Contract Award To IBI Group
Contract Award To IBI Group
Contract Award To IBI Group
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Tenders and Requests for Proposals
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Recommendation That Contract GDD11-5 for Architectural Services for the redevelopment of the facility located at 1160 Lorne Street, Sudbury, for a Fleet and Transit Garage, be awarded to IBI Group at a percentage rate of 9.25% for Architectural Services including all expenses and reimbursable expenses. Finance Implications Funding for the project, including Architectural Services, was approved within the 2011 Capital budget. Background This report to Council is required to comply with the City's Purchasing By-law. Council must approve Request for Proposals exceeding $200,000. A Request for Proposal for Architectural Services to redevelop the facility located at 1160 Lorne Street for a Fleet and Transit Garage was advertised on the City's website and MERX, the National Canadian Electronic Tender website. The proposal closed on April 27, 2011. Eight proposals were received from the following proponents: Bortolotto Design Architect In. Castellan James & Partners Architects Inc. Furniture, Architecture and Design Group, Architects
Signed By
Report Prepared By Danielle Braney Director of Asset Services Digitally Signed May 17, 11 Recommended by the Department Bill Lautenbach General Manager of Growth and Development Digitally Signed May 17, 11 Recommended by the C.A.O. Doug Nadorozny Chief Administrative Officer Digitally Signed May 19, 11
Furniture, Architecture and Design Group, Architects IBI Group J.L. Richards & Associates Limited Kasian Architecture Ontario Incorporated PBK Architects Inc. Yallowega Belanger Architecture The proposals were evaluated by a committee comprised of: General Manager of Growth and Development Director of Asset Services Director of Transit Services Coordinator of Capital Project Coordinator of Facilities Maintenance Manager of Fleet Manager of Transit Fleet & Facilities Supplies & Services Co-Ordinator The team evaluated the proposals based on the following evaluation criteria weighting system: Experience of Firm in related projects; Experience & Qualifications of Lead Architect & staff assigned to this project, including other disciplines such as mechanical, structural and electrical - 30 points Approach, Methodology, Proposal Presentation - 25 points Lead time to complete the design & production of the Construction documents - 25 points Price - 20 points IBI Group was the highest scored proposal receiving a total of 84 points, significantly higher than the second highest scored proposal. IBI Group has completed major transit and fleet projects throughout North America. Although not requested to do so, all out-of-town proponents partnered with local firms for either engineering, design or contract management services. IBI Group listed Perry + Perry as their local partner for this project. It is IBI Group's extensive experience with similar municipal projects and the inclusion of a strong experienced project team that contributed to the proponent's successful proposal. IBI Group recently managed the successful design and construction of municipal fleet and transit garages in Brampton, Oakville, Ottawa and Red Deer Lake, Alberta. Therefore, it is recommended that Contract GDD11-5 for Architectural Services for the Redevelopment of 1160 Lorne Street, Sudbury for a Fleet & Transit Facility be awarded to IBI Group at a percentage rate of 9.25% for Architectural Services including all expenses and reimbursable expenses.