الكورس التمهيدي للصف الثالث الإعدادي لحين وصول المنهج
الكورس التمهيدي للصف الثالث الإعدادي لحين وصول المنهج
الكورس التمهيدي للصف الثالث الإعدادي لحين وصول المنهج
1- Situations&conversation
Function What is said Reply
He didn't go to school last week. Because he was ill. They didn't play football last Friday.
Did + sub + inf …..?
Note 2 ملحوظة
فعل أساسيHave ***عندما تكون
Have = have got
Has = has got ( يملك لديهhe – she- it – singular noun)تستخدم مع االسم المفرد
افعال أخرى تعبر عن الملكية
Have\ have got\ own \ يملكpossess \ يملكbelong to يخص ينتمي ل
Note 3 ملحوظة
Don't have تنفي بhave فعل أساسي فانHave اذا كانت
I have a new shirt. I don't have a new shirt.
Doesn't have تنفي بhas
She has a lot of money.
She doesn't have much money.
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
The farmer has planted some trees. Mum has cooked dinner.
( Past perfect ( كفعل مساعد ند تكوٌن زمن الماضً التامHad *** ٌستخدم
Form Sub + had + pp
Who tidies the office everyday? (is) By whom is the office tidied everyday?
Who is the office tidied everyday?
(verb( السؤال عن الفعل
فً نفس زمن الجملةdo (تحل محل الفعل) بحٌث تكونdo و الفعل المساعد و الفاعل وWhat, أي فعل نسأل عنه ب
فً زمن المضارع البسٌط
What - do\ does +sub فاعل+ do?
My sister watches TV in the evening. What does your sister do in the evening?
The nurse helps the doctor. (what) What does the nurse do?
( object( السؤال عن المفعول
*** نحدد نوع المفعول لتحدٌد كلمة االستفهام المناسبةDo\ does *** نحدد الفعل المساعد
ًنتبع الجدول األت
Question word do\ does Subject فاعل Inf المصدر ?
الكلمة التً نسأل عنها ال تتكرر فً السؤال
I get up at six o'clock. ( what time) What time do you get up?
We go to school to learn. (why) Why do you go to school?
The armer works on the farm. (where) Where does the farmer work?
Question word do\ does Subject فاعل Inf المصدر Obj
Question word is\ are Obj مفعول Pp تصرٌف الثالث by + ?فاعل
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
Where do you keep your books? (are) Where are your books kept?
What does she buy at the market? What's bought at the market?
- Choose:
1- He (walk–walks– walked) to school every day. 2- Salma (visits–visit–is visiting) us every week.
3- The moon (go–went–goes) round the earth. 4- Ali often (do–does–done ) his homework at six.
5- I sometimes (sweeps–sweep–swept ) the floor. 6- She always ( make – made – makes ) her bed.
7- He never (go– went–goes) to school late.
8- We always (play–plays–played) football at seven on Friday.
9- Every morning, Ahmed (drink – drank – drinks ) a cup of tea.
10- What time ( do – does – doing ) you leave for school everyday?
11- She ( write – wrote – writes ) many letters everyday.
12- In Egypt, it ( rains – rain – rained ) in winter. 13- Mr. Ahmed (live– lives – lived ) in Mansoura
14- Mr. Mohamed ( teaches – teach – taught ) us English .
15- They ( meet – meets – met ) in the club every week.
Past simple الماضً البسٌط
Use االستخدام
**it's used to express تستخدم للتعبٌر عن
1- an action that began and finished in the past. ًحدث بدأ و انتهً فً الماض
2- I bought a new car last week.
2- a past habit ًعادة فً الماض
When I was young , I played football everyday.
Hani always walked to school when he was young.
لٌشٌر إلى أحداث غٌر محتملة فً الوقت الحاضرIf ٌستخدم الماضً البسٌط قاعدة
If + past simple sub + would + inf
If they played well, they would win the match. (they really don't play well)
( After- as soon- as-when- the moment)ًٌستخدم الماضً البسٌط بعد كلمات الربط الدالة على الزمن لٌشٌر للماض
After\ as soon as when + past simple …………past simple
After I did my homework, I watched TV
When he arrived at the station, the train had left
Tense indicators :
Yesterday أمسlast ً الماضin the past ًفً الماض ago منذOne day ذات ٌومonce ذات
مرةonce upon a time كان ٌاما كانthe other day منذ ٌومٌنFrom….to… .. إلى..... من
the last time أخرة مرةfirst أول مرةlast أخر مرة earlier this morning
Form التكوٌن
Sub + verb in the past )ًفعل فً الماضً( التصرٌف الثان
Soha watched TV last night. My grandfather studied many subjects at school.
The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.
Passive المبنً للمجهول
Obj مفعول+ was\ were + pp by + فاعل
Omnia sent the letter yesterday. (was) The letter was sent yesterday by omnia.
The farmer watered the plants last Sunday. (were)
The plants were watered by the farmer.
ًكٌف ٌتم وضع الفعل فً الماض
Regular verb ( للفعل العادي (المنتظمed\ d ٌتم وضع الفعل فً الماضً باضافة
Play played Cook cooked Clean cleaned
Watch watched
فقطd نضٌف لهe للفعل اذا انتهً الفعل بحرفed عند اضافة
Like ٌحب liked Live ٌعٌش lived Bake ٌخبز baked
ed اذا انتهً الفعل بحرف ساكن ٌسبقه حرف متحرك نضعف الحرف األخٌر قبل اضافة
Shop shopped Travel traveled Stop stopped
ed و نضٌفi إلىy ٌسبقه حرف ساكن نحولy اذا انتهً الفعل بحرف
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
carry ٌحمل carried Marry ٌتزوج married Try ٌحاول tried
ملحوظ األفعال الشاذة لٌس لها قاعدة محددودة لذلك ٌجب أن تحفظ
Used to اعتاد أن
Used to- habit
Sub + always \ usually + v in the past
Sub + was in the habit of + v ing
Sub 's habit was to + inf
It was صفة ملكٌة+ habit + to inf
Sub + used to + inf
When he was young, he walked to school every day.
When he was young he used to walk to school.
