Targeting: The Ultimate Reso Urce For Teaching S Pelling

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Year 3
Del Merrick
First published 2015 by
Blake Education Pty Ltd
ABN 50 074 266 023
108 Main Rd
Clayton South VIC 3169

Targeting Spelling Year 3

Copyright © Blake Education 2015
ISBN 9781
978 1921852 9616
92570 921

Author: Del Merrick

Publisher: Lynn Dickinson
Editor: Kerry Davies AE
Typesetter: Ruth Schultz
Design and illustration: Janice Bowles

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Contents Contents
Targeting Spelling program overview iv Assessment 11
Introduction vi Start-of-year checkpoints 12
What students need to know about spelling viii Start-of-year student response sheet 13
How students learn spelling 1 Weekly assessment teacher data sheet 14
About Targeting Spelling 2 Term assessment 15
Year 3 overview 3 Term assessment student response sheets 16–19
Using the Word Warm-ups 4 Term assessment teacher data sheet 20
Areas of work 4 End-of-year checkpoints 21
A word about assessment 8 End-of-year student response sheet 22
Weekly overview of teaching and Start-of-year and end-of-year checkpoints
learning procedures 9 teacher data sheet 23
Targeting Spelling ideas 10 Lessons 1–32 24
Answers 152
Word Warm-ups book 156

CD Contents
Word Warm-ups book Assessment
Peg Work Start-of-year checkpoints
Peg Work 1 (consonant blends) Start-of-year student response sheet
Peg Work 2 (doubling) Weekly assessment teacher data sheet
Peg Work 3 (long vowels, bossy e) Term assessment
Peg Work 4 (y words) Term assessment student response sheets
Disc Work Term assessment teacher data sheet

Compound Words End-of-year checkpoints

Compound Words 1 (short vowels) End-of-year student response sheet

Compound Words 2 (final e words) Start-of-year and end-of-year checkpoints

teacher data sheet
Compound Words 3 (letter teams)
Auditory discrimination test
Pencil Work worksheets
Spelling Corner activities
Targeting Spelling program overview
Highlighted topics indicate concepts that need to be introduced at these levels.

LeSSon YeAr 1 YeAr 2 YeAr 3 YeAr 4 YeAr 5 YeAr 6

Term one

Short vowel a, Short vowel a Short vowels Reviewing short Reviewing short
1 CVC words vowels vowels
Prefixes in–, im–
Adding s Plural endings

Short vowel e, Closed syllables

Short vowels Reviewing long
2 CVC words Short vowel e Common endings, Prefix dis–
Doubling rule vowels
Adding s suffixes

Final e words,
Short vowel i, Short vowel i Letter teams for the
3 Short vowels prefix a– Silent k, g, w
CVC words Doubling rule sound of a
The e rule

Short vowel o, Short vowels Letter teams for the

4 CVC words
Short vowel o
Syllables sound of e
Open syllables Prefixes ob–, per–

Short vowel u, Long vowels Letter teams for the

5 CVC words
Short vowel u
sound of o
Suffix –ic Prefix de–
The e rule

Consonant digraphs
Final consonant Letter teams for the Prefixes inter–,
6 digraph ck
sh, ch Long vowels
sound of i
Soft c and g
Adding ly

Initial or final
Schwa sound Long vowels Letter teams for the Words ending in a,
7 digraphs sh, ch Prefixes com–, con–
(mother) open syllables sound of oo (oo, ew) ar (schwa)
Adding s, es

Compound words mitto or missus

Initial or final
8 digraph th
(short vowel Contractions Letter teams ou, ow Words ending in y (I send)
elements) pes or pedis (foot)

Term TWo

Long vowel a (came) Letter teams ai, ay Letter teams au, aw, Verb suffixes –ate,
9 Initial blends br, gr Hard and soft ch
The e rule Common endings oar, ore –ise

Words ending in ss
Letter teams ee, eer
10 Initial blends fr, dr Long vowel i (time) Tricky letter a Prefixes and Words ending in o
Compound words

Words beginning
11 Initial blends pr, tr, cr Long vowel o (bone) Letter teams ea, ear More tricky letters
with e
Suffix –fy

Words beginning
12 Initial blends pl, fl Long vowel u (cube) Letter teams oa, ow Letter teams er, ir, ur
with a, ad
Soft g, c

Compound words
Letter team oo Letter team er
13 Initial blends bl, gl (long vowel
(book) (schwa)
Suffixes –ful, –less Suffixes –or, –ar

Nouns ending in y Letter team oo Letter team ea Suffix –ive, prefixes

14 Initial blends sl, cl
The y rule (moon) (bread)
Prefixes ex–, out–
mono–, bi–, micro–

Patterns igh (high), Letter team oo Suffix –al, words

15 Initial blends st, sm
y (my) (moon)
Letter teams ge, dge
ending in –el
Prefixes e–, ex–

16 Initial blends sp, sn Contractions Letter team ar Letter teams ie, ei Compound words Prefix en–

iv Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Targeting Spelling program overview
Highlighted topics indicate concepts that need to be introduced at these levels.
LeSSon YeAr 1 YeAr 2 YeAr 3 YeAr 4 YeAr 5 YeAr 6
Term THree

Letter team ai (rain) Closed syllables –

Final double letters Words ending in
17 Compound words, Letter team ir (bird) end syllables et, Prefix re–
ss id, ide
syllables en, le

Final double letters Words ending in

18 Letter team ai (grain) Letter team er (her) Open syllables Suffix –ion
ll ect, ict

Words ending in y
Final consonant The y rule
19 Letter team ay (day) Letter team ur (turn) Words ending in age Prefixes pre–, pro–
blend st Prefixes and

Final consonant Letter teams or, duco or ductus

Letter team ee (see)
20 digraph ng ore, oar Silent k, w Suffixes –er, –or (I lead)
Adding s, ing Homophones cedo or cessus (I go)

Final consonant Letter team ou

21 Letter team ee (steel) Silent b, t Suffix –ly Suffix –al
digraph ng (cloud)

Final consonant Letter team ea (sea) The y sound

22 Letter team ow (cow) Letter teams oi, oy Prefixes pre–, pro–
digraph nd The f to v rule The y rule

Letter pair qu
Final consonant Letter team ea Letter teams air,
23 Letter teams ou, ow Common endings, Letter teams hy, sy
digraph nt (cream) are, ear

Final consonant Words ending in le Prefixes a–, al– Prefix ab–, letter
24 Letter team aw (saw) Prefix en–, suffix –en
digraph nk Common endings Antonyms, suffixes team acc

Term four

Final consonant Letter team au

25 Letter team oa (coat) Letter teams gu, qu Prefixes mis–, dis– Suffixes –ious, –ous
blend mp (sauce)

Final consonant Letter team oa Endings el, al

26 Letter teams oy, oi Suffix –ion Prefix dia–, suffix –ile
blends ft, ff (croak) Parts of speech

Letter team ow
Final consonant Visual letter pattern
(snow) Letter teams are Suffixes –able, –ible
27 blend tch ough Prefixes in–, im–
Irregular past-tense (care), air Antonyms
Adding s, ing, ed Parts of speech
verbs, antonyms

Final consonant Words ending in y Letter teams th, Suffixes –ment, Letter teams –ure,
28 Letter team ar (car)
blend nch The y rule wh, ph –ness –ude

Final consonant Reviewing Words ending in

29 Letter team ar (start) Prefixes up–, down– Letter teams qu, ph
blend nd contractions our, suffix –ous

Final consonant Letter teams or, ore Reviewing Prefixes over–,

30 Suffixes –able, –ible Suffixes –ian, –ial
blends lf, sp, sk (for, fore) compound words under–

31 Final y (my) Two-syllable words Prefixes un–, dis– Prefixes re–, de– Prefixes re–, de– Suffixes –ent, –ant

Visual letter pattern

32 Homophones Suffixes –ful, –less Suffix –ion Prefixes con–, com– Suffixes –ence, –ance

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education v

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
We communicate with each other through our language, both spoken and written.
Spoken language is strongly supported by our facial expressions, gestures and the way we move our bodies.
We often replace the need for words with this “body” language. We frown in displeasure, smile our agreement,
raise an eyebrow in question; we point, nod our heads, draw “pictures” with our hands, give a thumbs-up or
a thumbs-down; we shrug our shoulders, fold our arms, stamp a foot and thrust our hands on our hips. Body
language is highly eloquent and conveys much of the meaning behind our words.
In two-way conversation, we frequently omit words because we share contexts and understandings and we
can fill in the gaps with our body language. one-way communication requires us to choose our words more
carefully and speak in complete sentences. We need to be mindful of our audience, their level of understanding
and the degree of formality required.
Written language is far more demanding than spoken language. Writing for an “absent” audience demands
that we frame our ideas into complete sentences; we write them down legibly and correctly; and we add
punctuation marks to guide the reader through what we want to say. We capitalise the first word of each
sentence, as well as the names of people, places, days and special events. We end each sentence with a full stop,
a question mark or an exclamation mark. We place speech marks around the spoken words of characters. We
use apostrophes to indicate contractions and ownership. And, importantly, we spell each word in a standard
and expected way, so that the reader immediately knows what we are writing about.
The spelling of words should never get in the way of writing. Writers who struggle with the spelling of words
often lose track of what they are writing. They leave words out or circumvent words they can’t spell. They tend
to ramble and omit punctuation marks as the business of encoding words leaves no room in their working
memory. They rarely go back to edit or proofread what they have written.
As a writer, we can only draw on the words in our heads. We are constantly expanding this pool of words that
we know and, ideally, can spell.

■ So what is spelling?
Spelling is the ability to encode the words we choose to write. It is our ability to retrieve, correctly, the words
chosen from our mind pool. It requires us to remember a correct sequence of letters and frequently requires us
to add to or make changes to these letters to make our writing grammatically correct.
To remember these words, we need to learn the correct order of the letters. This is often very easy. For example,
one of the first words children know how to spell is their name. The word is meaningful and the sequence of
letters is familiar. Words like it, is, on, at and to are usually very easy for children to learn. But there are many
words that writers will need to save on the “memory stick” in their heads, ready for easy retrieval.

vi Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Hence, writers need an effective and efficient means of learning how to spell the words they need. The methods
will vary from writer to writer but, generally, they will employ the use of their senses as learning channels.
Vocal–auditory How a word sounds to the ear when it is spoken. Each lip movement represents a different
chunk of sound (syllable). We use this vocal–auditory channel frequently to monitor words
as we write them.
“Say the word you want to write and write what you say.”
Visual How a word “looks” – its shape, its length, the pattern of its letters.
Kinesthetic How a word is formed under our fingers as it runs off the end of the pencil. Writing the
same word over and over again builds strong muscle memory. Spelling becomes a familiar
action of the hand. It’s as if words automatically roll off the pencil onto the page.
These memories all work together to build a spelling “sense”.

I just know how

to write it AND
I just know it
looks right!

Added to these perceptions about words, writers also conceptualise how words change to “fit” the grammar of
the text they are writing. For example, different tenses require changes to the verb, most often by the addition
of s, ing or ed; plurals require the addition of s or es; and contractions require a collapsed version of two
words and the use of an apostrophe. While prefixes change word meaning, suffixes create many nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs.
This understanding of how grammar strongly influences the spelling of words is vital for all writers.
Writers also benefit from an understanding of the origin of words. Some come directly from other
languages – words like pyjamas, spaghetti, croissant, pagoda and geyser.
Some have only just entered our language
– words like digital, byte, broadband, online
ters by building
and multimedia. Many of the words we use As teachers, we support our young wri
day to day have Latin or Greek roots. These sound knowledge in four main areas:
“roots” generate a cluster of meaning-related 1 Phonological: how words sound
words and, as such, provide a useful basis for 2 Visual: how words look
learning. For example: struo, structus – I build, 3 Morphemic: how words change form
generates the words construct, construction, grammatical reasons
constructive, destruct, destruction, destructive, Latin or Greek
4 Etymological: how words grow from
indestructible, structure, structural, structurally, roots or other origins.
instruct, instruction, instructor …

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education vii

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
What students need to know about spelling
PHonoLogICAL knowledge • when to change the y • that suffixes alter the
❂ 1
How words sound on the end of a word
before adding an
way a word is used, i.e.
its grammar
Students need to know: • vowel controllers, ending • that suffixes can be
• the names of the letters e.g. final e, the letter r • how to form plurals and noun-forming, e.g. –tion,
of the alphabet • vowel teams, e.g. ai, apply the associated verb-forming, e.g. –ate,
• the sounds they oa, ou rules (words ending in adjective-forming,
represent • silent letters, e.g. knit, y and f) e.g. –ive, or adverb-
• consonants, e.g. b, f, s, l, write, listen. • how to form past tense, forming, e.g. –ly
m, r, w
Students need to apply regular and irregular • when to use capital
• consonant blends, e.g. • how to form verbal letters
what they know to:
br, fl, st, pr, sm, tw, gl
• blend sounds to form a adjectives and present • when to use
• consonant digraphs participles by adding apostrophes, for
word, e.g. b-a-t = bat;
(buddies), e.g. ch, sh, ing (e.g. dancing, contractions and
ch-ie-f = chief
ph, th
• blend sound “chunks” walking) and past possessive nouns
• that short vowels have a participles • how to analyse
into words (syllables),
short, snappy sound – • how to make and understand
e.g. croc-o-dile =
a, e, i, o, u
crocodile comparative adjectives contractions,
• that long vowels say and adverbs by adding e.g. don’t = do not
• understand rhyming
their own name – a, e, i, er and est (e.g. bigger, • how to understand
patterns, e.g. my, by,
o, u
try, fly. biggest; higher, highest) abbreviations
• that prefixes and • how to understand
VISuAL knowledge suffixes are constant in acronyms, e.g. Qantas,
❂ 2
How words look their spelling
• that prefixes alter the

