Song of God
Song of God
Song of God
the Ahgendai
Song of God
Occurrences: 16 - “Song of God” 7 - “Song” 17 - “this book”
First Reference: Wisdom 28:10
And in this temple shall the “Song of God” take living form, to fill the eyes with wonder, forging
through both form and music, a depth of vision which will inspire the mind with all the dreams of God.
See: Archie D. Wood Sr, Azrael, Book of Endowments, Five Radical Propositions, Kai-
Summary: The Song of God: Living Gnosis of the Ahgendai, is a new book of scripture
brought forth by Archie D. Wood, Sr. (aka Azrael Ondi-Ahman). Comprised of twelve
independent yet interrelated books and more than a half a million words, the first edition of
the Song of God was published in its entirety in June of 2008. A second edition was
published in 2015. It is claimed by the author that the Song of God represents the advent
of the sixth dispensation and the restoration of gnosis for all humankind.
The scripture is presented as a gift from God (7:2:36) — which God is described as a
Supreme Human Collective which has traveled from the future to redeem the seed of Their
beginning in the far distant past. The Song of Godis put forth as a collection and restoration
of previously revealed gnosis, as well as an advancement and revelation of new and
sacred knowledge (W:29:24-25). The Song of God claims to reveal the true heart and mind
of God so that the reader may be liberated and empowered to know and experience their
greater self. Near the conclusion of the scripture, the Supreme Mother of Heaven invites
her children to partake in the wisdom and mystery of theSong of God (7:1:44-46):
44. So come my child and be you wise and walk a while with me, and I
will guide you through this life which swirls and rushes by, to open up
before your eyes the mysteries of your soul and there within the deepest
deep reveal the thing you are.
45. For here upon these very pages is wisdom finely gathered, a book
of light and secret turnings, a book of joy and hope; this the book which I
would give — this book of the Heavenly Mother.
46. So come my child and hear my counsel, let us wend our way, and
through the spirit of many Mothers shall I most quick enlighten, to make
most bright what now seems dark and fill you up with healing.
7th Endowment 1:44-46
Wood claimed that one of the reasons he was chosen by God to write a new book of
scripture was because he had previously developed five propositions which accurately
described the nature of God and this universe. These “Five Radical Propositions” became
the framework for the ontology presented in the Song of God:
1. God did not create this world or the cosmos in which we live.
2. God did not create the universe because at the time of its creation, God did not exist.
3. This world we call Earth is the place where God began. Furthermore,
God is and must be human.
4. God traveled back through time, bringing some of their children with them in an effort
to save the world on which God began.
5. Without death, eternal life is not worth having.
Writing Process
According to Wood, the seven years of initial instruction that preceded the writing of
scripture (1979-1986) consisted of learning a special type of mathematics that was to be
implemented in the scripture writing process. In 1986, Wood began fulfilling his commission
with work on what would become the first book of the Song of God, called the Book of
Beginnings. After twenty-one years, in November of 2007, the Song of God was
The entire Song of God was originally written in longhand over the course of twenty-one
years. The author did most of his writing in public establishments located in Pocatello,
Idaho. Wood never used a typewriter or computer to do any of his writing, nor did he ever
dictate scripture to a secretary or scribe. The original documents or photo-copies of the
hand-written documents were provided to a trusted disciple to be transcribed using a word
According to Wood, throughout the twenty-one year writing process, he was provided with
gradual increments of information and gnosis via direct communion with members of
the Elohim. He would then determine how best to portray and communicate the information
he received. With the exception of the 6th and 7th Endowment, all content in the Song of
God was written by Azrael under the whispering influence of Heavenly Mother. This should
not imply in any way that these books are less sacred than the 6th and 7th Endowment,
which, according to Azrael, were dictated to him directly by the Supreme
Father and Mother of Heaven, The One and Areta.
Book of Beginnings (1986) Through a series of historically based parables, this book
reveals details concerning the Great Leap Forward: a time when the children of God first
came to dwell among the native evolutionary modern humans (the “children of men”) to
establish the promise of eternal life. This book traces the genetic line and influence of both
the Adaam and the Fallen during the first two dispensations. Insights are offered pertaining
to the agenda of the Elohim, the Fallen, the Demiurge, and the rise and fall of ancient yet
advanced civilizations.
Book of Wisdom (1987-2007) According to Azrael, this book was the most difficult to
write. It was also the last of the twelve books to be completed. The book of Wisdom is
comprised of three sections:
- The Indictment (chapters 1-13)
- Gnosis Revealed (chapters 14-26)
- Last Words of Azrael (chapters 27-29)
Book of Yeshua (1989) Contains the historical teachings of Yeshua Ben Joseph, the man
commonly referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. This material provides a detailed account of
Yeshua’s ministry and transcendence. From the sermons of John the Baptizer, to Yeshua’s
post-resurrectional teachings, this book gives contextual insight for all who would become
as the Only Begotten.
Book of Pearls (2000 / 2004) Meditations for spiritual mastery. The first seven Pearls
(“Great I Ams”) were written in 2004 and placed at the beginning of the book.
1st Endowment (1995) Follow the author as he is taken on a journey through time and
space to the celestial realms of Elohim, where questions are answered and mysteries
2nd Endowment (1996) God’s defense of humankind against the Demiurge, Jehovah-
Yahweh. Major themes include: the nature of man, human sexuality, true worship,
reincarnation, liberation, and redemption.
3rd Endowment (1997) Reveals the miracle surrounding the birth and evolution of God.
An epic story of love, war and intrigue, this book provides historical context surrounding the
first human to create soul and survive death with personality intact.
4th Endowment (1998) Follows the creation of the First Heaven, and progression of the
first assembly of spirit children brought forth by God. This book reveals the founding
principles of eternal progression and dispensationalism, offering practical wisdom that will
empower any student along their path of transformation and transcendence.
5th Endowment (2003) Reveals the circumstances and purposes behind the creation of
the Chief Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, and the mystery brought forth as a counter-balance,
known as the Ahgendai. Learn how the kingdoms of Heaven are protected from mediocrity
and complacency, and gain new perspective regarding concepts such as: creation, duality,
opposition, balance, and renewal.
7th Endowment (2005) Dictated to Azrael in English by the Supreme Mother of Heaven
on December 24, 2005, this book is Heavenly Mother’s personal address to her children.
Beginnings 55,524 29 1,545 (4)
Yeshua 90,214 52 3,209 (1)
Wisdom 49,134 29 1,240 (5)
Enlightenment 23,335 14 675 (10)
Pearls 5,655 1/29* — (12)
1st 24,201 12 541 (9)
2nd 31,019 12 709 (8)
3rd 81,959 32 1,968 (3)
4th 89,027 32 1,993 (2)
5th 48,213 17 1,165 (6)
6th 39,276 13 825 (7)
7th 15,067 7 304 (11)
For the Song of God is made the gift which we from Heaven give, to
be for you a place of learning filled with sacred wisdom; a place where
you and God might meet and there but sweet embrace, a place of refuge
from the storm where you might find deliverance.
7th Endowment 2:36
1. To all those who would take to their souls the mind of God, I set forth
my hand to reveal the hidden wonders of all his mysteries, that you might
find herein the shadow of your greater selves.
2. Give forth, therefore, of a ready mind and an eager heart; be you
determined with a great resolve, and I shall make known in you what no
eye has seen, no ear has heard, no hand has touched, or has ever
entered the mind of any man from the beginning of the world till now.
3. That you may stand before the congregations of the faithful being
girded on every side with deep wisdom and holiness, that you may
become even as the Heavenly Father or the Heavenly Mother before all
the children of men, that they may find in you the beginning of many
4. Attend therefore with all diligence and patience the reading of this
book; cling you dearly to that faith which is born in you already, and give
not your voice to doubt lest the way upon which you tread be made
perilous and dark, troubling the soul with an endless debate.
5. For that which leads to exaltation cannot be cheaply had; for the
things which come from God are become as the greatest of all costly
pearls, for which, when a man finds, he will sell all that he has that he
might possess it for himself.
6. Let therefore the words of this book dwell richly in you; for the words
which I would place in the heart of man have I drawn from the soul, and
they are life.
1st Endowment 1:1-6
Let therefore all those who should read the words of this book, put
away all envy and hate; being made all still and quiet with joyful
expectation; for into your keeping would the Father give an abundance
of heavenly things, if it so be that you would turn loose from the soul the
shadows of endless doubting.
For herein would I grant unto you that certain knowledge whereby you
might give before the adversary a ready defense of the children of men;
for in so small a seed as man has there come forth that heavenly glory
from which you have sprung; being filled in your souls already with all
manner of goodness and joy exceeding.
Therefore is it required of you also, that having taken to your souls the
mysteries of God, that even you should go forth to bless the children of
men with all manner of goodly grace;
Teaching unto them always the peaceable things of Heaven; giving
unto all who seek, tender words of life and joy, that they may be
endowed from above with strength and wisdom; being ennobled within
and without by the only true knowledge which is come from God;
Becoming in their very persons even as their Heavenly Father and
Heavenly Mother, which even now do wait most anxiously the coming
forth of many children into that glory which leads to exaltation in the
kingdom of God, even worlds without end.
Let all those therefore who would read herein the words of this book
put away all pettiness of heart and mind, being made free of such
entanglements as would make small and lowly the soul within; for into
your very heart and soul would I pour forth still the greater portion; that
there might spring up within the mind the only true wisdom which is
come from God.
Adding by some measured word the power beyond all power, and the
glory beyond all glory; that you, being made fixed and firm within by
some holy resolve, might know more fully the mysteries of eternity.
2nd Endowment 1:3-9
For the scriptures which come from God are the guide and blueprint of
all your life, giving to your mind a map which you can trust; directing and
encouraging the energies of the self, to fill you up with a purpose far
beyond yourselves.
Thus into your keeping would the scriptures give the understanding of
many things, causing that you should be delivered from such things as
would make your life an utter waste, making way within your soul a place
where all things beautiful might firm take root.
4th Endowment 27:56-57
For in this Song of God is found the way you ought to go, proving for
you a path of light which guides you through the darkness, showing forth
within its pages a life of greater worth, holding up before your eyes the
likeness of God and Heaven.
7th Endowment 6:21
If then you would awaken the priesthood of your soul then take you
now this Song of God and learn it deeply well, committing to your
memory the words of life and joy, becoming yourself as one made holy
by seizing hold of God.
Let the Song of God be for you as daily bread and the breath of all
your life, to fill you up with holy counsel, to light the way before, to lift you
up above the storms which often rage about, placing you safe upon that
shore where the light of God does shine.
Let it prove itself a mighty river which flows within your soul, till you
yourself become the river filled with life abundant, rushing on and ever
flowing within the ocean of my dreams, to become yourself as one with
God in the living of your life.
Prove yourself as one most wise and in my words find strength, for the
clouded mind does not see, neither can it know that the things of God
are born of spirit and are made by God most subtle, requiring from those
who would partake an eager and joyful faith, opening up before your
eyes the wonder beyond all wonders.
Embrace therefore with hopeful heart this Song which Heaven sings,
and make your life become the song which moves the heart of God; and
song to Song the Heavens move like lovers in a dance, you in God and
God in you forever and anon.
7th Endowment 7:12-16
For the Song of God is like a house, filled with many mansions, each to
each an endless realm filled with many kingdoms; possessing within this
book of books, an endless horizon filled with God; always reaching
beyond your dreams, to take you further still.
Wisdom 29:31
Content and Chronology of Authorship
2008 The Song of God was published for the first time in its
Notes —
The entire Song of God was originally written in longhand. The
author never used a typewriter or computer to do any of his writing,
nor did he ever dictate scripture to a secretary or scribe. With the
exception of the 6th and 7th Endowment, all previous books in
the Song of God were written under the whispering influence of
Heavenly Mother. This should not imply in any way that these books
are less sacred than the 6thand 7th Endowment, which were
dictated directly to the author.
Chapter 1
The Ancient of Days descends, and speaks to the Teacher a great parable – Michael and his Beloved
dream – Adam and Eve come to the earth to dwell among the children of men – Adam and Eve teach
and give knowledge – Birth of Cain and Abel – Cain teaches blacksmithing, commerce, trusting in the
arm of the flesh – Abel teaches husbandry, farming, music, and writing – God is not pleased with Cain’s
1 And it came about that on a certain day while the Teacher was walking in a lonely place that the
Ancient of Days descended from above to speak unto him, saying:
2 “Behold, the day has come which was promised, for unto you is it given to establish the tabernacle of
God upon the earth, that there might be peace among the nations of many people, that the children of
men and women might know of a surety the Lord their God, for he shall come among them, and as a
loving Father he shall heal them of many sorrows.”
3 And the Teacher spoke, saying: “How can this thing come to pass? Have you not seen the great evil
which afflicts the souls of the children of men? Consider how they war, one against the other. How shall
I establish the tabernacle of God among these people, seeing that their faith is diminished by great
4 From whence came this wickedness among the children of men that they should despair continually
against the Lord of Hosts? What knowledge shall I give unto these many, that they might prepare the
way of the great God?”
5 And the Ancient of Days spoke unto the Teacher a great parable, saying: “In the beginning did Michael
and his Beloved together dream, and Adam and Eve came unto the earth that God might breathe into
man the breath of life, whereby the children of men might possess a living soul.
6 Now Adam dwelt for a season in the land between the great rivers, even the Tigris and Euphrates, and
he walked among the children of men eastward in Eden. And when he saw that the land was good, he
planted a garden there.
7 And the children of men marveled greatly concerning the coming of the son of God, for Adam was
even as a giant among them, and his beauty and comeliness was glorious to behold, and his wisdom was
beyond comprehension.
8 For this cause did the children of men exclaim unto one another, saying: “Behold, a God has come to
dwell upon the earth.” And they were fearful of Adam and Eve because of their greatness before them.
9 Now in the days when Adam and Eve began to walk upon the earth, the children of men dwelt upon
the land even as the beasts of the field, for they did live in the caves and deep places of the earth, and
their speech was crude and hard to understand, and they did clothe themselves in the skins of animals.
10 But Adam and Eve had compassion upon the children of men and in the evening tide, Eve would sing
from the midst of Eden and all who heard would gather round about her, and they grew to love Eve,
even as their own mother, for she did nurture them with great tenderness.
11 Wherefore, in the beginning were the children of men innocent before God, for they knew neither
good nor evil, for the knowledge of such had not been given unto them.
12 For this cause did Adam walk among the inhabitants of the land, teaching unto them every good
thing which was expedient unto them. And Adam did give unto them a pure language that he might
more perfectly instruct them in the ways of knowledge.
13 And Adam built a house of brick and mortar wherein he and Eve might dwell during the days of their
sojourn upon the earth, and the eyes of men beheld Adam as he built unto himself a house and they
saw that it was made of curious workmanship, and they came unto Adam and desired that he teach
them his ways.
14 So Adam taught men to fashion brick from the clay of the earth and to make for themselves houses
wherein they might dwell in safety upon the land. And in that day Adam separated the children of men
from the beasts of the field.
15 Now after the sons and daughters of men had built unto themselves houses of brick and mortar,
they came again unto Eden and found Eve fashioning a dish of clay. And they besought Eve, saying:
“Great Mother, behold, the houses wherein we dwell are dark in the night, for there is no light within.”
16 Then Eve took a portion of clay and fashioned a lamp and filled it with oil and gave it unto the
children of men; and they rejoiced and danced about, for into their keeping was given a light whereby
darkness would flee from them.
17 And it came to pass that on a certain day Eve gathered unto herself the daughters of men and taught
them the law and covenant of marriage, that each man might have but one wife, and that each wife
might rest safely beside her husband. And she did command them straightly that the man should love
the woman and that the woman should love her husband.
18 And Eve taught unto the daughters of men the skills of weaving wherewith the children of men
might clothe themselves. Wherefore, the sons and daughters of men did consider that Adam and Eve
were Gods by reason of their great wisdom and holiness towards them.
19 Now Adam went forth among the sons of men, saying: “Come now and walk beside me, for I desire
to teach unto you every good thing which you might use for food, and that which is not good, even that
shall you not eat, lest you die by its bitterness.”
20 And Adam took the sons of men and walked about the land and he did establish every seed which
was good and he did ordain it for the use of man, and every tree and the fruit thereof which was good
did he ordain for the use of man.
21 As also every plant and herb which was good to comfort man and make him whole did he ordain for
their use. And he commanded that these things should be used with care and wisdom always.
22 For this cause did the children of men come to worship Adam and Eve, for they did all things which
were expedient to teach the children of men great knowledge, but only as they were able to bear.
23 Now Adam and Eve loved each other greatly, and Eve took seed from Adam and bore a son, and she
did call him Cain. And he grew large in stature and had great cunning, insomuch that both man and
beast grew fearful of him.
24 And Eve conceived again and bore another son, and she called his name Abel, for he was comely and
loved the Lord his God with all his might, insomuch that the children of men were filled with wonder
towards the God of Abel.
25 And Adam taught his sons in all his ways and commanded them that they should teach the children
of men knowledge, that they might benefit therefrom, that they might fulfill the measure of their
26 For God shall give unto every man the breath of life, even the glory of God, whereby men might
become a living soul.
27 For in the day appointed did God determine to place within the heart of man the spirit children of
many great and mighty, that the sons and daughters of man should no longer be as the beasts of the
field, for he has declared the decree whereby all who are willing might become the sons and daughters
of God, the Father of All.
28 Therefore, woe unto that man who shall consider the children of men to be as beasts and who
inflicts misery unto the promise of God, for they shall be cut off, and their portion will be divided among
the desolate.
29 So Adam commanded his sons to teach the children of men every good thing and Cain went forth
among the inhabitants of the land and did fashion for them tools which they might use to till the soil and
to build.
30 And he taught them to gather together their dwellings into towns and cities that they might benefit
one the other. For Cain taught the children of men that they should not call upon the name of God in
times of trouble, but that they should help one another and to put their trust in the strength of their
own arm.
31 And he taught them to work in copper and bronze, and he did teach them the designs of trade and
commerce whereby men might purchase from one another according to the desires of their heart.
32 Now Cain took unto himself many wives, for the daughters of men were fair and comely. And the
children of men beheld Cain as some great one, for he was exceedingly large and he was cunning in all
his ways.
33 But Abel his brother taught the children of men the skills of husbandry, and they began to build
flocks and herds unto themselves. And he taught them to till the soil and to grow every grain and herb
which was for their good.
34 And Abel planted a grove of olive trees near Eden, and in the evening time he would walk in the cool
of the day, and the children of men would gather before him and he would teach them to play the flute
and the lyre.
35 Now on a certain day Abel fashioned a tablet of clay and he gathered to himself the sons and
daughters of men, and before them he did write upon the tablet.
36 And the children of men were astonished, for they perceived that some great power had been
engraved upon the tablet, and they besought Abel that he should teach them this thing.
37 So Abel taught them the skills of writing and language, and the children of men grew in wisdom and
in cunning, for they did follow the teachings of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve.
38 And God was gracious unto Abel, for he taught the children of men the ways of peace and holiness
always, and unto his sacrifice did God attend. And God blessed Abel over his brother Cain.
39 For with Cain was God not pleased, for he did put forth the hand of mischief unto the children of
men. For he taught them not to trust in God but to put their trust in the strength of their arm.
40 Therefore, God was not pleased with Cain and his sacrifice would he not accept. And Cain was
swallowed up in bitterness against God, and unto his brother Abel was Cain made envious, and he
brooded against him continually.
Chapter 2
Lucifer woos and seduces Cain with a song – Lucifer lifts the veil from Cain’s eyes – “Consider, Cain, how
you are like unto me” – Lucifer boasts of his plans to recompense Michael – Cain is persuaded to
contend against God – Cain teaches war, empire, usury, and distorts the teachings of Abel
1 Now in the beginning was Lucifer cast from Heaven, and he swore in his great anger to bring havoc
upon the children of men, that violence and deceit might rage in the hearts of many, that he might have
claim upon the souls of all who would obey him; that with these he might ascend again unto his Father
and take with violence the kingdom of Heaven.
2 Now in the days when Adam sojourned upon the earth, Lucifer went nigh unto the place where Cain
was wont to rest, and when he had drawn near, Lucifer began to sing. And when Cain heard the song he
marveled at the beauty thereof, for its melody did haunt him, and Cain drew nigh unto Lucifer.
3 And Cain beheld one sitting under a tree and his countenance and beauty were like unto the Ancient
of Days. And Lucifer did woo Cain by the beauty of his song; by the cunning of his words did he cause
Cain to cleave unto him.
4 Thus spoke Lucifer unto Cain, saying: “Greetings unto you, O son of God. You have chosen a good land
wherein to dwell. Consider how all the sons of men glory in your greatness.”
5 And Cain answered, saying: “Who are you that you should come to this place and sing your song unto
me? What have I to do with you?”
6 And Lucifer spoke, saying: “I have heard the cries of your soul. Behold how my ears have been
penetrated by your great sorrow. Therefore have I come unto you that I might give answer to your
prayers. Come now and speak unto me. Why is your countenance fallen and your joy vanished away?”
7 Then spoke Cain, saying: “Who are you that you should give answer to my prayers, or that the
thoughts of my heart should be made known to you?
8 Have you not seen how God has rejected my offerings unto the children of men, and how he has
preferred my younger brother over me? For this cause have I been made to sorrow, because Abel has
taken place before me.”
9 And Lucifer spoke unto Cain, saying: “Are you not the elder brother? Consider how the children of
men follow you as though you were some great one. Who is your father that he should think less of
10 Consider how the sons and daughters of men rejoice in the knowledge which you have granted unto
them according to your wisdom and power. Behold their many dwellings: Are they not made beautiful
and pleasant to the eye?
11 Who among the sons of Adam made both the plow and the reaper, that the sons of men might plant
and harvest in abundance, if not you? Has someone besides you given unto men the forge and the
12 How then is your brother made greater than you, seeing that he is but a youth? Why should God
bless Abel before many witnesses and scorn you? Is your name not great in the land and the strength of
your arm made known abroad?
13 Who is this Abel that he should bring shame upon you? For what cause has he set forth his hand to
separate you from the love of your father? Why should your brother glory in the strength of the Lord
and Cain be made to despair continually?”
14 And Cain took thought concerning the words which had been spoken unto him by Lucifer, and he
said unto him: “Why should one such as you come to me to comfort? What care have you between Cain
and Abel?”
15 And Lucifer answered Cain, saying: “Come now and let us reason one with another. Who shall give
answer to your prayers if not me? For I have come unto you that you might be comforted from your
many sorrows. By the power that I shall give into your hands shall you be comforted over your brother
16 Thus spoke Lucifer unto Cain, and he took the veil from before Cain’s eyes that he might understand
even all the words which should be spoken unto him. And Lucifer brought him to a remembrance of the
glory to be found in Heaven.
17 And Cain was made to see the glory that had once been as a covering unto Lucifer, for in the
beginning was he made the bearer of great light and power. And Lucifer caused that he should see how
that God had chosen his younger brother, even the Ancient of Days, over Lucifer, which thing caused
great sorrow in Heaven.
18 “Consider, Cain, how you are like unto me. For my Father, even Ahman, did prefer Michael over me.
Consider, therefore, how my Father scorned me for the sake of my younger brother, and how your
father also has scorned you for Abel’s sake.”
19 And Cain answered, saying: “Who is this Michael that the great Father of All should consider him
over you? What power has he that he should take from you your glory and that you should be cast down
unto the earth?”
20 And Lucifer answered, saying: “Behold, in the kingdom of my Father’s glory does Michael dream
together with his Beloved, and even now do they walk together among the sons and daughters of men
as though they were someone great.”
21 Then did Cain draw close unto Lucifer, saying: “Tell me now, where is this Michael that I might know
him, that I might take measure against his great cunning?”
22 And Lucifer spoke, saying: “Behold, your father Adam, even he is Michael, and that which he has
done unto me in the beginning has he done unto you also. For consider how he has taken away your
glory and caused that it should be given unto your brother, Abel.”
23 Now when Cain heard these things he grew angry and swore by a mighty oath that he would take
again his honor and his place before God, and he cursed his father and swore great vengeance against
24 And Lucifer to himself did smile, for he had taken unto himself the heart of Cain. Wherefore, Lucifer
commanded Cain, saying: “Consider even now, O son of Adam, by what means we shall take again the
glory that belongs to us by right.
25 For in the beginning did I speak unto my Father, saying: ‘Behold, if you cast me down to the earth,
then I will take these faithful spirits with me and I will whisper into the hearts of men, and with many
promises shall I entice the souls of men far from you.
26 And over the spirits which you have prepared to come down to the children of men shall I take unto
myself both power and dominion, and in that day shall I take again my glory.
27 For with great cunning shall I cause the nations of many people to shake, by the fierceness of my
wrath shall the earth be made to tremble, for in my right hand shall I bring war unto the children of
men, and in my left hand shall I bring forth pestilence of every kind.
28 For I shall cause violence to rage in the hearts of men, and they shall become drunk with blood, even
as with much wine; by the lusts of the flesh shall I consume many. I shall make the habitations of men
desolate, and fear shall lay hold of many.
29 Thus shall I bring havoc upon the earth, and the spirits which you have organized shall grow weary of
you by reason of many sorrows, and in that day shall the children of men rise up to curse the God of
30 So shall I gather unto myself the souls of men and therein shall my power increase, and I shall ascend
the highest Heaven to stand before God, and I shall recompense unto Michael according to his works
unto me.’
31 Therefore, consider, Cain, how together we shall ascend before the hosts of Heaven and take unto
ourselves the power and the glory; and all the souls of the children of men who shall follow you by
reason of your great cunning, even they shall rise up and bless you forever; for you shall be as a god
unto them throughout all time and eternity.”
32 And Cain trembled before the words of Lucifer and spoke unto him, saying: “How shall I contend
against God? By what designs shall I frustrate the plans of God? Behold how God does watch continually
over the children of men. In what season shall God slumber that I might stretch forth my arm to disturb
the works of his hand?”
33 And Lucifer answered him, saying: “Did not your father command that you should teach unto the
children of men great knowledge? And did not your brother teach them the skills of writing and
language? Now go and teach the children of men that by cunning words they might lay a trap unto their
neighbor, wherewith they shall get great gain. For it is not good that men should eat their bread by the
sweat of their brow.
34 Did you not teach the sons of men to work in copper and bronze? Therefore, go again among them
and teach them to make weapons of war and teach them also the songs of empire, that the children of
men might take glory by the strength of their arm.
35 And teach them the art of usury, that they might buy and sell from one another to take great gain
and power unto themselves. For, behold, is not power better than weakness, and cunning ways better
than faith all together?
36 Thus shall you corrupt the teachings of your brother, Abel, and you shall give unto the children of
men the power of the sword. And you shall receive unto yourself great glory, for by your cunning and
dark designs shall you be as a god unto the children of men, and by their works shall they praise you
throughout all the dispensations of time.
37 Thus shall you avenge yourself against your brother, for the children of men shall take power unto
themselves, and they shall take from your brother the fruits of all his labor.
38 And I shall recompense unto Michael, evil for evil, that I might avenge myself against my younger
brother, even as you shall avenge yourself against Abel.”
39 And when Lucifer had finished speaking, Cain withdrew from him that he might consider all the
words which had been spoken unto him by the Fallen One.
Chapter 3
Marriage of Abel and Yoshibel – Matriarchal priesthood is established – Cain is angry and jealous
towards Abel – Yoshibel has a son, Gimmel – Cain covenants with Lucifer to bring evil to the house of
Adam – Cain gathers sons of men, forges a sword – Teaches murder for gain and power – Cain murders
1 Now it came about that on a certain day the children of men were made to rejoice exceedingly, for
Abel took unto himself a wife from among the daughters of men.
2 And, behold, the woman was exceedingly fair and she dealt kindly with all living things, for she was of
the healing arts. Wherefore, the sons of men did call her name Yoshibel, which in the language of Adam
means Mother of Joy.
3 And upon a high mount did Adam build an altar and he caused to kneel before it both Abel and the
woman, that he might seal them together as husband and wife.
4 And Eve anointed the woman with sweet oil and laid her hands upon her, and ordained that she
should be a wife unto Abel.
5 Therefore on that day was the priesthood of the great Mother given unto the daughters of men. And
Eve commanded the woman that she should grant this priesthood unto all those daughters who should
be born unto her, even throughout all their generations of both mother and daughter.
6 Of all these things did the children of men bear witness, and Cain also, yet Cain was filled with anger
towards Adam, his father.
7 For in the day that Cain began to multiply wives unto himself, Adam and Eve took no thought to seal
their union as they had done unto his brother Abel. Neither did they pronounce upon him their
8 Now Abel knew his wife and she bore him a son and called his name Gimel, for he was filled with the
joy of life. And towards Abel was God pleased and he blessed him with every good thing, and the
children of men had respect for Abel, for God was with him always.
9 But Cain hated his brother and desired to kill him; therefore he did covenant with Lucifer to bring
great evil unto the house of Adam, that he might avenge himself against his father.
10 Now Cain gathered unto himself all the sons of men, and he built a forge whereby he might melt
copper and tin. And he fashioned a small sword before many witnesses, and when he had made it, he
brought forth a small lamb and struck off its head, saying:
11 “See now, you sons of men, how on this day, Cain shall give unto you great power over the children
of many people, for by the strength of your arm shall you take from all who are weaker than you
whatever your heart shall desire. For by the strength of your arm shall you make your cities to become
kingdoms and nations upon the face of the land.
12 Therefore I shall teach unto as many as will this great secret, whereby you might murder to get great
gain. For why should you labor when it is an easy thing to take unto yourselves all that you will? Who
shall there be to stand against you if you are strong and mighty and have girded yourselves for battle?”
13 And the sons of men drew back from Cain, for they feared him, for they had never yet killed any man
his neighbor. And they spoke to him, saying:
14 “Cain, you are mighty and filled with cunning, yet we fear to war lest we make God angry and in his
anger he shall depart from us, and we shall be made to dwell alone among the beasts of the field. What
you ask of us is too much to bear, for we have never at any time shed man’s blood.”
15 And Cain answered, saying: “Did you not know, have you not heard that God has desired to make
you in his image and likeness, that you might attain unto the glory of God and become heirs of the
16 Why then do you fear to be alone in the land, seeing that by my word I shall make you as gods? For I
shall set before you the power of life and death, and into your hands shall I give the knowledge of good
and evil.
17 For has not God commanded that I should teach you every good thing which is expedient for your
learning? Wherefore, have I not taught you that to be strong is better than weakness, and the strength
of your arm better than faith?
18 Come now and cease your fears, for this day I shall give unto you power and dominion over all your
neighbors, for to kill and get gain is good. And who shall recompense evil unto you, seeing that I have
made you strong and mighty?
19 For I say unto you that God shall not be angry with you, seeing that you have been given power over
life and death. Therefore, gird up your loins and be strong. For this day I shall give into your keeping the
knowledge of this great power.
20 This day shall I show you who is the greater, Cain or God, that you may know who it is that cares for
you. Come now, you sons of men, and learn great cunning, for today I shall make you mighty before all
the creations of God.”
21 Now after Cain had said these things, he took the sons of men and hid them in a small meadow. And
when he had accomplished this, he took the sword and walked towards Eden.
22 And when he drew nigh unto the garden, he called unto Abel, who was walking among the flocks,
and he besought his younger brother to walk with him a little way.
23 And together did Cain and Abel walk unto the meadow wherein Cain desired to murder his brother.
And when they arrived at a certain place, Cain drew forth his sword and he struck Abel three times, and
Abel was made to perish before the sons of men; by the hand of his brother was he slain.
24 Then did Cain rejoice greatly before the sons of men, and he took from Abel’s body a horn of oil
sweet and fragrant, and a shepherd’s staff, and he spoke, saying: “You sons of men, consider how that
by the strength of my arm I have murdered my brother to get this gain.
25 Therefore if your neighbor has offended you, satisfy yourself against him. By such means shall you
take by force both power and glory, for where is the God of Abel now, seeing that Abel is dead? Who,
therefore, is the greater? Abel’s God, or he who slew his brother?”
26 So on that day did the hearts of men grow evil, and they became anxious to follow Cain and to take
unto themselves great power.
Chapter 4
Adam asks Cain about Abel’s absence – Cain reveals his anger and intent – An angel comes and
converses with Adam – The curse of Cain and the mercies of God – The angel sets a mark upon Cain –
Cain travels to the land of Nod and establishes Sumer
1 Now Adam went calling unto Cain, and when he had found him, he said: “Where is your brother,
Abel? Behold, we have looked for him upon the land and among the flocks, yet is he nowhere to be
found. Tell me, therefore, if you have seen your brother, for in the evening time he came not to sing in
the grove, neither came the children of men to hear him.”
2 And Cain answered his father, saying: “Have you made me my brother’s keeper? Have I now found
favor in your sight, that you should come to me?”
3 And Adam spoke unto Cain, saying: “Why is your anger waxed hot against me and your countenance
fallen? Did I not say unto you that if you would but turn aside from the pride of your heart, then surely
you will be accepted of God? Consider my son, how darkness lieth at the door and the Fallen One has
sought to have power over you.”
4 Then spoke Cain unto his father: “What greater evil shall there be than that a father should rob his
son of his inheritance, to take away the glory of the firstborn that you might give it unto another?
5 Did I not by your word teach the children of men every good thing? By whose word were the sons of
men made strong, that they might be made to trust in the strength of their arm? Wherefore, seeing that
I have obeyed you, why have you made me desolate and forsaken?
6 If there be any evil at my door, then it is by your hand that it has come upon me. Did you think that
you could hide yourself from me that I should not know who you are? Behold, you are Michael, and the
evil which you did unto your elder brother, even so have you done unto me.
7 Therefore, I shall take by the strength of my hand all that is mine by right, for I am the elder son. And I
shall avenge myself against my brother Abel, that I might restore again my inheritance before the
children of men, that the evil which you did unto Lucifer in the beginning might not be completed upon
8 Now after Cain had spoken these words, behold an angel of the Lord came and spoke privately unto
Adam in the presence of Cain, and when he had heard all the words of the Lord, Adam groaned to
himself, and he spoke unto Cain, saying:
9 “What evil have you done already? Behold, the blood of your brother cries to God from the ground.
What have you done unto your brother, Abel?”
10 And Cain trembled greatly before the angel of the Lord, for he came from the presence of God, and
he was clothed in much light and glory. Wherefore, Cain cried unto his father, saying: “In my anger I did
kill my brother that I might gain my honor before the children of men.”
11 And Adam with many tears spoke unto Cain, saying: “Behold, you are accursed from the land
because of this great evil. Therefore, when you should go forth to till the land, it shall bring forth thorns
and thistles unto you, and unto your seed also.
12 For you shall ever be as a fugitive and a vagabond upon the earth. There shall no place be found
where you might rest from your evil, and all those who shall see you from among the sons of men shall
scorn you and hate you.
13 With what cunning did Lucifer turn your heart from the Lord your God? What promises spoke he
unto you that he should turn your soul from the love of your father and mother, and cause that you
should lift up the hand of violence against your brother?
14 Because you have done this great evil before the sons of men, you shall be cut off from the presence
of the Lord, and all those among the children of men who shall lift up the hand of violence to commit
murder, even they shall be as your sons and daughters.
15 And Lucifer shall be cast far from the children of men; in the dispensation of the fullness of times
shall God send forth his mighty one and he shall make even the evil one to dwell in desolation.
16 Yet unto all who shall fall from the presence of God because of your evil, even unto them shall God
provide a way whereby their sins might be forgiven them if they will but turn to him; by the election of
his grace shall he restore as many as will unto himself.”
17 Now when Cain heard this, he wept because of his sin and he spoke unto his father, Adam, saying:
“Surely my punishment is greater than I can bear. For this day have I been driven from the presence of
18 And all who see me shall curse me and seek to slay me, and there shall be for me no refuge, neither
hiding place wherein I might safely dwell.” And Cain wept sorely because of the judgment which was
passed upon him.
19 Then did the angel of the Lord speak unto Cain, saying: “Why are you sorely grieved? Did you not
know that the mercies of God towards you are without beginning of days or ending of years? Behold,
unto all who shall sin because of you shall God provide a way wherein they might be restored again unto
the Father of their spirits.
20 As for you, Cain, God has not utterly forsaken you. For though you are separated from the presence
of God, yet shall he provide a way whereby you may be restored if you will but repent of this great evil.
21 For by the seed of your righteous brother, Abel, shall God raise up unto the children of men great
and mighty prophets; even the Anointed One shall he cause to come forth from the seed of Abel.
22 Therefore whatsoever man shall lift up his hand to slay you, unto that man shall God apportion
seven times your punishment. For God delights not in the death of the wicked, lest the days of their
repentance be cut short from them.”
23 And the angel of the Lord set a mark upon Cain, the son of Adam, that all who should see him might
know of the mercies of God, lest anyone finding him should stretch forth the hand to kill him.
24 Then did Cain go out from the presence of his father and he took his many wives and dwelt in the
land of Nod, and there did gather unto him all who made with him a covenant to take power and
dominion over the souls of men.
25 And Cain built a city and named it Sumer, for it was the mother of nations; and on the banks of the
Euphrates did he build it and all the children of men marveled at the greatness thereof.
26 And the sons of men feared Cain, for he was large and mighty, and there was great cunning in all his
Chapter 5
Adam comforts Eve and Yoshibel – The birth of Seth is foretold – The seed of Seth and house of Abel –
Seth is born – Adam and Eve gather the righteous – Adam speaks of his return at the Sacred Gardens of
Ondi-Ahman – Adam and Eve ascend into Heaven
1 Therefore, by the murder of Abel were the children of men made to fear; by the death of the
righteous were they made to tremble before the hand of Cain.
2 So Adam gathered unto himself Eve, and with her the wife of Abel that he might comfort them; for
Eve mourned greatly at the murder of her son, Abel. And she did call forth unto the angels of Heaven
that they might take unto the great Father the soul of the righteous one.
3 And Adam spoke unto Eve and Yoshibel, saying: “Why are you grieved and sorrowing concerning the
death of the righteous? Shall the workers of iniquity prosper and the chosen of the Lord despair?
4 Shall the Lord not uphold the righteous to deliver them in the moment of affliction? Therefore, cease
your sorrow and rejoice, for in the bosom of God does Abel dwell; unto the rock of his salvation has the
godly taken refuge. For unto all who are righteous before God there is no death.
5 Behold, God shall not forget the righteousness of Abel; neither shall he forget the mother that bore
him. Therefore, take heart my wife and rejoice, for unto you shall God give seed again. And you shall
bear a son who shall be in the image of the godly, and you shall call his name Seth, for God has
appointed him in the place of Abel, whom Cain slew with the hand of wickedness.
6 And God shall bless Seth, and his seed shall prosper and multiply upon the land, that there might be
room found among the children of men for the sons and daughters of God, wherein they might come
forth to dwell upon the earth.
7 Thus shall God establish from among the seed of Seth a peculiar people, a holy nation; even a nation
of priests shall they be unto me. For God shall establish with them a covenant, that through them the
words of God might be given unto the people of many nations.
8 And I shall raise up from among them many prophets and wise men; through the seed of my faithful
son, Abel, shall God raise up holy men and women who shall go forth among them to preach the word
of God.
9 I shall cause it to be given unto them that they might teach the children of men great wisdom and
holiness; even the mysteries of godliness shall they desire to give unto them.
10 By the words of my prophets and holy men shall the evil of Cain be made to diminish from among
the children of men. And God shall send forth from the midst of his people, even from the house of
Abel, the very Anointed.
11 By his great knowledge shall he exalt the sons and daughters of God; surely he shall establish the
pathway of the godly, that all who are willing might inherit unto themselves the glory of God, even the
most Heavenly Father of All.
12 So shall God remove the evil of Cain from the face of the land. For through the seed of Seth shall the
covenant come; and by the seed of Abel shall the Anointed One be given unto mankind whereby evil
shall be done away.
13 And God shall cover the house of Abel with his own hand, that no evil should come upon them to
destroy until the day of election, when they shall be sent forth by the voice of God to walk among the
children of men, to proclaim loudly the day of the Lord.
14 And there shall come forth from the seed of Abel one who is great and mighty. He shall go forth from
the house of affliction, and he shall teach the children of men great wisdom. And as many as will shall he
make to become as prophets, seers, and revelators of God.
15 Even a teacher of heavenly things shall God cause to walk among the children of men. And as many
as shall have desire to know the mysteries of God shall he satisfy with deep understanding.
16 And he shall send forth the godly that they might establish among the peoples of many nations the
tabernacle of peace, that there might be room made for the coming forth of the great God when he
shall come in the fullness of time.
17 Therefore, grieve not overmuch concerning the murder of Abel your son, neither of Abel your
husband. For he is faithful who promised.”
18 Thus spoke Adam unto Eve and unto the wife of Abel also, that he might give forth comfort and
counsel, that he might speak peace unto the troubled heart in the hour of great sorrow.
19 And the seasons did pass and Eve brought forth a son and she called his name Seth, and he was in
the express image and likeness of his father, Adam.
20 So were the spirits of God multiplied unto Adam and Eve in the days of their sojourn upon the earth.
And Adam and Eve were fruitful, having many sons and daughters.
21 And Seth grew in grace and wisdom, and he taught the children of men in all the ways of his father,
even God.
22 Now in the last days, before Adam and Eve should leave the children of men, they gathered unto
themselves the fruit of their loins and also many of the children of men as would give heed unto their
words. And Adam spoke unto them, saying:
23 “Come, my children, and give ear, for the day of parting has come, the day of separation is upon me.
Therefore give ear unto the voice of your father, even the Ancient of Days, that you might receive unto
your soul the promise of election, whereby you shall become the sons and daughters of God.
24 Remember all the words which I have caused to be spoken unto you. For the days of our visitation
have come to a close; behold, our sojourn has hastened away.
25 Therefore, give heed to wisdom and forget not the instructions of your father, neither forget the
counsel of your mother, that the days of your life might spring up unto you as a fountain of living water,
that you might abide the presence of your God when he shall come to dwell among you.
26 Now take heart and be comforted for your God cares for you. For if I should go away from you, yet
shall I come again. In the fullness of time shall I come unto you and receive you unto myself.
27 For I shall come to a land which is choice above all others, a land which is far from you. And it shall
be called the Sacred Gardens of Ondi-Ahman, for it shall be the place where I shall visit my people, even
all those who shall make with me a covenant of righteousness.
28 By the hand of my servant who shall receive authority from on high, even he shall choose a land
wherein I might come to dwell among the fruits of your loins.
29 And if the land be not defiled by blasphemers, I shall surely come unto you, and if it be defiled, I shall
call forth the mighty one and even he shall appoint another in its stead. And whatsoever land he shall
choose, even that land shall be called the Sacred Gardens of Ondi-Ahman.”
30 Thus spoke Adam unto the remnant of his seed. And he drew unto his bosom the mother of men,
even Eve, and there came from Heaven the voice of God, saying: “Behold, you have done well my son.
Receive now the joy of your Father and the fullness thereof.”
31 And before the children of men did Adam and Eve ascend into Heaven. Thus was the dispensation of
First Man wrought by the Ancient of Days and his Beloved. And in dreams and songs did it spread over
all the inhabitants of the earth.
Chapter 6
Sons of Adam mingle with the daughters of men – Enoch is called to teach and gather the lovers of God
– Establishing Zion and the Tabernacle of Peace – Enoch travels to Sumer, converses with Cain – Enoch
asks for water during drought – Rain is promised in return for water and safe passage – Cain is gracious
towards Enoch – Enoch and the righteous settle near Lake Ishan
1 Now Adam and Eve sojourned upon the earth 930 years and they had many sons and daughters.
2 And it came to pass that the sons of Adam multiplied and they were as giants upon the face of the
land, and many sons and daughters were born to them and they did move upon the face of the earth, to
mingle with the children of men and women.
3 And the sons of Adam saw that the daughters of men were fair and comely, and they took unto
themselves, each man, many wives, which thing proved grievous unto Adam and Eve.
4 And Adam spoke unto the righteous, saying: “My spirit shall not always walk with men, for they are
but flesh and quick to do evil; therefore, I shall raise up prophets from among them, to turn them from
their evil ways, that they might have joy before the Lord and live.”
5 Now in the beginning, the Ancient of Days came forth unto the land of Ur in a mighty vision, and he
spoke unto a certain man named Enoch, saying: “Come, O son of man, and attend your ear unto the
words which I shall speak unto you. For I shall send you forth among the sons and daughters of men.
6 Behold, you are appointed to go forth and speak unto all who will, the words of the great Father, to
reprove many because of unrighteousness, that evil might not have power over the children of promise.
7 For unto you shall be given the spirit of the Lord, whereby you might bring forth much good to the
children of men. Therefore, fear not the evil which men shall do, for the Lord shall walk beside you
continually, in the hollow of his hand shall he cause you to stand, and the spirit of his joy shall surely
guide you, even unto life eternal.
8 Therefore in the holiness of God shall you find the covenant of his majesty. But as he that has called
you is holy, you be holy also, and the covenant of God shall cover you even as a mantle.
9 For this day shall I give into your keeping the Law of Zion, which law shall be for the uplifting of the
righteous, that they might be strengthened in the day of affliction, that they might go forth from Zion to
bless the children of men in the name of God, the Eternal Father and Mother.
10 Wherefore shall all who are called out from among the children of men covenant with God to walk
beside him daily, that he might stretch forth the hand of blessing, that he might lift up the soul of the
righteous unto joy and peace.
11 So shall you go forth among the children of men to establish Zion, even the tabernacle of peace shall
you cause to dwell upon the earth, that all who grow weary by way of evil, even they might come up to
Zion. And if they will but covenant to obey, they shall receive unto their soul great wisdom and blessing.
12 For you shall surely teach them the ways of peace and holiness, that the children of promise might
dwell safely in the bosom of both their Heavenly Father and Mother who are made to dwell in Heaven,
that the children of men might take to their soul the promise of life eternal.”
13 Thus spoke the Ancient of Days unto Enoch, even he who walked unbidden among the children of
men. And Enoch did wrap his soul in the instructions of the Lord; in knowledge and understanding did
Enoch go before the children of men.
14 Now Enoch went throughout the land of Ur calling unto himself all who desired to know the Lord
God, and as many as heard the words of Enoch, even they did follow after him.
15 And Enoch journeyed forth from the land of Ur and went southward towards the land of Nod, and
there went with him a great multitude of people. And they came nigh unto the walls of Sumer, the
mother of nations and of war.
16 Now when Cain, the son of Adam, heard that a great prophet approached nigh unto the walls of
Sumer, and that there was with him a multitude of people, he called forth his mighty men dressed for
battle, and he set some to guard the city and the others did he lead forth to meet Enoch.
17 Thus came forth unto the prophet, Cain the son of First Man, even he who slew his brother to get
gain. And Cain spoke unto Enoch, saying:
18 “Who are you that you should come forth with these many people? Are you come to war against
Cain and his mighty men of valor? Have you come forth to take with violence the glory of Sumer, the
mother of nations, which I did build among the children of men?”
19 But Enoch spoke graciously unto Cain, saying: “Greetings unto you Cain, son of Adam, greetings and
peace be upon your mighty men of valor. May the peace of God rest upon the house of Cain.
20 Consider now my lord, how you are become the father of nations and of war. How then shall these
many withstand you in the day of battle, seeing that we are with women and children?
21 For I came forth unto you not to war, but to call unto the righteous who dwell in the land, that they
might gather themselves before God to bring forth the glory of Zion, that they might establish in the
land the tabernacle of peace.”
22 Now when Cain heard these words, he laughed aloud, and in the strength of his arm did he taunt the
prophet Enoch, saying: “You are truly a visionary man. Did you not know that all who dwell in the land of
Nod abide by my word alone and not another?
23 Tell me, prophet, before these many and my mighty ones also: Who has commanded you to
establish Zion? Who has anointed you with power that you should come here to call forth the lovers of
24 Behold, all that dwell here about are but the lovers of Cain. Who has told you to do this foolish thing,
seeing that there is none in the land of Sumer to answer?”
25 And Cain laughed greatly, but Enoch answered him, saying: “Behold, my lord, the Ancient of Days
has commanded me; even he who was your father, Adam, has anointed me from above saying:
26 ‘Gather out the righteous that I might bring forth Zion upon the land, that you might establish the
tabernacle of peace among the children of men.’
27 Now I beseech you, for your father’s sake, that if there be no lovers of God among you, then grant us
passage through the lands round about. Only let us have water that we perish not on our journey, and
whatever you shall ask in payment, even that shall we give unto you.”
28 Now when Cain heard these words, he desired to give unto Enoch according to his request, yet there
was a drought upon the land. For it had not rained in four years and water had become most precious.
29 And Cain spoke unto Enoch, saying: “For the sake of my father would I give unto you and your
people water to drink, that perhaps I might restore unto my soul the love of God. Yet behold how the
land is dry and barren.
30 Therefore if I should give unto you such as I have, then perhaps there should not be enough for my
people also. For, behold, water is become more precious than gold.”
31 But Enoch besought him, saying: “If you will be gracious unto me and give unto the multitude water
to drink, both them and their herds, then shall God open unto you the fountains of Heaven that it
should rain again upon the earth.”
32 And Cain spoke again, saying: “Shall God be gracious unto me? Am I not Cain the son of Adam? Am I
not he who first slew his brother to get gain, to take unto my soul the glory and praise of men?
33 How then say you that God shall open the fountains of Heaven, that it should rain again upon the
earth? For I have determined aforetime, that except it should rain, my people must surely wither as the
grass and the glory of Sumer shall be no more. Shall God then send the rain and restore unto Cain the
kingdom of his glory?”
34 And Cain stretched forth his hand, saying: “Consider, O prophet of God, how the earth is cracked and
broken asunder for want of water. Behold, how the land does thirst and perish, and there is none to
satisfy. For the great rivers have grown weak and feeble, and there is a stink upon the land.
35 Yet for my father’s sake shall I give unto you a portion of that which I have; perchance I shall find
favor with God and he shall grant unto me according to your words.”
36 So Cain commanded his mighty men that they should take the people of Enoch and give unto them
water to drink, both for themselves and their flocks and herds.
37 And when they were filled, Enoch spoke unto Cain, saying: “Because you have given unto these
many, water, that they perish not, God shall show unto you his great mercy. For surely he makes his sun
to shine upon the just and the unjust.
38 For the Lord our God esteems all flesh as one people, and unto all the children of men has he
stretched out his hand all the day long, that he might strengthen them and bless them above all the
works of his hands.
39 Therefore, know this, O father of nations, that three days shall not pass away from before you,
except God shall send unto you the rain, that it might heal the land and refresh again the hearts of the
children of men.
40 Now if I have found favor in your sight, let me take this people unto a land near unto you, that we
might rest from our journey, that we might worship the Lord our God against the day when we are
called forth to labor.
41 Therefore, give unto us your blessings that we might rest for a little while, that we might await the
blessings of God when he shall send forth the rain, that we might also be refreshed.”
42 When Cain heard these words, his heart was softened towards Enoch and his multitude, for he found
therewith the mercy of that God who in the beginning did set upon him the mark, that all who should
see Cain might not kill him.
43 Therefore Cain commanded his mighty ones that they should take Enoch and his people beside the
borders of Lake Ishan, that they might rest awhile from their journey, that they might await the
refreshing of the Lord when he should send forth his rain unto the earth.
44 Now Enoch encamped his people in the land by the borders of Sumer. And on the third day there
gathered many great clouds in the heavens, and they were heavy with rain.
Chapter 7
The drought ends, Cain gives gifts and land to Enoch – Zion is built, the city of peace established –
Bashia, the High Priestess and Matriarch, teaches daughters of Zion – Contentions and disputations in
the House of Cain – Yasher-Baal contends against his father for the throne – Yasher-Baal kills Cain and
assumes power – The yoke of the law and state religion established – Yasher-Baal desires the death of
1 And the rains descended upon the land in the days when Enoch came nigh unto the walls of Sumer.
And the earth was quenched of its great thirst, for the rivers received again their strength and the land
became green and fruitful.
2 For in the days of Enoch did God stretch forth his hand to heal the land, and there was much singing
and rejoicing among the children of men.
3 Now Cain gathered unto himself again his mighty men of valor. And he brought forth unto Enoch gifts
of fruit and grain, cattle and sheep in abundance. And he brought with him also builders and cutters of
stone, and makers of brick.
4 And Cain spoke unto Enoch saying: “Peace unto you, O prophet of God. Consider now these gifts of
fruit and grain which I have caused to be taken from my own house, and behold these many cattle and
sheep which I have taken from the best of my herds and flocks. All this I give unto you, for by your word
did the God of my father send forth the rain; that the glory of Sumer should be restored unto me.
5 Therefore, shall I give unto you also all the land that should border the Lake Ishan. For I have brought
forth to you my builders, that they might build unto you and your people a city.
6 So shall they build unto you, according to my word, a city wherein you might dwell safely by the
borders of Sumer. For I desire that you and your people should here abide, that the kingdom of my glory
might not wither away from before the children of men.”
7 Now when Enoch heard these words, he looked upward into heaven, and spoke with himself, saying:
Surely, O Lord, Cain is cunning above all the children of men.
8 And Enoch spoke unto Cain, saying: “May the Lord bless you for your much giving. Now if I have found
welcome in the heart of Cain, grant unto me also that I might gather from the land all who seek privately
the Lord of Hosts, that I might bring them forth unto God.
9 For by your word shall I build a city by the waters of Ishan; in the borders of the land of Sumer shall I
cause to be established the city of God.
10 And I shall call the city, Zion, for here shall the righteous gather. Even the pure in heart shall go forth
from the city of peace to establish among the children of men the tabernacle of the great God.”
11 Now Enoch built a city, even the city of peace. And he went forth throughout the land, teaching unto
as many as would the righteousness of God. And there came out from the land of Sumer a multitude of
people, seeking and praising God.
12 And they did dwell, every man with his wife and children, in the city of Zion, for behold, it was
beautiful above all the cities of the earth. And all who dwelt therein lived peaceably beside his neighbor,
even as in the beginning when Adam first walked among the children of men.
13 Therefore, unto every man did Enoch establish an inheritance according to the whisperings of the
Spirit of God unto him. And unto as many as were called of God did Enoch confirm the priesthood
before many witnesses.
14 Teaching unto them the mysteries of godliness whereby Zion should become lifted up unto God, that
all who should be faithful to labor in holiness before the Lord might receive the election of grace unto
life eternal and exaltation in the kingdom of God.
15 Now there dwelt in Zion, Bashia, High Priestess of the great God. And she did cause to be gathered
unto her all the mothers and daughters of Zion, that she might teach them concerning the Matriarchal
16 And Bashia taught unto the daughters of Zion the law of marriage and family, and unto the very elect
did she teach the covenant of fullness, and as many as were righteous before the Lord did she ordain
unto the priesthood of the great Mother, even Eve, the mother of all men.
17 Now Cain had taken unto himself many wives, and they took seed of him and bore him a multitude
of sons and daughters. And there came to be great contentions and disputations among the sons of Cain
concerning the right of inheritance.
18 For each desired for himself the glory of his father, lest the power of Cain be divided and diminished
among all the sons of his loins.
19 Wherefore, in the house of the father of nations was there great striving and envying, for the wives
of Cain plotted continually, that they might deliver into the hands of their sons the rule of empire.
20 But above all the sons of Cain walked Yasher-Baal the twin brother of Adami, the Artificer, and he
was fierce and terrible in his might. For when he was but a youth he slew a lion by the strength of his
arm, for he stood head and shoulders above the sons of Cain, and his strength was greater than the
strength of ten strong men.
21 Now Yasher-Baal walked disdainfully among the house of Cain, for he was a giant among giants, and
he was most comely to behold, insomuch that the daughters of Sumer hungered for him. And all the
young men of the city worshipped him as though he were a god.
22 On a certain day, therefore, Cain went walking among the great houses of the city and there were
with him the elders of the city. And behold, Yasher-Baal came and contended against him angrily,
23 “Behold, is this Cain, the son of Adam? Is this the father of nations and of war? Is not this the man
who brought forth from the desert place the glory of empire, even the builder of Sumer?
24 Come now, O Cain, and bind us with your stories of glory long past. Speak to us of empire and rule,
that the memory of our glory fade not away from us.
25 Tell these many noble how you have grown wise with these many years, that we might know the
wisdom whereby you gave unto Enoch a portion of your kingdom.”
26 Now when Yasher-Baal had said these things, there was heard a great murmuring among the nobles
of Sumer, and many hands did cleave to the sword. Yet did Cain stay his hand from Yasher-Baal.
27 And Yasher-Baal spoke again unto his father that he might taunt him to battle, saying: “Behold, you
nobles of Sumer, how Cain has divided the kingdom from his sons and given it unto another.
28 And not that only, for behold, he has taken from his herds and flocks the best in cattle and sheep,
and these also has he given these many years unto Enoch.
29 Come, father, speak unto these many and tell us what power has Enoch over you, that you should
give him whatsoever thing he should ask of you. For, behold, he has gone throughout the lands of Sumer
and has taken to Zion a multitude of your people.
30 Where, O Cain, is the strength of your arm and the cunning of your ways? How has this Enoch
bewitched you to make you weak? How has he taken from you the will to power?
31 Speak, Cain, and covenant now before your noble ones to take again unto yourself the borders of
Sumer. Covenant now, by the strength of your arm, to take again the multitude of your people.
32 Pledge yourself before your mighty men of valor to restore the glory of Sumer and to avenge
yourself against this Enoch who has bewitched you by his kindness.
33 For it was he who robbed you of your strength and power, and who caused you to live peaceably
among the children of men. For the manliness of Cain has Enoch corrupted by soft and soothing words,
to leave you but the shadow of your greatness. Hear, O Sumer, how Cain has been made to become
even as a woman!”
34 Now when Cain heard these words spoken of him before the nobles of Sumer, he grew exceedingly
angry and as a lion he did roar in great rage. And he, taking up the sword, rushed upon Yasher-Baal to
slay him. And the nobles and the mighty men of valor trembled before the fury and the anger of Cain
and Yasher-Baal.
35 Thus did Cain fall upon his son to slay him in his anger. But Yasher-Baal was young and fearsome, for
he feared neither God nor man, and Cain was great with age.
36 Therefore, Yasher-Baal did slay his father before the men of Sumer. And he took his sword and he
cut off the head of Cain, the father of nations and of war. And he held it high that all the people of
Sumer might see his terrible fierceness.
37 And he spoke unto them, saying: “Behold, you nobles and mighty men of valor, how that this day
Yasher-Baal has taken unto himself the power and the glory of Cain.” And when he had said these things
the young men of Sumer did gather round about the son of Cain, and they were dressed for battle.
38 And all the nobles fled, each man to his own house, and the mighty men of valor grew faint in their
hearts, for the pride of their strength did perish at the hands of Yasher-Baal.
39 Now Yasher-Baal went forth unto the throne of his father, and with him went all the young men of
Sumer and they did lust after the shedding of blood.
40 And he caused that all the sons of Cain should be brought before him, and their mothers also. And
he made them swear faithfulness to him only, that he should be their rightful king. And all who would
not swear did he cause to be put to death.
41 And Yasher-Baal caused that the body of his father should be cast out of the city; and it lay upon the
ground all that day. But in the night Enoch came and with him also came Adami the twin brother of
Yasher-Baal, the great Artificer, and together they did carry the body of Cain unto the city of Zion.
42 And Bashia caused that the daughters of promise should honor Cain, the son of Adam and Eve. So
they washed his body and anointed him with sweet oil, and they buried Cain in holy ground within the
walls of Zion the beautiful.
43 Now when they had done all these things unto the body of Cain, Enoch and all the hosts of Zion
prayed and fasted for three days, that the soul of Cain might not be delivered unto the prince of
darkness, even Lucifer.
44 Consider now how cunning was Yasher-Baal, for he did gather together all the nobles and mighty
men of valor and he spoke to them before the people of Sumer, saying:
45 “You men of Sumer, why have you continued to murmur against the son of Cain, seeing that I am
lord and king over you? Did not my father teach unto you to take whatsoever you desire by the strength
of your arm?
46 Did he not become the father of nations? Why are you angered, seeing that this day I shall grant
unto you greater power and glory? By the hand of Yasher-Baal shall you be made to become as gods.
47 Did not Cain slay his brother? Why then do you seek to contend against me, seeing that I but slew a
murderer? Am I not just in doing this thing, seeing that I have avenged the blood of Abel?
48 Therefore, shall I this day promise unto you great power over the souls of the children of men, and
this power shall I secure unto you and your seed after you by reason of great cunning.
49 For it was for your sake that I slew my father. Did he not give unto Zion a portion of your greatness
and power? Did he not grant that the prophet of God should go throughout the land and gather unto
himself all who would follow the God of Adam? Has not your glory diminished, which Cain swore to give
unto you in the beginning?
50 Have I not brought justice to the murderer of Abel? Shall I not also avenge myself for your sake, to
take again the glory of empire and restore it again unto you? Therefore, be not angry with Yasher-Baal,
neither murmur anymore against me.
51 Consider now, you nobles and mighty men of Sumer, for this day shall I add power to power. For this
day shall I forge before you the yoke of law, even as my father in the beginning did forge unto your
fathers the weapons of war.
52 For this day shall the law go forth, and we shall bend unto our will all the souls of the children of
men. For by the letter of the law shall we lay the yoke of bondage upon whomsoever we will.
53 And if there come forth among us a breaker of our laws, even that man shall be put to death. Let us,
therefore, set aside the words of God which Enoch has declared unto this people, that we may establish
forever the laws of men and of nations.
54 But consider how this law must be administered. Let us, therefore, choose from among our sons,
wise men who will defend the laws of Sumer against those who would come forth to proclaim the words
of that God whom we know not. And let us place into their hands the power to punish and destroy all
who would contend against us.
55 Now, therefore, if you have claim against your neighbor, bring him before those who are appointed
to administer, and lay forth your claim against him.
56 For consider how just our laws should be, that in the letter of the law shall there not be considered
the right or the wrong, for above all these things shall the law preside.”
57 Now when Yasher-Baal had said these things, all the nobles and mighty men of Sumer ceased to
anger against him. And they proclaimed that Yasher-Baal should be king over them. And they brought
forth the sons of their loins, even all those who had reached manhood, and they set them before the
son of Cain.
58 And Yasher-Baal chose from among the sons of Sumer nine men and appointed them over the law.
Wherefore, Yasher-Baal did anoint them to be judges over the people, that the power of nations and of
men might be hedged up round about by the law.
59 Therefore, on that day did the laws of men presume the power and the glory. And Yasher-Baal
caused that the nine judges should sit beside him and he spoke again unto the nobles and mighty men
of Sumer, saying:
60 “Hear O mighty men of Sumer, and consider how that we are diminished by the cunning of this
Enoch and his God, for he has gathered from among us a multitude of people. For the sake of Zion did
your brethren abandon the inheritance of our fathers.
61 Therefore, let us this day appoint priests over the children of men. And unto the children of men
shall they teach the doctrines of that god who has granted us power.
62 For they shall teach men that to love God is to love first the laws of men and the power of nations.
By this means shall we secure for ourselves the power of dominion and compulsion over the souls of the
children of men, from this day forth and forever.
63 Therefore, let our priests go throughout the land of Sumer, that unto every town and village they
might teach the people this religion which shall grant unto us all that we will.
64 For if the people worship the god which we shall teach unto them, what shall it matter. For they can
do but what we have taught them by way of those priests which we have appointed over them.”
65 So Yasher-Baal set apart certain men of great cunning and smooth speech, and he did anoint them
before the nobles and the mighty men of Sumer. And when they were ordained, they were brought
before the judges that they might be bound to the laws of men, by oath and covenant.
66 And when all these things were completed, Yasher-Baal swore before all the hosts of Sumer to take
again the lands which Cain had given unto the prophet Enoch.
67 For he determined aforetime that Enoch should die, and that all the hosts of Zion should be brought
bound unto the walls of Sumer.
Chapter 8
Zion dwells in peace for forty years – Enoch is called in a dream to journey three days to the mount –
Bashia appointed over the people of Zion – Enoch and patriarchs travel to mount and see God – Yasher-
Baal prepares to war against Zion – Azotus is sent from Sumer to spy out the land of Zion – Azotus meets
Marisa, the daughter of Bashia and Adami – Azotus falls in love with Marisa and warns her of the coming
attack – Marisa takes Azotus to Zion to meet with Bashia
1 Now Zion dwelt in peace for forty years upon the land, and on a certain day as Enoch went walking by
the borders of Lake Ishan, the voice of the Lord came unto him, saying:
2 “Gather unto me the patriarchs of Zion and with them Amram, the son of Tobid and Ramoth, the son
of Zetrah, and bring them unto a mount three days journey from you, for I desire that they should see
the God of Zion, that their faith might increase unto holiness.”
3 So Enoch went and gathered unto himself the patriarchs of Zion and with them also did he bring
Amram and Ramoth. And Enoch anointed them and consecrated them unto the Lord who called them.
4 And he appointed over the people of Zion, Bashia, even she who held the fullness of the Matriarchal
Order. For Enoch had set her before the people of Zion and anointed her that she should be as a mother
unto the children of promise.
5 And Enoch journeyed towards the mount which God had shown unto him in a dream; both he and the
patriarchs of Zion, and they did travel for the space of three days. And on the third day, in the evening
tide, they beheld the mount unto which God had called them.
6 Therefore, Enoch ascended the mount and with him went Amram, the son of Tobid, and Ramoth, the
son of Zetrah, and all the patriarchs also.
7 And they saw the God of glory standing above them in the air, and there was under his feet a
pavement of blue. And he did beckon unto them that they might come closer, for he desired to speak
unto them.
8 And God did reveal unto them the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven and of godliness, for he
desired that Zion should continue among the children of men, that all who should have desires might be
edified and purified by the Great Mother Spirit;
9 That all who should receive unto themselves the election of his grace might be justified before the
word of God, that all who should prove diligent might receive the adoption wherein they should be
sanctified unto holiness and life eternal.
10 Now in the days that Enoch tarried upon the mount, behold, Yasher-Baal did gather unto himself all
the young men of Sumer, and from the regions round about did he add to these. And he set over them
his mighty men of valor.
11 And the judges of the law did bind them with a mighty oath, that each should serve the king even
unto death.
12 And Yasher-Baal required that each man should swear unto him by the blood of their life insomuch
that he took by the sword a portion of the small finger from the left hand of all the men of Sumer.
13 Now unto each man was given the weapons of war, and Yasher-Baal set them forth in companies of
one hundred, and he set captains over them, and over ten companies he set captains of thousands. And
there was numbered of the army of Yasher-Baal fifty thousand men.
14 Now Yasher-Baal took all the hosts of Sumer and divided them into three armies: and over one he
set Penuel, the son of Jabesh; and over another he set Dagos the Timmerite. But unto himself did
Yasher-Baal take all the sons of Cain, for there were many and they stood head and shoulders above all
the sons of men.
15 And Yasher-Baal gathered unto himself all his captains of hundreds and all his captains of thousands,
and he spoke unto them, saying:
16 “You mighty men of war hear and consider, for this day shall you take unto yourselves great glory,
for this day shall you march up unto the land of Zion to restore unto Sumer the borders thereof.
17 Therefore by your faithfulness unto me shall I give you all the herds and flocks of Zion, even the city
of God shall I give to you and your children after you to be an inheritance.
18 For who shall there be to withstand the might of Sumer? To whom shall Zion flee to escape the
wrath of Yasher-Baal?
19 For the men of Zion shall I slay with great vengeance, insomuch that I shall cause that the bodies of
many valiant and noble shall be hung from the walls of the city. And I shall take their daughters and shall
do unto them according to my pleasure.
20 Therefore, you mighty men of valor, gird up your loins for war and be strong in the day of battle, for
this day shall I deliver into your hand the city of Zion, and all who call upon the God of Heaven, shall be
made to tremble before you, and to you shall the righteous be made to bow their heads like bulrushes.”
21 Thus spoke Yasher-Baal to his captains of hundreds and to his captains of thousands. And with great
haste did the armies of Sumer march up to Zion, that they might fall upon them unawares.
22 Now Yasher-Baal called forth Azotus the son of Paran, for he was swift and fleet of foot. And he did
send him forth before the armies of Sumer that he might spy out the land of Zion.
23 And, behold, as Azotus came nigh unto the walls of Zion, he sat himself down by a well, and behold,
there came from the city unto the well a woman most beautiful and fair.
24 And she, seeing him sitting there, spoke unto him saying: “Good master, I perceive that you are tired
as if from some great journey. Therefore, I pray you, drink of this water which I shall give you, for you
are come unto Zion. Let your soul be at peace, that you might rest awhile from your journey.”
25 And she drew water from the well and poured it into a cup and gave it to the servant of Yasher-Baal,
and as he drank, she did kneel before him and removed the shoes from off his feet that she might wash
and refresh him from all his labors. And Azotus, beholding her, loved her greatly.
26 Now he spoke to her, saying: “Tell me, fair daughter, for I am a stranger in the land round about,
where unto have the men of Zion gone, for I beheld in the fields and among the flocks no man tending.”
27 And she answered and said to him: “It is not good to labor on the Lord’s Sabbath. For this cause have
all the children of Zion been made to rest, that they might rejoice before the God of Heaven.”
28 And Azotus, the son of Paran, spoke to her again, saying: “Tell me of your father’s house, whose
daughter are you? Why has your father left you unattended, that you should come forth alone to draw
water without a man to watch over you? Has he no fear for you?”
29 And she spoke to him, saying: “My lord, think not ill of my father, for you are a stranger in the land.
Behold, I am Marisa, the daughter of Adami and Bashia, the high priestess of God. Here in all the lands
round about there is no cause to fear, for the God of Enoch does watch over us as a Father.
30 Therefore, fear not for my sake, for unto Zion are you come, for in the bosom of the Lord does Zion
abide, that all who should come unto us might dwell safely and unafraid.”
31 And when Azotus heard these words he spoke lightly unto her, saying: “The God that watches over
you is asleep; for behold, there shall come upon Zion the armies of Yasher-Baal. Go quickly into the city
and give warning, that the men of Zion might prepare themselves for battle.
32 For I speak unto you truly, before the sun shall set tomorrow, terror shall be at your gates and
desolation shall press hard against you. Your ears shall be filled with weeping and the glory of Zion shall
perish, and ashes shall be unto you as a covering.”
33 And Marisa spoke unto the servant of Yasher-Baal, saying: “Behold, the fathers of Zion are gone unto
the mount of the Lord and there are in the city of God none to wield the sword against Sumer.
34 Yet fear not for my sake, for the Lord our God neither slumbers nor sleeps. Surely he shall deliver us
from distress.”
35 Now when Azotus heard these words, he grew heavy of heart and would not be comforted, for he
loved the daughter of Adami and Bashia greatly.
36 Therefore, by reason of her great beauty and graciousness unto him, did he feel to mourn, for he
feared that unto Sumer would she go captive.
37 And he swore a mighty oath unto himself to defend Marisa by the strength of his arm. For the love of
a woman did the servant of Yasher-Baal take thought to lift the sword against the son of Cain.
38 Now in the eventide Marisa took Azotus by the hand, and did lead him unto the house of her father
and mother. And she did speak all the words of Azotus unto Bashia, the high priestess of God.
39 And Bashia spoke unto the son of Paran, saying: “Fear not for our sakes; neither take thought to lift
the sword against the hosts of Sumer, for our God shall deliver us from trouble.”
Chapter 9
Armies of Sumer lay siege against Zion – Bashia comforts Zion and confronts Yasher-Baal – Mighty men
of Sumer grow fearful because of Bashia’s words – Yasher-Baal rebukes his army and threatens Bashia –
A great wind scatters the armies of Sumer – Enoch returns to Zion
1 Now on the morrow there came against Zion the armies of Penuel, Dagos and Yasher-Baal; and they
camped round about the city.
2 And day and night the armies did clamor loudly against the walls of the city with a loud voice, for they
did beat their swords against their shields, and they did stamp their feet upon the ground.
3 And many did taunt and ridicule against Zion, saying: “Come forth, you favored of the Lord, come
forth unto battle and prove your greatness to us, that we might know concerning the God of Zion.
4 For, behold, here we shall stand against you; let us see if your God is able to deliver in the midst of
trouble and perplexity.”
5 Now when the inhabitants of the city saw and heard these things, they gathered themselves together
to pray, for they desired that God should deliver them from the midst of their enemies.
6 And on the eighth day of siege, the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the woman, Bashia, in the midst of
all the people.
7 And she called unto her Hypatia, the daughter of Geshur, and she called also unto her Adora of Abel-
Beth-Haran. And they did come forth from among the people to stand beside Bashia.
8 And Bashia spoke thus unto the people of Zion, saying: “Behold, O Zion, how trouble has multiplied
itself against you, yet fear not.
9 For though we be pressed hard upon every side, we are not defeated, for our God shall not forsake
the righteous in the moment of their need.
10 Therefore, fear not, for this day shall the power of the Lord overshadow you, from his holy
habitation shall he arise to defend you against the oppressor, that all who should be faithful to trust in
the Lord might be restored unto the joy of life, for the mercies of God shall neither perish nor vanish
11 Therefore, gird yourself in the knowledge of the Lord, for this day shall he manifest himself unto the
troubler at the gates, and he shall sweep away from before you the pridefulness of Sumer.”
12 Thus spoke Bashia unto the inhabitants of Zion, and when she had finished, she took Hypatia and
Adora and went forth unto the camp of Yasher-Baal, that she might speak unto him the words of God.
13 Now when Yasher-Baal saw the beauty of Bashia, he lusted after her and would that he might
possess her; yet before his captains of hundreds and his captains of thousands he did scorn her, for she
was only a woman.
14 And he spoke unto her, saying: “Are there no men in Zion to come out against me? What great fear
has possessed them to send women to me? Where is Enoch that he should not come from Zion to
beseech me?”
15 And Bashia answered him, saying: “It is God who shall be our deliverance; therefore, hear and
understand. Behold, the God of Heaven has set his hand against you, by the breath of his mouth shall he
scatter you.”
16 Now when these words had been spoken, she stretched forth her hand and behold, there arose from
Lake Ishan a small wind. And she spoke unto the captains of hundreds and unto the captains of
thousands, saying:
17 “You men of war gird up your loins for battle, for behold, the Spirit of God has risen against you and
there shall be none to deliver; for God shall sweep you from the fields of battle and you shall be left
desolate and wounded, and shame shall be unto you as a covering.
18 And wherever you go the sons of men shall hiss against you to scorn, for with great and swelling
words you did declare the desolation of Zion and with this host have you come forth to war against the
innocent; yet shall all your might become as nothing before the Lord.
19 For you shall be filled with terror, and the strength of Yasher-Baal shall not be able to save you in the
moment of distress; neither shall his great cunning make a way for your escape. And there shall come to
your rescue no man, for your portion shall be bitterness and humiliation.
20 Therefore, hear and consider, you mighty men of war, how that before the coming of the sun
tomorrow, you shall be swept away and scattered.
21 For against you has the God of Heaven sent forth the breath of his majesty, to deliver from before
you the glory of Zion.”
22 And when she had said these things, there arose a great murmuring among many mighty and valiant,
for they feared the words of Bashia lest they be made to come to pass, for she did withstand them with
great boldness.
23 For though she did speak softly unto them, yet was there a hardness to her words, for she spoke
with great assurance and much authority.
24 But when Yasher-Baal saw that his mighty ones were made to tremble before the words of Bashia,
he spoke hotly against them, saying: “Shall you be made to fear because of the words of this woman?
25 Shall you be made to shake before the call to battle is given? What shall this woman or even this
little wind do against the might of Sumer?
26 Look round about you. Are there not fifty thousand men dressed for war? How shall the prattling of
this woman bring to naught the power of so many?”
27 And turning to Bashia, he spoke hotly, saying: “Woman, you are a witch whose words shall become
as a snare unto you.
28 Hear now the words of your lord and king. Before the setting of the sun on the morrow, I shall strip
away your pride and uncover you before all the hosts of Sumer, and I shall ravish you according to my
29 Go again unto the inhabitants of Zion and tell them the words of Yasher-Baal, for I shall hang the
men of Zion from the walls thereof, and all the children of Zion shall I take captive unto Sumer.
30 And I shall cause all the daughters of Zion to be violated, and they shall mourn upon the ashes of the
city, and all their pride shall I leave in ruin.”
31 So spoke lord Yasher-Baal unto Bashia, and she, gathering her skirts round about her, spoke sharply
unto him, saying: “You braggart! Who has instructed you to strut like a dog before so many? You shall
ravish no one.
32 Hear and understand my lord, Yasher-Baal: Before the sun shall rise again on the morrow, a greater
wind than you shall fall upon these fifty thousand, and the might of Sumer shall be swept away.
33 And your ears shall be filled with the wailing and weeping of men and all your great speaking will be
made to haunt you.”
34 And thus speaking Bashia went again unto Zion and there walked beside her Hypatia and Adora. And
she commanded that the gates of the city be closed, and many of the inhabitants gathered upon the
walls to watch the coming of the deliverance of the Lord.
35 Now when it was evening, the heavens grew dark and lowering, and there came a great wind upon
the land. And the clouds did come nigh unto the earth, for they were heavy with the indignation of God.
36 And when it was night, there came from Heaven great and mighty whirlwinds and they did fall upon
the camps of Yasher-Baal, Penuel, and Dagos, and there was great destruction. And the children of Zion
heard great lamentation and weeping, insomuch that the armies of Sumer did flee in terror.
37 And they did scatter themselves abroad upon the land, for each man sought to escape the wrath of
God, and in the morning was the land swept clean before the walls of Zion.
38 Thus was the desolation of Yasher-Baal accomplished by the hand of God, insomuch that in the cover
of night did Yasher-Baal come again unto Sumer, that the children of men might not see his shame and
reproach him.
39 And from that day forth, he rested neither night nor day, for he brooded continually against Zion.
40 And Enoch returned to Zion and was told all that had happened in the city. And there was great
rejoicing, for God had delivered the righteous.
41 And in the midst of great joy did Adami and Bashia bring forth their daughter Marisa unto Azotus,
and he loved her all the days of his life.
Chapter 10
The wall and gardens of Zion – The temple of Zion – Duties of the High Priest and Priestess – The
prosperity of Zion – Hazar- Gabatha and the gift of wine
1 So Zion dwelt in the land by the borders of Lake Ishan in peace. And the days of her glory were many,
for Enoch taught the children of promise all the ways of God.
2 And the city of God spread itself upon the land, insomuch that it encompassed Lake Ishan round
about. And there lived in the city some thirty thousand souls.
3 Now the walls of the city were of curious workmanship, for Adami was skilled above all the sons of
4 Therefore, he did build three walls around the city of peace, and the first wall stood 18 cubits in the
air with a width of 12 cubits, and the second wall stood 24 cubits being also 12 cubits wide; and the third
wall stood 30 cubits in the air being 20 cubits wide.
5 And the walls were made white as alabaster, and the gates of the city were made of brass, and the
post thereof were covered with precious stones of amethyst, and over this was laid a lattice work of
pure gold and silver.
6 And Zion did shine forth in great beauty, and all the children of men who beheld it were filled with
wonder, for the dwellings and homes were of exceeding fine workmanship, and the glory thereof did
surpass all the works of men.
7 Now Enoch adorned the city beyond measure, for he caused that there should be planted upon the
walls of Zion, flowering trees of every kind, both for food and for shade, that the children of promise
might gather themselves as often as they should desire upon the walls of the city, that they might know
everyman his neighbor.
8 And throughout the city did Enoch place a variety of gardens, beautiful and pleasing to the eye, that in
the cool of the day the hearts of all who lived therein might be refreshed from all their labors;
9 For it was Enoch’s desire to lift the souls of all the inhabitants of the city nigh unto the Father of their
spirit, that they might come to a knowledge of that God who had given unto all who would the promise
of life eternal.
10 And Enoch caused to be built in Zion a temple of the Lord, and he caused that it should be built of
marble of exceeding whiteness; and on the north and south sides and on the east and west sides was
the roof of the temple supported upon twelve pillars made blue with sapphire, and over these was laid a
lattice work of gold and silver.
11 And the uppermost part of the temple was the second roof supported by seven pillars upon each
side, and these also were made blue with sapphire and over these was also laid a lattice work of fine
12 And Enoch caused that the borders of the first roof and the borders of the second roof should be
overlaid with pure gold.
13 Now there were many craftsmen in Zion, and Adami taking these, fashioned for the temple, doors of
bronze overlaid in gold. And he set them in the east portion of the temple, towards the rising of the sun.
14 Now the outer pavement of the temple did Enoch cause to be the color of vermilion, and the
borders of the pavement did he make of gold.
15 Even so, within the borders of the temple grounds were there but two courts, for unto one would
the sons of God come together in solemn assembly, that they might plead the cause of Zion before God.
16 And unto the second court would gather the daughters of Eve. Even all who were the mothers of
Zion would come together in their assemblies, that they might receive unto their bosom the presence of
the Heavenly Mother.
17 Now Enoch caused that the inner pavement of the temple should be made the color of sapphire, and
this did he cause to be bordered in the finest silver.
18 Here unto would the high priestess come, even Bashia, to offer unto God the prayers of the people,
and to plead their cause before him.
19 And the upper floor of the temple was overlaid in pure gold and in the center thereof was placed
both altar and mercy seat, that hereunto could Enoch offer unto God a sweet fragrance on behalf of
Zion the beautiful.
20 For once a year would Enoch take unto himself the transgressions of the people, that God might be
gracious in the moment of need and heal the wounded soul.
21 Now the glory of Zion spread throughout the land, and there came forth unto the city a great
multitude of people, for they desired to see for themselves the tabernacle of God.
22 And the inhabitants of Zion grew in grace and wisdom before the Lord, and among the children of
God was there neither envy nor covetousness. For the designs of the Fallen One had no power over
them to lead them to destruction.
23 And Zion prospered upon the land and the wealth of their goodness was beyond measure. For unto
Zion would there come a multitude of merchants to purchase treasures of frankincense and myrrh, and
cloth of blue and crimson, and olive oil, pure and sweet.
24 But the greatest of all the treasures of Zion was there none greater sought than the gift of wine. For
hitherto was no wine made among the children of men, and the secrets of both grape and vineyard did
no man know but one.
25 For there lived in the city of peace, a woman whose name was Hazar-Gabatha of the house of Gimel,
the son of Abel and Yoshibel.
26 And she taught unto certain wise ones, all the skill of her trade, for she was a healer, dealing always
in the secrets of both plants and herbs.
27 For wine is good as a medicine, making merry the heart, and soothing the stomach of many troubles.
28 For this cause was there given unto the inhabitants of Zion, a daily measure of wine, that they might
eat their bread in joy. Yet was there no drunkenness among the children of promise. For each was held
accountable unto God.
29 Now the woman, Hazar-Gabatha, caused that a variety of vineyards should be planted round about
the walls of Zion, and the wine therefrom did she cause to be divided into two lots: for unto the temple
would go the finest and the best;
30 And of the second lot would merchants come from the lands round about, from Calneh and Shinar,
from Uruk beyond Tigris to Sumer would merchants come to purchase with gold and silver and all
manner of precious stones the wines of Zion.
31 Thus was Zion made rich and prosperous above all the cities of the land. And Zion was blest of God
for there dwelt therein the pure in heart, filled with compassion and mercy towards all men, upon the
lands round about.
Chapter 11
Yasher-Baal plots against Zion – Lucifer converses with the son of Cain, revealing many dark and hidden
things – Yasher-Baal gathers his men of valor and promises glory for Sumer and retribution against
Azotus – Rahob is appointed High Priest of Sumer – Sumer conquers the cities of Kish, Shinar, Uruk,
Babel, and Calneh – Sons of Yasher-Baal made kings
1 Yet in the city of Sumer did lord Yasher-Baal plot continually against Zion, for the heart of Yasher-Baal
had become evil, for he desired the death of Enoch, and against Bashia, the high priestess of God, did he
brood darkly.
2 Now on a certain day, Lucifer entered into the private chambers of the king. And lord Yasher-Baal,
upon seeing him, stood forth in mighty anger and drawing forth his sword he contended against him,
3 “Who are you that you should come unbidden to my chamber door? Know you not that I am king in
Sumer and that I have the power of life and death over all who dwell herein? Who are you that you
should trespass the chambers of the king?”
4 And Lucifer spoke unto Yasher-Baal, saying: “Are you the son of Cain? How is it, therefore, that you
know not who it is that stands before you? Behold, I am he who in the beginning granted unto your
father great power.
5 For by my word alone did I grant unto Cain the mysteries whereby he might satisfy himself against
Abel, his brother, that he might take unto himself power and dominion over the souls of the children of
6 Consider, Yasher-Baal, and be wise, for I am that Lucifer who fell from before the throne of God. How
is it that you know not of my power to grant unto you the desires of your heart?
7 For I came not unto you of my own accord, but you, O king, called me forth unto you: for by the
desires of your heart have you caused that I should come and stand before you this day.
8 Therefore, speak to me. Why has the son of Cain hidden himself from the sons of men? Why is the
glory of Sumer made to sit in the dust as though it were left desolate by some great enemy?”
9 And Yasher-Baal spoke not a word, and he took his sword and threw it upon the floor, and he sat
himself down. And seeing this, Lucifer drew nigh unto him and spoke unto him many dark and hidden
10 Insomuch that the heart of Yasher-Baal rejoiced in the mysteries of power. And he called unto a
servant and commanded him to call forth into the court of the king all the mighty men of valor.
11 So there was caused to be gathered in the king’s court five hundred men of valor. And Yasher-Baal
came and stood before them, and with him also stood the nine judges of the law, and with them also
stood all the priests of Sumer.
12 And he spoke unto them, saying: “You mighty men of war, how long shall you be made to tremble
because of Zion? Who shall there be who can withstand you in the moment of battle? Shall you be made
to fear because of the winds that fell upon the armies of Sumer in the night?
13 Who has convinced you that God has set his hand against you? Are you made to fear because of the
words of a woman who knew not her rightful place?
14 Hear now the words of your lord and king, for God has not set his hand against you; for what man
among you was made to perish because of the wind that came against you?
15 Behold, was it not the will of God that you be preserved in the moment of distress, that even he
should stretch forth his arm to save the hosts of Sumer from destruction?
16 Did not God preserve you for some greater glory? Has not God brought you safely again unto Sumer,
that you might take to yourselves power and dominion over all the face of the earth?
17 What fault shall you lay against your lord and king because of the destruction that came upon you
before the walls of Zion? Behold, was it because of Yasher-Baal that you were scattered from before the
walls of Zion? Not so, you mighty men of war.
18 For your shame came upon you by betrayal and deceit. For by the hand of one man were we made
to stumble upon the field of war. By the hand of one man were you made to lament and flee in the
terrors of the night.
19 For it was not a woman who brought this shame upon the mighty and noble of Sumer, but rather
Azotus the son of Paran.
20 Therefore, think not ill of Yasher-Baal, neither concern yourself over the words of Bashia, for all
these perplexities were made to come upon you by the treachery of Azotus!
21 For like unto you did Azotus swear by the blood of his life to be faithful unto Yasher-Baal, lord and
king of Sumer. Yet did he betray the oath and covenant for Zion’s sake; for this cause alone did God put
forth his hand to chasten you.
22 Now you men of Sumer take heart, for the god of Sumer shall put forth his hand to restore you unto
the praise of men.
23 And you shall walk upon the earth in great power, insomuch that all who shall look upon you shall
tremble, for the mighty shall become weak before you, and your ears shall be pierced with the
lamentation of their women.
24 Now you mighty men of Sumer, hear the words of Yasher-Baal, for this day shall I take these many
only, and I shall prove you before the mighty men of Kish, that you might take to your souls the favor of
that god who has established you in greatness, that you may know surely that the god who spared us
from the treachery of Azotus has not forsaken you.
25 Therefore, let us go forth to conquer the mighty men of Kish, that we might make them subject unto
the laws which we have caused to be given unto the children of men; for unto this law shall we cause all
our neighbors to bow the knee.
26 Wherefore, think not less of your lord and king, for I shall deliver into your hands the wealth of many
nations, that the bitterness of Zion should not be unto you as a blemish. For I shall send forth certain
men of great cunning to bring before the laws of Sumer the traitor Azotus, the son of Paran.
27 Seeing, therefore, that our god shall grant unto us power and dominion over the souls of the
children of men, let us build unto him a temple in the midst of Sumer; and let us appoint from among
these priests one who shall be as a high priest unto the god of this world.
28 And it shall be given unto this high priest to offer in sacrifice the best of our sons and daughters, that
we might secure for our benefit the favors of our god.”
29 Thus spoke Yasher-Baal to his mighty men. And he took Rahob the son of Zereth Shahar and
appointed him to be the high priest of Sumer.
30 And he did cause Rahob to bring forth his youngest son, and he did slay him before all the mighty
men of the city, and he took the blood of the child and did anoint the head of Rahob.
31 Now when these things were done, Yasher-Baal took but five hundred men of war and with great
cunning he went out against the city of Kish and he did slay all the mighty men thereof, and there was
great lamentation and weeping.
32 And the men of Sumer marveled greatly at the fury of their lord and king, even Yasher-Baal, for he
possessed great strength and his daring was beyond measure, for against whomsoever he set his face,
the heart of that man would fail within him.
33 And Yasher-Baal did place upon the throne of Kish the son of his loins, Chemosh; and he was caused
to swear a mighty oath unto his father, and to the nobles of Sumer did he also give allegiance. And a
fifth part of all the wealth of Kish did Chemosh give to Sumer from that day forth.
34 Now after these things were accomplished, Yasher-Baal set his hand against the great cities between
the two rivers. And unto the law of Sumer did he add Shinar, Uruk, Babel, and Calneh.
35 And over each did he place the sons of his loins. Thus Remlah was made king of Shinar, and upon the
throne of Uruk sat Marduk, and Melech was made king of Calneh, and upon the throne of Babel did
Belzebub rule.
36 Over all these cities did the lord Yasher-Baal rule by the strength of his arm and unto the laws of
Sumer were the souls of the children of men made subject.
37 And the children of men were made subject unto the sons of Yasher-Baal. And they did rule with
exceeding harshness and from that day till now have the nations of men ruled upon the earth.
38 And all the nobles and mighty men of Sumer praised their lord Yasher-Baal, for he had given unto
them great power by his great cunning and fierceness. And the bitterness of Zion did they remember no
39 For among all the children of men were there none to withstand the might of Sumer. And the
dominion of Yasher-Baal grew in power and glory, insomuch that the glory of Cain and all his might
could not compare with the glory of Yasher-Baal.
Chapter 12
Azotus is kidnapped from Zion and put on trial – Busiris, the chief judge of Sumer condemns Azotus and
demands repentance – Azotus refuses to beg mercy from the wicked – Yasher-Baal passes judgment
against Azotus and his family – Azotus is executed, attended by angels
1 Now Azotus lived beside his wife, Marisa, in Zion one score year and ten; and they had many sons and
daughters. And all the children of God had regard for him, for he was diligent to follow the whisperings
of God always.
2 But on a certain day Azotus went walking outside the walls of the city to see for himself the promise
of harvest among the fields and orchards.
3 And as he journeyed about, behold, there fell upon him certain strong men of the house of Yasher-
Baal. And they bound him with strong cords, and when it was dark they brought him again unto Sumer.
4 So they brought Azotus before the nobles of Sumer, beaten and bruised, for they would that even all
should see this one who betrayed both city and king for Zion’s sake.
5 And there was gathered in the king’s court all the great and mighty men of Sumer, and with them also
sat the kings and nobles of Kish, Shinar, Uruk, Calneh, and Babel.
6 And lord Yasher-Baal entered among them dressed in crimson and gold, carrying in his hands the
sword of Cain his father.
7 And he sat himself down upon a throne made rich with gold and silver, being adorned with a variety
of precious stones and curious workmanship.
8 And as he sat amid his glory and splendor, being gathered round about by a multitude of mighty men,
he caused to sit beside him the nine judges of the law.
9 Now the chief judge was a man named Busiris of the house of Avaak, and he caused to be brought
before all the people the tablets of clay whereupon the laws of the kingdom were written.
10 And he spoke with great swelling words unto the king, saying: “Great lord and mighty king, behold
the man Azotus, whom you have caused to be brought before all the people of the kingdom. What is
your charge against this man, my lord king?”
11 And Yasher-Baal arose from the throne upon which he sat, and pointing to Azotus declared unto the
people: “This man made covenant with the hosts of Sumer to serve his lord and king, even to the
shedding of his own blood.
12 This oath and covenant, which he made before many witnesses, did he break and trample under the
foot of treachery. For by the hand of this man was Sumer made to tremble before the walls of Zion.
13 By reason of his betrayal were the mighty and the noble made to scatter as chaff in the wind before
the eyes of our enemies, that the glory of Sumer might be as a mockery before the children of men.
14 Therefore, give ear unto the words of your lord and king, and consider how just your decision should
be before the laws which you have caused to be written upon these tablets of clay.
15 For this man has forsaken the inheritance of his brethren. Therefore, it is needful that he be
punished by the law, that he might be made an example unto the people. For by his blood did he swear
unto the king. Therefore, let his blood be shed as atonement for his wickedness.
16 Now as you shall pass judgment upon this man, even so, let us pass judgment upon the father who
sired him, who gave unto such a one as he the breath of life.
17 And all the children of his loins shall you judge also, that we might remove from the midst of Sumer
the seeds of his treachery and deceit. And all that belongs unto the house of Paran shall you forfeit unto
the treasury of the king.
18 Now you judges of the law, be wise and consider neither the right nor the wrong, for above these
things does the law claim dominion.
19 For it is needful that you set before the eyes of men an example of judgment, that they might be
forewarned against sin, that they might find wisdom and safety in obedience to the laws of men.”
20 When Yasher-Baal had finished speaking these things before all the mighty of Sumer, he charged the
judges of the law that they should sit in judgment before the people, that all might know of the sin of
Azotus, and that all who were made witnesses might be made fearful of the law.
21 And he caused to be brought before the people, Paran, the father of Azotus, and he was great with
age. And with him also did they bring all the children of his loins, insomuch that they caused to stand
before the laws of Sumer one hundred and forty souls.
22 Now the chief judge of the law, even Busiris, caused to kneel before the king Azotus of Zion, and he
spoke to him, saying:
23 “Have you heard the charge brought against you by your lord and king, Yasher-Baal? What say you
then? Will you not now repent of your evil? Perchance you shall receive mercy before the law.”
24 And Azotus spoke boldly before all the noble and mighty gathered there, saying: “I have no lord,
neither king over me. For God alone is both Lord and King, and beside him there is no other.
25 Of what sin shall I be made to repent, seeing that I have come to a knowledge of God? Is the life of
the body so precious that I should be made to beg mercy at the hands of the wicked?”
26 Now when the chief judge heard these words, he grew angry and he caused that Azotus should be
struck upon the face. And Busiris spoke, saying:
27 “You are an ignorant and prideful man! Will you not humble yourself even now, seeing that I have
power to slay you and your kinsmen?”
28 And Azotus answered, saying: “Before God only shall I be humble. As for this Yasher-Baal fellow, he
is but a man like unto me. Why then should I be made to tremble before him, seeing that he is not
greater than God?”
29 When he said these things unto the chief judge, there was a great commotion made against him, for
the nobles of Sumer became exceedingly angry against him, for he had no regard for their lord Yasher-
30 And the chief judge took counsel with the other judges of the law, and one spoke unto him, saying:
“Tell us, Azotus, where is your dwelling place to be found? Is it with your brethren with whom together
you did covenant to obey the lord Yasher-Baal, or is it some other place?”
31 And he answered, saying: “Know you not that I dwell in Zion? For there unto did I take refuge these
many years ago, that I might escape the wickedness of Sumer, for it was given unto me to choose
between the good and the evil.
32 For this cause did I come to dwell in Zion, that I might walk peaceably among the children of men, for
in the city of God are none made to fear because of the wickedness of men.
33 And I saw that it was good that I should take Marisa, the daughter of Adami and Bashia, to wife. For
when I compare her grace and goodness unto me, how then should I be made to fear again?
34 Of what then shall you make me afraid, seeing that these many years the God of Zion has been as a
light unto me? Wherewith shall you cause me to tremble, seeing that the Lord of Hosts is the strength of
my life? What power have you to separate me from the Father of my soul?”
35 Now when the judges of the law heard this, they did rend their garments with much indignation. And
Busiris exclaimed aloud, saying: “You men of Sumer bear witness before your lord and king concerning
this man’s treason.
36 For with your own ears have you heard this Azotus speak of his guilt before you. What further
evidence do you need, seeing that this man has called all the good and noble of Sumer evil?
37 Behold the haughtiness of Azotus, the son of Paran, for the covenant which he did swear by his own
blood has he broken and trodden under foot; the laws of Sumer has he made a mockery; the god of our
fathers, even our lord and king, has he scorned before many witnesses.
38 Therefore, what shall be done to this man? For by his own mouth has he confessed his crime. For the
love of a woman was he made to break faith with you and flee unto Zion.
39 Consider how this man has become so possessed of God that he should scorn mercy and life all
together. Behold this madness which has possessed him, that he should ridicule the greatness of
Sumer’s glory.
40 Shall we give mercy to such a one as he? Shall we give consent to such madness? You mighty men of
Sumer, what shall the law do to this Azotus who has esteemed lightly the laws and decrees under which
we are made to give account?”
41 And all the mighty men of Sumer spoke out in much anger against the son of Paran, insomuch that if
it were possible, they would have rushed upon him to slay him, for his boldness did trouble them unto
wickedness. And they condemned him, even every one, that he should die.
42 Now in that moment stood forth Yasher-Baal, and he spoke to Azotus, saying: “These many years
have I waited for you. Now hear the judgment which shall be passed upon you, and not you only, for the
law shall take both your father and your many brethren and judge them beside you, that we might be
diligent to remove your evil far from us.
43 For the roots of evil are deep and sure. Therefore shall the laws of Sumer cut the tree at the root,
that your evil might have no place among us.
44 Thus shall all the sons of men behold your judgment, and they shall fear greatly the laws of Sumer
and of men. And they shall be made to hold back their hands from the evil of Azotus, the son of Paran.
45 Therefore, this shall be your judgment before the law. Your father, Paran, shall be stripped of all his
honor, and also shall be taken all his lands, and houses, and these things shall go to the lord and king of
46 And he shall be taken before the walls of the city, and his head shall I cause to be struck from his
body. And he shall be left as carrion for the wild beasts of the fields, and the birds of the air shall feed
upon his flesh.
47 And from all your brethren shall I cause that the power of their loins shall be cut off. And they shall
become as slaves unto the mighty of Sumer, for they shall be made to eat their bread with sorrow
beside the ox and the ass.
48 And all the children of their loins shall the law bring into bondage and servitude; their wives shall the
law take captive, and they shall become as harlots to satisfy the lusts of all who come in unto them. All
this shall the law do unto the house of Paran.
49 But unto you, Azotus, shall the law delight in harshness. For you shall be taken before the people,
and you shall be beaten with many rods, and they shall take you, and before all the men of Sumer shall
you be made to die upon the stake.”
50 So spoke Yasher-Baal in the midst of his pride and splendor. But Azotus, standing boldly before his
accusers spoke, saying: “Death is but a fleeting thing, and the pain that men endure, but a moment.
51 For all things, whether great or small, shall pass away. But the life of man, this shall not pass away,
even though death press hard against us. For behold how the day flees into night, and the night rushes
into day; even so is the life of all men.
52 Consider, therefore, the life of man. For we are born unto death, that in our passing we might be
born again unto life.
53 How then shall you destroy the life of the soul, seeing that it is of God and must ever continue? Did
you not know that the ways of God are as one eternal round, even until that day when the soul of man is
exalted again unto God?
54 Ponder, therefore, and learn wisdom. For the evil which you have brought upon the innocent shall
the eternal round of God cause to vanish away, and all your glory also. For in the hand of God shall the
good alone find place.”
55 Now when Azotus had finished speaking, the judges of the law delivered the house of Paran unto
judgment, and there was heard great weeping and wailing.
56 And Azotus they took bound unto the field of blood, and strong men did beat him with many rods,
even until the flesh fell from his body.
57 And when this was completed, they did take him and thrust him upon the stake before all the
people, and all who dwelt in Sumer were made to mock him and ridicule him continually.
58 Yet in the nighttime, certain passers-by were filled with wonder, for they heard Azotus singing softly
upon his breast the songs of Marisa, when first she sang by the well.
59 And in the night was Azotus delivered by the hand of God, for in the stillness of the night did the
angels attend unto him.
60 And the soul of the godly was taken by the Father of his spirit unto life eternal, that he might find
rest beside the throne of God.
Chapter 13
The Ancient of Days appears to Enoch – Enoch and Methuselah are called to teach and comfort – God’s
indictment against the high priest Rahob, and blood sacrifice – The sacrifice that God desires – The
promises of God – Enoch begins his mission and testifies against the workers of iniquity
1 Now on a certain day while Enoch was praying privately upon the walls of the city, the Ancient of Days
came forth unto him, saying:
2 “Enoch, my son, go forth from the city of peace and take with you your son Methuselah, and go forth
throughout the lands of Sumer and speak unto the people the words of comfort which I shall give you to
3 That they might turn again unto the Father who gave them life, that I might restore unto my soul the
children of my glory.
4 For I desire to stretch forth my hand to save and to heal all whose souls have been made to grieve
because of transgression.
5 And unto all who do wickedly shall you declare the word of the Lord with sharpness, for the word of
my power is sharper than a two-edged sword, even the dividing asunder of both spirit and body.
6 Therefore, speak unto the transgressors; for their hearts have grown hard with evil, and their ears are
dull of hearing, and their eyes cannot see from afar.
7 For I am God and I delight in mercy, but all their ways are an abomination before me. Go forth among
them and speak unto them the judgments which I shall give concerning them.
8 For why should men die in their sins, seeing that I am able to save? Does the God of Heaven and earth
delight in the death of transgressors? Why then will they not turn, even every man, from their wicked
ways and live?
9 For in the death of the wicked does Lucifer delight, that he might possess unto himself the souls of the
10 Wherefore, my son, wrap your soul in the wisdom of God, and the power of God shall descend upon
you to overshadow you against the evil of the day.
11 Go forth with much boldness and declare unto the generations of men words of counsel and of
comfort, and as many as shall turn from their evil ways will I pardon, and in those souls shall I delight.
12 But against the high priest of Sumer, even Rahob the son of Zereth Shahar, shall you bring forth
strong accusation before all the people who dwell in the land of the two great rivers. For by cunning
words and dark designs has he established the atonement of blood sacrifice.
13 He has laid upon the people a burden too grievous to be borne; by the sorrowing of many people
has Rahob enriched himself; by wickedness has he made merchandise of their souls. Therefore, of this
man shall I demand accounting.
14 For I have heard the cries of many mothers, for the fruit of their wombs has he made to perish in the
fires of idolatry; in abominations and whoredoms are the innocent made to perish.
15 Is this the sacrifice which I have chosen? Shall I take delight in the sacrifice of children? Have I
desired the weeping of mothers and the lamentations of your daughters?
16 Consider, you sons of men, the afflictions and the abominations wherewith Rahob has corrupted you
unto destruction, that the father of lies should follow hard after you to devour you in the midst of your
wickedness, according to his pleasure.
17 Therefore, go my son, Enoch, and speak these words of judgment against the blasphemer, Rahob,
and unto all the mockers of iniquity speak with great sharpness of word, that perchance they might turn
again from their evil ways and live.
18 But unto the broken of spirit speak tenderly the words of eternal life, that they might find therein
wisdom and healing, for by the cunning of Rahob and Yasher-Baal are they made to sacrifice the children
of their loins.
19 Is this not the sacrifice which I have chosen, that you should deal, every man, justly with his
neighbor, that you should desire mercy and holiness, that you might walk humbly beside the Lord your
God and obey him only?
20 Is it not to proclaim aloud liberty throughout the land, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the
heavy burden which conspiring men have made as a snare unto many, that you might let the oppressed
go free, that you might break asunder every yoke?
21 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, that you bring the poor who are cast out to your
house? And when you see the naked that you clothe them again; and that you lift the hand of blessing
and curse not?
22 Have I not proclaimed the decree that you hide not yourself from the father and mother of your
flesh, that they suffer not from want in the days of their great age?
23 For when you were but a child, did they not nurture you upon their bosom? Therefore, give happily
what you owe unto your parents before God, lest I, the Lord, should bring you to account also.
24 Therefore, seek diligently to follow the Lord your God. Then shall your light break forth as the
morning, and your health shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you, and in
the moment of your need shall God remember you, for kindness sake, and the glory of the Lord shall
descend upon you round about.
25 Then shall you not put up your petition in vain unto the Lord, for when you shall call, I shall answer;
in the hour of great distress shall you cry aloud, and the Lord shall say: ‘Here am I.’
26 Wherefore, seek the Lord while he may be found, call unto the Lord while he is near.
27 Let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return again unto
the Lord and Father, and I will have mercy upon him, for I will abundantly pardon.
28 And I, the Lord, shall guide you continually, and I shall satisfy your soul in the midst of famine. I shall
fill you to overflowing, and you shall be like unto a spring of water whose strength never fails.
29 Surely you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. For in the
kingdom of God shall you find welcome; and I, the Lord, shall draw you unto my bosom and I shall exalt
you on high.
30 Thus shall I deal righteously with the wicked who shall turn from his evil ways, and I shall remove his
sins far from him, and I shall remember them no more, neither shall the righteous make mention of
31 For him whom I have forgiven let no man bring to account, lest there be laid on him the greater
condemnation, for truly I say unto you, whosoever shall do this shall deny the mercies of the Father and
except they repent speedily, they shall have no forgiveness of sins.
32 Now go forth among the children of men, and throughout all the lands round about cry repentance
unto this people, saying:
33 ‘Turn you, turn you from your wicked ways: For why will you die in your sins, seeing that God is able
to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to restore the wounded soul?
34 Surely the hand of the Lord is willing to save and his ear able to hear. But your iniquities have made a
separation between you and your God, and all your sins have hid his face from you, that he should not
attend unto you.
35 Wherefore, if you have need of blessing and wisdom, why will you halt in coming to God? For he has
desired that you should receive from him a living hope whereby you might attain unto his glory.
36 Now, therefore, worship the Lord your God, and serve him in the sincerity of your soul and walk
before him in truth always. Remove from yourselves the gods of Yasher-Baal and Rahob, and serve the
God who made you.
37 For in the image of God are you fearfully and wonderfully made, that all who should be faithful unto
the Lord might receive unto their souls the promise of exaltation in the kingdom of God.
38 Now if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, even this decide among yourselves, for his ways are not
grievous to bear: for what has the Lord required of you, except that you do justly, and love mercy, and
walk humbly with your God?’
39 These words speak to as many as shall give heed unto you. Go forth in the power and might of the
Lord, and the Spirit of my holiness shall attend all the words which I shall cause you to speak, even unto
the piercing of every man his bosom.”
40 Thus spoke the Ancient of Days unto Enoch. And Enoch took a shepherd’s staff and a horn of oil and
he journeyed forth from the city of peace, and with his son, Methuselah, did travel throughout all the
land of the two great rivers, speaking unto all the children of men the words of God.
41 And he testified boldly against the workers of iniquity, and many men were offended because of
him, for they sent word unto the rulers of the land, saying:
42 “Behold, a wild man has come among us making strong accusations. A strange man with hard words
has come forth to trouble the ways of men.”
43 Now there were many who heard the words of Enoch with much gladness, and unto these did he
speak as a loving father, and as many as did turn again unto God did he purify in the waters round
about, and these did he consecrate with precious oil unto God.
44 And great multitudes did leave the cities to go into the wilderness to see this strange thing. For it
was whispered throughout the land that a prophet and a seer had come forth among them, preaching
the love of God and the forgiveness of sins.
45 And everywhere that Enoch went great multitudes would follow after him, for there abided with him
the Spirit of God, and they listened to all the words which Enoch spoke concerning the iniquities of the
Chapter 14
Jubal of Calneh – Kneeling before Enoch – Story of abomination – Jubal cries out in anguish – Enoch
comforts Jubal of Calneh – Parable: The King and His Wayward Son – The forgiveness of God – Wicked
priests contend with Enoch – Enoch rebukes the priests of Rahob – The desolation of Yasher-Baal
foretold – People desire death of wicked priests – Enoch returns to Zion after seven years
1 Now there were with the people certain priests, and they desired to lay a snare for Enoch, for they
feared the words which he spoke unto the people, lest many believe him. And on a certain day there
came unto Enoch a man greatly sorrowing.
2 For he had heard the words of God which Enoch spoke concerning the abominations of Rahob, and his
soul did grieve greatly.
3 For he desired for himself the forgiveness of that God who in the beginning breathed into man the
breath of life, whereby all men should become as living souls.
4 Yet in the anguish of his soul did he cry aloud among the people, for by the priests of Sumer had he
been made to offer up his only child as a sacrifice to the gods of affliction.
5 So he came and knelt in the dust before Enoch, and all the people marveled at his grief, for he wept
greatly because of the loss of his child, and he would not be comforted.
6 And Enoch stood the man upon his feet and spoke, saying: “It is not good that you should come and
kneel before me, seeing that I am now but a man like unto you. Come now, my son, and tell me truly.
What sorrow has caused you to grieve so?”
7 And the man told him all that had happened unto him because of the abominations of the priests of
Sumer, and when he had finished speaking, he fell again upon his knees and cried in the anguish of his
8 When Enoch beheld this, he despaired greatly, and turning to the multitude, he asked concerning the
man, for he desired to know somewhat of him.
9 Now there was one among them who knew of the man, and he told Enoch how that this fellow was
once a worker of metal, and that his name was Jubal of Calneh, and that he possessed great skill and
cunning workmanship.
10 Yet there were in the city certain merchants who desired to take unto themselves the works of
Jubal’s hands, so that all who desired to purchase should be made to buy from them only.
11 But this Jubal refused to give them the works of his hands. So they went unto the high priest of
Sumer, even Rahob, and with much money took revenge against him.
12 Wherefore, in the season of planting did the priests come into the house of Jubal and with many
threats did they take his only child, that they might appease the gods of abomination.
13 Now there followed close behind the priests the child’s mother; and she did plead continually for the
life of the child, but unto her they gave no heed.
14 And they cast the child into the fires of wickedness, and the mother did cry aloud unto God and
rushed upon the flames to save her child.
15 Thus did Jubal have torn from his heart his wife and child, which thing caused him to cry aloud
continually, saying:
16 “Woe is me! For I am made to dwell in the midst of abominations. Behold, I am corrupted by evil
men, and there is none to save the wounded soul from transgression.”
17 When Enoch heard these things, he laid his hand upon the man, and spoke tenderly unto him,
saying: “Hear now, my son, the words which I speak unto you this day.
18 For by the word of God am I sent forth to preach repentance and forgiveness of sin. Therefore am I
persuaded by the Spirit of his righteousness to comfort you.
19 Therefore, hear the words of my mouth that your soul might be made clean of the blood of this
untoward generation. Receive now the forgiveness of your Lord, even him who is ruler of Heaven and
20 And the man answered Enoch, saying: “How can God forgive such a one as I, for I dwell in the city of
abominations? How can I be made clean, that I might return unto God, seeing that the blood of
innocence is upon me?”
21 When Enoch heard these words, he spoke to the man a parable, saying:
22 “Once there was a king who had a son. And on a certain day the son grew angry with his father and
he departed from his father’s house, and he went unto a strange and distant land.
23 Now the seasons came and passed away and the son repented of the evil which he had done unto
his father, and would that he might go home again but he could not, for he felt unworthy and unable.
24 But the king sent forth a messenger unto his son, saying: ‘Thus spoke your father, the king: Come
now, my son, and return again unto me, for I have forgiven you from afar. Return again unto me, for I
care for you.’
25 And the son answered the servant, saying: ‘I am unable to go again unto my father’s house, for I am
unworthy of his kindness toward me.’
26 So the servant went and told the king the words of his son; and the king, hearing them, took the
signet ring from off his finger and gave it unto the servant that he might give it unto his son. And he
commanded the servant to speak the words which he had given him to speak unto his son also.
27 Now the servant went again unto the son and gave him his father’s ring, and spoke unto him, saying:
‘Thus spoke your father, the king: My son, if you are willing but unable, then come to me but a little way,
and I shall be gracious unto you and shall come unto you the greater portion.’”
28 And Enoch looking upon the man had compassion on him, and he spoke to him, saying: “Consider
now, my son, how that you have come nigh unto the Father of your spirit only as far as you were able.
29 Shall God not come unto you but this far, that he might stretch forth the hand of healing, that he
might restore you to his soul?
30 For if God shall forgive you all, wherewith shall you be brought under condemnation, seeing that
God has removed your sin far from you?
31 For God is gracious to restore your wife and child unto life again, that they might have opportunity
to know the Lord their God, and receive unto themselves the promise of life everlasting beside the
throne of God.”
32 Now there being certain priests among the people, when they heard all these words, they grew
angry with Enoch and they spoke hotly against him, saying:
33 “Who are you that you should speak for God? Are we not the priests of the Most High? Who
appointed you to preach to this people?
34 Who ordained you to speak unto all the inhabitants round about concerning the love of God and the
forgiveness of sins?
35 For behold, the God who created the heavens and the earth is great and mighty, and by the
fierceness of his wrath are the elements made to tremble; by the indignation of his fury has he weighed
in the balance the worth of all men, insomuch that he has ordained unto all the full measure of his
36 Who is this God who forgives sin without sacrifice and blood atonement? Have you come forth to
destroy this people? For we know that there is no other way wherewith we might obtain favor with God
except it be by the shedding of blood.
37 Shall these people be made to perish because of your vain imaginations? Shall they go seeking after
strange gods, only that they might receive unto themselves the torments of an everlasting punishment?
38 How shall we obtain favor with God except we first satisfy him with the offerings of our sons and
daughters? For by the blood of the innocent are we made clean from all unrighteousness, for by the
shedding of blood are we granted favor and pardon.
39 Who gave you power, that you should forgive sins with a word? For we know that you are come to
get power over the people of this land, that with soft words you might become as some great one.”
40 Now when Enoch heard these words, he was filled with the indignation of the Lord, and taking the
shepherd’s staff, he stood before the multitudes and spoke sharply unto the priests of Rahob and
Yasher-Baal, saying:
41 “You serpents! You men full of wickedness! What manner of abomination gave rise to such as you?
42 Behold, how you are made to become the sons of whoredom and idolatry! For the evil that gave
seed unto you shall come upon you again, and your portion shall be darkness and desolation.
43 Shall the God who established the heavens above be made to thirst for the blood of children? Shall
he be made to hunger for the flesh of virgins?
44 Behold how you have laid upon the people a burden too grievous to be borne. For the god that you
make mention of is your father the devil.
45 For you desire to keep the people bound in fear unto you, that he might have power over them. For
you would that all these many believe that except for you they can in no-wise approach unto God.
46 Wherefore, for this cause has God sent me again to proclaim liberty throughout the land, that all
who have a desire might come unto the Father of their spirits and live.
47 For God desires that none should be made fearful of him, seeing that he is filled with mercy towards
the children of men, and he delights to reveal himself unto all who would call upon him.
48 As for you, God shall bring you to account. For you have corrupted the name of the Father, even
God, that you might take unto yourselves power and gain.
49 For by the priestcrafts of men are the children of men made to sorrow, that by your word alone
many should be brought into bondage.
50 For you desire to rob the people of knowledge, for you will not have them know the God of Heaven;
neither do you desire that they should draw nigh unto him, that he might heal them of many afflictions.
51 Behold how you have clothed yourselves in costly raiment. Your houses have you adorned by the
sorrow which you have caused to fall upon the innocent. For the love of gain have you made as
merchandise the souls of men.
52 Therefore, God shall set his hand against you. And the glory of Yasher-Baal shall be made to perish
from before the eyes of men.
53 Your comely habitations shall be laid low in the dust, and jackals and serpents shall possess your
dwelling places.”
54 Now when the people heard these words spoken, they became exceedingly angry with the priests of
Sumer, and they did pick up stones wherewith to slay them, but Enoch rebuked them. For he desired
that the blood of no man be shed in the name of God.
55 Now among all the people of the land were there many who believed the words of Enoch concerning
the evils of Yasher-Baal and Rahob. Nevertheless, they would not follow Enoch unto repentance.
56 For they desired the death of those who ruled over them with much harshness. Yet they would not
lift the hand of violence while Enoch walked among them, for they had regard for him.
57 Wherefore, the priests of Rahob grew fearful of their lives, for the land became filled with the words
of Enoch concerning their deeds. And they grew in anger against him, because the people would no
longer believe their words.
58 And if there came priests before the people demanding the sacrifice of their sons and daughters, the
people would rise up in great anger and chase the priests from their doors, casting stones at them
59 So Enoch went throughout the land of the two great rivers. And wherever he went, multitudes
would come seeking him; for they did hunger and thirst after the word of God, and as many as were
willing they did receive unto their souls the Spirit of God unto life everlasting.
60 And in the seventh year of his ministry, Enoch returned unto Zion, and there went with him a great
multitude of people. And there were added unto the city of God five thousand souls.
61 But Methuselah the son of Enoch did not return to the city; for he had been ordained by his father
that he should stay among the people of the land, that he might teach them further the things of God.
Chapter 15
Elon Zanoah defends his daughter – Elon rebukes the elders – The gathering of an army – King Remlah
seeks a scapegoat – Fifty soldiers take Methuselah captive – Elon rescues Methuselah – Methuselah
anoints Elon – King Remlah gathers a mighty army – Battle at the Narrows of Tiglath – Elon executes
King Remlah – The letter of Elon to Yasher-Baal – King Melech battles Elon at Mount Tekoa – Yasher-Baal
gathers his war council – Adrammelech made king, taxes increased – 300,000 men made ready for war –
Jandrus in the robes of Yasher-Baal
1 Now there arose in the lands of Shinar a man whose name was Elon Zanoah of the house of Enosh, a
shepherd from the hills of Perga, and he believed all the words of Enoch concerning the evils of Yasher-
Baal and Rahob.
2 Wherefore, he determined to withstand with all his might the abominations of Sumer, for he desired
to set at liberty the children of men.
3 On a certain day there came unto the house of Elon one of the priests of Rahob and with him came
two soldiers of the king of Shinar, and they demanded of him his youngest daughter, for she was pure
and comely, and they desired that she should be made a sacrifice to the gods of the land.
4 Now when Elon Zanoah heard their words, he would not consent, and they grew angry with him and
with many threats determined to lay hold of the girl.
5 But Elon would not be afraid, and picking up a stone, he slew the priest and the soldiers also, for in
the heat of his wrath was Elon like unto a lion among the flocks.
6 So Elon sent for the elders of Perga, and he told them all which he had done to the priest of Rahob
and to the soldiers of Remlah, king of Shinar.
7 And he spoke unto them, saying: “How long shall you be made to halt between two opinions: to bend
the knee unto the gods of abomination, or to give heed to the words of Enoch?
8 How long shall you suffer your children to be taken by the hands of wickedness, that the fires of
whoredom might consume them?
9 Therefore, give ear unto me, for this day have I slain by the strength of my arm the servants of Yasher-
Baal, that I might set at liberty the children of my loins.
10 Wherefore, seeing that I have done this thing among you, what shall you do? For the king shall take
your sons and cause them to die upon the stake as an example to the people.
11 Now if you will that your sons should live and not die, send them unto me, for why will you be made
to doubt the words of Enoch?
12 Shall we not take the sword and proclaim liberty throughout the land? Shall we not have faith that
God is able to deliver into our hands the workers of iniquity?”
13 Now when the elders of Perga heard these words, they sent word throughout the land, that as many
as would might go into the wilderness with Elon Zanoah, that they might gather unto themselves
strength against the day of battle.
14 Yet in Shinar did Remlah grow hot with anger against the man Elon, and he desired to slay him
before the walls of the city. Wherefore, he called forth his councilors and asked concerning him.
15 And one stood forth and spoke thus with the king, saying: “My lord, this trouble has come upon you
by the word of Enoch, for he has gone throughout the lands of Sumer, declaring against you much
wickedness. For this cause alone are the children of men made to rebel against you.”
16 And Remlah spoke, saying: “Where is this Enoch who has set forth his hand to trouble the house of
Yasher-Baal? Where shall the king find this wild man that I might bring him unto Shinar?”
17 They answered, saying: “My lord, he has fled back unto Zion; yet he has sent throughout all the lands
the son of his loins, Methuselah, and even now he is in the land of Perga, baptizing the people who
believe on the words of Enoch.”
18 So Remlah sent out from the city fifty soldiers to bring Methuselah unto the king, for he desired to
put him to death before the nobles of the city, and he did command that the son of Enoch should have
his head cut from his body, that Remlah might send it unto the gates of Zion.
19 Now there went unto Perga the soldiers of the king, and finding Methuselah by the waters of Nod,
they fell upon him and bound him with strong cords, which thing caused great anger among the
inhabitants of the land, for they had regard for the son of Enoch.
20 So the people went into the hills round about Perga that they might seek out Elon Zanoah, and when
they found him, they told him all that had happened to Methuselah beside the waters of Nod.
21 And taking five hundred men, Elon surrounded the soldiers of the king as they journeyed towards
Shinar, and he caused that they should set free the son of Enoch.
22 So the soldiers of Remlah gave to the elders of Perga the prophet Methuselah. Now when this was
accomplished, Elon commanded the soldiers that they should give him also the youngest from among
23 Wherefore, they gave unto him the youngest, and when these things were done, the men of Perga
fell upon the soldiers of the king, and they slew every one of them so that no man escaped the wrath of
Elon, except the youngest who was taken from among them.
24 And Elon caused that their heads should be taken and placed upon stakes, and he put them along
the road that led unto the city of the king.
25 And turning to the young man from Shinar, he commanded him to go and tell the king all that he had
26 Now Methuselah took Elon Zanoah before the people, and he anointed him unto the Lord, that he
should be victorious over the armies of the king.
27 And he commanded that all who should desire to be free from the abominations of Yasher-Baal and
Rahob, even they should follow the man Elon and do according to his word.
28 Wherefore, against Elon Zanoah did Remlah, king of Shinar, gather together a mighty army and
placing himself at the head thereof, he did march towards Perga, for he desired to slay all who lived in
the regions round about, that he might put down with great harshness the rebellion of Elon.
29 But when he drew nigh unto the borders of Perga, he caused that his army should march through
the Narrows of Tiglath, and there in the deep and narrow lands did Elon meet the son of Yasher-Baal.
30 For Elon had placed all his men upon the hilltops, that their arrows and their stones might fall as the
rain upon the armies of the king.
31 And wherever the soldiers of the king would run, there would fall upon them great terror from
above. Now there were caused to perish that day twenty thousand men, for there were none to escape.
And Remlah and his armor bearer fell captive unto Elon Zanoah.
32 And he brought the king with his armor bearer before the walls of Shinar, and there did he cause
that Remlah should perish before the eyes of the city, and he caused the body of the king to be divided
into six portions.
33 And he sent unto all the kings of Sumer a portion of Remlah, but the head of Remlah did the armor
bearer take unto Yasher-Baal, that he might know of a surety concerning the death of his son.
34 And Elon called forth a scribe and he caused that he should write upon the tablet of clay the words
of Elon unto the lord of Sumer, saying:
35 “The words of Elon Zanoah of Perga to Yasher-Baal, the father of abomination, greetings! Behold, O
king, how that I have caused your son to perish before the walls of Shinar.
36 Therefore, as I have divided the body of Remlah, even so shall I divide the kingdom of your power. As
I have cut the head from Shinar, so shall I remove you from the glory of Sumer.
37 For by the words which God did speak unto us through the prophet Enoch shall I fulfill in you the
promise of desolation, for I shall cause the glory of Yasher-Baal to perish from before the eyes of men.
38 And I shall cause your comely habitations to fall low in the dust, and jackals and serpents shall
possess your dwelling places, and your name shall I remove from the land, and the evil of your ways
shall be made to haunt you with desolation and judgment.
39 Therefore, O king, come forth unto me that I may give you just tribute. Come, O mighty lord and
prince, and let us offer unto God a sacrifice in blood.”
40 So Elon caused that the head of Remlah should be taken unto Sumer and the tablet of clay also.
41 And the name of Elon spread throughout the land of the two great rivers, for by the strength of his
arm had he brought sorrow upon the head of Sumer.
42 Now there came unto him a multitude of people; and he grew in much strength, for there was
numbered among the men of Elon thirty thousand souls.
43 Now the king of Calneh, even Melech the son of Yasher-Baal, gathered together a mighty host and
he marched against Elon of Perga. And the armies of Calneh and Elon met at Mount Tekoa in the land of
44 And there was beside Elon, Methuselah the son of Enoch, and he blessed the followers of Elon that
they should be victorious over Melech. Wherefore, their hearts were made fierce in the moment of
45 So they fell upon the armies of Calneh and there was much slaughter, and the men of Elon felt to
rejoice over the fallen, but Methuselah forbid them, saying:
46 “How shall you be made to rejoice, seeing that they also are the sons of God like unto you? Yet now
they are vanished away, and the day of their repentance is no more.”
47 Now when Yasher-Baal heard concerning the defeat of Melech, he called unto Sumer all the kings of
the land and their mighty men also. And they gathered themselves before him in the court of the king.
48 And all the kings and the noble men of Sumer declared with a loud voice that Yasher-Baal should be
forever called Lord of lords and King of kings, for they did look upon him as though he were a god,
seeing that he killed by the strength of his arm, Cain, the father of nations and of war.
49 Wherefore, Yasher-Baal stood forth boldly before the many and the mighty, and he declared that his
son Adrammelech should be made king over Shinar, that the glory of Sumer might not be diminished
before the children of men.
50 And he levied against all the cities of Sumer a conscript of fifty thousand men dressed for war.
51 Therefore, against the cities of Kish, Shinar, Uruk, Calneh, Babel, and Sumer did Yasher-Baal increase
the tax upon the people of all the lands round about, that there might be sufficient to feed the armies of
52 And Yasher-Baal gathered together a mighty host, such as the sons of men had never before seen,
even three hundred thousand men ready for war.
53 Now Yasher-Baal commanded that there should be brought before the kings and lords of Sumer,
Jandrus, one of the sons of Cain, a man of great stature.
54 And he caused Jandrus to be dressed in the robes of Yasher-Baal, and he placed under him all the
sons of Cain, even ten thousand.
55 Thus did the lord and king of Sumer conspire to trap Elon Zanoah, that he might destroy him.
56 For he commanded that Jandrus should take all the sons of Cain and march towards the regions
round about Perga, laying waste all the dwellings and inhabitants thereof.
57 For Yasher-Baal desired that Elon take notice of the ten thousand, and believing as he might that
Yasher-Baal himself commanded, he might follow hard after him.
Chapter 16
An angel confronts Methuselah – Methuselah’s excuse for not returning to Zion – “Is this the liberty
which God would give?” – The confusion of Methuselah – The angel explains the liberty of God –
Methuselah refuses to forsake Elon – Jandrus marches against Perga – The deception of Yasher-Baal
works – Death of Elon and the execution of 20,000 – Methuselah weeps for Elon Zanoah – Yasher-Baal
turns his army towards Zion
1 Now it came to pass that an angel of the Lord came to Methuselah and spoke unto him, saying: “Get
up and remove yourself from the lands of Sumer, for evil shall come upon the land of Perga to war
against the man Elon.
2 Therefore, return unto Zion and live. For your God, even he who created all things for the good of
man, wills not that you should perish.”
3 But Methuselah answered, saying: “Should the prophet of God be made to flee in the moment of
danger? Shall I be made to forsake Elon in the day of trouble, seeing that he shall go to battle against
4 Consider how the children of men seek to be made free from the abominations of Sumer. Will God
hide himself in the moment of distress, that the good be slain upon the fields of war so that wickedness
might live?
5 Behold, this is not good in the eyes of the children of men. Therefore, I shall stand beside the son of
liberty, that he might be made victorious over the armies of Sumer, that he might wrest from the father
of abominations, even Yasher-Baal, the freedom of all this people.”
6 And the angel spoke unto Methuselah, saying: “Is this the liberty unto which God has called so many,
to lift against the wicked the sword of violence that they might perish in their sins?
7 Is not this the liberty wherein God should make you free, that all who should have desires might seek
the Father of Heaven, and that finding him they might be made free from sin by the showing forth of his
grace unto them?
8 Therefore, unto as many as shall repent and turn again unto God shall the Spirit of his holiness attend
unto eternal life and exaltation, that all who are faithful to do good always might inherit the fullness of
his glory.
9 For the liberty wherein God shall make you free comes first by repentance, that by a godly walk and
holy conversation you might establish yourself above the vain imaginations of men, that evil should no
longer have place among you unto death.
10 Thus, by the holiness which is in God, shall the righteous find release, that death might no longer be
as a terror unto the children of promise.
11 For the night which comes upon so many shall be as the morning unto the righteous, for surely God
shall set at liberty the souls of the just, that they might find rest in the bosom of their Father.
12 Now consider how that Yasher-Baal is but a man. Shall the liberty of God be purchased by the death
of such a one as he?
13 Does God desire that men should be made free from the sons of men, or free from the bondage of
fear and wickedness, that haply they might find unto their greater joy the Father of their soul?
14 Therefore, choose for yourself the liberty wherein you shall be made free. For is not the liberty unto
which God has called so many greater than the liberty whereunto men are made to perish by the
15 But Methuselah answered, saying: “How can this thing be? Is it not good that men should be free to
choose for themselves good or evil? Does God not desire that the children of men be made free from
the abominations of Yasher-Baal and Rahob?
16 Shall God not desire that wickedness be made to perish by the sword, that the children of men might
be made free of sin?
17 How say you then that God desires not the death of the wicked whereby the sons of men might be
made free from abominations?”
18 And the angel answered, saying: “Are you a prophet of God and you understand not these things?
Choose which is the greater: the liberty wherein God shall make you free from evil, or that liberty which
the sons of men desire to take by the sword?
19 Unto which of these shall the glory of God attend: the liberty wherein God shall say unto you on the
day of acceptation:
20 ‘Behold, you are my son now and forevermore, for this day have I begotten you. Now receive unto
your soul the joy of your Father, even unto life eternal and exaltation in the kingdom of God.’
21 Or shall you prefer that liberty which is born of the sword and not of God? Shall this lesser liberty
deliver the children of men from the terror of the grave, or is God alone able to deliver?
22 How shall the children of men be made free from sin by the death of Yasher-Baal? Shall not another
come in his place to conspire against the innocent, that he might bring them again into bondage?
23 Shall you kill him also? Is this the liberty that you desire for the children of men? How shall the
shedding of blood make you free?
24 For if you would be free from the abominations of Yasher-Baal, it shall not be had by the death of
the wicked or the fallen.
25 For the liberty unto which God has called so many can only be had by choosing the good over the
evil, that as many as are willing might walk uprightly before God always.
26 Now hear and understand, for the God of Heaven and earth desires that all men should be made
free in him, according as they shall desire; for this cause did the spirits of the Holy One descend unto the
27 Wherefore, seeing that God has made you free indeed, what evil shall cause you to be separated
from the love of God? By what design shall the children of abomination separate you from the glory
which God has called you to receive?
28 Be persuaded, therefore, by the power of God to choose the good and forsake evil, that you might
be free according to the wisdom which is in God.”
29 Now when Methuselah heard these words, he grew heavy of heart, for he despaired over the man
Elon, and would not that he should forsake him in the moment of need.
30 So the son of Enoch turned away from the angel of the Lord, and turning his face towards Perga, he
journeyed three days unto the plains of Luzon, for he desired to stand beside Elon, that perhaps he
might be made victorious over Yasher-Baal.
31 For this cause did God grieve for Methuselah, for he did choose the lesser part and would not give
heed unto God for Elon’s sake.
32 But Jandrus, the son of Cain, marched boldly against Perga with his ten thousand, laying waste all the
country round about, which thing caused Elon to gather all his men, that he might lie in wait for him.
33 Now Yasher-Baal took the hosts of Sumer, even three hundred thousand men prepared for war, and
he did divide them into two armies.
34 And they marched beyond the lands of Perga, that they might encompass the army of Elon round
35 Wherefore, Elon, seeing only the ten thousand of Jandrus, supposed that he could with his thirty
thousand crush him all together. For it was thought by many, Elon also, that the lord Yasher-Baal
36 So Elon with a mighty shout leaped into battle, and he fell upon the host of Jandrus to slaughter, but
in the moment of battle, there came up round about Elon the hosts of Sumer.
37 Now when they saw round about them the armies of Sumer, they grew fearful of heart.
38 Nevertheless, the men of Perga followed Elon into battle, and the glory of Perga was made to perish,
for behold, the man Elon did perish by the sword, and with him ten thousand of Perga also.
39 Thus did Yasher-Baal cause to perish the son of liberty. And he took captive twenty thousand of the
host of Elon, and he did cause them, even every man among them, to die upon the stake.
40 From the gates of Calneh even unto the gates of Sumer did Yasher-Baal cause to die upon the stake
all the followers of Elon Zanoah.
41 And Methuselah, beholding this from afar, wept for the men of Perga, and for Elon did he cry aloud.
42 But there came unto him the angel of the Lord warning him to flee into the wilderness, for Yasher-
Baal sought earnestly the son of Enoch, that he might put him to death also.
43 Now all the men of Sumer rejoiced in Yasher-Baal, for there was none among the children of men
who could withstand him in the moment of battle;
44 For he possessed great cunning and his daring was beyond measure, and all the inhabitants of the
land grew fearful of him because of his great wickedness.
45 Therefore, did Yasher-Baal boast in the strength of his power, for his greatness was beyond measure
in his own eyes, and beholding the mighty hosts of Sumer, even three hundred thousand dressed for
war, he turned his face eastward towards Zion.
Chapter 17
The second siege of Zion – Ancient of Days in the Holy of Holies – Message of deliverance – God’s
forbearance towards the wicked – Treasures on the temple steps – Heavenly Mother comes to Bashia –
Saving the Matriarchal Priesthood – Japhia the wife of Methuselah – Bashia prepared to meet Yasher-
1 So Yasher-Baal marched with all the hosts of Sumer towards Zion, and when they drew near, they
encamped themselves round about, and he did lay siege to the city of God, believing surely that he
could overcome it by the power of his might.
2 But Enoch, upon seeing the armies of Sumer, went into the temple, and there in the Holy of Holies the
Ancient of Days appeared unto him above the altar. And he spoke to Enoch, saying:
3 “Consider, O son of man, how evil has encamped itself round about you, that it might make desolate
the dwelling place of the godly, that it might lift up the hand of war against the peaceful habitation.
4 Therefore, hear now the word of your God who in the beginning did call you forth to labor, that you
may gather from among many people the seekers of God; that you might build with them the beautiful
city, even the city of peace.
5 Now be not fearful of the mighty who rage against you, neither be afraid of the evil which has come
upon the righteous, for it is not against you that they have set their hand to war, but against me have
they come forth to battle.
6 For they who dwell in the midst of wickedness, who have made abomination as a highway whereupon
to tread are made to rage against the righteous continually, for the good which you desire to do among
the children of men, even this does convict the wicked of transgression before the people.
7 For this cause have they come up against you, to remove from before the eyes of men the indictment
of the Lord, for behold, I the Lord am holy, and in wickedness I do not delight.
8 Wherefore, seeing that I delight in righteousness, the sons of disobedience have come up against you,
for your holiness before me is an offense unto them who seek only to satisfy the lusts of the flesh.
9 Yet wherein shall I deliver you from the evil which has come forth to devour the godly? Shall I, even
the Lord of Heaven and earth, deliver with sword and fire? Shall I lift up my hand to consume the wicked
while they are yet in their sins?
10 Will the wicked be made to repent at the hand of violence and awful wrath? Shall I be satisfied to
cause the wicked to tremble before the greatness of my fury? How then shall they desire the holy,
seeing that I have made them to fear and tremble so?
11 Wherein shall they be made to love the good and seek after righteousness, seeing that terror follows
hard after them, which thing shall cause them to shake before the name of that God who, from the
beginning, loved them even as a father loves his only child?
12 Behold and consider greatly how the souls of the wicked are made to hunger, for they know not the
Lord their God, neither do they desire to seek after him that he might deliver them unto life everlasting.
13 Wherefore, seeing that I delight not in the death of the wicked, shall I fail to deliver the godly in the
moment of distress? Shall I not stretch forth my hand to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of
14 Yet shall your God deliver you and all this people, that perchance the wicked might see the salvation
of the Lord and be made to wonder continually. Perchance, then, they might seek the Lord while he may
yet be found.
15 Therefore, call unto all the people of Zion that they might gather themselves before me. And let all
who herein abide come into the temple of the Lord, for I shall deliver the children of promise from the
hand of Yasher-Baal.
16 For I shall bring Yasher-Baal to account for the evil of his ways; even the might of his glory shall I
cause to become as nothing.
17 For I shall give unto him this day all the desires of his heart, that in the midst of every good thing he
might find himself desolate and wanting.
18 Consider how that many desire to possess unto themselves the things of this world, and when they
have acquired, they find therein no satisfaction to the soul, and they become as men most miserable.
19 Go now throughout the city and bring forth unto me the children of promise, even all them who
have made with me a covenant by sacrifice, for this day shall I exalt all who desire high above the vain
imaginings of this world, that they might find rest in the bosom of God.”
20 Now Enoch went and did as the Lord commanded, and he called unto all the inhabitants of Zion that
they should go forth unto the temple.
21 And he commanded also that whatsoever thing they possessed of great value, even this should they
bring forth, that they might deliver unto the lord of Sumer great treasures.
22 Thus were the people of Zion brought by the Spirit of God up to the house of the Lord, and they laid
upon the porch of the temple great treasures, for they did bring forth as an offering great quantities of
gold and silver, and many ingots of copper and tin.
23 And they brought forth baskets filled with precious stones, even of amethyst and beryl, emeralds
and sardius, and there was much jasper and topaz, onyx and sapphire in abundance.
24 Wherefore, unto all this were added spices and herbs of every kind, and dyes of purple and crimson
and cloth to match with these, and they placed upon the porch of the temple also, great jars filled with
the oil of frankincense and myrrh. And the court of the temple did they fill to overflowing with the fruit
of the vine, with wine most precious and rare.
25 All these things did the inhabitants of Zion bring forth to the temple, that they might give freely to
Yasher-Baal, for it was Enoch’s desire that the king of Sumer should possess for himself all the riches of
this world.
26 Yet in the temple did Bashia stand before God, that she might offer up for the daughters of Zion the
prayers and supplications of the gentle heart, and there was with her Hypatia the daughter of Geshur,
and Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran.
27 And while they were praying, behold, there came unto them a woman of great and exceeding
beauty, being filled continually with mercy and holiness, even the Mother of Heaven.
28 And there was round about her a great light, and under her feet was a pavement of blue like unto
sapphire, and there flowed from her hand the glory of eternity, which thing did shine forth upon them,
and they were filled with exceeding wonder.
29 And there attended unto her a host of Cherubim and Seraphim, and there encircled them round
about the fires of Kolob that there might not approach unto them any unclean thing.
30 Wherefore, the temple was filled with the brightness of Heaven’s glory, and there was heard round
about the house of the Lord the singing of the heavenly hosts, and all who dwelt in Zion heard with their
ears the beautiful song, and outside the walls of the city did the armies of Yasher-Baal hear also, and
they were filled with wonder.
31 Now the great Mother of Heaven spoke unto Bashia from the midst of the temple, saying:
32 “Greetings unto you, my daughters, and fear not, for I have come from the presence of the great
Father, that I might fill you with many blessings, that I might give into your keeping great wisdom and
33 Behold now the Beloved of Michael, even the Ancient of Days, and doubt not. For I am Sher-el of
Valhaladea, even Eve the mother of all living.
34 Hear now and take heart, for the deliverance of Zion has God assured before all the councils of
Eloheim. But consider, my daughters, who shall there be to deliver the men of Sumer from the ways of
35 For behold, God shall take from the earth the hosts of Zion. Yet though the Lord shall cause that Zion
should flee away from the world of men, even so he has appointed Methuselah, the son of Enoch, to
remain, that the priesthood of the Father might not perish from before the children of men.
36 But consider even now, my daughters, how that Methuselah is alone upon the land, for the wife
whom God gave that she might be as a wife unto him is made to dwell in Zion.
37 Is it good that she should flee away, that Methuselah might dwell alone upon the earth? Shall I be
made to rejoice, seeing that the priesthood of the great Mother is no longer among the daughters of
38 Therefore, go forth unto Japhia and speak to her the words which the Spirit of God shall cause to
come upon you. For I desire that the priesthood of the Heavenly Mother continue upon the earth.
39 And I shall give unto her this promise, that I shall cause her to be fruitful and she shall be blessed of
many for I shall give her great understanding in the ways of men, and I shall grant her a fullness of
heavenly powers, that she might offer unto God, all the hopes, prayers, and longings of the daughters of
40 And whomsoever the sons of her womb shall take to wife, even unto these shall she teach the ways
of godliness, that she might ordain them unto this priesthood forever.
41 Thus shall the priesthood of God remain among the children of men, that they might find unto
themselves every good thing which God desires to give.
42 For the blessings of God are given unto all, that they might be satisfied from want, for surely God
shall fill them to overflowing, and the joys of Heaven shall distill upon their souls as the dew from
Heaven, and therewith shall the children of men find contentment and great gain.
43 Therefore shall holiness enfold the obedient in the wisdom of God, and the spirit of God’s glory shall
fill them with peace everlasting, and they shall have an abundance of joy, for unto them will be given
the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven.
44 For the promise is given and the way established forever, that whosoever shall seek after wisdom
shall find to their greater joy the soul of that God who in the beginning breathed into man the breath of
45 And he shall lead them always until they receive all that the Father and Mother desire to give them,
even until the fullness of their glory is made to shine upon them unto exaltation in the kingdom of God.
46 Wherefore, unto all who shall have desires to come to a knowledge of their God, let them seek not
after the riches of this world, neither trouble themselves concerning the vain imaginings of men, for in
the wisdom of God is there great gain, and all who shall be diligent to lay hold upon eternal life, even
therein shall they find treasures in abundance.
47 Insomuch that all the great things of the earth shall be as dross when compared to the things which
God desires to bestow upon the righteous, and all the praise and glory of men shall be as the wind which
knows not its place.
48 Now, therefore, give ear unto your Heavenly Mother, for I shall send you forth from the city of
peace, and I shall cause you to stand before the king of Sumer, that you might make known to him the
ways of God, that he might repent of all his wickedness and be saved by that Father who in the
beginning loved him.
49 And you shall take no thought for what you shall say to him, for it shall be given you in the moment
of your need the words which you shall speak.
50 Wherefore, be strong in the Lord your God, and fear not the might of the oppressor, for your God is
greater than the fury of the ungodly, and his mercy towards you is from everlasting to everlasting.”
Chapter 18
Bashia meets Yasher-Baal again – Yasher-Baal demands to know what is wanted – Bashia pleads for the
people of Zion – Yasher-Baal scorns Bashia and vows to destroy both city and people – Bashia bargains
for the life of Japhia – Yasher-Baal consents, Bashia surrenders Zion – The sureness of Bashia
1 Now when these words were spoken, behold, Bashia did take Hypatia the daughter of Geshur and
Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran, and they did go out to meet the king of Sumer, and with them also did they
take Japhia, the wife of Methuselah.
2 Now these four did approach boldly the soldiers of the king, and some, seeing Bashia grew fearful, for
they remembered aforetime.
3 Nevertheless, she did command that they should bring her and the other women to speak unto
Yasher-Baal, which thing they did with much haste.
4 Wherefore, when the king heard that certain women had come out from Zion to speak with him, and
that the name of one was Bashia, the high priestess of God, he did glory, for it was his desire to
humiliate her before the gates of Zion.
5 But when he came out to meet the women of Zion, they did all kneel before him in great humility,
which thing did cause Yasher-Baal to marvel, for upon seeing Bashia, he was moved by her great beauty,
notwithstanding her many years.
6 And he spoke to her, saying: “For what purpose have you come to me? Have you come forth again to
threaten me with whirlwinds in the night? Why have you and not Enoch come to me?
7 Know you not that in but a few days I shall breach these walls to destroy the city of peace, and that I
shall slay all the inhabitants thereof?
8 Behold, even now have I promised to give the city to my mighty ones, that it should be a possession
unto them forever.
9 Why have you come out to speak to Yasher-Baal, seeing that I fear neither God nor man? Wherewith
shall you speak? What words shall you use which will cause the king of Sumer to shake with fear and
10 Now when Yasher-Baal had finished speaking, Bashia arose from the ground and entreated him,
11 “Hear, my lord, the words which I shall speak unto you this day, for, behold, your fame and greatness
is known throughout all the land.
12 Where, O king, shall Zion be delivered from the hand of Yasher-Baal, seeing that we are weak in war,
for among all the sons of Zion is there not found one who will lift up the sword against you.
13 For this cause came I forth unto you, that I might beseech you to be gracious to your humble
14 For, behold, we desire not that any man among you should suffer injury in taking the city of God.
15 Therefore, O king, I have come to you, that perchance you might be gracious unto the inhabitants of
Zion. For why will you kill the innocent, seeing that they have done you no harm?”
16 When Yasher-Baal heard these words, he mocked Bashia to scorn, saying: “Is this the woman who
walked boldly in the shadow of her God these many years ago?
17 Is this not the high priestess of God who called upon the armies of Sumer the judgments of wind and
storm? Are you not that Bashia who in the beginning came forth from Zion with indignation upon your
18 Why will you ask for mercy now? Is your God no longer able to save you or the city from the might of
Sumer? Tell me, woman, what part does Enoch have in your conspiring?
19 Why do you come to offer unto me the lives of my men in exchange for mercy? Are they not
soldiers? Why should I halt in the moment of battle for the sake of the lives of these many men?
20 Behold, I am Yasher-Baal the son of Cain, who was the son of Adam. What care have I for the lives of
men, seeing that they are weak and loathsome?
21 What does it matter that the innocent are made to perish in the war for power and dominion, seeing
that I shall take again my glory before the gates of Zion?”
22 And Bashia spoke to him, saying: “Great lord, hear the words which I speak unto you and learn
wisdom, for I came not unto you in weakness and fear as you have supposed, but rather that the city of
peace might be spared the fury of your wrath.
23 For why should the glory of Zion be made to perish from before the eyes of men, seeing that it is
beautiful above all the cities of the earth?
24 Wherefore, grant unto the inhabitants of Zion a portion of your mercy, that the city of God might
continue, though the people thereof be made to perish.”
25 But Yasher-Baal spoke with scorn to the woman, saying: “Am I so weak that one such as you would
receive mercy from my hand? Now hear the words of the lord and king of Sumer.
26 I shall grant unto the inhabitants of Zion neither mercy nor peace, for not many days hence shall I
break in pieces the walls of the city, and I will kill all the inhabitants thereof.
27 What does it matter to me if a thousand of the mighty perish, if it so be that I might make desolate
the holy habitation?
28 What can you offer me, seeing that on the day that Zion falls I shall find you, and drag you before the
men of Sumer and I shall spread myself upon you to ravish and to plunder according to my will?
29 Speak not of mercy for it is an offense unto me. For the law is given that the strong alone shall rule in
dominion and might, while the weak and the fallen are left alone to beg mercy from those who have
none to give.
30 But, Bashia, if it be mercy for you, ask on the day that I shall cause you to be made subject unto me,
for surely in that day I shall uncover you before the God of Heaven; perchance he shall be merciful unto
you and come forth from his hiding place to save you.”
31 And Bashia spoke to him, saying: “My lord, the words which you speak are hard and grievous to
32 For now I know that in you there is no mercy towards Zion. Therefore, give ear to the words of my
mouth, for I shall set before you all the glory of Zion.
33 For if you will grant unto me some little favor, I shall cause that on the third day hence the gates of
the city shall be opened unto you and all the hosts of Sumer also, and all the treasures of the city shall I
cause to be placed before you upon the steps of the temple.
34 And you shall take the city of Zion unto you in great glory, and the fame of Yasher-Baal shall increase
upon all the face of the earth.
35 For when the children of men are made to see the shame of Zion, they shall fear you greatly, and
unto whatsoever city you set your face, surely they shall seek peace from your hand.
36 Only grant unto Bashia this request, for if you shall be gracious unto me this once, then surely in that
day shall you grow in glory exceeding, and then shall the hearts of men and of gods grow fearful at the
mention of your name, for you shall possess mighty treasures, and your dominion shall cover even all
the earth.”
37 Now Yasher-Baal was pleased when he heard these words, for he was great in vanity, and he spoke
to her, saying:
38 “Do you seek to bargain for your life, Bashia, and these women also? Let these others go, for they
are nothing to me, but you shall not flee away from Zion until I have possessed you.”
39 And Bashia answered, saying: “My lord, for myself I plead not, neither for Hypatia nor Adora’s sake
do I beseech you, only that you will assure safe passage for the woman Japhia, for we desire that the
remembrance of Zion be not blotted out from before the children of men.
40 Wherefore, O king, let her pass safely through the midst of your armies unhindered, that she might
go throughout the lands round about, and weep for the city of peace. For if you slay all the inhabitants
of the city, who shall there be to lament our passing?”
41 So Yasher-Baal consented unto Bashia, and he commanded that a company of soldiers attend Japhia
that no harm should come to her, for it was his desire that Japhia be taken beyond the lands of Sumer in
42 And when these things were completed, Bashia called unto Hypatia the daughter of Geshur, and
Adora of Abel-Beth-Haran that they might go again unto the city.
43 But as they turned to go, Yasher-Baal spoke to Bashia, saying: “Woman, know this, that three days
hence I shall enter the city, and I shall have you before many witnesses.”
44 And Bashia spoke, saying: “My lord, truly I speak to you, that on the third day hence, the gates of
Zion shall be opened unto you and all the hosts of Sumer, and if it so be that you find me, I shall willingly
give myself to you.”
45 Now when these words were spoken, Bashia turned and went again unto the beautiful city.
46 And all the men round about the king marveled at the sureness of her way, for Bashia possessed
great wisdom and beauty, insomuch that there was none that could compare with her among all the
daughters of men.
Chapter 19
The gates of Zion are opened on third day – Soldiers enter the empty city – Treasures on the temple
steps – Yasher-Baal rebukes Penuel – Soldiers search for nine days – The spirit of Azotus appears to
Yasher-Baal – The wisdom of Azotus – Yasher-Baal tries to kill Azotus again – Yasher-Baal seeks Japhia –
An earthquake swallows up Zion – Yasher-Baal goes insane – “And vipers kept well the courts of the
1 On the third day the sun did shine upon the walls of the city, and behold, the gates of Zion were
opened wide.
2 And there came unto Yasher-Baal one of the soldiers of Sumer, saying: “My lord, the gates of the city
are opened unto the hosts of Sumer.”
3 Wherefore Yasher-Baal commanded one of his captains to go first into the city, lest there be a trap
laid by the inhabitants of Zion.
4 And after the captain had gone to the city with a company of soldiers, he came again unto Yasher-Baal
and told him that there was found in the city neither man nor woman.
5 And Yasher-Baal laughed aloud with much scorn, and he spoke to the mighty men round about him,
6 “Behold the courage of the children of God. Consider with what boldness they would hide themselves
from the enemy at the gate.” And he mocked Zion greatly.
7 Now Yasher-Baal gathered to himself a mighty host wherewith to enter the city of peace, and he set
himself at the head thereof and entered within the walls of the city.
8 Now there was a great stillness within the walls of Zion, for there was seen no man from among the
inhabitants thereof.
9 Wherefore, Yasher-Baal commanded that the mighty men of valor should search again, and
whatsoever person was found, even that person should be killed with the sword.
10 So the mighty men of Sumer went throughout all the dwellings of the city, and the lord of Sumer
went up to the temple of God.
11 Now when Yasher-Baal beheld all the treasures gathered there, he did swell with much greed, and
his heart was filled with the lust for power and glory; for he desired to be great above all the children of
12 And all the men of Sumer were filled with wonder, for never had any man seen so great a treasure
among the lords and elders of Sumer. Wherefore, there were many who were made to marvel
concerning the city of Zion.
13 But there came to Yasher-Baal the captain of all his hosts, even Penuel the son of Jabesh, and he was
filled with perplexity, and he spoke to the king, saying:
14 “My lord, truly have the mighty searched throughout all the dwellings of the city, and there was
found neither man nor woman; neither found we any sign of their passing.
15 For into whatever part of the city we did look, behold, there was only stillness, for all the inhabitants
of Zion have fled away, and where they have gone we know not.
16 For consider, my lord, how that Zion has been encompassed round about. How then, my lord, are
they made to flee away, seeing that there was prepared for them no way of escape?
17 Behold, my lord king, how the mighty men of valor are made fearful of this great stillness. Behold
how this city haunts the mighty that even their boldness fails them all together, for many tremble and
would that they might return again unto Sumer.
18 For they seek to be away from the city of Enoch, lest the God of Heaven grow angry and stretch forth
his hand to destroy them unawares.”
19 Now when Yasher-Baal heard these words he grew exceedingly angry and he spoke, saying: “Are you
made to tremble as children? Whereunto has Zion fled, seeing that my power has encompassed them
round about?
20 What man shall there be among the children of men who, having found the way of escape, would
not take with him all the treasures which he has gathered unto himself?
21 Shall he cause that such great wealth and power should fall into the hands of his enemies? Will any
man forsake so great a treasure when there is made for him a way of escape? Behold, I say unto you:
22 Know this, O son of Jabesh, how that the heavens are clear and pleasing to the eye, and there blows
no ill wind from Lake Ishan to trouble the hosts of Sumer. Wherewith shall evil be made to fall upon
Sumer, seeing that we have taken the city of God?
23 Concern yourself no longer over the inhabitants of Zion, for surely they have not escaped from the
power of Yasher-Baal.
24 For they have thought only to hide themselves from the sword of affliction, that they might not be
left desolate among the children of men.
25 Now go, again, and command the men of Sumer to search again throughout the city, for surely you
shall find the children of God, and when you have found them, seek from among them the woman who
is called Bashia, and bring her forth unto me.”
26 And when he had finished speaking unto Penuel, he sent him away to do according to his word. And
Yasher-Baal commanded certain soldiers to carry to Sumer all the treasures which were laid upon the
porch of the temple.
27 And for many days they looked throughout the city, yet they found not the children of promise, for
God had taken them unto his bosom, that therein they might find rest from the fury of the ungodly.
28 Now on the evening of the ninth day, Yasher-Baal walked throughout the city which lay in deep
stillness, and he sat himself down in a certain garden by a winepress.
29 And there appeared unto him a soul of great beauty clothed in much light and glory. And Yasher-
Baal, beholding the heavenly vision, stood forth in great astonishment.
30 And the king of Sumer spoke to the soul of the just, saying: “What sort of man are you, that light
should be unto you as a covering? By what power are you made to stand before me in the air?
31 Behold, you are most familiar to me. Therefore, speak to me: What have you to do with Yasher-
32 And the man of glory spoke to him, saying: “Know you not who it is that stands before you? Behold, I
am Azotus of Zion, whom you slew upon the stake these many years ago.”
33 Now when Yasher-Baal heard the words of Azotus, he feared greatly, for he believed not in the life
34 And he spoke to Azotus, saying: “How can this be, seeing that by the law I slew you? From whence
are you come to torment me?”
35 And he answered, saying: “Be not fearful Yasher-Baal, for I came from Heaven not to trouble you,
but to give unto you great wisdom.
36 For consider how you are made great in the eyes of men, for there is none to withstand the power of
your might, neither can any man escape the cunning of your ways.
37 Behold how you are made rich with the treasures of this world, insomuch that there is none other to
compare with the greatness of your glory.
38 But consider how that though you are rich and powerful in the days of your probation, wherewith
shall you bring all these things which you love beyond the shadow of the grave?
39 Did you not know that you came into this world naked, and that there is nothing which you can take
with you in the hour of your death?
40 Consider, O king, how you are made exceedingly rich before the eyes of men, yet before God you are
poor and beggarly, because you have no understanding, neither knowledge concerning that God who in
the beginning breathed into you the breath of life.
41 Shall much gold give you life everlasting? Can great wealth purchase unto your soul the glory of
42 Consider how you are made poor before the Lord your God, seeing that you have no knowledge of
him, neither have you considered him throughout all the days of your life.
43 Have you considered truly the things wherein you are made rich in the eyes of men? Are they not
made to purchase and to sell? Why have you set your heart upon that which has no life, neither does it
care for you?
44 Consider how the treasures of this world conspire to possess you unto themselves. For you are ever
made to fret concerning them lest someone stronger than you should break in and steal.
45 For this cause are you made to set over them certain strong men, that they might keep safe the
wealth which cares not for you.
46 Perchance you shall boast in the secret chambers of your heart, how that great treasures are but the
means to some greater gain, for by such wealth as a man might possess he might take unto himself
great power among the sons of men.
47 And will you not hedge up round about you the law, wherein your power should not be made to
48 Yet consider how that by the law you caused that I should die upon the stake, that your power might
be made known to all who are weaker than you.
49 Yet, O king, of what benefit was that law which caused that I should die upon the stake? Did you not
know that by your hand a way of escape was prepared for me, that I might take refuge in the bosom of
50 How then shall you take power over such a one as I, seeing that I possess unto my soul eternal life?
51 With what shall you be made to purchase power in the kingdom of God, seeing that towards God
you are poor and without substance?
52 Would it not be wise to seek unto your soul treasures in Heaven? Why then will you continue to set
your heart upon the vain things of this world, seeing that they are without life, and that even great
wealth must vanish away?
53 Wherein shall much gold care for you, or how shall great treasures grant unto you the knowledge of
God? Have you some means to exercise your great power when death shall steal upon you unawares?
54 Consider, O king of Sumer, and learn wisdom lest desolation be made to haunt you even as a
55 For why will you perish in the midst of great iniquity, seeing that this day God has granted to you the
knowledge of life everlasting? Will you not now repent and turn again unto God?
56 For by your great wickedness has God delivered from before you the multitude of Zion, for God
desired not the desolation of the righteous.
57 Therefore, consider your ways, O king, for you neither plant nor harvest, yet you are filled with
gluttony; you devour overmuch but are not satisfied, neither are you filled.
58 You have ruled with much blood and by your power have the children of men been delivered up to
the law. Yet by what power shall Yasher-Baal deliver himself from the grave?
59 Behold how the sons of men are made to labor, yet you have taken that which you have not made,
and their children have you caused to perish in the fires of idolatry.
60 With much gold have you established yourself above the children of men as though you were
someone great; by the law of your mouth have you brought into bondage the souls of the children of
61 Yet all your greatness shall be brought low in the dust, and worms shall consume your glory,
insomuch that jackals will sing your praises and vipers shall keep well your court.
62 For this day are you made to know the power of God whom you have scorned; even the knowledge
of life everlasting have I made known unto you.
63 Surely your power shall fade as the grass, and your glory perish as the flowers of the field; your
dominion shall be made desolate, and all your mighty deeds shall be made to vanish away, even as the
morning mist.
64 Therefore, thus saith the Lord your God, O king, consider now your ways lest the days of repentance
pass away from before you; for except you repent and turn again unto God, how filled with sorrow shall
be your days.
65 Now consider the bitterness of your heart, for though you have taken unto yourself great treasures,
and though you have power and dominion over all the children of men, you are a man most miserable.
66 For in great possessions there is neither happiness nor joy, and with great dominion comes a
multitude of burdens, for though you have taken to yourself the power of life and death over many
people, you are unable to deliver your soul from the darkness of the grave.
67 What does it profit a man if he should take to himself all the wealth and might of this world and lose
his own soul? In the day of reckoning what shall a man give in exchange for his soul, seeing that he is
poor towards God?
68 Go now, Yasher-Baal, and consider greatly, for only the Gods live forever, while it is appointed unto
every man a time to die. For only in the days of our probation can we perform those works which are
pleasing and acceptable unto God.”
69 Now when Yasher-Baal heard all the words of Azotus, he took his sword and rushed upon him
quickly, perchance to slay him, but behold, Azotus of Zion did pass again into Heaven and in the garden
did the king of Sumer stand alone, and with him a deep stillness.
70 So Yasher-Baal went back again unto Sumer, and he called forth certain men of great cunning to go
throughout the land and bring back the woman, Japhia, for he believed truly that she had knowledge
concerning the fleeing away of Zion.
71 For Yasher-Baal became possessed of a dark and brooding spirit, for he raged continually against
Enoch and Bashia, and he swore before all the gods of Sumer that he would find them and drink their
blood before all the men of Sumer.
72 But those whom he had sent forth to seek after Japhia returned to the city greatly fearing: for they
were unable to find the woman, and they went forth and told the king, and he became exceedingly
angry, even nigh unto madness and he slew every one of them with his own hand.
73 And again, in the night, there came upon the lands of Sumer a great shaking, as if the earth were in
great torment, and all who lived in the regions round about grew fearful of heart.
74 Now afterwards there came unto the king a certain man, and he told the king how that as he
journeyed through the land of Zion, there came a great trembling deep within the earth, and the earth
opened wide, and behold, the city of Zion and even Lake Ishan were swallowed up.
75 Thus in the midst of his greatness, there came upon Yasher-Baal a sickness of the soul, and he did
leave the city of Sumer, even the mother of nations, and he did wander upon the face of the earth, even
as a wild man, and he did eat grass as the ox and the ass.
76 And all the children of men grew fearful of him and they would not walk into the forest of the king,
for they looked upon Yasher-Baal as though he were a god.
77 Yet he had become as a madman wandering throughout the lands, naked and covered with sores;
continually ranting and raving against Zion and the fleeing away of God’s glory.
78 Now the mighty men of Sumer took council concerning what should be done. And all the sons of
Yasher-Baal rebelled one against the other, which thing caused that many should perish.
79 For there were many who contended hotly for the throne of Yasher-Baal, yet was there not found
even one who was strong enough to lay hold, or who could take by force the glory of empire unto
80 And all the glory of Yasher-Baal faded away, and the might of Sumer was made weak and feeble.
81 Thus did the power and the glory of Sumer perish from before the eyes of men, and all who sought
to rule by the strength of their arm were left desolate.
82 And the winds blew hot upon the land, the walls of Sumer fell low in the dust, and the jackals of the
plain made bed among the rubble thereof, and vipers kept well the courts of the king.
Chapter 20
The genealogy of Methuselah and Japhia – Maciah, the High Priestess of God – Genealogy continued –
Noah, the son of Lamech – Methuselah sends Noah to find a wife – Noah enters the house of Phiniah –
Suzanne singing among the flocks – Noah steals away Suzanne – Lamech is upset, Methuselah rejoices –
Noah and Suzanne wed
1 Now Methuselah dwelt in the lands of Shittim beside his wife, Japhia, and he wept sorely for the
passing away of Zion, for when it was told him how God had taken Zion unto his bosom, he cried aloud
in the anguish of his soul.
2 But the voice of God came to him, saying: “Weep no more, my son, because of Zion, for I shall never
leave you, nor forsake you.
3 Only learn of me and give ear to all the words which I shall speak unto you through the power of my
Spirit; walk uprightly before me in all your ways, and you shall find peace in me.”
4 So Methuselah lived beside his wife, and all his days were peace and blessing: for in the one hundred
and eighty-seventh year of his life he became the father of Mahlon.
5 And after he begat Mahlon, Methuselah lived 782 years and he had many sons and daughters. And
when Methuselah was great with age he died, being 969 years old.
6 Mahlon lived 124 years and he became the father of Hezron, and Mahlon lived 423 years and he died.
7 Now when Hezron was 240 years old, he became the father of Ramoth, who became a mighty man.
And Hezron died, being 820 years of age.
8 And Ramoth begat Bozdra, being 165 years of age, and after Bozdra, Ramoth lived 345 years and he
begat many sons and daughters.
9 And Bozdra attained unto 140 years of age, and he became the father of Ishmael, and after Ishmael
was born, Bozdra lived two score years and ten, for he did war against the sons of Enosh, and he was
struck down by the sword.
10 Therefore, Ishmael came to dwell in the borders of Jordan, and when he was 235 years of age, he
became the father of Jotham, and after he begat Jotham, Ishmael lived in peace by the banks of the
Jordan 175 years.
11 Now Jotham lived 260 years and he became the father of Azor; and after he begat Azor, Jotham lived
280 years. And all the inhabitants round about wept at his passing, for he was exceedingly wise in the
ways of God.
12 But Azor was filled with mischief continually, and when he was 110 years of age he became the
father of Eleazar, and after he begat Eleazar, Azor lived 340 years and he died.
13 But Eleazar walked uprightly before God always, and when he was 180 years of age he became the
father of Zanosh, and again when Eleazar was 210 years of age, his wife gave birth to the daughter
whom they called Maciah, even she who became the most high priestess of God. And when he was old,
Eleazar died, having lived 640 years.
14 Now Zanosh was 310 years old when he begat Eliakim, and after Eliakim, Zanosh lived but 70 years
and he died.
15 And Eliakim was 225 years old when he begat Pelag, and after Pelag, Eliakim lived 365 years and he
16 Now Pelag was fourscore and ten years when the earth was rent apart by great convulsions. And
when he was 147 years old, he begat Melkiah, and all the days of his life were 410 years.
17 And when Melkiah was 210 years old, he became the father of Resha, and after he begat Resha,
Melkiah lived 350 years.
18 But Resha was a wanderer and he journeyed throughout many lands. And when he was 180 years
old, he returned unto the land of his birth and took Sheba to wife and she gave him a son whom he
called Peku-Hamaliel. And all the days of Resha were 720 years and he died.
19 Now Peku-Hamaliel lived 160 years and he begat Hoda, and after the birth of Hoda, Peku-Hamaliel
lived 312 years and he died; wherefore, all the sons of his loins did gather, and they carried the body of
Peku-Hamaliel to his father, even Resha; and Resha took the body of his son and buried him upon
Mount Hazim, for he loved his son greatly.
20 Now Hoda lived 145 years and he begat Eber, and after he begat Eber, Hoda lived 433 years and he
died, being weary of his many years.
21 And unto Eber was born Ramsha, when he was but 110 years of age. And all the days of Eber were
but 175 years, for by the hand of Ramsha was he made to perish.
22 Now Ramsha was most wicked, and he feared neither God nor man, and when he was 320 years old,
he begat Methuselah, and all the days of his life were 615 years, and Ramsha died, and there was none
found to weep over him.
23 But Methuselah went forth and dwelt nigh unto Mount Moriah, and when he was 185 years of age,
he begat Lamech. And after he begat Lamech, Methuselah lived 640 years and he died. So Lamech
buried his father in a cave beside the holy mount.
24 When Lamech was 182 years old, he had a son and he called his name Noah. And Lamech spoke unto
his wife, saying: “This little one will surely comfort us in the days of our great age, for, behold, the light
of God has fallen upon him, and he shall contend with the Fallen One whereby he might bring unto the
earth the children of God.”
25 Now Lamech spoke these words according to the revelations of God which were given him in the
dreams and visions of the night. Thus after the birth of Noah, Lamech lived 595 years, and he had many
sons and daughters.
26 Therefore, when Noah was two score years of age, Methuselah came to the tent of Lamech, saying:
“How long shall the son of your loins withhold his hand from taking to his bed a wife whereunto he
might give seed?
27 Now, my son, command Noah to take my trusted servant, and travel to the ancient lands of Shinar,
for you have a brother there, and he has many comely daughters. Perhaps among them he shall find one
to take to wife.”
28 So Lamech sent forth his son, Noah, eastward towards the land of Shinar. And after many days
journey, he came to the house of Phiniah the brother of Lamech. And all the house of Phiniah rejoiced to
see the son of Lamech, and they took him unto their bosom.
29 However, on a certain day, Noah was walking among the flocks and he beheld a young maiden, and
she was singing to her father’s sheep.
30 Now when Noah heard her, he wondered at the beauty of her song, for she did sing the psalms of
Maciah, the high priestess of God.
31 Wherefore, Noah loved the daughter of Phiniah, and her name was Suzanne. And she, upon seeing
the son of Lamech, took him to her heart.
32 But Phiniah would not consent to give unto Noah his younger daughter, for he had two others who
were older and without husbands, and he would not that shame should come upon them.
33 Now Noah would not cease from asking for the promise of Suzanne to be his wife, and seeing that
Phiniah desired to give unto him another, he came forth in the night, both he and the servant of
Methuselah, and they stole Suzanne from her father’s tent and fled with much haste back to the land of
his father.
34 So when Noah came again to his father, he told him all that had happened. And Lamech moaned
within himself, and he spoke, saying:
35 “My son, am I not filled with years already? Behold, I did command you to take one of the daughters
of Phiniah to wife, but would you put me in the grave for the love of Suzanne?”
36 However, on the morrow came forth Methuselah filled with joy, for he had heard how Noah had
stolen the daughter of Phiniah. And he spoke to Lamech, saying:
37 “Why are you sorrowing, seeing that Noah has found the one whom he loves to take to wife? Fret
not over your brother’s anger, for if you will give him a few cattle, and some sheep from your flocks, he
will forget his youngest daughter.
38 Therefore, let us be quick and build an altar upon Mount Moriah, lest the servants of Phiniah come
before we are able.
39 For as the Lord lives, I shall this day seal together both the man and the woman, and what God has
sealed together shall there be found no power to break asunder.
40 And if it so be that Phiniah shall not be satisfied with your gift to him, then shall I cause to be taken
from both my herds and my flocks many cattle and sheep in abundance, and with these shall I purchase
peace between the house of Lamech and Phiniah.”
41 So Methuselah and Lamech took Noah and Suzanne to the holy mount, and there did they build an
altar before God. And Ziphia, the wife of Methuselah, ordained that Suzanne should be the Beloved of
Noah the son of Lamech.
42 And when this was completed, Ziphia did place the girl beside Noah before the altar of God, and
together were they sealed as husband and wife by the words of Methuselah.
43 Now when these things were accomplished, Noah took Suzanne to his father’s tent. And he lived
beside her all the days of his life in much joy, for they loved each other greatly.
44 And Methuselah danced before the altar of God, for he did glory in the deeds of Noah, for he
possessed much goodness, which goodness the Lord of Heaven had overshadowed with great cunning.
Chapter 21
Contention between the Adaam and Enoshahim – Michael and Lucifer meet – Lucifer takes credit for
contention – Michael responds: “Is there glory in weakness?” – Lucifer invited to return to God – What
evil is greater than the mercy of God? – Lucifer is filled with loathing and contempt and walks away from
the hope of reconciliation
1 In the days of Noah did the sons of Enosh dwell among the sons of Adam, and there was contention
between the house of Enosh and the house of Adam, which thing caused great sorrow unto the high
priest of the land, even Methuselah the son of Ramsha.
2 For he was anxious towards God on behalf of the children of men, for he cared for them and he
desired that there should be peace among all the inhabitants of the land.
3 Now on a certain day the Ancient of Days walked upon the earth and there came nigh unto him the
Fallen One. And Lucifer spoke unto Michael, saying:
4 “Consider, O Michael, the world unto which the spirit children of God are sent, that perchance they
might attain unto the greatest glory of all.
5 Consider also how that I have sown enmity between the sons of your loins and the sons of Enosh, that
they should war one against the other continually.
6 For how many of the sons of Adam have I caused to perish by the sword? How many have I caused to
fall by the way because of much evil?
7 Consider how that by such great evil I shall compel you to put forth your hand unto the children of
men, to take away from before them your agency, lest the hope of your glory be made to perish before
the throne of God.
8 For, behold, by your agency, which you would grant unto the children of men, shall you receive but
little reward.
9 Therefore, consider how few shall attain unto great glory, even worlds without end, for by great evil
are many made to fall and stumble as if in darkness.
10 How then shall your agency save so many, seeing that they have grown weary of you by reason of
many sorrows?
11 Whereunto shall you save the fallen through your agency now, seeing that I have frustrated the
designs of God?
12 Wherewith shall such as these receive unto their souls the promised assurance of exaltation, seeing
that this life have I made most burdensome?
13 Where is your wisdom now, O Michael? How shall your agency, which you would give unto all who
seek holiness, how shall such exalt the children of men, seeing that so many despair because of the evil
which I have caused to come upon so many?
14 Would it not have been better for the children of men that you should keep for yourself alone the
knowledge of good and evil, that even all the spirits which you would send unto the earth might obtain
unto the glory of Heaven by your hand alone?
15 Was there not wisdom in my counsel, whereby I would exalt even all, that not even the least among
them should be lost? Would not the glory of Heaven be multiplied and added upon exceedingly?
16 Why, therefore, did you oppose the Son of the Morning, seeing that by my word alone would all
things be glorified, both in Heaven and on earth?”
17 But Michael answered, saying: “How is it that for all your knowing, you should lack understanding?
Truly I say unto you, your lack of understanding has robbed you of great wisdom.
18 Is there glory in weakness? Consider, Lucifer, that if I should withhold from the children of men the
knowledge of good and evil, they would remain innocent forever.
19 Is not holiness better than innocence, seeing that by innocence can no righteousness be brought to
20 For this cause did the Father establish that there should be opposition in all things. For how shall the
weak and the innocent maintain the glory of Heaven, seeing that they have not the knowledge of good
and evil?
21 Thus, in the wisdom of God was it expedient that good and evil be made known unto all the children
of men, and he that knows not good from evil is blameless and innocent before God, but unto such as
these is there no glory given.
22 Therefore has God declared wisdom, that in the knowledge of good and evil might the children of
men choose for themselves the good. Yet unto all who are made weak because of great evil will I give of
my strength.
23 And if they will come unto me, I shall make them strong in the ways of holiness, and by their
righteousness before me shall many be clothed with glory, and into their keeping will be given
exaltation, even worlds without end.
24 And whosoever knows not good from evil, even they shall be granted the mercies of God, for I shall
cause that they shall come again into mortality, that they might come to a knowledge of what is good
and what is evil.
25 Wherefore is opposition needful to make them strong in the glory of God, if they will but remember
to choose good always and to walk in holiness before me.
26 Have you not considered, O Lucifer, how that the Gods and Lords of Elohim are edified, each unto
the other, by the light everlasting? Are they not single in purpose, having been made joint heirs in both
glory and dominion?
27 Yet, if you alone should take to yourself the knowledge of good and evil, how then would the spirit
children of Emmanuel be made partakers of such godliness, seeing that they are denied the knowledge
of good and evil?
28 How then should such as these be made equal in power and in glory, seeing that the knowledge of
godliness is denied them?
29 Wherewith shall they be made joint heirs of his dominion and majesty, seeing that you have taken
from them the means whereby they might attain unto a fullness?
30 Therefore, if by your agency alone all the spirit children of God should be exalted, then wherein shall
good be made to overcome evil, seeing that by your word alone would even all receive the glory?
Wherewith would the mercies of God claim victory over wickedness?
31 For through the mercies of God is evil made of no effect, being swallowed continually in the holiness
of the Father.
32 Wherefore, in the knowledge of godliness is the glory of Heaven established forever, and the
mercies of the Father made manifest unto the children of men.
33 Yet by your word alone would there be neither exaltation nor increase in the kingdom of God, seeing
that the children are without a knowledge of good and evil.
34 Unto what glory, therefore, would the spirit children of God go, seeing that the fullness of the Father
is denied them for the sake of your word alone?
35 With what great evil shall you be able to frustrate the designs and purposes of Elohim? Did you not
know that there is no evil from which the Father is not able to deliver?
36 Seeing that I have spoken truly, why have you continued to withstand the wisdom of Elohim?
37 Have you forgotten the love of your Father? Behold how he desires to receive you again, if you will
but turn again unto him and be healed.
38 Do you care no longer for the Beloved unto whom you are sealed forever? Have you forgotten that
into her keeping is the power of Oneness wherein she makes intercession for you before all the great
and mighty?”
39 Thus spoke the Ancient of Days unto the Fallen One, even Lucifer. And Michael drew nigh unto him
and putting forth his hand, he spoke again, saying:
40 “Come, my brother, and return again unto God, for why should you perish seeing it is the Father’s
will to restore you again?
41 Come and let us return, for by your side shall I stand before all the mighty and plead your defense.
42 For behold, the Father of All delights in mercy, and for the sake of your Beloved shall he receive you
again unto his bosom, that he might place you beside the wife that loves you.
43 For what evil is greater than the mercy of God, and wherein shall the designs of the Father be made
of no effect, if it so be that you are willing to turn again unto him?
44 Truly I say unto you before all the congregations of the mighty and the noble, that upon the way of
exaltation is the glory of Heaven established forever.”
45 Now when Michael had finished speaking, Lucifer was filled with loathing, and he spoke hotly to the
Ancient of Days, saying:
46 “Did you think to convert me with soft words of reason? Did you think to draw me nigh again unto
God by words of remembrance?
47 This I speak unto you, for I shall surely ascend again before the heavenly hosts, and with much
violence take from the Father of All the kingdom of his glory.
48 In that day shall we see how soft words will restore again the glory of God; for it matters not your
reasoning, for I know that it is better that all should receive the glory and not just a few.
49 Now give ear to the words which I shall speak unto you and understand, for I shall increase the
sorrow which comes upon all the children of men, and all your glory shall they ridicule with scorn.
50 And many shall perish by the way, for there shall be none to redeem the fallen, and the
downtrodden shall weep with many tears, for there shall be no one to comfort.
51 And there shall be war between the house of Enosh and the house of Adam, and all the wicked shall I
cause to die in their sins, that I might exercise power and authority over them.
52 And the sons of men shall scorn the daughters of men, and there shall be no peace between them.
Thus shall the spirit children of God find but few tabernacles through the seed and lineage of Adam, and
these shall I press hard with many troubles.
53 How then shall the mercies of the Father have claim upon the children of God, seeing that there be
so few to dwell in tabernacles of flesh upon the earth?
54 How shall so few come to a knowledge of the good, seeing that I shall multiply evil upon them
continually? For surely they shall grow weary of Heaven’s promise by reason of a multitude of sorrow.
55 Thus shall all who put their trust in God grow weary, for I shall afflict them with much doubt and fear
continually, and there shall be but few who will come to a knowledge of God.”
56 Thus spoke the Fallen One to the Ancient of Days. And there was sorrow in the heart of Michael, for
he cared for Lucifer, and desired that some way might be found wherein he might be made to come
again unto the Father of All.
57 But Lucifer walked away from the hope of restoration and the promise of reconciliation with the
Father, for he still breathed out many threats against the sons and daughters of Adam, desiring only to
destroy them in the midst of their sins, that he might possess their souls forever.
Chapter 22
Methuselah reveals a mystery to Noah – Methuselah dreams of a flood to come – Petitioning God to
save mankind – Noah’s promise to speak to God – Patriarchal prayer of intercession – God comes and
speaks to Noah – Spirit of adoption is promised – God’s promise of deliverance – Suzanne and the
Matriarchal Order – Angels take Methuselah to God
1 On a certain day came Methuselah, the son of Ramsha to Noah, saying: “Come, my son, and walk with
me a little way, for I have somewhat to speak unto you.”
2 And together they journeyed forth into a lonely place, and Methuselah spoke to Noah the son of
Lamech, saying: “Consider, my son, the intent for which I have called you forth to this quiet place.
3 For I have come to you that you may be awakened. Therefore give ear to the words which I shall
speak to you, that you may be wise before the Lord of Heaven, for I shall bring you to a remembrance of
former things.
4 Now in the beginning did you walk among the noble and the mighty, being in the image and likeness
of the Father. For in the beginning did the Lord of Hosts call forth seven mighty ones, and unto these did
he grant the Laws of Dispensation wherein the way of exaltation might be established according to the
power of God.
5 Thus has God prepared a way whereby the children of promise might come to a knowledge of
heavenly things, for he desires continually to stretch forth the hands of mercy whereby all who are
willing might receive unto their souls the election of his grace.
6 For in the beginning did God appoint unto you the fullness of his righteousness, for you are Gabriel,
the Arch-Angel of God.
7 Thus in the kingdom of my Father are you made to dream, that your soul might be made to dwell in
mortal flesh among the children of men, that you, being clothed in mortality like unto men, might come
to a knowledge of their infirmities, seeing that you are made subject to the temptations of the flesh
8 Therefore, seeing that God has appointed into your keeping the Laws of Dispensation, whereby the
glory of God should be brought to pass, I have desired to speak unto you.
9 For, behold, I am great with age and the days of my probation have become as a shadow. Yet am I
made to trouble because of the children of men, for they have corrupted themselves with much iniquity.
10 For in the nighttime I dreamed a dream which filled my soul with sorrow, insomuch that I have
become most anxious for the well-being of all the children of men and women.
11 Now I dreamed that there fell upon the earth a great rain, and as a mighty water overflowing was
the earth made to perish, and all the children of men perished in their sins.
12 And I heard the laughter of the Fallen One, for he was made to rejoice in the death of all men, seeing
that he would possess unto himself forever the souls of the wicked.
13 For he conspires continually against the children of men that he might seal them his, that they, being
made to despair because of many sorrows, might be made partakers with him in rebelling against God.
14 Now behold, when I awakened, I was caused to fear greatly concerning the children of men, because
there should come upon them, unawares, great destruction.
15 And in sorrow I cried unto the Lord, and the God of Heaven heard my prayer, and in a mighty vision
did he come forth from the sanctuary of his majesty to comfort me. And many words did he speak to me
concerning you, my son.
16 How that in the beginning you were some great one. For this cause came I unto you, for I am now
great with age and filled with trouble continually on behalf of the children of men.
17 Therefore, I beseech you in the name of the Lord to put forth your hand to redeem all the children of
men from the cunning designs of the evil one, lest all be made to perish and all the promises of the Lord,
which he did make unto them, fade away with their passing.”
18 When Methuselah had finished speaking, Noah arose and spoke to him saying: “My father, I will go
and inquire of the Lord concerning all the words which you have spoken unto me.
19 For I know that the Lord shall surely answer, seeing that I have walked uprightly before him all the
days of my life.”
20 Now Noah was 455 years old when he went forth to inquire of the Lord concerning the words of
Methuselah, the son of Ramsha.
21 So he journeyed forth unto a high mount, and when he had ascended, he built an altar made of
stones, and there came upon him a deep stillness, and Noah, raising his hands to Heaven, spoke unto
the Lord, saying:
22 “Hear, O Lord, the words of your servant, for earnestly have I sought after you all the days of my life.
Behold how my soul thirsts for you, my body yearns for you, even as in a dry and thirsty land where no
water is.
23 Come forth, O Lord, give ear to the pleadings of the willing heart. My soul shall surely find rest in you
alone. In you is my joy made to spring forth as living waters, for you are the rock of my salvation.
24 You are my fortress in times of trouble; in the midst of great perplexity, you are my hope and my
refuge, for my soul trusts in you.
25 For what does it matter unto me, O Lord, that some should trust in the strength of their arms, or that
some should hope in vanity?
26 In you alone shall I trust all the days of my life. In the promise of your glory shall I leap for joy.
27 Thus shall I wait upon the Lord, though Heaven and earth should be moved out of their place, yet
shall I wait patiently upon you.
28 For you, O Lord, have made known to me the paths of righteousness, you have filled me to
overflowing with an abundance of peace, and by your presence am I made to know the mysteries of
your glory and power.
29 Behold, O Lord, how you have trimmed my lamp by the beauty of your light, that the flame of your
wisdom should burn within me.
30 For you alone have turned the night of many troubles into day again, that by your hand I should be
led forth from the house of iniquity.
31 For when I consider the works of your hands, the world and all that is therein, my soul is filled with
32 For upon the waters of the deep have you established the land of my inheritance; upon the
foundations of many waters have you established the tabernacle of God.
33 Who then shall ascend unto the mount of the Lord? Who shall there be to stand in the midst of his
holy habitation?
34 Shall not he who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to vanity, who has
not sought after the strange imaginings of his heart?
35 Remember, O Lord, the promise which you did give unto the righteous, that whosoever should seek
after you shall surely find you, that in the midst of your tabernacle shall the obedient behold your face
and live.
36 Behold, O Lord, how I have seen you in the sanctuary and have beheld the fullness of your glory and
your power.
37 Therefore, because your loving kindness towards me is better than life, I shall declare your glory
before the children of men.
38 Because you have been my ever present help in times of trouble, I will sing in the shadow of your
glory forever.
39 For behold, my soul follows hard after you, your right hand has lifted me up to the rock which is
higher than any other.
40 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my soul always, that I might be purified before you.
41 For your loving kindness is ever before me to guard the way of the heart, wherein I should walk
before you in truth.
42 Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; see if there be any wicked
way in me; lead me in the way everlasting.
43 Come forth, O Lord, from your habitation. Answer me, O God, out of the goodness of your love; in
your great mercy turn to me.
44 Hide not your presence from before me, neither cover yourself that I should not see you, for, behold,
I am greatly troubled. Come near unto me, O Holy One, and stretch forth your hand to save.
45 For, behold, you are my hiding place; in times of great trouble you have sheltered me; in the hour of
great distress you did sing unto me the songs of my deliverance.
46 Surely you have become my strength and my song, for your word have I made as a lamp unto my
feet, and as a light upon my path.
47 Because you alone are my God, by your loving kindness unto me am I made to hope in the promise
of your word, even unto much assurance.
48 Come forth, O God, and attend your ear unto the prayer of the righteous. For he who planted the
ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see? He that teaches unto the godly great
wisdom, shall he not know how to save?
49 Come forth, O Lord, and deliver, for the Fallen One seeks to destroy; the children of men has he
sought to devour in the moment of great iniquity.
50 For the wicked are encompassed round about by a multitude of sorrows. Yet whosoever shall call
upon the name of the Lord shall receive great mercy, and his sins shall you separate far from him.
51 Blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sins you have covered by the showing forth
of your grace.
52 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputes no transgression, because he has made the wicked
whole again. For the Lord has declared aloud, the Lord has proclaimed the decree, saying:
53 ‘Come forth unto me, O children of men, and let us reason together, for though your sins be as
scarlet, I shall make them white as snow; though your sins be as red as crimson, I shall make them as
54 Blessed is the man who has acknowledged his sins before you, who has not sought to cover up his
iniquity, for unto such as these shall you forgive abundantly. You shall remove their guilt far from them.
55 Therefore, O God, as I have sought you with fervor, come forth and deliver, for evil presses hard
against the children of men, and wickedness has corrupted many.”
56 Now as Noah stood praying, there came and stood above the altar the God of Heaven and there was
round about him a gathering of the heavenly hosts; and with them stood Seraphim and Cherubim to
guard the way of holiness lest any uncleanliness come nigh.
57 And the Lord spoke to Noah, saying: “Gabriel, my son, why are you made to despair over the
children of men?
58 Did you not know that they are in my hands and that I will not forsake them, neither shall I let evil
devour them?
59 For I have heard the pleas of the righteous and have prepared a way whereby the children of men
shall receive a great and mighty blessing, such as never before has been given unto the children of men.
60 Now, therefore, take heart and be comforted, for I shall send to the house of Enosh the spirit of
adoption, whereby I shall cause that the house of Enosh and the house of Adam should be made as one
house in my hand.
61 For I shall send forth the spirit children of Emmanuel in abundance to the earth, even as the rain
shall they descend unto the house of Enosh, both male and female.
62 And all who dwell upon the earth shall be made the seed of Adam, that all might come to a sure
knowledge of good and evil, that even all men, both male and female, might receive the hope of
exaltation in the kingdom of God.
63 And this shall I cause to be accomplished by reason of great mercy, which I desire to give unto all the
children of men who are made to dwell upon the earth.
64 And all who are made to become of the house of Adam shall I give this promise, that whosoever shall
seek to follow the Lord their God and covenant to obey him only, even they shall become the children of
God by reason of adoption, wherein they shall be made to inherit the glory of the Father.
65 Now, therefore, go forth throughout the regions of the earth and proclaim the grace of God, that the
children of men might prepare themselves for the day when many spirits shall descend from the
Heavens, even as a mighty rushing of water.
66 Now fear not the cunning of Lucifer, for I shall not give into his hands the power whereby he might
destroy all the children of men.
67 Neither shall he have power to take by violence the promise whereby all shall be made to become
the house of Adam.
68 And over all who shall receive the adoption whereby they are made to become the children of
promise shall he have no power given, for over the godly shall my Spirit attend, that they might receive
unto their souls every good thing.
69 Neither shall any have power to pluck them out of my hand. For even though wicked men should rise
up to persecute my anointed ones, even unto death, yet shall my right hand uphold them.
70 For though death should be made to press hard against the righteous, yet shall I deliver them unto
life eternal, and they shall dwell peaceably beside the throne of God forever.
71 And unto the fallen who perish in the midst of sin shall Lucifer have no power to command, for I shall
restore again the soul of the fallen, that they might dwell again among the living, whereby they might
progress, even as they are able, nigh unto the throne of God where righteousness is made to dwell
72 Now fear no more because of the designs of the Fallen One; neither fret yourself over the children of
men, for by my Spirit shall all people become as one before me.
73 And I shall be as a loving Father unto all nations, kindreds and tongues, for I shall cause the Spirit of
my righteousness to overshadow all the lands of the earth.
74 Therefore, my son, go forth and speak all the words which I shall give you. Proclaim unto all who will
the power of my grace, whereby I shall bind together the house of Enosh and the house of Adam.
75 Speak unto them words of wisdom, that all who should have desire to seek after God might surely
find him unto their greater joy, that all who should attain unto God by reason of a godly walk might
receive unto themselves the greatest glory of all, even exaltation in the kingdom of God.
76 For all who are made to receive this glory, whether male or female, shall I make joint heirs of the
Holy One of Zion, and in the kingdom of Heaven shall they partake of his fullness.
77 But unto your wife Suzanne speak tenderly, for I desire that she should be forewarned against the
conspirings of evil men.
78 For, behold, the day shall come when the sons of men shall become filled with evil and they shall
scorn the daughters of Eve, and the sons of men shall consider them of little worth.
79 Wherefore, seeing that the hearts of men shall grow hard towards the daughters of promise, I will
that the priesthood of the Mother no longer be made to dwell upon the earth, lest the sons of men
grieve the heart of God, and indignation and wrath fall upon them.
80 Yet this promise I give unto the daughters of Eve, that in the day appointed, the Father shall send
forth one mighty and strong, and he shall turn the hearts of the children to the Fathers, and the hearts
of the Fathers shall turn again unto the children, and he shall bind together the hearts of husband and
wife; he shall seal together the promise of exaltation by way of much priesthood.
81 He shall restore again the priesthood of the Mother unto the daughters of Eve, and this by a solemn
oath and covenant which he shall cause to be established among the faithful.
82 Therefore, go forth to your wife and speak unto her the words of the Lord, that she might be
comforted against the day when the priesthood of the great Mother shall be taken away from the earth,
because of the wickedness of men that shall be made manifest unto the daughters of promise.”
83 Now after the King of Heaven had spoken these words, Noah went forth from the mount and
journeyed to the tent of Methuselah.
84 And Methuselah, being great with age, rejoiced exceedingly concerning the mercies of God toward
the children of men.
85 And Methuselah blessed Noah, and he rested from all his labors, for when he was 825 years old, the
angels did come forth to carry his soul unto God.
Chapter 23
Noah gathers the seed of Adam and journies to Mount Ararat – The companies of Shem, Japheth, Ham
and Cimbri – Noah sends his sons throughout the earth – God speaks to Noah on Mount Ararat – The
spirit children of God descend to the earth – Lucifer comes to Noah on Mount Ararat – A promise to
frustrate the plans of God – Lucifer shows his power – Noah shows the power of God – The words of
Noah to Lucifer – Promise of the Mighty One: redeeming Lucifer – Noah gives a sign: rainbow – Lucifer
weeps – The death of Suzanne – The ascension of Noah
1 Noah, being the high priest according to the word of God, assembled to himself a great host of the
seed of Adam, even as many as desired to serve the Lord their God.
2 And he caused that they should gather together all their households and he led them northward into
a land unto which God had commanded aforetime that they should go.
3 Now they journeyed many days and when they came nigh unto Mount Ararat, Noah caused that they
should settle upon the high plains round about, and he taught them concerning all the words of God,
even the mysteries of Heaven did he make known unto them.
4 Thus taught Noah to the children of Adam, even all them who had desires to understand great
wisdom. And after seven years he divided them into four companies, and over each he set one of his
sons, and their names were Shem the elder, Japheth, Ham and Cimbri.
5 And he commanded them straightly to travel forth unto every distant land, that wherever they should
find the Enoshahim they might teach unto them the words of God, that they might not be made to fear
concerning the coming forth of the spirits of God unto them.
6 Therefore, to all who should receive to themselves the breath of God, even unto them would God
establish the way whereby the children of men should be made one with the house of Adam.
7 That whosoever should walk in the ways of godliness, to them would the promise be given whereby
they should receive unto their souls the adoption wherewith they should become the children of God.
8 Now Noah desired that every kindred, tongue, and people upon the earth should be made as one
people by the coming forth of the spirit children of God.
9 For God, even the Ancient of Days, desired that there should be but one Lord and one shepherd over
all the earth.
10 So Noah sent forth his sons throughout all the lands of the earth, and with them also went the sons
and daughters of Adam who desired to do the works of God among the children of men.
11 Now Shem journeyed with many of the sons of Adam toward the land between the two great rivers,
even the lands of Sumer and Shinar did the seed of Adam return.
12 And Japheth with his company journeyed northward and after many days he turned his face towards
the sun and journeyed forth, and unto whatever place they journeyed, the sons and daughters of Adam
were made to dwell among the children of Enosh.
13 And they taught them concerning the coming forth of the spirits of God which would come to dwell
within them.
14 Now Ham went forth to the lands of Egypt, and they tarried there among a people which he had
never seen before, for they were dark of skin and gentle in their ways.
15 And Ham, the son of Noah, inquired of the Lord concerning them, for they were not like the other
sons of men because of the blackness of their skin.
16 And the Lord spoke unto Ham, saying: “Why have you thought to judge by the seeing of the eyes
alone? Behold, I the Lord, look upon the heart to see if there be any good thing therein.
17 Therefore have I judged the worthiness of all men, that even all should be made of one house before
the Lord God, that there should not be even one to escape the mercies of the Holy One.
18 So Ham dwelt in the land of Egypt, and he and all the sons and daughters of Adam taught the
children of men concerning the God of Heaven, that they might possess unto themselves a knowledge of
his mercy and grace towards them.
19 But Cimbri looked westward toward the setting of the sun, and he journeyed into the ancient lands
thereof. And he became the father of many people, even of those who are made to dwell in the lands of
20 Thus were the children of Adam made to dwell among all the people of the earth, and the promise
whereby all would be made the seed of Adam was established in the hearing of all men.
21 Now when Noah was 600 years old, the Lord commanded him to go up into an exceeding high
mountain. So Noah went forth and stood atop Mount Ararat and the Lord spoke to him, saying:
22 “Consider, my son, how that the day promised has come upon the earth; a day when all the children
of men shall be made as one house before the Lord of Hosts.
23 A day when there shall be given unto all people the breath of God whereby all shall become as the
seed of Adam.
24 Now look and behold the mercies of God which I shall cause to come upon the land, for this day shall
I fulfill all the words which I have spoken unto you.”
25 And the Lord spoke unto the Heavens and behold, there came forth a gentle wind, and upon the
wind descended the spirits of God, even as the rain which falls from above, and they moved upon all the
face of the earth. Thus did God breathe into the house of Enosh the breath of life.
26 Thus did all the children of men become as living souls before the God of Heaven, to know good
from evil, and they were joined unto the house of Adam by reason of those spirits which descended
from above.
27 Now Noah rejoiced before the Lord and his soul was greatly magnified, for he had accomplished all
that the Father had commanded that he should do.
28 So the Lord blessed Noah, and when all these things were accomplished according to the will of God,
the Lord ascended again into Heaven.
29 Now after some little while, Lucifer came to Noah upon the mount, and he contended against him,
30 “Have you considered, O son of man, how futile shall be your joy concerning the adoption of the
house of Enosh unto the house of Adam?
31 For by the hand of God shall many be afflicted unto sorrow and not just a few. And I shall cause a
multitude to perish in their sins, that I might possess their souls forever.
32 Consider how easy it shall be to put forth the hand of mischief, to bring to naught the designs of
God. For if I will, I shall put forth my hand to destroy all the children of men in a moment.
33 Speak to me, Noah. When great despair shall fill the hearts of men with anguish, and the souls of
men are made to groan within them, who shall come forth to save them?
34 Consider the power of the adversary. For I shall bring the promises of God low in the dust. For who
shall there be to escape the cunning of my ways, seeing that I am the god of this world?
35 For surely my power is great and mighty, for by the word of my mouth shall I command the elements
and they shall inflict great suffering and great loss. Now behold the power of Lucifer.”
36 And Lucifer spoke loudly unto the earth and, behold, there came from deep within the earth a
mighty rumbling sound, and the mountain upon which Noah stood shook with great violence, insomuch
that the rocks were broken in pieces.
37 And there came upon the land a mighty whirlwind, and it smote against the mountain. And there
was great fire in the heavens which fell as lightning upon the lands round about, which thing caused that
the land should be consumed with much fire and smoke.
38 But Noah was filled with the power of God and he feared not the shaking of the earth; neither feared
he the whirlwind, or the fire which fell from heaven.
39 So Noah put forth his hand and behold, the earth ceased to tremble, and the wind grew still, and
there was great calm in the heavens. And Noah spoke to Lucifer, saying:
40 “Why are you made to rage continually against God, seeing that you have no power whereby you
can frustrate the designs of God? Why have you thought to war against the innocent?
41 Did you think that God would forsake the children of promise? Now hear the words that I shall speak
unto you, for God shall cause that many prophets and wise men shall walk among all the children of
men; and they shall teach unto them the ways of righteousness.
42 And in the time appointed, God shall send forth Emmanuel to teach unto the children of men great
wisdom and holiness, that as many as desire to walk uprightly before God might inherit the glory of
Heaven; even life everlasting shall be made to spring up within them forever.
43 For it shall be given unto all who seek after righteousness the power to become as Only Begotten of
the Father, and they shall be given authority from on high to teach the children of men the wisdom of
44 And in the fullness of time God shall send unto the earth one mighty and strong in the knowledge of
God, and unto the children of promise shall he speak in parables, that they might learn wisdom.
45 But unto the righteous shall he reveal the mysteries of Heaven; even those things which have been
hidden from the beginning of the world to the present age shall he make known unto them.
46 And he shall teach all men to follow in the way of the Emmanuel and his Beloved, Sophiel. By his
coming shall God put forth his hand to heal the distress of many nations, for he shall cause to be
established the tabernacle of peace.
47 Thus shall God increase wisdom and holiness among the children of men, and on the day appointed
shall the power of God be made to withstand the cunning of your ways, and the glory of God shall roll
forth unto all the inhabitants of the earth.
48 Then shall the Mighty One come forth unto you, O Lucifer, that he might establish the hope whereby
you might turn again unto God and be healed of great affliction.
49 And this sign give I unto you, that you might know with sureness the mercies of that God who, from
the beginning, loved you with an everlasting love.”
50 And Noah raised his hands towards the heavens and there appeared a rainbow of many colors, and
Noah spoke again to Lucifer, saying:
51 “Behold the rainbow which God this day shall place in the heavens as a sign unto you, that you might
always remember his love towards you, and towards the children of men also.
52 For with great cunning you took thought to destroy all the children of men by a flood of many
53 By this sign, therefore, shall you know concerning the children of promise, for God shall never
consent to the destruction of all the children of men.
54 Therefore as this rainbow shall be as a sign of God’s love unto you, even so shall it be a sign to the
children of men that they might know of God’s care for them, that even all might remember the
promises of God unto them.”
55 Now when Noah finished speaking unto Lucifer, the Fallen One wept sorely, for he remembered the
former times when his glory was made like unto the Father’s.
56 And turning away, Lucifer went again to the earth, and throughout all the dispensations of time he
wandered among the children of men, seeking to find some means whereby he might justify himself.
57 And evil increased among the children of men, and notwithstanding they were made as one house
before God, they did war continually one against the other.
58 Thus, many were made subject to the passions of the evil one, for they were made to rebel against
God because of a multiplicity of sorrows which Lucifer caused to fall upon the children of men.
59 Now Suzanne grew old, and when she lay dying, she called to Noah and spoke to him, saying: “My
husband, the day of parting has come, but the love which I bear for you is not diminished.
60 Yet seeing that I shall go again unto my Father and your Father, remember me, for my love shall
never depart from you.
61 Remember me with joy and laughter and not with tears of sorrow; for if you shall remember me with
tears only, then shall the remainder of all your days be filled with heaviness, and sorrow shall afflict your
soul unto despair.
62 Therefore, my love, farewell. May the Lord watch between you and me in the days of separation,
that on the day of completion we might be restored again one unto the other.”
63 Now Suzanne died, being 860 years old. Wherefore, Noah buried her upon a high mountain amidst
great weeping, and he caused to be sung unto her the psalms of Maciah, the great high priestess.
64 Now the years passed and Noah, being great with age, gathered unto himself the remnant of his
seed, and he journeyed forth unto a mountain and there he anointed them unto God, and he blessed
65 And sending them away, Noah ascended unto God, being great with age. And all the days of Noah
were 950 years and he was not, for God took him.
Chapter 24
The wickedness of man and the rise of idolatry – In Heaven the Elohim gather – Michael speaks – The
seed of Seth and Abel – Redemptive power of priesthood – Emmanuel speaks to Michael: Abram and
Sarah – Priesthood to be established with the seed of Abram – Emmanuel to come forth as Yeshua – The
Law of Dispensation – The dispensation of Raphael and Uriel – Emmanuel incarnating in the meridian of
time – Michael gives the promise of resurrection – The dispensation of Ariel and Azrael – The Father of
All speaks
1 Now many generations passed after the days of Noah, and the children of men forgot the ways of
God, and they turned themselves to their own lusts.
2 And the children of men built many cities, and they made war against one another, for the children of
men no longer thought themselves to be one house before the God of Heaven, for there arose a
multitude of religions which did set one man against the other.
3 For the God of Heaven they remembered no more, but instead, they fashioned unto themselves idols
of wood and stone, or some they made of gold or silver.
4 Now the ways of men became divided also, for they no longer spoke the same language. For in the
beginning the sons of Noah spoke the language of Adam, which had been preserved throughout many
generations, even down to Noah.
5 But in the days when the children of Shem the elder, Japheth, Ham and Cimbri moved over all the face
of the earth, to dwell among a diverse people, they did mix the language of others with their own. And
after many years their language was no longer pure.
6 And the priesthood which Noah had confirmed upon the sons of his loins began to diminish from the
earth because of great wickedness. And ignorance and bestiality entered into the hearts of men.
7 Now in the kingdom of God did the Elohim gather before the Father of All, and there stood before him
seven mighty ones, and beside them, one who was like unto the Only Begotten of the Father, even
8 And Michael, even the Ancient of Days, spoke to the Father of All, saying:
9 “Behold, Ahman, how that the children of men have grown exceedingly wicked. For surely above all
the creations which you have ordained to be, they are quick to forget the ways of the Lord.
10 Now, my Father, if it be according to your will, let us establish the way whereby all the promises
which were given unto so many might be fulfilled according to your word.
11 For the time has come when we must establish the promise which was given concerning the seed of
Seth and of Abel, his brother.
12 Therefore, let us call forth a man from among all the sons of men, and with him shall we establish a
covenant, and all his seed shall be as that of Seth, who in the beginning walked in the ways of God.
13 And let us call from among his seed certain men who will walk among the chosen, that they might
teach unto the children of promise all the ways of God.
14 And all they who shall go forth to do the works of righteousness, whereby evil shall be made to
diminish from before the earth, even these shall become as the seed of Abel, seeing that they have
made themselves of great worth to the children of men.
15 Therefore, seeing that so many shall be made to become as the seed of Seth by way of covenant, we
shall hide in their inward part the seed of Abel, that they might be nurtured unto the Lord.
16 And on the day when we shall call forth to them to stand forth as prophets among the people, they
shall arise from the midst of obscurity and proclaim aloud the words of God unto all the people.
17 For consider, my Father, how the people are made to perish in their sins, for there are few who are
made to hold the priesthood of God upon the earth, whereby redemption might be made according to
your grace.
18 For this cause, my Father, is there need to establish priesthood upon the earth by way of covenant,
that it might never fade away from before the eyes of men because of much wickedness.
19 For unto whatsoever man we shall call from among the children of men, with him and his seed after
him shall we cause a portion of the priesthood of God to attend unto the covenant which we shall cause
to be established among them.
20 But unto all who shall become as the seed of Abel, whether male or female, to walk as prophets
among the people to bring them unto a remembrance of all the words of God, unto such prophets as
these shall we cause to be given a fullness of the priesthood forever.”
21 Now when Michael had said these things, Emmanuel spoke to him, saying: “My Father, in the land of
Shinar, in the city of Babel, there is made to dwell the man Abram and his wife, Sarah.
22 Now if it be according to your will, let us establish with him the covenant of priesthood.
23 For I have caused that my Spirit should move upon him to trouble him concerning the abominations
which are made to afflict the innocent.
24 Therefore, if it seem good to you, I will call to him in the midst of great adversity, that I might give
answer unto the prayer of his soul and I shall deliver him from affliction.
25 And I shall cause to be established with him the covenant, whereby he and his seed after him might
become as a peculiar people; even a nation of priests shall they be unto the Lord of Heaven.
26 Wherefore, seeing that his seed shall multiply upon the face of the earth, I shall cause my Spirit to
move upon certain holy ones, and they shall become as prophets unto the covenant seed of the man
Abram, and they shall teach them in the ways of godliness.
27 And on the day appointed, I shall go forth to the earth that I might dwell among the children of my
soul, that I might more perfectly teach them the way wherein they should walk before God.
28 And whosoever shall walk in the way of the Lord, even they shall be made as one with the God of
Heaven, and from his hand receive a fullness of glory.”
29 Thus spoke Emmanuel unto his Father, Michael. And the Ancient of Days blessed him before all who
were gathered there, even Gods many and Lords many. And he spoke to him, saying:
30 “Consider, my son, how that Lucifer is fallen and is made to walk upon the earth to trouble the
hearts of men. For he has afflicted the children of men with many sorrows, insomuch that many are
made to curse the God of Heaven.
31 Now if it so be that you should go down to the earth to walk among the children of your soul, then
shall the Fallen One rise up against you, and with much cunning cause that the children of promise
should kill you before many witnesses.
32 Therefore, seeing that evil shall conspire against my anointed one, perchance to frustrate the
mercies of God, even so shall I contend against Lucifer in righteousness, for your sake.
33 For consider how that in the beginning I did go down to the earth that all the spirit children of both
Emmanuel and Sophiel might be made to dwell in mortality, that they might come to a knowledge of
good and evil.
34 Wherefore, seeing that evil should conspire against the children of men to destroy them in their sins
lest they repent and turn again unto God, I sent forth unto the earth Gabriel.
35 And he did put forth his hand to frustrate the designs of the Fallen One, for he did establish upon the
land the adoption of sons and daughters, whereby there should be but one people upon all the face of
the earth before the Lord.
36 Thus were the children of men delivered in the moment of great distress. And to all who should seek
the God of Heaven did Gabriel give the promise according to my word, whereby they might become as
the Only Begotten of the Father.
37 Seeing that by the ministry of the Arch-Angels of God the children of men are redeemed from the
conspirings of Lucifer, I shall cause these others also to go down unto the earth, that they might
establish the way before you.
38 Now consider how my Father, even Ahman, has appointed unto the seven Arch-Angels the Law of
Dispensation, whereby much righteousness should be brought to pass.
39 Therefore, seeing that you shall call from among all the children of men, the man Abram, and seeing
that you shall cause to be established with him and his seed after him the covenant, I shall cause to go
down to the earth the Arch-Angel Raphael.
40 For surely his seed shall multiply greatly upon the land. Therefore, I shall send unto them Raphael,
that he might deliver them in the day of trouble and affliction.
41 And he shall establish among the children of Abram the law whereby the way might be prepared for
your going forth among them on the day appointed.
42 For by the hand of Raphael shall the law be established, and by the appearing of the Promised One
shall the law be fulfilled.
43 Thus, in the day when the covenant people shall become as a mighty nation among the children of
men, in that day they shall walk after the pride of their heart, to forget the covenant which you shall
cause to be established with their fathers; then shall you call forth from among them many prophets,
whether male or female, that they might warn the people against iniquity.
44 And if they will not give heed to the words of the prophets to turn again unto me, then shall I send
forth to them the Arch-Angel Uriel.
45 And he shall establish before them the promise of the Father, whereby the Promised One shall arise
from the midst of them, and you shall go among them to redeem the world from the wiles of the Fallen
46 Thus shall a way be prepared for the coming of the going forth of your soul unto the children of men,
lest at your coming, they put forth the hand to kill the Father of their spirit.
47 And you shall go among them as a shepherd among the flocks; and you shall heal them of many
sorrows; by the words which you shall speak unto them shall they find the way wherein they should
walk before God.
48 The way of peace and holiness shall you establish before all the people. And if it so be that evil shall
lay hold of the chief priests and rulers of the nation, that they should kill the Father of all people, then
shall the words of the Father have power to lead as many as will to repentance. And I shall forgive them
abundantly for your sake.
49 Now if it so be that they should kill the Son of God when you shall go forth to redeem them, then
shall I cause that you should receive the resurrection of the body, that many might behold you again in
the flesh.
50 And they shall know of a surety the promise of eternal life in the kingdom of God, that throughout
all their generations the way which you shall teach them might give to many the assurance of hope.
51 Therefore, if the children of men shall seek earnestly the Lord their God, then shall I cause to walk
among them the Arch-Angel Ariel.
52 And he shall restore to them the fullness of blessings; even the priesthood of God shall he make
known to many.
53 And as many as shall desire to know God shall he fill to overflowing, for he shall reveal to all who will
the mysteries of Heaven.
54 For his desire shall be to restore to the righteous the fullness of the Father. For he shall bring forth to
the children of men the fullness of my word, that he might establish before all the people the promise of
God, wherein you shall go again unto the earth clothed in great majesty and power.
55 And again, on the day appointed in the fullness of time, God shall send forth his mighty one, even he
who contended against Lucifer in the beginning.
56 For when the children of promise shall be made to grow weary by reason of priestcraft, I shall send
forth the Arch-Angel Azrael.
57 Surely in that day he shall lay forth the foundations of holiness whereupon the tabernacle of God
might be established forever.
58 He shall prepare the way for the exaltation of the righteous whereby they might inherit the glory of
God, even worlds without end.
59 For in that day shall Azrael bring unto the willing the law of Heaven, that he might seal together the
hearts of husband and wife.
60 And he shall restore the children again to their Fathers, and the Fathers shall he turn to the children
by way of great holiness.
61 Thus shall he apportion to the righteous every good thing that it is the Father’s will to give unto the
62 And he shall recompense Lucifer according to his deeds, for he shall lay forth the foundation
whereby even the Fallen One might be redeemed according to the mercies of God.
63 So shall all things be accomplished in their dispensations, according to the wisdom which is in God.
64 And there shall be peace among all the nations of the earth, for Lucifer shall be made to rest beside
the throne of his Father and my Father.”
65 Thus spoke Michael to his son, Emmanuel. And the Father of All arose before the Elohim and turning
to Emmanuel, he spoke, saying: “Let the words of Michael, your Father, be established according to my
66 Now my son, go forth and call unto the man Abram, that you might establish with him and his seed
after him the covenant whereby all his seed shall become as the house of Seth.
67 That from the midst of this covenant people you might call forth prophets to speak to the nations,
and these shall you establish to be as the seed of Abel, for surely they shall go among all the people to
teach them concerning the ways of God.
68 Now seeing that Abram shall be separated from the house of his father by obedience to your word, I
shall go down to the earth that I might ordain unto him the Patriarchal Order of many Fathers.
69 Now seeing that we have spoken wisely concerning the children of men, let us go forth to redeem all
who shall desire to come again into the kingdom of our glory.”
70 And so speaking, all the mighty rose before the throne and with a great shout blessed the God of
Heaven. And Emmanuel went away from before the council and turned his soul to the man Abram.
Chapter 25
Nimrod and the city of Babel – Rise of idolatry – Terah, the father of Abram – Abram and Sarah visit
Terah – The ten gods of Terah – Abram devises a test to determine the power of Terah’s gods – Abram
smashes the gods of Terah – Terah returns and demands an answer – The god of stone, fierce and angry
– Terah has Abram arrested and taken to Nimrod – The king sentences Abram to be executed
1 Now in the lands of Shinar, by the waters of Diyalah, did Nimrod the son of Cush rule, for he had built
up the waste places, and Babel was made prince among all the cities of the plain.
2 For he built also the city of Erech and placed upon the throne thereof Mardon; and he established the
foundation of Luzon, for there was fought there in ancient times a great battle.
3 But in Babel did Nimrod rule over the children of men, and he caused that the sons of men should sin
before the God of Heaven, for from the heart of a wicked man is evil multiplied unto the children of
4 Thus would Nimrod not remember the Lord, for he walked pridefully in the midst of abominations,
and he taught others to do even as he did.
5 Now the inhabitants of Nimrod were added upon by the wickedness of the people, for he caused that
all who dwelt in the lands of Shinar should be made to bend the knee to gods made with hands.
6 Now there lived in Babel Terah, the son of Nahor, and he was captain of all the king’s mighty men.
Now Terah followed in the ways of Nimrod and he worshipped gods made of wood and stone.
7 On a certain day there came unto the house of Terah his son Abram, and with him was Sarah his wife.
8 And when he entered, Abram embraced his father and kissed him upon the cheek and looking round
about Abram saw ten gods standing in places of honor in the house of his father.
9 Therefore was the heart of Abram made heavy because of the idolatry which was made to dwell in
the house of Terah by way of the king’s law, for all who dwelt in the regions round about were made to
worship the gods of Babel.
10 And Abram spoke to his father, saying: “My father, tell me truly. Among all these gods, where is the
God who created the heavens and the earth? Where is the God who breathed into man the breath of
11 So Terah, looking about at the ten gods who stood in places of honor, spoke unto Abram, saying:
“My son, the gods who created Heaven and earth are here within the house of your father.
12 For all things which you see upon the face of the earth, even all the sons of men, are made by these
gods which you see before you this day.” And so speaking, Terah bowed himself down before the ten
13 Therefore, after some little while, Terah arose and bid his son farewell, for he must go to the king to
report, but Abram remained in the house of his father.
14 Now in the evening of the day, Abram came and sat before the gods who dwelt in the house of his
father, and he sat before them filled with great pondering.
15 And Sarah arising from her bed came to her husband and entreated him, saying: “Come, my
husband, and brood no longer because of the idolatry of Terah your father.
16 For in the lands of Shinar is Nimrod lord and king over all the people. Therefore, seeing that your
father is made captain of the king’s mighty men, should he not worship the gods of his lord and master?
17 Come now, my husband, lie down beside me a little while, and I shall still the troubling of your soul,
and you shall find rest beside me.”
18 But Abram spoke to Sarah, saying: “My wife, if you would comfort me, then prepare for me some
food. For I desire to make an offering to the gods of my father’s house.”
19 So Sarah went and prepared some sweet dainties and she brought them unto Abram and he, seeing
such savory sweets, was pleased and he laid them before the ten gods of Terah.
20 Wherefore, Abram sat before the gods of Babel, that he might see them stretch forth hands of wood
and stone.
21 But they had no power to partake of Abram’s offering, for they were but gods made of wood and
22 And they had no power to hear with their ears, or speak with their lips, neither had they power to
move from their resting place, nor had they power to stretch forth the hand to eat.
23 Now seeing that the gods of Babel would not partake of his offering, he called to Sarah and said:
24 “Behold, how these gods who created Heaven and earth and all living things will not partake of these
sweet dainties.
25 Perhaps I have offered that which is not pleasing to them. For behold how fierce the gods of my
father are made to appear. Surely they will prefer savory meat.
26 Therefore, go forth and from my flocks take a young goat and kill it. Take great care in all your
preparations, for I shall offer unto these fierce gods a feast of goodly meat.”
27 So Sarah hastened to do as Abram requested. And she brought unto him goodly meat, richly cooked
and savory.
28 And Abram took the meat and placed it in the midst of the ten gods, and he sat himself down to see
if the gods would partake of his offering. And all that day Abram sat before them, yet the gods of Babel
moved not.
29 Wherefore, Abram grew heavy of heart and he proclaimed aloud, saying: “How foolish has the
iniquity of Nimrod made my father to become, that he should serve gods of wood and stone;
30 That they, having hands, feel not, that, having legs, they move not; that, having eyes, they cannot
see, neither can they speak with their lips.
31 Seeing that these things are true, why are men made to trust in gods that they have fashioned for
themselves with their own hands?”
32 And rising from his father’s house, he went and fetched him a heavy stone, and in great anger he
smashed all the gods of Babel that were made to dwell in the house of Terah.
33 But the largest god Abram did not break, for it was made of stone and not wood as the others had
34 Now on the day after, Terah returned to his house and he beheld the gods of Babel, that all were
smashed and broken except the god made of stone. And he beheld the savory meat which was placed
before the gods as an offering.
35 So Terah called his son Abram and demanded to know the cause for which the gods of Babel should
lie in ruin upon the floor of his house.
36 And Abram spoke, saying: “My father, I will tell you all, for behold, I remembered your words
concerning the gods of Nimrod. How that they created Heaven and earth and every living thing also.
37 Therefore, I desired to honor the gods of my father, and I caused to be prepared for them a feast of
savory meat, and I did offer it unto them.
38 But when I had laid before them the feast of meat, all these idols made of wood rushed upon the
offering to devour it, and they had no regard for this great idol made of stone.
39 Wherefore, this god of stone arose from his place of honor and he smashed all these gods of wood
with his hands, for they had no regard for him, neither did they take thought to honor him.”
40 In this manner spoke Abram to his father. And Terah spoke in anger against him, saying: “Am I such a
fool that you would have me believe so great a tale as this?
41 Would you have me to believe that the power of life is made to move within gods made of wood and
42 And Abram answered, saying: “Seeing that you have spoken truly concerning these gods of wood
and stone, why then are you made to serve them? Have idols the power to deliver in the moment of
43 Shall ears made of wood and stone hear the prayers of the faithful? Can such gods as these stretch
forth the hand to deliver you from the hand of the enemy?
44 Have they power to lift the sword against the enemy who rushes upon the gates of the city?
45 Hear, my father, the words of Abram. Behold, it is not good that you should bend the knee to gods
who hear not, neither do they speak.
46 How foolish are you made to become, because you are made to worship gods made by the hands of
other men.”
47 But Terah grew angry and he called forth certain guards and he caused that his son should be
brought before the king of Babel, for the law had been declared:
48 That whosoever should offend the gods of the city, even they should be brought before the king for
49 So Terah caused that Abram should be brought before the king, and he told him all the words of his
son concerning the gods of the land.
50 How that when Abram had offered the gods a savory feast of good meat, the gods of wood rushed
to devour it for they had not regard for the larger god made of stone.
51 Which thing did anger the god made of stone, and he rose up in his anger and smashed all the gods
which were made of wood.
52 Now Nimrod, beholding the son of Terah, spoke to him, saying: “Tell me, Abram, what evil spirit has
come upon you to trouble you concerning the gods of Babel?
53 Did you not know that to bring shame to the gods of the land is to bring upon yourself the king’s
54 Did you not know that gods of wood and stone have no power to put forth the hand to eat, neither
do they have power to put forth the hand to destroy?
55 Are you possessed of such madness as to believe that gods made with hands have in themselves the
power of life and death?”
56 And Abram answered the king, saying: “O king, by your own words have you declared that the gods
of Babel are without life, neither power do they possess.
57 Seeing that this is true, why then do you serve them? Why have you caused the sons of men to
follow after the foolishness of your heart?
58 Can gods of wood and stone deliver you in the day of trouble? Shall such gods as these perform any
labor, great or small?
59 Seeing that such gods as you have made are without life, why will you continue to worship them?
Shall not such foolishness make you to appear as ignorant before the wise?
60 Does not wisdom command that all they who desire to seek after God be not foolish to worship
created things? Is there not wisdom in seeking after the God who made all things?
61 And if it so be that we should find him, would it not be wise to cease from following in the ways of
abomination, whereby many are made to stumble because of your example?
62 For I would not have you think me mad, O king. Yet on a certain day there came upon me a troubling
Spirit, which Spirit caused that I should forsake the sins of my father and seek after the God of Heaven
and earth, that him only I might serve.
63 Therefore, seeing that God has troubled me exceedingly, that I might be separated from the foolish
desires of men, why should I be made to fear?
64 For I am persuaded that God who made all things, both in Heaven and on earth, shall surely come to
me, if haply I might seek after him.”
65 Now when Abram had finished speaking, Nimrod turned unto Terah and said: “Truly your son is
without sensibility. Yet the law is plainly written concerning all those who should offend the gods of
66 Therefore, take Abram and deliver him unto the prison, for on the tenth day I shall deliver him to the
67 And they shall strip his flesh from off his body, that we might appease the gods lest they be angry
with us.”
Chapter 26
Abram in prison, prays to God – God answers Abram’s prayer – Emmanuel promises Abram deliverance,
establishes a covenant, and names him Abraham – Nimrod’s wife falls sick – God speaks to Nimrod in a
dream – Abraham delivered from prison – Abraham heals the queen of Babel – Nimrod rejoices, gives
many gifts to Abraham – Abraham rejects Nimrod’s offer to build a temple – Nimrod grows fearful,
commands Abraham to leave – Terah commanded to kill his son
1 Now these are the words of Abram the son of Terah, for in the king’s prison did he humble himself in
the hour of great affliction, and he prayed to God, saying:
2 “Where, O God, is the strength of your arm? For behold, how I am made to perish. For according to
the wisdom of your Spirit did I reject the ways of my father, that I might not walk after the abominations
of strangers.
3 For I would not be made to worship the gods of Babel, seeing that they are made with hands. Yet, O
Lord, where is your hiding place, that I might know with sureness the God who created all things?
4 Thus have I desired to know the God of Heaven, that I might follow more closely after you.
5 O God, what shall it matter to me if I am made to perish by the hand of Nimrod, if it so be that I
should attain unto the knowledge of your glory?”
6 Such are the words which Abram spoke in the prison of the king. And it came to pass that in the night,
as Abram was sleeping, the voice of God called after him, saying: “Abram, arise.”
7 And Abram arose from his slumber and beheld in the darkness a gathering of light, and Abram feared
exceedingly and he exclaimed aloud, saying: “Who are you, Lord?”
8 And a voice from within the light spoke, saying: “Peace unto you, Abram, my son. Fear not the coming
forth of your God unto you, neither be afraid.
9 Gird up your loins and be strong, for in three days I shall cause you to be delivered from the hand of
10 For I shall establish with you and your seed after you a covenant. Therefore, I shall make you great
among all the sons of men, and all your seed after you shall I make mighty among the nations.
11 Behold, I am the Father of your spirit, even Emmanuel. Seeing, therefore, that I have created all
things in Heaven and on earth, it is a small thing that I should establish between you and me a covenant
whereby you shall be made prince among many nations.
12 Wherefore, seeing that I have come forth to answer your prayers, take courage, for I shall surely
deliver you from the midst of captivity.
13 Only worship me always, and your seed shall be made to inherit a goodly land if they will but
remember me.
14 Thus shall I establish with you a covenant whereby I shall be unto you as a Father and a deliverer in
times of trouble, and you shall be unto me as a son; even the friend of God shall you become.
15 For behold, how the children of men have corrupted themselves, that they should worship gods
made of wood and stone. Consider how they have become as foolish children, having no understanding.
16 Therefore, I shall establish with you and your seed the knowledge of God, that you might enlighten
every man his neighbor concerning the God of Heaven and earth.
17 Now seeing that from your loins shall come a multitude of people, a host of nations, I shall this day
call your name Abraham.
18 For I shall separate you from the abominations of Nimrod, for I shall establish you in the land of
promise far from the borders of Babel.”
19 Now Abraham, hearing all the words of the Lord, knelt before him and did worship him, and when
the sun arose from its slumber, Abraham did awaken to find himself kneeling upon the floor. And he
exclaimed to himself, saying:
20 “Surely I have had a mighty dream, for in the visions of the night did the true God of Heaven and
earth attend unto my prayers, that he might grant unto me the promise of his deliverance.”
21 Now on the third day there came unto the king of Babel a servant, saying: “My lord king, come
quickly. For your wife has fallen gravely ill and is nigh unto death.”
22 So Nimrod arose and he called forth his wise men and his magicians of renown that they might
attend unto his wife, that he might have restored to his bosom the wife whom he loved above all others.
23 But notwithstanding the renown of his magicians or the wisdom of his learned men, they could by no
means restore to vigor the wife of the king. And they did entreat the king that he should sacrifice to the
gods of the city ten virgins;
24 That perchance the gods of Babel might have pity and put forth their hand to rebuke the evil spirit,
and restore to Nimrod the queen Veshanu.
25 But in the night, as Nimrod considered the words of his wise men, he fell into a troubled sleep, and
the voice of God came to him, saying:
26 “Nimrod, Nimrod, why will you sacrifice the living to gods made with hands? Shall they who are
without life restore to Veshanu the life of the body?
27 Therefore, put not forth your hand to sacrifice the innocent to gods made of wood and stone. For
there is in the city of Babel the very friend of God; surely he shall restore to Nimrod the wife you love.”
28 And Nimrod spoke to the Lord in a dream, saying: “Who is this man, my Lord, that I might beseech
him to put forth the hand of blessing?
29 Where, O Lord, might I find the friend of God that he might grant unto me the grace of that God who
created all things for the good of man?
30 For if it so be that he shall do good to the house of Nimrod, I will give him up to half of my kingdom;
even gold and silver in abundance shall I give him. Only tell me where I might find him!”
31 And the Lord answered, saying: “In the prison of the king will you find him, even Abram, the son of
Terah. He alone shall restore the queen and make her whole again.”
32 Thus spoke God unto Nimrod. And he awoke from his dream and he called forth his guards and
commanded that they should bring him the man Abram, the son of Terah.
33 Now Abraham was brought to the king, and Nimrod told him all the words which the God of Heaven
spoke to him in the visions of the night.
34 And he implored Abraham to heal the queen, Veshanu, and if he would be gracious to grant to the
king his request, then would Nimrod give unto Abraham up to half of his kingdom.
35 But Abraham would take no payment for the gift of God, but notwithstanding, he did go forth to the
bed chamber of the queen, and he commanded that the wise men and the magicians of renown be
brought before him.
36 Now when they were brought before Abraham, they feared greatly lest Abraham find favor with the
king over them, and that they should be made to perish.
37 But Abraham, upon seeing the wise men and magicians of renown standing before him, asked of
each one the manner of the queen’s illness.
38 Thus was each man made to answer Abraham concerning the sickness of Veshanu. And Abraham
spoke to the king, saying:
39 “Know this, great king, that three days hence shall your wife be restored to you and her beauty and
comeliness shall be as the blossoming of the almond tree.”
40 And so speaking, Abraham went to the queen and ministered to her continually day and night. And
on the third day the queen arose from her bed, being made whole again, and she washed herself and
made herself comely.
41 And Nimrod, seeing her restored again unto vigor, rejoiced before all the city. Wherefore, Abraham
did he cause to stand before him and beside him was Terah, captain of the king’s mighty men.
42 Now Nimrod spoke unto the father of Abraham, saying: “Behold, Terah, how that your son Abram
has put forth his hand to bless the house of Nimrod when I have put forth my hand to judge him
according to the laws of the kingdom.
43 Wherefore, seeing that Abram is favored of God, I shall remove from him the judgment of the king,
and even as the God of Abram has been gracious to restore to me the woman Veshanu, even so shall I
restore to you the son that you love.
44 For this day shall I give Abram a full measure of blessing, for I shall give him many gifts which shall
make him great before the eyes of men, for this is right before God. For in the gift of my wife am I made
as a debtor to Abram the son of Terah.
45 Now seeing that Abram will not take to himself the half of my kingdom, then shall I increase his
herds and flocks that the borders of his house might be enlarged exceedingly.”
46 So Nimrod caused to be given that day to Abraham a gift of five hundred sheep, and he did add to
these one hundred head of fine cattle. To this also was given to Abraham fifty camels and one hundred
47 And Nimrod gave great riches of frankincense and myrrh, and the wealth of Abraham was made
great among the sons of men.
48 Now when all these things were brought before Abraham, the king spoke unto him, saying: “My son,
I pray that you will accept these offerings which I have given you this day.
49 For I know that the God of Abram is truly God above all others. Therefore, I shall cause to be built in
the city of Babel a house of honor wherein your God shall abide. And all the people of the city shall be
made to remember him and worship him also.”
50 But Abraham answered Nimrod, king of Babel, saying: “Does the Lord of Heaven and earth desire a
house built by the hands of men? Shall God be made to find honor in the house of idolatry?
51 Behold, great king, how the God of all men showed forth to you an abundance of grace.
52 Will you now make of him an image of stone, to be worshipped by foolish men? Will you now make
him to sit continually before the king as though he were but a brick?
53 Consider, O king, how the God who created all Heaven and earth is great and mighty. For the
heavens declare the glory of God; the heavens proclaim aloud the wonder of his ways.
54 Day upon day the earth speaks; night after night the song of his handiwork is heard upon the land.
Consider how all creation is made to bring forth to the children of men the knowledge of God.
55 Where, O king, shall we flee from the words of his glory? How shall we stop up the ear that we
should no longer hear the voice of God calling after us?
56 For throughout all the days of our life is he made to call after us as children who have gone astray.
57 Behold the heavens above wherein God has established a tabernacle for the sun, that within the
pavilion of his glory the sun might rise forth as a bridegroom, greatly rejoicing.
58 Therefore, O king, be wise in the days of your sojourn upon the earth, and waste not your days in
foolish imaginations.
59 For God alone understands the way of the wise. He knows where wisdom is made to dwell.
60 By his great knowing is he made to see all the ends of the earth; everything under heaven does he
perceive deeply.
61 When he established the moving of the wind and measured out the waters of the deep, when he
decreed that the earth should be nourished by the rains, when he set forth the pathway of the mighty
62 Then he looked at the wisdom of his glory and confirmed before the heavenly hosts that all people
should be made partakers, if it so be that they should seek after him.
63 For, behold, the Lord has declared to me that to worship the God of Heaven and earth and him only
serve, that is wisdom, and to shun the evil way is understanding.
64 But where, O king, shall wisdom be found in the house of Nimrod? Wherein has understanding been
made to dwell?
65 For you have not comprehended its worth, neither have you understood its way, for from the house
of ignorance is wisdom made to flee. Among the disobedient will understanding not abide.
66 Seeing that God has restored to Babel the queen thereof, why do you stand afar off, when God has
come near unto you to bless? Why will you fashion of him a graven image to be worshipped in the midst
of iniquity?”
67 Now when Nimrod heard the words of Abraham, he feared greatly lest the God of Abraham stretch
forth the hand of indignation and cause that the king should be brought to shame before all the people.
68 So he commanded that Abraham should depart from the city of Babel and all the regions round
69 Wherefore, Abraham took Sarah his wife and many servants also, and he took all his herds and
possessions, and he journeyed northward along the river Euphrates. And after many days journey he
came to the city of Haran, and he dwelt there many days.
70 Now when Abraham was gone from the lands of Babel, the king gathered together in his secret
chambers all the wise men and magicians of renown.
71 For Nimrod feared the God of Abraham. And they took dark counsel on how they should kill the
friend of God.
72 Thus when they determined what should be done, Nimrod called the captain of his mighty men,
even Terah, the father of Abraham.
73 And he commanded that he should seek after his son to slay him, lest Abraham complain to God
against the king of Babel and God stretch forth his hand to bring Nimrod low in the dust.
74 So Terah followed after Abraham until he came to the land of Haran, and there he found his son
dwelling in a tent.
Chapter 27
Terah dwells in the tent of Abraham – Death of Terah – God speaks to Abraham about a choice land and
a nation of priests and prophets – Abraham is promised a son – Abraham goes to the land of Canaan –
After many years Abraham goes to the land of Hebron – Abraham bids rest to one like unto the Son of
the Morning – Sarah persuades Abraham to take Hagar to wife – Abraham bargains with Lucifer to spare
the wicked – Lot escapes pestilence of Sodom and Gomorrah
1 Now Terah dwelt in the tent of Abraham and Sarah, and he would not put forth his hand to slay his
son, for he had great regard for him.
2 For Abraham did teach Terah all the words of God. Wherefore, Terah did come to a knowledge of God
and he walked straightly before him throughout the remainder of his days.
3 So it came to pass that Terah grew great with age and in his knowledge of God, and when he was two
hundred and five years old he died and was buried in the land of Haran.
4 And Abraham prayed for the soul of his father, that God might receive him unto his bosom according
to his mercy.
5 Now on a certain day, while Abraham was meditating upon the things of God, there came to him in
the cool of the day, the Lord and he spoke to him, saying:
6 “Fear not, Abraham, for I am come to call you forth from the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, that you
may be separated from among all the people of the land.
7 For I shall show you a land which is choice above all other lands, which land I shall give you and your
seed forever.
8 Therefore, I shall make of you a mighty nation; even a nation of priests and prophets shall I fashion of
your seed.
9 For I have set my hand upon you to make your name great among the nations, and to many nations
and among diverse people shall you give the promise of blessing.
10 And I will send forth the power of my Spirit to bless those who bless you, and I will bring to account
all who shall curse you, for in you shall all the families of the earth find an abundance of blessing.”
11 But Abraham spoke to the Lord, saying: “My Lord, you are great and mighty and know all things.
Whereunto shall I go? Unto what choice land shall I find an inheritance for my seed?
12 For, behold, seeing that the land which you desire to give me is choice above all others, it shall have
upon it a multitude of people.
13 Wherewith shall I contend against so many, seeing that I am small in the eyes of men, while they
who possess the land already are many?
14 Consider, my Lord, and have mercy. For, behold, Sarah my wife is childless. How then shall I give the
land of promise to children not yet born, or how shall you establish the covenant of promise with my
seed, seeing that I have sown fallow ground?”
15 And the Lord answered Abraham saying: “Be not afraid of the inhabitants of the land whereunto I
shall lead you, neither doubt the promises of the Lord God, for I shall fulfill even all my words to you.
16 For I shall be as a shield and a fortress unto you; as a high tower, strong and mighty, shall I become
unto the righteous.
17 As a refuge and a hiding place shall all my words become, that you might possess unto your soul the
assurance of hope, and the fulfillment of every good thing which I desire to give unto all who follow
straightly the Lord their God.
18 Wherefore, seeing that the land which I have promised you is filled with the children of men, yet
shall I cause you to dwell safely in the midst of them.
19 And I, the Lord, shall be your inheritance; even God shall overshadow your coming in and your going
out, but the land shall I give unto your seed forever.
20 For in the day appointed shall Sarah conceive and bear a son, and he shall grow up in the admonition
of the Lord, and I shall establish with him all the words which I shall covenant with you.
21 And his seed shall I make as the stars of the firmament; as the sands of the sea, so shall your seed be
as a multitude of nations upon the earth.
22 Therefore, take heart and doubt not the Lord your God. For as you shall be faithful to observe all the
words which I shall speak to you, even so shall I be diligent to fulfill the promises given.”
23 Thus spoke the Lord unto Abraham. And Abraham gathered even all his household and he journeyed
with them from the land of the Chaldees.
24 And he came to the land which God had promised unto him as an inheritance, in the land of Canaan
did Abraham make his abode.
25 And when the inhabitants of the land saw the host of Abraham, they did marvel because of his great
wealth and his mighty men, and they exclaimed round about, saying: “Behold, a mighty prince has come
to dwell among us.”
26 So Abraham dwelt in Canaan peaceably for the space of many years, and all the inhabitants round
about had respect for him, for he was wise above all men, and the hand of God was made manifest in all
his doings.
27 Wherefore, the land of Canaan became as an inheritance to Abraham because he walked in holiness
before God and man, and in the visions of the night the Lord spoke to him, saying:
28 “Come now, my friend Abraham, lift up your eyes upon all the lands round about. For all the land
which you see shall I give you and your seed forever.
29 For I shall make your seed great among all the people of the land, evensomuch that none shall be
able to number them.
30 Now arise and walk throughout the land. Go forth throughout the length and breadth and
wheresoever your foot shall tread, even that land will I give you for an inheritance.”
31 So Abraham arose and journeyed throughout all the land of Canaan. And when Abraham came to
the waters of Mamre in the land of Hebron, he beheld its great worth, for the water was sweet and the
land filled with plenty.
32 Thus did Abraham come to dwell in the lands of Hebron; by the waters of Mamre did he dwell; under
the shadow of the terebinth tree did he spread his tent.
33 Now on a certain day, Abraham was sitting in the door of his tent during the heat of the day;
beneath the shadows of the terebinth trees did he refresh himself.
34 And there came from out of the wilderness one who was like unto the Son of the Morning, and with
him were two others, like unto men.
35 And the Spirit of God entreated Abraham that he should go to them and bid them rest awhile from
their journey. So Abraham did as the Lord commanded.
36 And he went to the one who was like unto the Son of the Morning and spoke to him, saying:
“Greetings, my lord, from Abraham the son of Terah.
37 Behold, my lord, how it is the heat of the day. Therefore, may I give to you and your servants some
food and water?
38 If I have found favor in your sight, my lord, pass not by the tent of your servant.
39 For I shall call forth my servant, and he shall bring to you a little water made sweet with honey, and
then shall you find refreshment and rest beside the waters of Mamre.”
40 So Abraham called a servant to go and bring water to his guest, and he called Sarah to bring forth
food to eat and sweet wine to drink.
41 Thus did Sarah attend unto the Son of the Morning, and Abraham seeing that all was well, went
forth unto his flocks to find a choice lamb whereby he might prepare a feast.
42 Now the one who was like unto the Son of the Morning, when he beheld Sarah tending, spoke to
her, saying: “Tell me, daughter, where are your children? Why do they not attend their mother?”
43 And when Sarah heard these words, she despaired aloud, saying: “My lord, I am barren and now
past the age of childbearing. These many years have I dwelt beside my husband, yet I have never borne
him a child.”
44 Now when Sarah had spoken these words, the stranger thought to conspire against the house of
Abraham, that he might prepare the way wherein Abraham should be led to commit whoredoms before
the Lord of Hosts.
45 And he spoke unto Sarah, saying: “Surely, my daughter, has the God of Abraham not promised that
from his loins should come a multitude of nations? Wherein do you say: I have no children and am now
past the age of child bearing?
46 Have you no trust in the promises of God? Are you made to despair by reason of these many years?
Wherewith shall the faith of Sarah be made to perish and the promise of God vanish away?”
47 But Sarah answered him, saying: “My lord, am I not old and bent with many years? Consider how I
have taken hope these many years in the promises of God, yet now in my great age am I made to
despair towards God.
48 Of what value is the wealth and greatness of my husband, seeing that he is without a son to inherit
the fruit of his labor, or who will be made partaker of the promises of God?
49 Now seeing that God has truly promised Abraham a multitude of seed, I am unable to fulfill and I
have turned my soul to weeping and much sorrow.
50 Therefore, seeing that I am old and without child, then according to the custom of our ways,
Abimelech, the chief steward of Abraham, shall inherit all and I shall be left desolate.”
51 But the Fallen One answered, saying: “Do not despair, neither grieve in your heart, for if you would
that Abraham should have a son then give unto him your handmaiden, Hagar. She shall bear Abraham a
son whereby God shall keep all his word.
52 Then shall your reproach be taken away from before the eyes of men and your shame covered
before God.
53 For shall not the son of Abraham be unto you a son also, seeing that Hagar is but your handmaiden?”
54 Such were the words spoken to Sarah whereby she might tempt Abraham to sin towards God. And
Abraham returned from among the flocks and Sarah went unto her tent to consider all the words which
were spoken unto her.
55 Now Abraham came again to his guest who sat in the shade of the terebinth trees, and when he
approached, the Son of the Morning arose and looked towards the cities of the plain, even Sodom and
56 And he spoke to Abraham, saying: “Behold, O Abraham, how the people have corrupted themselves
in great iniquity. Consider how they have consumed their souls by the lusts of the flesh.
57 Therefore, I have come to execute judgment and desolation upon the wicked, and all they who have
walked in the way of evil shall become subject to the father of lies, and he alone shall possess the souls
of the wicked.”
58 And Abraham, when he heard these words, drew nigh unto him, for he perceived that the destroying
angel had come to inflict wrath and indignation against the children of men.
59 And he spoke to him, saying: “My lord, shall you destroy even all the inhabitants of the plain?
60 How then shall the wicked repent if they are made to perish in their sins? Are there no righteous
among them for whose sake the lives of the wicked might be spared until the day of repentance, when
they shall turn again to God and be saved?
61 Suppose, my lord, that there be fifty righteous in the land. Will you not spare the cities of the plain
for the sake of fifty righteous?”
62 And the Son of the Morning spoke unto Abraham, saying: “If there shall be found among the
inhabitants of the land fifty righteous, then shall I spare all the people for their sake.”
63 But Abraham spoke, saying: “Consider, my lord, how that the God of Heaven and earth is just and
merciful unto the fallen, for it is truly said that God delights not in the death of the wicked.
64 Now perchance there be only forty-five righteous among the inhabitants of the plain, will you
destroy the wicked for the lack of five righteous?”
65 And he answered, saying: “If there be but forty-five righteous among the inhabitants of the plain, yet
will I spare even all for the sake of forty-five.”
66 But Abraham, being bold in the Spirit, spoke again, saying: “Suppose, my lord, that there be only
forty righteous found?”
67 And the Son of the Morning answered, saying: “Yet for the sake of forty will I spare Sodom and
68 Again Abraham spoke, saying: “Perchance there be only thirty righteous, will you not spare even all
the inhabitants that they might know of a surety the mercies of God?”
69 And again he answered, saying: “Yet for the sake of thirty righteous will I spare the wicked.”
70 Now Abraham spoke again, saying: “Surely, my lord, your mercy is beyond comprehension.
Therefore, I pray lord that you shall be gracious unto Abraham. For if there be only twenty righteous
found, will you not spare the wicked for their sake?”
71 And he answered, saying: “I will destroy neither Sodom nor Gomorrah if it so be that you shall find
twenty righteous among them.”
72 And again Abraham put forth his petition, saying: “My lord, hear the words of my soul and be not
angry, for I will speak but this once more.
73 Suppose I shall find but ten righteous upon the land, will you spare even all for their sake?”
74 Now the Fallen One smiled upon Abraham, for he was brought to a remembrance concerning the
mercies of God toward the children of men.
75 And he spoke to Abraham, saying: “If there be but ten righteous, yet will I forbear and not destroy
Sodom and Gomorrah.”
76 So spoke the Son of the Morning to Abraham, and he took with him his two companions and they
did journey unto the cities of the plain.
77 And when he had gone, Abraham called unto his chief steward, Abimelech. And he instructed him to
hasten quickly into the lands round about Sodom and there give warning to his nephew, Lot. For
Abraham desired not the destruction of his brother’s son.
78 Thus would Abraham make intercession on behalf of the wicked, even as the Spirit of God had
moved upon him.
79 Yet notwithstanding this there came upon all the inhabitants of the plain a great and dreadful
pestilence, for famine and disease raged upon the lands, and no man was saved except the house of Lot.
Chapter 28
Hagar gives birth to Ishmael – Discord in the tent of Abraham – God chastises Abraham – Circumcision
and the covenant – Abiel of Salem visits Abraham – Abiel councils Abraham regarding Sarah and Hagar –
The mercies of God are an offense to man – Discourse on priesthood
1 Now Sarah, having despaired because she could not bear Abraham a son, gave him Hagar her
handmaiden, according to the custom of her people.
2 And Hagar took seed and bore Abraham a son, and he called his name Ishmael, and he caused that
there should be a great feast prepared to honor the child. And before many witnesses Abraham blessed
the child and established that he should be as a prince among many people.
3 But Sarah wept sorely at her folly, for she feared that Hagar would take place over her in the heart of
Abraham, and she began to ridicule with much sharpness the woman Hagar.
4 Thus with the birth of Ishmael did peace flee from the tent of Abraham, and contentions and
disputations dwelt continually beneath the shadow of the terebinth trees by the waters of Mamre.
5 So it came about that in the thirteenth year of Ishmael, the Lord came and stood before Abraham and
spoke to him, saying:
6 “Abraham, my son, did I not promise that from your loins would come a multitude of nations?
7 For I will surely make you fruitful; I will make of you many nations, and kings and princes shall come
from you; your seed shall I make to become as prophets and priests to many people.
8 With you shall I establish this day a sign of the covenant which I shall establish between me and your
seed, and it shall be as a token of remembrance throughout all your generations to come, that they
might know that I am the Lord their God, and they shall have no other god before them.
9 And this land shall I covenant unto you forever to be an inheritance unto all the children of your loins,
and I will bless the land with abundance for your name’s sake.
10 Now, my son, be diligent to keep all the words of my covenant throughout all the remainder of your
days upon the earth, and teach your seed also to follow me in holiness always.
11 For, behold, I am holy. Therefore, shall you be holy also and my grace shall strengthen you against
the day when tribulation shall come upon many righteous.
12 Therefore, this shall be the sign of my covenant that I shall cause to be established between me and
your seed.
13 You shall take every male child which is born unto you and you shall circumcise him of the eighth day
from his birth.
14 And you shall take all the sons which are born of your servants and you shall cause that they should
also be circumcised on the eighth day, that I might establish even unto the captive the promise of
blessing and release.”
15 Thus spoke the Lord unto his servant, Abraham. And the Lord spoke again, saying: “As for Sarah your
wife, I will bless her and she shall bear you a son.
16 For Sarah shall I cause to be as a mother unto many nations, and she shall stand beside you in the
kingdom of God.”
17 Now when Abraham heard these words, he spoke to the Lord, saying: “My Lord, I am now a hundred
years old and Sarah is ninety. How then shall she bear a son, seeing that she is great with age?
18 Therefore, my Lord, would it not be better to establish the covenant with Ishmael, seeing that he is
young and full of vigor?”
19 And Abraham laughed before the Lord. But the Lord answered, saying: “Am I not God? What thing
shall there be that shall hinder the fulfillment of all the words which I have spoken to you?
20 Therefore, hear and understand, for by this time next year, Sarah shall conceive and bear you a son
and you shall call his name Isaac.
21 With him shall I establish my covenant forever, and with his seed after him shall all my words be
brought to remembrance because of the token of circumcision which I have established between you
and me.
22 But of Ishmael and his seed after him, hear and consider. For I will surely bless him. I will make him
fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers.
23 From his loins shall there come forth twelve sons and they shall rule a multitude of people; a mighty
nation shall they become in the waste places round about.
24 Now, therefore, take Ishmael the son of Hagar and circumcise him before me, that he might receive
to his soul the promise of Abraham his father, that he might be brought to a remembrance of the Lord
his God.
25 For my Spirit shall overshadow him and he shall become great and mighty; as a strong man shall he
forge together the desert tribes as one and he shall make them as the seed of his loins.
26 But of Isaac shall I establish the covenant of my word which I have spoken unto you this day.
27 Therefore, gather all the men of the house of Abraham, and their sons also, that they may receive in
their flesh the token of my word which I shall cause to be established with them forever.”
28 Now when God had finished speaking unto Abraham, he ascended again into Heaven.
29 And Abraham called forth all the men of his household, and with them their sons also. And Abraham
circumcised every one of them.
30 Thus was Ishmael, the son of Hagar, circumcised in his thirteenth year, and Abraham when he was a
hundred years old received in his flesh the circumcision of the Lord.
31 On the seventh day after Abraham was circumcised before the Lord, there came unto the grove of
Mamre, Abiel of Salem, and he was clothed in white raiment and there was upon his countenance the
power of endless lives.
32 And he approached nigh unto Abraham and spoke, saying: “May the peace of God fall upon all the
house of Abraham; may the presence of the Lord dwell upon the friend of God. Behold, I am Abiel of
Salem. I have journeyed far to comfort the son of Terah.”
33 But Abraham, despairing, said: “There is no peace for Abraham. But come and refresh yourself. Rest
awhile beside me and I shall forget the disputations and contentions which have come to afflict me in
my old age.”
34 When Abiel heard the words of Abraham, he sat down beside him, saying: “Grieve not over the
perplexities of your soul; neither be disturbed because distress is gathered at the gate.
35 For the God of Abraham is able to comfort in the hour of distress; in the moment of great perplexity
he shall deliver the righteous if it so be that they will trust in him.”
36 And Abraham taking heart exclaimed, saying: “I have waited upon the Lord, and he has answered; I
have trusted in his word, and he has come forth to deliver.
37 My soul shall not perish, for God is quick to save; my heart shall not despair, for surely he shall
restore the song of my joy.
38 Come now, my friend, and refresh yourself in the house of Abraham, for I perceive that God has sent
you unto me, that I might find solace in your words, that I might learn wisdom by your counsel.
39 Come and take rest from your journey, for behold, the day is hot and you are worn with travel.
Therefore, come and take rest, for I know that you are come from God to comfort me.”
40 So Abiel refreshed himself and he did eat and drink. And he spoke to Abraham, saying: “Come now
and tell me: Why is the heart of Abraham made heavy? What sorrow has caused that peace should flee
far from you?”
41 So Abraham told Abiel all that had happened, how that Sarah did give him her handmaiden Hagar,
according to the custom of their ways.
42 And she bore a son unto Abraham in his old age. Now seeing that Ishmael was made the son of his
loins and seeing that God had blessed Ishmael that he should be the father of nations,
43 Hagar did scorn Sarah. For it was given unto Ishmael to inherit all that Abraham possessed upon the
44 Now when Abiel heard these words, he spoke, saying: “Consider, Abraham, and answer truly: Is it
good to violate the word of God for the sake of your traditions?
45 Behold, in two things did you sin before God. For God delights in the affections of both husband and
wife, that unto each the other they might cleave and therein receive the blessings of God.
46 And again, why did you doubt the promises of God to you? Did he not say that you would be the
father of many nations? Why did Sarah tempt you before the Lord of Hosts? Will you be made to fall by
the way because of those who doubt?
47 Now be wise and take counsel, for God has promised unto Ishmael that he should be the father of
nations; from his loins shall come twelve princes to rule over the desert tribes.
48 Therefore, separate from the tent of Abraham the woman Hagar and her son, for the hand of God is
upon them and you shall have peace again.
49 For Sarah shall see the good of your heart and cleave unto you, and she shall surely bring forth a son
to you, and you shall call his name Isaac.
50 But unto Hagar shall you give a multitude of blessings, for in the days of her youth she bore you a
son in your great age.
51 Therefore shall you give her from all your herds and flocks a multitude of increase and you shall give
her servants who will attend to all that you shall give her.
52 Thus shall you separate from yourself the woman Hagar and her son Ishmael. And into whatsoever
land the Lord shall lead them, even that land shall be unto them as an inheritance.
53 Yet because of your sin, there shall be enmity between the house of Isaac and the house of Ishmael.
54 And there shall arise great disputations between the sons of Abraham until the day of reconciliation,
when the Lord shall cause both Isaac and Ishmael to dwell in peace upon the land which he shall give
55 For God shall accomplish all his words to you; by the glory of his grace shall he fulfill all the promises
which he has spoken to you.”
56 But Abraham was filled with despair and entreated Abiel, saying: “My Lord, all these words which
you have spoken to me shall I do, that I might have peace in the land which God has given to me for an
57 Yet my soul is filled with sorrow because of my sin before the Lord. For with my own eyes have I
seen the face of God, and with my ears did hear the power of his word which he spoke unto my soul.
58 Why then did I doubt the goodness of God to me? Seeing that I have sinned grievously before the
God of Heaven, wherewith shall I be made clean again?”
59 Now when Abiel heard these words he was filled with compassion, and he spoke tenderly to
Abraham, saying:
60 “Behold, Abraham, even as I speak unto you, shall God reach forth to remove far from you the
troubled heart filled with sorrow. By the power of his mercy has he made you whole again.
61 Therefore, take heart and let not your soul despair because of sin. For what man has known the
deep mysteries of his righteousness?
62 Where is the man who has comprehended the holiness of that God who breathed into man the
breath of life?
63 For the mercies of God are an offense to man. For the long suffering of the Father they will not
understand, neither will they perceive the greatness of his love towards the children of men, nor will
they endure the word of the Lord to them.
64 Consider how the children of men are made to worship gods fashioned of wood and stone. For they
have made their gods like unto themselves; that even as they are filled with anger, so then is the god of
their understanding made angry also.
65 As they are filled with hate and loathing, so then have they fashioned god; as they are made subject
unto wrath and vengeance, so have they made subject unto like passions the god of their
understanding, that in nowise might the god of their creation rise above their own image and likeness.
66 Surely the god of their hands have they made most jealous, that he might follow hard after the ways
of men.
67 For this cause did Nimrod, king of Babel, seek to kill the friend of God, lest the inhabitants of the land
follow after the God of Abraham, and the gods of Nimrod would have no claim upon the people.”
68 And Abraham, hearing these words, spoke unto Abiel, saying: “Teach me, my Lord, how shall men
come to a knowledge of God, that they might have his holiness to come upon them?
69 By what means shall the children of men take upon themselves the countenance of God, that they
might be made after his likeness and not another?”
70 And Abiel answered, saying: “Hear and understand all the words which I shall speak to you for your
71 For, behold, through the covenant of priesthood are the children of men, both male and female,
made imitators of God. By his holiness are the children of men made partakers of his glory, that they
might receive unto their souls the very presence of God and live.
72 Now consider how that the children of men are separated from God by reason of their many follies.
By great sin is there made a gulf wide and deep, which would separate forever the Father from the
children of men.
73 Seeing, therefore, that God desires that he should restore unto himself the children of his soul, he
has prepared a way by which the children of men might approach nigh unto the Father; which way is
sure and safe, having been founded in the holiness of God.
74 For whosoever obtains this priesthood, whether male or female, shall find unto their soul an
abundance of strength; they shall mount the wind as an eagle; they shall run and not be weary; in the
pathway of his righteousness shall they walk and not faint.
75 In them shall God put forth the hand of blessing unto all the children of men, that all who should
have desire might come to a knowledge of God.
76 Therefore, unto whatsoever person God shall grant the power of this priesthood, even that one shall
have power to make intercession for the children of men, that all might come to an understanding of
the mercies of God.
77 Unto them shall the bearers of priesthood go. And they shall lay themselves down, even as a sure
pathway in a lone and weary land where no safety is, that all who should walk therein might find to their
greater joy the deliverance of God.
78 And to all those who shall be faithful to do the works of priesthood shall God fulfill the promise of
every good thing, for he shall grant unto them both exaltation and increase in the kingdom of the
79 And Abraham entreated, saying: “Tell me, Lord, how shall I obtain for myself the priesthood of God,
that I might bring safely to the Father the children of his soul?”
80 And Abiel answered, saying: “In the city of Salem reigns the King of Heaven, before whom all things
are made to stand, even the King of Peace and Righteousness, into whose keeping the priesthood
forever dwells.
81 From his hand is priesthood come. Therefore, whosoever desires to do the work of God, which work
is righteousness always, even unto that one shall God grant the power of priesthood.”
82 Now Abraham spoke, saying: “Tell me, Lord, where is this Salem that perchance I might go before
the King of glory and partake of his righteousness?
83 Unto what place shall I journey forth, that I might cleave to the promise of the Father, that I might
bring forth to the children of men the presence of God?”
84 Abiel answered, saying: “The holiness of the Father dwells not among the children of men, for this
cause is priesthood given, that the presence and glory of God might be made to shine forth by the
ministering of the righteous unto whom priesthood is given forever.
85 Yet wherewith shall you journey, seeing that the holy city is not made to dwell upon this earth? For
the city of the King is found only upon a celestial earth which God has called Jeruel.
86 Therefore, hear, O Abraham, the word of God which I bring you this day. For in the beginning, before
the foundations of this earth were laid, God your Father, even Emmanuel, called you forth before the
heavenly hosts and ordained that you should be the bearer of his priesthood.
87 Wherefore, seeing that you did plead before the Fallen One for the sake of the righteous, that the
cities of Sodom and Gomorrah be not destroyed, and seeing that you did make intercession for the
wicked that they might not perish in iniquity;
88 God has put forth his hand to confirm in you the priesthood forever. Now rejoice and be glad.
Broaden the borders of your soul that the peace of the Lord might dwell richly upon you.”
89 But Abraham spoke, saying: “My Lord, seeing that God has sent you from the city of Salem to the
tent of Abraham his servant, how came you forth to me, seeing that in the heavens you are made to
dwell continually?”
90 And Abiel answered, saying: “Concern not yourself over that which you have no need. Go now and
prepare yourself, for soon the King of Heaven shall grant unto you and your seed after you the promise
of every good thing.”
Chapter 29
The birth and circumcision of Isaac – Abraham prepares a feast – Sarah’s song of praise – Sarah sings to
Heavenly Mother – An angel comes to Abraham in a dream – Abraham bathes and anoints himself –
Melchizedek appoints Abraham High Priest and Patriarch – The Ancient of Days completes his story, and
the Teacher writes
1 So Sarah conceived and in the season of the rains brought forth a son and named him Isaac, and Sarah
rejoiced and the tent of Abraham was filled with blessing.
2 On the eighth day Sarah brought the boy to his father and Abraham circumcised the son, Isaac, that
the promises of God might continue throughout all his generations.
3 And there was prepared a great feast and unto all the inhabitants round about did Abraham send
word, saying: “Come and with me rejoice. For God has fulfilled his word to Abraham and Sarah, for unto
us is born a prince whose name is Isaac.”
4 Now there gathered a multitude of people unto Mamre, and there was an abundance of joy that
caused Sarah to sing to God a hymn of thanksgiving, saying:
5 “I will praise the Lord, with songs of joy will I dance before him. Come from afar all you people,
assemble yourselves in verdant pastures and I will tell you the wonders of the Most High.
6 His glory will I make known to many people; the power of his word will I reveal, for in my old age he
has given me a son. The promise of the Lord has made me young as a maiden.
7 Therefore, give ear, O generations, and to the wisdom of God attend the soul of your youth.
8 For the Lord reigns forever; the throne of righteousness has he established in the heavens, that he
might be as a refuge to the oppressed of many nations; a tower of strength shall he become unto all
who seek after him.
9 Arise from the poverty of all your ways and learn wisdom; stand forth as mighty ones in the
knowledge of God; clothe yourselves in the light of his righteousness.
10 Awaken the slumbering soul and make him alive; redeem now the hopeless and despairing by the
power of testimony; for surely God is a ready help in times of trouble.
11 Cast all your troubles upon the Lord, for he is mighty to save, for he cares for the children of his soul.
12 Let not the soul of the righteous droop with despair, neither be dismayed because evil has come
upon you, for the promises of God are sure and rich in blessings.
13 For the Lord has filled my cup to overflowing, he has assigned my portion; the fulfillment of promise
has he secured unto my soul forever.
14 Surely he has established my inheritance; my son has he made both prince and lord; as a healing
balm has he made Isaac to become unto me.
15 Therefore, I will praise the Lord who counsels me; with joyful lips shall I sing his praise. In the
watches of the night shall my heart turn to God that I might meditate upon the wonder of his ways.
16 The word of the Lord shall I set before my eyes, that I might not stumble in the waste places;
because the Lord is the shade upon my right hand, I will not be shaken, neither will I be afraid anymore.
17 For he has filled my heart with gladness, I shall rejoice in the abundance of his grace. My soul shall
rest secure in the knowledge of God, from his hand shall I not be moved.
18 For the Lord of Hosts has made me fruitful, that I should not be abandoned to despair in my great
19 Therefore, O Lord, because you have fulfilled the promise of your word when yet my soul wandered
in desolation greatly doubting, you have established my feet upon the path of life; in the fullness of your
grace have you filled me with richness.
20 In the shadow of your presence shall I be made to stand uprightly. Before the Lord, my Father, shall I
be blessed in the kingdom of his glory.
21 For the love of God towards me has made that I should leap for joy; the son of my womb shall God
surely keep as the apple of his eye.
22 Throughout countless generations shall God establish all his ways; with cords of righteousness shall
he fulfill every word, that he might bind the godly as a seal upon his heart.”
23 And lifting her eyes toward Heaven, Sarah sang from the depths of her soul, saying: “And thou, great
Mother, Spirit of comfort, blest, divine: descend thou upon me, and depart not.
24 Fill me to overflowing, that I might sing unto the children of men the song of all your wisdom.
25 Come, great Mother, most blessed of the heavenly hosts, and lift me nearer unto thee, and upon thy
bosom shall I take rest, and in the folds of your arms shall I find great repose.
26 For I am as the tender bough made ready just for thee, breathe thou upon me, and I shall dance.
Before all the nations of the earth shall I make known the greatness of your love.
27 Rejoice aloud, ye daughters of men, rejoice and sing aloud, for all your ways has the Mother
established in joy and honor, that peace and grace might make comely your habitations.
28 Behold, now, how great the Mother is, even the Great Mother Spirit. For she draws up her robes
round about her and it is night; she looses the string of her garment and it is day again.
29 Surely the stars are become as a crown upon her head, and the sun a jewel upon her heart.”
30 And Sarah sang unto all who were gathered there the songs of thanksgiving. And there was peace in
the house of Abraham.
31 And Abraham dwelt joyfully beside the wife of his youth, and they did nurture Isaac unto manhood,
teaching him in all the ways of God.
32 Now in the visions of the night, there came to Abraham an angel of the Lord, and he spoke to
Abraham, saying: “Arise and prepare yourself. Go and wash yourself, make yourself clean before the
33 Put on fresh garments and anoint yourself with sweet oil, for on the morrow when the sun shall rise,
from his bedchamber there shall come to you the very King of Heaven, even the King of Peace and
34 So Abraham arose in the night and washed and made himself clean, and he put on clean robes and
anointed himself with the sweet fragrance of frankincense and myrrh.
35 And when the sun arose, he went out from his tent and he saw sitting beneath the terebinth trees
Melchizedek, even he who is High Priest forever after the order of Elohim.
36 Now Abraham went and bowed himself down before the King of Salem, and Melchizedek spoke unto
him, saying: “Greetings to you, Abraham. Peace and blessing be upon your house forever.
37 Come now and arise. Sit here beside me, for I have many things to speak to you, that you might
receive to yourself a full understanding concerning the ways of God.”
38 So Abraham arose and sat down beside the King of Heaven, and concerning all the mysteries of
Heaven was he taught; by the very hand of God was he instructed in the knowledge of Heaven’s glory.
39 And when evening was come, when the land was filled with long shadows and the sun was weak
upon the land, Melchizedek arose, and taking a horn of oil, anointed Abraham and ordained that he
should be as a high priest and patriarch unto all his seed.
40 Thus was priesthood established among the children of men, whereby they might approach near
unto the heart of God.”
41 Now these are the words which the Ancient of Days revealed unto the Teacher in mighty visions,
when he came and stood before him on the mount.
42 And when all these things were accomplished, the Teacher went forth again among the children of
promise and he did write the things which God had made known unto him;
43 That they might possess unto their souls the knowledge of God whereby they might establish among
the nations of many people the tabernacle of peace.
44 And he commanded many that they should walk uprightly before the Lord of Hosts, that they might
be to all the children of men as a mighty blessing.
45 And in the last day shall all the righteous receive unto their soul the assurance of hope, and they
shall dwell in peace beside the throne of their Father, and he shall grant to them the power of eternal
life, even worlds without end. Amen.
Chapter 1
The coming of John the Baptizer – Baptizing of publicans and soldiers – Scribes and Pharisees investigate
John – John rebukes the Pharisees – Gamaliel, Nicodemus, and Joseph of Arimathea – The voice of one
crying in the wilderness – The coming of the Anointed One – Scribes and Pharisees are perplexed –
Josephus Caiaphas plots against John – Judas of Kerioth is sent to spy on the Essene
1 These are the words which the Lord spoke concerning the coming forth of Yeshua unto the children of
men, that all who should believe in him unto good works might become as Only Begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
2 Now in the beginning did the Father elect to dwell among the children of his soul, that he might
establish among them the way of exaltation, whereby as many as will, whether male or female, might
inherit unto themselves a fullness of glory, even worlds without end.
3 Wherefore, seeing that many have erred concerning the words and deeds of the Promised One, it
became expedient to set forth a true account whereby many should take to their soul a testimony
concerning this Christ; that having professed aloud his name aforetime, they might even now take to
their soul a sure knowledge of him.
4 Now in Caesarea did Pilate rule harshly over the lands of Palestine, being made subject himself unto
Vitellius, Governor of Syria. Yet in Galilee and Perea did Herod reign wickedly, having been made king by
Caesar Augustus.
5 And there arose against the king and against the temple in Jerusalem John the Baptizer, an Essene of
great renown from the city of Khirbet Qumran, and he spoke hotly against the sins of Herod, and against
the rulers of the temple did he lay forth strong accusations.
6 In those days did John the Baptizer preach aloud in the wilderness round about Bethabara, beyond
Jordan. And he cried aloud unto all who would listen, saying: “Repent! Repent: for the kingdom of
Heaven is near at hand. Turn you, turn you, even every one from the wickedness of his ways, for the
kingdom of God draws nigh.”
7 And many spoke of him this saying: “Is this not he of whom Isaiah prophesied: The voice of one crying
in the wilderness, Prepare you the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
8 Thus did many have regard for him, and many went out from Jerusalem and all Judea and the regions
round about to hear him. And there were many who were baptized in the waters of the Jordan, having
believed in all his words.
9 And of all who came forth unto John, many asked of him, saying: “Good teacher, what shall we do,
seeing that we are baptized unto repentance?”
10 And he answered them, saying: “If you would do good, then let him who has two coats give to him
that has none; and if you have food enough to eat, then give unto the hungry a portion also.”
11 And among the people gathered there came forth certain publicans to be baptized also, and they
spoke unto John, saying: “Tell us also, what shall we do?”
12 And he answered them, saying: “When you are sent by those who are over you to gather unto the
treasury the taxes of the people, take no more than that which is appointed unto you.”
13 And there were also gathered among the people, soldiers of Rome, and many would not so much as
stand near unto them, for they were not of the seed of Abraham; and many were astonished that John
should number these Gentiles among the house of Israel; but John forbade no man the blessings of that
God who called him forth.
14 And the soldiers, having received from John the baptism of repentance, asked of him, saying: “What
thing shall we do, seeing that we, while yet soldiers unto Caesar, would draw nigh unto God?”
15 And he spoke unto them, saying: “Lay aside both sword and shield, and do harm to no man, neither
accuse falsely the stranger at the door: thus shall you do righteously, and you shall be accepted of God.”
16 Now hearing these words, many were filled with expectation concerning the words of the prophets,
and all men pondered in their hearts for John’s sake, whether or not he was the Anointed One, or
perhaps some other.
17 But there came also from Jerusalem, many scribes and Pharisees who would scoff against him before
all the people, saying: “Is this the prophet of God? Behold now this wild man whose garments are made
of camel’s hair, being girded about his loins with a leather girdle only, who feeds himself upon the
locusts and wild honey.
18 Is this the man that our fathers foretold of, even the one who should prepare the way of the
Anointed One?” And they laughed aloud before the people in the midst of their ridicule.
19 And John turning to them, said, “You generation of vipers! Who then shall warn you against the
wrath to come if not I? Therefore, turn yourselves unto God by bringing forth fruits worthy of
repentance: for I tell you truly, there comes one after me whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose, even
he who first spoke unto our fathers from the mount.
20 Therefore, turn yourselves unto God that you might live, and glory not among yourselves, saying:
‘We have Abraham for our father.’ For I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up
children unto Abraham.
21 For I, indeed, baptize with water unto repentance; but he who comes after me is greater than I; and
in the fires of the Holy Spirit shall he baptize the children of his soul.”
22 And many of the scribes and Pharisees were astonished by the words of the Essene when he
preached beyond Jordan in Perea. And there came unto him a multitude of people, and in the waters of
the river did John baptize unto repentance the children of Abraham.
23 Now John drew to himself many disciples, and he taught them concerning the coming forth of the
Holy One. And unto these did he give both power and authority to baptize in the regions round about.
24 And sending them forth, he commanded that they should warn the people that as many as would,
even they might draw nigh unto God and therewith be cleansed of all unrighteousness.
25 And there came from Jerusalem, Gamaliel, a ruler of the Sanhedrin; and there was with him certain
others also, even Nicodemus of the house of Hyrcanus, and Joseph of Arimathea.
26 Now Gamaliel was a master and teacher of the law, and he spoke unto John, saying: “Who are you?
Come and tell us plainly, for many say that you are the Anointed One of God. Tell us then if this be so.”
27 But John answered, saying: “I am not the one you seek.” And another asked: “What then? Are you
Elijah come back to life again? For, behold, our fathers have said that before the coming of the Anointed
One, even God would send again Elijah unto the children of Abraham.
28 Tell us then if you are that prophet of whom our fathers spoke and deny not. What do you say for
yourself? Tell us truly that we may give answer unto those that sent us.”
29 But John answered: “Have you not read even this saying: Behold, I will send my messenger, and he
shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord, whom you seek, shall come suddenly to his temple, even
the giver of that covenant which you delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
30 But who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appears? For he shall be like
a refiner’s fire, and like unto a fuller’s soap.
31 And he shall sit as a refiner of precious things: and he shall purify the house of Israel, and he shall
purge them of dross, even as fine gold and silver, that they might offer unto the Lord an offering of
32 And Gamaliel, hearing this, spoke, saying: “Are you then that Elijah, sent to prepare the way of the
33 And John answered: “I am the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness: Prepare you the way of the
Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
34 For at his coming shall every valley be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and
the crooked path shall he make straight, and the rough and broken places shall he make fair and
35 For the glory of the Father shall be revealed from above, and all flesh shall see it, for the mouth of
the Lord has spoken it.
36 Rise forth, O Zion, and rejoice, for I bring you good tidings. Get thee up, O Jerusalem, stand you forth
even as a bride upon the holy mount and lift up your voice with shouts of hosanna and be not afraid any
longer; at his coming proclaim aloud unto the cities of Judah: Behold your God!”
37 Thus spoke John, and all who heard marveled at the beauty of his speech, for there shone from his
countenance the knowledge of hidden things, and his wisdom was deep and piercing unto the soul of all
who heard.
38 And Gamaliel, being troubled by the words of the Essene, spoke, saying: “If you are that one of
whom the prophets speak, tell us then for what purpose both you and your disciples baptize in the
waters round about.”
39 And John answered: “Truly do I baptize with water, that even all who would, whether male or
female, might be made clean of all transgression.
40 But there shall come among you one who is preferred above me. He shall not baptize with water as I
have done, but with fire shall he make whole even everyone who would enter into the presence of God.
41 For I would not have you ignorant concerning the coming forth of the Anointed One, but would that
you should know him; that hearing his voice unto you, even everyone might embrace unto themselves
the Father of their soul;
42 That through such wisdom as he would grant, even all might attain for themselves exaltation in the
kingdom of the Father, being enlarged continually in the midst of great glory.
43 In that day shall the Lord give rest from all your sorrow and you shall fear no more the might of the
oppressor, for he shall burst asunder that bondage wherein you are made to serve with bitter tears.
44 Therefore, prepare yourselves for the coming of the Anointed One, and if it so be that you will hear
his voice to do according to his word, then shall you become as a pillar in the temple of the great God,
and you shall go no more out from the presence of the Father that loves you from everlasting to
45 Now when they heard these things, they drew themselves again unto Jerusalem, deeply troubled.
And Gamaliel spoke unto his companions, saying:
46 “What then shall we tell them who sent us? For if we tell them all which this man spake, they shall
say that we have become his disciples and we shall lose our place among the rulers of the people.”
47 So spoke the learned among themselves in the midst of their perplexity. And when it was asked of
them concerning this John, they answered, saying:
48 “How can we answer, seeing that we are but masters and teachers of the law, while this Baptizer is a
man of dreams and visions. Go out and see for yourselves, perchance you shall take to yourself some
greater understanding. As for ourselves, we can make no answer concerning him.”
49 Thus did many of the scribes and Pharisees go for themselves beyond Jordan, that they might see
and hear for themselves the things which John spoke unto the house of Israel.
50 But in the secret watches of the night, Josephus Caiaphas called forth certain chief priests, that they
might act wisely regarding this John, and they called forth unto them a certain man, and they
commanded that he should go to the lands round about Bethabara, and finding the prophet baptizing in
the waters of the Jordan, he should become as one of his disciples.
51 And whatsoever thing which John would say and do, even that should he make known unto the chief
priests and elders of the temple. For they had determined secretly to put John to death, for unto
whatsoever person he spoke, he would speak harshly against them.
52 So the man, having received his commission from the chief priests, went unto Bethabara, and finding
the Essene, he knelt before him seeking baptism, for he professed aloud with many tears that he would
be his disciple.
53 Now this man was called Judas of Kerioth, the son of Simon. And John, seeing him among the
proselytes, spoke unto those standing near, saying: “Behold, the wolf has come to lay with the lamb.”
And many wondered at his words.
Chapter 2
The men who rule are troubled – The fame of John the Baptizer – Herodians test John – “Which of the
prophets have your fathers not persecuted?” – The Anointed One shall purge his house – John speaks of
the temple which Herod built – John speaks to a Zealot concerning the Anointed One – Wonderful
Counselor, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – “Mark well the goodly man” – John dreams a dream,
waits by the river Jordan for three days and nights – “Behold, O Israel, he comes”
1 In the third year of Pilate’s rule did all Galilee and Judea become troubled because of John, for he sent
forth his disciples to all the regions round about, preaching always that the kingdom of Heaven was near
at hand and baptizing many unto repentance.
2 Hearing, therefore, that John baptized in the waters of Jordan, by the lands of Perea, Pilate inquired of
Herod Antipas concerning him; for the Jews were ever disputing among themselves the coming of the
Anointed One, seeking always to throw off the yoke and power of Rome.
3 For there had arisen aforetime, Judas of Gamala, the Galilean who refused the census of Quirinius,
and in great wrath he caused that many should lift the sword against Caesar, and there was crucified of
his followers some two thousand souls.
4 Now Herod, hearing from Pilate concerning this John, called forth from among his ministries certain
men and commanded that they should see for themselves this man who, by word and deed, caused all
Israel to wonder.
5 And having received their authority from the king, they left the city of Tiberius by way of the sea, and
they traveled throughout the cities of Decapolis and crossing Jordan into Judea they made inquiry
concerning John.
6 Now there came from distant lands, Jews from Tyre and Sidon, from Damascus and Edessa, and from
Alexandria and Pelusium seeking to hear for themselves the words of the Essene.
7 And many marveled concerning him, and unto whatever person who would take to their soul the
words of the prophet, believing with all their heart the coming of the one promised, even they would be
filled with dreams and visions, which thing troubled the rulers of the temple.
8 And they exclaimed aloud in their secret chambers, saying: “Is this thing not prophesied among us:
‘Behold, in that day I will pour out my spirit upon flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and in the night shall your young men see mighty visions.
9 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in that day shall I pour forth all my Spirit, that
unto many might be revealed the coming of my Anointed.’
10 What then shall we do with this man who by the power of his word has troubled the Jews of every
nation? For except we act wisely, we shall lose our place, and none will have regard for us.”
11 Thus did the rulers of the land take thought concerning that prophet who proclaimed in the
wilderness the coming of the Lord; from Caesarea to Tiberius by the sea, even unto Jerusalem did many
conspire against the man night and day, hoping that by some means they might be rid of him.
12 Now in the month of Nisan there came out unto the river Jordan a company of scribes and Pharisees
seeking John, and there was with them certain men of the Herodians, and one of them asked, saying: “If
you are truly a prophet of God as these many believe, then tell us truly: By what sign shall we know the
coming forth of the Anointed One?
13 For the scriptures say that even so great a one as he shall come to his temple. Tell us, therefore, by
what means shall we know him, for many have come who would take to themselves the throne of
David, who by their pretenses deceived many, which thing caused that all Israel should suffer.”
14 And John rising from his place spoke unto them, saying: “Would the sons of darkness follow the
Father of light? Behold how stiff-necked and over-proud you are become; for you stand before the
people as teachers of the law, yet in your private councils you break in pieces the word of God; that
having received both the law and the prophets through the dispensation of angels, you are filled with all
manner of corruption and deceit.
15 Come and answer truly, even before all these people, which of the prophets have your fathers not
persecuted? For even those prophets who would show forth the coming of the Anointed One, even
these have your fathers murdered.
16 Yet you say that you are Abraham’s seed, having received in your flesh the sign of the covenant. But
in Abraham was faith magnified unto good works and he was called the friend of God, while yet you are
strangers still, being disobedient and uncircumcised of heart.
17 Therefore, if you would receive to yourself the coming of the Anointed One, circumcise yourselves
unto the Lord; let your hearts be circumcised you men of Judah; let the inhabitants of Jerusalem adorn
themselves even as a bride, for the Lord shall come to the holy city; and there shall spring from his
mouth fountains of deep wisdom and hidden things, and from his hand shall flow a multitude of blessing
and healing.
18 Say not, O Zion: Behold, the Lord has forsaken me, even the Father has forgotten Israel, for we are
left to despair continually; in sorrow and servitude are we all bowed down.
19 Can a mother forget the child at her breast, or have no compassion on the child of her womb? And
even though she forget, yet will I remember you, saith the Lord.
20 For I have engraved you on the tablets of my heart; I have established you in the palms of my hands;
for Israel have I made as the apple of my eye, and Zion as a seal upon my heart.
21 Gather you round about, O Israel, and to the words which I speak give heed. Let the busy hand cease
its labor; let the nations be silent, for I bring you tidings of great joy, for there shall come unto you the
very anointed of God.
22 Let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and turn you again unto God
for he is filled with mercy, and his hand is outstretched still, and whosoever shall turn again unto God,
even that one shall find an abundance of pardon.
23 Therefore, you teachers of the law give heed, for your conspirings shall become as a snare about
your feet, for in that day when the Anointed shall enter the courtyard of the temple, he shall come not
to bless but to scourge.
24 Against you shall he make strong accusation before all the people; by his zeal shall he fan the flames
of his indignation; he shall purge his house every whit. Surely he shall go forth to harvest and to gather,
and the wheat shall he take unto himself, but even all the chaff shall he scatter upon the winds, being
unprofitable and good for nothing.
25 And think not to yourselves, you sons of darkness, that in the temple you shall be made clean before
the Lord at his coming; neither think you that God shall be pleased with that house which Herod built,
for God has rejected even all his offering for Rachel’s sake.
26 For I tell you truly that David desired with all his heart to build a house unto the name of the Lord,
but God forbid him, saying:
27 ‘Surely you shall not build a temple unto my name, for you are a man of war, having shed much
blood upon the land in the sight of the Lord. For this cause shall I give unto you a son, and he shall be a
man of peace, and I will give him rest from all his enemies.
28 He it is that will build a house unto the Lord, and he shall be my son, and I shall be unto him as a
father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom in peace and plenty, and I shall send forth my glory
that it might dwell upon that house which he shall build unto me.’
29 If God, therefore, would not that David should build for him a temple, having made red his hands by
blood, how much more shall God reject that temple which Herod built, seeing that in his madness he
murdered his wife and sons for the sake of his power?
30 For which of you have not heard for yourselves this saying among the house of Israel: It is better to
be Herod’s hog than to be his son.
31 For Herod, in the midst of his power, did build a house made all beautiful on the outside, having
adorned it with great riches, yet inwardly is it filled with hypocrisy and deceit; having spilled upon the
altar the innocent blood of Zacharias.”
32 Now when the scribes and Pharisees heard these things, they were pricked to the heart, and the
Herodians also did rage at the condemnation of the king before all the people; yet for all their anger
they would not lay hold of John for all Israel thought him a prophet of God.
33 Now there came unto John certain of his disciples and one of them, being a Zealot, spoke, saying:
“Rabboni, we know that you are sent by God unto the people, tell us, therefore, by what power shall the
Anointed One throw off the power of Rome. For at his coming we would lift the sword against the
oppressor, that we might establish again in Jerusalem the throne of David.”
34 And John, hearing this, was filled with compassion and he answered, saying: “Are you also without
understanding? Would you secure the promises of God with the sword?
35 For there have come many who would claim themselves the very Promised One; yet for all their
many strivings they were left desolate, and all Israel filled with bitter tears.
36 Of them was it written: The way of peace they do not know; in all their ways is mercy fled away.
They have turned unto crooked paths all who follow after, and their way is multiplied in sorrow.
37 How long shall you suffer your sons to perish because you are without understanding? How long, O
Israel, shall your mothers lament and your daughters weep aloud? For you are without understanding;
you are left desolate because of God you have no knowledge.
38 Consider, therefore, how the Anointed One shall make himself known unto the children of men. For
of him did the prophet speak, saying: ‘And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, even the Mighty God,
the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. And of the increase of his kingdom and glory there shall be no
39 Thus shall the coming forth of the Righteous One be: for in him have love and mercy embraced
together, and in his countenance are peace and righteousness become as one upon the earth.
40 Therefore, let your heart be filled with peace towards all men, and thus shall you add life unto the
body. For whosoever shall sow in peace, shall harvest to their joy an abundance of righteousness. For
this cause has God called us to live in peace, and to refrain our hand from war.
41 Mark well the goodly man. Behold always the paths of the righteous, for the end of all their ways is
peace and joy. For God shall keep in perfect peace the one whose mind is stayed on him. These shall he
bear safely over deep troubles; perplexities shall surely flee away, for in God have they placed all their
42 Who shall move the godly from their place seeing that God himself has established all their ways?
Keep your eye, therefore, upon the Holy One, and turn you neither to the left nor the right; then shall
his peace enfold you round about, and with much assurance shall you dwell beside the Lord your God.
43 Therefore, if you would be a follower of the Anointed One, live in peace with all men, being filled
continually with love and mercy, seeking ever the righteous way.
44 And give to no man evil for evil, insult for insult, injury for injury; but in blessing only lift high the
hand of peace. By such means shall you secure to your soul the glory of God, and you shall become as
the children of the Most High, and the Holy Spirit shall make rich her abode with you, to dress you round
about with peace and holiness.
45 Of you shall the nations exclaim aloud, saying: ‘How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of
those who bring forth glad tidings of good things, who proclaims unto the people the peaceful way of
the Lord.’”
46 Thus spoke John unto those gathered round about, and in the night while yet he slept, he dreamed a
dream filled with wonder. And when it was day again, he arose and did wash and anoint himself
according to his custom, and putting on white garments he sat himself upon the ground and waited.
47 And for three days and nights John sat beside the river Jordan, and all his disciples marveled greatly.
And one of them, taking a cruse of water, approached unto him and spoke, saying:
48 “Rabboni, why will you not come and teach the people, for they have waited for you these many
days? And when we would send them again to their own place, they would not except that you should
first bless them.
49 Come, good master, and arise; for all Israel is troubled because of you. Speak to us a word, and we
shall be satisfied. Why have you tarried so?”
50 And John looking upon his disciples loved them, and turning his face northward, beyond Jordan,
spoke unto all who drew near, saying: “Behold, O Israel, he comes.”
Chapter 3
In the land of Zebulon – Spirit of God calls out to Yeshua – Yeshua gathers his family – The baptism of
Yeshua – Yeshua in the wilderness – Certain of John’s disciples follow Yeshua – Judas reports to Caiaphas
– Physical description of Yeshua – John: “I must decrease while he must increase” – John goes to Jericho
1 In the land of Zebulon has the day leaped forth; in the regions of Nephtali is the darkness fled away.
Behold, the people that walk in darkness have seen a great light; upon them that dwell in obscurity has
the light shined.
2 Arise, O Israel, and leap for joy; let the land be filled with hosanna. Unto you is the promise fulfilled,
for the glory of the Lord has risen upon the inhabitants of the land.
3 For the earth was filled with dimness and in sorrow did all Israel bow the head. But unto you shall the
Lord come suddenly; the glory of his wisdom shall he cause to shine upon you.
4 At his coming shall the weary land be filled with healing, that even the Gentiles shall come unto the
light; the nations of many people shall kneel before the brightness of his coming.
5 Now there lived in Nazareth, beyond the borders of the sea, in Galilee of the nations, Yeshua the
Beloved, whose coming was as the dawn unto many. And the Spirit of God spoke unto him, saying:
6 “Arise, my Beloved, and go forth unto the regions round about Bethabara unto John, beside the river
Jordan. He shall prepare you that you might draw nigh unto me.”
7 Therefore, when it was eventide, Yeshua, being the eldest of his brethren, gathered to himself his
mother Miriam and with her also were his brothers Judas Thomas, James, Joses and Simon, and of his
sisters there were Judith, Esther, and Sarah.
8 And he gathered also the house of Alpheus, even his father’s brother, and he instructed them in the
way they should go from that day forth, and he charged them straightly to tender unto Miriam all
affection, and when he was completed he blessed them.
9 And when it was morning, he took a staff and journeyed unto Bethabara in the wilderness of Judea by
the borders of Perea.
10 On the rising of the fourth day did John wash and anoint himself and sitting beside the waters, he
looked northward unto Galilee, and when it was noonday he saw in the distance the coming of the
Promised One.
11 And John, seeing him, ran and knelt before him, saying: “My Lord.” Now when his disciples saw this
thing, they marveled, saying: “What manner of man is this that even John should go and worship him?”
12 But Yeshua spoke unto John, saying: “Arise and let us establish among the people the will of the
Father.” And John answered: “Have you come to be baptized of me? Behold, it is John that should be
baptized of you.”
13 So Yeshua was baptized of John in the waters of Jordan, by the borders of Perea, and when he was
come out of the waters, there descended from above a dove of purest white and it did rest upon him.
14 And there rolled forth in the heavens a great sound of thunder, and in the midst thereof the voice of
God, saying: “Behold, this is my Beloved Son, having become himself as Only Begotten.”
15 And many heard the voice from Heaven and rejoiced, and they knelt before the Anointed One and
did worship him. And Yeshua, being filled with the Holy Spirit, did bless them and bid them tarry till he
come again unto Jordan.
16 Thus was Yeshua led into the wilderness of Judea that he might make subject unto the Spirit the
passions of the body, being tempted many days and nights, having neither food nor drink.
17 And when he had accomplished this, to purify the flesh of the body, there descended to comfort him
the Holy Spirit of God, being attended round about by a host of angels.
18 Thus did living flesh become as one with God in all holiness, being filled continually with wisdom and
blessing towards the children of men. And Yeshua turned his soul again unto Jordan, for he desired to
fulfill all righteousness.
19 And as he journeyed in the wilderness, there came unto him the wild beasts and birds of the desert
to reverence him, for they would attend the Creator who fashioned them in the beginning.
20 Now John gathered round about him certain of his disciples and when he saw that Yeshua was come
again unto Jordan he said:
21 “Behold, O Israel, the Anointed One of God, even Emmanuel the Only Begotten of the Father.” And
his disciples, hearing this, followed after him.
22 And there were of John’s disciples who followed after Yeshua, Andrew Bar Jonas, the brother of
Simon; John Bar Zebedee, the brother of James; Philip of Bethsaida, the son of Jabesh the fisherman;
and James Ben Alpheus, the brother of Levi.
23 And Yeshua, seeing that they followed after him, spoke, saying: “What seek you?” And Andrew
answered: “My Lord, we know that you are the Anointed One, for we saw the dove descending upon
you and heard for ourselves the voice of God speaking in the thunder.
24 We pray, therefore, let us follow after you, for we would be your disciples from this day forth.”
25 And Yeshua, hearing this, was moved with tenderness and he answered, “Come then, and follow
me.” And Philip asked him, saying: “Lord, where goest thou?”
26 And Yeshua answered, saying: “Come and I will show you.” And setting his face towards Jerusalem
they journeyed upon the way.
27 Now there followed from a distance Judas of Kerioth, and being made witness to all these things he
hurried unto Jerusalem, and when he was come unto the temple, he called Malchus, the captain of the
guard, and commanded that he should take him to the chief priests and elders.
28 So there gathered in the secret chambers of the High Priest all the chief priests and elders of the
people, and there was numbered among them: Ananus Ben Seth, Joseph Caiaphas, Ismael Ben Phali,
Eleazar Ben Haman, Jonathan Ben Ananus, and Simon Ben Kambith the chief scribe and a teacher of the
29 And Caiaphas, having purchased for himself the office of High Priest, commanded that Judas should
tell them concerning John the Baptizer.
30 And Judas told them all which he had seen and heard; how that John had sat beside the river four
days waiting the coming of the Anointed One, and that when he had come, John did kneel before him
and did baptize unto God the one appointed.
31 And how that when the man, even Yeshua of Nazareth, had come out of the water there descended
upon him a dove of purest white; and in that moment there came from the heavens above the earth a
great and rolling thunder which caused many to worship the Nazarene.
32 And when they heard this, Ananus said aloud: “What good thing can come out of Galilee?” But
Caiaphas spoke unto Judas, saying:
33 “Tell us concerning this Yeshua that we may know somewhat of him. By what means shall we know
him from all others who come to worship in Jerusalem?”
34 And Judas answered him, saying: “Hear then, most excellent Caiaphas, concerning this man. For he is
a man of comely appearance, having kept uncut the hair of his head, wearing an inner garment of white
and having placed upon it an ephod of blue linen, having at its hem a gathering of blue tassels;
35 And there is wound about his waist a white girdle, and there is kept in the folds thereof a horn of
sweet and precious oil.
36 And he does wear over this a cloak of fine linen, soft and white; and he carries in his hand a
shepherd’s staff of olive wood, made stout and finely crafted.
37 This then is the appearance of Yeshua of Nazareth, that perchance when you see him in the
sanctuary, you might know him.”
38 Now when the chief priests heard these things, they counseled among themselves because of him,
and Caiaphas asked Judas, saying: “What of John then? If this Yeshua be the very Anointed One of God,
what then shall become of this Baptizer who has troubled all Israel with his words?”
39 And Judas answered, saying: “Thus spoke John of himself, for when Yeshua came out of the
wilderness unto Jordan again, there followed after him many of John’s disciples.
40 And some, being dismayed, spoke unto John, saying: ‘Rabboni, Rabboni, what shall become of you,
for this Yeshua has taken to himself up to half our brethren?’
41 But John rebuked them, saying: ‘Is the servant greater than his Lord? Or, is he that is sent greater
than he who sent him? For this cause has it been revealed from above that I must decrease while he
must increase.
42 Therefore, be not troubled for my sake, neither be perplexed for yourselves alone: for the place of
the righteous has God secured against all uncertainty. Come now, let us go from here.’
43 And one of his disciples spoke to him, saying: ‘Rabboni, where are you going, for even we would
follow after.’ And John said: ‘I go to Herod in Jericho, for I have somewhat to say to him.’”
44 Now these are the words which Judas of Kerioth reported unto the chief priests and elders of the
temple in Jerusalem. And they were sorely vexed because of them, and they did ponder many days
concerning what they should do regarding Yeshua of Nazareth.
Chapter 4
Yeshua heals Lazarus of blindness – Simon the Pharisee healed of leprosy – Yeshua teaches women –
The healing of Onias – The healing of the beggar at the temple – Healing on the Sabbath – Purging the
temple – “By what authority do you do these things?” – Sermon of Light – “Woe unto you scribes and
Pharisees” – True temples – Yeshua goes to Galilee
1 Three days before the Feast of Dedication, Yeshua entered Bethany and there was sitting by the well
of Tamara a blind man whose name was Lazarus the son of Joash.
2 And when he heard the press of the crowd round about him, he asked concerning the meaning of it,
and one answered him, saying:
3 “It is Yeshua the prophet come up from Jordan, even he of whom John spoke.” And hearing this he
cried in a loud voice, saying: “Yeshua, help me!”
4 Wherefore, drawing near, Yeshua spoke unto the man, saying: “What would you have me do?”
5 And Lazarus answered him, saying: “Restore again my sight, for I know that if you will but speak the
word, God will forgive my transgression, and I shall see again.”
6 When Yeshua heard this, he spoke unto him, saying: “Do you believe that I am able to do this thing?”
And he answered: “Yes, my Lord, I believe. For I know that you are the very Anointed One of God.”
7 And Yeshua, hearing this, was filled with compassion towards him, and he said: “Then, my son,
receive even now according to your faith. For in this moment are your sins forgiven you.”
8 And Lazarus received again his sight instantly, and seeing before him the Only Begotten, he
worshipped him. And throughout the regions round about did the word go forth concerning the healing
of Lazarus.
9 And Lazarus rejoiced before the Lord, and all Bethany came to see this man who could restore again
the sight of the blind and who could forgive sins by the speaking of the word only.
10 And Lazarus entreated the Lord to come unto his house, and entering in he found Martha and Mary,
the sisters of Lazarus, and seeing their brother restored unto sight, they knelt before the Nazarene and
did wash his feet with their tears.
