A Review On Cloud Computing
A Review On Cloud Computing
A Review On Cloud Computing
Abstract— Cloud Computing is a network-built handling Private cloud is mostly when an organization wants
invention where information is provided to customers on storage. It is a committed storage. So, the major difference
demand. Present Cloud Computing systems holds serious between the public and private cloud is that in public cloud
restrictions to protect confidentiality of user’s data. Cloud many users can share the storage but in private cloud, only
Computing consists of various technologies, policies to ensure independent organization they have dedicated storage.
data, services and infrastructure protection. The traditional Hybrid cloud is when any organization uses private cloud
security architecture does not apply because the customer does plus public cloud is known as hybrid cloud. For example, if
not own the infrastructure anymore. The report consists of the one academy wants to store all of its precious videos to a
risks related to Cloud Computing and ways in which the user dedicated storage then it would come under private cloud and
could overcome the risks and issues in the cloud. The study also the academy also replies to the student using email, so email is
consists of the security needed in cloud and how the cloud
nothing but is an example of public cloud. So, this example
company manage to secure the cloud from hackers and different
suits for hybrid cloud.
Selvi et al. [3] demonstrated Community cloud as when
Keywords— Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture,Types of many organizations which come with one idea that lets buy
clouds, Cloud provider, Data intigrity, Cloud Confidentiality. one storage and let’s try to divide the part of storage for us.
For example, assume there are three companies which are
sharing the storage between them then this is Called the
I. INTRODUCTION community cloud.
Cloud Computing is a network-built handling invention
where information is provided to customers on demand. Cloud
Computing is a registering phase for dissemination of
advantages and assets that involve structures, programming,
applications, introduction and commerce. Distributed
computing is a robotic supply of handling assets.
Present Cloud Computing systems poses serious severe
restrictions to protect confidentiality of user’s data. Since
user’s sensitive data is accessible in unencrypted forms to
remote machines and operated by third party service
providers. There are many techniques for the protection of
user’s data from attackers.
The user can access the storage anytime and anywhere
without carrying an external hard drive. The data that is stored
in a cloud is safer than the data stored in a hard drive. It is
much cheaper and efficient source to use.
Figure 1 Characteristics of Cloud Computing
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Security of data on the cloud can be sometimes IAAS Structure as-an Administration is obtainable in the
questionable. Table.1 demonstrates the list of Cloud specific base layer, where all resources are amassed and supervised
challenges faced by the users and potential cloud security physically. PAAS Programming as-an Administration arranges
auditing algorithms. Drawbacks, upshots in cloud and need of in the best level, in which a cloud provider also restrains client
the security and its challenges are mentions in the given table. versatility by basically providing programming uses as an
Table 1. List of Cloud Challenges For example: Google provides the platform for execution of
S. AREA CLOUD CHALLENGES the java programme, so the user is writing the Java programme
No but doesn’t have the platform for execution of the code. So, the
A) Lack of Control [12]
user is giving the code to google for execution of the code
Execution, Financial and Solution Controls Are created by him. SAAS is when a user does not have its own
1. Drawbacks software, this user depends on the companies. The companies
Several Levels of Controls Has to Be Considered in
in Cloud
Cloud. have their own software. So, tis user is using the company’s
B) Security Management [18] software with help of an interface. For example: Gmail
Explores the Difficulties of Securing Data and
Information of The User
software it has not been into your mobile, that is nothing but an
C)Server Unavailability [2] interface. Google has maintained the Gmail software. So,
If A Server Goes Down User Does Not Have Direct Google maintains all the software and you are using Gmail
Access to Its Data Stored in The Cloud. with an interface.
D) Limited Features [11]
Features Depends on The Plan the User Has Chosen.
Single Software Serves Multiple Customers
F) Access Control [10] A. Lack of Control
Regulates Who Can View or Use Resources on
Cloud. Kumar and Raj [12] explained the data that the user stores
A) Loss of Data [2] in the cloud can become accessible to more cloud customers
Data Is Destroyed by Failure in Storage or than the user want. In some cases, the user deals with the
2. Upshots
Processing. machines, which are controlled by other cloud providers. If the
in Cloud B) Data Breaches [14] user is putting data out there, then there is a chance that an
Sensitive or Confidential Data Is Stolen by
Unauthorized User.
unknown person from those third party might have access to
C) Insecure Interface [15] the user’s personal files, so if a person is dealing with Cloud
Reliance on Week Set of Interfaces Leads to Various Computing in their day to day life then the user should put
Security Issues. restrictions on what other users are able to see in your account.
D) Account Hacking [9] The possible solutions overcome this type of problem is when
Cloud Is A Growing Target for Cyber Attackers
Because Of Valuable Data.
the user does not store important data on cloud or maybe the
A) Security of Data [4] data should be encrypted.