Students need to: • recognise visual rhyme, meaning of the base

• recall the appearance of e.g. heard, beard word
a word • recognise visual patterns,
• “visualise” a word eTYmoLogICAL knowledge
• remember what letters
e.g. tough, cough,
bough, through ❂ 4
How words grow from a “root” word
look like and know how • understand that letters
to write them can be grouped in Students need to know: e.g. pizza, pyjamas,
• identify little words in certain ways, e.g. b • that many English words spaghetti, tabouli,
big words can be followed by any are derived from Latin croissant
• recognise words as vowel, but only by the and Greek roots • that the spelling of
compound words consonants l and r • that words are related words is constantly
• recognise contractions • recognise when a word in meaning through evolving, e.g. yoghurt –
“looks right”. their root (e.g. the Latin yogurt, encyclopaedia
word medicina gives rise – encyclopedia
morPHemIC knowledge to the words medicine, • that new words are
❂ 3
How words change form medical, medicinal,
remedy, paramedic)
constantly being
invented, e.g.
Students need to know: • that the most common • that words have their megabyte, digital, while
• how compound words endings are s, es, ing, ed, origins in many different others have become
are constructed y, ly, er, est languages obsolete or are rarely
• that words are often built • when to double a letter • that we use many used, e.g. erstwhile,
from a “base” word before adding an ending foreign words in our day- nickelodeon.
to-day language,

viii Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
How students learn spelling
Children receive a lot of information about spelling spell them aloud letter by letter. To strengthen learning,
through their senses – sight, hearing and touch. Many spelling activities need to be designed or selected to cater
have preferred ways of learning. For example, some may for children’s different learning styles.
prefer to learn spelling by seeing the words and writing Here are some ideas for tapping into the various modes
them several times; others may prefer to say the words and of learning:


How it sounds How you say it How it looks How it feels to How the letter
• Listen to the word • Say it in slow • Find and cut out write it (muscle shapes feel
– count the chunks motion. words from a memory) • Do some rainbow
(syllables). • Stretch the word magazine to paste • Write it on your writing (go round
• Listen to the out like chewing in your book. partner’s back for the letter shapes
different sounds gum as you say it, • Close your eyes them to guess what of the word in
made by letters or and then snap it and “see” the word. it is. different colours).
letter groups, e.g. back together. (Now write it from • Write it in the air. • Make the word
voiced or unvoiced; • Clap or tap the your memory.) • Write it with with letter tiles.
hard or soft; schwa. chunks (syllables) • Create a word different writing • Write the word on
• Listen carefully as you say them. picture of your tools – nikko, chalk, graph paper, one
to the correct • Notice the position word. gel pen, glitter pen. letter per square.
pronunciation of a of the sound in • Draw a line around • Write the word. • Create a
word. your mouth (teeth, the word to show Write over it in four spellamadoodle –
tongue, lips, the shape of the different colours. write the words in a
throat), e.g. girl, word. • Write the word list around a shape,
giant; three, free. • Count the chunks in big letters e.g. tree, truck, ball,
• Take care with the in the word (not capitals) on basket.
way you pronounce (syllables). Write a blackboard or • Feel the shape of
the word, e.g. each syllable in a whiteboard. the letters as you
library not liberry; box. • Use a timer. Set write the word in
pumpkin not • Look for the “hard” the timer for three the sand.
punkin. part of the word. minutes. See how • Trace over felt
• Always sound the Perhaps write many words you letters or letters
ends of your words the “hard” part can write before written on
clearly. in capital letters, time runs out. sandpaper.
e.g. hoRse, hoUse, • Write the word with
neverTHEless. a wet brush.

Good spelling
ultimately relies on
visual and muscle

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 1

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
About Targeting Spelling
Targeting Spelling is a simple but highly effective, approach to the teaching of spelling. It is based on the belief
that spelling needs to be taught in an explicit and systematic way. It is designed to help students learn the skills
and strategies they need to become proficient spellers. The content is carefully structured and sequenced, so
that students can build their phonological, visual, morphemic and etymological knowledge. There are many
opportunities for students to practise their skills through games and manipulative materials provided on the
accompanying CD.
Spelling is not just about memorising words. It is a feature of writing and, as such, is strongly influenced by
grammar. As we construct our sentences, we are constantly making decisions about what words to use and
how to alter their spelling to fit the grammar. Verb tenses, plural and proper nouns, ownership, the informality
of contractions and subject–verb agreement often require structural changes and therefore spelling changes.
Students need to learn how to make these changes in the spelling of words and any rules that govern these
changes. It is ideal to teach these grammatical changes to words early in spelling development while the words
are still simple and, generally, phonically regular.
Targeting Spelling Years 1 and 2 began to lay the foundation on which students build an effective repertoire
of spelling skills and strategies. Teaching focused on building phonic and morphemic knowledge, and on
strengthening visual memory.
■ About this book
Targeting Spelling Year 3 continues the spelling journey. It contains 32 core lessons covering four school
terms, each lesson providing the basis of a weekly program. This allows time for review and consolidation
of previous learning, assessment of student progress and an evaluation of each student’s learning needs.
Important phonological elements and morphemic understandings are revisited, and further vowel teams are
introduced. Explicit teaching should be part of every lesson followed by application and practice.
Ideally, about 15 minutes a day needs to be devoted specifically to the teaching of spelling but, if scheduling
time for specific instruction is difficult, build it into lessons in other curriculum areas. remember, spelling
impacts all other subjects throughout school and beyond.
While many students quickly and easily develop a spelling “sense”, others will need much instruction and
scaffolding. A spelling program needs to unfold slowly to maximise learning for all students. As teachers, we
need to pace our instruction thoughtfully and provide many opportunities for student practice and application
so that, as much as possible, no-one is left behind.
The Year 3 overview opposite details the focus of each of the core lessons throughout the year. The word list for
each lesson is also contained in the Word Warm-ups book.
The Year 3 weekly overview on page 9 is a suggested guide for teachers to cover the content of each lesson
during the week. not every lesson will follow the exact pattern provided in the weekly overview. However,
the lessons are based on the principle that teacher instruction and demonstration early in the week leads to
student practice and, finally, a demonstration of what students know through assessment. This procedure will
vary according to the needs of individual students and the class as a whole. Teachers need to monitor student
progress and modify the program as necessary.

2 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Year 3 overview
Term one
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels
Introducing plural endings Introducing the doubling rule Reviewing the doubling rule Introducing syllables
Sight Words: here, there, where, Sight Words: down, with, come, Sight Words: above, below, ask,
Sight Words: they, want, any, many
some their climb
Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Long vowels Long vowels Long vowels
Plurals; Review the e rule, f rule Applying the e rule Open syllables
Sight Words: new, often, because,
Sight Words: one, two, saw, done Sight Words: was, were, these, those Sight Words: else, what, why, who
Term TWo
Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Letter teams ee, eer Letter teams ea, ear Letter teams oa, ow
Letter teams ai, ay
Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound
Adding common endings
words; Syllables words; Syllables words; Syllables
Sight Words: fast, again, Sight Words: already, pass Sight Words: please, friend Sight Words: few, many,
today, always early, school very, every more, most
Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
Letter team oo (book) Letter team oo (moon) Letter team oo (moon) Letter team ar (car)
Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings (doubling r);
words; Syllables words; Syllables words; Syllables Compound words; Syllables
Sight Words: caught, could, would, Sight Words: walk, talk, almost, Sight Words: money, eleven, fruit, Sight Words: myself, yourself, right,
should alright juice through
Term THree
Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Letter team ir (bird) Letter team er (her) Letter team ur (turn) Letter teams or, ore, oar
Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound
words; Syllables words; Syllables words; Syllables words; Syllables; Homophones
Sight Words: great, also, blue, Sight Words: fifteen, water, while, Sight Words: pretty, picture, purple, Sight Words: family, cousin, bread,
orange together nearby among
Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
Letter team ou (cloud) Letter team ow (cow) Letter teams ou, ow Letter team aw (saw)
Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound
words; Syllables; Antonyms words; Syllables words; Syllables words; Syllables
Sight Words: sugar, salt, begin, Sight Words: watch, twelve, before,
Sight Words: light, sure, quite, quiet Sight Words: only, past, first, last
receive after
Term four
Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28
Letter team au (sauce) Letter teams oy (toy), oi (boil) Letter teams are (care), air (chair)
Words ending in y
Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound Common endings; Compound
The y rule
words; Syllables; Homophones words; Syllables words; Syllables; Antonyms
Sight Words: nothing, until, none, Sight Words: group, young, listen, Sight Words: across, children,
Sight Words: build, find, aunt, uncle
other heard bought, brought
Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32
Reviewing contractions Reviewing compound words Prefixes un–, dis– Suffixes –ful, –less
Sight Words: bush, push, Sight Words: though, beneath, Sight Words: move, yesterday, Sight Words: tomorrow, usual,
put, pull whose, both country, morning afternoon, picnic

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 3

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
using the Word Warm-ups
The Word Warm-ups book is the starting point and focus of each lesson. Each student will need their own
copy. The Word Warm-ups text is provided at the back of the book and on the CD with layout that can be
photocopied as a book and stapled. Students will use this book throughout the year.
Through the Word Warm-ups, students will be introduced to a number of important phonic elements and a
range of core sight words. The lists are also the springboard for teaching students how to apply rules and make
generalisations about spelling. These two platforms will give students a solid foundation for future work in
spelling. Students will soon be able to spell a wide range of words within the context of their writing and within
the limits of their speaking and reading vocabulary. The Warm-ups book also includes lists of homophones
and antonyms, and a sight word checker that can be used to gather valuable diagnostic information on
incoming or graduating students.
It also lists the basic spelling rules as a reference for students. Some rules have more variations than are listed,
such as the doubling rule. For example, in Australian English, if a two-syllable word ends with a vowel plus a
consonant and the stress is not at the end of the word, the final consonant is not doubled when adding ing or
ed, as in targeting and focusing. But note that, if the word ends in l, it is doubled, as in travelling and labelling.
For more information about spelling rules, go to under the tab, Better Writing,
choose Spelling and scroll down the list to Spelling rules and Tips.
Each teaching session of the week should begin with a Word Warm-up, where the students “chant” the words
in a selected list, either as a class or in pairs. By chanting the words, the students are tapping into the visual,
vocal and auditory channels of learning. By pronouncing the ends of the words clearly, they will develop an
auditory memory for the whole word.
For the first teaching session of the week, begin with a Warm-up using a list of words previously studied. For
the rest of the week, do a Warm-up using that week’s list of words.

Areas of work
Targeting Spelling sets out the content under a number of work areas that support the teaching and learning
process. These are:
❥ Board Work
❥ Book Work
❥ Word Work
❥ Memory Work
❥ Pencil Work
❥ Assessment
During the week, teachers can focus on different aspects of the spelling process, moving from explicit teaching
and learning early in the week, to practice, to a final assessment at the end of the week.

4 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
■ Board Work
Board Work is the workface of spelling. This work will provide you with the language of spelling and ideas for
the explicit teaching and demonstration of spelling concepts, patterns and rules. Board Work provides a focus
for all students and is part of every spelling lesson.
Set up the board for each lesson in this way:

Vowels Endings
a s es Double after short
vowels before adding
e these endings.
ing ed
o Drop the ‘e’ before
er est adding these endings.

At the start of the lesson, check that students can say the “short” and the “long” sounds of the vowels. use the
board space for the explicit teaching of visual and sound patterns, syllables, compound words, prefixes, suffixes
and the rules related to word building. The endings provide a scaffold to support students while learning
specific rules such as doubling, the e rule and the y rule.
use the board to demonstrate strategies for learning spelling.

■ Book Work
The Word Warm-ups book contains lists of words that are the focus of your daily spelling sessions. After
starting each session with a Word Warm-up, use open or Closed Book Work to strengthen the learning of the
current list of words.
During open Book Work, the Word Warm-ups book is open in front of the students and selected students
are asked to spell words orally from the list with an ending added, e.g. serve, serving. open Book Work allows
the students to concentrate on selecting correct endings and applying any rules, without having to also
memorise the word.
The endings should be the most frequently used, or common, endings. These endings should always be on the
board for student reference.
During Closed Book Work, the Word Warm-ups book is closed and students are asked to write dictated
words, with or without endings. (no erasers allowed.) This gives students the chance to think about and show
what they know about spelling. It is practice time, not test time. As teachers, we need to closely observe what
the students are doing, so we can provide scaffolding if necessary. Their responses will guide our further

■ Word Work
Word Work is part of the weekly plan. This is a session devoted to exploring word use – common endings and
rules – and making discoveries about compound words, homophones, antonyms and syllables.
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 5
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
■ Memory Work
All good spellers have a good visual memory for words – they remember what words “look like”. We
need to show our students ways of remembering words, especially those that do not follow a “sound”
pattern. High-frequency words, or sight words, very often fall into this category.
Like their own names, students only have to learn these words once, because they are always spelled in
the same way. Memory Work will provide you with ideas for helping students memorise these
sight words.
■ Pencil Work
Photocopiable worksheets accompany each lesson to give students the opportunity to apply the skills
and strategies they have been learning. Set your students up for success by ensuring you have covered
any teaching points before the students engage in the work. A set of these worksheets is also provided
on the CD. Answers are provided at the back of this book and on the CD.
A WOW word (Word of the Week) is provided in each lesson as WOW
a stimulus for uninterrupted silent writing. This gives students an Word of the Week
opportunity to apply and display their skills. Extend the time as students
become more fluent and proficient.
Write about your WOW word
The Spelling Corner activities enable individual student practice. for three minutes. Do not
stop. Do not speak.
The 64 cards in the set comprehensively cover the year’s spelling content.
They can be used as part of the spelling lessons and/or copied onto card
(from the CD) and laminated for use throughout the year. Students can write their
answers in their spelling notebooks, on the photocopied Spelling Corner sheets or on the laminated
cards (using erasable markers). Answers are provided at the back of this book and on the CD.
Practice Work
In addition to the worksheets, students need to engage in word play, through games, puzzles and other
word-based activities, to build skills and strategies. The Targeting Spelling ideas on page 10 offer a wide
range of practical activities to help students make discoveries about words.
Hands-on materials
During Board Work, Book Work and Word Work, hands-on materials can greatly enhance the
teaching and learning process. This program offers interactive activities, also used in Practice Work,
that will help students take charge of their own learning and lead to positive learning outcomes:
❥ Button Work ❥ Peg Work ❥ Disc Work
Additional resources provided on the CD:
❥ Peg Work ❥ Disc Work ❥ Compound Words ❥ Contractions ❥ Homophones

■ Digital spelling games

Several spelling games support this program and they can be found on the Spectacular Spelling Games
Year 3 CD sold by Blake Education. These games are also available for iPads and are called Eggy Spelling 3.