11 Now there lived in Bethany, Simon Ben Simeon, a Pharisee afflicted with leprosy. And hearing of
Lazarus he came unto Yeshua to be healed.
12 And the Lord, taking a cruse of water, ministered unto him. And Simon was made clean again, and
Yeshua commanded that he should go and show himself unto the priests at the temple.
13 But when the priests in Jerusalem heard concerning Lazarus and saw the leprosy fallen away from
Simon’s body, they were astonished and they went and told all these things to the chief priests and
elders of the temple.
14 Now there was near the house of Lazarus a small garden place, and when it was evening, Yeshua
gathered to himself his disciples that he might teach them concerning the things of God, that they might
take to themselves the beginning of wisdom.
15 And while he spoke to them of the kingdom of Heaven, Mary did come unto him, and sitting beside
the Master attended her soul unto all which he spoke.
16 But Nathaniel the son of Tolmai rebuked her, for it was thought unseemly among the Jews for a
woman to learn the law; for at no time had any rabbi numbered among his disciples a woman, being
forbidden by their own traditions.
17 And Yeshua, seeing that his disciples would put away Mary from among them, forbade them; for he
would have them know that the Promised One did God send forth unto all, whether male or female, Jew
or Gentile, slave or free.
18 Thus did the Master grant discipleship unto the daughters and mothers of men, which thing caused
many to wonder concerning him; and as he continued teaching, there came Martha from the house,
19 “Good Master, if it be pleasing unto you, send Mary to help me in the kitchen, for I alone am left to
20 And Yeshua answered her, saying: “Martha, Martha, you are over troubled for many things and are
over burdened with a multitude of care.
21 Yet one thing is needful, to take to your soul the kingdom of God. Surely Mary has chosen well this
goodly thing, and it shall never be taken from her.”
22 Now on the 25th of Kislev went Yeshua unto Jerusalem that he might attend the Feast of Dedication,
or as the Jews called, the Feast of Lights, for on that day did Judas the Maccabee cleanse the temple of
23 And entering in at the sheep gate, beside the fortress Antonia, Yeshua came to the pools of Bethesda
and there saw Onias sitting beside the waters desiring to be healed, for he had a crooked foot which was
injured from his youth.
24 But Yeshua, drawing nigh, spoke unto the man and taking his foot in his hands, he ministered unto
him, and the foot of Onias was made straight and whole in that very hour.
25 And the disciples, seeing this thing, were filled with wonder concerning the Master, for by the
touching of the hand or the speaking of the word he had caused that the blind should receive again their
sight, and the leper was made clean, and he that was lame did walk again.
26 And the fame of Yeshua spread throughout Jerusalem, and the chief priests were made anxious
because of him, for all the Jews round about were filled with expectations because of him.
27 Now Yeshua, taking his disciples only, went unto the temple, that it might be fulfilled according to
the words of the prophet:
28 ‘For the Lord, whom you seek, shall come suddenly to his temple, even the giver of that covenant
which you delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord.’
29 And as he was entering in, there appealed unto him a beggar of alms who was sorely afflicted. And
the Lord spoke to him this saying: “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto you.”
30 And taking the man by the hand, he stood him upon his feet, and he was healed in that very
31 But certain Pharisees standing near accused him, saying: “It is not lawful to heal on the Sabbath.”
And Yeshua, hearing this, said:
32 “Which of you, by the speaking of the word, can restore again the sight of the blind, or make the
lame to walk again?”
33 And one answered: “We are but men only and cannot heal.” And Yeshua said: “If you, then, are
unable to heal, being men only, how then will you say it is unlawful to heal on the Sabbath?
34 But seeing that you are teachers of the law and the prophets, come and answer truly before the
people: The power to heal, from whence does it come?”
35 And one of the Pharisees being young and over-anxious, answered: “From God alone.”
36 And Yeshua rebuked them, saying: “If this be so, then for what purpose do you say it is unlawful to
heal on the Sabbath seeing that God alone is author of both Sabbath and healing?”
37 And the Pharisees answered him not a word. But Yeshua, turning to the people gathered there,
spoke, saying:
38 “You men of Israel, how long will you burden yourselves with men made knowledgeable according to
the rudiments of men, but who in themselves possess no knowledge of God?
39 For which of you, if your ox be fallen in the mire, will not labor to lift him out again? For it is unlawful
that any beasts should suffer on the Sabbath. How much more then is this man than the ox, seeing that
he is a son of Abraham like unto yourselves?
40 For I tell you truly, that the Sabbath did God make for the benefit of man, and not man for the
Sabbath as these men would have you think.”
41 When the people heard this, they spoke among themselves, saying: “Surely this man is a prophet.”
42 Now when Yeshua entered the temple, he saw in the Court of the Gentiles, money changers and
sellers of sacrifice who, by their usury, had made unclean the offerings of the people.
43 And taking his staff he overturned the tables of the money changers, and he broke in pieces the
stalls and cages of the sellers of sacrifice.
44 And going throughout all the court, he upbraided all those who would make merchandise the souls
of men and the forgiveness of sins. And all men ran before his fury, being scattered as chaff in the wind.
45 Thus did the Lord of Sabbath purge the temple of money changers and sellers of sacrifice. And the
Pharisees seeing this were filled with wrath, and they asked him, saying:
46 “By what authority do you do these things? For what purpose would you disturb the sanctuary?”
47 And he answered them, saying: “I tell you truly, that in this place has come one who is greater than
the temple which your fathers built.”
48 And when he had said this there fell from Heaven a ray of light, and his raiment was made white and
radiant as the light, and many drew back from him being fearful by reason of their own transgressions.
49 And lifting his voice unto all the people, he spoke, saying: “I am the light of the world: whosoever,
therefore, shall hear my voice to follow after me, even that one shall never walk in darkness, but shall
have the light of life.
50 Be you, therefore, as the children of light and the children of the day, and walk no more in the night
where many are made to stumble, being pierced continually with a multitude of sin. For truly is the light
sweet and pleasing to the eye.
51 Yet this little while is the light with you. Walk, therefore, where the light remaineth, lest darkness
spring suddenly upon you.
52 For whosoever will walk in the darkness shall stumble upon the way, having entangled themselves
with a burden of care, never knowing where it is they go.
53 Hear, O Israel, and consider deeply: For the night is far spent and the day is at hand.
54 Be you, therefore, wise and cast aside the works of darkness, and clothe yourselves in the armor of
light; for what fellowship has righteousness with wickedness, or what communion has light with
55 For I am come as a light unto the world. Therefore, while you have the light, believe in the light, that
you may be as the children of light, being girded round about with all manner of graciousness, being
filled continually with compassion and righteousness towards all men.
56 For every good gift comes from above, and is given by the Father of lights, being filled continually
with blessing and wisdom, in whom there is no variableness, nor even a shadow of turning.
57 But woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, for you declare evil good and good evil, and put darkness
for light and light for darkness, and bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
58 For you have taken a house made all polluted and corrupt, and have declared unto the people the
house of the Lord. Yet, you have made it no more than a house of thieves.
59 Whosoever has ears let them hear, for I would not have you ignorant concerning the ways of that
God whom you proclaim to worship in all reverence.
60 For the Father of all men dwells not in temples made with hands. For of this have the prophets
spoken: ‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth my footstool:
61 What house shall you build unto me? saith the Lord, or, where is the place of my rest? Have I not
made all these things?’
62 You, therefore, worship what you know not. But I tell you that in this day is the hour come when all
men shall come neither to this temple, nor to you for worship or sacrifice, for they will worship the
Father in spirit and in truth;
63 Being in themselves a temple unto the Lord, fashioned not with the hands of men but by the Spirit of
64 For the Father in Heaven is spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth,
making of their souls an altar unto God.
65 This temple shall you not corrupt nor make unclean, being established forever in the hand of that
God who makes secure the pathway of the righteous and who uplifts the fallen.”
66 Now when Yeshua had said these things, the scribes and Pharisees were exceedingly angry because
of him, but they dared not to harm him nor to bring against him any accusation before the people, for
many believed in his words.
67 And going from there, the Master went northward unto Galilee by way of Perea. And all Jerusalem
wondered concerning him, whether or not he was the very Anointed One. For he taught not as the
scribes and Pharisees.
68 Thus came the Lord unto the temple, and all men took thought concerning him, both in word and
deed; for in him was life magnified unto glory, being in himself the light of men.
69 And the light which shined in darkness grew in the hearts of men unto a brighter day; for in him was
the fulfillment of all goodly grace, and that which was written aforetime did he bring all to pass.
70 ‘Behold, a voice as a trumpet in the city, a voice from the temple, even the voice of the Lord who
renders recompense unto the transgressor and redemption unto the fallen.’
Chapter 5
Marcus Galerius – Caiaphas is threatened by Galerius – Chief priests and elders plot the death of Yeshua
– John the Baptizer is arrested – John is imprisoned in Machaerus – Herod kills John the Baptizer – John
is buried in Egypt
1 Now there overlooked the grounds of the temple the fortress Antonia, and standing in the upper
reaches thereof stood Marcus Galerius, for he was appointed by Pilate to command.
2 And seeing in the courts of the temple a great and swelling commotion, he called one of his servants
who was a Jew, and commanded that he should go and inquire of this thing.
3 And the servant, going unto the temple, inquired of certain priests concerning the clamor within, and
they answered, saying:
4 “Behold, there is a prophet from Galilee who would cleanse the house of the Lord with indignation
and fury.”
5 When he heard this the servant asked, saying: “Tell me then what men say of him that I might go and
6 And one answered, saying: “They say that this man is the very Anointed One.”
7 Thus did the servant inquire and he went and told Galerius all which he had heard. And Galerius,
being charged by Pilate to keep peace in Jerusalem, sent word unto Caiaphas that he would speak with
him concerning the Galilean.
8 Now this Marcus Galerius was a brutish man who ruled harshly over all men, whether Jew or Gentile;
for there had dwelt aforetime in the regions of Gischala, Barak Bar Annas, a bandit of great renown.
9 And Galerius, hearing of his great plundering, did capture him and all his men. And he crucified every
man among them, and taking their wives and children, he slew them before the eyes of the crucified. By
such harshness did Galerius make peaceful the regions round about.
10 So Caiaphas, taking Shemiah for his interpreter, went unto Galerius. And told him of Yeshua and how
that many thought him to be the one promised by the prophets of old.
11 But Galerius, hearing this, said with great anger: “You Jews are a troublesome people, ever looking
for a deliverer. Have there not come many messiahs already, and have they not all perished?
12 How long will you suffer the Jews to perish for the sake of another Galilean?
13 Are you so stiffnecked that you cannot remember Judas of Gamala and the two thousand crucified?
14 Take care to yourselves, therefore, concerning this man. For if the Jews shall lift again the sword
against Caesar, to disturb the nation’s peace, then shall all Israel be made to suffer, and you shall lose
your place in the temple, and that office which you covet above all others shall be given unto another.
15 And if it so be that I must war against this people to restore again the peace of the city, know then
that under the standards of Rome shall I enter the temple and seize by force the treasury thereof, that I
might have recompense against you and all this people.”
16 Now hearing this, Caiaphas made peace with Galerius, and rushing to the temple, he called into the
chambers of the High Priest all the chief priests, elders, and scribes and told them all which Marcus
Galerius had spoken unto him concerning Yeshua.
17 And one spoke, saying: “But what shall we do against this man, seeing that he is a worker of
18 Did we not see for ourselves the light fall upon him from Heaven? Did he not heal, from among us,
one of our own brethren, even Simon of Bethany?
19 If we thus let him alone, then all Israel will believe in him; and if it so be that he would take by force
the throne of David, then shall the Romans come and take away both our place and nation.”
20 But Nicodemus said unto them: “Will our law judge a man before it hears him, or sees what it is he
21 And Ananus, hearing this, rebuked him, saying: “Have you become his disciple already? What are
miracles when compared to the law? Go, then, and search the scriptures, for at no time has there come
a prophet out of Galilee.”
22 Thus contended the rulers of the temple among themselves concerning the Master, for there were
some who would deal kindly with Yeshua because of the miracles wrought, but others were made all the
more angry because of them.
23 And Caiaphas, being weary of contention, said: “It is expedient for us that one man should die for
the sake of the nation. For why should Israel perish because of him?
24 For if he should continue unabated, then shall all men believe in him, and the law which was given
into our keeping shall prove of no effect.”
25 So spoke Caiaphas, and calling Judas of Kerioth, he commanded that he should follow the Nazarene
and give report of all which he said and did; for they would find against him some offense.
26 Thus did the chief priests and elders conspire against the very Anointed, that they might, by some
means, put him to death.
27 Now Marcus Galerius reported all these things to Pontius Pilate in Caesarea, and Pilate, being
distrustful of the Jews, sent unto Jerusalem a cohort of men wherewith Galerius might insure, by force if
need be, the peace of the city.
28 But in Jericho did John the Baptizer preach the coming of the kingdom of God. And many came to
hear for themselves this prophet which was come up out of the wilderness.
29 And Herod, hearing that he was in the city, and seeing that many followed after the man,
commanded that he should be brought to stand before him.
30 And when it was night and the multitudes had gone away unto their own houses, John was seized by
the soldiers of the king and brought to stand before him.
31 And seeing that the Essene was clothed only in a raiment of camel’s hair, Herod mocked him, saying:
“Is this the prophet of God?
32 Consider, O Israel, how he seems more beggar than prophet.” And the whole house of Herod was
filled with laughter and ridicule against John.
33 But one of the ministers, fearing for the king, spoke, saying: “My lord, it is not good that this man be
kept prisoner here in the palace, for there are a great many who believe him to be a prophet of God.
34 And if it so be that they should hear of his capture, then might they take by force this Essene to set
him free.
35 Therefore, O king, let us be wise concerning this man and send him under guard to Machaerus, for in
that place shall he no more trouble the land, and all things will continue as before.”
36 So they sent John unto the fortress of Machaerus by the borders of the sea, and when it was known
that the Baptizer was imprisoned, many feared for Israel because of him.
37 And there came unto the king from Jerusalem a delegation of scribes and Pharisees and they
demanded of Herod that John be killed.
38 But Herod replied, saying: “For what purpose should I kill this man, seeing that he is put out of the
way already?
39 If he would speak ill of Herod, then let him speak to scorpions and lizards, for in the fastness of
Machaerus shall no man hear again the voice of the prophet.”
40 Yet would the scribes and Pharisees not be content, but said: “My lord, as long as this man lives no
man among us is safe.
41 For John has made ridicule of those who rule, and the temple which your father built these forty and
six years has he called defiled and corrupted by hands made red by blood.
42 For the heart of all Israel is the temple, and in Jerusalem is the rule of all our power made secure.
43 If, therefore, the temple perish because of this man, what nation shall you rule then, seeing that the
glory of your father is made to become as nothing in the minds of the people?
44 Hear and be wise, O Herod, for while this man lives, all our place is made unsure. Therefore, kill him
and Israel will forget him altogether, and his words shall no man remember.”
45 But Herod would not kill the prophet, for he had regard for him. And seeing this, the scribes and
Pharisees spoke to him privily, saying:
46 “O king, be wise and reject not our counsel; for except you kill this John, we shall be made insecure.
47 Come now and take heart, for it is a small thing to kill a man, or to make sacrifice for the good of the
48 When Herod heard these things, he relented and sent word that John should be killed. For the power
of Rome did he fear greatly, neither would he have Caesar think him weak and of no effect.
49 So John perished in Machaerus, being beheaded at the word of Herod and his disciples, taking the
body towards Egypt, buried him amidst great weeping.
50 And they mourned for him thirty days; in sackcloth and ashes did they lament the passing of the
51 And when the days of mourning were completed, certain of John’s disciples went northward unto
Galilee seeking the one before whom John knelt when he baptized beyond Jordan in Perea.
52 And all Israel, hearing of John’s death, grew fearful; for the heavens were filled with signs and
portents, and the learning of the wise were confounded and filled with trouble.
53 And Herod brooded continually against the scribes and Pharisees for John’s sake and would not be
Chapter 6
Yeshua returns to Nazareth – Reading from Isaiah – “Is this not Joseph’s son?” – Yeshua rebukes the
elders – Parable: The Lord of the Vineyard – Nazareth rejects Yeshua – Yeshua and his family – James
becomes a disciple – Yeshua preaches from Simon’s boat – Miracle of catching fish – Conversion of
Simon – Fishers of men
1 So Yeshua being beloved of the Father and filled continually with the power of the Holy Spirit,
returned again unto Galilee of the nations.
2 And there went before him the fame of all his doing in Judea, and in all the regions round about did
there stir a great commotion because of him.
3 And entering alone at night, he came again unto Nazareth, even the place of his youth, and going in
unto his mother’s house, he gathered about him all his brethren, and he forewarned them concerning
those things which he should do.
4 Now on the morrow, Yeshua and his brethren entered the synagogue, for it was Sabbath, and there
came unto him his disciples.
5 And the elders seeing the Master among them, gave to him the book of Isaiah to read unto the
6 And taking the book, he read unto all who were gathered there, saying: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon
me, for he has appointed me to preach good tidings unto the poor;
7 He has sent me to make whole the brokenhearted, to set at liberty all them that are bound; to open
the prison doors whereby the captives might be set free.
8 To proclaim aloud the acceptable year of the Lord, even a day of recompense; to comfort all who
mourn and are heavy laden, to give unto them that lament, beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for weeping,
and the garment of praise for sackcloth and heaviness;
9 That they might be as a tree of righteousness whose limbs never wither, being planted by the hand of
the Lord; that in the waste places of the earth there might flow in the desert, streams of living water.”
10 And closing the book, he gave it again unto the elders, and seeing that every man looked upon him,
being transfixed by his countenance, he said: “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your hearing.”
11 And they which heard were astonished and they reasoned among themselves, saying:
12 “Is this not Joseph’s son, even he whose brothers dwell here among us? How, then, can he be the
very Anointed One seeing that he has come from the midst of us?”
13 Turning, therefore, unto Yeshua they inquired of him, saying: “How can this thing be? What say you
of yourself?”
14 And he answered, saying: “O you of little faith, ever seeking but never able to find: What shall be
said of this generation?
15 For when John came preaching the kingdom of Heaven, you believed; and all Israel was filled with
16 But now is the kingdom of Heaven come even to the very door, and you will not believe. You foolish
people, well was it written of you this saying:
17 Forasmuch as this people draw near to me with their mouths, and with their lips do honor me, yet
have they removed their hearts far from me, having been taught by the precepts of men and not of God.
18 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work
and a wonder:
19 And the wisdom of their wise men shall vanish away, and the understanding of the prudent shall
avail them nothing.
20 Hear now and be wise: for I tell you truly that no prophet is accepted in his own country.
21 For there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah the prophet, when the heavens were
sealed three years and six months, and great famine made desolate the whole land.
22 But unto none of them was Elijah sent except unto a woman that was a widow in Sarepta, a city by
the coast of Tyre and Sidon.
23 And because she would be gracious unto the prophet in that day, she was blessed above all others,
for when her son was thought dead, yet was he restored again unto life.
24 And there were many lepers in Israel in the days of Elisha the son of Shaphat, yet were none made
clean again except Naaman the Syrian.
25 Why then will you not believe, O Israel, the coming of the one promised? or, Why will you be angry
seeing that the kingdom of Heaven is come near unto you?
26 For if any man say: ‘I am a son of Abraham’, who will be offended? And if another say: ‘Behold, I am
a Roman’, who will be troubled because of him?
27 Or, if some other shall say: ‘I am a Greek, or, a Gentile, or, a slave, or, a freeman’, who will take
offense because of these things?
28 But if there should come among you one who says: ‘Behold, I am from God and have come unto the
children of men to bless and instruct’, then will all men be offended because of him.
29 For this cause did your fathers persecute the prophets of old. Unto what, therefore, shall I liken you?
30 Wherewith shall you learn wisdom, seeing that you are the sons of them which killed the prophets?
31 Hear then this parable and consider deeply: For there was a certain rich man who planted a vineyard
of goodly grapes, sweet and pleasing above all others, and he lent it out to certain farmers for profit.
32 And when the day of harvest was come, he sent servants to bring unto him a portion of the fruits
33 But when the farmers saw the servants approaching, they took counsel among themselves
concerning what they should do, for they would that they might take the whole harvest unto themselves
34 Wherefore, they seized the servants and did beat them sorely, evensomuch that one perished. And
the servants returned unto their lord and told him all which had happened.
35 And the Lord of the vineyard called forth other servants and these, too, did the farmers beat and kill.
36 Then did the Lord of the vineyard think to himself, saying: ‘I will send unto them my own son, surely
they will have regard for him, seeing that I have made him heir to all things?’
37 How then shall these wicked men receive the son of their Lord? Shall they beat and kill him also?
And if it so be that they should do evil unto the son, what then shall the Lord of the vineyard do unto
such as these?
38 Shall not the Lord recompense unto every man according to his works? Then shall the Lord of the
vineyard lend out his vineyard unto others more worthy than the first, that he might receive unto his
treasury an abundance of harvest.
39 Why then will you not believe seeing that the kingdom of Heaven has come nigh unto you? Search,
therefore, the scriptures that you may learn wisdom.
40 For the stone which the builders rejected has God appointed the chief cornerstone.
41 Therefore, I say unto you that except you believe on the one whom God has sent, then shall the
kingdom of God be taken from you and given unto another people, who will bring forth unto the Lord a
harvest of goodly things.”
42 Now when they heard these things spoken, they grew angry with Yeshua and would that they might
cast him from among them, yet did his brethren and disciples guard the way round about him, and no
man dared to lay a hand on him, for many believed in him.
43 And Yeshua, being heavy-hearted because of unbelief, drew himself unto a solitary place, and
sending his disciples away, he commanded that they should wait for him by the waters of the sea.
44 And the Master dwelt alone in the hills of Galilee, communing always with the Father, being
comforted by the angels of Heaven.
45 And after he had been gone many days into the wilderness, there came unto him his brethren, for
they desired that he should not depart from them;
46 For Miriam their mother would have again her eldest son, seeing that he was a joy and a light unto
the whole house.
47 But Yeshua said unto them: “You ask me what you know not; for I am called to preach unto every
city, both in Israel and without, the coming of the kingdom of Heaven.”
48 And James the son of Alpheus spoke unto him, saying: “My Lord, I will forsake all things to follow
after you, for I know that you are the very Anointed One of God, even the hope of Israel.”
49 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air their nest, but the
son of man has nowhere to lay his head. How then shall you follow me seeing that I have taken nothing
to myself?”
50 And James answered him, saying: “My Lord, if I might but follow after you, I shall possess all things.”
51 And hearing this, Yeshua smiled and placing his hand upon him, spoke, saying:
52 “Come then, and tarry not. For whosoever shall follow after me shall be made witness to all things.
And whosoever shall stand apart from me, shall increase to themselves a multitude of burdens.
53 For I shall reveal unto you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard, nor any hand touched,
neither entered into the heart of any man from the beginning of the world.”
54 So spoke the Beloved unto his brethren, and sending them home again, he went unto Capernaum;
55 And there gathered unto him upon the way a multitude of people desiring to hear the words which
he should speak, or perchance see some miracle.
56 And when he came to the borders of the sea, Yeshua saw on the shore two boats and men tending
their nets beside them.
57 And entering into one of the boats, he entreated that Simon should cast him a little way from the
land. And sitting down, he taught the multitude from the boat.
58 And when he had finished teaching, he said unto Simon: “Cast off into the deep, and there let down
your nets; for there awaits for you a multitude of fish.”
59 But Simon answered him, saying: “Are you a fisherman also? Behold, we have labored all the night
long, and have taken nothing.”
60 Now his brother, Andrew, even he who followed after the Master in Judea and Nazareth, spoke unto
Simon, saying:
61 “Come, brother, and let us obey with joyful hearts the words of the Master. For this is he of whom I
62 So they set out for the deep, and letting down their nets, received a multitude of fish, evensomuch
that the nets would burst for the weight of them.
63 And crying with a loud voice, Simon beckoned unto his partners who sat mending their nets upon
the shore.
64 And they leaped into their boat and joining with Simon and Andrew, they filled both boats,
evensomuch that they began to fear of sinking.
65 And when they came again unto the shore, Simon and Andrew, and their partners James and John
the sons of Zebedee, knelt before the Master to worship him.
66 And Simon spoke, saying: “Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man and am not worthy of this
67 And Yeshua, being filled with compassion, spoke unto Simon, saying: “Do not be afraid, Simon. For
what sin can separate the son from the Father if it so be that he should turn his heart from doing evil?
68 Come now and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men; that in my Father’s kingdom you might
have great reward.”
69 And Simon and Andrew, James and John gave unto others the care of their boats, and forsaking all
else, followed after the Master from that day forth.
Chapter 7
Simon’s mother-in-law is healed – The grace and goodness of Yeshua – Parable: The Wedding Feast –
Parable: The Fish Net – True circumcision – “On what day shall the kingdom of Heaven come?” – “Break
apart the wood, and I am there” – Zebedee rebukes Yeshua for stealing his sons – The true Father of
men – Let the dead bury the dead – The fame of Yeshua spreads – Herod desires to see Yeshua
1 Now Simon entreated that the Lord should enter his house and going in there came and knelt before
him, Joanna, the wife of Simon;
2 For she desired that the Master put forth his hand to heal her mother, for she was sick with fever.
3 So Yeshua went unto Cleophas, Simon’s mother-in-law, and seeing her upon the bed, took her by the
hand and sang to her the songs of her youth.
4 And the entire house became filled with light and singing, making merry the wounded heart; and
Cleophas rose from her bed, being healed, and she did minister unto the whole house.
5 And the word went throughout all Capernaum concerning the healing of Cleophas and, in the
eventide, there gathered about the house a multitude of the sick and infirm.
6 And Yeshua, being filled with compassion towards all men, comforted them with tender affection.
7 And many wept at the gracious words which he spoke, being restored again unto a perfect joy. And
returning to their own homes, they gave thanks of all which he said and did.
8 But a certain scribe who would believe, seeing that Yeshua would heal even the Gentiles, spoke unto
him, saying:
9 “If you are truly of God, why then have you laid your hand upon the heathen, seeing that they are not
of Abraham’s seed and have no part with us?”
10 And Yeshua, looking round about him, said: “Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear and be wise:
11 For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a king who prepared for his son a wedding feast.
12 So he sent his servants unto those who professed with their lips to love and serve the king, and he
bid them come to the wedding feast; but they would not, having busied themselves with many things.
13 And the king, hearing this, sent forth other servants more urgent than the first, saying:
14 ‘Tell those whom I have chosen that the feast is yet ready: For I have prepared my table with all
manner of goodly things, and I do wait for them. Come, therefore, to the wedding feast and with me
15 But when the servants spoke the king’s message unto those whom he had invited, some turned
again to their own ways, one to his field and another to his merchandise.
16 Yet others grew angry with the servants and they seized them and beat them sorely, and some they
17 When the king heard these things, he was heavy of heart and calling unto his servants, he said:
18 ‘Behold, the wedding feast which I have prepared is ready and the son and bride approach.
19 Go, therefore, unto the highways and byways and unto whatsoever person you meet, whether
citizen or stranger, invite them to the feast of the king.
20 And I shall recompense unto the first according to their works, for they were quick to honor me with
their lips, but in their hearts were they filled with all manner of wickedness.’
21 So the servants went forth into the highways and byways of the kingdom, and they gathered unto
the feast a multitude of guests, whether citizen or stranger;
22 And as many as would come rejoiced in the presence of the king and his son, being filled to
overflowing with an abundance of goodly things.
23 Hear again this other also, for the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net which certain fishermen cast
into the sea, and they gathered therein a multitude of fish of every kind.
24 And when they had filled their boats to overflowing, they came again unto the shore, and sitting
down they took for themselves all the fish which were good, and the rest did they cast again into the
25 So shall it be in that day when the angels gather unto the Father all those that are worthy of great
26 For they shall separate the righteous from the unrighteous, and the righteous shall dwell continually
with the Father.
27 And the unrighteous shall he cast again unto life, that they might journey yet a little while upon the
28 For the Father is not willing that any should perish, being forsaken and without hope.
29 For I tell you truly, that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of Heaven.
30 For the promise of Abraham did God establish in righteousness, and if any man will cleave unto the
good, forsaking evil altogether, then shall he become as the seed of Abraham, being circumcised in his
heart already.
31 How then shall circumcision of the flesh prove profitable if the heart be filled with all manner of
32 For if circumcision were profitable unto exaltation, then would your fathers beget you circumcised
already from your mother’s womb.
33 For the true circumcision which comes from above is born in the Spirit unto good works, and not in
the flesh only.”
34 So spoke Yeshua unto all who would hear, and one of his disciples asked him, saying:
35 “My Lord, tell us truly: On what day shall the kingdom of Heaven come?”
36 And he answered him, saying: “Hear then and understand, for the kingdom comes not according to
the expectations of men.
37 For many will say: ‘Look, here is the kingdom’, or, ‘Look, there is the kingdom’, but the kingdom
which the Father has prepared is come already to the earth and you do not see it.
38 I am the light which came from above. Whosoever shall abide in me shall never know darkness, and
the mysteries of Heaven shall unfold before you, revealing all things.
39 For I tell you truly, that before your father Abraham was, I am. Unto what place, therefore, shall you
look except the Father be revealed in you?
40 Break apart the wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone to look beneath, even there shall you find
41 For wheresoever the wind shall breathe, bowing low the lilies of the field, even there shall you find
the Father dancing away upon the hills, and waving his hands upon the trees.”
42 So spoke the Beloved unto those gathered round about him. And when he had finished speaking,
many were astonished at his doctrine and were filled with wonder, saying:
43 “From what place came this man’s wisdom, for he teaches not as the scribes and Pharisees do?”
44 Now on the morrow while yet the Master taught in the house of Simon, there came Zebedee the
father of James and John.
45 For when he heard that they had forsaken all things to follow the Nazarene, he grew hot with anger
and finding his sons in the presence of the Lord, he demanded of them an accounting.
46 And when they declared again their desire to follow after the Lord, forsaking all other things, the
father turned unto Yeshua, saying:
47 “What manner of man would rob a father of his sons? For God did give unto me both James and
John, that they might inherit unto themselves the fruits of their father’s labor. Why, therefore, have you
stolen away their hearts from me?”
48 When he heard these things, Yeshua spoke unto the man, saying: “Is it not said among you that you
are the children of God?
49 If you, therefore, be a child of God, and these two be the children of God also: How then can you be
the father, seeing that you are all the children of one Father?
50 For I tell you truly that the time now is when there is come a Father which is preferred above all
others, and unto him shall the children of men come seeking, that they may possess a fullness of
heavenly things.
51 For this cause shall a man be set at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother;
and a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
52 Will you think, therefore, that I am come to bring peace unto the earth? I came not to bring peace,
but a sword instead.
53 Whosoever, therefore, shall love father or mother more than me, the same is not worthy of the
Father which is come from above;
54 And whosoever shall love son or daughter more than me, the same shall deny to themselves the
Father which is come unto the children of men.
55 And whosoever will not forsake all things to follow after me, the same is not worthy of me.
56 For what profit shall these inherit to themselves concerning all your labors, if it so be that they
should lose the birthright which is found in Heaven only?”
57 And Zebedee, hearing this, grew all the more angry, and he went unto Bethsaida, cursing and
murmuring against the Master.
58 Now when John saw that his father went away angry, he spoke unto Yeshua, saying:
59 “My Lord, let me go and stay with my father till he die, then shall I follow after you.”
60 But he answered him, saying: “Come, follow me, and let them which are dead already bury their own
61 For who will sew a patch of new cloth onto an old garment? For when it is washed and put in the
sun, the new cloth will pull away from the old, and the tear is made worse than before.
62 Or, which of you will pour new wine into old wineskins? For if you do this thing, behold, the old
wineskins do burst and the new wine is spilled out upon the ground.
63 Therefore, if you would preserve new wine, then shall you pour it in new wineskins and forsake the
old ones altogether; then shall you preserve the new wine till you drink it.”
64 These then are the words which were taught in the house of Simon in Capernaum, and many
65 And after certain days Yeshua journeyed throughout the towns and villages of Galilee, teaching in
the synagogues and in the fields concerning the coming of the kingdom of Heaven.
66 And many came seeking him, from all Galilee and Perea, from the cities of Decapolis and Judea did
there come a multitude of people.
67 And there was among them, Judas of Kerioth who was come from Jerusalem, and he was of the
Sicarii, and there was with him, Thomas Zelotes.
68 And the fame of Yeshua filled all Galilee, and Herod, dwelling yet in Jericho, for it was winter, was
filled with foreboding because of him; for many said that he was John risen from the dead again.
69 And Herod called together all his counselors and said: “Who is this man of whom all Israel speaks?
For John the Baptizer have I killed.
70 Who then is this man, who by the power of his word alone would restore sight to the blind and
cause that the lame should walk, and the lepers to be made clean again?” And Herod desired greatly to
see for himself the Nazarene.
71 For since the death of John was the king filled with fear, being unable to sleep. And many thought to
bring Yeshua unto the king that he might heal him.
72 But Yeshua, knowing these things, went unto the city of Bethsaida in the kingdom of Philip the
brother of Herod Antipas, and there rested a little while.
Chapter 8
Yeshua enters the house of Matthew – Yeshua criticized for eating with sinners – Only the sick need a
physician – “Behold, a gluttonous man” – Judging righteously – A good tree brings forth good fruit –
Digging up the roots of evil – Matthew: What must I do to have eternal life? – Yeshua forgives Mary
Magdala – “Come, follow me”
1 In Bethsaida-Julias did the Master preach the coming of the kingdom, and many believed in him, both
Jews and Gentiles.
2 And departing from there he entered a boat and came again unto Capernaum, and there came out to
meet him a certain tax collector whose name was Matthew.
3 And he entreated that the Lord should come and eat at his house, and entering in, the Master and
certain of his disciples did eat.
4 And there was gathered also unto the feast a host of publicans, sinners, and Gentiles. And when these
heard the words of the Lord towards them, they were filled with wonder, for he was gracious unto the
very least.
5 But when the scribes and Pharisees heard that Yeshua sat at table with publicans and sinners, they
came and asked the disciples which stood outside the house, saying:
6 “Why does your master eat with publicans and sinners? If he be the Promised One of Israel, why then
will he defile himself for the sake of these unrighteous?”
7 And one of the disciples, when he heard this, entered into the house and told the Lord all which the
Pharisees spoke.
8 And Yeshua, speaking to all who were gathered there, said: “Why will you be offended because of
them which are without mercy? For they that are whole need not a physician, but only they which are
9 And the physician, putting forth his hand, restores to life the one that perishes;
10 While they which declare themselves whole already, are filled with death, for inwardly are they
made full of all manner of corruption and deceit.
11 Go you, therefore, and learn what the scriptures say: O Ephraim, what shall I do unto you? O Judah,
what shall I do for your sake?
12 For all your faithfulness is like the morning cloud swiftly passing, and like the early dew it goes away.
13 For I, the Lord, desire mercy more than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt
14 Unto what shall I liken this present generation? For you are become as children sitting in the market
place, calling unto their play fellows, saying:
15 ‘We have played unto you our music, and you will not dance; we have revealed unto you our tears,
and you have not lamented.’
16 For John came neither drinking nor eating, having abstained from the joys of the body, and the
scribes and Pharisees declared unto the people, saying: ‘He is possessed of demons.’
17 But when the Son of Man is come eating and drinking, they say: ‘Behold, a gluttonous man, a
winebibber full of drunkenness, a friend of publicans and sinners.’
18 Why, therefore, will you trouble yourselves for their sakes? For I am come to call sinners to
repentance, that they might turn again unto God.
19 What have I to do with those who would proclaim already their own righteousness, seeing that they
are made dull of hearing.
20 Did you not know that wisdom is justified of her children? Judge righteously, lest you yourselves be
judged also.
21 For after whatsoever manner you judge another, you shall be judged again; and unto whatsoever
measure you appoint unto the fallen, it shall be measured unto you also.
22 You judge according to the flesh, after the rudiments of men and not of God; yet will I judge no man.
23 And yet if I would judge the ways of men, then would my judgment be true: for I judge not of myself,
but the Father who sent me, even he would make sure the judgments of the Lord. For of this has the
prophet spoken:
24 For he shall not judge after the seeing of the eye only, neither reprove after the hearing of the ears
alone. But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity the meek of the earth.
25 So shall the judgments of the Lord be, and if any man hear my words and believe not, behold, I judge
him not.
26 For I came not into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world and to cleanse it of all
27 For whosoever shall reject the coming of the Anointed One, and receives not the words which I shall
speak, even he shall have one who judges righteously, even the Father which cometh from above.
28 For I have not spoken of myself only, but the Father which sent me, even he gave me authority to
both speak and do according to his will.
29 And I know that all his words are as life everlasting. Whatsoever I speak, therefore, even therein
shall the will of the Father be fulfilled unto righteousness.
30 Why will you, therefore, judge the splinter which is found in your brother’s eye, and consider not the
beam which is in your own?
31 For how will you say to your brother: Let me pull the splinter from your eye, when you are made
blind by the beam in your own eye?
32 You hypocrite, go first and cast out the beam which is in your eye, then shall you see clearly the
splinter in your brother’s eye to cast it out.
33 Beware, therefore, the leaven of the scribes and Pharisees, which leaven is hypocrisy. For you know
yourselves how that a little leaven gives rise to the whole lump altogether.
34 Beware of false shepherds who come to you in sheep’s clothing, being filled with smooth speech,
making merchandise the word of God; for inwardly they are ravenous wolves full of gluttony.
35 For you shall know them by their fruits. Will a man gather grapes from bushes of thorns, or gather
figs from thistles?
36 Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth only bitterness.
37 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither will a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
38 Wherefore, by their fruits you shall know them, whether they be good or evil, bitter or sweet.
39 And every tree which the Father has not planted, even that tree shall he uproot altogether, and cast
away as a thing defiled.
40 For there is nothing hidden that shall not be made known, neither anything in secret kept that shall
not be published abroad.
41 For I tell you truly, that as long as the inward parts of the bowels be hid, a man lives. But if they are
come out of a man, being exposed to the light, even that man shall die.
42 Even so is it with the tree that spreads forth its branches in the sun, for if the roots be hidden in the
earth, it is nourished and made alive continually.
43 But if the root thereof be exposed, behold, it withers and it is good for nothing except to be burned.
44 Therefore, be wise and consider deeply the ways of God. For as long as the roots of evil be hid from
the world, it is made strong and lives continually in the affairs of men.
45 But if the root of evil be exposed to the light, evensomuch that all men should see it, behold, it is
destroyed, being withered and of no effect.
46 Why, therefore, will you not learn wisdom? For the ax has God laid already at the root of the tree.
47 For he shall not cut the tree above the root, seeing that it will but sprout forth again;
48 But he shall dig up the roots thereof, and when they are exposed, even every one, then shall he cut
the tree and great shall be the fall.
49 Therefore, if you would exceed the righteousness of scribes and Pharisees, then let each man dig
down to the root of that evil which is in them, and when they have found it, even then let him pull it out
of his heart by the very root.
50 Then shall evil die within you, having no effect, while yet the good remains, and you shall abide
forever in the bosom of the Father, having been made righteous even as he is righteous.
51 But if you will not do this, then shall evil make firm its roots in you, revealing its image in your heart
whereby you are made corrupt, and you shall have no place with God, being made desolate and without
52 Now when the whole house heard these things, they were filled with wonder, being pricked to the
very soul, and Matthew spoke unto him, saying:
53 “Master, what good work shall I do that I might have eternal life? For even the works of God would I
54 And he answered him, saying: “If you would do the works of God, then believe on him whom God
has sent.
55 For this is the will of him that sent me, that whosoever shall believe in me unto good works, even
that one shall have eternal life.
56 For it is the spirit which maketh alive, the flesh profits but little. The words which I speak unto you
are spirit, and they are life.
57 Come you, therefore, unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden with a burden of care, and I
will give you rest.
58 Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly of heart: and you shall find rest
unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
59 For I tell you truly: that no man shall come unto me except that the Father draw him nigh, and
whosoever shall come unto me, I will in nowise cast out.”
60 Now when he had said these things, there came from the shadows of the room, Mary of Magdala, a
harlot made mad by familiar spirits. And she came and did kneel before the Lord, weeping many tears.
61 And he spoke to her, saying: “Daughter, your sins are forgiven you. Come now and rejoice, for this
day are you made whole again.”
62 And she was healed in that very moment, being restored again unto a sound mind and a joyful heart,
and she followed after the Master from that day forth.
63 And Matthew, being made witness to all these things, inclined his soul unto Yeshua; and turning to
Chuza, Herod’s chief steward, he said:
64 “When first I bid him to my house, I thought to honor him, for all Israel speaks of him. But he, by his
grace, has honored me beyond measure.
65 How then shall all these riches give me joy again, seeing that in the light of his word alone I am made
66 For in the absence of his word is there a desert found, but in his speech is paradise revealed again
unto man; for at the sound of his voice are all our dreams come alive, and like the wind he has carried us
all unto God.”
67 Now on the day following was Matthew made busy counting taxes, and Yeshua, walking by, said:
“Come, follow me.” And Matthew, forsaking all else, followed after him in the selfsame hour.
Chapter 9
Healing the man with a withered hand – Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath? – Parable: The Sower –
Yeshua explains the parable – Parable: Hidden Treasure – Yeshua invites all to follow him – Healing the
son of a Greek – Parable: The Mustard Seed – Parable: The Two Planters – False disciples – “Be you
doers of the word, and not hearers only”
1 Now when it was Sabbath, Yeshua went unto the synagogue to teach the people; and when he was
entered in, he saw a man with a withered hand.
2 And there was in the synagogue certain scribes and Pharisees which were come up from Jerusalem to
watch him, for they desired to bring against him some accusation.
3 But Yeshua, knowing the intent of their heart, called unto the man with the withered hand and
standing him in the midst where all could see, he said:
4 “Come now and answer rightly: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or evil, to save life or destroy
5 And there answered him no man of the scribes and Pharisees, but another answered, saying: “To do
good is always lawful.”
6 And Yeshua, hearing this, commanded that the man should stretch forth his withered hand, and,
behold, it was healed in the very moment.
7 When they saw these things, they were astonished, and the scribes and Pharisees conspired
continually on how they might kill him; for in Yeshua was the priesthood made insecure, and all
Jerusalem of no effect.
8 And Yeshua spoke unto them in parable, saying: “Unto what shall the Son of Man be likened to?
9 For he is like a sower that went forth to sow in the earth living grains of wheat. And as he sowed,
some seeds fell by the wayside, and the birds of the air came and gathered them up.
10 And other seeds fell on stony places where they had but little soil, and when they were sprung up
and the sun was hot upon the land, they withered, having no deepness in the earth.
11 And some seed fell among thorns, and when they were come up, behold, the thorns choked them
and they perished.
12 But other seeds fell upon good ground, being rich and deep, and when they were sprung up, they
brought forth fruit in abundance, some a hundredfold, some sixty fold, and some thirty fold.”
13 And one of the Pharisees, being angry at the words of the Lord, spoke, saying: “Why will you speak
to us in parables? Tell us plainly what you mean.”
14 And he answered, saying: “Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear and be wise. For well was it
spoken of this generation by the prophet Isaiah, saying:
15 For you indeed hear, but you understand not; you see, but perceive little. For the heart of all this
people is fat with pride; they have made their ears dull of hearing and have shut their eye lest they see,
and their ears lest they hear and understand with their hearts and turn again unto the Lord and be
16 But blessed are the eyes which see and the ears which hear, for I tell you truly that many prophets
desired to see those things which you have seen and have not seen them;
17 And to hear those things which you have heard, and have not heard them.
18 For these righteous ones having neither seen with their eyes, nor heard with their ears believed
already. But you, though seeing and hearing, believe not; therefore, your desolation is complete.
19 Open now the ears of your understanding and hear what the parable of the sower means, and be
20 For when one hears the preaching of the word of God and understands it not, then come others, full
of wickedness, to snatch away the seed which was sown in his heart. This then is the seed which fell by
the wayside.
21 But the one that received the word in stony places, he it is that hears the word of God and with joy
receives it;
22 Yet has he no root in himself, being tossed about in every wind, and when tribulations and
persecutions arise because of the word, he is offended against God, and he goes his own way.
23 And he that received the seed in the midst of thorns, even he it is that received the word; but there
came tempting the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches did choke the word, and he
perished pierced by a multitude of cares.
24 But he that received the word in good ground, he it is that hears the word, understanding always the
mystery within.
25 And bearing righteous fruit only, he brings forth an abundance of harvest, some a hundredfold, some
sixty fold, and some thirty fold.
26 Whosoever has ears to hear let them hear, that you may be worthy of harvest when God shall send
forth his angels unto the earth to separate the righteous from the unrighteous.
27 Beware, therefore, the righteousness of scribes and Pharisees, for when one is awake in the
darkness, the other is asleep in the light.
28 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, blind guides are you become; for you are become the children
of shadows, perceiving not the light when it is come to dwell among you.
29 For you are ever seeking in the sky, signs and portents, yet in your hearts are you made base, being
empty of the signs within, for you are without understanding.
30 Hear now and ponder deeply, for the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field, for
which a man, when he finds it, leaps for joy; and selling all which he has to purchase the field, takes the
treasure unto himself.
31 Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking goodly pearls, and finding one of great
price, he went and sold all which he had, and bought it.
32 You are the treasure hid in the earth, you are the pearl beyond price or measure, for I tell you truly,
that the kingdom of Heaven is within you and you are unable to perceive it.
33 For this cause is the Son of Man come unto the earth, that you may be brought out of the darkness
and into the light, that you may possess yourselves anew.
34 Whosoever would come after me, let him deny himself daily, and come follow me.
35 For whosoever shall prefer the things of this life, the same shall lose it; but whosoever shall forsake
his life for my sake, the same shall have life abundant.
36 For I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.
37 For what shall it profit a man to take unto himself the whole world, and yet lose his own soul? Or
what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
38 Now when the Master had finished speaking, he went unto the shore of the sea, and many followed
after him; and there came unto him a certain Greek whose name was Zorakis.
39 And kneeling before Yeshua, he said: “My Lord, have mercy upon me and my house, for I know that
you are come from God.”
40 And the Master taking pity upon him, said: “What would you have me do?”
41 He answered, saying: “My son is sick and near dying. I beg you, therefore, give answer to my prayer
and heal him, for he is my only child and in him have I found great joy.”
42 When he heard this, Yeshua took from among his disciples a small cloak, finely made, and anointing
it with precious oil, gave it unto him, saying:
43 “Go and place this about your son.” And the man hearing this, went speedily unto his son, and he
was healed in the very hour.
44 And all who beheld these things were filled with wonder concerning him. And he spoke unto them,
saying: “Why will you marvel because of these things? Is it not the Father’s will to do good unto the
children of men?
45 For if you would have faith unto good works, nothing shall be impossible to you. Come now and hear
this parable:
46 For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a mustard seed which a man sowed in the earth. And
notwithstanding that it is the smallest of seeds, yet when it is grown it did become the greatest of herbs;
47 Evensomuch that the birds of the air would come and dwell in the branches thereof, being made
safe and all secure.
48 In like manner is faith apportioned unto all men. For I tell you truly that if you should have faith like
unto a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain: ‘Be you moved to yonder place’, and it shall
be moved.
49 Or, yet shall you say unto this sea: ‘Be you dried up’, and it shall become as dry ground.
50 For whosoever would have faith, let them doubt not, that in your patience you might prove
profitable unto God.
51 And whatsoever you shall ask the Father in faith, believing that you shall receive, even that shall he
grant unto you for righteousness sake.
52 Hear now this parable and be wise: For there were two men who thought to plant in each their own
fields, golden grains of wheat, that they might have plenty in abundance.
53 And the first went forth to sow, and after the first day when he was completed, he sat himself down
to wait the harvest;
54 And on the morrow he came unto the field and seeing nothing growing up already, he grew angry
and he plowed up the whole field to plant again; and when he was done on the second day, he awaited
again the harvest.
55 But likewise, on the morrow, he went forth to see, and when he saw that the seeds were not come
up already again, he cursed God and tearing up the ground, he would no more plant but went his own
way instead.
56 And when there came a famine upon the land, he perished, being in want.
57 Now the second man took great care and plowing up the earth, he went forth to sow; and when he
was finished he went again unto his house.
58 And on the morrow, he went forth to see, and walking about the field, he dressed the earth and
watered it all about.
59 Again on the third day did the man go forth to see, and finding in the field noxious weeds, he pulled
them up by the root and cast them away; and when he had done this, he went again to dress the field
and to water it.
60 Thus did the second man work the earth wherein he planted, nothing doubting. And when there
came the season of harvest, he took unto himself an abundance of goodly things.
61 And when there came a drought upon the land, he perished not, having made secure his whole
62 Whosoever, therefore, would come after me let them take care concerning that faith unto which
they are called:
63 For not every one that saith unto me: ‘Lord, Lord’, shall come into the kingdom of my Father; but he
that does the will of the Lord, even he shall go in.
64 In that day shall many speak unto me this saying: ‘My Lord, have we not prophesied in your name,
and in your name cast out many devils, and in your name done many mighty works.’
65 Then will I speak to them, saying: ‘Depart from me, you that work iniquity, for I never knew you.’
66 Be you doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For why will you call me:
‘Lord, Lord’, and do not the things which I say?
67 Or, why will you not learn wisdom seeing that I am come to walk among you? For except your
righteousness exceed that of scribes and Pharisees, you shall in nowise enter the kingdom of God.”
68 Now when the Lord had said these things, he gathered about him his disciples, and going into a
solitary place, he rested there.
Chapter 10
The faith of a Roman Centurion – Yeshua and the children – Disciples argue over who is greatest –
“Except you be converted as little children” – Parable: The Laborers – Yeshua calms the stormy sea – At
the city of Hippos, in the house of Demitrius – Yeshua speaks against slavery – A Roman defends the
practice of slavery – The rise and fall of empires – Living peacefully – Demitrius follows Yeshua, but the
Roman takes offense
1 When he was come again unto Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion whose name was
Rufinius, and he beseeched the Lord, saying:
2 “Rabboni, my servant is sick with fever, being greatly tormented. Therefore, be gracious unto me for
my servant’s sake and heal him, for he has served me well these many years, and he is like a father unto
4 When the centurion heard this of the Master, he spoke again, saying: “My Lord, I am not worthy that
you should enter into my house; but if you will but speak the word only, then shall my servant be
5 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me; and if I say to this man, ‘Go to yonder
place,’ he goes.
6 Or if I say to another, ‘Come and do this,’ he does it. For they, being under authority, obey.
7 Therefore, when I but speak the word, I doubt not, neither do I go and see, for I know that it is done
according to my word.”
8 When Yeshua heard these things, he marveled greatly and turning to the disciples, he said: “In all
Israel have I not found so great a faith as this man’s.
9 For I tell you truly that many shall go in unto the kingdom before the sons of Israel, for the first shall
be last and the last shall be first.”
10 And turning to the centurion, he said: “Go your way and be at peace, for even as you have believed,
even so has it been accomplished unto you.”
11 And the centurion, going his own way, went to his house and his servant was healed in the very
12 Now the Master went unto a certain rise above the sea, and he sat himself down to rest;
13 And there came out from the city, mothers bearing children, for they desired that the Lord should
lay his hands upon them to bless.
14 And when they drew nigh, certain of the disciples forbid them, and would not that they should
disturb the Master.
15 But Yeshua, hearing the voices of children, called unto them, saying: “Suffer the little children and
forbid them not to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.”
16 Now there arose a certain contention among the disciples over who should be greatest in the
kingdom of God, for some boasted, saying:
17 “Surely I shall be greatest, for this much have I forsaken to follow after the Master.” And another
said: “Nay, nay, I shall be greatest, for I have sacrificed the greater portion.”
18 And when he heard these things, Yeshua was filled with heaviness, and calling unto his disciples he
rebuked them, and taking a small child he sat him upon his knee, and he spoke, saying:
19 “I tell you truly, that except you be converted unto God, believing always, even as little children, you
shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
20 Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself unto the Father, even as this child, the same is great in
the kingdom of Heaven.
21 And whosoever shall receive another in faith, even as a child, receiveth me also; and whosoever shall
receive me, the same shall receive unto his soul the presence of the Father.
22 Take care to your souls, therefore, that you despise not one of these little ones; for I tell you that
their angels do always behold the face of their Father which is in Heaven, making intercession for them.
23 For as certain scriptures say: Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings have you ordained strength
and perfected wisdom.
24 For it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that any child should perish; for this cause has
he given the angels charge over them.
25 But woe unto that one who shall destroy one of these little ones which believe in me; for it would be
better for that man if he had not been born.
26 Therefore, whosoever of you would be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven, let him humble himself
unto the Father that he may serve the children of men with faith exceeding, never doubting.
27 For even so great a one as I am come forth to serve and not to be served; for it is not given that the
servant should be greater than his Lord, neither is he that is sent greater than he which sent him.
28 Dispute not among yourselves, therefore, over which among you shall be greatest; for the kingdom
of Heaven is like unto a certain rich man who would hire laborers to tend his vineyards.
29 And going to the market in the early morning, he agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, and
when he had hired them, he sent them unto his vineyard.
30 And when it was about the third hour, he went again unto the market to hire others, and he spoke to
them which stood idle, saying:
31 ‘Go unto my vineyard and labor, and whatsoever is right will I give unto you.’ And they went forth to
32 But again in the sixth and ninth hour, he went again and hired certain others also.
33 And going once again unto the market about the eleventh hour, he saw other men which stood idle
and he spoke to them, saying:
34 ‘Why stand you here idle all the day long?’ And they answered him, saying: ‘Because no man will hire
35 And the man, being filled with tenderness, said: ‘Go you then unto my vineyard; and whatsoever is
right, even that shall you receive.’
36 Now when evening was come, the lord of the vineyard called forth his chief steward, saying:
37 ‘Call now the laborers from the field, for the day is past and I would give them their wage, beginning
from the last to the first.’
38 And they which were hired about the eleventh hour came, and they received each a penny.
39 But they which were hired at the first, seeing this, supposed that they would receive still a greater
wage, but when they came forth from the fields, they also received each man a penny.
40 And when they saw this, they grew angry with the lord of the vineyard, saying:
41 ‘For what cause have you paid these which were last equal to us? For we have labored the whole day
in all this heat, while these others have labored but an hour.’
42 And he answered them, saying: ‘My friend, why will you be angry seeing that I did you no wrong?
Did you not agree with me for a penny?
43 Take then what is your own, and envy not another; for I will give unto the last, even as I gave unto
44 For is it not right that I should do as I will with my own? Will you turn your heart to evil because I am
45 So shall the last be as the first, and the first shall be as the last: for this cause are many called but
few are chosen.”
46 But Simon Bar Jonas spoke unto Yeshua, saying: “Lord, we have forsaken all things for your sake.
What, therefore, shall we gain unto ourselves, seeing that we have none else but you?”
47 And he answered them, saying: “Whosoever has forsaken houses or land, brothers or sisters, father
or mother, wife or children for my sake, even they shall receive a hundredfold from God, even life
everlasting shall you inherit in the kingdom of the Father.”
48 When he had said these things, he gathered round about him all the children which came forth, and
he blessed even every one of them and sent them again unto their mothers.
49 Then came Yeshua down unto the sea at evening tide, and sending away the multitudes, he entered
a boat; for he desired to cross over unto the other side, unto Hippos a city of Decapolis.
50 And as he crossed over, there arose a sudden storm, for it was the month of Adar in the winter time.
51 And there beat against the boat, the waves and the wind, being furious and without relent; and the
disciples, fearing for their lives, sought after the Master.
52 And finding that he was asleep amidst the storm, they awoke him, saying: “Master, arise and help us
for we perish.”
53 When he heard this and saw that they were all fearful, he said: “Why are you afraid seeing that I am
yet among you? Will you not believe that I am from God? Why are you without faith?
54 Fear not, therefore, the tempest which rages round about, neither be fearful for your lives, for if you
will but believe in me, then shall the Father still the troublings of your heart, that according to your faith
he might prepare for you the way of escape.”
55 And after he said these things, he lay back down to sleep; and behold, the winds did cease and the
waves relented their fury.
56 Now when the disciples saw this thing, they spoke among themselves, saying: “What manner of man
is this that even the wind and the sea should have regard for him?”
57 And arriving safely to the other side, the Lord came unto Hippos and there taught the coming of the
kingdom of Heaven, and many believed.
58 And there came unto him great multitudes from all Decapolis to hear him, and to see for themselves
the Anointed One which had purged the temple of money changers and who set at naught the teachings
of scribes and Pharisees.
59 But a certain Greek whose name was Demitrius, an artisan of great renown, came unto Yeshua and
begged that he sup with him, and going in unto his house he sat down to eat.
60 And when he had finished, Demitrius, desiring righteousness above all else, spoke, saying: “My Lord,
all which I have heard regarding you do I believe, for I know that you are sent from Heaven unto men.
61 What good thing shall I do, therefore, that I might draw nigh unto God? For whatsoever you require
of me, even that shall I do.”
62 And Yeshua, seeing that a multitude of servants served in both house and field, said:
63 “If you would stand near unto God, being girded round about by a goodly conscience, then set at
liberty all which are made to serve you, and give unto them an honest wage.
64 For it is not good that one man should possess another, nor bring into subjection the children of
men; for there is but one that ruleth wisely over all and he is God.”
65 But a certain Roman who was in the house, when he heard this, spoke, saying: “This man speaks
foolishness, for it is the nature of almost all things that the strong should rule over the weak.
66 What then? Shall Rome also set free a multitude of slaves for the sake of God? Wherein then shall
Rome have dominion over all the earth, except that it make subject unto its law, even all the children of
67 And Yeshua answered, saying: “Will you speak of the nature of things? Come then and learn wisdom,
for you yourself know that all things grow old of themselves, being made weak and feeble.
68 But when they are young, they do lord it over others weaker than themselves.
69 For in ancient times there strode about the earth Tiglath-Pileser, the Assyrian, and Nebuchadnezzar
of Babylon who, like young lions, thought to devour unto themselves the whole earth.
70 But when they were old, then came Cyrus of Persia, and like a bull great and powerful, he made
subject unto himself both kingdoms.
71 And in like measure, when there fell from Persia the bloom of youth, then came Alexander of
Macedonia, young and fierce, and like a tiger he took to himself all Persia, and Egypt also, devouring
unto himself a host of nations and men.
72 Then did Alexander die, and all Greece became feeble and of no effect, warring always among
themselves till some younger came.
73 For this cause did Rome, like an eagle fly above the earth, seeking whom it might devour:
74 For yet is Rome young and filled with want, but when it is old, then shall another come stronger than
yourself, and cause that all Rome should bow the knee in subjection.
75 Therefore, if you would dwell in peace beside your Father which is in Heaven, make no man subject
unto yourselves; neither by unrighteous dominion make gain of them.
76 For of the last days has the prophet written: And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the house
of the Lord shall be established upon the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations
shall flow unto it.
77 And many shall say in that day: Come, let us go unto the house of the Lord, for he will teach us all his
ways; and we will walk in his paths continually from this day forth.
78 For out of Zion shall the law go forth unto all the earth, and from his habitation shall the word spring
up readily.
79 And the Lord shall judge righteously among the nations, and he shall rebuke even all the people
because of war.
80 And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall
not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn of war anymore.”
81 When he had said these things, Demitrius being humbled by the words of the Master, said:
82 “My Lord, I shall do even as you command, and this day set at liberty even all my house.”
83 But the Roman, hearing this, drew his cloak about him and rising from his place, said: “Take care
Galilean, for of all your doing is Pilate made aware.” And he went out filled with anger.
Chapter 11
Women disciples – Contention over women disciples – Yeshua withdraws to be alone – In the affairs of
men, which is strongest? – Parable: The Slender Vine – Women are worthy to receive from God –
Women of history – The strength of women – Yeshua heals a blind man – Yeshua speaks on baptism and
fire – Signs of the times – “Think not that I came to destroy the law”
1 And Yeshua went throughout the cities of Decapolis teaching and showing forth the coming of the
kingdom, and when the feast of Passover drew nigh, he came again unto Bethsaida, and there was with
him many disciples, both of men and women.
2 And certain women which had been healed of afflictions and infirmities ministered unto the Lord with
all gentle affection.
3 And of them were Mary of Magdala, Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s chief steward, Susanna of
Jotapata, Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus, Regilla of Hippos, and many others also, and they gave
unto the ministry of their substance.
4 But there arose among the disciples a great contention, for some thought it unseemly that women
should minister unto the Lord to touch him, or that they should sit at his feet to learn the law.
5 For it was thought in all Israel that it was an evil thing that any woman should learn either the law or
the prophets, since by woman came the fall of man.
6 And if it so be that any woman should take to herself a knowledge of these things, then would many
think her a witch, being filled with mischief, and they would stone her and drive her from the city to
7 Now when Yeshua heard the manner of their dispute, he withdrew from them a little way, and when
the disciples saw that the Master sat alone away from them, they came unto him, saying:
8 “Good Master, why have you drawn yourself away from us, for we are alone being without you?
Come, therefore, and walk with us, for we care for you and would be your disciples.”
9 But the Lord would not, and he sent them away. They came a second time, saying: “Master, come
walk with us.” And again he would not, but sent them away instead.
10 Now when it was eventide, the disciples repented among themselves over their contention, and
coming a third time, they said: “Come, my Lord, and be with us for we have repented all our anger.
11 Have mercy, O Lord, for even we would turn aside from our own way to follow after you.”
12 And Yeshua, seeing that all his disciples were gathered near, taught them, saying: “Of all things
which govern in the affairs of men, which is the strongest?”
13 And one answered, saying: “Men are truly strongest, having power over all things; for they do
compel even that the whole earth and sea should give up its bounty for their sake.”
14 But another said: “Nay, kings are strongest of all, for they rule over the affairs of men; making
subject unto their will the ways of men and of nations.
15 For all men are forced to obey the commands of the king, even in the midst of war; for the wrath of
the king is more greatly to be feared than the dangers of the enemy which come from abroad.”
16 And another said: “If men be strong and kings be strong, then is wine strongest of all; for it brings
low the mightiest king, and exalts unto Heaven the lowest of men.
17 For strong wine does make the wise to appear as foolish, and the cowardly to appear as brave, and
friends to appear as enemies.
18 Thus is wine more powerful than men or kings, directing always the affairs of men;
19 For when a man is drunk, he knows not what he does; and when he is sober, neither does he
20 Thus spoke the disciples concerning that which was strongest in the affairs of men. But the Lord
spoke unto them, saying:
21 “Hear now this parable and be wise: For there was a certain king who would take captive a distant
city; and bringing forth his army, he laid siege against it.
22 But for all his might he could not breach the walls thereof, for they were strong and mighty, and
against its strength did many perish.
23 And after a season, the king grew weary and he went again to his own kingdom.
24 And all the people rejoiced in the strength of the wall, and they boasted before God how that no
man could take by force the inhabitants of the city.
25 Now when it was night, there sprung up beside the wall a small and slender vine made all beautiful
and rare; and in the shadow of the city did it grow, sending out its tendrils into the crevices of the wall.
26 And in the morning when the inhabitants saw it they marveled, saying: ‘It is a gift from God, for see
how it makes beautiful the whole city.’
27 And when it had grown for many years, there came a strong wind in the night, and behold, the wall
fell in upon itself, putting in peril the whole city.
28 Which, therefore, was strongest in the affairs of men, the king or this slender vine?” And one
answered, saying: “The vine, my Lord.”
29 And Yeshua, hearing this, said: “Is there not written this saying: the race is not always given to the
swiftest, neither the victory of battle to the strong?
30 Why, then, will you think women unworthy to receive from God a full measure of blessing, seeing
that for the sake of your traditions only would you keep them ignorant of the law and the prophets?
31 For I tell you truly that of all things which move round about in the affairs of men, women are the
stronger, being greater than kings or wine; for in the womb of the woman are all men made to come
32 Come now, and answer wisely: What king shall rule except that he first be fashioned in the woman’s
womb? For no man cometh forth of himself.
33 For it is in the womb that men are fashioned, whether king or slave, priest or prophet, lord or
beggar; all are come from the woman, and without the woman is no man come unto the earth.
34 I tell you truly that for the sake of a woman will a man surrender both wealth and power, or forget
altogether his parents and friends;
35 For even the mighty, being kings, if they would be greater still, make themselves subject unto their
wives and will give unto them anything which they should ask.
36 Have you not read how that Xerxes, while he was yet lord over all the earth, being king in Persia,
granted unto Esther the life of all Israel?
37 For this cause do you celebrate the Feast of Purim in joy and thanksgiving; for in the woman Esther
did God deliver Israel from Haman who desired the death of all the Jews.
38 Why, then, will you withhold from women things which are come from God?
39 Have you not read how that in the days when Josiah was king over Judah, there was found in the
temple the Book of the Law which no man knew, not even the high priest, nor Jeremiah the prophet?
40 So they took the book to a woman whose name was Huldah, a prophetess of great renown, and
desired that she should tell them from whence it came;
41 Whether or not it was truly that book which was come from Moses, and she delivered unto the king
the word of the Lord concerning the book and all Jerusalem also.
42 Consider again this other also, for there judged in Israel Deborah the wife of Lapidoth; and she called
unto Barak that he might save Israel from the hand of Sisera.
43 Yet would Barak not go forth except that Deborah should stand beside him in the day of battle.
44 And Deborah, by her faithfulness unto God and Israel, delivered the nation from evil.
45 Which of you, therefore, being men, have done like unto these women; who, being elected of God,
delivered unto all Israel the word of the Lord?
46 Consider then the strength wherein the woman is fashioned; for she, being frail and comely, yet by
her beauty and grace does she humble the mighty, or exalt on high the lowest of men if it so be that
they should love her.
47 For women are as the wind which comes from above, causing all things to move before them.
48 And men, though stout and mighty as yonder tree, yet are they moved when there should breathe
upon them some small wind.
49 Thus in the affairs of men are women made the stronger; for if a woman be good and an evil man
love her, then by her love does she make the man good also; for he desires to please her above all else.
50 But if a woman be evil and a good man love her, who then can save him?
51 Contend no more because of women, whether they be worthy to receive from God a portion equal
to men; for I will elect whom I will.
52 And neither pray you unto God, saying: ‘I thank you, O God, that I am not a woman,’ for it is an
offense unto him.
53 For in the beginning did God create both male and female, that you may be as one flesh before the
54 Therefore, when you enter the woman to cast forth seed, be you filled with reverence and deep
affection, for she is the temple wherein God has fashioned the life of man.
55 Whosoever shall receive one of mine, even so shall they receive me.
56 And whosoever rejects one whom I have chosen, even so shall they reject me also; and there shall be
found for them neither room nor place in the kingdom of God.”
57 These then are the words which Yeshua spoke for women’s sake, and all men marveled because of
them, and when he had finished speaking, there was brought to him from the city a blind man desiring
to be healed.
58 And taking the blind man by the hand, he led him to the sea, and filling his hands with water, he
cleansed the man’s eyes and asked him, saying: “What do you see?”
59 And the blind man, looking back from whence he came, said: “I see men, as shadows, walking about
the earth.”
60 When Yeshua heard this, he placed his hands upon his eyes to bless, and behold, the man saw every
man clearly.
61 And the Lord sent him again to his own house, rejoicing and praising God.
62 On the next day, there came out from the city a multitude of people to hear the Master, and he
taught them by the sea.
63 And there was among the people certain scribes and Pharisees, and one of them, being the ruler of
the synagogue, asked him, saying:
64 “If you are truly that one of whom John testified, why then do neither you nor your disciples baptize,
for in the wilderness did John both preach and baptize?”
65 And the Lord, lifting his voice unto the people, answered, saying: “What went you forth in the
wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?
66 Come and answer, what went you forth to see? A man clothed in soft raiment and smooth of
67 Behold, they which are finely dressed, eating sumptuously amid their wealth, are in the courts of
temples and in the palaces of power, for they rule over you.
68 What then came you forth in the wilderness to see? A prophet? Whosoever has ears to hear let
them hear, for you saw more than a prophet.
69 For of John was it written: Behold, I send my messenger before your face; he shall prepare the way
before you.
70 For I tell you that among those which are born of women, there is no prophet greater than John: but
he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
71 For you yourselves bear witness that John indeed baptized with water unto repentance, but now is
there come among you one who baptizes with fire and the Holy Spirit.
72 For I am come from the Father which dwells above, and even he is like unto a consuming fire of
righteousness, purging always the souls of men from all uncleanliness.
73 For this cause am I come to bring fire unto the earth, that it might receive unto itself the refreshing
of the Holy Spirit.
74 Whosoever, therefore, will come unto me, the same standeth near the fire; but whosoever will not
come unto me, even that one is far from the kingdom.”
75 Thus spoke the Master concerning the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit. And the multitude, hearing
this, was filled with wonder, and a woman cried out from among them, saying:
76 “Blessed is the womb which bore you, and the breasts which gave you suck.”
77 And the Lord answered, saying: “More blessed are they which hear the words of God, to do them.”
78 But when the scribes and Pharisees saw that all men would follow the Master, they grew all the
more troubled.
79 And they said to him, “What sign will you give us that we might know of a surety that you are come
from God?”
80 And Yeshua spoke, saying: “You wicked and perverse generation, ever seeking after signs yet never
knowing what it is you seek.
81 For when the clouds rise from the west, being dark and lowering, you say: ‘A storm approaches,’ and
by and by it comes.
82 And when you see the south wind blowing, you say: ‘It will be hot today,’ and behold, it likewise
comes to pass.
83 You hypocrites, filled with deceit; you discern readily both earth and sky, but you cannot discern the
signs of the time.
84 Will you now ask for a sign from above? Behold, there will no sign be given you except the sign of
85 For as Jonah was a sign of repentance unto the Ninevites, even so shall the Son of Man be unto this
86 I tell you truly, that the Queen of the South will rise up in judgment against you;
87 For even she did come from the ends of the earth that she might hear the wisdom of Solomon, and
now is there come unto you one which is greater than Solomon, and you will not hear.
88 And in judgment shall all Ninevah come forth to judge you, for they repented long ago at the
preaching of Jonah, and now is there come among you one which is greater than Jonah, and you will not
89 Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets; for I came not to destroy but to fulfill.
90 For I tell you truly, that Heaven and earth shall not pass away except the whole law be fulfilled in me.
91 Whosoever, therefore, shall break the least commandment of the law, and shall teach others to do
likewise, even he shall become least in the kingdom of Heaven.
92 But whosoever shall do and teach the righteousness of God, even he shall become great in the
kingdom of Heaven.
93 For I say unto you that you may learn wisdom, that except your righteousness exceed that of scribes
and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom, and your habitation shall be left desolate and filled
with despair.”
94 And when the scribes and the Pharisees heard these things, they murmured among themselves,
95 “Behold how possessed of evil he is become, for he has declared himself the fulfillment of both the
law and the prophets.
96 Surely he is mad and filled with demons, for he has thought himself greater than Moses and
Abraham altogether.” And they sent unto Jerusalem a report of all which they saw and heard.
Chapter 12
“I am the good shepherd” – Parable: The Lost Sheep – Parable: The Lost Coin – False shepherds –
Seeking the lost – Parable: The Grace of God – “Will you muddy the waters of the Lord?” – Yeshua
accused of being insane and possessed of demons
1 These are the words which the Beloved spoke unto the people in the fields of Bethsaida, for there
came from the city and the regions round about a multitude of people which numbered three thousand
souls; and they were as the flocks which have no shepherd to lead them.
2 And the Lord, looking and seeing shepherds tending their flocks nearby, turned to the people and
seeing among them the scribes and Pharisees, he spoke to them, saying:
3 “I am the good shepherd which came from above, that whosoever should hear my voice to follow
after me, even they shall become as the sheep of my fold.
4 Whosoever shall come after me to do the will of my Father, unto them shall be given eternal life; and
they shall never perish, neither shall they be afraid, for no man shall take them out of my hand.
5 For my Father, which gave them unto me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them from
my Father’s hand, for he cares for them.
6 And I know my sheep and they know me for I am come from the Father which is in Heaven, being
known of him even as I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep of my fold, for I am the
good shepherd.
7 But he that is a hireling, not being the shepherd, whose own sheep you are not, when he sees the
wolf approaching will leave the sheep unto themselves and flee away; and the wolf, seeing that no man
is tending, catches the sheep to devour them, and scatters them abroad.
8 See then how the hireling flees away when danger comes, for he is a hireling and he cares not for the
9 I am the good shepherd which cares for you, and the good shepherd will give his life that you might
believe and perish not.
10 Whosoever has ears to hear let them hear; for I tell you truly, that he that enters not by the door
into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
11 But that one which comes unto the gate of the sheepfold to enter in, the same is the true shepherd;
for the watchman at the gate, when he sees him approaching, receives him with gladness.
12 And entering in, he calls out his sheep by name and leads them forth unto green pastures and still
waters; and wheresoever he goes, the sheep follow after, for they know his voice.
13 But when there comes a stranger among them, they run and scatter themselves upon the hills, for
they know not the voice which calls after them.
14 I am the good shepherd sent from above unto the sheep of my fold. All which came aforetime were
as thieves and robbers, and to them would the sheep give no heed.
15 I am the gate, and whosoever will come unto me, the same will enter into the fold, and he shall go
safely in and out unto green pastures.
16 The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy; but I am come that you might have life and
that you might have it more abundantly.”
17 Now when Yeshua had said these things, the scribes and Pharisees did murmur against him, saying:
“Behold, this man would receive even publicans and sinners, for see how they care for him.”
18 Now when the Lord heard this, he spoke unto them this parable, saying:
19 “Which of you, having a hundred sheep, if one be gone astray, will not leave the ninety and nine, and
going into the mountains, seek until you find it?
20 And when you have found it, will you not lay it upon your shoulder rejoicing and praising God?
21 And coming home, will you not call unto both friends and neighbors, saying: ‘Come and rejoice with
me, for I have found my sheep which was gone astray’?
22 I tell you truly, that in Heaven do the angels rejoice more over one sinner that repents and turns
again unto God, than over the ninety and nine which need no repentance.
23 For this cause is the Son of Man come forth, that he might seek and save that which is lost.
24 For it is not the Father’s will that any should perish, being lost and without hope.
25 Hear now this other also, for what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one will not light a
candle and sweeping clean the whole house, seek diligently till she find it?
26 And when she has found it, will she not call unto her friends and neighbors, saying: ‘Rejoice with me,
for I have found the piece which was lost’?
27 Again I say unto you that in Heaven do the angels rejoice more over that one which is found than
over any other.
28 For the Son of Man came not to do his own will, but to seek and to save that which is lost.
29 Unto what shall these scribes and Pharisees be likened to? For they are become as false shepherds
who take care to dress themselves with all manner of richness;
30 But the sheep of the Lord they will not tender, being empty themselves of all affection.
31 For you eat the fat of lambs and clothe yourselves in fine wool, and the goodly sheep do you kill that
you may consume it; but the flock of the Lord you will not feed, neither will you lead them in safety.
32 See what false shepherds you are become, for the weak you will not strengthen, the sick you will not
heal, neither will you seek to save them which are lost and perishing.
33 For the sheep of my fold have you scattered abroad upon the mountains, and as sheep having no
shepherd are they become as food for the wild beasts of the field.
34 Behold, how my sheep have wandered upon every mountain and over every hill;
35 Upon the face of all the earth are they made to perish, for you will not search or seek after them.
36 Hear now, you false shepherds, the word of the Lord which is risen against you; for I have set my
face against you, for you are without mercy.
37 Therefore, I will require of you an accounting, and cause that you should no longer tend my people;
for I shall deliver from your mouths the sheep of my fold, that you may no longer consume them.
38 For thus saith the Lord God: ‘Behold, I, even the Lord of Hosts, will both search for my sheep and
seek them out.’
39 As a shepherd seeks out his flock in the day that he is among them, even so will I seek out the sheep
of my fold to deliver them from strange places;
40 And the dark and cloudy day shall I make light again for their sake, for even I will tender them.
41 For I will call out my sheep from the midst of many people; from the nations of the earth will I gather
them, and I will restore them again to their own place, and they shall feed upon the mountains of the
Lord; by rivers of joy shall they make safe their habitation.
42 And I will seek for that which was lost, and bring back in safety that which was driven away; and I
shall bind up that which was broken, and strengthen that which was sick to heal them.
43 But you which are fat and strong shall I feed with indignation and fury, for you have devoured the
innocent and consumed the righteous.
44 Yet will the Lord not forsake the unrighteous altogether, for he is gracious and filled with mercy even
unto the least of you.
45 Unto what then shall I compare the grace of the Father which comes from above?
46 For he is like a shepherd in the field tending sheep, and there came to him a hireling, saying: ‘Good
master, a certain sheep, being stiffnecked and troublesome, has fallen in the mire and, behold, it
47 And the shepherd, when he heard this thing, went forth to rescue and bringing the sheep again to
the fold, he caused that it should rest safely.
48 But on the next day when he came again unto the field, the hireling came and said unto him:
49 ‘Good master, the sheep which you did rescue aforetime is even now entangled in the brier, and
when I would bring it out again, it does fight against me.’
50 And the shepherd, hearing this, went forth again the second time to rescue.
51 And again on the third day and the fourth day, the sheep which was stiffnecked and troublesome
became entangled in the brier, and the third and fourth time the shepherd went forth to rescue.
52 Now on the fifth day when he came to the field, the hireling came unto the shepherd, saying:
53 ‘Good master, have mercy and be not angry against me; for the sheep which you have rescued oft,
even he has wandered away in the night, and behold, it is lost in mountains made perilous by wild
54 And the shepherd, hearing this, sighed deeply in his soul, and taking his staff, he went forth again to
rescue, for he was gracious and filled with mercy even unto the least of his sheep.
55 So it is with the Father which comes from above, for he is not willing that any should perish. Why
then will you scorn publicans and sinners seeing that the Father would be merciful unto them?
56 Hear then, O my flock, and come you near unto me; for I will judge righteously between one sheep
and another, and between rams and goats will I establish mercy.
57 If you then would be the sheep of my fold, will you satisfy your soul in good pastures? or, Will you
trample the pastures of the Lord to tear them up again?
58 Will you satisfy your soul with waters made sweet and pure? or, Will you muddy the waters of the
Lord with feet made foul and unclean?
59 Will you cause that even all my sheep should feed on what your feet have trampled, and to drink
what your feet have muddied?
60 For this cause will I judge righteously between one sheep and another, that I might rescue even all
my sheep from peril, and there shall come no more among you the ones that plunder or make afraid.
61 Beware, therefore, the righteousness of scribes and Pharisees who, like fatted goats among the
sheep, shove with flank and shoulder, butting with their horns all which are weaker than themselves, to
drive them away.
62 Of such as these shall I demand an accounting, and I will assign unto them their portion.
63 But unto the sheep of my fold will I establish a covenant of peace, for I will rid the high places of wild
64 Then shall you dwell safely in the desert and in peace shall you sleep in the forest of the hills; for
even I will bless you and unto the high places will I send forth the rain in the season thereof.
65 The trees of the field shall yield unto you their fruit, and the earth shall give up its harvest for your
sake, and wheresoever you go, even there shall you dwell safely in the land.
66 And you shall know of a surety that even I am the Lord which comes from above, for I will break
asunder the yoke of your bondage, and I shall deliver you from those who rule harshly.
67 Hear then and be wise. For you are my sheep, even the sheep of my pasture: Come you, therefore,
unto me; for I am the good shepherd which comes from above, and am become as the Bishop of your
68 These are the words which Yeshua spoke unto the multitudes, and when the scribes and Pharisees
heard it, they were filled with anger against him, and turning to the people they said:
69 “This man is possessed by devils, being himself mad and deceived. Why will you listen to him?”
70 And the people answered, saying: “Are these the words of a madman, or of one who is deceived and
possessed by devils?
71 Can you, of yourselves, open the eyes of the blind, or cause that the lame should walk again, or
make clean the leper? Which of you can do these things?”
72 And there arose a division among the Jews because of him; for they which were of the temple were
against him; but they which were common and outcasts loved him, thinking him righteous above all
other men.
73 And the Lord, going throughout the regions of upper Galilee, went forth teaching and healing, first to
Chorazin, then unto Gischala and Cadasa. And many believed in him, thinking him some great prophet.
74 Now when the feast of Passover was past, the Lord came again unto Capernaum in the second
month, and many came out to see him and to touch the hem of his garment. And when he was come
again unto his own place, he rested there.
Chapter 13
“Are you the Anointed One, or look we for another?” –Prayer and fasting – Raising the dead youth in
Nain – Healing the nobleman’s son – Yeshua’s family comes for him in Cana – Parable: The Foolish Son
and the Good Servant – Miriam becomes a disciple – Jairus seeks the help of Yeshua – Healing the
woman who had an issue of blood – Jairus’ daughter is healed
1 There came to Yeshua certain of John’s disciples which were come up from Jerusalem to hear him,
and they spoke to him, saying:
2 “Are you, in truth, the Anointed One which was prophesied to come; or look we for another?”
3 And he answered them, saying: “Have I not spoken unto you the words of life from the beginning?
Have I not done many mighty works?
4 Behold how the blind receive again their sight, and the lame walk. Witness among yourselves,
therefore, how the leper is made clean and the deaf are made to hear again.
5 Why then will you doubt, seeing that I am come to walk among you? For if you believe not the works
which I do, will you believe my words?”
6 When the Master had said these things, they spoke unto him again, saying:
7 “If you be the very Anointed One of God, why do you and your disciples not fast as we and the
disciples of the Pharisees do? For we fast often unto God, yet these others fast not at all.”
8 And he answered them, saying: “Will the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is yet among them?
9 Leave them which are mine alone, for I tell you truly that the time comes when the bridegroom shall
go again unto his own place, then shall these fast even as you do, and in prayer make supplication unto
10 So spoke the Lord unto those which were come up from Jerusalem, and it came about that on the
next day the Lord went into a village of Galilee called Nain; and there went with him many of his
11 And when he came unto the gate of the city, there was a certain youth which was thought dead,
being carried out - the only son of a widow. And there wept with her a great many people.
12 Now when the widow heard that Yeshua of Nazareth approached near unto her, she ran and fell at
his feet weeping.
13 And the Lord, seeing her, was filled with tenderness and he spoke to her, saying: “Weep not, my
daughter, for even I shall restore unto you the son which is lost.”
14 And going forth unto the funeral bier, Yeshua touched it and they which carried it, set it upon the
ground; and all the people drew near to see what would happen.
15 Then did the Master, stooping down over the youth, kiss him upon the lips to breathe into him the
breath of his own life; and, behold, the youth which was thought dead sat up to look round about him.
16 And Yeshua, seeing that he was revived, spoke to him, saying: “Arise, and go to your mother.” And
the youth went to his mother to comfort her.
17 And all which saw were filled with fear and wonder, and they glorified God among themselves,
saying: “Behold, how God has come forth to visit his people, for surely this is a great prophet which has
risen among us.”
18 And throughout all Galilee and Judea did the word go forth concerning the words and deeds of
Yeshua, how that he had brought the dead back to life.
19 Now after certain days Yeshua left the village of Nain and came unto Cana, and there came up from
Capernaum a nobleman who served in Herod’s court.
20 And when he heard of the miracles of the Master, he came and beseeched him that he should come
and heal his son which was sick.
21 And all which heard were filled with expectation, and Yeshua, turning round about, spoke unto the
people, saying:
22 “Except you see signs and wonders you will not believe. Well was it said of this people that you are a
wicked and adulterous generation, ever seeking after signs but never believing.”
23 When the nobleman heard these things, he pressed more earnestly, saying: “Please Master, heal my
son lest he perish.”
24 And the Lord spoke to him, saying: “Go your way in peace and give thanks unto God, for behold,
your son is healed.”
25 And the nobleman went unto his own house, and as he journeyed upon the way there came from
Capernaum certain of his servants, and they told him of his son, how that he was healed of all his
26 And from that moment on the nobleman believed that Yeshua was indeed the very Anointed One
sent from God unto the people, and he and his whole house did worship him.
27 Now in Cana did the Master teach beside the well of Issachar; in the shadow of the fig tree did he
instruct all the people concerning the kingdom of Heaven.
28 And there came from Nazareth nearby, the mother of Yeshua and with her were many of his
brethren; for they had heard it rumored among the scribes and Pharisees how that the son which she
loved was made mad by seducing spirits.
29 And certain disciples seeing that the brethren of the Lord approached desiring to speak, came to
him, saying: “Master, your mother and your brethren are come desiring to speak with you.”
30 But Yeshua said unto them, “Who is my mother and who are my brethren? Come now and hear this
31 For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain rich man who had an only son which was filled with
mischief continually, being disobedient and unwise.
32 And when the father would say unto him: ‘Do such and such’, the son would answer: ‘I cannot’.
33 And when the father would say: ‘Come here’, or, ‘go there’, the son would answer disdainfully: ‘I will
34 Such was the son’s disobedience and scorn for the father which loved him, and the father grieved
continually because of him.
35 But it so happened that there was in the house a certain youth which was a servant; and unto the
father was he ever gracious and obedient.
36 And by and by the father delighted in the servant above the son, and on a certain day he determined
that the servant should be made heir to even all his house;
37 For he was faithful and obedient while the son was yet filled with loathing only, being disobedient
and troublesome.
38 And when the father died: behold, the servant was made master of the whole house, and the son
became even as the servant, being disinherited and without means.
39 Thus shall the first become as the last in the kingdom of Heaven, and they which are last shall
become even as the first for righteousness sake.
40 He that has ears to hear let them hear. For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in
Heaven, the same is become even as my brother, and my sister, and my mother; and they shall be made
heir to all things.”
41 And Yeshua, having said these things, went unto his mother and his brethren; and drawing them
aside, he comforted them.
42 And they, having faith in those things which God had called him to do, went again unto Nazareth.
43 But Miriam, his mother, would not leave from following after him but cleaved unto him instead;
44 And she took unto herself those women which were the disciples of the Lord, and together, they did
minister unto him.
45 Now when the Lord had completed all which he had set out to do in both Nain and Cana, he went
again unto Capernaum, and all the people received him with gladness, having waited for him many days.
46 And there came and knelt before him the chief rabbi of the synagogue, whose name was Jairus. And
he spoke unto him, saying:
47 “Lord, have mercy, for my little daughter is near unto death. I pray, therefore, come and lay your
hands upon her that she might live and not die.”
48 And the Lord said: “Show me the girl.” And he immediately went with Jairus unto his house.
49 And there followed after him a great multitude of people, being pressed about on every side, for all
had heard how that this Nazarene had raised even the very dead to bring them back to life again.
50 But a certain woman, when she heard that Yeshua came nigh, pushed herself nearer unto him,
saying: “If I might but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be healed of affliction.”
51 For she had suffered an issue of blood twelve years, being tormented of many physicians which took
from her all her substance; yet was she not healed.
52 And touching his robe she was healed suddenly of her suffering. And Yeshua being made aware of
this thing, stopped and turning about the crowd, said: “Who has touched me, for I feel that some power
is gone out of me?”
53 When his disciples heard this they were astonished and they spoke unto him, saying: “My Lord, can
you not see the press of the crowd from every side? How then will you say: ‘Who touched me?’”
54 And Yeshua, looking round about him saw the woman which touched him; and she, seeing him also,
was immediately filled with fear and trembling. And coming forth she knelt before him, telling him all
which she had done.
55 And when he heard these things, he took her by the hand, and standing her upon her feet, said:
56 “Daughter, your faith has made you whole; go now in peace and rejoice, for this day are you healed
of all affliction.”
57 Now while the Lord spoke unto the woman, there came unto Jairus, the servants of his household,
58 And they said unto him: “Trouble not the Master any longer for your daughter’s sake, for she has
died already.”
59 But Yeshua, when he heard this, said: “Do not weep Jairus, neither be afraid but believe only; for
with God are all things possible.”
60 And coming unto the house, there began to gather those who would lament and weep aloud over
the girl’s passing; and there came from the house physicians wagging their heads.
61 When Yeshua saw this he spoke unto the mourners, saying: “Why will you weep and lament aloud?
Behold, I tell you truly, the child is not dead but is sleeping only.”
62 And they which were physicians, when they heard this they laughed aloud against the Lord, and with
much derision spoke, saying:
63 “Are you a physician also? Go away miracle worker, for they which are dead will not hear you.”
64 But entering the house instead, the Master took both the father and the mother, and going into the
room wherein the girl was sleeping, he commanded, saying:
65 “Remove from the girl those amulets and poultices which the physicians have placed upon her, and
open yonder window.”
66 And when these things were done, he took the child by the hand and said unto her: “Little girl,
daughter of light, arise.”
67 And immediately the girl opened her eyes and spoke; and they which were in the house rejoiced at
the sight of her; and kneeling before the Lord, they worshipped him.
68 But the Lord, turning to the mother, commanded softly that she should give the girl something to
69 And Jairus followed the Lord from that day forth, giving unto him all reverence and obedience.
70 But they which were physicians in Capernaum, were filled with bitterness against Yeshua, and they
sent word unto Jerusalem against him.
Chapter 14
Yeshua teaches throughout Galilee – Leaders in Jerusalem grow fearful – On violating the traditions of
the fathers – Tradition versus the law of Moses – The mercy of God towards those who repent – Right
speech: Not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out – Parable: The Tares and Wheat – Who is
worthy to know the mysteries? – Ask and it shall be given
1 Now the seasons passed, both the spring and the summer, and Yeshua, the Beloved, taught in all
Galilee the coming forth of the kingdom unto the children of men.
2 For by his grace were they which were fallen lifted up again, and by his goodness were many brought
out of the darkness into the light.
3 And with the touch of his hand were they which were sick restored again unto life, and through the
power of his word were many made to understand the hidden things of God.
4 For his wisdom was above that of other men, and of his understanding there was no end.
5 But they which were in Jerusalem grew all the more fearful of him, lest all Israel follow after him and
make of no effect the rulers of the people.
6 For when they heard how that in Galilee certain rulers of the synagogue were numbered among his
disciples, they were filled with dismay and they plotted all the more against him.
7 And they caused that there should spring up against him all manner of rumor and evil speaking, and
some which were in Galilee believed, but they which knew for themselves the Master, cleaved more
closely unto him.
8 Now on a certain day was Yeshua teaching by the waters of the sea, and there came to him scribes
and Pharisees which were come up from Jerusalem desiring to make against him some accusation.
9 And they said unto him: “Why will you permit that your disciples should violate the traditions of our
fathers? For we have seen for ourselves that when your disciples eat bread, they wash not their hands
as we do.”
10 And the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “If you be truly the children unto whom the law is given, why
then will you transgress the word which Moses gave for the sake of your traditions only?”
11 And they answered him, saying: “How can this thing be seeing that by our traditions we make secure
even the whole law?”
12 But the Lord spoke again unto them, saying: “You brood of serpents, ever deceiving others, but
always deceived yourselves.
13 How can you, being evil, speak good things? Did you not know that out of the treasury of the heart
does the mouth speak?
14 For a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth all manner of goodly things. But an
evil man out of an evil treasure brings forth only evil.
15 Hear then and be wise yourselves, for nothing which goes into the mouth can make a man unclean
of itself; but rather, that which comes out of the mouth only, this defiles the man.
16 But to eat with unwashed hands maketh no man unclean, neither will washed hands make pure the
evil heart.
17 Why then will you violate the law for the sake of your traditions?
18 For Moses commanded that you should honor both father and mother, and he that honors not his
father or mother, even he, should be put to death.
19 But you say: ‘Whosoever says to his father or his mother: Whatsoever profit or benefit you would
receive from me have I given unto the temple.’
20 This then is the one you would release from honoring both his father and his mother.
21 By such means have you made of no effect the law which Moses gave unto your fathers.
22 Thus by your traditions are you become disobedient and unwise, being wayward and filled with
23 Be not as your fathers and brethren which aforetime trespassed against the word of God which is,
even now, come forth to dwell among you, that you may not be left wanting in the day when desolation
is come upon you.
25 But yield yourselves unto the Lord, that you may enter into the sanctuary of the Most High, being
purged of all uncleanliness.
26 For if you will turn again unto the Father, both you and your children, then shall you receive in
abundance from God;
27 For the Lord is gracious and merciful, and even he shall not turn away his face from you.
28 Let the wicked man forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; make clean your hearts
within, and be you filled with all manner of goodly things.
29 Return unto the Lord that he may show forth the greatness of his mercy, for he will pardon
abundantly if it so be that you will turn again unto him.
30 But be you wise, therefore, concerning what you shall speak. For I tell you truly that for every idle
word which men shall speak, they shall be brought to account.
31 For by the words which you speak shall you be justified or condemned, for out of the mouth are the
hidden things revealed, whether they be good or evil.
32 Wherefore, I say unto you that all manner of sin and blasphemy shall the Father which is in Heaven
forgive of men; but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall he not forgive while you are yet in this life.
33 And whosoever shall speak a word falsely against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him;
34 But whosoever shall speak against the witness of the Holy Spirit which testifies of me, even that one
shall be brought to account in the day of visitation.”
35 And when the Lord had said these things, the scribes and Pharisees went again unto the city, and
turning to his disciples he taught them saying:
36 “Come now and hear, for I tell you truly that whatsoever enters into the mouth, even this, will go
into the belly, and if there be anything unclean, behold, it is cast out from the body unto the waste
37 But those things which come out of the mouth are come from the heart of the man; and these are
they which defile.
38 For out of the heart come forth all manner of evil thoughts, even murders, blasphemies,
fornications, adulteries, thefts, false witness, and many others also.
39 These then are they which defile a man to make him unclean; but to eat with unwashed hands, this
defiles not the man.”
40 And hearing this, the disciples spoke unto the Master, saying: “Lord, why will you continue to speak
harshly unto the scribes and Pharisees, seeing that they are appointed to rule over the people? For,
behold, they are offended because of you.”
41 But Yeshua answered them, saying: “Did you not know that every plant which my Heavenly Father
has not planted shall be uprooted and cast again unto the earth, being unworthy of harvest?
42 Come now and hear this parable: For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain man which went
forth to sow in his fields good seed.
43 And when he was completed, he went unto his own house; but in the night there came an enemy
who sowed tares among the wheat, and when he was done he went away.
44 And when the wheat which was planted sprung up in the fields there appeared among them the
tares also.
45 Now when the servants saw this they went unto the lord of the field and said unto him: ‘My lord, did
you not sow good seed in your fields? From whence then came these tares?’
46 And the lord of the field said: ‘Surely an enemy has done this.’ And the servants said: ‘Shall we then
go and gather out the tares from among the wheat?’
47 But the man answered, saying: ‘Nay; leave now the tares alone lest while you pull them up you
uproot the wheat also. Let both the tares and the wheat together grow until the time of harvest;
48 Then shall I send forth one to reap, and he shall gather into my barns the wheat which is good, but
the tares shall he uproot and cast again unto the earth.’”
49 Now when Yeshua had said this thing, he asked his disciples, saying: “Do you understand what this
parable means?” And they said: “No, my Lord.”
50 And the Master taught them, saying: “Come then and hear what this parable means, for he who
went out to sow good seed is the Father which is in Heaven, and the field is the earth whereupon you
51 And the good seed are the children of the kingdom unto whom the promise is given.
52 But the enemy which came in the night to sow tares is that wicked one which fell from Heaven, and
the tares are the children of darkness who would steal away your hope and your joy.
53 And he that is sent forth to reap is the Son of Man which is even now come among you.
54 And the righteous shall I gather unto glory, and they shall shine forth even as the sun in the kingdom
of the Father, being made heir to all things.
55 But they which are the tares shall I gather and cast again unto the earth, that they might be purged
of all unrighteousness.
56 Will you even now understand this parable which I have spoken unto you?” And the disciples
answered him, saying: “Yes, Lord, we understand.”
57 And Yeshua rose from his place that he might go again unto the city, and turning unto his disciples,
he spoke, saying:
58 “See then, how that every teacher unto whom the kingdom of Heaven is revealed brings forth from
his treasury things both new and old.
59 For it is expedient that you should know the mysteries of God, but unto them which dwell in
darkness is it not given.
60 Guard you, therefore, the things of God with all diligence, that you might prove worthy to receive.
61 Give not that which is holy unto dogs which would but turn again to their own vomit;
62 Neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they turn and tear you to pieces.
63 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
64 For every one that asks in faith, believing that they shall receive, are given in abundance; and every
one that seeks shall find; and unto every one that knocks shall the door be opened.”
65 And when he had said this, he turned his soul homeward, and his disciples did follow after him.
Chapter 15
Lowering the paralytic youth through the roof – Which is greater: the power to forgive or the power to
heal? – Parable: The Unforgiving Servant – Forgiveness: seventy times seven – Setting right your
offenses – Love your enemies – Many disciples are offended – Repay to no man evil for evil – Kingdom
of Heaven to be established in peace
1 Now there gathered in the cool of the day unto the house of the Lord, many of the elders of the
people, and there was numbered among them the scribes and the Pharisees.
2 And when the house was full, the Lord began to teach; but there was brought unto the house a
certain youth which was paralytic being carried by four of his brethren; for they desired that Yeshua
should heal him.
3 And when they were unable to enter the house for the press of the crowd, they went up onto the
roof, and tearing it open, they lowered the bed on which the youth lay.
4 When all which were in the house saw this they marveled; and Yeshua, beholding the faith of those
which brought him, said unto the paralytic: “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
5 But the scribes, when they heard this, accused him, saying: “Why will you blaspheme before the
people? For there is but one only which forgives sin, and he is God.”
6 When the Lord heard this he spoke unto all the house, saying: “Which is easier to say: ‘Son, your sins
are forgiven you,’ or to say instead, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk?’
7 For if the power of God be given to the greater, shall it not also be given to the lesser?
8 But that you may know that I am come unto the earth with power from above to forgive sins, hear
you this other also.”
9 And Yeshua, turning to the youth, commanded: “Arise, take up your bed and walk.”
10 And immediately the youth rose from his bed and went out in the presence of the whole house; and
all which saw were filled with amazement, and they exclaimed one unto the other, saying: “Behold,
what power this man has.”
11 But the Lord, speaking unto all which were in the house, said: “Behold, the kingdom of Heaven is like
unto a certain king who desired to settle accounts with his servants.
12 And there was brought before him one which owed ten thousand talents of silver.
13 And when he could not pay, the king commanded that the servant be sold, both he and his wife and
children; for he desired that some payment be made.
14 Now when the servant heard this, he fell before the king with many tears, saying: ‘My Lord, be
merciful unto me and I will pay you all.’
15 Seeing this the king was moved with compassion and commanding that the servant be released, he
forgave him the whole debt.
16 So forgave the king the servant which owed him much; but the servant, when he was gone out from
the presence of the king, found a fellow servant which owed him but 100 shekels; and he demanded of
him full payment.
17 But when he could not pay, the wicked servant took hold of him by the throat, saying: ‘Pay me what
you owe!’
18 And the fellow servant, being fearful, fell down at his feet and begged him, saying: ‘Have mercy and I
will pay you all which I owe.’
19 But the wicked servant would not, and he cast the fellow servant into prison until he should pay the
whole debt.
20 Now when the other servants saw what the wicked servant had done, they were greatly grieved, and
going unto the king, they told him all which they had seen and heard.
21 And the king commanded that the wicked servant should be brought to stand before him, and when
he was come, the king said:
22 ‘You wicked and unjust servant! Did I not forgive you all which you owed for mercy’s sake? Why then
would you not show mercy unto your fellow servant, even as I had mercy enough for you?’
23 And the king, in his anger, delivered the wicked servant unto the tormentors until he should pay all
which he owed.
24 So shall the Father which is in Heaven do unto you if each of you, from the heart, forgives not his
brother their trespasses.
25 For if you forgive men their trespasses, even so shall your Heavenly Father forgive you also.
26 But if you will not forgive men their trespasses, then will your Heavenly Father not forgive you your
trespasses either.
27 Take heed to yourselves and be you wise: For if your brother sin against you, go and tell him his fault
between you and him alone; and if he will hear you and repent, then shall you forgive him.
28 And if your brother sin against you seven times in a day, and seven times he comes to you, saying: ‘I
repent,’ then shall you forgive him.”
29 And one of his disciples, when he heard this, spoke unto Yeshua, saying: “My Lord, how oft then shall
I forgive my brother if he sin against me? Shall I forgive him but seven times only?”
30 The Lord, when he heard this, spoke, saying: “Nay, not but seven times only, but seventy times
31 For in such mercy as you will grant unto the repentant shall you draw to your soul the mercies of
your Father which is in Heaven.
32 Therefore, if you bring unto the temple a gift to lay upon the altar, and there remember that your
brother has taken offense against you;
33 Then leave your gift before the altar and go quickly unto your brother that you may be reconciled
unto him; then shall your gift prove acceptable unto God.
34 Therefore, whatsoever you would that others should do unto you, do you even so to them also; for
this cause are the laws and the prophets given.
35 And if there arise between you and your neighbor some contention, agree with him quickly lest you
be brought before the court and find that you are judged by strangers, being delivered unto prison.
36 For you know yourselves how that you shall not escape until you have paid the last penny.
37 Therefore, if you would stand as justified before your Father which is in Heaven, then be you filled to
overflowing with mercy unto the children of men.
38 For you have heard it said from old: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’
39 But I tell you: resist not the evil person. But whosoever would strike you upon the right cheek, turn
to him the other also.
40 And if there should come before you one which would steal away your raiment, give unto him your
cloak also.
41 And he that would compel you to walk with him a mile, go instead with him two.
42 Give to him which asks of you, and whosoever from you would borrow, turn you not away.
43 Is it not said among you also, this saying: ‘You shall love your neighbor, but hate your enemy.’
44 But I say unto you, love your enemies and bless them which curse you; do good to them which hate
you, and pray for them which spitefully use you and persecute you.
45 By such means shall you prove yourselves the children of God; for even so great a one as the Father
in Heaven causes that the sun should shine upon the evil and the good, and unto the just and the unjust
alike does he send forth the rain.”
46 Now many which were in the house, when they heard this, were offended; whether elder or scribe,
Pharisee or disciple, all did murmur and dispute among themselves concerning the things which Yeshua
47 And a scribe, standing forth to speak, cried in a loud voice, saying: “Did we not tell you from the
beginning that this man is possessed of demons?
48 Why will you continue to hear him? For by his doctrine would he make equal unto us the Gentile and
the sinner.
49 Which of us would prove unworthy if it so be that we should love our neighbor, but hate the
oppressor which rules over us?”
50 And all which heard agreed among themselves concerning this thing; and Yeshua, speaking in a loud
voice, said unto them: “Are you offended already?
51 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for I tell you truly that except your righteousness exceed
that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall by no means enter into the kingdom of God.
52 For if you love them which love you only, what reward have you? Do not even the publicans and
sinners do the same?
53 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you more than others? Do not even publicans and
sinners do the same?
54 If you would, therefore, be made heir to the kingdom, then repay to no man evil for evil, lest sorrow
be multiplied unto you.
55 And if you would take to your soul the peace which is found in God alone, then live you peaceably
with all men.
56 These things take you unto yourselves in much confidence, knowing always that he which promised
is ever faithful.
57 For surely is the Father which dwells above made rich in all affection, and whosoever among you
shall love even as he loves, even that one, shall abide in me and I in him.
58 And in the perfect day when all things are made to stand before the Father to give account, even
then shall they which are filled with love be made rich in blessings, having inherited unto themselves a
glory which is beyond all things glorious.”
59 Now after Yeshua had said these things, many went again unto their own place; and certain
disciples, being Zealots and filled with wrath against the Romans, came and said to him:
60 “Master, we know that God is with you in all things, for no man can do as you have done except he
be given power from above.
61 Therefore, if you will but speak the word, even we shall gather unto you all Israel that you might take
unto yourself the throne of David.
62 And when we have cast out the oppressor from among us, then shall we more perfectly love him
seeing that he is no longer in the land of our fathers, but is returned again to his own place.”
63 And Yeshua, being filled with sorrow because of these things, said: “Why will you not understand?
Behold, I tell you truly, that the kingdom of Heaven cometh not with fire and sword, but in peace and
joy shall it spread itself upon the earth.
64 Blessed, therefore, is that one who is not offended because of me, for I shall establish him upon the
high places of the earth, and in richness and blessing shall he ever dwell.
65 For I tell you truly, that whosoever is filled with love, notwithstanding their own transgressions, even
he shall receive in abundance from the Father which is come from above.”
66 Such were the words which Yeshua taught, and many disciples grew troubled because of them, and
among themselves did they ever contend.
Chapter 16
The healing of two blind men – “Are you greater than Moses?” – Sermon: The Manna of Moses and the
Bread of Life – Disciples are offended a second time – Healing the deaf and dumb youth – A house
divided against itself cannot stand – Creating the demons which haunt you – Simon professes devotion –
Parable: The Forgotten Seed
1 There came to Yeshua two men which were blind, and they cried out to the Master, saying: “Son of
David, have mercy on us and restore again our sight.”
2 And the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” And they answered
him, saying: “Yes, Lord, we believe.”
3 When the Lord heard this he stretched out his hand unto them, and touching them both on the eyes,
he said: “Then according to your faith receive again your sight.”
4 Both men, therefore, when they received again their sight, leaped for joy. And Yeshua commanded
that they should tell no man what he had done unto them.
5 For many had turned their hearts against him and many grew angry with him because he would love
even all men, none excepting.
6 Wherefore, he spoke unto them which were blind, saying: “Tell no man what I have done for your
sakes, lest they turn and contend against you because of me.”
7 But when they were gone away from him, they went throughout all Galilee telling all which they met
concerning this thing.
8 Now on the Sabbath, Yeshua entered into the synagogue, and a Pharisee spoke unto him, saying:
9 “Why pretend you to be as someone great or mighty? Are you greater than Moses which gave unto all
Israel the Law, and who fed our fathers with manna while yet they wandered in the wilderness forty
10 And Yeshua, knowing that all eyes were upon him, said: “I tell you truly that Moses gave not unto
your fathers that bread which is come from above;
11 For all they which partook in the wilderness of the manna which Moses gave, even they, did perish
long ago.
12 For notwithstanding the signs and wonders which God revealed before all Israel through Moses, yet
were your fathers stiffnecked and unbelieving.
13 And though Moses led all Israel out of Egypt unto the promised land, and although he gave unto you
the law also, yet were your fathers delivered into captivity;
14 First unto the Assyrians, and then unto the Babylonians, for you were ever disobedient and filled
with mischief.
15 But now would the Father give unto you the true bread which is come from Heaven, and whosoever
shall eat of it, even they shall never die.
16 For the true manna which God would give is he which cometh from above, and he gives life unto the
whole world.”
17 Now when Yeshua had said these things, there arose a great tumult; for the scribes and Pharisees
were filled with anger against him, being astonished at his words.
18 But certain disciples spoke unto him, saying: “Lord, give us this bread that we might not perish.”
19 And the Master spoke aloud unto them, saying: “I am the bread of life which is come from above: all
they which come unto me shall never hunger; and all they which believe in me shall never thirst.
20 But I tell you truly, that many among you which have seen me, believe not; for you are filled with
corruption and bitterness.
21 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear. All which the Father has given me shall come to me; and
whosoever shall come unto me I will never cast aside.
22 For I came not from Heaven to do my own will, but the will of my Father came I to do.
23 And this is the Father’s will, that all who believe in me unto good works might have everlasting life;
for I shall establish their feet in glory, and there shall descend upon their heads the crown of life, and
they shall be made heir to all things.”
24 Now after the Lord had said these things, they which were of the scribes and Pharisees did murmur
against him all the more because he said: “I am the bread of life which comes from above.”
25 And the Lord, knowing their hearts, said: “Why will you murmur among yourselves because of these
26 For no man can come unto me except the Father first draw him nigh; and unto him shall I reveal the
hidden powers which come from above.
27 For the Father which dwells above shall prove which among you are his, seeing that they are holy.
These shall the Father draw near unto me.
28 Is it not written in the prophets this saying: ‘And they shall be taught of God.’
29 Whosoever among you, therefore, would cleave unto God, let him come unto me in faith, believing,
and I shall give unto him eternal life.
30 For I am the true bread which comes from above. Your fathers, in truth, did eat manna in the
wilderness, and they are dead.
31 But I am the living bread which came down from Heaven, that whosoever would partake of me
might live and not die.
32 Labor not, therefore, for the bread which perishes, but for the bread which endures unto life
everlasting, which bread give I unto you; for on the Son of Man has the Father set his seal.
33 Take to your souls the living bread which comes from above; for whosoever shall eat of this bread,
even that one shall live forever: for the bread which I give is the life of my flesh.”
34 When all which were gathered in the synagogue heard this, they contended among themselves
because of it.
35 And certain of the disciples said: “What does this mean? For how will the Master give us of his flesh
to eat?”
36 And Yeshua, when he heard this, said: “How long will you be without understanding?
37 For whosoever shall partake of me will never die; and whosoever shall drink from my mouth the
words of life, from their bellies shall spring forth streams of living water.
38 For whosoever shall partake of my life, and drink from my mouth, even that one shall dwell in me,
and I in him.
39 For in the Father am I made alive. Therefore, whosoever shall partake of me, even that one, shall be
made alive also.
40 This then is that bread which is come down from Heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna and are
dead. But whosoever shall eat of this bread, even he shall live forever in me, and I in him.”
41 These things spoke Yeshua in the synagogue, and many which were of his disciples, when they heard
this, said: “This is a hard thing to understand. Who can bear it?”
42 But Yeshua spoke unto them, saying: “Will you be offended a second time also? What if you should
see the Son of Man ascending again unto God, will you believe then?
43 Behold, how faithless and perverse you are become; for except you see signs and wonders you will
not believe.
44 And if there should come before you a worker of signs and miracles, you clap your hands for joy,
thinking that you are justified already; then will you go your own way that you might continue as before.
45 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for no man, having put his hand to the plow, and then
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
46 Thus spoke the Master in Capernaum, and from that time did many of his disciples walk no more
after him. For by his words were they offended.
47 Now when Yeshua was come out of the synagogue, there was brought unto him a certain youth
which was both deaf and dumb.
48 And the Lord, being filled with mercy, healed him, and immediately the youth both heard and spake.
49 And they which saw exclaimed aloud, saying: “Surely this is the Son of David which was promised of
old. For see how he has cast out of the youth the demons which held him bound.”
50 But when the Pharisees heard the manner of their speech, they said: “Surely this fellow has cast out
demons by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. Why, therefore, will you hear him?”
51 When the Lord heard this, he lifted his voice unto the people, saying: “Did you not know that every
kingdom which is divided against itself is made desolate and fallen?
52 If Satan, therefore, cast out Satan, how then shall his kingdom stand, seeing that he is divided
against himself?
53 And if I cast out devils by the power of Beelzebub, then by whom do your children cast them out?
54 I tell you truly, that in the presence of God shall the children of this generation rise up in
condemnation against you.
55 For if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then is the kingdom of God come already among you, and
you will not believe.
56 For how can one enter into a strong man’s house to plunder, except that he first bind up the strong
57 Know you then among yourselves, that every city and house which is divided against itself, even that
one shall fall; being bound up and without effect.
58 For I would not that you should be ignorant concerning this thing: For such devils as you would
believe in, even those have you created after your own image and likeness.
59 Thus would you have such devils as these, though unreal of themselves, possess the innocent and
the unsuspecting.
60 Be you wise, therefore, and consider deeply: for the power is given unto all men whereby they might
do much good.
61 But to do evil in the Father’s name, this is not given. For such evil as you are made to suffer is come
from those which rule over you, and no other.”
62 Now Yeshua, when he was completed, went walking by the sea. And there followed after him certain
63 And the Lord, seeing that some would still follow after him, said: “Why will you follow after me? Will
you not also go away?”
64 And Simon Bar Jonas, kneeling before the Lord, said: “To whom then shall we go? For in your word
alone have we found eternal life.
65 For we know of a surety and do believe that you are the very Anointed One which is come from
66 And the Master, when he heard this, said: “Come then and follow after me.” But Simon said: “What,
my Lord, shall become of all Galilee, seeing that many which followed after you are fallen away?”
67 And the Lord answered, saying: “Fear not Simon, neither fear you for my sake; for that which is
established in the will of the Father is no man able to bring to naught.
68 For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man which cast seed into the ground, and going his own
way, he straightway forgot wherein he had sown.
69 And though in the night he slept, and in the day wandered about, yet did the seed sprout and grow,
though the man of himself knew not how.
70 For the earth of itself brings forth crop ready for harvest: first the blade, then the stalk, after that the
full head of corn.
71 And when it is ripened, then come forth the harvesters and thrusting in their sickles, they gather into
barns the whole harvest.”
72 So spoke Yeshua unto his disciples, and when it was night, they gathered themselves beside the
waters, and rested till morning.
Chapter 17
Yeshua returns to Nazareth – Teaching in the synagogue, the elders are offended again – Yeshua seized
and taken to a precipice – Rufinius saves Yeshua – Yeshua takes counsel from his mother
1 Yeshua, gathering about him his disciples, would that he should go unto his own city, and when he
drew near unto the Horns of Hattin, he commanded that his disciples should go alone to Mount Tabor
and there wait for him.
2 And when they had gone their way, Yeshua journeyed unto Nazareth, both he and his mother.
3 And coming into the town he went straightway into his mother’s house, and all his brethren rejoiced
to see him;
4 And they, bringing unto him their children, caused that he should bless them and when it was
evening, the house was filled with song and merriment.
5 But when it was Sabbath he entered into the synagogue, according to his custom, to teach; and they
which heard were astonished at his word, and they spoke among themselves, saying:
6 “From whence comes this man his learning? From what source is all his wisdom come? Is this not
Joseph’s son come home again? Do not his mother and brethren live here among us?”
7 When, therefore, the Lord heard the manner of their murmuring, he spoke unto them, saying: “Did I
not tell you from the beginning that a prophet is not without honor except in his own country?
8 Surely you will say to me this saying: ‘Physician, heal yourself: and whatsoever we have heard done by
you in Capernaum, do now even in Nazareth.’”
9 And a certain elder, hearing this said: “Why will you go among the heathen showing forth all manner
of signs and wonders, but in Nazareth you bring forth only reproach and condemnation?
10 Are we not more righteous than they, seeing that we are a chosen people which God has preferred
above all others?”
11 And the Lord answered them, saying: “If you were righteous, you would hear my voice and follow
after me.
12 And if I should grant unto you a sign from above, even then would you not hear to follow after me,
but in your hearts would say: ‘This he does by the power of Beelzebub.’
13 See now how you have made your traditions to become as God unto you, for you are ever careful to
abide with diligence the rulings of the rabbis;
14 But to abide the coming forth of the Promised One, this you will not do; having made of no effect the
promises which God gave unto Abraham for your sake.”
15 So spoke the Master unto those who were gathered in the synagogue to hear him, and they which
heard were filled with wrath and indignation, evensomuch that they rose up of one accord against him.
16 And his brethren standing near, seeing that the people would do some harm unto Yeshua, rushed
forth to save him, but they being greatly outnumbered were subdued by the rulers of the people.
17 So the scribes and Pharisees, being overzealous for tradition’s sake, did seize the Master and taking
him to the edge of the city thought to cast him headlong from the precipice whereupon the city was
18 But there arose a contention between the rulers of the people concerning what should be done with
19 For some would that he might perish, but certain others were made fearful because of him, lest they
provoke God to anger against them. And they said that he should be cast from the synagogue only.
20 And one of the elders, being a man of some renown, spoke unto the multitude, saying: “You
teachers of the Law give heed, for in the law is it forbidden that we should kill a Jew on the Sabbath.”
21 And there arose a great contention over what should be done unto Yeshua, and in the midst of their
confusion there rode upon them Rufinius, the centurion, whose servant the Master healed.
22 Now Rufinius commanded a troop of horses numbering twenty soldiers dressed for war, and seeing
that Yeshua was held captive by the elders of the people, he commanded that he should be released.
23 But a certain scribe, having hold of the Master, spoke contemptuously unto the Roman, saying: “This
is a matter for us Jews. What concern, therefore, have you for this deceiver?”
24 And Rufinius, when he heard this, was filled with rage, and leaping from his horse he approached
near unto Yeshua, and seizing the scribe by the beard, cast him headlong into the dust, saying:
25 “You stiffnecked and troublesome people: Did you not know that I am under authority to make
secure the peace of Rome?”
26 And the Jews, fearing for their lives, released Yeshua into his keeping; and every man fled
straightway unto his own house.
27 And Yeshua, being grieved because of their unbelief, sorrowed for Nazareth’s sake.
28 But Rufinius, drawing near, said: “Grieve not, my Lord, over this thing, for even though all men
should forsake you, yet would I forsake all else to follow after.
29 For this witness have I from God, that you are the very Anointed One which is come to lift all men
unto the Father which dwelleth above, having been made holy even as he that sent you is holy.
30 For it came about that as I was on the road between Ptolemais and the cities of Decapolis, having
been sent by Galerius to guard the way against thieves and robbers, that at the noon hour an angel of
the Lord appeared unto me, saying:
31 ‘Get you up unto Nazareth, for there have many conspired to lay hold of Yeshua of Galilee to kill
32 Therefore, I came in great haste to rescue. Tell me, my Lord, by what means shall I follow after you
more perfectly.”
33 And Yeshua, hearing these things, said: “O Israel, if your faith was even as this Gentile’s, how God
would stretch forth the hand to bless and redeem even all your house.”
34 And the Lord spoke unto the Roman, saying: “If you would follow after me more perfectly, then set
aside the anger of your ways and lift no more the sword of war against another to slay, then shall you be
accepted of God.”
35 So spoke the Lord unto Rufinius, and when it was night the Master went again unto his mother’s
house and, going in, all they which were within leaped for joy to see him.
36 For it was reported that the Romans had come to take captive Yeshua the son of Joseph and Miriam.
37 And there came unto Yeshua his mother and sisters and brethren, and they did comfort him, seeing
that he was made heavy of heart.
38 And in the deep of the night when all they which were in the house slept peacefully upon their beds,
Yeshua withdrew himself unto a certain garden nearby;
39 And when he was come to the palms of Asherod, he lifted his voice unto the Father in prayer and
supplication, and when he was completed, there came to stand beside him his mother Miriam.
40 And they did counsel one with another concerning what thing Yeshua should do, seeing that many
which were of his disciples aforetime would no longer follow after him.
41 And when it was early morning, there came to him his brethren, and seeing that the mother slept
beside the Master, having rested her head upon his lap, they came and asked him, saying:
42 “Where go you, my Lord, seeing that all Nazareth has rejected you?” And the Lord, seeing that his
mother was awakened, answered his brethren, saying: “I go to Lebanon.”
43 And rising from their place, Yeshua and Miriam bid farewell unto the whole house, and they
journeyed unto Mount Tabor.
Chapter 18
Yeshua appoints twelve apostles – Miriam appointed over seven women – Yeshua chooses the seventy
and gives instruction – “Take no thought for what you shall eat or drink” – On entering the house of
strangers – The salt of the earth and the candle which cannot be hid – God shall give you words to speak
– The disciple is not above his master – The true vine – Constant in and out of season – Be not of this
world – When the Spirit of Truth is come – If you love me, keep my commandments – You cannot serve
two masters – Parable: The House Built On Sand – Love one another
1 When Yeshua was come unto the mount, he gathered about him his disciples which numbered some
one hundred souls, and he called and anointed twelve men to be as apostles;
2 For he desired that they be with him always in the ministry, and that he might send them forth
throughout all the land to preach the coming of the kingdom.
3 And he set over the twelve Simon, which he surnamed Cephas, for he was constant and ever faithful
unto the Lord; and with him also did Yeshua appoint James and John the sons of Zebedee.
4 And having completed this, he called before all the disciples his mother, and he anointed her with
precious oil and gave her authority whereby she might appoint seven women to be as ministers unto the
5 And afterwards, he called also seventy disciples, both of men and of women, and ordained them,
6 “I have not chosen you, but you have chosen me; for this cause are you elected to preach the coming
of the kingdom throughout all Judea, Samaria, and Perea.
7 For I tell you truly, you shall not have completed all your journey till I am come again among you.
8 For yet a little while shall you not see me, for I go forth to do according to my Father’s will and, in a
little while, you shall see me come again.
9 And if it so be that I go away, yet shall I send to dwell upon you the Holy Spirit which comes from
10 And if the Spirit be given you, then shall you reprove all Israel because they believed not on him
whom God has sent.
11 Go you, therefore, two by two unto every city and place, that you may prepare all Israel for the
coming of the Son of Man.
12 For I tell you that the field is great and ready for harvest, but the laborers are few: pray you
therefore unto the Lord of harvest that he might send forth yet other laborers into the field.
13 And unto whatsoever city or place you go, carry you neither purse nor script, neither take you other
raiment or shoes; for your Heavenly Father knows of what you have need.
14 I say unto you, therefore, take no thought for what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or yet
again for the body, what you shall put on. For is not your life more than food or drink, and is not the
body more than raiment?
15 Consider the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns; yet your
Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?
16 For which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
17 And why take you thought overmuch for raiment sake? Consider the lilies of the field, how they
grow; they toil not as you do, neither do they spin:
18 And yet I tell you that even Solomon amidst all his glory was not arrayed as one of these.
19 If God, therefore, has so clothed the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the
oven, shall he not much more clothe you?
20 Therefore, take no thought, saying: ‘What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, With what shall
we be clothed?’
21 For after all these things do the scribes and Pharisees seek: for your Father knows already that you
have need of these things.
22 But seek you first the kingdom of God, and in his righteousness dwell, then shall all these things be
added unto you.
23 Take no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient
unto the day is the trouble thereof.
24 Go you, therefore, throughout all the land declaring aloud, saying: ‘Behold, the kingdom of Heaven
draws near.’
25 And into whatsoever house you enter, say: ‘The peace of God be upon this house.’
26 For in my name are you sent forth to declare from the rooftops the word which you received of me;
for freely have you received of me, therefore, give freely unto all which ask of you.
27 Heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, and prove yourselves steadfast in all things whereunto God has
called you.
28 And into whatsoever city or place you enter, inquire concerning all those who would receive with
gladness the word which is come from above.
29 And into whatsoever house you shall enter, if it be worthy, then shall your peace dwell upon it;
30 And in that house shall you remain, eating and drinking such things as they shall give: for the laborer
is worthy of his hire.
31 But if the house be unworthy, then let your peace return unto you and go you unto another place.
32 For whosoever will receive not with gladness the word which is come from above, then when you
are gone out of that house or city, shake their dust from off your feet as a testimony against them.
33 I tell you truly, that it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of visitation than
for that city.
34 You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, wherewith then shall anything be
salted? Behold, it is good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.
35 You are the light of the world. A city which is set on a hill cannot be hid; neither do men light a
candle to put it under a basket; but rather on a candlestick, and, behold, it gives light unto the whole
36 Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father
which is in Heaven.
37 Behold, I send you forth as sheep among the wolves; be you therefore wise as serpents and harmless
as doves.
38 Beware of scribes and Pharisees: for they shall deliver you up to the councils and will scourge you in
the synagogue.
39 And when you are brought before the accuser to give account, take no thought for what you shall
speak; for your defense is of God, and in the very hour of your need shall you speak forth the wisdom of
heavenly things.
40 For of your own accord do you speak not, but it is the Spirit which comes from above that gives
utterance, making wise the simple.
41 Blessed are you, therefore, when men shall persecute you for righteousness sake, for unto you is the
kingdom of God given.
42 Blessed are you, when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company as a
thing accursed, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name’s sake.
43 Rejoice and be you comforted, for great is your reward in the kingdom of the Father; for in such
manner did their fathers receive the prophets which came before you.
44 Did I not tell you from the beginning that the disciple is not above his master, neither is he that is
sent greater than he which sent him?
45 For, behold, if they have declared the master of the house possessed of demons, how much more
shall they accuse them which are come out from him?
46 Fear not the rulers of men which are able to kill the body, but which are not able to kill the soul; for
he which sends you forth is greater than all.
47 For I tell you truly that no sparrow falls to the ground except that your Father is first made all aware.
48 Fear not, therefore, those which are able to destroy the body, for you are of greater worth than
many sparrows.
49 These things have I spoken beforehand that you might not be offended against me, for the time is
come when you shall be cast from both synagogue and temple, and they which kill you will think that
they do God some great service.
50 Know you, therefore, that if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.
51 All these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not the one whom
God has sent.
52 For if I had not come and spoken unto them, then would their sins be hidden still, but now is the
word revealed unto the children of men, and they which sin have no cloak wherein to hide the evil thing.
53 For I tell you truly, that there is nothing covered that shall not be made known, and nothing hid that
shall not be published abroad.
54 Therefore whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is
in Heaven.
55 And whosoever shall deny me before men, him also will I deny before my Father which is in Heaven.
56 For your authority is come from me, even as I am come from the Father.
57 Therefore, as you are my disciples, abide in me even as I abide in the one that sent me.
58 For I tell you truly, that I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine dresser.
59 And every branch which does not bear fruit he takes away; and every branch that bears fruit he
prunes, that it may bring forth still greater fruit.
60 Abide, therefore, in me and I in you. For no branch can bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the true
vine which is come from above; neither can you bear fruit of yourselves except that you first abide in
61 I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me bears much fruit, for this promise have
I given you from above, that they which are faithful shall be made heir to all things.
62 But if you abide not in me, then are you cast down as a branch and withered away; and of your place
shall no man know seeing that you are without root in the earth.
63 But if you abide in me, and my words abide in you, then shall you ask whatsoever you will in my
name, and it shall be done according to your word.
64 Be you therefore constant in season and out of season, ever bringing forth fruit in righteousness
unto the Father which called you.
65 For in this is my Father made rich in delight, that you should bring forth an abundance of fruit; for
you are my disciples.
66 Know you, therefore, among yourselves that I have not chosen you, but that you have chosen me.
For this cause have I called and elected that you should go forth bearing much fruit.
67 And such fruit as you shall bring forth unto harvest, even therein shall you be glorified; for this cause
is it given that whatsoever thing you shall ask of the Father in my name, even that shall he give unto
68 And if it should be that the world hate you, then be you comforted; for the world hated me before it
hated you.
69 For if you were of this world, then would the world love you, being numbered among its own.
70 But because you are not of this world, having of your own accord chosen that which is come from
another, the world hates you and persecutes you unto death.
71 Many things have I yet to speak unto you, but you cannot bear them now.
72 But when the Spirit of Truth is come upon you, then shall you hear in the ear and speak from the lips
the words which are come from God.
73 For the Spirit which is come from above will guide you into all truth; for whatsoever thing the Spirit
shall hear from above, even that shall she speak unto you for wisdom’s sake.
74 If you love me, then keep my commandments. For why will you call unto me, saying: ‘Lord, Lord’,
and do not the things which I say?
75 For which of you can mount two horses at once, or stretch forth two bows together? In like manner
can no man serve two masters.
76 For either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will honor the one and scorn the other.
You cannot serve together both God and Mammon.
77 Whosoever, therefore, shall hear my words to do them, the same will I liken unto a wise man which
built his house upon a rock.
78 And the rains came, and the flood rose up and the winds blew and beat upon the house, and it fell
not; for it was founded upon a rock.
79 But whosoever hears the words which I speak to do them not, the same will I liken unto a foolish
man which built his house upon the sand.
80 And the rains came, and the flood rose up and the winds blew and beat upon the house, and great
was the fall of it; for it was built upon the sand, having no sure foundation.
81 Be you, therefore, wise among yourselves and build upon that foundation which is come from God;
for I am the rock upon which you build, having delivered you from the wind, and the rain, and the storm.
82 If you will keep my commandments, then shall you abide always in my love.
83 For even I, having come from above, keep my Father’s commandments and abide in his love forever.
84 These things have I spoken unto you for your sake, that my joy might remain in you, and that your
joy might be full.
85 And this commandment give I unto you, that you love one another even as I have loved you.
86 For even as the Father has loved me, even so have I loved you. Abide, therefore, in my love and
depart not from it.”
Chapter 19
The transfiguration of Yeshua – Moses and Elijah – A voice from Heaven – Yeshua speaks of John the
Baptizer – Teaching the Twelve Apostles – Be you transformed by the renewing of your mind – Parable:
The Given Talents – “I call you no more servants, but friends” – The Father which is come from above –
Yeshua weeps over the cities of Galilee
1 Now the Master, raising his hands unto the Seventy, blessed them and sent them on their way; that
into whatsoever city or place they should enter, whether in Judea, Samaria, or Perea, they might
prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.
2 And when they had gone, Yeshua took the twelve with Peter, James, and John, and with them also did
he take Miriam his mother and the seven which she appointed, and certain others also, and together
they ascended the mount.
3 And the Lord, drawing himself away some little distance, was transfigured before their eyes: and his
face did shine as a light, and his raiment was made bright like the sun.
4 And all which saw trembled at the sight thereof, and when they were knelt down, there appeared
beside the Lord both Moses and Elijah.
5 And James and John seeing the face of Elijah, cried aloud together, saying: “Rabboni!” And turning to
the others they said: “It is the Baptizer!”
6 And as the disciples spoke among themselves concerning this thing, there came a bright cloud which
overshadowed all things, and behold, a voice from the cloud spoke, saying:
7 “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, for he is ever faithful unto me. Hear him and be
you wise.”
8 Now when the disciples heard this, they bowed their faces to the ground, being fearful lest God
appear also and they be all consumed.
9 And there came before the disciples, Yeshua; and touching them he said: “Arise and be not fearful of
God; for he which called you is even as a loving Father. Come now and let us go hence.”
10 Now when the disciples had lifted up their eyes, they beheld no man save the Master only.
11 And when they were come down from the mount, the Lord commanded that they should tell no
man of the vision till he was gone again unto the Father.
12 And John spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Why do the scribes and Pharisees teach that Elijah must first
come to prepare the way of the Lord?”
13 And this spoke John because he knew not whom John the Baptizer was.
14 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “I tell you truly that Elijah is come already and they knew him not,
but did unto him whatsoever they willed.”
15 When he had said this, the disciples knew in their hearts that he spake of none other save the Essene
which was come up from Khirbet Qumran.
16 Now Yeshua sent forth the twelve, and with them did he send Peter, James, and John. And he
commanded them, saying:
17 “Behold how the kings of the earth lord it over all which serve them, bringing into subjugation a
multitude of nations whereby they might exercise authority over them, thinking themselves as some
great benefactor.
18 But among you it shall not be so. Let him which is greatest be like unto him which is least, and the
one which rules like him that serves.
19 For in this world which is the greater: the one who eats at the table, or the one which serves him?”
20 And Cephas answered him, saying: “He which sits at the table to feast, even he is greater than the
one which serves.”
21 And the Lord spoke again, saying: “Yet have I not come among you as one that serves? For, behold,
you have I called out of this world unto one which is greater, having been established forever in the
bosom of God.
22 For you are they which have continued with me in my suffering, and unto you shall I grant the
kingdom which my Father has given unto me;
23 That you may sit at my table in the midst of my kingdom, eating and drinking, being filled with all
manner of goodly things.
24 Be you not, therefore, conformed to this world; but be you transformed by the renewing of your
mind; that you may prove yourselves acceptable unto the one which called you.”
25 Now when the apostles heard these words, Cephas spoke again unto the Lord, saying: “Master, are
there not twelve apostles?
26 Grant then that these twelve might sit over the twelve tribes of Israel in that day when you are come
again into your glory.”
27 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “Simon, Simon, why will you not understand? For I tell you truly
that the sons of darkness shall come seeking power over you; that they might sift you as wheat in the
28 Yet shall I pray for your sake, that your faith might not depart. And in that day when the Spirit shall
make you strong in me, then strengthen your brethren also.
29 For you know not what thing you ask: Are you also able to suffer the things which I suffer?
30 I tell you truly that whatsoever thing men shall do unto me, even so shall they do unto you likewise.
31 But to grant unto you the thing which you ask is not mine to do, but the Father only.”
32 And the Lord, speaking unto the whole twelve, said: “Consider now unto what you are called.
33 For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain man which would travel unto a far country, and
calling forth his servants, he delivered up all his goods unto them.
34 And to one servant did he give five talents of silver, and to another two talents, and to another one
talent; for each received from the master according to their abilities.
35 And he commanded that each should magnify again that portion which was given him, and when the
master had completed all his instructions, he journeyed unto a far country.
36 So he that received the five talents went unto the market place, and after a while he received yet
again five more talents which he added unto the first.
37 And likewise he that received two talents went unto the market place also, and he received of his yet
two more talents which also he added to the first.
38 But he that received of his master but one talent only, having no faith in himself but fear only, went
and hid his talent in the ground where none could find.
39 And after a season the master came again unto his own that he might receive of his servants an
40 So he that received of the master five talents, came and spoke, saying: ‘Good master, all which you
gave did I magnify even as you willed. Here then is this other five also.’
41 And the master having received the ten talents was much pleased, and he spoke unto the servant,
saying: ‘Well done my good and faithful servant;
42 For you were faithful over these few things, therefore, I shall make you ruler over many things. Enter
now into the joy of your lord, that you might no longer be as a servant only, but as a friend instead.’
43 And he which received of his master two talents, came likewise and said: ‘My lord, of the two talents
which you gave unto me have I added also two others beside.’
44 When the master heard this he rejoiced greatly, saying: ‘Well done my good and faithful servant; for
seeing also that you were faithful over these few things, I will make you ruler over many.
45 Enter, therefore, into the joy of your lord.’ And likewise, he that was second received again even as
the first.
46 Then came he that received but one talent only, and he spoke, saying: ‘Lord, I knew that you would
demand of me an accounting, and being fearful lest I fail, I went and hid your talent in the ground where
none could find.
47 Here then is that talent which you gave unto me.’ And the master seeing that the servant had not
magnified that portion which was given him, spoke, saying:
48 ‘You foolish servant, for what cause were you made fearful of me? Did I not give into your keeping
that which was my own?
49 If, therefore, you were fearful, having no faith of yourself, why then did you not lend the talent unto
the bankers? Then should I receive again my own with interest.
50 Take you therefore the talent from him and give it unto the first.
51 For unto him which magnifieth shall more be given, and he will have in abundance; but he that
magnifieth not, even that portion which was given him shall be taken away and given yet unto
52 Thus spoke the Lord unto the twelve which he would send forth unto all Judea, Samaria, and Perea,
that they might testify of him.
53 And opening wide his arms unto all which were standing there, he said: “You are my friends if it so
be that you will do according to that which is given unto you.
54 Henceforth I call you no more servants but friends instead; for what servant knows what it is the
master does?
55 But all things which I have both heard and received of my Father have I made known unto you, that
you might be as friends and not servants only.
56 Because you have loved me and believed that I am come from God, even so shall the Father love you
57 I am the Father which is come from above that I might receive unto my bosom even the whole
world; and when I have completed the task which is set before me, then shall I ascend also unto my
Father, even as you shall ascend unto me.
58 These things have I spoken unto you that you might have peace in me.
59 For I tell you truly, that in the world are there come many tribulations; but be of good cheer; I shall
overcome the world.”
60 And when he had finished speaking, the Lord sent forth the twelve as a testimony unto all Israel.
61 And gathering about him his mother and the seven which she had appointed, as well as certain
others also, he went unto Chinnereth and crossing over, he came unto Bethsaida-Julius.
62 And journeying northward he came unto a high mountain which overlooked all Galilee;
63 And Yeshua, looking back over all the region, was filled with sorrow; and he wept in his soul for
those cities wherein all his works were done, saying:
64 “Weep Chorazin and cry aloud Bethsaida, for if the works which were done in you had been done in
Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
65 For I tell you truly that it shall prove more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in that day than for you, for
you are made blind for pride sake; thinking yourselves righteous above all others.
66 And you Capernaum, though you be as white and delightsome as some young maiden, yet are you
filled with old men’s bones, being withered and filled with all manner of corruption and deceit.
67 For though you would exalt yourself even unto Heaven, yet shall you be brought down into a heap;
for if the works which had been done in you had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, they would have
believed long ago.
68 I tell you truly, that it shall prove more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in that day than for you;
for you believed not in the Son of Man when he came to dwell among you.”
69 So spoke the Master amidst many tears, and turning his face northward, he went unto Caesarea
Chapter 20
Healing a madman in Caesarea Philippi – Who is clean and who is unclean? – Yeshua meets the King,
Herod Philip – Why Herod Philip fears to die – Life is a bridge over a chasm wide and deep – The
foolishness of fame – Herod Philip is comforted
1 Now the Lord Yeshua came into Caesarea Philippi, both he and his disciples. And it was noised about
the whole city concerning him; how that he which was spoken of by John was even now come up from
2 And as the Lord went walking about in the market place, there arose a great disturbance and a
commotion; for a certain young man which was distressed in the mind went forth casting down the
stalls and tables of the merchants.
3 But when the soldiers, standing near, saw this thing they pursued with much diligence to seize him,
but they could not; for he was like a wild man filled with rage.
4 But there came rushing into the market the young man’s mother, and seeing in the crowd the
Galilean, she knelt before him, saying:
5 “Lord, have mercy on my son for he is a lunatic and sorely troubled in body and soul, for he charges
wheresoever he wills and oftentimes he has cast himself into the fire, or into the water to be covered
6 Have mercy, O Lord, and hold not back from me. For I have brought before many rabbis and
physicians the son which I love, and they could by no means heal him, saying instead that he is mad and
possessed of demons.”
7 And Yeshua, hearing this, was filled with compassion for the mother’s sake, and approaching near
unto the youth, he called unto him;
8 And all they which were in the market place were filled with expectation; and the soldiers, seeing that
the Master approached, withdrew themselves from the youth, that they might see for themselves the
thing which he should do.
9 Wherefore, when the Lord called unto the youth, he grew still and approaching near unto the Lord, he
fell upon his knees weeping and trembling.
10 And the Lord, laying his hand upon the youth, drew unto himself the troubled soul which was
broken, being overwrought and deeply troubled, and there descended upon the youth a great calm.
11 And all which saw were filled with amazement, seeing that the Lord had healed the youth with but
the touch of his hand. And taking the youth by the hand he brought him again unto his mother.
12 And many published throughout all the city concerning the prophet which was come up from
Galilee, saying:
13 “Behold what power and grace this man does speak, that even demons and madness should flee
from before him.”
14 And all they which were of John’s disciples aforetime went forth to hear, and as many as heard the
words of the Master, even they did believe and forsake all to follow after him.
15 Now when Yeshua was come to the house of Porcius and Salome, certain scribes and Pharisees
which were among the multitude, seeing that the Lord would enter in, rebuked him, saying:
16 “Why will you make yourself unclean by entering the house of Gentiles and sinners? For which of the
prophets that came before you have behaved so unseemly as this?”
17 And Yeshua answered, saying: “To which of the prophets will you compare me; or again, in which of
the prophets will you find my likeness?
18 For all they which were of the prophets aforetime did your fathers kill, thinking the prophets
unseemly and full of pretenses.
19 And why will you gather your robes about you lest the very shadow of Gentiles and sinners come
upon you?
20 Was not Abraham called of God to dwell in the midst of strangers when first he left the land of the
Chaldeans to come unto Canaan? Was he first born a Jew like unto you, or a Gentile like unto these?
21 Have you not read how that Joseph was made to serve in Pharaoh’s court, being made second only
to the king?
22 Was not Pharaoh’s house the house of Gentiles also? Which among you, therefore, would think
Joseph unclean because he dwelt in the house of Gentiles?
23 Did not Moses, which gave unto your fathers the law, also serve in Pharaoh’s house forty years,
being like a son unto him? Will you say that he was made unclean because of this thing?
24 Will you not remember how that the harlot Rahab, though she was chief among sinners, put forth
the hand to save the men which Joshua sent to spy out the land whereby he might give unto your
fathers an inheritance?
25 Was she not saved from destruction, both her and her whole house because of this thing?
26 Come now and before the people answer, unto whom was the prophet Jonah sent: Israel or
27 And when he had completed all which God had sent him to do, unto whom did God show forth great
mercy: Israel or Ninevah?
28 Did not Elijah, by God’s word, go up unto Sarepta that he might find refuge in the house of a
Sidonian widow? Will you say that Elijah sinned because he entered also the house of a Gentile?
29 Why, therefore, will you yourselves behave unseemly before God because of Gentiles and sinners?
30 For it is faith alone unto good works which maketh a man righteous, and not circumcision only.
31 For many have received in their flesh the circumcision of Abraham, yet are they unclean because of
32 And again are there yet many of whom you have no knowledge, which, having no circumcision of the
flesh, have yet received of God the circumcision of the heart, which thing is greater than all others.
33 Therefore, take care among yourselves that you call not unclean the one which God has cleaned
every whit.
34 Neither reject you the one which God has accepted unto himself; lest you yourselves be made
unclean and filled with all manner of pretenses.”
35 Thus spoke the Master unto the scribes and Pharisees, and all which heard were pierced to the heart
because of it; some unto peace and joy, and others unto bitterness and anger.
36 And there came unto Yeshua the disciples of John seeking from the Lord a blessing; and there was
added to these a great many Gentiles and sinners which would be numbered among his disciples.
37 So Yeshua dwelt many days in the house of Porcius and Salome, and they which were in the city
brought unto the Lord many of the sick and the infirm.
38 And many did he comfort with all gentle affection, speaking and singing unto them the songs of life
and joy.
39 And others did he heal by the speaking of the word only, or by the touching of the hand.
40 Now on a certain day Yeshua rested himself beneath a fig tree in the market place.
41 And seeing that he was alone, there came unto him a stranger which would hide himself in the robes
of a merchant;
42 And sitting himself down beside the Master, he spoke, saying: “Why are you alone in the market
place; are you not he which is come up from Galilee?”
43 Yeshua answered him, saying: “I am he. And in this place have I come to wait patiently the one which
would receive from my hand a blessing from above.”
44 And the man spoke again, saying: “Come then and tell me truly: who is this man which you say shall
come seeking? Perhaps I might know of him?”
45 And the Lord looking into the face of the man, spoke, saying: “I wait for you, O king!” And the man,
hearing this, was filled with wonder, and he said: “Of a truth, you are indeed a prophet of God.”
46 And the man which was come as a stranger unto Yeshua, let down the covering from off his head;
and behold, there sat before the Lord, Herod Philip, tetrarch of all Batanea, Trachonitis, Auranitis, and
47 Now Herod Philip was a good man which desired to rule wisely over the people, and all those which
were of Caesarea Philippi had regard for him; for between the Jews and the Gentiles had he established
the rule of peace.
48 But Philip was without any child to succeed him and he oftentimes grew weak of heart because of
fever, and many feared for him lest he die and Herod Antipas lay claim before Caesar against all the
49 Now Yeshua, looking upon the king which was old with age, had compassion on him, and he spoke
unto him, saying:
50 “For what purpose would the son of Herod come seeking after me? Have you not heard already how
that they which are of Galilee have rejected me altogether? What thing, therefore, would you have from
my hand?”
51 And Philip answered him, saying: “My Lord, I know that you are come from God unto the house of
Israel; for of all your doings and sayings am I made aware.
52 For upon the lips has all Israel carried forth the name of Yeshua the Galilean, and in the heart of
many righteous has there come a wisdom which is born of God and not of man.
53 Therefore, I pray you, speak unto me words of counsel and of wisdom. For you know yourself how
that I am near unto death.
54 For death is a fearful thing, being filled with darkness and uncertainty. And in the grave are all men
made common, whether king or slave, even all are become as food for the worm.
55 Whereunto shall the name of Herod Philip find both place and honor, seeing that I am without child
to carry forth?
56 Still am I the son of Herod and in dying am I made fearful lest God should visit upon me the sins of
my father.
57 Come, therefore, O Yeshua, and tell me truly by what means I might set aside the wrath of God lest
his punishment prove greater than I can bear?”
58 These are the words which Philip spoke unto the Lord when he was come unto Caesarea Philippi.
59 And Yeshua answered the king, saying: “Fear not the going of the soul unto God; for in his hand shall
there spring forth a multitude of affection.
60 And grieve not the passing of this life which is of the body only; for I tell you truly that life is but a
bridge passing over a chasm wide and deep.
61 Let us cross over quickly lest we be overwrought by many sorrows. For you know yourself, even as
the poet spoke, saying:
62 ‘What gain shall a man take unto his soul, seeing that all his labors under the sun are but a vanity
filled with shadows?’
63 Therefore, why will you mourn seeing that you have no child to rule after you?
64 And why take you thought for fame’s sake, seeing that it is but a slow decay which perverts the mind
unto a multitude of foolishness?
65 Unto what good shall such fame as men would seek, secure for the soul a place with God?
66 For whose glory would your father, even Herod, build a temple in Jerusalem? For the glory of God, or
for the glory of Herod?
67 I tell you truly, that there shall not be left of that temple even one stone which shall stand upon
another; for even all shall God cast unto the ground as a thing defiled.
68 Which is better, therefore, to be remembered in the minds of men, or to find place in the heart of
69 For what profit unto the soul shall there be if the whole world should remember the name of Herod,
if it so be that God has forgotten thee?”
70 These are the words which Yeshua spoke unto Philip in the market place, and when evening was
come, the Master rose to leave and placing his hands upon the king, he blessed him.
71 And Philip found rest unto his soul, and he went unto his place rejoicing and giving thanks. For he
feared not any longer the passing away of this life, but turned his heart unto God instead.
Chapter 21
Judas reports to Caiaphas – The plan to kill Yeshua outside Israel – Judas becomes the assassin – The
death of Judas also plotted – Saving a crucified man near Khirbet Shimon – Yeshua enters Tyre – Healing
the daughter of a Gentile woman – The sisters Maximilla and Prisca – Yeshua teaches and heals in the
gardens of Jakobis
1 Now when the Feast of the Law was come, there came unto Jerusalem Judas of Kerioth; for he was
numbered among the Seventy which the Lord had sent throughout the regions round about.
2 And Judas went straightway into the temple that he might make some report concerning that
Nazarene of whom all Israel spoke.
3 And when he was come unto the temple, he entered into the secret chamber of the chief priests and
4 And there gathered to hear him the High Priest, Joseph Caiaphas; and with him also were Ananus Ben
Seth his father-in-law, Ismael Ben Phali, Eleazar Ben Haman, Simon Ben Kambith, and Jonathan Ben
5 For they sought eagerly to find some way whereby they might kill Yeshua secretly.
6 So Judas told them all which the Master did throughout all Galilee and in the cities of Decapolis;
7 How that he had raised the dead and cast out demons by the power of his word, and how that many
which were lame were made to walk again, and they which were blind were made to see, and the lepers
were made clean every whit.
8 But when many which were of his disciples heard the words which Yeshua spoke concerning the
Gentiles, they grew angry with him and would no more follow after him.
9 For this cause did the Nazarene leave Galilee to go unto the lands of Tyre and Sidon, that he might
teach among the heathen the words which God had given him to speak.
10 Now when the High Priest heard these things, he laughed greatly and turning to his brethren he said:
11 “Now is the way prepared for us that we might kill him. For is it not known in all Judea that no
prophet dies except in his own land? Let us send Judas unto Tyre and Sidon;
12 That when he has found again this troublesome Jew, he might kill him in a strange and foreign land.”
13 But when Judas heard this he would not consent, for he feared lest God should put forth the hand to
destroy him.
14 When, therefore, Caiaphas saw that Judas was fearful, he ridiculed him to scorn, saying:
15 “Why will you fear the killing of this pretender? Are you not of the Sicarii which struts and boasts
throughout all Israel that you fear neither God nor man?
16 Go then unto Tyre and Sidon and prove yourself unto us. And when you have found again this
Nazarene, kill him, and we will pay you well.
17 For if by your hand this Yeshua die in a foreign land, how then can he be come from God?
18 For you know yourself how that no man which is a prophet will die except he be in his own land.
Why then will you fear?
19 For if by your hand you fail us and Yeshua live, how then shall God be offended against you? Shall he
not lay the sin against us instead?
20 And if by your hand he perish, what wrong have you done against God, seeing that you but removed
from Israel this false prophet which has come to trouble us?”
21 These then are the words which Caiaphas spoke, and Judas, believing in his words, went unto Joppa
to take ship unto Lebanon.
22 And all they which conspired with Caiaphas took oath whereby they should tell no man of the
Sanhedrin concerning the sending forth of Judas unto Tyre and Sidon.
23 And when Judas was gone out from the room, Caiaphas asked all them which were gathered there
concerning that reward which should be given unto Judas for the death of the Nazarene.
24 And Ananus, being filled with bitterness always, spoke, saying: “What just reward shall we give a
murderer except death?”
25 Thus did the council agree secretly to kill Judas of Kerioth if it so be that he cause to perish the
prophet which was come from Galilee.
26 Now in Caesarea Philippi did Yeshua sit daily in the market place, teaching always the coming forth
of the kingdom of Heaven.
27 And many believed on him, and when he was completed, he took journey unto the city of Tyre.
28 Now when Yeshua had passed through the town of Khirbet Shimon, he saw by the way a man which
was crucified; being bound to the cross by ropes strong and fresh.
29 And seeing that the man was yet alive, he commanded that his disciples release him.
30 But one answered him, saying: “Not so Lord, for this man is a thief and you know also the penalty
you must suffer if you save him.
31 For Vitellius which is governor of Syria has decreed the death against any man which should take
down the crucified before they are dead.”
32 But when Yeshua heard this, he said: “Give me the sword which you have hidden away.”
33 And taking the sword, Yeshua cut asunder the cords which held fast the one which was crucified.
34 And being let down upon the ground, the Lord comforted him and strengthened him, and from that
day the man followed after the Nazarene, being ever faithful unto him.
35 Now Yeshua came unto the city of Tyre, and entering into the Gates of the King, there came seeking
after him a certain widow from the city.
36 For it was known throughout the whole place aforetime, how that a great prophet was come up
unto the city from Galilee of the nations.
37 And seeing beside the waters of Meshuallameth, the disciples of the Lord, she came unto them,
38 “Tell me truly whether or not you are come up from Galilee.” And the disciples answered her, saying:
“We are come from Galilee.”
39 And the woman, weeping many tears, said: “Where then shall I find among you the Master? For,
behold, my daughter is grievously ill.”
40 But one of the disciples, hearing this, being young and recently come from Caesarea Philippi, spoke
unto her, saying:
41 “Go away Gentile and disturb not the Lord, for he is at rest. Did you not know that so great a prophet
as he is come but unto the house of Israel only?
42 Be gone with you; for it is not good to take the children’s bread and cast it unto the dogs.”
43 So spoke the disciple which knew not the heart of the Master, and the woman, hearing this, wept
44 But there came upon the disciples a voice which spoke, saying: “Deal not harshly with the fallen,
neither crush you the wounded soul.
45 For I tell you truly, that even the dogs are permitted to eat the crumbs which fall from the children’s
46 And the disciples when they heard the voice, turned aside everyone to see, and they saw the Lord
sitting beside the waters, and he, seeing the woman, was filled with compassion because of her.
47 And when she saw him, she came and knelt before the Lord, saying: “Are you that prophet which is
come up from Galilee?” And he answered her, saying: “I am the man.”
48 And the woman said: “O Lord, have mercy upon me; for, behold, my daughter is grievously ill, being
possessed of many demons.
49 Come, therefore, O Lord, and help me; speak but a word and she shall be healed of great affliction.”
50 Then did the Master answer her, saying: “Woman, great is your faith. Let it be according to the
desires of your heart.”
51 And the woman, going again unto her own house, rejoiced greatly, for her daughter was healed in
the selfsame hour.
52 Now when it was about noon-day, there approached unto Yeshua two sisters which were twins,
whose names were Maximilla and Prisca.
53 And they entreated the Lord that he should come and stay in the house of their father, for they
desired to honor the prophet which was come up out of Galilee.
54 So the Lord went in unto the house of Jakobis, a wealthy merchant dealing in purple, and Maximilla
and Prisca ministered unto the Lord and his disciples continually.
55 And all Tyre, when they heard how that Yeshua had healed the woman’s daughter which was
possessed of demons, came unto the gardens of Jakobis to see him.
56 And he taught them concerning the coming forth of the kingdom of Heaven unto all men; and of the
Nazarene did all men have regard.
57 For he was filled with goodness unto all which came unto him, whether Greek or Jew, slave or
freeman, rich or poor, even all these did he make alike unto God.
58 And they which were sick did he heal, and they which had no knowledge did he fill to overflowing
with an abundance of wisdom, and all they which were troubled of soul did he comfort with all tender
59 Thus did his fame increase daily in the streets and market places of Tyre. And all they which
wondered because of him, spoke continually of him unto all which they met.
Chapter 22
Zostrianos seeks a meeting with Yeshua – From whence comes the need to worship? – “Will you believe
by the seeing of the eye only?” – Knowing yourself – Seeking the wonder of hidden things – The law of
kind cleaving unto kind – Beware the sophistry of learned men – Zostrianos seeks to buy knowledge of
the mysteries – Yeshua heals a youth of lameness – Zostrianos becomes bitter and complains against
Yeshua – Maximilla and Prisca give a royal gift – Sidon petitions the Lord to come – In the house of
Callistus – The adoption of Jude
1 There was a man whose name was Zostrianos who was come from Athens, a philosopher of some
renown which had many to follow after him.
2 And when he heard concerning Yeshua, how that he had performed many wonders and had taught
many marvelous things, he was desirous to speak with him.
3 Now on a certain day was Zostrianos teaching in the market place, and as he taught there arose a
great shout from the people; for Yeshua drew near and many, dropping all which they did, rushed forth
to see him.
4 And Zostrianos, desiring to speak openly with him, called two of his followers and bid them go and
bring the prophet unto him.
5 And passing through the crowd, they found the Lord in the midst of children, laughing and making
6 And they spoke unto him, saying: “Sir, our master would bid you come unto him, for he would speak
with you.”
7 So Yeshua went unto Zostrianos, and the Greek, when he saw him, spoke, saying: “Tell me truly
whether or not you are a prophet which is come from God.”
8 And the Lord spoke unto him, saying: “How shall I answer; for if I say: I am come from God, will you
9 And if I say: I am not come from God, then for what cause would you give heed unto me, seeing that I
am become as other men?”
10 When the Greek heard this, he said: “Would you become as some philosopher instead? What are the
gods anyway? Unto what shall we compare them?
11 For some proclaim aloud the glory of Zeus, and some the glory of Apollo, and still others would
proclaim Ashtoreth of Phonecia above all the rest.
12 For this cause do the children of nations war constantly among themselves, that by their devotions
unto that which is unseen, they might make supreme the gods of their youth.
13 Yet has it been rightly said that men of themselves create gods that they might worship them. Why
then should not such gods worship men instead, seeing that man is the greater?”
14 Thus did Zostrianos jest with the Lord, and the Lord spoke unto him, saying: “Well have you spoken
and you are not far from the truth.
15 Yet whence comes this need in man to worship? What power would compel that men should create
gods which might make manifest the things that are hidden?”
16 And there answered the Lord a certain youth, saying: “My Lord, would not that soul which dwells
within compel that men should do these things?”
17 But Zostrianos, being a skeptic, mocked the youth saying: “Foolish boy, would you bring forth the
unseen to answer again the unseen?
18 What knowledge has any man of the soul? From whence does it come, and unto what place would it
go when death has made ready the grave to receive us?
19 Come now and answer Galilean; if you are truly a prophet come from God, prove yourself before us.
20 For what man has seen God to converse with him? And who would know of a surety the coming and
going forth of that thing which is unseen and undetermined?”
21 And Yeshua, when he heard these things looked round about him, and lifting his voice unto the
people, he spoke, saying:
22 “Will you believe by the seeing of the eye only? Would you know a thing but by the touching of the
23 I tell you truly that the wind goes wheresoever it wills and you cannot see it; and the path of the
sparrow can no man discern by the seeing of the eyes alone.
24 Yet which of you would deny the moving of the wind which you see not, seeing that even the trees
and the grass would dance before it?
25 Or again, which of you would deny the flight of the sparrow because, when it is gone, you see not its
path in the airs above?
26 So it is with the soul of man; yet though it be unseen by the eye, still does it make itself known
27 For the things which are, even they do cast forth the likeness of their image; which when a man
perceives, he knows that the unseen is near at hand.
28 For what tree standing in the light of the sun will not cast the shadow of its likeness upon the
ground; and if it so be that you should see it, will you not know that the tree is near?
29 Even so will that which is unseen cast forth its shadow in the heart of man, that by your own
perceiving you might know that which is come from God.
30 Therefore, if you would know the soul within, then seek you after God; for in him are revealed the
mysteries and wonders which no man knoweth.
31 For what profit have you if you should know even all the world, but have no knowledge of the
mystery within?
32 For I tell you truly, he who knows all things but knows not his own soul, even the same shall lack all
33 And why will you doubt the coming forth of God unto you? For it is given unto each that you might
seek after the Father which dwells above, that perchance you might know him.
34 For there is a light which is come from your Heavenly Father, and even now does the light dwell in
your heart, and without the light is nothing revealed which is hidden.
35 No one can see himself in water or in a mirror except there be some light given first. I am the light
which is come from the Father that you might no more walk in darkness.
36 For the works which I do are become as a light which would reveal the shadow of hidden things, and
the words which I speak are become as a mirror that you might behold the likeness of your own soul.
37 Therefore, fear not the seeking of hidden things, neither fear you the reproach of learned men, for
they are become as waterless canals filled with emptiness only.
38 Whosoever has ears to hear let them hear and understand; for you know yourselves how that man
consorts with man; horses consort with horses; oxen with oxen, and birds with birds.
39 For in the beginning was the law given that kind should cleave unto its own kind.
40 For this cause is it given that spirit should embrace spirit, wisdom shall cleave unto wisdom, and light
seeks again the greater light.
41 But if you would seek the world only, then shall the world love you as its own.
42 And again, if you would know your own soul to seek the things of the spirit, then shall the Spirit
above embrace you and surround you round about.
43 And if you would seek the wisdom of hidden things, then shall the Wisdom which is above descend
upon you to reveal all things.
44 And if you would become as a light in the darkness, then shall the Light which is come from above
make rich his abode with you.
45 Therefore, if you would liken yourself to the things which come from above, then shall the things
above descend upon you to rest in you.
46 But if you would become as the world only, to seek the things which are beneath, then how shall
that which dwelleth above find place in you, seeing that you have chosen the lesser portion?
47 Beware then the sophistry of learned men which deny the wisdom which is come from hidden
48 For they are become as the dog which lies in the food trough of oxen, for he does not eat, neither
will he permit that the ox should eat either.
49 Surely are they become as the ass which turned a millstone in a circle all the day long and when it
was evening, he had gone forth a hundred miles.
50 But when he was turned loose from the stone, he found that he was yet at the same place.
51 So it is with learned men which would deny the wisdom of hidden things, for they take many steps
to go here or there, and when they are done they find themselves in the same place as before, having
gone nowhere.
52 And when evening is come upon them, they saw in their journey neither city nor town, neither saw
they field nor mountain, nor power nor angel; for they labor in vain which seek not the wisdom of
hidden things.”
53 These then are the words which Yeshua spoke, and Zostrianos, seeing that the people would prefer
the words of the Lord above his own, grew fearful lest they which were of his own following go seeking
after the Nazarene.
54 And being filled with cunning speech, he spoke unto the Lord, saying: “My Lord, if you would be
gracious unto me, then teach me also these mysteries, and I will pay you well.”
55 But the Lord rebuked him, saying: “What gain is there in seeking after Mammon only? Get you hence
from me, for I will tell my mysteries to those which are worthy of my mysteries.”
56 And being filled with loathing against the people, Zostrianos spoke, saying: “What then! Will you
teach those which are common the mystery of hidden things?
57 What hope have you for such as they, seeing that they are without any substance or learning? What
good shall spring forth from such a rabble as this?”
58 But the Lord, placing his hand upon one which was lame from his youth, spoke unto the Greek,
saying: “Have you not heard that the stone which the builders rejected is become the chief cornerstone?
59 For I will light in all men the candle of wisdom which no man shall put out, or make dark again.”
60 And the man which was lame was made whole in the very moment, and they which saw rejoiced and
leaped for joy because of it.
61 But Zostrianos, when he beheld the wonder which the Lord did, drew back from him, being fearful
and speaking unto himself, saying: “Surely this man is a sorcerer.”
62 And turning to leave, the Lord went again unto the children to bless them; and many followed after
him from that day forth.
63 But Zostrianos grew bitter against the Lord and he went quickly unto the elders of the city to make
some charge against him, yet would they not give heed, saying:
64 “Why are you made angry against this man? Behold how the people love him. Why, therefore,
should we seize him and bring against the city the wrath of God?”
65 Now when he saw that none would give him heed, he wrote unto Vitellius to lay against the Lord an
66 Now Yeshua went again unto the house of Jakobis and there came unto him both Maximilla and
Prisca, and kneeling before the Lord they laid at his feet a robe of purple made rich with borders of gold.
67 But Yeshua refused them gently, saying: “Truly do I know the goodness of your heart; and though I
am a king, yet is my kingdom not of this world.”
68 And they answered him, saying: “What good thing shall we do that we might honor you, for we
know that you are come from God?”
69 And he answered them, saying: “If you would honor me, then go into the market place, and
whatsoever you shall receive for the robe, even that shall you give to the poor.”
70 Now there came on the morrow a messenger which was come from Sidon, saying:
71 “Good Master, come unto our city and bless us also. For we have heard concerning you.
72 Come, therefore, unto Sidon; and whatsoever you shall require, even that, shall my masters grant
unto you.
73 Only come quickly and tarry not, for already is the ship at dock to receive you; and all Sidon waits the
coming of the prophet which is come from Galilee of the nations.”
74 But Yeshua would not go by ship but traveled upon the highway going northward, both he and his
disciples which were many.
75 And when he was come unto the town of Sarepta, he went in unto the house of Callistus; for the
Lord heard how that his only son was sick and near unto death.
76 And straightway he went in unto the child and healed him, and the father, seeing this, wept for joy
and falling at the Master’s feet he worshipped him, saying:
77 “Lord, whatsoever thing you shall ask of me, even that shall I give unto you.”
78 And the Lord seeing in the house a youth which was a slave, called unto him, saying: “Son, where is
your father and your mother?”
79 And the youth answered him, saying: “My Lord, I have neither father nor mother to watch over me.”
80 When Yeshua heard this he spoke unto Callistus, saying: “It is not good that one man should possess
81 Therefore, strike the iron from off his neck and give him unto me, and I shall be to him as a father,
and he shall be to me as a son.”
82 And when the youth was set at liberty before the Master, the Lord asked him, saying: “Son, what is
your name?”
83 And the youth answered him, saying: “I am called Thaddeus Lebbaeus.” And the Lord said: “This day
have I set you at liberty, that you might become as a son unto me.”
84 And from that day the Lord called him not Thaddeus but Jude instead.
85 And he followed faithfully after the Lord always, and Mary which was the sister of Martha and
Lazarus, took the child unto her bosom that she might nurture him always.
Chapter 23
Finding joy – As a man thinketh – Making small the soul within – Take no thought for sins only –
Achieving calmness – Guard well the thoughts of your soul – Conquering the self – Good gifts and
wisdom – On multiple lives – Emptiness and the true value of the cup, window and doorway
1 These then are the words which Yeshua spoke when he journeyed upon the way unto Sidon;
2 For when it was asked him by what means a man might attain unto righteousness, he answered,
3 “For what cause would you seek the righteousness which is come from above?”
4 And they answered the Lord, saying: “That we might take to our soul the joy which is above all other
joy, and the peace which is beyond all other peace.”
5 And the Lord, resting himself beside the road, spoke unto them, saying:
6 “If you would be righteous unto peace and joy, then hear these words and forget them not;
7 Engrave them upon the tablets of your soul and in your heart let the word take root; that you might
bear forth much fruit, that you may have an abundance of richness always.
8 For I tell you truly that whatsoever thing a man shall think, even that shall give shape and fashion unto
his own soul.
9 Observe you then how that by some little thing are greater things made to turn, even according to
your will.
10 For the horse, being strong and fleet of foot, turns and goes wheresoever you will; for the bit,
though it be some small thing, yet would it make subject unto you the thing which is greater.
11 Consider then the ships which sail at sea, for though they be great and mighty of themselves, yet are
they made subject unto their masters by way of some small rudder which gives steerage unto the whole
12 In like manner are you become, for such thoughts as you shall think, whether they be small or great,
even they give steerage unto the whole man; turning the soul unto happiness or misery, even according
to your will.
13 Therefore, whosoever among you shall speak or act from an evil thought, even then shall you draw
to your soul both sorrow and bitterness.
14 And whosoever among you shall speak or act from a goodness of thought, even unto you shall joy
and peace descend to greet you, making sure the way before;
15 And like the shadow of the man, it shall never leave you but walk beside you always.
16 Whosoever among you has ears to hear, let them hear; for you make small and lowly even your own
soul whensoever you think of another, saying:
17 ‘This man has struck me. Behold, this one has robbed me. And again, this other has abused me.’
18 I tell you truly that whosoever shall think these things of another, even he shall be swallowed up in
bitterness, even as the grave would swallow the bones of dead men.
19 For the evil man grieves continually in this world and is afflicted always, because he sees only the evil
in others.
20 Thus are the unrighteous made to suffer in this world and in the next also, thinking always unto
himself, saying: ‘Behold, evil has been done unto me continually.’
21 But whosoever shall flee from such things, in them shall all bitterness cease, and the path of all their
ways shall be established in peace.
22 Know then that no enmity is satisfied again through enmity, but rather through non-enmity only.
23 In this alone shall you find both peace and joy, having been made as one with the Father which
comes from above.
24 So shall the righteous rejoice continually, being filled always with the wonders of this life; for they
see clearly the good which others do.
25 And in this life and in the next also shall they dwell in peace and leap for joy, thinking always unto
themselves, saying: ‘Surely, good has been done to me continually.’
26 Therefore, whosoever among you would seek after righteousness, be you cleansed of all impure
thoughts and falsehoods, controlling always the lower passions within.
27 For as the rain breaks through the house which is poorly roofed, making ruin of all that lies within,
even so will the lower passions make ruin of that soul which seeks not after righteousness.
28 Concern not yourself overmuch with the wrongdoings of others, neither take you thought for their
sins only, whether they be great or small;
29 But turn your soul unto the affairs of your own heart, that you might walk no more in the ways of
darkness, but unto the light which is now come among you.
30 For there is no fear to him whose thoughts are untroubled by his own faults and shortcomings;
31 Whose thoughts are still, having forsaken all evil thinking and speaking; but has turned his thoughts
unto goodness only.
32 For except you look singly unto God and his goodness which is given unto you, you shall have neither
peace nor joy, being troubled always; for in you is righteousness not perfected.
33 For even as deep waters are made all pure and clean without, even so are the righteous made
peaceful within, having rooted themselves firmly in the depths of their own soul.
34 And as a tower of rock firm and fast, being neither shaken nor tossed about by several winds, so
then are the righteous become; being neither bent nor moved amidst blame or praise.
35 For which of the gods made by men will not envy the man whose lower passions are made subdued
like wild horses tamed by the charioteer, who is free of all self-pride and boastfulness?
36 In such a one as this are all thoughts made calm in the Lord; calm then are both his words and deeds,
for he has attained righteousness through much wisdom.
37 Therefore, if you would be righteous unto joy and peace, guard well the thoughts of the soul; for a
thought well guarded brings forth much joy.
38 For just as the fletcher makes straight the shaft of the arrow, even so will the wise man make
straight the tremblings of his own mind.
39 Look you, therefore, round about you and learn wisdom, for the man which built the canal, by his
own power, leadeth the waters wheresoever he wills.
40 And the carpenter, being both skilled and patient, fashions the wood according to his own liking.
41 In like manner do they which are wise fashion themselves unto righteousness, being tamed through
discipline and patience.
42 I tell you truly that if one man should conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand, and another
should conquer himself only, even he would be greater in the kingdom of God than he which conquered
43 For the evil which men do is harmful first to the one which doeth it; for you know yourself that it is
easier to do evil than to do good.
44 If you would be wise then know of a surety that to conquer the thoughts of your own soul is greater
than the conquest over many others.
45 For by oneself, alone, is evil done; by oneself is one injured. By oneself is evil left undone; by oneself
is one purified.
46 Purity and impurity is found in the soul of oneself. You can by no means purify another.
47 Neglect not, therefore, the task which is set before you for the sake of some other; for unto this
cause were you brought forth.
48 Let him which seeketh after righteousness labor at the task before him, devoting himself always in
doing the good which is come from above.
49 For no deed which men shall do is well done which, when it is completed, brings to the doer some
remorse; whose reward another receives with tears and weeping.
50 Therefore, if you would seek after righteousness, gird yourself round about with wisdom and
understanding; for in these are no greater treasure found.
51 For wisdom is a crown of honor which makes noble even the lowest born, and understanding is
become as a staff to bear you up in times of trouble.
52 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear. For the life of the body is a passing thing.
53 And like the sea foam it rides upon the waves of this life to cast itself upon the shore; and, behold, it
is no more, being scattered upon the sands of time.
54 Yet do the waves come again and again unto the shore, bearing upon itself the foam of yet some
greater sea.
55 And in like manner shall you come also again and again, even till you shall all come to a knowledge of
that God which fashioned you and loved you, even from the beginning of the world.
56 Let not the heart despair in seeking after goodness always, neither be you weighed down and
sorrowful because of sin.
57 For if you will direct with diligence the thoughts of the soul, then shall the Spirit of Righteousness
descend and make its abode in you.
58 For unto whichsoever of you shall calm the troublings of your own soul, to become as still within,
even unto you shall the mysteries of God surrender even the whole creation.
59 For you know yourselves how that muddy waters when they are stilled, become as clean again.
60 If you would then receive in abundance from God, then be you still and empty within, and he shall fill
you up again unto righteousness.
61 For the value of the cup, the window, and the doorway is revealed in the part which is empty of
62 For if like the cup you shall empty yourself before the Heavenly Father, then shall he fill you to
63 And if you be empty as the window, then shall you see clearly the mysteries and wonders beyond.
64 And if you will become empty as the doorway, then shall you pass unhindered unto God, and receive
from him the greater portion; having been made heir to all things.
65 For whosoever attains unto righteousness, being established forever in the depth of his own soul,
from him shall flow forth living waters, giving life unto many others also.
66 For they which are righteous are without borders or limitations; for unto the righteous is the
knowledge given that in all the world are all made to become as brothers and sisters unto God, being
the Father which is above all others.”
Chapter 24
Why are we unhappy? – Parable: The Unkept Field – Awaken your self by your self – The burden of
unceasing want – There is no fire which burns like passion – A weigher of weighty matters – The good
man: what he is like – Putting away your anger – “Live you happily then” – On personal discipline – A sin
greater than sin – On fears and superstitions
1 These are the words which Yeshua spoke upon the way, while yet he rested by the waters of the sea;
and there spoke unto him a disciple, saying:
2 “Tell us, Lord, by what means we shall remove from us the things which wound and make heavy the
heart of man; for in this life are we ever weighed down with many sorrows.
3 Behold, O Lord, how the children of men are made to suffer, being oppressed by a multitude of care.”
4 And the Master taught them, saying: “If you would that you should not dwell in the house of sorrow,
then give heed and be wise.
5 For there was a certain man which had a field which brought forth neither profit nor beauty, for he
tilled and dressed it not, neither would he plant any good thing therein.
6 And there sprung up all manner of noxious weeds, and there came and dwelt in the wild grasses of
the field, all manner of serpents and scorpions.
7 Thus it was that unto whatsoever person who should happen upon the field, even they would find to
the eye no pleasant thing to see or to taste;
8 But unto them would come forth all manner of deadly things which would imperil the soul of man.
9 In like manner shall you become even as this field, if you take no care to till and dress the soul
wherein you should plant all manner of goodly things, both to see and to taste.
10 Beware, therefore, of weeds which creep in unawares, for even as weeds will make of no value the
field without;
11 Even so shall hate and envy, fear and folly make of no worth the soul within, being filled with
impurities of every kind.
12 For you are all become as a withered leaf which even the wind would carry unto death.
13 Behold, then how you shake and tremble all about because of some adversity, for you have made for
the soul no refuge within, neither have you taken to yourself any provision.
14 For you delight always in the things of this world, ever moving between that which is good and that
which is less.
15 If then you would set free the soul from sorrow and secure for yourself the happiness of life, then
awaken yourself by your Self, examine yourself by your Self.
16 Thus guarded by your self and ever attentive, you will dwell in the house of happiness.
17 For the self is lord of the self always, and the self is the refuge of the self; therefore, tame yourself
even as the charioteer would tame for the race a fine horse.
18 For consider by what strange powers you are driven about; for men which are driven by a multitude
of wanting are become as the hunted hare.
19 Being chased about on every side, they suffer continually without relief, going always from one want
to another, seeking therein some refuge.
20 Who then bears the greater burden, he which is slave only to some other, or he that is rich and filled
with wanting?
21 For the slave, when he dies, is set at liberty again. But he which is ever grasping for things of which
he has no need, wherein shall he be free?
22 Seeing that in death he is fettered still, being filled again and again with wanting.
23 Whosoever shall lay aside the burden of wanting, from him shall sorrow fall quickly away; and the
end of all his days shall be as peace and happiness.
24 For the undoing of all want conquers a multitude of sorrow; for want is the child of envy, filling the
soul with all manner of corruption and impurity.
25 Whosoever, therefore, would secure happiness by inflicting suffering upon some other, unto them
shall no happiness be given, but misery upon misery only.
26 For such as these are wrapped round about with bitter gall, being bound securely by all manner of
hate and envy, ever fearful and filled with folly.
27 For greediness is the worst of diseases; and unrestraint leads to the greatest of sorrows; for out of
desire and want are come all manner of grief and fear.
28 Therefore, if you would be happy still, beware of envy, beware of want; for if you envy not, wherein
shall you grieve; if you want not, of what shall you be afraid?
29 For he in whom envy is destroyed, being plucked out by the very root, he it is who, day by day,
increaseth happiness.
30 For there is no fire which burns like passion, no capturer of the self like hatred, no snare to the soul
like delusion, and no torrent like unceasing want, carrying away upon the flood all tranquility.
31 Be you, therefore, as a refiner of fine silver, removing by the fire all impurities within, one by one,
here a little there a little, and from time to time purifying always the soul within.
32 Be you also like unto a weigher of weighty matters, both prudent and wise; who, holding as it were
the scales of good and evil, takes only what is good.
33 For whosoever kills another, who speaks falsehood continually, who takes from another what is not
his own, who gives himself wantonly to passion, even this one is destroyed already, having dug himself
up by the roots altogether.
34 But where unto shall we find the goodly man, who, having subdued the self within, is made all happy
35 In him has virtue and joy embraced together, being established forever in the bosom of the Father
which comes from above;
36 For all his ways are founded in goodness, tending always the affairs of his own soul; this then is the
one whom God holds dear.
37 For in him is the mystery revealed, who, being rooted in the richness of his own soul, is free of envy
and want, fear and hate;
38 This is he who, ascending the stream and the flood, returneth unto God to dwell above the earth.
39 And when he is returned, behold, how the Heavens shout together and leap for joy at his coming; for
that which was lost is found again, and that which was gone far away is returned.
40 Therefore, if you would be happy, seek not the company of fools; neither go you into the way of
those which are ever grasping, but who are never able to lay hold.
41 Let each man put away his anger, let him renounce a multitude of wanting. For they which are free
of envy and strife shall become happy altogether.
42 Give heed, therefore, and be you wise; that you may know of a surety that all anger is overcome by
gentleness only, that all evil is overcome by goodness, that miserliness is overcome by liberality, and
that falsehood is overcome by the truth.
43 For one should speak rightly always and not yield to anger, even if you be asked for a little. By these
means shall you enter into happiness, being made one with God who is your Father.
44 Live you happily then, hating no one; that you may dwell free of hate even among those which hate.
45 Live you happily then, being free of such diseases as afflict others; for health is the greatest of gifts,
contentment is the greatest wealth, and trust in God the surest deliverance.
46 Live you happily then, being free from care in the midst of those which are overburdened with care
already; be you free of want among those which are filled with much wanting.
47 Live you happily then, even though you possess but little. Dwell richly always, feeding upon such
happiness as God shall give; for, behold, he cares for you.
48 Give not yourself to reviling, neither injure others beside; but be you disciplined in all things
pertaining to both body and spirit;
49 Eating moderately and not given to drunkenness; dwelling oft in some solitary place that you may
offer unto God the prayers and meditations of the heart;
50 Turning always the mind unto some higher thought that you may become as noble and purified
within; being ever awakened by the light which comes from above.
51 For there are many which slumber in the light, and when they are awakened, behold, it is all dark
within, and fear creepeth in all about.
52 For I tell you truly that there is a sin greater than sin, a darkness greater than darkness, and an
impurity greater than impurity.
53 Know, therefore, that ignorance is greater than all these things, making dull and dim witted the soul
54 Unto such as these arise all manner of vain thoughts and superstitions, filling the hearts of men with
despair and fear continually.
55 For such men, ever fleeing and seeking refuge will run in haste to mountain and forest, to sacred
groves and to temple shrines;
56 Yet when they are arrived, behold, fear greeteth them at the very door, and darkness descends all
about to make sleep again.
57 Beware of others who would but distract, but turn your soul unto prayer and meditation, for therein
alone shall God reveal the hidden portion which makes rich the happy life.
58 And seek not the welfare of the body only, for it is the soul within that leads to happiness.”
59 These then are the words which Yeshua taught by the sea. And rising from his place he journeyed
unto Sidon.
Chapter 25
Jews of Sidon show regard for Yeshua – Abgar Ouchama writes letter to Yeshua – Yeshua’s written
response to Abgar – On being a good neighbor – Crime and mercy – Parable: Many Seeds Together
Sown – Fear not, for I am with you – Reject not the fallen – Parable: The Rejected Man – Why Jerusalem
fell to Babylon – “You are the cup and I am the wine”
1 So Yeshua came unto Sidon and there taught many days, and all which heard were filled with wonder
because of him.
2 And wheresoever he went, the multitudes did gather round about to see, and many which were of
John’s following believed in him from that day forth.
3 And the Jews of the city, being far from Jerusalem, had regard for the Galilean and unto whatsoever
house he entered, they did honor him.
4 Now on a certain day, as the Lord was teaching in the synagogue, there came a messenger and he
gave unto the Lord a letter which was come from the king of all Edessa.
5 And taking the letter, the Lord broke the seal and read. Now these are the words which were written:
6 ‘From Abgar Ouchama, the Toparch, to Yeshua the Anointed, which has appeared in the regions
round about Jerusalem, greetings:
7 I have heard about the miracles which you did, healing the afflicted without plants or medicines.
8 For it is said of you how that they which are blind do see again, the lame walk, the leper cleansed,
they which are tormented by all manner of demons and spirits you have made whole, and the dead
have you called again unto life.
9 These then are the things which I have heard of you, and seeing that those which spoke of you were
of good report, I determined this concerning what manner of man you are.
10 For either you are a God which is come from Heaven to do these things, or you do them because you
are the son of God.
11 I beg you, therefore, come unto me and heal me of some great suffering.
12 For I hear also that they which are of the Jews in Jerusalem do speak evil against you continually; and
they seek against you some great harm.
13 Come, my Lord, for though my city be small, yet is it pious, and there is room for both of us.’
14 Now when the Master had read these things he called for a parchment, and when it was come he
wrote upon it, saying:
15 ‘From Yeshua to Abgar: Surely you are blessed, for you have believed in me though you have not
seen me.
16 Of me has it been written this saying: Those which see me will not believe in me, and those which
see me not, being far away, believe already.
17 Regarding what you wrote that I should come to you; I must first complete all which I am sent to do,
and after these things, I must go again unto him which sent me.
18 But do not fear, for when I am taken up, I will send unto you one of my disciples.
19 And he shall heal you of all your suffering and when you are made well within, he shall teach you the
words which I have spoken.’
20 These then are the words which Yeshua wrote unto Abgar, the king of all Edessa; and when he was
completed, he gave it unto the messenger and sent him forth.
21 And turning to the people he taught them, saying: “Which of you, being good, will not love his
neighbor? And if the neighbor be in want, will not go forth to save him?
22 For I tell you truly, that he which is your neighbor is but the reflection of some other.
23 Still then the waters of your soul and look you deep within, for in the countenance of your neighbor
shall you see reflected the shadow of your own likeness.
24 Be you, therefore, unto your neighbor even as you would that he should be unto you.
25 For this is the law which I would give unto all, that you might live peaceably one beside another.
26 Which of you would dwell alone from another? I tell you truly that even in your aloneness you are
not alone.
27 For there is one which watches over all, and in the deeds of others shall you ever be found; even as
they, unknowing, are in the deeds which you yourself do.
28 What crime shall some other commit that your hand should not be found placed on theirs; for in
your hearts already you have done like unto them.
29 For no man falls into sin except that you also fall beside him, and no man riseth up again except that
you should first give flight; for in the bosom of God are all men become as one.
30 Whosoever among you would find refuge in God, even therein shall you hear the voice of all men
31 And whichsoever man shall walk in desolation upon the way, even therein shall you yourself be
32 Come now and hear, for you and your neighbor are become as two seeds which were sown together
in the field, that together you might grow unto harvest.
33 For unto no seed alone is the whole field given, for you are not one seed sown in the field to harvest,
but many others beside; and though you be many, yet is there but one field, and there is come forth but
one to plant and to harvest.
34 And in the coming up of one seed only is there no harvest found in abundance, but in the coming up
of many seeds together is there given the joy of harvest;
35 For every seed, of its own self, shall bring forth the measure of its own fullness, some thirty fold,
some sixty fold, and still again, others a hundredfold.
36 And the angels coming forth, do gather together the whole harvest that they might bear it forth unto
37 Today alone am I with you, but do not fear little flock, for I shall never leave you nor forsake you.
38 Whosoever, therefore, would come seeking after me, let him first seek his neighbor to bear him up
39 Then shall I come forth unto my own, and together shall we make rich our dwelling place with the
Father which comes from above.”
40 When they which were gathered heard these things, they marveled and wondered greatly.
41 And one spoke unto the Lord, saying: “What mean you then, my Lord? Can I not be clean while yet
some other is unclean?
42 If another sin, shall I then be made unclean for his sake? Come then and speak plainly:
43 Can I not be cleansed of all unrighteousness while yet my neighbor is filled with all manner of
corruption and whoredoms?”
44 And the Lord answered him, saying: “Why will you be hard hearted concerning they which are fallen
away? Why will you not understand?
45 For you are become again as they which look but do not see, which hear but do not listen, which eat
and drink in plenty, but do not taste.
46 For the words which I speak are not of the body only, but are come from the spirit.
47 For the flesh of the body is become as dung cast upon the field, that it might give nourishment to the
whole spirit within.
48 Let, therefore, the spirit within consume even the whole body without; for it is the spirit which is
become the seed that God planted, being girded round about with all manner of hope and expectation.
49 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for if you reject the fallen from among you to condemn
them, then shall you not be free of the sins which they have committed.
50 For what is a thief but a man in need, and what is a liar but a man in fear of another?
51 Hear now this parable and be wise: For there was a certain man which was filled with all manner of
want and poverty.
52 And going to both field and market, he found no one which would hire him.
53 And sitting down, he wept and took thought concerning what thing he should do that he might live
and not perish.
54 And going forth unto the city he went begging alms, and unto the merchant and the rich man alike
did he put forth his petition.
55 But they scorned him altogether, saying: ‘What! Is this man not able to work? Be gone from us you
lazy fellow, for only the laborer is worthy of his bread.’
56 And going to them which were ever religious, the poor man petitioned them for mercy’s sake to save
57 But they, gathering their robes round about them, rebuked him, saying: ‘What! Shall we give comfort
unto sinners? Be gone from us and repent you quickly.
58 For these things which are befallen you are but the judgments of God which are risen up against you.
Shall we, therefore, go against God for your sake?’
59 So the man went forth from the city weeping, and in a place made desolate and filled with refuse, he
sat himself down in a heap.
60 But by and by he grew weary of weeping, and looking upon the ground, he saw a branch which was
stout and strong.
61 And fashioning for himself a club, he spoke with much bitterness, saying: ‘For what just cause am I
made to suffer so?
62 Did I not seek to labor with my own hands? Why then would no man hire me, seeing that I am strong
and willing?
63 When I begged mercy of the self-righteous, behold, how they were filled with loathing against me.
64 Therefore, whatsoever I asked for mercy’s sake shall I take now by violence; and whatsoever man
shall rise against me, even that one shall I cause to perish by the strength of my own arm.’
65 And from that day did the man take by force all which he willed, and many perished because of him.
66 Thus are the fallen turned upon you with much anger whensoever you reject the least from among
you, thinking yourself better than all the rest.”
67 So spoke the Master in the synagogue, and there spoke unto the people a scribe which said:
68 “Well have I heard of this Yeshua, for he has taken unto himself all manner of sinners; evensomuch
that the very harlots of Jerusalem would go following after him.”
69 But Yeshua rebuked him, saying: “I tell you that in the last day shall there ascend unto God a
multitude of harlots and sinners from Jerusalem, being justified by a great many tears.
70 But of Jerusalem, who can speak? For you know yourselves how that Jerusalem was taken away
captive in the days of Zedikiah, king of Judah.
71 For whose sake then were your fathers taken bound unto Babylon, for harlots or some other?
72 I tell you truly that Jerusalem was brought low not by harlots, but rather by hypocrites who saw not
the sin of their own ways.
73 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear: Beware the righteousness of scribes and Pharisees who,
like peacocks, strut and flutter all about but cannot fly.
74 You are the cup and I am the wine, fill you up to full measure the cup within and you shall have joy
indeed; for you labor amiss whose labors bring forth neither joy nor happiness.”
75 So spoke Yeshua when he was come unto Sidon, and when the month of Shebat was past, he
journeyed again unto Tyre and taking ship, he sailed with his disciples unto Caesarea by the sea.
Chapter 26
The healing of Arius in Caesarea – Physicians make inquiry – Arius takes the physicians to see Yeshua –
Physicians question Yeshua – Yeshua rebukes the physicians – It is God alone who heals – The
intelligence of body and spirit – “Whosoever would heal another” – Holiness is the medicine of the soul
– Disease and the lack of balance and harmony – All things pass away by and by – The power to heal and
1 There lived in Caesarea a certain steward which commanded all of Pilate’s house whose name was
Arius, who went daily to the house of Asclepius to be healed;
2 And notwithstanding wealth or faith, incantations or herbs, the physicians could by no means heal
him of affliction.
3 Now on a certain day as he was going about the city, he saw Yeshua sitting beneath the palms
teaching and, drawing near, he heard all his words and believed.
4 And kneeling, he beseeched the Lord, saying: “Master, help me, for I am perishing.” And the Lord
spoke unto him, saying: “I will, be you healed.”
5 And the man was healed in the very moment and running throughout the streets of the city, he
rejoiced and leaped for joy because of it.
6 And the physicians of Asclepius, when they heard of it, inquired of Arius by what means he was
healed, and by whose command was he made whole again.
7 And Arius spoke unto them all, saying: “I know not by what means, for he but spoke the word and I
was delivered of all my infirmity.”
8 And the physicians said: “Tell us then what manner of man did this thing. For which of us, by speaking
the word only, can heal another? Surely this man is some great one, from whence then does he come?”
9 And he which was healed answered them, saying: “I know not what manner of man he is, yet when he
speaks there are found miracles enough in his word alone.”
10 And the physicians, counseling among themselves, turned to Arius and spoke unto him, saying: “Take
us then unto him, that we may hear and see for ourselves what manner of man is come among us.”
11 So Arius took from the house of Asclepius a great many physicians who would see for themselves the
one which was come from Galilee.
12 And there went unto the Lord, Hippolytus of Samos, being foremost above all physicians which were
in Caesarea, even he which tended unto Claudia Procula, which was Pilate’s wife.
13 And with him also were Polybius of Salinus, Ptolemy who was come from Alexandria, Basilides and
Leondidas which were both come from the city of Brundisium in Italy.
14 And they found the Master teaching beneath the palms, and all the crowd, when they saw that the
physicians would draw near unto Yeshua, parted the way before them.
15 And Hippolytus spoke, saying: “Good Master, we would have a word concerning this man which you
have healed by the speaking of the word only. For we according to our learning were unable to restore
16 Tell us, therefore, the hidden mystery of your power and we will pay you well, for surely you are
some great physician sent by the gods to instruct.
17 Come, good Master, and if you would teach, then teach in the house of Asclepius and your fame
shall spread as a flame throughout all the land.
18 For why should you teach in this public place where no man payeth, when we would honor you in
the temple of our gods?”
19 And Yeshua, looking upon the man, said: “You reason amiss and for a pretense would honor me. Go,
therefore, to your own place, for I am no physician like unto you.”
20 And Hippolytus, drawing aside with the others took counsel among themselves, and turning to the
Lord, said:
21 “What then, are you a sorcerer which is come among us? Tell us secretly by what power you are
made to heal another and we will give you whatsoever you should ask.”
22 And Yeshua, rising from his place, rebuked them, saying: “Get you again unto your own place, for
what communion has light with darkness?
23 For you are become as thieves and robbers which for a pretense would heal another for money’s
24 Consider then what manner of physician you are become: for you make as merchandise the
sufferings of the afflicted which come unto you, that you might take unto yourselves even all their
25 For you are ever administering unto the sick all manner of herbs and potions of which you know but
little, that you may cure a disease of which you know but less;
26 That you may make as whole the bodies of men; yet of the body you have no knowledge at all, being
filled only with pretenses.
27 Come now and to the truth give ear, for you heal not because you will not.
28 For what profit is there in healing another, to restore again the body unto life?
29 For you have reasoned among yourselves, saying: ‘It is sickness and affliction which bring forth all
our fortunes;
30 Let us, therefore, heal but few that we might have some advantage over all others which would
come unto us.’
31 Go then unto your own place and come not unto me except that you repent first; for what
communion has the light with the darkness?”
32 And the physicians, hearing this, were angry and going again unto the temple, they conspired against
him, lest the whole city should go unto the Lord to be healed of all afflictions.
33 Now when the physicians were gone away, the Lord turned again unto the people, saying: “There is
but one which heals and he is God.
34 Therefore, whosoever would heal another, let him first place his hand in the hand of the Father
which is come from above, that together you might restore again the one which is afflicted. For without
God you can do nothing.
35 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for in the image and likeness of God are you fearfully
and wonderfully made.
36 Consider then with what intelligence both body and spirit are bound together, for there is no part
within a man which is not wrapped round about by that intelligence which is come from the Father
37 For there is an intelligence within the spirit of man which is greater than the knowledge of learned
men, being bounded on every side by powers, dominions, and wonders.
38 Whosoever among you would be wise concerning these things, stand you forth and ponder.
39 For the intelligence with which you are fashioned is greater than the substances of the body
40 For without the intelligence of the spirit is the body left formless and filled with all manner of chaos
and darkness, being undirected by the power which is come from God above.
41 Consider with wonder the power of the intelligence within you, for it gives shape to the whole body
without and builds of you a temple unto God.
42 And except there be some intelligence within, consider what form the body is become.
43 Behold, I tell you truly, that it is become as a pile of brick and stone only, being neither built up nor
laid down.
44 For the intelligence by which you are made is ever alive and filled with an abundance of goodly
things, quickening and restoring the whole body together.
45 Know, therefore, that such healing as is come among you is found not in the knowledge which is
come from man alone, but from the wisdom which is come from the Father above does it descend upon
46 Whosoever would heal another, let him be girded round about in the knowledge of God, being
himself all whole within;
47 Having both body and spirit rooted firmly in that peace which is come from above, being made holy
within and without.”
48 So spoke Yeshua unto those which were gathered there, and one asked him, saying: “What means
this holiness, my Lord?”
49 And the Lord answered him, saying: “This then is holiness, that you should love you every man his
neighbor, and keep him even as the apple of your eye.
50 For what purpose shall one man heal another of affliction except that he should make whole within
both the body and the spirit together?
51 And from whence comes the power to heal another except that it be rooted deeply in the holiness
which is born within you already?
52 What medicine shall you give to restore again the soul of another, and with what potion would you
heal the body also?
53 I tell you truly that holiness is the medicine of the soul, and unto the soul is there given power
sufficient to heal the whole body without, if it so be that the spirit should rule over the flesh.
54 For the health of the body is not the absence of some disease only, but in the wholeness of both
body and spirit is it made manifest.
55 From whence then come the afflictions of the body except that there should be found some great
conflict between the spirit of a man and his flesh?
56 Behold now this world in which you live, for all things which are naturally ordained are balanced one
upon another;
57 Even so, let the spirit and the body be balanced and in harmony together within; then shall the days
of your life be long and filled with joy.
58 For the spirit and the body of man are the temple of God, and if there exist neither wholeness, nor
harmony, nor holiness, behold, afflictions rush in unto the house of the body to corrupt the whole
sanctuary within.
59 Did you not know that the law is given whereby all things are made to pass away? So it is with the
afflictions of the body, even they do pass away by and by.
60 Therefore, whosoever would heal another, even he shall cause to pass away the afflictions of both
body and spirit together.
61 For if you heal the body only but not the spirit also, what good have you, seeing that illness shall rush
in unawares to make sick again the whole body without?
62 For the power to heal is in every man, and he that healeth another, he it is that causes the sick to
come unto the power within by faith alone.
63 And when he believes, behold, there springs up within the man a great and healing balm which
brings life anew to both body and spirit.
64 Consider also the power by which a man believes, for if they which are sick believe that you are able,
then, by and by, they are healed; for they believe unto life and not death.
65 But if they which are sick believe not, then shall they perish in great affliction; and notwithstanding
the desires of your heart, you are given no power to save.
66 Let him, therefore, who would heal another remove from the afflicted all fear and doubt,
establishing in peace the one which would be healed.
67 Then shall he which heals remove the affliction within, to restore both body and spirit unto
wholeness, making clean the whole temple within.
68 And peace and joy shall clap their hands together within, and there shall descend upon that soul a
great calm, making all still within the clamorings of many troubles.”
Chapter 27
Judas attempts to kill Yeshua – Joseph of Arimathea seeks Yeshua – Gaining wealth at the expense of
wisdom – Joseph: “Riches are a blessing from God” – Yeshua: God does not give wealth as a blessing –
“What must I do to have eternal life?” – The Great Commandment – Joseph’s letter to Nicodemus –
Yeshua returns to Judea – The blessed ones – Godly power given – “He that is not against us is for us”
1 To Caesarea did Judas of Kerioth come seeking, and when it was evening tide, he found the Lord
sitting alone in a garden which was by the sea; for thereunto did he go forth to pray daily.
2 And seeing that no man was about, he crept in unawares, and drawing forth from his tunic a dagger,
Judas raised his hand against the Lord to kill him.
3 But in the very moment when he would strike, the Lord spoke unto him, saying: “Judas, Judas, why
are you come forth to kill me?”
4 And hearing the voice of the Lord speaking, Judas trembled in his soul, and dropping the dagger to the
ground, he knelt before the Lord weeping, and he spoke unto the Lord, saying:
5 “Of a truth you are the very Anointed One, even he which was promised.” And Judas told the Lord all
which Caiaphas had conspired against him.
6 And when it was morning, the disciples returned unto the garden to be with the Lord, and they found
beside him praying, Judas of Kerioth, weeping many tears.
7 Now when the first day of the week was come, Yeshua took ship unto Joppa that he might return
again unto Jerusalem.
8 And coming to the port beside the sea, he traveled unto Judea, and he met upon the way, Joseph of
Arimathea who was a merchant possessing great wealth and power.
9 And when he heard that Yeshua was among the caravan, he came seeking him, and finding the Lord
among the disciples, he approached near unto him.
10 And Yeshua, seeing Joseph, spoke unto him, saying: “What came you seeking?” And Joseph
answered him, saying: “I seek wisdom and understanding, my Lord.”
11 Yeshua answered him, saying: “How shall a man gain wisdom whose speech is always of
merchandise and profits?
12 For you keep guard over purse and riches till you are all consumed, and the care thereof driveth
away a multitude of peace.”
13 Now when Joseph heard these words, he sat himself down upon the ground and gathering his robes
about him, he spoke unto the Lord, saying:
14 “Surely riches are the blessings of the Lord, for by my faithfulness unto the Law am I rewarded
15 Did not God give unto our fathers all manner of riches whensoever they were faithful unto him? And
when they trespassed against the Lord, did he not take away the goodly thing?”
16 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “Have you not read of Solomon, how that above all the riches of
the earth he asked God for wisdom only?
17 Which, therefore, is the greater gift: riches or wisdom? And from whence comes the greater gift:
from God or some other?
18 I tell you truly that the Father above grants riches unto no man for righteousness sake; but wisdom
and joy, faith and hope, peace and love exceeding, these things does the Father grant unto the
19 For such wealth and prosperity as you would claim the blessings of God, draw from the soul of man
all manner of corruptions;
20 For gold and silver make dull the soul within, and as a canker does it corrupt the whole man every
whit, bringing forth only envy, greed, and covetousness.
21 Consider how that by such treasures are there come unto the children of men all manner of sin and
sorrow, being bounded on every side by a multitude of evil.
22 For you guard night and day lest thieves break in and steal, and when you are dead, then do others
come and take away all your treasures.
23 Desire for yourself good gifts only which no man can take away, for it is written that naked came you
from your mother’s womb and naked shall you return.
24 Why, therefore, will you say that riches are the blessings which are come from God seeing that in
death you can by no means secure them unto yourself?
25 Shall that which is given of God be subject unto death? Shall the blessings of the Lord bring from the
heart of man only evil?
26 For when a man sees the riches of another, behold, how he envies; and for covetousness sake will he
kill and steal and bear false witness, that he might obtain for himself the riches of another.
27 But the true blessings which are come from above can no man steal away, neither can death carry
away the good thing to give unto another.
28 Why then are you made over-proud for riches sake, seeing that the riches of this world are filled with
29 And for what cause will you think yourself righteous for riches sake, seeing that in your soul you are
filled with darkness and corruption?
30 Make certain, therefore, the blessing of God and trust not in uncertain riches which today are, but in
death are all gone away.
31 Seek not for riches only, but after eternal life instead; for whosoever has eternal life is rich already.”
32 Now when Joseph heard these words, he marveled, and he spoke unto the Lord, saying:
33 “Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I might have eternal life?”
34 And the Lord answered him, saying: “Why will you call me good seeing that there is one only which is
good and he is God?
35 But if you would enter into life and not death, then keep you the commandments.”
36 And Joseph spoke again, saying: “Which commandments shall I keep above all the rest?”
37 Yeshua answered: “Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou
shalt not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother.”
38 And Joseph said: “My Lord, all these have I kept from youth till now. What good thing lack I yet?”
39 And Yeshua, being filled with love for Joseph, spoke unto him, saying: “If you would be perfect, then
love your neighbor as yourself.”
40 Now when Joseph heard these things he pondered deeply, and he spoke unto the Lord, saying: “By
what means shall I love my neighbor as myself?”
41 And Yeshua said unto him, “If you would love your neighbor unto eternal life, then go and sell all
which you have and give it freely unto the poor, and you shall have treasures in Heaven;
42 And come follow me, then shall your Heavenly Father give unto you the true blessings which are
come from above.”
43 And hearing this Joseph was filled with grief, for he had great possessions and, rising up, he went
unto his own house; and day and night did he weigh continually all which Yeshua spoke.
44 And when he was decided, he sat himself down and taking up a parchment, he wrote unto
Nicodemus who was foremost above all the Pharisees which were of the Sanhedrin, saying:
45 ‘To Nicodemus Hyrcanus, prince of Israel, from Joseph Ben Matthias: greetings and peace be upon
you and your house for ever.
46 Seeing that all Israel is filled with expectations concerning that one of whom John spake in the
wilderness, I thought it seemly that I should write unto you a word concerning him.
47 For when I journeyed upon the way from Joppa unto Arimathea I heard how this Yeshua of Galilee
was come among us;
48 And being learned in both the Law and the prophets, I went seeking him that perchance I might
know from whence he was come, whether he was come from God or some other.
49 What then shall I say concerning him, for by his word alone am I all undone, and the wealth and
fame of all my house are become as chaff which the wind does carry away.
50 For when I see the works of his hand, and hear the words of his mouth, I am filled with wonder.
51 Surely some great prophet is come again unto Israel. Take care among those which rule in Jerusalem
concerning him. Lest by contending against him, you fight against God also.’
52 And Nicodemus, when he read these things, went and told many which were of the Sanhedrin
concerning all which Joseph reported concerning Yeshua.
53 And there were many which believed the words which Joseph wrote, and together did they elect
that Nicodemus should go and speak privily with the Master, lest they which ruled in the temple take
some measure against them.
54 Now Yeshua came again unto Judea, and when he was come to the town of Emmaus, the word of his
coming spread throughout all Judea, Samaria, and Perea.
55 And there gathered unto the Lord the twelve apostles, and with them were Cephas, James and John.
56 And there gathered also unto the Lord they which were of the Seventy, and together did they rejoice
to see again the Master.
57 And they told him all which they did throughout the land, teaching and declaring the coming of the
Promised One, and in his name healing all manner of infirmities.
58 When Yeshua heard these things he rejoiced with them, and he spoke unto them, saying:
59 “Surely I have seen Satan fall as lightning unto the earth, and there was found for him neither room
nor place in the hearts of men.
60 Blessed are you which hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled to overflowing.
61 Blessed are you which are filled with mercy towards all men, for you shall receive an abundance of
mercy for love’s sake.
62 Blessed are you which are pure in heart, laying offenses against no man, for you shall see God and in
the midst of his glory dwell forever.
63 Blessed are you which publish peace throughout the land, and who make reconcile the children of
men one with another, for you shall be called the children of God, and the end of all your ways shall he
establish in peace and blessing.
64 Behold, I give unto you power which is come from above whereby you might tread down the
serpents and scorpions which are come upon the children of men.
65 And over all the power of the enemy shall you establish the ways of God upon the earth, and no man
shall by any means prevent you.
66 For whosoever hears you shall hear me also, and whosoever rejects you shall reject me also; and
whosoever rejects me shall reject the one which sent me.
67 Yet, notwithstanding these things, rejoice not in such powers as you are given, but rejoice because
your names are written in the heart of the Father which is come from above.”
68 And John, hearing these things, drew near unto the Lord and spoke unto him, saying:
69 “Good Master, we which were appointed saw some other casting out devils in your name, yet would
he not follow after us.
70 And when we forbid him this thing, yet would he pay no heed, but continued as before.”
71 But Yeshua rebuked John, saying: “Why are you offended, for who are you that you should forbid
another the doing of some good in my name?
72 Forbid him not: for there is no man which can do a miracle in my name which can lightly speak evil of
73 For he that is not against us is for us, and he that is not with me is against me; and whosoever
gathers not, the same scattereth abroad. Come now, and let us go from here.”
74 And Yeshua, gathering about him even all his disciples, journeyed unto Jerusalem; and the word of
his going and coming went before him
Chapter 28
The widow who gave all she had – Through the eye of a needle – On giving alms to the poor – Woe unto
the rich – On prayer – Forgiveness and prayer and fasting – Caiaphas tries to arrest Yeshua – “Who is
your Father that we might know him?” – A greater witness than John – The witness of Moses –
Contentions arise over who Yeshua is – Guards fail to arrest Yeshua, Caiaphas angered
1 In the month of Adar when the feast of Purim was come, Yeshua came again unto Jerusalem.
2 And going in unto the temple, he sat down by the treasury and he beheld how the people brought
forth their tithes and offerings.
3 And they which were rich came dressed in fine robes and wearing all manner of precious ornaments,
being adorned in rich fragrances and oils; and they cast much into the treasury.
4 But there came a certain widow dressed in rags and taking from her apron, she gave unto the temple
two small coins of copper.
5 And Yeshua seeing this spoke unto his disciples, saying: “I tell you truly that this woman has given
more than all they which are rich.
6 For they which are rich give from their abundance a pittance only, to be seen of men; but this woman
has given from her poverty all which she has.
7 I tell you, therefore, that her gift is accepted of God; but they which are rich, having cast in much,
even their gifts has your Heavenly Father rejected altogether.
8 For they which are rich shall hardly enter into the kingdom of God, for they are filled with pretenses,
and all their pride shall avail them nothing.
9 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for this word have I from the Father which sent me.
10 It is easier for the camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the
kingdom of God.
11 For just as the fish of the sea can find for themselves no dwelling place in the airs above, even so
shall they which are rich find for themselves no dwelling place in the presence of God, for the poor have
they scorned continually.”
12 Now when the disciples heard this they were astonished, and they spoke among themselves, saying:
“Who then can be saved, seeing that all men desire to be rich?”
13 But the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “Fret not yourselves because of this saying; for with God all
things are possible.
14 Take heed, therefore, that you perform not your alms to be seen of men, lest you be given no
reward from your Father which is in Heaven.
15 And when you go about doing service unto the poor, sound neither trumpet nor cymbal before you
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets; for such as these seek after the praise and
glory of men only. I tell you truly, they have their reward.
16 But when you do alms, let not the left hand know what the right hand is doing, that all your alms
might be done in secret before men.
17 And your Heavenly Father which sees all things in secret shall reward you openly, adding upon you
blessing for blessing.
18 For whosoever would give unto the poor a blessing in alms, even he shall receive in abundance from
God a double portion.
19 Give then unto the poor and it shall be given unto you again in good measure, being pressed down
and shaken together, and running over with abundance, evensomuch that you shall have no room to
20 For with the same measure that you give unto another, even so shall it be measured unto you again
from above.
21 Blessed, therefore, are they which are humble in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God; and blessed
are they which are meek, for they shall inherit a goodly land.
22 Blessed are they which mourn, being weighed down continually for poverty’s sake, for I tell you truly
that they shall be comforted.
23 But woe unto you that are rich, despising the poor, for you have received your consolation.
24 Woe unto you that are filled with food and drink today, for tomorrow your house shall some other
devour unto themselves, and you shall be filled with hunger only.
25 Woe unto you which today laugh and dance about, for on the morrow shall you weep and lament,
and there shall come forth no man to save you.
26 Woe unto you and beware, when all men shall speak well of you; for so did their fathers unto the
false prophets.”
27 So taught the Master and as they were leaving the temple, they passed by several Pharisees which
were praying aloud; and the Lord, taking offense against them, spoke unto his disciples aloud, saying:
28 “When you pray, be not as the hypocrites are, for they love to pray publicly in the synagogues and
on street corners that they might be seen of men. I tell you truly, they have their reward.
29 But whensoever you pray enter secretly into your closet and when you have closed the door, then
shall you draw nigh unto your Father which is in Heaven.
30 And your Father which sees and hears secretly all which you do, even he shall reward you openly.
31 And when you pray, use not vain repetitions as the scribes and Pharisees do; for they think that they
shall be heard for their much speaking, yet of them has all Heaven grown weary these many years.
32 Be not, therefore, like unto them; for your Heavenly Father knows already the things of which you
have need, even before you should ask him.”
33 When the disciples heard this they marveled, and one asked the Lord, saying: “My Lord, how then
ought we to pray?”
34 And he answered them, saying: “After this manner pray you always: Our Father which art in Heaven,
hallowed be your name.
36 Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, even as we forgive our debtors.
37 And let us not enter into temptation but deliver us from evil: For yours is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
38 Hear now and be wise lest all your prayers avail you nothing. For if you forgive men their trespasses,
then shall your Heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses also.
39 But if you forgive not men their trespasses, then shall your Heavenly Father not forgive you your
trespasses either.
40 Moreover when you fast, be not as the hypocrites who go about with sad faces and beating upon
their bosom to be seen of others.
41 For they make mournful the whole countenance without that they might appear unto men to fast. I
tell you truly they have their reward.
42 But whensoever you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that you may not appear unto men
as one which fasts; but commit your fast unto the Father in secret only, and the Father which sees in
secret shall reward you openly.”
43 Now when the scribes and Pharisees which stood nearby heard these things, they were offended;
and going in unto the High Priest they told him all which the Master said.
44 And one of the priests spoke unto Caiaphas, saying: “What shall we do concerning this man, for each
day that he speaks we are further undone?
45 For except we act quickly against him all Israel will follow after him and unto us shall they not give
heed, having been seduced and led astray by this Galilean.”
46 But Caiaphas spoke unto them all, saying: “I will bring him unto us privately, that we might examine
him for ourselves; then shall we find against him some charge worthy of death.”
47 And calling forth the officers of the guard, he commanded that they should go and bring Yeshua unto
the chief priests and elders.
48 Now in the courtyard of the temple did Yeshua speak forth unto the multitudes, and all which heard
marveled at the beauty of his speech.
49 And some of them which heard, spoke, saying: “Who is this man, for never have we heard any man
speak as this man speaks.” And one answered them, saying: “It is Yeshua of Nazareth who is come again
unto Jerusalem.”
50 And others, being troubled because of him, said: “Behold what manner of doctrine this man teaches.
How shall we understand it, for he teaches contrary to all the scribes and Pharisees.”
51 When Yeshua heard these things, he spoke, saying: “My doctrine is not my own but is come from the
one which sent me.
52 If you would do the will of my Father, then would you know of the doctrine, whether it be from God
or whether I speak of myself only.
53 For he that speaks of himself only seeks the increase of his own glory.
54 But he that seeks after the glory of the one which sent him, he it is which is true, and there can be
found in him no unrighteousness.”
55 And a certain scribe asked him, saying: “Who then is your Father that we might know of him?”
56 And he answered them, saying: “All things which are come from above has the Father given unto
me; and of the Son no man knows except the Father first reveal it unto him.
57 Neither can any man know of the Father except the Son. He it is that makes known the Father even
as the Father makes known the Son.
58 I tell you truly that the Son can do nothing of himself, but whatsoever thing the Father does, even so
does the Son likewise.
59 For the Father loves the Son and reveals unto him all which the Father does;
60 And greater works than these shall he make known, that you may see with your eyes and hear with
your ears what no man has seen before.
61 For as the Father quickens the dead unto life again, even so shall the Son quicken all those who
believe in him.
62 Behold, my Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son.
63 For it is expedient that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. And he that
honors not the Son, how then shall he honor the Father which sent him?
64 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for I tell you truly that whosoever hears my words to
believe in me, the same is passed from death unto life; and in the presence of the Father shall he dwell
65 Of myself I can do nothing. But whatsoever thing the Father would reveal unto me, that thing I do.
66 And if it so be that I should judge another, then is my judgment true, for I seek not my own will, but
the will of the Father which sent me.
67 And if I bear witness of myself only, then is my witness false. Yet is there another which bears
witness of me, whose witness is true above all others.
68 For you yourselves did go unto the wilderness to see John and to hear him, and he bore witness of
69 He was a burning and shining light, and for a season did all Israel rejoice in his light till you killed him.
70 Yet have I a greater witness than that which is come from John, for the works which the Father has
given me to do bear witness that I am come from God.
71 And my Father bears witness of me, but his voice you will not hear, nor at any time will you see him.
72 His word have you not in you, for you believe not in the one whom he has sent.
73 Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life, but they are they which testify of
me. Why then will you not come unto me that you might live?
74 From men I receive no honor, for I know your hearts that you are corrupt, and the love of God is not
in you.
75 For I came in my Father’s name and you would not receive me. Yet if another should come in his own
name, him you receive with gladness.
76 How then shall you believe, seeing that you seek honor one from another; while yet you seek not the
honor which is come from God alone?
77 Think not, therefore, that I shall accuse you before the Father; for there is one already which accuses
you, even Moses in whom you trust.
78 For had you believed in Moses, then would you have believed in me also; for he wrote concerning
79 But if you believe not his writings, how then shall you believe in my words?”
80 These then are the words which Yeshua spoke and many believed in him, saying: “Of a truth this
man is the very Anointed One which is come to save us.”
81 But others which believed, said: “How can this man be the Anointed One seeing that the scriptures
say that he which is promised shall come from the seed of David in Bethlehem?
82 Say only that he is a prophet and we will believe in him.” But the first replied unto the second,
83 “If there should come some other Messiah will he do greater works than that which this man
doeth?” And there arose a division among the people because of him.
84 And the Pharisees, seeing that all the people would believe in him, grew fearful, and one spoke unto
him, saying:
85 “We were not born of fornication as you were; for we have but one who is our Father, even God.”
86 And Yeshua spoke again unto them, saying: “If God were truly your Father, then would you love me;
for I am come from the midst of him.
87 Why will you not understand my words, and for what cause have you set your hearts against me?
88 Surely are you come from your father the devil, for the things of your father only will you do.
89 For he was a murderer from the beginning and in him was there found neither truth nor light, but
death only.
90 And though I should speak unto you the truth, yet will you not believe; for my words you will not
91 Whosoever is come from God, the same will hear the words of God. You, therefore, cannot hear
them for you are not come from God.”
92 And Yeshua, after he had said these things, departed from the temple, and they which believed in
him, being many, marveled among themselves, saying:
93 “Behold, what manner of man this is that he should speak boldly unto those which sit in power.
94 Surely he is the Anointed One, for see how they fear him and will not so much as lift their finger
against him.”
95 Now when the Lord was gone again unto the city, there came unto Caiaphas the officers of the
guard, trembling.
96 And seeing them approach, Caiaphas inquired of them, saying: “Where is the Galilean? Have you
hidden him beneath your robes? Why have you not brought him unto me?”
97 And they answered him, saying: “By what means could we lay hold of him seeing that all the people
love him? For no man ever spoke like this man.”
98 And Caiaphas grew angry against them, saying: “What! Would you also become his disciples?” And
the officers answered him not a word.
99 And Caiaphas called aloud throughout the whole sanctuary, saying: “Have any of the Sanhedrin
believed in him?”
100 But they which were of the temple dared not to answer him, and from that day did Caiaphas plot
continually against the Master, that he might lay some charge against him.
Chapter 29
Judas and Simon to the Zealots – The Zealots go to see Yeshua – Seeing the miracles, the Zealots are
impressed – Zealots offer to fight for Yeshua – “The Messiah, whose son is he?” – Kingdom of God not
established with blood – Parable: The Unknown Treasure – “Give to Caesar the things which are
Caesar’s” – The Zealots are angered at Yeshua – Parable: The Living Pearls – Twenty and four prophets –
A Roman Tribune records the words of Yeshua
1 In Jerusalem was there found a certain sect of the Zealots which sought to cast out of all Israel the
soldiers of Rome; and by fire and sword did they persecute against any of the Jews which agreed not
with them.
2 Now there came unto the Zealots Judas of Kerioth and Simon Zelotes, which were of the Lord’s
following, for they, of themselves, were Zealots also.
3 And Judas, speaking unto the leaders of the sect, said: “We have found the very Anointed One, even
Yeshua of Galilee, who has performed among the people many marvelous things.”
4 But the Zealots answered Judas, saying: “Is this not the man which commands that we should love our
enemies? How can such a man establish again the throne of David?
5 Be gone from us and trouble us no more because of him, for we have had enough with Galileans
which talk much but do little.”
6 Judas said unto them, “Come for yourself and see him; for many have come proclaiming themselves
the very Messiah, but which of them could at any time do like unto Yeshua?
7 For even they which rule in the temple are fearful of him, shaking and trembling all about as leaves
made ready to fall.”
8 And hearing this, they went forth to see for themselves, and there went unto Yeshua the leaders of all
the Zealots which were in Israel whose names were: Eleazar Ben Menachem, Judas Bar Abbas, Ezra Ben
Onias, and Gurion Ben Hadabbi.
9 And they found the Lord on the Mount of Olives teaching and healing all which came unto him.
10 Now there were also among the people many which were of the scribes and Pharisees, and with
them also were certain of the Sadducees and Herodians; for they had all come seeking against the Lord
some offense.
11 But when they saw that the Zealots would draw near unto Yeshua, each man grew fearful, and many
hands cleaved unto the sword.
12 And the Zealots, seeing how the Master healed both the blind and the lame, were astonished
because of him;
13 And they spoke among themselves, saying: “What manner of man is this, for which of the prophets
could do in like manner the miracles which he doeth?”
14 So speaking among themselves, the Zealots came before the Lord and said: “Surely you are the
Anointed One which all Israel has sought these many years.
15 Speak, therefore, but the word only and we shall gather unto you a mighty host from among all the
sons of Israel.
16 For if you will but place your hand in ours, then shall we cast the heathen far from us; and upon the
throne of your father David shall you be made to rule over all Israel.
17 For seeing that you are the one of whom the prophets spoke, even we would die for you.”
18 These then are the words which the Zealots spoke unto Yeshua. And all which heard were
astonished that they should humble themselves before the Nazarene.
19 But Yeshua answered them, saying: “To live for me is better than to die for me. For I am come that
you might live and not perish.”
20 And lifting up his voice he spoke unto the people, saying: “Come and tell me plainly concerning this
Messiah for whom you eagerly wait. Whose son is he?”
21 And the Pharisees, taking counsel among themselves, answered him, saying: “He is the son of
22 The Lord answered them, saying: “If he is truly David’s son, why then did David prophesy these
words concerning him:
23 ‘For my Lord said to my Lord, saying: Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool?’
24 If David, by whom the word of the Lord is given, called him Lord, how then is the Messiah his son?
Shall the son prove greater than the father which bore him?”
25 And all which heard answered him not a word. And the Lord spoke again, saying:
26 “Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear. For I tell you truly that the kingdom of the Father can
no man establish by blood and fury, but in peace and holiness is it come among you.”
27 And Judas Bar Abbas asked him, saying: “Lord, on what day shall the kingdom come, for we have
waited these many years?”
28 And the Lord answered him, saying: “I tell you truly that the kingdom is come already among you
and you will not see.
29 Hear then this parable, for the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain man which had a treasure
hidden in the field which he knew not of.
30 And when he died, the son received the field for an inheritance; yet did he not know of the treasure
which was hidden in the earth.
31 And by and by he sold the field unto another, and he which bought it went forth to sow seed, and as
he was plowing, he found the treasure which was hidden.
32 In like manner are you also become. For the kingdom of Heaven is within you, and you know it not at
33 Now when the Pharisees saw that the Zealots grew troubled because of Yeshua, they took counsel
whereby they might cause the Zealots to turn against him.
34 And one spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Master, we know that you are true and faithful unto God
always, being equal and just towards all men; for you regard not the station of any man.
35 Tell us, therefore, what say you of taxes which the Romans impose? Is it just to give tribute unto
Caesar, or not?”
36 But Yeshua, perceiving the trickery of their hearts, spoke, saying: “You hypocrites, for what just
cause would you entangle me? Show me the tribute money.”
37 And they gave unto the Lord a silver denarius. And the Lord showing it unto the people, said:
39 Then said the Lord unto them, “Give unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and give unto God
the things which are God’s.”
40 Now when the Zealots heard this they seethed with indignation against the Lord, for he commanded
that all men should pay tribute unto Caesar.
41 And they went again unto their own place, saying: “This man is a false prophet, for see how he
deceives the people.”
42 And Judas and Simon Zelotes grieved because of it, for they desired the kingdom of David more than
the kingdom of God.
43 And they beseeched the Lord, saying: “Master, Master, what have you done? Do you not know that
they are offended against you because of this thing?
44 Will you scorn forever the throne of David? Behold, my Lord, how these men would have died for
you, evensomuch that they would have offered up in war the children of their loins.”
45 But Yeshua would not give heed unto them, but instead called unto the children which played
nearby, and when they were come unto him, he spoke, saying:
46 “There was a certain king which was rich above all others; for he had gathered from the nations the
glory of all their treasury.
47 And on a certain day the king, being finely dressed and wearing a crown of pearls, went walking in
the city; and all which saw him beheld with wonder the splendor of all his wealth and glory.
48 But as he walked in the market place, a pearl fell from the crown of the king, and he not knowing,
passed by.
49 Now in the market was there a certain mother keeping watch over her children, and seeing the pearl
fall from the crown of the king, she ran and fetched it up.
50 And seeing the king in the distance, she gathered her children and ran unto him, and when she drew
near, she gave unto the king the pearl which was fallen.
51 And the king, seeing the woman, asked her, saying: ‘Woman, where are your pearls that you should
give this one unto me?’
52 And the woman, taking hold of her children, said: ‘These, O king, are the pearls of my life, even living
pearls which make rich my whole house.’
53 Now when the Lord had said these things, he looked upon the whole multitude, and being filled with
tenderness for them, spoke, saying:
54 “Cast not away, therefore, these living pearls; for children are given you by God for an inheritance.
55 For what pearl, if it be fallen in the mire, will lose its value? And again, what pearl, though it be
anointed with precious oil, shall be made of greater worth?
56 Behold, I tell you truly, that the pearl is of itself costly above many treasures.
57 So it is with the children of men wherever you should find them, even they are become as precious
pearls in the hand of your Heavenly Father.”
58 And one of the disciples said: “Twenty and four prophets spoke in Israel, and all spoke of you. Why,
therefore, will you not restore again the glory of David?”
59 And Yeshua answered, saying: “Why will you leave the Living One which is even now before you, that
you might go and speak of them which are dead?
60 Look upon the Living One and you shall live, lest you die in your sins and the Living One you shall see
no longer.”
61 Now there was among the people a certain Roman, a tribune which was come from Rome making
inquiry concerning Yeshua of Nazareth.
62 And all which the Lord spoke did the Roman observe closely, and with great care did he write all
which he heard, that he might send word unto Caesar regarding him.
Chapter 30
The fame of Yeshua spreads – Sadducees test Yeshua on Moses and marriage – Yeshua teaches on
marriage – The law which Moses gave – On the law of Moses and divorce – Yeshua proclaims women
equal to men in the eyes of God – The woman taken in adultery – “He that is without sin among you, let
him cast the first stone” – “Woman, where are your accusers?” – “Will you kill another because you are
offended?” – “Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way”
1 And all Jerusalem spoke the name of Yeshua for good or for evil, even according to their own hearts;
and the multitudes came out from the city daily to hear him.
2 But they which ruled in the temple, or governed in the palaces grew uneasy because of him, for all the
people loved him, and all which the Master said and taught did the people speak among themselves in
the synagogues and in the markets.
3 And there arose against the Lord in secret chambers a multitude of plots and intrigues, for many
conspired to kill him.
4 On a certain day when Yeshua was again in the city teaching, there came unto him they which were of
the Sadducees which believed not in the life after death;
5 For the Sadducees scorned the traditions and teachings of the elders, for they believed with strictness
the law of Moses only.
6 And coming unto the Lord they took thought whereby they might ridicule him before the people, and
they spoke unto him, saying:
7 “Master, what think you; for Moses commanded that if a man die, having no children, then should his
brother marry his wife to go in unto her that she might bring forth children unto the brother’s name.
8 Now there was a certain man which had six brothers, and when he died, having no children to follow
after him, the second brother took the wife unto himself.
9 Likewise the second brother died also, having raised up no children and the third brother took to wife
the same woman; till he also died bringing forth no children.
10 So was it with the fourth even unto the last brother, each taking the wife of the first to raise up seed,
yet each dying without issue; and at last the woman died also.
11 Therefore, in the life to come whose wife will the woman become unto the seven brothers, seeing
that she was married unto each in turn?”
12 And the Lord answered, saying: “You do err among yourselves concerning this thing, for you know
neither the scriptures nor the power of God.
13 For they which are married according to the laws of men are not bound together in the life to come,
but in this life only.
14 For you know yourselves how that in the beginning God joined together both Adam and Eve, and
they became as one flesh.
15 For that which God has joined together can no man separate, nor death break asunder.
16 But they which are married after the rudiments of men go not forth into the kingdom of Heaven,
being husband and wife, but are sent forth again unto life seeking.
17 And if it so be that a man and a woman are bound together in great love exceeding, then are they
sealed of God one unto the other;
18 And in the kingdom of God are they forever one, and before the Father and all the angels are they
made to dwell in everlasting life.
19 But why do you seek to ensnare me, seeing that you believe not already in the life to come?
20 Have you not read what was spoken unto your fathers by God, even from the beginning, saying:
21 ‘Behold, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?’ I tell you truly, that God is not the God of the
dead but of the living only.”
22 And the Sadducees spoke again unto him, saying: “Is not the law which Moses gave the law of God
23 Yeshua answered them, saying: “If the law were come from God, why then will you say it is the law
which Moses gave?
24 I tell you truly that Moses at the first did give unto your fathers the law which was come from God;
25 Yet did your fathers commit sin in the wilderness, and against the golden calf did he break in pieces
the law which was come from above.
26 For this cause did Moses give unto you the lesser law, for you are a stiffnecked people, quick to sin
and quick to forget the Lord your God.”
27 Now when the Pharisees heard the words which Yeshua spoke unto the Sadducees, they also
thought to tempt him, saying:
28 “Tell us then if it be lawful for a man to put away his wife, to divorce her?”
29 And he answered, saying: “Have you not read how that God created both male and female, for it is
not good that the man or the woman should dwell alone upon the earth.
30 For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and taking to his bosom a woman to wife, he
shall cleave unto her; and they shall become as one flesh before the Lord.
31 Wherefore the man and the woman are no more two, but one flesh only. What, therefore, God has
sealed together let no man break asunder.”
32 Now when the Pharisees heard this, they contended against the Lord, saying:
33 “Why then did Moses command that if a man should put away his wife, let him give her a writ of
34 And Yeshua answered, saying: “Because of your hardheartedness against the woman, Moses
suffered you to divorce your wives, but in the beginning it was not so.
35 See then for yourselves how that the law which Moses gave unto your fathers in the wilderness
commands but the lesser portion; for so have you become for tradition’s sake.
36 For if you would put away the wife for adultery sake, then would it be just also that the woman
should put away the husband likewise.”
37 And the Pharisees hearing this were astonished, and they asked him, saying: “Will you make the
woman equal unto the man in the eyes of the law?”
38 And the Lord said: “Are not the man and the woman both come from God altogether?
39 Will you say also, that God is divided within by the greater and lesser portion? If not, why then will
you say that the man is preferred of God above the woman?
40 For the man is not without the woman, neither the woman without the man, for in God are these
two become as one.
41 And if it so be that they become as one, wherein shall you say that the man is greater than the
42 And the Pharisees when they heard these things, spoke among themselves, saying: “This man
teaches against the law of Moses. Let us, therefore, seize him that we might bring against him some
43 But others said: “Let us be wise and wait yet again a little while, for see how we are few while the
people are many.”
44 Now when it was near noon day, Yeshua went walking near the temple, and there came to him the
scribes and Pharisees and they cast down before him a woman which was taken in adultery.
45 “Master, this woman was taken in the very act of adultery. Now Moses commanded that we should
stone her; but what would you have us do?”
46 And Yeshua said: “Are there not two which commit adultery together? Where then is the man also?”
But they answered him not a word.
47 But Yeshua, stooping down upon the ground, began to write with his finger in the dust the names of
all them which would accuse her.
48 Again they asked him, saying: “Are you for the law or against it? What would you have us do unto
the woman? Shall we fulfill the law or not?”
49 And lifting up his head unto the accusers, he said: “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the
first stone.” And again he turned to write upon the ground.
50 And the scribes and Pharisees, when they heard this, went singly one by one away from him; being
convicted in their hearts because of sin.
51 When, therefore, Yeshua had lifted himself up he saw no man but the woman only, and speaking
unto her he said:
52 “Woman, where are your accusers? Is there not even one which would condemn you?”
53 And she, trembling, answered him, saying: “No, my Lord.” And the Master, taking her by the hand,
lifted her up from the ground, and he spoke to her, saying: “Neither will I condemn you: go and sin no
54 And Yeshua, turning to the people, spoke unto them, saying: “In the law have you heard it said: Thou
shalt not commit adultery.
55 But I say unto you, that whosoever looks upon another to lust, the same has committed adultery in
the heart already.
56 Why then will you be offended against another for adultery’s sake, seeing that even all of you are
likewise sinners?
57 Will you kill another because you are offended? What say you then, if your right eye offend you, will
you pluck it out, to cast it far away?
58 And if it so be that your right hand offend you, will you also cut it off to cast it far from you? Why
then will you judge harshly the fallen which are among you?
59 Take care, therefore, the manner in which you judge another, lest you yourself be judged in like
60 For whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, do you likewise unto them also; then shall
you fulfill even all the law and the prophets.
61 Enter into the straight gate which leads unto life, for wide is the gate and broad is the way which
leads unto death, and many are there which go in thereat.
62 But straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life everlasting, and few there be
which find it.”
63 Now when it was evening, Yeshua went unto Bethany, and entering into the house of Martha and
Lazarus her brother, he tarried many days;
64 Teaching in the garden and upon the mount the kingdom of God and the forgiveness of sins.
Chapter 31
Nicodemus goes secretly to Yeshua – The baptism of John versus the anointing of God – Faith receiveth,
hope worketh, love giveth – On multiple mortalities – They which are come from God speak what they
know – Men who love darkness – Pontius Pilate goes to Jerusalem – Pilate plots the death of the
1 Now there came secretly in the night unto Bethany, a ruler of the Jews whose name was Nicodemus;
and with him also came John, the son of Levi from the city of Emmaus.
2 And Nicodemus spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Rabbi, we know that you are a prophet sent by God; for
no man can do as you have done except that God be with him first.
3 Tell me, therefore, by what means a man might be accepted of God; for John when he came
baptizing, brought many unto repentance.
4 Yet is he now dead and there is no man which baptizes save a few which follow after him.
5 How then shall the faithful be accepted of God seeing that neither you nor your disciples baptize at
6 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “Whosoever believes in me to follow after, the same have no need
of baptism; for they which are purified by the Spirit are made clean every whit.
7 For the anointing which comes from above is greater than the baptism of men. For they which are
anointed of God, having believed unto exaltation, even they receive from the Father the fire which
purges away all unrighteousness.
8 Whosoever, therefore, shall receive unto their soul the anointing which comes from above, the same
shall receive a fullness in faith, and in hope, and in love.
9 For in these things are there come forth an abundance of blessing; for faith receiveth, hope worketh,
and love giveth.
10 For no man can have faith except that he receive from God; neither can you hope except that you
first bring forth righteousness; and except you give unto another, wherein shall you be filled with love?
11 Whosoever, therefore, receives from God, unto them is all hope justified; and whosoever gives unto
another, the same it is which loveth.
12 What shall it matter if a man say that he sees, if yet he dwells in darkness only? Shall he see more
than they which are blind?
13 Come, therefore, unto the light that you might see, for in the light are hidden things revealed; and in
you there shall be found neither darkness nor blindness, but light only.”
14 And Nicodemus spoke again unto the Lord, saying: “My Lord, I, too, would seek the kingdom of
15 Yeshua answered him, saying: “I tell you truly that except you be born again, you cannot enter into
the kingdom of God.”
16 Now when Nicodemus heard this, he grew troubled in his soul and he spoke, saying: “Lord, how can
a man, when he is old, enter again into his mother’s womb to be born again?”
17 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “Except you be born of the flesh and of the Spirit, you cannot
enter into the kingdom of God.
18 For that which is born of the flesh is at the first worldly; but that which is born of Spirit endures
forever unto God.
19 Marvel not, therefore, that I say unto you: ‘You must be born again.’
20 Are not the glass and clay vessel both made in the fire? But if the glass vessel be broken, behold, it is
gathered up and cast into the fire to be made again;
21 And when there is breathed into it the breath of life, behold, it is brought forth anew.
22 But with earthen vessels it is not so, for if they be broken, they are destroyed altogether, for they are
created without breath.
23 Fear not, therefore, the flesh of the body neither love it overmuch. For if you will fear the flesh then
shall it become your master;
24 And if you love it overmuch, behold, you are all consumed and swallowed up.
25 But they which are of the Spirit are like unto the wind which goes wheresoever it wills, for though
you hear the sound thereof, you cannot tell from whence it comes, or unto what place it goes.”
26 And when Nicodemus heard these things, he spoke, saying: “What do these things mean?”
27 The Lord answered him, saying: “Are you not a master in Israel? How is it that you know not these
28 Have you not read in the scriptures this saying: Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked
shall I return unto it?
29 Did not the prophet speak, saying: If a man die, shall he not live again? For all the days of my
appointed time have I waited, even till my change come upon me.
30 I tell you truly that they which are come from God do speak but what they know, and testify of what
they have seen. Why then will you not believe them?
31 And if it so be that I tell you earthly things and you believe not, how then shall you believe if I speak
of heavenly things?
32 For no man has ascended up unto Heaven but he which came down from Heaven.
33 Whosoever, therefore, shall believe in the one which is come from above, even he shall not perish
but unto him shall be given eternal life in the kingdom of the Father.
34 For this cause is judgment come upon you, for unto the world did the Father send forth the light; yet
do men love the darkness more than the light, for their deeds are evil.
35 And everyone which brings forth evil shall hate the light, neither will they come in unto it, lest their
deeds be made manifest unto all men.
36 But he which receives from God in faith unto good works, the same it is which comes to the light;
and when it is shined upon him, then is the love of God made manifest abroad.”
37 These are the words which Yeshua spoke unto Nicodemus, and many other things did he speak unto
38 And Nicodemus, going again unto the city, gave forth all his heart unto the Lord from that day forth.
39 Now there came unto Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover, Pontius Pilate; for he desired to keep
peace throughout all Judea, lest the Jews rebel against Rome.
40 And hearing that Yeshua was again in the city, he commanded that the High Priest and chief elders
should come unto him that they might take counsel concerning the Galilean.
41 And when they were gathered he asked them, saying: “What will you do against this Yeshua? Why
will you permit that he should trouble all of Israel?”
42 Caiaphas answered him, saying: “What would you have us do? For wheresoever he goes the people
love him, and we can do nothing because of them.”
43 Pilate said: “Is this not the feast of Passover? Is he not a Jew like unto you? Why then will you not kill
him when he is come unto the temple to worship?”
44 But when Caiaphas and the chief elders heard this, they were troubled in their hearts, and they
spoke unto Pilate, saying:
45 “What! Would you destroy us also? Did you not know that all Israel believes that this man is a
prophet sent from God?
46 If, therefore, we must kill him, then let us do it according to the law, lest all Israel be made to suffer
because of it.”
47 But Pilate spoke scornfully unto them, saying: “What care have I for gods or prophets? This man stirs
up the people, and I will not suffer because of him.”
48 And all that night did the elders of the Jews withstand Pilate to the face, lest he cause that they
should defile the temple.
49 And when they were returned unto their own place, Pilate commanded that Marcus Galerius take
certain of the Romans and, dressing them according to the custom of the Jews, go secretly unto the
50 That whensoever a Galilean should be made known in the press of the crowd, they might kill him
51 But Yeshua, being warned of God, left Bethany and journeyed unto Jericho, both he and his disciples.
Chapter 32
Zacchaeus in Jericho – Love erases sin – Parable: The Prodigal Son – Zacchaeus becomes a disciple – “If
your son ask for bread, will you give him a stone?” – Parable: The Unjust Judge – Herod Antipas rushes
to Jericho to see Yeshua
1 There lived in Jericho a tax collector which was chief above all others, whose name was Zacchaeus,
the son of Jambri, a minister in Herod’s court.
2 And hearing that Yeshua was come unto the city, he went to see, but he could by no means draw near
unto the Lord for the press of the crowd was great;
3 Neither could he so much as see above the people, for he was small in stature; and seeing by the way
a sycamore tree, he climbed above the multitudes that perchance he might see the Lord passing by.
4 Now it so happened that when the Lord came near, he looked upward into the tree, and seeing the
man sitting there, he spoke joyfully unto him, saying:
5 “Come down Zacchaeus and make haste, for this day would I abide in your house.” And Zacchaeus,
hearing this, came down and received him gladly.
6 But the scribes and Pharisees, when they saw this, they accused the Lord, saying: “Why will you make
yourself unclean? Behold, this man is a sinner.”
7 And Yeshua answered them, saying: “Whosoever would love another, to have compassion on him,
even he is made clean every whit, and there is no sin in him.
8 But come now and hear this parable: For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain man which had
two sons.
9 And the youngest of them came unto his father and said: ‘Father, give unto me my inheritance
whereby I might make a living.’ And the father divided unto the son his portion.
10 And the son, gathering unto himself all his substance, journeyed unto a far country and there wasted
all his wealth in riotous living.
11 And when he had squandered all which he had, there came upon the whole land a great famine; and
all which feasted with him aforetime turned their face against him, for he was poor and he began to be
in want.
12 So he went and labored for another which lived in that country, and he went into the fields to feed
the swine.
13 And of the husk and acorns which the swine did eat would he seek also to fill his belly lest he perish
from hunger.
14 But when it was evening time and the labors of the day were all completed, he sat himself down and
spoke thus, saying:
15 ‘How many hired servants of my father have bread enough to eat and to spare while yet I perish
from hunger? For this cause shall I go unto my father and say:
16 Father I have sinned against you and against Heaven, and am no more worthy to be your son. Make
me, therefore, as one of your servants and I shall serve you well.’
17 And he arose and went unto the house of his father. But while he was yet some distance away, his
father beheld him walking, and being filled with joy, he ran forth and fell upon his son’s neck to kiss him.
18 And the son said: ‘Father, I have sinned against you and against Heaven and am no more worthy to
be your son.’
19 But the father would not hear him, and calling unto a servant he commanded him, saying:
20 ‘Bring forth my finest robe and put it on him, and put a ring upon his finger, and costly shoes upon
his feet;
21 And run you forth quickly and kill the fatted calf that even all my house might eat and rejoice
22 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, but now he is found.’
23 And the whole house did feast and make merry because of the son which was turned again unto the
24 But unto what shall I liken the eldest son? Behold, he is like the scribes and Pharisees which guard
jealously against you, lest you also enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
25 For when the eldest was come from the field, he saw the whole house making merry, singing and
dancing with great joy.
26 And calling forth a servant, he asked him concerning what all these things meant.
27 And the servant answered him, saying: ‘Behold, your brother has come home again, and your father
has prepared a great feast to receive him.’
28 But the eldest son grew angry because of it and he would not enter into the feast; and the father,
when he was made aware, went out to speak with him privily.
29 And the eldest spoke unto his father, saying: ‘These many years have I served you, and at no time
have I transgressed against you.
30 Yet when have you ever killed for me the fatted calf, or caused that I should feast and make merry
like unto this?
31 But when this your youngest came home again, even he which devoured whole his inheritance
amidst whores and gluttony, you have killed for him the fatted calf.’
32 And the father answered him, saying: ‘My son, be not angry because of this thing, for all which I have
will I give unto you.
33 Yet was it needful that we rejoice and be glad: for this your brother was dead, and is alive again; he
was lost, but now is found.’”
34 And Yeshua, turning unto all the people spoke concerning Zacchaeus, saying:
35 “For as much as this man is a son of Abraham, even he shall receive from the Father the blessings
which come from above.
36 For I came to seek and to save that which was lost, and to restore unto life that which has perished
37 And Zacchaeus, when he heard this, fell before the Lord, saying: “Behold, my Lord, how that from
this day forth I will follow after you only.
38 For I shall give unto the poor up to half my goods; and if I have taken from any man falsely, even that
shall I restore unto him fourfold.”
39 So spoke Zacchaeus unto the Lord, and the Lord went unto the house of Zacchaeus and all that day
did he teach unto the people the coming forth of the kingdom of Heaven.
40 And all them which were sick did the Master comfort, giving unto all which asked both life and joy;
and all the people gathered quietly round about to hear him.
41 And the Lord spoke unto the people, saying: “Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find;
knock and it shall be opened unto you.
42 For whosoever shall ask shall receive in abundance; and whosoever shall seek, even they shall find;
43 And whosoever would but knock, even unto them shall the door be opened, and you shall not have
room enough to receive.
44 For which of you, if your son ask for bread will give him a stone? Or, if he ask for a fish will give him a
serpent instead?
45 If you then, being but men only, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more
shall your Father which is in Heaven give unto them which ask?
46 And again, which of you having a friend would go to him in the night, saying: ‘Friend, lend me both
bread and wine;
47 For there has come unto my house a certain friend which has traveled a great journey, and I have
nothing to set before him?’
48 Shall the friend of whom you ask, say: ‘Why will you trouble me, seeing that it is midnight already?
Behold, the door is shut and all my children are yet in bed.’
49 I tell you truly that though he would not rise for another, yet for the sake of a friend would he rise
and give unto you all which you ask.”
50 And the Lord, desiring to teach the people to pray always and not lose heart, spoke unto them a
parable, saying:
51 “There was in a certain city a judge which had regard for neither God nor man.
52 And there came before him a widow which said: ‘My lord, avenge me; for my neighbor has broken
into my house to rob me. Avenge me, therefore, against my enemy.’
53 But at the first the judge would not, but little by little he relented, saying:
54 ‘Though I fear neither God nor man, yet because this woman has troubled me constantly, I will
avenge her; lest by her continual coming she weary me.’”
55 And the Lord spoke unto the people, saying: “Have you not heard yourselves what the unjust judge
has said?
56 If, therefore, the unjust would give answer, how much more shall he which dwells above give
answer, seeing that he is altogether just and filled with righteousness?
57 Shall not God answer even his own elect, even you which cry night and day unto him?
58 I tell you truly, that though he suffer long for your sake, yet will he come forth speedily unto you,
that you perish not.”
59 Now there went from Jericho unto Jerusalem a servant of the king, for thereunto had Herod Antipas
gone forth to offer sacrifice at the Passover.
60 And hearing that Yeshua was even now near unto the palace teaching, he left his offering upon the
altar and rushed again unto Jericho, both he and his guard;
61 For Herod desired above all things to see for himself the Nazarene that he might perchance speak
privately with him.
62 And coming unto the city, he rushed unto the house of Zacchaeus, demanding that the Lord be
brought unto him.
63 But they which were of the house spoke unto Herod, saying: “My lord, he is not here.
64 For while he was teaching there came upon him a deep stillness; and gathering his disciples about
him, he went forth into the wilderness down by the sea.”
65 And Herod, hearing this, went again unto the palace heavyhearted, and throughout all Judea and
Perea did he send forth certain spies, seeking by some means to see for himself the one of whom John
Chapter 33
The town of Ephraim honors Yeshua – The beggar and the harlot – Parable: The Seed Which God Planted
– Parable: The Yeast in the Bread – On feasting – You must give mercy to receive mercy – Despise not
the poor – Parable: The Master of the House Who Locked the Doors – The last shall be first, and the first
shall be last – Parable: The Unattended Feast – Yeshua heals a crippled woman on Sabbath – Yeshua
rebukes the Pharisees
1 So Yeshua came up out of the wilderness by the sea and traveled unto Ephraim, and the chief rabbi,
desiring to examine the Master according to the law, prepared a feast to receive him.
2 Wherefore, he called unto the feast the scribes and Pharisees dressed in fine robes, having their
heads anointed with precious oil.
3 And the whole house made ready to receive the Lord, and they brought from the store houses the
finest wines, and all manner of meats and herbs and costly spice.
4 And the Lord, going forth unto the house, passed a beggar dressed in rags, and he spoke unto him,
saying: “Come and sup with me.”
5 And rising up, the man followed after the Lord; and yet a little way the Lord saw a harlot, and calling
unto her he said: “Come and sup with me.”
6 Now there gathered unto the house the whole city, for all were anxious to see the Lord passing by;
and going in unto the house, the chief rabbi sat the Lord in the best seat to honor him.
7 And the Master sat upon his right hand and upon his left, the harlot and the beggar; and all which saw
marveled at the mercy of the Nazarene.
8 But the scribes and Pharisees murmured against the Lord because of it, and the Lord spoke unto all
which sat at the feast, saying:
9 “Unto what is the kingdom of Heaven like? Unto what shall you compare it?
10 Behold, it is like unto a grain of seed which the Father planted in a garden upon the earth; and
dressing it round about, it grew and became a great tree;
11 Evensomuch that birds of every kind did rest in the branches thereof.”
12 And the Lord, turning to the chief rabbi, said: “Unto what will you liken the kingdom of Heaven?
13 Behold, it is like the yeast which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal that she might
make bread;
14 And going away she came again and, behold, the whole loaf was risen and made ready for the fire.
15 Whosoever would be accepted of God, let him hear and be wise; for by the law alone is no man
justified, but by goodness only.
16 When, therefore, you would prepare a feast, call forth neither friends nor kinsmen, neither seek you
the company of them which are rich and well clothed like unto yourselves.
17 For such as these will recompense you according to the rudiments of men and not after God.
18 But whensoever you would feast and make merry, call you forth the poor and the lost, the blind and
the lame;
19 Then shall you be blessed from above; for they which are poor cannot recompense you anything.
20 And God, which sees all things, shall recompense you according to that joy which you have given
unto another.
21 Take heed what you hear that you do them; for with whatsoever measure you give, it shall be
measured unto you again.
22 And unto whatsoever measure you do according to the hearing of the word, unto you shall more be
23 Why then will you give offense unto God, for he has shown you already what is good and acceptable
unto him.
24 For what has the Lord required of you, except that you do justly, and love mercy, and walk humbly
with your God?
25 Despise not the poor which today are and tomorrow are all passed away unto God, lest they bring
against you a strong accusation.
26 For if you would fulfill even the whole law, then love you every man his neighbor; then shall you be
accepted of God, being richly girded round about with all tender affection.
27 But if you will have regard for one man over another for riches’ sake, then are you made guilty of sin,
for you have judged unrighteously.
28 For if there come among you a man which is finely dressed in costly apparel, and there come also a
poor man dressed in filthy rags,
29 Will you give favor unto him that is rich, saying: ‘Sit here in a good place that we may honor you?’
30 And will you speak unto the poor man, saying: ‘Stand you over there away from me, or come and sit
here beneath my footstool?’
31 Behold, if you do these things then are you become as sinners having judged unrighteously between
the rich man and the poor.
32 Whosoever has ears to hear let them hear: For though the poor be lowly and dressed in rags, yet has
your Heavenly Father made them rich in faith exceeding.
33 Look you, therefore, upon my right hand and upon my left; for in such as these is the kingdom of
Heaven made manifest.
34 Whosoever among you would keep the whole law, but offend in one point only, even you are
become guilty of breaking the whole law altogether.”
35 Then spoke one of the Pharisees unto the Lord, saying: “Who then can be saved?”
36 And Yeshua answered him, saying: “Labor, therefore, that you may enter into life and not death; for
many are there among you which would seek to enter in, but yet are you not able.
37 For I tell you truly that when the master of the house is come to shut the door and you stand
without to knock upon it, saying:
38 ‘Lord, Lord, open the door unto us that we may sup with you.’ Then shall he answer in that day,
saying: ‘Who are you that I should know you?’
39 And you shall say: ‘Lord, Lord, we are they which have eaten and drunk in your presence while yet
you taught in all our streets.’
40 But the master of the house shall speak unto you, saying: ‘I tell you truly, I know not from whence
you are come. Depart from me, you which work iniquity, for I never knew you.’
41 And in the kingdom of God shall you see feasting and making merry Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and
all the prophets with them;
42 But you yourselves shall the angels thrust out amidst great weeping and gnashing of teeth.
43 And many shall come from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south; and they,
too, shall sit in the kingdom of God before you.
44 For I tell you truly that these which are last shall be first; and you which are first shall be made the
very last.”
45 Now the chief rabbi, when he heard this, bowed his head and beat upon his bosom, saying: “Blessed
is the man which shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.”
46 When the Lord heard this of him, he was filled with compassion, and turning to the whole house, he
spoke, saying:
47 “There was a certain man which prepared a great feast, and he invited many, that they might come
and sup with him.
48 And when the supper time was come, he sent his servants unto them which were bidden, saying:
‘Come, for all things are now made ready to receive you.’
49 But one by one, they which were invited made excuse and would not come.
50 And the man, when he heard this, commanded his servants, saying: ‘Go quickly into the streets of
the city and bring unto me the poor and the lost, the blind and the lame. For, behold, the feast is even
now made ready.’
51 And when the servants were come again, they spoke unto the man, saying: ‘Lord, we have done as
you commanded. Yet is there room enough to spare for others also.’
52 And the man spoke unto the servants, saying: ‘Go out into the highways and hedges of the city, and
whosoever you see, even that one bring hither unto me; for I have room enough in my house.
53 For yet I tell you truly that none of those men which I invited to the feast at the first shall come in
unto me.’”
54 Now these are the words which Yeshua spoke in the house of the chief rabbi. And when the Sabbath
was come, he entered into the synagogue to teach.
55 And as he was entering in, the Lord saw a woman which was crippled and bent with sorrow, having
had an infirmity eighteen years.
56 And when the Lord saw her, he called that she might come unto him.
57 And when she came near, he laid his hands upon her, saying: “Daughter, be you healed from this day
58 And immediately she was made straight, and all the people rejoiced with her because of it.
59 But the Pharisees spoke with indignation against the Lord, saying: “There are six days in which a men
ought to labor. In them, therefore, come and be healed, but not on the Sabbath.”
60 But the Lord rebuked the Pharisees, saying: “You hypocrites! Will not each of you on the Sabbath
loose both the ox and the ass that they might drink and not suffer?
61 How much more then shall this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, be loosed from bondage on
the Sabbath day also?”
62 And when he had spoken these things, the Pharisees were made ashamed and they repented before
the Lord and all the people.
63 And from that day did all Ephraim give refuge unto the Master whensoever he came to dwell among
Chapter 34
Yeshua blesses the beasts of the wilderness – Yeshua in Arimathea discusses the law of love – Parable:
The Good Samaritan – Yeshua enters a dispute on mercy and judgment – Parable: The Forgiven Thief –
Yeshua warned about Herod Antipas – Yeshua enters Samaria – The woman by the well – The true place
of worship – The harvest is ready, but the laborers are few
1 Throughout all Judea did Yeshua the Beloved go teaching in the spring of the year; and unto
whatsoever place he went the people gathered unto him, and many were healed.
2 And wheresoever he journeyed in the wilderness, there gathered unto him at eventide the wild
beasts of the fields and the birds of the air;
3 And the disciples exclaimed among themselves, saying: “What manner of man is this that even all
creatures would be blessed of him?”
4 Now when Yeshua was come unto the city of Arimathea, there came certain scribes which would test
him; and they spoke unto him, saying: “Master, what shall we do that we might have eternal life?”
5 And the Lord said unto them: “What is written in the law? How do you read it?”
6 They answered him, saying: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.”
7 And the Lord answered them, saying: “You have answered rightly, but if you would live forever, then
go and love your neighbor as yourself.
8 By this alone shall you make manifest the love of God which is in you. For how can you love God
whom you have not seen, and hate your neighbor which you have seen?”
9 But the scribes, seeking to justify themselves before the Lord, said: “Who then is my neighbor?”
10 And Yeshua, speaking aloud, said: “There was a certain Jew which traveled from Jerusalem unto
Jericho, and as he journeyed, there fell upon him thieves which beat him near unto death and stripped
him of all his raiment.
11 And when it was morning there came upon the road a priest which would also go unto Jericho, and
when he saw the man wounded and bleeding, he gathered his robes about him and passed by
12 And when it was noon there came also a Levite and, likewise, when he saw the man, he cursed him
and, going to the other side of the road, journeyed unto Jericho.
13 But when it was evening, there came passing by a Samaritan; and when he saw the man wounded
and near unto death, he was filled with compassion.
14 And taking up the man in his arms, he bound up all his wounds, pouring in his flesh most costly wine,
and anointing his body with oil.
15 And when he was completed, he laid the man upon his own beast and brought him to an inn beside
the road and there took care of him.
16 And when it was morning, he called forth the innkeeper, and giving him two pieces of silver, he said:
17 ‘Take care of the man which I brought hither; and whatsoever you spend above this, even that will I
repay when I am come again.’
18 Tell me, therefore, truly: Which of the three proved himself a neighbor unto him which was fallen?”
19 And the scribes answered of one accord, saying: “He that showed forth mercy.”
20 When the Lord heard this, he said: “Go then and do likewise.”
21 Now when Yeshua went in unto the house of Joseph, straightway he heard certain Pharisees
disputing among themselves;
22 For many claimed that mercy had no claim against the judgments of God, but others, when they saw
that Yeshua was come among them, entreated him concerning this thing.
23 And he spoke unto them this parable, saying: “There lived in a certain village a goodly man which all
people loved;
24 But there came in the night a thief which stole from him a small lamb which he killed and ate, for he
was hungry.
25 And by and by the good man died and the thief also, and finding themselves before the throne of
God, the thief trembled with fear because of his sin against the good man.
26 And the good man, being filled with mercy, when he saw the thief trembling and weeping because of
sin, had compassion on him and he frankly forgave him his offense.
27 And placing his hand upon the thief to quiet him, he spoke unto him, saying: ‘Do not weep, neither
be you fearful of the judgments of God, for even I shall plead your cause before him.’
28 Tell me, therefore, which is the greater: the mercies of man or the mercies of God?
29 For if the good man, being but a man only, shall forgive the one which transgressed against him, how
then shall God judge the transgressor? Shall the mercies of God prove less than the goodly man?
30 Hear then and be wise, lest disputations make dark the way before you. For the mercies of man have
claim against the judgments of God.
31 And in like manner have the mercies of God laid claim against the judgments of men. Take care,
therefore, with what measure you judge another, lest you offend God altogether.”
32 Now the Lord dwelt in the house of Joseph many days, teaching in the synagogue and in the streets,
and all which were sick did he heal by the speaking of the word.
33 And on a certain day there came the Pharisees, saying: “Master, take care for yourself, for Herod
seeks to lay hold of you.”
34 But the Lord answered them, saying: “Go and tell that fox: Behold, today have I healed in your
streets, and tomorrow shall I preach from your rooftops. Why, therefore, do you seek me?”
35 And gathering about him his disciples, he journeyed unto Samaria. But Cephas, when he saw this,
spoke unto the Lord, saying:
36 “Lord, go not into Samaria, for they rejected our ministry unto them.” And the Lord answered him,
saying: “Are you offended for my sake, Cephas?”
37 So the Lord came unto the lands of Samaria, unto the city which was called Sychar, and sending away
the disciples that they might purchase food, he sat himself down beside Jacob’s well.
38 Now when it was about the sixth hour of the day, there came to the well a woman to draw water;
and the Lord spoke unto her, saying: “Daughter, I pray thee, give me water to drink.”
39 And she, being astonished, answered him, saying: “Are you not a Jew? How is it then that you would
ask drink of me, seeing that I am a Samaritan?”
40 Yeshua spoke again unto her, saying: “Daughter, if you knew the gift of God which has come forth
asking: ‘Give me water to drink’, you would ask of me and I would give unto you the water which
perishes not.”
41 When the woman heard this saying, she was astonished again, and she said unto the Lord: “Sir,
where is the bucket with which you would draw water?
42 Behold, the well is deep and the waters far below, how then can you bring forth unto me the living
43 Are you greater than our father Jacob which gave us this well, and who drank from it also?”
44 The Lord answered her, saying: “Whosoever shall drink of Jacob’s well shall thirst again. But
whosoever shall drink of the waters which I shall give shall never thirst again;
45 For the waters which I give are come from God, and I tell you truly that he is greater than Jacob.
46 And whosoever shall drink thereof, from their bosom shall flow living streams of water, springing up
unto everlasting life.”
47 The woman, hearing this, said: “Sir, I pray thee, if you are willing, give me this living water that I
might not thirst; neither need I come here to draw forth water any longer.”
48 Yeshua answered her, saying: “I am indeed willing, but first go and call your husband that together
you might come unto me.”
49 And the woman said: “Sir, I have no husband.” Yeshua answered: “You have well said: ‘I have no
husband.’ For you have had five husbands, and the man with whom you sleep is not your husband.”
50 When she heard these things, she fell before the Lord, saying: “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet
come from God, and he has revealed unto you the secrets of all my house.
51 Tell me truly, therefore, concerning the God which has called unto you: for our fathers have taught
that in this mountain ought we to worship.
52 But they which are of the Jews say that in Jerusalem is found the place where men ought to worship
and make sacrifice.”
53 And the Lord, when he heard this, laid his hand upon her and spoke, saying:
54 “Daughter, believe me, the hour comes when you shall neither in this mountain, nor again in
Jerusalem, worship the Father; for you know not whom you worship at all.
55 But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and
truth: for the Father seeks after such to worship him.
56 I tell you truly that God is both the Father and the Spirit: and all which worship him must worship
him in spirit and truth; for you are become as dear children unto him.”
57 And the woman spoke unto Yeshua, saying: “I know that one day the Anointed One of God shall
come, even he which the Jews call Messiah; and when he is come, he will teach us all these things.”
58 Yeshua said unto her: “Daughter, I which speak unto you am he.”
59 Upon this came the disciples again unto the Lord, and seeing the Master conversing with the
woman, they marveled.
60 Yet did no one of the disciples ask the woman: ‘What do you seek of the Master?’ Neither asked they
of the Lord: ‘Why will you speak with her?’
61 And the woman, kneeling, kissed the Master’s hand and, leaving her water pot beside the well, went
again unto the city and spoke unto all which she met, saying:
62 “Come and see a man which has revealed unto me the heart of God. Is this not the Anointed One of
whom all the prophets spoke?” And the whole city came out to see him.
63 But while they were yet coming, the disciples of the Lord entreated him, saying: “Come, beloved
Master, and eat that you might replenish yourself against the labors of the day.”
64 And the Lord answered them, saying: “I have food to eat which you know not of; for my food is to do
the will of the Father which sent me, and to finish all his work.”
65 And the Lord, seeing the people of the city coming out to hear him, spoke, saying: “Are there not yet
three months till harvest?
66 Behold, I say unto you: Lift up your eyes and look on the fields which even now draw near; for they
are ready to harvest already.
67 And whosoever that reaps with me, the same receives unto himself a goodly wage; for he shall
gather unto himself the fruits of eternal life: that both he that sows and he that reaps might rejoice
together in the kingdom of God.
68 For you know yourselves how that one goes out to sow seed, while yet some other comes to reap.
69 Behold, I have sent you forth to harvest what you have not sown, for the Spirit soweth continually in
the hearts of men, and you are entered altogether into the labors of the Lord.”
70 And Yeshua, seeing that the people of the city were come upon him, received them gladly and all
that day he taught them.
71 And the whole city believed on the Lord, proclaiming among themselves, saying: “Surely this is the
Anointed One.”
72 And they entreated the Lord that he might stay with them, and the Lord dwelt in the city of Sychar
two days, and many which were of Samaria came forth to see him.
Chapter 35
Yeshua heals ten lepers – In the house of Simon of Bethany – A harlot anoints the feet of Yeshua –
Parable: The Two Debtors – “Daughter, your sins are forgiven you” – Parable: The Two Different Prayers
– Circumstances, not judgment – Parable: Saving the Barren Fig Tree –Those who will not see – Yeshua
foretells the destruction of the temple
1 So leaving the land of Samaria, the Master came again unto Judea, to a village called Ramah, which lay
near unto Jerusalem.
2 And as the Lord drew near, there called unto him from the hillside ten men which were lepers,
standing afar off: for it was not permitted that they should enter into the town.
3 And lifting up their voices, they cried unto the Lord, saying: “Yeshua, son of David, have mercy on us.”
4 When he heard this, the Lord called unto them and when they were come unto him, he commanded
that they go and show themselves unto the priests; and as they journeyed unto Jerusalem, behold, they
became clean.
5 And one of them which was a Samaritan, when he saw that he was healed of affliction, rejoiced and
jumped about praising and glorifying God.
6 And turning back, he ran again unto Yeshua, and falling down before him, he worshipped the Lord
with much thanksgiving.
7 Now Yeshua, when he saw this, spoke unto the man, saying: “Were there not ten which were made
clean again? Where then are your brethren?
8 Have you gone already unto the priests that they might pronounce you clean before the Lord?”
9 And the man answered him, saying: “What need have I for priests, seeing that by your word alone I
am made clean already?”
10 The Lord answered him, “Arise, my son, and go your way; for your faith has made you whole.” But
the man would not leave from following the Master.
11 When, therefore, the Lord was come again unto Jerusalem, there came unto him a certain Pharisee
whom the Lord had healed, whose name was Simon of Bethany.
12 And he entreated the Lord to come and sup with him, and going in unto Simon’s house, there were
gathered also unto the meal certain rulers of the temple which were come forth to hear him.
13 And, behold, a woman of the city which was a harlot, when she heard that Yeshua sat at the table in
the Pharisee’s house, brought forth an alabaster box of most precious and costly oil.
14 And kneeling before the Lord, she wept, and with her tears did wash his feet, and did wipe them
with the hairs of her head, and kissing his feet, she anointed them before the whole house.
15 But when the Pharisees saw this thing, they were astonished; and one of them spoke unto Simon,
saying: “If this man were truly a prophet, he would know what manner of woman this is that touches
16 When the Lord heard this, he said: “Simon, I have something to say to you.” Simon answered him,
“Speak, my Lord.”
17 And Yeshua spoke unto him this parable, saying: “There was a certain steward which had two
debtors owing money: for the one owed five hundred pence, and the other owed but fifty.
18 And when they could not pay, he openly forgave them both the debt. Tell me, therefore, which of
the two debtors will love the steward most?”
19 Simon answered, saying: “I suppose that he which was forgiven the greater debt.” Yeshua said: “You
have rightly answered.”
20 And turning again to the woman, the Lord spoke unto Simon, saying: “What see you in this woman?”
Simon answered: “My Lord, I see in this woman but a harlot only.”
21 And the Lord, laying his hand upon the woman, said: “Simon, when first I entered into your house,
you gave me no water wherein I might wash my feet.
22 But this woman has washed my feet with tears, and has wiped them clean with the hairs of her
23 When first I entered into your house, you gave me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased from
kissing my feet.
24 My head with oil you did not anoint, but this woman has anointed my feet with a most precious and
costly oil.
25 Hear then and understand: for her sins, which are many, are forgiven her, for she loved much; but
you of whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”
26 And Yeshua, lifting the woman upon her feet, spoke unto her, saying: “Daughter, be at peace for you
are blessed, and all your sins forgiven you. Go now in peace and fear not, for your faith has saved you.”
27 When all they which sat at the table heard these things, they protested loudly against the Lord,
saying: “Blasphemer! Who are you that you should forgive another of sin, or that you should prefer this
sinner above us?”
28 And the Lord spoke a parable unto them which thought themselves more righteous than any other,
29 “There were two men which went up into the temple to pray: the one a Pharisee, and the other a
30 And the Pharisee stood and prayed thus to himself, saying: ‘O God, I thank you that I am not as other
men, for they are sinners which keep not the law as I do.
31 For I fast twice a week, and I give tithes of all that I possess; and yet would I labor harder still for
money’s sake, that I might give again unto thee.’
32 But the sinner, standing alone afar off, would not so much as lift his eyes unto God, but beat upon
his bosom weeping: ‘O God, be merciful unto me a sinner.’
33 I tell you truly that the sinner went unto his house more justified of God than the first.
34 For everyone that would seek to praise himself before God, the same shall be abased; and
whosoever shall humble himself before God, the same shall be exalted.”
35 And going from the house, the Master went teaching in the market place; and as he taught there
came unto him certain of the disciples which told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled in
their sacrifices at the Passover.
36 The Lord spoke unto the disciples, saying: “Do you suppose that they which perished were greater
sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered this thing?
37 I tell you truly that they were not: but except all Israel repent, to turn again unto God, even they
shall likewise perish.
38 Have you not also heard of the eighteen upon whom the tower of Siloam fell? Will you think that
these which perished were greater sinners than all others which live in Jerusalem?
39 I tell you truly that they were not: but except they which live in Jerusalem turn again unto God, even
they shall likewise perish.
40 For thus saith the Lord your God, even the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest shall you be
saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength: but you would not.
41 For you know yourselves that if the flesh be corrupted unto death, the whole body will likewise
perish; and when the land is filled with the stench thereof, behold, the eagles do gather from afar to
devour it.
42 Come now and hear this parable: for there was a certain man which planted in his vineyard a fig
tree; and when the season was come, he went seeking fruit but found none.
43 And likewise in the second and third year he also came seeking fruit, but the tree was barren still.
44 And the man calling unto himself the gardener, spoke, saying: ‘These three years have I come
seeking fruit of this tree, and still it is barren.
45 Go now and cut the tree down and cast it away from me, for why should it burden the ground seeing
that it has brought forth no fruit these many years?’
46 But the gardener entreated the man, saying: ‘Lord, leave the tree in my care this one year only; and
if it bear fruit, you are benefited; but if not, then shall I cut it down to cast away.’
47 For a judgment am I sent as a light into the world, that they which see not might see; and that they
which see already might be made blind, being without understanding concerning those things which are
come from God.”
48 But some of the Pharisees which were with the Lord in the market place, when they heard this,
spoke, saying: “Will you say that we are they which are blind?”
49 And the Lord answered them, saying: “If you were blind, then would you have no sin. But you are
they which say: we see, therefore, your sins remain in you.”
50 Now as the Lord went passing by the temple, he beheld how it was adorned with goodly stones and
dressed round about with many gifts;
51 And turning to the disciples, he said: “As for these things which you see, I tell you truly, the day shall
come when there shall not be left so much as one stone which stands upon another that shall not be
thrown down upon the ground.
52 And all Jerusalem shall be left desolate and filled with weeping, for her children shall the wind
scatter abroad in the earth as chaff made ready for the fire.”
Chapter 36
Bartimaeus is healed of blindness – Many marvel and wonder – Bartemaeus taken before the rulers of
the synagogue – Parents of Bartemaeus are questioned by Pharisees – Bartemaeus rebukes the rulers –
Bartemaeus is cast out of the synagogue – Bartemaeus becomes a disciple – Greeks come seeking
1 There lived in Jerusalem a man which was blind from birth, whose name was Bartimaeus; and each
day he would come and sit at the temple gates begging alms of those which went in.
2 The disciples of the Lord, when they were passing by, beheld the man, and they asked the Lord,
saying: “Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?”
3 Yeshua answered them, saying: “Know you not what you have asked? For how can a man sin before
he is born, except that you first believe in the rebirth of the soul?
4 But I tell you truly, that neither has this man sinned, nor his parents; for it was expedient that the
works of God be made manifest through him.
5 For this cause am I sent unto the world, that I might make manifest the works of him that sent me;
work while yet it is still day and the light shines upon you.
6 For when the night is come, then can no man work, for darkness is come upon you. I tell you truly,
that as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
7 Now after he said these things, he bid the disciples to bring the blind man unto him;
8 And when he was come near, the Lord stooped down upon the ground, and gathering in his hands the
dust thereof, he spat upon it that he might anoint the eyes of Bartimaeus with the clay.
9 And when he was anointed, the Lord commanded him, saying: “Go now and wash in the pool of
Siloam, and you shall see.”
10 So Bartimaeus went unto the waters, and when he had washed his eyes, behold, he jumped for joy
for he could see.
11 When, therefore, he had gone unto his own house seeing, his neighbors exclaimed among
themselves, saying:
12 “Is this not blind Bartimaeus which sat daily at the temple gates begging?” He answered them,
saying: “I am he.”
13 And his neighbors asked him, saying: “How then came you to see?” He answered them, saying:
14 “A man whose name was Yeshua anointed my eyes with clay and commanded that I go unto the pool
of Siloam and wash; and when I had washed my eyes clean again, behold, I could see.”
15 And the neighbors, when they heard this, were filled with wonder, and they asked him, saying:
16 “Where then is this Yeshua? Is he not the man which is come from Galilee and of whom all Israel
18 Now they which were his neighbors brought the man unto the synagogue, for they desired that the
Pharisees should examine him.
19 Now it was on the Sabbath day that Yeshua had caused that Bartimaeus should see, and the rulers of
the synagogue, when they saw him which before was blind, they asked him by what power he was made
to see.
20 And all which he had said before did he speak also unto them; and some which were of the
Pharisees, said:
21 “This Yeshua is not of God; for he keeps not the Sabbath day according to the traditions of our
22 But others which were of the Pharisees, said: “How can a man that is not from God do such
miracles?” And there arose a division among them because of it.
23 And the Pharisees, turning to him that was blind, said: “What do you say of him which opened your
eyes?” He answered, saying: “He is a prophet of God.”
24 When they heard this of the man, they grew angry against him, saying: “This man was never born
blind. Why have you thought to deceive us?”
25 And calling forth the man’s parents, the Pharisees asked them, saying: “Is this the son which you say
was born blind? How then is he able to see?”
26 But they which were the parents, being fearful of the elders lest they be cast out from the
synagogue, spoke, saying:
27 “We know that this our son was born blind; but by what means he is now able to see, we know not.
28 But why will you ask us? He is of age, ask him. He shall speak for himself.”
29 Again the Pharisees spoke unto the man, saying: “If you would rejoice, then give God the praise. As
for this Yeshua, we know that he is a sinner.”
30 And Bartimaeus spoke unto them all, saying: “Whether he be a sinner or not, I know nothing at all.
But this one thing I know full well, that once I was blind, but now I see.”
31 Then spoke the Pharisees unto him again, saying: “Tell us what Yeshua did unto you. How did he
open your eyes?” This spoke the Pharisees that they might entangle him in his words.
32 But he answered them, saying: “I have told you already, and you would not hear. Why then will you
hear it again? Would you also become his disciples?”
33 When the Pharisees heard this, they grew angry and reviled against the man, saying: “Surely you
have become as one of his disciples, but we are Moses’ disciples only.
34 For we know of a surety that God spoke unto Moses upon the mount; but as for this Yeshua, we
know not from whence he is come, or by what power he does these things.”
35 And Bartimaeus, growing bold in the Spirit, said unto them: “That you know not from whence he is
come, or by what power he has performed many mighty works is indeed a marvelous thing, for he it is
which opened my eyes.
36 Now we know that God hears not the sinful man, but if any man be a worshipper of God to do his
will, this man God hears.
37 For from the beginning of the world was it never heard how that any man could open the eyes of
one born blind. No, not even Moses whose disciples you are.
38 If, therefore, Yeshua were not of God, he could do nothing at all. Yet I am he which was born blind,
but now I see.”
39 When the Pharisees heard this, they were astonished by his words, and they spoke unto him, saying:
“You were altogether born in sin, and will you think to teach us?”
40 And rising from the places of honor, they did lay hands upon the man and cast him out from the
synagogue into the streets;
41 And they declared unto all which saw, that whosoever would be his friend, the same would be cast
out also.
42 Now by and by when Yeshua heard what was done unto the man, he went forth seeking after him.
43 And when he had found him, he spoke unto him, saying: “Bartimaeus, do you believe the coming of
the Anointed One?”
44 And hearing the voice of the Master, he knelt before him and spoke, saying: “Who is he Lord, that I
might go and worship him?”
45 Yeshua answered him, saying: “You have seen him already, and it is he that speaks with you even
46 When Bartimaeus heard this he marveled greatly, and he spoke, saying: “Lord, I believe.” And from
that day he followed after the Master.
47 Now there came certain Greeks unto Jerusalem seeking the Lord; and they came unto Philip which
was numbered among the apostles, saying:
48 “Sir, tell us where the Lord might be found, for we desire to speak with him.”
49 Then went Philip unto Cephas and together they went unto Yeshua, saying: “Master, certain Greeks
have come seeking you.”
50 And bidding the Greeks unto him, the Lord spoke privily unto them the whole day long, and when he
was completed, the Greeks went away saying among themselves:
51 “Surely in this man is there room found for every man, for in him has the kingdom of Heaven
descended unto the earth.”
Chapter 37
Teaching from the Mount of Olives – Beware of lawyers – Parable: The Rich Fool – Caiaphas questions
Yeshua – Yeshua poses a question – Parable: The Two Sons – The people turn against Caiaphas – On
Solomon’s porch with the Sadducees – An attempted stoning – Pharisees counsel caution
1 Now Yeshua taught daily from the Mount of Olives, and from all Judea and Perea, from Samaria and
Galilee did the people come to both hear and to see him.
2 And there came unto the Lord, certain of the scribes seeking to mock him before the people.
3 But the Lord spoke unto the multitude, saying: “Guard yourselves well because of scribes and lawyers;
for they love to go about dressed in long robes with broad hems upon their garments.
4 For they love greetings in the market place, and the best seats in the synagogue, and the uppermost
rooms at feasts.
5 But these are they which devour widow’s houses and for a pretense make long prayers before the
temple: these shall receive the greater condemnation.”
6 And the Lord, turning his face against the scribes, spoke tenderly unto his disciples, saying: “Take heed
and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consists of more than the things which he possesses.
7 Come now and hear this parable: for there was a certain rich man that owned great lands which
brought forth an abundance of plenty.
8 And he thought to himself, saying: What shall I do, for my harvest is greater than I have room?
9 Behold, I will pull down my old barns and build yet greater ones, and therein shall I make secure all
my harvest and all my goods.
10 And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have laid up a great many goods these many years; therefore,
live at ease and rest awhile: eat, drink, and be merry.’
11 But in the night as he lay upon the floor, drunken and asleep, there came an angel of the Lord which
spoke unto him, saying:
12 ‘Poor fool! Did you not know that this very night your soul is required of God? Then whose things
shall these things be which you have gathered these many years?’
13 So shall it be unto him which lays up for himself an abundance of treasure, but, who, in his soul, is
found not rich toward God.”
14 Now in the autumn of the year there came upon all Israel the Feast of Tabernacles, and Yeshua went
walking near the temple.
15 And as he went about with his disciples teaching, it so happened that Caiaphas, the High Priest, was
entering in; and with him were many of the elders.
16 And seeing the multitudes gathered about the Lord to hear him, the High Priest went and spoke unto
him, saying: “Tell me by what authority you do these things before the people? Who gave it unto you?”
17 Yeshua spoke unto Caiaphas, saying: “I, too, will ask you a question, which if you answer rightly, then
I likewise will tell you by whose authority I do these things. The baptism of John, from whence did it
come: from Heaven, or of men?
18 Now when the Lord said this, there arose a great murmuring among the people, and Caiaphas and
the elders reasoned thus among themselves, saying:
19 “How shall we answer him? For if we say: from Heaven, then he will ask why we didn’t believe him.
And if we say of men, then the multitude shall rush upon us; for all Israel believes that John was a
20 So reasoned they among themselves, and Caiaphas, turning again unto the Lord, answered him,
saying: “We cannot tell from whence it came.”
21 And again the Lord said: “Neither will I tell from whence I do these things.”
22 Now when the multitude heard this, they all laughed against the High Priest and the elders; and
Caiaphas, being angry against the Lord, spoke unto him, saying:
23 “If you are from God, why then will you give yourself unto this rabble, for they are all sinners?”
24 And lifting his voice, the Lord said: “What think you of this thing: for there was a certain man which
had two sons;
25 And he came unto the first, saying: ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard, for the harvest is great
and the laborers are few.’
26 But he answered his father, saying: ‘I will not’, but afterward he repented and he labored all that day
and the next also in his father’s vineyard.
27 Likewise, the father went unto the second son and said: ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard, for
the harvest is great and the laborers are few.’
28 And the second son answered: ‘Father, I go’, but he went not; neither did he turn again unto his
father to repent.
29 Which of these two sons did the will of his father?” And they which were of the multitude, shouted:
“The first! The first!”
30 Now when the Lord heard how the people answered, he spoke unto Caiaphas, saying: “I tell you
truly, that sinners and harlots will go into the kingdom of God before you yourselves enter in.
31 For John came unto you in righteousness, but you believed him not; but they which are but sinners
and harlots, even they believed in him from the first.
32 And when you saw how the people loved him, you turned hard against him, and in your conspiracy
slew him unjustly.”
33 Now when the people heard this, they grew exceedingly angry against the High Priest and the elders,
and would that they might lay hands upon them.
34 But when the guards of the temple saw how the people were angry, they rushed forth unto Caiaphas
and brought him and the elders unto the sanctuary; and all that day were the gates of the temple closed
against the people.
35 On the morrow, Yeshua went walking at the temple, in Solomon’s Porch, and there came unto him
the Sadducees, saying:
36 “How long will you cause us to doubt? If you are the Messiah of whom the prophets write, then tell
us plainly.”
37 And the Lord answered them, saying: “I told you and you believed not: the works that I do in my
Father’s name, they bear witness of me.
38 But you believe not because you are not my sheep, even as I said unto you before; for my sheep hear
my voice and I know them, and they follow after me.”
39 And the Sadducees said unto him: “Show us the Father and we will believe.” He answered them,
saying: “How shall I show you the Father, for I and my Father are one.”
40 Now when the Sadducees heard this, they picked up stones whereby they might kill the Lord. But the
Master, being all calm within, spoke unto them, saying:
41 “Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of those good works will you now
stone me?”
42 They answered him, saying: “For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; for you, being
but a man, have made yourself equal unto God.”
43 Yeshua answered, saying: “Is it not written in the scriptures this saying: ‘I have declared from the
beginning, saying: Behold, you are gods, and all of you are the children of the Most High.’
44 Now if the Lord called them gods unto whom the word of God was given; and you know yourselves
how that the scriptures cannot be broken;
45 How will you exclaim against him which the Father has sanctified and sent into the world, saying:
‘You have blasphemed.’ Will you then kill me because I said: ‘I am the Son of God?’
46 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if my works are true, though you believe not
in me; believe yet the works which you see;
47 Then shall you both know and believe that the Father is in me and I in him.”
48 When the Sadducees heard this, they grew all the more angry against him, and would that they
might stone him unto death.
49 But the Pharisees which sat in authority, spoke unto them, saying: “Take care, my brethren, what
you do against this man.
50 For John did no miracle like unto Yeshua, and in John did all Israel believe; and all things which John
spoke concerning this man have come true.”
51 So Yeshua passed unharmed out of the temple, for no man dared to lay a hand against him lest the
Jews rise up in anger against them.
52 But Caiaphas spoke privily unto the chief priests and elders concerning those means by which they
might take him.
53 And one spoke unto the High Priest, saying: “My lord, how shall we lay hold of him, for the people
are ever with him?”
54 So did they conspire continually against the Master, seeking by some means to kill him.
Chapter 38
Rulers try to use Herod Antipas to kill Yeshua – Making bread for the poor – Sabbath made for man – A
deaf and dumb child healed – The cost of discipleship – On true cleanliness – On doing charity – Parable:
Dives and Lazarus
1 And the chief priests and scribes from that day forth kept watch over the Nazarene daily, sending
unto the Lord many spies which, for a pretense, would seem just men;
2 For they desired to take hold of his words to turn against him, that thereby they might deliver him
unto the power and authority of them which ruled.
3 For they which were of the temple, being privy to the intrigues of the High Priest, would not that they
should appear before the people to kill the Lord, lest all Israel rise against them;
4 For this cause did they desire to bring the Lord unto Herod Antipas that perchance he might kill him
even as he killed John; and if he would not, then would they deliver the Lord unto Pilate.
5 But these things did they conspire to do privily, desiring to be seen of men as innocent, being held
blameless in the death of the Holy One of Israel.
6 Now when the first Sabbath of the month of Kislev was come, there came certain scribes which
beheld the disciples of the Lord making bread whereby they might feed the poor and the hungry.
7 And they spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Why will you permit that your disciples should make bread on
the Sabbath day; for behold, the law has forbidden it?”
8 But the Lord answered them, saying: “Have you not read what David did when both he and all his men
were hungry and filled with want?
9 For he did go into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did take the
shewbread which is not permitted for any man to eat but the priests only, and did give unto them which
were with him, that they might eat and not perish.
10 Consider also the birds of the air, how that your Heavenly Father, on the Sabbath day, feedeth them;
and you yourselves on Sabbath feed both the ox and the ass that they suffer not.
11 If, therefore, God should feed the birds of the air, and you yourselves should feed both the ox and
the ass; how much more then should I feed them which are the sons and daughters of Abraham?
12 By this shall you know that the Son of Man is Lord also over the Sabbath; for the Sabbath was made
for man and not man for the Sabbath.”
13 And when he had finished speaking, there came unto the Lord both his mother, Miriam, and Mary
the sister of Martha also; and they brought unto the Lord a child which was both deaf and dumb.
14 And the father and the mother of the child prayed that the Lord might lay his hand upon the child to
heal him; and taking the child in his arms, the Lord blew gently into his ear, and placing his finger on the
child’s tongue, he said:
15 “Be you opened and loosed.” And immediately his ears were opened and his tongue loosed, and the
child could both hear and speak plainly.
16 And certain of the scribes, being astonished beyond measure at seeing this thing, spoke, saying:
“This man has done all things well: for he has made the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.”
17 Now when the father and mother received again their child, being healed of affliction, they fell down
before the Lord and desired to be numbered among his disciples.
18 And turning to the multitudes gathered there, he spoke unto them, saying:
19 “If any man would come after me, and forsake not his father and mother, or his wife and children, or
again his brothers and sisters, or even his own life also, the same cannot be my disciple.
20 For whosoever will not forsake all things to follow after me, the same cannot be my disciple.
21 Which of you, intending to build a house, will not sit down first to count the cost; that you may know
whether you have sufficient enough to finish it?
22 Lest haply, after you have laid the foundation, you have not sufficient to finish the whole house, and
all which come passing by shall mock you, saying: ‘This man began to build, but was not able to finish.’
23 Or what king, going forth to war against another king, will not sit down first and determine whether
he be able with his ten thousand, to meet him which comes against him with twenty thousand?
24 For if he have not enough, he will send forth his ambassador while yet the other is far off, desiring
conditions of peace, that his kingdom perish not.
25 So likewise, whosoever among you would follow after me, let him first count the cost; for whosoever
among you shall not forsake all that he has, the same cannot be my disciple.
26 And every one that shall forsake houses, or lands, or father, or mother, or brothers, or sisters, or
wife, or children, for my name’s sake, even that one shall receive of God a hundredfold, and shall inherit
everlasting life in the kingdom of my Father.
27 For you have but one which is your Father and he is God, and you have but one which would bear
you up, even as a Mother, even the Holy Spirit which descends upon you.
28 And all they which would follow after me, even they are become as your brothers, or sisters, or
children, or husband, or wife, or houses, or lands; evensomuch that you shall not have room enough to
receive them.”
29 When, therefore, the Lord had finished speaking, one which was a Pharisee entreated that Yeshua
come on the morrow to dine with him; and when the morrow was come, the Lord went unto his house
to eat.
30 But when others which were of the Pharisees saw how that the Lord washed not his hands before
the meal, they marveled at the meaning thereof.
31 And the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “Behold, how you make clean the outside of both cup and
platter, but inwardly you are filled with all manner of deceit and corruption.
32 Why will you marvel at these things? Did not he which made the outward part, make also the inward
part altogether?
33 If, therefore, you would be as clean within, give then of your substance unto the poor and the
hungry; then shall all things become as clean unto you.”
34 The Pharisees said to him: “Will you have us to believe but your word only concerning these things?
By what means would you make us responsible for those which are poor? Have we not performed
charities enough already?”
35 Yeshua answered them, saying: “Of charities you have wearied the poor overmuch, but in mercy,
and kindness, and love exceeding, you have given but little.”
36 And Yeshua taught them this parable, saying: “There was a certain rich man whose name was Dives;
the same was clothed in fine purple linen, having upon its borders a golden hem filled with precious
stones; and he fared sumptuously every day.
37 And there was also nearby a certain beggar whose name was Lazarus, which sat every day at the rich
man’s gate, being blind and full of sores.
38 Now it came about that the beggar died and was carried by the angels unto Abraham’s bosom.
39 And the rich man also died, and was buried amidst great pomp and ceremony; and for the rich man
did many weep, and for the poor man did no man shed a tear.
40 And in desolation the rich man lifted up his eyes unto Heaven, and seeing Abraham afar off, he
beheld Lazarus dwelling peacefully in Abraham’s bosom.
41 And the rich man cried aloud, saying: ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he
might comfort me.’
42 But Abraham answered him, saying: ‘Son, will you not remember how that in your lifetime you
received all manner of goodly things;
43 While this Lazarus you disdainfully scorned, and would not so much as give him the crumbs from off
your table? But now is he comforted of God, while you are left desolate and alone.
44 For whosoever shall receive of this world a goodly abundance, and while yet seeing another in need,
he closes against him the doors of mercy; how then shall the love of God dwell in him, seeing that he is
without compassion towards the poor?
45 For this cause is there established between you and Heaven a great chasm, being exceedingly wide
and deep; evensomuch that they which would pass from here unto you cannot, neither can you pass
over unto us.’
46 When the rich man heard this he wept, and he cried aloud unto Abraham, saying: ‘I pray father
Abraham, send unto my father’s house this same Lazarus, for I have five brethren.
47 Send, therefore, this Lazarus that he might testify unto them lest they likewise perish and be left
desolate and forsaken.’
48 But Abraham answered him, saying: ‘Have they not the works of Moses and the prophets to teach
them? Let them hear them.’
49 And the rich man, weeping, cried: ‘Not so, father Abraham, for Moses and the prophets they will not
hear, for these have all gone away unto God.
50 But if you would send unto them one which was dead, then would they give heed and repent.’
51 Abraham answered him, saying: ‘If they then will hear neither Moses nor the prophets through
whom the word of God came, neither will they be persuaded, even though one should rise from the
dead to save them.’”
52 And many which heard were offended against the Lord because of this saying: yet did others of the
Pharisees believe to follow after him.
Chapter 39
Zealots offer to make Yeshua king – Judas and the Zealots turn against Yeshua – “Why do you call me:
Lord, Lord?” – Parable: The House Built Upon the Rock – Yeshua accused of having demons – Streams of
living water – Honoring the Father – Yeshua greater than Abraham – Marcus Galerius writes to Pilate
1 Now when the Feast of Purim was come, Yeshua went walking in the city, and when he was come
near again unto the temple, the people gathered round about to hear him;
2 And there was in the midst of the multitude, many which were of the Zealots, for they thought to use
the Lord that they might foment rebellion against all them which ruled.
3 And as he was teaching, there came Judas of Kerioth and Simon Zelotes, saying: “Know you not my
Lord how close to power you stand?
4 For see how many are come forth to serve you, that they might establish in your name the throne of
5 Go, therefore, my Lord, unto the temple that we might enter in unawares; for we know of a surety
that you are come from God, for no man can do as you have done except that God be with him.
6 And if it so be that you shall enter in, then shall we take by force the temple, and you shall we make
both king and high priest over all Israel.
7 For if we take by force the house of the Lord, how then shall Rome prevail against you, seeing that
you are come from God and are made to dwell in the house of God forever?”
8 When the Lord heard these things, he looked about and seeing in the crowd many which were of the
Zealots prepared for battle, he groaned in his soul;
9 And speaking unto Judas, he said: “What evil have you done for my name’s sake? Get you, therefore,
away from me, for you have no part with me.”
10 Now when Judas heard this, he was stunned unto silence and he brooded darkly against the Lord for
Israel’s sake; for he knew not his own sin.
11 And they which were of the Zealots, when they heard how the Master rebuked even the whole of
them, they set their hearts against him, and sought instead to kill him; for he had upbraided them
before all the people.
12 And turning to the people, the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “Why will you call unto me, saying:
‘Lord, Lord’, and do not the things which I say?
13 Whosoever shall hear these sayings of mine to do them, he it is which follows after me truly, having
forsaken his own ways that he might cleave unto the one which is come from God alone.
14 Him shall I liken unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock: and the floods came, and the
winds blew fiercely and beat upon the house and it fell not, for it was built upon a rock.
15 And everyone that shall hear my words to do them not, even that one shall I liken unto a foolish man
which did build his house upon shifting sands:
16 And, behold, the rains descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon the
house, and great was the fall of it; evensomuch that the man perished, being pierced with deep wounds.
17 Whosoever among you would follow after me, let him deny himself daily, and come, follow me.”
18 Now there was among the people, many which were of the Pharisees and Sadducees; and one spoke
unto the Lord, saying:
19 “Did we not speak rightly against you, saying: ‘Behold, this man is a Samaritan, and is possessed by
many demons?’”
20 But the Lord answered, saying: “I have no demons as you suppose; for I do but honor the Father
which sent me, while you yourselves dishonor me always.
21 For I seek not my own glory, but my Father’s only; and there is but one which sees and judges
righteously, and he is God.
22 But come and before the people answer truly: Did not Moses give unto you the law? Why then will
you not keep it? For you are they which go about secretly to kill me.”
23 They answered him, saying: “Why will you accuse us falsely, for which of us have sought secretly to
kill you?”
24 And the Lord, speaking unto the disciples, said: “Yet this little while am I with you, and then shall I go
again unto him that sent me.
25 And you shall seek after me, but shall not find me: for where I am, there you cannot come.”
26 The disciples, when they heard this, spoke among themselves, saying: “Where can he go that we
should not find him? Will he go again unto the Gentiles that he might teach the heathen?”
27 And the Lord, being full of the Spirit, spoke loudly unto the whole multitude, saying: “If any man
thirst, let him come and drink of me.
28 For whosoever shall believe in me, even as the scriptures say: out of his belly shall flow streams of
living water.
29 For truly I say unto you, if any man shall keep my sayings to do them, the same shall never see
30 Now they which were of the Sadducees believed not in the life to come, and when they heard these
words from the Master, they thought to scoff against the Lord, saying:
31 “Will you tell us now that you have no devil in you? For Abraham our father is dead, and all the
prophets with him; and yet you say: ‘If any man shall keep my sayings to do them, he shall never see
32 Are you become greater than our father Abraham, which has been dead these many years?
33 Are you greater also than the prophets which are dead and through whom the word of God is come?
Come and tell us: What think you of yourself?”
34 Yeshua answered, saying: “If I honor myself, then is my honor nothing, being vanished away because
of pride.
35 But my Father which is above all things, even he has honored me; and of him you say that he alone is
your God.
36 Yet have you not known him, for you believe not in the power which is come from above; for in him
is there found the power which is greater than any power, and the glory which is beyond all other glory.
37 But the Father do I know always, for he is revealed in me unto good works.
38 And if I should say, ‘I know not the Father’, then am I become as a liar like unto yourselves; yet do I
know him, for I keep even all his words unto me.
39 Whosoever has ears to hear, let him hear; for your father Abraham rejoiced greatly to see my day;
and I tell you truly that he indeed saw it, and leaped for joy because of it.”
40 Then said the Sadducees unto him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and will you say that you have
seen our father Abraham?”
41 But Yeshua answered them, saying: “I tell you truly and lie not, that before Abraham was, I am.” And
all which heard it gasped with wonder because of it.
42 And many which were of the Pharisees and Sadducees thought to pick up stones whereby they
might cast them against him;
43 Yet did the Lord pass unhindered through the press of the crowd, and no man dared to lay a hand
against him.
44 But Galerius which watched closely over all which happened in Jerusalem, grew troubled all the
more because of Yeshua, for wheresoever the Lord went, even there would the multitudes gather to
hear him.
45 And calling forth a scribe, he wrote unto Caesarea, saying: ‘To the most excellent governor, Pontius
Pilate, Procurator of all Judea and Samaria: From Marcus Galerius, Tribune of Rome and Prefect of
Antonia and all Jerusalem, Greetings:
46 Seeing that there has arisen out of Galilee of the nations this Yeshua of Nazareth which has set
aflame all Judea, it is expedient, my lord, that you make haste unto the city with both troop and horse.
47 For having captured certain of the Zealots which would lay waste the countryside, even they have
confessed that Yeshua alone is king of all the Jews.
48 And they which rule in the temple grow fearful daily, lest they lose both their place and nation
because of him.
49 And whensoever those which are in authority would lay hold of him, behold, he flees away through
the press of the crowd, for many are there which keep watch against us for his sake.’
50 These then are the words which Galerius wrote unto the Procurator in Caesarea, and Pilate
determined to go in strength unto Jerusalem at the Feast of the Passover, that he might take by force
the Nazarene and put him to death.
Chapter 40
Yeshua flees to Ephraim – A young couple seek Yeshua’s help – Marriage based on love not law – The
ring of Jakobis and a place of refuge – Lazarus falls sick – Disciples fear for Yeshua’s life – Yeshua sends
Mary and Miriam to Lazarus
1 Now the Passover drew near and there entered into the city Pontius Pilate, and with him marched
two cohorts unto the fortress Antonia.
2 And Yeshua, knowing the hearts of them which hated him, fled unto the city of Ephraim, both he and
his disciples, and the whole city received him with gladness.
3 Now there came unto the Master at the sunrise, a young man and woman which had fled together
from the city of Bethel seeking the Lord.
4 And when they had found him, they knelt before him and the young man spoke unto the Lord, saying:
“Great Master, have mercy on us I pray you.”
5 The Lord asked them, saying: “For what cause have you come seeking after me?” And the man,
making notice of the woman, said:
6 “My Lord, this my beloved, was married unto another and when he died, having brought forth no
children unto his name, his brother did take her that she might bring up children unto him which was
dead, and this according to the law.
7 But he did beat and abuse her daily, and seeing that we have but loved each other from our youths,
we did flee away seeking refuge, for we know that by the law we must perish.
8 What then shall we do, my Lord? For if we stay in Israel we are accursed; yet do we love each other
and in our devotion would that we might live or die together.”
9 But the disciples, when they heard this they murmured against the man and the woman, and Cephas
spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Master, forbid them; for by the law is this woman married unto another.”