Ola always helped her mum when she was young.
Ola used to help her mum when she was young.
Samy's habit was to take exercise in the morning.
Samy used to take exercise in the morning.
Two days ago= the other day
From……to……= for Last = haven't \hasn't Since = when
Last = ago Last week= a week ago Last month= a month ago.
When did= how long ago did= how long is it since
Negative ًالنغ
توضع قبل الفعل مع تحوٌل الفعل للمصدرDidn't بكلمةPast simple تنغً الجملة فً زمن
Sub+ didn't + inf
مع تحوٌل
Some any
A lot of much\ many
Too\also\as well أٌضا either
So+ فعل مساعد+ فعال neither +فعل مساعد+ فاعل
Somebody anybody
Someone anyone
Something anything
ًالطرٌقة الثانٌة للنف
توضع قبل الفعل مع عدم تغٌر الفعلnever تنفً الجملة باستخدام كلمة
Sub + never + verb in the past
He never came late when he was a student. She never took a taxi to her work.
Forming question تكوٌن السؤال
Yes, No question سؤال معناه هل-1
نكون سؤال معناه هلNo أوyes اذا كانت االجابة تبدأ ب-1
Do\ does باستخدام الفعل المساعد
بتقدٌمه على الفاعل مع تحوٌل الفعل للمصدر
Did + sub + inf…?
مع اجراء التحوٌالت األتٌة
Some………. any a lot of …………much\ many never……..ever\ always
I Me My Mine Myself
You you Your yours Yourself
Yes, she won a gold medal. Did she win a gold medal.
No, she didn't go to school yesterday. Did she go to school yesterday?
عند تكوٌن سؤال ال بد من تغٌر أي جزء فً الجملة من نفس النوعnot ً و ال تحتوي على كلمة النفNo اذا كانت الجملة تبدأب
No he went to Paris by plane. Did he go to Paris by ship?
No, she bought a new blouse. Did she buy a new dress?
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
( subject( ***السؤال عن الفاعل
who *** اذا كان الفاعل اسم عاقل نسأل عنه ب
What ***اذا كان الفاعل اسم غٌر عاقل نسأل عنه ب
أو صاشفwho و ذلك بحذف الفاعل و نضع مكانه
How many ***اذا كان الفاعل ٌبدأ برقم نسأل عن الرقم ب
Which ***اذا بدأ الفاعل بصفة نسأل عن الصفة بصفة نسأل عن الصفة ب
The boy broke the window. Who broke the window
The cat ate the meat on the plate. What ate the meat on the plate?
Five children got full marks How many children got full marks?
The bad man was put in prison. Which man was put in prison?
(verb( السؤال عن الفعل
فً نفس زمن الجملةdo (تحل محل الفعل) بحٌث تكونdo و الفعل المساعد و الفاعل وWhat, أي فعل نسأل عنه ب
Past simple فً زمن الماضً البسٌط
What - did +sub فاعل+ do?
I went to the zoo last Friday. (what) What did you do last Friday?
Amal wrote an e-mail yesterday (what) What did Amal do yesterday?
( object( السؤال عن المفعول
*** نحدد نوع المفعول لتحدٌد كلمة االستفهام المناسبةdid *** نحدد الفعل المساعد
ًنتبع الجدول األت
Question word Did Subject فاعل Inf المصدر ?
الكلمة التً نسأل عنها ال تتكرر فً السؤال
I bought a car last week. (when) When did you buy a car?
Mum went to the market by taxi. (How How did mum go to the market?
Present continuous المضارع المستمر
Use االستخدام
It's used to express ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن
1- an action that is happening now حدث ٌحدث األن
he is working onhis farm now. Look ! he is playing football.
2-future plans خطط مستقبلٌةan action that's an arranged for the future.
Mona is traveling to Luxor tomorrow. (Everything is arranged.)
We are buying a car next week. (We have arranged every thing.)
Changing the habit عند تغٌر العادة مؤقتا
I have tea every morning but this morning I'm having coffee
Tense indicators
Now األن look! انظر listen !انصت at the present timeفً الوقت الحاضر
At the moment فً هذه اللحظة still مازال keep quiet! اهدأ Keep silent
(But )today الٌومshe is busy. She is cooking .
فً المضارع المستمر للتعبٌر عن عادة سٌئةAlways ٌمكن أستخدام كلمة
He is always making noise. You are always asking for money.
Form التكوٌن
Sub + am\ is\ are + v ing
Keep quite! Your dad is sleeping. Huda is reading a story t the moment.
I walk to school very day but today I'm riding a bike.
للفعلing عند اضافة
Ing قبل اضافةe نخذفe *** اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف
Ride ٌركب riding Write ٌكتب writing Liveٌعٌش living. Drive ٌقود driving
ing ***اذا انتهً الفعل بحرف ساكن ٌسبقه حرف متحرك نضعف الحرف األخٌر قبل اضافة
Shop ٌتسوق shopping Cut ٌقطع cutting Swim ٌسبح swimming
Travel ٌسافر travelling
ing و نضٌفy إلىie نحولing عند اضافةie ًاذا انتهً الفعل بحرف
Die ٌموت dying Tie ٌرب tying Lieٌرقد \ٌكذب lying
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
Ing قبل اضافةK (نضٌفK (ونتطقic ًاذا انتهً الفعل بحرف
Picnic ٌتنزه picnicking Traffic ًٌتاجر ف trafficking
ملحوظة هامة
أفعال الحواس\ االدراك و الملكٌة و العاطفة ال توضع فً األزمنة المستمرة
أفعال الحواسSee- hear- taste له مذاق- smellٌعطً رائحة- له رائحةfeel ٌعطً ملمسsoundٌبدو
NB the food tastes nice the flower smells wonderful
The knife feels sharp.
He is tasting the food هو ٌتذوق الطعامshe is smelling the flower هً تشم الزهور
See ٌريsee ٌفهم \ٌزور
I can't see without my glasses. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow.
Look ٌبدوlook ٌنظر
This picture looks nice. Mona looks tired today.
He is looking at the picture.
