Vampire The Requiem - The Danse Macabre
Vampire The Requiem - The Danse Macabre
Vampire The Requiem - The Danse Macabre
2 credits
–Table of Contents–
Credits 2
Introduction 5
A Season of Secrets: Part One 8
Life After Dark 15
A Season of Secrets: Part Two 62
The Bonds of Covenant 64
A Season of Secrets: Part Three 126
Bloody Business 127
A Season of Secrets: Part Four 222
Dead, Dread Chronicles 226
Outro 261
I quit White Wolf (the first time) just before we planned to do another
edition of Vampire the Masquerade, and came back specifically to work on
revised. I worked on that for several years, then we relaunched the World
of Darkness and I worked on Requiem for a while. Then I quit again.
And then, I came back again. Vampire brought me back.
It’s a powerful draw. I’m addicted to it. It’s my vitae.
When I started here, I was a dewy-eyed youth, afire with my love for
games and the World of Darkness in particular. Now I’m married, have a
kid, and have been here for fourteen years — and I still love Vampire as
much as I did almost two decades ago when my then-girlfriend introduced
me to it.
It’s been a wonderful experience for me, among the most gratifying
things I’ve ever done. It’s indescribably fulfilling to peek in on
people’s chronicles, be it at conventions, in online journals, at LARPS,
or in person, to see what people have done with the world. How people
feel about the World of Darkness is amazing: It’s resounded with gamers
in the way precious few other worlds have. I’m proud to have been a part
of something that has touched people’s lives so profoundly. The joy
people take in the experience makes all the hard work worthwhile, death
threats and anonymous Internet name-calling notwithstanding.
That part of the story where we publish a new Vampire book every month
has come to a close, though. Not the game-playing part, because so long
as people get together around a table or in a social group and someone
has a copy of Vampire, the game can happen infinitely. It’s a little
bittersweet, I have to say, but looking forward means that we’ll be able
to take what we’ve done here and apply it to something new.
I hope you’ll join us. Just because we’re publishing in a different
format doesn’t mean there’s not still going to be a world out there
for you to make yours. I’m part of making that world, and I want to see
everyone who ever had any portion of love I had for Vampire bring that
same enthusiasm (or deviousness, or treachery, or subterfuge) into what
happens next with Vampire. Without you, I’m just a lone weirdo clattering
away at a keyboard in a room.
And if you’ve been any part of the ride over that almost-two decades
Vampire’s been out there, you’ll know that the night is nothing without a
few other monsters with whom to share it.
I’ll be there….
Justin Achilli
A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges.
—Benjamin Franklin
After that, it’s a deadly parade of fresh new covenants Disciple-Skill marriages? All these rules (and more) seek
for use in your game whether as antagonists or as groups to give you new ways to play Vampire: The Requiem at
players may choose for their characters. the game table.
Chapter Three: Bloody Business is not your typical Chapter Four: Dead, Dread Chronicles gives fresh
rules chapter—these rules are as wide and varied as meat to both Storytellers and players in terms of conceiving
arterial spray on the wall (each spatter its own piece new chronicles—unexpected chronicles, even—within
of art). Social combat? Mental combat? New rules for the mode of Requiem. Can Vampire support a noir
Humanity? New ways for players to roleplay through the chronicle? Hell yes, it can. What about Romeo and Juliet?
creation of unique Devotions? Yes, yes, yes and yes. Want What about the end-of-days apocalypse?
new combat rules? Montages? Time compression? New
Sun’s coming up.
I know it the same way you know it: I can smell it.
It’s a thing. A palpable thing. It hangs in the nose. It’s like the whiff of ozone before a lightning strike, or the scent
of a big bad wolf hot on your tail. What does it smell like? It doesn’ t smell like any one thing—it isn’ t like, the bitter tang
of gun oil or the sweat from behind a scared girl’s ear (or from between her thighs). It’s a smell of finality. Of flowers
withering, of gasoline on the highway, of blood curdling on the sidewalk, of sugar cane burning and roadkilled cats and
hope and possibility and promise fucked in the ass and left to bake on the desert ground.
See, humans—the mortal herd, those shitheads—they look at the sunrise as the dawn of a brand new day. Pink cheeks!
Happy thoughts! Kiss to the wife, a tousle of the kid’s hair. Morning coffee and eg gs and toast and Sweet Jesus let
me deep throat a shotgun.
Sunrise means hot death. Big orange ball—its fat fuckin’ face—rises up over the horizon, and for us, that’s it. Finito, the
end game, goodnight Gracie. It’s like, either you sleep (which is death), or you get caught out there (which is double-death).
Sun comes up, it’s a thing with teeth. Long bright teeth biting away the long shadows, chomp chomp chomp. Except,
we live in those shadows. Hell, some of us are those shadows.
I’m like a kid that don’ t wanna get up for school. Five more minutes, Mom, you goddamn slag.
Sun’s rising. So what? This party’s still going. I still have blood to drink. I still have one more song in me—hah, nah,
two more songs and at least one more piss break. Not that I piss, but those club boys on MDMA damn sure do, and
nothing like a tight bathroom stall to make quick work of one of those bubble-headed boy-toys (and any blood that spills
flushes just fine, thanks).
Across the city, some of us are crawling back to our hovels, our mansions, our coffins.
Some of us are still hunting for something. Down in the closed-off subway tunnels. Up in the mightiest penthouses.
Here in the warehouse district. There at the docks, under the docks, around the docks. Always hunting, forever hungry.
A lot of us, we don’ t pale when the sun comes up. We know we’re bad folks. We know that if we get caught out there
and those white teeth bite off a bit of our long shadows, well, then maybe we deserved it. We deserved because we’re stupid
and we’re selfish and maybe the combination of those two things means we’re evil incarnate, I dunno.
If it happens, it happens.
Me, I’m going to give the finger to Sol Invictus, the Ol’ Sun, Big Bright Happy Face.
The magical fool did not observe the niceties, “Mm?”
ecrets did not show proper respect to the Prince of
Chicago, but Maxwell let it pass. He had big-
ger fish to fry than contorting the thoughts
and feelings of some uppity white boy who’d
Norris glanced at the human, who smirked.
With an easy hand gesture, Maxwell indicat-
ed that the man could hear whatever Norris
had to say. Norris assumed, as Maxwell had
S be dead soon. Even if he lived out a man’s, expected, that this meant the mortal was
what, six-score and ten now? What was the food and it didn’t matter what he learned.
20th century average, and had it changed in Dead soon.
the 21st? Even if he lived out a lifespan, and
or whatever said to the vampire, and didn’t “And you are now presenting him to me,
bother to keep the smugness out. “Warning of course.”
you about this wasn’t even that difficult, you
“Actually, my lord, Bawdry has persuasive
know. Your rival sends out ripples no matter
of our order…”
began, and Maxwell turned brown, steady “Oh, we could go back and forth, couldn’t
eyes on him. No occult power underlay his we, Norris?”
words, just the strength of authority. The spy runner frowned at the interruption
“We’ve discussed the terms. I understand and fiddled with his fingertips. One hand
them. You understand them. Surely you don’t had a handsome manicure; the other, only
need to go over them again?” Because you’re exposed pads where the nails had been torn
A Season
a weak, frightened pussy went unsaid. out during his living days. He touched one set
The living man was spared a reply by a of fingertips with the other, then switched,
knock on the door. Instead he put his hand on as if reassuring himself that nothing had
thick manila folder. He had been instructed changed. “My Prince?”
not to open it and he did not. “I could feign ignorance, and you could
“Enter,” Maxwell said, and in walked Nor- investigate, and gather all who fear or hate
ris the spymaster, flanked by two members me behind the Ordo Dracul and create a stink
of the Ordo Dracul. Maxwell knew one, and and a grievance while I played the wronged
knew that while she wouldn’t be able to ruler schemed against and it could all be a
wrest control of his puma from him, or of the big thing. Or I could just confess that, just
boa coiled above the door frame, she could as you’ve long suspected, I’ve aged to the
certainly confuse and delay them enough to point where men are no longer food. No,
take them out of the equation. Maxwell didn’t you— and you and you,” he said, nodding
even nod in satisfaction, but he thought, at the other Kindred, “are my meat now. This
Simplify things when you have the upper hand. one,” jerking a thumb at the one person in
Norris was no fool. the room who was breathing, “is not. In fact,
“My lord,” Norris said—and like the living from what my prisoner— no, not a guest,
man, he was careless with formality, to the though she’s been made comfortable— has
point of rudeness—”I have received dis- told me, I probably need to learn more from
turbing news that I hope you can shed light your order than I had originally thought.”
upon.” His smile was a reflexive simper, but “So you’re converting?” Norris said, eyes
not a sincere one. alight.
“No,” said the mortal, in the im- to be extremely forward. Cushioned •••
patient tones of one who wants his on a chorus of incredulous noises “Who the dead man, yo?” Earth
importance acknowledged. “He’s (because the drunk and horny chick Baines’ curiosity was mild and pro-
going to kill you. Or really, I am. had been gorgeous) he bee-lined fessional.
These are your reports, right?” He for Persephone. “His name’s Douchey O’Douche-
waved the folder. “A little piece of “Keep it cool,” Moore said to bag for all I know,” Garret McLean
your nastiest self. Your truest self. Hatch in a low voice— well, actu- replied. “I got a Crone chick throw-
Are you familiar with the phrase ally a normal speaking voice, but ing hoodoo on his wallet and keys
‘creo ignam’?” with the cover of music only Aurora and library cards. I don’t want to
“A willworker.” Norris’ lip curled. could hear it. “Stand your ground, know his name, you don’t want to
“And a weak one, since I don’t have he’s not going to hurt us.” She’d know his name, fuckers like these?
a file on him. That’s the best ace you seen Aurora twitch and stare and Their names are like bear traps. You
could pull out of your hole, ‘Prince’? was mentally warming up a lec- read his social security number one
Let’s see how it plays against Garret.” ture about why Aurora should go time and his pals will be able to
At the name, the Prince’s right- to Elysium, so that she’d be more track you to the end of the Earth.
hand man, his Seneschal, sauntered used to powerful Kindred, but when Think about the pun there while
into the room and stood behind McLean reached their table and you plan how to get rid of him.”
Norris. “He has dirt on me, boss,” snarled, raising a fist as if to strike, “How come it’s on me?”
Garret McLean drawled. Aurora snapped and fled towards “Shit, Baines. You wanted to
“Garret,” Maxwell began. “I un- the bathroom. move up in the world, right? Tired
derstand. All I ask is that you keep “What the hell, Gary?” Persephone of sucking hind tit? Welcome to the
out of it.” stood and glared down at the vam- big leagues.”
“I know, friend,” Garret said, and pire only she called “Gary.” In stock- “Big leagues? And this DOA is,
with casual strength— almost like ing feet, she’d be two inches taller. what, the world series of trash hau-
a yawn— his arm swung into the With the spike heels, she towered. lin’?” He wasn’t really resisting the
head of the woman from Norris’ “I need you now,” he said. job— in fact, he was transferring the
order. She shrieked, and Norris plastic-wrapped corpse from SUV to
“Oh, Gary, I like you but as a
blurred towards the magician, Hyundai trunk as he spoke. He just
friend.” The sarcasm was automatic
the snake dropped and the puma wanted to show token resistance to
struck, the magician shouted living and so was his slap. She blinked,
then flushed. the role of piss-boy body hauler.
words from a dead tongue as Max-
“I am not fucking around, this is a “No, this DOA is a will-worker.”
well upended the desk and charged
across his office. four alarm problem. He needs you, Baines blinked. “Speak English.
I’ve known him since Solomon was I don’t know what the fuck that
Then something really unex-
Embraced and I’ve never seen him means.”
pected happened.
like this. He needs…” For a moment, Garret gave him a long, level look.
Garret looked harried, almost wor- “I mean this gent, this dead guy with
Persephone Moore was out hav- ried, but after nearly a hundred no blood in him and two big-ass
ing a casual hunt and bitch session
years of never showing fear, his holes in his neck, was a magician. I
with Aurora Hatch, and she was
face just couldn’t form the look don’t know who he has as his lovely
happy being “powerful, knowing,
any more. “He needs to be around assistant or who’s volunteering
experienced” for once. She was
people he can trust while he gets from the audience but I do know
happy being the ancilla to Aurora’s
himself together. So you can do that the balance between us and
neonate, to use the antiquated
that, or I can tell your childe Aurora the wand wigglers is fragile. No one
speech of the Kindred, as the two
there that you were the one what wins if that relationship goes out of
did. They had developed a joke of
broke her daughter’s mind. You’re whack.” Garret slammed the trunk as
pronouncing it “annnncilla,” very
smart and this is simple.” emphasis. “Now do you understand
dramatically. They were contem-
“Lead on.” what you’ve been entrusted with?”
plating crashing a bachelor party
when Garret McLean strode into He took her wrist and, delayed “Mos def.”
the club and casually shoved aside a only momentarily by a group of Garret groaned.
woman who was just drunk enough bouncers, led her out to the SUV. •••
“I remember you from Persphone’s “Aw gee.” Lying, or refusing to enough for a graveyard all my
funeral,” Prince Maxwell said. answer— these thoughts were own… but the worst thing… the
“Yeah.” Bruce Miner— ‘Bruise’ to his unthinkable, in the light of the worst thing I ever did, I did tonight.”
friends— didn’t know where to look Prince’s gaze. “Well, I killed this child Then he told it, and Bruce inched
and didn’t know what to do with his molester once, but the worst thing away from him despite himself, de-
hands. He was bulky, inarticulate, and I ever did was punch my daughter spite knowing it might offend this
his skin looked like spoiling meat. into a coma.” powerful Prince, despite knowing
“And you were involved with that “Oh.” that it would do nothing to save him
ruckus Solomon raised in Elysium.” “Yeah.” Bruce’s voice and posture if Maxwell decided to destroy him.
“He killed my dog,” Miner re- were perfect grief. They were silent for a long time,
plied, and something truculent and “Did she recover?” and then Maxwell asked, “Where’s
ominous in his voice made Maxwell Persephone?”
“Someone ghouled her out of it.”
look at him sharply. “She went to get you something
“Mon Dieu.”
“You loved that dog a lot, didn’t to drink.”
Bruce shrugged.
you?” the Prince asked. •••
“What’s she doing now?”
Bruise looked away and nod- “C’mon, girl, live a little,” Perse-
ded. When he looked back, he was “I don’t know, I… I stay away from phone said, trying hard to keep
surprised to see that Maxwell had her, from my wife. Um, ex-wife, I her impatience and desperation
slumped and was staring at his im- guess. She got… remarried…” masked because nothing would un-
maculate loafers. When Bruce started to cry red, the sell a smart and successful business-
“It’s just one loss after another for Prince sat by him and put an arm on woman on coming to “a really fun
us,” Maxwell said. “Sacrifice upon his shoulder. house party” quicker than stalker’s
sacrifice, and it’s hard to tell which “Fuck,” the hideous creature said. desperation.
hurt more, the ones we choose or “I thought this was over. Y’know? G.F. Hannigan was sharp, pretty
the ones we don’t get to.” Like I’d moved on.” and educated. They’d met when
“Yeah. Hey. I’m… I’m sorry about “If we could move on entirely, it Persephone was still alive, and G.F.
the… this.” Bruce gestured vaguely wouldn’t mean anything.” had never drawn the connection be-
around him. “So how ‘bout you?” Bruce looked tween Linda Moore the lawyer and
Maxwell looked up, as if he’d no- up suddenly. His red eyes were as Persphone Moore the… well, G.F.
ticed only for the first time that he pitiful as the Prince’s were com- wasn’t exactly sure what Persephone
was sitting in a dusty storage locker did, other than go to art openings
manding. “What’s the worst thing
with no air conditioning. and nightclubs and the opera and
you ever did?”
charity fundraisers. It was an unex-
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. Maxwell opened his mouth, then amined assumption in her mind that,
“Your hospitality is greatly appreci- closed it. There was no force of somehow, Persephone’s job was to
ated and I assure you, I will remem- supernatural command, but that be fabulous. They’d had interesting
ber your generosity.” part within him that longed for conversations about art, music, real
“What? Man, don’t you, like, have justice demanded he repay this estate and the place of a successful
some fancy brownstone?” sad creature in kind. Moreover, his businesswoman in Chicago society.
“That’s where everyone goes pride would not let him rob or cheat They’d shopped together, with G.F.
when they want to betray me,” someone so weak, so transitory, getting sensible heels and Perse-
Maxwell said. “Being unobserved is who had still opened his haven phone picking up platform shoes
a tremendous luxury, and one I can (such as it was) to him. So he said, that made G.F. laugh out loud.
rarely procure for myself.” “Promise not to tell?” Persephone always had this aura
“You just need to learn the hiding “If you won’t tell mine.” of danger about her, and G.F. wasn’t
mojo, right?” Bruce was confused “Okay.” He held out his hand, sure what to do with that. Her
and his voice was low. and when Bruce shook it, he said. instinct was avoidance— caution
“What’s the worst thing you’ve “There’s a long list. I’ve betrayed had made her a winner in the down
ever done?” the Prince suddenly friends, broken oaths, enslaved market. On the other hand, her first
asked, his eyes bright and his voice people in the most horrible of name was Gladys and no matter
warm with interest. “Tell me.” ways… there are murders of course, how pretty you are, growing up
Gladys can make you long for some when she realized G.F. was pointing ing. Sounds like someone may be
glamour and excitement in your at her watch and backing rapidly looking for it in with all kinds of
life. Persephone always twisted the towards the door. spooky mystic shit, so just dump-
strange, unfocussed dread that ac- ••• ing it in the lake isn’t gonna suffice,
companied her into awe or intrigue “Yo,” Baines said, knocking fists with y’know what I’m sayin’?”
or a joke, a fun scare like Halloween, the amused motherfucker in the “What did you have in mind?”
but way down deep, there was parking lot. “’Sup?” Large’s prophecy had tied him to the
a primal and uneducated part of fate of a man who was ‘Neither black
“Just TCB, Earth.”
Gladys’ brain screaming that this nor white, neither living nor dead.’
woman was death. And of course, “Takin’ care a’ bidness?”