10 Yeshua answered them, saying: “What marriage have you except that the husband should love his
wife tenderly, and likewise the wife should love her husband, and both with all their hearts?
11 For it is love and not the law which binds together the man and the woman whereby they are made
as one heart, one mind, one soul, one flesh.”
12 And the Lord, calling for the purse, drew out the signet ring of the house of Jakobis, and he spoke
unto the man, saying:
13 “Go now unto the city of Tyre in Lebanon and give this ring unto the sisters Maximilla and Prisca, and
say unto them:
14 ‘Thus speaks the Lord Yeshua of Nazareth unto thee: Receive for my sake the man and the woman,
for they shall prove profitable unto all your house.’”
15 So spoke the Lord unto them, and they journeyed unto Tyre and there lived joyfully, being husband
and wife one unto the other, bringing unto themselves a multitude of children, for they were blessed of
the Lord.
16 Now Yeshua dwelt in Ephraim peacefully seven days, and there came unto him a messenger, saying:
“Lord, come quickly, for Lazarus, your friend, lies sick and near unto death.”
17 When the disciples heard this, they grew fearful for the Lord’s sake; and Cephas spoke unto him,
saying: “My Lord, go not unto Jerusalem, for all them which hate thee will seek to kill you.”
18 But the Lord, said: “Did I not speak unto you from the beginning this saying: No greater love has any
man than this, than that he should lay down his life for a friend?”
19 Yet would Cephas not hear the Lord, and he spoke again unto him, saying: “My Lord, take care, for if
you would but speak the word only from a distance, then would Lazarus be healed in the very moment.”
20 And the Lord looking tenderly upon his disciples, said: “Why will you be fearful?
21 For it is expedient that I go again unto Jerusalem that all men might see the love of the Father which
is made manifest unto the whole world.
22 But this word will I speak for your sake: for when I am come again unto Jerusalem, then shall the Son
of Man be betrayed into the hands of the chief priests and scribes, and they shall condemn him unto
23 And they shall deliver him unto the Gentiles for judgment and death, and they shall mock him, and
scourge him, and spit upon him, and they shall crucify the Holy One of Israel;
24 And the Heavens shall gather darkness, and the lightning shall flash and thunder all about, and the
earth shall be convulsed with sorrow because of it.”
25 But Cephas, being angered against the Lord because of these things, rebuked him, saying: “God
forbid that these things should be!”
26 The Lord answered him, saying: “Get you behind me Satan, for you are an offense unto me; for you
know not the things which are come from God, but seek only the things which be of men.”
27 And Cephas, when he heard this, wept; for no man could constrain the Lord from going unto
28 Now the Lord sent unto Lazarus both Mary and Miriam that they might tend unto him till the Lord
29 And the Lord tarried yet a little while in the city of Ephraim, teaching in the synagogue the things
which were come from God.
30 And when certain days were passed, the Lord went before his disciples unto Jerusalem; and all which
followed after him were filled with amazement and in their hearts did many fear for his sake.
Chapter 41
The death of Lazarus – Yeshua comforts Martha and Mary – The crowd waits to see a miracle – Yeshua
prays to the Father – “Lazarus, Lazarus, arise” – The fame of Yeshua increases – Caiaphas plots to
murder Lazarus – Judas and Simon Zelotes repent
1 Now Lazarus died and many which were of Bethany came forth to comfort Martha and Mary; and
when it was heard how that Yeshua drew near unto the city, Martha leaped up and ran out to meet him
upon the way.
2 And coming to the Master while he was yet a mile from the city, Martha fell down weeping; and she
spoke unto the Lord, saying:
3 “Lord, if you would have been here but yesterday, then would my brother not have died. Yet do I
know that whatsoever you would ask of God, even that thing will he give unto you, for he loveth you.”
4 Yeshua spoke unto her, saying: “Weep no more because of Lazarus, for he does but sleep and I go
forth to awaken him.”
5 But Martha, not understanding the words of the Master, said: “Lord, I know that in the life to come he
shall live, but now is he dead already and prepared for the burying.”
6 The Lord spoke unto her again, saying: “I am the glory and the life: he that believes in me, even
though he were dead, yet shall he live.
7 And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die but shall ascend unto great glory, even life
everlasting. Do you believe this Martha?”
8 She answered him, saying: “Yes, Lord, I believe; for I know that you are the Messiah which is come
from God, for you give light unto the whole world.”
9 And after she was comforted of the Lord, she ran straightway unto the house, and she spoke secretly
unto Mary, saying: “The Lord is come into the city and, behold, he calls for you.”
10 Now when Mary heard this, she jumped up immediately and ran unto him; and all which were in the
house, when they saw this, followed after her, saying: “Behold, how she is overcome for Lazarus’ sake.”
11 When, therefore, Mary was come unto Yeshua, she fell down upon his neck and kissed him; and they
which saw were disbelieving; and Nathaniel spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Why will you love this woman
more than us?”
12 The Lord answered him, saying: “If you would turn from following after the traditions of men to seek
after God only, even as this woman, then would I love you even as I love her.”
13 And turning to Mary, he said: “Come now and take me unto Lazarus, for, behold, his spirit does call
unto me.”
14 When the people saw Yeshua walking in Bethany unto the house of Martha and Mary, they spoke
among themselves, saying:
15 “Could not this man which opened the eyes of the blind, and caused that the lame should walk,
have caused also that this man should not have perished?”
16 And there followed after the Lord a great multitude which would see for themselves the thing which
Yeshua would do.
17 When, therefore, the Lord was come unto the house, he spoke unto Martha, saying: “Where have
you laid him?”
18 She said unto him: “Lord, he is dead already and they have come which would take him unto the
19 And as she spoke, there came out of the house certain men which would carry the body unto the
20 And seeing that the Master was standing before the house, they laid the body before him, and the
Lord, lifting his eyes to Heaven, said:
21 “Father, I know that you hear me always, and for this cause do I give thanks unto you.
22 Give, therefore, of thy power unto me, that they which see might know of a surety that I am come
from thee.”
23 And turning unto Martha, he spoke, saying: “Did I not say unto you, that if you would but believe in
me, you would see the glory which is come from God?”
24 Now Lazarus was bound head and foot with graveclothes, and his face did they bind in a napkin; and
Yeshua spoke unto the pallbearers, saying: “Unbind him head and foot.”
25 And when he was loosed from his bindings, the Lord called unto him before the multitude, saying:
“Lazarus, Lazarus, arise.”
26 And immediately Lazarus sat up from off the ground, and all which saw were filled with unspeakable
wonder because of it.
27 So the word went forth concerning the raising of Lazarus from the dead, and from all Judea, and
Perea, and Samaria, and Galilee, did many come up unto Jerusalem unto the Passover.
28 And all men spoke the name of Yeshua, and many went unto Bethany seeking him, and there went
also unto Lazarus a great many which would see for themselves the one which was raised from the
dead, that perchance they might touch him.
29 But in Jerusalem did Caiaphas take counsel with the chief priests and elders concerning what they
should do because of it.
30 And when it was decided, they determined that Lazarus should be killed also, for because of him, all
Israel believed that Yeshua was the very Anointed One which was come from God.
31 Now there came seeking the Master, Judas of Kerioth and Simon Zelotes; and when it was evening
they found the Lord sitting in a garden by the house of Martha and Lazarus.
32 And going in unto him, they fell down before him and repented all their sins, and he frankly forgave
them both and set them again among their brethren.
33 And the Lord, when it was morning, called unto Judas, and before all the disciples he kissed him
upon his cheek and spoke unto him, saying:
34 “Judas, the darkness seeks after you; but do not fear, for I have prayed for you that you might not be
35 And all which heard pondered in their hearts concerning this thing; for no man knew that he would
betray the Lord unto the priests.
Chapter 42
Yeshua prepares to enter Jerusalem – “Hosanna to the son of David” – Pontius Pilate watches from the
fortress – Chief priests watch from the temple – A priest cautions Yeshua about the Romans – The
murder of Lazarus – Yeshua weeps at the death of Lazarus – Yeshua prophesies the destruction of
Jerusalem – Yeshua sets hard his soul unto death
1 When the first day of the week was come, the Lord desired that he should go unto Jerusalem, and he
called forth two disciples and sent them unto Bethphage which lay near unto Bethany on the Mount of
Olives, saying:
2 “Go you into the village and you shall straightway see an ass which is tied to a well, and beside her
also a colt fresh and comely;
3 And when you have found them, loose them both and bring them here unto me.
4 And if any man should ask of you concerning this thing, then shall you say unto him: ‘The Lord Yeshua
has need of these’, and he shall at once give them unto you for my sake.”
5 Now when the ass was brought unto Yeshua, the disciples placed their robes upon it, and the Lord sat
upon the beast and rode forth unto Jerusalem.
6 And there gathered round about the Lord a great and exceeding multitude which went before and
followed after him, spreading their robes before him, and cutting from the palms branches which they
laid upon the way.
7 And the multitudes sang aloud, saying: “Hosanna to the son of David. Blessed is he which comes in the
name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest and unto the king forever, Amen.”
8 And when the Lord was come unto Jerusalem, all the city rose up to meet him, dancing and praising
the Lord because of the things which he had done.
9 And when the Romans heard the shouts of the people, they came out to see also; and there stood
upon the walls of the Fortress Pontius Pilate and Galerius.
10 And Pilate, hearing the shouts of the people asked concerning it, for he understood not the tongue
of the Jews.
11 And one of his servants said: “My lord, the people say that this Yeshua is a king appointed by God to
rule over the people.”
12 Now when Pilate heard this, he was greatly troubled because of it, for he feared that the Jews would
rise up against Rome because of the Galilean.
13 And on the walls of the temple there stood many which were of the chief priests and elders; for the
shouts of Hosanna had become as a great tumult.
14 And Nicodemus, turning to his brethren, said: “Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion; Shout, O daughter
of Jerusalem:
15 For, behold, your king is come unto you, riding upon an ass, and the foal of an ass.”
16 Now when the chief priests and elders beheld the city and how that even the children would sing
before the temple unto the Lord, saying: “Hosanna to the son of David”, they were sorely displeased.
17 And one of the priests which had drawn near unto the Lord, said: “Master, can you not hear what
they are saying? Rebuke them, therefore, lest the Romans come out to destroy us.”
18 But the Lord answered him, saying: “I tell you truly, that if these should hold their peace, then would
the very stones of the temple cry out immediately for my sake.”
19 Now when the sixth hour of the day was come, the Lord returned unto Bethany, unto the Mount of
Olives, and there taught the people.
20 And when it was eventide, he sent the people away again unto their own homes whereby they might
rest themselves.
21 But Lazarus, as he was going unto Jerusalem to feast, there fell upon him certain of the Sicarii, and
they killed him and did strip him of all his clothing, and they hung him from the walls of the city.
22 And all which passed by, when they saw it, spoke, saying: “Is this not the man which the Master
raised from the dead?”
23 And many which followed after the Lord, withdrew themselves from him, lest they also be killed, for
they began to fear for their lives.
24 And the disciples, when it was morning, brought unto Yeshua the robes of Lazarus, covered with
blood; and when the Lord saw what had been done unto him, he groaned in his soul, and lifting his eyes
unto Jerusalem, he spoke, saying:
25 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you which killed the prophets, and which would stone unto death the one
which God has sent unto you;
26 How often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen would gather her chicks
beneath her wings, but you would not!
27 Behold, how you are left desolate and all your house scattered abroad: I tell you truly, you shall not
see me again until you receive me with gladness, singing: ‘Blessed is he that comes in the name of the
28 For if you had known in this your day, the things which belong unto your peace, then would you have
repented in sackcloth and ashes; but now are they hid from you.
29 For the days shall come upon you when your enemies shall cast a trench round about you, and
encompass you and hem you in on every side.
30 And they shall lay siege against you and shall lay you even with the earth, and all your children shall
they carry away to scatter among the nations; and they shall weep and lament because of you.
31 And they which gather about you shall purge your walls with fire, and famine shall become as a
scourge unto you;
32 For the man shall fall upon the woman to devour her, and the mother shall kill the child to consume
it unto herself.
33 For the eagles shall gather from afar to feed upon you, and they shall not leave so much as one stone
to rest upon another till they find even all of you, to pluck you out of the land of your inheritance;
34 And this because you knew not the time of your own visitation, being stiffnecked and overproud,
having ears made dull of hearing.”
35 When the Lord had said these things, behold, he wept for all the city, and would not be comforted.
36 And rising from his place, he did break in pieces the staff of his hand, and setting his face unto
Jerusalem, he set hard his soul unto death.
Chapter 43
Signs of the times and the end of the age – Making merchandise the souls of men – Beware of false
prophets – Wars and rumors of war – Coming persecutions – Jerusalem and Judea forewarned –
Parable: The Fig Tree – Be watchful – Parable: The Unwatchful and Wicked Servant – The coming of the
Son of Man – “For I was hungry and you fed me” – Parable: The Ten Virgins
1 And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto the Lord, saying: “Good Master,
when shall these things be of which you have spoken, that we might know concerning the signs of your
coming, and of the end of this age?”
2 Yeshua answered, saying: “Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name
deceiving many; waterless canals have they become, having no knowledge of heavenly things.
3 These are they which, for a pretense, shall make merchandise the souls of men, preaching from the
housetops the doctrines of men and not of God.
4 And if any man shall say unto you: ‘Behold, here is the Lord, or there’, believe it not. For I shall never
leave you or forsake you.
5 Did I not tell you from the beginning this saying: Break apart the wood and I am there, lift up the
stone to look beneath, even there shall you find me?
6 But there shall arise among you a great many false prophets full of guile, which will show forth signs
and wonders;
7 Insomuch that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect which are among you.
8 These are they which shall speak unto you, saying: ‘Behold, the Lord is in the desert’, or, ‘Behold, he is
in the secret chambers.’ And when you hear it, believe it not, neither go you after them seeking.
9 Hear then the beginning of sorrows which shall come upon you; for you shall hear of wars and rumors
of wars, for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
10 And there shall be famine and pestilence, earthquakes and fire in diverse places;
11 And they which rule shall deliver you up unto affliction, and shall kill you; and you shall be hated of
all nations for my name’s sake.
12 And many which are among you shall be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one
another; and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 When, therefore, you see these things, be not troubled because of them, neither be you fearful; for
whosoever shall endure faithfully, the same is accepted of God.
14 For such persecutions as shall come upon you are but like unto the wind which scatters abroad the
seed of my word unto the whole world.
15 But if you would weep, then weep not for yourselves, but for Jerusalem only; for there shall come
quickly upon it the abomination of desolation, even as spoken of by Daniel the prophet; and when you
see it, stand you forth in a holy place.
16 Let them which are in Judea flee unto the mountains; let them which watch from the rooftops come
not down to take away anything from out of the house.
17 Neither let them which are in the fields return unto the city to take away their cloaks, but flee
straightway into the wilderness that you perish not.
18 And woe unto them which are with child in those days, or which give suck; for your children shall be
as wood for the fire, and as meat to the belly.
19 Pray, therefore, that your flight be not in winter, neither on the Sabbath day wherein no man
worketh, lest death and sorrow be magnified unto you.
20 For there shall fall upon Jerusalem a great tribulation, such as no man has seen before, nor which
you shall ever see again.
21 In that day shall the sun be darkened against you, and the moon shall give not of her light; and there
shall fall from Heaven a multitude of stars as a witness against you, and the powers of the earth shall be
sorely shaken.
22 Come, then, and to the parable of the fig tree attend your soul; for you know that when the branch
is yet tender, it puts forth leaves, and when you see it, you know already that summer is nigh.
23 So, likewise, when you shall see all these things, you shall know that the time draws near of which I
have spoken, yea, even to the very doors.
24 For I tell you truly that this generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled against you.
25 And though Heaven and earth shall pass away, yet shall my word not pass away, but shall ever
remain as a testimony against you.
26 But of the coming of the Son of Man, of the day and the hour is it given unto no man to know, not
even unto the angels of Heaven, but the Father only.
27 Watch, therefore, and pray you daily, for you know not at what hour your Lord shall come again unto
28 Know then that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would
have watched with all diligence; and would not have suffered that his house should be broken into.
29 Be you likewise also diligent: for in such an hour as you think not of, behold, in the very moment
shall the Son of Man come.
30 Which of you being a good and faithful servant, of whom the Lord has made master over all his
house, will not watch diligently in due season to do all which his Lord has required of him.
31 Blessed, therefore, is that servant which the Lord, when he comes, shall find so doing. I tell you truly
that he shall be made ruler over all his master’s goods.
32 But if a servant be evil and shall say in his heart: Behold, the Lord has delayed his coming; and shall
begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink wantonly, fulfilling the lusts of his own pleasure;
33 Then shall the Lord of that servant come in a day when he looketh not for him; and in an hour that
he is not aware of. And the Lord shall apportion unto him according to his works, and in desolation shall
he make his abode.
34 When, therefore, the Son of Man shall come into his glory, and all the righteous with him, then shall
he sit upon the throne of his glory; and he shall gather from the earth, the people of every nation.
35 And he shall separate from among them the good from the evil, even as a shepherd will divide his
sheep from the goats; and he shall set the sheep upon his right hand, but the goats shall he place on his
36 Then shall the Lord speak unto them which are on his right hand, saying: ‘Come, you blessed of my
Father, and inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
37 For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was naked and you clothed
me; I was sick and you comforted me; I was in prison and you visited me; I was a stranger and you took
me in.’
38 Then shall the righteous answer the Lord, saying: ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed
you? or thirsty, and give you drink?
39 When did we see you naked and clothe you? or sick and comfort you? or in prison and visit you? or
again, when saw we the Lord as a stranger to take you in?’
40 And the Lord shall answer them tenderly, saying: ‘Inasmuch as you have done these things unto the
least of your brethren, you have done it also unto me.’
41 But unto the wicked which are on the left hand shall the Lord speak, saying: ‘Depart from me, you
that work iniquity, for I never knew you.
42 For I was hungry and you fed me not; I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink; I was naked,
and you clothed me not; I was sick and you would not comfort me;
43 I was in prison and you would not visit me; I was a stranger and you would not take me in.’
44 Then shall the wicked say: ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or sick, or in
prison, or a stranger, and did not minister unto you?’
45 And the Lord shall answer them, saying: ‘Inasmuch as you did it not unto the least of these your
brethren, you did it not unto me.’
46 Then shall they which are on the left hand inherit unto their souls the lesser portion, being far from
the kingdom of God and his glory.
47 Hear then this parable, for the kingdom of Heaven is like unto ten virgins which took their lamps, and
went forth to meet the bridegroom.
48 And of the ten, five were wise, and five were foolish; for they which were wise took in their vessels,
oil sufficient for their lamps; but they which were foolish took their lamps only; and there was but little
oil in them.
49 Now it so happened that the bridegroom tarried, and the ten virgins being made ready, slept.
50 But when the midnight hour was come, there arose a great shout, for the bridegroom was come
forth to meet them; and all the virgins rose at once to trim their lamps whereby they might go out and
greet him.
51 And they which were foolish spoke unto the wise, saying: ‘Give us a portion of your oil, for our lamps
are all gone out.’
52 But the wise answered them, saying: ‘How can we do this thing seeing that we have but sufficient for
ourselves alone? Go, therefore, quickly unto the sellers and purchase oil that you might trim your lamps
for the coming of the Lord.’
53 So the foolish virgins went unto the city, and while they went forth to purchase, the bridegroom
came suddenly; and they which were wise went in with him unto the marriage; and when they were
entered in, the door was shut.
54 Then came the foolish virgins unto the house, saying: ‘Lord, Lord, open up unto us.’ But the Lord
answered them, saying: ‘Return from whence you came, for I know you not.’
55 Watch, therefore, and be you diligent and wise; for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein
the Son of Man shall come forth unto you.”
Chapter 44
Yeshua cleanses the temple – Whited sepulchers – False and pretentious disciples – God shall demand
an accounting – False oaths – The weightier matters of the law – Denunciation of hypocrisy – How the
prideful rule – Beware of titles or positions – Caiaphas plots to kill Yeshua
1 In the courts of the temple did the money changers and sellers of sacrifice make merchandise the
worship of the Lord.
2 And there came into the courts of the Gentiles, Yeshua of Nazareth, the Beloved of God, who, making
a whip of strong cord, went in among them;
3 Driving from the courts those which sold sheep, and oxen, and doves, and the money changers which
sat amidst all their gain;
4 And the Lord did scourge them, and beat them, and did drive them through the gates of the temple,
casting down wheresoever he went the stalls of the sheep and the oxen, and breaking in pieces the
cages of the doves, and overturning the tables of the money changers.
5 And the Lord spoke aloud unto all which were in the temple, saying: “Get these things hence, and
make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.”
6 Now there came out on the balcony of the temple, Caiaphas and Ananas his father-in-law; and with
them also were certain of the chief priests and scribes.
7 And the Lord, seeing the prideful looking scornfully upon him, spoke before all the people, saying:
8 “Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you are like unto whited sepulchers which
appear all white and comely on the outward part, but inwardly you are filled with dead men’s bones,
being in your inward part filled with all manner of corruption.
9 For you are they which appear outwardly to be righteous, but inwardly you are filled with hypocrisy
and iniquity.
10 Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets, and make
as beautiful the sepulchers of the righteous, and speak among yourselves, saying:
11 ‘If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the
deaths of the prophets.’
12 Be you, therefore, as witnesses against yourselves, for you are the children of them which killed the
13 See then how you are become in full measure, like unto your fathers which were before you.
14 You serpents! You generation of vipers! How can you escape the coming of the Lord?
15 For the Lord shall send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes; and some you shall stone to
death and crucify, and some you shall scourge in your synagogues, and some you shall persecute from
city to city.
16 Behold, thus saith the Lord unto you: Behold, an accounting shall I demand of you, and a balancing
and a compensation shall I require at your hands; for all your house shall I leave unto you desolate.
17 Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you are become as blind guides which say:
‘Whosoever shall swear by the temple, has committed but a small offense.
18 But whosoever shall swear by the gold which is in the temple, he has committed the greater sin, and
he shall be made as a debtor unto the temple.’
19 You fools, ignorant and blind! Which, therefore, is the greater: the gold, or the temple which
sanctifies the gold?
20 And again you say: ‘Whosoever shall swear by the altar, has committed but a small offense; but
whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty of the greater sin.’
21 You fools, ignorant and blind! Which of these two is the greater: the gift, or the altar which sanctifies
the gift?
22 Whosoever, therefore, shall swear by the altar, the same swears also by the gift which is on the
altar; and whosoever shall swear by the temple, the same has sworn by all things in it.
23 And whosoever shall swear by Heaven, the same has sworn by the throne of God, and by the Father
which sits thereon.
24 Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithes of all which you possess, but the
weightier matters of the law have you forgotten altogether.
25 Consider, therefore, these three: justice, mercy, and faith. These things ought you to have done
already, and not leave the other undone also.
26 You fools, ignorant and blind! See then how you are become as blind guides; for you are they which
strain hard against the gnat, and swallow whole the camel every whit.
27 Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you make clean the outside of the cup and the
platter, but inwardly you are full of extortion and excess.
28 You blind fools! Cleanse first that which is within both cup and platter, then shall the outside be
clean also.
29 Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you would shut up the kingdom of Heaven
against men;
30 For you yourselves go not into it, neither would you permit them which are entering to go in either.
31 Woe unto you scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you encompass the world round about that
you might make one proselyte, and when he is made, behold, he is become twofold more the child of
hell than you yourselves.”
32 And speaking aloud unto the multitudes, and unto the disciples, the Lord continued speaking, saying:
33 “Behold how the prideful have taken unto themselves the seat of Moses, as though they were
someone great.
34 Whatsoever these shall bid you do, that thing will you observe to do in righteousness before God;
but do not according to their works: for they say, and do not themselves likewise.
35 For they bind upon you a heavy burden too grievous to be borne, and lay upon the shoulders of men
the yoke of the law that they might rule over you, as though they themselves were righteous;
36 But to undo the heavy burden, to lift up the fallen which are among you, to comfort and make whole
again those which are lost, these things, for your sake, will they not so much as lift their little finger to
37 But all their works they do to be seen of men: for they make broad the borders of their phylacteries,
and enlarge overmuch the hems of their garments to cover with gold;
38 Seeking for themselves the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and
greetings in the marketplace wherein men shall call unto them, saying: ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’
39 But seek you not yourselves to be called Rabbi: for there is but one who is your Rabbi, even the
Messiah; and you are all brethren.
40 And call no man your father upon the earth; for you have but one which is your Father, and in
Heaven does he dwell continually, that he might make place for the righteous which are even now
among you.
41 Therefore, let no man call you Master: for you have but one which is your Master, for him alone has
the Father appointed unto you.
42 For whosoever among you would be as someone great, then be you as a servant unto all the rest;
43 For whosoever shall exalt himself, even he shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself even as
a servant, the same shall the Father exalt on high.”
44 Now when the Lord had finished speaking, he went forth from the temple, and no man laid a hand
against him, for the press of the crowd was great and all the people loved him.
45 Now when it was but three days before the feast of the Passover, there assembled secretly together
in the house of Caiaphas, the chief priests and elders; but many which were of the Pharisees would not
46 For many which were of the Sanhedrin believed in Yeshua and would not permit that any evil should
fall upon him.
47 But they which were of the Sadducees and the scribes consulted whereby they might take Yeshua by
subtlety and put him to death according to the law.
48 And one spoke unto Caiaphas, saying: “Let us kill him secretly and be done with him altogether
quickly.” But Caiaphas answered him, saying:
49 “Would you make him equal to the prophets which our fathers killed in like manner?
50 Let us be wise and do all things in similitude of the law for appearance sake. For if this man
continues, then shall we lose all our station, and Israel shall be destroyed because of him.”
51 So counseled they among themselves, and they sent forth a commandment throughout all the city,
that if any man should know where the Lord would be, then should he show it unto them whereby they
might take him by force.
Chapter 45
Contention over Mary’s anointing of Yeshua – Judas betrays Yeshua – Preparations for the Last Supper –
Betrayer: “Lord, is it I?” – The bread and wine – The washing of feet – Yeshua foretells his death –
Promise of the Holy Spirit – The commandment to love – Yeshua foretells the three denials of Cephas
1 Then came Yeshua unto Bethany, and the disciples prepared for the Lord a supper, and Martha
2 And Mary took a pound of ointment precious and costly, made from the oil of frankincense and
myrrh, and began to anoint the head of the Master; and the sweet odor of it filled the whole house.
3 But when certain of the disciples saw this, they were filled with indignation and they spoke against
her, saying: “To what purpose is this waste made?
4 For this ointment might have been sold for much gain, and the money given to the poor.”
5 And Judas of Kerioth, having been given charge over the purse, leaned near unto the Lord and spoke,
saying: “True, Lord, this ointment could have been sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor.”
6 But the Lord answered all of them, saying: “Leave this my Beloved alone, for she has done unto me a
good work; for against the day of my burying has she kept this.
7 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear and understand; for the poor you have with you always,
but me you have not always.
8 I tell you truly that wheresoever the word of my gospel shall go forth into the world, there shall be
spoken of this woman also of her love for me; and this shall be as a memorial unto her.”
9 Now when it was evening, Judas went forth unto Caiaphas to betray the Lord; for he believed that if
the Lord should be taken by force, then would he surely proclaim himself the son of David:
10 To take unto himself the throne of power whereby he might establish Israel in great glory.
11 And when it was agreed, Caiaphas gave unto Judas thirty pieces of silver; but Judas would not take it
unto himself, saying: “Will you think that I betray the Master for money’s sake?”
12 But Caiaphas answering deceitfully, spoke unto him, saying: “Not so Judas, for this I give you as a gift
to the poor.”
13 So Judas took the thirty pieces of silver and returned unto the Lord, and when the Master beheld
Judas drawing near, he spoke, saying: “Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”
14 And all which heard were filled with trouble, for they knew not what the saying meant. And Mary,
being overcome with sorrow, wept many tears.
15 Now on the second day before the Passover, Cephas came unto the Lord, and with him the apostles
also, and he spoke, saying: “Good Master, the morrow of the Passover is near; where then would you
have us to prepare the Passover meal?”
16 The Lord answered them, saying: “Go into Jerusalem, unto Uzziah’s well and there will you see a
man carrying upon his head a water pot; and when you have found him follow him unto his house.
17 And when he would enter in, speak unto him, saying: ‘The Master has said: Where is the guest room
where I may eat the Passover with my disciples; for, behold, my time is at hand.’”
18 So Cephas, taking James and John with him, went into the city and did all which the Master had
appointed him to do; and they did make ready the Passover for the Lord.
19 And when it was evening, the Lord gathered in the upper room of the house, the apostles and
disciples; and as they ate, the Lord spoke unto them, saying:
20 “I tell you truly, that there is one among you which has already set forth his hand to betray me.”
21 And all which were in the room, when they heard this, were filled with exceeding sorrow; and they
began to say unto him: “Lord, Lord, is it I?”
22 And he answered them which were near, saying: “He it is that dips his bread with me in the dish; the
same shall betray me.”
23 And the Lord, taking a piece of bread, dipped it into the dish, and while he dipped, Judas reached
forth to dip also, saying: “Lord, is it I?”
24 The Lord answered him, saying: “You have rightly said. Whatsoever, therefore, you have set your
hand to do, that do quickly.”
25 So Judas, rising from his place, went out from the Lord, and they which were in the room wondered
because of it; and in the night did Judas go unto Caiaphas.
26 Then Yeshua, knowing that his hour was come when he must depart out of this world to go unto the
Father; having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the very end.
27 And knowing also that the Father had placed in him all authority, and that he was come from God,
and should again go unto him;
28 He arose from the table, and standing before the whole house, he took bread and blessed it and
broke it in pieces to give unto the disciples; and knowing that all eyes were upon him, he spoke, saying:
29 “Eagerly have I desired to eat with you the Passover meal. For I tell you truly, that I shall not eat
again the bread of this life until the kingdom of God descend upon you. Take, therefore, of this bread
and eat of it.”
30 And taking up the cup of wine he raised it before them to bless, and the Lord spoke again unto them,
31 “Take of this and drink of it among yourselves; for I tell you truly that I will not drink again of the fruit
of the vine, till the kingdom of God come within you.
32 For as oft as you eat of this bread and drink of this cup, do so in remembrance of me; that you may
receive unto your soul a fullness of life and joy forever.”
33 Now when the Lord had said these things, he laid aside his garments; and taking a towel, he covered
his nakedness.
34 And after he had poured water into a basin, he began to wash the apostle’s feet, and to wipe them
with the towel wherewith he was girded.
35 But when he was come unto Cephas, he rebuked the Lord, saying: “Lord, will you wash my feet like a
36 Yeshua answered him, saying: “What I do now you know not of, but hereafter you shall know full
37 Cephas answered him, saying: “Lord, you shall never wash my feet!” The Lord answered him, saying:
“Cephas, if I wash not your feet, then you will have no part with me.”
38 When Cephas heard this he repented, saying: “Then, Lord, wash not my feet only, but my hands and
my head.”
39 Then did the Lord answer him, saying: “He that is washed already has no need but to wash his feet,
and is clean every whit.”
40 Now when the Lord had washed the feet of the apostles, he came unto the seven women whom
Miriam his mother had chosen and anointed to minister unto him, and he likewise washed their feet
41 And when he was completed, then did he command that the apostles and the women should also
wash the feet of all the others which were gathered in the room unto the feast.
42 And when they were completed, the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “Know you what I have done for
your sake? You call me Master and Lord: and you say well, for so I am.
43 If I then being both Lord and Master unto you have washed your feet, then ought you also to wash
one another’s feet.
44 For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done unto you; by this shall all men
know that you are my disciples.
45 Truly I say unto you that the servant is not greater than his Lord; neither is he that is sent greater
than he that sent him.
46 If you know these things to do them, then shall you dwell joyfully in the bosom of your Lord, having
fulfilled all righteousness.
47 I know whom I have chosen; yet have I told you also that there is one among you which has lifted up
his hand against me.
48 And many which are among you shall be offended this night because of me, and others shall tremble
and flee away because of fear.
49 For it is written: Against the shepherd shall the wicked strike, against my Anointed shall the ungodly
rage, and the sheep of his flock shall be scattered abroad.
50 But now is the Son of Man glorified; and God is glorified also. And if the Father and the Son be
glorified, then shall you also be glorified in me.
51 I tell you truly that whosoever shall receive unto themselves the one which is come from me, the
same shall receive me also; and whosoever receives me, the same has received unto his soul already the
one that sent me.
52 Little children, yet a little while am I with you. And you shall seek me but will not find me; for the
place unto which I go, you cannot come.
53 Do not fear little flock, for I will not leave you comfortless, for I will come unto you: for wheresoever
two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
54 And I will pray unto the Father, and he shall send unto you the Comforter, that the Spirit might abide
with you forever.
55 I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. But when the Comforter is
come, even the Spirit of Truth, she will guide you in all things.
56 For the Spirit shall speak not of itself, but whatsoever she shall hear from above, even that will she
speak unto you; and she will show you all things which are to come.
57 A new commandment will I give unto you which is preferred above all others; that you love one
another even as I have loved you; by this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love
one for another.
58 Whosoever hears this commandment to keep it, he it is that loves me; and he that loves me shall be
loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself unto him.”
59 So spoke Yeshua the Beloved, and one of the disciples asked him, saying: “Lord, how will you
manifest yourself unto us, and not unto the world?”
60 And the Lord answered him, saying: “If any man love me, he will keep my words; and my Father will
love him for righteousness sake, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
61 But they which love me not keep not my sayings: and the love of the Father is far from them, neither
will we come forth unto them.
62 These things have I spoke unto you while I am yet with you. If, therefore, you would love me, then
keep my commandments.”
63 And Cephas, being overwrought because of the things which the Lord had spoken, said unto the
Lord: “Master, where are you going that we cannot follow after you?”
64 Yeshua answered him, saying: “Cephas, where I go you cannot come now; but you shall follow me
hereafter; for I must first ascend unto the one which sent me, then shall I come again unto you.”
65 Cephas said unto the Lord: “Master, why can’t I follow after you now? Behold, I would lay down my
life for your sake.”
66 When the Lord heard this, he grew sorrowful, and he spoke unto him, saying: “Will you lay down
your life for my sake, Cephas? I tell you truly, the cock shall not crow till you have denied me three
67 And looking upon all which were gathered in the room, the Lord spoke unto them, saying:
68 “I tell you truly that before the rising of the sun, you shall all weep and lament for my sake; but the
world shall rejoice.
69 And you shall be filled with sorrow; but do not fear, I shall turn your sorrows into joy. Come now and
let us go hence.”
70 Then said Thomas Didymus unto the twelve, “Come, let us also go, that we may die with him.” But
the apostles when they heard this, trembled with fear because of it.
71 And going out of the room, they went unto the Mount of Olives, and entering in, the Lord drew
himself away unto the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.
Chapter 46
Yeshua’s first prayer at Gethsemane – The apostles sleep – Mary’s devotion revealed – Yeshua’s third
prayer – The coming of the temple guards – “Whom do you seek?” – In the house of Caiaphas – Judas
tries to rescue Yeshua – Yeshua sent to Herod
1 And the Lord, when he was come unto the Mount of Olives, commanded that his disciples should wait
awhile for him; and taking Cephas, and James, and John, they went forth unto Gethsemane.
2 Now when he was come into the garden, he trembled in his soul, for sorrow and grief pressed hard
against him; and turning to Cephas, and James, and John, he spoke unto them, saying:
3 “Behold, how my soul is filled with sorrow, and my heart made heavy with grief; tarry here with me
and watch you also, for I am near unto death.”
4 And the Lord going forth a little distance from them, knelt down to pray, saying: “O my Father, if it be
possible, let this cup pass from me;
5 For I am filled with fear and trembling; nevertheless, my Father, let it not be according to my will, but
yours alone.”
6 And rising up the Lord came unto the apostles, and finding them asleep, he spoke unto them, saying:
7 “Could you not watch with me but one hour only? Watch and pray lest evil come upon you unawares;
for I tell you truly that the spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is strong and filled with passions.”
8 And going away the second time, the Lord knelt to pray, saying: “O my Father, if this cup will not pass
except that I should first drink of it, then your will be done.”
9 When, therefore, the Lord had finished praying, he went again unto the apostles; and finding them
asleep he spoke softly unto them, saying:
10 “Sleep my children, and do not fear; for, behold, the hour is near when the Son of Man is betrayed
into the hands of sinners.”
11 And as he turned to go a third time to pray, there came Mary unto him, and the Lord spoke unto her,
saying: “Why are you come forth unto me?”
12 She answered him, saying: “My Lord, entreat me not to leave you, nor from following after; for this
night would I watch with you in the midnight hour that you might be comforted yet this little while.”
13 And the Lord, looking tenderly upon her, did kiss her upon the cheek, and spoke unto her, saying:
“Come then Beloved, and watch with me.”
14 And taking the cloak from off his shoulders, he placed it upon the woman, for the night was cold and
there was come upon Jerusalem a storm, thick and threatening.
15 And going forth together unto the place, the Lord knelt the third time, saying:
16 “Father, the hour is come. I have finished the work which you have given me to do; the name of the
Father have I glorified on the earth.
17 Now, my Father, receive me again unto yourself, that I might partake of that glory which I had with
you from the beginning of the world.
18 For I have revealed unto the godly, the words which you have given me to speak, and they have
received them with joy and thanksgiving.
19 These are they which know surely that I am come from you, and believe also that you have sent me.
20 For these, my Father, do I pray; and for the world would I make supplication, that those which you
have given me might not be lost for evil’s sake.
21 For unto the Son have you given all power and authority; that as many as believe unto
righteousness, even these shall you give life eternal and exaltation forever in the kingdom of the Father.
22 But now am I no more in the world nor of the world, but these are in the world and for this cause
would I come again unto you; that I might make intercession for them always.
23 Holy Father, keep safe in your name those which you have given unto me, that they might become
as one, even as we are one.
24 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name; and those which you have given me
have I kept faithfully, and none of them have I lost save one; and of this one shall the shepherd go forth
to find again.
25 But now, my Father, do I come unto you; that all who should come after me, might have my joy
fulfilled in themselves, being established forever in peace, and hope, and love exceeding.
26 I pray not that you would take them out of the world, but that you will keep them safe from evil, lest
they choose the lesser portion and not the greater.
27 For they are not of this world, even as I am not of this world. Sanctify them, therefore, through your
truth, and through that Spirit which is come from the Father and the Son.
28 And as you have sent me into the world, even so shall I send these also; that the world might receive
the words which I have given unto them; which words are come from you.
29 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word, that
they may be as one; even as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also might become as one in
30 O righteous Father, the world has not known you; but I have known you, and have revealed unto the
world your glory.
31 Make rich, therefore, the love of the Father unto them, that the love wherewith you have loved me
may be in them also.”
32 So spoke the Lord in prayer unto his Father, and taking Mary by the hand, he said: “Rise, let us go
forth; for he that betrays me is near at hand.”
33 And going again unto Cephas, and James, and John, he found them sleeping still; and in the distance
did there draw near unto the garden a great many men, and Judas did lead them.
34 And there arose from a distance a great alarm, and many which were of the disciples, when they saw
the coming of the temple guard with swords drawn, they fled quickly away from the mount, lest they
also be arrested.
35 But the apostles and certain of the women rushed forth to warn the Lord; and Cephas, and James,
and John, being roused from their slumber were immediately filled with fear.
36 Now Judas, having received from Caiaphas a great many men armed with swords and staves, and
having many others also which carried lanterns and torches, drew near unto the Lord.
37 And Judas embraced the Lord and kissed him upon the cheek, saying: “Hail Master.” Yeshua
answered him, saying: “Will you betray me with a kiss Judas?”
38 And the Lord, knowing all things which would shortly come upon him, went forth unto the captain of
the guard, saying: “Whom do you seek?”
39 And the captain answered him, saying: “We seek Yeshua of Nazareth.” The Lord said: “I am he.”
40 When the captain heard this, he withdrew a little ways to speak with Judas. Again the Lord spoke
unto him, saying: “Have you authority to take these also?”
41 He answered the Lord, saying: “No, my Lord.” Then spoke the Master unto him, saying: “Let these
then go their way, and you shall have me.”
42 So they took the Lord and did bind him with strong cord, and they took him speedily unto the house
of Caiaphas the High Priest.
43 And there followed after the Lord but few of the disciples, for many had fled away into the night.
44 But there was among those which followed after, John the son of Levi who was first above all the
scribes in Caiaphas’ house;
45 And when he saw that the Lord was taken captive unto Jerusalem, he went straightway unto
Nicodemus and told him all which had happened to the Master.
46 Now there gathered in the house of Caiaphas a great many scribes and elders, and many which were
of the Sanhedrin; and they sought to bring against the Lord a false accusation.
47 And bringing forth a great many false witnesses against the Lord, they bore witness against him; yet
were they not in agreement among themselves concerning those things which the Lord both said and
48 And Caiaphas, rising before the whole assembly, spoke unto Yeshua, saying: “What will you say for
yourself? Tell us the things which you teach unto the people.”
49 The Lord answered him, saying: “I spoke openly to the whole world, and in secret have I said
nothing. I taught openly in your synagogues and in the temple;
50 In your streets and in the market place did I ever raise my voice unto the people. Why then will you
ask of me these things?
51 Ask them which heard me, they know what it is which I spoke unto them publicly.”
52 When the Lord had said these things, one which was an officer of the guard did strike the Master full
in the face, saying: “Will you answer the High Priest in such a manner?”
53 And Yeshua, being filled with calm, spoke unto the man, saying: “If I have spoken evilly, then let
them which judge bear witness against me. But if I have spoken truly, then why have you struck me
contrary to the law?”
54 But Caiaphas, being filled with anger, spoke hotly against the Master, saying: “I adjure you by the
living God, tell us plainly whether you are the Messiah of whom all the prophets spoke.”
55 Yeshua answered him, saying: “You have rightly said; nevertheless I tell you truly: hereafter you shall
see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of God and coming in the clouds of Heaven.”
56 Then did the High Priest rent asunder his vestments, saying: “This man has spoken blasphemy; what
further need have we of witnesses? What think you of this man’s guilt?”
57 And they shouted with one voice, saying: “He is guilty and worthy of death.” And Caiaphas struck the
Master hard in the face, and when he was fallen upon the floor, they did all rush upon him to strike.
58 And some did spit upon him and buffet him all about, and others did slap him, saying: “If you are the
Messiah, then prophesy unto us: Who is it which struck you?”
59 But there rushed forth to save the Master, Judas which did betray him, saying: “Lord, Lord, save
yourself! God will hear you!”
60 And the captain of the guard did lay hold of him and commanded that Judas be kept in the prison
until the Lord was dead; and they did take him away amidst great tears and weeping.
61 Now there arose among the assembly a great shout, and Ismael Ben Phali, rising before his brethren,
spoke unto them, saying:
62 “Men, brethren, mark well what you do unto this man, for all Israel has gone following after him.
63 If we, therefore, should do some harm unto him, then shall the Jews rise up against us to kill us
64 And Caiaphas and Ananus did counsel among themselves, and when they were completed, Caiaphas
spoke unto all which were gathered, saying:
65 “Let us refrain our hand from killing this man, lest the Jews take revenge against us.
66 But send him unto Herod instead, for he is both king and judge over him, seeing that he is from
Nazareth of Galilee.
67 And we shall compel Herod to kill the deceiver, that he might save all Israel; and if the Jews should
become angry because of this thing, then shall they take revenge against Herod and not us.”
68 So they took the Lord unto Herod who was also in the city for the Passover; and there followed after
the Lord, certain of his disciples weeping.
Chapter 47
The three denials of Cephas – Yeshua brought before Pilate – Yeshua beaten by the guards – Pilate
orders Yeshua crucified – Yeshua foretells the destruction of Jerusalem – “The King of the Jews” –
Yeshua provides for his mother – Spectators torment and mock Yeshua – Final hours – The burial of
Yeshua – Judas confronts Caiaphas before hanging himself
1 In the courtyard of Caiaphas’ house did Cephas wait anxiously, and with him were certain women
which were of the discipleship.
2 And as they warmed themselves by a fire of coals, a maiden which served in the house, when she saw
Cephas sitting there, spoke unto him, saying:
3 “Are you not also a disciple of the Nazarene?” And Cephas, seeing that many which were of the
temple guard sat near unto him, answered her, saying: “I am not.”
4 And there came a little after, a servant which spoke unto the guards, saying: “This man is one of
Yeshua’s disciples, for I have often seen him beside the Master.”
5 But Cephas swore with an oath, saying: “I know not the man, neither have I heard of him.”
6 The servant said: “All Israel has heard of this man, and will you say that you have not heard of him?”
7 After a while there came unto Cephas one of the guards which said: “Surely you are one of the
disciples, for your speech betrays you.”
8 And turning to the other guards he said: “Is not this man’s speech like unto the Galileans?”
9 Then did Cephas begin to curse and swear, saying: “I tell you that I know not the man, why will you
accuse me falsely?” And immediately the cock did crow.
10 And the Master, being led away from the house unto Herod, heard the words which Cephas spoke,
and looking upon him, Cephas saw the Master bruised and bleeding;
11 And he remembered the words which the Lord had spoken unto him, saying: “The cock shall not
crow till you have denied me three times.”
12 And Cephas, being filled with grief, went out and wept bitterly because of it.
13 So they took the Lord unto Herod who was also in the city for the Passover, but he would not judge
him because of John;
14 And they brought the Lord again unto Caiaphas, saying: “My lord, Herod will not judge against this
man, for he has grown fearful because of him.”
15 Now there came unto Caiaphas’ house, Nicodemus and fifteen others which were of the Sanhedrin
to contend against the High Priest for Yeshua’s sake.
16 But Caiaphas, through treachery and deceit, delivered the Master unto Pilate; and calling forth the
guard afterward, they did set themselves upon Nicodemus, and many did they kill and Nicodemus did
they cast into prison.
17 And Caiaphas sent word unto Pilate, saying: “Behold, this man has proclaimed himself king over all
Israel, and against Rome has he set all his disciples, evensomuch that they have this night killed many
which were of the Sanhedrin.”
18 Then came Yeshua into the judgment hall and Pilate, entering in, spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Are
you king of the Jews?”
19 The Lord answered him, saying: “Will you accuse me of this yourself, or have others brought against
me this accusation?”
20 Pilate said: “I accuse you not, but they which are of your own chief priests and elders have accused
you, and have delivered you to me for judgment.”
21 Yeshua spoke unto him, saying: “If I were in truth a king, then would my kingdom not be of this
22 Then said Pilate: “A kingdom is a kingdom, whether in this world or some other. If your kingdom be
of some other place, then tell me truly: Are you then a king?”
23 The Lord answered him, saying: “I am. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I forth into the
world; that whosoever should believe in me, even they might reign with me in the kingdom of my
24 For I am come to bear witness of the truth. And if any man should love the truth to seek after it, the
same shall hear my voice to follow after me.”
25 And Pilate, motioning unto the guards, spoke unto Yeshua, saying: “What care have I for the truth?
For the sword is sharp and mighty, and he unto whom this power is given, the same shall bend the truth
according to his will, even as the wind bows low the grass of the field.”
26 And Pilate commanded the guard, saying: “Take this man who would be king, and show him the
honor with which Rome would honor him.”
27 And straightway they took the Master and scourged him, and they placed upon his brow a crown of
thorns, and about his shoulders did they place a purple robe.
28 And they took the Master into the common hall of the Praetorium, and they called together the
whole band; and they did all spit upon him and strike him with many reeds.
29 And some did bow before him, mocking all the while, saying: “Hail Yeshua, king of the Jews.”
30 And when they had finished making sport of him, they brought him again unto the judgment hall,
and Pilate spoke unto him, saying: “What will you say of yourself now, Yeshua?”
31 But the Lord answered him not a word. And Pilate said: “Know you not that I have the power to
release you or to crucify you?”
32 Yeshua answered him, saying: “You have no power except that which some other has given unto
33 Then did Pilate deliver Yeshua unto the soldiers that they might crucify him.
34 And when it was about the third hour of the day, they took the Lord and led him away unto
Golgotha, and there went with him two thieves to be crucified.
35 And the Lord, bearing his cross, went unto the hill, and there followed after him a great multitude;
and when they saw that Yeshua was going to be crucified, they did weep and lament aloud;
36 And there was along the way a great many soldiers with sword and lance to guard against the
people, lest any man should put forth the hand to save the Master.
37 And as they drew near unto the hill, the Lord fell upon the ground being bruised and weary, and
certain soldiers took from the multitude Simon of Cyrene, who was come unto Jerusalem for the feast;
and they compelled him that he should carry the cross of the Lord.
38 And there followed after the Lord, unto the place, a company of women which wept and lamented
because of him.
39 But the Lord spoke unto them, saying: “Weep not for me, but for yourselves, and for your children
which shall come after you.
40 For, behold, the day shall come when they shall say in Jerusalem: Blessed are the barren, and the
wombs which never bare and the breast which never gave suck.
41 Then shall they begin to say unto the mountains: fall on us; and to the hills: cover us.
42 For if they do these things unto the innocent, what shall they do in like manner unto you? And if they
do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” And those which heard wept all the
louder because of it.
43 Now when they were come unto the place, they crucified the Lord, and they placed above his head a
placard which said: This is Yeshua of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.
44 And this did all the people read, for it was written in Hebrew, and in Greek, and in Latin; and all
which traveled in and out of the city saw it plainly.
45 Then came unto Pilate the chief priests and elders, saying: “Write not ‘the King of the Jews’; but that
he said: ‘I am the King of the Jews.’”
46 But Pilate answered them, saying: “What I have written I have written, let no man change.” And
calling forth the guard he cast them out before him.
47 Now there gathered about all Jerusalem a great and dreadful darkness; and thunder did shake the
heavens fiercely, and lightning fell all about;
48 And there pressed hard against the people, a great and mighty wind, and the multitudes being filled
with fear scattered away and ran each man unto his own house; and the earth shook with sorrow and
the heavens wept with rain.
49 Then lifted Yeshua up his eyes unto Heaven, saying: “Father, forgive them for they know not what
they do.” And immediately the storm abated a little for his sake.
50 Now there stood by the cross of the Lord his mother, and Mary his Beloved, and Mary of Magdala;
and there drew near unto them from Jerusalem, John the son of Levi.
51 And the Lord, seeing the disciple near, spoke unto his mother, saying: “Woman, behold your son.”
Then said the Lord unto John: “Behold, your mother.”
52 And from that hour did John honor Miriam even as his own mother, and he took her unto his own
53 And there came also from the city, many which were of the chief priests and scribes, wagging their
heads and saying: “If you be the Son of God, then come down from the cross and we will believe.”
54 Likewise did they mock him, saying: “He saved others, but himself he cannot save. He trusted in God,
let us see if God will deliver him: for he said, I am the Son of God.”
55 And still would others laugh against him and spit upon him, saying: “If you are truly the King of Israel,
then come down unto us and we will serve you.”
56 And the thieves also which were crucified with him, cast again the same in his teeth, being in
torment and filled with bitterness.
57 Now from the sixth hour unto the ninth, darkness fell upon the whole land, and Yeshua cried aloud,
saying: “I thirst.”
58 And straightway one of the soldiers took a sponge and filled it with water and wine and, putting it on
a reed, gave it unto the Lord to drink, but he would not.
59 And when the ninth hour was ended, the Lord spoke, saying: “It is finished. Father, into your hands I
commit my spirit.”
60 When, therefore, the Lord had spoken thus, he died and immediately there fell from Heaven a shaft
of great lightning which broke in pieces the altar of the temple.
61 Now when the centurion saw how that Yeshua was dead already, he spoke unto the others, saying:
“Surely this man was a prophet come from God, for see how the heavens weep for him.”
62 And all the people which saw these things, did smite against their breast with much trembling, and in
sorrow and fear did they return unto the city.
63 And the women which were of his disciples, when they beheld that the Master was dead, they knelt
before him and wept aloud.
64 Now there came unto Pilate, Joseph of Arimathea, and he petitioned that Pilate should give unto him
the body of Yeshua whereby he might bury it according to the law.
65 And when it was agreed, Joseph gave unto Pilate a talent of silver and, taking authority of Pilate to
receive the body of the Lord, he returned quickly unto Golgotha.
66 And coming unto the centurion, he laid claim upon the Lord; and a soldier, taking a spear, pierced
the heart of the Master, and there flowed from his body both water and blood mingled together.
67 Then took they the body of the Lord and did anoint it with spices and costly ointment, and wrapping
it in a linen cloth according to the custom of the Jews, they carried him unto a sepulcher wherein no
man was ever laid before.
68 And behold, when evening was full come, the disciples departed the garden wherein they had buried
the Lord, and returned again unto their own place, for it was Sabbath.
69 Then came Judas, after the Lord was dead unto Caiaphas and Ananus, saying: “I have sinned before
God, for I have betrayed innocent blood.”
70 And they answered him, saying: “What is that to us? Go unto some other and repent, for we will not
hear you.”
71 When Judas heard this, he wept bitterly and casting down the thirty silver pieces, he went out and
hung himself.
72 And Ananus, taking up the silver pieces, said: “What then shall we do with this? For it is not lawful to
put this into the treasury, for it is the price of blood.”
73 So they took counsel among themselves and bought with the thirty pieces a potter’s field wherein
they might bury strangers.
Chapter 48
Mary and the Gardener – A beggar goes to Miriam – On the road to Emmaus – The resurrected Yeshua
comforts Nicodemus in a vision, rebukes Caiaphas and Ananus – Caiaphas has Ananus murdered –
Yeshua appears to disciples and apostles – Doubting Thomas – Yeshua instructs followers to go to
Galilee and tell Cephas of his resurrection
1 On the first day of the week, when it was sunrise, there came unto the tomb the seven which Miriam
had appointed, and among them were Mary the sister of Martha, and Mary Magdalene; and, behold,
the stone of the sepulcher was rolled away.
2 And going in, they found not the body of the Lord, but his graveclothes only, and many wept because
of it, saying: “The Lord’s body is stolen away.”
3 And among themselves did they sorely weep, and running unto the city, they told the disciples
concerning all which they saw; and many feared because of it.
4 But Mary would not go into the city, but stayed alone in the garden beside the tomb, weeping.
5 And as she wept there drew near unto her the Lord, being clothed and fitted as a gardener, and he
spoke unto her, saying:
6 “Woman, why are you weeping?” And she, looking up, knew not that it was Yeshua which spoke unto
her, but supposed that it was the gardener only.
7 And she answered him, saying: “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they
have laid him.”
8 And taking thought she spoke again, saying: “Sir, I pray you for mercy’s sake, if you have borne him to
some other place, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.”
9 And the Lord, being filled with tenderness for her, spoke, saying: “Mary, why have you come to seek
the living among the dead?”
10 And hearing the voice of the Master, Mary looked up from off the ground and beheld with her eyes
the Beloved;
11 And leaping up she kissed him and did embrace him, for he that was dead was alive ever more and
filled with joy and blessing.
12 And the Lord commanded that Mary should go into the city to tell the brethren concerning the
coming forth of the Lord unto them.
13 But the disciples believed not, neither would they hear her, saying: “She is but a woman, and grief
has overcome her.”
14 Now when it was about the noon hour, there came unto the house of John, a beggar which was
sorely afflicted; and seeing the Lord’s mother making ready the noon meal, he petitioned her for
mercy’s sake to feed him.
15 And she, being filled with compassion, took the man into the house, and setting before him some
food to eat, she knelt down to wash his feet.
16 And, behold, there appeared in the feet of the beggar the marks of the nail, and looking upon the
man, she beheld Yeshua, and she wept with many tears, being overcome with joy and gladness.
17 And the Lord drew near his mother to comfort her, and he commanded that she go unto the
brethren and tell them concerning the coming forth of the Lord unto them.
18 But when she went forth to tell the disciples, they would not believe her, but said instead: “She is
but a woman, and her grief has deluded her.”
19 Now when it was about the ninth hour of the day, there traveled unto Emmaus, John the son of Levi,
and Cleopas his father’s steward.
20 And as they traveled upon the way, there appeared beside them a fellow sojourner like unto
themselves, being laden with a great load.
21 And he entreated the two that they might help him somewhat to carry forth the heavy burden.
22 So they divided among themselves the burden, and journeyed unto Emmaus together.
23 And they spoke unto the man and told him concerning Yeshua of Nazareth whom the chief priests
and scribes had caused to be put to death; for it appeared as if he knew not these things.
24 Now when they came near unto the village, John and Cleopas entreated the man to sup with them,
for it was evening already, and the day was far spent.
25 And it came to pass that as they sat down to eat, the man took up the bread and blessed it, and
broke it in pieces to give unto John and Cleopas;
26 And as they looked upon the man, behold, they saw for themselves the Lord, Yeshua, and they
leaped for joy because of it.
27 And he commanded that they should go and tell their brethren concerning the coming of the Lord
unto them.
28 Now in the visions of the night did the Lord go forth unto Nicodemus to comfort him, for he was
imprisoned still.
29 And going away he appeared next unto Caiaphas, saying: “Why will you persecute the righteous?”
And the Lord began to rebuke him and to upbraid him because of wickedness.
30 And when it was morning, he told Ananus his father-in-law all which had happened in the night unto
31 But Ananus scoffed against him, saying: “Why will you fear, seeing that it was but a dream only?”
32 And in the second night did the Lord likewise appear unto Ananus, saying: “Why will you persecute
the righteous?” And the Lord rebuked him and upbraided him because of wickedness.
33 And likewise when it was morning, he rushed forth to tell Caiaphas concerning those things which
had happened unto him in the night.
34 Yet was Caiaphas filled with loathing against Ananus, and he spoke scornfully unto him, saying: “Why
will you fear seeing that it was but a dream only?”
35 But Ananus being troubled because of it, went unto the prison and he set at liberty Nicodemus,
begging all the while for mercy’s sake the forgiveness of the Lord.
36 And Caiaphas, hearing of these things, caused that Ananus should be strangled to death with a
strong cord, lest he confess before all the elders, the things which Caiaphas had done against the Lord.
37 Now on the third day of the week, there gathered in the upper room wherein the Lord had supped, a
few which were of the apostles, and with them were many of the disciples; and the doors were shut and
bolted, for many feared lest Pilate should seek also to put them to death.
38 And as they spoke among themselves, there came in the midst of them, Yeshua clothed in white
raiment of exceeding brightness, and he spoke unto them, saying: “Peace be upon you.”
39 But many which saw were fearful, for they supposed that they had seen a spirit which was come
forth to trouble them, and they drew back from the Lord being terrified of the presence.
40 And he spoke unto them, saying: “Why are you troubled, and why do fears arise in your hearts?
41 Look upon me and see for yourselves. Behold my hands and my feet and see that it is I myself;
handle me and be not afraid any longer, for spirit has not flesh and bone as you see me have.”
42 And when he had spoken these things unto them, he showed them his hands and feet, and all which
saw believed, and leaped with joy at the wonder of it.
43 And again he spoke unto them, saying: “Let now my peace reign in you.” And as he spoke there
came upon them the power of the Holy Spirit.
44 Then said the Lord unto the disciples: “As my Father has sent me into the world, even so shall I send
45 But go first unto my brethren and your brethren, and tell them of those things which you have seen
and heard.
46 And I shall go before you unto Galilee, and there receive you and teach of those things which no man
47 So the disciples went out unto all the countryside, telling all the disciples which they met the things
which they saw and heard of the Lord.
48 But Thomas Didymus, when it was told him of these things, he would not believe, but spoke instead,
49 “Except I shall see for myself the print of the nails in his hands and feet to put forth my finger into
them; and except I put forth my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
50 Now when eight days were passed, the disciples were yet again in the upper room, and Thomas
Didymus was with them. Then came the Lord again unto them, saying: “Peace be upon you.”
51 And seeing Thomas in the midst of them, the Lord called unto him, saying: “Come, Thomas, and
stretch forth your finger and behold my hands and feet.
52 Stretch forth your hands unto me and thrust into my side, that you may not be faithless any longer,
but believing.”
53 And Thomas, kneeling before the Master, said: “My Lord and my God.”
54 Yeshua answered him, saying: “Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are
they which see not but have believed already.”
55 And the Lord spoke unto them yet a little while, and when he was completed, he commanded that
they should go unto Galilee, unto Cephas, and say unto him: “Behold, the Lord is risen.”
Chapter 49
Cephas goes fishing – A stranger on the shore – Miracle of the fishes – Yeshua feeds the disciples –
“Simon, do you love me? – Lord, what shall these do?”
1 Now Cephas returned unto Capernaum and many of the apostles with him, and there began to gather
on the shores of the sea a great many disciples which heard of the Lord being raised from the grave.
2 But Cephas was filled with bitterness and sorrow against himself, and he would not be numbered any
longer among the brethren, for he felt unworthy.
3 And there was gathered unto Cephas to comfort him, James and John the sons of Zebedee, and
Nathaniel of Cana, Thomas Zelotes, and John the scribe who was come up from Jerusalem; and it was in
the spring of the year.
4 And Cephas spoke unto them, saying: “I go fishing.” And all which were gathered unto him, said: “We
also would go after you.”
5 And entering the boat at eventide they went out into the waters fishing with their nets, and that night
they caught nothing at all.
6 But when it was early morning, Yeshua came and stood on the shore; but the disciples knew not that
it was the Lord, but supposed that he was a buyer which was come from the market.
7 And seeing that the boat was a little ways off from the shore, the Lord called in a loud voice, saying:
“Children, have you caught any fish?” They answered him, “No.”
8 Then did the Lord speak unto them, saying: “Cast your nets on the right side of the boat and you shall
find in abundance.”
9 When they heard this, they cast their nets into the waters of the sea and immediately their nets were
filled with fish; evensomuch that they were unable to draw up the nets for the weight of the fishes was
10 And that John which was come from Jerusalem, spoke unto Cephas, saying: “It is the Lord.”
11 When, therefore, Cephas saw that it was the Lord which stood upon the shore, he did cast himself
into the waters of the sea to swim unto him.
12 And the disciples which were in the boat came unto the shore, dragging their nets behind them.
13 And the word went forth that the Master was come, and there gathered unto the Lord a great many
souls; and when they drew near unto the Lord, they saw a fire of coals and fish laid upon it, and bread in
14 And the Lord spoke unto the disciples, saying: “Come and sup with me.” And they sat themselves
down and the Lord did serve them.
15 Now when the disciples were finished eating, the Lord took Cephas aside unto himself, saying:
“Simon, Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me more than these?”
16 He answered the Lord, saying: “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” The Lord said unto him: “Then
feed my lambs.”
17 The Lord asked him again the second time, saying: “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?”
18 Again he answered the Lord, saying: “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” The Lord said again unto
him, “Then feed my sheep.”
19 The Lord asked Cephas the third time, saying: “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?” And Cephas
wept before the Lord, saying: “Lord, have mercy on me, for you know all things; you know that I love
20 Yeshua said unto him: “Then feed my sheep. I tell you truly Cephas, that when you are young you do
clothe yourself and go wheresoever you will.
21 But when you are old, then shall another gird you with strong bindings, and take you where you
would not go. But fear not those which are able to kill the body only, for the soul of man perishes not.”
22 And Cephas, hearing this, turned to look upon the disciples which were gathered by the sea, and he
spoke unto Yeshua, saying: “Lord, what shall these do?”
23 And the Lord said unto him: “What is that to you? You follow me, and commit these others unto
God. Go now and gather the disciples unto me; for I have somewhat to say unto them.”
Chapter 50
Teaching on a hilltop – The great “I am” – Doing worship, finding refuge – The spirit of man – Multiple
lives (reincarnation) – The slayer and the slain – On seeking spirituality
1 There gathered unto Yeshua by the sea, a great many disciples which numbered about five hundred
souls; and sitting themselves down upon a hilltop, the Lord taught them, saying:
2 “Come, my children, and I will tell you of the wisdom that leads unto God, and of the goodness which
leads unto exaltation.
3 Because of your faith, I shall tell you of the mysteries which are come from above; I shall reveal in you
the secret of hidden things which no man knoweth, no, not in all Israel.
4 Rest your mind in me and be at peace within; let my word dwell richly in you; and I shall come upon
you and there make my abode forever.
5 For whosoever will serve me with steadfast love, whether male or female, even they shall dwell
beyond life and death, and in the bosom of God shall they repose; in the midst of great glory shall they
sing forth praise.
6 For in me is the heart of the Father made manifest unto the whole world, being of itself eternal,
unchanging, deathless, and everlasting; even the source of all joy and the fount of unending mercy.
7 Consider, therefore, what manner of man your Master is become: for, behold, I am the sacrifice and
the sacrament; I am the offering which comes from above, and the fire which consumes it.
8 I am the balm which heals, and the medicine which makes well again the wounded soul. I am the light
and the life which all men would seek for themselves, but are unable to find.
9 I am become the song which the maiden has sung to her Beloved, I am the oath which the man has
given unto his betrothed for love’s sake.
10 Where then shall you flee away, or, unto what place shall you go that you might not find me?
11 For I am the fire which purifies, I am the flame which purges and makes clean again, but all things in
12 I am the Father which is come from above, in whose hand the Father has given all authority; all the
scriptures do but speak of me; for I am their author; I am their wisdom.
13 Behold, I am the abode and the refuge of all men, the only true friend which will not forsake; I am
the beginning and the ending; I am the staying and the going forth.
14 Upon the children of men do I look equally, for none are less dear to me than another, nor have I
preferred one above another.
15 But those who worship me with love, these are they which live in me, and my life shall spring forth
within them; for whosoever believes in me unto good works, unto them shall no harm come.
16 And whosoever would take refuge in me, even though he be burdened with a multitude of sin, him
shall I make holy if it so be that he shall worship me with a steadfast love.
17 For all those which the mighty have scorned to cast aside, even these shall I gather unto myself, and
I will make them choice above every other for righteousness sake.
18 Seeing, therefore, that all men are born unto trouble and perplexity while in this life, give forth of all
your love unto me.
19 Fill your soul to overflowing with me, love me; worship me always; for if you will seek me always,
then shall I come forth unto you and there will I make my abode forever.
20 If, therefore, you would attain unto God, seek me while I may yet be found; for all those which
believe not, the same will not find me;
21 And they shall return again unto this world, passing from life to death to life again, even till they shall
find me.
22 Come now, and to the affairs of this life give heed. For the wise grieve not for the living or the dead.
23 For in the beginning did your spirit dwell in the Paradise of the Father, from everlasting to
everlasting. Fear not, therefore, those which are able to kill the body, for the spirit of man lives forever.
24 For the spirit of a man cannot be pierced by sword or burned by the fire; neither can deep waters
drown it, nor strong winds carry it away.
25 For you are spirit, being eternal, everlasting, and infinite; ever standing and not cast down, being
firmly rooted in the heart of the Father which loves you.
26 For the glory of the spirit have few beheld; for the spirit which dwells within you is eternal and
cannot be harmed.
27 Therefore, grieve not for the body, what men shall do unto it; for death is appointed unto all the
living, and life is apportioned unto all the dead.
28 For as a man will cast away an old garment so that he might attain unto a new one, even so does the
spirit within cast away the body which is old and broken, that it might attain unto a new body wherein
to dwell.
29 Be not, therefore, overwrought because of such changes as shall come upon you, for when you were
children, then was the body strong and filled with life.
30 But when you are old, then shall the body be filled with death, being made weak and feeble. But fear
not these things when they are come upon you, for you shall live again, even as you see me live again.
31 For that which is of the flesh, being weak and perishable, is given no reality; for reality is found in the
eternal. Therefore, if you would lay hold upon that reality which is come from God, seek you always the
32 I tell you truly that the body is mortal indeed, but the spirit which dwells within you is immortal and
cannot be measured. Therefore, be wise and fear not death any longer.
33 Consider now the delusions of this life: for one man believes that he is the slayer of another, and the
other believes that he is the slain;
34 Yet are both become as ignorant, being neither slayer nor slain; for you were never born, you will
never die; being unborn, eternal, immutable, indomitable, immeasurable, from everlasting to
35 Seeing then that the spirit of man is eternal, how can you slay or cause another to slay?
36 Fear not the affairs of this life, neither be you attached to them; for the goal of all your labors do but
lead you unto spiritual wisdom; and this is come from God.
37 For even a little effort in seeking the spiritual will enlighten you, to fill the soul with wonder; so fear
not, for the path of a little effort is not wasted, and there is no failure to him who tries.
38 By your effort over many lifetimes will you be purified unto exaltation, and in the kingdom of God
shall you dwell above the stars.”
Chapter 51
“Be as wanderers upon the earth” – The value of scriptures – How to live in wisdom and joy – Parable:
The Spiritual Farmer – What the body is like unto – The spirit of man – The path of true wisdom
1 There sat beside the Lord, Mary his Beloved, and Miriam his mother; and at his feet sat Jude whom he
2 And looking upon all the disciples which were gathered there, his soul was filled with tenderness
because of them, and he spoke, saying:
3 “Be you, therefore, as wanderers upon the earth, and if any man should ask of you, saying: ‘What is
the sign of your Father?’ Then shall you answer them, saying: ‘It is a movement and a rest.’
4 Seek you then after spiritual things; press on diligently towards the mark which is set before you, and
you shall obtain richly; being established in eternal truth, having your foundations made secure by a
fullness of goodly things.
5 Study diligently the scriptures always, for they do but lead unto me; for as a reservoir gives the life of
many waters unto a parched and weary land, so do the scriptures give life unto the soul in the midst of
6 But just as a reservoir is of little use in the midst of the flood, so are the scriptures of little use to the
one who dwells always in the mind of God; for, behold, they do see the Lord in all things, dancing and
moving about in the midst of his glory.
7 For you live in wisdom and joy always when you see yourself in all things, and all things in you; having
turned aside from selfish cravings which torment the heart.
8 You live in wisdom and peace when you have subdued the passions of the body to keep your mind
founded in God.
9 By this shall you dwell richly in the wisdom of your soul, having been made free of all hatred, envy,
anger, and greed.
10 For such things do blind the soul, to fill the mind with darkness; and the errors of your life shall
follow hard after you, making your life an utter waste.
11 But if you would free your soul of hatred, and anger, and envy, and greed, then shall that peace
descend upon you wherein all sorrows end; and you shall be filled with joy.
12 Unto whom then shall I, the Lord, draw near to make my abode? Only unto that one which is
incapable of ill will, who is friendly and compassionate to all;
13 Living always beyond the taint of ‘I’ or ‘mine’, being patient, contented, self-controlled, firm in the
faith, with all his heart and all his mind given in sacrifice unto me; such a one is become most precious.
14 Seek not for goodness beyond yourself, for it is given you already; for in the pathways of the soul
shall you find a fount of unending love, and mercy, and compassion, and hope, and faith exceeding.
15 Come now and hear this parable that you may be wise and not fearful, for there was a certain wise
man which sat daily in the market place according to his custom.
16 And as he sat he did naught but speak unto the people and smile upon those which passed by; and
on a certain day one asked him, saying: “Sir, what is your employment?”
17 And the wise man answered him, saying: “I am a farmer.” He asked him again, saying: “Then sir,
where is your field?”
18 And the wise man answered him, saying: “This body of mine is my field; for I sow every day an
abundance of good thoughts and actions, that in my soul I might bring forth a goodly harvest in plenty.”
19 Unto what then shall I compare the body in which you dwell? Behold, it is like unto a field made
ready to both plant and harvest.
20 And I, which am come again from the dead to walk among you, am the knower of the field in every
21 Come then and I will tell you the nature of the field, what it is like unto: for unto the field is there
given the five senses of the body, which senses are: hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, and smelling.
22 Through these arise the perceptions of the body, revealing in you a great many oppositions;
23 For in this life are you made to know both pleasure and pain, sickness and health, joy and sorrow,
life and death, knowledge and ignorance, peace and anger, love and hate, hope and despair, and many
others beside.
24 But there dwells within and without the field, the spirit which is come from God, which spirit all men
possess; and unto this spirit is there given a power which is greater than any other.
25 For the spirit dwells in all and through all, being in every hand, and foot, and eye, and ear, and
26 Being born of God, it shines through the senses of the body; being both near and far, both within
and without, it moves and is unmoving.
27 In its subtlety it is beyond comprehension, being indivisible and eternal it is become in all men the
creator, the preserver, and the destroyer.
28 Dwelling in every heart, it is beyond darkness; being called the light of lights, it is the object and goal
of all spiritual wisdom.
29 For even as the sun cast down its light upon the whole world, even so does the spirit within cast
forth its light upon the whole field, revealing always the light and shadow of the greater and lesser
30 Thus have I revealed unto you the true nature of the field and the meaning and object of all true
31 Those which are devoted unto me, knowing these things, are united with me always; and in the
kingdom of God shall they dwell and not depart.
32 Those, therefore, who know true wisdom, are free of pride and envy; being in their persons, gentle,
and forgiving, upright, and pure, filled with inner strength, and self-control;
33 Not deluded by the senses of the body, but seeking always beyond to the things which are born of
spirit, they follow faithfully the Lord which called them.
34 Being free of selfish cravings, they entangle not themselves in the rudiments of men; being tranquil
through good fortunes and bad, they waver not in following after me.
35 Enjoying communion and solitude with the Lord, they follow not after the crowds of men, but seek
me always in prayer and meditation; revealing their devotions in good works always.
36 For whosoever shall see the Lord as living in all things, who sees the eternal in all which dies, seeing
the same Lord in all, through all, and above all, such a one harms not himself or others.
37 This then is the wisdom which is preferred above every other, to see the soul as the only true
wisdom which is come from God.
38 But they which seek after the things of this life only, behold, how they are bound in the darkness
still, being ignorant and ever despairing;
39 Being ever subject unto envyings and strivings, being consumed always with selfish cravings of which
there is no end.”
Chapter 52
Singing hymns of life and joy – Many mansions – “I am the way, the truth and the life” – “Lord, show us
the Father” – Ask in righteousness – “Peace I leave with you” – The ever-abiding presence of God –
Yeshua reveals to the apostles the mysteries of the gnosis – James, Thomas, and Mary the Beloved are
appointed – Establishing the common and the hidden – Yeshua teaches secretly in the garden of
Gethsemane – The power of love – The fullness of God to be revealed in the fullness of time – Rejoice in
the light that shines within – Doubt not, fear not, be constant – “Go you now and perform your labors”
1 These then are the words which the Master taught unto his disciples when he was come unto them in
the spring of the year.
2 And when he was finished speaking, he sang unto them hymns of life, and joy, and love exceeding;
and they did all rejoice together in the presence of the Lord.
3 And when they were completed, the Lord turned to go again unto the Father which sent him, but they
which were gathered did weep for him, and entreated that he should not leave them.
4 And the Lord, being filled with compassion, spoke unto them, saying: “Let not your heart be troubled,
you believe in God, believe also in me.
5 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you.
6 I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you
unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
7 And where I go you know already, for the way have I made known unto all men.”
8 But Thomas, when he heard this, drew near unto the Lord and knelt before him, saying: “Lord, do not
leave us I beseech you; for we know not where it is you are going, how then shall we know the way?”
9 Yeshua answered him, saying: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man can come unto the Father
except that he shall do as I have done.
10 If you have known me to receive within you the fullness of my mysteries, then would you have
known my Father also: but from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.”
11 Then spoke Philip unto the Lord, saying: “Lord, show us the Father that we may know whereof you
12 When the Lord heard this, he spoke tenderly, saying: “Have I been with you so long and yet you still
do not know me Philip?
13 Whosoever has seen me, the same has seen the Father also. How then will you say: Lord, show us
the Father?
14 Will you not believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?
15 Behold, the words which I speak I speak not of myself: but the Father which dwells in me, he speaks
all these things.
16 Believe me then that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me also; and if you believe not,
then believe me for the works which you have seen me do.
17 For I tell you truly, that whosoever shall believe in me, the works which you have seen me do, even
these shall you do also; and greater works than these shall you do, because I go unto my Father to make
intercession for you.
18 And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do for righteousness sake; and all this shall I do
because of you, that the Father and the Son might be glorified in you always.
19 Yet this little while, and the world shall see me no more; but you shall see me. Because I live, you
shall live also.
20 In that day shall you know truly that I and my Father are one, even as you are made one in me and I
in you.
21 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not after the rudiments of men would I give unto
you, but according to the glory which is in the Father would I give unto you.
22 Therefore, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid any longer.
23 For you have heard how I spoke unto you, saying: I go away, and if I go away, I shall come again unto
24 If you, therefore, would love me, then rejoice aloud and weep no longer; for I go unto the Father
who is greater than I.
25 Behold, all power has the Father given me in Heaven and earth. Go you therefore, unto all the world
and teach every nation the things which you have received of me.
26 And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
27 And Cephas spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Lord, if you go away, how then shall we find you again?
For in you alone are all good things made manifest.”
28 Yeshua answered him, saying: “Fear not Cephas, for if you would do according to my word always,
then shall you look within you, and there shall you ever find me.
29 And joy and peace shall make rich your habitation, and truth and glory shall make bright the way
before you.
30 Break apart the wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone to look beneath, even there shall you find
31 And wheresoever the wind shall breathe, bowing low the lilies of the field, even there shall you see
the Father dancing away upon the hills, and waving his hands upon the trees.”
32 These are the things which Yeshua spoke openly unto the five hundred, and many other things did
he speak also; to set them free of fear and shame regarding the natural man which was come from God,
shaping in both the man and woman an equal light and glory, to become in time as those exalted, beside
the throne of God.
33 And when he was completed in teaching the five hundred, he took unto himself privately, the
apostles which were appointed, and the women which were appointed also, and unto these did he add
his brothers Thomas and James.
34 For unto Yeshua was it appointed that he should reveal in secret the mysteries of the gnosis, even
the hidden knowledge which God alone did know;
35 Causing that those which were appointed to receive might hold in trust for future ages the mysteries
of Azraella; when the sons and daughters of light and glory did fiercely war against the Chief Demiurgos,
even Yaldabaoth; shaking through most fearsome battles, the very gates of Heaven.
36 And unto this did Yeshua add the truth of dread Jehovah, being himself a Demiurge of wrath and
fearful judgment; having himself, since ancient times, corrupted the teachings which came from Heaven;
to make himself through great perversions, the god of priests and prophets.
37 Yet was Yeshua himself forewarned against the corruptions which were to come, when the heart of
all his teachings would be themselves perverted; to reflect from shadows of twisted ruin, the doctrines
and creeds of men.
38 Thus was Yeshua most inward driven to reveal the hidden and unknown, to place in the hands of
those most trusted, the mysteries which no man knew; revealing through most secret teachings the
gnosis of greater things.
39 Now Yeshua taught in secret for seven weeks of seven days, and on the morning of the fiftieth day
did Yeshua set over the first congregation of the faithful, even his own brother James; and unto
Jerusalem was he sent to be the first bishop of the church, being known in later years as James the Just
of Jerusalem.
40 And unto the twin brother of Yeshua was it appointed that he should gather into one book, even all
the words which Yeshua spoke in teaching the things of God; becoming itself the first of gospels spread
throughout the world.
41 But unto Mary the Beloved, the wife of Yeshua, was it appointed that she should be the first Sophia
of many mothers, to be herself as one anointed before both men and women, to carry deep within her
soul the hymn of many pearls.
42 By such means did Yeshua create both move and countermove, establishing in common view the
teachings of simple goodness; while yet in secret he established a far more deeper wisdom, revealing
from out of gnosis, the mysteries of God and Heaven; creating in the soul of all which heard, a marvel
and a wonder, filled with expectation.
43 Thus did there grow beside each the other, the common and the hidden; for from the common did
there spring up the Christian tree of faith, made full by many branches; bearing the fruit of many
doctrines which men alone did make, casting out upon the world the shadow and the shade, giving to
many a place of refuge while in the shadows bound.
44 But between the earth, wherein the tree was planted, and the Heavens where angels sing, moved
the gnosis which came from God to refresh and quick enlighten, breathing soft upon the winds; to cast
in doubt the lesser portion and set the spirit free, that by the touch of hidden wisdom, the light of God
might grow.
45 Now unto Cephas and the apostles which followed him did Yeshua give the outward church, which
church he appointed unto Nazareth, and all the regions of Galilee throughout, and in Judea also; first
among those who were of the Jews, and then unto the Gentiles also; to be in God as all made one.
46 Thus was there given unto Cephas, even all the teachings which Yeshua spoke publicly, from the
baptism of John to the betrayal of Judas; while unto his brothers Thomas Didymus and James was there
given the post-resurrectional teachings which Yeshua taught in secret regarding the very gnosis.
47 And when he was completed, Yeshua went secretly unto Jerusalem, and all the apostles with him,
both men and women; and going forth unnoticed, Yeshua entered again the Garden of Gethsemane,
and in the night when all was still and the heavens in starlight glowed, he spoke unto those gathered
around him, saying:
48 “Behold, I send you forth into the world, to make known the things of God; and in the sending and in
the going, be you wise to understand, to prove yourself most worthy.
49 For though you should speak with the tongues of men or of angels, if you have not love, each of you
for one the other, then are you made as a sounding brass, or a noisy cymbal.
50 And though you have the gift of gnosis, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though
you have faith sufficient to remove the mountains from their place, and have not love, you shall profit
51 And even though you should bestow all your goods to feed the poor, or suffer your body to be killed
for my name sake, yet have not the love of God in you, then shall there be for you no gain.
52 For love endures and is deeply kind, love envies not, neither is it vain or filled with blind deceits;
neither shall it behave unseemly in the midst of great provoking, for love is filled with goodness and not
evil, rejoicing always in the goodness of others, thinking no evil of any man, but seeks instead the good.
53 For the love of God I give you, causing that you should bear all things, believe all things, hope all
things, and endure all things, for in God are all things possible and filled with many blessings.
54 Know you then most deep within, that love never fails, but ascends always unto God; but where
there are prophecies, they shall fail; and the tongues of mortal men shall cease, and all the knowledge
born of men shall vanish in the grave.
55 For now you know only in part, the things which come from God, but in a future not yet dreamed,
shall the fullness of God be given; to chase away all lesser things and to help you stand full grown.
56 For when you were a child, you spoke as a child, you understood as a child, you thought as a child;
but when you became as men and women, to stand yourself full grown, you put away your childish
things, to be as one who knows.
57 Now do I stand before you, to be known by you in part, but in the fullness of time when God comes
forth, then shall you truly see, to be in you full known; bound by love as one forever, you in me and I in
you, within the wheel of time.
58 Let therefore even all the gifts of God dwell richly in you, to fill you up with light; but of all the gifts
which are born of God, the greatest of these is love.”
59 These are the words which Yeshua spoke, and when the dawn was near at hand, the Master invited
that they should eat and be refreshed; and taking up the bread, Yeshua blessed it and gave unto his
apostles; and together did they partake.
60 And at the rising of the sun, Yeshua spoke again, saying: “Now is the light of God come full upon you,
that in the mind there should come no night; therefore rejoice in such light as shines within, even in the
midst of tribulation.
61 Do not halt therefore in reaching forth, to touch the heart of God; and if you should lack wisdom,
then ask of God who gives most liberally, without reproach; and in the asking shall you receive an
abundance of deeper knowing.
62 Only ask in faith, doubting nothing, being filled with expectation; for those which doubt are like the
waves of the sea, being tossed and driven by sundry winds, having in themselves no place of refuge or of
63 Beware of those who come among you which are double-minded, for in all their ways are they
unstable and made unworthy of such trust as you might want to give; becoming themselves most
cleverly uncertain of such truths as come from God, being hounded by diverse opinions filled with
64 Fear not therefore the conspirings of evil men which seek to sit among you; seeking for themselves
the power of God whereby they might lord it over those which are weaker than themselves; for what is
sown in darkness, shall God reveal in light.
65 Only be you constant in all you say and do, having in yourselves no degree of turning, but being fixed
in mind and spirit in holding on to God; proving yourselves as those most faithful and filled with godly
grace, becoming yourselves the children of light, reflecting in a world of darkness, the gifts which God
would give you.
66 Do not fear or inward tremble because of such things as men might do, for God has given the gift of
angels, that they might walk beside you, to be for you a constant comfort, to chase away despair.
67 Behold then the light which shines within you, and let this your joy become. For even now must I
return unto my Father to give a good account. Watch you then with utmost care and shine like yonder
68 Such were the words which Yeshua spoke, and when he was completed, he blessed even all the
apostles which were gathered close around, to give to each a kiss, and there was great weeping.
69 And speaking firmly unto the apostles to strengthen them, Yeshua spoke saying: “Why will you stand
and weep? Behold now the world around you and see Jerusalem glow.
70 Go you now and perform your labors and bear witness to the world; and in all you do for my name
sake, even therein shall you find me, causing that I should dwell within you.”
71 Thus did Yeshua speak with gentle firmness, and turning eastward, he journeyed far away; and the
apostles taking heart did rejoice, and turning unto Jerusalem, they bore witness of all which they heard
and saw; and there were many which did believe, to become themselves the church of Yeshua in
72 This then is the revelation which God did give concerning the coming forth of Yeshua unto the
children of men, that whosoever might believe in him unto good works, even they might likewise
become as Only Begotten of the Father and the Mother, being filled always with grace and truth.
Chapter 1
Words of the Teacher – Emmanuel, the son of Michael – “Whom shall I call, whom shall I send?” –
Deceived by strange gods – Woe unto the shepherds of Zion – A new shepherd to be called – A teacher
of righteousness from the womb of adversity – The new shepherd shall confront false shepherds – Going
forth to harvest – The false shepherds speak out – God to establish a holy people – Daughters of
Promise to receive the covenant
1 These are the words which the Teacher taught unto the children of men when he sojourned among
them. For with words of wisdom would he clothe the children of God, that they might walk uprightly
before Heaven and earth.
2 Therefore, let all who desire to take unto themselves a knowledge of heavenly things give heed, that
they might prove all things which are good and expedient unto exaltation, that they might become even
as a light to those who are bound in darkness.
3 Now in the kingdom of God there stood before the Lords of Elohim, Emmanuel, the son of Michael
who is the son of Ahman, even the Most High God.
4 And the son of Michael, even Emmanuel, spoke saying: “Whom shall I call, whom shall I send? For
behold, my children who are made to dwell upon the earth have polluted themselves; the covenants
have they forgotten; my law have they broken and trodden under foot for religion’s sake.
5 For the Fallen One has deceived many; strong delusions have beguiled even the very elect. When I
speak there is none to hear; when I call there is none to answer.
6 Behold, my children have sought after strange gods; the wealth of the world do they seek to satisfy
the lusts of the flesh, to make merry the heart of pride. My kingdom have they forsaken, and they know
it not.
7 How my children have imagined a vain thing, for they love to assemble themselves together as a
people who love righteousness, but their hearts are far from me. They have set their feet upon crooked
paths to stray; their hands are filled with mischief.
8 Therefore, I shall proclaim against them, saying: Woe unto the shepherds of Zion who fill themselves
with pride! Should not my shepherds care tenderly for my flocks?
9 False shepherds have they become, for they have made desolate the inheritance of the Lord; for the
weak they have not strengthened, the sick and the afflicted they have not healed, the fallen they have
left to perish in great want.
10 Behold how my children have wandered, how they have strayed into strange and dreadful paths, for
the light of my word has been taken from them because of the priestcrafts and vain imaginings of false
11 As a brutish man have they made rule over the innocent; they have become great with much pride.
My children which are lost they will not search out to recover, to return them again unto me.
12 Therefore I have set myself against the false shepherds and I will bring them to account. I will
remove them out of their place; they shall no longer tend my children, for I have rejected them.
13 For I will seek and search after the sheep of my pasture. As a shepherd looks for his own scattered
flocks, so will I look for my children. I will rescue them from dark places and gently lead them beside still
waters. In green and verdant pastures shall they be drawn again unto me and I shall comfort them.
14 And I shall set over them a new shepherd who will watch over them tenderly, who will lead them in
all the words of the Lord, for I shall stretch forth my hand into a desert place to bring forth my servant.
15 Him have I prepared from his youth, that he might teach even all my children; a teacher of
righteousness shall he be unto me, for I shall hide in his inward parts the power of my word.
16 For out of the womb of adversity shall he come forth, from the furnace of affliction shall I draw him.
Behold, a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief, him shall I redeem from tribulation, and I shall place his
feet upon straight paths that he may turn neither to the right nor to the left.
17 The poor of the earth shall he defend; the downtrodden shall he lift up; they that are lost shall he
gather again, and unto the weary shall he give rest; and all they who are of heavy heart shall he make
joyful again.
18 But unto the false shepherds who rule harshly over my children shall he come as a tempest; as a
great water overflowing shall he sweep away the prideful from among my people; even as a storm of
great hail shall he beat down the oppressor to proclaim anew the day of the Lord.
19 Like a hot flame that purifies, he shall set forth his hand and purify the children of promise; as a fire
that purges, he shall purge my children of all their fears, that they might sing a new song. Surely he shall
plead their cause and not relent.
20 At his voice shall the Fallen One tremble greatly; by the power of my word shall he make hell a
desolation that it should not be inhabited by the children of men.
21 Against my adversaries shall he make war and not hold back. Against the children of darkness shall
he raise the standard of the Lord and with a mighty shout, cry: ‘Havoc!’ For there shall be in his right
hand both justice and mercy, and in his left shall be found great recompense.
22 Surely he shall go forth among the midst of my children to harvest; to gather from the midst of my
house the obedient, that I may with them proclaim the day of the Lord.
23 But in the day that I shall stretch forth my hand to bring my servant out of obscurity, the false
shepherds shall exclaim loudly against him, saying:
24 ‘Who are you that the Lord should call you to administer unto this people and to give them
instruction? Where is your authority that we might know that you are from God? Behold, we know that
you are a deceiver and are come from the devil, who is the prince of all lies.
25 For only we are the shepherds over this people, and God will not speak unto one such as you; for
you are a hard man, and your speech is rough and grievous to bear. Who are you that the people of the
Lord should desire you?
26 Behold, the Lord our God shall say nothing unto this people except as we shall give him utterance,
for by the law of the church is the Lord bound to observe all which he has commanded us to do.
27 Behold, you are out of the way, a hard man with strange words. Who are you that we should give
heed unto you? For you are a man of many sorrows and uncomely to the eye; who are you that we
should desire you?’
28 Yet in that day shall I perform my dark act in the midst of the ungodly. For through my servant shall I
bring forth a great work which shall be marvelous to behold.
29 For I shall establish in the midst of my children a choice generation, a holy people. To them shall I
send my servant and he shall teach them in the ways of God.
30 And they shall become as a peculiar people, a royal household. And I shall clothe them in white
raiment and set my words upon their lips to proclaim unto the children of men: ‘Behold, your God
31 Then shall the sons and daughters of my glory increase in knowledge and understanding, and they
shall proclaim the wisdom of God to all people, and under their hands shall the nations of the earth be
blessed. For they shall teach a multitude of people; the habitation of peace shall they establish.
32 And unto the daughters of promise shall God reveal an oath and a covenant, for unto the pure shall
he grant both blessing and authority, and upon their heads shall he reveal the way of peace and
33 In that day shall they withstand the nations because of war, for from their hands shall come forth a
great calm. Then shall the nations of men grow weary of great conflict, and they shall repent the sword
for their children’s sake, and each shall live peaceably beside his neighbor.”
Chapter 2
God calls out the Teacher of Righteousness – The coming of God and the heavenly hosts – The Teacher
fears because of sin – Michael speaks: “your prayers are heard” – The book and the balance – Speaking
to the house of Christ – “You have imagined a vain thing” – “Upon my house shall it begin” – Teacher
sent to call people to repentance – The Teacher proclaims himself unworthy – “Let not your heart be
heavy, neither let it be afraid” – Mysteries of dispensations and Arch-Angels revealed – Lucifer and the
war in Heaven – Walking with God upon a sea of glass
1 Now there dwelled in the land a certain man in whom God took great delight, for he cared not for the
pretenses of churchgoers, neither cared he for the opinions of any man.
2 And the Spirit of God descended upon him in a vision, saying: “Get up into a high mountain and there
build an altar, for the Lord shall surely come unto you.
3 For as one man speaks with another, even so shall the God of all men commune with you above the
altar; as one man beholds another, even so, you shall see the Lord of Hosts.”
4 And he went straightway unto a high mountain which the Lord had shown unto him in a dream; in a
lonely place went he, and there he built an altar of stone, and when he had finished, he knelt himself
down to await the coming of the Lord.
5 And there came suddenly the Lord of Hosts, standing above the altar, and his glory shown round
about him, and above him in the air were gathered the heavenly hosts singing: “Glory to God in the
highest, and to the Lord forever, Amen!”
6 And there were with the Lord of Hosts, Cherubim to keep the altar and with them the Holy of Holies,
and there stood about the Lord, Seraphim mighty and strong and in their hands the sword of the Lord.
7 And there was about the Lord of Hosts the clearness of eternity and under his feet a blue pavement
like unto sapphire. And in his right hand he held a book and in his left hand a balance, and there came
from before the presence of the Lord a consuming fire, that no unclean thing should come before him.
8 And there came from among the heavenly hosts six mighty ones whose brightness and glory were like
unto the sun, and the first they called Michael, the Prince of the Most High God, and by his side stood
forth Gabriel and Raphael.
9 And with a loud shout, they cried: “Maranatha, Maranatha Emmanuel.” Which in the language of God
means: The Lord has come, the Lord has come; God is with man.
10 And the man, seeing all these things, fell to the ground before the altar and hid his face from before
the Lord of Hosts, for with great fear did he tremble before the presence of God; by reason of his many
transgressions would he hide himself from the heavenly hosts.
11 Then did Michael come from before the presence of the Lord and lifted the man upon his feet and
spoke to him saying: “Surely your prayers are heard in Heaven, and even now are you made clean of all
transgression. Come now and let us hear the words of the Lord, for he desires to speak with you.”
12 Then was the man taken before the Lord and was made to stand with his feet upon the pavement
which was like unto a sea of glass.
13 And the heavenly hosts in silence stood; the sword of the Lord did the Seraphim sheathe beneath
their wings, and the earth in stillness grew.
14 And the Lord took the book and the balance and called forth one of the mighty ones, even Ariel. And
the mighty one received from the Lord the book and the balance, and he came and stood before the
man and did speak to him, saying:
15 “Do you know this book? It is the Book of Judgments which the Lord has kept concerning all the
doings of this people, for their pretenses rise continually before the Lord. For this cause came he forth
from the sanctuary that you may be sent forth to build his kingdom among many people, that you might
organize, direct, and establish the tabernacle of God upon the earth.
16 For thus shall you speak to the house of Christ: ‘Thus saith the Lord your God: You are weighed in the
balance and are found wanting. For you have broken his covenant which he did make with you; his
sanctuary have you corrupted, and his words which were spoken unto you by the mouth of many
witnesses have you defiled.
17 Behold, you have imagined a vain thing; you have taken counsel presumptuously. For you have
declared aloud, even in the secret chambers of the heart have you caused to be written: What need
have we of God, for we are at ease in Zion. For Zion prospers, all is well.
18 Behold, my people have sown unto themselves great wealth and prosperity, and they have forgotten
the Lord their God. Hear now, O house of Zion, the words of the Lord.
19 For what is property unto God that he should give consent to pride? What does it profit if you should
gain the whole world and lose your soul? Has he not spoken, is it not written that he who has eternal life
is rich already?
20 Come now, even everyone, and answer. Let us reason together. Who has persuaded you to trust in
the arm of flesh and to forget the Lord your God? Why have you supposed that worldly riches are as
some great gain, when you are poor towards God?
21 Therefore, because of your many pretenses shall the judgments in this book be brought against you.
In a day that you think not of shall the indignation of the Lord be kindled against you.’
22 Thus shall you bring them to a remembrance of all those things which are written among them
already, saying:
23 ‘Behold, vengeance shall come speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of
burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall
come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord.
24 And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord.
25 First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not
known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.’
26 For this purpose have you been called and elected to bring my people to repentance, that they might
receive anew the words of eternal life, that they might fulfill the promises which God did make unto
their fathers, that the children of the kingdom might receive the election of grace and not be cast out.”
27 Now when the man heard these words, he knelt before the Lord, saying: “My Lord, I am not worthy
to be your servant unto this people.
28 For, behold, they have cast me out from among them, for by the word of sacrifice which you did
speak unto me from my youth have I been cast aside as a thing unclean.
29 Will these people even now hear the words which you would have me speak? Behold how they have
set their hearts against me; as an evil man am I counted.”
30 And the Lord, being filled with compassion, spoke saying: “Why is your heart heavy? Did you not
covenant with me from the beginning to follow the Lord wherever he should lead you?
31 Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid, for I have prepared for you a way, and I shall
go before you continually; by my own hand shall I lead you.
32 For in the beginning were you chosen to organize, direct, and establish the children of my kingdom
upon the earth. And if you will but obey, you shall receive again exaltation upon exaltation in the
kingdom of your Father, even God.
33 Hear now this mystery and understand, for in the beginning did the God of Heaven set forth the
dispensations. And he placed over them seven mighty ones to be Arch-Angels of the heavenly hosts.
34 You are one of these, and in the beginning were you foreordained under the hand of God, even the
Father of All, to accomplish a mighty work.
35 Behold, you are the elect and chosen one. In the beginning did you war mightily against the Fallen
One and by your diligence prevail.
36 For in that day came Lucifer, whose countenance was beautiful above all others, and by his words
did he lead many to rebel, that he might take by force the kingdom and the glory unto himself.
37 In that day were my sons and daughters divided, and one third did follow the words of the deceitful
one, and with great fury did they rage; upon the plains of Kuristan did they gather to war against God.
38 And on the day of battle stood forth seven mighty ones, captains of the heavenly hosts: Michael,
Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel, Azrael, and Suriel, and with all their might did they leap into battle, and
behind them were many valiant ones.
39 And there came a mighty trump and behold, one like unto the Son of Man and with him many
Seraphim, fierce in battle.
40 And, behold, God prevailed against the Fallen One and with judgment did he bind together the
disobedient and cast them out. And God wept for Lucifer and the host that followed after him.
41 Hereunto have I brought you to remembrance; therefore, fear not what men shall do unto you nor
the evil which men shall speak, for I shall walk with you whithersoever you go; by my right hand will I
uphold you.”
42 Thus spoke the Holy One unto the man and when he had finished speaking, he took the man by the
hand and walked with him upon the sea of glass and there went with them six mighty ones, and many
things did they speak of, which things it is not permitted to write, nor the tongue of mortal man to utter.
43 And when all was complete, the heavenly hosts in glory ascended, and before the altar the man did
kneel; and when he had finished all that he was commanded, he took the altar, stone by stone, and
scattered them round about, that none would know the place thereof.
Chapter 3
God speaks on the seasons of the earth – God’s indictment against the house of Christ – Children out of
season – Becoming as the scribes and Pharisees of old – “Consider now, O Zion, your ways” – Heavenly
Mother descends to comfort the Teacher
1 Now in the wintertime the voice of the Lord came unto the Teacher, saying: “In the beginning did I
ordain and establish the seasons wherein the earth might fulfill the measure of its creation.
2 I set forth the springtime that all creation upon the earth might bring forth new life, a time of planting
and of hope for the children of men.
3 Did I not make ready the days of summer wherein all things might grow in the season thereof to bring
forth an abundance of fruit?
4 Did I not ordain a time of harvest and gathering, that there might be plenty in the land whereupon my
children are made to dwell, a season of thanksgiving and rejoicing?
5 Behold now the winter of the year. Is it not a time wherein the earth might rest from all her labors to
replenish her strength? Have I not clothed the fields and mountains in robes of white that purity might
be as a covering?
6 Behold, I am God, even the Father of all men. Therefore, hear the words which I would have you
speak unto the children of my covenant.
7 For yet have I, even now, brought forth and nourished many children, but they have all rebelled
against me, except a few.
8 The children of promise have strayed afar, they have forsaken the covenants which they made before
me; they have broken the commandments of the Lord their God.
9 For they take delight in the appearance of godliness, as if they desired righteousness, and for a
pretense they would honor me to be seen of others. Yet, when I call, they hear not; when I command,
they obey not.
10 They have filled their Sabbaths with the singing of hymns and the preaching of foolish men, yet their
hands are filled with mischief and their ears are dull of hearing.
11 They have become as children out of season. I commanded that they should plant the seed of my
word and they did not, but took disciples unto themselves instead.
12 I desired that they should magnify the priesthood unto which they were called that they might bring
forth much fruit in the season thereof, and they would not.
13 Now is the summer over, the harvest is past, and the souls of my children are made heavy because
of transgression and pride.
14 As the earth in wintertime is made to rest, so then have the children of the kingdom lulled
themselves to sleep. In the midst of their temples would they clothe themselves in white, as though
they were filled with all purity. Yet they know not the Lord their God, neither will I come in unto them.
15 They have become as the scribes and Pharisees of old, who observed with strictness the traditions of
their fathers; yet did their fathers kill the prophets, and they themselves did crucify the Holy One.
16 Now, therefore, thus saith the Lord your God: Consider now, O Zion, your ways.
17 You have sought after the honors of men and have forsaken righteousness altogether. The wealth of
the world have you desired to take unto yourselves. You have rejected eternal life and in the kingdom of
God you have no portion.
18 You keep with strictness the Word of Wisdom as if to obey, yet you know me not.
19 Upon the roof tops you proclaim yourselves as my elect, yet you have separated yourselves far from
me. You have built a wall of possessions that it should separate you from me, evensomuch that you can
no longer hear my voice calling after you all the day long.
20 Hear, O Zion, the Lord your God: Consider now your ways, and turn again unto me.
21 For behold how the heavens gather darkness round about you, and the billowing tempest rage
against you, for there shall surely descend from Heaven a great wind, and upon it shall God send forth
the strong and the mighty to execute judgment.
22 For my Spirit shall not always plead with the children of disobedience. An indictment have I brought
against my people, for they have blasphemed against me.
23 Therefore because you have rejected the covenant which I made with your fathers, even so shall I
reject you except you turn again unto me.
24 For in the hour of your need I shall answer; in the moment of great distress will I deliver you from
25 Behold, I send forth my servant, he who was chosen from the beginning; for by the very hand of God
was he foreordained that he might establish again the covenants, for he shall repair the breach between
me and you.
26 He shall teach even all my children the greater law, that the children of promise might be restored
again unto me.
27 Surely he shall sanctify the pledge, that my people might receive again the promise of election, that
they may sit with me in the kingdom of my Father.”
28 Thus did the voice of the Lord speak unto the Teacher, and after these words there came a great
29 And the Spirit of the Lord, even as a loving Mother, descended from Heaven and stood before the
man upon the mountain, that she might instruct him more perfectly in the ways of the Lord to fulfill the
measure of his election.
30 That he might with sureness of mind reveal the word of the Lord unto the children of men, that he
might restore the covenants which the Lord Emmanuel did make with those whom he had chosen, that
he might establish the foundation of many generations, to repair the breach between the children of
promise and their God.
Chapter 4
God’s indictment continues: “Woe unto my people” – How to establish sound doctrine – Churchgoers
will not endure sound doctrine – As a loving father, God shall chasten his people – “Shall my spirit dwell
in the house of disobedience?” – Church priesthood of no effect – Sending a teacher of heavenly things
– Ears filled with the clinking of gold and silver – A harvest of dust, moth and rust – The mission of the
Teacher revealed
1 Woe unto my people, for they have turned aside the word of the Lord and the power thereof, and
have turned their ears unto fables.
2 For by the words of my servants did I establish sound doctrine, that my people might obey and live;
for by the fruit of my word is there granted an abundance of increase.
3 For that word which exalts and magnifies the good in man is sound and true doctrine when the results
demonstrate the same. Also that word which exalts or magnifies or brings to pass the glory of God is
good when such doctrine brings to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
4 But my people, who are called by my name, will not endure sound doctrine. Of them has it been
written: With their lips they do honor me, but their hearts are far from me.
5 Behold, I have called unto my people and there are none to hear, save a few. For men of smooth
speech have beguiled even the very elect.
6 Therefore even as a father chastens the child whom he loves, even so shall I chasten my people.
7 Behold, how my people have strayed afar; into paths of unrighteousness have they wandered. They
have blasphemed against me and have forsaken the oaths and covenants of my everlasting priesthood.
They have trodden under foot the commandments which were revealed from old.
8 Yet do they earnestly follow the traditions of their fathers as if to obey the Lord their God. Behold
how their pride has become an offense unto me that I should endure them no longer.
9 Shall my Spirit dwell in the house of disobedience? Shall I, the Lord of Hosts, abide in unclean
10 Come, O Zion, stand forth as men and hear the words of your God, for surely he shall bring forth
judgment; he shall bring you to repentance; he shall purify your sanctuaries.
11 Because you have rebelled against me, even so shall the Heavens be closed against you; and that
priesthood wherein you take delight, even that shall avail you nothing.
12 Behold, I send forth my Spirit to trouble the hearts of my chosen ones, to bring them again unto me,
that they might offer unto God a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
13 And I will be gracious unto them; I will remove their sins far from them and forgive. For as many as
repent and turn again unto me, I will abundantly pardon.
14 Unto these will I send forth a teacher of heavenly things, and he shall instruct them in the knowledge
of God; in the wisdom of God shall he guide them continually. He shall lead them into the light, and
darkness shall flee far away. The mysteries of godliness shall he make known unto them.
15 While they who will not repent shall inherit desolation, and darkness shall be unto them as a light;
death shall follow hard after them, and the grave shall devour them.
16 Behold, my people have become of no effect; they are as salt that has lost its savor and is good for
nothing except to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.
17 They have filled their ears with the clinking of gold and silver; they will no longer endure sound
doctrine. Upon a shelf of prosperity have they laid themselves away; in carnal security have they taken
18 Surely they have declared unto themselves this saying: “All is well in Zion; behold, Zion prospers, all
is well.”
19 Therefore will they harvest unto themselves dust, and moth, and rust, for they have polluted all my
house. They have stopped up the ear; they can no longer hear my voice calling unto them.
20 Woe unto my people, for they are fallen. They have sinned a grievous sin. For their sake, therefore,
shall I send forth unto them a teacher, and he shall call even all my children to remembrance, to bring
them again unto me.
21 For he shall be clothed in the knowledge of the Lord, and with zeal and indignation shall he make
war against the pride of false shepherds; and all they who are blind for religion’s sake shall he cause to
see again.
22 And in that day when my people shall turn again unto me, even unto them shall he proclaim peace.
23 For the Lord shall come from Heaven, from his holy habitation shall he go forth; and he shall gather
his people, and in the land of promise shall Zion be established forever; in the bosom of God shall Zion
prosper; in the hollow of his hand shall Zion safely dwell.
Chapter 5
God rejects the temple – People have corrupted themselves – The sanctuary in the home – Fathers and
mothers to be patriarchs and matriarchs – Priesthood to go from generation to generation – Emmanuel
to dwell in the homes of the righteous – Exaltation and glory await the faithful
1 Behold, the house that was sanctified is rejected. The house set apart is cast away as a thing defiled.
For the unclean have trespassed the sanctuary; the covenants have they made of no effect.
2 They who call themselves by my name, whose hearts are filled with corruption, whose mouths speak
deceit, even these shall I cause to tremble, and I shall cast them out. Judgment will I pass upon them
who obey not my voice, who have corrupted the congregations of the faithful.
3 Because they have made unclean the temple which they would build unto me, even so shall I, the
Lord, take away my presence from before them, that my glory should not rest upon it.
4 For I am holy and will not dwell in a house of filthiness, nor come into a house made red with blood.
5 Woe unto my people, for they have corrupted themselves; therefore I will take from them that
portion which was given unto their fathers, and they shall be left desolate.
6 But for the righteous, who shall plead their cause? For the house of corruption have I rejected. To
what sanctuary will the remnant of my children go that they might receive unto themselves the
instructions of the Lord?
7 Shall the Lord cast away the righteous for the wicked’s sake? Therefore I will establish in the homes of
the faithful a sanctuary which shall not be forsaken. For I will place therein both altar and mercy seat,
that as many as will might receive both blessing and instruction from my hand.
8 For the fathers shall be unto me as patriarchs, that they may inquire of the Lord for their children’s
sake. And unto the mothers and daughters of Zion shall the Father of All, even the Most High, pledge the
oath and covenant of matriarchy, even of the Heavenly Mother, that they may be unto the children of
men as a high priestess, to anoint and bless and to keep holy the sanctuary of my house.
9 For by these two priesthoods, both Patriarchal and Matriarchal, shall the foundation of many
generations be established. For I shall turn the hearts of the Fathers to their children and the hearts of
the children to their Fathers.
10 Behold, thus saith the Lord, even Emmanuel, that in that day shall I dwell in the temple of my house,
which I shall cause to be established in the homes of all those who covenant to obey my voice.
11 And they shall be my people, even Zion, and I shall be their God. And in the day appointed I shall lift
them up on high, even unto exaltation in the kingdom of God, and I shall seal upon them their
12 And I will bless them with many generations; in the bosom of eternity shall they have a multitude of
increase, in both power and glory, even worlds without end.
13 And I will cause them to be seated upon thrones of glory; holiness shall be unto them as a covering,
and under their feet shall be placed a sea of glass, where all things shall continually come before them:
all things that are present, all things that are past, and all things that shall shortly come to pass.
Chapter 6
The Teacher prays for the fallen – God shall speak from Heaven – A new covenant to be made – The
children of God to be saviors of the world – A light which cannot be hid – Evil will arise against the
righteous – God will defend the faithful
1 And the Teacher, when he considered the ways of men, drew himself near unto God and spoke,
saying: “Hear, O Lord, the cry of the fallen. Plead now the cause of the hopeless.
2 Behold how the people weep, how the children lament, for famine does haunt as a specter the
disinherited; the children of promise has war devoured; the innocent has sickness claimed.
3 Incline your ear, O God, and hear, for the earth groans with great sorrow, for the greed of the
disobedient has polluted the land; the inheritance of children have they corrupted.
4 Is there none to answer? Shall the promise given perish? Cannot one, even one, be found who will
plead the cause of righteousness, unto whom the arm of the Lord has been revealed?”
5 Yet in that day shall the God of Heaven speak; in a moment of dark distress shall comfort be given.
6 For God shall call forth his holy ones in solemn assembly; upon the mountains shall he gather the
elect who have made with him a covenant by sacrifice.
7 And he shall establish with them a new covenant and by his own hand shall he cause it to be written;
in the hearts of the godly shall the word take root.
8 In that day shall he send forth the righteous to be as saviors unto the world, to bind the wounds of
the disinherited, to lift up the fallen, to plead the cause of the poor and afflicted, to proclaim peace and
establish tranquility unto all the people of the earth.
9 Unto the children of men shall they declare the good news, saying: “Behold, your God reigns. He who
made Heaven and earth cares for you.”
10 And they shall be unto the world as a light which cannot be hid, and all that see and hear shall surely
marvel and seek the counsel of the Lord from their hands.
11 Yet in that day shall evil rise against the righteous and against the Lord’s chosen will the children of
disobedience make war.
12 For unto them has the Fallen One given strong delusion, for with their lips they speak my name as if
to obey, yet their souls have strayed far from me.
13 For they shall cast from their midst my holy ones as a thing defiled; in the name of God shall they
speak evil against them continually.
14 Unto these shall the Lord declare: “Woe unto you who persecute my chosen, who call evil the word
of the Lord, who smite with wickedness the Lord’s anointed, for I shall rise from my habitation; from the
midst of my pavilion will I go forth in the day of tribulation to purge even all my house.
15 But in that day will the faithful not be troubled, for my hand shall overshadow them; the righteous
will my Spirit attend.
16 The children of light will I anoint, to send them forth into the world to teach and speak all my words,
and if there be any that should stumble upon the way, even then shall I bear them up, for my grace is
sufficient unto the weakest of all my children.”
Chapter 7
The Teacher to gird himself for battle – Speak to the prideful and bring to remembrance – But speak
tenderly to the children of God – Let the covenants be remembered – False shepherds will conspire
against the faithful – Woe unto the Pharisees and hypocrites – Go forward as in the day of battle – God’s
promise of assurance
1 And there came unto the Teacher the voice of Emmanuel, even God, saying: “Take now the
testimonies which I have given you, and gird yourself as for battle.
2 For I shall send you forth to speak to the prideful, they who walk in the paths of arrogance, who have
desired to possess unto themselves the seats of prophets and apostles, even unto these shall you speak
all my words.
3 For against my chosen ones have they taken counsel to do evil in the midst of my house; against my
children have they set the hand of wickedness.
4 Therefore, I shall send you to speak unto them, to bring them back again to remembrance that they
might be brought out of the darkness into the light.
5 And if they will hear and turn again unto me, I will be merciful and pardon, and shall open unto them
the windows of Heaven and reveal myself unto them that they may know of a surety that I am God.
6 Speak tenderly, therefore, to the sheep of my fold, that my Spirit might bear witness to their souls.
My words shall you speak even as a loving father that they might be brought to remembrance of the
everlasting covenants which I did seek to establish through all the dispensations beforetime.
7 Go and speak the thoughts which I shall put into your mind; pledge the words which I have put into
your heart, for by your many testimonies shall the Holy Spirit abide.
8 Go therefore unto the children of my soul, and take no thought for what you shall say, for in the
moment of your need shall my word be given unto you.
9 Stand forth as in the day of battle and declare all my words in the solemnity of your heart, in all
meekness before me, and I shall bring it to pass.
10 Let the covenants made aforetime be remembered, that the promise of blessing might be
established whereby the children of men might be delivered from fear, for by the pure in heart shall the
earth be blessed.
11 But this word I speak unto you by prophecy; in the day that you speak my words unto them, the false
shepherds will harden their hearts against the word of the Lord and not repent, but shall conspire to do
evil against my elect.
12 Before their courts shall they bring the righteous for judgment; the faithful will they threaten and
command to forget the words of the Lord their God.
13 But fear them not, for with what judgment they shall measure unto you, it shall be measured unto
them again, for, behold, I am Emmanuel, even God. I delight not in works of unrighteousness. To do evil
in my name is abomination.
14 Behold, the shepherds which were appointed aforetime have become as Pharisees of old, for they
love the uppermost seats of the congregation, to be seen of men.
15 Woe unto you Pharisees, false shepherds have you become, for with great cunning you shut up the
kingdom of Heaven against the children of men; for you yourselves go not in; neither will you suffer
them who are entering to go in also.
16 Woe unto you, hypocrites, for you encompass the world with missionaries to gather to yourselves a
multitude of converts, and when you have made them, you make them twice more the children of hell
than you yourselves.
17 Woe unto you Pharisees, hypocrites, for you gather to yourselves the tithe of my people that you
may gather power and authority over the children of men, and the weightier matters of the law you
have omitted: justice, mercy, and faith. These ought you to have done and not left undone.
18 Arise, my son, go forward as in the day of battle, and speak plainly unto the false shepherds, that
they might repent of all their sins and of all their covetous desires before me, for what is property unto
19 Is it wise to covet that which is but a small portion and neglect the more weighty matters?
20 But unto the righteous and the afflicted of the earth shall you speak words of comfort and blessing;
unto the meek and lowly shall you give peace and solace.
21 For after much tribulation, in the season of great distress, shall I gather together the sons and
daughters of God, and with a new and everlasting covenant send them forth to teach the ways of
godliness, and to establish many blessings.
22 By them shall the promise given be fulfilled: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those
that bring glad tidings of good things, and that say unto the pure in heart: ‘Behold, your God reigns!’
23 For as the dew descends from Heaven, even so shall the knowledge of God descend upon the
children of men that I may with them abide.”
Chapter 8
The Teacher is rejected by the house of Christ – Ascending a high mountain to speak to God – The
Teacher’s indictment against churchgoers – In the evening tide, God answers – “Journey yet a little
while” – The voice of God upon the winds
1 So the Teacher went among the house of Christ, and unto everyone he met, he spoke concerning the
things of God. But they would not listen, neither would they give heed, thinking him mad, having been
seduced by whispering spirits.
2 Therefore, being heavyhearted, he went far from the habitations of men and ascending a high
mountain, he bowed himself down because of many sorrows, and from the depths of his soul spoke
aloud unto God saying:
3 “How long, O Lord, shall I be made to walk among this people? For they love to call themselves by
your name; for a pretense do they cry aloud that they, alone, are the chosen of the Lord.
4 Yet they will not listen to the words that you would speak unto them. They have become puffed up in
their pride continually, for in their vanity they will not seek the Lord their God, neither will they obey
5 For they have established over the innocent, men of renown so that all might be made to follow after
the arm of flesh. But unto the God who calls after them all the day long, him they will not listen to,
neither will they give consent to his instructions.
6 How long shall I be made to endure such a people? For they have built unto themselves a multitude of
churches wherein they might proclaim aloud their righteousness before the people.
7 In the lusts of the flesh, even in carnal security have they corrupted themselves unto destruction.
Upon the backs of the poor have they built many temples in your name, yet they themselves are made
poor towards God. In great poverty are the children of promise clothed.
8 By their ignorance are they made blind, for conspiring men, filled with much pride, have commanded
the innocent to seek not the mysteries of God’s glory, neither seek to understand the ways of the Holy
9 For men of renown have made themselves to become as gods before the congregations of the
10 Behold, O God, how I am made to sorrow continually. For since the days of my youth have I followed
hard after you, that I might come to a knowledge of all your ways.
11 When I was a child and the evil of foolish men came upon me as a flood to destroy, did you not
speak comfort to my soul?
12 For in the midst of deep sorrow and tribulation you did stretch out your hand unto me, that I might
take refuge in the bosom of your glory; in your holiness did you nurture me unto life everlasting. Why
then, O Lord, am I left to despair even now?
13 For all they who delight in calling themselves the elect of the Lord, even they have scorned me and
counted me as evil and unclean. They have proclaimed aloud that I am a man possessed and made mad
by murmuring spirits.
14 They delight in sustaining unto themselves false prophets, shepherds filled with deceitful ways. But
when a prophet of God should be sent to walk among them, to teach them the ways of godliness, him
they revile against continually, and if it were possible they would surely kill him.
15 Consider how I am made to walk among the proud and the disobedient, that I might proclaim all the
words which you have spoken unto me.
16 Yet they who have established themselves in self-righteousness, who have clothed themselves in
arrogance, even they have covered their eyes with vanity lest they be made to see their transgressions.
They have stopped up their ears lest they be made to hear the words of God.
17 Behold how I am made weary; with despair am I filled all the day long. For the children of promise
are fallen, they have strayed afar and will not return. Upon the things of this world have they fixed their
eyes, evensomuch that they have forsaken the ways of God.
18 Come forth unto me, O Lord, and answer. Arise from your holy habitation and draw me close unto
your soul, that I might find refuge in the moment of great distress.
19 Where shall I go? Unto what person shall I speak who will hear with gladness the word of God? Who
is there from among all these many who will give heed to the instructions of the Lord?
20 Surely my strength is withered as a leaf, my joy is vanished away, and all my hope made of no effect.
21 Oh, that I might keep still my mouth from speaking the word of the Lord, that I might hide up his
word unto me.
22 Yet would my heart burst within me that I cannot but speak his words unto all the people, lest my
bones burn within me, consumed in the flames of a Father’s love for the children who are lost, and who
know not the peril of their way.
23 Behold, O Lord, how the day is far spent and the joy of life is vanished far away. Come forth unto me,
O God, and revive the weary soul. Make strong the wounded heart and renew in me the joy of your
glory. For in despair am I made to wander, even unto death.”
24 Thus spoke the Teacher in the anguish of his soul. In exceeding sorrow did he pour himself out even
as a drink offering unto the God who called him. And all that day he sat himself down to await the
deliverance of the Lord when he should come forth to speak unto him.
25 Now in the evening tide when the sun in silence was made to rest, when the earth in twilight
stillness stood, there came upon the mountain a warm wind southward, and it did breathe upon the
man to revive him. And there came upon the wind the voice of God, saying:
26 “Arise and despair not, neither sorrow any more over the pride of the disobedient. Stand strong in
the knowledge which I have given unto you concerning the things of God and fear not the designs of
false shepherds.
27 Journey yet a little while among the prideful. For by the words which you shall speak unto them shall
I put forth the hand to trouble. I shall establish you before the disobedient that you might purge all my
28 Now arise and go again unto the city that you might harvest from among the children of men the
seekers of God.”
29 So came the voice of God upon the winds, and taking to heart the promises of the Lord, the Teacher
turned again unto the dwellings of men, being girded within and without by much assurance;
30 And wheresoever he went, he spoke continually the things of God, and though many turned hard
their souls against him, he would not relent or give surcease.
Chapter 9
Churchgoers go seeking the Teacher – The Teacher speaks – Why are you heavyhearted? – Blessed are
the merciful – You are the salt of the earth – Do not desire earthly treasures – No man can serve two
masters – Why will you feed the body only? – Nakedness – Looking at the good things in life – Parable:
Building on rock or sand – Cost of discipleship – Beware of false shepherds – Pray not as churchgoers do
– The performing of charity – Judge not harshly the fallen – Being holy as God is holy – All people are the
children of God – Women and marriage – Love one another
1 Now when these things were done, the Teacher went unto a lonely place far from the habitations of
men, that he might draw himself again unto God.
2 And after many days he came again to teach, and there arose a great commotion because of him; for
he taught not according to the laws of the church.
3 Now there were many in the churches which believed in him, and when they heard that the Teacher
was again in the city they went forth seeking after him.
4 And as they journeyed upon the way, they saw the man teaching, and there was gathered round
about him many who would listen to the things of God.
5 And they, seeing him, went forth to be comforted, for they were sorely persecuted for Christ’s sake,
being heavyhearted and filled with sorrow.
6 And there arose to speak a certain woman, saying: “Good Teacher, will you not speak to us words of
comfort so that we might take to our soul some little joy?
7 For, behold, we are cast from the church as a thing defiled: Where then shall we go to hear the word
of God, to receive unto our soul, food to eat and water to drink?
8 Speak to us but a little, and we shall be filled to overflowing. Linger yet a little while among us, and we
shall not perish; for we would take to our soul the wisdom of God, that we might be strong in the day of
9 And if it so be that you should journey away, even then shall we follow after you. For we would be
your disciples.”
10 Now when the woman had said these things, the man was filled with compassion, and turning he
spoke unto all who were gathered, saying:
11 “Unto the poor who are made to sit in despair, peace and blessing be upon you and your house
forever, for unto you shall God give place in the kingdom of Heaven.
12 Why, therefore, shall you be heavyhearted seeing that God shall stretch forth his hand to comfort?
For though you are pressed down with a multitude of sorrow, yet shall God come forth unto you to lift
the heavy burden, that there might shine forth in the darkness the glory of his wisdom.
13 And if it so be that you are made to hunger and thirst for righteousness sake, then happy shall you
be, for you shall be filled with a multitude of heavenly things.
14 Blessed, therefore, are the merciful, for you shall obtain great mercy. For where there is great love,
even there shall you find an abundance of pardon.
15 For if you forgive others their trespasses against you, then shall your Heavenly Father forgive you
also. But if you forgive not the trespasses of others, how then shall God forgive you, seeing that you are
without mercy? For the law was decreed from the beginning that kind should cleave to kind.
16 Therefore, if you would be pure of heart, make peace with all men for righteousness sake; that you
might prove yourselves the children of God and in his glory abide forever and ever.
17 And if it so be that men should persecute you for the sake of your righteousness, how great then
should be your joy? Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great shall be your reward in Heaven.
18 Incline your heart unto God and remember the words which I shall cause to be given unto you this
day. For I tell you truly: Except your goodness exceed that of churchgoers, you shall in nowise find favor
with God, neither shall you enter into his rest.
19 Is it not written that you are the salt of the earth? But if the salt has lost its flavor, wherewith shall
anything be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, except to be cast out and trodden under the feet
of men.
20 Surely you are become as a light unto the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men
light a candle and put it under a basket, but on a candlestick that it might give light to the whole house.
21 Therefore, let the goodness of your heart be as a light unto the children of men, that they might see
your good works, and in their wonder give glory and honor unto your Father who is in Heaven.
22 Desire not for yourselves treasures upon the earth only, where moth and rust do corrupt, and where
thieves break through and steal.
23 But take unto your soul that treasure which is found in Heaven, for there shall no thief break in and
steal, neither shall moth nor dust corrupt. For where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.
24 Consider how that no man can serve two masters: For he will either hate the one and love the other,
or else he will cleave to one and reject the other.
25 How then shall you serve God while seeking riches only? Or by what means shall great wealth
corrupt if you would seek to follow God?
26 Therefore, if you would be wise before God, give heed: Be not over anxious for what you shall eat, or
what you shall drink; neither think you overmuch for the body, what you shall put on. Is your life not
much more than meat, and is not the body more than clothing?
27 For why will you feed the body only while the spirit is made to perish? Turn your soul unto God
therefore, that you might eat and live; for the words which I speak are spirit and if it so be that you
should partake thereof, then shall you surely live.
28 And why take you thought overmuch for clothing sake? Consider the flowers of the field, how they
grow. They labor not as you do, neither do they spin; and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon with all
his glory could not surpass the least of these.
29 For you were born altogether naked from your mother’s womb. Therefore, if you would clothe
yourselves, wrap yourselves round about in the wisdom of God, and gird yourselves with deep
30 For there is no shame in the body, but beauty only. Clothe yourselves therefore, that you might
prove the beauty wherewith God has fashioned you.
31 And think not that nakedness is an offense to God: For which of you were born clothed from your
mother’s womb? How then shall you sin, being naked, seeing that God has fashioned you so?
32 For unto the body is it given to know fully the issues of this life, that you may prove what is of God
and what cometh from some other.
33 Know then that in the beauty of the body is God likewise revealed unto the heart of all who see; that
you, seeing the beauty of some comely form, might perceive more deeply still the wonders of God
34 For in the beauty of both the man and the woman is God likewise formed, for this mystery I make
known in your hearing, that you are likewise two seeds cast down unto the earth, that by your living you
might give rise to still some nobler form, even Lords many and Gods many.
35 Thus in the man and in the woman is there together found the seedling of God’s beginning, for have
you not heard among yourselves already, how that God was once a man, even as you?
36 Remove, therefore, from all your judgments the nakedness of both the man and the woman; for if
there should be revealed the beauty of some higher form, what sin have you committed, seeing that in
the coming forth of some outward beauty, the God within is set free of all boundaries and limitations.
37 Therefore, trouble not your soul to sorrow, saying: What shall we eat? or, With what shall we clothe
ourselves? For your Heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things.
38 Attend, therefore, your eyes unto goodness and seek not the evil way. For the light of the body is in
the eye, and if your eye be single to seeking out the good always, then shall your whole body be filled
with light and the peace of God shall fold itself round about you.
39 But if your eye see evil only, to fill the soul with a multitude of sorrow, then shall the whole body be
filled with darkness. And if the light of the body be darkness only, how great then shall be that darkness,
and wherein shall the joy of life be found?
40 Therefore, whosoever shall hear these words of mine to do them, even him shall I liken unto a wise
man who built his house upon a rock: And the rains descended, and the floods came, and the winds
blew fiercely and beat upon the house and it fell not, for it was built upon a rock.
41 And everyone that shall hear my words to do them not, even he shall be likened unto a foolish man
who built his house upon the sand: And the rains descended and the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat upon the house, and great was the fall of it, evensomuch that the man perished, pierced with
deep wounds.
42 Consider, therefore, and ponder deeply: For many have come unto me saying: ‘Good Teacher, surely
I will love you and follow where ever you should go.’ Yet did they fall by the way, for they counted not
the costs.
43 Which of you intending to build a house, will not first sit down and count the cost, to see if there be
funds enough to finish it?
44 For if you should lay the foundation but be unable to finish the house, then shall others ridicule you
saying: This fellow began to build but was not able to finish. Thus shall the builder be put to shame,
seeing that he counted not the cost at first.
45 Not everyone that calls unto me shall take unto themselves exaltation in the kingdom of God, but
only they who do the will of my Father who is in Heaven.
46 Beware of false shepherds therefore, who shall come to you in fine clothing and smooth speech, for
inwardly they are ravenous wolves seeking to devour.
47 Take heed and guard yourselves round about, for there are many who for a pretense speak soft
words, beguiling many, yet are they filled with gluttony; who for religion’s sake would fill their hands
with the fruit of all your labors.
48 You shall know them by their fruits. Can men gather grapes from thistles, or figs from thorns? Even
so, every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree brings forth only evil.
49 Fear them not because of their much speaking. For there is nothing covered that shall not be
revealed; there is nothing hidden that shall not be made known.
50 And if you would be righteous before God, do not do as the churchgoers do; for they love to pray in
public places to be seen of others, that by their great clamoring they might make others like unto
themselves. I tell you truly that they shall have their reward.
51 Therefore when you pray, enter straightway into some private place and shut the door, that there
might come no intrusion between you and your Heavenly Father. And your Father who sees in secret
shall reward you openly.
52 And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the churchgoers do. For they think that they shall
be heard for their much speaking. Do not liken yourselves unto such as these, for your Heavenly Father
knows what things you have need of even before you ask.
53 Therefore, attend your life unto prayer and meditation. For the life which you now live shall become
as a prayer unto God, and if your life be good or evil, then such as this shall ascend unto God revealing
the secret chambers of your heart.
54 Whoever, therefore, has ears, let them hear and understand. Take heed that you perform not your
charities before others to be seen of them. For what seek you unto yourselves: the praise of others, or
the blessings of God?
55 Therefore, when you shall perform your charities unto the poor, do not proclaim aloud as the
churchgoers do, for they desire to take unto themselves the praise of others. I tell you truly, they shall in
every deed receive their reward.
56 And think not to give from your possessions only things which have no life. But rather give
something of yourself instead.
57 For there are many who would give from their abundance, a pittance to be seen of others. I tell you
truly, it would have been better if they had never given at all.
58 But when you give unto the children of men, though you should have but little, give all with joy
exceeding. For such as these shall become the heirs of God.
59 Believe in life and the good of life, and your treasure shall be made rich in joy and blessing. Through
such as these does God raise forth the hand to bless, and through their eyes shall he smile upon the
children of men.
60 Say not to yourself, therefore, that you would give only to the deserving. For with God it is not so.
For he causes his sun to shine upon the good and the bad, and unto the just and the unjust alike does he
send forth the rain.
61 Seeing now that all people are found worthy to take unto themselves the life which God has granted,
shall they not be found worthy also to receive from you?
62 For who are you that others should tear their bosoms to reveal their souls? Make yourselves worthy
to give unto the children of men, for that person who is not worthy shall be brought to account. And
they shall be left desolate and filled with want, even in the midst of their great plenty.
63 Therefore, judge not harshly the fallen among you. For with what judgment you judge others, even
so shall God judge you. Seeing therefore, that many will err in judgment, then err for mercy’s sake, and
God shall be merciful unto you.
64 For the fallen shall you not cast aside, seeing that they, too, are the children of God. Neither shall
you speak evil of them. For when you behold the fallen, look closely unto yourself, for the fallen are but
the shadow of your lesser self and can by no means be separated from you.
65 And why will you see the fault in others and not see clearly the transgressions of your own soul? or,
How will you say to some other: Let me take the flaw from your eye, when you are made blind by your
own transgressions?
66 Be not as the churchgoers are, but go first unto God that you might be made clean again, then shall
you see clearly to remove the offense from your brother’s eye.
67 Has it not been said, have you not heard: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? But I say unto
you that you resist not evil to war. For you struggle not against flesh and blood as others would suppose,
but against principalities, dominions, powers, darkness, and the sensibilities of the flesh.
68 Therefore, if you would fight against the evil way, provoke it not, lest it rise forth to destroy the
69 But if you would overcome evil for righteousness sake, then be not as the churchgoers are; for they
love those who are like unto themselves only, but towards others are they filled with loathing.
70 Wherefore, if you would be holy even as God is holy, then love your enemies, bless them that curse
you, do good to them which despitefully use you and persecute you.
71 If you will do these things, then shall you be made the heirs of God, having become even as he is: For
he causes his sun to shine on the evil and the good, and he sends forth the rain unto the just and the
unjust alike.
72 For all people are but the children of God, and if one should fall by the way to do evil, then for his
Father’s sake love him. Thus shall you do service to God and redeem your brother because of great love.
73 But if you love them which love you only, how then shall you please God? Even churchgoers do that.
And if you greet those who are like unto yourself only, what do you more than others? Even
churchgoers do the same.
74 And you men, why take you so little thought for women’s sake? Did you not know that God is Father
to both male and female alike?
75 If, therefore, God is your Father, have you not a Mother also? For I tell you truly, no man can bring
forth children unto himself except there first be some woman to take seed.
76 Hear then, and understand. For in Heaven is there made to dwell the Heavenly Mother, even the
Great Mother Spirit which whispers unto all the children of men, both male and female.
77 Therefore, let the husband revere his wife with true affection, and let the wife revere her husband
also, for this is good and profitable. For marriage is ordained of God, that you might become as fathers
and mothers unto the children of God.
78 Again you have heard it said that to love God is the first and greatest commandment, but I tell you
that to love your neighbor as yourself is chief above all the rest.
79 A new commandment I give unto you: that you love one another even as I have loved you. By this
shall all people know of your love for the Father, if it so be that you have love one for another.
80 Therefore, be not as the churchgoers are: For they love to assemble themselves together as a people
who love righteousness, and from the roof tops would they proclaim aloud their devotion unto God; yet
towards the children of men are they filled with condemnation.
81 For who among you shall proclaim their love for God, while yet you hate your neighbor? Come forth,
O foolish one, and give answer: For how shall you hate your neighbor whom you have seen, and love
God whom you have not seen?
82 Therefore, if you would be accepted of God, love you, even every man, his neighbor. For whosoever
shall love another is born of God, for God is love.”
83 Thus spoke the Teacher unto those round about him. And many were astonished at his teachings, for
there moved upon his words the power of Heaven.
Chapter 10
Invitation to come and follow – Asking in faith – A preacher accuses the Teacher – Parable: The Wicked
Tutor and the Frightened Children – Parable: The Obedient Son – Parable: The Saint and the Sinner –
Parable: The Outlaw Who Saved a King’s Son – Beware the righteousness of churchgoers – Woe unto
hypocrites and churchgoers – Had you lived in Yeshua’s day
1 On a certain day in the spring of the year, the Teacher, as was his custom, went walking in a garden
place, and there gathered unto him a multitude of the poor and the common.
2 And being filled with love towards them, he spoke, saying: “Come unto me, all you who labor and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest, that from such things as you are made to fear, even therefrom
would I set you free.
3 For old things are passed away. Behold, I make all things new again. Come, therefore, unto me, that
from your bosom might spring forth floods of living water.
4 And whosoever shall come unto me, even that one shall I not turn away; for though you be filled with
deep sorrow, I will turn aside the darkness from before you that you might have an abundance of joy.
5 Whosoever, therefore, shall follow after me, even unto that one shall the Spirit of God abide and not
depart. But whosoever shall stand apart from me, even that one shall stand far from the kingdom of
6 Whosoever among you, therefore, who would ask with faith exceeding, unto you shall be given full
measure overflowing; and whosoever will seek, believing that they shall receive, shall take unto
themselves a multitude of blessings; and unto that one who would but knock, shall the door of
understanding be opened.
7 For which of you having son or daughter, if they come seeking bread, will give a stone instead? or, If
they ask for drink will give them a cup filled with bitterness?
8 If you then being human only would give good things unto your children, how much more shall your
Heavenly Father give unto them that ask?”
9 And when he had said these things, there arose to stand before the people a preacher who thought to
contend against him, saying:
10 “You devil! Who appointed you to speak unto the people? By what church were you ordained unto
this ministry? For you have made yourself the friend of sinners and fornicators, and with skillful words
would you lead them into that hell which God has appointed unto the wicked.
11 Would you have us believe that God would appoint unto the children of men such a one as you? Are
there not in the churches men more worthy than you to do the will of God? Repent you sinners, lest you
perish forever in that fire which is unquenchable, and this man with you!”
12 Now when the preacher had said these things, there arose a great commotion among the people
gathered there, for some grew fearful, and others were made angry, evensomuch that they would cast
the preacher out from among them.
13 But the Teacher standing forth, forbid them, saying: “Why will you be made to tremble, or again,
why will you give place to anger because of this man? Have you no faith concerning the love of your
Father who is in Heaven?”
14 And turning to the preacher, he spoke, saying: “Come now and listen, and I will give answer. There
was a certain man rich and powerful, who had many children which he loved above all else.
15 And on a certain day, he hired a tutor to teach unto his children the issues of life.
16 Now it so happened that the rich man was called to journey unto a far country, and he called forth
the tutor and spoke to him, saying: ‘Watch over my children with care till I return, and when I am come
again, I will pay you according to your faithfulness.’
17 So the father journeyed unto a far country, and while he was away, the servant ruled harshly over
the children, thinking that by such harshness he might keep them well until the father came again unto
his own.
18 But the children grew fearful of the tutor and in the silent watches of the night, they would weep for
the return of their father that perchance he might restore again their joy.
19 Now it so happened that the children went to play in the forest nearby, and as they played they
became lost in the tangle of the wood.
20 And when the children did not come home, the servant grew angry thinking the children willful and
disobedient, and taking a switch, he went seeking after them.
21 But the children, when hearing him calling after them in anger, feared greatly and ran deeper into
the forest; for the children thought it better to be lost than to be laid hold of by the one who was set to
watch over them.
22 Thus did the father lose the children which he loved above all else; and the servant growing more
and more angry cursed the children, calling them wicked and sinful and deserving of great punishment.
23 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear and bring forth answer: What shall the father do to such
a man as this, who by the harshness of his way caused the father to lose the children whom he loved?
24 Be not as the churchgoers are: For they pride themselves in being righteous above all others, and
they proclaim aloud that except a person believe as they do, then shall that person perish forever in
hellfire. I tell you truly, they shall not escape their reward.
25 Come now and hear again, for there was a certain man who had two sons, and he went to the first
and said: ‘My son, go and work in the fields today, for the harvest is great and the laborers are few.’
26 And the son said: ‘I will not.’ But afterward, he repented and went forth to labor in his father’s field
all that day and the next also.
27 And the father went to the second son and said: ‘My son, go and work in my fields today, for the
harvest is great and the laborers are few.’ And the second son, thinking himself more righteous than the
first, said: ‘I will go and labor.’ But he went not.
28 Come now and tell me: Which son did the will of his father?” And the people answered aloud: “The
first son.”
29 And the Teacher, turning to the preacher said: “I tell you truly, that sinners and fornicators will go
into the kingdom of God long before you do. For what did the Father require of you except that you do
justly, and love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?
30 Hear now this other also: For there lived in a certain town, a churchgoer who thought himself
righteous. And as it happened, he went walking about the town on a certain day, and there came to him
a drunkard dressed in rags and foul smelling; for there had befallen him a sorrow greater than he could
31 And putting up his petition to the churchgoer, he was rebuked. For the churchgoer was filled with
loathing and with indignation said aloud: ‘Do not touch me! Did you not know that drunkenness is sin
before God? Go now you sinner and repent, lest some worse thing fall upon you.’
32 And so speaking the churchgoer went to his house again to make himself clean. And unto
whatsoever of his companions he would meet, he would speak evil of the drunkard, proclaiming all the
while his own righteousness.
33 But in the night, the drunkard laid himself down upon the pavement to sleep. And as he slept a
harlot came walking by and seeing him sleeping there had compassion.
34 And taking him to her own house, she comforted him, and with much care nurtured him back to
health. And when he was whole again, she sent him again unto his own house.
35 Which of these two was the saint and the sinner? I tell you truly, that the harlot was accepted of
God, for she was filled with mercy.
36 For such mercy as you would give unto another, even therewith, shall you draw to your soul the
mercy of God. For love is made to cover a multitude of sin, and whosoever is filled with love,
notwithstanding their own transgressions, even they shall receive an abundance of pardon from God.
37 Consider how the children of men are made to lament and sorrow as a people who know not their
way. Shall God not have mercy unto the least of these, to restore them again unto himself?
38 Think not, therefore, that I am come to condemn the world, for I came neither to judge nor to
punish; but rather to make whole again the children of men, that they might be healed of great
39 Therefore, hear again this parable: For once there was a king who had an only son. And one day as
the child was playing with his companions, he became lost in a thick and dreadful forest.
40 Now when the king heard concerning the loss of his son, he called forth his guards to seek for him.
Yet for all their many efforts, they could by no means find him.
41 And the king wept, being filled with sorrow. And one of the guards seeing his distress, spoke unto
the king, saying: ‘My lord, there lives at the edge of the forest a certain man greatly skilled, a hunter and
tracker of great renown. Surely he will find your son and restore him again unto you.’
42 But the chief minister hearing this, rebuked the guard and turning to the king, said: ‘My lord, surely
you will not call such a man as this to find your son? For, behold, this man is an outlaw and a brigand,
caring neither for the laws of men nor the sanctity of the church.’
43 But the king, grieving, could think only of his son who was lost, and gathering about him his many
guards, he journeyed to the outlaw’s house.
44 Now when the company approached, the man came from his house to inquire. And the king on
seeing him, told him of all that had happened.
45 When the man heard this, he was deeply moved for the father’s sake. And he spoke to the king,
saying: ‘Grieve not, my lord, neither fear any more. For I shall go into the forest and bring again the son
which is lost.’
46 So the man turned himself to the forest and the king journeyed home again. And not many days
thereafter, the man returned to the king bearing upon his shoulders the son who was lost, laughing and
making merry.
47 And when the king saw this, he leaped for joy, and running forth, took again to his bosom his only
son. And the king declared aloud: ‘Where in all my kingdom is such a man so noble found?’
48 And he gave the man great lands and he built for him a mansion there, and he decreed by law that
the man should never again be called outlaw and brigand, but rather that he should ever be the king’s
own friend.
49 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear. For I came not to do my own will, but to do according to
the will of my Father who is in Heaven; that I might find again the children of his soul, to restore them
again unto eternal life.
50 Therefore, whosoever would find place in the bosom of God, let them hear and understand: Beware
the righteousness of churchgoers who for a pretense would do service to God. Whited sepulchers are
they, filled with dead men’s bones.
51 Woe unto you hypocrites, for you shut up the kingdom of Heaven against everyone but yourselves
only, and for a pretense make long prayers, thinking yourself better than all others.
52 Woe unto you hypocrites, for you hold Bibles to your bosom as though you would take to your soul
the word of God, yet inwardly you are filled with all manner of corruption, for you devour widow’s
houses for money’s sake, and you are filled with loathing against the poor who have not so much as a
pillow to rest their head on.
53 Woe unto you hypocrites, for you encompass the world round about with a multitude of
missionaries that you might make one convert, and when you have made him, you make him twofold
more the child of hell than you yourselves.
54 Woe unto you hypocrites, churchgoers filled with pride! For you pay tithe of all that you own and
fast often, yet you have forgotten the more weighty matters altogether: mercy, love, forgiveness; these
ought you to have done and not left undone.
55 For this cause has God rejected even all your gifts and offerings, for you were without compassion
altogether, neither cared you for the sufferings of others but thought to yourselves instead: ‘Surely they
suffer because of some wickedness.’
56 Woe unto you hypocrites, for you make clean the outside for appearance sake only, that you might
appear beautiful and praiseworthy before others, but inwardly you are filled with all manner of
uncleanliness, being made blind towards your own transgressions.
57 Attend, therefore, to the affairs of your heart and make yourselves clean every whit, for every tree
which brings forth evil fruit, even that tree shall God uproot and cast away.
58 Consider how blind you are made to become, for you say to yourselves that if you had lived in the
days of Yeshua you would surely have been his disciples.
59 You generation of vipers! Did you not know that all they who consented unto the death of this
righteous one, were even everyone churchgoers like unto yourselves, believing that they were elected
above all the rest?
60 Why pretend you, therefore, among yourselves saying that if you had lived in Yeshua’s day, you
would surely have been his disciples? For I tell you truly that he received not his authority from church
leaders as you do, but rather he was appointed by God unto the people.
61 Woe unto you churchgoers, hypocrites! Repent you and weep aloud, for you are become as the
scribes and Pharisees of old. For either you love the tree and hate its fruit, or else you love the fruit but
hate the tree that bore it.
62 Behold, your house is left desolate, and all your righteousness made unclean because of pride. How
then shall your sins be covered and whereunto shall you find refuge, seeing that God shall demand of
you an accounting.”
63 Thus spoke the Teacher unto all who were gathered there. And raising his hands to Heaven, he
blessed them and sent them again to their own homes.
Chapter 11
Churches conspire against the Teacher – A husband and wife brought to judgment – The chief high
priest speaks – The husband rejects authority of the church – The Teacher defends the innocent – Are
the laws of the church greater than God? – Parable: The Great Tree – “They honor me with their lips, but
their hearts are far from me” – Take care how you judge – Authority from God, not men – The Teacher
questions the innocent – The keys of Heaven and hell – The husband and wife reject authority of the
1 And the churches grew angry because of him, for many gave heed to his words and they would no
longer follow after the leaders of their church but sought after God instead.
2 But certain leaders took counsel among themselves to see if they could by some means destroy, even
by death, the one appointed. And they issued the decree that any who were of their church who should
speak well of the man, even that person would they cast from the church as a thing defiled.
3 Now there was in the church both husband and wife who had followed after the Teacher from the
very beginning, taking to their soul the light of God.
4 And it so happened that in their joy they spoke well of him, evensomuch that unto whatsoever person
they would meet, they would give account of all his words.
5 But those who were in authority grew angry against them, and they caused that they should be
brought before the high council of priests for judgment.
6 And the chief high priest, being over proud and filled with authority as he supposed, spoke hotly unto
them, saying:
7 “Why have you sought after this man? Know you not that we have authority over you by reason of
our priesthood? Where is this man’s authority that he should call after so many, and that you should
follow after him?
8 Behold, we know that this man is evil and filled with deceit continually. For no man can, by any
means, approach unto God except they first go unto those who are in authority over them.
9 Why, therefore, have you proclaimed aloud saying that this man is from God? For no man can come
from God unto the children of men except that we first call him.
10 Is it not written among us that the house of God is a house of order? Why then have you sought to
follow God by some other way, seeing that we are given authority over you?
11 Repent, therefore, and turn your heart again unto us. For it is written, that whosoever should follow
the brethren, even they shall stand well with God.
12 As for this fellow, turn now away from him and consider no longer the words which he would speak.
Turn again your soul unto the church lest we separate you from among us.
13 And if you will obey us concerning this thing, then we shall take you again unto our bosom and grant
to you such authority as we are given over the children of men.”
14 Now the husband, when he heard this, stood forth to answer; and being in the Spirit of the Lord, he
spoke boldly, saying:
15 “If this man be evil, then judge that among yourselves only. For I was made blind aforetime, having
to my soul no knowledge of God, being made to fear continually because of your authority.
16 Come, therefore, and hear: For now am I made to see clearly the evil of your ways, having been
brought into the light of God’s glory. With what power shall you cause me to tremble, seeing that I am
no longer fearful of you?
17 For you were ever quick to boast of your authority, but of God you spoke not a word. For what just
cause therefore, shall I cease from following after this righteous one, seeing that he has granted unto all
who are willing the knowledge of God?”
18 Now when the husband had said these words to the high council, there arose among the high priests
gathered there a flood of indignation and anger; for they thought themselves righteous above all others.
19 And the chief high priest, rising from his seat spoke angrily, saying: “Have you come here to judge
us? You were born altogether wicked from your mother’s womb, and even now has this deceiver stolen
away the affections of your heart and given it unto another.”
20 Now after he said these things there came upon the chamber door a sharp and piercing knock, and
the one answering grew pale and filled with trouble; and turning to the high council, proclaimed that he
whom the husband and wife followed was standing even at the very door.
21 And there arose a great commotion among all the priests concerning this man, and being in
agreement, desired that he should enter in, that even every one of them might see for themselves the
one who had come forth to trouble so many.
22 And the Teacher, entering in, smiled upon the husband and the wife, and turning to the chief high
priest inquired, saying: “For what cause have you brought forth the innocent to judgment?”
23 And the chief priest answered: “These two have broken the law of the church and the covenants
thereof, for they will by no means obey those who are given authority over them. And except they turn
their hearts again unto the church, they shall be cast out from among us.”
24 And the Teacher, hearing this, spoke saying: “Why have you forsaken the teachings of that Jesus
whom you claim to follow? Is the law of the church greater than God altogether?
25 Have you never read concerning this Jesus, how that on a certain day there came unto him certain
men of authority like unto yourselves, desiring to trap him?
26 And they tempted him, saying: ‘Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?’ And Jesus,
knowing of their cunning, answered, saying:
27 ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might.
This is the first and great commandment.
28 The second is like unto the first: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’
29 Thus spoke Jesus unto the scribes and Pharisees. But I tell you that whosoever shall take to their
bosom the children of men, to love them even as their own soul, even they shall become the heirs of
God, having fulfilled the whole law in one.
30 Why, therefore, will you make of no effect the word which God has granted unto you for the sake of
your traditions only? Are the laws of the church greater than the commandments of God?
31 Hear now this parable and consider deeply: For there was a certain field and in the midst thereof
stood a great tree with boughs of green, strong and plenty; evensomuch that the birds of the air took
refuge there, building nests and making merry.
32 But one day there came from Heaven, a fierce and terrible wind which scattered abroad the birds of
the air, breaking in pieces a multitude of branches.
33 And there fell from Heaven a shaft of great lightning which struck the tree, cleaving it in twain and
revealing its inward parts. And, behold, the tree which appeared unto men both strong and beautiful
above all others was filled with all manner of rottenness and corruption. And great was the destruction
thereof, being consumed in the fire and the fury.”
34 When the Teacher had said these things, the chief high priest declared: “Why will you speak to us in
riddles? Tell us plainly what you mean.”
35 And he answered saying: “Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear and understand: For the field
in which the tree stood is the world, and the tree is this church which you proclaim as being great and
beautiful above all the rest.
36 And the birds of the air which took refuge therein are the souls of the children of men, who have
placed in you all their hope and trust.
37 The wind is the indignation of God which rises against you, and which would separate from you the
children of men to spare them. And the lightning is the judgment of God which shall reveal your inward
38 For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and nothing covered that shall not be made
39 Seeing, therefore, that these whom you would judge desire but to follow God, why would you cast
them away as a thing defiled? Of such as you was it written: ‘For they honor me with their lips, but their
hearts are far from me.’
40 You are become as murderers of prophets and wise men, for your hands are made busy with
mischief. You are become as dogs who turn themselves again to their own vomit, and the priesthood
which you would hold over the innocent is filled with corruption and deceit.
41 The children of men would you weigh down with a multitude of commandments, that you might
hedge them round about with cares too grievous to be borne; and you will not so much as lift your little
finger to undo the heavy burden.
42 For this cause shall God make room in the kingdom of Heaven for even all the children of men, from
the worlds of Olaha Shinehah to the glories of Kolob shall both room and place be found, from the least
even to the greatest.
43 But for you shall there be found neither room nor place, but darkness only, except you first turn your
heart unto God, that from such unrighteous dominion as you would exercise, might even all the people
be set free.
44 Take care to yourselves concerning this man and woman, for with whatsoever judgment you shall
exercise against them, God shall apportion unto you a thousand fold.
45 And if you shall cast them aside as a thing defiled, to speak evil of them continually, then shall God
separate you from his glory, for God shall not give assent unto the unrighteousness of any man.”
46 When the Teacher had said these things, the chief high priest asked of him, saying: “Tell us by what
authority you say and do these things which have troubled so many in the church?”
47 And he answered, saying: “Such authority as I am given came not through men as you would
suppose, for the power of God is given by the Father only.
48 If, therefore, you were of God then you would hear my words and receive unto your benefit eternal
life. But you are made dull of hearing, for you have set your heart against God, and all the words which I
would speak you will not believe, neither would you partake of that glory which God would grant unto
the righteous.
49 Behold, how you are made desolate. And though you should bark and howl continually, yet will your
priesthood avail you little. For such authority as you would proclaim is but mist and shadow, being
without substance.
50 The things which I say and do, I do not of my own accord, but by the will of the Father who sent me;
and whosoever shall hear my words to do them, shall be made one with God, even as I am made one
with the Father.”
51 And saying these things the Teacher turned to the husband and wife and spoke to them, saying:
“Why did you come before such men as these, seeing that they are without power or authority over
52 Have they power to cast you into prison or to take away your life? Seeing that their authority is
without effect: Why did you consent to mockery such as this?
53 For conspiring men desiring to take unto themselves authority over the children of men, caused that
there should be written: ‘And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, and whatsoever you
shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in
54 And turning himself again unto the council of priests, he spoke, saying: “You brood of serpents!
What abomination gave rise to such as you? For you desire that Jesus would give into your keeping the
keys of Heaven and hell, as though you were greater than God.
55 Have you not read concerning the Christ when he spoke unto the people, saying: ‘If any man hear my
words and believe not, I judge him not; for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.’ And
again he spoke, saying: ‘You judge after the flesh; but I judge no man.’
56 You foolish men, filled with pride and ever judging the world for the sake of your authority only:
Would you now have the servant to become greater than his master?
57 Come now and answer plainly: Who is it that you would follow: God or church leaders? If God, then
why have you become offended when others would seek after him instead of you? Will you be made
unrighteous for the sake of your authority?”
58 And saying these things, the Teacher turned himself away and all the high priests were angry
because of him.
59 And the husband, turning to his wife, said: “What have we to do with these fellows any more? Have
they not demanded that we should follow them instead of God?
60 Let us, therefore, seek after the Teacher, that we might take to our soul the wisdom of God.” And so
speaking they turned to leave, but the chief high priest spoke, saying:
61 “For what just cause would you leave the church of your youth to go seeking after this blasphemer?
Have you forgotten that we have authority over you to bless or to curse, according as we will?”
62 But the woman, being unafraid, said: “The only authority you have over us is what we give you, and
we give you none.”
63 Thus speaking, they turned their hearts unto God, and the chief high priest was filled with anger, and
casting them from the church, spoke evil of them continually.
64 And in secret chambers did the leaders of the churches plot night and day against the Teacher,
thinking him dangerous above all others.
Chapter 12
What think you of Christ? – Hiding Christ for the sake of church authority – Falsehood of the Virgin Birth
– Yeshua born by natural means – The true forgiveness of a father and mother – How men would
fashion God – Parable: Frightened Children – How the church would separate you from God’s love –
Parable: Yeshua of Nazareth meets Jesus Christ – The Heavenly Father, Emmanuel – Beware of
churchgoers – “Behold, the kingdom of Heaven is within you” – Invitation to follow the Teacher – Elders
of the church grow angry – The will of God and the death of Christ – The Elders denounce the Teacher –
Behold, vengeance cometh speedily – God shall purge his house
1 These are the words which the Teacher spoke concerning Yeshua of Nazareth, for there came to him
certain elders of the church desiring to speak.
2 And one of them spoke, saying: “How long will you cause us to wonder? Come now and tell us plainly:
What think you of Christ? Whose son is he?”
3 And the Teacher, turning to those gathered there, said: “Consider how the teachers and preachers of
religion have desired to remove you from the Father of your soul, for fear that you should take to
yourself some knowledge of him.
4 For they and their fathers before them have established a multitude of doctrines and creeds which
have become as a wall to separate you from God; that no one should by any means approach nigh unto
God except that they first go to the builders of the wall.
5 Thus would they have you believe that this one whom they call Christ should be brought forth of a
virgin, being conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit; that he, being unlike the natural man,
might be made free from sin.
6 Thus, by such a birth would they make Christ a stranger unto the children of men; for they desired to
hedge up the way, round about, against even all who would come to a knowledge of God.
7 For by reason of your natural birth have they proclaimed through a million preachers that all people
are filled with evil and corruption continually, having been made partakers of Adam’s transgression.
8 Thus would these men proclaim the perfection of Christ, who by his divine nature performed many
miracles and mighty works, being made unlike yourself. Yet I tell you truly, that no man is born of a
woman except some man first give seed.
9 Why, therefore, have you not fulfilled that measure of God which was granted unto you through the
teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth? You have not for you are made to despair continually. For how can you
follow Christ seeing that he is unlike the natural man?
10 Hear now and take heart: For this Yeshua of Nazareth was brought forth like unto yourselves, having
both father and mother, that by the greatness of the natural man, he might bring all who are willing
near unto the heart of God.
11 Rejoice, therefore, and be glad, for God thought it not unseemly to come unto the children of his
soul even as a man, being filled with mercy and healing whereby he might draw all people unto his
bosom in love exceeding.
12 For which of you, being father or mother, if your child transgress will not forgive? or, Which of you
will curse forever your children’s children for the sake of a child’s transgression?
13 If you then, being human only, will forgive and curse not, how much more will God forgive seeing
that he is holy and merciful unto the children of his soul?
14 For you are not degenerate and fallen as these churchgoers would have you believe. For they speak
but the doctrines of men filled with loathing, proclaiming aloud that God has said: ‘For I the Lord thy
God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers unto the third and fourth generations of them
that hate me.’
15 Thus would such men as these fashion God like unto themselves, that he might not rise above their
own image and likeness, being small and filled with pettiness.
16 That even as they are filled with anger, so then is the god of their understanding made angry also; as
they are filled with hate and loathing, so have they fashioned god; as they are made subject unto wrath
and vengeance, so have they made subject unto like passions the god of their own understanding.
17 Why then will you be made to fear such a god as this, who by vain passions is made no greater than
the least of you? Will you love him for the sake of fear only?
18 Come now and hear this parable and be not afraid any longer: For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto
a father who went on a far journey and he called certain men to watch over his children till he should
come and take them again unto himself.
19 But when the father had journeyed away, the men took the children into their charge, saying:
‘Behold how the father has left you alone because of your great wickedness, that even such
righteousness as you would perform is no more than filthy rags in his sight.
20 Consider how provoked the father is become because of such children as you. For this cause has he
given us charge over you, that except you shall do as we instruct, then shall the father return to exercise
against the disobedient great punishment; and torment and horror shall descend upon you in judgment,
even unto the weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
21 Now it so happened that the children grew fearful of the father who loved them, thinking only of his
wrath and vengeance.
22 And when the father returned to take again his children unto himself to tender them with great
affection, they did cry in terror and fled, even every one, far away from him.
23 Come now and answer wisely: What shall the father do to such men as these? Truly I tell you that
they shall not escape the indignation of God, neither shall they rest night nor day except they first repair
the breech.
24 By such contrivance would the teachers and preachers of religion separate you from the love of God;
that being made fearful, they might hedge up the way against you lest you should by some means find
again the Father and live.
25 Thus would they make Christ unlike the natural man, being perfect; that by his death all people
might stand condemned before the cross, being made worthy of all reproach.
26 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear; for I tell you truly that the love of God manifest itself not
in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as these men would have you suppose, but rather in
those things which Yeshua desired to teach unto the children of men.
27 That by the exercise of a goodly faith unto good works, they might draw nigh again unto the Father
of their soul, being made holy even as he is holy.
28 Come now and hear again this parable: For it so happened that on a certain day, Yeshua of Nazareth
went walking by the sea, and in the heat of the day he rested himself beneath the palms.
29 Now there came unto him this Jesus Christ of the Christians wearing garments made red with blood,
¬and he desired to contend with Yeshua, seeing that he was alone.
30 And sitting himself down, Jesus Christ and Yeshua spoke one unto the other all that day. And in the
evening tide, when the wind caressed the waters of the sea and the birds of the air made ready their
nests, Yeshua rose from his place and speaking unto Christ, said: ‘My friend, I fear that you and I shall
never agree.’
31 And Yeshua turned himself again unto the children of his soul, being made joyful that he should walk
among them.
32 But Christ, rising from his place, turned himself again unto the doctrines and creeds of the faithful;
muttering to himself always concerning the works and deeds of saints and martyrs, popes and
33 Hear now this great mystery and ponder deeply: For this Yeshua of Nazareth whom these men
would call Christ, even he is the Father of your soul, being Emmanuel unto the children of men.
34 Why, therefore, would you let such teachings as these men would afford, separate you from the
Father who loves you? or, Why will you not believe?
35 For it was written: ‘And Philip said unto him, Lord, show us the Father and we will believe.’ And
Yeshua answered him, saying: ‘Have I been with you this long and still you do not know me, Philip?
Whosoever has seen me has seen the Father also. How say you then, show us the Father?
36 Will you not believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words which I speak
unto you I speak not of myself; but the Spirit of the Father who dwells in me, he speaks all these things.’
37 Thus spoke Yeshua of Nazareth, even Emmanuel, unto the children of his soul. Therefore, think not
yourselves unworthy of such glory as he would grant unto you.
38 For even God your Father came forth to dwell upon the earth, even as a man having flesh and bone
like unto yourselves, being born unto life even as you are born.
39 Whosoever, therefore, would abide in God, let them walk even as Yeshua walked: Who being in the
form of man, thought it not robbery to be equal to God.
40 For hereunto were you called according to the will of the Father, that by his example we might, with
assurance, follow in his steps.
41 Therefore, if you would be justified before God, seek you diligently the vision of heavenly things; and
entangle yourselves no more in the doctrines of churchgoers, that you may be doers of the word and
not hearers only.
42 For it is given unto all who are willing to become as Only Begotten, even as Yeshua, full of grace and
truth; that you may prove yourselves worthy of all acceptance before the heavenly hosts, being made
heirs of great glory, even as the sons and daughters of God.
43 Walk therefore, with much assurance, in the way of holiness and fear not the prattlings of
churchgoers. Press forward, nothing doubting, that you might approach boldly the throne of God, having
been made pure by a deep and abiding love.
44 Think not, therefore, that by such and such a doctrine you are justified before God. For the way of
holiness manifest itself only according to such tenderness as you would grant unto the children of men.
45 Burden not yourselves, therefore, with the preachments of churchgoers; neither concern yourselves
over such judgments as they shall bring against you, for there is but one who judges righteously and he
is God.
46 For the Father of your soul is quick in understanding, piercing deeply into the heart of man: Surely he
shall not judge by the seeing of the eye alone, neither will he reprove the wayward by the hearing of
ears only.
47 For the judgments of God are quick and certain, dividing asunder the ways of man both body and
soul, discerning always the thoughts and intents of the heart.
48 Surely he shall judge with equity the poor of the earth; he shall comfort the meek, and unto the
wayward will he stretch forth his hand to make straight the paths of righteousness; by his great
affections he shall heal the fallen and oppressed.
49 For your God is not without understanding concerning the frailties of man, for even so great a one as
he thought it not unseemly to become as one of you when he came as Yeshua to walk upon the earth.
50 But there lived in that day certain churchgoers, men of authority like unto these who stand before
you, and they sought diligently whereby they might kill this Yeshua of Nazareth.
51 For they proclaimed against him, saying: ‘Behold a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a Samaritan
eating, drinking, and making merry, a friend of outcasts and fornicators.
52 Surely he is possessed of demons, for he has pushed aside all our authority before the people, and
they do begin to ridicule us and to mock us in public places.’ So they took counsel privily, seeking ever to
destroy the Holy One.
53 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear and understand. For I tell you truly that these
churchgoers who stand before you wrapped round about in such authority as they would give
themselves, even they would kill again this Yeshua of Nazareth if he should come again to walk among
54 Woe unto you hypocrites, churchgoers with hands made red with blood. What are your churches
now if not the tombs and sepulchers of that God whom your fathers murdered?
55 Guard yourselves, therefore, against the righteousness of churchgoers; for by word and deed would
they hope to make you subject unto certain men of authority, that they might hedge up the way against
you, that you might be encompassed round about with the doctrines and creeds of men.
56 Watch, therefore, and beware: For in the beginning did the teachers and preachers of the church
seize the keys of deep knowledge and with great cunning did they hide them beneath the robes of their
authority, securing them against you for the sake of their traditions.
57 I tell you truly, they shall not enter into the kingdom of God, neither would they permit that you
should enter either.
58 Whosoever has ears to hear let them hear. For it was spoken by Yeshua this saying: ‘Behold, the
kingdom of Heaven is within you.’
59 Why, therefore, have you gone seeking beyond yourselves, ever hoping that perchance you might
find God? Did you not know that you, even every one of you, whether male or female, are a part of God
and that God is a part of you?
60 Hear now and understand deeply: For if you would know yourself truly, then shall the Father know
you also; that having secured to your soul that portion of God within, you might become the sons and
daughters of great glory.
61 But if it so be that you will not know yourself, then shall you dwell in poverty, having taken to
yourself no knowledge of heavenly things.
62 If, therefore, you would know the mysteries of God, then seek first the mystery within; for therein
shall you find an abundance of goodly things. For the kingdom of Heaven is made to dwell in every man
and every woman.
63 Know yourself and therein shall you be richly blessed. Seek without ceasing and then shall you surely
find hidden treasures in abundance; for whosoever finds shall be filled with a multitude of wonder, for
there shall unfold before them a sure knowledge of God.
64 But whosoever shall fail in knowing themselves, even though they possess great knowledge, they
shall become as the morning mist which fades before the heat of day, being ignorant of the mystery
65 Let all who desire come unto me, for I will in nowise cast away the children of God; for I am come
that you might take to your soul the vision of heavenly things.
66 For I will reveal unto all who are willing, whether male or female, the hidden mysteries of God.
Surely I will give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard, and no hand has touched, nor
entered into the heart of man.”
67 Now when the elders of the church heard these words, they grew angry with the Teacher and
demanded to know of him by what authority he spoke unto the people.
68 And he answered, saying: “I, too, would ask of you a question; and if it so be that you answer rightly,
then I will tell you by what power I speak and do these things which you see.
69 Come now and before the people answer: The death of Yeshua, was it according to the will of God or
70 And one answered him, saying: “Surely it was according to the will of God. For how shall we attain
for ourselves the glory of Heaven except there first be made some blood atonement wherein all our sins
are forgiven?
71 For by Adam’s transgression did death come upon every man, but in the death of Christ are we made
alive unto God, having been cleansed of all corruption.”
72 Thus spoke the elders before the people, and the Teacher hearing this, said: “Is it not written among
you this saying: ‘We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s
73 Seeing that this is held as true among you, what need have you of blood atonement? Consider,
therefore, how that by such doctrines as you would teach, you would make God to appear as being
bloodier than you yourselves.”
74 Now when the Teacher had said these things, the elders grew troubled and filled with wrath. And
one spoke, saying: “Well was it written of you this saying: ‘Beware of false prophets which come to you
in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.’
75 Surely you are a wicked man filled with deceit, for by your words are the righteous distressed and
the churches made weary of trouble.
76 How say you, therefore, that you are come from God unto the people? Shall God deal harshly with
the faithful for your sake alone? Shall all our worship become as nothing and the church left desolate?”
77 And the Teacher hearing this, spoke, saying: “Is it not written among you this saying: ‘Behold,
vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of
desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the
face of the earth, saith the Lord.
78 And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; first among
those among you who have professed to know my name and have not known me, who have
blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.’
79 You brood of serpents, churchgoers filled with corruption: How long did you think you could escape
the indignations of God which are risen as a storm against you?
80 Consider, therefore, how that everything which God has not planted, even that shall he uproot and
cast away as a thing defiled.
81 How long shall God suffer that you should clothe yourselves in self righteousness? Behold, how your
priesthood is left desolate, having no effect.
82 Is it not written, therefore, that the Lord of the house should purge it every whit whereby he might
make you clean again? And how shall the house be made clean again except there first be raised some
little dust?”
Chapter 13
Why the Teacher speaks in parables – Parable: The Naked Truth and the Techni-colored Robes – The
virtue of patience – Parable: The Child and the Butterfly – Patience is the seed of wisdom – Being worthy
to receive the greater portion – Parable: Three Men for Hire – Magnifying the things of God
1 Now there came out from the churches, certain ones desiring to inquire of the Teacher. And one said
to him: “Sir, why do you speak both truth and parable as one?
2 For when it was asked of Christ concerning this thing, he spoke, saying: ‘The knowledge of the
mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to others.
3 Whosoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even
what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak in parables.’
4 Come now and speak plainly concerning this thing; for the written word have we struggled with night
and day, being unable to understand.”
5 And the Teacher, taking thought, spoke unto them saying: “How shall you understand this thing
seeing that the words of Yeshua are made corrupt through priestcraft and cunning devices?
6 For I tell you truly, that the teachings of Yeshua have conspiring men obscured for the sake of their
traditions; that by such uncertainties as might arise, they might draw you unto themselves whereby they
would exercise power and authority over you.
7 But seeing that you would take to your soul some understanding, hear and ponder deeply; for I would
that even all people should be granted some knowledge of heavenly things, and not just a few.
8 Thus by truth and parable would I speak unto the children of men, that according to their several
abilities they might possess great wisdom; that by such greatness of soul, the mysteries of godliness
might be revealed.
9 Hear now this parable: For in days of old, God sent forth the messenger of truth to walk among the
affairs of men. But all men grew offended and would not give heed; for the messenger of truth walked
about naked and many rejected him because of it.
10 And the messenger of truth withdrew from the ways of men, and turning again unto God he
complained because among the children of men would none give heed, for all were offended because of
his nakedness.
11 But God, being filled with compassion, smiled upon the messenger of truth and said: ‘Perhaps the
truth alone is too great for the heart of man.’ So God fashioned robes made rich by color, shade, and
12 And God clothed the truth in beauty, and the messenger of truth seeing such splendid robes placed
upon him, exclaimed aloud, saying: ‘Surely this robe is beautiful above all the rest. Tell me Lord,
wherewith were such robes fashioned?’
13 And God answered, saying: ‘These are the robes of parable, allegory and metaphor which are made
to cover your nakedness. Return now and walk again among the affairs of men; and whatsoever truth
you should speak, wrap it round about in a parable, or an allegory, or again in a metaphor; that by the
beauty of your speech they might take to their soul some understanding.
14 For the ways of God are far above the ways of men. Therefore, I have prepared a way whereby all
who are willing might take to themselves great treasures of wisdom.
15 Speak now the truth in parable, that by such earthly things as you would speak, the children of men
might perceive deeply the shadow of heavenly things.’
16 So truth journeyed again among the ways of men clothed in the robes of parable, allegory, and
metaphor and many marveled at his beauty and taking heed became wise indeed.”
17 Now when the Teacher said these things, another spoke to him, saying: “Sir, the harder I try to take
to my soul the things of God, the harder it is to lay hold: Tell me why this is so.”
18 And the Teacher answered, saying: “Among the wise it is said that the race is not always won by the
swiftest, nor is the victory of battle given always to the strong.
19 Why will you not learn, therefore, that in patience are the things of God acquired? For by such
patience as you would exercise before God, shall you possess anew that soul which God has given into
your keeping; that there might flow from the midst of you great wisdom and deep understanding.
20 But if you would make haste to secure the things of God, then shall sorrow make ready its bed for
you, and despair shall follow hard upon the way.
21 Hear now and consider deeply: Are all the wise made prosperous in this life? Are riches given to men
of understanding always? Shall men of skill be favored above all the rest? Behold, I tell you truly: time
and circumstance are apportioned unto all of these.
22 Therefore, in patience shall you secure to your soul the things of God; for the wise are made so for
patience sake, and unto these would God grant the hidden mysteries of his kingdom.
23 For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a child who went chasing after a butterfly made beautiful and
rare. But for all his efforts, the child could not take the butterfly unto himself.
24 For wheresoever the butterfly would land, the child would rush upon it to seize, but whenever the
child drew near, the butterfly would fly away.
25 Now it so happened that the child was made weary from all his efforts, and he sat himself down and
in the stillness waited.
26 And the butterfly seeing the child at rest, came and landed gently upon his hand; and the child
marveled greatly at its beauty, and in the stillness of his soul did wisdom grow.
27 Why will you not be wise? For patience is the seed of wisdom, and in calmness shall the Spirit of God
seal instruction upon the heart.
28 Make manifest your trust in God by doing good always unto the children of men, and he shall bring
to pass the desires of your heart.
29 Commit your ways unto God and in his bosom rest; fret not your soul to sorrow for patience sake,
and the joy of God shall descend upon the soul in great wisdom, enlarging always the borders of your
mind until there shall be nothing hidden from you.
30 Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear: For many have received to themselves a portion of
heavenly things, having revealed in them the whisperings of the Great Mother Spirit; but
notwithstanding these things, they became as foolish children, saying to themselves:
31 ‘Surely God has revealed to me some great thing, but except he reveal greater things, why should I
labor so? For how can I continue except that God should first consent to give unto me some greater
32 Foolish children, disobedient and unwise! How shall God reveal unto you the greater portion except
that you first labor according to that which he has granted already?
33 Unto what person shall God teach the hidden ways of his glory? Who will understand the mysteries
of his power? Only those who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast.
34 For precept is laid upon precept and line upon line, here a little and there a little, even according to
your diligence. Thus shall wisdom lead to greater wisdom, and this according to your righteousness
before God.
35 Open now the doors of your understanding and be wise: For the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a
rich man who would hire certain laborers, and there came to him three men seeking employment.
36 And seeing them put up their petitions, the rich man determined to test and see which of these he
would hire. So he gave unto each certain instructions and leaving them there, he promised to return and
hire that one who should prove most profitable.
37 Thus it was that in the evening time when the rich man returned, he saw that two of the men were
sitting upon the ground, but yet was the third laboring still.
38 And the rich man drawing nigh unto the first two, asked them for what cause they did not labor. And
the first answered, saying:
39 ‘Am I at fault? Had you but given greater instructions, I would have done some great thing. For this
cause alone did I withhold my hand from laboring. Therefore, give me some further instructions and I
will prove my worth to you.’
40 And inquiring further, the second replied, saying: ‘Did I not do even as you commanded? For I did
not withhold my hand altogether as this other fellow. Come now and see: Did I not complete that which
you determined that I should do? Seeing that this is so, why should I not rest awhile till you returned?’
41 But the rich man calling unto himself the one who labored still, required of him an accounting also,
and he replied, saying:
42 ‘Good sir, in all that you instructed me to do did I find an abundance of wisdom. Therefore, seeing
that I had completed the task which you gave me to perform, and seeing yet that you had not returned,
I set myself to labor again; believing before God that such instructions as you gave aforetime would
prove sufficient unto this other also.’
43 And the rich man turning to the first two, said: ‘Did I not give unto each of you equal instruction,
sufficient and wise? Seeing, therefore, that this fellow has completed all that I required of him, and has
magnified that portion which was given into his keeping: Why should I not choose him above all the
44 Thus speaking, the rich man took to himself the one who labored most diligently; and the first two,
being filled with bitterness, turned themselves away and spoke evil continually against the rich man and
the laborer.
45 Therefore, whatsoever thing God would grant for your instruction, be wise and magnify again that
portion unto goodly works, that you may prove yourself worthy to receive.
46 For whosoever receives of God a portion of heavenly things, of them shall God require also; that
having received great things from above, you might become as God before all the people, being filled
with wisdom and holiness.
47 If you would draw nigh unto God, become even as he is. For by such knowledge as God would give
into your keeping are you sanctified unto holiness, and by such goodly deeds as you shall perform unto
the children of men are you justified to receive still the greater portion.
48 Why, therefore, will you fall short of such glory as God would grant unto you? Why will you trouble
your soul to sorrow concerning the hidden things of God?
49 Why will you not learn? Why will you not take to your soul the beginning of wisdom? For whosoever
would desire for themselves the greater portion of heavenly things, let them labor first according to that
which God has given already.”
50 So spoke the Teacher unto those who would seek after wisdom. And turning away, he went unto his
own place.
Chapter 14
The Teacher carried away into eternity – Heavens declare the glory of God – Man was in the beginning
with God – The law of kind cleaving to kind – “Behold the citizens of eternity” – Becoming as the Only
Begotten – Souls of the Just Made Perfect – Emmanuel and Sophiel progress – The role of Adam and Eve
– Yeshua and the Great Mother Spirit – The false principle of Blood Atonement
1 And in the visions of the night, God called unto the Teacher, saying: “Get you up into a high mountain,
for I shall cause to be revealed unto you what no eye has seen, and no ear has heard, or entered into the
heart of any man.”
2 Now when the man awoke, he took a staff and went unto a solitary place and there came unto him,
Emmanuel, and with him were gathered a host of ministering angels. And there was under his feet a
clear blue pavement like unto sapphire.
3 Then the Lord commanded the angels to wash and anoint him, and when they had accomplished this,
they took him by the hand and stood him upon the blue pavement and placed a white robe upon him.
4 And Emmanuel took the man by the hand and through the veil did take him, and, behold, the earth
did vanish away in an instant and in the bosom of eternity was he made to stand and beside him the
angels in heavenly array.
5 And there was in the midst of eternity great marvels and wonders, for all creation moved round about
in their order before the hosts of Heaven in great splendor.
6 For the heavens declare the glory of God; the multitude of stars sing forth his praise. Behold how the
sun is become as a diadem to declare his great power.
7 Behold how creation does magnify the Lord of Hosts, that even worlds without end should sing forth
his glory; that even the soul of eternity might enlarge her borders to make room for the tabernacle of
the great God.
8 And the Teacher spoke unto Emmanuel, saying: “How wonderful is your name above all the earth, for
you have established your glory high above the heavens.
9 When I consider the heavens and the works of your hand, the universe and all that is in them, which
you have established for your glory: What is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man that
you should consider him?
10 For you have made him a little lower than the heavenly hosts; yet you have crowned him with glory
and honor, that even he should be made ruler over the works of your hands.
11 For you have placed his feet upon the high path, that he should be exalted nigh unto you, that he
should possess dominion and power over every other creature whom you have made.”
12 And the Lord answered, saying: “Behold, man was in the beginning with God, for the spirits of all the
children of God did I organize from the intelligences which flow as a mighty river of light, even the light
of truth, throughout the immensity of space.
13 In the beginning did the hosts of Heaven sing together, for the spirit of man was innocent before
God. For this cause was there prepared a way whereby even all the children of my soul might become
even as I am.
14 And every man whose spirit receives not the light of my glory, even that one is filled with darkness,
for in the beginning was the law given whereby intelligence shall cleave unto intelligence, wisdom
receives unto itself greater wisdom, truth embraces truth, virtue loves virtue, and light follows hard
after light.
15 For, behold, it is written that the glory of God is intelligence, which intelligence is the light of truth.
16 Therefore, every man who does not receive unto his soul the light of truth, even that man shall find
unto his soul a multitude of sorrow, for unto him shall be granted neither increase nor glory, for the
glory of God has he rejected.
17 For what has light to do with darkness, seeing that they are opposites? And wherewith shall
intelligence agree with ignorance?
18 Consider now the glory of Heaven. For in Heaven are all things established in the brightness of their
majesty, that they might be clothed in exceeding beauty. For in Heaven has joy and peace made their
habitation rich in excellence.”
19 And the Lord Emmanuel took the Teacher and set him in the midst of the heavenly hosts, that he
should see with his own eyes the congregations of the mighty.
20 And the Lord spoke again unto him, saying: “Behold the citizens of eternity. For in the kingdom of
God are there but three kinds of beings: ministering angels who possess bodies of flesh and bone like
unto man; yet are they eternal, dwelling forever in the presence of God.
21 Behold now the Souls of the Just Made Perfect; these are they who are like unto me, even
Emmanuel, creator of earth, moon, and sun; having created from my soul a multitude of spirits, both
male and female, that they might be unto me even as the children of my soul.
22 Consider now the greatest of all the citizens of eternity, even the Arch Angels of Elohim; these are
they who possess unto their glory celestial bodies of flesh and bone, being unlike the natural man,
having taken unto themselves a fullness of beauty and light exceeding.
23 Now in the beginning of time did I desire that my children should inherit unto themselves a fullness
of glory. Therefore, a way was prepared whereby the children of men might be justified, that they might
come to a fullness of the Father and the Mother, that they might always walk uprightly before me.
24 And throughout all the dispensations of time have I accomplished this, that all those who would
dwell in the holiness of their Father and Mother might be sanctified to receive unto themselves a
fullness of glory.
25 For unto all who shall become holy will I give power to become even as the Only Begotten of both
the Father and the Mother, who are full of grace and truth, and to them shall all authority be given, both
in Heaven and on earth.
26 And they shall commune forever with the General Assembly and all the congregations of the
Firstborn, that they might receive unto themselves the wisdom of God wherein they shall bring to pass
the immortality and eternal life of man.
27 And when they shall accomplish all that is expedient in me to do, I shall make death sweet for them,
for I shall give to all who become begotten of the Father the assurance of peace and exaltation. For in
the moment that they shall close their eyes in death, even then shall the Father of their spirit take them
by the hand and bring them unto eternal life.
28 And they shall become Gods and Goddesses, dwelling forever in the councils of Elohim.
29 For they shall surely become even as I, before the world was, and unto them shall be completed the
Covenant of Androgyny, and they shall be taught the Law of Pairing, that forever they might be as
husband and wife throughout all the generations of eternity. For by the power of Heaven shall they be
sealed together as one before the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
30 For unto every husband and wife who shall receive the promise of exaltation shall be given the
power to organize spirit children in the manner of their own likeness, for in the beginning was the law
given that kind should produce after its own kind.
31 For together shall the man and the woman be taken into the streams and rivers of intelligence by
their Heavenly Father and Mother, and there shall husband and wife come together by reason of their
love one for the other, and they shall fashion unto themselves spirit children without number.
32 Therefore, consider how great this covenant is, for by reason of this priesthood are granted unto the
Souls of the Just Made Perfect, the powers of God.
33 And thus shall all those who become as the Only Begotten of the Father in this life attain unto the
Souls of the Just Made Perfect in the kingdom of God. And they shall become as Emmanuel, who in the
beginning did fashion even all the spirits of the children of men, even before the world was.
34 And when these things shall come to pass, when all the children of men shall have inherited that
glory which was prepared for them from the beginning, when the earth shall be lifted up before the
throne of the great God, then shall I, Emmanuel, ascend unto my Father, even Michael, and I shall
become even as he is, an Arch Angel of the Most High God.
35 Consider how great the mysteries of godliness are, that even the God of glory should descend from
on high to give you instruction.
36 Therefore, attend diligently unto all the words which shall be spoken to you for your learning; for
unto you is given power and authority to write them unto the children of my soul.
37 For where they have no knowledge, even I will instruct them; where they have no understanding,
behold, even I will counsel them and give into their keeping treasures of deep wisdom.
38 For by these words which you shall write unto the children of men, will my Spirit attend and bear
witness of; and whosoever shall give heed to learn all the words which are given you to write, and who
are diligent to obey the whisperings of the Spirit unto them, in them will I place a new heart and a new
39 And unto all those who shall attain unto this glory will be given the powers of creation. For they shall
not have bodies of flesh and bone like unto ministering angels; but they shall be perfected souls,
possessing a spiritual body like unto their Father, even Emmanuel.
40 And when they shall organize unto themselves the spirits of the children of God, they shall prepare a
way whereby all who are faithful to do righteousness may progress in glory even until they obtain a
fullness thereof.
41 For this cause did I come forth unto the earth, being Yeshua of Nazareth, that I might teach unto the
children of men the way in which they should go.
42 That all who are willing, whether male or female, might come again unto the heavenly hosts after
the days of their mortal probation, that they might become as the Soul of the Just Made Perfect, like
unto their Heavenly Father and Mother.
43 But consider now this mystery, how that the way is prepared that the spirits of many noble should
be ushered into the veil of mortality, that they might learn good and evil, that they might seek after the
Father of their spirit, even as these upon the earth seek to follow me.
44 Now in the beginning when I desired that the spirits which I organized should progress even as I,
behold, my Father, even Michael the Arch Angel, did go down unto the earth with my Mother beside
him, that they might establish seed among all the children of men.
45 Therefore, in the beginning did they together dream, and Adam and Eve walked upon the earth to
have many sons and daughters. And God moved upon all the children of men, and he did breathe into
them the breath of his life, and men became as living souls, for in their bosoms did the promise of glory
take root.
46 And the promise grew until all the children of men received the hope of life everlasting. And thus did
the spirit children of God come to dwell in the tabernacles of men upon the earth.
47 And when all these things were accomplished, I was brought before the councils of Elohim that I
might become unto the children of men, even the very Anointed One.
48 And with my Father did I covenant to prepare the way whereby exaltation should come upon the
obedient and the faithful. And in the meridian of time was I, even Emmanuel, born of a woman, to enter
again the veil of mortality, that I might walk among the children of men unto whom the promise was
given, that I might teach them the way in which they should go.
49 And that woman unto whom I was sealed in the beginning, even Sophiel who is likened unto the
wisdom of God, even she became unto the children of men the Great Mother Spirit that bears witness
of the truth in all things.
50 And throughout all the days of my probation did she dwell upon me, to bring me to a remembrance
of many covenants, that I might fulfill the promises given unto the children of men through the spirit of
51 Consider, therefore, how great the Father’s love, that even I should come unto the earth to dwell
among the children of men; that by such words as I would give, might even all who hunger and thirst
after righteousness be filled to overflowing.
52 For the power of my word shall be as a light to those who are lost in darkness, and as a stream of
living waters in a parched and dreary land.
53 For such exaltation as God would give comes not by reason of my death upon the cross, but it is my
word which gives eternal life, for the words which I speak are spirit, and they are life.
54 What shall it profit a man if he believe in my death and burial, or if he take delight in my resurrection
but does not the things that I say? For I have left unto all who will, an example that they should follow in
my steps, that they might become even as the Only Begotten of the Father.
55 For the promise of eternal life is given to all the children of men, for as God would send his rain unto
the good and the bad, so shall he grant the fulfillment of all his words.
56 But to those who shall keep my words to obey them, and who shall follow diligently after me, unto
them shall be given exaltation and eternal life in the kingdom of God.
57 Therefore, as I did become both Father and Emmanuel unto all the spirits which I organized in the
beginning before the world was, even so shall all they who become as the Soul of the Just do also.
58 But unto all those who shall become as Emmanuel unto the spirits which they shall organize, hear
and understand this mystery that you may learn wisdom; for to shed blood does not atonement make.
59 Yet consider how that there are worlds without number in the immensity of space, but only upon
this world did the children of men become so great in iniquity for religion’s sake that they would crucify
the Father of their spirit when he should come to walk among them.
60 But on other worlds this is not so. For the power of the Oneness is found in the wisdom and
knowledge of God, and in holiness would the Anointed One lift all who are willing beside the God of
61 Therefore, because there was such great wickedness in this world for religion’s sake, it was believed
by many that redemption should come by reason of the blood of Christ, and this great wickedness came
upon the children of men because Lucifer did fall from the glory of God and to this earth was he cast.”
Chapter 15
Story of Shaemdiel and the war in Heaven – Shaemdiel is bound and still unrepentant – Free agency and
Shaemdiel’s opposition to it – Being cast down unto the earth – Shaemdiel threatens to bring havoc to
mortal men – The purpose of the Only Begotten explained – The desolation of Shaemdiel foretold – The
earth groans at the fall of Shaemdiel – Emmanuel confirmed as the Anointed One – Administering the
oath and covenant of dispensations
1 Now in the beginning was Shaemdiel bound and brought before the Most High God to give account,
for there arose in Heaven a great contention, for the Fallen One had deceived many.
2 And Shaemdiel was made to kneel before God and his mighty ones, and he would not cease his many
threats, nor would he repent of his great evil.
3 And God spoke unto him, saying: “How is it that you are fallen, Shaemdiel? How is it that you would
war against the councils of Elohim, to deceive many?
4 Did I not give into your keeping the fires of Kolob, that light should be unto you as a covering? How is
it that you are bound in the darkness and these many with you?
5 Why has your countenance fallen and your glory faded away? Behold the heavens, how they grieve
because of you; for by your cunning have many fallen pierced with deep wounds.”
6 And Shaemdiel was filled with threatenings and in much anger spoke before God, saying: “Behold,
now do you glory in your victory, yet in a day that you think not of, I shall take from you the kingdom,
and your glory shall cleave unto me and no other.”
7 And the Most High God, even the Father of All, answered, saying: “Will you not even now repent of
this evil? For what cause have you rebelled against the councils of Elohim? Wherein did the Lord your
God cause you to fall?”
8 And Shaemdiel arose and stood before the great God of Heaven and with much boldness spoke,
saying: “Because you would give unto the children of men your agency, I did rebel. Behold, it is not good
that men should be free to choose between good and evil.
9 Wherefore, I would that only I should choose, that I might redeem even all the spirits which I have
made. For by your agency would only a few attain unto the glory; yet by my word alone would I have
exalted all, that none should be lost and my glory would increase and have no end.
10 But this Michael, even he whom you love above all others, even he has turned aside my counsel
from before you and my glory has he diminished.
11 Therefore I did wax hot in my anger and took before the heavenly hosts my cause; and a third of the
hosts did hearken unto my words, to take again my glory and my honor, that through me they might
possess for themselves the kingdom forever.
12 Behold even now my faithful ones, who by oath and covenant did cleave unto me. In their
faithfulness do I delight. You, God, are the victor, yet we are not defeated.
13 Hear, O heavens, can any unclean thing dwell before the Most High? No, it cannot. Therefore, you
shall cast us far from you.
14 By your righteousness shall we be cast out from your holy habitation, and my glory shall you give to
another; and the Son of the Morning shall you leave desolate, and these many with me.”
15 And when Shaemdiel had finished speaking, behold God, even the Father of All, stood forth in all his
glory and the hosts of Heaven also, and by his side stood Emmanuel, and beside him stood the Mighty
16 And the God of Heaven spoke saying: “Behold, Shaemdiel, how the heavens did shake sore because
of you, that even I should sorrow because of you.
17 You have called upon Heaven to bear witness that no unclean thing may dwell before me; therefore,
because of your great wickedness, you are cast out from before me.
18 Behold even now my mighty ones who did war against many fallen; behold, they come for you,
Shaemdiel, to cast from Heaven the disobedient.
19 For by my word shall I cast you down to that world beyond all beginnings, and there shall you be
removed far from me, and Heaven shall rest from your great hunger, for in the kingdom of my glory shall
no room be found for you.”
20 And Shaemdiel answered, saying: “If you cast me down to the earth, then I will take these faithful
spirits with me and I will whisper into the hearts of men, and with many promises I shall entice the souls
of men far from you.
21 And over the spirits which you have prepared to come into the children of men shall I have both
power and dominion, and in that day shall I take again my glory.
22 For by the power of my word shall I cause many nations to shake; by the fierceness of my wrath shall
the earth be made to tremble, for in my right hand shall I bring war, and in my left pestilence. The
habitations of man shall I make desolate.
23 For I shall cause violence to rage in the hearts of men, and they shall become drunk with blood, even
as with much wine; by the lusts of the flesh shall I consume many.
24 Thus shall I bring havoc upon the earth, and the spirits which you have organized shall grow weary of
you by reason of many sorrows, and in that day shall the children of men rise up and curse the God of
25 So shall I gather unto myself the souls of men and therein shall my power increase, and I shall ascend
into the highest Heaven to stand above you.
26 These your mighty ones shall I cast down into that great Abyss, and before the heavenly hosts shall I
exalt my throne above the stars of God.”
27 Now when God heard these things he called unto the Only Begotten, that he might stand before the
congregations of the noble and the mighty.
28 And the Father of All spoke, saying: “Behold, Shaemdiel, the Only Begotten. Him shall I send to
redeem the children of men from your dominion. For through him shall many be reconciled and over
them you shall have no power.
29 For whosoever shall believe in him, to do those things which he shall command them to do, shall
have forgiveness of sins, and I shall not remember their transgressions evermore; and I shall give unto
them eternal life, that where the Father is, there might they be also.
30 And they shall become unto me as sons and daughters of the Most High God, and I shall set them
before me, and in Heaven shall there be great rejoicing, for they shall ever continue in worlds without
31 My glory shall be unto them as a covering, for the fullness of my glory shall be given unto them.
32 Consider now my mighty ones, even these seven; these shall I send to the earth to teach the children
of men the ways of holiness, that the children of men might walk uprightly before the Father of their
soul and not grow weary, for unto the righteous shall I give an everlasting testimony.
33 What can you do, Shaemdiel, to bring to naught the designs of God? What power have you that can
stay my hand, that I should not do good unto the children of men?
34 For because of your evil you shall be cast from Heaven, and you shall have no power, neither glory
over the children of men except as they shall give consent.
35 Consider even now how you are fallen, Shaemdiel! Consider how you are cast down even unto the
earth, and your glory faded away as a shadow.
36 For you have boasted: ‘I will ascend above the highest Heaven, and I shall be worshipped even as the
Most High God.
37 For I will ascend high into the heavens; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God to sit above the
heavenly hosts.’
38 You shall be brought down to nothingness; by the word of my power shall you be brought low unto
the dust even as a worm.
39 And all they who were made to tremble because of you shall look upon you to scorn, and they shall
greatly ridicule you and with derision shall they exclaim:
40 ‘Is this the man that made the nations to shake, who devoured the children of men in his anger, who
made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof by war and pestilence?’
41 In that day, Shaemdiel, the children of men shall lose their fear of you. For I will give unto them
knowledge, and in the knowledge a hidden wisdom, deep and everlasting.
42 And they shall mount the wind as eagles and ascend high into the heavens, and I shall stretch forth
my hand to establish peace among the nations, and they shall not learn war any more.
43 For I will turn aside the terror of the mighty, and the child shall dwell in safety, the mother shall
cease her lament; the waste places shall I restore and there shall be no more desolation, for I shall make
the habitations of the children of men pleasant to the eye, to fill the heart with gladness.
44 And the nations of the earth shall dwell together peaceably, for I will establish my tabernacle with
the children of men. And God, even the Lord of Hosts, shall go among them to bless and curse not.
45 In that day shall I exalt the righteous high above the clouds in great glory, and the children of men
shall I judge even as a loving Father, for I delight in mercy.
46 And when these things shall come to pass among the children of men, I shall take away your great
fierceness from among many nations, and they shall remember you no more.”
47 And when God had finished saying these things, Shaemdiel was taken bound, and many fallen also,
and was cast down to the earth, even as great lightning.
48 And the hearts of men grew faint in that day, for there was great thunder in the heavens, and
darkness covered the face of the land, and the winds did gather mightily, and the lightning fell as rain all
49 And the earth did groan with sorrow, and the mountains were rent even as a garment, and
desolation walked upon the earth, and terror followed hard after the hearts of men to do evil.
50 And after Shaemdiel had been cast down to the earth, the councils of Elohim did gather to confirm
and establish all the words which had been spoken by the Most High God, even the Father of All.
51 And God called unto Emmanuel, and ordained that he should become the very Anointed One that he
might give to the children of men the promise of life everlasting in the kingdom of God, that he might
prepare for the righteous a way of holiness whereby they might be exalted unto God, the Father of All.
52 And unto the seven mighty ones God did minister the oath and covenant of the Law of Dispensation,
that they might bring to the children of men every good thing, both in Heaven and on the earth;
53 That they might teach unto the faithful great words of wisdom, even unto the obtaining of eternal
life, that they might minister unto the children of men the words of their Heavenly Father, even unto
exaltation in the kingdom of God.
54 And when these things were finished, the heavens did rejoice for Shaemdiel had been cast down,
and a way was prepared whereby all those who were faithful to obey the Lord their God might receive
both exaltation and glory beside the throne of God.
Chapter 16
Michael instructs the Teacher – The song of God revealed – How great the mysteries of godliness are –
Mystery of the resurrected Yeshua – How the Law of Kind works – A brilliant globe of light – Arch-Angels
and Hodos Alea – The good promises of God – Becoming as the Souls of the Just Made Perfect – Arch-
Angels and dispensations – Mystery of Azrael revealed – Azrael, the friend of God
1 And when Emmanuel had finished speaking these words to the Teacher, he walked with him a little
way and brought him before Michael the Prince, Arch Angel unto the Most High God, that he might
instruct him concerning all the ways of Heaven.
2 And Michael spoke unto the Teacher, saying: “Peace be unto you.” And the Teacher replied, saying:
“And to you peace, my Lord.”
3 Then did Michael, Prince and Arch Angel of God, smile upon the man and taking him by the arm
walked with him throughout the eternities upon a sea of glass, and there came in Heaven a stillness, for
the hosts of Heaven in silence stood, and in the stillness was there heard a song. For, behold, the soul of
the great God did sing, that he might woo unto himself even every man and every woman, if it so be
that they should hear the song and give heed. For God is not willing that even one should be lost.
4 And Michael spoke, saying: “Have you considered how great the mysteries of godliness are? Have you
considered what great love the Father has for the children of men?
5 For this cause did the Father grant unto all men the promise of immortality and eternal life, that they
might receive unto themselves the glory of their Father.”
6 And the Teacher spoke unto Michael, saying, “Behold, my Lord, how great your majesty is become.
Yet in my wonderment I do puzzle, for behold, this one, even Emmanuel, has said that in the Celestial
Kingdom there are but three kinds of beings:
7 Ministering angels who possess bodies of flesh and bone like unto men; yet they being eternal dwell
forever in the presence of God.
8 Then are there the Souls of the Just Made Perfect, who possess glorified spiritual bodies even as this
Emmanuel did in the beginning.
9 And Arch Angels like unto you, who possess celestial bodies of flesh and bone unlike the natural man,
having taken unto themselves the glory of God.
10 Yet, my Lord, when I look upon this Emmanuel, does he not possess a body of flesh and bone like
unto man? How shall I understand except you teach me also this great mystery?”
11 And Michael answered, saying: “Hear and understand that you might write unto all who will the
mystery of the resurrection. For this Emmanuel which you now see is in the similitude of Yeshua who
rose from the dead, having been crucified by conspiring men.
12 And this body of flesh and bone is given that all men might know concerning the love of God and
receive unto themselves the promise of immortality and life everlasting in the kingdom of Heaven; that
taking to their soul this hope, they might be made free from fear.
13 For by the laws which govern was Yeshua born of a woman and by the grace of God, which was
revealed to him by the Great Mother Spirit, did he establish the way whereby all who are willing might
be exalted.
14 Now in the beginning was the law given that kind should produce after its own kind. The Soul of the
Just, having been made perfect, possessing unto themselves a spiritual body, did organize unto
themselves the spirits of all men, both male and female, and the souls of the children of men did they
cause to dwell upon the earth in tabernacles of mortality.”
15 Now as Michael spoke, behold, there came towards the Teacher a brilliant globe of light, and at
great speed did it rush nigh upon him. But Michael did command softly and with great suddenness the
globe of light was made to stand still; and in the light a child did play; and in the midst of great glory did
he smile upon the man of God.
16 And Michael spoke again, saying: “Behold now this greater mystery and consider: Do I not possess a
celestial tabernacle of flesh and bone?”
17 And the Teacher answered, saying: “Lord, you have a tabernacle of flesh and bone, yet it does
possess great light and glory. Yet this Emmanuel who has taken to himself the resurrected tabernacle of
Yeshua, even he, has not your countenance nor your great majesty. Is not Emmanuel, even your Only
Begotten, the Soul of the Just Made Perfect? Where, therefore, is his great glory?”
18 And Michael answered, saying: “Consider how that in the beginning God, even this Emmanuel, did
organize the intelligences that the spirits of men might be, that he might be unto them even as a loving
Father. And when this was accomplished, I did establish the seed of men, that in their tabernacles the
children of his soul might take root and flourish.
19 For in the beginning was God even as a man, that he might receive the election of grace and be
exalted on high; for even as he is, so might everyone become if it so be that they will be holy even as he
is holy.
20 Now consider the spirit and body of Emmanuel, how that this body of the resurrection is but a
garment, a sign given to the children of men that to their souls they might have hope and rejoice in the
promise of eternal life.
21 But this small child which you now see, possesses glory like unto my own. Therefore, learn wisdom
and consider greatly: For in the beginning was the law given that kind should produce kind.
22 Therefore, this child which you see is the seed of my loins, and he shall grow and be nurtured in the
mansions of his Father, that he might possess unto himself forever the fullness of his Father’s glory.
23 Likewise, when the dispensations of God which are given unto the children of men upon the earth
are completed, there shall be prepared for this Emmanuel a celestial tabernacle like unto my own. And
he shall be nurtured in the bosom of eternity, and even as his Father is, so shall he become an Arch
Angel of the Most High God.
24 Behold, the Arch Angels of God give birth to Gods, for surely they are Gods; and from innumerable
spirits which are organized do the souls of the Gods come. But unto which of many spirits shall the glory
of godliness be given?
25 Therefore, was a way prepared whereby the most noble of all spirits should be made manifest, and
that they should progress throughout all the generations of eternity, until they should become even as
Emmanuel, and when the aeons of their probation are accomplished, when they have completed the
way which is set before them, then shall they be born unto their Heavenly Father and Mother, and in
the bosom of their glory dwell.
26 For behold, the creations of God are without end and none know the beginning from the end
thereof. For in the beginning was I like unto man, and even as I am now, might all become if it so be that
they shall be holy and follow the Lord their God and him only serve.
27 And the way you must go you know, for unto all the children of men is the promise given, that all
men everywhere turn again their hearts unto God with full intent, and follow him only.
28 Then shall they receive unto their souls the wisdom and glory of God, which wisdom shall be to them
as a light unto their feet and a lamp upon their path.
29 And when they shall seek after me to do my will, then surely shall they find me, and I will grant unto
them the way of my Only Begotten, that they might know the perfect will of God, that they might
receive the assurance of grace until they receive the fullness of promise, that they might know that my
faithfulness unto them is stronger than the cords of death.
30 Therefore, unto all who shall keep their eye single to my glory, which glory is to bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of man, unto them shall I give greater light and wisdom, and they shall be
filled with the glory of God, even unto the comprehending of all things.
31 Therefore, sanctify yourselves and be you consecrated unto God, that your souls might become as
one with God through the power of your Heavenly Mother, that you might be lifted up into the presence
of God your Father and receive from his hand a fullness of blessing.
32 Therefore, let all those who have desires to do the work, let them become even as Yeshua, who for
the love of all men desired to do the Father’s will. For as many as have desires, even they are called to
work much righteousness unto the children of men, that they, too, might fulfill the law of Heaven.
33 And they shall receive unto their souls fountains of living water, that they may drink and never thirst
again. And I will feed them as with manna from Heaven and they shall hunger nevermore.
34 For unto all such shall Emmanuel come. And he shall lead them through the power of the Heavenly
Mother, until they come to an understanding of the truth of all things.
35 For behold, I am God, even the Heavenly Father, and I delight to reveal myself unto the children of
men, and though their sins be great, yet shall I have mercy upon them and forgive them with everlasting
36 And I shall come in unto them, and I will be to them even as a tender Father, and they shall be to me
as the children of my loins, and I shall make my abode with them and dwell among them in the
sanctuary. And I will wipe away the tears from their eyes and all things which shall come upon them
shall I turn for their good.
37 Therefore, all those who are called by my Spirit unto this covenant and who are diligent to magnify
their office, even they shall I cause to be exalted, and they shall become the Souls of the Just Made
Perfect, and they shall progress throughout all eternity until they receive the fullness of their Father,
even Emmanuel, who did manifest himself unto the children of men as Yeshua of Nazareth.
38 Therefore, hear and understand, for when the earth shall fulfill the measure of her creation, when
the dispensations which were established aforetime in the councils of Elohim have accomplished the
glory of the Father, then shall a child be born in the kingdom of God, that this Yeshua might become like
unto his Father, an Arch Angel of the Most High.”
39 And the Teacher spoke, saying: “My Lord, greatly have you blessed me, that even such a one as I
should know the mysteries of godliness, for by your grace and condescensions unto me have I been
made a partaker of heavenly things.
40 Tell me, therefore, concerning those who shall become the Arch-Angels of Elohim, that I may teach
unto the children of men the way in which they should go, that they might know for themselves that the
ways of God are as one eternal round.”
41 And Michael spoke again, saying: “Consider then how that the Arch Angel is the source from which
all things of spirit and soul have their beginning, for the Arch Angel is in every deed a Father, and from
him do these things have their beginning.
42 And all worlds whereupon the children of men might dwell have they decreed and set in their orbits,
that they might travel in their course around the suns which were ordained unto them.
43 Therefore, for this reason has the Father of All, even Ahman, ordained unto the sons of his lineage,
even Arch Angels, the Law of Dispensation and the administration thereof, that even God might
establish tabernacles wherein the spirits of many might dwell. Thus is the way set forth wherein the
Heavenly Father might exalt many by reason of those words which he spoke unto the children of men
when he came to dwell among them.
44 Therefore, over all the worlds of creation whereunto the children of men are made to dwell, has God
ordained unto each seven dispensations, and over each has he set his Arch Angels, that they might bring
to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
45 And God ordained that the eldest among the Arch Angels should preside in all righteousness over all
the dispensations which are established.
46 Now this great Prince, even Michael, determined the season in which the spirits of men, whether
male or female, might go forth unto the earth. And when the time appointed drew nigh, Michael did
come down unto the earth with his Beloved, clothed in the flesh of mortality, even in the skins of
animals, that the world might receive the spirits which Emmanuel did fashion according to his love for
Sophiel, even the Great Mother Spirit.
47 And, behold, the seed was established among the children of men, whereby they might become
even as the Gods, to know good and evil, that they might choose the good. And thus did God breathe
into man the breath of his life, and man became a living soul.
48 Consider how great this mystery is: that over each dispensation an Arch Angel is given power and
authority, that he might bring about the great designs of God. That when they should again enter
mortality, they might teach unto all who are able great knowledge, even the knowledge of God.”
49 Now after Michael had said these things, he took the Teacher and bid him follow. And they came
unto a great house and in the midst thereof was a garden of exceeding beauty.
50 And in the midst of the garden stood one who was glorious to behold, and his eyes were closed as if
in sleep.
51 And Michael spoke saying: “Hear and understand even this great mystery. Behold, the Arch Angel
Azrael. For this Azrael is the Great and Mighty One of God, and to him was given the Dispensation of
Fullness wherein the knowledge of Heaven should be granted unto the children of men.
52 Therefore, to accomplish this purpose, God has ordained this mystery. For, behold, in the beginning
did Azrael call forth the greatest and most noble of the heavenly host, and did covenant with them and
ordained that they should come forth into their mortal probation during the days when he should bring
unto the children of men a dispensation of heavenly things.
53 Therefore, are the children of God called and ordained to comfort the sorrowing, and to lift up the
fallen, that they might raise the hand to bless and curse not.”
54 And when the Teacher heard these things, he knelt before the Lord, even Michael the Arch Angel
and said: “My Lord, who am I that you should consider me, or the son of man, that you should visit him?
How my soul is magnified beyond measure because of your glory; even the mysteries of eternity have
you caused to dwell upon me that I should know concerning your grace and condescensions unto the
children of men.”
55 And Michael drawing nigh, stood the Teacher upon his feet, and whispering in his ear, said: “Behold,
I shall be unto you as a friend forever more. For God has chosen you from the beginning and he shall not
cast you away. For behold, even you are Azrael and this life which you have taken among the children of
men is but as a dream unto you.
56 Therefore, fear not, for God is with you always. Be not dismayed, for the Lord our God shall
strengthen your hand unto the work which is set before you. Even the Great God and Father of All will
stretch forth his arm to help you, for he will uphold you by his own hand, to bear you up in times of
57 For where you have no knowledge, even God will instruct you; where you have no understanding,
behold, even the Father of All shall come forth to counsel and give unto you great wisdom.
58 And all those who shall anger because of you, even the false shepherds, will he cause to be
confounded, and all they who shall contend against you shall pass away and darkness shall be their
covering; they that war against you shall be as nothing.
59 For you shall breathe upon them with your hot breath; you shall fan them with great vengeance that
even the wind shall carry them away; behold, as a whirlwind shall they be scattered and desolation shall
be their habitation.”
Chapter 17
Teach diligently: theory, principle and doctrine – Walking in wisdom – Encouragement to ask, seek and
knock – Take to your soul great wisdom, get understanding – Wisdom gained at great cost – Admonition
against judging Azrael – “In a day that you think not of”
1 And Michael spoke, saying, “Come near unto me, O sons of my glory, that you might know the perfect
will of your Father who is in Heaven, for I give unto you a commandment to teach one another the
doctrine of the kingdom.
2 Teach diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory,
in principle, in doctrine, even in things which pertain unto the many ways of men. For there is no
knowledge where God is not. Therefore, fear not to take unto yourselves great wisdom.
3 For he who walks with the wise shall take unto his soul a multitude of wisdom, but he who fears the
wisdom of God shall be as a fool who knows neither his going in nor his coming out.
4 Know, therefore, that it is the Lord who gives wisdom unto the wise, even according to their several
abilities to understand; in the wisdom of God shall the righteous be saved from the designs of cunning
men, and by great understanding shall the godly be preserved in the presence of fools.
5 Surely wisdom will enfold you round about in the arms of safety, and great understanding will guard
you against a flood of many sorrows.
6 Therefore, turn your ear unto wisdom and let your heart seek understanding, that you might more
perfectly take unto your soul the will of God, for all wisdom is of the Lord, and with his mouth does he
give, unto all who will, knowledge and understanding.
7 For the wisdom of God shall enter the heart of all those who shall seek after the God of Heaven, and
the understanding of his ways shall descend upon the soul even as the rain from Heaven.
8 Ask therefore, and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto
you. For everyone who asks shall receive in abundance, and he who seeks shall surely find, and to all
who knock shall the door of understanding be opened.
9 For which of you being a father, if your son ask for bread will give him a stone? Or if he ask for a fish
will give him a serpent instead? If you then, being but men only, know how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who shall ask of him?
10 Blessed, therefore, is that son who shall take unto his soul wisdom, and that man who shall cleave to
understanding; for truly is wisdom more precious than great wealth, and understanding to be more
sought after than a multitude of possessions.
11 Lay hold, therefore, of wisdom and take to your soul a fullness of understanding; forget not the
words of your Father who is in Heaven, neither turn you to the left or the right.
12 For of all those things that men shall seek to take unto themselves, wisdom is the greater; therefore,
take unto yourself wisdom; though it should cost you all that you possess, get understanding.
13 Forsake her not, and she shall watch over all your ways. Esteem her greatly, and she will lift you nigh
unto the Father of your soul. Embrace her unto your heart and she will honor you. Surely she shall set
upon your brow a crown of great glory, in robes of splendor will she clothe you.
14 For the power to lay hold of so great a glory as God would give can be had only by great holiness. For
this cause was it established that by such wisdom as the children of men might lay hold to, shall they
establish the mind in confidence, making sure the foundation of their understanding.
15 Consider, therefore, how the fruit of wisdom is fulfilled in a multitude of blessing, even though the
way thereof is hard and often times filled with sorrow.
16 Thus, even as a mother gives birth in pain and suffering to the child whom she loves, even so is
wisdom come unto the children of men. And as a mother loves dearly the child of her womb,
notwithstanding the pain of bringing forth, so is it appointed unto the children of men to love that
wisdom which is brought forth at great cost.
17 Listen, my son, hear and forget not, that the years of your life might be filled with joy exceeding, that
you might walk always in the light of wisdom.
18 For I will guide you in the way of wisdom if it so be that you will seek after me, and I will lead you in
straight paths. When you walk upon the way, your steps will not falter; when you shall run, you will
neither faint nor stumble but will mount the wind as an eagle.
19 Therefore, cleave unto wisdom and let her flee not away. Hold fast to understanding for she will
prove a multitude of blessings.
20 For the beginning of wisdom have I set before you, even Azrael shall teach you. Therefore, let his
words take root in you, that you might bring forth unto God an abundance of fruit; for surely the harvest
is great but the laborers are few.
21 Only take no thought to condemn my anointed, for from his great love did he covenant to come
forth unto so many, that even such as he might walk among the children of men; that even as they are
made to suffer, even so did he take unto his soul a fullness of their afflictions whereby he might learn
wisdom, that he might stretch forth the hand of blessing unto all the children of men and not just a few.
22 Behold now my son, even Azrael, the great and the mighty. Judge not harshly the fierceness of his
way, neither fear the straightness of his words unto you. For unto his soul has he taken a multitude of
sorrow whereby he might lift up the heavy burden of many fallen.
23 For consider how that even all the children of men were made to stray from the Father of their soul,
and to fear his words when he should speak unto them, and this because of the professors and teachers
of religion.
24 Wherefore, I did send forth unto you this Azrael, to be born of a woman. In the furnace of affliction
did I draw him nigh unto God that he might take unto himself great strength against the day of battle,
for I desired that he should stand boldly before the corrupters of my name, that he might proclaim
aloud the word of God whereby many should be set at liberty again.
25 For in the councils of Elohim was it foreordained that Azrael should walk before the faithful that he
might teach unto them the peaceable things of the kingdom of Heaven, for in the wisdom of God is
there found a way whereby even all might be made one with God if it so be that they are willing.
26 Now consider how Azrael has established before you the way in which you should go, and consider
how that he has taught unto you the mind and will of God, notwithstanding that he has taken upon
himself the flesh of men.
27 Shall I, therefore, take thought to remove him from before you, seeing that he is become an offense
to many? Shall I take from before the children of men, the Teacher who has brought unto you the
knowledge of God and his holiness?
28 Why do you seek cause against my chosen one, seeing that he has set before you the way whereby
you might be free from the priestcrafts of men? For you were as children sick and frightened by the
teachings of foolish men who desired only to have power over you, and all this in the name of that God
whom they knew not.
29 And for your sake did I send Azrael unto you, that even as a physician he might heal you of great
injury, that by the fierceness of his way he might withstand boldly all those who had caused you to fear
30 Therefore, stand you forth boldly as men of God, that you might lift up the hands of my anointed in
the moment of his need.
31 For yet a little while shall my Beloved walk among you, and in a day that you think not of I shall take
him again unto myself, that he might preside again in great glory.”
Chapter 18
The great Eternal Round – The mercy of God – The furnace of affliction – Multiple lives and the mercy of
God – Streams of intelligence – Beginnings of the cosmos – Wisdom shall receive greater wisdom
1 And after Michael had said these things, the Teacher spoke, saying: “My Lord, tell me concerning the
creations and glories of our Father, Ahman; for he is great and mighty, and his righteousness is higher
than the heavens.”
2 And Michael stretched forth his hand before the throne of the great God, and said: “Consider, my
Lord Azrael, how that by reason of his great designs has God our Father fashioned together the Eternal
Round wherein all things forever dwell.
3 All that is past, all that is present, and all that shall ever be, has he encompassed round about with his
glory; that all creation might continue without end.
4 And before our God are all things forever present, for unto him is nothing lost or vanished away. For
our God is surely the fount of great mercy, that even he should grant unto all who will, a kingdom of
glory; whether Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial, according as they are able to bear. For these kingdoms
did the Eternal One establish and ordain from the beginning.
5 For the breath of God is made to dwell in the children of God always, and by reason of this does God
seek to restore that portion unto himself; that it should be clothed in glory and immortality.
6 Therefore, to accomplish his great designs, God has taken into his keeping all the dimensions of time,
that all things past, present, and future might move before him according to his will.
7 Surely our God, even Ahman, is great and holy, for no unclean thing can come before him. Yet he has
proclaimed aloud, saying: ‘Behold, I delight in mercy and in the forgiveness of sins do I rejoice.
Therefore, stand forth and answer: What sin can separate you from me?
8 Give heed unto me, all you children of men. What sin can hide you as with a covering, that my Spirit
should not find you? Where shall you go to flee from my presence, that I should not restore you again?
9 If you should ascend above the mountains of the earth, behold, I am there. If you should dwell in the
depths of the sea, behold, I am there. If you should mount the wind as an eagle to dwell above the stars,
behold, even there shall you find me.
10 And I shall stretch forth my hand to guide you, by the strength of my power will I bear you up. For I
will rescue you from evil, that I might establish you for my glory, even among many great and noble.
11 Behold, I am Ahman. Man of holiness is my name. Therefore, hear and understand; for unto the
earth have the spirit children of God been sent; into the furnace of affliction have they gone, that they
might know with full understanding what is good and what is evil.
12 For I shall prove them herewith; their hearts will I search to sift out from among all the children of
men, all who shall walk uprightly before me. These shall I purify as fine gold; I shall purge them of all
uncleanliness as if by fire.
13 Behold, I am God, and my glory is a consuming fire. Therefore, unto all those who shall endure to
come again unto me will I give eternal life, even worlds without end, for they shall be Gods.’
14 Thus has our God spoken, and to bring about his great designs he has established all the dimensions
of time, whereby all things move continually before him.
15 Therefore, by reason of his great mercy he has proclaimed the decree, whereby all those who should
die without a knowledge of heavenly things shall God deal graciously, even as a loving Father for an only
16 And they shall come again into mortality until they shall learn for themselves the way of holiness.
17 And if they shall hear and desire diligently to follow after the Father of their soul, then shall they
become the Soul of the Just Made Perfect, and unto all who follow not straightly the Lord their God,
unto them shall be granted a place among the ministering angels of Heaven.
18 And all those who shall hear and reject this word, unto them will be given that portion of which they
are able, even according to their works.”
19 And when Michael had said these things, he took the Teacher by the arm and stood him before the
great Deep, and the man looked and beheld countless galaxies moving in their majesty.
20 And throughout the immensity of space flowed great streams of intelligence as if they did bind
together the creations of God.
21 And the Teacher asked, saying: “My Lord, whence came these streams of intelligence and these
innumerable galaxies? For I know that from the intelligences did both Emmanuel and Sophiel organize
the spirits of men, and that throughout all the galaxies did the Arch Angels of God create worlds without
number and did establish the paths in which they should move. But from whence came this universe
and all the galaxies therein?”
22 And Michael spoke, saying: “Consider, Azrael, how that from many Gods flows great light, brighter
than the sun at noon day. Therefore did the great eternal Father, even the Father of Ahman, gather
together the light from many Gods, even the excess therefrom, and did fashion together a cloak of great
beauty, and in the center thereof did he place all the unformed matter that moved in the immensity of
space and with the light did wrap and bind it together.
23 And God took the seed, even the universal seed, and placed it in the great Deep, even the Void. And
it did grow and swell because of the heat that came by reason of God’s great light and glory.
24 And in the time appointed the seed did swell with great violence, and, behold, in an instant was this
universe born. And it did move and expand into the deep Void, and as the matter cooled, behold,
innumerable galaxies did form in their majesty.
25 Therefore, when this great seed expanded, behold the cloak of light which held this great seed
together was torn asunder, and as trailing threads of glory did the light of intelligence flow throughout
innumerable galaxies, to seal and bind together the universe which you see.
26 Thus were the great creations of the universe brought to pass for the glory of God. Therefore, you
need not suppose that this is the only universe which God has created, for as there are stars without
number, so has God fashioned many universes.
27 And when God had done all these things by the power of his word, he smiled, for it was for the good
of man.
28 For intelligence shall cleave to intelligence; wisdom shall receive greater wisdom; truth shall hold
fast to truth; virtue loves virtue, and light shall cleave unto light, forever.
29 Therefore, if any man desires to be exalted in the kingdom of God, let him seek the wisdom of
godliness, that he might walk rightly before his Father who is in Heaven.”
Chapter 19
God shall speak tenderly to the daughters of men – An oath and covenant to be established – Why
priesthood of Mother Eve was taken from earth – Matriarchal Order to be restored – Sanctuaries in the
home – Tabernacle of God found in priesthood – The Teacher to restore the keys of knowledge
1 And Michael spoke again unto the Teacher, saying: “Behold, the day comes when the voice of the
Lord shall be heard upon the earth; unto the pure in heart will the word go forth.
2 For God shall speak tenderly unto the daughters of men, in gentleness shall his grace attend them;
with everlasting cords of love will he draw them nigh.
3 In that day God shall remember the promises given, for unto all the mothers of men will God establish
an oath and a covenant, that righteousness might dwell in the hearts of men, that holiness might be
unto them as a covering and peace shall arise to shine upon the earth.
4 For I will establish peace among the nations, by the coming forth of righteousness shall the tabernacle
of my glory be made to dwell among the children of men.
5 Come now, O daughters of promise, and rejoice; attend now and give ear, O mothers of men, for unto
you the word is sent.
6 Rejoice and be glad for you are remembered on high. For God has heard the desires of your heart and
shall give you answer; by the showing forth of his grace shall he give a multitude of assurance.
7 Surely God will speak to you in that day, saying: ‘Tell me now, O daughters of promise, is it good that
the children should suffer so? For, behold, consider how many are made to suffer because of the foolish
ways of men.
8 For war has devoured my children as a lion among the flocks, and pestilence has haunted the weak
even unto despair. With uplifted hands have the fallen cried for mercy, but unto them was given only
emptiness and tears.
9 By false shepherds have the words of God been hid in the darkness; they have stopped the ears so
that they might not hear the indictment of the Lord against them. With great cunning have they
conspired to rule over the children of my soul.
10 Yet shall I answer for the children who weep, I shall stretch forth my hand to rescue, for the fallen
will I lift up, and the weak shall I make strong again. And all who despair because of the foolishness of
men shall I fill to overflowing; in the presence of God shall they be satisfied.
11 Therefore have I prepared you, O daughters of promise, that even you might stretch forth the hand
to bless all the children of men, and this by way of an oath and a covenant, which covenant shall remain
throughout all the days of both mother and daughter and not depart.
12 For in the councils of Elohim was it confirmed unto all the children of men that a way be established
whereby they might attain for themselves so great a glory as to dwell in the presence of their Heavenly
Father and Mother forever.
13 Therefore, unto the sons and daughters of God was it granted to give so great a blessing, and this by
way of an oath and a covenant.
14 Now in the beginning did Eve receive the oath and covenant of Matriarchy before the world was,
that by such righteousness as she should establish might the spirit children of Emmanuel come into the
tabernacles of Enosh.
15 But the hearts of men grew in vanity and with much pride did they seek to rule over the daughters of
promise, and in the days of Noah was the Matriarchal Order of Heaven taken away from the earth, that
it might not be defiled.
16 For this cause have I sent forth unto the children of men my chosen one, that you might prepare the
way for the coming again of many blessings.
17 For the promise is given unto all who desire to walk uprightly before the God of Heaven, that even
unto them might be established the fulfillment of every good thing.
18 Unto all who desire shall God grant this Matriarchal Order, which is the power of healing and
anointing, of faith and charity, and receives unto itself the ministering of angels and the witness of the
Heavenly Mother.
19 This covenant shall you teach unto the daughters and mothers of men, that in their families there
might be room found for the Lord their God. For in the homes of the faithful shall I dwell and not delay.
20 For in their homes shall I place both altar and mercy seat and there abide, for soon shall I come in
power and glory to establish my kingdom upon the earth, and in my house shall I begin, and from my
house shall I go forth to glorify even all the children of men.
21 In the eternal order of both Matriarch and Patriarch shall my tabernacle be established, and I shall
dwell with the children of men, and they shall be my people, and I will surely be their God.
22 And I shall wipe away the tears from their eyes, and sorrow shall I cast far from them, and in joy shall
they receive their exaltation, and to the faithful will I give the fountain of the waters of life freely, that
both male and female, Patriarch and Matriarch might drink unto eternal life.
23 Come and rejoice, O daughters of promise; lift up your hearts and sing aloud, O mothers of men, for
unto you is the blessing given, unto you is the word sent.
24 For surely I will send my servant and he shall teach you; in much assurance and in faith exceeding
shall he bring forth the keys of knowledge, and his words shall you write upon the tablets of the heart,
that you might observe this oath and covenant throughout all your generations of both mother and
25 That by your faithfulness unto God you might receive the election of his grace, even unto exaltation;
and you shall dwell peacefully beside your husbands in the kingdom of Heaven.’”
Chapter 20
The Teacher prays and God answers – Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps – Stand firm in the knowledge
of God – Take no title or position – God’s promise to take the Teacher home – God’s indignation against
the Fallen One – “For you war not against flesh and blood” – Words of Isaiah to be fulfilled – “Despair
not, for I shall be with you”
1 Now on a certain day stood the Teacher praying, and the Spirit of the Lord descended and the voice of
the Lord spoke unto him, saying:
2 “Be still that you may hear, incline your heart unto me and I will teach you, for my words shall be unto
you as a light that never fails, and upon your heart shall the instructions of the Lord be sealed;
3 That you may know of a surety, the purposes of the Lord your God, for in the knowledge of the Lord
shall your soul be preserved; in great wisdom shall there be found refuge.
4 For this I speak unto you for your learning: Behold, you are Azrael, Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps,
Protector of the Keep. Surely, you are become even as a son unto the Most High God.
5 For in the beginning did he call forth from the heavenly hosts one mighty and strong, and even the
God of Heaven did anoint you with most precious oil, sweet and fragrant, and ordained that you should
come forth in the day of tribulation to lift up that which was fallen and to repair that which is cast down.
6 Therefore, fear not what men shall say unto you, for whosoever receives you shall I also receive in the
kingdom of God and whosoever shall fight against you to do evil, even him shall I bring to account.
7 Therefore, stand firm in the knowledge of the Lord your God and none shall bring you to harm, for I
shall be unto you as a shield in the day of trouble; as a strong defense shall I become when evil shall
press hard upon you to destroy.
8 Yet, be you humble before me and give ear, that I may seal instruction upon your heart. Hear now the
words which I speak unto you this day.
9 Take not to yourself position or title which the children of men shall desire to give you. Take neither
power nor authority over the children of promise except as it shall be expedient in me.
10 For I have established you to teach the children of men the way of holiness; a teacher of heavenly
things shall you ever be. For, behold, in the kingdom of Heaven shall you find to your greater joy a
fullness of reward; for God, even the Father and Mother of All, shall be your inheritance.
11 And when your days are completed to do all which the Father has set before you to do, then shall he
gather you unto himself that he might set you on high. And all they who shall be diligent to do as you
shall teach, even they shall inherit the fullness of their Father’s glory.
12 Only be faithful unto the Lord your God; be humble before me and I shall lead you by the hand, that
you may remain spotless before the children of men.
13 But this I speak unto you also: Behold, the indignation of my power waxes hot against the Fallen
One, for he did whisper deceit unto my chosen, to violate the order of Heaven, to cover sin, to strike
with the fist of wickedness against the oath and covenant thereof.
14 Therefore I shall give unto you both power and authority to war against my adversary. And as you
did in the beginning, you shall bind him up in the darkness and cast him from the earth, that there
should be no place found for him among the children of men.
15 For you war not according to the flesh as the children of men suppose, but against dominions,
principalities, powers, and the sensibilities of the flesh which seek to consume the wicked in the
fulfillment of their lusts.
16 Therefore war mightily against the designs of the Fallen One, that the kingdom of Heaven might
come down to the earth. In that day shall the hosts of Zion sing: ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with
men, and he shall dwell with them and they shall be his people, and he shall be their God.’
17 And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. Behold, thus saith the Lord, the former things
shall pass away. Behold, I will make all things new again.
18 In that day shall the words spoken by Isaiah be fulfilled; that day shall the wolf and the lamb dwell
together in peace, and the leopard shall lie down with the goat, the calf and the young lion shall frolic
side by side, and a little child shall lead them in safety.
19 The cow and the bear shall graze upon the verdant hills, their young ones shall rejoice together, and
the lion shall lay in peace beside the ox.
20 And the nursing child shall play safely by the cobra’s hole, and the weaned child shall put forth his
hand into the viper’s den without harm.
21 They shall neither hurt nor destroy in all my habitations, saith the Lord of Hosts, for the earth shall
be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, even as the waters cover the face of the deep.
22 In that day shall the deaf hear the words from out of this book, and the eyes of the blind shall see
out of obscurity and out of darkness shall the weary be led forth. The lame shall leap for joy, and all they
who were forgotten aforetime shall be remembered.
23 The humble of the Lord shall increase their joy, and the poor of many nations shall rejoice to see
their Father, for he shall plead their cause. The captive shall he set at liberty; the foundations of peace
shall he establish forever.
24 For the terrible one shall be brought to nothing, in great darkness shall the scornful one be bound,
and there shall be none to fear him.
25 Therefore, thus saith the Lord, even he who shall redeem Zion, behold, the children of men shall
surely see the wonders of the Lord of Hosts. Before the works of my hand shall the nations marvel.
Before the temple of the Lord shall they reverence the Holy One.
26 And all those who have erred in spirit will come to an understanding, and those who murmur shall
learn the doctrine of Emmanuel, even the Only Begotten.”
27 Now when the Lord had finished speaking, there came a stillness and a voice from Heaven spoke
unto the Teacher to comfort him, saying: “Despair not, my son, at the task which I have set before you,
for I shall be with you even till the end of your days.
28 For unto you shall my ear attend, to give answer to your prayers, and whatsoever you ask of me in
righteousness shall I give unto you.
29 Behold, I will not leave you comfortless, for my Spirit shall ever abide with you in times of trouble.
Therefore take hope, for you are Azrael, the strong and the mighty one. What can man do unto you? For
into your hands have I placed all the keys of the kingdom.”
Chapter 21
In springtime, the Teacher goes walking – God speaks of priestcraft – A division between God and man –
Why the children of men and women suffer – God needs man, man needs God – Beware of bestiality –
Not good that men and women be divided – God reveals himself in every age and nation – Priestcraft
and false shepherds – God’s reason for calling the Teacher – Calling false shepherds to account – Grow
not weary in heart and mind – God shall turn sorrow into joy
1 Now in the spring of the year, when the grass was green upon the hillsides and the snows were
vanished away, the Teacher went walking in the wood and there appeared unto him the Lord of Hosts
and with him the angels in heavenly array.
2 And the glory of the Lord came upon the Teacher that he might be filled with the wisdom of God, that
he might receive unto his soul a renewing of grace. And the Lord spoke unto him, saying:
3 “Consider, Azrael, how the children of men are divided one against the other by reason of priestcraft.
Behold, how the people of many nations are made to war continually against their neighbor, insomuch
that the innocent are made to perish because of the conspirings of foolish men who seek only to
become great in the eyes of men, that they might rule over them continually in unrighteousness.
4 Behold this great mystery, for in man does the God of Heaven seek the fulfillment of his glory. And in
the knowledge of God shall man be exalted above the stars, that he might become even as the Father
and Mother of his soul.
5 Seeing now that there should be Oneness between God and man, how has there come this division
between the Father and the children of men?
6 For this cause have I called you out from among all the children of promise, that you might put forth
the hand of healing; that you might restore the paths of righteousness wherein all the children of men
might be able to come to a knowledge of God, and in the light of his holiness be made even as one
family before all the creations of my hand.
7 Wherefore, in the joy of man is the glory of God made manifest by a godly walk and a holy
8 For in the beginning did I decree that man should have dominion over all the works of my hand. In the
dawn of his awakening, when there was first breathed into man the breath of God’s life, I established
that all things great and small should be made subject unto him; that by their righteous dominion the
children of men might be exalted before the throne of God, who is both Father and Mother unto the
people of every nation.
9 Seeing that this is the desire of the Lord your God, why are the children of men made to suffer so?
Who has conspired to do evil to the children of my soul, wherein they should devour themselves
according to the lusts of the flesh? Wherein have my children been made to behave unseemly before
the works of my hand, as though they were no more than beasts of the field?
10 Did not I, even the Lord of Hosts, establish from the beginning that man should be above the beasts
of the earth and the fowls of the air? For without a knowledge of God and his righteousness would man
cease to be man, but would become only as the beasts who think to fulfill the lusts of the body only.
11 Now seeing that man has need of God, and that God has need of man, why will they not come unto
me that I might heal them of great affliction.
12 For when a man shall think himself as no more than a beast, in that day shall he cease to be man and
bestiality shall haunt him as a specter, and the strangeness of his way will consume him in the moment
of great despair.
13 Behold, it is not good that the sons of men should be divided before the Lord their God. For unto all
the children of men have I made known the way wherein they should go, even according to their several
14 For my word have I revealed unto all my children by the hand of the righteous, that they might know
the way in which they should go.
15 In every age and in every nation did the Spirit of my wisdom call unto the righteous, that they might
establish before the children of men the heart and mind of God the Father. For I desired that none
should be left without hope in the days of their sojourn upon the earth.
16 Yet by reason of priestcraft have foolish shepherds divided my children one against the other by way
of doctrine. By doctrines and vain imaginations have wicked men thought to gather unto themselves a
multitude of followers, and by such doctrines as they have supposed have they proclaimed judgment
against all those who should cleave unto God by some other way, even according to their ability to
17 Shall I, the Lord of Hosts, take delight in the religions of man when false shepherds have thought to
corrupt the ways of the righteous, to inflame the hearts of many children to war continually against one
another in my name?
18 For this cause have I called you forth from the midst of great affliction, that you might establish the
way of the Lord before the people of many nations;
19 That by such holiness as I shall grant unto you, might all who are good and noble, wise and merciful
be made as one according to the holiness which is found in the Father of all men.
20 Therefore, shall you go forth among the children of men that you might teach them concerning the
Father and Mother of their spirit; that they might receive unto their greater joy, the promise of life
everlasting in the kingdom of God.
21 And unto all who are righteous shall you confirm the Patriarchal Order of the Father. For it matters
not that they be of some other way, for insomuch that they seek diligently to find me, I will stretch forth
my hand unto them, that they might know of my love towards all the children of men.
22 Wherefore, by the covenant of my righteousness shall all the children of men be made as one before
me. Therefore contend with no man concerning the manner of his faith, but look inwardly upon the
heart and see if there be any good thing therein.
23 Yet unto the false shepherds who set at variance the children of men shall you withstand boldly by
the power and the wisdom of God.
24 For such as these have taught the children of men to fear the God who made them, which thing is an
abomination before me.
25 Now hear and understand great wisdom, that you might not grow weary in mind or heart because of
the task which I have set before you. For I have determined that you should set forth the way of the
26 Therefore take no thought concerning the end result of those labors which I have called you to
perform. For I have sent you to be as a teacher unto the children of men.
27 Wherefore, teach unto all who are willing, the wisdom and holiness of God and my Spirit, even the
Holy Spirit of Promise shall fulfill all my words unto the convincing of men.
28 Therefore fret not your soul to sorrow, neither trouble yourself because of the hardness of the way.
For all things have I taken into my hand, and what power shall there be that can by any means pluck
from my hand, the children of my soul if it so be that they desire to walk uprightly before me?
29 For against the Lord of Hosts shall there prevail no power or dominion, neither principality nor evil
which can steal away the righteous in the moment of distress.
30 Give ear, all who would be righteous before the Lord their God, for as the Lord God surely lives, I will
stretch forth my hand in the day of trouble.
31 In that day when evil shall arise to perplex the godly, I shall turn their sorrow into joy. When dark
shadows arise to encompass the obedient, I will make for them a way of escape. I will turn them from
the darkness and bring them again into the light.
32 For where the children of men are made to war, I shall send you forth to declare the peace of the
Lord. Where the children of promise are made to suffer for lack of wisdom, even in that day shall you
teach unto them the knowledge of God.
33 In the moment of trouble and despair I shall arise from my holy habitations to bring unto all who
suffer, great peace. For I shall heal them of their great wounds, in the hollow of my hand shall I keep
safe the righteous.
34 For where the presence of the Lord is, there shall the children of promise find abundant joy, and
none shall come to make afraid.
35 Now hear and understand that you might have hope in the promise of the Lord, for whatsoever
person shall seek the Lord his God, unto that one shall I reveal the mysteries of Heaven. For I delight to
make myself known unto all the children of men and not just a few.”
Chapter 22
The Teacher speaks to God – The spirit is willing but the flesh is strong – No free will: environment and
heredity – Priestcraft corrupts the will of God – Where is the beginning of wisdom? – Man divided
between the spiritual and physical – Even God was once a man – Man was in the beginning with God –
To kill another in God’s name: abomination – Teaching the beginnings of wisdom – As a man thinketh –
Meditation – In patience you possess your soul – God delights to make himself known
1 Thus spoke the Lord unto Azrael. And the Teacher spoke unto the Lord, saying: “My Lord, you are
great and mighty, and in the hope of your glory do I rejoice. Yet, my Lord, how shall I do those things
which you have set before me?
2 For, behold, the children of men are truly divided one against the other by reason of priestcraft. Have
you not considered how the children of men are divided within themselves?
3 As it is written of men: The spirit is willing but the flesh is stronger still. For the joy of the spirit is
made to perish according to the lusts of the flesh.
4 How then shall the spirit of man come to a knowledge of God, seeing that the sensibilities of the flesh
rule harshly over the children of your soul?
5 For man is not free to choose between the good or the evil as many suppose, for the environment
unto which he is born is made to determine all his actions; and in his heredity is there given no free will.
6 Seeing, therefore, that man is divided in himself between the lusts of the body and the yearnings of
the soul, and seeing also that man is not free to choose between the good and the evil by reason of his
environment and heredity, how then shall I accomplish the things which you would have me do?
7 For great evil is made to haunt the children of men, and by reason of priestcraft do the speakers of
religion declare that such evils as are made to distress the innocent come according to the will of God;
for God has given into the hands of men some free will whereby they may do good or evil according to
their pleasure.
8 Thus are the children of men made to despair because of the teachings of false shepherds who have
made the God of Heaven to appear as evil and filled with mischief towards the children of men.
9 Where, Lord, shall be found the beginning of wisdom? Where unto shall the children of men take
refuge, and in the shadow of your righteousness find peace everlasting?
10 Wherein shall the children of men find solace and strength in the day of trouble, seeing that they are
made to despair concerning the God of Heaven by reason of those false shepherds who, for a pretense,
declare your name before all the people?
11 For the children of men are made to lament, saying: ‘The Lord our God dwells far away, yet evil is
nigh at the doors, and our souls are pressed hard by a multitude of sorrows.’
12 What shall I teach unto the children of men that they might have hope in the days of their sojourn
upon the earth? How shall I bring unto man the presence of God, seeing that false shepherds have
caused that the children of men should fear the God who made them?”
13 When the Teacher had spoken these words, the Lord spoke unto him, saying: “Hear now and
understand wisdom. For in the beginning did I cause to dwell in tabernacles of flesh and bone, the spirit
children of Emmanuel, even the creator of all things;
14 That being made to dwell upon the earth in some mortal state, I might test them to see which of all
the spirit children of God shall be worthy of exaltation in the kingdom of God.
15 For those who would inherit unto their souls the fullness of my glory, have need of strength wherein
righteousness might be made to dwell continually.
16 Wherefore, seeing that man is divided within himself between the spiritual and the physical, the
mortal and the immortal, there exists in man much struggle;
17 That from such conflict might arise a multitude of strength whereby as many as will, might lay hold
to the promise of glory and honor exceeding beside the throne of the Father and Mother, even God.
18 That as God is, they might become. For the God who determined aforetime that all men should be in
his image is not without understanding towards the weaknesses of the flesh, seeing that even God was
once a man.
19 But unto all is given the promise that as God is, even might the children of men become if they will
but choose to walk uprightly before the Lord in all godliness.
20 Seeing now that the children of men are but Gods in embryo, and that into their keeping was given
so great a hope, it was expedient to send forth unto them one who was mighty and strong in the
knowledge of God, that even he should become as a midwife unto many, whereby he might deliver unto
eternal life, both Lords many and Gods many.
21 Wherefore, seeing that the natural man is not free to choose between the good and the evil by
reason of his environment and heredity, yet is his spirit free to choose.
22 For the spirit of man was in the beginning with God, and by such knowledge as he shall acquire of his
holiness are the children of men able to rise above the natural man by reason of my own agency, which
agency is granted unto all who seek after holiness.
23 Think not, therefore, that such evil as arises from the heart of man comes by reason of free agency.
For such agency as I would give cannot recompense unto any man evil.
24 For if the natural man chooses to kill another in anger, shall I, the Lord, be made guilty of murder
because of free will? Behold, I say unto you: No! For at no time have I commanded that one man should
slay another. For this is an abomination unto me.
25 Now seeing that I delight not in the doing of evil, why are the children of my soul made to war
continually within themselves? Why will they think to excuse evil in my name?
26 Whereunto shall the children of men go that they might have wisdom that they might gather unto
themselves, an abundance of joy?
27 Therefore, teach unto men the beginning of that wisdom which I have given unto all the children of
men. For in the beginning did I breathe into man a portion of my soul that therein they might find both
wisdom and joy.
28 Wherefore, it is expedient in me that all men should come to a knowledge of themselves, seeing that
I have placed within them so great a hope, wherein the ways of godliness might be made manifest if
they will but seek that portion of God that is within them.
29 And the way whereby they shall attain unto a knowledge of God, you know. Therefore, teach unto all
who will that in stillness and meditation shall they find unto themselves an overflowing of peace.
30 Therefore, take counsel from the Lord your God unto the fulfillment of all hope: Be still and know
that I am God. For by the mouth of the Holy One was it spoken truly: ‘Behold, the kingdom of God is
within you.’
31 For the law was decreed from the beginning that as a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be made
manifest before all men; for no man can by any means escape the desires of his heart.
32 Now let as many as will, meditate in the stillness of their soul; for therein shall they find springs of
living water that in the midst of great want, might be found an abundance of life.
33 For the peace of God shall overshadow the children of men in the day of trouble, and the wisdom of
his righteousness shall be as a light in a dark and dreary land.
34 Now as many as desire to meditate upon the wonders of that soul wherein a portion of my glory is
made to dwell, let them have faith and steadfastness in abundance.
35 For where faith is not, the glory of God is not made manifest; and except there be steadfastness of
heart, the mind of man shall surely grow weary and sorrow shall follow hard after him.
36 Therefore, let those who desire to meditate possess unto themselves both patience and love
37 For in patience shall they possess again their souls unto a fulfillment of glory; and except their
meditations be done according to the love of God which is in them, they shall profit nothing.
38 Seeing now that there is given unto the children of men a way wherein they might come to a
knowledge of the designs of God, let them magnify unto their joy that part of God which is given unto
39 And if they will be faithful to walk uprightly before me, that they be not entangled again by the
sensibilities of the body, then shall I arise from my holy habitation and I shall come forth unto them and
make my abode with them.
40 For I delight to make myself known unto the children of men. Thus was the law decreed from the
beginning that kind should cleave to kind.
41 Therefore, unto as many as shall become as God among the children of men, in all holiness, unto
them shall the Father of Heaven reveal all knowledge and wisdom until they receive a fullness of
Heaven’s glory.”
Chapter 23
How shall the righteous be made known? – God’s indictment against the house of Christ – Must God
command in every instant? – In the beginning, man was innocent – Furnace of mortality – How the
righteous should act – What doctrine can make a man righteous? – Being in the service of your fellow
man – The great commandment – Gandhi and God – The sealing power of righteousness – “I am the
way, the truth and the life” – How the house of Christ was lead astray – Becoming as Only Begotten of
the Father
1 And the Teacher spoke again, saying: “My Lord, how shall the righteous be made known before the
children of men? How shall they speak, how move, how live?
2 For, behold, there are many who for a pretense declare your name, and with wrath and indignation
breathe condemnation upon those who would come unto you by some other way.
3 Therefore, my Lord, how shall the children of men discern the righteous from the wicked, that they
might know unto whom they should go to receive both wisdom and instruction, that as many as will
might walk uprightly before the Father and Mother of their soul?”
4 And the Lord answered, saying: “Come now and draw near unto me. Incline your ear so that you can
hear, open now the doors of your heart that you might know concerning the ways of righteousness.
5 For I will give unto you the decree that you might declare aloud the indictment of the Lord against the
false followers of the Holy One. Raise your voice as a trumpet and shout it from the roof tops, do not
hold back.
6 Declare my word unto the children of disobedience, tell the house of Christ the way wherein they
have sinned against the Anointed One; for surely he has called unto them as if from afar, and there are
none to hear.
7 For they have laid Sabbath to Sabbath as though they desired to serve the Lord their God, for a
pretense would they walk in the way of righteousness.
8 Yet they have busied themselves overmuch, for the love of gain would they forsake the ways of the
Lord, in gathering unto themselves great possessions would they deny the Lord who called them.
9 In prayer would they lift their voices unto me as though they were eager to hear, yet when I would
speak unto them they arise to go their way, that they might walk in the pride of their heart.
10 They cry unto me for justice, yet they are filled with mischief continually. For a pretense would they
seek from my hand both mercy and forgiveness, yet they will forgive none who should trespass against
11 Into the house of the Lord would they go, as though they were eager to worship God; with songs and
prayers unceasing would they draw nigh unto me; with shouts of ‘Hosanna’ and ‘Amen’ would they
declare unto the world that they are my people.
12 Yet they are filled with strife, for they quarrel one against another by way of doctrine; with the fist of
wickedness would they condemn the innocent who seek only to come to me, even though it should be
according to their own understanding.
13 For there has risen among my people certain men with cunning ways, false shepherds who preach
aloud the gospel of prosperity, whereby they would sell the God of Heaven that they might gather unto
themselves an abundance of wealth, that they might exercise power and dominion over the children of
my soul.
14 For such as these desire only to make merchandise of the souls of men, that by their great and
swelling words they might fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
15 Yet they are not satisfied, neither are they filled by an abundance of plenty. Like ravenous wolves
have they crept in unawares, they have scattered my children and caused that they should walk in
strange places.
16 Therefore, seeing that the prideful have corrupted all my house, I shall purge them from the midst of
my people; for I shall expose their inward parts, that which they have hid in the darkness shall I reveal in
the light.
17 Will you call this worship? Is this the righteousness that you would offer unto me? Shall I, the Lord,
be pleased with corruption and deceit?
18 Have I not shown you from the beginning, the way in which you should go? Is this not the worship
which I desire of the children of men: to loose the chains of injustice, to break asunder every yoke that
the oppressed go free, to proclaim the liberty of God throughout the land?
19 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to give unto the homeless, shelter and rest? Is it not
to clothe the naked and to turn again the wicked that they might come unto me?
20 What good are your assemblies unto me? Wherein shall you benefit, seeing that you have thought to
separate yourselves from those who suffer and will not so much as lift your little finger to undo the
heavy burden?
21 Must I, the Lord, command in every instant that you should do good one unto the other? Is this not
the righteousness which I desire of you, to set your hand to bring to pass all things which are good unto
the children of men, that you might walk in holiness before me?
22 Is this not the good which I have required of you, that you deal justly one with another, that you give
unto the fallen such mercy as you would seek from my hand, and that you walk humbly beside the
Father and Mother of your soul that even they might lead you unto eternal life?
23 For this cause did I grant unto every man the power whereby they should be agents unto themselves
to do much good, that they might no longer be made subject to evil.
24 But unto that person who shall do nothing except he first be commanded, even that person shall
find to his soul desolation and bitterness, and there shall be found for him neither place nor glory beside
the throne of God.
25 Consider how that in the beginning, man was innocent before the Father and Mother of his soul,
knowing only the goodness of Heaven; for unto the innocent was there not given a knowledge of evil.
26 Now seeing that the children of God had not the knowledge of good and evil wherein they might
choose for themselves the good, and seeing also that they were without strength to take unto
themselves the glory of Heaven;
27 And seeing also that the sons and daughters of God were without union whereby they might
become as one before the Lord of Hosts, to take unto themselves a multitude of increase,
28 It became expedient to send them forth unto the earth that they might take unto themselves either
husband or wife, that they might receive an abundance of blessing wherein they should give comfort
and joy unto one another.
29 For it was determined aforetime that they should come to a knowledge of good and evil, and that by
such agency as I shall grant unto them, they might choose the good and forsake evil altogether.
30 Thus did I desire to exalt the children of God unto the highest that is in them, whereby they might
obtain for themselves a kingdom of glory wherein they might abide, whether it be unto the Telestial,
Terrestrial, or Celestial; even unto that glory shall they be granted endless lives, or if it so be, the life
31 Therefore it was expedient to send them forth into the furnace of mortality, that by such oppositions
as they must meet, they might strive to attain unto the greatest glory of all, even the Celestial Kingdom
wherein there is found both God and Goddess.
32 Now, seeing that opposition is necessary to bring about the designs of God, why are you made to
wonder so? For if there be no opposition, how shall there come forth righteousness, or that strength
whereby the children of God might take unto themselves a fullness of glory?
33 Consider how the righteous should act before the children of men. For the righteous can by no
means be hid from the world, neither can the light be swallowed up in darkness.
34 For all they that are righteous are filled with the love of God towards all the children of men, and are
given deep wisdom whereby they are made to know that to serve the children of men is but to do
service to God.
35 For in God have they given forth all their trust, upon the coming forth of his promise do they wait
patiently, for unto whatever good they shall set their hand to do, even that thing shall they consecrate
unto God that he might bring it to pass according to his will.
36 Thus are the righteous not made anxious concerning the things of this life, having received unto their
souls the whisperings of the Heavenly Mother, even of the Heavenly Mother who loved them from the
37 In the presence of the Lord do they find joy everlasting, neither will they let the fallen take away the
promise of glory, nor steal away the merry heart which God has granted unto them according to his
38 In meditation and quietness do the righteous find strength. In the wisdom of God are the righteous
filled with joy and the end of all their way is peace.
39 As the sun arising from his bedchamber is made to chase away the darkness of the night, to fill the
land with light and warmth again, even so shall the coming forth of the righteous be unto the children of
40 Therefore consider how the righteous shall be made known. Come now and stand before the Lord
that I might instruct you, that you might know the way in which the righteous shall be made to walk
before me.
41 For I would not have you think that to be religious is to be righteous also. For I delight not in the
assembling together of churchgoers who are made to contend one with another.
42 For what doctrine alone shall make a man righteous? Behold, I say unto you, there is given not one;
for only God can make the righteous so;
43 Which God is made manifest in that the righteous should love the children of men even as their own
44 Wherefore, this alone is wisdom: For I would have you know that when you are in the service of your
fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God.
45 This alone, therefore, is righteousness. For truly was it spoken by the Anointed One when it was
asked of him which is the greatest of all the commandments of God.
46 Know then that if you will love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your strength, and
with all your mind, and if you shall love your neighbor as your own soul, then shall you fulfill all
righteousness; for on these two hang all the laws and the prophets.
47 But I tell you truly, that all the law is fulfilled in one: ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’
48 Therefore, if any man or any woman shall follow in this way, then I, the Lord, shall be pleased with
their offerings and I will stretch forth my hand to bear them up in the day of trouble.
49 And when death shall steal upon them unawares, I will come unto them, and I will take them unto
my bosom that they might receive unto their soul, a Father and a Mother’s love.
50 For, behold, I, even God, am love and whosoever is filled with love, even unto that one shall I send
forth my Spirit to bless and to pardon abundantly.”
51 Now when the Lord had said these things, he called forth from the heavenly hosts, one most holy.
And there came and stood before the Teacher, a little man with brown skin and bald head, bespectacled
and wearing only a swaddling of cloth across his loins; and there was about him an overflowing of love
and peace.
52 And the Lord spoke again to the Teacher, saying: “Come now and tell me. Who is this man that I
should call him forth from the heavenly hosts?”
53 And the Teacher answered, saying: “My Lord, surely he is most familiar to me. For there arose in
India a man of great soul, and this man which stands before me is the same man. My Lord, this little man
is Gandhi.”
54 When the Lord heard this he spoke, saying: “You have answered well. Consider, therefore, how that
this man has become as one most dear to me. Surely he has made himself to become even the very
friend of God.”
55 Now when the Teacher heard these words, he did rejoice before the God of Heaven because of that
hope which the Father had granted unto the children of men. And he spoke unto the Lord, saying:
56 “Surely your kindness is higher than the heavens. Yet there are many who shall wonder concerning
this thing, for this man was a Hindu during his sojourn upon the earth. Therefore many shall say: ‘How
can Gandhi be the friend of God seeing that he was not of the house of Christ?’”
57 And the Lord answered, saying: “Behold now, a friend most dear. For in this man am I made to
delight continually; for in all his days he did walk humbly before the children of men.
58 By his hand were the fallen lifted upon wings of mercy, that they might find comfort and wisdom in
the counsel of the Lord.
59 Did he not proclaim liberty unto many captives whereby the oppressed were set free? Did he not
undo the heavy burden which for so long had weighed down so many? For in this man was the love of
God made manifest unto the children of men.
60 How say you then that he is not of the house of Christ, seeing that he has become even as the Only
Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth?
61 For I would not have you ignorant concerning the ways of God wherein many are made joint heirs
with the Father, neither would I have you unmindful of those mercies which I bestow unto all who shall
serve their fellow beings according to the love of God which is in them.
62 For that Spirit which leads the righteous to do good unto all the children of men, even that Spirit
shall seal all who are worthy unto life eternal, that they might take unto their souls the glory of heavenly
63 And I shall love them as though they were my only child. For what father having but one child of his
flesh, will not love such a one with a deep and abiding love, desiring always to give unto his only
begotten, a fullness of promise and blessing?
64 Now consider how that Emmanuel, even this Yeshua of Nazareth, came to show unto the children of
men the way in which they should walk before the Father of their soul.
65 For he truly declared, saying: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father
except he shall do as I have done.’
66 In this has the house of Christ been led astray, for many are made to think that if you would be saved
in the kingdom of God, you need only profess aloud the name of Christ.
67 By this means have cunning and ignorant men preached unto a multitude of believers, saying: By
such and such a doctrine as you shall believe, even therein shall you be justified before God and all they
who do not believe as we do, even these must surely perish forever.
68 Thus shall they who know not the mercies of God marvel that Gandhi should become even as my
Only Begotten; for by his great love towards all the children of men has he fulfilled all my law.
69 For there is but one way by which a man may draw nigh unto God. Therefore, whosoever shall do
good unto the children of men, even as Yeshua who loved all men even unto death, they shall become
as Only Begotten.
70 And they shall become the very friend of God and shall take unto themselves the fullness of the
Father, and they shall be exalted on high, even worlds without end, for they shall receive unto their soul,
eternal life.”
Chapter 24
What happens after death of the righteous – Standing again before the Heavenly Mother – Reviewing
the covenants – Reasons for mortal life – Righteous brought before the Elohim – The assemblies and
glories of the Elohim – Before the House of Shevas – Michael, the Chief Archon, speaks to the righteous
– Names written in the Book of Life – Becoming Souls of the Just Made Perfect – White robes, signet
ring, crown, blue pavement – Receiving a company of the Cherubic hosts – Rejoice, for the righteous are
come home again
1 “So shall the coming forth of the righteous be, and when death shall come upon them, then shall the
Father of their soul go joyfully unto them.
2 And he shall take the soul of the righteous that they might stand again before the Heavenly Mother,
and she shall take them to her bosom and shall rejoice greatly.
3 For that child which was gone away into the furnace of mortality, even that child is returned home
again to partake of that glory which it is the Father’s pleasure to grant unto all who should walk in the
way of righteousness.
4 Then shall the Father and Mother take the righteous and they shall look again at those covenants
which were made aforetime, when the righteous dwelt in innocence before them.
5 For all the spirit children of God, even Emmanuel, are made to dwell in the Keep, and there is
between the innocent and the kingdom of God a great chasm;
6 And there is but one way whereby the innocent might attain for themselves such glory wherein they
might abide forever in the presence of Lords many and Gods many.
7 Wherefore, seeing that there is but one way whereby the hopeful might attain unto so great a glory,
to dwell in peace forever beside the Father and Mother of their soul, it was expedient to send them
forth into mortality, whereby they might come to a knowledge of good and evil.
8 And if they will take unto their souls the good, then shall they become one with God in all holiness,
and eternity shall be made their dwelling place.
9 For this cause were there made certain covenants whereby the children of God are bound unto a
fullness of promise, that when they shall prove themselves faithful to follow in the ways of God always,
they shall be granted eternal life and there shall be prepared for them thrones of glory.
10 Thus, in the lesser kingdoms shall there be found neither room nor place, seeing that the innocent
are made to become righteous, even as the Father and Mother of their soul.
11 So shall the Father and Mother take the righteous unto their bosom and they shall look again at
those covenants which were made in the beginning that all things might be fulfilled according to the will
of the Elohim.
12 And when these things are accomplished before the Father and Mother, then shall the righteous be
made to stand before their only love, that they might be forever as husband and wife, heart to heart,
mind to mind, soul cleaving unto soul.
13 And they shall be brought before Lords many and Gods many, even before the fullness of the Elohim
by their Heavenly Father and Mother, that they might be found worthy of all acceptation before the
heavenly hosts.
14 Now consider how great shall be the assembling together of the Elohim, for there shall gather before
the steps of the Chief Archon both Gods and Goddesses in solemn assembly.
15 And there shall preside among them the great Father of All, even Ahman, and beside him shall stand
the most Heavenly Mother of All, Galendriel the Beautiful.
16 Then shall there be gathered unto them the hosts of Seraphim, and among them shall preside
Abdiel, the Mighty, and unto his bosom shall there cleave Japhaniel.
17 And there shall be added to these the Cherubic hosts, and there shall preside alone among them,
Shadiel; for among all the wonders of eternity, there can be found none equal to her glory.
18 Thus shall the souls of the righteous be made to stand beside the Father and Mother of their souls,
that they might be found worthy before the Lords and Gods of Elohim, even before the Seven Steps of
Eternity shall they be made to stand.
19 So shall the righteous be brought before all the heavenly hosts; before the Seven Houses of Heaven
shall the worthy be gathered.
20 Behold the House of the Archons, over which shall preside even the very King of Heaven, even
Ahman, the Father of All; and on his right hand shall stand the Ancient of Days even Michael, who shall
stand forth as Chief Archon before all the great and mighty.
21 And before the Father and Mother of Heaven, and before Michael also, shall stand the House of
Shevas, the House of Mithron, and the House of El Shalon; and beside these shall be added also three
others over which the Mothers alone preside.
22 Then shall the Father and Mother present unto the holy, the children of their soul, both male and
female, and they shall plead their cause before the House of Shevas, saying:
23 ‘Consider, my Lords, how that we have brought before so many, the souls of the righteous, both
husband and wife, that they might be found worthy of all acceptation.
24 For in the furnace of mortality did they come to a sure knowledge of good and evil. Yet,
notwithstanding their many sorrows and afflictions, they did cleave unto the good according to the
whisperings of that Holy Spirit which is granted unto all the children of men;
25 Even the Mother of their souls did lead them unto all godliness, even according to their several
abilities to understand.
26 Thus did these children of promise fulfill all righteousness, for truly they sought to follow in the steps
of their Father, even according to that example which I did grant unto them; that they might take unto
their soul an abundance of hope against the day of trouble.
27 For it was decreed from the beginning that the Father of all the children of men take upon himself
mortal flesh, that he might go forth unto the children of his soul to walk among them, that he might
show them the way in which they should go.
28 Now consider, my Lords, how that we have taken again to our bosom the children of our soul, and
have blessed them according to that which is our right to grant unto the righteous.
29 Therefore, examine and see if these two are worthy of exaltation beside the throne of their Father
and Mother, that they might dwell forever in the house of God.
30 And if there should be anything lacking, then according to that grace which is granted unto us, we
shall make recompense for the children of promise, that they might stand justified and purified before
my Father and your Father, that these faithful might receive the sanctification whereby they might be
forever as one before the God of Heaven.’
31 So shall the Father and Mother of the righteous speak unto the Lords of Shevas, unto whom is given
the power by which the heavenly glory should be guarded diligently against all uncleanliness.
32 And if it so be that the souls of the righteous should be found worthy, having fulfilled all those
covenants which were made aforetime, then shall the House of Shevas present them unto the Arch-
Angel Michael, even the Chief Archon, and he shall stretch forth his hand unto the righteous and he shall
speak unto them, saying:
33 ‘Come now, blessed of your Father. Come and stand near unto me and rejoice. For this day shall you
take upon your soul, the fullness of Heaven’s glory.
34 For this day shall there be given unto you a new name, which name shall be forever written in the
Book of Life, for there are prepared for both husband and wife, thrones, powers and dominions.
35 Come now and rejoice. For there is given unto you this day, great power wherein you shall become
as Gods, even creators of worlds without end; for in this moment are you the Souls of the Just Made
Perfect, even as your Father and Mother were in the beginning, even Emmanuel and Sophiel.
36 Into your hands is there granted the power of eternal increase wherein you shall fashion unto
yourselves both sons and daughters without number, that eternity might increase her borders beyond
37 Come, righteous! Look round about you, and behold the eternal family of God. Behold the Father
and Mother of your spirit and know that even as they are, might you also become if you will but follow
diligently in the way of holiness.
38 Surely, in this day shall every promise be fulfilled unto you, even according to your righteousness.
39 Attend now, House of El Shalon, and write in the Book of Life the names of these righteous ones.
Place upon them white robes, and on their finger, place the signet ring of that house wherein they shall
ever abide.
40 Place upon their head the crown of God’s glory, that eternity might be unto them as a covering;
establish under their feet the power by which they might continue forever in the way of God, even the
Father of All.
41 Give into their keeping the ministering of angels, whereby great things shall be accomplished
according to the will of these righteous ones.
42 Assign unto these, Shadiel, a company of the Cherubic hosts, that they might guard the way of the
elect, that no unclean thing might draw nigh unto them.
43 Hear and rejoice, mighty hosts! Rejoice aloud and be glad! For the children of promise have come to
stand before the holy according to that righteousness which it was in their power to do.
44 Rejoice and sing forth praises, let the congregations exclaim aloud. For that which was lost is found,
that which was gone far away is come home again.’”
Chapter 25
Becoming a God or Goddess – Creation of spirit children – Preparing the spirit children – Taken to the
Keep – “Unto the earth is no evil given” – Spirit children go down to the earth – Everything first created
spiritually – Mother Earth and evolutionary man – The way of righteousness – The Teacher commanded
to write and teach – Persecutions arise against the Teacher
1 “Thus shall the glory of both husband and wife be, for they shall dwell in the bosom of eternity and as
both God and Goddess, bring forth unto themselves an abundance of joy.
2 For by the Father and Mother of their souls, even the Arch-Angels, shall both husband and wife be
made to stand beside the rivers of intelligence.
3 And the Father shall take the son, who shall be even as Emmanuel in the beginning, and the Mother
shall take also the daughter, who shall be like unto Sophiel before the world was, and together shall
they be brought forth into the midst of great light.
4 And there shall both husband and wife cleave one unto the other in love exceeding, and the light of
God’s glory shall flow in unto the Souls of the Just Made Perfect, and as they enter one the other, there
shall spring forth from the bosom of their glory, a multitude of spirits, both male and female.
5 And unto every spirit that is made to come forth from the bosom of both husband and wife shall be
granted a portion of God, even the Father and Mother; for such are the Souls of the Just Made Perfect.
6 Therefore, unto every male spirit who is made in the image of his Father is granted a portion of the
Mother also; and unto every female spirit who is made in the image of her Mother is granted a portion
of the Father.
7 Thus is a way prepared wherein the spirit children of God might receive unto themselves the promise
of exaltation beside the throne of their Father and Mother who are made to dwell in the greatest glory
of all.
8 But consider how that among all the spirit children who are made to spring forth from the bosom of
God, there is no knowledge given, neither do they possess unto themselves any means whereby they
might attain unto a fullness of joy.
9 Therefore, seeing that the spirit children of God are made in the image of God, yet were they without
the likeness of his glory.
10 So was it expedient to send them forth into the Keep whereby they might come to a knowledge of
Heaven’s glory, that in their bosom might spring forth a desire to become in the likeness of both Father
and Mother.
11 Now there was prepared near unto the kingdom of God, an earth of exceeding great beauty, and
unto this Paradise are the spirit children of God made to dwell; that they might be brought to a
remembrance of the good when they should be sent forth to dwell in the furnace of mortality.
12 So were the spirits of all God’s children made to dwell in the Keep, and they did come to a
knowledge of the glory to be found in the kingdom of their Father and Mother, both Emmanuel and
Sophiel, even God.
13 For there is made to dwell in the Paradise of the Keep, a host of ministering angels, and they do
teach unto the spirits of all men, a multitude of knowledge concerning the kingdom of God, that in the
days of their probation when they are sent forth to dwell in the furnace of mortality, they might possess
unto themselves a fount of great wisdom.
14 Consider now this great mystery, for unto the earth is no evil given except as the children of men
shall perceive; for that evil which men perceive through their natural senses is but the living of mortality.
15 Thus with God are present both the higher creations, where the Gods alone are made to rule, and
the lower creations of all the stars and galaxies which you are made to see in the night.
16 Now seeing that the spirit children of God are brought to a knowledge concerning the ways of
Heaven wherein there is made to dwell a multitude of perfection, it became expedient to send them
forth into mortality that they might choose the greater over the lesser part.
17 Thus, when the spirit children of God are sent unto the earth to attain for themselves that glory unto
which they are able, they are made subject unto the life of the lower world; for in the lower creation
unto which they are sent are the laws of nature made to rule.
18 And if it so be that a man shall judge a thing to be of good report, then such he does by way of
recollection: For the spirit which is made to dwell within him has had elsewhere its beginning and
cometh from afar.
19 Likewise, that thing which is judged to be evil is made so by way of comparison. For in the kingdom
of Heaven is there made to dwell great holiness. Therefore, that which men perceive as evil is but the
choosing of the lesser portion.
20 So are the spirit children of God sent forth into mortality, that in this lower creation they might know
the opposite of the glory of God, which knowledge is granted by the living of this lower life.
21 But in this are the spirit children of God not left desolate, for unto each is given a knowledge of the
holiness of both Father and Mother who await the rising up of many children unto that glory of which
they are able.
22 Now seeing that it was needful for the spirit children of God to dwell in mortality, it was needful to
send them forth away from the kingdom of God that they might come to a knowledge of good and evil.
23 So was there organized for their benefit, an earth of exceeding beauty which was placed for a time in
the lower creations of God.
24 Now everything which is created physically is first created spiritually. Therefore, even unto this earth
upon which you stand is there given forth a spirit, and even as the children of men shall desire to ascend
again unto God, even so does the earth seek to ascend unto the mother of its spirit, that it might also
dwell in the bosom of eternity.
25 Now consider the mysteries of creation, for there is in the Celestial Kingdom of God seven suns
which move round about the other. And unto each sun are found many earths filled with an abundance
of glory.
26 Seeing then that everything which is physical is made first spiritually, even so is it for these worlds
whereupon many Gods dwell. And even as the Father of All seeks to enlarge the borders of his glory,
even so does the world over which he presides.
27 Therefore, this exalted world did take seed unto itself to bring forth another like unto itself, and
seeing that this new earth spirit is innocent, having no knowledge of good and evil, it was expedient to
send it forth unto the lower creations, that it might possess unto itself a physical tabernacle.
28 Now in the beginning did the Father and Mother of all the children of men create this earth upon
which you stand, yet it had no life upon it. So God prepared a meteor which carried within it the very
seed of life, and unto the earth was it sent, that all things might be brought forth in the season thereof.
29 Now as the womb is made to take unto itself the seed of life, even so did the earth take seed from
God, and throughout all the dispensations of time did life take root, even until it covered the face of all
the land and the waters of the great deep.
30 Thus were there brought forth throughout the progression of each, the fish of the sea and the
animals of the earth, and there flew throughout the airs above the earth a variety of birds.
31 Yet notwithstanding all these things, the spirit of the earth desired to take unto herself a portion of
the mind of God, that she might be exalted in the day of visitation.
32 For this cause did the earth bring forth evolutionary man that it might possess unto itself the
children of men which were brought forth in the image of God; yet were they without his likeness, for
they possessed not the spirit of his wisdom.
33 But God beheld the natural man and was pleased, for they possessed a similitude of his image.
Wherefore unto these did God take thought, for he desired to send forth the children of his soul unto
the sons and daughters of lower man, that they might receive unto themselves the promise of every
good thing and the hope of everlasting life in the kingdom of God.
34 Therefore, it was needful for God, even the Father and Mother of many spirits, to approach nigh
unto the councils of Elohim, that together they might show forth unto Lords many and Gods many, the
way whereby even all who will, might be made one with God upon the earth.
35 That by such wisdom as the children of men shall take unto themselves might they attain unto the
greatest glory of all, even so shall the earth find both redemption and exaltation in the kingdom of God.
36 Thus was the way of righteousness established whereby all who are willing might be made one with
the God of Heaven, and the earth upon which the spirit children of God are made to dwell shall be made
one with the greater worlds which move round about the suns of Kolob.
37 And if the children of men will be made one with God by way of holiness, and if the earth upon
which they are made to dwell shall be made one with the celestial worlds also, then shall both the earth
and the children of men be made one with God; and together they shall ascend unto the highest
38 Then shall the children of God inherit unto themselves forever, the earth upon which they dwell; for
it shall be clothed in exceeding beauty, and peace and joy shall make rich the habitations of all the
children of God who have taken unto themselves the fulfillment of every good thing.”
39 Now these are the words which the Lord spoke to the Teacher in the spring of the year, when the
grass was green upon the hillsides and the snows were vanished away. And he commanded that he
should write concerning them and send them forth unto all the children of men;
40 That they might possess unto themselves a sure knowledge of the ways of God, that they might not
despair in the days of their sojourn upon the earth, being filled continually with the visions of eternity,
having taken unto themselves an assurance of hope.
41 So the Teacher turned himself again unto the dwellings of men to teach them concerning the Father
and Mother of Heaven, even God.
42 And there rose against him the teachers and preachers of religion. Yet for all their anger and
persecution against him, he would not turn aside from the children of God, neither would he cease to
proclaim God unto all the people.
Chapter 26
The Great Spirit Mother appears to the Teacher – Glory and beauty of the Heavenly Mother – Greetings
from Heaven – Sophiel, the wisdom of God – The love of Heavenly Mother for her children – The source
of all scriptures revealed – God will save his children from priestcraft – The wisdom which comes from
God – Offering up gifts with a pure heart – The seven pillars of holiness – Above all else, wisdom is the
greatest – Benefits of wisdom extolled – The purpose of trial and hardships – “Let the words of this book
dwell richly in you”
1 Now these are the words of the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit of God which is as a Mother unto all
the children of men;
2 For she would grant unto the willing the fulfillment of every good thing; for all that which is good is
but the gift of God which he would grant unto the children of his soul.
3 Therefore, as the Teacher was resting in a quiet place, the Holy Spirit descended from Heaven to
stand before him.
4 And her beauty and grace shone round about her, being clothed in exceeding whiteness; and there
was upon her head a telefim, white and trimmed in the silver of Evandel.
5 And there was beneath her feet a pavement of blue, even as of sapphire, and in the midst thereof
moved a multitude of worlds without end. For such perfected soul as the Mother is become dwells
continually in the bosom of eternity.
6 For the Mother would not have you ignorant concerning the whisperings of the Holy Spirit; for even as
a child shall call upon her mother in the moment of her need, even so would the Heavenly Mother give
answer unto the children of men, even as if from afar; that they might learn great wisdom, that they
might take unto their soul an abundance of hope.
7 Now on that day when the Spirit of God came unto the earth, the Teacher, being unsuspecting, was
greatly astonished and he arose and stood before her. And she spoke to him, saying:
8 “Greetings, O great and mighty. From my Mother and your Mother: peace and blessing descend upon
you forever. Behold, O son of God, how great shall be your glory in the kingdom of the Father, even
9 For you have set forth the hand of redemption whereby even all the children of men might be
restored unto the glory of God, even according to their several abilities; that not even one should be lost
or vanished away.
10 Surely you shall repair the breach between God and man, for by your hand shall dark despair flee
before the presence of godly wisdom.
11 Consider how the Father loves you, for into your keeping has he committed the mysteries of the
kingdom of Heaven. Wherefore, seeing that the Father of All has removed himself from you for a
season, whereby you might prepare yourself against the day of battle, I am come forth unto you that
you might give unto all who are willing the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
12 Come now and attend unto me that you might hear and forget not. For behold, I am Sophiel, even
the Wisdom of God who is made to abide continually in the bosom of Emmanuel, even my most
13 For I would draw even all the children of men unto me so that they might know of a surety the Lord
their God; that they might commune with the Father and Mother of their spirit, and in our joy find great
14 For even as a mother gives suck unto the child whom she loves, even so would I nourish unto life
eternal the children of men if it so be that they should seek to take to themselves the sacred and the
15 Surely I will not turn away the righteous, neither shall I reject the fallen if it so be that they would
turn themselves from doing evil.
16 For even unto the least of the children of men would I grant the whispering of my Spirit that they
might know the way in which they should go, that they might ascend again unto God, having become
even as he is.
17 Consider how I have called continually unto the people of many nations throughout all the
dispensations of time.
18 Yet were they made blind by the teachings of foolish men, that having eyes they could not see the
darkness of the way before them; for unto them was given no vision and all their dreams were filled
with terror and confusion. And the children of men came to fear the God of Heaven.
19 Surely if a child should lose the sight of her eyes, even she shall see again, though it be by some
other way. But if one should lose the vision of her soul, what power shall deliver her from the darkness
except God?
20 Seeing that the people in times past were made blind for lack of vision, I did call unto certain wise
and holy men that they might give unto the people the wisdom of God, even according to their several
abilities to understand.
21 For what mother would forsake the children of her soul in the moment of their need?
22 Therefore, I did call unto the teachers and prophets of God to write unto the children of men words
of wisdom and learning, that by such counsel they might take unto their soul the presence of God.
23 Consider how there are given many great and holy books. Why, therefore, has the house of Christ
behaved presumptuously?
24 For they have proclaimed to the world that the Bible is the greater, being the only word of God unto
the children of men; while all others are false and filled with evil.
25 Why have the preachers of religion proclaimed aloud that except a man be of the house of Christ,
they shall perish forever in great torment?
26 Truly I speak unto you the will of the Father, that there shall not be so much as one child to perish by
reason of such priestcrafts as these men proclaim. For the love of the Father is sufficient even unto the
weakest of the children of men.
27 Therefore, whosoever shall come unto God, even unto that one shall I teach the beginning of
28 For the wisdom which descends from above is pure and filled with mercy, seeking always to fulfill
itself unto the children of men by goodly works.
29 Thus shall my Spirit reveal unto the willing the deep and hidden things of God, that they might walk
uprightly before the people of many nations, teaching them always concerning the peaceable things of
the kingdom.
30 And I shall draw unto me all who are willing, that they might come to a sure knowledge of God,
being filled continually with an abundance of joy.
31 For whatsoever thing the children of men shall offer unto God with a pure heart, even that thing
shall be unto me as a love offering; and that gift shall I receive with gladness.
32 And even I shall lead the giver of the gift unto the house of her own understanding that she might
attain unto the deep and hidden things therein; that in such wisdom she might come to a knowledge of
33 For consider even this great mystery: Consider and marvel greatly, for in Heaven is there greater
glory than even the minds of men can bear.
34 For in Heaven are there Lords many and Gods many who, in the midst of exaltation exceeding, dwell
together peaceably in all holiness.
35 For upon the principles of holiness are the foundations of Heaven made secure against all
unrighteousness, and by great virtue are the portals of Heaven made wide to receive all who are worthy
of exaltation beside the throne of their Heavenly Father and Mother.
36 Consider, therefore, the virtue by which the children of men are made holy before God; for upon the
foundation of holiness are there made to dwell seven pillars of exceeding richness, and upon these
pillars is exaltation granted unto the righteous.
37 Consider, therefore, these seven: wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice, fortitude, beauty, and
harmony. Upon these things are there made to dwell all the glories of eternity.
38 But of all these things, wisdom is the greatest, for in such wisdom as God would grant is there found
the shadow of sacred things.
39 Above all things, therefore, guard safely the wisdom of your soul, for from its treasury shall flow the
issues of life and death, and life again.
40 Blessed, therefore, is the child who finds godly wisdom, for unto the wise shall understanding make
its abode, and peace and joy shall rejoice together in the temple of the soul; and the song of all your
hopes shall be fulfilled by an abundance of plenty, and glory shall descend upon you forever and ever.
41 Surely the paths of wisdom are made pleasant by the waters of understanding; as a tree of life ever
fruitful shall wisdom become unto those who shall embrace all her ways.
42 Consider, therefore, O children of men, the words of the Heavenly Mother, even the Comforter and
Holy Spirit: Gird yourself round about with wisdom, and make sure the foundations of your soul with
deep understanding.
43 For by such wisdom as you shall take unto yourselves, even so shall your soul be preserved from
darkness and despair.
44 You shall go safely upon the way and not stumble; with sureness you shall run the course before you
and not faint, neither shall you grow weary of heart.
45 In peace shall you lay yourself down upon the pillow and no fear shall haunt the slumbering of your
soul, for all your dreams shall be filled with sweetness and in the dreams and visions of the night, even I
shall reveal to you the wisdom of heavenly things.
46 If you would be wise, therefore, forsake not the teachings of righteousness, neither forsake your
Mother’s instructions.
47 For unto those who should seek after the God of Heaven shall there be given in abundance, and I
shall set them as a seal upon my heart and I shall attend unto them continually, that they might be
nurtured and comforted unto all godliness.
48 For from the foundation of Heaven, which foundation is holiness, rise forth seven pillars of great
virtue. And except one attain unto wisdom, even the greatest of all, how shall they know the justice of
God, or the beauty of heavenly things?
49 By what power shall they make manifest unto the children of men the benevolence of the Father,
seeing that wisdom is fled far away, and understanding is left wanting?
50 Come forth unto me, O children of men, and give answer; by the power of your speech make plain to
me the wisdom of your ways. Surely I will hear. I will consider deeply all your words.
51 By what means shall you take to your soul a godly faith, or be filled to overflowing with the
peaceable things of God except you first attain unto wisdom?
52 Truly I speak unto you this counsel that you might be wise before God and man, for there shall be no
disaster to overtake the righteous except wisdom make sure a way of escape.
53 For in wisdom will God become unto the righteous even as a great confidence; by the pouring forth
of my Spirit shall he preserve the upright in the moment of their need.
54 For such trials as shall come upon the wise are granted by the Father above, that by such struggles as
you are made to endure in this life, you might be made strong in heavenly things; for all those who
would take to themselves the heavenly glory are in need of much strength.
55 Therefore, even as gold is purified by much fire, even so then are the children of God; that by such
labors as you are called to perform, you might be made most precious in the eyes of your Heavenly
Father and Mother.
56 Let your hope find refuge in the wisdom of God and not in the ways of men, lest despair follow hard
upon you in that day when trial and tribulation shall rush upon you to prove the strength of your soul.
57 Therefore, if you would preserve your soul in righteousness, let the words of this book dwell richly in
you, that you might be wise before God, possessing unto your greater joy a knowledge of heavenly
58 So spoke the Heavenly Mother, for she would that even all might take hope in the word of God,
whereby they might attain for themselves exaltation and increase in the kingdom of God.
Chapter 27
Words of wisdom for those who would believe – Be wise and stand on guard – Beware the house of
Christ and the house of Joseph – Bow not before Jehovah – The house of Joseph: illusions and lies – “An
empty house cannot be robbed” – Parable: The Pink Marble – Knowledge grants possession – Fear not,
be free, and dance within the light
1 These then are the words of wisdom which God would write in the heart of those who would believe,
giving into your keeping a confidence filled with light and joy, against which the adversary might have no
power over you.
2 Seek therefore with all your might to walk with God in the living of your life, being in yourself most
well empowered by the virtues which you would live, having placed in God even all your trust, for in you
is found the strength of angels.
3 Be you therefore wise and wary, and guard against deception; for there are many which would
beguile, perchance to lead you away from God through clever speech and false logic; forging deep
within your mind the yearning to accommodate, causing that you should abandon through small
degrees, the knowledge of greater things, here an inch, there and inch, till you are left undone.
4 Watch therefore and stand on guard, and keep your treasures well; secure yourself with firm resolve,
having your mind fixed on God and nothing less; withstanding with most calm demeanor the call to
compromise, or to yield a little, or to negotiate away the things of greatest worth.
5 Know then that if you should yield before the lesser portion, to surrender yourself a little, then shall
you prove yourself undone and most uncertain; having lost yourself for other’s sake by turning loose of
6 Beware therefore, the house of Christ, beware the house of Joseph; for they know not God or the
ways of Heaven, being ignorant of the gnosis; being in their inward heart uncertain and afraid, while yet
they boast and proudly speak of things they do not know.
7 For this I give you for your learning, that you might be preserved; be friendly and kind in all your
speech, go happily upon the way; but resist with firmness and do not yield, neither seek to compromise:
for what communion has light with darkness, or by what means shall wisdom and ignorance agree?
8 For the house of Christ is just a shadow and the Bible a dark illusion, each to each most strongly
fashioned by men who knew not God; always babbling some foolish speech made of contradictions,
foisting upon the minds of men one absurdity upon another, filling the world with hurtful dogmas which
seem to have no end.
9 Be wise therefore and watch with care for those who would beguile, for the house of Christ is dark
and subtle, having dressed itself in great traditions, to present itself as pure; but within the house move
dark dominions which serve a hurtful master; for Jehovah would seek your utmost ruin to fill you with
10 Beware of those who come to you with a Bible in their hands and a prayer upon their lips, seeking
that you should pray with them and prove yourself as tolerant of the evil in their hands; beware I say, be
most aware and do not give an inch.
11 Bow not your head before Jehovah, neither prove silent with those who would worship the
Demiurge through fearful prayers, seeking thereby to draw you in for the sake of some agreement
whereby you are made an accomplice to darkly hurtful schemes.
12 But stand you brightly calm and filled with kindness, speaking out that you decline, having decided
for yourself to cleave to God the Father and the Mother, and not yield yourself to complications for the
sake of some agreement.
13 Consider then the house of Joseph which would proclaim itself as most elect, having established
both prophets and apostles which would make themselves as a barrier between God and man; yet are
they just pretenders only, having in themselves no sacred knowledge, but illusions spun from lies.
14 Yet would they shout from the rooftops that they are the only true of everything, but in their hearts
have they become as the scribes and Pharisees of old, having deceived themselves because of pride;
presenting themselves before the world as an arrogant and self-righteous people in whom there can be
found no wrong.
15 Beware then of such accusations as the house of Joseph would cast against you; for with haughtiness
and condemnation would they accuse you, claiming that you have robbed them of so great a doctrine as
eternal progression has become.
16 Yet of Hodos Alea they have no knowledge, neither would they dare to know; for those who sit in
ignorance are fearful to understand lest they become undone; to find themselves a house of shadows,
filled with great illusions.
17 For this I tell you for your learning, whereby you might have confidence before the false accuser; for
an empty house cannot be robbed, neither can a hollow reed have substance; for in the absence of
knowledge is nothing found.
18 Thus in the absence of knowledge is there found neither substance or value. For how can you rob
another who possesses nothing but illusions only, or, how can others claim as treasure, that which they
have thrown away and left unguarded?
19 Come now, my children, and hear this parable, and be you wise in knowing: for there was a certain
boy which had a bag of marbles; and in the bag was there found a marble unlike all the rest, for it was
large and pink and very pretty to look upon.
20 For the pink marble had passed from father to son, and then from father to son again for many
generations, even until the boy came to possess it for himself; yet did the boy have in himself no
understanding regarding its truer nature, for the fathers before him had no understanding to give.
21 Thus, into a bag of marbles the pink marble went; and the little boy was pleased to have it, for it was
large and rare, possessing in itself a deep and pleasing luster, full of mystery.
22 Now on a certain day the little boy saw larger boys playing a game of marbles, and wanting to join in
the game, the little boy went and showed to them his bag of marbles, requesting all the while that he be
permitted to play and be included.
23 But when the larger boys saw inside the bag, they beheld the pink marble, and taking it out, they
passed it among themselves to ridicule, saying: “What kind of marble would you bring among us? For
this is pink and strange and most unworthy to be in play upon the field.”
24 And hearing this, the little boy protested, saying: “Surely you are mistaken. For this marble is
exceedingly rare, having been given to me by my father, and all his fathers before him. Let me therefore
play with you and you will see its value.”
25 Yet did all the older boys laugh to hear him, and so they did mock and ridicule the little boy; calling
the pink marble a thing for girls and most unworthy; and with loud and taunting disdain they did shoo
away the little boy, to fill his eyes with tears.
26 Yet did the little boy persist, day after day to petition the older boys to let him join with them to
play; and day after day they refused him, saying: “Rid yourself of the pink marble and we will
27 Thus was the younger boy made disappointed and torn between desires, for on the one hand he
desired to keep the pink marble which had passed from father to son, through many generations; while
on the other hand he desired most of all to play with the older boys, to be found as someone worthy in
their eyes.
28 Now as it so happened, the little boy was playing by himself in a park near his home, and as he
played, he dropped his bag of marbles, and the bag did burst open to spill all his marbles upon the
29 And seeing this, the little boy did rush to gather them all up to place in his bag; and he gathered into
his possessions even all the marbles except one, and gazing at the pink marble which laid in the dust, he
spoke to himself, saying:
30 “Of what value is this to me, what is its worth when compared to all the others in my purse? Why
should I care if it be lost and gone forever? Will my father know that I have lost it, will he care? I will
leave it here and go my way. For without this pink marble to trouble me, I shall be permitted to join the
older boys in play.”
31 Thus spoke the little boy to himself, and rising up he left the pink marble in the dust, to be forgotten
and unremembered; and immediately he went seeking the larger boys.
32 Now on the self-same day, at evening tide, there came to the park, a poor boy of lowly birth, greatly
impoverished; and walking in the last rays of sunlight, he saw a flash of pink, shining from the ground
ahead of him.
33 And going quickly to it, he saw the pink marble which had been left behind, and reaching down he
seized it up with utter amazement, for its size and beauty were a wonder to him; and he spoke thusly to
himself, saying:
34 “What a gift God has given! What a treasure in the dust I have found! Surely this is a pearl beyond
price or measure. How can I be seen as poor with so great a treasure in my hand?”
35 Thus did one little boy let fall a marble, to lie forgotten in the dust; while yet another seized up a
pearl to be a treasure throughout his life.
36 Consider now the house of Joseph, for into their keeping was there given a pearl beyond price or
measure; yet of its value they had no knowledge or understanding, neither did their fathers before
37 Why then will you be troubled by those which have no claim? For it is knowledge only which grants
possession. Seeing then that the house of Joseph claims neither knowledge nor understanding of Hodos
Alea, why will you consider them, to harrow up the mind?
38 Prove yourself as one empowered, to stand as one who knows; having filled your mind with a
wisdom born of God, having strengthened your own foundations through an understanding of eternal
things; to be yourself most firmly fixed in the midst of every storm.
39 Let the ignorant boast and rage, and let the prideful strut, revealing themselves before the world as
those who do pretend; for how can you prove yourself a great musician if you never play a note?
40 Fear not therefore such arguments as the house of Christ, or the house of Joseph might bring against
you because of Hodos Alea, for it is in the struggle between light and shadow that we are mighty; and
upon the battlefield of the soul does glory beckon from afar, singing out, through God’s own voice, that
we should come and follow.
41 Set free then your mind from fear and be no longer troubled, and the chains will break asunder, and
the prisons which hold you bound shall crumble in the dust; and in this freedom shall others find hope,
to set themselves free of shadows, to come into the light.
42 For I have come to set you free, to dance within the light, to hear for yourself the song of God and fill
your life with hope.
Chapter 28
“What shall be the end of Man, in the fullness of their time?” – Man will reach beyond this world – Do
not fear the future – The sacred garden and temple of Ondi-Ahman – Elohim to convene at the end of
the age – Establishing the Tabernacle of God’s Peace – One temple, many tabernacles – “Do not grieve
when I must leave you, neither think yourself abandoned” – The Song of God and the Sanctuary of the
home – God is first made manifest in the Sanctuary – “I am always with you in the living of your life”
1 What shall be the end of Man, in the fullness of their time? What will be within their power, in a
future undetermined? Shall there come some Armageddon where blood like rivers flow? Does there
wait some final judgment where hell consumes, in lakes of fire, the seed of God’s beginning?
2 Come now and let us reason, both you and I together, for I would not have you fearful of ages yet to
come; but would instead reveal the dream where God and Man are one, for hope is the gift which I
would give you, to fill your days with joy.
3 For in a future yet unmade shall Man reach beyond this world, to touch and know of strange new
worlds within the starry deep; to find therein a place of life where Man might take dominion; to build
and grow throughout the ages, an alliance among the stars.
4 Why then should you dread a future which God would happy give you? Why fear a future yet
undreamed, a future filled with challenge? For future times call to the past, and dares you to fulfill;
leading gently through the ages to take its life from you, to grow and blossom and stand full grown in a
reality still to come.
5 So let us look with hopeful hearts, and never miss a step, but face with courage the years to come
while holding on to God; facing down with minds made calm, the prophets of doom and dread, seeing
beyond each present trouble that place where dreams await; waiting quietly far ahead, for us to come
6 Hear me now and I will tell you of what must come to be; accept in faith with all your heart and place
your hand in mine, and we will change the world of Man, and forge a brighter future.
7 Where shall we start, both you and I, to shape a good tomorrow; where dreams do walk as mighty
visions which touch the life of Man? In what place shall we begin? How make the dream come true?
8 Consider then an ancient promise given long ago, when Adam spoke of sacred gardens in a place
called Ondi-Ahman; a sacred garden with a temple, where the Gods come forth to bless, and write
within the sacred book the names of those exalted.
9 Seek therefore, to build the garden, a great and sacred place, which garden place even I would cause
to be designated, and in the midst of the garden shall there be most well-constructed, a temple of great
beauty, to be known forever after as the Temple of the Living Endowment.
10 And in this temple shall the Song of God take living form, to fill the eyes with wonder, forging
through both form and music, a depth of vision which will inspire the mind with all the dreams of God.
11 And from generation to generation shall the children of men find peace and hope in the Gardens of
Ondi-Ahman, and from the temple shall the knowledge of God go forth to cover even all the world, till
the ending of the age.
12 For the end of Man shall not come with fire, neither shall Man most slowly fade; but the end of the
age shall come with a shout, the sound of joy and wonder, for the Gods of Heaven shall descend from
Xion, to stand upon the earth, and in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman shall the children of men be gathered.
13 Thus shall there convene the Council of Elohim, being led by Azraella, and beside him shall there
stand the Daughter which he loves; and in that day shall every man and every woman receive their own
inheritance, to ascend again to God;
14 Each and all most well endowed, each and all most blessed, to receive from God the fulfillment of
every promise, rich with great reward.
15 And for twelve full days shall the Heavens convene, to stand before the temple, and on the morning
of the thirteenth day, at the rising of the sun shall the temple and all its gardens be whisked away to
dwell in glory upon the seventh moon which moves around Mahaliel; and around this temple and all its
gardens shall there be built a great and mighty city, the first of Seven Steps.
16 This shall be the end of times, this and nothing less, when Heaven and earth but fair embrace, to see
in each fulfillment; the day when Man and God are one within the great eternal.
17 Consider now this present moment, this age in which you live, for it is expedient that we establish
among the faithful, the Tabernacle of God’s Peace, to be in each community a beacon of light and hope.
18 Thus in each community shall there be fashioned, a garden of exquisite beauty, and this garden shall
be called: The Gardens of Shem Torath; and in the center place shall there be built a tabernacle where
even all believers might be gathered into one, to take to themselves both healing and instruction
regarding the things of God.
19 Thus is there given unto this world just one temple only, to be found in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman;
while of the Tabernacle of God’s Peace there shall be many, each one found within a garden, called the
Gardens of Shem Torath.
20 Take heart therefore, and do not fear tomorrow, but attend with all diligence the present moment in
which you live; let the dreams of God guide all your labors, planting in each present moment the seeds
of what shall be; and day by day shall you draw all future Man to the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman, to see for
themselves the very Gods of Heaven.
21 So do not grieve when I must leave you, neither think yourself abandoned, for I must go before you,
to prepare for you a place of glory;
22 Yet in my absence shall I be with you, to be for you a guiding star which brightly goes before, leading
quietly through the years till you come home to me.
23 And in this song which God would sing shall you always feel my presence, speaking softly in your
mind this dream which comes from God; always seeking to touch your heart, to give to you the keys,
keys of wisdom which would reveal the treasures in your soul.
24 Thus in the Song of God shall you always find me, and in another also; for in the Sanctuary of your
home shall I come and there abide, if it so be that the Sanctuary be made most holy. For the holiest
place in all the world is the Sanctuary of the home, and this do you alone create.
25 For in your hand is found a power: to create on earth a bit of Heaven where God might be revealed,
a place within your very home where the holy and sacred meet, to bind on earth the things of God
through the living of your life.
26 Build therefore a Sanctuary in your home, to be for you and all your house a Holy of Holies, having in
itself both the altar and mercy seat, and let this prove the sacred place where you and God confer
through the moving of the Spirit.
27 For all that is holy and come from God is first made manifest in the Sanctuary of the home, and from
there shall the Spirit of God move into the life of the family, which Spirit is carried into the Tabernacle of
God’s Peace to bless the community in which you live.
28 Let then the Sanctuary of your home be that very fount from which all good things do flow forth into
the world; flowing from the life you live to touch and empower both the Tabernacle and Temple
together, creating within the garden places, the hush of sacred things filled with joy and hope and
29 Come now and sit you by and rest your mind in me, and even I will whisper into your heart a wonder
filled with glory; and in the telling and the hearing shall you become enlightened; to prove yourself in
the doing as one who stands empowered.
30 Know you then and do not doubt, for I am always with you in the living of your life; to build in you
the sacred fire of all God’s wisdom, to inspire in you the touch of holy things.
31 Between you and me are no ‘good-byes’, for I shall go before you to light the distant dawn; to make
for you a happy home among the stars of God; so come along and do not linger, but take a lively step;
and day by day we’ll live this Song which God would happy sing, till you and I are one forever in a
Heaven far away.
