World Scout Jamborees
World Scout Jamborees
World Scout Jamborees
Shortly after the start of Scouting in 1908, its rapid and unexpected spread in countries outside the British Isles caused Lord Robert
Baden-Powell, the Founder of Scouting, to realise that a get together of Scouts of all nationalities must sooner or later be
organised. But any ideas he may have had were stifled by the outbreak of war in 1914.
In 1917, the 10th Anniversary of the first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island, it had been hoped to hold some kind of celebration to
mark the event. Things being as they were, it was decided that an Imperial and International Jamboree be held as soon as
circumstances would permit. As the war finished in 1918, it was decided to hold it two years later in 1920. Incidentally, a similar
position was reached when it was decided to hold the 6th World Jamboree in 1947, two years after the Second World War.
Year Location
1st 1920 Olympia, London, England
2nd 1924 Copenhagen, Denmark
3rd 1929 Arrowe Park, Birkenhead, England (Coming-of-age)
4th 1933 Gödöllö, Hungary
5th 1937 Vogelenzang, Holland
6th 1947 Moisson, France (Jamboree of Peace)
7th 1951 Bad Ischl, Austria (Jamboree of Simplicity)
8th 1955 Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
9th 1957 Sutton Coldfield, England (Jubilee)
10th 1959 Laguna, Philippines
11th 1963 Marathon, Greece
12th 1967 Farragut State, Park, Idaho, U.S.A. (For Friendship)
13th 1971 Asagiri Heights, Fujinomya City, Japan
14th 1975 Lillehammer, Norway
15th 1979 Was to have been held at Neyshabur, Iran
1983 Kananaskis Country, Canada (The Spirit Lives On)
16th 1987 Cataract Park, Sydney, Australia (Bring the World Together)
17th 1991 Soraksan National Park, South Korea (Many Lands, One World)
18th 1995 Dronten, Holland (The Future is Now)
19th 1999 Picarquin, Chile
20th 2003 Thailand
21th 2007 United Kingdom
1st World Jamboree - Olympia, London, England, 1920
That first Jamboree was quite an occasion, nothing like it had ever before been attempted, and it took a lot of courage by B-P. and
his team of organisers to make it the success it undoubtedly turned out to be.
The 1920 Jamboree would bear little resemblance to the World Jamborees of today. The most outstanding difference would be that
the first Jamboree was held indoors at Olympia in the heart of London. The Scouts taking part, 8,000 from 34 different countries,
gave displays daily in the great Olympia arena which had to have a foot of earth and turf laid especially to enable the Scouts to
pitch tents! A camp site in the middle of the metropolis is hard, if not impossible, to find, and a camp of 5,000 Scouts was,
therefore, set up in the Old Deer Park at Richmond, whilst the rest slept at Olympia ready for the following days' performances. In
the great side halls at Olympia, various exhibits were on show, even a tent was something of a novelty in those days, and
demonstrations of handicrafts by Scouts and Wolf Cubs went on non-stop. So it was that the first World Scout Jamboree was more
of a display and exhibition than a get-together camp.
What had begun as a Scout celebration turned into a great demonstration of international goodwill. Towards the close of the
Jamboree, a tribute was paid which was not a scheduled part of the programme. In the great arena packed with Scouts and in the
presence of many thousands of spectators, B-P. was spontaneously acclaimed by the boys as Chief Scout of the World - a title
which no government or King could confer and one which lapsed on his death.
At the closing ceremony, B-P. gave a parting message, as full of meaning today as it was on the historic occasion. Here is an
Brother Scouts. Differences exist between the peoples of the world in thought and sentiment, just as they do in language and
physique. The Jamboree has taught us that if we exercise mutual forbearances and give and take, then there is sympathy and
harmony. If it be your will, let us go forth from here fully determined that we will develop among ourselves and our boys that
comradeship, through the world wide spirit of the Scout brotherhood, so that we may help to develop peace and happiness in the
world and goodwill among men.
A number of lessons were learned from this first Jamboree and these were carefully noted for future guidance. An indoor display
limits the activity and prevents a full demonstration of Scouting, which is an outdoor Movement. It was also realised that above all
else, a Jamboree is a means of developing a spirit of good comradeship between the boys of many nations and the more that
aspect can be stressed, the more successful becomes a Jamboree.
