vampire. The rain simply falls around him.
vampire loses all of his undead powers. He cannot Even if he walks out in a monsoon, he comes back
use Disciplines, augment Physical Attributes with completely dry. Water from other sources (showers,
blood, or heal using Vitae as long as he stands on holy rivers, etc.) does not avoid the character, but it becomes
ground. “Holy ground,” for purposes of this bane, might brown and stagnant within seconds of the vampire
include any church or worship site, the sites sacred to immersing himself. If the vampire drinks water, will-
a particular religion, or a site prepared with special ingly or otherwise, he immediately suffers three points
herbs, symbols or rituals. of aggravated damage.
• No Breath: The vampire’s respiratory system does • Revenge from the Ashes: The cremated remains of a
not function, not even to the extent require to draw human being burn and sear the flesh of the Kindred.
in a breath. This means that the vampire cannot Such ashes inflict one level of aggravated damage per
speak above a strangled whisper, and even then only turn of contact. Coating a vampire with this bane in
a few words at a time. The player can spend a point such ashes probably dooms him to the worst minute of
of Vitae to allow the vampire to speak normally for his unlife as his flesh drops away and his bones sizzle
a scene, forcing blood into the lungs and throat to and crack. If he can manage to get to water and wash
reactivate them. the ashes away, he might survive.
• Oathbound: Once the character gives his word, he • Rotting: The vampire’s flesh starts rotting every night
cannot break it. Maybe the Beast latches onto some at sundown, and heals over the course of the day as
odd notion of loyalty or honor, or maybe the vampire she sleeps. This rot does not inflict any damage on the
just fixates on the oath as sacrosanct. In any case, vampire, but it looks and smells repulsive, and seems
the Kindred cannot deliberately violate a sworn vow, to afflict the extremities first. The nose and lips rot
though he can do so by accident. For instance, a off, the flesh around the fingertips blackens, and the
vampire swears never to harm a member of a given feet develop blisters that ooze foul-smelling, clotted
family, and some years later, stalks and kills a long-lost blood. Only by expending one point of Vitae every
descendant of the woman he made the promise to. He scene (as though activating the blush of life; see p. 157
has no way to know the identity of his victim, and this of Vampire: The Requiem) can the vampire avoid
bane does not grant any special senses to the vampire, this fate, and even then the scent is faintly present,
so he violates his oath. causing a -3 to all Social rolls.
If a vampire tries to break an oath knowingly, his • Shadow’s Shame: Shadows, reflections and even
muscles seize up and he cannot move. If he breaks an televised images turn away from the vampire. The
oath accidentally, he must immediately roll for degen- vampire might make the effort to remain visible on
eration (roll two dice). The vampire can be forced into a security camera or in a photo, but people around

198 Bloody Business

the vampire seem to turn their faces away. Likewise, drank living essence, feasting on the soul or breath. The
if the vampire stands with several people in front of African adze, was known to take the form of a firefly and
a mirror, the reflections of the people avert their eyes pass through closed doors to drink blood from its victims.
from the Kindred. If the vampire feeds on someone “in Again, virtually every culture in the world has a legend
view” of the reflection, the reflection screams, alerting about a night-stalking creature, and trying to filter all of
anyone in the area. them through the lens of Vampire: The Requiem is im-
• Sun’s Terrifying Visage: The vampire fears the im- possible, given that we’ve chosen a specific (and modern)
age of the sun as much as the sun itself. Whenever take on vampirism for this game.
the vampire sees a picture of the sun, the player must But consider the World of Darkness, and what we know
roll to avoid Rötschreck. The Storyteller should ap- about vampires even looking only at the Requiem core
ply modifiers based on how realistic the image is. A book (that is, ignoring sourcebooks such as Mythologies
child’s crayon drawing of the sun might apply a +3 to or Wicked Dead that present alternates takes on the
the roll, while a video of the sun at high noon might vampiric condition). The Kindred are mutable. Their
impose a -5 modifier. weaknesses can change — it’s what allows bloodlines to
• Uncontrolled Hunger: The vampire must taste any form from the clans. It’s what allows powers like Theban
blood he sees. Whether the blood is seeping from Sorcery, Crúac and, especially, the Coils of the Dragon
a diner’s steak in a restaurant or an open sore on a to work. The undead form, the very condition of being a
homeless man’s cheek, the vampire cannot leave the vampire, is not a constant state. Banes are a way to express
area under his own power without just a taste. The that, to bring the particulars of any vampiric legend from
vampire doesn’t have to reach out and dip his finger in, any source the Storyteller finds interesting, into the game.
but he must taste the blood before the scene is over. If These cultures don’t have to be limited to centuries-old
he is removed from the area by force, he immediately legend, either. A bane might make vampires sparkle under
loses five points of Vitae as his Beast spitefully burns strong light, marking them as inhuman, if that’s what the
through his blood reserve. Storyteller finds compelling.
• Vulnerability, Severe: As Vulnerability, above, except Banes and the Tiers
that the damage inflicted is lethal.
Banes mean different things to a Vampire chronicle
depending on what “tier” that chronicle takes place. See
Storytelling Banes Chapter One for a detailed discussion of these three tiers.
From a game design standpoint, replacing derangements Neonates & Coteries
with banes removes the notion that immoral actions can “What is happening to me?”
lead to mental illness (which isn’t an entirely accurate
Banes are strange, scary and new, but so is everything
representation of the Morality system, but it’s close).
about the vampiric existence. Characters can ask men-
Players who find that notion offensive, or who just don’t
tors about banes, if they have that kind of support, but
like the idea of a failed dice roll dictating how they play
everyone has a different theory on them and no one re-
their characters, might appreciate the banes system as a
ally knows the truth. The characters can learn through
way to keep a consequence for succumbing to the Beast.
experimentation and observation how banes come about,
From a story perspective, though, the notion of banes but they discover that it isn’t consistent — banes don’t
deserves a bit more discussion. afflict the Kindred equally (in game terms, because the
Every culture has a legend about a creature that at least dice don’t fall the same way for everyone).
bears some resemblance to a vampire. These creatures In this kind of chronicle, banes are exactly what’s de-
usually have at least two points in common: They used scribed at the beginning of this section — a result of the
to be human beings but died, and they consume blood vampire degenerating from Man to Beast. They are the
to survive. Everything else is variable. Some “vampires” infection of the supernatural, the observable and terrify-
can’t pass for human beings at all. Consider the earliest ing part of the Requiem that shows the neonate that this
Greek vampires, the vrykolakes, which resembled bloated, is not a dream. The Storyteller should considered running
ugly corpses. More monstrous still is the Malaysian pen- a full scene devoted to a neonate discovering a bane,
anggalan, a flying female head with the entrails dangling and grant experience points for the player portraying the
from it. Some vampires don’t drink blood by anything character as appropriately horrified. Human beings, after
as subtle as a bite on the neck. The jiang shi of China all, do not recoil from crosses.

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 199

Ancillae & Cities the vampiric condition, probably a temporary one. Figur-
“I know your weakness.” ing out what caused it and why can propel an ancilla (or a
Ancillae have been part of Kindred society long enough group of them) to prestige, or it can give them a weapon
to learn some things. They know how to feed without against their rivals.
drawing attention, how to use their Disciplines to best Elders & Conspiracies
effect, and usually they know who the other Kindred in “We cannot escape ourselves.”
the city are, at least the ones they need to be concerned Elder vampires are almost beyond banes. Rather, they
with. Banes, in this sort of chronicle, serve as blackmail are beyond the point where banes matter. Yes, for a
material and currency. Everyone knows that vampires fear vampire to reach the status of elder, he probably accrues
fire and sunlight, but all vampires fear fire and sunlight, many banes, but he has also learned to hide them, cope
so using a flamethrower against one’s enemies is risky. But with them or otherwise compensate for them. An elder
what if a vampire were to learn that his hated enemy fears might shy back from a chunk of silver…right before his
cats, and flees before them? Suddenly a little expertise in minions tackle the uppity ancilla trying to unseat him
Animalism becomes much more potent. and take her head off.
Of course, the knife cuts both ways. A character’s own In an elder chronicle, banes serve to remind the charac-
banes become secrets that he keeps from everyone, even ters that they are vampires. They are not gods. They are
his own coterie, lest his enemies confront him with his own not immortal, not really. They are undead, and they are
personal weaknesses. Consider, too, that when a vampire bound by supernatural rules even if the laws of the land
faces his banes, he faces his crimes. Banes come about as a cannot touch or do not apply to them. The elder vampire
result of one’s transgressions, and sooner or later, they come who watches that ancilla crumble to dust cannot forget
home to roost. Learning about a given vampire’s past, in the feeling he had when she thrust that silver at him. He
fact, might allow an occult scholar or an Auspex expert cannot forget that once upon a time, that wouldn’t have
to suss out a given vampire’s banes, and rumor has it that mattered. He cannot forget that, just for a moment, he
a Devotion dedicated to doing just that exists. had no power but to recoil.
In a city-level chronicle, a bane outbreak might be a In a conspiracy-level chronicle, banes might also shake
localized occurrence, affecting or spread by one particular the foundations of Kindred society. An entire clan’s weak-
coterie. Something intrinsic to that area causes a flux in ness might change, or a bane might become a fundamen-
tal weakness for all Kindred, simply by a machination (or
a mistake) from a group of powerful elders.
New Devotion — Learn Bane Bane or Derangement?
(Auspex ••, Animalism •, Nightmare •) The bane system can replace the derangement system
A perceptive vampire can examine another and
learn, through a delicate combination of glimpsing entirely, but it doesn’t have to. The Storyteller can choose
the target’s aura and inducing just a bit of fear, to give a character a bane or a derangement, depending
whether she suffers from any banes. This has the on circumstances. Some suggestions for making that
side effect of allowing the character to learn the
target’s clan by learning her clan weakness.
decision follow. Whatever the criteria that a Storyteller
The vampire using this Devotion must make uses, though, he should make sure to inform the players
eye contact with the target. Even if the Kindred whether a failed Humanity roll will result in a bane or a
uses the Devotion successfully, though, the target derangement and the reasons for his choice. Remember,
notices nothing but a slight shiver down her spine.
Cost: 1 Vitae too, that the bane system was developed in part to avoid
Dice Pool: Wits + Intimidation + Auspex— the eventuality of a failed dice roll dictating character
Composure behavior. If player would prefer to have a bane rather than
Action: Instant a derangement, it might be best to honor that request.
If the vampire succeeds in using the Devotions,
he immediately learns the target’s banes, includ- • Banes result from the Beast usurping the Man.
ing clan weakness. He doesn’t learn the order in As such, a degeneration roll that occurred due to a
which the character acquired them, though, nor character’s frenzy should probably risk a bane, rather
does he learn the target’s present Humanity level
(meaning that this Devotion can be used to guess, than a derangement.
but not exactly measure, how strong the Beast is • Banes are supernatural. If the degeneration roll took
for a given vampire).
place amidst a decidedly supernatural backdrop — a
This Devotion costs 12 experience points to learn.
fight with werewolves, for instance, or after interrupt-
ing a witch’s ritual — a bane is more appropriate than

200 Bloody Business

a derangement. Likewise, if the character was using mine folklore, cinema, literature and their own fevered
Disciplines or calling upon other powers of the Blood, imaginations for anything that might make a suitable
a bane makes more sense than a derangement. bane, regardless of whether the source involves vampires.
• Banes involve the environment, while derange- Why the breadth? Because the vampire myth is con-
ments are internal. A character who loses a dot of stantly changing. We’ve already pointed out that ancient
Humanity by killing a vampire hunter laden with garlic Greek vampires were hideous and monstrous, while
should stand a better chance of gaining a bane than European vampires in later centuries were seductive
a derangement. That doesn’t necessarily mean that and humanlike in appearance (if not temperament). As
the bane will involve garlic, only that the character cinema and modern literature seized on the vampire as
was responding to an outside threat when she lost an eternal symbol of fear, a metaphor for rape, an iconic
Humanity. monster (take your pick), we can choose from a myriad
• The Masquerade protects Kindred. Violating the of different vampires. Novels like Bloodsucking Fiends: A
Masquerade has a strange effect on Kindred, bringing Love Story give us vampires that resemble the Kindred
the predator closer to the surface. Playing at being hu- in appearance and supernatural power, but don’t play up
man doesn’t make the vampire human, obviously, but it the horror of the condition. Films such as From Dusk
makes the mask easier to maintain. In any event, if the Till Dawn show vampires as near-mindless monsters,
character has been exposed as a vampire to mortals dur- but, interestingly, depict a physical transformation when
ing the present story, whether by accident or deliberate the vampire lets its true self show (The Lost Boys and
action, a bane is more appropriate than a derangement. “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” do this as well, to a much
lesser degree). These sources depict vampires as having a
Banes and Clan Weaknesses large variety of weaknesses, some of which can be traced
The weaknesses that the vampire clans and bloodlines back to various legends, some of which were invented by
suffer from could easily be used as banes. Some of them Hollywood, and some of which just don’t seem to make
are mild, some severe, but any of them might make for sense (why, for instance, did David in The Lost Boys die
interesting banes even in an otherwise standard Requiem from being impaled on antlers?).
chronicle. Consider: a Gangrel vampire develops a bane If we assume that all of these sources exist within the
and winds up taking extra damage from fire and sunlight, World of Darkness, then we have to acknowledge the fact
which is the Mekhet clan curse. Does that mean that that the Kindred do suffer from some of the classic Euro-
the Savage is becoming somehow Mekhet-like? Did she pean vampire weaknesses: sunlight, a wooden stake, and
diablerize a Shadow? Is she developing Auspex or another so on. If that’s the case, then why not all of them? Why
Mekhet Discipline? Or are all of the clan and bloodline shouldn’t any given substance have the power to repel
weaknesses simply banes that became somehow affixed a vampire? Why shouldn’t a vampire be unable to cross
to a given line? Does that mean a great enough show of running water? Some of these weaknesses are too limit-
Humanity could remove this “uber-bane?” ing to apply to all Kindred (especially if we’re to continue
Another option is to excise the clan weaknesses entirely believing that the Masquerade has remained intact), but
and simply have each player choose a bane for her char- if any given vampire can show any of them, it actually
acter at the start of the chronicle. Vampires, therefore, lends some believability to the vampire legends. Why are
aren’t identifiable by weakness (and identifying a vampire they so diverse? Because vampires really are that diverse.
by the Disciplines she wields is always chancy), meaning All of this means that anything that the Storyteller and
that lineage becomes a more easily guarded secret. Maybe the players think appropriate can become a bane. Obvi-
a vampire’s clan ceases to matter, with immediate lineage ously, it’s incumbent upon the players to remain true to
taking its place in the setting — the descendants of a the themes of the game. Radioactive isotopes as a bane
given elder are the dominant family in a specific area, probably evoke images of superhero comics more than
but outside of their power base, this “clan” doesn’t have vampire literature, but then, if you’re interested in playing
much influence. Vampire as a “superheroes with fangs” kind of game, who
are we to argue? Just refer to the system considerations
Designing New Banes at the beginning of this section, decide what mechanical
The lists above are by no means the only possibilities for effect a bane should have, and have at it.
banes. The Storyteller and the players should feel free to

Banes: The Cost of Inhumanity 201

Dearly Devoted: A New Look At Devotions
We are gathered here tonight... rie. It was indeed a ‘not so fresh feeling.’ The moment rang
The Sisters swung things old-school, a classic Hammer in my consciousness, a temple bell signaling completion. I felt
number with the gauzy robes and chalices of blood, and it suddenly opened, spread and vulnerable.
only needed a Christopher Lee leer to complete it. The old Then... nothing happened.
traditions have it hard, because they’ve inadvertently become For a moment I stood there, covered in reheated blood, feel-
cliché as Hollywood glommed into the classic tropes even if ing very silly. Particularly about my cock. I do have a certain
there’s good sensible occult reasons for the gauzy robes and reputation to...
the blood... splashing... making them... slickly transparent... Bliss. And misery.
against... supple... pale... flesh... I am filled with the Moon, the light is in me, the blood on
Where was I? my body goes cold, but I grow warm. I fall to my knees with a
The Sister next to me took the passed chalice, and stepped choking sound, and then I scream. My heart wakes in a panic,
to the font, filling it with the blood of all the sacrificed—the and scrambles around in my chest thrashing madly, trying to
blood of the lamb, the serpent, the goat, and the man, all find a way out through my throat. Hot, then cold... oh, very
blended like cranberry juice cocktail with the Sisterhood’s cold. I shiver uncontrollably, and then the pain, it is hideous,
seven special herbs and spices. The sister shivered deliciously. like fire between my legs, and my chest like fists are being
I could sympathize—watching her made my teeth ache. She twisted under my skin. I hear the closest Sister say,
stepped back into the circle, and raised the chalice to the moon “Look. She bleeds! We are blessed tonight.”
glowing through the open skylight shone off the nightblack Convulsively then, I died again and the moonlight went
blood within it. black, the shadows suddenly bright—when the Sister leaned
“Coyolxauhqui! Hecate ! Chang’e! Our Old Mother, Our over me, I could see the skull beneath her skin, I could count the
Own Flesh! We consecrate the blah blach blem murgh mleh! victims who’d died to perpetuate her life in the whorls of black
Blah meh bah Me! Me!” light around the crown of her head, her chakras opening and
I lost her litany about halfway through, She was the twelfth closing like sea anemones, hungry with hooked tendrils. And
sister to intone it tonight, and I was to be the thirteenth, the around us, the hall was full of ghosts—some just memories, but
new initiate, the new Sister. others true specters. The weak and confused ghost of the man
Oh, you can stop laughing now, I think. It isn’t as if the who’s blood went into the Font was there, and vague shadows
organ serves a particularly useful purpose, and I could always of his sanguine companions, the goat, serpent, and lamb.
regrow it with the nighttime magic we all enjoy. So yes, I’ll I smiled at him, and my regard made him more solid, fleshed
admit it before we reach the climax of the narrative—I cut his form with thickening moon-dark. I sat up, and beckoned
off my cock to steal the occult secrets of the Blessed Sisters of him closer, and he came as if entranced.
Severen, and fuck you too. “As if” indeed.
She finished the incantation, and upended the chalice upon He came, and knelt as I stood. The other sisters opened
herself, soaking her robes through. their eyes in this special way too, and smiled approvingly. I
The chalice came to me next, I took it in one carefully mani- may complain and connive to escape my tedious lessons, as
cured hand, and I flatter myself that my art and artifice made many a tutor of mine would bitterly accuse, but I am a good
me a credibly convincing counterfeit chicky. I stepped forward, student when I exert myself.
forcing my hipbones to sway just so, dipped the chalice into the I leaned down close to the ghost’s ear, and saw he was shak-
font, and back to my place in the circle. My turn to intone. I ing. Shaking with dread and terror! What a delicious irony. I
wasn’t sure when the magic would happen—when the force of couldn’t resist. I opened my mouth. I bit. I fed.
the ritual initiation would come to me, when I’d feel the power
I was here to steal. I said the words in a convincing contralto— Unholy Matrimony
have I mentioned my singing voice before? It is a delight. None
of the sisters turned on me, none drew the slaughtering knives, Devotions are strange marriages of different Disciplines
none cut me. The blood was still body-hot from the spirit lamp which often explain the weird and unique capacities of
warming the font, and made me shiver when it hit my chilled noteworthy characters, or give some tooth and truth to
body, molding the robe around my painfully-implanted silicon a cult’s occult practice. The guidelines provided in the
tits, then gushed down my stomach, and down my legs in a Requiem core assume they’ll typically be created by indi-
truly obscene parody of mortal menstruation. Shades of Car- vidual Storytellers or presented in published material with

202 Bloody Business

their cost in experience points laid out, and any particular try and figure out the best effect he can squeeze out of
vagaries of acquisition handled improvisationally. them. Once he’s lowballed the effect, the presents it to the
Here, we’ll do something a bit different with Devotions. Storyteller and explains why he should be able to get the
You’ll get some further guidelines on creating them, and Devotion he wants with the Disciplines he already has.
then a whole new method of acquiring them as objects of The Storyteller then either accepts the Devotion, or
play rather than artifacts purchased with experience point makes a counter-offer by scaling back the power to fit
currency—they become endeavors rather than something within the character’s current capacities, or shaves off the
bought cleanly, and without consequence. Discipline requirements if the player has over-estimated
Or course, you can still spend experience points on how much it should require.
Devotions, but by doing so you make the Devotion The player can then accept the offer, or try a counter-
yours—you buy exclusive rights to this strange new power, offer of his own, and this goes back and forth until an
and you get to say how others may access it, and at what agreement is reached.
price. The Devotion becomes more than a special trick Then, as in Shooting the Moon, the player can chose
you know. Sharing it (or not), teaching it (or not) gives to buy it free and clear, or Seek.
you influence, power, leverage.
Something Old, Something New
Witness the Joining —Thematic Penumbras
Creating a Devotion still requires a little artistic license,
The core Disciplines all have associated and outlining
but this section should give some guidance on that.
thematic elements which tie into the overall themes and
This assumes a player-driven creation process. Storytell- folklore of Vampire: The Requiem, and to more gen-
ers have their full license to create Devotions as-needed eralized occult symbolism and myth imagery. Basically,
for their chronicles, and aren’t required to pay this much when using one Discipline themes to modify the effects of
attention to the details. If it works and makes for a better another’s powers, consider these penumbras for guidelines
chronicle and happy players, then that’s all the justifica- on which might be the most appropriate.
tion that’s required.
Animalism—most literally contends with animals and
As a player-driven process there’s two ways to approach it: influencing animals, but within its penumbra is Beastli-
Shoot the Moon—here, the player says exactly what ness, instinct, rage, and the inner Beast of men and vam-
he wants the Devotion to do without paying too much pire which drives them to horrific action. At the edges of
attention to the requisite Discipline ranks. Unless this is the penumbra, is the mystical significance and meaning
a serious long-term goal, it ought to cleave fairly close to of specific animals—the virtue found in certain Beasts.
some Disciplines the character has on the sheet (via the Auspex—involves expanding perception and awareness,
thematic guidelines below). but also includes spirit travel, and psychic activity. With
The player outlines exactly what the Devotion should expanded awareness comes insight, and the revelation
be able to do, and the Storyteller examines it for theme of secrets. Auspex gathers up prophecy as well within its
and for power with the guidelines found below and on penumbra. Perception-based superstitions and folklore
pages 260 to 265 of the Requiem book. Then, the Sto- also fall loosely under Auspex. The Evil Eye, seeing a
ryteller tells the player what kind of Disciplines he’d need murderer’s image in the eyes of a dead man, and eyes as
as prerequisites for the power, and why they’re needed. windows to the soul.
This starts off the back and forth of negotiation as Celerity—most obviously the speed of the body, but
the player can accept the Storyteller’s offer, or make her also the speed of mind—and possibly, of transcending
a counter-offer in the form of a less (or possibly, more) mere speed, and simply being there already. Celerity can
powerful Devotion to try and narrow it down closer to also be a bridge, linking two effects together, allowing
the character’s current capacity. combination effects from different Disciplines by applying
Once the Devotion is agreed upon, the player has to the concepts of simultaneity to them.
decide to buy it with Experience or try and Seek it (p. 205). Coils of the Dragon—this tightly-focused power set is
The cost in experience points is determined normally, but about overcoming the weakness of the Kindred condition,
if the player chooses to Seek, then see below for the trials but more broadly about overcoming any weakness with
and troubles he might face in the process. the application of will.
Lowball It—The other way to do this is for the player Crúac—its broad array of possible effects (bound only
to look at the Disciplines his character already has and by the lore available) belies a simple core theme—this

Dearly Devoted: A New Look At Devotions 203

ritual set encompasses all that is primitive, pagan, primal, Theban Sorcery—where Crúac is bloody and primal,
and occult in an ancient pre-Christian sense. Ritualistic Theban Sorcery is studied and sacred, and very in keep-
trappings to produce powerful if not immediate results are ing with the organized religious nature of the covenant
very much in-theme for Crúac, and more broadly those which keeps the lore. It demands devotion, not simply
things which hark to the ancient world, and its dark and will and blood. It is power which comes through commit-
bloody dead religions. ment and resolution, and surrender to something larger
Dominate—is control, and the sublimation of another’s than one’s self. It covers those ritualistic occult practices
will and desire. It is about power, and enforcing it. About more in keeping with religious service. A ordered form
social hierarchy and dominance. It is about authority, of magical practice.
and about the symbols and displays which mark one as Vigor—the corpse moves, and with Vigor it moves
invested with authority. It is about badges and uniforms, powerfully. Vigor is the animating force which moves the
but also about bone-deep animalistic instincts to conquer undead, magnified and enhanced. It includes motion and
and rule, and establish dominance. The politics of wolves. exertion, but can also include the outward counterfeit
Majesty—so like yet unlike Dominate. Majesty’s pen- face that a vampire uses to appear human. Vigor is raw
umbra contains emotion, urge, and desire—it is an at- physical power, but can be stretched to include the way
tractive force, a lure. Where Dominate works on brains, this changes a person’s attitude and demeanor, and to the
Majesty works on balls. Majesty also encompass fame, giving of life, such as imbuing something unliving with
attraction, covetousness, and obsession. It motivates be- the animating power. The general theme of strength can
havior which circumvents the conscious mind. Majesty also be used to strengthen another effect, for example
is beauty, though perhaps in the same way a coral snake expanding the range or scope of another Discipline effect.
is beautiful.
Nightmare—almost the perfect opposite of Majesty. It is
To Have and to Hold—Buying It
repulsion, rejection, solitude, loss. Obviously fear and its Once the player and Storyteller agree on the required Dis-
cousins dread and terror, but more subtly it is also doubt ciplines and effects of a Devotion, the player can choose to
and anxiety and something as prosaic as stress. There is buy it outright for experience points. As describes in the
a transformative quality to Nightmare, which remakes core rules, this is the total required Disciplines multiplied
something over, horrifically—possibly even embodying by three. So, a Devotion requiring rhree Disciplines rated
a physical transformation. at two each would cost roughly 18 experience points.
Obfuscate—this Discipline is about becoming secret,
hidden, and it’s about predation—the unseen tiger or the
unseen stalker, lurking outside a victim’s bedroom window
Who Wants Candy?
or in the forest beyond. Obfuscate is also perversely inva- So, what’s to stop a player buying a Devotion this
sive—it puts one into the private space of others, without way, and then essentially giving it away to the other
their knowledge. There’s a core of violation here, in addi- player’s characters? Or, handing it out to Storyteller
characters as a bribe or perk?
tion to the imagery of darkness and shadows, there’s one Well, two things really.
of trespass and secret crime. While spectral and unseen, The player who buys a Devotion creates the Or-
the Discipline’s penumbra stretches to include the spectral deal needed to acquire it, and anybody he gives it
and the ghostly. away to still has to endure this test and win through
it. If they’re not willing to endure the Ordeal, but
Protean—the transformation of the flesh, to make it the character is willing to teach the Devotion, then
serve the vampire’s needs better. Protean is about change, they can spend experience points and buy it.
but also about the loss of self, and can include changing What if the player creates a cakewalk of an
Ordeal so he can pass the Devotion around the
identity as well as changing skin. In some ways, it is more group without anybody suffering for it, or adding
about the revelation of true nature than about conceal- anything to the Chronicle?
ing it—it strips away the veneer of humanity from the Then it’s entirely appropriate for some canny
Storyteller character to figure out the Ordeal and
Kindred and makes them obvious monsters. cakewalk her way to the Devotion too. The player
Resilience—at its simplest, it is about shrugging of controls who has access to his new Devotion, but if
harm, but more broadly about survival, about remaining he chooses not to control that access, then anybody
could just wander by and help themselves.
unchanged. The physical resilience implies a mental or Simple advice—don’t try and scam the system,
psychic resilience too. It comes closest to including the or the Storyteller is given permission to scam back.
stasis of vampire immortality within its penumbra.