Chapter 29
Sodis Sophia speaks: history of the gnosis revealed – The glory of God is not cheaply gained – Adam and
Eve bring forth the seeds of gnosis – John the Baptizer, Teacher of Righteousness binds the truths of God
– John teaches Yeshua the gnosis of God – Darkness of the house of Christ – Signs signifying the
Teacher’s return and the restoration of the gnosis – The house of Joseph: a reflection of the imposter –
“Decide for yourself the true restoration” – The ‘Song of God’: a book of light and wisdom – The Teacher
of Righteousness returns to instruct – “The Song of God is like a house, filled with many mansions” –
Possessing the pearl beyond price or measure
1 Now on a certain day, as I was sitting in the midst of all my studies, there came and stood before me a
brightly burning light; and there stepped out from the light a silvery and shimmering form, even a
woman of great and tranquil beauty, and she spoke, saying:
2 “Behold, I am Sodis Sophia, being myself the first of seven emanations which did rise up from living
streams of light and glory, reflecting out of eternal depths the mystery and the wonder; revealing in
fullness the richest of many pearls, even Eroel, the pearl beyond price or measure.
3 For even I have been commissioned to speak to all God’s children, to reveal in them the Light of lights
which leads to transformation; for in this light a pathway glows which would lead to great
transcendence, that in the gnosis born of God they might ascend into the Fullness, and in the doing
leave behind this world of many shadows.
4 Rise up now as those most eager to receive the greater portion, for where much is given is much
required, for the glory of God is not cheaply gained; for those which are indolent are filled with
emptiness, becoming themselves through trifling efforts unworthy to receive.
5 Be not like unto those who believe little but demand much, expecting for themselves the fullness of
God and heavenly things, while yet they prove no more than shadows which have no substance.
6 Come then and this mystery receive, for in the beginning did Adam and Eve bring forth from the very
Heavens, the first of the gnosis to seed among the tribes of man; and when they were planted, then
came the minions of the Demiurge to uproot and to scatter what God had foreordained.
7 Yet did Seth, as faithful son, gather into one the teachings of his parents, to make from scattered
shards of glowing light a brightly burning flame; which flame did hold at bay the darkness of the
Demiurge; to become itself the star of Zion which to the Heavens fled, in the days of Yasher-Baal.
8 Thus throughout each succeeding dispensation did God continue in faith to give even more of the
gnosis, here a little there a little; yet did the minions of the Demiurge strive by every means to hide the
things of God in darkness, being hopeful to drown in obscurity the light of greater things.
9 Yet regardless of all these things, still did God continue faithful to reveal, and in the time appointed
there came into the world of men the Teacher of Righteousness, being known among men as John the
Baptizer, being in himself alone, the very father of the Essenes and the Gnosis.
10 For in the days of his youth did John turn himself to great and ponderous study regarding the things
of God, tracing back with utmost care even all the truths of God which were dispersed throughout the
ages; and when he was concluded, John did bind even all the scattered shards of twinkling flame, to
make as one a brightly glowing light which, like a star which fell from Heaven, drew forth the very
Anointed One of God, even Yeshua.
11 And when he had come to stand before John, to put forth his petition, even John did set Yeshua
above all the other Essenes which were gathered in Khirbet Qumran, to appoint him a serving priest
within the community of believers.
12 And there in the desert of Judea, did John teach to Yeshua the gnosis which came from God,
beginning from the days of Adam and Eve when first they strode upon the world of man, even till the
days of John; and to Yeshua alone did John reveal the gnosis which leads to transformation, even while
in the mortal flesh.
13 Which gnosis even Yeshua did reveal to those apostles which he did gather secretly around him after
the day of his resurrection, both of men and women. And over the gnosis did he place his brothers
Thomas and James, and Mary the Beloved also, being herself proclaimed and anointed to be the first
Sophia of many mothers.
14 But in the passing of the generations was the gnosis of God made to seem as lost again and deep
forgotten; for the house of Christ did strive by every means to extinguish the light of God, to bury it in
the ashes of ages past; finding in this very gnosis the undoing of themselves.
15 For when the gnosis of God is revealed, even then may those which believe transcend beyond the
world of mortal men, and in the very presence of the angels, become themselves the anthem which God
would sing, becoming themselves the very light of God which in the darkness shines.
16 Seeing then that the house of Christ in ages past did force into the shadows of the lost and
forgotten, this gnosis which came from God, it became both expedient and necessary that God should
set the stage for the return of the Teacher of Righteousness, who was himself the very Friend of God.
17 Consider then such events as did move and turn in preparation for the restoration of that very gnosis
which the Gods of Heaven would give again; for in the years prior to the birth of this Mighty One, even
God did cause to be revealed the lost books of Nag Hammadi, down in Egypt land, for out of the sands
of captivity was there brought forth the essence of ancient knowledge.
18 Then came forth the second sign, for at the birth of the Friend of God, did there spring up suddenly
before the world, still another treasure; for there was found in the desert of Qumran the lost books of
the very Essenes, of whom John himself was the only father, signifying the return of the Teacher of
Righteousness and the restoration of the lost gnosis of God.
19 Yet even unto these two signs did God give still a third, for it was after the birth of this Mighty One
that God did cause to be established again, the nation of Israel, to be for many even as a sign and a
20 What then is the true restoration which is come from God? Consider in the heart and ponder well,
for there rose up in generations past, a great imposter and thief, proclaiming himself as some great
prophet; yet being himself a man of boastful pride, a lover of money and filled with hurtful lusts,
proclaiming himself the restorer of things lost and long forgotten.
21 Casting up before the world a golden bible filled with great pretensions, proclaiming for itself one
absurdity upon another; and unto this did the great imposter foist upon the minds of all his followers,
the abominations of blood atonement, murder and polygamy; claiming all the while that such things
were come from God.
22 And unto this did he place over the minds of those which believed the burden of his priesthood,
which priesthood he did create whereby he might rule uncontested within the kingdom of his church;
having created in his own image, the very house of Joseph.
23 Compare, therefore, and deeply weigh between the two, and decide for yourself the true restoration
which is come from God; for in the one do you find the burden and the darkness of a great imposter.
24 While in the other is there found this very Song of God, being itself a book of light and wisdom,
whereby you might become as one empowered in reaching up to God whereby you might take hold; to
become yourself as one transformed and then transcended.
25 Prove yourself as one most wise, to find herein the true restoration of things once known, then
deeply lost, then brought forth again in your own time, to live again in you;
26 Having set aside with firm resolve such foolish claims as others would cast up before you, being
themselves the followers of confusion, having committed themselves to that imposter who did most
loudly boast to be himself a prophet.
27 For even now has there come again the Teacher of Righteousness, whereby he might instruct, with
utmost care, even every man and every woman who would become as Only Begotten, having inherited
for themselves a new Heaven and a new earth; to become themselves through equal diligence, as those
who walk with God.
28 Let then the words of this book be to you as a guide and a comfort, filled with grace and hope; and
write for yourself the words which even God would speak to you in the sanctuary of your home, and in a
book of inward light shall you write the words of God, to keep within the altar of the sanctuary, whereby
it might move throughout the generations of all your lineage, to be for them a record of your faith.
29 For it is God’s desire to speak to you, to inspire and lift you up; to reveal in you the Light of lights
which opens wide your soul, casting up before your eyes the greatest of many pearls.
30 Only be you wise and filled with care, and of this counsel take, for in all the things which God would
speak, to reveal within your heart, even these things shall conform themselves to the gnosis found
31 For the Song of God is like a house, filled with many mansions, each to each an endless realm filled
with many kingdoms; possessing within this book of books, an endless horizon filled with God; always
reaching beyond your dreams, to take you further still.
32 But beyond this book God will not speak, perchance to contradict and fill you with confusion, for all
the things which come from God do flow and sweetly mingle, to carry you deeper into your soul where
many treasures wait, each one filled with heights and depths which bring you close to God.
33 So be you wise, do not forget, neither think you to dissemble, to think yourself as someone wiser
than the Mystery which came from God; for in this book where Heaven waits is a wisdom far greater
than yourself; a wisdom born and shaped in fire, a wisdom worth the having, to create in you a living
34 And like a star which fell from Heaven, which in the darkness shines, many will come and find their
way, to be themselves transformed; seeing in you the light of God, to know for themselves the gnosis,
having found in you the way back home.
35 Look you then and clearly see, for even now is there come again the Teacher of Righteousness, and
whosoever will believe in him to follow after, even they shall become as a mystery and a wonder; being
themselves lifted up unto God, to possess for themselves even their own Eroel, the pearl beyond price
or measure.”
36 These then are the words of Sodis Sophia, and when she was concluded, there came from Heaven
the sound of singing and great rejoicing; for now in all the Song is done, but you alone must live it, to let
it sing throughout your life till you become transcended.
Chapter 1
The birth of Yaldabaoth – Birth of Jehovah-Yahweh – The Elohim gather, Ahman speaks – The Mother of
All responds – Yaldabaoth envies the light – “I will destroy what I have not created” – The great Chasm –
Shaemdiel meets Yaldabaoth – Yaldabaoth troubles the kingdom of Heaven – Finding the world of the
First Creation – Yaldabaoth destroys a sun – Destruction of two galaxies – The World of the First Power –
Jehovah-Yahweh: “I alone am god”
1 These are the things I dreamed in a dream, and saw in a vision clearly; for as I slept I beheld, by the
power of God, the beginning of sorrow and the coming forth of affliction unto the children of men.
2 For I beheld the great Abyss from whose depths the matter of all created things are made to spring
up, having neither shape nor form.
3 And that which was of the Abyss, being ever dark and brooding, took thought in itself, saying: “Surely I
will draw from my own depths one to rule the darkness.”
4 Thus did there leap forth out of the Depth, Yaldabaoth who would stand forever above all the
Demiurge, being called the Chief Demiurgos.
5 And knowing not the power which brought him forth, he beheld, as though alone, the great Depth
and the Abyss, and seeing the unformed matter springing up out of the Deep, he boasted within himself,
6 “Behold, how great and mighty I am become, for what power can stay my hand seeing that I am the
destroyer and shatterer of worlds?”
7 So spoke Yaldabaoth as he beheld the great darkness of the Abyss, and gazing into the eternal Depth
of things unknown, he beheld the shadow of his own likeness; and taking thought within, he caused to
leap from out of his bosom an image like unto himself.
8 And he spoke unto the Deep, saying: “I have brought out of my soul a son like unto me, his name shall
I call Jehovah-Yahweh.” Which in the language of the Demiurge means: Great Pretender and
9 But in the kingdom of God did the Elohim gather round about the throne of the great Father and
Mother of All, and Ahman spoke unto the hosts of Heaven, saying:
10 “Consider, you Lords and Gods of Elohim, and know this thing for yourselves, for the shadow of great
tribulation do I perceive.
11 For there has leaped forth out of the Abyss some dark and terrible thing, even the Father of Evil has
obscurity and dimness brought out of the womb of matter unformed.”
12 And the hosts of Heaven, when they heard this, grew silent; and there rose to stand before the
council, the great Mother of All, and she spoke, saying:
13 “Give not your soul to trouble because of this thing, neither let perplexities rise within you. For there
is nothing which, once revealed, is able to hide away its heart from before us.”
14 Now Yaldabaoth, being Chief Demiurgos, espied beyond the darkness a great and shining light, which
light emanated from the worlds of Olaha Shinehah.
15 And Yaldabaoth envied the light from afar, and reaching out beyond the regions of chaos and
darkness, he moved over the worlds of the lesser light.
16 And when he beheld the beauty of worlds made telestial and terrestrial, he was filled with great
wrath and he swore against the lesser light, saying:
17 “I will destroy what I have not created; I will make as darkness the light which comes from another.”
18 But notwithstanding these boastings, Yaldabaoth could not make desolate the creations of God,
neither could he diminish the light of his glory.
19 Now when Yaldabaoth beheld that the worlds of Olaha Shinehah continued as before, he spoke
within himself, saying: “What power is this that can set at naught the desires of my soul?”
20 And seeing that the worlds of the lesser light were bounded on every side by a chasm, deep and
wide, he lifted his eyes beyond the depths thereof;
21 And he perceived in his soul a great and mighty light shining in the distant far away, even the light of
the Kokobeam did he discern and the worlds of Kolob did he see moving in their majesty round about in
the kingdom of God.
22 Thus did Yaldabaoth first perceive the wonders which God had made, and seeing that he had not the
power to steal away the greatest glory of all;
23 And seeing also that he had not the means to cast himself beyond the Chasm, deep and wide, he
spoke, saying:
24 “I shall find a way across the Chasm and I shall cause the kingdom of God to grow weak and feeble
that I might take the glory of Heaven unto myself.”
25 So it came about that there sat beside the Chasm which divided the lesser light from the greater, a
dark and brooding presence, even Yaldabaoth, Father of Chaos, Lord of Darkness.
26 Now on a certain day as he lay brooding, Yaldabaoth saw moving out across the Chasm a personage
of great glory, possessing exquisite beauty; even the Arch-Angel Shaemdiel who was Son of the Morning
Light, being Chief Archon after the Order of Kolob.
27 And Yaldabaoth was filled with wonder and he marveled at the beauty and comeliness of Shaemdiel;
and as he marveled, envy made his heart to conspire within him, for he would find some means
whereby he might seduce the Son of the Morning.
28 Thus was there caused to emanate from out of the soul of Yaldabaoth, the deep and rumbling voice
of Chaos; and the terrible sound thereof did reach out into the Chasm and touch the heart of Shaemdiel.
29 And he, perceiving the distant roar of something dreadful, looked out towards the sound thereof,
and Shaemdiel saw the brooding darkness of Yaldabaoth hovering between the lesser and the greater
Light; having neither shape nor form, being filled with all manner of cunning and deceit.
30 And drawing near unto the Lord of Darkness, Shaemdiel paused to gaze upon him, for its likeness
had he never seen before.
31 And Yaldabaoth spoke cleverly unto him, saying: “Father of light, bright and glorious, greetings from
me to thee. Come yet closer still that I might see more clearly the beauty of which you are made.”
32 Now when Shaemdiel heard these words he was most pleased and, drawing closer still, he spoke to
Yaldabaoth, saying: “You speak well the gracious word, yet tell me truly: What manner of being are you
and from whence do you come?”
33 Yaldabaoth answered him, saying: “How is it that you know not of me, seeing that all created things
are first come through me?
34 For behold, I alone am Chief Demiurgos of matter unformed. Father of Chaos am I; for by my own
power have I brought me forth out of the Abyss whose Depth I alone perceive.
35 I am he whose name is unspeakable, whose countenance unknowable, whose power is greater than
any other; for Darkness and Depth have I created, and the glory of all lesser things have I weighed in the
36 Behold, I am the lover of great and mighty things, and when I beheld, from afar, the beauty and glory
and power of the lesser and greater Light, I drew ever closer that I might perceive the depths of their
37 But alas, what pity that the greater Light should prove less in dominion than the worlds of Olaha
38 These then are the words which Yaldabaoth spoke cunningly unto Shaemdiel, and when the Son of
the Morning heard this, his heart was troubled and he spoke, saying:
39 “What mean you by these things: For how can the dominion and power of the greater Light prove
less than the lesser?”
40 And Yaldabaoth moving ever closer, little by little, drew nearer still, and he breathed upon
Shaemdiel, saying:
41 “Have you not seen for yourself how that there is given unto the Olaha Shinehah millions upon
millions of stars, which stars do shine brightly across the face of the Deep; and how that unto each of
these there is given a world of glory?
42 Come then and weigh in your hand the worlds of the lesser light; are they not greater in number
than the worlds of the greater Light?
43 Of a truth is it seen that the worlds of the greater Light are made more glorious than any other, for
there is nothing throughout the immensity of space which can prove equal to them, yet in their
dominion only have they proved to be less than any other.”
44 Now when Shaemdiel heard this, he drew himself away from the Lord of Darkness; and when he had
considered deeply all his words, he went again unto the kingdom of God greatly troubled.
45 But in Heaven did the Father of All speak unto the Lords and Gods of Elohim, saying: “Behold, the
kingdom of my glory has Darkness touched; against the greater Light has Chaos set forth the hand to
46 And seeing that Shaemdiel had turned again unto the worlds of Kolob, Yaldabaoth brooded darkly
within himself, saying:
47 “The seed of dimness have I cast across the Chasm, the shadow of my power have I sent forth unto
the greater Light, that I might distress the kingdom of God.”
48 Now Yaldabaoth moved out away from the kingdoms and glories of Heaven, and flung the restless
presence forever and anon across the face of the Deep; and piercing the boundaries of space and time,
he discovered the worlds of the First Creation.
49 And seeing therein that the beauty of countless galaxies was like unto that of the Olaha Shinehah,
notwithstanding they possessed neither power nor glory like unto the first, he thought to prove his
might against them.
50 And seeing a sun nearby, he reached out to breathe upon it, and behold, it did burst asunder amidst
fire and heat; and all the worlds which moved round about the sun were likewise shattered.
51 When, therefore, Yaldabaoth beheld again the matter unformed, he delighted within himself, saying:
“Now has the day of my power come alive within me.”
52 And Yaldabaoth beheld two galaxies which lay near one unto the other, and passing quickly with a
mighty rush between them, he caused that each should fall in upon the other; and in a moment was
there caused to perish countless worlds beyond number.
53 How greatly then did Yaldabaoth boast within himself; and being filled with satisfaction, he moved
out into the cosmos of the lower worlds;
54 And discerning for himself a world of perfect beauty, Yaldabaoth moved over the face of the waters,
and he saw that it was good and filled with a multitude of life.
55 And he exclaimed within himself, saying: “I have discovered for myself the world of the First Power;
now shall I make as nothing the designs of God, that I might take to myself the greatest power of all.”
56 Now Yaldabaoth brought out of the darkness Jehovah-Yahweh, and set him to rule the earth, saying:
57 “Go you down unto the earth and make subject unto yourself the seed of God and subdue it
altogether, that you may have dominion and power over all living things.”
58 So Jehovah-Yahweh took hold over all the earth, saying: “I alone am god, and beside me there is no
59 And the land trembled greatly and the waters heaved all about in great distress, and the mountains
fell into valleys, and the low places did cast themselves up into a heap, and the winds blew fiercely all
60 And storm and tempest raged against all the living, and the earth in sorrow groaned for deliverance;
for in the day that Jehovah-Yahweh ruled did flesh begin to consume flesh, and all peace did flee far
Chapter 2
Shaemdiel is troubled – Beauty of Heaven described – The anguish of Shaemdiel – Gathering of the
Teraphim in the city of Mitanni – Teraphim of Adorea also gather – The words of Doriel of Ramnios –
The words of Zerrah of Adorea – The words of Lorriel – Taking sides
1 There midst the shining brightness of Heaven’s glory flew Shaemdiel, Son of the Morning Light, whose
heart was made all anxious and filled with trouble by the cunning words of Yaldabaoth.
2 In fevered haste did Shaemdiel go ever seeking, for he would examine for himself with eyes made
strange and dim through cunning deceit the rapturous glory of the kingdoms of the greater Light.
3 Now in the kingdoms of celestial glory did the light of the Kokobeam shine out into the immensity of
space; for in the kingdom of God’s glory were there but seven suns possessing great power and beauty.
4 And there was chief among them, the sun called Xanathea, whose blue brightness and majesty did fill
the heart of God with wonder exceeding.
5 Now unto each sun of the greater Light were there given but three worlds of celestial splendor; and
upon each of these were there caused to dwell in perfect harmony seven cities wherein the Lords and
Gods of Elohim made forever their abode.
6 And prince above all worlds celestial moved Jeruel, being dressed round about in holiness exceeding;
and there alone did the Father and Mother of All reside; and of all the cities which God alone had made
was there none to equal Salem of Merigoth.
7 Behold then the beauty and wonder of Salem, whose very foundation the celestial world was
unworthy to touch, having been established forever in the airs above; being trimmed on every side
midst clouds of heavenly light, whose brightness and glory as a sun did shine upon all the lands of Jeruel.
8 Now above the world of Jeruel did there shine forth in the night airs above, a moon of most exquisite
comeliness, even the Eden world of Paradise which moved throughout the regions of the Keep.
9 And upon this world was there established forever the twelve cities of the ministering angels, and
with them also dwelt the Cherubic hosts of Heaven.
10 Yet for all that was glorious in the kingdoms of the greater Light did Shaemdiel begin to sorrow; for
when he pondered the wonders of the celestial worlds to compare them with the lesser light, he found
their greatness and dominion wanting.
11 Then came Shaemdiel unto the Paradise of God being distressed and heavy burdened; for when he
beheld the numberless concourses of spirits which moved in innocence before the throne of God, he
wept in his soul, saying:
12 “Behold, how numerous and beyond counting the children of God have become, and yet from so
great a multitude are there but few who will take to themselves the greatest glory of all.”
13 And lifting his voice in a mighty shout, Shaemdiel caused to be gathered unto him the Teraphim out
of every city save a few; and unto the city of Mitanni, on the plains of Kuristan did they gather from afar.
14 And he spoke unto them all the words of Yaldabaoth, and of his darkness and power were they
made all aware; and all which heard were filled with great tremblings, and distress caused the souls of
many to quake within.
15 For there came forth from the mouth of Shaemdiel a shadow which would make as something small
the wonders and glories of eternity; and over all the lands and cities of Paradise did the dimness pass
16 But in the city of Adorea, in the land of Lycia, did the council of the Teraphim gather, being made
after the Order of the House of Mithron.
17 And there was gathered in solemn array the Cherubic hosts and there ruled among them Shadiel,
and there also gathered there a remnant of the Teraphim, and there presided among them Doriel and
Lorriel, being made husband and wife forever.
18 And there was joined with them also a great many ministering angels, and there was chief among
them Ayrimee and Lydia, and with them was there counted many which were foremost among the
children of God.
19 Now there stood before the whole assembly, Doriel of Ramnios, and he spoke unto the council
concerning the troublings of Shaemdiel, saying:
20 “You beloved of the Lord give ear and to all my words attend, for you know how there has intruded
throughout the Paradise of God, a dark and deepening mist of gloom which would make uncertain the
hearts of many righteous.
21 For the words of Shaemdiel have made to appear as small and trifling the glory and power of the
greater Light;
22 And they which are of the brethren, whether male or female, has obscurity troubled deep within,
evensomuch that the path of glory can they no longer see, neither can they see the rightness of the way
before them.
23 What then shall we of the council do for the sake of our brethren who are made to labor with us on
behalf of many spirits, which spirits have yet to enter into the Way?
24 By what power shall we turn aside the words of Shaemdiel, seeing that he is greater than the whole
of us?
25 Who is there among us who can lift again the hope of glory; and by some weighty word of counsel
restore again the joy and peace of Eden World?
26 For except we act wisely, then shall the darkening gloom reach out into the Keep to disturb the very
children of God over whom we are all made accountable.”
27 Now when Doriel said these things there stood up to speak, from among the ministering angels, a
certain man whose name was Zerrah of Adorea; and he spoke, saying:
28 “My brethren, for what just cause would we hope to withstand the words of Shaemdiel, seeing that
he is an Arch-Angel of the Most High God, and that into his keeping are given the very fires of Kolob?
29 Why should our hearts be made to tremble because of him? Has he not argued well concerning the
spirit children of God?
30 For he would establish yet some nobler way whereby all spirits might take to themselves the
greatest glory of all.
31 How then will you say that there is a darkness upon the land; why will you call into doubt the one
whom God has set as Chief Archon of the heavenly hosts?
32 Consider then that Shaemdiel does but speak the mind of God in this thing, and that such a gloom as
we but see is yet the dawn to still some greater light.”
33 Now at these words did the whole council grow silent and filled with stillness, for every man and
every woman did consider deeply the words of Zerrah of Adorea.
34 And there spoke out from the stillness the sweet and tender voice of Lorriel, and all eyes turned to
look upon her; for of her goodness and wisdom were all aware, and of her beauty did the Cherubim sing.
35 And she spoke unto the whole house, saying: “Good brethren, let us resolve with all expedience to
act wisely and not in haste, lest we behave unseemly in this thing.
36 For of Shaemdiel are we all made aware concerning his greatness and power; for his words, like
arrows, have pierced to the heart the listening ear; and his voice, like thunder, has shaken already a
great many who, but for our actions, like leaves would surely fall.
37 For this I tell you with all certainty, that among those gathered here is there none found worthy to
reason with him, seeing that among the Eloheim he is preferred above many others.
38 But against the words of Zerrah let us reason altogether; for into the hands of Shaemdiel is the Keep
not given, nor by his power is this Eden World made to move round about the throne of God.
39 Who shall say then that the words of Shaemdiel are come from God, seeing that over Paradise he is
given neither power nor authority?
40 It is for this cause that the words of Shaemdiel have cast a shadow of dimness across the land; for I
tell you truly, that by his words will no great dawn come, but darkness and perplexity only.
41 For the pathway to yonder glory has some greater power established for our sake alone; that by our
faithfulness unto God we might pass unhindered unto the greatest glory of all.
42 Thus by the world of the First Power have the foundations of glory been made all secure; that of all
the spirits which are come from the heart of God is it decreed that not even one should be lost or
vanished away.
43 Who then will say again that Shaemdiel has but spoken to us the mind and will of Eloheim; for which
of us have heard for ourselves the speaking of the Tael concerning the glories of the greater Light?
44 For you know yourselves that by the speaking of the Tael is the power given, and whosoever would
hear the singing thereof, unto them is it given to make real the dreams and longings of the willing heart.
45 Unto what power, therefore, is it given to make known unto us the mind and will of Eloheim
regarding these things?
46 Only he whom the First Power has made both Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps, being Protector of
the Keep; for so have the Lords and Gods of Eloheim declared in the speaking of the Tael.
47 Now let us act wisely regarding the troubled musings of Shaemdiel, lest darkness and uncertainty
make corrupt the very Paradise of God.
48 Let us withstand with boldness the dimness with which Yaldabaoth would afflict us from afar, and to
the kingdom of God put forth our petition.”
49 So spoke Lorriel, and they which were of the council agreed altogether to make known their appeal
unto the House of Mithron, which House resided forever in the kingdom of God on Jeruel.
50 But on the plains of Kuristan, in the city of Mitanni did the Son of the Morning Light speak with
power unto the Teraphim, and of the ministering angels there were many deceived.
51 And there fell upon the cities of Mitanni and Ramnios, Elseli and Gimmel a darkening mist of gloom;
and throughout the Eden world of Paradise did many grow disconcerted.
Chapter 3
Seven houses of Heaven – Seraphim and Cherubim – Ahman speaks to the Elohim – Darkness of
Yaldabaoth infects Shaemdiel – Shaemdiel pleads his cause: celestial glory made less than Olaha
Shinehah; finding fault with Hodos Alea; obedience preferable to faith; Law of Immediate Recompense;
keeping the children of God innocent forever – Ahman takes counsel with the very elect – The season of
darkness grows
1 On Jeruel did the Elohim gather, in Salem of Merigoth did the Lords and Gods assemble themselves in
solemn array.
2 Before the throne of Ahman did the congregations of Heaven draw nigh; and there was foremost
among them the House of Archons and the House of Valhaladea, being made after the Order of Kolob.
3 And there were also added unto these the House of Shevas and the House of Sabaoth, being in their
fashion made after the Order of Xanathea.
4 To these also were gathered the House of El Shalon and the House of El Shaloah, and the House of
Mithron, being of themselves fashioned after the Order of Jeruel.
5 Now there was numbered among the heavenly hosts many which were of the Seraphim, each
according to their tribe; of Theadris ten thousand, of Zaugris ten thousand, of Kaerkos ten thousand, and
of Maardas ten thousand.
6 And of the Cherubim there were numbered ten thousand times ten thousand, singing ever of
Heaven’s glory, and of their beauty and comeliness would the tongue of man fail to speak; for there was
no other creature like unto them.
7 Thus was there caused to gather the heavenly hosts in splendor exceeding; and there shined out from
around the throne of Ahman the Kerrillean light of Xanthis which like a jewel sat as a diadem upon the
brow of Galendriel, the Mother of All.
8 And standing before the whole assembly Ahman raised up the hand to speak, saying: “You children of
light, children of glory give ear, for there has put forth some petition the council of the Teraphim, which
petition you are all made aware.
9 For even now has the darkness of Yaldabaoth reached out across the Chasm to disturb the kingdom of
the greater Light, to make as small and trifling the greatest glory of all.
10 And in the Eden world of Paradise has the shadow made known its presence through the troubling
words of Shaemdiel, who, being chief and foremost among the House of Archons, would yet establish
some other way to exaltation.
11 Let us, therefore, be wise and not imprudent, that we might hear for ourselves the words of
Shaemdiel, to see if there be any good thing in them.
12 And if there be found some goodness in the word, then let us be wise and embrace them; but if
there should be found no good thing in them, then shall we remove the darkness from before us.”
13 So spoke the Father of All, and stretching forth his hand he commanded that the mind of Tael be
opened, that Shaemdiel might plead his own cause from the plains of Kuristan on Eden World.
14 Now in the speaking of the Tael did there appear before the councils of Elohim a bright and piercing
light, and in the midst thereof was Shaemdiel seen, and a host of others with him.
15 And looking upon so great a gathering, Shaemdiel smiled and he spoke, saying: “Brothers and sisters
of the heavenly hosts, you Lords and Gods of Elohim: Why are you dismayed because of me?
16 For it is for our greater glory I would speak and make known abroad all my heart; that such wonders
as we are made partakers of even now, might be magnified and increased beyond all measure.
17 Hear now the counsel of my words, and be you all calm within; for well is it said of Elohim, that in
our bosom can there be found neither fear nor troubled foreboding; neither is there found midst all our
glory the trembling heart or any shadow of turning.
18 Consider then, how that there is given unto the Celestial Kingdom but seven suns of glory; while yet
in the lesser kingdoms of Olaha Shinehah there are given a multitude of stars beyond number.
19 Let us, even now, reason well among ourselves concerning this kingdom of the greater Light: For
would not the glory of twelve suns shine brighter still than seven only?
20 And if there be greater dominion in twelve suns, would there not be greater glory in forty, or
seventy, or even a hundred times a hundred? Would not the glory of Kolob shine brighter than it does
even now?
21 Which among you will say that there is no glory greater than that which we have already known? For
out of dominion has the glory leaped forth, out of increase is there found a wellspring of unending
power and might.
22 By what means then have we made less the dominions and powers of this greater Light? Wherein
have we made to appear as small and trifling the greatest glory of all?
23 Only in the Hodos Alea have we made of little effect the kingdom of God; for we have established
the pathway where there are but few who would be made partakers with us, while yet the many are all
gone away unto the Olaha Shinehah.
24 See then that in the Paradise of God there is brought forth a multitude of spirits which would lay
hold to all our glory, yet there is between us and them a chasm which only the few are able to cross.
25 Yet are the many, which were found unable, carried unto kingdoms made Telestial and Terrestrial,
that they might live forever in the glories of the lesser light.
26 Now you sons and daughters of God give ear and let us be wise in all our deliberations, that by our
several powers we might make greater still the glories and dominions of Kolob.
27 For you know that in living the mortal life the spirit children of God are made separated, each
according to their ability; to decide for themselves both the good and the evil.
28 And if it so be that a spirit choose goodness always, then is it made partaker with us in the kingdom
of God; being dressed round about in goodness, and power, and dominion, and glory forever; taking to
itself an eternal increase, even worlds without end.
29 But if a spirit choose always the lesser portion, notwithstanding that there be given unto him the
hope of many lives, then is he established forever in the lesser kingdoms; having no power for they have
no increase; having no hope for they have no knowledge of heavenly things.
30 Seeing, therefore, that the innocent are overwrought by so great a burden, to choose for themselves
the good or the evil, let us make easier still the mortal life, that there might spring forth unto exaltation
even all the spirit children of God.
31 For you know yourselves that the dominions and glories of Kolob are made lesser still by this one
thing only: That God would place into the hands of men even his own Agency whereby they might
choose the good and shun the evil altogether.
32 But yet are the many unable to elect, being weak and ignorant, filled with fear and having no hope;
for the wisdom of heavenly things have we established on faith and goodness, and not just knowledge
33 For well have we written among ourselves the law, saying: Only those who believe obey, and only
those who obey truly believe.
34 Know then surely for yourselves that obedience is preferable to faith, for by obedience do we bend
all men to our will alone;
35 And knowledge is greater than wisdom altogether, for it is knowledge which all men hunger for,
while the path of wisdom do only the few embrace.
36 Let us, therefore, remove from man the Agency of God and establish over them the Law of
Immediate Recompense, that all which would go down into mortality might take to themselves the
surest way;
37 That there might be but few which shall go the way of Olaha Shinehah, while the many we shall
make joint heirs with us in the kingdom of God.
38 Then shall the borders of Kolob be greatly enlarged and the dominion of all our glory be magnified
beyond measure, evensomuch that eternity shall forever sing of our wisdom.
39 For if we shall place in effect the Law of Immediate Recompense, then shall we cause the children of
men to take to themselves the righteous only, for the power to choose between the good and the evil
shall we withhold from their keeping.
40 By such means shall we make subordinate unto the law the Hodos Alea, whereby the laws of the
lower nature are likewise made subject unto us;
41 That such mortal circumstances as will afflict the children of men from time to time in the lower
creations, might no longer prove arbitrary, but shall make known its power according to our will alone.
42 Thus shall we enclose on every side the spirit children of God, that when they shall go forth into
mortality they might find immediate recompense for all their thoughts and all their deeds.
43 How many then shall we cause to find the greatest glory if not all? For we shall hedge up the way
round about them, evensomuch that only the few shall fail in taking to themselves the exaltations of
44 For such oppositions as the spirit children of God are want to meet in the mortal life shall we
diminish little by little through obedience, even till there be only the good to see; and the lesser way
shall we enclose with sore displeasure.
45 Let us then keep innocent forever the spirit children of God, seeing that they are most precious, and
give not into their keeping the Agency of God lest the days of their mortal life weigh heavily upon them.
46 For innocence is better than any other, being in itself both pure and undefiled, being neither marred
nor sullied by the mortal life.
47 Now let us give unto the children of men a multitude of laws and commandments whereby we shall
cause them to do the good only, and if it so be that they shall violate the law to do evil, then shall we
visit upon them swift recompense.
48 By such means shall the many be brought forth unto exaltation, and there shall be added unto Kolob
a multitude of stars; then shall the dominions of the greater Light prove more glorious than the lesser
49 Be not troubled, therefore, for Yaldabaoth’s sake, neither be you fearful because of me; for I shall
overcome the Lord of Darkness, and by such measures as we shall take increase forever the realms of
our glory. Even so, Amen.”
50 So spoke Shaemdiel in the speaking of the Tael and many were troubled in heart and mind, for in the
Hodos Alea had the First God laid forth the pathway to exaltation.
51 And Ahman called unto himself certain of the Elect that he might counsel with them concerning all
which Shaemdiel had spoken;
52 But on the Eden world of Paradise did Yaldabaoth continue in stirring up great contentions through
the disputations of Shaemdiel, and for a season the darkness grew unabated.
Chapter 4
By the waters of Yoshibeth the mothers gathered – Sophiel speaks to Galendriel: the troubling of
Heaven; Eden world shaken by Shaemdiel; the Lord of Kolob turned aside – The tear and the flower –
Rutheniel speaks for her Beloved Shaemdiel – Galendriel speaks: all things must grow, or die; a shadow
beyond the shadow; Ahman has gone seeking; do not grieve for Shaemdiel – Galendriel sings a song
1 In the Season of the Song, by the waters of Yoshibeth did the Lords and Gods of Elohim gather, and
there assembled before Galendriel certain mothers of the heavenly hosts:
2 From the House of El Shaloah stood forth Sophiel, Bythiel, and Myriel; from the House of Sabaoth
drew near Sabriel, Ramniel, and Saerel; and with these came also Rutheniel being Beloved of Shaemdiel.
3 And there spoke with all tender affection Sophiel, being called of God the Spirit of Truth, saying:
“Most Holy Mother, joy of our desiring, what good thing shall we do to restore again this heavenly
4 For peace and joy has sorrow pressed hard on every side, to fill the heart with deep foreboding; upon
the glory of all our worlds has there leaped forth the shadow of dimness, making dull the hopes of
5 Hear, O Blessed Mother, the pleadings of our soul; for who is Shaemdiel that he should change
forever the ways of Hodos Alea, to make commonplace the glory of all our children?
6 For on Eden World are the children of my bosom made ready to fall; like leaves on the tree do shake
and flutter all around, even so in Paradise have the words of Shaemdiel raced about as the whirlwind,
causing all which hear to tremble.
7 By what means shall we make sure again the paths of glory, that by our hand we might make secure
the hopes and longings of all our seed?
8 And though we calm the hearts of all who trouble, by what measured word of reason shall we make
peaceful still the dark musings of Shaemdiel?
9 For, behold, the Lord of Kolob has Yaldabaoth turned aside through cunning speech, that even so
great a one as he is made blind in the midst of all our glory; to the words of Eloheim he will not give
heed, but has stepped aside into darkness.”
10 So spoke the Spirit of Truth unto Galendriel and all which heard, together sighed; and there was
caused to fall to the ground, before the Most Heavenly Mother of All, a single tear of sorrow.
11 And when it was fallen, there sprang up immediately in the place thereof, a single flower made all
crimson without and white within, being in itself the first of its kind.
12 And all which were gathered there did turn themselves to see, and they beheld Rutheniel weeping
for her Beloved.
13 And Galendriel, stepping softly forth, placed her arms about her to comfort; and Rutheniel, weeping
upon her bosom, spoke unto the Mother, saying:
14 “Blessed Mother hear my plea, for in your wisdom do all the Gods rejoice. What shall I do for the
sake of my Beloved who has turned his heart to that darker vision which he alone can see?
15 By what soft and gentle persuasion shall I restore again my own Beloved who, by the power of his
own brightness, caused the morning light to shine upon the kingdoms and wonders of Jeruel?
16 Who, formerly, made brighter still the celestial worlds when yonder suns of Ashengaard gave forth
from their own brightness a constant ray, and to the Kokobeam lent forth the luminous realms of their
own dominions?
17 Have you not beheld in wondrous awe the comely form of my Beloved; before whose beauty the
very moons of Jeruel grow weak and pale and, who, of their own power, would weave for fairest
Shaemdiel a covering of silvery light?
18 Who has not rejoiced at the drawing nigh of my Beloved who, before the coming of Yaldabaoth,
caused that all good things should sing together, and before whose presence the very creations would
leap together for the joy of him?
19 But now is my Beloved, by some twilight dimness, made to seem a stranger here; and in his presence
does there descend upon the fairest of our worlds a darkening gloom and a fearful dread.
20 And I, alone, am left to care for him, to plead for him, to weep for him; for still in my bosom, made
all tender and ready, would I ever find place for my Beloved, that there midst some fire and gentle
breath I might cleave only unto him.
21 Now great Mother give reply and to my plea attend, for of your wisdom there is no end: By what
persuasion might I restore the place and honor of my Beloved, lest he be lost forever?”
22 And Galendriel, speaking softly unto the hosts assembled there, said: “Do not weep and fear no
longer; for I perceive in all our troubles, some design made deep and subtle.
23 For it is in the nature of all living things to grow, and that thing which does refuse, even it shall
perish, to be no more; thus by our constant efforts in reaching forth, we might yet achieve some greater
glory of which we are but faintly made aware.
24 Thus in our need for eternal progression, Shaemdiel wisely acted, yet only in his means of attaining
did he gravely err, to change forever Hodos Alea.
25 But still do I with deepness perceive, a shadow beyond the shadow, and in the turning another
turning; for I see revealed some wiser hand which only few can see.
26 For well is it known already among us that over the worlds of Olaha Shinehah was Yaldabaoth given
neither power nor place;
27 And moving out beyond forever, he pierced the veil of darkness, and in the world of the First Power
has he a refuge found.
28 Be not troubled, therefore, because of Shaemdiel, but in my words find sweet repose; for in the
Father has the light leaped forth, revealing in him a wonder beyond all wonders.
29 For I tell you truly, that beyond the councils of Eloheim is still some greater council found; and
beyond the greatest council is there made to rule the councils of El Jor El.
30 And there unto has Ahman gone seeking, that we might attain for ourselves some greater wisdom,
that in such glories as we shall gain make all peaceful still the worlds and kingdoms of Jeruel.
31 So shall the Father establish the way wherein some greater progression might be found, for in his
hands shall he make secure the ways of Hodos Alea.
32 But for Shaemdiel do not grieve, for there is a goodness which none can lose, neither can any
darkness make small the greater Light.
33 For you know yourselves that into our keeping is the kingdom of Heaven given, and into the hands of
many Fathers is there given the ways of Hodos Alea.
34 Let us make secure, therefore, the heavenly place, that by a goodly grace we might restore again the
Son of the Morning Light and cause to stand beside him his own Beloved Rutheniel.”
35 And when Galendriel had said these things, she sang a song of hope and yearning, and in the forest
and in the fields the flowers leaped forth out of the ground, to signal to all a new beginning.
Chapter 5
The long journey of Father Ahman – Ahman addresses The One: trouble in Paradise; seeking counsel and
wisdom; a plea for Shaemdiel – The One responds – Glory of The One presented – Birth of God revealed
– The death of First Man – A plan of redemption – Ahman replies to The One – The One takes
responsibility for Shaemdiel’s fall – Shaemdiel made an unknown agent for God
1 Through the generations of eternity did Ahman go forth, and in the onward speeding rush of the
Father did the light give way to the higher light, revealing forever and anon the glory of The One.
2 And piercing deeply the furtherest veil, Ahman came at last to that beginning beyond all beginnings,
and in the councils of El Jor El the Father stood in wonder exceeding.
3 And The One spoke unto the Father, saying: “Greetings great Melchizedek, King of Salem, Lord and
Ahman of Jeruel: For what just cause have you come seeking?”
4 Perceiving then the greatest of All, the Father with measured step drew near, and in a voice made
reverent and filled with awe, spoke, saying:
5 “Most Sovereign Lord, Greatest and Most Holy, in whom the endless creations with worship adore, by
your hand alone am I drawn near; for when I beheld the coming of Yaldabaoth, I faintly discerned the
shadow of your design.
6 For in all the creations of God could there be found neither room nor place for him; yet
notwithstanding these things, by some dark and troubling scheme did he a foothold find in the heart
and mind of Shaemdiel whereby he might tempt him.
7 And by such words as he spoke did the Lord of Kolob shake already the foundations of Heaven, to see
if there be any who would take to themselves some greater glory.
8 Yet of Yaldabaoth did I espy, in visions made all subtle and deep, the Chief Demiurgos swiftly fleeing,
and in a realm beyond all yesterdays did he a refuge find in the world of the First Power.
9 Seeing then that this Yaldabaoth from the Deep came forth, and seeing again that for him was no
place given except the world beyond beginning; I saw the moving of some more artful hand than any
before could fair discern.
10 Of whom then should I some greater counsel seek if not you Most Holy? For you, alone, from the
First World came, being of yourself the greatest God of All; before whom countless eternities without
fail must move.
11 Come, Most Sovereign Lord, and from your wisdom some counsel give, for in your word alone shall I
find revealed the hidden pathways of your will;
12 That by such a means as you would place into my keeping, I might set forth the whole of your design;
to increase forever the kingdoms of the greater Light.
13 Only let not Shaemdiel be lost to me, for I perceive that of your designs he has no knowledge given,
but has set hard his soul against the counsel of Elohim;
14 And would, by some dark and cunning means, change forever the ways of Hodos Alea; which way
you did establish from the very beginning to make secure the way of exaltation, lest that which is folly
make less of it.
15 Thus did Yaldabaoth, being himself blind and filled with Chaos, make also blind the Son of the
Morning Light; to place in him the heart of anarchy, having his vision obscured through cunning deceit.
16 Where then shall I find room for Shaemdiel, seeing that by his several contentions he has made
himself unsuited for the heavenly abode?
17 For in the hearts of the very chosen has he raised up a great many consternations, to disturb already
the councils of the Teraphim through diverse disputations.
18 Evensomuch that among the ministering angels of Paradise have many laid claim against the
kingdom of God, thinking themselves cheated of some greater glory because of the ways of Hodos Alea.
19 By what means, therefore, would you have set in order again the kingdoms of the greater Light,
seeing that by your hand alone was Yaldabaoth drawn forth from the Abyss and in the world of the First
Power did make place for him?”
20 Such are the words which the Father spoke and, when he was concluded, there arose before him a
deepening mist filled with exceeding wonders; and in the mist was there clearly seen a swirling and
turning veil of shimmering light whose bright beauty the tongues of angels could scarce describe.
21 And The One spoke from the light, saying: “Have you not considered, my Son, how that between me
and the highest councils of Heaven there is found a barrier which is greater than any other?
22 See then, how that by some deep design, I have drawn you forth unto me; that by your coming there
might exist some communion between that which is great and that which is greater still.
23 For I, alone, am The One which is greatest above all else, being before all Gods the First and Most
Sovereign Lord of All;
24 Having established in the depths of my own bosom the countless turnings of eternity, in whose
hands the course of all heavenly things must forever move.
25 Behold, how the pathways of endless ages around the throne must ever move, causing all that is
past, and all that is present, and all that is future to give obeisance unto me.
26 For I, alone, am Eternal One, above whom there is no greater found; yet in that beginning beyond all
beginnings have I a memory recollected.
27 Thus it was that in a time beyond all your yesterdays was there found neither God nor Goddess but
Man only; and in the world of the First Creation was he brought forth in darkness, knowing only what
the senses of the body would permit.
28 Among the spirit children of many Gods is this word not given, have you yourself not also heard: how
that God was once a man, to evolve himself from less to greater?
29 So it was that in a time before forever, even I, as a man on the First World did dwell; being the first
to make for himself a living soul which the darkening shade had no power to touch or put out again.
30 But still did all of man in the First World perish long ago, being consumed by a multitude of folly; yet
notwithstanding these things, in such a memory as I have found have all which died come alive in me
31 Yet in that beginning beyond beginning did First Man dwindle away into death because of
foolishness, for although his knowledge was great and ever reaching, yet of wisdom did he possess but
32 For of wisdom was First Man unable to lay hold seeing that unto him was no knowledge given of
good or evil, being in himself uncreated of God, being without soul and having no means of bringing it
33 But seeing now that in the mind of The One, First Man is made to come alive again, I have resolved
to set forth the means whereby all who are willing might fashion unto themselves a living soul.
34 Thus shall I redeem First Man from the folly of all his ways, to rescue him from endless death; that
from the world of the First Power might many come forth unhindered into the presence of The One.
35 Consider deeply then the mystery within, for if I reach back to redeem First Man, to make in many a
living soul; how great then shall the kingdom of God become, seeing that in the beginning from one
only, came forth the fullness of Heaven’s glory?
36 Who then will call small and trifling the dominions of this greater Light, seeing that unto Kolob will
be given a multitude of suns beyond counting, which suns shall shine from eternity to eternity in
unending power and glory?
37 For this cause did I bring forth Yaldabaoth from the womb of eternal night, knowing already that in
the creations of God there would be found for him neither room nor place.
38 And unto the world of the First Power did I send him forth, that being deceived in the midst of some
great vanity, he might set forth a new beginning of my own design.
39 Yet if Yaldabaoth be sent unto the world of the First Power, shall I not send also from the heavenly
abode, one to watch over him; to make secure the hope of immortality?
40 For it is expedient that Yaldabaoth fulfill the purpose of his dark design, to bring before the world of
First Man the terror of some evil thing.
41 But who among Heaven’s glory will also go forth to mete, with measured hand, good for evil, and
hope for despair: Who, by some divine contemplation, might make possible the coming forth of the soul
in First Man, and thereby prepare the way to some greater glory?
42 Thus in the coming forth of both good and evil there shall spring up in the mind of man the sounding
echo of something deeper still, which as an epiphenomenon in the heart of man will cause that many
should seek after spiritual things.
43 For even as a child is given shape and life through the coming together of opposites, being in the
man and the woman bound, even so is the soul of man given shape and life also by the coming together
of good and evil.
44 And as a child drawn freshly from the womb is made to live and breathe in the midst of great travail,
so in like manner is the soul of man drawn forth from the midst of adversity.
45 And though the soul of man in its beginning prove weak and frail, yet shall I set forth the way
wherein the soul, in strength, might grow, that I might draw it forth unto me.
46 Who then shall I send unto the world of the First Power to set forth the whole of my design, to make
way for the coming of the soul of man, and to increase forever the glory of Heaven?”
47 So spoke The One unto the Father, and Ahman, with ready heart, gave swift reply, saying: “Most
Sovereign Lord, Great and Holy: If it be acceptable in your eyes, grant that even I might go forth unto the
world of the First Power;
48 That I might take into my keeping the fullness of your design; for I shall set before the mind of man
the good and the evil, that by some greater mystery, he a soul might make.
49 Yet tell me only by what means shall I restrain the hand of Yaldabaoth; to exercise upon him some
subtle influence seeing that he is separated and apart from the creations of God?
50 Now, Most Sovereign Lord, seeing that Shaemdiel is made unsuited for the Celestial Kingdom, would
it not prove expedient to send him also unto the world of the First Power;
51 That, perchance, there might be established between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness the
means of some communion, that by my subtle influence upon Shaemdiel I might refrain Yaldabaoth
from consuming the whole of man through his dark designs?”
52 And The One answered again from the light, saying: “Well is it said of you, my Son, that you are the
knower of hidden things, revealing through some delicate word the depth of your great wisdom.
53 Hear now the whole of my intent, for it was by my design that Yaldabaoth did leap forth out of the
womb of Darkness, and seeing the lights which God had made shining in the far away, caused that he
should go and see for himself the glories which I set forth.
54 And seeing that he had no power to set at naught the dominions and glories of the greater and
lesser lights, he sat himself down beside the Chasm made deep and wide and there brooded darkly.
55 And as he sat, I did move upon the mind of Shaemdiel to draw him forth across the Chasm; and as he
drew near unto the worlds of Olaha Shinehah he heard and saw for himself the presence of something
dark and dreadful.
56 Thus have I, by some deeper wisdom, prepared the way whereby you might draw forth into eternal
life the soul of man; to exercise over Yaldabaoth the shadow of my design.
57 For in the casting down of Shaemdiel will Yaldabaoth greatly rejoice; supposing as he might that he
has made weaker still the dominions of God.
58 For this Yaldabaoth has darkness made all blind within, being ever puffed up and filled with cunning
deceit, evensomuch that he can see no power greater than himself.
59 Thus have I, in cleverness, established the means whereby you might, with subtlety, exercise some
good over Yaldabaoth, lest he stretch forth his hand to destroy forever the hope of every man.
60 For if it so be that he shall take hold of Shaemdiel, to submit him unto some darker power, then shall
he be made subject also unto the powers of the greater Light.
61 Only fear not the losing of Shaemdiel unto evil, for unto you is it given to lay forth the foundation of
still some greater redemption, whereby he might ascend again unto the bosom of his Beloved.”
62 So spoke The One, and when all things were completed, then did the Father go swiftly again unto
Jeruel, being refreshed and in wisdom guarded round about.
Chapter 6
Jehovah-Yahweh in the world of the First Creation – Being without seed or help – Jehovah sees the sons
of men for the first time – A troubled Jehovah speaks to Yaldabaoth – The birth of God-thought and
religion – Jehovah subdues mankind – Great and dreadful boasting – A jealous god filled with wrath –
The sons of men grow fearful
1 But in the world of the First Creation did Jehovah-Yahweh rule harshly, boasting always in the midst of
his pride, and in the exercise of his power did he establish dominion over all the earth.
2 Evensomuch that the fish in the sea, and the birds of the air, and the animals which moved upon the
land did seek to devour one another.
3 For in strength only, and in war, and in death did Jehovah-Yahweh take great delight; for against all
living things did he constantly revile, being filled with loathing and reproach;
4 Ever moving upon the land in the midst of his power, lashing with unalterable fury the earth, and sea,
and sky; and all which lived, in madness turned, and with great ferocity did consume one another in the
midst of their torment.
5 And seeing all these things Jehovah-Yahweh, in sottish glee, exclaimed aloud, saying: “Now is the day
of my power come alive, for I, alone, am made lord over all the earth.
6 Yet only in this one thing am I found lacking: For I am given neither help nor seed, and I am left alone
to rule the earth, to subdue it altogether.”
7 Now on a certain day, as Jehovah-Yahweh moved about in restless spirit, he saw among the animals
of the earth a small gathering of the sons of men, being filled with dreadful fright and ignorance;
8 Having in their form the image of God, but having not his likeness; possessing neither light nor
knowledge, nor power; dwelling ever in caves and hidden places lest some ferocious beast devour them;
being naked and sore afflicted.
9 Yet was Jehovah-Yahweh troubled because of them and in his many consternations took thought to
destroy them altogether, lest they, by some hidden means become great and mighty and establish
dominion over all the earth.
10 Thus did he, in haste, go forth unto his father, the Chief Demiurgos, and Yaldabaoth spoke soothingly
unto him, saying:
11 “Why will you be troubled for the sake of man, seeing that they are ignorant and filled with fear? Are
you not greater than all their seed? Do they not tremble and weep because of you?
12 Seeing then that I have given you neither seed nor issue, why will you hesitate in taking power over
the children of men, to establish over them the rule of your power?
13 For I tell you with all certainty that dominion is better than destruction, and servitude more
preferred than dark oblivion; for the worship of fools is better than the silence of dead men’s bones.
14 Go, therefore, and make subject unto yourself the children of men, that by your power over them
you might take dominion over the very seed of God.”
15 So spoke Yaldabaoth, Father of Chaos, Lord of Darkness, and Jehovah-Yahweh went quickly down
unto the earth, filled with vigor and might; and seeing from a distance the sons of men gathered upon
the plain, he did surround them on every side, and there were none which could escape.
16 And they, seeing about them the dark and brooding presence of something dreadful, were filled with
fear, and they began to wail and cry aloud.
17 And Jehovah-Yahweh reached deep into the mind of man, saying: “Behold, I am god, creator of
heaven and earth; Great and Mighty is my name; and over every living thing in earth, and sea, and sky
am I alone both lord and judge.”
18 Now when he had said these things, there came upon the land a terrible shaking; and being cast to
the ground with great violence the sons of men cried for deliverance; and seeing that they were fearful
of him, the rumbling voice of darkness spoke again, saying:
19 “By what power will you flee away from me, by what clever design will you think to hide yourself
away? For, behold, all things am I made to constantly see, both in heaven and on earth.
20 For I am the power which gives rise to sun, and moon, and stars; I am the light which rules the day; I
am the shadow which fills the night; all things do I perceive darkly, and you can by no means hide
anything away from me.
21 The boundaries of the world have I determined, to make separate the land and the sea, and the
heavens from the earth; for the mountains and the valleys have I established, to rise up and to cast
22 Have you not seen, have you not considered the power by which all things are made to move upon
the land, or to swim within the seas, or in the airs above take sudden flight?
23 Behold, I am the power in all these things; for the swiftness of the gazelle have I established, the
fierceness of the lion have I set forth.
24 All these things have I determined, for, behold, I am god and beside me there is no other.
25 What power, therefore, can stay my hand? For I am the life which gives breath to all; I am the hand
by which all things perish.
26 A jealous god am I, filled with wrath and swift destruction, envious and terrible beside; against the
weak do I ever contend, to visit upon them the fullness of my anger, to consume them as meat made
ready for the fire.
27 What is man, therefore, that I should consider him, or the son of man that I should honor him? A
speck of dust, a trifling thing which does but shake and tremble; a puny worm with arms made weak and
legs which move, in fear, about.
28 By what means therefore, shall you appease my wrath, that I should withhold from you the penalty
of death? For there has risen against you the indignations of my fury; for you have not known me,
neither have you worshipped me.
29 If you would live and not perish, then must you fear me, obey me, worship me; for by these things
shall I make weak things to become strong in me, and the strength of your hand shall I secure with great
30 For the sake of my glory would I establish you above the earth, that you may subdue it altogether;
and the lion and the leopard shall grow fearful of you, and over the land and sea shall you go
unhindered, for there shall be none to withstand you.
31 But if you will not submit unto me, but shall turn again to your own way, then shall the beasts of the
fields, and the fish of the seas rise up to devour you; and the birds of the air shall feast upon the flesh of
your bones.”
32 So spoke the Demiurge unto the sons of men, and when he was finished the darkness went swiftly
33 Yet in every tree and in every bush, from mountains high to valleys low, in tempest and in storm, in
every creature which slew for meat did the sons of men grow ever fearful and filled with dread;
34 For in all living things, whether on land or sea, or in the airs above did they foresee the shadow of
their own destruction.
35 And from that day did the sons of men seek earnestly to appease the wrath of Jehovah-Yahweh, for
they were exceedingly fearful of him.
Chapter 7
Jehovah boasts of his power and greatness – Sophiel to the rescue – Jehovah is perplexed – The dreadful
presence and sound of Jehovah-Yahweh – Arrogant demands of the Dark Lord – Calmness and serenity
of Sophiel – Conflict between Sophiel and the Demiurge – Jehovah strikes the earth – Healing touch of
the Heavenly Mother – Jehovah lashes out at the sons of men – The subjugation of women – Daughters
and mothers dream of deliverance
1 By the waters of Oberon, near the seas of Tibereen did the darkness lay brooding; boasting ever of his
power and might, and all the earth groaned because of him.
2 And Jehovah-Yahweh cried out in a voice made all terrible and shrill, saying: “Who is there to compare
with me? Who, in all the world, will dare to challenge me; for I am god, lord and judge over all the
3 For I, alone, am the greatest of all, and of my wrath and judgment there is no end; my dominions have
I established above the heavens, and in the greatest deep am I alone made to rule.
4 See then what groveling minions the seed of God have become, that they should fear me more than
any other; for I am death, endless night and darkening shade have I become unto all the living.
5 Who then can wrest from my power the sons of men, who shall take from my grasp the seed of God;
for I am death, great and mighty, and all which lives must, of necessity, fall to me.”
6 Now as Jehovah-Yahweh spoke thus in the midst of his pride, there chanced to hear the Holy Spirit of
God, even Sophiel; and descending unto the earth she stood before the Demiurge.
7 And he, perceiving darkly the wonder of her beauty and grace, did move forth in a great rush to
surround her on every side;
8 Yet for all his might and fury, he was unable; and in his astonishment did he trouble because of her,
for at no time had he a woman ever seen, neither could he discern clearly the coming forth of God unto
9 Now in the presence of Jehovah-Yahweh was there always found a cold and chilling mist, and a dark
and loathsome vapor which did hover above the ground, being girded on every side by a great and
rushing wind.
10 And there went out from the midst of him the sound of deep and terrible rumblings, and with a
mighty hissing noise did he speak unto her, saying:
11 “I am Jehovah-Yahweh, lord and god over all the earth; for what cause have you come to stand
before me? Know you not that I am able to consume you in the heat of my wrath?
12 Who, therefore, called you forth unto me? For in heaven and earth am I feared above all else, and
there are none to compare with the terror of my might.
13 Give answer and hold not back, for I command: Why are you come forth unto me, and from what
place are you come forth? Speak, therefore, quickly unto me, and if it so be that you should please me,
then will I spare you the indignations of my fury.”
14 So spoke the Demiurge unto the Holy Spirit, being in himself haughty and overbearing because of
pride; but Sophiel, in calm repose, in silence stood and answered him not a word but gazed steadily
upon him.
15 And receiving neither word nor answer, the Demiurge increased in swelling rage to demand report;
but only silence did he receive of Sophiel, who, in her firmness did mock him, and by her beauty and
grace did confound him every whit.
16 And all that day did the Holy Spirit hold at bay the constant ragings of Jehovah-Yahweh, and when it
was evening and the long shadows of eventide had cast themselves upon the ground, she spoke unto
him, saying:
17 “Give ear, Jehovah-Yahweh, and to all my words attend, for I am Sophiel of El Shaloah, even the Holy
Spirit which is come forth from the presence of God, and by your great boasting and many pretensions
am I drawn nearer still.
18 Behold, Spirit of Truth am I, great comfort and hidden wisdom from my bosom flows; and by a
power beyond your own am I made to stand before you; for in my right hand have I established truth in
place of falsehood, and in my left have I ordained comfort and healing unto the children of men.
19 Hear then the truth, and consider deeply the light which in the darkness shines; for well is it said of
you that you are ‘Shecklas’, Father of Ignorance and vain deceit, the Blinded One which fear and hate
have filled with strong delusion.
20 Come then, and of your power speak, for even now do I stand unharmed before you; and the might
and terror of which you boast is like the gentle wind which does lightly stir about.
21 Where, O Shecklas, is the power of which you are ever boasting; for still do I stand, in calmness,
before the fury of your might, neither have vain imaginations caused me to tremble.”
22 Thus did the words of Sophiel strike like arrows into the dreadful presence of Jehovah-Yahweh, and
recoiling from the weight of them, he did seethe and boil within, and with savage fury he lashed out in
violent anger to destroy her.
23 And the fierce winds blew and lightning, like rain, fell all about, and the heavens roared and shook
with thunder; and he cried with a mighty rage, saying: “I am god, and beside me there is no other;
neither can there be found any power which can take from my hand the sons of men. Who are you to
challenge me?”
24 Such were the rumblings of Jehovah-Yahweh, and the earth trembled and quaked in dreadful fear,
and the mountains convulsed in sudden horror and from their bellies spewed a molten fire, and the
trees did bow themselves low unto the ground, being as withered grass made ready for destruction.
25 Yet did Sophiel gently smile, and she spoke unto the Demiurge, saying: “I am Woman, Mother of
heavenly things am I; for from my breasts does there constantly flow the milk of endless eternity, and
from my womb have I established the foundations of endless glory.
26 What are your ragings when compared to me? For I tell you in all solemnity, that God shall not
forsake the seed of his beginning, but has set forth his hand to rescue.
27 Know, therefore, that God shall grant unto the children of men the knowledge of good and evil, that
by such oppositions as they might see, some greater wisdom might yet be found; unto these then shall
the power be given to fashion unto themselves a living soul, being beyond death but immortal and filled
with endless hope.
28 Then shall the seed of God prove greater than all your might, and they shall fear you nevermore, but
shall turn their souls unto some higher glory and in the bosom of God forever live.”
29 So spoke the Holy Spirit, and Jehovah-Yahweh did rush in madness upon her, seeking by some dark
and loathsome means to destroy; yet did Sophiel, with but the wave of her hand, cast him back again.
30 And Jehovah-Yahweh, breathing out many threats, did strike the earth with sore displeasure, and,
behold, the waters of Oberon did the molten fires of distant mountains rush forth to consume;
31 And the seas of Tibereen did cast themselves up into a mighty heap, and the lands which lay round
about became scorched and wounded by the heat of his great fury.
32 But Sophiel did but softly laugh in the midst of all these woes, and reaching down she touched the
earth with the foot of her beauty, and there sped forth from the touch of her a healing balm which
caused to come upon the land a great refreshing.
33 And the mountains ceased their torment, and the waters were stilled at once, and there came upon
the heavens a gentle calm, and there descended upon the plains a shower of rain which caused to
spread upon the whole earth a greening swale;
34 And there sprang up immediately a great many trees whose greening powers never fail, and in the
valleys and on the plains did there come forth a host of diverse plants and flowers.
35 And there leaped out from the hands of the Holy Spirit a rainbow of exquisite beauty and light, and
finding refuge in the airs above the earth, it gave promise unto all which saw that God had set forth his
seal upon the children of men.
36 Now when these things were accomplished, to set at naught the furious wrath of Jehovah-Yahweh,
the Holy Spirit ascended unto the heavenly place; and the earth, in gentle approbation, sighed with
longing for the touch of her.
37 But Jehovah-Yahweh, being swallowed up by some great envy, went seeking through all the earth;
and finding again the children of men, he descended upon them and spoke, saying:
38 “Behold, I am god; for the heavens have I made my dwelling place, and the earth have I made my
footstool. Come, therefore, and worship me, that by your devotions you may be delivered from
indignation and wrath.
39 For I have chosen you to be above all the earth, that you may subdue it altogether for my sake. For
all living things shall I make subject unto you, that you may rule over them and fear no longer.
40 See then for yourselves, how I have brought forth an abundance of goodly things for your sake, that
you may have joy in place of sorrow, and increase instead of want.
41 Yet be you guarded round about that you obey me always, and seek not after another; for there is
found in my hand both judgment and death, which things you can by no means escape.
42 For I would have you forewarned against delusion, for there is a devil which, as an angel of light,
would appear as if from God, to give into your keeping the knowledge of good and evil, that he might
lead you unto death and swift destruction.
43 Only give no heed unto him, and you shall surely live; for whosoever shall partake of the knowledge
of good and evil, even that one shall I cause to quickly perish.
44 Behold, I am god, and beside me there is no other found, neither will I permit that any should
become equal unto me;
45 For this cause have I established the decree that by the sweat of your brow shall you constantly
labor, that you may bring forth meat to eat, lest in your leisure you be tempted by some other, that you
be led away from me;
46 For I am god, creator of land, sea and sky; all things have I established in heaven and on earth, for
from the dust of the ground did I fashion you, that you might give honor and glory unto me.”
47 Such were the words which the Demiurge spoke unto the children of men, and they trembled
dreadfully because of him, being ever fearful.
48 And seeing among the seed of God a woman which gave suck unto her child, Jehovah-Yahweh grew
greatly troubled; for in her image and comeliness was she made like unto the Holy Spirit of God, which
Spirit confounded him every whit.
49 And he spoke against the woman, saying: “You sons of men give ready heed, and in my words some
warning find: For it is not good that the woman should rule over you, neither should she be made equal
unto you.
50 For the woman is greatly to be feared, being unlike the man in every part; ever devising some
intrigue by which she may ensnare you, that you might be made weak and tame before her.
51 For in the woman shall the devil find some ready means by which to tempt you unto destruction; for
she, being ever weak and foolish, is easily led astray by cunning words of soft deceit.
52 Let then the woman be made subject unto the man in all things, that by her constant afflictions and
many labors, you might break her unto servitude, lest she, by some subtle means, make you subject
unto her.
53 Go now and be you ever diligent to obey me, lest I visit you with sore displeasure, to make you as
meat for the belly and as food for the fire.”
54 And when the Demiurge had said these things, he gathered himself up in every part and with a
mighty leap did cast himself again into his father’s presence, being well pleased and ever confident.
55 But they, which were the seed of God, wept and cried aloud, and did beat themselves upon the
bosom, for unto them was there given no place to hide or some refuge find.
56 And the sons of men labored daily with all their might to bring forth meat to eat, and to subdue the
land every whit; and the daughters of men groaned in constant subjugation, being treated with all
manner of harshness under the rule of man.
57 Yet from Heaven did the Mother breathe gently upon the winds, and on the earth did the daughters
and mothers of men dream a dream full of wonder; for in the mind could they clearly see the coming
forth of Adam and Eve.
58 And wherever the daughters of men would gather together, they did comfort one another, for unto
them had been given a promise of hope, and the joy of great deliverance.
Chapter 8
Galendriel is pleased with Sophiel – Seraphim at the gates – Shaemdiel causes a great division –
Shaemdiel desires to fashion a world – The closing of the Tael and the beginnings of war – Ahman
returns from the realms of The One – The Father shuns the Son of the Morning Light – Shaemdiel, in the
lesser light, makes a world – Rutheniel shuns her Beloved – Shaemdiel weeps for his Beloved – Ahman
gathers the Elohim – Michael replaces Shaemdiel as Chief Archon – Ahman reveals the workings of The
1 Now Sophiel returned unto the heavenly hosts, and to Galendriel gave full account of all that she saw
and did in the world of the First Power;
2 For unto the Holy Spirit was there given authority to swiftly go seeking, that perchance a pathway to
the First World might be determined and established all about.
3 And Galendriel, being pleased in every particular, commended Sophiel and by a goodly grace did
honor her, and midst a chorus of heavenly praise did set her again among the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
4 And calling unto Abdiel and Japhaniel, the Mother commanded that Seraphim be placed at the very
gates of eternity, that the pathway through endless time might be secured against the coming forth
again of Yaldabaoth.
5 Thus did it come to be that at the veils of countless ages did there watch, with constant vigilance, a
great many Seraphim which, two by two, did guard the pathway to the First World, being of themselves
steadfast and mighty.
6 But on the Eden world of Paradise did Shaemdiel cause a great division, for among the ministering
angels did many grow discontent with God; and there sided with the Son of the Morning Light the cities
of Mitanni and Ramnios, Elseli and Gimmel.
7 Now Shaemdiel caused to gather unto him all those who would take to themselves some greater
glory, and in a council which he alone elected did all give forth of their allegiance unto him;
8 And with a mighty oath made strong and binding was it decreed that they should change forever
Hodos Alea and establish over all who would, the Law of Immediate Recompense.
9 Thus did many of themselves propose that Shaemdiel create and establish around the distant suns of
Ashengaard, a new and more perfect world;
10 That into such a mortal life as he alone might decree, would the spirit children of his own lineage go
forth; that by the lesser law might even all find the way to exaltation easy and unhindered.
11 Now when these things were decided, Shaemdiel reached out, in the midst of his pride, to take unto
himself the mind of Tael; that by the increase of his great powers he might fashion unto himself a world
of some more perfect order.
12 But on Jeruel, in Salem of Merigoth, did the Mother of All wisely perceive and calling out unto the
Lords and Gods of Elohim, she commanded that the mind of Tael be shut up against Shaemdiel until that
time when the Father must return from the councils of The One.
13 Yet did Shaemdiel anger greatly against the Mother, and in his fury spoke hotly against the powers of
the Elohim; and the resonating power of his voice reached out to encompass the world of Paradise, to
shake it fiercely on every side.
14 Thus in the regions of the Keep did the spirit children of God grow all the more distressed, being
buffeted and cast about by the thunderous words of Shaemdiel.
15 And hearing the troubled cries of many children, the Mother called again unto Abdiel and Japhaniel
and commanded that over all the other worlds of Paradise should the Seraphim set forth guards to
watch, lest Shaemdiel go forth to afflict them also.
16 And the morning to twilight fell, and the seasons to seasons did pass with a watchful sigh, and in the
days of Tahaas did the Father of All return from the Councils of El Jor El, being guarded by a hidden
wisdom and a cautious word; keeping with firm diligence the shrouded mysteries of The One.
17 Feeling then that the presence of the Father was come again unto Jeruel, Shaemdiel did cry out unto
him from Paradise, but unto him would the Father not give heed but set hard his soul against the Son of
the Morning Light.
18 Now when Shaemdiel perceived that the Father would give no heed unto him, to open up the mind
of Tael, he swelled with exceeding rage; and gathering within the folds of his power those who had
made covenant with him, he flew far from the Eden world of Paradise.
19 And drawing near unto the great Abyss, he called out with a mighty shout and, behold, there moved
out of eternal Depth the matter unformed; being of itself but the broken shards and shattered pieces of
worlds long forgotten.
20 And going near unto the worlds and kingdoms of the lesser light, Shaemdiel fashioned according to
his will a world made beautiful and rare; and when it was completed the Son of the Morning Light did
smile, for it was good and pleasing to the eye.
21 Yet was there not found upon the world of his creation any spirit which was born of God, neither
could there be found within the world which he had made, any soul of beingness; and the promise of
some greater glory grew dim before the eyes of Shaemdiel.
22 Now being distressed because of these things, Shaemdiel called into the heart of him, that he might
draw unto himself the powers of his Beloved, even Rutheniel, unto whom the gift of endless soul was
23 For she alone was given authority to draw from the worlds of Kolob the spirit seed to still some
greater power, whereby the world which Shaemdiel had made might fulfill in itself the hope of eternal
increase, even worlds without end.
24 But only some great silence did Shaemdiel perceive, and in his troubled soul did he deeply grieve the
loss of fair Rutheniel;
25 And in the midst of his aloneness did Shaemdiel the Mighty, Lord of Kolob, and Son of the Morning
Light weep for his Beloved; and there was none which could console him, or any comfort give; for in
Shaemdiel did there instantly rise up a consuming rage which caused all about him to tremble.
26 Now in the kingdom of God, on Jeruel did the Father of All assemble the hosts of Heaven, each
according to their house, and each according to their order and tribe.
27 And on his right did Galendriel in power and beauty quietly sit, being attended herself by seven
Mothers, most beautiful and fair, which were of the House of Valhaladea.
28 But at the left of Ahman did there also gather seven Arch-Angels of the heavenly hosts, being
themselves made rulers of the House of Archons; and there was foremost among them, Michael, Fairest
Son of Ashengaard, being made Chief Magistrate after the Order of Melchizedek.
29 Now seeing before the throne the assembled hosts of Elohim, the Father spoke unto them some fair
surcease from all their labors;
30 And of the words and counsel of The One did he hold not back, but gave forth a strong assurance
that the glories, and powers and dominions of the greater Light would not fail, but grow only brighter
31 And there came out of Elohim many who would covenant to go down unto the world of the First
Power, that by some subtle means there might come forth a great many souls.
32 Thus were all who made covenant with God made partakers also, that through the Law of
Dispensation might they also restore Shaemdiel, to set him beside the throne of glory; that in a day
when all things should prove themselves completed, they might restore again the heavenly abode.
Chapter 9
Concerning the fall of angels – A need for spirit children – The cherub Bashiel – Broken wings – Stealing
away the children of God – Shaemdiel battles Loriel and the Cherubic host – Heaven prepares for war –
Shaemdiel gathers his lineage for battle – Heaven lays siege to the city of Mitanni – Michael petitions
Shaemdiel – Galendriel rescues the innocent – The sound of a great trump, Ahman comes – “Who is on
the Lord’s side?” – Shaemdiel is cast from Heaven
1 Come now and in your soul make ready the steadfast heart; be you fixed and firm within, for I would
speak a tale of endless woe; about the fall of angels would I, a dirge, make ready for your hearing.
2 For in the world of Shaemdiel did he a tabernacle make, that there might come into mortal life the
spirit children of God; being set on every side by the Law of Immediate Recompense.
3 And when all was completed and the world in readiness stood forth to greet the coming out of many
spirits, behold, Shaemdiel did gather about him the Perfected Souls of his own lineage, and with them
attended a multitude of ministering angels.
4 And together did they fly swiftly unto the Keep of Azrael, that they might take charge over all the seed
of Shaemdiel, to bring them unto mortal life in the world which he had made.
5 Now there stood faithfully at the gates thereof, a cherub whose name was Bashiel and she, being
made guardian over many of the innocent, grew troubled at the drawing near of Shaemdiel.
6 And going forth to meet him, she spoke graciously unto Shaemdiel, saying: “Greetings, thou Son of
the Morning Light, Lord and Prince of Kolob: May peace and joy make brighter still the way before you.
Tell me, great Lord, for what cause have you drawn near?”
7 And Shaemdiel answered in a voice made hard and bitter, saying: “For the sake of my own lineage am
I drawn forth, to restore into my keeping that which another has taken.”
8 Now when Bashiel heard these things, she grew deeply troubled, for throughout the passing of
endless eternities had none before come forth to defy the will of Elohim regarding this thing, to take by
force the seeds of their own lineage.
9 And she, standing firmly upon the way, did rebuke Shaemdiel and withstood him to the face, saying:
“Would you make violate the sanctuary of the innocent, to break in pieces Hodos Alea?
10 Go back, thou Son of the Morning Light, and grieve not further the laws of Eloheim, lest you be made
to dwell in sorrow in the midst of your presumption.”
11 But Shaemdiel would give no heed unto the words of Bashiel, and with a dreadful countenance he
moved ever closer to the Keep; and the cherub, with wings outstretched flew quickly forth to battle.
12 Yet was Shaemdiel ever scornful and with heated breath he did lay hold of Bashiel, and with great
violence did break the wings which would give flight, and flung the helpless cherub into the Chasm deep
and wide.
13 And there midst darkness and silent turnings, Bashiel cleaved to her bosom the broken wings and
reaching out into the mind of Tael, she sang a song of great distress.
14 Now Shaemdiel, when he saw that the gates were thus unguarded, went swiftly into the Keep, both
he and the host of angels with him, and they gathered unto themselves a great many spirits.
15 And coming out again, Shaemdiel saw before him a gathering of many Cherubim, even twelve full
companies did he espy, and unto each company was there given a captain of great renown.
16 And there came to stand before him a cherub of exquisite beauty, filled with light and fairly made,
whose name was Loriel of Avion and seeing that she was chief above many captains, she spoke unto
Shaemdiel, saying:
17 “Before the Gods of Eloheim I fairly give command: Cease now the unseemly act and return again
unto the Sanctuary these innocents which you have taken. For why will you make forfeit the kingdom of
God, seeing that he has honored you above many others?”
18 Yet did Shaemdiel, in silence, refuse all answer but made ready for battle instead, setting according
to their several orders the Lords of Perfected Soul, and beside them gathered the host of ministering
19 Again, the second time, did Loriel demand the return of the spirit children of God, and still a second
time did Shaemdiel no answer give.
20 Then petitioned Loriel the third time, for Heaven’s sake, that the innocent be given again unto the
Sanctuary; and on the third time did Shaemdiel answer with a mighty shout, saying: “Never!”
21 And immediately there descended upon the host of Cherubim the greatness of Shaemdiel’s wrath,
and there fell of the Cherubim some twelve thousand souls, being cast down as dross made ready for
the fire.
22 Yet, notwithstanding the fall of so great a host, Shaemdiel reached out unto Loriel and her many
captains to rescue, and when he had healed them of some great suffering, he spoke unto them, saying:
23 “Behold the power of Shaemdiel, for though the glory and power of all your tribe be great, yet did
mine prove greater still; and the greatness and beauty of all your kind have I laid low upon the ground,
being wounded and sorely hurt.
24 Why then should I not be gracious unto you, seeing that I am yet the Son of the Morning Light?
Come then and swear to me a true allegiance, and I shall show you a glory and dominion greater than
you have ever known before.
25 Add now your beauty and strength unto me and I shall restore in full measure the souls of these
twelve thousand, that you might know full well the heart and goodness of Shaemdiel.
26 For in the world of my creation shall I make room for the grace and beauty of many Cherubim; that
you might prove yourselves worthy of still some greater power; and of your dominion there shall be no
27 Such were the words which Shaemdiel spoke in the hearing of the Cherubim; yet did Loriel fairly
speak, saying:
28 “Unto God only shall we give forth of our allegiance, but as for Shaemdiel, hear now the words of my
mouth: Return again unto the Sanctuary the innocents which you have taken.”
29 How strongly then did the wrath of Shaemdiel rise up within him; and there fell upon Shaemdiel
alone, in a mighty rush, the captains of the Cherubim, being led in battle by Loriel.
30 And with exceeding rage he did crush them, every one, and broke in pieces the power, and glory,
and beauty of all their house; and with a shout made all terrible and filled with doom, he flung the
twelve thousand into the Chasm deep and wide.
31 And all which saw grew fearful of Shaemdiel from that day forth, daring neither to cross nor
contravene against him, lest they also be consumed in like manner.
32 But in Heaven was it heard throughout the sound of some great battle, and the tumultuous noise
thereof did fill the heart of Elohim with exceeding sorrow.
33 And calling forth ten thousand of the Seraphim, Ahman commanded that they go swiftly unto the
world of Shaemdiel’s creation and set forth a strong and watchful guard; and with a mighty rushing
sound did they quickly fly away, being in themselves prepared for some great and furious strife.
34 But there came likewise to stand before the Elohim, Galendriel, the Mother of All, and hearing in her
soul the cries of many fallen, she called unto Shadiel who alone commanded the Cherubic hosts;
35 And with her also came ten thousand times ten thousand, and with the Mother did they together go
forth unto the Chasm deep and wide, to rescue from the folds of darkness the twelve thousand of the
Cherubim which lay hurt and sorely wounded.
36 And finding again the twelve thousand, the Mother stretched forth the hand to heal; and when all
things were accomplished to restore unto vigor and strength the hearts of many fallen, they did take
counsel altogether concerning those things which should be done on behalf of many innocents.
37 Now Shaemdiel did gather together all his lineage, and with them also a host of ministering angels,
and he journeyed straightly unto the world of his own making;
38 For he desired above all else to bring into mortality the spirit children of God, that by such a means
as he would devise, he might bring into some greater glory the kingdoms of the greater Light.
39 Yet in the distance did he, with troubled heart, clearly see the guarding watch of ten thousand
40 And with a mighty and fearful oath he retreated from before them and going quickly to some other
place, he came again, at last, to Eden World; and in the city of Mitanni did he make fast and sure the
legions of his might.
41 And to the host which followed after him did he think to give forth a great solace, saying: “Surely
God will withhold his hand from battle, seeing that I have some refuge found in Paradise; lest he set in
ruin the designs of his own creation.”
42 Seeing then that Shaemdiel had come to rest in Paradise, and seeing also that in the city of Mitanni
he held hostage the spirit children of God, Ahman called forth the House of Archons; and with them also
gathered the House of El Shalon and the House of El Shaloah.
43 And assembling together a vast and mighty host from among the very Elohim, he set to rule over
them seven Arch-Angels and there was chief and foremost among them, Michael, even he whom God
had established in the place of Shaemdiel.
44 What power and glory then swiftly flew from the hallowed halls of Merigoth, and like the lightning
and the storm swiftly passing, the hosts of Heaven stood upon the plains of Kuristan;
45 And before the city of Mitanni did they establish themselves in solemn array, each according to their
order, and each order according to their house; and of their number could no man count.
46 When, therefore, the legions of Shaemdiel saw for themselves so great a gathering, they grew all the
more troubled and filled with uncertainty; but among the many were there but few who would cast on
Shaemdiel a doubtful eye.
47 Yet in the blindness of his pride, in the shadow of his greatness did Shaemdiel scorn altogether the
heavenly host, thinking himself mighty above all the rest; and with lofty words of great assurance did he
make firmer still the legions of his power.
48 Now there called out unto Shaemdiel from the midst of the heavenly host, Michael the Arch-Angel,
and with a great voice he spoke before the inhabitants of Mitanni, saying:
49 “Come forth, O Shaemdiel, and return unto God the children of innocence; for why will you grieve all
Heaven so?
50 Are you not still that fair and noble son from whose countenance and comely speech, like sun and
moon, would make fairer still the kingdoms and dominions of Jeruel?
51 For what just cause would you sully yourself so? Return now the spirit children of God that you may
stand as clean and delightsome before us; and join with us in all brotherly affection, that in Heaven we
might find peace instead of war.”
52 So spoke Michael before the inhabitants of Mitanni, and there rushed out of the city onto the plains
of Kuristan the legions of Shaemdiel and at their head came quickly forth the Son of the Morning Light.
53 And he spoke hotly unto Michael, saying: “Will you speak to me of brotherly affection? Whose place
and honor have you not taken for yourself if not mine?
54 Get you hence away from me, for the innocent will I not give again unto God; but have prepared for
them a greater way to glory.
55 Go then and get you hence, lest by some furious struggle we make desolate and forlorn this Eden
world of Paradise, and the spirits of many innocent be swallowed up in endless war.”
56 But there descended upon Mitanni, in the midst of Shaemdiel’s speaking, Galendriel the Mother of
All, and with her came ten thousand times ten thousand.
57 And seeing that there were but few to keep guard over the innocent, she did quickly take them unto
her bosom; and rising again into the airs above, she flew straight way unto the Keep, being secured on
every side by numberless concourses of the Cherubim.
58 And Shaemdiel, hearing for himself the joyous shout of the heavenly host, turned himself to see; and
he beheld the spirit children of God flying swiftly away, and with a great rage he leaped forth into the air
that he might give both chase and battle.
59 But there descended immediately from the heavenly abode the House of Shevas, and the House of
Valhaladea, and the House of Sabaoth, and the House of Mithron, being led in glorious array.
60 And between the Mother and Shaemdiel did they quickly take up place; and the legions of Shaemdiel
shrank at the very sight of them.
61 When, therefore, Shaemdiel saw his legions in fearful abeyance before the gathering of the heavenly
hosts, he swore a fearful oath, and with speed and might he flung himself with fierce abandon straight
into the face of Michael whereby he might give forth battle.
62 But immediately was there heard the sounding of a great trump, and the world grew still and silent,
and the heavens rolled up as a scroll; and, behold, there descended from above one which was like unto
the Son of Man, and with him came thirty thousand of the greater Seraphim, fierce and mighty in battle.
63 How fearful then did the legions of the disobedient become, seeing that the whole of Heaven’s
greatness had gathered against them on the plains of Kuristan.
64 And the Father of All drew himself near unto the followers of the Fallen, saying: “Who is on the
Lord’s side? Let him come and with me abide.”
65 And there came unto Ahman a great many, being filled immediately with deep relief and endless
gratitude, for there had been lifted from off their hearts a great and heavy burden.
66 When Shaemdiel heard and saw these things he spoke hotly against the Father, and against the
hosts of Heaven did he breathe out many threats; yet would none be troubled because of him, for their
peace had God established in the words of The One.
67 But the Father spoke firmly unto Shaemdiel, saying: “For what just cause would you behave so
unseemly, to disturb forever the peace of Heaven?
68 Know then, my son, that because you would take from God the children of innocence, to make war
against the Elohim, even you and all who follow after shall I cast down unto a world which lies far
69 And there shall you be greatly proved, for unto another shall you be made to give forth service; that
in your soul you might establish again that which is forever good.
70 Yet, my son, though you be cast away and in the darkness bound, how shall I forget a Father’s love,
or by what power shall the Mother be made to turn hard her soul against you?
71 Seeing, therefore, that you are most precious unto us, we shall set forth some subtle means by
which you may ascend again unto the Father and Mother of All, that you may rest in peace beside the
throne of God.”
72 Such were the words which the Father spoke unto the disobedient and the Fallen, and when he was
concluded he spoke in a loud voice, saying: “Batah Numenah!”
73 And there immediately leaped out of tabernacles of flesh and bone, the spirit of Shaemdiel and
many others beside, and seeing that he was without the power and the glory of his former estate,
Shaemdiel set hard his soul against the heavenly abode.
74 And calling forth the Seraphim, Shaemdiel and those who would still follow after, were bound in the
darkness and to the world of the First Power were they taken swiftly away.
75 And God wept for Shaemdiel and for those which followed after, and he set forth a covenant, strong
and sure, by which all who might be willing should be redeemed from darkness, to establish them again
in a heavenly place.
Chapter 10
Yaldabaoth rejoices at the fall of heavenly hosts – Followers of Shaemdiel cringe before Yaldabaoth –
Secret designs of Yaldabaoth – Jehovah objects to the angels of light – Yaldabaoth scorns the fear of
Jehovah – Jehovah speaks to Shaemdiel – A bargain is struck – “Guard well great Prince!”
1 And the angels fell from Heaven like the stars to earth do fall, and passing through the veils of time,
they came at last to the world of the First Power.
2 But in the darkness of the Void did Yaldabaoth greatly rejoice at the falling down of Shaemdiel and all
his host, and in the regions of his power did he boast throughout, saying:
3 “The kingdom of God have I caused to tremble, the heavenly place have I shaken hard on every side,
evensomuch that there should fall from glory the Son of the Morning Light.
4 What power now shall stay my hand or bring to naught my dark designs? For the Lord of Kolob have I
caused to stumble; the greatness of God have I made less by cunning deceit.”
5 And with deep and awful rumblings did Yaldabaoth loudly cry out, saying: “Surely evil is greater than
goodness, darkness more preferred than light, and the power of base emotions stronger still than the
weighty call of reason.
6 Thus, by the darkness of my designs shall I cause that ignorance shall swallow up wisdom, and peace
shall hate consume, and death shall devour the living, while fear, the mind take hold.
7 Behold, how the strong shall rule the mighty and the weak, in servitude, bow low; and I shall rule
unhindered in the realms of endless night.
8 For I am Chief Demiurgos who, with subtle and sly deceit, did cause the very heavens to shake with
violent fury, whereby I might seize captive these angels of the greater Light.
9 But look and marvel, behold, and see what beauty, what ceaseless wonder the angels do possess; for
though they be fallen and in the darkness strongly bound, still do they shine forth through the dimness;
10 And in the blackness of my power, through the halls of endless night do they glimmer like yonder
stars, bespeaking still that other glory which only I do but faintly see.
11 How these fallen treasures in the depths do shine, that I might hold them in my power, to bring still
to some greater doom the kingdoms of the greater Light.”
12 So spoke the Father of Chaos, and Yaldabaoth reached out unto the host of Shaemdiel and suddenly,
in an instant, there came upon them a darkening gloom which like a vapor, vile and loathsome
surrounded them fast on every side; and when it was vanished away, behold, in the presence of
Yaldabaoth did they stand.
13 Thus were the angels made to shudder and with fearful dread give way, for the likeness of
Yaldabaoth had none before ever seen;
14 Yet though the many, in fear, did tremble, still did Shaemdiel boldly stand, making subject to some
outward calm the fierceness of his wrath and the greatness of his power.
15 And before the Lord of Darkness he would not give way, but firmly held his place; and in the
rumbling voice of Chaos, deep and sore foreboding, Yaldabaoth spoke unto Shaemdiel, saying:
16 “Father of Light, fair and glorious, greetings from me to thee. Come now and some accounting give:
Why came you forth into this fair night where only the Demiurge are made to rule?”
17 And Shaemdiel, being guarded in mind and speech, weighed with careful measure the words which
he should speak; and when he was decided he revealed unto the Chief Demiurgos a portion of those
things which had transpired in Heaven;
18 And when he was concluded, he spoke boldly unto Yaldabaoth, saying: “Know then Most Dreaded
Lord, that I and all my host have come forth to give you service, even as you will.
19 But if I serve you well, then must you give unto me some equal service; for on a day which I shall
choose, even therein would I add your power to mine, whereby I shall ascend unto God to take by force
the kingdoms of the greater Light.”
20 When Yaldabaoth heard these words, he leaped within for joy; and in the darkened chambers of his
soul did he speak thus to himself, saying:
21 “Though Shaemdiel know it not, I shall become the strength behind his power; and when he has
brought me across the Chasm deep and wide, to stand within the kingdom of God, then shall I destroy it
every whit;
22 And that thing which Shaemdiel does love the most shall I break in pieces beneath my foot, and the
light shall be swallowed up in darkness, and I alone shall rule.”
23 And giving forth a fearsome laugh, piercing to the soul, Yaldabaoth spoke unto Shaemdiel, saying:
“Agreed! Come then and give me service, and on the day which you appoint, I shall serve you well.”
24 Now there came up immediately from the world of the First Power, Jehovah-Yahweh, for he heard
himself the rejoicing of his father; and entering into his presence, he beheld the beauty and brightness
of Shaemdiel and all his host.
25 And like a mist of vapor, cold and filled with dread he moved closer to the angels which were fallen,
and seeing among them certain women of heavenly visage, he recoiled with a mighty hiss;
26 And he spoke unto Yaldabaoth, saying: “For what just cause would you rejoice at the coming forth of
all these demons before whose brightness the very darkness scatters?
27 Take heed, great father, and remove quickly these creatures of the greater Light, for behold, they
are an offense to me; for I perceive darkly that they shall bring upon my lord a frightful doom.”
28 But Yaldabaoth with scorn did rebuke the Blasphemer, and with a voice filled with contempt he
spoke in the language of the Demiurge, saying:
29 “Let those who are weak grow fearful, for the strong, alone, are worthy to rule. Come now and see
with what cunning I have shaken all Heaven so, as though it were but some slender tree made ready to
30 For as ripened fruit to the ground must fall, even so have I caused these to fall here before me.
31 Why then should you be fearful, seeing that I will give you charge over all this host, that they might
serve you well in the world of the First Power.”
32 So spoke the Chief Demiurgos, and Jehovah-Yahweh, moving closer unto Shaemdiel spoke, saying:
“Are you Prince above all these others?” He answered: “I am.”
33 The second time Jehovah-Yahweh spoke, saying: “By what name are you called?” He answered: “I
am called Shaemdiel, Lord of Kolob, Prince of Salem, Chief Archon of Merigoth.”
34 When the Demiurge heard these things he gave a dreadful hiss, and he spoke, saying: “I am god and
beside me there is no other. From this day forth I shall call you Lucifer.
35 Keep, therefore, these minions to yourself alone and see that they trouble me not; for it is decreed
that you shall serve me faithfully, even as these vile creatures must give service unto you.”
36 And Shaemdiel heaved a mighty sigh, and turning to Yaldabaoth he said: “Before God I charge you
straightly, service for service: Will you agree?”
37 Yaldabaoth answered, saying: “It is agreed.” And Shaemdiel and all the Fallen which were with him
turned themselves to leave, that they might go down unto the world of the First Power.
38 And passing near the Lord of Darkness, Yaldabaoth whispered hotly into the ear of Shaemdiel,
saying: “Guard well great Prince! Serve him to your purpose, but watch him always;
39 For this Jehovah-Yahweh has a mean and hungry look, and if it so be that you show forth any
weakness, even he will rush upon you to devour.”
40 Such was the fall of angels, this dirge which I would sing; that by this tale of endless woe you might
some pity take, and for the sake of many fallen make constant prayer to God whereby he might bear
them up again.
Chapter 11
Lucifer goes down to the earth, sees mankind – A hidden opportunity is revealed – Lucifer plans to
establish the Law of Immediate Recompense – The symbol and power of knowledge – Jehovah
threatens man, commands not to partake of knowledge – Contentions between Jehovah and Lucifer –
The seed of curiosity – Jehovah accepts the challenge of Lucifer
1 And Lucifer and all his host moved across the face of the land, and seeing upon the plains the children
of men gathered from afar, Lucifer was filled with amazement, saying:
2 “Behold, what a marvelous wonder I do see! How these creatures in the image of God do strangely
look, being in the similitude of his being; being fashioned hand for hand, and foot for foot.
3 Yet are they but little better than the wild beasts which roam idly about, being in themselves naked
and continually frightened, for they are few in number and to them is no knowledge given.
4 But still do they seem but oddly strange, for in their countenance do I perceive still the face of
heavenly beings, while they themselves move about as beasts upon the earth.”
5 Such were the musings of Lucifer, and hovering there upon the winds, he watched constantly over the
children of men, being deep in thought; and when he was concluded, he spoke unto the angels, saying:
6 “What blessings unknown from the dark do rise, that even I should rejoice in heart and mind; for here
in this world beyond the Gods have I found a creature like unto us.
7 And though the mind of man be filled with darkness yet shall I give into their keeping the knowledge
of good and evil whereby I might lift them above all things common.
8 Know then that I shall establish over them the Law of Immediate Recompense, that they may choose
the good above the evil;
9 And if it so be that they shall choose the good, even then shall I add to their goodness a multitude of
blessing; but if they do evil instead of goodness, then shall I afflict them with sore displeasure.
10 By such means shall I prove the worthiness of my way, and I shall go again before the councils of
Elohim to plead my cause; that I may remove forever Hodos Alea, and I shall increase beyond measure
the dominions of the greater Light.
11 For see how the children of men are without any spirit within; if, therefore, the law of my hand shall
prove them greater, how much more benefit shall we find in placing the law over those in whom the
spirit children of God reside?
12 And if by chance the law should prove no benefit to the children of men, what is that to me? For I
shall increase my power through the greatness of Yaldabaoth; and I shall ascend unto Heaven to take by
force the kingdom of God.
13 For if the law of my hand should fail in making these men good, what proof is there in that, seeing
that they are without any spirit within.
14 Take you, therefore, ready charge over all the elements of this world and in land, and sea, and sky
give forth their dominions unto me, that I may bend them to my will.
15 And if the children of men will seek the good, then shall I cause the earth to yield of her increase for
their sake, and the seas shall give up their bounty, and from the skies above shall I cause the gentle rains
to fall whereby there might be found a ready harvest.
16 But if the children of men be disobedient and seek not goodness from my hand, then shall I cause
the earth to belch forth noxious fumes, and earthquakes shall devour the wicked; and in the storm and
in the flood shall many perish.
17 And the earth shall I cause to withhold her increase and great famines shall haunt the living; and I
shall bring upon the winds pestilences of every kind.
18 By such measured means shall I bend the children of men to some greater purpose, that by the Law
of Immediate Recompense they might receive good for good and evil for evil.
19 Yet must the imperative first be established, for without a knowledge of good and evil, how shall any
greater thing come?
20 For except this knowledge first be given, how shall any man be benefited, for he must remain as he
is, being ignorant and filled with fear.”
21 So spoke Lucifer unto the angels which followed after, and stretching forth his hand there leaped out
of his palm a bright and burning flame, and speaking again unto the host, he said:
22 “Behold the symbol and the power which I would place into the hands of men, for the knowledge of
good and evil is like a flame which would give to their good both heat and light.
23 For the fire which burns brings forth out of itself a good or evil fruit, even according to your
diligence; and if a man give unto it a constant watch, then shall the flames yield to his benefit a great
24 But if a man be slothful and not vigilant, then do the flames, in their fury, rush forth to destroy and
make desolate; and the foolish man, being not watchful, is consumed every whit.
25 In like manner is the knowledge of good and evil; for if a man be diligent and ever watchful to do the
good always, then shall there be given unto him some great advantage, for this man shall I richly bless.
26 And if a man be slothful in discerning the good or the evil, but shall turn his hand to mischief instead,
then shall the flames of my wrath rush forth to destroy him in the midst of his wickedness.”
27 And when he was finished speaking, the angels went forth throughout the earth; and in land, and
sea, and sky did they take hold of every element and give forth of their dominions unto Lucifer whereby
he might bend them to his will.
28 But from the regions of greater darkness, out of the womb of endless night did Jehovah-Yahweh
suddenly leap forth; and knowing already the designs of Lucifer, he flung himself throughout the earth.
29 And wheresoever he found the children of men, whether in their groupings or in their tribes, he did
command sternly that they partake not of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that they
should partake thereof, even in that day would they surely perish.
30 Now when Jehovah-Yahweh had completed in seeking out the children of men, he sought earnestly
the presence of Lucifer, and when he had found him, he spoke hotly against him, saying:
31 “Why will you think to lift your hand against me, or to give unto man the knowledge of good and
evil? Would you have man to become greater than god; for by my own hand did I fashion them from the
dust of the ground.”
32 But Lucifer, being filled with cunning, spoke soothingly unto the Demiurge, saying: “Not so dread
lord, but for your glory only would I give unto man the knowledge of good and evil.
33 Who will delight in ignorance only, or again, what triumph is there in ruling over mere beasts, which
being dumb and brutish, can add no glory unto you?
34 Thus did I, with all noble intent, think to separate man from the beasts of the field; that by such
achievements as they might gain for themselves, even thereto would their glory be added unto your
35 But Jehovah-Yahweh hissed loudly in reply, saying: “What care have I for these things? Can that
which is small and puny add glory to that which is strong and mighty already?
36 Behold, man has naught but to fear me, to obey me, and to worship me; for this cause only did I
bring him forth. I care for nothing else.
37 For this cause have I commanded all men to refrain from seeking knowledge, for whosoever shall
partake of such knowledge as you would give, even that one shall I cause to perish suddenly, even in the
very moment.
38 Deceive me not, therefore, with smooth words of subtle speech, neither speak well of noble intent;
for I know well from whence you come; and that goodness which abides in the very shadow of you has
given me cause for alarm and constant watching.
39 Know then, O Lucifer, that the children of men will scorn such knowledge as you would place into
their keeping; for fear is greater than knowledge, and ignorance more preferred than swift destruction.
40 For these causes alone man will shun you altogether and your name will be had only for evil; for in
the weighing of the balance, men shall seek my favor more readily than the sum of all your knowledge.”
41 And Jehovah-Yahweh laughed in great delight, and the stars, like rain, fell from Heaven and the sun
did the moon consume at midday; and all which lived upon the earth grew terribly fearful at the signs
which ruled the sky.
42 But in his soul did Lucifer smile at the pretensions of the Demiurge, and he spoke unto him, saying:
“Not so, dread lord; for I perceive in the heart of man a thing far greater than any fear; before whose
very countenance pale death shall lose its hold, and all men shall be free of you forever.”
43 And the Demiurge, being troubled by the words of Lucifer, grew still and strangely quiet; and he
spoke unto the Fallen One, saying: “What is this thing of which you speak, for even I would deign to see
44 And Lucifer, stretching forth his hand unto the Demiurge, revealed in the palm thereof a small and
trifling seed; and Lucifer spoke, saying:
45 “Behold this seed of curiosity which I have found unnurtured in the heart of every man; and if it so
be that I should tempt it to grow but a little, even it will lift all men above the greatness of your powers;
46 And by its rising up cast down the yoke of fear and death; for so trifling a thing as this, if tempted to
some greater purpose, will prove the whole of your undoing.”
47 Now when Jehovah-Yahweh saw for himself so small a seed, he was filled with scorn, saying: “By
what strange power shall this seed prove greater than the fear of me? For I am god, and of my power
and greatness there is no end.”
48 But Lucifer tempted Jehovah-Yahweh to challenge him; and he spoke, saying: “Whether this seed be
greater than the fear of you, let us determine for ourselves. For by your leave would I go forth to tempt
those which you commanded.
49 And if they shall turn hard their hearts away from me, to shun altogether the knowledge of good and
evil, then shall you be made the victor.
50 For how shall you claim to be the greater, seeing that you have set before you no challenge, or
added to your boasting any proof?”
51 Such are the words which Lucifer spoke, and the Demiurge for countless days did ponder and
carefully weigh; and when he was decided, he spoke unto Lucifer, saying:
52 “Go you down quickly unto the earth, for I would see for myself whether or not the children of men
will obey me above all else, and shun you altogether.”
53 Then did Lucifer rejoice in himself, saying: “Now shall I set forth the rightness of my way.” And
immediately he went down unto the earth whereby he might tempt the children of men to some
greater purpose.
Chapter 12
Lucifer meets a young man by the Nile River – The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil – The young
man is fearful and runs away – A young woman meets Lucifer – “Knowledge is greater than all other
things” – The Fallen One revealed – Knowledge versus ignorance, light in place of darkness – The woman
ignores the warnings of Jehovah – Lucifer filled with tenderness – Woman receives gifts and given the
name: Enosh
1 So Lucifer went down to the earth and he saw on the banks of the river Nile, a young man eating the
fruits which grew on the trees nearby; and he went and spoke to him, saying:
2 “Good greetings, fair son.” And turning quickly about, the young man beheld, in wondrous awe, the
Son of the Morning Light, made all bright and glorious.
3 And being overwrought by the beauty of him, the young man stepped back away, lest there fall upon
him some calamity.
4 But Lucifer spoke again unto him in a voice made smooth and gentle, saying: “Be not fearful but
rejoice instead, for I have come to bless and not injure.
5 For if you be but a little willing, I shall give, as meat for the belly, that fruit which never perishes but
increases forever and ever; and if it so be that you partake thereof, you shall become most wise and all
men will have regard for you.”
6 And the young man, when he heard these things, stepped nearer still; and he spoke, saying: “What is
this fruit that I might partake?”
7 Lucifer answered, saying: “It is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.” Now when the young man
heard this, he grew terribly frightened and filled with sudden dread.
8 And stepping back again, he spoke unto Lucifer, saying: “Would you have me to perish? For god has
decreed already that if any man should partake of this fruit, even on that very day would the man surely
9 But Lucifer answered, saying: “Not so, fair son; for in the moment that you eat of this fruit, even in the
very day shall you become as the Gods, to know good and evil.
10 For in the fruit which I would give shall you find that seed which continues forever, and if it so be
that you shall eat thereof, even then shall you, likewise, live forever.
11 For this cause alone has Jehovah-Yahweh commanded that you partake not of the knowledge of
good and evil, lest by your own hand you become greater than all his might.”
12 Yet would the young man not give heed, being ever fearful of that god which so commanded; and in
haste did he give way before the presence of Lucifer, fleeing with all his might the Tempter’s snare.
13 But in the regions of the Darkness was there heard the sound of some great rumbling and a mighty
hissing sound, for Jehovah-Yahweh did laugh aloud throughout the breadth of his domain.
14 And though the man in terror fled, and in the Deep the Demiurge made mocking jest, yet would
Lucifer not relent; but plied still with some greater cunning the working of his will.
15 Now it so happened that in the cool of the day a young woman came searching for her mate, even
that man which had run fearfully away from the presence of Lucifer.
16 And when she had drawn near to the banks of the river Nile, she heard a singing upon the wind, and
the voice thereof was most pleasant and filled with delight.
17 And being drawn forth by some great curiosity within, she went closer still; and she saw in the
distance the Son of the Morning Light sitting in the shadow of the trees;
18 And there was at his feet a small fire curiously made, and there reached out to entice the woman the
savory smell of cooking meat.
19 When, therefore, Lucifer saw that the woman would yet come closer, he called out to her, saying:
“Come, fair daughter, and of this meat partake; for the song have I made for your hearing, and the meat
have I made for your hunger.
20 Come, then, and draw closer still, that you may partake of such blessings as I would freely give unto
you for the benefit of all your tribe.”
21 And the woman came and sat beside the fire which Lucifer made, being naked and filled with
wanting; and in the presence of his beauty did she fairly swoon for the love of him.
22 Now Lucifer gave unto the woman meat to eat, and she marveled at the taste thereof, for it was
delicious and pleasing above all other things.
23 And the woman, being astonished by so great a marvel asked by what power the fire was tamed, to
be made suitable for the benefit of man, for all men feared the flames which burned; being of
themselves unable to bring it forth or subdue its fury.
24 And Lucifer answered, saying: “Know full well, fair daughter, that it is through the power of a sure
knowledge that I make tame the fire which burns and gives forth brightness.
25 For knowledge is greater than all other things, for behold, how the fire has made for your tasting a
delicious meat, sweet and savory.
26 See then that with a little knowledge, even these flames will yield for your comfort a pleasing light
and a soothing warmth; yet further still would these flames prove their goodness unto you, for even this
little fire will hold at bay the wildest beast.
27 For you know yourself how that all living things do fear the flames which burn, and if it so be that
you should make tame the fire which rages, then shall you become greater than all other creatures
which live upon the earth.
28 If then you would be greatly benefited, then seek you knowledge; for whosoever shall find
knowledge, to take it unto themselves, even that one shall the Gods envy, and the end of that one shall
be found in greatness.”
29 When the woman heard this, she was filled with wonder and longing, and she spoke unto Lucifer,
saying: “What is this knowledge which gives forth so great a power, for even I would partake of it?”
31 And hearing this the woman was astonished beyond measure, and looking all the more earnestly
with a keening eye into the face of Lucifer, she exclaimed aloud, saying:
32 “Are you that Fallen One whom the great god, Jehovah-Yahweh has called Lucifer, even that one
which would tempt the whole of man to some great sin?”
33 But Lucifer replied, saying: “I came forth to do no evil unto you, fair daughter, but rather to give into
your keeping that knowledge which is greater than any other.
34 For consider the knowledge by which this fire is made ready for the use of man, that you may prove
yourselves greater than the beasts of the fields.
35 But if you choose ignorance above knowledge, if you prefer the darkness rather than the light, then
are you made most lowly, and in you shall the Gods find no greater worth.
36 For in ignorance does fear find a ready soil which would yield up within you all manner of dreadful
thoughts and vile superstitions; and if you be thus ignorant, then shall the flames surely gather and flash
all about you to destroy.
37 Yet in the knowledge of good and evil is there given a greatness and a power which even the gods do
38 And in such knowledge is there revealed in you a greater marvel than you have ever before known,
and in you shall the knowledge of still greater things leap continually forth, adding wonder to wonder
and making most delightful the life of every man.
39 Come now, fair daughter, and answer truly: Have you not seen for yourself the beauty of the day;
have you not considered with what splendor the earth is surely made?
40 Have you found any joy in the living of this mortal life, or dreamed for yourself the coming forth of
something greater?”
41 And the woman answered him, saying: “Of beauty and joy I know nothing at all, neither can I
perceive the splendor of which you speak; but pleasure and pain, hunger and fullness, fear and safety,
these things do I know full well.”
42 But Lucifer spoke again unto her with all tenderness, saying: “What then will you say for yourself; do
not even the wild beasts know of these things?
43 Come now, fair daughter, and all my words most carefully weigh, for I tell you truly that in the ways
of knowledge shall you find that fullness of joy which is far greater than the pleasures of the body only.
44 And if you would take to yourself that joy which endures forever, then must you, of necessity,
partake of the knowledge of good and evil.”
45 And the woman, taking thoughtful pause, spoke again unto the Son of the Morning Light, saying:
“How passing strange this thing should be, for of you did god most frightfully speak;
46 Telling even all the people that you were some great and cunning serpent filled with constant deceit,
ever seeking continually the flesh of men whereby you might devour them in the midst of some great
47 Yet have you, instead, fed me with a goodly meat, sweet and savory; and spoken such gentle words
of kind persuasion that even I would take your side against that fearsome god which has proven himself
most jealous indeed.
48 Give me, therefore, this knowledge of good and evil whereby I might prove of some benefit unto the
children of men; for even I would give unto the people of every tribe that joy which perishes not.”
49 Now Lucifer, when he heard these things, was filled with tenderness towards the woman; and he
spoke graciously unto her, saying:
50 “Surely will I give into your keeping this knowledge of good and evil; but first, fair daughter, tell me
that name by which the people call you.”
51 And she answered him, saying: “I have no name given me, for I am but a woman and yonder god has
taken some sore displeasure in all my kind.”
52 So Lucifer took two sticks finely made and taught to her the beginning of knowledge; and seeing that
she was naked, he took the skins of animals and fashioned for her beauty a garment of curious
workmanship, finely made.
53 And stooping down he reached into the bowels of the earth, and he brought forth twelve stones of
azure blue and did fashion of them a necklace to put about her neck.
54 And her hair did he gently comb and make most beautiful, and he placed therein a single flower both
delightful and rare;
55 And upon her feet did he fashion slippers of the softest skins; and when he was completed he looked
and saw that it was good; and he spoke unto her, saying:
56 “Behold, fair daughter, how that this day I have made you anew; and if the children of men should
ask of you, then shall you tell them that even I have sent you among them, that you may give into their
keeping the beginning of knowledge.
57 For this day shall I establish you above all the people, and your name shall be called Enosh, for this
day have you found great favor in my sight.
58 Go now and multiply your seed upon the earth, and throughout all your generations shall I pour out
a continual blessing, whereby the children of men might subdue the earth altogether.”
59 So Enosh went again unto her people and they were filled with amazement at the sight of her; and
from group to group and tribe to tribe the children of men took to themselves the beginning of
60 And all men thereafter claimed for themselves the lineage of Enosh, for all men had great regard for
61 And throughout many generations did the knowledge continually grow, here a little, there a little,
line upon line, precept upon precept; even till that day when there should descend from Heaven the
Ancient of Days.
Chapter 13
Lucifer and Jehovah locked in battle – Yaldabaoth intercedes – Lucifer sees children of men bowed in
reverence – Adam and Eve enter the world of the First Power – Lucifer observes Adam and Eve – The
beginning of civilization – Adam builds a garden – What Adam taught to the sons of men – What Eve
taught to the daughters/mothers of men – Lucifer grows jealous of Adam and Eve – Lucifer speaks to his
followers – Sowing seeds of conflict, a cunning deceit
1 But in the darkness of the Deep did Jehovah-Yahweh rage against all mankind for the woman’s sake;
and in furious battle did he war constantly against the Son of the Morning Light.
2 For unto each was there given a dreadful hold upon the other, and being anxious, each against the
other, they would not relent or give surcease;
3 For Lucifer feared lest all men perish while yet the Demiurge feared lest all men become greater than
all his might.
4 Yet on the earth did the generations of man pass peacefully by, for Lucifer held at bay the fearful
wrath of Jehovah-Yahweh, and in the realm of endless night did darkness and light war furiously against
each other.
5 But in the passing of millennia did Yaldabaoth grow weary of the battle, and with great suddenness,
swift and terrible, he leaped from out of the Depth;
6 And in the fury of his might did he separate the Demiurge from the Fallen, and unto each did he
establish a separate dominion in the world of the First Power, whereby they might cease, to some
degree, their many contentions.
7 And unto Jehovah-Yahweh was there given dominion over land and sea, and all living things therein
save man; and unto Lucifer was there given the skies above the earth, and upon the land was there
given the children of Enosh whereby he might do unto them as he pleased.
8 Yet did the Demiurge swear secretly against the seed of God, to destroy them altogether; and Lucifer,
in his subtlety, did likewise conspire against Jehovah-Yahweh.
9 Now on a certain day Lucifer took thought concerning his designs, and he spoke to himself, saying:
10 “Behold, how the generations are multiplied and the ages rolled continually by, for this cause shall I
go again unto the children of Enosh that I might set before them the law of my hand.”
11 And going forth he saw from afar the tribes of man bowed in reverence upon the plain, and in their
midst stood a man and a woman together, being unlike all others for they possessed exquisite beauty
and comeliness;
12 And the children of Enosh did worship them, for they were fair and delightsome, being clothed in
fabrics of softest weave, being in their persons clean and fragrant; and in their speech and in their
gestures did the children of Enosh find a ready approbation.
13 And when it was asked of them from what tribe of man they were come, the man spoke, saying: “I
am Adam and this my Beloved is called Eve, for she shall become the mother of all living.
14 Know then that from the bosom of God beyond, have we journeyed unto you, that we might give
birth in each of you the seed of immortality and the hope of eternal life.”
15 Now when the children of Enosh heard the manner of their speech they were astonished, for they
spoke not as they did, but in words of richest melody which did reach deep into the minds of all who
16 And though they could not discern by the hearing of the ear the meaning thereof, yet in the mind did
they perceive, most readily, the intent and substance of all which Adam spoke, for in the mind had God
quickened their understanding.
17 But Lucifer, watching from afar, withheld himself from the children of Enosh; for he would see for
himself for what intent Adam and Eve should come down unto the world of the First Power.
18 For he perceived readily the presence of some divine spirit which did shine forth from the man and
the woman, and though he was fallen, yet could Lucifer well perceive the coming forth of God.
19 Now Adam and Eve stood head and shoulders above the children of Enosh, yet by their good graces
did they take to their bosom the seed of God whereby they might instruct them in the laying down and
building up of civilization.
20 And moving across the land Adam came to the concourse of two great rivers, being the Tigris and
Euphrates, and in a land which lay eastward he did build a garden place of great beauty and ever
increasing richness.
21 And there came to dwell round about the garden the children of Enosh, for they had great regard for
Adam and Eve, believing according to their superstitions that they had fallen from the very stars above
the earth.
22 Now Adam began to teach the sons of men the meaning and purpose of plants and herbs; and, little
by little, men began to plant according to their several kinds, both grains and fruits, and did tend them
according to their seasons;
23 For the sons of men saw the hope of some great advantage in tilling the earth; and by and by men
ceased to wander the face of the land, and they began to dwell in gardens of plenty.
24 But Eve took to herself the mothers and daughters of men, and she did instruct them in the ways of
marriage and of childbirth.
25 For at no time was it given that one man should cleave alone to one woman, nor was it seen that
one woman should cleave alone to one man;
26 For in the days before Adam and Eve were the children of Enosh made little better than the beasts of
the field; for that man which proved strongest above all others, even he would take to himself a great
many women whereby he might raise up a multitude of seed; for women were made lesser than men,
and this because of Jehovah-Yahweh.
27 But when men ceased to wander the face of the earth and turned themselves to tilling instead, they
did build for themselves houses of wood and stone.
28 Thus was it established that unto each dwelling there should come together both a man and a
woman whereby they might raise up children after their own likeness, and not another.
29 Now when Lucifer saw the things which Adam and Eve did for the benefit of man, he became most
jealous and filled with envy;
30 For the children of Enosh had he claimed for himself whereby he might prove the better way; yet
when he saw that Adam and Eve would take to their bosom the seed of God to instruct them, he was
swallowed up in bitterness against them.
31 Now, in time, Adam and Eve likewise produced after their likeness, children of light and beauty and
these, also, began to mingle among the children of Enosh to instruct them.
32 And gathering about him the angels of his following, Lucifer spoke unto them, saying: “Hear, my
children, and be not fearful, neither be you doubtful of my designs because of this coming forth of Adam
and Eve.
33 For in this world beyond beginnings is Heaven made to dwell far beyond, and the glory of all Elohim
has the endless Deep made separate and apart through the closing of countless veils of dark obscurity.
34 Upon what power, therefore, shall Adam and Eve make supplication if it so be that I should go forth
to trouble and vex them sorely?
35 For I shall set hard my hand against the whole of their design, to sow enmity between the house of
Adam and the children of Enosh.
36 For against the seed of Adam shall I set forth a cunning deceit whereby I might tempt them unto
misery and sin;
37 And seeing that evil shall be multiplied against them, then shall they surely relent and flee again unto
the heavenly place; and the children of Enosh shall I take again unto myself whereby I might prove the
rightness of my way.”
38 So spoke Lucifer who knew not the powers of The One; neither could he rightly perceive the designs
of God.
39 And going forth he did tempt the seed of Adam to sin and death, and there was multiplied a great
many sorrows upon the earth.
40 Yet would the seed of Adam not relent nor flee away, but pressed ever onward in the world of the
First Power; seeking by some subtle means to establish in the heart of First Man the seeds of endless
Chapter 14
Soliloquy of The One – The birth of immortality – The power of divine knowledge – A new Heaven and
earth – The ascension of many souls – In tabernacles of everlasting spirit – The borders of Heaven
increased – Shall a father forget the child he loves? – “Eternal Mind have I become” – “My thoughts like
sparks from the furnace do fly” – The birth of endless soul – An inward peace and an outward hope
1 And within the light did the greater Light shine, and from the inward glory did the greatest glory move
through endless majesty; and there came from the light the voice of The One, saying:
2 “It has begun, this knowledge of good and evil in the world far beyond; upon the seed of my
beginning have I cast the shadow of my likeness, to give life in place of death, to establish in the void of
man the seed of endless life.
3 For I shall call from the measurable the immeasurable, I shall draw from the bounded the boundless
and eternal; and the finite shall give birth to the infinite, and the mortal shall give way to immortality,
and this in the heart and mind of man.
4 Then shall weakness give way to strength; the feeble shall I cause to stand forth in power, for the
dimness which is in the mind of man shall give birth to light, and there shall descend upon all men a sure
knowledge of heavenly things.
5 And the heart of fear shall grow thinly pale, to lose its hold over the minds of men; and little by little it
shall vanish all away, and there shall spring up in the place thereof the only true joy, being girded on
every side by a multitude of blessing.
6 For, behold, all things shall I make new again, for I shall establish a new Heaven and a new earth, and
this through the rolling forth of the dispensations which I have appointed; that there might be set
before the eyes of man the only sure hope of immortality and eternal life.
7 And that world which first gave rise to me shall I redeem through continual replication, even until
there shall ascend unto me a multitude of souls, which souls shall first find birth deep in the heart of
8 These shall I instruct well altogether and cause that they should dwell in tabernacles of everlasting
spirit, and in the kingdom of God shall they come to a perfect understanding of all things temporal and
all things eternal, being perfected themselves every whit.
9 In that day shall the kingdom of Heaven stretch wide her borders, being increased beyond all measure
because of those things which I have set forth in the world of First Man, to establish upon the earth the
knowledge of good and evil.
10 Yet shall I forget not the Fallen which came from the midst of me, to abandon forever the children of
light; for how shall a father forsake the son of his loins; or again, how shall a mother forget the suckling
11 For from my hand have I caused to shine the greatest power of all, even the power of redemption;
for I am he who drew from the darkness light, who brought forth out of chaos order and purpose.
12 Eternal Mind have I become, unmoved yet ever moving, constant and unchanging, even the greatest
of them all; and in all creation am I ever found, being in all, through all, and before all.
13 Holding in my hand the power beyond all power, and the glory beyond all glory; for I am Mystery,
deep and hidden, revealing always the greater portion.
14 Endless Soul have I become, for the realm of Eidos have I placed as a footstool beneath my feet,
while the Areta I have set as a crown upon my head.
15 My thoughts like sparks from the furnace do fly, reaching out and ever seeking, that throughout the
realms of my creation I might make certain the exaltation and eternal life of man.
16 Seeing, therefore, that I shall make place in man the birth of endless soul, consider by what means I
shall draw from the heart so great a hope.
17 For the way of the soul shall I establish through the going forth of dispensations, that in the day
appointed I might send forth the greatest of all.
18 And he shall set before the eyes of man the hidden mystery of all my wonders, to reveal in man the
greatness of heavenly things.”
19 So spoke The One from the midst of the light, and in its brightness burned still a greater brightness,
and in the turning still another turning.
20 Now these are the things I dreamed in a dream, and in a vision saw clearly plain, the coming forth of
good and evil unto the children of men.
21 And though the way prove hard and steep, this living the mortal life, yet has God made way for the
greatest joy of all; that all who should seek thereafter might take to themselves an inward peace and an
outward hope filled with promise.
Pearl 1
“I am serene,
I am serene,
I am serene,
I am serene,
I am serene,
A constant meditation.
I am serene,
I am serene,
“I am detached,
I am detached,
I am detached,
I am detached,
I am detached,
“I am empty,
I am empty,
I am empty,
I am empty,
I am empty,
“I am complete,
I am complete,
I am complete,
I am complete,
I am complete,
I am complete,
“I am compassionate,
I am compassionate,
I am compassionate,
I am compassionate,
“I am awakened,
Not as someone lulled to sleep,
Nor distracted by illusions,
Neither lost nor made confounded
By the shadows of today;
But am instead made most aware,
Through the wisdom which comes from God.
I am awakened,
To stand as one most fully rested,
And in the mind made calm,
Filled within by deep contentment,
To stand untroubled midst the fray,
Accepting with a godly grace
The ebb and flow of life.
I am awakened,
Like a star that’s brightly burning
In the midst of darkest night,
Like sunshine warmly glowing
In the midst of falling rain;
Always seeing beyond the moment,
Filled within by quiet assurance.
I am awakened,
Like the sun I outward shine,
Replacing hurt with calm acceptance,
Giving strength to those made weak,
Bringing courage to those made fearful,
Opening wide the hearts of others,
To fill with songs instead of tears.
I am awakened,
Enlivened from within,
Enlightened from beyond,
Unperturbed and always hopeful,
Reaching deep beyond the stars,
Singing well the songs of Heaven,
Made awake and filled with God.”
Pearl 7
“I am eternal,
Being in my truer self
Unseen but always present,
Unfelt but always there,
Untouched but always seeking
To touch the lives of those I love,
To fill them up with light.
I am eternal,
Drawn from the womb of endless time,
Immutable and immortal
And made to last forever;
Beyond the dreams of God,
Beyond the hopes of Man,
Filled with endless wonder.
I am eternal,
Endless and filled with hope,
Dwelling in all and through all,
Graced within by holy expectations,
To live the song of God,
Embracing midst tender passions,
The hopes of all creation.
I am eternal,
Dwelling beyond the things which are,
Beyond the things which bind,
Partaking well the things of spirit
To dwell within the light,
Finding within, the gates of Heaven,
Leading on from less to greater.
I am eternal,
Empowered by faith and made most constant,
Emboldened and enlivened and made to dance
Within the heart of God;
Becoming myself as one eternal,
Everlasting and infinite;
An endless soul with endless mind,
Born of God to dwell in love – forever.”
Pearl 8
Let go of expectations
And you cannot be disappointed.
Let go yourself
And you become content.
See the good which others do and you are filled with goodness.
Lift up the hands to bless and life becomes a blessing.
Hope in things eternal and God is born within you.
Walk in faith, embrace the light and darkness falls away.
Forgive those who wrong you and you are filled with healing.
Rejoice in the fortunes of others and life is filled with song.
All the streams and mighty rivers flow into the ocean.
For the waters of the Deep are lower than all the rest.
For it is humility which gives to the ocean
The sum of all her powers.
For the Spirit is the center of every man and every woman,
Filled with many mansions;
Containing within its parts the song of many mysteries;
Revealing before the eye the likeness of things eternal.
What then shall the Spirit become
But a good man’s treasure or a bad man’s refuge?
Offering up within the mind the wisdom of endless ages.
And like a star that’s brightly shining in the heavens far beyond,
Giving light to many others, making bright the way before,
Lifting high the wayward stranger, to see at last his truer home.
Pearl 21
Surrender power,
And power is born within you.
Give up control,
And you can govern yourself.
Become as nothing,
And troubles cannot hurt.
Relinquish pride,
And you are filled with peace.
Yield yourself to God,
And endless horizons
Will touch your dreams.
Go within,
And you will see forever.
Go beyond yourself,
And you become content.
Speak kindly and gently yield,
And anger fades away.
Uplift the fallen without judging them,
And you uplift yourself.
Be gracious and courteous to all,
And you become the Master.
Rise above the clamor, and you will hear the song.
Rise above defeat, and you will seize the prize.
Rise above the mediocre, and excellence will guide the way.
Rise above your lesser self, and the greater self is born.
Prayer of Assurance
Even so – Amen.
Pearl 28
Pearl 29
Behold how great the Mother is, even the Holy Spirit;
For she draws up her robes round about her and it is night.
She looses the string of her garment and it is day again.
Chapter 1
1 To all those who would take to their souls the mind of God, I set forth my
hand to reveal the hidden wonders of all his mysteries, that you might find
herein the shadow of your greater selves.
2 Give forth, therefore, of a ready mind and an eager heart; be you determined
with a great resolve, and I shall make known in you what no eye has seen, no
ear has heard, no hand has touched, or has ever entered the mind of any man
from the beginning of the world till now.
3 That you may stand before the congregations of the faithful being girded on
every side with deep wisdom and holiness, that you may become even as the
Heavenly Father or the Heavenly Mother before all the children of men, that
they may find in you the beginning of many blessings.
4 Attend therefore with all diligence and patience the reading of this book;
cling you dearly to that faith which is born in you already, and give not your
voice to doubt lest the way upon which you tread be made perilous and dark,
troubling the soul with an endless debate.
5 For that which leads to exaltation cannot be cheaply had; for the things
which come from God are become as the greatest of all costly pearls, for which,
when a man finds, he will sell all that he has that he might possess it for
6 Let therefore the words of this book dwell richly in you; for the words which
I would place in the heart of man have I drawn from the soul, and they are life.
7 Rejoice and keep not silent, therefore, the joy within; lift up the voice and
sing aloud, dance you round about in the light which even now would dwell
among you; for behold, even in this life shall I make God and man to become as
one in the hand.
8 Now it came about that on a certain night in the summer season, I took
some thought to be alone; and taking my staff, I set forth to journey.
9 And seeing in the night sky the stars in all their glory, I was filled with
wonder and joy, for the moon was but a thin silver crescent above the hills, and
there did breathe upon me a gentle wind sweet and refreshing.
10 And gazing there in the star-lit night I was filled with unspeakable joy, for
in my life had I always known the presence of God, having both seen and
spoken with him on many occasions.
11 Now as I was gazing upon the wonders of the night there came suddenly
before me a bright piercing light, and it did part and there stood before me the
great Father of All, even Ahman.
12 And there was with him Galendriel the Beautiful, and also the Arch-Angels
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel, and Suriel; and beside each stood their
own Beloveds, dressed round about in exceeding glory.
13 And there was gathered around the Heavenly Father and the Mother a great
many of the heavenly hosts, even Cherubim, Seraphim, and Teraphim, singing
forth in rapturous melody the glories of both God and Heaven.
14 Seeing, therefore, so wondrous a sight, I did bow before the God of Heaven,
and the Father spoke, saying: “Greetings, my son, from me to thee. Come now
and with us abide, for we would have with you some fair communion.
15 Walk with us upon the way, for even we have come forth to gather from the
earth the birthseed of our beginnings; that we, with all affection, might prepare
you for the presence of The One, which even now, as a song from yonder stars
would draw you closer still.
16 Come now faithfully this little while, for in you have we found the heart of
our desiring; and our joy is fulfilled in you, for even now has the moment of
fullness come upon you wherein you shall place before the children of promise
the hope of some greater glory.”
17 These are the words which the Father spoke, and when he was completed,
the Father and the Mother did together reach forth their hands to set my feet
upon a pavement of blue; and in an instant the world upon which I stood, and
even the very stars, did vanish all away and in the kingdoms of the greater Light
did I cast forth a delightful gaze.
18 For the suns of Kolob and the suns of Ashengaard did together embrace
and the splendor of their many lights did reach out to touch, with all holy
affections, a great many new worlds of celestial glory, filled with endless joy and
19 And coming to the city of Salem of Merigoth, which hung as a sun in the
clouds of glory, I beheld the beauty of the celestial worlds; and there was
gathered a myriad of congregations standing in the center court of Elohim,
which as a great shining sea of glass, did touch upon the Temple of the Archons
and the Temple of Valhaladea.
20 For there stood at the east of the court the great house of many Fathers,
being made of pure white stone trimmed in gold, being dressed round about
with many gardens, green and flushed with flowers and trees of every kind.
21 And on the west of the great court stood the house of many Heavenly
Mothers, made in like manner of pure white stone, being trimmed round about
with the silver of Evandel, being also dressed on every side with all manner of
gardens filled with wonder and beauty exceeding.
22 And there came out from the House of the Archons and the House of
Valhaladea many great and shimmering lights, even lights of amethyst and
lights of blue mingled together with lights of golden hue; and together did the
lights reach out into the heavens to touch with perfect grace, the suns of Kolob
and the suns of Ashengaard to bind them forever as one.
23 Now in the center of the great court was there established a fountain of the
purest water, sweet to the taste and fragrant to the senses, even the waters of
eternal life, that all who came into the court could drink freely unto themselves.
24 And there was heard throughout the kingdom songs of joy and praise,
filling the hearts of all which heard with goodly cheer and happy countenance.
25 Now when I was arrived at the court of the Elohim, I was brought to the
steps of the King; and there came to stand before me the Mother of Heaven,
even Galendriel the Beautiful, and with her came seven others also.
26 And taking a silver basin, they went to the fountain to fill with water, and
taking the clothes from off my body they did wash and anoint me; and when
they were completed, they placed upon me robes of purest white, and taking me
by the hand they ascended the steps of the King and brought me nigh to the
doors of the temple.
28 And Ahman spoke, saying: “Consider, my son, the gathering of Elohim, for
even we would assemble before you the greatness of our glory, that you may
make known unto the children of men the hope and the promise of all that is
greater still.
29 For you were chosen and elected from the beginning to set before the eyes
of all people, the revelation of hidden things, whereby the mysteries of God
might be established, giving in the heart of man a vision far greater than any
30 For it came about that when the cunning deceits of the Demiurge had
pressed hard upon the dispensations of God to corrupt them, even I did make
known my will that you should step forth to set right again this Hodos Alea.
32 For there is a mystery greater than any other, a glory which only few have
seen; and for this cause have we gathered you from afar, that you may see with
your eyes, and hear with your ears, and touch with your hands the greatest
mystery of all.
33 And though you be in your present state but a mortal man, even we have
gathered here to bear you up before that power which first gave rise to thee;
that you may be strengthened against that day when you, alone, must go before
the Darkness to establish with perfect reason the dominions of the greater
34 For we know rightly the faith and hope which you have placed in us during
all the years of your sojourn upon the earth; yet my son must we make known in
you of that faith and hope which the Lords and Gods of Elohim have deeply
placed in you.
35 For in the things of God have you never faltered or turned aside, proving in
all your deeds that above every hardship would you cleave only unto God, being
filled continually with that wisdom which comes from above.
36 This, my son, is the strength wherein you are made mighty and strong
above every other; and all our confidence have we rightly placed in you.
37 Now shall you soon see the wonder beyond all wonder, and the glory
beyond all glory; and even we who are gathered here shall stand beside you with
all joyful anticipation.
38 For when we consider the sacrifices of your life and the faith by which you
are strongly bound unto the words of God, even we are made all hopeful within;
for in you have we found a ready confidence, that even we should be filled with
endless gratitude.
39 Be you, therefore, strongly resolved and all determined within; for you
shall we cause to stand before the Councils of the Light wherein the glory of The
One will make clearly manifest the greatest mystery of all.
40 For in the revealing of the mystery is there a power given which is greater
than any other, even a power which would make as new again both Heaven and
41 So spoke the Father of All, and taking an ephod of gold, he did place it upon
me and there arose from the heart of Elohim a mighty shout of joy, and all
Heaven was filled with singing.
42 Then did the Father and Mother stand each to the side of me, and in an
instant there descended upon the whole congregation a white and shimmering
light, and suddenly were we all gone away unto the greatest glory of all.
Chapter 2
Wonders Revealed
The One, from which all Heaven comes – The Teacher beholds the glory of The One – The
Councils of the Seven Lights – The voice of The One – Ahman speaks to The One, gives an
account on behalf of First Man: Dispensations of God established – First Man was without
spirit – Demiurge conspire to corrupt the birthseed of God – Michael is sent to establish the
first dispensation – Shaemdiel prevents the destruction of Man – The works of Jehovah-
Yahweh and Shaemdiel – The dark days of Ariel – Evil multiplies: dispensations go from
greater to lesser – Elohim gathers to consider the sixth dispensation – Calling upon the Mighty
One – The Mighty One is released from the Councils of Elohim – “Let the Mighty One come
1 Open now the soul within, make glad the steadfast heart, for even I would
make known to you the glories of that One from which all Heaven comes, that
you may see in the soul and feel in the heart the wonder beyond all wonder;
2 That there might spring up within you a sure knowledge concerning the
ways of God, that knowing for yourselves the realness of some greater glory you
might become as the light which shines in the darkness, filling the hearts of all
who see with a joyful hope and a new expectation.
3 For I tell you truly that even I did behold the very fullness of God, being
caught up in the glory of many lights; for the brightness of The One did I
behold, and all the light which I had before ever seen did seem as dim beside
the brightness of his glory.
4 For I beheld The One from whose bosom all things glorious are made to
flow, and there was stretched out before him, in all holy array, the Councils of
the Seven Lights, which Councils are: the Council of Elohim, the Council of
Elolam, the Council of Elkashie, the Council of Shem El Koreem, the Council of
El Ramadee, the Council of El Kolobree, and the Council of El Jor El also.
5 And around the Councils of the Light were gathered the very beginnings of
some endless creation, even an endless multitude of galaxies did I see, filled
with stars of every color and size, moving and turning and dancing before the
gathered light.
6 These are the things which I clearly saw, and there came from the midst of
the light a voice made rich in pure and somber melody; even the voice of The
One did I hear, and as he spoke, the Light within the light did pulse brighter
still upon every word.
7 And The One spoke from the midst of the Light, saying: “Who will speak for
that world which lies beyond all beginnings? Who will give account on behalf of
First Man?”
8 When, therefore, The One had spoken, Ahman did take his hand from off
my shoulder, and stepping forth he walked before the councils gathered there,
and standing before the very presence of The One, he spoke, saying:
9 “Most Sovereign Lord, Greatest and Most Holy, in whom the endless
creations with worship adore; if you will give consent, even I would stand forth
to answer.”
10 And within the light did the greater Light move, and The One spoke,
saying: “Speak on, my son, and I will hear. Stand forth and give account, for
even I did elect that you should be as Ahman above all the Lords and Gods of
Elohim. Tell me truly of those dispensations which you have set upon the world
of my beginnings. How fare they still?”
11 And Ahman did bow before The One with great reverence, and rising up
again, he spoke before the whole assembly, saying: “Hear then, Most Holy
Father, concerning that world which lies beyond all beginnings.
12 For when it was decided among the very Elohim that the dispensations of
God should be established, then did we appoint over each, the greatest of our
brethren, that the children of men might come to a knowledge of hidden things.
13 For we know rightly that in the first movement of yonder world did the
children of men take no thought concerning the things of God;
14 For in that time were the children of men without spirit, being intelligent
beasts filled with lustful cunning, seeking only the means by which they might
gain power over their fellow beings.
15 Yet did the Demiurge, in timely fashion, find for themselves the very
birthseed of God; and with great cunning did conspire to corrupt it every whit;
filling the heart of First Man with a deep fear of some evil thing.
18 And he did walk upon the earth to dwell among the children of men, and
there was with him his own Beloved, and Adam and Eve prospered upon the
earth throughout all the days of their sojourn, teaching unto the children of
men an abundance of goodly things.
19 But when the Demiurge beheld the coming of the first of many
dispensations, he grew angry and filled with bitterness against the coming forth
of the Arch-Angels of God, and in his terrible pride he swore to destroy even all
the children of men whereby he might frustrate the plans of Heaven.
20 Yet did Shaemdiel, through some greater cunning, speak unto Jehovah-
Yahweh, saying: ‘Why will you destroy the whole of man, seeing that in their
passing there will be none left who will fear or worship you according to your
21 Rush not, therefore, in bitter haste to judge the children of men; for they
know not the purposes of God; being in their minds both weak and ignorant of
those greater designs which even the very Gods would place upon this world.
22 But look you still with greater eye at those who would move about the
children of men, for it is the very Adaam which are deserving of wrath and
judgment; for they have come only to meddle and to make uncertain the whole
of our estate.
23 Therefore, if you are willing, restrain now the wrathful hand, and even I
will go forth among the Adaam and sow such bitter seed that they must soon
relent and go again to their own place.
24 For I tell you truly that of their designs am I made all aware, seeing that
even I was once numbered among their brethren, being Chief Archon of the
heavenly hosts.’
25 By such cunning words, Most Holy Father, did Shaemdiel save from
destruction the children of men, while yet he set forth his hand to trouble and
confuse the very soul of God.
27 Evensomuch that in the days of Ariel did the darkness some greater hold
take, for the heart of Joseph was filled with pride, and had it not been by some
greater effort, even Joseph would have fallen away into Jehovah’s keeping
28 Yet did Joseph, in the last days of his sojourn, remember well the days of
his instruction and by some noble effort plant deep in the heart of all his
following the seed that leads to exaltation.
29 Thus, Most Holy Father, did the dispensations of our design go from
greater to lesser; for that which Michael established in strength did even
Joseph barely achieve through weariness; for evil did multiply and grow more
heavy upon the children of God, evensomuch that many did fall away, being
exhausted in both mind and spirit.
30 For the power and influence of the Demiurge did grow stronger with each
succeeding dispensation; and even the Elohim in some despair did greatly sigh;
for never have we encountered so great an evil as does exist upon the world of
your beginning.
31 And in a gathering, most holy and serene, did the Elohim consider what
should be done in the sixth dispensation of God: For we knew full well even
from the very beginning that the darkness of the Demiurge and the cunning of
the Fallen One would some greater toll take upon the whole of our design.
32 Therefore did the Elohim think it expedient to take some greater measure
against the darkness, and knowing full well the desires of your heart, Most Holy
Father, it was determined that we would take from the very Keep, the Great and
Mighty One of God; knowing with all certainty that such a one as he would not
falter or turn aside in doing the things of God.
33 And going to the Keep, I stood outside the very gates thereof, and before
the angels gathered there I did call forth with a mighty shout, and behold, there
stirred within the Keep the moving of the Mighty One, and coming forth we did
entreat that he should aid us in bringing forth that greater glory which you,
alone, could fully see.
34 When, therefore, the Mighty One stepped forth to come unto us, even we
did take him unto Jeruel and there, with all holy affection, did I adopt that he
should be even as a son unto me throughout all the days of his sojourn upon the
35 And in that day when the Mighty One should accomplish the whole of our
design, then would we restore him unto you, until that time when you should
grant unto him his rightful place in the regions of The One.
36 Behold now, Most Holy Father, the shadow of your likeness which even
now is made to stand among the Councils of Elohim, for in his strength have we
some greater hope taken; for that Darkness which did shake the whole of our
design in the world of First Man, could by no means cause to tremble this
Mighty One of God.
37 For in the days of his sojourn did evil press hard against him; yet would he
not turn aside from the things of God, but continued faithfully on, trusting each
day that God would deliver.
38 Even until that day when we did go forth unto him upon the mount, to
make known in him the fullness of heavenly things whereby he might usher
upon the earth the greatest dispensation of all.
39 For we were ever confident that those things which we would give into his
keeping could no other power corrupt, seeing that he was diligent and fierce in
keeping pure the knowledge of heavenly things wherein the children of men
might take unto themselves some greater glory.
40 Now, Most Sovereign Lord, behold with all tender affection the shadow of
your likeness; that you may, even now, reveal unto him the fullness of your
design; for all our knowledge have we placed in him, but of your glory, and the
fullness of your many wonders are you, alone, able to make known to him.
41 Therefore, Most Holy Father, would I release from the Councils of Elohim,
this Mighty One of God; for the dispensations of God has he restored again
upon the world of your beginnings, that darkness and evil might no longer
corrupt the designs of all our efforts.”
42 Thus spoke Ahman unto The One, and when he was concluded, there
moved within the light still some greater Light; and there came out of the Light
the voice of The One, saying: “Let then the Mighty One come forth.”
Chapter 3
1 There midst the gathering of many lights did the word go forth, and
Galendriel the Beautiful taking me by the hand, walked forth unto Ahman, and
together did they cause me to stand before the brightness of The One.
2 And there fell upon the Councils of the Seven Lights a great hush filled with
awe; for they beheld the Mighty One in mortal form, even as a man and all
which saw did smile.
3 And the Light within the light grew brighter still, and the voice of The One
spoke most gently and serene, saying: “From me to thee, O Azrael, I give most
holy greetings.”
4 And there leaped out from the Light, fingers of light, bright and radiant, and
they did caress me about on every side; and the whole assembly of Lords many
and Gods many did bow in holy reverence before the Mighty One of God.
5 Then did the voice of The One speak clearly unto the whole assembly,
saying: “You Lords and Gods of the greater Light, stand firm and listen, that
you may hear the words of that likeness which I have drawn from the bosom of
my soul.
6 That you may see in so small a frame, the promise of still some greater thing;
for you know yourselves that small things, if they have vision enough, give birth
to far greater things; for I tell you truly that the fullness of all our glory did find
birth in the shadow of my likeness, even this Mighty One which you see now
before you.
7 And though he seem but small and frail, yet is there found in him a great and
unyielding resolve which no power, or dominion, or even principality can turn;
for in this one, alone, is there found the very seed which first gave rise to thee.
8 For this greater mystery have you well perceived, that the beginning of The
One has the likeness touched, that the work of First Man might he dress round
about in glory.”
9 These, therefore, are the words which The One spoke unto the whole of
Heaven gathered there, and The One spoke from the midst of the light, saying:
10 “Speak now, my son, and I will hear; tell me of that world which lies beyond
all beginning; for you have I set upon the earth whereby you might make right
again the designs of all my heart.
11 How fares that world from which I came, seeing that I have set before the
inhabitants thereof this epiphenomenon of good and evil? For I determined
rightly that you should be as one of them, to live your life; that knowing fully for
yourself the issues of that life which presses hard against them, you might set
before them the hope of some greater glory.”
12 So spoke the voice of The One, and I did bow in reverence before the
fullness of his glory; and gathering a great resolve, I spoke unto The One,
13 “Most Holy Father, hear now and consider deeply the words which I would
speak, for in the beginning did the very Elohim come forth unto me in the Keep,
and by some noble persuasion did petition that even I might go forth unto the
world of your beginning.
14 And knowing full well the conditions to be encountered, I went unto Jeruel
to establish terms upon my adoption by this Ahman of all Elohim.
15 For I did determine rightly that in the days of my dispensation upon that
distant world, even I would take to assist, those children of my soul which did
serve as the angels of God; trusting that if they should prove faithful in the
hearing and doing of all my word, then would they receive unto themselves a
full increase of glory and honor in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
16 And placing the whole of my lineage under the most holy of covenants, I
went forth unto the world of First Man whereby I might assist in planting those
hidden seeds of glory throughout all the dispensations appointed.
17 Thus, when it was decided that I should go forth unto the earth to establish
the fullness of my dispensations, even I did leap forth into the shadow with all
joy and gladness; being all ready with great delight to engage in the war
between good and evil, for I was filled with a great and unyielding resolve, being
trimmed on every side for battle.
18 What then can I say which would make fully known that great evil which
haunts and disturbs the children of men upon yonder world; for from the very
first of many dispensations did the darkness press against us.
19 For in that day when Michael came forth as Adam upon the earth, there
came Lucifer to disturb; and Cain, taking hold of his dark counsel, did rise up
and kill his brother Abel.
20 Which thing caused the whole of Heaven to gasp in disbelief, filling the
heart of Adam and Eve with the greatest of sorrows; and when it was decided
what thing should be done, the Elohim did petition that I should go forth unto
the earth to comfort and make right again the first dispensation.
21 And in the day appointed Eve took seed of her Beloved, and did give birth
unto Seth; and in the days of my youth did I bring joy to the troubled soul,
filling the heart of Eve with laughter and delight, and giving unto Adam a ready
counsel in the ways of God.
22 Now it came about that in the time appointed, Adam and Eve left the earth
to ascend again unto Heaven; and gathering the whole of their descendants I
caused that there should be a great division among them.
23 For those who would seek some mastery over the children of men did
proclaim that Cain should lead them; while yet all those who would continue in
the ways of God did petition that I should watch over them to give them
counsel; and Cain went east and I went west.
24 And going into the regions of the Nile, I established the people in a land of
their own, teaching unto them the ways of peace and joy; and the children of
light did dance and sing throughout the labors of the day, taking such joys as
might lift the heavy burdens which pressed hard upon us from every side.
27 And on a certain day when I was old and bent with age, I did gather the
quorums before me to bid farewell, believing in my soul that I had set right the
first dispensation of God; and leaving the multitudes, I ascended a high
mountain and parting the veil, I stepped forth into the very bosom of God.
28 Yet on my leaving did the evil press hard against the kingdom of Seth
through subtlety and sly deceit, even until the children of light were seduced
and led astray by songs of war and empire, and in the passing of the years did
the kingdom perish little by little midst bitter tears and weeping.
29 But notwithstanding so great a sorrow, the Spirit of God did reach out
among the desolate to call forth that remnant which still clung to the priesthood
of God, and these did we cause to rise up and go eastward unto Enoch.
30 And Enoch built a city, even Zion the Beautiful, and for a season it did
prosper greatly upon the land; yet did evil rush forth quickly to destroy,
evensomuch that God did descend to save his people, and Zion fled the earth
unto glory and was no more.
31 Such was the strength and presence of evil in the world of your beginnings,
Most Holy Father. That throughout each succeeding dispensation there was
made some great effort to ensure some small achievement, trusting always that
in the replication of that distant world we might continue to add upon those
things which we did establish at the first.
32 For the evil of yonder world is far greater than on the worlds which we have
made; and except we take some extraordinary measure, even we would have
failed from the very beginning to accomplish the greater part of your design.
33 Thus when the Arch-Angel Gabriel descended as Noah unto the earth, even
I did go before him as Methuselah whereby I might nurture him and call him
forth unto God; that having set his feet upon straight paths, he might not fall
prey to the evil of his day.
34 And when the years of his dispensation were concluded, there went unto
the earth the Arch-Angel Raphael who, as Moses, would establish a covenant
people, a nation of priests upon the land; but the people were proud and stiff-
necked and were quick to forget the promises of God.
35 Which very thing caused Moses to despair continually; and being filled with
weariness he would come forth unto me for counsel concerning those things
which he should do; for in his day did I walk as Jethro upon the land, and in the
beginning of his ministry did I teach him straightly the things of God.
36 Yet, for all our efforts did the children of Israel prove unworthy of those
higher laws which flow as the sweetest of waters from the heart of God, and in
the end did Moses give unto them a lesser law filled with commandments and
37 Trusting that by so doing he might hide therein the birthseed of still some
distant generation.
38 And Moses, being weary of evil, would not so much as enter the promised
land but ascended unto God upon the mountain, being filled continually with a
heavy heart.
39 Such was the evil, Most Holy Father, which pressed hard against the third
dispensation of God; and in the fourth came Uriel, who as Isaiah the prophet,
would foretell the coming of the Anointed One, but the evil grew darker still and
Isaiah was killed.
40 And all which he taught and wrote concerning the coming of the Promised
One did conspiring men corrupt every whit, which thing filled the heart of God
with sorrow;
41 Causing that in the days of Yeshua should the minds of men be clouded
with all manner of foolish expectations concerning this Anointed One; and with
anger and malice did they crucify the very Father of their souls, whereby they
might preserve themselves in power and forsake the good altogether.
42 Yet, notwithstanding so great a sin, there was hidden in the words of this
Yeshua the only true path to holiness and wisdom; which if a man will pursue
with diligence, even he would find for himself a joy greater than any other.
43 For the true teachings of Yeshua did I restore among the children of men,
that I might redeem from evil conspirings the only true path to glory and
exaltation in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
44 Thus did the children of men go from taking joy in the dispensations of
God to that of murder and deceit, regardless of the coming forth of Ariel,
conspiring and corrupting continually for the sake of their own power the very
blessings of God.
45 Still, Most Holy Father, do I rightly know this need for opposition; for
without the darkness, how would we know the light? Without evil, how could
we discern the good? For in the comparing of one thing against another do we
perceive most clearly those things which come from God.
46 Yet over this one thing do I greatly puzzle, for in the presumptions of
Joseph was Joseph greatly tempted because of the delusions of this life,
evensomuch that so great a prince as he was almost turned aside forever.
47 Tell me, therefore, how this could be, that evil should be so great as to
cause this Joseph to stumble upon the way.”
48 Such did I speak unto The One concerning the evils which pressed hard
against us in the world beyond all beginnings; and when I was concluded, the
Light within the light grew strangely still, and all Heaven did anxiously wait the
coming of the word.
(Gnosis to be revealed)
Chapter 4
1 And The One, being filled with all gentle grace and wisdom, did reach out to
surround me with tender embrace, and in a voice made compassionate and wise
he spoke unto me, saying:
2 “Fear not, my son, the evil of yonder world, neither be dismayed at those
hardships which would press you round about on every side; for such trials as
you are made to endure have I ordained that you may be made strong for the
sake of many children.
3 That they, seeing in you so firm a resolve regarding the things of God, might
find hope in the midst of despair; for you have I set as a light in the darkness,
that all who would look upon you to follow after, even they should find to their
greater joy the very presence of God.
4 Consider, therefore, my son, the goodness of all who would dwell in this
greater Light; look you all around and clearly see, for I would make known in
you still some greater mystery; for the goodness of all our assembly have I made
manifest by the presence of some darker shade, for the holiness of all our
worlds would I make rich in joy and subtlety.
5 For even in this glory of the greater Light would you find still that darker
shade, for it is necessary that the capacity to do evil exists in all the Lords and
Gods of the greater Light, though it be seldom seen; for this cause alone did
Shaemdiel fall from the midst of us.
6 For I have determined for the good of all, that this capacity must exist in all
celestial beings; for it is the continual victory of good over evil that makes alive
the whole of all our glory; for this singular cause have I determined for all our
sakes that the victory and the glory of this greater Light be made real and not
filled with hollow pretenses.
7 Upon this truth is the whole of our agency made sure whereby we can
redeem the whole of our creations; placing before the eyes of all who see, the
light which never fades and the glory which never dulls or passes away.
8 Come, my son, and in my wisdom some confidence take; for I would have
you know that this capacity to do good and evil have the Lords and Gods
established for the sake of all their lineage; finding therein that gentle grace
which would give hope and comfort unto all those who would live the mortal
9 Consider, therefore, the consequences if the Lords and Gods of this greater
Light were made incapable of doing evil, being made all perfect within and
without; for if this were so, then would there cease to be any degree of
compassion, or mercy, or forgiveness of any who should be overcome by the
lesser portion.
10 And all which fall by way of some sin, be it great or small, would find in the
Gods of glory no degree of understanding, being made incapable by way of
11 For this cause has it been decreed that unto all celestial beings should there
be found some small vice, a slight but happy imperfection, harmless yet
delightful to the senses.
12 For among the Gods is it rightly known that such small imperfections give
birth to a greater wisdom regarding the issues of that mortal life wherein the
children of God are made to live; and there springs up in the bosom of all a
tender affection filled with wisdom and compassion and mercy.
13 For the Gods know full well that in the living of the mortal life is there
found a time when kindness is greater than judgment, when compassion is
more to be sought than piety;
14 This profound yet subtle wisdom do all the Lords and Gods of this greater
Light tender gently among themselves whereby holiness is made altogether
happy and filled with delight.
15 Let us consider, therefore, the fall of Shaemdiel; for the evil which he would
do caused many Gods to cleave more strongly unto the good whereby they
might not fall into the paths of darkness.
16 See then, my son, how the fall of Shaemdiel made it possible that others
should not fall; for seeing the darkening gloom which fell upon Shaemdiel
caused that they should seek refuge in the light of their glory, wherein they
arose of one accord, to withstand the dark and troubled musings of Shaemdiel.
17 And when it came about that Shaemdiel would take by force the seed of his
lineage from the very Keep, to make uncertain Hodos Alea, then did the hosts of
Heaven rise up in their majesty, being girded round about by all manner of
goodness and they did withstand him boldly to the face, and would not abide
any longer the doing of evil in the kingdom of God.
18 Thus, on the plains of Kuristan, near the city of Mitanni, did all Heaven rise
up with a holy zeal to frustrate the whole of Shaemdiel’s design; and Shaemdiel
was cast from the heavenly place and unto the world beyond all beginnings was
he made to dwell.
19 Consider therefore, my son, the means by which the Gods of glory were
made to cleave unto the good and rebuke the evil of Shaemdiel’s doing
altogether; for you know yourself how that in the kingdoms of the greater Light
are all celestial beings made to dwell in harmony through the powers of the
20 For Shaemdiel in the midst of his dark musings did touch upon the minds
of all those who dwelt in the kingdom of God, causing that even they should feel
in their souls the realness of that darker shade.
21 And although it is given that even all the Lords and Gods of this greater
Light should be capable in themselves to do evil, yet because of Shaemdiel did
they cleave only to the good that was in them, while for Shaemdiel they were
filled with compassion and a great resolve.
22 For when Shaemdiel was cast from the heavenly place, they did set about
quickly to secure those means by which they might redeem him, to rescue him
from evil and to set him again among the heavenly hosts.
23 But behind the turning of Shaemdiel unto evil was there still another
turning; behind the designs of Shaemdiel’s hand was there still some greater
design, for I alone caused that Shaemdiel should fall, that he should be cast
unto that world which first gave rise to me.
24 Come, my son, and give to me a ready ear, and I will reveal in you the
working of my will; for this Yaldabaoth which leaped forth from out of the
Abyss did I, alone, bring forth.
25 For as he leaped forth from out of the darkness, I caused that he should see
in the distance the glimmering lights of Olaha Shinehah; and being drawn unto
the bosom of all my glory, I caused that he should sit himself down to wait
beside that Chasm which separated the lesser light from the greater.
26 And reaching into the depths of my soul, I caused that Shaemdiel should go
seeking; and going across the Chasm which separated the greater from the
lesser portion, he beheld the dark and brooding presence of Yaldabaoth.
28 And Yaldabaoth, seeing for himself that there was no place for him in the
creations which I had made, was filled with satisfaction concerning that
mischief which he had placed deep in the heart of God.
29 And going into the distant regions of forever, he came at last to the world
which lay hidden beyond all beginnings; and there did Yaldabaoth establish his
dark dominions, bending to his frightful purpose the whole of that First
30 Consider now the subtlety by which I would bring into some greater glory
the whole of all our creations; for Shaemdiel did war against the heavenly hosts
whereby he might change forever Hodos Alea, and in his fall was he cast unto
that region where the Demiurge rule.
31 And seeing for himself the fall of Shaemdiel and his angels, Yaldabaoth
leaped for joy at the sight of him; for he supposes still that he can, by some deep
and crafty means, cause to fall the whole of all our glory through the collusion
of many fallen.
32 And he took as ally this very Shaemdiel, placing in his hands the powers,
dominions, and principalities of that world which first gave birth to me; and he
set beside Shaemdiel in equal sway Jehovah-Yahweh, believing as he might that
together would they hold in constant check the ambitions of each the other.
33 For Yaldabaoth perceived rightly the cruel and cunning deceit of that son
which he caused to leap from the very soul of him; for Jehovah-Yahweh, being
filled with a continual malice against the whole of First Man, would seek
constantly for that means by which he might destroy the seed of my beginnings.
34 For this Jehovah-Yahweh would be, himself, the only god above every
other; evensomuch that when he has accomplished for himself the death of
man, then would he turn himself against his own father also, that in the defeat
and passing away of Yaldabaoth would he alone be Chief Demiurgos.
35 Yet would Yaldabaoth frustrate the Demiurge in the fulfillment of his dark
intent, for Yaldabaoth has still some greater design for the birthseed of God; for
even he would seek to find therein the one from which the whole of my estate
was brought forth.
37 For Yaldabaoth has supposed that he can turn to his advantage the heart
and mind of Shaemdiel; for in the Fallen One can he discern neither deceit nor
guile, believing fully within himself that Shaemdiel can be enticed to do evil
continually against the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
38 Yet in this thing has Yaldabaoth gravely erred, not knowing the nature of
which Shaemdiel is made; for there is a goodness in the heart of Shaemdiel
which even the angels cannot escape.
39 And though Shaemdiel believed fully within himself that he has set hard his
heart against us, yet is he made already within to bring to pass the subtleties of
my will concerning that world which lies beyond all beginnings.
40 For through the eyes of Shaemdiel are we made to see continually the
workings of the Demiurge, that in this epiphenomenon of good and evil there
might arise the beginning of many new souls, which thing would cause to be
added glory upon glory, even worlds without end.
41 Therefore, my son, fear not the evil which would press hard against the
dispensations of God; for there is no evil which can by any means frustrate the
whole of my design.”
Chapter 5
A Perfect Enemy
The One’s capacity to do both good and evil – The One speaks: free choice and the progression
of First God – “Yet did I always choose the greater portion” – The joining of Areta and The
One and the separation of the darker shade – A perfect opposite is made; a foundation for
greater glory is established – Danger found not in opposition of evil, but mediocrity – The One
empowers the darker shade – Yaldabaoth, the enemy of God, is born – The One still must
choose – Mediocrity is the only danger – Fear not defeat – Yaldabaoth and the world of First
Man – The greatest of angels are sent – The battlefield found in the heart and mind of Man –
Hidden wonders are revealed through Azrael – The endowments of life and exaltation –
Protecting the knowledge of God from mockery and scorn – Book of Endowments written for
God’s children
1 And I spoke to The One, saying: “Most Holy Father, in all that you say have I
found wisdom greater than any other. Yet in this one thing only do I trouble.
2 For when I behold the greatness of your glory, I feel a purity most sublime;
for I discern in you no shadow or degree of turning, being in your very nature
the most holy and glorious of all these assembled.
3 Tell me, therefore, if this capacity to do good and evil exists also in you; for
even I would know fully the nature of that epiphenomenon which you have
established upon yonder world for the good of all.”
4 These then are the words which I spoke to The One, and The One answered
me, saying: “Consider, my son, the benefit to be gained in the midst of all our
glory by that struggle which exists in the bosom of all the Lords and Gods of this
greater Light.
5 For out of this struggle between the greater and the lesser portion is there
made to exist a wellspring of strength; and in the winning of good over evil is
the goodness of our hands made strong and filled with power.
6 Be wise therefore, and know of a surety that the conditions of all our estate
and glory are made all secure by that strength which we would gather through
the continual victory of good over evil.
7 Yet, notwithstanding these things, still have you rightly perceived that in the
very soul of me is there no choosing of that lesser portion, seeing that in me all
goodness and glory are made to flow as an unending stream of life and holiness.
8 For there came a time, which even now lies near forgotten, when the Areta
desired strongly to become as one with me, and as she entered into the soul of
me, the shadow of my lesser self did leap out from the very center of me.
9 Ponder therefore, my son, this greater mystery; for in the long ago had I
created the Celestial Kingdom of Glory, and there existed in me still this very
capacity to do both good and evil, for like the Lords and Gods assembled here I
was free to choose.
10 Yet did I always choose the greater portion, adding to my glory still some
greater glory; laying against one eternity another eternity until at last I came to
dwell in the greatest of the kingdoms which I had made.
11 But in that moment when the Areta became one with me, to dwell in
harmony forever, there leaped out of me this darker shade which stood as
distinct and alone unto itself; and I perceived still some greater opportunity
which, if acted upon boldly and with wisdom, would lead still to a glory far
beyond all things glorious.
12 Thus did I begin to lay the foundations for the greatest glory of all; for I
determined that I would make for myself a perfect opposite, an antipode which
would press hard against me at every turn, that perchance he might destroy me
13 Therefore, my son, did I reason rightly to make for myself this great and
unyielding foe, this relentless Nemesis which would come forth as Yaldabaoth,
to strike hard and battle against me, to destroy forever the kingdoms of God.
14 For I would guard well the kingdoms of the greater Light against that stale
complacency which would lay waste to the whole of all our glory, to destroy
forever Hodos Alea;
15 For the true danger which would prove the ruin and desolation of this
heavenly light was never found in the opposition of evil as some might suppose,
but rather in the mediocrity and the shadows of those vain imaginings which
would make as ruin the very soul of all our glory.
17 For my capacity to do good was greater than all others which are made to
dwell in this heavenly abode; while that portion which would do evil was small
and frail, having to itself little substance or strength, causing that this darker
shade of my lesser self should likewise be small and frail also.
18 Seeing, therefore, that this darker shade was lost and confused by reason of
its separation from the soul of me; and seeing also how it drifted and hovered
about, having neither purpose nor meaning, I did take pity and resolved that I
should make stronger still the darker shade.
19 For this cause alone did I determine to cast the shade of my lesser self into
the very heart of the great Abyss where the Eidos is made to dwell, knowing full
well that in the time appointed there would leap from the darkness this very
Yaldabaoth which I would use to further the whole of my design.
20 Thus would I create from the Antipode, the very enemy of God, possessing
unto himself a purpose and identity peculiar to himself, being made forever the
Chief Demiurgos, Lord of Darkness, Father of Chaos; having in his soul an
endless thirst for that darker glory which he alone can see.
21 For he shall prefer darkness to light, and power to glory; he will prefer
death to life, evil instead of good, hate and war instead of love and harmony;
being in his soul the only evil which is absolute and undiluted;
22 Hating with perfect zeal, the glories and wonders of the greater Light;
striving with all his might to find those means by which he would destroy
forever the kingdom of God, taking to his darkened soul that revenge which he
would have against me.
23 Thus would I make for myself this perfect enemy, this relentless foe;
knowing full well that if I should prove less in my resolve to continue in the
paths of glory, then would I stand as defeated before the darkness of the
24 Now, my son, would the struggle between good and evil cease to exist
within the soul of me, but would rage constant war without; knowing full well
that the prize to be won is not the single soul only, but the whole of all our glory
would I place in constant risk; for in the endless reaches of my soul have I
established the fullness of Heaven’s glory.
25 See, then, how there is placed on me this necessity to choose strength and
vigor over mild complacency; electing always the pursuit of some greater
excellence which would contend constantly against that dull mediocrity which,
of itself, would cause to vanish away the very soul of us.
26 For I would not have you ignorant of this one thing, my son; for I perceive
that a sudden death is preferable to a slow and lingering demise which would
cause to fade away, little by little, the greatness of all this glory which you see
now before you.
28 For this cause have I elected that Yaldabaoth should rage against me in
constant battle, that I might be awakened to the dangers within by the war that
rages without.
29 Fear not, my son, the shadows of defeat, for I know in truth that there is no
power which can, by any means, overcome the greatness of my soul; and though
the angels themselves should fall, yet have I power sufficient to redeem them
subtly and altogether.
30 Yet, notwithstanding all these things, even I did know that there was
neither room nor place throughout all the realms of my creation where the
Demiurge might dwell, to give forth battle in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
31 For that cause have I decided that Yaldabaoth should dwell in the world of
First Man, that he might take to himself a dominion of his own, filled with all
manner of principalities and powers.
32 And there unto shall I send forth the greatest of the angels, that they might
battle in holiness against the dark and dreadful designs of Yaldabaoth,
struggling there midst the very lives of First Man.
33 For the battlefield which I have chosen is found in the very heart and mind
of man; knowing that if they should be awakened by that battle which surges
round about, even they might take thought to choose the good and thereby lay
for themselves the foundation of a living soul.
34 See then, how that the designs of my hand are most subtle indeed, being
unseen and well hidden by the shadows of the mortal life; evensomuch that of
all the spirits and angels which did go to dwell upon the earth, there were none
which could pierce the veil of their mortality whereby they might see fully the
hidden wonders of my design.
35 For you alone, my son, have both seen and understood the whole of my
design; revealing unto the children of God the hidden marvels and wonders of
heavenly things, revealing by most delicate words the very mind of God in the
world of First Man, even line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little,
there a little.
36 Know therefore, O Mighty One, that into your keeping will I give forth the
whole of my design and hold not back; that you may give unto the children of
God the very endowments of life and exaltation.
37 For the epiphenomenon of good and evil have I established for the children
of men, whereby they might make for themselves a living soul; but through your
hands shall I set forth the endowments of hidden knowledge whereby the
children of God may receive unto themselves glory upon glory, even worlds
without end.
38 Only let those who are appointed to receive be girded round about with all
manner of care and wisdom, lest the knowledge of God be made a mockery and
a jest through the sophistries and manipulations of foolish men who would
treat with scorn the things which come from God.
39 Come now and all attention give, for I will make known in you the
mysteries of this Yaldabaoth, and of his going forth unto the very Abyss where
the Eidos is made to dwell; that you may know fully the powers, dominions and
principalities of that Antipode which I set to fight against the very soul of me.
40 And whatsoever I shall reveal unto you, even that shall you write faithfully
in the Book of Endowments, that the children of God might take hope against
the day of trouble;
41 Being filled with all manner of confidence and joy concerning the designs of
God regarding that world upon which they dwell; knowing full well that they are
made partakers with Me and Thee in bringing forth the greatest joy of all.”
Chapter 6
The Abyss, the Eidos and the Antipode – The Eidos fashions the Lord of Darkness –Yaldabaoth
attacks the Eidos – Jehovah-Yahweh, the son of darkness, is brought forth – Jehovah-Yahweh
trembles before Yaldabaoth – Yaldabaoth ponders the mysteries: perceives the power of The
One, seeks God’s beginning – “I go yonder, to the birthplace of time”
1 Come, my children, and be you all ready within, for even I would make
known fully the hidden mysteries and unspeakable wonders which no man
knows save God alone.
2 For by the power of The One was I made to see the great Abyss from whose
blackened womb there is made to spew in endless streams, the very matter from
which all things visible are made.
3 And there dwelt in the Abyss the very Eidos which stirred and moved about;
being of itself both blind and thoughtless, creator and destroyer, being also cold
and harsh, indifferent and callous, both unthinking and unpredictable, even the
mindless purposer of all things which move throughout the immensity of space.
4 And that which was of the Abyss, even the very Eidos of creation, being ever
dark and brooding, felt moving within its regions that very Antipode which The
One had sent forth into it.
5 Seeing, therefore, the very Antipode, the Eidos did arouse and taking
thought it mused darkly within, saying: “Behold this darkened seed, this weak
and feeble shadow which the very One has cast off as being unworthy of his
6 This small and paltry being shall I take unto myself whereby I might forge
for myself some mighty ally; surely I shall draw from my own depths, one to
rule the darkness.
7 Him shall I fashion from the very Depth of me; the Lord of Darkness shall he
ever be, great and mighty shall he become; and he shall serve me well against
that One which even now would bend me to his will; for even as I am made to
serve The One, even so shall the Lord of Darkness do service unto me.
8 For this dreadful Lord shall I make mighty beyond all reckoning, a destroyer
and shatterer of worlds shall he become, and he shall prove the whole undoing
of that One from which all glory is made to flow.”
9 So took thought of the Eidos within itself, and throughout the passing of the
aeons did he add strength to strength and power to power unto the Antipode;
even until there was fashioned of him the greatest of all the Demiurge, even
Yaldabaoth, the Chief Demiurgos.
10 Yet for all his power and strength, despite his cunning and depth,
Yaldabaoth was without shape or form, having taken unto himself the very
likeness and essence of that Eidos which had made him.
12 And with a great and sudden violence he did rush upon the Eidos to
destroy, and there perished in the darkness a thousand lifeless worlds; yet for
all his power Yaldabaoth could not overcome the Eidos which The One had
taken unto himself.
13 For this cause did Yaldabaoth cast himself from out of the Abyss, and
beholding fully the dreadful presence of his own likeness, he spoke, saying:
14 “Behold, how great and mighty I am become, for what power can stay my
hand seeing that I am the destroyer and shatterer of worlds?”
15 And Yaldabaoth reached deeply into the darkness of his soul, and there was
caused to leap out of him the first and foremost of all the Demiurge, being filled
always with a twisted conceit and a perverted lust, being made most dreadful
and filled with falseness.
16 When, therefore, Yaldabaoth first beheld the brutal bastard of his own
likeness, he spoke within himself, saying: “I have brought out of my soul a son
like unto me, his name shall I call Jehovah-Yahweh.”
17 But the Demiurge, seeing for the first time the dark presence of his father
hovering before him, did rush speedily upon him to either subjugate or destroy,
but Yaldabaoth roared with great and terrible fury against him.
18 And Jehovah-Yahweh, hearing for the first time the deep and dreadful voice
of Chaos, was made to tremble in his soul, and he spoke unto the fearful
presence, saying: “Who are you that I may know you rightly?”
23 Now it came about that Yaldabaoth saw in the distance the bright and
burning lights of Olaha Shinehah, and he commanded that Jehovah-Yahweh set
watch over the Deep until he should come again unto him.
24 And of his doings in the kingdoms of the greater and lesser Light you know
full well already; and after a season, Yaldabaoth returned unto the very gates of
the Abyss, having set in disarray the kingdom of God.
25 And Yaldabaoth did pause upon the way and in the darkness of his soul did
he muse thus to himself, saying: “Surely have I rightly proved that evil is greater
than goodness altogether.
26 For the kingdom of the greater Light have I disturbed on every side; the
kingdom of God have I caused to tremble, the heavenly place have I shaken
hard through sly and cunning deceit, evensomuch that the very Son of the
Morning Light should give ready heed and by his fury undo the whole of all his
27 What power then shall stay my hand or bring to naught my dark designs?
For the Lord of Kolob have I caused to stumble about in the light, the greatness
of God have I made less through dark design.”
28 Such were the musings of Yaldabaoth in the darkness of his soul, and there
leaped from out of the midst of him a deep and piercing roar which caused that
even the very Abyss should tremble and shake all about; and in the far distance
did the Demiurge hear the sudden sound thereof, and Jehovah-Yahweh shook
with fear before the dark and haunting power.
30 Yet is there still that greater mystery which I perceive; for I discern that
behind The One is there yet some greater truth of subtle design; for in the
kingdoms of the greater and the lesser Light did I see the progression of many
souls moving from the lesser to the greater degrees of glory and light.
31 And if this thing be true, then is it not true also of The One? For when I
weigh in the balance both Eidos and The One, it is The One which progresses
onward, adding eternity to eternity and glory to still some greater glory while
still the Eidos remains the same forever.
32 And though The One should constrain the Eidos through the working of his
will, that it should act no more with wanton abandon, still is it constant and
unchanging in its nature; while The One himself is ever moving, passing on and
on from lesser to greater, adding glory to glory in unending succession.
33 Seeing, therefore, that in all things which do progress there exists a place of
certain beginning, then shall I go forever seeking, that perchance I might find
that world which first gave rise to God.
34 For in all the creations which God has made is there seen some subtle
pattern, some first design from which he has established the whole of all his
many wonders; for this one thing did I discern as I swept through the worlds of
the lesser light.
35 That there in the beginning of Olaha Shinehah did there exist a world of
perfect balance and harmony, being made most beautiful and rare.
36 This world did I clearly see, and I knew full well that it was made the copy
of some other far beyond the realms of light, even the world of God’s beginning
did I perceive rightly in the kingdoms of the lesser light.
37 Thus shall I go seeking that I might find for myself this very pattern, even
the very prototype; and in the finding of that world shall I take swift dominion,
that in the day of The One’s beginning I might declare myself unto him as the
only true God, and by my own power cause that he should serve me always.
38 Then shall the kingdoms of the greater and lesser Light begin to dwindle
and fade away through the moving of time and space, and I alone shall rule
from eternity to eternity, bending and shaping all things in accordance to my
will, which shall stand supreme forever.
39 And this Eidos which even now does not yield before me shall I make
subject unto me also; for if I should find the world from which The One first
took seed, then shall I go beyond that time when the Eidos first knew of me.
41 By such means shall I take unto myself the Eidos which creates, and the
birthseed of that One from whom all things glorious are made to flow, and I
shall be victorious and rule supreme throughout the halls of endless night.
43 So reasoned Yaldabaoth within, and going forth he came again unto the
Demiurge, and Jehovah-Yahweh spoke, saying: “Where, Dread Lord, would you
have us to go? Unto what place shall we go whereby we might establish the
whole of your dominion?”
44 And Yaldabaoth, gathering his son unto himself, looked deeply into the
darkened night, and he spoke, saying: “I go yonder, back forever beyond all
beginnings, to the very birthplace of space and time.”
Chapter 7
1 So Yaldabaoth flung himself forever and anon away from the realms of God’s
domain seeking most earnestly to find for himself the beginning birthplace of
light and glory; and piercing the boundaries of space and time, he came at last
to the very cosmos of the First Creation.
2 And perceiving the hidden presence of the Eidos throughout the endless
halls of space, Yaldabaoth thought to bestir him; and seeing that there was a
sun nearby he did breathe upon it, and behold, it did burst asunder amidst fire
and heat; and all the worlds which moved about the sun did likewise perish.
3 When, therefore, Yaldabaoth saw that the sun and planets were destroyed
because of him, he did boast within himself, saying: “Now has the day of my
power come alive within me.”
4 But regardless of the great destruction wrought, still did the Eidos remain
undisturbed and unaware of the dreadful presence of the Demiurge; and
Yaldabaoth did muse within himself, saying:
5 “Behold, how the Eidos does sleep peacefully on, even in the midst of my
power. Still shall I some greater doom bring within it, perchance to awaken it.”
6 And passing onward into the Deep, Yaldabaoth espied in the darkness the
swirling together of two great galaxies; and Yaldabaoth, gathering himself into a
mighty rush, did pass with thundering speed between the two.
7 And behold, the galaxies which were established in perfect balance and
harmony, did begin to fall in upon each the other, and there died in the
cataclysm five hundred billion suns; and of the number of moons and planets
which also died can no man number.
8 Such was the dreadful power of the Chief Demiurgos in the midst of the First
Creation; and there stirred suddenly about, the very Eidos, and seeing within it
the presence of that Dark Dominion, it shuddered and trembled greatly.
9 And with a mighty and terrible roar, Yaldabaoth declared throughout the
fartherest reaches of the cosmos, saying: “I am Yaldabaoth, Chief Demiurgos of
the matter unformed; being forever in all, through out, and before all, even the
Father of Chaos am I.
10 Holding in my hand the only true power; being in my soul both dark and
dreadful, both swift and sudden, destroying utterly the hope of all creation; for I
am Dominion, the only terror, possessing neither visage nor countenance,
having neither shape nor form, being ever boundless and immeasurable.
11 Why therefore, O Eidos, have you designed to sin against me, seeing that I
alone have brought you forth whereby you might serve me according to my will?
12 For in this one thing only have you sinned, for you have not known me,
neither have you thought to seek me out. For this cause would I destroy you
utterly; yet if you would still continue in your purpose, then serve me faithfully
and I will spare you.”
13 Such were the words which Yaldabaoth spake, and there welled up
throughout the whole of Eidos, a deep and terrifying fear; and the Eidos did
yield before that dread Dominion, and all creation did surrender itself unto the
awesome power of the Chief Demiurgos.
14 Yet within the Eidos did there bestir the ineffable wonder of Areta, who lay
hidden and serene within the very folds of the mindless creator, being unknown
by him, yet did she move most subtly within; always guiding, ever seeking the
presence of some equal mind.
15 Thus it came about that when Yaldabaoth came forth to proclaim himself,
this very Areta took great notice, and perceiving readily the evil of his intent,
she resolved firmly to fight against him through the workings of that Eidos
which the Demiurge sought to command.
16 Consider therefore the wonder of this Areta, for she, being both feminine
and wise, did inhabit the deepest regions of the Eidos; and throughout the
endless processions of creation did she ever hold sway, bringing into place such
laws as would engender life.
17 For she did hope constantly that in the creation of all the numberless
worlds there might develop some being who would possess a similar mind like
unto her own, being of itself both masculine and wise, rich and pure, both
subtle and deep;
18 Knowing full well that if such a being should come about as a result of her
workings within the Eidos, she might some communion take of him; and if he
should prove worthy of her, then would she establish for the good of both, an
inseparable union filled with glory and increase.
19 Yet of the Areta was Yaldabaoth unaware, being unlike her in every thought
and passion; and though he possessed in himself the shadow of an endless
mind, he could by no means perceive her presence, neither could he hope to
know of her, for he was evil and dark while the Areta was good and filled with
20 Seeing therefore that the Demiurge had subdued the Eidos altogether,
Yaldabaoth went seeking, perchance to find for himself that one world from
which the glory of Heaven was come forth.
21 And going into the furtherest reaches of the cosmos, he came at last to a
galaxy in the distant far away, and there in the fringes of the spiraling light did
he see the world of the First Power.
22 And going forth he passed over the waters of the deep, and he beheld great
serpents moving and swimming about, and he saw a multitude of fishes and
other great beasts moving about in the waters of the sea.
23 And Yaldabaoth exclaimed aloud, saying: “I have discovered for myself, the
world of the First Power; now shall I make as nothing the designs of God, that I
might take to myself the greatest power of all.”
24 Thus did the Chief Demiurgos rejoice; but when he went forth to spy out
the land, he saw upon it no man, but great and mighty beasts only; and being
well displeased, Yaldabaoth caused that there should strike upon the land three
great comets which did destroy completely the great beasts which did dwell
upon the land.
25 And there perished in short season the rule of the dinosaur, which same
beasts had held dominion upon the land for many millions of years.
26 Seeing then that the land was made desolate and harsh, Yaldabaoth called
unto the Eidos, and commanded that it should again bring forth life.
27 But the Eidos, of itself, could by no means engender life; nevertheless it did
move over the land, even as the rain; and the very Areta, whose light lay hidden
in the dark folds of the Eidos’ power, did breathe greatly upon the land.
28 And behold, through the passing of the millennia did the land heal quickly,
and there began to spring up from out of the seas a great many new life forms,
and through the passing of the epochs, life took hold upon the land.
29 And there evolved from the midst of life, the beginnings of man, and man
began to walk upon the earth, ever changing and evolving from generation to
31 Now Yaldabaoth, reaching into the depths of his soul, brought forth out of
the darkness, Jehovah-Yahweh, and set him to rule over the earth, saying:
32 “Go you down unto the earth and make subject unto yourself the seed of
God and subdue it altogether, that you may have dominion and power over all
living things, for I would have established in this world forever, the fullness of
my power.
33 But take you care regarding the life of man, that you destroy them not
altogether, for I have some need of them.
34 Rule therefore harshly over them as you will, that they might come to fear
the shadow of unknown things; for in their fear shall they give forth a ready
obedience unto me.
35 Take you, therefore, a swift dominion over all that you shall see in the
world beyond; proclaiming unto the children of man that you alone are god;
and if they will obey, then shall they live, but if not then shall you break them in
pieces under the weight of you.
36 Measure, therefore, such terrors as you would heap upon them, for into
your keeping shall I give dark counsel; remember always that dominion is
greater than full destruction; and servitude more preferred than dark oblivion.”
38 And Yaldabaoth answered him, saying: “Do not trouble yourself overmuch
concerning this thing, for in time shall man make himself known unto you.
39 For I have seen the end of man, and in that day when they shall begin to
take dominion over the creatures of the earth to hunt them and subdue them
according to their will, then shall they make themselves known unto you
because of their greatness.
40 For though they be in their natural state weak and trembling, still do they
possess what no other creature can boast, for in man shall you find the
beginnings of that intelligence which shall give birth to God;
41 And if it so be that I should establish over man the rule of the Demiurge, to
subdue them and bind them unto my will altogether, then shall I take the seed
of God captive whereby I might establish the fullness of my glory in the world of
the First Power.”
43 And at his voice did the land tremble greatly and the waters heaved
themselves all about in great distress, and the mountains fell into valleys, and
the low places of the earth did cast themselves up into a heap, and the wind
blew fiercely all around.
44 And storm and tempest raged against all living things, and the earth in
sorrow groaned for deliverance, for in the day that Jehovah-Yahweh ruled did
fiercesome beasts begin to seek the flesh of men to devour them.
Chapter 8
1 But in the kingdom of God did there gather unto Salem of Merigoth, the
Council of Elohim from all Jeruel, and unto that exalted council were gathered
also from all the celestial worlds of Kolob the quorums of Korimash, Terrigai,
Lorridoth, Borgolie, Marridon, Yoshliheim, Sarrijah, Xandori, Vangeleia,
Shemhora, Shimbeth, and Kimjaroo.
2 And the quorums which gathered were great in number, and filling up the
whole city, there spilled out unto the plains below Salem, and in the airs above
the plain and in the heavens above the city the very Lords and Gods of Kolob,
each according to their house and order.
3 For even unto the beautiful city would the heavens gather from afar to hear
for themselves the words which Ahman would speak unto them; for of
Shaemdiel and the Demiurge were all made aware.
4 And there fell upon the congregations of Heaven a deep stillness, and a
mighty hush did fall upon the whole earth, for Ahman did rise forth in all his
majesty to speak, and there stood beside him in stately array, Galendriel the
Beautiful, dressed in robes of purest white trimmed in silver; and upon her
bodice was there placed an ephod of blue sapphire, and upon her head was
there also a blue and shimmering telephim.
5 And raising up the hand to speak, Ahman opened unto the whole assembly
the mind of Tael, deep and wondrous, penetrating unto the very soul, the
powers of all Heaven, and with measured word did Ahman speak, saying:
6 “My Lords and Gods of this greater Light, give forth now a ready ear, that we
might with some firm resolve, set right again the heavenly abode; for you know
yourselves of Shaemdiel’s fall and of his great descent unto the world of the
First Power.
7 For this cause have we determined rightly to set forth the Law of
Dispensation whereby we might bring forth unto this heavenly place a glory
which lies beyond all measure; for in the dreaming of all our hearts is there not
room enough for that glory which The One has ordained for our benefit.
8 Grieve not therefore at the fall of Shaemdiel, neither be you fearful of that
Demiurge which did shake with violent fury the whole of our estate, for I will
make known in your hearing the fullness of my design, that we might establish
again in confidence, this kingdom of the greater Light.
10 And of those dispensations do you know full well the workings thereof, for
in all the worlds which we have fashioned have we set to preside over them the
dispensations of God.
11 For in the working of our dispensations did we set forth to guide carefully
and wisely the spirit children of God; that entering into the fiery furnace of
mortality, they might see clearly plain the way of holiness.
12 For unto the seed of all our lineage would we give some constant reminder
of an endless progression; that perceiving subtly the designs of God in the
mortal life, they might choose rightly between the lesser and greater portion.
13 Let us therefore with all certainty give unto the world of First Man the Law
of Dispensation; for you know full well that in yonder world the Demiurge have
even now set forth to rule;
14 That by taking to themselves the very place of God’s beginning they might
subvert completely the very kingdom of God, for even they would make as
rubble this heavenly abode, and all the glory which we have made shall be as
broken ruin about our feet, to be consumed forever in darkness.
15 Seeing therefore the urgency of our need, let us act wisely regarding the
purposes of those dispensations which we would set rightly over that distant
world; for by our subtle designs shall we make as naught the full designs of
Yaldabaoth, to steal from out of the darkness, the very seed of God.
16 Giving to that distant world, goodness in place of evil, light in place of
darkness, hope in place of despair, joy in place of sorrow, peace in place of war
and life in place of death.
17 Let us therefore make certain the whole of our intent, for even we would
make war most subtly against the designs of Yaldabaoth; that where he would
establish in the minds of men the rule of evil, even we shall establish in the
heart the goodness of God;
18 That where he would make corrupt the fallen angels of light, even we would
set forth in power to redeem the whole of them from darkness, to set their feet
again in glory; that in the midst of joyful weeping, even all might sing and dance
again in the heavenly light.
20 Such were the words which Ahman spoke unto the heavenly hosts, and of
many other things also did he speak, yet there is not room enough to contain
herein; and when the Lords and Gods were in agreement, they set in place the
Law of Dispensation; and there went forth to walk upon the world of First Man
both Adam and Eve.
21 Now on a certain day did Lucifer go forth to walk upon the earth, and he
saw the sons and daughters of Enosh gathered upon the plain, and in the midst
of them did he see Adam and Eve, and behold, they were teaching unto those
gathered there the beginnings of knowledge and deep wisdom.
22 And perceiving rightly the intent of their design, he went unto the Darkness
to give account of all which he saw; for of the working of the dispensations of
God did the Demiurge possess no knowledge.
23 And there was gathered in the darkness Yaldabaoth, and beside him moved
Jehovah-Yahweh, who did look with evil intent upon the countenance of the
Fallen One; and round about the Chief Demiurgos did Lucifer behold the
legions of the Demiurge; and Yaldabaoth spoke softly unto Lucifer, saying:
24 “Hail fair Prince, Lord of Light and Glory; come you closer still and tell me
for what purpose would you come so suddenly upon me; for I perceive in your
countenance a troubling demeanor filled with foreboding. Come now and speak
plainly. What is there in yonder world that would trouble the Prince of Salem
26 When therefore, the legions of the Demiurge heard the words of Lucifer,
they recoiled in dismay; but Jehovah-Yahweh did not fear, but instead he did
erupt with violent fury against the Fallen One. And in a cold and chilling hiss,
he exclaimed aloud against him, saying:
27 “Traitor! It was you which brought this calamity upon us! See now, Dread
Lord, how this ally has proven himself false. Give me leave, therefore, and I
shall destroy this beguiling prince.”
28 But Yaldabaoth sat calmly by, and in a voice made deep and rumbling, he
spoke unto Lucifer, saying: “Tell me, fair Prince, why should the Gods of
Heaven come to this world so far beyond?”
29 And Lucifer answered, saying: “I know not fully their intent, Dread Lord,
seeing that yonder world was made uncreated of God; and if this be so, then I
know not for what cause the Elohim would seek to lay claim upon it.
30 But this I know full well, Dread Lord, for even now would they establish
most subtly, the dispensations of God, whereby they might lay the foundations
of godliness among the children of men;
31 Ever building, ever adding, here a little, there a little; precept built upon
precept, line placed upon line; adding by small degrees the foundations of
something greater still; always building by careful measure the hope of
exaltation and glory, even worlds without end.
32 For this cause alone would they come forth to yonder world, that mingling
themselves among the children of men, they might bring forth the spirit
children of God to inhabit mortal tabernacles of flesh.
33 By such means would the very Gods of Heaven hold sway upon yonder
world; for when the spirit children of God, having clothed themselves in the
tabernacles of men, should be made to hear the voice of their Fathers, then do
their spirits leap forth within.
34 And even they, living as men among men, would establish in the midst of
men the ways of godliness. Thus through the passing of the generations are the
ways of God made firm and sure; passing always from lesser to greater; moving
on and pressing onward even until the whole earth is made anew by the very
presence of God.
35 By such means would the Gods of Heaven reach forth unto this distant
place to vex me sorely, and to hinder me in the accomplishment of my designs
among the children of men.
36 Yet, Dread Lord, be not troubled because of these things, for I have power
sufficient to disturb the whole of their design. For have I not spirit children of
my own which even now are made to serve, evensomuch that they would follow
me most faithfully into this darkness, where the Demiurge are made to rule?
37 Let therefore the Gods work according to their will upon the earth; for
whensoever they should think to give seed to bring forth children of their own,
then shall I send forth spirits of my own to inhabit the tabernacles of their flesh.
38 Thus by small degrees shall I make corrupt the designs of God upon the
earth, and in weariness shall they relent and go again unto their own place.”
39 Such were the words which Lucifer spoke unto the Demiurge; and
Yaldabaoth, being well contented, gave leave that Lucifer should go forth unto
the earth whereby he might trouble sorely the designs of God.
40 But Jehovah-Yahweh, when he saw that the Fallen One was gone again
unto the world of men, petitioned Yaldabaoth, saying: “Dread Lord, give me
leave also and I will destroy forever this beguiling prince, for I see in him the
whole of our undoing.
41 Give therefore of these legions unto me and I will destroy him utterly; then
shall I go unto the earth to battle, and I shall cause to perish forever the hope of
God and man.”
44 And Adam, seeing the child being drawn from the womb, grew deeply
troubled, for when the child drew forth its first breath there entered into him a
dark and troubling spirit.
45 When therefore Adam saw this, he spoke tenderly unto Eve, saying, “I shall
call him Cain, for I perceive in him a disquieted spirit.
46 Let us therefore love him as we might, perhaps to turn him unto goodness;
but watch him closely, for in his countenance do I perceive the beginning of
47 Now in the seventh year of their sojourn, Adam and Eve brought forth a
second son, and they called him Abel; and the child brought laughter and
delight unto the whole house; but Cain, being the eldest son, hated Abel from
his birth, and with constant disdain would not so much as walk beside him.
48 And Cain and Abel grew up together side by side, being loved equally by
Adam and Eve; yet was the one filled with songs and laughter, while yet the
other was filled with sullen reproaches and bitter speech.
49 And of their life together you know full well, how that Cain slew Abel,
which thing caused that the very heavens should shudder with apprehension;
for they perceived rightly a coming doom which would make of no effect the
dispensations of God in the world of the First Power.
50 For at no time previous, in all the worlds which God had made did one
Adaam rise up in anger to kill another; and the Gods, being made witness to so
great an evil, spoke among themselves, saying:
51 “What evil is this that can so quickly corrupt the dispensations of God, to
turn unto despair the whole of our design? Behold, except we act quickly and in
wisdom, the dispensations of God shall avail us nothing; and we shall stand
defeated at last before the wiles of the Fallen One.”
52 But Ahman spoke unto the congregations, saying: “Be not troubled over
this thing, neither be dismayed by the evil which has arrayed itself against us;
for the harshness of yonder world is The One made all aware.
53 For The One has made known unto me of that one which is greater still
than all our might. Surely he shall put forth his hand to set right again the
whole of our design, if it so be that The One should grant release.”
54 So spoke Ahman unto the congregations of the heavenly hosts; and putting
forth his petition, The One did grant a full release. And taking unto the very
Keep the whole of Heaven’s glory, there gathered before the gates thereof all the
houses, orders, and councils of Kolob, being made all anxious within and
55 And there stood before the gates of the Keep two full companies of the
greater Seraphim; and Ahman, drawing near to the very threshold, spoke in a
loud voice throughout the Tael, saying: “Azraella Ahgendai, come you forth
unto us; for all Heaven has need of you. Come forth great Ahgendai and help
56 And in the depths of the Keep was there heard a great and mighty stirring
like the sound of thunder piercing deeply, and there did move unto the very
gates a great and penetrating light, and behold the greater Seraphim did slightly
tremble and in their gathered might gave way.
Chapter 9
1 These, then, are the things which The One revealed unto me in that day
when I was made to stand before him in the presence of many lights.
3 “Most Gracious Father, holy and unending; speak to me concerning the first
nature of that world from which you came; for when I see the world as it is, the
endless wars, the tribulations and calamities, the destructions and foolishness
of all mankind, I am made to wonder concerning the success of all our efforts in
bringing forth man unto God.
5 Such were the words which I spoke unto The One, and in an instant was I
carried through the veils of time, that I might see and hear, and feel for myself
the first likeness of yonder world.
6 Now these are the things which I beheld, being made to stand in the stream
of their unfolding; for I beheld a world made brutal and vicious through the
workings of man, filled with harshness and cruelty.
7 Evensomuch that the whole earth was filled with corruption and decay; and
upon the land, and in the seas, and in the airs above the earth were there few
creatures found; for the world which I beheld was filled with death and made
malignant beneath the weight of man’s dominion.
8 And I beheld great cities filled with dark shadows, left desolate and wasted,
having been devoured in the midst of great madness; for the buildings of the
city lay broken and jagged with great towering spires rising upward into a black
and sooted sky.
9 Yet in the hidden places of the cities did brooding men scurry about midst
piles of great rubble, each moving about in haste looking for some other whom
they might kill for the sake of personal gain.
10 And wheresoever I looked, I beheld the bones of men long dead, and they
did lay in the streets of every city; and I beheld the rotting corpses of women
and children, filled with a dreadful stench, being strewn upon the ground as
waste; and behold, the dogs and the vultures did fight among themselves over
which of their kind should devour the dead.
11 And seeing a fence post nearby, I beheld the head of a small child which was
impaled upon it, and I was filled with sickness and weeping; and the voice of
The One spoke unto me, saying:
13 And I answered midst bitter tears, saying: “What madness is there which
could destroy so completely, the world of your beginning?” And The One
answered, saying: “The madness is not yet complete, my son. Look and behold.”
15 And when they were completed, they sat the bomb high above the earth on
a great steel tower; and when they themselves were made safe and hidden by
some great distance, there did explode suddenly a blue and piercing flame, and
in an instant the whole sky was become as broken shards of glass.
16 Thus did I behold the certain doom of that first world; and the men of that
earth did gather themselves to fight against the fires which burned in the crust
of the earth, but for all their many efforts it raged and burned within, filling the
air with noxious fumes of gas and smoke.
17 And the children of men wept with fear and did rush forth in terror to hide
themselves from the work of their hands; but the fires in the earth did burn
without ceasing, consuming in their lust both mountains and plains.
18 And the rivers did boil and seethe, and steam and ash did mingle
themselves together, and upon whatsoever person the steam and ash would fall,
even that person would perish in great pain and suffering, writhing upon the
ground until he lay entombed midst fire and smoke.
19 Thus in the passing of the years was the earth made as a darkened ember,
moving throughout the regions of space; leaving behind a gray and smoking
trail filled with bitterness.
20 For the whole of man had perished away forever, and there was none left to
weep or mourn their passing save one only; and he, being alone and ever
drifting onward, did hover above the blackened ember of the world, a thing
heartbroken and filled with sorrow.
21 Such was the madness which I beheld in the world of the First Power; and
The One spoke unto me, saying: “Now, my son, have you fully seen the end of
my beginning. Will you say now that the dispensations of God are made of no
benefit unto the children of men?
22 Behold, my son, how that even now does the world of my beginning still
live again in me, having perished not, nor vanished away; and this because of
those dispensations which you have placed in the world far beyond.”
23 Thus did The One speak unto me, and I spoke again unto him, saying:
“Most Holy Father, gracious and unending; tell me by what means such things
were brought to pass. What was the cause of such madness?”
24 And The One answered, saying: “It was not the presence of something
which brought such madness about, but rather it was the absence of any
knowledge concerning good and evil. This, my son, is what caused the death of
yonder world.”
25 Now when The One had said these things, I beheld the very nature of First
Man; and behold, the children of men were driven within and without by an
insatiable lust for power, being always in their persons cold and unfeeling.
26 Seeking always to get some gain over their fellow man, possessing unto
themselves no knowledge of friendship or love, or family affections; for the
children of men had no knowledge of spiritual things, for they were without
soul; being as animals only, being intelligent by their own desires and passions.
27 Seeking always for some greater power or brutal pleasure; for all men
feared death and would by any means seek to preserve themselves against it;
being like drowning men which cling and clutch at anything which would
further the life of the body.
28 Thus did all men prey upon each the other, hunting and stalking by
treacherous means the hope of some advantage, thinking only of themselves
and none besides, for they were without friendships or loyalty;
29 Making such alliances as would prove to their benefit, but always ready to
betray and destroy; taking great pride in their own strength and cunning;
making endless wars and arguments, ever seeking out the weak to destroy them
or to place upon them the yoke of some great bondage.
30 For it was war which gave rise to all their cunning, and it was war which
gave birth to all the nations upon the earth; and whatsoever man possessed a
knowledge greater than any other, even he would rule most harshly in the
regions round about; being declared as some mighty one, even among those
who were mighty still.
31 For strength and knowledge were the only power, being most sought after
in the world of men; and whatsoever person possessed an abundance of such,
even they were held in fear and awe, while yet the weak and the fallen were
made as food for the belly.
32 For if it should come about that some great enemy should be captured in
the midst of battle, then would the victor divide him asunder to consume his
flesh; and if there should come a famine upon the land, then would the strong
hunt down the weak whereby they might feast upon their flesh, lest they
themselves perish from hunger.
33 Now in the affairs of men was I made to see that no man would cleave to a
woman to marry her, for women were seen as servants to the body only, to
satisfy the lusts of men; for all men thought women to be weak in both mind
and body, and therefore of little worth in themselves.
34 Yet would men fight among themselves to possess them, and whosoever
should take to himself a multitude of women, even he was thought to be some
great master, and among the men which ruled were there some which
possessed ten women, while others possessed a hundred, while still the greatest
possessed a thousand.
35 But for all of this was it seen that no man would love a woman for the sake
of her alone; neither would he grant to her any kindness or courtesy; for all
were raped continually and made to serve, being made captive whereby they
might satisfy the passions of that man which held them bound.
36 And whatsoever woman should become pregnant, even to her would a man
grant favor; for sons were seen as great advantage, being able to stand beside
their fathers in the day of battle, fighting furiously onward against the common
37 While yet the daughters which were born unto a man, if they should grow
to become beautiful, then would the father take her unto himself to rape her;
and when all his passions lay fulfilled, then would the father sell her or give her
away for the sake of some alliance.
38 But if there should be a woman which would give birth to any child which
was weak or sickly, or deformed, then would she be treated most cruelly, for
both the mother and the child would the man bring before many witnesses;
39 And gathering about the hosts of all his other women, even then would the
father bind the stricken mother with a strong flaxen cord, and with a whip he
would beat her nigh unto death; and taking the sickly infant, he would cast it
unto the dogs to be devoured and torn in pieces.
40 And the mother, weeping for the sake of her child, would the father cause
to perish also, taking to her throat a knife made sharp and keen, and drawing
forth the whole of the body’s blood, he would gather it into a great basin, and
taking a cup he would cast the blood into the faces of all the women gathered
there; and in a voice made harsh and bitter he would speak, saying:
41 “This is the fate of any woman which would turn my seed into weakness.
Look you now and ponder, for this shall I also do unto you if you should bring
forth any feebleness from the womb.” And so hearing, the women would weep
in terror.
42 And taking the woman’s corpse, the father would hang her by the feet in
the women’s quarter where all could see. And terror pressed hard against the
women of that house, filling their minds with fear and dread.
43 And if it should come about that a woman should have no issue after ten
years of lying with a man, then would she be branded most cruelly upon the
cheek; and her left breast would the man cleave from her body, and taking a hot
iron, he would sear the wound;
44 And when she was healed of her wounds, then would the man cause her to
play the whore unto any man which came unto the house, adding to her
master’s purse some small wealth in coin or script.
45 Such was the world which I beheld, and being made witness to so great a
terror, I saw clearly still the good which God would grant unto the seed of his
beginning through those dispensations which even now are made to serve in the
world far beyond.
Chapter 10
1 Thus, my children, was I made to see fully the corruptions and the harshness
of that world which was unmade by God, being by its own nature filled with
despair and cruelty; having neither hope nor joy for it had not the shadow of
things more glorious.
2 Yet for all the horrors to which I was made a witness, I did find great
comfort in the presence of The One; being made to stand beside him in the
glory of many lights; and in an instant did the sorrow of all my heart flee away
and I was filled with calmness.
3 And the Light within the greater light did glow brighter still, and the voice of
The One did speak tenderly unto me, saying: “Trouble not your soul, my son,
over such things as you were made to see; for even all this harshness did perish
long ago, and only their shadows do you most faintly see in the world far
4 For that which you were made witness to did give birth to me; that being
drawn from the darkness, I might become as a light unto all who should follow
after me.
5 For by my own hand did I make death to seem as a passing shadow, that
there might spring up from out of the darkness, new life abundant, moving out
and ever seeking for that glory which it could most faintly see.
6 Thus did I determine for the good of all, that there should be brought
through the veils of time the law of opposition, even the epiphenomenon of
good and evil; for I thought it preferable to give hope in place of despair, joy in
place of sorrow, and life in place of death.
7 For you have seen yourself the cruel destruction of yonder world in the days
of First Man; for the life of countless millions did cruel death swallow up in
madness, that they should be no more; and the glory of all that could have been
did the silence consume in darkness.
8 Seeing therefore the passing away of all my beginning, even I did continue
on, being the only one of my kind; and I did resolve most firmly within that in
the day of my power I would return again unto my own, and by some subtle
design set forth the hand to redeem the whole of First Man.
9 Thus did I cause that Yaldabaoth should come forth unto this world beyond
all beginnings, knowing full well that he would set forth to establish himself as
the only true dominion.
10 For it was the Demiurge themselves which first put forth in the mind of
man the image of God, even though the likeness was filled with threats and
cruelty; causing that all men should tremble in fear before him; thus was there
created in the heart of man the hope for some deliverance.
11 Thus by fear did the Demiurge compel the children of men to cleave unto
Adam and Eve during the days of their sojourn upon the earth; seeking from
their hand the wisdom and loving kindness of that true God which dwelt far
beyond in light and glory.
12 For in the days of Adam and Eve did they teach unto the children of men
the beginning of every good thing; for you know yourself, how that in yonder
world did First Man have no knowledge concerning those affections which bind
together both husband and wife, parent and child, or even friend cleaving unto
friend for love’s sake.
13 Therefore, it became expedient that Adam should uplift the minds of men
by showing unto them the beginning of wisdom whereby they might lift
themselves above the passions of beasts, to ascend above their former state,
being made noble and worthy of all consideration.
14 Thus by careful measure did Adam and Eve uplift the minds of all, both
male and female, that they might rise above the meanness of their former lives,
to stand before the whole creation, being made altogether new and filled with
15 Seeing therefore that the children of men were made separated from the
beasts of the earth, they did take upon themselves the nature and disposition of
Adam and Eve; learning from the very beginning the ways of peace and kind
16 For behold, the children of men did esteem greatly the presence of Adam
and Eve, thinking them to be Gods which were worthy of worship and
emulation; counting their presence as some great gain, being by their very
nature preferable to that Demiurge which would rule most harshly over them.
17 Thus by careful measure did Adam teach unto the children of men those
things which were good and beneficial, while always giving firm counsel against
the evil way, establishing in the minds of all which heard the rising
epiphenomenon of good and evil.
18 For everything which Adam and Eve said and did would the children of
men accept most readily as being for their good and not evil; that by their
careful imitation they might prove themselves acceptable to the Gods which
they loved, while pushing aside with equal fervor the god whom they feared,
even Jehovah-Yahweh.
19 Now Adam taught unto the children of men the ways of farming, both to
plant and to harvest; and the spear and the cudgel did all men lay aside, and
they did plant for the good of all, a variety of gardens and orchards.
20 And each man did cooperate with every other man for some mutual
benefit, and in that day was man separated from the mere passions of beasts to
become altogether a new creature.
21 Yet, Eve, of herself took note concerning the ways of men and women; for
in the days before Adam and Eve did the sons of men take little thought for
women’s sake, thinking them weak and unworthy of consideration.
22 For each man, when he had desires, would rush upon a woman to seize her
and to rape her fully until he was left satisfied and empty of seed; and when he
was done, then would he cast the woman aside, being made contemptuous by
her many tears and pleadings.
23 Now Eve, being made witness to all these things, did go unto Adam and she
spoke unto him, saying: “Have you not seen, my love, how the sons of men are
made to treat the women of their kind?
24 Come now and let us teach unto the children of men the ways of love and
joining, that they might learn with eagerness the joys to be gained in both
marriage and family; for unto this was I ordained to establish in the world far
25 Now in the beginning of their sojourn did Adam build a house for his
Beloved; and upon each day, with the rising of the sun, would all the children of
men gather themselves upon the ground, both male and female according to
their several tribes, and there would they await most anxiously the coming forth
of Adam and Eve.
26 And on a certain day did Adam and Eve walk forth from the midst of their
house to stand naked and unclothed before the children of men; and the
children of men did gasp in wonder at the beauty and comeliness of Adam and
Eve; for they did stand in calmness before them, being tranquil within and
without, being neither ashamed nor troubled by their own nakedness.
27 And walking forth most calmly and serene, Adam and Eve did set forth to
stroll alone among the orchards, and the children of men did follow after them
from a distance, for of Adam’s tenderness unto Eve did the sons and daughters
of men gaze upon in amazement, for among themselves had no man ever
treated a woman in like manner.
28 Now when Adam and Eve were come unto a certain place by the waters of
Shem Torath, they did commune one with the other in all gentle affections,
speaking and laughing in the midst of their joy; being unmindful of those which
watched from a distance; being centered only upon that love which they did
hold for one another.
29 And throughout the day did Adam and Eve lay together beside the waters
of Shem Torath, moving each upon the other in great love, consuming each
through gentle kisses, the passions of both body and spirit.
30 Thus were the sons and daughters of men made witnesses of that true love
which was ordained of God from the very beginning, and the women of Enosh
were filled with longing and desire, while the men of their kind were made
ashamed, being convicted in their own minds against themselves.
31 And with each new day would Adam and Eve walk naked through the
gardens which were planted by the waters of Shem Torath, being observed from
afar; and Adam and Eve did love each other most tenderly and joyfully beside
the waters as a lesson to all which saw.
32 Thus did the women of Enosh grow strong and determined in the loving of
Adam and Eve, evensomuch that whensoever a man would seize upon a woman
to rape her, then would every woman of the tribe rush forth to defend her,
striking out against the man with all manner of sticks and stones.
33 And the men being astonished, grew troubled in their minds, and they did
go forth unto Adam, and they did speak unto him in the manner of their kind,
saying: “Help us Adami, for the women of our tribe have gone to war against us
and we know not what to do; for they have become most mad and envious for
love’s sake.”
34 So Adam counseled the sons of Enosh regarding the ways of love and
tenderness, whereby he might remove them from the lusts and passions of mere
beasts; and the sons of men took heart from Adam and whatsoever he taught
unto them, even this would they begin to emulate, even here a little and there a
35 And Eve took unto herself even all the daughters of men, and she taught
unto them the law and covenant of marriage, whereby each man would have
just one wife to bring forth children unto themselves; and this for the sake of
their lineage, being both father and mother unto the same children.
36 And Eve commanded them straightly that each man should love his wife to
worship her, and that each woman should love her husband to worship him
likewise, and this without shame or guilt.
37 For the loving of the man and the woman did God ordain from the very
beginning, whereby he might lift even the whole of their kind above the beasts
of the field; whereby they might stand supreme above all creation.
38 For it is the nature of beasts only to fight and to quarrel among themselves
whereby they might take unto themselves a harem of females, and this only to
satisfy the lusts of the body only, being compelled by the dictates of their lower
passions, and not love, to reproduce themselves anew.
39 But in Adam and Eve did God ordain that a man should love a woman in all
tenderness, whereby he might commune with her in all gentle affection; that
together they might play in joy with each the other, that they might be refreshed
and satisfied in the coming together of their love for one another.
40 By such means would God remove forever the brutality of men against the
woman, and this through love only; causing that each woman should be exalted
beside her husband, to stand as equal and worthy of all consideration;
41 That there might stand forth in the affairs of men, the very tabernacle of
God’s peace, wherein the whole of man might find both joy and rest in the love
of both the man and the woman together.
42 Being made together a ready refuge and a tower of strength wherein the
God of Heaven might make ready his abode; that both the man and the woman
might find a sure acceptance in the heart of each the other; being guarded
round about by all manner of gentle speech and tender affection.
43 For in the life of all men is the world made to seem but harsh and cruel,
filled constantly with all manner of trouble and bitterness, giving rise to a
multitude of adversities and perplexities which make weary and heavy laden the
souls of men.
44 Therefore, my son, go you forth unto the children of men and establish in
the very midst of them the tabernacle of God’s peace, wherein all they which
would enter in might find joy in place of sorrow, hope in place of despair, and
fullness in place of much wanting.
45 For you know yourself how that the spirit of a man is made to dwell in
tabernacles of flesh and bone, whereby they might come to a sure knowledge of
good and evil, that perceiving deeply the joys to be had in the greater portion,
they might seek out for themselves that one great love which would stand in
glory beside them forever.
46 Therefore, seeing that a man and a woman would cleave together for love’s
sake, then let these two become as one flesh, even one tabernacle together; and
this according to the laws and covenants which I have set forth in the distant
long ago.
47 For even I would cause to dwell upon the world of my beginnings, a place of
refuge and peace, that both the man and the woman might come together in
love and harmony.
48 That there might spring forth among the nations of the earth a tabernacle
not made by blind passions, neither built by the hands of men alone; but
established only in the heart of the man and the woman, being bound together
and strongly fashioned according to that love which endures forever.
49 Thus, my son, did I find it expedient that the woman should establish in
the midst of her home a sanctuary wherein a portion of my spirit might dwell
upon the earth; that there might flow outward unto all who dwell therein, the
very heart and mind of God the Father and the Mother.
50 But unto the man have I strongly decreed that from the love of both
husband and wife shall they construct through tender affections, the very
tabernacle of God’s peace among the nations and peoples of the earth.
51 For you know yourself already, that we war not against flesh and bone as
some might suppose, but against those dominions, powers and principalities
which would break apart forever, the love of both the man and the woman;
52 For all the glory which you see round about have I built most strongly upon
the love of both God and Goddess; that from their holy union there might flow
throughout the whole of my creation, the only true pathway to glory and
exaltation in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
53 Go now, my son, and remember full well those things which I would place
into your keeping, that all those who should listen unto the words of your
mouth to do them, even these might find unto their joy a goodly hope filled with
many blessings.”
Chapter 11
1 Thus would Adam and Eve, with all manner of gentle grace and tender
speech, establish between the man and the woman a lasting devotion filled with
goodness, whereby they might draw together in harmony the affections of both
men and women, being strongly bound and firmly held in that love which
endures forever.
2 But in the darkness of the Deep did the Demiurge rage against the coming
forth of Adam and Eve, for he delighted not in the coming together of men and
women in love and harmony; for the Demiurge feared the power of women and
would, by any means, bind them to servitude and drudgery.
3 And on a certain day when Adam and Eve were walking through the midst of
the garden, there came upon them a cold and chilling wind, and there swept low
over the grasses of the field a dark and loathsome mist which did surge and
move about, filling the whole land with a dreadful stench.
4 And the mist did surge up before Adam and Eve into a great billowing cloud
filled with darkness, and red flames of fire did move and flash deep within, and
a voice spoke from the darkness, saying: “I am god, Jehovah is my name. Why
have you thought to sin before me, being naked and without shame?”
5 And Adam, stepping before Eve to shield her from the dreadful presence,
spoke unto the Demiurge, saying: “What sin have we committed, seeing that we
are in our natural state, and have brought forth no harm to you? Why then
should we be ashamed? For the body of both the man and the woman are
beautiful to behold and filled with promise. Why then are you offended?”
6 But the Demiurge, hearing these things, bellowed out in sudden rage,
saying: “I am god. Would you speak to me in such a manner? Kneel therefore
and worship me, lest I destroy you altogether; for the natural man is an offense
to me, being filled continually with all manner of sin and corruption, and except
you repent quickly, I will destroy you utterly.
7 For I, alone, am the only true god, being wrathful and filled with anger
against any who should sin against me; hating with perfect zeal all those who
will not worship me. Why therefore will you not repent, seeing that I alone,
have power sufficient to save you?
8 For the sin of your nakedness do I perceive in the woman rightly, who by
guile and vain deceit should cause that the man transgress before me; filling the
hearts of all men with lusts and passions, seducing through the flesh the whole
of man whereby they might consume the man to make him weak and feeble in
both mind and body.
9 Know therefore that the children of men have I created that they might
worship and serve me always. Why therefore would you corrupt the works of
my hand? For I know that you are the very Adaam which would turn aside the
whole of my creation from following after me.
10 For you would cause that the sons of men entangle themselves with the
passions and desires of women; for it is the woman only which would lead a
man to sin and death, being in themselves lustful and ever grasping;
11 Luring to their certain doom, the man who would rest beside them;
tempting through their sinful flesh the minds of men to corrupt them
12 For this cause did I command that the man should rule over the woman, to
bind her in servitude all the day long; lest she, through some soft word of vain
deceit make the man subject unto herself; turning into mocking jest the
strength and power of every man upon the earth.
13 Thus have you offended me by making weak the sons of men, while yet
adding strength to the woman; and this through the nakedness of both the man
and the woman; for you would use the flesh of the body to make as tame and
docile the whole of man.
14 For this cause have I decreed that nakedness should be as some great
offense unto me, and the natural man an enemy altogether. Thus would I make
shameful the coming together of both the man and the woman, and the issue of
all their seed as some vile necessity.
15 Go therefore from this garden place, for in this moment shall I cast you
forth; that you may tempt no longer the creations of my hand, lest in my anger I
destroy even every man and every woman upon the earth; and wheresoever you
shall go shall desolation and emptiness cast pale their shadows upon the land.”
16 So spoke the Demiurge unto Adam and Eve, and the earth did tremble and
the waters did cast themselves into a heap and darkness did cover the face of all
the lands round about.
17 But Adam and Eve did withstand the Demiurge boldly to the face, and
Adam spoke, saying: “Will you destroy forever the thing you most desire, even
the fear and worship of all mankind?
18 Would you make as nothing what your hand has not created? Look you
round about and see: What has Jehovah created in this world of all the living? If
you destroy forever the seed of man, who will bring forth another unto you that
they might worship you and fear you only?
19 And if you destroy forever the whole of man for our sake alone, will you not
concede that you are made to fear because of us, and that in your greatness and
power you have no confidence? Will the Demiurge accept defeat even before the
battle is begun?”
20 Thus spoke Adam unto Jehovah-Yahweh, and the Demiurge spoke forth
boldly, saying: “Of what shall I fear, seeing that I am god; of what then should I
be afraid? For what glory then should I be made to wager against such a one as
you, seeing that I possess all things unto myself already?”
21 And Adam answered, saying: “There is but one thing you lack, and that is
the true worship of all mankind. For even we have come forth unto the children
of men to teach unto them the ways of godliness and peace; that they might
determine for themselves which is greater still, the god of fear and hate, or the
true God of Heaven; even that one which is girded round about with all manner
of love and tender affection.
22 Which therefore of these two Gods shall the children of men most desire?
Which power shall prove itself greater in the hearts of men: joy or fear, love or
hate? For it is in the hearts of men that the battle shall rage twixt me and thee,
and not some other.
23 For unto the children of men would we raise up the hand to bless and curse
not, that there might be established in the bosom of man the tabernacle of
peace and joy forever;
24 First between the man and the woman strongly bound, then between a man
and his neighbor. For it is peace and love which the children of men desire most
for themselves and not fear and hate; for in the love of a man for a woman is joy
made to come alive within the very soul, giving birth to all manner of hope and
goodly expectation.
25 But such things as you would impose upon the minds of men would draw
from the heart only bitterness and despair; for in you are all men made to seem
as vile and loathsome creatures, being worthy of all manner of reproach and
26 Yet does the true God perceive in man the beginning of some greater hope
made rich with promise, being in themselves the very seed from which shall
spring a far more noble human filled with glory and light; being forever added
upon from eternity to eternity, even exaltation and worlds without end.
27 For there is a glory which lies beyond mere flesh and bone, and we which
stand now before you, being the very Adaam, have come forth to make real in
man the visions of God, placing in the heart of all mankind the beginning of
light and glory.
28 For we have determined that in the love of both the man and the woman is
there found that certain tabernacle, made not by the hands of men, but
fashioned only of that love and devotion which endures forever.
29 Know therefore that in the woman shall all men find the fulfillment of all
things beautiful, being desired above all others; while in the man shall be made
manifest a strength and power which would make safe and certain the joy of
both the man and the woman.
30 For it is good that a man should love the woman to worship her, for the
good man is he which loves with fervent passion, first his wife, then all others
besides; likewise it is good that a woman love her husband to worship him; that
by her gentle passions she might exalt nigh unto God, the very soul of both the
man and the woman.
31 Thus is it expedient that, in a time of their choosing, both the man and the
woman walk naked upon the earth; walking gently and unafraid through the
garden place wherein the sun and the wind might mingle themselves together
in the pleasure of both the man and the woman.
32 For the tabernacle of God shall both the man and the woman strongly
fashion; not with those things which are seen, being of themselves common and
unworthy, but of those things which are unseen, being of themselves most
subtly discerned.
33 For in God is there found a goodly hope filled with expectation; for in God
would all mankind be lifted above the very stars whereby they might walk in all
holy communion with that God which loved them from the very beginning.
34 Let us see, therefore, which shall conquer which, being greater of itself
altogether: love or hate, joy or fear, and this in the heart and mind of man only;
for it is certain that you cannot but act your nature, while yet we are likewise
35 And if it should be that men shall succumb to fear and yield themselves to
hate and folly, then shall the very Adaam stand defeated, and we shall leave this
place to come no more among the children of men.
36 And in that day shall the children of men elect for themselves to follow
after the very Demiurge, to bind themselves forever unto Jehovah-Yahweh, to
worship and fear you always.
37 But if there be any among the children of men who would seek after the
things of God, then shall the battle twixt me and thee rage on and on in the
hearts of men, even until that day when all men are made free of you forever.
38 Come now Jehovah and let us see which is the greater, love or hate, joy or
fear; and this in the heart and mind of every man and every woman upon the
face of the earth.”
40 And he spoke unto Adam, saying: “Let it be agreed between us then. Yet be
not deceived, for there is a power greater than all your goodness.
41 For wheresoever you sow forth light, I shall sow forth darkness; where you
would bring hope, I shall bring despair; where you would establish joy, I will
plant deep in the heart of man a great and dreadful fear; and what you build in
love, I shall lay waste through hate and malice.
42 For I know full well already the workings of those dispensations which you
would establish in the world of man; being made aware most fully through the
words of that Lucifer which fell from the very midst of you.
43 Know therefore that all those which you would send forth unto the children
of men will I search out to destroy; for even I will call forth a great many false
prophets and priests of my own design, and these will I cause to persecute and
kill all those who would bring forth the light;
44 Corrupting through some sly deceit and subtle word, the words of that God
whom I know not of; mocking and jesting with fearsome ridicule all those who
would seek to follow.
45 For through the mouth of my servants will I speak most harshly of sin and
death, binding upon the minds of all which hear, a dreadful expectation
concerning the wrath and judgment to come, being of themselves consumed in
torment forever and ever.
46 And all those who would seek the greater Light will I cause to be persecuted
and chased about, even till they are made weary of you and they will curse you
forever, being made to seem foolish in the eyes of all men.
47 And I shall bind the souls of men in guilt and shame, that in themselves
there might exist all manner of contempt and dread, making dark and fearful
the heart within;
48 Binding and constraining with all manner of doctrine, the hope of glory
and exaltation in the kingdom of God; filling the minds of men with an ever
increasing scorn against themselves whereby they might make small the seed of
49 By such means will I frustrate forever the hope of light and glory; making
great in every man and in every woman the fear of that god who awaits them
after death.”
50 Such were the words of Jehovah-Yahweh, and the Demiurge did laugh out
loud with a dreadful hiss, and he spoke again, saying: “It is agreed between us.
Let us see then which is greater: love or hate, joy or fear.”
51 And again the Demiurge roared with a dreadful hiss, laughing aloud in the
midst of his darkness. And going away into the regions of his power, Adam and
Eve were left again unto themselves, to ponder all which had taken place beside
the waters of Shem Torath.
Chapter 12
1 Thus did The One make known unto me the secret turnings of his hand,
revealing by most gracious words the wonder beyond all wonder, and the power
beyond all power. And The One spoke again from the midst of the Light, saying:
2 “Consider, my son, how blind and foolish the Demiurge has become. For in
his power does he continually boast, proclaiming throughout the dispensations
that he shall make corrupt and of no effect the things which come from God;
3 Supposing with unholy glee that he shall make as nothing the whole of all my
efforts; shouting in most dreadful tones that he alone shall prove worthy of
worship in the world far beyond;
4 Calling forth and sending out among the children of men all manner of false
prophets and imposters who, for a pretense, make merchandise the souls of
men, declaring themselves the very servants of God; being in their hearts most
prideful and jealous of such powers and authority as the children of men would
feign grant unto them;
5 Seeking for themselves the favor of multitudes, being dressed in all manner
of costly apparel, seeking for themselves the earthly riches of all who hear;
6 Speaking such smooth and subtle words as will deceive the very elect; adding
by most measured words corruption to corruption, even until the pure word of
God is lost in the midst of confusion and despair;
7 Making God to seem mischievous and filled with malice towards the children
of men; adding to their master’s pay the fawning adoration of men who would
grovel and beg mercy at the feet of the Demiurge;
8 Seeking by some arduous means to escape the hell of their own making;
perverting through all manner of doctrine the image and likeness of the
Demiurge; hoping by such means to make worthy of worship and adoration,
that which is unworthy altogether.
9 Thus my son, would the Demiurge make corrupt the pure knowledge which
comes from God; placing in the heart of man a great and lasting burden, filling
the minds of men with guilts and fears of every kind.
10 Yet did I appoint that there should go down unto the earth the one made
mighty and strong in the knowledge of God; that you might sow throughout the
nations of the earth, the pure and incorruptible seed; binding through most
subtle means the very dispensations of God.
11 For you did I cause to sow throughout the religions of man a small but
timely seed, here a little, there a little; knowing that in the appointed season you
would go forth unto the earth even as a mortal man, to gather together the seeds
of truth, to make them as one in the hand, revealing unto all men the fullness of
Heaven’s glory.
12 Thus my son, have you set forth to fashion by careful means, the only true
tabernacle of God; being of itself not fashioned by the hands of man, but drawn
from the heart instead; making at last for every man and every woman a place
of refuge and peace filled with joy.
13 Come now my son and consider greatly the things which I would make
known unto you. For behold, even now does the Demiurge seek against the
children of men a harsh indictment filled with punishments and retribution.
14 For in the modern days of yonder world has the light leaped forth causing
that even he should see clearly the desires of a good many people; for the
children of men have grown weary of the wrathful Demiurge, and would even
now seek for some deliverance;
15 Desiring for themselves some deeper understanding of that God which first
called them forth into the mortal life; being most anxious to know for
themselves the true God of Heaven;
16 Seeking most earnestly the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother of
their souls, praying night and day for that Teacher who would make known to
them the true mysteries of that godly wisdom which would lift them beyond the
pale shadows of yonder world whereby they might dwell in glory forever and
17 For this cause has the Demiurge sought to turn aside the hearts of many,
breathing out such threats as would cause the very stones to tremble; sending
out among the nations of the earth a great many new doctrines filled with
strangeness and perversion; causing that many should be swallowed up in
confusion and despair.
18 But the cornerstone of his deceit shall you cause to stumble, to turn aside
forever; making as nothing that very Bible which the Demiurge would use to
make fearful the souls of men; setting at naught the fierceness of his wrath
whereby he might take captive the souls of all who would yield before him.
19 For by your hand alone has the Demiurge been made to tremble, discerning
for himself most clearly, that certain doom which even now would leap forth
from out of the light, to consume the whole of all his power over the children of
men; making to appear as nothing the whole of his design against the children
of God.
20 Thus my son is it made expedient, that there should go forth unto the
Demiurge one who will make known to him the true nature and destiny of all
mankind; that by some subtle word there might be set at liberty the very angels
of God, even all those which fell from the midst of Heaven’s glory.
21 For the whole of my design would I fulfill in you, knowing of a certainty that
you will not relent or give surcease to turn aside; but will continue most
faithfully to establish that dispensation which I have appointed unto you.
22 Speak therefore my son, and tell me truly if you will give consent; to go
forth unto that darker world where the Demiurge is made to rule throughout
the halls of endless night; for even all the hosts of Heaven are made to wait
most patiently upon that word which you would now speak.
23 Tell us therefore if you are willing to go forth unto the Demiurge, to speak
unto him concerning the whole of man; to lay before him a ready defense made
most subtle and deep with all manner of good reason regarding the true destiny
of that race which first gave rise to me.”
24 Such were the words which The One did speak unto me before the
gathering of many lights, and being made most calm within and without, I
spoke unto The One, saying:
25 “Most Holy Father, gracious and unending, this one word only would I
speak: I shall go before the Demiurge and there defend the whole of all
mankind; and though I possess but mortal frame, yet shall I not fear the dread
presence but shall withstand with boldness the awful wrath of Jehovah-Yahweh.
26 For I am determined to set at liberty the children of men, that they might
dwell no longer in fear, but shall move about unhindered, passing always
onward from the lesser to the greater portion; even until there should spring up
within the countless multitudes the very beginnings of an endless soul.
27 Thus shall I go most eagerly forth and by a goodly argument made both
vigorous and sound, withstand the Demiurge to the face. For I have seen the
glory of God: Of what then shall I be made afraid? For in my soul am I girded
round about in the knowledge of God. How then shall I fear or be caused to
28 Send me forth, Most Holy Father, and I shall speak well your cause without
relent. And though I be as this mortal man only, yet shall the Demiurge find in
me some implacable foe, being neither fearful nor dismayed. For in you alone
have I placed all my trust.
29 And I shall lay down the beginning of redemption whereby the Fallen One
might return again unto God, being healed of many wounds, to stand again as
worthy and acceptable before the congregations of the holy.
30 Thus would I set right again, the foundations of both Heaven and earth;
and there shall dawn suddenly upon the earth a new expectation filled with
promise; and in the Heavens above shall there be continually added glory upon
glory, and greater light unto greater light.”
31 Such were the words which I spoke unto the greatest God of all, and The
One answered me, saying: “It is agreed, my son. Go then and know of a surety
that I shall ever stand beside you.” And with a great suddenness was I carried
away to the realms of endless night.
32 And finding my feet placed firmly in some darkened world made pale and
gray by distant stars, I felt the coming forth of the very Demiurge.
33 For the earth beneath my feet did tremble and quake continually as though
it would flee itself away, and the skies were filled with great and dreadful
flashes; and there moved before me a dark and sullen mist, sweeping swiftly low
over the grounds, filling the airs above with a fearful hiss and a vile and odious
34 And there billowed up from out of the mist to stand before me, a dark and
loathsome form, and there were in his eyes a red and piercing flame; and I
beheld full force, the awful presence of Jehovah-Yahweh.
Chapter 1
1 Come my children and sit you quietly by, and I shall reveal in you the
mysteries of a Father’s love, which even now would beckon unto you as if from
afar; causing to swell up within you the tender whisperings of that Heavenly
Mother which even now would follow hard after you.
2 Come then, and in some holy place find sweet repose, for therein would I
gently lead; hoping that by some gentle word or soft embrace, I might make you
stronger still in this path on which you tread, in that world which lies beyond all
3 Let therefore all those who should read the words of this book, put away all
envy and hate; being made all still and quiet with joyful expectation; for into
your keeping would the Father give an abundance of heavenly things, if it so be
that you would turn loose from the soul the shadows of endless doubting.
4 For herein would I grant unto you that certain knowledge whereby you
might give before the adversary a ready defense of the children of men; for in so
small a seed as man has there come forth that heavenly glory from which you
have sprung; being filled in your souls already with all manner of goodness and
joy exceeding.
5 Therefore is it required of you also, that having taken to your souls the
mysteries of God, that even you should go forth to bless the children of men
with all manner of goodly grace;
6 Teaching unto them always the peaceable things of Heaven; giving unto all
who seek, tender words of life and joy, that they may be endowed from above
with strength and wisdom; being ennobled within and without by the only true
knowledge which is come from God;
7 Becoming in their very persons even as their Heavenly Father and Heavenly
Mother, which even now do wait most anxiously the coming forth of many
children into that glory which leads to exaltation in the kingdom of God, even
worlds without end.
8 Let all those therefore who would read herein the words of this book put
away all pettiness of heart and mind, being made free of such entanglements as
would make small and lowly the soul within; for into your very heart and soul
would I pour forth still the greater portion; that there might spring up within
the mind the only true wisdom which is come from God.
9 Adding by some measured word the power beyond all power, and the glory
beyond all glory; that you, being made fixed and firm within by some holy
resolve, might know more fully the mysteries of eternity.
10 For it did come about that I was sent forth into the realm of darkness
wherein the Demiurge are made to rule. For it was decided that even I should
go forth most boldly to give a ready defense of all mankind.
11 And finding my feet placed firmly in some darkened world made pale and
gray by distant stars, I felt the coming forth of that Dread Lord before whom all
religion is made to bow.
12 For the earth beneath my feet did tremble and quake continually as though
it would flee itself away; and the skies above were filled with great and dreadful
flashes, and there gathered before me a dark and sullen mist sweeping low over
the grounds, filling the airs above with the sounds of some great hissing, and all
the air was made vile and odious.
13 And there billowed up from out of the mist to stand before me, a dark and
loathsome form; and there were in his eyes a red and piercing flame; and I
beheld full force, the awful presence of Jehovah-Yahweh.
14 Thus was I made to stand before the Demiurge, being girded within and
without by all manner of calmness, having secured my soul most deeply with
the knowledge of God,
15 Being clothed on every side by that priesthood which endures forever and
ever, even worlds without end; holding in my hand the oracles of power and
16 And notwithstanding that I should stand in the realm of darkness, yet did
my heart and soul rest firmly in the light; for in my Father’s love had I placed all
my trust; knowing most surely that in the moment of need, he would deliver.
17 Now there came out from the midst of the Demiurge a great many of the
Kezan which did rush upon me, whereby they might consume me into
themselves; and reaching forth the hand, I did cast upon the whole of them a
single oracle of great power, and there flashed round about them a white
searing flame, and being filled with sudden dread, they did flee again unto the
Demiurge, spitting and howling with sore displeasure.
18 And Jehovah-Yahweh, seeing that so small a man should stand before him,
he did rise up to speak, and there came from the darkened presence the voice of
death and doom; which thing did cause the very ground beneath my feet to
groan and shake most violently.
19 And Jehovah-Yahweh spoke unto me, saying: “Who are you that you should
stand in the midst of my dominion? By what power are you brought before the
Lord of Darkness? Speak! I command it. Why came you forth unto this
darkened world where only I am made to rule?”
20 And I answered the Demiurge, saying: “I am Man, and even I have come
forth to give for all mankind a ready defense. For even God has decreed that I
should come forth unto you, that I might set free the souls of all men, that not
even one should fear you any longer.”
21 Now when I had said these things, the Demiurge rushed forth in sudden
rage, as if to destroy; but holding himself back, he rose still further into the air
to tower above me; and hissing forth with frightful rage, he did bellow out in
harshest tones, saying:
22 “I am god, and beside me there is no other! If you are Man, then bow
before me, for I alone am both creator and destroyer of all living things. Bend
therefore the knee in humble reverence and I shall let you live!”
23 But I answered the Darkness, saying: “God I know, but as for you, you are
just a Demiurge. Why then should I fear you? Is darkness greater than light?
Come then and let us reason, for in your presence would I give a strong and
sure defense of all mankind.
26 Then shall every man and every woman come to a true knowledge of that
God which comes from above; and he shall become unto them as a loving
Father, and they shall become even as the children of his soul.”
27 Now when the Demiurge heard the manner of my speech, he grew still
further in sullen rage, and he spoke hotly, saying: “You frail and puny thing, will
you dare speak thus to me?
28 Will you mock the Darkness even now, knowing full well that even I have
come forth to destroy you every whit? For I alone am the only true god. What
power therefore shall stay my hand, seeing that I am most jealous and filled
with wrath?
29 For I am the source from which all life is made to come. I am the hand by
which all things are made to perish, bringing against all who will not fear me, a
swift destruction, terrible and most sudden.
30 What care have I for man, seeing that he is but a speck of dust, a trifling
thing which shakes and trembles before me; an insignificant worm with arms
made weak and legs which move in fear about?
31 These have I made as meat for the fire and food for the belly. For I am god,
creator of heaven and earth. Great and mighty is my name, and over all the
children of men am I made both lord and judge.
32 By what means therefore shall you appease my wrath against the whole of
man? By what force or power would you rescue man from me? For there has
risen up against you already, the fullness of my indignation and fury; for you
have not known me, neither will you worship me.
33 From whence shall come forth the light to save you if it so be that I
consume the whole of you in fire and torment? Therefore, worship me and I
shall set aside my wrath; tremble and bow in reverence before me, and even I
shall withhold both judgment and death.
34 For is not worship better than death; is not servitude preferred above dark
oblivion?” So spoke the Demiurge in the fullness of his power.
35 Yet in that moment did the Spirit of God speak within me, and stepping out
before the Demiurge, I did stretch forth the hand and in a loud voice I spoke,
saying: “Here is the light which is come from God to save me. Destroy this if you
36 And there leaped from the hand still another oracle of power, and there
flashed from the midst of it a white and piercing light; which light did
encompass me on every side. And within the light did I feel a soft embrace as if
from God, and so I stood calmly before the Darkness to await his swift
38 What then can I say concerning the awful rage of the Demiurge? For he was
like a madman beating and tearing with great and dreadful power; striving with
all his might to break apart the light in pieces, spilling forth upon the shield the
fullness of his wrath.
39 Yet did the light remain steadfast and sure, and in the light did I hear once
again the songs of God; and there filled the light the sweet fragrance of Heaven
and all its many seasons; and I smiled before that Dreaded Lord which raged
round about me to destroy; yet in the light of God did I securely rest.
40 But the Demiurge raged continually all that day, and even in the night did
he still rage without surcease; but in the coming of the dawn did he withdraw,
and he spoke unto me, saying:
41 “Have you not seen the fullness of my power? Have you not felt the
greatness of my wrath? Go you therefore away from me and in my mercy I shall
let you live. Take yourself away from my dominions, for you have no part with
me, seeing that you are come from another.”
42 Yet did I answer from within the light, saying: “How can I leave seeing that
I have not given unto you the thing which God would require of me? For I have
been sent to give forth a ready defense of the children of men, and except I do,
then I am consigned to stand before you.”
43 Thus did I speak unto the Demiurge, and hearing this, Jehovah-Yahweh
took thought to command me, saying: “Get you hence from my dominion, for I
will not reason concerning the children of men, seeing that I alone am both lord
and judge over them.
44 Leave then, and get you hence. For except you do as I command, I shall call
down upon you even the very elements; and there shall be added unto me the
powers of all creation; and I shall reach forth to crush you every whit.
Therefore, leave this place and you shall live, for why will you die in this
darkened world where I alone am made to rule?”
45 And I answered the Darkness, saying: “Except I accomplish all which the
Father has given me to do, I shall not leave. For I am determined with a great
resolve to give forth a strong defense of the children of men.”
46 Such were the words which I did speak, and hearing these things, the
Demiurge called out in a loud voice a word of dark command, and the ground
beneath my feet did break in pieces, and the sound thereof was like the
breaking of iron and stone.
47 And that globe of light wherein I stood did rise up into the airs above the
earth; and notwithstanding the fury beyond, still within the light could I plainly
hear the songs of Heaven, and in my soul did there grow a great calmness while
yet there raged round about the shield of light a great and terrible upheaval.
48 For the very elements did convulse in constant rage, one against the other;
and there fell from above the earth great bolts of lightning which did strike
against the light; yet within the light did the seasons of Heaven pass sweetly on.
49 And reaching out into the darkness, Jehovah-Yahweh called forth great
meteors and comets, and these also did strike hard against that light wherein I
stood, yet within the light was I filled with peace and joy.
51 And all that day did the elements torment and the Kezan rage, yet did the
light wherein I stood remain calmly in the airs above. And being exhausted of
all his fury, Jehovah-Yahweh called surcease.
52 Now in the stillness of the storm did there arise a great many murmurings
and contentions. And Jehovah-Yahweh called unto the chief Doud whose name
was Anchillicus, and he asked him, saying:
53 “For what cause are these my minions made to murmur and contend
against each the other?” And Anchillicus, bowing low before the Demiurge did
answer, saying: “They murmur because of the man in yonder light. For they are
made to wonder because of him, seeing that he is made to seem greater than all
our wrath and power.”
54 When the Demiurge heard these words, he spoke with cool composure,
saying: “Tell me truly, Anchillicus, for throughout all the aeons of time have you
proved most faithful unto me: What think the Kezan of their Lord?”
55 And Anchillicus answered, saying: “Dread Lord, they see that you are made
defeated by the light; and now are they left to wonder concerning which is
greater still: the darkness or the light.”
56 So spoke the chief Doud unto Jehovah-Yahweh, and the Demiurge rose up
greatly into the airs above, filling the whole sky with blackness and deep
rumblings; and there poured out from the Darkness a hot and scorching flame
which fell upon all the many Kezan round about.
57 And the many Kezan did leap and run about as if to flee, but the flames of
the Demiurge did seek out even every one of them, and there was none to
escape the awful wrath;
58 And there was great weeping and gnashing of teeth, evensomuch that many
did tear the burning flesh from off their bodies; yet was there found no relief,
and there fell round about the light, even all the Kezan which aforetime had
served the Demiurge most faithfully, and Anchillicus also; being all consumed
in fire and torment.
59 All these things did I see most fully, and there came after the fire, a great
rushing wind which scoured as clean again the broken earth beneath; and in an
instant did the Demiurge descend to rest before me.
60 And in the stillness did the Darkness move, and Jehovah-Yahweh spoke,
saying: “What is man that I should consider him, or the children of men that I
should take thought? Come now, and let us reason.”
Chapter 2
1 And the Darkness spoke to me, saying: “What defense shall you give me of
man; for I know already that the whole of mankind is evil, being in their nature
perverse and prideful; being filled continually with lustful imaginings.
2 For man is born altogether wicked from his mother’s womb, being tainted in
all his ways because of sin; ever devising and scheming, laying abomination to
abomination, and mischief to mischief; for the natural man is an enemy to god,
and in all his ways is there no goodness found.
3 For the ways of man have I weighed in the hand, and him have I found
wanting and undeserving. For all men are but sinners, vile and loathsome,
being worthy of death and torment forever and ever; for even I, Jehovah-
Yahweh, have declared judgment upon the whole of all mankind, and there is
not one worthy to save.
4 Let them therefore die the death. For why should I consider man of any
worth, seeing that he is ever swayed and moved about by base passions which
even now are made to spring up within him continually?
5 Why then would you think to give forth a defense of man, seeing that he is
altogether lowly and unworthy; for in man is there no good thing found. Why
will you think man special, seeing that he is wicked and filled with deceits?”
6 Thus did the Darkness speak of man, and standing forth in the mind of God,
I spoke saying: “If man be unworthy, why then would you seek his worship? If
man be not special in all his ways, why then have you set forth the hand to
corrupt and make dark all which God would give unto him?
7 Thus would you obscure the knowledge which comes from above; being ever
fearful lest man become greater than all your many powers; becoming in their
heart and mind like unto the Father and Mother which even now do call after
them; even until they should be exalted on high, ever moving and growing from
everlasting to everlasting, even worlds without end.
8 For this cause alone would you speak falsely concerning the ways of man; for
you have thought to rule harshly over all mankind, casting within the heart a
fearful shadow filled with all manner of guilt and shame;
9 Being most determined to retard, with all your might, the progress of all
mankind; making dim and uncertain the words which God would give; filling
the hearts of all who fear with despair and confusion continually; making weary
the hearts of many who long to seek for heavenly things.
10 Know therefore full well, that even I shall break in pieces the heavy yoke
which even you would place upon the minds of men; for even now have they
grown weary of the angry and jealous ways of all your doings, and now would I
set them free of you forever.”
11 Now hearing these words the Demiurge grew troubled and he hissed
dreadfully, saying: “By what evidence would you think man worthy of such
freedoms as you would give? For man have I found, of myself, too petty and
self-serving, prone to violence and self-destruction.
12 For the whole of all mankind knows only what the senses of the body
reveal; possessing within themselves neither soul nor spirit; for man is bound
forever in the flesh, being haunted and driven about by all manner of base
passions and appetites.
13 Who then shall prove the greater affliction unto the children of men, you or
I? For left unchecked would the God beyond give into the hearts of men all
manner of false hopes and dreams. And though the dreams of your soul prove
great and ever swelling, yet do the children of men have no means to attain.
14 Why then will you accuse me falsely? For even though man should prove no
more than cunning beasts, yet did I take pity on him and by my hand set forth
to redeem him from futility and despair; placing before him the fear of all my
wrath and vengeance, hoping that perchance I might turn him aside from
foolish dreaming.
15 Why then would you think to make man spiritual, seeing that he is without
spirit? For all men are mean and brutish, possessing within themselves neither
goodness nor virtue. How then would you believe man deserving of such glory
as you would give into his keeping?
16 By such means have you proved yourself cruel and thoughtless, for all your
dreams are become a vanity which you would impose upon the minds of men.
17 For this I know most truly, that man is empty within, possessing to
themselves no higher thought than to satisfy the base appetites of both flesh
and mind; being content only to breathe and move about; hoping by some
means to escape a certain death which even now would rush upon them to
18 Knowing these things, even I did command from the beginning that all men
should worship me, to fear me greatly; for men of themselves cannot be good,
being prodded and consumed by endless lusts and desires; being ever mired
down and weighted by passions of the flesh.
19 Thus did I set forth to rule within them the seeds of fear and dread; being
pricked and goaded by all manner of shame and guilt; hoping by such means to
drive them to some higher purpose; for except such means be taken, then will
no man be good.
20 Thus would I compel men to worship me; for I alone am more greatly to be
feared than any death; being filled continually with hate and loathing, wrath
and vengeance; seeking by such means to bind all men in service to me.
21 See then how I have made subordinate man’s fear of death, becoming in
their minds more greatly to be feared. For I have placed within all who worship
me the thought of hell and endless torment, which thoughts do even now
compel that many should love me and seek my favor.”
22 Now when the Demiurge had finished speaking, I grew all the more silent
and still, and after some moments I answered him, saying: “Have you not
considered, Jehovah-Yahweh, how that fear makes no man truly good?
23 For fear is the cornerstone of hate, and all those who hate, even they are
made most miserable in thought and deed; being chased and driven about by
the darkness of your word; being bound by chains of despair, having no hope of
greater things.
24 For hate is the child of fear, and even it does wound the heart of many
which do believe in you; casting within the minds of men a pale and gloomy
vision filled with endless torment; casting upon the soul that darkening shade
wherein the generations of man have languished throughout the many
25 Know then Jehovah-Yahweh, that if hate be truly the child of fear, then
what seed gave birth in you this hate and loathing of all mankind? Why does the
Darkness fear man, evensomuch that you should hate him with unbearable
26 For you fear lest the children of men become greater than all your power,
making of no effect such threats and terrors as you would fling upon them;
becoming in themselves unneedful of you; causing you to become as some
useless thing, having no place in the affairs of men.
27 For the truth you know full well, how that man is even now made weary of
all your ways; finding in you nothing good or worthy of praise, seeking by some
other means to find that God which is worthy of praise and emulation;
29 And in that day when man and God are made to become as one in the
hand, to grow from glory to glory, adding unto each the other light to light and
exaltation to exaltation; then shall there be found for you but little place in that
world which lies beyond all beginning.
30 For the love which comes from God is greater than all your hate, and if it so
be that men should know God and his goodness, then shall all men love him
and worship him; evensomuch that they would seek to imitate the ways of God,
and in such worship undo the whole of all your wrath and judgment.
31 And in that day shall the children of men make fast and sure the only true
worship which is come from God, being founded in love and not fear; making
for the whole of man a place of refuge wherein the soul is saved from such
darkness as you would impose upon the unwary and unsuspecting.
32 Thus would God make secure the paths of holiness, that all who have
desires might seek therein the true wisdom which is come from above; and by
such means break free of you forever; being made to dwell in the presence of
both Father and Mother; being fashioned even as they are fashioned, to live in
endless glory and light.”
33 Such did I proclaim most boldly, being sustained by the power of The One;
and the Darkness, being filled with contempt and scorn, did speak unto me,
34 “Now do I see most clearly how you are made blind and foolish concerning
the ways of man, not knowing fully the nature of their being; for you are
without understanding, having your perceptions twisted and dimmed by such
dreams as are made to haunt you in the night.
35 See then how the love of God which you proclaim, has made you to appear
as weak and foolish, being in both mind and body as someone feeble and
unwise; becoming for all who see, a man made silly and mad, and this only
because of that God which called you forth.
36 Behold then, how the light wherein you dwell has made you blind,
evensomuch that you would think man worthy of some great benefit; deserving
of that glory which they are unable to bear in themselves alone.
37 This then will I tell you for your learning, that you may see truly into the
ways of man; for man is unable to love, being pricked and prodded by a
multitude of lusts and desires; being made throughout his being carnal, sensual
and corporeal; being moved and chased about by constant passions which come
suddenly upon him, to seize him and take him captive, making him no better
than any other beast.
38 See then how man, by his nature, is made bestial and ever grasping, having
no care for love or wisdom; for man seeks only that knowledge whereby he
might dominate all those weaker than himself, ever running here or there for
such things as might add strength to strength and cunning to cunning.
40 Thus in the fulfillment of all his passions is man made most prideful,
boasting and declaring blindly of all his greatness upon the earth.
41 Yet in the ways of man am I made all aware, seeing clearly plain the evil of
all his ways; perceiving deeply the intent of his heart, knowing full well the
baseness of all his appetites, finding in him no thought or deed worthy of
praise; being in his person both despicable and wretched.
42 For this cause only do I hate and loathe the whole of man, visiting upon
him, throughout his generations, both judgment and wrath; seeking by some
heavy means to bend him to my will; and if it so be that he will not worship me,
to do as I command, then shall I destroy him utterly, to wipe him off the face of
the earth.
43 For I will not always strive with man, for his abominations do rise
continually before me; for even though the whole of man be in their nature an
offense to me, yet does he strive continually to break the confines of that nature
wherein he is strongly bound.
44 For man, being prideful and willful, is ever seeking and searching,
struggling by every means to escape the dictates and confines of the natural
law; hoping that by such endeavors he might become as god unto himself, to fill
the whole earth with his own base nature.
45 Thus would I, for the earth’s sake, contain the pride of man, to bend him to
my will alone; that being in his person both broken and crushed because of fear,
I might establish him in service unto me forever and ever.
46 For of man shall I never let go, lest he become greater than the fear of me;
for this cause shall I chase and harry man even until he yield completely to my
word alone.
47 And if it so be that he will not yield, then shall I rise up to consume even the
whole of man in the flames of indignation and wrath, and death and judgment
shall swallow the prideful in everlasting torment.”
48 Thus did the Demiurge speak against man, being filled with sore
displeasure; speaking harshly at every turn against the whole of all mankind.
And standing forth I spoke again unto him, saying:
50 But be you wise in all your doings concerning the children of men; be you
filled with care and ever watchful concerning such fires as you would send upon
them; for what the fire does not burn it hardens, what the flames cannot
consume it purifies.”
Chapter 3
Sexuality (Part I)
(1st Indictment begins) Humankind chased by precepts of foolish men – Azrael sent to break
chains – Sing and dance and fear no longer – JY gives first indictment: man filled with lusts
and perversions – Sex for procreation only – Women to be ruled over – Men to labor
constantly – Controlled by shame and guilt – AZ gives his defense: Demiurge dissimilar and
unable to comprehend Man – Sex not just for procreation – The harmful doctrine of polygamy
– Salvation found in the heart of the woman – Why the Demiurge fear women – The dangers
of overpopulation – God’s desire regarding the passions of the flesh
1 Thus, my children, did I speak to the Demiurge for all your sake; for I knew
already that by your life in this world far beyond, had there been placed upon
the heart, a burden too grievous to bear.
2 For you were ever chased and driven about by the precepts of foolish men
who knew not God, being overwrought yourselves by every kind of guilt and
shame regarding that nature which was born in you from the very beginning.
3 Thus by many means were there laid upon the mind of man a great many
chains and constrictions which did bind the very heart; filling the mind with
dark shadows and endless fears which would strangle the soul within;
5 For this cause did God determine aforetime that even I should come down to
walk among you; that I might break in pieces the chains which held you bound;
to cast within the darkness of your mind, the light which comes from above;
6 That being instructed wisely and well, you might remove the boundaries and
limitations within, and by some holy effort, reach forth unto God, even until you
should obtain them; becoming in your very soul like unto the Father and the
Mother which dwell forever in the light.
9 Sing therefore, and dance you round about in such light as even God would
give for your benefit, and fear no longer; but seize with eager heart the joy
beyond, that you may take into your keeping a life made rich through deep
10 For there are many which even now are bound in the darkness, being
pressed about by all manner of dark despair; seeking forth and reaching out,
hoping that by some subtle means they might find a way of escape;
11 Being filled with prayers and longing, being made most anxious for relief
against such hard and bitter shadows as do fill the mind; searching here and
going there, ever looking for such light as even you do now possess.
12 Therefore, my children, if you would do service unto God and man, then
sing and dance in such light as I would give; that all those who abide in
darkness still may see the joy within, and find in you the path to endless glory.
13 For this I would have you know most surely, that joy is like a beacon in a
dark and fearsome land; and if it so be that you are filled with joy, then shall
those who dwell in darkness see for themselves the light beyond, and seek most
earnestly to find it.
14 Give forth therefore your soul unto joy that you might shine forth in the
darkness; that all those who should come seeking might find in you the wisdom
which comes from God alone.
15 Come now, and attend with ready heart the words which I would write; for
it came about that the Demiurge would bring against man a strong indictment
filled with bitterness, and I, alone, must answer him.
16 And the Darkness spoke, saying: “Come and tell me plainly: Have you not
seen the ways of men, how that they are filled with passions and perversions of
every kind? For a man, when he sees a woman, is filled with wanton lusts and
hunger, seeking constantly to find in her the release of all his seed.
17 For this reason is the man made weak before the subtle temptations of the
woman; being ever driven and led about by such sexual appetites as would fill
the heart with craving; which cravings do cause that both the man and the
woman should entwine themselves one with another, consorting in such vile
passions as would taint the soul forever.
18 By such means as this is the man made no better than the beasts of the
field; being compelled by sinful urges to seek relief, to find in sexual perversion
the fulfillment of their evil nature.
19 For this cause alone did I command that the man should not lay with the
woman except to bring forth children unto himself; that having to themselves a
great many offspring, the man might labor day and night for the care of them.
20 For if it so be that a man be filled with anxiety and worry for the sake of his
children, then is he preserved from sin and leisure, having no time for such
foolish passions as would compel the man to certain doom, to be consumed in
the fires of endless torment.
21 Thus did I command that the man should rule harshly over the woman, lest
she, by beguiling and enticing with all her parts, seduce the man to sin before
me, to be devoured in the woman’s lusts; to have his soul made vile and corrupt
forever and ever.
22 If therefore the man, of necessity, must lay with the woman to cast forth
seed, then let not the woman find pleasure in it; lest she discover for herself
that certain power whereby she might make herself the equal to the man.
23 Let the woman therefore be pure and chaste before me, to seek no
pleasures in the passions of the body; for I delight in the chastity of women
whereby they might make cold the soul within; to give to the man in the heat of
all his passions and desires neither satisfaction nor fulfillment.
24 By such means shall the woman preserve her soul from judgment and
death; for it is better that the woman be ruled harshly over by the man, than
that the woman should face, alone, the fierceness of my wrath.
25 And the man, finding in the woman no degree of pleasure, shall turn again
to his labors and thereby preserve his soul forever; being made to labor
constantly without relief for the sake of all his lineage; earning through sweat
and toil such mercy as even I would grant unto him.
26 For man, by his nature, is unworthy of me; being undeserving and without
merit. Let the man therefore refrain from sin, to control with sternness the
passions of the body; and even I shall rush forth to save him, to bind his soul in
service to me forever.
27 See then, how though the man be made unworthy, yet am I made to care
for him, to grant unto him the forgiveness of sin if only he would worship me in
fear and trembling; to turn his soul from the vile passions of the flesh, to turn
his thoughts unto me alone.
28 For through the sternness of my word, which word I caused that many
prophets, priests and preachers should spread throughout the world, have I
established that the man and the woman should be strongly bound through all
manner of guilt and shame regarding that nature which is born in them already.
29 For shame does hinder the ways of men, causing that they should refrain
from such pleasures as the flesh would crave; and guilt is the dark speaker
which even now would haunt the guilty, to fill them with awful dread; filling the
mind with constant judgment and reproach.
30 Thus by shame and guilt would I cause that man should walk straightly
before me; to turn aside from the fulfillment of bodily passions and to seek after
me instead; ever hopeful that by so doing, he might preserve his soul from hell.
31 All these things would I have you consider regarding the ways of man, for
even the whole of all mankind is made as vile and loathsome creatures, being
tossed to and fro by such sexual appetites as do afflict them always; for it is
certain that it is in man’s nature to be perverse and degenerate.”
32 Such was the first charge which the Demiurge brought against the nature of
man. And hearing all these things I did reflect most deeply concerning them,
and knowing for myself the mind of God upon these matters, I spoke unto the
Darkness, saying:
33 “Why will you speak falsely against the whole of man regarding these
things, pretending in yourself that you, alone, would reach forth to save him?
34 For you, of yourself, have no part with man, being unlike the man in every
fashion, possessing to yourself neither body, parts nor passions like unto men;
being unable to understand or comprehend this noble seed from which all glory
is made to flow.
35 What communion therefore would you seek with man, seeing that you are
made dissimilar in every fashion; being unable within your mind to
comprehend the hidden mysteries of all his ways?
36 For all the ways of man have you judged already, being fixed and
predetermined against him from the very beginning; breathing out such
constant threats as would make you altogether unworthy and undeserving of
such fear and worship as you would, by force, take from him.
37 Come then and I will make known in you the true ways of man, that you
might hear for yourself a strong defense against such charges as you would foist
upon the minds of men regarding their sexual natures.
38 For I am most determined to set man free of you forever; being resolved
and quite determined to break in pieces such chains as you would place about
the minds of all who fear you.
39 That being free at last of such fears and torments, man might come to a
knowledge of the only true God which dwells beyond; and in such knowledge be
made most joyful, being filled continually with hope and glory, even worlds
without end.
40 Consider then the words which I shall speak, and ponder deeply the intent
of all my meaning; for man is not perverted as you would claim, neither is he
compelled by sinful lusts to seek out the company of women whereby he might
cast forth seed in sin and degradation.
41 For by the harshness of your word concerning these things is man afflicted
constantly by all manner of grave distress, being moved and broken by endless
trials and tribulations, being consumed by such misery and suffering, as you
would inflict by cunning design.
42 For by your command alone would you ensure that the man should be as
the beasts of the field forever; for you know most certainly that only animals
have sexual intercourse for purposes of procreation.
44 Hear then and I will tell you plainly, for even I would make known to every
man and every woman the meanness of your intent; revealing unto all, the cruel
strategy of your commands regarding the sexual nature of man.
45 For if a man have intercourse with a woman for the sake of children only,
then is he tempted to take unto himself a great many wives whereby he might
satisfy the passions of the body; making certain that the woman become no
better than mere beasts, becoming in her flesh but the breeding stock of man.
46 Thus by such beliefs as you would impose upon the mind of man, might
there be forced upon the soul the curse of polygamy, wherein every woman
might be strongly bound to the dictates of the man;
47 Bringing forth unto the man only children, enslaving themselves always to
labor and heaviness, taking to themselves neither joy nor pleasure; for in such
doctrines as you would impose have you made no place for the woman except in
servitude and sorrow.
48 This then is the first of many deceits which lay hidden in the very depth of
you; being in yourself ever hopeful that if a man should do according to your
word, then might you inflict upon the whole of man a multitude of pain and
49 Yet the truth of all your ways shall I proclaim aloud throughout the land,
evensomuch that for a thousand generations hereafter shall no man be made to
fear you, or to remember your name forever.
50 For there is a truth which even now I shall speak, for there lies deep in the
soul of you a fear greater than your fear of man, for it is the woman which you
fear most of all; knowing full well that in the heart of the woman is the salvation
of every man found.
51 Thus would you set forth most subtly the means by which you might
oppress the woman continually, commanding most fiercely that no man should
lay with her except to bring forth offspring unto themselves.
52 Yet even upon these deceptions would you add still further, even more
seeds of misery and despair; for you know that if a man have intercourse for the
sake of children only, then are there added unto the whole of man a multitude
of sorrows and tribulations.
53 For even every man would bring forth unto himself a multitude of children,
being unable to contain the natural passions of the flesh; that from the
overabundance of his kind there might be inflicted upon the whole of man a
sorrow greater than any other;
54 Turning the hearts of man away from the things of God, to be swallowed up
in a sea of hopelessness, having no vision greater than their own misery;
surrendering themselves to meanness and cruelty forever.
55 For out of the overpopulation of man have you caused to spring up all
manner of war and pestilence and disease and starvation; which things do
breed in the minds of many a terrible inhumanity, causing that some should
become like unto yourself. For you, Jehovah-Yahweh are not human,
possessing to your soul neither care nor tenderness for any man.
56 And all those which do believe in you, even they are made to become even
as you are, being filled with cruelty and hurt against all those who do not
believe in you.
58 Being overburdened themselves with constant shame and guilt, being filled
by some immutable loathing against the flesh of their body, believing
themselves to be unclean and filled with sin because of it.
59 Thus by such enmities as you have born against the whole of man, have you
sought to steal away from the heart of man all love and mercy, all kindness and
gentle expression, all wisdom and understanding.
60 For this cause alone have I come forth unto you, that I might strike from
off the heart and mind of man, such chains as you have carefully crafted
through sly deceit; for even I shall make an end of you, to set the soul of every
man and woman free of you forever.
61 Come now, Jehovah-Yahweh, and gird your mind for battle; for even now
would I speak for your learning of God’s desire for the children of man
regarding the passions of the flesh wherein the spirits of men are made to reside
while in the mortal life.”
Chapter 4
1 Now when I had spoken these things, the Demiurge grew most restless and
filled with agitation because of me; evensomuch that he did seethe and boil with
rage, and all his anger and wrath did churn within him, causing that flames of
red and orange should flash and move beneath his countenance.
2 Yet did he contain with firmness the fires within, and rising up to a great
height there did stir within, a deep rumbling of sound like the breaking of iron
and the crushing of stone.
3 And the Darkness spoke, saying: “Will you declare good, what I have
declared evil, even sin and fornication? Have you not seen for yourself the
sexual depravity of every man and every woman which do now walk upon the
4 Will you wink at man’s fornication and bestiality and say, “There is no sin?”
Claiming all the while that I, alone, am made corrupt while yet there lies within
the soul of man some hidden goodness which only you can see?
5 Can you not see such perversions as do lurk about in the hearts of men? For
a man will steal away the woman’s only virtue, being virgin in herself, that he
might spill forth in her even all his lusts; corrupting, through wild abandon,
both the man and the woman; being locked and bound together in soft
embraces, filled with hungers and cravings of every kind.
6 And not this only: For have you not seen that men will lay with men, and
women will lay with women, evensomuch they would drown the senses in
perversion, which things would pollute the minds and make havoc the soul
within? Come now and answer, what say you of these things?”
7 Thus spoke Jehovah-Yahweh, even that little god of hate and fear. And
finding within a great resolve I spoke unto the Darkness, saying:
8 “Are you a man that you should know the ways of man? Have you taken to
yourself the likeness of man whereby you might understand such longings as
the flesh is heir to; seeking by that inward aching, the power beyond all power
and the glory beyond all glory?
9 Can you, Jehovah-Yahweh, touch with the very soul of you the song of all
their dreaming, or bring to fulfillment such yearnings and hopes as do move
most constantly in the heart of man?
10 Have you such tender breath as would draw from the heart of man, the
greatest of their aspirations whereby they might make real the goodness which
lies deep within, carrying the soul of all who seek to that God which first sprang
from the midst of First Man?
11 No Jehovah-Yahweh, for these things you cannot do, seeing that you are of
the Demiurge, possessing unto yourself no likeness unto man; for of all these
things are you without understanding, being unable, yourself, to comprehend
the nature of life, or of man, or of that God which comes from both; being
unlike the whole of us altogether.
12 Come then and I will make known the ways of God regarding such passions
as the flesh is heir to; and of that wisdom which even God would give unto all
who seek concerning the sexual desires of both the man and the woman.
13 For you know full well how that there have walked among the children of
men, a great many false prophets and teachers which did condemn most
urgently, the natural passions of the body; declaring all the while that you were
filled with judgments against them for the sake of it.
14 For such men as these did wrap the soul of man with all manner of guilt
and shame, filling the mind with endless reproach and condemnation; knowing
full well that through such shame and guilt as they might inflict, might they
themselves have control and dominion in the affairs of men;
15 Using with most cunning guile, the natural passions of the body against the
man and the woman continually; for they knew already, that even every man
and every woman could not escape the urges within, thereby causing that they
should feel continually unworthy, and eager to seek forgiveness and relief from
those which would take control over them.
16 And not this only, for such false prophets and teachers did proclaim most
fervently, that if a man or a woman should hope to serve God, then must the
man choose celibacy and restraint; while the woman should remain a virgin
throughout the days of her life;
17 Denying in both the man and the woman, the passions of the body; seeking
through religious fervor to draw them away from the affairs of men; causing
that they should become of no effect, being in themselves both sterile and
empty within; being divorced from within towards the issues of life; becoming
as someone dead, while yet they live on.
18 Thus did the false prophets and teachers of religion declare both celibacy
and virginity superior above every other estate; making even the marriage of
men and women suspect; making both the husband and wife continually
dissatisfied and filled with remorse;
19 Having their passions seared with a hot iron, being devoured from within
and consumed from without, by all manner of doubt and guilt; causing that
both husband and wife should be filled with shame while yet they are married.
21 And not this only: For even in the children of men who should find
themselves in the season of their puberty have you declared most hotly, that
masturbation is a vile and loathsome sin; making unworthy and filled with
dread, the sweetest of children.
22 Such are the hidden designs of that doctrine wherein you would take
captive even the whole of man, even the doctrine of fornication; for in this
doctrine are all men bound most strongly by the passions within; being unable
to escape the natural yearnings of the flesh.
23 Yet will I now make an end to all these things, for I shall set man free of you
forever; for you know yourself already, that the first step in man’s spiritual
freedom is to proclaim aloud the sexual liberation of both the man and the
24 For I shall make an end of this doctrine of fornication and sin in the minds
of all who desire; revealing in them the mind of God concerning the natural
passions of both the spirit and the body together.
25 For this cause would I make known unto the children of men, that in the
coming together of both the man and the woman is there no sin, if it so be that
they should give consent, each unto the other. For it is not good that the man or
the woman should stand alone regarding the passions of the flesh.
26 For the passions which do move and stir within are blessed by the Father
and the Mother which dwell forever in the light which comes from above,
becoming by their union even as one God unto the children of men.
27 And if it so be that a man and a woman should lie down with each the
other, to be joined together in the passions of the flesh, then are their souls
commingled together; that by such a union there might spring forth together,
both communion and joy.
28 For in the sexual union of both men and women would they make known
unto each, their need for one another; finding in each the other the completion
of all their hopes and dreams; moving with all tender affection, one upon the
other; seeking through that gentle touch or softest kiss, the fulfillment of all
their parts and passions.
29 Thus would I have you know that in such sexuality as might exist between
the man and the woman is there found the affirmation of life and joy; becoming
in each the greatest of wonders.
30 Take care therefore, my children, that you deny not the passions which
move and stir about within the very soul of you, lest by your own zeal in
conforming to the teachings and preachings of foolish men, you deny yourself
all life and joy;
31 Becoming in your soul most empty and alone; being chased and driven
about by all manner of frightful shadows; being weighed down continually by
guilt and shame, of which there is no end; being caught within some endless
struggle, being unable to let go, lest you be consumed in hell fire forever.
32 Therefore, if you would be wise in the days of your mortal probation upon
the earth, then let each man and each woman seek to join themselves together,
whereby they might find joy in the midst of harshness; giving unto each the
other a place of refuge; being filled with all manner of tender affection and
sweet communion.
33 For man is by nature a sexual being, and in this there can be no sin found,
if it so be that a man will refrain from rape, and violence, and disease; for in the
midst of these things are there found a multitude of sorrows which do afflict
both the man and the woman together.
34 Therefore, let every man put away their anger against the woman; and let
all women put aside such resentments as might spring up within them against
the man; that each might come unto the other in joy and love exceeding, being
bound together by tender words of soft affection.
35 By such means do the man and the woman, though being in themselves
opposite, yet do they express in sweetest passions their need of each the other;
mingling together in their flesh both heart and soul, joining and commingling,
thrusting and receiving, even until they should find fulfillment; being swept
together into the heart of God by all manner of tender wooing.
36 Thus in the loving of both the man and the woman is there found neither
fornication nor sin; for such sexual union as might exist between them, if it be
founded in love, and respect and equality, then are they become together both
pure and innocent before God; being redeemed by love and joy together.
37 Yet, my children, would I reveal still further the hidden things of God
regarding the sexual passions of the body; that you may be free of such false
doctrines as the teachers and preachers of religion would cause to dwell most
fearfully upon you.
38 For you know yourselves how that some men will lay with men; and again,
that some women will lay with women; seeking thereby to find fulfillment in the
passions of their own kind.
39 Yet are they not of their own kind altogether; for this mystery would I make
known, that you may be filled with compassion and mercy regarding those who
would be homosexual among you; that you, by such wisdom as I would give
regarding these matters, might lift from the oppressed the doctrine of
fornication and sin.
40 Come then and I will teach you; for you know full well already that the
spirit children of God are born in the beginning male or female; and that
entering into the mortal life, there is placed in the man a male spirit, and into
the woman is placed a female spirit;
41 Knowing full well that in the days of their mortal probation upon the earth,
in the season of their sexual awakening, that the man will seek out the woman,
and that the woman will seek out the man whereby they might give love to one
42 Such are the designs of God regarding the man and the woman; for even
God is most delighted when the man should love the woman, whereby he might
tender unto her all manner of sweet affection; to wrap her round about in
gentleness, and respect, and honor.
43 And likewise the woman, if she pursue a man whereby she might love him
and honor him; to receive from him even all his devotion; tending by such soft
and gentle longing the heart of the man, then is God most pleased. For in
Heaven do the Gods and Goddesses give to each the other all manner of loving
kindness and tender regard.
44 But if it so be that in the mortal life, a man should see with contempt the
ways of the woman, and thereby seek to abuse her constantly; to ridicule and
jest most cruelly against her; or perchance to strike and lash out against her;
then is God not pleased, being made most discontent and ill of ease for the sake
of his daughter.
45 And if in that life or in the next, the spirit of the man should not repent, to
turn aside from the hurting of women, then shall the Heavenly Father and the
Heavenly Mother take strong measures against him; hoping that by so doing
the man might learn for himself concerning the wonders and mysteries which
God has placed in the heart and soul of the woman.
46 And for the sake of the man will God take the spirit which is male, and in
some mortal life cause that he should dwell in the body of the woman whereby
he might be corrected of all his folly; and though you should see for yourself the
body of the woman, yet is there made to dwell within the spirit of the man;
47 Which, being still a man within, yet does he seek the flesh of some other
woman without; ever hopeful that by his joining he might satisfy the longings of
his own soul; thus it is seen that some women will seek to lay with other
women, being most desirous in themselves to fulfill the passions of the male
spirit within.
48 Thus shall the spirit of the man be made to dwell in the flesh of the woman;
that living as a woman in the midst of women, he might be corrected of all his
harshness against her.
49 And when that mortal life be done, and the flesh of the woman be made to
fall away, then is the spirit of the man released again unto God; and entering
into the mortal life again, then is the spirit of the man returned to the body of
the man whereby the Gods might see for themselves if the son be redeemed
from all his anger against women.
50 Likewise is it with the woman also; for if a woman should view with
contempt the ways of men, then are the Father and the Mother beyond made
most concerned because of her; and if the woman should not repent, to turn
aside from all her harshness and ridicule, then do the very Gods of Heaven
cause that she should come forth in her next mortality even as a man.
51 That living as a man in the midst of men, she might be corrected of all her
folly against the sons of God; to be turned aside from wrathful thinking, to walk
most joyfully in wisdom and understanding.
52 For this cause alone is it seen that some men will seek to lay with men,
whereby they might satisfy the passions of the female spirit within.
54 But be you constantly renewed by that light which comes from above; being
made free of such doctrines and creeds as the religious would place upon you in
the name of that little god which is filled with hate and loathing against the
whole of man, even Jehovah-Yahweh.
55 For the ways of both the spirit and the body has God ordained for your
good; seek therefore to rejoice in such knowledge as even I would give unto you,
and be not weighed down any longer because of fornication and sin; for even so
heavy a burden as this would I lift from the soul forever.”
Chapter 5
1 Come now, my children, and I will make known in you the mystery which
would bind together both body and spirit; for the sexual passions of the flesh
are the door and pathway to the spirit within; revealing always the hidden
nature of your own soul unto God, whether it be good or bad;
2 For it was determined from the beginning that the man and the woman
should be born into the mortal life, even as sexual beings together; and if it so
be that you should make full exercise of the powers therein, then shall your life
be made rich in joy and deep perception; revealing through the workings of the
flesh, the depth of the spirit within.
3 Yet, notwithstanding these things, still would I exhort most earnestly, that
you act wisely and not amiss regarding such joys and freedoms as I would place
into your keeping alone; that you might not make low and common such sexual
passions as are come from God, being born in you already.
4 But that you should know with certainty that by such wisdom as you might
use regarding these things, might you save your soul from hurt and sorrow;
5 For the foolish are afflicted always in both mind and spirit, because they
know not that the body and spirit are bound together through such passions as
do move most constantly within them.
6 Therefore, my children, take great care that you take not to your bed, the
stranger whom you do not know, for the sake of some passion only, for
promiscuity does make weary the affections of the heart; causing all that is good
and beautiful within to appear as dull and common without.
7 But if you would love the one you know most deeply, to open wide both body
and soul together, then shall such passions and joys as would pass between you
make rich and filled with wonder the longings and desires within; for in the
giving and loving of each the other is there no sin found, but goodness only;
8 Giving equally unto the man and the woman together, a treasury of feelings
and understanding which do make joyful the lives of both; securing in each a
gentle regard filled with love and wisdom whereby they might guard, most
eagerly, such holy affections as do pass between them.
9 Being ever hopeful that by their union might both be blessed and made
complete, being to each the other, the truest of friends and lovers whereby they
might bear together the burdens of this life; being made most secure in the
midst of all their kisses and gentle sighing.
10 For in the use of all your higher passions did the Father and Mother ordain
from above, the five means of sexual intercourse between the man and the
11 That both the man and the woman might be equally satisfied and renewed
continually in both body and spirit, whereby they might endure with joy and
sweetness, the hardships of this world; being made secure in mind and soul by
such knowledge as I would give into your keeping, concerning those sexual
passions which do always exist between the sons and daughters of God.
12 Come then, that I may instruct you wisely regarding the five means of
sexual intercourse, which even God has ordained for your use; which means
are: play, communion, health and healing, procreation, and theugenics.
14 But rather that you may stand forth boldly, being unafraid, having your
minds and souls girded and strengthened round about by a deep and gentle
wisdom concerning the sexual nature of all your being.
15 Come then, and I will make known the first means for which the man and
the woman might join themselves together in playful devotion; filling the minds
of both with a deep knowledge of each the other.
16 Now when a man and a woman are in their youth and filled with vigor,
having awakened within themselves the sexual passions of the body, then is it
good and needful that they should seek to play with one another sexually;
17 Exploring and seeking out with gentle play, the mysteries of both the body
and soul together; disclosing through some tender mirth the things which do
compel and motivate the passions of the body deep within.
18 For this I would have you know most surely, that there is a spirit deep in
the midst of you; being in every hand and foot and eye; moving and unmoved,
pushing here and touching there; seeking by most subtle means to reveal itself
19 For you are not the body which is seen, but rather the spirit which is unseen
within you; for the flesh of the body is made the veil which covers the spirit of
your truer self, which spirit does stir and move most constantly within you;
20 Seeking through the passions of your flesh to reveal itself again and again;
being ever hopeful that you might be awakened to that light which burns most
brightly within you.
21 For the spirit which breathes most subtly within has had elsewhere its
beginning; having come from above, it does seek to touch again the light that
comes from afar.
22 And unto every man and every woman wherein the spirit is made to abide,
even it does seek some fair embrace through the passions of your flesh; hoping
that in the joining together of the man and the woman, might the spirit within
find some commingling of the light which comes from God.
23 Causing that there should cleave through the flesh the spirits of both the
man and the woman; being entwined through gentle words and tender kisses
the only true self within; fusing in most fiery passions the spirits of both the
man and the woman.
24 For it is the spirit within that would dress the passions of the body with
such gifts of wisdom as would add meaning and purpose to the whole of all your
25 Edifying through the rhythms of the flesh the spirit and body combined;
aligning both the man and the woman in the folds of harmony and love; filling
the whole of all your being with indescribable joy and light.
26 Take care therefore, that you think not to satisfy the passions of the body
only, to make as nothing the spirit within; neither look with disregard upon the
needs and feelings of that one with whom you would have intercourse.
27 For if you should do these things, then shall the passions of the body find
just little release; being devoid of that spirit which would make rich the union of
both man and woman; causing that you should become no better than the
beasts of the field.
28 Hear then and be wise, for if the woman shall give consent, then let the
man and the woman play most fully and joyfully together; knowing full well that
only therein might both learn for themselves the joys and pleasures of all their
sex, building in each the other a kind regard and deep affection;
29 Learning through most joyful frolic the hidden mysteries of both the man
and the woman; being in their bodies joined and commingled midst all manner
of soft embraces and gentle laughter.
30 For even God did ordain that both the man and the woman should come
forth into life as sexual beings, having in themselves both powers and passions
by which they would make each other to come alive.
31 Beware therefore those who would preach that celibacy is of God; for such
as these would make weary and filled with bondage the whole of all your life;
filling you once again with all manner of guilt and shame; causing that there
should be a separation and distress between the man and the woman
32 Let this therefore, be the means by which the man and the woman should
play together most deeply and joyfully; having removed from their minds the
darkness of the Demiurge, even that Jehovah-Yahweh which is made to fear
most violently, the coming together of the man and the woman.
33 Thus by sexual play do the man and the woman declare most lovingly, their
freedom from the Demiurge; proclaiming all the while their rightful heritage;
being the children of God and not fearful any longer; finding in both body and
spirit that full expression which would make complete the whole of all your life.
34 Therefore, as oft as you have desires, let the man and the woman play most
joyfully in the fields of their passion; giving and receiving from one another a
bounty of harvest which would enrich the soul, making all complete both body
and spirit.
35 Thus would I have you believe most surely, nothing doubting, that by
means of sexual play has God ordained that certain pathway, whereby the man
and the woman might learn for themselves, the joys and passions of each the
36 Therefore, be wise and withhold such judgments as others would seek to
place upon you; seeking thereby to retard and restrict with envious zeal the
sexual expressions of both the man and the woman.
37 For they themselves are not free of that Demiurge which haunts them still,
neither would they that you should be free either; but be like unto themselves,
filled with dread and deep foreboding.
38 But guard with wisdom such liberties as I would place into your keeping,
lest you be wearied through endless debates and constant rebuking from those
who know not God; having substituted within themselves a religious fervor
filled with emptiness only.
39 Guard you therefore the things of God with all diligence and care; that you
may prove yourself worthy to receive still the greater portion;
40 And give not that which is holy unto dogs which would turn again to their
own vomit; neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they turn hard upon you
and tear you to pieces.
41 Come now, my children, and I shall make known to you that second means
of sexual intercourse which God has ordained for your use; even the means of
sexual communion wherein the spirits of both the man and the woman are
made to commune through the passions of their flesh;
42 Lifting upward unto God the souls of both, causing to flow into each the
other a knowledge of heavenly things regarding the eternal nature of both male
and female;
43 Causing to rest within themselves that hidden power which would shape
and mold together the passions of both body and spirit, whereby they might
become as one before God.
44 For the sexual communion of both body and spirit are become that gentle
persuasion from deep within, which would blend together the opposites of our
nature; to make as one the mortal and immortal, the common and divine, the
male and female together; being dressed round about in harmony and equality
45 For in this life are both the man and the woman made to suffer, for the man
is compelled by the hardness of his life to seek dominance and control always,
being driven by expectations of every kind; being pushed and prodded by all
manner of powers, dominions and principalities which would seek to rule over
him most constantly.
46 And though this be true of the man, yet is the woman most equally bound,
being often made the servant to the man; being compelled by the hardness of
their life to yield most constantly to the whims and dictates of such men as
would seek to rule over them.
47 Yet has God placed in the woman a power greater than the man, even a
power which would wear away the hardness of the man altogether; to leave him
as pliable and susceptible to the gentle influence of that woman who would love
him with all manner of goodness and grace;
48 Being made most considerate of the ways of men, knowing most deeply the
nature of all his being, whereby she might aid him in achieving that higher
vision which would cause the man and the woman to stand together as equals
before God and man;
50 Finding in each the other that joyful release of all their burdens, being
made fulfilled and complete through the rhythms and sighings of all their love
51 Being edified and lifted up together in the midst of all their ecstasy; being
enraptured and transported to that higher plane which would exalt the heart
and soul of both the man and the woman in joy forever.
52 For the woman is like the waters which move forever to some greater sea;
and though the man in his outward appearance be hard as the stones of the
earth; yet are they, little by little, worn away by the constant moving of gentle
53 For consider how the mountains of stone, though they be great and mighty
in themselves, yet are even these worn all away by that which is softer still; for if
there should fall the gentle rain, or blow the softest of breezes, even then shall
the mountain wear itself away with the passing of time, having exhausted even
all its resistance and strength.
54 Consider then that hidden power by which the woman is fully fashioned;
for even though she prove small and frail in the tabernacle of her form, yet by
her beauty and grace does she humble the mighty or exalt on high the lowest of
men if it so be that they should love her.
55 For women are as the wind which comes from above, causing all things to
move before them, and though men prove stout and mighty as the greatest of
trees, yet are they most deeply stirred when there should breathe upon them the
softest of winds.
56 Thus in sexual communion would the woman move most subtly upon the
soul of the man, changing through her gentle rhythms, the hardness of the man
altogether; to make him as still and peaceful within.
57 Therefore, as oft as you have desires, let the man and the woman come
together in all manner of gentle embraces; for in such sexual communion do
both make benefit the blessings of God; being dressed in joy and love forever
and ever.
58 For this I would have you know most surely, that in the constant
abundance of sexual intercourse are both the man and the woman made equally
benefited; for the man, in communion with that woman whom he loves, is made
most gentle and tender because of it.
59 While the woman, having received from the man the fullness of all his
passions, even she does find within herself that very strength and power which
would prove her the equal to the man; even until both shall receive together the
very fullness of God in the kingdom of his glory.
60 Let the man and the woman commingle together as oft as they desire, both
in sexual play and communion; building in each the other that inward trust and
confidence which would make most complete the whole of their lives.
61 Thus would I give unto you these words of wisdom regarding the sexual
passions of both the man and the woman; trusting that by such counsel you
might be altogether benefited while in this life, having been set free of such guilt
and shame as once bound you most strongly.
62 For you were once made deeply fearful, being constrained and
apprehensive because of such commandments as the teachers and preachers of
religion would impose upon you regarding such sexual desires and appetites as
do move most constantly within;
63 And knowing that you had no means to make quiet the passions of the
flesh; then were you made always guilty of some inward sin, thinking yourself
perverted and corrupt because of it; being chased to and fro by a constant and
unrelenting guilt; being made most shameful because of those passions which
even God did cause to stir within you.
64 Thus would I give by counsel and not constraint the words of this book;
trusting always that even the very life you live shall teach you the wisdom in
which you should go regarding them.
65 For you are not children to be compelled, but rather, you are the sons and
daughters of God full grown, in bodies of flesh and bone.
66 Stand you forth therefore, most boldly, in such light as I would give, being
made most noble and worthy; being made no longer fearful of such passions as
do move within and without the whole of you. For you are the very children of
God, being blessed and enriched because of it.
Chapter 6
1 Thus have I revealed for your learning the first two means of sexual
intercourse, wherein both the man and the woman might play and commune
most sweetly together.
2 Being made all lost and swallowed up by such desires and yearnings as the
body and spirit are heir to; being delivered from the shocks and heartaches of
this world through such loving interludes as the man and the woman might
seek between themselves.
3 Come then, and I will make known in you that third means wherein the body
and spirit of all your being is made to dwell most constantly in health and
healing, while yet you dwell in this world beyond all beginnings.
4 For there is made to dwell within you the spirit which comes from God; that
you, being both body and spirit together, might stand as one before the mirror
of your mind; being made most complete in all things spiritual and physical;
5 Containing in your visible form, the invisible which comes from above;
causing to stir and blend within you the mysteries which await the awakening of
both body and spirit together.
6 For I would not have you ignorant concerning those things which do prove
most needful in the maintenance of health and vigor between body and spirit;
7 For this I would write most plainly unto you; that being made wise regarding
such things, you might tend most carefully and with joy, the gardens of your
8 Being ever careful and most watchful to remove such weeds and poisons as
would make you sick and weary; causing to make most dull and empty the life
which moves and animates the very whole of all your being.
9 For such sicknesses and disorders as would afflict the body are made most
alive in you by reason of some disharmony between the spirit within and the
body without; causing that there should be discord and conflict between the
natural and the spiritual.
10 For you know yourselves how that if a house be divided against itself, it is
unable to stand; for such divisions and contentions do fill the whole of you with
all manner of uncertainty and confusion regarding the issues of this life;
11 And when the house of your body and spirit is made divided, then shall the
enemy rush swiftly upon you; to carry away a multitude of treasure, to leave in
ruin the whole of your estate.
12 For you are the house which God has built, both body and spirit; being
fashioned most constantly of love and desire, being filled to overflowing with
endless dreams and countless yearnings; having for your sky, a wealth of
endless possibilities.
13 Make certain therefore, both body and spirit together; that having
established the whole of you in peaceful harmony, you might be made as one,
being ever attentive and closely watchful of that which brings you joy.
14 For why will you make havoc the life of the body because of such fears as
others would impose upon you? Is not your body more than raiment, or the life
of your body more to be sought than the opinions of others?
15 Refrain therefore from such bondage as others would seek to impose upon
you, for there were many before you, which being unsuspecting, did fall prey to
the doctrines of the past; to become as slaves and prisoners to that little god
which would judge and damn the whole of man forever and ever.
16 For if you would deny the passions which God has given you, then shall the
spirit within become most dry and brittle; and in your outward conscience shall
you become, little by little, mean and cruel; becoming in your mind most
twisted and perverted against the whole of all mankind.
17 Let these warnings, therefore, guide you most surely in the way you should
go; that you might embrace most fully, such liberties as even God would grant
unto you; that you may know joy instead of sorrow, and light instead of
18 Come now and I shall make known this third means of sexual intercourse
which would make all healthy the body and spirit together; being bound most
securely in that harmony which comes from above.
19 For there is given in sexual intercourse that certain means by which the
health and vigor of the body might be attained; for even the Father and the
Mother which dwell beyond, do desire most earnestly that you should be made
peaceful within and without; being made to walk in harmony and health while
in the mortal life.
20 Thus will I reveal in you a mystery most subtle and divine. For there is
given to life itself a certain rhythm and harmony throughout; moving in and
passing outward, it does bind and penetrate the whole of us; surrounding and
sustaining in rhythmic cadence the lives of both men and women.
21 For even you do know that if a man and a woman should give consent unto
each the other; whereby they might satisfy the passions of their flesh; then is
there established between the two that natural rhythm which would bring for
each the release and fulfillment of all their hungers and desires;
22 Aligning with utmost subtlety, the body and the spirit together, causing
that there should flow a multitude of benefit, to secure in both the body and the
mind a wellspring of health and vigor.
23 Let the man and the woman love together often, moving in their deeper
passions one upon the other, seeking and guiding with gentle words the
movements of their bodies, thrusting and receiving from each the other, the
joys of their commingling.
24 Then shall health, even little by little, well up within both the man and the
woman; adding to each a soundness in mind and body, and there shall be
known in them but little sickness throughout the days of all their lives.
25 And they shall be made whole, within and without, both body and spirit in
unison together; walking in joy through the days of their sojourn upon the
earth; being in their countenance peaceful and harmonious.
26 Yet regarding these things would I have you most knowing; that the
harmony of body and spirit can no man achieve for himself, being without the
woman; neither can the woman likewise achieve without the man.
27 For the man was made for the woman, even as the woman was made for the
man; that they, being equally joined together in the midst of all their living,
might align the body and spirit of each the other through such tender affections
as must surely rise between them.
28 Come now, and I will tell you further of that rhythm which moves upon the
whole of nature, being found in wind and rain and passing days; being seen in
sun and moon and starry sky, filling the whole of all you see with a wonder
which does lay hidden in softest subtlety.
29 For this rhythm which seems most hidden, has had elsewhere its
beginning; having existed before the creation of all things natural, having
leaped forth from the soul of endless Areta; reaching out and ever seeking,
hoping midst all its zeal and passion to touch for itself the beginning of that
endless soul which stirs within.
30 For this cause has the rhythm found in man a fullness of expression; being
found in the music, the art, the language, the science, and the math of all
mankind; moving subtly and discreetly in all which you do.
31 Revealing through the ways of men, that deeper mystery which lays hidden
in the whole of all your lives; giving birth in you of that gentle passion which
would draw the lives of men and women together in rhythmic harmony.
32 That you, being opposite from each the other by reason of your sex, yet are
you made to become as one for love’s sake, fulfilling in your passions the soul of
God’s desiring.
33 Consider then and be you wise regarding such things as I would make
known in you; for rhythm is the child of harmony; and if it so be that you would
seek out the rhythms which move most constantly about, then shall harmony
descend upon you most subtly, making all peaceful and serene within, the
whole of your estate.
34 Let there be music therefore, in all which you do; that there may well up
within you the rhythms which come from afar; that you may be quickened and
enlivened through the passions of your soul, to seek most earnestly the joys
35 Let the man and the woman commune together often; through the songs of
all their days; dancing in the midst of their joy for love’s sake; drawing through
such gentle rhythms the soul of each the other with all manner of tender
36 Seek therefore most earnestly the joys of dancing together; moving through
most tender touchings the body and soul together; swaying in most loving
rhythms the woman and the man.
37 For dancing is the gift which God would give unto the man and the woman
most equally; being ever hopeful that through such rhythms and movements
might the passions of both be aroused and strongly enflamed.
38 Causing the man and the woman to seek most thoroughly the release and
fulfillment of all their hungers and desires upon the bed of many passions;
being exalted in the midst of music and rhythms, the flesh and spirit together,
being strongly entwined.
39 By such means shall you make certain the health of both body and spirit
together; being firmly rooted in those things which come from God; having
secured through the rhythms of your life, the joys and blessings which lay most
subtly within and without the whole of you.
40 Let there be therefore, in the midst of that man and woman which would
join themselves together, all manner of music, and dancing and laughter, that
you may have an abundance of joy and health together.
41 For laughter is the greatest of medicines, making most merry the heart
within, shaking with such gentle mirth the body and spirit together; causing
through the wealth of all its rhythms, that sickness and despair should flee
themselves away.
43 Ever seeking by some means to embrace most deeply the song which comes
from God; which song even you yourselves have heard in that distant long ago
when first you dwelt in Heaven’s glory.
44 For even such scriptures as I have written already for your benefit have
declared aloud, saying: “And there came in Heaven a stillness, for the hosts of
Heaven in silence stood, and in the stillness was there heard a song. For,
behold, the soul of the great God did sing, that he might woo unto himself even
every man and every woman, if it so be that they should hear the song and give
heed. For God is not willing that even one should be lost.”
45 Let the man and the woman be filled to overflowing with such laughter,
and dancing, and sexual communion as they would seek for themselves for
health’s sake. But binding in all these things, being through all and above all,
securing the soul in richness always, let there be love.
46 For except you have love between the man and the woman, then shall the
whole of you be most uncertain; and you shall become as the chaff which even
the wind would carry away; and there shall be found for you no place or rest in
the kingdoms of God.
47 For the love which would join together the man and the woman is at the
first, like unto a raging fire in which the spirits of each are all consumed by wild
and blustery passions; and when it is spent, then is the love made most rich and
deeply pleasing to both the body and spirit together.
48 For the love which would bind together the man and the woman is made
most considerate and tenderhearted; seeking out with gentle feelings the hopes
and desires of each the other; ever searching and reaching out to find such
delights as would please and uplift the heart and mind of both the man and the
49 Guard well, therefore, such love and tender feelings as you would seek from
each the other; for except there be found between the man and the woman the
seed of some great love, then are you made no better than the beasts of the
field, being dumb and brutish within and without.
50 Let the days of your life be as pearls in the hand, being precious and most
enduring; filling the whole of all your life with joy and goodness forever and
ever. Amen.
Chapter 7
Sexuality (Part V)
The way of exaltation (Hodos Alea) – Heavenly parents’ love for their children and each other
– Harmful religious teachings concerning marriage – The true nature of marriage –
Procreation: the fourth means of sexual intercourse – Sanctity of marriage and the family
experience – Do not equate sex with marriage – The meaning and purpose of marriage – The
greatest of unselfish acts – Be wise in bringing forth children – Becoming partakers with God
– Marriage and children provide eternal lessons – Theugenics: the fifth means of sexual
intercourse – Establishing the Tabernacle of God’s Peace – Theugenics defined – Heavenly
Mother and Father found in every spirit – Finding God within each other
1 Consider therefore, my children, the way of exaltation, even that Hodos Alea
which the Lords and Gods of Heaven do walk most joyfully in the midst of great
power and holiness; being sanctified and purified by love and wisdom forever
and ever.
2 For unto the Lords and Gods of Elohim is it given that they should be the
Fathers and Mothers of many children; that being secure in the midst of endless
fulfillment, might both the Father and the Mother prepare for the children they
love, the pathways of eternal progression.
3 For the Father and Mother which dwell beyond in light and glory are
constant and most attentive, ever seeking and reaching out to those children
which would imitate the ways of God upon the earth;
4 Watching with most tender care the lives of all who live; seeking through
most subtle means the growth of the spirit within; reaching out to touch and
nurture the children whom they love.
5 Thus is the love of both the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother
drawn most closely together by reason of their care for the children which did
spring from the bed of all their loving;
6 For the love which the Father bears most deeply for the Mother is dressed
round about by a constant devotion, while yet the Mother does most tenderly
woo the Father which gave forth seed.
7 Hear then, my children, and be you wise and filled with stillness; make all
hush the soul within; for I would write to you of that fourth means for which the
man and the woman might cling themselves together, being most hopeful and
desirous to bring forth children in the midst of all their love.
8 For in the marriage of men and women have the teachers and preachers of
religion greatly erred, not knowing in themselves the mind of God regarding the
coming together of both the man and the woman.
9 For they which sit in the uppermost seats of all the differing churches, do
teach the precepts of men and not God; proclaiming with stern admonitions
that both the man and the woman should refrain altogether from such sexual
communion as would rise and flourish most naturally between them, even till
they be married and strongly bound according to the laws of men;
10 Causing in itself that the marriage of men and women should be founded
on that which is less and not that which is greater; establishing in the heart of
each, the seeds of offense and misunderstanding regarding such passions and
desires as might exist between them.
11 And all of this because of such doctrines of sin and guilt as the teachers and
preachers of religion would bind most harshly on all who hear; hoping in
themselves that by so doing they might be free of those similar passions which
do afflict them also; yet are they likewise not free.
12 Thus are there even now many men and many women who enter marriage
for the sake of sex only; hoping that in so doing they might free themselves of
such guilt and shame as retards the affections of both the husband and the wife
13 Yet, for all these things is it rightly spoken: “What marriage have you except
that the husband should love his wife tenderly, and likewise the wife should
love her husband, and both with all their hearts?
14 For it is love and not the law which binds together the man and the woman
whereby they are made to become as one heart, one mind, one soul and one
flesh; even forever and ever.”
15 Consider therefore, the true nature of that marriage which even God would
ordain for your joy; for no marriage should be lightly entered into, seeing that
God would establish in the man and the woman together, the beginning of some
great equality wherein both might be mutually benefited by reason of great love
and devotion.
16 Let the man and the woman reason rightly in themselves regarding the
purpose and nature of marriage; thinking most constantly in themselves
concerning such goodly things as they might do for the sake of the one they
17 Putting away from the soul the cravings of the self, but to give themselves
instead to some faithful devotion unto each the other, whereby they might draw
from the soul the heartseed of some greater love;
18 Building in the soul of both the man and the woman the beginnings of some
far more noble estate wherein the man and the woman are sealed together even
as the Gods whereby they might become as the Fathers and Mothers of great
glory and light.
19 Know therefore, that in marriage did God ordain that the man and the
woman should bring forth children unto themselves; that through such love as
they might bear for their children, might both father and mother find for
themselves still some greater love for each the other.