أفعال االدراك Know – realize ٌدرك- recognise ٌتعرف علىunderstand ٌفهمthink ٌعتقد
Think) ٌعتقد (ال توضع فً األزمنة المستمرة thinkٌفكر ( توضع فً األزمنة المستمرة
I think he is clever. What do you think of him?
She is thinking about her future.
What are thinking about?
أفعال الملكٌة Have- own- possess ٌمتلك \لدٌه- belong to ًٌخص \ٌنتم
***He has a car now )هو لدٌه سٌارة األن ( ال توضع فً المضارع المستمر
***I have two brothers now
***He is having tea\ coffee. ( )هو ٌتناول الشاي\ القهوة
أفعال العاطفة Like – hate- love- detest ٌمقتwant ٌرٌدwould like - prefer
Negative ًالنف
am\is\are توضع بعدnot تنفً الجملة بكلمة
Sub + am\is\ are + not + v ing
مع تحوٌل
Some any
A lot of much+ \اسم غٌر معدودmany+اسم جمع
Too\also\as well أٌضا either )ًأٌضا (فً النف
So+ فعل مساعد+ فعال neither +فعل مساعد+ فاعل
Somebody anybody
Someone anyone
Something anything
Examples :
Mona is buying some fruit.(not) Mona is not buying any fruit.
Amira is carrying a lot of books (not) Amira isn't carrying many books.
Forming question تكوٌن السؤال
Yes, No question سؤال معناه هل-1
نكون سؤال معناه هلNo أوyes اذا كانت االجابة تبدأ ب-1
(Am-is-are) باستخدام الفعل المساعد
بتقدٌمه على الفاعل مع تحوٌل الفعل للمصدر
Am\is\are + sub + inf…?
مع اجراء التحوٌالت األتٌة
Some………. any a lot of …………much\ many never……..ever\ always
I Me My Mine Myself am
You you Your yours Yourself are
Yes, I'm playing football. Are you playing football.
No, he isn't watching TV. Is he watching TV?
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
عند تكوٌن سؤال ال بد من تغٌر أي جزء فً الجملة من نفسnot ً و ال تحتوي على كلمة النفNo اذا كانت الجملة تبدأب
No, he is playing football.
Is he watching TV? Is he playing tennis?
No, they are going to Luxor. Are they going to Aswan?
Is the mechanic mending the car? ( being) Is the car being mended by the mechanic?
( subject)السؤال عن الفاعل
who *** اذا كان الفاعل اسم عاقل نسأل عنه ب
What ***اذا كان الفاعل اسم غٌر عاقل نسأل عنه ب
أو صاشفwho و ذلك بحذف الفاعل و نضع مكانه
How many ***اذا كان الفاعل ٌبدأ برقم نسأل عن الرقم ب
Which ***اذا بدأ الفاعل بصفة نسأل عن الصفة بصفة نسأل عن الصفة ب
The nurse is giving the patient an injection. حقنةWho is giving the patient an injection?
Three boys are playing in the street. How many boys are playing in the street?
The strong man is moving the rock. Which man is moving the rock?
(verb( السؤال عن الفعل
فً نفس زمن الجملةdo (تحل محل الفعل) بحٌث تكونdo و الفعل المساعد و الفاعل وWhat, أي فعل نسأل عنه ب
Present continuous. فً زمن المضارع المستمر
What am\is\are sub فاعل doing ?بقٌة الجملة
الفعل (و المفعول) الذي نسأل عنه ال ٌتكرر فً السؤال
Ola and Abeer are watching a film ( what) What are Ola and Abeer doing?
( object( السؤال عن المفعول
*** نحدد نوع المفعول لتحدٌد كلمة االستفهام المناسبة
Am\is\are *** نحدد الفعل المساعد
ًنتبع الجدول األت
Question word Am\is\are Subject فاعل V ing ?
الكلمة التً نسأل عنها ال تتكرر فً السؤال
Father was reading the newspaper. At the same time, Ali was watching TV ( while )
While father was reading the paper, Ali was watching TV.
)اذا كان حدث مستمر فً الماضً و قطعه حدث أخر فً الماضً( الحدث تم فً منتصف الحدث
While Past continuous Past simple
Sub+ was\ were + ving Sub + v in the past
While I was studying my lessons , the light went out. )النور انقطع بٌنما أنا كنت أذاكر( فً منتصف المذاكرة
The telephone rang while he was sleeping
V ing ٌتبعهاWhile ***اذا لم ٌوجد فاعل بعد
While V + ing Past simple\ past continuous
While running to school, he fell down
The thief broke into her flat while sleeping.
)الحظ هذه الجمل( الفاعل لم ٌستطع \لم ٌفعل شًء ألنه كان مشغول بشًء أخر
I didn't hear the phone because I was sleeping.
She couldn't concentrate because she was listening to music
When قاعدة
Past continuous و األخر ماضً مستمرWhen تربط حدثٌن ي الماضً أحدهما ماضً بسٌط و ٌأتً بعدwhen
When Past simple ماضً بسٌط Past continuous
Sub + v in the past Sub + was\ were + v ing
When Mona phoned yesterday, I was washing the dishes.
بٌن الجملتٌن ٌتبعها الماضً البسٌط أوالWhen اذا استخدمت
Past continuous When Past simple ماضً بسٌط
Sub + was\ were + v ing Sub + v in the past
Hani was driving to Cairo when he had an accident.
While مثلpast continuous وٌتبعها ماضً مستمرWhen ٌمكن أن نستخدم فً بعض الجمل: ملحوظة
When he was going home , he found a wallet. When he was driving to Alex, the car broke down.
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- He met an old friend while he ….. in the park.a) is walking b) walk c) walks d) was walking
2- ………. you send the e-mail to your pen friend, Nada? a) Have b) Were c) Did d) Are
3- She ……an accident when she was crossing the road.a) has b) had c) have d) having
4- While he was cleaning the house, he ….. a terrible cry.a) heard b)hear c) hears d) hearing
5- We ……… to Aswan a month ago. a) travel b) travels c) travelling d) travelled
2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Noha doesn't study maths yesterday. …2- He fell under a bus when he was walking home. …….
3- We'd rather to have fish for lunch. …4- When she was reading, the light went out. .…….
