Los Milagros de Jesus
Los Milagros de Jesus
Los Milagros de Jesus
The Miracles of
Yeshua ben Joseph
Excerpt from:
o science is trying to understand life from the big to the little instead of
understanding life from the little to the big. So what this means then, that all
matter, including this board and your body, are made up of atoms, that then if
you coagulate atoms together in what is called a brotherhood, those atoms create what
is called gross matter. Gross matter then creates molecules. Molecules then create tissue.
How many of you understand? So be it.
So now if we were to take a microscopic cell out of your body, it would still be big
compared to the subatomic field. Are you still with me? Now so what does that tell you,
my beautiful students? It says then that all life is made up of condensed consciousness and
energy in the form of particles and that what science is endeavoring to understand is how
do these partners, how is this partnership formed? How does one atom know to connect
and share electrons with another atom? How do they know that? In other words, what is
the intelligence behind an atom? For example, if everything that you have on your body is
made up of atoms, then why is your garment feeling different than your skin? I am here to
tell you that all atoms share a relationship together according to consciousness, and that is
the pattern that glues them together.
Remember, energy — energy, like this — energy is consciousness in motion. It is in
motion. So even if we have energy, we have an inextricably riding field called consciousness.
So every atom and every part of the atom, all the way to its orbit, has a mind. So every
atomic structure has a mind.
The Miracles of Yeshua
So then the large is made up of the invisible. The visible is made up of the invisible.
So in order to correct the visible, to make change on a geographic scale even in your own
reality, it is not about us going and cutting up these things. It is not about us sweeping the
sand out of our life. It is about changing our mind to the large structure. Then the large
structure falls apart and recoagulates itself into a new relationship to take new form. How
many of you understand? You do?
So look at how he [Yeshua ben Joseph] saw life, will you. He knew that however he
saw anything is exactly how he agreed for it to be. Are you with me? So when he saw the
blind man, when he saw the blind man the blind man asked for help. So he bent over
and picked up some clay and he spat in it. And what he was doing with the clay and
his spit, he was creating a new biofield of particle relationship. And when he did this
and put it together and put it on the blind man’s eyes, in molding the clay Yeshua ben
Joseph saw perfect vision. So as he was molding the clay, the clay became the catalyst
to perfect vision. Are you with me? So when he put the clay on his eyes, that biofield or
morphogenic field reconstructed immediately the visual nerve supply to the back of the
brain and he saw instantly. Are you with me?
Now we call that a miracle-worker. But how powerful is it to be like this entity, who every
day of his life worked up to this level of relationship with the particle field? What did he have
to do? Walking down the path he would see — he would choose immediately — whether to
agree with the landscape or change it. So if he was walking and stirring up saffron dust, if he
found delight in that then he was agreeing with the dust. Are you with me? So the dust never
changed, would it? How many times do you walk down the path and stir up dust and are
agitated with it? That only enforces its nature, doesn’t it? If he walked into a group of people
and he is teaching them and then he stops to feed them — listen to me — and he has only a
basket of fishes and a loaf of bread and he has five thousand people, what would your mind
say? Let’s run to the market straightaway; correct? But this was a master who understood the
relationship between mind and matter and all he had to do was to change his mind on what
he saw. And so the fish and the bread became the seed that multiplied in his mind. And as
long as he saw it, the supply was endless. Are you with me? Now where did the supply come
from? The supply came from one fish and one loaf of bread, and all he needed to do was
to make them multitudinous. So what he did is he kept creating echoes of the fish and the
bread, and he was taking energy that was falling apart and recoagulating it, giving them a
frame of reference to coagulate into.
If you stop and think about it, someone told the rose to be a rose and someone told it
how to smell and someone or something described to the rose in a mental thought deep,
velvet red. Someone did that because it didn’t just spring up on its own. It was created to
be what it is, not only the rose but birds and water and environment. Someone focused
them into evolution. Who was that? You, because it is what you expect. How many of
you understand?
The Miracles of Yeshua
Now Yeshua ben Joseph was considered a master all the way up to the sixth level. He
was only a master; he was never a Christ. And his job, as difficult as it was, was to defy
reality with his mind. Look, if I am telling you today that what you think affects all life
around you, then if you stop for a moment and reflect, you will see how your life has stayed
static according to your image thoughts. You drive down the city, you expect to see the city,
the city is there. You expect to see people begging, they are always there. You expect to see
a car wreck on the side of the road because you need a little excitement, there is always one,
isn’t there? If that is true and you have the power, imagine what an initiation it was for such
a being, and beings, that every day they had to defy physical reality and overlay with a mind
so powerful that they could see what was not there and make it that. Powerful, eh?
Do you think that that is more powerful than you? No, it is you. But where is your
energy? Your energy is that you accept what is mundane in your life. You accept your ill
health, you accept your problems, you accept your limitations, and because you accept
them you freeze them and lock then that energy into a relationship. That is what you do
every day. You are a God. You are doing that. Imagine what it would be to get up every
morning and defy reality, to start changing what has been normal to you to be supernormal
every day. So the first day you get up and a few things change but not everything. Is that
enough to go back and accept mundane reality? Or is it that we are having to create a mind
that is so powerful that it can acquiesce the energy field of any lifeform and any situation
and change it immediately. What does that take? Constant focus on what is expected rather
than what is seen.