“I know you all… go places. Like,
that was why G.F. stayed in Perse- “No, The Country’s Best.” He
off the map, am I right?”
phone’s orbit, to prove that she had grinned. He’d been born Alphonse
Largo, but these days went by “If you think stowing the body
overcome her primitive instincts,
‘Large.’ He was six feet tall and a somewhere… um, outside… is go-
that she was educated and modern
solid 270 pounds, but he looked ing to stop anyone with meaningful
and in control.
petite next to Earth Baines, whose spiritual resources… hell, it might
So G.F. was half relieved and half
do-rag, fat gold chains and FUBU be easier to find…”
disappointed when Persephone’s
phone rang. wardrobe did nothing to hide the “Well, maybe, but what if you ate
fact that he had blonde hair, blue it first?”
“Mi scusi for a minute, G.F. I should
eyes, and hawkish Scandinavian Then came a moment of incredu-
take this. Hello?”
cheekbones. lous silence.
On the other end of the line,
The first time they’d met, Largo “What if I…?”
Bruise sounded nervous. “Um, yeah,
and his pack of wolf-men had “Crap the body out wherever,
it’s the Prince.”
ripped Baines’ sire to chunks and spread it around, you’re on the road
“What about him? You didn’t lose had only spared the big vampire
him, did you?” to Philly tomorrow morning, right?”
when they heard his name and
“Whaddaya mean…? No, he’s Earth was starting to get desper-
connected him to a series of cryptic
here he’s just… um… he won’t stop ate. The Kindred he knew who spe-
laughing. I mean, it’s been like five cialized in getting bodies converted
Baines had only heard the first into dog, rat, or mouse feces was a
minutes and it’s starting to freak of these prophecies— “The time
me out.” racist, had laughed right in Earth’s
will come when you may choose face. His second plan had been to
“Laughing?” Persephone cut to spare Baines,” which might well grind the body into mush and mix it
her eyes away to G.F. and tried to have ended with “Banes,” which in with concrete in some building’s
reshape her face into amusement, had another meaning entirely to foundation, but the first couple
as if someone incredibly witty and the other shape-changer who’d blenders he’d tried had jammed
well-spoken was telling her a price- been with Large at the time. But as and Home Depot had refused to
less bon mot. it happened, her tendency to blab rent him a wood chipper after
“I told him you were getting him had left her dead at the bottom of spotting his driver’s license as fake.
someone to drink on and he just… a New Orleans canal. Now the only Moreover, he wasn’t sure when the
I mean, he’s, like, hyperventilating remaining member of that pack,
mixers started churning, and if it
and rolling on the floor. It’s like Beth, leaned against the seat of her
wasn’t getting poured until after
some kind of fit.” motorcycle and rolled her eyes.
sunup, he wasn’t going to be on
“Why don’t the two of you meet “Tight,” Baines said. “Look, I’m hand to make sure no one noticed
me at my place?” she asked. in a thing and I was wondering if the red gunk. Finally, he’d tried to
“If you think that’s best.” Bruce y’all could stick in a hand. I’m rollin’ get it underground to Chicago’s
sounded dubious. these days, I can tuck some bank in deep tunnel— he’d heard that it
“Okay, that’ll be great! I think you’ll your paw and I know you’re always could hold a billion gallons and that
really like G.F. if she doesn’t decide a buck short.” anybody dropped into it would be
to be dowdy and stay home…” “I’m listening.” squished to paste and diluted be-
Persephone looked away to see “I got this body I need to dispose yond recognition. But after three
the effect of her words, then swore of and I mean, like, reduce to noth- fruitless hours stumbling through
shit-encrusted sewers, he’d come That gave Beth pause. She think this palette really compli-
up with this idea, getting his ‘lupine glanced at Large, who was strug- ments Mr. Miner here, or is he more
friends’ (who, to be more accurate, gling to keep his form and his tem- of an ‘autumn’?”
were more like ‘murderous shape- per controlled. “We’ll just tell them The sight of the suit stopped her
shifting acquaintances’) to haul it the vampires did it.” cold.
for him. That would make it Plan D “Think they’ll believe you? After “Bruce… this isn’t exactly his…
and he was starting to wonder what the vampires talk at ‘em with the style…?”
E might be when Large grabbed slave-eye turned on?” “Inasmuch as it didn’t get peeled
him by his lapels and hoisted him She looked from Large to Baines off a dead hobo’s back, you’re right,
onto the hood of the Hyundai. again. “The prophet told me, ‘One but I think it makes a nice change
Earth’s head slammed back into the day you will decide if Earth survives and it’ll help him blend at the Dis-
windshield and cracked it. or is destroyed. Show mercy.’ Get carded Image.”
“Do you have any idea what in your car and drive, dead thing.
you’re asking?” he seethed. “Wait, you can’t take Bruce to the
But if you ever tempt us with man Image!”
“Chill man, yo, chill!” Earth stam- flesh again, all the silver in the world
mered, eyes wide as Large’s partner “Can’t?” The Prince struck a con-
won’t save you.”
Becky started to circle to the front templative pose. “Can’t… ‘can’t’…
Baines scrambled behind the oh, you mean I ‘cannot?’ I haven’t
of the car, her look grim. Then Earth wheel, thinking oh shit oh shit oh
felt Large’s hands swelling on him, heard that word applied to me in
shit... ages.”
saw the changer’s face getting lon-
••• Her mouth worked, but no sound
ger and he opted for Plan D, Sub I.
His hand stole into his pocket and Maxwell turned a critical eye on the came out.
emerged with a rather crudely fash- suit coat. “Mmh, it really ought to be “Why the Image?” she finally
ioned three-finger ring. Its design let out a bit, but it’s better than the asked, as Maxwell flipped out an
celebrated the Cubs’ 2008 Division next size up.” Amex Black Card with practiced
Championship, but that mattered “I don’t need a suit,” Bruce mum- ease and paid for his purchases.
much less than its solid-silver con- bled. “Why not the Image? It’s an open
struction. Baines mustered all the “You should want one, though. Elysium and we’re all Kindred.”
strength he could (which was a Clothes make the man.” “Shouldn’t you be…” She moved
lot) and slammed it into the side of Bruce muttered something. Max- closer and whispered, “...resting?”
Large’s head. well heard it. “I’m not tired.” His eyes glittered
“Aaaahhrr OOOOUG!” L arge “I’ve actually seen a train wreck, with manic energy, then suddenly
howled, and Earth would later and your face really exists on a sharpened to the shrewdness he
swear that it set off all the car alarms different sort of aesthetic plane. customarily hid. “And if there’s any
in the lot. The lycanthrope also It’s smaller, more poignant, less fallout from this evening, it’ll be
reeled back, releasing Earth in order grandly tragic. It’s like comparing bandied about there first. So this is,
to clutch his head. a stadium rock concert to a jazz primus, a scouting expedition. But
Earth could move fast when mo- club performance… oh, don’t sulk. secundus, if I’m going to be hiding
tivated, and he got the car between Where we’re going, people won’t from the public, as Garret suggests,
himself and the two, then put his care about your face. With an off- I’ll want to conceal my concealment.
hands up. the-rack suit, you can just about A well-timed appearance before the
“Whoa, whoa!” he shouted. “My make it, as long as your accessories talkers and harpies gives me at least
bad! Chill, get it under control!” carry more than their weight. How a month before any other absence
“You son of a bitch,” Beth gritted, are those shoes?” becomes notable to the masses.
circling the car. Earth couldn’t help “They feel funny,” Bruce said, Moreover— tertius— accompany-
noticing that she was wiping drool glancing down at his new Italian ing Mr. Miner makes him an object
from her chin. He turned towards loafers. of interest.” He turned to Bruise and
her and curled his hands into fists. “That’s called comfort,” the Prince said, “Sorry, my man. It’s going to
“Yo, y’all probably kill me but it offered as a tart reply, then smiled be uncomfortable, but I’ll make it
will cost you, all right? And then the as Persephone came into the store. worth your while.”
dead wizard be your problem.” “My childe! Just in time. Do you “I’m not sure…”
“Trust me,” the Prince said, guid- them and instead went to the bar. about it could casually lean in and
ing the other two out the door and “Double Johnny blue for me please, hear clearly, if his ears were sharp.
into the street. “Soon, everyone Persephone… Skyy and cran still? Maxwell’s ears were very sharp and,
will wonder what the connection Mr. Miner?” of course, he knew all about that
is between you and me, and if you Bruce had been warned not to special spot.
play your cards right it will catapult drink whatever he was given and A barely perceptible shift of
you to the top of the ladder.” struggled to think of something high posture and he was spying on arch-
“I never play cards right,” Bruce class. “Um… whatcha got for wine?” gossip Tobias Rieff. Had he been
replied. The barman blinked slowly. It human, the pulse of blood in his
“Learn. That’s what I did.” looked mechanical. “Would sir pre- own ear canal would have drowned
fer red or white?” out the words, but for Maxwell? Not
“How ‘bout a Cabernet? Sauvign- a problem.
The Discarded Image was a hy-
whatever?” “...spy is still closeted at the
perbolic combination of style and
Prince’s brownstone, I don’t know
unfriendliness. The owner had “We have a nice 2002 ZD reserve.
what Maxwell’s doing here. It’s pos-
recently remodeled after some It’s Californian, but…”
sible that Norris left incognito, but
unpleasantness, and while the look Bruce shrugged. “I guess it’ll ha- why? Where’s the stranger he had
of chrome and porcelain remained, veta do.” with him, and his Dragon muscle?”
the shiny-shiny metal was now sub- “There is an unspoken, indeed, “I couldn’t say,” drawled Tobias’
tly distorted with curves and swirls unconsidered subtext to drink companion, a well-coifed woman
and bumps. Its touches of gleaming choice here,” Maxwell said to him in the garb of an unusually fash-
white and glossy black accented the as the dead thing went to get their ionable librarian. She put the stem
warped reflections. Reminiscent of beverages. “Your drink is emblem- of her spectacles between her
a funhouse mirror, if “fun” was re- atic of your identity.” teeth, a sexy gesture wasted in the
placed with “clinically induced nau- “An’ it all just gets thrown away Discarded Image. “Norris has been
sea.” Plus it was full of dead people. when we leave?” on thin ice since that horrid busi-
The first two corpses the unlikely Maxwell grinned. “I’d never consid- ness with Justine. Perhaps the bal-
companions spied upon entry were ered that aspect of the metaphor.” ance between he and the Prince
girls who’d died as teens. Their “You’ve chosen the drink of a bold finally shifted?”
clothes were expensive, too mature traditionalist,” Persephone said. “You mean ‘him and the Prince,’
for them, what Persephone would “Red wine here is unsubtle… it says dear.” She would have blushed if
have described as “Business Bar- ‘I have no time to contemplate my she could, but Rieff continued. “You
bie” if she’d been relaxed enough message and whatcha’ gonna do can’t seriously mean to suggest
to be snide and judgmental. Each about it?’ Very in-your-face.” something… permanent?” Rieff
had a Campari with soda sitting was too good to look over at Max-
“I just didn’t want to look like a fag
untouched in front of her. One had well, but the woman with him had
or a hayseed,” Bruce said, resigned.
a twist of lemon, and the other had far less composure. But by the time
a twist of lime. Lime had her back to Maxwell, in the meantime was
she looked, Maxwell was clearly
the door, so she just kept on talking inclining his head to eavesdrop.
turned away from them both.
as the Prince walked in. The Image had been laid out to
inhibit such nosiness, by and large. “Lohhhki,” Persephone purred as
“...first thing he grabbed was a jar a leathered young body slouched
While the myriad hard surfaces did
of grape jam— a big one, a three- a fine job reflecting sound waves, through the doors. Loki pulled up
pound bulk buy special— and he they got intentionally crossed and as the Prince gave him a mild smile.
hit her across the back of the head. blended and the gentle clink of “Oh. Hey.” He blinked, then in-
Well, you know Evangeline’s hair, ice in glass seemed suddenly able clined his head. “My lord.”
it’s a big frizzy mess, and jelly with to drown out whispers and low “Let us dispense with the formali-
broken glass didn’t…” voices. Unless, of course, you knew ties,” the Prince replied. “Everyone
“Psst,” Lemon whispered. “Behind exactly which stool at the bar was else here has.” There was an edge—
you.” positioned before a clear spot, hov- a slender, razor-thin edge— of
The pair quieted and turned. The ering above the counter. A minor bitterness underneath his genial
Prince gave no sign of recognizing miracle of acoustics, one who knew tone, and those who caught it felt
a chill. Tobias made a mental note “Is it true?” the priest of the Sanc- to feel Persephone’s thin hand en-
to do something very nice and very tified demanded, waving papers circle the wrist of his rising fist.
respectful to the Prince, soon. “Join at the Prince. “Have we clutched a “Careful,” she cooed. “You really
us. What brings you to the Image?” viper to us for so long?” can’t afford to break Elysium again,
“Um… I’m actually looking for “What do you mean?” can you?”
Baines.” “I mean this!” He flung the papers His head swiveled back to her,
“Young Mr. Earth? Is this official on the bar. “Garret betrayed us. then to Bruise, then to the Prince
business?” Decades ago! We always wondered before he wrenched himself free
“I’m not even sure, to be honest”, how Old John knew, knew our plans, and ran to the door. More phone
Loki said, standing idly next to their how he found us… it was McLean! clicks chased him out, catching his
bolted down trio of stools. “He Garret told him everything!” haste, his panic, the arm over his
called me asking about… a disposal “My my,” Maxwell said, glancing face to hide tears. Within seconds
thing, said it was important and down at the documents. “That was his disgrace was flying across the
very hush hush.” His eyes flicked to quick.” airwaves to the PDAs of eager and
Bruise. “This isn’t really the place…” All around them, there was a qui- hating undead.
“It’s fine. Mr. Miner has my trust.” et chorus of phones flicking open. “I can make you all pay,” he hissed
Loki shrugged. “As you will. Ba- “You knew all along,” Solomon through a bitter smile. Laughing—
ines wasn’t real specific, just that it whispered, staring at the Prince, the a sound without mirth—the High
had to be, and I quote, ‘maximum man he’d trusted, who had stood Priest of Longinus backed slowly
gone’ and that I ought to call him by him in his rise to power and through the door and then was gone.
back. When I called him back it went who held him tight in the bonds “Oh my,” the Prince said, turning
to message. I don’t know where he of public blood slavery. “You knew back to his untouched whiskey.
is now or what he’s doing.” Garret did it.” Bruise forgot himself and automati-
“So you came here?” Persephone “I’d hoped to avoid a scene.” cally took a sip of wine, prompt-
asked. ing gasps from the Campari girls.
Now only the faint sounds of
Maxwell then raised his own glass
“I was looking for Stingo,” Loki thumbs on keypads, furiously texting.
in salute and followed suit. Tobias
said defensively. “But… how could you…?” The and Persephone were neck and
“I believe Mr. Stingo is up in Boys- minister’s voice held a plaintive neck behind him, and after them
town this evening, but I wouldn’t note that few present would have everyone in the Image drank.
swear to it,” Maxwell said, and ever imagined.
“They say we’re so stagnant,”
then the door slammed open hard “Hey fucker, the look on your face Maxwell chuckled. “But look how
enough to crack its mirrored glass. is priceless.” With that, and a syn- easily things can change.”
“Solomon,” Maxwell said, with a thetic click, Bruise Miner’s cell cap-
He drained his glass and started
smile. tured the look of baffled betrayal.
to laugh.
“Solomon,” Miner grated, glaring Solomon spun on him, eyes mad
with hate. and rimmed with blood tears, only
Life After Dark
You’re born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little
higher, you take less shit. Till one day you’re up in the rarefied atmosphere and you’ve
forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
—Eddie Temple, Layer Cake
Go on, then. Picture a cake. The sponge tastes of skin, of this tier are the bottom-feeders and the bottom-fed. The
salt and sweat and fear. The frosting is butter and blood most numerous, and the most ignorant.
(pinkish, then). Sugar roses circle the top, each as red as… Second tier of the bloody cake is the ancilla or city
well, you know. The bottom is beaded, white pearlescent tier. It’s higher up and it’s smaller—the vampires of this
blobs—they call to mind a chain of pearls, broken, or an stratum look down and see those upon which they stand:
ivory garter on a porcelain thigh. the weaker, the more numerous, the cattle. They have a
The important part, really, is that the cake has tiers. better view from here. The vampires of the first tier are
It has the base. The broad, fat circle. Bigger than all at the ground-level. They see the oil-choked puddles and
the others. It’s where most of the baking materials went. the car exhaust and the dead bodies. For them, it’s all
It’s the part from which everybody will get their taste. darkness and fog and piss-colored streetlights. But those
Second tier up, a bit smaller. You start to see the roses, Damned at the second-tier can see out further. They sit
here. The cake gets a little more ornate at this stratum above the dance floor, watching the throng move. They
because, hey, not as many people are going to get a bite. sit above the city, and from the penthouses and rooftops
Those who do, they’re special. those piss-colored streetlights start to look like twinkling
stars of glittering gold. The shadow above them is small,
But not as special as those who get to eat the smallest,
so maybe they think they’re alone here. Maybe they think
most refined tier. Third tier, smaller than all the others,
they’re top of the pops. They’re not.
and higher up, too. The flavor might be different: better,
sweeter, more quality ingredients, some extra panache, Because above them yet is the final tier, the third tier,
some extra ganache. Only a few tongues will taste this the tier of elder and conspiracy. The veiled and ancient
sweetness: the bride and groom, maybe. Or the birthday creatures up here get a view like none other: they can see
boy. Or the man who will die in a few years because he’s out over the whole puzzle, can see how it all fits together.
old, and because he’s old he deserves a taste of refinement. They are the rarified tastes, the hidden flavors. They
stand on the backs of everybody else, unseen sentinels.
It’s a metaphor, of course. The Danse Macabre—the
They watch the watchers. They tug the puppet strings.
nocturnal society of the incestuous Damned—is one big
Their heads are up above the black clouds, and the only
three-tier cake. Cut it open and blood runs fresh. Dead
thing they really have to worry about is the heat of the
fluids from spongy folds. Oh-so-sweet.
sun melting away everything.