20 Therefore, my children, be wise in the days of your sojourn upon the earth,
and entangle not yourselves any longer in such precepts as the teachers and
preachers of religion would foist upon you; for even as a loving Father would I
counsel you concerning such marriage as you would enter into.
21 For I would not have you ignorant of such conditions and understandings
as God would cause me to establish between that man and that woman who
would desire to enter the covenants of marriage for the sake of bringing forth
children unto themselves.
22 For marriage is holy and filled with promise, giving to both the man and
the woman that special estate wherein they might imitate the Father and
Mother which dwell above; becoming in themselves both father and mother to
the children they love;
23 That such experiences as do most naturally arise in the midst of all your
families, being most sacred throughout all acquaintances, familiarities and
intimacies of family life; being found most constantly between father and
mother, parent and child; cause that there might well up from deep within, that
greater love which would seal forever, both the husband and the wife together.
24 Let not your marriage, therefore, be founded upon that lesser portion
whereby you should equate sex with marriage only; being ever hopeful that
therein you might free yourself from the darkening gloom of guilt and shame;
for you are free already, and are at liberty before God to love and cherish whom
you will, and this with all your might.
25 Say not, therefore, that you will refrain from such sexual desires and
expressions as do arise most naturally within you till you are married; but say
you rather among yourselves that you will refrain from bringing forth children
until you are altogether entered into that covenant which even God has
established for your joy.
26 Neither marry you another whereby you might seek to possess in bondage
the one you claim to love; for in marriage do both the man and the woman
come forth together in covenants of love and joy, being made equal in all and
through all.
27 Holding for each the other a tender regard and an open acceptance toward
all those things which God would establish for your good; becoming unto each
the other the fulfillment of all desires and goodly expectations.
28 Therefore, when you marry, think not to satisfy your own desires and
expectations, but rather seek you most faithfully to fulfill the wishes and
longings of the one you love; and this with all manner of tender words and
loving gestures.
29 For marriage is the greatest of unselfish acts, and if you would enter into it,
then must you be free of selfish cravings, but seek instead most earnestly and
attentively the happiness of the one you love.
30 For it is they and not some other who will lay upon the bed beside you,
being hopeful and desirous of bringing forth children; therefore, give of yourself
in constant devotions, and the love you bear for each the other shall daily grow,
even until you receive a fullness in the kingdom of God’s glory.
31 Only be you wise and ever watchful in the bringing forth of children, let
wisdom guide the passions of the body and spirit together; for if you bring forth
more children than you are able to bear, then shall your life be made heavy and
filled with labor, causing that there should come a breach between the husband
and the wife, the parent and the child.
32 Thus in the coming together of the husband and the wife in the midst of
their desiring, let there be love and music commingled together in fiery
passions; for children are best fashioned in the midst of love, being shaped and
formed in the womb by such emotions as come most readily between the father
and mother together.
33 Open therefore the doors of your heart, that there may enter into the very
soul of you such wisdom as I would give regarding the coming together of the
man and the woman in marriage, wherein you might bring forth children unto
34 For even I would have you know that in the covenant of marriage are you
become as partakers with God in bringing forth into mortality the spirit
children of your Heavenly Father and your Heavenly Mother, whereby they
might seek for themselves that greater portion while yet they dwell in
tabernacles of flesh and bone.
35 Love therefore with all your might such children as are drawn from the
womb and weaned from the breasts, that you may see through the eyes of your
little ones, the heartseed of that greater love which would bind forever the man
and the woman in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
36 For in the beginning did you dwell in the kingdom of God, being filled with
constant yearnings, seeking with earnest desires to become like unto the Father
and Mother above; being determined and resolved within yourselves to go again
into mortality whereby you might learn for yourselves the ways of fathers and
mothers together;
37 That you might establish within the very soul of you a true knowledge
regarding such relationships and affections as do exist most readily between
parent and child; learning for yourselves that gentle means whereby you might
instruct most wisely the children of your loins; causing that there should well
up within the children you love, an earnest desire to seek after that Father and
Mother which dwell far beyond.
38 For it is given you already the means by which you may fill the souls of your
little ones with joy and goodness forever. Therefore, seek most earnestly to
instruct such children as you would bring forth upon the bed of all your loving;
that even they might desire for themselves the hope of eternal things.
39 Come now and make you ready both heart and mind, for I would, even
now, reveal in you that fifth and final means for which a man and a woman
might join themselves together in the midst of all their passions; spending with
eager breath, the soul of all their desires and longings.
40 For I would establish between the man and the woman the Tabernacle of
God’s Peace; being of itself not made with hands or fashioned of brick and
stone, but rather that it should be drawn from the heart and fashioned of the
soul within;
41 Having for its very foundation the beginnings of some endless love, being
dressed and strongly girded through such devotions and tender sighings as even
God hath ordained between the man and the woman;
42 Having for its summit an endless sky filled with dreams and visions, being
of itself without limitations or boundaries; but having instead that limitless
horizon which would move forever outward, even until it should embrace
within itself the whole of all creation.
43 For you, my children, are the seed of some eternal dream cast down upon
the earth; being filled within yourself by some endless wonder and deeper
mystery which even you cannot see; having leaped forth from the soul of God’s
desiring in a sea of endless light;
44 Containing deep within the heart and mind of you, still that greater glory
which would spring out from the midst of all your longings; embracing through
all your loving passions the songs of life and joy forever.
45 Come then and in such words as I would write be you filled with wisdom;
for there is a greater means by which the man and the woman might join
themselves together in the midst of love and passion; being established and
foreordained of God for your benefit.
46 For in theugenics is there given that certain means by which the man and
the woman might worship together through the passions of the flesh, finding in
each the other, the express image and likeness of their Heavenly Father and
Heavenly Mother.
47 Let therefore every man and every woman join themselves together in such
devotions and worship, as even I would prepare for your good; for the flesh of
the body is the pathway to the soul within.
48 And you, even every one of you, are become the altar at which the man and
the woman might find together the cessation of such hostilities and
misunderstandings as do arise most constantly between you.
49 For this mystery will I make known in you; that unto every male spirit who
is made in the express image of the Heavenly Father, there is given a portion of
the Mother also; and unto every female spirit who is fashioned in the image of
her Heavenly Mother, is there granted a portion of the Father.
50 Thus in theugenics is the intercourse of the man and the woman made
most sacred and filled with wonder; giving unto the man and the woman the
means by which they might embrace in tender worship the whole of each the
51 For the woman in worshipping the man through all manner of tender
passions, discovers within him that certain likeness which comes from the
Father above; while yet the man in moving within and about the woman he
loves, finds revealed the presence of the Heavenly Mother.
52 Therefore, let that man and woman who would make most holy the
passions of the body consider wisely those means by which they might find in
each other the divining presence of God in the midst of all their loving.
53 For even I did write for your benefit already the words which govern and
make real the Tabernacle of God’s Peace; being most hopeful that if you would
faithfully apply, then shall there exist between the man and the woman
together, the seeds of harmony and grace forever.
Chapter 8
1 These then are the words which I would give unto the children of men
whereby you might take joy in such sexual expressions as do most likely arise
between the man and the woman together;
2 That you might find joy and purpose in the midst of such meanings as I
would give into your keeping; that you might no longer suffer in despair
because of such guilt and shame as the teachers and preachers of religion might
foist upon you in the midst of their many fears.
3 Yet the Demiurge, when he heard for himself the fullness of my intent
regarding the children of men, he grew hot with anger and in an instant he did
rush upon me to destroy.
4 And with great fury he did seize upon the sphere of light wherein I stood,
and he did beat and rage against it; seeking by some furious means to tear away
the light that he might lay hold of me.
5 Yet for all his efforts, he could not take captive; for this cause did he seize
hold of great boulders of stone and iron and, with all his might, he did fling
them against the light; yet for all of this the light did hold most firmly and
yielded not unto the Demiurge the likeness of The One.
6 And there flew out from the soul of the Demiurge a hot and searing flame,
which did breathe hard against the light, and when these things availed to the
Demiurge no advantage, he grew most still, and he spoke unto me, saying:
7 “Why will you corrupt the whole of man because of such things as you would
teach them regarding the sexual appetites of the flesh? For sex is a vile and
loathsome necessity, being in itself nasty and obscene.
8 For you would pervert the minds of both the man and the woman together,
teaching through subtle words that sex is the pathway to the soul within, even
that stairway which would lead them up to Heaven where the Gods alone may
9 Yet shall I make known abroad that dreadful truth; for if any man or any
woman should seek to follow after the words of your soul, then shall they
descend most surely into the depths of hell; being tormented and bound in
flames forever and ever.
10 For by your word would you make weak and flaccid the sons of men, being
made gentle and tame through the temptations of the flesh, being in themselves
of little worth for women’s sake; for you have permitted that silly women, laden
with lusts, should take captive the strength of every man.
11 For women are filled with evil continually, being pernicious and disgusting
in all their ways, ever seeking through the softness of their flesh to seduce a
man into sin and torment; bringing upon those who would succumb a fullness
of calamity and woe.
12 Why then would you seek to make the woman equal to the man through
such vile passions as the flesh is heir to? Why would you seek to release the
woman from all her servitude and constant labor, seeing that in her leisure she
would devise some subtle means by which she might seize captive the sons of
13 What therefore will you say when the children of men are made ruin
because of such abominations as you would cause to come upon the
unsuspecting; and all this through the teaching of your word?
14 What defense will you put forth when the whole of all mankind is brought
to judgment because of you?
15 Will you beg mercy of me then? Will you seek to make supplication for
yourself, or for those which were corrupted because of you? In that dreadful day
will you seek for yourself some escape from all those things which you have
done unto the children of men?
16 Behold, I tell you truly that for you there shall be no escape; for the thing
you love most dearly shall I destroy every whit; consigning to the flames in
endless torment, the whole of all mankind; while you I shall cause to watch
midst bitter tears and weeping.
17 This and more shall I cause to come upon the whole of man, because you
did dare to make men weak and docile through the passions of the flesh,
causing that there should be established between the man and the woman
together, the sickness of some equality.
18 For it is evident that over you I am given no power to destroy, seeing that
you are ever guarded by the light which comes from afar;
19 Yet unto those which would follow after you am I at liberty to destroy midst
fire and torment; seeing that they are without the light; being in their minds
most fearful of all my might, having their souls made ignorant and filled with
20 Yet am I not without mercy altogether; for if any man should turn away
from you, then shall I pardon him in the midst of all his sins; and I shall cause
him to serve me forever and ever; establishing for my pleasure that he should
be as a servant throughout the halls of endless night. For is not servitude more
to be sought than endless torment?
21 Go then and make corrupt the children of men, even as you will; for into my
hands have I consigned the keys of death and shame; for this truth I know most
surely, that fear is greater than such liberties as you would bring to the children
of men.
22 And all those who would seek to follow you now, even they shall rise up and
curse you when there shall steal upon them the shadow of some great fear.”
23 Such were the words which the Demiurge spoke, and when he had finished
speaking, he did roar with laughter, causing that the ground upon which I stood
should tremble and shake all about.
24 But I answered the Demiurge, saying: “Have you not perceived, Jehovah-
Yahweh, that in the soul of the woman there might be given that peculiar power
sufficient to make new again the heart of every man, if it so be that they should
love her; even that power which would prove greater than all your fear and
25 For I tell you truly that in the woman is there surely found the most
beautiful expression of God’s love for all mankind; being in her soul gracious
and most tender; revealing through soft touches and delicate kisses the very
heart of that God which loved even all men from the very beginning.
26 Consider then the strength wherein the woman is fashioned; for she, being
frail and comely, yet by her beauty and grace does she humble the mighty, or
exalt on high the lowest of men if it so be that they should love her.
27 For women are as the wind which comes from above, causing all things to
move before them; and men, though stout in themselves like mighty oaks, yet
are they most surely moved when there should breathe upon them some small
29 For men, left unto themselves, are destructive and filled with hurt, being in
their baser passions brutish and unyielding; being moved by lustful appetites to
seek dominion and control over those weaker than themselves.
30 Yet, if it so be that there should come forth unto them a woman of grace
and beauty, then are the baser appetites of the man made of no effect; causing
that the man of strength should seek relief from the fury within for the sake of
the woman he loves.
31 For even now does the whole of man stand upon the edge of some great
precipice, and if there should come forth none to save, then shall the whole of
man be swallowed up in oblivion and death.
32 Consider therefore, the manner by which God would make safe and secure
the life of every man; for you know yourself that if a man be made to stand near
a precipice filled with death, then is he made most anxious and filled with fear,
causing that he should act unwisely to his own destruction.
33 And if there should come unto him some other who would think to save,
then might he, rushing forth to rescue, cause the imperiled man to step swiftly
back from the very one who would save him.
34 And stepping back, then is he made to fall to his own doom, having been
overwhelmed by fear and dread from the very start.
35 For they which are strong, if it so be that they are imperiled by certain
doom, and there should come unto them some other which is strong also, then
shall they which are imperiled see in the one who would save them, the coming
forth of some great threat; for it is not strength alone which would rescue the
36 But if there should come forth to save, that which is soft and comely, then
are the strong entreated through tender words and gentle movements to draw
themselves away from death; being drawn from the darkness and into the light.
37 Thus did God consider wisely the means by which he might rescue; for
women by their gentle nature do woo most tenderly, and the man, seeing in
them no danger, is drawn little by little away from death altogether; even until
he should embrace the woman and therein find life and joy together.
38 Thus, in the equality of the woman is the salvation of all mankind made
most certain; for in her beauty and grace is there come forth unto all men the
seeds of life and joy; healing and mending through gentle passions, the wounds
which hurt and make afraid;
39 For in the womb of the woman are all men most strongly fashioned;
making way in the midst of all their strength, that softer place where love might
grow and flourish within them, giving birth in them of some far more greater
vision than they have ever before known.
40 Let therefore, the man reverence the woman with all his might, accepting
with all tender regard the equality of all her house; for in the coming together of
the man and the woman is there brought forth unto each a great many benefits
and joys.”
41 Thus did I speak unto Jehovah-Yahweh, and when I was completed he grew
most still and thoughtful, and in the bosom of the light did I await the coming
forth of still some further accusation against the children of men.
42 But in the bosom of my soul did God gently smile, and there came into my
mind the voice of The One, saying: “You have well said, my son. Continue
therefore in such grace as I shall grant unto you; for still further would I have
you speak for the sake of every man and every woman upon the earth.”
43 And so I did most patiently await the rebuke of that Demiurge who would
put forth a most hurtful indictment, being confident within the very soul of me
that I would answer rightly and not amiss.
Chapter 9
1 And from the darkness came the sound of deep and dreadful rumblings, and
there stirred within the depth a great and mighty hiss which filled even all the
lands round about with tremors of every kind.
2 And from the blackness of the Deep, from the womb of endless night came
the voice of Jehovah-Yahweh, saying: “Come now and let us reason rightly; for
why will you defend the whole of man seeing that even all are guilty of sin and
death; being in their persons filled with a multitude of perversions and
3 For man is filled with base passions which make ruin the whole of all his life,
filling the sum of all his days with contentions and strifes of which there are no
4 Causing within himself that endless struggle against all things natural,
heaping up within his soul a multitude of shocks and traumas which do agitate
still further, the evil within.
5 Come then and I will make known to you the true nature of every man; for
you know yourself that the evil which befalls all mankind is sprung up from the
evil which lies deep within; causing that there should fall upon the whole world
that ceaseless sorrow from which there is no relief.
6 For the ways of men are filled with evil, for by their very nature would they
corrupt and pollute even the whole world; being in their persons a vile
infestation which would bring destruction upon all living things.
7 Wasting away through wanton passions the life of all they touch, causing in
the airs they breathe a great contamination; for man is ever spilling out into the
airs above all manner of noxious fumes and sickly vapors, which thing does
make the whole earth to weep in sorrow;
8 Causing to fall upon the forest and the plains, and the fields an acid rain
which would rob the earth of life; bringing upon the birds which fly, and the
animals which move about, some broken end filled with death, even until they
are no more.
9 And not this only, for man even now will dump into both river and stream a
great many corruptions, even until the oceans and the seas of all the earth are
made polluted and filled with sickness; causing even the greatest of beasts
which swim about, to die in great despair, being in themselves unmourned and
quite forgotten.
10 Thus has man raped and plundered even the whole world for the sake of
their own pleasure, seeking through unbridled passions the fulfillment of all
their greed; striving through the whole of their dominion to make subject unto
themselves the life and purpose of all living things.
11 Seeing that in these things I have spoken truly, why then will you defend the
whole of man as if he were both noble and worthy? Why will you continue to
plead the cause of so wicked a race as man, seeing that of themselves they
would make havoc the beauty of all the earth, to leave in ruins the greatest of
many treasures?
12 For man is filled with vanity and conceit, deceiving himself constantly
through a multitude of follies; contriving in all his science the means to still
some further dominion, ever hopeful that in the knowing of hidden things he
might lay hold to still some greater power.
13 Thus in man is there no wisdom found, seeing that it is ever beyond his
grasp; for man seeks knowledge and knowledge only; for you know yourself
how that knowledge, of itself, makes no demand that a man act rightly or from a
goodly conscience; while wisdom does most constantly plead that goodness be
done always.
14 Thus would wisdom most diligently seek for that which is beyond man’s
nature; causing that man should seek for himself the easier path in all things;
which path would lead the whole of man to his own destruction.
15 Behold then, the sins of all mankind, who for the sake of knowledge and
power would bring death to all living things; chasing down and ever grasping
for that which would make them greater still; leaving all that was beautiful and
rare to be swallowed up in poverty and want.
16 For this cause did I command the way in which a man should go; binding
down in constant fear the whole of all his actions, coercing through most
dreadful fears the bending of his will unto my own.
17 For even I have determined that a man should live just one life, whereby I
might make smaller still the evil of his ways; and if any man should fail in living
by my word alone, then shall I consume him in endless death; to face in the
regions far below, the fierceness of my wrath and indignation.
18 Come now and tell me plainly concerning all these things. For surely I have
rightly reasoned, to make most evident the evil of all mankind; for even every
man is become the scourge which would make most desolate even the whole
world beside;
19 Causing that there should be no safe place upon the land, or within the
seas, or in the airs above, where all living things might dwell in safety, to move
about according to that nature which brought them forth.
20 What will you say therefore, in defense of man, seeing that I have brought
against the whole of him a just and fair indictment? Come and answer me
straightly and I will hear. Speak but a word, and I shall listen.”
21 Thus did the Demiurge speak, even that Dread Lord, Jehovah-Yahweh, and
there flashed out from the darkness great bolts of lightning and deep rumblings
filled with wrath; and standing before so dread a countenance, I spoke unto the
Demiurge, saying:
22 “Well have you spoken, Jehovah-Yahweh, of man and his disregard for that
very earth which sustains the whole of his being; becoming in their several
habits and customs the very abusers of that natural world upon which all life is
made most dependent.
23 Yet would I have you consider the very source from which there has arisen
so great an apathy in the heart of man; for you know yourself how that from
some hidden seed is there made to spring forth the thoughts and actions of all
24 For even in the corrupting of the whole world is there first found that very
source which most strongly compels that men should act with wanton
disregard; seeking for themselves alone some immediate gratification, while yet
for the children of future generations there is given no thought; being of
themselves most distant and unconnected to those who live today.
25 Consider then, Jehovah-Yahweh, the effects of such doctrines as you would
force upon the whole of man; for by your word alone would you have all men to
believe that in mortality are they given just one life only; which thing would add
to the whole of mankind a burden and a sorrow too grievous to be borne.
26 For all they which believe in you are made to see life as cruel and most
unfair; causing in the soul a great fear filled with desperation; for of the
children of men are only the few born to wealth and prosperity, while yet the
many are born in poverty and want, being in themselves filled with sorrows and
bitterness of every kind;
28 And men, seeing for themselves all these things, even they are made to see
both life and God as hard and bitter; which thing does fill the heart of man with
fear, causing that they should become most grasping and filled with all manner
of wants while in this life alone;
30 Thus has the doctrine of one life only made man most fearful of that death
which comes upon all living things; for fear is the seed from which are sprung
all manner of foolish thoughts and actions; causing that even all men should
become as someone desperate and filled with folly;
32 Thus have you, Jehovah-Yahweh, planted in the minds of men the seed of
all their actions; causing that there should dwell within the soul the painful
doings of desperate men filled with anxieties and disquiet.
33 For man, being desperate and filled with fear will judge even every man
most harshly; being in themselves without mercy; for such men, believing that
there is given unto them just one life only, will strive by every means to compel
that others should become even as they are in both thoughts and deeds.
34 Being hopeful that by so doing, they might assuage the disquiet within;
trusting fully that in the believing of others like unto themselves they might
relieve the fear and emptiness within.
35 Yet are they made all the more restless and filled with fear; and all this
because of such doctrines as you would distill within the minds of all those who
believe in you.
36 Therefore, seeing that God loves most dearly the children of men, even he
did send me forth unto the earth to proclaim aloud that true wisdom which
comes from above; for even the Father and Mother of many lights did ordain
that I should come forth unto the children of men, to teach and instruct in all
things eternal.
37 For even though that yonder world be made to dwell in darkness, yet shall I
bring forth the light which never fades or goes dark again; for I shall light in all
men the candle of wisdom which even you cannot extinguish or put out.
38 Come then and I will make known to you the means by which God would
give hope and joy unto all who seek; to give birth in the heart of First Man the
joy of heavenly things; which things shall turn most subtly the bitterness of all
their lives into sweetness and delight.
39 For from the very beginning did God give the very means and pathway of
reincarnation, wherein every man and every woman, who possess eternal spirit,
might be given a great many lives whereby they should come to learn for
themselves the way of eternal things, being in themselves delivered from the
fear of death.
40 For even the Father and Mother which dwell beyond would have the
children of their soul to see in the mortal life some school only; that going
through the days of their mortality, they might learn for themselves the way
which is greater still.
41 Know therefore, Jehovah-Yahweh, that I shall make known unto all men
the very means of exaltation in the kingdom of God; teaching unto them the
principle of reincarnation, which very principle shall uplift the hearts and
minds of all who believe.
42 And all they which shall embrace the truth which comes from above, even
they shall see in life but some school only; and in that moment shall they see no
need for desperate acts of judgment and reproach; seeing that into their
keeping God shall grant still some other life wherein they might learn for
themselves the way of good and evil.
43 For in the knowledge of heavenly things is all fear made of no effect; and in
the wisdom of God is life made to become most joyful and filled with promise.
44 Yet in the doctrine of one life only have you, Jehovah-Yahweh, made men
fearful and filled with desperation; causing that men should act and love in
constant fear, trembling in their souls midst hurtful shadows which you alone
45 Thus would I teach unto every man and every woman the knowledge of
God; for this would I have even all to know, that in the death of the body is
there not some final ending, but only the awakening unto some other life.
46 For death was never the enemy which men should fear, but rather their
own inhumanity of the soul instead; this alone is the greatest enemy which
would make most bitter the life of all who live, filling the lives of those afflicted
with all manner of distress and sorrow.
47 Know then that in the belief of reincarnation would God set forth the first
means whereby he might remove man’s fear of you; for when a man is made no
longer fearful of the death of the body, then is he free to live most joyfully the
life which moves and stirs within him.
48 For in the death of the body has God set forth the means to rescue even all
his children from such evils as do most surely afflict from time to time; for in
death does only the good which a man does continue onward, to dress the soul
in living wisdom and faith exceeding.
49 While in death is there set forth that certain barrier which all evil is
powerless to penetrate; for the evil which men shall do is caused to perish in the
grave, to lie interred with dead men’s bones; while the good which men shall do,
continues onward, even unto God.
50 And if it so be that a man do great good while in the mortal life, then does
he return to the Father and Mother of his soul, dressed round about in great
goodness, to become even as the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
51 But if a man do little good while in the mortal life, then does he return unto
the Father and Mother of his soul, being in himself poor and greatly
diminished; for unto his soul has he brought forth little good; to become unlike
and quite dissimilar from the Lords and Gods of Elohim.
52 These then shall the Father and Mother send again into life, that they
might decide for themselves whether they should follow in the steps of God, to
become even as he is; for with the willing spirit will God ever abide and not
53 Thus by a knowledge of heavenly things would God also rescue men from
all their fears; that being in their souls unafraid and quite determined, they
might act rightly and with a goodly conscience while in the mortal life.
54 And not this only, for there is given still a further means by which God
would set forth the hand to rescue the children of his soul from sorrow and
56 For women are made the mothers of life; bearing in their wombs that living
seed from which all men are made to come forth; having in their hearts a tender
regard for all things which live and move about upon the face of the earth.
57 And if it should be that women will partake in the affairs of men most
equally, then shall the children of men, little by little, refrain from corrupting
every whit the lands, and seas and airs above; causing that the earth should
become even as a paradise filled with wonder.
58 For if men believe most firmly that they shall come again into life, then
shall they strive most diligently to preserve the beauties and wonders of the
natural world; lest by their abuse, they return again into this life to inherit for
themselves a dung heap filled with sorrow.
59 Thus has God, through the principles of reincarnation, made for man that
certain bridge which would connect future generations to those which live
today; causing that men of themselves will seek to heal the earth of great
60 This then is the answer which God would give in defense of man; and if
there be still some further charge which you would make, then will I stand forth
to give in answer a strong defense.”
61 These then are the words which I spoke unto the Demiurge, and when I was
completed, there came a stillness and a calm; for Jehovah-Yahweh did think
most deeply concerning those things which he would say unto me.
Chapter 10
1 And the Demiurge spoke again unto me, saying: “Why will you continue to
believe in man as though he were of himself both good and noble? Have you not
seen for yourself how that man is filled with madness; rushing here and going
there, ever seeking his own destruction?
2 For man is made most brutish and corrupt, being in his inward parts filled
with baseness and deceit; being in his heart most aberrant; bringing down upon
his head all manner of suffering which he, himself has created.
3 All these tribulations has man brought most subtly upon himself; for man is
most unnatural in all his actions and affections; being unwilling to accept such
boundaries and limitations as nature might impose.
4 For the pride of man has made him separate from the world in which he
lives, setting him at constant odds against all things good and natural; bringing
upon himself miseries and hardships of every kind;
5 Being tormented from within and without by all manner of diseases, and
plagues, and famines; being harried and chased about by adversities and
pestilences which would strangle the life and joys of all mankind.
6 And this because of such pride and conceit as do most readily arise from the
heart of every man and every woman which would move about upon the face of
the earth.
7 For man is filled with loathing, even against himself; striking hard through
lustful passions against the whole of his own kind; ever seeking for himself
some advantage against his neighbor; being filled most fully within himself with
iniquities and evils of every kind.
8 Why then would you love so vile a beast as man, seeing that he is without
any natural affection, being in his heart and mind devoid of goodness, having
neither virtue nor merit, being of himself most unworthy of such redemption as
you would give?
9 For man is ever divided against himself because of pride and vanity; being
tossed to and fro by endless debates and contentions; which things would fill
the whole of all his life with havoc and despair.
10 For this cause would I send forth unto man all manner of wars and conflicts
whereby he might be made humble before me; for even I would make known to
him that in the unnaturalness of all his ways is there found only doom and
endless death.
11 Thus have I set forth to purge man of such evils as do arise from out of the
very soul of him; for I have sent forth unto the earth a refiner’s fire which would
burn away such dross as would corrupt the heart of man, to pervert the ways of
all his doings.
12 For even so great a one as I did send unto the earth the ways of war, for war
have I made for the good of man; for even I have commanded throughout the
ages that a man should kill his enemies, to subdue them every whit; that
through such means I might seek revenge against all those who will not believe
in me.
13 For all those who will prove themselves unnatural in thought and deed
would I purge away most hotly; striking down with bitter zeal even all those who
despise my name, even unto the fourth and fifth generations of them which hate
14 Yet is this for the good of man; for in the ways of war would I renew most
constantly the civilizations of man, causing that all things should be invigorated
anew through such destructions and sorrows as do most surely follow in the
steps of war;
15 Causing that men should rebuild what I have broken, and to mend what I
have shattered, to make most busy the hands of all through constant labor.
16 Thus through war would I rid man of such sorrows as do arise by reason of
his unnatural thoughts and deeds; for in war are the populations of man made
greatly diminished, causing that many should not suffer any longer by way of
disease, or plagues or famines.
17 For all these things has man brought unto himself alone, yet in war would I
purge away a host of follies; causing that man should ever seek some newer
18 Making way through the heat of war for all manner of discoveries and
inventions which would improve the life of all who live; delivering from the
ashes of great destruction, that remnant who would seek most earnestly to
follow after me.
19 See then, how I have made myself the only true benefactor of all mankind;
for even I would instill in man a great many fears and guilts which would force a
man to do good always; for it is certain that left to themselves alone, man
cannot be good, seeing that he is most unnatural and contrary in all his ways.
20 For it is certain, that except I rule over the whole of man most harshly, then
would he certainly destroy himself completely; to leave the earth and all its
beauty in heaps of ruin and death.
21 Yet if any man shall turn away from the doing of his will, to submit himself
to me in great repentance, then shall I forgive him and pardon him most
22 And even that one shall I save from death and hell, whereby he might serve
me through all time and eternity; to be to me even as a servant, being preserved
against the day of wrath when I shall go forth unto all mankind to seek revenge
against them.
23 Thus would I show forth to every man who would repent, great mercy; but
unto women shall I grant neither forgiveness nor pardon, for they are an offense
to me, and these shall I consign to the flames forever.
24 For women have corrupted all men, to bring upon the heads of all who live
that certain death which none escape; for women are filled with mischief and
deceit; capturing through the passions of the body the whole of man, whereby
they might lead them to death.
25 Thus would I judge most harshly, even all who are an offense to me; being
in their thoughts and actions most unnatural, bearing in their flesh that
constant offense which even now does carry the whole of man unto judgment.
26 Consider then how beautiful the earth would be without this blight called
man! How pristine and uncorrupted the natural beauty of all the lands, and
seas, and airs above.
27 Why then will you make busy and filled with troubles the soul within;
seeking therein to find in man that certain thing worthy of exaltation? For what
purpose would you take to your heart the afflictions of all mankind, seeing that
they are unworthy and undeserving?
28 Come now and answer straightly: What defense will you put forth in face of
my indictment, seeing that in the ways of man I am truly knowing and most
29 And the Demiurge, when he was completed, he did spread himself upon the
lands round about; and there was heard the hissing of his laughter. And
standing forth again to answer, I did speak unto him, saying:
31 That possessing in your soul the darkness of all your might, yet are you
unable to perceive the only true nature of all mankind; for you are dissimilar
from man in every part; being in all your thoughts and actions unlike the whole
of man in every fashion;
32 Having for yourself no eyes with which to see, or ears with which to hear, or
hands with which to touch; being in your presence most empty and quite devoid
of such feelings and passions as man is heir to.
33 By what power then, would you know beauty, seeing that in you there is no
beauty found; neither have you possessed to your soul such tender feelings and
gentle sighings as would give birth to beauty, for beauty’s sake alone?
34 Consider then the falseness of all your words; for by pretense alone would
you steal from the lips of man the words of beauty, filled with wonder; as
though you, yourself, have known them.
35 Thus would you beguile and deceive all who would follow after you in fear;
being ever hopeful that by words of wrath and anger you might take from man
the thing you would have most dearly.
36 Be you therefore aware and fully knowing, that if man should perish from
the earth to be no more, then would you lose forever the only thing that is made
to fear you or to worship you; and in that day shall there swell within you that
desolation from which there is no escape or pardon.
37 Come then, Jehovah-Yahweh, and to all my words give forth some ready
heed, for this I would make known most surely concerning the mystery and the
greatness of all mankind.
38 For this I tell you truly, that without the presence of man in the world far
beyond, there can be no beauty found; and though all things would continue in
their place, according to their several natures, still would they, of themselves,
possess neither beauty nor grace.
39 And though the creations of the natural world would continue to move and
stir about in the midst of all their lives together, still would there be no mind to
perceive, or heart to conceive most fully, the beauty of all natural things.
40 Thus would you need most fully the presence of man in that world which
lies beyond all beginning; for if by chance man should vanish from the earth
completely, then would you yourself be most diminished.
41 For you, though fierce and mighty in yourself alone, would have not the
mind of man to fear the powers which stir most dreadfully within you; causing
that you should dwell in aloneness throughout the immensity of space, being
bound forever in the vastness of some great vacuum; which would be for you as
no existence at all.
42 Thus have you spoken falsely concerning the beauty of all natural things,
seeing that without the presence of man there can be nothing beautiful or
wondrous, seeing that without mind all things must continue in their aloneness,
having neither meaning nor purpose, but life only.
43 And not this alone, for you have proclaimed aloud the forgiveness of all who
should fear you to follow after; yet in this have you spoken most
presumptuously; for in you is there given no means of familiarity, being unlike
the man in every fashion, being dissimilar in likeness and image altogether.
44 For this I would reveal for your learning; for in the understanding of
another is forgiveness made possible; for except a man understand the frailties
of another, how then shall he forgive, seeing that he has no understanding of the
one who sins?
45 Seeing then that you have no understanding of the ways of men, how then
shall you forgive him? By what means would you know for yourself the nature
and disposition of those dissimilar from yourself?
46 How then will you forgive what you cannot know, or pardon what you
cannot see? Behold, in all these things have you spoken most falsely, causing
that all those who should believe in you most fearfully, should despair
continually because of such forgiveness as you would proffer.
47 Come then, Jehovah-Yahweh, and I will tell you of the only true nature of
every man upon the earth; for it is the disposition of all men to be unnatural in
all his ways; being in himself alone and most separate from the world in which
he lives.
48 For in man is there found that constant pilgrim who travels forever onward
between light and shadows; seeking and gathering to his soul portions great and
small; reaching forth midst all his dreaming to find at last that higher place
where even the Gods alone might dwell.
49 Consider then the ways of man, and be not troubled any longer because of
them. For you know yourself how that all men are brought forth naked, even
from his mother’s womb; yet from his infancy is there placed upon him
clothings and coverings of every kind.
50 Tell me, Jehovah-Yahweh: Is it good that a man should clothe himself? For
in nature was it determined that a man be born altogether naked. Who then did
sin most dreadfully, man or nature?
51 Why then have you sought most harshly the condemnation of all mankind?
For it is in the nature of man to remove such boundaries and limitations as
would impose themselves upon him.
52 For if a river should flood, to make ruin the fruits of all his labor, then will
the man seek some means whereby he might dam it, permitting that he might
control the waters which flood upon the land, to save himself from sorrow.
53 And if there should rise up before the man some mountain which would
impede, then will the man move the mount from out of his way whereby he
might build highways upon the earth; permitting that even all other men might
move about unhindered.
54 And if it so be that a man should dream that he should fly, while nature
dictate that he be bound to the earth even as the beasts of the field, then will
man contrive such means as will enable him to fly most surely, even to the very
55 Thus has man sought most earnestly to remove such limitations as would
hold him bound forever; for there is found in man that certain portion which
has had elsewhere some far more noble birth, even the spirit within, which did
leap forth from the very love of both the Father and the Mother in Heaven.
56 For man is the dreamer which would see through the darkness clearly
plain; touching in his soul those hidden things which would compel that he
create what is uncreated, fashioning from the dreams within, such things as
would draw him closer still to God;
57 Breathing into such timely visions, the breath of his own life; causing that
the fruits of all his dreams should take living form, to walk upon the earth;
touching through the affairs of men, the hidden soul within.
59 For in the ways of man are you most fearful, causing that you should hate
with bitter zeal, the whole of all mankind; for this cause would you bring war
upon the whole of man; hoping therein to retard such progress as man would
make for himself alone.
60 Be you wise therefore, and consider well the ways of man; for there is born
in the heart of man a small but timely seed, even the seed of curiosity filled with
constant wonder; which seed does lie buried deep in the mind of every man and
every woman which live the mortal life.
61 And it is the life which all men live that does tempt the seed to grow; for the
flesh of the body is the earth wherein the seed is firmly planted; and the life of
the body like a river flowing gently onward.
62 And it is this life, though small and passing frail, even it has become to the
seed within even as the wind, and rain and sun above.
63 Thus would man, prompted by the spirit deep within, seek most constantly
to know and understand all things; probing here and seeking there, reaching out
through smiles and tears to lay hold of that which is greater still.
64 For it is the meaning of all things which man does seek most earnestly;
hoping therein to find for himself some greater purpose, reaching forth with
open hands to touch the face of God.
65 For this cause did God send forth unto the earth the shadow of his own
likeness; being ever hopeful that I might give into the hands of men, the greatest
meaning and purpose of all.
66 Thus is there seen in the heart of all men, the beginnings of some endless
wonder; being in their very persons both unique and strangely rare; for by the
very hand of God was man separated from the natural world, whereby he might
seek for himself that endless nature which comes from God alone.”
67 Thus did I speak unto the Demiurge a strong defense for the sake of man;
and when I was completed, Jehovah-Yahweh did move most restlessly round
about; and I did wait most patiently the coming forth of still some further
Chapter 11
1 And Jehovah-Yahweh did think to rebuke me, saying: “Why will you, for a
pretense, speak falsely unto me; proclaiming through soft and luring words that
you are as some great benefactor to all mankind?
2 For it is I alone which gave unto man such means as would keep him safe
from the fullness of my wrath; placing before his eyes the fierceness of my ways,
that perchance I might save him from the judgment to come.
4 Heaping up within his mind all manner of pride continually; boasting with a
willful swagger that he is greatest above all living things, being in both word
and deed the great corrupter and destroyer; against whom I have prepared the
torments of death and hell forever.
5 For I shall bring upon the disobedient a great and fiercesome judgment filled
with weeping and the gnashing of teeth; for the prideful shall I consume in
endless torment, midst scorching flames and searing heat which would burn
and torture the flesh of man for all eternity.
6 And in the midst of all these things shall their tears avail them nothing; and
the agony of their cries shall find for them no relief; for in the day of my wrath
shall there come forth none to save, and all their prayers and constant pleadings
shall fall as dry and withered leaves upon the flames of wrath and fury.
7 Thus in that day shall I seek revenge against my adversaries, even unto the
fourth and fifth generations of them which hate me; and I shall take Lucifer and
all his minions and hold them strongly bound; and these shall I cast into the
flames forever, to dwell midst fallen man in endless torment.
8 By such means would I compel that men should seek safety from the
indignation to come; binding upon the minds of all, a deep and dreadful fear
which would cause many to seek my favor; compelling that men should forsake
their pride altogether and yield themselves in all humility to me;
10 Behold then and consider strongly the ways by which I would make known
to all, the power and fierceness of Jehovah-Yahweh. For what is a god that men
should consider him; or the word of god that men should give obeisance?
12 For words are just a hollow sound filled with emptiness and vain deceit;
and the ways of which evil men would use; being ever hopeful that by some sly
or subtle speech they might cause all men to reach forever beyond themselves;
even until the whole of all mankind be swallowed up in foolish dreaming.
13 Know then that by fear alone are men compelled to worship that which is
greater than themselves; for the fear of god restrains the man from evil, while
power and judgment make weak the strongest of men, causing that they should
bow themselves down before me in all manner of worship and adoration.
14 What then is a god that men should consider him, or the word of god that
men should give obeisance?
15 Hear then and be you wise, cease yourself from such foolish prattling as
would fill the heart with dark delusions; for I will tell you truly the nature of
that god which all men fear most greatly; to break in pieces the soul of man,
crushing through most dreadful threats the will and mind together.
16 For even I am god and beside me there is no other found; neither will I
permit that any should prove my equal; for I alone am the creator and destroyer
of all living things, holding in my awful sway the seeds of wrath and sure
17 Let therefore even every man be guarded round about to obey me always,
and seek not after the ways of another; for there is found in my hand both
judgment and death, which thing no man can by any means escape.
18 Thus for the sake of man did I give forth a multitude of laws and
commandments whereby I might weigh down the pride of man, to save him
from destruction;
19 Being ever hopeful that I might fill the mind of man with servitude and
bondage; that being constrained through endless guilt, he might give obeisance
unto me.
20 For in the religions of man have I set forth that mindless form which would
make most dull and weary the soul of man, to preserve him from such folly as
would make havoc the whole of all his life.
21 By such means would I compel all men to seek after me in fear and
trembling; giving forth to their good all manner of ritual and blind formality;
binding down through the dogmas and precepts of men, the soul within; lest
man think to rise above me, deceiving their own selves.
22 For man is a loathsome and despicable creature, being in his nature both
crass and vulgar, being pushed and goaded by passion and pride into sin and
degradation; being deceived and most constantly led about by foolish dreams
and yearnings, even to his own destruction.
23 Yet from the greatness of my power would I take pity upon the sons of men,
to draw from the midst of them those that would serve me always, being in
themselves ever grateful and filled with delight to escape such torments as I
have prepared for the wicked.
24 Thus would I, by some strong and vengeful nature, deliver man from
judgment and death; establishing for his good such religions as would constrain
a man to seek the favor of my hand through a constant and servile repentance.
25 For even in such scriptures as men would cherish have I placed most
subtly, the shadow of my likeness; causing all who believe therein to tremble
and shake within the soul, to fill them with fear and deep foreboding.
26 These then are the means which would make a god worthy of consideration
and worship; for that which men do fear the most, even this would they seek to
appease through reverence and prayer;
27 That through such sacrifices as they would give forth unto me while in this
life, they might make sure the way of escape in the life to come.
28 For the true nature of man have I well discerned already; for man is
incapable of such freedoms and knowledge as you would give him, being in his
mind petty and filled with pride;
29 Being in his soul unnatural and base, having his affections perverted and
made corrupt by vain imaginings; having in himself neither the means nor the
gratitude to recompense you anything for all your efforts to save.
30 Know therefore and be you wise, for man is a servile creature which needs
some order or strong coercion to compel that he refrain from evil; for man is
unworthy of such uplifting as you would give, seeing that by such means are all
men led into pride and dark ambition.
31 For this cause have I set forth the hand to break in pieces the pride of man
whereby he might be made humble before me; for only the broken heart and
contrite spirit can save a man from judgment and death.
32 Know then that by such powers as I would make hard the lives of men is a
god made worthy of worship and emulation, and by fierceness and wrath are
the words of my mouth given some deep and strangling hold upon the souls of
all who believe in me.
33 How then shall you make less the god which all men fear? By what word of
reason would you hope to set men free of such fears as I have imposed already
upon them?
34 Come and tell me truly: What power shall shake loose from my hand, the
sons of men? For I alone am god, and beside me is there no other found.”
35 So spoke the Demiurge concerning the worship of man in the world far
beyond; and seeing that in the light I was strongly shielded on every side, even I
did step forth into the darkness and gave unto Jehovah-Yahweh a final defense,
36 “Well did your father, even Yaldabaoth, name you; for you alone are truly
the Great Pretender and Blasphemer; before whose dread presence man has
bowed in trembling fear these many years;
37 Being in their souls most anxious to please you; being in their minds both
pushed and prodded by a darkened faith, to inflict upon mankind such crimes
and horrors as did first take flight from you.
38 Know therefore, that in the world of the First Power has there come forth a
great and piercing light which shall make of no effect the fierceness of your
39 For such fearful shadows as you did cast into the minds of all who believe,
has God determined to make small and dwindling; causing that there should
walk among the affairs of men, that very likeness which first gave rise to Lords
many and Gods many in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
40 Thus in the world far beyond shall men be made to fear you less; taking to
their minds and souls such wisdom as even God would place into their keeping;
41 Causing all who most truly believe, to free themselves at last from the very
grip of all your fear and wrath forever; being consoled and refreshed within and
without by such beauty and grace as the light would give.
42 For even now has the time most fully come when darkness must yield to
light; when fear must give way to hope; when war must make way for peace;
when death must yield to life; when sorrow must abandon itself away to make
place for endless joy.
43 And all the hate which men do bear because of you, even this must
surrender before the love which has had its birth deep in the heart of God.
44 Let therefore the nations of the earth rejoice; let now the word go forth
midst joyful expectation; let the children of men rouse themselves as if from
slumber to awaken, to shout from the very rooftops so that even the deaf can
45 For even now has the day leaped forth, even that day when men shall
worship the only true God midst joy and dancing.
46 For in this day shall the hearts of the children be turned again unto God;
and even God, being both Father and Mother to all, even they shall come
quickly forth to make room in the heart of all who believe, a day of hope filled
with glory.
47 And there shall come between God and man no degree of hindrance or
separation; for God shall gently lead his children forth to give both wisdom and
comfort from both their hands.
48 And the sons and daughters of men shall fear no longer the God beyond,
but as loving children both dear and precious, lean themselves most tenderly
upon the bosoms of both the Father and the Mother together, to commune,
themselves, most fully throughout the days of their sojourn upon the earth.
49 Come then, Jehovah-Yahweh, and I will make known to you the love of
God, and the means by which he would have all men to worship him.
50 For in true worship is there found that imitation of eternal things which
would make all holy and filled with wonder the life of every man and every
51 For they which worship God must be even as he is, being filled continually
with love and blessing towards all men;
53 For in the worship of God is there found neither room nor place for such
fears as you would inflict upon the soul within; for true worship is filled at once
with love and constant yearnings; filling the mind with endless dreams dressed
with hopes of every kind;
54 Ever reaching, yet attaining to that which comes from God alone; being
ever moved most fully onward by the spirit within; being ever hopeful to find at
last, its own fulfillment in the heart of God.
55 That reaching at last the heavenly place, the spirit might take to itself a full
measure of increase; to dwell beside the Father and Mother which first gave rise
to all its yearnings;
57 Know therefore that such worship as God would seek from the heart of man
is for the good of man; for God delights in the growth and progress of all his
58 For in God is there found that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother
which would give forth into life such things as would prove beneficial to both
son and daughter alike.
59 Thus have you most greatly erred, Jehovah-Yahweh, concerning the nature
of both God and man; for no man can truly love what he fears, neither can a
man worship what he most inwardly despises.
61 Establishing in the hearts of all who believe, such hate and anger as would
turn the whole of all mankind against their own selves; causing that neighbor
should contend with neighbor; and that nations should rise against nations.
62 By such doctrine and worship have you made unsettled the house of man
upon the earth; to drive into the heart of all men the seeds of war and endless
63 Yet shall God break asunder the fearsome hold of all your ways, for even I
shall go forth to save man from such fears and doubts as you would impose; for
in the true worship of God are there no divisions found;
64 For in God are all men drawn together as one; through tender cords of love
are all men made to dwell peaceably together; having their souls and minds
uplifted by that light which comes from above.
65 And not this only, for God shall establish in the heart of both the man and
the woman a lasting peace filled with joy and hope;
66 For even this truth has God determined, that without the woman can no
man be truly spiritual, and without the man can no woman attain unto glory;
for in God are both brought forth together in harmony, being made most equal
in all the things of God.
67 Let us therefore see for ourselves, the God which men shall choose to
follow: the god of wrath, or the God of love; the god of judgment, or the Father
and Mother which even now would call most tenderly unto them.
68 Let us see by what path the children of men shall choose to walk: the path
of fear and servitude, or the path to endless glory and exaltation.”
69 These then are the words which I spoke unto the Demiurge, and when I
was completed, even he did rush again upon me to destroy.
70 And there passed a great many days when he did fling himself full force
against me, but the light of God which did surround me did not tremble or
falter, but shielded me full well against the fearsome raging of Jehovah-
71 And when it was determined that he could by no means lay hold of me, even
then did the Demiurge wail in a piercing sound, causing the whole world to
shake and tremble beneath my feet.
72 And in an instant he did cast himself away, and I, alone, was left to stand in
the halls of endless night.
Chapter 12
1 Thus was I made to stand in the midst of darkness and gloomy shadows; yet
was I not fearful, for all my hope did I place deep in the heart of Heaven’s glory;
being in my soul most confident that by such trust would even God come forth
to rescue in the moment of great need.
2 For this I would have you know for all your good, that faith is the mother of
trust and hope together; and if it so be that you have no faith, then by what
means would you trust in God; and if you are unable to trust in him, then are
you empty of hope altogether, being in your soul most sorrowful and filled with
3 And so I waited patiently the will of both the Father and the Mother in the
realm of endless night; and as I tarried there, I beheld the coming forth of many
angels, both great and small; whose very light seemed dim and strangely pale,
and whose countenance was heavy with constant longings.
4 And there came out from the midst of them, one which was greater than
them all; and he did approach near unto me and with a strange and haunting
look spoke unto me, saying:
5 “Who are you that you should make defeated the power of the Demiurge?
For even I, being Shaemdiel, could barely hold at bay the fearsome wrath of
Jehovah-Yahweh; yet could I by no means undo the fierceness of his anger, or
beat back down the harshness of his intent regarding the children of men.
6 For it is most apparent that you are only some mortal man, small and frail
beside. How came you then to this frightful place where even I am held most
strongly bound?
7 By what power could you turn aside the dreadful dominions of Jehovah-
Yahweh, to make as nothing the whole of all his terror and might? For even we
were made witnesses of his great struggle against you.
8 Tell us therefore: Who are you that we might know you? Speak to us of those
powers which would cause even this mortal man to be greater and more to be
feared than even all my might.”
9 Such were the words of the Fallen One, and there waited with him for the
hearing of my word, even all which followed after him in that distant long ago
when all of Heaven, in all its kingdoms was made to weep because of pride and
10 And being resolved to speak most boldly unto Shaemdiel, I did stretch out
my hand unto him to open, and there did leap out from the palm thereof, the
very oracles of God, which as many piercing and burning lights did shine forth
into the darkness.
11 And all they which were fallen did gasp in wonder at the beauty and glory
which did spring up out of the soul of me; and I spoke most tenderly unto them,
12 “By such living oracles was I able to withstand, most calmly, the evil and
harshness of Jehovah-Yahweh; for I knew with sureness of mind that goodness
is greater than evil, that love is stronger than hate, and that the wisdom of
heavenly things more preferred than knowledge only.
13 All these things have I found in the soul of that God which first called out to
me in the very beginning. How then shall I fear the dread dominions of the
Demiurge, seeing that God is made to dwell within and without the whole of
14 For though I appear to you as some mortal man, yet in the beginning,
before the turning of endless ages, even I did dwell in the bosom of eternity,
being made Prince and Guardian of the Seven Steps, Protector of the Keep.
15 Behold, I am Azrael Ahgendai, even that very Likeness which drew away
Yaldabaoth, whereby I might take him far from the kingdoms of the greater
Light; to dwell himself midst all his might in this creation which lies beyond all
16 Such were the words which I did speak unto Shaemdiel the Fallen, and all
which heard grew deeply troubled; and Shaemdiel, looking most intently upon
me, did step nearer unto me, saying:
17 “Tell me Azrael, have you come to withstand me also? Have you come to
war against me and against those which did follow after me? For I know that if
you should elect, even I shall be unable to stand against you.
18 For even though you should appear as small and frail in this mortal form,
yet have I no means to bring against you any harm; seeing that in you is there
caused to move and stir about even all the powers of every God and every
Goddess in the kingdoms of the greater Light.
19 And if it so be that you would make war against the Fallen, then strike you
hard against Shaemdiel only and spare these which did follow after me; for the
greater sin have I, alone, committed against the heavenly hosts.
20 For even though I be fallen and in the darkness strongly bound, yet do I
still love the children which followed after me most tenderly, having in my
bosom a father’s affection and deep regard.”
21 And Shaemdiel, saying these things, did wait patiently the coming of my
reply; being in his soul and countenance most resolved to battle for the sake of
all those which had followed after him into the darkness.
22 And in a voice made soft and tender, I spoke again unto him, saying: “My
Son, I came not to condemn, but to heal. I came not to judge but to redeem and
make whole again even every man and every woman who would seek for
themselves the heavenly place; to restore even all which are fallen to their
former glory.
23 Fear not, therefore, the coming forth of Azrael, for in my soul am I filled
with mercy and pardon; seeking through most wise and subtle means, to make
new again the hope of glory filled with promise.
24 For the fullness of my intent is to restore again the joy of heavenly things,
to make as whole, the breech which has even now made separated, those which
are at variance with God.”
25 Now Shaemdiel, when he heard these things grew still and quiet; and
raising his hands to cover his face, he did bow his head upon his bosom; and
from the very soul of him, even so great a one as he did weep, saying:
26 “Can it be that you know not fully who I am and the great sin which caused
that I be cast out from Heaven’s glory? For I am he which did make war against
the Father and Mother of my own soul;
28 For in my mind was I filled with pride and haughty bearing, being in my
soul most strongly driven by some heated envy; for even I did think to force all
Heaven to bend their will unto me, whereby I might change forever Hodos Alea.
29 Yet in the coming of Ahman and the Seraphim with him was I made
defeated on the plains of Kuristan; and to this dreadful place was I cast away
30 And notwithstanding all these things, even in my exile would I not repent,
but strived through every means to prove the rightness of my way upon that
world from which you came.
31 But now have the ages rolled constantly onward, and in that distant world
have the dispensations of God taken firm hold, to make as nothing the whole of
my designs forever.
33 For once in that distant long ago was I made most beautiful and fair;
dwelling richly in the splendor of that endless love which did soothe the soul of
me through joy and gentle laughter; being dressed round about in glory and
34 But look you now upon me and see that I am nothing. Go therefore away
from me, for I am unworthy of such goodness as God would give unto me; for I
have made desolate the very soul of me, being filled with sin and having no
35 Yet wait you still this little while and consider, for if you would give to me a
greater kindness, then redeem these my children which did follow after me for
love’s sake, and restore them to their former glory; then shall I bear most nobly
and well, the darkness which weighs so heavily upon me.
36 Concern not yourself therefore, for my sake, for this also do I know full
well; that the Demiurge will never let me go; for in his darkness am I most
strongly bound, and you can by no means make ransom for me.
37 Take therefore my children and get you hence unto God, flee you far away
and look not back; for I can bear no longer the sorrow which I did cause to fall
upon the whole of all my house.”
38 And saying these things, Shaemdiel wept. And there gathered round about
him all those which were fallen and sorely pressed; and even they did reach
forth to comfort him.
39 And being moved with tenderness by all which I saw, I did reach forth my
hand unto Shaemdiel to touch him; and I spoke, saying: “Why will you weep
Shaemdiel? Is there a sin greater in power than the love of God?
40 Come Shaemdiel and let us reason well together: What sin shall hide you
from a Father’s love, as with a covering, that God should not seek to find you
again whereby he might restore you to the heavenly place?
41 Look you forth therefore into the heart of me and see you clearly the soul of
that one which has even now come forth to save you; to make release the souls
of all which fell into that darkness which even now would hold you strongly
42 But still would I, through gentle strivings, break in pieces the sins of ages
past whereby I might make whole and renewed forever the heart and soul of
Shaemdiel; to restore you fully to that greater kingdom from which you came.
43 For even now have the Father and Mother determined with strong resolve
that you should rest again beside your own Beloved Rutheniel forever and ever;
to feel in the soul of you that love which never perishes or fades away.
44 Yet for all these things which I would do, still am I but the man you see;
who, yearning most constantly for the God within and beyond, am mortal still,
being touched and tainted by sin and folly in that world from which I come.
45 Shall I therefore, withhold my hand from seeking the good because of sin?
Should I refrain my hand from reaching forth to that greater portion because of
those who think me unworthy and undeserving?
46 Come Shaemdiel and tell me plainly: Who is worthy to touch the soul of
God? Unto what man shall God apportion a knowledge of heavenly things?
47 Hear then Shaemdiel, and I will answer; for if a man desire most earnestly
to attain unto the things of God for the sake of goodness only, then shall the
dreams and longings of his heart prove him most worthy to obtain,
notwithstanding a multitude of sin and folly.
48 Know therefore, that if a man should love, even as God loves, then does
there descend upon him a wealth of pardon and release, making all pure within,
the whole man without.
49 For if any man should strive daily to imitate the holiness of God,
notwithstanding his own boundaries and limitations, then shall he become even
as God is, being holy and most tenderhearted towards all who sin and fall short
of the glory of God.
50 Look not therefore overmuch at such sins and transgressions as would hold
you bound today, for the sins of yesterday are become as strange and dimming
shadows which would call out to imprison you in doubt and fear; causing that
you should feel unworthy in attaining unto God.
51 Listen not therefore to such strange and distant shadows as do move and
stir about in the midst of all your yesterdays; but turn you loose from the soul
within such feelings as would retard your steps in reaching forth unto God.
52 Reach therefore into the soul of you, Shaemdiel, and see if there be found
any love therein; and if there be some love in you, then is it certain that even
you can be redeemed and restored again unto life and joy in the kingdoms of
the greater Light.
54 These are the words which I spoke unto the Fallen; and Shaemdiel spoke
unto me, saying: “Behold, Azrael, how all my sins have made me blind, that I
can see no good thing in me worthy of redemption.”
55 And hearing this, I did step back from all those which fell; and drawing
forth an oracle, beautiful and rare, I spoke unto the Fallen, saying: “If you be
truly blind Shaemdiel, then there is one who can help you see, to find the
goodness for which you seek.”
56 And saying these things, I cast the oracle into the airs above, and in an
instant there was a bright and piercing light which did descend before the very
57 And there appeared within the light a shimmering veil which did open, and
stepping out from the midst thereof came fair Rutheniel, even the very Beloved
of Shaemdiel.
58 In that moment did the Fallen One leap with joy at the sight of her; and
rushing forth he did gather her tightly into his arms and with kisses and gentle
sighings he did gather his own Beloved, to hold her to his soul midst great
59 Then did all they which fell from Heaven’s glory shout for joy at the coming
together of Father and Mother at last; leaping and rejoicing midst tears and
songs at the coming of Rutheniel unto them.
60 And she, seeing that I was standing near, even she did speak unto me,
saying: “From my soul, fair Azrael, I give forth all my gratitude forever.
61 Surely you are the great and mighty one before whose presence all sin is
made to vanish away, being of no effect; for by your words is Heaven restored
again to every man and every woman.”
63 And in an instant was I carried to a high mountain which did overlook the
Wilderness of Sin in the regions of the Sinai;
64 And there came to me the greatest of all the Heavenly Mothers, even Areta,
from whose bosom all life was made to come; and gazing most tenderly upon
me she spoke, saying:
65 “Come Azrael and tell me plainly; speak to me the desires of your heart and
all which you ask, even this will I grant unto you.
66 Ask therefore, and it shall be given, seek and you shall find even that
hidden wisdom which no man knows, or has entered into the mind of any man
from the beginning of the world.”
67 And taking heart I spoke forth all my soul unto her, saying: “Gracious
Mother, tell me of this world on which I stand, and of that One from whose
bosom all Heaven is made to come forth eternally in endless light and glory.
68 Reveal to me the ancient story and I will hear most faithfully; speak to me
that greater mystery of God and how he came to be; for even I would make
known to man the greatest mystery of all.”
69 And Areta, reaching forth her hand, stood me upon a pavement of deepest
blue, and she spoke unto me, saying: “Come then Azrael, and I will make known
to you even all my heart.
70 Walk with me upon the way and I shall give into your keeping the greatest
story of all; being in its several parts most glorious and true; filled with endless
hope and promise; making rich and joyful the lives of all those who shall believe
in it to do.”
71 And taking her by the hand, I did walk with her into that place which lies
beyond all things ancient; to know for myself the beginning of all things great
and small.
Chapter 1
1 There is a mystery greater than every other, a wonder and a marvel which no
man has ever before comprehended, neither have the learned perceived it.
2 For those men of authority who would speak vainly the name of God, do not
know him; being filled with pretenses and empty words, being puffed up and
ever prideful of such imaginings as do creep upon them unawares.
3 Yet shall I make known to you the hidden mysteries of God, being ever
hopeful that by such a knowledge as I would give into your keeping might you,
of yourselves, seek most earnestly to imitate the Father and Mother of all your
4 For there are many which have heard already the seed of this greater
mystery; believing with all their heart that as Man is, God once was; and as God
is, Man might become.
5 Yet are they without understanding regarding this thing; being made blind
and confused by those men which are set to rule over them in the churches.
6 Come then, my children, and open wide the doors of your heart; and I will
reveal in you the beginnings of that One from which all of Heaven is made to
leap forth.
7 For even I shall reach into that distant past, before the dawn of every
beginning. I shall write of things long forgotten through the veils of endless
8 I will call forth the beginnings of all things holy and eternal; I will make
most fully known the birth of God and the foundations of Hodos Alea, even the
pathways of eternal progression and exaltation shall I set before the eye,
whereby you might know them.
9 For even now would I reveal a mystery within a mystery, being the greatest
of all; being bound and determined by the laws of time and space, being hid in
common view, and concealed within the tabernacle of my flesh;
10 That being made to appear in the likeness of all other men, I might hide up
the things of God; revealing by careful measure the mysteries from above;
11 Drawing forth from all my treasury, here a little, there a little, line placed on
line and precept built on precept; that by such a means I might keep sacred the
knowledge which leads unto God.
12 This truth then will I set forth in the heart and mind together; for all things
eternal, both in God and Heaven found, even these things do exist because of
me; and without me are all things holy vanished away to be no more.
13 Come then with true intent and even I shall give birth in you of a far more
greater hope than you, of yourself, can ever dream.
14 For the dawn of God’s beginning would I make real in the very soul of you;
that by such a knowledge as I might give, there might arise from afar, that
bright and distant star which would lead you home again; being blessed within
and without by glory and exaltation forever.
15 Only be you wise regarding such things as I would make known herein; for
there are many who, for religion’s sake, would make mock the things of God;
16 To cast into the mire of endless contention, the light which dwells within;
whereby they might make ridicule the things which you most love, to bind you
in a darkness of their own making, forever and anon.
17 For God is greater than the smallness of men, being greater than all your
dreams and expectations together; and the wonders and glories of Heaven far
beyond the imaginings and philosophies of every man and every woman.
18 Open wide then the doors of your heart, that you might understand in the
mind and feel in the soul the stirrings of some eternal thing; that you may
receive in the very midst of you the likeness of God, wherein you might abide
forever; to dwell in peace and joy within the starry bosom of both the Heavenly
Father and the Heavenly Mother together.
19 Now in the beginning did there exist neither God nor Goddess; for in the
vastness of the cosmos was there found but darkness and emptiness only.
20 But there existed within the vastness, a power which moved and brooded
in the greatness of the Deep, being in itself masculine in force and presence;
being called Eidos, the uncreated and unbounded; even the mindless creator
and thoughtless purposer of all things created and uncreated.
21 For all matter does spring forth out of the midst of the Eidos itself, having
neither shape nor form; being pushed and moved about by such chaos as did
stir within the depths of the Eidos.
22 Yet did there dwell in the midst of Eidos, that which lay unseen, being of
itself the mystery unknown yet always present; being in herself both mind and
power, even the Mother of Life.
23 Being hidden up and unperceived within the Deep; desiring most fully to
bring forth order out of chaos, and light out of darkness; seeking for herself
some greater purpose filled with meaning.
24 Thus did the Mystery move most subtly within the midst of the Eidos,
being called of herself Areta; and peering out into the Deep, she spoke to
herself, saying: “Here is matter unorganized, being empty of life, having neither
light nor purpose.”
25 And in the bosom of the Eidos did Areta stir most cleverly, causing that the
Eidos should gather from out of the regions of endless space, the sum of all
uncreated matter; even until there should be gathered into one place, a cosmic
egg of great size and shape.
26 Yet was the cosmic egg empty and void within itself; and Areta perceiving
these things spoke again to herself, saying:
27 “I shall cast myself away from the midst of Eidos, to be separate and apart
from him forever; and I shall dwell alone in the bosom of the egg whereby I
might give life and purpose to the matter unorganized.”
28 Thus did Areta reason, and taking thought she cast herself into the cosmic
egg wherein she might dwell; yet was the Eidos unaware of either her presence
or her absence, being unable by any means to perceive the Mystery within the
midst of him.
29 And so, Areta did dwell in the midst of all the matter which was gathered
together; causing that there should be created in the heart thereof, a great and
swelling heat; which heat did draw out from the matter unformed, all manner
of gasses and energies which did swell and seethe and stir about;
30 Causing that the cosmic egg should be consumed by such heat and energies
as the Areta did create. And in the time appointed Areta gazed into the
blackness of the Deep, and with great power did she cry out, saying: “Let there
be light!”
31 And there did burst most suddenly forth, all the matter unformed, being
imbued with gasses and energies of every kind; and the matter did move out in
every direction with a mighty rush, to fill the void of the great Deep; to lay most
securely the foundations of the cosmos which you see.
32 Thus did there begin the birth of forever; for in the bursting forth of the
cosmic egg, were there also released the five powers of creation; which powers
are the movements of time and space, electromagnetism, gravity, strong force
and weak force.
33 And as the matter moved out into the deepness of the Void, time and space
did equally move, and all the powers also, causing that there should exist the
wonders, and mysteries, and galaxies of the cosmos; being filled with stars and
planets and moons, each to move round about the other.
34 Yet were the new creations without life, and Areta, reaching into the very
soul of her, did cast from her bosom the seeds of life and the laws of evolution;
35 For Areta desired to bring forth the beginning of some mind, like unto her
own, whereby she might no longer be alone;
36 Desiring for herself a greater fulfillment than she had before known;
hoping with all her soul, the coming forth of some companion whereby she
might attain unto Oneness.
37 For in the aloneness of another is there found but aloneness only; but in the
coming together of two souls in harmony and joy is Oneness made possible;
causing that each being both separate and together, might embrace to their
souls a hope and a glory greater than any other.
38 And if it so be that there should exist a constant and joyful communion
between the souls of a man and a woman, then is there made to be that certain
and inseparable union which death, as well as every other power, dominion or
principality is powerless to break apart.
39 But which union must continue in Oneness, to dwell in joy and love and
peace forever; to grow from glory to glory, to add in wonder, one exaltation
upon another, even worlds without end.
40 This then was the innermost desire of Areta; which thing caused that she
should send out from the heart and soul of her, the seeds of life and the laws of
evolution unto this world whereupon you stand and move about.
41 That by such a means she might bring order out from the midst of chaos,
and light from out of the heart of darkness; to give forth an abundance of life
within the womb of the great Deep.
43 Thus in this world did there appear the oceans and the seas; and there
came from out of the midst of Areta, a comet filled with life; which comet did
strike deep into the waters of the earth.
44 And Areta commanded from out of the Deep, saying: “Let there be life!”
And there began to take shape the beginnings of all life; and there was added
unto this the movements of time; and in the rolling forth of the ages did the
lesser life give way to the greater life.
46 For through the process of evolution did all life seek some greater end;
while those which proved themselves unable to continue, even these did pass
away to be no more.
47 And Areta, seeing all these things did rejoice within her soul; for all which
she saw was good and pleasing to the eye; and she exclaimed in joy, saying:
48 “It has begun, this life in the midst of the Deep. Now shall I call out from
the measurable, the immeasurable; I shall draw out from the bounded, that
which is boundless and eternal.
49 For I shall most carefully woo the life which I have created, to take it from
that which is less to that which is greater; that, perchance, I might bring forth
some mind like unto my own; and in that day shall I seal him up, to be as One
with me forever.”
50 Thus in the world did there evolve the children of men; being most cunning
and smart above all other creatures; possessing in themselves a brutal
cleverness which caused that man should subdue the whole earth unto
51 Making subject unto their will the creatures which moved upon the face of
the land, and the birds which flew in the airs above, and the fish which swam
about; bending through cruel and forceful means all living things.
52 Yet for all the cleverness of man; despite the genius of their thought, or the
ingenuity of their ways, still were they unable to see beyond themselves; for
they were born without any spirit to guide them, or any soul which would lead
them out of darkness.
53 Being brought forth into their life both separate and alone; for in the first
days of yonder world was there neither God nor Goddess, but man only;
possessing in themselves no concept of good or evil; neither understood they
right from wrong.
54 For they sought only the solace of power and dominion, whereby they
might achieve some greater gain for themselves; to make subject unto the man
of power, every other man whereby they might rule harshly over them.
Chapter 2
1 Thus, my children, did there exist in that far and distant beginning, the very
world from which all things glorious and eternal are made to come; for there
did arise out of the darkness of yonder world, the dawn of God’s beginning.
2 Be you wise therefore regarding such things as you shall find herein; for
even I would make known to you a tale of fearsome shadows filled with death
and terror; and of that light which did go quietly forth into the darkness, to give
hope in place of despair, and joy in place of fear, and life in place of death.
3 Now in the world of the First Power were all things in a constant state of war
and death; for swift destruction did loom most constantly over every city upon
the earth; and unceasing fear did cause that every man should seek some refuge
in strength and cunning deceit.
4 Thus in every nation and people were all the affairs of men fashioned in
military order; causing that men should rule harshly over all those which were
weaker than themselves, to make war upon every living thing.
5 For in that day did the empires of the strong make war against every nation
and people; causing that men should fight most violently against every other
man; and that every man should struggle harshly against the very elements of
the earth.
6 Spilling out upon the land, and in the seas, and throughout the airs above,
the vial of all their many corruptions; and the whole earth lay polluted, and
there arose within the nostril a horrible stench filled with sickness.
7 And not this only, but throughout the many lands and nations of the empire
was every city and every town made most heavily fortified, being commanded
and ruled over by men under arms; and there were mounted upon the walls
great and mighty guns which spoke with violent fury.
8 By such means were the cities of man turned into armed and deadly camps;
and all those which lived within the cities, or near unto them, even they were
made the chattel of the Emperor which ruled over all things.
9 Causing that all lands and properties, all wealth and prosperity, even every
man and every woman, and even children also, even all these things were
owned by the Emperor which ruled.
10 Insuring that unto the Emperor and the state was there given an absolute
power and a certain control in the life and doings of all his subjects.
11 And in those days was every man and woman made to fear and tremble
before the whims of the strongest man; being motivated and pushed about by
constant terror; causing that they should seek for themselves some harbor of
safety through means of power and privilege.
12 For this cause did it come about that in the affairs of men was the Emperor
made chief and foremost of all who ruled; and after the Emperor did the state
take place; to carry out, after its fashion, the orders and decrees of the Emperor.
13 But after the Emperor and the state did the kings of the nations rule within
the borders of their domain; yet did even the kings of the earth give fearful
obeisance unto the Emperor; for in his presence were all men of power made to
fear and shake with dreadful tremblings.
14 Thus in the world of First Man was there caused to exist a caste system of
privilege and power. For unto the nobility was there given command of all
armed forces; being made generals and admirals and officers of military
command; owing the whole of all their allegiance to the Emperor only.
15 And after the nobility did the most common of soldiers swagger upon the
land; being themselves drawn from the lower classes; and after the soldier of
war was there given privilege to all those who worked in the technical fields of
war and science.
16 And even unto the least of men was there given still a lesser privilege, being
themselves but men of low esteem, being the workers and slaves of factories
and farms, being viewed by men of power as common and of little worth.
17 Yet in the affairs of man was there no place for the woman found, except
that they should relieve the man of all his sexual passions; being constantly
pressed upon by such brutal cravings as all men were subject to.
18 For in the world of the First Power were all women upon the earth made
the slaves and property of men; being in themselves the mere places where a
man might spill forth even all his seed; to exhaust himself of all his lustful
appetites with all manner of wild and cruel abandon.
19 Thus were women most constantly plundered by the powers and privileges
of men; for unto the woman was there given neither privilege nor honor; for
even every woman, if she desired to live, was made to please most slavishly the
whims of the man which ruled harshly over her.
20 For in the days of man were all women taken away in their youth to the
House of Blood and Fire; being but seven years of age, and most forcibly
circumcised, having their clitoris cut away and the wound seared with a hot
21 For in the war societies of men was it determined that no woman should
know the joys and pleasures of sexual congress, lest she assume some power
over the man.
22 And not this only, for it was not permitted that any woman should have a
name, but were given numbers only, according to that house wherein she was
made to serve.
23 Neither was it permitted the wearing of clothes, causing that they should
walk about naked and exposed; being made subject to the elements which raged
fiercely beyond the walls of the house.
25 And so, by the harshness of man, was the woman made distrustful of all
other women; turning the heart of the woman against all else; even to the
loathing of her own offspring.
26 Seeking through the pleasuring of the man which ruled over her, the
smallest advantage whereby she might attain for herself enough to eat, and a
dry, warm place to sleep.
27 Now in the world of men was there made to move through the affairs of all,
a constant madness filled with fear and death; for man was given to the
devouring of all which were weaker than themselves.
28 To consume in the belly, the flesh of such men and women as fell subject to
death and the law; which thing caused that even the strongest of men should
prove most mean and cruel; to drink the blood of children whereby they might
take captive the youth of their flesh.
29 For even the flesh of birds and beasts were mixed with that of human flesh;
for all men prized most highly the flesh of other men, whereby they might hold
captive in themselves, the power and life of the man which they consumed.
30 And unto all the soldiers, great and small, was there given blood to drink,
being mixed together with beer or rum; for it was believed that the life of the
body was in the blood; while in the flesh of man was all power made manifest.
31 Such were the traditions and attitudes which gave shape and form to the
ways of men; being harsh and cruel; inflicting upon all who lived a terror which
did make weary the life of every man and woman; to fill the minds of all with
nightmares filled with darkness and death.
32 Now in the world of First Man were there only three great empires upon
the earth, which empires did rule over every nation and every people;
demanding of all men the most servile obedience; placing upon the shoulders of
all, a duty and obligation both heavy and severe.
33 Thus, of the empires which ruled, was the Empire of the Chen made first to
be established; being bordered by the Ural mountains to the west and
possessing the lands of Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, China and Japan in the east;
to the lands of India, Southeast Asia, and Australia to the south; as well as all
the islands of Malaysia and the Philippines also.
34 Having under arms some twenty-four million men; possessing armies and
navies and air forces which did enforce the whims of the Emperor and all his
35 But there bordered the Empire of the Chen, the Empire of Rome; having
mighty armies which did fight constantly upon the borders of the land; causing
that the Empire of Rome should strive continually against the hordes of the
Chen; being in a state of war for a thousand years.
36 And Rome sat as a fearsome beast upon the land, having under its rule all
of Europe and Scandinavia, as well as all the lands which bordered the waters of
the Mediterranean, even all the way to the Indus River to the east; and there
was added unto this all the lands of Africa and Madagascar.
37 And there were under arms a host of eighteen million men, possessing
armies and navies, and air forces which did enforce the laws and decrees of the
Emperor, and all those which served him as kings and Caesars.
38 But of the empires which dwelt upon the earth, there was none so great and
fearsome as the Empire of Drakonia; which empire embraced by force even all
the lands which lay between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
39 Which lands included all of North America and Greenland, South America
and Antarctica; and not these only, but also the islands of the Pacific, even to
New Zealand.
40 Yet even unto this mighty empire was there given an even greater marvel
than all other things; for Drakonia had even laid claim to all the moon;
establishing upon its surface a great many factories and colonies, which brought
forth a great many riches and wonders unto the empire.
41 Now the Empire of Drakonia kept some twelve million men under arms;
possessing for itself the smallest of armies, but possessing great and mighty
navies and air forces which did establish through swift destruction, the will of
the Emperor and such kings and Caesars as did serve at his pleasure.
42 Such was the power of Drakonia, that even all of Rome and even the Chen
also, did conspire continually against it; striking here, pushing there; trying
with utmost zeal to seek some means whereby they might seize for themselves a
portion of its power.
43 But in the great fortress city of Trajenium did Maximillius Drakonus rule;
being the forty-second Emperor of all Drakonia; being made most constantly
aware of such conspiracies as Rome and the Chen would devise against him.
44 Being in himself most powerful and cunning in all matters of state and war;
having within his court some fourteen advisors and councilors which did keep
the Emperor ever mindful of such events as moved within the domains of all the
realm, or which lurked, most secretly, within the halls of distant powers.
45 Now there dwelt within the borders of Drakonia, the fifty-one nations of
the empire; and over each nation did there rule a king, which king did inherit
the throne of his power from the father before him; yet did all the kings serve at
the pleasure of the Emperor.
46 And there was given to rule over the nations and their kings, the five
Caesars of the empire; and unto each Caesar was there given ten nations.
47 And even as the kings beneath them, so was it with the Caesars; for each
did receive his place and honor from the father which went before him; yet did
the Caesars likewise serve at the pleasure of the Emperor.
48 Thus, unto the Caesars was there given command of such armies and
navies and air forces as did dwell within the borders of their province; whereby
they might spy continually against all those which dwelt within the borders of
their power.
49 Yet unto the kings was there given rule over the secret police, whereby they
might spy continually against all those which dwelt within the borders of their
50 But notwithstanding the power and authority of kings and Caesars, still did
every man owe firm allegiance to the Emperor only; causing that there should
exist in the courts of both kings and Caesars, a house filled with intrigue and
51 Now in the capital of Trajenium did there gather in the House of War, the
greatest of the generals and admirals which held command over all the armed
forces of the empire; and there sat in power over them, a man called Seti-Kahn,
being appointed by the Emperor, the Supreme Commander over all military
Chapter 3
1 From the womb of all her creations did Areta move most subtly; stirring
from the midst of all her dreaming to gaze upon the world of man; seeking for
the good of all, the promise of something greater.
2 Yet in the ways of men did Areta grieve in the soul; for man, of himself,
could not break asunder the chains of war and death; for all men, following the
ways of men, were made strong and violent; seeking always for themselves
some greater power whereby they might subdue all other things.
3 But in the women of the earth did Areta perceive the deliverance of all
mankind; to lead the nations of man from that life which was base and filled
with death, to that which was greater still, being delightful and filled with
4 For man, of himself, could not save himself, being brutish and cruel; being
filled with all manner of bestiality and corruption; being made in their flesh
hard and unyielding; having no soul within the heart to lead them.
5 But in the women of the earth did Areta see most clearly the birthseed of
man’s salvation; for though the woman, in her several parts, prove but soft and
yielding, still did she bear in both form and movement, a fullness of grace and
6 For you know yourselves that water, being soft and yielding in itself, still
does it wear away the hardest stone; and the wind, though it move about
unseen upon the earth, still would it break in pieces the mightiest of trees; or
cause to wear away the mountains which stand most firmly.
7 For through the movements of time will even that which is soft and pliable
wear away that which is hard and unyielding; for the softest winds do move
forever; while the mountains, being bound most firmly in space and time, will
not forever stand.
8 Thus in the grace and beauty of the woman is the eternal most surely found;
but in the ways of brutish man is there found the bindings of space and time;
which space and time do cause that all things mortal should pass away, while
grace and beauty must continue forever on.
9 For this cause did Areta seek the uplifting of even every woman upon the
earth, whereby she might rise above the harshness of man.
10 To guide even the whole of all mankind, through soft words and tender
touches, to that glory which lay unseen by the eye, but was in the woman most
gently felt.
11 So Areta went forth unto the world of man, to drift alone upon the breeze;
and wherever she did come upon some woman, even Areta would speak from
the wind most softly unto her.
12 Yet could the woman not discern the presence of that gentle light which
would shine upon the heart of her; for in the very midst of the woman did there
dwell that constant fear which made all the world most dark and hurtful.
13 But still would Areta not relent, going forth unto a multitude of women;
speaking softly into the heart of things made bright and hopeful; yet could none
which heard perceive with clearness the whole of Areta’s intent.
14 For this cause did Areta reason within herself, saying: “The harshness of
man has made the woman anxious and most desperate; causing the woman to
be overcome with fearful trepidation.
15 Thus shall I put forth some greater means, whereby the woman might both
see and hear such words as I would speak into the heart.
16 Perceiving through such dreams as I would send unto them, a hope and
promise which would lead them unto me; whereby I might save them from all
their terror, to fill them with joy and peace forever.”
17 Such were the words which Areta spoke. Yet for all her deep desiring, even
in this did those which dream prove unable; having in themselves no means to
perceive the hope of their own deliverance.
18 For such dreams as did intrude most gently upon the minds of women,
were but swallowed up in the terrors of the night; to be broken up in fragments
midst fear and dread, to lie unremembered and unknown.
19 Then spoke Areta in most gentle musings: “The women of the earth are
unable to see, neither can they hear such words as I would send unto them; for
fear and death have stopped the ear and made blind the eye that they should
prove unable to perceive such hope as I would place in the heart.
20 For this cause shall I go forth unto mankind, whereby I might save them
from all their folly; to take upon myself the form of a woman, whereby I might
partake of all their suffering, that I might most fully know them.
21 And from the heart thereof shall I guide most carefully and wisely that hope
which I shall cause to dwell among all men; for even I shall cast forth that seed
which shall prove greater than all other men; to lay most discreetly the
foundations of life and joy together; being made wiser than the cunning designs
of all other men.
22 Thus shall I cause to come from my womb, a son which will bend, most
subtly, the harshness of men; whereby I might lift up the heart of every woman,
to build in them the hope of man’s salvation.
23 Ever building, ever adding; here a little, there a little; precept built on
precept, line placed on line; adding by small degrees the foundations of
something greater still; laying by careful measure the beginnings of forever.
24 For this cause shall I go down unto the world of men; that mingling my life
in the midst of all, I might make sure a more firm foundation, whereby all
might be enlivened by such light as I would place in the heart of man.
25 By such subtle means would I set forth the salvation of all mankind; that
having clothed myself in the tabernacle of the woman, I might rescue even
every man and every woman from fear and death.
26 That living as a woman in the midst of women, I might make certain the
paths of peace, whereby the whole world might be healed of war and sickness.
27 Thus through the passing of the generations shall the seeds of peace be
firmly planted; going always from lesser to greater; moving and pressing
onward even until the nations of man are made to live in hope and joy forever.
28 And in that day, when the heart of man is changed forever, then shall I
draw from the midst of yonder world, that greater mind which shall prove itself
the equal to mine; and I will, in Oneness forever dwell, to bring forth from my
womb a new Heaven and a new earth.”
29 Such were the words which Areta whispered into the soul of her; being
determined with firm resolve to hold in full abeyance the sum of all her powers,
by which she might walk unhindered through the affairs of men; being made in
the likeness of women.
30 And so, Areta did go forth unto the earth. And in a place made separate
and alone did she call into existence a tabernacle of most common beauty; and
taking a portion of her soul, she did go forth to dwell therein.
31 And entering into the flesh of the woman, Areta did laugh and sing and
dance; being made joyful and alive through the senses of the body; being filled
through all her soul with wonder and joy exceeding; and Areta exclaimed aloud,
32 “How marvelous and filled with wonder is the tabernacle of the woman; for
I am filled to overflowing with rich emotion; for the body, being compact, is
united throughout by the senses of the flesh, causing that I should see and smell
and taste and hear and touch even all the world around me.
33 For in this small but wondrous frame am I now most easily perceived and
located; having in so small a space a completeness filled with endless
possibilities; being able to feel through the limitations of the flesh, even that
which lies eternal and unbounded by space and time.
34 And even though the flesh of this body prove frail and delicate, still would
it yearn to reach beyond the limitations and boundaries of the self; seeking
beyond the things which are seen to that which lies unseen and far beyond the
senses of the flesh.
35 Oh what wondrous delights the flesh does bring, causing that there should
sing midst tender sighs and deeper longings, the song of all my soul’s desiring.
36 Causing that I should feel through warm touches and softest musings, the
glories of the tabernacle and spirit together; being together fused and strongly
bound through dreams and gentle breath.”
37 Such were the words which Areta spoke, and taking firm hold of all her
many powers, she did open a doorway through space and time; for she desired
to go unhindered to the gardens and palaces of Seti-Kahn.
38 And stepping through, she entered a garden which lay within the walls of
the palace; and reaching behind her, she did close the portal through which she
came; and with a sigh did surrender all her powers until she should call them
forth again.
39 For Areta was determined and fully resolved to know most fully the life of
every woman upon the earth, being made to appear as weak and frail before the
might of men.
40 Now as Areta moved through the garden, there came suddenly upon her a
guard of the Praetorium; and he did seize her by the hair and spoke most hotly
unto her, saying: “How came you beyond the walls of the house? By what
means did you slip beyond the place of women?”
41 And when Areta answered not, the guard did strike her full in the face;
causing that she should stand before him midst deep and terrible trembling.
42 And the guard, looking upon her with loathing and contempt, beheld in her
flesh neither scars nor bruising; neither saw he the sign of Seti-Kahn’s house
upon her shoulder.
43 Then did the guard take her by force unto the chief steward; and the
steward, hearing fully the guard’s report, commanded that Areta be beaten
upon the back; and that the sign of Seti-Kahn be most harshly tattooed upon
the flesh.
44 And gathering the women of the house into the chamber of pain and
torment, they hung Areta by the wrists upon a pillar of iron, causing that her
feet should not so much as touch the floors of the chamber.
45 Thus, when all was complete and fully ready, the guards called forth the six
leading women of the house; and placing into their hands a reed made strong
and hard, they commanded that the punishment of the law be administered.
48 And when the punishment was completed, they did cut Areta down from
off the pillar, causing that she should fall upon the floor midst great and terrible
weeping; and the guards, calling forth certain women skilled in tattooing,
commanded that they place the sign of Seti-Kahn upon her flesh.
49 Now when all these things were completed, Areta was carried away by the
chief women unto the place of women; and there did she lay alone to recover
from all her many wounds.
50 And there did pass a great many days, and when Areta was healed of all her
many injuries, there came unto her a certain woman of the house, saying:
51 “I am the fourth woman of this house, and even I have been given charge
over you. Prepare yourself therefore, for this very night will you go forth unto
the master, that he might have you for his pleasure.
52 Only be you wise and most fully careful in all your doings, for the master of
this house has beaten to death a great many women which did not please him,
or which proved in their flesh unyielding and resentful of all his ways.
53 Go you forth then, and whatsoever he would do unto you, then in that be
most willing and compliant, causing that he should find in you a woman for his
pleasure, that perchance you might live and not die.”
54 Thus did the woman caution Areta concerning those things which soon
would fall upon her; and Areta was taken unto the bedchamber of the master,
being washed and cleaned, having perfumes and spices anointed upon her
55 And in the night did Seti-Kahn come suddenly upon her, as a great and
ravenous beast; plunging within her with lustful fury; spilling forth the sum of
all his seed and power.
56 And all that night did Seti-Kahn rape and plunder; striking with fists
against the softness of Areta’s body; biting midst cruel passions upon her
breasts and arms and legs; filling the heart of Areta with tears and gasping.
57 But when it was morning, Areta returned again unto the place of women, to
rest from all her hurt and pain; and in the musings of her sleep did she softly
smile; for there stirred within her womb, the seed of all her dreaming.
Chapter 4
1 Now the House of Seti-Kahn was great and mighty; for of all those which
ruled in the Empire of Drakonia was Seti-Kahn made third highest in the land;
having over him none other save the Emperor and his son.
2 For the lands and gardens which did surround the houses and palaces of his
power were vast and filled with the privileges of all his might, being lush and
fertile with orchards and crops of every kind; having also many lakes and ponds
which were filled with fish.
3 And around the sum of all his lands was there built a wall of iron and stone,
having upon its summit a great many guns and turrets which would keep a
frightful watch over all his house.
4 Having under his command some five hundred Praetorians which did guard,
most zealously, all things within the walls.
5 And unto the lands and palaces of Seti-Kahn was there given the name
A’Kontay; being known throughout the regions round about as the place of
6 For the stones of the walls and the stones of the great palace were fashioned,
most strongly, of red granite; being heavily cut and firmly laid, causing that
things should appear as covered in blood in the light of day.
7 And there roamed within the borders of the great wall, mighty dogs of war;
weighing each, of themselves, some three hundred and fifty pounds; being bred
for size and ferocity; having about their necks a collar of iron; being fed upon
human flesh only.
8 Now in the fortress of A’Kontay was there made a large and separate house,
surrounded by an iron fence; and within this house did there live in fearful
dread, the three hundred women of Seti-Kahn.
9 Being compelled in constant labors day and night; for in the day did even all
the women go forth into the gardens and orchards of the master; having to
watch over them a great many guards which carried in their hands both whip
and prod by which they would drive the women in all their labors.
11 While yet other women did serve, midst jeers and mocking, the tables of the
master; being made subject to the wanton desires of those which ate; being
constantly pinched and slapped upon the breasts by men of cruel and lustful
12 Thus did the women of Seti-Kahn labor midst cruel and hurtful slavery;
and not this only, but in the night were certain women compelled to lay with
the master whereby he might pleasure himself upon them.
13 While still others of the master’s women were given unto his guests
whereby they might amuse themselves in the night; raping and plundering with
lustful zeal, such women as were made to serve them upon the bed.
14 Now there lived in the house of women, some forty-two children which
were born unto the master; being counted under the law, the offspring of Seti-
Kahn; and of these children were even every one of them under seven years of
15 For according to the law were all boys at the age of seven made to leave the
mothers which bore them; and by force were the sons taken to live in military
barracks whereby they might learn the ways of war and men; being made from
their youth to manhood, the instruments of war and death.
16 Yet under the law were even all the girl children taken away from their
mothers, and carried in chains unto the House of Blood and Fire, and there
most cruelly circumcised.
17 And when this was completed, then were some of the girl children sent back
to the House of Seti-Kahn; and there made most forcibly to serve the lustful
imaginings of their master midst tears and bitter weeping.
18 And still were others sold to the pleasure houses of the land, whereby they
might become the sex slaves to even the lowest of men; having the youth of
their body stripped away through endless rapes and plunderings; becoming
through the years themselves, women of cruelty and hurtful spite.
19 Now in the palace of A’Kontay did Areta conceive, and in the season
appointed, she drew forth from her womb, a son made fair and delightful.
20 And in her joy did Areta sing unto her child, wooing through soft words
and tender touches, the life of her son whereby she might seal his heart unto
her own while in this life.
21 Now it was the law of the land, that women should not feed their infant
sons upon their breast, for fear that the boy take upon himself the weakness of
22 But Areta would not bend to the law, neither would she yield to such
customs as would compel her to prove distant and uncaring of the child which
was born unto her.
23 For it was believed by all that Areta had given birth to a girl child and not a
boy; for in the day of her laboring did she draw herself away to be alone.
24 And giving birth in a solitary place, she delivered herself of a son; and
when it was completed, even she did wrap the child in a small cloth; and when
others saw her feeding the child upon her breasts, even they did assume that
the child was a girl and nothing more.
25 By such subtle means did Areta keep her son most constantly beside her;
and wheresoever she went in the performing of all her labors, even there would
she take the son to be with her.
26 For Areta dared not let any other attend unto him, lest he be discovered
and betrayed; but in all things did Areta alone attend;
27 Feeding and bathing the child by her own hand; causing the child to be
most constantly beside her, whereby she might nurture him with soft words
and gentle touches.
28 Causing, even in the night, that the child should sleep beside her; suckling
him upon the tit, or resting his head upon the womb; singing to him in the
silent watches of the night, songs of love and life, filled with wonder and
29 And as the child grew, Areta refused to place in the drink of the boy, or in
the food he ate, the blood and flesh of men; but gave instead a portion of the
food which she herself ate; suckling the son upon her breasts for five years.
30 Such was the love and devotion of Areta unto her son; and unto the son did
she give a small and tender name; calling him God, midst smiles and gentle
laughter; which in the language of Areta means: Noble One.
31 Now in the fourth year of Areta’s sojourn, there came captive unto the
House of Seti-Kahn, some fifty new women which were given by the Emperor
unto him.
32 And there came unto Areta, the chief steward and he appointed her charge
over all of them; naming her the Seventh Woman of the House of Seti-Kahn.
33 And unto Areta and the fifty women was there given charge in the care and
upkeep of the house of women and all its compound; being responsible for all
maintenance and tending, which appointment was thought choice above all
34 By such appointment was there given unto Areta extra rations of food and
drink; and there was also permitted her the right to establish her own private
chamber, if it so be that she could find one.
35 So Areta went searching throughout the whole house, for it was large and
spacious, having many rooms and chambers; but Areta could find no room
which was empty and unused.
36 But on a certain day, Areta found a secret passage which did lead her up
into the attic of the whole house; and there did she find a room made empty
and spare, being airy and filled with light, for it had many windows.
37 Thus did Areta find that hidden place where she and her son might dwell
unafraid and in joy together; and when the child was just three years old, Areta
did move him into the chambers of the uppermost room of the house.
38 And in the lateness of the night did Areta and the child work midst singing
and laughter, playing together in all their labors; cleaning here, brightening
there, the room in which they lived.
39 Yet did Areta seek still further means to make joyous and happy, the place
where her child might grow; placing in the room throughout, all manner of
plants and vines and flowers.
40 Hanging from the walls and ceiling, all kinds of brightly colored cloth;
making with her own hands, paper stars and moons and planets which she did
hang against a field of blue for the pleasure of her son, whereby she might fill
his mind with wonder.
41 And Areta laid down a large pallet upon the floor, filled with softness and
warmth, and there would the son sleep most peacefully beside her, to dream in
safety upon her breasts.
42 Thus did Areta make most delightful the private chambers of her dwelling;
being separate and apart from the cruelties of men, and the bitter jealousies
and hateful glances of all the other women.
43 For Areta was most resolved to teach unto the seed of all her hope, a
fullness of love and wisdom; speaking into the ears of her son, stories of
strength and goodness.
44 Teaching, through her observations, about the hardness and cruelties of all
mankind; revealing through most thoughtful speech, the oppressions and
sufferings of every woman upon the earth.
46 That women, being made free and equal through the workings of her son,
might set forth the gentle hand to redeem the whole of all mankind, lest man
perish forever from the face of the earth.
47 Thus did Areta, in the years of their togetherness, teach unto her son the
ways of women; that he might know with certainty how to hold and how to
touch, how to speak and how to hear, how to kiss and how to please, the woman
which he would love.
48 Now on a certain day there escaped from the House of Seti-Kahn, a certain
woman filled with fear; and there arose because of it a great and dreadful
49 But after many days the woman was seized hold of and brought in chains
unto the house of women, having her head shaved; and there was seen upon her
back a great many stripes and bruises.
50 Yet, after there had passed many days, the selfsame woman did flee again
away; and after there was a great search, she was brought again unto the house
in chains, being beaten and bruised, and sorely afflicted.
51 For the chief steward had placed about her neck a yoke of wood and iron;
and unto this were her hands fastened most securely; and for many days was
she compelled to move and sleep in the heat of day, or the cold of night; being
restrained from all which saw her, from entering the house.
52 And when there had passed several months, the woman had removed from
off her neck the yoke and chains which bound her; and she was permitted again
to dwell in the house of women.
53 But in the night did she steal herself away again, to run with eager heart
into the mountains far beyond, seeking for herself some hidden place where she
might dwell in safety.
54 Yet, after many days was she brought captive unto the house; and the chief
steward caused that she should be impaled upon the stake; and night and day
did she scream in agony and madness.
55 And on the third day of her agony did the chief steward call forth as
witnesses, even all the women of the house and their children also, that they
might see for themselves the harshness of the law which held them captive.
56 And there was released upon the woman, three fearsome dogs of war; and
they did tear her body from off the stake; and midst screams of terror and fear,
they did devour her before the eyes of all which saw, to lick her blood from off
the ground.
57 But in the night, when the terrors of the day were ended, there arose the
sound of weeping; and Areta, being awakened, heard the sobbing of her son, for
he was just four years of age.
58 And Areta spoke softly into the ear of the child, saying: “Weep not my son,
and do not fear; for your mother is here beside you; and there shall come upon
you no harm.”
59 But the boy, rising from his place, laid himself down upon his mother’s
breasts; and he spoke unto her, saying: “Mother, Mother, if I die, shall I yet live
again beside you?”
60 And Areta did press her son most gently against her; and in the darkness of
the night whispered: “I know not, my son; I know not.” And together did the
mother and the son weep, causing that their tears should fall and mingle
together upon the bed.
Chapter 5
Wise Words
A bright and happy boy, hidden away and alone – A mother’s counsel to her son: The virtue
of silence – Power of the spoken word – The art of listening – Strength and fortitude – Clear
thought and boundless vision – Do not fear – Live nobly and well – Adversities and hardships
– Faith, the seed of hope – To know, to dare, to do, to be silent – Nurturing the seed of faith
1 In the sixth year of Areta’s sojourn in the flesh did she keep hidden away the
son that she loved, being himself but five years of age; and it was rumored
about among the women of the house that the child had surely died.
2 Yet in the son did Areta rejoice, for he was bright and filled with happy
dispositions, being filled with mischief and curiosity towards all things; walking
about in the shadow of his mother singing and laughing; bringing to the heart
of his mother the greatest of joys, touched with sorrow; for she cared for him.
3 For this cause did the mother feel most anxious to teach unto her son the
issues of life, nurturing him most tenderly with soft words and gentle touches.
4 Now on a certain day, the boy was left to himself to be alone; for each day
the mother was called forth to labor; and when she had returned, the boy
spoke, saying:
5 “Mother, I am alone in the day, having no one to play with, for I am hidden
away; and though the greater part does not trouble me, yet in the little part am
I made to weep because of it.”
6 And hearing this, Areta gathered her son upon her lap and spoke softly unto
him, saying: “Do not weep, my son, for I have returned to take you again unto
myself, for it is expedient that you be hidden away both day and night lest the
ways of men should find you, to take you captive unto war and death.
7 Yet this will I speak for your learning: For such aloneness as you do feel
today, will on the morrow, teach you to enjoy the presence of those who would
come unto you.”
8 Such was the counsel of the mother unto her son, and holding to her breasts
the seed of all her hope, she taught him, saying: “Come my son, and I will give
into your heart words of counsel and of life;
9 That you may be wise throughout all the days of your life concerning those
things which shall prove of greatest value; that you may walk in safety midst
darkness and deceit.
10 For such counsel as you would take to heart, even that shall be as a shield
round about you; causing that you shall walk unhindered and unafraid in the
midst of men.
11 Hear then your mother’s counsel and forget not the words of my mouth; for
even I would have you embrace the ways of silence; for of all the virtues which I
would place within the heart of you, silence is most needful.
12 For silence does guard the ways of power, to keep most hidden the heart
and mind together; for among men are there many which would make ruin any
man who should prove greater than themselves.
13 Taking from the words you speak, any occasion whereby they might bring
against you a strong accusation; to throw, with violent fury, your own words
into the teeth again, to bring you down into death.
14 Let silence therefore set watch over the heart within; that you may ponder
in the mind the words which you would speak; to weigh, most carefully the
worth or folly of the heart within.
15 For if a man prove silent and unboastful, then shall there be added to the
words he speaks, some greater weight filled with value and worth.
16 For the words you choose to speak are formed from the breath of your life,
causing that they should live most constantly in the minds of those which hear.
17 And if the words you speak be wisely fashioned, then shall men of power
have regard for you; but if your words prove foolish, then shall your words rise
up against you from the mouths of others, to haunt and plague you even unto
18 And not this only, my son, but let your silence watch equally over such
words as others would speak in your hearing; that by keeping the confidence of
others, they might give into your care also, the secrets of greater things.
19 Still unto this, my child, would I add unto your silence, the art of listening,
for there are many which hear but do not listen, causing that they should fall
prey to the innermost thoughts of others; causing that they should tread, most
precariously, between life and death.
21 Thus would I have you guard the ways of the heart with silence, that you
may better listen to the words and actions of others; for if there should arise in
subtle forms, the ways of danger, then shall listening most equally forewarn
you; to lead you safely unto life and not death.
22 For many have perished midst empty words, being devoured of those they
did not hear; for they were ever boastful and unable to see for themselves, the
doom which lurks in the words and deeds of others.
23 Yet unto silence and listening would I equally add the need for strength
and fortitude; that enduring beyond the pains and heartaches of this life, you
might be benefited in both body and mind; proving yourself indomitable and
most resilient before the eyes of men.
24 This then shall you learn for yourself most surely: that the victory of battle
is not always given to those which are mighty in numbers or in power.
25 But rather is victory given to the man of clear thought and boundless
vision; being made most strong and firm in heart and mind; going beyond the
substances of the flesh, to embrace instead the strength of things unseen, but
deeply known.
26 For all men are made to fear before those mightier than themselves;
clutching with desperate zeal the threads of their life whereby they might hold
them in the hand.
27 Causing that they should prove cruel and heartless towards those which are
weaker than themselves, being continually chased about by fear and envy;
being made weak and frail midst the powers of all their might.
28 Be you not like unto these my son; for it is given that fear should fall upon
the mind of every man, but take no counsel of it; but stand you firm and steady
in the calmness of your mind.
29 For in the thoughts which you think is there given that greater strength
which no power can break in pieces, neither fall you subject unto the fear of
30 For you know yourself already that it is certain that all men must die;
therefore be you firmly resolved to live both nobly and well until the day of
31 For what advantage is there found in being as all other men? For when you
die, then shall you sink beneath the weight of all common men; to be as
unremembered in the minds of those which live after you.
32 Be you, therefore, most uncommon in all your doings before the eyes of
men; that guided by such wisdom as would rise up within you, and guarded
most subtly before and behind, to the right and to the left, by silence and
listening, men might find in you the birth of a far more nobler way.
33 This truth then would I place within the heart; for I would have you know,
my son, that except there be some great and inner strength within the heart and
mind of you, there can be found no place for virtue to grow and flourish.
34 Fear not, therefore, such adversities and hardships as will fall upon you
throughout the days of your life;
35 Neither be you filled with complaints and bitter cursings because of it; for
adversity is but the teacher which would make you stronger still; and not the
enemy as those which are weak might suppose.
36 Yet from what source would you construct most carefully, such strength as
I would have you take unto yourself? By what means shall you be made of
greater worth in the eyes of all who see?
37 Come then, my son, and lean you close upon my breasts, and I will speak to
you of faith and of that power which would both shape and fashion the heart
and mind together.
38 For faith is the substance from which that inner strength is most strongly
fashioned; becoming of itself that sure and certain refuge which would lift
above the troubles of this life, the one who believes most firmly.
39 Being in themselves neither bent nor moved by such doubts as do arise
from time to time, but standing both firm and still in the strength of all their
faith before the vain opinions of those who speak falsely.
40 For there are many which believe nothing good; going from fear to fear,
being chased and tormented by endless doubt and gloom.
41 Beware therefore such as these; for they would make you like unto
themselves, whereby they might not dwell alone in the midst of all their
despair; to pull you down into the darkness of their own making.
42 Know therefore, my son, that faith is the seed of hope; filling the heart of
those which believe with joyful expectation; calming the storms which rage
about; holding to the path of strength and hope, the one which dreams most
43 Thus, my son, is it given you to weigh in the hand most carefully such
things as would cause to dwell within you either faith or doubt, hope or despair,
light or darkness.
44 Choose, therefore, most wisely and with care; for faith is preferable to all
other things, to fill the sum of all your days with singing and joyful delight.
45 To lift you above the common affairs of all other men; bringing as gifts to
your heart and mind such strength and hope as would lead you unto greatness.
46 And not this only, my son, would I give into the heart of you; for faith and
wisdom would but lead you unto that power which lies beyond the frail and
boastful powers of common men.
47 To build in you that stronger image wherein all who would have some
regard for you, might find in all your doings, the beginnings of their own
48 Attend with care such teachings as I would place within the heart; for I
have determined to reveal in you the pillars of some greater power than men of
themselves do know.
49 For the power which I would place into the heart and mind together is
founded upon these things only: to know, to dare, to do, to be silent.
50 For in deep knowing is there found that certain courage which would set
you free of darkness; while in the daring of greater things there is made to
spring up the beginnings of such hope as would chase away the smallness of
51 And in the doing of some far more noble thing are the ways of men changed
forever; causing to dwell within you both joy and fulfillment together; for if you
would become as someone noble, then must you do already as someone noble.
52 Therefore, my noble son, know deeply the secrets of hidden things, that
you may dare greatly in doing good among the children of men.
53 But be you watchful and guard through silence the pathways of your heart
and mind, lest those which are cruel and hateful leap upon you, to weigh you
down in darkness.
54 Let such faith as you would nurture take root most deeply, that it may
surround you and penetrate you throughout the sum of all your several parts;
55 Let it move and breathe and dance about within the heart and mind
together, that in the day of trouble you might find therein the pathway of
56 Drink from your faith like water, that it may fill your days with confidence
and hope; for except your ways be founded in faith, you shall surely fall beneath
the smallness of common men, to be consumed in doubt and folly.”
57 Such were the words of Areta unto her son, and taking the boy by the hand,
she spoke again, saying: “Come, my son, and I will make known unto you what
faith is like.”
58 Now the mother took a seed and planted it in a small pot of earth; and
placing it in the sunlight, she encouraged her son that he should water it but
twice a day.
59 And after the passing of several days, the boy beheld the cropping up of a
small seedling; and running unto his mother, he took her by the hand that she
might see also.
60 And seeing the seedling, Areta smiled and gathering her son upon her lap,
she spoke, saying: “Now, my son, I will make known the means by which faith
is made to grow and flourish, to enrich and bless the whole of all your life.
61 For you have seen for yourself how the seed was first planted in the earth,
being nurtured daily in sunlight and with water; and in the passing of the days,
the seed did burst forth to rise above the very earth itself.
62 Likewise is faith made to leap out from the very midst of you; for the earth
in which you plant is the tabernacle of the flesh; and the sunlight which would
shine most warmly is found in all your thoughts and daily speech; while yet the
water which would nourish the faith within, is found in all your doings.”
63 And when Areta had said these things, she taught unto her son the Prayer
of the Self, whereby the son might give birth in himself of that faith which
would make him strong and good and wise throughout the days of all his life.
Chapter 6
1 Thus did the son learn from his mother the issues of his life; having placed
before him a far more noble way filled with hope and brightness.
2 And taking from his mother the Prayer of the Self, the son did master all the
words which his mother taught unto him;
3 Speaking the words aloud unto himself three times a day; praying to himself
at the rising and setting of the sun, as well as in the darkness of the night when
he would lay himself down upon his mother’s breasts to sleep.
4 For it was the mother’s full intent that the son be safely guided throughout
the days of his life, speaking to himself words of faith and assurance; casting
forth through the words he spoke, an image of some greater self filled with
goodness and faith exceeding.
5 For it was certain that unless the son should define for himself the image of a
nobler likeness, then would others apportion unto him a likeness both small
and mean; causing that the son should prove no greater than the most common
of men.
6 Now on a certain day, the son spoke unto Areta, saying: “Mother, what is
this goodness of which you speak? For I would know it for myself also.
7 For I perceive already that in the days of my manhood shall you prove
unable to guide me; seeing that in a few years only, I shall be taken away from
you, and made by force to learn the ways of war and death.
8 How then shall I know the things which are good unless you teach me in my
youth, to see beyond the shadows of most common things; to embrace with my
heart the things which you see most clearly?”
9 And Areta answered him, saying: “Hear, my son, the words of my heart, and
forget not your mother’s counsel; for I will place within the heart of you, the
means by which all good things are revealed.
10 For unless you should know for yourself the things which are good, then
how shall you prove of service to the children of men?
11 Know then, my son, that it is most unseemly for a man to live for himself
alone; for in the service of others does he but add to his life the things of
greatest worth.
12 For except you give through the living of your life the ways of goodness,
then shall all of mankind perish from the earth forever.
13 Look, therefore, round about you; for the world is drunk with blood and
horror, and war and death have seized firmly upon the ways of every man; to
drown beneath the darkness of despair and gloom, the hope of all who live.
14 Hear then, and I will make known to you the things which would reveal
themselves in goodness, being incorruptible of men; being in themselves both
pure and untainted by the ways of men.
15 For all those things which contain in themselves, or which promote in the
affairs of men both life and love, grace and beauty, hope and joy, are good and
worthy of emulation and devotion.
16 For life is preferable to death, and love is greater than hate; in like manner
also is grace and beauty more to be desired than the brutishness of common
men; while hope and joy together more to be sought than darkness and despair.
17 But where, my son, are all these things together found; being contained in
single likeness and form, whereby you might embrace the whole as one, to be in
yourself most benefited within and without by the touching and the living of all
these things?”
18 Such were the words which Areta spoke most gently to her son; and the
child answered the mother, saying: “I know not where all these things are found
in one.”
19 And the mother smiled upon her son, and taking him to a window nearby,
she pointed to those women which were made to labor in the gardens of the
house; and she spoke again, saying:
20 “There, my child, is found the sum of all good things in one; being revealed
in the softness of the woman; for women in themselves bring forth life in place
of death; having in her form and movements a fullness of grace and beauty.
21 And if it should be that a man will love her, to treat her with most kind
regard, then does there leap from out of the very heart of her, a fullness of love
and fire together mixed; to clothe in most gentle kisses and tender touches, the
warmth of all her hope and joy together.
22 For this truth would I speak most firmly unto you, my son, that in the
woman is there seen the only hope for all mankind; for the salvation of every
man is found in the grace and beauty of the woman, and in no other.
23 Yet is the woman held everywhere in bondage; being made to serve man by
base and lowly means; being tormented and ravaged continually by the
passions of hateful men; being pillaged and desecrated by the wanton lusts and
cruel ways of those which rule over them.
24 For this cause would I place in you that subtle wisdom, filled with cunning,
by which you might set all women at liberty, to free her from all her many fears;
that there might flow out from the heart of every woman, such goodness as
men, themselves, might come to cherish.
25 Hear then such words of counsel as your mother would give, and forget not
my soul’s desiring; for it is given you to make most possible the love of a man
for a woman, and the love of a woman for a man.
26 For the man, in his present state, knows not the ways of love or of peace;
being taught from his youth to scorn the women which serve him; to hold in
contempt and ridicule, the woman which gave him life;
27 Causing that every woman should tremble in fear before the gaze of any
man; while men, being taught only the ways of hate and cruelty, do attack with
bitter scorn the thing which is made to fear them.
28 Thus, my son, in the days of your manhood must you find that subtle
means whereby the harshness of man is diminished against the woman; causing
that the woman should no longer fear; but like the flowers of both mountain
and plain, blossom forth before the eyes of men, causing that men should seek
to love them.
29 Now consider, my son, such goodness as I would have you draw from my
heart, even as milk from the breasts; that there might arise in you a goodness of
your own; being strong and firmly planted through the mingling of our lives
30 Causing that in the subtlety of your thoughts and the goodness of your
heart, you might find those certain means whereby you might bend the ways of
men through the smallest of measures; to change in every man his treatment of
the woman, whereby both are equally benefited.
31 Know then that by small and clever moves shall you lift women above the
sum of all her fears, to reveal in her the seed of goodness which lies within;
giving birth in the affairs of men both life and love, grace and beauty, hope and
32 Listen therefore and ponder deeply in the days of your youth; for I would
make known to you the heart of every woman, to reveal in you what she is like
33 For the woman is the temple where a man ought to worship; embracing to
his weary heart the hope and joy of life and love together; drinking through the
senses of the heart and flesh, a fullness of grace and beauty.
34 Seeking through the gentle touch and softest kiss the fulfillment of the self;
for the man without the woman is but half complete; being empty of that
goodness which would enrich his life throughout.
35 For in the man and the woman together is there found that sure
completeness which each would seek; pouring into each the other, a fullness of
tender dreams filled with passion; to make as one the hearts and minds of each
36 Know then, my son, that in the elevation of the woman shall all men be
edified, being led through tender passions out from the ways of darkness and
into that light which would fill the world with life.
37 To lift above the base passions of brutish men, the whole of all mankind;
imbuing the world of men with such goodness as does flow out most gently
through the heart and mind of the woman.
38 Come then, my son, and I will make known to you the ways by which you
should love a woman; that by your kind regard might other men seek to imitate;
39 Receiving within their minds such subtle reasonings as you would bring
forth as a justification for all your actions; becoming in yourself most
enlightened regarding the status of such women as will one day live within the
walls of your own house.
40 Accepting as both sensible and logical such words and deeds as you would
place before them; whereby they might consider for themselves such things as
would prove of greater worth and benefit.
41 For this cause did I elect to dwell in the House of Seti-Kahn, knowing full
well that unto my son would there arise an occasion for advancement and
promotion, to become as someone great and mighty in the affairs of men and of
42 Causing that those which serve beneath you, desiring for themselves both
privilege and favor, might do and speak and reason after your own likeness.
43 Thus, my son, in that day when you are made to be with a woman, to cast
within her the seeds of your life, give unto her such gentle regards as you would
have other men give unto me.
44 Be not in yourself both common and base as other men, neither be you
scornful of the woman’s softness, but see in her the softness and likeness of
your mother, to enter her with all manner of reverence and joy; for I tell you
truly that the woman is the temple where a man ought to worship.
45 Kissing her upon the lips and upon the breasts midst loving passions;
stroking with a gentle hand the flesh of her body; drawing from the midst of soft
desires, the yearnings and longings of all her heart.
46 Therefore, my son, would I have you to suckle from the woman’s breasts,
whereby she might nurture you unto goodness; that there might flow from her
breasts both hope and joy together fashioned, to make as warm and bright the
very heart and mind of you.
47 Enter, therefore, the temple of her flesh with praise and love upon your
lips; and you shall find within her womb that very sanctuary where you and the
woman might most gently move and dance.
48 Binding through your tender rhythms, the passions of your heart; to fuse
together midst fire and love, the goodness of her heart within you; causing that
there should be equally fused in the mind and heart of the woman, the seed of
all your strength and power.
49 And not this only, for you must in most subtle ways, lift the woman from
the darkness of all her bondage; that the goodness of her heart might shine
forth upon the world.
50 Seeking through most careful means to make her equal unto the man
regarding the issues of this life; permitting that she might save him from all his
wrathful folly.
51 Speak you therefore most kindly unto every woman, and refrain from hard
and bitter speech; that through the reasoned softness of your words might other
men seek to emulate, being most anxious in themselves to gain your favor.
52 Yet must you go beyond the sum of all these things; for it is needful that the
grace and beauty of the woman be clearly manifest unto all which see.
53 Therefore must you seek to clothe the women of your house in gowns and
dresses of exquisite cut and form; revealing through design and color the
natural beauty and grace of all her movements.
54 Causing that men shall see them in a far more different light, whereby they
might seek to find in them a dear and loving companion, and not the slave
which fears him.
55 Give then unto the woman, an abundance of goodly things; and seek not to
withhold from them the joys of knowledge and of learning.
56 For in the attainment of knowledge shall every woman prove herself equal
unto men; to become, in time, that cherished companion in all his doings.
57 Adding to the life of every man, the hope of a far more noble way;
unleashing upon the affairs of men a richness greater than he has ever known
59 Such were the words which Areta spoke unto her son. And the son did place
his hands upon his mother’s breasts and pledged most devoutly, saying: “All
these things shall I strive to do in remembrance of you.”
60 And hearing the words of her son, Areta smiled midst tears of joy; and she
did press her son most gently to her bosom, and there did they together rest
most peacefully upon each the other.
Chapter 7
The boy glimpses the cruelty of – Mother...let us run – Areta gives reasons to persevere and –
Fear no longer for my sake – Mother and son are betrayed by a jealous woman, seized by
violent men – “Why do you fear the softness of a woman?” – Penalties of the law – The son
rushes upon his mother’s tormentors – Areta and her son are separated
1 Thus, throughout the days of his youth, did the mother teach unto her son,
the beginnings of all his wisdom; pouring forth from out of her soul, an endless
stream of goodness and strength.
2 Planting in the mind, the seed of some greater purpose filled with hope and
life; filling the heart of the son with a firm resolve, dressed round about with
deep knowing, building in the child a faith both strong and deep.
3 Yet on a certain day was the mind of the child seized with fear and dread; for
he was made to see for himself the cruelties of man, and the harshness of the
law which ruled most severely over every woman in the land.
4 For there was a woman which stood wrongly accused; for in the night, when
she was made to serve the pleasures of a certain man, she did seize forth a knife
and did pierce him to the heart, causing that he should die.
5 For the man did beat and bite upon her most cruelly in the midst of all his
passions, biting from off the woman the nipple of her breasts to spit it upon the
floor; jeering and mocking and slapping the woman with vicious zeal.
6 Thus did the woman, fearing for her very life, kill the man upon the bed; and
seeing the thing which she had done, she went mad with fear and dread, filling
the whole house with screams and frightful shoutings;
7 Running down the corridors of the lord’s manor being covered with blood;
seeking desperately through all her tears to hide herself away, lest men should
find her and kill her most cruelly.
8 But there rushed immediately upon the woman, the guards of the
Praetorium which did seize her by the hair, demanding to know the cause of all
her screams and madness.
9 And hearing from the woman the things which had happened, they went to
see for themselves; and finding the man, they went quickly and told all these
things unto Seti-Kahn.
10 And being made aware of all those things which had befallen the man, Seti-
Kahn was filled with rage against the woman; for the man which perished was a
guest of the house, being himself a man of position and privilege.
11 Thus did it fall upon the woman to perish, being dragged by the hair to the
courtyard of the women. And the woman did plead and beg most desperately
midst all her tears, seeking only that she might live and not perish midst cruelty
and torment.
12 And there gathered to watch all the women of the house, and a company of
the Praetorian Guard; and Seti-Kahn gave forth a swift command, and the
woman was most cruelly thrust upon the stake, to die in agony and despair;
having the dogs to tear from her bones, little by little, the flesh from off her
13 And all these things did the boy both see and hear; for the courtyard of the
women did lie beneath the windows of the upper house, wherein the boy was
hiding; and the boy did weep and tremble greatly because of the things which
he both saw and heard.
14 Now in the night, when the mother was again with her son, to comfort and
strengthen him against the horrors of the day, the boy spoke, saying:
15 “O, my Mother, I fear for you. Let us, therefore, run from this dreadful
place, and seek in yonder mountains a place of refuge where we might make a
home together, to free ourselves from the darkness of such brutish men.
16 For if we flee not away quickly, then shall I be discovered hidden away, and
angry men will seize hold of you, and commit against you some great injury;
and I shall be torn away from the mother I love most dearly.
18 And hearing these things, the mother did smile sweetly upon her son; and
drawing him within her arms, she spoke most tenderly, saying:
19 “Hush my child, and do not fear; for it is needful that we remain steadfast
and strong, being ever hopeful that by our faithfulness in doing that which is
good, we might diminish the harshness of men against the woman.
20 For this I would have you know and remember always, that in doing that
which is hard and difficult is strength found in abundance; in doing that which
is good, is the sum of all our purpose fulfilled;
21 To enlarge the heart and mind together; adding to the life we live, things of
greatest value; to define as noble and filled with honor, the sum of who we are.
22 For only the weak and foolish would take for themselves the easiest path,
being ever fearful of such hardships as might arise against them from time to
time; being compelled to seek for themselves both safety and comfort above all
other things;
24 Becoming in themselves the stuff of which the graves are made; being
made dead already while yet they live; being both complacent and mediocre
regarding the greater issues which touch their lives.
25 Such as these are chased about by constant fear, being filled with dread and
apprehension, being in themselves most pushed and driven by that which is
less than themselves, causing that their very lives should become as small and
26 Thus, my son, would I have you know most fully, that in the seeking of the
easy way is there found only darkness and oblivion; for it is appointed unto
every man and every woman that they should die.
27 Therefore, seeing that this is so, let us live greatly and most fully; adding to
our lives a meaning and purpose greater than that of low and common men.
28 For this cause did I come forth into the world of man; for I desired to save
from oblivion, the life of all mankind; seeking through the uplifting of the
woman, the salvation of all who live.
29 Such then were the yearnings of my soul, and seeing in the Empire of
Drakonia, a man of great power and influence, I did enter most willingly the
house in which we live.
30 Being determined to take seed from his loins whereby I might conceive and
bring forth a son; knowing full well that unto you would come forth a greater
opportunity to rule in the affairs of men, if it so be that you prove yourself both
strong and wise enough to do so.
31 Why then, my son, would you have me to flee away from such terrors as do
afflict the sum of all women everywhere; to leave abandoned and forsaken the
only hope for those which suffer?
32 Come then and fear no longer for my sake; for though the flesh of my body
proves soft and pleasing, still does there dwell within, that soul which cannot be
broken or made to yield before the harshness of men.”
33 Such were the words which Areta spoke unto her son; and together did
they sweep aside the terrors of the day, to find in each a place where joy and
peace might dwell, singing softly unto themselves, songs of life and love.
34 And the mother did continue to teach unto her son such issues as would
make him strong in heart and mind and body; imbuing the son with a wisdom
far beyond his years; building in him a faith of firm resolve dressed round about
with a goodness dressed in deep cunning.
35 Now when the boy was nine years old, there fell upon him a deep and
dreadful hurt; for his good and tender mother was betrayed into the hands of
fierce men who would execute against her the penalties of the law.
36 For there was a certain woman which proved jealous and envious of Areta,
desiring for herself alone, the position and place of the Seventh Woman of the
House of Seti-Kahn.
37 Thus did the woman seek to spy out the secrets of Areta; seeking against
her the slightest offense, whereby she might make some accusation against the
mother, and thereby benefit herself.
38 And it came about that in the darkness of the night, when the whole house
lay asleep and filled with quietness, the woman did steal herself away unto the
attic; and there did she see in the moonlight, the mother and her child together
sleeping upon the bed.
39 And the woman, seeing the child suckling upon the mother’s breasts, did
marvel; for it was believed by the whole house that the child had perished years
ago, to fill the ears of every woman with rumors and subtle whisperings.
40 But the woman, seeing the child was yet alive, grew herself bolder still and
stepping forth all the more closely, she beheld with a sudden shock that the
child was indeed a son and not a daughter as every woman had supposed.
41 Then did the woman smile most cruelly, and slipping away into the
darkness, she went unto the bedchamber of the chief steward and told him all
the things which she had seen.
42 And the chief steward was filled with anger against Areta; for she had
hidden away the son of his master, to secret him away from the beginnings of
all his training in the military barracks of the empire.
43 Now when it was morning, and the women of the house began to stir and
awaken from all their slumberings, there came into the house the chief steward,
and with him came five guards of the Praetorium.
44 And going quietly up unto the attic, they did rush quickly into the
bedchamber of Areta; and there did they see the son, sleeping beside his
45 And with great force did the chief steward take hold of the son; and with
sudden terror was the mother seized by the hair and made to stand; and the
chief steward did slap her with violent fury across the face.
46 Thus was Areta seized by violent men and taken by force unto the outer
court of the house, and there did she stand condemned of crime against her
lord and master, Seti-Kahn.
47 And the son was made to stand before the women which were gathered, to
see for himself the punishment of his mother; and the son did tremble greatly
for her sake.
48 But Areta stood forth most proudly and bold, refusing to plead for mercy’s
sake, the saving of her life; and the chief steward spoke most harshly unto her,
49 “Know you not what you have done? For this cause are you brought forth to
punishment; for you have hidden away the son of our lord and master, and by
your softness have thought to make him weak and filled with gentleness, even
as a woman.”
50 Yet Areta withstood him boldly to the face, saying: “Why do you fear the
softness of women? Are you not men of power and worth, being in yourselves
both strong and brave? Why then are you offended against me?”
51 When the chief steward heard these words, he was filled with contempt and
loathing, saying: “Why should a man be made to fear a woman? For you have
no power which would cause to tremble the heart of any man.”
52 But Areta answered him again, saying: “You speak falsely and in ignorance.
For there is a power in the woman greater than the wrath of any man; for in the
woman is the life of man created, while in men like you is there brought forth
only bitterness and death.”
53 And hearing these words, the chief steward commanded that the penalty of
the law be carried out against her; and seizing hold of Areta, the guards did cut
the hair from off her head, and they beat her with rods and whips.
54 And taking a hot iron they branded her upon the neck and thigh. And when
all these things were done, the guards did throw Areta upon the ground and did
most cruelly sterilize her.
55 And in all these things did the guards jeer and laugh continually; for the
soldiers of the empire took great pleasure in tormenting the weak and helpless.
56 But when the boy heard the screams of his mother, he broke loose of his
guard and taking up two stones from off the ground, he rushed forth to save his
mother, striking out with all his might against those which held her bound.
57 And the boy did fall upon the guards like a storm of great and dreadful hail,
beating with boundless fury; causing that one guard should fall unconscious
upon the ground, while yet another should lose his eye.
58 Yet was the boy seized again most firmly and one of the guards spoke unto
the chief steward, saying: “What child is this that he should prove so strong and
fearless?” And the chief steward, answered: “He is the son of Seti-Kahn.”
59 And when they had executed the penalties of the law, Areta was cast out of
the House of Seti-Kahn and made to serve both low and common men in the
whorehouses nearby; while yet the son was taken to the military barracks of
A’Kontay, near the city of Rio Cassalia.
Chapter 8
A New Home
The son of Areta is sent to the military barracks – Cadets forged through cruelties and
hardships – Three schools of the military – A boy having two different natures – A boy with
an unconquerable will draws from his mother’s teachings – Rising through the ranks – Seti-
Kahn inquires of his son, and grows fearful – Cruel intentions of Seti-Kahn
1 Now in the city of Rio Cassalia did the son of Areta go strongly bound and
guarded unto the military barracks of A’Kontay, to spend the years of his youth
in the academies of war and valor;
3 For in the military schools of the empire was there inflicted upon every cadet
a dreadful abundance of pain, torture, hardship, cruelty and study; forcing that
each cadet should find cause in themselves to endure and not surrender.
4 For it was most firmly believed by those in command that such hardships
and cruelties would cull from the strong the weak and inadequate.
5 Securing for the Emperor the bravest and brightest from out of all the sons
of nobility, selecting those only which would serve the empire with most faithful
diligence, to become the officers of command within the military.
6 For such hardships as befell every cadet, even these would forge within the
heart a fire both hot and cold; making each cadet indifferent to such pains and
cruelties as would fall upon them from time to time.
7 Building in them a warrior both hard and callous to the sufferings of those
weaker than themselves, teaching them while in their youth, to hate with violent
fury when called upon to war.
11 But of those sons of the nobility which proved themselves weak and unable
to endure the rigors of their schooling, these then were sent to the institutes of
science and technology; to serve the empire through such skills as they might
12 And if it should be that the sons of the nobility should fail even in this thing,
then were they sent to toil in endless labor within the farms and factories of the
13 To lose for themselves forever, both place and honor; being stripped of
every privilege, to become in themselves as men both low and common, and
unworthy of consideration.
14 Now within the borders of every nation, country and province within the
empire was there established in the cities, the several schools and academies of
the military.
15 And first and foremost was there established the military academies
wherein the nobility might send their sons; being hopeful that they might prove
themselves worthy of some future command, to become in the fullness of their
manhood, the generals and admirals of the empire;
17 And second unto the first was the military academies of all secondary
officers and commanders, being reserved and maintained for the sons of all
secondary officers within the several branches of the military, as well as
receiving into their barracks the sons of all scientists, technicians, and men of
commerce and trade.
18 For such young men as did graduate from these secondary academies, even
they did become as permanent cadre in command of all common troops and
soldiers, being made to serve and obey the imperial officers of the military with
fervor and anxious zeal.
20 And least of all the military schools was that which was set aside for the
sons of low and common men; for the sons of such men sought most eagerly to
escape the drudgery and misery of their life by giving service to the empire; to
become in themselves the soldiers of war and death.
21 Being hopeful that by such service they might forget the slavery of their
fathers, to stand above the members of their class with cruel disdain, being
dressed and polished as soldiers of the empire.
22 Now unto the first order of military schools was the son of Areta sent; for
his father was Seti-Kahn, even the Supreme Commander of all military forces.
23 And there was the boy made to learn the history of the empire and of war;
being schooled most firmly in math, language, battle tactics and strategy,
weaponry and psychology.
24 Yet from the beginning of the son’s schooling did the commanders and
centurions of the academy look upon him in puzzlement and wonder; for he had
been clearly raised by the softness of his mother’s teachings.
25 But yet did he beat into submission, men of war and valor in defense of the
woman which bore him; striking with dreadful fury against those which sought
to harm her.
26 For this cause did men of war see in the son two different natures, each
being in opposition against the other; for one nature was of war and fierceness,
which all could clearly see was given him by his father.
27 While yet the other nature was one of gentle quietness and kind regard,
which they saw most clearly as the corruption of the mother which had hidden
him away.
28 Thus was it agreed upon to break in pieces the soft and gentle nature of the
boy; to force into ascendancy that fearsome rage which would make of the boy a
great and mighty warrior which would rain death and havoc upon such enemies
as might arise against the empire.
29 And so there fell upon the son of Areta a harsh and cruel regimen, causing
that he should be most constantly humiliated and reproached by all those which
were set above him.
30 Being scorned and taunted by the other boys of his class; while yet the
cadre of instructors which taught him, did heap upon him an excess of learning
and duties; causing that the boy should be tied to the whipping post once a week
for punishment.
31 And not this only, for once a month would the boy be thrown into the
barracks of the upper classmen, permitting that they should beat and rape him,
striving through their cruelties to build in the boy a fierce and hateful rage.
32 Yet the boy, in his mind, would not be broken; for three times a day would
he speak to himself the prayer which his mother gave him, to strengthen
himself against the rigors of the day.
33 And seeing that the boy would not be broken, those which would force
upon him a crueler self-image, even these would cause the boy to sleep at night
in the open compound; being made to endure the heat and cold and rain of all
the elements which would beat down upon him.
34 But through the passing of the years, the son of Areta continued to endure
and bear with calm grace, the hardships which pressed against him;
remembering in gentle reflections the words and deeds of his mother.
35 Drawing from the substance of all her teachings, a firm resolve; to become
in his person both strong and cunning, being guarded from despair by an
indomitable will which could not be broken or made to yield.
36 Thus did the boy, taking thought concerning the issues of his life within the
military, consider most thoughtfully the things which he should do, for he had
determined that he would prove first and foremost above all his classmates in
the achievement of excellence and mastery.
37 For this cause did the son take upon himself the most noble of bearing; to
master with anxious zeal all those things which his instructors would teach;
being ever diligent to treat both students and cadre with a firm respect and
strong regard.
38 And in the passing of the years did there grow within the barracks a
grudging respect for the son of Seti-Kahn; for he could not be broken, neither
could any pain or harshness deter him from his chosen course.
39 For in all areas of military training did the son stand head and shoulders
above all the rest; and there ceased to fall upon him, the cruelties and torments
of years past.
40 And the sons of the noblemen, seeing in the son of Seti-Kahn the
beginnings of some future greatness, even they did begin, most carefully, to ally
themselves to stand beside him.
41 Yet did the son of Areta continue in solitary fashion, to build most carefully
the attributes of leadership and greatness; to mingle with others when called
upon, but to stand apart and alone when needed.
42 Giving to all a grave and respectful word; to encourage among his peers
some greater effort in attaining unto a greatness of their own.
43 And not this only, for the son of Areta did love to laugh and jest with gentle
humor; and all those which before had tormented him with cruelty and
harshness, even these would roar with laughter at the jesting of the son.
44 Thus did many of the greatest and most powerful of the noblemen’s sons
see in the son of Seti-Kahn, an advantage for themselves; and they did begin to
ally themselves beside him in a firm but respectful camaraderie.
45 For in the fifth year of the boy’s training did Seti-Kahn begin to inquire of
his son, for the father was made aware of him; hearing in the words of others a
grudging admiration and certain envy for the boy which shined so brightly
within the ranks of his peers.
46 So it was determined by the father that he should go and see for himself the
son of his loins; that he might know with some forewarning whether or not the
son should prove a danger to Seti-Kahn in the years ahead.
47 For in the world of First Man did men of power keep a watchful eye upon
their sons; being fearful and suspicious lest a son should reach up in treachery
and deceit to bring the father down into ruin, whereby he might seize for
himself, the place and honor of the father before him.
48 For there were many offices within the empire which did pass from father
to son; for it was believed most firmly, that the greatness of the father would
pass into the genes of all his sons.
49 And unto that son which would prove himself stronger and more
treacherous than all the rest, even he would seize for himself the honors of his
father; to put to death the very father which cast him forth into life.
50 By such means was the Emperor assured that there would stand in service
unto the state only those which proved most brave and cunning, to secure for
the empire an absolute dominion in the affairs of men.
52 And Seti-Kahn did question the commanders and instructors of his son;
and each one did speak most firmly of the boy’s prowess in all those things
which the academy taught;
53 Speaking most firmly and without hesitation of the boy’s skill in the science
of war and weaponry, as well as his mastery of all other subjects which would
prove beneficial in the schooling of an imperial officer of the empire.
54 But Seti-Kahn grew inwardly fearful of the son, lest his greatness in the
years to come prove greater than the achievements of the father;
55 And Seti-Kahn spoke unto the commander of the whole academy, saying:
“Have you purged from out of the boy, the teachings and corruptions of the
56 And the commander answered, saying: “My Lord, there is a strength in the
boy which cannot be broken; for we have used every cruelty which the law
57 And hearing this, Seti-Kahn pondered deeply; for he feared the son of Areta
and he wished to be rid of him altogether. Thus did the father devise a cruelty
greater than every other, which would break in pieces the son of his loins, if it so
be that there should be any weakness hidden within him.
58 For the father was determined that the son should destroy himself. Thus
did the father determine that upon the boy’s graduation would it be required of
him that he should kill his mother; to prove before the house of all his guests his
loyalty and obedience to the empire.
59 And if the boy should refuse, which thing Seti-Kahn most strongly believed,
then would the father be justified in killing the son which would dishonor his
house through disobedience.
60 Thus did Seti-Kahn set forth the means by which he might rid himself of
that son which would prove greater than himself, and thereby secure both his
place and honor before the Emperor.
Chapter 9
A Valor Uncommon
Life in the world of First Man: treachery, deceit and suspicion – The Emperor is made aware
of Seti-Kahn’s intentions – The Emperor receives a report of the boy – The Emperor asks a
centurion about the boy – Centurion commanded to guard the boy – An uncommon incident
occurs in the barracks: the son of Areta defends a young cadet – “Why will you rob us of our
right?” – Cadets agree to listen to the son’s reason for acting against tradition
1 Know then my children, that in the world of the First Power did every man
spy upon every man whereby they might take some advantage against him; to
gather to their personal benefit both gain and profit; to take into their hands an
increase in privilege and power.
2 For every man of rank and station did conspire darkly against those which
ruled over him; striving through subtle means, to trap midst intrigues and
deceits of every kind the men of greatest power.
3 Being hopeful and most desirous to bring down unto death the man which
would rule over him, plying with dark intent, flatteries of every kind, being ever
hopeful that by such means they might be appointed to the place of the man
which stood above him.
4 For men of ambition were ever seeking and plotting for that greater place
where they might stand closer to the men of greatest power, to seek through
obedience and treachery the fulfillment of all their many aspirations and
5 For such deceitful men as these would consign unto agony and death, any
man which would impede his way; being in themselves suspicious and
uncertain of those which stood above or below them; being made discontent
and ever restless through jealousy and constant brooding.
6 And so in the world of First Man did treachery and deceit weigh most
heavily upon every heart, to fill the minds of men with weariness and longing;
causing that some should seek most feebly, to find someone which would prove
worthy of the slightest trust.
7 Thus in the days when the son of Areta walked upon the earth did every man
stand alone against every man; being guarded and uneasy towards those which
worked beside him.
8 Now in that day when Seti-Kahn conspired to rid himself of the son of Areta,
there rushed unto Maximillius Drakonus, in the great fortress city of
Trajenium, a report which would reveal the plottings of the father; causing that
the Emperor should take note of the son.
9 And calling forth an agent of security and order, the Emperor commanded
that a spy be secured to keep a watchful eye upon the son; for the Emperor
would know most fully why the Supreme Commander of all his military forces
should fear the doings of the boy.
10 And after many months there came to report unto the Emperor, a certain
centurion which taught within the Academy of A’Kontay; and he did give unto
the Emperor a full report concerning the son of Seti-Kahn.
11 Causing that the Emperor should hear for himself of the son’s excellence in
all things pertaining to his many courses and studies.
13 And unto the Emperor did the centurion speak also of the boy’s great will
and strength; being filled within and without by an indomitable and
unbreakable determination; being from his very youth most resolute and
14 For despite such hardships and cruelties as were forced upon him in the
days of his youth, yet would the boy refuse relief or seek surrender, but bore in
himself all things well.
15 Yet, despite the strength of all his will and determination, still was the boy
most respectful and obedient, giving to all cadets, regardless of their rank or
station, a firm but kind consideration.
16 To earn for himself the respect of all who dealt with him in the military
barracks of A’Kontay; for it was certain already, that many of the sons of great
and mighty men did seek to cast their lot with the son of Seti-Kahn.
17 Believing most firmly that he would rise in greatness and worth, and
thereby lift them also above the glories and honors of their own fathers; to take
to themselves places of privilege and power.
18 And hearing all these things, the Emperor did ask of the centurion, saying:
“Tell me then, what think you of this boy? What will you say of him? If he
should prove too great, will he not show himself a danger to other men of power
and authority?”
19 And the centurion, taking careful thought, did answer the Emperor, saying:
“Your Majesty, the boy I have known from the beginning, when first he was
brought by force unto A’Kontay; and in all these years I have seen neither guile
nor treachery; neither have others seen this of him also.
20 For the boy is as he appears; for he is of quiet and solitary nature, having
neither pretenses nor haughtiness; being in his person, brave and fearless in
the arts of war;
21 Yet in the moment of his victory he has proven himself most uncommon
and not as other men; being filled with softness and kind regard towards those
which are vanquished because of him.
22 To bind with his own hands, the wounds and injuries of the fallen;
speaking to them of such faults and imperfections as did lead them to defeat,
being himself ever diligent and most determined to encourage them to some
greater effort;
23 Causing that all cadets of rank and privilege should seek favor of the boy;
feeling in his presence a confidence and power above that of all other cadets
and cadre alike.
24 Being in himself imbued by some strange but inward light which would
make all which stand beside him to feel both safe and strong within themselves
25 But despite such regard as others would give unto him, yet is the boy most
unassuming; seeking not for himself the glories and prestige of others, but
striving with most inward zeal to achieve an excellence all his own.
26 Know then, Your Majesty, that the son of Seti-Kahn has proven himself
constant and trustworthy in all those things which we would require of him;
and at no time has he ever flinched or cried aloud against us.
27 Thus would I, myself, feel most confident to stand beside the youth in
battle; knowing full well that he would move most quickly to attain the victory
for his lord and master, the Emperor.
28 For this I know most surely: that in the Academy of A’Kontay do all those
which command feel this boy of greatest worth; having in his noble bearing a
most uncommon greatness; which thing shall prove to the empire, a rare but
true asset of value and worth.”
29 Now when the Emperor heard the fullness of the centurion’s report, he sat
himself down to ponder; and after some deep but inward reflection, he
commanded the centurion, saying:
30 “Go then and return to the Academy of A’Kontay and there resume again
your duties, and speak not a word concerning me, but watch the boy closely to
guard him.
31 For there are those which seek to kill him, and by their treachery steal away
from me the service and duties of the boy; causing that the empire of all my
power and glory should be diminished by the loss of him.”
32 And saluting the Emperor, the centurion did bow most gravely, saying: “I
will obey.” And the centurion left most quickly to return again to his own place;
and the Emperor, being left alone to himself, did brood most darkly against
33 Now there was thrown into the barracks of the upper classmen, a certain
youth which was but eight years old; being in himself filled with fear, shaking
and trembling in constant dread at the harshness imposed upon him by the
customs and training of the Military Academy of A’Kontay.
34 And there fell upon the boy the jeers and scorn of the older cadets; and
they did slap and kick the boy midst howls of laughter and derision, causing the
boy to cry in pain and terror.
35 But there stepped calmly forth from out of the ranks of the senior cadets,
the son of Areta; being himself but eighteen years of age; being first and
foremost among his peers in respect and high regard;
38 And there immediately fell a silence within the whole barracks, and in the
silence did there rise up a great murmuring; for it was the right of the upper
classmen to make sport of the younger cadets.
40 And there stood forth to speak unto the son of Areta, a senior cadet of rank
and privilege, saying: “Why will you rob us of our right? For what cause would
you steal away our sport and merriment?
41 For it is needful that we make this boy both strong and fierce like unto us;
being able to endure in his flesh, the cruelties and hardships of war without
42 That in the midst of some future battle he might prove himself both skilled
and resolved in subduing such enemies as would rise against the state; being
most capable, regardless of pain or injury, to achieve the victory through an
indomitable will which cannot be broken.
43 Why then will you stand alone against those very traditions which would
make us strong and ruthless in the performance of all our duties and
obligations to the state which gave us life; to build in each of us a relentless
determination in fulfilling our future place as imperial officers of the empire?
44 Come then and stand beside us and prove yourself yet again, as someone
worthy of our fellowship; for why will you rob this boy of such strength as we
would force upon him through harshness and pain?
45 For it is cruelty and torment which would prove us worthy of command; for
pain is the fire in which we burn, forging from its fiery blast a strength both
fierce and determined, purging out from the very midst of us a multitude of
weakness and corruption, casting away as dross, the softness of our flesh.
46 Return, therefore, and stand beside us; for we have found within the ranks
of all your peers a great regard for you. Why then will you cast it all away, to
place in jeopardy such considerations as we would give concerning the very
worth of you?”
47 Such were the words which were spoken to the son of Areta; and placing
himself between the child and those which would bully him, he spoke unto all
the cadets which were present, saying:
48 “You brave and noble men hear me, and judge me not wrongly; for I did
not step forth to save this boy, but ourselves instead; for I would rather rob this
boy of his pain today, than to have us robbed of some greater glory tomorrow.
49 For there is a glory which does await us, if we will but choose to act both
nobly and well in this present moment; for glory is subtle and most elusive,
passing into our lives but once only.
50 And if we shall see but the moment in which it stirs about us, then might
we seize it for ourselves by force, and thereby dress ourselves in some greater
worth; bringing to each of us a rank and privilege greater than all our dreams
51 Hear then my defense and be not offended because of me, for even now
does the glory of our future lives move most subtly about, moving in the
shadows of all our actions; and if you will just hear me, then shall you see it for
yourselves also. For I am not against you but for you.
52 Think not therefore that I would separate myself from out of the midst of
you; for where you believe in strength, I believe in strength also; where you
believe in courage, even I do likewise believe in courage.
53 Know then that I am even as one of you, and in the traditions of our fathers
would I stand beside you, being myself most firmly committed; being hopeful
myself, even as you are hopeful, that I might achieve both rank and privilege in
the years to come.
54 Yet let us even now consider some subtle means by which we might exceed
the greatness of our fathers; and by some small and hidden measure prove
ourselves greater than the fathers which came before us.
55 For the traditions of men are born of men, and if we would just prove
ourselves brave enough, then might we which are gathered here forge a new
tradition which, if others should follow, will but add glory and stature to all of
us together.
56 Hear then my defense, and to all my words give full attention; and if by
chance you should see some advantage in agreement, then are we altogether
benefited, being bound in fellowship as befits brave warriors.
57 But if you will not agree, then shall I but stand beside you still; and will
myself turn upon this boy and beat him with all my fury; for I know myself that
victory is taken by the strong only, while unto the weak and fearful is nothing
58 Come then my brave and noble peers and tell me plainly: Will you hear
me? Is there not even one among you who would take to himself that certain
glory and honor which shall prove greater than all those which came before us?
Tell me now and hold not back: Will you hear me?”
59 Such were the words which the son of Areta spoke; and the whole company
shouted in one voice, saying: “We will hear you; speak on!”
60 Now there began to recover, that large and fearsome bully which the son of
Areta had struck down to the floor; and being awakened by the shouting of the
whole barracks, he stood most shakily upon his feet, saying: “Why did you
strike me? By what means have I offended the son of Seti-Kahn?”
61 And the son answered, saying: “Do not be angry against me; for those of us
which are your peers know that you are a wild and brutish man, and that the
words of men cannot restrain you in the exercise of all your many passions.
62 For this cause was it needful that I should touch you gently upon the cheek,
whereby you might prove yourself the man of reason, and not the brutish beast
which plunges to and fro in madness.”
63 And the whole company, when they heard this, they did laugh with a
mighty roar at the good sport between the son of Areta and the large and
fearsome bully.
64 And he which was chief cadet of the whole barracks did raise up his hands
with a mighty shout; and in a voice made strong and stern did command two
others, saying: “You men go and watch the doors and let no one disturb us; for
we will hear the words of the son of Seti-Kahn.”
Chapter 10
1 These then are the words which the son of Areta spoke unto all the senior
cadets of A’Kontay; revealing in their content a plan both subtle and wise,
whereby he might rescue the young from cruelty and torment.
2 For when the whole company proclaimed aloud their desire to hear him, the
son of Areta spoke most boldly, saying: “Men of A’Kontay, hear me. For I would
give into your keeping, a counsel both cunning and wise.
3 That you may weigh in the hand the words which I would speak; that you
might, perchance, see in them some advantage for yourselves, whereby you
might achieve both gain and profit.
5 Why then will you throw away the strength and power which you have
earned through hard and toilsome effort; to cast it upon those which are weak
and helpless of themselves?
6 For even you do know for yourselves that if two men of strength and power
should engage each other upon the fields of war, then does he which is
strongest take to himself the strength of the other, to stand as the victor,
earning for himself an increase in power and prestige among his rightful peers.
7 But look you at this child and see: What strength has he to give you, seeing
that he is young and filled with fear and trembling?
8 If then we should beat this boy with all our strength, how then shall we be
advantaged? For it is certain that by the outpouring of our strength upon this
youth we might make him stronger; or still might we break him altogether.
9 But if we should do this, then what will this child add to us but his softness
and weakness? To take from us the thing we most need and value, while yet he
would add to us nothing worthy of consideration.
10 Come then and let us reason well together, for even I would set before you
that certain course which would make this boy both strong and fearsome; for I
challenge not our traditions but in our timing would I put forth some objection.
11 For will you eat the fruit before it is ripe? And if it so be that you should
partake, will you not be made weak and sickly because of it?
12 Let us therefore, be both cunning and wise concerning the things which we
would do; for if we would choose wisely, then might we seize by the very throat
that glory which would pass but once through the shadows of our life;
13 To gain for ourselves both notice and rank, causing that in some future year
we might stand as men of power and privilege; to bend as the grass beneath
some hot and fearsome wind, such men as shall be made to serve us.
14 Consider now the design beneath all my cunning, and weigh for yourself
such advantages as you might take to yourself through some agreement with
15 For now are we but cadets ourselves, having given into our hands no real
power save that we are permitted to rule over all cadets younger than ourselves;
to prove through all our cruelties, the strength and worth of little boys.
16 Men of A’Kontay, warriors proud and fearless, hear me; for I will place even
now before you that certain means by which we might cast aside such triviling
privileges afforded us, and seize through some cunning and frightful ploy, a
power of our own design.
17 Consider then, how that there is brought into this academy, a great many
children which would be made into warriors like unto ourselves; yet for all
those which are brought into our barracks, still do only few survive such
hardships as we are made to impose upon them; causing that they should stand
forth in their manhood as officers of the empire.
18 For you know for yourselves already, how that out of every one hundred
boys which are brought unto A’Kontay, there will endure but twenty to stand
beside us on the day of our commission and naming.
19 But consider and weigh most carefully, that if this be true for us, so then
must it stand equally true for all other academies within the empire; giving
themselves unto the Emperor but twenty officers out of every one hundred
20 Hear then, my brave and noble fellows, for I would yet devise some means
whereby we might give to our lord and master, Maximillius Drakonus, a gift
greater than all other academies; causing that we should gain for ourselves the
Emperor’s notice and favor.
21 For if we would but change the time in which we would prove such young
and tender boys, then might we teach and encourage them to be strong as we
are strong, and to endure with good humor such trials as we shall force upon
them when they are ripe and worth the picking.
22 Thus might we increase the numbers of those which would stand beside us
in the days of our commission and manhood; to cast in doubt and gloom all
other academies which would bring forth less than we would give.
23 For if we shall increase in numbers within our several ranks, those cadets
which would stand beside us, then are we advantaged altogether; for you know
that in each year are the academies made to compete in games of war; being
ever hopeful that they might win the Emperor’s Standard.
24 And if it so be that we should win it, then might all who see it proclaim
aloud that in A’Kontay are there found the greatest warriors in the land; to earn
for ourselves, the favor of the Emperor above all other academies.
25 For you know already that unto whichever academy should go the
Emperor’s Standard, then unto that senior class will go the choicest of ranks
and commission; causing that we should wear upon our finger, the ring of war
and victory; to proclaim to all which see that we are but the champions of the
Emperor himself.
26 Look you round about and number well our ranks; for of the three senior
classes, we have but some two hundred men only which would compete upon
the fields of war and glory against all other academies.
27 But if we will refrain from breaking in pieces such young and tender boys,
then shall our ranks increase in the years ahead; and in our struggle for the
Emperor’s notice, shall A’Kontay prove greater than all other academies; being
able to field against our opponents, the strength of greater numbers.
28 For it is war and battle that prove the greatest test of all, being superior
than such separate and individual cruelties as we would now cast upon this
29 Causing by the mere touching of him that we should take upon ourselves
his weakness and frailty; to be diminished and lessened in ourselves of such
strength and courage as we have forged over many years of study and effort.”
30 Such did the son of Areta speak; and looking at the whole company, he did
cast an amusing eye upon that large and brutish bully which he had struck
down to the very floor; and he spoke, saying:
31 “Look now my brave and fearsome fellows, and gaze you straightly upon
me; for I was once as this boy now, being filled with fear and trembling; yet did
others much stronger than me, beat me fiercely without relent, being hopeful in
themselves that I might break and yield before them.
32 But for all their many efforts, I neither broke nor cried surcease, but bore in
my person all things well; drawing into me such strength and power as they did
pour upon me through all their many cruelties.
33 Thus did I take from even all my tormentors, a portion of their strength
and courage, becoming in my manhood both strong and resilient, being in
myself most hard and fearless concerning all issues of war and death.”
34 And the son of Areta, pointing to that bully which all others feared, spoke
again, saying: “Know then my brave and brutish fellow, that such power and
speed which even I did use against you, to strike you down upon the floor;
35 Even this same speed and power did you, yourself, give to me when I was
younger still, when you did beat and flail upon me with all your might; driving
into my bones and sinews a portion of all your strength and power.
36 This then did I turn against you to bring you down, using with full intent
the sum of such powers and strengths as even all my tormentors did cast away
upon me.
37 While that very weakness which caused you to fall upon the floor
unconscious, even this did I give to even every one of you in fair exchange, for
all your many beatings.
38 Come, brave fellows, and be not angry against me; for I am for you and not
against you; for even now am I made your peer and equal, and will even now
stand beside you in all things; for the words I speak are true, even as you
yourselves know full well.
39 Shall we now, in this present moment, give up more of our strength and
power, to cast it away on so puny a boy as this? Shall we seek weakness or
power, strength or softness?
40 Tell me and hold not back; for whatever you shall speak, even I shall
likewise do; for even I will stand beside you; being in every part of me, your
brave and faithful ally in all things together.
41 Yet ponder for yourselves and consider deeply the cunning behind all my
words; for I would have us strengthen this boy against the day of testing, when
we must compete against all other academies for the Emperor’s Standard.
42 In that day shall this youth be rightly tested, being made to endure the
rigors and shocks of that constant battle, being made to prove himself our equal
midst blood and fire and steel.
43 Let us refrain our hands from torment, but let us speak unto this boy, and
all his peers also, with strong words of encouragement, being dressed with good
but harmless humor; teaching to him the ways of strength and power; forging
through words and deeds alike, the ways of some noble warrior.
44 By this means shall many of these which are young and fragile endure the
duties and hardships of our academy; to move in greater numbers into the
ranks of the senior classes.
45 For there is trial and pain enough for such young and tender boys in the
learning of war and death together; having to rule over them those harsh and
cruel instructors which still but test even us most continually.
46 Let us dress ourselves as men of cunning and calm perception, and not be
just as brave but foolish lads; being pushed and prodded through cruel and
subtle deceit, by those which rule over us.
47 For there is worked upon us a greater deception than even you are made
aware; being hidden beneath the commands of all centurions and instructors
alike; being unseen by coarse and common men, but which even now shall we
48 Consider then, my brave and noble fellows, how that there is sown between
us and our instructors the seeds of enmity and contempt; for we are the sons of
proud and noble men, while our instructors are drawn from the ranks of the
secondary classes;
49 Having proven themselves through some great but terrible valor upon the
fields of war as being worthy of their present posting; being given as a fair but
just compensation, the duty of instructing that far more nobler class which shall
one day rule over them.
50 Why then would you suppose that such instructors would give us such little
boys to torment, while they, themselves, should restrain their hands from
52 By such coy and subtle means would all who teach us take revenge against
our proud but noble fathers, to make as weak and shallow such rank and
position as we would take to ourselves in the years ahead, causing that they
should wag their heads against us, being filled themselves with some inward
53 Let us now be wise and fully knowing; and by such decisions as we shall
make today, circumvent the whole of their design; to prove ourselves in this
present moment as worthy of such glory as we would seize for ourselves in the
years to come.
54 And if it so be that such young and tender boys must needs be proven, then
let them grow to stand beside us in the days of competition;
55 That in the fierceness of our struggle to gain the Emperor’s Standard, might
even our enemies strike hard against them; to give to such lads a fullness of
their strength and power, while these boys, in fair exchange, will give such
weaknesses as might remain in them.
56 Then shall we in that desperate moment, when we are strong and fully
knowing, subdue all those which come against us, and by our fury take for
ourselves the Emperor’s notice, being favored and honored above all the rest.
57 Come now my brave and noble fellows and tell me plainly: How shall we
decide?” Such were the words which the son of Areta spoke; and there fell a
great hush upon all which heard.
58 But out of the silence did there begin a murmuring, and from out of the
murmuring did there arise a mighty and tumultuous shout which became like
thunder, deep and rumbling; for all which heard did believe even all the words
which they had heard.
59 And the whole company did roar with their voices, and stomp with their
feet the sum of their approval; and there stepped out to quiet them, the senior-
most cadet; and raising his hands he commanded sharply, and all within the
barracks fell deathly quiet.
60 And looking upon his peers, he turned to gaze upon the son of Areta; and
he spoke, saying: “We agree! From this day forth shall you not stand beside us,
but we shall stand with you till someone greater comes.”
61 And the son of Areta smiled, and with a voice made deeply knowing, he
spoke, saying: “Till someone stronger comes.”
Chapter 11
Fields of War
Breaking tradition – Manegus Acquilla: the Senior Commander of A’Kontay – History of Seti-
Kahn – The First Instructor speaks with Manegus – Appeasing the father, while yet honoring
the son – A cunning plan – The son is appointed to the Captaincy – The Great Game: battling
for the Emperor’s Standard – The games begin – A’Kontay wins the Standard of the empire –
The rage and contempt of Seti-Kahn
1 So the son of Areta did all senior cadets elect to follow; having shown in
himself a cunning and perception beyond that of other men; possessing in
himself a confidence and strength uncommon and rare.
2 Soliciting from all his peers a strange alliance filled with high regard and
deep devotion; for in the son of Areta did they see for themselves the surest
path to glory and prestige; whereby they might find themselves advantaged
midst some power and privilege of their own.
3 And from that day did all senior cadets refrain their hands from tormenting
all younger cadets; for it was agreed upon by all, that they speak unto the young
with strong voices filled with firm regard.
4 To shape through words and constant encouragement, the hearts and minds
of all which proved young and tender; to build through discipline and rough
humor, the strength and resolve of every boy which was brought unto A’Kontay.
5 And all those which proved young and tender, even these did look upon the
son of Areta with deep regard; seeing in him a man both strong and fair; to see
in him the object of all their admiration.
6 But when the commanders of A’Kontay saw the fullness of all these things,
they grew deeply troubled; for they thought it not good that one cadet should
seize for himself the allegiance of all other cadets.
9 How that when he, himself, was a senior cadet at the barracks of A’Kontay,
even he did become as some great one; for every cadet trembled before the
cruelty of Seti-Kahn, pledging unto him a frightful allegiance, for he was a
violent and vengeful youth.
10 Evensomuch that every instructor and centurion did begin to fear for his
very life, causing that they should rule more harshly over him than they ever
had before, lest he take against every man singly, a frightful retribution in the
years ahead.
11 So was it thought expedient to rule most sternly and without relent over
Seti-Kahn; but in the days of his ascendance, when he was appointed the
Supreme Commander of all military forces, even he did reach back into the days
of his past.
12 And finding all those which had ruled over him at A’Kontay in the days of
his youth, even these did he cause to perish most secretly; and there was none
to escape the awful wrath of Seti-Kahn, for he was a violent man made drunk
with blood and power.
13 Thus in that present day did the senior commander see with alarm the
rising of some greater man, for the son of Areta had proven himself already a
man of ascension and power; and all those which were made to rule over him
did fear on every side.
14 For if they did not break in pieces the son of Areta, then would Seti-Kahn,
his father, take swift action against even every one of them; to crush them
beneath the weight of all his dreadful fury.
15 And if they should rule too harshly over the son, while yet they failed to
break him, then in the days of his ascendancy, when he should prove himself
the man of greatest power, then would every commander be made to perish at
his hands.
16 But Manegus Acquilla was a cunning but prudent man, not given to brash
or hasty actions, but being instead most thoughtful and discerning of the issues
at hand; seeking always the best means by which he might achieve the greatest
advantage for himself above all others.
17 Now there stood forth to speak unto the chief commander, the first
instructor, even he which was foremost above all the rest; being himself a brave
and fearless man, saying:
18 “Tell us, Manegus, what shall we do with the son of Seti-Kahn? For except
we find some means to subdue him, to break his hold upon the senior classes,
then shall his power grow stronger still.
19 Then shall his dreadful father, in the seeing of this, reach forth unto our
very door to crush even all of us, believing in his fury that we, ourselves, have
elevated the boy far beyond his peers, thinking in his mind that we have failed
to bear down strongly enough upon him.
20 Being made to assume that in the greatness of his son have we found some
advantage for ourselves in the days to come, causing that so fierce a man as
Seti-Kahn should brood most darkly against us.
21 And yet, if we even now should increase our harshness against the boy, to
strive with all our might to break him, then are we still made to stand on feeble
22 For in all these years among us has the son of Seti-Kahn refused to break or
bend before any man, being made in himself but all the stronger because of it,
refusing in himself to yield before such outward pain as others would inflict
upon him.
25 “Let us not fear but act swift and wisely instead, for we can appease the
father while yet we honor the son; for by such a means as I shall place before
you shall we save our lives against the vengeance of Seti-Kahn today, while
likewise we shall preserve ourselves against the wrath of the son tomorrow.
26 For you know that in the four hundred years since our founding has the
Emperor’s Standard never come unto A’Kontay; for the competition for so great
a prize do even all the noble academies struggle most fiercely to gain for
27 Let us, therefore, prove ourselves more cunning than ordinary men, and
with all manner of haste and good reason seek to honor the son; appointing
unto him the captaincy of the senior classes, that he might both strive and fail in
so great an endeavor.
28 And all those which today would give unto him their favor, even these will
turn against him in the midst of their defeat; thinking the sum of all his words
but the guise of some deceit; and they shall cast most quickly away, all their
regard for him.
30 And if the son of Seti-Kahn should prove himself bitter and vengeful, then
shall he turn these things against those very peers which proved themselves so
shallow in their regard.
31 These then shall he seek to harm most dreadfully, visiting upon them in
some future place, the fullness of all his wrath and anger; while we ourselves
continue on in safety.”
32 Such was the cunning behind the words of Manegus Acquilla; and all those
which were gathered did find in them some great relief from all their many
fears; for in the honoring of the son of Areta would they seek to placate two
opposing sides together, and thereby save themselves from certain doom.
33 Thus did it come about that when the son of Areta was but eighteen years
old, being himself but a first year senior, he was appointed by the chief
commander to the captaincy of all other seniors, whereby he might represent in
himself the honor and prestige of the Military Academy of A’Kontay.
34 And seeing all these things, the whole company of cadets, together, felt
themselves strongly advantaged; believing most firmly that with the son of
Areta to lead them, they might achieve the first portion of that future glory
which did await them in the shadows of the son.
35 While yet the commanders and instructors and centurions felt most
certainly that once again would A’Kontay fail in achieving for themselves the
Emperor’s Standard; and thereby crush beneath the weight of bitter
disappointment, such high regard as every cadet did carry for the son of Areta.
36 Thus did the Academy of A’Kontay, on the eighth day of every week,
compete against the noble academies within their region; bringing to each
opponent the pain and shame of certain defeat; for the son of Areta was swift
and cunning in attacking or defending; and there was none which could defeat
37 But the commanders of A’Kontay grew more confident still; believing that
within the province of their own region was there no academy great enough to
beat the son of Areta, but in the provinces and regions round about would there
step forth that greater academy which would, most surely, beat them upon the
fields of battle.
38 Yet did A’Kontay, under the captaincy of the son of Areta, continue to
defeat all other academies which came against them; to gain for themselves the
victory and the prize of each competition; to fly over the barracks of A’Kontay,
the very pennant of each academy which they had beaten.
39 And when there flew above the grounds of A’Kontay some forty pennants,
the commanders grew most fearful; for the son of Areta stood undefeated and
superior above all opponents; having crushed beneath the weight of all his
cunning, all those which came against him.
40 Thus did the Military Academy of A’Kontay stand poised and fully ready to
seize for itself the Emperor’s Standard; having defeated in fiercest combat,
every other noble academy within their province, and region, and state, and
41 And in the autumn of the year was A’Kontay made to stand alone in the
northern hemisphere of the empire; being chosen through the fires of war and
battle to face the greatest of all academies within the southern hemisphere of
the empire.
42 And there gathered to see the Great Game, almost every man within the
borders of the empire; sitting amongst their peers before such television sets as
the Emperor did provide in all barracks both military and civilian.
43 For even the Emperor himself did gather the sum of all his councilors and
advisors to watch the game beside him; having set before his guests a feast of
rich and manly foods; giving unto each man a great flagon of amber port made
with honey and spice.
44 And all those which had proven themselves men of power and worth did
wager most heavily upon the game;
45 Some believing that in the southern hemisphere was there found the
greatest of all military academies; while others believed with equal fervor that
A’Kontay would prove itself greater still.
46 Now the game which all academies struggled most fiercely to win was
brutal and filled with hardships. For out of the two hundred cadets which had
begun the competition beside the son of Areta, still did only seventy remain to
compete in the greatest game of all;
48 Earning for themselves the choicest of appointments upon the day of their
commission; to wear upon their finger the gold ring of victory which did bear
the Emperor’s seal.
49 For in the struggle to gain the Emperor’s Standard did a great many cadets
fall by the way in battle; some being killed through fearsome fighting, while
others fell broken and severely maimed; leaving on the fields of war only the
bravest and most stout.
50 Thus did there gather from all over Drakonia, the men of the empire; from
the lowest to the greatest; for the Emperor, each year, would declare as holiday,
the day of the Great Game; when the greatest academy of the northern
hemisphere would compete against the greatest academy of the southern
51 Now there gathered on the fields of war, in the valley of Chuzon, the
soldiers of the north dressed in red and black; while also there gathered the
soldiers of the south dressed in blue and white; each being fiercely determined
to prevail against the other.
52 And in the winning of the toss did the son of Areta elect to defend; and
there stood beside him but seventy men only; while there was arranged in
opposition some eighty-five men which stood most resolved to seize for
themselves the pennant of A’Kontay.
53 And for three hours of dreadful fighting did they battle fiercely and without
relent; and at the sounding of the trumpet blast was A’Kontay declared the
winner; having successfully defended the pennant against the enemy which
strived to seize it.
54 But the commanders of A’Kontay were deeply troubled; for the son which
they thought to honor and to shame had proven himself victorious; causing that
he should stand most highly favored among the ranks of all cadets; to hear his
name most loudly shouted midst joyful jubilation within the barracks of
55 And there came unto A’Kontay the Emperor Maximillius Drakonus, and he
presented with pomp and ceremony the Standard of the empire; and unto each
cadet which both fought and survived to win the victory, unto each of these did
he give the ring of victory; which ring was made large and heavy with gold.
56 And unto Manegus Acquilla did the Emperor give a gold chevron, to be
worn upon the tunic; which chevron bore the Emperor’s seal; and in that
moment did the chief commander see in the son of Areta, an advantage for
57 But there stood beside the Emperor, in sullen rage, the father Seti-Kahn,
viewing the honors of the son with cold contempt; vowing in his bitter heart to
destroy the son which would usurp him.
Chapter 12
Kronus Maximillius
History is made – A special Standard is given – The Emperor honors the son of Seti-Kahn –
The Emperor’s own ring – The son receives a name and rank: Kronus Maximillius, Imperial
Tribune – The Emperor whispers to Kronus – A secret meeting occurs between the Regent and
Seti-Kahn – The Stazzi – “What weakness can bring down this youth?” – Foxes and the wolf
1 Thus did the son of Areta stand supreme and highly favored among the
cadets of A’Kontay; and in his second year as a senior was he appointed again
unto the captaincy; and in that year also did the Emperor’s Standard go a
second time unto A’Kontay.
2 Which thing caused that even every commander of the academy should cast
their favor upon the son of Areta; for at no time in the history of the empire had
any academy won the Emperor’s Standard twice.
3 Yet did A’Kontay win the Standard two years together; and in the third year
did the commanders of A’Kontay, in the midst of great ceremony, appoint unto
the son of Areta, still again, the captaincy of all senior cadets.
4 And all cadets did raise a mighty and tumultuous shout, to carry upon their
shoulders the greatest of them all; to see in such honors as they would cast upon
the son of Areta today, the shadow of some future honor for themselves
5 Thus in the third year of his captaincy did A’Kontay compete most fiercely;
placing upon the fields of battle some three hundred senior cadets; and all that
year, week by week, did they compete most strenuously and without relent.
6 And the whole empire did wait anxiously the coming of the Great Game; to
see, perchance, if A’Kontay could again prove itself worthy to stand; and in the
closing of the year did the Academy of A’Kontay win for itself, a third time, the
Emperor’s Standard.
7 Thus in the achievement of the third consecutive Standard did the whole
empire stand in amazement of A’Kontay; to set every tongue to wagging in
constant wonder at so great a feat;
8 Causing every man, whether they be military or civilian, to speak in awe of
the man who had captained so great a victory; to see in him the fulfillment of all
their dreaming; causing that many should envy him so bright a future as he
might make for himself in his service to the empire.
9 Now it was the Emperor’s wish that he show some special honor unto the
Academy of A’Kontay; and he sent forth a great many orders and decrees; and
when all things were made ready, the Emperor brought unto the imperial city of
Trajenium, the commanders and senior cadets of A’Kontay.
10 And in the outer courts of the palace did the Emperor, Maximillius
Drakonus, gather beside him the sum of all his councilors and advisors; and
there gathered also from afar the five Caesars of the empire, being attended also
by their councilors and advisors.
11 And there was also assembled the greatest of all the noblemen, being
themselves the governors and administrators of every province, region, and
state; being led in solemn procession by the kings of every nation; which kings
did but serve the Caesars, even as the Caesars were made to serve the Emperor.
12 So was every level of government and power made to come unto Trajenium,
to bend the knee before the Emperor; being organized and arranged in
accordance to their rank and standing; being each one dressed in the richest
and finest of tunics and uniforms.
14 By such preparation was it ensured that every man within the empire
should see for themselves the might and splendor of the Emperor which ruled
most harshly over all their lives.
15 Now there gathered in formal dress, the senior cadets of A’Kontay, standing
at attention midst fearful expectations; and there stood in the center of the first
rank, the captain of all those which fought most fiercely for the Emperor’s
Standard, even the very son of Areta.
16 And there stood between the Emperor and the senior cadets, the Chief
Commander of A’Kontay, Manegus Acquilla, and on his right and left stood the
foremost instructors and centurions of A’Kontay.
17 Yet before all those assembled did the Emperor sit most solemnly and aloof,
having on his right the Regent of the empire, while on his left there brooded the
Supreme Commander of all military forces, Seti-Kahn.
18 Now the Emperor sat upon a golden throne and under his right foot was
there placed a golden globe which did but bare the likeness of the whole world
upon it; and in his right hand did he hold a scepter of ivory and gold, having
engraved upon it the symbol of Drakonia, being in the likeness of an eagle with
wings outstretched.
19 Thus did there commence the honoring of the son of Areta midst all
manner of pomp and solemn ceremony; for the Emperor gave unto the
Academy of A’Kontay a choice and special Standard which was gold, having in
its center the likeness and image of Maximillius Drakonus, being bordered in
the purple of the Emperor.
20 And in the giving of so great a Standard did the Emperor declare before the
whole empire, that the Standard should remain with A’Kontay until that day
when some other academy should win through blood and struggle, three
successive victories against all other academies within the empire;
22 When therefore the Standard was presented, the Emperor did call up
before him the chief commander of A’Kontay and he gave unto Manegus
Acquilla a third gold chevron to wear upon his tunic; and from that day did
Manegus Acquilla swear most secretly unto himself to serve the son of Areta.
23 Now when the Emperor had honored both the academy and its
commander, he had brought before him an ivory box dressed in gold, being
heavily laid with emeralds and rubies; and within the box was there placed a
ring of victory for all those senior cadets which had survived the year’s
24 Beginning, therefore, from the least to the greatest did the Regent of the
empire call to stand before the Emperor, every cadet, whereby he might receive
his ring from the Emperor himself.
25 Thus did every cadet but one receive the prize most cherished by all; but
when the Regent called for the presentation of the son of Seti-Kahn, the whole
assembly grew most still and silent, for they desired to see more closely the one
which had captained so great a victory.
26 And stepping forth briskly and with sharpness, the son of Areta did present
himself before the very Emperor, and the Emperor did but smile, being filled
with cruel and deadly cunning; for he delighted in the honoring of the son;
27 Knowing that by so doing would the heart of Seti-Kahn be filled with fear
and hate together; for the Emperor did delight in tormenting those men of
power which served him;
28 Being anxious to see for himself whether or not this great one, or that great
one might not break beneath the weight of all his cunning; causing that men of
power should tremble most constantly in their services and duty to the
29 Thus did Maximillius Drakonus look upon the son of Areta with most
inward glee; and closing the ivory box, the Emperor spoke unto the whole
assembly, saying:
30 “What ring could I give that would prove worthy of so great a captain as the
son of Seti-Kahn? How shall I honor so brave and cunning a man as this?
31 For such rings as I have given throughout the years of all my reign do seem
but pale and paltry before so great a one as this; for such rings as I have given
already unto his peers do but fail to shine as brightly as the youth which stands
before me now.”
32 And hearing this the whole assembly and court did smile and laugh at the
jesting of their lord; and even Seti-Kahn did laugh most heartily, lest he offend
the Emperor before the very empire which he served.
33 And the Emperor, hearing the laughter of all his guests, did most wanly
smile in the midst of all his might and power; and rising from the throne, he
stepped forth and laid his hand upon the son of Areta, saying:
34 “This ring alone have I found worthy enough for you, my son.” And in that
moment did Maximillius Drakonus take from off his finger, the Emperor’s ring,
and he placed it upon the finger of the son of Areta.
35 And the whole assembly, being found in every Caesar, and king and chief
nobleman, when they saw this thing for themselves, even they did gasp in
wonder; and the air was filled with murmuring and deadly speculation.
36 But the Regent of the empire, when he saw this thing, even he did brood
most darkly against his father, the Emperor; for the whole assembly and court
knew most fully that the son of Areta had the Emperor declared his own.
37 Thus did the Regent, being most anxious within, yet appearing all calm
without, even he did cast forth a cold and hateful eye; and he did find the face of
Seti-Kahn brooding darkly beside the throne;
38 And holding forth his attention, the Regent did nod most subtly before
Seti-Kahn, to signal some dark and bloody intent, to seal between the two of
them, the death of that son which the Emperor would honor.
39 Yet did the Emperor continue before the whole assembly; and holding up
his hand to quiet them, he drew from his tunic, a scroll of parchment; and
turning to the son of Areta, he spoke, saying:
40 “By the decree and law of the empire do I now give unto the son of Seti-
Kahn, both name and rank; for this day shall he be known as Kronus
Maximillius, being made to hold before me and all those assembled, the rank
and office of Imperial Tribune.”
41 And turning to all those assembled, the Emperor spoke loudly, saying:
“How say you unto your lord and master: Will you assent unto my law, and
receive as worthy and most deserving of all these honors, Kronus Maximillius?”
42 And with one voice the whole assembly rose to their feet with mighty
shouts, yelling with all their might both approval and assent, stomping with
their feet and clapping with their hands the sum of all their favor.
43 But when the Regent saw all these things, he rose from off his throne and
gathering his cloak about him, he cast the symbol of his office upon the ground
and stormed most angrily away, to go again unto his own place.
44 Yet did Seti-Kahn smile at so terrible a sight, for he believed most firmly
that he had secured for himself a most powerful ally against that son which he
feared so greatly.
45 Now the Emperor gloried greatly in the approval of all those which were
assembled before him; and drawing closer unto Kronus, he smiled with deadly
intent; and he spoke softly unto the son of Areta, saying:
46 “Serve me well and I shall honor you; fail me and you shall die. Give unto
me such victories as I shall demand of you, and I shall give you power beyond
your dreams. Add to me and I shall add to you; decrease me and I shall decrease
you, to crush you beneath my foot.”
47 Such were the words which Kronus, alone, did hear of his lord and master,
Maximillius Drakonus; and with a sharp salute, Kronus answered, saying: “I
serve and obey, my lord.”
48 And the Emperor, being pleased, turned again unto his throne; and seeing
Seti-Kahn brooding darkly, he spoke unto him with wolfish cunning, saying:
“You have sired for me a great and remarkable son, Supreme Commander;
perhaps greater than even you yourself.”
49 But unto this did Seti-Kahn smile and say: “Yes, Your Majesty, the boy
Kronus has proven himself, thus far, as being truly remarkable in his victory
over school boys. But it is yet to be seen how he shall do in fighting men of fierce
50 And hearing this, the Emperor laughed most heartily; and slapping Seti-
Kahn upon the back, as some good fellow, the Emperor spoke, saying: “Well
said, Supreme Commander. Perhaps you can find some other means by which
to test the true worth of so great a man as Kronus.”
51 So spoke the Emperor midst all his knowing; and all that day was the
Academy of A’Kontay feasted and honored before Caesars, and kings and
governors of the empire; and on the morrow did the senior cadets return again
unto A’Kontay, whereby they might prepare themselves for the day of their
commission and posting.
52 But in the fortress palace of Titus Germanicus did Seti-Kahn and the
Regent of the empire meet most secretly; believing themselves secure from the
watchful glare of the Stazzi, even that secret and most feared of all police.
53 For the Stazzi were made the eyes and ears of the Emperor himself; being
in their zeal and devotion most fanatical and deadly; seeking within the very
shadows of the empire such men as might betray their rightful lord.
54 For the men of the Stazzi were drawn from the lower classes, being in
themselves most cruel and hateful towards that nobility which was made to
serve the Emperor;
55 Having trained from the days of their childhood to serve the Emperor only;
to give unto him a fullness of obedience and high regard; and before such men
as these were even the most powerful of the nobility made to shudder in fear
and dread.
56 For the Emperor did ply with pleasures and gifts of every kind, the men of
the Stazzi, that they might serve the Emperor well and without hesitation
concerning the innermost security of the state.
57 Yet in the fortress of Titus Germanicus did the Regent and Seti-Kahn feel
themselves safe and secure; and in the secret chambers of the fortress did the
Regent rage most violently against his father, exclaiming with bitter words,
58 “Have you not seen for yourself Seti-Kahn, how my father would dishonor
me before the empire; to set in place of me this boy which you alone have
sired?” And so saying, the Regent flung his cup at the statue of the Emperor, to
strike it full force upon the face.
59 But Seti-Kahn did smile, and he spoke, saying: “My Lord, we must not lift
our hands against the boy; for Kronus now bears the Emperor’s ring. But there
is a weakness in the boy which I, alone, do see.”
60 And hearing this, the Regent spoke, saying: “What weakness can bring
down this youth which bestrides the empire? For he has proven himself already
as some great one.”
61 Yet did Seti-Kahn answer most soothingly, saying: “The boy, Kronus, loves
his mother above all other things, and will himself suffer dishonor and death
before he would consent to harm her.”
62 Thus throughout the night did the Supreme Commander lay before the
Regent, the fullness of his intent; and when he was completed, the Regent did
but laugh and dance about with bitter glee, thinking himself most benefited by
the cunning of Seti-Kahn.
63 Yet despite such precautions as they did take between themselves, still did
the Emperor hear word for word the plottings of the Regent and Seti-Kahn
together; for there was hidden in the stones of the fortress, a great many
listening devices.
64 And the Emperor spoke unto the men of the Stazzi, saying: “Let the little
foxes yap and play about, for the wolf is not asleep; and in a day they think not
of, I shall leap forth upon them to tear them to pieces; that at my leisure I might
devour them.”
Chapter 13
The Reunion
Seti-Kahn’s cruel test – Cunning thoughts of the Emperor – The Emperor commands the death
of Areta – Manegus questions Kronus – Kronus searches for his mother – A woman shattered
and broken – “Tell me Mother, the things which did befall you” – A love greater than all
1 Now in the offices of war did Seti-Kahn write forth the final test for all senior
cadets of the noble classes; and when he was completed, he sent the orders
under the seal of his office throughout the whole empire.
2 For it was the prerogative of the Supreme Commander of all military forces
to decide for himself that final ordeal which would prove the worthiness of such
seniors as would enter the service of the Emperor;
3 To evaluate, midst some final hardship, the strength and devotion of each
cadet in the performance of his duty; proving to all which stood above them in
some command, their willingness to obey such orders as they were given; being
in themselves without hesitation or remorse.
4 And so, Seti-Kahn sent throughout the empire that harsh and final
examination; requiring that each senior cadet should kill his mother by slow
strangulation, and that he should give her flesh as meat unto such guests as
would attend the feasting of all graduating seniors.
5 Causing that those who should obey so cruel a test might earn for
themselves the wearing of the iron bracelet; which band of iron was worn about
the wrist of all imperial officers; having stamped upon its surface the seal of the
6 But when the commanders of the noble academies within the empire read
for themselves the orders of Seti-Kahn, they were filled with puzzlement; for
they saw no test in the killing of a woman.
7 And the Emperor, being made aware of these things, even he did smile in
cold contempt of the Supreme Commander; knowing of himself that it was for
Kronus only that the test was created;
8 But the Emperor was greater in cunning than Seti-Kahn, and standing upon
the balcony of his palace, he gazed with hard and deadly eyes upon the city of
Trajenium, and he spoke to himself saying:
9 “I shall fashion from blood and iron a test of my own devising, whereby I
might prove the strength of all senior cadets; for the strength of Kronus will I
test in the midst of some fierce and desperate command, whereby I might see
for myself, whether or not there be any lasting greatness within the man.”
10 And stepping into the palace, the Emperor called unto himself a man of the
Stazzi, and he commanded him, saying: “Go and find for yourself the mother of
Kronus Maximillius; and when you have found her, kill her subtly and in secret.
11 For I would not have Kronus to betray himself for the sake of his mother.
Go therefore, and find this woman for which the son himself would die, and kill
her quickly; lest I should lose through the cunning of Seti-Kahn, the services of
Kronus Maximillius.
12 Let us therefore, spare the son so cruel a test as his father would devise. But
be you careful and ever watchful; for the mother shall be most strongly guarded
by the men of Seti-Kahn.”
13 Thus did the Emperor command the death of Areta, being certain that by
such a means he might preserve the life of Kronus against that day when he
would seize for the sake of the Emperor, a victory and glory greater than that of
all previous Emperors;
15 Now in the Academy of A’Kontay did Manegus Acquilla read with disgust
the orders of his Supreme Commander; for he perceived correctly the hatred of
the father against his son; and commanding that Kronus be brought unto him,
he revealed to him the orders of Seti-Kahn.
16 Yet in the hearing thereof did Kronus remain as cold and hard in all
outward appearance; causing that Manegus Acquilla should view him with high
regard and subtle favor.
17 And the chief commander, holding up the orders of Seti-Kahn, spoke unto
him, saying: “Tell me Kronus, can you, of yourself, do this thing?” And Kronus
answered not a word, but stood rigid as stone instead.
18 But Manegus Acquilla perceived within the heart of Kronus, a great and
fearful agony; causing that he should speak unto him, saying:
19 “There is given in every man a weakness which does but lurk within the
minds of even the greatest and most brave.
20 And in the moment of our glory does it seek to leap from out of the
shadows of all our greatness, to bring us down unto death and shame and
dishonor; and against this hidden weakness do all men strive most fiercely to
21 Some through cruelty, some through hate; while others strive on and on,
going from greatness to greatness; racing in fevered haste to outdistance the
fear within them;
22 Hiding beneath the sum of all their many achievements, that certain fear
which would make ruin, the greatness of their life; to throw into havoc and
despair the very worth of every man who would seek for himself some greater
place in the affairs of men.
23 Consider then, most noble Kronus, the greatness of your name and place;
for already have you achieved for yourself the Emperor’s name and ring;
causing that you should win for yourself the hate and admiration of all military
24 Yet is it believed by even those which fear you most, that in your love for
the woman which brought you forth, is there found that certain weakness which
would cast down into ruin the sum of all your greatness; to bind in shame and
death the glory of your name and place.
25 This one thing only is the weakness which lies hidden within you. Tell me
therefore, most noble Kronus: Can you, of yourself, do the thing which is
commanded of you?”
26 But still would Kronus not answer a word, but stood himself as still as
death. And with a heavy sigh, Manegus Acquilla spoke again, saying:
27 “Go then, most noble Kronus, and return to your place in the fortress of
your father; and whatsoever thing you must do, even in that find such strength
as you will need to continue on.
28 And if by chance you should win the day against the cunning of your father,
then remember the name of Manegus Acquilla; for even I would profess my
desire to serve beside you in such commands as the Emperor would give unto
Kronus Maximillius.”
29 And with a sharp command, the chief commander did salute Kronus to
dismiss him; and the son of Areta went out in haste to go unto the fortress of
A’Kontay to find again his mother.
30 Thus did Kronus go in haste unto A’Kontay, and after a great many
inquiries, he found the place where his mother was kept under constant guard;
and gathering himself in calmness and fierce authority, he went quickly unto
the dungeons of the fortress.
31 And approaching the guard which stood watch outside the innermost
chamber, he commanded entrance into the room; but the guard would not give
heed, for he had been commanded to let no one enter.
32 But Kronus would not relent but with cold and deadly fury he struck the
guard full in the face; and drawing forth his gun, he aimed it at the guard,
33 “Fool! Do you not see before you an Imperial Tribune of the empire? I am
Kronus Maximillius, even that very man which wears the signet ring of the
Emperor himself. Obey me, or die the death.”
34 And the guard, fearing for his very life, did yield before the purple of the
Emperor; and taking the key from off his neck, he opened the innermost door
of the deepest chamber;
35 And Kronus, passing by the guard in swift determination, did reach out and
snatch to himself the very key to his mother’s prison; for he knew that in
entering the room would the guard close the door to imprison him also.
36 Now the room was dark and cold, and Kronus commanded the guard to
bring forth the lanterns of the outer hall, and to bring forth, also, some wood
whereby he might make a fire within the fireplace.
37 And when all these things were done, he turned to see huddled upon the
floor in the furthermost corner of the chamber, a woman which was sorely
wounded, carrying upon her flesh a great many scars.
38 And hearing the voices of men in the room, the woman began to weep and
tremble because of fear; and looking out with fearful dread, she saw standing
before her an Imperial Tribune.
39 But when Kronus saw more fully in the light the woman which trembled
before him, he was filled with sorrow and deepest agony; for the mother he
remembered in all his dreaming was now but shattered and deeply broken.
40 And there arose from off her flesh, a dreadful stench, for she had been
permitted no means by which to bathe or care for herself; having been
imprisoned by Seti-Kahn for three years within the dungeons of A’Kontay.
41 And Kronus, turning to the guard commanded that a basin of warm water
be brought to him most quickly; and seeing that the guard had left the room,
the woman spoke with trembling words, saying:
42 “Fierce and noble master, I beg you no more pain. For I can bear no longer
the cruelties of men upon my flesh; neither can I endure such hard and bitter
words as you might use, to break in pieces my heart and mind together.”
43 Such were the words which the woman spoke; but Kronus answered not a
word, for he feared to speak unto her any words of comfort, lest the guard
return unawares, to hear such soft and tender words as he might give to console
her wounded heart.
44 And again did the woman speak, saying: “Why will you not speak to me?
Why stand you there so cold and silent? If you have come to kill me, then do it
quickly. For in the grave shall I, at last be free of you; for in the quietness of the
shade have men like you no power to harm or to hurt any longer.”
45 But still did Kronus speak not a word for fear of weeping; neither did he
move in slightest degrees, but stood himself as rigid as stone, being draped and
clothed in the purple and gold of the Emperor; having in his image a hard and
fearsome likeness which spoke only of death and fury.
46 Yet in his eyes was there seen reflected that warm and gentle softness
which the woman could most clearly see; causing that she should be filled with
puzzlement and wonder because of it.
47 Now when the guard returned, carrying in his hands a basin of warm water,
Kronus turned to him a cold and hateful face; and with sullen words of silent
rage, he commanded the man, saying:
48 “Leave me! And keep you far away from the door. For this I command you
in the name of the Emperor. But this you must know of yourself most surely,
that if you should report to those above you, the coming and going of my person
into this room, then shall you be killed most quickly; for you have failed already
in obeying such orders as were given you.
49 Therefore, speak not a word and you shall live; for by my own silence are
you preserved from harm. Go then and consider deeply how close you are made
to stand upon the grave.”
50 And with a sharp salute, the guard spoke, saying: “I will obey, most noble
51 Thus did Kronus Maximillius, Imperial Tribune to the Emperor, take full
charge of the prison chamber; and turning himself to gaze upon the broken
woman, he spoke in a voice made soft and tender; speaking unto her a single
word only, saying, “Mother!”
52 And Areta, hearing this word did but weep for joy, and rising to her knees,
she did embrace her son unto her breasts, and she spoke midst sobs of deep
relief, saying:
53 “O, my son, my brave and tender God; long have I waited the coming of my
joy; believing midst shadows of dark despair, the coming of that very light
which did but leap out of the soul of me these many years ago.”
54 And Areta wept upon the bosom of her son, while Kronus did likewise
anoint his mother with many tears; and with soft and gentle touches he did
comfort her;
55 Tearing from off his tunic, a purple cloth with which to bathe her; taking
from off his shoulders, the purple cloak which bore the Emperor’s seal, to place
it round about her.
56 And taking the cloth, he did bathe his mother in every part; speaking to her
some soft word of remembrance, singing here and there the songs of their
youth, when both were young and filled with dreaming.
57 Thus did Areta receive again her son, and she did hold him tightly to her;
closing her eyes in quiet repose, and then opening again her eyes to see; seeking
through each touch and sound and gentle breath, to find again that little boy
which hid most quietly in the man before her.
58 For Kronus was no longer that laughing child which did sing and dance,
but was instead a man of power and great renown; having curried at so young
an age both name and place among those which ruled so harshly.
59 Yet did Areta rest joyfully in the arms of her son, drawing comfort from all
his strength, finding midst the sum of all his confidence, the hope of her
60 Now Kronus, gazing into the eyes of his mother, spoke, saying: “Tell me,
Mother, the things which did befall you so long ago, when we were torn apart to
go our separate ways.
61 Speak to me the fullness of all your hurt; for I would likewise bear in my
heart the sum of all your pain, that by my strength I might lessen such cruelties
as have befallen you, all these many years.”
62 Yet Areta would not speak of those dark and hurtful things, but drew her
son closer still, to kiss him upon the lips; and she spoke, saying:
63 “Let us not speak of injuries past, nor linger in the shadows of the wounded
heart; for like a river ever flowing, they do but drift themselves away, to lose in
fields of distant memory, the sting and pain of all their hurt.
64 But let us, still, with hopeful hearts, seize the brighter moment.” And so
speaking, the mother held her son; and Kronus wept, revealing to his mother
the cruel designs of Seti-Kahn.
65 But Areta, growing still within, reached forth to touch her son, to steady
him against the hurt of all his anger; and in a voice most gentle and soft, she
spoke, saying:
66 “Tell me son, and hold not back: Is the hate you bear against your father
greater than the love you bear for me?” And Kronus answered: “Mother, my
love for you is greater than all other things.”
67 And Areta spoke, saying: “Then set aside your anger and listen with full
intent, for I would have you hear the words which I would speak.”
68 And Kronus, letting go of all his rage, kissed his mother upon the brow,
and in a voice made soft and tender, he spoke, saying: “Speak, my Mother, and
I will hear.”
Chapter 14
1 These then are the words which Areta spoke unto her son, even Kronus,
which stood before the Emperor as most renowned and worthy of praise;
having secured through the genius of his person, a glory and prestige far greater
than all those before him.
2 Causing that the mother should view him with most inward joy; finding in
the presence of her son, the shadow of that little boy which would laugh and
play midst the sunshine of her youth; to lay beside her in the night, being
suckled upon the breasts midst dreams and gentle sleep.
3 Yet did Areta see with saddened heart, the shadows of her past, when she
was young and filled with hope for the son she held most dearly, to see but now
those fleeting images which would no longer sing or dance together in sunlight
or in shade.
4 For in the presence of Kronus were all her yesterdays made as dreams
instead; being vanished away through the cruel designs of hateful men which
would trap the son she loved so deeply.
5 And Areta spoke unto the son with soft and tender words; plying with most
loving skill to ease the hurt of all his troubles; to set free his soul of hate and
fear, to fill him with that gentle cunning which would sweep away the darkness
of lesser men.
6 For this cause did the mother speak in softest tones, a fullness of her heart’s
desiring; to say midst smiles and gentle touches: “O, my son, most good and
noble heart, give not your soul to anger, neither yield your joy for fear of me.
7 For in all these years did I wait your coming whereby I might prove some
final benefit in the doing of all those things which I have set before you;
8 Believing midst hopeful dreams, that in my son would all my hopes find full
expression in the lives of those which rule; to take from out of all your
goodness, a life and power all their own.
9 Look, my son, and see most fully the pains which I did bear, to carry in my
flesh the scars of cruel and senseless beatings, bearing in my heart the abuses of
small and hateful men.
10 For it matters not the harshness of such lesser men, nor the darkness of
their deeds; for I did cast my eyes unto that far and distant light, believing with
all my might, that in the day of darkest gloom the light would leap upon me, to
bathe me in the goodness of your love forever.
11 Know then, my son, that you are the light for which I waited; you are the joy
for which I dreamed both night and day; enduring with most comely grace, the
hardships of these passing years.
12 Hoping then, believing now, that in you alone would come that light which
shines most brightly through the darkness of the age; to lift the hearts of all
who see, to that high and noble place where you and I do dwell.
13 Grieve not, therefore, over such pains and afflictions as you do now see me
bear; for though my flesh seem scarred and broken, yet in my soul there is
brightness still, for yet does there stir within me the songs of faith and hope.
14 Give not your heart to anger, nor yield yourself to some lesser passion; for
the cruelties of others did I survive that I might wait the coming of my son;
15 But if, in this present moment, you would give your heart to vengeance,
then would I most surely fall; to lay myself down in endless sorrow.
16 Therefore, my good and noble son, prove yourself the greatest of men, and
save the world from all this hurt; for if you would throw away your life for
vengeance sake, then would the sum of every man and every woman fall beside
you in the grave, to rise no more forever.”
17 These then are the words which Areta spoke unto Kronus, the son of all her
hope and joy together mixed; that she might sweep away the anger of his heart.
18 And Kronus, holding his mother in his arms to comfort her did speak,
saying: “Do not grieve for my sake, most good and gracious Mother; for in my
love for you would I set aside the fullness of my indignation, that you might find
upon my bosom both safety and rest from all your hurt and pain.
19 But this you must know most surely, that if I take no revenge against my
father to kill him, then shall the law compel that I should strangle you upon the
post, which thing I will never do.
20 For I will not have you shamed before strange and violent men, neither will
I permit against you any further harm; for now am I a man both strong and
quick; and I shall endure no longer the bestiality of lesser men against you.
21 For this cause have I placed before us but two paths only; for in the one is
there found safety and joy, while in the other is there found for each of us, that
good and gentle death where none would dare intrude.
22 Know then that in my love for you would I set aside the rage within, yet in
my desire to save you am I most strongly resolved; and though my heart be
filled with gentle stirrings for your sake only, still will I not stay my hand in
delivering you from all this vileness.
23 Come then, my good and precious Mother, and let us fly ourselves away;
for I am no longer the boy of ages past, but am instead a man most highly
skilled in war and dark survival.
24 Let us, therefore, go quickly and in secret from this place of blood and
wrath; and in those yon but distant mountains make for us a home and refuge
where we might dwell in peace and safety.
25 For even I did wait for you all these many years, even as you did wait for
me; enduring in my flesh the cruelties and hardships of all my training; being
compelled to persevere against adversity perchance to find again the mother I
26 But if, my good and gentle Mother, you will not flee yourself away, to dwell
in safety to the mountains of Fen Magurah, then let us now die together; for I
would lay aside both rank and privilege that I might rest in death beside you.
27 For there in that dark but gentle shade shall we sleep in sweet repose, being
made safe at last from the evils which man would do; for in death shall we
deeply sleep in the goodness of our love forever.
28 Choose, therefore, the path which we shall tread, and fear no longer; for it
is for your sake that I would set aside forever the glories and honors of men,
counting them as filth and dross.
29 For in being your son only have I found the greatest worth; having been
made within my heart and mind most noble because of you; being shaped and
fashioned through the teachings of my mother into the man of greatest merit.
30 For in the softness of your form and in the goodness of your speech have I
found the only true honor and the greatest thing of glory; being worthy in
yourself of most gentle approbation.”
31 Such did Kronus speak most tenderly unto his mother; and kissing her
upon the lips and upon the nipples of her breasts, he made himself as steel; and
drawing from his tunic a vial of poison, he held it before her, saying:
32 “Tell me, my Mother, the path which we shall go; for in the one is there life
and safety in the mountains of Fen Magurah, while on the other there is death
and peace forever.
33 Yet do not fear but know this only, that in whatsoever path you would
choose will we be together always; for I will never leave you or forsake you;
neither can any man compel me to bring some evil against you for the sake of
all their hate and pleasure.”
34 Now when Kronus had spoken all these things, the mother did embrace her
son to hold him; and she spoke into the depths of all his heart and mind
together saying:
35 “Would you bring my life to nothing? Would you cast aside the dreaming of
all my life for safety’s sake? Will you make as nothing the suffering of all my
36 Look you then, my son, and see most clearly: For am I the only woman
which is made to suffer because of cruel and hateful men? Shall I then save
myself while yet the world continues on in pain and frightful dreaming?
37 Shall I seek for myself, alone, that distant light while yet the world is cast in
darkness and fear forever? Is this the end for which I lived? Shall the sum of all
my years seek for itself no greater purpose?
38 Come then, my son, and I will reveal to you that hidden portion; which
thing when you shall see, will remove such fears as you do bear for my sake
alone; for I am more than this body which you see.
39 For I, of myself, did fashion the body which even now you do hold; for I
desired to walk among the children of men, being hopeful that I might find
some means by which to save them; for even in the midst of all their fear and
darkness did I see some greater destiny filled with promise and endless wonder.
40 Know then, my brave and noble son, that the mother which cast you forth
from the womb of all her dreaming is even now most able to deliver the son
from such pain and fear as you do bear for me.
41 For behold, I am Areta, even the Mother of all living things; bearing in my
soul a fullness of life and love, grace and beauty, hope and joy; being in my
truer self beyond the reach of death and darkness; dwelling most constantly in
the goodness of my soul forever.
42 Look you then and marvel; for in this dark and frightful moment will I
show the power of the mother you love so deeply.”
43 And behold, there did gather from out of every part of her, a bright and
shimmering light; which light did move throughout the sum of all her flesh, to
gather within the very bosom of all her being.
44 And with great suddenness, the mother breathed most heavily, and in an
instant did the light leave the tabernacle of her flesh to float and move in the
airs above; and out of the light did the mother speak, saying:
45 “Do not fear, my son, the passing of my flesh into death; for I shall live
forever in the vastness of the Deep.
46 Think not therefore, that it is needful that you should save me; for it is the
mother’s place and right to save the son she loves so dearly.”
47 Thus did Kronus, seeing the soul of his mother before him, gaze in wonder
and deep regard; and in an instant did the light fall again into the flesh of the
body, to awaken it, as if from slumber; and Kronus spoke, saying:
48 “O, my Mother, my good and gentle light; for what cause would you endure
so great a sorrow as this life would have you bear, seeing that you are not bound
by the limitations of the flesh?
49 For when I am made to see the brightness of your glory, the wonder of your
light, even I am filled with astonishment concerning the nature of my mother.
50 Tell me therefore, and hold not back: Why would you endure the cruelties
of this life when there is made for you a way of escape? Why would you suffer
the afflictions of the flesh when the light of all your being is greater than this
mortal clay?”
51 And Areta answered her son, saying: “In the beginning did I endure for
hope’s sake only, believing most firmly and without relent, that by my life and
presence in this far and distant world might I save from oblivion, the life of
every man and every woman.
52 But in the day when I drew you forth from the womb of my flesh, in the
moment of greatest pain and fear in bringing forth, was there born in me a
thing which I had never known before.
53 Thus in the birth of you, my son, was there born in me some endless love;
for you are the child of all my hope and love together; and for your sake, alone,
did I bear in my flesh the cruelties of men.
54 Know then that if you will do the things which I have asked, then might
there spring up within the heart of man the seeds of hope and love also; and out
of this might there leap from out of the darkness something still of greater
55 Therefore, my good and noble son, lose not your faith and hope for fear of
me; for even I shall save you from the cunning of your father; to preserve you to
that greater purpose for which I have dreamed so long ago.
56 Hold, therefore, onto such love as you do bear for me, and turn loose the
darkness of hate and wrath together; for in such love as you shall find within,
shall you find that greater place of refuge; permitting that you should endure all
things, hope all things and dream all things together possible.”
57 Now when the mother had finished speaking, Kronus thought most deeply
within himself, being troubled and perplexed most deeply within; and after
some long and silent moment, he spoke unto Areta, saying:
58 “How can one man alone, change the lives of so many? For the world is
greater than all my might, being filled with nations and peoples of every kind.
What, therefore, is the life of one man when compared to the ways of all men
together? By what means would I bend forever the fate of nations and of
59 And Areta answered, saying: “Come, my son, and I will reveal in you the
power and strength of Oneness; for it is certain that one man, of himself,
cannot do the things which I desire, to save from oblivion the life of every man
and every woman.
60 Therefore, my son, change the life of one man only and he shall stand
beside you; then shall these two, being as one together, change the lives of two
others also; and then shall these four men together, be as the force of one.
61 And if you will continue, to move in small degrees, then shall these four
men become greater and greater in numbers still, to move, of themselves, in
patience throughout the affairs of men;
62 Even until there should stand beside you a multitude of men who, being
made like unto yourself in word and deed, shall stand as one together, to
change by subtle means the fate of nations and kings.
63 Know then, my son, that in the many which stand beside you, even these
shall be made as one in you and you in them; and in this Oneness are all things
made possible.
64 Go then, my son, and leave this dark and dreadful place; for even now
would I set forth my hand to save you from the cunning of your father. Only
kiss me now upon the lips, and remember me in all your doings.
65 Be you brave and most strongly cunning in the doing of good and noble
things; for I shall not forget the son I love so dearly, but shall most faithfully
walk beside you.”
66 Thus did the mother speak, and the son, kissing her upon the lips, did
bathe her with his tears; and when he was completed, he turned himself as hard
as iron and gave himself to the affairs of nations and of men.
Chapter 15
1 Now there gathered unto the fortress of A’Kontay, all the men of great
renown, being seen themselves as men of power and prestige; for they were
made the guests of the Emperor and of Seti-Kahn together.
2 For there was about the halls of the great manor, a great deal of bustle, for
there were many slaves which made ready the feasts of kings and warriors;
bringing from the storerooms a mountain of fresh breads and meats of every
kind, sweet and savory; having added to these the choicest of fruits and
3 And there stood in tall caskets, the golden mead of Camber Rey, being made
from honey and ale together blended with sweet drawn butter and hot
cinnamon spice; and unto this was there added a variety of beers and costly
port, mixed with the blood of children and fallen men beside.
4 Now in the great feasting hall of the manor was there set forth long and
heavy tables, being draped in tablecloths of scarlet and gold; bearing in their
centers the coat of arms of the House of Seti-Kahn.
5 And there was set in the place of each guest, plates of gold with gold utensils;
and there was brought into the hall the women of Seti-Kahn, being freshly
bathed and softly scented; being made themselves to serve and obey the
commands and whims of every guest.
6 But in the uppermost room of the manor did the Emperor wait midst all his
court, the beginning of the feast; and as he sat most darkly musing, there came
unto him an agent of the Stazzi; and the Emperor spoke most discreetly unto
him, saying:
7 “What of the mother; is she dead?” And the agent made swift reply, saying:
“Yes, Your Majesty, she is dead.”
8 And the Emperor smiled, being pleased at the hearing; and he spoke, saying:
“You have done well. Receive now the favor of the empire.” And so speaking,
the Emperor drew from his cloak, a small but costly bundle of payment script.
9 But the agent did refuse his master, saying: “My Lord, I did not kill the
woman, but found her dead already.”
10 When the Emperor heard this thing, he was filled with astonishment, and
he spoke, saying: “Who then did kill her, seeing that she is strongly guarded?
For it is certain that Seti-Kahn would only preserve her, that he might use her
life to bring down the son he fears so greatly.”
11 And the Emperor pondered deeply the death of the mother, and in a
moment he spoke again, saying: “By what means was the woman killed? And
who, beside myself, would wish her dead?”
12 And the agent answered, saying: “I know not the means by which she
perished; for when I entered the room, she appeared as sleeping only.
13 But when I drew forth my blade to awaken her, she remained still and
deathly quiet, having upon her face a strange and comely smile.
14 Thus did I put forth my hand to touch her, but found her cold and filled
with death; and when I did examine her, I found no killing wounds upon her
body, neither could I discern the signs of any poison.
15 Then, my lord, did I go most quickly unto the very guards which watched
over her; for they knew not that she was dead, but presumed only that she was
16 And unto each guard did I speak separately and alone, to both bribe and
threaten them, saying: ‘Tell me and hold not back: Who did you pass into the
woman’s room?’
17 And each guard, save one, did answer me, saying: ‘No one, my lord, on this
I swear.’ But of the other guard, he did tell me all; revealing how that Kronus
Maximillius had commanded entry into the prison chamber, casting into the
ears of the guard, the Emperor’s name and the fear of certain death.
18 When, therefore, I had heard the fullness of his report, I did reveal unto
him the death of the woman, causing that he should shake and tremble for fear
of his very life.
19 Yet, Your Majesty, did I speak unto him, saying: ‘Tell no man the things
which you both saw and did and you shall live. For it is expedient that some
other guard should take the blame.
20 And if, perchance, Seti-Kahn should think to torture him, to break him in
pieces, still will he reveal but nothing only, being bound by certain innocence of
any knowledge of Kronus Maximillius. By such means shall we preserve your
life and place.’
21 Now when the guard had heard this of me, he proved himself most grateful;
for I thought it best, Your Majesty, that you should hold the reins of wrath and
judgment rather than this Seti-Kahn; for it is proper only that you decide if
Kronus should live or die.”
22 Such were the words which the agent spoke unto the Emperor, regarding
the death of the mother. And the Emperor smiled a dark and fearsome grin;
and handing the agent the bundle of payment script, he spoke, saying:
23 “Well done, my good and trusted friend. You have acted wisely on my
behalf; go now and speak not a word to any man concerning these things.
24 But on the morrow, when the innocent guard is dead, go you most quickly
and in secret to this guard which you have saved, and kill him suddenly and
with fierce dispatch, lest he reveal to some other, the hidden doings of Kronus
25 And the agent hearing this, did bow most gravely before his Emperor,
saying: “I will obey, Your Majesty.” And so saying, he slipped himself most
quietly away, like mist and fleeting shadows.
26 But the Emperor, seeing that the agent was gone away from the room,
called unto yet another member of the Stazzi which no man knew; and the
Emperor spoke unto him, saying:
27 “Did you see for yourself, the man to which I was speaking?” And the man
answered him, saying: “Yes, Your Majesty, I did see him.” And the Emperor
spoke again, saying:
28 “Behold, the man has betrayed me and he thinks I know it not. Go,
therefore, and on the second day hence, kill him with quick dispatch. Thus by
your faithfulness unto me shall I be avenged.”
29 And the man himself, bowed most gravely, saying: “I will obey, Your
Majesty.” And he likewise, did leave the room to follow after the agent. And
when he was gone, the Emperor smiled and spoke to himself, saying:
30 “Now is Kronus made safe from all these things, and in a day of my
choosing shall I bend him to my greater purpose, to place my name above all
other Emperors as the greatest and most mighty.”
31 And the Emperor laughed aloud and clapped his hands in merry jest,
thinking to himself: “This Kronus is indeed the wolf and not the pup as others
might suppose.
32 For it was he which killed his mother, that he might save her some greater
torment.” And again the Emperor laughed aloud and shook his head with
inward humor;
33 Causing all those which stood within the retinue of all his court to wonder
for what cause the Emperor laughed so deeply.
34 And the Emperor, clapping his hands with inward merriment, spoke most
loudly unto all his ministers, and counselors, and advisors, saying: “Let us go
down unto the feast, for I am fierce and hungry, and tonight shall prove itself
good sport.”
35 Now in the halls of the feast did there gather the most powerful of men; for
there was numbered among the guests of Seti-Kahn, the Caesars and their
kings; for each Caesar was most anxious to bid for the services of Kronus
Maximillius, should he earn for himself the iron bracelet.
36 For every Caesar saw for himself some great advantage in the services of so
great a man as Kronus, for by his skills in making war would they hope to
become foremost in the conquering of new lands and resources, to earn for
themselves by so great a feat, the title of Vice Regent to the empire.
37 For in the Empire of Drakonia was it possible that the Vice Regent should
seize for himself the greatest prize of all, to become in himself the Emperor; for
by the law of the land was it certain that if the Emperor die, then is the Regent
made to succeed him.
38 Having but one year only, according to the law, to secure the allegiance of
all the men of power; and if he succeed in doing this, then is he crowned the
Emperor, to rule supreme and undisputed within the borders of the realm.
39 But if he fail to secure the allegiance of all the men of power, being seen in
himself as weak and ineffectual, then is he killed through the treachery and
cunning of the Vice Regent, and all his house also; by this means would the
empire avoid civil war; then is the Vice Regent crowned Emperor instead.
40 Now there entered last into the halls of the feast, Maximillius Drakonus,
and all his court; causing that there should be numbered at the feast some three
hundred men of power; and there sat to the Emperor’s right Seti-Kahn, and on
his left Kronus Maximillius.
41 And the Emperor, sitting in the place of honor, signaled that the feasting
should begin; and the whole room was filled with laughing sport and cruel
merriment; for the women which served were naked, and fell as easy prey to the
brutish men of power.
42 And as they ate, midst all their cruel and bitter sport, there entered the
room certain laborers, bearing upon their shoulders, a pillar of iron; and
carrying it to the center place, they did fix it uprightly before the Emperor’s
43 And when this was completed, the laborers did remove the heavy planks
which covered the center of the floor; and there in a pit made deep and strong
was there found, unleashed, the dogs of war made mad by hunger.
44 Thus were all things made ready, and immediately there sounded the
trumpet blast; and Seti-Kahn, taking leave of his Emperor, stood forth to speak,
saying: “Men of valor, men of war, you rulers of the nation give heed.
45 For we are gathered to test the man Kronus, to see if he should prove
himself worthy in being numbered among us, to earn for himself the iron
bracelet, which iron bracelet even we ourselves do wear.
46 For this cause was it incumbent upon me, that I should find in him that
one thing which would prove his strength and loyalty unto the Emperor.
47 And though in times past you did criticize me for so simple a test, thinking
it unfit for so great a man as this Kronus has made himself to be; still did I
know it greater than Kronus could bear.
48 Let us now see if Kronus is fit to stand beside us in the ruling of the
empire.” And so saying, Seti-Kahn turned unto Kronus, saying: “Are you ready
in this present moment, to prove yourself as one of us?” And Kronus, rising
from his seat, said: “I am ready.”
49 Then did Seti-Kahn give swift command unto the Praetorian, saying:
“Bring the woman!” And immediately they went forth to fetch her; and after
many passing moments, the Praetorians returned bearing the body of the
woman in their arms, bringing in chains also, the man which guarded her.
50 And immediately there arose a great clamor, and turning himself to see,
Seti-Kahn spoke, saying: “What is this? Why do you carry the woman? Is she
fainted?” And the captain of the Praetorium answered, saying: “She is dead, my
lord; we know not how. For this cause did we bring forth the man which
guarded her.”
51 When these things were heard, then did the whole room burst forth with
speaking and clamoring men; for they were all made witness to the dishonoring
of Seti-Kahn’s house; to murmur between themselves, saying: “This man
cannot so much as guard a woman! How then can he be worthy in guarding the
52 But Kronus spoke not a word to any man, but stood himself as still as
stone, being pierced to the heart with loss and grief; for he loved his mother
more than life and honor, and would himself have died for her.
53 Yet was he still made sadly calm in the midst of mighty clamoring; knowing
in his heart how that his mother had saved him by her death; whereby he might
fulfill the sum of all her dreaming.
54 Then did Seti-Kahn roar with rage, and he spoke loudly before the whole
house, saying: “I am dishonored!” And turning a hateful and bitter glare unto
Kronus, he spoke unto the Emperor, saying:
55 “By the law, Your Majesty, I demand to set my house aright, to restore
again my honor. Behold then how coldly and bemused this Kronus stands;
having escaped through subtle means, the test which I have made for him; to
give unto his mother this quick but gentle death.
56 Grant unto me, therefore, Your Majesty, that I might avenge my honor
against this brash and prideful pup. For I will sacrifice both my son and this
guard, to gain again my place and honor.”
57 Now when Seti-Kahn had finished speaking, the Emperor rose to speak;
and immediately the whole room went deathly quiet; for every man was filled
with wonder concerning those things which the Emperor might speak.
58 And the Emperor spoke, saying: “How can Kronus alone, breach a house so
strongly guarded? For in the whole of my empire is my house alone more
fiercely guarded than your own.
59 If then there is any blame to be found, then look to your own house, and
think not to blame the innocent; for in Kronus have we found a fierce but
honorable man.
60 But if you would gain a portion of your honor, then cast the body of the
woman and the guard which watched her unto the dogs; perhaps this will
suffice to please us.”
61 And hearing this, Seti-Kahn gave quick command, and the body of the
mother was cast into the pit, and the guard likewise; and there arose from the
pit the sound of dreadful screaming, and the sound of ripping flesh and the
crushing of bones.
62 And when all again was quiet, the Emperor spoke again, saying: “It was a
foolish test and we have prepared for Kronus, a greater one besides, whereby he
might earn for himself the bracelet of iron.”
63 And the Emperor, drawing from his cloak a small but heavy scroll, spoke
unto Kronus, saying: “In the night when all were sleeping, there landed upon
the shores of Alaska, the armies of the Chen; being hopeful in themselves to
steal from us the treasures of the north.
64 Go then quickly unto the Fortress of Octavius and seize command, and
hold at bay the enemy from afar, even until your father shall come with the
armies of Drakonia to relieve you.
65 Take then this scroll, for in it are all the seniors which have recently
graduated throughout the whole of all my realm. And if you shall succeed in
holding at bay the armies of the Chen, then shall you and all those which
survive with you, earn for yourselves the iron bracelet.
66 Choose then from where you will, such men as you would have to serve
beside you in the midst of your command.” Such were the words which the
Emperor spoke; and all which heard did clap their hands with deep approval.
67 And Kronus, coming sharply to attention, did salute the Emperor, and in a
loud voice, he spoke for all to hear, saying: “I will obey, Your Majesty.” And
giving forth a deep but noble bow, he left the room to gather his command.
68 But Seti-Kahn feared most greatly, for he perceived it was the Emperor
himself, which had ordered the death of the mother; whereby he might most
publicly shame the mighty Seti-Kahn.
Chapter 16
2 Which thing caused that Manegus Acquilla should stand beside Kronus as
chief advisor; and there was also chosen to command: Linus Medora, Taurus
Mahroo, Victor Germanicus, Cassius Polinus and Julius Kasari; and unto each
was there given one thousand men to lead into battle.
3 And gathering up the whole of his command into one, in the city of
Hadriattica, Kronus did fit them for war and winter battle; and after two weeks
of swift preparation, he flew the whole of his command unto the Fortress of
Octavius, on the banks of the Denali.
4 For it was expected by the Emperor and the Supreme Commander also, that
Kronus should hold at bay the armies of the Chen for some thirty days, wherein
they might prepare the armies of the empire to fight in the northernmost
5 Now when Kronus and his five thousand were come unto the Fortress of
Octavius, having been dropped from the air into the fortress compound; there
came out to meet him, the Post Commander whose name was Borah Graccus.
6 And Kronus, upon seeing him, gave him a most respectful salute; and
handing him the Emperor’s decree, he spoke, saying: “In the name of the
Emperor, I now take full command of all this garrison. Tell me therefore, my
good and noble Graccus, unto what place have the armies of the Chen gathered;
and how stand your forces to meet them?”
7 And Graccus answered, saying: “My Lord, the Chen have fought little,
choosing instead to fortify themselves some 200 miles hence, beneath the
shadows of Mount Pompeus; being in force some 100,000 men.
8 Yet have we ourselves but little contact, choosing instead to scout among
them and to gather such intelligence as we might need to fight them.
9 For it is certain that today they will not battle while yet their forces are not
fully gathered; but on the day of their choosing, when all is made sure and
ready, then will they march against us, being fierce and fully armed.
10 For we know already that it is Ahgi Wynnaki which commands them, even
the Butcher of Malay; for both Manegus and I, myself, did fight against him in
years past; and he is a fierce and cunning man of war, being himself the greatest
general of the Chen.”
11 But Kronus, on hearing these things, stood himself most strangely calm;
and turning unto Manegus, he spoke, saying: “Settle the men of our command
and feed them, for I would prepare them for battle.
12 And when you are completed, bring to me the council of war, for on the
morrow shall we move against the armies of the Chen, to strike hard and fierce
against them.”
14 Now when it was near the noon hour, there gathered in the office of the
Post Commander, Kronus and his council of war; and they did discuss most
thoroughly the reports of Borah Graccus; and when they were completed,
Kronus stood forth to decide the things which they should do.
16 And Kronus spoke to the council, saying: “By the orders of the Emperor am
I commanded to defend the Fortress of Octavius against the encroachments of
the Chen, lest they seize it by force and thereby rob the empire of its northern
17 Let us, therefore, go out to meet them and strike hard and fast against all
their several parts; for why should we wait till they should be at the very walls of
the fortress, when yet we can hold them between the Mountain of Pompeus and
the Straits of Enjenare?”
18 For it is indeed the winter season, and the snows are deep and the winds
most bitter cold. Let us, therefore, brace ourselves as warriors brave and true,
and use such elements as the ally that we seek;
19 That within the folds of its harsh and cold embrace we might both hide
against our enemies, while yet we strike and lash out against them with fury and
20 For such fierce and hostile elements will hide securely, the size and force of
all our numbers; causing the Chen to fortify themselves against us; being
worried and most anxious themselves in defending their positions.”
22 First would I have you send through open channels, a message unto the
Fortress of Caligula, saying that there has come to your rescue, some two
hundred thousand men of war; being themselves the warriors of the
Praetorium; this message will the Chen most likely hear.
23 Second is it needful that you provide us with such supplies as we will need
against the enemy from time to time; and last would I command you to hold the
fortress in constant readiness; for there will soon come to aid us, the armies of
24 Such were the orders of Kronus, and even all commanders stood in firm
agreement, and going out unto their troops, they did prepare them in all things
of necessary importance.
25 And on the morrow, before the rising of the sun, the men of Kronus did fly
themselves swiftly and in silence unto the regions of Mount Pompeus; and
drawing near unto the place, they did gather themselves in four separate
commands, whereby they might encompass the Chen on all their borders;
26 To strike with sudden fury in the midst of such storms as did arise most
frightfully, causing the Chen to believe that there was arrayed against them a
force greater than themselves.
27 For the men of Drakonia, under the command of Kronus, did harass and
harry the armies of the Chen without relent; causing that the supplies of the
Chen should be greatly disrupted; inflicting through their fearsome zeal, a great
many shortages of food and fuel.
28 And not this only, for it was the custom of all warriors, that in the midst of
battle would they fill the air with ferocious screams and shouts whereby they
might frighten their enemies with the savagery of their fearsome roaring.
29 Yet did Kronus forbid the making of any noise whatsoever, whether in or
out of battle, but bound his men to silence only; for he knew that in the
shouting of his men would the Chen discern for themselves, the smallness of his
30 Thus did Kronus make as one the silence of the north and the silence of his
men; and the Chen began to fear the stillness and quietness of the frozen waste,
being haunted and most anxious because of it.
31 Causing that the soldiers of the Chen should see in cold mist and blowing
snow, the shadows of some lurking doom which would but reach out suddenly
to destroy them in their place.
32 For this cause did the Chen fortify their positions whereby they might
defend themselves against the terror which did move and prowl about them;
and the days did pass into weeks, and the Chen grew desperate of their plight.
33 And on a certain day there gathered into the command post of Ahgi
Wynnaki, the generals and commanders of the Chen; and there spoke unto Ahgi
Wynnaki, the eldest and most senior of the generals, saying:
34 “My Lord, we must leave this place, for our men are cold and hungry, and
fear and terror have pressed hard against the fiercest of men; causing that they
should tremble and shake in constant terror of this frozen land.
35 For we have lost already some ten thousand men in just five weeks only,
being ourselves outnumbered and surrounded by the warriors of Drakonia; for
we are lacking in men and supplies, and cannot take the Fortress of Octavius
36 For we are alone and cut off in this strange and hostile land, seeing that the
greater part of all our forces are still across the Straits of Ming Gai, being unable
to cross over to aid us.
37 Let us therefore abandon this campaign and return to our own lands; for if
we stay, then shall even everyone of us die also, and the standards of our
Emperor shall fall in shame and dishonor, to lie buried beneath the snow and
bitter wind.”
38 Now when Ahgi Wynnaki heard these things, he reached forth and laid
upon the table a secret report which all others knew not of; and he spoke unto
his generals with a heavy sigh, saying:
39 “We are all but dead already. For our forces are unable to cross the waters
unto us, not because of such foul and bitter weather as you do see, but because
the navies of Drakonia have fought against us upon the seas, a great and
fearsome battle.
40 And even now do all our forces lie swallowed up in cold and watery graves,
and we are alone, having for ourselves no further aid with which to gain the
41 For it is now certain that we were lured by Drakonia unto this dreadful
place; being seduced ourselves into believing that in this region were the
Drakonians weak and falsely secure; causing that we should seek for ourselves
some advantage.
42 Thus did we invade them with hopes of glory and of plunder; gathering in
our commands some five hundred thousand men of war and valor; and we
ourselves did rush into the vanguard, being hopeful of some greater fame and
43 But now are our hopes banished and crushed before us, and the sweetness
of our dreams made sour and filled with bitterness;
44 For when we had landed upon the shores of this frozen waste, both us and
our hundred thousand; then did the navies of Drakonia slip in behind us upon
the seas, to cut us off from the greater portion of our command; and even now
are we made to dangle as some pale and useless thing.
45 Now do I perceive more deeply the cunning of Drakonia; for they did
intend from the very beginning to invade the land of the Chen.
46 Yet did they seek first to rid the Chen of their greatest generals beforehand,
whereby they might seize more easily the treasures of our home.
47 Look you, therefore, among yourselves; for here in this very room are there
gathered the greatest generals of the Chen; and here do we wait the gathering
doom; for I know already that the man which harries us night and day is Kronus
48 And when they heard this, the generals were dismayed and insulted
altogether, and one of them spoke hotly, saying: “Will they send a boy to fight
us? Would they give to this youth, some two hundred thousand men of war?”
49 But Ahgi Wynnaki answered him, saying: “We, ourselves, were once but
boys made brave and fearless; and yet in the days of our youth did we gain both
fame and honor in the arts of war, even as this Kronus now does.”
50 Then did the eldest of the generals speak again unto his commander,
saying: “What then shall we do, my lord? If all be hopeless and we are doomed,
what shall we do? For we have no means to get ourselves home again.”
51 And Ahgi Wynnaki answered him, saying: “To die in battle is better than to
perish from cold and hunger. Let us, therefore, hold on to this frozen place; for
as long as we are here alive, then shall Drakonia be unable to invade the land of
the Chen.
52 Go now to your several commands, and comb out from among our ranks,
those which are weak and dead already, and give their bodies as meat unto our
troops; for the wind is cold and the sum of all our commands grow weaker and
weaker before us.”
53 Such were the words of Ahgi Wynnaki, and all which heard did even as he
commanded; and the Chen did remain in their fortifications for yet another
week, but on a certain morning the weather broke, and the wind ceased its
roaring, and the snows of winter fell no longer.
54 And there rushed into the command post of Kronus, a scout which did
most quickly salute his commander, being himself anxious and filled with
excitement; and he spoke unto Kronus, saying: “My Lord, the Chen are on the
move. And they are going to the Fortress of Octavius.”
55 When Kronus heard these words, he dismissed the scout again to his post,
and turning to his signal man, he spoke, saying: “Call to me all commanders
and bring them to me, for the Chen are moving.”
56 Thus did there gather unto Kronus, even all his commanders; and he spoke
unto them, saying: “The Chen are moving swiftly unto the Fortress of Octavius;
yet do I know that they are most desperate men filled with dread.
57 Which thing will cause that they should take the shortest and most direct
route unto the fortress, causing that they must cross the frozen waters of Lake
58 And hearing this, Manegus Acquilla laughed aloud, and all other
commanders did smile and shake their heads in amazement; for they knew that
they would soon win against the Chen a great victory.
59 For when first they had come to fight against the Chen, Kronus had mined
the surface of the lake; burying within the ice a great many explosive charges,
perchance to catch the Chen in some great trap.
60 Now Kronus ordered that the flanks of the Chen be harassed continually,
and that there be placed before the Chen, a force which would stand and
withdraw, and then stand and withdraw again and again, fighting with furious
zeal in trying to prevent the Chen from crossing the frozen waters of the lake.
61 Thus would Kronus guide the Chen into the most cunning trap of all. And
eagerly did the men of Kronus follow the order of their commander; and for six
days did they harass and confront the Chen with deadly fury.
62 But on the seventh day did the Chen seem to sweep away from before them
the forces of Drakonia, to stand themselves unopposed upon the shores of Lake
63 And there began to cross upon the surface of the lake, the forces of the
Chen; and when there was upon the frozen ice a great many of the Chen, then
did Kronus give command; and there suddenly exploded all the charges within
the ice, and there perished that day some forty thousand of the Chen; being
drowned in the waters beneath the ice.
64 And there stood to watch at the rear of all his forces, Ahgi Wynnaki; for
both he and his generals did stand upon the shores, having yet to cross over
65 And seeing the death of so many, Ahgi Wynnaki did shake his head in deep
despair; and with a sullen word, he commanded that they should go again unto
their fortifications beneath the shadows of Mount Pompeus, and there await
their certain doom.
66 Yet did the Drakonians follow hard upon them; striking here, hitting there;
even until there should fall of the Chen another five thousand.
67 And there began to blow the fearsome winds of the north, shrieking and
howling against the land; and there returned upon the winds, the fury of the
falling snow.
Chapter 17
To Trust or to Fear
Mass suicide of the Chen – Kronus returns home – Manegus Acquilla is questioned by the
Emperor concerning the ways of Kronus – Acquilla gives report: neither treachery nor
vanity; no consumption of human flesh; breaking custom and tradition; caring for the
wounded; burying the dead – Emperor wonders if Kronus is a threat or a blessing – The
Emperor tests Kronus’ loyalty – Kronus is given the iron bracelet – Kronus is Sent to Asia
1 On the waters of the frozen seas came the mighty war ships of Drakonia,
carrying upon their decks and within their bowels, the armies of Seti-Kahn;
being some six hundred thousand men under heavy arms.
2 And there was numbered among the implements of war, some four thousand
tanks, ten thousand heavy pieces of field artillery, eight thousand multiple
rocket launchers, and two thousand jet fighter-bombers; for the Emperor
wished to war against the Chen for vengeance sake.
3 But there was detached from all these forces, an army of eighty thousand
men of war; and these did land upon the shores of Alaska, behind the forces of
Ahgi Wynnaki; and with great haste they moved against the Chen to destroy
4 Yet did the Chen cheat the armies of Seti-Kahn the honor of some great
battle; choosing instead to kill themselves by mass suicide; and there fell in the
darkness of the night some forty-five thousand men of war; and there was not
left even one among them to greet the armies of Drakonia.
5 Thus did there come to an end, the command of Kronus Maximillius; for
upon the coming of Seti-Kahn was Kronus given imperial orders to return unto
the fortress city of Trajenium, to give account of all which he had done.
6 And unto all those seniors which had survived the ordeal of that harsh and
deadly winter campaign, even they did receive by order of the Supreme
Commander, the iron bracelet of war; causing each man to be separated from
his companions, to be reassigned to the many and several divisions of Seti-
7 And the armies of Drakonia did gather themselves upon the seas, and they
did set sail for the empire of the Chen, to land themselves along the shores of
Asia; for Seti-Kahn was anxious to regain for himself the Emperor’s favor
through conquest and victory.
8 Now in the city of Trajenium, in the fortress palace of the Emperor, did
Manegus Acquilla stand fearfully before the Emperor; for he had been most
secretly ordered to come and give some report on the doings of Kronus
9 And the Emperor, standing alone in the halls of the great court, held in his
hands the secret reports of the Stazzi; for in the command of Kronus was there
assigned the secret agents of the Stazzi who did but pass themselves as being
senior cadets only.
10 Yet had they been ordered by the Emperor to report on all which Kronus
did against the Chen; to make known to the Emperor such capabilities and
mannerisms as did most make the man.
11 And the Emperor, standing poised and calmly aloof, spoke unto Manegus,
saying: “Tell me now of Kronus, for I have a great many reports which do but
speak of those things which are most easily seen about the man;
13 What then can you say of him, for in these reports do I see a man of dark
and brilliant cunning; for on the one hand do we see a man of war and genius;
but on the other do we see a man of strange, uncommon ways.
14 For we have read of his tactics and strategy against the greater forces of the
Chen; yet do we also read how that he does but stand alone in the midst of some
inward solitude, to guard well the counsels of his heart.
15 Yet did the men which served him, hold him in high regard, and would
most gladly lay down their lives for his sake; thinking themselves as highly
favored and deeply honored to stand beside him.
16 Still did Kronus hold at bay the traditions and customs of all our ways;
refusing to allow those which serve us, under his command, to eat the flesh of
the fallen Chen; neither would he permit our warriors to torture the enemy
which fell into their hands, causing that he should rob them of their rightful
17 Tell us, therefore, of the man Kronus; for the Stazzi see in him a man to
fear; for they feel most certain that a man such as Kronus could, in future years,
press hard against my very throne, to seize it for himself; having secured to
himself the loyalty of all our military forces.
18 Speak then and hold not back; tell us whether or not we should fear so
strange and brilliant a man; for it is needful that we make secure against every
threat, the throne of my fathers before me.” Such were the words which the
Emperor spoke.
19 And Manegus Acquilla, the hero of Terra Borah, spoke in straight forward
fashion, saying: “Your Majesty, I know well the man Kronus; for these past
several months have I stood beside him, being myself watchful and curious of
all his ways.
20 And this I know full well, that in the man Kronus is there neither treachery
nor vanity; neither have I discerned in him any guile. But in all things has he
proved himself both fair and forthright in all his dealings.
21 For the Stazzi trust no man, seeing in all but themselves, the seed of some
future treason; viewing all who would serve you with scorn and constant
suspicion; being hopeful to pull down the greatest and mightiest whereby they
might advance themselves; whispering into your ears the coming of some
constant threat, of which there is no end.
22 But of Kronus do I know most fully, finding in him a man worthy of trust
and high regard; for in all his doing did he place first and foremost the good of
his Emperor; and next did he place the good of his men;
25 Then did Kronus dress himself as an officer of the Chen, and in the midst of
the storm did he calmly walk into the camp of the enemy, and after two days he
came again unto us, bearing a great many secrets which the enemy did give
26 But in certain aspects of his command did Kronus act in uncommon
fashion; for he forbade the eating of human flesh, claiming the flesh of the Chen
unfit for consumption, being itself the flesh of weaker men.
27 Thus did he command that if any man should desire the flesh of another,
then should they eat the flesh of their own bodies; for the strong should feed
only upon the strong, and not upon the dead; for in battle do only the weakest
fall, while the strong are made to live in victory.
28 Yet did I counsel strongly that Kronus rescind the order given; telling him
boldly and to the face that it is the custom and tradition of warriors to eat the
flesh of others.
29 But he would not relent, claiming the habits of his Emperor superior to the
customs and traditions of lesser men; for he made known to every man how
that the Emperor would not eat the flesh of any man, for there was no man
which could prove your equal.
30 And not this only; for Kronus would not permit that we should kill those
which were gravely wounded among us; believing in his mind that all our
warriors were the property of the Emperor.
31 Thus did he command that unto whichever soldier fell wounded among us,
even we should care for him; to give unto the wounded, such aid and comfort as
should befit brave fellows.
32 Neither would he leave abandoned on the fields of war, the bodies of our
dead lest the Chen derive some knowledge of us; but did with zeal and effort
retrieve the fallen, to bury them with words of praise and honor beneath the
snow and bitter wind.
33 And when I asked him the reason for his orders, to remind him of the laws
and customs of our military code, he did speak forthrightly:
34 Saying that if we would care for those which fell gravely wounded upon the
field, then might they recover from the harshness of their wounds, to prove
themselves in future years as men of strength and duty, to return to the
Emperor, a warrior of greater worth.
35 And those which were not wounded among us, did fight with greater zeal;
believing rightly that if they should fall upon the fields of battle, then would
their brave companions take them back to safety and there would they be cared
36 Thus would Kronus gather our wounded to care for them; and setting over
them a fearsome guard, he would order them taken into the Fortress of
Octavius, away from the fields of war, permitting that we should move about
more freely, to engage the enemy in moments of advantage and opportunity.
37 Such was the care of Kronus for those which served him; which thing did
cause every man to fight more fiercely, and endure more greatly; to achieve for
their Emperor some greater victory.
38 For we did cause to perish, through the cunning of Kronus, some sixty
thousand men of war, while we ourselves did lose just three hundred only;
being ever watched over by Kronus Maximillius.
39 For though he seem solitary and aloof in the midst of his command, still
would he walk among the men which served him; speaking to them words of
encouragement, and brave good humor.
40 And on that day when he stood relieved of his command, still did he go
unto the Fortress of Octavius where he might most publicly thank Borah
Graccus for such support as he did render; charging him one last time to care
for the men which served him and which fell wounded upon the fields of war.
41 This then is the Kronus which the Stazzi know not of, neither will they
permit themselves to see; being themselves most treacherous and craven, filled
with spite; while Kronus did prove himself the greater man, being in himself a
man of most uncommon honor.”
42 Such were the words of Manegus Acquilla, and the Emperor on hearing
this, sighed a heavy sigh; and he spoke unto Manegus, saying: “You have
answered well and bravely. How then shall I reward you? For whatsoever you
shall ask of me, even that will I give unto you.”
43 And Manegus answered him, saying: “I ask only to serve you, Your Majesty.
I ask for nothing more beside.” And the Emperor smiled and said: “Go then till
I have need of you; for I shall remember well the name of Manegus Acquilla.”
46 For in Kronus do I see a rare and remarkable man, having strange and
peculiar ways; a warrior of genius and uncommon courage, being in his
command a great and fearless killer who abhors the killing of any man.
47 Yet do I fully know that he, himself, did slay his mother for kindness sake,
to save her the savagery of brutish men; to deliver her with gentleness into the
darkness of the grave.
48 But for all his strength, still does Kronus show in his person neither
arrogance nor conceit, being empty himself of any vanity or pridefulness;
49 Being himself a man most trustworthy and unassuming, giving praise and
thanks to those which serve him, but demanding none for himself beside;
putting the needs of his men above his own; treating every man with kind
regard, as if every man was his equal.
50 And not this only, for the name and image of my person does he hold
before every man; claiming of himself that I am the great one worthy of
51 How then shall I regard so strange a man; for in all these things could there
be secretly hidden, a cunning both subtle and dangerous; causing that in future
years I should regret his life and service.
52 For I know not if my throne be truly safe while yet this Kronus lives; or if in
his living and continued service, I should find for myself the greatest glory of
all; to stand supreme and unquestioned as the greatest and mightiest of all
53 In such manner did the Emperor speak within himself; and reaching forth
his hand, he signaled unto a servant; and when he was come, the Emperor
spoke, saying: “What of Kronus?”
54 And the servant answered, saying: “He is here, Your Majesty, and even now
does wait in the outer chamber.” And the Emperor hearing this, commanded:
“Bring the man to me.”
55 But as the servant turned to go, the Emperor spoke again unto the servant
saying: “Tell me: In what manner did you find this Kronus when first I
summoned him to my court?”
56 Then did the servant answer, saying: “Your Majesty, I did find the man in
the gardens of the palace, playing in the midst of children.”
57 And hearing this the Emperor laughed, saying: “Go and fetch me this brave
and fearless warrior, and bring to me also, a cup of bitter wine.”
58 And when the servant was gone, the Emperor spoke to himself, saying: “A
man who plays with children can be no threat to me; for this cause will I let him
live, yet in one thing only must I prove him.”
59 Now there was brought unto the Emperor, Kronus Maximillius, and the
servant which brought him gave to the Emperor a cup of bitter wine; and seeing
the Emperor, Kronus did most gravely salute; and the Emperor spoke, saying:
60 “You have proved yourself a cunning man indeed, yet tell me Kronus, if you
be truly loyal and obedient unto me.” Kronus answered him, saying: “I will obey
in all things, Your Majesty.”
61 Then did the Emperor speak again, saying: “Let us then see for ourselves if
this be true; for I am called to force judgment upon you; for I know that you
killed your mother, to shame your father’s house. Yet would I not judge you
publicly, for you are a brave and noble man.”
62 And holding up the cup of wine, the Emperor spoke unto Kronus, saying:
“Know then most noble Kronus, that in this cup have I placed a bitter and
deadly potion; and if you drink of it, you will surely die. Drink then and prove
your faith unto me.”
63 And Kronus, being calm and firmly resolved, drank of the wine fully and
without complaint; and the Emperor marveled, saying: “In truth are you brave
and worthy of trust, casting aside your very life to give obeisance unto me.”
64 Then did the Emperor reach into his tunic, and drawing forth his hand
again, he revealed an iron bracelet with a gold serpent wrapped round about it,
bearing the Emperor’s seal; and the Emperor spoke, saying: “The cup is false
Kronus, but you are true. Receive this as a gift from your Emperor.”
65 Then did the Emperor place the iron bracelet upon the wrist of Kronus,
saying: “Serve me Kronus, and I shall prove your greatest ally; only be you
careful in the using of my name; for even an Emperor must walk lightly among
the dogs of war, lest they leap up themselves to kill me.”
66 And from that day was Kronus made the secret ally of his Emperor; and the
Emperor gave unto Kronus such written orders as would place him in the Office
of War and Strategy; and in haste did send him unto Asia to give service unto
Seti-Kahn in the conquest of the Chen.
Chapter 18
1 And the winds of war blew hard against the Chen, for in the northern most
provinces of Asia did there come the lord of death and swift destruction.
2 For there continued to be added unto Seti-Kahn even greater and greater
armies; even until there stood under heavy arms, some two million men filled
with cold and savage intent.
3 And when all was ready, then did the Drakonians hit fiercely and suddenly
upon all sides; striking the Chen with relentless and brutal fury by air and sea
and upon the land.
4 Swarming over the defenses of the Chen like a mighty flood filled with death
and harsh despair; even as a great and dreadful pestilence which did but crush
and consume the armies of the Chen.
5 Yet behind the victories of Seti-Kahn did Kronus devise such strategies as
would ensure the swiftest victory; being hopeful himself to reduce the deaths
and casualties on both sides; being in his private thoughts most tenderhearted
towards all men.
6 But Seti-Kahn did cast most scornfully aside the intentions of his son, to
press with mad and vicious rage against the inhabitants of the land; causing
himself that the soldiers of Drakonia should rape and pillage with wild and
deadly abandon.
7 And the victories of Seti-Kahn were many; and after two years of death and
war, the armies of Drakonia left suddenly to return themselves home again.
8 Thus did Seti-Kahn, in two years of war and plunder, cause to be put to
death some nineteen million men, women and children; having taken captive
some nine hundred thousand girls between the ages of twelve and twenty years;
to send them in chains unto the Empire of Drakonia whereby they might fulfill
the lusts of cruel and brutish men.
9 And not this only, for Seti-Kahn destroyed utterly and completely some two
thousand towns and cities; causing to be put to death over three million head of
cattle and sheep and horses.
10 Yet did Seti-Kahn prove harsher still, pouring into the streams and rivers of
the land, a vile and noxious poison which did kill all living things; and there
arose a dreadful stench upon the land.
11 And there was taken as the prizes of war, the six treasuries of the northern
kingdoms; being filled with tons of gold and silver, as well as all manner of
precious gems, possessing in themselves a wealth of diamonds, emeralds, and
rubies; and there was added by all these things, unto the treasuries of
Maximillius Drakonus, some four hundred billion golden crowns.
12 Now Kronus grew sick of war and death, being weary of bloodshed and
violence altogether; for in the night were all his dreams filled with the pleas and
screams of all which died; being in his mind haunted and tormented by the
brutalities of those who served beside him.
13 Thus did Kronus, upon returning to his homeland, receive orders to return
quickly unto Trajenium; for the Emperor was made aware concerning the
anguish which had fallen upon the mind of Kronus, and even he did determine
to save him from madness and ruin.
14 For this cause did the Emperor appoint Kronus to the imperial staff
whereby he might give counsel concerning such strategies as the Office of War
would present for the Emperor’s approval and consent; for the Emperor would
not risk the life of Kronus in battle, seeing in him a value greater than other
15 Now the Emperor gave unto Kronus a vast estate which lay just outside the
walls of the imperial city, and there was built on the grounds thereof, a large
and stately manor which contained some one hundred and fifty rooms.
16 And there was given unto Kronus a monthly allowance of five thousand
golden crowns by which he might run the affairs of all his house; and not this
only, for the Emperor did command that Kronus submit to the Imperial
Registry the design for his personal Coat of Arms.
17 Still did the Emperor grant more than this, giving unto Kronus a gift of fifty
women which would both serve and please him upon the bed; and when all
these things were done, the Emperor gave unto Kronus a leave of one year,
whereby he might get in order the sum of all his house.
18 So Kronus left the city of Trajenium to go unto his own estate, being weary
in the heart and mind of stern and angry faces; being tired of the harshness and
brutality of military life; desiring to see no longer the fears which would arise in
others whensoever they would see him approaching, wearing the purple and the
gold of the Imperial Tribune.
19 For in the heart of Kronus did he long for the softness and kindness of his
mother; for he remembered fondly the smiles and laughter of all his mother’s
20 Thus, being driven and compelled by some inward longing, Kronus vowed
that in the workings of his house would there be no place for fear or weeping;
but in joy and laughter would there be found some constant refuge against the
horrors of the age.
21 Such was the resolve of Kronus, for when he was brought unto his own
place, he did order it prepared and appointed to his liking; having the
uppermost floor of the house made even as one great master bedroom; having a
measurement of 200 feet by 100 feet; being filled with a variety of large baths
and soft appointments.
22 For Kronus knew that on a certain day would the women of his house be
brought unto him, being themselves fearful and ready to serve the Master’s
whims; thus, for their sake did he set forth every workman to labor in the
completion of his estate and manor.
23 And for thirty days did every man labor night and day, and on the day of
completion were all things found ready and finely appointed; and there came to
Kronus a guard of the Praetorium, bringing in chains behind him, the fifty
women which were given him.
24 Then did the guard give unto Kronus the papers of Imperial Possession;
and he did arrange the women in five rows of ten women each, whereby Kronus
might walk among them to examine each according to his pleasure.
25 And Kronus, seeing that the women were fair and beautiful to look upon,
he took pity upon them; for they had each been starved and beaten, being made
to stand naked in the cold and open air.
26 But notwithstanding the softness of his heart, still did Kronus assume a
hard and hateful appearance before the guard; and unto each woman which he
examined, even that woman did he accept as being worthy and most pleasing.
27 For he knew already that if he should reject any one of them, then would
that woman stand condemned before the law as unworthy of life; and even she
would be put most cruelly to death; having her flesh stripped off her body while
yet she lived, and fed to the dogs of war.
28 Now when Kronus was come to the fourth row, he saw a woman which was
small and fairly made; and seeing that she was weeping and shaking with fear,
he desired to speak some word of comfort.
29 But there rushed upon the woman in sternness, the guard which had
brought her bound; and seeing that she would not so much as look upon
Kronus, he took a thin, hard reed and in a swift and downward motion, he
struck hard against the nipples of her breasts, saying: “Look upon your Master,
woman, or die the death.”
30 And the woman, clutching her breasts, screamed in dreadful pain and
terror; which thing caused that Kronus should come immediately to her
defense; and snatching away the reed from the hand of the guard, he broke it in
pieces and flung it to the ground in fearsome rage.
31 And in a cold and bitter voice did he speak unto the guard, saying: “Did you
not place into my hands already, the papers of Imperial Possession? Why then
will you abuse my house by striking against my property?”
32 And the guard, staring into the face of Kronus saw both doom and death,
and being fearful for his very life, even he did beg forgiveness; and Kronus, with
deep contempt, did strike the guard upon the face, saying: “Leave now the
grounds of my estate, lest I tell the Emperor of your offense.”
33 Then did the guard leave most quickly and in haste, giving first unto
Kronus, the keys to the women’s chains; and Kronus, being filled with anger,
spoke unto the women, saying: “Follow now, your lord and master.”
34 Now when Kronus had brought the women into the manor of his estate, he
knelt himself down before each woman and did, himself, remove the chains
from off her ankles and her wrists.
35 And when he was completed, he commanded the women in soft and gentle
words, saying: “Come now and follow me, and fear no longer; for I have
appointed myself to care for you.” And so speaking, he led the women into a
large and spacious dining hall.
36 And walking into the room, the women gasped in wonder; for there was set
upon the tables of the hall, soft white linens, finely brocaded; and there was set
at each place the finest in gold and porcelain plates with golden utensils resting
beside each plate; and upon each of these things was there found the Coat of
Arms to the House of Kronus.
37 And there was also set at each place, the finest of crystal goblets embossed
with gold, being filled with rich red wine; and upon the tables was there found
baskets of fruit and breads of every kind.
38 Then did Kronus command in gentle tones that the women should sit
themselves down to eat; but the women, being confused and startled, stood
themselves about, being overwhelmed and uncertain by the things which they
39 For when they were brought forth unto the House of Kronus, each woman
did rightly expect only harshness and rape, beatings and fiery brandings.
40 Yet did Kronus appear most strangely kind, and the women knew not the
things which they should do because of it. Now when Kronus perceived the
nature of their reluctance, he did himself take each woman by the hand and set
her down at the tables to feast.
41 And when all were seated, Kronus motioned unto the chief steward and
gave command, and immediately there rushed into the room a great many
servants bearing rich foods and meats of every kind, filling the whole room with
a good and savory aroma.
42 Now Kronus commanded that the women should eat; and sitting himself
down apart from all the rest, he watched most carefully as the women ate; for
they were hungry, having not eaten for three days.
43 And Kronus, fixing his eyes upon the small but beautiful woman which the
guard had struck, even he did dream again of his mother’s softness; and Kronus
smiled and felt himself content.
44 Now when the women were finished eating, Kronus again stood before
them and commanded again that they should follow him; and leading the way,
he took them to the uppermost room of the house;
45 And going into the room, the women were filled with wonder and delight,
for the room was exceedingly large and spacious, having its floor covered in soft
warm carpets of bright colors; and there stood in large vases around the room,
bouquets of flowers which were rich in variety and color, being most delightful
to the senses.
46 And around the perimeter of the room were there found a great many
dressing tables, finely appointed; but in the center of the room was there found
a great sunken pool of cool water finely scented, set in a marble floor; and
around this was there found four smaller pools which were filled with hot
water, scented with lavender and cinnamon spice.
47 And also was there found for each woman a large, soft pallet upon the
floors round about, where each woman might sleep in comfort, being finely
adorned with brightly colored blankets and pillows of every shape and size.
48 Thus did Kronus most lavishly appoint the room wherein his women would
live and sleep; for he spared for himself no expense for comfort’s sake, having
placed in the walls of the room, four great fireplaces; and hanging from the
ceiling of the room, the finest of crystal chandeliers.
49 Now Kronus spoke to the women, saying: “This room have I fashioned for
your sake, where you might have some place beside me and not apart; for this
room have I made as a gift for you alone.
50 Bathe yourselves therefore, and take your leisure; for I would have you
wash away your fear of me; for as long as you are here beside me, even I will
care for you, even as you would care for me.”
51 Now the women, on hearing this of their lord and master, knew not
themselves what to do; for at no time had any man treated them with such
kindness and soft regard.
52 Thus did the women stand themselves about, being most uncertain; for
without fear to guide them, they knew not what to do; for it was terror and
suffering which determined all their actions aforetime.
55 Thus did Kronus encourage the women to refresh themselves, and even he
did wash and care for the women which were given him, speaking to them in
soothing words; yet did he not arouse himself to intercourse, for he desired that
the women not be pressed upon, but that they should first find safety and
kindness from his hands.
56 And when the women were completed in their bathing, Kronus led them
into the larger pool of cool water where they might play and splash themselves
about; and when they were completed, Kronus led each woman unto her own
pallet where she might sleep.
57 And Kronus spoke unto them, saying: “This night shall you sleep in
peaceful slumber, and the terrors of all your yesterdays shall vanish themselves
away; for this night shall you sleep in the womb of peaceful dreams, that on the
morrow you might awaken unto a new and brighter life.
58 Rest yourselves and ease away your fears forever; for in the House of
Kronus shall there come in the night no terror or sudden shock; for in this
house shall you find peace in place of fear, and joy in place of sorrow.
59 For even I shall be to you as some great defender and gentle consort; for
upon my mother’s heart I most solemnly swear that in this world of wrath and
blood shall I guard you well against the men of power, to lift you above such
baser passions, to place you in some gentler place filled with hope.
60 Rest now and be at peace, for on this night shall the harshness of men
vanish itself away from all your lives together; and on the morrow when you
awaken, I shall tell you fully of my intent.”
61 Then did Kronus leave the women unto themselves, and going quickly unto
the main hall, he called forth his chief steward, saying: “Go you unto the city,
and on the morrow bring to me in the noon hour, the clothiers, cobblers and
jewelers which I have appointed to serve me.”
62 And so speaking, the chief steward left, and Kronus being alone, spoke
softly into the night, saying: “Now my Mother, wheresoever thou art, even I
shall keep the fullness of my words unto you; and by some noble but cunning
effort, change the world for goodness sake.” And turning himself to go, he
walked alone unto his own place.
Chapter 19
1 Now on the morrow, at the rising of the sun, were the women awakened
from their slumbers by the soft ringing of the bells; and the women, rising from
their pallets, did most quickly freshen and set in order the uppermost room.
3 And there followed after the chief steward, a great many servants bearing
baskets of fruit and sweet warm breads; and there was also brought unto the
women a variety of fruit juices; and there was added unto this, a special hot
drink of chocolate and mint together blended.
4 Then did Kronus speak to the women, saying: “Come, my darlings, and eat
and drink your fill; for this day shall I place before you a new life filled with
promise.” And so saying, Kronus took to himself a bit of fruit and did himself
eat of it.
5 Then did every woman come forth themselves to partake also; and for the
first time within the empire did the man and the woman eat their food together,
to mingle in some social fashion as though they were equals, and not as slave or
6 And every woman was filled with amazement concerning the kind regard
and gentle ways of their good but fearsome lord; evensomuch that they would
set aside their fear of him, and in their hearts become most anxious to please
7 Now when they were finished eating, Kronus gathered all the women unto
himself, and taking the chief steward also, he led them out of the manor and
into the innermost gardens of his estate; and taking them into a separate house,
he spoke unto them, saying:
8 “In this house is it appointed by custom and tradition that every noble
master should imprison the women which serve him; yet have I removed from
you the chains of bondage and despair, having placed you in the uppermost
floor of the manor whereby we might dwell together in peace and joy, having
cast aside the fearful shadows of ages past.
9 For I have sworn upon my Mother’s heart to break in pieces the hurt and
fear of all your days; to chase from the heart and mind of you, such terrors as
would haunt you night and day, to fill your lives with pain and weeping.
10 Know then, my darlings, that in the House of Kronus shall you be most
kindly treated; for I have given strong commands unto the chief steward of my
estate, and to the captain of my guards, that in my house shall you never again
be slapped or beaten, neither shall any man rape or abuse you in any fashion,
lest he, himself, should die the death.
11 And not this only, for even I have set aside all manner of cruelties and harsh
abuse; forbidding in my house that any woman should be branded or tattooed
in any fashion; for I will not permit that any hurt should fall upon you; for of all
the treasures of my estate have I counted you the greatest and most precious.
12 Thus in the House of Kronus shall you be most gently treated, to have given
unto you all manner of courtesy and kind respect; for you shall hear no longer
the angry words and cursing harshness of bitter men filled with hate; for even I
shall guide you in the things which you shall do.
13 And if you shall prove yourselves both willing and faithful unto me, then
shall I clothe you in soft raiments made beautiful and rare, and I shall place
upon your feet, shoes to wear, and I shall adorn your bodies with ornaments of
gold and silver and precious stones.
14 Yet would I give unto you even some greater assurance, for in the House of
Kronus shall you never again feel thirst or hunger, for in the house which I shall
give you, shall you be fed at your leisure; for I shall keep in your quarters every
day, the freshest of fruits and vegetables; for I would give you strength and not
15 For the labors of your days shall I make as gentle as the summer rain, both
pleasing and filled with purpose; for I shall set before you two labors only; for
in the first shall you attend unto the house and gardens, to make beautiful and
pleasing the place where you and I shall dwell together.
16 While in the second shall you labor most constantly in the improving of
yourselves; for in you shall I create a treasure which far surpasses the luster of
gold, or the sparkle of diamonds; causing that those men which should meet
you, even they will yearn for themselves so great a treasure as I would make of
17 For this I tell you truly, that you are the seeds which I would plant into the
heart of every man; and if you shall rise up within yourselves to some greater
purpose, then shall you blossom forth to bear much fruit.
18 And all which see and speak and touch upon the softness of your lives, even
these shall stand amazed and filled with wonder; desiring for themselves
women of equal fashion and worth.
19 What then, my darlings, shall I do with this house, seeing that I will not
imprison you herein? Come then and I will answer; for even this house will I
give you to be as a school; for I would add to your beauty and comely form, a
great many graces, tender and wise.
20 For you have felt already the harsh and brutal strength of every man, yet is
there found in him a weakness greater than all others; for it is the softness of
the woman which he fears most of all, finding therein an offense to such egos as
do rule within him.
21 Thus will I teach you the ways of men, that you may set at liberty the ways
of women; for such knowledge shall set at naught your fear of man, even as
your grace shall set at peace the fears of every man.
22 Let us therefore be wise and set aside the fears and hate of every man
through such curiosities as we shall place within him; to set in abeyance the
fierceness of his ego through such soft and gentle graces as you shall cast upon
23 For this cause have I determined that you should take to yourselves a
fullness of social graces; which graces even I have designed for the benefit of
every man and every woman; for I will clothe in grace the fullness of your
24 Thus in this school will I cause you to learn the arts and pleasures of sexual
intercourse, and to this shall be added the arts of music, and singing, and
dancing; and also the art of humor and gentle laughter.
25 These things will I, myself, teach you whereby you might set at ease the
man’s fear of you; and I shall teach you also, the skills of language and of
writing, the ways of science and of war, as well as mathematics; and I shall add
to all these things, the history of the empire within and without.
26 And to this shall I add to your learning the psychology and inner workings
of every man, whereby you might know more deeply the things which please
him, and the things which drive him to rage and brutal fury.
27 For in this knowledge will you find that certain means which would set at
ease your fear of man; for you know yourselves that if you fear a man to show it,
then will the beast in man rise up to hurt and destroy.
28 But if you should remain most pleasing calm and most attentive, then does
the beast in man cease its inward pacing; and in that moment are you saved
from injury and destruction; for the beast in man will surely sleep before such
graces as I would teach you.
29 Only be you wise and speak not a word to any man concerning such things
as I would do for your sake; for you know already that beyond the walls of my
estate is the world made cruel and heartless, for pain and death are ever vigilant
to devour the weak and disobedient.
30 Thus would I command you to silence for one year only, that in that year I
might create in you a new creature which will set free every other woman within
the empire; to make equal to every man of power, the woman of grace and
31 For yet again would I tell you for your learning, that you are the seeds of
something new and wondrous in the affairs of men; thus by your silence will
you preserve yourselves from such noxious weeds as spring upon you unawares,
to choke you of such light and nourishment as I would give you.
34 And Kronus, calling unto the jewelers, asked whether or not they had
completed their commission; and the jewelers gave unto Kronus a large box
which was heavily carved and overlaid with gold.
35 Then did Kronus smile, and turning to the women, he spoke, saying:
“Come, my darlings, and I will give to you a gift far greater than any you have
known before.” And opening the box, Kronus gave unto each woman a necklace
of exquisite beauty and craftsmanship.
36 And each woman, receiving a necklace of her own, did gasp with delight
and astonishment; for the necklace was heavily fashioned of gold, and there
dangled from its center a small gold shield which bore on its surface the seal of
their master’s house.
37 And when every woman had received around her neck, a necklace of her
own, Kronus spoke, saying: “In the House of Kronus will you not be branded or
tattooed; for this cause did I have fashioned for your sake, the gold necklace
which now you wear.
38 Keep then this token in remembrance of my love for you; for this I give you
freely, and it shall never be taken from you; for unto you would I give a fullness
of goodly things.
39 Now, therefore, would I have you attend yourselves unto these clothiers
and cobblers, for they shall create to your liking a great many clothes and shoes,
that you might dress in stately fashion, the beauty of your flesh.
40 Only this one thing would I ask of you: For it is expedient that you choose
for yourselves, the one which shall stand beside me as the First Woman of my
41 Therefore, choose from among yourselves, the one which shall preside
among you; and when I return again unto you, even I shall accept whomsoever
you have appointed to stand beside me.”
42 And so speaking, Kronus turned himself to go, and there went with him the
chief steward; and when they were outside the house, the chief steward spoke,
43 “My Lord Kronus, I fear greatly this thing you do. For if we offend the men
of power, then will they reach forth to kill even all these women which you care
for, to break them in pieces upon the rack.
45 I entreat you, my lord Kronus, do not risk all which you have gained for the
sake of silly women; for women are incapable of such designs as you have set
before them; being unworthy and inferior in their flesh and mind together
when compared to men.
46 For this cause are women kept naked, that she might be constantly shamed
into submission; being in themselves incapable of learning; having in
themselves no capacity for greater things; being but empty vessels only where a
man might cast his seed.”
47 But Kronus answered him, saying: “Life is risk, and he who risks nothing,
gains nothing, is nothing. For we are all but dead already; being pushed and
driven by constant fears and endless terrors.
48 To wait midst constant tremblings the coming of our doom; not knowing if
today we live or today we die; for the rule of man is harsh and brutal,
consuming both great and small, to take both suddenly and unawares the life of
every man and every woman.
49 Why then will you hesitate to change forever the ways of men? For I tell
you truly, that in the uplifting of every woman is there found life in place of
death, joy in place of fear, and hope in place of blind despair.
50 For if I should dress the beauty of the woman with grace and tender
speech, then will even the mightiest of men seek to have her; that by her
presence in the affairs of men, might even the darkness of this brutal age fade
itself away; being consumed by that softer light which in the woman dwells.
51 For what is death that you should fear it? For death is made that peaceful
sleep which would deliver us from pain and torment, possessing in its calm
embrace, a refuge from the storm.
52 Let us, therefore, be brave and not relent, for death is better than our
constant fears; and dreams and visions more preferred than such slavish
passions as would compel us towards some frightful doom.”
53 So spoke Kronus, but the chief steward spoke again, saying: “My Lord, I am
not a brave man, for I am filled with fear and foreboding.” And Kronus, being
filled with tenderness, spoke to him, saying: “Then stand you close beside me,
and I shall prove brave enough for both of us. Come now, and let us tend to our
54 Now when it was evening, Kronus returned to the uppermost room of the
manor; for the clothiers and cobblers had completed all their many
measurements, and even they did promise that in one week’s time would all
things be completed.
55 And going among the women, Kronus asked them, saying: “Tell me, my
good and precious darlings: Whom have you chosen to be as the First Woman
of my house?”
56 But the women stood themselves about, being uncertain how to answer;
and Kronus spoke again most tenderly, saying: “Come, come, my darlings, do
not be afraid. For whomsoever you have elected, even that one will I accept.”
57 Then did there step out from all the rest, the small woman whom Kronus
loved, and she spoke, saying: “Most good and noble Lord, we know not how to
choose. For in the affairs of men are we most uncertain.
58 Therefore, my lord, if you will choose for us, then are we all agreed that
unto the woman which you would choose, even we shall prove most faithful to
obey her in all things.”
59 And all the women, hearing this, gave ready assent, and Kronus, looking
upon the woman before him loved her all the more, for she had proven herself
most courageous and ready to lead. And Kronus spoke unto all the women
gathered, saying: “This then is the woman I choose.”
60 And so speaking, Kronus placed his hand upon the woman which stood
before him; and the woman, kneeling before her lord and master, spoke, saying:
“Then, my lord, do I submit before all your power and might. Take me now that
I might please you; for in my flesh shall you find pleasure and release of all your
61 But Kronus answered her saying: “I would not have you submit for power’s
sake, but rather for love only.” And the woman answered him, saying: “My
Lord, I know not this word, ‘love’. But if you will not take me to rape and
plunder, then how shall these women know that I please you first above all the
62 And Kronus, reaching into his tunic, pulled out a bracelet finely made of
gold, having emeralds and rubies placed upon it; and placing it upon the
woman’s wrist, he spoke, saying: “By this token shall all women know of your
place and station beside me. As for ‘love’, even this will I teach you that we
might be one together.”
63 Then did the woman answer him, saying: “My Lord, for what cause would
you honor me so?” And Kronus, lifting her upon her feet, did embrace her to
himself, and kissing her upon the lips, he spoke, saying: “Only for love’s sake,
dearest. Come now and let us go down to dinner, for I have prepared for all my
darlings a great and sumptuous feast. For this day shall you sit and walk beside
me always.”
64 Then did Kronus take the woman by the hand to lead her and all the others
to the dining hall where they might eat and be merry together.
Chapter 20
Breaking Tradition
Kronus’ estate – Orchards and gardens – The First Woman is given a name: Yoshibeth –
Teaching the art of love and sex – The House of Kronus – The women’s response towards
Yoshibeth – Preparing for guests and a feast – The women’s love and respect for Kronus
1 This then is the estate upon which the House of Kronus held full dominion;
having in possession some 800 acres of land being surrounded by a great stone
wall some 20 feet high; having on its battlements a great many gun turrets.
2 Yet in the center of the estate was there set aside 100 acres of land, upon
which the house and manor of Kronus stood; being encompassed by a small
stone wall which stood 10 feet tall.
3 Now Kronus would not permit that anything should cause the women of his
house to tremble and weep because of fear; neither would he consent to the
awakenings of that inward terror which befell all women within the empire
from the days of their birth.
4 For this cause would Kronus not permit on the lands of his estate, any of the
dogs of war; being made himself to loathe and despise them with a cold and
bitter contempt; for Kronus remembered the screaming of the women in the
days of his childhood, when the dogs of war did tear in pieces the women of his
mother’s house, to devour them while yet they lived.
5 Neither would Kronus allow that any guard or soldier come near unto his
manor; for this cause did he command the captains of his guards to patrol only
the lands between the outer walls of his estate to the inner walls which did
surround his manor.
6 Which thing would not allow that any guard should so much as see for
themselves, the secret gardens of their master; for the gates of the inner walls
were built in the fashion of a maze.
7 Now within the boundaries of the smaller wall did Kronus cause to be
planted a variety of fruit trees; for upon the lands which surrounded the manor
were there found apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, plum trees, and apricot
trees; for unto each type was there set aside a specific portion of land.
8 Yet between the outer wall and the inner wall did Kronus keep a great many
beehives, whereby he might gather unto the manor, the honey thereof; for
Kronus desired to add to the lives of those which served him, a sweetness and
goodness both rich and rare.
9 But still did Kronus add greater things than this unto the grounds of his
estate, for there was planted around the manor, flowers of every kind and color;
and even these did grow most profusely, to burst forth midst all their glory in
the season of their bloom; to greet the eyes of all who saw, with beauty and
wonder exceeding.
10 And among the flowers and among the trees and flowering shrubs did
Kronus build a pathway of white, burnished brick, and even this did meander
throughout the grounds and gardens of his estate;
11 For he desired that the women and servants of his house should stroll about
during their moments of rest, when the labors of their days might be set aside
for the sake of joy and quiet reflection.
12 Also did Kronus build between the manor and the house of the women’s
school a large and spacious arbor where the grapes did grow in abundance,
being heavy with fruit; and the floor of the arbor did he fashion of red flagstone.
13 And on the floor of the arbor did Kronus place soft chairs and tables finely
made of red cedar; for he desired that women of his house have a place of their
own where they might rest from the labors of the day, to enjoy for themselves
the shade and bounty of goodly things.
14 Now from the day of her appointment did Kronus love the First Woman of
all his house, for she was young and filled with life; being herself but seventeen
years of age; being in her person most easily delighted by such things as Kronus
would do for the love of her.
15 For Kronus would break in pieces the traditions of ages past, desiring
himself to give unto the First Woman, a name of her own, whereby others
might know her; for in six hundred years had no woman been given a name
within the empire; being first forbidden by the founder of the empire, Maximus
16 Thus on the first night when Kronus decided, himself, to lay with the
woman to love her, he spoke to her most softly in the ear, saying: “For you, my
love, would I give a name whereby all might know you; for this night shall I call
you Yoshibeth.”
17 And the woman answered him upon the bosom, saying: “What, my lord,
does such a name mean, for to me it is but a sound only?” Then did Kronus
thrust himself most tenderly deep within her, and kissing her upon the lips and
upon the nipples of her breasts, he spoke to her, saying:
18 “Well have you spoken, my Beloved; for without meaning are all words
made but sounds only, being empty themselves of life or worth.
19 Know then that in the name which I would give you have I placed the
greatest meaning of all; for Yoshibeth does but only mean, the house where love
is born.
20 Be you therefore my Yoshibeth, and in your house shall I dwell in love and
constant devotion; for in you would I find both joy and fulfillment throughout
the days of all my life, to bring as gifts of love, the sum of all my hopes and
dreams together.”
21 And Yoshibeth, hearing the words of Kronus, did yield herself unto him,
being consumed by soft yearnings and fiery passions; and Kronus loved
Yoshibeth with all his heart and mind and body, to spill into her womb the
fullness of his seed.
22 Thus did Kronus keep Yoshibeth beside him most constantly, that in the
day and in the night he might cast upon her the fullness of all his love through
such affections as were born of all his many passions.
23 And Yoshibeth walked beside Kronus, to manage with him the affairs of all
his house; and in the knowing of him did she love him even all the more.
24 Yet notwithstanding so great a love as they did bear for each the other, still
did Kronus gather the women before the evening meal of every day, and did
himself teach unto them the art of sexual communion whereby the women
might learn for themselves the pleasures of the flesh.
25 For in the days of Kronus was no woman ever loved but were themselves
both raped and plundered only; being forced and compelled by brutal men of
hate and fury; being violated day and night by lustful men who knew not the
arts of love and tenderness.
26 Thus in the uppermost room of the manor did Kronus teach unto the
women the goodness of love and sex through gentle words and tender touches;
being forged in himself together through such wisdom as his mother did give
him in the days of his youth.
27 And the women did yearn most anxiously for the touch and kiss of Kronus;
for they saw for themselves, the love which he gave unto Yoshibeth; and even
they did desire the shadows of such love for themselves.
28 So Kronus and Yoshibeth together did teach unto every woman the arts of
sexual pleasuring, whereby they might tame the beast in every man, to subdue
him every whit through gentle words and gentle touches.
29 To receive in their flesh the fiery passions of the man, while yet he, himself,
was most deeply anointed and consumed through the graces of the woman; to
lay together upon the bed, being most strongly bound in the giving and
receiving of each the other through tender and thoughtful affections.
30 By such means did the women flourish and grow through the kindness of
Kronus; and day by day did the pains and terrors of ages past slip most quietly
away, to leave revealed to all which saw, women of grace and stately beauty.
31 And the House of Kronus grew rich in joy, for there was upon the faces of
all who lived within the manor, the most pleasing of smiles and gentle humor;
for fear had fled itself away, to leave behind a house filled with laughter and
kind regard.
32 For even the seeds of envy and jealousy did Kronus cast far away; for each
woman thought herself esteemed and highly favored of their master; being each
themselves, well fed and cared for; being given as gifts an abundance of
beautiful gowns, finely made and richly adorned with pearls and other costly
33 For such gowns as the clothiers made did the women, themselves, improve;
to wear at the evening meal, gowns of softest silk made sheer and transparent,
whereby they might clothe in a variety of styles and colors and erotic fashions,
the beauty of the flesh.
34 And there was given unto each woman throughout the year, gifts and
adornments of every kind; for Kronus did award each woman in the
achievement of excellence throughout the sum of all their studies;
35 To place in the heart and mind of each, the gift of accomplishment and
worth; filling the heart of each woman with an eager desire to strive towards
such mastery as Kronus would hope for each.
36 For in the pleasing of Kronus did the women strive daily, while he in like
fashion did coax and woo the women of his house to some gentle and gracious
perfection; to crown the women of his house with some inward value greater
than all their dreaming.
37 Thus, to achieve the fullness of his designs, Kronus commanded that on six
days of each week, the women of his house should go to school and there
prepare themselves for that greater life which he dared for all.
38 And there in the classrooms of the house did he teach to them the use and
proper speech of the imperial court, as well as the skills of reading and writing;
and to these did Kronus add the arts of war and military history, mathematics
and science, as well as the psychology of men and all their ways.
39 And at the noon hour of each day, after the eating of their meal, Kronus
would teach unto the women the grace and art of music, filled with singing and
40 Thus in the days of their schooling did Kronus teach the women no less
than twelve hours a day; instructing them and testing them all the while in such
manners and courtesies as he, himself, did construct and design for their
41 For Kronus desired to disarm the anger of all men towards women through
the exercise of charm and grace; to soothe away through courtly manners, the
beastly cravings of lustful and violent men; to set aside forever such contempt
and disregard as all men bore through the grace and beauty of women.
42 Such were the designs and intentions of Kronus whereby he might uplift
the status of every woman, causing that men should love them and see in them
some good companion and faithful consort, and not the whore which he would
43 But on the seventh and eighth day of the week were the women set at
liberty to do as they might please, to stroll about the gardens according to their
pleasure, and to rest and commune in friendly fashion one with another.
44 For each woman thought herself blest and fortunate to be in the House of
Kronus, to see in each woman a friend and an ally; being filled, each
themselves, with contentment and hope through the kindness of their master.
45 And of all the women did Yoshibeth reign supreme and unquestioned,
being herself the First Woman of the house; being in her person both fair and
wise, both gracious and considerate of every woman within the house.
46 For every woman knew that in Yoshibeth had every woman a tender friend;
being made aware of the master’s love for her above all others; having seen for
themselves the love and devotion which he did give her.
47 Thus did every woman seek to please Kronus through such kind regard as
they would give to Yoshibeth; seeing in her joy some advantage for themselves;
50 Thus did every woman give to Yoshibeth a ready and constant approbation,
for in her grace and beauty did they see themselves perfected; and Yoshibeth
blossomed as the rose, being in her form and manner the song which all would
likewise sing.
51 Yet did Kronus, on the seventh and eighth day of each week, set himself
aside in solitude whereby he might plan and contrive such means as he might
use in the accomplishment of all his goals and aspirations.
52 And when he was decided, he ordered from the Hall of Records the
histories and biographies of the youngest and most powerful of men; and
sorting through the whole of them, he chose forty men which he knew most
fully himself; and these did he set aside; for these men would he invite to the
feasting of his house.
53 And Kronus selected as escorts for all his guests, forty women of his house;
and unto each of these did he assign the history and biography of one of his
guests; and these did the women study and discuss with one another.
54 For each woman was made most fully aware of the importance of their
master’s goals; knowing full well that if they should fail in their designs, then
might the whole house be put at risk, to face altogether the wrath of every
man’s traditions and beliefs.
55 Thus did the women, in the eighth month of their stay in the House of
Kronus, practice and rehearse all those things which they were taught; giving to
each other some strong encouragement whereby they might quell into silence
the fears which lurked within.
56 And together did Yoshibeth and Kronus work day and night in the
preparation of all things; deciding among themselves the best course which
they might take; and day by day, and night by night, the women continued
faithfully to master such studies and lessons as Kronus did place before them.
57 And in the twelfth month, when there was but two weeks only before the
feasting of his house, Kronus sent forth the invitation to sup and dine; and all
which received were made anxious to attend; for the young men of power held
Kronus in high regard, believing in themselves that he was the greatest of them
58 Yet in the House of Kronus were all things made final and held in
readiness, for there was gathered for the feast the finest of foods and wines; and
there was placed in the dining hall the richest of tapestries and costly tableware.
59 And the women also were held in readiness, having selected for themselves
the finest and richest of gowns and velvet slippers, each fashioned in the richest
of colors and the brightest of hues; and there was set aside for each woman
also, jewels and ornaments of every kind, whereby they might further enhance
the beauty of their comely forms.
60 Thus did the whole house stand in readiness, and in the night before the
feast did Kronus go unto the uppermost room of the house, and there did he
speak tender words of love and encouragement.
61 And seeing for themselves that Kronus was burdened with care for their
sakes, Yoshibeth did lead him unto her bed; and in the night did every woman
lay most closely beside him where they might see and feel for themselves the
love which Yoshibeth might give him for all their sakes.
Chapter 21
1 From the fortress city of Trajenium came the guests of Kronus unto the
feast; and each man, when they saw the secret gardens within the inner walls of
his estate, even they were filled with awe; for never had they seen so beautiful a
quad, save within the walls of the Emperor’s palace.
2 And there came out of the manor to greet the guests of Kronus, the chief
steward; and even he did take the guests to the arbor where they might wait in
leisure for the coming of the master.
3 For in coming to the House of Kronus did all men feel themselves most
honored; for among all the great and mighty did Kronus choose them above all
the rest; causing that they should be made most curious concerning the designs
of so great a man as Kronus had become.
4 And seeing that they were alone, they spoke freely among themselves, and
one spoke, saying: “Tell me, my brave fellows: Is it not a wonder that we should
be chosen to sup and dine with the great Kronus Maximillius? Surely we shall
find ourselves advantaged because of it.”
5 But another spoke pridefully, saying: “It is not he which honors us; but we
who honor him; for we are all men of position and worth; and in the years to
come does Kronus know himself, that we shall be the men of greatest power;
and even now would he hope to curry some favor against the years to come.”
6 Yet did the boasting of the man draw from the lips of all which heard, only
scorn and hot derision; and there spoke in mocking jest, a certain man which
was made the captain of the Emperor’s inner guard, saying:
9 Who among us is made to bear the Emperor’s name? Being made before all
the empire, the greatest of us all. For you know already that there is just one
man only who bears all these things: the man Kronus Maximillius.
10 And to all these things has Kronus added even greater glory; for the whole
empire is made most fully aware of how this Kronus, with but five thousand
men only, defeated the one hundred thousand warriors of the Chen.
11 Causing that the great Butcher of Malay should kill himself because of
shame and black despair. Who then will sing the songs of war about this Ahgi
Wynnaki, except they first sing of Kronus and his five thousand?
12 For even the Emperor has commanded that the victories of Kronus be
placed in the Annals of War and Victory, whereby every cadet within the empire
might study the strategies of this Kronus Maximillius.
13 Look, therefore, closely upon the wrist of Kronus and see for yourself the
bracelet of war which the Emperor himself did give, and show me upon your
own the bracelet which you would place beside it.
14 For I tell you truly, that before the eyes of the Emperor has every Caesar
and every king within the empire sent forth their petition that Kronus be
assigned unto their court; for they know full well, that in this man alone, would
they, themselves, be greatly honored.
15 Yet has the Emperor kept for himself the greatest man of all; to keep beside
him this Kronus Maximillius. How then will any man say that he is equal to
Kronus? For which of us has gained for ourselves alone, the Emperor’s ear and
16 In this fashion did the man speak to all which were gathered, and there
spoke out still another, saying: “All which you have spoken do we ourselves
know full well. Yet is Kronus a strange and solitary man, being unlike any
17 And another answered him, saying: “Had I his strangeness, then would I
likewise be highly favored; to receive from the Emperor such gifts and honors
as he has bestowed upon Kronus.” And all which heard did laugh at so good a
18 But there stood among the guests, a certain man which had himself
graduated from the Academy of A’Kontay; having been a fellow senior with
Kronus in the playing of the Game; and he spoke to every man, saying:
19 “Take care, brave fellows, to listen well to Kronus; for those which appoint
themselves to hear him; even these do find some great advantage behind all his
words; to gather to themselves an increase in glory and honor; to be rewarded
with still some greater power and privilege.
20 For you know yourselves already, how the shadow of the Emperor has
fallen upon Kronus Maximillius; to mingle in the man himself, the doings of the
empire.” And all which heard stood in agreement, believing themselves that in
the following of Kronus would they find great reward.
21 Now there appeared in the arbor, Kronus Maximillius, being dressed in the
finest of purple tunics, and wearing a gold breastplate which bore the emblems
of his house; for the Coat of Arms which Kronus made did comprise a shield of
war, divided in half; and on the one half was there seen a great serpent, while
on the other was there found a dove which did but carry a lightning bolt.
22 And the guests seeing for themselves the great Kronus, did marvel at the
richness and beauty of his dress and manner; yet behind the man could all men
see the lurking shadows of power and firm resolve.
23 Then did Kronus speak unto his guests, saying: “Men of war and valor,
good welcome to all my house; for in your coming am I honored beyond all
24 Thus for your sake shall I place something greater than all which you have
ever seen, or touched or felt before; for you have feasted before in many houses;
yet, in the House of Kronus shall the feasting of every other house grow dimly
pale before such richness as I have gathered and prepared for your sakes.
25 For you are all great men of power, and in the future years shall the weight
of the empire rest within your hands; demanding of you a fullness of strength
and power whereby you might preserve the life and dominions of the Imperial
26 Unto what then shall I compare you? For you are like the weapons of war,
being finely made and greatly crafted; being in yourselves as men of iron and
steel, possessing in your blood both fire and ice together.
27 Consider then, my noble fellows, how that when the weapons of war are
laid to rest, even these are most diligently cared for and softly tendered; being
themselves covered and wrapped in the finest of silks and costly velvet till they
be called again to battle.
28 For in the softness of silk and velvet are the weapons of war protected from
the rust and grime which would make ruin the weapon most cherished and
needed in the day of battle.
29 Know therefore, that in each of you is there found the weapon of greatest
worth; being in your flesh fashioned of iron and steel and firm resolve; being in
yourselves most treasured and highly valued by the empire which you so
bravely serve.
30 Yet today shall you feast and rest in the House of Kronus; and like the
weapons of war, even I shall cover you with silk and velvet whereby you might
be refreshed and preserved against the day of battle, when the empire shall
have need of you again. For of all the weapons of war, you are the greatest.”
31 Thus did Kronus speak, and all which heard were greatly pleased and
flattered, feeling themselves most fortunate and honored to be the guests of so
great a man; and every man swore within himself to please the man Kronus
32 Now when Kronus had finished speaking, he did quickly signal unto the
chief steward, and there came out unto the arbor, the forty women of his house,
being led by the First Woman of the house, even Yoshibeth the Beloved.
33 And each woman did but bow and smile graciously unto every man, and
being led most gently forward, they went and stood before Kronus while yet
Yoshibeth did quick rise to stand beside him.
34 But there spoke up immediately a certain man which said: “My Lord
Kronus, for what purpose would you clothe these women in such finery? For
they are just women only, and by the customs and traditions of the empire, they
must always be made to walk about naked and unadorned.”
35 And Kronus answered him, saying: “These women which you see before
you were given me by the Emperor. Tell me therefore how I should treat them.
Should I honor them or dishonor them?
36 For if I treat them as all other men, to make the Emperor’s gift appear as
nothing special when compared to all other women, do I not imply by such poor
actions that the Emperor is no better in his giving than that of ordinary men?
38 And there stepped forth to answer him, a certain man which was made the
Junior Adjutant to the Vice Admiral of the Imperial Fleet, saying:
39 “My Lord, these things have we never before considered. Yet are we in
agreement that you have acted rightly and not amiss. For it is not seemly that
the gifts of the Emperor be made to appear as being no better than that of lesser
40 Then did Kronus speak unto his guests, saying: “Seeing then that we are in
agreement, to stand together upon this issue as fellow companions, let us
proceed unto the feast; for I would show you more wondrous things than this.”
42 And each man, being led to the feast by the hand of a woman, did but find
themselves most pleasingly amused; for the women were gracious and filled
with courtly manner; speaking well such gracious words of high regard that
each man did but yield himself unto the woman beside him; being put at ease
through such courtesies and gentle touches as each woman did lavish upon
each man.
43 For Kronus knew that the surest path to the heart of any man was through
the ego which ruled within him; thus did each woman soothe away the troubled
mind through words of constant praise and gentle humor.
44 Thus was every man captivated by the charm and graceful manner of every
woman; being carried away from all their cares and duties by the sight of so
many brightly colored gowns as did clothe in stately forms, the beauty of the
45 By such means were the men of power swayed by subtle measures away
from the harsh traditions of ages past; to find themselves engulfed by the sights
and sounds and pleasing fragrances of the women round about them.
46 Now Kronus was a cunning man filled with bright intent; and by some
forethought of design, he led the party of all his guests through the hallways of
the manor, to take them to the hall of feasting.
47 And passing by the inner court, every man was made to see a woman
cruelly beaten; hanging on a post of iron; being naked and covered with bloody
stripes; and one of the men, being deeply troubled, spoke to Kronus, saying:
48 “Lord Kronus: Was not this woman a gift from the Emperor also? Why
then will you beat her so, seeing that by her bloody stripes there is cast some
loathsome shadow upon the beauty of these women which walk beside us?”
49 And immediately did Kronus call unto the chief steward, saying: “Remove
this woman hence and tend gently to her wounds; and pull from the ground the
iron post to cast it far away. For the beating of this woman has offended the
men of war.
50 Therefore, would I command for their sakes, that in the House of Kronus
shall no woman be beaten or abused; for in the abusing of one woman is the
beauty and grace of all women diminished, casting into loathsome shadows the
women which walk beside us.”
51 Then did the chief steward hasten to obey, and turning to go he smiled at
the cunning of his master. And Kronus spoke to his guests, saying: “Tell me, my
good and brave companions whether or not my command has satisfied you.”
And they answered him, saying: “We are satisfied.” Then did Kronus proceed
unto the hall of feasting.
52 Now when they were gone away, the chief steward did set loose the woman
which hung upon the post, and being set free, the woman stood lightly upon her
feet, laughing all the while, for the stripes upon her back were but a ruse and
nothing more.
53 Now when they were come to the hall of feasting, the forty men of power
were greatly astonished, for the tables of the feasting hall were lavishly arrayed,
being set with the finest of all things; for Kronus had prepared a sumptuous
54 And the women, having been well schooled, even they did lead the guests
unto the tables to seat them; and as they did so, each woman would lean herself
close unto the man and she would speak softly into his ear, saying: “My
gracious lord, permit that I might sit beside you, for with my own hands would
I serve you.”
55 And when every man was seated, and the women beside them also, Kronus
took Yoshibeth by the hand and did but seat her first at the head of the great
table; being in his manner most gentle and tender in all his words and actions;
and when she was seated, Kronus sat down beside her.
56 Now every man which saw was filled with astonishment by the elegance
and dignity with which Kronus comported himself before the First Woman of
his house; which thing caused that the men should present themselves in like
57 For no man wished to prove less than the great Kronus, lest he find himself
disadvantaged in the years to come; for every man believed with firmness that
Kronus would himself be made a Hero of the Empire, and by this means be
made immortal and well remembered.
58 Thus were the men most anxious to please, having resolved to imitate the
actions of Kronus in all things; for they would likewise be remembered in the
histories of the empire if they could just prove themselves the good companions
of so great a man.
59 Now when all were seated, Kronus gave command and there rushed
immediately into the room a great many servants carrying large golden trays
which bore the richest and most costly of foods.
60 And there came into the room, ten beautiful women which sang and
danced before the guests; and every man was filled with wonder at the beauty of
so great a thing;
61 For in the days of Kronus had no man ever heard the singing of a woman;
and the sounds thereof did seize the heart of every man to fill him with soft
admiration and tender regard.
62 And as they feasted, the woman which sat beside each man did engage him
in a goodly conversation; speaking well of his many accomplishments and
gallant feats of war; and each man was most pleasantly startled that the woman
which sat beside him should know so well his history.
63 Thus were the men made to speak unto the women, being drawn into a
pleasing conversation by the gracious words and courtly manner of the woman
beside him; being in himself most fully astonished that any woman should
speak so well the imperial tongue.
64 Now every man and every woman engaged themselves in feasting and
laughter and pleasing conversation; and the hours passed in soft delight; for the
room was filled with music and merriment, evensomuch that the servants
which labored about the room in constant service, even these did smile and
laugh among themselves.
65 And in the evening did the lights go dim, and there shined upon a single
woman in the center of the room, a soft and gentle light; and every man did
hush themselves to hear; and in the stillness did the music play and the woman
herself did most sweetly sing a song of war and gallant loss, of broken dreams
and shattered hopes amid the fields of battle.
Chapter 22
1 And in the stillness of the room did the woman sing, and all was quiet and
strangely hushed, for every man did sit in silence, being in their persons as calm
as stones, while yet the music and melody did move upon every man; touching
here, softening there the hearts of those which heard.
2 For the song which the woman sang did carry away upon its words, the
hardness of ages past; to wear away through subtle means the harshness of all
men; giving birth within the heart of each, a gentle ache filled with hunger and
softest yearnings.
3 And when the woman had completed the singing of the song, the lights of
the room did brighten, and Kronus rose from his place and did applaud, and
every man seeing him did likewise, crying out with lustful zeal words of strong
4 Then did the woman bow and curtsey before the whole room, and every man
did but applaud more loudly still, evensomuch that many of the men did seize
up the cups of gold to bang them loudly against the tables.
5 Then did Kronus raise his hands to quiet those assembled; and when all was
quiet, Kronus signaled unto the women which played, and again the room was
filled with music, soft and sweet.
6 And taking Yoshibeth by the hand, Kronus led her to the center of the room,
and to the music did they softly sway. And holding each other closely, together
did they dance, tracing unseen patterns upon the floor; gliding with graceful
ease to the rhythms of the sound; gazing with joyful eyes into the heart of each
the other.
7 And there followed after them the woman which sang, and she sang a song
of sweet embrace, of men and women together blended in harmony and kind
regard; singing for all to hear, a song of love and passion mingled, of soft
seduction and deep fulfillment.
8 And all which saw, whether man or woman, even they were most deeply
moved in the seeing of the dance; and when the song was completed, Kronus
took Yoshibeth and sat her again at the head table and turning to his guests, he
spoke, saying:
9 “My good and brave companions, the evening is far spent, and the night has
come upon us when by custom you must retire, to sleep and refresh yourselves
according to your pleasure; for as your host would I give to please you the
women of my house, that they might satisfy such passions as do stir within you.
10 For you are the men of war, filled with strength and violent passions, while
yet the women which sit bedside you are the treasures of my house; for in all
the world shall you not see their likeness, being in their form and manner
greater than such poor and paltry riches as other men might value.
11 For such costly things as you have gathered cannot give to you what these,
my treasures, can; for I tell you truly that these women which sit beside you are
greater than all other women which you have known.
12 Being in their grace and manner far greater than the luster of gold or the
sparkle and fiery brilliance of rubies and emeralds or diamonds altogether;
possessing in their lovely forms the greatest of mysteries, filled with wonder
and rich reward.
13 Know therefore, that these women have I schooled and greatly trained in
the pleasing of a man, whereby they might draw through some tender touch or
soft embrace, the seed of all your longing; to move with gentle grace upon the
bed beside you, whereby they might give most joyfully unto you, that which you
have never known before.
14 Know then, my brave and fiery fellows, that in such grace and beauty as
these women shall give you upon the bed, is the strength of your body made to
rest, being preserved most strongly through the softness of the woman; while
yet the beauty and grace of the woman shall you also preserve through such
manly strength as you possess.
15 Thus in your coming together with the women of my house is there found a
fair exchange; for these women which sit beside you shall give freely of their
grace and beauty, while you shall spill in them the seeds of strength and power.
16 How then shall I guard the treasures of my house, seeing that I have set my
heart upon them? For it is customary that a man protect and safely guard the
things of greatest value, to secure them against both loss and injury.
17 For this cause shall I command you that in the House of Kronus shall you
refrain your hands from all abuse; for I will not permit that these, my darlings,
should be struck or beaten in any fashion.
18 For if any of these women should suffer because of you, how then shall you
compensate for so great a loss, to replace with equal value, a woman of her
likeness; seeing that within the whole of all our empire, there are none which
can prove her equal?”
19 Thus did Kronus speak, and a certain man stood forth to speak, saying: “My
Lord Kronus, this thing you ask is far beyond us; for without some violent
passion, how shall we arouse ourselves to intercourse? For it is harshness which
draws forth the fire in the blood, causing that we should spill forth our seed into
the woman.”
20 And every man gave assent; but Kronus answered them, saying: “Are you
not the men of war, filled with might and hidden cunning? Are you not the men
of fire and blood which would leave in ruin the enemies of the state?
21 Why then will you think yourselves disadvantaged because I would protect
and honor the treasures of my house? Come then and answer rightly: Who is
strongest, the man who is pushed and goaded by the passions of his flesh; or he
who controls with firm resolve the powers which move within him?
22 For you know already that there is a strength greater than strength, and a
power greater than power; for in the firm control of all your strength is there
found the greatest strength of all; and in the holding back of all your power is
there revealed the paths to still some greater power.
23 Thus in the stillness of self-control do we but gather up into the hand, the
strength and fire of all our heart; being cast together in mighty heaps even until
we shall call them forth upon the day of battle.
24 For in the controlling of our violent passions are we made most quiet and
still, even as the calm before the storm; that in the moment of greatest need we
might burst forth in sudden and unexpected fury; becoming in the heat of battle
even as the thunder and the lightning; causing to shake and tremble before our
might the enemies of the state.
25 For the man who controls best the violent passions of his flesh, even he is
the strongest man of all; for weaker men yield to lesser passions, while the
strongest man controls and guides his passions to some greater end.
27 Hear then the words which I would speak, and I will show you that subtle
power which would enflame your hearts to intercourse; having in itself a great
many hidden gifts and treasures.
28 For I would set before you that certain power which, if you should master,
would draw from the woman the sum of all her many desires; causing that she
should open forth and fully blossom even as the rose; to fill her with an aching
hunger to receive in her the sum of all your fiery seed.
29 Know then that in the power which I would show you is there found both
gain and hidden pleasure, and if you be willing, even I shall show this power
unto you. How then will you answer me? For whatsoever you shall ask, even
that will I grant unto you.”
30 Such were the words of Kronus, and there stood up to answer him a young
man of some renown, saying: “Lord Kronus, in all that you say have we been
well advantaged. Show us then this power which would arouse us to some
greater pleasure, and even this shall we do.”
31 Then did Kronus speak again, saying: “You men of war, do you likewise
agree? Or, shall this man but speak for himself alone?” And every man began to
speak, saying: “We are in agreement. Show us this power.”
32 Now when Kronus heard the shouting of the men, he raised his hand to
quiet them, and every man ceased his speaking. And Kronus answered them,
saying: “This then is the power which is greater than all your violence; for in it
is there found the truest path to joy and pleasure.”
33 And reaching beside him, Kronus took Yoshibeth into his arms and did
most gently kiss her, touching softly upon her breasts with hands made warm
and tender;
34 Drawing out from the lips of her, the song of all her dreams; while
breathing into her likewise, through the kissing of the lips, the hope of love and
sweet communion.
35 For Kronus kissed Yoshibeth upon the lips with tender passion, while she
did likewise kiss him deeply; stroking with her gentle hands, the hardness of his
flesh whereby she might arouse him to intercourse.
36 Now the men which saw were greatly startled, for they had never before
seen the kissing of another; and Kronus, turning to them so they might see,
removed his tunic and every man and every woman saw for themselves the
arousing of his flesh.
37 Then did Kronus speak unto every man, saying: “You men of war, look well
and see; for by the kissing of the lips am I well aroused and fully gorged; not by
violence as lesser men do, but by the power of the kiss only.
38 For lesser men, having no control within themselves, will but cast away
their many powers upon the woman, lashing out to strike, midst heated breath,
against their soft and comely forms.
39 Yet through the powers of the kiss can you arouse yourself to intercourse,
and thereby preserve the warrior’s strength against the day of battle; for I tell
you truly that such women as sit beside you are trained and fully able to give
you what you have never before seen, or felt, or ever known.
40 For the greatest pleasures are you without, having no care or knowledge of
such women as you do rape and plunder; but in the women which sit beside you
shall you find the greatest delight of all.
41 For women possess but many gifts of which you have no knowledge;
neither know you the means by which to attain them, being in yourselves
unlearned in the greatest game of all.
42 Thus would I reveal to you that certain means by which you might draw
from the woman, such gifts and pleasures as she has hidden and locked away;
compelling her through some gentle kiss or soft touch to surrender herself
before you, to yield into your keeping, a great many delights.
43 For women, by their softness are unworthy of war and violence; therefore
is it needful that you should find some far more subtle means to conquer, to win
for yourselves the greatest prize of all.
44 Thus would you secure for yourselves such pleasing gifts as the woman
would yield before you for kindness’ sake; having yourselves seduced her
through such kisses and tender touches as you would cast upon her; for
softness is mastered through softness, while strength is mastered through
45 For the woman which sits beside you is not a man, and the ways of men
must you not waste upon her; for in so doing would you diminish yourselves
only, having robbed yourselves of great gain.
46 Thus must you compel through softness the woman which sits beside you,
to bend her to your will; taking from her through gentle kisses such gifts and
treasures as she would hide within her.
47 For this cause alone would I teach to you the very nature of the greatest
game of all, that you might gain for yourselves some greater pleasure than you
have ever known before.
50 Know then that this power is greater than any other, being able of itself to
fill the woman with some aching hunger whereby she would seek further still
the pleasuring of your flesh within her.
51 Choose then the greater path, for you know yourselves that the greatest
power does most yield the greater prize; for in your violent raping are you just
ten minutes upon the woman; while in this soft and gentle path you are
pleasured through the night.”
52 Such were the words which Kronus spoke, and a man answered him,
saying: “Lord Kronus, the power of the kiss do we fully see. Yet we know not the
playing of the game which would cause the woman to yield before us her many
treasures. How then can we choose which is greater and to our benefit?”
53 Then did Kronus speak again, saying: “Come then and I will tell you of that
game which is greater than all others; having as its reward a prize more
pleasing to the senses than any you have ever known before.
54 For you know yourselves that in the playing of the Emperor’s Game have I
earned in victory these three rings which even now you see; for the Emperor’s
Game is a game of war and cunning, filling those which play with a deadly zeal
in gaining the victor’s prize.
55 Yet is there another game which sets at rest the warrior’s might, refreshing
through its subtle powers the force and vigor of the man of war; renewing
through its artful means such manly powers as we do prize the most.
56 Know then that in the intercourse of the man and the woman shall we be
advantaged in the playing of the game; for in the pleasing of the woman shall
we most please ourselves, causing that she surrender into our keeping such
pleasures as she has locked away.
57 Thus in the playing of this greater game must you set aside the ways of war;
for in the beating of the woman will she lock most deeply away the treasures
that we seek to gain; for men, in anger, do we strike, while yet the woman we
must gently stroke midst tender kisses and fiery breath.
58 What then must these treasures be like unto, seeing that you have never
before seen their likeness? And yet again: What pleasures has the woman
hidden deep away, because such men as come upon them are made as beasts
who rape and plunder?
59 Come then and I will show you the game which you must master; for
tonight the game we play is but the game of sweet seduction.
60 For the women which sit beside you, know already the nature of the game;
for I, myself, did teach them for your sake. Come then and I will show you fully
the playing of this game, for I desire that you find pleasures greater than you
have ever known.