204 Bloody Business

That’s a pretty significant outlay for a power which is A Seeking’s map consists of one “initiation” scene
more likely to be effective and interesting but not provide which starts the Seeking, and then one additional scene
some kind of dominant advantage. for each Discipline required by the Devotion. Each added
What else does the player get for creating and then scene in the map is thematically linked in some way to
buying this interesting power? one of the required Devotions, and will require an ap-
The player owns it. propriate roll to overcome.
His character is the only character in the game who’s When the Seeking is successful, the character has the
allowed to have that Devotion unless the player says it’s chance to learn the Devotion, but must endure the Ordeal.
okay. He’s free to allow others to learn it by way of Ordeal An Ordeal is some form of mystical trial by which the
(see below), or to buy it themselves with experience points character is judged worthy of the mysteries, an initiation
like a published Devotion. which prepares them to receive the mystery. Ordeals can have
The Storyteller should decide if this potent addition lasting consequences in a chronicle, binding the character
is appropriate to the game. A game of secret power and with obligations or marking them mentally or physically.
occult strength should find this as a nice addition. Pick one trial to open the Ordeal, and add another for
each Discipline required to learn it. As with the map, the tri-
Seeking and Ordeal: Sealed in the Temple als should reflect the Disciplines they’re keyed from. These
If the player doesn’t want to spend the experience, then he trials also impose a penalty on the required roll based on
can Seek the Devotion and endure the Ordeal needed to the required rank of the discipline. For example, a Devotion
learn it. These require play-time, and so must fit into the requiring a three-dot Discipline will impose a -3 penalty.
context of the chronicle. They’ve got to make it better, or Exceptional success on a trial means the following trial
it becomes about one player having solo adventure time may be taken without the usual penalty or the conse-
while everyone else looks one. There’s no reason other quences of a previously failed one removed.
characters can’t assist—at least up until the seeking char- Success means the character met the trial, and may
acter has suffered the Ordeal, but this kind of play could proceed to the next.
also be reserved for side-sessions outside the regular game Failure means the character may choose to abandon
meeting, allowing one-on-one play with only the Storyteller the Ordeal without suffering any consequence, or may
and player, and any others who want to help out. continue the Ordeal but suffer a consequence dictated
Once the Devotion has been created and agreed on, the by the type of trial.
Storyteller creates a map for the Seeking, and the trial or Dramatic failure means the character fails the Ordeal
trials which make up the Ordeal. and suffers the consequence for the trial.
The map is a series of scenes noted in the following short- Trials are sequential, the one flowing into the next
hand which describe the process for seeking and possibly ac- though they need not be immediately follow. Some
cessing the Devotion’s mysteries. Exceptional success on any Ordeals are stretched out over hours, days, even weeks.
check rolled during the Seeking reveals one of the trials which The Storyteller can use this pacing to work a character’s
must be endured in the Ordeal, and it’s entirely possible that a Ordeal into the flow of the Chronicle’s other stories.
player might balk at what the Devotion might require of him.
Here’s a useful format for outlining a Trial:
Map scenes can be described thusly:

Trial Scene
Map Scene
Name: Name of the scene
Name: Name of the scene
Trial Type: Which of the following types of trial
Thumbnail: An extremely brief description of the
this one is.
scene and its location
Thumbnail: An extremely brief description of the
Challenge: Dice pool Consequences: What
scene and its location
needed to address the happens with success
scene’s challenge. or failure.
Challenge: Dice pool needed to address the scene’s
Links: How this map scene links to others in the map.

Dearly Devoted: A New Look At Devotions 205

Example Trials and mortals suffer the effect of an injected poison with
a Toxicity equal to 4 + the vampire’s Blood Potency.
Other Kindred suffer the aggravated damage normally,
The trial requires the character to endure some form of but the supernatural venom also destroys Vitae equal to
suffering, which usually demands a Stamina + appropri- the damage inflicted.
ate Skill roll to withstand. The consequences of failure
Cost: 1 Vitae per successful bite.
are Vitae equal to twice the value of the Discipline which
inspires this Trial. Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl—Defense to grapple, and
Strength + Brawl to bite.
Action: Instant to invoke, and a normal action to
The trial is a ritual initiation into an exclusive and likely grapple and bite
secret clique who control access to the Devotion being
sought. This requires a Composure + appropriate Skill Seeking Map
roll. The consequences of failure are an obligation to the 1. Remembrances of Septimus the Elder (Find a trans-
initiating organization. You must perform some service lated fragment of a Roman’s account of military action
for them at a later time, and failure will bring dire (if in North Africa Intelligence + Academics.)
somewhat ambiguous) consequences. 2. Retranslation (Convince a dying ex-professor of clas-
Sacrifice sics to re-translate the fragment. Manipulation + Per-
suasion unless the character can heal the dying man).
You must give up something you treasure to overcome
this Trial. This requires a Resolve + appropriate Skill 3. Find the Mambo Dancers (Find a where the secretive
roll. The consequence of failure is you’re unable to give Gangrel bloodline meets and make contact. Wits +
up the scarified thing, and are marked by the trial. The Investigation).
Mark is obvious to those who know what to look for and Ordeal Trials
is permanent unless removed mystically. 1. Suffer (Sit unresisting while cobras bite).
Sin 2. Endure (Twist your body into painfully contorted
You must commit some act which horrifies even you. This positions and crawl through a complex body maze).
trial immediately provokes a degeneration roll, with the 3. Initiation (Join the Mambo Dancers).
consequences of failure being the normal loss of Human-
ity. If the roll fails, the character may still back out of the Whispers in the Dark
Ordeal, and not suffer the consequences, pulling back (Dominate •••, Obfuscate •••)
from the sin before doing anything irrevocable. This subtle power allows a vampire rendered invisible with
Suffer Obfuscate to use Dominate on a victim without revealing
The trial inflicts pain and misery on the character, and their presence. The vampire stands close to the formless
requires a straight-up Stamina roll to endure. The con- target, and whispers her desires to him. Dominate at one
sequences of failure are lethal damage equal to the twice or two dots may be used this way.
the level of the Discipline which inspired this trial. Cost: 1 Willpower plus the cost of Dominate
Temptation Dice Pool: None.
The trial demands the character resist some terrible Action: Instant
temptation with a Composure roll. The consequences of Seeking Map
failure are a Fixation derangement related to the source 1. The Black Mirror (A Mayan obsidian mirror on dis-
of the temptation. play in a local museum perfectly reflects the Kindred,
but the image seems to be speaking some other lan-
Example Devotions guage. Intelligence + Occult to recognize the words
it whispers).
Cobra’s Kiss 2. Follow the whispers (from the mirror, the Kindred will
(Protean •••, Vigor ••) begin to hear whispers from the shadows, which can
This deadly power transforms the vampire’s fangs into hol- be followed with Wits + Empathy)
low venom-injecting instruments like a viper’s. A measure 3. Demand the shades show themselves (The unseen
of Vitae is then transformed into a lethal supernatural shades will manifest as shadowy figures if cowed with
poison. The vampire’s bite inflicts aggravated damage, a Presence + Intimidate roll).

206 Bloody Business

Ordeal Trials
1. Sacrifice (the shades demand blood and anguish)
2. Temptation (They seek to distract with illusions of
the vampire’s desires).
3. Sin (To seal the vampire’s commitment, they demand
he follow their whispered orders to commit some
grievous wrong)

Body Hive
(Animalism •••, Fortitude •••, Nightmare ••)
This horrific power turns the vampire’s body into a living
hive for vermin which hollow out her torso of all the use-
less organs that fill it, and gnaw wound-like exits in her
chest and back. The creatures inhabiting her partakes of
her Vitae, becoming essentially a swarm of tiny ghouls.
This horror can be summoned out and controlled in a
terrifying display of unnatural potency.
The body hive has several effects. It can be used to
make a lethal ranged attack on a target you can see who
is within a pistol shot’s distance, inflicting successes as
lethal damage.
The hive can also scout the surrounding area, revealing
hidden opponents, dangers, or other things of interest.
When the hive creatures burrow back into your body,
you learn what they know.
Finally, you can set the hive’s creatures swirling around
you, confusing attackers, flying into their mouths, and
biting them. This allows you to add the successes on the
Devotion roll to your Defense until you direct the hive
to some other purpose.
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Vitae per night to maintain the hive, and keep
the body from reverting to its normal state (thus killing
the vermin) plus 1 per use.
Dice Pool: Stamina + Animalism + Size
Seeking Map
1. Find the Bugman (The Nosferatu elder knows a guy
who knows a gal if you’re willing to flirt with him.
Presence + Socialize).
2. Follow the rats (Bugman points them out, says they
know the way. Presence + Animal Ken to let them
lead you)
3. Slog through the landfill (It’s as gross as you imaged.
Getting through this demands a Resolve + Survival
4. Meet Queen Bee (The dump-dwelling vampire hive
is hard to find, requiring Wits + Survival to track
her – oh, and don’t mind the yellowjackets)

Dearly Devoted: A New Look At Devotions 207

Ordeal Trials Each success drains one Essence from the ghost, and
1. Suffer (with the Queen’s friendly Embrace, her hive- each two points of Essence become one Vitae (round
creatures try to burrow into your body) down). In addition, each success is an image or fact about
2. Endure (the Queen introduces you to all the creatures the person the ghost was or about the circumstances of
who wish to join you. Sit, and be engulfed in their their death that the vampire learns. If the vampire has a
masses, and endure it) specific question to pose to the ghost, then all the facts
and images pertain to the answer
3. Sacrifice (You must prove your commitment to the
parasites by giving them sometimes you cherish to Seeking Map
destroy) 1. Find an entrance to the Underworld (Wits + Occult)
4. Initiation (the Queen is lonely... despite all her little 2. Bargain with a ghost there for his name and story
friends. Marry her and be her King). (appropriate Social roll)
3. Convince the ghost to follow you out of the Under-
Charm the Dead world (appropriate Social roll)
(Majesty •••••, Auspex ••••, Vigor ••) 4. Conceal the entrance to the Underworld so that others
This clever power allows one to faintly perceive ghosts, may not find it (Dexterity + Survival)
and then imbue them with enough substance and atten- Ordeal Trials
tion to affect them with Majesty, then finally consume 1. Endure (ghosts rage in anger at the concealment of
them. The devoured dead provide some sustenance for the gate and attack)
the hungry vampire, but more significantly, they give up
2. Initiation (once defeated, the ghost accept you as one
images and insights into their lives and last moments.
of their own – albeit mistakenly)
Action: Extended
3. Sacrifice (pour half of your Vitae upon the ground as
Cost: 1 Vitae the ghosts lap it up)
Dice Pool: Presence + Majesty + Blood Potency re- 4. Sin (allow the ghosts to watch the most egregious act
sisted by the ghost’s Willpower of engaging in your Vice)

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones

“Mierda!” Rico cursed and spun around in the swamp, Toli yanked Rico painfully to his feet. “Corre! Vamos!” he
startled. He’d sworn something had darted right between his barked, “GO!”
feet, even though the water was just inches deep. The sudden Rico nodded through a stiff grimace, swinging his arm
movement had obviously spooked Toli, too. over his brother’s shoulder. But before they could take a step,
“Pussy,” Toli muttered through forced laughter. the marsh before them began to boil. A hulking mass broke
“Dick,” Rico rebounded, cracking his first honest smile in the surface of the brown water, uprooting the surrounding
days, and the mood lightened. He explained: “I thought I saw sawgrass as it arose. Clods of dirt, crawfish, and roots fell
something. My eyes are fucking with me—“ from the monstrous behemoth in wet clumps, revealing mud-
Abruptly, a pale, spear-like object sprung from the shallow streaked bone, as the creature heaved itself up from beneath
water, piercing Rico’s heel. It shot upward into the back of the earth. The thing, now half in and half out of the ground,
his thigh, skewering his hip. Shrieking in agony, Rico tried, was an intricate and grotesque skeleton composed from the
fruitlessly, to wrench his impaled body free of the long, curved, mismatched bones and teeth of alligators, birds and fish.
ivory spike that had emerged out of nowhere. Then, seconds Rico slumped heavily against Toli’s shoulder, fading fast.
later, the dark water reclaimed the ivory object even more Gritting his teeth in fanatical determination, Toli found new
rapidly than it had appeared. strength in his terror. His heart pulsed in his temples as he
Toli panicked and sprinted forward as Rico fell. His brother hauled his brother away from the horrific beast, slipping and
was doubled over in the muck, clutching his bleeding leg — his splashing in desperation through the swamp.
face pallid, his breath rapid. The swamp fell eerily silent, as
the brothers stared at one another in confused horror. Born from the Blood
Another crude, jagged spike shot up, barely missing their faces. Kindred traditionally refer to gargoyles as “Children of
“What the hell?” Rico stammered. It was clear now that the Stones” due to the chiseled, rock-made counterparts
whatever attacked them was nothing natural in origin. “It they sometimes mimic. In Vampire: The Requiem, they
looks like bone, but…” are described as hulking, man-shaped creatures that look

208 Bloody Business

somewhat like their namesake architectural features (see
Vampire: The Requiem, p. 226).
Gargoyles are homunculi birthed from vampire blood The Five Covenants and the Children of
and told of in ancient esoterica. They’re not strictly com- the Stones
posed of Vitae-animated stone, but can be created from • The Carthian Movement: The free-thinkers of
nearly any conceivable material in addition to a certain the Carthian Movement don’t use gargoyles all
blood price. They may be artfully constructed from glass, that often, but when they do, they use gargoyles
as a means of spying upon important political
bone, metal, discarded rubbish, wood, or even flesh. As meetings and serve as an extra set of eyes and
a result, Children of the Stones come in a vast array of ears in the city. There exists some rumor of
shapes and sizes. Depending on the type of gargoyle and gargoyles capable of destroying themselves
(along with the secret political messages
the Kindred that creates it, it might vaguely resemble a they carry) when intercepted by an unknown
human, demon, angel, inanimate object, animal, or some vampire, but the Carthian Movement claims that
form that is entirely alien and unrecognizable. Some such reports are ludicrous.
• The Circle of the Crone: It is most widely known
speak, and some do not. Some are extremely powerful that the Circle of the Crone make use of the
allies or adversaries that act as prized instruments of their Children of the Stones as trustworthy assistants
creator’s will. Some are expendable, weakly assembled for secretive blood rituals, particularly rituals
ragdolls intended to fall to shambles after completing a extremely powerful or dangerous in nature.
Some covens occasionally use gargoyles as
single task. With the exception of rare, rogue gargoyles, easily disposable sacrificial lambs to the pagan
Children of the Stones loyally and unquestioningly obey gods of ancient nights, though many such
their master’s commands. gods are unwilling to accept a sacrifice that
isn’t alive (and doesn’t squirt blood).
• The Invictus: The Invictus use gargoyles
Guardians of the Haven as bodyguards for their most influential
members, and as silent assassins for those who
Gargoyles make excellent guardians for vampiric havens, oppose their ideology.
and this is by far the most common purpose behind the • The Lancea Sanctum: Influential members of
creation of Children of the Stones. Gargoyles tirelessly the Lancea Sanctum are particularly fond of
using gargoyles as solemn attendants during
keep watch over the resting place of their masters dur- religious ceremonies. Gargoyles not only
ing daylight hours when the Damned are at their most protect their havens, but also guard powerful
vulnerable. The automaton may sound a shrieking (or religious artifacts and relics.
• The Ordo Dracul: The Ordo Dracul create
silent) alarm, imprison an intruder in a dank holding homunculi-like gargoyles to serve as test
call, or brutally crush the bones of those who would dare subjects for experiments regarding the
threaten their master’s haven or trespass into his domain. vampiric condition. Hushed whispers have
also spread throughout the city that the Ordo
Gargoyles are, in general, creatures of low intelligence Dracul once succeeded creating a gargoyle
and they possess no real will of their own. Whatever with free will and the ability to survive
they lack mentally, however, they make up for with their without a regular blood tithe. But skeptics
say that even if the Dragons succeeded in this
unswerving loyalty and the innate ability to perform basic endeavor, surely no such abomination would
tasks. Most gargoyles only understand simple commands, be allowed to remain alive by the covenant.
but they obey their master without question or complaint. Such a monstrosity would present a danger to
While a gargoyle’s primary duty is to protect a vampire the Masquerade and to all Kindred if it was
ever set loose.
haven in some way, this is by no means the only reason
Kindred create children of the Stones gargoyles. A small
gargoyle could potentially carry a message to an ally create a Child of the Stones. Basic knowledge of blood
without attracting much attention, whereas a larger and rituals performed to construct gargoyles are widely known
stronger gargoyle may be valuable in combat. The varied among the Damned, and as such, the information is not
purposes for which gargoyles are created may be seen in restricted to any particular covenant. Certain covenants
the examples to follow. possess secret knowledge of more hazardous rituals that can
produce a rare and extraordinarily powerful Children of
The Birthing Ritual the Stones, but the few who possess the guard it carefully.
While only members of a specific clan may birth certain Birthing a gargoyle is an extended action that is
sub-types of gargoyle (see the clans and gargoyles, p. 212), performed by the single vampire who is to become the
a vampire from any lineage may perform a blood ritual to automaton’s sole master. The rank of the gargoyle that is

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 209

created must be less than or equal to half the vampire’s Success: The Birthing Ritual is a success, and fledgling
Blood Potency score (round down). While other vampires gargoyle is successfully created and under the command
may donate blood to its initial Vitae cost, they are not of its new master, the ritualist.
considered a part of the Birthing Ritual. Typically, the Exceptional Success: The Birthing Ritual is a success,
steep initial blood cost is collected in a ritualistic bowl or and a fledgling gargoyle is successfully created and under
amphora from willing Kindred donors (usually members the command of the ritualist. Further, the vampire may
of a coterie or trusted allies of the would-be master). reclaim one point of lost Vitae (though to reclaim, she
The vampire then performs the ritual in utter solitude. must lick it as it spills from the gargoyle’s joints or orifices).
In doing so, the master ensures a successful, lasting con- Upkeep Cost: If a gargoyle is created successfully,
nection between Damned and gargoyle. The connection the master is required to sacrifice monthly a number of
between the two is so strong, in fact, that if the vampire points of his own Vitae equal to the rank of the gargoyle.
master falls to Final Death, the gargoyle will crumble to If the monthly blood price is not paid by the master, the
dust after a number of days equal to its master’s Blood gargoyle will crumble to dust in a number of days equal
Potency. Due to the fact that a gargoyle may survive its to the master’s Blood Potency.
master for brief period of time, it is wise for a coterie of
Allies of the Master
vampires to make sure that at least one other member is
designated as an Ally of the Master (see below). A Child After the Ritual of Creation is performed and the fledgling
of the Stones with no Kindred or haven left to protect will gargoyle recognizes its creator as its sole master, a vampire
go rogue until it crumbles to dust at the next full moon, who wishes to be considered an ally of the master must ask
randomly attacking anything that stands in its way (or in the gargoyle’s master for the right to become an ally of the
some cases, accidentally stumbles into it). gargoyle. If the vampire master concedes this wish, then
the ally may become “official” by tithing a point of Vitae to
Cost: Depending on the type of gargoyle being created,
the ritualistic components required may vary, and some
materials are far more difficult to obtain than others. The
Vitae costs may be paid by more than just the vampire Storytelling the Birthing Ritual
master, and any who contribute Vitae to this are automati-
cally considered Allies of the Master.
and Character-Unique Gargoyles
To be upfront, the birth of a gargoyle should
Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Blood Potency be sublime. Storytellers are free to describe this
(though players are encouraged to lend a narrative
Action: Extended. The number of successes required to hand) in whatever way seems most appropriate—
successfully perform the Birthing Ritual is equal to three but it’s always dramatic. Blood and material items
times the rank of the gargoyle (so a third-rank gargoyle come together to form something approximating
life. Does a bar of silver in the hand turn to vapor
requires nine successes to create). Each roll represents 3 as it drifts toward the slowly-forming gargoyle?
hours spent performing the ritual. Does it begin to rain only on this area? Do the
The ritual must be performed in solitude. If the ritual is bones of the gargoyle—meaning, twists of rebar
and knuckles of wood—come pressing up out of
interrupted in any way, the attempt fails and the partially- the earth in a hiss of steam and gurgles?
constructed automaton dissolves into dust. Any Vitae or Children of the Stones are created by their mas-
material expenditures made are not recovered. ter to serve a purpose, and the intent of the master
is reflected in his creation, but he has little control
Roll Results over the more superficial aspects of a gargoyle. To
Dramatic Failure: The gargoyle is completed in an add interest to a chronicle, a Storyteller may choose
the form that a gargoyle takes (or secretly adjust its
unstable state before a connection is successfully made abilities, if it adds to the story in some way) based
with the ritualist. The gargoyle turns upon the vampire on any number of factors — creation cost, vices or
performing the ritual, attacking him as though he were virtues of the character creating the gargoyle, or
an enemy for a number of rounds equal to the gargoyle’s even a vampire’s past actions. For example, vampire
who attempts to create a large, strong gargoyle,
level, after which the partially-constructed automaton but does not pay the complete cost at creation
dissolves into dust. Any Vitae or material expenditures may end up with a feeble gargoyle whose bark is
made are not recovered. far worse than its bite. Kindred who possesses the
Vice of Lust may end up with a Child of the Stones
Failure: No successes added to the total. If the charac- that is almost comically voluptuous. A vampire who
ter is forced to stop before the Birthing Ritual is complete, has committed diablerie in the past may create a
the ritual fails and the partially-constructed automaton gargoyle with telltale black veins or flecks of stone,
mimicking its master’s marred aura.
dissolves into dust. Any Vitae or material expenditures
made are not recovered.

210 Bloody Business

the gargoyle once per month (always on the first full moon). Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 3, Investigation 1,
While allies of the master may not command the gargoyle Occult 1, Stealth 1, Weaponry 1
to act, it will never harm Kindred who have paid a monthly Merits: Sense Danger
blood tithe, even when ordered by its own creator to do so, Willpower: 4
and it will protect allies of the master from harm to the best Initiative: 4
of its ability. If both the master and an ally of the master
Defense: 3
are in imminent danger at the same time, the gargoyle will
Speed: 10 (species factor 3)
attempt to protect its master first, unless it is instructed by
the master to protect the ally instead. While Kindred who Size: 5
reside within the haven are not required to pay the monthly Health: 10
Vitae cost, those who do not are considered trespassers by Weapons / Attacks:
the gargoyle and will be treated as such unless the master
commands his Child to allow the “trespasser” unrestricted Type Damage Dice Pool
access to the haven each month when the blood price is due. Slam 2 (B)* 10

Children of the Stones *Special: Knockdown (see the World of Darkness

As stated, the ritual performed to create a basic gargoyle Rulebook, p. 168)
is not restricted to any particular covenant (although, as Supernatural Aspects:
stated previously, certain sub-classes of gargoyle may only Material Immunity: Being made from solid metal or stone
be produced by a member of a specific clan). The following makes the Guardian Angel immune to being knocked
gargoyles have no clan restrictions and may be birthed by out, bleeding to death, disease and wound penalties
any vampire, provided she has the proper Blood Potency caused by damage.
score (halve it and round down to determine if the rank of
the gargoyle is doable), and is able to obtain the materials Child of the Stones: The Rat Nest
and Vitae necessary for the automaton’s construction. Description: The Rat Nest takes the form of a horde
of rats, each of which appears to be composed of dark
Child of the Stones: The Guardian Angel gray iron and cast from an identical mold. They creep
Description: Wryly referred to as a Guardian Angel, unseen and ever-vigilant through the walls and pipes of
this gargoyle takes the shape of a winged demon roughly a vampire haven, and will faithfully alert their creator
the size of a full-grown man. It is created from virtually of any trespassers into his domain. They will not attack
any kind of stone or metal. Some Guardian Angels look an intruder unless their master is in apparent physical
very much like the hideous, stone creatures perched atop danger, at which point they will swarm from the walls of
buildings that come to mind when one envisions a typical the haven, screeching in a cacophony of grating metal on
“gargoyle.” True, some Guardian Angels may look very metal, hundreds of beady eyes ablaze with the fiery orange
similar to their architectural counterparts, but they are of molten steel. The Rat Nest overwhelms the transgressor
not necessarily grotesque. Some Guardian Angels may, with sheer number, scratching and biting him to bloody
in fact, be quite beautiful, taking the form of a muscular shreds and burrowing through his soft, tortured flesh
winged warrior with cruelly-handsome, chiseled features, with serrated tooth and nail. Once the victim is either
or a sensual, voluptuous succubus with majestic wings. subdued or destroyed, the Rat Nest will silently retreat to
Guardian Angels often stand sentinel over a vampires’ the walls of their master’s haven, leaving behind a trail
haven, frozen in place until an unfamiliar vampire or of rust and gore.
mortal approaches, causing it to spring to life. A Guardian Rank: 2
Angel may attack and restrain or destroy the trespasser, Materials Needed: scrap iron, the mummified paw of a
depending upon its creator’s previously declared orders. rodent, a handful of hot coals
Rank: 3 Vitae Cost: 8
Materials Needed: 100 lbs of metal or stone, a small Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Resolve 2, Strength 1,
vial of holy water Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Presence 1, Manipulation 1,
Vitae Cost: 12 Composure 1
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2, Strength 5, Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Intimidation 1, Investigation 2,
Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, Presence 3, Manipulation 1, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 1, Survival 1
Composure 2 Willpower: 6

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 211

Initiative: 6 Supernatural Aspects:
Defense: 2 Mercurial Speed: The Messenger delivers its master’s no-
Speed: 14 (species factor 7) tice with the unnatural speed of mercury. When utilizing
Size: 5 the supernatural ability, Mercurial Speed, the Messenger’s
Health: 8 speed is doubled until it fulfills its mission. A Messenger
Weapons/Attacks: may use this ability once per night.
Communiqué: A Messenger may memorize a short
Type Damage Dice Pool message composed of 10 words or less, and then deliver
Bite 1(L) 2 it quickly and loyally to another Kindred. The Messenger
may deliver its message by discreetly whispering it into the
Scratch 1(L) 2 ear of the recipient, or it may use a small portion of blood
to write the communication upon a loose sheet of paper
Supernatural Aspects: or some other surface (such as a wall, or even the recipi-
Material Immunity: Being made from solid metal makes ent’s own skin). If its creator commands it, the gargoyle
the vermin of the Rat Nest immune to being knocked can also memorize a reply composed of 10 words or less to
out, bleeding to death, disease and wound penalties be returned to its master. A Messenger will never deliver
caused by damage. a message to anyone other than the vampire for whom
it is intended. If intercepted, the messenger will remain
Child of the Stones: The Messenger stoically silent and motionless until it turns to dust (due
Description: The Messenger is a tiny, impish gargoyle to not receiving its monthly blood price).
created from vampire’s blood and liquid mercury. Rather
than protecting the haven of its master, this gargoyle is The Clans and Gargoyles
specifically birthed to quickly and secretly deliver mes-
Each clan possesses certain supernatural abilities that
sages. No larger than a few inches in height, the Messenger
are typical to that clan. These specialized Disciplines are
moves quickly and stealthily through the night, looking
passed down through the Vitae of the original vampiric
like nothing more than a stray moth. The Messenger can
source from sire to childe from one generation to the next.
be trusted to show no other person the message it carries
It makes sense then that because gargoyles are animated
other than the vampire for whom it is intended.
by the Vitae of their master, that they too may possess
Rank: 1 certain unique abilities or traits related to the clan of
Materials Needed: a bead of mercury, an inkwell their creator. Blood, after all, carries everything, and in
Vitae Cost: 4 the World of Darkness, a vampire’s heritage matters in
Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 1, myriad ways.
Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Presence 2, Manipulation 1,
Composure 2 Daeva: Children of the Beloved
Skills: Academics 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Craft 1, Inves- Only the Daeva clan can birth Children of the Beloved.
tigation 2, Occult 1, Stealth 4, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, They often exhibit the grace and beauty of form that
Survival 1 Succubi enjoy. Children of the Beloved tend to attack
Willpower: 5 and defend their masters using abilities that incite pas-
Initiative: 6 sion, entrance, or otherwise play upon a victim’s emotions
in some way. The following are examples of gargoyles a
Defense: 3
Succubus might construct.
Speed: 25 (species factor 20)
Size: 1 Child of the Beloved: The Sirens
Health: 3 Description: In the labyrinthine rose garden encom-
Weapons/Attacks: passing an extravagant vampire’s haven, the Sirens take
the form of a triad of beautiful women sculpted from
Type Damage Dice Pool the purest white, semi-translucent, Penteli marble. The
Bite 1(L) 1 three maidens lounge elegantly about the brim of a large,
Baroque fountain, as though preparing to bathe in its

212 Bloody Business

glittering, moon-lit basin. They remain near the font, to hold him beneath the clear waters of the fountain until
suspended in their basking, an intruder disturbs them. If their creator commands them to release the captive, or
an unexpected guest sets foot within the garden walls, until the rays of the morning sun destroy the ensnared
the Sirens stir gracefully to a semblance of life and begin vampire.
to sing with clear, soaring voices.
The melody echoes with such bittersweet longing that Child of the Beloved: The Clockwork Mockingbird
none but the most callous and soulless of monsters would Description: When not concealing itself, The Clockwork
find themselves unmoved. If, however, the victim retains Mockingbird appears as a small, silver automaton in the
some trace of humanity, the song of the Sirens may lure form of a delicate songbird. The Clockwork Mockingbird
him to a swift, watery grave. perches in wait near a vampire haven, usually within the
Rank: 5 leaves of a nearby tree or beneath the eaves of a neigh-
boring building, until an uninvited vampire enters its
Materials Needed: The finest Penteli marble, a handful
master’s territory. When an uninvited guest approaches
of white rose petals, melted snow or rain water
the protected area’s vicinity, the gargoyle whirrs to life
Vitae Cost: 20 and takes to the sky in swift flight, calling out in a clear,
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 3, Strength 4, urgent voice. With the supernatural ability of Mimicry
Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Presence 3, Manipulation 5, (see below), the Clockwork Mockingbird deceives and
Composure 3 attracts the attention of the intruder in order to attempt
Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Empathy 3. Expression 5, to lure him away from its master’s haven.
Persuasion 3, Investigation 1, Occult 1, Socialize 2, Rank: 2
Stealth 1, Subterfuge 2
Materials Needed: pure silver, a handful of songbird
Willpower: 6 feathers, a pocket watch
Initiative: 6 Vitae Cost: 8
Defense: 2 Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Resolve 2, Strength 1,
Speed: 12 (species factor 5) Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Presence 4, Manipulation 3,
Size: 5 Composure 2
Weapons / Attacks: Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy 3, Expression 5,
Investigation 1, Persuasion 2, Socialize 3, Streetwise 2,
Type Damage Dice Pool Stealth 4, Subterfuge 3, Survival 1
Slam 2 (B)* 5 Willpower: 4
Initiative: 6
*Special: Knockdown (see the World of Darkness Defense: 1
Rulebook, p. 168) Speed: 17 (species factor 12, flight only)
Health: 8 Size: 1
Supernatural Aspects: Weapons / Attacks:
Material Immunity: Being made from solid marble makes
the Sirens immune to being knocked out, bleeding to Type Damage Dice Pool
death, disease and wound penalties caused by damage. Beak 1 (L) 2
Song of the Sirens: The moment a trespasser enters Talon 1 (L) 1
the garden of their master, the Sirens begin to sing. They
beckon to the trespasser, enticing him ever closer with
their tantalizing beauty and heart wrenching song. Song Health: 3
of the Sirens is an extended action (Manipulation + Supernatural Aspects:
Expression). Mimicry: Using Mimicry, the automaton attempts to at-
Undertow: If the intruder is successfully lured to tract the attention, concern, or curiosity of an intruder.
the fountain, the three maidens fall upon him, forcibly It may play upon the intruder’s compassionate nature by
dragging him under the water, and holding him securely imitating the sobbing or pleading of a lost child, coax him
beneath the surface with cold hands of hard, unyielding with the soft, sensual invitation of a lover, tempt a blood-
stone. If the victim is mortal, he is likely to drown. If, starved vampire with the glib chattering of easy, mortal
however, the prisoner is Kindred, the Sirens will continue prey, or goad into furious pursuit by endlessly hurling