A Taste of the Cake
We’ll get deeper into it, but here’s the initial taste; how Tiers, Two Ways
the flavor profile shakes out. Tiers break out the World of Darkness and the Danse
The first tier is what we’ll think of as the neonate Macabre into strata of existence—the vampires at each
or coterie tier. It’s where most of the vampires wait. stratum discover different experiences. They suffer
Everything rests upon them. It’s sure to be crushing—their different ills, and claim unique rewards. Of course,
backs support the rest of vampire society. They’re also this carries over: the vampires confronting different
the first ones to get eaten. Of course, “eaten” can mean experiences means that, by proxy, the players and
a lot of things amongst the Damned, can’t it? It goes well Storytellers are confronting different experiences, too.
beyond being consumed for one’s blood. One’s soul might So, let’s say you want to use the tiers. You want to
be part of the meal. Or one’s influence. Or haven. Or look up and look down and see how the play experience
“friends.” But you understand the idea: the vampires at changes when you start fiddling with the knobs. First
things first, you need to figure out exactly what you want town folks and their small town politics (school board,
the tiers to mean, and that means looking at the tiers in county commissioners). Second tier, you have state
one of two ways. politics with people who hold considerably more power
and whose power extends over a far greater area. Finally
you have the third tier, the federal government, the
ones who make big decisions and big changes and could
At Present: Requiem conceivably start a war that would destroy us or spend
By and large, Vampire: The Requiem as it money in such a way that it leaves most of the citizenry
stands has a setting and system that largely
reflect the second tier—i.e. the ancilla/city tier.
penniless—the power here is concentrated, it is deep,
That doesn’t mean that all the characters are and it is all-encompassing. (Though, you could argue
ancillae, or that everything takes place in the that the federal government actually sits at the second
city. But conceptually, that’s where the game tier, and the third tier remains an unseen conspiratorial
hovers: most of the game’s action plays out in
the middle. Most of the movers-and-shakers presence, a New World Order with its withered, greasy
are ancillae. Most of the setting comprises the finger on the pulse of the entire globe.)
city to its edges and goes no further beyond
those borders. This chapter is about possibility,
about breaking out of that mold and offering
The Exclusive Concept
both Storytellers and players a new variety of Here, the tiers are not a map. The nocturnal society of
play experiences to behold. Vampire fiction and the Damned is not scaled into three tiers, because all the
folklore illustrates a wide variety of monstrous
engagement, and the tiers aim to provide a
tiers do not exist in your game.
down-and-dirty way to conceptualize this into You say, as Storyteller or as player, this game is about
new play styles and story modes for Requiem. one tier to the exclusion to the other tiers. So, say you
Don’t like it? Scrap it—but we think it’ll at the
very least give you a few new ways of thinking take the first tier (neonate/coterie) and want to use that.
about the game. The entire vampiric experience is encapsulated, then,
in that one tier. No examples will exist in your game that
reveal big movers-and-shakers, or blood-bloated elders
pulling puppet-strings. It never gets to that. All vampires
The Encompassing Model are ground-level. They’re all lost and ignorant and deep
One way to utilize the tier concept in your Vampire: The in the mire. Think of it like street gangs. Street gangs
Requiem game is to say, “Okay, the tiers are going to are generally unconnected to other gangs in other cities
serve as a model of their nocturnal society.” In this case, (though some tenuous strands connect them in a kind of
all the tiers co-exist in your game. The play experience grim criminal fraternity, but that’s not really important).
may hover at one tier, but that doesn’t change the fact Life as a member of a gang –whether you’re freshly inked
that you expect all tiers to have some effect on the story and initiated or whether you’re the big dog in charge of the
and the play experience. pack—is still a street-to-street, block-to-block affair. It’s
This isn’t conceptual. It’s a hard and fast map. Neonates about your brothers and your family and taking territory
are at the bottom, and their unlives are driven nominally one blood-spattered street corner at a time. It’s all street-
by what happens to them as individuals and within their level, all on-the-ground. It doesn’t go higher. That’s the
coteries. Ancillae make up the next level, and the city is coterie-only experience. Nobody is in control. No Prince
their playground. A rare few elders wait at the top, and shepherds the sheep. It’s Near Dark through-and-through:
have taken their power level beyond the city, and arguably you are your coterie. You eat and fuck and run together.
beyond the physical—their power is something that goes Maybe someone’s in charge of your little cabal, and that’s
outside the temporal, into the loose and unanchored fine. But beyond that? Everything is the night-to-night,
power stratum of information, personality, blood, boons, everything is about the next taste of blood, the next thrill,
banes, and the like. Moving up and down the tiers is okay the next inch carved out of a city block.
(and you’ll find advice on doing just that in a game later Or… maybe you decide to go with the second tier,
in this chapter). Characters who exist at one tier will still the ancilla/city tier. No problem. It just means that all
be affected by what happens at other tiers, though they vampires lurk at that level. While you certainly will find
may not know it. strata within this tier, ultimately it means that you won’t
It’s not an unreasonable model, and has facsimiles have roving gangs of blood-starved neonates just trying
throughout society: think of the way government to get some answers and some peace (or a piece). That
works in the United States. First tier, you have small doesn’t mean you won’t have neonates, only that those
Themes and Blood are the only things that matter.) Again, the
vampire may very well have convinced himself that this
What follows are a handful of themes potentially present voice isn’t an echo, but a fresh reminder of an internal
in a second tier Requiem game. Remember: you don’t human compass. Or, maybe he mimics having that voice
need to rely on just one. Mix and match. It’s your game. so others will notice. The Damned can go quite a long
Theme: The Costume of Humanity Matters time playing at this illusion—some go for months, others
The vampires at this tier are doing a dance… whirling for decades. Eventually, though, the echo grows faint. It
this way and that, moving in step to old music that begs stops repeating. The creature starts to slide toward that
to be forgotten. See, at this tier, vampires are what they yawning mouth, that hungry shadow. Maybe he tries to
are, which is monsters. They’re sin-driven blood addicts clamber back to a more comfortable illusion. Or maybe
whose human instincts are lost beneath a surging tide of he just allows the controlled fall downward (at which
beastly hungers. Whereas the vampires of the first tier point you could say that the vampire either retracts to
still have that mitigating human voice, the vampires of the first tier, where it’s all just night-to-night hungers and
the second tier want to have that voice, but for the most hunting, or ascends to the third tier, where he embraces
part, don’t. a new monstrous mindset, so to speak).
So they pretend. Theme: And Don’t Forget Humanity’s Trappings
They pretend so well, in fact, that they sometimes convince Why is it, then, that vampires gather in their nocturnal
themselves of their “humanity,” but that’s really like you society? Why do they establish Byzantine rules that must
donning a Halloween mask and staring in the mirror long be followed on the threat of castigation or death-by-
enough to believe it to be your true face—it doesn’t make rooftop-sunrise? Why do they gather in catty salons, or go
it any more real, but reality and fact needn’t ever intertwine. to nightclubs to watch the hot new DJ, or set areas of the
The human voice within is just an old echo for the city as strange places-of-refuge? They put themselves in
vampires at this tier. (You could suggest that this is contact with humans all the time—blood doll sycophants,
represented by the Humanity score, which goes back adoring herds, ghoul advisors. They have meetings, for
to the costume metaphor: as the vampire sheds those God’s sake, meetings that might look like boardroom
tattered pieces of the old costume, he similarly sheds presentations or Church sermons.
dots in Humanity; this in turn brings him closer to Again: why? What’s the purpose? The purpose is
a state of “true” vampirism, where Beast and Hunger twofold.
“Hey man, how about a little something to keep me warm
tonight? It’s cold tonight, man, real cold. Yeah, no, that’s not
what mean. It’s not money I’m looking for. I need something
warmer than cold hard cash, brother.”
The Junkie is a catchall Masquerade, lumping all kinds
of down-and-outs and fringe dweller with similar hard
luck and bad habits and addictions. You might call them
drunks, bums, hookers, tweakers, street kids. They’re
the lowest strata of the lowest class, perpetual victims,
and petty criminals. The forgotten, the abused, the
In this company, a vampire hardly rates a shrug. There’s
so many ways for the fringe people to suffer and die. A
cold winter will kill them. A hot summer, too. A bad
batch of Mexican tar. A dealer they can’t pay. Another
junkie defending his squat. Disease. And the whole genus
of all-too human street predators who might curb-stomp
a junkie because... well, because it’s Tuesday. Because
inflicting misery can life on incrementally out of the
same misery.
Cops don’t make it better. Getting picked up is almost
as bad as getting fucked up. The cops take you in, and
you’ll detox in the holding cell. They’ll burn all your
clothes and toss your shit because it’s unhygienic. When
you get out you won’t have anything. It’ll be back to
blow-jobs for spare change. And too many of the police
who patrol the breakdown zones in the city are afflicted
by the same soul-rot as the town itself, like they’re the
avatars of the dying metropolitan god. Get picked up by
the wrong cop, and it won’t be a possession rap, it’ll be
your teeth beaten in with a night stick. Maybe the cop’s
trying to bleed the poison out or something, leave the
awfulness in the city so he can go home to the suburbs
free and clear.
“Thank you, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the party. Have you
tasted the pretty confections wandering about yet? Oh, you
simply must. Each is high on one exotic narcotic or another.
Mix and match, the effect is delightful.”
She’s the life (metaphorically speaking) of the party. The
Courtesan’s territory are the social functions, parties,
and gatherings of the Kindred, especially those less
formalized gatherings where tradition and rote don’t rule
so absolutely. Vampires are social monsters, but their
politics are the politics of wolves—dominance, temper,
ego, and aggression always threaten to break lose in
vampire gatherings.
So to the Courtesans fall the duty of greasing the social
wheels, easing tempers, keeping enemies on opposite
sides of the ballroom with casual grace, and seeing to
it that the gather doesn’t curdle into factional clots.
It’s a bit like being a chemical engineer in an explosive
factory. Keep stirring, monitor the temperature, mix new
ingredients carefully, and if it all blows up make sure the
walls are strong and the roof is weak to channel the blast
harmlessly upwards.
Courtesans are influential, but generally not leaders
in their courts or covenants, rather they facilitate the
powerful. Without an able hand managing tempers and
keeping the party jovial, even the most able prince may
find this gatherings turning somber, and his own instincts
interfering with his desired impression.
Courtesans also help make introductions, and as they
generally know everyone in the local Court’s social scene,
they’re in a position to get people talking. Brokering
these meetings is one of their most overt forms of power,
and places those who request their aid subtly in their
debt. As fixers, they facilitate alliances, betrayals, and
political overthrows. Their neutrality is something most
prize, and the key to their survival as social brokers is
maintaining their usefulness regardless of who rules. They
may conspire like any other vampire, but do so with more
care less they commit to the losing side.
While they’re valued, their neutrality makes it hard to
trust a Courtesan.
ecrets Anyone who believed that photos capture
the soul, or a piece of it, would hardly expect
Solomon Birch to show up as anything other
than a washed out smear of malice and self-
know, Bruce is the least full of bullshit.”
“That’s faint praise.”
“You’d prefer a vivid put-down?”
A month had passed since Solomon’s disas-
righteousness. So Bruise Miner’s lucky, inso-
trous loss of face, and the Kindred of Chicago
S lently timed snapshot looked a bit like the
were gradually dividing over it. Persephone
Bishop, if you knew that’s who it was.
still had trouble accepting it when Kin-
It was vague, but that didn’t matter. In fact,
upon it one’s own despair, betrayal, heart- the right time with the right resentment, an
break and self-pity. It was, for the undead of emblematic Everyman vampire. Honestly, it
Chicago, a Rorschach mirror reflecting their kind of ticked her off.
own most despised weaknesses.
repeating rows on construction scaffolds, “Oh we’ve met,” she said, giving Duce a
left under the wipers of cars in outdoor look that leveraged her eyelashes to maxi-
parking lots. Most said, in bold letters, “OBEY mum effect.
BISHOP” but a few turned up near popular “Hey, you’ve become the man of the hour,
racks and Carthian stomping grounds with stickin’ it to the power, y’know?”
“OBEY VAMPIRE.” “I just took a picture of a guy who was a
The picture was fuzzy, but the blizzard of dickhole to me.”
A Season
words that came with it was excruciatingly Duce looked at the man who’d introduced
precise. First the text messages, the emails them. “I see what you mean.” He turned back
from Blackberries, the tale growing and to Bruise. “You’re a hero to the Carthians now,
refining itself. The Discarded Image would y’know.”
have been well past capacity if everyone Bruce shook his head. “They must be hurt-
who claimed to have seen Birch break ing for one, then.”
down had actually been there. But, like the “More than you know. You should come
muddled graphic, that didn’t matter. The down to the next meeting. Lap it up, right?”
facts mattered less than the truthiness of “While I’m still flavor of the month?” Bruce
the story, Birch blustering and being put in shrugged. “Eh. Honestly, I don’t… the atten-
his place by the creeping filth-feeder whose tion, it’s not for me, you know?”
dog he killed. And afterwards, the Prince
“We are creatures of status,” Duce said.
drinking a toast.
“Attention is our currency and, like money,
••• it’ll make trouble if you don’t put it to work
“’Zat the man?” for you.”
“Yuh huh. You want I should introduce “Aw c’mon,” Bruce said, and his discomfort
you?” was obvious.
“I dunno, man. Is he genuine, or just… mm, “Amazing,” Persephone said, after Duce
the punctuation of Maxwell making a point?” had given his card and left. “This city is rotten
“Why can’t he be both? No, look, Bruce Min- with Kindred who are desperate for nothing
er is no genius and, as you can see, he looks more than to matter, to impress their peers,
like something that got left way too long in the to make a mark and get respect. All their
clamoring and favor grubbing gets power vacuum left by the disap- Turmoil was inevitable. Beatings
them is contempt. You don’t give a pearance of Norris the spy. into torpor. Disappearances. Judi-
rat’s ass about all that, and respect is The vampire with only five finger- cial proceedings in every covenant,
practically giving you a lap dance.” nails had been personally unobtru- fresh feuds within the clans and old
Bruce just shrugged. “It’s like sive, but he dropped off the grid in ones between them given new life.
Murphy’s law or somethin’,” he a cloud of drastic revelations. Norris The usual low-lying stink of rivalry
muttered. “I just want people to had held back the vengeance of a and retribution was stirred into a
stop caring about me so I don’t dozen powerful Kindred by threat- poison hurricane. The disappear-
have to…” ening their secrets. Now, those ance of Earth Baines was a minor
“Hush!” Persephone hissed. secrets were becoming known.
turd in the shit-storm.
“No one’s listening.” Rowan, the Crone elder, was tied
Under all of it, however, in the
to a family of mortal descendants.
“Someone’s always listening.” background, was Maxwell. Not
They were all under Invictus or
They were at Elysium. even an issue, yet, but the Prince’s
Sanctified vinculum within days.
Held in the aquamarine glam- Rowan herself, who could not stand shadow fell on the minds of his
our of the Shedd Aquarium, the to see children of her mortal life subjects. Why was he hiding? What
monthly meet-and-greet of the enslaved, killed them within weeks. had happened?
Chicagoland Damned was well- The details of Sylvia Raines’ Persephone knew the Prince’s
attended and bubbling with talk. mortal Satanism were dismissed as enemies would watch their words
Lines were being drawn. Solomon’s merely embarrassing, like wearing in her presence, so when she over-
hardline followers had closed ranks leg warmers in the 80s. The more heard speculation about amaranth,
around their leader, many of them telling revelation was a detailed about the forbidden feast, about
calling it another orchestrated coup description of her primary occult soul-eating, she knew that no mat-
attempt against a Bishop too strong fundraising scheme. Again, no one ter how hard she and Garret tried,
for the ignorant shirkers to tolerate. was going to judge her, but there how gamely Bruce went along, their
But that narrative, no matter how were territorial issues with her sell- distraction had failed.
logically argued, was hard to sell in ing cocaine (of whatever type) in
the face of OBEY VAMPIRE. She’d suspected the first time
Carthian domain without approval.
she saw Maxwell fiddling with his
In fact, Solomon’s perceived con- Tobias Rieff’s compromises with fingernails. Before the supernatu-
flict with Bruise was far slighter than the previous ruler. Earth Baines’
his grievance with Garret McLean. ral senses of someone like Sylvia
defiance of a Princely order. Ogil-
Garret, in turn, was trying to run Raines or Rowan or that crazy chick
vie’s unrepentant Masquerade
the city in the conspicuous absence running the River Snakes… they’d
breach. Ludmilla Marana’s early
of Prince Maxwell, an absence that double agency between the Ordo know in an instant.
Bruise’s small celebrity could do Dracul and the Invictus. Every Unless he found some kind of
but little to mask. Less obvious but night seemed to animate another solution, the next time Maxwell ap-
more ominous to those with the skeleton from the closets of the peared in public he would confirm
perspective to see it was the gaping powerful and connected. his commission of the ultimate crime.
The Bonds Of Covenant
A compromise is the art of dividing the cake
so that everyone believes he has the biggest piece.
—Ludwig Erhard
Vampires are not solitary predators. That’s what this chapter is about. It’s a fresh look at the
They like to think they are. Hell, some of them are covenants in Vampire: The Requiem; we’re shaking it
downright proud of it—the lone survivor, the rogue up a little, mixing up the puzzle pieces and seeing what
hunter, the wild animal stalking the veldt. image forms out of the chaos.
It’s bullshit. Vampires need one another, whether they First up, you’ll find the five covenants found in Re-
like it or not. (Hey, the Danse Macabre isn’t much of a quiem reexamined as third tier, full-bore conspiracies:
dance when you have one pathetic vampire shaking his gonzo globe-spanning organizations whose power tran-
money-maker in the middle of an empty warehouse.) It’s scends the local.
why vampires gather in coteries. It’s why they engage in After that, you’ll find an unholy host of new conspira-
the political process in the city. cies for use in your game.
And it’s why they join covenants.
Covenant As Conspiracy
It’s time to take the volume knob on the covenants of Let’s kick those walls down. Let’s reimagine the cov-
Requiem and crank that knob all the way up to “11.” enants as conspiracies. Assume that they are global, not
Then we’re going to break the knob off and stick it in some local. Assume that they are far more richly and densely
poor fucker’s neck and let him bleed out on the linoleum. layered. Assume that they have long puppet strings that
The third tier—in this book listed as the tier of both travel far and are damn near impossible to see. Assume
elder and conspiracy—is one where we move beyond lo- that they have plans that go well beyond this year, or five
cal or regional interests and envision a world of clan and years, or even ten years—they are looking so far down the
covenant that is infinitely better connected. As it stands pike they might as well be envisioning a whole other world.
now, Requiem envisions a world where the darkness Yes, this changes the mood of Vampire a little. It asks
outside the cities is deep and mysterious, where what that we inject a little gonzo pulp into the mix. It demands
happens in Philadelphia has minimal connection to what that paranoia is now not about what the Prince in this city
happens in Los Angeles (or London, or Shanghai). It’s a will do to you, but rather, what some unseen perpetrator
local game. A more intimate game. A game hemmed in 1000 miles away will do to you for unrealized crimes. The
by claustrophobic walls. conspiracies have a long reach, after all.