Now, today, your last lifetime you never went any further than the light. At the light,
before you came back to this incarnation, you reviewed your last life. The review took
place in your lightbody. It reviewed, unfolded all of the energy, and gave you a living
screen to see what you did, who you were, what you accomplished, how you evolved,
where you didn’t evolve. It just unrolled the energy and allowed it to play. Then once you
had decided or made up your mind to come back, you were thinking with a lightbody,
not a human body, but you were still cognizant that you could have done better in the
physical body. Don’t you find it interesting that entities who go to the light talk about
viewing their life and that they viewed it with a cognitive judgment? They didn’t have a
brain. How were they able to make an opinion of what they saw? Because they did have
a brain. What was the brain? It wasn’t the gray tissue that is sitting up here but it was a
brain equal to the body they were inhabiting.
When you die, you move immediately into infrared. It is the psychic realm. From the
psychic realm the shaft of light appears and you go down it and you are actually moving
from low infrared to the high end of infrared. Then you hit the light. Who is the light? You.
It is there that you view everything. While you are making a decision about your physical
life, there are four other potential lives or bodies that are enfolded in the light. And all
you keep doing is agreeing to come back to this one. So you have never changed — never
The Miracles of Yeshua
changed — those four other bodies [upper seals]. They are what we call hidden. So we are
always recycling the lightbody, the infrared body, and the physical body, but we have yet to
use the hidden bodies of the upper four realms.
This field that surrounds your body has got within it the seven bodies hidden within
your own tissue. When this dies, it gives up one body in the beginning. The one body is
infrared. But in the infrared body are contained all the other higher bodies and you keep
peeling them off.
Now so what does this, this, this, and this [the upper four bodies] have to do with
Yeshua ben Joseph becoming a Christ? Because he had to prove that he was accessing the
upper kingdom of God. And he had proved it every single way by all of the miracles and
the teachings that he imparted. But there was one thing that terrified all men in their
hearts and that was death. You see, the Hellenistic Jews of that time were the only ones
that believed in reincarnation. The Jews of Abraham did not believe in reincarnation. They
believed in hell, which was the most terrifying aspect, and that simply meant a shallow
grave, that they would be dismembered.
Yeshua ben Joseph had to show to a culture of people that there was life after death.
And the way that he had to do that is he had to sacrifice his own life. So he has to pull out
this consciousness right here [first seal], this one right here [second seal]. And he has to
let the body die and he has to move all the way, unfolding all of those bodies all the way
until he is right here [seventh seal], and he says, “My Father and I are one.” He is saying
that “My mind is no longer from the House of David in these terrible times. My mind is my
Father within me,” who is this mind, the first mind. And he had to take off every one of
those bodies, even the lightbody. He couldn’t keep it on. He had to pull off the lightbody,
manifest the Blue Body®. He had to pull off the Blue Body®, which is Shiva, and manifest
the golden body. He had to pull off the golden body, go to the rose body, and then he
had to go to Infinite Unknown, which he went here. And only until he did that was he
And it was from this state right here [seventh plane] that he resurrected this body
down here and gave it life, but what he gave it is eternal life. In other words, his body
down here was vibrating nearly at the rate of light. And he only kept it slow so that
he could interact with people and give them the last teaching. And why was his body
radiating so fast? Because that was where his consciousness was. God now was man. And
he lifted it up and reconstructed its physical matter, but he reconstructed it from the
point of God, so it was vibrating very fast. So when he left, where did he go? He simply
raised, kept raising, the frequency. In other words, he started this spin around this atom,
and then the spin collapsed inward to the inside of the nucleus and it started spinning.
And all the time, all the time he was doing that, all of that spin allowed every one of
those particles to go into free space. So he was unfolding the seven bodies. And when he
disappeared, he disappeared at light.
The Miracles of Yeshua
Now that was only when he was called the Christ, the arisen one. That was the last
test. That meant his consciousness had to be one with this so absolutely that not even
death could defy that mind. And doing so, we now have great myth and legend and religion
circling this entity. But what has never been told to you: It is not that Jesus is going to save
your life but rather that he was a master who demonstrated the power of God in man and
that if anyone had the eyes to see it, then they would understand. And if anyone had the
ears to hear the message, they were offered the message, and they had to be simple enough
to understand the transmutation of the human Spirit into eternity, and it was demonstrated.
And it wasn’t demonstrated just with him. It has been demonstrated throughout the eons
in every culture because people soon forget.
So what do we have now? We have now a religion around Jesus being the only son
of God. That doesn’t make any sense because everyone is the sons and daughters of God,
not just him. And he can’t save you. If he did, he would have done so in the first century.
You understand? But his message is this. And how come he didn’t teach his disciples this?
Because they were simple men. They were fishermen. They were tax collectors. They were
people just like you. How could he teach them that? He couldn’t. All he could do was to
teach them in parables and in deeds. And he said, “Believe. If your eye lies to you, pluck it
out. If you believe and your arm defies you, cut it off.” That was an analogy to say no matter
what your physical body does, it isn’t the truth.
“You accept your ill health, you accept your problems, you accept
your limitations, and because you accept them you freeze them and
lock then that energy into a relationship. That is what you do every
day. You are a God. You are doing that. Imagine what it would be
to get up every morning and defy reality, to start changing what has
been normal to you to be supernormal every day.”
— Ramtha