Broad Set of Controls Used to Protect the
3. Need Of
Confidential Data Stored in The Cloud.
When the user uses cloud services then the service
Security B) Protection of Network [17] provider is in control and not the user. Hence, he has the
Ensuring Data Confidentiality of Organization and ability to go through any user’s data without making the user
Ensuring Proper Access Control. know.
A) Cloud Accountability [1]
Holistic Approach to Achieve Trust and Security in User has no guarantee that the service he uses today would
4. Security
Cloud. be provided to him for the same price. The service provider
B) Data Integrity [5] might double the price at the next moment. The service
Accuracy and Constancy of Data Stored in The provider controls all the cloud services and the service
C) Cloud Confidentiality [8] provider might make users data hostage if one fails to pay the
Provides Access to Sensitive and Protected Data service provider at a given time.
Authorized User.
D)Threats [17] B. Security Management
Cyber-Attacks, Inside Threats, Legal Liability and
Lack of Support The other challenge the user has is that a third party
E) Cloud Integrity [7] manages the actual data in the cloud. If the user accesses the
Ensuring That the Data Is Accurate and Safeguarded mail then the security is not managed by users for the security
the Data. the user depends on the mail company which manages the
user’s security. The mail company makes sure that the user
mail stays safe and no one gets the information that the user
B. Architecture has in the mail.
Babul and Kumar [15] explained the three main service in
Cloud Computing are SAAS which is software as a service. C. Ownership
Then there is PAAS which means software as a service and Subramanian and Jeyaraj [1] explained that in many big
IAAS which means infrastructure as a service. companies and public providers have some clause in their
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contract that the data stored in the cloud is the providers and Memory, storage, CPU, Namespace, Physical building. But
not the consumers. Therefore, they have the power to search due to some technical problem or server issue the users private
costumer data to create new opportunities for themselves. information could be accidentally be leaked to other tenants
There are so many cases when the cloud provider goes out of sharing the resources due to multitenancy in public Cloud
business and sell their costumer data as a part of asset to other Computing. This one flaw in the server can cause a big
companies. They search costumer data to find opportunities to problem, could allow other users to see one’s personal
earn some extra money. So always choose a reliable service information, and could misuse one’s personal information to
provider as your stored data could be in a risk. earn some benefits.
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Loss of data: As the organizations, outsource their entire
data to the people who provide service. There are many cases
where the user loses his data due to a malicious attack,
because of server crashes or because of provider negligence
As we know that, any breach to a cloud server will result
in data leak for all of the users sharing the same database. This
usually happens when any malicious activity or any bad actor
get in the server and leaks the information. Parwekar et al. [9]
in their paper "Public auditing: Cloud data storage" explained
about account hacking in a cloud.
The mode of interaction between the user and provider is
through API with the help of which the client can control and Figure 2. Security Attributes of cloud
manage the data. The client is accessing the cloud data using a
password, which can be stolen or hijacked. It is a serious issue The verification of the data Integrity is made at two levels
as when an attacker uses all the resources then the other user of cloud. There are many ways due to which the data Integrity
cannot access their data. is impacted due to these two levels. Since Cloud Computing is
not only about storage and needs some intense computation to
IV.NEED FOR SECURITY perform its task the user has no way to verify that the data is
intact or not.
Dai et al. [4] explained that the customer that are
depending on Cloud Computing are basically proportionate to
a person depending on exposed transference because it drives Data loss: The SAAS platform is delivered to the clients
one to belief over one who has no access, restrictions what one with vast data. Due to Unreliability of the cloud, the data can
can send, and topics us to standards and date-books that be misplaced or manipulate during the process of data
wouldn't have any critical behavior if one had their own Integrity.
specific vehicles. Cloud clients aren’t careful about the zone
of the data and finally need to rely upon the cloud authority
association for rehearsing appropriate wellbeing endeavors. A. Cloud Confidentiality
Amol D and Rastogi [8] explained in their paper that
Besides legal security necessities, it is essential to discuss
Secrecy is characterized as the confirmation that touchy data
some straightforward security necessities like authentication,
isn't unveiled to unapproved people, procedures, or Gadgets.
Integrity, transparency, confidentiality, availability. Security
i.e., client’s information and calculation errands are reserved
in application level- Security must be provided to applications
classified from both the cloud dealer and different clients.
in order to stop providing opportunities to stop attackers to
Privacy is one of the greatest worries with respect to circulated
gain control over client’s private data. The issues to be
computing. This is to a great extent as of the way that clients
addressed at this level are:
outsource their material and calculation assignments on cloud
Cookie Poisoning, DDoS, Manipulation of hidden field, servers, organized and overseen by deceitful cloud suppliers.
Attack on dictionary, Google Hacking.