The 2nd World Jamboree was held near Copenhagen, Denmark in 1924. The Jamboree camp lasted for seven days and was
followed by seven days of remarkable hospitality in the homes of the Danes. Five thousand Scouts from 34 nations assembled for
a week under canvas, the first time such a huge camp had been planned. A special Rally was held which was honoured by the
presence of Their Majesties, The King and Queen of Denmark. The Jamboree proved a great success and once again Scouting
had shown the world something new.
3rd World Jamboree - Coming of Age Jamboree, Arrowe Park, Birkenhead, 1929
The 3rd World Jamboree was held at Arrowe Park, Birkenhead, England in 1929 and this celebrated the 21st Anniversary of the
publication of Scouting for Boys. Thirty-five countries were represented by 30,000 Scouts, plus another 10,000 British Scouts who
took the opportunity to camp in the vicinity. It was certainly the greatest assembly of international youth the world had ever seen up
to that time. Two things stand out from the Arrowe Park Jamboree - the numbers and the mud! It rained so much that the clay soil
could not absorb the water and the site soon resembled a sea of mud!
The 4th World Jamboree was held in the Royal Forest of Godollo, 11 miles fro Budapest, and was attended by 25,000 Scouts from
34 nations. It was notable for the excellent weather which was enjoyed and the assembled Scouts were thankful for the shade
which the trees of the Royal Forest afforded. Scouts who attended this gathering will remember particularly the pleasing sight of B-
P. making his rounds on the camp site on a magnificent brown charger. It was also most noticeable that the whole Hungarian
nation had cooperated to make the event a success.
This Jamboree is remembered more particularly as the last Jamboree B-P. was able to attend before his death in January 1941.
Queen Wilhelmina opened the Jamboree and before her were assembled 27,000 Scouts from 51 countries - including 8,000 from
the British Commonwealth. B-P. was 81 when he attended the Jamboree and in his message to Scouts of the world, he said:
I ... am nearing the end of my life. Most of you are at the beginning, and I want your lives to be happy and successful. You can
make them so by doing your best to carry out the Scout Law all your days, whatever your station and wherever you are ... Now
goodbye. God bless you all! God bless you!
It was as though he knew he would not be able to attend another Jamboree and was giving his blessing to the Scouts of all
6th World Jamboree - Moisson, France, 1947
What B-P. could not have known was that in such a short time the world would again be plunged into conflict. The Scouts
throughout the world thought of their Jamborees which should have been held in 1941 and 1945. It is significant that with the end
of war in 1945, plans were immediately laid for a Jamboree to be held in 1947, and France, so recently liberated, invited the Scouts
of all nations. Despite the overwhelming difficulties which confronted the organisers, the Jamboree of Peace was a tremendous
success. 25,000 Scouts from more than 70 countries gathered on the flat, rather open site on the banks of the River Seine
providing the refreshing fact that not only had the Scout Movement survived the years of war, but that it had emerged stronger and
more virile than ever. Little was it realised at that time that within a few months our brother Scouts of Czechoslovakia and Hungary
would be suppressed.
This Jamboree, held four years later, took place in a country still suffering from long years of hardship. For this reason, the 1951
Jamboree in Austria was termed the Jamboree of Simplicity. The site was a golf course set amongst the picturesque mountains in
the Salzkammergut region, not far from the little town of Bad Ischl. The Jamboree was organised by voluntary Scout Leaders in
their spare time and the Austrian Scouts worked on the site for two years to save costs and ensure the amenities of a Jamboree
Camp Site.
Numbers were limited to 15,000 and none will forget the first night when, as a welcoming gesture, the Austrian Scouts lit beacons
on the tops of each of the mountains surrounding the site. All in all it was a tremendous achievement by a country still under
military occupation.
This was the first World Jamboree to be held in the New World. The setting was a beautiful rolling parkland and Niagara-on-the-
Lake, Canada. 11,000 Scouts attended this great gathering which was notable for the number of contingents which crossed the
Atlantic by air to attend - 1,000 from Great Britain alone. The most outstanding feature, however, was the tremendous hospitality
accorded to the Scouts by the people of Canada. Not only did they raise money to help Scouts from the soft currency areas, but
they welcomed and lavished friendship and understanding wherever they met.
9th World Jamboree - The Jubilee Jamboree, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, 1957
To celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Brownsea Island Camp and the Centenary of its Founder, B-P. , a combines Jamboree,
Scouters Indaba and Rover Moot was held in Sutton Park - a beautiful natural park of 2,400 acres. 33,000 Scouts from 90
countries camped for 12 days in weather which ranged from a heat wave to a storm which flooded parts of the huge camp site.