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 213

humiliating taunts and insults at him from just around Skills: Stealth 5, Survival 1, Subterfuge 2
the corner. Once the Clockwork Mockingbird incites the Willpower: 1
trespasser to investigate further, it flits swiftly from shadow Initiative: 2
to shadow, attempting to hide itself from detection while Defense: 1
luring him further and further away from the protected
Speed: 2
haven. If the Clockwork Mockingbird fails to lure away its
Size: 3
target, it immediately attempts to fly swiftly to its creator
to alert her that an enemy approaches. Health: 4
Mimicry is an instant, resisted action, pitting the vic- Supernatural Aspects:
tim’s Composure + Empathy vs. the bird’s Manipulation Material Immunity: Being made of wood or stone makes
+ Expression. If the victim loses, he becomes distracted the Grave Marker immune to being knocked out, bleeding
and obsessed with uncovering the noise for the remainder to death, disease, and wound penalties caused by damage.
of the scene (but only that one scene). Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust: Once the Gangrel
Material Immunity: Being made from pure silver who created the Grave Marker arises from its slumber,
makes the Clockwork Mockingbird immune to being the Grave Marker simply collapses into a heap of dust.
knocked out, bleeding to death, disease and wound pen- Provided that its master remembers to retain a handful
alties caused by damage. of the gargoyle’s dust before leaving the resting place
behind (keeping the dust stored within a small pouch
Gangrel: Children of the Wild crafted for the purpose, for example), the Grave Marker
may be easily revived the next time its creator chooses a
Only the Gangrel clan can birth Children of the Wild. new resting place and requires its assistance. Before using
Children of the Wild are hard and weathered creatures. Protean to sink into the earth, the Savage may revive a
They tend to possess abilities that are intended to assure Grave Marker by sprinkling the handful of dust on the
the continued survival of their master in a harsh and un- earth in the location of the new resting place. If its master
forgiving world. The following are examples of gargoyles does not take the dust of the Grave Marker with it, the
a Savage might construct. gargoyle will remain in the same location until its master
returns to retrieve it. If its creator does not return to pay
Child of the Wild: The Grave Marker the monthly blood price, it simply remains as dust.
Description: The Grave Marker serves as a portable guard- Tabula Rasa: In most cases, Grave Markers do not
ian for Gangrel who traverse the barrens beyond the cities bear a name or epitaph upon them. For an extra point of
using the Discipline of Protean to make a haven of the earth Vitae, however, the creator of the gargoyle may choose
itself. A Grave Marker plants itself in the ground above to display a short inscription (or for an additional point
the Savage’s resting place. It takes on an appearance that of Vitae, an existing message can be removed).
blends in with the surrounding countryside. For instance, a
Chill of the Grave: When someone sets foot upon the
Grave Marker in a remote forest may look like an ancient,
resting place of the sleeping vampire, the Grave Marker
solitary, moss-covered tombstone, the name and epitaph
awakens its master with a sudden shiver down the spine,
slowly eroded away by the wind and rain of the passing
alerting her that a potential threat is near. This action
years. In locations more heavily populated by mortals, the
is reflexive, but it is entirely up to the Gangrel to decide
Grave Marker may elect to camouflage itself in a suburban
what to do with the information.
cemetery as a glossy, modern headstone, or beside a busy
intersection as a white memorial cross — lovingly adorned Child of the Wild: The Bone Ward
with small gifts and plastic flowers. When it needs to move,
Description: The Bone Ward is loosely composed of
it turns into something like a scuttling bug: largely incapable
the tooth, claw and bone of long-dead animals. The vast
of attacks, but capable of moving when it needs to.
majority of the time, it dwells in the earth surrounding its
Rank: 1 master’s haven. If an unexpected guest trespasses, a Bone
Materials Needed: limestone or wood, a handful of Ward will first attack from beneath the earth, sending
graveyard dirt up razor sharp stakes of bone to deter, confine, and even
Vitae Cost: 4 kill the intruder.
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Resolve 1, Strength 1, The Bone Ward prefers subterranean movement, bur-
Dexterity 1, Stamina 1, Presence 1, Manipulation 1, rowing swiftly and smoothly through the soil so naturally
Composure 1 that it appears to be more swimming than digging. A Bone

214 Bloody Business

Ward is rarely seen above ground. If a threat approaches, Speed: 13 (species factor 3)
the Bone Ward will make every effort to remain under- Size: 8
ground as long as possible to utilize its unusual advantage. Weapons / Attacks:
If it is forced to surface, it collects and assembles itself
into a single immense, hulking monstrosity formed from Type Damage Dice Pool
the roughly-conjoined, mismatched remains of dozens Stab 2 (L) 5
of animals in any imaginable combination of tooth and
claw, rib cages, snaking vertebrae, and bizarrely-joined Slam 3 (B)* 5
boney appendages.
Depending on the location of the chronicle and the *Special: Knockdown (see the World of Darkness
indigenous fauna thereabouts, the type of animal remains Rulebook, p. 168)
that the Bone Ward is comprised of may vary greatly. Health: 11
Rank: 4 Supernatural Aspects:
Materials Needed: bone, the tooth or claw of a wild Sense Vibration: When beneath the ground, the Bone
animal, a handful of graveyard dirt Ward can instantly detect any movement on the ground
Vitae Cost: 16 above it up to a radius of 50 yards surrounding its location.
Using this ability, the Bone Ward can flawlessly detect
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 5,
the location of trespassers above ground.
Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Presence 2, Manipulation 2,
Composure 3 Subterranean Celerity: When the Bone Ward is un-
Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Crafts 2, Intimidation 1, In- derground, it can burrow through the earth at an incred-
vestigation 1, Occult1, Stealth 4, Subterfuge 1, Survival 1, ible speed. When beneath the earth, the Bone Ward’s
Weaponry 1 Speed gains a +10 bonus.
Willpower: 6 Bone Cage: A Bone Ward can thrust a ring of thick,
curved, tusk-like bones up from beneath the earth, form-
Initiative: 8
ing a perimeter of bone around an enemy. This grants a +3
Defense: 3

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 215

to all grapple rolls, but the Bone Ward must remain im- the intruder morosely with shining black eyes. Physically
mobile when using this ability. The diameter of the ring unimposing and seemingly innocuous at a glance, the
may be no larger than ten feet. Raven is often ignored as its power over an intruder rises
Bone Spike: The Bone Ward may shoot a sharpened to an elegant crescendo. Its gaze is nothing more than
bone spike through the earth, attacking victims from unsettling at first. The trespasser’s breath may quicken,
underground. The spike can extend no further than two his heart may race, or he may begin to feel claustropho-
yards from the ground. This is a Strength + Brawl roll, bic within a tiny waiting room. The longer the intruder
inflicting lethal damage. On an exceptional success, the spends under the unwavering, sinister gaze of the Ra-
bone spike impales the intruder, and although the enemy ven, however, the more agitated and uncomfortable he
vampire is not technically staked, he is still physically becomes. If he is not permitted access to the haven by
restrained by the spike, and must find some creative way its occupants, he will eventually feel the overwhelming
to free himself from the spike. urge to leave the parlor immediately. If he continues to
Ossify: The Bone Ward can thicken its compact os- refuse to leave the room, or becomes trapped within it, the
seous tissue, in order to compensate for impact. When trespasser will eventually sink completely into madness.
making use of the ability Ossify, the gargoyle may gain Rank: 2
an Armor rating of 2. This armor is cumulative with Materials Needed: obsidian, a handful of raven feathers
armor from other sources. This shift is performed as an Vitae Cost: 8
instant action, and the gargoyle suffers a -1 to Strength Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 4, Strength 1,
and Dexterity while using this ability. Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Presence 3, Manipulation 1,
Bone Chimera: As an extended action, the Bone Ward Composure 3
may emerge from the earth and assemble itself into a Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Empathy 1, Expression 4,
hulking, monstrous, skeletal chimera made from the bone, Intimidation 2, Investigation 1, Occult 1, Persuasion 1,
tooth, and nail of various wild animals local to the area it Stealth 2, Survival 3
was created in. This transformation allows it to pursue or Willpower: 7
attack an enemy above ground, but it also makes it more Initiative: 6
vulnerable to attack. While in the process of assembling
Defense: 3
itself, the Bone ward’s Armor rating suffers a -2 penalty.
The Bone Ward can maintain its form as a Chimera for Speed: 14 (flight only, species factor 10)
one scene or until it chooses to revert to its typical form as Size: 2
scattered animal bones beneath the earth. Note that this Weapons / Attacks:
is the only way the Bone Ward manifests above ground.
Type Damage Dice Pool
Material Immunity: Being made from the skeletal
remains of animals makes the Bone Ward immune to Beak 1 (L) 4
being knocked out, bleeding to death, disease and wound Talon 1 (L) 2
penalties caused by damage.
Health: 4
Mekhet: Children of the Shadows Supernatural Aspects:
Only the Mehket clan can birth Children of the Shadows. Glower: An uninvited vampire who enters a haven pro-
Children of the Shadows toy tend to toy with the minds tected by the Raven may become prey to its supernatural
of their victims in some way or make use of illusion or power, Glower. As an instant, contested action that may
deception to trap or mislead intruders. The following are be used once every fifteen minutes, the Raven’s relentless
examples of gargoyles a Shadow might construct. stare drives an intruder slowly to the brink of insanity.
Glower pits the gargoyle’s Presence + Expression versus
Child of the Shadows: The Raven the character’s Wits + Composure. If the attack is suc-
Description: The Raven looks like a hard, glossy version cessful, the trespasser develops a mild derangement of
of the black, melancholy bird, from which it takes its the Storyteller’s choice (see derangements on p. 97 of
name. Carved from solid obsidian, it can often be found The World of Darkness Rulebook). If a subsequent
perched above the door of a vampire haven or within attack using the same ability succeeds, the Storyteller
a stuffy parlor atop a dusty, antique bookshelf. If some may increase the character’s newly acquired derangement
unknown Kindred (or kine) enters the parlor, the Raven from mild to severe, or may choose to bestow a second,
says nothing, and does little more than gaze down upon

216 Bloody Business

mild derangement upon the intruding vampire. There is Marley’s Door can deceive the intruder into believing that
no limit on the number of derangements the trespasser he has entered any imaginably location: a janitor’s closet, a
may acquire under the ever vigilant eye of the Raven, dense forest thick with briars in the dead of night, or even
and the effects last for 24 hours or until the gargoyle’s to the intruder’s own haven. The one place it does not lead,
master instructs the Raven to remove the derangements. however, is its creator’s haven. The ability Trick Door is
It should be noted that the Raven may not remove pre- an instant and contested when an unfamiliar vampire or
existing derangements. The gargoyle may only remove mortal walks through Marley’s Door, pitting the gargoyle’s
derangements caused by Glower. Wits + Subterfuge against the target’s. When successful,
Material Immunity: Being made from solid obsidian the trespasser enters a trance-like state inside the Shadow’s
makes the Raven immune to being knocked out, bleeding haven, believing that he is elsewhere until the gargoyle’s
to death, disease and wound penalties caused by damage. master can decide what to do with the unwelcome guest.
Trick Door lasts for 24 hours or until the master of Marley’s
Child of the Shadows: Marley’s Door Door commands the gargoyle to lift the illusion.
Description: Marley’s Door takes its name from the Shift Threshold: Once per night, Marley’s Door has the
spectral apparition of Ebenezer Scrooge’s deceased busi- ability to bind itself to another doorway located within its
ness partner mentioned in Charles Dickens’ 1843 novel, master’s haven, linking the two doors together. Marley’s
A Christmas Carol. The gargoyle appears to be a heavy Door may, for example, link itself to the door to a prison
wooden door with a knocker of glinting steel. The knocker cell within its master’s haven. When the intruder passes
often bears the face of a fierce Beast or a demon with a through the door, he ends up in the prison cell. There the
cold, unwelcoming expression fixed resolutely upon its he remains, until he is set free or finds some other way to
grotesque face relaying an ominous warning to would-be free himself.
intruders. While the demonic knocker of Marley’s Door Material Immunity: Being made from wood and brass
does fill unwanted visitors with a sense of foreboding, makes Marley’s Door immune to being knocked out,
the gargoyle’s real power lies in its ability to misdirect bleeding to death, disease and wound penalties caused
and mislead intruders. The only animation the door can by damage.
muster is swinging back and forth, open and closed.
Rank: 3 Nosferatu: Children of the Despised
Materials Needed: brass, oak, a lantern Only the Nosferatu clan can create Children of the De-
Vitae Cost: 12 spised. Haunts birth gargoyles that may appear hideous
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 1, and outright repellant to an intruder, or they may simply
Dexterity 1, Stamina 2, Presence 2, Manipulation 3, be innately unsettling to behold. The following are ex-
Composure 1 amples of gargoyles a Haunt might construct.
Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 2, Intimidation 3, Inves-
tigation 1, Occult 1, Persuasion 3m Subterfuge 5 Child of the Despised: The Discarded One
Willpower: 4 Description: The Discarded One is composed from the
Initiative: 2 foulest, most disgusting refuse of the masses of humanity.
Defense: 1 Various available refuse items such as rotting food, shreds
Speed: n/a (Marley’s Door remains utterly stationary, of greasy newspaper, and moldering, discarded rags are
apart from being able to open and close itself, and relies assembled from garbage into a vaguely humanoid shape.
entirely upon its supernatural abilities to impede trespass- A pair of rolling, yellow, lid-less human eyes then super-
ers in its master’s haven.) naturally surface from within a malformed lump of foul
waste meant to be the thing’s head. Finally, broken shards
Size: 7
of multi-colored glass or tile are formed into jagged rows of
Health: 9 teeth within a crudely improvised mouth. The smell of the
Supernatural Aspects: Discarded One is nothing less than repugnant, and most
Trick Door: When an unwelcomed guest stands before creatures find it instantaneously and violently nauseating.
Marley’s Door, it appears to be an ordinary door (it may The Discarded One can collapse into an innocuous
be locked or bolted shut, as with any door). If instructed to heap of garbage or assemble itself into a lurching and
do so, it may creak slightly ajar allowing him a glimpse of abhorrent semblance of a body at will. If the stench of
the foyer within. Once a trespasser crosses the threshold, the Discarded One alone does not ward off an intruder,
though, he suddenly finds himself someplace else entirely. it attacks, hurling vile chunks of itself at the trespasser.

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 217

Rank: 3 form that is vaguely humanoid to engage in combat, create
Materials Needed: urban refuse, sewage appendages from its refuse to reach a handhold that would
Vitae Cost: 12 normally be too high, or collapse into a formless, innocu-
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 4, ous heap of trash. These changes last for a scene or until
Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Presence 2, Manipulation 1, the Discarded One chooses to revert to its typical form.
Composure 2 Material Immunity: Being utterly composed of refuse
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Crafts 1, Empathy 1, Ex- makes the Discarded One immune to being knocked out,
pression 5, Firearms 1, Intimidation 3, Investigation 1, bleeding to death, disease and wound penalties caused
Occult 1, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Stealth 3, Streetwise 2, by damage.
Survival 2, Weaponry 2
Child of the Despised: The Paper Doll
Willpower: 5
Description: When undisguised, the Paper Doll is a
Initiative: 4
horrific, faceless mannequin with long, thin, quill-tipped
Defense: 2 fingernails sewn together from yellowed parchment and
Speed: 9 (species factor 3) stuffed with sawdust. When creating a Paper Doll, the
Size: 7 Nosferatu meticulously flays off its own skin and pains-
Weapons / Attacks: takingly creates the vellum. The resulting gargoyle is
then propped in the foyer of a Haunt’s haven, perhaps
Type Damage Dice Pool haphazardly leaning against a wall or positioned in an
Hurl 2(B) 5 overstuffed armchair like a grotesque figure in a wax
Slam 2 (B)* 10 museum. When an unknown vampire enters the haven
of the Paper Doll’s master, the automaton assumes the
appearance of the Kindred that created it, down to the
*Special: Knockdown (see the World of Darkness smallest detail. The disguised gargoyle may relay a simple
Rulebook, p. 168) message to the intruder if its master has preemptively com-
Health: 10 manded it to do so, such as “You are not welcome here.
Supernatural Aspects: Leave this place immediately,” or “Leave the package on
Arouse Disgust: As an instant action that may be used the table and go.” If the newcomer refuses to comply and/
once per scene, the Discarded One may provoke an or leave, the Paper Doll attacks, showing its true form and
intruder to become suddenly and acutely aware of the clawing at the intruder with unexpected agility.
extreme filth in which he wades, pitting the gargoyle’s Rank: 4
Presence + Expression versus the character’s Wits + Materials Needed: the skin of the master (see description
Composure. If the attack is successful, the trespasser above), quills, sawdust
develops a mild phobia of contamination — specifically,
Vitae Cost: 16
by the Discarded One (see Phobia on p. 189 of Vampire:
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength
the Requiem) for the following 24 hours. If the gargoyle
3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, Presence 3, Manipulation 3,
rolls an exceptional success, the vampire develops Hys-
Composure 3
teria, also regarding contamination by the refuse of the
Discarded One, (see Hysteria on p. 189 of Vampire: the Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Crafts 2. Occult 1, Investiga-
Requiem) for the following 24 hours. tion 1, Stealth 1, Weaponry 1, Expression 1, Intimidation
1, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Subterfuge 4
Nauseate: As an instant action that may be used once
per scene, the Discarded One can produce a stench so Willpower: 6
foul that it causes the victim to become violently ill. If Initiative: 8
the vampire has imbibed any blood within the past three Defense: 3
hours, he immediately vomits and loses the recently Speed: 13 (species factor 5)
gained Vitae. On an exceptional success, the intruder Size: 5
continues to retch (despite an empty stomach) and can- Weapons / Attacks:
not feed to gain additional Vitae for the next 24 hours.
Alter Composition: The Discarded One can reflexively Type Damage Dice Pool
alter its form as an instant action, twisting, stretching or Slice 2(L) 8
warping the garbage it is composed of to gain unusual ad-
vantages. For example, the gargoyle may gather itself into a Health: 7

218 Bloody Business

Supernatural Aspects: Ventrue: Children of the Estate
Hide True Form: The Paper Doll has the supernatural
ability to hide its true form and take on the appearance Only the Ventrue clan can birth Children of the Estate.
of the Nosferatu from whose skin it is made. The gargoyle Children of the Estate are often quite beautiful in an
may even feign a Predator’s Taint by amplifying the effects imposing way, and typically subdue enemies by physically
of the Vitae that animates it. When hiding its true form, overpowering them with merciless force. The following
the gargoyle takes a -2 penalty to its Composure rolls. Al- are examples of gargoyles a Lord might construct.
though the Paper Doll may look and sound exactly like its Child of the Estate: The Golden Idol
master, it can only mimic up to three simple phrases, each
composed of 10 words or less as instructed beforehand. Description: A Golden Idol takes the form of a gleaming
statuette of a calf cast from solid gold. As in Christian
Blood Inscription: A paper doll has the ability to inscribe
theology, the golden calf may be interpreted as a meta-
the thoughts of its victim upon its parchment skin. During
phor criticizing the pursuit of wealth and indulgence. It
an attack, if a Paper Doll successfully slices open a vampire’s
is somewhat ironic, therefore, that notoriously ambitious
flesh with its quill-tipped fingernails, it instantly senses the
Ventrue create this gargoyle to guard their lavish and
intruder’s current thoughts through his Vitae (or blood, if
excessive havens. The Golden Idol is placed in the cen-
mortal). The Paper doll may then choose to retreat in order
ter of a narrow foyer. If a trespasser encroaches upon its
to hastily scrawl crude sentence fragments and childish
master’s haven, the gargoyle appears to be nothing more
drawings upon its skin, the resulting images and/or writing
than a piece of fine art on display. It need not move, for
representing the thoughts it gleans from the victim’s blood
the Golden Idol may manipulate the Vitae within a vam-
during the attack. Using this morbid ability, a Paper Doll may
pire’s body, forcing him to kneel until its master returns
later display the stolen fragments of thought to its master.
or violently compelling the intruder’s legs to carry him
Material Immunity: Being constructed from parch- back out the door. (It should be noted that these gargoyles
ment and sawdust makes the Paper Doll immune to be- needn’t actually be of a calf; any animal will do. Some
ing knocked out, bleeding to death, disease and wound Ventrue have even created ones that are golden doppel-
penalties caused by damage. gangers of themselves.)

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 219

Rank: 4 of urban mansions in which rich and powerful Ventrue
Materials Needed: gold, calf blood lords reside. Stone Sentinels are sheer powerhouses of
Vitae Cost: 16 solid stone, and its only purpose is to physically tear the
enemies of its master, quite literally, limb from limb.
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 0,
Dexterity 0, Stamina 2, Presence 5, Manipulation 5, Rank: 5
Composure 4 Materials Needed: Onyx, a lion’s pelt
Skills: Empathy 2, Intimidation 2, Manipulation 5, Oc- Vitae Cost: 20
cult 1, Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 1 Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 5,
Willpower: 7 Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Presence 4, Manipulation 3,
Initiative: 4 Composure 3
Defense: 0 Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 5, Intimidation 5, Investigation
Speed: n/a (The Golden Idol remains utterly stationary 1, Occult 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Subterfuge 1
and relies entirely upon its supernatural abilities to impede Willpower: 6
trespassers in its master’s haven.) Initiative: 7
Size: 2 Defense: 3
Health: 4 Speed: 22 (species factor 13)
Supernatural Aspects: Size: 10
Solid Form: Being made from solid gold makes the Weapons / Attacks:
Golden Idol immune to being knocked out, bleeding to
Type Damage Dice Pool
death, disease and wound penalties caused by damage.
Playing God: Within a radius of five feet, the Golden Claw 1 (L) 20
Idol may seize nearly total control of a trespasser’s body Bite 1 (A) 10
as an instant, contested action, pitting the gargoyle’s Slam 3 (B)* 20
Presence + Manipulation versus the character’s Wits
+ Composure. If the attack is successful, the Golden
*Special: Knockdown (see the World of Darkness
Idol may manipulate the Vitae within a vampire’s body,
Rulebook, p. 168)
forcing him move or stand stock still (depending upon
the provisional order of its master) for as long as the tres- Health: 15
passer remains within a five foot radius of the gargoyle or Supernatural Aspects:
until the Golden Idol’s creator instructs it to release the Solid Form: Being made from solid onyx makes the Stone
intruder. The victim may break the control by spending Sentinel immune to being knocked out, bleeding to death,
a number of Willpower points equal to the Idol’s rank disease and wound penalties caused by damage.
(in this case, four). Roar: The Stone Sentinel may open its gaping maw
and let out an ear-splitting roar that strikes terror into
Child of the Estate: The Stone Sentinel the enemies of its master and sends them running away
Description: The Stone Sentinel takes the form of a with a deeply-rooted, instinctive fear of the gargoyle that
towering, regal lion carved from cool, smooth, jet-black shakes the very Beast within. Roar is an instant, contested
onyx. They stand guard in plain view as imposing and action, pitting the Stone Sentinel’s Presence + Intimida-
grandiose works of environmental art, outside of sprawling tion versus the intruding vampire’s Wits + Composure.
corporate buildings or in the gleaming, spacious lobbies

220 Bloody Business

Story Hooks:
• In China, Emperor Qinshihuangdi lies entombed with 8,000 stone warriors to protect him in the afterlife. Wildly
fragmented legends exist of a vampire known as Tiao Tai Nu, who is rumored to have possessed immense power
circulate among the most ancient of kindred. Certain fanatical Kindred scholars insist that Nu made a ghoul of
Emperor Qinshihuangdi, and that the 8,000 stone warriors are really gargoyles, somehow suspended in a state
of eternal slumber.
If the legends are uncorrupted by the maddening effects of torpor, how was Nu able to create children of
the stone and rule them on that scale? Was there a horde of stone warriors scouring the Chinese countryside,
collecting the blood Nu would require to expand and fuel this vast, fabled army? If the 8,000 warriors really are
Children of the Stones, why have they not crumbled to dust as gargoyles always do when not paid a monthly
blood tithe from their master? Does Nu still exist tonight, entombed in torpid slumber within a carefully hidden
tomb? Historians find many of these tales difficult to swallow. Others argue that it was customary during that time
to create children of the stone to protect the tombs of powerful kindred during torpor. The sleeping vampire’s
childe typically created such gargoyles, however, and never on such a vast scale.
• An influx of neonate Kindred in trendy South Florida has brought with it both the positive and negative trap-
pings of youth. Whispered campaigns circulate among the newly Damned of a mysterious party circuit circulate,
attracting these young vampires, along with handsome profits. Clearly, this behavior tempts fate and endangers
the masquerade — how has it been permitted to escalate to such a point?
In tandem, eccentric Cuban Kindred cite tales of a potent elder, Delphia. According to some, Delphia left Cuba
in the early 1950’s, seeking solitude in the Everglades, and protecting her remote haven with an immensely
powerful Bone Ward. She is rumored to have gone mad in her self-imposed isolation from the usual eternal
torment that plagues the Damned. Such a tale is not uncommon, but the story of Delphia is bizarrely connected
to those of the dangerous, new party circuit.
Too powerful to exist on human blood alone, Delphia is rumored to make the occasional appearance at these
wild neonate gatherings. Is she the ringleader of this new party circuit that endangers the Masquerade, and
therefore the very existence of the Damned? If so, can she be stopped?
• Several witnesses have come forward describing a hulking beast, with flesh like granite, skulking though
the shadows of the city. In tandem, several prominent kindred were brutally torn from their havens and
forced to burn beneath the sun’s lethal light. Is a Child of the Stones being used by its master to commit
these heinous acts? If so, who is the vampire (or vampires) behind the attacks? Or is the beast of stone one
of the rare gargoyles self-conscious and intelligent enough to act upon its own free will. Who will be next
to die, and why?