The Present Perfect Tense
: القاعدة-
subject + has / have + p.p التصرٌف الثالث
I / We / You / They …. have He / She / It …. has
. أحداث في الزمن الماضي و حتى الوقت الحاضر- -: يستخدم المضارع التام ليعبر عن: االستخدام-
Ex: - Mona has been to Italy and France : بدون كلمات الزمن
: ( ever / never ) مع كلمات
Ex: - Have you ever been to Paris? No, I've never been to Paris.
ً توا- ًحاالEx: - We have just seen the film. : ( just / already / yet ( مع كلمات
- I have already done my homework. بالفعل-They haven't come home yet. حتى اآلن
:(since /for) مع, حدث بدأ فً الماضً و ٌستمر حدوثه فً الوقت الحاضر-
Ex: - I've worked in the garden for an hour. - She has done her homework since 5 o'clock.
Ex:- Someone has taken my bag .: أفعال فً الماضً و لها تأثٌر فً الحاضر-
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
: فى حالة النفى نستخدم-
haven't / hasn't + التصرٌف الثالث
Ex:- He hasn't done his homework yet.
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- What has Mona ………… during the weekend? a) done b) did c) do d) does
2- I have ……….. this TV programme twice.a) see b) seen c) saw d) sees
3- ……… Marwa washed her clothes yet? a) Has b) Did c) Have d) Does
4- They have ………… done their homework.a) since b) already c) ago d) yet
5- Omar hasn't finished his work …….. . a) yet b) already c) ago d) last
6- Have you …….. been to Paris?a) never b) ever c) just d) since
7- I've ……….. been to the Egyptian Museum.a) never b) ever c) just d) since
8- ……….. you ever visited the Cairo Tower? a) Has b) Have c) Had d) Did
9- I've been playing the guitar ………… last year.a) since b) ever c) just d) for
10- She's been reading a story ………. two hours.a) never b) forc) just d) since
11- Mr. Mohamed ……in this school since 2003.a) worked b) works c) has worked d) working
12- Have you ………. this exercise yet?a) finish b) finishes c) finishing d) finished
13- I haven't ………… him since we met last month.a) seen b) sees c) saw d) see
14- We ……….. in Cairo for 10 years.a) will live b) have lived c) live d) living
15- I've already ………… my friend.a) phone b) phones c) phoned d) phoning
2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Samira has worked as a teacher for 10 years (since)
2- I've been learning Italian since 2007. (for)
3- The train reached the station a short time ago. (just)
4- Let's go to the park. (Why)
4- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Hala suggested fly to Luxor in February. ...…..…2- He is in hospital since last Monday. ………….
3- Let's go to a walk on the Nile bank tonight. ………4- Do you like drink tea, Ali? …………….
5- What about go to the park? ……..6- Why aren't you buy a new bag? ……………….
7- Shall we flying kites. ………8- Let's having a drink. ………...…….
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
: التكوٌن-
فاعل+ have / has + been + v. + ing.
. ٌعبر عن حدث كان مستمرا لفترة طوٌلة فى الماضى و مازال مستمرا حتى اآلن-
- Hesham has been going to car companies to look for a car
- Salma has been going to the park to learn to roller-blade.
since – for – all – for – now – How long …….: تستخدم الكلمات التالٌة مع هذا الزمن-
: الحظ هذا الفرق-
- How long ago did he start roller-blading? ماضى بسٌط
- How long has he been roller-blading? مضارع تام مستمر
- I have been living in Mansoura since I was born.- I have been living in Mansoura all my life.
Ali has been preparing for the exam for the last week
.- Ali has been preparing for the exam since last week.
- just = a short time ago منذ فترة قصٌرة
- She has just done her homework. مضارع تام- She did her homework a short time ago. ماضى بسٌط
- without + اسم/ v.+ ing -
- He has worked for ten hours without stopping.- We can't travel abroad without a passport. بدون-
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
- My uncle ….. in Rome since last year. a) is staying b) stayed c) stays d) has been staying
- We haven't met Ahmed ……. the last two weeks. a) to b) from c) since d) for
- They have ……… e-mails all morning. a) sending b) sends c) send d) been sending
- My brother …… in Cairo since 2005. a) lives b) is lived c) lived d) has been living
- Mustafa ……two prizes for his good English since 2006. a) will win b) has won c) wins d) won
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
- My father is … me a new computer next week.a) buy b) bought c) buying d) going to buy
- The policeman has been …hard to catch the thieves.a) works b) worked c) working d) work
- I've been ………… French recently.a) studies b) studying c) to study d) study
The Past Perfect Tense
: التكوٌن-
had + p.p التصرٌف الثالث للفعل
: االستخدام-
. إذا وقع حدثان متتالٌان فى الماضى فإننا نضع االول فى الماضى التام و الثانى فى الماضى البسٌط-
- He found the pen which he had lost. - We enjoyed the meal which she had cooked.
After – as soon as – when – before – by the time: روابط نستخدم معها الماضى التام-
After / As soon as / When + ماضى تام+ ماضى بسٌط
- First, he did his homework, then he watched TV.
- After he had finished his homework, he watched TV.
- As soon as he had finished his h.w, he watched TV.
Before / By the time / When + ماضى بسٌط+ ماضى تام
- First she cooked, then she went out.- Before she went out, she had cooked.
: ماضى بسٌط فإننا نعبر عن مواقف غٌر مرتب لها – غٌر مرغوبة أو غٌر سارةwhen عندما ٌأتى بعد-
When he arrived at the station, the train had left.
When the patient arrived at the hospital, he had died.
: v. + ing نضع بعدهماafter / before إذا لم ٌأت فاعل بعد-
- After reading the lesson, he answered the questions.