The Commonwealth
Reform isn’t a four-letter word to the vampires of the Transportation, food supply, living arrange-
Commonwealth (sometimes called, “The Common- ments—all the elements of the urban and
wealth of Carthage”). No, these vampires mean suburban environment are purposefully
it. You can tell they mean it, because as they created with human convenience and func-
unroll blueprints across the table and fire up tionality in mind. The Commonwealth
Powerpoint presentation, they speak with wild wants to do that for vampires. They want
and fiery eyes, they speak with verve and zeal. to ensure that rail systems not only run all
Their hands clench so tight you can almost hear night but that they are designed for expedient
the hairline fractures forming along fingerbones. delivery of resources (meaning, blood to your front
They want change. Change they can really door in 30 minutes or less, or this one’s for free!). They
believe in. And change doesn’t just mean a new want bars open till sun-up. They want streetlights in
political model. Stopping at “one vampire, one certain places (makes the herd feel safe and doesn’t
vote” still keeps the old systems in place, be- inhibit feeding). They get people on city council
cause elder vampires with potent Disciplines and in the mayor’s office in the hopes of making
can endure that the reality ends up being “one this happen—but it doesn’t just need to happen
hundred vampires, one vote.” on the city level. They want it on the national,
No, what the vampires of the Commonwealth even global level. Fewer airline delays (which can
want is change across the board. They want a city be costly to a vampire). Light rail from city to city.
designed for them. They want a relationship with mortal Shipping containers allowed to pass easier inspection (hey,
beings. They want to incorporate the other supernatural those shipping containers might contain blood slaves).
denizens of the world (provided they can be properly con- Second, they want to obliterate the generational power
trolled and willing to contribute to the health of the process, gap between vampires—they show figures that demon-
of course). They want a revised—dare we say it, revamped— strate the gap between elder and neonate has never been
world where vampires are no longer just a parasite suckling wider. How do they seek to fix this? Democracy can go to
on the host body’s juices but are a symbiotic part of society. hell; socialism is the way forward. If everybody is on equal
It’s the only way to move forward. And anybody who footing and the unstratified society of the Damned seeks
does like it, well. You’re either with reform, or you’re against to bond together and provide for the whole, not just the
it, and if you’re against it, then you’re a obstruction. And individual. This means elders must act like neonates and
the only thing to do with an obstruction is to blow it sky neonates must be allowed to act like elders. Just to make
high to get it out of the way. sure everybody is on the up-and-up, this further means
that everybody should be drinking everybody else’s blood.
City meetings often verge on frenzy since this practice is
Goals enforced within the Commonwealth.
To say that the goals of the Commonwealth are ambitious Third and finally, they plan on tearing the collective
is like saying hurricane-force winds are breezy. scales from the eyes of the world and announcing them-
First, they want cities designed to suit vampire needs. At selves to the mortals. Yes, that means this conspiracy
present, cities are designed (obviously) for human needs. has as one of its goals the undoing of the Masquerade.
The Commonwealth 65
They’ve been planning for this for 20 years, seeding major inconvenient,” which is all well and good. But this goes be-
media outlets with slaves and servants. When the time is yond mere inconvenience and borders on outright suicide.
right, they plan on taking over every airwave, every social
media stream, every antiquated newspaper, and they plan New Roles
on “coming out” to the world.
Below you’ll find new roles for use within the Common-
Weakness wealth conspiracy.
They haven’t really thought this through. They push City Planner
ahead regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea. They
The Commonwealth has a host of city planners: vam-
move forward despite opposition from existing power
pires who take civil engineering and turn it toward the
structures, from other conspiracies, from mortal hunter
needs of the Damned. City planners are not prized for
groups. They just don’t care.
their social abilities or their physical skills but rather for
And that could be their downfall. They’re like the their utopian design of infrastructure meant to support
technology that moves too far too fast for moral or legal the Kindred and their nocturnal blood-feeding habits.
considerations. They want what they want and they It’s for this reason you’ll find a lot of Mekhet in this role
want it now; damn the consequences. Never mind that (but don’t discount the Nosferatu, who have their own
vampires can play well together, but most choose not to. subterranean perspective).
Never mind that revealing the entirety of the Damned to
mankind will probably cause the herd to stampede and Liaison
crush them beneath panicked boot (and wave after wave The Commonwealth sends liaisons out to mortal commu-
of Molotov cocktail). nities—be they charitable organizations, political groups,
The creatures of the Commonwealth say, “If you’re go- academic groups, military—to interface with them. They
ing to have principles then they must stand even when it’s don’t make clear their vampiric nature (not yet): no, the
Gonzo Factor
You want to amp up the gonzo? Here goes:
• Those towns the Commonwealth keep? Yeah, one went south somewhere out of the desert and the tables were
turned—the humans revolted and offed their vampire “neighbors” and got loose. Now a group of humans are
out there, off-the-grid, and they know vampires are real. They’re building an army. An army of vampire hunters.
• Fuck it. It happened. The New Year’s Revolution is on. What now? How does mankind react? Is it like with V,
the television series? Or is it like when the Cylons revealed themselves to the humans in BSG? Is this Daybreak-
ers, where suddenly it’s all “human farms” and a receding blood supply? Or can mankind strike a final blow
against the Damned?
The Commonwealth 67
The Covenant
It’s like this: God and man have had several covenants To invoke the Rapture involves being the best
(by which we mean an agreement and not necessar- monsters they can possibly be. By ruining this
ily a vampire organization). Generally with each world in ways both small and profound, they are
covenant God comes down to speak to the clearing the way for the Final Battles of good
people—or, rather, to one individual. God versus evil.
first made a covenant with Abraham, Which means that, yes, this con-
then with Job, then through Jesus, spiracy is a very widespread and
then with Saul (who becomes entrenched apocalypse cult of the
Paul), then through Mohammed, living dead.
and potentially through Joseph
Smith. And with each covenant Goals
rises a new religion, or at least a new
flavor of an old religion. They’re an apocalypse cult, a group of
vampire Millennialists that want to be as
The vampires of the Covenant—note the
awful as they can be to the world in order to tip
ego it takes to call your entire group the covenant
the scales of evil over good so that good (in the form
when other covenants exist—believe that they
of God the Almighty Father) must come down to
have made their own pact with the Almighty, and
earth and clean up the mess and usher in a new world.
this pact transcends Judiasm, Christianity, Islam, and
Mormonism. This, unlike the Lancea Sanctum, is not a At the center of their argument is that throughout
new face on an old religion as much as it is a whole new history God allows evil to exist because evil is necessary.
offshoot of Abrahamic monotheism. God himself commits acts that are against the morality of
man and even against his own precepts (murder is wrong,
At its center is God, as always. Also at its center is the
except when God does it), and so they have at hand easy
notion that a vampire cannot be “saved” and made a part
proof that they are not the righteous servants of a good
of God’s plan unless he gives himself over bodily to one
God, but rather the diabolical servants of an angry God.
of the Covenant’s intermediaries, the priest-like figure
known as a Confessor (see below). What does being monstrous entail? At the simplest, it’s
corruption at the base human level. They enslave, abuse,
The tenets of the religion are not dissimilar to that
corrupt and destroy individual humans. But it must go so
of the Lancea Sanctum: the vampires still believe that
much further than that; they must set in motion events
they are God’s chosen predators, and that they are most
that help to undo the goodness of this world. An oil spill?
certainly part of God’s plan.
A train crash? A nuclear meltdown? A civil war? They
But here we start to see some deviation. They do not spur in motion anything that destabilizes and inspires
have Longinus as a central vampire figure, though they despair over hope.
do still tell his story as a parable. Rather, the Covenant
Beyond that, the second goal is conversion, and conver-
keeps as its Patron the Roman general known as Julius
sion is done through seduction and trickery rather than
Marius, the man who marched into Thebes and met an
outright threat or violence. It is far crueler to trick one
angel of the Lord and brought back with him the secrets
into accepting this awful mission, and so in doing so that
of Theban sorcery. He formed a new covenant with God,
way they further the concept of “God’s necessary evil”
a covenant that supersedes any put forth by mortal man
in this world.
before or after.
They also have at their center a strong salvational Weakness
notion: they believe that they cannot attain salvation at Their biggest weakness it that their behavior doesn’t
present due to their immortality—and Final Death does earn them any friends. This whole “screw over the entire
not open to them a way to Heaven. No, what will earn world” approach puts them at clear odds with any group
them salvation is the end of the world. that requires safety and stability to hunt without bring-
They seek to invoke the Rapture. They believe that by ing down the Masquerade (such as the Prima Invicta or
putting in motion the End Times, then Heaven will descend the Commonwealth), and also puts them at odds with
to Earth and God will rule here, and when that happens a group like the Mother’s Army, who are a matriarchal
the vampires will be allowed to join the ranks of the saved.
New Roles
Below are a few new roles to put in play if you’re using the
third-tier Covenant conspiracy.
It’s worth taking a moment to address the new (and
relatively simple) hierarchy of the Covenant. At the base
of the conspiracy are all the “lay vampires”—those who
belong and worship and pray to God. They are all blood
bound through Vinculum to a central figure in the city
known as the Confessor. The Confessor’s job is just as it
sounds: to worship in the Covenant one must do evil in
God’s name, but evil is still evil and thus it requires con-
fession to mitigate that evil. The Confessor hears those
confessions and absolves the vampire of his sins, allowing
him to continue on and do more evil.
The Confessor, having vampires bound to him, can also
tell them where to go, what to do, and how best to serve
the Covenant and God Himself. In each city is a single
chapel, and at the head of each chapel is a Confessor.
The Confessor is himself bound to one of the Council
of Thebes, a group of 100 vampires worldwide who are the
“Covenant Elders.” They are the “big picture” vampires—
they are less concerned with lesser corruption and more
interested in how to break the world apart at its seams.
They are the ones who put in motion the larger designs.
Above them is one figure, and to him they are bound:
The Patriarch (see below).
The Scrivener writes. Or, rather, transcribes. He sees
things in nightly unlife and copies them down as if they
are messages from God. He contributes these to the Con-
fessor who contribute them to the Council of Thebes and
they examine these prophecies to see if in them lies any
validity. It seems like nonsense, but this is really how the
Covenant gains its inspiration to bring fresh corruption
to the world. Those who are allowed to act as Scriveners
are seen as quite fortunate.
The Covenant 69
Patriarch • They have an Inquisition. Except, this Inquisition
works a little differently than one might expect: they
The Patriarch is always a man, and if you believe the
seek out those who are secretly striving to improve
stories, has been the Patriarch since the beginning (and
themselves and do good in the world (on purpose or
is supposedly Julius Marius himself). It’s a lie; since the
inadvertently), and they’re the ones who get put to the
Covenant’s origins in the third century, the Patriarch has
screws (and the ghouled biting maggots).
changed at least five times.
• There might just be someone above the Patriarch. Shh.
The Patriarch acts as pope, as father, as president. He
Don’t tell. But he’s basically the conspiracy’s own ver-
is no doddering elder, though; he is sharp, clear-headed,
sion of Jesus—they believe they have a vampire that is
and stridently political. He’s also wholly monstrous.
the dead form of God His Ownself. He’s like an, ohhh,
I dunno, let’s just call him an Anti-Christ.
• You know how the Catholic Church has its own city? Status
How it has the Vatican? Yeah, well, the Covenant
• The character may take a free Specialty in any Social
has its own vampire city, too—it can be wherever
Skill—remember, the Covenant use their words first and
you want, though we are fans of Prague as a choice, or
foremost to make evil happen in this world.
perhaps on Cyprus (and dare we suggest Thebes?). It’s
here that the Patriarch and a number of the Council ••• New Theban sorcery rites now cost only “level of
of Thebes dwell. It’s only vampires, their servants, the rite” in experience points.
and their herds. It’s reported to be a hedonistic blood- ••••• If the character loses a dot of Humanity, even
soaked hell-fired playground of evil—I mean, if you’re during play, that character gains five experience points.
doing evil in God’s name, you might as well go big or However, set those experience points aside—none of
go home. them may be used by the player to upgrade that character’s
Humanity score.
Gonzo Factor
Time to up the “gonzo factor” of the Covenant.
• God is real. Not just real—but, like, hanging around. That doesn’t mean the Mother can’t exist. Or Dracula. Or
Nergal or whoever else you want as part of the game. In fact, the more competition for God, the better. God
is a real figure, a massive character that the characters can see, touch, even interact with. And, for the record,
he’s as much of a psychotic Daddy Figure as you’d find in the worst parts of the Bible: knocking down cities,
asking people to kill their babies or slaughter bulls in his name.
• Hey, screw it, start the end of the world. The Covenant wanted that, and now they got it. Is it everything they
wanted? Probably not. It’s probably a lot worse. Heck, this could even transform into the apocalyptic scenario
in the Dead, Dread Chronicles chapter (p. 226).
The Covenant 71
Good Patient
Not every “patient” of the doctors turns into someone
that supports the conspiracy tooth and nail. Admittedly,
most don’t meet Final Death under the experimentation,
but many are scarred mentally, if not physically, from the
procedures. Some vampires are kept for decades, and some
are thrown out onto the rain-slick streets only a few weeks
later. Some, however, stick around for a lot longer. These
are referred to as “Good Patients,” as they are patients who
experience conversion to the conspiracy’s motivations and
methods. These initiates become proselytes for the group
and are effectively brainwashed. They cease to be actual
patients for the most part and become servitors for the
group. They might be soldiers, or they might just be gophers.
Devil’s Tooth
The Devil’s Tooth are the abductors of the conspiracy.
The doctors each have access to a handful of these vam-
pires, and they’re usually quite capable (and are sometimes
the childer of the elder doctors). They’re the ones who
find, hunt, and capture the proper Kindred for experimen-
tation. The doctors give them their ‘prescriptions,’ and
the Devil’s Tooth vampires fill that prescription.
• The doctors have access to a whole other wealth of
strange Coils that are as-yet-unreleased for general
consumption by the vampires of the conspiracy. These
Coils include things like the Coil of Flame, of Human-
ity, and of Fear.
• These are not, by the way, the Coils of the Dragon.
They’re the Coils of the Devil. The Devil—really,
Satan, Lucifer, whatever you want to call him—is
a spiritual patron to this organization. They don’t
literally believe in the Devil, exactly (though Dracul
may differ on that), but they see Lucifer as a powerful
metaphor. He went against God’s own restrictions, he
sought light in darkness, he was made a monster for
his transgressions and is forever looking to surpass his
own permutations and leave Hell.
• Dracul sometimes checks on operations directly; mem-
bers of the conspiracy never know when he may show
himself. He is an active leader, and walks amongst
his people frequently. He also has an active hand in
aiding the doctors and even going out on “runs” with
the Devil’s Tooth abductors.
• The player should choose either the Occult Skill or
the Science Skill for her character when that character
Gonzo Factor
• What if something really weird is going on? What if the members of the Devil’s Eye don’t really know what
they’re doing? Maybe they’re all dupes of Dracul, or maybe Dracul is duped by some other shadowy figure. By
destroying the curse of the Damned, are they really unlocking something awful? Are they destroying the Seals
of the Apocalypse? Are they spitting in God’s eye and earning his world-drowning wrath? Are they secretly
helping to awaken the Crone Mother? Are they actually unlocking the chains that keep the Devil bound to Hell?
• The conspiracy unveils its latest secret: they have a surprising host of Princes operating as Good Patients or doc-
tors. That’s right; the cloth drops and the curtain parts and suddenly a number of major global power-players
turn out in favor of the now-not-so-secret Devil’s Eye conspiracy.
• Finally, what happens if it works? What happens if they remove some or all of the restrictions? What happens
when vampires can walk out in the daylight? And they can breed without fear of repercussion? And fire no
longer harms them? They could become like gods among mere mortals. The balance would shift. Would the
Devil’s Eye teach these new uber-Coils only to its members? Or would the curse for all vampires fall away like
dead skin?
The Mother s Army
This is what you’d call a hot war. It’s brutal. It’s a vampire whose only fate is the howling flames of the
bloody. It’s on till the break of dawn. sacrificial pyre. The Mother likes vampires
The Mother’s Army knows that the however she can get them: as soldiers or as
Crone is real, and that she birthed sacrifices.
vampires. They know she’s not The second is, awaken the Mother’s
human, she’s not vampire, and children. The Mother created the
she’s something altogether Kindred from her own monstrous
weirder and worse. They know flesh and blood, and those children,
all this because she’s out there. like her, are sleeping. They must
Somewhere. Sleeping beneath first be roused from torpor. These
the earth—maybe in a glacier, children—often called the Igigi, or
maybe beneath the seared desert the “second gods”—are sometimes
sands, maybe at the tippy-top of thought to be the clan founders, though
some impossible mountain. And from nobody really has any evidence for that
her earthen barrow she whispers. She (and the Mother’s whispers indicate that at
whispers to anybody and everybody that’s least thirteen such children lay slumbering,
taken a taste of her blood. Which, by the way, is every which obviously outnumbers the extant clans by more
vampire within this covenant. than double).
So—why a war, exactly? Because the Mother demands The third is, learn all the Mother’s secrets. Nobody knows
it. The Mother will only awaken and lead her people exactly what this means, though the Crone delights when-
through the long dark night when conditions are right. ever the conspiracy discovers a new Crúac rite. (How can
And one of those conditions is to get the rest of the they tell she’s delighted? Because she screams and howls
Damned on her side. She wants them all to take a taste and gibbers in what could only be described as a “fren-
of her blood. Any who will not submit to this must be zied paroxysm of ecstasy.” And yes, every member of the
cut from the cloth and cast into the fire—and fire is a conspiracy hears this in their minds and in their Blood.)
very powerful motif for this conspiracy. Fire cleanses. Fire So, it’s easy to assume that once the conspiracy learns all
burns. Fire is the tribulation, the forge on which power her lost rites, then that is the third piece of the puzzle.
is hammered strong. Of course, you know what happens when one assumes...