Gargoyles: Children of the Stones 221

Bruce tugged at his cravat. He’d hated ties Outside, the crowd was dividing itself, as it

A Season PofF S-ecrets
when he was alive. Since dying he’d rested out
his days in storage lockers, garden sheds, the
winter basements of abandoned buildings. He
didn’t even need to breathe if he wasn’t going
to talk. But still the rag around his throat made
always did. Typically, this was by age, subdi-
vided by politics, with some preferring to break
up into cliques based on heritage (either their
histories when alive, or by particular details of
their cursed unlives). But tonight, in addition
him uncomfortable. to sides and factions forming in response to
“Don’t fidget,” the Prince said, then straight- Norris’ bitter legacy, people were also splitting
ened the folds of cloth with a delicate fussiness up based on dress.

that Bruce couldn’t help but find a little fruity. The people who’d done their homework
He squelched the thought as soon as it crossed and were in proper Georgian attire—high-
his mind, because he didn’t know if Maxwell waisted pastel dresses for women, with

could read his mind or what. elaborate rounded coifs under massive hats,
The Prince of the city smiled at Bruce and knee britches and riding coats for men—were
ruffled his hair. “It’s going to be just fine,” he forming a loose crowd, raising supercilious
said affectionately. He’d been really nice to eyebrows at the younger or more ignorant
Bruce ever since he’d started feeding off him. who heard “1800” but thought “Victorian”

Feeding had become a big thing for the and immediately went corset shopping. Some,
Prince, and Bruce certainly understood the especially the young and poor, were dressed
anxiety of vampire hunger. That shit could as they always were, jeans, leather jackets.
make you do crazy stuff, really evil. But if Bruce Kindred who had a particular style that they
had it right (something he always had to forced upon every Elysium—tats and latex,
second-guess) the Prince could now only feed burqua or nakedness—kept on as they always

off other vampires. Which was, he’d admit, a did, mingling with a few who had the depth of
pain in the ass. But at least Maxwell could be knowledge to dress as English counter-culture
sure that anyone he snacked on ‘cause he had or as a revolutionary French peasant.
to wouldn’t go whining to the cops or beef Solomon Birch was in a period priest’s collar.
about it on WGN. As the boss honcho, he could Persephone Moore looked like the cover of a
just order people to feed him, so Bruce didn’t Jane Austen reprint, with a fake beauty mark
quite see the problem. On the other hand, the as an ironic nod to the period. Maxwell had
Prince could think circles around Bruce in three overseen Bruce’s costuming in buckled shoes,
different languages, probably while watching brimmed hat and shad-belly coat, and when he
TV and chewing gum. judged the time was right, he had the orchestra
They were behind the “authorized personnel strike up an imposing Beethoven melody. The
only” door in the Shedd Aquarium’s Oceanari- Prince stepped forth and enjoyed the gasps.
um section. The free access areas were closed The young had known Maxwell only as a
to the daily public, but open to Chicago’s noc- fashionably modern authority figure, by turns
turnal predators. From the lowliest unbound stern and jovial but always cool enough. Older
(like Bruce) to the mightiest elder (like Maxwell) Kindred remembered him as a peer, less pol-
all could come, coexist in peace, discuss matters ished than his Princely persona but always striv-
of profound importance (like who was feuding ing for sophistication, always studying, always
with whom) and socialize. pursuing elegance and achieving it more and
It was Elysium and it was packed because more as the years wore on.
after a couple months’ hiding out, Maxwell “Good evening,” the Prince said, spreading
was hosting. The announcement had gone his arms. “This is what I looked like upon my
out, in channels so thorough and subtle that Embrace.”
the Kindred didn’t really question how they His hair was wild, woolly, great in size like a
knew, it was just suddenly in the air, like the ‘70s revolutionary’s afro, but so unkempt and
first few flakes of a coming snow. Tonight’s matted that it looked more like a thorn bush.
Elysium: a historical theme based on the year The beard matched, reaching down to his
of the Prince’s Embrace, 1800. collarbones and sticking wildly out past the
radius of his ears. He wore stained He went to his chair, the Princely minded! I forbade the Embrace, I kept
buckskins, ragged and ill-repaired, chair Solomon had built for him that us from open murder of each other,
and his feet were shoeless. was as close to being a throne as one and my reward for that was that Norris
Maxwell knew how ridiculous he could get without being absurd. He and his devious ilk took the breathing
looked, of course he did. He played sat down and crossed his legs. room I’d provided and used it to plot
into it with the crowning touch—a “My lord,” Solomon said, and against me. I know your thoughts,”
period-authentic clay pipe. It was stopped. He came forward, slowly, he said, spinning to pin Bella with a
clumsily made and clearly, just from and the look on his face was almost glance, voice rising. “Right now, Christ,
the way he held it, an object of sen- unbearably poignant. Even the still you’re so transparently predictable,
timental value to him. and shriveled hearts of dead preda- you’re even now thinking how you
“I hear you gasping,” he said. “I tors who hated him couldn’t help can use this to remove me from office
but be stirred a little at the pity and and replace me with a Circle Prince,
know. I’ve changed a lot, hm? All
horror the Bishop evinced. It was presumably you, when your Covenant
those years of nightly haircuts and
sincere, it was shockingly selfless would permit and even encourage a
careful shaves to conceal my rude
and the cynics would later natter on thousand cruelties and blasphemies
nigra origins.”
about the vinculum, about Maxwell’s only a few degrees less reviled than
“Represent!” someone shouted
skill with mind control, but it was the one of which I am guilty.
from the crowd, a comment the
indisputable. No matter how it got “I have committed Amaranth!” His
Prince met with an eye-roll.
there, the concern on Solomon’s face voice was a shriek. “I shout the word
“I hid what I was as we all hide what was undeniably real, and he spoke as you hesitate to whisper! I refuse to be
we now are,” he said, his voice seem- if he and Maxwell were the only ones a mealy-mouthed hypocrite about it,
ingly contemplative and private but in the room. Scratch, and I refuse to accept that it
projecting to the farthest corner of makes me less of a leader than I was
“My lord, you are sick. You… you
the room. Usually his speeches were before, Justine.”
need help. It can be well, and I can
proclamations, loud and public and
help you. Please, I beg you to move At the pointed use of their names,
with plenty of eye contact for the
beyond this sin, to… to…” the two elders reacted. Scratch, in-
crowd. But tonight his eyes were low-
“I don’t need your help, Solomon,” stinctively, vanished. Justine became
ered, toying with the pipe, seeming
Maxwell said, and the Bishop froze. statue still, the only thing moving her
for all the world as if he were musing
“I know what I did and I have no lengthening fangs.
in private to himself.
current plans to repeat it. But you “I killed Norris and who misses him,
“I am Maxwell Clarke and I am a know what?” He looked out over the eh? He provoked me one time too
diablerist.” Kindred assembly. “I reserve the right many and I got sick of it. His crimes
When he said that, he looked up. to do it again.” were enormous, so he reaped an
The sound was remarkable. Because “This is intolerable!” The man who enormous punishment. You don’t
vampires need to breathe only when stood and cried out was Invictus, a want your soul devoured? Then don’t
they’re going to talk or smoke or use member of Maxwell’s own nominal piss me off. Don’t stab me in the back
their lungs for some specific purpose, covenant. and try to laugh it off. Don’t try to take
many in the audience had left theirs “Intolerable? Is it?” The Prince stood away what is mine.”
empty and flat. At the Prince’s admis- and stared him down. “I have done “My lord, you must relinquish Praxis
sion, the simultaneous inflation of a everything for you, you mob of in- immediately or it will be removed by
hundred chest cavities set the whole grates! Enforced the Masquerade to force.” The voice speaking was flat,
room moaning, a brief but dire groan keep your selfish indiscretions con- calm and inexorable. Many present
of dread and disbelief. Some instinc- cealed! Mediated the petty conflicts didn’t know the woman speaking.
tively drew back and Maxwell laughed. that fall like a cold drizzle, constantly, She looked dowdy in her Georgian
He pointed at them and laughed. every group whining about the oth- frock, just as she usually looked
“What?” he asked. “What, do you ers, each one consumed with its own dowdy in subdued Chanel suits and
think I’m going to do it again? Right blind greed. I have tried to create tasteful gold jewelry. Lillian Vander-
now? Do you think I’m going to lunge peace and security, and I have been pool never really got comfortable
across the room and start chowing mocked for softness. I have striven to in her body as a corpse, and she still
down on neonates one after the contain us, the better to hide us all, stood awkwardly, like a posed man-
other? Please.” and been whined at for being small nequin, as she decried the Prince.
“By force? Whose force, your Carthi- subdued and nervous Earth Baines, and wouldn’t have stopped any other
ans? Look me in the eye and tell the by every appearance. time, so don’t act like he was the little
truth, do you really believe there’d be “Um, okay,” Maxwell said, tilting his orphan from the Les Miz poster. You’re
more peaceful nights with a Carthian head with a little snicker. “I suppose I concerned that I drained a magician
Prince, or would it be long knives and should have expected this. Go ahead, dry and that’s legitimate, so let me
pogroms? Sylvia, Solomon, someone you have the floor.” explain. I killed him for, eh, three rea-
put that Longinus spell on her, the The strange mortal—tall and sons. One, he was a dick. You prob-
one that makes her puke bugs when imposing and dressed all in white— ably know this, he was an arrogant
she lies. Let’s see if Ms. Vanderpool looked over the crowd of monsters snot who didn’t pay me the proper
really thinks I’ve done a poor job of with no fear on his face, only a calm respect. Two, I didn’t want to pay him
keeping peace.” calculation as he said, “Your master, what I owed him, and killing him was
“It’s not a matter of your job perfor- Maxwell Clarke, is a soul-eater.” easier. Yes, that’s kind of a scumbag
mance,” she said. “I fear you have fallen The silence that followed was the maneuver, I’ll fess up, but you get
prey to your most indelicate urges.” more mundane quiet, people not in the ring with a bloodsucker, you
“Oh, now I’m crazy?” Maxwell be- talking, and it was brief before the have to expect the occasional low
gan to laugh. “Yes, you’re probably Prince started to giggle. blow. Three, I was curious if there was
right! I’d have to be a lunatic to try anything special about this so-called
“Oh,” he snorted. “Your timing just
transparency and honesty in this ‘mystical blood.’ You can rest easy
could not be worse.”
snake pit! But sane or crazy, evil or on that account. No cool colors, no
Now the man in white seemed flus- exhilaration, no satori or mystic crys-
good, I’m your Prince and I hold this
tered. Just a little, but whatever he’d tal revelations. I think he may have
society together. You may hate me,
been expecting from the crowd—dis- been dosing on synthroid, but other
but you need me. No matter who you
belief, rage, anarchy and terror—he than that, he tasted like a suburban
are, you know that I’m a better Prince
wasn’t getting it. Maxwell continued. insurance salesman. I’m not about to
than you’re likely to get otherwise.
Even if I’m a cannibal! Even if I’m a “How about you cut to the chase start dropping your people like birds
madman! I’m nobody’s first choice, here? Setting aside the very relevant because your magical blood is soooo
but I bet all of my enemies can think question of whether we have souls, special and wonderful, all right? My
of three or four candidates for Prince you don’t give a damn about one curiosity’s satisfied and no one wants
who’d be a whole lot worse. Solo- vampire committing unspeakable a big blowup over one unpopular
mon? Justine? Bella? Walter Barowski acts on another.” shitbird, so are we done here?”
or Max Maurey? There are a lot of low “No,” the visitor said. “No, I’m here Before the white-clad visitor could
cards in that hand—no offense,” he about Nartaka.” reply, Maxwell had turned back to
added, glancing at Justine and Solo- “I assume that’s the dead guy Earth the Kindred.
mon with a wry twist on his lips. here was tasked with hiding? Inciden- “This just underscores my point,”
And then the room went silent. tally, Baines—I’m pretty sure McLean he said. “I’m tired of being lobbied,
It wasn’t just that people stopped picked you because you were dispos- taken for granted and schemed
speaking. It was like a speaker was able if you fucked the mission up, and against. I am now, officially, a tyrant.
unplugged. The lapping of water you managed to even fuck up your You all knew I’d ignore my own laws,
in the tanks, the shuffle of feet and own disposability. Bravo, big guy.” Persephone here proved that, and
the resonances of random sounds Earth looked like he was wishing I’m sick of the pretense. I get to do
in the acoustics of the musicians’ the ground would open and swal- whatever I want. You don’t. You don’t
instruments, it all went instantly still, low him. Embrace, you don’t kill one another,
every sound wave died, a moment of “We had an understanding, Clarke,” you sure as hell don’t commit dia-
deafness attended Elysium, and then the man in white began. blerie, but if I feel like it, I can do any
a voice broke it. “Okay, look, let’s not pretend any of that. I think you’ll put up with it,
“I will be heard.” of you gave two shakes of a rat’s cock I really do. Because the alternatives
Nobody saw where the man came about that guy. If he’d had friends are worse. Because in my tenure, I’ve
from, but every Kindred present was among his community, he wouldn’t run this city better than any Prince
aware that this was a living human, have come to me. He made it crisply anyone can remember. Because
heart pumping blood and standing clear that you guys wouldn’t have with me, Chicago works. If you don’t
next to… Earth Baines? A curiously pissed on him if his head was on fire, agree? Think you can do better? All
right, try to upset the apple cart. Just “The Prince has moved Bruce into his She shrieked as he flung her to the
remember Norris. He had half of us brownstone.” ground, diving on top of her moments
blackmailed, he was old and smart “It’s only a gesture,” Birch replied. before the report of gunshots ripped
and had a legion of spies behind him. “Would you really prefer to be his through the air. He sprang off her and
Look where he ended up.” daughter-concubine, living under the crash of gunfire underscored the
••• his roof? The Prince has the Temple thuds of bodies crashing into walls
“I’m surprised you decided to meet with rolling out Vitae Reliquaries for him, and rebounding off floors. By the
many of them, but I worry that it’s time she got to her feet and followed,
me,” Solomon said two weeks later.
only a temporary solution.” Solomon was kneeling on top of a
“Maybe I came to gloat.” Persephone
struggling Aurora Hatch, her pistol a
replied. They were in a foreclosed “As opposed to what?”
yard away, still gently smoking.
house, Persephone had a key. She’d “Removing him from power! His
“You bitch!” Aurora screamed. “I’ll
chosen the place, she knew the exits, sin against Norris has maddened and
end you! She was my daughter!”
she had gotten there first and had corrupted him…”
people watching it all day. She wasn’t “Hold her head steady,” Solomon
.”..and now that you’re no longer
sure how much that would help if said. “Do you have a pocketknife? I’m
Bishop you’ve set your sights higher?”
Solomon decided to hurt her again. unarmed.”
Solomon closed his eyes and
“That’s going around,” he said. “A Mutely, Persephone pulled a knife
looked pained. Then he produced
little arrogance is always common out of Aurora’s boot. “She always kept
an insect shell from the pocket of
when one takes power. Just as a little it there,” she muttered.
his sport coat and showed it to her.
self-pity and guilt are common when “I knew nothing about this,”
“A magic trick,” he said sardonically,
one loses power.” Solomon said, grunting as Aurora
then muttered in Latin.
“I have to think you’ve fallen pretty thrashed beneath him. “I think she
“I’m a kindly man and universally came for both of us. Hold her head,
far if you’re coming to me for help. loved,” Solomon continued, and bugs Persephone! Stop being useless!”
What happened to your legion of poured from between his lips. He
fundie followers?” Uneasily, Persephone complied.
grimaced and sputtered them out.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh, they’re around. I haven’t been “Bah, vile. You know this spell, yes?
stripped of my status as a priest, No unclean words can pass my lips “Cutting off her eyelids so she has
just… relieved of the political duties unmarked now. I shall endure the to meet my gaze, and it’s a delicate
of a Bishop. It will be interesting to business so hold tight. I’m going to
occasional lie during our conversa-
see how Sylvia handles them. But it apprehend her and show her the er-
tion so that you know the truth of
is, in fact, in my capacity as spiritual ror of her ways.”
my other words. I want what is best
leader that I’m here today.” for Maxwell.” “Is your spell still working?” Perse-
“If you want to save me into more phone demanded.
He paused, so that she could see no
perfect damnation, no sale.” insects were forthcoming. “I believe “I’m your enemy in this matter,” Sol-
“Salvation can never be purchased, his holding of Praxis is dangerous omon said, and the beetles poured
but I believe that you will come to to himself and to the city he loves. I out, prompting Aurora to scream as
don’t know whether I am motivated they skittered on her face. “Now help
the truth in time. Already you have
by genuine friendship or the bonds me brainwash this neonate before
a better grasp of what you are. I see
of Vinculum. Honestly, I suspect some she takes another shot at us both.”
your ruthlessness grow nightly. You
Only then did Persephone notice the
should never have been, no more of both, but that’s less important
two bullet holes in Solomon’s jacket.
than I, but it’s a fallen world and we than isolating him from the power
must seek the Lord’s will even in our that can only push him closer to the Hesitating, she knelt.
damnation. But the sinner I’m most edge.” He paused. “Sylvia Raines is my “First this one,” Solomon said.
concerned with is Maxwell so, as they good friend,” he said, then spat more “Then the Prince. We can save him,
say, it’s not all about you.” creepy-crawlies. us two.”
“You’d be better off talking with “Wow,” Persephone said. “This is… Persephone’s voice was low with
Bruce,” she said, before she could surreal, really, I…” Then Solomon dread and dejection.
consider the bitterness in her tone. grabbed her by the hair. “Because only we love him.”
Dead, Dread Chronicles
It’s a piece of cake until you get to the top. You find you can’t stop playing the game the way
you’ve always played it.
—Richard Nixon
The ways one can play a game of Vampire: The Requiem all your options because that would take us an infinite
are as varied as the deviations in the blood of all the vam- number of monkeys and typewriters—not to mention
pires in all the world’s mythology. That’s a good thing, by about a billion more pages.
the way. Bloodsucker noir? Backwoods swamp-leech crime But what we can do is give you a couple-few options,
fiction? The Kindred on a space station? Maybe you’d like let you have a taste, maybe show you the way toward
to see Vampire: The Requiem modeled off of The Wire, designing your own spins on the Vampire: The Requiem
or The Shield, or with something that looks like a giddy chronicle. That’s what this chapter is about: we’re
combination of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Lost. breaking the mirror and handing you a shard, letting you
Thing is, your options are limitless. gaze upon the distorted, jagged reflection to see just how
Which of course means we cannot possibly attend to awesome your Requiem game can be.

The Dark Metropolis

“They say this city never sleeps. If you’re smart, you won’t either.”

harbors a secret, and she who survives and thrives the

The Underbelly dog-eat-dog streets of the Metropolis looks out for nobody
“You ain’t got nothin’ on me, Bryce,” growled Roscoe with a but herself. Time itself may be fluid and dream-like. Events
voice like grinding gravel. “Why should I do you a solid, when may take place out-of-order, or the storyline may include
all you’ve got is a whole lot of nothin’ to offer me in return? I occasional flashbacks or flash-forwards that veer from the
told you not to come back here if you ain’t got nothin’ to trade.” typical chronological sequence.
In the dim light, Bryce saw the informant’s hand shift
nervously under the counter. The red neon “closed” sign in
What Is Noir, Exactly?
the grimy pawn shop window flickered subtly off, then on Sex. Fatalism. Deviations. Long shadows cast across long nights.
again, three distinct times. If Bryce didn’t know any better he Noir, whether we’re talking in fiction or as film noir, often
might have thought it was a coincidence. A gang of brutish, features a world that is explicitly broken and drenched
broad-shouldered vamps emerged from the shadows of the in silver nitrate and shadow. Imagine a protagonist who
dank alleyway across the street at the signal. discovers that heaped atop his shoulders is an inverted
“Call off your buddies, Roscoe,” Bryce stated coolly with pyramid—every time he thinks he knows the identity of
a wry smile. “I know you don’t want at least one of them the person who’s fucking him over he finds a whole new
hearing what you were up to last night with Ruby.” layer of hell and hate. Every time he turns around it’s
another betrayal, another dead friend, another seduction.
Noir and the Damned And in the end, it’s overwhelmingly impersonal: it’s Man
Versus The World, and a very Bad World, indeed.
The Dark Metropolis is Vampire: The Requiem in a noir
setting. The Metropolis is a visceral, urban maze cloaked Tier: Ancillae / City
in perpetual night—a nightmarish, surreal paradise for
the Damned. In their eternal struggle with unlife, Kindred This chronicle explores corruption and power-play
are morally ambiguous to begin with, lending themselves between ancillae of the Metropolis, and is intended
naturally to the genre. But in the gritty underbelly of the for characters that have an established role in Kindred
Metropolis, the general rule is to trust no one. Everyone society. There is a general atmosphere of mistrust, even

226 Dead, Dread Chronicles

At the same time, the city has its own sense of constant,
vibrant urgency. The Metropolis is almost alive with the
Cinematic Influences constant movement of its living and undead residents. It
Although film noir’s classic period is generally is the great, unforgiving, terrible, beautiful beast in which
regarded as stretching from the early 1940s to the the Damned circle tirelessly, tracing the careful steps of
late 1950s, its influence stretches across decades, as the eternal Danse Macabre through its glittering streets
well as other genres, and can still be seen in films
today. Look to the following movies as influences and darkest recesses.
for your own film noir Vampire Chronicle.
• Classic Film Noir: Film Noir during the 1940s and
50s was heavily influenced by the hardboiled
school of American detective and crime fiction.
Most took place in an urban setting, featuring A Glossary of Hardboiled Slang
archetypal characters of the genre: private To add some authenticity to a chronicle set in the
eyes, femme fatales, corrupt lawmen, or jealous Dark Metropolis, consider having your characters
husbands. Some classic Noir films include: The use popular slang of the 1940s:
Maltese Falcon (1941), Double Indemnity (1944), All Wet—Describes an erroneous idea or
Murder, My Sweet (1944), The Killers (1946), individual, as in, “he’s all wet.”
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), The Broad—Woman, dame
Lady from Shanghai (1947), Strangers on a Train Bump Off—To murder, to kill.
(1951), and Kiss Me Deadly (1955). Cat’s Meow—Something splendid or stylish; the
• Neo-Noir: The genre continued past its classic best or greatest, wonderful
era, and there are a number of films today that Darb—An excellent person or thing (as in “the
maintain the Noir tradition. While similar plots, Darb”—a person with money who can be relied
themes and character archetypes persist, these on to pay the check)
attributes of the Noir became more flexible or Fall Guy—Victim of a frame
exaggerated as the genre evolved throughout Frame—To give false evidence, to set up
the decades. Some Neo-Noir films include: Blue someone
Velvet (1986), Naked Lunch (1991), Reservoir Hard Boiled—A tough, strong guy
Dogs (1992), Se7en (1995), Fargo (1996), Crash Heebie-Jeebies—The jitters
(1996), L.A. Confidential (1997), Fight Club
Jalopy—An old car
(1999), Memento (2000), Mulholland Drive
(2001), Insomnia (2002), The Machinist (2004), Joint—A club, usually selling alcohol
and Brick (2005). Keen—Attractive or appealing
• Cross-genre Film Noir: Noir may also be blended Moll—A gangster’s girl
with other genres. A primarily Noir chronicle Pinch—To arrest.
may also include elements of science fiction, Sheba—A woman with sex appeal
comedy, pulp, or dark comic adventure. Some Sheik—A man with sex appeal
Cross-genre films include: Soylent Green (1973),
Blade Runner (1982), Alien³ (1992), Pulp Fiction
(1994), Ghost in the Shell (1995), Twelve Monkeys
(1995), The Big Lebowski (1998), Gattaca (1997),
Dark City (1998), The Thirteenth Floor (1999), Description
Minority Report (2002), Sin City (2005), and The
Dark Knight (2008). The Metropolis
The setting of the chronicle is an endless, sprawling urban
among perceived allies. As in any city there exist cote- maze referred to by its inhabitants simply as the Metropo-
ries of neonates and a few feared and respected elder lis. The Metropolis is the essence of all that defines a city.
vampires, but the vast majority of action happens among It is a sleepless, ceaseless, ever-changing entity and the
the ancillae—too old to be affected by the foolish highs pride and home of kine and Kindred from all walks of
experienced by the young and too young to submit role of life and unlife. There is resplendence in its ugliness and
feared and respected administrators that elder vampires peace in the consistent and ever-present ebb and flow of
tend to fall into. the cacophonous multitudes. Despite the intense extremes
of its danger and crime, the Metropolis is a thing of mon-
strous beauty—a dark haven for the Damned.
Mood and Theme
Noir is notorious for its nihilistic presentation of the world. The Big Five of the Metropolis
The tone of the genre tends to be cynical and pessimistic, In the Metropolis, the covenants are like mob families,
with doom-laden storylines involving subjects of death, using their power to jockey for influence over the city and
suffering, tragedy, unhappiness, and existential despair. each other. The camarilla and areas of Elysium only exist

The Dark Metropolis 227

to keep coteries from escalating small disputes into serious
covenant wars—but those wars have been known to
happen. Still, when something threatens their collective
self-interest, the Big Five cooperate efficiently.
The higher up in the hierarchy you get, the more
corruption you’ll see, with the exception of a few idealists
that separate themselves from the political process but are
just too powerful or connected to be taken down. There’s
plenty of room to wiggle at the bottom, however, and the
players’ coterie might be able to work under the radar of
more powerful Kindred mobsters, at least until they do
something that draws attention from above.
The Invictus is part Murder Inc, part Special Forces.
If you want to run a scene where someone opens a closet
with a huge rack of neatly arrayed weapons it will probably
happen at an Invictus haven. In the Metropolis, this
covenant has specialized body armor, silenced machine
guns and all of the deadly firepower you see in the movies.
The Carthian Movement has deep contacts with
mortal subcultures. If you want to hook up with thugs,
smugglers and thieves, these are the Kindred to find. This
contrasts with an interest in bleeding edge technology and
culture, so they’re also the people to blame when the wires
get crossed or the power fails at just the wrong moment.
The Circle of the Crone are spies and assassins. They
shape Kindred society by murdering or banishing anybody
they don’t think deserves the gift of the Embrace. Acolytes
learn mystical secrets from the rogues and solitaries they
eliminate. They perform experimental rituals with these
secrets, opening gates that should never be opened, or
creating monsters in the name of some long forgotten
goddess of their lore. Coteries of Acolyte operatives exist
solely to cover up their mistakes.
The Ordo Dracul is the power brokerage of Kindred
currency. Dragons argue for consistent standards in
trading secrets of the various Disciplines. They also act
as a kind of “Q Division” in emergencies. They’ve got a
lot of dangerous mystical experiments in the works, just
waiting for the right occasion for a trial run.
The Lancea Sanctum is dug in with high society
and the semi-religious Old Boys’ Clubs of Hermetics,
Freemasons, wannabe Templars and other mortal groups
with more ambition than real knowledge. They rule the
realm of faceless bureaucrats with city-altering authority
and old people you’ve never heard of, with more money
than you can imagine. In a crisis, this largesse trickles
down to operatives who need it. Use the Lancea Sanctum
to justify an expensive, jet-setting chronicle.

228 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Sample Player Characters Allies and Antagonists
Bryce Rosen, Mekhet, the Private Eye Dennis Ashford, Gangrel, the Jealous Lover
“I’m not falling for his story. I’ve got a bad feeling in my gut “It’s been too long, Ruby. You look good. You always look
that something else is going on here. Something big.” good. I don’t know if you heard, but I’ve got a new gig doing
Bryce Rosen is a Private Eye with rugged good looks security for Mr. Stone. You should let me treat you to dinner.
and a slick trenchcoat. His eyes are brooding, keenly I’ve really turned over a new leaf since last time, doll.”
intelligent, and sharp, and he moved with a silent, In the public eye, Dennis Ashford maintains his
deliberate gait. To many, he often comes across as being role as a respected and feared member of Logan Stone’s
amoral, ruthless, and self-serving. Bryce trusts no one and inner circle. His agenda, however, is self-serving and
suspects everyone. Rosen is tough, smooth, knows all the may be connected to a much larger, more ominous plot.
right things to say (especially when it come to the broads), His true loyalties remain to himself, making Ashford
and while he may not have an innate sense of goodness or the first to jump ship when the going gets tough, or his
compassion, he has a personal code of loyalty, professional ruse is discovered. He and Ruby have were lovers a few
responsibility, and integrity that he seeks to uphold. years back, and their relationship since that point has
been on-again off-again. Dennis is constantly suspicious
Ruby Harrison, Daeva, the Femme Fatale that his lover has betrayed him in some way (with
“You’ve got to help me, Bryce. Please. For old time’s sake. You or without good reason), and he is openly expressive
know I wouldn’t be asking if I had anyone else to turn to.” (often violently so) about his jealousy.
Ruby Harrison is a seductive, stunning beauty with the
calculated ability to use her sexuality and enchanting Logan Stone, Ventrue, the Mob Boss
charm as weapons. Her pale skin is flawless, and she wears “I know you’re not sticking your nose into my private business,
her glossy, auburn hair in long, loose waves. She is a semi- Rosen. You’re a smart guy, and that would be a very unwise
famous stage actress in the Metropolis, and is notoriously move on your part.”
manipulative and secretive about her personal life (which Logan Stone is a broad, stocky man who appears to
still tends to find its way into local gossip). Although she be in his early fifties. His jet black hair shows no trace
appears delicate, Ruby is capable of taking care of herself of gray, and is slicked back in a short, clean cut. His jaw
unless she finds herself in over her head. She is just as is strong and broad as his shoulders and he is dressed to
likely to be the villain as she is the anti-heroine—it may the nines in a tailored pinstriped suit and shiny black
just take an entire chronicle to determine where her true patent leather loafers. Stone has a gruff voice and barks
loyalties lie (quite possibly, simply to herself). his commands like a bulldog, expecting unquestioned
loyalty from his inner circle of highly esteemed Kindred.
Dale Wickliffe, Daeva, the Confidant He has an arsenal of heavy weaponry at his disposal and
“You know I don’t mind if you lay low here for a while, but the manpower to use it. Stone is not a vampire you want
make sure you keep a handle on that broad. Mark my words, to accidentally look at the wrong way. Logan Stone is
she’s nothin’ but trouble.” currently the most powerful mob boss in the Metropolis
Dale Wycliffe is the owner of a local joint, the Sticking (as such, he could be regarded as the city’s Prince in usual
Point, frequented by Kindred and an undeclared but game terms), and has been for the past several decades.
unspoken and accepted location of Elysium in the The balance of power can always shift, however, and the
Metropolis. Wycliffe’s face is open and friendly—most four other mobs of the Big Five are always looking for an
feel comfortable around him almost immediately. He opportunity to tilt the scale.
is quick to smile at a joke and willing to lend an ear to
anybody with a good story or juicy gossip to share. He Roscoe McAlister, Nosferatu, the Double
can typically be found at the bar, serving alcohol-laced -Dealing Snitch
blood to his patrons (who may be anyone from the most “Yeah, I know the guy you’re looking for. I know just about
lowly neonate to the infamous Ventrue mob boss, Logan everybody. You want the dirt on him? No problem. Since I
Stone, himself). Wycliffe is an ally of Bryce Rosen, who don’t like the guy anyway, let’s just say you owe me one.”
helped him out of a tight spot in the past.