- I hadn't eaten before I came out. : hadn't فى النفى نستخدم-
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- After she …… the washing up, she had some rest.a) did b) had done c) was doing d) does
2- …… he visited them before he flew to Rome? a) Had b) Has c) Did d) Will
3- My aunt ............. before I came home. a) will arrive b) arrives c) arrived d) had arrived
4- He paid me the money which I .....him the week before. a) lent b) lend c) had lent d) lending
5- As soon as he had planted the flowers, he ....the grass. a) had cut b) cut c) cuts d) was cutting
6-My uncle .... a reporter before he became a businessman. a)had been b)was c)will be d)has been
7- The film had started …….. we arrived at the cinema.a) before b) after c) because d) as soon as
8- After …….. my friend, I knew all the news.a) meeting b) had met c) met d) meet
2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- We put on our clothes, then we went to the party.(After)
2-He had a shower, then he watched TV. ( Before )
3-After seeing the new film, she went for a walk. (After she)
4-We played football,then we had some cola( Before )
Future with will
Form التكوٌن
Sub+ will + inf
I will buy a villa next year.
' ll إلىWill ٌمكن أن تختصر
Obj + will be + pp + by + فاعل
Someone broke the window . (be) The window will be broken.
Use االستخدام
ٌستخدم للتعبٌر عن
Prediction التبوأ فً المستفبل-1
خصوصوا اذا وجد فً الجملة
I think………….. I hope………………. I expect…………….. I'm sure…………
It's probable…………… it's possible……………… perhaps………………
I predict………………… probably
I expect he will arrive tomorrow. I'm sure you will enjoy the film.
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
She will probably win a gold medal.
Promise عند التعبٌر عن الوعد-2
I promise I will………………..I promise I will help you.
األولً عندما تعبر عن الوعدIf فً حالة
If + present simple…………. Sub will+ inf
I will buy you a bike if you get high marks.
I will take you with me to Luxor if you pass the exam.
للتعبٌر عن التهدٌد بعمل شًء-3
He threatens he will tell my dad if I tell lies again.
She threatened she will punish him severely.
He threatens he will tell my dad if I tell lies again.
She threatened she will punish him severely.
األولً عندما تعبر عن التهدٌدIf فً حالة
If + present simple…………. Sub will+ inf
If you make a foul again I will send you offٌطرد
I will tell the police if you don't pay back the money.
Quick decision عند التعبٌر عن قرار سرٌع-4
Will عند التعبٌر عن قرار سرٌع ( مواقف البٌع\ الشراء\ فً المطعم \ االخٌار بٌن شٌئٌن ) نستخدم
What would you like to eat, sir? I will have macaroni and meat.
What ould you like to drink? I will have tea. I will have coffee
Which dress would you like ? I will take the red dress
I'm late. I will take a taxi. I'm hungry. I will eat a sandwich.
Offer عند التعبٌر عن العرض-5
Will عند العرض لعمل شًء لشخص ما نستخدم
Will عندما ٌكون شخص ما فً مشكلة ما و تعرض لحل تلك المشكلة نستخدم
A: I have lost my money. B: don't worry, I will lend you some
A: I can't use my computer, B: don't worry. I will teach you.
A: I'm thirsty B: I will get you a glass of water.
A: this bag is heavy. B: don't worry. I'll carry it for you.
A: the telephone is ringing. B: I'll answer it
Making arrangements عتد عمل ترتٌبات فً المستقبل-6
We'll meet at 7 this evening. We'll visit Al his afternoon.
Future facts ( عند التعبٌر عن الحقائق المسقبٌل المرتبطة بالعمر-7
Monal will be seventeen next month. I will be thirteen next week.
Request عند عمل طلبWill تستخدم-8
Will you…………………………..?
I want you to close the window. Will you close the window?
I want you to send this letter. Will you send this letter?
Certainly عند التعبٌر عن شًء مؤكد فً المستقبلWill تستخدم
He will certainly win the match
عند تحذٌر شخصWill تستخدم
You must be careful or you will have an accident. You must run or you will miss the bus.
Negation ًالنف
Will توضع بعدnot تنفً الجملة فً زمن المستقبل بكلمة
Will not won't
Sub + won't + inf
I Me My Mine Myself We
You you Your yours Yourself You
عند تكوٌن سؤال ال بد من تغٌر أي جزء فً الجملة من نفس النوعnot ً و ال تحتوي على كلمة النفNo اذا كانت الجملة تبدأب
Will + sub + inf + obj Will + obj + be+ pp + by + sub?فاعل
Subject السؤال عن الفاعل
( subject)السؤال عن الفاعل
who *** اذا كان الفاعل اسم عاقل نسأل عنه ب
What ***اذا كان الفاعل اسم غٌر عاقل نسأل عنه ب
أو صاشفwho و ذلك بحذف الفاعل و نضع مكانه
How many ***اذا كان الفاعل ٌبدأ برقم نسأل عن الرقم ب
Which ***اذا بدأ الفاعل بصفة نسأل عن الصفة بصفة نسأل عن الصفة ب
Passive المبنً للمجهول
Who + will + inf + obj?
By whom + will + obj مغعولbe + pp?
Who +will + obj مغعولbe + pp + by?
Who has watered the plants? By whom have the plants been watered?
Who have the plants been watered by?
(verb( السؤال عن الفعل
فً نفس زمن الجملةdo (تحل محل الفعل) بحٌث تكونdo و الفعل المساعد و الفاعل وWhat, أي فعل نسأل عنه ب
Present perfect فً زمن المضارع التام
What will sub فاعل do ?بقٌة الجملة
(الفعل (و المفعول) الذي نسأل عنه ال ٌتكرر فً السؤالobject( السؤال عن المفعول
*** نحدد نوع المفعول لتحدٌد كلمة االستفهام المناسبةhave\ has ***نحدد الفعل المساعد
ًنتبع الجدول األت
Question word Will Subject فاعل Inf + بقٌة الجملة ?
She will do to Cairo tomorrow. When will she go to Cairo?
- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- When I was nine I played football everyday. ( used to )
2- What's your expectation about his success? ( Will )
3- I intend to change jobs. ( going ) 4- Have you decided to go abroad? ( Are you )
5- She sang beautifully but she doesn't now. ( used to )
6-We predict his arrival next week. ( will ) 7- Mum intends to buy a new cooker. ( going to )
- Hisham is too short. He can't touch the ceiling. ( too … to )
Comparison المقارنة
An adject الصفة
is a word that describes a nounكلمة تصف االسم
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
تتمٌز الصفة بعدة خصائص
It precedes the noun it describes الصفة تأتً قبل االسم الذي تصفه
A clever boy a rich man ً رجل غنa beautiful woman امرأة جمٌلة
Tall tress أشجار طوٌلة
(s\ esالصفة ال تجمع ( ال ٌضاف لها
A strong man strong men
An old car old cars
A nice girl nice girls.