So many vampires believe so many silly things: they
believe in God, they believe in democracy, in royalty
and transcendence. It’s all a precious waste of time. The
only thing that matters to the vampires of the Mother’s Wait. They Drink the Crone’s Blood?
Army is the Beast and the Blood, for those two things You said it. It’s the first Crúac rite a member of the
Mother’s Army learns:
are the gifts the Crone has given them. The things that The Mother’s Touch
make them special. (Level-One Crúac Ritual)
The vampire expends two points of her own Vi-
tae into a proper vessel (often an animal’s bladder;
Goals the vessel must be organic) and then mixes into the
Every goal the Mother’s Army keeps supports the ultimate blood a series of reagents in small portion: clay, me-
dicinal herbs, animal fur, animal blood, the blood
uber-goal, which is to awaken the Crone Mother herself. of a human child, and the tears from a human
She is their foul and glorious progenitor, and when she mother. The vampire then prays over the vessel for
arises she will tear the curses afflicting the Damned one hour, and then consumes it. The blood, prior
to consumption, transubstantiates into the blood
asunder and change the world by destroying it. of the Crone. Once the vampire drinks this blood,
Three goals support this end result. she begins to hear the occasional mad whispers
(usually once per night) of the slumbering Mother.
The first is, get everybody on board. Nobody’s allowed to She does not regain her two points of spent Vitae.
slip the leash. Any vampire that isn’t willing to drink the
blood of the Mother and accept her whispers in her ear is
New Roles
What follows are three new roles for use within the
Mother’s Army.
If you were to think of these vampires as “psycho-pagan
ecstatic archaeologists,” you’d not be far from the mark.
These Damned of the Mother’s Army have a single pur-
pose: to find the secrets of the Mother and the slumbering
Igigi and unearth them. They are equal part “globe-
trotting academic” and “frenzied vampire clawing at the
earth with callused fingers.”
The Persephone—or “maiden”—is meant to be equal
parts “recruitment tool” and “sacrificial lamb.” This
is how the Persephone works: the conspiracy selects
a vampire (often a female, though not necessarily)
to go amongst the other vampires and convert them.
She is meant to be non-violent, beautiful, even seduc-
tive. She walks among the other Kindred and seeks to
bring them over to the other side—always with honey,
never with vinegar. It rarely works out. Someone usually
takes advantage of her. Often enough she ends up on
the wrong end of a beam of sunlight. And that’s okay.
Because when the carrot fails, it’s time for the stick; the
maiden perishes, then the conspiracy has full license to
send in its howling throngs to tear out the throats of
the obstinate. What’s fascinating is, wise vampires know
the deal with the Persephone and thus choose to treat
her well and not provoke the “stick” reaction. But that
means the Persephone has time to work her magic and
seduce other vampires over to the Mother’s side. So,
Gonzo Factor
You want to up the gonzo factor found in the Mother’s Army?
• Imagine that they’ve uncovered all the blood rites of the Crone. All of them. And imagine that these rites give
them immense powers: the ability to boil blood, the ability to enthrall others and form Vinculum with but a
glance, the ability to turn the oceans to blood, and so on. Can the other conspiracies band together to stop
the swift and sudden rise of the Mother’s Army?
• The Mother is awake. Yeah. Uh-oh. And turns out, she’s a thousand miles from human. She damn sure doesn’t
look human. Instead, she looks like some massive Wyrm—a thing that is half-dragon, half blind serpent. Or
maybe she looks like some other flesh-shifting chimera. Or maybe she’s a giant specter formed out of animated
blood. Either way, she’s out, and the members of the conspiracy had no idea what they were conjuring.
Prima Invicta 77
It’s good being the king. It’s not even that bad
being the lap-dog of the king. Of course, it’s being
the lap-dog of the lap-dogs that starts to grate...
First: they’re too big. No, really. Look at any big
government—say, for instance, the United States.
Nobody “up top” really knows what the fuck is
going on at the bottom tiers. Sure, every member
of the Prima Invicta is supposed to have his own
little network of tilts, twists and takeovers (and in
this way the conspiracy is equal part neo-feudal
organization and pyramid scheme as everybody
kicks up tithed blood and power to those above
them), but that also means it’s a richly discon-
nected network. The right hand doesn’t realize
that the left hand is plotting to cut it off.
And there’s your second problem: incest and
treachery run rampant. Everybody is fucking
everybody else, both in the good way and the bad
way. It’s not a hive of like-minded bees. It’s a wide-
spread organization of free-thinking monsters.
Does that sound like a good idea? Does that seem
like the paragon of efficiency? Everybody’s trying
to claw their way to the top while kicking down
hard to keep their “lessers” right where they are.
Everybody’s a pawn. Nobody’s a knight.
Third and finally: the pawns don’t like being
pawns. And the ones who are really low on the
totem pole sometimes get toothy about having a
boot in their face and a fang in their necks. The
conspiracy is rife for a rebellion—and, once in
awhile, it even happens. Of course, the tables turn
but in the end it’s just new faces at the top and
bottom, but the top and bottom are still firmly
Plus, the conspiracy keeps itself safe (relatively)
from all of this by promising just enough comfort
and sameness. Nobody likes to rock the boat. And
nobody wants to bring the whole thing crashing
down on their heads.
New Roles
Below are three new roles found in the Prima
Invicta conspiracy.
Hey, sometimes the system gets busted. Things
get broken. It’s a complicated web, and once in a
while, someone goes rogue, someone gets uppity,
something goes awry.
Prima Invicta 79
••••• At this stage, the world is the vampire’s blood- 1 experience point per dot. No multiplication necessary:
filled oyster. She can have pretty much anything she going from four dots in Resources to five dots would cost,
wants with minimal effort: any Social Merits now cost yes, just one little experience point.
Broad Materialism
With ‘comfort’ as an value, the Facers can sink into lazi-
ness, but most don’t. The compulsion to seek blood, and
pushy other covenants ensure that sustenance takes work.
But at least the Facers are working toward things that
matter. Their prizes are met needs and desires.
A good blood supply gets you through emotional crisis
better than smugness gets you through starvation. Get
your herd and haven squared away, and then worry about
what other licks are doing.
The older and stronger a Facer becomes, of course, the
more “ensuring comfort and security” encompasses. Deal-
ing with others within his covenant is enlightened self-
interest when he may need their help some day, or enjoy
their friendship. (Sure, it’s questionable whether soulless
beings can really ‘love’ or ‘trust,’ but if the illusion brings
pleasure, why spoil it?) Interactions with outsiders are
often unavoidable, and if their behavior is unpredictable
because they’re confused about their spiritual lacunae,
the sensible thing is to pay more attention and stay on
their good side.
Brides of Dracula 87
lar have proven a suitable home for numerous chapters.
Germany alone is host to nearly as many chapters as the
whole of the USA.
Unlike their American counterparts, who generally
just want to have a good time, the European Brides di-
rect more of their energy to challenging the established
powerbases of the other covenants. With centuries of
Elder plots and class struggles at work in Kindred society,
the European Brides have a lot of anger to work with.
This political direction results in a increasing amount of
tension between the American and European chapters.
During major votes the European chapters push for direct
conflict, while the American chapters care little for their
sister’s political hangups.
The Brides of Dracula are not the most cosmopolitan of
covenants, but their membership varies far more than in
mortal motorcycle clubs. The Brides accept both men and
women, a practice which earns them more woman mor-
tal prospects than men, being the only ostensibly equal
opportunity game in town. Only Kindred are allowed to
be fully patched members, though embracing prospects
is not uncommon.
The violent and brash lifestyle of the Brides appeals
primarily to neonates. A fast track to power and freedom
is most appealing to the recently Embraced. Why labor
under the yoke of your sire, your clan, the covenants, when
you can patch up, ride fast, and party hard? To many the
Brides can even be romantic, appealing to every power
fantasy the Kindred harbored since their adolescence.
Few elders join the club. There’s little point in jumping on
a motorcycle and making an ass of yourself when you’ve
survived long enough to establish your own power base.
Even more elders are dissuaded from patching by the
number of known diablerists that within the club’s history.
The predominant clans in the Brides are the Gangrel
and Daeva. The Brides make a natural home for the pred-
atory natures of both clans. The Gangrel make natural
hunters out on the open road, and the Daeva excel in the
bar and party settings the Brides love as interstitial activ-
ity. Nosferatu are frequently found within the ranks of
the Brides, too. The biker culture that celebrates outcasts
and cultivates intimidating personas is almost custom
tailored for the Nosferatu Requiem. If the Nossie can ride,
then she’s as valued as the next Bride. The second least
common clan is Ventrue. The violent and grimy lifestyle
of the biker is a far cry from the polished marble halls of
power many Ventrue crave. Those Ventrue that do ride
with the Brides are often the loudest of a chapter, feeling
they have the most to prove. By far the rarest clan is the
Brides of Dracula 89
then must chase down and select her own human kill. The everyone pays the club and its ceremonies the respect
mark can be any mortal, indoors, outdoors, or on the road. they deserve. The SA knows every club policy forwards
The only consistent element is that the killing wound must and backwards, and has the power to enforce each as she
be made with the prospect’s own fangs, and the victim must sees fit. The club comes before chapter, and chapter comes
not be Embraced afterward. After the kill, the prospect is before the individual. Anyone who forgets that can expect
officially presented with her “cut,” the leather vest or jacket a nasty visit from the SA. This goes especially true for
adorned with the Brides of Dracula patch. After putting the P. Should a chapter P prove himself unfit, the SA is
on the cut, the prospect wipes her hands and mouth of any authorized by mother chapter to remove him immediately
blood on it. The resulting stains (a cut is never washed) and hold temporary power until mother chapter decides
mark her first kill as a full member of the Brides. if the P was at fault.
Rally Prospect
Biker culture, both legal and illegal, revolves around A prospect is someone who wants to join the gang and has
the rally circuit. Some rallies are held in small Midwest entered into a probationary period. A prospect is techni-
towns just for the freedom of the expanse, while others cally not considered a full Bride, and is treated more as
are meant as more solemn occasions, such as prison runs property than an individual. The role of the prospect is
and war veteran events. Although participation is up to to do anything any Brides tells him to. Legallity, moral-
the chapter, most Brides make it to at least one of the ity, none of it should enter into the prospect’s mind when
major rallies a year. he’s told to do something. Usually the prospect is merely
There are numerous reasons the Brides do this. First, humiliated with petty tasks, such as picking up the same
biker rallies are perfect feeding opportunities. Traveling piece of trash for hours on end. A prospect’s life is rarely
bikers are suitable meals on the go. Once at the rally, endangered in a meaningful way. Most prospect fatalities
the chaos of hundreds of drunk bikers crammed into are the result of practical jokes. Prospects can be either
a single location makes picking off victims ridiculously a ghoul or outside Kindred. Little preference is shown
easy. Second, Brides of Dracula have achieved a celebrity to Kindred prospects. The Damned do have an easier
status at rallies, even among mortals. A Bride wearing her time proving themselves during their prospect period,
colors at a rally can expect to be showered with attention but ghouls surviving long enough to be patched are not
from wannabes. A narcissistic vampire can ride that wave unheard of.
for months after. The biggest reason, the one no Bride
will admit, is that it’s the one time they can pretend to Red Tooth
be human. As one-percenters they’re viewed not only as Of all the patches that a Bride can earn for her cut, the
heroes, but human heroes. They can party, and nobody small, understated patch of a red tooth is the most notori-
runs away screaming when things get heavy. It is this ous, as the only way to earn the it is to commit diablerie.
nostalgia and fondness that prevents any major violent Even among the Brides diablerie is seen as an extreme act
actions from the Brides at the rallies. of monstrous cruelty. But in the Brides even this sin—es-
pecially this sin—is a thing to be celebrated. Diablerie is
Title & Duties the greatest expression of the predatory superiority a Bride
can accomplish. When a Bride not only has the strength
President (P) and cunning to take down another vampire but the spine
to go all the way to Diablerie, she has proven she one of
The leader of a given chapter is known as the president, or
the toughest Damned on earth. Although technically not
P. Contrary to the name a president is not elected by any
a rank, when any other Bride encounters a red tooth the
formal process. The role goes to the strongest fuck that
diablerist is always given preferential treatment.
can best his competitors either mentally or physically. The
P has final say in any chapter business, though a P that
expects to reign for any meaningful length of time would Devotions
do well to keep his sisters happy, lest they depose him. The Brides are an eclectic gathering of the Damned.
Years of mixed coteries and chapters riding together have
Sergeant-at-Arms (SA) led to the development of several Devotions exclusive to
The right hand man of the P, the Sergeant-at-Arms keeps the club and its members. Despite the useful nature of
order within the chapter. She is the master of ceremonies many of the Devotions, the Brides are not fond of frilly
and the keeper of the club constitution. She makes sure Latinate names.
Brides of Dracula 91
The Children
of the Thorns
Some vampires have a secret. can immediately recognize that the other has
Of course, all vampires have a secret. been to the Crypt. But when making such
They’re secret feeders, secret killers, secret checks against outsiders, the modifier is -1.
immortals. But it’s possible for Kindred to Mary’s Compassion: It’s not verbalized,
get wrapped up in their local political ploys it’s not the result of brainwashing, it’s not
and forget that they’re unnatural, unwhole- even something like Dominate or Majesty
some. A Thing That Should Not Be. that can be resisted through mighty blood.
Some vampires don’t have that option. But when one Child asks another for help,
They know they’re weird and they’ve there is an urgency that seems to galvanize
found a link to something stranger—a place every word. The Children still refuse one
and an entity that have become the core another, they still quarrel, but two strangers
of a covenant. who’ve been to the Crypt have a connec-
Do you know the urban legend of Bloody tion that charges their discussions, an
Mary? Children the world over say that if intensity absent even in the arguments of
you close your eyes in front of a mirror, friends, lovers and coterie-mates.
in the dark and by yourself, say her name When one Child of the Thorns attempts
three times and then open them, you’ll see any ordinary Empathy, Persuade or Socialize
her staring back at you. Brave kids even roll with another Child of the Thorns, the
try it. Many claim they tried it and noth- roll gets a +1 modifier. This does not apply
ing happened, and they’re probably being honest, to Disciplines based on those rolls.
most of ‘em. Mirror Travel: The primary advantage of being one of
(Though thousands of children disappear every year, the Children is also a risk. Any vampire who has made
worldwide, without a trace, as if they’d been yanked out the Pilgrimage can return to Mary’s Crypt with a simple
of space entirely while by themselves, perhaps somewhere ritual. To perform it, she must (1) be in utter darkness,
dark.) (2) be facing a mirror through which her body could fit,
The Children of the Thorns know that Bloody Mary is if it was a door, (3) spend a point of Vitae, smearing it on
real. They know that the mirror trick only works if you the mirror and (4) recite the name “Bloody Mary” three
anoint the mirror with your own blood. Vampire blood. times. If she’s interrupted before she can say the third,
But if you do it, you can wind up somewhere else. You or the darkness is incomplete, or the mirror is too small,
can travel to the Crypt. nothing happens. But if all the factors align, she vanishes
to the thorn-shrouded Crypt. Note that if the mirror is
slightly cracked, the traveler takes a point of lethal dam-
Membership Privileges age. If the mirror is mostly broken, the traveler takes a
One can only join the Children of the Thorns by making point of aggravated damage.
the Pilgrimage (described on p. 94). But once that trial The Child who activates the Mirror can bring, at most,
has been survived, the new Child gains several privileges. two others with her. This is the only way to get to the
The Bloody Divide: All Kindred (except the mon- Crypt, unless one makes it through the thorn maze.
strous followers of VII) suffer from the Predator’s Taint,
but for those who pledge themselves to Bloody Mary, it The Cemetery and the Crypt
changes. When seeing another Child of the Thorns, the
Beast still snaps or cringes, but there’s a sullen listlessness The Crypt of Bloody Mary and its cemetery environs don’t
to it. But with an outsider, alien to the Crypt, the reac- cover a lot of ground. There are a few tombstones around,
tion’s bitterness intensifies. most eroded from the passage of centuries. Here there’s
a date from the 1790s or 1800s, or one might make out a
When first confronting a fellow Child, every Child gets
fragment of a name—”Noach Van Ri…” “Aernoud De-
a +2 modifier on their frenzy or Rötschreck check, and
blie…” “…ietje Nijs” but mostly it’s illegible or grown over.
Harbingers 99
Necrosis is the covenant’s term for the “death
energy” that builds up in a vampire and which
causes the advancement of Rigor. It cannot be
sensed directly, only by symptom—a “touch of
the grave,” the presence of a ghost or the psychic
stain of a graveyard. It is a truism among the
Harbingers that death calls to death. Ghosts
frequent areas high in Necrosis because they are
attracted to it somehow. Necrosis is especially
attracted to the Curse of the Kindred; the vam-
piric soul is protected from Necrosis to a great
extent by the Curse, but that protection is not
total and cuts both ways, preventing Necrosis
that builds up within a vampire from easily
being released.
The Underworld
Within the Underworld, though, Necrosis is
everywhere. That strange realm, known to
the philosophers of the Kindred as the place
in which torpor dreams originate and to their
Necromancers as the abode of Ghosts, is so
flooded with Necrosis that a curious effect takes
hold on a vampire’s soul—the Necrosis within,
the Harbingers say, is pulled without by the
sheer amount of it present in the Underworld.
The pull of the land of the dead is greater than
the pull of the Curse, and so torpor lowers the
amount of Necrosis within a vampire.
The Curse can be manipulated by great effort,
and the Harbingers point out that most Kin-
dred do it without thinking about it—the same
effort that, when exerted, allows a vampire to
appear in a reflection or fix physical changes
to their waking state. Most profound is the act
of the Embrace itself, forcing the Curse into
another being.
Through will, the Curse can be forced to ease
its grip over the Kindred for an instant, allowing
Necrosis to move in or out of the soul and the
clock of Rigor to be wound in the direction of
the Harbinger’s choosing. Miscalculation can be
deadly for the Harbinger as that same force is
the one keeping an elder’s body from crumbling
to dust, but with care the Blood can be thinned
or thickened, given a suitable donor or receiver
for the Necrosis.
Harbingers 101
a vampire’s body intact and unchanging being disrupted; a ing Willpower in a scene still applies to the Discipline so
mistake using Thanatology can lead to excruciating pain the roll to activate those powers cannot be improved by
as body parts rot or crumble to dust. spending Willpower.