The Dark Metropolis 229

Roscoe McAlister is the city’s resident double-dealing without a trace several years ago. She claims to have
snitch. He owns a local pawn shop, where he does business narrowly escaped being assaulted by an influential
with kine and Kindred alike, selling and trading gossip member of one of the city’s mobs. As the player’s char-
and the secrets of the powerful and influential people acter knows from past experience, Beverly is not always
who inhabit the Metropolis. Roscoe is utterly self-serving honest when it suits her own agenda. Is she telling the
and would kill his own mother (if she were still alive) if truth this time, or is there more to her story? Why was
somebody offered him the right item or amount of cash in she attacked by the mobster? What has Beverly been
exchange. Roscoe can not only be paid to tell secrets, he up to in the years since she left the Metropolis and
can also be convince to keep them (for the right price). why has she suddenly returned now?
And he will faithfully keep absolutely any secret until
somebody makes a better offer. He’s double-crossed so Why Time Flows Like Bad Dreams
many Kindred (and has made so much cash doing so) that
Noir is well known for its oneiric disregard for chrono-
he has employed his own private gang of Kindred assassins
logical order. Flashback and flash-forwards occur often,
to bump off anybody he suspects might be thinking of
and events may occur out-of-order, or even backwards. In
doing the same to him.
Vampire, it is possible to apply careful displacement of
Story Hooks key events throughout your chronicle. A storyline may be
relatively consecutive, with plot detours into the past or
The noir setting of The Dark Metropolis lends itself to
future. At any point during a chronicle, a scene may take
any number of hard-boiled detective stories. Consider
place at a future point in the storyline (a flash-forward),
using the following examples in your Vampire chronicle.
or a past point in the storyline (a flashback).
• A New Mob in the Metropolis: Rumors that a new
Flashbacks and flash-forwards happen within the story
mob of Kindred have taken up residence in the Me-
itself. The narrative progresses to a point, and at that
tropolis are being whispered under the city’s breath.
point a flashback/forward is used. But to what purpose?
One of the characters owes a current city mob boss,
You might choose to use a flashback in game for one or
Logan Stone, a favor, and He calls upon the players’
several of the following reasons:
coterie investigate the matter. Stone knows next to
nothing about the new mob, apart from the fact that • For thematic-, motif- or mood-based resonance. In a game
poses a potential risk to his personal endeavors. Why about treacheries and betrayals, you might choose to
has the new mob taken up residence in the Metropolis, flashback to a time the characters were betrayed or did
and who is in charge? How do they plan on “threaten- some betraying all their own. Alternately, you might
ing” Logan Stone? Will the new mob become allies go an opposite direction and choose an event where
or enemies? someone stayed loyal—using an opposite “foil” in such
a manner can provide contrast and highlight the point
• Under the Underworld: The city’s streets always have
you’re hoping to drive home.
a certain, distinctive foul odor, but it’s gotten worse
lately, a lot worse. Something big is rotting beneath • To provide some further detail. The coterie is battling
the Metropolis, and the overpowering reek of decay is an old nemesis, and in the midst of the combat, you
rising from the runoff grates and sewers. There have choose to move to flashback. Why? So they can recall
always been rumors of a mysterious cult of the Damned an earlier meeting or battle with the nemesis. When
that conduct bizarre blood rituals within secret pas- the narrative returns to the present, the characters
sageways beneath the Metropolis. Are the rumors true? can call-back moments from that flashback, or even
What is causing the foul smell? Why is it happening help to conceive of the nemesis’ strengths and weak-
now, and what is the cult’s purpose? How high up does nesses. In this manner, you’re providing context from
this problem go? What happens when the actions of a past to present.
small cult are exposed to be a machination put in play • To answer questions. The characters confront something
by the Prince himself? (Requiem is a perfect model for in-game that, up until now, they haven’t seen before.
this noirish sense of conspiracy. Consider how easily
the Disciplines help to confirm the awfulness of the Two Flavors of Flashback
trust-damaged Metropolis.)
For purposes of this introduction essay, we’re going to frame
• The Long Lost Lover: An ex-lover, of one of the mem- out two types of flashback you might use during your Vam-
ber of the player’s coterie, Beverly, arrives suddenly pire: The Requiem story. These are certainly not the only
one night begging for help after having disappeared ways to handle flashbacks, but this dichotomy should give

230 Dead, Dread Chronicles

you an idea as to how to use them and, more importantly, It’s important that the Storyteller know how to frame
what they mean in the context of the narrative. events so as not to get caught up in a situation where he
Note that it’s important Storytellers and players be on has to drastically rewrite the tale—the flashback isn’t
the same page as to what style of flashback is being used in time travel, the characters aren’t going back in time to
your game. (This section is largely reprinted from Ancient kill Hitler and change the course of the world, but the
Mysteries, but should help frame how and why to use players should feel free to act accordingly within context.
flashbacks and flash-forwards in your noir-centered game.) So, using the above example of the nemesis, it’d be
important to probably have the human flashback first.
Reflective The characters establish whatever happens during that
The “reflective” flashback assumes that what happens scene—they betray the nemesis, he betrays them, they kill
while playing the flashback does not greatly impact the him, they scar him, whatever—and then the Storyteller
present. The flashback is meant to be largely informa- pushes the story to the present where the consequences
tional, used to provide context to events in the present. of that flashback are seen in full-effect. If the nemesis is
For example: in the present, the vampires meet their dead, perhaps they’re atop the rain-slick rooftop with his
nemesis on a rooftop, and they’re about to do battle— brother. If they cut a mean scar across his face, it’s still
pistols and knives drawn, the rain is pouring down. The there—and maybe he’s carved up his face good and nasty,
session ends, and the Storyteller and players decide that a roadmap of pain that’s meant to frighten them.
the next session will begin in flashback. In particular, the In an adaptive flashback, the events of the past are meant
narrative remembers when the characters were still human to really be as important as the events of the present.
and were meeting their nemesis when he was human, too. They’re not purely reflective. They don’t provide small
The flashback takes place on a sunny day—a contrast detail. They set major events into play, and the players are
to the rainy rooftop scenario from last chapter (and a helping to orchestrate a tale at both ends of the narrative.
contrast to the shadowy silver nitrate of the visual noir)— This mode has its pitfalls, and everybody needs to be
and has the characters as loose allies (another contrast). comfortable with them. If the players do something that
Because this is a reflective flashback (meaning it contradicts present precedent, the Storyteller has to
reflects the present events and is a “reflective” look be prepared to rewrite history a bit. It’s important not
back), the characters know they can’t change stuff to “railroad” them (something that happens more in a
dramatically. They cannot, as humans, suddenly act on reflective flashback by necessity). But, the players also
secret information and kill their nemesis before he really have to be prepared to accept the consequences of that.
becomes their adversary. We know the guy survives and If killing the nemesis creates negative conditions, so
becomes Kindred, like they do—the flashback isn’t going be it. They also have to be willing to commit to a little
to change any of that. suspension of disbelief when it comes to rewriting the
Certainly the flashback can have some repercussions in narrative a bit. (This strange narrative flow is actually
the present: when the game switches back to the rain-slick pretty appropriate to the oneiric nature of noir. Ever
rooftop, the nemesis might call to attention words spoken watch The Big Sleep? It almost feels like this, like things
or actions taken during the flashback (“You still think I’m don’t always add up the way they should.)
all wet? Just some dumb fuck?”) But the characters can’t Nothing wrong with rewriting the narrative, of
have killed him, or given him a scar that wasn’t there course—it simply assumes a more organic, consequential
before, or anything like that. They can change things flow. It may feel jarring, but given the context of Vampire:
that haven’t been pre-established, but not dramatically so. The Requiem, you have a great excuse to make it work:
One way to ensure this is to eschew dice-rolling during by explaining that the story is actually one told in the
the flashback encounter, but dice still help to provide memories of the coterie characters, you have an easy
flavor to encounters, so it’s perhaps best to use a mixture. justification in having the story switch around because…
a vampire’s memory is terribly fallible! Memories adapt
Adaptive and rewrite themselves within the Kindred brain, and so
An adaptive flashback assumes that players help to set the when the narrative does that very thing, it makes sense
course of the present through their actions in the flash- in the framework of the game!
back. They’re free to act as they wish during the flashback
(though players should always take care to separate out Challenges
what facts the characters know between past and pres- Using any kind of flashback presents some unique chal-
ent), and can have dramatic impact on the present tale. lenges. Below, we help identify these possible potholes and

The Dark Metropolis 231

some solutions on avoiding them (or, at least, lessening know this from the very beginning of the story, have
the impact of driving over them). them create the “flashback” characters first, then have
them spend experience points to get those characters up
Avoiding Railroading to speed in the present.
We covered it already, but it bears repeating: with a reflec- Alternately, if you’re doing a down and dirty (meaning
tive flashback, the players should already understand that unexpected) flashback, you’ve got to find a good measure
railroading must occur to some small degree. They may of how to reduce the character’s stats appropriately. A few
try to kill that nemesis, but shouldn’t be at all surprised options include:
when he escapes death. • Take a representative portion (an approximate per-
Alternately, railroading should be wholly avoided centage) of their dots away. If the characters are 200
during an adaptive flashback, and everybody should be years old and you’re going 100 years back, then take
comfortable with the fact that the answer to “Can my half of their dots away (either half in each trait, or
character do [X action]?” is always, always yes (or, at least, remove half from the total sheet—the former is easier
“yes, but...”). The narrative may shift and change, but on the fly).
that’s okay as long as everyone’s happy with the freedom • Discuss with the players when a situation comes up—if
it allows. a character must roll Manipulation + Subterfuge,
Triggering Flashbacks Or Flash-Forwards discuss with the player a suitable penalty to the roll.
It might be -1 if little’s changed, or -5 if the character
Deciding how and when to trigger flashbacks is something has significantly shifted his Social “approach” over
the Storyteller must best decide. Intuition must serve as the decades.
a guideline. Sometimes, it’s a terrible idea to interrupt a
• Revert to pre-game stats. Basically, just don’t count
really strong flow of events to jimmy in a flashback—and
any dots the player might’ve bought with experience
yet, other times you can keep the players breathless with
points. Everything else can be assumed “status quo”
suspense if you pause the action just as something dra-
before the story began.
matic is about to occur.
• Do nothing at all. It may not make total sense, but
One option is to include the players on whether or not
particularly with reflective flashbacks, it may not need
to dive into flashback. If the majority of players thinks it’s
to. As long as good story comes out of it, why waste
a good time to glance backward or ahead, so be it. They
the time on the work if what you’re predominantly
should even be encouraged to suggest when a narrative
doing is establishing detail and context, not new plot
flip might be good—“I’ve finally reclaimed my sire’s diary,
points and events?
so it seems a good time to flip through and revisit one or
two old memories.” Separation of Knowledge
Another question is how to transition. Generally, it’s It becomes pretty tough bouncing back and forth from
as easy as saying that it’s time for flashback and doing it. flashback to present while keeping in mind exactly what
But, you look at a TV show like Lost, which uses dramatic the character knew then versus what the character knows
moments and narrative trickery to present its flashbacks. now.
Does some telltale sign of flashback reveal itself before
For the most part, it’s easy to combat. Everybody in the
they occur (the Storyteller points out the color red, for
troupe should be encouraged to watch everybody else’s
instance), or can the Storyteller succeed in tricking the
back—not to be “narrative police,” but simply to be willing
players (making the players think that it’s the present
to call out, “Hey, don’t forget—we didn’t know about [X
when, really, it’s a flashback)?
piece of information] back in 1932, dude.” The Storyteller
Variance in Skill becomes the final arbiter of what slides and what doesn’t.
If you’re involving some measure of dice-rolling in the If something does slip through, it can be easily
flashbacks (which you should, especially in adaptive explained. Again, in the context of the game, it’s simple
flashbacks), you have to address the deviation between enough to suggest that the narrative itself is really just the
the character’s stats in the present and the past. But how? memories of the vampire characters—and, hey, sometimes
memories are mistaken, especially considering the fog of
If you have enough time to know that you’re going
to spend a significant portion of the story in flashback
around a certain time, have the players create “lesser” Alternately, consider that the Blood is a supernatural
versions of their characters from that time. Or, if you medium. One might say that it holds the memories of all

232 Dead, Dread Chronicles

the vampires that came before it, and some have further • Schedule flashbacks as whole game sessions—that way,
suggested that history is cyclical, a crass repetition of those that aren’t involved don’t need to show up to the
events. If such an error occurs, you can explain it that game table that day unless they want to. Or, by saying,
way, maybe even having the player spend a point of the “The first two hours of the chapter will be devoted to
character’s Vitae to “confirm” that such time-transcendent the 1849 flashback,” those who aren’t involved know
knowledge comes out expressed through the Blood itself. to show up two hours later.
It’s a bit esoteric, but then again, so are vampires. • Have players whose characters aren’t in the flashback
assume control of other “Storyteller characters.” One’s
Including Everybody a bartender, one’s the Prince’s Seneschal, the third
In a perfect world, every flashback would involve every plays a mad ghoul, whatever. If a player is going to
character—that way, everybody gets to have a little fun. assume a significant role, especially one that is tied to
It’s just not realistic, of course, the same way that every another player’s character (say, playing that character’s
scene in general doesn’t necessarily include every player. sire), it’s best to discuss it with everybody first.
So what do you do about it?
• Nothing. If the scene is entertaining, everybody wins. Experience Points
The other players watch and enjoy, or they maybe flip It may seem strange to award experience points for some-
through the Requiem book, looking for some cool thing that’s already happened, but it’s only happened in
ideas on how to spend experience points. the story, not at the gaming table. A game session is a
• Don’t use a flashback unless it contains each of the game session. Stuff learned is stuff learned. We recom-
player’s characters. mend that you give out experience points the same way
as usual, with little to no variance.

Different Masks
Who says that the flashbacks absolutely, unequivocally must include the player’s current characters? We sure didn’t
say it!
Just because those characters weren’t present doesn’t mean a flashback can’t exist. The flashback may involve
other characters who are connected to the story, and it can even be brought organically into the present (because,
ultimately, that’s the goal).
Consider: the coterie’s knocked a potent elder into torpor with a mean slam from a sharpened chair-leg. They’ve
got him buckled down in a boiler room somewhere when they remove the stake from his chest.
Now, they can interrogate him—and the elder tells them a story about when he was “a little fish in a big pond,”
just like them. The story’s about him and his coterie, and it’ll help answer some of their questions.
Except, it’ll be kind of boring to just have the Storyteller stand around and recite the story. Even if it’s really
evocative and interesting, you might have a better avenue: flashback.
Let the players take control of pre-made characters, or even characters they conceive of themselves. Put them
into a flashback featuring these other characters, and it “becomes” the story that the elder tells to their present
vampires. It all fits together, like a crazy, blood-soaked puzzle.

The Dark Metropolis 233

When the World Ends
“There is nothing outside the last mortal sanctuaries but the cold and dark. We must learn
to adapt, for when the kine perish, so too do the Kindred.”

numbers are quickly dwindling under the unchallenged

Hope in the Unknown regime of a corrupt leader. This chronicle is firmly rooted
Mahala licked her bloodied lips, taking special care not to spill in the first tier, and as the story progresses, the fledgling
a drop. Pressing two fingers firmly against the frigid, blue skin characters discover not only the truth about their own
of the vessel’s body she searched for a pulse. After several tense existence and fledgling community, but also the nature
seconds she felt a slow, weak heartbeat. The blood still pumped of post-apocalyptic earth outside the sheltered walls of
sluggishly through the mortal’s arteries. Her food supply was St. Genevieve.
running low, and it might be days before she encountered
signs of an undiscovered city in the barren expanse of gray Mood and Theme
permafrost. Closing the lid on the insulated cart to protect
When the World Ends explores themes of adaptation and
the bodies from the lethal cold, Mahala continued her slow
survival in the midst of a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter,
trek southward—following a trail whispered rumors of a city
as well as the liberating virtue of hope in one of the dark-
where humankind flourished as it had in the nights before
est eras in both Kindred and kine history. The general
the end of everything.
mood is of bleak desolation beneath the scorched, ashen
sky, and marred with claustrophobic isolation within
After the War the remaining mortal sanctuaries. The human popula-
Nearly a century ago, a massive nuclear war took place tion has never been in such short supply. Food is scarce,
among the Canaille, decimating the population of Kin- and tempers are short. The attitudes of the surviving
dred and kine alike. Tonight, thick clouds of black ash Damned may very well be to the same extremes as the
block out the sun and the world beneath the ash belt is hottest and most frozen regions of barren rock from which
cloaked in darkness and endless winter. Your characters they struggle to squeeze the final drops of life-sustaining
are neonates in the sanctuary of St. Genevieve, one of the blood. The need to assist the mortals’ efforts to rebuild is
last remaining mortal sanctuaries of the post-apocalyptic abundantly clear. The continued survival of the Damned
world, ruled by the deceitful “Pastor” Locke and his pow- is dependent upon having an abundant food source on
erful counsel of faithful followers. According to Locke, the which to feed, and humanity has many hurdles to face
Kindred of St. Genevieve were chosen by God to begin a before survival is ensured, such as famine, extreme heat
new era within the sanctuary under the rule of pure and and cold, low birth rate, and disease.
pious believers, and that those who set foot outside the
sanctuary walls will perish in the eternal cold and dark of
the hellish Wastelands. The sanctuary of St. Genevieve
has begun to run low on supplies crucial for the survival May We Recommend Some Reading
of it moral inhabitants, however, and each day the number Material?
of mortals is declining at a frightening rate. Soon, food Too bad. We’re doing it anyway. You want a good
will become scarce within the sanctuary, and many of example of this? Check out Robert McCammon’s
Swan Song. It’s 900+ epic pages of the journey a
the fledgling vampires are beginning to doubt the words small group of characters make through the nuke-
of Pastor Locke. blasted wasteland of America. It features a Satanic
character (The Man With The Scarlet Eye) who is
positively vampiric. It’ll give you so much visceral
Tier: Neonate / Coterie material for this chronicle mode, you’ll thank us.
Hell, you’ll build idols in our honor. (McCammon
The player characters in When the World Ends are neo- also does vampires well in They Thirst, but that’s
nates struggling to come to terms with their own unlife appropriate more toward “bloodsuckers” than
in a world where the food source is scarce and their own “nuclear winter horror story.”)

234 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Description Most major cities were destroyed, and the few that
still remain within the ash belt are sequestered by vast
Post-Apocalyptic Earth expanses of forbidding, barren wasteland. Communication
between these small, secluded reservations of humanity
The world teeming with life and bustling mortal cities that is largely unheard of among survivors of the end of days.
the Damned once stalked as predators is nothing more than
Outside of the cloud belt, the large-scale destruction
a dim memory in the minds of Kindred who have managed
of the earth’s ozone layer lead to the opposite extreme,
to survive since the end of days. The earth’s surface is now
scorching and penetrating the surface of the planet,
frigid and bleak, pock-marked by radioactive craters and
and creating an atmosphere of such intense heat and
the burnt, skeletal remains of lifeless cities that still stand
ultraviolet radiation that even those who survived
as grim monuments to the end of the world. The explod-
the initial nuclear explosions beneath the earth were
ing nuclear warheads created huge fires, and the resulting
smothered and baked to death within their shelters.
smoke and soot from burning cities and forests was emitted
into the troposphere in vast amounts. Clouds of ash injected The Wastelands
into the atmosphere settled in the Northern Hemisphere
The Wastelands are what Kindred call vast expanses of ash-
mid-latitudes as a colossal black particle cloud belt that en-
covered ice and frozen earth between surviving human sanc-
circles the earth, blocking out the sun. Within this belt, the
tuaries. The Wastelands cover most of the earth’s surface,
world is cloaked endless night and eternal winter. Average
and the extreme temperature and inability to communicate
temperatures are as low as -40ºC (-40ºF) in the interiors
with other surviving cities make most attempts to explore
of Northern Hemisphere continents. The combination of
the Wastelands nearly impossible for humans (although,
cold and dark beneath the belt make it impossible for most
amazingly, some still find a way). Travel is also difficult for
animal life and vegetation to survive on the earth’s surface
vampires, due to the great distances between inhabited areas
in these areas, although there are rumors that some wildlife
and the uncertainty of the new world’s geography, some have
may have mutated in the during the years subsequent to
found ways to transport and reserve blood for the journey.
the war into fearsome beasts that bear little resemblance
The sun no longer poses a threat beneath the belt, as thick,
to the animals they once were.
swirling black clouds now block out most of the sun’s rays.

When the World Ends 235

Scavengers of the Wastelands walls of the sanctuary, but many have begun to silently
There are a number of coteries that band together with wonder if they are being led to final destruction by
the intent to scavenge and explore in the Wastelands. Gideon Locke. Many feel hopeless and powerless until a
Some do so to chart new maps for future use, some seek traveling Gangrel, Mahala Hill, arrives in St. Genevieve to
lost family members, and some endeavor to find resources restock supplies, bring with her news of the outside world
to rebuild or repair their sanctuaries. Other coteries might and stirring the neonates of the sanctuary into action.
have more malicious reasons for trekking in bands across
the desolate countryside. There are rumors of groups that The Fabled City of Last Masses
set out to capture mortals from other sanctuaries in order When Mahala Hill strides into St. Genevieve, she brings
to replenish their own depleted supply of prey. Other with her all the information she’s overheard about the City
groups don’t bother with attempting to steal mortals from of Last Masses. The City of Last Masses is said to the larg-
other sanctuaries, and would rather take over a weaker, est point of resemblance for all those (mortal and undead
existing sanctuary by force, killing Kindred who refuse alike) who survived the end of days. It is located under the
to submit to their rule, staying until the food runs out, shadow of the belt where it is protected from the heat and
then moves on to attack a new sanctuary. radiation of the sun, but it is just close enough to the edge
of the belt that the temperatures are occasionally warm
St. Genevieve enough for kine to venture outside, allowing men the
Before the war, St. Genevieve was a mid-sized city in with freedom to expand the city and explore the surrounding
a metropolitan population of around 1,700,000 (could’ve land for additional resources and raw materials.
been Philadelphia; pick whatever city suits your players The drawback of living in this narrow, temperate region
and chronicle best). The city was more prepared than of the planet is that the region is prone to storms and
most for a full-scale nuclear war, but only around 5,000 downpours of acid rain. While Kindred are still beneath
humans and a handful of Kindred survived in a system of the dusky shadow of the belt, (and as such, remain
nuclear bunkers built beneath what remains of downtown, unthreatened by the fatal rays of the sun), the Damned are
fueled by a geothermal power generator at its core. When just as susceptible to damage from the corrosive rainfall
the end of days passed and nuclear winter fell upon the as mortal men. If a traveling vampire or mortal is caught
earth, the inhabitants adapted surviving structures to outside during an acid storm, the character must take one
the new world, insulating them heavily against the cold. point of lethal damage for each turn he is unable to find
Tonight, the sanctuary of St. Genevieve is the home of shelter from the elements.
our neonate protagonists, and is the only world they have The City of Last Masses is growing exponentially as
ever known. Even so, the conspiratorial atmosphere of a more and more Kindred find their way from the ash
corrupt dystopian society can be felt by many who dwell in belt to the fringe sanctuary. If the number of surviving
the sanctuary. St. Genevieve is under the cruel regime of vampires continues to increase in the same fashion for
Pastor Locke and his powerful council of faithful follow- much longer, the human population, (already susceptible
ers. The small, new generation of neonates is more-or-less to famine, low birth rate, and disease), will soon be in
segregated from the elders who sired them and control danger. With a decreased population of mortals, food will
the sanctuary. The fledgling Kindred of St. Genevieve soon become scarce for Kindred of the Last Masses. This
are left to their own devices to unravel the mysteries of topic is a source of heavy debate among the newly reformed
vampirism—a painful and confusing process that leaves camarilla. Many support the views of the city Primogen,
many confused and desperate for answers. Gideon Locke Alexander Woodrow, who asserts that humanity should be
is more than happy to provide these answers during his preserved, nurtured and protected by rationing blood until
Sabbath day sermons in the gathering hall, spewing lies the population is restored, that the city should remain open
and twisting the words of Longinus to suit his own agenda. to all who find their way from the ash belt to the sanctuary,
As the months pass, many neonates have mysteriously and that doing so is absolutely essential for the continued
vanished. Supplies within the sanctuary are slowly survival of all Kindred. Others support the viewpoint of
dwindling, and the entire facility is falling apart after Thaddeus Craven, the outspoken Ventrue Priscus, who
decades of use. Not only that, but the human population believes that the open doors of the City of Last Masses
is also rapidly declining, and many neonates have begun should be closed to any new vampire survivors who appear
to fear that food will soon become scarce if nothing is from the wasteland, and that the current vampires within
done to increase the mortal population of the sanctuary. the city should continue to feed from existing mortal
Nobody in St. Genevieve speaks of what lies beyond the population without any need to ration the food supply.