( و تعامل معاملة االسم الجمعthe الصفة ٌمكن أن تستخدم كاسم( جمع) عندما تسبق ب
الصفة تشٌر إلً مجموعة األشخاص المشتركٌن فً الصفة
The rich األغنٌاء the poor الفقراء
The weakالضعفاء the strong األقوٌاء
The blind المفوفٌن the sighted المبصرٌن
The deaf الصم the dumb البكم
The young صغار السن the old كبار السن
) Linking verbs الصفة تأتً بعد أفعال الربط
v-to-be(am\is\are\was\were) \ seem\ become\
The poor are always suffering.
Rich people should help poor people. (the)
The rich should help the poor.
Forms of adjective
He is strong تستخدم عندالمقارنة بٌن اثنٌن تستخدم عند المقارنة بٌن فرد و مجوعة
Mona is intelligent. Hala is taller than Ola Hala is the talleat girl in the calss
The boys were happy. عندComparative تستخدم الصفة
He is a clever boy. proportion التعبٌر عن التناسب
Amira is as old as alyaa. The harder you work, the more money you will make.
Kinds of adjectives
Short adjective
عند المقارنة بٌن اثنٌن (الصفة قصٌرة) و زاد أحدهما عن األخر فً الصفة
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
than , و نضع بعدهاer نضٌف للصفة
A lot
Sub + is\are + a bit صفةer + than + obj مفعول
A little\slightly
مقدار الزٌادة
Hala is thirty years old. Heba is twenty years old,
Hala is much\ a lot older than Heba. Hala isten years older than Heba.
Tarek is forty kilograms. Samir is forty two kilograms
Samir is a bit heavier than Tarek. Samir is Two kilos heavier than Tarek.
ٌمكن أن تتكرر لتعبر عن الزٌادة المستمرة\ التأكٌدcomparative الصفة
Run faster and faster Grow older and older Become hotter and hotter.
Climb higher and higher
The prices are getting higher and higher. He ran faster and faster but he could catch the train.
The noise became louder and louder.
فً الحاالت األتٌةThe ٌمكن أن تسبق بComparative الصفة
Proportion ***عند التعبٌر عن التناسب
صفةer صفةer
The + sub + ver . the + sub فاعل+ verb فعل
more\less more\less
The more exercise you take, the fitter you become.
The harder you study, the higher marks you will get.
The higher you go up, the less oxygen there is.
If you get up early, you will arrive early. (The………..)
The earlier you get up,……………..
If we us a lot of electricity, the bill will be high. (The……….)
The more electricity we use, ………………
Of the two اذا تبعهاthe بComparative اٌضا تسبق الصفة
Sub is\ are the صقةer + of the two(boys\ girls\ men…..)
Amir is the stronger of the two boys. Soha is the cleverer of the two students.
الحظ هذه الجملة
He is older than me He is older than I am.
Heba is faster than him Heba is faster than he is.
(اذا تبعه فعلi-he-she-they ( ( و ٌمكن أن ٌكون ضمٌر فاعلme\ him\her\them..( ضمٌر مفعول دائماthan ٌأتً بعد
فً بعض الجمل ٌكون الطرف الثانً من المقارنة ٌكون هو الفاعل نفسة عندما نقارن حاله األن بما سبق
He looks better\ worse than yesterday. You look smarter than ever.
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
Yesterday was hot but today is hotter.
The superlative
If it rains tomorrow, we won't go to school. They will win the match if they play well.
للتعبٌر عن معانً\ استخدامات أخريWill ٌمكن أن نستخدم أفعال ناقصة أخرى بدال من
can ability\ something possible شًء ممكن الحدوث
may something probable شًء محتمل
should advice نصٌحةmust necessity ضرورة
Presnt simple مضارع بسيط
If can
Sub + inf \ inf(s-es) Sub + may + inf
“ The Summer holiday ”
Use the following questions for guidance:
Where will you spend the Summer holiday?
Where is the place located? Who will you go with? How will you go there?
Why will you go there? How long will you stay there?
Use the questions below for guidance:
Is reading important for students only or for all?
Who advise students to read? Where do they go to borrow books?
What do many people read every morning?
What do young people like to read? Why?
- ―Our school library‖
Make use of the following questions:
Who do you go with? When do you usually go to the library?
What kind of books do you prefer to read? Why do you go there?
Who helps you there? Do you enjoy reading competitions there?
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
-Write a paragraph of 5 sentences on : “ My elder brother “
Name Age school Favourite foods Favourite Hobbies
Omar 12 Nasser Meat , fish , rice Football , Using computer
lokma years Prep and macaroni karate playing the guitar
-Write a paragraph of 5 sentences on: “Your favourite subject”
1. Why do you go to school ? 2. What is your favourite subject ?
3. How long have you been studying it ? 4. How many books have you read about it ?
5. Why do you think it is important ?
Write a paragraph of five sentences on : “A school day”
1. At what time do you usually go to school in the morning ?--
2. How many lessons do you usually have ? 3. Which lessons do you like most?
4. Do you go to the school library or not ? 5. Do you have any training in using computer or not ?
Write a paragraph of five lines about Ahmed Hamdy ,
-Write a paragraph of five lines about “A school journey to Aswan”
When How With whom Places How long The weather
visited in Aswan
Last train classmates The a week warm
December and some High Dam
teachers and
-Write an e-mail to your English pen-friend John :
- Start the e-mail and ask about his health.
- Tell him that your father promised to take you to London if
you get high marks in your final exams.
- Ask him about the weather and clothes you should take with you.
(your e-mail address is : student@ metwallymail. com)
* Write an e-mail and English pen-friend Davis :
- Start the e-mail and ask about his family.
- Tell him about your family and your hobbies.
- Tell him about your best friends.