6 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Button Work Each button represents one letter. Buttons that
Button Work enables a visual representation of words and provides a represent consonant blends, such as st and mp, should
be placed close together.
bridge between saying the word and spelling the word. It shows the
correct pattern, the correct sequence and the correct number of letters. d o g j u mp s t op
Button Work helps learners to see “how words work”; that is, how the Place two buttons, one on top of the other, to represent
sounds in a word are segmented. use the buttons to demonstrate letter one sound made by two letters. Use different colours
to show different letters, such as ck, sh, th, ai and ow.
patterns and to scaffold students as they begin their spelling journey.
Buttons or counters can be used to show the composition of words.
d u ck sh o p r ai n
Peg Work Place two buttons, one on top of the other, to represent
one sound made by two letters. Use the same colours
Peg Work gives students the opportunity to “play” with words, to show the same letters, such as ee, oo, bb and ss.
to explore concepts at their own pace. These are manipulative
materials that engage all students, particularly those who best learn
d ee p o ff r a bb i t
through hands-on materials. See the CD for instructions on how to
prepare and use the pegs, and for word cards to use with the pegs. Because bossy e is not sounded, use a button of a
different shape. This shape represents an e, but
Peg Work offers practice in making and saying words with “keeps its mouth shut”.
consonant blends and long Also, when a word ends in a y sounded as ē, use a
different shape to represent the y. Students soon
vowels. It also helps students
become familiar with this shape – it is y sounded as ē.
in applying spelling rules –
the doubling rule, the e rule
and the y rule. g a m e f u nn y

Disc Work
Disc Work also provides manipulative materials to practise making
and saying words with letter teams and in adding common endings.
See the CD for instructions and word cards.

■ Assessment
Assessment of student progress is an important part At the end of each term, check students’ progress through the
of the weekly lesson. Dictate the words and sentences assessment items on page 15. use the results to review any areas
derived from the weekly list to check students’ progress of uncertainty and to direct further teaching and learning. The
and to diagnose any areas of difficulty or confusion. use proofreading corrections are given in the Answers at the back of
the results to address any issues with the class or with this book and on the CD.
individual students. End-of-year checkpoints offer a quick snapshot of the skills
Start-of-year checkpoints are provided to ascertain student covered throughout the year (see Assessment page 21). The results
readiness to engage in the program (see Assessment page will pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of individual students
12). They also provide a benchmark against which to and the class as a whole. They will enable you to pass on valuable
measure future progress. diagnostic information to future teachers.
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 7
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
A word about assessment
Before commencing any program in spelling, it is important to ascertain what knowledge and skills your
students already have. Spelling is the encoding of spoken words into written language; therefore, at the very
minimum, students will need to have a basic knowledge of the alphabet and the different ways we can use its
letters to represent the spoken sounds of our language.
Check their short-term and visual sequential memory (remembering what a sequence of letters looks like).
Show a sight word flashcard for five seconds. Ask the students to write the word from their memory. Start with
short words and build to longer ones. Evaluate the results. For incorrect words, check whether the student has
written the correct number of letters and whether the sequence of the letters is correct. Spelling is ultimately a
visual skill, so students need to develop a good visual memory.
Check their ability to discriminate between sounds. often students confuse sounds such as d and b, m and n,
dr and tr. If you suspect a student has problems, use the auditory discrimination test provided on the CD to
pinpoint areas of concern. Further check that students are correctly forming and pronouncing sounds.
Check what students already know about spelling. Ask them to write some words they know. They should try
to write at least ten words. Alternatively, dictate some words from a sight word list from the simple to the more
difficult, such as he, is, go, they, was, have, want, they, done, said, what, could. Evaluate the results.
observe the way students pronounce words. often, mispronounced and poorly pronounced words lead to
spelling errors. Students need to clearly sound the end of every word. By linking what is heard with what is
said, they develop a strong auditory memory of the whole word. The vocal, visual and auditory channels all
work together to help them spell efficiently. While they may write a word by matching it to an auditory or
visual memory, they will often need to monitor its correctness by saying the word.
observe how students hold their pencils and form the letters of words. Poorly formed letters can lead to
perceived mistakes in spelling. Some students may need some exercises or activities to correct the way they
form letters. Some may need a pencil grip to correct their pencil hold or to give better pencil control.

■ Diagnostic assessment
Learning to spell is a developmental process and your students will need time to master the many skills and
strategies involved. Practice and application is vital to their success. Weekly assessment should be diagnostic
in nature. observe students closely and intervene to help any students who may be struggling. Assessment
pieces are provided with each lesson.

■ Sight Words
use the sight word checker in the Word Warm-ups book to diagnose errors in sight word spelling. remember,
many of these words never change their spelling, so once learned they should always be spelled correctly.

8 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Weekly overview of teaching and learning procedures
The lessons provide weekly plans for the teaching and 1. Introduce the words of the week and explore their meaning.
learning of spelling. They contain blocks of work that teachers 2. Learn the words through open and/or Closed Book Work
can dip into throughout the week. and learning strategies.
Teachers can go backwards and forwards, sometimes doing 3. Extend word knowledge through word building, applying
Board Work or Book Work, sometimes games or Pencil spelling rules and manipulative materials such as Prefix or
Work. Sometimes the emphasis will be on learning and Compound Word baggies.
practising words; at other times, on word building and 4. Practise new learning through Pencil Work, the WoW
extension activities. Word, Spelling Corner, games, word play and so on.
Below is a guide as to how teaching and learning could See page 10 for more ideas.
take place over a week, with teaching and learning passing 5. Assess progress through word and dictation tests and
through five phases. observations.
the words to spell the words word knowledge new learning progress
foCuS WorDS foCuS WorDS foCuS WorDS Pencil Work Assessment
Board Work Board Work Word Work Instruct students to • Assess students’
• Introduce the focus Review the focus element. • Explore with students complete the worksheet, ability to spell:
element. open Book Work how and why words including the WOW Word. – words containing
• Students practise the Students orally spell words change form, such as The Spelling Corner the focus for the
sound. with endings added. for: provides extra practice week
Book Work – plural nouns for the whole class or for – variations of these
Closed Book Work
• Introduce the word – present and past tense individual practice. words
Students write words given
list in the Word Warm- – comparing (bigger, Practice Work – Sight Words
orally, with or without
ups book. biggest) Engage students in a range – compound words
endings. Scaffold with
• Use Button Work to – building adjectives and of activities to build skills – contractions.
Button Work and the
demonstrate patterns adverbs and strategies, such as: • Use different forms
endings displayed on the
if needed. – subject–verb – interactive whiteboard of assessment,
• Students “chant” the agreement. – Peg Work such as:
SIgHT WorDS • Teach and demonstrate – list words
words together saying – Disc Work
Board Work word + ending (display – dictation
the ends of the words – word puzzles, crosswords
• Review the Sight Words. endings on the right- – proofreading
clearly. Pause between – word sorts
• Discuss any similarities hand side of the – student-generated
sets of words. – making words with
or differences. board). dictation
SIgHT WorDS plastic letters
• Build any possible • Teach any rules – personal writing
Introduce the Sight – cutting up words and
rhyming words together. that apply, such as – observation.
Words. gluing back together
memory Work doubling, dropping e, – synonyms and antonyms
memory Work Demonstrate ways of changing y to i. note: Students
– word chains, steps,
Demonstrate ways of remembering. should maintain a
open Book Work snakes
remembering, e.g.:
Closed Book Work Give individual students – compound words spelling notebook for
– configuration (word
• Students write the Sight a word to spell orally from – software: Phonics all written spelling-
Words from memory. the list + a given ending. Alive Sound Blender, related activities
– letter patterns
• Add some variations. Closed Book Work Spectacular Spelling for assessment and
– word structures diagnosis of spelling
Ask students to write Games, Eggy Spelling 3
– writing in the air, eyes
note: We need to develop some words – say the – creating word lists problems.
children’s ability to “see” word first and then add with a certain element
– writing on another’s
whether a word looks right an ending. (Remind (rhyming words, word
back h
– rainbow writing
or wrong. This is essential students of any rules.) The building, visual patterns) Start eac
– rhyming words.
to proofreading. endings displayed on the – locating and day with
board provide a scaffold. highlighting words in a Word
junk mail or magazines.

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 9

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Targeting Spelling ideas
In these early years, students are quickly building a to words. We need to offer them many opportunities to
speaking and reading vocabulary. This is followed more “play” with words and make discoveries about how they
slowly by their writing vocabulary – the words they know look, how they sound and how they are used.
and can spell. We need to give students high exposure Here are some ideas:

Don’t underestimate the power of

rhyming words to help students develop • P lay Beat the Clock. use a timer
strong links between the vocal, visual
and auditory channels. Make lists of
and tell the students they have three
rhyming words that students can be minutes, or until the sand runs through
directed to read aloud, in groups or as a an egg timer, to write as many three-
whole class. letter words as they can. (use other
Give students
Direct students to create rhyming lists of criteria as appropriate.)
simple crossword
their own or with a spelling buddy. • P lace students in pairs to make Word puzzles and word
Snakes or Word Steps. Words are searches to
stepped down and begin with the last complete.
Direct students to work in pairs, using letter of the word before.
supermarket or department store
• List three items under each letter Draw a circle on the
Play word games, such board. In the centre, write a
of the alphabet (excluding x). as ‘I Spy’ or ‘I Went short vowel or vowel team.
• List words of one, two Shopping’. Around the outside write suitable
and three syllables. letters for the beginnings and
endings of words containing the
emory Ask students to gather words and make phonic element. Ask students to
Prepare a m g lists from the books they are reading, write as many words as they can.
game usin
s e.g. words with doubled letters in them, Ask students to read their lists
homophone to a buddy.
or anton s s).
y m words ending in y, words containing ee or
word sight words such as pronouns.
(ten pairs of

n the boa
Prepare some short texts with a
Ask students to sit
n g w o rd o
in a circle in groups. One Write a lo n ts to write a
s given number of spelling errors.
s tu d e
begins by saying the name and ask as they ca t,
n from Ask students to find and fix the
y w o r d s
man men
of a person (or an animal or
le tt e r s , e .g. depart sed. mistakes. Introduce them to
fruit). The next person has to its uteri
on, comp editing marks.
say a name beginning with investigati
the last letter (or sound).
No repeats. Tell students to write
Have a Spelling words on 1 cm quad-
Prepare two-syllable word cards, cut d to start
All students stan ruled paper, one letter
jigsaw fashion. Place a starting dot on ell a word
and, in turn, sp per square, and then
list. Students
the cards containing the first syllable. dictated from a draw around the shape
ell a word.
Students reassemble the words and say sit if they missp of the word with a
u have the
them to a buddy. Continue until yo coloured pencil.
‘Last Person St


ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
■ using the assessment tools
Targeting Spelling provides not only a weekly teaching plan, but also a methodology for assessing student
progress and diagnosing potential problems. Here you’ll find a number of tools to assist that task, including
checkpoints, term assessments, student response sheets and teacher data sheets, all also provided on the CD
for photocopying.
At the start of the year
use the start-of-year checkpoints on page 12 before commencing the program. The results will provide you
with baseline data and a benchmark against which to measure future progress.
Give students a start-of-year response sheet each (page 13, also included on the CD) and ask them to record
their name and the date. using the start-of-year checkpoints, dictate each of the four word lists in turn and ask
the students to write each set of five words.
These items will test the students in several different areas. Collect and analyse the results of each student and
the class as a whole. The results can be recorded on each student’s response sheet, below the test and on the
Year 3 teacher data sheet on page 23 (also provided on the CD).
use the weekly assessment items in the lessons to check spelling progress. Students write their answers in their
spelling notebooks. Students score a mark out of 20 – 10 for the Sight and Focus Words and 10 for the dictated
sentences. (Deduct 1 mark for each spelling error.) The results can be recorded in the Year 3 teacher data sheet
on page 14 (also provided on the CD).
At the end of each term
use the term assessment tasks on page 15 to evaluate student progress for the term. Give students a response
sheet each (pages 16–19, also included on the CD) and ask them to record their name and the date.
Dictate the ten Sight Words and ten Focus Words, which have been selected from the lessons throughout the
term, and the sentence, which contains five more Focus Words. For the proofreading task, ask the students to
circle the five mistakes (Focus Words) and write them correctly below each sentence. Students score a mark
out of 30. Collect and analyse the results of each student and the class as a whole. The results can be recorded
on each student’s response sheet and on the Year 3 teacher data sheet on page 20 (also provided on the CD).
At the end of the year
To administer the end-of-year checkpoints on page 21, follow the same procedure as for the start-of-year
checkpoints, dictating the five groups of five words. The results can be recorded on each student’s response
sheet (page 22), below the test and on the Year 3 teacher data sheet on page 23 (also provided on the CD).


ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Start-of-year checkpoints Year 3, teacher data sheet
1 2 3 4
1 Consonant blends and digraphs; thinks riding wheat seashore
short vowels, endings s and es
matches stony snowy carrots
2 Common endings, rules
smack skipping ladies haven’t
3 Letter teams, word endings
4 Syllables, contractions, compound brushes races weekly stumble
words crusts hopped snails coastline

STuDenT nAme 1 2 3 4

S = Sound D = Developing ✓ = Trouble spot

12 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Start-of-year checkpoints Year 3
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________ /________ /___________

1 2

Score Score

3 4

Score Score


Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 13

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Weekly assessment Year 3, teacher data sheet

STuDenT nAme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

978 1Spelling
92570 921
Year63 © 2015 Blake Education
Term assessment Year 3
Term one

1 Sight Words 4 Proofreading

many  want  climb  their  two  these  above Students find and fix the five spelling mistakes.
 else  who  done  Waves tosst the pirate ship against the rocks.
2 focus Words
 Pam jumped into the medle of the ring.
clapping  crumbs  crossed  fiction  stable  knives
 pretend  shouldn’t  stony  lately  Jack is shufeling a pack of cards.
3 Dictation  They waited at the stashun for the train to come.
In a game of soccer, it’s fun to block and dribble the ball.  She dosn’t like snakes or spiders.

Term TWo
1 Sight Words 4 Proofreading
fast  pass  few  early  every  walk  through Students find and fix the five spelling mistakes.
 alright  caught  many  Kay sweeps the leafs off the path.
2 focus Words  He was afrade of seeing a shark.
painted  following  speaker  clearly  toaster  guard
 drooped  roofs  scooter  hardly  My friend likes to eat peechs with cream.
3 Dictation  Brett has groan tall since last year.
By noon, the mail train was speeding along the rails to  The laces in his football boots are lose.
the coast.

Term THree
1 Sight Words 4 Proofreading
great  water  pretty  quiet  among  only  receive Students find and fix the five spelling mistakes.
 watch  picture  together  The wind swirled the leaves in the playgrownd.
2 focus Words  He popped another jellybean into his mouf.
first  terms  burning  scored  stormy  about
 shower  thirsty  claws  hour  One girl stood in the middle of the sercle.
3 Dictation  The lady is serveing turkey sandwiches.
One person crawled from the field with a dirty shirt and  He bounsed the ball in the house.
a sore jaw.

Term four
1 Sight Words 4 Proofreading
group  nothing  brought  listen  move  though Students find and fix the five spelling mistakes.
 push  tomorrow  usual  young  Open the window quietly and carefuly.
2 focus Words  The leaves turn red and yellow in autum.
saucers  joyful  voices  lazier  hurrying  they’re
 outdoors  displease  surfboard  jellies  Dad said it was unfare to make so much noise.
3 Dictation  Its a scarecrow down in the farmer’s corn patch.
We’ve spent a busy weekend tidying up our spare room.  A hammer is a very usefull tool.

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 15

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Term 1 assessment Year 3
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________ /________ /___________

1 Sight Words 2 Focus Words 4 Proofreading: Find and fix the five mistakes.

Waves tosst the pirate ship against the rocks.

Pam jumped into the medle of the ring.

Jack is shufeling a pack of cards.

They waited at the stashun for the train

to come.

She dosn’t like snakes or spiders.

3 Dictation


1 2 3 4
16 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Term 2 assessment Year 3
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________ /________ /___________

1 Sight Words 2 Focus Words 4 Proofreading: Find and fix the five mistakes.

Kay sweeps the leafs off the path.

He was afrade of seeing a shark.

My friend likes to eat peechs with cream.

Brett has groan tall since last year.

The laces in his football boots are lose.

3 Dictation


1 2 3 4
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 17
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Term 3 assessment Year 3
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________ /________ /___________

1 Sight Words 2 Focus Words 4 Proofreading: Find and fix the five mistakes.

The wind swirled the leaves in the playgrownd.

He popped another jellybean into his mouf.

One girl stood in the middle of the sercle.

The lady is serveing turkey sandwiches.

He bounsed the ball in the house.

3 Dictation


1 2 3 4
18 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Term 4 assessment Year 3
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________ /________ /___________

1 Sight Words 2 Focus Words 4 Proofreading: Find and fix the five mistakes.

Open the window quietly and carefuly.

The leaves turn red and yellow in autum.

Dad said it was unfare to make so much noise.

Its a scarecrow down in the farmer’s corn patch.

A hammer is a very usefull tool.

3 Dictation


1 2 3 4
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 19
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Term assessment Year 3, teacher data sheet
TERm 1 TERm 2 TERm 3 TERm 4
Sight Focus Sight Focus Sight Focus Sight Focus
STuDenT nAme Dictation Proofing Dictation Proofing Dictation Proofing Dictation Proofing
Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education
End-of-year checkpoints Year 3, teacher data sheet
1 2 3 4 5

1 Short and long vowels, cities pepper loosely coastline kneels

word endings
lively ribbon paused toothpaste wring
2 Open and closed syllables
3 Letter teams, word endings stretches silent bouncing lifeguard numb
4 Compound words clapped stable trawler lighthouse doubt
5 Silent letters writing station thirsty heatwave swords

STuDenT nAme 1 2 3 4 5

S = Sound D = Developing ✓ = Trouble spot

Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education 21

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
End-of-year checkpoints Year 3
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________ /________ /___________

1 2 3

Score Score Score

4 5

Score Score


22 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Consonant blends and digraphs;

short vowels, endings s and es

Common endings, rules

Letter teams, word endings


Syllables, contractions,

compound words

Short and long vowels,

word endings
Open and closed
Year 3 checkpoints, teacher data sheet

Letter teams,
word endings

Compound words

Silent letters

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

23 Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education
lesson 1
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Short vowels; Forming plurals

■ Board Work • List some words on the board and ask

Word selected students to read them. Observe
Warm-ups • With the students, identify and write the
whether the students know how to produce
alphabet on the board.
these sounds.
hat • Discuss the purpose of the letters of the
Remediate if necessary:
rat alphabet – how they represent the sounds we
make when we speak. • ă is a short snappy sound. Feel the corners of
your mouth stretch.
drag Using these letters, we can write down what
we say … and what we write, people can read. List some ă words for practice.
get • Explain that we can write many words • ĕ is a sound that you feel in the back of your
net because we can hear the sounds and can use throat.
best letters to write them down. List some ĕ words for practice.
nest Demonstrate by saying the sounds of some • ĩ is the sound you make when you bring your
simple, three-letter words, e.g. p-i-g, g-o-t, shoulders up to your ears.
sit f-a-t, h-o-p, and ask selected students to spell List some ĩ words for practice.
knit them. • ŏ is the sound you make when your mouth is
pink When we learn to spell words by listening to round like an orange.
think the sounds and writing them down, we are List some ŏ words for practice.
learning with our ears.
• ŭ is the sound you make when you drop your
sock • Remind the students that every word we write jaw. Cup your hands under your jaw like the
rock will have one of these letters – a, e, i, o, u. letter u.
drop On the left side of the board write the word
List some ŭ words for practice.
flop Vowels with the five letters underneath.
Review the short vowel sounds. Button Work
sun Remember, these vowels have a short, snappy Show students how to represent the sounds in
bun sound. a word with buttons (see Introduction, page 7).
Ask selected students to spell some short vowel
words using the buttons to represent the letters,
crumb e.g. cat, hen, did, top, tub; slab, fell, flip, stop,
■ Book Work • Tell the students to place a finger on the first
they word and read the list with you. Chant the
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups words together, keeping a steady pace.
want book to page 2, list 1.
any • Ask selected students to read the words. Note Closed Book Work
many words with silent b. • Place three buttons on the table and dictate
several short vowel words for the students to
• Tell the students they are now going to read
write in their spelling notebooks. Note words
the words together.
ending in silent b: numb, dumb, crumb, lamb.
• Demonstrate how to say the words,
• Add a button to the beginning (or end) of the
emphasising the last sound.
pattern and dictate several words beginning
This is important as it helps to develop an with consonant blends. Evaluate their
auditory memory of a whole word. learning.
24 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 1

■ Word Work Peg Work

• R emind students how to form plural nouns. Introduce Peg Work 1 for students who need further
We add s or es, but we add s most of the time. practice with consonant blends (see Introduction, page 7,
• On the right side of the board, write the word Endings and CD for instructions).
and place s and es beneath it.
• Ask students to spell the plural form of selected nouns
in the list.

■ Memory Work – Open your eyes and check. Is the word the same as
your picture?
• Tell the students that there are many words that we
– Close your eyes and picture the word again. Write it in
need to learn with our eyes. We cannot say the sounds
the air with your finger. Check. Is that the word
and write what we hear. We must remember what they
you wrote?
look like.
• Rub the word off the board and ask the students to
• Write the word they in large letters on the board. Point
write it from memory.
out the hey in they.
• Repeat with all Sight Words. Note the difference
– Look at the word and say it three times.
between went and want.
– Close your eyes and picture the word.
• Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

• The worksheet focuses students on application of all Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 1
short vowels, and on forming plurals and compound and 2.
words. Practice Work
• Continue work with rhyming words. They are very se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
powerful in helping students remember the look and to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
sound of words. 9 and 10).
Word of the Week
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

short vowels, plurals
they ❥ Do you want many bricks?
want • lids • socks ❥ I don’t have any lunch left.
any • nests • flags
many ❥ I think he has a pet rat.
• cups
do ❥ They all want hot pancakes.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 25

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 1
Pencil Work 1
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Fill in the missing vowels.
M_____m cooked the _____ggs in a p_____n.
s___ J_____ck and J_____ll r_____n up the h_____ll.
sp _ _ _ They want to s_____t _____nder a tree to eat their l_____nch.
st _ _ _ Tom h_____t the ball w_____th his b_____t.
th _ _ _ Cl_____p your h_____nds and st_____mp your feet.
bl _ _ _
pl _ _ _
❂ 2 Change the words to their plural form. Use the words
in sentences.
pr _ _ _ sock _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
dr _ _ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

pink flag __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

s___ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

st _ _ _ nest _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
sk _ _ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

sl _ _ _
th _ _ _
❂ 3 Put in the missing words.
The Australian f_________________________ is red, white and blue.
bl _ _ _ She has some pretty p_________________________ slippers.
br _ _ _ You will get hot sitting in the s_________________________.
dr _ _ _ He put on black s_________________________ and shoes.
We saw sheep and l_________________________ at the farm.

❂ 4 Two words are often joined together to make a compound

word. Join these words to make compound words.
back shell match hill
WOW sun watch wind lock
Word of the Week
dust pack hand mill
stop cake pad bag
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop. pan hat lip box
Do not speak.
egg pan ant stick

26 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 1 Spelling Corner 1

Write all the words on the word wheels.

l b
sc st bl l
cl amp ch sp end m
tr r c tr t s

term 1 lesson 1 Spelling Corner 2

Make lists of rhyming words.

jump lip hot pest pack

d______________ s______________ g______________ n______________ t______________

l______________ n______________ l______________ t______________ s______________
h______________ h______________ n______________ r______________ r______________
p______________ gr______________ d______________ b______________ bl______________
r______________ sh______________ sl______________ w______________ st______________
pl______________ tr______________ sh______________ qu______________ tr______________
th______________ sl______________ tr______________ ch______________ qu______________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 27

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 2
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Short vowels; The doubling rule

Start the first teaching session of Observe students closely to see

the week with a Word Warm-up if anyone is having difficulties
Word using a previous list. For the rest of with either blends or
Warm-ups the week, use the current list. short vowel sounds.

■ Board Work • Write some words containing a soft g on the
hatch board, e.g. gentle, page, fringe, huge.
• Ask the students to tell you the five vowels.
plant Tell students that g followed by e is usually
grant O
n the left side of the board write the word a soft sound – j. Draw a coloured circle
Vowels with the five letters underneath around the ge as you say this. Work through
edge as before. Review all the short, snappy the words. Mention that g followed by i is
hedge sounds. You may need to focus again on sometimes a soft sound (e.g. giant, ginger,
cent the production of these sounds for some giraffe), but focus mainly on ge in this lesson.
went Button Work
• On the right side of the board, write the Show students how to represent the sounds in a
list word Endings, with s and es underneath (see word with buttons. Ask selected students to spell
mist page 5). some short vowel words using the buttons to
flip • Write some words containing a soft c on the represent the letters, e.g. jump, tub, back,
slip board, e.g. cent, ice, race, fence. miss, trim.
Tell students that c followed by e is usually a
lost soft sound – s. Draw a coloured circle around
cost the ce as you say this. Work through the
clock words. Mention that c followed by i is also
block usually a soft sound, but focus mainly on ce in
this lesson.
■ Book Work • Add a button to the beginning (or end) of the
pattern and dictate several words beginning
clump T ell the students to open their Word Warm-ups with consonant blends. Note the button
book to page 2, List 2. patterning of ch, sh and ck.
sight • Ask selected students to read the words.
Words • Evaluate their learning.
• Demonstrate how to say the words,
here emphasising the last sound. This is important
Open Book Work
• Ask selected students to add endings to some
there in helping them build a strong auditory
words from the lists, e.g. catches, hedges,
where memory for words.
cents, trunks.
some • Tell the students to place a finger on the first
• Use the language, word + ending.
word and read the list with you.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
pace. ck are the kissing cousins. They are
always together after a short vowel.
Closed Book Work We never double after ck.
• Place three buttons on the table and dictate
several short vowel words for the students to
write in their spelling notebooks.
28 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 2

■ Word Work • Remember, it is word + ending: pat, patting, patted.