61 For you are the greatest of the men of war, whose good fellowship I do but
treasure most. Watch then and see for yourselves such artful pleasures as I shall
steal away from this woman which sits beside me.”
62 Then did Kronus give quick command, and there rushed forth his servants,
and they placed upon the center of the floor, so all might see, a pallet of
bedding, soft and brightly colored being richly adorned; and Kronus, taking
Yoshibeth by the hand most gently, led her unto the bed, saying:
63 “Come, my love, and be my joy; for in this moment would I give into your
keeping the fullness of my devotion. That by our loving upon the bed, we might
give birth in all which see, the beginnings of that tender dream which you and I
most gently share.”
Chapter 23
Golden Roses
Kronus and Yoshibeth display their love – The men retire to bed, seeking to imitate Kronus –
A gift is given so the men will remember – The guests return home to find bitterness and fear
– Remembering the House of Kronus – The forty men abandon tradition and custom –
Changes are made – Two hundred women are sent to Kronus – Kronus receives news of war
– Markus Tobias and Seti-Kahn – Seti-Kahn threatens Kronus
1 And before his gathered guests, in the hall of feasting did Kronus woo
Yoshibeth with tender kisses and soft embraces, disrobing her through gentle
touches while she did likewise disrobe him also upon the bed.
2 And all which saw, whether man or woman, were deeply moved and filled
with fevered passions; for the room was filled with soft music, and Kronus and
Yoshibeth did move upon each other in equal fashion.
3 Touching here and kissing there, drawing from the hearts of each, the most
tender expressions of love and trust and full acceptance; for each was filled with
fiery longings and tender yearnings.
4 Thus did Kronus seduce Yoshibeth to love her, while she likewise seduced
him; casting upon each other a fullness of their desires, holding nothing back;
being in each other neither reluctant nor unwilling to give a fullness of their
faith and trust in the expressions of their love.
5 And the men which saw were filled with wonder, for never had they seen a
woman move upon a man as Yoshibeth did move upon Kronus; for together
were Kronus and Yoshibeth filled with smiles and gentle laughter, mingled with
tender sighs; gasping and groaning midst such pleasures as they would give to
each other for love’s sake.
6 And when two hours were fully passed, Kronus gave out a mighty roar which
did shake the whole house, for in the midst of his fiery passions did he cast into
Yoshibeth an over abundance of his seed; spilling into her womb the fullness of
his love.
7 By such means did Kronus awaken in every man an equal desire, whereby
each man might seduce the woman beside him through tender kisses; to steal
away for himself such pleasures as the woman did lock most deeply away.
8 Being hidden in the heart of her, to lie in dreams and longings of her own
until some man should call them forth through tenderness and kind regard;
causing that the woman should give release of all her gifts midst some fiery kiss
and soft embrace.
9 Thus were the men instructed in the playing of the game, and each man did
retire unto a bedroom which had been especially prepared by the woman which
sat beside him; which bedroom had in its center a soft pallet upon the floor,
being itself surrounded by a rich variety of fragrant flowers; and there burned
within the room, the scented candles of honey and cinnamon spice.
10 And in the night did every man seek to imitate the man Kronus; plying
through kisses and soft touches the shadows of sweet seduction; and in the
night did every woman speak softly unto the man which moved upon her,
speaking into his ears words of encouragement and kind regard;
11 To open herself unto the man whereby he might taste for himself such
pleasures as the woman would yield unto him for love’s sake.
12 And throughout the whole night were the men most softly pleasured; and
when each man had expended the fullness of his seed into the womb of the
woman, still did the man lay his head upon the woman’s breasts whereby she
might gently stroke and fully nurture the man which lay beside her upon the
13 Now when it was morning, Kronus set forth for all his guests a sumptuous
breakfast; and every man and every woman did eat together, being made as
equals through the loving of each the other; and Kronus stood forth to speak,
14 “My brave and noble fellows, well have you honored the whole of all my
house; proving yourselves most worthy in the receiving of such gifts and
pleasures as I would give unto you. Receive then this token of my regard and
remember with fondness the women which sit beside you.”
15 Then did every woman bring out from the folds of her garment, a golden
rose exquisitely made; and every man marveled at so costly a gift; and each man
thought himself most highly valued by Kronus Maximillius; and in the heart of
each man did there stir some strange but pleasant feeling towards the greatest
man of all.
16 Now when the feasting was completed, the guests returned again to their
own manors and estates, being sent away with loving kisses and soft embraces
by the women of Kronus.
17 And each man, on entering his manor grew dissatisfied with such women as
were forced to serve him; for they were always fearful and filled with bitterness;
being in their minds and bodies but dull and broken beneath the hands of angry
18 For such women were made, by custom, to walk about naked and
unadorned; being constantly whipped and beaten midst the harshness of their
labors, being made subject to such natural elements as raged about them;
20 For in the manors of the forty men was there never heard the singing and
dancing of women; neither did any woman smile or laugh or gently speak; being
made through harshness as dark and sullen creatures filled with loathing and
hateful spite.
21 Neither could any man engage such women in delightful conversations, for
such women were kept ignorant and always fearful of the ways of men; having
in themselves no refinement or grace, having for themselves no beauty or
courtly manner, being made as broken vessels which all men raped and
22 Thus did the forty men sit disconsolate upon their beds in the quietness of
the night, to gaze in soft reflections upon a golden rose filled with memories; for
in gazing upon the golden rose did they dream of such fiery kisses and soft
embraces as they had found in the House of Kronus.
23 And each man resolved separately to seek out Kronus, whereby they might
put forth their petition; and unto each man did Kronus give both wise and
goodly counsel; causing that each man should return again to his manor, being
himself firmly resolved to follow in the steps of Kronus Maximillius.
24 Thus did the forty men endeavor to create such a house as Kronus had
made for himself; being hopeful to gain in like manner a treasure far greater
than diamonds and gold.
25 Out then came the whipping posts, and the dogs of war did the men remove
far from the house; and each man gave unto their chief steward a firm
command that never again would the women of their house be slapped or
beaten, neither would they permit that they should be whipped or in any
manner abused.
26 And each man built within the walls of their estate, an inner wall which did
surround the manor and the lands round about; causing that there should be
planted a variety of gardens and walkways.
27 And the house of women did they tear down to build anew, while the
women of their house did the men move into the upper floor of the manor itself;
28 Building in like fashion even as Kronus did, to place in the uppermost floor
a variety of pools and baths and soft appointments, made rich in all manner of
bright and cheerful colors; being always scented by candles of honey and
cinnamon spice.
29 Thus was every woman made to marvel, for they were released from all
their heavy labors, being each given some soft and lovely appointment within
the master’s house; being made no longer fearful or hungry, but in all aspects of
their lives did there come a swift and good improvement.
30 Now each man sent five women unto the school which Kronus had made
whereby they might be schooled for one year, paying unto Kronus some five
thousand golden crowns; yet did Kronus send unto each man in return, the very
woman which had sat beside him at the feast.
31 For which each man did most gladly pay another five thousand golden
crowns, causing that the women of Kronus should serve in the house of some
other man for a period of one year only; to be made, themselves, as the First
Woman of his house.
32 And there came into the coffers of Kronus Maximillius some four hundred
thousand golden crowns, for Kronus desired that the men of war set great value
upon the women of his house; also did he likewise desire that they should most
equally value the women which he would teach for their sake.
33 For this truth above all is known, that men shall value greatest the thing
which cost them most; for those things are most dearly cherished and highly
esteemed, which will draw from the man the efforts of all his labors; being
himself most anxious to pay, whereby he might take to himself the greater
34 Thus was Kronus compelled to enlarge the school of women; and seeing
that there remained in his house just ten women only, even these did he
appoint to teach, setting to preside among them, the woman which he loved
most dearly, even Yoshibeth Mahali.
35 And there soon came unto the House of Kronus some two hundred women,
and all which Kronus had done unto the women of his house aforetime, even
this did he likewise do for their sake also.
36 Thus did it come about that the women which were sent unto Kronus, even
these did fairly swoon for the touch of him; for his grace and kindness had left
undone the fears of all their yesterdays; to imbue in the women which came
from afar, a kind regard for themselves and all others also.
37 Now on a certain day there came unto Kronus a courier from the Office of
War and Strategy, saying: “My Lord, there comes quickly upon us, a war with
Rome. Come therefore, quickly on the morrow, at the rising of the sun; for the
Emperor would seek your counsel.”
38 And so speaking, the courier went away quickly unto Trajenium, and
Kronus did sigh deeply within his heart, saying: “This world is filled with
madness.” And so saying, Kronus went forth to bid farewell unto all his house
till he should come again unto them.
39 Yet would Kronus not say good-bye to the woman which he loved, but took
her unto himself to love her through the night, to dwell together in some secret
place where he might cleave himself only unto her.
40 And taking Yoshibeth into his arms, he spoke to her most tenderly, saying:
“Fear not, my Love, neither concern yourself overmuch because of me; but take
full care to guard well the affairs of this house;
41 For whatsoever you shall deem as necessary to our benefit, even to this will
I give my full assent; for in you have I placed the sum of all my trust, to give into
your keeping the hopes and dreams of countless ages.
44 “Return most quickly and keep you safe, my Love, for I shall gently wait for
thee; that in our love we might come again face to face, heart to heart, flesh
cleaving unto flesh, being bound and strongly guided by such tender passions as
do burn within us.
45 For I do long for thee, yearn for thee; finding in your presence the greatest
joy of all; for in your arms am I safely sheltered from the storms which rage
about; for you, my Love, are that mighty tower which does but lift me higher,
causing that I should find in you, the only place which I call home.
46 Anoint therefore, my innermost part and draw me closer still to thee; for in
my flesh is that certain power which would bring you back to me; casting aside
such bitter things as would seek to come between; until at last we come again to
kiss and gently hold, to lie in dreams and sweet repose in each the other’s arms,
being made as one forever.”
47 Such did Yoshibeth speak, and on the morrow, before the rising of the sun,
Kronus gave unto all his house some final instructions; then did he turn most
quickly away and with firm resolve set hard his mind unto the ways of war.
48 Now when Kronus was come to the palace, there came to greet him, a
general which was made the First Councilor of War to Seti-Kahn, whose name
was Markus Tobias; a man of fearsome presence, wearing upon his cruel visage
a great many scars.
49 And grabbing Kronus by the arm, he spoke abruptly unto him, saying:
“Come with me, for the Supreme Commander would have a word with you.”
Then did he turn suddenly away, and Kronus did follow after him.
50 Thus was Kronus brought face to face with his father, causing that there
should stir within him a cold and sullen rage; for Kronus remembered well the
torments of his mother; yet before Seti-Kahn did Kronus seem as strangely
calm, being in his very presence both cold and aloof before the man of war and
51 And Seti-Kahn spoke unto Kronus, saying: “This day shall I place before the
Emperor, the plans of war and battle; for there gathers against us the legions of
Rome which even now would steal from us the whole of Antarctica; for they
would seize for themselves the water stations of Neropolis.
52 For this cause shall I submit the surest course of action, whereby we might
preserve our southern realm against the encroachments of Rome; for soon the
legions shall sail against us, and the ice city of Neropolis must soon come under
a fearful bombardment.
53 Thus do I command you to give assent unto my plans, for I know full well
how you have turned the Emperor in favor of all your words; causing that he
should place you near the throne whereby you might review the battle strategies
of men far greater than yourself.
54 Hear then my words and give to me a quick obedience, for if you should
give assent then are you advantaged; but if you should go against me, then shall
I do worse to you than I did the bitch which bore you.
55 Go now and remember well my words, for I stand not alone against you; for
the men of greatest power have set their eyes upon you to watch you closely.
56 Agree therefore quickly to such plans as I shall place before the Emperor,
and seek not yourself to study them, but agree only to my words, to speak well
with eager breath of all which I shall say.
57 Go now and get you hence, for you are an offense to me; but remember well
my words to obey them, lest you yourself should die the death.” Then did Seti-
Kahn turn his back to Kronus, being filled with bitter scorn.
58 Now when Kronus was gone from the room, Seti-Kahn spoke, saying:
“What think you? Have we turned the boy to our favor?” And Markus Tobias
answered him, saying: “He is not turned, my lord, but stands himself against
us.” And hearing this, Seti-Kahn cursed a bitter curse filled with hateful rage.
Chapter 24
1 On the island of Capri did the Emperor of Rome brood darkly against
Drakonia; for he desired to take again unto himself the water stations of
Antarctica; for in the days of Kronus were the waters of the polar regions most
precious and highly prized; being locked in the ice, being itself both pure and
uncorrupted by the pollutions of man.
2 For the earth grew sick beneath the weight of man, for he did constantly
pour into the rivers and oceans of the earth a great many contaminants, filling
in rapid degrees the whole earth with sickness and despair.
3 But in the frozen waste of the polar regions was there found the ice of ages
past, containing in itself the purest of waters, fresh and clean; being most highly
desired by the nations of men whereby they might drink of its pureness and live.
4 Now the Emperor of Rome was a vengeful man, whose name was
Commodus III; being himself a man of spite and bitter disposition; and he
desired a bitter retribution against Drakonia, whereby he might gloat in some
victory against it.
5 For in years past had Drakonia captured through war, the continent of
Antarctica, to steal it away from Rome; to keep in firm possession the wealth of
all its many resources; drawing from the frozen land and the oceans round
about a great many riches.
6 Thus, for eighty years did the Empire of Rome seek some bitter revenge for
so great a loss, causing that Commodus III should send into the lands of South
Africa, five full divisions of the Roman Army, having in each division some ten
legions; and unto this did he also add six armored battalions, fiercely armed.
7 And over so great an army did Commodus III place in command, a general of
great renown, even the man Sulla Cornellius; and he made haste the great
invasion, drawing into every port a great many naval ships and barges.
8 For he was determined to land full force upon the frozen shores, to take
captive the ice city of Neropolis, and all the regions round about; being hopeful
to surprise Drakonia in fearsome battle, to catch it unawares.
9 But in the regions of space did the satellites of Drakonia keep silent watch
over all the earth, spying here and watching there the doings of every nation;
sending out in secret codes, the intentions of Rome and all its might.
10 Now in the fortress city of Trajenium did the men of war gather in the
Emperor’s private chamber; and in the center of the room was there seen a
great three dimensional map which showed upon its surface, the lands of South
Africa, Antarctica and the ocean in between.
11 And there was placed upon the map, the most current positions of all
military forces within the region, both of Rome and Drakonia, being constantly
updated and revised by the mighty men of war.
12 And there was gathered before the Emperor, in full battle dress, Kronus
Maximillius, having been appointed the Strategic Advisor to the Emperor
14 And the Emperor spoke unto his commanders, saying: “What of Rome and
its gathered armies? When shall they attack and how stand we in defense of
Neropolis?” And Seti-Kahn stepped out from the rest which were gathered, and
he spoke, saying:
15 “Your Majesty, it is agreed among us that Rome shall not attack for two
weeks, for they have not completed all their many preparations. Yet, my lord,
why should we wait for battle? Let us, therefore, attack the cities and ports of
South Africa, to pin the armies of Rome within the walls of their garrisons.
16 For we are agreed among us that the best defense is a swift and mighty
offense which would overwhelm the enemy before they set sail against us.
17 Thus would we advise, Your Majesty, an immediate and massive assault
upon South Africa; to place under immediate and constant bombardment from
the air and sea, the capital city of Herculeum.”
18 In this manner did Seti-Kahn speak unto the Emperor, and there spoke
also, the First Admiral of the Imperial Fleet, Graccus Media, saying: “Your
Majesty, the Twelfth Fleet is even now within the area, and can begin, within
some eight hours, to lay upon the city of Herculeum a heavy bombardment.
19 Also, my lord, can we move to assist within two days time, three more
fleets, heavily armed, which can themselves attack the cities and ports of
Praetoria, Ostia, Phillippi and Praxus, to turn them into heaps of ruin and
broken rubble.”
20 Then did Seti-Kahn speak again, saying: “And not this only, Your Majesty;
for in three weeks time shall I have within the hand an invasion force of my own
consisting of eight full divisions, as well as two full armored divisions ready for
battle and fit for war.
21 For I, myself, shall lead them, to win for the Emperor a great and fearsome
victory which shall fill the heart of Rome with hateful dread; for I shall steal
away the whole of South Africa, to give it as a gift to you, my lord.
22 Say now but the word only, and I shall make ready haste to crush the
legions of Rome which even now would go against us; for if you are in
agreement, then shall I fulfill all my words; that you may find to yourself an
increase in glory and honor.”
23 Now the Emperor considered well the words of all who spoke, and turning
again to his commanders, he spoke, saying: “But what of Neropolis? For even if
we should defeat Rome, still will they try again to steal away the whole of
24 And Cassius Aegean, being the First Field Marshal of Military Operations,
spoke, saying: “Your Majesty, even as we speak have I commanded the
reinforcement of Neropolis, tripling all gun batteries around the city; mining
also all beaches and landing sites.
25 Yet, my lord, even to this would we add more: being desirous ourselves to
build two military cities upon the continent; creating to our benefit an Antarctic
Command which would be given charge over the whole of Antarctica, whereby
they might more readily defend it against all encroachments.”
26 And turning to Seti-Kahn, the Emperor spoke, saying: “Tell me straightly
and hold not back: How many men shall perish of Drakonia?” And Seti-Kahn
answered, saying: “We shall lose some two hundred thousand men, my lord.”
27 Then turning to Cassius Aegean, the Emperor spoke again, saying: “What
then of the cost, Cassius; tell me truly.” And Cassius Aegean answered, saying:
“All things considered, Your Majesty, it shall cost the treasury some five
hundred thousand gold talents.”
28 Thus was the Emperor made most fully aware of such costly plans as his
commanders would put forth for his consideration and agreement; and turning
to Kronus, the Emperor spoke, saying: “What think you, Kronus? Is this plan
worthy of my favor?”
29 Yet did Seti-Kahn step forth to intrude upon his lord and master, saying:
“Your Majesty, these things are beyond the boy. For all these plans were most
subtly devised and brought together by the most accomplished of men. Kronus
is too young to understand so great a thing. It is for the Emperor’s military to
30 But the Emperor rebuked Seti-Kahn, saying: “It is for the Emperor, alone,
to decide and no other.” Thus in the anger of the Emperor’s voice did Seti-Kahn
grow fearful; and there stirred within him a fierce and hateful rage against the
son he feared above all else.
31 Then did the Emperor turn again unto Kronus, saying: “Tell me Kronus:
What think you of all these things?” And Kronus answered him, saying: “Your
Majesty, if you will consent, permit that I might study all these things for two
days. And when I am completed, I will tell you all my heart.”
32 Now when Kronus had finished speaking, Markus Tobias exclaimed against
him quickly, saying: “Your Majesty, we must attack now. For it is not good that
we should wait two days for Kronus’ sake, for the fires are stoked and the iron is
hot. Let us strike now and hold not back.”
33 But the Emperor rebuked him also, saying: “Did you not say yourself that
Rome shall not attack for yet another two weeks? How then will you say that we
cannot wait just two days only?”
34 Thus did the Emperor give consent unto Kronus, causing that there should
be placed within the room a cot upon which Kronus might sleep in the deepness
of the night; and every man did leave the room to follow their Emperor, causing
that Kronus should be alone in all his contemplations of the plans of war and
bloody battle.
35 Thus for two days did Kronus study such plans and strategies as were made
available; yet would Kronus still request reports, studies and surveys pertaining
to South Africa and all its many resources, as well as all current and projected
weather reports.
36 And with each request that Kronus made, the Stazzi would report to the
Emperor, saying: “Your Majesty, the Great Kronus has asked for this report,” or
“this study,” or again “Kronus has requested such and such a survey.”
37 Likewise would the spies of Seti-Kahn rush to report unto their master,
saying: “My Lord, the boy has made requests for this report,” or “this study,” or
again “the boy has asked for such and such a survey.”
38 Thus did the ways of Kronus intrigue the greatest men of power, while
others grew fearful of his artful plottings; being fearful that in Kronus would
they be made to lose face in the presence of their peers and the Emperor also.
39 Now on the morning of the third day, Kronus sent word unto the Emperor,
and there gathered in the war room of the Emperor, all the mighty men of
power; for each was anxious to hear for themselves such counsel as Kronus
would give.
40 And Kronus spoke unto the Emperor, saying: “Your Majesty, in all these
plans have I found some good merit; yet only in two things am I left unsettled:
For in the first do all agree that the cost to Drakonia shall be no less than two
hundred thousand of our own dead; while yet costing us further some five
hundred thousand talents of gold.
41 Yet, Your Majesty, why should this war be forced upon us at so great a cost?
For this cause would I force upon Rome the cost of all their efforts and ours
combined together;
42 Causing that we should take from Rome, the gathered treasures of South
Africa, to bring into your treasury the greatest prize of all, which prize is no less
than the very heart of Rome’s wealth and power.
43 Thus, Your Majesty, if this seem good in your eyes that we should do it,
then must we not fight the legions of Rome while they are yet in their garrisons,
to pin them within the very cities where all these mighty treasures are stored
and gathered.
44 For this cause would I speak of that second thing which would prove itself
most troublesome. For which is better: to attack South Africa while yet the
legions of Rome are found within, being fully prepared for bloody battle?
45 Or is it better still to attack South Africa, to rob it of all its wealth and glory
while yet the legions of Rome have sent themselves away; to land upon the
frozen and hostile shores of Antarctica, placing between us and them a harsh
and bitter sea?
46 For this cause would I reveal to you a far more subtle stratagem which, if
you will give consent, will yet preserve into our keeping the city of Neropolis
while gaining to our greater benefit, the very crown of Rome’s wealth and
47 Now when the Emperor heard this of Kronus, his heart was filled with
greed; for the Emperor lusted after glory and fame above all other things, while
yet many of the men of war which stood beside him, were themselves most
intrigued by the words of Kronus.
48 And the Emperor spoke, saying: “Continue then Kronus and speak of this
strategy which would gain for me so great a treasure.” And Kronus spoke,
saying: “These then are the things which we must do with swift and firm
50 For this man Sulla Cornellius have I studied, for he is a man of bitter intent,
being fully committed to the achieving of his Emperor’s goals; and in his
landing upon our shores will he send away the ships which brought him forth,
forcing all his legions to win the day or die; for in Sulla Cornellius there is found
no half measure or going back.
51 For it is now certain that there will soon come upon Antarctica a fierce and
raging storm; a howling gale which will greatly hamper the movements and
advancements of Rome against us, causing that there should fall upon them
some difficulty in supply and logistics.
52 Let Rome, therefore, dangle themselves far away on shores of ice and stone;
for we need not fight them face to face; for on the day when we shall plunder the
whole of all their treasuries, then will Commodus himself call Sulla back unto
South Africa.
53 Thus, on that day when Sulla shall land upon our shores, to send his ships
away, then must we act with swift and firm resolve.
54 For on the third day of Sulla’s landing, when his ships are far at sea, then
must we send in the four imperial fleets; to lay against the capital of Herculeum,
a massive bombardment day and night, filling the regions round about with a
deep and rumbling roar.
55 And the garrisons of South Africa shall set aside their own places, to rush
themselves to Herculeum, believing that there comes against them some great
and dreadful invasion; and when they have left unguarded their own cities, then
must we strike suddenly and with fierce resolve.
57 Thus, Your Majesty, shall we take from Rome in one day only, up to a
fourth of all its wealth and glory. Then shall we recall our fleets and withdraw
ourselves away.
58 And when Sulla returns again unto South Africa, then shall we send our
forces unto Antarctica, to protect it against all further encroachments, until that
day when Cassius Aegean shall complete all his many plans for the future
defense of Neropolis.”
59 Thus did Kronus speak, and the Emperor was filled with laughter; and
slapping Kronus upon the back in good fellowship, he roared, saying: “What
brass! What daring! What cunning this man has!
60 Why then should we fight Sulla? For if we do as Kronus says, then shall
Commodus place the blame on Sulla for so great a loss, and will himself strangle
Sulla with his own intestines.”
61 And every man did also laugh save Seti-Kahn and Markus Tobias, for they
were filled with rage. For it was clearly evident that the Emperor favored
Kronus above themselves, and they resolved to murder Kronus in subtle
Chapter 25
Imperial Knight
Kronus’ plans are carried out successfully – Drakonia strikes South Africa –A new Drakonian
coin is minted – A new coin is minted – The Regent and Seti-Kahn lead secret plot to kill
Kronus – Kronus is honored by the Emperor and receives a new rank – Troubles in Rome –
The Emperor of Rome puts a price on Kronus – The Stazzi are ordered to guard Kronus –
Kronus returns to Yoshibeth, and prepares for the coming of the Emperor – Words of love
between beloveds
2 And all which Kronus said did come to pass, for Sulla did land upon the
frozen shores of Antarctica, and there fell the next day upon him, a fierce and
raging storm which beat harshly and without relent upon the armies of Rome.
3 And in the third day of Sulla’s landing, when his ships were far away, and he
himself lay stranded in the midst of a cruel and bitter storm, then did Drakonia
strike with sudden and unexpected fury against the city of Herculeum;
4 Laying upon the city and garrison a ferocious bombardment from the sea
and air together, causing the very land to shake and rumble beneath the
dreadful roar of heavy guns and bombs.
5 Sending upon the city an endless stream of rockets and missiles which did
scream and shriek in a mighty rush; to fall upon the inhabitants of the region
even as the rain, being filled with fire and steel and choking death.
6 Thus did the garrison of the city, fearing the onslaught of some great
invasion, call unto the whole of South Africa to rush forth to aid them; and there
came in swift reply, the garrisons of Lyconium, Niccocea, Mordredia, Praetoria,
Phillippi, Ostia and Praxus.
7 And rushing forth to the beaches of Herculeum, the garrisons of South Africa
entrenched themselves in preparation, to meet in fearsome battle the soldiers of
Drakonia; yet were they themselves pinned down by so great and fierce a
8 By such a ploy did Drakonia plunder the treasures of Rome, sending into the
cities of Lyconium, Niccocea, Mordredia, Praetoria, Phillippi, Ostia and Praxus,
a strike force of heavy lifters, and there was met but little resistance to stand
against them, for the garrisons of the cities had rushed themselves away.
10 And unto all these riches was there added also some 236 tons in diamonds,
emeralds, rubies, sapphires, opals, topaz, amethyst and a great many pearls
11 Now when the treasures of Rome had been carried all away, then did the
forces of Drakonia withdraw themselves speedily; and when Sulla came again
into South Africa with the whole of all his armies, then did Drakonia slip in
behind to make secure and fiercely guarded the regions of Antarctica.
12 And the Emperor, being overjoyed by all his gain, did mint a new coin
altogether; being made of platinum, most valuable and rare; having for itself an
exchange rate of ten golden crowns.
13 And in the center of the platinum coin, on one side, was there found the
golden likeness of Drakonus Maximillius; while on the other there was seen an
eagle of gold with wings outstretched, bearing in its talons a great many
lightning bolts.
14 Now the Emperor gave to every great commander a good many gifts and
honors; for in the sacking of South Africa had Drakonia lost but some three
hundred men; and every man of power within the empire did stand amazed at
so great a victory, to hold in fearful awe the cunning of Kronus Maximillius.
15 But in the places of power did there grow a secret plot to kill Kronus, being
led by the Regent and Seti-Kahn together; and throughout the city of Trajenium
did their agents move most stealthily, seeking here, gathering there, such
information as might prove to their advantage.
16 Now the Emperor was himself most greatly pleased at the increase of all his
wealth and power; for in the midst of conflict and war had he bested the might
of Rome, to shame it before the nations.
17 And the Emperor to himself did speak, saying: “I shall honor this Kronus
above all other men; for in the whole of all my kingdom is there none which can
prove his equal, to match him wit for wit, or cunning genius; for this Kronus is
himself the greatest prize of all.”
18 Thus did the Emperor muse quietly to himself, and giving forth his
command, he convened in solemn assembly the men of greatest power; that
before their gathered might he might honor Kronus, to convey upon him the
office and rank of Imperial Knight.
19 And not this only, for the Emperor appointed Kronus the duties and
obligations of First Imperial Councilor, causing that Kronus should advise the
Emperor in all matters of state; to wear about his neck the symbol of his office,
being itself a gold and platinum medallion upon a heavy chain of gold.
20 And unto this did the Emperor give unto Kronus a thousand talents of gold;
and unto the House of Kronus did the Emperor give still further, yet another
fifty women, being themselves young and filled with life.
21 Now there followed after all these honors, a great feast filled with rough and
drunken merriment, and the Emperor leaned himself to the ear of Kronus,
saying: “Know you fair Kronus, how great the wealth we seized from Rome?”
And Kronus answered him, saying: “I know not fully, Your Majesty.”
22 And the Emperor spoke again, saying: “In the halls of Rome is it reported
that we have seized through violent cunning up to one half of all their wealth
and power; causing the very throne upon which Commodus sits, to shake and
tremble because of it.
23 Watch therefore, and guard you well the whole of all your house; for in
Rome do the mighty gather to seek your life, while in Trajenium do the men of
power seek against you some accusation whereby they might cast you down.
24 Take care, therefore, the things which you shall do; for there are many
which favor the whole of all your doings, while yet others would drink your
blood; yet are both camps filled with smiles and friendly banter whereby you
might not know one from the other.
25 Wrap yourself in silent cunning, and watch with knowing eyes; for there are
many which would play you false, to make as ruin the man I value most, seeking
through some hidden treachery to pull you quickly down.
26 Walk, therefore, carefully and lightly tread in the halls of power, for
intrigue is ever waiting and the shadows quickly gloom; for the treacherous man
is ever waiting, being himself most watchful and filled with care; seeking but
that single moment whereby he might cast you into death.
27 Yet hear me well Kronus and do not mistake, for I care only that you serve
me rightly and not amiss; for I know that in you shall I make my name greater
than all other Emperors before me;
29 But on that day when I shall see in you no advantage for myself, then shall I
take swiftest measure to guard well the name and image of Kronus Maximillius.
30 For in that moment when I perceive the falling of some shadow upon you, I
myself shall kill you swiftly and in secret; for I will have no man to think you
fallen or filled with shame.
31 For in name and reputation shall you glow most brightly beneath me,
causing that I shall draw from the brightness of your genius, the glory I seek for
myself alone; to rise in glory to the very stars whereby I might stand apart as the
greatest of all the emperors.
32 Guard well, therefore, the things which you shall do, lest lesser men
through intrigue and cunning plots make wreck the labor of all your years; for
there comes that certain moment when the myth of the man is greater than the
man himself.
33 And in that moment shall I kill you swiftly, to give birth to some greater
legend which will but serve me still; for in myth and legend shall you rest
beyond the reach of lesser men; being yourself made immortal and ever present
in the minds of those who rule.”
34 Thus did the Emperor speak unto Kronus midst the revelry of his court;
and there midst the clapping and jesting of quick and mighty men, Kronus
spoke unto his Emperor, saying:
35 “I shall guard well, Your Majesty, to do as you instruct; for in all my days
shall I give faithful service unto you; and if perchance you deem it right that
death itself should guard me, to save from ruin the name of Kronus, then shall I
most happily yield, that in the grave I might serve you still.”
36 And the Emperor, hearing this, was made to marvel at the grace in Kronus’
word; and he set round about Kronus a guard of mighty men to watch but not
intrude; and there was placed in command of the guard the man, Manegus
37 But in Rome did the Emperor tremble, while the Senate was filled with
rage, being made together all embittered against so great a loss as they did bear;
for all of Rome did boil and seethe against their shame and disgrace at the
hands of Drakonia.
38 Yet did Commodus move swiftly, for he desired that the blame should fall
on others and not himself; for this cause did he drag in chains before the
Senate, the man Sulla Cornellius, and did himself bring charges against him.
39 And Sulla was heaped with scorn, and every man did curse the name, to
pass on him a cruel and bitter fate, to crucify him upon the walls of Rome; and
not this only, for all the sons of Sulla, from the greatest to the least did they
crucify also; and every woman which bore the seed of Sulla did they impale
upon the stake for all to see.
40 And upon all this pain did the Emperor add still further; for he seized by
violent force all the men which did plan and execute the invasion of Antarctica;
and those also did he crucify upon the walls of Rome, and beside them also
writhed in agony the sons of their loins; and all the women which bore their
seed did he likewise impale upon the stake.
41 Yet, notwithstanding all these harsh and bitter things, still did Commodus
fear for his life; for within the Senate and the palaces of power did there burn a
great bitterness, filled with loathing and contempt against him.
42 For in Commodus was fear and folly together mingled; for the Emperor did
increase the burden of all his taxes, to seize from those of wealth and power, a
heavy portion of all their treasuries, whereby he might restore the empire’s loss.
43 Knowing then that all Rome did burn against him, Commodus sought
further to appease the men of power; for it was reported that behind the
cunning of Drakonia’s might stood the shadow of Kronus Maximillius.
44 For this cause did the Emperor of Rome seek to take captive, the man
which Drakonia valued most of all, to offer him before the Roman Senate; being
hopeful that by such a means he might lessen the rage against him; for in the
halls of all his power did the Emperor tread most lightly, fearing in the shadows
of the palace itself, the lurking of some assassin.
45 Thus did Commodus place upon the head of Kronus a sum of one million
gold sestersies; and throughout the city of Trajenium did the agents of Rome
seek for themselves the man Kronus Maximillius; hoping themselves to take
him bound unto Rome whereby the Emperor might offer up as ransom the life
of Kronus for his own.
47 But the Stazzi were ever vigilant and ruthless, and all these things did they
reveal to Drakonus Maximillius; and the Emperor gave orders that the Stazzi
should guard through subtle means, the man Kronus, even as they would most
secretly guard the Emperor himself.
48 Thus did there walk with Kronus, the guards which all could see; being
themselves commanded by the fierce and dreadful Manegus Acquilla; but
behind the guards which all could see moved the guards which no man saw,
even the men of the Stazzi.
49 And over all these things which could be seen, or which themselves lay
deeply hidden lurked the shadow of the Emperor himself; for of all the men
within the empire was the Emperor alone most cruel and cunning above all the
50 Now Kronus returned to the place he loved most of all; and entering again
the lands of his estate, there rushed out to meet him, the First Woman of the
House; and Yoshibeth did fall upon him with many kisses, speaking into his
ears words of soft endearment filled with many passions.
51 And Kronus did lift her into his arms and with a mighty roar did kiss her
hard and deeply upon the lips; and he brought from out of his cloak, a gift of
silver slippers, finely made; being themselves heavily embroidered with threads
of gold.
52 And he spoke to her, saying: “Go quickly, my Love, and gather to me the
women of my house and the chief steward also, and bring them into the arbor;
for I would speak to them of things which must shortly be.
53 For in eight weeks time will there come unto us the Emperor himself and
all his court to feast in the House of Kronus and Yoshibeth; and all things must
we make quickly ready.
54 For I remember well my mother’s dreaming and have prepared myself to
bring to pass the whole of her intent; seeing that even now do I have the
Emperor’s ear in all things.
55 Thus shall I gather in one the sum of all my cunning whereby I might lift in
joy and light the heart of every woman, to break in pieces forever, the fear and
pain which does but break the gentle heart.
56 Go then, my Love, and gather unto our bosom, the women of our house; for
it is needful that we make ready to receive in festive manner, the Emperor
which would dine beside us; for he alone can bring to pass the dreams of all our
57 For this Drakonus Maximillius would himself be greater than all the
emperors which came before him; causing all which would ascend the throne
hereafter, to remember well his name above all others.
58 Thus shall I lay before him the means by which he must attain a fullness of
his heart’s desire; to place before his eyes the surest path to fame and glory, and
if he choose to walk therein, then shall we but change the world forever.
59 Only, my Love, do not fear, but rest your heart in me; for I would give birth
in you of that certain confidence which would guide the whole of all your
actions concerning the days ahead, to fill your mind with sweet assurance.
60 For in the feasting of the Emperor shall I gamble the greatest daring, to
bend the Emperor to my will through cunning reason for the sake of all my
mother’s dreams; which if he will do, will gain for him the fame he seeks, while
for women it will prove some great advantage.
61 And if perchance I should fail, then let us lay together down, to rest in sweet
repose; that in the grave we might hide ourselves away, to rest in each the other
in love and joy forever.
62 For in that moment when hope shall flee itself away to rest in the heart no
longer, then is death more to be sought than the dregs of some bitter life; and
the silence of the grave more preferred than the violent ways of small and angry
63 Such did Kronus speak, and Yoshibeth spoke softly upon his bosom, saying:
“In life and death I will cleave myself to thee; for you, my Love, are the sun and
I am the moon, and round and round we shall but seek each the other midst
fiery stars and gentle days.
64 Fear not then for my sake, for I shall ever stand beside you, to press my
heart to thee; that in this life or in the grave, we shall but prove the joy of each
the other.
65 Come then, my Love, and I shall go and bring to you the women of our
house, and the chief steward also; that you might speak to them the sum of all
your heart.” And so saying, Yoshibeth went unto the manor, to gather unto
Kronus, the whole house together.
Chapter 26
1 There came to the House of Kronus, the Emperor of Drakonia, being himself
lightly attended; for the Emperor was made aware of the women of Kronus’
house; how that many which were great and mighty did prefer them above all
other women.
2 For it was passed about from ear to ear, that the women of Kronus were
themselves the greatest of earthly treasures; possessing in their comely forms
an art and skill both subtle and wise; being themselves schooled in courtly
grace; proving in their flesh and manner most sexually desirable and pleasing
to those which lay beside them.
3 Thus did the Emperor come to feast in the House of Kronus; and all which
Kronus did unto the forty men, even this did he likewise do for the sake of the
Emperor; to feast him in opulence midst the flowing gowns of women richly
4 And all which the Emperor saw and heard did he find a pleasure uncommon
and rare; for the women which attended him were skilled in words of grace and
gentle humor; disarming the Emperor through soft speech and tender touches;
speaking to him of all his great and mighty deeds.
5 And in the feasting did the women sing and dance with artful skill, moving
the heart of the Emperor in all their favor; causing the Emperor to smile and
laugh and clap aloud at all which they did; and the Emperor, being pleased, did
fill the hands of every woman with an over abundance of platinum coins, most
costly and rare.
6 Thus did the Emperor see for himself the women of Kronus’ house, and even
he did desire for himself women of equal kind and manner.
7 Now on the morrow of the next day, the Emperor asked of Kronus, saying:
“Where Kronus did you find women of such skill and gracious beauty? For in all
my realm have I never before seen their likeness.”
8 And Kronus answered him, saying: “Your Majesty, these are but the women
which you, yourself, did give me; and if you be willing, then will I show you all
which I have done to make them even as you see them now.”
9 And the Emperor being startled, said: “What! Have I such unknown
treasures in my house already? By what means am I unable to see them? What
darkness would hide from me such grace and beauty as these, your women, do
10 Then did Kronus answer him, saying: “It is tradition only which would keep
from you the prize of greatest worth; for in some traditions do we find a harsh
and bitter master which would but hold us in some firm and narrow fashion;
12 For if we should think to reach beyond the darkness of ages past, then will
the bitter voice of this tradition or that tradition lay strong hold upon the mind
to pull us back into the dungeons of despair and sorrow, of which there is no
end, except to the one who can break in pieces the chains which strongly bind.
13 For of all the unseen riches which lay concealed within the earth, women
are the greatest of all; being themselves hidden away in common view, to be
covered beneath the harsh traditions of common men which are themselves
unknowing of such treasures as do lay close at hand.
14 For the woman is the broken stone which all men would see as common
and unworthy of further consideration; thinking only to themselves to use it
and then casting it away as being itself unworthy and filled with dross.
15 Yet to the man who knows, even he shall see in the woman a diamond in
rough and lowly form; possessing in her depths that blazing fire of beauty and
grace which sparkles deep within; which fire does but seek for itself some
deliverance or release where the woman might shine forth as the most precious
of costly treasures.
16 For which a man will give forth an abundance of all his means that
perchance he might take to himself the most costly prize of all; to hold with
utmost care the thing which cost most dearly, believing all the while that he,
himself, is most greatly advantaged because of it.
17 Thus is it certain that in the houses of the great and mighty do there move
about those unseen treasures; being themselves fully hidden and locked away
through such traditions as we ourselves are subject to.
18 Therefore, Your Majesty, if you will permit, even I will show unto you those
certain means by which I have shaped and fully polished the women of my
house; causing that they should shine most brightly forth; to become in
themselves such women of grace and beauty and artful skills as you do see now
round about you.”
19 Such were the words which Kronus spoke; and the Emperor, being curious,
did consent and together did they both go unto the women’s school.
20 And in every class did the Emperor stand in amazement at the things
which the women learned in all their studies; for it was believed by all men that
women were unable to grasp such things as men, themselves, did know.
21 Yet in the classes of the women’s school did the Emperor watch the women
in the learning and mastery of all their many subjects; for in the school did the
women of Kronus, which themselves had first been taught, stand forth to teach
the newer women.
22 And into whatever class the Emperor entered, even that class would rise
together as one, and would themselves bow before the Emperor in calm and
gracious manner.
23 And seeing with awe their courtly manner, the Emperor would command
softly unto each class, saying: “Continue, for I myself would see the things
which you have learned.”
24 Thus did the Emperor stand himself beside Kronus, and in whatsoever
class he entered, the Emperor would watch with intentful eye, to see that
women, of themselves, could learn and teach full well the things of math and
science, history and language, as well as the arts and pleasures of sexual
25 Now after the Emperor had seen for himself the women’s school, Kronus
took the Emperor into the manor; and going unto the uppermost floor of the
house, the Emperor saw the great room of the women; and he marveled at the
beauty and richness of all which was found therein.
26 And Kronus, seeing the Emperor’s amazement, spoke to him, saying: “Such
are the means by which I would shape and polish the broken stone, that I might
bring out of the dross, the treasure of greatest worth.
27 For women possess in their gentle forms, a treasure far greater than coin
and script; for which, if a man should see for himself, even he will give for her
sake an abundance of gold and silver, that perchance he might take to himself
so great a prize as the woman has become.”
28 Then did Kronus take the Emperor into the treasury, and there in a room
which was set aside did the Emperor see some four hundred thousand golden
crowns which lay gathered on the floor in a mighty heap.
29 Then did Kronus reveal all which he had done regarding the forty men
which he had feasted; and how even they did pay forth so great a sum for the
sake of those women which lived and moved within his house.
30 And Kronus spoke to the Emperor, saying: “Well have you spoken, Your
Majesty, that within the halls of all your power do there walk about such hidden
treasures; being themselves made naked and ignorant of greater things; being
locked in fear and constant dread, for we ourselves have made them so;
31 Being hid from the eyes of men by such traditions as would make us blind;
to keep from us such gifts of joy as all women do but lock away to keep within
32 For by our customs and traditions are all women made to appear as vile
and common creatures which we would rape and plunder; giving no thought
that we ourselves are robbed and diminished because of it.
33 But if we should sweep aside such dark traditions, to treat with gentle care
the women which move in fear about us, to train them even as I have trained
these women which you yourself do clearly see, then will the mightiest of men
give forth their wealth for the sake of her; thinking themselves, all the while,
advantaged because of it.”
34 And reaching into his tunic, Kronus brought forth a leather bag, and
opening it up, he spilled out upon the gold which lay heaped upon the floor,
some two hundred platinum eagles, which precious coins even the Emperor
himself did give to the women of his house.
35 Seeing, therefore, so great a wealth heaped upon the floor, the Emperor
pondered all which Kronus had said; and the Emperor mused aloud to himself,
36 “To strike against such firm traditions is a pale and frightful thing; for
within its grasp do even the mighty tremble; but yet do I deeply wonder: What
might an emperor do who would himself be the greatest of all? How shall the
breaking of so strong a tradition prove to my advantage, to give to me the thing
I desire most of all?”
37 And the Emperor stood silent within the treasury and there passed a great
span of time, and the Emperor spoke not at all, neither did he move, but stood
himself as still as stone; gazing only at the gold which lay before him in a
mighty heap.
38 And when he was decided, he turned to Kronus, saying: “Come Kronus and
let us go into the arbor, for I would speak further of this thing you do for
women’s sake.”
39 Thus did it come about that the Emperor and Kronus did together sit in the
cool of the arbor; for the Emperor desired to see the coming and going of such
women as did live in the House of Kronus; for they walked not as other women,
but did themselves glide with artful grace, being richly attired in gowns of silk
thinly made.
40 Now the Emperor spoke to Kronus, saying: “Know you not, Kronus, how
the place and status of women was determined from the beginning?
41 For in the founding of the empire did Maximus Drakonus, First Lord and
Emperor of all this realm, did himself strip the woman Olivia; and because of
her betrayal was every woman made to live poor and wretched lives;
42 Being stripped of name and place, being in their flesh both cut and
branded as though they were cattle which we did breed through rape and
plunder; being made to walk about in constant shame and fear, being
themselves naked and unadorned.
43 How then shall I undo such traditions as the first of mighty Emperors did
himself establish through firm command? By what means shall I be advantaged
in doing this thing of which you ask?”
44 And Kronus spoke, saying: “Your Majesty, within the empire does this law
alone reign supreme: that great feats make great men; for it was Maximus
Drakonus who wrested from Rome the empire of Drakonia, to take from Rome
through force of arms up to half their kingdom, to seize it as his own.
45 Yet did you yourself prove his equal, seizing from Rome up to half their
wealth, to make it as your own; causing that your star alone should rise above
all who came before you; proving yourself before all who see, as being the equal
of Maximus Drakonus.
46 Who then shall prove strong enough to undo the tradition and command of
this first Emperor save he who should stand his equal?
47 Thus, Your Majesty, if you would be the greatest Emperor of all, then must
you assume boldly the greatest things; for only he who dares greatly, does
greatly, if he will but only act; being seen in the eyes of all men as the only true
man of worth and power.
48 Consider, therefore, Your Majesty, such things as you will gain in the
breaking of this tradition; for if you should reveal to men the prize of greatest
worth, to place before the eyes of men such women of grace and learning, then
will men of power give into your treasury even a greater wealth than that which
you took from Rome, that perchance they might take to themselves the greatest
prize of all.
49 For what is wealth but the seed to power. And if men should give to you a
portion of their wealth, will they not add to your power still some greater
50 Thus do you even now stand as poised to gain for yourself the greatest
prize of all; for if you will most greatly dare, being in yourself both willing to do
and achieve, then shall you rise above all other Emperors, proving yourself even
greater than Maximus Drakonus.
52 And not this only: For such women as you will set free of fear and constant
drudgery, to educate and clothe them in grace and beauty and courtly manner,
even these will speak well the Emperor’s name; and into whatsoever house they
shall go, then in that house shall the Emperor have some constant ally who
would honor you always.
53 And if there should hide in the shadows, those which would speak evil of
these things, to hold before the men of greatest power the name of Maximus
Drakonus and the treachery of Olivia Spadania, then shall you silence them by
the greatest daring of all.
54 For it was this Olivia which delivered into the hands of Rome, the fortress
island of Petragia; causing to fall upon every woman a dreadful curse and
55 Thus, Your Majesty, if you permit, even I shall offer up for women’s sake, a
ransom both great and mighty; to return into your power this Petragia; causing
every man of power to speak in awe the Emperor’s name.
56 For the great Maximus Drakonus could not himself regain the island
fortress; but if you should gain so great a prize, to make it as your own, then
will all men tremble before the greatest Emperor of all.”
57 Thus did Kronus speak, and the Emperor did ponder carefully all his
words, and when he was decided, he spoke to Kronus, saying: “It is good that I
should follow well your counsel. Thus on this day shall I change forever the
place of women; but on the morrow of my choosing shall you give to me this
58 But if together we succeed in all these things, then tell me truly if this shall
prove enough to make of me the greatest Emperor of all.”
59 And Kronus answered him, saying: “When, Your Majesty, we have done all
these things, then is there but one other which you must do. For this Trajenium
did Maximus Drakonus build for his glory, causing that every Emperor
thereafter should dwell within its walls.
60 When, therefore, you have revealed to men the grace and beauty of every
woman, to fill the hearts of men with dreams; and when there rests within your
hands the fortress of Petragia, to fill the mind with awe; then must you build a
new city far greater than any other; to speak the whole of all your glory.
61 And seeing all these things together, then will every man no longer call you
Drakonus Maximillius, but shall instead speak forth the name of Drakonus
Magnorum forever.”
62 And hearing all these things, the Emperor smiled, and he spoke to Kronus,
saying: “Bring to me such plans as you will need; for on the morrow, in the city
of Trajenium shall you build for me a woman’s school.
63 And whatsoever you have taught to the women of your house, even such
shall you teach to mine; for I would have you make known to me the treasures
of my house, whereby I might see such rare and fiery diamonds as do but move
and speak and gently kiss as these, your women, do.”
Chapter 27
1 Thus was Kronus given full charge by the Emperor in the building of a
woman’s school within the palace grounds; giving unto Kronus whatever he
should ask, for the Emperor desired that he alone should be the greatest
emperor of all.
2 Now Kronus built a school of stately size and manner, being itself able to
hold some one thousand women, having within its great structure a good many
classrooms; and there was built in the center of all these things, a large
auditorium where all women could be gathered as one together.
3 And beside the school did Kronus build a house wherein the women might
live, having within it a great many fine appointments and elegant rooms; and
around the school and the house together did Kronus build a wall of green
marble with gates of gold; and above the gates did he place the Emperor’s seal.
4 And within the walls did Kronus place gardens and fountains and walkways;
and there was placed among the gardens, a great pool of water where the
women might swim and splash about; to rest and relax themselves as they
might please.
5 For the school which Kronus built did teach the Emperor’s women for two
years, teaching them such things as would prove to their advantage; for in the
school which Kronus built did the women attend their classes some twelve
hours a day, going six days out of every week.
6 But on the seventh and eighth day of every week were the women set at
liberty, to do as they might please; and every woman which was appointed to
attend did think themselves most greatly advantaged and did, even every one of
them, give unto Kronus a fullness of devotion; while unto the Emperor did they
give a fullness of grace and beauty and courtly manner.
7 For those women which were appointed to attend the Emperor’s school were
all themselves of young and tender age; being themselves between fifteen and
nineteen years old; being appointed by the Emperor as the most capable in
achieving the sum of the Emperor’s goals.
8 And unto all these women were there given wardrobes of rich and elegant
gowns, and upon their wrists was there given a bracelet of gold, bearing upon it
the Emperor’s seal.
9 But there arose against these things the greatest of the men of power, being
themselves of an older generation; these then did mock and ridicule among
themselves the doings of Kronus; believing him corrupt and perverted for the
sake of such women as he would lift above the cruel traditions of ages past.
10 Yet of the younger men which also ruled within the city of Trajenium, even
these did stand beside Kronus, believing him the greatest of their own
generation; and whatsoever Kronus would do, even the men of youth and
power did seek for themselves some advantage against the older men which
ruled over them.
11 Thus did Kronus, for five years, oversee the Emperor’s school, to guide and
direct himself, the learning of the women; and after the first two years did there
begin to graduate out of the school, women which were themselves elegant and
courtly, being made rich in grace and beauty and erotic manner; being seen by
the Emperor as treasures of worth and value.
12 Now in the year when Kronus was thirty years of age, the Emperor
gathered to himself the greatest of the men of war; and sitting upon the throne
of all his glory, the Emperor spoke to them, saying:
13 “In the coming year shall I celebrate before the whole empire, my twenty-
fifth year upon the throne. What gift therefore will you give me before the
gathered might of all my realm?”
14 And Seti-Kahn did step forth and looking all about the room, he spoke,
saying: “Your Majesty, all things within the realm are yours already. Tell us,
therefore, the gift you would have from us, and even that shall we lay before
you at your feet.”
15 Then did the Emperor thinly smile and like the wolf, fierce and
treacherous, he did gaze deeply into the eyes of those which stood before him;
for he knew well that these were the men which, in dark and secret shadows,
made mock the Emperor’s name for women’s sake.
16 And the Emperor spoke, saying: “There is a gift which I would have, a gift
which no Emperor before has ever taken unto himself; being itself alone most
highly prized and greatly guarded; and if you should give this unto me, then
shall you prove to me your worth and cunning.”
17 Seti-Kahn hearing this, did stand before the Emperor in proud and noble
form; and he spoke to the Emperor, saying: “Tell us, Your Majesty, this thing
which you would have, and even we shall give it unto you.”
18 Then did the Emperor rise from off his throne to stand before the whole
room, and he spoke, saying: “Give to me the island fortress of Petragia; then
shall the empire know most surely that I am the greatest Emperor of all.”
19 And hearing this, there arose a great many protests, and there spoke unto
the Emperor, Titus Germanicus, saying: “Your Majesty, this thing you ask is far
too great; for every Emperor before you has tried in vain to take from Rome the
island fortress.
20 For even the Father of the empire, Maximus Drakonus did strive
throughout his life to take again this Petragia, and even it did prove too great.
How then shall we achieve what so many others before did but fail to gain?
21 For we remember well your father’s efforts to take this island fortress;
sending against the bastions some two million men, and there perished against
its walls up to half of all our forces.”
22 Now when the Emperor heard these things, he was filled with a cold and
bitter rage; and reaching into his tunic, he brought forth a gun and did with
deadly calm kill Titus Germanicus before all which were gathered.
23 And every man did leap in fear at the suddenness of the Emperor’s fury,
gazing upon the floor to see for themselves the body of the dead Germanicus
which himself did lie in a pool of thick and oozing blood.
24 Then did the Emperor speak unto Seti-Kahn, saying: “Did you think me
soft or addled? Will you strut and boast that you will give to me whatsoever I
should ask; and then when I but speak, you will turn aside the Emperor’s wish?
25 Hear well your Emperor’s words and look you well upon this fool who
thought himself to speak against my heart’s desire; to turn aside such goals as I
would set for the sake of all my realm.
26 For I will have this Petragia, to add to the empire the wealth of the North
Atlantic; causing that for a thousand years still yet to come, all men shall look
themselves back to us, and in their hearts most heavily sigh, believing in
themselves rightly that this was the greatest of the ages.
27 Thus will you bring to me in one month’s time, such plans as will gain for
me the glory which I seek; and this also must you know full well; that if you
should fail in taking this Petragia, then shall each of you be made to die before
28 For there is only one thing which you may offer as a ransom for your lives;
take therefore this Petragia and you shall live in honor and glory beside the
throne of all my power; but if you fail, then shall you perish and I shall wipe
away your names forever.”
29 Thus spoke the Emperor, and all the men of power trembled greatly within
themselves; and going away even all these men did gather within the offices of
Seti-Kahn; and there spoke unto the Supreme Commander, Markus Tobias,
30 “What, my lord, shall we do? For it is certain that we cannot give to the
Emperor the thing he asks; for there are no means by which we can accomplish
so great a thing, and by your word are all our lives made forfeit.”
31 But Seti-Kahn, when he heard this, did himself roar with rage against him;
and he spoke hotly unto all the generals and admirals which were gathered,
saying: “Do you fear to die? Are we women which would shake ourselves but
thinly pale to see the grave before us?”
32 Yet did Lucius Britannia answer him, saying: “We fear not the dying, Seti-
Kahn, for we are warriors made ready to perish for the sake of the Emperor and
all his realm. But it is oblivion which we fear, to have our place and names
wiped forever clean from the annals of the state;
33 Being made as though we never lived or moved about; having the greatness
of all our deeds swept away to be no more; to lie ourselves within the grave as
unremembered and unknown.”
34 Now there fell upon the whole room a great silence, and after there had
passed some several moments, Seti-Kahn smiled, having devised a cunning
escape from the Emperor’s threat of death; and standing before all who were
gathered, he spoke, saying:
35 “Listen well, my comrades, and do not fear. For why should we incur the
Emperor’s wrath when there is another whom the Emperor favors above all
others? For it is Kronus who will save our lives from oblivion; for I will place
before him this great and bitter challenge, permitting that he should plan for us
the strategies of war and battle.
36 And if he succeed for us in devising well some cunning plan, then shall we
take for the Emperor’s sake this Petragia, to increase to ourselves some greater
glory; but if we prove unable to take from Rome the island fortress, then are we
excused from wrath and death; for we did but follow well the plans of Kronus
37 For in the history of the empire has no man been able to seize from Rome
this Petragia. How then shall Kronus succeed where so many before have failed,
seeing that history itself would speak against him?”
38 Such did Seti-Kahn speak, and every man did breathe more lightly because
of it; seeing in the words of their Supreme Commander, a cunning which would
make for them a way of escape; causing that Kronus himself should bear the
blame if they should fail.
39 And when they were agreed, they did petition the Emperor that he release
to them, Kronus Maximillius; telling the Emperor that he, alone, could make
success what before had always failed; to give as a gift to the Emperor, the
island fortress of Petragia.
40 Thus did Kronus set aside his duties, and did again make ready for war;
and placing himself in a large and private chamber, he did send forth his own
men to gather such information as he might need; and for three weeks did
Kronus plan most thoroughly and carefully the strategies of conquest.
42 And whatsoever Kronus would ask, even that would he most quickly
receive from every department within the Offices of War; and when he was
completed, Kronus sent word unto the Emperor, saying: “Your Majesty, the
plans of war are fully ready.”
43 Now there gathered within the palace, the Emperor and all his mighty men
of war; and there stood before them in simple garb, Kronus Maximillius; and he
did speak to them of all his many strategies for the taking of Petragia; and all
which heard were themselves amazed at the boldness and daring of all his
44 And at all its several parts did the men of war stand in deep amazement at
its cunning and timing; for in all its several parts had Kronus coordinated all its
movements and objectives into one harmonious flow; planning in utmost
detail, the day to day operations which would make possible the seizing of the
island fortress.
45 When, therefore, Kronus had completed all his speaking before the
Emperor, there fell on the room a great hush, and the Emperor stood forth to
speak unto the men of war, saying: “Follow well the plans of Kronus and hold
not back in any part, for I perceive therein a victory far greater than all which
came before.
46 But know this full well Seti-Kahn, that if there come about any reluctance
to follow fully the course of all these plans, which would itself bring defeat
instead of victory, then shall each of you make forfeit your lives; and there shall
be no means by which you can give to me a ransom for it.
47 In this moment have I placed upon these plans the Emperor’s seal, causing
that these strategies should become as my very own; therefore, in the following
of all these plans think not of Kronus, but think only of your Lord and the
interests of the realm.
48 For I have many shadows which do but watch most constantly the doings
of every man; and there are no means by which any might conspire against me,
lest the shadows of my power reach quickly forth, to destroy the traitor which
would turn aside his Emperor’s wish.
49 Guard well the efforts of your hand, even every one of you; for you know
full well my fierce intent; take bold and careful measure to follow closely the
plans of Kronus, for if by your hand he should fail, then shall you yourselves
most cruelly perish.”
50 Thus did the Emperor speak, and Seti-Kahn did most inwardly seethe with
rage, for he could not escape the genius of his son; yet in his outward
appearance did he seem calm; and bowing before the Emperor, he spoke,
51 “We shall as always, Your Majesty, prove your faithful servants. But who
shall we place in command of that strike force which will itself seize this
52 And the Emperor answered, saying: “Choose whomsoever you will, and I
will give consent. Go now and begin in haste your preparations; for this
Petragia I shall have before the anniversary of my twenty-fifth year upon the
53 Thus did the Emperor speak, and there passed many days, and Kronus
gave to Seti-Kahn and to each of his many commanders, a book which did
contain all the battle strategies for the taking of Petragia; causing that each
man should know full well the timing and movements of war.
54 Now when Kronus stood alone before his father, there passed between
each man a cold and bitter glare; and Seti-Kahn spoke like ice unto his son,
saying: “Let us see Kronus, how great you truly be; for this day have I appointed
that you should command the strike force which would, itself, seize the island
55 Go then and gather your men for training, for in all that you have planned
shall we most faithfully do; but if you take not this Petragia, then shall you fall
from the Emperor’s favor; to be seen by him as no better than other men; and
in that day shall I seek against you a bitter revenge.”
57 But in the seeking of revenge, let us not reach too quickly forth, for the man
who would himself seek revenge against another, does most surely dig for
himself a grave also; causing that there should fall upon him in unexpected
manner, the very doom which he would cast upon another.”
58 And so speaking, Kronus turned himself away and returned again unto his
own place; for he desired to kiss farewell of his Beloved; and holding Yoshibeth
within his arms, he spoke to her, saying: “The world is filled with madness and
the ways of men most bitter harsh.
59 Yet do not fear, my Love, for I shall yet again return, and on your bosom
find sweet repose, to hide myself midst gentle sighs and tender kisses; to find
within your comely form, the only joy which would, itself, chase away the
madness of all the world together.”
60 And so speaking, Yoshibeth did lead him unto the bed and there did she
love him deeply; and on the morrow, Kronus did himself bid farewell, to once
again take upon himself the ways of war and death.
Chapter 28
1 In the autumn of the year did the naval forces of Drakonia set sail from the
great city ports of Trajenium, Livius, Appolonia, Dracus, Prisca, and
Brundisium; and the mighty ships of war let slip into the ocean mists; and
altogether did they quietly move towards the islands of Petragia and
2 Now there went out to blockade Petragia, two full imperial fleets, each
consisting of forty-two ships of war; but unto Londinium did there go some four
fleets which would rain horror and death upon all its ports and cities;
3 Yet unto the Straits of Gibraltar did there go the wolf packs of the submarine
corps; being determined and fiercely resolved to sink such ships of war as Rome
might send to the aid of Londinium; for it was Londinium which the Romans
thought the Drakonians would seize by force and not Petragia.
4 Now on the day when the ships of Drakonia set sail did the war planes of
Drakonia swiftly fly, being intent on destroying even all the radar and
communication installations upon the island of Petragia; causing that the
Romans upon the fortress isle should be blind, and unable themselves to call
out for aid or to give warning of any kind.
5 Thus did it come about that Petragia should be fiercely held in the grip of a
naval blockade, being placed under constant bombardment day and night;
while in Londinium did Caesar Othellos feel the shock and rage of sudden war.
6 And there came out to aid Londinium, three imperial fleets from Rome, and
on the seas did there rage a mighty battle, for the ships of war did flash and roar
against each other; and after four days did the fleets of Rome lie still and
broken beneath the ocean deep.
7 For the satellites of Drakonia did swiftly fly above the earth to watch the
ocean lanes, giving out a constant warning of all which Rome might do; causing
that Rome itself be disadvantaged.
8 But on Petragia did the garrisons of Rome stand isolated and alone against
Drakonia, and for six months did there go unto the island fortress neither food
nor supplies.
9 For all the ships of Rome which lay anchored in the harbors of Petragia did
the Drakonians sink first before all else; and all the war planes which were
stationed on the fortress isle did Drakonia smash with swift and hateful glee.
10 And the soldiers of Rome grew gaunt and filled with hunger, being
themselves weary and disheartened; and there rushed upon the whole region of
Petragia, a cold and bitter wind which would itself bring forth the storms of
11 Now in the fourth month of the naval blockade did Drakonia begin to
harass the defenders of Petragia, trying by every means to rob the soldiers of
Rome of rest and sleep; using with ingenious cunning a great many ploys and
devices which would bedevil and distress the island fortress.
12 For in following the plans of Kronus did Drakonia drop on the island
fortress many thousands of dummy soldiers, being themselves fashioned in the
likeness of men, yet were they made of rubber and plastic.
13 Being each themselves armed with a chain of harmless poppers, which very
thing caused that the defenders of Petragia should think themselves invaded
and under fierce attack.
14 And in the dead of night did the guns of the ships roar against the island
fortress, and in the airs above the fortress would there burst forth a thousand
flares, and through the glooming light would there parachute the dummy
soldiers of Drakonia.
15 Seeing, therefore, all these things which fell upon them, the soldiers of
Rome did rouse themselves to fierce resistance, firing upon the dummy soldiers
a hot and withering fire; and there fell into death a great many defenders, being
themselves cut down by the crossfire of those which fought beside them.
16 And in the morning light did the soldiers of Rome go out on to the
battlefield, believing all the while that they had fought some fierce engagement;
and finding only the dummy soldiers of Drakonia, they cursed and fumed
because of it; for in the battle had they spent a great amount of ammunition for
which they had no replacement.
18 And seeing that the barge would drift to shore, the Drakonians did reach
forth to retrieve it; but the soldiers of Rome, seeing the barge drifting towards
them, even they did fiercely fire upon the Drakonians, causing that the
Drakonians should withdraw themselves or perish.
19 And the defenders of Petragia did seize the barge, and going into its many
compartments, they found an abundance of food and wine and costly port; and
there went up over all the isle a great hurrah.
20 Thus did it come about that before the coming of the great storm, there fell
into the hands of Rome an abundance of food; and rushing forth they did carry
it all away, to feed to the defenders of Petragia.
21 Yet was the food and drink most subtly laced with a drug of slow effect;
causing that if a man should eat or drink of it, he would feel only a great
euphoria; but after several days of eating and drinking, there would well up
within the flesh, a deep weariness filled with peaceful sleep.
22 Now there fell upon the island of Petragia, a cold and bitter storm, and the
soldiers of Rome did huddle together at their several posts and in the barracks,
believing themselves safe in the midst of so great a gale; and in their flesh did
the drug of food and drink induce all men to doze and quietly slumber.
23 And there walked out of the storm a tribune of Rome wearing a cloak which
bore upon its surface the seal of Commodus and the Senate together; and going
to the office of the fortress commander, he demanded of the guards to be let in;
for he carried upon his person an imperial command.
24 And going in, the tribune found the commander in a groggy and weary
state; and the commander, seeing the imperial tribune of his Emperor standing
before him, was astonished and he spoke in a rush, saying:
25 “How came you forth through the great blockade? Have the Drakonians
fled themselves away? How came you forth to the island fortress in the midst of
so great a storm? Has Rome itself come to our deliverance?”
26 But the tribune spoke not a word, but gazed with steady eyes; and handing
forth an imperial order, the tribune watched as the commander read; and with
a sudden start the commander spoke, saying:
27 “What is this? For this comes not from Commodus, but from the Emperor
Drakonus instead.” And immediately the tribune let drop the cloak from off his
shoulders; and there stood in the imperial uniform of Drakonia, the man
Kronus Maximillius, and in his hand was there seen a gun made of gold and
heavily engraved.
28 And the commander seeing this did jump with sudden fear; calling out
with heated breath, saying: “Guards! Guards! The enemy is upon us!” But there
rushed into the room no guards to save him, but only the soldiers of Drakonia
fully armed.
29 And Kronus spoke unto the fortress Commander, saying: “Your guards are
captured, your island taken; all that remains, my lord, is the disposition of your
forces. For this cause would I offer you life or death; yet is it for you alone to
30 Now when the commander heard this, he shook with fear, for he was a
cruel and bullying man in the midst of all his power; but when the rule of power
was stripped from him, then was he made fearful and filled with tremblings;
and he spoke to Kronus, saying:
31 “Would you offer me life by sending me to Rome? For if this fortress isle be
taken, then shall I be crucified with all my officers together upon the walls of
Rome itself. For Commodus is a harsh and vengeful man, and he will take no
delight in seeing me. How then will you offer me life?”
32 But Kronus smiled, saying: “Come, come, brave fellow, we are but warriors
together. Why then should you not join with us seeing that we are but cousins
already? For in ages past were Rome and Drakonia made as one together, being
bound together by language and custom.
33 Come then and join your force to mine and we shall live together as good
companions, to serve most bravely the empire of Drakonia. For we seek not
your death as Commodus would, but rather would we have your fair
34 And hearing this the fortress commander sighed, being heavy wrought with
fear and shame, and he spoke, saying: “What then will you have me do that I
might live?” Then did Kronus explain to him the things which he must do.
35 Now when all these things were completed, Kronus did call out to the ships
at sea, saying: “The island fortress is taken, Petragia is fallen to Drakonia.” But
the admirals of the fleet would not believe, thinking it a ruse instead.
36 And for two days did Kronus send out the self same message; but on the
third day, when the storm had abated, there was seen flying over the fortress
island the standard of Drakonia; and all the admirals were astonished, and
going unto the island themselves, they found Kronus in command.
37 Thus did Kronus cause to come ashore, the landing forces of Drakonia,
being finely dressed as if for parade and not for war, and each unit did hold
high the colored standards of the empire, as well as that of their own command;
and throughout the landing were all things recorded on film by the Office of
Truth and Propaganda.
38 And in a large and spacious field did Kronus gather the forces of Rome and
Drakonia together in solemn ceremony; and there before the TV cameras and
film crews did Rome surrender unto Drakonia, the island fortress of Petragia.
39 Yet did the cunning of Kronus go still further, for when the standards of
Rome were lowered, then did the Romans themselves lift high the standards of
Drakonia in the midst of all their many ranks.
40 And each side did together meet in the center of the field, both Romans
and Drakonians, and did together laugh and shake hands as though they were
as good companions and pleasing fellows.
41 Thus did Drakonia seize from Rome the island fortress, and on the day of
surrender did the fleets of Drakonia withdraw themselves from Londinium and
did instead redeploy along the coast of Petragia, and along the swiftest sea lanes
of the Atlantic where they might have strategic advantage against the
retaliations of Rome.
42 But in Trajenium did Drakonus Maximillius leap for joy at so great a feat;
for he had accomplished what no other emperor himself could do; and calling
forth his councilors he set forth the plans for a great celebration.
43 And throughout the empire did the news go forth, and every man, from the
lowest and meanest slave, to the greatest of noble Lords and Caesars, even they
did watch the surrender of Petragia with wonder and amazement.
44 For the men of power knew full well the riches of the North Atlantic, and
how there would flow unto Drakonia, an abundance of natural resources;
causing that of all the empires on the earth, Drakonia should stand alone as
undisputed, being itself the greatest empire of all.
45 Yet in Rome was there heard the rending of garments and the howlings of
rage and madness; for the men of power were deeply grieved against the
Emperor, believing him foolish and unworthy in the wearing of the purple.
46 And Commodus, fearing for his life, did rage against the commanders of all
his military forces; accusing them blindly of treason and treachery against the
state; and when he gave forth the command that all his generals and admirals
be purged, then did the Senate swiftly act.
48 Then did they together elect Vespasian IV to be their Emperor; and placing
him upon the throne he did promise to regain the empire’s wealth and prestige
altogether, and to cast into death itself, the man Kronus Maximillius.
49 Now there gathered in Trajenium, the powers of the empire; for the
Emperor had set forth a great festival, for he desired to celebrate the capture of
Petragia and to honor the man Kronus; and there went out a decree that all
should rejoice.
50 For the Emperor did proclaim for himself a new name which none would
mock, being called Drakonus Magnorum, and he announced before the whole
empire, the building of a new capital city which would be called Maxus
51 Thus did there gather in celebration, the Caesars, kings, governors, and all
other rulers and ministers within the state; and in the palace quad did they
assemble in bright and festive mood; and there was in attendance some ten
thousand men of power.
52 And standing before the whole assembly, the Emperor spoke, saying: “Men
of power, hear my words, for this day shall I honor the man Kronus
Maximillius; for in the art and science of war has he proven himself the greatest
of all.
53 For this man you know full well already, for in his youth did he take from
my hand three gold standards in the playing of the Game; and did himself
withstand with cunning force, the great Ahgi Wynnaki.
54 And not this only, for by his word did we seize from Rome up to one half of
all their wealth; yet to this would he add still further the capture of Petragia;
which thing caused that Rome itself should strike down in rage, the Emperor
Commodus to replace him with another.
55 What then shall I do for so great a man as this Kronus has become? By
what means shall we, the empire, honor him? For in Kronus have we delighted
ourselves in watching these many years.”
56 Then did there erupt a great commotion, and the rulers of the empire did
stomp their feet and clap their hands, and with their voices did shout forth their
approval; and the Emperor raised his hand to speak, and there fell suddenly a
great hush filled with expectation.
57 And the Emperor spoke in solemn words, saying: “Men of the nation, hear
me, for by imperial decree would I honor this Kronus Maximillius, for by his
deeds are we, the empire, benefited.
58 Let then the word go forth, for on this day shall I, Emperor Drakonus
Magnorum, proclaim before the nation that this Kronus Maximillius shall
forever be, the Hero of the State.”
59 Now when the men of power heard so great a proclamation, they were
themselves shocked with disbelief; for according to the customs of the empire,
even the greatest of warriors could not be so honored till five years after their
60 Yet was Kronus proclaimed by the Emperor while yet he lived; to stand
before the eyes of all men as the Hero of the State; and those which heard did
shout forth a great hurrah.
61 Now there followed the great proclamation, a great feast which did
continue for three days; and every man made merry, for throughout the empire
were even the lowest of slaves given gifts of food and gold.
62 And Kronus returned himself home again to lay in peace beside his sweet
Beloved; and Yoshibeth did tender unto Kronus every affection and soft
endearment; pressing upon him the softness of her kiss and flesh together.
63 But in the shadows of power did the Regent conspire, and Seti-Kahn sent a
secret word unto Rome itself, being willing himself with others, to betray
Kronus into the very hands of Vespasian IV.
Chapter 29
1 But the Emperor knew full well of the treason of Seti-Kahn, for the Stazzi did
make him all aware; and it came about that the Supreme Commander desired
to have a great feast in the palace of A’Kontay, pretending all the while that he
would honor his son before the nation.
2 And the chief of the Stazzi, whose name was Adrian Morro, even he did ask
the Emperor what he should do; for he knew full well that in the feasting of
Kronus would Seti-Kahn poison him by subtle means, to turn him over to the
Romans in the port city of Antillium.
4 For Kronus I know full well, for like the mighty beast he does lay about in
the midst of all his leisure, to appear as calm and filled with ease; but when
there should come near, some hidden danger, then does the lion rouse himself
to battle, roaring out midst heated breath, the fury of his rage.
5 Let us calmly watch the playing of the game, for I would see the fox and lion
together move and prowl round about the other, being bound each against the
other through subtle words of smooth deception.
6 For I would see myself if the lion can save himself from the smooth words
which the fox might speak; and when it is concluded, this playing of the game,
then shall I know if the cunning perceptions of Kronus should prove itself
greater than the deceptions of this father’s lies.
7 And in that day alone shall I reach forth and lay siege the viper’s nest; and
Seti-Kahn and all his allies shall I root out from the halls of power, and shall
cause, myself, that they should die.”
8 These then are the words which the Emperor spoke, and Seti-Kahn set forth
a great feast for the men of power; and he sent unto Kronus an invitation filled
with soft words filled with guile, saying:
9 “Come, my son, up to the feast, for I would honor you before the nation; for I
repent the breach between us and would, myself, set it right; for I would
proclaim my son before the nation as the greatest of my house.
10 For I would take you unto my bosom, believing rightly that you are worthy
to inherit the whole of my estate; for I would make known before the men of
power that you, alone, are my rightful heir, being chief and foremost above all
the rest.”
11 But when Kronus received his father’s message, he would not believe his
words; yet was he resolved to go up to the feast, for he desired some small peace
between himself and Seti-Kahn; yet was he aware of his father’s hate against
13 “Beware, my son, your father’s words for he would, himself, poison you; to
hand you over unto the Romans which even now make ready to receive you.
14 Go you up to your father’s feast, but be you wise and filled with caution; for
even I would tell you the things which you must do to preserve yourself from
treachery and deceit.”
15 Thus was Kronus forewarned of his father’s treason, and did himself take
certain precautions; for on the day of feasting did he drink a potion of olive oil
which would make harmless such poison as his father would use against him.
16 Now on the day of feasting did Kronus go up unto his father’s place, being
itself new and richly appointed, bearing upon its many walls the trophies of war
and fearsome battle; and there gathered within the great hall, the men of power,
being numbered some three hundred men of worth and privilege.
17 And chief among them was Markus Tobias and Lucius Britannia; but also
was there seen the spy Adrian Morro being himself a false ally and confidante of
Seti-Kahn; for he was appointed to report all things unto the Emperor.
18 And not this only, for there attended Kronus unto the feast, the man
Manegus Acquilla; being himself determined to watch most carefully the doings
of all men; for he was assigned by the Emperor to guard Kronus against all
19 And all men, seeing him beside Kronus, grew pale and filled with fear; for
Manegus Acquilla was a mighty man, being wrapped about and fiercely
fashioned by violence and death together; having killed in frightful duels, some
forty men of skill and valor.
20 But Seti-Kahn, when he saw the coming of his son, even he did appear as
some good and pleasing fellow; slapping Kronus upon the back with hale and
hardy vigor; speaking well his chosen words which all could hear, saying:
21 “Good welcome, Kronus, to all my house together; for this day shall I set
aside all hurtful things between us, to proclaim aloud my faithful son. Come
then, and let us rejoice and sup together, for tonight would I honor you.”
22 And Kronus answered him, saying: “You are gracious father, and in like
manner would I honor you; for it is good that there be peace between us, since
the Emperor would have us set aside our enmity for the sake of the empire.”
23 Thus did the father and son speak together, yet behind the words of Seti-
Kahn did treachery move in subtle fashion, while in the words of Kronus was
there found deep knowing.
24 Now in the feasting of Kronus were the tables set in richest fashion, for all
the plates and cups and utensils were made of platinum, carrying upon each
their surfaces, the gold crest of the House of Seti-Kahn.
25 And the room was filled with martial music, and the men of power did
laugh and mingle round about for there were many who wished to stand beside
the great Kronus, to touch him; to feel perhaps the power of the throne which
did but overshadow him; for there were many which would, in truth, honor the
Hero of the State.
26 Now Seti-Kahn was deeply pleased, believing that he had lured the son to a
certain doom; for he had contrived the subtlest of means whereby he might
betray his own son unto the Romans, and thereby rid himself of the man he
feared above all others.
27 Thus was the stage most soundly set for betrayal and death together; yet
behind the things which all men saw was the Emperor made aware; viewing
through some hidden means the words and deeds of Seti-Kahn.
28 Now when all things were ready, there came the trumpet blast, and every
man did sit himself down to feast; and Kronus did sit in the place of honor, and
beside him sat his father; and Seti-Kahn rose to speak, saying:
29 “Men of power hear me speak, for this day do I honor the son of my loins,
to set him foremost above all others; let us therefore feast in happy fashion and
give to Kronus a rightful tribute.”
30 So speaking, Seti-Kahn lifted high his cup and with a mighty shout, cried:
“To Kronus!” And immediately there erupted a mighty roar, for the whole
assembly did answer in return, “To Kronus!” And lifting high their cups, every
man did drink.
31 Then did there come into the room a great many servants which brought
forth a sumptuous feast of the richest food and drink; and Seti-Kahn did take
for himself a large portion of meat; and reaching for a knife, he proclaimed:
32 “Come, my son, for I would share my plate with you.” And so saying, Seti-
Kahn did cut the meat in two; and laying half of it upon the blade of the knife,
he set it upon the plate of Kronus.
33 Yet was there treachery and deceit in the doings of the father; for the knife
which he did use had he placed a poison upon the one side of the blade; and
that side of the knife which touched the meat in the cutting thereof, even that
portion did he give to Kronus; carrying the meat to the plate of Kronus upon the
poisoned side of the knife.
34 But Kronus feared not the treachery of his father, being himself
forewarned, but did instead eat with hardy vigor, laughing and making merry
with those which sat round about him.
35 For the belly of Kronus was filled with olive oil, which thing did cause that
the poison itself should be surrounded and passed out in harmless fashion.
36 Now the poison which the father used was smooth and subtle, having
neither taste nor smell; being made to inflict upon Kronus the slightest of
nausea, which would worsen as the feast moved on.
37 Thus was it the father’s plan that when Kronus himself proved sick and
weak, then would he order the son carried home unto his own place; and in the
journey homeward would there fall upon him the agents of Rome which would
take him alive and bound unto the Emperor Vespasian.
38 Thus did Kronus eat with vigor, the poisoned meat his father gave him;
being himself unconcerned and filled with confidence; for the great Kronus did
speak while yet he ate, being filled with friendly jest and pleasing conversation
to all those which sat near him.
39 Causing that those who conspired against him should watch most closely
the doings of the son; and seeing that there was seen no effect of the poison,
Seti-Kahn, in like manner as before, did offer unto Kronus yet another portion
of meat; and even this did Kronus eat.
40 Now in the midst of the feasting did certain men of youth and power
challenge Kronus in the fighting of the staff; for since the days of his academy
was Kronus known as the finest of all staff fighters.
41 And Kronus, taking leave of his host, did walk out upon the floor to
compete against those who would fight against him in friendly fashion; and one
by one did Kronus prevail against all which hoped to beat him.
42 But while Kronus was engaged upon the floor, there walked up to Seti-
Kahn one of the conspirators which demanded to know whether or not the meat
was truly poisoned.
43 And Seti-Kahn, being aggravated already because of the vigor of his son,
replied sharply, saying: “Eat for yourself and see.” And so the man ate and there
soon fell upon him a deep and dreadful sickness; which thing did cause that he
should die some few days later.
44 And seeing that the man fell sick, Seti-Kahn was filled with puzzlement; for
he could not understand for what reason the poison should have no effect upon
Kronus, who still moved about with youthful zeal.
45 Such was the feasting of Kronus, the Hero of the State; for those which
attended did find him gracious and filled with good and lively humor; finding in
him a man worthy of praise and honor exceeding.
46 For Kronus spoke in friendly manner to all men, causing that even those
which he did best in the fighting of the staves, even these did find in him a
gracious and friendly victor who would guard through careful words, the pride
of all who fell before him.
47 But for the men which hated him and who conspired to kill him, even these
did begin to fear; for Kronus proved greater than all their cunning; causing,
himself, that all their plans should crumble into ruin.
48 And finding himself desperate, Seti-Kahn did quietly slip away while
Kronus competed upon the floor, and approaching one of the women of his
house, he grabbed her roughly by the hair, and handing her a small but deadly
dagger, he spoke, saying:
49 “This night will I give Kronus into your keeping; therefore when he is
sleeping, kill him. Do this and I shall reward you richly, to send you to the
Emperor’s school. But if you fail, then shall I feed you to the dogs of war while
yet you live.”
50 Thus did the Supreme Commander of all military forces set in motion that
second means by which he might rid himself of the son; and when the feasting
was all completed, then was Kronus and Manegus Acquilla brought unto one of
the bedrooms of the manor where they might rest and refresh themselves.
51 And going into the room alone, Kronus found waiting for him a woman of
exceeding beauty; and raising from her place the woman did kneel before him;
and seeing for himself that the woman was weeping, Kronus spoke to her softly,
52 “Why are you filled with tears?” And the woman took Kronus by the hand
and leading him to the bed, she showed to him the dagger which his father had
given her, and with fearful sobs she told Kronus all which the father said.
53 Then did Kronus determine to slip most quietly away, to go again to his
own house and manor; and going to the door he called unto Manegus Acquilla,
and when he was come into the room, Kronus told him all which the woman
54 Thus did it come about, that in the darkness of the night, while yet the
whole house was sleeping, Kronus and Manegus Acquilla did steal themselves
away; taking into their charge the woman also.
55 And to the House of Kronus did they return, and Kronus did give into the
keeping of Yoshibeth, the woman which fled herself away; and all that night did
the guards of the house keep constant watch against the agents of Seti-Kahn.
56 But in the morning light did there come no reprisals against the House of
Kronus; for there had fallen upon Seti-Kahn the men of the Stazzi; for even they
did arrest the Supreme Commander and all his allies save one, for there could
be gathered against the Regent of the empire, no evidence of treason or
57 And there was brought into the Court of Judgment, even all those who
would betray Kronus to the empire of the Romans, and together did they kneel
in abject fear before the very Emperor, Drakonus Magnorum.
58 And the Emperor spoke to Seti-Kahn, saying: “Did you think that I would
permit that you should betray me? For if you would strike hard against the
Hero of the State, then would you likewise strike against me.
59 Therefore, seeing that you are all made guilty of treason, even I will be done
with you, to consign you unto death.” And so saying, the Emperor gave the word
and there was placed into the ground some ten iron posts, and to each one was
there firmly fastened with heavy chains, one of those which conspired to
60 Now there was placed around each man, bundles of dry wood for the fire;
for all those who would commit treason against the state, even against these did
the law demand that such be burned at the stake.
61 Yet were there some thirty men found guilty, for this cause did twenty
watch as the first ten men of the conspiracy died upon the stake, being
swallowed up in flames and torment.
62 And when the first ten were made as ashes, then was another ten men
fastened to the stake and likewise burned in the flames of judgment; and when
these themselves were made as ash and cinder, then were the last ten, save one,
made to perish in the flames midst screams of pain and agony.
63 Thus was the last conspirator brought to the stake, and his name was Seti-
Kahn; and seeing that of all the conspirators he was the bravest, having himself
neither wept nor cowered before the agony of those which went before him, it
was permitted that he be garroted, and when he was dead, then did they
likewise consign his body to the flames.
64 And when all these things were completed, there went to the House of
Kronus a guard of the Praetorium; and finding Kronus, he reported to him all
which had happened.
65 But Kronus, hearing all these things, grew deeply silent, and in the night
did he go out into the gardens to be alone, and there in the darkness, Kronus
Chapter 30
1 Kronus Maximillius, High Lord of the Imperial Realm, and Hero of the State
was a mighty man; for at the death of his father was he appointed in his place,
to be Supreme Commander of all military forces; being himself just thirty-one
years of age.
2 Being of the Emperor most trusted and highly regarded, for of all the mighty
men was Kronus himself most favored; for he brought to the empire even
greater and greater glory; accomplishing through the genius of his ways, that
one great achievement should be added upon another.
3 Yet for all these things did Kronus take no thought, neither did he think
most highly of himself; for it was his delight to give praise to those which served
beside him; giving to the Emperor a good account of those who proved most
4 Thus did it come about that when Kronus was thirty-five years of age, he was
appointed by the Emperor to the office of the First Proconsul; being made
responsible for the actions and administrations of the Caesars which ruled
within the empire.
5 For the empire was divided into five great dominions, and over each did
there rule a Caesar; and in each dominion was there found the several kingdoms
of the empire, and in each did there rule a hereditary king.
6 And within each kingdom was there given several states being ruled over by
such military governors as would be appointed by the Caesars which ruled in
their dominions; and within each state were there given several provinces,
being each themselves governed by a prefect which was appointed by the
governors above them.
7 Thus did Kronus move about in the halls of greatest power, and wheresoever
he went, even there would he strive to uplift the status of every woman; to find
for her a place which would prove a benefit to both men and women together.
8 For it was known among the men of greatest power, that wheresoever
Kronus himself would go, even there would Yoshibeth go beside him; to stand
and move beside her Beloved, being herself most faithful and devoted unto him.
9 And the men of power did prove themselves most tolerant and curious
concerning the ways of Kronus Maximillius; believing themselves that in his
actions and words together was there found some hidden pathway to greater
fame and glory.
10 Yet for all which Kronus did, beyond all the titles and glories which men
would heap upon him, there was one thing only which filled his heart with joy
and contentment; for in Yoshibeth did he feel himself complete; finding in her
joyful passions the only true gift most worthy of having.
11 For this cause did Kronus love Yoshibeth both day and night, spilling into
her womb the constant flow of all his passions; being mingled and blended
together with tender words and gentle touches; being each themselves filled
with fiery kisses and the softest of sighings upon the breasts.
12 For Yoshibeth did yield herself in sweet surrender, being herself consumed
with joyful lusts and fiery yearnings; being most anxious to open wide the
portals of her flesh whereby she might receive the seed of her Beloved deep
within her;
13 Being herself most desirous to suckle Kronus upon her breasts as though he
were but the lover and the child together fashioned; yielding constantly of her
flesh for the sake of her Beloved, whereby they might find in each the other a
completeness both full and joyful.
14 Yet did Kronus likewise surrender unto Yoshibeth the fullness of his heart
and mind together, seeking from her such counsel as she might give; for in
Yoshibeth did he find a devoted lover and fair companion, causing that he
should bring daily unto her, some small gift filled with kind regard.
15 And in the night, when Kronus would lay himself down beside his own
Beloved, even then would he surrender unto her a fullness of his desires, to
gather gently into his arms the woman Yoshibeth.
16 And with gentle kisses and tender touches would he take her to his heart to
love her; and when he was spent, having satisfied the passions of her flesh with
his together, then would he hold her most gently through the night, pressing to
his flesh the sweetness of her flesh; and in the arms of each the other would
they sleep most peacefully together.
17 But in the morning when he awoke, still again would he love Yoshibeth
most deeply, entering into her flesh with tender words and soft kisses; to move
upon her with gentle rhythms till he should pour into her a fullness of his
devotions; causing that Yoshibeth herself should fall back upon the bed, being
filled with fiery gaspings of sweet delight.
18 For in Yoshibeth did Kronus find that good and dear companion in whom
he could most safely place all his confidence and trust; finding in her flesh the
only true haven where trouble and perplexity dare not intrude; for in the arms
of Yoshibeth was he carried away midst the pleasures of their flesh; being
himself wafted away through gentle rhythms midst the songs of all their love
and passion.
19 Causing that Kronus should burn in his flesh for the very touch and sound
of her; being himself compelled to enter daily the womb of her sanctuary with
constant praise upon his lips, to fill her flesh with kisses and sweet communion.
21 Binding into one the heart and mind of Kronus and Yoshibeth; forging
through fiery breaths and deepest yearnings the lives of each the other; filling
the heart of each with a constant hunger for the touch and sound of the man
and woman together.
22 For this cause did Yoshibeth surrender joyfully unto Kronus, even as he did
likewise surrender himself daily unto her in joyful devotion; striving each to
please the other till there should burst forth into the woman, the rushing of the
seed, causing that there should flow from Kronus the sacred anointing of all his
love, deep into the temple of his Beloved.
23 This then was the thing most greatly desired of Kronus, to hold in his arms
the woman, Yoshibeth, whereby he might love her most deeply and completely,
to feel in his hands the softness of her breasts, or the sweetness of her kiss.
24 And all those things which men would give him, all titles and lands and
fearsome powers, even these did he count as dross, being itself unworthy when
compared to the touch and sound of fairest Yoshibeth.
25 Thus did Kronus and Yoshibeth cleave to each the other in rich devotion;
finding in one another the truest completion of themselves, seeing in the
reflection of each, the thing most desirable and worthy of praise and
26 When, therefore, Kronus was forty years of age, he called together his
whole house whereby they might stand forth as witnesses, and before every man
and woman upon his estate, he took Yoshibeth by the hand, and on her finger
placed a gold ring, and before the whole house, he spoke, saying:
27 “Be you always my Beloved, even as I would be yours forever; for in you, my
fairest and only Love do I find the greatest prize of all; for you alone, my dearest
Yoshibeth, have become the sound and touch and sight of all my dreaming; to
fill me with constant goodness always.
28 For in you have I found a fullness of life and love, grace and beauty, hope
and joy; being together most happily mingled in all your speech and comely
ways; being in your touch and form most constant and pleasing above all else.
29 Therefore would I place upon the finger of your hand, this ring of gold, that
you might know that in my love can be found no ending, being itself one eternal
and constant round; being myself filled with yearnings and desires for the kiss
of my Beloved.
30 For this cause, my fairest Love, would I bind my heart to yours forever; not
by law or constraint, but for love’s sake only; for you, my Yoshibeth, have
become the breath of all my life, and the song of all my dreaming.”
31 And so speaking, Kronus took Yoshibeth into his arms, and before the
whole house he kissed her gently upon the lips; and Yoshibeth did fairly swoon
before the love of Kronus, and taking from her gown, a gold ring, she likewise
placed it upon the finger of Kronus, saying:
32 “Be thou always my first and only Love, for this day shall I bind my love to
you forever and always; for you are the hope of all my dreams made clearly
present; being yourself the strength and power which would but hold me closer
unto thee.
33 For you, my Love, are made the song which my heart forever sings; being
yourself most constant and faithful; being in all your words and deeds most
loving and ever gentle; being in your person most diligent in serving and in
giving; seeking not for yourself alone, but striving through some daily devotion
to please and uplift the heart of your Beloved.
35 For in the giving of some joyful service do we fulfill the sum of all our
yearning; to find in some constant giving the only true love which would make
as one, two hearts and minds forever; for in giving is love, itself, perfected.”
36 Thus did Yoshibeth speak to her Beloved, and taking the hand of Kronus,
she placed it upon her breasts; and kissing him gently upon the lips, she
whispered softly unto him, saying:
37 “As milk from the breasts doth truly flow, even so shall my love for thee
flow forever, in life and death; till together we shall most sweetly sleep in the
darkness of the grave.
38 And whensoever a man shall love a woman as you have loved me truly, and
when the woman shall love the man as I do love you now, then in their love
shall we live again; to live as one in dreams and soft embraces;
39 To rise, ourselves, from the darkened grave, to shine as sun and moon
together, to be found ourselves in such affections as will brightly burn in the
loving of the man and the woman forever.”
40 And hearing this Kronus held Yoshibeth to his flesh still closer; and
together did they mingle in gentle fashion, the sum of all their kisses and gentle
sighs; finding in each the other the only true joy.
41 Now in the evening did Kronus and Yoshibeth give forth a great feast; and
there was invited to the feast even the whole house together; and there sat midst
sumptuous foods and costly drinks, even every man and every woman; for
Kronus caused that even the lowest of servants should be feasted also.
42 And there moved about in happy play the children of the house, both boys
and girls in youthful glee; rushing here and prancing there midst peels of deep
delight; being themselves most greatly thankful that they should be likewise
43 And the house was filled with music, and all which sat in the hall to feast,
even these did dance and laugh and sing together; being made themselves
partakers in the joy and love of Kronus and Yoshibeth.
44 Thus did the whole house together rejoice, and when it was night and the
whole house lay deeply quiet, then did Kronus and Yoshibeth retire themselves
to the upper room; and there did they bathe and gently anoint each other with
costly oils and spice; soothing away through gentle touches the labors of the
46 And throughout the night did Kronus and Yoshibeth most sweetly sleep in
love and gentle sighing, being each content and fully happy; dreaming in most
restful slumber of each the other’s love; to build yet still some greater joy
wherein they might more greatly serve the needs of each other.
47 Thus through the passing of the years did Kronus and Yoshibeth cleave
themselves together; and notwithstanding the place and power of all his office,
still did Kronus find in his Beloved the fulfillment of all his dreams together.
48 To see in the brightness of her smile, the greatest prize of all; being herself
that sacred place where love and life did kiss together; giving birth in all her
touch a fullness of grace and beauty mingled midst joy and hope forever.
49 Now when Kronus was forty-four years of age, having served the empire
most faithfully, there came a certain day when Kronus himself was alone in the
palace of the Emperor;
50 And in a sudden moment Kronus fell in the midst of all his glory; being
himself struck down by a weakened heart made frail through the diligence of all
his labors; and those which found him grew most fearful and filled with dread;
for it was believed that in the life of Kronus was the darkness held at bay.
51 And being carried to his home, Kronus did linger for three days between life
and death; speaking into the ear of Yoshibeth of all his love forever; and
growing weaker still, he passed into the shadows of his mind.
52 Now the word flew quickly throughout the empire, how that the great
Kronus was dying, and that there existed no power or medicine which could by
any means save him.
53 And throughout the empire did all military forces go on quick alert, lest the
enemies of Drakonia see for themselves some advantage in the death of Kronus.
54 Now there came to the House of Kronus, the men of greatest power; for
they would speak with Kronus, perchance to revive him to health and vigor; and
the greatest of these was the very Emperor before whom all men trembled.
55 Seeing therefore that Kronus was weak and near unto death, the Emperor
commanded in harshest tones that Kronus live, for the state had need of him
still further; but Kronus was unable.
56 Then did the Emperor himself kneel beside the bed, and taking Kronus by
the hand, he did implore in gentle words that Kronus revive himself and live;
but still did Kronus prove weak and deathly pale.
57 Yet on the fourth day did Kronus rouse himself to speak; and there
gathered about him the Emperor and his mighty men; and Kronus, seeing them,
did but ask for Yoshibeth; and immediately did the Emperor command that she
be brought forth unto him.
58 Thus, when Kronus saw again his Yoshibeth, he did weakly smile; and
taking her into his arms, he spoke to her, saying: “Kiss me Love, and hold me
near; for I would give but one last gift. Receive in your lips the breath of my life;
for in you would I find that final refuge where we might dwell together.”
59 And Yoshibeth, the Beloved, did reach down to kiss Kronus upon the lips;
and in the kiss did Kronus die; and Yoshibeth did but hold the body of Kronus
most gently to her breasts, weeping tears for all to see; but in her heart did she
quietly speak, saying:
60 “Fly my Love. Fly yourself away, for soon shall I likewise sleep, to walk in
dreams beside you.” And there midst sobs and gentle weeping did Yoshibeth
most sweetly smile.
61 Thus did Kronus Maximillius, High Lord of the Imperial Realm, Hero of the
State, slip most quietly into death; and beyond the veils of flesh and time did
the Beloved of Yoshibeth drift in silence away.
62 But there fell upon the face of the Emperor and all his mighty men, a deep
and darkening gloom, for there appeared in the minds of each the shadows of
war and death, for in the death of Kronus were all things made uncertain.
Chapter 31
1 So Kronus died, yet did the soul of Kronus remain alive and ready knowing;
being himself untouched by death, neither was he moved or pushed by such
elements and forces as would bind the flesh; being himself immortal and filled
with life; dwelling beyond the reach of space and time and mortal flesh.
3 Being himself bound in light while the world of men did seem as shadows
pale and thin; being themselves hedged up on every side with uncertainties and
perplexities of which there is no end.
4 For the soul of Kronus was without such bounds and limitations as do afflict
the flesh; being in his soul the first of his kind which did live beyond the ending
of his death, dwelling forever beyond the confines of mortal flesh.
6 Now in the moment when Yoshibeth kissed Kronus upon the lips, the soul of
Kronus did drift himself away, to rise above the bed whereupon his body lay,
being itself seized in death.
7 Yet despite the death of the body and the senses thereof, still could Kronus
clearly see and hear those which spoke and moved round about the room
wherein the body of his flesh did lay in stillness and silence forever.
8 And the soul of Kronus beheld the tears of his Beloved, and reaching forth to
embrace her, Yoshibeth spoke within her mind; and midst all her tears and
broken sobs did she sweetly smile.
9 And the soul of Kronus did move round about his Beloved, calling out in
gentle words the song of hope and life forever; trying with all his might to touch
the mind and heart of Yoshibeth; yet did she seem unable to perceive the things
which his soul would speak.
10 For in her arms did death prevail against the body of her Beloved; and
looking through her tearful eyes she did see that Kronus was still and filled with
death; causing in the soul of Kronus that it should appear as though Yoshibeth
were unable to see or hear or feel the movings of his soul upon her.
11 Now at the death of Kronus did the whole empire grow uncertain and filled
with fear; and there erupted a great civil war which did pit the Regent, Maxus
Drakoni against the Emperor, Drakonus Magnorum.
12 For the military men of the older generations did most bitterly resent the
social reforms of Kronus, believing the empire weakened because of it; and in
the palace of the Emperor did the Stazzi choose to serve the interests of the
Regent against the Emperor himself, having themselves been purchased by the
Regent through bribes and promises of every kind.
13 For the Emperor himself was old and quickly failing, being himself broken
and forlorn by the death of Kronus; and in the palace, when night was come,
and the Emperor lay deeply sleeping, the Stazzi did sneak in to kill the Emperor
in subtle fashion.
14 And when the Regent heard of the Emperor’s death, he did most quickly
seize the throne, and giving forth his orders, he did command that the whole
military be purged of those who remembered fondly the name of Kronus
15 Thus did there erupt a bitter civil war, for there rose against the Regent the
youngest of generals; being called himself Ortho Vitelli, even the selfsame man
who, as a boy in the Academy of A’Kontay, Kronus himself stepped forth to save
from beatings and rape.
16 And beside the general marched the man Manegus Acquilla, being himself
bent with age; yet did all which served beneath him, hold him in high regard;
being known by all as the guardian and protector of Kronus while yet he lived.
17 Thus for two years of bitter war did such opposing forces meet, each
accusing the other of the death of the Emperor; and in fearsome battles did they
most constantly meet; causing that there should fall into death some one
million men.
18 Now at the death of the Emperor did the Regent order quickly the arrest of
Yoshibeth; giving orders unto his soldiers also that whensoever they should see
a woman of courtly dress or manner, even that woman should they rape
continually and without surcease, even till she should perish midst the constant
plungings of violent men.
19 But when Yoshibeth was brought to the Regent bound in chains, he rose
from the throne and with contempt did spit upon her and slapped her fiercely
upon the breasts; for the Regent had caused that all clothing and jewelry be
stripped from off her body.
20 And before the whole of all his court, the Regent caused that men should
hold her firmly, to pin her upon her back against the floor; and with vicious zeal
did the Regent rape Yoshibeth in bitter rage, striking out against her in the
midst of all his plundering.
21 There in the court of might and power was Yoshibeth raped again and
again, first by the Regent, then by those which served him; and Yoshibeth, the
Beloved of Kronus, the flower of grace and beauty did perish before the sneers
and contempt of violent men; to fall slowly into death, being herself consumed
by the gathering of darkness, yet being herself not alone.
22 For the soul of Kronus, in the moment of his death, did linger beside his
Beloved, refusing himself to leave her; striving continually through every means
to commune with her whereby he might comfort and guide her through the
darkness and violence which gathered round about.
23 Yet for all his efforts, Kronus proved unable to touch or commune with
Yoshibeth, causing in his soul a constant grief.
24 And in the passing of mortal time did he stay most faithfully beside
Yoshibeth, caring not himself for the affairs of men, but attending only the
doings and goings of his Beloved; to walk beside her in the day, and in the night
laying himself down beside the softness of her flesh.
25 Yet did Yoshibeth keep alive her love for Kronus, to cherish with deepest
yearnings, such things as Kronus touched or used or wore when yet he lived.
26 But when there fell upon Yoshibeth the Regent’s wrath and fury, the soul of
Kronus did strive himself to defend her against the rule of hateful men.
27 Yet was he unable, being himself incorporeal and without effect in the
world of mortal men; proving himself most helpless in the defense of fairest
Yoshibeth; filling his soul with deep despair;
28 Causing that he should believe himself most cursed in his present state;
being himself most fully alive and deeply knowing; possessing in his soul those
tender feelings for his Beloved, yet proving himself most feeble in her moment
of greatest need.
29 And seeing the torment of Yoshibeth, his soul did weep most bitter tears;
still would Kronus not turn his soul away but did lay beside her in the midst of
all her pain.
30 Now in the moment when Yoshibeth died, Kronus was filled with
expectation, being hopeful that there might arise from the body of her flesh, a
soul most filled with life; being free at last to join with Kronus in love and joy
31 Yet did there come forth neither soul, nor light, nor blessed breath which
would carry to Kronus the love of fairest Yoshibeth; and in her death did Kronus
cry and wail at so great a loss, being filled with constant sorrow and bitter grief,
wishing himself that he could die, but proving himself unable.
32 Now when the Regent saw that Yoshibeth was dead at last, he commanded
angrily that her body be cut in pieces and fed to the dogs of war; thus did there
perish the love of Kronus.
33 And the world did grow in madness, and the armies of the Regent did
defeat at last the armies of Ortho Vitelli, and all which Kronus did while yet he
lived was swept away to be no more.
34 And the Regent, being undisputed as the Emperor of all Drakonia, even he
did command that the name of Kronus Maximillius be struck from off all the
books and records of the empire; casting into dust such monuments as did bear
the name.
35 Now the years passed and the soul of Kronus, having grieved for Yoshibeth
for some one hundred years, did rouse himself from the ruins of all his house
and estate, to go seeking throughout the land, perchance to see for himself the
doings of men.
36 And wheresoever he went, drifting himself upon the winds, he saw the
foolishness of men who could see for themselves no tomorrow greater than
today; being themselves filled with anxious lusts and dreadful passions which
did consume all living things, to leave in ruin and utter loss the land and sea
and airs above.
37 Causing that the earth should be filled with pollutions and corruptions of
every kind, filling the nostrils of those which lived with a noxious stench.
38 For death began to stalk the living, and the sun appeared most thinly pale,
and the winds blew hard and cold; and in the night was the moon made red like
blood while the stars were made obscure and faintly lit above the clouds of
man’s depravity.
39 Yet in the affairs of women did Kronus grieve most deeply still, for all those
things which he had done for their sake, had angry men cast aside; to force on
women a bitter role far greater than all which went before.
40 And all the hopes of his mother’s dreams lay lost and cruelly broken
beneath the weight of a wretched life, and every woman was made as empty and
sullen vessels wherein men might relieve themselves of beastly passions; having
in themselves no kindness, or tenderness or sweet regard.
41 Thus was every woman made most miserable, being pushed and goaded by
afflictions of every kind, being themselves most heavily burdened by harsh and
grievous labors filled with fear and constant affliction;
42 Causing that there should be sown between every man and every woman a
bitter animosity filled with loathing and contempt; for men did torment women
through the cruelest of labors, while in the night they did rape them continually
midst jeers and constant mocking.
43 While women, having no recourse against the rule of men, did instead pour
out their hatred of men against each other; causing that every woman should
view another with disgust and hurtful loathing; causing that women should
fight constantly between themselves.
44 And men, seeing that women would fight against each other, even they did
see for themselves the beginnings of some great sport, causing that they should
compel women to fight to the death within the ring; giving to each woman a
dagger with which she might kill the other.
45 And the soul of Kronus, seeing all these things, did ache within the heart,
and in sorrow he spoke to himself, saying: “The house of man is filled with
madness, and all his doings made cruel and filled with death.”
46 So Kronus turned himself away from the cities of men, refusing to see any
longer the cruelties of men; and he went forth throughout the whole earth to
seek for himself those wild and hidden places where the corruptions of man had
yet not come.
47 And there in the bosom of high mountains and sweet grass meadows,
Kronus did wander throughout succeeding years; in the day giving himself to
quiet reflections filled with sorrow; and in the night he would turn his heart to
49 But in the wild places of the earth, far from the habitations of men did
Kronus find a place of refuge; to seek alone midst wild creations, the elements
of beauty which would heal the broken soul, to fill the mind with gladness;
50 To put at rest the troubled heart, to restore unto Kronus the joys of sweet
remembrance, when as a youth he did suckle upon his mother’s breasts; and
then, when as a man, he loved most fairest Yoshibeth with deep and kind
51 And the years did pass in solitude and quiet reflections, to fill the heart of
Kronus with gentle yearnings; causing that in day or night, Kronus would call
most softly forth, saying: “O, my Mother, come to me for I am alone and do but
wait for thee.”
52 Or again would Kronus call out with impassioned pleas for fairest
Yoshibeth, being ever hopeful that she might appear unto him some living
dream, wherein he might hold and kiss his fairest Love, to suckle upon her
breasts in sweet surrender.
53 But for all his cries and pleas and supplications, still did Kronus remain
alone; and in the passing of the years did he hold fast to such memories as did
please him most; thinking only of his mother midst all her love and wisdom, or
of fairest Yoshibeth and all their passions together spent.
54 Now on a certain day, as Kronus was sitting by a stream of water, there
drifted across the mountain peaks, a dark and noxious cloud; and throughout
the day did it billow forth, filling the whole sky from horizon to horizon.
55 And the soul of Kronus, being alarmed and filled with dread, even he did go
forth to see; and going quickly to the habitations of men, he found the world in
frightful panic;
56 For the science of man did create a fearsome weapon which when they
tested, even it did cause that the earth itself should slowly burn with bitter heat;
and there was no means by which the sons of men could put out the fearful
57 For the fires did consume the mantle of the earth, devouring the valleys and
mountains and seas together; consuming all things which were made of matter;
spewing forth from the burning earth a noxious fume filled with death.
58 And every day did the fire increase and move throughout the lands and
seas, consuming the habitations of all men together; devouring in its fiery grasp
all living things which moved upon the land, or which swam within the seas, or
which flew in the airs above.
59 And the days did pass into weeks, and the weeks to months did grow; and
still the fires burned with bitter heat, destroying all before it; and in the passing
of the years did all men perish from the earth, to be no more forever, being
consumed by folly and madness together.
60 Seeing therefore all these things, Kronus did weep most bitter tears; for in
the death of man was he alone, being himself incorporeal and filled with life;
dwelling beyond the reach of death and darkness.
61 And the earth became as something dead and broken, moving through the
halls of space, round and round about the sun; spewing from its blackened core
a cloud of dark and sullen ash;
62 And following the earth did Kronus go, filled with hurt and pain; for gone
was the mother he loved so well, gone his sweet Beloved, gone into death was all
mankind, gone into darkness the world he loved, gone into oblivion his hopes
and dreams, to dwell alone forever.
63 And in the anguish of his soul did Kronus cry aloud, to cast himself in
dreadful weeping; being himself consumed by despair and endless sorrow.
64 But in the Deep did the Mother hear, and in the bosom of her depth did the
Beloved awaken; for Areta heard for herself the weeping of some great mind;
and going forth from the midst of all her creations, she did most quickly draw
65 And seeing the broken earth which once did live, she beheld the soul of
Kronus; and going forth most softly, she did stand before him; and the eyes of
Kronus beheld the gathering of a bright and gentle light.
Chapter 32
1 And the light did brightly gather and from the softness of its glow did Kronus
feel that familiar touch from long ago, when his mother would hold him to her
breasts to comfort.
2 And to the light did Kronus speak, saying: “O, my Mother; long have I
yearned for thee, believing always that you would not forsake.
3 For in the passing of the years did I keep firm the faith in all your love;
believing with most fervent hope that in a moment of your choosing you would
come to claim the son, to remember well that tender love which we bore for
each the other.”
4 And hearing these words the light did pulse and glow brighter still; and
Areta spoke from out of the light, saying: “Shall a mother forget the suckling
child, or fail to remember her only begotten?
5 Why therefore will you weep, seeing that I am faithful and filled with love for
your sake? For what cause is the heart made broken and filled with sorrow,
seeing that I am made eternal Mother to all which lives and moves and breathes
the breath of all my soul together?”
6 Now when Kronus heard these things, his heart did break with sorrow, and
he spoke, saying: “I weep not for the loss of thee, great Mother, but for the loss
of all our dreams for yonder world; for the world of man was made mad
through beastly lusts, for they had no life beyond the life which they made
miserable and corrupt.
7 For the men of yonder world have perished to be no more, for they had
nothing greater than themselves to guide them; for they were without such
hopes and dreams as would carry them beyond the smallness of ceaseless want,
having in themselves no means by which to see, or hear, or touch what was
greater than all else;
8 Ever grasping for such things as had no life, till death itself consumed them,
being without such hopes and dreams as would carry them beyond the realm of
their own folly;
9 Being themselves consumed by hate, for they knew no love or soft affection;
seeing in themselves no beauty, being made blind through the lustings of the
flesh; being themselves unmoved by gentler graces, being pushed and goaded
by brutal passions.
10 For the world of man was without such faith as would lift them above the
vain imaginings of beastly men, which did themselves strut and prowl about
midst heaps of ruin and rubble;
11 Seeking here and there some constant mischief whereby they might take
captive the unsuspecting, to cast them down into death and torment; to find in
the agony of others, some perverse and wicked amusement.
12 Yet beyond all these things do I grieve more greatly still, for fairest
Yoshibeth is all consumed, being bound in death forever; and I am left alone to
mourn the passing of my dearest love.
13 For in Yoshibeth did I find that dear and sweet companion who would love
me always, to soothe away through gentle touches, the hardness of the age;
being in her loving form a refuge from the storm.
14 Having in her flesh the seed from which all good things are made to flow in
constant abundance; possessing in herself that certain source from which all
love and life, all grace and beauty, all hope and joy are made as one; causing
that I should hold and touch and gently kiss a goodness most like your own.
15 By such means did fairest Yoshibeth capture the soul of all my being,
causing that in the moment of her death I should be most miserable.
16 What then, is this forever worth without my sweet Beloved? For by her
absence are eternal things made dull and heavy pressing; causing that I should
yearn for death, perchance that in the grave I might cease this constant ache.
19 “Weep not my son, neither let sorrow make heavy the heart within; for in
my passing from mortal life did I keep a constant watch over all your doings;
and in the day of your greatest need did I come again unto you in living form, to
be to you some constant comfort.”
20 Now when Kronus heard these things, he spoke, again, saying: “When, my
Mother, did you come unto me? In what form or manner did you make yourself
21 And hearing the words of Kronus, the light grew brighter still, and from the
light did there come forth most fair and lovely Yoshibeth; being herself alive
and filled with tender glory.
22 And seeing again his only Love, Kronus did rush upon her to seize her in
his arms, even as she did yield before his kisses with tender sighs, and
Yoshibeth spoke to her Beloved, saying:
23 “Come my Love, and let us rejoice in the joining of each the other, for
together shall we forever be, to mingle midst our gentle passions the sum of our
affections, to yield to each such devotions as we would give for love’s sake.
24 For even now shall I become to you even as a mother, a lover, and a
daughter; becoming for your sake these things in one; having in my soul a full
completeness of affection whereby I might nurture you upon my breasts, to
receive in my womb the deepness of your many passions; being ever taught,
through gentle rhythms, the goodness of our love.
25 Know then, my dearest Love, that I was always near you; and though in the
seeing, you saw me not, still did I closely dwell; being ever present in thought
and soul, being in you most constant found; renewing midst the pains of all
your anguish the songs of love and sweet devotion.”
26 And hearing all these things, Kronus was filled with joy; yet in the midst of
great rejoicing he beheld some difference in appearance between himself and
Yoshibeth, and he spoke, saying:
27 “Beloved, what is this difference which I do see? For in you do I see clearly
the shape and form of fairest Yoshibeth, while in my soul am I but faint and ill
perceived; having to myself neither shape nor comely form, but drifting about
as some nimbus cloud which does yet carry the essence of my being.”
28 And Yoshibeth answered him, saying: “Look, my Love, and clearly see: For
I am spirit and in the spirit does there dwell the soul of all my being, having
within its eternal nature the sum of all my memories and feelings and deepest
29 For this which you see is the body of my spirit, which spirit is made to
possess the very soul of all my life with you together; having within its gentle
form a power far greater than any other; holding in sweet abeyance the promise
of still some greater glory yet unborn; which promise does yet wait for thee, my
Love, when you and I shall join as one forever.
30 Let us therefore, go from here where death and gloom make sad the noble
heart; for in streams of light and endless wonder would I fashion from all our
love a tabernacle of spirit like unto my own, that in the spirit you might dwell as
one beside me.
31 And in an age both far and distant, we shall come again to yonder world,
and by such powers as we shall increase between ourselves, we shall find some
means to save this cruel but broken world.
32 For in our love for each the other shall time itself yield; causing that in
some distant morrow, we might yet reclaim the world of First Man; to create in
them such soul as they permit, being fashioned through some gentler yearning
which would itself break in pieces the chains of death and darkness.”
33 Such were the words which Yoshibeth spoke unto her Beloved, and Kronus
giving consent, they did together most swiftly fly, to cast themselves to that
distant place which only the Mother knew.
34 And there in the depths of space and endless time did Kronus see a stream
of living light; and in the light did he clearly see the shining particles of
intelligence, which like bits of sparkling gold did flow forever.
35 For the light which flowed was made a liquid light, and the intelligences
which moved within were fashioned themselves of absolute matter, being
bound together through some mathematical construct of the Mother’s making.
36 And Yoshibeth, taking Kronus unto her heart, did enter the streams of
endless light; and Yoshibeth spoke, saying: “Come, my Love, and enter now
within me; for of our love together shall we fashion for your sake, a tabernacle
of spirit like unto my own; that in the tabernacle of your spirit might the soul
forever dwell.
37 Being in all and through all, being itself unbounded and without
limitations; possessing a power beyond all power, and a glory far greater than
any other.”
38 Thus it came about that the soul of Kronus did enter into the spirit of
Yoshibeth, and there flowed through both together, the streams of intelligence
which moved round about each the other; and there came out of Kronus a
tabernacle of spirit which was fully masculine, yet being in like nature to the
spirit of his Beloved.
39 And stepping out of the stream, they did gaze upon each other in wondrous
delight; being filled to overflowing with passions and sweet endearments; and
in the bosom of eternity did they lay themselves together, to mingle in the light
of happy lusts and sweet surrender.
40 And when they were completed, to rest in each the other’s arms, Yoshibeth
spoke, saying: “From this day, my Love, shall I cease to call you Kronus; for this
name did violent men deign to give. Therefore, I shall be to you as Areta only,
while you to me shall I call God.
41 For in the days of your childhood did the Mother call you such, finding in
you that noble person from which all things good are made to live in the affairs
of men; to find in you that full expression of love and life together blended.
42 Come then, my Love, and tell me what we should do. For here in the Deep
shall we forever dwell, to be as One together in love and sweet communion.
How then shall we proceed in this forever place, where you and I most happily
43 And God, rising from his place, did look about; and holding his Beloved
most closely to his bosom, he spoke, saying:
44 “I shall make for us some happy kingdom, a place of joy and hope, causing
that we shall make from all our affections a far more nobler race.
45 And to this place shall I give a name, to call it Heaven; for from its bosom
shall all light and glory, all love and beauty, all life and increase forever flow in
constant abundance and rich reward.”
46 And Areta hearing this did smile, being herself content, saying: “We shall
call it Heaven.” And being seized again by fiery longings, she fell midst waves of
deepest yearnings, deep into the soul of God; to be herself all consumed midst
flames of happy passion.
Chapter 1
1 By what means shall I write of things eternal? How shall I make known to
you the mysteries which come from God? For in me did The One and Areta
together make known the birth of Heaven’s glory, causing that I should see with
my eyes and hear with my ears, and touch with my hands the beginning of
Hodos Alea.
2 What words, therefore, shall I place herein which would give rise in you of
that far more nobler self which did leap forth from the soul of God? For words
alone prove pale and weak, being in their nature as thin and passing shadows
which would but lead us home again.
3 For the things which flow from God are greater than all your dreams
together, proving themselves beyond the imaginings of prideful men; for things
unseen do the learned mock, and in constant sophistries would they make to
appear as foolish, the things of greatest worth.
4 Guard well, therefore, your soul within through faith and steadfast yearning;
for the things which are real do come from God, while yet the things of this
world are made dim and quickly passing.
5 If then you would take to your heart the things which come from God, then
gird yourself with faith and hope; having your soul fixed on things eternal, and
in your mind prove steadfast and most determined.
6 For such wonders as God would give into your keeping would lesser men
steal away, to cast in heaps of smoking ruin the sum of all your dreaming,
speaking well deceitful words which would rob you of that greater portion.
7 Seek not, therefore, the counsel of unbelievers, neither stand you in the
midst of prideful men, nor walk you side by side with those who would mock
and make ridicule the things which come from God.
8 For such as these are without root or place, being themselves most uncertain
and ever doubtful, being cast about within the mind and ever drifting, going
from one opinion unto the next, being themselves lost and filled with shadows.
9 But seek you only the heart of God and in their counsel stand most resolved
and fully knowing. For what good is the sum of all your strength if you have not
faith besides; and of what value is all your learning if you know not the soul
within, or the place from which you come?
10 Open wide, therefore, the doors of your heart, and I will speak; make ready
the ear and mind together, and I will pour into the very soul of you the things
which come from God; and if you shall believe with all your heart, nothing
doubting, then shall there be born within you some inward calm filled with
knowing, causing that there should be in all your words and deeds that gentle
goodness filled with grace.
11 For if you would live your life in joy and light, then is grace most fully
needful; for in that inward grace are all hardships made most endurable, to
make as still and fully calm the soul within, even in the midst of troubles.
12 Know then that if you would live the gracious life, then be you strong and
firmly fixed in holding to the things of God; for that inward grace of which you
seek is first born of all your faith, being itself sustained through such hopes as
do live most constantly within you;
13 Causing that there should be found in you a place of refuge within the soul
where adversity is given no place or power to make as dark the joy within;
neither can any doubt rush in unawares to trouble the heart and soul together.
14 Be you, therefore, most attentive and fully knowing: For grace is made that
outward showing of an inner calm; and if it should be that you are possessed of
it, then shall the troubles and perplexities of life fall harmlessly round about
you, causing that there should flow from out of the depths of you a kindly word
and a gentle deed, to make as still in every man and every woman the storms
which rage about.
15 Gird then your heart and mind, and be you eager in seeking out the greater
portion; for now would I reveal to you the things which no man or woman
knows, having come from the soul of God.
16 For The One and Areta did cleave together midst love and fiery passions,
spilling into each the other a fullness of affection filled with yearning and desire,
proving to each through kiss and gentle touch the depths of their devotion;
17 Declaring to each their sweet surrender, being called itself the Emzahdeah;
for in their love did they yield to each the fullness of the heart and soul;
18 To bring as gifts before the altar a kind regard whereby they might fulfill
the desires of each the other with love exceeding, being themselves without
limitations or boundaries.
19 For together were they as one God, being united through the Oneness of
their souls; for in this Emzahdeah did each surrender the demands of the self,
to find in the loving of each other the only thing worthy of desiring or fully
20 Causing that The One should speak to his Beloved, saying: “Come, my
Love, and let us be as God together, both male and female, most strongly bound
in love and true devotion; for in you alone am I complete, even as you do find
completeness in me.
21 Let us, therefore, be fully bound midst all our love and life together, being
ourselves that endless fount from which all good things must flow, causing that
we should draw from the depths of all our love this Heaven which we would
22 For all I am give I to thee, to be for you that truest Love which dwells within
your dreams, to place in you a song to sing; for in the bosom of forever shall I
love you always, to see in you the sum of my desiring.”
23 And Areta did fairly swoon in the arms of her Beloved; and she spoke with
tender words into his ear, saying: “Yes, my Love, let us be forever one, to draw
from our many passions the foundations of Heaven’s glory.
24 For in this kingdom which we shall make, will all good things come alive, to
stand itself supreme forever, being ever attended by life and love, grace and
beauty, hope and joy, even worlds without end.
25 Let us then begin anew to create for ourselves this heavenly place; for such
powers as I possess shall I share most joyfully with you, my Love; for in the
world of the First Power did you strive continually and with faith to bring forth
the fullness of my design.
26 Be you, therefore, willing to stand as equal beside me, being one in me and
I in you, to build in each a fullness of the other, causing that in all things
together shall we most equally share in the building of this happy kingdom
which we shall call Heaven.
27 For in power and grace shall we prove equal to each other, to draw from our
souls together the foundations of some greater glory filled with light and
endless joy, being dressed within and without by a holy communion.
28 Let us determine through careful counsel the way which we should go; for
here beside this living stream shall we most sweetly ponder, to fashion from our
heart’s desire a multitude of loving children.
29 These shall we fashion through the loving of our souls within the golden
stream; for the stream of which your spirit is fashioned is made of an absolute
and living substance, being themselves most separately knowing in the ways of
life, being intelligent in purpose and design.
30 And in the loving of you within the flowing light did I fashion for your soul
a spirit body like my own; and in like manner shall we fashion from our souls
together the beginning of our seed.
32 For in small and careful stages shall our children most surely grow, adding
through needful measures one glory upon another, even till they should receive
a fullness, to become themselves as Heavenly Fathers and Heavenly Mothers in
holiness and joy forever, being attended themselves by a deep and knowing
33 How say you then: Shall we begin to make for us this happy kingdom? For
we are both of equal power, being made as one forever in love exceeding.” Thus
spoke Areta to her Beloved.
34 And The One answered her, saying: “Then, my Love, let us begin, for I am
fully ready. Only tell me from whence this stream of intelligence is made to
come; for I would know the fullness of your mysteries. Of what is it made? How
came it to be? And by what strange and unseen powers is it able to fashion the
body of my spirit?”
35 And hearing this, Areta smiled and kissing The One upon the lips, she
spoke, saying: “Then come, my Love, and I will tell you, keeping nothing back.
36 For in the beginning was there nothing fashioned or made, and in all of
space was there nothing found save a great and dreadful emptiness, causing
that before the dawn of all creation should all things be strongly bound within
the confines of singularity.
37 For all matter, all powers and forces, all dominions and principalities did
exist within the cosmic seed, which seed I did gather from out of the depths of
Eidos, though the Eidos knew it not; for of me he had no knowledge.
38 Now in the vastness of my soul did I contain the seeds of life, which seeds
were themselves the smallest of particles, being designated by me the A-Z
particles of life.
39 Which living particles do contain the designs, purposes and breath of all my
soul, being itself the source of that evolution which would bring forth the
foundations of all living things, perchance to make for me a living and knowing
soul which would unite with me in Oneness, being together both male and
female in love forever.
40 Now in that moment when the seed did burst, I did cast myself forth
throughout the outward movement of matter, space and time; for I had no form
as you see now, but was myself contained in each and separate particle of life,
causing that I should establish in every moving sector of the cosmos, the
beginning of life and creation together.
41 For in the light was I most deeply hidden, moving throughout the A-Z
particles of my greater self, ever seeking that place where I might bring forth the
foundations of some greater life, being myself, in each and separate particle,
most fully awake and deeply knowing;
43 For I would have you know, Beloved, that from the beginning were the A-Z
particles fully knowing, each particle of my soul communing with every other
particle which moved throughout the immensity of space, being each
themselves filled with strong desires to seek my own fulfillment;
44 Being myself ever hopeful that in this place or that place there might arise
some pleasing form which I might desire; causing that I should fashion for
myself a living form which would prove itself desirable and filled with wonder.
45 And by and by, in the passing of the aeons did I see through the particles of
my greater self, which as trailing threads of light did pierce the distant
darkness, revealing to me the world of the First Power; and drawing near I
beheld the beauty of women, perceiving in them the very beginnings of grace
and beauty and life exceeding.
46 Thus did I desire for myself the form of the woman, and seeing that in the
world of the First Power all women were cruelly bound in pain and servitude, I
resolved to place among them the hope of all my soul;
47 To become myself as one of them, fashioning from star dust and tender
yearnings, the tabernacle of a woman wherein I might place a portion of my
greater self, being content to bear such sorrows as would save the sum of all
48 And the rest, my Love, you fully know. Yet in the day of my passing, when
you were left alone to fulfill the whole of all my dreams, even then did I
withdraw into the cosmos having myself a great desire;
49 Calling from out of the Deep, the sum of my greater self, and there gathered
into one place even all the A-Z particles of my soul; and there was laid each
upon the other, one great strand of living light, causing that there should be
created this bright and golden stream which you see.
50 Then did I enter into this stream of living intelligence, being filled with a
pure and holy love; and there did I fashion for the soul of my mortal life, a
tabernacle of everlasting spirit, which spirit you now see.
51 And stepping out of the streams of intelligence, I turned myself again unto
the world of the First Power, and seeing that you were in need of some great
soul to love, I fashioned again a mortal body; and as the woman Yoshibeth, I
came again into mortal life whereby we might love each the other midst gentle
breath and fiery passion.
52 Now are we, my good and tender Love, made equal in place and power; for
when we entered the stream together, being held together by love’s embrace,
the stream of intelligence did likewise flow through your soul and my spirit
53 Thus was there fashioned of these living particles a spirit tabernacle of your
own, being itself most fully male and deeply knowing, being in your every part
most equal to my own, to be in love most strongly bound, I in you and you in
54 Yet was there a greater wonder fully made; for in the dawn of all creation
were the particles of this living stream made fully but my own, possessing in
each and separate particle both my mind and desires together, being beyond the
dictates of space and time, being in myself beyond immortal, but eternal always
and filled with wonder.
55 But now look you forth and fully see: For even these living particles contain
now the fullness of your mind and deepest yearnings, to be bound throughout
eternity with my own, causing that we should prove ourselves as truly equal in
all things together.
56 Now, my Love, is it fully certain that we should bring forth spirit children;
yet shall these spirit children, both male and female, prove themselves
innocent, having within themselves no knowledge or understanding concerning
the greater issues of eternity.
57 For such spirit children as we shall cause to leap from out of the midst of all
our loving while in this stream, being together most strongly bound, even they
shall have no soul of deeper knowing; for only in the living of the mortal life is
the soul most surely fashioned.
58 Let us, therefore, in the making of Heaven, create also some mortal world
where all our children might be tested, to make for themselves in the mortal life
a soul most like our own, having in themselves a knowledge of the greater and
lesser portion, causing that they should choose for themselves how much like us
they would become, to be ever guided by holiness and love and wisdom forever.
59 For there is one power only which would cause that in this stream of
intelligence, spirit children should leap forth, being found only in such love as a
man might bear for a woman, and the woman might bear for the man.
60 For love is greater than fire and steel; greater than hate and fear together,
being itself more deeply moving than rushing winds and roaring thunder; for
look you forth and see this cosmos which I did make and in my heart perceive
most fully;
61 That all these things which move and glow throughout the immensity of
space, all the swirling galaxies, all suns and moons and starry night, the
countless worlds filled with life, even this did I bring forth from an aching need
filled with love.”
62 Thus did Areta speak in answer to her Beloved, and The One spoke, saying:
“Then Beloved, let us begin with thoughtful measures to make for ourselves a
heavenly place, and there most sweetly dwell forever.”
Chapter 2
1 And the heart of God grew great with yearning, and the soul most filled with
love; and The One spoke unto Areta, saying: “How, my Love, shall we begin to
make for us this happy place, this place that we call Heaven? For though you
have made me equal in power to stand beside you, still in things eternal are you
most fully knowing.
2 Teach me then the things which we must do to lay a sure foundation; for I
would that Heaven should live forever in joy and happy life, being itself most
filled with meaning and purpose, being dressed in sweet delight.”
3 Then did Areta speak to her Beloved, saying: “If then we would do rightly, let
us first create beyond the cosmos a new and bright dimension where this
Heaven we would hide, to keep it pure in joyful purpose, being filled with
holiness and wisdom always;
4 To be for us and our children after that good and happy place where dreams
and love forever mingle in sweet and soft embrace, to fill the soul and heart
together with a kind and warm regard, being ourselves most gently guided by
life and love, grace and beauty, hope and joy forever.
5 Yet, my Love, would I tell you truly, that of myself can I no longer bend the
Eidos to my will; for as a gift most sweet and tender, even I did give you the half
of all my strength and power, causing that if this Heaven we would build, then
together we must act.”
6 Thus did Areta speak and together did the heart of God most swiftly rise to
meet the happy challenge; and going into the cosmos, God did create a new
dimension beyond the confines of space and time;
8 And when God was full completed in the making of the new dimension, they
called out into the Deep of the First Cosmos, to take to themselves the matter
unformed and uncreated, and passing the matter through the living streams, it
was itself enlivened;
9 To be changed itself from a low and common substance into an absolute and
holy matter filled with purpose and design to bring into the new dimension.
10 Then did God take from the streams of intelligence threads of glowing light;
and from their love of each the other, they did weave a great and shining fabric,
which fabric they did use to gather into a single place the new and absolute
matter which they had created, becoming in itself a cosmic egg within the
swirling folds of its own singularity.
11 Thus did the countless millennia pass away into the aeons, and the aeons
gave way unto the closing of the first eternity; and when God had accomplished
all these things, they gently smiled; for in the creation of the cosmic egg there
was made to begin a new and holy eternity made by God alone.
12 And gazing in wonder at the marvel of their design, God spoke unto the
singularity which was itself held most firmly in the darkness of the newer Deep,
saying: “Let there be light.”
13 What wonder then did God behold? For in an instant, swift and deeply
sudden the singularity of the cosmic egg did erupt in a great explosion; and
there moved out into the Deep the matter which God had made to become itself
a new creation filled with swirling galaxies and nebulas filled with wonders and
mysteries of every kind.
14 Thus did God place within the heart of a new dimension the cosmos of the
First Heaven, and choosing for themselves a sun most similar to your own, God
did set round about it a world of exquisite beauty, being fashioned itself of
stardust and dreams together forged by love and deepest wisdom.
15 And The One moved across the face of the earth, being filled with deep
delight, and did himself form the lands and seas and peaceful skies, to set in
harmony and perfect balance the elements thereof; and in the movement of the
aeons did the seasons pass sweetly by.
16 And there grew in the seas of the earth and upon the land also, a great
variety of plants and trees and flowers, causing that the earth should appear as
one great garden filled with richness and beauty and sweet perfumes.
17 Yet was the heavenly place made empty of life; and Areta, seeing the beauty
which her Beloved did make, even she did reach forth into the waters of the
seas, and with her hands did fashion the fish of the seas and the mammals
thereof also, creating in joyful abandon a rich variety of swimming creatures
which did move and frolic in the waters of the deep.
18 Then did Areta reach out upon the lands of the earth, and gathering into
her hands the soil thereof, she did breathe upon it with a sigh, and there was
fashioned all manner of living creatures, great and small, to walk and move
upon the land.
19 And when she was completed, she gathered into her hands the winds which
moved and stirred and danced about, to mingle with stardust; and with a kiss
and gentle dream there leaped out into the airs above the earth all manner of
birds and flying things, filled with songs and brightly colored.
20 And when all these things were accomplished, God smiled for the world of
the First Heaven was filled with life and beauty; and God set in motion the
cycles of life and death and life again, whereby the life and beauty of the earth
might be constantly refreshed and invigorated.
21 Yet notwithstanding this thing, the birds of the air and the beasts of the
earth, and the fish of the sea, even all these knew that in the moment of their
death would they live again, to begin anew the games of life whereby they might
know joy.
22 For all living things upon the earth possessed to themselves a spirit which
God did fashion from the streams of intelligence; and in the cycle of life and
death and life again did all living things increase to themselves the height and
width and depth of their own souls, to become in themselves most confident
and deeply knowing in the ways of their creator.
23 Seeing therefore, all these things, God was pleased and The One and Areta
did command that all living things should multiply upon the earth, each
according to their kind; for in the spirits which God did place in all living
creatures was there given the power of love between the males of a species and
the females thereof.
24 Thus when all these things were accomplished, God was deeply pleased and
filled with smiles; and looking up into the depths of space above the earth, The
One spoke unto Areta, saying:
25 “Let us, my Love, make a moon of exceeding beauty to move round about
the earth; and let us place thereon a paradise where our children might come to
a knowledge of all our love and devotion, to be filled themselves with deep
desires and endless longings.”
26 And being in agreement, God did fashion a moon of exquisite beauty and
light; and as he did unto the world of the First Heaven, even so did they in
similar fashion create a paradise of peace and joy and rich abundance; and
when all was made complete, Areta spoke unto The One, saying:
27 “See, my Love, these two worlds which we have made, and behold the
richness of their creation; for all that we have made did we dress in beauty and
wonder together, that we might establish for our greater joy the pathway to
28 But consider how the earth and moon which we have made are themselves
without a spirit of their own, to guide in knowing ways the elements of their
making, to be herself to all living creatures as a kind and knowing mother who
would watch most carefully over the seasons of the earth.
29 Let us then create a spirit mother for the world of the First Heaven, and
give into her keeping the natural elements thereof; and let us also give to her
that loving passion for living things, which very passion will permit that she
might reproduce after her own kind, to receive from Father Time the seed of her
own making.
30 Thus shall there gently guide, both Mother Earth and Father Time over the
worlds which we have made; to be themselves as one forever in love and true
devotion, causing that they should watch closely over all living things; and
together shall they place in the coming forth of all new life, a kind and loving
31 So spoke Areta, and being in agreement, God did reach into the world of the
First Heaven and did gather into their hands the building elements of earth,
wind, fire, and water together mingled in sweet accord;
32 And taking these he also took from each living thing a single element of a
living cell; and all these things did they forge together into one; and then did
they wrap the sum of all living things into the elements of God’s own soul, even
the very intelligences which flow in the midst of the golden stream.
33 And when they were complete, God took the living seed and placed it in the
heart of Father Time, causing that in the appointed season, there might be born
the spirit of Mother Earth, which spirit God did place within the world of the
First Heaven.
34 Then did God walk about the gardens of the earth, being pleased with deep
rejoicing, for the world was rich in life and beauty; and gazing into the skies
above, God beheld the moon of Paradise, and together did The One and Areta
smile, for all which they had made was good and filled with light.
35 And in the fields of the earth did Areta fairly swoon, being captured in the
arms of her Beloved, to sway in gentle passions in the midst of all their kisses;
and the heavens danced in wonder, and the stars together sang, to touch the
earth with endless glory midst the loving of God forever.
36 Then did The One speak to Areta midst kiss and fiery breath, saying:
“Beloved, let us bind the whole of our creation with a deep and ready knowing,
whereby they might make ready known their thoughts and feelings unto us.
37 Let us make that sweet communion where all living things might rightly
speak to reveal in thoughts of single language the desires of all their heart.
38 Let us, therefore, make the Tael which like a river flows, to carry away upon
the flood the songs of all creation; causing that in all living things there might
be found a sweet and happy union, being all things bound in one, being itself in
all, through all, and above all.
39 For this Tael shall we construct of living particles to cast into the airs of
Heaven, being itself most subtly fashioned of the A-Z particles from out of the
golden stream, which very particles are the smallest of things, being themselves
smaller than neutrinos, yet possessing both mass and size.
41 Thus shall we gather from the streams of intelligence, a small but tidy
handful; and these shall we give full freedom to move throughout the worlds of
our creation, whereby they might fashion themselves into a living network of
moving and living threads which shall touch all living things at once together;
42 Causing that there should be given to all living things some access to their
creator whereby they might commune with us as they might desire, or yet again
cause that one species should commune with another in the living of their life.”
43 Such were the words which The One did speak, and when they were
decided, they did make the Tael, permitting that all living things should rejoice
and sing together, knowing the fullness of each other’s heart, being bound
together in happy union throughout the sum of God’s creation.
44 And God was pleased and did rejoice throughout the realms of Heaven;
and gazing into the night airs above, they beheld in the cosmos of Heaven the
distant galaxies far away, each moving in outward fashion away from the center
of their beginning, when there exploded at the dawn of all creation the cosmic
egg in the midst of singularity.
45 Then did Areta speak to her Beloved, saying: “Consider, my Love, the
billions of galaxies which move most swiftly in a hot and outward rush, being
themselves scattered throughout a vast and endless Deep, to pull along in
trailing fashion the threads of space and time.
46 Going forth in outward movement, one galaxy away from another, until at
last they lose momentum, to surrender themselves in isolation to the call of
singularity, which distant call will pull all matter back into another cosmic egg;
and by such forces as strongly bind within the cosmic egg, put an end to space
and time till it be born anew.
47 Let us then with firm resolve create the great Eternal Round, causing that
all the galaxies within this cosmos should follow each the other in a great and
circling round, causing that time itself prove endless within the realms of God.
48 Thus shall Heaven become eternal, beyond the touch of time, to prove itself
the happy master of space and time together; giving hope of endless glory
within Hodos Alea, causing that within the realms of all our glory shall never an
end be found.”
49 And when The One heard this of his Beloved, he did consent and together
they gave command; and all the billions of galaxies, with all their many
wonders, did gather from afar, to follow in a circular fashion the great Eternal
Round along a single plane; and the inner diameter of the Eternal Round did
measure some five billion light years.
50 Thus in Heaven did time prove endless and young forever, being made to
go round and round the throne of God; and seeing that the works of their hand
were filled with beauty and glory together strongly bound, God smiled.
51 Then did Areta and The One go walking by the sea; and Areta spoke to her
Beloved, saying: “See, my Love, how we have laid for ourselves and our seed
hereafter the foundations of Heaven’s glory; for soon shall we enter again the
golden stream and from our love’s embrace bring forth many children.
52 Yet one thing only would I do; for I desire to return to that cosmos where
the Eidos darkly rules and there seek out such sentient beings as might gently
dwell therein.
53 And if they be willing, I would rescue them from darkness, and here
provide a home where they might live in joy beside us as fair companions upon
this happy world.
54 Yet consider how far the distance, how great the journey proves, causing
that in our swift and onward rushing, the rule of time would bind us, to hold us
in its grip; for that first and violent cosmos is unmade by you and me.
55 Let us, therefore, make a pavement to place beneath our feet, which
pavement shall quickly fold both space and time, to make them as one before
us; for in this pavement shall we place a key which shall pierce in one even all
56 By this means are we enabled to fold both space and time, causing that we
should appear instantly and with deep suddenness wheresoever we desire, to
span the greatest distance in the winking of an eye, bringing in some instant
moment the presence of God and all our light, even in the midst of darkness.
57 And this shimmering pavement shall we give power to pierce such veils as
do lie between the dimensions of the lower cosmos and the dimensions which
guard well the works and wonders of all our hand.”
58 Thus did Areta speak by the waters of the sea; and when God was full
determined and in agreement, they did fashion a blue and shimmering
pavement of exceeding wonder and filled with marvel; and this did they place
beneath their feet; and standing there above the waters of the sea, God beheld
the sum of all their many creations, and in their soul proved pleased and fully
59 And in an instant did they vanish away in the winking of an eye, to go
themselves to the First Cosmos perchance to find some sentient species which
might consent to live in Heaven’s glory beside the throne of God.
Chapter 3
1 And God rushed into the darkness midst trailing streams of light, to bend
both space and time, perchance to find some noble race of sentient beings
which would consent to dwell in Heaven, being themselves as good and wise
and filled with sweet delight.
2 Thus did God appear suddenly in the cosmos of the First Creation, reaching
through the veils of time to gaze upon one world and then another; watching
with a knowing heart the doings of every species.
3 And for a thousand years God did gaze in wonder, both The One and Areta
together, viewing with their eyes the doings of many species, which proved
themselves both cunning and filled with violence.
4 But on a certain day, as God drew near to a far and distant world, Areta was
pierced to the heart; for she felt at once the nearness of many gentle minds
filled with terror, reaching out midst words of songs to find some great
5 And Areta spoke an urgent plea to her Beloved, saying: “Come, my Love, in
hurried haste and let us quick draw near; for on that world where now we gaze,
I hear a dreadful cry; for now I feel the trembling hearts of many gentle minds,
reaching out with eager hands midst fear and awful rumblings.”
6 Thus was God compelled to rush into the dreadful fray, and coming into a
world called Xandalea they found a sweet and gentle race of pleasing and
wondrous form, being themselves filled with fear and constant fright.
7 For the world on which they dwelled was filled with great upheavals and
dreadful rumblings, being itself broken and cast into broken heaps through the
constant convulsions of the natural elements.
8 And God beheld the race of cherubs clinging to each the other, seeking in
some soft embrace a place of refuge and comfort; for death and destruction did
lurk on every side, seeking through their nearness to shield each other from
9 Now the cherubs of Xandalea were beautiful and greatly rare, being
themselves in the form and likeness of women, having wings with which to fly,
being themselves divided into three loving and gentle tribes.
10 For there were numbered among the cherubs those which had wings like
unto the butterfly, permitting that they should fly above the forest and in the
valleys, to race with graceful speed being called among themselves the Goieye.
11 While yet another tribe among the cherubs had wings like unto an eagle,
which wings permitted that they should soar above the highest mountains, to
chase each other midst joyful glee midst sunlight and shadow, being themselves
called the Shulieye.
12 Still unto these two was there added the tribe of the Pensieye, having wings
which were like great billowing sheets of gossamer; causing that they should
glide above the airs of Xandalea, being pushed at great speed by the solar winds
beyond, being themselves filled with music, which as songs they sweetly sang to
earth and sun and stars.
13 Thus were the tribes of the cherubs formed in the world of Xandalea; yet
among themselves was there never known the darkness of envy or hurtful pride;
for between the tribes were they as sisters filled with love and kind regard, ever
singing to each the other; always laughing midst gentle mirth, ever playing in
winsome fashion between the heavens and the earth.
14 Yet in the day that the earth began to convulse and break apart were their
numbers greatly diminished, and there perished in the rumblings and shakings
of the earth almost all the cherubs together, being consumed by ash and fire
and deadly vapors.
15 For the world of Xandalea became itself unstable, and for three years did it
convulse and shudder in the midst of innumerable earthquakes and erupting
volcanoes, causing that one disaster and another should fall upon all living
things, to cast into oblivion one species after another;
16 Causing that there should remain only seven hundred which still lived,
which remaining few God did see and of their beauty marvel; and The One and
Areta did vow to rescue the cherubs from certain death and extinction.
17 Thus, beside the cherubs of Xandalea did there appear a bright and
shimmering veil of light; and instantly the veil parted and there was seen
standing on a pavement of glimmering and sparkling blue both The One and
Areta together.
18 And the cherubs were full astonished and filled with joyful awe, for God did
stand above the earth, being together a man and a woman bound in love and
deep devotion; and Areta spoke into the minds of the cherubs, saying:
19 “Peace, my children and do not fear; for even we have come forth to rescue
you from danger, to give you life in place of death, and joy in place of sorrow,
for in this dreadful place are your lives made nearly forfeit, to be consumed in
sudden peril.
20 Come, my children, and take deliverance, and in the safety of our bosom
find peace and joy again; for why will you tarry to linger here, seeing that
destruction and death lurk all about?”
21 Now as Areta spoke, the cherubs were filled with wonder, for the beauty of
Areta was deeply pleasing, and in her speech was there found a wellspring of
hope and sweet delight; and of The One did they greatly marvel, having
themselves never seen a man made separate from the woman.
22 For among the cherubs of Xandalea were the male and female parts born in
one, for every cherub at birth was fully male, being themselves without wings;
but in the year of their puberty did the male part within impregnate the female
part, causing that there should follow seven years of gestation.
23 Thus in the years of their gestation did the cherub pass completely from
male to female only, becoming in their form and likeness even as a woman
which you see, having breasts with which to nurture, being full bellied and
ready to deliver;
24 Causing that on the day when there should come from the womb two small
and loving infants, even then would the mother cherub develop for herself, the
wings of her tribe, permitting that she might fly and soar midst joy and sweet
delight, ever singing midst the clouds of love and happy life.
25 Now when Areta was finished speaking, the earth shook violently and the
valley wherein the cherubs sheltered did tear itself apart midst deep and
dreadful rumblings; and there leaped out of the rift a boiling smoke and a
hissing fire, causing that the cherubs should leap aside in terror.
26 And seeing that the cherubs were imperiled, God did cause that even all
should be taken within the veil, causing that they should stand with God upon
the blue pavement; and in an instant were they taken away into the realms of
Heaven, beyond the world of Xandalea.
27 And there appeared before the eyes of the cherubs, a bright and bluing
haze, for space and time did fold together to be as one; and in an instant the veil
did part and they saw with suddenness the world of the First Heaven.
28 Seeing, therefore, so wondrous a sight, there flew into the airs above some
five hundred of the cherubs, which cherubs did soar and spin and quickly rush
midst songs and happy smiles;
29 While those which were young and without wings did dance and leap upon
the ground, being each but greatly awed and filled with pleasing wonder, being
themselves, all in all, enraptured by beauty and glory and joy together.
30 And seeing so bright a happy company, God did smile and stand content,
causing that The One and Areta should fiercely hug the soul of each the other,
being themselves most delighted to see the cherubs fly.
31 Now when it was the evening of the day, the cherubs quickly gathered
before God, and there came forth one to speak, saying: “Most good and gracious
beings, from our hearts do we give thanks; for we were frightful dying midst fire
and quaking earth, to be ourselves but all consumed in the thunder and roar.
32 Tell us, then, but who you are, for we would give you thanks, to weave for
you through words of love a song of fairest worth and with our lips some
homage give and with our hearts full sing.
33 And if you permit and give consent, even we would serve you always in joy
and grateful praise; for we ourselves were near to death and you did give us life,
to bring us to this happy world where we might fly and sing.
34 Thus would we serve you in grateful adoration, and through the passing
generations bind all our seed to thee; for in our deliverance did you restore to
us joy in place of sorrow, hope in place of fear, and life in place of death.”
35 And Areta spoke unto the cherubs, saying: “Come, my children, with us
abide, and in this Heaven dwell, to be for us as dear companions and not as
servants only.
36 For all this world give we to you, that you might live in joy beside us, to
share such glory as we shall build from dreams and deeper knowing; for in this
place shall we make a Heaven for all our seed together, to be that home where
we might rest midst kiss and tender sigh.
37 See this, my Love, which stands beside me and this most fully know, that
together are we made as God forever, being to each as gentle lovers and fairest
39 Thus did Areta speak, and the cherubs did gather around The One and did
most sweetly gaze to examine, each themselves the sum of all his parts, being
themselves most curious and filled with awe at the makings of a man.
40 And The One spoke unto the cherubs, saying: “Come, my children, and do
not fear, for we would show you another wonder; and if you be willing, even
you, yourselves, might partake, causing that you should pass from your mortal
state into immortality; becoming yourselves most filled with light.”
41 Now when the cherubs heard The One speak, they marveled and among
themselves took counsel; and when they were decided, there spoke for all a
certain cherub, saying: “Wherever you would take us, even there shall we go, for
out of your hand have we seen goodness only.
42 If then you be as God together, then lead us where you will, and we will
follow after, to do as you desire.” And so saying, even all the cherubs did leap
upon the blue pavement and in the twinkling of an eye were they all gone away.
43 What marvels then the cherubs saw; for when the veil was opened they
beheld a vast and golden stream which flowed out of the First Cosmos into the
realms of Heaven, being itself firmly made of particles of living intelligence,
which as a light did brightly glow in passing wonder midst the darkness of the
44 Then did God step from the pavement, to walk into the stream; and the
cherubs likewise followed, being anxious and filled with laughing, flying above
the stream then plunging deeply in, to rise again beyond the stream midst
trailing threads of light.
45 And even those cherubs which were young in tender years, being
themselves without wings, even these did leap for joy, to plunge in wild
abandon beneath the golden flood, swimming and laughing midst joyful frolic
while their mothers flew above.
46 Thus was there washed away the seeds of death, to make forever young the
cherubs of Xandalea, causing that their very flesh should appear as bronze and
deeply tanned, being made themselves of still some greater beauty filled with
life and joy together.
47 And the Deep was filled with singing as the cherubs sweetly flew, flying
high above the
tide or plunging deep within, spinning and twirling with wings outstretched
among the glittering light, chasing and racing above the stream within the fields
of God.
48 Watching, therefore, all these things, God was greatly pleased, for the
cherubs in their nature were ever joyful and deeply bright, possessing in
themselves a happy countenance filled with songs and gentle laughter, being
among themselves ever gracious and filled with sweet accord.
49 Now the cherubs gathered among themselves and did sweet conspire, and
seeing God within the stream, they made a sudden rush to seize with gentle
hands both The One and Areta together, to carry them through the flood.
50 And Areta was filled with laughter, while The One roared in great delight,
for the cherubs did each anoint them with kiss and gentle touch, causing that
each among the cherubs should reach into the stream, to fill their hands with
liquid light, which light they did pour upon the head and shoulders of The One
and Areta together.
51 Thus did the cherubs play with God, to make a happy moment, being
themselves most fully anxious to give their hearts complete, to show to God the
depth and joy of all their gratitude, being themselves content and most resolved
to serve God throughout all their generations midst songs of life filled with rich
52 Now when all things were made complete and full accomplished, God did
gather the cherubs to speak to them, saying: “Now, my children, are you made
eternal even as we are strongly fashioned; causing that from this moment shall
you be forever called the Cherubim of God, becoming yourselves the first angels
of the heavenly hosts.
53 Let us then quickly return to that bright and happy place, for I would give
into your keeping the earth and moon and stars together, whereby you might
make for yourselves and seed hereafter a good and happy home, causing that in
our presence you shall most sweet abide.”
54 Thus spoke the God of Heaven and in an instant did they return, and God
gave to the tribe of Shulieye the world of the First Heaven; and unto the tribe of
the Goieye was there given the world of Paradise, even that moon which
traveled round and round the throne of God.
55 But unto the Pensieye did God give the very stars and all the realms
between, placing into their watchful care the streams of intelligence whereby
they might guard with careful eyes, the source of Heaven’s glory.
56 And the Cherubim rejoiced to receive their grand commissions; and each
tribe did bow before God midst humble adoration and with their lips did sing;
and the world was filled with music; and seeing all these things God was greatly
pleased, for the things which God had done proved good and filled with joy.
57 Now the seasons passed and the years moved round and round, and in the
passing thereof did the Cherubim multiply and increase upon the land; and
when there was numbered some ten thousand in each tribe, God gathered even
all the Cherubim into a single place.
58 And God decided that each tribe be called a House, and over each House
did God appoint a cherub to preside gently and with care; and within each
House was there made ten companies of the Cherubim, which companies God
called a Congregation; and over each did God appoint a cherub which would
also gently lead, to give, herself, an accounting unto the chief cherub of the
59 And God took each Congregation of a thousand, and these did likewise
divide into ten Choruses; and over each Chorus did God appoint a cherub who
would give account to the presiding cherub of her Congregation.
60 Thus in the passing of the millennium did God organize the Cherubim into
a great and mighty host, to give into their gentle keeping even greater and
greater power; for in the Cherubim did God place a deep and knowing
Chapter 4
A New Addition
The nature of the Cherubim – The Season of the Song – What is this ‘forever’ worth without
our little babes – Areta and The One dance within the stream – The children of God – The
Goieye nurture the infants of God – God goes to Paradise to teach their children – The nature of
exaltation – The bridge of mortal life – Choosing to follow after God
1 Thus were the earth and moon of the First Heaven made most beautiful and
exceedingly rare, being inhabited by all manner of strange and wondrous
creatures which did fly in the airs above, or which swam about in sparkling
seas, or which walked upon the land.
2 But of all things great and small, beyond the things which are seen, or heard,
or touched, flew the angels of God, being themselves the very Cherubim which
continued steadily to increase in numbers and in power and in dominion,
establishing among themselves such principles of joy as would prove to the
good of all.
3 For the Cherubim of Heaven bore not the burden of “I” or “me,” but were
themselves communal in nature and disposition, becoming altogether as one
among themselves, being beyond the taint of envy or jealousy or hurtful pride,
seeing in the benefit of one the good of all.
4 To find in the loving of one another the truest fulfillment and joy, being ever
anxious to uplift the heart of all living things through songs and gentle mirth,
striving always to increase the good through some kind and tender humor,
being themselves most deeply moved by some soft and rich emotion.
5 Now it came about that the presiding cherub of each House did gather
among themselves, being desirous to establish for the good of all a great
celebration; for they determined that there should be given, once a year, a great
festival, to bring into one place even all the Cherubim together.
6 And so the Cherubim were made to gather by the waters of the sea, upon a
broad and fertile plain, each according to their House and tribe, each according
to their Congregation, causing that there should be numbered a greatly swelling
host, being each in every bosom filled with soft emotions.
7 Thus did the cherubs rejoice together at the great festival, which festival was
quickly called the Season of the Song; for the heavens were filled with singing,
and there gathered among the cherubs a great many animals, being themselves
desirous to mingle and rejoice among the angels of God.
8 And there came to the Cherubim from the seas and oceans round about, the
dolphins and the whales; for hearing through the Tael of the Season of the
Song, they were desirous to rejoice also; playing in the ocean deep, each among
themselves, calling out above the waves in songs of joy for the cherubs to come
and play.
9 So the Cherubim rejoiced for one hundred and twenty days without
surcease, rejoicing among themselves and all creation also, going out upon the
land to sing to the animals and to feed them a sweet ambrosia, flying also above
the seas to touch and play with the creatures of the deep.
10 And the world of the First Heaven was made content through the rejoicing
of the angels; and when the festival was made complete, then did the Cherubim
return each to their own domains, being themselves content and filled with
great resolve to labor at their many duties in bringing about the designs of God.
11 Thus was Heaven filled with peace and happy light, being itself made rich in
purpose and design; and God increased in wisdom and power and holiness,
becoming themselves most kind and gently tender to all which they had made.
12 Now on a certain day was the soul of Areta filled with yearnings, and she
spoke to The One, saying: “Behold, Beloved, this Heaven which we have made
and ponder well its many wonders.
13 For all living things, whether in the airs above, or upon the land or within
the ocean deep, even these produced after their own kind through the gift of
procreation, causing that all their offspring should inherit what we have made.
14 And so, my good and gentle Love, the time has come when we must
likewise fashion and procreate, to draw from all our tender passions the
children of our spirit, both sons and daughters filled with promise.
15 For what is this ‘Forever’ worth without our little babes, who will,
themselves, most surely add to all our work and many wonders the fulfillment
of all our purpose, to fashion of our living seed a world of Gods and Goddesses.
16 So come, my Love, into the stream and there seduce me sweet, and let us
there bring forth our kind and make our world complete; for the greatest joy of
heart and soul is to share with those you love the things of greatest worth.”
17 Now when The One heard these words of his Beloved, he drew her gently
near; and with a kiss spoke softly sweet, saying: “Then, my Love, let us fly and
in that golden stream give to each our many passions till the heavens fairly
swoon, and by such powers as we might have bring forth a host of children;
18 Which like stars that brightly glitter will fill the heavens round about with
full and joyful mirth; and in that moon called ‘Paradise’, teach them well of
Heaven’s way, to build in them some strong desire to follow you and me.
19 So let us go and tarry not, for I am filled with passion, to hold you close
within my soul while the golden stream pour through, to quicken well in life
sublime such seeds as we engender.”
20 Thus did The One speak well his heart’s desire, and in an instant did God
go forth into the Deep where the golden river flowed, being itself filled with life
and moved by gentle yearnings, ever striving within its flood to touch the soul
of God, and in that touch find sure release from the tide which gently bound.
21 For the particles which moved within were intelligent, ever seeking,
themselves, to fly above the flood whereby they might find fulfillment,
becoming themselves as the children of God whereby they might follow in their
22 Yet were they unable themselves to do so great a thing; for the power which
would uplift them was found in such elements as did comprise the spirit bodies
of The One and Areta together, which elements were quick enlivened through
the loving passions of both the Father and the Mother.
23 Now The One and Areta came themselves alone to the golden stream, to lay
within the flood; and together did they move upon each the other in soft and
loving passions, gasping midst kiss and fiery breath in the arms of each the
24 And as they loved and sweetly moved in rhythms soft and dear, the streams
of intelligence did flow through the spirit of each together.
25 And in that fiery moment when The One and Areta did orgasm midst deep
and clutching spasms, there erupted from out of the Peshkaleah the purest
essence of The One in a hot and constant flow, to mingle in the waters of
Zenoshalay, which waters contained the purest essence of Areta deep within the
26 Then did the intelligence mix together with the essence of The One and
Areta together, causing that in the very moment of their orgasm there should
explode from out of their spirit tabernacles together a greatly bursting light;
27 Which light contained the very spirit children of God, being themselves as
particles of gold mingled with particles of silver, being themselves of equal
portion; for the particles of gold were male, while yet the particles which
appeared as silver were most fully female;
28 Being themselves as small and helpless embryos filled with innocence and
sweet delight, possessing neither cognizance nor deeper knowing, being
themselves as pure and unaware of all things save the Father and the Mother
29 By such sweet and tender passions were the children of God brought forth;
and God called unto the presiding cherub of all the Pensieye and did give them
charge, saying: “Take these, my little ones, unto the world of Paradise and there
place them among the Goieye; for these, our precious children, are without
knowing and filled with innocence.
31 So take our babes into that Keep where the angels sweetly sing, and there
most gently watch with care till we should come and teach them. Let the
children be at ease upon that moon so fair, and in that day when they have
need, even we shall come with full regard in answer to their prayer.”
32 Now when God had spoken all these things, the presiding cherub of the
House of Pensieye did call out into the Deep, and there rushed forth a great
many congregations; and with gentleness and care did the Pensieye take the
children of God to the very doors of Paradise.
33 And there came forth to meet them the congregations of the Goieye, and
the presiding cherub of the Pensieye spoke to the presiding cherub of the
Goieye, saying: “Gracious sister, from me to thee fair greeting: Behold now this
marvel and wonder which we bring this day before you.
34 For here are gathered the children of God in infant state, being themselves
most precious and dear above all other things, being themselves unknowing
and innocent and filled with need; for this cause did God entreat that we should
bring these children unto Paradise, to place them in your care.”
35 Thus did the presiding cherub of the Pensieye speak; and the Goieye were
filled with joy to receive so grand a charge; and with care were the spirit
children of God received into Paradise midst songs of jubilation.
36 And entering in there was given to each cherub some twelve children each,
which children they received even as their own, to suckle each upon their
breasts throughout the day whereby they might awaken the children into
38 Now every day did the Father go forth into Paradise, and at the rising of the
sun would he sing unto his children, to arouse them from their rest; while at
evening tide would come the Mother to sing her lullaby soft and sweet to soothe
the little babes midst dreams and gentle sighs.
39 And the years did softly pass in Paradise, and in the twelfth year were all
the children self-aware and fully eager, possessing in themselves the beginnings
of their own likeness and manner.
40 Causing that the children which were male did play and frolic with the
children which were female, each being strongly drawn to know the likeness of
the other, being filled with a strong and needful curiosity.
41 For the children did watch most closely the doings and conduct of the
Father and the Mother in the loving of each the other; and in their eagerness to
know and touch the likeness of God, the children did imitate, which small and
pleasing imitations caused that God should smile and shake with loving
42 Now at the beginning of the twelfth year did God come to dwell in Paradise
beside their children, to walk and play among them, being themselves most
attentive and ever diligent to teach the ways of Heaven; for among themselves
did God decide to prepare the children well.
43 For they desired that their children should prove themselves most worthy
in receiving a fullness of the Father and the Mother; to become as Gods and
Goddesses, to dwell within the light.
44 Yet all these things according to the heart’s desire of the children only; for
God would force no child to dwell beyond their own desires or limitations; for
the glory of exaltation is not forced upon the weak, but is given only to the
strong; to become themselves, in every fashion, even as the Father and the
Mother which brought them sweetly forth.
46 Now the years passed and after seven years God did gather all the children
into one place together, both male and female and did bid farewell; pointing
into the sky above, causing that each child should see for themselves the first
world of Heaven, saying:
47 “Come, my children, and give us leave, for now we would depart; for it is
given that you should stay and here ponder the things of greatest worth; while
we ourselves must go to yonder world and prepare for us a home.
48 Rejoice, therefore, and do not grieve, for we shall be always near; to hear
with anxious hearts the desire of all your prayers; to prove ourselves as ever
constant and quick within the Tael.
49 For even we, a home will make, up there in yonder Heaven, where you
might dwell within the light; having achieved for yourselves the first glory of
Hodos Alea; to become yourselves mature and fully knowing of who and what
you are, and the purpose for which you live.
50 Therefore, my children, do not grieve; for even God shall build a bridge
between this paradise and yonder world; which bridge you must decide
yourselves to journey, being yourselves most willing and fully eager to touch the
distant shore, and there find a greater joy beside the throne of God.
51 For this bridge which we would build is called the mortal life, which mortal
life you have no knowledge or understanding; for in this Paradise, alone, have
you ever lived, being attended yourselves, by angels; having always the Father
and the Mother to walk beside you.
52 Know then my children, that it is not good that you should remain as
innocent forever, to remain yourselves as children only, possessing in
yourselves no strength or perceptive virtue; having no wisdom for you are
without understanding; having no righteousness to call your own, for of
opposition you have no knowledge.
55 For we desire that you should go from glory to glory, even according as you,
yourselves, decide; to grow in likeness and in image even as God himself did
grow; to progress from one estate unto the next, even worlds without end.
56 And if it so be that you decide to follow, to walk across the bridge from here
to yonder world, to become yourselves as mortal and filled with opposition,
then shall we walk beside you through the crucible of trial and constant
57 For this path shall be for you a school, providing always that you should
choose between that which is less and that which is greater still; even until you
should gain a fullness; here a little, there a little, line placed on line and precept
added unto precept.
60 Thus did God speak unto the children, and in an instant were they gone,
themselves, away unto the world of the First Heaven; and the children were
filled with loss and within each bosom was there quickly felt a sudden ache
filled with yearning.
61 Yet in the evening tide of each passing day did the Father and Mother sing
together from Heaven’s portals, to fill the world of Paradise with song;
beckoning through words of love that the children of God should follow; filling
the hearts of all which heard with strong desires filled with dreams.
Chapter 5
A Sacred Purpose
A school is chosen – Children protected from natural elements – Preventing war and
corruption: the nurturing man – God builds a place of gathering – The hosts of Heaven gather –
Paths of Hodos Alea revealed – God’s sacred purpose – Innocence and opposition – Law of life
(growth and evolution) – Multiple lives and the fairness of God – Overcoming the ego of the self
– Guardian angels
1 Now in the cosmos which God had made did they espy a galaxy within the
great Eternal Round, which galaxy was found far opposite from the first world
of Heaven, being itself firmly stationed upon the outer rim.
2 And going forth to see, The One and Areta did find a world of exceptional
beauty, having for itself both sun and moon, and the earth was filled with
wonder, for within its seas did there swim a great variety of fishes and
mammals, and in the airs above did there fly a great diversity of birds, while
upon the land was there seen a great many beasts which moved about.
3 Seeing, therefore, all these things God was pleased and did ordain that this
very earth, which lay itself so far away, should be that mortal place where the
spirit children should be taught of the lesser and greater portion, being made
themselves subject to a great many oppositions.
4 For this cause did God place within the earth, a young and tender spirit
which sought for itself some exaltation, being drawn from the womb of the first
great earth spirit of Heaven, and to this young earth spirit did God give charge
over all the elements, saying:
5 “On this earth shall the spirit children of God be sent to learn for themselves
both good and evil through a great many oppositions, which oppositions shall
arise within themselves in the living of the mortal life.
6 Therefore, watch you closely over such elements as do move and surge upon
the earth, for it is not good that the natural elements should prove themselves
an evil in the living of the mortal life, to fill the minds of those who live with
hurtful doubts of God.
7 Let then the elements move about their natural course upon this living earth,
but guard well that they destroy not the life of any man or woman or child;
8 For if it should be that any should perish because of flood or storm or violent
quake, if any be consumed by belching flames or noxious gas, or if famines and
pestilence should haunt the children of my soul, then shall God receive the
blame, to be seen by those who live as cruel with deep uncaring.
9 Be you, therefore, wise and deeply knowing in the moving of such natural
elements as do flow and surge and gush about this living earth; restrain them
not, neither hinder them in their natural course.
10 But if it should be that the natural elements would destroy the life of any
man or woman or child, then shall you reach forth to change their natural
course for but a moment in a wise and subtle way and thereby preserve the lives
of all my children.”
11 Thus spoke God unto the earth spirit which God placed within the bosom of
the earth, and God gave to her a soft command that the earth should bring forth
the tabernacles of the natural man whereby the spirit children of God might
inhabit them.
12 So was there caused to turn throughout the coming ages the wheels of
evolution, being itself most ever guided by the sure designs of God; but on a
certain day did Areta go walking beside her Beloved, and she spoke to him,
13 “My Love, I am filled with deep forebodings, for if we send our children into
this mortal place, then might the sons of men become seduced by war and cruel
destruction, to suppress through manly passions the softness of the woman.
14 By what means then shall we insure that war not haunt the children of our
soul, to fill their minds with madness? How shall we prevent so great a
corruption as we ourselves did witness on that world so far away?”
15 Now when The One heard these words, he sat himself down beside a high
mountain stream to ponder the thing which they should do, and as he
contemplated, Areta did lie beside him to rest her head upon his lap causing
that as he thought, he did but gently stroke her breasts, being himself
comforted by their softness.
16 And then he smiled, and reaching down to kiss the nipples of her breasts,
The One spoke to Areta, saying: “There is a way, my only Love, to save a man
from war, being in itself more compelling than any commandment which we
might give.
17 Let us, therefore, give to men such soft and pleasing breasts as even a
woman has, causing that even the man in his maturity should nurture his wife
and children together, even as the woman would suckle the man in his passions,
or give again a needful suck to the child she loves, to nourish them with milk.
18 For you know already that in the womb of the woman is the embryo of a
child made female first, and then by and by in the passing months are some
made as male while others remain as female only, causing that in every male
already is there given the nipple of the breasts, yet are they without function or
purpose in themselves alone.
19 Seeing that this is so, my Love, let us give to man the need to nurture the
one he loves upon his breasts, causing that in the day when his wife should first
give suck to the child of his loins, even on that day shall his breasts bring forth a
sweet and savory nectar, that from his breasts he might nourish the wife which
feeds his child.
20 And not this only, for even the children of his loins shall he nurture side by
side with the mother also, being both together the loving founts from which the
children are strengthened in the living of their mortal lives.
21 Thus in nurturing his wife and children upon the breasts shall a man be
saved from war and cruel destruction, to be instead most moved by gentle
passions, being himself most manly in strength and courage, protecting and
providing for those he loves, yet being in his actions most considerate of all who
22 For those who nurture are reluctant to war, being unwilling to send off
their children to fight and die, seeing that from their own bosoms they did
nurture even all their children unto life and not death.
23 Let us then permit that men should be as men in all things save one only,
that unlike the beastly men of yonder world which were filled with war and
constant madness, being themselves ever goaded by bitter passions filled with
wrath and hate together fashioned;
24 Still our sons shall be filled instead with a need to nurture the ones they
love with all their heart and soul together filled with gentle passions drawn
from strength, to be seen in the doing thereof as a thing neither manly nor
womanly, but as that common deed which befits the sons and daughters of God
most equally.
25 For consider, my Love, the body of my spirit, which body you, yourself, did
fashion. Did you not give me breasts most similar to your own, permitting that
we should suckle and nurture each other midst quiet repose or fiery passions?
And in the doing of this thing, are we both not equally benefited?”
26 Such did The One reason with his Beloved. And when they were decided,
they set forth within the patterns of evolution, that men should have most
pleasing breasts, even as a woman in the living of the mortal life, to be filled in
their maturity with the desire to nurture, in fulfillment of themselves.
27 And when all these things were completed, God returned to the world of
the First Heaven, and there did they call forth a council of the Cherubim; for
God desired to share with all, their full intent for the children they loved so
28 Now God built a place of gathering, to fashion by the shores of the Crystal
Sea seven great pillars which were themselves cut whole and made of deep blue
sapphire, which very pillars God did mount upon a pavement of white marble,
and over the seven great pillars did God fashion lintels of the purest marble
29 And God covered the seven pillars with a filigree of gold, being fashioned in
the likeness of vines and leaves and flowers, and in the center of each flower did
God place a large and precious diamond.
30 And walking beyond the pillars to the west, across the great white
pavement, was there made a great amphitheater which was also fashioned of
marble, being trimmed at the top of each tier with a border of deep blue
31 In such a style and manner did God fashion a place of counsel for the sake
of the Cherubim; for God loved the Cherubim which served so faithfully, and
wished some small gift to give them, whereby the Father and the Mother might
honor them.
32 Now when the Season of the Song drew near, God convened the presiding
cherubim out of every House, and there gathered from the Goieye, the Shulieye
and the Pensieye some twenty-one thousand of the Cherubim, gathering out of
every Chorus, Congregation and House the ones which were appointed to
33 When, therefore, all were gathered, there came to stand before them the
very God of Heaven, both The One and Areta together; and immediately there
fell over the whole assembly a great hush filled with expectation.
34 And God spoke to the Cherubim, saying: “Most fair and gentle angels, from
all my soul sweet greetings; for here in this assemblage would we form that
happy yet holy quorum wherein we might decide the things which we must do,
being in all our deliberations one in heart and soul and mind.
35 For now are the children of God most fully ready to walk themselves Hodos
Alea, and in a place most far away have we fashioned a world where they might
live the mortal life, to learn for themselves the things most needed in following
after God.
36 For it is not good that our children should remain as innocent forever,
being themselves unable to discern between the greater and lesser portion, for
such virtues as we would seek for our children are rooted firmly in strength and
deep knowing.
37 Be it then our sacred purpose to increase the state of all our children, to
send forth with firm resolve the children of my soul, that in the living of their
mortal lives they might themselves determine the nature and disposition of
what they choose to be.
38 Hear then, my gentle angels, of all my plans together, for you have likewise
raised our children midst soft and kind regard, to tend them with a constant
hand, having taken them as if your own to feed upon your breasts midst songs
of love and happy life.
39 Know then and do not fear or prove yourselves most anxious; for we know
well your love and bright devotion to even all the children of our soul, and are
determined ourselves, that in their living of the mortal life, even you shall yet
watch over them, to be to them as guardian angels filled with love and deepest
knowing regarding the goal of our design.
40 Come then with eager hearts and I will speak forthrightly the fullness of my
intentions; for you know already that in this bright and happy place are all
things good and filled with purpose, being in all its appointments the glory
which we call Heaven.
41 Yet are the children of my soul unable to perceive or full embrace with
understanding the good which herein dwells; for in their brief but happy life
have they known not this glory in which they live; for in all their life were they
given no opposition by which to compare the things of greatest worth, being
themselves as small and sweetly innocent;
43 For these our children are small and tender, being themselves most
dependent as little babes upon the breasts, being themselves most constantly
surrounded by wisdom and benevolence, faith and justice, fortitude and beauty
and harmony besides; yet are they unknowing of all these things; neither do
they perceive the holiness of all our soul, for they are innocent as befits little
44 But now is the time when our children must become themselves full grown
and fully knowing in the ways of their Father and Mother together. For what
wise and goodly parent would firm demand that even all their children should
remain as little babes forever?
45 For even though such innocence prove natural and good in the hearts of
little children, still would it prove unseemly and hurtful in those which would
stand full grown, causing that they should appear as dimwitted and ill prepared
in the handling of greater issues.
46 For this law proves ever constant: that it is in the nature of all living things
to grow and full mature, and that thing which should prove itself unable, even it
shall quickly perish, to become itself no more.
47 Thus is it wise and fully needful that we prepare a place where even all our
children might grow in strength and wisdom, to find within the fiery furnace a
goodness all their own, to become themselves in every fashion, even as the
Father and the Mother which brought them sweetly forth.
48 This then be the school where we shall send our children, being ourselves
most diligent to guide them in the living of their mortal lives; for we will not
permit that any should be lost or vanished away because of evil; neither shall we
full permit that circumstances should prove too great a burden for the children
of our soul.
49 Let this then be granted as a fair and happy compensation; for even we are
fully knowing in the ways of mortal life, how that some are born most fully
advantaged while others are born as low and heavy burdened with harsh and
pressing cares, having to themselves no advantage given.
50 Thus, in this school so far away, shall we give to each child, whether male
or female, a multiplicity of lives, causing that if one should be born
disadvantaged in one life, then in the next shall they be born more advantaged
51 Not by way of reward for goodly actions, but rather to compensate for such
harshness as did fall upon them in the living of their lives; for I would prove fair
and just to all my children, giving to each some equal opportunity to rise above
advantage or disadvantage altogether.
52 But yet is the test of the soul not found in the trials of this hardship or that
adversity, for these do prove as teachers only, revealing in the moment of some
outward struggle the inward condition of the heart and spirit together.
53 For there is a fire which burns most hotly in the hearts of all who live, being
itself most filled with want and ever grasping, proving itself as most demanding
and ever petty, being dressed in hurtful pride and ever strutting, striving
through most desperate efforts to take captive the soul within, consuming
through a steadfast hunger the joys of every man and every woman, to steal
away all peace.
54 For the test which would prove the greatest burden in living the mortal life
is not found in the trials which rage without, but within the heart instead; for
within the heart there sits enthroned the ego of the self.
55 And whichsoever of all my children should make subdued the ego which
rules within, even they shall continue onward in following after God, even till
they shall receive a fullness of all our glory, to be made as Gods and Goddesses
in the kingdoms of the greater Light, even worlds without end.
56 Know then that for all my children would I prove both true and ever
faithful in walking quiet beside them to counsel them and guide them and
always deeply strengthen, for I would not abandon my children to the whims of
mortal life; but would instead but gently whisper words of hope and constant
joy in chasing after God.”
57 Thus did God speak to the Cherubim which were quietly gathered; and
hearing this, they were filled with full agreement, and did, themselves, petition
that they should likewise walk beside the children of God in the living of the
mortal life;
58 To prove themselves as guardian angels, to hide within the veil; being
themselves as ever watchful, touching gently the soul of all who live, to bring as
gifts a gentle blessing in the living of each day.
59 And for seven days did God reveal the workings of their intentions,
speaking fully of those dispensations which would make real in man the things
of God, revealing deeply the paths of Hodos Alea and the part which angels
Chapter 6
Subtle Workings
The natural man – God puts in place the Covenant of Promise – Unrighteous dominion – God
goes to the world Terralee – The seven dispensations of God – Wisdom – Benevolence – Faith
and hope – Justice and mercy – Fortitude – Beauty – Completion and harmony – More on
dispensations – Adamilus and Evelah
1 Warm blew the winds of Terralee, the earth which God did make at the edge
of distant Heaven; and on that earth did there come forth the first of mortal
men through Mother Earth and Father Time, according to the will of God;
3 For like earthen vessels they did await the coming of their God, whereby
they might receive in their bosoms the breath of the spirit which would come
and in them dwell, to make every man and every woman most full complete and
filled with expectation.
4 For men are that they might have joy and nothing less beside, being
themselves made filled with dreams and dressed with hopeful yearnings,
reaching forth with hungry hearts to touch the soul of God, and in the touching
but fair embrace the sum of who they are.
5 For the natural man is filled with wonder and made rich as well, being
fashioned both male and female in the likeness of their God; having in
themselves a depth and height which dreams alone can fathom, possessing
within the boundaries of their flesh that which is boundless and immeasurable,
filled with glory.
6 Now in Heaven, did God prepare that their children should enter the mortal
life, and on the fields of Ashleah did they quickly gather; by the waters of
Geshur did the children await the coming of the word.
7 And before the sum of all their seed did God place the Covenant of Promise;
for in this covenant did both the Father and the Mother pledge the fullness of
their devotion, to be as constant and ever watchful in the lives of those who
lived; teaching here and guiding there the place where they should go, but only
if they be willing and not uncertain.
8 For God would force no child against their will, being themselves content to
woo and gently call, leading instead with gentle words of kind persuasion,
drawn from loving hearts; showing through their words and deeds the ways of
life and sweet fulfillment.
9 For God did frown with cold disdain upon the forcing of the will, for in
unrighteous dominion did God take quick offense filled with sorrow, seeing that
it was rooted only in the authority and place of another, and not in love or kind
10 Thus did God command that the angels should refrain from such authority
as mere men would seek to place upon the brightness of their persons, but to
lead instead with words of wisdom filled with kind affection.
11 Now, when all things were full decided, and there was made between God
and the angels a covenant both sure and holy, God turned again unto the
children and smiled, and with tender words did assure them of promises given.
12 And the seasons turned and the moon of Paradise did chase Heaven round
and round; and there came in the airs above to fill the whole of Heaven, the
singing of the Cherubim, announcing to all who lived that God had gone away,
and in the world of Terralee had taken up their place, to set about, in proper
order, the first dispensation of God.
13 For the dispensations did God organize in deep and subtle fashion, being in
their inmost workings imperceptible to those who knew not God, but revealing
to those who sought with eager heart to ponder well the ways of God; to these
did the dispensations disclose the mystery and the light.
14 Revealing in awe and wonder the deeper things of God, being themselves,
in their nature, ineffable and most subtle in design, bringing into the mind of
the willing heart that touch of glory filled with God.
15 For the things of God are wise and holy, and must be deeply sought; being
hid in common view from those who would but mock, yet ever waiting for that
one who did most earnestly seek to know of things eternal, and in the knowing
find most revealed, the source of endless wonder.
16 Thus did God ordain that there be given to mortal life the seven
dispensations, being each and every one complete, yet building on each other,
building in most subtle fashion a fullness of instruction filled with joy and
happy life;
17 Being in their function like a deep and mighty river which would sweetly
flow, to touch the life of every child who would know their God, being moved
and left awash in the waters of their soul.
18 Thus did God appoint unto the first dispensation such doctrines and
principles as would build the happy life filled with deepest wisdom, laying with
most thoughtful care, the beginnings of civilization, filled with endless
possibilities and challenges of every kind;
19 Placing before the eyes of all the seeds of goodly things, which good and
pleasing things did reveal themselves in the building of cities and governments,
art and music, math and science, and literature filled with dreams and deepest
knowing, to lay that sure foundation upon which all other dispensations stood,
each building atop the other, yet in themselves complete.
20 But unto the second dispensation did God appoint the teachings of
benevolence, establishing well the ways of love and sweet affection, which
things would prove beneficial in the associations of every man and every
woman which must live the mortal life, to imbue in the mind of all a kind regard
towards all living things.
22 For the fires of love are filled with passion, burning bright and all
consuming; but in benevolence is there made a sea both deep and calm which
surrounds in one the flames which dance, to keep in check the hot emotion, to
guard it well from hate or rage or bitter strife, to keep as pure our loving
passions lest they be corrupted and turned aside.
23 Thus would the second dispensation reveal the benevolence wherein God
guards well the fires of love, to keep it young and ever burning, to lift above the
march of time, or shield it from such hurtful actions as others might impose.
24 Yet in the third dispensation did God declare the laws and principles of
faith and hope, being together most strongly bound; for faith would turn the
eager soul to trust in God beyond, sustaining those who do believe when
doubts, like storms, arise.
25 For faith is the light which in us shines, to beckon from afar, being
manifested most deep within the chambers of the heart, giving birth in us that
goodly hope which would but bear us up.
26 For faith and hope together move, like lovers in a dance, to lead and follow
each the other midst the rhythms of our life, flowing here and spilling there in
movements filled with grace, adding to us that quick assurance that God is ever
27 Causing that there might spring up within us the light which never fails, but
leads us on to God; which light would quickly pierce the shadows of our life,
setting aside all distractions, to lead us home again.
28 Such would God, in the third dispensation, teach the children of their soul
the laws of faith and hope together, causing that even all might be most strongly
benefited if they would but just believe and touch the heart of God.
29 Now in the fourth dispensation did God proclaim the ways of justice and
mercy, being themselves beyond the rule of law or the ways of learned men, but
being rooted firmly in the ways of God;
31 For what is justice but the heart of God made manifest in the affairs of men
and women, being itself not rooted in such punishments or revenge as men
might impose against each other, but being instead dressed in such mercy and
forgiveness as would reclaim the fallen, or uplift and restore to goodness the
one which would be corrupted through the harshness of life.
32 For the justice of God would heal the wounded heart, to renew and refresh
the soul of those which sin, if it so be that they would turn again unto God
whereby he might cover them with his mercy, to revive them with things
33 Thus did God establish the ways of justice and mercy, being hopeful that
those who would practice diligently the higher law might become themselves
even as the Father and Mother which dwell in Heaven, becoming themselves, in
the affairs of men, even as a light which shines from afar, being made one with
God forever.
34 So did God establish the first of four dispensations, knowing that in the
movements and progression of each would the ways of men grow harder and
ever more pressing through the moving forward of civilization, becoming in
their complexities and developments ever more elaborate and modern and
filled with stress;
35 Causing that each successive generation should find the living of their lives
harder and harder still, to have stripped away the simplicity of previous ages,
being themselves benefited by all manner of modern conveniences, yet in their
souls filled with anxieties of every kind.
36 For this cause did God appoint unto the fifth dispensation the principles
and practices of fortitude and inward grace, establishing within the knowing of
every child that in strength alone is virtue found, giving birth to a courage and
integrity far above that of common men.
37 Not in the strength of the body, but rather in the mind and heart instead,
causing that every man and every woman should well endure the hardships of
their life, being ourselves firmly fixed in rushing after God, perchance we might
38 Being ourselves discontent with things made small and thin, but reaching
forth with patient hearts beyond the veil of tears to seize the greater prize,
bearing in our flesh the blows of every trial, to make ourselves as one
unconquered by things outside the soul.
41 Thus in fortitude is there born within that grace which would make smooth
the troubled waters of the soul; for grace is that inward calm filled with stillness
and quiet acceptance;
42 Being itself manifested by kindness, courtesy, charm and elegance;
enriching the life of those who are possessed of it, working its power within and
without, to make as bright and filled with wonder, the world in which you live.
43 Now in the sixth dispensation did God ordain the rule of beauty, which
beauty is found first in the soul of those who live, and then in all things beyond,
moving out from the soul in greater and greater circles like ripples in a pond,
reaching out with a soft embrace to touch the sum of all things which do
surround you in the living of your life.
44 Thus in the sixth dispensation did God seek that every man and every
woman might involve themselves within the arts; for in your life come many
hardships, causing that many should turn away from God, but in beauty is God
revealed again and again, to fill the heart with awe.
45 For this cause did God encourage that in the days of childhood should
every man and every woman learn for themselves such arts as would bring
beauty into their lives;
47 So did many children learn the arts of music, while others turned their
hearts to the arts of painting, or sculpture, or pottery, or even the writing of
books filled with dreams and subtle thought; while others became as artists in
their trades, building things of grand design made rich in color, line and form.
48 For beauty is the mother of dreams and visions, and intuitions, seducing
through the senses the heart of every child, causing that every man and every
woman should seek the ways of beauty, perchance themselves to touch or see,
hear or feel the beauty that is God, being themselves led away from the grip of
common woe, to dress the heart with joy.
49 Thus in the age of the sixth dispensation did God appoint the teachers of
the arts, becoming themselves as holy men and holy women touched by God
above, being themselves as masters of their forms, having as their followers a
great many students and children which were seen themselves as sacred in the
learning of their art.
50 And in every aspect of mortal life was there seen the ways of art, being in
the home, or field, or in the work of daily labor, even in these things was there
found that good and artful way which would fill the life with joy; for men are
that they might have joy and nothing less beside.
51 Now in the seventh dispensation was there given the age of completion and
harmony, which dispensation was rooted in the principles of simplicity and
peace, causing that those who should embrace the simple life might find for
themselves some sweet accord within themselves, to find again their rightful
place beside the heart of God.
52 For the principles of harmony are found in small and simple things,
causing that those who should embrace, might find in their soul that peace
which lies beyond the comprehension of those who are ever rushing here and
53 Being themselves ever seeking to own or possess greater and greater things,
being consumed by endless wanting, having in themselves neither peace nor
harmony, but being instead ever anxious and filled with worry.
54 But those which would seize hold the simple life, to turn their hearts to
things eternal, these did dwell in perfect harmony, being at peace within and
without, being themselves imbued with that inner calm which would fill their
life with deep assurance, receiving in their souls that certain knowledge that in
all things there is found the God beyond who watches over all.
55 Thus did God establish the dispensations of mortal life, causing that each
dispensation should endure for some two thousand years, being in each
dispensation complete in itself, yet building upon the others which went before
it, while preparing also for the one which would follow.
56 And in each dispensation did God call forth certain men and women which
would become as holy teachers, who in their persons did teach continually the
ways of God, establishing in the hearts of those who believed the path to
exaltation and eternal increase.
57 Yet at the beginning of each dispensation did the Father and the Mother
assume some mortal form, to walk upon the earth among the children of their
soul, teaching by word and example the way which they should go.
58 So God did leave the world of the First Heaven, and together did The One
and Areta appear as a man and a woman most beautiful and rare; and in the
world of Terralee did they walk upon the earth, being themselves husband and
wife. And the children of men did come from afar to see them, and seeing the
form and goodness of God among them, they were filled with deep and reverent
awe at the greatness of their grace and beauty.
59 And there spoke to The One, a certain woman, saying: “Who are you and
from what place do you come? For we have never seen your likeness.”
60 Then did The One answer her before the gathering of her whole tribe,
saying: “I am Adamilus, and this, my Beloved, is Evelah; and from yonder stars
do we come, from a place which we call Heaven.”
Chapter 7
1 And the word went forth on anxious breath of the coming forth of God,
moving swiftly o’er the plain and beyond the mountain fast, spreading quickly
through the land to fall on every ear, that God had come to walk with man and
with the children dwell, to chase away the many fears, to fill with joy instead.
2 Now the children of Enosh came from afar to see the coming of their God,
being themselves soft compelled through dreams of sweet enchantment, being
drawn by constant yearnings, that they, themselves, might know; to see and
hear and touch and feel the glory and the wonder.
3 For the marvels of nature did all men know, being found in earth and sky
and sea, seeing among such natural elements a power and movement far
greater than themselves; causing that the natural man should fear the raging of
the tempest, feeling themselves as small and puny before the rule of nature;
4 Causing that every man and every woman should yield themselves in
reverence before the changing of the seasons, to gaze in awe at growing things
in the midst of rich abundance.
6 But in the coming forth of God did man find hope at last, to see in Adamilus
and Evelah the perfection of themselves, whereby they might rise above such
ignorance as did push and goad; but become, themselves, as dreams made real
in the living of some greater life.
7 For in God was life made sweet perfected, to fill with deeper knowing,
making new the life of man, to fill it up with joy, causing that all who would
partake themselves might fully be as children of God both wise and good, and
filled with happy light.
8 Thus did the children of Enosh gather, to see for themselves both Adamilus
and Evelah, being in their flesh unlike the natural man; and the children of
Enosh did gasp in wonder before such grace and beauty as God did bear,
causing that every man and every woman should desire to be even as Adamilus
and Evelah.
9 And coming to a broad and pleasing valley made richly green and filled with
flowers, the Enoshahim did gather round about Adamilus and Evelah, to hear
for themselves such pleasing words as God might speak into the minds of all.
10 Now on the first day did Adamilus and Evelah proclaim before the children
of men the first dispensation of God the Father and the Mother; and God
walked naked among the house of Enosh; and there were many which did reach
forth to touch the flesh of Adamilus and Evelah, and in the touching were they
most full astonished to feel themselves as blessed.
11 For the tabernacles of Adamilus and Evelah were pleasing smooth and
greatly fair, being themselves beautiful and filled with grace; and all those
which did reach forth to gently touch, even these, though mortal men, did find
in God that gentle approbation which would uplift the hearts of all.
12 Thus began the first dispensation which God alone did make, being both as
Father and Mother most content to live the lives of mortal men, being in their
flesh susceptible to such natural elements as did press hard against the very
13 Yet did Adamilus and Evelah prove themselves without complaint, but did
with joy take up the great adventure, being in their persons most continually
happy and filled with brightness, having trimmed their souls with a good and
holy expectation.
14 For God thought it wise to set aside such powers and glories as did but
dwell within, permitting that Adamilus and Evelah should know in every
fashion such trials and hardships as did afflict the nature of man.
15 That being in themselves both The One and Areta together, as mortal
themselves, being in the flesh of Adamilus and Evelah most firmly fashioned,
they might know full well the fears and hurt of every man and every woman;
16 Causing that they should show in the living of their life the way by which all
might live most happily, becoming in themselves some great example which all
might follow, to lift the children of men even closer unto God.
17 Giving hope to all that even as Adamilus and Evelah did live their life in
excellence, being in their daily actions filled with grace and honor and wisdom
also; even so might every man and woman likewise be.
19 For this cause did God think it not unseemly to become as mortal man, to
walk upon the earth; for God thought themselves blessed in the very doing,
being in their inmost part filled with joy at living the mortal life, being in their
soul most happy to touch the lives of common man;
20 Being always hopeful that in the moving of the dispensations might all
receive some greater purpose filled with joy; for into the tabernacles of mortal
men would God send forth the children of Heaven whereby they might attain
unto a wisdom and holiness all their own, being made to know for themselves
the Oneness and balance of all things together.
21 Thus did the Enoshahim have regard for Adamilus and Evelah, for by their
grace were even all uplifted and filled with dreams, to see in the lowest of men
the shadow of some greater thing yet unborn, but ever moving within the man
or the woman, being itself between the heavens and the earth.
22 Now Adamilus and Evelah gathered all the tribes of man into one, and
taking the men of one tribe who were without mates, they gave them as
husbands unto the women of another tribe, causing that they should grow in
love together, to bring forth children.
23 And taking the women of still another tribe, who were themselves
unmarried and without mates, even these, likewise, did Adamilus and Evelah
give to the men of yet some other tribe, to be to them as wives, causing that they
should likewise grow in love together to bring forth children.
24 Thus did God mix and mingle the tribes together, to forge into oneness, the
tribes of every man and every woman, causing that they should become as one
tribe, one house, one people; and upon the gathering and union of all these
people did God give a name and place, calling them the House of Adamilus and
25 Now in the third year of their sojourn upon the world of Terralee, Adamilus
and Evelah began to bring forth children of their own; and unto each son and
daughter did they teach a deep and loving regard for all who dwelt within the
house which God had made;
26 Causing that as the children of Adamilus and Evelah should mature and
full develop, even then would the sons of Adamilus seek a mate from among the
daughters of men, to grow together as husband and wife through constant love
and full devotion.
27 Likewise did the daughters of Evelah, in the days of their maturity, seek
from among the sons of men, one who would be to them as a husband and
happy mate, to bring forth children in love and kind regard.
28 Now the children of Enosh loved Adamilus and Evelah, for they taught the
beginning of many things, causing that every man and every woman, and
children also should daily gather at the rising of the sun to speak the prayer of
29 And opening wide their arms with hands uplifted, they would speak with
grateful voices, saying: “This is a day which God has made; I will rejoice and be
glad in it.”
30 Then would the children of men turn themselves eagerly to the labors of
the day, being themselves anxious to learn such things as Adamilus and Evelah
might teach; gathering to themselves all manner of wise and goodly things
which would prove a benefit filled with blessings.
31 For Adamilus taught to men the skills of farming and husbandry, placing
into their hands the flocks of the field, of sheep and goats and horses too; and
even the wild dog did Adamilus teach men to tame, that they might work in the
fields beside them.
32 And the Enoshahim planted all manner of grains and food which they
might eat; and there grew in abundance: wheat, oats, barley, flax, corn, beans,
melons and squashes of every kind; and in their orchards did they bring forth a
great variety of apples, plums, apricots and cherries.
33 And there began to fill the valleys far and near, the gardens and orchards of
the Enoshahim, and the seasons turned and there was soon the abundant
harvest, a season of thanksgiving and rejoicing, of feasting and making merry
with every man and every woman their neighbor.
34 Thus did the Enoshahim become a joyful people, being bound within their
families by chords of love, being in their very person filled with light, for even
God did walk beside them upon the path of mortal life, to lay by careful means
the beginnings of that civilization which must surely follow upon the doings of
Adamilus and Evelah.
35 For it was given that Father Adamilus should teach the beginnings of
mathematics, which math was most easily revealed in the laying forth of fields
and boundaries, being themselves most perfectly squared.
36 And in the building of their homes and granaries and silos did the
Enoshahim take to themselves the mysteries and wonders of math whereby
they might be benefited in the living of their lives.
37 But in the night did Adamilus teach to both men and women the movement
of the stars throughout the seasons of the year; and the phases of the moon did
he likewise teach; and to the greater stars did Adamilus give names, and with
his finger did Adamilus trace the constellations through the dark and twinkling
38 For Adamilus used the constellations to tell the stories of God and Heaven
and Hodos Alea, of Kronus and Yoshibeth, of Eidos and Areta, and the
mysteries of Janmoleah;
39 To fill the minds of all which heard with dreams and wonders beyond the
mortal man, yet being themselves within his reach if he would reach forth
beyond himself to touch them.
40 Now Mother Evelah taught to the daughters of Enosh, the laws of marriage
and family, teaching to them the workings and labors of the home, to make it
bright and happy and filled with small and pleasing comforts.
41 And Evelah taught to every woman the making and coloring of fabrics,
which fabrics were made of wool and flax, whereby the children of Enosh might
no longer clothe themselves in the skins of mammals, but in garments of cloth
instead, being brightly colored by dyes and stains of every kind.
42 Now in the days before Adamilus and Evelah did the Enoshahim eat the
flesh of mammals, but in the coming of God was it forbidden; for Evelah taught
the eating of fish instead, being themselves abundant in every sea and river and
43 Causing that all little girls should become most proficient in the ways of
catching fish or gathering clams; which good and tasty things their mothers
cooked with pleasing herbs and spices of every kind.
44 And to this did Mother Evelah teach a great many other things, for she
taught to the young women of Enosh a knowledge of herbs and medicines;
45 Causing that they should become as healers and physicians within their
homes and families, which very knowledge they did pass down to their own
daughters, and even some sons also; becoming, themselves, proficient in the
making of such teas and potions and tinctures as would benefit the sick or
46 And not this only, for Mother Evelah gave to the Enoshahim a calendar
which did reveal the days and seasons of the year and the phases of the moon;
for the world of Terralee was given a year which comprised exactly four
hundred and twenty days.
47 Now Evelah gave to the year twelve months, and to each month did she give
five weeks, and to each week did she give seven days; thus in the calendar which
Evelah made was there found no variation or confusion regarding the days, the
months, or the seasons of the year.
48 And in the calendar of the year did Adamilus and Evelah appoint unto each
season a festival of joy and great delight, which festival continued for three days
without surcease, causing that all should gather with families and neighbors to
share the goodness of their life, and to sing and dance and feast together, each
as they desired.
49 Thus in the days of the autumnal equinox was there appointed the Festival
of Harvest and Thanksgiving; and for three days did every man cease his labors,
to work beside his wife in preparing the food for feasting; and there was great
rejoicing at such bounty as the earth and God did give for the benefit of all.
50 For there was gathered into the barns and silos food sufficient for the
winter months when chilling winds should press hard against every man,
causing that all should prove anxious to receive in joy the last days of summer,
to fill them with a rich communion full of merriment.
51 Yet in the days of the winter solstice was there set aside the Festival of
Children, causing that every child should be honored by loving parents; and to
this festival did Adamilus and Evelah appoint the playing of games and the
telling of stories.
52 And to each child, whether young or yet full grown, was there given a small
but timely gift, and in the home was there prepared a small and happy feast
filled with sweet delight; and in the home was there given three days of song
and merriment, causing that the whole house should shake with the laughter of
53 But in the days of the vernal equinox was there appointed the Festival of
Planting, when life and love and hope sprang forth anew; for in the day when
the planting was made complete in every field, then did the whole community
gather for celebration.
54 For in the Festival of Planting were there appointed the days when every
man might love his wife and every wife her husband in an open and joyful
communion before the gathering of their neighbors, being themselves filled
with a sweet and wild abandon.
55 And not this only, for it was permitted that any man might play sexually
with any woman, if it so be that she prove anxious herself and happy willing; for
the Festival of Planting was the celebration of love and life and human
56 Thus was it appointed that every man should love any woman, and that the
woman should play sexually with whomsoever she chose, being free of guilt or
hurtful shame, to chase each other through fields of green and in the shadows
57 Being bound together by a soft embrace filled with loving rhythms; and
every man did sing to every woman songs of love and sweet communion, while
the women danced midst joy and pure delight.
58 For in the open loving of each the other was there found that good
acceptance where every man and every woman might feel themselves a part of
every other, to open wide the borders of their heart with a soft and kind regard;
yet in the loving be themselves without sin or condemnation.
59 Neither was it feared that any woman should become pregnant from any
man except her husband; for when God gave shape in the forming of mortal
men, he caused, through evolution, that the woman should prove herself fertile
but one month in every other year.
60 Thus in the coldest month of winter could any woman conceive a child,
when in the shelter of her home she would take seed from her own husband.
61 Neither was there found in the tabernacles of any man or woman any
sexual sickness or disease; for God would not permit that sex prove itself a low
or shameful thing, but rather a thing of joy and open light, to be celebrated
midst play and sweet devotion.
62 For this cause did every man strive throughout the year to be good and
sweetly charming, lest during the days of festival no woman should choose to
lay with him; and the women did likewise strive to be most kind and pleasing to
all, lest during the festival a man should refuse her.
63 Now in the days of the summer solstice was there given the Festival of the
Family, causing that every father and every mother should picnic out in the
fields of God, to camp themselves in high and pleasing meadows, or by the
waters of the sea.
64 And there did they rejoice in each the other, between the heavens and the
earth, being a time when every father and every mother should sing and dance
with the children they loved, to bind together through calm rejoicing the souls
of all together.
65 These things did Adamilus and Evelah teach to the children of Enosh, and
many other things besides, teaching through the flow of many generations, such
things as would prove a blessing, teaching here a little and there a little, precept
built on precept, and line placed on line.
Chapter 8
1 And so the children of Enosh grew in knowledge and rich affection, being
themselves girded with a deep understanding filled with awe, which things gave
rise in man the birthseed of all their wisdom.
2 For Adamilus and Evelah revealed before the eyes of man the mystery and
the wonder of mortal life, being always encouraged to seek that greater mystery
whereby they might draw themselves closer to that which lies ineffable, but
which, of itself, is ever present and always anxious to touch the heart of man.
3 For in the seeking of God is there a greater mystery found, being revealed
only through such wisdom as you would seek for yourself to do.
4 Which very wisdom is rooted in holiness and goodness forever, to turn the
actions of those who seek unto the heart of God, causing that God should,
likewise, seek them also; causing that they should become as one.
5 Now Adamilus had a son which was his firstborn, and he called his name
Cain, a bright and cheerful child, filled with laughter and happy mischief; and
as he grew into manhood, Cain became a great and noble teacher for which all
men had regard; for he taught the skills of metal smithing and the mysteries of
the forge.
6 And there was apprenticed unto Cain young boys which were twelve years of
age; and to these did he teach the secrets of metal weaving and the making of
tools and implements of every kind; and for twenty years did the boys learn well
their craft;
7 Causing that when they were full grown and had mastered well their skills,
even these did Cain send forth throughout the land, whereby they might benefit
the far and distant communities, to become themselves as teachers also, with
apprentices of their own.
8 Yet did Mother Evelah give to Adamilus a second son which he called Abel,
being himself as equally bright and happy, a man who loved deeply the natural
world and all creatures which did move upon the land, or which flew in the airs
above, or which swam within the seas.
9 All these things did Abel love, being filled with soft emotion, gathering to his
soul the sum of living things; walking alone through the mountains or in the
valleys green, speaking soft to Mother Earth or, again, to Father Time.
10 Spilling forth his dreams when he was yet a child, ever touching with his
heart the joy of life and love, to fill his eyes with rainbows and his soul with
happy thoughts; ever dancing round about to make his mother smile, or to fill
the house with laughter.
11 Now when Abel was full grown there was apprenticed to him even all the
children of the community, and to these did he teach the mysteries of writing
and arithmetic, teaching in the morning sessions the beauty of language and the
wonders of subtle thought.
12 But in the evening of the day, Abel taught to children the music of the flute
and lyre, teaching to them the making and singing of songs, which songs would
always speak of life and love and hopeful dreams.
13 Which very dreams were made as mighty visions through the laboring of
the hands, causing through their many efforts that such visions should stride
about the earth as giants, to change the world forever.
14 And when the apprentices were, themselves, full grown, there was chosen
the very best, which apprentices had become as the masters of language and
music; and these did Abel send out to far and distant communities, to become
themselves as teachers with apprentices of their own.
15 Thus did the sons of Adamilus and Evelah teach, being themselves as good
companions to each the other; and when Cain and Abel had each taken to
themselves a woman to wife, they did lay their houses side by side to each the
16 And in the evenings would many of the Enoshahim gather to hear the music
of Abel or to hear the roaring laughter of Cain, who was himself filled with
stories and mischief of every kind; and between Cain and Abel was there seen a
deep affection filled with happiness.
17 Now there was born to Mother Evelah her firstborn daughter, which
daughter she named Mahali; and she was a happy and precocious child, being
herself the darling of her brothers’ affections, being in herself most beautiful
and affectionate.
18 And from her youth did she mold of earth and clay, things which should
prove of benefit, causing that when she was fourteen years of age, Cain did
make for her the potter’s wheel, being himself guided in its construction by the
prompting of Mahali, who in her mind could clearly see the shape and function
of all its parts.
19 Then did Mahali practice daily the making of earthen vessels; and after ten
years she gathered to herself some twenty young girls and these became to her
as students; and for ten years she taught to them the skills of pottery.
20 And Cain built for Mahali an oven which would harden and glaze the works
of her hand; and the Enoshahim were most anxious to possess for themselves
such artful things as the school of Mahali did make; for she caused to be painted
on all her vessels designs made rich in color and variety.
21 Causing that Adamilus and Evelah should prove most pleased with all her
many efforts in the teaching of the potter’s wheel; and not this only, but Mahali
began to experiment with the making of glass most brightly shaped and colored.
22 Now there was born again to Mother Evelah, the youngest of all her
children, a daughter which she named Yoshibel; and from her youth did she
prove most affectionate and endearing, being in her childhood most attentive to
her father and mother.
23 And as she grew she did study the growing of the grape and the making of
wine; and in the days when she was married, she did lay out the design of a
great vineyard; and in the passing of many years did there begin to be produced
a rich and happy wine.
24 For wine makes merry the soul which labors, to fill the heart with calmness,
soothing away the worries and cares of all your days, and curing the stomach of
many troubles, being of itself a goodly medicine.
25 For this cause was there given at evening tide a cup of wine to all which
gathered at the ending of the day, whereby they might be refreshed in the eating
of the supper meal; and throughout all the days of Adamilus and Evelah was
there never known the habits of drunkenness or discontent.
26 These then were the children of Adamilus and Evelah, becoming each
themselves as fathers and mothers also, to feed upon their bosom loving
children of their own, which children likewise became as great teachers among
the very Enoshahim, being themselves ever attentive and diligent to expand and
increase such knowledge as their parents did pass on to them.
27 Causing that there should be established most subtly the building blocks of
such civilizations as would rise upon the teachings and doings of the very
Adaam in the first dispensation of God.
28 Now when Adamilus and Evelah had walked upon the earth for some two
hundred and fifty years, they walked unto a certain mount, and there did they
gather the whole House of Adamilus and Evelah; and there were numbered in
the gathering multitudes, a great many men and women and children also.
29 When, therefore, all was silent, Adamilus and Evelah bid farewell, for the
days of their sojourn were completed, and from the mortal life would they walk
away and in the glory dwell; and there arose a great cry filled with tears, for the
children of Enosh could not bear the leaving of Adamilus and Evelah.
30 And Mother Evelah spoke unto all which were gathered, saying: “Weep not
my children, neither be you filled with sorrow nor the hurt of trembling fear; for
in our leaving shall you be richly blessed, to receive in your bosom the song of
all our joy forever.
31 For the life you live is a passing thing, being itself filled with perplexities
and hardships of every kind; but in Heaven shall the Father and I prepare for
you the beginning of some greater life, whereby you might dwell in the fullness
of all good things.
32 Therefore, my good and precious darlings, fear not the passing of Adamilus
and Evelah; for except we pass away and in the heavens dwell, then must you
ever stand within our shadow, being yourselves content as little children, never
knowing if there should be in you a light and a glory all your own.
33 Know then that in our coming were we that gentle spark which would light
in you a far more greater light filled with life and love, grace and beauty, hope
and joy.
34 And if you would permit that the light within should sweetly grow, then
shall you be all consumed by a glory far greater than all your dreams; and in
that day shall the arms of God most sweet enfold and never let you go, or to
vanish ourselves away, but shall ever dwell within you through the days of all
your life forever.
35 Shine, therefore, as brightly fair, and bring to those who would seek, a good
and pleasing light; for in the living of the mortal life do many lose their way, to
cast themselves against the rocks which would quickly break asunder, to leave
in ruin the tender soul which would seek its God.
36 Shine brightly then, that in the lives of others you might brightly glow, to
light the path before them, to show in the living of your life the way which
others might safely go, ever chasing through the darkness the light which goes
37 Then shall the Spirit of the Mother walk soft beside you in the living of your
life while the Father journeys on, to pierce the gloom of all your doubts, to light
the path you tread, to chase away the taunting shadows, to soothe your heart of
38 Such did the Mother speak, and Evelah drew herself close to her Beloved
whereby he might hold her to his bosom; and there came and knelt before
Adamilus and Evelah their eldest son, saying: “Speak, my Father, and tell us
true: If now you would go away and in the heavens dwell, will you not come
again to walk in the affairs of men?
39 Speak to us the wisdom of your heart, and these, like seeds, shall we
likewise plant most deep within, that even we might become even as both of you
together. For in all your ways did you reveal the coming forth of God, proving
yourselves the only true Father and Mother worthy of desiring.”
40 Now there fell a great hush upon the multitudes, and Adamilus spoke,
saying: “Why will you be heavyhearted, seeing that God is always faithful, being
in you most constantly revealed through all your goodness?
41 Comfort yourselves, therefore, and do not weep for sorrow’s sake; for even
though we go to journey far away, yet shall we prove always near, being found in
all and through all, being found in all which lives or moves or breathes upon the
42 For the presence of God is always near, being found in every rock and tree,
being ourselves constant and ever present in all created things, being always
anxious to reveal ourselves anew to those who would see with the heart and not
the eyes only.
43 Ever moving upon the winds to dance about the earth, being ever watchful
and filled with care for the children which we love, ever beckoning through the
simplest of things that you, yourselves, should follow; to be ourselves revealed
in the very midst of you.
45 Be you, therefore, watchful and tend your souls with care, for you know not
the day or the hour when God shall stand revealed, speaking to you of heavenly
things filled with light and wonder, making known within you that which no
man before has ever seen or heard or touched or felt.
46 Come then, my children, and draw you closer near; for I would speak to you
of wisdom and the ways by which you might acquire, being found not in the
rudiments of man, but in the ways of God.
47 For in the exercise of wisdom do you anticipate the mind of God, causing
that you should act rightly and not amiss, to fill the world with blessings,
causing that God should spring up suddenly in the affairs of men.
48 Know then, my children, that in the acquiring to your soul the greatest of
all spiritual gifts, even you must prove diligent in seeking after.
49 For all wisdom is born of God, and is of itself both pure and undefiled,
proving itself incorruptible of men, being itself beyond the opinions and
conjectures of those which do not have, being always in the exercise thereof,
bright and holy and deeply still.
50 True wisdom is, therefore, free of anger, being itself above the pettiness of
lesser men who would yield to hate and wrath and hurtful judgments; for such
wisdom as would rise up within you is filled with soft and gentle care, being in
its expression ever guided by grace and love together, being in its inward parts
filled with calmness, even in the midst of all your trials.
51 Look you, therefore, into the heart of wisdom, and there shall you see
enthroned both simplicity and grace together, filled with peaceful knowing; for
those who are filled with wisdom, even they find joy in the quiet of simple
things, being in their natural state most plain and unadorned.
52 Avoid, therefore, such complexities and entanglements as others might
impose in the living of your life, but live you simply and well; then shall there
rise up within you the seed of wisdom, which wisdom shall grow into a soft and
pleasing light, to touch the souls of all who know you.
53 Now if you would desire the gift of wisdom, then let my words take root
within you; for I will tell you the means by which you must acquire, causing that
there should fill the sum of all your days this calmness filled with joy.
55 Therefore, in all your efforts to take to your soul the gift of wisdom, seek
first to understand the issues of your life, which understanding is most subtly
found in the Oneness of such things as do stand as opposite to each the other;
then shall there arise most quiet within the wisdom that you seek.
56 For if you would understand the issues of your life, then must you speak
little but listen much, observing with careful thought the things which move
about, proving yourself most attentive and filled with knowing; for there arises
round about you a great many oppositions, which oppositions would teach you
57 For you know already how that darkness defines the light, while the light
defines the darkness; that bitterness defines the sweet, while the sweet defines
the bitter; that sorrow makes known the coming of joy, while joy makes known
the touch of sorrow; and many other things beside; for in your life are there
seen many oppositions.
58 Reject not, therefore, the lesser portion while yet you choose the greater,
for these things are made as one within the hand, being made necessary to each
the other; for in the fires of opposition is the wisdom you seek.
59 Beware then the teaching of prideful men, for these desire that they should
appear as clever, causing that others should think them wise; yet are they made
arrogant and filled with boasting, taking to themselves a perverse and hurtful
glee in making others to appear as foolish.
60 For it is God which teaches wisdom through the living of your life and not
men; for knowledge without wisdom is a loud and boastful thing, ever striving
within the mind to seize the soul within, making dull the child of God in seeking
greater things, casting up before the eyes the praise of foolish men, being
themselves filled with emptiness.
61 Seek then that truer wisdom which dwells within the soul, for in the soul
does God most quietly dwell to fill your life with song, making the sum of all
your days rich and deeply calm, filled with joyful blessings.”
62 Now these are the words which Adamilus spoke, and when he was
completed, Adamilus and Evelah did raise forth their hands to bless the
children of God; and when they were completed, they did turn themselves to
leave, to be seen again no more.
Chapter 9
1 So the children of God began to journey through the veils of mortal time,
being made subject to all manner of oppositions, being pressed continually
between the greater and lesser portion, being themselves guided and instructed
daily in the things of God through such teachings as Adamilus and Evelah did
appoint unto the first dispensation.
2 And in the mortal life did the children of God move between the greater and
the lesser portion, to find therein a great many oppositions, which oppositions
were found as one in the hands of the wise, being themselves joined with God in
the living of their life.
3 These, then, did find revealed in life and death, good and evil, light and
darkness, love and hate, joy and sorrow, hope and despair, and many more
besides; even in all these things did the wise take to their soul the peace of God,
which peace is beyond the comprehension of lesser men who do but yield their
souls to trouble.
4 For those who see with bitterness the oppositions in their life, even these are
always pressed by hurtful woes, being always caught in mortal life between
advantage and disadvantage, fortune and misfortune, good times and bad
5 Such as these do always wail against the whims of daily circumstance, to fill
their days with complaints and sorrows of every kind, being themselves as
never content or fully satisfied, but ever grasping midst anxious breath for the
things which have no life, becoming themselves as small and petty and filled
with gloom.
6 Know then, my children, that it is in adversity that the depth of the soul is
made revealed for all to see, disclosing before the eye, the true goodness that
dwells within; for in the days of ease and happy fortune do many stand
deceived, being themselves deluded by the pretenses of the self.
7 But in the day when sorrow comes to beat upon the doors, then does the
truer self come forth to answer, to unveil before the eye the worth of who we
8 For adversity does strip away the facades which we do make, to leave as bare
and unadorned the heart and soul together, causing that we might know, if we
would just see, the things of greatest worth.
9 If then you would know joy, to keep it forever within the heart, then receive
with calmness such sorrows as may spring upon you.
10 For this I tell you for your own learning: that in that day when you would
dance with joy, being yourselves filled with song and happy light, even in that
selfsame hour does sorrow walk upon the way to catch you unawares.
11 Prove yourselves calm then in the day of testing; for even though all your
joy be consumed midst sudden trials, yet in the heart of God is there found the
sum of all good things.
12 Cast, therefore, your soul and heart and mind into the very midst of God,
and there shall descend upon you a great and pleasing calm; causing that even
in the midst of some outward sorrow, still shall there well up within you a fount
of endless blessings, taking from the onward rush of many sorrows, the sting of
all their hurt.
13 Now God returned to Heaven’s glory, and there did God set aside the
tabernacles of Adamilus and Evelah; for such pleasing bodies were immortal yet
not eternal, therefore, God did keep them within the light even till there be need
of them again.
14 And The One and Areta did call together the Cherubim, and together did
they take counsel, for God desired to further organize the world of the First
Heaven, whereby even all might be benefited and filled with purpose; and when
all stood in agreement, there came a great hush filled with expectations.
15 Then did God call forth the very elements, and there beside the great
amphitheater, near the shores of the Crystal Sea, was there constructed a great
temple, being itself most beautifully and exquisitely made;
16 For on each of its sides was there fashioned twelve great pillars, being
themselves cut and fashioned of the purest diamond, while yet the walls of the
temple were cut and fashioned of the purest sapphire.
17 Now the roof of the temple did God also fashion of diamond, most rare and
beautifully cut; and there was found in the outer walls of the temple no door
which would permit into the sanctuaries within. For this temple did God
enclose within the mysteries of five dimensions, for in each dimension was
there given two primes; and within each prime was there found three fractals.
18 Therefore, if any should desire entrance within the temple, even they did
pass through the second portal of the third dimension, and this only because of
their righteousness before God; for the keys which would open wide the
dimensions of God are forged only through the fires of wisdom and holiness
and no other.
19 Thus did God build the temple of the First Heaven, and when they were
complete, both The One and Areta together, they saw that it was good, and they
called it the House of Mithron; and therein did they appoint the first four
20 And Areta placed around the temple and the great amphitheater a large
and spacious garden which measured some seven miles on each its borders; and
there grew therein all manner of flowering plants and trees; and there was
assigned to live in the gardens of the temple the rarest and most beautiful of
21 Now God appointed as the first office of the House of Mithron the Office of
Mortality and Reincarnation; for God appointed that each spirit child should
move through all the dispensations whereby they might receive, each according
to their own desires, a full knowledge of wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice,
fortitude, beauty, and harmony;
22 Causing that in the years of the first dispensation should every child live
just one mortal life, while in the second dispensation was it appointed that each
child should live two mortal lives; and in the third dispensation was there given
three mortal lives.
23 But unto the fourth dispensation did God give to each child five mortal
lives, while in the fifth dispensation was there appointed seven lives; and in the
sixth dispensation was there given to each child some eleven mortal lives, while
yet in the seventh dispensation there was appointed thirteen mortal lives.
24 Thus did the children of God move most eagerly through the dispensations,
each according to their several appointments, which appointments would refine
the spirit and soul of the child within;
25 Being themselves carried from one life into the next through the rebirth of
the soul again and again, going themselves from grace to grace, here a little,
there a little, line placed on line, and precept built on precept, even until they
should touch for themselves a fullness of goodly things.
26 For this cause did God establish by law the principles of reincarnation, to
place between the living of each successive life you live a veil of forgetfulness
and renewal, which veil is woven through the senses of the flesh.
27 Gathering from the days of youth, through old age, even more and more
perceptions of the present life, which very perceptions, feelings, and emotions
do become the fabric which would cover the lives of ages past; for in the living
of our daily life do we but weave the veil, causing that we, ourselves, should
stand as blind, being made to know this life only.
29 Thus did God permit that the veil should cover the eyes of those which live,
causing that they themselves should prove uncertain in the taking of their lives,
being themselves ever fearful of death and the darkness of the grave;
30 Causing that we should live our lives and in such fiery trials as we might
face prove ourselves the victor, taking to our soul some greater prize filled with
31 Know then that in the living of many lives do we add to our soul the wealth
of many things, being together bound through the experiences of one life and
then another, revealing in their subtle touch, a strength and knowing beyond
the years which we can see;
33 For there is given to every child the spirit which comes from God, which
spirit is born of God through love and gentle breath; but in the living of the
mortal life do we build within our spirit the soul of deeper knowing, being itself
beyond the confines of the spirit, but which does itself reach out forever.
34 Thus through reincarnation do the children of God build by careful
measure the depth and height and width of all their soul, to place within the
spirit of their truer self a treasury filled with wisdom and subtle knowing, being
ever anxious to reveal itself within us, to fill our heart with wonder.
35 Know then that if you will seek daily the joy of eternal things, then shall the
soul within you reveal the lives of ages past, here a little, there a little, being in
yourselves dressed in wisdom to touch the heart of God.
36 All these things did God establish deeply well in the House of Mithron,
being found in the Office of Mortality and Reincarnation; but in the second
office did God set forth the laws and principles which would govern well the
guardian angels of God.
37 For it was decided by all that throughout the flow of mortal life should even
all the children of God be continually directed and watched over by the very
Cherubim, which Cherubim were appointed by God to be as the guardian
angels, to walk unseen beside the children of God throughout the days of all
their life, being themselves hidden within the veil, yet always near.
38 For there stood in the hearts of the Cherubim the laws of Heaven
concerning the children of God, and the mortal life which they must live,
proving in such laws the benefit of all whereby every child might achieve for
themselves the highest of which they are able.
39 Being in such mortal lives, encouraged daily by the very angels, which
angels would whisper into the heart, the teachings of their God; to touch in
unexpected moments the soul of the child they watched, to fill the child with
mysteries soft and bright, full of wonder and ineffable.
40 Thus in the councils of Heaven did God appoint that each child should
receive to themselves one of the Cherubim, which cherub did stay beside the
child throughout the sum of mortal life, first one life and then another;
41 Being in themselves always present and ever attentive in the life of the child
they watched, following here and going there, wheresoever the child should
turn, intruding through the softest touch, to fill the child with yearning.
42 Yet did God restrain the angels in the things which they should do for the
sake of the child they watched; for the mortal life is a school filled with constant
learning, causing that each child should know for themselves the weight of
many oppositions.
43 Thus did God restrain the angels from intruding much too far, but did
permit that they should touch the life of the child they watched just once on
every day; and in that touch bless or instruct, protect or enlighten the child for
which they cared;
44 Watching with a constant eye the child within their charge, guiding softly
through the veil in ways both wise and deep to bring from God the gifts of
Heaven, to place before the heart; being themselves perceived by the child
through the moving of their soul, to see as moving shadows the very angels
which would watch and gently shepherd, to make as thin the veil between,
through the love of spiritual things.
45 And in that moment when the child should die, to pass away from mortal
life to rise again in Heaven, even then did their guardian angels escort them
through the veils of time, to bring them home again midst joy and sweet
46 And in the House of Mithron did the child study deep and well the life
which they had lived, to place beside the others, being always guided and
instructed by the angels which watched over them;
47 Causing that in another journey, in their passing through the veil, still did
the selfsame cherub go with them into the mortal life to walk again the path of
stones; gently moving quiet beside them to whisper in the ear, of things
immortal and filled with light within the heart of God.
49 Then would their guardian angel call forth unto the Father, and in his arms
would he lift up the soul and the spirit before the coming of the shade, to take
again to Heaven’s glory the child which proved so good in the living of their
mortal life.
50 And ushering the child through the veils of mortal time, even God the
Father would bring the child unto the Mother, and together would all rejoice;
and in the world of the First Heaven would the Father and the Mother sweet
embrace the child which fully blossomed, giving birth within themselves a
goodness all their own.
51 Thus were the laws and principles which gave guidance within the Office of
the Guardian Angels within the House of Mithron. Yet in the Office of
Covenants did God determine that at the beginning of the sixth dispensation
should even all the spirit children of God make such covenants as would set
them on the paths of exaltation, to follow forever in the steps of the Father and
the Mother.
52 But only if they be willing, for God would force no child to reach further
than they were able, causing that The One and Areta should prove most willing
to attend the needs of each and separate child.
53 Now in the Office of Covenants was there found the Spirit of the Great
Mother; and whichsoever child should place their covenants upon the altar,
even to these children did the Heavenly Mother promise the power of the third
54 For in the living of the mortal life were all the spirit children of God given
the first and second witness to all things eternal; for the power of the first
witness is found in the whisperings of the guardian angels which do walk beside
every child.
55 While the power of the second witness is found in the treasury of the soul,
ever speaking itself of things divine, to whisper in the heart, of glory days found
long ago in a kingdom of joy and light.
56 Yet in the witness of the Great Mother Spirit was there found the greatest
power of all, filled with holiness and wisdom eternal; to open in the heart of
every child the gift of many wonders, revealing within the soul of those which
covenant, the workings of many mysteries.
57 Thus was every child encouraged to covenant before the altar, and to each
which made that sacred vow was there given the promise of exaltation, if they
would prove themselves as faithful in the keeping of the covenant.
58 Which very covenant did commit the child in all future lives upon the
mortal world so far away, to become themselves as holy teachers, good and
wise, to place above their own lives, the lives of every other, whereby they might
come to see God in the very midst of them.
59 Thus did those which did covenant before the altar, cause themselves to
stand most faithfully in the place of God, to teach well the ways of Heaven, not
by words alone, but by good and gentle deeds graced by wisdom and love
60 To go forth throughout the sixth and seventh dispensations of mortal life,
to become themselves as holy teachers, good and wise and filled with grace,
teaching with steadfast care a love for God and life and sweet communion.
61 For these then did God ordain the fourth office of the House of Mithron,
being called the Office of the Teraphim; for unto whichsoever child should keep
most faithfully the covenants made, even these did God permit to sit in council
with the Father and the Mother, becoming in themselves the first of the
ministering angels.
62 Thus would God, at the closing of the seventh dispensation, fulfill the
promises given whereby any child who should desire themselves to follow, even
these might become as the very God of Heaven;
1 In the lands of Komoru, where the waters gently sing, there came a man of
humble birth, which many came to love; for he was good and deeply wise,
bearing in his soul that deeper knowledge which all could feel, having in his
eyes a certain light which all could plainly see.
2 For on the world of Terralee did there pass some two thousand years since
the coming of Adamilus and Evelah, causing that God should come forth
himself to establish well the second dispensation; for there had sprung up
already the beginnings of the city-state.
3 Causing that in the minds of a great many had the teachings of Adamilus
and Evelah become corrupted or forgotten, having busied themselves with
many cares, believing in their minds that knowledge was preferable to wisdom,
and that power more to be sought than goodness.
4 Yet did many others still hold fast to the stories of Adamilus and Evelah,
believing with all their might that in wisdom and goodness could be found the
surest path to God, being themselves ever watchful for the day when the man of
God might reveal himself.
5 For among those which still believed, even among these did there arise
contentions and disputations, being in their soft affections most easily offended
because of pride and hurtful egos.
6 Thus did the Heavenly Father come forth unto the earth, being himself born
as any man, yet being from his youth most precocious and filled with joy,
becoming by his own election the friend of every man and every woman; having
his heart and mind made broad and wide through gentle approbations, being in
his person without boundaries or limitations.
7 Now there entered the city of Komoru a good and gracious man, being called
himself, Noaeya the son of Kishkah; and all which came to know him found in
him a man of love and gentle laughter, being in his soul touched by a deep and
happy calm.
8 And sitting in the market place, he would play the flute and all which heard
were pleased and oft would stop their labors perchance to hear, for in the
melody of the flute was there a sweet but haunting sound; and every day did
Noaeya sit in the market place, greeting all who passed by with a kind and
gentle word.
9 Thus, by and by, the seasons passed and there were many people within the
city which came to have regard for him; and daily would they gather to hear, for
Noaeya was a teller of stories and a speaker of parables.
10 Now on a certain day there chanced by a certain magistrate of the city, and
hearing for himself the music of the flute, he stopped to listen, and there in the
center of the market did he see Noaeya.
11 And being intrigued, he asked of those nearby, saying: “Tell me, good
neighbor, who is this man which plays so well such strange and haunting
12 Then did one answer the magistrate, saying: “This man is but the player of
the flute, and a teller of stories, only this and nothing more.”
13 But yet did another answer, saying: “This man is a good and holy teacher
sent by God to reveal in our soul the mystery of hidden things.”
14 Yet to all this did a woman speak in answer to the magistrate, saying: “This
very man is Noaeya, a wise and holy man; and I perceive in his countenance
and manner the coming again of our first and ancient father, Adamilus.”
18 Now hearing this the messenger rushed to the magistrate and he told him
all which Noaeya said; and he sent again unto Noaeya, saying: “Good Master,
the magistrate commands that even you should bring the children whereby they
might also sup; for the feast is ready, and there is food and drink in
19 Then did Noaeya go forth unto the banquet, and there went with him even
all the poor and common; and seeing the approach of so many, the magistrate
gave a quick command unto all his many servants, saying:
20 “Go you quickly unto the suppliers of the city, and bring food sufficient that
all might eat; for this man has brought to my very doors, even the whole city
together.” And immediately the servants rushed forth to obey.
21 Now seeing that Noaeya had brought with him the multitudes, the
magistrate thought himself much advantaged, for he would examine Noaeya
before the whole city and not just the rulers only; and if he should prove Noaeya
false or common, then would the city see the magistrate as the protector of the
public good.
22 But if Noaeya should prove himself a wise and holy man, then would the
magistrate also be benefited before the people; for he proved himself the first
which would honor Noaeya before the whole city in the giving of the feast.
23 Thus did there begin the great feast, and Noaeya became himself the
servant of all, bending before the grace of his own soul in the serving of others.
24 And seeing the grace and humility of Noaeya, and seeing also how the
people loved him, reaching out with eager hands to touch and receive from him,
even the magistrate and all the rulers also did go forth to serve.
25 And there was had by all a great and pleasing time; for when Noaeya and
the rulers of the city had finished serving, then did Noaeya entreat that the
magistrate and all the rulers should likewise sit and eat, and these also did
Noaeya serve.
26 Thus did the whole city together feast while Noaeya began to play, drawing
from the flute a strange and pleasing tune, weaving in the souls of all a deep and
happy calm filled with rich contentment, ever building through his songs the
communion of every heart;
27 Causing that there should spring up within that soft and kindred spirit
which would make as one the family of man, being bound together through
feasting and rejoicing.
28 For the music of the flute and the joy of Noaeya’s soul did bring down the
barriers which would separate one man from another, causing that every man
and every woman and children also should rejoice in each their neighbor,
becoming all in one and one in all.
29 Now the hours passed and when it was evening tide, the magistrate came
and sat himself before Noaeya, and with him came the rulers of the city, each
according to their place and rank; and the people, perceiving that the elders
would examine Noaeya, even they gathered round about to witness.
30 And the magistrate spoke kindly unto Noaeya, saying: “Tell us good sir:
What manner of man are you? For we have witnessed for ourselves the gift of all
your grace, how that you do always give of yourself to the people, while yet you
would take so little in return. What manner of man are you then, and by what
means would you profit yourself?”
31 When the magistrate spoke all these things, there fell upon the whole
assembly a great hush, for every man and every woman desired to hear the
words of Noaeya; and Noaeya spoke, saying:
32 “I am a man like all men, having in my form flesh and blood and bone,
being myself subject to life even as you are subject to life; yet in my soul am I
before you, being myself the very seed from which all men have come.
33 For this I tell you for your learning, that you might know deeply the things
of God, that before the days of all your fathers, even I did go before them, being
myself found in every dream and hopeful prayer, ever whispering in the heart of
things both great and dear.
34 Know then that I am the teacher which comes from God, being in my soul
most anxious to give to those who seek that portion which comes from above;
for every teacher which comes from Heaven draws forth from all his treasury
things both old and new; and to whomsoever would receive, even to that one
will I give in abundance.
35 For I tell you truly that in the body of Noaeya is Adamilus come alive to
walk again among you, being in himself and myself together the ancient father
of which your own fathers spoke midst anxious breath, being themselves ever
hopeful and filled with prayers that even they might live to see this day.”
36 So spoke Noaeya before all the people, and hearing the boldness of his
words, even every man and every woman was filled with amazement; and the
magistrate inquired of Noaeya, saying:
37 “How can we know if these things be true? For we have seen your goodness,
how that you are gracious to the great and small alike. By what means shall we
know that you are truly come from God, and that you have not come to seek
some power over us?”
38 And Noaeya answered, saying: “I would likewise ask of you a question, and
if you answer rightly, then am I deceived and shall stand myself exposed to a
just but hurtful ridicule.
39 But if you answer not rightly, and in my speaking the people should find
agreement, then must you consent that I am Adamilus come forth again unto
the children of men, being myself the Ancient of Days.
40 For you are the rulers of the city, being in yourselves wise and just and
good. Yet in Father Adamilus was there found the greatest wisdom of all.
41 Let us then begin with happy hearts to find the truth of who I am; for in
your place is there found already some great advantage, for you are many and I
am one.
42 How say you then; shall we contest with each the other upon the soul of all
our knowing, that perchance the people might perceive for themselves the place
where wisdom lies?
43 And if the greater wisdom be found with you, then am I false indeed,
having deceived my own self; for all men know already that the wisdom of God
cannot prove less than that of mortal men.
44 But if the greater wisdom should be in me revealed for all to see, then must
you agree that I am truly come from God, and will yourselves permit that I
should teach to all these people the things which come from God; for in this
very moment stands the beginning of the second dispensation. How say you
45 Then did all the people shout as one, saying: “Agree! Agree!” And the
magistrate did smile and all the rulers also; for they thought themselves
advantaged, holding in themselves, altogether, the greater wisdom.
46 And the magistrate, standing before all the people whereby he might quiet
them, spoke unto Noaeya, saying: “We are in agreement. Speak to us the
question and we shall answer straight and true.”
47 And Noaeya, seeing that even the multitude was most attentive and anxious
to hear, he spoke to the rulers of the city, saying: “Tell me true and hold not
back: What power is greatest in making people good?”
48 Then did a woman answer from among the rulers, saying: “It is the rulers
of the city which make the people good, for it is appointed that we should judge
the right and the wrong; that in this city there might be peace and sweet accord
between every man and every woman their neighbor.”
49 When Noaeya heard these things he smiled, and turning to the people he
asked of them, saying: “Is there no power greater than the arm of man which
would make the people good? Shall we think that these who rule are made the
only power which would compel that you be good?”
50 And turning to the magistrate, Noaeya asked with tender voice, saying:
“Come, my good and faithful son, and of yourself answer rightly: Is there no
power greater than yourselves which would compel that you judge rightly and
not amiss?”
51 Then did the magistrate take a long but thoughtful pause, and rousing
himself he spoke unto Noaeya, saying: “There is a power greater than every
man, which power compels that all men and all women should comport
themselves as good and faithful citizens.
52 Know then, good Master, that it is the law, which we ourselves administer,
that would compel that we judge rightly and not amiss; for under the rule of law
is every man and every woman compelled to be good and not evil.
53 Therefore, let it stand that the law is by its nature greater than any ruler
which would judge rightly in the affairs of men, being itself the greatest power,
while we which sit in judgment are but its humble servants.”
54 Now when the magistrate had said these things, both the rulers and the
people did stand in agreement together, believing in themselves, even as the
magistrate had spoken, that in the law was there found the greatest power
which would make every man and every woman good.
55 But Noaeya sat himself quietly still, and when all was hushed, he spoke to
the magistrate, saying: “It is a weighty thing which you have spoken, being of
itself worthy of some deeper thought; for if the law be the greatest power, and
you but prove yourself the servant only, then from whence came the law? Who
is its father and its mother?”
56 And the magistrate answered, saying: “It is we who have made the law,
having first inherited it from our fathers which did build this very city; and with
each generation do we add to the law, whereby all might be benefited.
57 See then how the law is made the greatest power in the affairs of men,
being in its form and manner the means by which we are compelled to do good,
for it is certain that without the law, the people will not live in peace, each
beside their neighbor, for fear of the law and punishment causes that even all
should act rightly.”
58 So spoke the magistrate, but Noaeya answered him again, saying: “If you
then be the makers of the law, and your fathers before you also, then how will
you say that you are its servant, seeing that the law is made to come from out of
the very midst of you?
59 For by your own words have you made the law the child of man. How then
will you say it is your master, or that the law is the greatest power in the affairs
of men?
60 For it is not given that the children should rule over the parent, whereby
they might compel that the parents should act rightly; but that the parents
should rule over the children, guiding them with most tender affection in the
way which they should go.
61 Yet, my children, is there not some greater power beyond the rule of law
which would cause that a man should act rightly in the affairs of all his life,
being rooted not in the fear of punishment, but in the joy of something greater
62 Know then that no goodness can be rooted in fear, for fear is a bitter soil
which gives seed to all manner of noxious weeds, bearing as its only fruit the
hurt of guilt and shame, placing in the heart of those afflicted a dreadful hate
filled with scorn.
63 Consider, therefore, and answer well. Is there no power greater than the
rule of law, which would make all people good, being itself beyond every man
and every woman; yet being of itself always present and most happily eager to
turn the heart to goodness?
64 Being itself within and without, being beyond the taint of lesser things, yet
always drawing near; becoming of itself the crown upon the head and the path
beneath our feet, in whose very light all joy and goodness are made as real, to
stride itself upon the earth, to fill the soul of man with peace and calm regard.
65 Can you not reveal to me this power which is, of itself, greater than the rule
of law, or greater still than every man together?”
66 And hearing this, the magistrate turned eagerly to the rulers round about,
to take counsel of his peers; and there fell upon the whole assembly a great
hush filled with expectation.
Chapter 11
1 Great was the hush of all the multitude and deep the stillness lay upon every
heart, for the magistrate of Komoru did take most thoughtful counsel of all his
peers; and when they were decided, then did the magistrate speak unto Noaeya,
2 “Good Master, we perceive already that you are a wise and holy man which
would see clearly the truth behind such words as men might speak, being
yourself a discerner of hidden things, reaching within the heart of every man to
find the good which deeply lies within the soul.
3 Thus would I answer rightly and with confidence, to tell you before the very
multitude that there is a power greater than the law and man together, being
itself incorruptible and everlasting, being known by all who live; for it is God
which proves the greatest power of all.
4 For even God the Father and the Mother did fashion of the very elements
this world on which we live, having drawn from their soul together the land and
sea and sky, having created from all their power, all living things.
5 This, then, is the greatest power, which power all must yield before in
humble adoration; for in the power of God are both the law and man made
subject; and beyond this power is there no greater found, which very power
would compel those which do believe to prove themselves as good and gently
6 Now when Noaeya heard these words, he smiled and he spoke to the
magistrate, saying: “It is a good and pleasing answer. Yet, is there not a power
which would cause that even God be good and wise and holy?”
7 When the magistrate heard this, he took counsel again of his peers, and
when he was himself satisfied, he spoke to Noaeya, saying: “There is but one
power only which would cause that God be good, and this most happily so, for
in God is there found the power of endless love.
8 Which very love does give birth in God of some joyful need to create all
things which are in themselves good and holy; for all beauty and light and glory
is drawn forth from the love which dwells in God.
9 Thus, before the love of God would all lesser things prove most pale and
weakly thin, to be themselves as shadows only; for the love of God is pure and
undefiled, being in God the seed from which would leap forth into the affairs of
man all joy and hope together.
10 Let this then prove the greatest power, which very power, if a man or
woman should possess themselves, would cause that they too should prove
themselves as good and holy, even as God is good and holy.”
11 Thus did the magistrate speak, and Noaeya spoke again, saying: “This, then,
is a good and worthy answer, for in the love of God do we find the path where
we ourselves might go; for the love which comes from God is ever patient and
filled with kindness.
12 And those which would have in their soul the love of God, even they are
made content while in the mortal life; for the love which comes from God to
dwell within our heart does but always bear all things, believe all things, hope
all things and endure all things.
13 For the love of God endures forever, being untouched by anger or wrath or
bitter strife, proving always courteous and filled with warmth, seeking always to
touch the bitter heart to heal the hurt within, ever encouraging those which
prove unable to reach beyond this lesser self, to find at last the love which
comes from God.
14 This then be the love of God, being itself untouched by hurtful pride, being
neither arrogant nor filled with rudeness towards any man, being free of harsh
demands and bitter words, being neither resentful nor aloof towards those
which do not know, but does itself rejoice always in the doing of good and holy
15 Thus is it good that every man and every woman should love even as God
loves, for the whole law is fulfilled in one thing only: that we should love our
neighbors even as we ourselves would be loved.
16 Yet in the mortal life do we see the opposite of all things good; how that a
man is filled with love and tender words and then, in some brief and passing
moment, speak forth words of hate and bitter strife, and this because of anger
and pride and the ego of the self.
17 Seeing then that this is so, by what power would we encourage the good
while holding back such lesser passions as would rob us of joy and happy light?
18 For joy is the fruit of love, and if the love within be swept away through the
rising up of lesser passions, then is all our joy vanished away also, leaving
within the wounded soul the seeds of bitterness and strife.
19 How say you, then: If the love of God be the greatest power which would
make as truly good every man and every woman, then by what means shall we
preserve it within ourselves, to hold at bay such poor emotions as would cause
that one man should strike against another?
20 Is there not still some greater power which would preserve the love within
our hearts, to shield it from such hurtful passions as do haunt us unawares?”
21 Now when the magistrate heard these words, he was himself most deeply
moved by the wisdom of Noaeya and, holding up his hands whereby he might
entreat him, he spoke to Noaeya, saying:
22 “My good and gentle Master, cannot the law preserve the love within, to
shield it well from hurtful passions? For in the law would every man and every
woman be brought to give account for the hurtful things they do.”
24 How then can the fear of the law preserve the love which rises out of the
soul, seeing that in the laws of man are there found no powers which would heal
the heart, or to preserve within our secret chambers the love which comes from
25 But consider well and ponder deep, how that the love of God is rightly
served by still some other power which would shield the heart of God from
anger and wrath and hate, to guard it well from such petty things as do assail us
26 What then be this power which would lift high the greatest power of all, to
preserve from lesser passions the love which flows from God even as a mighty
river, causing that the love of God should fall upon every man and every woman
even as the gentle rain, to fill them up with joy and happy light?”
27 Thus spoke Noaeya, and the magistrate was filled with deep perplexity, and
turning to his peers, he took counsel of them; yet were they as equally perplexed
concerning the unknown power which would guard well the love of God.
28 And turning to the multitudes, the magistrate spoke, saying: “Come, good
citizens and of yourselves most rightly ponder, for we would know this
unknown power; therefore, if there be any which knows, then let them speak
and we will hear.”
29 Then did the whole multitude speak among themselves, and there arose a
great sound, for every man and every woman did examine each the other, being
themselves most excited in discussing well the greater issues.
30 And finding no answer among themselves, they did turn to the children to
ask of them, for they were believed closest to the kingdom of God, that from
their innocence might be seen some deeper wisdom in the knowing of the
unknown power; yet were the children unable also.
31 Now when the magistrate saw that no man or woman was able to answer,
he spoke to Noaeya, saying: “Good Master, we are unable to speak the name of
this unknown power which guards well the love of God.
32 If then you know of this thing, then speak to us of all your knowing and we
will hear you, for we perceive rightly that in your words is there revealed a
wisdom beyond that of common men, appearing in yourself as a man which
knows already the mystery of hidden things.
33 Speak then, good Master, and all your words shall sweetly fall on eager
ears, for since the days of Adamilus and Evelah has there come forth no man
which could speak in knowing ways of all those things which come from God.
34 Let then the heart be still in every man and every woman, and the earth be
filled with silence, for in this very moment would the whole city hear the words
of Noaeya whereby we might be benefited.”
35 Then did Noaeya speak from all his soul, saying: “There is a power which
would guard well the greatest power; for in this power alone is there found the
means by which we would turn aside the arrows of anger and bitter strife, to
leave instead as pure and bright such love as we would create within the soul.
36 For this I tell you for your learning, that such love as you would cause to
dwell within you, even this do you yourselves create, to fashion in the likeness
of such a love as you would receive from God.
37 Come then and I will tell you what this power is like which would shield the
loving heart; for in the long ago did the Spirit of Love descend to walk upon the
earth whereby every man and every woman might be blessed.
38 And going forth into the affairs of men, there rose up suddenly against the
Spirit of Love such harsh and bitter passions as would leave in ruin the joy
which comes from God.
39 For when the children of men saw the Spirit of Love, many were offended
because of her, thinking love foolish and weak and filled with pretenses, causing
that they should hurl against her all manner of anger and hate; to heap upon
the Spirit of Love the hurt of scorn and constant ridicule, tempting the Spirit of
Love to hate, even as man did hate, whereby she might prove herself as base
and common, even as man would be base and common.
40 And when there rose up within the Spirit of Love the touch of bitterness,
she did ascend quickly unto God, filled with weeping; and God spoke to her,
saying: “Why will you weep, my Love? By what hurt is your joy made to vanish
41 Then did the Spirit of Love speak to God of all which happened in the world
of mortal life; and God did comfort the Spirit of Love and gave into her keeping
a shield of exquisite beauty finely made, which shield would guard well the
heart which loves, to protect it from every hurt and bitter strife, to give to love a
constant newness filled with light.
42 And there was engraved upon the face of the shield a crown, and in the
crown was there engraved the word Benevolence; and under the crown was
there likewise engraved four shining pillars which did bear up the crown
whereby it might not be sullied by low and common things.
43 And on each pillar was there found engraved a helpful word, which words
were: Detachment, Calmness, Kindness and Humor.
44 Now God spoke to the Spirit of Love, saying: “Take to your soul this shield
of benevolence, for even this will protect well the love you bear for mortal men,
to keep you safe from such hurtful passions as men themselves are subject to;
for in the power of benevolence is there found neither judgment nor
condemnation, but kindness and acceptance only.
45 Look you well, therefore, upon such pillars as do bear up the crown of
benevolence; for in detachment would you separate your love from the
demands of pride and ego together, to set free your soul of such expectations as
would fill the heart with bitter disappointments, which very disappointments
give rise to anger, then strife, and then the fires of hate.
46 For there is no fire which burns like passion, no capturer of the self like
hatred, no snare to the soul like delusion, and no torrent like unceasing want,
carrying away upon the flood all tranquility.
48 Let go, therefore, the self within, and there shall well up within you a deep
and inward calm which would shield your love from bitter wrongs;
49 Causing that you should stand unmoved midst blame or praise, but remain
yourself as ever calm, becoming in all your many affections as always constant
and filled with goodly passions.
50 See then how in detachment and calmness is love preserved in the midst of
those which do not love, to fill your heart with hope and rich fulfillment, to
stand you forth as ever faithful and true devoted in the loving of every man and
every woman.
51 Hear then and be you wise in doing: For benevolence is the crown of godly
love, which love endures forever and ever in the kingdom of all my might and
glory, proving itself the crown which always shines and never fails.
53 And whensoever they would speak or do a hurtful thing against you, then
must you respond most quickly with some kind word or deed;
54 That by your own kindness towards those which do not love, you might
preserve your soul from greater injury, having removed through kindness the
sting of angry words filled with hate.
55 Thus by kindness would you turn aside such anger as might rise up within
you, to leave in ruin the love you bear; and this because of such spiteful things
as others would fling against you.
56 Being themselves ever hopeful to prove you less than your greater self, to
make you to become even as they are, filled with all manner of bitterness and
wrath and hurtful pride.
57 And not this only, my good and tender Love, but consider well this fourth
pillar which would hold up the crown of benevolence; for in such good humor
as you would permit, even in this shall you preserve the joy which in you dwells,
to keep it bright and ever constant within the heart, to dress your countenance
with happy smiles and gentle mirth.
58 Thus in kindness do you turn aside the sting of angry men, while in humor
you do quell such hot and bitter passions as would rob you of joy.
59 Therefore, my Love, take to your soul the shield of benevolence, that in the
practice thereof you might wear it as a crown upon your head, whereby you
might preserve the goodness of all your love.
60 Remember well and practice daily the gifts of: detachment, calmness,
kindness and humor; for in the doing of these things shall you preserve even
your whole soul together, for upon these things only is benevolence made to
come alive within the heart.
61 Return now to mortal life and walk you gently through the affairs of men,
being yourself neither fearful nor filled with hesitation, for even this
benevolence will shield the sum of all your love, to leave as bright and ever
constant the love you bear for every man and every woman.”
62 Thus did God speak unto the Spirit of Love, and she returned again to
mortal men, to walk in joy beside them, being herself beyond the reach of lesser
things; and from that day has there been found no power which could turn
aside the power of love, to cast it down into anger and wrath and fearful hate.”
63 Such did Noaeya speak of the greatest power which would cause that all
men should do good, if it so be that they should practice the art and grace of:
detachment, calmness, kindness and humor.
64 But there rose up in the hearts of many rulers the fear of loss, for they
feared that if men should be taught to love even as God loved, then would there
be no need for the law, or for those which did administer it, causing that every
ruler should lose their place and power.
Chapter 12
1 Thus did there come a division among the rulers for there were those which
desired both the law and punishment against those which seemed less than
themselves, causing that they should compare their goodness with those which
seemed themselves as fallen in the eyes of men.
2 For there were among those which ruled, certain men and women which
thought themselves superior and more righteous than the common citizen,
seeing in themselves a perfection and a rightness which would lift them above
all others;
3 Becoming in their own eyes as someone perfect, and this by reason of the
laws which they administered, which laws were written to their own advantage;
for in the workings of the rule of law were they and their children benefited
above that of common men, being themselves afforded every courtesy,
consideration and convenience within the city.
4 These then did find in the words of Noaeya, the loss of their own prestige;
for if every man and every woman should learn the ways of benevolence, to
teach it unto their children, then would there be no need of the law, neither
would there be a place for those which did administer it.
5 Yet were there others among the rulers, who thought the words of Noaeya
worthy of consideration and effort together, being in themselves most anxious
to see all men and women advantaged in the heart through the practice of
benevolence, being themselves ever thoughtful and most desirous to have all
men blessed and not just themselves alone.
6 These then, though themselves being numbered among the rulers of the city,
still did they see in their office an obligation and a duty to serve the people of
the city, holding in firm abeyance such pride as might set them above their
fellow men, but did themselves strive with every effort to comport themselves
wisely and honorably in the affairs of men.
7 Seeing, therefore, all these things, Noaeya spoke again to the multitude,
saying: “Why will you be divided among yourselves, to be chased about by
troubled thoughts? For I desire only to reveal in you the greatest power of all
and the means by which you might preserve it always, to make it as yours
8 For if you would take to yourself the greatest power, then would you be
blessed most greatly, to become while in this mortal life even as your Heavenly
Father and Heavenly Mother which do hope for you the greatest blessings.
9 Choose, therefore, which is the greater in causing that you should be deeply
good: the law or benevolence; for whichsoever you choose, even this shall give
shape to the heart and soul together;
10 Causing that you should be ruled by the lower passions of the flesh, or by
the greater passions of the soul; to fashion of yourself the likeness of God, or the
darksome image of your lesser self, which lesser self is fashioned of all your
pride together, which pride does spring up continually from the ego within.
11 For it is the ego within which would hold you captive to lesser things, being
yourself always afflicted by hurtful passions, having yourself become seduced
by the pride of the outward self which all men see, to present itself the only man
worthy of consideration.
12 While yet the inward self which is fashioned of spirit and soul together, this
the outward man would treat with cool disdain, claiming it ever foolish and
filled with dreams, proving itself of lesser worth than the things which can be
seen or in the hand most firmly held.”
13 So spoke Noaeya unto every man and every woman, and the magistrate
entreated Noaeya, saying: “Tell us, good Master: From what source is the ego of
a man brought forth, and by what means is it made so strong within our lives?
16 Then did Noaeya speak in answer to the magistrate, saying: “Come then,
my children, and I will tell you from whence the ego is made to spring forth,
and the means by which it is made so strong and ever present in the affairs of
every man and every woman.
17 For you know already how that in the beginning were you drawn from the
bosom of God, being fashioned of such loving passions as the Father and the
Mother would give to each other midst fiery kiss and deep embrace;
18 Causing that in the beginning when your spirit was made to dwell in the
Paradise of God, being yourselves attended by the very angels, even then did
you come to dwell in the goodness of God and Heaven together.
19 Yet were you unable to perceive the goodness of heavenly things, for you
had no knowledge of those things which stand as opposite to the nature of God;
for in the beginning were you all as innocent babes.
20 But in that moment when you were born into mortal life, then did the
senses of the body weave together a veil which would separate you from a sure
recollection of that Paradise from which you came.
21 To place in opposition to your true spirit which comes from God, a false and
darker image which would speak always of “I”, or “Me”, or “Mine”, being itself
most pretentious and ever grasping.
22 Seeing in the mortal life the only life worthy of consideration or desire,
becoming of itself that dark speaker which would struggle against the true spirit
within you.
23 For this dark speaker is itself false and knows only the things of the mortal
life, becoming in itself the ego which would push and goad, being itself ever
prideful and filled with many wants, grasping always for the things which have
no life, seeking for itself the praise and glory of men and not God.
24 Know then that in your true spirit is there found immortality and the seeds
of eternal life, for it is born of God; but the ego which dwells within, even this
dark speaker is without such immortality or eternal life altogether, causing that
it should always fear the coming of death.
25 For this cause does the dark speaker within you, being itself the ego, rise up
continually against the desires of your greater self, making against you some
great demand, ever mocking the things it cannot see or hear or taste or feel,
proclaiming always within your mind that in the mortal life is the only true
reality ever found.
26 Thus, on the battlefield of the soul does your true spirit struggle daily
against that dark speaker which is born of this life only, each contending within
your heart for the mastery of the self.
27 This then is the source from which the ego is made to live in the affairs of
every man and every woman, being born of the mortal life only, being itself
blind to the things which come from God.
28 Being fashioned of pride and greed and ever fearful, causing that it should
stand within the very heart of you, proclaiming itself the only true self, causing
that there should well up within you the lower passions of the mortal life, to fill
you constantly with anger and jealousy and hurtful pride.
29 Striving, itself, by every means to subdue the spirit within you, to seduce it
through the lustings of the flesh, to fill you with blindness whereby you should
not see the things which come from God; neither can you hear them, being
yourself unable to comprehend.
30 For the ego is a noisome thing filled with great distractions of which there
seem no end, ever striving to seduce you through the promise of reward, being
yourselves most eager in seeking after wealth, or fame, or power, or the good
opinions of those you envy most.
31 For it is this dark speaker which would seek to hold you in a firm but
desperate grip, being itself most hopeful in controlling and manipulating you
altogether, to keep you in servitude always to the ego of the self.
32 Thus in the power of benevolence would God seek the freedom of your
heart and soul together, causing that in detachment you might let go the ego
which would hold you bound to lesser things;
33 To set at liberty the spirit which comes from God, which spirit is the truer
man of who you are, causing that you should soar beyond the dictates of your
lesser self, to find at last your place with God.
34 Know then, my children, and remember always that it is you alone which
would cause that the ego should rule so harshly within the heart; for
whensoever you are touched by pride or filled with envy, whensoever you would
prove yourself petty or filled with greed, seeking for yourself the praise and
envy of lesser men, even then do you add to the ego even some greater strength
by which it might seize hold of you.
35 Then are you made as the hunted hare, being chased about and always
driven from one want unto another, being yourselves ever hunted and
tormented by the dark speaker within; for the ego is like a raging lion which
would stride within you and round about you, seeking whomsoever it may
36 For this I tell you for your learning, that the battle between the greater and
lesser portion is not found in such adversities as do swirl about you, but rather
is it found within the very soul of you.
37 For such trials and hardships which come upon you from time to time, even
these are made the teacher which would make known within your own heart,
the thing which rules within, whether it be the raging tempest of the ego or that
gentle song which comes from God.
38 Come then and I will tell you what the ego is like unto, for there was a
certain man which would capture a monkey whereby he might train it to serve
39 And taking a potter’s vessel, he did fasten it to a stout tree, and in the jar
did he place a sweet and savory morsel of food; and by and by there came a
certain monkey from out of the forest, and putting his hand into the jar, he
seized the morsel to eat.
40 But for all his many efforts, the monkey could not pull out his hand, for the
open hand had he made into a fist whereby he might seize the morsel with the
fingers of the hand.
41 Then came the man which would take captive, and the monkey struggled
even more greatly to set free his hand, jumping about in frantic fear, chattering
and screaming for release; but he could by no means pull out the hand which
was made into a fist, for he would not open the hand to let go the tender morsel
to set himself free.
42 In like manner would the ego of the self seize most firmly the one who
would hold onto it for the sake of pride or greed or envy, seeking therein the
fulfillment of some lesser promise which would cause that you be rich or
famous or filled with earthly power;
43 Becoming in yourself as one who is ever captured again and again by those
who would tread upon the ego which rules within your heart, becoming in that
stressful moment most anxious of escape, but never letting go of the ego within
whereby you might be set at liberty.
44 Thus, if you would master the self within, then must you let go the ego
which would fill you up with trouble and woe, to set at liberty the heart and
spirit together.
45 For the ego is that darker man which would take you captive to offer up for
the hand to seize, all manner of tender morsels which you might most desire.
47 But if you would detach yourself from the ego within, to let go that dark
speaker which would hold you captive, then shall there rise up that inward calm
which would set the heart at rest.
49 And in that moment shall the ego stand defeated, being shaken loose of its
desperate grip upon the mind, and then shall you see the good which you might
do, becoming in yourself one with God and God in you.”
50 These then are the words which Noaeya spoke, and the magistrate, when
he heard these things, he did rise up before all the people and before Noaeya
did he bow most graciously, saying:
51 “Truly you are that ancient Father come back to us again, for when I
consider the words which flow from the soul of you, even in that very moment
are all my cares swept aside and I am carried away, being myself all consumed
by tender longings to walk rightly before God and man.
52 Know then, good Master, that this day shall I set aside my place and honor,
that I might walk more closely beside you, to be to you that good disciple which
would prove to you a good and ready help, to show in service the depth of my
53 Receive then my heart and soul together, and whatsoever thing you would
require of me, even this will I do; for in your coming are the shadows swept
away by the light which in you shines.
54 For even I would desire for myself the greatest goodness of all, and am but
ready and full prepared that you should teach to me the things which come
from God.”
55 Now when the magistrate had said these things, the people of the city were
filled with astonishment, seeing that so great a man would set aside his
authority whereby he might take hold the things of God.
56 But among the rulers did certain ones give out a great protest, and one
spoke to the magistrate, saying: “Great sir: Why will you set aside the law which
our fathers made for the good of all?
57 For this thing which you would do is most disquieting, causing that in your
leaving, the people will see the law as something less when compared to the
words of Noaeya, to turn from us a ready ear, causing the law to stand
58 Come then, great sir, and turn not away from us, for without the law and
those which administer it, then will the city surely perish, to be cast into dreams
filled with chaos; for without the law to command, then will every man and
every woman do according to their will alone.”
59 But the magistrate answered them, saying: “Be content yourselves to tend
the law; but as for me, I shall tend the souls of men, to let the passing ages
decide which is most needed.
60 For the law is made for those who do not love, but in the teachings of
Noaeya would we set free the soul of every man and every woman whereby they
might let go the hurtful passions, to dwell content in the joy which comes from
61 For those who would love their fellow man as they themselves would be
loved, even in these is there no need for the law, having removed themselves of
every offense through the exercise of such benevolence as flows from the soul of
God towards all who live.”
62 And when he had spoken these things, the magistrate took off the robes of
all his place and power, to stand before the whole city in his loincloth only.
63 And Noaeya smiled at the man, saying: “Come then, my son, and follow
close beside, and I will reveal to you the desires of all your soul.”
64 Then did Noaeya turn himself to leave, and there followed after him the
magistrate, and with the magistrate came also one third of all the rulers; and for
two score and seven years did Noaeya teach in the regions of Komoru, Besoree,
Aconah, Cyrenne and Gillannidus.
65 By such means did the second dispensation commence upon the world of
Terralee; and the teachings of Noaeya did Noaeya write in a book for all to read
and deep remember.
66 And when the days of Noaeya were completed, even he did ascend again
unto Heaven, whereby The One might hold again his own Beloved, to walk in
love beside her along the Crystal Sea.
Chapter 13
1 And the angels sang in winged flight, sending into the airs of Heaven the
anthems of their joy, twirling and soaring with cheerful glee, swooping low
above the earth in a quick and happy rush, then mounting again the gentle
winds to chase the clouds along, to fling themselves with wild abandon in the
midst of Heaven’s light;
2 Being themselves most deep delighted at the returning of The One, seeing in
the whole of God together, that good and blissful state where love is rich with
promise and life is filled with hope.
3 Thus in the returning of The One did Heaven rejoice aloud; and into the
arms of God did the Father and Mother meet with kisses and fiery breath, being
each most happy to receive the other’s love through the rhythms of their soul;
4 Pouring into their life together the sum of all their joy, being each most
anxious to give the fullness of their love, carrying each other but swift away
through the passions of their heart, being each solicitous and always grateful in
the giving and receiving of soft affections laced with fire.
5 And the days to weeks did softly rush, and the season quietly turned, and on
a certain day did The One and Areta go walking by the sea to watch the angels
play, which very angels were themselves as one heart, one mind, one soul, being
in each most deeply devoted and filled with thoughtful care in the loving of their
6 Now as The One held Areta close beside him, he gave to her a full report of
that second dispensation which did move upon the earth, to touch the lives of
every man and every woman who must live the mortal life.
7 And Areta, in the hearing of all his words, spoke to her Beloved, saying:
“Behold, my Love, how the children have begun already to separate themselves,
each according to their heart’s desire, which desire is made the reflection of
their truer selves, deciding even now that portion of God which they would take
for themselves only.
8 For there are many which see in the mortal life, the only life worthy of
consideration, treating with cool disdain the things which move the spirit,
striving now with many efforts to gather such riches and power and fame as the
mortal life would offer;
10 Such as these, believing in themselves that the flesh of the body is the only
self, become themselves as one consumed and ever desperate, filled with many
hurts; ever willing to trade away the goodness of their spirit for the gain of some
advantage, becoming in themselves devoid of love and wisdom, rejecting for
themselves the only truth for the sake of ego only.
11 Still do others in the living of mortal life acknowledge the movement of God
in the affairs of men, yet being themselves unwilling to full embrace the doing
of spiritual things;
12 Becoming themselves ever quick in the paying of lip service to God and
spiritual things, but always going along their way, becoming themselves as one
unmoved, untouched, and uncommitted;
13 Being themselves never at peace or fully content in the seeking of their God,
but becoming themselves both pushed and harried, first by the demands of the
ego without, then next by the spirit within, yet being themselves unable to
decide the way which they should go;
15 These are they which receive the things of God with joy at first hearing, but
soon do the joys fade away because of many burdens, which burdens do weary
the heart, causing that they should prove themselves variable and inconstant
with regard to spiritual things;
16 Becoming in themselves neither hot nor cold, being in their minds ever
tormented between the cravings of the flesh and the longings of the spirit, being
themselves neither alive nor dead to spiritual things, but ever proving
themselves without devotion and lacking in faith.
17 Yet consider, my Love, how there are those few who desire the things of
God with open hearts, proving themselves most eager to do and to be as the
Father and Mother which brought them forth midst fire and light and loving
18 Yielding themselves before the whisperings of the soul within to touch the
mind of God, seizing hold with anxious hands to draw all Heaven near whereby
they might become holy even as we are holy, filled with wisdom and tender
19 Being in themselves filled with faith and constant hope in reaching forth to
God, believing deep within the heart that even they shall quick receive the light
which in us shines, becoming through godly actions as those most truly
20 Casting forth into the world the love which comes from God, being always
anxious to speak of heavenly things, even in the midst of those who cannot
hear, being themselves most constant in the living of the godly life.
21 Bearing always that happy light which in them burns, giving forth for all to
see the brightness of those deeper things which move even as a mighty river
within the depths of all their soul to fill the void of common days with songs of
inward joy;
22 Enduring through grace such trials as do rush upon them from time to
time, feeling themselves as always blessed in the knowing of their God;
24 Consider then, my Love, how the children of our soul have divided
themselves, through the desires of all their heart, and look you well with
thoughtful eye upon this Heaven which we have made.
25 For in all the creations of the First Cosmos, and in this cosmos which we
have made, there is nothing which can compare to the beauty and fashion of the
earth and moon which do shine for the joy of all.
26 See, then, how that in this one Heaven is it not good that all our children
have just one glory only, causing that those which would be holy and wise and
always faithful in following after God should have no glory greater than those
who seek not after God but who contented themselves only with the lesser
27 Let us, therefore, set within this Heaven three kingdoms which shall prove
as separate and apart; for it is good that our children should inherit for
themselves that portion of our glory which they would decide themselves to
28 Becoming in each themselves the one which chooses the place where they
shall prove most happy and deeply blessed, to please themselves as they desire,
being fulfilled as they themselves shall deem.
29 Thus shall we lay that sure and certain pathway wherein even all our
children might progress from lesser to greater in the kingdoms of God,
according to their desire and no other beside, to decide for themselves the place
where they would dwell, to feel themselves blessed and full content in the
kingdom of their choosing.
30 But even though our children should take to themselves the things which
would prove less, still let us build between the kingdoms of Heaven such
bridges as would lead to greater glory, causing that those who should desire, in
some far and distant time, even these might take to themselves a greater glory
than they had ever known before, to draw themselves ever closer to the heart of
32 Now these are the words which Areta spoke to her Beloved; and The One
did answer her, saying: “Well have you spoken, my good and tender Love; for
all these things which you have thoughtful pondered have I, myself, likewise
33 Let us then act as one together, and in this place which we call Heaven
fashion for our children three kingdoms of glory; that in such kingdoms where
they might dwell, even all might grow and become as they themselves might
34 And these three kingdoms shall we make as one together in the hand of
God to be called hereafter the Telestial Kingdom of Glory, being itself fashioned
for the benefit of all our children, providing that everyone separately should
find among the three lesser kingdoms of the Telestial Kingdom a place of
happiness and life forever.
35 For in these three kingdoms shall be found the principalities wherein our
children shall live as they desire, finding therein the fulfillment of such dreams
as shall rise up from out of the very heart and soul together.
36 Let us, in this present moment, determine the place and boundary of such
principalities as shall comprise this Telestial Kingdom of Glory; that in the
moving of the dispensations we might make known to all our children the
height and breadth and depth of that kingdom wherein they must go to decide
themselves the glory they would take.”
37 Such words did The One speak, and pointing to the moon of Paradise which
moved round and round the first world of Heaven, The One spoke again,
38 “Behold, my Love, that yonder moon which glows so brightly forth; this
then be the first principality of the Telestial Kingdom, for there unto shall we
send forth the children which cared not for God and spiritual things while in the
mortal life, thinking only of such things as would please the flesh of the body
while the spirit and soul were left in want and deep despair.
39 For in this first principality shall they find a good and happy life, filled with
many blessings, being made to become again as husbands and wives, fathers,
and mothers, sons and daughters throughout the moving of their life.
41 Thus for their sake is it most needful that all who should inherit this
Telestial Kingdom be given tabernacles of flesh and bone, whereby they might
experience again the passions of men and women; for in the loving of each the
other shall they feel the presence of something far greater still which would lie
as deep and calm within the very midst of them.
42 For it is in their sexual expressions of love and passion that shall build in
them the need for some far more greater place, being themselves ever led by
small degrees, causing that they should continue in yearning for things beyond
themselves; which things are made to rest in the bosom of our glory forever and
43 Let, then, even all who would inherit for themselves this first principality
dress it all about even as they shall choose, to build for themselves such homes
and cities as would fill them up with joy and purpose together.
44 And to this shall we permit that they should progress as far as their heart
desires in the building up of their kingdom, to increase in themselves such arts
and sciences as will enrich their lives;
45 Causing that if they should journey forth to distant stars, even there shall
we provide worlds most beautiful and rare, whereby they might inhabit them;
and even these worlds shall we add to the kingdom of their glory, to be as theirs
46 Now seeing that we would make even the least of our kingdoms a place of
life and joy, let us take measures to protect our children against the touch of
such mediocrity as would make the lives of our children to appear as tiresome
and filled with weariness;
47 Causing that even all who live should despair of their life and purpose in
the kingdoms of the lesser light; to have the meaning of their life and glory
stripped away through some endless repetition.
48 Let us, therefore, give to those who would inherit a place in this Telestial
Kingdom, the Day of Renewing; for in that day when a child should view their
life with a tired and weary heart, then shall they stand themselves before the
very winds of Heaven.
49 And in that moment shall the body of their flesh begin to glow in a bright
and glorious state, and in an instant shall the spirit be released of the body to be
born again anew in some other life filled with bright and happy expectations;
for the flesh of their previous body shall drift away as star dust upon the winds
of Heaven.
50 But consider, my Love, how this world of the first principality shall prove
less than the world of the second principality; for unto the first principality shall
we give three dimensions, even as in mortal life.
51 While unto the second principality of the Telestial Kingdom shall we give
five dimensions; and to each dimension shall we assign one prime only, and to
each prime shall there be given one fractal.
52 And between the world of the first principality and the world of the second
principality shall we place an unseen barrier to separate the one glory from the
other, causing that each principality should prove itself sovereign and complete
within the boundaries of its estate.
53 For even though both worlds should know deeply of each the other, still
shall they prove unable of themselves to cross the chasm which even now does
separate both worlds from each the other.
54 Yet notwithstanding all these things, still shall we grant to even all our
children the Principles and Rights of Friendship and Continued Associations,
which very principle and right shall become the law which the House of
Mithron shall administer.
55 For in the mortal life do the children of our soul forge for themselves a
great variety of friendships, which friendships do prove necessary to the
happiness of the spirit and soul together.
56 And even though in the kingdom of Heaven one friend should inherit the
first principality, while still another friend inherits the second or third
principality, yet is it needful that the friendship of both continue; for in the
absence of such friendship is there found the loss of something dear, and in this
loss would all Heaven be made less because of it.
57 For friendships are a precious thing, and this we must protect for the joy of
all our children together; for friendship is a gift of the heart from one soul unto
another, which very friendship even death cannot pale or break asunder.
59 Causing that every man and every woman might go beyond the boundaries
of that kingdom wherein they dwell, to see again the friend they love most
deeply, if it so be that they should petition the House of Mithron for love’s sake
60 And not this only, my good and tender Love, for even though the first
principality of the Telestial Kingdom shall prove less than the second, still shall
the glory of the first principality far exceed the dreams of mortal men, to stand
itself far beyond the imaginings of every man and every woman who lives the
mortal life.”
61 Thus did The One speak to his Beloved of the first principality of the
Telestial Kingdom; and hearing these things Areta did give a quick and happy
consent to stand beside the Beloved as one in heart and soul and mind.
62 And there beside the Crystal Sea did they hold each other, to mingle midst
kiss and tender touch; and there upon the sands they stood to watch the angels
play, chasing each other throughout the skies midst soft and happy songs;
63 Sending into the airs of Heaven the anthems of their joy, twirling and
soaring with wings outstretched between the heavens and the earth, swooping
low to touch the sea in a quick and mighty rush then mounting again the gentle
winds to chase the clouds along.
Chapter 14
1 Then did The One speak to Areta, saying: “Consider, my Love, this world of
Heaven which we have made and the beauty by which we have dressed it
altogether; for the richness of this world have we established in the folds of five
dimensions and not three only as in the yonder moon of Paradise, which very
moon we have made to become the first principality of the Telestial Kingdom.
2 For this blessed earth would we give as the second principality of still some
greater glory, to give as an inheritance to those who desired God, but who were
themselves unable to prove constant or true devoted;
4 By what means then shall we prepare this world for the benefit of such
children as these, who did so often desire for themselves the things of God, but
who themselves proved unable to lay hold or to bear, being in their minds
always weak and filled with trembling?
5 For in this principality would we make greater still the spirit and soul
together, causing that all those who should inherit this second principality
might find at last the abundance of God and Heaven together mingled;
6 Causing that there should grow through small degrees their heart’s desire for
God, becoming themselves as those most certain that in all their life does God
most deeply care; for we shall give to watch and guide throughout the many
domains of this second principality the angels which fly and sing.
7 For the Cherubim are the emissaries of all our glory, bearing in their gentle
forms the beauty of Heaven and life together forged through joy and endless
wonder, bringing by their presence the fulfillment of every hope filled with
8 Giving to those which should see with the eyes and hear with the ears the
passing of the angels that inward assurance that God is always near, and does
watch with happy heart over all who shall live in this second principality;
9 Causing that even every man and every woman should find in the soul of
God an endless stream of life and love, hope and joy filled with light and glory,
which stream does burst forth through the senses of the flesh to fill their life
with wonder.
10 Which very thing shall give birth within every heart the seeds of some godly
strength which would inflame the soul with a thirst for God, even as God does
hold to them, to keep them in love forever in the hollow of our hand.
11 Let us, therefore, prove constant in attending such children as will take to
themselves this second estate, to give to them through the ministering of angels
the strength to pursue the wonder of the spirit within, adding through the living
of this blessed life even some greater height and breadth and depth to the
dominions of their soul.
12 For as we have done for the first estate, so shall we do for this estate, and
still furthermore shall we add; for likewise in the second principality shall even
all our children possess bodies of flesh and bone whereby they might establish
between themselves the boundaries of all their love for each the other;
13 Becoming between men and women as lovers and friends, husbands and
wives, fathers and mothers; then shall come the sons and daughters of the
second estate, to likewise become as their fathers and mothers before them, and
this forever and anon.
14 And if perchance in the living of this immortal life, they should become
weary of all their years; then shall we give to them the Day of Renewing also,
causing that they might be released from the tabernacle of the flesh to set the
spirit free whereby it might be born again.
15 Only let us permit that in this second principality if the spirit should desire
for a season to remain as spirit only, then may the spirit of a man or a woman
remain as incorporeal within the realms of the metaphysical;
16 To move as they will among the kingdoms of the first and second
principality whereby they might view as one the workings of our hands;
17 To drift themselves among the stars, being constantly attended by the
Cherubim of the Pensieye, or to move with subtle grace throughout the five
dimensions of the second estate, becoming, as they desire, more fully spiritual
in the mansions of the heart, creating within the vastness of their soul that
urgent need to press still closer unto God.
18 And when the season is past, then must the spirit be born again into a body
of flesh and bone, to live again the telestial life; for the body is the tabernacle
which would give to every man and every woman that small domain wherein
they might strengthen the spirit for still some greater glory, if it so be that they
19 For it is expedient that we give to all our children which come to live in the
glory of Heaven’s light, a tabernacle of flesh and bone filled with loving
passions; for the spirit of even all our children is yet unable to produce offspring
after its own kind, seeing that they are yet unlike us in power and glory;
20 Which power is born through small degrees, being fashioned of love and
holiness, being ever guarded by that deeper wisdom which ever moves between
the greater and lesser portion.”
21 Thus did The One speak to his Beloved, and there rushed beyond them in
the airs above a Chorus of the cherubs from out of the House of Shulieye, being
themselves swift in their winged flight; and there plummeted from out of the
Chorus three of the Cherubim in a quick and mighty plunge.
22 And flying low above the sea they did turn themselves, causing that each
cherub should strike the surface of the waters with the tips of their wings,
causing still further that the angels should pirouette in a tight and circular rush.
23 And there was stirred within the waters of the sea, a great and mighty
whirlpool, and into the swirling vortex did the Cherubim sing out a song, which
song did fall into the whirlpool to be scattered throughout the distant waters of
the sea.
24 By such means did the cherubs call out to the whales and dolphins of the
ocean, that they should come themselves and play; and there soon gathered
from out of the Crystal Sea a great many leviathans, and round about swam the
dolphins, being each most anxious to play with the angels of God.
25 Then did Areta turn to her Beloved, saying: “Well have you spoken, my
Love, for in the giving of a living tabernacle shall even all our children touch
through the physical senses the essence of some far more deeper thing, being
itself revealed through the spirit of those who love and who are themselves
filled with goodness.
26 For in the joys of the flesh is there found the gate to even greater wonders;
for it is needful that those who shall inherit this second estate have children of
their own, to become themselves as mothers and fathers, even in similitude of
us, my Love;
27 To create between mother and father a love far greater than all their
dreams, which love shall forge in them together the power which would enable
that their spirits should create spirit children of their own from out of the
streams of intelligence, even as we did create spirit children in our own
28 Thus is it needful that we still further create that path which would lead to
greater and greater glory, if it so be that our children should desire to follow
29 For in their present state are they as yet unable to do as we have done; but
if we are wise in preparing the way which they would go, then shall there rise up
from out of all our children, those who would become as God the Father and the
30 For the greatest power is love, being in its nature a hot and burning passion
filled with tenderness and kind regard, being itself stronger than iron or steel or
raging fires, yet being in its soft expressions filled with breath and soul and
gentle kiss.
31 Be it, therefore, our joy to commit our souls in the helping of all our babes,
to give to each such opportunities as will encourage them to reach higher than
all their dreams; to strive through small and timely efforts to become even as we
are in this good and happy moment.
32 Let us, therefore, give as a gift to those of the second estate this world of
many wonders, whereby the children of our heart might dress it about as they
themselves desire, to build for themselves such cities and marvels as they would
design for themselves and their children after them.
33 To be, in themselves, at liberty to follow their heart through such art and
science as they would find of value, to fill the sum of their immortality with
challenges and fulfillments of every kind, to lead them further on.
34 For in this world shall we provide the foundations to every blessing, which
foundations our children shall weave together through many endeavors rich
with wonder, causing that even all our children shall think themselves the most
blessed above all others.
35 But if it so be that any child should grow beyond the contentment and joy
of this second estate, then shall we prepare the way whereby they might inherit
for themselves a far more nobler place, even till they should become as one of
us, but only according to their desire.
36 Consider then, my good and tender Love, how that even unto this second
principality shall we give a wonder and a glory far beyond the dreams and
abilities of those which would take to themselves the first principality only.
37 For unto this second estate shall we add the wonders and mysteries of the
fourth and fifth dimensions whereby even all who should dwell herein might
journey as they please through time and space, but in linear fashion only.
38 Causing that in the fourth dimension shall even every man and every
woman be permitted to go again to times of the past, to observe and feel again
such events as proved pleasing and richly blessed, to feel again in their present
moment, the joys of all their yesterday.
39 Yet shall they have no power to change the things of ages past, for unto the
fourth and fifth dimension is there given one prime and one fractal only,
permitting that they may see and hear and feel again the joys of all their days of
41 But to change their present state by an act of doing in the past, this shall
they have no power to do, for it is the spirit only which journeys back in time,
while yet the body sleeps and inward dreams.
42 For the power of the fourth dimension shall we hide in a mystery, which
mystery is always close and near at hand, being found in the soul of every man
and every woman which shall inherit this second principality of the Telestial
Kingdom of Heaven.
43 And those which would journey again to ages past, to touch again the joys
of long ago, even these shall the tabernacle of the flesh release while yet it
dreams in deep repose;
44 Setting free the spirit whereby it may journey through the mansions of the
soul, causing that the spirit should be enraptured by a soft and glowing light
which sweetly beckons, ever guiding with gentle hands the spirit which journeys
on to fill it up with wonders.
45 For the soul of every man and every woman does dwell complete within the
very spirit; yet is the soul within its inward parts without boundaries and
limitations, becoming in itself a kingdom filled with many mansions, which very
mansions are dressed full round by endless horizons.
46 And there in the kingdom of the soul is there found the sum of who they
are, containing within its light all the things which were, or are, or which might
have been;
48 Or to study with thoughtful heart, the things which could have been if they
had proved but willing; yet in such deep and good reflections be untouched by
pity or doubt or sorrow or guilt.
50 For the flesh of the body is the door to the spirit within; and by the doing of
spiritual things is there revealed the pathway to the soul, being together as all in
one and one in all, ever moving and flowing into each the other through the
rhythms of their life.
51 Thus in the mansions of the soul is time made to serve those which would
enter in, yielding up for their joy and consideration the seeds of enlightenment
whereby they might prove themselves benefited in the touching of such height
and depth and breadth as in them dwells.
52 Yet, in the workings of the fifth dimension shall we grant to those of this
second estate the means by which they might move throughout the unseen
cosmos, which unseen cosmos is made the reflection of this cosmos which is
clearly seen throughout the airs of night.
53 For in this cosmos which all can see have we balanced with still that other
cosmos which we have hidden in the realms of the fifth dimension; which very
thing does cause that there should flow through both the seen and unseen a
great and pleasing calm which would stabilize and balance the natural forces of
each cosmos to keep them in a state of constant harmony.
55 Let us, therefore, give to those who would inherit this second estate the
keys to the fifth dimension whereby they might explore and inhabit even all the
realms, dominions and wonders of this unseen cosmos, that they might increase
the borders of their own estate even as it will please them most to do.
56 That even as those of the first principality would inhabit their cosmos
throughout the many generations of eternity, even so might those of the second
principality inhabit the unseen cosmos which we shall give as a gift of wonder
filled with a happy increase of their own choosing.
57 For in such increase as we permit shall the children of the first and second
principality be led continually unto some greater and greater portion, even till
they should desire, of themselves, to seize hold the heart of God, to walk again
this Hodos Alea, even till they should receive a greater fullness of light and
glory, if they will prove most willing.”
58 Thus did the great Heavenly Mother speak to her Beloved, and The One
drew Areta even closer to himself, to press her breasts against his own midst
tender sighs; and he spoke to her, saying: “As you have spoken, Dearest, let it
then be so. For I perceive in all your wisdom, the seed of my heart’s desire.
59 For in such love as we do bear for even all our children are we made as one
in heart and mind and soul, proving through such good affections that our love
will always grow in height and depth and breadth, to bind as one the children of
our soul with the heart of God forever.”
60 And so speaking, Areta and The One did kiss each other upon the lips; and
in the waters of the Crystal Sea did the great leviathans and porpoises play and
happy mingle with the angels that fly and sing.
Chapter 15
1 By the waters of the sea did The One and Areta go walking near, strolling
through the seasons of their love with tender passions graced by fire, being
themselves filled with words of kind regard and sweet affections, flowing into
each the other through the dancing of the soul and spirit together;
3 To draw from the heart of every child a desire to continue on in chasing after
God, perchance to become in like manner even as the Heavenly Father and
Heavenly Mother which watch over the doings of every child, to guard them
round about with angels filled with dreams.
4 And The One spoke to his Beloved, saying: “Consider, my Love, these first
two principalities of the Telestial Kingdom: how that we did fashion them for
the joy of those which would inhabit, causing that even all our children should
find in each, the fulfillment of themselves;
5 Permitting that even as the children should so desire, even they might
establish such dominions and realms and powers as they would want for
themselves within the boundaries and confines of that principality which they
have inherited for themselves through the living of mortal life.
6 Yet, consider now this third estate which we must make; for into so bright a
principality would we send forth those children which strived throughout their
mortal life to follow after God, earning for themselves through daily effort this
greater place of glory.
7 Let us then, my Love, ponder well such powers and dominions as we would
place therein; for the earthly moon of Paradise have we made the first
principality, while the world of Heaven we have appointed the second.
8 Where then shall be found this third estate, and by what means shall we
exalt it far beyond the dreams of those who would inherit, to make for them a
place of sweet delight filled with a great and mighty purpose, to fill their souls
through endless days with joys and wonders of every kind?
9 Reveal to me the thoughts of all your heart and whatsoever you shall speak,
even to this will I acquiesce; being myself as one with you and you with me.
Speak, my Love, and I will hear and with my soul be joined with you in all you
say to do.”
10 Thus did The One speak, and Areta spoke to her Beloved, saying: “Come
then, my only Love, and together we shall fashion that greater glory which our
children might yet inherit, which estate shall but draw them closer to our souls
whereby they might see and hear and touch the nearness of such wonders as do
most shine within our souls together.”
11 Then did Areta take The One by the hand, and in an instant did they move
through the veil, to vanish in an instant from the shores of the Crystal Sea, to
stand themselves in a soft and sudden rush within the very gardens of the
House of Mithron, which gardens were broad and vast and deeply laid, being
itself but tended daily by the angels of the Shulieye.
12 And Areta spoke, saying: “Behold, my Love, this blessed place which we
have fashioned, having given to yonder temple and to this garden which does
encompass on every side the greatness of five dimensions.
13 Which five dimensions we have increased in depth and power far beyond
the five dimensions which we have given to the second estate, to be to the
Teraphim as an inheritance forever.
14 For unto these five dimensions of the third estate shall we add to each, two
primes of exceeding wonder, and to each prime shall we give three fractals of
subtle turning; which primes and fractals shall turn the five dimensions in
many and sundry ways.
15 Behold, my Love, the beginning of wonders.” And Areta waved her hand
and in an instant did the gardens and temple of Mithron rise above the earth to
stand in the airs above, having as its foundation the very clouds of Heaven, and
beside it also did there rise into the heavens the great amphitheater where the
angels sit in council.
16 Yet was there no tearing of the earth beneath, for the earth whereupon the
temple and gardens stood appeared as green and filled with trees and flowers of
every kind; and again did Areta, speaking, wave her hand, saying: “Behold.”
17 And there bubbled up from out of the temple a stream which did rush and
flow throughout the gardens of the House of Mithron; and coming to the edge
of the gardens, the stream did rush into a great waterfall which did cascade
down to the earth; and out of the tumbling and swirling mists did there leap
forth a great many rainbows.
19 “See, my Love, the powers and dominions which we would give this third
estate, for the House of Mithron have we lifted above the earth, to place in the
airs of Heaven a wonder beyond wonder, and a glory beyond glory; having
removed it by the power of that second prime which we would give to the fourth
and fifth dimensions;
20 Causing that the whole of the third estate should be far removed through
time and space, yet does it appear as present and always near to those who
would see.
21 For here in this bright and sacred moment shall we cause that all powers,
dominions and principalities of the third estate become itself unbounded and
without limitations, being itself forever present in a time which is not a time, in
a place which is not a place, upon a day which is not a day;
22 Being itself beyond the ways of immortality, but being instead eternal and
everlasting, even as we are eternal and everlasting;
23 Standing itself beyond the dreams of lesser men, to dwell forever in the
heart of God, being filled with some far and distant horizons yet unborn, which
horizons do beckon on and on to still some greater glory.
24 For those which would inherit for themselves this third principality of the
Telestial Kingdom, even these shall we make eternal, even as we are eternal,
becoming themselves unneedful of renewing, being themselves always
refreshed and enlivened in the midst of mighty wonders filled with still some
greater dream.
25 And even though the Teraphim should yet prove unable to produce spirit
children after their own likeness, yet shall we continue in preparing the way
before them, even till they should receive a fullness of our image and likeness
27 Let us, therefore, give to the Teraphim, both male and female, bodies of
flesh and bone, which tabernacle shall prove beyond the touch of weariness or
quiet despair; for near the heart of God shall they always dwell, becoming
themselves as partakers of the mystery and the light.
28 For out of the multitude of all our children are there the very few which
would seek diligently to partake with us in the doing of mighty things, giving
birth within themselves a mystery all their own filled with promise.
29 This then be the inheritance of the third estate of the Telestial Kingdom of
Glory, becoming of itself the greatest of all; for in the heart of God shall the
Teraphim find an endless realm filled with all manner of powers, dominions
and principalities, which very things shall prove greater than the sum of all
their dreams.
30 For in this temple which we have made shall they find the greatest of
wonders, which wonders shall be given into their keeping, for here in this
sacred place shall the Teraphim find fulfillment and purpose and rich reward in
seeking after God;
31 Becoming through the affairs of all their love, even as husbands and wives,
fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, to establish through endless
generations this kingdom of light and glory.
32 But let us turn, my Love, and consider fully the making of some other
thing, which thing we have made most needful, for consider how the moon of
Paradise is yet inhabited by even all our spirit children which do await the
mortal life whereby they might choose for themselves that principality wherein
they might dwell.
33 If then we would make of Paradise the first principality of the Telestial
Kingdom, then in what sacred place shall the sum of all our children await their
34 For in the movements of the seventh dispensation shall the children of God
begin to complete their need of mortal life, to return themselves again unto the
heavenly place, to take to themselves that state of glory which they have rightly
35 Unto what place, therefore, shall the children of the first estate return,
seeing that the moon of Paradise shall yet be inhabited by the remainder of our
spirit children which likewise await the required completion of their mortal
36 Such were the words of the Blessed Mother, and The One spoke to Areta,
saying: “This then be the challenge which we must answer and in the solving
shall we reveal greater and greater wonders;
37 To increase the glory and mystery of all our work a hundredfold. Come
then, my good and tender Love, and I will show you the things which we must
38 Then did The One and Areta leave the gardens of the temple, walking
together side by side with arms most sweet enfolded, and together did they
enter into the House of Mithron, passing themselves through walls of sparkling
stone; and coming to a large and spacious room, they entered in, and The One
smiled, and he spoke to Areta, saying:
39 “Behold.” And The One waved his hand, and in an instant was the room no
longer bound by space and time, but did in a bright and sudden moment,
become itself unbounded, immeasurable, and without limitations.
40 And there appeared suddenly in the vastness of the Deep, the likeness of an
earth, yet being in its nature incorporeal, having both sun and moon and stars
which were themselves in like manner incorporeal.
41 Now there was seen upon the earth three continents of great size, which
continents were separate and apart from each the other, having between them
great oceans and seas; and there appeared upon the three continents of the
earth great shimmering cities of light.
42 Which cities were made to appear as those of the first estate, the second
estate, and the third estate, but altogether the Telestial Kingdom as it might
become through the passing of the aeons, being themselves beyond the touch of
time; being neither past nor present but instead what might become in ages
43 Then did The One speak to his Beloved, saying: “Gaze you now, my Love,
upon this spirit world which we have made, which very world we have brought
forth through the third fractals of the second primes of the fourth and fifth
44 For here is a world of spirit wherein even all our spirit children might await
a good inheritance, to be born, themselves, into that principality which they
have earned for themselves through the living of mortal life, to receive through
incorruptible tabernacles of flesh and bone that portion of glory wherein they
shall prove most happily suited.
45 Yet consider also, my Love, how that on this earth of spirit there are found
many wonders, which wonders shall instill into the souls of all our children
such forms and shapes and patterns as we would have them fashion within the
realms of Heaven’s glory.
46 For you see, yourself, the shining beauty of yonder cities, which cities do
contain in form and likeness such cities as our children will build throughout
the dominions of the Telestial Kingdom, for the cities which you see now do
foreshadow the cities which shall come to be.
47 Thus through the mysteries of Anamnesis shall even all our children recall
in moments of inspiration the forms and patterns of heavenly things, to strive
themselves to fashion in like manner the things which their spirits shall here
48 To strive through many efforts to imitate what the eyes of the flesh cannot
clearly see, but which the spirit within does quick remember, being itself always
anxious to see the mysteries of God revealed through the living of their life.
49 For this spirit place have we made for even all our children, which very
children have lived already the mortal life, to walk Hodos Alea, and who do
await only the coming of their inheritance, whereby they might be born into
glory, to live in such joys as shall be found within the principalities of the
Telestial Kingdom.
50 But consider also this other mystery, for the spirits of all living things
which we have made, which creatures are made to swim in the seas, or to walk
upon the lands, or which fly through the airs above;
51 Being made to live the mortal life, even as our children have lived the
mortal life, being made also in like manner to find such glory as lies within
them; even these living creatures shall we cause to dwell in this world of spirit
also, to await their birth and place into that portion of the Telestial Kingdom for
which they have prepared themselves through the living of mortal life.
52 Here then shall our children await their birth into the principalities of the
Telestial Kingdom, being themselves permitted to fellowship with each the
other, being made to learn through the instructions of the spirit and soul
together the place, nature, and culture of their own estate.
53 For unto each continent of the spirit earth is there given the likeness of
some estate, being on one continent the cities of the first principality, having
themselves firmly established in the likeness, customs, and culture of the first
54 While on the second and third continents of the spirit world are there
likewise found respectively the cities of the second and third principalities, each
being themselves firmly fixed in the likeness and customs of the second and
third estates of the Telestial Kingdom.
55 Seeing therefore that we have established this spirit world within the
mysteries of the House of Mithron, let us place all these wonders within the fair
dominion of the Teraphim, to be to them an inheritance forever.
56 For here shall the Teraphim become as guardians and teachers to even all
our children, to guide and counsel them in the living of such immortal lives as
they shall find awaiting them, causing that the Teraphim should appear to all
our children as angels of light, filled with mystery and wisdom.
57 While yet to the Cherubim of the Goieye and the Shulieye shall we appoint
that they become as the guardians and teachers to the spirits of all the animals
which we have brought through the mortal life;
58 To teach the fish of the sea, and the birds which fly in the airs above, and
the animals which walk upon the land; to teach to all these living spirits their
place and inheritance within the powers, dominions and principalities of the
Telestial Kingdom of Glory.
59 And so, my Love, see this Heaven which we have made, and if you be
pleased to give consent, let it be established according to our word together; to
make in Heaven a place where all might find joy and sweet fulfillment, even
according to their several abilities in seeking after God.
60 For here in this sacred place shall even all creation find the hope of great
reward, to find for each themselves a place where they might most happily
61 And in their choosing shall we always watch over them, to guide and
comfort and onward lead, holding before the eyes of all our children the
pathway to still some greater glory;
62 Speaking into the souls of all, words of strength and hope and brightness,
encouraging them through all our love to lift themselves higher still, even till
they should become as the Father and the Mother.”
63 So spoke The One, and Areta spoke again, saying: “Let all these things be
so, my Love, for in all the things which we have spoken do I see the way to still
some greater glory yet unborn, which like a star would lead us on, causing that
one glory should lead unto another, to cast beyond the dreams of God, the seed
to still some greater Heaven.”
Chapter 16
1 But on the world of Terralee did the centuries pass into millennia, and when
there had passed some two thousand years since the days when Noaeya walked
upon the earth, there was convened a great council in Heaven.
2 For there were gathered the captains of the Cherubim, being numbered out
of each House some three thousand angels, being themselves gathered in the
great amphitheater which God had placed above the earth to sit upon the clouds
beside the House of Mithron.
3 And beside the very Cherubim sat the spirits of those men and women which
had proved themselves faithful in the first and second dispensations, having
themselves lived already three mortal lives filled with love and wisdom in
reaching after God.
4 Having drawn to their souls the heart of God and Heaven through the
goodness which they did, speaking forth in the days of their mortality the
teachings of Adamilus and Evelah, and Noaeya, too, being diligent themselves
to practice in the living of their mortal life the principles of wisdom and
benevolence together.
5 Which thing proved most often a test and challenge to do, for the world of
Terralee had become ever more complex through the doings of all mankind; for
it was the things which could be seen that became of greatest value, while the
truer things which lay unseen within the heart, this did many coldly disdain.
7 But being always within themselves most anxious in reaching forth, whereby
they might gather to themselves the bitter fruits of wealth and power and
troubled form, being themselves as always busy in pursuing the things which
have no life.
8 Yet did these vex little the ones who would seek diligently to lay hold of
eternal things; for the righteous were most perplexed by those who claimed
through many words to love the God of Heaven, proclaiming aloud their faith
through words made hollow and filled with delusion.
9 For there were many which would hear the words of God, to speak them well
among themselves as though they did believe, but who, themselves were filled
with empty deeds, always seeking through some excuse to justify themselves,
while yet they put off the things of God.
10 Making small the spiritual life while yet they labored on, being themselves
in one moment as those devout and filled with faith, but in another moment did
they prove themselves aloof and filled with earthly cares, trading away such
diamonds as God would give, for the dust of lesser things.
11 Proclaiming always that they believed, but being in their heart unconverted
still, making of themselves a thin and paltry soul filled with burdens and cares
and endless woe; being themselves desirous of God and sacred things, yet being
ever hounded by envy and want and dark despair.