- Invite him to come and spend a week with you in Alexandria .
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
- finish the e-mail.
Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on : " my school "
Use the following guiding words :
Like – school / nice – garden – playgrounds / modern equipment – computers/ teachers –
work – help / practice –games – activities
Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on : "My uncle"
Use the information in the table below :
Name Job Place of work How long Hobbies
Ali Reda Project The new project in 2 years - Reading
engineer Aswan - watching TV
-* Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on : The most important language “
Use the information in the table below :
Which language? Who uses Why Computer Good learners
it ? important?
English most helps us most shouldn't be afraid
people all communicate information in of making mistakes
over world with …. English
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
Write a letter to your friend Tamer, in Alexandria with his family.
Ask him to tell you about his school and his family.
Invite him to visit you in Cairo during the summer holidays.
Tell him how he will enjoy this visit.
Your name is Sherif. You live at 30, Makram Ebaid Street, Nasr City, Cairo.
كلمات هامة
move to ٠ُ٘زوَ ا٣ visitor صائش
hotel manager شك٘ذم٣ٓذ ask for طِت٣
scientist ُْػب too نب٣ا
meet َوبث٣ flat ؽوخ
university عبٓؼخ nationality خ٤ع٘غ
address ٕاٞ٘ػ hope َٓأ٣
Information ٓبدِٞٓؼ hobby خ٣اٞٛ
Store ٕخض٣ do sums َؾَ ٓغبئ٣
I'm sure ٓزأًذ٠٘ٗأ mean ٠٘ؼ٣
farming اُضساػخ dry × wet عبف
health ٠فؾ What else نب٣ٓبرا ا
science lab ِّٞٓؼَٔ ػ get worse ءٞغ٣
injured ٓقبة get better ٖزؾغ٣
speak well ذا٤زؾذس ع٣ through ٍخال
new ideas ذح٣أكٌبس عذ train ticket ؾغض رزًشح٣
manage ش٣ذ٣ do experiment ّ ثزغشثخٞو٣
TV reporter ٠ٓشاعَ فؾل steam ثخبس
clothes designer بء٣ٓقْٔ أص water vapour ثخبس
customer ٕٞصث evaporate زجخش٣
comfortable ؼ٣ٓش boil the water ٓبء٠ِـ٣
Fix قِؼ٣ hold ٔغي٣
favourite َٓلن drop هطشح/ غوو٣
rise high ب٤ُشرلغ ػب٣ hit نشة٣
freezer ضس٣كش condense زٌضق٣
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
thirsty ٕػطؾب turn into ٠ٍُ اٞزؾ٣
wait for ٘زظش٣ float× sink ؿٞـ٣ / ٞطل٣
wind blow بػ٣ت اُشٜر rise× fall غوو٣ / ِٞؼ٣
Soap ٕٞفبث boil× freeze غٔذ٣ ٠ِـ٣
do homework اعتُٞؼَٔ ا٣ air اءٞٛ
do housework ٍثأػٔبٍ أُ٘ض the sun اُؾٔظ
turn off َول٣ shines رؾشم
while ٘ٔب٤ث surface عطؼ
shout at ٠ؼ ك٤ق٣ rain رٔطش
neighbours ٕشا٤ع join together رزؾذ ٓؼب
ask for help طِت ٓغبػذح٣ shapes ٍاؽٌب
on the way ن٣ اُطش٠ك harvest ؾقذ٣
stairs ُْعال keep animals اٗبدٞ٤ ؽ٠شث٣
Great pyramid شّ االًجشُٜا grow plants زسع ٗجبربد٣
The Sphinx ٍُٜٞ اٞاث crops َ٤ٓؾبف
have a rest ؼ٣غزش٣ sugar cane هقت عٌش
as soon as ٕثٔغشد ا wool فٞف
reserve ؾغض٣ get ٠ِؾقَ ػ٣
ancient ْ٣هذ wheat هٔؼ
treasures صًٞ٘ flour ن٤ده
collect غٔغ٣ excited ٓضبس
soldier ٟع٘ذ decide to ٕوشس ا٣
Safe ٖٓا poor× rich ٠٘ ؿ/ ش٤كو
entrance َٓذخ keep chicken دعبط٠شث٣
Tomb ٓوجشح lay eggs ل٤رج
sailor ثؾبس return to ٠ُداٞؼ٣
Land اسك greedy هٔبع
ceremony ٍاؽزلب compare ٕوبس٣
stones اؽغبس feed ْطؼ٣
slaves ذ٤ػج tractor عشاس
transport َ٘و٣ plough ؾشس٣
lift – lifted شكغ٣ useful ذ٤ٓل
pull – pulled غش٣ own ِٔي٣
look like ٚؾج٣ deaf ْاف
death كبحٝ senses اطٞؽ
cover with ثـ٠ـط٣ sign language ُـخ االؽبسح
common ؽبئغ tongue ُٕغب
parts اعضاء touch – (ed) ِٔظ٣
would prefer to َلن٣ taste – (d) مٝزز٣
abbreviations اخزقبساد smooth× rough آِظ
a model رطٞٔٗ photographer سٞٓق
handle ٓوجل arrive in ٠ُقَ ا٣
metal end ٠ٗهشف ٓؼذ frightened خبئق
hammer ػًٞؽب escape شةٜ٣