• Revise the doubling rule. • Repeat with several other words, e.g. knitted, spotted,
• On the right side of the board, under the word Endings, hopped, sunny, thinnest.
add ing, ed, y, er and est. (See Introduction, page 5.) • Remember, we double to protect the short vowel.
• Write pat on the board. Each time ask, “Do I need to double?”
What is the vowel in this word? (a) • Repeat this process with the word jump.
How many letters are after it? (1) What is the vowel in this word? (u)
We need two “guards” to protect our short vowel sound, How many letters are after it? (2)
so we need to double the t before we add ing or ed. Do I need to double? (no) Demonstrate the answer.
Demonstrate by adding ing and ed: patting, patted. • Repeat with several other words, e.g. jumped, rocking,
bumpy, sinker, freshest.

■ Memory Work in the air with your finger. Check. Is that the word you
• Write the word here in large letters on the board. wrote?
– Look at the word and say it three times. • Rub the word off the board and ask the students to
– Close your eyes and picture the word. write it from memory. Repeat with all Sight Words. Talk
– Open your eyes and check. Is the word the same as about the visual pattern in here, where and there.
your picture? • Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.
– Close your eyes and picture the word again. Write it • Explain the homophones there and their, here and hear,
some and sum.

■ Pencil Work
• The worksheet focuses students on application of Spelling Corner
all short vowels, on applying the doubling rule, on Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 3
homophones and look-alike words. and 4.
• Continue work with rhyming words. They are very
powerful in helping students remember the look and Practice Work
sound of words. se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
Word of the Week 9 and 10).
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, short vowels, Dictation

word + ending
here ❥ Dad slipped on some wet rocks.
there • misty • selling ❥ Where are your pink socks?
where • bumped • better
some ❥ I saw a nest in that clump of trees.
• hottest
any ❥ A rock fell off the edge of the cliff.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 29

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 2
Pencil Work 2
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Put in the missing words.
bed people dance hedge pink
s___ I will trim the ____________________________ with clippers.
w___ How many ____________________________ do you think will come?
k___ They want the buns with ____________________________ icing.
st _ _ _ Eddie sleeps in a bunk ____________________________.
sw _ _ _ They will sing and ____________________________ at the concert.
th _ _ _
br _ _ _ ❂ 2 Add an ending. Choose from ing, ed, y, er.
Do you need to double before adding?
sh i p Mum is cut________________ some cheese for my sandwiches.
s__ Pam likes but________________ and jam on her bread.
t__ Dan drop________________ the ball and we lost the game.
tr _ _ It was a cold and mist________________ morning.
h__ When the bus stop________________, we all rush________________ to get on.
wh _ _
n__ ❂ 3 Circle the correct word in the brackets.
I can (here hear) the school bell ringing.
Do you (went want) a bun with pink icing?
gr _ _
They asked all (there their) friends to come over and play.
sl _ _
Put (some sum) biscuits (here hear) on this plate.
fl _ _
The teacher (sent cent) me to the library for a book.
cl _ _
dr _ _ ❂ 4 Build words by adding endings.
Do you need to double before adding?
thick + est _________________________________ slip + er _________________________________

WOW bump + y _________________________________ plant + ing _________________________________

Word of the Week block + ed _________________________________ dish + es _________________________________

incredible long + er _________________________________ fun + y _________________________________

Write about your

WOW word for three patch + es _________________________________ rock + s _________________________________

minutes. Do not stop.

Do not speak.

30 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 2 Spelling Corner 3

Make some words by joining top and bottom letters

through the i in the middle.

h sp tr r f b d l n

p ck n ll st g d t m






term 1 lesson 2 Spelling Corner 4

Complete the words in the list.
Use the sentences as a clue.

h____lp I like to _______________________ Mum when she is cooking biscuits.

sp____t____ Her dress is white with red _________________________.
br____sh____ ____ When you finish painting, wash the _________________________.
d____gg____ ____ ____ Dad is ____________________________ up his crop of potatoes.
fl____sh A light will _________________________ every ten seconds.
cr____cket The batter made fifty runs in the ___________________________ match.
j____mp____ ____ Susie is knitting me a red ______________________________.
qu____ck____ ____ Come as _____________________________ as you can!
d____st____ We walked along the __________________________ track.
TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 31
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 3
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Short vowels; Reviewing the doubling rule and the y rule

Start the first teaching session of Observe students closely to see

the week with a Word Warm-up if anyone is having difficulties
Word using a previous list. For the rest of with either blends or
Warm-ups the week, use the current list. short vowel sounds.

slam ■ Board Work Button Work
clap • Start with a clean board. Show students how you can represent the
strap sounds in a word with buttons. Ask selected
• Ask students to tell you the five vowels.
hen students to spell some short vowel words using
then O
n the left side of the board write the word the buttons to represent the letters, e.g. step,
fetch Vowels with the five letters underneath grand, left, pinch.
stretch as before. Review all the short, snappy
sounds. You may need to focus again on
sing the production of these sounds for some
wring students. When you need to remind
wink • On the right side of the board list the endings students of the ŭ sound,
(see page 5). say ‘drop your jaw’.
cross • Review soft g words (cage, large, edge) and
stock silent w (wrap, wreck, write).
dust ■ Book Work Closed Book Work
budge • Place a button pattern on the table and
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
nudge dictate several short vowel words for the
book to page 2, List 3.
students to write in their spelling notebooks.
• Ask selected students to read the words. Note the button patterning of ch, sh and ck.
• Demonstrate how to say the words, • Evaluate their learning.
emphasising the last sound. This is important.
Open Book Work
• Tell the students to place a finger on the first
sight word and read the list with you.
Words We double a letter to protect
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady the short vowel.
down pace.
their • Review the doubling rule.
with Remind students often that it is • Ask selected students to add endings to
come word + ending, not word + sound. appropriate words in Lists 1, 2 and 3.
This helps them to remember to • Use the language word + ending, e.g.
add ed not t.
stocking, dusty, clapped, thinnest, singer,
crosses, hens.

32 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 3

■ Word Work Peg Work

• Write several adjectives ending in y on the board, e.g. • Introduce students to Peg Work 2 (doubling). See CD
dusty, rocky, bumpy, silly, messy. for cards and instructions.
• Demonstrate how we change the y to i when adding er • Different groups can be working on adding different
and est – dustier, dustiest. endings: ing, ed, y, er, est.
• Work through the list. • Ask the students to write their words in their notebooks.
• Prepare Compound Word 1 baggies from the cards Ask them to write ten words. At the end of the session,
on the CD. Students working individually or in pairs tell the students to read their list to a partner.
reassemble the compound words and say them to note: Sometimes students can “make” the words, but
each other. They could record them in their spelling are not always able to read them.

■ Memory Work • Together, write some compound words beginning

with down, e.g. downhill, downstairs, downstream,
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
downtown, downhearted, downfall.
as before.
• Explain again the use of there and their.
• On the board write the word down and together build
• Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.
a list of rhyming words, e.g. down, town, frown, crown,
clown, brown.

■ Pencil Work
• The worksheet focuses on application of all short Spelling Corner
vowels, on applying the doubling rule, on homophones Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 5
and look-alike words. and 6.
• Continue work with rhyming words. They are very Practice Work
powerful in helping students remember the look and Use word games, hands-on materials and other activities
sound of words. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
Word of the Week 9 and 10).
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, short vowels, Dictation

word + ending
down ❥ Will you come fishing with me?
with • singer • thinking ❥ The cat stretched out on the ledge.
come • dustier • crossed
their ❥ Tell the boys to bring their pets.
• clapped
want ❥ It has been the hottest day this summer.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 33

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 3
Pencil Work 3
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Circle the correct word in the brackets.
(There Their) was plenty of food left after our class picnic.
I cannot (here hear) the clock ticking. Has it stopped?
We (went want) to the tuckshop to get our lunches.
I went to swim in the river with (sum some) of my friends.
Dad told us (were where) we could go camping.
❂ 2 Add an ending. Choose from ing, ed, y, er, est.
Do you need to double before adding?
d___ Our classroom gets dust___________ on wind___________ days.
v___ The children are sing___________ and clap___________ their hands.
sp _ _ _ He knock___________ on the door, but no-one open___________ it.
You are the bossy___________ person I know.
sing The bak___________ made some crust___________ bread.
w___ ❂ 3 Join these words to make compound words.
one where
st _ _ _ body some times
th _ _ _
br _ _ _ thing how
sw _ _ _
sl _ _ _ one where
fl _ _ _ body way
cl _ _ _
thing how

WOW ❂ 4 Read the words in the box. Place them in the sentences
Word of the Week
city Ten lollies cost me seventy-five ___________________________________.
postcard cents The ___________________________________ happened down by the river.
Write about your
WOW word for three fringe The hairdresser cut my ___________________________________.
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. ledge He climbed down from the rocky ___________________________________.
accident We travelled into the ___________________________________ by train.
34 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 3 Spelling Corner 5

Join the word parts to make compound words.

sand yard lip body

candle pot back where

pan post lamp stick

back cake every light

flower stick no ground

lamp pit under pack

term 1 lesson 3 Spelling Corner 6

Add endings to these words.

Do you need to double

before adding the ending?

s or es ing ed er y ly

tram________ grab____________ slam____________ stretch___________ sun________ quick__________

plant________ catch____________ list____________ camp____________ wind________ cross__________

stick________ drop____________ munch____________ knit____________ crunch________ sad__________

patch________ send____________ spot____________ lock____________ fog________ odd__________

box________ flap____________ wreck____________ shop____________ risk________ glad__________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 35

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 4
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Short vowels (doubled letters signal short vowels); Syllables

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of C ircle the u in rubber. What is this sound?
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.
What is the word?
sudden • Repeat this procedure for each word.
pepper ■ Board Work • Write these words on the board: cattle, giggle,
ribbon • Set up the board with vowels on the left battle, settle, fiddle.
nugget and endings on the right. Review the short, P oint out the doubled letters, but also point
soccer snappy vowel sounds. out that they all end in the same pattern – le,
• Review syllables. pronounced l.
Syllables are chunks of sounds in words. Work through each word.
We can tell how many chunks there are in a
shuffle word by clapping the beats. Give examples:
dribble basket  television  In reading, doubled letters signal short vowel
huddle aeroplane . sounds. This helps you to decode many words.
sniffle hobbled hurried grabbed dribbled
• Ask the students to clap and say how many
bubble syllables, or chunks of sound, there are in
ripple these words: planet, helicopter, fish, tomato,
caterpillar. • Write these words on the board: action,
fraction, mention, option.
wriggle • Today we are going to look at some words that
have just two syllables. P oint out that these words all end in the same
action way – tion. Read the words to the students
rite these words on the board: rubber,
fraction and ask them to carefully note how this
button, winner, shimmer.
fiction syllable “sounds”. Give other examples orally
Look at these words. Notice that they all have – election, protection, infection, injection. Tell
mention doubled letters in the middle of the word? students tion is added to many words to form
option Write over the doubled letters in a colour. a noun.
Remember that we double after short vowels,
sight so these doubled letters tell you that the vowel
Words before it has a short snappy sound.

■ Book Work Open Book Work
below • Refer students to the list. Ask selected
ask Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
students to spell some of the words with
book to page 3, List 4.
climb endings added, e.g. suddenly, shuffling,
• Work through each list. ribbons, peppery.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady • Remind them that, when words end in e, we
pace. drop the e before adding ing and y.
• Ask selected students to spell some words
from the list with endings added, e.g.
sniffling, dribbled, ripples, struggling, wriggly.

36 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 4

■ Word Work When you are learning to spell words,

• Review syllables. always write from your memory.
• Show students a way of learning to spell words in DO NOT copy them.
1 Say the word nugget.
2 Clap the beats (syllables) . • Try this method with other words like phan-tom,
3 Draw a box for each syllable . fab-u-lous, cel-e-brate, dic-tion-ar-y.
4 Write a syllable (chunk of sound) nug • Evaluate your students’ understanding.
in each box.
5 Say the word as you run your finger under the
boxes. Place your students in pairs. Give them some junk mail
6 Close your eyes and picture what is in each box. (supermarket catalogues) and ask them to make lists of
7 Cover the word, and write it from your memory. words of one, two or three syllables. Ask one pair to read
8 Before checking, ask yourself, “Does it look right?” their lists to another. Post the lists on the wall. Draw from
9 Check. Are you right or wrong? these lists to show how we can learn to spell longer words.
10 If you are wrong, study the word again.

■ Memory Work words that have a silent b, e.g. climb, lamb, limb, comb,
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words numb, dumb, bomb.
as before. • Point out that words ending in the sound v, have an e
• Point out the silent b in climb. Together make a list of on the end, e.g. give, have, love.
• Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.

■ Pencil Work
• The worksheet focuses on doubled letters and the le Spelling Corner
pattern as an aid to spelling and reading. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 7
• Continue work with rhyming words. They are very and 8.
powerful in helping students remember the look and
sound of words. Practice Work
se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
Word of the Week to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students 9 and 10).
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

two-syllable words
above ❥ The soccer player dribbles the ball well.
climb • suddenly • fraction ❥ His quick action stopped the bottle from being smashed.
ask • pepper • bottled
below ❥ The climber struggled up the cliff.
• wriggling
give ❥ I asked for some chicken nuggets.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 37

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 4
Pencil Work 4
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Build some two-syllable words. Read the words to a friend.