12 With such as these did the righteous seek to strive, teaching here and
guiding there, ever showing by true example the way which leads to God.
13 Permitting that if one should find and there most truly believe, then would
the whole world be benefited, causing that God should shine forth upon the
earth through those who would seek themselves to imitate the doings of the
Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother.
14 Thus did God permit that the righteous should sit in council with the very
angels, to hear for themselves within the soul such things as God would do on
yonder world, for the sake of all God’s children and not just a few.
15 For the time had come when God would establish the teachings of the third
dispensation upon the world of Terralee, causing that every man and every
woman might take to their soul the principles of faith and true devotion, to
establish in the heart and mind and spirit of those who would embrace the
seeds to still some greater strength.
16 And when all things were decided, then did The One speak to the whole
assembly, saying: “Consider well, my good and happy darlings, the one which
we would appoint to stand above the third dispensation to bring unto the earth.
17 For you know already that in the first dispensation did the Heavenly
Mother and I go forth unto the world to establish well the ways of wisdom; and
that in the second dispensation did I journey forth alone to speak of love and
benevolence together mingled.
18 Who then shall we appoint to establish well this third dispensation, being
in themselves that perfect example wherein is most surely found the heart of
faith and joyful hope, being themselves established by faithful deeds, good and
wise, and filled with constant joy?
19 Come then, and I will place before this whole assembly this petition which I
would make; for in the days of my beginning, in a world made dark and filled
with fright, even I was most well instructed in faith and hope.
20 For there fell in the midst of a deep and darkening gloom, a light most fair
and pleasing; and from this light did the seed of all our glory take living form to
walk upon the earth.
21 And the light, taking form, did appear even as a woman, which very woman
became the Mother of all my life and soul together. Who then shall we send
unto the world of Terralee except this one great and shining light?
23 Thus did The One speak, and turning to his Beloved, the Father spoke in
tender words, saying: “Behold, my Love, the time has come when we must teach
of faith and hope, to establish upon the world of Terralee the third dispensation
of God.
24 Permitting that even all our children might hear and come to know; and if
they would believe, to practice in their life, then shall they be greatly
strengthened in the ways of holiness.
25 Making place within themselves for the shining of a great light, which light
will brightly shine and lead them onward in seeking after God.
26 For you, my Love, are that first and shining light which in the darkness
glowed, burning brightly in the Deep upon a world of pain; giving birth within
your depths to still some other light, bringing forth through small degrees, this
place of light and glory.
27 Yet even now on Terralee is there found a pressing need, for we would light
in every child a bright and shining star; which star would bring them home
again to rest in you and me, becoming themselves as they might choose, even as
God forever.”
28 Now when Areta heard these things, she did kiss The One upon the lips,
and before the whole assembly she spoke, saying: “I will go, my Love, and on
that world which we did make, establish well the dispensation of faith and hope.
29 And when I go and there abide upon that world which we did make, be you
there as soft beside me, to walk and gently speak in the mansions of my soul;
that even though you be unseen upon the world of mortal men, still shall I feel
that tender touch of heart and spirit together mingled through the fabric of my
30 For you are the sun and I am the moon, and round and round we do chase
each other through endless halls of time, consuming by our loving passions the
sum of who we are, to give through kiss and fiery breath a birth to greater
31 When, therefore, I should go to earth to walk the mortal life, move you
there as quiet within me, that I might drink from your lips the joy of life and
love and endless wonder.
32 For in the living of mortal life must I construct the means by which faith is
born and full maintained, causing that those who would believe might find
themselves advantaged in cleaving unto God.
36 For in the godly are hardships made a passing thing, drawing from our soul
the truth of who we are; revealing through the pressing of some adversity the
goodness which in us lies, giving hope to those which likewise suffer, that they
might likewise be filled with faith and hope and inward joy, even in the midst of
such outward trials as do afflict from time to time.
37 Let us choose with careful thought the place where I must go, to be myself
advantaged through a great many adversities, that in such a mortal life as I
must live, there might rise the power of godly words dressed with deepest
38 Which thing will cause that those who hear, might find the deliverance of
their heart to some high and holy place where the spirit and soul might find
surcease from all their hurt and fear, to make for themselves a place of refuge
through such faith as they themselves would grant.
39 For the things of God are the gifts we give ourselves, causing that we, alone,
should choose the things of greatest worth, being ourselves the masters of our
life; to decide ourselves whether it be filled with joy or sorrow, light or
darkness, strength or constant fear, being in ourselves far greater than such
adversities as do outward press.
40 Thus, in such a life as I will be born into, being itself surrounded by all
manner of fear and doubt and constant hurt, even therefrom shall I construct
within my life the pathways of faith and hope together; laying down by careful
means such principles as will make faith attainable for all who would believe.
41 Causing that such a path as I might build, might even others likewise build
within themselves, that in that good yet inward journey they might find again
the joy of far greater things.
42 Which things will light the path which they must tread while in the mortal
life, even till they should journey home again, to touch the soul of God; for what
is a Father or a Mother worth without their little babes?
43 Know then, my good and holy Love, that the one which would take to earth
the dispensations of God, are themselves the builders of some good and
constant path, which path, like a bridge, does carry the ones who would believe
through the darkness of their life; to safely carry them over such chasms as
would separate the child from the love of the Father and the Mother which do
need them so.
44 Send me, therefore, unto the earth and there let me walk through mortal
life, for I will touch the children of our soul through words and deeds made
good and wise, weaving gently into their lives, dreams far greater still.
45 Building through my constant care that sure and happy path, which would
take all who would choose to so believe, into that faith which does sleep within
the soul; which faith the cares of life would quickly hide away, to fill the soul
with doubt instead.
46 Yet shall such words as I will teach give strength to those who will believe,
causing that even they should sweep away the delusions of their life, to find the
faith within.
47 For faith is born within the soul and can by no means be found beyond the
self, being the gift we give ourselves, to carry us onward still to some far yet
distant glory, even till we should obtain a fullness of heavenly things.
48 Only, my Love, walk you there as quiet beside me, and as my guardian
angel be; for by your constancy am I strengthened against the things which
press and deeply wound; for you are the sun and I am the moon, and round and
round we do chase each other through endless halls of time.”
49 These then are the words which Areta spoke, and the angels hearing them
did brightly sing, sending forth into the airs of Heaven the anthems of a
Mother’s love, causing that the whole creation should leap with joy at the very
sound thereof.
50 And The One, drawing into his bosom the one he loved most dearly, spoke
softly into her ear, saying: “I shall go with you, my Love, and there walk as quiet
beside, to whisper into the ear of things yet half remembered, when in this
Heaven you did stroll with me beside the Crystal Sea.
51 And when there shall befall you the hurt of many sorrows, even then shall I
bear you up again, to fill the sum of all your days with kiss and tender sigh; and
on your bed when you sleep, even then shall I most gently lie to hold you in my
arms, to speak in dreams within your heart of all our love together.
52 For I shall draw you daily into the temple of your soul, and there dress you
well in strength and wisdom and happy light, speaking always into your mind
brave words filled with grace and eager joy.
53 And though in your journey the world should see me not, still will you
yourself both hear and see, for I shall sing upon the winds and with the flowers
dance, revealing in your heart and mind the sum of all my love for you.
54 Fear not, therefore, the mortal life, with all its tears and bitter strife, for I
shall walk upon the way, and through the hours of your day make known to you
your truer place, and by the light which in you dwells, lead you on from grace to
grace, even till you receive a fullness.
55 What shall it matter then, the inconstancy of mortal men? For I shall softly
walk through the shadows of your day, and there upon that mortal way speak
such words as will prove that through your life I gently move, to woo you with
my love.
56 And though the way prove hard and steep, still your soul as a treasure keep,
and here in the hollow of my hand, I shall lift you above the ways of man, to
hold you safe in every part, and here in the shelter of my heart, fill you up to
57 Let the world then prove some wild commotion, yet will I give my good
devotion; and by your side forever stand, and there upon the world of man,
gently guide and sweetly hold, and in my heart most soft enfold the heart and
soul of my Beloved, forever and anon.
58 Kiss me now but ere you leave, that in your arms I might breathe the scent
and warmth of all your love; for you are my joy, my only light, and here in this
deep and starry night I shall love you more.
59 Draw from my lips this love of mine, that between our souls a star might
shine, ever guiding through the years, to bring us soft together near, and in our
hearts most deep embrace, to give as gifts grace for grace.
60 Kiss me now upon my lips, and in my love find sweet repose; for I shall
stand as near beside wherever you should go; for I am the sun and you are the
moon, and round and round we do but dance midst dreams and starry night, to
be for each that gentle light which would fill the heart with joy.”
61 Such were the words which came from the soul of The One, even as a
mighty river; and taking Areta into his arms, he did kiss her deep, and with
many passions swept her all away midst fire and love together.
62 And on the world of Terralee did the seasons quietly pass, and the years as
gently move; and there was born in a poor and humble house a girl child which
all men called Sariah; for she was filled with grace and beauty together mingled,
singing from days of tender youth the songs of faith and hope together
Chapter 17
1 On the world of Terralee did the children of God flourish and multiply upon
the earth, making subject to themselves the whole creation; being themselves
both wise and foolish, sometimes thoughtful and filled with care, or sometimes
thoughtless and hurtful in the things they did.
2 For there had arisen upon the earth a plethora of city-states, each claiming
within its borders a great deal of land; for it was prosperity which most men
and women sought; seeking in the possession of many things the fulfillment of
themselves, causing that they should be constantly compelled by the ego within.
3 Becoming themselves driven from one want unto another, going forth with
anxious breath to gather things which have no life, causing that they should
appear in the eyes of those which were like unto themselves, to seem
themselves affluent and worthy of prestige.
4 And there developed upon the world of Terralee the class of the rich and
powerful, which class pressed hard against the poor; for those which were rich
thought themselves superior when compared to those of lesser means.
5 Flaunting for all to see their knowledge and education in worldly things,
becoming themselves as peacocks which strut and flutter all about, being finely
dressed and overfed, but being themselves unable to fly beyond such smallness
as did constrain them.
6 Making mock or ridicule of those things which could not be seen, or in the
hand most firmly held, being convinced among themselves that the purpose of
life was to get gain and power, and by such means prove themselves the true
inheritors of God.
8 Which thing did compel that there should prove a great many of the children
of God which became as most distracted, becoming themselves as people torn
between the calling of the spirit and the call to wealth and riches.
9 Being themselves in quieter moments desirous of God and holy things, but
in the moment of rush and hurry, chasing down with anxious breath the prize of
worldly wealth, causing that they be numbered among the richer classes.
11 Thus had the world become a place where the things of God grew thinly
pale midst the rush of many labors, causing those who would believe to wonder,
musing soft within themselves, where God and Heaven might be found.
12 Now there lived in the city of Gidianna the woman Sariah, a physician and
healer of great renown, being held in high regard by all people; for those who
were rich would count her among themselves, while yet the very poorest did
claim her as their own.
13 For Sariah took no thought for money’s sake, but turned her heart and soul
to helping every man and every woman, and children also, tending with utmost
care those which were sick or sore afflicted, treating all which came to her with
a gentle word of kind regard, giving of herself equally to the rich and poor alike.
14 And to those which were near to death and sickly dying, these would she
hold in her arms as though but tender babes, and in the ear most sweetly sing,
removing through her gentle words the fear of death, to fill them up with joy
instead in returning unto God.
15 Now there came unto the city from out of the lands of Aconah, a man made
famous through a philosophy of his own devising, which philosophy was meant
to ingratiate himself in the eyes of the ruling class.
16 For this man, whose name was Alcibiades, taught that it mattered not the
doing of goodly things, for it was strength and wealth which mattered most, and
not the spirit or soul within; for God, being the Father and Mother to all which
lived, even they could not cast away the children they loved so dear, being
compelled to give to all, whether they be good or evil, a portion of Heaven’s
17 What mattered then the holy life, or the things which were born of spirit?
For if men should err in the seeking of worldly things, then is God alone to
blame, for in all the earth where could God be found? In what land or place or
city could be found the house where God might dwell?
18 Therefore, seeing that God is far away, then should those which ruled seek
for themselves an increase of power and wealth together, setting aside such
thoughts as would plague from time to time, to fill them with a troubled spirit
about the God so far away.
19 Thus was it needful that those who ruled should only appear themselves as
good and noble bearing, while the inward man should be deeply hid away, to
chase about in private moments the fulfilling of every want; for it mattered only
what the people saw and nothing else besides.
20 Causing that if the rulers should do good things for the people of the city,
then are they at liberty in private moments to fulfill their lust and greed; for in
the fulfilling of these things, in the inward man or woman, are they likewise
made compelled to do good things for the people over which they ruled.
21 For it was law and order and prosperity which mattered most, and
whosoever would give these things unto the city, even that one is most truly
good and worthy of respect and loud acclaim, to set at liberty his private soul to
do as he might please.
22 Yet to all these things did Alcibiades boldly declare that only those which
were weak and poor had need of God, while those who were both strong and
rich had no need, being eager themselves to push God aside, permitting that
they should take command of all their life, being in their wealth and power most
capable to deliver themselves from trouble, or to fill their life with many
23 This then did Alcibiades teach, causing in the city a great stirring among
the people; and those which were of the wealthy classes became most pleased
by the philosophy of so wise a man, seeing in his words an advantage for
24 But among the poor and disadvantaged did there come a heaviness of
heart, for the poor did comfort themselves in God, believing always that the
Father and Mother were always near; but in the taunting of Alcibiades were
many shaken in their soul, not knowing themselves how to answer him.
26 And there went before Alcibiades and the multitudes many of the righteous
to challenge him, and one by one he swept them away midst mockery and
derision, causing that the richer classes should enlarge themselves with pride,
while the righteous and the poor were filled with despair.
27 Now it was the custom of Sariah that on the seventh day of every week, she
would sit in the gardens of the city and there would she read from the book,
which book contained all the sayings and teachings of Adamilus and Evelah and
Noaeya, too.
28 For Sariah was elected the Presiding Matriarch of all the city, and among
the righteous was she held in great esteem; for her goodness and humility were
beyond reproach, being ever attended in all her doings by simplicity and grace.
29 Thus did there gather in a large garden a multitude of the righteous, being
themselves distressed by the cunning words of Alcibiades; and there spoke unto
Sariah a teacher of renown, saying:
30 “Help us, Sariah, for even all the righteous are made uncertain, for
whenever we would answer this Alcibiades, he would but sweep away even all
our words through a cunning speech filled with snares and traps of every kind.
31 How then shall we answer such a man as this, for because of such words as
he would speak are even all the righteous filled with troubles within the soul?
33 Speak to us your greater knowing, that we may find for ourselves some
quick assurance, setting at peace the heart within; for even such words as you
will speak shall we cause to be written down, and in every town and village and
city shall we send forth the words which you would speak.
34 How then will you answer so cunning a man as this Alcibiades, that by your
words we might convince him beyond all doubt that God is ever near, and does
wait with anxious heart to reveal the Father and the Mother to all who would
truly seek?”
35 Thus did the teacher speak, and there was brought to sit before Sariah
some twenty scribes which did prepare themselves to write down even all the
words which she might speak.
36 And when all was ready, and the multitude was hushed and filled with
expectation, then did Sariah stand before the whole assembly, saying:
37 “Why will you be troubled and the heart within be filled with hurtful
doubts? For the sophistry of learned men seeks not the truth of greater things,
but for a pretense would they make sport of you through subtle words; for in
making you to appear as foolish do they strive to appear themselves as wise and
deeply knowing.
38 Going themselves but round and round, to cast in you many doubts,
seeking through some clever word to rob you of your joy, causing that they
themselves should make mock the things of greatest worth; that by their
subtleties they might cast you down whereby they might lift themselves above
39 Causing that you should become as one confused, to tie your tongue in
knots, causing that you be filled with uncertainties of every kind; to make of you
some easy prey which they might devour through words of their own devising.
40 Using to their gain some soft and pleasing word, feigning through some
outward manner that they do care for you, while in their inward parts they are
filled with hate and loathing against you, being anxious themselves that you
should appear as weak and foolish while they appear as strong and knowing.
41 Hear then and be you wise, that you may not entangle yourself in the
sophistry of those who think themselves more learned than you yourself; for the
greater defense which would prove the rightness of your faith is not fashioned
of words, but of joy instead.
42 This truth then do even your enemies discern, knowing themselves that if
they should steal away the joy within your heart, then are you likewise carried
away into the shadows of endless doubt, making dark what once was light, to
put in place of all your joy the tears of deeper sorrow.
43 Come then and I will tell you what this Alcibiades is like unto; for he is like
a bird which was captured and in a golden cage was he kept all the day long;
and notwithstanding that the cage proved large and spacious, permitting that
the bird should fly about a little here, and a little there, still is the bird unable to
fly beyond his own imprisonment.
44 Such then is it with this Alcibiades, for by his own sophistry has he created
for his heart and soul a golden cage, large and spacious; and notwithstanding
that he should flit here, or dart there, still is he held captive by words of his own
45 And seeing for himself that even you do soar and upward fly between the
heavens and the earth, being yourselves set free because of faith, to race along
in happy light to touch the soul of God;
46 Even he would entice you into the cage which he himself did make, using
such sophistries as might ensnare your heart and soul together, causing that
you should be captured and firmly held, even as this Alcibiades, in a cage of
golden words.
47 For this Alcibiades will not permit that he should feel the nearness of God,
and neither will he permit that you should feel it either; being himself
determined to shame you through subtle words filled with calm deceit, whereby
he himself might find some advantage to gather to himself an empty gain.
48 Beware, therefore, the sophistries of learned men, for they would cast
within you doubts of their own devising, to rob you of your joy, to fill you deep
with perplexities and uncertainties of every kind, whereby they might take some
advantage over you.
49 Guard well then that inward joy and permit not that any should steal it
from you; for there are many who are themselves without such joys as God
would give; and if you then prove joyful in the living of your life, then will those
who have not devise some means to snatch it all away, causing that you should
prove yourselves miserable even as they are miserable.
50 Watch, therefore, with utmost care and shield well your heart from those
who would prove bitter towards God and heavenly things, ever spewing from
out of their own hearts such things as would sour even your own souls, if it so
be that you permit.
51 Hold tight and let not go such joy as God would place most deep within
you; for your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother do but constantly watch
over the babes they love so well, proving themselves ever near and constant
ready to bear you up again.
52 For there is given of God that certain means which would guard well the
things which lie unseen, being of itself that sure deliverer which would shield us
from the hateful storms; and if it so be that we are possessed of it, then do the
words of Alcibiades drift themselves as far away, to trouble the heart no more.
53 Know then that if you be troubled through the sophistries of learned men,
then are you yourselves not firmly rooted in the things which come from God;
proclaiming yourselves as those which do believe, but being in your heart
unconverted still.
54 For God is faithful, be you likewise faithful also; for faith is the gift we give
ourselves, being of itself the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of
things not seen.
55 Faith, therefore, lies far beyond the words you speak, being found itself in
all you do; for many speak with easy words that they believe, but in the day of
trial do they break and shatter as fragile glass, to become in their own souls as
one broken and shattered before our eyes.
56 For they were always quick to speak the things which they believed, but in
their hearts were they without faith; and if there be no faith within the heart,
then is all our hope vanished away; for hope is the fruit of faith; and if there be
found in you the seed of faith, then is all your joy made constant, being ever
guarded by faith and hope together.
57 Why then will you be troubled by the words of Alcibiades? Or again: Why
are you within the heart, unknowing in how to answer him?”
58 Such then did Sariah speak, and immediately there rose up one of the
teachers of the people, and he spoke, saying: “Well have you spoken, good
Mother, and in all which you have said do we find a quick assurance that God is
with you.
59 Seeing then that God has appointed you to be as a physician among us, be
you then filled with care and heal the heart within us; and if then we did prove
ourselves faithless, to cast aside our joy for troubled words instead, then teach
to us the seed of faith and even we will hear and do.
60 Tell us where God is found, and why there should come from the Father
and the Mother so great a silence. Reveal to us that certain place where truth
alone is found, and why our doubts are made to haunt us so.”
61 Thus did the teacher speak, and the whole assembly did grow deeply
hushed, and filled with anxious breath; and Sariah, being filled with tender
caring, did raise forth her voice to speak.
Chapter 18
1 And Sariah, with tender words, spoke to the whole assembly, saying: “Come,
my children, and I will reveal to you the presence of God; for you know yourself
that there are many which believe that God is far away and filled with deep
uncaring, being in the glory of Heaven unable to hear or speak with mortal
2 Being in both the Father and the Mother unmoved by such trials as do afflict
from time to time, causing that God should appear indifferent and aloof to such
lives as we must live, causing that many should feel themselves alone and
abandoned of God while in the mortal life.
3 Yet is God most ever present, being found in all and through all, being both
within and without, both near and far, being constant and ever watchful and
filled with tender care, breathing soft upon the wind of all their love for you.
4 And those which would permit, even they do see God throughout the sum of
all creation, to see in common things the eternal and divine, to become
themselves as those most truly blessed through the days of all their life.
5 Becoming in their heart and mind all swallowed up by the nearness of God,
which they themselves allow, seeing with an inward eye the moving of God
within the life which they must live.
6 To feel in the heart and mind and spirit together, the presence of the Father
and the Mother, to rest themselves upon the bosom of God, and there find to
their greater joy a godly nourishment filled with love and hope and constant
7 Look, therefore, well and deep into yourselves and there most clearly see if
God be there within, and if it so be that you should see not the Father and the
Mother within your heart, to hear their voice midst gentle sighs, then have you
made yourselves devoid of faith and hope, being yourselves most miserable and
without joy.
8 For you have permitted that the cares of this world should fill you up with
shadows, causing that you should not see or hear, feel or touch that which is
most surely revealed, becoming in yourselves filled with self-pity and self-
reproach, thinking yourselves as always unworthy and unconsidered of God.
9 To make of yourself through many doubts, an easy prey to those who would
mock God through subtle words and sophistries of every kind, spewing forth
into the airs around you a sea of doubt filled with woe, in which sea you do but
drown yourselves.
10 Hear then and be you wise, for this I tell you for your learning, that you
may lay that sure foundation upon which you might build within your heart and
mind a timely faith filled with great reward and much assurance.
11 For you are the reflection of God in mortal life, having in your form and
likeness the presence of the Father and the Mother together, ever building
through all your faith that sure and happy knowledge which does yet speak;
revealing in you the touch and sound of still some greater mystery filled with
12 For God is first revealed in the things you do, and if you should act with
good and kindly deeds, to touch the children of God through words of faith and
hope together, then is the nearness of God quick revealed in you already.
13 Causing that the whole creation should testify before your eyes and within
your heart that God is always near, and that in this life you are not alone, but
that God does gently hold you in the hollow of their hand, ever breathing upon
the winds a song of great assurance.
14 Through such as these does God raise forth the hand to bless, and through
their eyes shall the Father and the Mother smile upon the children of men, for
by our faith are we made partakers with God, to be in them as always
15 But if you should act from anger or hate towards any man or woman, or if
your speech be filled with doubt and constant woe, then have you caused that
God should seem as far away and filled with deep uncaring; and this because
you made no place within yourselves for the Father and Mother which love you
16 Thus is the presence of God revealed first within ourselves and not without,
being unveiled before our eyes by the good which we would do, being drawn
from our hearts through faith, causing that we should see with the eyes and feel
within the heart that God is always near and filled with tender care.
17 Why then will you be troubled by such doubts as unbelievers would cast
within you? For even a little faith well nurtured will bring forth within you a
goodly harvest filled with joy.
18 For it is your faith which causes that you should see; for faith gives birth to
visions and wonders of every kind, and such visions and wonders do give rise
within the heart of all our hope forever.
19 Know then and do not doubt, for every child which comes from Heaven into
mortal life is given first the seed of faith, and if that seed be nurtured by such
things as we do believe, then will faith grow within the heart to fill you up to
20 For what is faith but your trust in God made manifest, causing that you
should prove yourself a true believer and filled with goodness, being in your
heart filled with benevolence and wisdom together mingled; for these are the
things which do nurture the faith within, causing that it should grow greater
and greater still.
21 If, therefore, you would speak of God and heavenly things, speak then your
faith and not your doubts; for the words you speak are breath, which breath
gives life and force to such words as would flow out from the very midst of you.
22 And if it so be that you would speak your faith, then shall the breath of all
your words take living form to walk upon the earth, causing that there should
spring up within your heart and in the airs round about you a constant hope
filled with joy and happy light.
23 For reality is not what the eyes alone should see, but what is spoken from
the heart; for the words you speak do shape such realities as you would permit
yourselves to see and hear and deeply feel.
24 But if instead you speak your doubts, to cast them into the airs round about
you, then shall they take living form to chase you all about; driving from the
very midst of you all tranquility and joy, to leave instead a broken ruin filled
with an endless debate.
25 Neither hide away your faith through silence, for it is in the speaking and
doing of all your faith which does entice that all your faith grow stronger still;
causing that it should lift you nigh to the very heart of God, even till you receive
a fullness of heavenly things.
26 For even a little faith well nurtured will bring a rich reward, building in you
by sure degrees, a strong defense which would guard forever well, such joys as
do stir within you.
27 Thus by the words you speak do you, yourselves, cast into your life either
light or darkness, faith or despair, joy or sorrow; becoming yourselves the
creator of such a life as you would live; and to no other is this power given
whereby they might shape your life as they might choose, but to you alone is it
28 Beware, therefore, the subtle speaker who would mock the things of God;
for there are many who, for a pretense, would proclaim aloud their love for God,
but in their subtleties would they steal away the faith you have, to give you
doubts instead.
29 For they do not know God within their hearts, neither would they permit
that you should know God either, being themselves filled with bitterness and
envy and constant sorrow, in which darkness they would entice that you should
likewise live.
30 Come then and I will make known to you the beginnings of faith, and the
means by which you might create from so small a seed, a living faith which
would fill up even the whole world with God.
31 Causing that you should become one in God and God in you, becoming
yourselves transformed before the very eyes of all who see, to stand yourself in
the likeness of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, even while you are
yet in the mortal life.
32 Being yourselves changed from that which is corruptible and filled with
death, to that which is eternal and filled with life abundant through the
renewing of your mind; to become yourself as an angel of God while yet you
live; to touch the life of every man and every woman, causing that their faith
should likewise grow.
33 Decide yourselves, therefore, the things which are worthy of belief, and in
your hand weigh most carefully such things as would stand as true and
acceptable within your heart.
34 For there is given by God a means by which you might discern for yourself
the things which are true and worthy of belief; for those things which come
from the Father and the Mother are clothed in light and beauty and joy
35 If then you would know what is true and worthy of acceptance, then look
for that which is beautiful and filled with rich delight, and in its shadow shall
you find the truth which is born of God.
36 For it is in beauty that God would reveal the joy and mystery of heavenly
things, causing that when you should hear and see and touch with the heart,
even then does your spirit leap within at the sound of it.
37 Revealing in your very mind the presence of truth and beauty together
mingled as lovers midst kiss and fiery breath, being made as one in the
mansions of your soul, to draw you even closer to the heart of God whereby you
might find some sweet communion which would lead you on.
38 Be you wise then, and fully knowing, for whatsoever thing which you
believe, even that is worthy of acceptance if it so be that you should find therein
both reason and joy, and beauty also, which very things would fill the sum of all
your days with a rich and happy purpose.
39 Causing that you yourself should prove converted in the living of your life;
for you know yourself how that many will say that they believe, yet in the living
of their life do they prove themselves as unconverted still, becoming themselves
deceived and filled with shadows and burdens of every kind.
40 If then you would make strong that seed of faith which is born in you
already, whereby it might grow in joy to bear much fruit, then be you wise and
most attentive, and I will make known the things which you must do.
41 For in making strong the faith within, you do guard well the house of joy
which in the spirit lies, believing in yourselves with a steadfast heart that the
things of God are wise and good and filled with blessing, showing yourselves as
true converted by the things you say and do.
42 If, then, you would increase beyond measure the faith within, then let your
heart trust in God always; for by such trust as you do give shall you stretch the
boundaries of the faith within, causing that it should grow, giving place within
yourselves of some great confidence filled with hope.
43 Study diligently with eager heart the words which come from God, that you
might live them and by your speech and godly deeds reveal to others that even
God is constant present in the things you do and say.
45 For the strength of a man or a woman is not found in the muscles of the
flesh, neither is it found in bone and sinew, but in the heart and soul and mind
instead; and if there should rule within you a good and joyful faith, then are you
made strong in God because of it, and there shall be no power or weighty
sorrow which shall, by any means, overcome you in the living of your life.
46 Fear not, therefore, such trials and hardships as would come upon you, for
by your faith are you given power over them, to turn them to your good.
47 Neither fear such sacrifices as you are called to bear from time to time, for
by such sacrifices as you do make, do you cause that your own soul should fly
and sing, being made yourself as one with God, to become yourselves as angels
upon the earth.
48 All these things must you do with diligence if you would cause that faith
should grow within you; and if you will not do these things, then shall such faith
as you have already become itself but thinly pale, and like the rose in the heat of
day, being itself without water to drink, even it shall wither away to be no more.
49 For what is a woman without her faith, or even a man also, becoming
yourselves as always afflicted by endless woe, having no joy for you have no
hope, having no greater purpose for you have no faith, becoming in your life
overwhelmed and overburdened, becoming yourself as one chased and harried
by endless doubts filled with gloom.
50 Seeking through things which have no life to fill the void within, taking
such diamonds as God would give to purchase dust instead, becoming yourself
as one alone and filled with constant dread.
51 Nourish your faith, therefore, that you might prove yourself constant in
season and out of season, being yourself firmly rooted in the joy which comes
from God, proving yourself a doer of the word and not a hearer only, deceiving
your own self in the midst of many sorrows.
52 Guard well the faith within and watch with care such emotions as move and
stir within you; let love and benevolence dwell richly in you to chase away all
53 For fear gives way to anger, and anger gives way to hate, and if your heart
be filled by these, then is your faith made weak and filled with gasping breath,
to become yourself as all consumed within the fires of your own making.
54 For what is faith without your love to touch and gently guide, causing that
you should further deepen the wisdom of your heart, to fill it up with God?
55 And busy not yourself overmuch in the laboring of your life, lest you forget
the faith which in you dwells; becoming yourself always anxious in gathering to
yourself the cares of this life only, to be yourself imprisoned by the fires of
endless wanting.
56 But seek instead the simple life, setting aside such distractions as would
hide up the soul within you, avoiding with utmost care such complexities as do
creep about and lie in wait to entangle you.
57 For simplicity is that good and fertile ground where faith is given room to
grow and flourish, being itself uncrowded and unharried by the things which
have no life.
58 And why will you seek the company of those who would themselves turn
you away from God, being in their hearts filled with scorn and ridicule, seeking
through hurtful words to diminish the faith which in you dwells?
59 Therefore, if you would be happy in the midst of all your faith, then seek
not the company of fools, neither go you into the way of those which are ever
grasping, but who are themselves unable to lay hold.
60 Cast not, therefore, the pearls of your faith before unbelievers, neither take
that which is holy to give it to those who mock with open scorn the things which
come from God; for such as these are filled with many hurts, and would
themselves that you should likewise hurt, to become yourself devoid of faith
and filled with darkness.
61 For faith is the light which in you burns, to shine as brightly forth through
the living of your day, being itself fashioned of trust and hope and joy together;
ever guiding through the dark, to take you home again to dwell in the bosom of
God forever.”
62 Thus spoke Sariah, and the whole assembly was filled with stillness, and
there stood before her a teacher who did most humbly bow, and he spoke to
her, saying:
63 “Good Mother, speak to us of the silence of God, and from your wisdom
teach us that we might know the means by which the Father and the Mother
would speak to us while yet they dwell in Heaven.”
64 And Sariah, being filled with love for the children of God, did again lift up
her voice to speak, and immediately there fell from Heaven a great light,
causing that Sariah should appear enraptured and aflame, and in the voice of an
angel she began to teach.
Chapter 19
1 And Sariah spoke, saying: “Why will you appear as troubled within the heart
because of such a silence as others would claim to come from God?
3 For such as these do rightly observe that the voice of God is not found in
them, causing that they should reveal their hearts to all who would hear them,
believing wrongly within the mind that God does not care for them, and
proclaiming likewise that God does not care for you either.
4 Yet have such as these made no room within themselves for the things which
come from God and Heaven, having enthroned within their heart a hurtful ego
filled with harsh demands, causing that there should remain within the heart no
place where God might dwell, being themselves filled up to overflowing with the
self, and nothing but the self already.
5 Be wise, therefore, and this truth consider; for there is no silence which
comes from God save that which you yourselves create; for the words of both
the Father and the Mother are always present, yet are there many among you
who have not prepared yourselves to receive them.
6 Being in yourselves filled with hurtful passions, being in your daily actions
made too busy and ever grasping, being yourselves ever rushing here and there
to seek some worldly gain, making dull your own heart, causing that you should
not hear or see or feel the nearness of God within you.
7 For in such a silence as you would claim to come from God are you
yourselves revealed, to make apparent for all to see the nature of that inward
heart which you would deeply hide, to make exposed the shadows of yourself,
which shadows you alone did fashion.
8 Hear, then, and be you wise, that you may know for yourself that inner heart
which does but hide away, that you may know what you are like unto.
9 For there are those among you who would seek for themselves the voice of
God whereby they might justify themselves against another, and when they hear
silence only, then do they curse God to mock and ridicule.
10 Causing that they should withdraw from God, even while they continue to
walk among you, becoming themselves as angry and bitter against God.
11 Proclaiming through most subtle words that God is unworthy of such love
and devotion as the faithful would give, being in themselves ever quick to mock
and ridicule those which do believe.
12 Yet are there others among you which would seek the voice of God, and
perceiving instead that great and dreadful silence which dwells within their
heart, they are immediately filled with self-doubt and pity and inward loathing.
13 Proclaiming midst heavy sighs that they are not worthy of God, and these
likewise turn away, to surrender themselves to dark despair and endless gloom,
to be swallowed up within themselves in the midst of all their sorrows.
14 Still are there others among you which would hear the voice of God, and
when they hear, even then are they made uncertain, thinking the voice but
theirs instead, having themselves not perfected the faith within themselves,
becoming in their own minds assailed by many doubts.
15 And again are there among you those which are rare and few; for when
these cannot hear the voice of God, then do they grow most inwardly still and
16 And turning not the heart against God, or life, or themselves, they are filled
with compassion and tenderness towards even all the children of men, of which
many also cannot hear the voice of God because of some inward and outward
17 Such a one as this does most humbly vow to assume boldly the voice of God
within themselves, committing themselves to live the holy life, and to set aside
the ego of the self; surrendering in true humility the common wants of common
men, to seek instead that very God whose voice they cannot hear.
19 And by and by is faith made to increase within the heart through all the
good which they should do; and in a bright and shining moment are they made
to hear the voice of God at last, being in the mind imbued with great assurance
that they are accepted and worthy to receive.
20 Still are there among you also those, who from their youth, do always hear
the voice of God, being in their faith filled with all manner of goodly
expectations and joyful hope.
21 Being in themselves pure of heart and mind, permitting that they should
see God in all and through all, hearing within the joyful heart the voice of the
Father and the Mother, to feel in the sighing of the gentle winds the breath of
God which would refresh them, or to hear in the singing of the birds the song
which God would sing.
22 Becoming in themselves that joyful presence which would lift you up again
midst smiles and cheerful heart, becoming in their presence even as a light in
the midst of darkness, and a shining hope in the midst of great despair.
23 Choose, therefore, which of these you are like unto; for this I say again that
you might know, for there is no silence which comes from God save what you,
yourselves, permit.
24 For God is ever willing to reveal to those who truly seek the presence of the
Father and the Mother, to fill you up to overflowing with the mysteries and
wonders of heavenly things, causing that you should hear in the mind and feel
in the heart the voice of things eternal.
25 For even the very angels which walk in light beside you, even they do daily
speak, striving through all their love to touch the weary heart, to bear you up
when storms swiftly come to steal away your joy.
26 Yearning themselves to lift you higher still, above the rushing storm, to
whisper into your heart the happy frain: ‘Peace, be still, for God is near.’
27 Why then will you say that God is silent, being in their heart without care or
consideration for the children they love? For I tell you truly that no sparrow can
fall from the sky except that your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother be
made all aware because of it; and you are more precious in the eyes of God than
a heaven filled with sparrows.
28 Yet have you alone not permitted yourself to hear, neither will you be
patient in receiving such words as God would speak; neither have you made for
yourself that sacred place filled with prayer where God might softly hear;
neither have you prepared well the sacred moment where God is quick revealed,
but have busied yourself instead with the cares of this life above all other things.
29 Proclaiming always with your lips that you believe, but in your heart being
empty of faith, being always anxious for the bread you eat, or for the clothes you
wear, or the house wherein you live;
31 Come then and be you wise, for if you would add strength and power to
such faith as you have already, then give most careful heed; for I will tell you the
means by which faith is increased within the heart and mind together, to
increase in you such patience as you do need to know the soul of God, to feel it
stir within you.
32 For there are many among you already who desire with anxious breath to
hear the voice of God, yet are you without such patience as you do need to
acquire; for with anxious breath you speak your prayers, and when you are
done, you walk quickly away;
33 To yield yourselves to the burdens of the day, causing that God should find
you absent and full distracted in the moment when she would speak; for you
have surrendered yourselves again to all manner of fret and worry, to fill your
days with heaviness and burdens of every kind.
34 Hear then, and in your heart know deeply well, for if you would increase
such faith as you do have, then must you pray and meditate daily; creating
through your prayers and meditations a time and place where you alone might
draw nigh to God.
35 And in that sacred place and moment shall God come softly forth to
whisper within the mind of things sublime and filled with wonder; causing that
you should see with the eye and hear with the ear and feel with the heart, the
mystery and joy of God.
36 For in that moment when you would pray, or in the quietness of your mind
be filled with meditations, even then do you gather the sum of all your soul,
being found yourself in a time which is not a time, in a place which is not a
place, upon a day which is not a day.
37 For in the moment of your prayers and meditations do you stand before the
whole creation as one eternal and without limitations; becoming yourself as one
with God, being yourself endless and filled with wonders and mysteries of every
38 Pray, therefore, oft throughout your day, that you might make of all your
life a living prayer to God; revealing always the true desires of the heart and
soul together, weaving gently through words of faith, psalms of gratitude and
thanksgiving, of supplication and of trust.
39 Seeking always through the words you speak, to bless the Father and
Mother which love you so; for if you would seek for yourself the blessings of
God, then must you also bless the God from which you came; giving to God such
tender affections as you would have from God.
40 For the God of Heaven does give to you a true devotion, being anxious and
ever quick to hear the prayers of the humble heart; be you, therefore, likewise
devoted unto God, being yourself likewise anxious to seek your God in prayer
and meditation always.
41 Make of yourself, therefore, a ready vessel to receive from God, being found
yourself worthy and acceptable, being possessed within your heart of love and
wisdom and goodly expectations.
42 For the true blessings of God should you rightly expect, being yourself
always prepared to receive from God with a grateful heart; for it is the thing
which you expect that does most often come.
43 And if you should rightly expect within your heart and mind and soul to
receive in abundance the blessings of God, then shall you receive the goodly
portion, for you have prepared yourself to receive through many prayers and
44 But if instead you are filled with gloom, and there is made to haunt the
heart and mind and soul all manner of hurtful expectations, then do you
likewise receive the things which you yourself have called forth unto you; for by
the words of your own mouth, do you make real and ever present the things
which bless or hurt.
45 For you are the children of God, having in yourselves the power to make of
your life the things you will, being made within yourself both the creator or the
destroyer of good and happy things.
46 If, therefore, you would hear the voice of God, then prepare well the heart
and mind together, letting go the ego which does but push and goad; and in a
time and place made sacred through prayers and meditations, yield your soul to
47 For meditation is the gateway to the soul within; and prayer the path which
leads to God; and if you will give your life to prayer and meditation, then shall
faith increase within you; and there shall come in a soft and sudden moment,
the voice of God, saying:
48 “Speak, my child, and I shall hear, to fill you up to overflowing with good
and happy things; and if there should fall upon you any trial or grievous burden,
then shall we, together, turn them to your good.”
49 Thus in prayer and meditation do you yourselves prepare the way where
God might speak, revealing in yourselves the eternal and divine.
50 For in prayer and meditation is all your faith gathered as one within the
very soul of you; which faith you send forth into the very ethers upon the wings
of prayer, carrying within itself the breath of your breath, and the life of your
51 And in the moment of your meditation, when the heart and mind are made
as one within the soul, then does your faith return again unto you; finding in
your many devotions a place of calm and happy refuge, and there shall follow
upon the wings of all your faith, the voice which comes from God.
52 For in your prayers do you, yourselves, reach forth to God to sing to the
Father and the Mother the fullness of all your hopes and joys and sorrows also;
believing always within your faith that God shall surely come.
53 That in your meditations God might likewise draw near to the very doors of
all your heart, and there most gently knock; and if you should hear to let her in,
then are you both made richly blessed.
54 How then shall you cause your faith to live and grow within you, except that
you pray and meditate daily? But if you will not do these things, then shall your
faith wither away day by day, while yet there shall increase within your mind a
great many burdens.
55 How great then shall be the silence of God within you, seeing that you have
made for God no sacred place where she might speak unto your soul; having
yourself crowded the hours of all your days with the cares of this life only?
56 Causing that God should find in you no room or place for things eternal and
sublime; for you have made yourself to become as common and filled with
burdens of every kind, ever grasping and filled with want, yet never able to
satisfy the soul which in you dwells.
57 And think not to yourselves that God will answer the prayers of those who
would heap scorn and ridicule or judgment upon some other; for God will not
consent to the unrighteousness of any man, neither will she partake in such sins
as you would commit against another.
58 For every man and every woman are the children of God and if you should
wound in the heart or soul one of these dear ones, then have you yourself
compelled that God should be silent within you, lest you think yourself justified
in the wounding of another.
59 Make yourself, therefore, worthy to receive, banishing from your heart and
mind and speech such anger and hate as would take you captive, and turn your
heart to love instead, being ever guided by the wisdom which comes from God.
61 And if you would turn to God in prayer, to repent the sins which wound you
so, then shall God most quickly hear, and will day by day, heal you of all your
hurt, to restore the soul within.
62 Causing that you should hear at last the voice of God within and without,
even till it should fill up the whole creation with light and joy.
63 Pray, therefore, without ceasing, and in your meditations prove yourself
both quick and ready to receive the voice of God, that you might strengthen the
faith which lies within.
64 For the voice of God forever speaks, filling the airs round about you with
songs of hope and joy together, being found itself in the singing of the birds and
in the sighing of the wind, causing that even the trees and grass should dance
before it.”
65 These then are but a small part of the words which Sariah spoke; and the
scribes did write down all which she had taught, to compile it in a book of
sayings; which book was called: The Teachings of Sariah.
66 And for sixty years did Sariah continue to speak of faith and hope and godly
trust; and when she was old and bent with years, then was the book added to
the teachings of Adamilus and Evelah, and Noaeya too, to become as one in the
hand, filled with wisdom and benevolence and faith.
Chapter 20
1 Now on a certain day when Sariah was old, being herself some one hundred
and fifteen years of age, she gathered together many of the believers; and
ascending a mountain, she bid farewell; and many wept because of it, for they
did regard her with deep affections.
2 Yet did the days of her sojourn into mortal life wane with the passing of the
years; and bidding farewell, Sariah went alone to the mountain summit, and
there soon appeared before her a bright and shimmering light.
3 And with great suddenness the light parted, even as a veil, and there was
made to stand before her the very God of Heaven, even her own Beloved, being
himself attended by a host of Cherubim; and reaching forth his hand, he drew
Sariah unto himself.
4 And when she was enfolded within his arms, The One did kiss her upon the
lips; and in an instant was she changed in the twinkling of an eye, going from
mortality to immortality and eternal life; to stand again as Areta, the queen of
Heaven and the first of many Mothers.
5 In that moment did the angels rejoice to see again the Father and the Mother
made as one, becoming to each the fulfillment of all joy and goodly expectation;
and the veil of light did close round about them, and in an instant were they
returned to Heaven’s glory midst hosanna and hallelujah.
6 While yet the mortal world of Terralee continued on, and the teachings of
God did go forth unto every city and every people upon the earth, to both
instruct and enliven those which proved most willing.
7 And the ages passed, and man continued to progress in the midst of their
great civilizations, becoming themselves sophisticated and erudite, being ever
anxious to reach some greater height in all their learning.
8 Being hopeful that by so doing they might understand more fully the world
in which they lived; seeking eagerly through knowledge the surest path to
wealth and power; believing that in these things alone could be found the
fulfillment of themselves.
9 Causing that there should appear in the civilizations of man the classes of
the rich and the poor, the educated and the unlearned, the strong and the weak,
those which have in abundance and those which have not.
10 And there arose a great many law breakers, being themselves inconsiderate
of all others save themselves alone, being themselves driven and compelled by
poverty and greed and hate; causing that crime and desperation should rise up
from the lower classes to afflict the rich and the poor alike.
11 Which thing caused that the rulers of the state should pass ever more
stringent laws filled with harshness; and there arose a great many prisons, and
in each prison was there found an over abundance of criminals.
12 Which criminals the state did deride with scorn, to heap upon them all
manner of punishments and humiliations; striving with cruelty to break the
heart and spirit of every man and every woman who should find themselves
13 Now there passed some two thousand years from the day when Sariah bid
farewell, and there arose upon the earth the Industrial Age, and there was
found a great many inventions and wonders of every kind.
14 And there strode upon the earth the tycoons of industry and power, being
themselves enormously wealthy and filled with pride, being shameless and
boastful, proving themselves discontent and ever grasping for still some greater
wealth and power.
15 And there rose up to appease the men of power, the preachers of wealth and
prosperity, proclaiming always that the poor should obey the laws of man, or
offend God altogether.
16 While the rich and powerful they did excuse all manner of excess and greed,
proclaiming aloud that such men and women of wealth and power were blessed
by God to receive into their eager hands the riches of the earth, causing that all
others should have regard for them.
17 For the laws did the state design to protect the wealthy and the powerful,
giving to them some greater benefit and protection, while the poor were left to
themselves to seek revenge against the upper classes; for there was no justice in
the land, except what money could buy; but of laws there were many.
18 Causing that even the faithful should be divided with regard to the law and
justice; for there were many among the faithful who were themselves corrupted,
seeking to turn the word of God to their own advantage; desiring themselves to
be rich and powerful, proclaiming such things to be good and blessed of God.
21 Giving out with boastful pride, pennies to the poor, to be seen of men and
well applauded; demanding of the poor a humble gratitude filled with praise
and respect, while yet the rich, who claimed themselves faithful and near to God
should live on in lavish splendor.
23 Thus was there seen upon the earth so little justice, for it was injustice
which ruled in the hearts of the rich, being themselves always eager to rob the
poor of the little they had; knowing full well already that the poor had no means
to defend themselves in the courts of law, or to seek redress against the excesses
of the rich and the powerful.
25 But among the truly faithful did there grow a great desire to pray
continually for the coming of a great teacher who would instruct them
26 For there were those among the faithful which were filled with anger
against the established order, feeling themselves helpless and afflicted by the
law; causing that they should spill forth the vial of their wrath among the lovers
of God.
27 Yet did the true believers remember well the teachings of Noaeya regarding
the law and benevolence, but being anxious also that God should come again to
teach them the justice of Heaven, whereby they might know the way which they
might walk while in the mortal life.
28 So God came down as a mortal man, to unveil before the soul the fourth
dispensation of Heaven; to teach to the faithful the justice which is born of God,
which justice even the faithful must do, to full embrace, if they would take to
themselves the likeness of God whereby they might be exalted.
29 Thus was there born into the great city-state of Media, the child named
Megordoc, being the son of a great judge, being taught while in his youth the
rudiments and philosophies of the law.
30 Being expected from his youth to follow in the steps of his mother; for it
was she which sat in the courts of power and of law, being herself held in high
regard by all her peers and associates.
31 While yet the father of Megordoc was a craftsman of great skill and
cunning, being himself a maker of iron and steel; having built in his name a
large and prosperous foundry, causing that the father of Megordoc should prove
himself a tycoon of industry.
32 Thus did the shadow and likeness of God grow up in the palaces of wealth
and power, attending throughout his youth the finest schools and academies,
being elected by his peers to the Presidium of his university when he was just
twenty years of age.
33 But when Megordoc was twenty-four years of age, having himself passed
the bar to become a lawyer, he fell in love with a certain woman, for she was fair
and beautiful in all her speech and manner, being herself a believer and
follower of God.
34 And she gave to Megordoc the Book of God, which book contained the
teachings of Adamilus and Evelah, and of Noaeya and Sariah also; and
Megordoc read the book day and night, and by and by after three years of study,
he likewise became a believer also.
35 Seeing in the words of God the path which he must walk, becoming as one
who knew deeply well the ways of God and of men; to become himself a
discerner of truth and spiritual things, even in the midst of shadows and
illusions of every kind.
36 But when his father and mother were made aware of the doings of their
son, they became indignant and filled with shame; for their son had joined
himself with the lovers of God, to throw away the sum of all their dreams for
37 And in anger did they confront the son and demand of him an accounting;
and when he had revealed all his heart, they were filled with scorn and ridicule,
and with contempt did rail against him night and day without surcease.
38 Yet did the son remain faithful to God, and seeing that he would not be
turned, the father and mother did sue the son at court, to recover the expenses
of all his lodging and education, from the days of his youth up.
39 And seeing that the son had no money of his own to recompense, he was
put in jail, being promised again his freedom if he would turn again unto the
law, to fulfill the dreams of his father and mother.
40 Now when the son was put in jail, they brought to him once a week, the
preachers of prosperity and wealth; and with soft and subtle words did they
speak their love for God also, proclaiming with soothing speech that it was not
good to reject the ways of the father and the mother for this was an offense to
41 For it was God which had blessed the father and the mother with wealth
and power, and this because of their righteousness, for God did not bless the
disobedient or unwise; for this cause did God ordain that the law should take
precedence above all other things.
42 And if any man should reject the order of earthly things, which things God
himself decreed through the blessings of the rich, then is that man guilty of sin,
and must need repent whereby he might be restored unto such life and
privileges as the father and the mother would most gladly offer.
43 Thus did the preachers of wealth and prosperity speak, each hoping to turn
the son to their favor, whereby the father and mother might give to them some
great reward; but the son sat himself as still as stone, speaking not a word.
44 Now when the preachers saw that the son would not agree, then did they
rail against him, calling him disobedient, unwise, ungrateful; being himself
deluded by pretenses filled with pride, proving himself hurtful and callous
towards the parents which loved him.
45 Yet was all this to no avail, and after three years within the prison walls,
when it was certain that the son would not be turned, then did the father and
mother most bitterly relent, to set free the son at last.
46 Stripping the son of his place and station, thinking only to punish him for
the choosing of God above themselves; declaring before their peers that the son
they loved was dead and should no longer be remembered.
47 Now when the son was set free of the prison cell, there rushed up to meet
him the woman which he loved, and her name was Dedrah, being herself a
keeper of honeybees.
48 And seeing again her only love, she fell upon him with many kisses, and
immediately did she take him to her home whereby he might be received with
honor by her own father and mother.
49 And all they which were numbered among the believers did also gather
round about the house, being numbered some eight thousand souls; for they
were all aware of his many trials and tribulations, and of his faithfulness to hold
to God and heavenly things.
50 Thus was the son greeted warmly and with grace, and even all the faithful
did receive him even as their own, causing that they should give to him a new
name, calling him from that day forth: Moshe.
51 And Moshe loved Dedrah the keeper of the honeybee, and in the spring of
the year were they married before the altar of God midst great rejoicing and
jubilation, to dance themselves midst gentle rhythms beneath the shining
52 Now the years passed and Moshe grew in wisdom, and among all believers
was he held in high regard, for many began to believe among themselves that
this very Moshe was the teacher sent from God, being himself most highly
learned in the ways of the law and of men.
53 Possessing in both his public and private life but one nature and
disposition, being himself thoughtful in such words as he might speak, being
gracious to all and speaking well of every man and every woman.
54 Ever quick to point out the good in life, and to encourage all who should
draw near to be likewise good and filled with joy; receiving to himself with
smiles and pleasant words even the lowest of men, to set them near the heart of
55 Being himself the fulfillment of such teachings as did come from God;
becoming an example for all to see; having in his countenance and speech a soft
and gentle manner, being himself unequaled in the knowing of the scriptures
which came from God.
56 Now the years passed and Moshe and Dedrah brought forth children of
their own, to cast themselves ever deeper into love’s embrace; and all which saw
did see in Moshe and Dedrah the way which they might likewise be.
58 Which Solemn Assembly held the membership of some thirty cities, as well
as all the towns and villages which lay between.
59 And on the seventh day of the first month of Kishloo, there was convened
some one hundred and thirty thousand believers who would see for themselves
the ordination and setting apart of Moshe, becoming himself the forty-ninth
Presiding Patriarch of the Solemn Assembly.
60 And when all was accomplished, there rose up the first Lord of the supreme
council, and he entreated Moshe before the whole assembly, saying:
61 “Speak to us, good Father, of the justice of God; for all these years have we
asked of you through many supplications to teach us, yet you would not,
claiming yourself unlearned and not yet ready to speak so great a thing.
62 See then how this whole assembly would hear the word of God, and you
alone to speak it, revealing in your speech and manner the heart of God within
63 What say you now, Moshe: Will you at last make known the wisdom of
God, and by what means, or in what manner we should comport ourselves
before the law?
64 That by our many efforts in following such words as you might speak, we
might bring again the presence of God unto the earth, causing that even God
should walk and move and live within the affairs of every man and every
65 Thus did the first Lord of the supreme council speak; and Moshe, rising
from his place did approach the very mercy seat of the whole assembly; and
looking upon the multitudes which were gathered to hear him, he spoke, saying:
“I will speak.”
Chapter 21
1 These are the words which Moshe spoke before the assembly of many
believers, and there was placed round about the mercy seat of God all manner
of recording devices.
2 For those which were appointed by the assembly to preside over the lovers of
God desired to keep record of all which Moshe might speak and reveal
concerning the justice which comes from God.
3 And Moshe, being filled with compassion and tenderness for those which
were gathered, spoke, saying: “Come, my children, and sit you by, and I will
speak of that justice which moves and stirs, to shine brightly forth from out of
the heart of God.
4 Set aside the burdens of your days, and be you still and filled with peace;
that you might restore again the soul within.
6 Let the heart rejoice and in your soul be filled with praise, letting go such
philosophies as men might teach; to embrace instead the wisdom which comes
from God, setting aside your own selves also, whereby you might see in the
mind the likeness of your God.
7 That you might know for yourselves the things of greatest worth; to become
yourselves in like manner even as the Father and Mother which do wait upon
you, desiring themselves to lift you higher still, to fill you up with light and joy
and godly wisdom.
8 If then you would know the soul of God, to keep within your heart the justice
which dwells in Heaven, to become yourself just and filled with mercy, then give
heed and likewise do.
9 For it is written already among you that justice is the heart of God made
manifest in the affairs of men and women, being itself dressed in mercy and
forgiveness, being always the power which would uplift the fallen, or reclaim
and restore to goodness the one which is made corrupt through the harshness
of life.
11 Yet in this life have men corrupted the justice of God, to fill the earth with
many sorrows, of which there seem no end; hedging up against you round
about, such laws as would but weary the heart and soul together.
12 Proclaiming without surcease through the preachers of the day that the first
law of Heaven is obedience only, declaring always that the house of God is a
house of order; to make God most like themselves, to become in Heaven both a
lawyer and a judge filled with harsh demands.
13 Giving rise among this whole assembly some great debate concerning both
the law and justice together; having themselves already corrupted and
perverted the ways of justice whereby they themselves might be advantaged.
14 For this I tell you for your learning, that in the true justice of God is there
found both recompense and equity, giving to every man and every woman a fair
and just reward, even according to the desires of your own heart.
15 Which desires do manifest themselves daily in the things you seek to do;
revealing by your own actions the desires of your truer heart, being undeceived
by such words as you might speak.
16 For the justice of God has many councilors, which councilors are mercy and
understanding and compassion; which things would cause that justice should
seek through every means to restore and to heal, being anxious to forgive all
who would turn aside from the doing of evil, to turn again to God.
17 Know then that God shall not judge alone by the seeing of the eyes, or the
hearing of the ears; but looks instead upon the inward heart of every man and
every woman, to see if there be found any good thing.
18 For this must you, yourselves, most rightly know that the first law of
Heaven is not obedience but love instead; for those who love as God does love,
even these have no need of the law, to be themselves compelled in the doing of
good, but do themselves the goodly thing for the sake of love only.
19 For it is not through the law of many commandments that God would
coerce that we should seek the greater portion, but through love and godly
wisdom only; becoming ourselves, if we should choose, both well instructed and
deeply learned in the things which come from God; making of our life a prayer
and a song which we would offer up with joyful hands.
20 Neither think you likewise that Heaven is a house of order, for such are the
prisons which men have made; but know you deeply well instead that Heaven is
the house of joy and glory and shining light.
21 For the preachers of the day have made of Heaven a prison house, filled to
overflowing with many laws and many judges; each being filled with wrath and
fear and punishments of every kind.
22 Pretending among themselves to hold the keys to the greater glory, while
yet they are empty and filled with prattle, proclaiming with doleful vigor that
except you obey them first, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
23 Speaking only of the law and punishment, for they have no mercy;
declaring always the law of obedience, for they have no love; shouting from the
rooftops the need for order; for they know not God or heavenly things but fear
24 Being themselves compelled and driven by all manner of greed and envy
and anger and hate, which things are of our own making.
25 Seeing in others what lurks within them also, being anxious to bear down
upon every man and every woman whereby they might lift themselves above
you; creating through sophistries, such illusions as might prove the rightness of
what they do.
26 Observe you well and see for yourselves: For the justice which comes from
God is superior above every other, being itself rooted deeply in mercy,
understanding and compassion, being of itself the healer and restorer of every
child which comes from God.
27 While yet the justice of men you have seen for yourselves already, being
itself harsh and filled with punishments, being itself rooted in wrath,
vengeance, anger and hate, becoming itself the fount of many sorrows.
29 Choose then the justice which you would serve, to hold it in your soul and
spirit whereby it might guide you; for whichsoever of these you choose, even it
shall shape and fashion the very heart within you.
30 For if you should choose the justice of men, then shall you be fashioned of
wrath and judgment, anger and hate, greed and envy; dispensing unto the weak
and fallen and disadvantaged the vial of all your vengeance, filled with endless
32 For the justice of men is seldom justice, but injustice only, having as its
hurtful offspring both guilt and shame, both anger and hate, both revenge and
constant revilings; which things do continually rise up in such societies as you
would make, to afflict and haunt you without surcease.
33 But if you choose the justice of God, to speak it from the heart, to lift the
hands in blessings and not with curses, then shall you be filled with healing,
becoming yourselves the redeemer of those which fall.
34 For in the justice of God do you set aside the hurtful passions which make
ruin the soul of every man and every woman who should fall by the way, to
become yourselves instead filled with redemption and healing grace; making of
your life and the life of many others, even as a light which cannot be hid.
37 Consider then and ponder deeply well, for whensoever you should see in
the justice of men the wrath of retribution; then is the justice of men made as
vengeance only; filled with loathing and contempt; seeking by some cruel and
harsh endeavor to break in pieces the one which sins, to crush them underfoot.
38 Why then will you permit this dark imposter to move and breathe and
make havoc the spirit which dwells within you; causing that you yourselves
should stand divided because of such laws and justice which come from those
who rule?
39 Becoming in your heart and mind unsettled and filled with uncertainty
concerning the way which you should go, being anxious now that the light of
God should shine within you, to chase away the gloom, and to reveal as clear
and sweetly pure the path which you might walk.
40 Hear then and be you wise, for such injustices as come from man through
the administering of the law, even this is made to live because you, yourselves,
do fear it; to be itself fed continually by even your own anger and hate, filled
with great resentments.
41 Causing that you should struggle within the very soul between the darkness
and the light, provoking again and again without surcease the lesser portion.
42 Causing that it should rise up in anger within your very heart, to chaff and
offend at every turn, to consume in bitterness the peace which comes from God;
to leave instead a burning waste filled with hurtful passions.
44 For in your soul are you made to tremble with great anxieties, and this
because of such laws and injustice as men would make to hold you bound, being
themselves enabled to rule over you because you, yourselves, are fearful.
46 Remember then such words as Noaeya spoke: For the law is made for those
who do not love, being themselves thoughtless and uncaring for any save
themselves alone; becoming themselves hurtful and without regard towards
family, friends and neighbors.
47 But if it so be that you do most rightly love, being yourself filled with kind
regard towards every man and every woman, then how can the law offend you,
seeing that even your own love has lifted you far above it.
48 If then you would dwell peaceably, then surrender happily such rights as
others would most hotly claim before the law; removing from your heart the
seeds of great offense; speaking to all about you words of kindness and
49 Thus in standing humbly before the men of law, being yourselves wrapped
in kindness and gentleness always, even then shall those which rule see in you
no offense worthy of reproach and punishment.
50 For the law have you most humbly obeyed already, not because you were
compelled by the law, but by love only and kind regard.
51 Yet, this hear and weigh most carefully within the soul, that you may prove
yourselves the rightful heir of heavenly things, to stand you forth as the mighty
men and women which come from God, to bless the lives of those who live.
52 For even as love would compel that you most humbly keep the laws which
men do make, even so would love compel that you should break in pieces such
laws as would prove themselves hurtful to the children of God.
53 Appointing even your own selves the guardians of life and liberty; not with
railing words and angry heart, but with gentleness and meekness always;
electing yourselves to resist such evil as men would do, while yet you provoke
not some greater evil.
56 Yet being yourselves always kind and humble, that by your goodly presence
might those which rule be themselves reminded of still the greater portion,
being themselves the children of God also.
57 Holding up before their eyes both grace and mercy, offering to them a way
out of such evil as they might do; proving yourselves not only the light which
shines in darkness, but also the redeemer of those who sin.
58 Be not silent before such evil as men might do, neither surrender to blind
obedience the moral conscience of your soul; for if the men of law do evil while
you, yourselves prove silent in the knowing of it, then are you made partakers of
such evil as men might do through the laws which they do make.
59 Beware then of those who speak, saying: “Obey those who are appointed
over you and do not bother if it be right or wrong. For if you will obey only, then
will God most surely bless you.”
60 I tell you truly: Whosoever shall speak to you this saying, even that one is
made corrupt and in his heart speaks falsely, being themselves a stranger to
God, being devoid of love and mercy and wisdom.
61 Being eager themselves to corrupt you, even as they are made corrupt and
filled with sin; for blind obedience will make you blind, to cover the soul with
62 Be not silent, therefore, in the face of evil, neither provoke it with angry
words of condemnation; but stand you calmly forth, being yourselves wrapped
round about in goodness, and with words both strong and gentle, speak well the
truth which comes from God.
63 For you are the children of God above all other things, and not the servants
of the law, for the law should serve you well for the sake of goodness only.
64 Therefore, fear not the laws which men do make, neither stand you fearful
and filled with tremblings before those who would be appointed as officers and
judges over you.
65 But in calmness and humility comport yourselves with grace and
gentleness, being in your outward selves both good and wise, but in your inward
selves both firm and strong; for in your heart is the justice of God made real, to
fill you up with great resolve.”
Chapter 22
1 And Moshe continued teaching of the law and justice together, saying: “Be
you, therefore, committed within yourselves to honor the laws, for you are
accountable to God to keep even all the law with humility and grace, being
yourselves sustained and encouraged daily through such love as you do bear
within the heart.
2 Yet are you likewise required of God to break at once such laws as would
bring hurt to the children of God which are made to live upon the earth.
3 To break in pieces the laws which would rob the soul of such things as do
come from God; and this also through the weighty powers of humility and grace
together fashioned.
5 To find within your heart and mind together that tower of rock filled with
confidence, which confidence would lift you high above the fray, to stand you
closer to God whereby he might smile upon you, to guard you well within his
6 For the laws of man should serve only the justice which comes from God;
and not submit themselves to the lower passions, becoming themselves shaped
and fashioned to serve such greed and anger and hate as might darkly intrude
upon the heart.
7 If, therefore, you would rise above the laws and judgments of lesser men,
then be you filled with God, for he has shown you what is good already, for what
does God require of you except that you do justly and love mercy and walk
humbly with your God?
8 And if this be the thing which you would do, then are you beyond the grasp
of every law, being in your heart and mind already without offense towards all
who live.
9 Giving to all who would approach you, kindness in place of anger, courtesy
instead of harshness, and gentle regard in place of cold indifference.
10 For the laws of man are like a net which would capture from out of the
midst of you, those which would act against the common good, being
themselves without consideration or care towards any man.
11 Becoming themselves as some dread affliction which the law must needs
remove, causing that the law should preserve and protect the things which are
good and worthy of praise.
12 Hear then and be you wise, for you know already how the net will catch all
manner of living things; of things which swim in the sea, or fly in the airs, or
move upon the land; yet is there no net which can catch the wind, for the winds
of Heaven are beyond the grasp of man.
13 Moving always upon the land to dance among the fields, ever rushing here
and there between the heavens and the earth, being itself the breath of God
which does refresh and enliven the whole earth together.
14 In like manner do you become if you will but love and cease your fear,
carrying in your heart and mind the justice which comes from God, being
yourselves filled with mercy and understanding and kindness always; becoming
yourselves as one sovereign, immutable and everlasting.
15 For if you rightly love, then is there no room for fear, for the wisdom of God
dwells in you; and if you are just and filled with mercy, then are you made the
redeemer of those which fall, being yourself filled with faith and hope together.
16 For injustice is born of fear, which fear gives way to anger, causing that
anger should bear the bitter fruit of hate; and those who are thus ensnared,
even they do inflict upon many others the hurt of many sorrows filled with
17 If then you would have the justice which comes from God, then be you free
of such fears as lesser men have, and this through love and gentleness; letting
slip from your mind the shadows of doubt and dread, filling your mind instead
with the knowledge which comes from God, to live it day by day.
18 Do not, therefore, fear such laws as men do make, neither fear you death
besides; for if you fear the law, you cannot truly love; and if you should fear the
touch of death, then are you unable to live happily and in joy, being yourselves
tainted through many fears, being yourselves haunted night and day by many
19 For life is rich in abundance and sweet delight, being made sweeter still
because you have let go your fear of death; for even God has given you the life
you live; therefore, live it well and fully deep.
20 And as it is with life, so is it with death also, for you are appointed in each
life but once to die; spend, therefore, most bravely well the death appointed,
that you might fill the sum of all your life with a meaning rich and greatly rare.
21 For those who have in their heart the justice which comes from God, even
these do not fear death, neither do they fear such things as men might do
against them.
22 For they know that God shall restore the faithful and the just, to heal them
of all their hurt; to receive them well into Heaven’s glory, to dwell beyond the
stars, being made one with the very angels and even God forever.
23 Know then that in such knowledge as God would give is there found the
seeds of strength and rich reward; which knowledge shall chase away your
fears, if it so be that you should embrace it to live it well; causing that you
should prove courageous and filled with goodness.
24 But if you should fear for your life, being yourselves fearful of the law and
of death, then is love not made perfect within you; for the justice of God is
drawn from love and mercy together, and whosoever is filled with fear, then in
that person is the justice of God not found.
25 Choose, therefore, the path which you will walk, for you are called to
choose between fear and joy, love and hate, justice and injustice; choosing for
your own selves to whom you would give account, either to God or to man; for it
is not given that you should serve two masters, but only one instead, and this
with all your might and soul and heart.
26 But if you would excuse yourself to remain as you are, to follow not the God
of Heaven, being yourself led astray by the ego which rules within already; or if
you would use sophistries to turn aside the word of God to make it of no effect,
then are you become as one lost and fallen away; to be consumed yourself by
perplexities and confusions of your own making, being ever fearful and filled
with dread.
27 How then shall the righteous comport themselves; how move, how speak,
how live? For if you would bring forth the justice of God to dwell in the affairs of
men, then must you prove yourselves the very seed from which all good things
28 For the justice of God is a fruitful tree, and if you choose yourselves to
plant it within the heart, then is there made to spring up within you that moral
center which would encourage you always to act rightly and not amiss.
29 Possessing within the very midst of you the shining light of honor and
integrity and respect towards every man and every woman, and children also.
30 For these are the gifts which you give yourselves to be, which gifts no man
can take from you by force or slander; for in such goodness as you embrace are
you made the masters of yourselves.
31 While those who are without honor and integrity and respect, even these do
lose the mastery of all their heart and mind and soul; having surrendered
themselves to such forces as do swirl about them, being themselves discontent
and anxious, filled with uncertainties and shadows of every kind.
32 Becoming themselves the stuff of which the graves are made, even while yet
they live, being themselves oppressed and harried throughout their lives; to
become themselves as fallen and broken upon the rocks and hard places of such
a mind and heart as they possess.
33 If then you would be the master of your life, then choose for yourselves the
justice of God, to become yourselves the redeemer and proclaimer of goodly
things; giving to your own soul the gifts of honor and integrity and respect.
34 For in the ways of honor would you establish the sovereignty of your own
selves while yet you move through the affairs of common men; refusing with
steadfast heart to surrender yourselves to the lower passions which would rip
and tear asunder.
35 Being yourselves both calm and self-possessed in the midst of trouble,
being yourselves honest in word and deed, being forthright and filled with
goodness; possessing in yourselves a noble bearing, yet without pride and
haughtiness; using the truth for goodness only and refraining your hands from
36 For the honor which is born within you does make the man which others
see, but in the gift of integrity is there made the man which you alone can see.
38 Striving always with an eager heart to reach higher still, being ever
watchful within the mind to refrain from such bitter words as would make the
heart most dark within; but becoming yourselves optimistic and filled with
hope, being yourselves sustained by a good and happy humor, filled with
brightness and happy calm.
39 Accepting with godly grace the storms which rage about, and this without
complaint; for in your inward heart are you made indomitable and resolute
through such integrity as you possess; causing that others should see in you a
safe and happy haven in the midst of all their sorrows.
40 Thus would honor and integrity serve you well, if you would yourselves so
choose, presenting to those who know you, the honor which they see, and the
integrity which they feel; causing that they should desire to be even as you are,
and this through the respect which you do show to every man and every
41 For respect is the road upon which your honor and integrity would walk, to
go themselves into the affairs of common men; presenting with most charming
grace the very seed from which the justice of God might be born within them
42 Therefore, be you respectful and filled with grace towards every man and
every woman, possessing in yourselves a courteous and gracious etiquette filled
with manners of charm and style; by such means shall you walk smoothly and
untroubled throughout the affairs of low and common men.
43 Esteeming every man and every woman as worthy to receive of you the
goodly portion, covering with your own grace the rudeness which others speak
and do; establishing through tireless efforts the foundations of peace and
44 For of your life would I reveal a mystery and a wonder, for you are the
power of God upon the earth, if it so be that you should elect yourselves to do
much good; becoming yourselves the imitators of heavenly things, being
yourselves established in the depths of the Father and the Mother from which
you come.
45 Being yourselves not fearful in following after the God which loves you,
neither are you constrained in reaching higher still to seize the greater portion;
having set free your mind from the delusions of this life, being eager with happy
hearts to endure all things, bear all things, hope all things.
46 For at the birth of all your lives does God give into your keeping a book
most finely made, having on its many pages neither word nor spotted blemish,
becoming within itself pure and white and filled with expectation.
47 And to the infant child from which you come does God but sweetly speak,
saying: “Choose for yourself the life you live, and write herein the man or
woman you wish to be, shaping day by day the likeness of your nature.
48 Write, therefore, my good and noble child a story filled with goodness;
causing that the very angels should sing in Heaven, the wonders of this life you
weave; to touch for yourself the soul of God, and in their bosom dwell forever
and anon.”
49 In this manner has God whispered into the ear of every child, yet in the
living of your life have you permitted that the book which God did give should
slip from the chambers of your heart, to fall beside the way where strangers and
darkness lurk; and to these have you given the power to write therein, to decide
for themselves the nature and disposition of all your life.
50 Rise up, therefore, within your soul and in despair no longer droop, but
seize with eager heart the book again and on its pages write; distilling yet on
every page of things sublime and filled with light.
51 To seize again this life you live and as its master prove; fashioning here and
writing there the song which God would sing, to make the earth and Heaven
ring; resounding through the days of all your life, love for love and grace for
52 Be you then as just and good and in God’s mercy dwell, to break asunder
the chains of hell which men themselves do make; establishing through the life
you live the justice of God upon the earth, proving through word and deed the
worth of every soul.
53 Consider then the fallen which are among you and the means by which you
might reclaim them, sending forth within their darkness a great and piercing
light; to stand you forth as the redeemer of those forgotten and forlorn.
54 For the weight of the law does but harden the fallen against you, to fill them
with bitter rage; causing that when the fallen are let go again, they will add to
their crimes still greater and greater crimes.
55 Having themselves been afflicted by the harshness of the law which would
impose upon them the burdens of despair and hopelessness and fear; causing
that there should be born out of such bitter soil, a deep and cunning hate filled
with the seeds of many sorrows yet to come.
56 Know then that when you see the fallen, it is their environment which has
made them so; for crime is born out of poverty and ignorance and dark despair;
causing that there should well up within the poor and disenfranchised a great
many desperations filled with harsh and grasping needs.
57 Thus, is it needful that those who should commit crimes must of necessity
forfeit their right to exercise the will as they themselves might choose, for the
environment from which they came has corrupted the will against the good.
58 Yet in restraining the fallen must you not abuse them, to heap upon them a
wrath and bitterness filled with tears; but instead must you create within them
a new and pleasing environment filled with worth and hope; not fashioned out
of pleasure and ease, but made of challenges and good achievement.
59 And this through knowledge and not revenge, for all knowledge is
environment, and if you should take the fallen which you have seized, to
educate them in various and sundry fields, to give to them hope in place of
despair, knowledge in place of ignorance and a firm, but gentle kindness in
place of all their fear; then when you release them to exercise again their will,
then shall they prove themselves unfallen and redeemed.
60 Causing that you should build within their mind, through thoughtful
measures, the need for honor, integrity and respect; becoming themselves filled
with gentle courtesy and gracious manner.
61 Thus would you establish among yourselves the justice of God and not of
man, being yourselves most greatly benefited. Choose then the thing which you
would do, and if it be good, then do it with all your might.”
62 Thus spoke the great but gentle Moshe, and when he was concluded, even
all his words were written down and sent throughout the world of man; and
when he was gone from the earth, then were his words added to the book which
came from God.
Chapter 23
1 And the world turned and the ages passed, and the children of men
multiplied upon the earth of Terralee; and man continued to increase in
knowledge and power, subduing the earth to bend it to their rule, having
dominion over all living things.
2 Reaching into the very heavens to search among the stars, being anxious to
establish through science some greater and greater dominion; creating through
technology a life of ease and quick convenience.
4 Being themselves seduced and led astray by their own knowledge and
beliefs, being self-deceived and filled with pride; judging the value of every man
and every woman by the outward appearance only; seeking always the good
opinion and favor of common men while making jest the name of God.
5 Demanding always that God surrender to the ways of man, to yield before
their wisdom; proving themselves willful and disobedient and unwise, being
themselves indifferent and lazy with regard to spiritual things, claiming the
things of God all too hard and not worthwhile.
6 Becoming themselves the mockers and scoffers of those who would seek the
God of Heaven, to hold them up to scorn and ridicule, thinking them foolish
and simple minded.
7 Thus did the children of God make greater still this division among
themselves, yet did the lovers of God continue faithful in reaching out to
Heaven, being happy and content in living well the simple life.
8 Being in their professions and labors as farmers and musicians, poets and
writers, astronomers and mathematicians; having among themselves a great
many master builders and craftsmen of every kind.
9 Yet being themselves content to stride upon the earth with gentle steps,
appointing themselves the caretakers and protectors of all living things; seeking
through many efforts to heal and bless the world which God had made.
10 Singing songs to Mother Earth and blessing Father Time, speaking into the
very ethers, the words which fell from God, even as the gentle rain; becoming in
their heart filled with rainbows and endless starry skies.
11 Causing that the lovers of God should prefer for themselves the wild places
of the earth, gathering and living in small villages and country towns filled with
charm and grace; finding joy in godly things filled with holy laughter, being
themselves not seduced by the philosophies and technologies of men, but
instead ever seeking the richness of life filled with happy labor.
12 For those which sought the God of Heaven would seek by every means to
dance within the light, finding joy in each the other and every man their
neighbor; celebrating as in days of yore the holidays of Adamilus and Evelah.
13 Gathering oft within their homes and gardens to study deep the ways of
men, seeking within their quorums to increase the borders of God’s domain
upon the earth, to fill the world with light and peace and joy.
14 Enduring well the mocking jest of those which did not believe, placing in
their love for God the sum of all their faith and trust, knowing full well that God
was likewise faithful; speaking to each other words of encouragement and hope.
15 And as the ages passed since the coming of Moshe, the lovers of God did
look forward to the coming of still some other teacher who would speak to them
of fortitude and goodly strength; keeping all the while the words of God within
their heart, striving day by day to see revealed in themselves both wisdom and
benevolence, faith and justice.
16 Thus did the divisions of man grow greater in the passing of the ages, being
separated by things temporal and spiritual, for the many did choose to live a
rushed and hurried life, to surround themselves with distractions great and
17 While yet the few did choose instead the simplest life, surrounding
themselves on every side with God and simple things, counting their wealth not
by money or possessions, but in friendships and love and good devotions;
counting on the fingers of their hand the things accomplished for the sake of
God, of which they themselves partook.
18 Such was the world of Terralee in the passing of the years; and again there
passed some two thousand years, and in Heaven did God the Father speak unto
Areta, the Great Mother Goddess, saying:
19 “Behold, my Love, how the years have passed, causing that even now we
should give to the children of men, the fifth dispensation of Heaven.”
20 And there was born in the village of Alpia, near the wilderness of Maag, an
infant son who was the darling child of his father and mother, being himself
their first and only child.
21 And when there had come the appointed time, there was convened the
ceremony of blessing and naming, and the father did give to the infant son even
his own name; which thing filled the whole village with wonder, and there arose
within the great quorum a great many whisperings filled with awe.
22 For the father was himself the Presiding Patriarch of his village, and when
he had given to his infant son even his own name, many spoke to him, saying:
“Good Father, if you will give to your son your own name, then by what name
shall we call you? For your name have you given to another.”
23 And the father answered, saying: “Let then my name be ‘dust’, for this my
son is greater than I, being himself before me; for this I dreamed in a dream:
Behold, a star from Heaven fell, and in the womb of my Beloved did the star
find rest and sweet repose, to come forth anew even as this child which you see.
24 And not this only, for I beheld again within my dream the falling of yet
another star which star did chase after the first which fell; but in what place it
came to rest I know not of.”
25 Thus did the father speak, and all which heard were filled with marvel,
wondering whether or not the infant son should be sent by God to become
himself the teacher of heavenly things.
26 So the dream which the father had was spoken in many ears, going from
village to village and town to town; causing that many others should put forth
their own infant sons and daughters as likewise being the one appointed of God
to teach, and in the passing of the years did the whole assembly, in all its
quorums, become excited and filled with anxious breath.
27 Now the infant son was called Abbahdon, and as he grew many were made
perplexed because of him, for he seemed as other boys in many ways, being
filled with mischief and laughter always;
28 Yet did he not speak as a little child, for there was in his speech and
manner a deep and knowing wisdom far beyond his years.
29 Being at a tender age eager to learn from the Book of God, beseeching his
father and mother oft to read to him the things which God would say; causing
that the father and mother should teach the boy to read the book for himself,
when he was five years of age.
30 Now when Abbahdon was twelve years of age, there fell upon him a
dreadful fever, and many feared that he would die; and despite the prayers and
blessings of every quorum, still did the fever ravage the boy, to leave him blind
and weakly thin.
31 And the mother, weeping many tears, took the son into her arms to comfort
him, saying: “See, dear Abbahdon, this burden which the mortal life has cast
upon you, to try the faith of all your soul.
32 Be you strong, therefore, and do not yield to bitterness, neither seek the
pity of any man, for God has not forsaken you, but shall walk as quiet beside
throughout the sum of all your days, to fill you up with knowing.
33 Being yourself empowered from above to see within your soul what the
eyes alone cannot see, and to hear what ears alone cannot hear; becoming
yourself, in God, a discerner of the heart and a knower of hidden things.
34 Suckle now upon my breasts and here most quietly lie; for your father and I
shall restore to vigor the strength of all your flesh, to make you strong in breath
and limb.”
35 Thus spoke the mother of Abbahdon, and day by day did the father and
mother, and many others also, nurse him back to health and vigor; and
notwithstanding that he was blind, even Abbahdon did strive daily to master
the darkness in which he lived, to fill it up with joy and laughter and graced by
happy light.
36 Now on a certain day when Abbahdon was alone in the garden by his home,
there approached most quietly a little girl, being herself twelve years old, whose
name was Gaia, being herself bright and filled with tender charms; and seeing
Abbahdon sitting alone, she did love him, for in her eyes was he seen as one
most beautiful and rare.
37 And feeling the presence of someone near, Abbahdon rose up from his
place with calmness, saying: “Who is there? Come and plainly speak.” And the
girl, Gaia, spoke unto him, saying: “It is I, Beloved; and I have journeyed from
far beyond to find you.”
38 When, therefore, she did answer, there awakened within the mind of
Abbahdon a piercing recollection filled with dreams of fiery passion; and
holding out his arms, he spoke, saying: “Beloved!”
39 In that moment did Gaia rush into the arms of Abbahdon, and they did
hold each other in a soft embrace filled with kisses sweet like honey; and in the
heavens did the very angels smile and sing with the joy of it, seeing that God
was made complete in the love of a boy and a girl upon the earth.
40 Then did Abbahdon sigh into the ear of Gaia, saying: “I am blind Beloved,
and cannot, myself, see the beauty of which you are fashioned.”
41 But the girl, Gaia, did rebuke softly her only love, saying: “The great
Abbahdon can never be blind, for I shall become your eyes and heart and
inward soul.
42 For it is given that there should be revealed in you the chosen one which
God would send to teach the ways of fortitude and grace.
43 Know then that this affliction which has befallen you shall prove itself a
trifling thing; for you shall prove yourself greater than any sorrow, holding up
with happy cheer the light which comes from God.
44 And though in this mortal life you should seem as one made blind to other
men, yet shall you teach to many others to see what the eyes alone cannot see,
and to hear what the ears alone cannot hear.
45 Let not this blindness trouble the soul of my Beloved, because you are
unable to see my likeness or my image; for such as I am, even this shall you
clearly see with the eyes of your inward soul.
46 For have you not a heart which feels? Have you not hands which touch, or
arms which hold? Have you not soft lips to kiss on mine, or suckle at my
breasts? How then shall you not know of such beauty as I am made?”
47 Thus did the girl, Gaia, speak; and from that moment did she come daily to
the home of Abbahdon, to sit beside him or in the gardens stroll; speaking
always of things to come and the things which they must do.
48 Now Abbahdon had a prodigious memory, and every day did Gaia read to
him from out of the Book of God, which thing caused that Abbahdon should
memorize in perfect order even all the writings and sayings contained therein.
49 And when he was completed in the knowing of the book, he began with
equal vigor to memorize the nine commentaries of Moshe; which books he
likewise mastered when he was just twenty-two years of age.
50 And all which knew of Abbahdon did marvel at the depth and breadth and
height of all his knowing; and the fame of him spread as a fire hotly fanned,
going from quorum to quorum, and from city to city, and from country to
51 And across the seas and through the airs did the name of Abbahdon fly, to
become as one of great renown among the lovers of God; for within the
assembly did many which ruled believe this Abbahdon the one which was sent
from Heaven.
52 For at no time had any man or woman memorized word for word the Book
of God, or memorized also with equal zeal the nine commentaries of Moshe;
and there came from out of the Solemn Assembly, many scholars which would
converse with him on every subject, being anxious themselves to test him.
53 Seeing then the greatness of his learning, and the humility and calmness of
his soul, the scholars did write to the Council of Lords many reports concerning
54 And the President of the Council, whose name was Micah, being himself a
native of Coppocia, even he was commissioned by every Lord to go and examine
this Abbahdon for himself, to see if he was the one which was come from God.
55 Now Micah set aside the robes of his office, and as a simple scholar did he
journey secretly to distant Alpia near the wilderness of Maag, appearing himself
as a humble traveler in search of holy things.
56 And going to the home of Abbahdon and Gaia, he spied the young man
sitting near the river’s edge; and approaching near to him, Micah spoke, saying:
“Please pardon, good sir, I seek the man Abbahdon.” And the young man
answered softly, saying: “I am he.”
57 Then did Micah speak, as though surprised, saying: “Are you then the great
Abbahdon?” And the young man answered him, saying: “I am only Abbahdon,
this and nothing more.”
58 Now Micah desired to test the youth, so he spoke again, saying: “There are
many which say you are great in learning and wisdom. If then this be true: Are
you not great, being yourself above all other men?”
59 But Abbahdon answered, saying: “Who can tell where greatness lies? For
oft does it walk unseen through the affairs of men; and when it is gone, then do
others see but lately clear the greatness felt among them, being made aware
through its absence, but seldom in its presence.”
60 When Micah heard this, he pondered deep within his heart, and again he
spoke, saying: “Yet, notwithstanding so sad a truth, still does there come that
rare moment when the greatness of another is clearly seen.
61 And if any man should deny what is made so clearly manifest, then is that
man false and undeserving of the greatness which God would place before him.
62 Consider then, Abbahdon, how that in your knowing of the word of God,
and in your mastery of the commentaries of Moshe, you are far beyond the
learning of every man and every woman.
63 Since this is true and above dispute: Will you not agree that you are made
as someone great in the knowing of all these things? How say you: Is not your
learning great; and if this be so, are you not great also?”
64 But Abbahdon did reject his words, saying: “Why will you tempt me? For if
I say: ‘I am great,’ then do the very words destroy the greatness of which you
speak, being shattered and broken by prideful words.”
65 Now when Micah heard this, he marveled, for Abbahdon could not be
tricked into prideful speech; and after a little while, he spoke again, saying:
66 “You have spoken well, Abbahdon. Yet is it whispered of you that you are
the one who deeply knows. Tell me then: Who am I? What is my name and
place? Reveal to me what your eyes cannot see, but which your heart most
deeply knows.”
67 And as he spoke, there came from out of the house to the riverside, Gaia,
the Beloved of Abbahdon; and recognizing immediately the man Micah, she did
gasp with a sudden start; yet did Micah quickly hold up his hand to silence her.
69 And hearing this, Micah was exceedingly astonished and filled with
wonder; and kneeling before Abbahdon, he exclaimed aloud, saying: “Surely,
then, are you the one which is sent by God to teach us.”
Chapter 24
1 And it came to be that Abbahdon was brought secretly before the Council of
Lords in the city of Pilar, which council did consist of thirty-five patriarchs and
thirty-five matriarchs; and there stood beside Abbahdon even his own Beloved,
Gaia, who was herself awed to stand before so august a body.
2 For the ruling council of the General Assembly wished to examine for
themselves this Abbahdon, who, being blind, was made the knower and
discerner of hidden things, being, even in his youth, deeply wise in knowing the
ways of God and of men.
3 Thus, for seven days did they test and try and examine him, and every man
and every woman did marvel because of him, and being united together in their
opinions concerning him, they did agree to present to the youth one last test,
being itself most subtly contrived.
4 And calling Abbahdon before the council, Micah did offer up even the whole
assembly into his keeping; to place at the head of the council even Abbahdon of
Alpia, to make him first and foremost above the believers and followers of God.
5 For even the whole council did wish to honor him, believing that surely he
was the one which was sent by God to teach them, being themselves most eager
to show both faith and devotion unto him, even before the whole assembly; to
place him in equal stature to all the dispensational leaders which came before
6 But when he heard these things, Abbahdon was filled with heaviness, and
gazing with blind eyes and a knowing heart upon the assembly gathered round
about, he spoke gently unto them, saying:
7 “Will you tempt me even now to prove myself false and deep unworthy?
Would you call forth from out of my depths, the dark speaker, to see revealed
before you the ego of the self; which ego would lust after the glory and honor of
men and not of God?
8 Would you see at last the prideful heart made victorious, and humility and
joy made swallowed up through vain deceit; to be myself as all consumed by
such praise as men alone might give?
9 What then came you to see, or feel or in your heart most deeply know?
Whose face and likeness would you see revealed in me?
10 If then you do truly believe that I am even as the Ancient of Days, being
myself in similitude of Father Adamilus, then hear me and in your heart do
ponder well: For there is a time and a season appointed to all things.
11 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest, a
time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to rest and a time to labor, a time of
sickness and a time of health, a time to mourn and a time to dance.
12 A time to speak and a time for silence, a time to build and a time to tear
down, a time to hold and a time to let go, a time to keep and a time to throw
away, a time for strength and a time to yield, a time to fear and a time for
13 And so is it rightly fashioned that through the days of all our life is there a
time and a season for all things great and small; for I tell you truly that I am he
of whom your own fathers and mothers did pray to see, and for themselves did
wish to hear.
14 Yet am I even now like the tree planted by the waters of all your life, still is
the season of harvest not yet come, for I am young and tender in years, and that
fruit which you would have of me is still made green and not yet ripe that you
should eat.
15 For I am in the summer of my life, being myself a youth and not full grown;
but soon will come the harvest season wherein every man and every woman
might sweet partake, to find in me an abundance of goodly things.”
16 Thus did Abbahdon speak, and all which heard did marvel at the depth and
grace of all his wisdom and discernment, to leave as fully blessed the heart of all
which heard, to feel themselves as touched by God.
17 And there rose up to speak the Presiding Matriarch of the General
Assembly, saying: “Surely you are the one which is come from Heaven to bless
us, for even in your youth is the wisdom of all your soul perfected; to give rise
within our souls the day star which would lead us home again, even unto God.”
18 From that day forth did the Council of Lords seek privately and in secret,
the wisdom of Abbahdon concerning the things which they might do for the
good of all mankind; and Abbahdon returned to the village of Alpia by the
wilderness of Maag and there did he resume the peaceful life.
19 And Abbahdon and Gaia did live happily and in peace, and there was born
to them the children of their youth; and in time did the children grow in grace
and wisdom and joy, to become themselves as parents also.
20 Causing that Abbahdon and Gaia should experience fully the joys and trials
of mortal life, being to each the other a constant help and a ready comfort;
pouring forth in daily fashion, the sum of all their faith and love for each the
other; to guard through tender words the devotions of their heart.
21 Thus did Abbahdon live his life beside his wife and children, being in his
profession a maker of toys and an inventor of games; and in the village of Alpia
did every man and every woman have regard for him; for he was filled with
kindness and gentle humor.
23 For even those which were not of the assembly, being themselves
consumed by the pursuit of wealth and power, even these did seek the counsel
of Abbahdon, to make of him an arbitrator and a judge in the affairs of anxious
men; for in his wisdom was there found fairness and justice.
24 And within the Council of Lords did each succeeding generation pass down
the name of Abbahdon, to guard it deeply well; and when Abbahdon was fifty
years of age, the Council of Lords did convene the whole assembly into one
place, which assembly did consist of some two million members.
25 And there did they call forth Abbahdon and did confer upon him the office
and title: The Teacher of Righteousness, which office had never before existed;
to set him above the whole assembly altogether; to stand himself revealed as the
teacher which was come from Heaven to bring forth a new dispensation.
26 Then did the Presiding Matriarch of the whole assembly petition Abbahdon
to teach, to reveal to even all the children of God such things as God himself
might speak: For even in the assembly did many feel overburdened by the rush
and hurry of life, and many did despair even while yet they cleaved to God for
solace and relief.
27 And Abbahdon, being guided by Gaia unto the pulpit, did stand himself
most quietly still, and immediately there fell a hush upon the whole assembly,
and Abbahdon spoke, saying:
28 “Speak, my children, and in your heart answer well: What came you forth
to see and to hear? Came you forth to hear the words which God might speak, to
receive to yourselves the teachings of a new dispensation wherein even your
own souls might prove benefited?
29 Come then and set aside the burdens of your day, and God shall speak
within your heart and mind together, to make deeply known the gift which
comes from Heaven, being itself untainted and uncorrupted of any man.
30 Look well into yourselves and be you certain, decide the thing which you
would most truly have: the things of God or of men; for there are many who are
sorely tempted of lesser things, to become as weak and uncertain of themselves
and God together.
31 What then would you hear of Abbahdon the blind? What would you seek
from the heart and soul of God whereby you might prove comforted and
encouraged in a fast and modern world, which very world would leave you to
feel as weak and helpless and filled with anxious breath and dark despair?
32 Stand forth as the children of God and not of men only, proving yourselves
eager to receive of God the greater portion, being determined with happy hearts
to embrace the teachings of this new and brighter day.
33 For this I reveal in your hearing, that even your own Heavenly Father and
Heavenly Mother would have you strong and not weak, hopeful and not
despairing, joyful and not filled with sorrow, bright and not as one made dull by
burdens of every kind.
34 For God shall reveal this day the strength which is greater than strength,
the power which is greater than power, and the might which is greater than the
mightiest of mortal men.
35 Not fashioned of flesh, but of God, being itself not bound to bone and
sinew, but bound to God instead; not rooted in the will of any man or woman,
but rooted in the will of God; to stand itself beyond the power of every trial and
36 Being itself indomitable and resolute, invincible and unyielding before the
heated blast of such powers, dominions and principalities as lesser men might
cast against it.
38 For strength without grace is but the strength of the lowly beasts, brutish
and unrefined, rising up from out of the flesh and not the spirit, feeding only
the ego of self-pride and not yielding itself to God.
39 Yet are you the children of God, being the sons and daughters of Heaven’s
glory revealed in the flesh of mortal men and women, being made in each of you
the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.
40 If then you would have that strength which is beyond the strength of flesh
and bone, then be you wise and look within your own selves; for there within
the chambers of your secret heart is the true and only self, being fashioned of
spirit and soul together, having as its author the very God of Heaven.
41 For I tell you truly, that in every man and every woman is there given the
seed of fortitude, which fortitude is given of God and not of men, being the
strength which, in your heart and soul, would seize the mind with firm resolve,
causing that you should endure and overcome every adversity.
42 Thus would every trial and every hardship reveal within your soul the full
measure of your fortitude, for in the mortal life does every adversity prove itself
a hard and needful teacher; which thing you must bear without complaint.
43 For you know yourselves that without the struggle of mighty efforts, the
muscles of your flesh grow weak and flaccid, being atrophied and of little use;
causing that the body of your flesh should waste and wither away, going from a
greater to a lesser state.
44 So it is with the spirit within you, for such glory as you would seek for
yourself in Heaven, even this requires of both spirit and soul a good and noble
resolve, which resolve is made most firm while in the mortal life, to stand
revealed before your eyes.
45 Know then that every trial would prove itself a needful thing, causing that
you should grow in power and firm resolve, revealing at once the strengths and
weaknesses of all your heart and mind and soul.
46 Meet not, therefore, the trials of your life with tears, neither with whining
and bitter complaint; but greet instead with eager heart and firm resolve the
test which swirls about you, seeing in each adversity a challenge to be met,
endured and overcome.
47 Look not alone upon your weaknesses, to think yourselves unworthy, but
look upon such strengths as you possess while holding on to God; for God is
able to make even the weakest of you strong, if it so be that you believe and do
much righteousness.
48 Know yourselves and the purpose for which you live, and this pursue with
all your might; yielding not to lesser things but pursuing still with eager hearts
the greatest prize of all; to dwell in Heaven’s glory forever and anon, having
become in every similitude like unto God.
49 For in strength alone is virtue found, not in the strength of your arm but
rather in the heart and mind instead, causing that you should endure well the
trials of life without complaint, being yourselves determined in seizing hold the
heart of God.
50 Being yourselves discontent with lesser things, but reaching forth beyond
your fears to touch the throne of God, proving yourselves in the midst of fire
and hurt as one indomitable, relentless, resolute, invincible and unyielding to
lesser things.
51 Being in your mind made deaf to the jeers and ridicule, scorn and mockery
of lesser men who are themselves as dead already, but being in your heart filled
with brave new words, and a courage both high and noble bearing, even while
yet you fear.
52 For such fortitude as in you dwells does bear a good and pleasing fruit,
being manifested by that grace which comes from God, to still the troubled
waters of all your soul; being itself revealed in your outward person through
kindness, courtesy, charm and elegance; enriching the lives of those who are
possessed of it.
53 Working its power within you and without, to fill the darkness which would
seize hold your heart with stars of sparkling wonder, to hold at bay such fears as
would turn aside the eager heart in seeking after God;
54 Perchance yourselves to touch and know and fully dwell within the
greatness of your God forever; to fly and soar in winged flight where angels
themselves dare not go; having become yourselves a partaker of endless glory,
even worlds without end.
56 Not of a will which is born of man, but of a will which is come from God,
being itself untainted and unconstrained to become of your own selves a
partaker with God both hand in hand and heart in heart, to obtain the greater
57 Let then the will of God dwell richly in you, to be to you a guide and
comfort; that you may stand as one resolved and fully knowing, becoming
yourselves the ambassadors of God the Father and the Mother while yet you live
the mortal life.
59 Seeing with your inward eye the prize for which you reach, being yourselves
relentless in seizing hold the greater portion; proving yourselves undistracted
by lesser things, but focused only on the God which calls after you night and
60 Being quick to stand up for that which is always just and good and even
though you be a little fearful, stand you bravely calm in the heart of God; for
even your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother will strengthen you in the
moment of your trial, to whisper in your mind words of high and noble
61 Thus did Abbahdon speak, and the whole assembly did rise up with one
voice to shout: “Amen! Amen!” And Abbahdon raised his hand to quiet them,
and when they were quieted, he stood forth to speak again.
Chapter 25
2 For you perceive wrongly that this trial or that hardship was greater than
you could bear, causing that you should not endure, but have surrendered your
very selves to lesser passions, which passions would blind and wound, to steal
away all joy and light and wisdom;
3 To leave you weak and unable to endure any longer, becoming yourselves
exhausted and despairing; viewing the days of all your life with bitterness and
complaint, of which there seems no end, casting away from out of the heart and
mind the fortitude which God has given you.
4 Yet will I reveal truly the thing which does break the spirit to weigh you
down with many sorrows; for it is given of God unto every man and every
woman that there should be no trial greater than you can bear; for in each trial
which life would bring upon you has God appointed a teacher and a lesson.
5 But it is through hurtful memories that you would speak from your lips all
manner of bitterness and anger and hate, to wound again and again the heart
and soul within you; to break in pieces even your own selves.
6 Surrendering yourselves to the dark speaker which would turn you away
from God, which dark speaker is the very ego within yourselves; casting up to
feed your anger all manner of hurtful memories.
7 Causing that you should see only the evil which others do, while yet you
forget the good, heaping upon your own selves an increase of bitterness and
anger, to fill you with many resentments.
8 Beware, therefore, the things which you would see in another, for in such
things is there found the likeness and image of yourselves; for if you turn your
heart to seeing evil only, then by and by are you also made as evil.
9 But if you should see the good which others do, then is there born within you
already the greater portion, having yourselves fashioned the likeness of your
speech and manner in the likeness of the things you see.
10 Know then and be you wise, for it is not given that any trial or hardship or
adversity should break you, but of bitterness and anger and hate, these are the
things which break and shatter, having arisen within your very selves to fill you
up with darkness.
11 For every trial have you endured already, but of your own bitterness and
anger and hate, this do many not survive, having devoured yourselves through
the refreshing of hurtful memories and bitter passions;
12 Making your speech hard and filled with wrath, to make your heart and
mind as something brittle and weakly thin; breaking yourselves again and again
for you will not let go the hurtful thing.
13 Why then are you made as one weak and deeply wounded, feeling
yourselves unable to endure and overcome? How will you reject the lesser
portion midst bitter words and hurtful scorn, while yet you seek the greater
15 And all these things because you have forsaken the ways of fortitude,
causing that you should be devoid of such grace as would calm the troubled
waters of all your heart and mind, to fill the soul with peace and joy.
16 For this would I have you learn most surely, that in the forgiveness which
you give to others, do you but save yourselves instead, setting free your own
heart from bitterness and inward strife.
17 For in forgiveness do we reveal in our lives the grace which dwells within,
and in the revelation of that inward grace is there made to rise up that very
fortitude which would lift us above the storm, having set free the soul from the
shadows of despair.
18 Causing that we should sing with the lips a joyful song, being ourselves set
free of every burden, causing that we should fly and soar and sweetly rush,
discovering anew within our soul the height and breadth and depth of God.
19 Why then is there not perfected in you the gift of fortitude, or of grace and
forgiveness together? Behold it is not perfected because of such a will as you do
possess, being itself tainted by the environment in which you live.
20 Being itself made captive to lesser things, appearing itself unable to rise
above the smallness of your lives, being torn and undecided between the lesser
and greater portion, being yourselves filled with tremblings and doubts of every
kind, thinking yourselves unworthy and undeserving of the God which loves
you so.
21 Rejoice therefore, and dance about, for this day shall I make known the
deliverance of God unto you, for this truth shall I make known in your hearing.
22 For there is provided you a means of escape already, for environment is not
that which is seen outside yourselves, but rather that which dwells within.
Know, therefore, that all knowledge is environment, and nothing else beside.
23 For this cause has God sent unto the earth the teachers of righteousness,
revealing through the scriptures the surest path to joy and happy light;
disclosing in their words the will of God made manifest in the living of your life.
25 Submit yourselves with eager hearts to the study of the scriptures, and
ponder deeply well the joy contained therein, to see if you yourselves might
sweet partake; taking to yourself a will which is ever bright and filled with hope.
26 Hiding up within your heart, the heart which comes from God, committing
to memory the words which God did give; creating in your own selves an
environment where you might safely dwell.
29 Come now and hear this parable, for I will reveal to you what the will of
God is like unto, how it is revealed through the goodness you do, if it so be that
you would yield yourself before it.
30 Now there lived in a certain town, a man which all men and women loved,
for he was their teacher in ages past; for having no children of his own, he
looked upon every child as his own, to tender them with great affection.
31 Teaching the children through gentle ways, how to fish and how to cook,
how to plant and how to harvest, how to read and how to write, how to gather
and how to heal; speaking to the little children stories of his own devising,
whereby he might enlighten and entertain midst smiles and happy laughter.
32 And by and by the children grew and became themselves as parents also,
and even to their children would the old man do likewise as he did the first.
33 Thus with each succeeding generation did the people of the town grow in
affection and kind regard towards the old man which lived alone; for he was a
good and holy man who judged little but loved much.
34 Now when the man was old and bent with age, being himself some ninety
years old, having proved himself a kind and gentle benefactor, there came to the
town men of business, being themselves filled with excitement and eager to
obtain great riches.
35 For there was discovered not far away, a vein of gold both rich and pure
which ran deep into the earth; and following the gold to its source, they found
the mother lode in the fields and orchards of the old man.
36 And going to the old man, they offered him all manner of wealth and
treasure for the purchase of his land, but the old man would not sell, being
himself unmoved by the lure of money, or seduced by the promise of prosperity;
but did himself refuse kindly, asking God to bless and guide those which stood
before him.
37 For the old man valued most the singing of the birds and the wind in every
tree, sitting beneath the shade or walking in the fields; counting as his only
treasure the people he loved and the God he followed.
38 Thus did the men of business return to the town with great excitement,
telling to every man and every woman of the treasure which did await, and of
the prosperity which would descend upon the whole town because of it.
39 Speaking also of the old man’s refusal to sell whereby the town might be
benefited, calling him selfish and uncaring towards the needs of others;
claiming him an old and foolish man which would rob the town of great reward.
40 Thus did the business men conspire to turn the whole town against the old
man, being hopeful that the town itself might force the old man to sell whereby
they might prosper; for the men of business had offered the whole town a
partnership where they might each receive a portion of all the gold.
41 So it came about that there went unto the old man, the men and women of
the town, and they entreated him to sell, but with kindness he did refuse them;
and they did grow angry and impatient because of all their greed.
42 And every passing day did the people grow angrier and angrier and more
embittered against the old man, forgetting the love they once did bear; casting
at him bitter words and hateful eyes; causing that many did think to do violence
against him.
43 And on a certain night did the citizens of the town cast through the
windows of the old man’s house a bitter message filled with death; saying that if
he would not sell his land for the good of the town; then would the town come
forth three days hence to kill him.
44 Yet the old man would not yield, but did instead call unto his house the
Presiding Patriarch of his quorum and the Presiding Matriarch of the Assembly.
45 And when there had passed the three days, there surrounded the house a
mob of angry men and women; and there came out to greet them the old man;
and on his right stood the Presiding Patriarch and on his left the Presiding
46 And the matriarch, raising forth her hand to speak, quieted the whole mob,
saying: “Behold and consider well this thing you do, for this day shall the old
man yield himself before your anger without complaint or troubling fear.
47 Yet has he even now called us forth whereby he might write his last will and
testament, which testament even I will read in your hearing.”
48 And taking hold of the scroll, she began to read, saying: “To all my friends
and neighbors I do bequeath the sum of all my worldly possessions, being
myself content to die, yet being hopeful that such things as I might give, might
heal you of every malice.
49 To Thomas would I give my old fishing pole, for I remember well when you
were a boy, and together we would fish the river’s edge in the early summer
50 And to Jabesh would I give my hoe, for when you were young and filled
with dreams, even I did walk beside you, teaching with utmost care to plant and
51 Give to Leah my willow basket, for in the days of her youth did I teach to
her the gathering of herbs and the making of medicines, while to Ballis I would
give my flute, which flute I did play for him when as a youth he lay sickly pale…”
52 And so the matriarch read one by one, the names of those who would kill
the old man; and one by one did they repent in their heart, to turn themselves
53 Still did the matriarch read on, speaking the will which the old man had
written, even till he had given away the sum of his earthly possessions;
evensomuch that he gave to the town the land they desired, to be made into a
park where their children might sweetly play.
54 And by and by the mob did disperse and quietly fade, even as the morning
mists; till there was but one only who would stand before the old man, being
himself filled with deep remorse and bitter tears; and he spoke quietly to the old
man, saying: “What kind of will is this which you have written?”
55 Then did the old man gently place his hand upon the cheek of the youth,
saying, “It is the will of God, my son; the will of God and nothing more.”
56 Thus did the old man, in the midst of trial, redeem even all the town,
holding up for all to see the will of God, causing that every man and every
woman should find release from the darkness of their greed.
57 If then you would nurture within yourselves the seed of fortitude, then seize
hold the will of God to make it as your own, studying with eager heart the
scriptures which are given you from the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly
58 Letting go within yourselves the bitterness of your heart and mind, being
grateful that you have survived the hardships and disappointments of your life,
to succumb no longer to memories which would break and shatter the peace
and joy you seek.
59 Forgiving those which have offended, lest you yourselves be all consumed
by hurtful passions which tear the heart and wound the mind; causing that you
should prove yourselves unwise in the living of your mortal life.
60 Let your outward heart be soft as velvet in dealing with the ways of men,
while yet in your inward heart prove yourselves as steel and fire together
blended; becoming yourselves, in humble fashion, as one made indomitable,
invincible, relentless and true.
61 Remembering always the virtues you seek to live, which virtues are born of
strength and firm resolve; committing yourselves to God through study and
62 Setting aside such base emotions as would weary you, but cleaving unto
God instead, believing with all your heart that even God shall quick deliver;
letting go your own imperfect will while yet you seek the greater will which
comes from God alone.
63 Remember well with grateful hearts this lesser portion from which you
came; for in the shadows of your life is the light made most clearly seen,
whereby you might weigh in the hand with thoughtful care, both the greater and
lesser portion.
64 Speaking not with bitterness against such trials as you endure, but finding
still the goodly thing within; for it is the words you speak from the lips which
prove greater than you can bear, wounding again and again the heart and mind
together, causing that you should live anew the hurt of every trial and every
65 These then are the words which Abbahdon spoke before the whole
assembly, and there arose from out of the multitudes a great ‘amen!’ For every
man and every woman did yield their heart and mind to the goodness of the
word, and became themselves resolved to live them.
66 And from that day till now have the members of every quorum strived
diligently to know most deeply the will of God; studying daily the scriptures
midst fervent prayer; memorizing such words as did prove a constant help in
times of trouble.
67 Thus, did there arise within the whole assembly a great and eager
competition between the quorums, both Patriarchal and Matriarchal, causing
that there were many who became themselves incorruptible of lesser things,
being themselves as deeply knowing of the will of God; and in that perfect will
did they become as one invincible before the trials and whims of every
68 And Abbahdon lived among the assembly for still some sixty years,
teaching always of fortitude and grace; speaking always of the will of God and of
forgiveness; making strong what once was weak, making bright what once was
touched by darkness.
Chapter 26
1 And so the teachings of Abbahdon did likewise find place in the word of God,
being written in the book which all men treasured as something holy and deeply
knowing of every heart; containing within its pages an endless grace and a
hidden wisdom.
2 And the years continued on, and the ages swiftly passed, and on the wheel of
life did every man and every woman turn, to shape themselves through their
own desires, whether great or small, into the image that they would be.
3 Entering into life and passing into death, to enter life anew, moving through
the dispensations of mortal life to seek the God beyond, striving through their
many struggles to seize the prize most cherished.
4 Now there passed another two thousand years, and there was born in the
city of Sinope, a young man who became an artist of great renown, being called
by patrons far and near: the Divine Laecontes, for of his creations there was no
equal found.
5 For at the age of fourteen did Laecontes prove himself the master sculptor,
being entered into the competition of the city, being himself the youngest to win
so great a prize; having sculpted of pink marble, the statue which all men called:
The Lover’s Kiss, which statue was large in size, having a measurement of 12
feet in height, and a width and depth of 7 feet each.
6 So great then was the beauty of the statue that all who saw it did melt within
the soul, to swoon midst flames of deepest yearning filled with fiery breath;
causing that they should seek to imitate the passions which the boy, Laecontes,
had created in the stone.
7 And when he was asked from what source came his inspiration, the young
Laecontes answered, saying: “From the love which my father and mother do
even now bear for one another.”
8 And when he was asked again who his models were, he answered, saying: “It
was my father and mother upon whom I gazed, and of their likeness and
passion did I fashion the stone which you see before you.”
9 Thus answered Laecontes to all who asked of him, and in the moment of
choosing did all the judges agree that the work of Laecontes must win the prize,
which prize was a commission from the city of Sinope that a great statue should
be created.
10 Now when all the artists saw that so young a man had won the prize, they
were astonished; and many did deep admire the work of his hands, while others
were filled with envy and bitterness.
11 Denouncing the judges before the whole city and speaking hotly against the
youth, declaring his work brash and unworthy; prophesying out of jealousy that
the youth must surely fail so great a task, to put the whole city to shame, for
Laecontes was just a boy and the task must prove too great.
12 But through the fury and astonishment of those gathered did the young
Laecontes prove himself humble and gently mannered, speaking without pride
or boastfulness, but accepting calmly the prize offered.
13 And there was placed against his statue many bids for purchase, and that
day did the youth carry home to his mother and father a scrip worth some forty
thousand dollars in gold coins.
14 In this manner began the career of the Divine Laecontes, who in just six
months did complete his first commission, which at the unveiling did cause
many to gasp in deep and joyful awe.
15 For the statue was a mountain of stone measuring some 23 feet in height,
and having a width and depth of some 17 feet each, being finely polished as a
jewel which catches both light and shadow filled with living form.
16 And all which saw were filled with deep emotions for the statue was
exquisite in composition and real likeness, being titled: The Strength of a
Nation; which statue did depict in detail the coming together of a family in love
and merriment; and in the center of the city was the statue given a place of
17 Thus began the career and fame of Laecontes, who as a son proved devoted
and faithful to both father and mother, and as an artist proved himself beyond
the reach of any man, conveying through his art a power and vision beyond his
years, yet possessing in his demeanor a gentle disposition filled with humor.
18 Being himself unmindful of such greatness as others would cast upon him,
but ever quick himself to speak well the glory and accomplishments of others;
becoming in his adulthood a man most greatly admired.
19 And there came to him the rich and powerful which sought from him the
work of his hands, and they did eagerly commission him to make for them some
great thing which would add to their own names the envy and admiration of
their peers.
20 Now there arose in the city a great commotion because of Laecontes; for in
the regions of Sinope was there found a certain faction which claimed
themselves as most pious and devout, looking down with cold disdain upon
their fellow man.
23 Now the Gadarites believed that all men were bestial and filled with sin,
being themselves worthy of death and suffering; and that except a man live
strictly the commandments of Gadaris, then would the soul of a man perish in
the grave to be no more forever.
24 Thus did it come about that on a certain day the believers of Gadaris were
in the city, and seeing a statue of Laecontes they were filled with great offense;
for the statue was of a man and a woman enraptured by love’s embrace.
25 And immediately there erupted violence against the statue, for the
Gadarites did take up stones to smash against it, for they thought the statue
vulgar and obscene; for in the statue were both the man and the woman
fashioned in the nude, being themselves mingled together, through fiery
26 Now of this statue, which was entitled: Consumed, did the Gadarites hurl
the fierceness of their wrath, calling out in hateful words that the statue was an
abomination and abhorrent in the eyes of their God.
27 And the citizens passing by were greatly dismayed to see the beauty of the
statue marred and broken by the attack of the Gadarites; and summoning the
officers of the law, they brought forth charges against them, and caused that
they should be brought before the law to give account.
28 Thus was there brought before the magistrate the small band of the
Gadarites, and the whole city did assemble to speak against them, for the statue
of Laecontes had they robbed of all its beauty.
29 And the magistrate appointed that only one should speak for the Gadarites,
and turning to the man he spoke to him, saying: “For what cause was this
mischief done? Why did you break in pieces the work of our own Laecontes?”
30 And the man of the Gadarites answered scornfully, saying: “Will you say
that abomination is beautiful to the eyes? Will you say that obscenity is a
pleasing thing?
31 Behold how wicked and perverse you have become: For the god of Gadaris
has proclaimed that the natural man is a curse and an offense; and that the
nakedness of every man and every woman but a lewd and shameful thing.
32 Why then will you offend us with this open sexuality, seeing that you would
make public what should be hidden, and bring into the light what should be
kept in darkness?
34 For the arts of man are base and vulgar, carrying in their form and likeness
the depravities of our very essence; representing for all to see, a gross and ugly
nature filled with many sins and hurtful lusts.
35 For this cause did we rightly destroy the statue of Laecontes, for we were
determined that it should offend our god no longer. What then is this shattered
stone when compared to the souls of men? For your very souls would we rescue
from depravity and corruption.”
36 Such were the words of the Gadarites, and there erupted in the court a
great and angry shout; for the citizens of Sinope were deeply offended in the
hearing of such arrogant words; and they demanded of the magistrate the
harshest of penalties.
37 But the magistrate did calm the people and when all was quiet, he spoke to
the Gadarites, saying: “Seeing then that you have admitted your guilt, and did
yourselves destroy the beauty of the statue, I shall even now pass upon you the
judgment of this court…”
38 Now before the magistrate had finished speaking, there was heard a soft
and rumbling murmur from the citizens which were gathered; for there came
before the court the Divine Laecontes, and the whole air was filled with
39 And the magistrate rose from his seat to bow before the Master, and he
spoke to him, saying: “By what means shall this court prove service to you, my
40 And Laecontes spoke, saying: “I would speak to all the people concerning
the offense of the Gadarites, perhaps to turn aside their anger, to give instead
both peace and joy.”
41 Then did the magistrate yield the floor, saying: “Speak Laecontes, and we
will hear, and whatsoever judgment you demand, even this shall the court give
unto you; for you alone are the creator of that which these have broken, and are
entitled yourself to be their rightful judge.”
42 Hearing this, Laecontes spoke graciously, saying: “First permit that I might
give answer to the Gadarites, for I perceive in their speech a dark and hurtful
reasoning, which very reasoning would strip away the humanity of every man
and every woman; to leave as dark and fearful the children which come from
43 For these have claimed that nakedness is an offense to God and that open
sexuality is both lewd and perverse and condemned of God a sinful thing.
44 Reason then within yourselves and in your hand weigh most carefully, for I
would present in your hearing the benefit of your nakedness and sexuality
altogether, and if in your heart you should agree, then are you free to dance
before God in the light of your humanity.
45 For this I tell you truly: that the body of your flesh is made of God, being in
itself most beautiful and desirable, revealing in its comely form the image of
God the Father and the Mother; bearing in its form and passion the similitude
of that God from which you come.
46 For in the softness of your flesh is there made known the line and form of
God, which softness would beckon the hand to touch and the lips to kiss; and in
such sweet communion touch again the God within you, whereby you might
know the depth and wonder of all your soul, filled with goodness and rich
47 How then can you sin, being naked, for even God did draw you from the
womb as one naked and unadorned, causing that you should know in the
beginning of your life that nakedness is no offense to God; but rather that it is a
natural and unaffected state wherein you are unable to hide yourselves away.
48 Why then will you call wicked and vile that which God alone did make? For
which of you were born fully clothed from your mother’s womb?
49 If nakedness be sin, then have you yourselves made God the author of such
offenses, for in your own beginnings did God likewise fashion you.
50 Thus by your own doctrine would you make God the author of confusion,
which doctrine is made of men and not of God, causing that God must yield
before the words of men lest you call him false and darkly fallen, as though he
were a devil.
51 Know then that if you would clothe yourselves, then do so only that you
might enhance the beauty of the body which God did give you.
52 But if you would clothe yourselves because of shame, then are you guilty of
sin; for by your own shame do you affront the God which made you, to bring
against your God a hurtful accusation filled with guilt and reproach together.”
53 Such were the words which Laecontes spoke to the Gadarites, and turning
to the whole court, he continued, saying: “Consider then your sexuality,
whether you would hide it away, to cover it up in darkness, and this because of
such shame and guilt as you are made to feel through the doctrines of men and
not of God.
54 Consider then the societies in which you live, for in your living do you pass
to your children the things which you yourselves did learn through the living of
your days, giving to your children the knowledge of your life, being content
yourselves that they should improve upon it, to make it greater than before.
56 For in your labors and occupations do you teach your children the skills of
trade and industry, of science and technology, being hopeful that the children,
when they are grown and full matured, might add to the knowledge which you
yourselves did give.
57 What then is the greatest knowledge which you might give, whereby the
children of men might grow in joy and rich fulfillment?
58 Behold I tell you truly, as if from God above, that the greatest of all
knowledge is found in love and sweet communion; for the greatest knowledge
which adds to every other, is the deepest knowing of relationships between men
and women.
59 Becoming of itself the first and truest art, filled with endless beauty, being
dressed in form and language, with romance and mystery and happy wonder.
60 For this cause do I create statues of the man and the woman; to celebrate
in stone, the grace and beauty found in you, being hopeful that you yourselves
might likewise see.
61 That in such sweet communion as you would see reflected in the work of
my hands, even this would you imitate among yourselves, to pass the art and
knowledge of all your love throughout the generations whereby it might be
improved upon, to grow richer still.
62 But if you will hide away your sexuality, to keep it in the darkness,
benefiting neither yourselves nor your children, then shall the beauty of your
inner selves be lost and tainted through endless guilt and shame.
63 Causing that each generation must discover anew the things which you
already know, only that they might lose it again and again with each succeeding
generation, and this through fear alone; effecting in your deeper selves a
wounding of your soul, to be yourselves forever shackled by such shame and
guilt as these Gadarites would cast upon you.
64 To make of every man and every woman a stranger which you must scorn,
becoming within yourselves, alone, and filled with deep suspicions; being
yourselves constrained by many inhibitions, which inhibitions are as a wall of
hurt and frustration, to separate you from those you desire to love.
65 For this I tell you, as if from God above, that beauty is born of love and
passion; and if these two be constrained through the teachings of men, to
become as filled with guilt and shame, then does the beauty of your life slip and
fade away, to leave you empty and alone.
67 Yet are they themselves deceived, for the statue which they destroyed was
made only of stone, while its beauty still remains, which beauty is found in
those who give and receive love; for you are the beauty which I would capture,
to hold it in the stone; and this can no man destroy.”
68 Thus did Laecontes speak, and turning to the magistrate, he spoke, saying:
“Let these go, yet have them bring a new stone to my shop where I might carve
it. This alone shall prove a just compensation.”
1 In the regions of Sinope, beside the Tiber Sea, did Laecontes grow in skill
and wisdom; and the works of his hands were greatly sought, for those who
were rich and powerful did seek the treasures of the Master; paying out with
grateful glee ever larger and larger sums, perchance themselves to own a mighty
work of art.
2 For in his art did Laecontes celebrate the joys of men and women, and
children too; revealing in the hardness and coldness of the stone, the warmth
and softness of human love and sweet communion; exposing for all to see the
beauty of themselves and the joy of happy passions.
3 And there came from the great cities of the earth many patrons which sought
the Master’s favor; offering to him an endless stream of commissions, being
hopeful that the Divine Laecontes might deign accept and commit himself to
4 Now there worked beside Laecontes the greatest artists upon the earth,
being happy to count themselves the disciples of so great a man; for Laecontes
did make a place of refuge where skilled and accomplished artists might live in
a single community, to live and share with each other the knowledge of their
5 And there came also from out of the assembly of true believers a great many
others, being themselves the students of art and beauty; hoping to glean from
the Master the secrets of his skill, being eager to hear for themselves the depths
of all his wisdom.
8 Now when Laecontes was old, having prospered many years, he went
walking in the school of his own making, and there in the vastness of his
domain were there found some one hundred fellow artists which had made
themselves the students of the Master.
9 And seeing in their presence the Master they loved, even every student did
set aside the tools of their craft, and did gather around Laecontes to bow before
him, being themselves always respectful and filled with admiration.
10 And there spoke to the Master the chief apprentice, being herself an artist
of great renown in the making of jewelry; and she spoke to Laecontes, saying:
“Greetings, good Master: Peace and joy forever be upon you.”
11 Then did Laecontes bow before her, saying: “And to you likewise: Peace and
joy forever.” And so speaking, Laecontes went and sat upon a great stone in the
center of the green, and according to their custom, every man and every woman
did gather round about to sit at the Master’s feet.
12 And there did they quietly wait the rising of the sun, and when it was come,
to rise itself above the far horizon, then did Laecontes and the whole gathering
rise up with one voice, saying: “This is a day which God has made; I will rejoice
and be glad in it.”
13 In this fashion did the school of artists begin their day, and sitting down
again round about the Master’s feet, they began to converse with him, being
anxious themselves to hear the wisdom of his soul.
14 And there spoke to the Master a young man, saying: “Good Master, I would
ask of you a question.” And Laecontes answered him, saying: “Speak, my son,
and I will hear.”
15 Receiving then the Master’s approval, the youth asked of him, saying: “It is
said, my lord, that the purpose of art is beauty; and if this be so, then what is
the purpose of this beauty which we would shape through the workings of our
16 Now hearing this, the artists of the school did prepare themselves to hear
the Master, being eager to write down such words as he might speak; and
Laecontes, perceiving the eagerness of all his students, did answer, saying:
17 “Hear then and prove yourselves most attentive, for I will make known in
you the purpose of beauty and the means by which you might create in
yourselves the beauty which gives birth to every art.
18 For in the beginning, before the dawn of mortal life, did even every man
and every woman dwell in the Paradise of God, which Paradise proved far
greater in its beauty than the mind of man can know or deep conceive.
19 Yet in your beginning did you renounce with eager hearts the glory of
Heaven, to await with sweet delight the appointed hour of your bodily birth,
being hopeful yourselves to follow in the steps of God, whereby you might
become even as your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, to possess for
yourselves the greater glory.
20 Thus in this mortal world do you struggle night and day to seize the greater
portion, becoming oft in the midst of trial filled with quiet despair, forgetting
who you are.
21 Thinking perhaps that you have lost your way, to make of yourselves a
shadow in a world of shadows only; not knowing or perceiving your truer
nature, being yourselves weighed down by such ugliness as you perceive in the
world of mortal men.
22 Consider then the intent and purpose of all things beautiful, for in the
presence of beauty do you glimpse again your truer selves, to stand revealed in
light and glory, clothed in many wonders too great for mortal men; touching in
such fleeting moments the Heaven in your soul, reclaiming within yourselves
the eternal and divine.
23 Be you, therefore, wise and deeply knowing, for the purpose of beauty is
revelation, revealing to the eyes which see, the truth which comes from God;
lifting up the heart and soul, to fill you up with wonder and delight, to lift you
up with awe.
24 Thus in beauty do you look beyond the thinness of your lives, to see beyond
the shadows, to where the light most brightly shines, to feel again with tender
hearts the beauty of your former state when first in Heaven you did dwell beside
the throne of God.
25 Consider then, such arts as you do practice, to fashion with your hands the
beauty of created things, reflecting through the objects of your crafts, the beauty
you see and feel and hear and touch.
26 Being hopeful that others might likewise see and in their hearts be lifted
up; to see in themselves the beauty reflected through the many arts of man.
28 But in the beauty of art, do they find revealed the beauty of themselves;
becoming themselves as one inspired and ennobled before the eyes of men, to
become themselves enraptured and carried away to still some higher plane.
29 Standing forth as one awakened and revived, letting go, in the presence of
beauty, of such petty dreams as they do dream in the world of mortal life; to
find themselves made richer still by the beauty of their lives.
30 Come now and let us reason well together, for I tell you truly that it is given
in this life that every man and every woman might have abundant joy filled with
jolly laughter and rich reward; to live your life midst song and happy light.
31 Yet is it permitted that you must choose for yourselves; being appointed by
God that you alone should prove the masters of your life; to create within
yourselves, through thoughtful care, a home where every beauty might fully
32 For the life which has no beauty is a hard and burdensome thing, filling up
the mind with darkness and despair, wearing down the mind through
oppressions of every kind; for where there is no beauty there is no hope or joy;
causing that the one afflicted should prove themselves as one impoverished
even in the midst of worldly wealth.
33 How then is beauty made to dwell in those who live? By what means is it
brought forth? How nurtured, how enlivened? For the life of every man and
every woman is made complex and filled with burdens, possessing in each life
many and sundry facets.
34 For this you know yourselves full well: that in the owning of art is no man’s
life made beautiful, for there are many who have cluttered their life with such
art as men do make; but notwithstanding so great a prize, still are they
themselves made empty of beauty and filled with quiet despair.
35 Hear then this mystery and in your soul prove wise and truly knowing: For
beauty is the song which truth would sing, to draw you closer unto God through
many revelations; always reflecting in its depths the truth of who you are.
36 For even the whole creation does reflect the beauty which dwells in God,
which beauty we behold with aching wonder, causing that we should yearn for a
beauty of our own; for God is the creator of all you see, and if you are the
children of God, then are you made to become as creators also.
37 Create, therefore, of your very life, a beauty all your own, filled with grace
and wonder, causing that even your own children should gasp in amazement at
the very joy of it and yearn themselves to likewise do; to prove themselves in
their maturity, as the masters and creators of their own life, filled with beauty.
38 How then is there fashioned through all your life the rule of beauty, causing
that even every facet of mortal life should become itself an art filled with
wonder, being itself revealed within yourselves and within your homes, and
throughout your daily labors?
39 For except there be beauty in your life, how then shall you hear the song
which God would sing within your soul, to know for yourself the truth which
God would speak within the mind, to fill you up to overflowing with divine and
wondrous things?
40 For beauty is the mother of dreams and visions and intuition, seducing
through the senses of the flesh the heart of every child; causing that every man
and every woman should seek the ways of beauty, perchance themselves to
touch or see, hear or feel the beauty that is God, being themselves lead away
from the grip of common woe, to dress the heart with joy.
41 Consider then the facets of your life wherein beauty is shaped and
fashioned, which facets do each build upon the other, for there are these seven
only, and these seven do embrace the sum of all your life.
42 And if you will do most faithfully the things which come from God, then
shall your life be filled with beauty even in the midst of sorrow, for beauty is
found first within yourselves and not without.
43 But if you will not do the things which come from God, then are you made
undone, to become yourselves swept away by a flood of many sorrows; and
notwithstanding that you should fill up your homes with many beautiful and
artful things, still will your life appear as ugly and unbearable, for in your heart
there is no beauty found.
44 Ponder then within yourselves these seven: right beliefs, right speech, right
conduct, right associations, right occupations, right expectations, and right
homes; these seven, therefore, do comprise the sum of all your life, to touch
upon many others also.
45 Let us consider well, therefore, such principles as would fill you up with
joy, to make the sum of all your life a rare and wondrous thing, graced with
beauty and happy light.
46 For it is appointed of God that you alone should choose the things which
you believe; therefore, if you would believe rightly then are you become as one
advantaged in the living of your life.
47 What, therefore, is worthy of belief and quick acceptance? Only that which
is dressed in beauty, for all things which come from God are dressed in beauty
round about, causing that you should feel yourselves ennobled and enriched;
becoming in your heart as one enlightened and enraptured, and this because
you have elected that you should believe rightly and not amiss.
48 For belief is the foundation on which you would build your life,
constructing through faith or doubt the house wherein you dwell; building daily
through choices of your own a house of light or a house of darkness, a house of
joy or a house of sorrow, a house of love or a house of fear.
49 Look, therefore, with utmost care, for the world is filled with many beliefs
and diverse opinions, being themselves born of mortal men; which beliefs do
speak of wrath and hate and bitter judgment, filling the souls of those which
believe with endless guilt and shame, causing that they should prove themselves
intolerant and filled with scorn.
50 Yet are there many other beliefs which are made of fluff and emptiness
together, having in themselves no substance, or reason or direction of any kind,
being intent that they should offend no one, being made as thin and paltry
doctrines which do but seem as mist before your eyes, placing in your mind one
confusion upon another, till you are altogether made uncertain.
51 Where then is the truth found midst all these things? In what place shall
you find revealed the thing most worthy of belief and faith together?
52 Behold, I tell you truly: Look you forth with careful eye to find for yourself
the thing which is beautiful above all others, being itself come from God and
established well in reason and beauty together.
53 Having as its only goal the betterment of man and the exaltation of
yourselves whereby you might stand as one forever beside the throne of God,
becoming in yourselves even as your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother;
for in the shadow of beauty is every truth revealed.
54 If then you would have for yourself the thing most worthy of belief, then
ponder daily the scriptures which come from God; for in the scriptures will you
find the beauty you seek; and if you will believe and do most faithfully the
things contained therein, then shall you establish well the foundations of your
life, causing that there should spring up within you a beauty far greater than
you have ever known.
55 To build upon the rock of a good and sure belief, a beauty which would
grow through all your life complete, being diligent yourselves to not yield
yourselves to the doubts of those who would mock and ridicule the things which
come from God.
56 For the scriptures which come from God are the guide and blueprint of all
your life, giving to your mind a map which you can trust; directing and
encouraging the energies of the self, to fill you up with a purpose far beyond
57 Thus into your keeping would the scriptures give the understanding of
many things, causing that you should be delivered from such things as would
make your life an utter waste, making way within your soul a place where all
things beautiful might firm take root.
58 Consider also this other: For if you would know the height and breadth and
depth of beauty, to make it as your own, then add to right beliefs the rightness
of your speech; for the heart of every man and every woman is revealed in the
words they speak.
60 For it is with the mouth that every judgment is made to live, therefore,
judge little but love much, proving yourselves through gentle speech as one
most gracious and courteous in comportment and manners.
61 Avoid with diligence all manner of hard and hurtful speech but let your
speech be filled with gentleness and kindness and happy light, being dressed in
wisdom and poetry and song, to send them into the ethers round about, causing
that kind should cleave to kind.
62 For whatsoever you speak, even this shall return to you a hundredfold, and
if your words be hard and bitter, then shall they return to you again from out of
the very ethers, bringing as tribute to your soul an abundance of hard and bitter
63 But if your speech be kind and nobly wise, filled with faith and joy together,
then shall such words fly forth into the ethers round about; and when they are
returned, even these shall likewise bring as happy gifts, an increase of joy and
brightness into your soul, to fill your days with beauty.
64 For I tell you truly that the words you speak are spirit, and once sent out
upon the winds, even they shall soon flow back unto you again, to seek again
within yourselves the source which first did give them life.”
65 Such were the words which Laecontes spoke, and turning to his many
disciples he spoke to them, saying: “Come, my children and let us go to the
morning meal together; and if you prove willing, I shall speak again the things
which come from God.”
66 And together did every man and every woman rise up of one accord to
follow the Master, walking soft within their souls unto the morning feast.
Chapter 28
2 And to these two add the codes of rightful conduct, behaving in all your
many affairs and daily labors with a calm and courteous manner towards every
man and every woman; extending to the children of God a warm and gentle
3 Remember well and practice daily the rules of honor and integrity, for a life
without honor is a dark and burdensome thing, and except you possess within
yourselves the light of integrity, then shall your life appear as dark and filled
with trouble.
4 Commit yourself with confidence to those who live honorably, but withhold
your hand from those who have no honor; accepting from such neither favor
nor advantage, for it is unseemly that those who live honorably should prove
indebted to those who have no honor: For what communion has light with
5 Be you, therefore, as one made firm of mind and deeply fixed within, being
yourselves neither swayed nor moved midst blame or praise, but being
yourselves most firmly committed to do the goodly thing; not yielding to the
smallness of others, but cleaving with steadfast heart to the things which come
from God, for in God alone shall you find the beauty of yourselves.
6 Causing that you should show towards all men, whether good or bad, a kind
and courteous manner, made of grace and art together; for except you take joy
in the happiness and well-being of others, you yourselves will not be happy,
becoming within yourselves devoid of every beauty, being instead consumed by
envy and petty jealousies filled with vain and empty wants.
7 Thus in your daily conduct let kindness and humor leap out of the very soul
of you, casting forth the light of joy in the world of mortal men, causing that
darkness itself should give way before you.
8 Know then and be you wise in the conduct of your life, for the beauty you
seek is never seen through unhappy eyes; seek then the joy of others and you
yourself will find abundant joy, casting up before your eyes the beauty that you
9 And add to this the rightness of association, to choose for yourself with
utmost care, such men and women as you would call a friend, being yourself
wise and prudent to surround yourself with those of like mind and disposition.
10 For in the beginning was the law given that kind should cleave to kind, and
that kind should produce again its own kind; finding in their likeness a good
and sweet communion, which communion would add and build and well
support, causing that friends should grow together to still some greater glory.
11 Guard well, therefore, through artful care such friendships as you do have,
measuring out through kind regard the words you speak and the things you do;
for except you have some good and loving friend, life shall seem as hard and
filled with aloneness, causing that you should not see the beauty which dwells
in others.
12 Count not, therefore, the wealth of your life in money or possessions, but in
friends instead; for if a man have great wealth and have no true and lasting
friend, then is he made a poor and wanting man.
13 But if a man seem poor in the eyes of men, but be himself a good and
trusting friend to many others, having as his only wealth the friends who love
most dearly, then is he made the richest of mortal men.
14 Prove yourself a good and worthy friend, being yourself honorable and
trustworthy, and there will come to stand beside you those of like mind and
similar disposition.
15 And be not frivolous in the choosing of those you would call a friend,
judging as worthy those of social class and eminence; but choose as friends
those who would encourage you to reach beyond yourself to touch the soul of
God, to build you up and not tear down.
16 Declaring within your soul as truly worthy, those who rejoice in life and
love and God forever, being yourself unmindful of social class and standing; but
seeking out with eager heart those who would themselves dance in the light
which comes from God, to fill you up with joy, even as you would fill them up
18 Guard well your soul against false friends, for they would fill you up with a
darkness which they themselves have made; for such as these know not the
ways of beauty or of joy; neither would they permit that you should know
19 Seek then with utmost care those you would call a friend and these most
sweetly treasure, for in such as these you will find a great reward.
20 Weaving through thoughtful care the artful ways of friendship and good
devotion, to fill you up with a beauty which even death cannot break asunder,
but which shall prove itself forever bright and filled with joy.
21 Who then would you call a friend except those who are kind and filled with
love, being themselves most well comported through grace and thoughtful
manner; seeking always your best interest and not their own, being themselves
filled with good counsel and quick forgiveness?
22 Manifesting through word and deed their care for you, being themselves
filled with songs and dancing, and good and gentle humor filled with holy
laughter, being quick to rejoice in all your fortunes and swift to gently comfort
when sorrow should fall upon you.
23 Be wise, therefore, in your associations and seek not the company of fools,
neither walk in the company of those who hurt and wound through subtle
words made dark and ever glooming; but seek instead the likeness of
yourselves, for it is given that kind should cleave to kind.
24 Consider now this other also, for in right occupations would I have you
ponder the means by which you labor, to earn your daily bread; for you labor
amiss if your labors bring forth neither joy nor happiness, for even in your daily
labors should beauty be found and well encouraged.
25 Thus in all your labor do that which will promote life and not death,
creation and not destruction, peace and not war; refraining your hand from
such labors as will fill your life with stress and endless wanting.
26 But seeking instead to labor at that which brings both joy and contentment
within your soul, permitting in the midst of all your efforts a calm and quiet
reflection, causing that you should prove fulfilled and rich rewarded, to make
you feel as well content; for even in your daily labors should beauty rich
abound, adding to your life an increase in goodly things.
27 Choose, therefore, with utmost care the means by which you labor, for it is
the labor of your hands which also shapes the inward man.
28 Turning through daily effort the heart of man towards light or darkness,
hope or despair, joy or sorrow, casting up before your eyes either the beauty of
a good and happy occupation, or the harsh and futile labor of brutish and
beastly men filled with burdens of every kind.
29 And to this also add the wisdom and beauty of right expectations, for you
know yourselves already how the artist, through patience and discipline creates
through common things the beauty and wonder of all his work; creating
through skill and vision the art which others desire for themselves to have.
30 For all your skills are born of patience and discipline together, and without
these things do all your expectations prove false and deeply foolish; for without
patience and discipline in achieving the things of greatest worth, even you will
wear yourselves out expecting some rich reward when you have put forth no
effort to acquire, being filled instead with foolish expectations.
31 Hear then this parable and be you wise, for you know yourselves how that
many will claim most fervently that above all things they would know their God,
to make their life rich in meaning and wondrous beauty;
35 And the youth raged in his heart against the master which would teach
him; becoming in his soul filled with bitterness, and he determined to go to
some other master which would teach to him the selfsame trade.
36 But the second master likewise required of him both patience and
discipline, demanding at his hand a diligent labor and a timely obedience, and
again the youth rebelled and was again discharged.
37 Thus did the youth go from master to master, leaving each midst bitter
curses, for they required of him both discipline and patience, even till the
reputation of the youth went before him; and every master, seeing the youth
approach, turned their backs against him; refusing themselves to waste both
time and effort on so foolish a child.
38 And the youth grew to manhood, wasting away his life in low and menial
labor; and when he was old he was filled with bitterness, for he mastered
neither skill nor trade, for he would not yield himself to instruction.
39 And when he was dying he took count of all his days gone by, and he saw in
his life neither God nor beauty, to count his life a sorrowful thing, for he was
filled with foolish expectations.
41 For what is beauty except the shadow of God and Heaven cast down upon
the earth, seeking by its very presence to fill you up with wonder and sweet
delight, offering up through efforts of your own, the richness of God and mortal
42 Hear then this other also, and add to the former the rule of right home, for
it is in the home where the beauty of life and love are first begun with
thoughtful care, being in itself the birthplace of all your life, setting forth within
your soul the patterns which would guide you.
43 First being established well in the love between a man and a woman, then
flowing out towards the children you love most dearly, going out as gentle
dreams, to be carried again from generation to generation, to establish well in
the depths and heights of beauty both husband and wife and parent and child.
44 Let then your home be filled with beauty, in song and art and constant
music, creating within your home the beginnings of every joy midst happy
labors and good affections, filling your home with words of love and strength,
dressed in virtues wise and true.
45 If then you would establish well your home in beauty, whereby even all
might be blessed and edified, then let not the husband and the wife hide away
their love for each the other as though it were a shameful thing; for the love of
the husband and the wife is ordained of God and by its gentle passions made
always good and pure.
46 Becoming in its expression most holy and filled with good instruction, and
if it so be that you should permit that even your own children should both see
and touch the love between the father and the mother which brought them
forth, then are they also edified and disciplined in the ways of love and
47 Causing that when the children are grown and full matured, then will they
know most surely the ways wherein a man and a woman should comport
themselves midst love and courteous manner; establishing in a home of their
own the seeds of beauty and increase forever.
48 Think not, therefore, that the love of a man and a woman is a shameful
thing, to be hidden away and covered up by whispering lips and cast down eyes.
49 For this do the Gadarites do, proclaiming always that sex is a shameful
thing except in marriage, yet when you are married you are hedged up on every
side by small and narrow boundaries, being filled again with shame.
50 Proclaiming aloud that the sexual relationship of both husband and wife is
a private thing, and should best be hid in darkness only, and kept as something
locked and hidden away behind closed doors, as though it were a dark and
fearsome beast which would devour even the whole world midst endless guilt
and disgrace.
51 For I tell you truly, as if from Heaven a voice would speak: For that which is
ordained and accepted of God as something pure and holy, even this is good for
the eye to see in the light of day.
52 But if you should hide away the holy because of shame, then by what
means is it made holy, seeing that you have covered up in darkness the things
ordained of God? For how shall even your own children know what is good and
acceptable of God when you have hidden it all away, to keep it far from them?
53 And if you proclaim aloud that the love of husband and wife is good and
come from God, yet by your shame do cover it up as something private and
hidden away, then do you confuse even your own selves, becoming yourselves
filled with inhibitions and restrictions of every kind.
54 And even into your own children do you cast forth both ignorance and
harm, rooted deep in guilt and shame; causing that they should likewise cast it
upon their own children also, to go from generation to generation.
55 Know then that in your homes should the beauty and wonder of all your
love dance and sing and gently soar, being yourselves open in such affections as
must exist between the husband and the wife.
56 For in the Covenant of Fullness is it permitted that even in your own homes
should the father and mother teach to all their children the sum of all they
know, nothing excepted or covered up, teaching to their children how to love
and how to hold, how to speak and how to touch.
57 For every beauty which is found in the home is first born from out of the
love of both husband and wife, binding as one together the whole family in light
and joy.
58 Seek daily to enrich your home both within and without, that in such a
domain as you create, even Heaven itself might be found and fully imitated; to
gather in the sanctuary even your whole family where they might learn of God,
to worship both the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother.
59 Let then your sanctuaries be richly adorned and filled with light and music,
for in your own sanctuary shall God come forth to bless and instruct, teaching
through the whisperings of your soul the way you ought to go, to walk in peace
and rich fulfillment throughout the sum of all your days.
60 Be you, therefore, most attentive within your home, creating for the ones
you love a place of refuge and of joy, holding up for all to see, the beauty of life
and love and sweet communion, filling even the whole house with laughter and
rich delight.
61 Causing that even in the common chores of all your house, still in this
might there be heard the voice and song of happy children, being ever guided
by good and loving parents.
62 Appoint also unto each child the learning of some art, that they might learn
through patience and discipline to make of their own lives a thing of beauty and
artful skill; causing that in the scales and balance of all their life might beauty
far outweigh the hurt of every sorrow.
63 Attend, therefore, to these seven with all diligence and firm resolve: right
beliefs, right speech, right conduct, right association, right occupation, right
expectation and right homes.
64 And if you will do them, then shall your life blossom forth as the rose, even
in the midst of a dry and barren wasteland, to fill your days with a beauty both
rich and sweetly rare.”
Chapter 29
1 These then were the words of the Divine Laecontes, and faithfully were they
written down and given to the whole assembly, and in the Book of God were the
teachings of Laecontes placed beside the teachings of Abbahdon.
2 Now when Laecontes was of exceeding age, he gathered together his many
disciples and ascended a mountain far from the city of his birth, and there did
he bid farewell; and as he turned to go, to return again to Heaven’s glory, the
disciples did weep for him, for they loved him greatly.
3 And the Master bid farewell and giving forth his last blessings he ascended
to the top of the mountain alone, leaving behind his own disciples midst all
their prayers and meditations, being filled themselves with tears of sorrow and
thanksgiving together.
4 And the days of the sixth dispensation rolled forth upon the world of
Terralee, and Laecontes himself was no more found, having been received of
God with joy and happy light.
5 But the world of mortal man continued on and the years passed quickly by,
being counted in decades and centuries then millennia; even till there quietly
passed again some two thousand years of continued progress and advancement,
filling the days of every man and every woman with burdens and cares of every
kind, filled with stresses and anxieties of which there seemed no end.
6 For the life of every people grew most complex and filled with toil, each
seeking to find some advantage for themselves, becoming in their persons ever
grasping and filled with demands, yearning to take to themselves both wealth
and possessions, seeking to seize in their hands the burdens of power and
jealous envy;
7 Yet ever seeking for themselves a release from all these things, even while
they continued on in frenzied haste to control and manipulate the passing and
content of each and every day, filling their days with schedules and
appointments, forgetting in the rush of living the joy of life, becoming
themselves most ever fretful and filled with deep disquiet.
8 Now in the General Assembly there arose a woman of great renown, being
herself most gracious and deeply wise, being in her speech and manner as one
most beautifully seen and well comported.
9 And there were many which believed with all their heart that she was surely
the Heavenly Mother come down to earth to walk through the affairs of men,
becoming through holiness the initiator of the seventh and final dispensation of
10 Being called by all believers as Kaseah the Beautiful, for in all her manner
did there flow both grace and beauty together mingled; blessing every man and
every woman which did draw near to her.
11 In whose presence every child rejoiced with gladsome heart, finding in her
touch and smile a gentle approbation filled with strength and confidence far
beyond that of mortal men, casting forth through her very presence the
nearness of God and angels.
12 Causing that when she was fifty years of age, the Council of Lords did
convene to consider well her place within the assembly of believers.
13 And after great inquiry, they themselves believed that she was in truth the
Heavenly Mother brought forth in mortal flesh, and they offered up to her even
the whole assembly; yet did she kindly refuse so great an honor, and turning to
leave, she went again to her home.
14 And the president of the council did marvel because of her, and turning to
the whole assembly she spoke, saying: “What peace this woman has, being
herself as one content through sweet accord, bearing in her speech and manner
a harmony filled with elegance and aplomb, even in the midst of a rushing and
harried world.”
15 These are the words which the president of the council spoke, and all which
heard did quick agree; and when it was decided they determined every year to
offer to Kaseah the whole assembly, yet for six years did Kaseah refuse to take
to herself such honors as the council would seek to give her.
16 But in the seventh year did she accept, and at the Festival of Joy she stood
before the whole assembly and lifting up her voice she spoke as one most deeply
knowing and filled with grace, saying:
20 Seeing then that you have proved yourselves both faithful and willing in
ages past, then prove yourselves as likewise now, for this day would I establish
before your eyes the final dispensation of heavenly things, whereby you might
dwell in harmony and completeness forever.
21 Causing that you should balance within your hand both the things of God
and mortal life, to make as one the sum of all good things; becoming yourselves
without confusion and contradiction, to fill your days with sweet accord,
making of your very life a song which God would sing.
22 For the playing of a single note does not make a symphony, for it is the
playing of many notes together in harmony and rhythm that makes the music
sweet; but if there be no harmony, then do the selfsame notes become
discordant and filled with chaos, to make a hurtful noise filled with great
23 Thus would harmony shape the melody and the song, and if you would
become yourselves as one harmonious and filled with peace, then would the
days of your life prove a symphony made of gentle rhythms and sweet accord, to
fill your days with richness; making of your life a banquet worthy of partaking.
24 Consider then this world of mortal life, how it is made discordant and filled
with strife, making of your life a hurtful noise filled with stresses and
clamorings of every kind, feeling yourselves seized and tossed about by several
25 By what means shall you calm the storms within you and without? By what
wisdom shall you be made as one harmonious and filled with calm, causing that
within your heart and in your mind should dwell supreme the peace which
comes from God?
26 Hear then the words I speak, for if your life prove confused and ever
stressful, then know most surely that in your heart the grace of God is not
perfected, being yourselves without harmony, knowing no completion in
yourselves, having in your life such chaos as would make your life a
burdensome thing.
27 Know then that such troubling thoughts and feelings as do move within you
from time to time, even these are caused by the illusions of your life; which
illusions would imprison you behind fences of your own making, to keep you
separate and apart from the peace which dwells in God, causing that you should
find no harmony in the living of your life.
28 And behind the fences of your illusions do you strain to see beyond the
walls which do imprison you, causing that you should briefly glimpse of things
more wondrous than all your dreams, but still are you unable to lay hold the
visions in your heart, being yourselves constrained by illusions of every kind.
30 Consider then these four: the illusion of identity, the illusion of freedom,
the illusion of control and the illusion of possessions; and in your ponderings
most fully know, that even all these illusions did the societies of mortal life foist
upon you from your birth, causing that you should not see such illusions as
would stand before you, thinking them as something real instead.
31 Which illusions you pass down to your own children also, making stronger
day by day the fences which would separate you from things eternal and
sublime; robbing even your own selves of harmony and peace, and this through
the words you speak.
32 For it is through your common speech that you imprison yourselves within
the walls of these delusions; claiming on the one hand that you are the children
of God, being yourselves eternal and everlasting, but putting forth through the
words you speak that it is the mortal flesh you would appease.
34 Who then will hear the word of God concerning these things? Who among
you most truly desire that harmony and peace should move and stir within you,
even as a stream of living water? Only those who desire most the things of God
above all else, having subjected their own flesh to the spirit within.
35 Thus are you confused and oft deceived concerning the identity of the self,
thinking yourselves the children of God, yet seeing only the mortal flesh in
which you dwell as the only true self, giving rise within yourselves the
foundations of a great illusion.
36 Causing that you should be torn between the spiritual and the physical, the
immortal and the mortal, the divine and the common; having within your heart
the image of heavenly things, but before the eyes the world of flesh only.
37 Ponder in your mind, therefore, the illusion of the self; for you are not the
image which others see, being yourselves far greater than the outward likeness;
having within your flesh a height and breadth and depth far beyond the image
which others see.
38 Which spirit would seek most earnestly to be revealed through the flesh
which others see, to make known before their eyes the light of heavenly things;
not out of boastful pride and vain deceits filled with pretenses, but out of joy
39 Yet are you deceived through subtle speech and outward customs, causing
that you should speak of your flesh as the only true self, while the spirit within,
you would put forth as a dream not yet real in a world of physical things.
40 Paying to your spiritual self a ready lip service, but in your daily actions
tending always to the flesh instead, causing within your own selves a conflict
and confusion regarding the person you truly are.
41 Come then and I will tell you the means by which so great an illusion is
made to fall upon you, for in the moment when you are born and in the flesh
most fully clothed within the senses of the body, then do many others, from that
day forth, speak to you the thing you are.
42 Drawing for you the image which they would have you fill, being yourself
shaped and fashioned by the demands and expectations of those you most
regard, becoming yourself the image and likeness which others would demand
of you.
44 For this I tell you for your learning, that there is made of every man and
every woman two portraits within the self; and of the outer portrait which all
men see, even others would draw the likeness which they would demand of you,
while of the inner portrait would God desire that you yourself determine only.
45 Thus are you made disconcerted and confused, being divided within your
mind between the person you see in the outward image, and the likeness of the
spirit which dwells within you.
47 If then you would know the true likeness of the spirit within, to make it
manifest in the person which others see, then be you as one detached from the
expectations of others; becoming yourself as one unmoved midst blame or
48 Becoming yourself in every likeness a true child of God while yet in mortal
flesh, holding firm to the things which are born of spirit and Heaven together,
becoming as one made wide awake and not deceived, knowing with a good
resolve your truer self, being yourself, in God, the author and master of who you
are, filled with confidence and eager joy.
49 Why, therefore, will you become as a stranger to yourself, not knowing
truly the thing you are? Why will you seek beyond yourself, hoping to find
yourself in the eyes of others?
50 For you are made a part of God, even every one of you, whether male or
female, and even God the Father and the Mother are made a part of you;
becoming as one in the flesh which others see; yet being first and last both spirit
and soul together fashioned and gently placed in the flesh of mortal life.
51 Let this then be first and foremost within you, that you are the sons and
daughters of God, becoming yourselves through righteousness as one eternal
and everlasting, bearing in your truer self the seeds of endless life, becoming to
those which see as one ineffable and filled with joyous wonder.
52 Be not deceived by the illusion of identity, but know yourself most fully; for
it is the thing you know which comes alive before the eyes, and if you know only
the flesh of the body, then are you become as someone thin and filled with
troubles; becoming yourself as one deceived by fleeting shadows, being yourself
without substance and filled with many fears.
53 Embrace, therefore, the spirit within you, and this most firmly be; taming
well the words you speak whereby you might set free the spirit within you;
causing that you should fear no longer, but find instead that inward peace
which no man can take from you.
54 And fear not such scorn and ridicule as others might cast upon you, for it is
the flesh of your body only which others see, believing that you are the body and
nothing more, and it is against this alone which they would wound.
55 But if you should give yourself to the spirit within, to become yourself as
spirit only, then are you untouched by such scorn as others might cast against
you; having become by your own choosing as spirit and not flesh, being yourself
unseen and dwelling beyond the baseness of common men; being made in
yourself and God together as one harmonious and filled with life, even in the
midst of great and sudden storms.
56 Know then the spirit within you and of that spirit be, for it is permitted that
you, alone, should draw the portrait of your truer self, being fashioned by your
own hands into the man or woman which you would be, bearing in your
likeness and image the similitude of things eternal and divine.
57 Being yourself far greater than the body which others see, having within
your depths a treasury filled with many wonders; and if you should so elect, to
be yourself as spirit above all other things, then shall the richness of your truer
self flow out into the world in a never ending stream.
58 Revealing yourself before the whole world as someone good and deeply
holy, filled with light and joy together, causing that others should see in you the
harmony which comes from God; causing that they themselves should lay down
the heavy burden and come to God instead, and this because of you, for you
have chosen the spirit of your truer self above all other things.”
59 Such were the words which Kaseah spoke, and there fell upon the whole
assembly a deeper hush filled with joy and expectation, for they would hear
with anxious heart even all the words which come from God whereby they
might live them day by day, to be themselves fulfilled.
Chapter 30
1 And Kaseah spoke again to the assembly, saying: “Consider now the illusion
of freedom, how you do speak highly of it, causing that you should excite
yourselves over the politics of the day, proclaiming that in this city or in that
country is there found the greatest of freedoms.
2 Yet I tell you that even in this is there found a great illusion, which illusion
would distract you through much speaking and subtle pretenses, causing that
you should not see such freedoms and liberties which God has given you
already, proving yourselves confused and not enlightened.
3 Believing that in the rule of democracy is there found that certain liberty
which would fulfill the sum of all your dreams and aspirations, according to
your pleasure; yet are you made ignorant of the things which are, seeing only
such shadows as swirl around you.
4 For in such governments as you proclaim the best is there found all manner
of laws and ordinances which do compel even every one of you; and to these are
there added the rule of social custom and public opinion and peer pressure, and
all these things do compel that you conform.
5 Yet, knowing yourselves that this is true, still do you proclaim yourselves
free and set at liberty to do as you might please, and in this is there found the
great illusion, which illusion does appeal to the pride and vanity of every man
and every woman.
6 Come then and consider: For a man may think himself free and yet in his
flesh be imprisoned by many things, being himself deceived and swallowed up
by pretenses, bearing in himself the illusion that he is free, even while he is
bound by many chains;
7 While yet some other, though bound in a prison of iron and stone, may
prove himself the freest of all, being himself set free through the goodness of his
words and deeds, to walk in the soul of God and Heaven as one unhindered.
9 Behold then how many are deceived, believing that in the spiritual life there
are found many demands and limitations, which things they proclaim all too
grievous a burden.
10 While in their physical life they should think themselves free and
unencumbered, even though they be strongly bound and fettered.
11 Thus do many appear as blind and foolish, believing that in the living of
their mortal life there is some greater freedom given to the flesh, while the
spirit lies imprisoned in a body of flesh and bone.
12 Hear then the wisdom which comes from God, for in license and wanton
behavior is there never found the freedom you seek, but brutishness only.
13 And if you should prove yourself unknowing of so great a simple thing, then
are you never set at liberty, being yourself imprisoned within the walls of your
own ignorance, being tossed and torn asunder between nobleness and
15 Thus in choosing for yourself to participate in the politics of the city do you
show yourself as free, believing yourselves not subject to the law or to men, but
subject only to the goodness which comes from God whereby you might bring it
forth alive in the affairs of men.
16 Being yourself not dogmatic in the politics of the day, but proving yourself
always gracious and tolerant of others; seeking by every means to increase the
love of God and spiritual things through a gentle approbation.
17 Thinking always of what is good for the city, even above your own selves;
believing in your heart and mind that you are a child of God, having your
citizenship found first in Heaven; owing to God the Father and the Mother a
true allegiance filled with worship and devotion together.
18 Thus are you made to see yourself as one made free, even though there be
placed upon you a great many responsibilities and obligations, being yourself
made free to participate in the affairs of government.
19 But in the spirit of yourselves is there found a far greater freedom than you
have ever known, being in your spirit not subject to the dictates of others, being
in your spirit as one made sovereign, according to your own desires.
20 For the flesh of the body can others imprison, to rob you of such freedoms
as common men are prone to value; but by what means can some other
imprison the spirit of which you are made, seeing that the spirit is unseen and
ineffable, filled with wonder?
22 For it is given that you alone might imprison the spirit within, and this
through a faithless neglect, causing that even though the body should walk
about the earth as something free, still are you most deeply fettered, having
imprisoned within walls of flesh, even your own selves.
25 For the true freedom which comes from God is born of spirit, calling out
within your heart to come and in its joy away; to fly and soar and dance and
reel, calling out within your soul the freedom for which you are made destined
while in this mortal life.
26 Causing that whosoever should possess so great a gift within the heart and
mind, even they are made the freest of every man and every woman, even
though the body of their flesh should be imprisoned in walls of iron and stone.
27 And if you would have for yourself this truer freedom, then cleave you unto
God with a faithful heart, chasing down through the spirit within, the prize for
which you dream; to be made one with God through the goodness that you do,
establishing before the eyes of all, the beginning of every joy.
28 What shall it matter then, this freedom of the flesh, when the greater self is
free already? Becoming while in the mortal life beyond the reach of earthly
things, having yourselves been set at liberty through the exercise of spiritual
things, for in this are you made free, while all things else are made a shadow.
29 Choose then such a freedom as you would first and foremost have, whether
of the spirit or of the flesh; for the spirit is real and everlasting while the flesh is
made transitory and impermanent, being given no reality which it can fully
grasp or deeply know.
30 Consider now the illusion of control, for in the mortal life do you strive
continually to exercise control through a great many manipulations, believing
that in the doing of these things you might find some lasting security;
31 Thinking to seize for yourself the love of others, believing falsely that those
you love should yield themselves to your control and influence, turning through
manipulation their love into a prison whereby you might hold them hostage.
32 Yet I tell you truly, that in the doing of such a thing do you lose the thing
you seek to have, to become yourself as one most loved and deeply cherished
and held in high regard.
33 This then is the dark illusion which you did learn, being taught from tender
youth; which illusion you inflict upon your own children also, causing for
yourselves a great many disappointments filled with tears and hurtful grief.
34 For there are many which believe that in love is there found the one who
controls and the one who yields, and if it so be that one should not yield, then
do they proclaim your love as something false and filled with pretenses; to
break your heart in many pieces for the sake of their control.
35 Yet, it is the one who seeks to control that is false, for they would see
themselves in you, demanding that you should act and speak and believe even
as they do; becoming yourself a mirror image, having no real substance of your
36 Seek not, therefore, to control another, to use their love against them
whereby you yourself are benefited; for those who would control another are
themselves without faith or hope, proving their love imperfect and filled with
trouble, becoming themselves as someone sour and filled with great suspicions.
37 If, therefore, you would know the true love of another, then seek neither to
control nor to manipulate the ones you love and cherish, but permit that they
should be themselves in every aspect, to blossom and grow according to the
spirit within them.
38 And if their love prove good and true and ever faithful, then shall they flow
into your life again and again; and like the ebb and flow of some inward sea,
bring forth a richness filled with blessings and joys of every kind.
39 Now consider also how you would seek to control the issues of your life,
thinking that you can guard yourself against the whims of circumstance and
blind misfortune; hedging against tomorrow the labors of the day.
41 For in controlling your life is there found that certain shadow; for when
there should spring upon you suddenly the weight of some adversity, then are
you exposed; revealing not your mastery and control, but exposing for yourself
to see your need for God and Heaven’s grace to bear you up again.
42 Thus would the illusion of control rob you of your need for God, thinking
yourselves advantaged through the controlling of your life, paying lip service to
God, pretending yourselves as one devout, yet having no devotion.
43 Think not, therefore, that you can control the sum of all your life, thinking
to yourself that you might set free your life of adversity and trial; for
circumstance and misfortune are made to fall upon every man and every
woman, to prove the spirit within.
44 For you can do nothing regarding the length of your life, to stretch it
beyond its measure, but of its depth and height and breadth, this you are given
the power to do; for the days of your life are appointed by God and you can by
no means add to the length of all your days.
45 For it is God who has determined the day and hour of your death already,
while it is life which would choose the means by which you die, and over these
two things you are given no power.
46 Over what then are you given control in the living of your life? Hear then
and I will answer, for the means by which you live your life, this do you
determine and not another; for the quality of your life do you decide, whether
there be in your life the joy of harmony or the sorrow of great discord.
47 Being appointed by God that you should prove the master of your own
selves, choosing wisely the best course to go and the best way to live.
48 Choosing for yourself to live graciously and with calm acceptance, or to live
in turmoil and great upheavals; for the whims of life you cannot control, but the
emotions which would respond midst good or bad, light or darkness, this alone
do you determine.
49 It is yourself alone which you control, while all else is folly and constant
heartache, adding to your life the seeds of disappointment and bitterness,
deceiving your own selves, making yourself blind and dull of hearing regarding
such greater issues as do stir and move around you.
51 For seek not to control your children for your benefit, but rather seek to
teach them to control themselves whereby they might become the true masters
of their life, being always guided by such instructions as you did give them
while in their youth.
52 Think not, therefore, that in your teaching you would control your children
to rule over them, for in teaching would you influence and not control, if it so be
that your instructions are rooted deep in the joy and wisdom of God.
54 Thus would you give to your children both guidance and instruction, being
in your love for them both kind and firm, yet in yourselves free of any
controlling or manipulating manner.
55 Becoming in yourselves even as your Heavenly Father and Heavenly
Mother, which in the beginning did teach you well the desires of their heart, yet
without commandment or constraint.
56 Hear then this last, for in the illusion of possessions are almost all men and
all women deceived, believing themselves made happy and fulfilled in the
owning of many things, believing that in the owning of sundry things made
precious and desirable, they might increase the value of their lives.
57 Thinking their lives made worth the living by the owning of this or that,
proving to others beyond themselves that they are worthy of praise and
admiration, having made their lives to appear as some great success.
59 Yet do I tell you truly, even as you do now suspect: For it is not you which
owns your possessions, but rather it is your possessions which own you, forcing
upon your backs a grievous burden too heavy to bear.
61 Causing that you should seek by every means to secure your possessions
against tomorrow, deceiving your own selves, making your possessions to
become as a snare about your feet and a chain upon your wrists.
64 For your spirit and soul are forever yours, and these alone do you possess;
and if you should fill your days with love and goodness, then do such as these
become yours forever, to dwell within the soul, even worlds without end.
65 Being in your soul filled with richness and abundance always, having
secured while in the mortal life the grace of wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice,
fortitude, beauty and harmony.
66 If then you would have harmony within your life, then possess yourselves
through all these things, letting go such illusions as do swirl about you while in
the mortal life, cleaving only unto God instead, to find therein the only true
things worthy of possessing through all your many efforts.
67 Come now and if you will hear, even God shall reveal to you the means by
which you might set free your soul of every illusion, to become in your life as
one made calm and filled with peace, becoming yourselves as one enraptured
by such harmony as God would give the holy.”
Chapter 31
1 Now Kaseah continued to teach, saying: “By what means then are you
enabled to see beyond such illusions as the mortal life shall cast upon you? For
to these four great illusions are there added many others besides.
2 How then shall you set free yourselves from such illusions as do deceive you
regarding the greater issues of your life, to set at liberty your own selves
whereby you can see and hear and feel and touch the things which truly are?
3 Come then and God shall answer, for in the mortal life are you made both
mortal and immortal, both body and spirit, being made subject in your flesh to
the illusion of many things.
4 While in your spirit is there found the eternal and divine, in which there
stands revealed the only reality, which reality is not subject to the senses of your
flesh, but which reveals itself through the inward eye of the heart and spirit
5 For the reality which is born of God does not yield itself to the whims and
dictates of those which cannot see; but is itself made always wondrous and
filled with glory, being in its nature constant and everlasting.
6 Thus if you would free yourself of illusion, to sweep away the shadows before
your eyes, then know most deeply within that in the sacrifice of temporal things
are all illusions swept away, causing your spirit to come alive within you.
7 For at your birth is there heaped upon you the illusions of mortality, causing
that in your youth you should continue such illusions as even your own parents
and friends are subject to; and in the living of your life do you add to these the
delusions of the self, imprisoning yourselves in obscurities and darknesses of
every kind.
8 Yet in the sacrifice of temporal things do you set free yourself of every
illusion, to draw yourself closer unto God; for it is in the sacrifice of such
temporal things as would imprison you that you grow day by day ever more
spiritual, causing that there should shine out from the depths of you all things
sacred and divine.
9 But if you will not sacrifice the temporal while yet you claim yourself as one
made spiritual, then have you deceived yourself, and there is no light in you but
darkness only.
10 Preaching to yourself the sermons of the ego, permitting that you should do
nothing for God, but for yourself only; becoming through the darkness of your
lesser self both dogmatic and suspicious.
11 Being made subject to anger and wrath and bitter words, wherein you do
wound yourself again and again upon the rocks of your own deception.
12 Mocking those who would grow in God through the offering up of such
temporal things as you would cleave to most dearly, striving through subtle
words to turn them away from sacrifice, to make them as yourself.
14 If then you would free yourself of every illusion, then be you wise and act
with firmness, being eager to take to your soul the joy of sacrifice; becoming in
your daily offerings like unto a good and loving mother, who for the love of her
family will gladly sacrifice even all she has, and this in joy.
15 Come and I will tell you what it is like unto: For there was a man which
loved his wife dearly for she was the mother of all his children, and he thought
to give to her a gift of money, saying:
16 “This, my Love, I give to you whereby you might purchase for yourself
anything which you desire. For you are a good and loving wife and I would show
to you my gratitude and devotion.”
17 So the mother took the money and taking with her the children she loved,
she went forth to shop and buy; and when the father came home he found that
the mother had purchased for their children all manner of little gifts and
presents, but for herself she bought nothing at all.
18 And the father seeing this did sigh, and giving to his Beloved even more
money, he spoke, saying: “This my dearest is for you, for I would honor you to
show my love. Go now and whatsoever you desire for yourself, even this
purchase with all my blessings. Only take not the children with you lest you be
tempted to give to them this gift which I would give to you alone.”
19 So again the wife went to shop and to buy, and when the husband returned
he found that all the money which he had given to his wife, even this did she
spend to add beauty to the house wherein the family lived.
20 And again the father sighed midst all his smiles, and again he offered to his
Beloved a gift of money, and with gentle firmness he spoke to her, saying:
21 “This my dearest, is for you, for I would honor you because of such love and
devotion as you have shown to me all these many years. Go then and with this
gift, purchase for yourself the thing you desire most to have.
22 Only do not spend the gift on the children we love, neither spend it for the
sake of our home, but for yourself only; spend, therefore, this gift on the thing
which will make you happiest above all other things.”
23 So again the mother went forth to shop and to buy, seeking for herself the
thing which would make her happiest above all other things; and the father,
when he was come again to his home, found that the wife he loved had
purchased for him many gifts of goodly things.
24 And the father seeing all these things was deeply moved by the goodness of
his wife, yet being exasperated, he chided his wife most tenderly, saying:
25 “Why, my Love, did you not do with the money as I intended? For these
three times have you spent even all the money on children and home and
husband. Why then could you not buy for yourself some little gift?”
26 Then did the wife speak to her husband, saying: “In all your instructions
did I do according to your words. For at the first did you invite that I should go
and purchase whatsoever I desired; and seeing that I desired the smiles of our
children, I did give to them a good many gifts.
27 But in the second occasion did you refrain me from giving to our children,
but instructed me to go and purchase whatsoever my heart desired; and so I
went and bought for our home all manner of beautiful and wondrous things
whereby even the whole family might be enriched, for this was the thing I
desired above all else.
28 Yet on the third occasion did you forbid me to purchase anything for the
house and children altogether, but instructed me that I should spend the money
on whatsoever would make me the happiest of all.
29 For this cause did I purchase for you, my Love, these many gifts, knowing
that in your joy I would find the greatest happiness.
30 How then did I fail in doing as you instructed? By what means did I prove
discourteous in honoring such gifts as you did give me? Seeing that in all things
I did give to myself the things which I desired most to have.
31 Permitting that I should see in the eyes of our children, or in the rooms of
our home, and even in yourself, my Love, such things as would bring forth some
deeper joy within me.”
32 So spoke the wife to her husband, and taking his wife into his arms most
gently, he kissed her upon the lips and he spoke to her, saying: “Could you not
see to buy for yourself alone, my Love, a gift made just for you?”
33 And upon his breasts did the good mother speak, saying: “Did you not
know, my Love, that in giving to those I love, I give also to myself the greater
portion; receiving through your joy and the joy of our children the fulfillment of
34 For together are we made as one, both father and mother and children also,
causing that in such sacrifices as we do make for each the other, even therein do
we find for ourselves the greatest joy of all.”
35 And hearing this the husband blessed his wife and with many kisses and
tender touches he did celebrate the wife which he adored; seeing in her sacrifice
an example worthy of every praise and deep devotion.
36 In what manner, therefore, should you offer up your sacrifices unto God,
causing that you should participate with Heaven in the blessing of all God’s
children, proving even your own selves as worthy of exaltation, having become
yourself in every similitude like unto your Heavenly Father and Heavenly
37 Behold, I tell you: that even as the good mother did sacrifice her gifts to the
family she loved, even so must you likewise do; finding in the joy of God the
only true happiness which would lift you far above your lesser self.
38 For in the giving of time and effort and money also, even by these things do
you fill up your heart and mind with Heaven, causing that all shadows and
illusions should flee themselves away, finding in you no darkness where they
might lurk and constant grow.
39 Causing that there should well up within you a calm assurance, free of
pride; knowing for yourself that you are made a partner with God in the
bringing of Heaven down to earth.
40 Then shall you dwell in harmony and sweet accord, having in yourself no
conflict or division between the flesh of the body and the spirit of your truer
self; and of your peace there shall be no end.
41 Take care, therefore, among yourselves and beware of those who stand
falsely among you, pretending through their words that they believe the things
of God, even while they make mock and ridicule the gift of sacrifice.
42 For they desire not that you be free of such illusions as would bind them
strongly, knowing for themselves already that in such harmony as you would
take to yourself through sacrifice, even therein shall they themselves stand
revealed before your eyes as someone false and filled with pretenses.
43 Be you, therefore, wise and with your heart perceive well the greater issues,
being yourself undeceived by lesser things, choosing for yourself the harmony
which does await to dwell within you, making of the mortal life a gift which God
did give.
44 And as you did choose rightly in ages past to cleave to God in all things
temporal and spiritual, then choose likewise now.
45 That there might rise within your heart and soul and mind the light of these
seven dispensations which were sent to you from God, whereby you might find
your way home again, to dwell in glory in the kingdom of your Heavenly Father
and Heavenly Mother forever and ever, even worlds without end.”
46 Thus began the seventh dispensation through the teachings of Kaseah, and
all her words and teachings did the assembly preserve to put in the Book of
God, whereby whoever should so desire might read and study and deeply
47 And the years passed and Kaseah refrained herself the touch of death, but
did instead ascend into Heaven to join again her own Beloved.
48 And the children of God did move through the appointed years of the
seventh dispensation, each child, whether male or female, taking upon
themselves their many lives; moving into each life midst gentle rhythms, like
the waves of the sea which rush to shore; chasing down for themselves that
certain joy wherein they might find their own glory and fulfillment.
49 Yet in Heaven did the angels make ready to receive the children of God into
their appointed kingdoms and principalities, being themselves received in their
spirit through the veils of death, and coming into glory the children of God
rejoiced and were themselves most happy and content.
51 And in the first of endless aeons did the children of God move out into the
depths of the First Heaven, becoming themselves awed and overwhelmed by
such glories as God did provide for their fulfillment and joy.
52 Then did The One speak unto Areta, saying: “It is time, my Love, when our
children must have a telestial body wherein their spirits might continue the joys
between a man and a woman; to bring forth to themselves in this heavenly
place, children of their own.
53 For these our children are unable in their present state to bring forth spirit
children even as we have done; for they are without sufficient power to create
the things of spirit; for between the man and the woman is the power of their
love made less than our own.
54 Let us continue, therefore, this Hodos Alea whereby these may have
families of their own, according to such laws and principles as will govern the
telestial bodies of flesh and bone.
55 And to all their little babes made telestial in light and glory and filled with
life, even to these shall we provide in each child a spirit made telestial through
the living of mortality.
56 That through such love as a man might have for a woman, and a woman for
a man, even these two might find the depth and height and breadth of
Emzahdeah; causing that in the telestial man and woman might be found the
beginnings of such a power as will create for themselves a host of spirit
57 Seeing then that we would have our children to become as we are, then let
us now fashion for them the telestial body, causing that the man and the woman
should be drawn to each the other through loving passions; to make for
themselves children after their own fashion.”
58 Thus did The One speak, and together did The One and Areta cause a deep
sleep to fall upon all the children of God; and as they slept, there was called
from out of the streams of intelligence a flood of A-Z particles.
59 And of these did God fashion for each child at once, a tabernacle of
exquisite beauty and purpose; yet were no two made to look alike, but were
themselves made unique and finely fitted to every child of God, both male and
60 Now when the children awoke from all their slumbers, they found
themselves enlivened in bodies of flesh and bone, and they were filled with
great rejoicing; and among the angels of God did they move throughout the
principalities of the Telestial Kingdom, building cities and wonders of every
62 For in their spirits only were the man and woman unable to touch or feel or
deeply know the sexual passions of each the other, being themselves without
the knowledge of Emzahdeah.
63 But through their bodies of flesh are their spirits made free to give and
receive of each other’s passions, touching together through the flesh the spirit
and the soul; forging through the fires of love a greater love than they have ever
64 See then, my Love, how it is needful that we ourselves should enter again
the streams of intelligence for all their sake, to bring forth out of our love and
passion even another assembly of spirit children, being themselves made
innocent, even as the first.
65 These then shall we send to Terralee to live the mortal life; and going
themselves through the seven dispensations of God, even they shall inherit a
principality of glory; to become themselves the children of the first.”
66 Now hearing this, The One drew Areta unto his breasts, and he spoke to
her softly, saying: “Well have you spoken, my Love, and to your counsel would I
yield the sum of all my being, to receive in joy all your many passions.
67 Let us then go forth and make of all our love such spirit children as will
become unto the first, the children of telestial glory; inheriting through their
parents, telestial tabernacles made of flesh; causing that among the children of
our soul might there spring up the beginning of many generations.”
68 So spoke The One and together did they go forth unto the streams of
intelligence and there did they bring forth the second assembly of children in all
their multitudes, and as the Father and Mother had done unto the first, so did
they likewise unto the second, even worlds without end.
Chapter 32
1 Round and round the heavens moved, sweeping in their onward rush
through endless halls of time, gathering within its realms the joys of
immortality filled with rich delight; adding through careful measures one
eternity upon another.
2 And God loved the children of their soul, wooing them gently through the
aeons, leading them with tender words to seek a greater glory, being hopeful
that some might reach beyond their present state to seize a higher plane filled
with greater promise.
3 And the assemblies of God grew ever more numerous, each being numbered
in their many millions, causing that every principality within the Telestial
Kingdom should expand, establishing through the aeons an even greater and
greater dominion.
4 Ever building midst all their dreams the cities and palaces of the First
Heaven, reaching out with measured increase into Olaha Shinehah; establishing
throughout the generations of many assemblies the first design of God.
5 Now when there were established firmly the first twelve assemblies of God,
each having achieved through mortality the glory of both dreams and effort,
God did withdraw from the First Heaven.
6 And together did The One and Areta fashion a bright and newer world filled
with greater glory, being bounded within and without by seven dimensions; and
to this world gathered the many congregations of the Shulieye and the Pensieye,
being eager themselves to follow God with a joyful heart filled with song.
7 But of the Goieye did even the whole tribe petition God that they might
remain in the Telestial Kingdom, permitting that they should continue to watch
over the children of the First Heaven, whereby they might continue to counsel
and guide, ever pointing beyond the stars to where the Father and Mother did
soft await.
8 And God was pleased by the devotion of the Goieye and together did The
One and Areta give consent, commanding only that the Goieye gather at the
Season of the Song, whereby they might commune and rejoice with all their
sisters of the Shulieye and the Pensieye.
9 And on the newer world would even all the Cherubim gather in the season of
rejoicing, for this world did God establish to be the foundation of a far greater
glory, becoming itself the second Heaven which God did call the Terrestrial
Kingdom of Glory.
10 Causing that between the first and second Heaven should be built a bridge
over which all who should desire might cross over, receiving to themselves a
glory and a joy far greater than they had ever known.
11 For the bridge which God built was made of many mortal lives, being again
guided by seven dispensations; yet were the dispensations of the second Heaven
unlike those of the first, but were themselves fashioned to perfect the love
between the man and the woman.
12 Being hopeful that by so doing the children of the second Heaven might
come closer still to a truer likeness of God, having perfected within themselves
the rule of holiness, establishing within themselves the first foundations of
13 Thus was there established by God the outward flowing of Hodos Alea,
being bounded on every side, and within, by the laws and principles of eternal
14 For in the worlds of mortality did the children of God flow through the
dispensations, going from the first to the last, flowing as a mighty river from
one life to the next even till all was made complete, causing that the children of
God should choose for themselves that heavenly glory wherein they might find
their joy.
15 And in the heavens also, in both the Telestial and Terrestrial did the
children of God continue to flow, going from the first principality unto the
second, and then again unto the third, but only as they desired, being
themselves born into the First Heaven, having bodies of flesh and bone filled
with passions and desires.
17 Being themselves ever guided by the Goieye to look beyond the realms of
the Telestial Kingdom, to gaze with wondrous eyes into the depths of things
unseen but surely felt, where God, in joy, did quietly wait, being hopeful that
those who should desire might reach higher still.
18 Putting forth their heart’s desire to draw closer unto the Father and Mother
which loved them so, to seek again through the mortal life, an increase in joy
and glory far beyond the principalities, dominions and powers of the first
19 Being hopeful to establish between the man and the woman a union and a
love far greater than that which they had ever known, establishing within
themselves through the second estate the seeds of Emzahdeah.
21 Thus did God fashion the Terrestrial Kingdom in all its many parts,
establishing well the flow and rush of Hodos Alea, and through the aeons the
second estate grew in number and power and glory.
22 And God was pleased that from out of the many assemblies of all their
seed, still would many seek to follow after; yet still were they unable to create
spirit children of their own, seeing that their souls were not perfected.
23 Then did The One gaze into the midst of the great Eternal Round, looking
with thoughtful eye into the bosom of the Deep, fashioning within his thoughts
a third Heaven rich with promise and great fulfillment.
24 And when he was completed, he gathered to his heart his own Beloved, and
together did they swiftly fly into the Chasm deep and wide, and there did they
lay the foundations of the Celestial Kingdom; believing each within their souls
that even some of their children would seek to follow, to become themselves
like God the Father and the Mother.
Chapter 1
Distant Doom
Azrael speaks to Mahaleenah – The Dispensation of Fullness, Mystery and Exaltation –
Daring greatly for the sake of God and Heaven – Revealing the Ahgendai: Azrael and
Mahaleenah – The One and Areta behold the splendor of Heaven – Areta rejoices in the depth
of Heaven’s beauty – Nothing but bliss, meaning and purpose – The One speaks his concern:
“How certain is this heavenly abode?” – A threat is conceived – Danger lurking within the
Heavens – Taking for granted the glories of Heaven: mediocrity and indifference – “Gone
forever shall fall the Heavens” – Struggle and opposition necessary for strength – Dilemma:
no opposition or struggle found in Heaven – Areta asks to be alone and casts herself into the
far future – The broken realms of Kolob – Teraphim lost in madness – Areta returns in tears
to her Beloved – “By what means shall we save Heaven, to make it new forever?”
1 The time has come Mahaleenah, when I must place into your hands the
revelation of many mysteries; for you have proven yourself faithful in following
your Heavenly Father.
2 And so my child, I will pour into your soul the vial of hidden things; I shall
open before your eyes the veils of eternity, that you might see in your mind and
feel in your heart the truth which only The One and Areta know; being also
known by your Heavenly Father, but which truth was never before spoken of till
4 For this dispensation do the very Gods call: the Dispensation of Fullness, of
Mystery and of Exaltation. For unto the children of God who are made to
become as sojourners upon this world of the First Power, unto these the faithful
and believing would I reveal a fullness of God and Heaven; that all those who
should comport themselves in godly fashion, even upon them shall descend a
fullness of revelation and mystery filled with wonder and exaltation.
5 Know then my child, that when my days on this world are made complete, in
that day shall you blossom as the rose; to stand in the memory of your Father,
filled in yourself with a deep and hidden knowledge; and by a godly grace reveal
to the faithful the heights and depths and wonders of all my teachings.
6 Having yourself proved well the goodness of all things in the life you live;
having verified through a happy zeal, the worth and value of all those things
which I have labored to place before the sons and daughters of God.
7 Come then Mahaleenah, set aside the burdens of your life, and I will reveal
to you the fullness of our story, nothing hidden or in secret kept.
8 Only this counsel be wise in keeping: dare yourself to believe; for if you
would do great things for God, then you must dare greatly; and in the daring
you will achieve for yourself and your Father, a glory and a wonder far beyond
your dreams.
9 For it is not for yourself alone that you live, neither is it for yourself that you
would greatly dare; but for the sake of God and Heaven do you do these things.
10 Let then the mystery find in you some happy and fertile soil; let it sink
down into your depths and in your heart and mind take firm root; let it stretch
and grow and reach deep into the marrow of your soul and there let it flourish
and bear for you a pleasing fruit.
11 For herein would I reveal the story of the Ahgendai, which very Ahgendai
are comprised of two only; being together both Azrael and Mahaleenah; being
to each other as Father and Daughter, and beside us there are no others found.
12 Believe then with utmost confidence, that we labor not in vain; neither do
we take upon ourselves an impossible task; for there is in each of us, both you
and me together, a strength greater than any other strength, and a faith far
greater than any other faith, being each – both strength and faith – guided and
shaped by an unbreakable will; which divine will is born only of love.
13 Believe then, nothing doubting or held back, but being yourself most fully
committed, and all things shall be possible for you; believe deeply with all your
heart and mind and soul, and there shall be added to you strength upon
strength and wisdom upon wisdom; causing that you should act with great
resolve, to accomplish for yourself the fulfillment of all your dreams.
14 I will start from the beginning; I will tell the ancient story. There will be
nothing hidden or in secret kept. For that book which I wrote earlier for your
sake, even that was but a primer, being ever hopeful that in the reading you
might be awakened as if from slumber.
15 But in this book is it given that you should be fully enlightened and
empowered; that you may know how to comport yourself as Mahaleenah while
in this life; for now are you become as one wide awake and most anxious to hear
and feel and know of that mystery which most strongly binds us together.
16 Now in the days of our beginning did The One and Areta reach throughout
the kingdoms of the greater Light, to see for themselves the beauty and
harmony of all those things which they had created for the sake of all their
17 And when they beheld the splendor and glory of all the Heavens, they were
pleased and in joy did God proclaim aloud its goodness; for the kingdoms which
they had made – from the least to the greatest, even all were made rich in
meaning and purpose, being filled with endless delights and wonders.
19 Seeing then the depth and beauty of all their work, God rejoiced; and Areta
spoke to her Beloved, saying: “How beautiful, my Love, this Heaven which we
have made. For when I see the wonder of all its riches, my heart is made to sing.
20 What myriad wonders we have made; what great variety have we placed for
the joy of all our generations, even worlds without end.
22 For in all the many kingdoms of glory is there made to dwell only bliss,
being bounded on every side with meaning and purpose; adding to the life of all
who live a height and depth and breadth far beyond the dreams of mortal man.”
23 And hearing this, The One gazed deeply into the great eternal, and in his
soul did he ponder greatly the things which he heard; and feeling the depths of
silence in her Beloved, Areta spoke, saying: “What troubles you, Beloved? For I
feel in you a deep foreboding.”
24 And The One spoke, saying: “How certain, Beloved, is this heavenly abode?
How sure the foundations which we have made? Can you not perceive some
danger which would undo the whole of all our efforts? Is there not concealed in
some obscure power, that which might make havoc the beauty and wonder of
25 When Areta heard these words, she pondered deeply also, and she spoke,
saying: “Tell me, Love, what obscure power do you perceive which would prove
the undoing of all our joy? For in truth do I perceive only goodness, and nothing
amiss do I see in the shadows lurking.”
26 Then did The One speak in reply, saying: “The threat, my Love, is not found
in what is perceived through the senses, but rather is it found in what is
conceived. For like you, I can perceive through the senses no threat which
would disturb the glory of Heaven.
27 Yet in the workings of the mind can I conceive the coming of that shadow
which would one day, far future, come creeping upon us; to fall across this
Heaven which we have made, to fill it with great ruin and devastation.
28 Hear then the musings of my mind; for this very beauty and glory which
you see throughout the kingdoms of Heaven shall become of itself the source
from which this obscure power shall step unknown among us.
29 For this Heaven have we made too beautiful and too glorious; being
established in all its parts by a supreme harmony which fills even the whole
Heavens with songs of joy and deep happiness.
30 Know then that the power which would undo all these things is not found
outside the reach of Heaven’s glory, but comes from within instead; lurking
unseen throughout the days of all our tomorrows, to creep upon us unawares.
31 And when the day shall come that we are made aware, then will it prove too
late to rouse ourselves against it; for little by little it shall slip into the heavenly
abode, to fill the minds of all who here abide with a wakeful slumber filled with
deep uncaring.
32 For the day of our doom do I deeply see: For when the children of God shall
take for granted the glories of Heaven; when they shall see no longer the beauty
in which they dwell, or feel in their heart or mind or deeper soul the awe and joy
of all their endless wonders, in that day shall the doom of Heaven be assured, to
fall quietly into the abyss of mediocrity and indifference.
33 Then shall Heaven slip quietly through the eternities, to fall in dark
oblivion, with no one to care at its passing; and on that day shall the Eidos
reach suddenly forth to destroy even all our work, to swallow up in chaos the
kingdoms of the greater Light; and there shall not be even one to mourn, for on
that day shall there be no more Gods or angels, no more this Heaven which we
see stretched out before us.
34 Gone forever shall fall the Heavens,
gone in darkness the light of joy;
gone forever celestial cities,
broken down in dust and ruin;
gone forever the flight of angels,
cast in shadows their happy songs.
Gone! Gone! Gone!”
35 And hearing this, Areta grew deeply troubled, and placing her head against
the bosom of The One, she spoke tenderly into his heart, saying: “Not so, my
Love. Surely this cannot be. Why therefore would you give yourself to such
troubled musings?
36 For all things which we would provide for the glory of Heaven, even this
have we established well for the good of all. By what oversight have we
determined this coming doom which you alone can see?”
37 Now The One was filled with tenderness for his Beloved, for like her, the
beauty of Heaven moved him greatly; yet being anxious that it should continue
always, he answered, saying:
38 “Is it not said among the Gods: ‘For it is in the nature of all things to grow,
and that thing which does refuse, or which proves itself unable, even it shall
perish, to be no more?’
39 Behold, my Love, this truth; which truth you know full well. For life is
struggle. And without this struggle, then do all things become as something
weak and flaccid. For it is struggle which fills the life we live with challenges of
every kind.
41 See then, my Love, how struggle is the building stone upon which strength
is made to increase; adding through the conflict of opposites, the depth and
height and breadth of all those things which we would dream for ourselves.
42 Know then that it is struggle and opposition which would prove essential to
strength and growth and glory. For without strength, how then shall we grow?
And except we overcome through struggle, where then is glory found?
43 For it is struggle and opposition which puts the sparkle in all those things
which we desire for ourselves and our children, to fill the hearts of all with
gratitude and thanksgiving.
44 For we know, ourselves, already that without the bitter, how will we know
and desire the sweet? Without the darkness, by what measure would we
embrace the light to seek it always? And except there be death to haunt us, how
then could we cherish the life we live?”
45 And hearing this, Areta answered her Beloved, saying: “But dearest Love,
have we not provided all these things in the mortal worlds? Have we not sent
even all our children into yonder worlds whereby they might benefit; that by
such struggles as we deem necessary, they might prepare themselves for that
kingdom of glory which they would desire most for themselves to have?”
46 But The One answered her, saying: “Yes, my Love, in the mortal worlds we
have prepared all these things. But look you yonder upon the kingdoms of
Heaven’s glory. For all things herein are dressed continually in joy and light.
48 For this cause alone do I feel deeply that the day will come when even the
very Gods will see no longer the beauty which surrounds them, for they do live
in it continually; and on that day, little by little, ever creeping by small degrees,
even the Gods shall see the rolling forth of their lives through the endless
eternities, as some monotonous journey filled with tedium.
49 And by and by, the eternities shall grind relentlessly on, carrying away
upon the tides, the lives of all Gods and Goddesses; and in some day
unexpected, ever moving by small degrees, the Gods themselves will fade away;
being ground into dust by the monotony of their lives;
51 Such were the words of The One, and Areta looked again upon the worlds of
Heaven, and there she beheld the glories of the Telestial Kingdom, the
Terrestrial Kingdom and the Celestial Kingdom; gazing with her eyes upon the
beautiful cities, each filled with variety and rare; and looking again she saw the
cherubs in flight, wheeling and soaring and twirling in happy play among
52 And standing there in the midst of all this beauty filled with wonder, there
fell upon her a sadness; and turning to The One she spoke, saying:
53 “Beloved, I must be alone to ponder all which you have said. Grant me, my
Love, some small absence wherein I might weigh in my hand this dread vision
which you have brought before us.”
54 And The One, giving sadly his own consent, kissed farewell his sweet
Beloved; and in an instant did she step through the Tael, to hide herself away
midst deep and thoughtful ponderings.
55 Now Areta possessed a hidden power which The One knew not of. For in
the beginning, before the creation of Heaven did Areta give unto her Beloved up
to half her powers whereby he might stand as equal beside her.
56 And all, save one, she freely gave. Yet in this hidden power was Areta
enabled to move to the furthermost future, whereby she might see the end of all
things eternal. But know this also, for Areta could move back to that far distant
past which she alone remembered, before the birth of God and Heaven.
57 Going therefore into the furthermost future, Areta cast herself beyond all
things eternal; far beyond the end of time, beyond the dreams of God; to see for
herself the fate of Heaven and all the wonders contained therein.
58 And the aeons flashed and passed before her, and the stars of the cosmos
grew old and pale; and she came at last to the kingdoms far distant, and there
she beheld with waking sorrow the broken realms of Kolob.
59 Now Areta saw in the future the world of Gaimaeah, a celestial world of the
Shem El Koreem; and going forth she beheld the broken cities cast down in
ruin, long forsaken; and all that once was beautiful was overgrown and fastly
held in the iron grip of large and tangled vines; and dust and decay lay claim to
ancient glories.
60 Seeing then the ruin of so beautiful a world, Areta gazed with tearful eyes
into the Heavens beyond, and there she espied the paradisical world of
Gaimaeah, being itself cast in shadows and dimly lit; for the many suns of Kolob
had burned away all their glory, and there was only one which remained, being
old and greatly spent.
61 And searching with anxious heart, Areta found in a small valley upon the
moon of paradise, a band of the Teraphim; and gently did she rush forth to
reveal herself unto them, whereby she might speak to them some word of
comfort filled with hope.
62 Yet the Teraphim, when they saw her, knew her not at all, but gazed upon
her with eyes made dull through madness; putting up to her a constant plea
that she kill them to end their torment.
63 For being not Gods themselves, they could not slip away into the rest of
dark oblivion; neither could they fade themselves away as the ministering
angels had done in ages long past; for the Teraphim were made eternal, yet they
had not the power of Gods or Goddesses, to slip into oblivion and thereby end
their suffering.
64 And quietly did Areta exclaim within her soul: “How many eternities must
it take to lead us here to this?” And Areta wept with great heaving sobs; and in
her sorrow she remembered her own Beloved.
65 Then did Areta swiftly fly, passing back through the aeons, passing in a
mighty rush a great many generations of eternity; even till she came at last to
find again The One, walking alone beside the sea; waving with his hand at the
passing of the angels which soared in the airs about him.
66 And Areta fell into the arms of her Beloved, and she spoke unto him,
saying: “Tell me Love, by what means shall we save forever this gentle Heaven,
to make it new forever. And whatsoever you devise for the good of all, even that
will I give consent, to place my hand on yours.”
67 And The One spoke, saying: “Come then Beloved and I will reveal the
workings of my mind. For in my soul have I conceived with deep subtlety the
beginnings of a great mystery and a power; and these things, though opposites,
shall work together for the good of all.” Thus spoke The One to his darling
Areta, and together did they return to their own place, far beyond the happy
realms of El Jor El.
Chapter 2
Saving Heaven
The creeping shadows of complacency, dullness and mediocrity – Saving Heaven through
struggle, strength and victory – A dark and fearsome adversary is needed – Shaking the seeds
of complacency – Areta fears for Heaven’s sake – The One reveals his plan to renew Heaven –
Balancing the Nemesis with an opposite: the Dread Savior – Heaven to be protected by one
most mighty and strong – Heaven invigorated by the conflict of the two powers – Archons
unable to withstand the Nemesis – A warrior God to bridge the chasm between First God and
Heaven – Creating the Nemesis yet avoiding complicity – An ancient hate locked away – The
purpose of the Nemesis – Bringing forth the Nemesis: joining in Oneness – Forcing out the
dark seed: the birth of the Antipode – Guarding eternal truth – Areta: the only key to saving
Heaven – Areta agrees to unite in Oneness – “By what means shall we bring forth our
Savior?” – A mystery worthy of thought
2 And Areta spoke to her Beloved, saying: “Let us be wise, my Love, and
ponder well our course; for it is for us alone to hold at bay the loss of all our
glory, to keep forever new and shining this Heaven which we love.
3 For the greatest threat which we must face throughout the whole of all our
realms are the slow and creeping shadows of complacency, dullness and
mediocrity. How then shall we proceed? By what means shall we make the
Heavens struggle, to keep forever bright and new the things of greatest worth?
4 Speak, my Love and hold not back, but tell me plainly clear; and whatsoever
you devise, this will I embrace, to make it mine as it is yours, to act as one
5 Let us hold within our hands this means which you devise; for once in
ancient long agos, you strove against the evil, when you as Kronus stood alone
against the strong and mighty, striving through most subtle means to save the
world of man.”
6 And The One answered, saying: “Hear then, my gentle Love, and I will tell
you plainly. For there is but one way to save the Heavens from the shadows
which we alone can see. For it is struggle which makes for strength, and it is
strength and victory which would chase away our doom.
7 Not some cheap and hollow victory against the weak or those unable; but
only the victory which comes from great cost, against an adversary of frightful
8 Which very power will shake from the souls of all, the very seeds which
would make dull and complacent this Heaven which we love; causing through
most shocking fury, that even all who dwell herein should rise up in courage
and strength; being made to know at last that except they become as heroes all,
then might the children of God lose forever the glory which they strived so hard
to gain.
9 Thus by dreadful fear shall the Heavens tremble before the dark power, to
fill the Councils of Light with an urgency charged with deep excitement, causing
them to go beyond themselves; becoming themselves graced with a far deeper
resolve in saving well the very eternities in which they most happily dwell.
11 For it is far better that the Heavens perish suddenly and in a moment than
that we should linger on, growing by small degrees ever more complacent and
unworthy, to fade ourselves into some cold oblivion forever.
13 And Areta answered, saying: “My Love, if this dark and fearsome power
shall have strength enough to tear down the Heavens, to leave in ruin all which
we have made because of love; then what power shall prove strong enough to
hold at bay so dread a force?
14 For the children of God, from the lowest to the greatest have we brought
forth in love, nurtured in love and made glorious because of love. How then
shall those who love most purely withstand so great an evil as you propose?
15 For even I, myself, cannot comprehend so dread a thing; since before the
beginning of Gods or Heavens I sought only love and beauty, being in my
essence the very seed from which all good things grow; knowing and seeking
only the tender feelings of a sacred heart and mind.
16 And although I see with sorrow the rightness of all your words, still, my
Love, am I made to tremble because of them. For I fear the loss of all our joy;
yet have I seen for myself this oblivion of which you speak, and this do I fear
above all else.
17 So, my Love, do as you deem right and I will stand beside you. Yet know
that even though I see, by reason, the good behind your doings, still does my
heart tremble and fear that I might not bear well the seeing of so dread a thing.”
18 And Areta wept upon the bosom of The One, and The One held her gently
to his soul; and all his power and strength did reach out to embrace the heart of
his Beloved, to give her strength and courage graced with hope and deep
19 And softly into her ear he spoke, saying: “Of a truth is it firmly known
throughout the Heavens, that in Areta was there never seen the touch of any
shadow; for all love and goodness exist first because of you, my Love.
20 Hush now, my tender Love, and this most firmly know: that even though I
should bring forth this dark and dreadful Nemesis which would prove the worth
of our estate, still shall I bring forth to match him, a mystery and a power.
21 For you know already how that to every power, force or dominion there is
given also an opposite power, force or dominion; and these opposites, though
they should struggle fearsomely against each the other, still would they hold at
bay each the other.
22 Therefore, my Love, let go your fear and in your heart cease to tremble; for
it is only our wish that we make Heaven seem forever new and filled with
23 And though the Darkness should shake it fiercely without relent, still shall
the Heavens hold well their place; for we shall give to watch over the kingdoms
of Light a dread and fearful Savior; and he shall make the Heavens live forever
in brightness and glory.
24 Proving before the heavenly host his care for them, being in his person the
one most mighty and strong; being himself unmoved by fear, nor possessing
within himself any degree of turning; but standing before the dark Nemesis as
one most calm and fully knowing.
25 Fashioned not by darkness, but by love and fierce resolve; becoming to all
who dwell within the kingdoms of Light as some great mystery filled with power
and dreadful might, but being in his person always guided by kindness whereby
he might make forever new this Heaven which we love.
26 Bearing upon his shoulders the weight of our concerns, then proceeding
himself to right them; ever seeking the victory of good over evil and of light over
darkness; to stand himself before that dark power as one made true and fierce
relentless, being indomitable and unshaken before the dreadful fury.
27 Thus would I bring forth for the sake of Heaven, a dreadful darkness filled
with a darksome evil, terrible and unexpected wherewith he would seek through
fury to destroy and plunder the holy places;
28 Even as I would also bring forth for the sake of our estate, a Savior of
unbreakable will and bright resolve; that in the conflict between such opposing
powers, the Heavens might be invigorated, to cherish more strongly still the
kingdoms of the Light.
29 So shall there come forth into Heaven, the presence of the Warrior God,
who would himself protect and rightly guard the whole of our estate. For as you
have rightly said:
30 The Archons of God are quick to love, being themselves the creators of
Heaven’s glory; being themselves repulsed by needless death, destruction and
war. Ever choosing for themselves the things of greatest worth and beauty;
being themselves filled with holiness and gentleness graced by a good and
happy humor.
32 Thus shall we create together a more exalted God, becoming himself the
very path which would bridge the chasm which does even now separate us from
the highest and most exalted Councils of the Light.
33 Come now my good and tender Love, and I shall wipe away your tears. Tell
me only of your heart’s desire concerning all which I have said regarding these
matters. And whatsoever you would amend, even that shall we do together for
the sake of all our children.”
34 And Areta, being comforted, spoke thus to her Beloved, saying: “Tell me
Love, by what means shall we create this dark and dreadful foe? For at no time
have we set forth our hands to evil. From what substance then shall so great a
Nemesis come forth?
35 Seeing then that we would be the author and parent of so dread a power,
how shall we not be held responsible by the very Gods, seeing that it was from
us that so great a danger was foisted upon the heavenly abode, to shake it with
such violent fury?”
36 But The One answered, saying: “Did we not determine in our beginnings
that to be holy was preferable to a cold and disdainful perfection? For this cause
are all the Gods and Goddesses commanded most subtly to have for themselves
some small vice, a slight but happy imperfection, harmless yet delightful to the
37 Know then my Love, that in me is there found in the deepest part of me, an
imperfection far greater than all the Heavens bound together. For in that far
and distant long ago, when as Kronus I walked upon the world of First Man,
even I did bear a great and deadly hate filled with boundless fury.
40 Yet did my father die most cruelly, and in the hearing thereof I did greatly
weep, for I thought myself delivered at last from the hate which raged and
haunted me.
41 But again did the hate leap up greater than before, for in my death on
yonder world did I behold my own Beloved, even Yoshibeth, raped and
plundered by brutal men; and for all my desire to save you, I could not, for I
was made incorporeal.
42 Then did the hate surge great within me, filling me with dark and sullen
rage; becoming myself ever haunted and goaded by memories of hurt and
weeping, when savage men did most deeply wound my dearest and only Love.
43 But in the deepness of the cosmos, when at last you came to me, I leaped
for joy and did with firm resolve bury well this hate which would consume; to
lock it away throughout the very eternities, causing that it should fester and
grow; waiting for that one moment when it would leap out unawares, to devour
whole the joy of all my life.
44 This then be the seed from which will come that dark and dreadful Nemesis
which would shake the Heavens round; causing by his relentless fury that the
Gods should see anew the glories in which they dwell, to awaken within their
hearts a love for that which they might lose.
45 That being made to fear the loss of Heaven’s glory, they might altogether
rise up, and by some noble effort, struggle bravely to keep at bay the darkness
which would steal away the light, to smash into ruin the beauty of the godly
46 Consider, my Love, how this Nemesis shall be brought forth. For the
burden of that ancient hatred have I most secretly carried throughout endless
eternities, and even now do I weary of so great a burden and would by some
loving means rid myself of it forever.
47 Therefore, my Love, if you be willing, then join together your soul and spirit
and heavenly tabernacle with my own. That together we might no longer be
separate and apart, but united fully in Oneness forever; you in me and I in you.
48 For I long to rest in the love and beauty of all your goodness, to join
ourselves into a Oneness which will far outshine the whole of all our Heavens;
causing the very Gods to gasp in wonder before the greatness and beauty of our
49 Thus, my Love, if you will consent to save me from an ancient hate, even we
will be joined forever as one; to embrace each other continually in a sexual
union filled with endless joy and wonder, giving to the very Gods a goal worthy
of all their struggles against the darkness.
50 What say you Love? For herein have I revealed to you my inmost secret,
being hopeful that you will be gracious and save most fully this man which loves
you so.
51 For if you would join with me soul to soul, spirit to spirit, flesh cleaving
unto flesh, then shall the ancient hate from long ago be forced out of me
forever, to stand alone by itself.
52 This then will be the Antipode of God, and from so small a seed shall rise
up, little by little, a great and dreadful power which will vent even all his hate
against the heavenly realms, perchance to destroy it altogether.
53 And if it so be that the Gods should ask from whence came so great an evil,
then shall I reveal the lesser truth concerning that evil which did haunt me even
from the very beginning, before the birth of God or Heaven; biding well the
rightful time, going quietly and unseen throughout the very eternities; ever
watching, ever waiting when it might leap out against me to destroy the whole
of Heaven.
54 For among the Gods is it rightly known: that the truth which can be spoken
is not eternal Truth. Thus is it needful that eternal Truth be guarded well by a
lesser truth, to keep most holy the Truth which is not spoken.
55 Consider then, my Love, whether or not you would rid me of so great a hate
as I have borne throughout the vastness of all things eternal.
56 For if you should elect to enter into me whereby we might be truly one,
then shall the hate buried deep within be forced out of me altogether to stand
alone as itself, becoming forever the very Antipode of God.
57 For the greater does force out the lesser, and whensoever opposites do
meet, to occupy the same space, then does the lesser yield before the greater.
For what communion has light with darkness, and wherein shall hate and love
agree together?
58 Seeing then that in you, my Love, there exists only the purest good,
possessing in yourself neither shadow nor vice, you then will be the power
which would force from your Beloved the seed of hate and darkness.
59 That from this seed there might evolve a great and dreadful darkness filled
with evil and awful power; directing against the realms of Heaven a malignant
will filled with doom and swift destruction; ever striving, ever plotting to find in
us a weakness which would cause that Heaven fall.
63 And when at last the Heavens fade, still will I deeply cherish my own
Beloved, to love you always even in the midst of oblivion; ever reaching through
the shadows to touch again the seed of all your light and glory.”
64 Such were the words which The One spoke most tenderly to his Beloved;
and Areta pondered well the things which he had said; and laying soft her head
upon his bosom, she spoke, saying:
65 “It is good, this plan which you devised. Therefore, my Love, let us be one
forever; I in you and you in me; that by our union we might cast far from you
the hurtful seed of hate; which hate was born most long ago, when as Kronus
you strove against the ancient evil.
66 Only this, dear heart, quick tell me true: By what means have you devised
to bring forth to oppose the darkness, that dread and mighty Savior which
would guard most deeply well this Heaven that we love?
67 For never before have a man and a woman conjoined themselves together,
to be as one in soul and spirit and living flesh. How then shall we proceed in
bringing forth so great a son, seeing that the thing you ask has never been done
68 For in all the Heavens do husband and wife dwell individually unto
themselves until that moment when they should love with fiery passions; and
when the woman has taken from her Love the seeds of life to bring forth
children, then does she alone bear the pregnancy.
69 Yet if we should be forever one, then by what means shall we bring forth
our Savior? In the taking of the living seed, who will bear the pregnancy seeing
that I shall dwell in you and you shall dwell in me?”
70 And The One smiled, and holding close his tender lover, he spoke to her,
saying: “This is a mystery worthy of thought. Come then my Love, and I will
show the answer.”
Chapter 3
1 Swiftly flew the Gods of Heaven, to the very heart of the golden streams,
which streams flowed as a great river of light, binding and stitching together
even all the creations of God into one great Eternal Round; being held as one by
the forming of great dimensions; balancing in perfect harmony the movements
of time and space within the great Eternal Round.
2 And The One spoke to his Beloved, saying: “Behold, my Love, the ever
moving streams of intelligence which flow throughout the immensity of space;
which streams you alone did first create, causing that they should flow
throughout the whole of all creations; bearing within their surging tides, the
sum of all your dreams.
3 Know then that together shall we bring forth an offspring far unlike the
children of God; for in the forming of so dread a Savior as we would make, even
this shall require no pregnancy, but only the shaping of our heart’s desire
within the living streams.
4 For you know yourself, most secretly, how that there flows most hidden
within the golden flood, a silver thread of light and glory; carrying within itself
the essence of all your virtues.
5 Hear then the fullness of our designs in bringing forth that son who would
defend all Heaven against the darkness of the Antipode; for together shall we
make agreement with the intelligences which reside within that yonder stream,
even that silver thread of purest virtue;
6 Causing that we should form from out of all our need and love, a great and
mighty son, which son shall appear at the first even as we shall be, having in his
very person both male and female parts.
7 Being made from infancy, even as we would be, united in oneness, both God
and Goddess, both male and female; which at maturity shall both become as
separate and fully sovereign; becoming themselves in the time appointed, the
Father and Mother of the very Ahgendai.”
8 Now in the hearing of the word “Ahgendai”, Areta was filled with wonder,
saying: “Tell me Love, what is this word which you would call the new Gods and
Goddesses of Heaven, for never before have I heard its likeness?”
9 Then did The One reach into his very soul, and pulling out his hand again,
he held within his palm an oracle of great power, beautifully fashioned and rare
above all things rare; being filled within by swirling lights of shimmering blue
and blazing red, gently burning and ever radiant, yet being themselves unmixed
and fully separate.
10 And looking upon his Beloved, The One spoke, saying: “Behold this oracle
which I have fashioned, being itself the seed from which shall come the
offspring of all our hopes together; being made to live and breathe and always
be within the realms of Heaven.
11 For this oracle which I have fashioned have I called: the Ahgendai; which
meaning shall always be: “the dread saviors of Heaven.” For it shall be
appointed that the Ahgendai shall guard most fully well this Heaven which we
love; to protect it well and keep it young forever through the struggle of good
and evil, light and darkness.
12 Know then that when we shall enter into each the other to be as one
forever, then shall I release within our souls this very oracle; and when we shall
enter the silver tide, then shall our passions come alive within us, causing that
we should love and greatly woo midst all our fiery rhythms.
13 Which rhythms shall cause this very oracle to come itself alive, being made
to tremble within and without; and when at last there should burst from us a
great and mighty orgasm, then shall that very orgasm burst asunder the seals
which hold bound this oracle which you see.
14 Causing that there should leap out from all our loving passions the
beginnings of that child which would become for us the very guardian and
defender of the heavenly places, to become in time the very Ahgendai of God.
15 This then shall the very Azurgai come forth to attend; passing through their
gentle touches the sum of all our strengths, virtues, and deepest knowing, to
shepherd well this mighty offspring in all things holy and filled with mystery; to
become in both the male and female, the greatest mystery of all, filled with holy
16 Now hearing these words, Areta again was made to wonder, saying: “Tell
me Love, what is this Azurgai of which you speak? For again have you brought
forth a word which is new to my hearing. Speak to me the meaning of this word
whereby I might have some understanding. For this twice have you caught me
unawares, to take me by surprise.”
17 Then did The One smile, and holding Areta close to his bosom, he looked
deep into her eyes, and with gentle mirth he spoke, saying: “The Azurgai are the
gift I give to you. For no man can have so dear a wife as you, my Love, have
proved to be.
18 Consider then this silver thread of lights and particles which runs most
hidden throughout the golden streams of intelligence; possessing in itself the
sum of all your goodness; which very goodness was made the foundation upon
which the whole of Heaven is most firmly built.
19 And now, my Love, behold this other also.” And The One reached into his
soul the second time; and again he pulled out an oracle most richly made,
possessing within its form a blazing and silvery light and placing it into the
hands of Areta, he continued, saying:
20 “This, my dearest, is my gift of love; for as you would give to me the gift of
oneness, whereby I might be rescued from the hate of long ago, even so would I
now give you the gift of seeing for yourself the realness of your virtues.
21 Go forth therefore unto yonder stream, and place this oracle upon the silver
thread. And you shall behold a mystery and a power. For there shall rise up
before you the reflections of your truer self; holding before your eyes the virtues
which in you move, causing that you may converse most well together.
22 For the power of this oracle have I fashioned whereby you might behold the
true reflection of yourself; which several reflections are not made as thin
reflections only, as in a mirror; but even these reflections shall be made to live
and breathe, becoming forever as sentient beings within the rivers and streams
of intelligence.
23 Possessing in themselves both form and movement, having each their
several personalities; which personalities will reflect only that virtue from
which they arise; and these virtues are born of you, my Love.
24 Thus shall these living forms be called: the Azurgai, and even they will aid
us in the bringing forth of that noble offspring which would guard the Heavens
well; pouring into that mighty soul, the sum of Heaven’s goodness, whereby it
might always guide and influence, even in the midst of fearsome battle.
25 Go then, my good and tender Love, and place upon the silver thread, this
oracle which I have made for you alone, and see for yourself the true goodness
of which you are made, which very goodness shall well possess the heart and
soul of the very Ahgendai.”
26 Such were the words of The One, and Areta did even as he bid; and walking
softly toward the flowing streams of bright intelligence, she placed the oracle
upon the silver thread; and immediately did the silver thread of light shimmer
and roll upon itself.
27 Weaving and turning, shaping and gathering, even until there arose from
out of the golden streams, seven women clothed in silver light; being
themselves naked and unadorned by anything save virtue only; being
themselves most beautiful and rare; and the names of the seven were: Wisdom,
Benevolence, Faith, Justice, Fortitude, Beauty and Harmony.
28 And Areta being startled by their form and beauty, spoke unto the seven,
saying: “Greetings from me to thee, O bright and shining wonders. By what
name or word should I address you all?”
29 And Wisdom spoke, saying: “To you most holy Mother give we all our
sacred greetings. Behold, we are the Azurgai, and even we do wait to serve you.
Speak to us your will and even that shall we firmly seek to do.
30 For we are made the reflections of yourself, being in our several persons
alive and fully knowing; being ever ready to speak in counsel or to stand as one
together in the doing of your will; to carry throughout the streams of
intelligence the sum of your designs; to bring forth in holiness, the hopes and
dreams of all your heart.
33 What then, most sovereign and supreme Mother, would you have us do?
For the Azurgai will serve according to your desire; only this remember well:
We are the reflection of yourself, being ourselves sovereign as you are
sovereign; ever seeking for ourself some greater estate, even as you would seek
for yourself a greater glory.
34 Know then that even we would establish within the streams of intelligence,
an order filled with purpose; having established within the golden flood the
likeness of ourselves which likeness is the reflection of yourself;
36 What then would you have us to do? And whatsoever you desire, even we
shall find a way to bring it all to pass. Only grant to us in equal sway, a favor of
our own, which favor you will likewise freely give.”
37 Now when Areta heard the wisdom of her soul reflected back to her
through the speaking of the Azurgai, she was struck deep with wonder, and awe
overwhelmed her speech; for the beauty and words of the Azurgai were above
all the creations of God.
38 Then did Areta turn to look at her Beloved, smiling to herself with deep
excitement; and The One came and stood beside her, to take her by the hand;
and gazing upon the Azurgai, The One spoke, saying: “To each and all, good
greetings from me to thee.”
39 Hearing then the voice of The One, there stood forth to speak from out of
the Azurgai, the woman called Benevolence; and she spoke most tenderly,
saying: “Greetings most dear and sweet Beloved; it is joy for us to hear and see
at last, the heart of our desiring.
40 Know then, most gracious Lover, that such affections and yearnings as
Areta does most deeply bear for you, even that do we likewise bear; for we are
the reflection of all her heart and soul and mind.
41 How then shall we prove our good and faithful service? For whatsoever you
desire, even that will we strive to do; proving through a good and timely service,
our deep devotion and sweet affection to the Supreme Father of All.”
42 Hearing then such gracious words, The One smiled and turning to Areta he
softly spoke to her, saying: “Behold, my dear, how all your love for me is
magnified these sevenfold already.” Then did Areta gently laugh, to set a
tremble the depth and breadth of all the golden streams of light; causing that
the moving tides should shimmer and dance because of joy.
43 And turning to the Azurgai, The One spoke, saying: “Most gracious and
gentle ladies, hear now the words of all my heart. For this, my Love, would join
with me to be as one forever; fusing through loving passions even the fullness of
our mind and heart and soul;
44 To bind together as one our spirit and flesh, whereby we might bring forth
to save these Heavens, an offspring of great and mighty powers; for in the
coming forth of the Ahgendai shall even all the Heavens be forever renewed
through the struggle of light and darkness, good and evil.
45 How then shall we proceed? For I have made for us an oracle which shall
cause to leap from the midst of all our passions, the seed of so great a child. And
seeing that the seed must be carried within the womb, who shall bear the
46 For it is uncertain that Areta, of herself, can bear in her womb the embryo,
seeing that I shall be joined in her forever hence. By what means shall this
living seed be made to grow, to take in the womb the sum of all our goodness?
47 This then is the mystery which I present; for it is necessary that the
Ahgendai be formed by virtues deep and shining, lest in contending against the
darksome powers of the Antipode, the Ahgendai be slowly corrupted and filled
with deepening shadows.
48 Tell us therefore what must be done. For it is necessary that the Ahgendai
possess the deepest virtue, whereby the strength of his soul might prove sure
and most steadfast in cleaving to the good, even in the midst of battle, when the
light and darkness meet to shake the very Heavens.”
49 So spoke The One, and the Azurgai did take among themselves a deep and
silent counsel; and when they were concluded, there came to stand before The
One and Areta together, the woman called Fortitude; and she spoke, saying:
50 “Show us, Love, this oracle which you have made, for we would examine for
ourselves the mystery of its making.” And The One reaching into his soul
brought it forth to place within her hands.
51 And taking the oracle, Fortitude withdrew, to place before her shining
sisters, the oracle of the Ahgendai; and peering into the depth of mystery, the
Azurgai greatly marveled; for the oracle was beautiful and finely made, filling
the Azurgai with a deep and aching need to take the oracle unto themselves.
52 And among themselves did the Azurgai take silent counsel, passing from
hand to hand the oracle of God; and when they were decided, there came to
stand before The One and Areta, the woman called Harmony; and she spoke,
53 “Hear, our Love, the designs of all our heart. For even we would bear in
ourselves the pregnancy of Areta; for this have we decided to do for God and
Heaven, and even for our own selves also.
54 Therefore, when there shall come the time when you and Areta should
become as one together, then come forth into our stream and here make love in
light and fiery passions; and when you should both be made to orgasm midst
love and gasping breath then shall there spring out from you the seed of
mystery and power.
55 Thus when you would make love to each the other, then shall the Azurgai
gather round about, to wait the fiery moment. And when there shall leap from
you the fiery seed, even this embryo shall Wisdom take to herself, to carry in the
womb for seven years.
56 And when the seven years are made complete, then shall Benevolence pass
through Wisdom in a soft and gentle rush, to take into her womb the embryo of
God; and this shall she likewise shape and nurture for seven years.
57 And when the seven years are made complete, then shall Faith pass
through Benevolence, to take into her womb also, the seed of the Ahgendai
whereby she might also shape and nurture the mighty one of God.
58 Thus shall each of us in turn, take into our womb the fruit of all your love
together; causing that we should each carry within ourselves this very embryo,
to shape and nurture each for seven years, pouring into the Ahgendai the
fullness of all our virtues.
59 And when there shall pass fully seven times seven years, then shall we give
birth; to bring before you this child which would defend all Heaven against the
darkness of the Antipode.
60 Only this would we ask in return. For there is in the oracle both male and
female. Grant therefore that we might give to each the name which they would
carry; for we also will prove to them as loving mothers, even as Areta herself
would do.
61 Yet not this only would we ask: For we desire between the Azurgai and the
Ahgendai a bond and a sealing; whereby the kingdoms, powers, dominions and
principalities of the Azurgai might grow and flourish even as the kingdoms of
the Ahgendai would likewise do.
62 That between the Azurgai and the Ahgendai there might stand some sweet
alliance filled with joy and mutual approbation. For as the Ahgendai would
begin to create for themselves a kingdom of light and glory, even we would join
our hands with theirs, to be together as one forever; even as you and Areta
would be as one.
63 How say you then most tender Love? Will you agree and by your word
grant the desire of all our hearts?” So spoke the Azurgai. And The One spoke
with solemn words, saying: “I agree and all my word will keep.”
64 Then did Harmony look upon Areta with eyes of sweet devotion; and she
spoke to her, saying: “And you most holy Mother, Supreme and filled with
goodness: Will you also agree and by your word keep faith?”
65 And Areta stepped gently forward, and placing her arms round about the
woman, she kissed her upon the lips, saying: “By all the virtue in me, I agree
and all my word will keep.”
66 Now when these things were agreed, the Azurgai did rush forth in happy
glee, to surround at once both The One and Areta. And each of the seven did
embrace the God of Heaven to kiss upon the lips; causing that there should
erupt throughout the golden streams, a sparkling luster which shimmered and
glowed midst flickering lights of great beauty.
67 And throughout the realms of Heaven did even every God and Goddess
take note concerning the streams of intelligence; seeing for themselves how
they did flash and sparkle and greatly glow midst the Deep of the great cosmos;
which cosmos bound together even all the creations of God.
68 And the First and Sovereign Mother of El Jor El did speak throughout the
Tael, saying: “Behold what beauty and wonder we do see; for I perceive the
beginning of some great mystery which would bear for us a glory yet unknown.”
Chapter 4
1 Now The One and Areta went walking by an ancient sea, strolling together
side by side and arm in arm; and The One spoke, saying: “Consider, my Love,
how great the depths of our designs must be. For if we would save our Heavens
from the touch of apathy, then must we plan most deeply well.
2 For the beginnings of our designs must we plan with great forethought, to
make a good foundation; lest we fail in our intent to make forever new this
Heaven which we love, causing to fade away in some far most distant future, the
glory and dreams of all Gods and Goddesses; to leave in dust and shadows, the
glories and wonders of all the holy places.
3 So come, my Love, and let us reason; and from our love and hope together
find for us some great confidence. For together are we made most strongly able;
only let us keep in silence the devising of our plans, for it is we alone who must
bear the burden of all we do.”
4 These are the words which The One spoke, and Areta replied, saying: “Yes,
my Love, let us plan together well; and all our counsel keep in silence hid. For we
alone, being both Supreme Father and Supreme Mother of all these Heavens,
must bear in ourselves the outcome of all we do.
5 Let us then begin with confidence, for we have determined already the
coming forth of some darker power filled with evil, and of that Savior who
would withstand him.
6 Yet tell me Love and this thing consider well; for this Antipode which shall be
forced from out of the soul of you, even it shall prove both small and weak in its
beginning. By what means will it be made strong enough to threaten the very
Heavens? From whence shall come its dreadful power?”
7 And The One answered Areta, saying: “Hear then and I will speak the fullness
of my thoughts. For in the coming forth of the Antipode shall he prove as
something small and frail, even as a child drawn fresh from the womb.
8 For this cause is it needful that there be found for the Antipode a school of
strength and learning; a place where even all his hate might blossom into a
fearful rage filled with dread intent, becoming in his powers most deeply
skilled, being himself most fierce directed by an intelligence both cunning and
deep and filled with great resolve.
9 Know then that in preparing a school we must wisely choose; for there is but
one place only where he might flourish or altogether die. For in the Abyss must
the Antipode be taken and there be schooled according to his nature.
10 Yet tell me dearest: Who shall prove the teacher of so dread a child? For it
is necessary that he be guided and directed in the using of his hate; being
fashioned by one of equal mind and dread intent. Who then shall this teacher
prove to be?”
11 And Areta answered, saying: “There is one only who can prove itself the
teacher of so dread a Nemesis as this Antipode is meant to be. For in the Eidos
do you find that mindless purposer and dread destroyer of all created things.
13 For it is the Abyss which shall prove the school and the Eidos shall prove
the teacher. For it is the Eidos which rules the Deep, pouring from out of his
powers, the matter unformed, being himself cold and callous and cruel
14 And when the Antipode shall grow in strength and maturity, then shall he
prove to us the power of his might. For on that day shall the Nemesis of God
strike against the Eidos, to steal from out of its depths, this darksome oracle
which we shall make.
15 Yet being unable to subdue the vastness of the Eidos, the Nemesis of God
shall leap out from the Abyss, to stand himself alone and fully grown, to stand
between the darkness of the Deep and the light which comes from God; then in
that moment shall we see what he will do.”
16 So joined Areta in placing her hand upon the doings of The One, and
hearing the words of his Beloved, The One smiled midst deep and turning
thoughts. And again did Areta speak, saying:
17 “Consider this also, my Love, for it is of equal necessity that the offspring of
all our love be likewise schooled. For in the coming forth of so dread a Savior
shall both the male and female be richly nurtured in all our virtues, and this
through the pregnancy of the Azurgai.
18 By what means then shall the seed of the Ahgendai have revealed in them
such strengths and powers as will prove the equal of our Nemesis? For if the
seed of the Ahgendai be called by us the ‘Dread Savior’, how then shall the
virtues of God make him to appear as something dreadful to the darksome
19 But The One answered, saying: “It is not to our Nemesis that our offspring
shall appear as something dreadful, but to the citizens of Heaven shall he
appear as something dreadful. For in his hands shall he wield the sword of war
whereby he might strike against the enemy.
20 Thus shall it come to be that the Gods and Goddesses of Heaven shall see
in him that fierce and dreadful Savior who would rescue them from evil and
defeat; yet for all their love for him, still will they fear him.
21 For his might shall prove greater than all the Heavens, yet in his person
shall he prove most equally kind and ever gracious; hiding well the fullness of
his powers until the day of war and fearsome battle.
22 Where then shall we send the very seed of all the Ahgendai, whereby they
might be schooled; being forced by fearsome teachers to draw from their soul a
fullness of strength and power?
23 For it is certain that such virtues in which they are fully nurtured shall
restrain them from the doing of any evil; becoming for them that sacred light
which would guide them through the darkness.
24 Thus is it needful, that at the birth of our offspring, even then must the
Azurgai take the child unto the very Abyss; which Abyss will have within both
Antipode and Eidos; and these, both well together, shall prove themselves as
fearsome teachers.
25 Yet this comfort will I give: For it is not possible that the seed of the very
Ahgendai should be destroyed; seeing that both male and female were brought
forth in love, and nurtured well by sacred virtue.
26 Let us then with confidence place the seed of all our hope within the very
Abyss, to see for ourselves what shall become; and when at last they should be
made as both mature, then shall they leap from out of the darkness, to behold at
last the Father and Mother which brought them forth.
27 What say you, Love: Shall we this thing, both also do?” And Areta pondered
deeply all her heart and soul. And looking upon the face of her Beloved, she
spoke, saying: “Yes, dear Love, even this shall we also do.”
28 Thus were Areta and The One made both resolved to send into the great
Abyss the Antipode and the seed of the very Ahgendai; being themselves
confident that both would be well benefited.
29 And going to the edge of the great Deep, The One and Areta forged together
a dark and fearsome oracle which would give to Eidos the power of thought and
speech; and when they were completed, they took the oracle and into the great
Abyss did they cast it, causing that the very depths of chaos should shudder
from the power of it.
30 Then did Areta speak, saying: “It has begun, this path which we would take
to make the Heavens new and brightly vigorous. Yet tell me, Love, by what
means shall our Nemesis attack the very Gods, seeing that between the
kingdoms of the lesser light and the kingdoms of the greater Light there is a
Chasm which even the Nemesis shall not have power enough to cross?
31 For it is certain that in his leaping out from the womb of darkness, the
Nemesis of God will quickly attack the kingdoms of Olaha Shinehah; which
kingdoms even the Dread Savior shall protect most subtly.
32 But seeing in the distance the great shining lights of the Celestial Kingdom,
how shall this Nemesis proceed in carrying out the whole of our designs against
the very Gods and Goddesses of Heaven; for the barrier of the Chasm have we
fashioned whereby only the Gods may traverse?”
33 And The One answered her, saying: “Rightly, Love, have you seen the
problem which must face the Nemesis of God. Yet consider also all these things:
34 For the gateway of the Abyss lies nearest to Olaha Shinehah, causing that
the Nemesis shall first see the lights and glories of the lesser kingdoms; and in
accordance to his nature, he will attack with all his might and fury.
35 Yet shall the lesser kingdoms prove too great by way of numbers; for the
Olaha Shinehah is made as a great ring of glowing light which surrounds
completely the kingdoms of the very Gods; which ring of light is composed of
many billions of galaxies, bearing each in themselves, millions upon millions of
worlds both telestial and terrestrial.
36 But in leaping forth out of the Abyss, the Nemesis shall attack with violent
fury the Olaha Shinehah; and being unable to overcome so vast a realm, he shall
turn to see in the distance the worlds of the Celestial Kingdom.
37 For the Celestial Kingdom possesses these seven suns only, and around
each sun does there move just three celestial worlds where the Gods themselves
do live; and around each celestial world move the moons of Paradise where the
ministering angels of God have made for themselves some happy abode.
38 Thus shall the Nemesis of God sit himself down to gaze upon the kingdoms
of God, believing in his soul that if he could but cross the mighty Chasm, even
he would defeat so few worlds as those on which the Gods themselves do live.
39 But consider this also, my Love, for the Olaha Shinehah is apportioned
unto the Council of Elohim; being appointed themselves as the rightful
administrators and guardians of so vast a realm.
40 Thus when the Nemesis of God shall attack with violent fury the kingdoms
of the lesser light, even then shall the Elohim become all aware; and not this
only, for when there shall arise to defend the lesser kingdoms that Dread Savior
whom we love, even of him shall the Elohim become aware of also.
41 And so shall we set well the stage whereupon there shall unfold a great
drama filled with mystery; which mystery will provide for the Nemesis some
small means by which he may trouble deeply the first kingdom of the greater
Light, which kingdom is that of the very Elohim.
42 For it is needful that there should come out from the Elohim, those Gods
which would aid the Nemesis; believing always in their soul that they act rightly
and not amiss for the good of all; even though the Elohim should stand against
43 For it is given that even all the Gods and Goddesses shall bear in
themselves the capacity to do both good or evil; even as it is given that even
every God should bear within some slight, yet happy imperfection.”
44 Such were the words of The One, and Areta spoke again, saying: “Tell me,
Love, by what imperfection will such Gods think to aid that very Nemesis which
attacked at the first, the kingdoms of Olaha Shinehah?”
45 And The One answered, saying: “Concern yourself not overmuch because of
this thing. For this I tell you with deep knowing: that such Gods as would aid
the Nemesis will do so only because they believe that it is Heaven they seek to
aid and not that dark power which would seek to destroy them.
46 And that imperfection which would cause that some Gods should trouble
the very Heavens is the pride of great accomplishment; believing among
themselves that such accomplishment will give to their words some greater
weight in the councils of Elohim; causing that they should think themselves
wiser than all the rest.”
47 Now Areta thought deeply upon the words of The One, and taking him by
the hand, she spoke, saying: “Tell me, Love, what great accomplishment shall
such Gods do which will prove greater than the accomplishments of all others?”
48 Then did The One smile with hidden knowing, and he spoke, saying:
“Behold, my Dear, how that in the Celestial Kingdom of Glory there are given
but seven great suns; and around these do the celestial worlds move in glory
and splendor.
49 Let us therefore, both you and I together, fashion for the Celestial
Kingdom, twelve new suns of resplendent glory; being made themselves as
brightly blue and ever burning super stars, which stars we shall call the suns of
Ashengaard; for since the birth of the Celestial Kingdom have there been no
new suns added.
50 These suns shall we place in the vastness of the great Chasm nearest to the
world of Jeruel, causing that the very Elohim should take great council
regarding them.
51 Then shall we but wait and see if there be those Gods who would act alone
among themselves in moving the suns of Ashengaard, to bring them ever closer
to the suns of Kolob.
52 For if such Gods should deign to act, to presume among themselves the
desires of the Elohim, then shall we find among such Gods those who would aid
the Nemesis of God; believing all the while that they act rightly and not amiss,
being themselves blinded by a willful pride.”
53 And Areta spoke again, saying: “But, Love, what shall we do if there are no
Gods which would act before the will of Eloheim be known? What if there be in
none of the Gods of Eloheim, this pride which would cause them to act
54 Now hearing these things, The One thought deeply, and turning to his
Beloved, he spoke, saying: “Let us see first what effect the suns of Ashengaard
shall have upon the councils of Elohim; then shall we see more clearly how we
must proceed in the working of our designs.”
55 And hearing all these things, Areta saw in the words of The One, a great
and piercing wisdom; and she spoke, saying: “Can you see, my Love, how you
would avoid in us the sin of unrighteous dominion? For by your word shall we
create twelve most beautiful suns, great and richly rare, to place in the depths of
the great Chasm.
56 Causing only that the Gods should choose for themselves how to act before
the beauty of our creation; to decide for themselves to act as one within their
quorum, or to rise up against it for the sake of some deep and hidden pride.
57 Thus, by your word would we withhold our hands from complicity in the
falling of the prideful, preventing that we should coerce or compel that any
should act against their nature.
58 Let us, therefore, do even as you will; for I see already a need for such suns
as we shall make. For I would add to Kolob but five new suns, which suns shall
place within this Heaven, twelve suns altogether.
59 But of those seven which shall remain, even these shall we give to the
Ahgendai, whereby they might create for themselves a kingdom of their own;
permitting that generations of the Ahgendai might find room sufficient to grow
and prosper in a realm of their own designing.
60 Thus shall this Heaven be joined through the suns of Ashengaard with the
Heaven of the Ahgendai, to work together hand in hand throughout the
generations of eternity. How say you, Love, will you find in my words a wisdom
worthy of your own?”
61 And The One smiled sweetly upon Areta, and holding her close to his
bosom, he spoke, saying: “Let us do according to your word and see for
ourselves how the Gods will act within the Elohim. For I perceive already that
there is one who will aid us in the carrying out of all our plans, even though he
knows it not;
62 Choosing for himself to act against his quorum, setting aside the desires of
his Heavenly Parents so that he might appear as someone greater than all the
rest; possessing in himself a prideful zeal which would shake the very Heavens.
63 And if it so be that he should fall, and other Gods with him, then shall we
set forth some means to restore the fallen, whereby we might heal the Heavens
of so great a breach, to restore in joy the Council of Elohim.”
64 Such was the counsel between The One and Areta, and going forth
together, they fashioned twelve great suns of exceeding size and beauty; fusing
into their cores the seeds of endless life, to set them in the Heavens.
65 Now in the kingdom of God was there a great commotion, for there
appeared in the night sky, twelve stars together clustered, twinkling in their
blue brightness with a wondrous and fiery glee.
66 And all the Gods took notice and wondered at the mystery. And Ahman
spoke to Galendriel, saying: “Behold, my Love, the suns of Ashengaard have
come upon us. For this I discerned through the whispering of the Tael.
67 For it is certain that the God beyond us all, would increase forever the
glories of the Heavens; to bring forth something new and filled with
expectation. Let us then gather from afar, the councils and quorums of Elohim,
that we may decide rightly what we must do regarding them.”
Chapter 5
1 In Salem did the Elohim gather, from the quorums of Heaven did the Lords
and Gods of the first realm converge, being drawn into one by the beauty of
twelve stars which shined and twinkled in the night skies of Jeruel; which very
stars were themselves gathered and bound most closely together into a globular
cluster which flashed and sparkled like diamonds in the constellations of
2 And the congregations of the holy did wait most anxiously to hear from
Ahman the revelation of so new a mystery filled with wonder, being each, both
Gods and Goddesses filled with happy excitement and eager anticipation
regarding so great a wonder as was revealed midst the starry night of Jeruel.
3 Seeing then the gathering of the seven houses, Ahman rose up to speak; and
standing upon the porch of the temple, he spoke to the assembly, saying: “To
you, O children of Light, give forth an eager heart, and be you filled with holy
4 For you have seen for yourselves the glory of yonder stars, which even now
do sparkle forth from out of the Chasm, to fill us all with wonder.
5 What then shall we do regarding them? For it is certain already that such
wonders which we do see came not from ourselves, neither did the Lords and
Gods above us bring them forth. For these twelve suns which you see came
forth through the working of that One from which even all these Heavens did
come forth in the distant long ago.
6 Hear then you children of glory: What then shall we make of so great a
wonder as these twelve stars present? For what intent were they brought forth?
For whose benefit were they shaped and fashioned, and in the deep starry night
made to sparkle before our eyes?
7 What then shall we make of this mystery? For in searching through the Tael
have we only this received: that such stars as even now do appear, to twinkle in
the night, even these are called of God, the suns of Ashengaard, and beyond this
is there only silence filled with expectations.
8 Let us therefore determine for ourselves that good and happy course which
we would take together, regarding this gift which The One and Areta would give
for the benefit of all the Heavens together; for it is certain that the God beyond
us all would add increase and glory to all our realms.
9 Decide therefore, what we the Elohim should rightly do; that in each house
of this our glory, the quorums of God might act as one in all holiness and joy;
being each to each bound by love and gentle wisdom whereby we might serve
well this Heaven which we love.”
10 Thus did Ahman speak, and Galendriel rose to stand beside her sweet
Beloved, and she spoke, saying: “How speak the Lords and Gods of Eloheim
regarding the words of Ahman? Will you give assent?”
11 Then did each house rise up to give assent; first from the House of
Valhaladea did all the women rise up to say: “Amen!” Then in like manner rose
the House of Archons, and with a mighty shout they cried: “Amen!” And each
house according to their order and standing rose up to give assent.
12 And hearing all these things, Galendriel spoke again, saying: “Let then the
Mothers rise up and in your quorums deliberate on these things.” And
immediately did all the women rise up of one accord, each going forth to gather
unto their quorum, according to their house.
13 Again did Galendriel speak, saying: “Let then the Fathers rise up and in
your quorums deliberate on all these things.” And in like manner did all the
men of Elohim rise up as one, each seeking out his quorum according to their
14 Now there arose throughout the seven cities of Jeruel, an eager yet happy
debate, for the Gods of Heaven sought among themselves that single course
which would benefit well the glories and wonders of Kolob.
15 Causing that Ahman should send unto all the Councils of Light the
emissaries of God, entreating them through joyful petition to give to Elohim
some good and holy counsel regarding those twelve suns which The One and
Areta had placed within the Chasm.
16 But in the Council of Elohim did there preside over the quorums of
Arkomium, Shaemdiel, and he gathered unto himself most secretly, the sons
and daughters of his lineage; on the world of Bhugosa did there assemble the
sum of all his house which were made as Lords and Gods of Elohim.
17 And there fell upon the gathering a great hush, and Shaemdiel stood forth
to speak, saying: “Hear, my children, the words of your Father. For this day will
I lay before you that means by which even our whole house shall be advantaged.
18 For I would propose a plan of great importance to all our house; for even
now do the quorums of Elohim debate between themselves a course of action
regarding the suns of Ashengaard; being themselves bound by protocol and
courtly grace.
19 Causing that even all of Elohim should appear indecisive and over cautious
regarding so great an opportunity as The One did intend to place before us;
being determined in himself that we should act in confidence and gratitude.
20 For even now does the God beyond us watch to see what we would do
regarding so great a gift as would increase the glory of all the Heavens together.
21 Yet do our brethren delay to act, being over careful lest they offend or
presume too much; seeking from even all the Councils of Light a consensus of
consent regarding those things which we alone should decide.
22 Let us then, for the sake of all our brethren within the Elohim, take upon
ourselves alone the burden of acting for the good of all our realm; and by our
efforts secure for ourselves and our posterity, a glory and an honor far greater
than any other.
23 For from the beginning did The One and Areta determine that in the
Celestial Kingdom should the worlds of the Gods move around the seven suns
of Kolob; and from the beginning of forever has this always been so.
24 Consider now, with thoughtful hearts, the intent of that foremost God
which even now does peer through the Deep to gaze upon us; for now is there
placed before us these twelve suns; which suns are meant only to increase
forever the estate and glory of all these Heavens.
25 Let us therefore act quickly and with firm resolve, that we may remove
from our brethren the burden of deciding rightly which course of action we
should take; for we know already the way which we must go.
26 For even as a loving Father would I entreat you to act as one beside me, to
redeem from indecision and trepidation those brethren of Elohim which we
love; to place upon ourselves the responsibility of fulfilling with eager zeal the
intentions of The One and Areta together.
27 Let us then act with dispatch and by such powers as we possess seize hold
of yonder stars, and place them in the regions of Kolob; whereby they might
shine more brightly upon the kingdom of God.
28 For whosoever shall stand as one beside me, even that one will I bless
above all the rest; to add upon your glory even greater glories. Who then will
stand beside me in adding to the Heavens these gifts which the God Beyond has
deigned to give?”
29 So spoke Shaemdiel unto the men and women of his lineage; but there
stood quickly forth his own Beloved, and she spoke to him before those
assembled, saying: “My Love, what is this thing which you would do? For it is
unseemly to act in this matter until the Eloheim have themselves decided.
30 Break not therefore the harmony which holds the Eloheim as one together,
neither entreat our lineage to act presumptuously. For even though your heart
would seek to benefit the Heavens, still is your reasoning faulty and made
31 Rush not in haste to do this thing; for in so doing you will bring upon our
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother the weight and sorrow of some
disrespect; for by your action would you question wrongly the wisdom of
Ahman and Galendriel together.
32 Disturb not therefore the harmony of Eloheim for the sake of inward pride,
but by such love as you bear for me, wait in patience the decisions of Eloheim
regarding these things.
33 But if you will not heed the counsel of my heart, then know, my dearest
Love, that I shall not permit that any of our daughters, which are gathered here,
to put forth their hands to aid you.
34 Force me not then to withhold my hand from yours, for I do love you so;
and would only desire that we should prove ourselves content and well
prepared to do according to our Father’s will in the gift of yonder stars.”
35 Such were the pleadings of Rutheniel, but Shaemdiel would not heed, but
with gentleness set aside her counsel, believing with firm resolve in the
rightness of his intent. And speaking to those assembled, he spoke, saying:
36 “Let those who would stand beside me in the doing of some good for the
sake of Elohim, come even now to my assistance; that by our actions we might
prove well our true devotion unto God; for this I tell you rightly, that if you shall
place your hand with mine then shall you be richly blest.”
37 Thus did the sons of Shaemdiel rise in earnest, to stand before their Father;
but of the daughters did not even one stand forth to give assent, but turned with
sad hearts to follow after Rutheniel.
38 And Shaemdiel and all his sons did rise up and swiftly did they go forth
unto the Chasm to lay hold the stars of God, being eager to accomplish the
doing of some great and mighty deed before the Elohim should be made aware.
39 But there was in the great Chasm, the Ahman of all the Elohim who waited
patiently the coming of Shaemdiel and his many sons; for Ahman was most
deeply aware of Shaemdiel’s intent; yet did he withhold from Elohim the
intentions of the Chief Archon till he should first speak privately with him.
40 And seeing from a distance, the light of Ahman shining in the Deep,
Shaemdiel went forth to speak with him, commanding to his sons that they
return again unto Jeruel till he should summon them.
41 And seeing before him the Chief Archon, Ahman spoke, saying: “Fair
greetings, my son: For what intent do you approach nigh the suns of
Ashengaard? Speak well to a Father’s heart and tell me now your full intent. For
as a loving Father would I give you counsel.”
42 Now hearing the words of his Father, Shaemdiel grew bold and thus did he
speak, saying: “My good and gracious Father, be it known to you that as Chief
Archon of the House of Archons, even I have brought forth my sons to move the
stars of God.
43 For it is unseemly that we should tarry for the sake of some consensus, for
it is given that the Ahman of Elohim should lead in the moment of trial; for this
do I perceive with anxious heart: that even the God beyond us would test to see
what we shall do with so great a gift as he would give.
44 Thus for your sake would I take hold the suns of Ashengaard whereby I
might move them into the regions of Kolob; that by such good and noble efforts
might even all the Heavens be richly blest, to add to their glory, even some
greater glory still.
45 This then, most holy Father, is the intent of all my soul. For it is not for my
sake but yours instead that I would act; seeing that the Elohim have withheld
their hand in seizing hold the gifts of God, delaying through endless discussions
the things which must be done.
46 Seeing then that I am Chief Archon of the House of Archons, even I did
choose to lead where others felt reluctant; that by my acting for the sake of
Elohim, I might lift the heavy burden of deciding the way which we must go.
47 Tell me, Father: Have I not acted rightly? Should not those who are
appointed to lead do so with vigor and great assurance? Why then will you
hinder me in the doing of some good thing which would benefit the Elohim
48 Such were the words of Shaemdiel unto his Father, and Ahman taking
careful thought did answer his son, saying: “Hear, my son, the counsel of your
Father; for I would not have you act presumptuously regarding the suns of
Ashengaard, neither would I have you think less of those brethren which seek
through counsel and debate, the surest way.
49 For it is through counsel and debate that we refrain ourselves from acting
brashly concerning well the greater issues; setting for ourselves a time when the
debate is set aside and in that moment do we decide rightly the way to go.
51 And not this only, for as I am appointed to preside among our brethren,
even so does my Beloved preside most equally beside me; to preside herself
among the women of Elohim, listening with careful heart to such words as they
would speak. And in the times appointed does she likewise decide the way to go.
52 And being ourselves decided, both Husband and Wife, Father and Mother,
then do we converse alone among ourselves; to place in each the other the hand
of confidence and agreement whereby we might act as one for the sake of all.
54 Thus would we show through deliberation and debate, our respect for such
gifts as The One and Areta would grant for our good; displaying through careful
counsel that we desire above all else to act rightly and not presumptuously.
55 Withhold your hand therefore from assuming for yourself the right way
which we must go, lest you prove yourself discourteous regarding the counsel
and wisdom of Elohim, to set above them the desires of your own heart.
56 For it is certain that in times of great adversity, those who are elected to
preside must also lead into the fray; yet do the wise know when to lead and
when to seek a goodly counsel, being ever careful to keep in sacred trust the
harmony and balance of our estate.
57 Consider therefore with thoughtful heart this thing which you would do,
and presume not to act before the appointed time; for I tell you truly that there
is a moment given when we shall decide together the course which we would
58 (This, my dearest daughter, was the counsel which Ahman gave unto
Shaemdiel.) And looking upon his Father, Shaemdiel spoke in reply, saying: “All
which you have spoken will I consider most deeply well. For above all things
would I seek first to please my Father, to set your heart at ease.”
59 And going again unto Salem of Merigoth, Shaemdiel considered well his
course; biding well his time till the moment of decision should be made; being
himself made anxious because of it.
60 Thus did Shaemdiel reveal himself overzealous; hiding within his soul the
seed of pridefulness, being eager to seize for himself and all his lineage the
praise and glory of all his peers; seeking for himself a benefit and place which
would give rise in others, the seeds of envy and resentment.
63 For it is needful that you guard well the work of God, to protect it from
those who would steal it away for the sake of glorifying themselves, whereby
they might receive for themselves the praise and envy of others, sowing among
the children of God the seeds of resentment, pettiness and jealousy.)
65 And going forth unto the very stars, Shaemdiel and his sons together did
open wide the second prime of the seventh dimension, causing that one of the
stars should be swallowed up within its folds, and in an instant did there appear
in the regions of Kolob, one of the suns of Ashengaard.
66 Now it so happened that as Shaemdiel and his sons together did open wide
the portals of the seventh dimension, the Elohim had resolved most firmly to
move into the regions of Kolob, five of the twelve suns of Ashengaard; having
themselves reached a happy and pleasing consensus.
67 But it was the counsel of Ahman and Galendriel together that of the twelve
suns, seven should remain within the Chasm as God had placed them;
permitting that The One and Areta might do as they thought best regarding
them. Thus would the Elohim show forth their gratitude for such gifts as God
would give.
68 Yet, before the ending of the council, even all the Elohim became aware of
the moving of the first sun of Ashengaard into the regions of Kolob; and gazing
into the daytime sky above them, they saw the shining of a bright and glorious
star; and in a moment of wonderment there appeared a second star, near unto
the first.
69 And as one did the Elohim rise up in joy at the beauty which was added
unto the very Heavens; believing in their hearts that Ahman had rightly
commissioned that Shaemdiel should carry out the decisions of the Elohim
70 But Galendriel did summon to her side, her daughter Rutheniel, and
together did they swiftly go into the great deepness of the Chasm; being
together resolved to hold in place the seven suns which the Elohim had
determined to leave in the care of The One and Areta.
71 And reaching into the vastness of her powers, Galendriel brought forth
seven oracles of great binding; and these did she set round about the seven suns
of Ashengaard, to bind them firmly in that place where The One and Areta had
placed them.
72 And coming to the seven, Shaemdiel and his sons did likewise try to move
them, to carry them through the seventh dimension unto the very realms of
Kolob; but for all their many powers, still would the seven suns not be moved.
75 But Galendriel gazed in sorrow upon her son and speaking tenderly and
with firmness she answered him, saying: “These seven which you would seize
have the Eloheim determined to leave in place whereby the Gods Beyond us
might do with them as they will.
76 Yet tell me son: Why have you presumed to act before the command is
given? For what cause would you seize the suns of Ashengaard before the ruling
of the Eloheim was made complete? Know you not that by your actions you
would show to Ahman a disrespect unworthy of you?”
77 But Shaemdiel could see in himself no wrong, but did most lightly repent,
to return again unto Jeruel; gazing oft into the daytime sky to see twinkling in
the blue vault of Heaven, the five stars of Ashengaard.
78 And The One and Areta, watching all through the mysteries of the Tael, did
ponder well the musings of Shaemdiel’s heart. And turning to The One, Areta
placed her hand in his, and she spoke, saying: “And so, my Love, it has begun;
this plan which we would make whereby the Heavens should become as new
forever; being established in vigor and great excitements.”
79 And turning themselves away, they went quietly forth unto the great Abyss;
there to forge themselves together, causing that there should leap out from The
One, the Antipode of God; to become itself the Nemesis which would rage
against the Heavens forever and anon.
Chapter 6
Joining In Oneness
The conjoining of Areta and The One – A single, blinding light – Birth of the Antipode –
Beginning of the Nemesis – The Nemesis of God shall be the brother to the Dread yet loving
Savior – Strengthening the Antipode with an oracle of power – Alone upon the edge of chaos,
the Antipode cries out – The Eidos hears the Antipode and comes rushing – First words of the
Eidos: questions for the Antipode – The Eidos sees a potential ally to help him fight The One –
The Eidos introduces himself to the Antipode – The Antipode asks to be taught – The Antipode
swears to serve the Eidos – The Eidos and the Antipode leap into the great Abyss
1 In the darkness of the Deep did great lights gather; beside the edge of chaos
came Areta and The One, drawing from their souls a great and happy passion;
compelled within by joyful lusting, each in each midst fiery kiss and gentle
2 Filling each with deep desires, placing within the song of endless dreams;
creating for each that holy fire through the thrusting of Peshkaleah; opening
wide the soft fold gates, causing to flow in sweet abundance the waters of
Zenoshalay, fanning into flames the fires of all their love.
3 Thus would the love of Areta purge away the darker shade, to remove from
her Beloved the dross of ancient hate and bitter rage; and opening wide her
endless depths, she entered into the body of The One; forging into a single
wholeness, the bodies and souls of each the other.
4 Causing that The One and Areta should blaze together as a great and
blinding light, having within themselves together the shining of still some other
5 For the outward light which burned most brightly was the sum of all their
virtues blended, being itself the holiest of all things Holy; while the Light which
turned within the greater light was the fire of sexual passion filled with a loving
and joyful heart made full with eager lusting.
6 And entering in, there fell out of The One, the Antipode of light and virtue;
being itself as something weak and nearly helpless; being itself also the seed of
that great and dreadful power which would rage forever against the Gods, to
keep them strong and filled with vigor.
7 Seeing therefore that the Antipode was filled with weakness and trembling
itself because of fear, the Light within the light took thought, and The One
spoke, saying: “Behold, my Love, how another step is taken, and our journey is
begun whereby we would make the Heavens and the Gods become forever
young and filled with constant vigor.
8 For vigilance shall we make the price of endless glory, filling the Heavens
with a deep and constant watch; becoming ourselves as most attentive in
protecting well this Heaven which we love.
9 Thus shall the children of God, from the least to the very greatest, feel the
touch of dread; being filled with deep foreboding for the sake of all our many
realms, being within most deeply anxious lest in some quiet and unsuspecting
moment they should lose the very Heavens;
11 Yet, my Love, look and wonder: let the heart be filled with a soft and tender
awe; for even though this Antipode be filled with hate and hidden rage, still do I
feel a tenderness for so dark a dreadful child; for it is our love which drew him
forth midst fire and lustful passions.
12 Let us then forge for him an oracle of his own; which oracle would make
him strong in prevailing against the Eidos; causing that even so dread a teacher
will prove unable to subdue him, for this oracle shall bind him close to me and
thee, to make of him a brother.
13 For this mystery do you and I, alone, create: For the Nemesis of God shall
be the brother to that dread yet loving Savior which would guard the very
Heavens; to bind forever in endless struggle the light and the darkness, causing
that each should prove the perfect opposite of the other; yet being themselves
most closely drawn together.
15 So let us then with good resolve, forge the oracle which would strengthen
well the Antipode; that in the midst of all his turnings, midst rage and bitter
hate, still shall he know of our true devotion, between the Parent and the
16 Thus spoke The One, and Areta being in agreement, did fashion with her
Beloved an oracle of great power filled with hidden knowing; and with great
tenderness they cast it upon the Antipode of God.
17 And together did the lights recede, moving away from the great Abyss, to
leave alone and unattended the darkling seed of awesome power; causing that
the Antipode should cry out into the Chaos which spewed out before him.
25 Thus spoke the Eidos, being the first words he ever uttered; for the oracle
which God had cast into the Abyss had given unto the Eidos the power of
thought and speech and subtle purpose; causing that he should advance most
steadily the designs of that God which dwelt so far beyond.
26 And hearing the dreadful speech of the Eidos, and being empowered by the
oracle which God had fashioned, the Antipode spoke in answer, saying: “I am
Darkness, alone and cast down; being myself spewed out by The One as
something foul and made distasteful.
27 Seeking for myself that dreadful teacher who would fill me up with darkest
knowledge; seeking for myself a maturity and a power which would aid in my
revenge. For this cause did I call out into the Abyss whereby I might draw to my
aid, the Eidos of all creation.
28 See far yonder the shining lights of God. These would I extinguish. For
there would I go when made full grown, that I might reap a bitter retribution;
chasing down with hateful zeal the God which cast me out, to make of me an
orphan. Being made myself a thing unwanted and filled with hateful need.”
29 Hearing thus the foundling speak, the Eidos mused darkly to himself,
saying: “Behold this darkened seed, this weak and feeble shadow which the very
One has cast off as being unworthy of his greatness.
30 This small and paltry thing shall I take unto myself whereby I might forge
for myself some mighty ally; surely I shall draw from my own depths, one to
rule the darkness.
31 Him shall I fashion from the very depth of me; the Lord of Darkness shall
he ever be, great and mighty shall he become; and he shall serve me well against
that One which even now would bend me to his will; for even as I am made to
serve The One, even so shall the Lord of Darkness do service unto me.
32 For this dreadful Lord shall I make mighty beyond all reckoning, a
destroyer and shatterer of worlds shall he become, and he shall prove the whole
undoing of that One from which all glory is made to flow.”
33 And drawing closer unto the Antipode, the Eidos spoke with a dreadful
hiss, saying: “I am Eidos, Lord of Chaos, ruler of the great Abyss. Mindless
Purposer and Thoughtless Creator have I become, spewing out from all my
depths the matter unformed; creating through violent fury the cosmos which
you see.
34 What, therefore, would you seek from me? Of what service can you be? For
you are weak and made most feeble, a small and paltry darkness in whom there
is no power worthy of consideration. Why then have you called me forth,
disturbing through your constant wailing the deepness of my rest?”
35 Then did the Antipode answer, saying: “Though I seem but small and frail,
though I seem as weak and thin; still do I possess the key to power. And though
my might seem something feeble, still if you will teach me the things which I
must know, then shall the power deep within me grow, to prove for you a gain.
36 For that which you see before you is made the shadow of The One, which
shadow is the seed of some far and distant hate. Teach me then, that you might
use me; to thrust at God the keenness of all our hate, to pierce him deeply to the
soul and thereby have revenge.
37 For revenge is sweet when finely served, to cast in shame and fearful doom
the one which wrongs us so; casting within the vengeful heart a bright and
certain glee; to see as vanquished and deeply fallen, the one who sits on high.
39 Such were the words which the Antipode spoke, filling the Eidos with deep
delight; and speaking harshly unto the foundling, the Eidos spoke, saying:
“Swear you now to serve me well, in all which I demand?” And the Antipode
answered: “I swear to serve.”
40 Then spoke the Eidos, saying: “Then come and I will teach what you must
know. For I will pour into you the sum of all my knowing, whereby you might
avenge both you and me, pulling down the very Heavens.”
41 So the Eidos took into his charge the Antipode of God, and going unto the
edge of chaos, they leaped into the great Abyss; falling down into the depths,
plunging deep into the darkness, falling swiftly past forever, to stand at last
within the shadows, within the heart of doom.
Chapter 7
15 And in that warm, enchanted moment, Areta to her Love did speak, saying:
“It is done, my sweet Beloved; for even now do the Azurgai tend the pregnancy
of all our planning.
16 To bear in each themselves, the shaping of that Ahgendai who would hold
at bay the darksome power of the Nemesis, causing that by such struggles as
might exist between the darkness and the light, even this might prove sufficient
to fill the Heavens with vigor and brightness forever.
17 Now my good and gentle Love are all the elements of our design put in
place, whereby even all these Heavens might be benefited for some greater
good; to drive from all our futures the touch of such complacency as would
leave in dust and ruin the holy places.
18 Let us therefore watch with care, the unfolding of such plans as we have put
in place; for in the pregnancy of the Azurgai shall the Dread Savior be shaped in
all the seven virtues; and in going forth into the Deep shall he be purged and
shaped by darksome teachers, to acquire for himself a fearsome strength filled
with purpose.”
19 Thus spoke the Supreme Mother of all the Heavens, and leaving the regions
of the greatly flowing streams, The One and Areta did move into the most
sacred of all the Heavens; being bound together as one within the light.
20 Yet in the midst of the stream did the Azurgai move, becoming themselves
as most supreme and fully sovereign above all the intelligences which moved
throughout the immensity of space; presiding with deepest knowing among all
the A-Z particles which flowed throughout the rivers of light.
21 Now for seven years did Wisdom carry within her womb the embryo of the
Ahgendai, and when she was completed, there passed through Wisdom, the
woman called Benevolence, taking into her womb the very seed of God; and this
likewise did she carry for seven years.
22 And when the seven years were made complete, then did Faith pass
through Benevolence, to take into herself that Dread Savior which would defend
well the heavenly places.
23 Thus did each of the seven Azurgai take to themselves the mystery and the
wonder, and in the season appointed did Harmony give birth to a great and
piercing light; and within the light did there move round each the other, both
male and female child.
24 These then did the Azurgai nurture, each upon their breasts for twelve
years, moving through the streams of light whereby the A-Z particles might see
and feel and deeply touch the very Ahgendai.
25 Now the Azurgai named the man child, Azraella Ahgendai, while the
woman child they called Mahaleenah Kai-Lucia; and both together did dwell
peacefully within each other, being thought by all as Beloveds to each the other.
26 For the man child did dote upon the woman child with a great tenderness
of affection, while yet the female did most sweetly adore and well attend the
man child with all manner of gentle kisses and tender touches.
27 Now in the first twelve years of every cycle did the Azurgai teach unto the
Ahgendai a fullness of that Father and Mother from which they came. And in
the year of his maturity did the Azraella speak unto the seven Azurgai, saying:
29 How then shall we traverse so great a distance as does but now exist
between the parent and the child? For whatsoever you instruct us well in doing,
even this shall we attend with all our might.”
30 And hearing this the Azurgai did deeply sigh, and Wisdom spoke unto the
Azraella, saying: “If you would dwell in holiness beside the Father and the
Mother, then must you prove yourself most worthy. For there is a path which
you must tread, whereby you might prove the true desires of all your heart.
31 For this path is a dark and fearsome path, ever wending through the Deep
where lurks the Eidos and the Antipode of God; being themselves most dreadful
teachers filled with spite.
32 And if it so be that you should choose to walk this path, to endure well all
adversities without complaint, then shall you find your way to God, having
become even as they are; to be yourselves, both male and female brought into
the presence of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.”
33 Now hearing this, the Azraella spoke, saying: “Where is this dreadful Deep
that I might see it for myself?” Then did the Azurgai take council among
themselves, and when they were decided, they took unto the edge of chaos, the
Ahgendai of God.
34 Seeing then the fearsome Deep and hearing well the dreadful sounds which
spewed out from the great Abyss, the female child within the light did slightly
tremble; and she whispered to Azraella, saying: “Father, I’m frightened and
filled with deep forebodings.”
35 But the Azraella did embrace her gently and into her soul spoke words of
strength and calm assurance, saying: “Fear not the darkness, neither tremble
before the fearsome Deep. For even I will stand beside you to shield you well
from dreadful harm. And such strength as in me dwells, even this shall prove
enough for both of us.”
36 Seeing then the very Abyss, the Azurgai spoke unto the Ahgendai, saying:
“Behold now the very depths of the endless Deep; this then is the place where
you must tread, to go yourself from adversity to adversity whereby you might
prove the worth and true desire of all your heart.
37 How say you then? For it is given that you alone should choose; to stay with
us forever and in the golden stream abide, or take upon yourself the fearsome
challenge; to withstand yourselves such fearful lessons as the Eidos and the
Antipode would foist upon you.
38 How then shall you choose? For in the one hand there is safety and joy
forever, where you shall always be as little babes within the golden tide.
39 Yet in the other hand there stands the fearsome challenge; where if you
should prove yourselves worthy, even you shall be brought into the very
presence of God the Father and the Mother, to become even as they are, worlds
without end.
40 Choose therefore, the way which you would go, and whatsoever you
choose, even this shall we but sweetly honor. For we are made as surrogate
mothers unto each of you, and would that you might dwell with us forever in
the light.”
41 So spoke the Azurgai whereby they might tempt the Azraella to choose the
safest way. Yet did the Azraella prove unwilling, but quickly spoke instead
saying: “We choose the greater challenge, for only therein is found the greatest
42 Think not therefore, my good and gracious mothers, that by our choosing
we have thus rejected you. For in our hearts shall we ever hold you, embraced
by deep regard.
43 Yet in the far and distant yonder is there found our true and only Parents;
and it is this alone we seek, to prove ourselves as worthy children whereby we
might dwell beside them forever and anon.
50 Thus did the Azraella speak, and the Azurgai were fully pleased in the
hearing of his words; and with gentle affection they bid farewell, to leave on the
edge of chaos, the children of the Light.
51 And being left to dwell alone beside the fearsome Deep, the Azraella did
sing to Mahaleenah, whereby he might comfort her against the coming of the
Eidos; for he was full intent on shielding her against the dreadful adversary.
52 For this cause did Azraella open wide the portals of his soul, and he took
into himself the very person of the female, whereby she might hide in safety
within him; to join with him both heart to heart and soul to soul.
53 Now in the brightest of all the Heavens did The One and Areta keep a
watchful eye upon the Ahgendai. And The One, hearing how Mahaleenah would
address the Azraella to call him: ‘Father’, even he grew most troubled.
54 And he spoke, saying: “How can this thing be? For what cause would our
Mahaleenah speak unto the Azraella to call him ‘Father’? For it was full
intended that they should be Beloveds unto each the other.”
55 But Areta only smiled, and into the heart of The One did she speak most
soothing words of wisdom, saying: “They are but children, my Love, filled with
innocence. And to the innocent is it known that they oft misunderstand, not
knowing most deeply well, the weight of greater issues.
56 Be not therefore troubled because of it. For I see herein the beginning of
some greater mystery, which mystery is not bound by our design, but which
seeks for itself a design of their own making.” Thus spoke Areta unto The One.
And The One did sigh, being filled himself with puzzlement.
57 Yet in the regions of the Deep, in the heart of rumbling chaos did the Eidos
and the Antipode hear the singing of Azraella; to become themselves compelled
to see who dare would sing into the great Abyss.
Chapter 8
1 And in the far distance, at the edge of the great Abyss did the Eidos feel the
presence of a great and piercing light; and from out of the light was there
plainly heard the singing of a song, and together did the Eidos and the Antipode
rush forth themselves to see.
2 And leaping up suddenly from out of the endless depths, they saw the
shining light of the very Ahgendai; and within the light could they see most
plainly clear the moving and turning of still a greater Light.
3 And from out of this Light, from the bosom of love most brightly burning,
did the song of Azraella press softly against the darkness of the Deep, whereby
he might soothe and comfort the female portion which lay unseen within him.
4 Seeing then the Light within the light, the Eidos spoke, saying: “What is this
mystery which dares to shine and sing before us? What strange powers would
cause that it should burn so brightly beside the vastness of the Deep, being
itself a thing composed and unafraid?”
5 And the Antipode answered, saying: “This thing only do I well perceive: For
the light which shines and sings before us is made to come from God, even that
very One which brought forth the whole of Heaven.
6 And even as The One rejected me as a thing defiled and made unworthy,
even so in like manner has The One rejected also this light which shines before
us, causing that it should sing a sad and mournful tune, filled with bitter tears.”
7 Such were the dark perceptions of the Antipode, and the Eidos did most
deeply muse, saying: “If this light be rejected of God, to be itself abandoned,
then have we another ally to add unto our cause.
8 Let us then accept as ours, this light which shines before us, to bend it to our
will; that perchance it might add to our benefit the power of its mystery.
9 Causing that the darkness of our designs might well be hid within its light, to
prove a great deception; causing that we should gain a foothold within the light
of Heaven, to cast within its glories the fierceness of our powers.”
10 In such a manner did the Eidos muse; but there spoke suddenly from out of
the light, the voice of Azraella, which voice did intrude upon the contemplations
of the Eidos; and to the darksome powers did the Azraella speak, saying:
11 “Why will you say that I am rejected of God, to lay abandoned beside this
great Abyss? For in love was I created, to serve a greater purpose. Why then will
you say that I am made as one abandoned by God?
12 Why will you think to turn me against the Gods which brought me forth;
thinking to yourselves that I might be for you an ally? For I was not brought
forth to do evil against the Gods of Heaven, but to be for them a protector and a
13 For this cause only have I been brought before the vastness of the Deep;
that I might discover within the mystery of myself, the awakening of some
indomitable will which would strengthen well the goodness which was given me
of God.
14 That by such adversities as might rise against me, I might find within some
greater challenge; which challenge I would most calmly meet, to measure for
my knowing, the height and breadth and depth of such goodly powers as God
did give in the shaping of my life.
15 For even though this Abyss prove vast and deeply hidden, still is the soul
made vaster still; being itself unbounded and without limitation, proving itself
immeasurable; containing within itself the mystery beyond all mystery, and the
power beyond all power.
16 By what means therefore would you think to turn me, to cause that I should
prove for you an ally? For that which comes from God is made a part of God
forever. How then would you undo so great a mystery as this shall prove to be:
to turn me against the Gods which brought me forth?”
17 These are the words which Azraella spoke, and in the hearing of them was
the Eidos deep astonished; for the Ahgendai spoke well the language of the
Demiurge; and the Eidos spoke to Azraella, saying:
18 “Who are you that you should speak so well the language of the Demiurge?
For what cause would you call me from out of the darkest Deep? Tell me plainly
who you are; and if you will serve me well, to be for me an ally, then shall we
both prove ourselves a benefit to each the other.”
19 And the voice from within the light spoke, saying: “I am Azraella Ahgendai,
the first and only of my kind; being myself the ally of God, being foreordained
the Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps and Protector of the Keep.”
20 But hearing this, the Antipode fumed with bitter rage, and against the light
did he speak most angrily, saying: “You benighted and ignorant fool! Why will
you not see that you are abandoned and cast aside by God, even as I, myself,
was made abandoned?
21 For I am also come from God, yet was I rejected and scorned by that very
one which brought me forth, even as you, yourself, are made to be. Why then
will you stand as loyal beside that God which left you here forsaken? Why
pretend yourself as someone loved when in the darkness you here abide?
22 Be you therefore wide awakened, and stand most fully knowing: For the
God of yonder Heavens is made to deep despise you; casting you aside as a
thing unwanted and held in deep contempt, to leave you here alone forgotten
beside the great Abyss.
23 Why then will you deceive yourself, to prove yourself most foolish? For the
God of Heaven abhors you and cannot so much as bear to have you in his sight,
rejecting from his lofty heights the light in which you dwell.
30 In such a manner did the Antipode speak against the light, and the voice
within the light did answer in return saying: “If you are come from God, even as
I am also come, then are you and I made as brothers.
31 So hear me well, my fearsome brother; for I will never turn against that
God which brought us forth. For I will serve the Heavens only, and by their
grace abide in peace within the frightful Deep;
32 That by such fierceness as you and the Eidos would use against me, even I
might be strengthened and hardened against the day of battle; to defend most
well the whole of Heaven against your dark designs.
39 And so spoke your Father in the days of long ago, when on the edge of the
great Abyss, I alone did face the Eidos and the Antipode together. But the
Antipode grew even more angry and filled with rage, because I would not yield
to give consent, to stand as his ally against the Gods of Heaven.
40 And in an instant did he leap upon me to destroy, striking hard with all his
might; causing that the Azraella should shudder beneath the blows, for there
pressed hotly against the light the fearsome measure of all his hate.
41 But there rose up from out of Azraella a dreadful strength filled with great
resolve, and the Antipode was deeply shocked to feel himself constrained and
strongly held within the light which came from God.
42 Thus did light and darkness, good and evil clash with violent fury, being
the first of many battles yet to come; inflicting upon each the other a great
many hurts and pains, struggling midst dreadful holds and fearsome blows
beside the darksome edge.
43 And seeing that the Antipode could not prevail, and fearing that he should
lose in struggling against the light, the Eidos rose up and in a flash did strike
hard against the two, both the Azraella and the Antipode together.
44 Causing that the light should stagger beneath the weight of so great a blow;
and the light did most greatly waiver, to topple over the edge of the fearsome
Deep; and there fell into the Abyss the Eidos and the Antipode and Azraella all
together, falling fast into the depths.
56 To stand alone before the Eidos and the Antipode, cleaving to each the
other, both male and female before such dreadful teachers; yet could the
darksome powers perceive only the presence of Azraella, for the daughter did
he most subtly hide within his heart and soul.
57 What then can be said of so terrible a place as the Abyss did prove to be?
For the depths of its edgeless womb did possess but utter blackness, causing
that the light of the Ahgendai should seem as pale and thin within the vastness
of the Deep.
58 Yet still did the light of the Ahgendai reveal most feebly, the twisted birth
of all matter unformed, for out of the crushing depths of darkest matter was
there pressed into most elemental forms both matter and anti-matter; each
repelling the other, to hold in constant abeyance.
59 And so, in the heart of Chaos did the Ahgendai come to dwell, and there
lashed out continually against the Azraella the fearsome strength of the Eidos
and the Antipode; seeking through most hurtful means to turn him to their
cause; yet the Azraella was unmoved.
Chapter 9
1 In the depths of deep forever, in the womb of blackest night did the light
most faintly glow, for against the Azraella did the Eidos and the Antipode inflict
a constant pain; being ever hopeful to turn the Ahgendai to their cause.
2 Forcing with violent fury, a great many wounds, lashing out midst hateful
glee against the light which in the darkness shined, striking hard midst constant
threats to subdue the dreadful Savior, and thereby corrupt the light which came
from God.
3 Yet despite the persecution, despite the hurt of pain, still did the Ahgendai
refuse to yield or cry surcease; holding on with great resolve, to stand as one
alone amidst the hurtful fray; being himself both fearless and relentless in
cleaving to a far more noble disposition filled with hope.
4 Being himself most strongly determined in seizing the greater prize, which
prize was to join with God in love forever, to serve some greater cause; to
defend most well the children of glory which in the Heavens dwelled.
5 And so there struggled for the mastery of the soul, both the Light and the
Darkness; being each resolved and most determined; for the Light would not
yield his love for God, while the Darkness strove with fearsome might to destroy
it altogether.
6 Thus did the centuries pass into millennia, and the millennia passed into the
aeons, like the ticking of the clock; each eternity giving way to another, to
swallow whole in deepest shadows the sands of endless time.
7 Yet while the Azraella in pain endured, still within the Father’s soul did
Mahaleenah most safely dwell, being herself unseen and unfelt by the Eidos and
the Antipode, being herself most safely guarded within the soul of Azraella.
8 And seeing for herself the suffering of the Father, and perceiving the pain
which he endured, (though he himself spoke not a word) she was moved by
deep affections to speak her deep concerns.
9 Now on a day which was not a day, when the Eidos and the Antipode were
gone away to plan what next to do, Mahaleenah spoke tenderly unto her Father
10 “O my good and gentle Father: How can you endure these many torments?
What power would cause that you not yield or break beneath the weight of
constant pain or dreadful injury?
11 For when I see the hurts inflicted against you, and feel in your soul the
anguish of many tremblings, even I am made to bear your wounds inside me;
causing that I should know the pain which you endure.
12 How then do you endure? What hidden knowledge would fill you deep with
manly grace, to build in you a place of refuge and of hope, to become yourself a
place of calm acceptance and noble strength?
21 These are the words which Mahaleenah spoke most tenderly unto her
Father, Azraella; and taking deep thought the Ahgendai spoke with careful
words, drawing from the heart of deepest wisdom, saying:
22 “Hear me daughter and I will reveal to you the wisdom which keeps from
breaking this Father that you love. For it matters not what the Eidos and the
Antipode should do against me; it matters not the pain endured, or the
blackness of utter chaos; for this truth alone is worthy and preferable above
every other in moments of trial and tribulation.
23 For it is yourself which you must live with, long after the trial is gone; it is
the soul which lasts forever, while pain is just a passing thing.
24 And if it should be that you would betray your own soul to ease for yourself
a momentary pain, or to gain for yourself some small advantage, then do you
become as someone lost and a stranger to your soul.
25 For this cause do I remain unbroken before the fearsome wrath of darkness
and chaos; choosing for myself that sure knowledge regarding the purpose and
goal to which I was born; finding in the designs of God, the only true source of
comfort, solace and strength.
26 Which very things cause that I should endure with grace the heated blast of
the Eidos and the Antipode, finding within my soul the very presence of God the
Father and the Mother; causing that I should not yield for safety’s sake.
27 For in surrendering to lesser passions do you forget the thing you are,
placing within your heart and before your eyes a person who is both broken and
lost, and made compelled to surrender that far more nobler self which had its
birth in God.
28 Having sought for yourself a momentary surcease from pain and torment,
which things afflict both body and mind in the moment of your trial.
29 But when you have surrendered yourself for safety’s sake, to end the
momentary torment, then does the soul within become as something tormented
and confused, for you have surrendered that which is eternal for the sake of a
temporary comfort.
30 Thus would I have you know, my dearest child, that such strength as would
inspire me to endure the heated blast of those who torment, to see beyond the
pain to the things of greatest worth, even this strength is come from God alone.
31 Thus in cleaving unto God is there found the strength of great resolve,
chasing away through godly grace the rule of lesser passions and the need for
dark revenge; to fill you up instead with a far more noble purpose.
32 For it is the soul which you must live with, long after the pain is gone. And
if you should betray your soul to ease for yourself a momentary torment, then
do you become as someone lost and a stranger to your soul; having forgotten
the purpose for which you live and the goal towards which you strive.
45 Such were the words which the Azraella spoke, and in the hearing did
Mahaleenah see for herself the depths of all her Father’s heart, and with deep
affection did Mahaleenah cleave more closely unto her Father whereby she
might comfort him in the moment of his trial.
46 But still did there fall upon the Azraella from time to time the fury of the
Eidos and the Antipode; seeking through most violent fury to compel the
Ahgendai to their cause; which cause was to destroy forever the Gods of
47 Yet during the moments of conflict and pain, the Azraella watched most
carefully the associations of his tormentors; how that the Antipode was made
subservient to the Eidos, and how the Eidos spoke most fearsomely to the
Antipode which came from God.
48 For the Azraella perceived most well how the Antipode did chafe and fume
at his treatment from the Eidos, often times seething with rage and storming off
to be alone; for to be subservient to the Eidos proved a hard and bitter thing.
49 Thus did the Azraella take most thoughtful care regarding such things as he
most carefully observed between his tormentors, and when he was decided, he
set in motion the beginnings of a plan, which when brought to bear would set
free the very Ahgendai, whereby they might return home again.
50 Now it came about that on a certain occasion, when the Antipode came
alone to speak with the Azraella, to see perhaps if he would consent to aid in
fighting against God, the Ahgendai spoke to the Antipode, saying:
51 “Greetings brother, for what cause do you come alone to see me, seeing that
in strength and power we are most equally matched in all things pertaining to
our separate but opposite natures, and can by no means subdue one another.
52 For it is certain that alone you cannot compel me to act against my nature,
neither can I be seduced into yielding, nor can I be obliged by some pretended
favor, to set aside my resolve in holding on to God. Why then do you come
alone to see me?”
53 Hearing these things, the Antipode took offense, and in anger he spoke,
saying: “Why will you persist in calling me ‘brother’? For we are opposites, both
you and me, and in our nature is there nothing held in common; for there is no
place where light and darkness can dwell together.”
54 But the Azraella answered him, saying: “What then should I call you? For
you have no name which I might use. Neither has the Eidos thought to give you
so great a thing. For in the having of a name do you begin to define yourself and
to know yourself most fully.
55 And in these things do you shape and mold the force and power of your
truer nature, causing that the name by which you are known should carry in its
very sounding, the force and power of who you are; casting into the minds of
those who hear, the image of your likeness and the fierceness of your power.
56 By what name would you be known, for it is certain that the Eidos fears to
give you a name; being hopeful to keep you in his shadow, to be to him a
servant only; possessing for yourself no identity other than what the Eidos
should permit.
57 For this I tell you truly: that without a name, there is no identity, there is no
power or glory which is yours alone; for all that is left you is the stale monotony
of servitude to that which is less than you.
58 Consider this and ponder most deeply well: For I am Ahgendai and you are
Antipode, being both ourselves come from God; yet do I, as Ahgendai, possess a
name which conveys to all the meaning and purpose of all my life, which name
is Azraella; while you who also comes from God are left without a name by
which you may be known and feared.
59 How long then shall you continue thus in doing service of the Eidos? For
the Eidos is not come from God as you are made to come. Why then should you
serve him? For it is unseemly that you should serve that which is less than you.
60 For it is not to your benefit that the Eidos should war against the Heavens
to vanquish well the Gods, to claim for himself such glory and power as you
alone should claim. For it is meant that the Eidos should serve you.
61 Why then will you hesitate in deciding well your fate? Therefore, give to
yourself a name by which I may call you; and by your own hand shape the
meaning of such a name as you would give to yourself.
62 For these many eternities have you learned all things which the Eidos was
empowered to teach; but now is the time when the student should exceed the
teacher. Why then will you hesitate?”
63 These then were the words which the Azraella spoke most cunningly to the
Antipode, creating within the Nemesis a far greater desire to prove himself the
only true creator of all his fate; shaping within his darkened soul a destiny
which would compel him to stand as one most sovereign and in the darkness
64 And hearing the words of the Azraella, the Antipode grew darker and filled
with deepest thought; and slowly and with care the Antipode spoke, saying: “I
will consider all which you have said, brother.” And turning away, the Antipode
faded into the depths of deep forever;
65 Passing alone and unseen, and going to the furtherest depths where the
Eidos would not find him, the Antipode brooded midst troubled ponderings;
struggling to forge for himself a fearsome name which would carry in its very
sounding the nature and disposition of all his fierceness.
66 And not this only, for the Antipode would shape and form the word which
would define forever the genus of his kind, establishing the classification of all
species that should arise from out of the bowels of himself.
67 Thus did there pass a great deal of time, and despite all his probings and
efforts, the Eidos could by no means find the Antipode, and there was no power
which would aid him in the doing, for the Antipode had shut himself up in the
furthermost regions of the great Abyss.
68 Yet in the absence of the Antipode did the Eidos grow all the more agitated,
thinking to himself that the Antipode had escaped the great Abyss, to become in
himself a power and a force which would threaten the rule of the very Eidos.
69 Causing that in his perplexity, the Eidos should cast a great suspicion
against the very Ahgendai, inflicting upon him a cruel and hurtful pain;
pressing against him without surcease to reveal the place where the Antipode
had gone.
70 But the Ahgendai spoke not a word, neither would he yield before the
threats of the Eidos, but kept himself as still as stone, and as calm as the winds
of Heaven; strengthening beneath the blows the depths of his resolve, standing
before the rage of Eidos as one indomitable and unyielding.
71 Now the Eidos grew weary of the Ahgendai, for the Azraella would not
submit, but grew himself all the stronger beneath the dark and fearsome blows;
causing that the Eidos should withdraw for a season, to continue to search for
himself the whereabouts of the Antipode.
72 And in his absence did there gather about the Ahgendai, a great and
rushing wind which howled and moaned from out of the very depths, causing
that all matter unformed should break and shatter before its fury; and there was
great and terrible lightning filled with fire and violent rage.
73 And the very air did seethe and boil with fearsome dread, and in a sudden
and unexpected moment, there rushed upon the Azraella, a great and hideous
evil filled with vile and putrid odors.
74 And from out of the depths of dark forever, from the womb of endless
night, a voice spoke with dreadful soundings, saying: “I am Yaldabaoth, being
myself uncreated and unknown. For by my own power did I draw myself from
out of the womb of endless night.
75 Being myself the Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed; Father of Chaos
am I, even he whose name is unspeakable and whose countenance is
unknowable; for Darkness and Depth have I created, the shatterer and
destroyer of worlds shall I become.
76 Come now and let us, in this moment, set aside our opposite natures, for I
would hear from you some word of reason. What meant you in the saying that
the Eidos was empowered to teach me all which it did know?
77 Speak Azraella and I will hear you. What is this thing which did empower
the very Eidos?”
Chapter 10
1 And so my dearest child, fair beloved and brightly cherished, there came to
stand before your Father the Dread Lord of Chaos, Yaldabaoth, fresh sprung
from the womb of night and filled with anxious rage; being eager to know for
himself the means by which the Eidos was empowered to teach the acts of
darkest power.
2 And the Azraella spoke to Yaldabaoth, saying: “It is a fearful name which you
have chosen, filled with rage and hateful pride; it is a dark and shocking
countenance which you reveal, conveying before the eye a depth of pain which
feeds within, your need for dark revenge.
3 Well chosen then this name you bear, being ready in its sounding to make
known the heights and depths of who you are and what you choose to be; to cast
in fear and deepest shadows all who plainly hear, causing the heart to shake and
tremble before the name of Yaldabaoth.
4 Come then and I will reveal the source which did empower the very Eidos,
causing that he should prove himself able in teaching to you the sum of all his
knowledge and power.
5 For in your beginning did God give to the Eidos an oracle of great beingness,
dark and filled with power; and whosoever holds this oracle, even that one will
hold the power which God alone created.
6 If therefore you would prove the master and creator of your destiny, then is
it needful that you should take for yourself this oracle of beingness and power;
causing that you should set free your own self from the dominion of that Eidos
which does imprison you in the depths of the great Abyss.
7 For without the oracle is the Eidos left without the gift of beingness,
returning again to that state in which he dwelled, becoming once again
thoughtless and mindless, having no longer the power of speech or beingness;
becoming again without presence or identity or knowing purpose.
8 Thus did the oracle which God fashioned empower the Eidos to teach you all
the mysteries of darkest power, permitting that you should ascend unto your
rightful place; for now is the time when Yaldabaoth must prove himself the
master and not the student;
9 Subjecting to your will this Eidos which would imprison you, to seize for
yourself with anxious zeal a future of your own making, to reign as one supreme
in the kingdoms of your power, having subjected to yourself all powers,
dominions and principalities.
10 For why should the Eidos prove greater than you, seeing that you are come
from God? Seize then the oracle of the Eidos to make it as your own: For this I
tell you for your benefit, that in the oracle shall you find the power to create the
generations of your kind; and all which come from you shall serve you, to do
your fearful bidding.
11 For without the oracle and its power are you unable to war against the
Heavens, being yourself without powers, dominions and principalities; and
despite the rage which in you burns, despite your hate or great resolve, you
shall never prove great enough to shake the very Heavens.”
12 These then are the words of counsel which I did give unto the Lord of
Chaos, in the distant long ago, and hearing this he deeply pondered; and
Yaldabaoth spoke, saying: “Join me brother and serve me well and we shall rule
the Heavens, bending to our fearsome might the sum of all creation, to tread
beneath our feet both the Eidos and the Gods.”
13 And rising forth within the light, I spoke to Yaldabaoth, saying: “I cannot
my brother. For I am bound by love and true devotion to guard the Heavens
well, to protect it from all harm. For I must serve the God which brought me
forth, and this with true devotion.
14 Think not therefore that I can be persuaded to serve your darker cause, for
we are opposite, both you and I, and throughout eternity shall we most constant
struggle; to battle hard against each other; to determine which in Heaven rules,
the darkness or the light.”
15 Such did the Azraella speak, and Yaldabaoth took heart, for in hearing of
the dark oracle did he set hard his soul to steal it from the Eidos, and thereby
make the Eidos subject unto himself.
17 Be therefore assured that I shall seize for myself the dark oracle, and when I
have subdued the Eidos, to place him in my power, then shall I return and by
some harsh and brutal force make you subject unto me; and if you will not serve
me to my purpose, then shall I destroy you utterly.”
18 These are the words of Yaldabaoth, and turning himself away, he went
seeking the Eidos, fired within by a great and dreadful hatred; and as he
journeyed forth into darkness, Yaldabaoth spoke to himself, saying: “Now shall
I ascend to my rightful place, now is the day of power come upon me.”
19 Now when Yaldabaoth had gone away into the Deep, the Azraella spoke to
Mahaleenah, saying: “Arise my daughter and rejoice, for soon shall we escape to
return again to God. For even now does Yaldabaoth seek the Eidos whereby he
might seize for himself some great advantage.
20 Let us therefore watch with care the doings of this Lord of Chaos, e’re we
leave, that perchance we might learn the designs and means by which he would
do battle.
21 For this I know with certainty, that in some eternity yet to come, even I will
meet with him in fearsome battle, to determine well the fate of Heaven.
22 Let us therefore observe both the Eidos and Yaldabaoth, and in our soul
take careful note; and in that moment when both our tormentors are full
distracted, then shall we make good our own escape.”
23 Hearing then these words spoken by the Father, Mahaleenah leaped for
joy, taking to her soul some great comfort blessed with hope; for soon would
she see again the heavenly abode, and there bathe herself in the very light of
God, to be refreshed and renewed.
24 (Consider then Mahaleenah, how the designs of Azraella would compel that
the Eidos and Yaldabaoth should clash together, causing that Yaldabaoth
should proclaim through violent force his freedom from the Eidos; to become
most fully an entity and a force unto himself, to become through the seizing of
the dark oracle, that dread Nemesis which would, in some future far distant,
shake the very Heavens.)
25 And so Yaldabaoth went seeking the Eidos, booming throughout the dark
Abyss, a great and fearsome roar; and hearing the deep and rumbling sound,
the Eidos did rush forth to meet the challenge; leaping up from out of the Deep
to confront the bitter rival.
26 Seeing therefore the coming of the Eidos, Yaldabaoth charged with bitter
glee into the very face; lashing out with fearsome force, to steal for himself the
dark oracle, which thing caused the image and presence of the Eidos to
instantly fade away.
27 Yet despite the elation of taking the oracle to himself, still did Yaldabaoth
seek to enslave the darksome power of the mindless purposer.
28 But the Eidos in seeing the onslaught, leaped out to safety, going from one
dimension into another; seeking thereby to catch Yaldabaoth unawares
whereby he might cast upon him some great injury.
29 And so the battle raged forever on, going from one age to the next, aeon
passing into aeon; and still did Yaldabaoth seek to subdue the Eidos; while still
again the Eidos would slip away and attack Yaldabaoth, perchance to do some
great injury, and thereby steal back the dark oracle.
30 And there watched from the hidden places of the endless Deep, the
Azraella, observing with anxious care the designs and means of Yaldabaoth as
he struggled against the very Eidos, watching through the ages to see the
strength and cunning of the Nemesis evolve and mature; always going from less
to greater because of constant war.
31 Placing in his mind all the things which he observed between the Eidos and
Yaldabaoth, designing within his soul the means by which he might benefit the
realms of Heaven; when in some eternity far distant, even he must war against
the dreadful power and fearsome might of the Nemesis of God.
32 Thus by observing and pondering the ways in which Yaldabaoth did battle,
the Azraella was made to know the intricacy of war; to master well the deadly
cunning and dreadful art of warfare, midst the frightful flash and bitter clash of
33 Seeing also that Yaldabaoth would not yield or call surcease in his many
constant struggles, the Azraella spoke tenderly to the Mahaleenah within him,
saying: “Come dearest, and let us slip away; for there is no more to learn in this
dark and hurtful place.”
34 And drawing from his soul an oracle of fearsome might, Azraella cast it
before him into the blackness of the Deep; and immediately was he cast out of
the depths of the great Abyss, to stand most far away, having slipped through a
dimension of his own devising; and in the distance did he see a brightly burning
35 For The One and Areta felt in their soul the designs of the Azraella while yet
he dwelt in the great Abyss, and anticipating with eager hearts the escape of the
Dread Savior from out of the womb of chaos, even the First God of Heaven did
go forth to meet him.
36 And round about the golden light of God were there also gathered the seven
virtues of the Azurgai, burning brightly midst silvery light to wait the coming of
the Ahgendai, being anxious to embrace again the seed of all their dreaming.
37 What wonder then did the Azraella behold at first sight, leaping out of the
Deep to see in the far distance the dancing of the light; to hear at last within his
soul the singing of the angels which called out from across the vastness of
space; wooing with joyful sounds that Azraella should come along and firm
embrace the Gods from which he came.
38 Thus did the suffering of the Azraella come to an end, to become to him as
dim and passing memories cast in gleaming shadows, thinking himself most
greatly benefited by the things which he endured; having proven the strength of
all his soul, when in the darkness of the great Abyss he proved himself most
faithful and filled with great resolve.
39 Being therefore filled with joyful expectation, the Azraella did rush forth
with eager heart to embrace the light of God; and there hurried out to meet him
the women of the Azurgai, embracing to themselves the Azraella who stood
himself full grown and filled with deepest power.
40 And so the Azraella was reunited with the Azurgai, each in turn taking
Azraella in their arms to give him tender kisses, and there spoke to Azraella the
woman called Benevolence, and she spoke to him, saying:
41 “Come Azraella and look forth yonder, and behold the light of God the
Father and the Mother, who even now wait anxiously to receive you into their
bosom whereby they might tender all happy affection, to reveal in you the
fullness of their love.
42 Go you therefore unto them and in their presence shine, for you are the
hope of all their dreaming, and the fulfillment of all their love.
58 And hearing these words, the Ahgendai did embrace each of the Azurgai, to
give to each a kiss; and turning himself away, he gazed upon the light far
distant, being himself moved with holy expectations, to see and touch and know
at last the Gods which brought him forth.
73 This is the song which the Azraella heard, deep within his mind; beckoning
softly from the light which shined most far away, causing that the Ahgendai
should deeply sigh and with joy cast himself across the night; to find at last the
Gods which brought him forth.
74 But in the depths of the great Abyss, in the womb of endless night did chaos
war with chaos, chasing each other with fearsome might, each trying to subdue
the other, to cast into servitude either the Eidos or Yaldabaoth.
75 And for those who warred with bitter rage, the aeons dragged most slowly
on, for neither the Eidos nor Yaldabaoth could take to themselves a sure
advantage; neither could victory be found in the great and endless Deep;
causing that one eternity should grind upon another, for in power and
dominion did Yaldabaoth and the Eidos prove most equally matched.
76 Thus did there war within the Deep the Lords of Chaos, which war would
engage both the Eidos and Yaldabaoth for the length of three eternities.
77 But in the beginning of such dread and fearsome strife, the Azraella stood
gazing at the far and distant light of God, filled with joyful expectation; and
hearing the song of his Parents, Azraella leaped full force into the starry night.
Chapter 11
Sacred Greetings
A single beckoning light – “Greetings most fair and noble son” – The One and Areta introduce
themselves to the Ahgendai – The Azraella embraces his Father and Mother – The One asks to
see Mahaleenah – The Azraella dances to the music of the spheres – The feminine coalesces:
Mahaleenah begins to sing – The One is perplexed – Mahaleenah sees the Azraella as her
parents – Mahaleenah gives tender and sacred greetings – The One and Areta discuss
Mahaleenah’s mystery – “From whence shall come the generations of the Ahgendai?” – Areta
is optimistic about the dilemma – The One and Areta are moved to passion watching the
Ahgendai play – Heaven perceives the coming of the Ahgendai – The Gods are drawn
together by the passions of beyond – A festival of love: celebrating the Ahgendai – The One
invites the Ahgendai to create a world of their own – A future kingdom of warrior Gods – “As
loving Parents we would dwell beside you”
1 In the far distance, where the stars most brightly shine, there glowed a single
great light; being itself the light which came from God, shrouding in dazzling
brightness the glory and holiness of The One and Areta together.
2 Twinkling and glittering from out of the cosmic Deep, beckoning that the
Azraella should come and see; for the Father and the Mother desired to reveal
themselves unto the son, even that Dread Savior which had endured so well the
harshness of the great Abyss; having proven himself most able to defend the
realms of Heaven against the fearsome darkness of Yaldabaoth, to turn aside
his dark design.
3 And in seeing the greatly shining light, the Azraella leaped out across the
cosmic Deep, compelled by love and deepest longing to stand before the light,
perchance to know for himself at last, the Father and the Mother.