A saw ٓ٘ؾبس terrified ةٞٓشػ
knife/ knives ٘خ٤ٌع worried هِن
Drill ٓضوبة noise مبءٞم
Nails ش٤ٓٓغب wedding ؽلَ صكبف
A needle اثشح plane trip سؽِخ هبئشح
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
pliers ًٔبؽخ important ّبٛ
scissors ٓوـ flight attendant خ٣ٞلخ ع٤ٓن
A hole كزؾخ on the plane اُطبئشح٠ِػ
Sew و٤خ٣ feel – felt ؾؼش٣
Thin غ٤سك smoke ٖذخ٣
A piece هطؼخ get dark ِْرظ
metal blade خ٤ٗؽلشح ٓؼذ on fire ؾزشم٣
hard metal ٓؼذٕ فِت smell ْؾ٣
sharp end هشف ؽبد put out ء٠طل٣
wood خؾت ambulance اعؼبف
Rules اػذٞه sitting room طِٞؽغشح ع
draw lines هٞشعْ خط٣ illness ٓشك
Ruler ٓغطشح travel overseas علشُِخبسط
borrow وزشك٣ electric cars خ٤شثًٜ بساد٤ع
unkind× kind ت٤ه invention حٞدػ
Tools ادٝاد modern ش٣ؽذ
Roof عوق follow زجغ٣
Add ق٤ن٣ instructions ٔبد٤ِرؼ
reply -replied شد٣ control ٌْزؾ٣
mend قِؼ٣ reasons اعجبة
Push ذكغ٣ flexible ٕٓش
friendly دٝدٝ accurately ثذهخ
Sad ٖ٣ؽض quantity خ٤ًٔ
overseas اُخبسط enormous ْمخ
contact َزق٣ electronic ٠ٌٗٝزش٤ُا
join a club لخ٤ظِٞزؾن ث٣ examine لؾـ٣
prefer َلن٣ patients ٠ٓشم
complete ٌَٔ٣ pilot بس٤ه
receive letters غزوجَ خطبة٣ photographer سٞٓق
Free ؽش/ ٠ٗٓغب describing قق٣
application هِت polite ٓإدة
Form اعزٔبسح angry ؿبمت
pen friend ن ٓشاعِخ٣فذ quiet ءٟبدٛ
website هغٞٓ boring َٔٓ
study ذسط٣ noisy ٓزػظ
soft × hard فِت/ ٖ٤ُ pump up نخ٣
nice × horrible غ٤ كظ/ ق٤ُط tyre اهبس دساعخ
Loud دٞ اُق٠ُػب TV Studio ٞ٣دٞاعز
delicious ز٣ُز hang – hung ؼِن٣
Communicate collect stamps
زقَ ثـ٣ اثغٞغٔغ ه٣
Voice ٕد اٗغبٞف do a hobby خ٣اٞٛ ٔبسط٣
thumb ّبٜافجغ االث free time هذ كشاؽٝ
Palm ذ٣ ًق practise ٕزٔش٣
vowels ف ٓزؾشًخٝؽش thanks for ؾٌش٣
consonants ف عبً٘خٝؽش wallet ٓؾلظخ
system ّٗظب pass the test ٘غؼ٣
wave عخٞٓ calories عؼشاد
ocean و٤ٓؾ diet ٠ٗظبّ ؿزائ
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
Egyptian ١ٓقش fact وخ٤ ؽوfind out ٌزؾق٣ world ُْاُؼب
lighthouse ٓ٘بسح figure ْ سه/ ٌَ ؽearth األسكsafely ٕثأٓب
papyrus ١سم ثشدٝ ancient ْ٣ هذHow tall ٍٞ ًْ هrules اػذٞه
toothpaste ٕٕ أع٘بٞٓؼغ tall َ٣ٞ هswim غجؼ٣ fly ش٤ط٣
invent خزشع٣ structure ث٘بءtennis ر٘ظwife عخٝص
invention اخزشاع BC الد٤ُٔ هجَ اanother آخشa plane هبئشح
probably َٖٔٓ أُؾز follow زجغ٣ language ُـخa present خ٣ذٛ
immediately ساٞك dress ١شرذ٣ seconds ٢ٗاٞ صa camel َٔع
beautifully ٍثغٔب stars ّٞ ٗغcount ؼذ٣ point ٗوطخ
beads ػوذ/ خشص carefully ثؾشؿdifficult فؼتan hour عبػخ
accurately ثذهخ salt ِٓؼquiet ١بدٛ check لؾـ٣
stopwatch وبف٣عبػخ ئ plants ٗجبربدend ٢ٜ٘ز٣ else نب٣أ
measure ظ٤و٣ calendar ْ٣ٞ روruler ٓغطشحidea كٌشح
measurement بط٤ه useful ذ٤ ٓلscales ٕضا٤ٓ irregular ؽبر
skyscraper ٗبهؾخ عؾبة history خ٣ ربسclock عبػخregular ْٓ٘زظ
centimetre ٔزش٤ع٘ز internet اٗزشٗذhard ثغذwebsite هغٞٓ
kilogram ّ عشاِٞ٤ً ink ؽجشearly ٓجٌشاtape و٣ؽش
Float ٞطل٣ lie on ٢ِوغ ػ٣ become قجؼ٣
Sink ـشم٣ else آخشfill ٔأل٣
هدية العام الدراسي الجديد
Ill ل٣ٓش music ٢و٤عٞٓ
Medicine اءٝد through ٍخال
health اُقؾخ nuts صُِٞا
healthy ٢فؾ explain ؾشػ٣
group ػخٞٔٓغ olives ٕٞز٣ص
diet ٢ٗظبّ ؿزائ calcium ّٞ٤ًبُغ
contain ٢ِ ػ١ٞؾز٣ natural ٢ؼ٤هج
fats ٕٞٛاُذ sugar عٌش
proteins ٖ٤رٝاُجش fine سائغ
vitamins ٖ٤ٓزب٤ك meals عجبدٝ
carbohydrates ذساد٤ًٛٞشث do better ٖزؾغ٣
energy هبهخ at least َ األه٢ِػ
ability هذسح bones ّػظب
dairy ٕٓ٘زغبد اُِجب basketball ًشح عِخ
lentil ػذط team ن٣كش
friendly دٝدٝ chemical ١ٝٔب٤ً
favourite َٓلن lungs ٖ٤اُشئز
sport بمخ٣س tobacco اُزجؾ
tennis ر٘ظ cigarette غبسح٤ع
table ُخٝهب chemistry بء٤ٔ٤ً
bad ء٢ع smoke ٕدخب
good for ٢ذ ك٤ع damage زِق٣
advice ؾخ٤ٗق smoking ٖ٤رذخ
tired نٛٓش smell ْؾ٣
Fit الئن exercise ٖ٣رٔش
instead of ٖٓ ثذال sweets ١ِٞؽ
relax ٢غزشخ٣ adults اٌُجبس
breathe ز٘لظ٣ young ش٤فـ