Add dle Add ble Add gle

bun_________________ crum_________________ jug_________________

can__________________ jum_________________ jig_________________
sad_________________ scram_________________ ban_________________
rid_________________ stum_________________ sin_________________
cud_________________ bub_________________ jun_________________

❂ 2 Spell the missing words.

Is the book you are reading fact or f_______________________________?
Don’t stand in the m_______________________________ of the street.
S_______________________________ is a ball game full of speed and action.
She tied a yellow r_______________________________ in her hair.
A ½ is a fr_______________________________ of a whole.

❂ 3 Join the words that best go together.

pickled match pepper sausages
dinner worms quick water
soccer onions sudden eggs
wriggly nuggets sizzling storm
chicken bangle scrambled action
silver plate bottled pot

❂ 4 Write about:
a water bottle __________________________________________________________________________________________________
WOW ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Word of the Week

a lost button ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Write about your ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WOW word for three

minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.
a little lizard ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

38 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 4 Spelling Corner 7

Put the syllables together to make words.

fid dle bun dle wrap per
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

peb ble an gle rub bish

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

gig gle trick le stub born

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

knuck le grum ble e lec tion

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

set tle nest le pro tec tion

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

wob ble whist le in fec tion

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

term 1 lesson 4 Spelling Corner 8

Build words by adding endings.

Remember the e rule.

Add s Add ing Add ed







TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 39

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 5
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Long vowels; Plurals; Reviewing the e rule, the f rule

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.
• Write the word hat on the board.
game What is this word? hat
flame ■ Board Work
Look at how I change the ă in this word to a
tape • Set up the board with vowels on the left long ā. I add an e to the end of the word. The
shape and endings on the right. Review the short, e makes the vowel say its name, ā. But the e
face snappy vowel sounds. keeps its mouth shut. (As you say this, write
life • Today we are going to change our short, the letter e and then do a return stroke to
knife snappy vowels to long, drawn-out sounds. show it “shutting its mouth”.) Sometimes we
call this e a bossy e.
bite O
n the board draw an arrow from the short ă
write to a long ā. hate Mouth shut
mice D
emonstrate the two sounds. Use a chopping • Demonstrate with other words, e.g. pal, mat,
action with the side of your hand onto the dam, plan.
hose palm of the other to demonstrate a short ă. • Each time say: Long vowels say their own
close Slide the hand off the palm and continue this name. Long ā says ā.
phone action to show the long sound ā.
Button Work
stone • Draw a line across the top of the a. Explain
• Show your students how to represent the
smoke that this mark is used in a dictionary to show
letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
tube that the vowel is a long one. Long vowels say
their own name: the letter a says ā.
cube h a t e
cute Vowels endings
The e button is a different shape because it is
flute an unsounded letter.
a ā s es
e ē ing ed • Ask selected students to spell some words
i ī y orally, using the buttons.
Words o ō er est • Repeat this procedure with other long vowels:
ī, ō and ū. It is not of value to include e, as
one u ū ly very few words contain an e—e pattern.
done ■ Book Work Open Book Work
• Ask students to spell the plural of some of the
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
Warm-ups words.
book to page 3, List 5.
• Continue to use the language word + ending,
• Work through the list. Chant the words
e.g. games, faces, stones, tubes, and note the
together, keeping a steady pace.
irregular plural mice.
Closed Book Work
Dictate several words containing the bossy
e pattern. Use the buttons to scaffold their
thinking. Evaluate their understanding.
40 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 5

■ Word Work • Review adding the ending ed for past tense, e.g. closed,
flamed, ruled, and note the irregular forms wrote, bit.
• Remind students they must sometimes change f to v
before adding s, e.g. knife, knives; life, lives; wife, wives. • Prepare Compound Word 2 baggies (word cards are
on the CD). Students working individually or in pairs
• Review the rule to drop the e before adding ing and y.
reassemble the compound words and say them to
Do some examples together.
each other. They could record them in their spelling
• Do some further Open Book Work, asking students to notebooks.
spell some of the list words with ing or y added. Use the
language word + ending, e.g. writing, closing, biting,

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Explain the homophones saw and sore; one and won;
as before. two, to and too.
• Explain the verb patterns: see, saw and seen; do, did • Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.
and done. Seen and done must always have a helper:
has, have or had, e.g. I have seen this movie. He has
done his homework.

■ Pencil Work
• The worksheet focuses on long vowels, on forming Spelling Corner
plurals, applying the e rule, on homophones and look- Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 9
alike words. and 10.
• Continue practice with rhyming words. Practice Work
Word of the Week se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a 9 and 10).
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, long vowels, Dictation

one word + ending
❥ I made a note of his phone call.
two • closely • tubes ❥ A stone broke our window.
• knives • smoky
done ❥ Rule a line at the top of the page.
down • writing
❥ Write your name on your book.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 41

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 5
Pencil Work 5
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Add endings to complete the words.
Choose from s, ing, ed, y.
make Do you need to drop the e before adding?
shape She is _______________________________ the clay into a pot.
stone He bumped over the ______________________________ ground on his bike.
skate We _______________________________ over the hard, cold ice.
line The jockeys are _______________________________ up for the horse race.
tune I can play two new _______________________________ on my flute.
sh _ _ _
br _ _ _
❂ 2 Write the plurals of these words. Read them to a friend.
face _____________________________ rose _____________________________

sn _ _ _ tube _____________________________ game _____________________________

mine kite _____________________________ bone _____________________________

f___ brake _____________________________ price _____________________________

p___ pole _____________________________ whale _____________________________

l___ ❂ 3 Spell the missing words.
A p_____________________________ is flying overhead.
The baby w_____________________________ up and began to cry.
If the day is f_____________________________, we are going bushwalking.
Dad d_____________________________ his truck from Brisbane to Sydney.
wh _ _ _
Mum put p_____________________________ of food on the table for lunch.
sh _ _ _
sp _ _ _
br _ _ _
❂ 4 Circle the correct word in the brackets.
Jason (one won) the skipping race.
I have a (saw sore) finger and can’t play netball.
WOW Will you come to the market (white with) me?
I would like ice cream in a cone (to two too).
Word of the Week

scribble (There Their) was a big smile on his face.

Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

42 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 5 Spelling Corner 9

Write all the words on the word wheels.

t m
l f sh f
fr ame s gr ade tr
c g sh w sp bl

term 1 lesson 5 Spelling Corner 10

Add s, ing and ed to these words. Read the words to a friend.

Add s Add ing Add ed
TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 43
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 6
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Long vowels; Applying the e rule

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

shake ■ Board Work Button Work
page • Set up the board with vowels on the left • Show your students how to represent the
and endings on the right. Review the short, letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
late snappy vowel sounds.
ride • Revise the work from the last lesson to show fr a m e
slide how a short vowel is made long by placing
• Ask selected students to spell some words
an e on the end of the word. The e keeps its
dine orally, using the buttons.
mouth shut, but the vowel says its own name,
shine e.g. cap becomes cape; cut becomes cute; rod
twice becomes rode; bit becomes bite.
hole Vowels endings
a ā s es
broke e ē ing ed
rose i ī y
use o ō er est
excuse u ū ly
■ Book Work Open Book Work
• Check student understanding of when to drop
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
the e before adding endings.
book to page 3, List 6.
sight • We drop the e before ing and y.
• Work through the list. Point out the
Words homophones hole and whole. • Ask selected students to spell some words
from the list with endings added, e.g. riding,
was • Chant the words together, keeping a steady
using, joking, sliding, rosy.
were pace.
these Closed Book Work
• Dictate several words containing the bossy
e pattern. Add endings. Use the buttons to
scaffold their thinking (base word only) if
• Remind them it is word + ending.
• Evaluate their understanding.

44 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 6

■ Word Work
Regular past-tense verbs are formed by
• Review the rule to drop the e before adding ing and y.
adding ed to the base verb, e.g. jump jumped;
Do some examples together. pack packed; smile smiled; race raced.
• Review adding the endings ed (past-tense verb) and er.
• Do some further Open Book Work, asking students to Peg Work 3
spell some of the list words with endings added. Use • Introduce the bossy e Peg Work. (Word cards and
the language word + ending, e.g. making, rosy, sliding, instructions for use are on the CD.) Students clip a vowel
dined, joked, shaker, later. peg onto a card to make a proper word. Tell the students
• Bring to their attention that some verbs do not add ed to say the name of the letter on the peg and then clip
for past tense, e.g. ride becomes rode; slide becomes on the peg and say the word.
slid; make becomes made. These are irregular past- • Remember, the letter name and sound are the same.
tense verbs. • Students write a minimum of ten words
• Tell the students that we do not drop the e before and read them to a partner.
adding ly, e.g. lately, safely.

se is often sounded as z,
■ Memory Work e.g. nose, rise, rose, wise.
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
as before. • Together make a list of words that rhyme with those,
• Explain that was is a singular verb and were is a plural e.g. nose, rose, chose, close, hose, pose. Rhyming words
verb, e.g. The boy was sleeping. The boys were sleeping. are a great aid for spellers.
• Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

• T he worksheet focuses on long vowels, on adding Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 11
endings and applying the e rule and on correct verb use. and 12.
• Continue practice with rhyming words. Practice Work
Word of the Week se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a 9 and 10).
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, long vowels, Dictation

word + ending
was ❥ Smoke and flames rose from the fire.
were • pages • joker ❥ I had a slice of cake and a coke.
these • lately • rosy
those ❥ My hands were shaking as I went on stage.
• using
there ❥ Someone broke her ruler.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 45

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 6
Pencil Work 6
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Choose the correct word, was or were.
They ______________________ skating across the frozen lake.
m___ Blake ______________________ talking to his best friend on the phone.
l___ In the dark, he couldn’t see where the gate ______________________.
______________________ the children buying iceblocks at the tuckshop?
r___ I ______________________ glad that the dogs ______________________ tied up.
❂ 2 Place a long vowel in the spaces to complete the words.
Read the sentences to a friend.
sk _ _ _ A pl____ne was flying high above the wh____te clouds.
sl _ _ _ He is sl____cing the tomatoes with a sharp kn____fe.
I will m____ke a c____ke and ____ce it with pink ____cing.
My friend sm____led when I g____ve her my j____ke book.
We had a g____me of Sn____kes and Ladders.
❂ 3 Add an ending. Choose from ing, ed, er, y, ly.
Do you need to drop the e before adding?
sp _ _ _ ride He is a very good horse ________________________.
sl _ _ _ shine The sun is _____________________________ in the bright blue sky.
pr _ _ _ live We joined in the ____________________________ game of football.
tw _ _ _ use David __________________ paper and paste to make a model plane.
spice The pizza we ate was hot and ________________________.

❂ 4 Add endings to these words.

Add ing Add ed Add y
place nose

WOW dine craze

Word of the Week poke shine
sandshoes use bone
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
stage slime
Do not speak.

46 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 6 Spelling Corner 11

Complete these tables.

Add ing Add ed

glide close
blame hope
live name
fade wire
hide save
take like
rope guide
doze wave

term 1 lesson 6 Spelling Corner 12

Complete these tables.

Add y Add ly
laze safe
nose wise
ice brave
pose lone
slime sure
taste game
smoke time
stone grave

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 47

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 7
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Long vowels; Open syllables (first syllable ends in a vowel)

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of • Use another example: cli mate. The first
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.
syllable ends in i, so it will say i. The letters c-l-i
spell cli. The word is climate.
• Give other examples orally: la bour, mo tor,
secret ■ Board Work mo tel, ra dar.
pirate • Set up the board with vowels on the left • Write these words and ask selected students
metre and endings on the right. Review the short, to tell you what the words are: ta ble, ba con,
robot snappy vowel sounds. ba sin, fla vour, de cent, pre vent.
• Review syllables. • Here are the beginnings of some words: ta,
paper mo, se, pi, tu, ra. What two letters would you
Syllables are chunks of sounds in words. We
silent can tell how many chunks there are in a word write to spell these sounds? Remember, long
pretend by clapping the beats. Give examples: vowels say their own name.
spider coffee  computer  seventy 
stupid • Ask the students to clap and say how many When the first syllable ends in a long vowel
syllables, or chunks of sound, there are in sound, write what you hear.
stable these words: corner, elephant, basketball, t-a spells ta in table; t-i spells ti in tiger
pencil, room.
• Today we are going to look at some words that • Write these words on the board: nation,
rifle have just two syllables. notion, lotion, motion.
title • Write these syllables on the board: ho tel. • Point out that these words all end in the same
bridle • Look at the first syllable (ho). It ends in o, so it way – tion. Read the words to the students
will say o. The letters h-o spell ho. The word is and ask them to carefully note how this
nation hotel. syllable “sounds”. Give other examples orally:
station • Give other examples, such as fa mous. The relation, solution, examination, population.
motion first syllable ends in a, so it will say a. The • Tell students tion is a special ending used to
letters f-a spell fa. The word is famous. make a noun.
■ Book Work • Ask selected students to spell the plural form
of some words, e.g. robots, stations, metres,
sight Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups rifles, nations, bridles.
Words book to page 4, List 7. • Check students’ understanding of when to
• Work through the list, e.g. The letters t-i spell drop the e.
else ti. The word is tiger. The letters s-e spell se. • Ask selected students to spell some words
what The word is secret. The letters p-i spell pi. The with endings added, e.g. stapler, stapling,
why word is pirate. rifling, titled, silently, nations.
• Ask selected students to continue.
• Check that students understand the Closed Book Work
meanings of the words. • Give students practice in “hearing” an open
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady syllable sound and writing what they hear.
pace. • Listen to the sound of these word beginnings:
fā, tī, rō, bū, vā, sō. What two letters would you
Open Book Work write to spell these sounds?
• Check students’ understanding of forming • Now try writing these words: moment, baby,
minus, ruler.
• Evaluate their understanding.
48 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 7

■ Word Work
• Prepare some sets of two-syllable word cards where the • These words can be stored in sets of six in zip-lock bags.
first syllable ends in a vowel. Cut the words between the Prepare different sets of word cards, so that the task can
two syllables. Ask students, working in pairs, to reorder be rotated around the students.
the words and list them in their notebooks. Use words • Note the difference between metre (measure of length)
from the Warm-ups lists and lesson examples. Here are and meter (an instrument that measures, e.g. gas or
some other words: flavour, radar, rodent, motor, motel, electricity).
grocer, major, student, ruler, tripod, biplane, recent,
decent, program, label, focus.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.
as before.
• Together list some words that begin with wh: who, what,
when, where, why, which, whose, while, white, whole,

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on open syllables as an aid to Spelling Corner
spelling (where the first syllable ends in a vowel and says Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 13
its own name) and on sentence construction. and 14.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

open syllables
who ❥ He pretended to be a sea pirate.
what • nations • spiders ❥ She wrote her secret on a sheet of paper.
why • silently • station
else ❥ This ruler is one metre long.
• robot
many ❥ I put a saddle and bridle on my horse.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 49

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 7
Pencil Work 7
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Spell the missing words.