236 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Sample Player Characters Before his Embrace, he worked as an engineer in the
generator core of St. Genevieve. Due to his unique skill set
Patina Belle, Daeva, Neonate of St. Genevieve and mechanical talent, Warren is one of the few neonate
Kindred in the sanctuary who has worked close to Gideon
“You’ll never guess what I heard on my way to the core. There Locke’s private chamber. He has overheard enough to
are rumors flying all around the sanctuary that one of our know that things may not be as bleak outside the city as
kind has arrived from outside St. Genevieve.” the Prince makes them sound in his community sermons.
Patina Belle was recently Embraced in her late teens. He knows what happens to those who oppose Locke,
She has a pretty, youthful face with freckled cheeks and however, and is smart enough to keep his mouth shut
wide, almost unnaturally blue eyes. She wears her ink- about it and his gaze fixed firmly upon his work. He has
black hair in a short, chin-length bob. One of the only been around longer than most other fledgling vampires
remaining Daeva in St. Genevieve, Patina spends the of St. Genevieve, probably due to his quiet, deceptively
majority of her time spreading and collecting gossip and non-threatening disposition and natural ability to blend
rumors from around the city, digging up dirt that she can into the background unnoticed.
potentially use for leverage if the need ever arises. She
was Embraced around the same time as Amelia Moore Gaven Miller, Mekhet, Neonate of St. Genevieve
(see below), and although the two rarely spoke to each “Oh yes, I’ve been keeping an eye on the mortals. According
other before their Embrace, each has come to lean upon to my recent figures, if things continue along the same trend
the other for support when their sires abandoned them we’ll run of food in less than five years’ time. Something needs
shortly after cursing the two women with unlife. Patina to be done, and sooner rather than later, but I’m not going to
especially, due to her relative youth, looks up to Amelia be the one to bring the news to Pastor Locke.”
for guidance, despite the fact that Amelia is nearly as Gaven was Embraced in his early fifties. He is a rotund
desperate for answers about her own monstrous existence man, balding, with small, deep-set blue eyes and a heavy
as her younger friend. wheezing voice. He maintains the archives and records
Amelia Moore, Mekhet, Neonate of St. Genevieve of the sanctuary in a small, disorganized library, filled
with spineless and torn books with ancient, yellowed
“I just can’t believe he’s gone. I spoke with Roger during the pages. Gaven has taken over the job of St. Genevieve’s
last shift. Is it just me, or is it starting to feel like this has been record keeper ever since the neonate who did the task
happening more and more often. Something isn’t right here.” before him vanished mysteriously, leaving behind a thick
Amelia Moore is a slight, wispy-looking vampire with journal of loose-leaf pages describing the history of the
mousy hair. A general air of exhaustion can be seen sanctuary. Each night, Miller painstakingly records the
in her permanently slumped shoulders, the deep, dark events that occur within St. Genevieve. It was he who
circles beneath her eyes, and her slow, drawling pattern first noticed the rapidly declining population of mortals
of speech. She was Embraced around the same time as within the sanctuary.
Patina Belle, although Amelia was in her late twenties
at the time. Although her view of the world is generally Allies and Antagonists
pessimistic, she often downplays her negative views for
Patina’s sake—taking on the role of a mentor for the Gideon Locke, “Pastor Locke,” Ventrue, Self-pro-
younger girl to the best of her limited ability. Amelia
Moore has picked up on the fact that many of her fellow claimed Prince of St. Genevieve
neonates have been disappearing one by one as of late, “My children, we are all that left of our kind. You will serve
and that more and more humans are dying off each day. me and I will lead us into a new era, do not concern yourself
with what is outside our sanctuary’s walls. There is nothing
Warren Dremel, Nosferatu, there for you but cold, endless sleep.”
Neonate of St. Genevieve Self-proclaimed Prince of St. Genevieve, Gideon Locke
“Yeah, I think I might have a few spare parts left in the store- is a tall, imposing man, Embraced in his mid-fifties, with
room that nobody’ll miss. Bring the cart by next shift, and intense black eyes and a long mane of sleek, salt-and-pepper
I’ll see what I can do.” hair. Before the end of days, he was a devout member of the
Warren Dremel is tall, wiry neonate in his mid- Lancea Sanctum, and he often calls young Kindred of the
thirties. He wears thin, wire framed glasses and is most sanctuary to the gathering hall for sermons loosely based
comfortable in a worn pair of old jeans and a T-shirt. upon the teachings of Longinus twisted to serve his own
ends. He is quick to anger, and those who incite his wrath

When the World Ends 237

do not survive for long. Locke is one of the last remaining Embraced in his mid-forties, he shows only the slightest
of a small group of Kindred who survived the end of days creases of age around the corners of his dark, close-set
along by taking shelter with the mortals of the sanctuary eyes. He stands and speaks with an easy confidence that
during the final days of the war, and he believes that he some perceive as arrogance, and feels a personal sense of
alone was chosen by God to survive the end of days in order responsibility to his clan within the walls of the city of
to lead a new, “pure” generation of the devout. Rather than Last Masses. As the Ventrue Priscus of the City of Last
band together and cooperate to ensure the lasting survival Masses, he hold a good deal of sway in the city. Craven is
of the rag-tag coterie of surviving vampires within St. diametrically opposed to the views of Alexander Woodrow
Genevieve, Gideon endeavored to gain dominion over the concerning the problem of a declining human population
sanctuary. Over the decades, he gained support through and an increasing vampire population in the city. He and
empty promises, deceit and treachery, all in the name of his supporters believe that the City of Last Masses ought
Longinus—killing off all those who failed to meet his to close its doors to any newcomers who arrive from the
twisted standards of purity, and accepting nothing less than barrens. Those outside the city can fend for themselves
unquestioned obedience from his followers. Now an elder, or come back for wherever they came. The City of Last
Locke is too powerful to drink the blood of humans, and he Masses has too many mouths to feed as it currently stands.
keeps a herd of neonates from which to feed, keeping them
contained and ignorant of the world outside St. Genevieve. Mahala Hill, Gangrel, Survivor and Traveler
But Gideon Locke is a big fish in a little pond. Although “I’ve heard tell in my travels that that’s another city just south
he is safe within the sanctuary’s walls, he fears retribution of here. It would be hard going, but if you stick together you
from Kindred who also survived the end of days in the other might be able to make it before the next storm blows through.”
remaining human sanctuaries outside of St. Genevieve for Mahala Hill is a hardy and muscular, wild-haired
his unchecked crimes since the end of the world. female Gangrel. Her deeply wrinkled skin is as tanned
and weathered as sun-baked sandstone. Her face is hard
Alexander Woodrow, Daeva, Primogen, the City of and angular, and is often set with an expression of fierce
Last Masses determination. Mahala walks everywhere with a swift,
“So Locke survived the end of days? What of the others? purposeful gait. She roams the barren Wastelands of post-
What of my dear sister?” apocalyptic earth in search of the rumored City of Last
Alexander Woodrow is a respected Primogen of the Masses, where food is plentiful, and humanity is said to
City of Last Masses. He is a tall, muscular vampire with flourish as it did in days before the end of days. On her
chiseled good looks and dazzlingly white fangs. He has travels, she encounters St. Genevieve and stops to restock
gained a great deal of support from many of the Kindred her stores of blood, bringing news of the outside world
of the Last Masses for his views on preserving and to the small sanctuary and inciting rebellion among its
nurturing the remaining human survivors of the end of restless new generation of Kindred.
days to increase the food supply for future generations of
Kindred and for the continued survival of the Damned. Story Hooks:
Woodrow is openly opposed by a small, but vocal faction The Post-apocalyptic setting of When the World Ends
of Kindred who oppose his conservative viewpoint. His lends itself to any number of futuristic dystopian stories.
sister, Brianna Woodrow, was one of the Kindred who Consider using the following examples in your Vampire
survived the end of days in St. Genevieve. Alexander chronicle.
Woodrow remains hopeful that he will hear word of his • The Trappers: A small faction of Kindred calling
lost sister. Unbeknownst to him, however, the order to themselves “Trappers” have been periodically return-
have Brianna killed was given by Gideon Locke on his ing to the City of Last Masses with several dozen of
path to power in St. Genevieve. human survivors collected from the ash belt each trip.
Thaddeus Craven, Ventrue, Priscus, the City of Last According to the Trappers, their goal is to help boost
the human population and improve the food source
Masses for the rapidly growing population of Kindred finding
“The Kindred who dwell within the City of Last Masses right their way to the city. Things may not be how they ap-
now are the only ones we ought to be concerned about. I say pear, however. Right around the same time the Trap-
close the doors to outsiders before any more mouths appear at pers began arriving with their salvaged human stock,
our doorstep begging for scraps of food we don’t have to spare.” a strange, deadly blood-borne pathogen has begun to
Thaddeus Craven is a tall, powerfully built vampire. spread slowly among the Damned of Last Masses. Is

238 Dead, Dread Chronicles

the timing nothing more than a coincidence, or can sharp fangs that jut from its elongated maw in slavering,
the disease be traced to the new faction? Can the concentric rows and wide, flickering yellow eyes. Mutant
pathogen be cured? Can its spread among Kindred of wolves are particularly vicious, and will begin tracking
the Last Masses be halted? anything it can devour at first scent, and attack in packs
• A Helping Hand: Since the end of days, low birth rate, with brutal, primal force. It hunts in packs and primarily
famine, cancer and disease have lessened the already by scent, and its long, mournful howl can be heard by
frighteningly low human population (and therefore the its packmates from miles away. Its muscular body is built
Kindred food supply). There exist rumors, however, of for speed, and an adult, mutated wolf has been known to
a faction of Morbus who have adapted their bloodline weigh up to 200 lbs.
Discipline, Cachexy, to heal any mortal of disease, ef- Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 4, Resolve 4, Strength 5,
fectively ensuring the survival of their herd. In game Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Presence 3, Manipulation 1,
terms, the player rolls as she would for the power Composure 3
Inflame (see pg. 147 of Vampire: The Requiem), Skills: Athletics (Running) 4, Brawl 4, Intimidation 3,
and if the action is successful, the result is as describe Stealth 3, Survival 4 (tracking)
in the book as a dramatic failure (conversely, if the Willpower: 7
character rolls a dramatic failure when attempting Initiative: 7
to send a mortal’s disease into remission, the result is
Defense: 4
that of the described exceptional success). The Prince
calls upon the character’s coterie to find this faction Speed: 19 (species factor 10)
of Morbus who are rumored to dwell in a secluded hu- Size: 5
man sanctuary within the ash belt, and to convince Weapons / Attacks:
them to return to the city using whatever means are
Type Damage Dice Pool
necessary to do so.
• Beasts in the Dark: Since the end of days, no plant or Bite 3 (L) 9
animal life has been discovered outside of the protective Claw 2 (L) 6
walls of the last mortal sanctuaries. Recently, however,
there has been news of strange noises in the cold dark- Health: 9
ness outside the insulated walls of St. Genevieve. Some Tracking The Tractless Wastes (Special Power): The
say it’s howling and scratching, others describe the wolf can expend a Willpower point per hour to ignore any
noises as shrieks of growls. Are there really creatures penalties to tracking rolls (and in the Wastelands, penalties
that are able to survive in the harsh wasteland without are populous). Further, if the wolf has tasted the blood of
protection from the extreme cold? What are they, and the victim (or if a vampire, its Vitae), the wolf can also
where have they come from? Why have they gathered add +4 to its Speed. This power ends when the wolf runs
around the secluded sanctuary of St. Genevieve? out of Willpower—or, of course, when he finds his prey.

Special Rules: Mutant Carrion Crow

Description: The mutated carrion crow is a large, black,
Mutant Beasts of the Wastelands scaly, bird-like creature with wide, membranous wings
Some creatures that managed to survive the end of days and a lengthy, cruel, curved beak. Its eyes burn an eerie
are rumored to have mutated in fearsome monstrosities red from within set-set sockets. Carrion crow may be
that bear little resemblance to the animals they were encountered as a solitary creature, or they may circle in
before the war. In general if anything was able to survive, flocks above something that is dead and rotting in the
it needed to become tougher, bigger, and stronger, and Wastelands. The carrion crow does not attack living
more vicious in order to survive the harsh environment creatures unless it is desperate for food, in which case
of post-apocalyptic earth. anything moving below it becomes fair game, and it will
The following are examples of several mutated animals attack with it piercing beak and long, sharp talons.
that may stalk the Wastelands of the ash belt. Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 5, Strength
2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Presence 1, Manipulation 1,
Mutant Wolf Composure 3
Description: The mutated wolves of the ash belt are Skills: Athletics (flight) 4, Brawl 2, Intimidation 1,
large, black, heavily furred pack animals with long, razor- Survival 4

When the World Ends 239

Willpower: 8 Weapons / Attacks:
Initiative: 7
Type Damage Dice Pool
Defense: 4
Speed: 16 (flight only, species factor 10) Bite 2 (L) 3
Size: 2 Claw 1 (L) 3
Weapons / Attacks:
Health: 5
Type Damage Dice Pool
Plague Bite (Special Power): If the rat successfully
Beak 2 (L) 3 bites a victim, then the victim’s player must roll a number
Talon 1 (L) 3 of dice equivalent to the victim’s Health dots. Failure on
this means that the victim contracts a random disease
(chosen by the Storyteller by whatever means the
Health: 5
Storyteller decides).
Carrion Cry (Special Power): The crow can, by
spending a Willpower point, emit a deafening squall Mutant Giant Insect
from its foul beak. This is an instant action, and any who
Description: Mutated giant insects can be found in bur-
hear the cry (within 100 yards) must make a Resolve +
rows in the icy ash of the wasteland. They lie in wait just
Composure roll. Failure on this roll causes the victim to
beneath the surface to attack anything that walks close by
feel a deep sense of fear and foreboding: the victim takes
with swift, razor-sharp scythes. Giant insects can grow to
his own Empathy score as a penalty to all other rolls for
be up to a foot in length and their soft bodies are covered
the next turn.
in a pale gray, chitinous, protective shell. They have six
Mutant Rat long, segmented legs—the front pair terminating in pray-
ing mantis-like scythes – and glossy, black compound eyes.
Description: Mutant rats that make their nests in de-
serted human cities, where they may infest sheltered Attributes: Intelligence 0, Wits 1, Resolve 1, Strength 2,
areas (such as the twisted remains of warehouses and Dexterity 2, Stamina 1, Presence 1, Manipulation 1,
factories) in naked, squirming droves. The mutated ro- Composure 1
dents are about the size of a house cat, and are hairless, Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Intimidation 1, Stealth 3
with loose, wrinkled gray skin, long, sharp incisors and (hiding), Survival 3
a pair of whipping, worm-like tails that they utilize to Willpower: 2
maintain their balance when climbing. Their shining Initiative: 2
black eyes are bright and inquisitive. Mutant rats are Defense: 3
typically scavengers, but if their nest is invaded, they will Speed: 11 (species factor 7)
swarm upon the intruder in teeming, merciless waves to Size: 1
protect their home.
Weapons / Attacks:
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 3, Strength
2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Type Damage Dice Pool
Composure 3 Scythe 2 (L) 3
Skills: Athletics (climbing) 3, Brawl 2, Intimidation 1,
Stealth 3, Survival 4
Health: 2
Willpower: 6 Hidey Hole (Special Power): By expending a Willpower
Initiative: 6 point, the insect can go above and beyond normal abilities
Defense: 3 in hiding itself in the foul earth of the Wasteland. It
Speed: 12 (species factor 7) camouflages itself so completely that any rolls made to
Size: 2 notice it or detect surprise (when it attacks) suffer a penalty
equal to the insect’s Stealth score (in this case, -3).

240 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Nights of Long Knives When you go out to seek revenge, dig two graves.

Above you are the now-vanished elders, still defining

The Bloodiest Damn Game Of Musical Chairs the actions of the neo-feudal hell even if they’re no longer
“Why?” there to act as present nobles. Everyone knew them, was
Jacob considered the dry, cracked voice of his fellow priest, the servant of one of them, had their own goals and
and met accusing eyes with a level stare. ambitions crushed by one, loved one, was the pet student
“You are her childe, Jacob. You spoke for her at conclave. of one or anything else you can think of. Below you are
You were the favored instrument of our Prince…” The priest’s the neonates, the great rabble that outnumber you and
tone wasn’t pleading, despite the grave situation, but confused suddenly see you as dreadfully temporary. If the elders
and hurt. can vanish, then so can the ancillae, and asserting your
authority will be a challenge.
Jacob looked away, tested the hammer’s weight in his hand,
and considered how best to explain. It’s a small city; somewhere in Europe maybe, one of
the old cities with long, bloody histories and a too-small
“Ever since I died, all I did was what she told me. I’ve been…
downtown to support more than a few dozen Kindred.
thinking. Talking to others,” he said.
Map out the bloodline-trees of the entire Kindred
“Dragons,” his guest spat population active, in torpor and missing, and you’ll
“Yes. They told me what I already knew, deep down. I was start seeing who everyone is—especially the people
seeking a change.” you have to introduce to the sun. That isn’t a nameless
“She wouldn’t allow it.” Carthian you’re staking, it’s the blood-nephew of one of
“She’s not here anymore, is she? It’s just us! Mouthing the other characters, childe of his sire’s childe. We start
prayers I’ve never believed in but was too under the thumb to our chronicle long after everyone’s been introduced, and
reject. And by the way…” just a fraction too long after everyone decided they had
He hammered the stake home. a couple of other Kindred on their shit-list.
“…I fucking hate you, brother.” There’s only room for one Prince. Who’s it going to be?

The Pitch Tier: Ancilla/City

“Nights of Long Knives” is about a sudden power vacuum This chronicle is about the politics of a single, isolated city
and how the Kindred of a city rearrange themselves to turning deadly, with alliances and betrayals made nightly
fill that vacuum. Your characters are ancillae faced with among the coteries and covenants. Player characters are
a mass disappearance of elders—after decades of stagna- experienced ancillae of a few decades standing. It’s firmly
tion, the top of almost every food chain in the fiefdom in the higher end of Tier Two.
has been cut off, and we start the chronicle just as the
shock has begun to wear off and the killing is about to Mood and Theme
begin. Long-resented laws no longer have anyone backing Mood: Catharsis. The mood is the explosive release of
them up, oppressed covenants see their chance to grasp long-pent up resentments and rivalries, as Kindred held
power and no one has the authority to keep the neonates in their positions within the Danse Macabre are free to
in line. You are the mistress of Elysium, the sheriff, the move as they will at one another’s expense. A beating
parish priest of the Spear, the Carthian Chairwoman isn’t just a beating but revenge for hundreds of slights over
and any number of other middle roles, now faced with dozens of years, decades of suppressed hatred focused into
empty seats above you and knives at your back. You’re the making the other bastard pay.
Prince’s eldest childe, raised in the city’s politics through
Theme: Slipping Masks. The thin veneer of civilization
your mistress’ patronage and now bereft of her protection
the Kindred wear is being torn off. Elysium is failing and
or control. You’re the progeny of a disgraced Dragon, now
secret allegiances, feuds and loves are revealed as one by
free to make your own mark without stigma, or the secret
one the city’s Kindred show their hands. To negotiate the
student of a banned covenant that can use the chaos to
Danse Macabre, characters will need to keep their own
further your agenda.

Nights of Long Knives 241

secrets close to the chest while making their best effort
to understand the motives of others before those motives
drive them to violence.

The Nights of Long Knives requires a fair investment
of setup for the Storyteller, but it should pay off when
the stakes begin to fly. A few dozen Kindred Storyteller
characters, packed into a small city, need to be created
to have agendas of their own. The Players’ characters
need to be inserted into this web and be given allies and
antagonists of their own so that they feel part of the set-
ting as it burns down around their ears. It’s Vampire as
disaster simulation, a city’s worth of Kindred carefully
created to interact with the neofeudal pyramid of obliga-
tion keeping everyone in place before it’s fatally damaged
in the opening chapter.
Because the chronicle relies on the Storyteller mapping
the relationships of all the setting’s Kindred, and because
betrayal and treachery are more fun if the character being
betrayed has a full backstory and if the act itself will cause
ripples through all the other characters, less is more in
terms of population. The setting should be chosen to
support only as many vampires as the Storyteller feels
confident of naming, fleshing out and remembering the
interconnections between. Too many vampires (over 40
for most groups) leads to facelessness and players confused
by who is screwing over whom in a given chapter. Too few
and the setting becomes predetermined; without enough
schemes going on for the actions of players to disrupt.
(Plus, too few means the characters might start in on
each other. Fine for most games, but better to let a game
take its time going down that route. Games that begin
with characters at each other’s throats make for too-tense,
too-terse games, in our opinions.)
The chronicle relies on a feeling of pressure that has
been suddenly released. Characters should have been
held back in some way by the now-vanished regime; in
play, emphasize the fact that the Kindred of the city are
committing offences against the old order—their plans
break the Prince’s edicts, or cross territorial bounds that
were considered iron-clad until the elders went away.
Some of the Kindred may want to hold to the old laws
out of loyalty or because those laws favored their own
interests. Others will want the limits on their Requiem
torn down as soon as possible. Most will hold both
opinions about different laws, stamping down on those
that hurt their privilege and demanding that others stop
stamping on them. Because of this, it’s best to make the
old regime as totalitarian as possible in a few cases—
perhaps a covenant was banned outright, or the Embrace

242 Dead, Dread Chronicles

declared illegal without the approval of the Sanctified Then watch it all come tumbling down.
bishop. Maybe restrictions were limited to Kindred of With so few vampires compared to a larger city in the
particular lines of Embrace, thanks to an insult laid at US, each clan will likely be made up of only one or two
the Prince by their great great grandsire. “family trees,” adding a further dimension to the chaos in
The reason for the active elders vanishing can be as the form of Blood Sympathy as bitter rivals instinctively
complicated or as simple as you want; it sets the stage for the know when one another suffer disasters or experience
chronicle rather than being the plot itself. Maybe they all great victories. Players should decide if their characters
went into torpor at the same time for some reason. Maybe have given the Embrace in the past and pick neonates
they were murdered. Maybe they just vanished. Note that from the Storyteller characters to be their spawn.
unless something really unusual happened, there will be With the way that the chronicle is set up, player
other elders who went into torpor before the event, who may characters may find themselves eventually at odds.
even be due to wake up during the course of the chronicle. Nights of Long Knives can get competitive, especially
How will the ancillae and neonates react to a solitary elder as the chronicle reaches its end and coteries turn on one
appearing and threatening their control of their new fiefs? another, and this is one of the few times a Storytelling
The player characters are the remains of the old chronicle can have a clear “winner.” The entire troupe
authority—those ancillae important enough or should decide what to do about the possibility of the
experienced enough to have had roles in the Prince’s characters clashing with one another; the players could
court or the leadership of covenants, but not important create their characters to not have conflicting goals or
or powerful enough to have vanished with their superiors. delay it such that the coterie agree to deal with everyone
They have the opportunity to grasp real power for else before turning on one another. If the troupe is
themselves, but they’ve played their part in restricting willing, it’s entirely within the spirit of the chronicle
the neonates and will have to watch their backs while for the final story to be a bloodbath, and if a player’s
expanding their empires. They should be created as character backed the losing side they might find the
“movers and shakers,” with around 100 experience, and chronicle ends with Final Death for them. Be sure that
each should have at least one Status Merit of two or three no feelings are being hurt around the gaming table and
dots reflecting their position in the Danse Macabre. They enjoy setting one another up for a fall. This is not a game
should have peers among the Storyteller characters to fill for strangers or sensitive friendships.
similar roles, but no active superiors. Even as agents of the
old ways, they will have suffered the same restrictions as
other Kindred, maybe even more so.
Every vampire in the setting knows every other vampire Resist Direction
in the setting, barring nomadic outsiders that may show When figuring out the conflicting agendas of the
Storyteller characters and how they relate to the
up in play. The Predator’s Taint has long since dulled into player characters’ own schemes, it can become
feelings of jumpy paranoia rather than outright frenzy. tempting to work out how some of the plans might
The Storyteller should make a few brief notes for each go off ahead of time. Resist this temptation and
concentrate on making as many mutually exclusive,
Storyteller character, detailing his or her agenda and opposed and confused agendas as you can. You’re
secrets, and then move on to listing (very briefly) what building a house of cards in the setup, but leave
each vampire knows about what every other vampire is the decision of how to make it fall down it to the
players beyond the initial push.
up to; this stage should include the player characters,
This means that once the chronicle is running,
so that the chronicle begins with preexisting allies and and after your nudge to get everything moving,
antagonists for every player. It should also include the most of your work as Storyteller is in assessing
vanished elders—just because they’re gone doesn’t mean how the player’s actions affect the Storyteller
characters—have they impressed anyone? Ruined
they don’t cast long shadows over the chronicle. a scheme? Does anyone need to come up with a
Once the chronicle has been set up, it’s time to give it a plan B? Concentrate on showing those changes
in play and seeing what happens next. Try not to
push. The first chapter of the first story should open with force your own direction on the chronicle, and let
the first shot being fired—the first Kindred given Final the players’ actions have meaning. When the dust
Death by a rival, the first Elysium disrupted or the first settles at the end of it all, they should have made
transgression against the Prince’s edicts. Pick something their own fates.
that will affect as many player characters in different
ways as possible. If that proves impossible, choose two
trigger events.

Nights of Long Knives 243

Sample Background for several weeks—denying she’d been to a neighboring
city, but unwilling to say where she had been instead.
The sample characters and stories are based on the follow-
ing setting, designed in line with the advice given so far. As the chronicle starts, a Priest who took over a neonate
coterie’s territory for himself is attacked, ripped apart and
The chronicle is set in a small European city that
left for the sun.
suffered during the bloody conflicts of the early 20th
century, sending most of the Kindred that existed then
into Final Death as the city was pounded by enemy Sample Characters
bombs and their havens cracked to the light of day.
The survivors of those wars are the handful of elders Anne-Marie
who have kept a tight grip on their city ever since, sires We do not behave this way in Elysium. Standards must be
of new generations of Kindred that have always known maintained, despite our present difficulties.
their masters’ presence. A central coterie of elders You’re the Mistress of Elysium, the chain holding the
controlled the neofeudal pyramid, with the Prince and society of the Kindred together despite everyone else’s
all her Primogen drawn from it, and laws were made best efforts, and you’re finding it an increasing struggle
to advance their covenants while protecting their own to get your guests to respect the sanctity of Elysium. You
interests. The Sanctified Prince and Archbishop ruled achieved your post when you a Harpy, informing on the
a parallel hierarchy of priests while the majority of the previous Master as being a secret Acolyte and stepping
city’s Kindred were members of the Carthian “laity.” in graciously when the Prince had him destroyed. You
Membership of the Circle of the Crone or the Invictus claim to be above politics, focused on your job, but pay
was banned outright with those covenants labeled as lip-service to the Carthian ideals so as to avoid being
heretics and descendents of the political ideals that seen as suspicious. In fact, you are apolitical and would
saw the continent plunged into war. The elder coterie be unbound if not for the stigma attached to that state.
couldn’t ban the Ordo Dracul, thanks to a powerful You’re the black sheep of the Ordo Dracul bloodline,
single elder of that covenant having survived the Embraced by the Old Dragon but uninterested in joining
conflagration, but the covenant was restricted to that that covenant. Your brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces
single bloodline. The old Dragon went into torpor in the Dragons see you as an intermediary on their behalf,
himself in the 1960s; his progeny haven’t dared break the respectable face of the bloodline.
the restriction on recruiting for fear of giving the Prince As a Daeva, you’ve long since felt yourself die inside.
an excuse to remove what little freedoms they have. Your Requiem was meant to be easy—smile your fake
More recently, the ruling coterie declared the city smile, amuse and divert the other Kindred with the
full to capacity and outlawed new Embraces without entertainment you lay on every month and the surprising
permission—permission that has never been granted. places you host Elysium, keep tabs on everyone as part
One year ago, the city was the target of a terrorist of your job as social organizer, hunt and feed on your
attack directed at the country’s mortal leaders. A off-nights and above all keep busy. You’re industrious in
bombing left dozens of mortals dead with many more your efforts as a distraction from your void of meaning
injured, and signaled a shift in governmental policy and lack of a greater purpose.
as the people became paranoid. For the Kindred, the The cracks, though, are beginning to show—Elysium
bombing signaled greater changes; the bombs, whether is getting progressively more difficult to arrange while the
by strange luck or subtle manipulation, destroyed the Kindred grow more hostile to one another. Your relatives
elders’ havens, killed the Carthian leadership outright in the Ordo Dracul want to expand their powerbase
and left the Prince and the remaining Primogen in and are pressurizing you to Embrace in the belief that
torpor, their bodies rescued by their priests and stolen you’re too important to the city to be punished. You fear
away to a safe location. A new Carthian Prefect and the emergence of the Circle of the Crone, remembering
Myrmidon were quickly elected, but the Sanctified what you did to your predecessor, and above else fear the
couldn’t nominate a new higher Priesthood until the return from torpor of your sire. If you could find a way to
Archbishop and Bishops woke. Worried that Kindred make sure that never happened, it might be worth it, but
from other cities would hear about the sudden weakness it would have to be done subtly; the other Dragons want
and invade, the new ruling council of Priests and him back as soon as possible, and your Blood Sympathy
Carthians banned travel away from the city. to them means any slip of emotion on your part at his
One month ago, one of the Dragons Embraced a Final Death might be noticed.
favorite Ghoul. One of the Carthian neonates vanished

244 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Jacob Sanctum’s priesthood and their medieval beliefs, but you
can’t get to that society if you’ve already gone to Final
We were all given roles to play. Some are happier than others.
Death. If you tried to lead the way in having some of the
You’re the golden boy of the Lancea Sanctum, an Prince’s edicts struck off the books you’d quickly find your
altar boy Embraced to serve as the servant and agent haven invaded by Sanctified angry at the loss of their
of your sire: the Prince and Archbishop. Thoroughly special rights. Instead, you and your Myrmidon rely on
lost to Vinculum, you were her mouthpiece to the other the disenfranchised proposing changes to you which you
Kindred, representing her to the other covenants and can use your position to give a fair hearing to, carefully
recounting her messages to the Sanctified priesthood. maintaining your neutrality and never letting your poker
You were her mouthpiece in another way, too—a decade face slip. You trust the Myrmidon, your co-conspirator—
after your Embrace, her blood grew too thick to feed from she’s your blood-sister, consanguineous childe of your own
the living, so you served as her proxy, feeding enough for sire—more than you trust anyone else, but your need to
both of you and being fed off by your sire in turn. Your maintain deniability means you don’t know for certain
Nosferatu lineage manifests as an unnaturalness that who the Acolytes and Invictus in the city are and you
puts people off—you seem at times more like a statue in worry about what else you’re missing in relying on her.
a church than an animate being, firmly in the uncanny The night is fast approaching when you will have to take
valley, which when combined with fear of your sire means a more active hand in sponsoring freedom.
you’ve spent the best part of your Requiem in a terrible
state of loneliness, standing apart even from your coterie. Walter
You were the one who rescued the ruling coterie from I’m just doing the job the way my mentor taught me to. She
their haven, and placed their torpid bodies in a long- was a monster.
forgotten bomb shelter from the last war. You were driven The old Sheriff-slash-Inquisitress was the terror of the
by the Vinculum to do so, and their location is a secret night: a Sanctified Nosferatu named Pike enforced the
you haven’t shared. Your mind is increasingly your own, Archbishop’s laws with an iron talon. You shared neither
though, with time and lack of reinforcement. If she were her clan nor her covenant, being a Daeva and a member
to reawaken, you’d be under her heel in an instant, but for of the Ordo Dracul, but you were an able student, the
now you can nurse thoughts long held private such as your favorite of her Hounds and as cold-hearted as she ever
atheism. Your sire would have destroyed you long ago if was. When she fell to the attack, you were quickly named
she knew you didn’t believe in the church of Longinus, but as sheriff and disabused any notion that the regime
now you’re making quiet attempts to find something else change meant you would go soft. Your answer to the
to believe in, a covenant where you can at last be yourself gradual slipping of the city into chaos so far has been to
and be accepted. It won’t be easy—anyone taking you in commit greater and greater atrocities. “Draconian values”
would be breaking your sire’s commandments, and assuring you call them: impaling as a punishment for poaching,
him or her you weren’t a spy would be extremely difficult. the loss of limbs (to be painfully regrown over months)
Unfortunately, another Priest noticed your quiet for disobedience. But you’re just one man, without any
efforts. Brother Garret realized your faith was wavering Hounds, and your strategies are failing. Worst of all are
and pressed you about it too hard—hard enough for your childer and your siblings’ childer in the Ordo Dracul,
you to frenzy and kill him. Fortunately, he’d had a loud pushing the restriction on recruiting and the Embrace
disagreement with some nameless neonate only a few to the breaking point and counting on the idea that
nights before, and the sheriff is a believer in open-and- you won’t enforce the law against them. You don’t know
shut cases. As long as the neonate falls quickly, you what you’ll do if you find that one of those laws has been
should be fine. broken—your loyalty to your covenant weighed against
your loyalty to your mentor. You will be tested soon, and
Monica you’re not sure of the outcome.
I didn’t expect to last this long.
You’re the Carthian Prefect, elected to the position from Allies and Antagonists
your previous role of Myrmidon to replace the existing
Prefect when a bomb fell on him. So far, you’ve managed Dog
to avoid being assassinated despite being the nearest thing Let them come.
the city has to a Prince these nights. It’s the “so far” that
The leader of a coterie of unbound neonates, the
takes up most of your effort. You can believe—and you
unwanted fledglings of Carthians, Sanctified and Dragons
do—in a fairer society for the Kindred, free of the Lancea