The following modifiers based on location affect all
uses of Thanatology. • Taking the Measure
A Harbinger first learns to sense the tug of death on the
Location Modifier Necrosis within his own soul, feeling how it is drawn to
Supernatural place of +4 other centers of death. This sense reveals the relative
death (gateway to the strength of other vampires, the presence of Ghouls, ghosts
Underworld) and any powers calling upon the forces of death.
Cost: -
Resting place of corpses +3
(Graveyard, Cemetery or Dice Pool: Composure + Investigation + Thanatology
Mass Grave) Action: Instant. The roll may be contested by Ob-
fuscate or other concealment powers as with Auspex
Site of multiple unexpected +2
(Vampire: The Requiem, pg. 119)
deaths or place corpses are
routinely handled (Scene Roll Results
of a car crash, Funeral Dramatic Failure: The character loses grip on her own
Parlor, Morgue) Curse, and suffers one aggravated wound.
Site of regular expected +1 Failure: The attempt fails.
deaths (Hospital ER) Success: The character senses the presence of death
in her immediate vicinity (Blood Potency in yards). Kin-
Site of a single death +1
dred are recognizable as such, and she knows whether
(Murder scene)
they have a higher or lower Blood Potency than herself.
Haunted +1 Ghouls, non-Kindred vampires and other beings or objects
that contain Vitae are recognized as being vampiric but
In addition, the transfer of Necrosis is most effective not Kindred. Ghosts can be sensed even if not mate-
when used on other Kindred, but can be attempted rialized. Other supernatural creatures linked to death
against other supernatural beings. Apply the following are discerned as being present, but the power gives no
modifiers. understanding of their nature or capabilities.
Exceptional Success: As per success, but the character
Target Modifier knows the exact Blood Potency of Kindred within reach
Kindred with Blood Sym- +1 of her senses. Any ghostly anchors within the area are
pathy to user highlighted as such.
Other Kindred 0 At Storyteller’s discretion, a separate Composure +
Occult roll may be used to discern further details about
Ghoul created by user 0
supernatural beings highlighted by the use of this power.
Other Ghoul -1
Non-“Kindred” vampire -1
•• Necrophage
The Harbinger takes hold of the Curse and, by an act of
Ghost -2
will, forces it open. He lacks the ability to purge his exist-
Other Death-Aspected -3 ing Necrosis, however, and the death within attracts more
B ei n g ( P r o m et h e a n , which at this level of understanding settles into the part
Sin-Eater, Moros mage, of himself the vampire has the most experience moving
zombie, Risen) his Vitae. By the use of this power, the vampire can feed
Any other being, super- -4 without feeding, leeching power from those around him
natural or mundane and using it to recharge Vitae that has been spent. The
power is best used on other vampires or ghouls who have
Note also that most Thanatology powers have a cost in Vitae of their own the Necrosis can be drawn from—but
Willpower, representing the effort of manipulating the more esoteric sources can be used in a pinch. Those
Curse. As with Theban Sorcery, the limitation on spend- without suitable reserves of Necrosis—supernaturals not
Harbingers 103
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Willpower and 1 Blood Potency.
Roll Results Dice Pool: Stamina + Occult + Thanatology, resisted
Dramatic Failure: The character suffers four points of separately by beings in the area of affect with Stamina
aggravated damage. + Blood Potency
Failure: The attempt fails. Action: Instant.
Success: The player chooses whether the character Roll Results
loses or gain a dot of Blood Potency, while the target Dramatic Failure: The user suffers five points of ag-
gains or loses a dot in reverse. This transference lasts for gravated damage as the Curse cracks bones and flesh and
the character’s new Blood Potency in nights, after which incurs spiritual damage.
the traits return to their normal ratings. No character Failure: The attempt fails.
may be reduced to Blood Potency 0 or be pushed above Success: The character permanently loses a dot of
Blood Potency 10. Blood Potency, which can only be restored through time
Exceptional Success: As per success, but the character or experience. The accumulated Necrosis washes over
may choose to transfer up to successes in Blood Potency the immediate area (new Blood Potency in yards)—any
rather than a single dot. The affect lasts for the character’s beings present that are able to process Necrosis as defined
original Blood Potency in nights. for Purge gain the character’s new Blood Potency in the
appropriate power trait up to their normal maximums.
••••• Blight All other beings suffer the character’s old Blood Potency
A Mistress of Thanatology can purge the Necrosis within rating as points of lethal damage.
her Blood Potency without the need for another vampire If the character wishes, she can instead focus the Blight
to act as a participant, holding herself still or regressing onto a single target within the area. That target suffers
along the progress of Rigor. The highly potent Necrosis the character’s old Blood Potency as aggravated damage.
manifests as a wasting blight on the vicinity, or a devastat-
Exceptional Success: The Blight both strikes the
ing attack on a target that then suffers the accumulated
immediate area and focuses on a particular target. The
and long-deferred death of the Harbinger.
target nominated only takes the aggravated damage, not
the lethal damage inflicted on everything else nearby.
see the Knights as a way to get relief without having to violate Equality is Necessary, Not Desirable
the hope and freedom of others.
Pillars (what other covenants call “blood dolls”) want their
Then there are former freighul who get Embraced into the rapturous vampire Kisses. Ghouls want Kindred Vitae to keep
covenant. Unlike unaligned recruits, or Kindred poached from them alive and empowered. Kindred want blood from the Pil-
other covenants, the freighul know what they’re getting and lars to sustain their existence. So everyone has something they
choose it. Though a surprising number of them run off before want and something to offer.
getting their shadow cleansed.
The problem is, the power isn’t balanced. Kindred provide
Former freighul tend to step right into readied seats of power, a service to both mortal types. Ghouls aren’t strictly necessary.
complete with alliances and arrangements between their old Pillars can survive just fine if they walk away and never get
Vitae donors, Pillars they’ve mentored, and freighul comrades. involved with Kindred again. But any given ghoul or vampire
Canny neonates who know how to spot jonesing ghouls and has the odds in his favor if she wants to kill a Pillar or just
can build emotional dependence without the vinculum can chain him up in a tool shed awaiting her pleasure.
gain influence and authority quickly. Scared neonates get
So the society needs to enforce equality, because that yields
tagged by control-freak ghouls who corral them with Pillars
the best outcome for a trio of factions, each of whom nurses
and treat them like cattle. Indeed, some Kindred are just fine
some hidden rationale for being in charge.
being passive donors who let the ghouls boss them around.
One Must Trust Some
Philosophy An offshoot of the previous principle involves trust. Trusting
The Sun-Walker philosophy is sketched out in a book called ghouls, Kindred, or people who enjoy having their life luxuri-
“The Poisoner’s Dilemma,” written by a Knight who couches antly spooled out of their bodies is chancy. But to get the best
the whole setup in double-meanings. Read by the ignorant, it outcome and optimize the meeting of needs and desires, trust
comes across as a masochistic take on Christianity, but those is mandatory. Where nature makes trust unwise, the covenant
in-the-know understand what “source of the life-giving blood” must step in to make it not only possible, but palatable.
really means. It lays out the core of Sun-Walker belief.
A SeasonP ofT S-ecrets
who replied with a thin grin, lips closed.
“You aren’t going to believe I’m glad to see
you,” Bella said, “But I am. I am, I am, I am.”
“You’re not going to believe I’m glad to see
you,” Persephone replied, “Because I’m not, you
Rowan in torpor, the Circle has become…” Her
eyes turned up, like the corners of her mouth,
as she sought for the perfect word.
“Wait, Rowan’s torpid?”
“Mm hm! Did it on purpose. The Circle,” Bella
back-stabbing cunt.” said, “has become motile. Now I dropped a 411
Bella laughed. It was musical. She slung an about my elder on you. Pay me back.”
arm around Persephone’s shoulder and said, “So you can steer Maxwell towards the disas-
“I deserve that so much it doesn’t even bother ter he needs to restore his reign?”
me. But take a step back.” “Absolutely correct.”
“As you wish.” Persephone’s lip curled and Persephone thought about it. “I think I get
she shrugged out from Bella’s half-hug. It it. Here,” she said, reaching into her handbag.
earned her a glance of mock severity from the Bella leaned in expectantly, and Persephone
woman who had once been her friend. shot her through the purse at point blank range
“Now Persephone, you’ve been dead long “Persephone!” Bella squeaked as she stum-
enough to know that what one of us says isn’t
Make no mistake: the Damned are singular monsters. with that, of course; the World of Darkness games
They have powers—and problems—that no other denizen make every effort to put the story first, ensuring that
of the World of Darkness has. An eternal struggle over a unnecessary systems don’t bog the give-and-take of good
long-desired haven that plays out nightly for a century? A dramaturgy. That’s the default.
refinement of the living Blood burned within the crucible This chapter is about looking past the default. It’s
of dead flesh, a refinement that awakens new abilities, lost about providing systems that don’t hinder the complex
memories, and feared deformations of spirit and skin? A tale-making that can come part and parcel with play-
knife-fight in a back alley where the one thing doing more ing Vampire: The Requiem, but instead highlight the
damage than the slashing blades is the endless invective critical undead struggles and grease the wheels for the
(paired with cauterizing wit)? great, blood-soaked, operatic conflicts you want to foster
Vampires dwell in a nocturnal world where a social slight at the gaming table, whether those conflicts be physical,
can literally invoke madness, where a chess game over social, or mental.
“resources” (meaning, soldiers and slaves) can play out Vampires are singular creatures, and therefore deserve
over the course of a thousand nights, where the presence a special touch: a bloody fingerprint on a pale thigh, a
of one’s beatific glory or nightmarish horror can change all blood-drawing pinch of skin, a gentle sinking of fangs
the stakes in the hair’s breadth of a single moment. through layers of sweet muscle.
Right now, as it stands, a lot of this is driven only by It’s time for the Devil to get his due. Time to engage in
the roleplaying of players and Storytellers. Nothing wrong some bloody business.
Elegance in Simplicity
You’ll find that the rules presented for Mental combat aren’t quite as robust as what you’ll find here for Social
combat. We’ve a couple reasons for that.
First is one related to sheer practicality—we only have so much room. This book does not have infinite pages,
as much as we’d like it to (though maybe the book is a vampire—maybe as it ages, it’ll gain Book Potency points
and magically grow new pages!). That necessitates a choice, which leads to…
Second, Social combat better presents the “predator-prey” dichotomy. Vampires are a combination of social
creature and blood-hungry predator, and so Social combat can come charged with a subtext that goes far deeper
than what’s afforded by simple conversation. It should feel like you’re getting in the tank with a lean, hungry shark.
A vampire’s bark may not be worse than his bite, but it’s probably just as goddamn dangerous.
Thing is, Mental combat isn’t quite as based in the predator-and-prey dynamic. Vampires can be mental (in more
ways than one), but that’s not their driving force. They are creatures of a nocturnal society, and so the lion’s share
of word count goes toward Mental combat, instead.
The Basics
Combat is now a contested action. One roll on each side,
and that’s it.
Poisoned Sick
Personal Personal
Description: A toxin runs through the victim’s veins— Description: One’s stomach churns. The world spins.
he can feel it within, tearing him apart with tiny claws, Sweat beads the brow, and chills run up the arms—a
running like acid through his gut and heart and head. fever is tearing through the body.
Running a Montage
Time passes. For vampires, this is true in a way that can Second, figure out how long each “turn” of the montage
be both rewarding and troubling—for some amongst the will be. This is a set time—each turn will push the mon-
Damned, time may crawl, sluggish as a worm, or it may tage forward by that increment. Any increment of time is
fly by with the swiftness of an arrow. An elder may blink fine, provided it’s what suits the narrative. Ten minutes?
and find himself dead for another year, the world having Sure. An hour? A day? A year? A decade? We’re talking
passed him by yet again, his mouth wet with blood he about vampires, after all, and while the world may change,
barely remembers drinking. the vampire might possibly stay exactly the same over the
In game, this can feel hard to simulate—every session course of a century. If you begin a game in 1900 and want
can feel distilled down to minutiae. Sometimes, that to push it forward to 2009, a series of montages may help
minutiae is important, yes, but other times it feels like bridge a series of gaps between tentpole moments.
it’s just a matter of filling the spaces simply because those
spaces are empty. The minutiae should never drag down
a session. The solution?
The montage. It’s a film staple, a compression of the Tentpole Moments?
Very simply, a tentpole moment is any event that
narrative that allows the characters and plot to unfold you know you’ll need to roleplay. Time dilation
swiftly over a short period of time (for the audience, at won’t work to convey the potency of that scene—
least). Calendar pages flip off the wall. The protagonist whether it’s a roof-top gunfight with a nemesis,
a trial in front of Elysium, a delicate negotiation
practices boxing against a slab of meat. The leaves on with a trio of Harpies, a tentpole moment is
the trees turn blood-red. The moon ascends swiftly in something that cannot be bypassed or hand-
the sky, forming its lunar arc. The protagonist fights waved. It’s possible that the players are aware
with his lover, but we cannot hear the words. A vampire of an impending tentpole moment—if they set
up the meeting with Harpies or know the date
feeds. The sun rises. The sun sets. Events pass in what- of the trial, they and the characters are aware of
ever time dilation the narrative demands; information what’s coming. Alternately, it’s possible that only
is conveyed swiftly and cleanly, because in a story we the Storyteller knows that a tentpole moment is
coming, and may have to make a few mysterious
don’t witness every minute as it happens (which is how insistences (“You only have three weeks until…
a two-hour movie can comprise a week’s worth of time, well, you’ll see”) to enforce any appropriate
or even a whole century). montage limitations.
Oh, and they’re called “tentpole” because
The question is, how does one run a montage in Vam- they’re necessary to keep the tent—meaning, the
pire: The Requiem? story, the narrative, the game—standing.
Atrocity in Requiem
Wash and wash, but the blood won’t come off. feel on edge, foul tempered, just wrong. The more you
You stink of it, and you know others can smell it too. You have, the worse this feeling of gets, and the more you’ll
stand too close to the mortals, and they edge away without inadvertently act upon it. Worse, the more you have, the
realizing why. Other monsters know you on sight, and their stronger the Beast becomes.
lips peel back with a tiger smile. The Beast smells it too, and You can gain as many as three Atrocity dice in a single
shakes her cage, and screams in the darkness so you can hardly scene, depending on how horribly you act. The Storyteller
think anymore. You ache to unburden yourself, to find some and your fellow players judge your actions, and based on
absolution, but what you’ve done would horrify any confessor. these questions, determine whether you get Atrocity for
Atrocity is an alternative core mechanic for handling it. Questions of judgment might include:
the Humanity of vampires (and it pairs with the Hell Is Did your actions hurt someone else?
Other People system on p. 169 if you so choose). Where If yes, then proceed to the next questions. This is the real
the core rules create a sense of the Gothic melodrama, key—causing pain and misery in others. Being miserable
with a tragic and inevitable decline into depravity and and even hurting yourself rarely gives you Atrocity unless
madness, Atrocity is less concerned with tracking this its especially heinous or imaginative (and usually then,
decline, and more with creating immediate consequences there’s something else at work). Likewise, hurting others
for a vampire’s actions. Atrocity uses sin, depravity and to defend yourself or others in the heat of the moment
horror to jump-start new scenes, and to color a vampire’s usually doesn’t rise to the level of Atrocity, unless you take
Requiem with the red of the blood he’s shed. it further than self defense. For example, after wounding
Humans can become spiritually calloused, inured to an attacker and causing him to fall down, you walk up
horror if exposed to enough of it, or guilty of enough of and shoot him in the face. That’s Atrocity. Feeding is also
it. So too with vampires, though the process is different. a possible source of Atrocity, but one vampires quickly
When a vampire stops being revolted by the horrors of her grow somewhat accustomed to if they wish to survive.
existence, the Beast consumes her. That disgust, terror, So long as their victims are left alive, and suffer no per-
and anguish is the cage the Beast is locked inside, and if it manent injury most vampires find a way to justify this to
weakens the Beast can never really be locked away again. themselves. Feeding on willing victims is the easiest way
To this end, the horrors a vampire perpetuates add to a to do this, and keeping a victim ignorant of what’s really
steadily increasing pool of dice called Atrocity Dice which happening also helps.
represent a dissonant internal conflict, and her inability If I walk up to a man, and without any obvious provoca-
to reconcile what she’s done with who she desperately tion, shoot him, then the answer to this question is “Yes.”
wants to believe herself to be. Is the harm grievous?
Atrocity Dice Stealing a car would rarely qualify as Atrocity. Stealing
the car from a man who wanted to drive his ailing father
A frenzied murder, vicious beating, ruining a marriage
to the emergency room would likely qualify. It is easier to
out of spite, or a blowtorch in your hand and an enemy’s
assess harm when it’s physical and delivered immediately
ghoul tied to a chair with wire, covered in weeping burns.
in the scene. Beating back an attacker isn’t horrific, but
Atrocity offends the humanity you cling to, mocks your
growing claws and ripping him to shreds as he tries to
presumptions and your pretenses. Having it makes you
flee is. Taking an unwilling and aware victim for their
Betty wants to
John loves Betty rectally violate John
with a crowbar
Trial Scene
Map Scene
Name: Name of the scene
Name: Name of the scene
Trial Type: Which of the following types of trial
Thumbnail: An extremely brief description of the
this one is.
scene and its location
Thumbnail: An extremely brief description of the
Challenge: Dice pool Consequences: What
scene and its location
needed to address the happens with success
scene’s challenge. or failure.
Challenge: Dice pool needed to address the scene’s
Links: How this map scene links to others in the map.
Body Hive
(Animalism •••, Fortitude •••, Nightmare ••)
This horrific power turns the vampire’s body into a living
hive for vermin which hollow out her torso of all the use-
less organs that fill it, and gnaw wound-like exits in her
chest and back. The creatures inhabiting her partakes of
her Vitae, becoming essentially a swarm of tiny ghouls.
This horror can be summoned out and controlled in a
terrifying display of unnatural potency.
The body hive has several effects. It can be used to
make a lethal ranged attack on a target you can see who
is within a pistol shot’s distance, inflicting successes as
lethal damage.
The hive can also scout the surrounding area, revealing
hidden opponents, dangers, or other things of interest.
When the hive creatures burrow back into your body,
you learn what they know.
Finally, you can set the hive’s creatures swirling around
you, confusing attackers, flying into their mouths, and
biting them. This allows you to add the successes on the
Devotion roll to your Defense until you direct the hive
to some other purpose.