S_____________________________ have eight legs. Some are dangerous.
We waited at the s_____________________________ to catch the train.
A 10 m rope is ten m_____________________________ long.
Many magazines are printed on glossy p_____________________________.
Her racehorse is kept in a s_____________________________.
She rubbed the soothing l_____________________________ into her hands.

❂ 2 Match these words and meanings. Use your dictionary to help you.
music man, woman or child
feline many people living in one country
nation thought or idea
human having to do with the sun
notion having to do with cats
solar tunes that are sung or played on instruments

❂ 3 What am I?
Something carried by a soldier into battle. r_____________________________
The name given to a story. t_____________________________
Something you know, but you don’t tell anyone else. s_____________________________
Something used to wrap gifts. p_____________________________
A wild animal living in the jungle. t_____________________________
Place where a train stops to pick up passengers s_____________________________

❂ 4 Write sentences about:

a bridle and saddle, paper and string, lions and tigers.



Word of the Week

dolphin ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write about your ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


50 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 7 Spelling Corner 13

List these words in alphabetical order.

Write their meanings beside them. Use your dictionary to help you.

pupil silence motel recent diet title bacon motor notion

term 1 lesson 7 Spelling Corner 14

Make as many words as you can from the word below.

You may use each letter only once in a word.







TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 51

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 8
term 1
Teaching notes
Focus: Contractions

Start the first teaching session of OR, if you have sight word flashcards, hold them
the week with a Word Warm-up up, one at a time, and ask the students to say them
Word using a previous list. For the rest of aloud together. Watch for any students having
Warm-ups the week, use the current list. difficulty recognising these words.

hadn’t ■ Board Work
• List these words on the board: I will, I have,
shouldn’t • Write the words is and not on the board. I would.
won’t T ell the students that we often push these two Ask the students how we would contract these
weren’t words together to make one word. words. Beside each, write the contractions: I’ll,
I’d When we do this, we squeeze out the o. I’ve, I’d.
I’ve Watch. • Change I to you and repeat the process. Try
you’ve W rite and say isnt then show the students some others orally, e.g. he will, they would,
they’ve how we add an apostrophe to mark where the we have.
could’ve o should be: isn’t. • Write it’s, he’s, she’s and that’s on the board.
• Give some other examples: aren’t, hasn’t,
I’m These words are also contractions – two words
didn’t. Each time talk about squeezing out the pushed together to make one word. What are
I’ll o and marking the spot with an apostrophe. the two words? Establish the following:
• Explain that we use these shortened words in it’s = it is OR it has I’m = I am
you’re speaking most of the time. he’s = he is OR he has you’re = you are
T ell them that these shortened words are she’s = she is OR has they’re = they are
it’s that’s = that is OR has we’re = we are
called contractions.
he’s The contraction it’s means it is.
Its is a pronoun showing ownership.
she’s It’s a parrot. Its wings are red and blue.

■ Book Work Open Book Work
new Select any contraction. Ask selected students
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
work to name the two words that make up the
book to page 4, List 8.
contraction, e.g. doesn’t = does not.
often • Ask the students to read through the list, first
because saying the contraction and then the two words
it represents.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady

52 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1
lesson 8

■ Word Work • Place different sets of contractions in different bags, so

that work can be rotated around the groups.
• Review contractions.
• Discuss other negative contractions, e.g. can’t, don’t, Reinforcement
doesn’t, hadn’t, and pronoun contractions, e.g. they’re, • Ask the students to jot down any contractions they find
you’d, they’ll, she’ll, we’ve. in their reading during the week. When they share their
• Prepare some Contraction baggies. (Use the pre- findings with the class, make a list to pin on the wall.
prepared cards on the CD.) In each baggy place six This list can be added to in ensuing weeks and becomes
contraction cards and six cards with the two words a reference for the students to use when writing.
that match the contractions. Prepare several sets
for group work. Tell the students in each group to The contration should’ve means
match contractions and words. They could write the should have NOT should of.
contractions in their notebooks.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Point out the antonyms: old and new; often and
as before. seldom.
• Make a list of words that rhyme with new, e.g. knew, • Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.
blew, brew, few, flew, dew, drew, grew, chew, stew, screw,

■ Pencil Work
• The worksheet focuses on recognising and applying Spelling Corner
contractions. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 15
• Continue practice with rhyming words. and 16.
Practice Work
Word of the Week se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a 9 and 10).
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

new ❥ He doesn’t have a new football.
often • isn’t • doesn’t ❥ She’s got fifty cents to spend.
because • should’ve • we’re
work ❥ They’re old and can’t run fast.
• it’s
what ❥ What’s his name and where’s he from?

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 53

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 8
Pencil Work 8
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Match and colour the contractions. Use different colours.

doesn’t she will wouldn’t you would haven’t do not
they’re does not it’s should have there’s we have
she’ll can not you’d it is don’t have not
can’t they are should’ve would not we’ve there is

❂ 2 Rewrite the sentences, using contractions.

First underline the two words that you are going to contract.
The boys in our class do not collect stamps.

You have not set the table for dinner!


No, we were not climbing trees.


❂ 3 Highlight the correct word in the pair.

(We’ll We’d) like to climb up to (its it’s) nest, but (its it’s) too high.
(I’d I’ve) got twenty dollars, but (it’s its) not enough.
(I’ll I’m) so glad (where we’re) off to the beach for our holidays.
(Your You’re) not afraid of the dark, are you?
(Its It’s) the reason I (don’t can’t) come.

❂ 4 Complete these sentences.

His friends aren’t ____________________________________________________________________________________________

WOW She hasn’t been to _________________________________________________________________________________________

Word of the Week Won’t you come _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

54 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 1 lesson 8 Spelling Corner 15

Here is a list of contractions.

Beside each one, write the two words that have been contracted.

I’m I am

term 1 lesson 8 Spelling Corner 16

Underline the contractions in these sentences.

Beside each one write the two words they replace.
1 He said he wouldn’t be home late. (would not)
2 We won’t go if it’s raining. ___________________________ _____________________

3 He can’t go swimming and I don’t want to. _________________________ _______________________

4 It didn’t rain during the cricket test. _______________________ _________________________

5 Where’ve you been? ______________________________ __________________________

6 She’ll have a cup of tea, but I’d like coffee. _______________________ _________________________

7 That wasn’t Potter driving the red Ferrari! __________________________ ______________________

8 He’s going to the movies, but I’m not. ________________________ ________________________

9 It’s too far to go and I’m too tired. __________________________ ______________________

10 They’ve been told they can’t play with spiders. ________________________ ________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 55

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams ai and ay;
lesson 9 Adding common endings;
Homophones; Compound words
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

train ■ Board Work
mail • Set up the board with vowels on the left • Write the word rain on the board. Circle the ai.
snail and endings on the right. Review the short, This is the sound ā. Establish the language, In
wait snappy vowel sounds. this team, who does the talking? The a.
bait • Review all the long vowel sounds. Long What does it say? It’s own name, ā.
vowels say their own name.
paid • Demonstrate with other words, e.g. mail, wait.
Today we are going to review our first letter
afraid Button Work
team. A letter team has two letters that work
rain together to make one sound. • Show your students how to represent the
grain Our two-letter vowel team today is ai. In this letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
paint team only the letter a “does the talking”. It tWo letters, one sound
waist makes the long ā sound. Remember, long
vowels say their own name. The letter team ai w ai t
day spells ā.
clay On the board draw an arrow from the long ā • Ask selected students to spell some words
pay to the team ai. orally using a button pattern.
pray • Tell the students that another two-letter team
Vowels endings
say with the ā sound is ay. We find this team
ā ai s es at the end of a word. On the board draw an
ē ing ed arrow from the long ā to the team ai and
may then ay.
ī y
ō er est • We usually see ai in the middle of the word
ū ly and ay at the end, e.g. rain, play.
■ Book Work Open Book Work
fast • Point out that when a word contains the letter
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
again teams ai or ay, we just add our endings (no
book to page 4, List 9.
today doubling).
• Work through the top part of the list. For
always • Ask the students to refer to their Warm-ups
some students, it may be helpful to highlight
list. Work through the list and ask selected
the ai team (the ā team).
students to spell some words with any
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady common endings that apply, e.g. snails,
pace. waiting, painted, rainy, trainer, mainly, and
• Work through the bottom part of the list. For days, staying, trays.
some students, it may be helpful to highlight
the ay. Closed Book Work
Dictate words containing ai or ay with endings
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
added. Use the language word + ending.
56 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 9

■ Word Work Disc Work

• Discuss compound words containing ai or ay, e.g. • Introduce Disc Work. (Word cards and instructions for
railroad, raincoat, rainbow, rainfall, mailbox, mailman, use are on the CD.) Give each student an ai disc (ay on
nailbrush, paintbrush, paintbox, maybe, today, daytime, reverse) and ask them to use it with the cards to make
daylight. and write a minimum of ten words in their notebooks.

• Review homophones, e.g. mail, male; bail, bale; • Some students could add a word ending card if
sail, sale; plain, plane; main, mane; rain, rein; applicable. Choose from s, ing, ed.
waist, waste; wait, weight. • Ask them to read their list to a partner.
• Review syllables. Write these words in syllables and ask
students to say what they are: ex plain, com plain, To remember the sound made
con tain, con tain er, dai ly, straight en. by a vowel team, ask:
Who does the talking? (The first letter.)
What does it say? (Its name.)

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Remind students of other words beginning with a,
as before. e.g. away, about, above, along, among.
• Point out that today, again and always contain an ā • Note words with the same sound pattern as fast: last,
team. past, cast, mast, vast, nasty, pasta.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding words containing ai Spelling Corner
and ay, on adding endings, on selecting homophones and Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 17
matching words through a Word Find. and 18.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

ai and ay, word + ending
fast ❥ I can’t paint the fence because it is raining.
again • plays • brainy ❥ Today there was a letter in the mailbox.
today • stayed • painter
always ❥ I’m not afraid to stay home alone.
• saying
new ❥ I put bait on my hook and waited for a fish.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 57

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 9
Pencil Work 9
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Spell the missing words.

Reuben p____________________________________ a picture of a dolphin.
I have been w____________________________________ for an hour for a bus to come.
I’m not a____________________________________ of things that go bump in the night!
She has red, painted fingern____________________________________.
We are st____________________________________ in a hotel at the coast.

❂ 2 Circle the correct homophone in the brackets.

I combed my horse’s (main mane) and (tail tale).
The bowler hit the (bales bails) off the wickets.
I (eight ate) all my food because I don’t like to (waist waste) it.
Ned bought a new pair of jeans at the (sail sale).
We went on a (plain plane) flight over the Great Barrier Reef.

❂ 3 Add endings to complete the words correctly.

We went sail_____________ on the dam today.
I’m stay_____________ here until you’ve finished your paint_____________.
The snail_____________ left silvery trail_____________ on my driveway.
The play_____________ are train_____________ hard for their soccer game.
I will be stay_____________ with my cousins for ten day_____________.

❂ 4 Be a word finder.
always sailing A L W A Y S G J K A
praise laid D A R S A I L I N G
again plain F I C T E R A G I A

WOW faint
Word of the Week
brain chain
crocodile O K B I L S V M B Y
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. M T E E U F A I N T
58 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 9 Spelling Corner 17

Join the word parts to make compound words.

day nail road time

rail coat mail light

paint box day brush

finger time rain way

rain way play man

mail brush nail bow

term 2 lesson 9 Spelling Corner 18

Build some words by adding endings.

wait + er stay + ing brain + y

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

bait + ed train + er straight + en

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

faint + ly sway + ed praise + ing

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

decay + ed pain + ful plain + ly

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

paint + er drain + age display + ing

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 59

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams ee, eer; Adding
lesson 10 common endings; Irregular past-tense
verbs; Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

meet ■ Board Work • Write the word deep on the board. Circle
green • Set up the board with vowels on the left the ee. This is the sound ē. Establish the
queen and endings on the right. Review the short, language, In this team, who does the talking?
need snappy vowel sounds. The e.
speed • Review the long vowel sounds. Long vowels What does it say? Its own name, ē.
say their own name. Review the letter teams Demonstrate with other words, e.g. seed,
ai (middle of word) and ay (end of word). sheet, weed, tree.
• Today we will review another letter team. A • Write deer on the board.
kneel letter team has two or three letters that work • Tell the students that there are some words
wheel together to make one sound. that end like this. (Underline eer.)
reef Our two-letter team today is ee. In this team This sound is eer (pronounced ear), so this
beef only the letter e “does the talking”. It makes word is deer.
the long ē sound. Remember, long vowels say
deer • Write several other words with the same
their own name. The letter team ee spells ē.
pattern and ask the students to say the words.
peer • On the board draw an arrow from the long ē
cheer to the team ee. Button Work
steer • Show your students how to represent the
Vowels endings
letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
ā ai s es tWo letters, one sound
ē ee ing ed
ī y w ee k
queer er est
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
ū ly a button pattern.
■ Book Work Open Book Work
already • Point out that when a word contains the letter
pass Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
teams ee or eer, we just add our endings.
book to page 5, List 10.
early • Ask the students to refer to their list. Ask
• Work through the top part of the list. For
school selected students to spell some words with
some students, it may be helpful to highlight
the ee team (the ē team). common endings added, e.g. meeting,
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady greenest, keeper, sleepy, and peers, cheering,
pace. veered.
• Work through the bottom part of the list. Closed Book Work
• Point out that in this pattern the words all Dictate words containing ee or eer with endings
rhyme. added. Use the language word + ending.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
60 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 10

■ Word Work • Review syllables.