Many thousands more took the opportunity to camp in the surrounding countryside. Opened by HRH Prince Philip, the Prime
Minister, Mr Harold MacMillan, and closed by the World Chief Guide, Olave, Lady Baden-Powell, it was the first Jamboree held in
England to have its own commemorative postage stamps. One special aspect was the overwhelming hospitality offered to the
participants by the people of the UK, both before and after the event.
The first World Jamboree to be held in Asia, it was attended by 12,000 Scouts from 69 countries including a carefully selected
contingent of 105 from the UK which made the outward and homeward journey by air. The trip cost each Scout about 300UKP,
raised in various ways.
Held on the plain of Marathon, scene of the famous battle in 490BC between the Ancient Greeks and the Persians. The Jamboree
was attended by 10,394 Scouts from 89 countries, the largest contingent being 1,498 Scouts from the UK (20 chartered aircraft
took part in this, the biggest UK Scout airlift ever). The trip cost each British Scout 85UKP. Attending the Jamboree every day was
HRH Crown Prince Constantine, Chief Scout of Greece. Other members of the Greek Royal Family, including the King and Queen,
visited the 11-day event. Sir Charles Maclean, Chief Scout of the Commonwealth, attended the Jamboree and at a special
ceremony presented HRH Crown Prince Constantine with the United Kingdom's highest award for Scouting, The Silver Wolf.
12th World Jamboree - Farragut State Park, Idaho, USA, 1967
With its theme For Friendship, the 12th World Jamboree attracted 12,000 Scouts from over 100 countries, including 1,300 from the
UK, the largest contingent from outside the North American Continent. For the UK Scouts, dressed in their smart new uniforms, it
was a highlight to their Diamond Jubilee Year.
Amongst the distinguished visitors were Olave, Lady Baden-Powell (widow of the Founder of Scouting), and Vice President of the
United States, Hubert H. Humphrey. Memorable features of the camp included a reconstruction of Baden-Powell's Brownsea Island
Camp Site, the specially stocked fishing area and boating and other water activities. Also a visit to a real wild west rodeo and a
repeat of the very successful Friendship Wide Game, introduced at the Greek Jamboree in 1963.
Set on the foothills of Mount Fuji, the 13th World Jamboree will be considered by many to have been aptly numbered, for it
attracted an unwelcome visitor in the shape of Typhoon Olive!
The 20,000 Scouts, including 437 Scouts and Venture Scouts and 49 adult Leaders from the UK, found themselves amidst a sea of
black mud and buffeted by high winds for close to three days! Conditioned previously by camping in `typical British Summer
weather', many of the UK Scouts were able to last out the trying conditions and help their less fortunate neighbours in the
waterlogged 800 acre camp site.
Despite the typhoon, the Scouts managed to carry out many of the planned activities, including a World Scout Forum, expeditions
up Mount Fuji and an International evening with displays of national skills, dancing and song.
14th World Jamboree - Nordjamb'75, Lillehammer, Norway, 1975
His Majesty King Olav V opened "Nordjamb '75", as it became known, in July 1975 in the presence of 17,000 Scouts from 94
The British contingent, led by Lord Baden-Powell, was 1,624 strong and included Scouts from Branches in Bermuda, Hong Kong
and Rhodesia. This Jamboree was a fine example of international co-operation on the part of the five Nordic countries responsible
for its organisation. The happy relationships that developed were in large measures due to the warm hospitality given to almost
every visiting Scout in the homes of the hosts. As well as traditional pursuits such as hiking, orienteering and camping, this
Jamboree included in the programme several activities involving modern technology.
This World Jamboree was cancelled near the end of 1978, due to the Ayatollah usurping power from the Shah of Iran, and thus
destabilising the political position in Iran. Instead, there were international camps in Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S.A.
The Spirit Lives On was the inspiring theme of the 15th World Jamboree held in Kananaskis Country, an area of provincial park,
4,000 feet up in the foothills of the Rockie Mountains, 80 miles west of Calgary, Alberta.
1,345 UK Scouts were amongst a total attendance of over 15,000 Scouts from nearly 100 countries. The Spirit Lives On was
certainly in evidence in the great amount of international goodwill pervading the Jamboree and in the warm hospitality of the
The backwoods location was given added realism through the intrusion into camp of bears, moose and other wildlife from time to
16th World Jamboree - Cataract Park, Sydney, Australia, 1987
Held at Cataract Park, a specially constructed Scout tent town situated on a 160 hectare site near Sydney, this was the first World
Scout Jamboree to be held in the Southern Hemisphere. Under the theme Bringing the World Together, 16,000 Scouts from over
80 countries attended the Jamboree with around 13,000 more in attendance on 'visiting day'.