The specialist co-op recognizes where the clients’
classified information is located in the distributed computing
V. CLOUD SECURITY CHALLENGES frameworks. The specialist organization has the benefit to
Subramanian and Jeyaraj [1], Accountability of cloud gather the client's private information. Specialist organization
allows the cloud users to ensure obligations to protect data and can comprehend the significance of client’s information. The
are noticed by all who process the cloud data. Cloud providers authentication and access control for the cloud is dependent on
provide proper control and transparency over their data. They the service providers. The user only chooses the authentication
can access and update the data whenever there’s a and security needed to secure its data in the cloud.
requirement. Data should be protected using strong cloud data B. Threats
encryption techniques. There are some data outsource to the
cloud by the company are meant to be restricted to a particular Cross-VM ambush looks at how others may harm secretly
state or area such confidential or sensitive data is meant to be cloud customers that co-staying with the setback, despite the
confined and defined geographical boarders. Policies need to way that it isn't the fundamental hazard can implement strikes
be made to ensure the Integrity of such data and ensure the by getting to the recall of a customer's VMs. For instance, Xen
data residency. The enterprise is responsible for any breaches get to engages a sysadmin to explicitly get to the VM.
of data and must ensure strict cloud security. Advantaged framework administrator of the cloud benefactor
reminiscence Protection strategies. Khan [17] explained the
threats in Cloud Computing.
Data Integrity: There might be a chance that the data
stored in the cloud may suffer some transmission and it may There are various possible threats that the mystery files
result in loss of data. So, Regular upkeep should be done to (cash related, prosperity) and individuals’ details (singular
confirm that data is safe. profile) is unveiled to open or professional contenders.
Assurance is a problem of most vital need. All through this
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substance, the user sees assurance preservability as the middle Preservability is a strict type of privacy, because of the idea
quality of security. Two or three security qualities clearly or that they avert data spillage. Along these lines, if cloud
roundaboutly affect insurance preservability, including secrecy is ever disregarded, protection preservability will
protection. Clearly, with a particular ultimate objective to likewise be damaged. Like other security benefits, the
shield private data from being uncovered, mystery winds up significance of cloud protection is two-crease: information
vital, and trustworthiness ensures that data/computation isn't protection and calculation security. It is recommended that
corrupted, which by some methods stick security. Encryption ensure security in spread enlisting. It empowers
depend on blended information, which is anchored in the
Preservability is a strict type of privacy, because of the addressed servers of the cloud supplier.
idea that they avert data spillage. Along these lines, if cloud
secrecy is ever disregarded, protection preservability will CONCLUSION
likewise be damaged. Like other security benefits, the The article clearly outlines that Cloud Computing is a
significance of cloud protection is two-crease: information widely accepted concept for the ease of storing the data, but its
protection and calculation security. It is recommended that biggest setback is the security issues. Each new advancement
Fully Homomorphic Encryption ensure security in spread has its upsides and disadvantages, there are an issue identified
enlisting. It empowers depend on blended information, which with anchoring, coordinating information, that isn’t managed
is anchored in the addressed servers of the cloud supplier. by the owner of the information. With issues intertwine cloud
unwavering quality, cloud secret, cloud accessibility, cloud
affirmation. The most important thing in the public Cloud
C. Protection Ideas Computing is multitenancy. The meaning of the word is that in
a public cloud several users share the same sources like
To decrease hazard began by shared framework, couple of
memory, storage etc. Due to some technical issue or some
proposals are made to shield the assault in every progression
server problem the user’s private information could be
are given in. For example, cloud suppliers might jumble co-
accidentally shown to other users sharing the resources. So,
home by not letting Dom0 to react in trace route, as well as by
most of these problems could be solved if a user chooses a
arbitrarily appointing inner Internet Protocol to propel VMs.
secured service provider, who’s service is good and are giving
To lessen the achievement percentage of arrangement, cloud
access to the cloud at a reasonable price. Authentication is
suppliers may give clients a chance to select the position to
important in the Cloud Computing as it implements many
place their VMs; be that as it may, this technique does not
benefits as well as disadvantages in the cloud. So, everyone
keep a savage power procedure.
should think twice before storing data in the cloud. The risks
could be reducing by storing your personal data and work data
A definitive preparation of cross-VM assault is to wipe co-
individually in separate accounts as because of the data stored
residency. Cloud clients (particularly undertakings) may need
in the cloud would be more secured. And the second thing is
physical segregation, which can be built into the
to always choose a known and secured service provider. Then
Administration Level/Stage Assertions (SLAs). To guarantee
again, reliability of cloud is endangered because of the
segregation, a client should be empowered to check its VMs
hardship and degenerate figuring in remote servers. Proper
restrictive utilization of a physical engine.
data ownership services should be used Lastly proper
Parwekar et al. [9] in their paper “Public auditing: Cloud
management strategies and keeping checks on the employees
data storage”
are the measures to secure data in hybrid Cloud Computing.
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