COR Agenda & Presentation September 21, 2021
COR Agenda & Presentation September 21, 2021
COR Agenda & Presentation September 21, 2021
MEETING DATE: September 21, 2021 FROM: Barry Tippin, City Manager
ITEM NO. 9.1(e)
[email protected]
[email protected]
SUBJECT: 9.1(e)--Consider report and provide direction to staff regarding City of Redding-
owned properties located in and around the Civic Auditorium.
Accept report and provide direction to staff regarding the following option(s) available regarding
the City of Redding (City)-owned properties identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-040-
015, 102-170-025, 102-170-026, 102-020-015, 102-040-009, and 102-040-013, (otherwise
known collectively as City-owned property in and around the Civic Auditorium):
(1) Take no action;
(2) Direct staff to develop a request for proposals to develop a Master Plan for the area;
(3) Direct staff to surplus any or all of the listed parcels pursuant to the regulations set in
Government Code 54222, also known as the Surplus Property Act; and
(4) Direct staff to develop a request for proposals to sell the properties for development; or
(5) Accept and/or provide direction relative to the unsolicited proposal from Populous, K2
Development Companies, Turtle Bay Exploration Park, and the McConnell Foundation.
Fiscal Impact
The fiscal impact is dependent on the direction given by the City Council (Council) and may
range from no impact, a potential cost of $1 million or more, or even a net positive as a result of
the proceeds from a land sale.
Alternative Action
The Council could provide direction, other than that identified in the recommendation, which
may require the item to be agendized at a future meeting.
The City of Redding (City) received an unsolicited offer for the subject properties from
Populous, K2 Development Companies, Turtle Bay Exploration Park, and The McConnell
Foundation (The Parties). As recommended by Council Policy 1901, allowed by the “Brown
Act,” and established in past practice, the item was scheduled to be considered by the Council in
a Closed Session meeting on September 7, 2021. Due to comments received by the community,
the Council chose not to consider the item as agendized. During the regularly scheduled meeting,
bring a report to the next council meeting and provide options for the Council’s consideration
regarding the subject properties. That is the intent of this report.
As noted above, there are four basic options available to the Council, plus the requirement to
declare the property surplus if needed, and they are further described below:
Take no Action
Should the Council decide to take no action, the situation would remain as it is today and
no additional work on this topic would proceed. This would not preclude the Council
from providing future direction, it simply means at this particular time any efforts would
Direct staff to develop a Request for Proposals to Develop a Master Plan for the area
This direction would result in an RFP being developed for the development of a Master
Plan for the area in which the subject properties are located. A Master Plan establishes
the creation of a framework in which development of parcels, massing, heights,
relationships of buildings, circulation, and streets are defined in enough detail to
determine predictable outcomes but with sufficient flexibility to allow various responses
of actual developers and designers, of which there may be several or many, within one
Master Plan area. Once the Master Plan is completed, the Council would determine
whether or not to pursue development of the area in accordance with the Master Plan.
Direct staff to develop a Request for Proposals to sell the properties for development
With this direction, staff would develop a request for proposals (RFP) based on
parameters established by the Council. Once developed, the RFP would be presented to
the Council for approval or modification. Once approved, the RFP would be advertised,
proposals received and evaluated, and the Council would ultimately approve an award of
a contract to the successful proposer, or would reject all proposals and provide further
direction to staff, as determined necessary. Pursuant to State of California legislation, if
this option is pursued, the parcels must be designated surplus by adhering to specific
surplus property procedures. The City will need to comply with Government Code
Section 54222 as it relates to offering the property to public agencies, and designated
developers through the State of California Housing and Community Development
(HCD), for purchase prior to proceeding with any further negotiations.
Accept or provide direction relative to the submitted proposal from The Parties
The City received the attached, unsolicited, proposal from The Parties. The proposal
includes a rough timeline and schedule of activities and events, including stakeholder
engagement and development of a Master Plan. The Parties are fully prepared to present
the unsolicited proposal to the Council should the Council desire. Any plan to sell any
portion of the listed properties would require the City to comply with Government Code
Section 54222 prior to any negotiations taking place.
It is important to note that some of the subject properties are encumbered with covenants due to
various grants acquired over the years or due to the method in which it was acquired.