The 850 strong UK contingent included 18 Ranger Guides (the first time members of the Guide Association have been allowed to
take part in a World Scout Jamboree), Mrs Betty Clay, daughter of the Founder, and 11 members of the Baden-Powell family, 9 of
whom are direct descendants of B-P.
The opening ceremony of the Jamboree, which took place at midnight on December 31, 1987, was the first official event of
Australia's Bicentennial Celebrations.
Many Lands, One World was the theme which brought together 16,000 young people from more than 130 countries in the beautiful
Mount Sorak National Park. The location was a few kilometres from the disputed border with North Korea and some 200km, or six
hours by road, from Seoul, the capital city.
The UK contingent was made up of 1,407 people, including just over 50 representatives from the Guides. As part of its contribution,
the UK transported a replica Brownsea Island camp to re-enact B- P.'s 1907 experiment in Scouting. It became the most
photographed and filmed event at the Jamboree.
The Jamboree started with bad weather with rain and flooding providing major problems. The opening and closing ceremonies
were masterpieces of showmanship, designed to rival those of the Olympic Games. UK Scouts also experienced home hospitality
in Korea and Japan and a stay at a luxury hotel.
This Jamboree took place on reclaimed land near Droten, in Flevoland. Over 2,800 participants from the UK formed part of the
28,000 strong event, enjoying the superb weather and vast range of activities.
The theme was "the future starts today" and a major attraction was the Global Development Village, with Scouts from all over the
world keen to share experiences and learn more about other peoples' ways of life.
Lighter entertainment was provided by various walk-in fun activities and stalls at the Plaza, in the middle of the Jamboree Site.
Everyone was impressed by the superb organisation before, during and after the Jamboree. A new standard was established for
World Scout Jamborees of the future.
19th World Jamboree - Picarquin, Chile, 1999
From 27 December 1998 to 6 January 1999, the first Jamboree to take place in Latin America was held at 'Picarquin' in Chile's
central zone, famous for vineyards and orchards, approximately 70 kms south of Santiago. A total of almost 31,000 particpants
took part from 157 countries.
With a theme of 'Building Peace Together' this Jamboree was quite different from those of recent times and reflected much of what
is typical of Scouting in South America. Activities were patrol orientated and included a 'Day of Service' where the patrol helped in
the refurbishment of facilities in local villages, and 'The Earth That Provides' which saw participants visiting typical Chilean
industrial and agricultural centres in the area close to the Jamboree and hikes of varying standards. There was also an enormous
'Global Development Village' and a memorable New Year's Eve party.
Many new initiatives were used throughout the 10 days of the Jamboree, such as on-site supermarkets using a debit card for food
purchases and every participant's details being stored electronically.
The UK Contingent was the fourth largest, with only Brazil, Argentina and the hosts having more participants, and totalled 1,982.
This figure included participants from across the UK and also 3 Scouts and their Leader from the Falkland Islands, who may never
be so close to a Jamboree again!
The 20th World Jamboree was held in Sattahip, Chonburi Provence, Thailand from 28th December 2002 to 8th January 2003. The
Jamboree site was located on the Gulf of Thailand approximately 180 kms south-east of Bangkok. Around 35,000 participants
attended from almost every country in the world. The UK contingent of over 3,000 formed the largest overseas contingent at the
The theme "Share our World, Share our Cultures" was particularly appropriate as Scouts from around the world discovered the rich
cultures that are found in South-East Asia.
The activities included the 'Global Development Village' to raise participants' awareness of issues around health, environment,
peace and human rights; 'Crossroads of Cultures' in which participants were able to explore themes including music, cuisine,
costumes and traditional sports; 'City of Science' to give participants the opportunity to find out about advances in science and
technology; and experience a range of challenging water activities in 'Face the Waves'. The 'Community Action Day' involved a
visit to a Thai community to work on a community development project.
Note that most of graphics are taken from badges produced for the 1995 World Jamboree are direct copies of the Jamboree badges. (Exceptions are the 1st
Jamboree, for which there were no badges, although this is part of the '95 Jamboree set; and the Iranian Jamboree, which never happened)