Nights of Long Knives 245

ganged together for protection, you feel ignored by your And when she’s least expecting it, you’re going to kill
betters and resentful at what you see as them mocking Anne-Marie.
you. Your territory has been growing since the old order
ended, but that didn’t stop the ancillae’s patronizing Rose
tone. Run along, Dog, the grown-ups are talking. Well, You don’t know him the way I do.
you’ve had enough. When the priest demanded you stop You’re the darling daughter of the Ordo Dracul Daeva.
feeding in the best part of your territory (so what if it was Beautiful, romantically minded Rose, only just old
by his church?) you gave him a piece of your mind. Then enough to be considered an ancilla. The closest thing
someone killed him, and you’re looking guilty in the eyes “aunt” Anne-Marie has to a Harpy and assistant despite
of the law. You don’t care. your clinging more closely to the family business of the
If there had been any position—any feudal title, any Coils. In life, you were a young woman of a certain class,
tiny mark of respect—from the leaders, you might have left under no illusions that your job was to be married
turned out differently. If they’d recognized your claims off advantageously, and soon developed a chameleon-
over your feeding grounds, you might have been content; like ability to hide your real self behind a façade that
in another city, you’d have even made a good sheriff or changed on whom you were with. Dismissed by most of
at the very least a Hound. Your sire was even the Master the covenant—and indeed most of the Kindred—as a
of Elysium, before he was destroyed—his destruction is a socialite who over-romanticizes the Requiem, you’re driven
black mark against you, preventing you from becoming by two goals. You’ve been in love or an approximation
anything of notice. But now you know it’s only a matter you mistake for love with Jacob for decades, though he
of time before the real sheriff comes around, and you’re wouldn’t be able to partake in your fantasy “marriage” of
going to have a fight on your hands. a mutual Vinculum as long as his sire holds the reins of
his mind. To free him, you need to destroy the Prince.
Elizabeth Those other Kindred that have noticed you disappearing
I can’t tell you who presented that motion Father, you under- for nights at a time, reappearing dressed strangely (that
stand? It’d be like breaking the seal of confession. is, normally rather than as though you were attending
You’re the Carthian Myrmidon, tasked with providing the ball) assume that you have taken a lover, and they’re
the impartial voice for anonymous petitions and for right. It’s the Tunneldweller, who you’ve convinced that
keeping order at meetings, a role you inherited from your you alone understand him. Once he’s in Vinculum to you,
blood-sister Monica when your mutual sire suffered Final you’ll get the secret of the Prince’s location and free your
Death and she moved up to his position. You’re twelve real love in a single act of calculated regicide.
years her elder, but are her junior in the covenant thanks
to being taken less seriously because of your appearance— Tunneldweller
you were Embraced as a 15-year old—and because of an Leave me alone!
infraction you committed early in your Requiem, when you You’re a Nosferatu, childe of the former sheriff, and
Embraced without permission. It wasn’t a crime worthy you’re abandoned by the entire world except for your
of destruction back then, but your childe’s rejection of angel. Your sire broke your mind with Nightmares when
the Carthians to become a Harpy and eventually the you didn’t say your prayers, and you fled underground,
Master of Elysium made you a laughing stock for a few paranoid and scared that Walter would be sent to bring
years. He eventually fell afoul of the previous sheriff and you back. The other Kindred call you “Tunneldweller”
was destroyed, but not before embracing Dog; the Blood when they think of you at all, then they kick and spit at
Sympathy between you and the young rebel tugs at you you and laugh at your ruined face.
along with your guilt for bearing ultimate responsibility, You saw your cousin Jacob put her there, when the
and you find yourself trying to figure out a way to save tunnels shook and rained dust and bricks. Your sire lies
your grandchilde when you couldn’t save his sire. in a cellar, locked up tight to sleep after the roof fell in
Your blood relation to Dog isn’t a secret, but your on her. You try to stay away, but every so often lurk closer
contacts among the banned covenants are—you know and closer, poking at the fear, love and revulsion like
who trained your childe as an Acolyte before he was tonguing at an abscess.
destroyed, and you’re determined that they become a legal Only your angel offers you solace. She visits you by the
covenant in his memory. That’s the secret: no one brings subway station, talks softly to you and is not disgusted.
the petitions to loosen covenant restrictions to you. You You told her about your sire, and now gnaw at it—was
fabricate them and use your position to present them. that the right thing to do?

246 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Sample Stories scrapped and are angrily accusing everyone Elizabeth
meets with of being an Acolyte, Jacob is treading care-
Blood at the Ball fully while surrounded by angry priests and Anne-Marie
comes home one night to find a starving Rose begging
The Final Death of Brother Garret, staked and left for the sanctuary after she used all her Vitae to heal herself fol-
sun, is being firmly pointed at Dog and his crew despite lowing a beating. If Anne-Marie digs into who attacked
Elizabeth’s protestations of there being no proof. Walter her friend, she might discover that it was Tunneldweller,
is convinced that Dog did the deed, but Monica won’t let who has noticed Rose’s feelings for Jacob and frenzied.
him off the leash until he has solid evidence—which won’t
be easy to come by given that it was actually Jacob. Dog, The Dragon Wakes
for his part, isn’t backing down from the confrontation. Late in the chronicle, as the end-game approaches, Jacob
Elizabeth suggests that an Elysium be held to defuse the has renounced his Sanctified faith and gone with Rose to
situation and try to find out who actually killed the Priest, the Ordo Dracul, which leaves Walter faced with protect-
privately hoping that if her grandchilde goes down (she, ing him from incensed Sanctified and in need of finding a
like everyone else, is actually certain that he did it) he’ll Hound to alleviate his workload. Unfortunately, the only
go down fighting and take Anne-Marie with him. If Jacob volunteer is Dog. Monica has uncovered the fact that no-
betrays any signs of panic Rose, who has her own reasons madic Kindred are aware of the city’s fragile state and are
for paying particular attention to him, will notice them. beginning to move into the outer suburbs, the Carthians
The scene is set for a tense Elysium of veiled and not- are barely holding onto power following a large exodus to
so-veiled threats, with almost everyone present trying to the now-legalized Circle of the Crone and she’s having to
get Dog off the hook for their own conflicting reasons. consider eliminating, rather than persuading, threats to
Except for Dog and Walter, who just want to tear strips her rule. And Tunneldweller has stolen the elders.
off one another. At which point, just as things can’t get any tenser,
Samson and Delilah Anne-Marie’s sire wakes from torpor. He turns out to
have been forced into sleep by Monica’s predecessor and
Mid-way through the chronicle, feelings regarding the is nursing a grudge. He declares that he will lead the
Circle of the Crone have relaxed slightly as the Lancea effort to repel the invaders in service of the Prefect, but
Sanctum’s influence declines following Garret’s death and everyone can tell he’s going to try to declare himself
Jacob’s disinterest. While the vote to legalize the recruit- Prince. Loyalties are tested—Walter faces the final
ment to and membership of the other covenants—includ- test of his covenant or his duty as sheriff, Monica the
ing the Ordo Dracul—is looming. Rose has been engaging decision of whether to fall to the Old Dragon, the
Jacob in conversation, trying to convince him to join the invaders, the Sanctified or to somehow find a way out,
Dragons when the vote passes, as it must despite Sancti- Anne-Marie faces her sire’s return and Jacob is torn
fied opposition. Walter and Monica have their hands full between his loyalty to Rose and the other Dragons and
trying to calm down Sanctified who want the whole thing his Vinculum to the Prince.

Nights of Long Knives 247

Unmasked Love will tear us apart.

other they’ll start believing it too. The end result is that the
Order Versus Chaos Masquerade is in tatters—the coterie are supported by mor-
In the early hours of the morning as the city slept, a dead man tals who know what they are, and an ever-increasing number
met a dead woman beneath a streetlight, opposite a building of mortals and Kindred are let in on the secret.
they knew well. Too many loose lips endanger everyone, from both sides.
“You shouldn’t be here. It’s not right,” said the male and Mortal groups dedicated to hunting vampires may catch
taller of the two, wary of restarting the argument but stating wind of the goings-on in the coterie’s territory and persecute
the fact for the record. Kindred and “sympathizer” alike. If one of the Kindred
“Can you stop me?” asked the female. that knows bears a grudge and goes to the covenants with
The tall vampire considered, shivering against the chill he proof that the Masquerade has been broken, the response
didn’t feel. to the coterie’s crimes will be swift and bloody. But despite
the danger, neither mortal nor Kindred at the centre of the
“They can. If they hear about it, we’ll all be done for.” mess are willing to give it up. They can’t quit one another.
“That would be true even if I stopped. We’re all tainted. They’re already doomed. It’s only a matter of time.
What about Simon?”
A flash of guilt crossed both faces as their eyes met. The Tier: Neonate/Coterie
other vampire looked away first, raising her gaze back to the Unmasked stars a single coterie of very young neonates
window high above. and their human friends; other vampires are a largely
“Simon’s different. I’m going to make him an agent—like unseen threat, one that the coterie are going to have to
that spooky guy on West’s…” he searched for the term. avoid if they’re going to keep their indiscretions secret.
“…Ghouls. And no, you won’t. I know you.” The covenants are something as far away from the char-
“And I know you. I think pretty well. You’re never going acters’ experience as the government is to the mortals.
to cross that threshold and talk to him. You wouldn’t break The chronicle is therefore Tier One.
their Masquerade even if I’ve bent it…” He trailed off at his Mood and Theme
companion’s expression. “…oh, God. Tell me you didn’t.”
Mood: Transgression. The coterie knows that it has broken
“Not yet, but I will. I don’t see how it applies. He’s not a the Tradition of Masquerade. They’re not stupid, and realize
hunter. He’s not someone able to tell the world about us. that their Requiems are forfeit unless something is done. But
He’s just…” they’re unwilling to kill, Embrace or ghoul the mortals that
“…Your husband.” know about them and they’re as unable to flee for a new city
as any group of new neonates. The feeling that the coterie has
The Pitch done something wrong for which it will eventually be found
Unmasked is a chronicle about the pressure to confirm to out and the desperation with which it delays that revelation
the Traditions when the World of Darkness provides reason night by night should always be there in the chronicle, as
after reason to break them, and about the effort to keep the should the thrill that results in breaking the rules even if the
genie in the bottle when you’ve torn the lid off yourself. A characters know they’ll have to pay for it one night.
street-level coterie of neonates start with good intentions Theme: Refusal to Change. In many ways, the
and quickly get into a position where they’re under threat of characters are refusing to admit that their old lives are
destruction should anyone find out what they’ve done. Maybe no longer theirs to be held onto. The lovers refuse to
it started when one of them was tracked down by his jilted bow to the pressure to give one another up, one vampire
fiancée, refusing to believe that he was dead. Maybe one of refuses to treat his friend as a source of Vitae or a slave
the coterie made the first move, approaching his former best and another wants her marriage back, ignoring the whole
friend and explaining what had happened to him. Maybe part about “until death.” Even when the ultimate result
there’s a doomed couple, hoping that if they convince the of the indiscretions is known, the coterie refuses to bow
world that they’re still in love despite one being food for the to the inevitable. The characters refuse to admit to the
fear that deep down they’re no longer human.

248 Dead, Dread Chronicles

This differs from most Vampire: The Requiem chron-
icles in that the interactions it’s focused on aren’t those
between vampires, but those between vampires and
mortals. It plays on both the necessity of maintaining the
precarious breach of the Masquerade and the ever-present
fear of discovery. Both should be emphasized in play.
Without a compelling reason or reasons for the coterie
to continue in the Masquerade breach, the chronicle will
suffer. The sample characters presented below all have
emotional reasons for reaching out to mortals, but that’s
a motive to commit a crime not to continue committing
them. Reinforce the need for the mortal characters by
presenting situations that can only be solved with the aid
of a free-willed human; by allying itself with mortals, a
coterie receives a means of acting during the day without the
problems that a Ghoul can cause with their addictions and
magically binding love. A mortal that protects a vampire’s
haven because she likes the vampire is a superior guard to a
Ghoul doing so because he’s addicted to the vampire’s blood,
or at the very least has different strengths and weaknesses to
the Ghoul option. The most important thing a human ally
does for a vampire is providing a sense of humanity capable
of disagreeing with the vampire’s wishes—the benefits when
trying to maintain Humanity of having human contact
that isn’t a Vinculum-addled slave are great, and you should
consider giving bonuses to degeneration rolls of characters
who really work at those relationships.
The fear of discovery is easier to manage; as contact with
the covenants and the Prince’s court is limited in a Tier
One chronicle, the cast of vampire Storyteller characters
will be limited to the claimants of neighboring territory and
any court officials that do check up on neonate coteries.
A sheriff or bishop is too high up for the chronicle, but a
Hound or priest is appropriate in small doses. Whenever
one of these characters acts within the coterie’s territory
there is the chance that they will discover the breach, which
should keep the paranoia alive in the coterie.
Intrusion into the coterie’s affairs can come from
the mortal side as well as the Kindred. In many ways,
by associating with mortals the characters have made
themselves targets for Hunters or mortal Storyteller
characters that have their own reasons for searching for
them. In our example characters, one of the coterie is
being searched for by a former lover who doesn’t know
about the Kindred; if she finds him it would be a further
Masquerade breach that the coterie aren’t in control
of and one that would be made infinitely worse if she
learns about vampires from one of the mortals that the
characters have told.

Unmasked 249
The sense of guilt for the coterie’s actions is important
to maintain in order to feed the mood of the chronicle.
The troupe can achieve it by providing a human cost to
True Romance
the arrangement and by illustrating what will happen if In a chronicle about Kindred who have an emotional
the Kindred authorities discover the breach. The human attachment to mortal humans, the subject will
cost can be both low-key, in the natural consequences of inevitably come up—just how much emotion are
the Kindred even capable of? A vampire is certainly
staying out all night with one’s undead friends on work capable of seeing a mortal as a friend and colleague
and other friendships, and sparingly fatal; a character (although the vampire will have to control the fact
falling to Wassail and feeding from one of his mortal that his friend makes him hungry, thanks to the
Beast), but can the Kindred fall in love beyond the
associates will cause much heartbreak, accentuated artificial need of the Vinculum?
because the vampire had convinced himself that he didn’t By default, Vampire: The Requiem assumes that
see his friend as a source of blood. the Embrace renders the Kindred incapable of
experiencing new emotions. A vampire who never
Illustrating the consequences of breaking the experienced love as a mortal will never fall in love.
Masquerade is easy—have another coterie destroyed for Emotions that one of the Kindred has experienced
the crime and ensure the characters learn about it. For are present but hollow as though they were echoes
extra paranoia, have the other coterie’s breach taken or copies of the real thing, and this deadening
increases over time. At the stage in their Requiem
to the Prince by one of the player coterie’s few Kindred the coterie are depicted in this chronicle, the
allies. If there are mortal groups working against vampires, characters are still capable of friendship, though if
another ally of the coterie might fall prey to them as an they stopped to think about it they would realize
that they no longer care as much about their friends
object lesson in the Masquerade’s purpose. as they used to; almost as though they are going
Guilt can come from betraying other Kindred as well as through the motions while their minds catch up with
letting the delusion that mortals are friends slip; a character what’s changed in their bodies. Any vampire that
believes himself to be in love is practicing a certain
in this chronicle should frequently be forced to lie to allies amount of self-delusion, aware that he don’t feel
to cover up her own crimes and the crimes of others. If quite as strongly as he once did but clinging to it
there is an authority figure (such as the above example of out of habit, loyalty or fear of what abandoning the
relationship might mean for his Humanity.
a Hound) play them for maximum ambiguity, emphasizing The other issue is one of pleasure: feeding gives
their desire to do right by the characters. If a character feels the Kindred a rush beyond anything they experienced
terribly guilty about covering up the breach to the local as mortals, and other sensations feel dull compared
to it. The Beast drives a vampire to feed, filling a
Hound, even though she’s well aware that he will send her to neonate with alien urges to consume her mortal
Final Death if he finds out, your troupe are doing it right. It allies. Eventually, the vampire in a sexual pairing with
might not even be as overt as betrayal—mortals aren’t used a mortal will realize (or admit) that sex is more on
to the way that the Kindred divide a city into fiefs, and it’s the level of wearing comfortable clothes than that
of ecstasy, and that the thrill of lying with her lover
entirely likely that a mortal one of the coterie is interested is disturbingly like that of smelling delicious cooking.
in lives within the hunting grounds of another vampire, who The sad part is that the mortal in the pair may get off
must be dealt with in a way that doesn’t expose the coterie. on his partner’s reaction or—worse—think that he
can change her. Star-crossed lovers, indeed.
Unmasked lends itself well to crossovers, thanks to
the Tier and the focus on how vampires relate to the
wider World of Darkness. It’s possible to introduce minor
supernatural beings or even characters created with other and can fulfill the niche a Ghoul would in a normal game;
World of Darkness games (especially Hunter: the Vigil) the “member of the coterie” that can act during the day
to the story in order to showcase the differences in how and advance the group agenda while all Kindred are asleep
they interact with mortals compared to the Kindred. at the cost of being fragile. The troupe might consider the
There is no strong reason why every player in the resistance of Blood Potency, the healing abilities of Kindred
chronicle has to play one of the Kindred; in fact, the and Disciplines to be sufficiently unbalancing to require a
chronicle may be stronger if a player or two are willing handicap of sorts beyond immunity to sunlight, no need to
to meet the challenge of portraying mortal humans in a consume blood, no frenzy and the ability to buy Morality
Vampire game (and once more, using the Hunter: The with Experience. If so, create the mortal character with 30
Vigil rules may not be altogether inappropriate what with more experience than the vampires. Remember that the
the focus on tiers and Professions). The characters chosen mortal will have higher skills than the vampires once the
should be from the core of the coterie’s allies, rather than chronicle advances beyond the first few stories, as he won’t
any acquaintances on the edge of the Masquerade breach, have to spend experience on Blood Potency or Disciplines.

250 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Sample Characters Embraced as a Nosferatu a week before you were due to
get married, you fled your sire and your life as a journalist.
Liam You couldn’t face your fiancée with the ruined face the
Nosferatu curse left you, and had no one to turn to
My heart doesn’t need to beat for me to still love her. except—in desperation—your older brother Simon. After
You weren’t anyone special—an EMT, working out of a harrowing journey, hiding from the sun in storm drains
a hospital in the centre of the city. Trying to save a few and stealing cars to cover more ground, you made it to his
lives in the World of Darkness. You worked long shifts, home just before dawn. You’re not sure how you persuaded
endangered your life a few times and tried to make a him that it was his brother under your deformity, but he
difference. You lived alone, with few friends and no opened the door and let you sleep in the cellar.
relatives nearby. That’s why they targeted you. A group of You met Liam a few weeks later; your brother’s house
vampires wanting access to the hospital did their research was close by to the tiny haven Liam had made for himself.
and picked you as the best EMT to Embrace, the least Having another vampire to explain what had happened to
likely to be missed. They ambushed you when you were you (as best as he could) helped, and Simon has declared
called out one night and made you a Daeva. his intention to stick by you despite what you’ve all learned
They didn’t know about your girlfriend. They saw you about the Masquerade. You decided, in a moment of
living alone and didn’t realize you had a lover at work, nobility, that it would be best if your fiancée never learned
your affair carried out in snatched moments between what happened to you. Simon could volunteer to risk his
calls. Cassandra is a doctor in the ER and you were both life if other vampires found out about the arrangement,
keeping it quiet. but she couldn’t make an informed choice to do so and
You died, but your love didn’t (or at least not entirely). you refused to endanger her. Recently, though, the
You suffered “basic training” at the hands of your sire determination of a new member of your coterie to get her
and his coterie before being allowed to leave and make marriage back has you questioning your decision.
your own Haven in exchange for a tithe of access to the
hospital, which you arranged by making sure your own Andrea
clearances weren’t revoked when you “quit” your job. You All it would take is for them to look away for a night. Just
didn’t consciously plan to break the Masquerade, but one night.
somehow, within a week, you found yourself explaining You’re both the most recently Embraced vampire and
to Cass what had happened to you. the longest away from your mortal life in the coterie,
Now you try your best to make your Requiem quietly, the difference made up as time as a Ghoul. Five years
beneath the notice of other coteries. You use your medical ago you were happy—a librarian married to a police
skills to feed cleanly and without risking the lives of the officer, mother to two children and taking night classes
people you rationalize as “donors.” You and Cass briefly in the hope of one day becoming a translator. On your
considered getting access to the Blood Bank, but security way home from class one night, you were abducted by a
is too tight and when you did try it, stealing a bag from Mekhet named Conrad and forced to drink his blood.
an ambulance, it didn’t taste right. Imprisoned as a Ghoul in his haven, you assisted him in
You cling to Cass as your point of reference in an his translation and copying of old texts. Eventually, he
increasingly crazed world. You regard the coterie with received permission from the Prince to Embrace you. No
relief and shame; relief that you have someone to go longer able to keep you prisoner, he hoped that the work
through your Requiem with, and shame at the way had interested you enough to make you stay. It hadn’t.
your example appears to have inspired Charles and is You were declared dead in your absence, thanks to one of
now inspiring Andrea. You dread visits from your sire; Conrad’s allies pulling strings, and the Kindred authorities
he always wants something from the hospital, or using know where your mortal family live. Even so, you’re circling
your medical knowledge, and you fear that one night his around them, straying closer every night to your old home.
demands will put Cass at risk. You ran across Liam and Charles—and Simon—and
have joined their coterie, your skewed and second-hand
Charles knowledge about the covenants and the Kindred hierarchy
Don’t make my mistakes, Andrea. being better than their near-complete ignorance. Charles
You came to the city seeking sanctuary, and only now thinks it’s too risky for you to contact your husband,
realize how deep a pit of trouble you’re in. The only especially with Conrad not that far away, while Liam can’t
comfort is that you’re not going through it alone. advise you against it without being a hypocrite.

Unmasked 251
Simon vanished a week before your wedding (at least he had the
decency to not leave you literally at the altar) you’ve been
Good evening. Welcome back among the living.
searching for answers. There existed no sign of forced
You’re Charles’ brother, one of two mortal “honorary entry at your home, but items went missing—some of his
members” of the coterie and the fixer of the group. A clothes, a photo of the pair of you and what would have
reasonably wealthy owner of a construction firm, you’ve been his wedding ring. The police think he took them
seen a lot of strange things in your time. You never know when he ran.
what you’ll turn up digging foundations in the World of
You know he’s out there somewhere, and you know
Darkness, and you have developed a detached sense of
Simon’s lying to you about not knowing where he is.
calm that the vampires value you for. Already, you’ve
Charles was a journalist, and in the months since his
converted your basement into sleeping quarters for the
disappearance you’ve decided that he must have stumbled
three Kindred, who you think of as particularly odd
into something connected to organized crime. That’s why,
in your opinion, he ran. Simon must be protecting him,
You can tell, however, how fragile the vampires are but you don’t understand why he hasn’t sent word. One
psychologically. You know how thin the thread Charles of his former colleagues at the newspaper says he has
holds on by is, which is why you’re keeping something from experience with missing persons and unusual cases—
him. His jilted fiancée is trying to track him down—she you’ve met him a few times, and he says he’ll look into
visits the city more and more, asking you if you’ve seen it for you.
him. You’ve been careful to only meet her during the day
so far, but you worry about some of the things she’s asking. Michael
It’s like she already knows he’s here. My wife was murdered five years ago. I don’t think I’ll ever
know who killed her.
Allies and Antagonists You’re Andrea’s husband (or, as far as you are aware, her
widower), a detective in the police force and a man who
Cassandra feels like he’s aged a lot more than the five years since
We need to know how it’s passed on. his wife vanished. You couldn’t identify the body, after
You’re the coterie’s closest mortal ally bar Simon, a major what was done to it, but the DNA test confirmed it was
source of resources and information for the vampires in Andrea. No suspect was ever found.
your role as an ER doctor. You let the coterie know about You try to get though your days as best you can,
shelters and blood drives, keep an eye on unusual killings raising your children—now teenagers—and nurse your
and attacks that might indicate other vampires and study heartbreak at every milestone Andrea’s not there for. Your
the changes in their bodies, trying to understand what career has stalled as you’ve stopped taking what you see as
happened to them. You’re still in love with Liam, despite unnecessary risks that might leave your children without a
his…condition… and you’re certain that there must be a father entirely. You’ve grown careful, and you’re thinking
cure somewhere. Vampirism to you is a scientific puzzle, of leaving the force entirely.
an unexplained medical mystery that you’re determined Until then, though, you have your current case to work
to crack. There’s so much to understand and help them through. Another tragic murder—some poor kid dumped
understand. at the hospital missing a chunk of thigh and nearly all of
Sometimes, during the day, you see Liam’s sleeping his blood. The doctor who attended was Cassandra, who
body and realize, for a moment, that he’s no longer nearly jumped out of her skin when you gave her your
human. You’re not sure what you’d do if he realized that name. It’s been a week, now, but you can’t quite put her
too—the existence of the Kindred is intoxicating to you, expression out of your mind; like she knew who you were.
a secret society of bloodsuckers hidden in plain sight,
moving among the cities of the world like gamekeepers. Barrabas
You sometimes think about asking Liam to make you a Have you heard the word of Longinus?
vampire, but he doesn’t know how it’s done. You’re a priest of the Lancea Sanctum, your parish lying
next to the territory of the coterie, and you’re the member
Kristen of the Kindred who has the most contact with the young
Why did he leave? Was he running from something? Why trio. You tolerate their presence and allow them to move
didn’t he trust me? through your territory as long as they don’t poach as part
You’re Charles’ ex-fiancée, and since the day he of a design to gently draw them into the Sanctified flock.

252 Dead, Dread Chronicles

You think it’s working on Charles, especially—the young construction trade. You’ve noticed that he’s done a lot of
Nosferatu clearly has issues he’s working through, and may work on his home recently, reinforcing the basement—or
be grateful of some spiritual guidance. sun-proofing it.
Did Simon sell his brother to the leeches in exchange for
Rachel contracts? Is he a ghoul? You’re not certain, but you’ll find
Keeping out of trouble? out. You’re now wrestling with the question of when you
You’re the Hound attached to the area of the city the should express your concerns to Kristen. Hard experience
coterie live in, and you have your misgivings about them. has taught you it’s difficult to sell people on the existence
Three neonates with no one to keep them in line is a of the undead.
recipe for disaster, and you’re sure that they’ll get up to
no good eventually. Barrabas assures you Liam and his Stories
friends are keeping their noses clean, though, so you’ll
leave them alone for now. Liam, though, worries you—his Guardian Angel
Embrace was part of a power play between the Carthians Michael manages to identify the John Doe in his homicide
and Invictus, and the Primogen settled the matter against as an inhabitant of a poverty-ridden tenement near to
his sire. If Liam starts to upset the ancillae by meddling in Barrabas’ church, and retraces the man’s footsteps to the
his former place of employment, you’ll have to stop him. place. The coterie gets wind of the development through
Conrad Cassandra, and has to face the task of diverting Michael
away from the church without either Michael or Barrabas
Where does she go at night? What does she do? finding out. While they’re at it, though, Rachel pays them
You’re Andrea’s sire, and you consider her to be most one of her infrequent visits; if she finds out that Barrabas
ungrateful for that blessing. You rescued her from a life of has been feeding incautiously, he’ll be punished. Does the
mediocrity, gave her a purpose, the gift of your blood and coterie drop Barrabas in trouble in order to protect Michael?
then made her your childe, but she still left to go squat Digging deeper reveals that Barrabas has an alibi—he
in a basement with—who? A pawn of Carthians and a was deep in the city centre that night at Elysium. The
self-loathing Haunt. You follow her sometimes, your far real culprit, hidden behind his Obfuscation, is Conrad;
greater grasp of Obfuscate well up to the task, and you’re the Dragon wanted to tie Barrabas up with the Hounds
saddened by her moping over her husband. You might temporarily so that he could deal with Michael, but wasn’t
have to deal with him in order to make her see the light counting on Michael receiving the case himself. If the
and take her place in the Ordo Dracul. You’ll have to coterie realizes that Michael was the target, they don’t have
keep Barrabas out of it, though—the old Priest owns the long—Conrad is already lying in wait inside the house…
territory her family live in.