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Vitae per night to maintain the hive, and keep
the body from reverting to its normal state (thus killing
the vermin) plus 1 per use.
Dice Pool: Stamina + Animalism + Size
Seeking Map
1. Find the Bugman (The Nosferatu elder knows a guy
who knows a gal if you’re willing to flirt with him.
Presence + Socialize).
2. Follow the rats (Bugman points them out, says they
know the way. Presence + Animal Ken to let them
lead you)
3. Slog through the landfill (It’s as gross as you imaged.
Getting through this demands a Resolve + Survival
4. Meet Queen Bee (The dump-dwelling vampire hive
is hard to find, requiring Wits + Survival to track
her – oh, and don’t mind the yellowjackets)
A Season PofF S-ecrets
when he was alive. Since dying he’d rested out
his days in storage lockers, garden sheds, the
winter basements of abandoned buildings. He
didn’t even need to breathe if he wasn’t going
to talk. But still the rag around his throat made
always did. Typically, this was by age, subdi-
vided by politics, with some preferring to break
up into cliques based on heritage (either their
histories when alive, or by particular details of
their cursed unlives). But tonight, in addition
him uncomfortable. to sides and factions forming in response to
“Don’t fidget,” the Prince said, then straight- Norris’ bitter legacy, people were also splitting
ened the folds of cloth with a delicate fussiness up based on dress.
that Bruce couldn’t help but find a little fruity. The people who’d done their homework
He squelched the thought as soon as it crossed and were in proper Georgian attire—high-
his mind, because he didn’t know if Maxwell waisted pastel dresses for women, with
could read his mind or what. elaborate rounded coifs under massive hats,
The Prince of the city smiled at Bruce and knee britches and riding coats for men—were
ruffled his hair. “It’s going to be just fine,” he forming a loose crowd, raising supercilious
said affectionately. He’d been really nice to eyebrows at the younger or more ignorant
Bruce ever since he’d started feeding off him. who heard “1800” but thought “Victorian”
Feeding had become a big thing for the and immediately went corset shopping. Some,
Prince, and Bruce certainly understood the especially the young and poor, were dressed
anxiety of vampire hunger. That shit could as they always were, jeans, leather jackets.
make you do crazy stuff, really evil. But if Bruce Kindred who had a particular style that they
had it right (something he always had to forced upon every Elysium—tats and latex,
second-guess) the Prince could now only feed burqua or nakedness—kept on as they always
off other vampires. Which was, he’d admit, a did, mingling with a few who had the depth of
pain in the ass. But at least Maxwell could be knowledge to dress as English counter-culture
sure that anyone he snacked on ‘cause he had or as a revolutionary French peasant.
to wouldn’t go whining to the cops or beef Solomon Birch was in a period priest’s collar.
about it on WGN. As the boss honcho, he could Persephone Moore looked like the cover of a
just order people to feed him, so Bruce didn’t Jane Austen reprint, with a fake beauty mark
quite see the problem. On the other hand, the as an ironic nod to the period. Maxwell had
Prince could think circles around Bruce in three overseen Bruce’s costuming in buckled shoes,
different languages, probably while watching brimmed hat and shad-belly coat, and when he
TV and chewing gum. judged the time was right, he had the orchestra
They were behind the “authorized personnel strike up an imposing Beethoven melody. The
only” door in the Shedd Aquarium’s Oceanari- Prince stepped forth and enjoyed the gasps.
um section. The free access areas were closed The young had known Maxwell only as a
to the daily public, but open to Chicago’s noc- fashionably modern authority figure, by turns
turnal predators. From the lowliest unbound stern and jovial but always cool enough. Older
(like Bruce) to the mightiest elder (like Maxwell) Kindred remembered him as a peer, less pol-
all could come, coexist in peace, discuss matters ished than his Princely persona but always striv-
of profound importance (like who was feuding ing for sophistication, always studying, always
with whom) and socialize. pursuing elegance and achieving it more and
It was Elysium and it was packed because more as the years wore on.
after a couple months’ hiding out, Maxwell “Good evening,” the Prince said, spreading
was hosting. The announcement had gone his arms. “This is what I looked like upon my
out, in channels so thorough and subtle that Embrace.”
the Kindred didn’t really question how they His hair was wild, woolly, great in size like a
knew, it was just suddenly in the air, like the ‘70s revolutionary’s afro, but so unkempt and
first few flakes of a coming snow. Tonight’s matted that it looked more like a thorn bush.
Elysium: a historical theme based on the year The beard matched, reaching down to his
of the Prince’s Embrace, 1800. collarbones and sticking wildly out past the
radius of his ears. He wore stained He went to his chair, the Princely minded! I forbade the Embrace, I kept
buckskins, ragged and ill-repaired, chair Solomon had built for him that us from open murder of each other,
and his feet were shoeless. was as close to being a throne as one and my reward for that was that Norris
Maxwell knew how ridiculous he could get without being absurd. He and his devious ilk took the breathing
looked, of course he did. He played sat down and crossed his legs. room I’d provided and used it to plot
into it with the crowning touch—a “My lord,” Solomon said, and against me. I know your thoughts,”
period-authentic clay pipe. It was stopped. He came forward, slowly, he said, spinning to pin Bella with a
clumsily made and clearly, just from and the look on his face was almost glance, voice rising. “Right now, Christ,
the way he held it, an object of sen- unbearably poignant. Even the still you’re so transparently predictable,
timental value to him. and shriveled hearts of dead preda- you’re even now thinking how you
“I hear you gasping,” he said. “I tors who hated him couldn’t help can use this to remove me from office
but be stirred a little at the pity and and replace me with a Circle Prince,
know. I’ve changed a lot, hm? All
horror the Bishop evinced. It was presumably you, when your Covenant
those years of nightly haircuts and
sincere, it was shockingly selfless would permit and even encourage a
careful shaves to conceal my rude
and the cynics would later natter on thousand cruelties and blasphemies
nigra origins.”
about the vinculum, about Maxwell’s only a few degrees less reviled than
“Represent!” someone shouted
skill with mind control, but it was the one of which I am guilty.
from the crowd, a comment the
indisputable. No matter how it got “I have committed Amaranth!” His
Prince met with an eye-roll.
there, the concern on Solomon’s face voice was a shriek. “I shout the word
“I hid what I was as we all hide what was undeniably real, and he spoke as you hesitate to whisper! I refuse to be
we now are,” he said, his voice seem- if he and Maxwell were the only ones a mealy-mouthed hypocrite about it,
ingly contemplative and private but in the room. Scratch, and I refuse to accept that it
projecting to the farthest corner of makes me less of a leader than I was
“My lord, you are sick. You… you
the room. Usually his speeches were before, Justine.”
need help. It can be well, and I can
proclamations, loud and public and
help you. Please, I beg you to move At the pointed use of their names,
with plenty of eye contact for the
beyond this sin, to… to…” the two elders reacted. Scratch, in-
crowd. But tonight his eyes were low-
“I don’t need your help, Solomon,” stinctively, vanished. Justine became
ered, toying with the pipe, seeming
Maxwell said, and the Bishop froze. statue still, the only thing moving her
for all the world as if he were musing
“I know what I did and I have no lengthening fangs.
in private to himself.
current plans to repeat it. But you “I killed Norris and who misses him,
“I am Maxwell Clarke and I am a know what?” He looked out over the eh? He provoked me one time too
diablerist.” Kindred assembly. “I reserve the right many and I got sick of it. His crimes
When he said that, he looked up. to do it again.” were enormous, so he reaped an
The sound was remarkable. Because “This is intolerable!” The man who enormous punishment. You don’t
vampires need to breathe only when stood and cried out was Invictus, a want your soul devoured? Then don’t
they’re going to talk or smoke or use member of Maxwell’s own nominal piss me off. Don’t stab me in the back
their lungs for some specific purpose, covenant. and try to laugh it off. Don’t try to take
many in the audience had left theirs “Intolerable? Is it?” The Prince stood away what is mine.”
empty and flat. At the Prince’s admis- and stared him down. “I have done “My lord, you must relinquish Praxis
sion, the simultaneous inflation of a everything for you, you mob of in- immediately or it will be removed by
hundred chest cavities set the whole grates! Enforced the Masquerade to force.” The voice speaking was flat,
room moaning, a brief but dire groan keep your selfish indiscretions con- calm and inexorable. Many present
of dread and disbelief. Some instinc- cealed! Mediated the petty conflicts didn’t know the woman speaking.
tively drew back and Maxwell laughed. that fall like a cold drizzle, constantly, She looked dowdy in her Georgian
He pointed at them and laughed. every group whining about the oth- frock, just as she usually looked
“What?” he asked. “What, do you ers, each one consumed with its own dowdy in subdued Chanel suits and
think I’m going to do it again? Right blind greed. I have tried to create tasteful gold jewelry. Lillian Vander-
now? Do you think I’m going to lunge peace and security, and I have been pool never really got comfortable
across the room and start chowing mocked for softness. I have striven to in her body as a corpse, and she still
down on neonates one after the contain us, the better to hide us all, stood awkwardly, like a posed man-
other? Please.” and been whined at for being small nequin, as she decried the Prince.
“By force? Whose force, your Carthi- subdued and nervous Earth Baines, and wouldn’t have stopped any other
ans? Look me in the eye and tell the by every appearance. time, so don’t act like he was the little
truth, do you really believe there’d be “Um, okay,” Maxwell said, tilting his orphan from the Les Miz poster. You’re
more peaceful nights with a Carthian head with a little snicker. “I suppose I concerned that I drained a magician
Prince, or would it be long knives and should have expected this. Go ahead, dry and that’s legitimate, so let me
pogroms? Sylvia, Solomon, someone you have the floor.” explain. I killed him for, eh, three rea-
put that Longinus spell on her, the The strange mortal—tall and sons. One, he was a dick. You prob-
one that makes her puke bugs when imposing and dressed all in white— ably know this, he was an arrogant
she lies. Let’s see if Ms. Vanderpool looked over the crowd of monsters snot who didn’t pay me the proper
really thinks I’ve done a poor job of with no fear on his face, only a calm respect. Two, I didn’t want to pay him
keeping peace.” calculation as he said, “Your master, what I owed him, and killing him was
“It’s not a matter of your job perfor- Maxwell Clarke, is a soul-eater.” easier. Yes, that’s kind of a scumbag
mance,” she said. “I fear you have fallen The silence that followed was the maneuver, I’ll fess up, but you get
prey to your most indelicate urges.” more mundane quiet, people not in the ring with a bloodsucker, you
“Oh, now I’m crazy?” Maxwell be- talking, and it was brief before the have to expect the occasional low
gan to laugh. “Yes, you’re probably Prince started to giggle. blow. Three, I was curious if there was
right! I’d have to be a lunatic to try anything special about this so-called
“Oh,” he snorted. “Your timing just
transparency and honesty in this ‘mystical blood.’ You can rest easy
could not be worse.”
snake pit! But sane or crazy, evil or on that account. No cool colors, no
Now the man in white seemed flus- exhilaration, no satori or mystic crys-
good, I’m your Prince and I hold this
tered. Just a little, but whatever he’d tal revelations. I think he may have
society together. You may hate me,
been expecting from the crowd—dis- been dosing on synthroid, but other
but you need me. No matter who you
belief, rage, anarchy and terror—he than that, he tasted like a suburban
are, you know that I’m a better Prince
wasn’t getting it. Maxwell continued. insurance salesman. I’m not about to
than you’re likely to get otherwise.
Even if I’m a cannibal! Even if I’m a “How about you cut to the chase start dropping your people like birds
madman! I’m nobody’s first choice, here? Setting aside the very relevant because your magical blood is soooo
but I bet all of my enemies can think question of whether we have souls, special and wonderful, all right? My
of three or four candidates for Prince you don’t give a damn about one curiosity’s satisfied and no one wants
who’d be a whole lot worse. Solo- vampire committing unspeakable a big blowup over one unpopular
mon? Justine? Bella? Walter Barowski acts on another.” shitbird, so are we done here?”
or Max Maurey? There are a lot of low “No,” the visitor said. “No, I’m here Before the white-clad visitor could
cards in that hand—no offense,” he about Nartaka.” reply, Maxwell had turned back to
added, glancing at Justine and Solo- “I assume that’s the dead guy Earth the Kindred.
mon with a wry twist on his lips. here was tasked with hiding? Inciden- “This just underscores my point,”
And then the room went silent. tally, Baines—I’m pretty sure McLean he said. “I’m tired of being lobbied,
It wasn’t just that people stopped picked you because you were dispos- taken for granted and schemed
speaking. It was like a speaker was able if you fucked the mission up, and against. I am now, officially, a tyrant.
unplugged. The lapping of water you managed to even fuck up your You all knew I’d ignore my own laws,
in the tanks, the shuffle of feet and own disposability. Bravo, big guy.” Persephone here proved that, and
the resonances of random sounds Earth looked like he was wishing I’m sick of the pretense. I get to do
in the acoustics of the musicians’ the ground would open and swal- whatever I want. You don’t. You don’t
instruments, it all went instantly still, low him. Embrace, you don’t kill one another,
every sound wave died, a moment of “We had an understanding, Clarke,” you sure as hell don’t commit dia-
deafness attended Elysium, and then the man in white began. blerie, but if I feel like it, I can do any
a voice broke it. “Okay, look, let’s not pretend any of that. I think you’ll put up with it,
“I will be heard.” of you gave two shakes of a rat’s cock I really do. Because the alternatives
Nobody saw where the man came about that guy. If he’d had friends are worse. Because in my tenure, I’ve
from, but every Kindred present was among his community, he wouldn’t run this city better than any Prince
aware that this was a living human, have come to me. He made it crisply anyone can remember. Because
heart pumping blood and standing clear that you guys wouldn’t have with me, Chicago works. If you don’t
next to… Earth Baines? A curiously pissed on him if his head was on fire, agree? Think you can do better? All
right, try to upset the apple cart. Just “The Prince has moved Bruce into his She shrieked as he flung her to the
remember Norris. He had half of us brownstone.” ground, diving on top of her moments
blackmailed, he was old and smart “It’s only a gesture,” Birch replied. before the report of gunshots ripped
and had a legion of spies behind him. “Would you really prefer to be his through the air. He sprang off her and
Look where he ended up.” daughter-concubine, living under the crash of gunfire underscored the
••• his roof? The Prince has the Temple thuds of bodies crashing into walls
“I’m surprised you decided to meet with rolling out Vitae Reliquaries for him, and rebounding off floors. By the
many of them, but I worry that it’s time she got to her feet and followed,
me,” Solomon said two weeks later.
only a temporary solution.” Solomon was kneeling on top of a
“Maybe I came to gloat.” Persephone
struggling Aurora Hatch, her pistol a
replied. They were in a foreclosed “As opposed to what?”
yard away, still gently smoking.
house, Persephone had a key. She’d “Removing him from power! His
“You bitch!” Aurora screamed. “I’ll
chosen the place, she knew the exits, sin against Norris has maddened and
end you! She was my daughter!”
she had gotten there first and had corrupted him…”
people watching it all day. She wasn’t “Hold her head steady,” Solomon
.”..and now that you’re no longer
sure how much that would help if said. “Do you have a pocketknife? I’m
Bishop you’ve set your sights higher?”
Solomon decided to hurt her again. unarmed.”
Solomon closed his eyes and
“That’s going around,” he said. “A Mutely, Persephone pulled a knife
looked pained. Then he produced
little arrogance is always common out of Aurora’s boot. “She always kept
an insect shell from the pocket of
when one takes power. Just as a little it there,” she muttered.
his sport coat and showed it to her.
self-pity and guilt are common when “I knew nothing about this,”
“A magic trick,” he said sardonically,
one loses power.” Solomon said, grunting as Aurora
then muttered in Latin.
“I have to think you’ve fallen pretty thrashed beneath him. “I think she
“I’m a kindly man and universally came for both of us. Hold her head,
far if you’re coming to me for help. loved,” Solomon continued, and bugs Persephone! Stop being useless!”
What happened to your legion of poured from between his lips. He
fundie followers?” Uneasily, Persephone complied.
grimaced and sputtered them out.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh, they’re around. I haven’t been “Bah, vile. You know this spell, yes?
stripped of my status as a priest, No unclean words can pass my lips “Cutting off her eyelids so she has
just… relieved of the political duties unmarked now. I shall endure the to meet my gaze, and it’s a delicate
of a Bishop. It will be interesting to business so hold tight. I’m going to
occasional lie during our conversa-
see how Sylvia handles them. But it apprehend her and show her the er-
tion so that you know the truth of
is, in fact, in my capacity as spiritual ror of her ways.”
my other words. I want what is best
leader that I’m here today.” for Maxwell.” “Is your spell still working?” Perse-
“If you want to save me into more phone demanded.
He paused, so that she could see no
perfect damnation, no sale.” insects were forthcoming. “I believe “I’m your enemy in this matter,” Sol-
“Salvation can never be purchased, his holding of Praxis is dangerous omon said, and the beetles poured
but I believe that you will come to to himself and to the city he loves. I out, prompting Aurora to scream as
don’t know whether I am motivated they skittered on her face. “Now help
the truth in time. Already you have
by genuine friendship or the bonds me brainwash this neonate before
a better grasp of what you are. I see
of Vinculum. Honestly, I suspect some she takes another shot at us both.”
your ruthlessness grow nightly. You
Only then did Persephone notice the
should never have been, no more of both, but that’s less important
two bullet holes in Solomon’s jacket.
than I, but it’s a fallen world and we than isolating him from the power
must seek the Lord’s will even in our that can only push him closer to the Hesitating, she knelt.
damnation. But the sinner I’m most edge.” He paused. “Sylvia Raines is my “First this one,” Solomon said.
concerned with is Maxwell so, as they good friend,” he said, then spat more “Then the Prince. We can save him,
say, it’s not all about you.” creepy-crawlies. us two.”
“You’d be better off talking with “Wow,” Persephone said. “This is… Persephone’s voice was low with
Bruce,” she said, before she could surreal, really, I…” Then Solomon dread and dejection.
consider the bitterness in her tone. grabbed her by the hair. “Because only we love him.”
Dead, Dread Chronicles
It’s a piece of cake until you get to the top. You find you can’t stop playing the game the way
you’ve always played it.