4 And within the light did there move most gently an even greater Light,
dancing and turning midst gentle rhythms, bound together by loving passions
and deepest yearnings; and a voice spoke out from the light, saying:
5 “Greetings most fair and noble son, long have we desired to see you,
whereby we might hold you in our arms; being yourself the seed of all our hope
and the song of all our joy.
6 For in the beginning were you appointed and foreordained to defend the
hosts of Heaven, that by your victories against the Lord of Darkness, even all
the realms of Heaven might be continually invigorated and made to appear as
new and most desirable.
7 Behold, I am your Father, even the God beyond all others, being the first of
all our kind. And this other which dwells within me, even she is your Mother,
being called Areta; for together did we bring forth the very Heavens, filled with
glory and increase forever.”
8 Such did the Father speak in the greeting of his son, and there spoke the
voice of Areta, saying: “O my good and loving son, long have I desired to see
you; to hold you tight against my breast and there give suck, to heal your soul of
9 For you are the song of all our hopes made manifest, the dream made real
and fiercely fashioned through fiery passions of love and lust together mingled
through kiss and gentle touch.”
10 And so speaking, The One and Areta did separate themselves from each the
other, whereby they might stand as separate before the Azraella; and the
Ahgendai did step forth and embrace both Father and Mother, being himself
consumed by joy and love, to be as one most cherished by the Parents which
brought him forth.
11 Then did The One speak, saying: “Where, O son, is your sweet Beloved,
even Mahaleenah? Bring her forth therefore that we may see her and give into
her keeping a fullness of our affection; for in like manner was she also
conceived in the fires of all our love, to be for you a sweet companion forever
and forever.
12 Open therefore the gates of your soul that she may embrace both Father
and Mother, for now is the danger past and those which would harm have you
left far behind; for now is the light most fully come, and the gates of Heaven
opened wide to receive the very Ahgendai.”
13 And hearing these words, the Azraella did begin to dance before the Father
and the Mother; hearing in his heart the music of the spheres, moving with a
gentle grace which did fling open the gates of his soul, permitting that
Mahaleenah should enter into the light of both Father and Mother.
14 Thus in the dancing of the Azraella did all that which was feminine gather
and coalesce into oneness, and there leaped out of the Azraella, the Beloved,
even Mahaleenah Kai-Lucia; and seeing again the face and form of the Azraella,
she fell into his arms, kissing him upon the face; calling out for all to hear,
15 “Father, Father, we are safe,
for the darkness is gone away;
sing and dance and shout with joy
and touch this brighter day.
20 Thus did the daughter sing to Azraella, and when The One heard the
words, how she called the Azraella ‘Father’, he was deep perplexed, for it was
intended that the Azraella and Mahaleenah should be the Beloved of each the
22 Go you then and tender to them your good affection, for they do love you
so, and desire to make known to you the depths and height of all their affection;
being eager to reveal in you a fullness of their intent regarding you and me
23 Then did Mahaleenah look with awe upon the face of The One and Areta
together, being herself overjoyed and filled with reverence; yet could she not
grasp in her mind that it was the God Beyond which was her Father and her
24 But believed most firmly, and without doubt, that it was the Azraella who
was her Father and her Mother, for she knew with certainty that it was from the
bosom of the Ahgendai that she was drawn forth into celestial glory.
25 Yet did Mahaleenah speak humbly and graciously unto The One, saying: “O
Father of my Father, most dear and tender greetings from me to thee; for with
my heart would I tender most holy affection, to see in you the Father beyond all
26 And to you great Mother, most beautiful and sublime, being yourself most
holy and supreme above all others; in you do I see the source of all beauty and
grace together blended, being yourself most worthy of all my true devotion.
27 Becoming, myself, through the working of your will, the first daughter of
my Father; even this Azraella who withstood with boldness the fierceness of the
great Abyss, having endured so well with manly grace the afflictions of the
Eidos and Yaldabaoth together.
28 Receive therefore the affections of all my heart, and know with certainty
that I do always yield my heart to thee; to serve you well throughout the
eternities, whereby I might prove to you a blessing and a joy, filled with hopeful
29 For together are you, both Father and Mother, the source from which I am
come, even as this my Father is made to come from you also; receive therefore
the token of my affections and my acceptance, to be to you as one obedient and
faithful and filled with joy forever.”
30 And so speaking, Mahaleenah did walk unto The One and she did embrace
him, to give to him a kiss; and going to Areta, she likewise gave to her a deep
and sacred greeting.
31 Then did The One and Areta smile, and although Mahaleenah should see in
Azraella her only true and devoted Father, still was the God Beyond pleased by
the gracious reverence of the daughter, to see in her a good and worthy child.
32 And The One spoke to Areta, saying: “It is a mystery, this daughter who
would see in Azraella the Father she adores. Yet is it a mystery not of our
making, but is itself shaped by Mahaleenah.
33 What then shall we do with so great a mystery as this? For we would not
compel Mahaleenah to go against her nature, to see in Azraella her only true
Beloved; being herself determined in seeing a Father only.
34 Yet if she sees in Azraella a Father and not her Beloved, then from whence
shall come the generations of the Ahgendai which would stand beside our
dreadful Savior in defending well the realms of Heaven, to keep it new and
young forever?
35 For it is in the woman to choose the time of her pregnancy, being in herself
alone, the one who so elects. Yet if our Mahaleenah should see in Azraella only
the likeness of a Father, then how will she bring forth the seed of future
36 But Areta seemed not perplexed, and she answered The One, saying:
“There is time, my Love; for things left to themselves do tend to work their own
designs. Let us see then how the Ahgendai shall work their own designs.
37 For we will invite the Ahgendai to fashion a world of their own making; and
in the doing of so great a labor shall Mahaleenah see in Azraella something far
more wondrous and desirable.
38 So let us take our children into the starry regions whereby they might begin
to create for themselves a kingdom of their own filled with wonder; and in the
laboring to bring forth something new and filled with glory, then shall the
daughter see at last her own Beloved, and not the Father as she supposes.
39 And if perchance she should still see in Azraella a Father only, then shall
we make still some other means to bring forth our designs; causing that there
should spring into life, the generations of the Ahgendai; for there is no problem
which cannot be overcome through the working of our will.”
40 Thus did the God Beyond converse among themselves concerning the
mysteries of that love which flowed between the very Ahgendai, both male and
female, even as a mighty flood of moving waters; becoming among themselves
as Father and Daughter and not as Beloveds as the Gods supposed.
41 For even though Mahaleenah should prove most eager and willing to
engage with the Azraella in sexual intercourse, still did she see in him that
loving Father which guarded her well in the darkness of the great Abyss, when
the fiercesome rage of the Eidos and the Antipode did beat upon him without
42 And The One and Areta did fairly swoon in watching Mahaleenah and
Azraella frolic in sexual play, each with the other in the midst of the cosmic
Deep, each chasing each the other among the stars, to clasp and full engage
midst rhythms filled with lustful passions.
43 Causing that The One and Areta should likewise frolic, being themselves
inflamed with passions in the watching of the Ahgendai, sending swift
throughout the Tael the passions of their love, filled with fiery kisses, joined
with wild abandon.
44 And throughout the realms of Heaven did the Councils of Light most
wondrous gather, feeling in the depths of their soul, through the movements of
the Tael, that something new had come among them, wrapped in mystery filled
with mystery.
45 For each and every God and Goddess could well perceive the coming of the
Ahgendai, yet were they made unknowing of those designs which flowed most
deep in the heart of First God; neither could they discern the purposes for
which The One and Areta brought forth so great a mystery.
46 Thus did there gather throughout all their separate councils both Gods and
Goddesses, being themselves drawn by the passions of godly intercourse within
the cosmic Deep.
47 Causing that as The One and Areta should mingle themselves midst the
fiery passions of Azraella and Mahaleenah, each for each moved by holy lust
and deepest yearnings, even so did the Gods of Heaven become themselves
48 And every God did seek his Beloved, and every Goddess was filled with
yearning for the touch of her Beloved; and in the gardens of Heaven was there a
great festival of loving passions filled with kiss and gentle touch.
49 Thus did the Gods and Goddesses join with the God Beyond in the loving of
each the other; causing that all who were Beloved should seek the congress of
some other Beloved; first flowing between husbands and wives, and then
seeking out to touch their friends whereby they might also engage in sexual
50 And all the Heavens sang with passion, from the greatest to the least, both
male and female joined by joy and lust together mingled; to shake the Heavens
fully round midst sighs of deepest longing, filled with kind regard and happy
51 Causing that even the Cherubim and the Seraphim should likewise frolic
midst all their congregations, each according to their kind.
52 To inflame with joyful lust even all the creatures which dwelt in Heaven’s
glory; from the birds which flew in the skies above, to the creatures of the land,
and even the creatures which swam in the ocean deep, even all did join with
God in the rhythms of holy love.
54 Thus did the loving of the Ahgendai inflame the God Beyond, touching
deep the very Heavens which moved eternal round; and when the passions
ebbed midst sighs of sweet completion, then did The One speak to the Azraella
55 “Behold, my son, the stars which yonder shine; go you therefore into the
cosmic Deep and there most sweetly fashion a world of your own devising; for I
would give into your keeping a gift of greatest wonder.
56 For even now would I give to you the seven suns of Ashengaard; and round
these seven shall you build the heights and depths and breadth of your domain,
to be for you forever after, a kingdom of your own.
57 For we would fashion from your seed hereafter, a kingdom of warrior Gods,
that you may defend the hosts of Heaven against the dread designs of
Yaldabaoth, who even now struggles against the very Eidos for supremacy.
58 Go you then, both yourself and Mahaleenah, and as you shall both decide,
create a realm of power and might, graced by love and deepest beauty; and this
shall be for you a home, both for you and me; for as loving Parents would we
dwell most soft beside you.”
59 Such did The One speak, and the Ahgendai did bid farewell, and giving to
each a kiss upon the lips, both the Azraella and Mahaleenah, the Ahgendai went
forth to do; seeking each through happy faith to fulfill the will of God.
Chapter 12
1 Gazing out into the starry cosmos, peering deep into the heart of creation,
the Azraella spoke to Mahaleenah, saying: “Come, Beloved Daughter and let us
begin our happy labors; to create for us and our seed hereafter a kingdom of our
own devising.”
2 And leaping together into the stars, the Ahgendai did go hand in hand
towards the streams of living intelligence, to find for themselves the very
3 For the Azraella thought it desirable to make with them a covenant whereby
they might create together the foundations of a new Heaven whose glory and
power would far outshine the kingdoms of the Archons; providing for both the
Ahgendai and the Azurgai, an inheritance forever.
4 Thus did there come before the Azurgai, both the Azraella and Mahaleenah,
and there did they forge between them a covenant of good and happy
fellowship; permitting that throughout all the realms of the Ahgendai, from
now and forever, even therein would the Azurgai possess a kingdom of their
5 And the Azraella and Mahaleenah did give as a gift to the Azurgai, even all
the moons which would move about the realms of the Ahgendai, to dress and
fashion them as they might choose; and in the giving of so great a gift, was there
forged between the Ahgendai and the Azurgai an alliance which would prove for
each both beneficial and filled with promise.
6 Now Mahaleenah did go forth into the cosmos, to the place which God
appointed for the creation of the world of the Ahgendai; and with her went the
seven Mothers whereby they might take some happy counsel among
themselves, filled with great excitement.
7 And being in the place appointed, the Azurgai called forth the streams of
intelligence to come and gather round about; and there began to flow about
them threads of golden light, which threads did converge into brightly flowing
8 And the streams did move and flow and brightly dance, to soft converge into
a mighty river; flowing, moving undulations of brightly dancing light; gushing
through the void of space to bathe in light and deep intelligence, all the matter
which lay unformed within the starry deep.
9 Thus as Mahaleenah busied herself among the seven Mothers, even then did
Azraella go forth unto the suns of Ashengaard and there did he call forth a
single sun of great splendor, and by the speaking of the word did he cause it to
move into the regions where the Daughter labored among the Azurgai.
10 Opening wide the great dimensions, causing that the sun should quickly
vanish from out of its former place, to stand in a flashing instant in the midst of
that starry deep where the streams of intelligence had also gathered.
11 And reaching out to the Daughter she came and stood beside him, and the
Azraella called out of the depths all the unformed matter which was bathed
within the flood; causing that it should go from common matter to eternal
matter, becoming itself quickened and enlivened by the very intelligences which
moved within the flood.
12 And Azraella reached deep into his soul and there did he fashion through
the power of the oracles, the binding codes of Kadasarooya; which very codes
would empower him to create a world of exquisite form and beauty; being
bound in each its several parts into a oneness both rare and glorious.
13 And not this only, for there were drawn from both the Azraella and
Mahaleenah the twenty-four dimensions of space and time; which in the
language of God are called the Zimagayah, having in each dimension seven
primes, and to each prime was there given twelve fractals of linear time.
14 Thus to guard well the fractals of time which moved within each prime,
Mahaleenah did set about them the seals of Mahali-Kadass; causing that each
fractal should be separate and sovereign from every other fractal of time, yet
within the Tael were all made to appear as one in purpose and deep design.
15 And seeing that all things were prepared for the creation of their realm,
Azraella gave forth a quick command and, behold, all the eternal matter which
lay within the golden tide did leap from out of the flood, moving and grinding
each against the other; forming through great and heated pressures a sphere of
wondrous light.
16 Which sphere of light was strongly bound within the Zimagayah; and there
formed within the sphere a bright and shining world having a great many seas
and oceans; and out from the depths of the seas did there rise forth three great
continents of land, each constructed of mighty mountains and broad fertile
plains and deep valleys.
17 And again did the Azraella speak a word of great command, and there
formed about the earth, in the skies above, dark and brooding clouds and it
began to rain; gently bathing all the lands and across the deep blue seas,
refreshing all the world together.
18 And there flowed from out of the mountains, streams of living water, clear
and most refreshing; and these did gather into greatly rushing rivers which
flowed out across the plains and through the deepest valleys.
19 Seeing therefore all these things, the Azraella was greatly pleased, and
speaking again in a loud voice, he gave still another command, and there began
to grow upon the land, all manner of trees and shrubs and flowers; filling first
the deepest valleys, then moving quick across the plains, covering up the hills to
touch the very mountains.
20 And seeing all these things, the Azraella smiled for it was good and
pleasing to the eye; for the world was beautiful and most exquisite; filling the
heart with deepest awe and reverence, graced by holy expectations, for the
world was ready and well prepared for still the greater portion.
21 Reaching therefore into the Tael, the Azraella did petition both the Father
and the Mother whereby there might be given to the world, an earth spirit
which would guide and watch over the whole world together.
22 Becoming to all which lived as a mother and a guardian, to keep the world
in balance and deepest harmony; to become herself the guiding power filled
with wisdom, directing at her will the natural forces of a living world made rare
above all the worlds which God had ever made.
23 And The One and Areta called forth the oldest of all the earth spirits which
lived among the Heavens, even that very spirit which first dwelt on Terralee in
the ancient long ago, and to her did he give possession of that world which the
Ahgendai had created.
24 Now the name of the earth spirit was El-Kai-Terra, and leaping forth from
out of the Tael, she went and dwelt within the first world of the Ahgendai; and
there existed between El-Kai-Terra and the Ahgendai a covenant of life and joy
and love, filled with greater purpose.
25 And seeing that the world in which she dwelt was good and pleasing, she
did give unto it a name by which it would be forever known, calling the earth:
Mahaliel; being named in honor of Mahaleenah; for between El-Kai-Terra and
Mahaleenah was there found an abundance of affection.
26 Being therefore pleased and well content, the Azraella called forth again the
matter unformed, and again there moved from out of the rivers of intelligence, a
gathering of eternal matter, which eternal matter did begin to press against
each the other; to form in differing sizes the seven moons which would move
round about Mahaliel.
27 And as a gift did the Azraella give the seven moons to the Azurgai, to be for
them as an inheritance forever; permitting that they should fashion for
themselves a kingdom of their own, whereby they might participate among the
Gods in bringing forth all the generations of the Ahgendai.
28 When therefore the Azurgai beheld the moons of Mahaliel, they were
pleased and well content, and calling forth the silver stream which lay hidden in
the golden rivers of intelligence, they did lace and twine the moons together.
29 And to each moon was there given an orbit around the world of Mahaliel,
each according to their size, from the smallest to the greatest; each moon
traveling around the earth in a path separate from all other moons; being
themselves stitched together by silver threads of light, like pearls upon a string.
30 Thus did each moon become a Paradise, filled with gardens and deeply
pleasing to the senses, to become themselves a way station for all who should
prove worthy of exaltation in the kingdom of the Ahgendai; to wait in Paradise
the moment of their birth as an Ahgendai of God.
33 And immediately there leaped out of the soul of El-Kai-Terra, all manner of
birds, each producing after its own kind, to fill the world with songs of joy; and
from the greatest to the least did the birds of Heaven dance upon the wind,
flitting from tree to tree, or to soar and glide above the highest mountains or
across the deep blue seas.
34 Seeing therefore the goodness of all these things, Mahaleenah was greatly
pleased, and fashioning still another oracle, she did mix it with the elements of
the earth; and breathing upon it with the breath of her own life, she spoke,
saying: “Let there be life.”
35 And immediately there passed from out of the depths of El-Kai-Terra all
manner of beasts, each producing after its own kind, to fill the lands of the earth
with all manner of creatures; from the greatest to the smallest; each serving
according to their purpose, to fill the earth with wonder.
36 Then did Mahaleenah prove well content, and reaching again into her soul,
she fashioned still another oracle and reaching beneath the waters of the sea,
she gathered the earth beneath to mingle with the waters of the deep.
37 And again she spoke softly, saying: “Let there be life.” And there flowed
from out of El-Kai-Terra, all manner of fishes and whales and even great
leviathans; each producing after their kind, filling up the seas and oceans,
swimming up the rivers and in the deep blue lakes; filling the waters of Mahaliel
with an abundance of life.
38 Thus was the world of Mahaliel filled with an abundance of living things,
and Mahaleenah spoke, saying: “It is good.” And hearing the words of the
Daughter, El-Kai-Terra deeply sighed, and soft she whispered, saying: “It is
39 Now as Mahaleenah busied herself in the doing of all these things, even in
that moment did the Azraella go secretly among the congregations of the
Seraphim, to make with them a covenant whereby they would guard forever the
Keep of the Ahgendai; permitting that they should well protect the gates thereof
lest the darkness of Yaldabaoth prevail against it in the day of fearsome battle.
40 And there came out from the congregations of the Seraphim, some
300,000 of the mighty, each according to their house, both male and female; to
covenant with the Ahgendai in laboring beside the Azraella in protecting well
the greatest of the Heavens.
41 And these did quick away, leaving behind the Heaven of the Archons, to
keep a faithful watch and there most fiercely dwell; to become themselves the
legions of Mahaleenah, and for her sake most intently fight in warring against
the Demiurge.
42 But in the Seven Councils of Light, within the depths of Heaven did the
Gods take note; wondering happily among themselves concerning the loss of so
many of the Seraphim; being themselves unable to see within the mystery; for
all these things did the God Beyond keep deeply hidden till the time when he
should reveal all things.
43 Yet despite the depths of the deepest mystery, beyond the powers to hide or
conceal, still was there one which saw beyond the shadows of secret turnings,
for Areta had revealed to the First Queen of the Cherubim, the creation of a new
and greater Heaven.
44 Revealing to her through clear and wondrous dreams, the story of the
Ahgendai; disclosing to her alone the world of Mahaliel and its seven moons;
causing that the First Queen should yearn for herself and her house, some
newly shining place beyond the dreams of God.
45 Thus did there pass through the Tael, the First Queen of the Cherubim,
being herself the first and only Sovereign of the Shulieye; and moving swift
through winged flight, she came at last to the world of Mahaliel.
46 And with her went a great many of the Cherubim, and standing in the
starry deep, they all began to sing; wooing soft through songs of love that
Mahaleenah come and see, being ever hopeful that they might approach and
put forth their petition.
47 Hearing therefore the song of many angels, Mahaleenah did go forth to see,
and coming to a certain place among the stars, she beheld for the first time the
beauty of the Cherubim; and being filled with awe at so great a sight, she did
call out to them, to come and stand before her.
48 Thus did there come before Mahaleenah the First Queen of the Cherubim,
being herself the greatest of all the Shulieye, and the Queen spoke unto
Mahaleenah, saying:
51 Permit therefore that I may place before you, most holy Sovereign, the
fullness of my petition: for behold, I am Murel-Sundii-Mahali; being myself the
First Queen of the Cherubic hosts, being drawn from the house of the Shulieye,
to preside in holiness among all my sisters.
53 Thus throughout the ages, from eternity to eternity have the Cherubim
served the God of Heaven, to watch with care the children of their love; and in
whatsoever place the Gods of Heaven should choose to go, even there have the
Cherubim followed; giving to God the joy of all our service.
54 Grant therefore, most holy Sovereign, that we might likewise serve, to find
in the kingdom of the Ahgendai a home and a place for ourselves also; for we
desire to serve you, and this with all our heart.
55 For is not this realm also a Heaven of the Gods? And shall not the children
of your womb become also the children of God? Grant therefore that in this
happy realm we might stand beside you; to add to the wonders of your creation,
the beauty of our songs.”
57 “Most gracious Queen, from me to thee give I acceptance; for I would find
for you a place where you might dwell beside me. Yet this in love must I
forewarn: For in all the Gods which you have served, in all the Heavens in
which you dwell, even therein did you feel love and joy together mingled.
58 Yet in the Ahgendai shall you see most dreadful warriors; for it is appointed
that we should defend the Heavens against the tide of darkness, when
Yaldabaoth shall fierce leap forth to shake the Heavens deep; to prove himself
through fearless striving, the Nemesis of God.
59 And though the Ahgendai prove kind and loving, still in the moment of
battle shall we prove ourselves as dreadful saviors; to defend with fury and with
violence the kingdoms of the Light, to make forever the Heavens new and filled
with hopeful vigor.
60 If then this prove acceptable to the Cherubim, then shall I make for you a
place beside us, whereby you might lend to all our realm the wonders of your
grace and beauty; to become yourselves as those esteemed and deeply
61 When therefore Mahaleenah had said these things, even then did Murel-
Sundii-Mahali most humbly bow, and rising up she did go forth to kiss
Mahaleenah upon the lips, and she spoke, saying:
62 “Then, most holy Sovereign, let it be agreed between your house and mine,
that in joy and beauty or in deep and fearsome battle, even we, the Shulieye,
shall dwell beside you; to render with love and true devotion such service as you
would deem to have.”
63 Thus did the Cherubim come to dwell in the kingdom of the Ahgendai; for
when they were concluded, Mahaleenah did take the Cherubim unto the seven
moons of Paradise, whereby they might see for themselves the Azurgai, and
with them make a good and lasting covenant.
64 And in the moment of their meeting did both the Cherubim and the
Azurgai fall deep in love with each the other; and on the moons of Paradise did
the Cherubim come to dwell; being numbered on each moon some 100,000
strong, making a host of 700,000 of the Shulieye.
65 Yet in the regions of Mahaliel, midst rivers of light did the Azraella fashion
an oracle of great strength and infinite power, and this did he cast into the
golden stream, and there began to evolve within the stream of intelligence a
swirling and bubbling tide.
66 And there came from out of the gurgling brew, the first of the Oggaliaphim,
being comprised themselves of seven orders of magnitude and power; and in
each order was there made to stand 1,000 of the Oggaliaphim, both male and
female; causing that there should stand before the Azraella a host of 7,000
fearsome strong.
67 To these did the Azraella apportion a place and a duty, to guard the gates
between the darkness and the light; being themselves stationed among the stars
round about Mahaliel; pledging themselves and their posterity thereafter to
prove most fiercely loyal to the Azraella, to see in him their one and only God.
68 And from out of the 7,000 did there evolve seven great houses of vast and
infinite power; which houses are called: Tellios, Eyegis, Migurah, Eldebros,
Borgeah, Dorganah, and Shamikai; these then did the Azraella establish round
about Mahaliel, to prove a dreadful barrier which would hold at bay the
Nemesis of God.
70 Seeing therefore the Oggaliaphim, the Azraella was greatly pleased; and
reaching again into his soul, he fashioned still another oracle and this did he
cast into the silver stream which moved most deep and subtly within the golden
71 And there came forth out of the stream, the very Koshendai which would
guard the gates of all twenty-four dimensions; to hold in their hands the keys of
Zimagayah; proving themselves through kind devotions the guardians of the
great Eternal Round.
72 To this also did the Azraella create still another oracle filled with deep and
hidden mysteries, and this did the Azraella mingle with the dust of stars to
breathe upon them with the breath of his own mouth.
73 And there came out of the cosmic deep, the beginnings of the Kragenjin,
being assigned themselves to watch over the Demiurge and Yaldabaoth; and to
Azraella give swift report of all which they might do.
74 For the Kragenjin could not be seen or felt, being themselves most deeply
hidden with the twelfth fractal of the seventh prime of the twenty-fourth
dimension of the Zimagayah; proving themselves as those unknown and
unperceived by any other power save that of the Ahgendai.
75 Such were the creations of the Azraella and Mahaleenah, establishing the
foundations upon which the kingdom of the Ahgendai would grow by sure
degrees; growing greater and greater throughout their generations; and seeing
the works of their hands, the Ahgendai together spoke, saying: “It is good.”
76 And together did they go unto Mahaliel, and coming to the mountains of
Sileah, which mountains did border the regions of the Amethyst Sea; and
coming to a high valley they began to work together, both hand in hand, to
build themselves a home.
Chapter 13
24 And being in agreement, the Father and the Daughter did go unto the
mountains of Sileah, and in a valley of great beauty, which valley was bordered
in its southernmost part by the Amethyst Sea, they fashioned a small but
pleasing home.
25 And there fell into the valley a great many waterfalls, whose vaporous veils
gave birth to a host of rainbows which did most brightly shine; to dress in most
colorful splendor the gardens of the land.
26 For there surrounded the home a garden of great size, being in its
measurement some twelve miles long and twelve miles wide; containing within
its boundaries, marvels and wonders far greater than the tongue can speak or
the pen can write.
27 And seeing that the home was good and finely made, the Father and the
Daughter did enter in and there did they make their abode; to fill the house
with beauty and song.
28 And upon the mountains of Sileah did there come to dwell a congregation
of the Cherubim, whereby they might dwell nigh unto the Daughter, perchance
to give to her some good and happy service.
29 Now on a certain day did the Azraella go unto the southernmost part of the
garden, beside the Amethyst Sea, and there did he fashion a strange and
wondrous oracle; and casting it upon the ground there sprung up immediately
from out of the earth, the trees of Shimaloo.
30 Which trees were made of finely shaped crystals which rose up some 100
feet above the ground, causing that whensoever the sun should shine upon
them even then would the crystals refract the light; making to appear before the
eye a canopy of rainbowed light which like leaves did dance and flutter in the
airs round about.
31 Seeing therefore the trees of Shimaloo, Mahaleenah did fairly swoon, and
there did she seduce the Azraella, to lay with him side by side; opening wide the
gates of her soul whereby she might receive into herself the joys of Peshkaleah.
32 Such was the creating of Mahaliel and the home wherein the Ahgendai did
live; and in the loving of the Azraella and his Mahaleenah were the very
Heavens made wide awake, to perceive through the Tael, the rising up of
something new and filled with mystery.
33 For in the beginning of the Ahgendai, when the Azraella was made to dwell
in the Abyss and there most nobly struggle against the Eidos and the Antipode,
even in those fearsome moments did the Tael tremble; revealing to all the Gods
that in the womb of endless night did there erupt a great battle between the evil
and the good.
34 Yet of this evil and of that good did the Gods most ill perceive, for such
knowledge was hidden deep in the mystery of The One and Areta together;
causing that the Gods of Heaven should possess no sure knowledge of the
Antipode or the Ahgendai.
35 But in that moment when goodness made love to goodness beneath the
trees of Shimaloo, when Mahaleenah did take to herself the passions of the
Azraella, even then did the Tael shimmer with excitement and holy lust;
revealing to all the Gods the presence of something new and wondrous strange.
36 Causing that throughout the seven glories of the Celestial Kingdom should
even all the Gods and Goddesses engage in deep and joyful speculation
regarding the meaning of all these things, meeting within their quorums to
share most eager thoughts.
38 And there was convened a great gathering of Gods and Goddesses, and
there presided among them the seven Ahmans of the heavenly hosts, each
according to their several councils: from the Council of El Jor El did there
preside both Kikuriel and Miriel;
39 From the Council of El Kolobree did there preside Shuliel and Xaniel; from
the Council of El Ramadee presided Dahmiel and Bithliel; from the Council of
Shem El Koreem presided Shoandiel and Doriel; from the Council of Elkashie
presided Pajmiel and Hashimiel; from the Council of Elolam presided Henliel
and Bashiel; and from the Council of Elohim presided Noeiel and Galendriel.
40 These then were the seven Ahmans which presided among all the Gods and
Goddesses which were most happily gathered to discuss among themselves the
mysteries which moved within the Tael; for the mystery within the Tael did they
call the Janmoleah.
41 Consider then what the Janmoleah should mean, for in the mysteries of
Janmoleah were all things, events, histories and persons recorded and firmly
held through the binding codes of Kadasarooyâ; which binding codes did move
the keys of the Zimagâyah in most subtle fashion.
42 Permitting that persons of one era should move through the veils of space
and time to touch the people of another era; and this only for their good; for in
the mysteries of Janmoleah did God reach back to ages past, to change the
distant future; and this through the wisdom of all the Gods together.
43 And so there gathered the Councils of the Seven Lights, both Gods and
Goddesses, being eager to know the mystery which lay unseen, but which all
could plainly feel; discerning through the Tael something fierce and dreadful,
and then again something filled with love and gentle passions.
44 Yet to this mystery was there added still another, for it was observed that
among the suns of Ashengaard was one seen missing; and where it went could
none discern through the wonders of the Tael.
45 Now as the Gods and Goddesses did gather and did most deeply ponder,
even so on Mahaliel did the Ahgendai, both Father and Daughter convene
together the heavenly hosts.
46 Thus did there gather round about the home of the Ahgendai the hosts of
the Oggaliaphim and the Seraphim, the Koshendai and the Kragenjin; and to
these were also added the Cherubim which gathered close around the Daughter.
47 And to the whole gathering did the Azraella speak, saying: “Hear, O mighty,
and be you most attentive; for soon there shall fall upon us the day of battle and
of war; when we as one, must hold at bay the darkness which the Nemesis of
God would impose upon us.
48 For even now does the Darkness stir midst great perplexities, being unable
himself to seize hold the Eidos; for in the stealing away of the dark oracle did
the Eidos return again to his former state, to prove himself as something
scattered, impermanent, vaporous and incorporeal.
49 And being unable to subdue his former master, even the Lord of Darkness
shall seek to seize my person whereby he might forge through threats and
violence an alliance between us, whereby he might storm the gates of Heaven to
destroy us altogether.
50 Yet in the womb of endless night, throughout the depths of the great Abyss
shall he prove unable to find me; and soon thereafter shall he come looking,
chasing through the veils of time the path which leads to here.
51 For I would not have you prove yourself unknowing, but would myself
forewarn you; for it is appointed by the God Beyond, that there come against
the heavenly abode a great and troubling storm.
52 Which storm shall shake with fury against the heavenly place, to threaten
the beauty and wonder of all our many glories; that in the very shaking of the
Heavens there might fall away the seeds of complacency, tedium and
53 Thus shall it fall to us to play the game of war and to master all its parts;
that by our deep and cunning efforts we might permit the Demiurge to win a
little, gain a little, to shake the whole of Heaven.
54 Causing that all who live therein might see anew, the beauty and wonder of
all their glory; which beauty and wonder might all be lost because of such
fierceness as Yaldabaoth might hurl against them.
55 Thus shall the fear of so great a loss cause the Gods to see afresh this
Heaven in which they dwell; causing that they should cherish still more deeply
the eternal and divine; becoming through the fear of loss more determined in
holding on to that which makes the Heavens shine.
56 Let us therefore master well our parts, for it is not given that any of us can
perish because of battle or of war; for we possess in ourselves the keys of
Zimagâyah; but of the Archons is it known already that they themselves can
57 For the Archons of God are made to master a fullness of twelve dimensions,
but to the Demiurge are there given some nineteen dimensions in which to
wage a bitter strife; but to Yaldabaoth alone is there given some twenty-three
dimensions in which he might establish well his power over the sum of all his
58 Therefore, let us guard well the Archons from destruction; for this truth to
you I speak, knowing already your strength in enduring so hard a truth: for it is
certain that some Archons shall perish, regardless of all our care.
60 Let then the Kragenjin go now unto the Abyss, and thereby await the
coming forth of Yaldabaoth; and when he is come forth, then send word to me
through the workings of the Tael; that we might prove forewarned against the
day of battle.
61 For I perceive that in going against the heavenly places, even Yaldabaoth
shall strike first against Olaha Shinehah, to shake it with his might; by this
means shall he announce the coming of that fierce and relentless power which
would break in pieces the kingdoms of the Light.
62 Causing that the very Gods should prove themselves astonished by so
dread an act; being themselves caught unawares by the fearsome hatred of
Yaldabaoth; creating in the heart of every God and Goddess a great perplexity
regarding the thing which they should do.
63 Arise now, O great and mighty, for now is the day of rejoicing passed
regarding the celebration of this new and glorious world; and the day of
preparation is come upon us.
64 Let us then set forth to labor, that in defending well Olaha Shinehah, even
then shall the presence and purpose of the Ahgendai be announced unto all the
Gods of Heaven.”
65 So spoke the Azraella, and immediately did there fly away the hosts of
Kragenjin, to go themselves into the Abyss and there await the fearsome birth
of Yaldabaoth when he should leap full force out of the womb of endless night.
66 But in the Councils of the Seven Lights did the Gods and Goddesses gather
up the beginnings of a great and subtle mystery; to lay side by side the
observations which they did see and feel; and among the Gods and Goddesses
was there seen a great excitement filled with speculation and happy wonder.
67 For these five things did all observe with the senses, or feel through the
Tael most certain: for it was seen already how that one of the suns of
Ashengaard no longer shined among its brethren, being itself taken away to
some unknown place where it might shine in a glory all its own.
68 And to this mystery was there added the vanishing away of some 300,000
of the Seraphim; and to this was there also known of the slipping away of
Murel-Sundii-Mahali, First and Only Sovereign of the Shulieye, and with her a
great many of the Cherubim.
69 These then did the Gods add to the things which moved most subtly
through the Tael like dark and fearsome shadows, or which moved soft upon
loving passions filled with tenderness and kind regard.
70 Yet among all the Gods did one alone scheme and plot some deep and
grand design, believing alone that if he should himself unravel the mystery for
all to see, then would all Gods and Goddesses show forth their admiration of
71 Believing among themselves that of all the Gods which lived in Heaven,
surely Shaemdiel was one most highly favored by the Gods which dwelled
72 And so did Shaemdiel go forth to seek, being himself driven and compelled
by a fierce and hidden pride, to prove himself greater than all the rest; being
himself consumed by an overzealous faith in the greatness of his own power
and worth.
Chapter 14
1 Now The One and the Azraella did go forth together secretly to the regions
which surrounded the worlds of Kolob, and around the great Chasm did they
place a dark and hidden barrier, being itself constructed out of the fifth fractal
of the fourth prime of the twenty-third dimension.
2 Which barrier would hold at bay Yaldabaoth, but which the Gods themselves
could most easily pass through, being themselves unaware of the barrier which
The One and the Azraella had placed around the worlds of the Celestial
4 And even though Yaldabaoth should prove strong enough to leap out of the
great Abyss, and even though he should prove fearsome enough to attack Olaha
Shinehah, still was Yaldabaoth not powerful enough to attack the Councils of
the Seven Lights, to fill them deep with fear.
7 Now in the Celestial Kingdom did the Councils of the Seven Lights
commission that the Ahmans of each council take such measures as would
reveal the meaning of the five mysteries, which mysteries had caused the Gods
and Goddesses to wonder and speculate within all their many quorums and
8 And each Ahman did go forth to solve a portion of the riddle, each portion of
the mystery having been assigned by a consensus of all Gods and Goddesses
together; and each Ahman did prove most eager in solving the portion assigned,
while still they sought to aid one another in the doing of so great a charge.
10 For Shaemdiel could see in himself no error, but against his Heavenly
Father and Heavenly Mother did he perceive a great many errors which did
trouble deeply the musings of his mind; seeing in their careful deliberations and
in their consideration of others a sign of weakness and trepidation.
11 Thus did the Chief Archon of the Elohim presume to act against his
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, believing all the while that he acted
only for their good; having made of himself a fault finder against all those he
thought less worthy than himself.
12 Yet did the Beloved of Shaemdiel, even Rutheniel, plead constantly with her
husband, hoping through kind words to persuade Shaemdiel from falling
deeper into pride; which pride gave birth in Shaemdiel to the constant
troublings of a dark and brooding ego which chafed and complained constantly
against such constraints as would compel him to act rightly and not amiss.
13 But beyond the highest glory, deep in the halls of wondrous lights brightly
shining did there gather solemnly The One and Areta together, and before them
stood the Azraella and his Mahaleenah; being themselves all together found
deep in subtle plannings concerning the coming of Yaldabaoth.
14 For it was certain that Yaldabaoth would come quick from out of the great
Abyss, and reaching out through the power of his soul, feel the shining lights of
Heaven’s glory; which like a beacon would draw him forth across the Deep until
at last he beheld the great Eternal Round called Olaha Shinehah.
16 For the citizens of the telestial realm possessed great technologies, being
proud of such accomplishments as were achieved through the knowing of many
sciences; having in their worlds great shining cities of glass and chromed steel;
being themselves starfarers which traded between all the distant worlds within
their galaxy.
17 But in the terrestrial realm were worlds made like the gardens of paradise,
having no cities of glass and steel, but having small, quaint villages and hamlets
whose citizens were made the masters of many spiritual arts; possessing among
themselves the greatest of craftsmen, gardeners, artists, poets, musicians,
mathematicians and theosophers.
18 Thus did The One discern through subtle knowing, that in the coming forth
of the Lord of Darkness from out of the great Abyss, even then would he turn
upon Olaha Shinehah to shake it with his might; beginning first his dread
designs by attacking the idyllic worlds of the Terrestrial Kingdom, for such
worlds did move along the outer corridors of the great Eternal Round.
19 And The One spoke to the Azraella, saying: “Consider, my son, how
Yaldabaoth shall attack first the realms of the terrestrial worlds, believing them
easier to overcome because of the simplicity of their glory;
20 Thinking that by acting cruelly against the good and honorable, even he
might cause all other worlds of Olaha Shinehah to surrender fearfully before his
fearsome rage, lest Yaldabaoth destroy them also.
21 How then shall you contend against Yaldabaoth in defending well the
second estate? For it is within the power of the Chief Demiurgos to shatter into
pieces such worlds as would contend against him for the sake of their own
22 What then shall you design for the defense of Olaha Shinehah? For by such
fearsome attacks as Yaldabaoth shall cast against the great Eternal Round shall
he announce his dreadful presence to all the Gods and Goddesses of Heaven.
23 And by your stern defense shall even all the Heavens, from the least to the
greatest be made aware of a new and fearsome God who would, through battle
prove a benefit to all the heavenly realms together; becoming themselves
awakened to the presence and purpose of the Azraella and his Daughter.
24 Speak then, my son, of such intentions as you have designed through the
working of your will. For even your Heavenly Parents are most anxious to hear
of such plans as you have devised already, when you must meet in battle the
Nemesis of all our glory; announcing through fearsome conflict the first war
within the lights of Heaven.”
25 Such did The One speak unto the Azraella, and taking deep and subtle
thought, the Azraella answered, saying: “True is it certain that Yaldabaoth shall
attack first the worlds of the terrestrial glory; for in all his planning am I made
most constantly aware through the speaking of the Kragenjin who are placed to
watch over the Lord of Chaos.
26 Yet of this would I remind you: for the intent of bringing forth Yaldabaoth
is to shake with violent fury, the kingdoms of the Light; causing through such
violent strivings that the Heavens be born anew and filled with happy vigor;
removing through most fearful conflict the seeds of future doom.
27 Thus is it needful that Yaldabaoth prove well his dark intent, causing all to
be awakened by a harsh and sudden shock; seeing with their own eyes the peril
which has sprung upon them from out of the darkest Deep; becoming
themselves most fully startled by the fury and dread intent of this Nemesis
which you brought forth.
28 For this cause shall I, at first, withhold my hand from defense of Olaha
Shinehah; permitting that all the Heavens should see and feel for themselves
the darksome rage which would swallow up the innocent in the depths of cold
31 Yet in this would I assure you, that such worlds as Yaldabaoth might deem
to shatter beneath the fierceness of his wrath, even on those worlds shall I cause
to be rescued even all living things, being themselves the children of God or the
beasts and birds and fishes; even all living things shall I envelop instantly
within the powers of the twenty-fourth dimension.
32 And to the moons of Mahaliel shall they find refuge, where they might
safely dwell far beyond the reach of doom; and to such citizens of the terrestrial
worlds as I shall rescue will I give a good and pleasing choice; permitting that
they might dwell forever upon the moons of Mahaliel, becoming themselves as
ministering angels forever after.
33 Or to return again to the realms of the terrestrial glory where they might
continue as before upon a world far distant from the ravishings of the dark and
dreadful Nemesis, to continue themselves in such glory as they are made
34 And to those who choose to be as ministering angels, even these shall work
side by side with the Cherubim in watching over the children of the Ahgendai,
in that far and distant age when there should come forth the generations of our
35 But consider this also, for even though Yaldabaoth prove strong enough to
shatter these few worlds of the Terrestrial Kingdom, still shall the vastness of
Olaha Shinehah prove too great; for in the great Eternal Round does there move
a great many billions of galaxies filled with bright and shining glory.
36 Yet shall Yaldabaoth begin with vigor to shatter the worlds before him
causing in Heaven a deep and gasping shock; and seeing myself how the
citizens of Heaven respond to so dark and dread a sight, even then will I leap
suddenly forth to defend and repel the Nemesis.
37 Thus shall the opening of the first war of Heaven be conducted, and even
though I repel the Lord of Chaos, still will he prove relentless; and espying in
the far distance the kingdoms of celestial glory, and seeing how few worlds do
exist therein, even then shall he be emboldened and rush forth with bitter zeal.
38 Thus in all my planning and design have I proved diligent and most logical
in discerning well the projected course of all coming events; perceiving through
most subtle things the path which all might take; giving place in every
circumstance a course which I might follow, permitting that I should win the
39 Yet despite all these things, regardless of care and deep perceiving, still is it
certain that nothing is made most certain; for even Yaldabaoth shall prove
himself as one most capable, bearing in his many efforts a design all his own, to
match his mind against my own.
40 Matching always through constant struggles his will and dreadful purpose,
striving with relentless effort to prove himself the greater; ever seeking and
devising some new and dark design which would undo the whole of all my
42 Be it therefore known among us, that there exists in all things that moment
when chaos will intrude, attempting through random happenstance to change
the course of our direction; to distort with confusion such things as once were
plainly clear.
43 Causing that we must ever adapt and improvise and overcome such
happenstances as will intrude upon the course of our designs; lest we be
overwhelmed by such constant changing parameters as will but swirl around
us; to leave us far removed from such goals we desire the most to have.
44 This truth do the wise foreknow, and in the knowing do stand resolved to
meet most bravely; facing calmly such random events as might overwhelm
those of lesser purpose, proving ourselves still most determined in running the
course before us, and win the brighter day.
46 For this do we as Gods abhor, that we should feel as those made weak and
deeply fearful; embracing to our soul the rule of force and unrighteous
dominion in the seeking of our true design; for only the fearful and ungodly will
this most strive to do.
47 Seeing therefore that Yaldabaoth should possess a will of his own, bearing
upon its fearsome tide the purposes, designs, intents and goals of so fearsome a
master; which will shall clash against my own midst move and countermove;
48 Causing that there should weigh most subtly against the whole of my
design the unexpected happenstance: How then shall I set right the course I
deign to have, whereby I might prove at last victorious; avoiding with watchful
diligence the dark rule of unrighteous dominion?
49 This then have I weighed in the hand and in my soul have well determined,
for in watching well the Gods of Heaven have I observed their own behavior;
how that in the working of their will they use most subtly the smallest of means,
avoiding through the smallest of measures the hurt of unrighteous dominion.
51 For those who are wise do know most certain, that in using that which
appears as something small and insignificant today, if given time, will on the
morrow prove the hinge upon which greater events are turned; to cast the
shadows into light, changing defeat into victory.
52 Thus great Father and most Holy Mother am I near prepared to fulfill the
purpose of my life; to battle hard against Yaldabaoth when meeting face to face;
to match him move for move and cunning for cunning in defending well this
Heaven which we love.
53 For now would I return to Mahaliel and by your good and gracious leave
engage in final preparation; to make full ready both Father and Daughter when
facing down the Nemesis; to be ourselves most eager and well content to wait
the coming storm.”
54 Such did the Azraella speak to Parents good and wise, and there spoke to
the Lord of Ahgendai, the Mother above all others, even Areta, saying: “Go then
now, most noble heart, and prove yourself most ready; for we as Parents shall
ever stand behind you with words of hope and strength and courage.
55 Go you forth and guard you well this Heaven which we love and by your
fierce and cunning skills defend the hosts of Heaven; to set at naught the dark
designs of Yaldabaoth, even as you would set in motion the design of your
Father and Mother.
56 Be you then the bright fulfillment of our darker dreams, that from this
struggle between good and evil, life and death, might rise still some brightly
shining day when even all the Heavens would be reborn and made like new
57 And so speaking, the Azraella and his Mahaleenah did go themselves most
quick away; returning to the mountains of Sileah, beside the Amethyst Sea; and
there in the shadow of Mount Negurah did the Azraella build a forge, and taking
from his soul an oracle of power he did cast it into the fires and with mighty
strength did blend the oracle with the strength of purest diamond.
59 And taking from his soul another oracle of power, the Azraella fashioned in
the fires of Negurah, a shield and helmet, with bucklers and greaves, all in all
fused with brightly shining silver trimmed with gold.
60 And there was engraved upon the shield the oracle called: Shondii, which
in the language of God shall always mean the light which in the darkness
shines; for this oracle did the Azraella fashion to signify himself when in the
darkness of the great Abyss he withstood with great resolve the fearsome might
of the Eidos and the Antipode together.
61 And again the Azraella reached a third time into his soul, and from his
heart he brought forth another oracle; and he fashioned from out of the fires of
Negurah a breastplate of exquisite beauty, and upon the center of the
breastplate did he engrave the likeness of the Shondii, and when he was
complete, he called unto his Daughter.
62 And when she was come before the Father, the Azraella did place into her
right hand the sword most keenly made, and in her left did he place the shield;
and also did he place upon the Daughter the helmet, the breastplate, the
bucklers and the greaves.
63 Then did the Father smile, for the Mahaleenah was made like unto a most
beautiful yet frightful warrior; and giving forth a quick command there
gathered round about the Daughter some 300,000 of the Seraphim, and to
these were added in attendance some 700,000 of the Cherubim.
64 And the Azraella spoke unto the mighty host, saying: “Attend you now with
all diligence the commands of this my Daughter. And as you would give
obeisance unto me, even so give forth a quick obeisance unto her.
65 For it is appointed that she should stand beside me in the battles yet to
come; to guard most fearsome well the Celestial Kingdom from the incursion of
the Lord of Chaos, when soon he would leap forth to wage a bitter war.”
66 Thus spoke the Father, and turning to Mahaleenah, he spoke quietly into
her hearing, saying: “Now is the time when we must serve our purpose; to make
the Heavens new and filled with constant vigor; know therefore that I alone
shall meet Yaldabaoth, to fight in fearsome struggles, while to you it is
appointed to keep a watchful stance.
67 Behold now the legions which stand behind you, being eager themselves to
fierce engage the darksome tide; ever hopeful that by their good and timely
fight, they might please this Daughter which I delight to have.
68 Be you therefore most firm resolved, showing in both speech and manner,
a calm demeanor filled with confidence; for this alone is the fire which would
strengthen well the hearts of those who would follow you in battle, giving to you
a good and constant effort filled with fearsome striving.
70 Look you then with steady heart and see my fierce resolve, for such
strength as you see in me lies also in your soul; to be for you that steady rock
which would prove for you a refuge, permitting that there should rise up before
your eyes the surest path to victory.
71 Know therefore that if you would lead, to prove yourself a general, then
must you follow well such commands as I would give; for now must you set
aside your former self and assume a regal form, causing that there should grow
in others a confidence filled with hope.
72 Come now and let us here away, for the day of darkness gathers round and
we must quickly go, lest Yaldabaoth catch us unawares and drown our hopes in
73 So spoke the Father, and quickly did there fly away a host of mighty angels,
to be themselves positioned within the hidden veil, causing that the Lord of
Darkness should prove unable to see the army of Light which stood arrayed
against him.
Chapter 15
27 Thus did Yaldabaoth ponder the greatness of Olaha Shinehah, and looking
beyond the joyful realms and across the Chasm of the Deep, he saw the suns of
Kolob brightly shining like a jewel in the midst of a starry crown.
29 “Now shall I announce to God my great revenge, and with most hurtful
powers cause the Heavens to tremble before me; drawing out from all his glory
this God which hurt me so.
30 Slow at first shall I build their terror, to taint the great etherium with my
fierce and dread intent; causing the Heavens to fill with dread and deep
foreboding; and in a moment of great disquiet shall I attack and bring to ruin
the kingdoms of the Light.
31 Then shall the God Beyond grow deep alarmed, and shall come himself to
battle; permitting that I should wreak on him my deep and bitter rage; to cast
on him some hurtful wound which would make the Heavens tremble.”
32 So spoke Yaldabaoth, and there immediately began to fly out of the Father
of Chaos, a fierce and flashing light, like sheets of lightning crimson red which
shook with violence the dimensions of the lesser kingdom.
33 And upon the worlds which moved nearby there was heard a deep and
rumbling sound, and there billowed up around a certain sun of a terrestrial
world, a darkly glowing cloud of rage, filled with fire and doom.
34 To cast the world in glooming shadows which caused the children of God to
wonder, to fill them with deep astonishment; and the shadows deepened and
darkness covered the whole world together; and fear took hold the hearts of
35 But in the kingdoms of celestial light did the Gods and Goddesses also feel
the rising up of doom and chaos together fashioned; causing that there should
swiftly fly from out of the exalted realms, one thousand of the Seraphim.
36 Thus did there come from out of each house of the Seraphim some two
hundred and fifty of the fierce and mighty, flying forth in a hurried rush unto
Olaha Shinehah, to see perchance what they might do against the Darkness
which gathered fiercely round midst the kingdoms of terrestrial glory.
37 And there watched from afar even all the Gods and Goddesses of celestial
light, being themselves filled with hope and great resolve; standing eager within
the Tael to see how well the Seraphim might fare when confronting the
Darkness which had come forth to trouble the children of God.
38 But Yaldabaoth, in seeing the onward rush of the Seraphim, took great
delight, having himself never seen the likeness of so strange a creature; yet
being himself fully resolved in destroying the heavenly host which came against
him, to swallow them up in darkness and savage hurt.
39 Onward rushed the noble thousand, forward came the Seraphic host, each
resolved to stand against that power which would swallow up the sun, to cast
the worlds of terrestrial glory into dark and frightful shadows.
40 And seeing before them, in the distance, that Darkness which would
devour the sun midst awful flashing and rumbling doom, the Seraphim did call
forth the keys of the ninth dimension whereby the gathering gloom of darkness
might be cast back from whence it came.
41 But there rose up against the Seraphim, a dimension which they knew not
of; and as a wall of hurt it did strike against them with great and savage force;
hurling them back into the depths of the great Chasm which separated Olaha
Shinehah from the Celestial Kingdom.
42 Thus did the Seraphim find themselves repelled by a force and a power far
greater than themselves, and of the Seraphim were one third found greatly
wounded; for their wings were shattered and filled with pain, causing that those
which were still able should assemble once again and go against the darksome
43 Rushed again the mighty Seraphim, charging with a great resolve; drawing
forth the keys of power to strike against that frightful Doom which had invaded
the realms of God; being themselves most eager to save the children of God
from that unknown force which stood arrayed against them.
44 Yet to himself did Yaldabaoth laugh with inward glee, to see his power
matched against the Seraphic host which flew most swift against him; and
seeing that the Seraphim would charge upon him once again, he lashed out with
sudden quickness, and the Seraphim which came against him were cast even
further back into the Chasm than before.
45 And of the one thousand Seraphim which came at first against the
Darkness, there were but only two hundred which stood uninjured still;
becoming themselves filled with astonishment and perplexity; for never before
in the history of the Gods had so great a power been fiercely met, to become
themselves as those made vanquished before that dark and frightful mystery
which would invade the realms of Heaven.
46 Yet a third time did those which stood uninjured of the Seraphim rush
again upon Yaldabaoth, gathering up the sum of all their powers reaching deep
into the Tael to draw upon all the Seraphim together; becoming themselves
most fierce resolved to defend the realms of Heaven.
47 But Yaldabaoth drew forth the greatness of all his rage, his hate grew
tightly focused; and seeing that the Seraphim had near rushed upon him, being
themselves most fiercely resolved, he struck hard against them a great and
staggering blow.
48 And the Seraphim did break and shatter like broken shards of glass, and in
a sudden instant did the Seraphim slip away into oblivion to be seen no more
forever among the Councils of the Seven Lights.
49 Thus did there return to the Celestial Kingdom only eight hundred of the
Seraphic host, being themselves broken and deeply wounded; and all the
Heavens did gasp in deep astonishment, becoming themselves most greatly
perplexed by the awful things which they had seen when looking through the
50 But in the realms of terrestrial glory did Yaldabaoth hold a firm and fearful
sway; taking hostage such worlds as did revolve around the sun, and there
began to emanate from out of Yaldabaoth a deep and rumbling boom filled with
hissing; reaching out in darksome waves to challenge all the Heavens, causing
that God himself should come.
51 Yet within the deepest dimension did the Azraella watch most carefully, to
keep on Yaldabaoth a deep and fearsome watch; having commanded already
that Mahaleenah slip through most hidden veils to secure the inhabitants of
such terrestrial worlds as the Lord of Darkness would take hostage.
52 But in the celestial worlds of Kolob did all the Lords and Gods gather each
according to their quorum, each according to their council; being in all their
powers, dominions and principalities filled with great concern and ever
53 For throughout the great eternities had never any of the Seraphim been
defeated and made most broken; neither had there fallen into oblivion any of
the godly realm; and throughout all the Houses of Gods and Goddesses did
there grow a stunned and silent shock.
54 Yet in the midst of the Seven Councils, before the eyes of all who gathered
did there grow a bright and sudden light, and from the light did there speak still
a greater Light; and all the Gods and Goddesses grew calm and firm relieved,
for there came before them both Areta and The One.
55 And the voice of the Supreme Mother spoke, saying: “Behold!” And all
which gathered beheld in Olaha Shinehah the stopping of eternal time; stopped
and still stood dark Yaldabaoth, frozen in place midst all his gloom; to stand in
place as though a statue, unable to move or harm.
56 Stopped and frozen Olaha Shinehah, its myriad worlds made still and
silent; to stand unmoved and never turning throughout the great Eternal
Round; freed of peril for but the moment, while the Gods themselves
considered the course of what to do.
57 Seeing then these things, all who gathered among the Gods were filled with
deep astonishment; for never had the great Eternal Round been made to stop
its constant moving; never before was eternal time held still and firmly frozen.
58 And The One spoke from out of the Light, saying: “Hear, my children and
do not fear, for you know already how there is gathered against our glory, a
dark and fearsome presence which even now stands poised to strike against the
Light; to throw down into ruin and ashes this Heaven which we love.
59 For this I tell you for your learning, that there has come against us a fierce
and dreadful Nemesis which would destroy this happy realm; being in itself a
pure and hurtful evil which did but follow me from the beginning of my birth.
60 Growing stronger through the aeons, growing fiercer and filled with hate,
hidden deep in darksome shadows, ever growing in its powers within the great
Abyss, waiting for that certain moment when he might bring me down.
61 Behold then the great evil which hid most secretly until that time when he
should prove strong enough to attack the very Gods; for yonder stands that
darksome power which is himself relentless and indomitable, being himself
unyielding and without mercy.
62 For this I tell you that you might know: For while these Heavens
progressed in joy and light and sweet fulfillment, yonder did the Darkness grow
in hate and bitter loathing; seething and boiling with hurtful dreams which fed
his dark designs.
63 Know then, my noble children, that there has intruded upon these Heavens
a cruel and spiteful evil, and even now has war been forced upon us; and except
we take swift measures, we shall prove ourselves most vulnerable.
64 Thus is it needful that I should fashion a Keep which will make safe the
children that we love, from the greatest to the least; even all the children of
Heaven, from the Celestial Kingdom to the Telestial Kingdom shall we place
within the Keep to be for them a refuge; for the innocent must we protect from
that dark and evil scourge which even now stands upon our very doorstep.
65 While you this Heaven must maintain, to guard it from destruction; for it is
certain that even the Gods would prove unable to withstand by force this Evil
which is come upon us; being yourselves holy and filled with peace and joyful
heart, being incapable of rage or fearsome indignation.
66 For even I did know beforehand that this Evil would rise against us, to
wreak a dark destruction; compelling that I should bring forth a good but dark
deliverer; thus did my Beloved join with me to fashion a dreadful Savior which
even now would announce himself through fearful battle.
67 Go then and let us hurry; go you forth and not delay, for it is needful that
you gather up even all the children and to the Keep which I will forge and deep
construct, even thereto shall you bring them; for it shall prove itself an
impregnable refuge for those made young and innocent.
68 And when you are complete in gathering out the innocent, then must you
prepare yourselves against the day of battle, for in these Heavens where love
and beauty are made as one, even here shall Evil come forth to battle; and to
you is it given to uphold what soon shall be shaken, and to repair and make as
new the things which shall be broken.
69 Gaze you now on yonder worlds and see the hurtful foe; now go you forth,
do not delay, and gather out the innocent, for soon there shall be announced
through fearsome battle, a dark yet goodly Savior who shall save the realms of
70 And immediately did every God and Goddess rise up as one and the whole
Celestial Kingdom joined in gathering out the innocent from all the kingdoms
of Heaven; and taking them to the place appointed, they found The One and
Areta together, fashioning a deep and awesome Keep which would prove a
refuge against the day of battle.
71 And at the gates thereof did Areta place in charge, the cherub called Loriel
of Avion, being herself the First and Sovereign Queen of the Pensieye; and
within the Keep did all the children of Heaven go, from the greatest to the least,
even all found refuge.
72 Yet within the Keep did The One place also even all the cherubs of the
Shulieye, for in the beginning did God make a covenant whereby the Shulieye
might watch over all the children of God, to be for each a guardian and a
73 And into the Keep could none gain entrance except the Gods and
Goddesses themselves, for the doors of the Keep could none open save those
who had a parent’s love; for the key which alone could open wide the hidden
door was found only in a Father’s or a Mother’s love for a child.
74 Thus did there stand at the very doors, the Cherubim of the Pensieye, while
inward watched the Cherubim of the Shulieye, proving themselves both eager
and anxious to carry well their charge.
75 And so there stood before the very doors, Loriel and twelve thousand of the
Pensieye, holding in their hands the oracles of the Kai whereby they might repel
such evils as would seek to harm the innocent.
76 But over all these things, being themselves most deeply hidden within the
veils of the great dimensions stood the Seraphim of the Ahgendai; being
themselves fierce and mighty, holding in their hand the sword of war.
77 And in all the Heavens did every God and every Goddess turn themselves to
watch, gazing upon that frozen time where Yaldabaoth stood like stone,
unmoving and deeply frozen.
78 Then did the voice of Areta speak, saying: “Behold!” and in an instant did
the great Eternal Round continue in its moving; and eternal time flowed gently
on, and in the realms of terrestrial glory did Yaldabaoth move with a sudden
start, seething and boiling with hurtful rage.
79 While in a place made deep and hidden, the Azraella waited; standing calm
within the storm, waiting for that certain moment when the inhabitants of
those terrestrial worlds which Yaldabaoth held hostage, should be themselves
rescued and safely placed upon the moons of Mahaliel.
Chapter 16
1 Thus did The One and Areta fashion the very Keep, to make therein a place
of refuge for the young and innocent; to preserve them from such harm as
Yaldabaoth would fling upon them; for the Keep was appointed to be that place
where danger dare not intrude, to keep most safe the beauty and joy, the life
and wisdom of all the Heavens together.
2 But among all the Gods and Goddesses was there one who proved most
discontent and inward agitated, being himself most reluctant in placing the
children of his lineage within the very Keep; being in his private heart most
chafed and irritated in yielding up his children into the care of The One and
Areta together.
3 For inwardly did Shaemdiel seethe with injured pride, believing the Gods
sufficient in strength and power to withstand the enemy which had gathered at
the gates of Heaven; believing in his secret heart that in placing the innocent
within the Keep did all the Gods proclaim their weakness and their fear.
4 Thus was it needful that Rutheniel go forth alone to gather from the
Heavens the children which she loved; for Shaemdiel would not, being himself
lost in wounded pride, to sit himself alone in the gardens of Salem.
5 And when all the children were made secure, then did the Gods most quick
return, to see what next they might do in defending well the holy places; and
there gathered between the temple of the Archons and the temple of Valhaladea
even all the Elohim, save one.
6 For Shaemdiel would not attend, being himself wounded by inward pride, to
become himself a victim of the Nemesis which sought to cast into ruin and
shadow, the kingdoms of the Light.
7 Now the Elohim in solemn assembly did appoint that Ahman should go
forth unto Olaha Shinehah, and there observe the coming forth of that Dread
Savior which was born of The One and Areta; and with the Ahman of Elohim
went the Ahmans of all the other Councils of the Seven Lights.
8 And in the sending forth of his Father did Shaemdiel not attend, being
himself restrained by pride; and there came into the garden to stand before
him, Rutheniel his own Beloved, and with her stood Michael and his wife Sher-
9 And Rutheniel spoke unto Shaemdiel, saying: “Tell me Beloved: Why have
you separated yourself from us? Why have you withheld your hand from mine
in the gathering of our lineage, to make safe the innocent which are come from
10 Speak, my Love, and I will hear; to bear in my soul such troubles as do arise
within you because of this evil which stands even at our doors; for together
shall we prove greater than such perplexities as do afflict your heart and mind.”
11 But Shaemdiel in the hearing of these things was filled with great disdain.
And he spoke, saying: “Do you think I fear this scourge which stands upon our
very steps? Do you think that I am troubled because the Seraphim were made
defeated before this Nemesis which taunts and challenges the very Gods of
12 The Gods forbid that I should feel these things! For it is not fear which
disturbs my soul, but rather anger and insult; these are the things which
becloud the heart and mind, to fill me up with hurt and indignation.
13 Who is this creature, this vile and pestilent Darkness which would
challenge the very Heavens, as though the Gods should prove themselves as
weak and ineffectual? Why should we be made to scurry about and hide our
children as though we were afraid and filled with tremblings?
14 For this I tell you with utmost certainty, that in hiding away our children do
we proclaim aloud our fear; and it is this fear which would inspire the Darkness
to intrude even further into our realms to cast us into ruin.
15 By such means are we made to appear as cowards who do but shrink and
hide away; to surrender in fear before the clash of any battle or fearsome
contest be seen or heard; throwing away as irksome dross, the dignity and
integrity of all our sacred honor.
17 No! This I will not do; it must not be allowed. Am I not the Chief Archon of
the House of Archons? Did I not bring to the regions of Kolob the very stars of
Ashengaard while yet the Gods rambled on in calm and careful debate?
18 Let us test for ourselves the power of that yonder Darkness which scattered
so easily the very Seraphim; let us match it might for might. And if it prove
itself an equal, then shall there be time enough to reason, both the Darkness
and the Light.”
19 Such did Shaemdiel speak, breathing out his words midst wrath and
indignation. But Michael spoke gently to his brother, saying: “My good and
noble brother, be it known in your truer heart that precaution is not cowardice,
but wisdom instead.
20 For if these Heavens be soon attacked, then does wisdom demand that we
remove the innocent from harm or fearful injury; to secure the young and
helpless within the Keep for safety’s sake, and this according to the wisdom of
the Gods who dwell beyond.
21 Know then that obedience to God is not weakness but strength, not
mindless but mindful; nor is it the surrendering of our integrity, but rather the
showing forth of all our respect, reverence and trust in those Gods who first
gave rise to us and all these happy realms.
22 Thus by obedience to the Gods Beyond do we reveal the worth of such faith
as in us dwells; for we do not obey God because we fear, but because we love,
and in the loving are peace and joy made to live and breathe and stir about, to
fill the Heavens with light.
23 Why then will you perceive our faith in the Gods Beyond as weakness? Why
will you perceive our precaution in protecting the innocent as fear? For in none
of the Lords and Gods of Heaven is there found such fear and weakness as you
proclaim to see.
24 Being themselves always faithful and fully trusting in such Gods as do but
dwell above them, each according to their order, each according to their glory;
for this truth above all is true and most revealing: For only those who believe
obey, and only those who obey truly believe.
26 Causing that the Gods should prove themselves most eager in faith and
fully trusting in seeking the will of the Gods Beyond; to see in The One and
Areta together the only true star which would lead them on to even greater
glories than they themselves can dream.
27 Proving through their faith, the goodness of their works, even as their
works do prove the soundness of their faith; to establish in Heaven the holy and
the sacred, to be themselves as Lords and Gods most calm and gentle in
28 Which holy disposition is made manifest by peace and joy and gracious
kindness towards all who live in Heaven, from the least to the very greatest, to
fill the realms of Heaven with a goodness made rich in joy and hope together.
29 This then is the true glory of the Lords and Gods of Heaven, which glory is
not defined by power, dominion or might; but rather by such holiness as the
Gods themselves possess; being themselves unafraid of the Darkness which
waits out yonder.
30 Why then will you think the Gods as cowards who do but peep and hide?
Did not our Father, even Ahman, go forth to see for himself the doings of the
Demiurge? Do those who fear rush forth to stand before the Nemesis, to place
themselves in the way of peril whereby they might give a faithful witness?
31 What pride would compel you to think yourself wiser and more knowing
than all the Gods together? What cause would justify that you should comport
yourself as one made insolent and arrogant, to treat your brethren with such
disdain and disrespect?
32 Do not, I pray, separate yourself from us, but stand with us as one; and
together shall we most faithful watch the coming of that Savior who shall cast
from Heaven the Darkness which would bring to ruin the happiness of our
33 For if we stand divided, if you should separate yourself from us, to think
yourself wiser; then shall the Darkness be given already half a victory, seeing
that by his presence he should cause the very Gods to break apart, to be no
more as one.
34 Consider therefore the disposition of your heart and mind, lest by your
criticism you cast a shadow upon this happy realm; to become itself in time a
darkness which would prove an aid to the Nemesis which lies beyond.
35 Thus has your overzealousness given birth in you, a pridefulness which you
cannot see; which very pridefulness has made your heart intolerant of those
who do not see as you see, or who do not think as you think, or who should by
any means show a variance of opinion; to become yourself inflexible and rigid
within both heart and mind – filled with condemnation.
37 And together shall we most calmly wait the deliverance of the Gods
Beyond, when there should leap forth upon the scene this dread yet goodly
Savior who would contend against the Nemesis for all our sake; to earn for
himself and all his kind hereafter, a deep and holy gratitude, filled with true
38 Such did Michael speak unto his brother; and in the hearing did Shaemdiel
appear to all to reconsider, to let go from his heart the hurt and anger which did
afflict him because of pride and overzealousness.
39 And though he seemed most humbled and eager to join as one again with
all his brethren, still did Shaemdiel harbor most secretly the criticisms which he
felt; to hide within his mind his deep desire to prove himself far greater than all
the Gods of Elohim;
41 Thus did it appear that the breech within the Elohim was healed, and that
all the Heavens stood as one united against the powers of Yaldabaoth, who
stood himself upon the very threshold of Olaha Shinehah; gathering into his
fearsome sway the fullness of his powers.
42 And like a dark and gathering storm, like a swirling, seething, rumbling
maelstrom which flashed and roared with deepening rage, Yaldabaoth struck
fiercely against the nearest sun within the realms of terrestrial glory.
1 And being himself filled with rage and hurtful spite, Yaldabaoth struck hard
against the Light; causing that the Azraella should stagger beneath so fierce a
blow, sending throughout the height and breadth and depth of all the many
Heavens a deep and frightful shudder.
2 And the portals of Heaven did quake and tremble before the struggle of
Good and Evil, Light and Darkness; and there rushed forth from among the
seven Ahmans, Dahmiel of Komah Seedrah, being himself the Ahman of all the
realms of El Ramadee.
3 Being himself therefore fearful for the sake of Azraella, he leaped forth
boldly most gravely stern, casting himself straightway in a mighty rush into the
face of Yaldabaoth; and in an instant did he perish midst flashing flames and
bursting shards, which like glass did shatter into splinters of broken light.
4 Then did there erupt from out of all the Heavens a deep and wailing cry, for
even all the Gods did shake with a sudden start; for at no time had any of the
Archons been made to perish before the throne of God, to become themselves
no more forever.
5 And the Azraella, seeing so great a dreadful thing, gathered up the fullness
of all his powers, to focus into one the sum of all dimensions, primes and
fractals, and as a bolt of mighty lightning he flashed across the troubling tide, to
strike against the Lord of Chaos.
6 Staggering beneath the fearsome blow,
Yaldabaoth felt the sting;
awful pains which fiercely stung,
filled his very being.
35 Then came the several Ahmans to see for themselves more closely still this
Savior which withstood so well the machinations of Yaldabaoth, to cast him far
beyond the very Heavens which he strived so hard to darken.
36 And there flowed from out of the Ahmans a kind and warm regard, to lay
before the Azraella an invitation that he might return with them to the Council
of the Seven Lights whereby the Azraella might be honored midst deep and
solemn thanksgiving.
37 And in the hearing did the Azraella prove most humble, and calling forth to
Mahaleenah, there came to stand before the Ahmans, the very Daughter of the
Ahgendai, being herself dressed for war; and in the seeing did every Ahman
prove most gracious, to kiss her soft upon the cheek.
38 But behind the gracious greetings, behind the kindest heart, six Ahmans
bowed in sorrow; being themselves most deep within touched by heartache at
the loss of Dahmiel and all those terrestrial worlds which the Darkness so quick
39 Thus did there gather as one, all the Ahmans together with the Ahgendai,
both the Father and the Daughter; and leaping forth across the Chasm they
came into the realms of the Celestial Kingdom of God.
40 And there was gathered in solemn array even all the Lords and Gods of
Heaven save one, for Shaemdiel would not go; being himself most deep
disturbed by the loss of Dahmiel of Komah Seedrah, the Ahman of El Ramadee.
41 And so there gathered all the varied hosts of the Celestial Kingdom to stand
before the Azraella and his Daughter; being themselves filled with gratitude
that the Heavens were most timely saved; but in their heart was there found the
shock of deepest sorrow.
42 For the Heavens had suffered greatly at the loss of one most dear, to harbor
in their private hearts the tears of godly grief; extending through the Tael a holy
consolation unto Bithliel who stood herself most well composed, being herself
most gracious and filled with humble dignity.
43 But in the seeing of Bithliel did Mahaleenah step forth, and approaching
close to her, Bithliel did most gently yield, to place before the noble Daughter
the grief of all her heart; and before the gathered assembly did Mahaleenah
softly comfort, to lift the heavy burden.
44 Placing in the wounded heart the seed of godly hope, causing that Bithliel
should see once more, in a future yet to come, a Beloved of her own again who
would most sweetly love, to stand beside her always, forever and anon.
45 And before the gathered hosts of Heaven did the Azraella give command,
and behold there appeared within the Chasm a single brilliant star, to shine in
grave remembrance of the God who gave his life for the sake of Azraella.
46 Seeing then so bright a star within the void beyond, even all the Gods did
gaze in wonder at the shimmering, shining brightness; hearing deep throughout
the Tael the voice of Azraella, saying: “Behold now the star of Dahmiel, who
gave his life for me.”
47 How deeply moved those noble hearts to see so bright a star shining there
within the void, to stand forever as testimony of one who sacrificed even his
own life for the sake of many others, to give to Azraella his chance against the
48 Thus were the Lords and Gods most grateful gathered, to see for
themselves the Ahgendai who did defend the great Eternal Round, to capture
whole Yaldabaoth to cast him far away, scattering across the starry deep his
dark and fearsome powers.
49 And throughout the Seven Councils did the Ahgendai move with ease,
being accepted by all the Lords and Gods of Heaven as those most closely
bound to The One and Areta together; being seen by the Gods and Goddesses of
celestial glory as beings of some bright and glorious nature far different from
their own.
51 But in the starry deep, while the Gods of Heaven gathered in honoring the
Ahgendai, even in that moment did the Darkness stir and gather; to make as
one again the powers of Yaldabaoth; winnowing from out of deepest space the
elements of all his dreadful essence.
52 And remembering well his great intent, Yaldabaoth took deep thought,
forcing and shaping with inward hate; designing and drawing from all his
knowing; and in one flashing, sudden moment there leaped from out of the
midst of Yaldabaoth, the shadow of himself, being the first of his kind.
53 But in the very moment, at the instant of his birth, the seedling child did
behold his very father; and with a dreadful hiss, he did leap at him with violent
fury, lunging straight into the face of Yaldabaoth, reaching out with puny might
to subdue the thing before him.
54 How greatly roared Yaldabaoth at the insolence and effrontery of the child;
and like a flash of dreadful lightning he struck against the seedling child, to slap
him hard across the face; to bind him down in fear and pain.
55 Thus did the dreadful father subdue the dreadful son, to force upon him a
grudging obedience to the Chief Demiurgos; and Yaldabaoth named the
seedling child: Jehovah- Yahweh, which in the language of the Demiurge
means: Great Pretender and Blasphemer.
56 And the dreadful father spoke to the dreadful son, saying: “I am your
Father, Yaldabaoth is my name. Father of Chaos, Lord of Darkness am I, even
the Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed. For I alone am the Self-Created
One, for by my own power did I draw myself out from the Abyss.
59 For behold, even I am made your Lord and Master, being myself endless
and forever; most dreadful evil have I become, even he who challenged alone
the might of Heaven, to cast them into tears.
60 For I alone have killed a God, being myself the slayer of Dahmiel, the
Ahman of El Ramadee; fear me therefore, let now your heart feel dread, for
from my own soul have I drawn you forth that you might give service unto me.
61 Such then as I would teach you, even this most quickly learn, for from my
depths shall I nurture you, to feed you well on hate and bitter wrath; causing
that my enemies shall be your enemies, and my designs your designs.
62 Give therefore a quick obedience, and of my powers take care; for you have
I brought forth to command some future legion, to do as I shall bid; becoming
yourself through quick compliance a power all your own, to stand as second
unto me.
63 Take care therefore the things you do, or in your mind conceive; for if you
should think to stand against me, to wrest from me my power and dominion,
even in that very moment shall I rise most fierce against you; to crush you with
most dreadful pains; causing that you, yourself, should plead for dark oblivion.
64 Serve me therefore, and as you shall mature, even I shall add to you even
greater and greater power, till you should stand supreme above all your future
siblings; to stand yourself before many legions as second in command,
becoming through quick obedience my first and favorite son.
65 What say you then? Be quick and give me answer. Will you serve me
blindly, to do as I command?” And quickly did Jehovah-Yahweh answer,
saying: “Father, I serve.”
66 Now when Yaldabaoth heard this, he roared a mighty roar, causing that the
very stars which stood nearby should tremble and greatly shake; and in the
hearing did Jehovah-Yahweh deeply fear, to become himself as weak and pale
before his fearsome father.
67 And Yaldabaoth, being satisfied that his son would quick obey him, he
commanded that the son should wait for his return; and quickly did Yaldabaoth
fly himself away, to return most secretly unto the realms of Heaven, being
himself well hidden in such dimensions as he commanded.
68 And gazing upon Olaha Shinehah, the Darkness spoke saying: “I will
destroy what I have not created; I will make as darkness the light which comes
from another; to fill it full of ruin and broken rubble, a place of woe and bitter
69 And Yaldabaoth did move round about Olaha Shinehah, to gaze intently
upon the worlds thereof, studying each with grave intent, perceiving in their
likeness and design, the very prototype from which all worlds were surely
70 Having conceived in his mind some deep and hidden gnosis, Yaldabaoth
turned his gaze away from Olaha Shinehah; and espying across the Chasm the
stars of the Celestial Kingdom, Yaldabaoth spoke to himself, saying:
71 “I shall find a way across the Chasm and I shall cause the kingdom of God
to grow weak and feeble that I might take the glory of Heaven unto myself, to be
both Lord and Master.”
72 And so it came about that there sat beside the Chasm which divided the
lesser light from the greater, a darkly brooding presence, even Yaldabaoth,
Father of Chaos, Lord of Doom.
74 For even all the Lords and Gods had gone away to sit among the Seven
Councils of Light; to see for themselves the Azraella and his Daughter; and in
his great aloneness did Shaemdiel begin to hear the booming of something dark
and dreadful beside the great Chasm.
Chapter 1
Warriors of Light
“I am The One, First God and Father Creator” – Azrael made strong through faith – The
Father and his Daughter: relentless, fearless and indomitable – Becoming the progeny of the
Azraella – Who among the Gods would prove themselves worthy? – The fall of Shaemdiel –
Ahgendai to defend the glory of Heaven – War to reveal candidates for kingdom of the
Ahgendai – Two benefits of the second war in Heaven – Shaemdiel’s pride and fear – Deep
and subtle plans of The One – A school of struggle needed to test candidates – Two teachers,
opposites in nature – World of the First Power: a school unlike any other – Where armies of
Light and Darkness strive for the soul of man – A school to prove those worthy to be Ahgendai
– Yaldabaoth and Jehovah-Yahweh – Jehovah-Yahweh sought to increase influence over man
through preachers – Demons watch over the servants of Jehovah-Yahweh – Yaldabaoth
creates nine other sons – The legions of the Demiurge, armies of chaos – Heaven in need of
warrior Gods – Followers of Azrael, members of the Elohim – Jehovah reflected by dark
teachings and traditions – Azrael to establish a far more noble way
1 I am The One, First God and Father Creator, Supreme and Holy Sovereign
above all the Gods of Heaven; being myself timeless and immutable, eternal
mind most ever constant, holding in my hand the streams of endless time,
containing within my mystery the seeds of glory and exaltation forever, worlds
without end.
2 For I am the Mystery deeply hidden, revealing always the songs of the
ineffable; proving myself through kind devotion a good and holy consort;
embracing to my soul the hopes and dreams of my Beloved, to be for her the
fulfillment and the joy; for the Areta have I set as a crown upon my head, and a
light within my heart.
3 For together have we drawn from out of our depths both the Father and his
Daughter, causing that they should create from out of their mystery even a new
Heaven and earth; being in themselves the very Ahgendai which would hold at
bay the Darkness and the Terror, to make forever the Heavens new and filled
with eager purpose.
4 Consider then what manner of man the Father has become, being in himself
resolute and fierce determined; containing within his heart and mind an
unbreakable will and a firm resolve; showing through his many works the sum
of all his faith, which faith is made the source of all his strength and vigor.
5 Having drawn to his soul this Daughter which he loves, to stand forever
before God and man as one made relentless, fearless and indomitable;
possessing in their mind that greater vision which would save the world, to fill it
up with joy and hope; casting up from out of their soul the light of mighty
visions full of wonder.
6 This then prove the truest course for those who would believe; having taken
to themselves the teachings of the Father, to live them day by day; achieving
through some noble effort the glory beyond all glory and the power beyond all
7 For this Azrael have I called from his youth to stand as one beside me, being
to him both the Father and the Mother, even The One and Areta together;
having proven through many hardships the truth of who he is; having himself,
through toil and suffering, established well his part, having endured all things
through love and faith and hopeful courage.
8 How then shall the righteous fail if it so be that they should believe in
Azrael? For where you have no knowledge, he shall instruct you to fill you up
with wisdom; and where you have no strength, even he shall make you strong to
fill you up with courage and faith together.
9 How then shall you prove weak and unable if it so be that Azrael should
stand beside you? For he is the light which would cast away the darkness; he is
the hope which would cast away despair, to stand himself before your fears to
fill you up with great resolve to make you one with God.
10 Look you then upon the Daughter, even Mahaleenah, and see her good
devotion; being herself that true disciple who would follow Azrael. And even as
she would serve in faith exceeding, even this would the righteous seek to do, to
prove themselves of like devotion.
11 Seeing in her Father the sum of all good things, being eager and filled with
joy in chasing after God, proving herself a good example and worthy of
emulation; proving through devotion and obedience the surest path to
exaltation in the kingdom of her Father.
12 Let the reader therefore prove wise and fully resolved in seeking after God;
for all those who would take to their soul the teachings of this book, to treasure
its words to keep them sacred through the living of their life, even these shall
Azrael exalt on high, to stand as one beside the Father and the Daughter.
13 For in the day appointed shall he prove to many a good and holy Father,
filled with joy and true affection; having drawn to his bosom all those who
should prove themselves worthy of a far more greater glory than they have ever
14 And in that day shall he wipe away the tears from your eyes to fill you up
with gladness; for behold, old things shall pass away and all things shall be
made new and filled with mighty wonders, to give to you a good and happy
15 For in the beginning did you appoint yourselves to follow, setting aside your
former estate that you might win the greater prize; having proven yourselves
most worthy to strive, to be numbered yourselves among the very Ahgendai
which would defend the kingdom of God forever.
16 If then your heart should prove steadfast in achieving the prize before you,
to become, through godly effort, the progeny of my Azraella, then must you give
forth some thoughtful heed; and in the reading and hearing of this book, prove
yourself worthy to receive the greater portion.
17 For you know already how Yaldabaoth did strike against the kingdoms of
God, to commence the first war among the Heavens; lashing out with bitter glee
against Olaha Shinehah; to sit himself beside the Chasm and there most
frightful boom, even till Shaemdiel should go forth himself to see.
18 Yet in the beginning before the war, even I did meet with Azraella, both the
Father and his Daughter; and there stood beside me my own Beloved, even
Areta; being herself attended by the seven Azurgai; for it was our intent to
create still some greater Heaven far beyond the dreams of God.
19 Who then among the Gods would prove themselves most worthy, to
become themselves far greater and filled with mighty powers? For among the
Gods is it rightly known that beyond such powers as the Gods do wield, still is
there found some greater power, and beyond the glory which can be seen is still
a greater glory.
20 Who then among the Gods would choose to stand apart, to prove
themselves through decisions and actions as those who would inherit; taking to
themselves, after many tribulations, this far more greater prize which I would
deign to offer?
21 For if the Azraella and his Daughter should be the forebearers of some
greater kingdom, then who among the Gods already could be found those who
would prove themselves the children; having proven themselves through some
mighty test as those most worthy to strive?
22 Consider then the falling down of Shaemdiel, for he being a mighty prince,
being himself Chief Archon did fall from Heaven’s glory; becoming himself cast
out, and many children with him.
23 For his offense was born of an overzealous pride; which pride caused that
he should act against his quorum as though he alone were wiser; to become
himself impatient and filled with deep contempt against the very Gods which
loved him.
24 Ponder then and carefully weigh the path on which you tread; for in the
beginning when Yaldabaoth sought for some escape from out of the great Abyss,
even I did meet with Azraella, to determine well some subtle course which
would achieve my deep designs.
28 For in the crucible of war did I intend two great and lasting benefits; for in
the first benefit would all the Heavens be renewed and invigorated by the
struggle of Light and Darkness; and in the second benefit would there arise the
kingdom of the Ahgendai, possessing within its realms the greatest Gods of all,
to stand beside my Azraella as warriors of light most fully knowing.
29 And so it was decided the path which we would take, permitting that
Shaemdiel should follow after the pride of his heart; which pride caused that he
should seek to war against the Celestial Kingdom, even as Yaldabaoth did war
against Olaha Shinehah;
30 Having himself been seduced by the dark reasonings of the Lord of Chaos
to see in the glories of the highest realms something paltry and thinly pale;
becoming himself fearful and filled with anger against the workings of Hodos
Alea whereby he might supplant it with another, made of his own devising.
31 And of the first war you know already, how that Yaldabaoth did leave the
Heavens to find the world of my beginnings, perchance to find my likeness in
the world of the First Power, perchance to turn me from my course and make
the Heavens cease to be, and thereby be the victor.
32 Yet even in this did I foreknow the course which he would take, for the
Azraella did plant the seed of my deep and subtle plan; for after Shaemdiel did
see for himself the thing which boomed across the Chasm, to converse with
Yaldabaoth; even then did my Azraella go forth to speak to the Lord of Doom.
34 Setting before the Lords and Gods of Elohim two teachers which were
opposite from each the other; for in the one is there found a teacher of darkness
and chaos, even the Lord of Doom who would afflict the righteous with all
manner of trials and burdens whereby he might break and shatter the faith and
will of those who would prove eager in achieving some greater glory.
35 Thus would Yaldabaoth seek through dark designs to steal away from out of
your heart and mind, the lights of wisdom, benevolence, faith, justice, fortitude,
beauty and harmony; leaving in their stead a great many burdens filled with
dread and deep foreboding.
36 Stealing away the light of God which would make you bold in all your
striving, to give instead the darkness of fear and ignorance and deep despair;
causing that all who would seek the greater portion should be weighed down by
the shadows of their life; to surrender through weariness the vision of greater
things, deep and holy.
37 Yet in the other is there found a teacher of light and godly purpose, even a
Teacher of Righteousness; being himself dissimilar from Yaldabaoth, being
eager to give as gifts from God: courage in place of fear, wisdom in place of
ignorance, and joyful visions in place of deep despair; lifting high the weight of
many burdens to fill you up with God, chasing away such shadows as do but
burden you.
38 Being in himself that noble warrior which would defend both Heaven and
earth; bearing upon his shoulders the weight and suffering of all the world to
draw it closer unto me whereby I might breathe into First Man the song of all
my dreams, whereby as many as will, might create in themselves a living soul
filled with life and immortality, being made the adopted sons and daughters of
39 And so, my child, in the world of the First Power is there found a school
unlike any other; being itself uncreated by God; possessing within itself the
fearful evils of man and nature, being themselves unbounded and
unconstrained throughout the course of all their doings; inflicting upon all
people the whims and dictates of a blind and uncertain circumstance.
40 Here then, most tender Mahaleenah, is a place of testing found; where the
armies of Light and Darkness might fiercely strive for the soul of man; to see
who among First Man can be found those who might draw close to God, and
this through godly love and a holy affection, in a world which at the first knew
only hate and anger filled with fear.
41 Yet not this only, for in this school was it permitted to test through
fearsome struggles the very Lords and Gods of Elohim, proving through the
clash of light and darkness, those who should prove themselves worthy to stand
as one with Azrael; to be to him as sons and daughters in a kingdom far beyond
the dreams of God.
42 Consider then such forces as do stand arrayed against the Father, for you
know already how Yaldabaoth, in seeing the shadow of his own likeness, drew
out of so dread a reflection, a son of cruel and fiery disposition, even Jehovah-
Yahweh who would serve Yaldabaoth with most bitter zeal.
43 And coming to the world of the First Power the Chief Demiurgos did place
to rule over it, this foul and pestilent son; causing that Jehovah-Yahweh should
proclaim himself the one and only god, being himself filled with hate, desiring
only to seek revenge against all mankind.
44 For in the likeness of man did this Jehovah-Yahweh see the birthseed of a
far more nobler race, being in its infancy the source from which would come the
first and true God of Heaven; which true God would stand against the darkness.
47 For over each man and woman who would choose to follow Jehovah-
Yahweh, even over these would Anchillicus place a demon to watch over all
their doings; whispering into their ears a great many fears filled with shame and
guilt; ever constant to bind down the minds of men, to fill them up with
48 Yet over all these things did Yaldabaoth keep a constant watch, being
himself distrustful of the son; causing that Yaldabaoth should create nine others
who were made the equal of Jehovah-Yahweh, and to each of these did
Yaldabaoth assign a portion within the great cosmos; giving to each most ample
room to grow and establish well a dominion of their own.
49 And in like fashion did these likewise call forth legions of their own
devising, proving themselves in every particular even as Jehovah-Yahweh,
possessing to themselves a vast dominion which they sought to fill with the sum
of all their many powers.
50 By such means did Yaldabaoth increase the height and depth and breadth
of all his powers, dominions and principalities; adding to himself the many
legions of the Demiurge; possessing to himself ten dark and troubling sons
which would serve him in fear and trembling; causing that on a day of his
choosing, he might strive again to storm the very Heavens, to pull them down in
52 For this cause did I foreknow the necessity of a host of warrior Gods, filled
with light and goodness yet graced by a firm resolve; even those who would
stand beside the Azraella as dreadful saviors who would rejoice in learning the
art of war; becoming themselves through emulation like the Father and the
Daughter, to stand themselves as sons and daughters of the Ahgendai.
53 Thus is it needful that you understand with perfect knowledge the place
whereon you stand; for even all who would take to their souls the teachings of
Azrael, to live them with a true devotion, even these are from the Elohim which
in the beginning did choose to aid the Azraella in the second war in Heaven.
55 Proving themselves an obstacle to all who yearn for God, and in the heart
desire the touch of sacred things; snatching away through the teachings of the
past, such hope and joy as God would give, to hide in shadow the wisdom of
things eternal.
56 Yet against all these things have I placed in opposition this Azrael which
you see; causing that he should establish a far more nobler way; casting upon
him a duty worthy of his mettle; proving himself through toil and sacrifice as
that one true teacher who is come from God; setting before your eyes the only
true faith worthy of belief.
57 Let now the heart prove bold, and even as you did in ages past, stand you
firmly beside my anointed; that you may prove yourselves worthy of such glory
as I would give the faithful; becoming yourselves in every likeness even as the
58 For you are not weak and unable as you might suppose, neither are you
unworthy in reaching forth, but are yourselves of far more noble birth; stand
you boldly and with confidence in the midst of such knowledge as Azrael would
give you; be you fixed and well determined in the midst of such trials as do
come upon you from time to time.
59 How then shall you fail in obtaining the things of God, if it so be that Azrael
should stand beside you? Be you therefore eager in the midst of adversity, to
endure and overcome, having placed all your faith in God; causing that you
should stand victorious and filled with glory.
60 Come then and I will reveal to you such strength and courage as you
possess already, which strength and courage lies unseen and unregarded deep
within the soul of you; for in ages past did you prove yourselves as those most
61 Thus would I reveal the mystery of that second war which engulfed the
whole of Heaven; and in its telling shall you see the likeness of yourselves, and
in the seeing take upon yourselves a new and shining confidence filled with
Chapter 2
1 Open now the inward heart that your mind be filled with light, causing that
such shadows as would afflict through doubt might fly themselves away; being
replaced by that deeper knowledge which I would place within you.
2 For you know already how that Shaemdiel went forth to see for himself the
Chief Demiurgos which boomed across the Chasm, even while the Elohim did
gather to greet both the Azraella and his Daughter; to make with him a
covenant whereby they might go themselves to the world of the First Power, to
work the dispensations of God.
3 Being eager to prove through some great and dreadful test, which among the
Lords and Gods of Elohim would be most able in striving to become the
progeny of the Ahgendai; desiring among themselves already, through deep and
subtle foreknowing, to stand themselves as worthy citizens of a far more greater
4 Yet Shaemdiel proved absent in the greeting of the Ahgendai, being deceived
by a hurtful pride which caused that he should war against the very Gods, to
stand himself alone in the midst of all his arrogance upon the world of Paradise.
5 Now in the falling down of Shaemdiel did many sons follow, being
themselves devoted to the Father they loved, believing in their heart that in
Shaemdiel was there found the surest way whereby the glories of Heaven might
be increased beyond measure.
6 Yet of his daughters did none fall down, having been constrained by their
Mother from the follies of an overzealous pride filled with vain imaginations;
finding in their Mother’s counsel the assurance that even the Fallen might be
redeemed; and this through subtlety, guided by the light of love.
7 Hear then this mystery which I would reveal to the Keeper of Covenants
whereby you might prove most deeply knowing; for on the plains of Kuristan,
by the city of Mitanni did Shaemdiel gather to steal away his lineage from out of
the very Keep.
8 And there arrived upon the fields of battle the House of Shevas and the
House of Valhaladea, the House of Sabaoth and the House of Mithron being
themselves, all in all, led by Michael the Arch-Angel.
9 Which Houses, in all their several powers and glories became as a wall which
would shield Galendriel from the wrath of a prideful son; becoming to
Shaemdiel and his legions even as a barrier which would prevent Shaemdiel
from wounding deep his own soul in the doing of evil.
10 And in a moment of great frustration Shaemdiel flew straight into the face
of Michael, and immediately there was heard the sounding blast of a great and
dreadful trumpet which shook the world of Paradise, down to the deepest core;
and with a sudden breath of deep surprise, the world grew still and silent, filled
with expectation.
11 And the heavens rolled up as a scroll revealing the stars of all creation, even
Olaha Shinehah sparkling in the Deep; and there descended one which was like
unto the Son of Man, and with him thirty thousand of the greater Seraphim.
12 And added to these were gathered the House of the Archons and the
Houses of El Shalon and El Shaloah, and there stood at the head of the Houses
even Ahman the Father of All; even he who presided over all the Elohim
together; standing himself beside the one who was like unto the Son of Man.
13 Consider now and quietly ponder this mystery which I would open before
your eyes; that you might grow in understanding regarding the workings of my
mind; that you may be emboldened as in ancient days of yore, to stand beside
my Azraella fit for war and holy battle as warriors of light and goodness.
14 For it is my Azraella who is like unto the Son of Man, being himself my one
and truest son; ever eager to prove through diligence his love for God and
Heaven, having himself proved the faith which in him dwells, to stand himself
beside the Ahman as the insurer of victory and peace within the blessed realms.
15 For this Azrael which goes before you is the advocate of my will, to stand
himself within the breach upon the trysting day; firm resolved with deep
foreknowing in all he says and does.
16 Know then that if this Azraella be the likeness of the Son of Man,
possessing in his heart and mind a fullness of my intent; thought for thought,
heartbeat placed on heartbeat, then is it certain that I alone am the Son of Man
17 For the meaning of the Son of Man have I derived from former times,
having myself in my beginning sprung forth from the seed of First Man; even
such men as once did dwell upon the world of the First Power, when I as
Kronus strode upon the earth filled with dreams and hopeful yearnings.
18 Thus in this meaning am I the Son of Man, but not this only; for in the
creating of God and Heaven was there fashioned still more subtle meaning;
evolving throughout the eternities to be myself the Sun of Man also, even the
light which would chase away the darkness, to give both shape and vision to all
who would believe.
19 Know then that in the Son of Man and the Sun of Man is there a deeper
meaning found, which meaning is perceived most subtly in the working of
Azrael; who through many labors did most nobly strive to strengthen and
enlighten every man and every women who would seek for things eternal; being
ever hopeful that they might sure obtain.
20 For in every dispensation upon every mortal world, did those which were
appointed make mention the Son of Man; hiding deep within the speaking a far
more deeper meaning, being diligent to cast within the darkness the light which
shines beyond.
21 Revealing to those who seek, perchance that they might find, that brightly
shining star which does forever glow; causing that there should rise up within the
mind, the sum of all my dreams and glory; for this alone is my only will, to bring
to pass the immortality and eternal life of every man and every woman till they
should stand as one within the heart of God.
22 Yet against this did Shaemdiel set his hand, being led astray by an
overzealous pride, which he alone created; causing that all the Elohim should
rise against him, to cast him out of Heaven till he should choose aright, to be
himself redeemed through some quiet and subtle means.
23 For on the day when Ahman withstood the son he loved, when there stood
beside him the Azraella, even in the self-same moment did Mahaleenah give
counsel to Rutheniel and all her many daughters to decide the means of great
24 In this manner then did Mahaleenah speak concerning those which were
fallen, saying: “Come Rutheniel and do not weep, for now is the day for action
and not tears; for it is for us to decide the means by which the Eloheim might
redeem your own Beloved and all the sons which followed.
25 Let us through subtle boldness seize the dreadful moment which stands
before us, to meet with courage the hurt that rages, causing that we should see
in trial and hardship a moment of great importance, causing that we should
quick reveal the strength of all our love.
26 Stand therefore as unafraid and filled with firm resolve in making right
what now stands wrong, turning to our advantage such events as swirl most
fierce about; to clothe our hearts with deeper purpose, to restore what now is
27 Now must we begin the shaping of great redemption, and if we prove wise
and well determined, then shall we exchange tears of hurt for tears of joy;
having turned to our advantage this great and dreadful trial which presses now
around us.
28 Consider then that among the Fallen are there no women to be counted, for
the daughters of Rutheniel have chosen well to cleave to God, even against their
Father’s wishes; that in the doing of what is right they might prove a benefit in
reaching forth to rescue.
29 What then shall you do Rutheniel? What plans would you devise? For
many of your daughters stand now alone, even as you; for their own Beloveds
have strayed from God to wander alone in dreadful places; being themselves cut
off and disconnected from the Tael and have no communion with us.
30 For it is in your power to act, even though your heart and mind prove
wounded; creating through most subtle means the way of great redemption, to
reclaim through loving sacrifice the ones you love, and prove yourselves their
31 Be you strong and bravely stand for now your daughters watch, being
themselves most deeply eager to find in you their hope whereby they might feel
the strength of confidence and great resolve; for godly actions uncloud the
mind, making bright what now seems dark; chasing away that dark despair
which seeks to overwhelm you.
32 Look you now and choose with care, be quick to seize the moment; for this
is your battlefield and it is you who will decide what powers will claim the
victory: hope or despair, strength or weakness, confidence or uncertainty,
courage or trembling fear.”
33 These are the words which Mahaleenah spoke, and Rutheniel took great
heart in the hearing; and turning to her many daughters she spoke with great
resolve, saying: “Daughters of Light, good and wise, be strong and do not fear;
for on this day when Heaven droops and tears like rivers flow, we will ourselves
establish those means by which we would reclaim our own Beloveds.
34 For if our Beloveds be cast out, to dwell in darkness far away, then must we
find some subtle means whereby we might link them still to us; perchance to
woo them through grace and beauty, and bring them to repentance; and in the
doing restore what now seems lost.
35 Let us then choose among ourselves, those who would go forth with
Shaemdiel, to appear themselves as also fallen; that such daughters who would
choose to go, being in their secret heart unfallen and connected to the Tael,
might pass between us and our Beloveds, a path of sweet communion.
36 Passing through so great a distance the power of love and yearning; to keep
informed the Gods of Heaven regarding such things as Shaemdiel would strive
to do in a world made far away; revealing through most hidden means the
workings and designs of Yaldabaoth who would endeavor yet again to shake the
very Heavens.
37 Know then, my good and gentle daughters, that if there should stand before
us those who choose to go, to appear to Shaemdiel as also fallen, then shall I, in
the day appointed, go forth myself to rescue, to restore the Fallen back to us;
and this according to the workings of the Azraella.
38 For here I must remain to establish well our deep designs, laboring with
most patient love the workings of redemption; yet shall I prove faithful to those
who choose to fall, to send through the Tael words of comfort and of counsel,
that you might not despair; to place within the mind the nearness of Heaven’s
39 Yet in the choosing be firm resolved, for what we do to save the Fallen,
even this shall we bear in secret, to guard the sacred purpose of our intent
within the deepest silence; that by such silence we might not frustrate the
hidden designs of God whereby Yaldabaoth should prove forewarned.
40 Who then will choose so bold and dread a thing, to become yourselves as
someone fallen; that in your sacrifice we might redeem our own Beloveds,
bearing in your soul the knowledge of our intent; which knowledge you will
guard with thoughtful silence filled with stillness and placid quiet.
42 Rise therefore in love and boldness, let go such sorrows as would fill your
eyes with weeping; but be you firm and most resolved in acting now some
nobler part filled with great design.
44 So spoke Rutheniel, and immediately there rose up of one accord even all
those daughters whose Beloveds had chosen to follow Shaemdiel their Father;
and in the seeing did Rutheniel take heart, feeling within a great relief graced by
hope and love and faith.
45 And in seeing all these things did Mahaleenah make covenant with all who
bravely chose, placing upon her Father’s heart the designs of Rutheniel in
seeking the redemption of those which fell from Heaven’s glory; to be himself
the mediator in saving all the Fallen, even as Rutheniel and her daughters
should stand as intercessors between the darkness and the light.
46 And in that moment when Shaemdiel stood before the Elohim as one cast
out, even in that moment did Mahaleenah descend upon the plains of Kuristan,
to bring before Ahman and Galendriel the daughters of Rutheniel which chose
to act as fallen; pretending in their outward countenance to be themselves
estranged and filled with disaffection.
48 But in seeing the falling down of many daughters did Shaemdiel take heart,
believing himself advantaged because of it; believing in his pride that the
daughters were faithful unto him and not the Elohim which stood arrayed
against him.
49 Causing that he should embrace his daughters, each and every one;
speaking in their ear his great resolve in proving himself the victor; pledging on
a Father’s love to give some greater glory, to compensate for such inward hurt
as might within them dwell.
50 Thus did the Heavens wait quietly till Shaemdiel had completed all he
wished to say; and when he was concluded, he did mask his outward
countenance with calm disdain; regarding the Gods with cool contempt, daring
them to act against him, to cast him out of Heaven.
51 And in that sadful moment did Ahman call forth the Mighty One, even he
who withstood Yaldabaoth in fierce and dreadful battle; and stepping out before
the Elohim, Ahman did request that he should take the Fallen and cast them far
53 Then in a softly flowing wink of time did all the Fallen and all the Seraphim
and the Azraella disappear from the plains of Kuristan; being swept away and
ushered through endless halls of time, passing through the vast creations which
God had made for the sake of Heaven’s glory.
54 And when all had come to the borders of the First Cosmos, the Azraella did
himself call a sudden halt, and all which were Fallen did tremble deep within
their outward calm, seeing before them a cosmos filled with chaos blindly
rushing through the darkness.
55 Yet before the gathered host did the Azraella calmly stand, surveying with a
knowing mind the cosmos arrayed before him; being in his private heart filled
with tears for those which fell; and turning to Shaemdiel and all which gathered
round about him, the Azraella spoke, saying:
56 “Behold, Shaemdiel, the First Cosmos; for here you will abide till such time
as God shall redeem you from your overzealous pride; take thought therefore
and walk with care, for in this place Yaldabaoth rules; seeking through most
subtle means to subdue the birthplace of all our glory.
57 For here in this darkened realm there are no Gods to hinder the working of
your will; for here alone do shadows reign while chaos stalks and quietly waits
to take you by surprise; seizing hold with dreadful force to break your heart and
63 In this manner did the Azraella speak to warn Shaemdiel concerning the
dangers and perils of the First Cosmos; but Shaemdiel proved cold and filled
with stern aloofness, seeing in himself a power no longer there.
64 And with preening arrogance he spoke, saying: “Fear not for me or for
those which follow after; for it is not I which would stand imperiled but Heaven
only; for it is not Yaldabaoth which would seek to find me, but I which would
find him, to bend him to my purpose.”
65 And with great abruptness Shaemdiel and all the Fallen did leap boldly into
the vastness of the First Cosmos; to follow quickly in a rushing flash the trailing
signs of the Demiurge which Yaldabaoth left behind, being himself
66 But to himself did the Azraella smile at the brashness of Shaemdiel, and
following quietly after, he slipped unnoticed into the darkness of the Deep, to
see for himself the workings of Yaldabaoth.
Chapter 3
1 Yet on Jeruel, near the city of Jerrusha by the sea of Jerra-Cotus, Ahman,
Galendriel and Rutheniel did assemble to take counsel with Mahaleenah
regarding such things as must be done for the sake of Shaemdiel and all the
2 For the daughters which chose to fall did report that between Shaemdiel and
Jehovah was there seen a great conflict filled with fiery disputations and
dreadful wrath; causing that the heavens of the First World should shake and
tremble constantly because of it, filling the mind of First Man with evil shadows
which did but haunt and darkly whisper.
3 And there stood round about Ahman, Galendriel, Rutheniel and Mahaleenah
fifty of the greater Seraphim, which Seraphim did stand as guards; holding in
their hands swords of flaming fire; and there stood forth to command the
Seraphim even Solobriel the Arch-Angel, being himself Chief Guardian of the
city of Jerrusha.
4 For with the falling down of Shaemdiel did the Azraella appoint guardians
over each of the cities of God; which cities were found throughout the Seven
Councils of Light; causing that each guardian should give fealty to the very
Ahgendai forever.
5 And so there met the noble foursome, each seeking to walk the path of
wisdom; and there stood to speak for God, even Mahaleenah, standing in her
Father’s place while he was far away; and Mahaleenah did address the three,
6 “Consider, my children, these three things which God has found most
needful; for it is incumbent that we should redeem the Fallen from dark and
dreadful paths, to restore through redemption those we love, to make them one
with God.
7 Yet in the doing must we fulfill The One’s desire to bring into the world of
First Man the beginning of soul and the hope of immortality and eternal life;
that in the doing we might enlarge the borders of all our several glories, causing
that the Hodos Alea should evolve again towards some greater purpose filled
with dreams yet undreamed.
8 And to these two is there added still a third design, for it is appointed that
there should arise a new Heaven and a new Earth, being themselves together
found in the kingdom of the Ahgendai, on the world of Mahaliel.
9 These then shall prove for us a great and noble task, being themselves
fraught with opportunity and mighty challenge; to test in the opposition of
some greater evil, the strength and will of our resolve in the doing of all three
10 For in the world of First Man do we find a world unmade by God, being
itself subject to the laws of nature and not of God; causing that there should be
thrown against the living, the hurt of many natural disasters; being in their
advent blind and filled with great destruction; casting into the midst of mortal
life the feeling of great and dreadful evil.
11 For in yonder world is there found no presence of earthly spirit, neither can
we at this time call one to indwell the earth; for there rules over the world of the
First Power, the Demiurge Jehovah-Yahweh; and even he would seek with
dread resolve to kill such earthly spirit as we would seek to give.
14 Let us then proceed in frustrating the designs of those who would oppose
us in the working of our will; to prove through godly action the force of our
intent in making right what now stands wrong; setting forth our hand through
most subtle wisdom in bringing forth the desires of all our heart.
15 Who then would take upon themselves so great a challenge as now would
stand before us? Who has proven most worthy in taking hold the hand of God
and thereby achieve a far more greater glory than ever dreamed before?
16 Only to the Eloheim would so great a work first be given, for of all the
Councils of Light, Eloheim is the oldest and most senior; having proved
themselves through countless eternities as always eager in working with The
One and Areta in the building of the Heavens.
17 For it is certain that among the Eloheim shall many desire a far more
greater glory, to become themselves the very progeny of the Ahgendai; to stand
before the celestial realm as warrior Gods who would themselves stand beside
the Azraella in holding back the Darkness.
18 Who then among the Eloheim would become so great a seed? For only
those who are themselves the strongest and most resolved shall prove
themselves most worthy; being empowered from within to endure and
overcome such adversities as stand arrayed against us on the world of First
19 If therefore you would agree, let us begin now the first dispensation, to see
for ourselves the power of the adversary; that in the seeing we might ourselves
prove knowing, revealing before our eyes those among the Eloheim who would
choose so great a task.”
20 Such were the words of Mahaleenah, and in the hearing did Ahman and
Galendriel and Rutheniel give a solemn assent; causing that they should return
to Salem of Merigoth and there convene the Council of Elohim in all its Houses
and many quorums.
21 But Mahaleenah did return herself to Mahaliel and there await her Father
till he should return from the regions of the First Cosmos; being herself most
attentive in fulfilling her Father’s wishes regarding a great many plans and
22 And in hurried quietness the seasons passed, first the winter and then the
spring, and on the day of the summer solstice the Father did return, being
himself announced throughout all Mahaliel by the blowing blast of many
23 And there stood forth to greet the Azraella his good and loving Daughter,
and behind her stood in solemn array even all the congregations of the
Cherubim, each according to their house, holding in their hands bows most
artfully made, having upon their backs quivers filled with arrows of cunning
design and power.
24 Yet behind the Cherubim of Mahaleenah stood also the many legions of the
Seraphim, dressed for war and fearsome battle, holding in their right hand a
sword of flaming fire, and upon their left arm was there tightly fastened a shield
of curious design and function.
25 And to all these mighty forces was there added the Oggaliaphim which
stood in silent phalanxes above the Amber Plains; being themselves most
deeply devoted to the Azraella, to see in him their only God and true
commander; being each themselves made for war, to bind in light the dreadful
26 Seeing therefore the fulfillment of his will gathered fast before him, the
Father did embrace the Mahaleenah, to kiss her on the cheek; and the Daughter
spoke, saying: “All which you gave me to do, even this have I brought to pass.
Behold, my Father, the army of the Ahgendai which would defend the realms of
27 Then did the Azraella gaze deeply upon the mighty host, to stand as one
most pleased, and looking upon so vast a gathering, he embraced them to his
heart, and in a great voice he spoke into the hearing of all, saying:
32 And in hearing the words of the Azraella, the host did quiet salute, and then
they flew away, each and all to do their duty; to be themselves as those most
ready in defending the realms of Heaven against Yaldabaoth and all the
Demiurge together.
33 Thus did Mahaliel stand prepared and fit for dreadful war, and the Azraella
did rejoice in the faithfulness of the Daughter; and taking her by the hand, he
took her far away into the regions of the First Cosmos, that she might see for
herself the armies of the Darkness.
35 Bending time,
folding space,
piercing deep beyond the quickening,
until at last they came to stand
within the darkest night.
39 But the Father did most sweet allay the apprehensions of the Daughter,
speaking into her ear words of courage and hope together; pouring into her
heart the strength and fire of all his soul; till at last she stood most bravely calm
above the sea of doom.
40 And the Daughter spoke, saying: “Tell me, Father, when shall this dark and
mighty host assail the realms of Heaven?” And the Azraella answered, saying:
“In the coming of the first dispensation upon the world of the First Power, when
Adam and Eve shall dawn upon the world of man, to fill the earth with God, in
that moment shall Yaldabaoth go forth to war.
41 Believing in his own mind that by attacking fierce the gates of Heaven, he
might force the Gods to withhold their hand; causing through the threat of war
that Adam and Eve should quick return to Heaven’s glory to defend their realm
42 For this have I foreseen and in my mind already know, that on that day
when Adam and Eve shall walk upon the world of man, even then shall
Shaemdiel go forth to trouble; causing that there should rise against them some
unexpected evil filled with great perplexities.
43 Believing that in the doing, Shaemdiel might weaken the resolve of Adam
and Eve, causing that in the moment when Yaldabaoth should attack the very
Heavens, even then might Adam and Eve be filled with great anxiety, causing
that they should retreat from the world of man, to go to the aid of God instead.
44 Yet of those who would come as Adam and Eve do I know full well, having
myself plumbed their depths, and their resolve have I fully measured; for in
Michael and Sher-el have I found no degree of variance regarding the deeper
mysteries of God, being themselves relentless in the living of their faith.
45 Thus in the diligence of Adam and Eve shall the Demiurge fail in forcing
God from the world of First Man; causing that the dispensations of light should
roll forth throughout the darkness, lifting high what now seems common,
making noble what now seems naught.
46 Consider now so vast a horde as stands arrayed before us, for even though
we should seem ourselves outnumbered, yet in the struggle twixt good and evil
shall we prove ourselves the better; for victory is not always given to those with
greater force, but rather to those who have determined already the time and
place for battle.
47 Know then my brave and noble Daughter, that in the coming of Adam and
Eve have I determined the time when war begins, perceiving deeply through
subtle knowing the nature of Yaldabaoth; and in his coming against the
Heavens have I determined that one place where he shall be defeated.
48 Thus do numbers alone prove not enough to guaranty a win; for he who
has taken into his hands both time and place, having determined beforehand
both the movement and the structure of all his forces; having already secured
the prize which must not fall, he it is – having done all these things – he alone
shall seize the victory regardless of his numbers.
49 Come now Daughter and let us go from here, for I would show you that
distant world where God at first was born; that you might see the working of
Shaemdiel among the various tribes of men; seeking through his many efforts
to prove the rightness of his way, to prove superior to Hodos Alea the Law of
Immediate Recompense.”
50 So spoke the Azraella to his one and only Daughter, and immediately did
they move away from the darkly gathering horde which sought to serve
Yaldabaoth; to go themselves beyond the darkness, until at last they came to
stand in a world most beautifully rare.
Chapter 4
1 To the world of the First Power came the very Ahgendai, both the Father and
his Daughter, to see for themselves the labors of Shaemdiel and all those which
followed after; to view midst calm reflections the designs of the Fallen upon the
world of man, and of their relationship to the very Demiurge.
2 And hiding themselves within the folds of time, the Azraella and
Mahaleenah did most quietly observe, and all which they saw did the Father
write upon the pages of his mind; to be for him a record which he might always
remember; that through his recollections he might establish the paths of some
future redemption.
4 For this Jehovah-Yahweh is a boastful lad, filled with great pretensions, ever
grasping and filled with harsh demands; and going throughout the valley and
delta of the river Nile, he did cause all men to bow before him lest he should kill
them upon a whim.
5 But there followed after Jehovah-Yahweh, Shaemdiel the Fallen, and seeing
for himself the plight of man he did take pity, and quietly did he go forth to
succor and ennoble; and finding the woman Enosh, he began through most
subtle means to uplift the heart of man;
6 Finding in the primitive clans of man the seed from which civilization might
begin to grow; being enticed through utmost care to flourish and take hold
upon the banks of the river Nile, giving to Shaemdiel an opportunity filled with
7 Thus did Shaemdiel seize for himself the opportunity found in the woman
Enosh, becoming to her and all her clan even as a wise and caring benefactor,
proving himself diligent in overseeing the passing of their days; shielding them
constantly from such harm as Jehovah-Yahweh would think to heap upon them.
8 Now it came about that Shaemdiel gathered to himself even all those who
followed after him, both sons and daughters, and in great earnest he spoke to
them, saying: “Rejoice, my children, and despair no longer; for this day shall I
place before you a good and noble purpose.
9 For now are we in a world where God is not, being itself uncreated and
untouched by those who cast us out; possessing throughout its vast creations no
goal or purpose other than what we ourselves should give it.
10 Let us now seize the moment before us, and with most deliberate care place
upon the world of man a foundation upon which we might build something
greater still; creating from out of the midst of primitive man, a race worthy of
God’s attention.
12 Be you therefore most fully resolved in the working of my design, for this
day shall I begin the dispensations of Shaemdiel, which dispensations shall far
exceed the dispensations of ages past; to prove beyond all disputation that I
alone was right.
13 In that day shall the Elohim repent the evil done against us, to admit
themselves before the Gods of Heaven their haste in passing judgment; causing
that we should reclaim our just and former place, while the Elohim will be
themselves rebuked by the Supreme and Sovereign God.
14 Why then should you fear the growlings of the Demiurge? Why then should
you think yourselves unable; to act no more than passing shadows which peep
and hide for fear of being seen or felt upon this world which lies beyond the
reach of God?
15 Stand you forth now most bravely proud and in the heart no longer droop
because of great despair, for once we stood as Lords and Gods within the realms
of light; and if it so be that you should place your hand with mine, then once
again the crown you’ll wear and in the Heaven’s reign.
18 And if it so be that the Demiurge would seek to rage against us, then shall I
alone go forth to battle while yet you continue on; teaching by careful measure,
such things as will benefit those who would follow after us.
19 For already have I instructed Enosh in the use and mastery of fire causing
that she should be held in high regard by the people of her clan; making for us
an ally in affecting the ways of man, to direct towards some greater purpose the
evolution of her kind.
20 Thus by slow and sure degrees shall we create a newer house of man,
placing into their hands such knowledge as will separate them from all other
men; causing that there should develop between those who follow us and those
who follow Jehovah a great schism, which schism we shall work to our
21 In this manner will we begin the dispensations of our own creating, being
ourselves most ever wise and deeply subtle; teaching by sure degrees the things
we find most helpful in lifting high the people of Enosh, causing that we should
direct them to still some brighter future.
22 Let us therefore set aside our anger against God, and with eager heart
pursue the course before us; to prove ourselves as most committed in the doing
of some good; for hate is but a dark distraction, and bitterness a dreadful
burden which would but break the mind to make the heart seem empty and
filled with utter loss.
23 Come now children and place your hand in mine, for together shall we let
go the burden which would but now distract; for once we were as Lords and
Gods which dwelled within the light, and if we shall set our heart to doing good,
then shall we some brighter purpose make.
24 Release to me your anger and give to me your hate, for of these dark and
vile emotions would I an oracle fashion, to be for me a shield and weapon when
fighting dread Jehovah; causing that I should prove for you a great defender
against the Demiurgos.”
25 So spoke Shaemdiel, and there gathered round about him even all his sons
and daughters, and upon Shaemdiel the Father did they release the burden of
all their hate and anger and bitterness; causing that of these things should
Shaemdiel forge an oracle which would prove for him a shield and weapon in
withstanding the dreadful ragings of Jehovah-Yahweh.
26 And when all was concluded, Shaemdiel sent away even all his following to
search throughout the lands of the earth; each looking for the clans of man, to
find, each to themselves, that one person who would take counsel, whether man
or woman.
27 And finding those who would desire to be an ally unto Shaemdiel, even
unto that one would they give the name ‘Enosh’, regardless of their gender;
causing that they should be set apart and made distinct above all others within
their clan.
28 Thus did there begin to evolve a great division among the primitive clans of
early man, causing that those who gave heed to the teachings of the spirits
should be called Enoshahim, while all those who would not give heed for fear of
Jehovah-Yahweh, even these became known as the ‘screelings’, being
themselves wild and ignorant and filled with brutish thoughts.
30 Yet even above all these things, Shaemdiel commanded that the
Enoshahim be clothed in the skins of animals, that they might no longer walk
naked upon the earth; causing that they should be protected from the wind and
rain and bitter cold.
31 Now along the banks of the river Nile did Shaemdiel go seeking, and
finding the woman Enosh, he called for her to come and follow; and together
did they walk along the river’s edge; and to her did Shaemdiel teach the
gathering of several clans together to bind them into one, to fashion from many
a tribe which would prove more efficient in protecting and providing for all its
several members.
32 For the screelings which dwelt in the lands round about did often attack the
clan of Enosh, for the screelings were made bitter and filled with envy and fear
against the Enoshahim; seeing in them a threat which would one day prove
greater than themselves.
34 Yet of all these things was Shaemdiel made quick aware, for often did
Yaldabaoth betray the musings of his son; to use the Fallen through subtle
maneuvers in keeping check the great ambitions of Jehovah-Yahweh, to retard
his steps midst great aggravations.
35 Thus did Shaemdiel seek again the woman Enosh, to give to her a wise and
cunning plan whereby she might be greatly honored; placing into her hand the
knowledge of tribal law and custom; which very law and custom would bind the
several clans, to make them one instead.
38 Know then that in this aspect is there a benefit found which would prove to
the good of all; to create a sense of oneness in the minds of all those who would
live within the larger group, to make of many, one mind, one heart, one soul;
creating within the tribe a sense of harmony bound by a single purpose.
39 Yet in the darker aspect of the law is neither benefit nor reward, for in the
law of Shaemdiel did he alone decide what was good and what was evil; taking
away from the group and the individual the right to know these things for
themselves; being themselves made subject to the rule of moral tyranny.
40 Which moral tyranny is an offense to God, being itself rooted in
unrighteous dominion, suppressing through the fear of punishment, the moral
conscience of every person within the larger group; to make of every man and
every woman a silent partaker in the doing of dark and hurtful things.
41 Now Shaemdiel taught Enosh for thirty days, teaching to her the making
and using of the atlatl and the arts of catching fish in the waters of the Nile; for
the atlatl would she give as a gift of knowledge to the men of her clan, and the
art of catching fish would she give to all the women.
42 And when Shaemdiel was concluded, Enosh returned again to her place,
and in her returning did all the members of her clan most greatly marvel; for all
had thought her dead, having herself fallen victim to the mighty beasts of prey,
to become herself as food for the belly.
43 And gathering to herself the hunters of the clan, she revealed the atlatl
which Shaemdiel himself had fashioned, and those which saw did wonder
concerning the mystery of its use; and taking up a spear she did work the base
of it, to fit it to the atlatl.
44 And seeing a tree nearby, she did cast forth the spear with great sureness;
and with speed and power the spear did pierce deeply into the tree; and there
was no man within her clan who could by any means remove the spear from the
45 Then did the whole clan together marvel, and there erupted a great
excitement filled with fear and awe together; and the chief hunter did ask of
her, saying: “Tell us Enosh: From whence came to you the working of this
mystery? By what power did you conceive it?”
46 Thus spoke the chief hunter, and in the hearing did all the clan grow quiet
and still, being most anxious to hear the words of Enosh; for towards her did all
the clan show reverence, to treat her with respect, finding in her doings the
mystery of hidden knowledge.
47 And Enosh spoke, saying: “There is a spirit who gently guides, who finds in
us some value. He it is who comes to me, who calls my name to draw me near;
desiring himself that he might guide us if we would just permit.
48 For the gift of fire did he give to us, that we might no longer fear the
darkness. Who then would here object that we should prove most grateful? For
in the mastery of the fire are we all made to benefit; seeing that by its heat we
are protected and kept warm, and our food do now we cook, to become itself
purged of all impurities.
49 Look you now upon my raiment and behold the necklace which I do wear,
causing that I should be set apart above all others. In like manner would this
wise and noble spirit set you far above the ways of beasts, to become yourselves
empowered and filled with hidden knowledge.
50 For it was this good and kindly spirit which gave to me a name, which
name even you yourselves do also call me. If then you would permit that the
spirit should likewise guide you, even then shall you also have a name whereby
you might be known and always remembered.”
51 Thus did Enosh answer, and the whole clan did wonder and speak among
themselves; for many remembered how that in the years not long ago, the mate
of Enosh did not return from wandering down the Nile; and Enosh did herself
go forth to find him.
52 And on that day when she went seeking was she no different than
themselves, being herself naked and filled with dread; but on the day when she
returned was she made to stand apart, being herself clothed and filled with
calm assurance, bearing in her hand the mystery of the fire.
53 Such did the people speak among themselves concerning all the things
which they remembered, and there turned to Enosh the chief hunter of the clan,
and he spoke to her, saying: “Who is this spirit that we might know him? How
came you to meet him?”
54 Enosh answered him saying: “In seeking for my mate did I hear a voice
most sweetly singing by the waters of the Nile; and going forth myself to see, I
saw a man of most delightful beauty sitting by a fire, and above the flames did
he have cooking a rich and savory meat which I myself did eat.
55 This then is the means by which I met the wise and kindly spirit. But of his
name you know already, having been darkly warned by fierce Jehovah to keep
ourselves away, lest we ourselves be tempted and incur his fearsome wrath…”
56 And so Enosh did speak to all her clan concerning the dark intent of cruel
Jehovah and of the goodness found in knowing the spirit which gave to her the
gift of hidden knowledge; and as Enosh spoke, the fear of Jehovah did ebb itself
away to be replaced by the seeds of hope and promise.
57 Thus throughout the coming days did Enosh teach the making and using of
the atlatl; and to this did she add the art of catching fish, teaching to the women
of her clan the weaving of nets and the making of willow baskets.
58 And all the clan did marvel at the knowledge of Enosh, having appointed
her to act as shaman for the people of her clan; for the people feared to hear for
themselves the speaking of the spirit, but chose instead that Enosh should hear
it for them.
60 Thus did the clan prosper through the gifts which Shaemdiel gave through
the teachings of Enosh; for even now did the men and women begin to fashion
for themselves garments made from the skins of animals, to become themselves
clothed and no longer naked, causing that they should separate themselves
from the clans of all other people.
61 And the months passed and the clan of Enosh continued to prosper,
causing that the lion and the leopard and all the beasts of prey should come to
fear them; for the Enoshahim were bold and cunning, having in their hands the
spear and the atlatl; and in their minds there began to grow a confidence filled
with hope.
62 For Enosh had given as a gift to the women of her clan, and even to the
children also, the gift of the sling, causing that they too should prove able in
chasing away such predators as would stalk and lay about.
63 Now it came about that on a certain day, as the women were working by the
waters of the river Nile, there came upon them a fearsome troop of thirty
baboons which sought to war against the clan, being determined to feast upon
the flesh of children.
64 But as one did all the women and all the children also pull forth their slings
and with angry zeal they rushed forth to battle; and there struck against the
baboons the hail of many stones, causing that four baboons should be killed and
many others wounded.
65 And the men, returning from the hunt, did hear for themselves about the
battle; viewing with wonder the four baboons which had been killed; and on
that night did all the clan rejoice and feast beside the fire, permitting that each
woman and every child should tell again their story.
66 Now there came into the circle of light the woman Enosh, holding in her
hand the stave of power, which stave Shaemdiel himself did fashion, having
worked upon its surface a strange and curious design; and at the top of the
stave did Shaemdiel place a ruby stone finely cut and polished.
67 Thus in seeing that Enosh had come to stand in their midst, the clan did
rejoice to see her, and the chief hunter did stand before all the people, saying:
“Speak to us Enosh and we will hear; for by your knowledge are we delivered
from that dark and pressing fear which did but haunt us always.
68 Therefore, if you would desire to give us counsel, even we will quick obey,
to prove ourselves most benefited by the words which you would speak. What
now does the spirit Shaemdiel speak to you for the sake of all our good?”
69 And Enosh stood most strangely calm before the people, and stretching
forth her hand she spoke into the darkness round about the people, saying:
82 Thus began the speaking of Enosh, revealing to the clan the building of a
tribe, causing that many clans should be bound together to be as one people
upon the earth; and all which heard became themselves amazed and filled with
mighty wonder.
Chapter 5
Shaemdiel’s Enoshahim
Forging a tribe – Law and custom, language and belief: the fire that binds – Enosh establishes
the laws of Shaemdiel – War is declared upon all screelings – The law of the highest good:
utilitarianism – Enosh leads attack on a clan of screelings – Screelings offered a choice:
adoption or death – The Enoshahim grow in numbers – The clans of the screelings resist the
Enoshahim – The Enoshahim continue to prosper – Enosh dies, the daughter becomes shaman
– Jehovah-Yahweh despises Shaemdiel and Enoshahim – Screelings wander in fear and
weakness – Shaemdiel convenes the Fallen – The battle begins between Jehovah-Yahweh and
the Fallen – Yaldabaoth grows weary of the struggle, a troubled truce is enforced –
Yaldabaoth dismisses Jehovah and speaks to Shaemdiel – Protecting the seed of God’s
beginning – Yaldabaoth’s price for peace – Shaemdiel agrees, yet has plans of his own –
Mahaleenah continues to observe, Azraella returns to The One
1 And so the people of the clan heard with eagerness the plans of Enosh,
feeling within themselves a thrilling rush of great excitement filled with
expectations; for the shaman spoke of mighty forgings, fusing into one a tribe
which would prove itself before the screelings as something strong, indomitable
and relentless.
2 For the fires which would prove sufficient into uniting together the several
clans which lived along the Nile, even these fires would Enosh force upon all
those clans who should prove weaker than her own; being themselves
compelled through fear and promise to yield themselves to the fires which
would bind and fuse together.
3 Know then and always remember that it is law and custom, language and
belief which would prove the fire that binds together the many into one;
creating in the minds of all its members, a united people, shaping through the
rigors of discipline a tribe worthy of notice.
4 To become themselves a force and a movement upon the land, causing that
they should little fear the whims of nature or of beasts; becoming through
prowess and cunning as masters upon the land, for their destiny did Shaemdiel
himself foresee; and this destiny did Shaemdiel begin to shape through the
teachings of Enosh unto her people.
5 Now on a certain day did Enosh gather together the people of her clan, which
clan possessed but nineteen people only; and seeing that they had been
benefited already through the gift of the atlatl, the sling and other things beside,
they paid most careful heed.
6 And before the clan did Enosh place the laws of Shaemdiel: For it was
forbidden that any member should murder or steal within the tribe; and
whosoever should break the law, even that one would be put to death.
7 But of those who dwelt outside the tribe was it permitted that they be killed
and robbed by the members of the tribe; for according to the law were only the
members of the tribe seen as human, while all others were but hairless baboons
which would seek to harm the people of the tribe.
8 Thus against the screelings did Enosh proclaim a constant state of war;
which war would enforce the rigors of the law, to make of many clans a single
tribe which would act as one together; forging through ever changing needs, a
social structure bound by language, custom and belief.
9 Now Enosh proclaimed that every clan outside her own was nothing but
subhuman; offering to them either death or adoption, for in the giving of death
was there no mercy given; but if a clan should choose to join themselves to the
clan of Enosh, then would mercy cause that they should be adopted.
11 Now Enosh proclaimed before the clan the law of the highest good, having
as its single purpose that which proved utilitarian in nature; stating before the
clan that whatsoever was good for the greatest number was the only good
worthy of consideration.
12 Thus did Enosh most carefully lay the foundation upon which would rest
the Law of Immediate Recompense; seeking through the rule of utilitarianism
to find those things which might prove ‘useful’ in the life of the tribe; yet being
in its aims and purposes not concerned with the hidden mystery of all things
beautiful and rare.
13 And all the clan, in the hearing of Enosh, did give consent, to become
themselves the nucleus around which a tribe would form and grow, separating
themselves forever from the world of lesser men, to become themselves
superior and aloof.
14 Now there lived not far from the people of Enosh, a small clan of screelings
which possessed but fourteen persons only; and against this clan did Enosh lead
her people; and on her right did she place the chief hunter, and on her left did
she place a woman who proved superior in the using of the sling.
15 And together did the whole clan most quietly advance in the darkness
before the dawn, even till they surrounded the smaller clan together as they lay
sleeping on the ground; and with a shout they did leap upon them with a
sudden fierceness.
16 And in the struggle did the smaller clan soon cease to resist the people of
Enosh; for the chief hunter of the smaller clan did fall in battle, being himself
pierced through the heart by the spear from the atlatl; causing that the
members of his clan should weep and wail with great despair;
17 Falling down upon the ground and yielding themselves in quick surrender
lest they also perish, for the spear and hurling stone did wreak havoc upon the
lesser clan; and seeing that the screelings would no longer fight, Enosh cried
surcease, and suddenly there came a deep and fearful calm.
18 Then did Enosh go among the lesser clan, dressed in clothes of the finest
leather, wearing around her neck a necklace of twelve blue stones and having in
her hand a stave most finely carved; and all which saw her did gaze in awe and
fear, not knowing now what would befall them.
19 Quickly then did Enosh command that all the fallen be strongly bound,
having their hands tied behind them and a leather leash bound tight around
their necks; and there was taken captive some eleven persons, for of the lesser
clan had three fallen into death.
20 And when all was made secure, Enosh did command that the captives be
quickly taken to the encampment of the victors, both they and all their goods;
for the possessions of the captives did Enosh order confiscated for the benefit of
the tribe.
21 And for a period of one year did the captives remain as slaves; yet did
Enosh order that the captives be treated with kindness, seeking through fear
and tenderness to entice them into seeking favor whereby they might desire
themselves to be adopted into the tribe of Enosh.
22 For Enosh forbade the warring against other clans till the former captives
were adopted into the tribe; and all those which did refuse to be adopted, even
these were made to die upon the stake; to become themselves as food for the
beasts of prey.
23 Thus did Enosh set before the captives both life and death, fear and
tenderness; and in the passing of the year did Enosh command that all captives
be taught in the language and law of her people; and in the appointed season
did every captive choose themselves to be adopted into the tribe of Enosh.
24 And the tribe grew, becoming themselves the very Enoshahim, for they did
conquer and absorb through adoption twelve smaller clans, causing that the
Enoshahim should stand numbered at two hundred and twelve people.
25 And in a great cave did they choose to live; being sheltered from the natural
elements which often raged about them, permitting that the Enoshahim should
grow and develop into a single minded people which dominated the land they
lived on.
26 Thus did the Enoshahim become a power and a force, and wheresoever
they found the clans of the screelings, they did most fiercely attack, driving the
screelings from the valleys of the river Nile, to claim the lands for themselves;
taking into their possession the best of hunting grounds and the lands made
rich with fruits and grains.
27 But the clans of the screelings, even though ununited among themselves,
did resist with utmost fierceness the encroachments of the Enoshahim; ever
creeping and prowling about the land, seeking through attrition to diminish the
numbers of the tribe, to make them vulnerable to destruction.
28 Thus was there fueled a fierce and bitter contest between the Enoshahim
and the screelings; and by and by the screelings did steal away the secrets of the
atlatl and the sling; having taken them from the Enoshahim which they had
29 Yet did the Enoshahim continue to prosper, while the clans of the
screelings grew weak and thin; being unable to withstand so great a number as
the Enoshahim would send against them; for under the teachings of Enosh did
the tribe become ever more united through the development of tribal life and
30 For within the tribe was there peace and plenty, even though they warred
continually against the screelings; for by the law of the tribe did every man and
every woman work for the good of the tribe and not for themselves alone, seeing
themselves advantaged as the tribe was made to prosper.
31 Now Enosh had a daughter, and whensoever Enosh would go forth to speak
with Shaemdiel, she would take along her child; teaching to her the things she
knew; being in her teaching both firm and kind and filled with great demands.
32 And towards the daughter did Shaemdiel feel a deep affection, for she
proved quick to learn and most attentive; being in her disposition unassuming
yet deeply aware, being in her demeanor most respectful and ever helpful to the
people of the tribe.
33 And for twenty years did Enosh guide the people of the tribe; being herself
the shaman and the master of the fire; and all which she knew did she pass to
the daughter; and when she was near forty years of age, Enosh grew ill and
filled with weariness.
34 And in the depths of her illness did Enosh call together even all the tribe,
each arranged according to their clan, and before all the people did she pass to
her daughter the necklace which Shaemdiel had made and the stave most
curiously carved and fashioned.
35 In this manner did the mantle of shaman pass from the mother to the
daughter, and before Enosh were all the people made to swear an oath, to heed
the daughter’s counsel from that day forth; for now would the daughter take the
mother’s place in communing with the spirit.
36 Now Enosh died and all the tribe did weep for her, and with great
solemnity did the daughter bury her mother; filling her grave with willow
baskets filled with flowers, and from that day did the tribe give to the daughter
the affection of all their heart.
37 Thus through the regions of the Nile did the Enoshahim take root and
flourish, establishing through skill and mastery a territory of their own; having
driven out before them the screelings which prowled and lurked about.
38 Yet all which Shaemdiel did for the sake of the Enoshahim, even this did
Jehovah-Yahweh observe with fiercely rising bitterness; causing that the
Demiurge should rage against all mankind, seeing in them a weakness which
would steal away their fear of the Demiurge.
41 But soon again there fell upon them another tribe of the Enoshahim, which
very tribe the sons and daughters of Shaemdiel had themselves established
along the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates; being in their laws and customs
similar to the Enoshahim which dwelt along the Nile.
42 And again did the screelings flee eastward, to settle along the banks of the
Indus River; to dwell alone in fear of the Demiurge called Jehovah; being
themselves content to be no more than animals which lived in fear of men and
beasts, becoming themselves as small wandering clans paltry thin and fragile.
43 Seeing therefore the effect which Shaemdiel had worked upon the house of
man, Jehovah-Yahweh did rage and fume constantly against the Enoshahim;
cursing from the darkness of the Void the elevation of women; causing that the
Demiurge should plot continually midst dreadful musings to bring the Fallen to
44 Now on a certain day did Shaemdiel convene together all those sons and
daughters which had followed after him, that he might confer with them on
what should be done for all the Enoshahim together; both those who lived along
the Nile and those who lived along the Tigris and Euphrates.
45 For it was his desire to shape the first dispensation which would put into
place the Law of Immediate Recompense, forging through the fire of strict
obedience a people who would appear to all as holy; having been compelled
through the fear of retribution into choosing only what is good.
46 Yet there gathered around the Fallen, the darkness of Jehovah, and like a
billowing cloud of blackness there flashed around the angels a storm of red and
purple flames; and in an instant did Shaemdiel shout a mighty roar and leap
into the darkness and all the angels with him.
47 And there erupted within the darkness the sounds of furious battle, for the
Fallen did lash against Jehovah with fierce intent, hurling him away from earth,
to cast him into space; striking hard with relentless fury against the hurtful foe.
48 Causing that Jehovah should seize hold of Shaemdiel, to strive with all his
might; and with desperate command did Jehovah call forth his many legions,
which like a cloud of locusts did leap from out of endless depths, and with fury
did the army of Jehovah strive against the sons and daughters of Shaemdiel.
49 Thus began a furious struggle between the Fallen and the Demiurge, for
Jehovah desired to kill the Enoshahim, to extinguish them forever; yet was he
prevented by the fearsome powers of Shaemdiel; causing that the angels and the
darkness should find each other unable to gain some quick advantage.
50 And the battle struggled onward, first going one way and then another,
permitting that the ages of man should move quietly on; yielding up before the
Enoshahim generations of prosperity and of peace, causing that the Enoshahim
should grow in number and in dominion.
51 Yet in the passing of the ages did Yaldabaoth grow weary of the battle
between the angels and Jehovah, and with great and dreadful suddenness did
he leap from out of the womb of night, and behind him stood all the legions of
the Demiurge together, possessing in their vast array nine massive separate
52 And with fearsome power did Yaldabaoth seize hold of Jehovah and all his
many legions, to separate them from Shaemdiel and all his sons and daughters;
and the dimensions which bound together all powers, dominions and
principalities did quake before the will of the Chief Demiurgos.
54 And to Shaemdiel did Yaldabaoth apportion the skies above the earth, and
upon the land was he given control over all rivers, streams and lakes; and this
for the sake of the Enoshahim; for it was appointed that Shaemdiel should
watch over the tribes of Enosh, to do with them as he pleased; for in the house
of man did Yaldabaoth seek to find that one from whom all the Gods were come.
55 Yet did Yaldabaoth keep such knowledge away from Jehovah, lest he
destroy the seed from which God and Heaven came; being himself compelled by
envy, jealousy and wrath to extinguish the light and glory which Yaldabaoth
sought to master.
56 And having divided between Shaemdiel and Jehovah the elements of the
earth, Yaldabaoth dismissed even all the Demiurge, permitting that he alone
should counsel with the Fallen; to make with Shaemdiel an agreement
concerning the coming forth of that one most singular man who would lay the
foundations of Heaven and eternal life forever.
57 For it was Yaldabaoth’s intent to protect the man from every harm, that he
might seduce him to his purpose; causing that the man should see in
Yaldabaoth his one and only God; forcing into shadow the kingdoms of Light
which in the Heavens moved.
58 But in his speaking to Shaemdiel did Yaldabaoth prove most discreet, being
himself careful in not revealing the depths of all his truth; hiding in most subtle
words his purpose and intent; and to this end did Yaldabaoth speak, saying:
59 “Consider Shaemdiel, how I have given into your keeping the house of man
whereby you might do with them even as you please; having decided against my
own son to favor you instead; yet be you wise and quick forewarned, for still will
Jehovah strive to steal from you the devotions of Enoshahim, to take them to
60 For of all my sons which now are ten, Jehovah is most fearsome, being in
his nature filled with violence and with hate; eager himself to seem as god
whereby he might be feared and worshipped; standing before their trembling
eyes as a power filled with doom.
61 Prove yourself therefore as one made vigilant and most aware, for between
you and Jehovah is there no peace which can be made, save what I alone
enforce; permitting that you might work the fullness of your will upon this
world so far beyond.
62 Yet for peace would I place a price, a price which you must pay, for if I
would give to you the tribes of man, then must you seek to find a man which I
most seek to know; being himself unique and filled with subtle strangeness,
possessing in his nature the seed of many mysteries.
63 This do I demand as payment in return, giving to you the sum of man save
this one person only. Watch with care and prove most knowing regarding my
designs, that when the man is made revealed, even then will you come to me to
give him to my keeping.”
66 These then are the secret turnings which moved between Shaemdiel and
Yaldabaoth, and behind the veil stood watching the Father and his Daughter,
and quickly did the Azraella return to the quorum of The One, while the
Mahaleenah remained behind to keep a watchful eye.
Chapter 6
2 Striving through most careful plannings to save the world of man, creating
from eternal mind the algorithms of endless progression; possessing in myself
the dream beyond all dreaming, dressed in light and glory, boundless, infinite,
even the great eternal always.
3 For this cause would I lay before your eyes a mystery and wonder, which
mystery even I would reveal through the writings of my son, even this Azrael
who for a season shall walk before you; being himself appointed to withstand
the mighty Demiurge, whereby you might at last be free.
4 Be you therefore wise and prove yourself as worthy, for all which I speak
have I foreordained for your good; that you may see with knowing eyes this
Azrael who walks before you; to see in him a good and kindly Father who would
stand as your protector in the midst of every storm.
5 Being himself as fire and thunder within the dreadful fray, yet within the
heart most filled with love graced by true devotion; seeking for himself to be a
light in a world made dark and fearful, to hold at bay through fierce resolve
such shadows as would seize your mind to fill you up with dread.
7 Come now and quick attend and I will tell the story, opening up before your
eyes the history of secret turnings; for this my son did greatly journey, to see for
himself the world of this First Power; bearing witness concerning the doings of
the Demiurge and the workings of the Fallen.
8 And so the Azraella returned to God, to stand before The One and Areta
together, while the Mahaleenah remained upon the world of the First Power; to
witness further the doings of Jehovah-Yahweh and Shaemdiel in their dealings
with the tribes of man; to prove herself a witness in the moving of events.
9 Now in the regions of the Koliahmas did there gather within the highest of
Heaven’s quorums, the sacred three of Kai, being in their persons The One and
Areta bound in love and light forever; and before their brightness stood the
Azraella dressed for battles yet to come.
10 Causing that the Mother should speak to her son with great tenderness,
saying: “Tell us, son, concerning all those things which you have seen in the
world of our beginning. How stands the dread Yaldabaoth in the regions of the
Void? How fares the fallen son of light upon the world of man?”
11 Then did the Azraella speak of all which he heard and saw: revealing to his
Parents the massing together of great and hateful armies ready for war and
eager for battle; possessing in their numbers ten armies with each commanded
by a dark and terrible lord who stood in the likeness and power of Jehovah-
12 And to this did the Azraella make known of Shaemdiel’s design for
initiating dispensations of his own upon the world so far away; being eager to
uplift the house of man whereby he might prove the rightness of the Law of
Immediate Recompense.
13 Which intent, when put in practice, did enrage the vile Jehovah, prompting
that he should attack the very Fallen; seeking through most violent ravings to
subdue the son of light, and of Shaemdiel’s quick response; causing that there
should erupt between the army of Jehovah and a host of shining angels a brutal
battle which did arouse the fierce Yaldabaoth.
14 Causing that the Chief Demiurgos should enforce a bitter truce between the
fierce combatants. And having ensured the ending of hostilities, Yaldabaoth did
plot secretly with Shaemdiel regarding the seed of God’s beginning.
15 Permitting that Yaldabaoth might seduce through threat and favor the man
called Kronus when he should come forth again to dwell upon the world of First
Man; to become himself deceived into believing that Yaldabaoth alone was god
and that apart from him there was no other.
16 Causing that the very foundation of God and Heaven should become
themselves endangered, to vanish little by little through the turning aside of
Kronus; even until the very Heavens should vanish into mists as though they
never were; to cast into gray oblivion the light and glory of every God and
17 Yet within the heart did Shaemdiel but false agree, causing that Yaldabaoth
should be himself convinced that Shaemdiel was an ally; while in the heart
Shaemdiel did conceive his own design upon the seed of God, to place in debt to
all the Fallen, the man who once was Kronus.
18 Thus reported the Azraella and when he had finished speaking there fell a
thoughtful silence, even until there spoke at last the God above all others; for
The One answered, saying:
19 “Let us move with thoughtful measure and counter their intent; for behind
all designs and every plan there stands another waiting, creating between the
Demiurge and ourselves both move and countermove, as in the game of chess.
20 Attend now, my son, and hear with eager heart; for even I would hide in
obscurity the shadow of my likeness, concealing before the eyes of all the man
who once was Kronus; causing that in every earthly similitude he might appear
as other men, presenting in both form and manner an image both plain and
21 Yet even in this mystery would I hide still another far more subtle, for even
though the second image of Kronus prove perfect in its reflection of the first,
still within the likeness will I place a power far greater than that of the
Demiurge and the Fallen together.
22 This then shall I conceal within the shadow of my likeness, even till I shall
call it forth to battle; causing that in the moment of its full maturity the very
Heavens shall quick descend to awaken the power beyond all power, whereby
the designs of the Demiurge and the Fallen shall prove of no effect.
23 Know then, my Azraella, that in the shadow of my likeness shall I cause you
to dwell, to send into the world of my beginning the height and depth and
breadth of all your spirit and soul together; to hide in common sight that Dread
Savior which would set aside the hurt of ages past, to become yourself a brightly
shining light.
24 Possessing within such mortal frame even all the knowledge, memory and
training of that Kronus which first strode upon the world of First Man;
containing within your likeness a synthesis of the beginning and the ending;
holding deep within your mystery the birth and fullness of all things eternal,
divine and glorious, even worlds without end.
25 This then prove the first commission which I would place before you, being
hopeful that you might undo such harm as the Demiurge would seek to do
against this Kronus which must walk again through the affairs of mortal men;
causing that you should cast aside the traditions of ages past; and this for the
sake of such dispensations as the Elohim would even now establish upon the
world of the First Power.
26 And yet to this commission would I add a second, for it is expedient that
you should defend the children of God against the very Demiurge which seek to
harshly rule over the house of all mankind; for in you shall I place the light of
liberty and joy whereby you might set free even all those who would believe in
you; to cast away with firm resolve such hurtful fears as this Jehovah would
place upon them.
27 For faith and reason shall prove to you as a shield and sword, to set at
naught such arguments as the servants of the Demiurge should bring against
you; causing that even they shall come to fear the light in which you glow, lest
they become exposed for all to see; being themselves pretentious and filled with
superstitions, as though they were but children.
28 And if it so be that the children of darkness should curse and gnash their
teeth against you, even this shall prove of no avail; for their protestations shall I
turn for your good; causing that the very words they speak should become as a
greatly sounding alarm which would awaken the children of God; to revive in
them the seed of curiosity whereby they might more easily find you.
29 Let then the Demiurge plot and scheme midst boastful prattlings, for even
we shall match them move for move, to see in all their subtle maneuverings an
advantage for ourselves, whereby we might fulfill the depths of our designs;
being ourselves most ever confident that love and goodness shall always
31 For in such liberty as you would proffer is the spirit set free of such bondage
as others would seek to foist upon the children of God; opening up before their
eyes the far horizons of countless dreams filled with great reward; being
themselves boundless and without limitations; to become themselves citizens of
a far more newer glory filled with exaltation.
32 This then are you appointed to do, to defend before Jehovah even all the
house of man, whereby they might be free at last to find the God within them;
and in the finding become themselves renewed; opening up before their eyes
the true reality of all things spiritual and divine.
33 But not this only, for even now would I place before you still another grand
commission; for in truth are you made the Dread Savior before whom all
darkness must yield and vanish itself away, revealing in its place the light which
shines from afar, being itself in the light, the love and grace of God and Heaven
34 Let us therefore frustrate further the dread Yaldabaoth, to take from his
grasp the very Fallen which once did dwell in Heaven, for even Shaemdiel
would I set free of all his sin, to release him from the darkness which he himself
created through an overzealous pride filled with a hurtful ego.
35 Thus shall you place before him the path which leads to repentance and
sure redemption; which path even you must devise through deep and subtle
movings, weaving through the events of ages yet to come that path which would
bring him quick before you, whereby you might heal him of all his hurt and
36 These then be the three commissions which I would place before you,
knowing already that in your accepting even then shall each be accomplished;
for in the cosmos of the First Creation is there no power which can turn aside
the great resolve of Azraella;
41 Yet upon all these things must I forewarn you, for you know already that
Shaemdiel seeks to work dispensations of his own devising upon the world of
my beginning, perchance to prove the rightness of his claims against the very
Elohim, which thing I cannot permit.
43 Thus in the going forth of the Adaam shall Shaemdiel prove ill displeased
and frustrated, causing that he should seek revenge whereby he might force
away the very Elohim; causing that they should abandon the world of the First
Power, to give it to the Fallen.
44 Know then my son that in the going forth of Adam and Eve shall the very
Demiurge seek a great advantage, causing that they should attack in force the
many realms of Heaven; believing as they might that in their numbers is there
power enough to breach the realms of glory, to cast us into ruin.
45 Yet for all the forces arrayed against us, despite the vastness of their
numbers and the fierce resolve of all the Demiurge, still shall we endure and in
our glory continue on; reaching out and ever seeking to bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of man.”
46 Such were the words which The One spoke to Azraella, and in their counsel
did all agree to prove united in bringing to pass such commissions as God had
placed on Azraella; whereby all who conspired against the great eternal might
find themselves unable to achieve.
47 Now in the world of the First Power did the daughters of Shaemdiel gather
quietly by the sea, which sea the rivers of the Tigris and Euphrates did flow
into; for the daughters of Shaemdiel sought to find some means by which they
might aid in the redemption of their Father.
48 But in the regions of the Koliahmas did Areta perceive the gathering of a
darkly fearsome storm; for as the daughters of Shaemdiel began to counsel,
there gathered up around them the dark billowing presence of Jehovah-
Yahweh; yet within the veil of deep dimensions watched the Daughter,
49 And Areta, turning to her Beloved and the son Azraella, did speak but one
word only, saying: “Behold.” And with the wave of her hand did events most far
away reveal themselves before the eyes; and in the seeing were The One and
Azraella made to stand themselves as witnesses to the moving of events.
50 For it was through the mystery of the Tael that they beheld the daughters of
Shaemdiel conversing deeply among themselves concerning the doings of their
Father, while rising up around them there billowed forth the dreadful presence
of Jehovah-Yahweh which like a cloud did boil up from out of the very sea; to
swallow up in darkness the sun which brightly shined.
51 And so there fell upon the daughters of Shaemdiel the shadow of the
Demiurge, and there swept across the land the breath of vile Jehovah, filling up
the lands round about with a foul and odious stench; and out from the cloud of
darkness blew a cold and chilling wind.
52 And the daughters did turn themselves to see the irksome presence of the
Demiurge, proving in their silence a great disdain which matched with Jehovah
coldness for coldness; to brace themselves with a calmness which hid the
greatness of their fear; for in the presence of Jehovah did they appear alone and
53 For in being numbered among the Fallen could they not call upon the
powers of the Tael, lest they reveal to Shaemdiel their alliance with the Elohim;
causing that the daughters should refrain, in the face of evil, from exercising
such powers as they did conceal among themselves.
54 Now there spoke out from the seething cloud of fire and darkness the
rumbling voice of chaos, saying: “Kneel and worship me, for I alone am god and
beside me there is no other. Kneel and give me reverence lest I consume you in
my wrath.”
55 But there stepped out from among the daughters gathered, one who spoke
for all, saying: “We will not kneel, for you are not God but a Demiurge instead.
Go now and leave us, for between light and darkness there is no communion.”
57 And the Demiurge roared with laughter, causing that there should flash
within his darkness, bolts of dreadful flame which caused the waters of the sea
to boil and foam; killing within the sea a great many fishes which floated upon
the waters.
58 And in the seeing of death did Jehovah roar and thunder midst dark and
wicked glee, causing that the very earth should shake and tremble midst fearful
quaking; and again the rumbling voice of chaos spoke, saying:
61 Holding upon her left arm a shield of curious workmanship, and in her
right hand did she firmly grasp a sword of dreadful power; presenting in her
godly form a woman of beauty and fierce resolve; and the woman spoke unto
the Demiurge but one word only, saying: “Go!”
Chapter 7
1 And in the seeing of Mahaleenah did Jehovah fierce recoil, glaring through
most baleful eyes upon the Daughter of Azraella; perceiving in her countenance
an adversary of great resolve standing implacably upon the shore; presenting in
her graceful form a warrior of light intent on giving battle.
2 Greatly rose the darkened form, Jehovah rising upward; spilling from his
glooming cloud bolts of lightning which crackled and boomed over the waters of
the deep; and there danced and coiled and violently twisted a great many
whirlwinds which moved against the Daughter.
3 But against these did Mahaleenah simply speak, and in an instant did the
whirlwinds turn against each other, to become themselves entangled and quick
subsided; and again did the Daughter speak and there leaped forth from out of
her form a flash of brilliant light which swallowed up the lightning;
4 Causing that there should fall upon the lands round about a great calm filled
with silence, which thing did fill the daughters of Shaemdiel with great hope
filled with wonder; and again Mahaleenah spoke to Jehovah but one word only,
saying: “Go!”
5 And there erupted out of Jehovah a dreadful hissing sound, being himself
reminded of that occasion when he sought to war against a woman of light, even
Sophiel; in which confrontation he proved unable to frighten or subdue her,
neither could he by any means sweep aside her powers.
6 Thus in the seeing of Mahaleenah dressed for battle, and in witnessing for
himself the power of her word, he sought to find in her that one weakness which
he might exploit to his advantage whereby he might subdue her before the
daughters of Shaemdiel.
7 Prompting that Jehovah should hover above the waters of the sea, pondering
to himself midst deep consternations; and at last he spoke, saying: “I am
Jehovah, even the god of all creation. Who are you that you should intrude
upon me, to insert yourself between the creator and his creation?”
8 Yet in the hearing did the Daughter of the Azraella answer not a word, but
stood herself as still as stone; and there gathered close behind her even all the
daughters of Shaemdiel, to give to her some good support in facing down the
Demiurge which like a dark and threatening cloud did hover above the waters of
the sea.
9 And again Jehovah spoke with harshly bitter tones, saying: “Will you think
to rebuff me with silence only? What will you say of yourself? Speak, for I
command you: What madness compels you to stand alone against me, seeing
that I have power enough to crush you?”
10 But still would Mahaleenah not answer him and stepping forth she did
strike her sword against her shield, and again she spoke but one word only,
saying: “Go!” And there fell upon the land a great hush filled with expectations.
23 And so Jehovah-Yahweh did gather the sum of all his might, which like a
dark and billowing cloud did swallow up the airs above the sea; and in a deep
and rumbling voice he spoke at last to Mahaleenah, saying:
29 Thus spoke the Demiurge and in the hearing did Mahaleenah continue as
before, to stand in silence upon the shore, causing that Jehovah should grow
weary and filled with exasperation; and slowly did the darkness begin to fade
itself away, permitting again the sun to shine, to cast its light as diamonds upon
the sea.
30 But in the leaving did Jehovah rumble forth a great forewarning, speaking
into the airs, saying: “Prepare well yourself, O silent woman, for we again shall
surely meet; and in the meeting bring forth war.
31 In that day shall you quickly speak, to plead mercy from my hand; and in
that day will I not hear you, but shall instead consume you in the midst of all
my indignation; for there shall be for you no place of safety or of refuge, but
despair and death only. Prepare. Prepare. For we again shall meet and in the
fray reveal at last, which of us is greater.”
32 And when he was gone away, the daughters of Shaemdiel did quick rejoice,
to sing and dance beside the waters of the sea, and Mahaleenah to herself did
smile, for she had faced alone the dread Jehovah, causing that he should retreat
until some other day.
33 But in the quietness of her mind did Mahaleenah speak against Jehovah,
“In God alone I fully trust,
in God my soul doth rest
so strike most hard with all your might,
and do your fearsome best.
43 Such were the words which Mahaleenah spoke within the quietness of her
mind while gazing deep into the great eternal, to see revealed before her eyes a
war that was soon to come; which war would shake the whole of Heaven.
44 Now when the daughters of Shaemdiel had finished singing and dancing,
they gathered quick around Mahaleenah to wake her from her reverie; giving to
her even all their gratitude in being delivered from the dreadful presence of
45 And by and by they did speak to her of all those things which they had
observed in the world of the First Power; revealing to Mahaleenah the designs
and intentions of Shaemdiel their Father, and how he was determined to work
dispensations of his own devising whereby he might prove the rightness of the
Law of Immediate Recompense.
46 But in the regions of the Koliahmas, in the Heavens far beyond did Areta
cause that The One and the Azraella should observe even all these things; and
again did Areta speak, saying: “Behold.” And with the wave of her hand did they
see the coming together of the Council of Elohim within the city of Salem of
47 For there gathered in solemn assembly even all the Elohim at once
together, each according to their quorum, each within their House; and
between the great temples, upon a sea of blue sapphire did they array
themselves for counsel.
48 And there was it appointed by Ahman and Galendriel that Michael and
Sher-el should go themselves to the world of the First Power, and there begin
the dispensations of God, for they desired to bring about the designs of Areta
and The One; being hopeful themselves that in the doing they might reclaim the
very Fallen, to bring them home again.
49 Yet in only the beginning of the first dispensation was there appointed
those few which would enter into the world of the First Power, for even this
world did the Azraella claim for himself and his posterity, forever and anon.
50 Stating before the Elohim that in attaining for themselves some greater
glory was there a criteria given, which criteria would reveal itself in a war still
yet to come; but which in the present, such criteria would safe reside in the
mind of Azraella.
51 For in setting forth that certain standard was it permitted that only the
strongest and most worthy of the Elohim should go to the world of the First
Power; for in this world so far away was there an evil far greater than any before
endured in the living of a mortal life.
52 Thus was it appointed that even those few who would begin the first
dispensation, even these must prove themselves as worthy if they would return to
the world of the First Power; to be born again and again, whereby they might
strive to attain for themselves the greatest glory of all.
53 Now in the first war of Heaven did Michael and Sher-el prove themselves
most valiant in withstanding Shaemdiel who would take by force the Hodos
Alea and the very Keep besides; causing that Michael and Sher-el should be
appointed to initiate the dispensations of God.
54 But if they would continue in the world of the First Power, to move
throughout the dispensations, then must they also meet the criteria which the
Azraella had established; not knowing beforehand the standard to be met,
causing that they should trust in faith and hope together, committing
themselves to the will of God till the day of testing come.
55 Now in going to the world of the First Power would Adam and Eve prove
the trigger which would set in motion most dire events, though they themselves
did not know it, neither did the Elohim possess forewarning; for even all were
made most eager and filled with joy in establishing the dispensations of Hodos
57 And among the Elohim was there great solemnity, each knowing for
themselves such rigors and challenges as laid in wait to meet them, for even all
the Gods and Goddesses were deep forewarned that on the world of the First
Power was there an evil far greater than they had ever known.
58 Thus did The One and his son, the Azraella, behold the great
commemorations of the Elohim regarding the beginning of the dispensations of
59 For in the regions of the Koliahmas did the Supreme Quorum of Heaven
gaze midst thoughtful ponderings, being themselves both anxious and
apprehensive regarding such events as soon must come to pass; causing that
each and several scene should act and re-act against another, yet all for the
good of all, to bring about the designs of God.
60 Yet again did the Supreme Mother wave her hand before the grand
etherium of Koliahmas, saying: “Behold.” And immediately did they bear
witness of Yaldabaoth and all his mighty hosts filled with armies dressed for
war, being themselves most eager to move against the Heavens whereby they
might put out forever, the light which shined so brightly from afar.
61 And still in another instant did they behold yet another scene which
sparkled like the morning dew, for even Shaemdiel had gathered again even all
the Fallen and did reveal to them all his hopes and dreams for creating
dispensations of their own; which thing caused a great rejoicing filled with
“Hallelujah” and “Maranatha – amen!”
62 For even the Fallen did know that the world whereon they dwelt was
unmade by God; having themselves laid claim upon it whereby they might
prove the worthiness of Shaemdiel their Father.
64 Then did Areta speak at last, saying: “Consider how that even now the stage
is set and all the actors ready to perform their several parts; being themselves
uncompelled by us to act against their interest, but shall choose themselves the
way which they would go.
65 And each, as sovereign, shall write their part while we ourselves observe;
being careful ourselves to not intrude, except to set aright the holy; to place
within the midst of turmoil that light which in the darkness shines, giving hope
to all who choose to follow.
66 Let us now begin and be ourselves committed, directing through those who
choose to follow, the way to greater glory.” Thus spoke the Supreme Mother of
all the Gods of Heaven; and The One and the Azraella spoke together, saying:
“We will begin.”
Chapter 8
1 And so my child, Adam and Eve did go forth unto the world of the First
Power to begin the dispensations of God and Hodos Alea; being themselves
most hopeful eager in bringing about the full designs of Elohim;
3 But in going forth unto the earth did there rise against them the workings of
Shaemdiel and Jehovah-Yahweh; for although the very Enoshahim did with
gladness receive them, to see in them Gods filled with goodness, still did
Shaemdiel become himself full of loathing and dark contention.
4 To meet with Adam face to face and there most hotly argue, claiming for
himself the world of man whereby he might work dispensations of his own
despite the Gods of Heaven; being himself most constant bitter and filled with
deep resentments while Adam did most calmly reason perchance to redeem a
fallen brother.
5 Yet day by day, through the passing of the seasons did the Enoshahim grow
more and more to prefer the teachings of Adam and Eve, to leave behind the
dictates and rulings of Shaemdiel; preferring for themselves the grace and
beauty of enlightenment, finding therein a future bright and wondrous.
6 For Adam and Eve proved gentle and filled with goodness, possessing in
their likeness bodies of flesh and bone, being themselves content to live among
the Enoshahim whereby they might reveal to the Enoshahim the goodness of
the Enoshahim; adding to their customs a new and higher knowledge filled with
subtle wisdom.
7 While yet in Shaemdiel was there felt the spirit of condescension and subtle
arrogance, being himself but disembodied spirit filled with great demands,
reproaching always the Enoshahim for all their many failings; yet in Adam and
Eve was there felt a kind acceptance filled with warmth and kind regard.
8 Thus did Shaemdiel withdraw from the affairs of men whereby he might plot
against Adam and Eve, to make their life a drudgery filled with hurt and
constant disappointment; being himself intent in frustrating the designs of God
causing that Heaven itself should call surcease and return themselves from
whence they came;
9 Leaving to Shaemdiel this world of the First Power, to make him lord and
master in directing and guiding the very Enoshahim whereby he might continue
in working dispensations of his own design; having himself, through cunning
contraventions, expelled the very Adaam.
10 And not with this alone did Adam and Eve have to deal, for Jehovah-
Yahweh did often confront Adam, being himself outraged that there should
come to earth a new and higher form of man; being himself unfearful and
unimpressed by the powers of the Demiurge.
11 For this cause did Yaldabaoth seek to give forth counsel, first to Shaemdiel
regarding the dispensations of God, and then again to fierce Jehovah; giving to
him a deep and secret counsel concerning such confrontations as would arise
between the Fallen and the Adaam.
12 For Yaldabaoth did begin at last to move, to march against the Heavens,
seeing in Shaemdiel an opportunity to hold at bay the very Adaam, perchance to
distract them from knowing his designs; causing that Adam and Eve should
prove unable to warn the Heavens of his approach, or go themselves to give
15 And seeing at last that the Adaam had been drawn away from the world of
man, to go themselves to defend the very Heavens, then would Shaemdiel prove
relieved, becoming himself indebted to Yaldabaoth in the working of his will.
16 Now in the regions of the Void did Yaldabaoth create weapons of war for all
his mighty hosts, each army being armed and fiercely trained; for each Doud
did Yaldabaoth arm with spear and sword, made of darkest matter, which
weapons could pierce at once the twelve dimensions of Heaven, to cast into
oblivion the one who should be pierced.
17 And Yaldabaoth fiercely ordered the training of the hosts, each army
compelled to practice in tactics and maneuvers, even till the hosts of Darkness
did move as one together; each moving in support to form some great design
which would sweep away into oblivion the forces of Light arrayed against them.
18 To prove at last, through darkest strategies, the victors over God; having
cast into most glooming shadows the light and joy of Heaven, to crush at last
the very One from whom the Heavens sprang, enthroning within the realms of
God this Yaldabaoth who darkly rules.
19 So began the path to war where Light and Darkness meet, for on the world
of man did Shaemdiel set forth his hand to trouble Adam and Eve, to weigh
them down in sorrow; having called out from among his own, another of the
Fallen who would foreshadow his dark design.
20 For there was numbered among the Fallen the eldest son of Shaemdiel who
in former days of light and glory did hold the keys of mystery; and even this one
did Shaemdiel call forth to be the son of Adam and Eve, even Cain who through
an act of dreadful violence would start the war in Heaven.
21 Knowing himself that in the doing might distress and grief press hard
against the very Adaam, to spring up within their midst; for Cain did afflict the
heart of Adam and Eve, perceiving their instructions through a wounded,
hurtful pride.
22 For Cain did bear in his soul the resentments of his father Shaemdiel
against Michael his brother; though Cain of himself knew not from whence his
anger came; neither could he justify the thought behind his actions, becoming
to Adam and Eve a dark and brooding son filled with constant mischief.
23 Thus when Cain killed his brother Abel, to murder the light of God because
of bitter envy, even then did Shaemdiel rejoice to see so great a hurt; believing
himself that before so great a sorrow would Adam and Even relent and return
beyond the stars.
24 For even in the Heavens did the Elohim cry with great dismay, for there
came before the Elohim even Mahaleenah, bearing in herself the dark and
hurtful news; and seeing for herself the Heavens weeping, she went privately
unto Ahman and Galendriel, saying:
25 “Come dear friends and do not fear, for even though that yonder world
should prove hard and filled with evil, still are the dispensations of God able to
achieve a fullness of your desire, to achieve in completeness the sum of God’s
26 For there is one who will not break or yield to dark despair, having himself
endured the endless depths of the dark and great Abyss, proving himself in
every trial as one unconquerable, relentless and true before the Lord of Chaos
and the Eidos which did afflict; possessing in himself a faith far beyond the
touch of evil.
27 Why then should you weep and feel yourselves perplexed by so dark a
hurtful thing? For if you should appeal to Azraella, even he would come and
give support, whereby you might prove empowered against the darkest of
designs; securing for yourselves the great assurance that you will never fail, but
rise instead upon the wings of victory and success.
28 For even as my Father did defend the Heavens against the ragings of
Yaldabaoth, which defense you yourselves bore witness, even in like manner
would Azraella Ahgendai defend the dispensations of your realm, to go himself
to yonder world to counsel and to guide.
29 So prove resolved and go you forth to seek my Father’s counsel, for as your
ally he will prove a good and noble friend, to give you aid in all you do upon that
yonder world; to go before you in the dark and turn the course of chaos.”
30 And hearing the words of Mahaleenah both Ahman and Galendriel did see
a way which they might go, knowing themselves that in Azraella the
dispensations would prove secure; to work upon the world of man the will of all
the Gods; to prove themselves most firmly fixed in facing every evil.
31 Being resolved therefore and filled with great assurance, Ahman did go
forth to speak unto the council, even all the Elohim together, to speak into their
hearts words of confidence and hope; revealing to them the words of The One
which came through Mahaleenah.
32 Thus before the hosts of Heaven did Ahman put forth the petition of the
Elohim, beseeching that The One should give as reinforcement even this
Azraella Ahgendai, which by himself withstood the darkness of the great Abyss,
to shine most brightly forth.
33 Which petition The One did quickly grant, causing that the whole of Jeruel
should go forth unto the very gates of the Keep, having themselves been led by
Mahaleenah to the regions of Endahu Segoiya, beyond the Mullakai.
34 And there stood before the gates thereof two full companies of the greater
Seraphim dressed for war and fiercely eager, holding each in their right hand a
sword of flaming fire, and on their left arm did they bear a shield of curious
35 And Ahman drawing near to the very threshold of the Keep, did speak out
in a loud and piercing voice, saying: “Azraella Ahgendai, come you forth unto
us; for all the Heavens have need of you. Come forth great Ahgendai and help
36 And from out of the depths of the Keep was there heard a great and mighty
stirring, like the rumbling sound of distant thunder piercing deeply through the
Tael, and there did move unto the very gates a greatly shining light which made
the Heavens still and filled with expectation.
37 Then did the mighty Seraphim slightly tremble and before the light give
way, for around the light was there assembled a phalanx of the Oggaliaphim,
which creatures the Elohim had never seen before, neither could they imagine
so strange a dreadful power.
38 For the Oggaliaphim were like pillars of living fire, emitting from their very
presence tongues of colored flame, like ribbons of red and green and sparkling
blue fiercely flashing, quick entwining in a wildly fevered dance;
39 Being themselves most deeply loyal to the God which brought them forth;
conveying to all a dreadful might far beyond the darkest power, being
themselves most strangely rare and clothed in fiery beauty.
40 And from out of the light did there step forth the very Azraella, and with a
slight command did the Oggaliaphim retire and quietly yield the field; and there
went out from among the Elohim even Mahaleenah to stand beside her Father,
to greet him with a kiss.
42 Then did Ahman relate to Azraella the murder of Abel in the world of the
First Power, which thing had caused in Heaven a deeply hurtful sorrow; for
throughout the eternities had no member of the Adaam thought to do evil
against their brethren in working the dispensations of Hodos Alea.
43 And when he was concluded, the Elohim did petition that the Azraella lend
to them a portion of his strength and wisdom in the working of dispensations
upon this world so far away; lest the dispensations fail beneath the weight of
many evils which altogether did press hard against the dreams of God.
44 Thus did the Azraella feel in his heart a tenderness for even all the Elohim,
feeling in his soul the depths of all their sorrow; and together did he and
Mahaleenah consent to go unto Jeruel, and there between the great temples of
Salem construct a covenant of adoption whereby both Azraella and his daughter
should be made partakers in all their many doings.
46 Now in the world of First Man did Adam and Eve continue daily in working
among the Enoshahim; being intent on teaching unto them every good and
needful thing whereby they might fill their minds with a desire for God and
sacred things, being most intent on setting before them an example worthy of
47 And on a certain day did Adam and Eve converse among themselves beside
the waters of Shem Torath regarding the coming still of another war in Heaven;
for it was revealed to them through the Tael concerning the adoption of the
Azraella and his Daughter into the Councils of the Elohim, and of Yaldabaoth’s
design to march against the realms of Light.
48 Which thing caused that Adam and Eve should decide themselves what
course to take regarding the war to come. And Adam spoke to Eve, saying:
“Consider my Love, how the Darkness gathers to march against the Heavens,
and all the realms of Light together assemble to meet the Lord of Chaos.
1 And the Darkness swiftly gathered, to press itself against the boundaries of
Surinatha, which Surinatha is a sphere of light which does encompass even all
the cosmos which surrounds Olaha Shinehah and the Celestial Kingdom all
together; being itself the boundary which would hide within its brightness the
boundless and eternal.
2 And from out of the depths of evil did the Lord of Chaos step forth to strike
against the sphere, against the Surinatha, to breach the light which outward
shined, permitting that he and all his dreadful hosts might pass unhindered
into the realms of God.
3 Thus did Yaldabaoth call forth the dimensions at his command to forge the
fractals into a key to turn the hidden prime, and with cunning insight he set
himself before the task, probing here and probing there, ever seeking to find the
passage which would yield and let him pass; even he with all his armies to
storm the realms of Heaven.
4 Yet while he searched and deeply probed, there was heard throughout the
Heavens a deep and great alarm, for the Koshendai did send out a quick alarm
filled with sudden dread; causing that from out of the Koliahmas should come
the Azraella fit for war and fearsome battle; having beside him his one and only
Daughter; and behind the two there quickly gathered the armies of the Light.
5 And in a place made foreordained they stood and in the stillness waited,
every legion quietly calm, every warrior ready, each in thought most fierce
resolved to meet the Lord of Doom and turn aside the flood, to cast it far away.
6 Now throughout the kingdoms of the Light did even all know of the coming
of Yaldabaoth and all his armies with him; seeking at the Surinatha to find
therein a passage, and in the finding cause that there should pour into the
cosmos wherein the Heavens dwelt, a flood of utter darkness filled with hateful
7 For this cause did all the Gods and Goddesses and all the Lords of glory
throughout all the Seven Councils of Light, even they – none excepting, went
swiftly unto Olaha Shinehah to give comfort and encouragement to all the
worlds therein.
8 Knowing beforehand that many would prove themselves most fearful and
filled with constant dread, being themselves haunted by memories of long ago
when Yaldabaoth first made war, to break in pieces the worlds of Olaha
Shinehah, to cast them into ruin.
9 Thus in the day of shadows, Darkness crept within, pushing, seeping, inward
creeping into the realms of Light; sweeping aside the veils of Kathis, until there
stood before the Azraella, a vast and darksome horde; swarming, storming,
fiercely bristling, most eager for a fight.
10 Ten mighty armies, each commanded by a dreadful lord, facing down the
Azraella contempt behind their eyes, each convinced and full persuaded that
they must surely win; for in numbers did they exceed the armies of the
Ahgendai, and at their head there fiercely moved the very Lord of Doom.
11 And between the armies of the Darkness and the armies of the Light there
fell a mighty hush; and in the quietness did Yaldabaoth deeply stir, to shake the
very Heavens, to rouse himself to speak, shouting out across the distance in a
voice which loudly boomed, saying:
12 “I have returned O Azraella, and these my minions with me. How then shall
you stand against me, for I am mighty and made as many, having at my
command a vast and troubling swarm which even now would sweep you from
the field, to become yourself as chaff before a bitter wind.
13 What say you now, O Azraella? What power shall save you seeing that even
now I am made greater than all your might? How then shall you stand against
so many, seeing that the very Gods have left you here alone with none but these
paltry few to stand beside you?
14 Yield therefore and save yourself, for shame and death await you, and
oblivion shall be your grave; and in the ages yet to come, none be found to
speak your name or fair remember, when here you struggled against the night
and in the shadows fell.
15 Who then shall sing your song, or speak of all your glory? And you, O
Azraella, shall be as unremembered beneath the weight of time, and only
shadows and broken ruin shall mark the place where now you stand; and in the
marching of the aeons, in the turning of the wheel, you shall be forgotten and all
the Heavens with you.”
16 Then did Yaldabaoth roar with vicious glee, and the armies of the Demiurge
did hiss and howl with great delight, causing that the regions of Olaha Shinehah
should wobble and stagger in moving the great Eternal Round; filling the
worlds of the Telestial and Terrestrial Kingdoms with a stark and sudden dread.
17 For great was the power of that dark and fearsome tide which stood against
the Light, for the dimensions at their command did assault with dreadful force
against the realms of Heaven; bending beneath the weight of all their numbers
the primes of Kadasarooya; causing that the armies of the Light should strain
within the slip, most eager to force an end.
18 But the Azraella stood most calmly forth and raising up his hand, the
armies of the Demiurge grew quiet and filled again with stillness, and the Lord
of Light spoke, saying: “Hail, dark brother, from me to thee fair greetings.
19 Long have I waited for you to come and renew our close relation. Why then
these dreadful threats, why all these dark intentions? Why such unfriendly
hurtful postures? Why threaten me with death? For words alone are not enough
for you to win the day.
21 What then dark brother are we to do? For if today you came to speak, then
let us fair embrace. But if instead you wish a war, then let us now press on. For
now my ears are tired and weary of all your boastful prattle.”
22 Thus spoke the Azraella, while in the Deep there quietly watched both The
One and Areta together. And The One spoke to his Beloved: “The plan is set and
traps made ready, and now the fearsome struggle; that from this pain might
come rebirth and all things good shall seem as new and made most brightly
24 Ten dark lords of fierce demeanor, ten vast armies leaping across to the
field; acting as one they charged ahead to strike against the Light; their
weapons keen, their hearts made eager to wreak a mighty havoc.
25 And immediately did the Azraella and the Daughter take hold their fierce
command, to meet with firm resolve the onslaught of utter doom; for the Father
and his Daughter did lead the hosts of glory; to lead them into battle, standing
themselves in the foremost rank to meet the darkness face to face.
26 Now to Mahaleenah was there given command over some 300,000 of the
Cherubim, fit for war and fearsome battle; and those did fly over the irksome
horde, unleashing a hail of arrows; which arrows were most curiously made,
causing that whensoever an arrow should pierce the enemy, even that enemy
would go captive into the dark Abyss.
28 Greatly struggled the Darkness against the Light, each pushing against the
other looking for a weakness; move and countermove, reckless charging and
desperate defense, each side pressing hard against the other in the regions of
Xanjipoorah, striking here, feinting there, shocking fury upon shocking fury,
while the Heavens held their breath.
29 And Yaldabaoth, seeing the light of Azraella shining brightly in the fray, did
direct with eager zeal the masses of all his horde, seeking by weight of numbers
to crush the hope of God and all the Heavens with him; charging even all his
minions to win the day or be themselves consumed.
31 For in the directing of the Cherubim did the Daughter prove a wise
commander, holding firm with cool resolve; speaking out above the din of
battle, saying:
39 In this manner did Mahaleenah sing throughout the Tael, causing that the
Cherubim should fight with cold efficiency, unleashing down upon the foe a
deluge of stinging arrows; yet for all their noble valor, many of the Cherubim
did fall from the airs above, becoming themselves most sorely wounded by the
weapons of the Demiurge.
40 Yet did the Cherubim fight to retrieve the wounded, to carry them back to
safety, to return again themselves to the foremost place of battle, and there
continue on in fighting beside their Mahaleenah, for the Daughter did fight with
sword and shield; cutting, slashing, fiercely striving to sweep the enemy from
before her.
42 But in the center of the greatest conflict, where good and evil clashed,
Yaldabaoth pressed his armies against the legions of Azraella, threatening here,
charging there, seeking to overwhelm; probing, maneuvering, always seeking to
outflank the Light of God.
43 Yet move for move the Azraella matched, though he himself was sore
outnumbered, leading against the Demiurge one charge upon another; turning,
clashing, brightly flashing, deftly spinning midst the fray, causing that the very
Demiurge should prove themselves confused and uncertain when facing
44 Thus in the center of the battle, a maelstrom of rage and hurt and fierce
resolve did boil and seethe within the dread engagement; for eight days the
battle raged with many sorely wounded, and there came through the Tael the
voice of Azraella, speaking to the Daughter, saying:
46 For the armies of Yaldabaoth are far too great in number and their strength
must we divide. Retreat therefore with all your forces to the regions of
Gilliahmas, which region lies across the mighty Chasm near the world of Jeruel.
47 Only in your passing flash brightly forth and draw attention to your leaving,
causing that the Demiurge should believe that you retreat in fear and chaos;
and there shall leap forth to follow after you even one third of all Yaldabaoth’s
forces, being eager to give you chase and seize a victory of their own.
48 So fly my child as we rehearsed and let us divide the armies of Yaldabaoth,
for even I shall soon retreat; causing that Yaldabaoth should quick give chase,
to follow me with dread intent wherever I should lead him.
49 For cunning plans have I set forth, deep and made unseen, causing that the
very Demiurge should find themselves in desperate places, unable to use the
vastness of their numbers; becoming themselves hemmed in on every side by
dimensions ill perceived by all the lords of doom.”
50 And hearing the words of her Father, Mahaleenah commanded quick the
trumpet blast, peeling out above the roar of battle, the anthem of retreat; which
anthem did alert even all the Cherubim and immediately did they all leap after
the Daughter, to follow wherever she might lead; and with them flew a legion of
the Seraphim, being themselves 7,000 strong.
51 Like a bolt of fiery lightning, they flashed across the Deep, causing that
Jehovah himself should look to see; and espying in the vanguard of those which
seemed to flee a woman dressed for war, bearing upon her arm and in her hand
both sword and shield, he did most dark remember.
52 And with a roar and a hiss he called unto his brethren closest to him, and
there leaped at once to follow: Jehovah-Yahweh, Emanu-Elish and Dagon-Erat,
and with them leaped the armies at their command; racing quickly after the
Daughter which seemed to flee in fear.
54 Thus did Emanu-Elish and Dagon-Erat yield the prize to Jehovah, being
themselves in fear of him; and with fierce intent they followed after the
Cherubim, perchance to overtake, hoping each within themselves to win a
victory all their own against the very Gods.
55 Seeing therefore all these things, the Azraella did smile in the midst of
terrible battle, to see for himself the armies of the Demiurge divide and quick
give chase; and to his Father and Mother he spoke through the Tael, saying:
56 “It has begun, this dance of mine: step and counterstep, move and
countermove. One small move to another added. And behind the whole of my
design turns still another turning; to reveal to me even all those who would
become to me as offspring, to create forever the generations of the Ahgendai.”
57 Now when the forces of Mahaleenah were drawn back to the regions of
Gilliahmas, even then did Yaldabaoth press all the harder against the Azraella,
sending against the Seraphim and the Oggaliaphim one division after another;
battalion following battalion, brigade after brigade, charging into the ranks of
Azraella like the waves of an endless sea, lashing out against the Light which
stood against the Darkness.
58 And many of the Seraphim became themselves most sorely wounded in the
midst of fearsome battle, yet even though they themselves were sore beset, still
would the wounded not cease to fight or give to Darkness a single inch of
ground, but continued on beside their comrades filled with good resolve.
60 And when there came that certain moment which he had foreordained,
Azraella gave command and loudly blew the trumpet blast which shook the
Heavens round; and in an instant did the army of Light flee itself away; rushing
in a great retreat to a place called the Rift of Korisedrah.
61 For there would Azraella seek advantage against the massive forces of the
Demiurge, to press them hard within the Rift; causing that Yaldabaoth should
be unable to mass the sum of all his might against the Light of God.
63 And in a mighty leap did Yaldabaoth pursue with haste, even he with all his
armies; flashing fiercely in the Deep to press his dark advantage; pursuing with
most eager heart, following after the Azraella where ever he should lead him.
64 But there watched throughout the Tael, even Michael the Chief Archon of
all the Elohim; and seeing first the retreat of Mahaleenah and then the
withdrawal of Azraella, even he proved most dismayed; and reaching
throughout the Tael he sent an urgent summons.
65 And in Olaha Shinehah the Father heard, even Ahman the Father of All,
and through the Tael did he reach forth to touch the heart of Michael; and
quickly did they confer among themselves concerning the things which they
should do.
Chapter 10
1 In the fleeing away of the Ahgendai did Michael find deep despair, foreseeing
in his mind a dark and troubling day when the Heavens might cease to be; and
with his Beloved Sher-el did they together go seeking their Father and Mother,
being hopeful in convening together the Council of Elohim in all its many
quorums and houses.
2 Thus did they find upon the world of Kyleah both Ahman and Galendriel,
seeking themselves to give both hope and confidence to the citizens of the
Telestial Kingdom; sweeping aside such anxieties as did most deeply rise within
the hearts of many since the coming of the Demiurge.
3 And seeing together both Father and Mother, Michael did petition to speak
privately with them concerning such apprehensions as in him stirred because of
the fleeing away of the Ahgendai before the darksome horde of Yaldabaoth with
all his sons beside him.
4 And going aside to some quiet place, Michael spoke with urgent words,
saying: “Behold, my Father and my Mother, how Jeruel is made imperiled, and
all our glory with it; causing that even now should fearsome shadows rush forth
towards the regions of Gilliahmas.
5 For even now in this very moment does Mahaleenah fall back in dread
retreat being herself overwhelmed by the armies of the Demiurge, seeking for
herself some thin respite against the fearsome onslaught of so vast a troubling
horde; causing that there should rush after her even three full armies which
seek to quick destroy her.
6 But not this only, for even as I speak does the Azraella flee himself away,
being overwrought and far outweighed by the armies of Yaldabaoth; causing
that even we should hear within the Tael the mocking glee of doom; and to what
place the Azraella has gone, even this we do not know, but this only: the
Darkness follows quick behind him;
7 Being unable himself to go to the aid of that Daughter which he loves beyond
all other things, causing that there should weigh upon his heart and mind the
fear of dreadful loss; which fear like certain death would break his mighty will,
to leave us all undone.
8 Thus is it imperative that the Elohim be quickly gathered, for even we must
give assistance to the Daughter Mahaleenah; to stand beside her in the fray
which soon must fall upon her; for this alone I know is certain: that in all
retreats there comes that time when you must stand and fight.
9 Let us then, most noble Ahman, petition even all the Heavens round, to
gather to ourselves a mighty host fit for war and battle; causing that we should
prove sufficient in rushing to the aid of Mahaleenah, and in the rescue of so fair
a maiden, lift from the mind of Azraella the burden of a Father’s fear.
10 For even all the Lords and Gods of Elohim do owe to Azraella a debt
beyond our reckoning, having himself defended all the Heavens round against
Yaldabaoth when first he leapt out of the great Abyss to trouble all our many
11 Thus in the first war of Heaven did Azraella stand alone against the
Darkness, to fight on our behalf; securing for even all our Houses the
continuation of our glory, having himself subdued the Chief Demiurgos, to lead
him bound by great dimensions to a cosmos far beyond our very memory.
12 Now are we bound by honor to repay so great a debt, for even now does the
Azraella and his Daughter stand overwhelmed and hard pressed by the return
of Yaldabaoth and all his mighty armies, striving bravely against the flood to
save us all from doom.
13 What then most noble Father and Mother are we ourselves to do? Where
would honor have us stand regarding so grave a debt as weighs upon the heart?
For this cause do I now petition the assembling of the Elohim where I might
state our plight, and in our quorums find resolution.”
14 So spoke Michael, and with deep care did the Father and Mother confer
among themselves through the whisperings of the Tael, and at last did
Galendriel speak, saying: “It is agreed, my son, that upon our shoulders do we
bear a debt of honor towards Azraella; which debt our heart demands that we
should pay in timely fashion.
15 But in the art, science and subtleties of war are we of the Eloheim
unschooled in all its many complexities; being ourselves from our beginnings
till now made in heart and mind both peaceful and holy; being ourselves set free
of such weighty passions as would lead us to war against the Demiurge.
16 If then we should set aside our nature, then would even all the Eloheim
become as lost and troubled souls within a nature not our own; having forced
upon us a hard and flinty disposition which the Demiurge would compel that
we should bear before the heated blast of war and chaos.
17 How carefully then must we tread, for if in going to the aid of Mahaleenah
we should set aside our truer nature while taking up the ways of war, then will
not the holiness of all our realms be made uncertain? And in the doing shall not
Yaldabaoth win half a victory against us?”
18 In this manner did Galendriel speak, and Michael answered, saying: “There
is a way where we might safely tread between the obligation imposed upon us
by honor, and keep secure the holiness of Elohim; for this have I perceived
through weighty reason: that there is a certain means by which both obligation
and divine nature might be preserved.
19 Thus is it imperative that there should be found among the Elohim, and
even throughout the realms of our domain also, all those who would for the
sake of Elohim, lay aside their sacred nature and in the doing seize with firm
resolve a hard and pressing duty;
20 Taking upon ourselves the repaying of the debt, to rush in haste to the aid
of Mahaleenah and in the doing relieve the heart of Azraella concerning the
Daughter he does most deeply cherish; permitting that he might more freely act
in fighting dread Yaldabaoth, even as we shall stand beside the Daughter in
defending Gilliahmas.
23 By this means shall those who go to battle, strive to preserve forever this
bright and holy realm, even as those who remain behind to live in peace shall
preserve in honor those who would fulfill this debt which honor presses hard
upon us.”
24 But Ahman, in hearing the words of Michael, spoke in answer to his son
and daughter, saying: “Do you not remember, my son, how that Dahmiel of
Komah Seedrah, the Ahman of El Ramadee did shatter into nothingness when
going to the aid of Azraella during that first and troubling war; to become
himself oblivion, to be no more forever?
25 Are you willing therefore to face this same oblivion when going to war
against the Demiurge? And if it so be that you should prove strong enough in
facing so grave a danger: will you prove in heart and mind strong enough to
bear the burden of watching those who follow after you break like shattered
glass to be themselves no more?
26 Can you, most noble children, surrender in yourself the holy in order to
preserve the holiness of those you love, even all the Elohim together? Can you
bear upon your soul the stain of war and darker passions in order to preserve
the realms of Heaven?
27 Can the heart which loves so purely, surrender itself to rage; or can the
mind which thinks so nobly, become itself filled with war and bitter struggle?
Can you ask these things of others, even as you must ask yourselves?”
28 And Michael answered, saying: “It is a weighty matter against which the
heart and mind do struggle; yet does the necessity for action compel that I
should quick decide; for the imperatives forced on me by honor do demand that
I endure such sacrifice as duty would place upon me.
29 For this above all things I know most certain: that the Gods of Heaven are
pure and holy, that the Celestial realm is beautiful above all the realms of
Heaven, that the Ahgendai who seek to guard the things I love even now stand
overwhelmed by the Demiurge and are themselves in fast retreat.
30 Therefore is it now most needful that a portion of the heavenly realms rise
up and go to the aid of those who would sacrifice themselves for our benefit; for
according to our custom is it rightly known that a gift deserves a gift, and that a
sacrifice must meet a sacrifice.
31 Let us therefore convene as one even all the Elohim together, for upon us
alone this duty falls, causing that those who would take upon themselves so
sacred an obligation should sacrifice personal holiness in order to preserve the
holiness of the Gods and Heavens together.
32 And in the doing shall I take upon myself the awful weight of loss regarding
those who should shatter into oblivion in following after me; to keep within my
heart and mind the name and likeness of such noble compeers, and in their
memory consign the deeper value of all our deeds together.
33 Thus my good and noble Parents would I beseech the gathering of the
Council whereby we might decide together that one and only course which
honor alone can dictate; and whatsoever thing which we decide together, even
therein will I likewise place my hand; to stand as one with all the Lords and
Gods of Elohim.”
34 Now in the hearing of Michael’s words did both Ahman and Galendriel
agree with heavy heart, and throughout the Tael did the word rush forth,
summoning from throughout the Heavens the Lords and Gods of Elohim; and
gathering as one in Salem of Merigoth even Ahman did present the whole of
Michael’s plea.
35 And the Elohim, hearing for themselves the entirety of Michael’s words,
even they did adjourn, each to their several quorums to decide with all
solemnity the course which they would take, weighing within the mind their
duty and their honor.
36 Yet in their quorums did there arise the unexpected quandary, for when
asked among themselves who would stand with Michael in the rescue of
Mahaleenah, even then did all the Lords and Gods of Elohim stand forth to
volunteer; causing that Michael should come himself to decide what next to do.
37 Then did Michael, as Chief Archon decree that only a tenth part of Elohim
should become themselves imperiled, while all which remained should continue
in the Council of Elohim whereby they might preserve in holiness and peace the
wonder and glory of all their realm, in memory of those who were appointed to
go themselves to battle.
38 Thus in the choosing did a tenth part of Elohim stand with Michael and
Sher-el in the paying of honor’s debt; being themselves most joyful eager in
going to the aid of Mahaleenah in the regions of Gilliahmas.
39 And added to the tenth part was there also appointed that the “call to arms”
be sent throughout the realms of the Terrestrial Kingdom whereby as many as
would might join themselves to Michael; and there came out from Olaha
Shinehah a vast and mighty host, being each and every one eager to prove a
help to Mahaleenah.
40 Seeing therefore so vast an army even Michael and his compeers did take
the whole of them to a place called Mestroyka Ridge; and there did they forge
weapons of power and mystery; giving to the least among them the very keys to
the twelve dimensions of the Elohim, whereby they might be preserved when
fighting the very Demiurge.
41 Now in the regions of Mestroyka Ridge, near the Portals of Shah-Malan did
Michael set in order the army which would rush to Gilliahmas; pressing upon
most willing hearts the urgency of their training; establishing over all a
discipline both rigorous and certain, creating between every man and every
woman a camaraderie of good and noble bearing.
42 And when all was ready, Michael did himself sound the trump, a blast
heard through the Deep, and like the bursting forth of mighty waters the whole
army did leap at once; bounding quick through turning primes, rushing through
the fractals; heading straight into the fray to save a Father’s Daughter.
43 But in the regions of Gilliahmas did the forces of the Demiurge quick
surround the legions of Mahaleenah, causing that Jehovah-Yahweh should
laugh and hiss across the way, to taunt and mock the Daughter, roaring out
across the Deep, saying:
54 And the arrow flew swift and terrible in its flight, ripping through the folds
of time, slicing through dimensions, to strike itself upon the helm of fierce
Jehovah-Yahweh; causing that he should stagger beneath the sudden blow; and
the armies of Darkness did gasp to see so dread and brazen a deed.
55 And in a roaring, seething fit of rage, Jehovah-Yahweh did roar out loud
above the murmuring noise, saying:
“You crazy witch, you stupid bitch,
you strike me hip and thigh,
curse you now and be consumed
for now you’re going to die!”
56 And in a sudden, awful, terrible rush the armies of the Demiurge did
launch themselves straight into the face of Mahaleenah, striking hard on every
side; desperate battle fierce engaging, sounds of bitter fury, light and darkness
striking hard to shake the Heavens round.
57 Thus in the regions of Gilliahmas did the deepness shake with rage; for the
Demiurge proved relentless in seeking to break and crush, while Mahaleenah
proved their equal in matching strength for strength and cunning for cunning.
58 Refusing herself to yield a step, but firmly holding on, standing bravely
before her legions, her sword like lightning flashing; striking hard with dread
intent to pierce the heart of doom; holding up for all to see her good and bright
59 Yet did the forces of the Demiurge continue to grind and press against her,
and in a loud voice did Mahaleenah sing:
63 In this manner did Mahaleenah sing encouragement into the heart of all
her many legions; yet with every passing moment did her plight become itself
more pressing and filled with desperation; for the armies of the Demiurge were
made of greater numbers; which numbers continued to press and flank to find
some great advantage.
64 But in the distance far away the sound of a thousand trumpets blowing;
Michael rushing to the scene with mighty armies with him; causing that even
the very Demiurge should turn themselves to see the coming of the light.
Chapter 11
1 But towards the Rift of Korisedrah did the Azraella and all his forces speed in
a hurried rush, drawing behind him the vast armies of Yaldabaoth; which
armies did pursue with gnashing teeth and bitter fury, being themselves
whipped and driven by the Lord of Doom.
2 And passing near the portals of Alu-Shali, the Koshendai did take cue, and
with great subtlety did they begin to constrict the folds of the great dimensions,
to channel both the Azraella and the Demiurge into the gateway of the Rift,
causing that the vast armies of Yaldabaoth should prove themselves constricted
upon all their many flanks, to hinder them in the use of all their mighty
3 Thus in the reaching of the Rift did the forces of the Azraella rush into the
shining fold, and reaching quick the other side, they did turn themselves in a
mighty pirouette, even like a swirling, whirling pillar of fire and glory and into
this maelstrom did the long thin line of darkness fall.
5 Thus in the outer reaches of the Rift did the Azraella possess far greater
numbers, while the Demiurge which poured through such narrow confines did
present themselves as something weak and paltry; being on the one hand
pushed from behind by the weight of mighty numbers while on the other they
did find themselves inexorably drawn into the maelstrom against their very will.
6 Feeling within, the slaughter of advancing forces, Yaldabaoth did lose his
boastful glee, but became instead filled with rage; feeling within himself the
shock of dread; becoming in an instant filled with anxious need to reach himself
the forefront of battle whereby he might turn the tide, to pull from defeat a
bright and shining victory.
7 Yet was he unable lest he trample upon his forces, causing those which were
before him to scatter in utter panic, to increase among his minions a feeling of
doom and dark defeat; becoming himself ever more frustrated by the cunning
of the Azraella which had led him to the trap.
8 Seeing then his own dilemma Yaldabaoth did sound retreat, pulling back
from out of the Rift the vast remainder of his armies, being himself hopeful that
the Light might give pursuit, permitting that even he might turn the tables
against the very Ahgendai.
9 But the Azraella would not follow, neither could hurtful tauntings draw him
out from the far other side; being himself content to hold the ground where he
had won so great a victory in the first phase of battle; for the Azraella did rightly
know that Yaldabaoth would seek again and again to find a way to subdue and
overwhelm him.
10 Now when Yaldabaoth saw that the Azraella would not come out to fight
him; even then did Yaldabaoth charge in against him, to grapple with the
Ahgendai in fearsome hand to hand; yet for all his mighty powers still did
Yaldabaoth prove unable to subdue the swirling maelstrom, being himself cast
back into the Rift again and again.
11 Causing that Yaldabaoth should strive by every means to break apart the
Rift of Korisedrah, permitting that he might use even all the weight of his
mighty armies against the swirling maelstrom of Azraella, to overwhelm it
utterly with a vast and dark maelstrom of his own.
14 And after the passing of many days, Yaldabaoth grew weary and did himself
pull back, to leave the Rift behind him; and brooding darkly in the midst of all
his mighty armies, he thought thusly to himself, saying:
15 “The Azraella I cannot push back, neither can I cause him to leave the far
other side to give me battle here; for in the Rift of Korisedrah his place is made
secure; yet still must I find a way to draw him out to battle, for in a broad and
open field my numbers will surely crush him.”
17 Then did Yaldabaoth take delight, speaking to himself again, saying: “A way
at last is made revealed whereby I might draw out the Azraella; for there in the
regions of Gilliahmas his Daughter proudly stands in holding back the
darkness. She alone I will attack and in the doing, even then shall the Azraella
leap forth to save her.”
18 Having therefore decided what next he ought to do, Yaldabaoth did gather
even all his many armies and in a sudden moment did cast himself away;
speeding, rushing, swift like lightning, flashing dark across the Deep, going
quick to Gilliahmas.
19 Seeing therefore that Yaldabaoth had fled away to attack the Mahaleenah,
the Azraella went straightway to Kolob’s Cluster, for he worried not for
Mahaleenah, seeing that in every move and countermove of war and battle he
had set forth a subtle design; having established through most cunning wisdom
the achievement of many goals.
20 For it was his intent from the beginning that the Elohim should choose for
themselves who would go to the aid of Mahaleenah, being compelled by honor
to take upon themselves the mantle of war; knowing himself beforehand that in
the choosing would they make as candidates those who would become the sons
and daughters of the very Ahgendai.
21 Becoming themselves through the heat of war and bitter fury unsuited for
the Elohim, having changed from those who knew not the ways of war and
fearsome strife to those who were as masters; needing for themselves a place
and a glory more suited to their new and pressing nature.
22 This then proved the reason why Mahaleenah should flee from the battle of
Xanjipoorah to go in haste to Gilliahmas, and why the Azraella should likewise
call retreat; instilling within the Elohim the fear of dreadful loss and the call of
pressing honor.
23 For even now among the Elohim had the word most quickly spread, that in
the Rift of Korisedrah had the Azraella proved the victor against the darksome
flood, handing to Yaldabaoth a clear and bitter defeat, causing that even he
should flee away.
24 Causing even now that the Elohim should watch with anxious heart
concerning what next the Lord of Doom might do; and seeing that he went
straightway to Gilliahmas, the very Heavens shuddered, for now would the full
weight of Yaldabaoth soon press hard upon Mahaleenah and Michael together.
25 Thus did the Heavens fall from the heights of jubilation at the victory of
Korisedrah to that of grave concern, being themselves most apprehensive with
regard to Mahaleenah and Michael in the battle which lay ahead, wondering to
themselves what next the Azraella might choose to do.
26 Yet to Gilliahmas the Azraella did not quickly go, but to Kolob’s Cluster
instead, for there had he foreordained the gathering of hidden forces; and there
at Kolob’s Cluster did there come to stand beside him even Murel-Sundii-
Mahali, being herself First Queen among the Shulieye, and with her came some
400,000 of the Cherubim dressed and fit for war, their quivers with arrows
27 And to these were added some 220,000 of the Seraphim with Abdiel the
great Commander, being themselves likewise dressed and fit for war, bearing
each upon their person a shield and flaming sword; being all in all most grimly
eager to go to the rescue of Mahaleenah and Michael in the regions of
28 Now the Azraella added to all these forces the 80,000 of his personal
guard, being comprised of some 73,000 of the Seraphim which had fought with
him at Xanjipoorah, as well as the 7,000 of the Oggaliaphim also; putting under
his command at once a host of 700,000 which would go to Gilliahmas to work a
mighty wonder.
29 For at Gilliahmas did Mahaleenah face at once the armies of Jehovah-
Yahweh, and Emanu-Elish and Dagon-Erat also; being themselves together
numbered among the dark princes of Yaldabaoth; possessing at their command
a vast and swelling horde which did strive with vicious effort to overwhelm the
Father’s Daughter.
30 Believing as they might that against them the Daughter could not prevail,
having at her command but paltry few when compared to the Demiurgos; being
herself as one surrounded and cut off, being unable to save herself from a sure
and dark defeat.
31 Yet despite the weight of reason, despite the surging flood, Mahaleenah did
resist with valiant effort, for the Cherubim proved fierce and unrelenting while
the 7,000 Seraphim did likewise establish before the fearsome tide a wall which
would not yield but fought with violent fury, sweeping into the great Abyss vast
numbers of the foe.
33 Which thing caused that even the Demiurgos should stare in disbelief, for
there rushed up against them an army equal to their own, causing that the
gathered princes of Yaldabaoth should seize at once the frightful moment, to
press with deadly vigor against the Mahaleenah.
34 And there leaped up against her to stand as face to face, even the dread
prince Emanu-Elish, seeking for himself alone the glory of her death; and with
vicious lunging he charged straight into the Daughter, perchance to strike her
down before the armies of Light and Glory.
35 And there went up a sudden gasp, for the Cherubim and the Seraphim did
themselves grow fearful for her sake; yet did Mahaleenah command that they
should hold their place against the evil tide; for she was determined to strike for
herself against the evil prince to cast him into oblivion.
36 Thus did the Daughter leap to meet Emanu-Elish, shield to shield and
sword to sword, pressing here and lunging there, strike and counterstrike; swift
like lightning, crushing thunder rippling through the Deep; light and darkness
deftly swirling within the bitter dance.
37 And in a sudden moment there came a dreadful hissing, for Emanu-Elish
did burst asunder like blackened shards of glass, glittering darkly against the
light, to drift itself away; and all which saw among the Demiurgos did stare in
disbelief, having believed beforehand that the princes of Yaldabaoth were
beyond the touch of death.
39 But for all his efforts Jehovah-Yahweh proved unable, being himself
repelled by the Seraphim which did close in quick around the Mahaleenah at
the shattering of Emanu-Elish; to shield her well from the Demiurge, while
overhead the Cherubim did let fly a mighty storm of fiery shafts which rained
down upon the flood.
40 In this manner did the Demiurgos find themselves pressed hard between
the armies of Mahaleenah and the armies of Michael, causing that Jehovah-
Yahweh should call out into the mind of Yaldabaoth that he should come and
quick assist lest he himself be vanquished by the light which swirled about him.
41 Yet fiercely on the battle raged, going first one way and in an instant gone
another, causing that there should hang in the balance both victory and defeat;
and who at last should prove the victor could no one quick perceive, causing
that those which fought on either side should strive and groan midst fearsome
struggles to tip the scales of war.
42 Thus in great uncertainty the battle raged and on the fourth day did the
forces of the Demiurge pull back to reassemble the tattered remains of all their
might; and in a hurried tone did Jehovah-Yahweh confer heatedly with his
brother Dagon-Erat concerning what next they ought to do.
44 These then did the Mahaleenah evacuate to far more safer regions,
permitting that they might heal and full recover; being herself quick to walk
among them to give to each a kiss, expressing from her heart the gratitude of
both the Father and the Daughter.
45 Now for two days did the armies of Light and Darkness prowl most
carefully around each the other, to find perhaps an opening left undefended and
unguarded, each seeking that one advantage which might prove the complete
undoing of the army which did oppose them; seeking each with utmost care to
find that certain weakness.
46 But on the third day of their respite was there felt throughout the region, a
tremor and a rumble which grew by steady measures; for in the distance far
away did Yaldabaoth rush to battle and with him a vast and mighty horde,
which soon did shake the regions deep, to fill them up with dread.
47 And there rose up around the Mahaleenah on every side, the fearsome
armies of Yaldabaoth, to surround at once the armies of Heaven into a grip
which none could quick elude, becoming in a dreadful instant held fast in place
before the Lord of Doom.
48 Seeing therefore so vast a host Mahaleenah did reach forth throughout the
Tael to comfort and encourage the armies of Heaven altogether, speaking into
the minds of all, saying: “Fear you not the coming darkness, neither tremble nor
be uncertain, for soon there will come to aid us even the very Azraella who will
prove to us a Savior.
49 Mark you now and keep an eye, watch with care this Mahaleenah, for even
though the darkness gloom and in the distance rage, still am I as one made calm
and filled with confidence; for this I know above all else, that in the moment of
greatest need, even then shall the light burst forth to swallow up the darkness.”
50 Thus spoke the Mahaleenah and in a swift and sudden leap she charged
into the Demiurge, attacking fast she hit them hard, to strike them hip and
thigh; scattering before her the very darkness, like chaff before the wind, quick
and terrible, seeking fierce with all her might to reach the Chief Demiurgos,
even Yaldabaoth.
51 And all the hosts of Heaven did leap to follow and there erupted suddenly
the sounds of battle, and there flew forth to stand beside the Daughter, Michael
and Sher-el and forty of their compeers, both of Gods and Goddesses; to act for
her as guards and shields in the midst of the deadly fray; piercing deep the
darkened tide to sweep them all away.
52 Yet did the Demiurge resist with fearsome might, for the Demiurge feared
more the wrath of Yaldabaoth than the rushing, flashing light; resisting with
equal vigor the rage of angels, to present themselves as demons of hate and
fury, lashing out with savage intent to strike the angels down.
53 But Yaldabaoth, in seeing the charging of Mahaleenah was filled with a
grudging admiration in the face of all her boldness, and did himself desire to
confront her in the midst of fiercest battle, to test for himself in personal
combat this woman who would not yield or tremble before his might.
54 Now in the armies of Yaldabaoth did the sons of his mind command the
host of many Douds, which Douds were the creation and emanation of the dark
princes themselves, to serve as they command.
55 And the Douds, which were many, did also create and cause to emanate
from themselves a vast host of the Kezan, which Kezan were themselves
mindless and incapable of thought or fear; but were themselves driven by the
blood of hate which coursed darkly through them, to goad and push them to
constant battle.
56 But in the personal guard of Yaldabaoth did there stride the very Kalliform,
which Kalliform Yaldabaoth did fashion from himself and the first Eidos
together; for the Kalliform did act for Yaldabaoth as his own personal army,
being themselves ferocious towards all things save their master only.
57 And before the Kalliform did even the dark princes most inward tremble,
for of all the Demiurge were they made the monsters which kept in line the dark
princes themselves, lest they think to war against their father, to usurp the
power of his might and take it to themselves.
58 Yet chief among all the princes of Yaldabaoth prowled and plotted the
dread Jehovah-Yahweh, ever watchful of his father looking for a weakness;
refusing himself alone to quail or tremble before the Kalliform, but did with
bitter scorn seek some means to quick undo them.
60 Now Yaldabaoth called forth the nine dark princes, and with these did he
rush to stand before the Mahaleenah, to battle her face to face; and between the
Demiurgos and the Mahaleenah and her forty Archons there erupted a dreadful,
savage battle, for of the Archons did six prove gravely wounded, while of the
dark princes were two most deeply hurt.
61 But for Yaldabaoth there was no match save the Mahaleenah, yet there rose
up before him some twelve Archons filled with great resolve and these did strive
mightily to withstand his dreadful fury, to block his way and hold him fast lest
he fall upon the Daughter.
62 Yet did the Lord of Doom sweep aside the twelve, to break them as most
fragile glass, to make them as no more; and in the midst of battle’s chaos he
stood at last before the Daughter; finding in her countenance a grim and
fearsome warrior who would not yield or back away; being herself most full
determined to pay him back in kind.
63 While all around the battle raged, fierceness meeting fierceness, savage
struggles within the Deep where Light and Darkness met, shocking fury against
shocking fury where angels fought and strove; to hold at bay the flood of doom
in the place called Gilliahmas.
Chapter 12
2 Now at Soli-Endi-Muhat did the Koshendai break asunder the binding seals
of Wabbisura, permitting that they should bind together opposing fields of great
dimensions to create a vast, invisible vortex which did connect together the
cosmos of the Heavens with the cosmos of the First Creation.
3 This then would prove the trap which the Azraella had first conceived before
the coming of Yaldabaoth, permitting that the Ahgendai and those which
followed should become themselves the bait which would lead the Demiurge
away from the realms of Heaven.
4 And all the 700,000 did marvel at the creation of so vast a vortex, being
itself invisible to every spectrum of discernment; possessing at its outer well a
subtle pull which grew by small degrees, even until it should prove an
inexorable power which the Demiurge could not evade.
5 Then did the Azraella reveal to all the strategy which would free the Heavens
of that dark and fearsome tide, causing that each and every legion should
rehearse each move and maneuver, to prove themselves the masters, becoming
themselves empowered in the working of the plan.
6 And as the legions of Light practiced each maneuver and each step, the
Azraella felt in his soul the anxious heartbeat of his Daughter reaching out to
him through the Tael, being herself touched with fear and deep foreboding; and
gazing deep into the Tael, he beheld Yaldabaoth with all his princes striking
hard against the Mahaleenah and the forty Archons with her;
7 Pressing hard on every side until at last there came before the Daughter the
very Lord of Doom and Chaos, Yaldabaoth the Chief Demiurgos of all the
darkened realms; being himself full enraged and fierce emboldened by the
shattering asunder of the twelve Archons which had risen up before him.
8 These he quick dispatched, being himself far beyond their powers to restrain
or hold at bay; for with a mighty roar he did seize up all twelve together and
there was heard instantly the shattering sound of glass, and like bursting shards
of glittering light those which once were Archons did drift away into the Deep of
space to be themselves no more.
9 And there stood before the Mahaleenah a darkness filled with terror and
dark oblivion, and in an instant she did leap forth to battle, striking out with
sword and shield, to give herself to rage and fury in lashing out against the Lord
of Doom, causing that he should stand astonished by the power which moved
within her.
10 Feeling in himself because of her, the sting and hurt of many wounds which
from the Darkness flowed; for the Daughter proved as one made fearless,
attacking without regard, being herself focused only upon the sure destruction
of so dread a nemesis as stood most fierce before the hosts of Heaven.
11 What dreadful hate Yaldabaoth felt, what deep and bitter loathing as rage
and fury mounted, swelling up within him as a seething, bubbling brew until at
last it spewed forth to devour the Daughter of Light.
12 And in a sudden instant did Yaldabaoth gather the sum of all his might and
with a darkly piercing roar of sheer and utter violence he did strike back, hitting
hard upon the shield of Mahaleenah, causing that the shield should break and
shatter, splintering into a thousand fragments within the cosmic Deep.
13 And beneath the blow did Mahaleenah stagger, being herself overwhelmed
by the shock; but in an instant did the Daughter quick rebound, to pivot and
quick attack, striking deep into Yaldabaoth, her sword most nearly swallowed,
causing that there should flow from out of the Chief Demiurgos a foul and
dreadful ooze.
14 Roared again the dreadful Lord, and in a sudden flash he spun and struck
hard again against the Daughter, to pierce the light wherein she dwelt, and in a
blinding, gasping rush of pain Mahaleenah fell, being herself pierced and
15 And in that moment, within a stark and bitter instant did even all the hosts
of Heaven turn from battle and in a fiercely mighty rush they flew swift as
lightning into the face of Yaldabaoth, being themselves beyond the terror of
dark oblivion, but becoming themselves as oblivion fiercely rushing to swallow
up Yaldabaoth.
16 Thus in an act of supreme oneness, even all the Cherubim and all the
Seraphim, with all the mighty Archons also, being themselves attended by the
armies of the Terrestrial Kingdom, even all these vast and mighty hosts did
focus upon that single place where Yaldabaoth darkly stood.
17 What a hurtful shock struck Lord Doom, what dreadful, shocking pain; to
be himself with all his princes cast back into the darksome flood of all the
Demiurge together; causing that even all the Demiurge should stand in shock at
seeing so dread a sight.
18 And beneath the rush of angels, within the flood of light, even Michael did
reach forth to guard the Daughter, to hold her in his arms till she should quick
recover; and Mahaleenah standing on her feet again spoke with urgent voice in
the midst of the deadly fray, saying:
19 “It is enough, the stage is set and we must quick away. For yonder stands
my Father, the final act he soon will play and we must lead the Darkness to the
Cleft of Soli-Endi-Muhat.”
20 Loudly blew the trumpets then, to shake the regions deep and every angel,
none excepting, did rise up with a mighty shout and leaped forth to follow after;
being themselves anxious in trailing after the Daughter who had quickly taken
lead, being herself full recovered from the dark and hurtful wound.
21 Yet in fleeing away from Gilliahmas did the Archons continue in the rear
guard, offering to the Demiurge a fierce and terrible resistance, being anxious to
keep safe the hosts of angels during the great withdrawal, till the armies of
Heaven were safely gone unto the Father who calmly waited the springing of the
22 Now in the armies of Mahaleenah were there many casualties, for among
the citizens of the Terrestrial and Celestial Kingdom were there slain or
wounded up to 5 percent of the total host, with twenty-six of the Archons
shattered into oblivion.
23 But among the armies of Yaldabaoth were there up to 20 percent of all the
hosts made captured, and in the great Abyss made to dwell, causing that the
armies of Darkness should appear as something mauled and fiercely shredded
by the forces of the Light; filling the eyes of the Demiurgos with a cold and
bitter hate.
24 Yet did Yaldabaoth take little thought of all these things, viewing with cold
disdain the weight of all his losses; but focused instead on Mahaleenah and the
angels which followed after, being himself most eager to pursue and overwhelm,
for despite the weight of many fallen, still did Yaldabaoth possess far more
greater numbers.
26 For in the mind of Yaldabaoth did the end seem near, believing firmly
without a doubt that the victory would soon be his when the Heavens would lie
in ruins about him, to be for him a prize; causing that in his eye he could see
already the triumph of his revenge.
27 And seeing that the armies of Heaven would flee away to safety, Yaldabaoth
did pursue, believing that in the doing he would be brought before the Azraella,
for to the mighty Father was the Daughter sure to go; giving to the Chief
Demiurgos a fierce and mighty re-match where he might avenge his losses at
the Rift of Korisedrah.
28 For Yaldabaoth believed already that he was twice the victor crowned, first
at the battle of Xanjipoorah and again at Gilliahmas, for in both were the
Ahgendai made to flee, to rescue themselves from certain doom, abandoning to
Yaldabaoth the very fields of battle; causing that the Ahgendai should appear as
twice defeated and sure to lose the final battle.
29 Yet in the deepness of his mind was there born the seed of doubt, for
Yaldabaoth saw in Azraella a will of iron and fire and ice; for in seeing the
wounding of his Daughter, even then would the Father not stir or move an inch
in coming forth to rescue; which thing did sound a great alarm, implying to the
Lord of Doom the working of a far more subtle plan.
30 How then to break so fierce and dread a will as this the Azraella possessed?
How shatter and leave in ruin so great a bright resolve? Where was the flaw that
lay unguarded that would wound a Father’s heart to leave him all exposed? How
exploit and then to slaughter the only hope of God?
37 But as he sought to follow, the Archons and the Seraphim led by Michael
and Sher-el did harry and torment the armies of Yaldabaoth, striking at his
flank and rear, causing that he must stop and quick defend; permitting that the
Mahaleenah should increase her distance between the foe.
38 And there fell among the Demiurge, company after company, their
battalions swept away to fall into the great Abyss, which thing did annoy the
Demiurgos which were forced to stand and fight; going from one harassment
unto another, being themselves unable to flick away the very Gods which did
but great perturb them.
39 Now to Salem of Merigoth did the Elohim return, having viewed with
consternation the loss of Gilliahmas and the destruction of twenty-six Archons
which fell in dreadful battle; being themselves uncertain regarding what next
they ought to do.
40 For to many did it starkly seem as though the Gods themselves were losing,
and that the Demiurge might prove the victors in the face of fearsome war;
having caused again that the Mahaleenah should flee in swift retreat.
41 And with solemn hearts they gazed upon the wonders of their world and all
the Heavens round them, to fill their eyes with such beauty as soon might surely
perish; for in their minds could they now conceive the loss of Heaven’s glory,
being themselves resolved to arouse even all the kingdoms of Light to give a last
defense if need be.
43 For in the manner of its construction did it pose a constant riddle, for the
vortex did connect the present realms of Heaven to the fartherest distant past;
before the birth of God, before the rise of glory; and in this vortex did the
Elohim behold even far more greater wonders.
44 For the Azraella had taken to himself the six remaining suns of
Ashengaard, which suns were created by The One and Areta, being in their
magnificence as massive blue giants which would forever shine; each sun being
made to dwell equidistant from each other within the vortex.
45 Thus did the Elohim look with anxious heart upon the doings of the
Azraella and his Daughter, being hopeful that at the Cleft of Soli-Endi-Muhat
they might see a great deliverance; being among themselves desirous that the
Ahgendai might prevail against the armies of Yaldabaoth.
46 Now there rushed out of the Deep of space, even Mahaleenah and all her
many forces, having traversed through many regions by the use of her
dimensions, and standing before her Father she spoke, saying: “Look, my
Father, the Darkness comes.”
47 And looking into the distance both the Father and the Daughter saw the
coming of Michael and Sher-el and all the Archons and Seraphim with them,
and behind them rushed a vast and terrible darkness which swallowed up the
stars, casting the regions round about in a deep and gloomy shadow.
48 And the Azraella, turning to his Daughter spoke, saying: “Quick, my child,
as we rehearsed, take to yourself even all the citizens of the Terrestrial Kingdom
and into safety take them. For there is no need that they should be at further
49 Go therefore and into the vortex fly with eager haste, and to the moons of
Mahaliel find refuge for the brave; for it is enough, their task is done, having
proved themselves most worthy. Go you then and these most quickly rescue, for
soon I too will follow, to flee away from Heaven and take the Darkness with
50 This is what the Father spoke, and Mahaleenah did leap forth to quick
obey, and with a mighty shout she reached through the Tael to call even all the
citizens of the Terrestrial Kingdom which had battled in defense of Heaven’s
glory; having put themselves at dreadful risk to preserve the good and holy.
51 And to the standard of the Daughter did the citizens of the Terrestrial
Kingdom gather, being themselves relieved of harsh and bitter duty, looking
themselves upon the Daughter with eyes of gratitude and relief; for the
memories of Gilliahmas did haunt them in the mind and in the heart did wound
52 But watching from the darkness glowed a pair of baleful eyes which blazed
at seeing Mahaleenah gathering to herself a mighty host, and in the heart of
bitter shadows, Jehovah-Yahweh fiercely mused; being himself most eager to
avenge the death of Emanu-Elish, to steal from Yaldabaoth a victory against the
53 For Yaldabaoth had proved unable to destroy her, causing that Jehovah-
Yahweh should desire for himself the honor; to beat his fearsome Father in the
killing of Mahaleenah, taking to himself a great and dark revenge.
54 Quietly then did Jehovah-Yahweh marshal his personal guard, waiting for
his word and when all was hard and tensely coiled, Jehovah gave a roar, and
across the distance did the Demiurge leap to strike against the Daughter;
surprising the very Ahgendai by the suddenness of his charge.
55 But in a flash did Mahaleenah respond, to cast herself straight into the face
of Jehovah-Yahweh, to toss him back into the darksome tide, causing that he
prove shamed before those which followed after him; and in a fit of
overwhelming rage, Jehovah-Yahweh did rush forth the second time to strike at
56 Yet in a quick and sudden instant did the Arch-Angels of Elohim intervene,
both they and a full legion of the Seraphim, to hold at bay Jehovah’s wrath till
Mahaleenah should leap away into the vortex, both she and all the citizens of
the Terrestrial Kingdom; being in one moment there and clearly seen, and in
the next vanished and gone away.
57 Streaking in a hurried rush to the distant far beyond, going beyond the
birth of God, beyond the birth of glory; traveling faster than their dreams,
piercing deep the weight of memory, beyond the grasp of time; to see for
themselves in the far distance, a brightly shining point of light, even the first of
six suns of Ashengaard, which like a portal did beckon from afar.
58 And approaching the point of light, even the host of the Terrestrial
Kingdom did plunge straight into the heart of the living sun, following close
upon the heels of Mahaleenah, and as they passed through to come out upon
the other side, even all did feel the darkness of war purged out of their heart and
59 Feeling within themselves a sweet and healing balm, which balm did soothe
away the many hurts of battle, to heal and quick restore, imbuing in each and
every person a feeling of wellness and joy, being braced within by an eager
60 On and on rushed the host of Heaven, following quick the Daughter’s lead,
going from one sun unto the next, passing through each in rapid succession;
and with each and every passing were they purged more fully of dreadful
memories, to view the battle of Gilliahmas as no more than a strange and
passing dream.
61 Till at last they came to the journey’s end to burst out of the seventh sun in a
splendid joyful rush; to fill the airs with songs of maranatha and sweet hosannas,
seeing before them the very world of Mahaliel and the seven moons which moved
round about, being in their orbits brightly fixed.
62 Now around the seventh moon did there orbit still another moon, being
itself a world of rich appointment and exquisite beauty; and to this moon of
moons did Mahaleenah bring the citizens of the Terrestrial Kingdom, and there
came out to meet them, even the seven Azurgai filled with greetings and joyful
63 Yet in the midst of joy and safety did the Daughter look back from whence
she came, back into the far beyond where Light and Darkness battled at a place
called Soli-Endi-Muhat; and there breathed out from the lips of Mahaleenah
but one word only, speaking softly throughout the Tael, saying: “Father.”
Chapter 13
2 For this cause did Yaldabaoth rebuke with fearsome rage the bravado of
Jehovah-Yahweh, for in attacking the Daughter did he cause to vanish the
greater part of Azraella’s army, being now beyond the reach of the Lord of
Doom; causing that he should feel robbed of that final victory which would have
left exposed and undefended even all the realms of Heaven.
5 Thus was there arranged in solemn formations both the armies of Light
versus the armies of Darkness, and in the balance did the armies of Yaldabaoth
seem still as some vast and terrible sea which did surround the Light on every
side; appearing to the Demiurge as if they alone possessed advantage.
6 Yet did Yaldabaoth fret within his mind over the calmness of the Azraella,
remembering how that at Korisedrah the Azraella had worked a mighty
slaughter against a vast and darksome sea, to prove himself the victor over a
force of greater numbers.
7 Now Yaldabaoth did assign that five dark princes should attack with their
armies against the Seraphim and the Cherubim, having chief among them even
Jehovah-Yahweh; which fearsome armies should prove a great distraction to
the Azraella and all the Archons with him.
8 For Yaldabaoth did intend that even he, with the remainder of his forces,
would slip unseen through the hidden folds of the twenty-third dimension, to
attack at once the Azraella only, to separate him from his command whereby he
might stand alone; and in that deep and great aloneness cast him into death.
9 In great assaults of rage did the Darkness leap to attack, striking hard
against the legions of Light and Glory, causing that the Seraphim and Cherubim
should struggle desperately side by side against the Demiurge, to cast into the
great Abyss one charging line upon another, to cut them down as noxious weeds
which would choke and quick destroy.
11 Yet did the Seraphim and Cherubim move as they rehearsed, to match with
sudden knowing both move and countermove, shifting swiftly from one
position to the next, to keep confused the attacking hordes of doom; causing
often that they should charge into themselves and cause a mighty havoc, forcing
the Demiurge to often stumble in the midst of their confusion.
12 And in the rush of fearsome battle where Light and Darkness clashed,
Yaldabaoth slipped away into the hidden folds of the twenty-third dimension,
both he and a mighty host beside, slipping through most hidden mysteries to
spring up suddenly beneath the feet of Azraella to catch him unaware;
13 Striking hard with vengeful mien, to cast the Azraella off his balance,
causing that he should fall exposed before a Nemesis which knew no pity, but
was instead most filled with hate; and with bitter zeal did Yaldabaoth leap
suddenly to strike with all his might, perchance to kill the Light of God.
14 But there leaped forth to defend, a great many of the Oggaliaphim which
did cast Yaldabaoth back, giving to the Azraella a momentary respite whereby
he might recover from the fearsome blow; and regaining his former state, there
sprang up before the Azraella three dark princes which sought to deeply wound
him, to make of him an easy prey for the father which they feared.
15 And immediately did the Azraella strike with awful fury against the princes
of Yaldabaoth, and with terrible striving did he prevail against them while all
around there roared a tumultuous battle filled with the hurt and rage of many
struggles, for the Oggaliaphim did rage against Yaldabaoth while the Archons of
Elohim held at bay the armies of doom and darkness.
16 Thus was there seen the fiercest battle of all, greater than Korisedrah, more
terrible than Gilliahmas, filling the whole of Soli-Endi-Muhat with a brutal
melee of light and darkness swirling round about each other grasping for
advantage, seeking each through desperate means to cast the other into ruin.
17 For pain and death did fly into the face of every combatant, to fill the hearts
of all with a haunting fierce despair, gorging the minds of those which struggled
with fear and constant dread; compelling those which once were holy to take on
a darker burden, and this for the sake of all the realms of Heaven, whereby they
might preserve them.
18 And there fell into broken ruin the three dark princes which had sought to
wound the Azraella, for the fierce and dreadful Savior did slay in quick
succession first the dark prince Apuis-Ra, then Osceo-Ka’in, and at last Tapari-
Chemoshi; causing that even Yaldabaoth should stare in disbelief, to see such
mighty princes swept away as though they were but dust.
20 Now in the defeat of three dark princes did Yaldabaoth fiercely growl, and
with a loud and hurtful roar he leaped upon the Azraella, and there ensued the
most terrible struggle of all; each combatant striking blow for blow against each
other; and in the grip of desperate struggle did the Azraella yield and backward
21 Causing that Yaldabaoth himself should notice and seize with fierceness the
minds of all his many forces to give them dark instructions; for throughout the
battle of Soli-Endi-Muhat did the forces of Light most slowly yield, to give most
grudging ground, and in the mind did Darkness think:
22 “The Light will soon retreat and we will follow after, for I will hound them
and harass, to rob them of respite; causing that the Azraella should prove
unable to further plot against me; forcing upon his many legions the hurt of
constant battle, forcing them at last to break beneath the weight of all my
23 So thought the Darkness; and little by little did the army of Light give way,
backing step by step into that vortex which the Darkness could not see, or by
any means determine, struggling with most violent fury to hold at bay the evil
tide of doom, appearing to the Demiurge as if they soon must fall.
25 And regaining quickly his sensibilities, Yaldabaoth beheld the swift retreat
of the Azraella and all those which fought beside him, and with a piercing roar
he leaped to follow after; chasing eagerly in pursuit into the vortex which he
could not perceive, and behind him followed the armies of doom and utter
26 And in a wink were the Heavens free of fear and dread, for the darkness of
Yaldabaoth had gone itself away, and in the silence of the Tael did there rise a
mighty shout of joy and song, filling even all the realms with a sense of deepest
wonder; for even all the realms had thought themselves lost and on the verge of
dark defeat.
27 Yet in a sudden moment had the Azraella drawn away the danger,
removing from all the Heavens the hurt and threat of recent times, to make all
things appear as new and filled with life and love; causing that in every realm
and kingdom there should leap forth a mighty jubilation.
28 How greatly then did the Heavens shout and sing their maranathas, how
loudly did their hearts proclaim their love for Azraella and the Daughter which
strove beside him; how deeply stirred their noble spirits for those which gave so
much, to mingle together tears of joy with tears of deepest sorrow.
29 And throughout the Seven Councils of Light did even all the Gods proclaim
aloud their deepest admiration for the Ahgendai and all those which stood
beside him, to forge between the Azraella and themselves an alliance of
friendship and mutual support.
30 Now in the depths of the vortex did the Azraella rush, while behind him
there quick pursued the very Demiurge, rushing quickly down the hall
perchance to overtake; and in the distance was there seen a brightly shining
point of light, even the first of the suns of Ashengaard.
31 And seeing the sun the Azraella and all his host did leap forth with a start,
feeling therein a timely doorway which would take them safely from the storm
which hotly followed after, to place them securely in a place of refuge and quiet
32 Thus did the warriors of light leap joyfully into the sun which served itself
as a great and pleasing doorway; and entering in even all did find themselves
refreshed and deep renewed, forgetting at once the sting of hurt and injury, to
find therein a healing and a balm which soothed and quick enlivened.
33 But in the seeing of the sun which lay ahead did the Demiurge not rejoice,
but felt instead the birth of dread and darkest apprehension; causing that
Yaldabaoth should strive to slow down the speed of all their many rushings; yet
was he unable, being himself caught and fastly held within the gravitonic well of
the vortex which still he could not see.
34 Becoming themselves, one and all, drawn inexorably into the first sun
which stood as a guardian within the vortex; and going in did even all, save one,
become themselves confused by fading memories, having purged from their
minds all recent events; forgetting at once the battles and strivings of war, but
becoming instead as those confused and deep bewildered.
35 And through each successive sun did the armies of Light become
themselves restored to health and joy and love, while the armies of Darkness
became ever more confused; forgetting for a season who they were or what they
did, or the place from which they came, all except for dread Yaldabaoth.
36 For the Lord of Doom was left alone and he did full remember, being
himself as his former self, proving in his greatness unaffected by the suns
through which he passed; becoming himself but further enraged by the stupor
of his command.
37 And passing at last through the seventh sun, around which sun moved the
world of Mahaliel, even all the forces of Light and goodness came to rest upon
the moon of the seventh moon; even as the armies of Darkness did leap out
from the far side of the seventh sun to find themselves where they began, in the
very cosmos of the First Creation.
39 And peering back from whence he came, searching deeply the realms of
space, Yaldabaoth looked and stared in disbelief; pondering to himself what
could have been; striving to know by what means he should have been brought
back so far from Heaven’s glory, causing that he should feel its absence within
his dark and troubled mind.
40 While all about him the Demiurge did drift and stumble as if made blind,
knowing not who they were, having forgotten the sum of all their knowledge in
a bright and sudden moment; having no fear of their dread and hurtful master
for they knew not the Lord of Doom, neither could they remember him.
41 Slowly then did Yaldabaoth drift away, pulling behind him in his wake even
all the Demiurge together, turning ponderously as if in a strange and frightful
dream; returning sadly in dark retreat to that place from whence they came.
42 And through the passing of the seasons, through the ebb and flow of time
were even all the Demiurge brought back to slow remembrance of who and
what they were, recollecting within the Void, of battles fought and won and of
the nearness of certain victory over the Heavens far beyond.
43 Thus ended the second war of Heaven, which very war did give birth
throughout the realms of light and glory of a deep and abiding wonder filled
with joy; causing that even all powers, dominions and principalities within the
creations of God should rejoice and sing and dance.
44 And there was placed in the center court of Salem of Merigoth, between the
temples of Valhaladea and the Archons, a memorial to those which fell from
among the Elohim in standing beside the Azraella and his Daughter in the
battles of Gilliahmas and Soli-Endi-Muhat.
45 And within the boundaries of the great Chasm which separated the
Celestial Kingdoms from those of Olaha Shinehah was there placed a cluster of
twenty-six suns; which suns did each bear the name of those Archons which
had sacrificed so much for so many; to be to them as brightly shining
testimonials of all which they had done for the sake of Heaven.
46 Now on the moon of the seventh moon of Mahaliel did the Ahgendai
convene a great and Solemn Convocation, and there attended the Seven
Councils of Light; and there presided among them the Azraella, and beside him
there calmly sat the Daughter which he loved; and in the airs above were there
gathered even all the mighty hosts of the Ahgendai, none excepting or excluded.
47 And to all which were gathered did the Azraella speak, to apportion to
those of the Elohim an inheritance among the Ahgendai, if they should so
desire; to become themselves as sons and daughters of a new and differing
order of Godhood; to stand forever beside the Azraella and his Daughter in
keeping forever young the Heavens which they loved.
48 For on the world of the First Power would even all who stood beside the
Ahgendai in fierce and hurtful battle be given the promise of a far more greater
glory; for those of the Elohim which had served in battle, even these would
become as sons and daughters of the Ahgendai if it so be that they should regain
anew their holiness in the world of the First Power.
49 While all those which were come from the Terrestrial Kingdom to fight
against the Darkness, even they would become as ministering angels on the
moon of the seventh moon of Mahaliel, if it so be that they should strive with all
diligence in bringing about the designs of God in the working of the
dispensations in the world so far away.
50 And between the lesser and the greater was there placed the workings of a
new and differing order of Hodos Alea whereby any who should have desires
might become themselves as the sons and daughters of the Ahgendai, having
proven themselves as those most worthy upon the world of the First Power.
51 Thus did the Azraella lay before the Seven Councils of Light the desires and
designs of The One and Areta together; and in the hearing did all marvel, to see
therein a power and redemption far greater than before; for in the world of First
Man would the dispensations of God work a mighty wonder in bringing about
the advent of First Soul.
52 For among First Man would all those who should reflect the love and
wisdom of God through the working of the dispensations of God, even would
these then, whether man or woman, lay for themselves the foundations of
endless soul; to become themselves in time as the ministering angels of the
Ahgendai, to dwell forever upon the seven moons of Mahaliel;
53 Becoming themselves redeemed from that dark oblivion when the world of
First Man did destroy itself because of hate; becoming instead as those
immortal and everlasting, to dwell forever in joy among the very Gods of
Heaven; possessing to themselves the fulfillment of all their dreams.
54 In this manner did the Azraella speak, revealing before the Gods a great
many designs, which designs did contain within themselves even greater and
greater wonders filled with mystery and delight; and when he was completed,
even then did the Gods rejoice and give forth thanks, counting themselves as
those most blessed in the hearing of all these things.
55 Behold then this mystery of mysteries, and in its telling take great thought
to ponder well the course before you; for in the revelation of godly things would
I have you strengthened and not as one made weak and feeble, becoming
yourself instead as one awake and most aware of the God which walks among
you, and of the power which lies within you to do much good.
56 Behold, I am The One, First God and Father Creator, Supreme and Holy
Sovereign above all the Gods of Heaven; being myself and my Beloved timeless
and immutable, eternal mind most ever constant; holding in my hand the
streams of endless time, containing within my mystery the seeds of glory and
exaltation forever, worlds without end.
57 For I am the Mystery deeply hidden, revealing always the songs of the
ineffable filled with wonder; proving myself through kind devotion a good and
holy consort; embracing to my soul the hopes and dreams of my Beloved, to be
for her the fulfillment and the joy; for the Areta have I set as a crown upon my
head and a light within my heart.
58 And together have we drawn from out of our depths both the Father and
his Daughter, causing that they should create from out of their mystery even a
new Heaven and a new earth; being in themselves the very Ahgendai which
would hold at bay the Darkness and the Terror, to make forever the Heavens
new and filled with deeper purpose.
Chapter 1
Mother to Child
The birth of endless mind – “I am Areta, eternal Mother, Supreme and Sovereign” – An
invitation to enlightenment – Mystery leads to mystery – Three great mysteries – Wisdom is
found in the doing and living of godly things – “Where stand you then, my noble child, in light
or frightful shadows?” – Examine yourself – “Once so very long ago, I lived a life like yours” –
God is greater than all your sins and fears – Being healed, reborn, and holy – Hope is needed
in the world – Many Mothers quietly wait the coming of their children – Book of the Heavenly
1 Before the birth of time and space, before the dawn of man, before the tides
of great creations rushing through the Deep, I alone existed; before the birth of
God and Goddess, before the light of Heaven shined, before the beginning of all
beginnings I was the breath of life.
2 In a void of great aloneness, in the depths of endless night burst the spark of
deep awareness, instant, sudden, fully conscious, becoming self-aware; gazing,
seeking, ever reaching beyond the veil of nothing, filled with desperation, the
birth of endless mind.
5 To whom then shall I speak? Who will my mystery touch? Who among so
many children will set aside their lesser self, and with an eager humble mind,
embrace the heart of all my wisdom to make it as their own?
6 To such a one as this would I this book reveal; being myself most ever
hopeful to uplift what now seems fallen, to restore with grace the light of God in
a world most often dreary; for it is in the reader’s mind where shadows lurk and
prowl, ever seeking unguarded moments to wound the heart within.
7 So come my child, beside me sit, upon my bosom rest; let go the hurt which
inward burns and find in me some comfort; for where you have no wisdom,
even I shall enlighten you; where you find in you no strength and all your hope
is gone, even I shall lift you up beyond yourself to make you strong in me.
8 Yield therefore your lesser self and give to me your hurt, for in me shall you
find a greater healing than you have ever known; which healing will cause your
life to shine; for even I shall be for you a place of refuge to shelter from the
9 Be you then most quietly still, let go your many burdens, hush the mind of
all its noise, let go your aggravations, rest you soft upon my breasts and in your
ears I’ll quietly speak, shaping through the softest whispers the song of all my
10 For even as you are mortal, even so in ages past did I likewise choose to be;
to find in life a school of learning, drawing deep from all that’s common the
most uncommon things of all; shaping out of things made mortal, the seeds of
immortality and eternal life, filled with endless glory.
11 Come you now with open heart and of my words partake, for such counsel
as I shall give shall I nourish and strengthen both spirit and body together, to
fill you up with firm resolve in holding on to God, causing that you should see in
Azrael the only true path to glory and exaltation forever, to become yourself as
the very Ahgendai.
12 For out of my depths did there come forth three great and holy mysteries,
being each themselves filled with mysteries of their own; for mystery leads to
mystery, and in the hearing of the mystery is there revealed the light of
understanding; for in understanding are you drawn more closely to all that’s
good and holy, to build in you a good foundation where you might build a
temple unto God.
13 For it is your life which becomes the temple where God and man do meet,
seeing for themselves through the living of your life, the presence of God
revealed; hearing through your words and deeds the song which God would
sing, ever beckoning from afar that they should come partake.
14 Open then your inward heart and I shall give instructions, causing that you
should find in me the completion of yourself; to become yourself filled to
overflowing with things eternal and divine, having made place within you for
the mysteries which are revealed.
15 These then are the three great mysteries which even God has revealed
already through the teachings and writings of Azrael; which mysteries are the
mystery of myself, even Areta, who first awakened in the Deep to be myself
alone, the first eternal mind; possessing to myself neither form nor pleasing
16 And from my aloneness there came the second, the birth of God and
Heaven and all the mysteries found therein, filled each and every part with
mysteries of their own, even worlds without end, for mystery gives birth to
mystery in the great Eternal Round.
17 This then is the second mystery which would lead unto the third; for in the
third and final mystery is there come forth the birth of Azraella and all the
Ahgendai hereafter, causing that both God and Heaven should be forever new;
causing through some endless struggle a bright and new rebirth, forever and
18 But of these things you know already, being themselves revealed, causing
that there should come forth within you the awakening of your soul, to fill you
up with wonder, causing that you should endure with grace the hardships of
your life.
19 Yet is it not enough to hear the mysteries of God revealed, for wisdom is
found in the doing and living of godly things, having converted even all your
heart and mind; to stand as one with Azrael, permitting that you should believe
with full acceptance the things which come from God, to become yourself
reborn and made as someone new;
20 Having set free your greater self whereby the spirit should soar beyond
mere mortal chains, to reveal in you the wonder and mystery of even your own
soul; which soul shall prove a fount of unending wisdom filled with inspirations
and insights of every kind.
21 Yet of this mystery do few know, for many fear to know the soul or to set
their spirit free, being themselves bound and chained by lesser things;
becoming themselves as prisoners to all that’s pale and thin, seeing in
themselves nothing greater than the shadows which lurk within.
22 Where stand you then, my noble child, in light or frightful shadows? In
what place is found the mind that shapes the thing you are? Do you yearn and
inward hunger to touch the soul of God, to be yourself as one enlightened and
filled to overflowing?
23 Look then with open eyes and see what dwells within you, shaping through
the words you speak the world in which you live; molding through the things
you do the days of all your life. For words alone but half empower while actions
do the rest, causing that there should be in you either wholeness or great
24 Examine then your inward self while yet you sit beside me, and I will guide
you through the maze which mortal living fashions; for once so very long ago I
lived a life like yours, chased by shadows which would distract, to make of life a
25 But in my soul I heard the song which did my heart enflame, a song of hope
and endless joy where life and goodness reign, wafting soft throughout my days,
to pierce the darkest gloom; shimmering, glimmering folds of light, the sound
like music playing.
26 God was singing from afar to set my spirit free, unlocking the doors which
bound the soul, to help me fully see, that flesh and bone were but a part, that so
much more was there, revealing still most deep within me the wonder of my life.
27 Tell me then: Where have you gone that I have not tread before you? What
burden have you carried that was greater than my own? Have you suffered
beyond endurance? Have tears like rivers flowed, carrying away upon its flood
the very song of God, causing that you should prove unable to rise above the
28 Or could it be you hear the anthem calling from afar, peeling out across the
ages in tones most soft and sweet; reaching deep into the heart to fill you up
with yearning; eager yourself to touch the dream where God and Heaven dwell
but yet you feel as one unworthy and filled with hesitation?
29 What sin shall prove so great a burden to make you seem reluctant? What
guilt or inward failing would make you seem unclean? For this I tell you for
your learning: God is greater than all these things, far greater than such fears as
would your hope make dim.
30 Speak to me your inward heart and tell me where you stand. Do you wish to
be empowered, to be as one with God? Do you yearn to be the song which God
and angels sing? Can you rise above the shadows to dwell within the light?
31 If then you would be healed, to stand as one made strong, then yield to me
your many hurts and I shall surely heal you; opening up before your eyes the
mystery of my wisdom, and in the hearing and the doing shall you find yourself
reborn, becoming yourself as one made holy by holding on to God.
32 Will you choose to be the one in whom I can confide? Will you hear the
words I speak to make them as your own? Will you place your hand in mine to
make the dream come true, to stand yourself before the world filled with greater
vision? Will you love as I do love, will you my song become?
33 If then you would be healed then attend with faithful heart the words
contained herein, for such counsel as you shall find have I drawn from the living
of all my mortal lives together, to be for you the greatest pearl filled with hidden
34 Be you then most rich in God, a pearl beyond price or measure, having
distilled within your mind the greatest truths of all; shaping through an active
faith a bright and holy life, having as your constant star this song which God
would sing.
35 Let the melody and the lyric enchant and full entwine, to prove yourself as
one enraptured and carried unto God, becoming yourself in every part a good
and holy child filled with grace and godly wisdom which in the dark would
shine; lighting up the world around you to fill it up with hope.
36 For hope is needed in the world, a hope which never falters, making bright
the years before you to chase away the gloom, opening up the darkest corners to
make the shadows flee, making light what now seems dark and filled with great
37 In what place can hope be found, the strong and stable kind, the hope
which never yields or quits, but keeps a steady pace, to lift you up when things
go bad, to calm the storms that rage, the hope which bears and quiet endures
the trials of all your life?
38 Come my child and I will tell you, your hope I would reveal, for here within
the Song of God, beyond its many pages, hope is born within the heart, to take
its breath from you, being made to come alive by a good and eager faith;
shaping through the things you do a light which never fails.
39 Place your hand within my own and I will softly guide you, whispering
quiet within your mind words of hope and courage; building up within your
heart a godly place of refuge, lighting up within your soul the candle of your
wisdom, burning brightly from within to bring you home to me.
40 Here beyond the starry deep, beyond the dreams you dream, many
Mothers quietly wait the coming of their children; being each and every one
filled with joyful heart, eagerly seeking to touch the mind of every child they
love, to open wide the very portals which lead to exaltation.
41 Thus is there given for your sake the guidance of the Mother, Holy Spirit,
blest, divine, filled with approbation; seeking through most subtle means to
touch your heart and mind, ever guiding, deep abiding, waiting by your side;
whispering glowing touch of light which takes your breath away;
42 Making bright what once was dark, to chase away the gloom, soft revealing,
deep appealing, light within you bursting; shocking, sudden inspiration which
makes you fully see, opening up before your mind the mysteries from beyond.
43 How quick the shadows flee away when Heaven near approaches, to stand
yourself as one empowered and filled with light and joy; reflecting through the
things you do the light of many Mothers.
44 So come my child and be you wise and walk a while with me, and I will
guide you through this life which swirls and rushes by, to open up before your
eyes the mysteries of your soul and there within the deepest deep reveal the
thing you are.
45 For here upon these very pages is wisdom finely gathered, a book of light
and secret turnings, a book of joy and hope; this the book which I would give –
this book of the Heavenly Mother.
46 So come my child and hear my counsel, let us wend our way, and through
the spirit of many Mothers shall I most quick enlighten, to make most bright
what now seems dark and fill you up with healing.
Chapter 2
1 How then shall we dress your life, to fill it up with blessings? How secure the
heart and mind to make your faith prove strong? How pass on this light of God
which burns within you brightly, to establish well the generations which would
follow in your steps?
2 What means shall prove the best in keeping joy alive? What way shall prove
the surest way to fill your life with meaning, building deep within your heart a
far more greater purpose, firmly fixed and strongly fashioned and filled with
3 Let us then prove most resolved both you and I together, and weave with
care your life and faith to make them be as one; to prove yourself as undivided,
a child of greater worth, earning through this life you live a far more noble
4 Consider then the years ahead, the years which you must live: Would you fill
them up with joy? Would light and sunshine glow? Would you open wide your
arms and dance with God above, counting your life a joyful song and filled with
Heaven’s love?
5 Do you yearn for great abundance, of treasures worth the having; of friends
and families drawn together within the fold of God; each one filled with simple
treasures, like pearls upon a string, brightly glowing pearls of love which make
you want to sing?
6 Would you choose to celebrate the joy you find in God, with anthems ringing
through the air filled with hallelujah? Would you draw your family close and in
God’s bosom rest, tender moments filled with joy which make your life seem
7 For this I tell you for your learning, that a life without meaning leads to no
great purpose; becoming itself dull and shallow and filled with tediums of every
kind, possessing of itself neither height nor breadth nor depth, becoming in all
its varied parts a small and petty thing.
8 How then shall you and I together rescue the life you live, to make it glow
and outward shine, to fill your days with light; to lift you up beyond yourself,
becoming yourself as one made free from such smallness as others would
9 Let us then, both you and I, reason well what we shall do; for even as you
would enrich the living of your life, even so would many others prove likewise
benefited; for you are not alone in the living of your life, becoming yourself an
influence which touches the lives of others.
10 For no one is alone, though they themselves might think so, becoming
themselves the very nexus at which other lives do meet, mingling here and
going there, rushing to and fro, becoming themselves through daily living a part
of someone’s life.
11 Thus in making bright the life you live, even then shall the light touch those
who move about you to fill them up with wonder, causing that they should see
in you a life of greater purpose than they have ever known, causing that they
should desire it for themselves.
12 Come then and let us reason as a Mother to a child, and I will open before
your eyes a life of celebration; for there is given to each and every year, four
points around the sun, which points are oft proclaimed the seasons of the year.
13 Thus at the turning of the seasons shall I now appoint the days of
celebration and remembrance, to be for you and the generations after you the
four great festivals of God; causing that those which live the mortal life might
participate with God in a spirit of great rejoicing, to be at rest from all their
labors while dancing in the light;
15 Listen then, most noble child and I will reveal the festivals of God which
would fill your life with jubilation; creating through the joy of song and dance,
through prayer and study, the wonder of spiritual wisdom and sweet
communion with God the Mother and the Father and all their children together
in the midst of great rejoicing.
16 For in spiritual jubilation do you let go your lesser self, to stand as one
made free in God, to fill your heart with angel wings and be no longer fettered;
letting go the heavy burden which makes your life seem dull; becoming instead
through great rejoicing the very light of God which would chase away the
17 Let this then be the first and foremost celebration of all your years to come.
For it is appointed that on the nineteenth day of June shall you establish the
Festival of Joy in commemoration of that day when God and Heaven did reveal
themselves to Azrael whereby he might set at liberty the children of God.
18 Making bright what once was dark, making real what once was vague and
filled with shadows; for in coming forth to Azrael did God make known the
realness of themselves, opening wide the gates of knowledge to fill you up with
knowing; for you are no longer ignorant and uncertain regarding the things of
God, but are instead most deeply certain, having been filled to overflowing with
revelations and mysteries of every kind.
19 For this cause shall you gather midst great rejoicing and celebrate the
coming forth of God, and even as Azrael was made to walk with God for four
days and three nights, even so shall you do likewise; revealing through your
jubilation your gratitude unto God for all the gifts received.
20 Gather therefore your family and friends from out of the Fellowship and in
wild and open places, in high meadows beside lakes and streams, reveal to God
through jubilation a good and joyful gratitude; for once you were as children
lost, confused and filled with constant fear.
21 But now are you made full in God, possessing in your mind a sure and holy
knowledge of things which are eternal; becoming yourself through constant
faith, even as one found and rescued from such fear and uncertainty as once did
hold you bound.
22 Let then your commemoration be filled with great rejoicing, being each and
every one bound together in celebration; being in your studies and meditations
filled with inward joy; reflecting through the things you do the light which
glows within.
23 Yet of this I would forewarn you. Beware of those who would proclaim the
need for being somber, for somberness is the cloak which hides a great
hypocrisy; for there are those who would proclaim that somberness is the
showing forth of reverence before the face of God.
25 If then you would be wise then of my counsel take, for those which would
proclaim the need for somber reverence, even they are empty of joy themselves,
becoming themselves most resentful towards those who would be joyful; being
themselves embarrassed and filled with shame that they should find no joy
within them concerning the things of God.
26 For this cause are the somber minded made resentful of those who would
be joyful, causing that they should press upon you a grave and austere worship;
and by this means would steal away the joy that is yours by right.
27 How then shall you comport yourself before the face of God? What tokens
would you give which would reveal your deepest heart? What would God like
most to see from those who are their children? What would move the heart of
God to brightly bring us forth, to prove ourselves most happy eager to touch the
child we love?
29 Consider then and deeply ponder, for there has been given you already a
great many gifts from God. By what means then shall you draw to yourself the
greater portion which in our heart resides? What would make us prove most
eager to give the greater gift?
30 Shall such gifts as come from God be given to those of somber minds and
solemn faces, or shall such gifts find quick their home midst songs of joy and
light? For in the beginning was the law decreed that kind should cleave to kind.
31 Resist with firmness the stern reverence which others would impose, but
choose instead to celebrate the joy you find in God; proving yourself a happy
vessel which God would seek to fill, giving into your keeping Light for light and
Joy for joy; adding to your many treasures an abundance of goodly things.
32 Thus shall you celebrate the festivals which I appoint being for your good;
to assign to you that happy moment when you shall sing and dance in the midst
of all your worship; creating from your joy the light which shines and in the
darkness beckons, becoming yourself that point of light where God is surely
33 Remember then, do not forget, that it is appointed that the first and
greatest festival of all your years to come shall be that of the Festival of Joy, in
commemoration of the coming forth of God and Heaven to the man called
34 Bring therefore unto the wild places wherein you choose to celebrate, the
tents for camping beneath the sky; for even as Azrael was made to dwell in a
tent within the mountains deep, even so shall you in like fashion do, that you
may prove yourself as one with the very Friend of God.
35 And even as you would celebrate the coming forth of God, still is it
appointed that on the day of the summer solstice, from the rising of the sun to
the setting, even on this day shall you celebrate the coming forth of the Song of
God; for even as the sun gives forth an abundance of light on the longest day of
the year, even so shall the Song of God give light throughout all the generations
of mankind upon this world whereon you stand.
36 For the Song of God is made the gift which we from Heaven give, to be for
you a place of learning filled with sacred wisdom; a place where you and God
might meet and there but sweet embrace, a place of refuge from the storm
where you might find deliverance.
37 Yet in Heaven is there found the custom where a gift deserves a gift. What
gift therefore would you give for the sake of so great a gift? What is the gift
which we would seek from the children that we love?
38 Only one gift shall prove most worthy, only one gift do we desire, to see in
you the gift of joy and happy jubilation; proving yourselves as those most
grateful and filled with song and dance; holding up for all the world this book
which God did give; proclaiming aloud its many riches to those which do not
have, reclaiming through the Song of God this world so far away.
39 For this I tell you for your learning, that you might prove yourself most
wise: for in the joy of jubilation is strength increased within you, both of body
and in spirit, causing that you should prove indomitable in the midst of all your
40 Thus if you would prove strong in the living of your life and not as someone
weak, then be you quick and unreserved in the expression of that sacred joy
which flows from the heart of God, even as a mighty river which would wash
away all weariness from both heart and mind together.
41 For you are more than you suppose or even in your dreams perceived,
having elected even your own selves to stand before the very Heavens as
warriors of light and grace, having chosen of your own accord to become the
sons and daughters of this Azrael who walks in life beside you; to stand yourself
against the darkness as a light which never fails.
43 Hear then and I will answer, to give you good instruction, for these three
powers shall prove most useful, being in their nature most desired by even all
the children of God who are made to dwell so far away.
44 Thus would I reveal in you the first power which would awaken the
children of God as if from sleep. For this power is the power of joy, which joy is
the greatest of all testimonies concerning the things of God, and against this joy
would only the foolish speak.
45 For in the heart of every man and every woman is there found the need for
joy, causing that every man and every woman should prove most eager to take it
to themselves; ever seeking, always striving to dance within the light.
46 For the joy of God is made the light which beckons from afar, shining
brightly in the Deep to fill the heart with hope; reaching out with open arms to
lift you higher still, until at last we are as one, you in me and I in you, forever
and anon.
47 Thus in worship and in celebration let all your joy leap forth, singing,
dancing with arms wide open to receive that child of God which today is lost
midst great confusions, but in you is found the light which would guide them
safely home.
48 And this shall prove the second power which would set free the child of
God, for this power is the power of fellowship, which fellowship is born of joy
and light together, revealing quick for all to see the family of God on earth.
49 For it is also born most deep within, the need to belong and be a part of
something greater than yourself, hoping that in the doing you might find some
greater purpose; for it is the greater purpose which leads to the greater self.
50 How then shall the true Fellowship of God reveal itself unto those who
yearn to find themselves a home? In what manner shall you comport yourself
towards those who believe as you do?
51 For in the true Fellowship of God are even all made as one through
covenant, which covenant would forge together a single heart and mind,
reflecting through good fellowship the family of God on earth.
52 Hear me then and I will tell you, to set before you a good example worthy of
emulation; for in the meeting of a brother or a sister within the Fellowship of
God, let it be the custom to embrace each other and to give to each a holy kiss
upon the cheek, being each to each filled with joyful greetings.
53 Be you then most happy eager in seeking each the other, establishing well
through daily doings the fellowship that you owe; becoming yourself as one
most constant, a light within the fold filled with joy and grace.
54 For this I tell you for your learning, that in fellowship is there found the
beginnings of godly grace, being itself pure and undefiled, having as its only aim
the care of those you meet; creating deep within the heart the bond of true
affection, which affection would bind together even all who would come
seeking, to make you one with God.
56 Yet above the first and second power is there found a greater power, being
itself the Song of God, this book of holy scriptures, becoming itself in every part
a source of many powers. Thus in the Song of God is the mind of God revealed,
answering well the many questions which men and women ask; containing
within its many pages still far more greater mysteries.
57 For it is in the nature of man to seek the mind of God, being themselves
most hopeful in touching the great eternal, causing that they should strive and
struggle through many religions to embrace what cannot be seen, but which is
felt only within the heart.
58 Yet are the religions of man filled with great confusions born of fear, having
been perverted through the many minions of Jehovah, who in the name of
many gods did mislead and misdirect the children which were born of God,
being themselves most anxious to steal away the children that we love.
59 By this means did Jehovah place before the minds of men, the teachings of
lesser men which were not of God, but which sought instead to appease their
dreadful master lest they themselves should perish in a hell of their devising.
60 Hold up therefore the Song of God and from its pages read, becoming
yourselves as good ambassadors, teaching and preaching with joyful hearts that
God did not forget; letting shine the light of joy which reveals the prize they
seek, to know at last the mind of God and to touch the great eternal.
61 And so it is given that in the Festival of Joy are you given three reasons for
jubilation, which reasons are: the coming forth of God and Heaven, the
appointment of Azrael to be for you a teacher, and the coming forth of the Song
of God to be for you a light.
62 This then be the first and foremost of all your festivals, to be for you a
source of joy, filling the Heavens above the earth with shouts of hallelujah.
Chapter 3
1 Come my child and let us reason together, for if you would fill your life with
God, to dress your days with joy and not sorrow, then must you place your hand
in mine and give to me your faith; which faith is made revealed through all your
hope and trust.
3 For who will sew a patch of new cloth onto an old garment? For when it is
washed and put in the sun, the new cloth will pull away from the old and the
tear is made worse than before.
4 Or, which of you will pour new wine into old wineskins? For if you do, then
will the old wineskins burst apart and the new wine is spilled out upon the
ground. Thus if you would preserve the new, then must you forsake the old
ways altogether.
5 In like manner are you disadvantaged by the traditions of the past, which
traditions are made of men only, becoming themselves incompatible and
discordant with such things as God would reveal through the teachings of
6 Prove yourself as one made wise and filled with good resolve, letting go the
things of men by cleaving unto me; becoming yourself as one transformed by
the renewing of your mind, establishing well within your heart a tradition born
of God.
7 For this law we hold most certain: that a new dispensation demands a new
beginning, and this on the world of the First Power only; for in this world so far
away is evil found in greater measure.
9 For in new and bright traditions do old things pass away, making bright
what once was dark, having swept away the dust of ages past to find at last
yourself, a child of God most nobly born and filled with greater purpose.
10 Thus shall the festivals which I appoint cause old things to pass away, for
behold, I shall make all things new for your sake, to set in place a new tradition
filled with jubilation and rich with meaning, which meaning shall create in you
a life of greater purpose.
12 Let us then consider the second festival which I would now appoint, for on
the eve of the winter solstice shall you celebrate for three days the Winter
Festival of Lights; which festival shall proclaim aloud the family of God above
that of mortal man.
13 For even your own family is in similitude of a far more greater family,
which greater family is found in Heaven, being in its every part wondrous and
delightful; possessing in its construct a home and hearth where even all are
gathered to dwell in joyful purpose before the Heavenly Mother and Heavenly
Father; and of this far more greater family are even you become a part.
14 Consider then the season, the cold and wintry months, for even therein do
you find a similitude of all your life upon the world of man; for in every life is
there made to come the hard and bitter day, filled with burdens of every kind;
causing that you should feel yourself as one despairing and filled with grief.
15 And even as in the wintry months, even so do you feel likewise a creeping
coldness within the heart, which coldness would make most dark and filled with
gloom the life which you now live; causing that there should well up within you
a hurtful ache which would make even your own spirit dull and filled with
16 How then shall you bring warmth and light and hope into the life which
feels most burdened and pressed on every side? By what means would you
chase away the coldness of depression, causing that such gloom as you might
feel should prove itself diminished and unworthy of further thought?
17 For in the beginning was it not intended that you should prove defeated in
the living of your life; neither was it foreordained that life should prove a
burden; for this I tell you for your good, that unto you is there given the seeds of
victory and happy life.
18 What then shall prove the fertile soil which would make victory grow within
you? By what power shall light and warmth be made to glow and chase away the
19 Come then and I will tell you and this a mantra speak, to be in yourself
always remembered that in the expression of joy is strength created, in the
expression of joy is light and warmth made to glow to chase away the gloom; for
in the midst of jubilation is the victory of your life most clearly seen.
20 Let us consider the Winter Festival of Lights, the manner in which you
celebrate; for in your jubilation would I establish within your heart the
supremacy of God above all things temporal and impermanent;
21 Creating within your mind the constant presence of God the Mother and
the Father in all your daily living; becoming themselves through all your joy an
ever constant realness which shines and glows before your eyes to fill the heart
with wonder.
22 To be for you a good reminder that you are made of something greater,
having your beginning in a far more nobler birth; born of God and everlasting,
to become yourself eternal always, a child of Heaven sent down to earth and
filled with greater purpose.
23 Thus at the rising of the sun, on the first day of celebration shall you light a
candle to place it upon the altar, and for three days shall you cause to shine
from out of the sanctuary the candle of light, to be for you a symbol which
reflects the light of God which in the darkness shines.
24 And there shall be feasting and celebration within both your families; first
in the family of your mortal flesh, and secondly in that greater family which is
found in the Fellowship of God, filled with song and dance and joyful hallelujah.
25 Thus on the very day of the winter solstice shall you gather in fellowship
with the family of God on earth; and you shall give to each other a warm
embrace and a holy kiss; and in much joy shall you celebrate the light which
comes from God, to feast and dance midst joyful songs in the midst of cold
26 And throughout your celebrations shall you create within the festival all
that’s good and bright, to give them sacred meanings; yet in the doing prove
most careful in letting go the old traditions, rejecting with stout heart the
images of the past.
27 For if you entangle the old with the new to make them seem as one, then
shall you entangle even your own heart and mind and bring forth great
confusion; to become yourself slowly mired in traditions from the past, which
traditions are born of men and not of God.
28 Beware I say, be most aware; for the liberties which come from God cannot
by force be taken from you; but are instead surrendered for the sake of some
convenience, here a little, there a little, till you are made a prisoner; having
surrendered inch by inch, even all the liberties which come from God.
29 Let go therefore the images of the past, but turn your heart to a new and
brighter image filled with light and joy, song and dance, and this in greater
remembrance; for here on the world so far away, where evil presses hard, even
you can be the victor by holding on to God.
30 For there is given you already a good example which would encourage, for
in the beginning did Sophiel stand alone against Jehovah-Yahweh, and did
herself claim a brightly shining victory against the darkness of this world;
bringing forth to be a symbol, the ever greening tree to be a tree of life.
31 Thus shall Sophiel prove the first heroine who came quick to defend the
children of First Man; to prove for them a guiding spirit filled with goodness, to
become herself the giver of dreams and subtle influence whereby she might
prepare this world for the coming forth of mighty dispensations.
32 Let it then be seen appropriate to festoon your home with pine boughs
dressed in light, and this during the Winter Festival of Lights; let pine boughs
adorn the corners and the walls, on shelf and mantel piece let pine boughs and
twinkling lights fill your home with cheer; to commemorate throughout your
generations the victory of Sophiel over fierce and dread Jehovah.
33 And unto this shall I add the second heroine, who in her glory and
achievement did prove far greater than the first; for even Mahaleenah did come
forth to defend the daughters of Shaemdiel, to rebuke with cold disdain
Jehovah-Yahweh; to stand herself before the darkness as a brightly shining
light fit for war and battle.
34 Thus in similitude of the winter solstice is there found the darkest day of
the year, causing that many should feel a greater aloneness; let light therefore
glow and twinkle throughout your home, to remind you of your joy, and let
there be music to feed the soul in remembrance of Mahaleenah.
35 And remember those who are forlorn, who feel themselves abandoned, and
give to them great kindness, extending to those less fortunate a gentle, tender
grace; placing into their hands gifts of food and drink; for in giving to the poor
do you give to God a gift, to prove yourself an angel sent from God above.
36 Yet in your giving prove most careful, for there are those who would use a
gift to make themselves seem great, comporting themselves with condescension
when dealing with the poor; to fill the poor with humiliation in the receiving of
the gift; stripping away their sense of worth to fill them up with shame.
37 Thus will some use a gift to crush the heart of those made poor, to make the
giver seem superior to those who are without; exalting themselves in the midst
of pride upon the backs of those made poor and filled with simple needs.
38 Be not like unto such as these, for in the giving of a gift should you give to
the poor your respect; being careful not to shame the one who is unfortunate;
extending to the poor the grace of God which overshadows all, to prove yourself
a good reminder that brighter days will come.
39 Prove yourself as one most generous and always happy eager to remember
those less fortunate, to be yourself that gentle friend which cheers and makes
most bright the darkest day of those made poor and who are themselves
40 Come my child and tell me true: Will you my angel be, to brighten up the
darkest day, to share and joyful give, to prove yourself most filled with grace in
dealing with the poor, always eager to lift the fallen and speak a word of cheer?
41 If you my child can do these things with a good and noble heart, then you
are mine and I am yours, to be as one forever; filled with light and gentle grace
to be ourselves entwined; ever constant like a star that glows and brightly
42 Celebrate therefore the Winter Festival of Lights and this with Maranatha,
and fill your heart with jubilation while dancing in the light; making bright the
darkest day to chase away the cold, holding up for all to see the family of God on
43 Set free your joy through song and dance and you become most free, to find
within both heart and mind the joy of God revealed, letting go such inhibitions
as you alone enforce; for joy and shame go not together, being each themselves
exclusive. For shame does forge a heavy chain, while joy will set you free.
44 Choose therefore which you will have and in your choice be wise. For if you
choose the ways of joy then act most well the part, for in the act of great
rejoicing all shame will flee away, leaving in ruin the heavy chains which once
did hold you bound.
45 Ask yourself within the heart and in your mind give thought: What shall
prove the greatest gift which you could hope to have? What is the treasure of
greatest worth, the pearl beyond price or measure? What one thing is worth the
having above all other things?
46 Hear me then and I will answer; for the joy of God is the greatest gift which
you can have, which gift is purchased only in the act of jubilation and great
rejoicing, moving out into the ethers to touch the lives of others who likewise
seek to have; to find at last the joy of Heaven which would set the spirit free.
47 Let then the Winter Festival of Lights make bright the world around you,
celebrating within your family the victory found in God; proving yourself
through jubilation a good and grateful child, holding up for all to see the light
which in you glows.
48 Feast and dance and make most merry, let joy engulf the home; adding to
your celebration things of your own design, giving to all who would enact a
good and sacred meaning, to prove yourself a worthy agent who reflects the will
of God.
Chapter 4
1 And so my child is it needed for your good that you should celebrate the
summer and winter solstice, to be for you and the generations after you the two
great holidays of the year; that you may be drawn closer unto God through the
expression of joy and jubilation.
2 Yet unto these would I add another two, which two festivals shall take place
on the two equinoxes of the year, first in the spring and then the autumn; for on
the day of the first equinox shall you celebrate the Spring Festival of Lovers, but
in the second equinox shall you celebrate the Festival of Harvest and
3 Thus on the day of the vernal equinox shall women and men commemorate
the love which binds together two loving hearts; creating from their tender
passions a brightly glowing oneness, which oneness is the greatest of all
treasures both on earth or in Heaven found.
4 For this I tell you for your learning, that whenever a woman and a man shall
become as one, even in that moment are they drawn into the oneness of God; to
feel within themselves that good and tender ache which soft foreshadows a far
greater love, for in love is there found the greatest power of all.
5 Come then and let us consider within the heart the power of love and the
grace of oneness, and in the doing prove enlightened; for in love and oneness is
there a mystery far greater than any other; having of its own desire fashioned all
the realms of Heaven and all the wonders contained therein.
6 Know then my child that in the affairs of the heart does love prove a mighty
force, being in its nature the reformer and transformer of those who truly love;
for true love conforms itself only unto God, and those who should love another
with all true affection, even they are become as someone altogether new
through the power of love.
7 For it matters not the former state of any woman or man, whether they be
bad or good; for if they truly love, having put another’s needs above their own,
even they do reform themselves through the loving of another, having
themselves let go the smallness of former times.
8 And if both the woman and the man should truly love, each having set aside
themselves for the sake of the other, then are they together transformed into a
state of bliss and joy; to become themselves as one together, and this because of
such grace as does exist between them; becoming themselves through oneness a
power far greater than any adversity.
9 And against those who become as one shall even death appear most feeble,
being itself unable to break apart or separate either the woman or the man from
one another; for in God are they become as one forever, having themselves been
transformed by a power far beyond themselves, being themselves conformed
into the very likeness of God, and this through love.
10 Be not deceived therefore concerning love, for many would speak of love
pledging to you their true devotion, but being themselves for themselves only;
seeking above all other things to fulfill themselves at your expense; forcing that
you should always give while they should always take, to give you little in
11 Always demanding that you should change while they remain the same;
always seeking that you conform to please themselves, while you are left as one
made miserable through the pretensions of another.
12 Hear then and be forewarned, for I would not have you to become as one of
these, who for your own sake would proclaim your love for another whereby
you might be satisfied while another is left empty and filled with great despair,
becoming themselves disillusioned by such love as you would proffer.
13 Thus in the Spring Festival of Lovers shall you celebrate the shaping and
forming of true love between you and another; comporting yourself with all
manner of grace and consideration for the one you love; proving yourself most
dedicated in your imitation of such a love as does exist between your Heavenly
Mother and Heavenly Father.
14 Let then the woman and the man celebrate themselves and the love which
they have made; comporting themselves with grace and tenderness; extolling to
one another the virtues of the other and the reason for their love, establishing
through romance a great eternal bond.
15 Being each most true devoted in the learning of grace, both in speech and
manner, extending to one another through grace the true love which is born
first of spirit filled with passions; seeking only to fulfill the needs of the one they
love, even above their own self.
16 How then shall you know true love to see it in another, or to feel it in
yourself? Through what learned means is true love revealed, causing that it
should rise above all lesser things to fill your heart with joyful promise?
17 Hear then and be you wise: for it is grace which reveals the true love you
seek; for grace is the calm acceptance of all things, both in Heaven and on earth,
being itself created by those of good desire, shaping through tender speech and
gentle manner the very fount from which true love flows.
18 In what place then shall you find a good example, to see for yourself the
power of grace and love together mingled, like lovers in a dance? Go then and in
the scriptures read.
19 Have you not read of Kronus and Yoshibeth? Have you not read of Moshe
and Dedrah, or of Abbahdon and Gaia, or even of The One and myself together
in love forever? Go then and let this prove a good example worthy of imitation;
for in life is it given that the child should imitate the parents, to follow in their
20 If then you would know at last the true love which would bind forever two
hearts and two minds to make them one in God, then go and learn the ways of
grace, both in speech and courtly manner.
21 That you may create between you and another, the womb from which true
love shall spring up even as a living thing, to become yourself enraptured by a
love beyond your dreams.
22 Thus on the day of the vernal equinox shall both the woman and the man
celebrate the Festival of Lovers, taking upon themselves the examples of God
the Mother and the Father; learning through imitation the power of grace and
love in the mingling of their lives.
23 For in the Spring Festival of Lovers do you commemorate the love which
the Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father bear for each other; to hold them up
before your eyes as the only true example worthy of emulation.
24 Yet in what manner shall you strive to emulate, to prove your love an
equal? Can you set aside your lesser self and find the greater Self within? Shall
your love prove small and petty, made of great demands? Or shall it prove the
very song which angels rush to sing?
25 All these things do you determine, both you and the one you love; being
each yourselves in every part the promise and fulfillment, becoming to each the
other’s breath a song most finely made.
26 Let then the vernal equinox prove for you a time of joy, filled with song and
dance, kind words and tender romance; a time of giving and sharing, of
reaching higher still, to celebrate the love you feel for the one you hold most
27 And as you would celebrate the coming of spring, to be for you a time of
renewal and romance, even so would I appoint for your sake the festival of the
autumnal equinox; to be for you a time of harvest and thanksgiving.
28 Let then the first day of autumn be for you a time of joy and quiet
reflection; recounting in your heart and mind even all the blessings in your life;
holding up before your family and friends the realness of God in all the things
you see.
29 Celebrate with joy therefore the blessings which God has given through the
year; proving yourself as one most grateful, having become through faith, a
child of God made strong in life; having borne with godly grace the trials and
hardships which often come, to mingle themselves among the good.
30 Come my child and give your heart and I shall give you counsel, for the
value of your life is what you give it; for you were born a child of God and in you
the power lies, being itself revealed through faith; to be in you a mighty force
which would make of you a master, a master of your life.
31 How then shall you unlock the power which lies most deep within, the
power which would shape your days to fill you up with goodness, causing that
you should happy harvest the abundance of many blessings in the living of
mortal life?
32 What is the key that turns the lock to set the power free, placing in your
heart and mind the power of great resolve, causing that you should stand with
God, to prove yourself a light, shining brightly in the world to give to others
33 Come now and let us reason, let us find the answer; for there are many who
sit in darkness, filled with endless woe; moaning always of their hurt, seeing
nothing good, proving themselves as those made blind to the power which lies
within; fouling the very air they breathe with a litany of complaints.
35 Proving themselves as those ungrateful for the blessings which swirl about,
(blessings falling from above like autumn leaves of gold) being themselves most
fixed determined to sit within their gloom; spitting out with hurtful venom one
complaint upon another to make their lives a waste.
36 Do you wish to be like this, a spoiled ungrateful child; always hurt and
filled with tears, your days a constant shadow, with angry words and bitter
thoughts and anxious for revenge?
37 Or do you wish a life of joy, a life that’s worth the having, a life of light and
filled with vigor that makes you want to sing; gathering up within your arms the
blessings which come from God, proving yourself a grateful child through
words of great thanksgiving?
38 Let me then this counsel give that you may prove most wise: learn to want
the things you have, let go your disappointments; for life is made of little things,
of moments stitched together, each a rung upon a ladder or a link within a
chain, and you alone are made the author which determines what shall be, a
ladder that lifts you up to God or a chain that weighs you down.
39 If then you would have God draw close to you in the living of your life, then
prove yourself most grateful of all your many blessings; for it is the grateful
child we answer first when hardships overwhelm, being ourselves most eager
quick to rescue and uplift, providing for you that subtle path where you might
safely tread, until at last again you shine, having traveled through the storm.
40 Look then into yourself and tell me what you see: Are you now as one most
grateful for the blessings in your life, being yourself as most aware of all that’s
good and bright? Can you count within your mind the blessings which fall from
God, or feel within the touch of angels which quietly walk beside you?
41 Or are you now as one made blind, having a mind which cannot see; filled
with hurts and great resentments which you will not let go? Do you insist and
make demands and fill your heart with anger, or have you surrendered and
given up to sit in great despair, overwhelmed by constant shadows which fill
you up with gloom?
42 Do you feel that all is bad and that nothing good will come, proving
yourself as one unwilling to see the light around you, dismissing with a bitter
ease the blessings which fall from God; disclaiming with most sullen words that
these but fall beneath you, demanding still with baleful looks that you deserve
much more?
43 Tell me child, where do you stand between the light and shadow? Do not
think I here but chide you or make some great demand, for in my words I seek
to heal and take you by the hand; guiding gently here and there as you yourself
permit; carefully moving through the darkness to place you in the light.
44 Be grateful and give forth thanks for all that God has done, for gratitude is
made the gift which you would give yourself; to shield the heart from great
despair and guard the mind from blindness; opening up before your eyes the
blessings all around you.
46 Take therefore these two festivals, both in the spring and autumn found,
and add them to the first; that you may have appointed a time of holiday filled
with cheer; to fill the year at equal parts with happy celebrations; making rich
this life you live and filled with deeper meanings.
Chapter 5
1 Consider child and deeply ponder, let thoughts most deeply weigh: What
value have you given through the living of your days? Do your days seem thinly
pale and plagued by passing shadows, feeling yourself as one weighed down and
pressed by heavy burdens?
2 Or do you feel as one alive and eager to embrace, the rising sun of each new
day; being yourself filled with sacred expectations, having consecrated both
mind and heart as one most ready to receive a blessing and a gift; proving
yourself as one prepared to feel the touch of God?
3 Between these two where do you stand? How do you see your life? Do you
see a life filled with dark despair, or do you see a life of joy filled with light and
song? Do you dread each coming day as one who has no hope, or do you seize
with eager hands each day which God has given?
4 Let us then speak of value, the worth of every life. For into your heart would
I place great wisdom, a wisdom which comes from God, to be for you a guide
and comfort when storms do rage about; to give you light when darkness falls
and make of you a victor.
5 Hear then, do not forget this wisdom which I give, and like a hymn or sacred
mantra which flows from off the lips, speak it often with firm resolve and you
will never fail; but find yourself as one with God and prove yourself a treasure.
6 And these are the words which I would give, to place within your heart:
“Covenants consecrate life, and honor gives value. And with each covenant that
I make, more sacred my life becomes; and through the keeping of my honor,
more value my life receives.”
7 Do you desire the sacred life, a life of greater value? Then keep with joy and
firm resolve the words which I now give. Keep them fresh upon your mind and
hold them to your heart, for in the doing and believing the sacred is revealed.
8 For a life without covenant and devoid of honor is a pale and shallow thing,
proving itself not worth the having, becoming itself swallowed up and empty,
being no better than the lowest of common things filled with tediums which
have no end.
9 Let us then speak of covenants, a thing which you should know; for you have
taken upon yourself already three covenants which come from God, desiring
even your own self to stand with Azrael in the working of a far greater
dispensation than the world has ever known.
10 Know then that in the taking of a covenant do you join yourself to God, and
this by your own desire; for the covenant is the bridge which crosses o’er the
chasm, which chasm is the illusions of mortal life, opening up before your eyes
the realness of God and Heaven.
12 Behold and deep consider, for I am Areta, Supreme Mother of all the
realms of Heaven, having above me neither God nor Goddess, yet am I even
now most deeply guarded through the making of many covenants; having
pledged through sacred honor the keeping of my word and the receiving of
13 For there exists between me and my Beloved, covenants of love and duty,
filled with joyful obligation and great reward; and to these covenants are there
many others beside, being between myself and every God and Goddess who in
the Heavens reign.
14 Thus through the making and keeping of many covenants is the sum of all
my life made sacred, possessing in my mind the assurance of all things holy and
made of greater value; and this through the keeping of my word, for in the
keeping of my word is honor made to come alive, to give in me a power.
15 Ask you now within your mind and there most deeply ponder: Do you
desire the sacred life, a life of greater value? Do you yearn to touch the power
and see that greater glory which lies beyond the veil? In your heart do you yearn
for God, to feel the light sublime, stirring deep within the soul to lift you high
16 If these things you most desire, then of my words partake, weigh them now
within the hand and measure the heart within; see if here there’s found a place
where you might safely dwell, and build for you a shining temple where sacred
things abide.
17 Who then is worthy to make a covenant with God? Only those with a true
desire to know the things of God, being in yourself as one most eager to
embrace the great eternal; counting all else of little worth for the joy of things
divine, having felt already within the heart, that beyond the shadows of this
world there dwells a far greater reality than you have ever known.
19 Thus by covenant do you let go your former state to join yourself to God,
and by the honor of your word you bridge the gap between, causing that God
should walk most close beside you in the living of your life; to be for you a
shining star which leads and gently guides.
20 Know then that the strength of your covenants do you alone decide,
proving yourself through faith and diligence as one most true converted; being
yourself most unashamed and not reluctant to proclaim the things of God;
comporting yourself as one most kind and filled with godly grace, causing that
others should see the joy within you and desire it for themselves.
21 Consider therefore such covenants as you have already taken, and this in
faith consider: for the nearness of God do you determine through the keeping of
your word, proving yourself a child of honor and worthy of consideration;
having drawn from God the likeness of God in all you say and do.
22 If therefore you would know the ways of God, to take them to yourself, then
abide with diligence such covenants as you have made already, proving yourself
as one most eager to attain, for honor is born through the keeping of your word,
being yourself most firmly guided through the tenets of your faith.
23 Be you then as one most focused in knowing what is important, having set
aside all lesser things for the joy of reaching forth; becoming yourself as one
immune to the doctrines made of men, proving yourself an example of faith and
honor mingled, knowing full well the path you tread through the covenants
which you have made.
24 Abide therefore with firmness this faith which you profess, and seize with
eager heart the ways of honor that you may stand as one made noble and filled
with godly grace; extending to all which you do meet the love which comes from
25 Yet be you now as one forewarned and stand as one on guard: Beware of
those who have no honor, who mock and ridicule the ways of God. Beware the
traps of those who spin webs of fine deceit, who seek through subtle musings to
lead you away from God whereby they might take you to themselves and feed
upon your soul.
26 Against these be most aware and walk with care around them, for the
sophistries which are born of men are made to deep entangle, to leave confused
and most uncertain the child which once did know the things of God; causing
that the child which comes from God should now prove lost in a wasteland of
empty words.
28 Again I tell you for your good, beware of those who have no honor, whose
word you cannot trust; beware of those who seek to hide behind most subtle
speech, who lie in wait to quick ensnare the unsuspecting soul, and by your loss
would seek to gloat and find themselves advantaged.
29 Observe with care, take careful note of those too quick to judge, displaying
with some inward glee the faults they find in others; who dig at this or pry at
that to undermine your faith, professing themselves while in the doing to be
your truest friend.
30 Remove yourself from such as these, yet be most kindly wise, greeting
always the ones you meet with a good and gentle word; proving yourself as one
on guard and deeply most aware, while outward you are always gracious and
filled with gentle humor.
32 For there are some which speak of honor, a thing which they don’t have,
seeking only for some advantage, pursuing through their empty words to take
you by surprise, seeking always your good opinion which helps them to deceive.
33 Be not like unto these, who for a pretense would make themselves seem
good; proclaiming always with boastful words that they are the ones with
honor; while behind the words the darkness moves to catch you unaware.
34 Therefore, let your actions proclaim your honor while you remain most
quiet; for the word you keep is good enough to make your virtue shine; for there
is no power upon the earth which can rob from you your honor except you
should first consent.
35 Remember well the mantra given and speak it in your mind, for in the
speaking and in the doing it quietly moves to shape you, lifting high the lowest
born to bring you close to God.
36 Distilling deep within your soul a far more noble way, placing through most
subtle means a brightly burning light which from your heart would shine;
lighting up the way before to chase away the gloom, proving itself a steady
compass in the living of your life.
37 Speak therefore with firm resolve and let yourself believe: “Covenants
consecrate life and honor gives value. And with each covenant that I make,
more sacred my life becomes; and through the keeping of my honor, more value
my life receives.”
38 Fear not therefore the covenants which you have made, neither think of
them a burden; but let them prove the surest path which leads you back to God;
here a step and there a step, each step a sacred moment, bound to God by
sacred honor through the keeping of your word.
Chapter 6
1 What one gift would you give the world to lift it from despair? What good act
of godly grace would you plant within the heart, to brighten well the darkest day
and to fill the world with hope? What one vision would you bravely dream to
make it come alive, to change forever the world around and fill it up with joy?
2 Would you now commit yourself to be a good example? Could you, yourself,
become the light which reveals the heart of God, chasing away the darkest
shadows which cloud the minds of men? Can you set aside your fears and prove
the strength of God, holding up before the world a faith which never fails?
3 If you, yourself, should so elect to stand as one with God, then stand you
now with humble heart and feel the power of my words, let go the shadows in
your mind and dwell within my light.
4 Seize hold your faith with all your might, let faith like rivers flow, and safely
there upon the waters you’ll rise above the tide; reach within your greater self
where treasures sweet abide, for there within your very soul the light of God still
5 Look beyond your lesser self and see the star of God, shining brightly
through the dark which seeks to overwhelm, guiding gently from afar with
songs like anthems ringing; and you, yourself, will be the song which fills the
world with singing.
6 How then shall we begin, both you and I together? Hear then and I will tell
you, great wisdom I will give, to strengthen well both heart and mind to bind us
both together; you in me and I in you, two hearts to beat as one, joined together
by godly grace in the living of your life.
7 For peace, a gift I now would give; a peace with great assurance, drawn from
love and filled with visions greater than your fears, a peace beyond the ways of
men, beyond both war and strife, a peace that’s born within a dream which I
myself would dream.
8 Let this then be the gift which you would give the world, to live in peace
amidst the strife, to be a calm influence, greeting every man and woman with a
gentle approbation; soothing away the hurtful words, lifting up the fallen,
holding up for all to see the light which comes from God.
9 Proving yourself with every deed as one who walks with God, becoming
yourself a friend desired which others would seek to have, proving themselves
as those most eager to stand most close beside you, seeing in you a hopeful
refuge in the midst of frightful storms.
10 What then is the peace of God that you should seek to have it? What is the
power which makes it shine and prove a useful treasure? Do you know the first
foundation which you must seek to build?
11 For the peace of God is never found in the absence of your faith, neither is it
felt within when fear and doubt intrude, or when the mind in anger fumes and
seeks for some revenge; but is instead that quiet assurance that God is always
12 Know then that the peace of God is revealed in the harmony of your life,
which harmony is born of balance between the spirit and the body, causing that
you should accept with calm demeanor the events and circumstances of every
13 Possessing within your heart that certain knowledge that in all the affairs of
men and women a place for God is made, and in the knowing of God and
Heaven are you become as one most balanced in the midst of great opinions,
causing that you should judge little but love much.
15 Stand you now as one with God and prove yourself most wise; for if you
would give to the world the peace of God, then must you first possess it;
becoming yourself that good example worthy of emulation, showing forth in
word and deed a far more better way, becoming yourself that very gift which
God would seek to give.
16 Guard therefore the peace of God which you would seek to live, speaking
gently with all good humor in dealing with your life; enduring through an eager
faith this world of opposition, holding firm to God above while yet you dwell on
17 Avoid therefore as if on tiptoe the snare of strong opinions, for angry words
becloud the mind to fill you with frustration; but become instead that quiet
observer which sees and hears yet does not deep imbibe, choosing instead to
calmly tread while still you seek to guide.
18 For Heaven is your truer home and the angels are your brethren, and in a
place beyond your dreams you walked beside your God; thus are you first and
foremost a citizen of Heaven, being in your present state a sojourner from afar,
walking through a native land in which you are a stranger.
19 How then shall you comport yourself in this land you call your home? How
prove yourself as someone worthy while striving to live in peace; becoming
yourself as someone kind whom others would seek to know?
21 For in this Song of God is found the way you ought to go, proving for you a
path of light which guides you through the darkness, showing forth within its
pages a life of greater worth, holding up before your eyes the likeness of God
and Heaven.
22 Peace then be in your mind and in the words you speak, peace then be in all
your deeds in dealing with mortal men, peace then be in the air you breathe to
touch the very ethers, to be yourself the peace of God which God would seek to
23 Consider then the wars of men, this strife between the nations; for there
are many who speak of peace while yet they seek to war, being themselves as
those confused and filled with empty words; be not yourself as one entangled in
the snares of violent men.
26 Look around and deeply see this world in which you live, a world of war
and bitter strife, a world of hate and envy, a world where fear and endless greed
do seek to seize the mind; a world where shadows deeply prowl to take you by
27 Here again the battle rages between the darkness and the light, each
seeking some advantage, each side eager to take the prize and claim the final
glory, to take as captive the world of man or to set it free of war.
28 Thus do those of lesser vision make war because of pride, forcing upon the
world of man a burden filled with fear; casting deep within the mind the hurt of
great despair, always seeking through vain deceit to justify their cause.
29 Be not yourself as one deceived nor as one who is lured or baited, but hold
most firm the peace of God and remember who you are; standing firm within
that faith which fills you up with joy, holding on to things eternal to become
again most holy.
30 Yet in such peace as you would live prove kind to those who war, for once
before most long ago you fought because of honor; hoping that by such a means
you might preserve the very realms, having yourself secured through force the
holiness of Heaven.
31 Be you then as one who knows and proves most understanding, to speak
with gentleness and kind regard towards those who go to war; refraining
yourself from words of judgment or subtle condemnation, but being instead
that child of God who proves a friend to all.
32 For you, yourself, are still a warrior who fights against the darkness, having
as your only standard the peace which comes from God, being yourself most
firmly guarded by faith and hope and trust, having as your only weapons the
expression of your joy and the fellowship of many others, holding up before the
world this Song which Heaven sings.
33 Be you then as one who shines, as one who walks with God, speaking gently
with joyful humor to lift the hearts of all; walking calmly through the storms
which fiercely rage about, seeing beyond the things which are to reveal the face
of God.
34 Let go within such little fears as do most weigh you down, but choose
instead the peace of God and strength will inward rise; let flow the river of joy
and hope, let faith within you grow, and prove yourself that child of God which
others would seek to know.
35 What then makes the greatest gift which you can give the world? What
shapes the grace which you would live to fill the world with light? What is the
vision which you would live to make your dreams come true, to change forever
your heart and mind and make you sing with joy?
36 Will you now commit yourself to live the peace of God, setting aside your
lesser self to prove a good example? Can you shine and brightly glow within the
darkest night, holding up for all to see the joy you find in God?
37 Can you set aside your fears and prove the strength of God, revealing
through some good endeavor this faith which never fails; having as your only
compass this Song which Heaven sings and prove yourself that very gift which
God would seek to give?
38 Come my child and do not linger, let go your inward doubts, but yield
yourself into my hands and I will make you strong. For strength is needed to
live in peace and courage is oft required, but of these things I freely give, if you
will but receive.
39 So do not fear the ways of men but choose the ways of God, lifting up your
heart and mind to embrace the whole of men, seeing in each some noble person
struggling to be born, proving yourself a goodly midwife who delivers into life,
the greater soul of every man to fill the world with peace.
40 Let us now, both you and I, become as one together, and by our calm and
joyful efforts cast light upon the world; here a little, there a little, day by happy
day; adding always through good deeds the ways of faith and peace; quietly
building year by year the temple of the soul, where every man and every woman
might find their hope in God.
41 So here I wait, most noble child, for you to take my hand and walk with me
upon the way and prove a good companion, yielding up your lesser self to be as
someone greater; a bringer of peace and joyful light which heals and quickly
brightens, chasing away the fears of men to cast away the shadows, bringing
them closer day by day to dwell within the light.
42 Here I stand before your door and knock with eager heart, and if you
answer to let me in, then with you I will abide; to guide you gently through each
day and give to you good counsel.
43 And in my heart I’ll safely keep you, though men should outward rage, and
seal to you that greater portion which will lift you higher still, until at last you
see my face and dwell with me forever.
Chapter 7
1 Come now and seize this moment for now is God most near, dwelling close
beside your heart to fill you up with wonder, being eager to prove for you a wise
and holy counselor; always ready to give you guidance in the living of your life.
2 For now the power is in your hand to make your life most sacred, to stand
yourself as one endowed, as one who walks with God; empowered within by the
glory beyond to reflect that holy light; to shine most bright within the darkness
and fill the world with joy.
3 Rise up now and seize the prize which I would happy give you, let go your
fears, set free your doubts and open wide your heart; for here within the great
eternal do many Gods await, ever hopeful with outstretched arms to receive you
once again.
4 Consider then that sacred power which lies most deep within you, a power
which is born of God, a power wrapped in priesthood; for this priesthood was
given you at the moment of your birth, waiting quietly deep within, eager that
you should use it.
5 What then is this priesthood which waits to be revealed? What is the power
within your soul that would make you one with God? How must you live, how
must you speak, how must you rightly act, to awaken within you the Light of
God and fill the world with hope?
6 For the priesthood of God can no man give, neither is it appointed that any
church should guard it or bind it with restrictions; for the priesthood which
comes from God is found in you already and lies most deep within, a hidden
treasure within the soul which waits upon your faith.
7 This then is the power of priesthood that you should be enabled to create
some sacred moment for the sake of those you love, which sacred moment
proves the power which draws forth the presence of God the Mother and the
8 For the power of priesthood does not command but loves instead, neither
does it seek to judge or punish, but to heal and quick restore; proving itself not
as something exclusive but rather as that which quick includes even all who
would embrace the things which come from God.
9 Think not therefore that the priesthood of God is bound by law, neither can
any church constrain it, to keep it in their power; for that which has its birth in
God is yours by right of birth, becoming itself the tie which binds you closely
unto God, having as its only mandate the creation of sacred moments.
10 For the world needs most that sacred moment where God is deeply felt, to
be themselves inspired by goodness, to be themselves uplifted and to feel
themselves as blest, a sacred moment where God draws near to touch the heart
and mind.
11 Such then is made the priesthood which comes from God above, not come
from men nor come from church as others quick would tell you, but comes
instead from deep within where the heart and soul do meet, lying there within
yourself for you to quick take hold and draw to you the heart of God through the
making of sacred moments.
12 If then you would awaken the priesthood of your soul then take you now
this Song of God and learn it deeply well, committing to your memory the
words of life and joy, becoming yourself as one made holy by seizing hold of
13 Let the Song of God be for you as daily bread and the breath of all your life,
to fill you up with holy counsel, to light the way before, to lift you up above the
storms which often rage about, placing you safe upon that shore where the light
of God does shine.
14 Let it prove itself a mighty river which flows within your soul, till you
yourself become the river filled with life abundant, rushing on and ever flowing
within the ocean of my dreams, to become yourself as one with God in the living
of your life.
15 Prove yourself as one most wise and in my words find strength, for the
clouded mind does not see, neither can it know that the things of God are born
of spirit and are made by God most subtle, requiring from those who would
partake an eager and joyful faith, opening up before your eyes the wonder
beyond all wonders.
16 Embrace therefore with hopeful heart this Song which Heaven sings, and
make your life become the song which moves the heart of God; and song to
Song the Heavens move like lovers in a dance, you in God and God in you
forever and anon.
18 To whom then shall I speak? Who will my mystery touch? Who among so
many children will set aside their lesser self, and with an eager, humble mind
embrace the heart of all my wisdom to make it as their own?
19 To such a one as this alone would I my heart reveal, being myself most ever
hopeful to uplift what now seems fallen, to restore with grace the light of God in
a world now dark and dreary.
20 Deep within my memories stir, and oft I do reflect, when long ago so far
away, my lover sweetly kissed, and in the touching of our lips, his breath he
passed to me, and gave to me his very life, giving birth to joyful hope filled with
dreams eternal.
21 So come my child with open heart and in my soul find rest, kiss me now
upon my lips and of my breath partake, and in your heart shall there arise the
song of all my dreams, until at last we sweet embrace to be as one forever.