Anthony Exposure
Anthony has been snooping around, trying to decide if
Yeah, I have experience of this sort of thing. Simon is a Ghoul. He’s finally decided not—just a col-
You’re a journalist, one of Charles’ old workmates from laborator, working with the vampire that killed Charles.
back east, and you’ve been hired by Kristen to look into Problem is that the vampire he’s identified is Liam, and
his disappearance. Anthony’s now started tracking him, too. It’s easy to
You’re also a vampire hunter (once more, we recommend detect a vampire when you have a digital camera and
Hunter: The Vigil). understand how the image blurs, so Anthony’s in no doubt
Ever since you survived an attack ten years ago, you’ve as to his evidence—Liam, a vampire, began living with
watched for signs of the bloodsuckers. You were contacted Simon shortly after Charles died.
by people calling themselves the Network, a clearing- He confronts Simon, demanding to know what the
house for evidence of the supernatural. The things you’ve leeches are paying him and giving him a chance to
seen on the mailing lists put you in no doubt that America confirm that Liam was the culprit. The coterie have two
is rife with supernatural beings, preying on humanity. nights before their haven is plastered on the internet,
You thought you owed Charles’ memory the courtesy of giving Charles an unhappy choice—confess who he is
meeting with Kristen, even if his other friends told you or silence the reporter in some way.
she was nuts, but something in her story made you pay But the coterie don’t know that Kristen hired Anthony.
attention. You’ve done some digging into this brother of They don’t know what he’s told her, or left for her in case
his, this Simon character, and some of his dealings in the of his death.

Unmasked 253
Blood Mark They’re coming for all of you!

something. And she warned them, across an ocean and

Where In The World years of separation, that they were next. Thus, it’s time
Is Carmen Sanguinato? to get the band back together.
The Kindred migrate slowly, but they do migrate; they
Luc waited for the last of his flock to leave before closing follow their herds all over the world, moving at night. Our
the chapel doors. Making a brief genuflection to the statue coterie is no exception—originally from Europe, they’ve
of Saint Daniel, he began to clear up while reflecting on the spent a hundred years in the New World. Most don’t inhabit
growth of his congregation. These nights, the Damned of the same city in America any more, the coterie having
Miami sought spiritual guidance with greater frequency. The disbanded in the early 1900s. They know where they saw
stories of what had happened in New Orleans to the Kindred the final member of their circle last, but that was a very
there had shaken the faith of many but brought may more to long time ago and she moved on since. The chronicle is
his door seeking God. therefore a race against time, coping with the difficulties
As he worked, Luc felt the Beast rise deep inside. By the involved in becoming suddenly nomadic and retracing her
time he had cleaned up the last of the sacrament and knew route from their shared origins to her violent end, before
for certain that it wasn’t just exposure to blood causing the who or whatever destroyed her tracks them down.
weakening of his grip over his mind, the Beast was throwing Along the way, they’ll find hints of a conspiracy and
itself at the bars of the cage. His heart beat twice of its own clues as to the creatures stalking them—vampires with
accord, reanimated to the blush of life for an instant. He set strange allegiances and the symbol “VII.” Something has
the sacrament bowl down and sank to the floor, resting the been stirred up and is out for blood; their blood. Before
back of his head against the altar. He realized then that the they split up, the coterie took part in a ritual to create
feelings weren’t his—they were external, as though something sympathy between their Vitae. That sameness is how the
were happening to one of his childer. coterie were warned, but it’s how the monsters are tracking
He focused on the emotions of terror and opened his mind, them, following the lines of blood. Everywhere they go
trying to ascertain which of his line was responsible. those Kindred lines sired by the lost one are murdered, torn
By the time the priest found him, Bishop Luc was in the full apart as if by talons. Then everyone who drank her blood
force of Rötschreck. They restrained him as best they could goes the same way, Ghouls and Kindred in Vinculum alike.
while he thrashed and screamed about talons ripping into his They’re next. Unless they can find where she went to
flesh and the letters V and I. Final Death, find what released the things after them and
At the last, he identified who suffered the traumas he was somehow stop it. It won’t be easy—the same path that
experiencing. After all this time. Salome. Being torn apart as made her a target to the conspiracy is the one the coterie
she desperately summoned help that would never arrive from are following her trail down.
thousands of miles away.
As he felt her go to Final Death, she managed to send words Tier: Elder/Conspiracy
through the ties of the Blood. Croaked with what remained Blood Mark features an ex-coterie of ancillae forced to
of her windpipe. Not a cry for help; a warning. reunite after they become elders, traveling the world
‘They’re coming for all of you.’ from domain to domain searching for clues as to what
happened to a missing member of their group. Along the
way, they become aware of a Europe-wide conspiracy of
The Pitch vampires hiding within the individual power structures of
This chronicle is a tour of the World of Darkness at night, the cities, and it is this group that becomes the chronicle’s
a globe-hopping mystery where a former coterie is forced antagonists. This is Requiem at Tier Three.
to reunite and go in search of their last member, who
they haven’t seen in over a century. They once split up Mood and Theme
because of personality conflict, but self-interest rules the Mood: Creeping Doom, Sudden Shock. The threat
night; each of them felt, through the Blood Sympathy, level of the chronicle is a steady, slow build punctuated
the Final Death of their lost colleague at the hands of...

254 Dead, Dread Chronicles

by moments of shocking violence. Whole sessions, even 137 years ago in London, it can be inserted as a flashback
stories, should go past with the coterie looking over their scene into the current chapter.
shoulders, expecting an attack that doesn’t come. When To build the closeness and tension in the coterie, each
the tension begins to fade is when the enemy attacks player should decide on at least two things about every
from surprise, leaving scenes of gore and horror behind. other player’s character: a reason the character could
Theme: Unseen Patterns. The characters in Blood work with that other vampire enough to form a coterie
Mark travel the world, visiting fiefs in America, Europe early in their Requiem, and a reason why they eventually
and North Africa. They have an opportunity to see things decided to part and go their own way. Once that very
that the majority of vampires don’t—the similarities and basic skeleton of interaction is worked out, the chronicle
differences between different courts. A new city should can begin. Pay attention to how the characters interact in
be at once familiar and different, the subtle changes to early sessions and then create events in the back-story that
covenants in each location tripping up nomads lulled into explain or illuminate the characters behavior. By focusing
a false sense of security. Sometimes the similarities grow the process this way round, writing the background to fit
too overt to be ignorable—the sheriff of London uses the chronicle in play rather than the reverse, the players
the same cipher in his correspondence as the Sanctified won’t need to worry about the way the first few sessions
Bishop of Milan, but the two have never met and have go and will be able to concentrate on enjoying their roles.
nothing in common. By paying attention to these signs One scene in the backstory is important, however, and
and clues, a pattern that sedentary Kindred would never should be established in flashback as soon as possible
see emerges. Chasing this pattern killed Salome, and or used as a prelude; before the coterie split up and the
those vampires revealed as parts of it do not appreciate characters travelled to America, Salome led a Crúac ritual
the coterie repeating her work. which tied the coterie’s blood together; the characters all
share Blood Sympathy to one another as though they were
Description in the same Embrace-line. The chronicle’s antagonists can
In order to give enough time for Salome to have moved sense blood relationships, and it’s this artificial family tie
across several cities in the course of her research since the that makes the coterie a target while giving the characters
coterie split up, the characters in Blood Mark are elders the advantage of being able to sense one another’s emotions
created with around 250 experience. The high personal and know when one member of the group is in distress.
power of the characters is offset by the isolation from a The chronicle features a lot of travel, which is unusual
vampire’s normal support networks. Merits such as Herd for a Vampire: The Requiem story. The characters’ age,
that can’t be used in the chronicle should not be paid for experience and wealth relative to most Kindred offers a few
with experience but be assumed as part of a character’s solutions to the problems of finding blood and shelter from
background, while those like Resources that will be usable the sun that travel exacerbates; it is not outside plausibility
in play should still be bought. for an Invictus character to use her wealth to charter
The chronicle relies on a feeling of history between the transport with light-proof containers for sleeping. The
characters and the absent figure of Salome, as well as a high Blood Potency of characters reduces the threat of the
kinship that pulls the coterie together despite its internal Predator’s Taint as far as they are concerned, but increases
disagreements and more than a century of being apart. If the likelihood of native Kindred they come across reacting in
making the coterie seem like it has known one another fear. The coterie will be seen as unwelcome outsiders in most
for decades when the players haven’t portrayed it before domains, interlopers come to steal the kine from vampires
seems intimidating, there are techniques your troupe can that have spent decades carefully setting out their own
use. Don’t be daunted by the idea of setting up decades of claims. The distrust of any vampire outside of the coterie
backstory; it really isn’t necessary to detail and remember can be reduced with effort and tribute to local powers, but
every year of the characters’ Requiems from childer to serves to bind the characters closer together as a unit.
ancillae. Chances are that thanks to the Fog of Eternity The challenge to the Storyteller in Blood Mark is in
the characters won’t remember all of their shared past creating the half-dozen or so cities the characters will
anyway. Instead, concentrate on the interactions between journey across during the chronicle, a much larger task
the characters in modern nights. Trust and distrust, the than the detailing of a more usual Requiem setting.
grating of personalities and the way the coterie works Fortunately, the theme of the chronicle allows the
together remain even when the events that led to them Storyteller to “cheat” slightly, reusing just enough of
slip from reliable memory. If it becomes important to the a setting to make life easier and give a creepy edge to
chronicle to know exactly what happened to the coterie proceedings as the characters notice. Names might

Blood Mark 255

Rather than dump a lot of exposition on the
players at the start of the chronicle, consider using
flashback scenes to introduce information the
characters should know when it becomes relevant.
Rather than just narrating what happened in the
past, seriously consider allowing players to control
their characters during the flashbacks—it can be
difficult to play a scene out when the player doesn’t
have a clear idea of where it sits in continuity, so
start flashbacks off with a few framing notes and
allow the players to improvise from there.
If your troupe finds that you especially enjoy
the use of flashbacks, consider rewarding players
who improvise well with extra experience and the
incorporation of the coterie’s historical actions
into the modern-night setting. If a character has
the Contacts or Allies Merit without specifying
whom those Merit dots represent, it may even be
possible for players to introduce such Storyteller
characters when needed within flashback scenes,
and for those characters to then be written into
the chronicle.
Last, flashback scenes allow your players’
characters to interact with Salome, despite that
character having died before the chronicle begins.
It’s difficult to care about a murder mystery when
the victim has never been seen, and her appearance
in these scenes plugs that gap. You can find more
about using flashbacks earlier in this chapter (p. 230).

be reused, translated appropriately for the dominant

language. If one city contains a covenant at odds with the
others, consider reusing the reason for the disagreement
and the rough breakdown of clans involved in the next
city, but change the names and which covenant is the
outsider. There may be an official of the court in each
domain (a different position and name each time) who
is always a Mekhet and always of the same personality.
It’s a narrative device to emphasize the nature of the
Kindred, a labor-saving exercise for the Storyteller and
a plot point all in one—if the characters dig into these
strange coincidences, they may uncover VII’s agents.
Above all, Blood Mark is a chronicle about travel. It’s
not necessary to have each story set in a different city (it’s
unlikely Salome made her haven in more than three or four,
though she might have travelled to more), but if the chronicle
spends too long in one place it may get bogged down and
begin to feel like a static setting. When this happens, it’s
time to move the coterie on to their next destination.
The journey the coterie go on over the course of the
chronicle is laid out ahead of it by the footsteps of the lost
member, and forced by attacks from the conspiracy it has
inadvertently become a target of. Both of these stimuli

256 Dead, Dread Chronicles

are necessary—the path ahead and the impetus to follow Sample Characters
it. Avoid having VII attack the coterie unless it’s time to
move on or the characters instigate the confrontation. Luc
The Conspiracy We are tested by Longinus, of that much I am certain. It
As the coterie will discover if it follows her trail, Salome remains to be seen if we are strong enough to pass.
was seeking the origins of the Kindred. By the time the You’re the Sanctified Bishop of Miami, Primogen
coterie split up she was already highly knowledgeable councilor to the court of Prince Amans. Your congregation
about bloodlines and Embrace-trees of the clans, with a is healthy, conversions are up and you have your eye on
focus on her own clan as a Ventrue. She moved across becoming Archbishop when the Prince finally enters
Europe, interviewing elders or their progeny and using torpor. French by birth, you were Embraced as a Nosferatu
samples of Vitae (often illicitly gained) in Crúac rituals to in Madrid, 1815. In all the years of your Requiem you have
determine lineage, with the goal of mapping the Kindred never returned to France, instead joining the Madrid
migrations as far back as she could. Sanctified as a Priest. You enjoyed success as a member
Along the way, she noticed odd discrepancies— of the Night Inquisition, an effort by the then-Prince to
vampires who appeared to be related but claimed to have root out a demon-worshipping group of coteries that in
no contact with one another’s domains. Tales of the dead modern nights would be recognized as Belial’s Brood.
Julii. The Ventrue belief—widespread in Europe—that The effort increased your faith and fervor for Longinus’
their clan originated in Troy. Eventually, she came to the teachings, which began to grate on your coterie. When the
notice of VII, a secret society of Ventrue (or perhaps a clan opportunity came to cross to the New World in 1908, you
that greatly resembles them) that has infiltrated the cities took it; making the long journey by ship, crouched in the
of Europe and North Africa. VII believes itself to be the cargo hold with a letter of introduction to the Sanctified
pure stock from which other vampire lines are descended, of your destination.
controlling the courts of the Kindred from behind the You consider the others in the coterie to be individuals
scenes, and they did not appreciate Salome uncovering you long since grew past the need for. Godless heretics the
evidence of their existence. When threatened, VII strike lot of them, but heretics you feel a kinship to thanks to the
with creatures they call Manes; these footsoldiers resemble ritual Salome performed when you broke the group. Even
ghouls but are created from corpses rather than living when reunited by Salome’s death, the attitude toward
humans and which can home in on the blood of a target. your religion taken by the others sticks in your craw and
Salome was not deterred. She traced the Ventrue causes disagreement; you are of the belief that Salome
line from Troy back into mainland Europe and ancient summoned some kind of demon by accident and that
Etruscan ruins. While investigating a cave in Italy, she you should not tread too closely in her footprints for fear
was attacked by VII and destroyed. of producing the same result. You are undoubtedly useful
to the coterie when tracking VII; your experience as an
Inquisitor serves you well in isolating the nonbelievers
from a Sanctified church.
VII Dominic
This chronicle’s version of VII is entirely unrelated
to any of the possible versions of that secretive It’s not the travel I mind, it’s the company.
covenant published so far and is based on the
Ventrue creation myth first explored in Ventrue:
Even when the coterie was based in Spain, you were the
Lords over the Damned while heavily implying that outsider of the group, the furthest-traveled and the least
the Julii from Requiem for Rome were in fact VII. It’s willing to settle into the Danse Macabre of a single city.
used here because the chronicle needs a secretive Born in the Basque region and Embraced by a Gangrel
group of Kindred that strike without warning,
destroy other vampires with great ferocity and in the 1850s, yours was a semi-Nomadic Requiem,
then vanish, leaving only a symbol to identify traveling around the cities of Spain but always returning
themselves behind. VII already does all of that, so to Madrid and your coterie. You rejected what you saw
there’s no point in reinventing the wheel.
The twist in this chronicle is that members of as the weakness of most Kindred, trapped in their cities
VII are also members of other covenants; they’re by fear of the unknown. Blood was not that difficult to
undercover agents, indistinguishable from the rest find and your Disciplines allowed you to move under your
of the Kindred unless you can spot their patterns
of behavior. And that’s where the coterie comes in.
own power through the wilderness. Clearly something of
you wanderlust wore off on your fellows, but even when
the coterie disbanded you went further than most, all the

Blood Mark 257

way to Mexico City where you learned the Crúac rituals that the escape from societal roles was petty in comparison
of the strange native Kindred. to the escape from the Curse itself, which didn’t endear
Despite being an Acolyte, you disagreed with Salome’s you to your “family” much. Eventually, you became held
quest—the Kindred have no one origin, as far as you are up by the Invictus as an example of a commoner who
concerned, and you never understood her need to trace knew better than to rebel; your providing ammunition to
her line back. the ideological enemy caused mounting tension between
In the chronicle, you provide the practiced knowledge the Carthians and your coterie, which in turn led to the
of being a nomadic vampire along with the occult coterie moving on from Madrid and going their separate
understanding needed to use Crúac and understand any ways. You have no regrets, however, having spent the last
notes Salome may have left behind. century in Washington DC studying Wyrm’s Nests and
developing your understanding of the Coils.
Despite being an Acolyte, you have secretly learned the
first Coil of Blood from Francine in exchange for teaching You have a tendency to act in the immediate interests
her the basics of Crúac. This allows you to subsist on the of yourself and then your coterie, regardless of the
blood of beasts, allowing you to wander further from cities potential fallout. You weren’t a victim of bad luck in
without fear of starvation. Madrid; the Invictus used you as a poster-childe because
you didn’t care enough to stop them. In order to gain a
Isabella basic understanding of Crúac (and a Devotion of it and
Salome ruined us. Why did she have to stir up these hornets? Auspex that allows you to see Wyrm’s Nests), you taught
Dominic how to achieve the Coil of Blood, something for
This could not have come at a worse time for you.
which you would be targeted for retribution for by your
Luc may have ambitions of unifying Miami’s church
own covenant if they found out.
and state under his rule, but it’s a pipe dream to the
Nosferatu Prince. You, on the other hand, were this close
to becoming Prince of Colorado Springs. After emerging Allies and Antagonists
from a 40-year torpor in 1962, you found that childer you
sired after moving to America had made particularly wise Salome
investments and that you were rich enough to buy the See here: this is the Aenead, the tale of the Ventrue migration
power necessary to secure a Primogen seat. The migration from Troy into Europe. I’ve been to Troy, of course. Nothing
across the sea, feeding from the passengers of a luxury left there now after Schlieman had his way. But this passage
liner, had finally provided the reward you wanted when here is interesting…
you were just another lowly Daeva Invictus neonate back You’re dead, torn apart by VII when you stumbled
in Madrid. You knew that you had no chance of rising to upon the centre of their power. A Spanish noblewoman
the top barring great changes, so decided to seek out a in life, you were Embraced as a Ventrue and rejected the
smaller domain you could make your own. Christianity of your mortal family to follow the teachings
Wealth and influence are the great door openers in of the Circle of the Crone. You had been raised to pay
the old world as they are in the new, and during the attention to family background and breeding, and your
chronicle you’ll find yourself supplying the rest of the talent for genealogy created a use for you among the
coterie with both. You feel slightly used in this regard, other Ventrue, whose sire-lines you were able to recite at
but have no interest in blood magic or Egyptian ritual. a moment’s notice.
Besides, someone has to be the worldly one. Returning to When the coterie decided to travel to America in
the land of your early Requiem is a strange experience for order to pursue their own interests, you found that your
you—the World Wars and Civil War decimated Madrid’s own plans involved staying behind. You had mapped as
Kindred hierarchy, and you’re faced with the fact that you much of the Ventrue clan’s internal relationships as you
would have been better off staying. could from Madrid, and had a grand goal in mind—all
Kindred, your covenant taught you, sprang from the
Francine Crone. By following the family trees back to a common
You think we want any part of your provincial troubles? Just ancestor, you might be able to find the Crone herself,
tell us what we need to know and we’ll be gone. the theoretical first vampire. Chasing this dream around
Embraced by a line of Carthian Mekhet into the Europe and North Africa saw you attacked by VII, who
class war with the (then) ruling Invictus of Madrid, you you took to be agents of the Lancea Sanctum trying to
disappointed your sire and blood-sisters by rejecting the stop you from proving that the Crone was every bit as
struggle in favor of the Ordo Dracul. Your argument was real as Longinus. Eventually, you discovered accounts of

258 Dead, Dread Chronicles

a temple to an ancient Goddess in Italy, and assuming it Nuria, Prince of Madrid
to be dedicated to the Crone went to investigate.
Why did you have to come back? Couldn’t you leave well
VII were waiting for you. enough alone?
What you never discovered was how close you were You’re the Prince of Madrid, a Carthian elected to that
to the end goal—the cave at Lake Avernus was indeed position following the fall of Franco and the exchange
sacred to a goddess; Manea, the Etruscan Goddess of of fortunes between the Carthians and Invictus that
insanity and death, mother of the Manes and Lares that followed. A Mekhet of the same sire as Francine, you are
were absorbed into the religions of the Romans who came not pleased to see the coterie return to Spain; though
to ascendance in Italy after the Etruscans. The Kindred your covenant now celebrate their victory over the first
of Rome believed themselves descended from Manea’s estate, you feel that your position is still precarious and see
immaterial offspring, some of whom took the form of Francine as a threat despite the two of you being blood-
spectral owls. sisters. You want the coterie out of Madrid as quickly as
possible, by force if necessary.
Where do you get these ideas? I am but a humble servant of
my Prince.
You’re the sheriff of Venice, a city on the trail of Salome, Complex Character Creation
and you have served the Invictus loyally in that capacity It can be difficult to create the sheet for a 200-year
for 83 years. The Kindred of Venice know you as a stern old vampire by simply throwing more Experience
at the standard character creation rules. The Fog
creature of regular habits. of Eternity provides an explanation for any gaps
You are also a cultist of VII, scion of the Lares and in skills, such that a player won’t need to spend
regional leader for the conspiracy. As a Ventrue, Salome dots on skills or Merits their characters would have
known in life but are now redundant. A good rule
interviewed you when her pilgrimage brought her through of thumb is to only buy traits that will actually see
Venice. Your curiosity raised, you became alarmed when use in the chronicle.
you realized that she was seeking Manea by a different More advanced character creation rules for elders
can be found in both the Vampire Chronicler’s
name. Raising lesser Manes by feeding your Vitae to Guide and Ancient Mysteries, the latter being the
corpses and summoning your counterparts from other more complex of the two. If you don’t have either
cities, you confronted and destroyed the outsider minutes book available, don’t worry—this chronicle works
before she could disturb the rest of the mother-goddess. just fine with characters created as standard as
long as you remember to buy up Blood Potency to
Unfortunately, the coterie will not be so easy to isolate 4 or 5 and keep skills and Disciplines in proportion
and purge. It is traveling and asking questions after the rather than min/maxing. Not that there’s anything
inherently wrong with min/maxing, but with so
former member. You will attempt to divert the characters much Experience a one-sided character can rapidly
from the path as best you can, but if they cannot be fooled become overbearing.
the time for killing will come again.

VII members in this chronicle can create a The Great Divide
temporary ghoul from a human corpse in a
parody of the Embrace. By spending two Vitae The coterie has reassembled in Miami, following the
(literally emptying the blood into the mouth experience of Salome’s Final Death, and has decided to
of the body), the corpse animates as a mindless seek out whatever killed her before her warning comes
servant, obeying the will of the VII agent who
created it. If the corpse-ghoul runs out of Vitae it
true. In this story, Luc must contend with handing over
collapses back into death instantly. VII believe that his parish to lesser Sanctified while the coterie as a whole
these beings—“Manes”—are somehow primitive plans the best means of crossing the Atlantic. Planes are
versions of the Kindred. too easily exposed to sunlight (especially to Europe from
the US, flying in a parabola over the far North) and that
leaves shipping. Passage must be booked. Arrangements
must be made. Attempts to make sure Luc doesn’t come
back must be fended off.

Blood Mark 259

Once the ship is underway, weeks of claustrophobia To Avernus
and hunger set in. The coterie can’t risk exposure to the
The coterie have reached the end of the road; they’ve
sun but need to feed, which involves sneaking into the
tracked Salome on a tour of the ancient world and eventually
upper decks at night (assuming a cargo ship). What will
back to Italy—not to Rome, as might be expected, but to the
the sailors do if they suspect something is using them?
city of Pozzuoli in the Campania region. Just inside the city
What if a character, unused to “ship-rations, falls prey to
limits is a volcanic lake which the Romans thought was the
Wassail and kills a crewmember?
entrance to the Underworld. Before Rome, however, Lake
Balance of Power Avernus was the home of the Etruscan Goddess Manea,
mother of the household Gods and ancestor spirits that the
The coterie arrives in Madrid to a less than warm wel-
earliest Ventrue were associated with.
come from Nuria. Predator’s Taint sees several members
of Nuria’s Carthian court succumb to Rötschreck, and Salome didn’t believe that Manea was a Goddess, or even
Nuria—already worried about the characters’ reasons for that she still existed, but instead thought that the myths were
being back in Spain—takes it as an insult. The reunion half-remembered glimpses of a female vampire that spawned
is especially tense for Francine and for Isabella, who is a whole race of monsters; she believed that Manea was the
told in no uncertain terms how low her covenant was Crone, and the mother of the Ventrue if not of all the clans.
brought in the Spanish Civil War. The coterie must In a tunnel between the lake and the ruined Greek
establish where Salome went next (Paris, which raises colony of Cumae, closed off since World War II, she found
long-forgotten feelings in Luc) before the balance of power the entrance to a temple to Manea. That temple is the
in Madrid topples over entirely. The problem is that only centre of VII, cultists guarding the torpid body of what
one Ventrue elder knows the information on Salome’s they believe to be Manea herself.
route; he introduced her to an old correspondent of his If the coterie can evade VII, they can make it inside
in France. That elder has now been forced from his haven the temple. Is the vampire in torpor Manea? They can
under the new Carthian regime and wants the coterie’s try to wake her to find out, or settle for destroying the
assistance in returning his covenant to power. Some of place. If VII are broken by the loss of their Goddess, will
the Carthians take exception to the coterie even speaking the coterie finally be free of looking over their shoulders?
to the old Ventrue, and accuse the characters—Isabella Even if the sleeping vampire isn’t the Crone, she’s still a
especially—of being spies for the Invictus. Methuselah of great age—but the Fog of Eternity might
make anything she has to say meaningless, even if the
characters do somehow speak ancient Etruscan.

260 Dead, Dread Chronicles

Sun’s up.
Remember that middle finger? Burned off about 30 seconds ago. Looked like a Slim Jim under the piercing gaze
of an acetylene torch. Hissing. Splitting like a too-hot hot dog. Turning black.
I’m surrounded by bodies. I don’ t really remember it.
I’m pretty sure I went fucking apeshit.
I dunno what it was. Aw, that’s a lie, isn’ t it? I know what happened. I waited too long to eat. We don’ t talk about
it much, but it’s like, what do they call it? Autoerotic asphyxiation. The pleasure of denial. You feed when you’re fat,
well, it’s nice, but who gives a shit? You feed when you’re hungry, though, and the taste becomes something big ger, badder,
something transcendent.
I waited too long.
And the sun was coming up. I could feel that. Like I said, I could smell it.
They were dancing around me. The boy-toys. The bouncy bitches. Suddenly I was in the middle of it, and I was high
on my own hunger and ready to fuck my own fear right in the ear. The way they were moving, I had this idea, I had
this notion that I was like the beating heart in a living body and all these empty-headed dumbfucks were the blood cells,
the red blood cells, swirling and orbiting and coming to me and through me and I was taking them in through my mouth
and I was shitting them out through my mouthy aorta and the beat was pulsing and I was pulsing and—
I woke up here. Surrounded by bodies.
Sun coming through the one window. A bright beam of it. A spear.
Right here. Inches away.
I gave it the finger and it burned the finger off.
I let it take the hand, too.
Then the arm, up to the elbow. Siz zle, siz zle. Flesh smoke. Bone to ash. It hurt.
I don’ t know how I’m going to get home. I can’ t sleep here. Not among these bodies.
Gods and little fishes, I’m fucking tired.
Maybe I can find a tunnel. Or maybe I’ ll just walk out that door. I could do it. Open the door, prance out into the
bright sun and get one last beautiful look before whoof, the smell of burning polyester, of crisping blood, of vampire skin
in bubbling confit.
Depends on how much I hate what I just did. Or, how much I loved it.
Or how much I hate that I loved it.
Am I pleased with myself? Or disgusted? Questions I ask nightly. Hourly. Secondly. Is secondly a word? Christ, I
just want to lay here. But I can’ t. I have to answer these questions. You don’ t, but I do. That’s my life. My unlife.
My non-zero-nichts-nada-life.
Do I burn today?
Or do I thrive?
Can I keep on keeping on? And on? And on and on? How long does the music play?

Blood Mark 261

Available Now

262 Available Now

For Your
Sun’s rising. So what ?
This party’s st ill going. I st ill have blood to drink.
I st ill have one more song in me.

the danse macabre

Across the city, some of us are crawling back to our hovels,
our mansions, our coffins.
But some of us aren’t.
Some of us are st ill hunt ing for something. Down in the
closed-off subway tunnels. Up in the might iest penthouses.
Here in the warehouse district. There at the docks, under the
docks, around the docks. Always hunt ing, forever hungry.
A lot of us, we don’t pale when the sun comes up. We know
This book is: we’re bad folks. We know that if we get caught out there and
• A look at how to play
Vampire: The Requiem at
those white teeth bite off a bit of our long shadows, well, then
three different tiers of play:
coterie, city and conspiracy maybe we deserved it. We deserved it because we’re stupid and
• Classic covenants made we’re selfish and maybe the combinat ion of those two things
global, and a handful of
entirely new covenants,
including the Brides of
means we’re evil incarnate, I dunno.
Dracula, or the Children of
the Thorns. If it happens, it happens.
• A bloodbath of new rules: Me, I’m going to give the finger to Sol Invictus, the Ol’
social combat, mental
combat, gargoyles, Banes,
new Humanity rules, and
Sun, Big Bright Happy Face.
You hear that, sun?
• Ready-made chronicles,
allowing you to kick down We don’t give up the night that easy.
the walls and play way
outside the box. Want a
noir game? Vampires in the
—Some F **king Vampire
mode of Romeo and Juliet?
A post-apocalyptic end-of-
days scenario? We have you
a sourcebook for

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