—Richard Nixon
The ways one can play a game of Vampire: The Requiem all your options because that would take us an infinite
are as varied as the deviations in the blood of all the vam- number of monkeys and typewriters—not to mention
pires in all the world’s mythology. That’s a good thing, by about a billion more pages.
the way. Bloodsucker noir? Backwoods swamp-leech crime But what we can do is give you a couple-few options,
fiction? The Kindred on a space station? Maybe you’d like let you have a taste, maybe show you the way toward
to see Vampire: The Requiem modeled off of The Wire, designing your own spins on the Vampire: The Requiem
or The Shield, or with something that looks like a giddy chronicle. That’s what this chapter is about: we’re
combination of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Lost. breaking the mirror and handing you a shard, letting you
Thing is, your options are limitless. gaze upon the distorted, jagged reflection to see just how
Which of course means we cannot possibly attend to awesome your Requiem game can be.
Different Masks
Who says that the flashbacks absolutely, unequivocally must include the player’s current characters? We sure didn’t
say it!
Just because those characters weren’t present doesn’t mean a flashback can’t exist. The flashback may involve
other characters who are connected to the story, and it can even be brought organically into the present (because,
ultimately, that’s the goal).
Consider: the coterie’s knocked a potent elder into torpor with a mean slam from a sharpened chair-leg. They’ve
got him buckled down in a boiler room somewhere when they remove the stake from his chest.
Now, they can interrogate him—and the elder tells them a story about when he was “a little fish in a big pond,”
just like them. The story’s about him and his coterie, and it’ll help answer some of their questions.
Except, it’ll be kind of boring to just have the Storyteller stand around and recite the story. Even if it’s really
evocative and interesting, you might have a better avenue: flashback.
Let the players take control of pre-made characters, or even characters they conceive of themselves. Put them
into a flashback featuring these other characters, and it “becomes” the story that the elder tells to their present
vampires. It all fits together, like a crazy, blood-soaked puzzle.
The Nights of Long Knives requires a fair investment
of setup for the Storyteller, but it should pay off when
the stakes begin to fly. A few dozen Kindred Storyteller
characters, packed into a small city, need to be created
to have agendas of their own. The Players’ characters
need to be inserted into this web and be given allies and
antagonists of their own so that they feel part of the set-
ting as it burns down around their ears. It’s Vampire as
disaster simulation, a city’s worth of Kindred carefully
created to interact with the neofeudal pyramid of obliga-
tion keeping everyone in place before it’s fatally damaged
in the opening chapter.
Because the chronicle relies on the Storyteller mapping
the relationships of all the setting’s Kindred, and because
betrayal and treachery are more fun if the character being
betrayed has a full backstory and if the act itself will cause
ripples through all the other characters, less is more in
terms of population. The setting should be chosen to
support only as many vampires as the Storyteller feels
confident of naming, fleshing out and remembering the
interconnections between. Too many vampires (over 40
for most groups) leads to facelessness and players confused
by who is screwing over whom in a given chapter. Too few
and the setting becomes predetermined; without enough
schemes going on for the actions of players to disrupt.
(Plus, too few means the characters might start in on
each other. Fine for most games, but better to let a game
take its time going down that route. Games that begin
with characters at each other’s throats make for too-tense,
too-terse games, in our opinions.)
The chronicle relies on a feeling of pressure that has
been suddenly released. Characters should have been
held back in some way by the now-vanished regime; in
play, emphasize the fact that the Kindred of the city are
committing offences against the old order—their plans
break the Prince’s edicts, or cross territorial bounds that
were considered iron-clad until the elders went away.
Some of the Kindred may want to hold to the old laws
out of loyalty or because those laws favored their own
interests. Others will want the limits on their Requiem
torn down as soon as possible. Most will hold both
opinions about different laws, stamping down on those
that hurt their privilege and demanding that others stop
stamping on them. Because of this, it’s best to make the
old regime as totalitarian as possible in a few cases—
perhaps a covenant was banned outright, or the Embrace
other they’ll start believing it too. The end result is that the
Order Versus Chaos Masquerade is in tatters—the coterie are supported by mor-
In the early hours of the morning as the city slept, a dead man tals who know what they are, and an ever-increasing number
met a dead woman beneath a streetlight, opposite a building of mortals and Kindred are let in on the secret.
they knew well. Too many loose lips endanger everyone, from both sides.
“You shouldn’t be here. It’s not right,” said the male and Mortal groups dedicated to hunting vampires may catch
taller of the two, wary of restarting the argument but stating wind of the goings-on in the coterie’s territory and persecute
the fact for the record. Kindred and “sympathizer” alike. If one of the Kindred
“Can you stop me?” asked the female. that knows bears a grudge and goes to the covenants with
The tall vampire considered, shivering against the chill he proof that the Masquerade has been broken, the response
didn’t feel. to the coterie’s crimes will be swift and bloody. But despite
the danger, neither mortal nor Kindred at the centre of the
“They can. If they hear about it, we’ll all be done for.” mess are willing to give it up. They can’t quit one another.
“That would be true even if I stopped. We’re all tainted. They’re already doomed. It’s only a matter of time.
What about Simon?”
A flash of guilt crossed both faces as their eyes met. The Tier: Neonate/Coterie
other vampire looked away first, raising her gaze back to the Unmasked stars a single coterie of very young neonates
window high above. and their human friends; other vampires are a largely
“Simon’s different. I’m going to make him an agent—like unseen threat, one that the coterie are going to have to
that spooky guy on West’s…” he searched for the term. avoid if they’re going to keep their indiscretions secret.
“…Ghouls. And no, you won’t. I know you.” The covenants are something as far away from the char-
“And I know you. I think pretty well. You’re never going acters’ experience as the government is to the mortals.
to cross that threshold and talk to him. You wouldn’t break The chronicle is therefore Tier One.
their Masquerade even if I’ve bent it…” He trailed off at his Mood and Theme
companion’s expression. “…oh, God. Tell me you didn’t.”
Mood: Transgression. The coterie knows that it has broken
“Not yet, but I will. I don’t see how it applies. He’s not a the Tradition of Masquerade. They’re not stupid, and realize
hunter. He’s not someone able to tell the world about us. that their Requiems are forfeit unless something is done. But
He’s just…” they’re unwilling to kill, Embrace or ghoul the mortals that
“…Your husband.” know about them and they’re as unable to flee for a new city
as any group of new neonates. The feeling that the coterie has
The Pitch done something wrong for which it will eventually be found
Unmasked is a chronicle about the pressure to confirm to out and the desperation with which it delays that revelation
the Traditions when the World of Darkness provides reason night by night should always be there in the chronicle, as
after reason to break them, and about the effort to keep the should the thrill that results in breaking the rules even if the
genie in the bottle when you’ve torn the lid off yourself. A characters know they’ll have to pay for it one night.
street-level coterie of neonates start with good intentions Theme: Refusal to Change. In many ways, the
and quickly get into a position where they’re under threat of characters are refusing to admit that their old lives are
destruction should anyone find out what they’ve done. Maybe no longer theirs to be held onto. The lovers refuse to
it started when one of them was tracked down by his jilted bow to the pressure to give one another up, one vampire
fiancée, refusing to believe that he was dead. Maybe one of refuses to treat his friend as a source of Vitae or a slave
the coterie made the first move, approaching his former best and another wants her marriage back, ignoring the whole
friend and explaining what had happened to him. Maybe part about “until death.” Even when the ultimate result
there’s a doomed couple, hoping that if they convince the of the indiscretions is known, the coterie refuses to bow
world that they’re still in love despite one being food for the to the inevitable. The characters refuse to admit to the
fear that deep down they’re no longer human.
Unmasked 249
The sense of guilt for the coterie’s actions is important
to maintain in order to feed the mood of the chronicle.
The troupe can achieve it by providing a human cost to
True Romance
the arrangement and by illustrating what will happen if In a chronicle about Kindred who have an emotional
the Kindred authorities discover the breach. The human attachment to mortal humans, the subject will
cost can be both low-key, in the natural consequences of inevitably come up—just how much emotion are
the Kindred even capable of? A vampire is certainly
staying out all night with one’s undead friends on work capable of seeing a mortal as a friend and colleague
and other friendships, and sparingly fatal; a character (although the vampire will have to control the fact
falling to Wassail and feeding from one of his mortal that his friend makes him hungry, thanks to the
Beast), but can the Kindred fall in love beyond the
associates will cause much heartbreak, accentuated artificial need of the Vinculum?
because the vampire had convinced himself that he didn’t By default, Vampire: The Requiem assumes that
see his friend as a source of blood. the Embrace renders the Kindred incapable of
experiencing new emotions. A vampire who never
Illustrating the consequences of breaking the experienced love as a mortal will never fall in love.
Masquerade is easy—have another coterie destroyed for Emotions that one of the Kindred has experienced
the crime and ensure the characters learn about it. For are present but hollow as though they were echoes
extra paranoia, have the other coterie’s breach taken or copies of the real thing, and this deadening
increases over time. At the stage in their Requiem
to the Prince by one of the player coterie’s few Kindred the coterie are depicted in this chronicle, the
allies. If there are mortal groups working against vampires, characters are still capable of friendship, though if
another ally of the coterie might fall prey to them as an they stopped to think about it they would realize
that they no longer care as much about their friends
object lesson in the Masquerade’s purpose. as they used to; almost as though they are going
Guilt can come from betraying other Kindred as well as through the motions while their minds catch up with
letting the delusion that mortals are friends slip; a character what’s changed in their bodies. Any vampire that
believes himself to be in love is practicing a certain
in this chronicle should frequently be forced to lie to allies amount of self-delusion, aware that he don’t feel
to cover up her own crimes and the crimes of others. If quite as strongly as he once did but clinging to it
there is an authority figure (such as the above example of out of habit, loyalty or fear of what abandoning the
relationship might mean for his Humanity.
a Hound) play them for maximum ambiguity, emphasizing The other issue is one of pleasure: feeding gives
their desire to do right by the characters. If a character feels the Kindred a rush beyond anything they experienced
terribly guilty about covering up the breach to the local as mortals, and other sensations feel dull compared
to it. The Beast drives a vampire to feed, filling a
Hound, even though she’s well aware that he will send her to neonate with alien urges to consume her mortal
Final Death if he finds out, your troupe are doing it right. It allies. Eventually, the vampire in a sexual pairing with
might not even be as overt as betrayal—mortals aren’t used a mortal will realize (or admit) that sex is more on
to the way that the Kindred divide a city into fiefs, and it’s the level of wearing comfortable clothes than that
of ecstasy, and that the thrill of lying with her lover
entirely likely that a mortal one of the coterie is interested is disturbingly like that of smelling delicious cooking.
in lives within the hunting grounds of another vampire, who The sad part is that the mortal in the pair may get off
must be dealt with in a way that doesn’t expose the coterie. on his partner’s reaction or—worse—think that he
can change her. Star-crossed lovers, indeed.
Unmasked lends itself well to crossovers, thanks to
the Tier and the focus on how vampires relate to the
wider World of Darkness. It’s possible to introduce minor
supernatural beings or even characters created with other and can fulfill the niche a Ghoul would in a normal game;
World of Darkness games (especially Hunter: the Vigil) the “member of the coterie” that can act during the day
to the story in order to showcase the differences in how and advance the group agenda while all Kindred are asleep
they interact with mortals compared to the Kindred. at the cost of being fragile. The troupe might consider the
There is no strong reason why every player in the resistance of Blood Potency, the healing abilities of Kindred
chronicle has to play one of the Kindred; in fact, the and Disciplines to be sufficiently unbalancing to require a
chronicle may be stronger if a player or two are willing handicap of sorts beyond immunity to sunlight, no need to
to meet the challenge of portraying mortal humans in a consume blood, no frenzy and the ability to buy Morality
Vampire game (and once more, using the Hunter: The with Experience. If so, create the mortal character with 30
Vigil rules may not be altogether inappropriate what with more experience than the vampires. Remember that the
the focus on tiers and Professions). The characters chosen mortal will have higher skills than the vampires once the
should be from the core of the coterie’s allies, rather than chronicle advances beyond the first few stories, as he won’t
any acquaintances on the edge of the Masquerade breach, have to spend experience on Blood Potency or Disciplines.
Unmasked 251
Simon vanished a week before your wedding (at least he had the
decency to not leave you literally at the altar) you’ve been
Good evening. Welcome back among the living.
searching for answers. There existed no sign of forced
You’re Charles’ brother, one of two mortal “honorary entry at your home, but items went missing—some of his
members” of the coterie and the fixer of the group. A clothes, a photo of the pair of you and what would have
reasonably wealthy owner of a construction firm, you’ve been his wedding ring. The police think he took them
seen a lot of strange things in your time. You never know when he ran.
what you’ll turn up digging foundations in the World of
You know he’s out there somewhere, and you know
Darkness, and you have developed a detached sense of
Simon’s lying to you about not knowing where he is.
calm that the vampires value you for. Already, you’ve
Charles was a journalist, and in the months since his
converted your basement into sleeping quarters for the
disappearance you’ve decided that he must have stumbled
three Kindred, who you think of as particularly odd
into something connected to organized crime. That’s why,
in your opinion, he ran. Simon must be protecting him,
You can tell, however, how fragile the vampires are but you don’t understand why he hasn’t sent word. One
psychologically. You know how thin the thread Charles of his former colleagues at the newspaper says he has
holds on by is, which is why you’re keeping something from experience with missing persons and unusual cases—
him. His jilted fiancée is trying to track him down—she you’ve met him a few times, and he says he’ll look into
visits the city more and more, asking you if you’ve seen it for you.
him. You’ve been careful to only meet her during the day
so far, but you worry about some of the things she’s asking. Michael
It’s like she already knows he’s here. My wife was murdered five years ago. I don’t think I’ll ever
know who killed her.
Allies and Antagonists You’re Andrea’s husband (or, as far as you are aware, her
widower), a detective in the police force and a man who
Cassandra feels like he’s aged a lot more than the five years since
We need to know how it’s passed on. his wife vanished. You couldn’t identify the body, after
You’re the coterie’s closest mortal ally bar Simon, a major what was done to it, but the DNA test confirmed it was
source of resources and information for the vampires in Andrea. No suspect was ever found.
your role as an ER doctor. You let the coterie know about You try to get though your days as best you can,
shelters and blood drives, keep an eye on unusual killings raising your children—now teenagers—and nurse your
and attacks that might indicate other vampires and study heartbreak at every milestone Andrea’s not there for. Your
the changes in their bodies, trying to understand what career has stalled as you’ve stopped taking what you see as
happened to them. You’re still in love with Liam, despite unnecessary risks that might leave your children without a
his…condition… and you’re certain that there must be a father entirely. You’ve grown careful, and you’re thinking
cure somewhere. Vampirism to you is a scientific puzzle, of leaving the force entirely.
an unexplained medical mystery that you’re determined Until then, though, you have your current case to work
to crack. There’s so much to understand and help them through. Another tragic murder—some poor kid dumped
understand. at the hospital missing a chunk of thigh and nearly all of
Sometimes, during the day, you see Liam’s sleeping his blood. The doctor who attended was Cassandra, who
body and realize, for a moment, that he’s no longer nearly jumped out of her skin when you gave her your
human. You’re not sure what you’d do if he realized that name. It’s been a week, now, but you can’t quite put her
too—the existence of the Kindred is intoxicating to you, expression out of your mind; like she knew who you were.
a secret society of bloodsuckers hidden in plain sight,
moving among the cities of the world like gamekeepers. Barrabas
You sometimes think about asking Liam to make you a Have you heard the word of Longinus?
vampire, but he doesn’t know how it’s done. You’re a priest of the Lancea Sanctum, your parish lying
next to the territory of the coterie, and you’re the member
Kristen of the Kindred who has the most contact with the young
Why did he leave? Was he running from something? Why trio. You tolerate their presence and allow them to move
didn’t he trust me? through your territory as long as they don’t poach as part
You’re Charles’ ex-fiancée, and since the day he of a design to gently draw them into the Sanctified flock.
Anthony Exposure
Anthony has been snooping around, trying to decide if
Yeah, I have experience of this sort of thing. Simon is a Ghoul. He’s finally decided not—just a col-
You’re a journalist, one of Charles’ old workmates from laborator, working with the vampire that killed Charles.
back east, and you’ve been hired by Kristen to look into Problem is that the vampire he’s identified is Liam, and
his disappearance. Anthony’s now started tracking him, too. It’s easy to
You’re also a vampire hunter (once more, we recommend detect a vampire when you have a digital camera and
Hunter: The Vigil). understand how the image blurs, so Anthony’s in no doubt
Ever since you survived an attack ten years ago, you’ve as to his evidence—Liam, a vampire, began living with
watched for signs of the bloodsuckers. You were contacted Simon shortly after Charles died.
by people calling themselves the Network, a clearing- He confronts Simon, demanding to know what the
house for evidence of the supernatural. The things you’ve leeches are paying him and giving him a chance to
seen on the mailing lists put you in no doubt that America confirm that Liam was the culprit. The coterie have two
is rife with supernatural beings, preying on humanity. nights before their haven is plastered on the internet,
You thought you owed Charles’ memory the courtesy of giving Charles an unhappy choice—confess who he is
meeting with Kristen, even if his other friends told you or silence the reporter in some way.
she was nuts, but something in her story made you pay But the coterie don’t know that Kristen hired Anthony.
attention. You’ve done some digging into this brother of They don’t know what he’s told her, or left for her in case
his, this Simon character, and some of his dealings in the of his death.
Unmasked 253
Blood Mark They’re coming for all of you!
VII members in this chronicle can create a The Great Divide
temporary ghoul from a human corpse in a
parody of the Embrace. By spending two Vitae The coterie has reassembled in Miami, following the
(literally emptying the blood into the mouth experience of Salome’s Final Death, and has decided to
of the body), the corpse animates as a mindless seek out whatever killed her before her warning comes
servant, obeying the will of the VII agent who
created it. If the corpse-ghoul runs out of Vitae it
true. In this story, Luc must contend with handing over
collapses back into death instantly. VII believe that his parish to lesser Sanctified while the coterie as a whole
these beings—“Manes”—are somehow primitive plans the best means of crossing the Atlantic. Planes are
versions of the Kindred. too easily exposed to sunlight (especially to Europe from
the US, flying in a parabola over the far North) and that
leaves shipping. Passage must be booked. Arrangements
must be made. Attempts to make sure Luc doesn’t come
back must be fended off.