• Together build some lists of rhyming words, e.g. feet, • Write these words in syllables and ask students to read
meet, greet, sheet; green, queen, teen, been, sheen, them: ref er ee, cof fee, jam bor ee, cor rob or ee.
keen; keep, sleep, deep, sheep, jeep; peel, wheel, feel, Disc Work
kneel. • Give students an ee disc each and ask them to use it
• Explore verbs that have an irregular past tense, e.g. with the cards to make and write a minimum of ten
meet, met; sleep, slept; speed, sped; keep, kept; kneel, words in their notebooks.
knelt. • Some students could add a word ending card if
• Discuss compound words containing ee or eer, applicable. Choose from s, ing, ed.
e.g. greenhouse, greenkeeper, goalkeeper, feedlot, • Ask them to read their list to a partner.
wheelbarrow, sleepwalk, cheesecake, speedway,
deerskin, weekend, beehive.
• Prepare Compound Word 3 baggies (letter teams). Ask To remember the sound made
students in the group to make compound words, write by a two-letter vowel team, ask:
them in their notebooks and read their finished lists to Who does the talking? (The first letter)
What does it say? (Its name)
each other.

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

The worksheet focuses on encoding words containing ee Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 19
and eer, and word building. and 20.

Word of the Week Practice Work

A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

ee and eer, word + ending
already ❥ Mum put a band-aid on my bleeding knee.
pass • sweetly • kneeling ❥ Two cars were speeding down the street.
early • deer • sleepy
school ❥ They have been to the creek to feed the ducks.
• feelers
high ❥ We cheered when we saw the queen.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 61

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 10
Pencil Work 10
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Complete the table. STOP! THINK!
Singular Plural Singular Plural
gr e e n
s___ wheel _________________________ sheep _________________________

b___ foot _________________________ knee _________________________

k___ deer speech

_________________________ _________________________

street _________________________ week _________________________
sh _ _ _
pr _ _ _
qu _ _ _ ❂ 2 Complete this table.
ALL words are irregular, e.g. Today I speed. Yesterday I sped.

sh e e p Today I … Yesterday I …
w___ see ______________________________

k___ feed ______________________________

d___ meet ______________________________

keep ______________________________

sleep ______________________________
sl _ _ _
ch _ _ _ feel ______________________________

st _ _ _
sw _ _ _ ❂ 3 Quiz time. All answers have ee in them.
What is the colour of grass and trees? ________________________________

What insects live in a hive? ________________________________

Where do you keep frozen food? ________________________________

What yellow food is made from milk? ________________________________

How many sides has a triangle? ________________________________

Word of the Week
❂ 4 Build some words by adding endings.
deep + ly ________________________________ greet + ing ________________________________

bubblegum cheek + y ________________________________ free + ly ________________________________

Write about your

WOW word for three freeze + er ________________________________ feel + er + s ________________________________

minutes. Do not stop.

Do not speak. greed + y ________________________________ screech + ed ________________________________

sneeze + ing ________________________________ agree + ment ________________________________

62 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 10 Spelling Corner 19

Write the rhymers.

feel seek green feed meet

r__________________ p___________________ s___________________ w___________________ f___________________

h__________________ w__________________ b__________________ n__________________ sh__________________

kn__________________ m__________________ k__________________ s__________________ sw__________________

st__________________ sl__________________ pr__________________ d__________________ tw__________________

wh__________________ cr__________________ scr__________________ br__________________ str__________________

term 2 lesson 10 Spelling Corner 20

Make a list of compound words by joining two words together.

The record is 22!

street free wheel week deer bee

keeper skin walk sheep day green
sea tree barrow light weed way
end house chair rein hive sleep






TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 63

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams ea, ear;
lesson 11 Adding common endings; Compound
words; Irregular past-tense verbs
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of • It is important here to remind students of the
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.
importance of remembering what words look
like. How do we know which ē team to use, ee
or ea? I like to eat meat/meet. We only know
heat ■ Board Work because it looks right.
cream • Set up the board with vowels on the left This is an important skill when proofreading.
dream and endings on the right. Review the short,
snappy vowel sounds. Button Work
• Review the long vowel sounds. Long vowels • Show your students how to represent the
steal letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
say their own name. Review the letter teams
beak ai, ay and ee, eer. tWo different letters,
speak • Today we look at another two-letter team, ea. one sound
lead Which letter does the talking? The e. What r ea d
leaf does it say? ē.
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
On the board draw an arrow from the long ē
dear a button pattern.
to the team ee to the team ea.
clear All have the same sound. Board Work
near • Write dear on the board.
Vowels endings
spear Tell the students that there are some words
ā ai s es that end like this. (Underline ear.)
ē ee ea ing ed This sound is ear (pronounced ear), so this
ī y word is dear.
ō er est • Write several other words with the same
rear pattern and ask the students to say the words,
ū ly
gear e.g. fear, near, tear, rear.
dreary • Write the word read on the board. Circle the
ea. Establish that this team also says ē. Some things we EAT have ea in them,
Demonstrate with other words like: heap, real, e.g. meat, peas, beans, peaches, cream.
wheat, lead.

sight ■ Book Work Open Book Work

Words • Point out that when a word contains the letter
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
teams ea or ear, we just add our endings.
please book to page 5, List 11.
• Work through the top part of the list. For • Ask the students to refer to their list. Work
some students, it may be helpful to highlight through the list, and ask students to spell
very some words with any common endings that
the ea team (the ē team).
every • Chant the words together, keeping a steady apply, e.g. dreamy, seated, leading, dearly,
pace. nearest, speaker.
• Work through the bottom part of the list. Closed Book Work
• Point out that in this pattern the words all Dictate words containing ea or ear with endings
rhyme. added. Use the language word + ending.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
64 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 11

■ Word Work Disc Work

• Together, build some lists of rhyming words, e.g. mean, • Give students an ea disc each and ask them to use it
lean, clean, bean; seat, heat, meat, beat, wheat, neat, with the cards to make and write a minimum of ten
pleat; read, lead, bead. words in their notebooks.

• Ask students to spell, orally, some of the words with • Some students could add a word ending card if
endings added. applicable. Choose from s, ing, ed and y.

• Discuss compound words containing ea or ear, e.g. • Ask them to read their list to a partner.
loudspeaker, stickybeak, heatwave, daydream, nearby.
• Continue to use the Compound Word baggies. How will I know which
team to use – ee or ea?
• Explore irregular past-tense verbs, e.g. steal, stole; The word will
speak, spoke; lead, led. LOOK RIGHT!

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding words containing ea Spelling Corner
and ear, compound words and word building. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 21
Word of the Week and 22.
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students Practice Work
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

ea and ear, word + ending
please ❥ I’m reading a book about a wild, screaming beast.
friend • spears • clearly ❥ We clear the table after each meal.
very • heater • stealing
every ❥ We are at the seaside gathering seashells.
• speaker
else ❥ The teacher is speaking to his soccer team.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 65

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 11
Pencil Work 11
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Complete the words by adding ea.
Dad put t__________leaves in the t__________pot to make t__________.
h___ I h__________ted our takeaway m__________l in our microwave oven.
b___ Dogs must be kept on a l__________d at the b__________ch.
m___ We travelled __________st to the s__________side.
n___ We like to __________t p__________ches and cr__________m.
bl _ _ _
pl _ _ _
❂ 2 Add endings to build new words.
Read the new words to a friend.
cream + y ________________________________ east + er + ly _____________________________________
speak + er ________________________________ weak + ling _____________________________________
teach + ing ________________________________ scream + ed _____________________________________
deal + er ________________________________ beast + ly _____________________________________
clean + est ________________________________ squeal + ing _____________________________________
st _ _ _
❂ 3 Write all the compound words.
shell _____________________________________

v___ shore _____________________________________

weed _____________________________________

sea bed _____________________________________

side _____________________________________

worthy _____________________________________

men _____________________________________

❂ 4 Write three sentences about Dream World or Sea World.


WOW ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Word of the Week


Write about your ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.


66 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 11 Spelling Corner 21

Join the word parts to make compound words.

Write the words on the lines below.

tea weed Dream loaf

sea time jelly shore
meal mint tea drop
heat leaves meat time
seal skin tear spoon
spear wave sea beans




term 2 lesson 11 Spelling Corner 22

Complete the words correctly by placing ee or ea in the spaces.

1 We hung str__________mers on the Christmas tr__________.

2 Sw__________p the l__________ves off the path, pl__________se.

3 We’ve b__________n __________ting p__________ches and cr__________m.

4 This y__________r, I will k__________p my room n__________t and cl__________n.

5 Next w__________k, we are m__________ting our friends at the b__________ch.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 67

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams oa, ow;
lesson 12 Adding common endings;
Compound words
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

float ■ Board Work • Write the word boat on the board. Circle oa.
Establish that this team says ō.
coast • Set up the board with vowels on the left
toast and endings on the right. Review the short, • Demonstrate with other words, e.g. foal, road,
load snappy vowel sounds. soap, coast.
• Review the long vowel sounds. Long vowels • Write slow, mow, bow on the board. Point
say their own name. Review the letter teams out that the sound ō on the end of a word is
coach written as ow.
ai, ay and ee, eer and ea, ear.
Today we look at another two-letter team, • Ask students to read show, flow, bow.
oa. Remember, in this vowel team, only one Button Work
groan letter does the talking. Which letter does the • Show your students how to represent the
talking? The o. letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
slow What does it say? ō.
tWo different letters,
mow • On the board draw an arrow from the long ō one sound
grow to the team oa.
b oa t
row Vowels endings
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
blow ā ai s es a button pattern.
arrow ē ee ea ing ed
narrow ī y oa is usually in the middle of a syllable
follow ō oa er est ow is usually on the end.
hollow ū ly road boat slow grow

Words ■ Book Work Open Book Work
• Point out that when a word contains the letter
few Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
teams oa or ow, we just add endings.
many book to page 5, List 12.
• Work through the top part of the list. For • Ask the students to refer to their list. Work
some students, it may be helpful to highlight through the list, and ask students to spell
most some words with any common endings that
the oa team (the ō team).
apply, e.g. floated, coasts, toaster, slowly,
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady mower.
• Now work through the bottom part of the list. Closed Book Work
Dictate words containing oa or ow with endings
• Point out that ow is on the end, so the words added. Use the language word + ending.
will rhyme.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
68 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 12

■ Word Work Disc Work

• Review homophones. Point out the difference between • Give students an oa disc (ow on reverse) each. Ask them
toad, towed; moan, mown; groan, grown. to use it with the cards to make and write a minimum of
ten words in their notebooks.
• Discuss compound words containing oa or ow, e.g.
boathouse, boatshed, rowboat, powerboat, arrowhead, • Some students could add a word ending card if
stagecoach, goalpost, railroad, toadstool, coastline, applicable. Choose from s, ing, ed.
bowstring, snowball, snowflakes. • Ask them to read their list to a partner.
• Continue to use the Compound Word baggies.

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding words containing oa Spelling Corner
and ow, compound words and rhyming words. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 23
and 24.
Word of the Week
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students Practice Work
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

o and ow, word + ending
few ❥ The men hunted with bows and arrows.
many • coaches • growing ❥ He followed the coastline in his small boat.
more • mower • slowest
most ❥ I soaked my old socks in soapy water.
• roasted
fast ❥ He has a loaf of bread to make toast.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 69

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 12
Pencil Work 12
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Add endings to complete the words.

Mr Jones is coach______________ our hockey team.
The horses and their foal______________ walked slow______________ down the road.
Wash the dishes in hot soap______________ water.
The men load______________ five goat_________ into a cattle truck.
We all groan______________ when he missed the goal.

❂ 2 Colour a word in the top row and a word in the bottom row to make
a compound word. Use different colours for each compound word.
roller coast arrow boat under goal power toad
growth keeper coaster boat head stool line shed

❂ 3 Write all the compound words.

over _____________________________________

rain _____________________________________

top _____________________________________
under _____________________________________

waist _____________________________________

red _____________________________________

❂ 4 Write the rhyming words.

foal c_____________________ g_____________________ sh_____________________
toast r_____________________ c_____________________ b_____________________
road t_____________________ l_____________________ g_____________________
WOW goat b_____________________ c_____________________ thr_____________________
Word of the Week
moan gr_____________________ l_____________________ r_____________________
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

70 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 12 Spelling Corner 23

Complete these tables.

Add ing Add ed

croak poach
roast float
groan load
coach toast
row lower
follow mow
show bellow
grow crow

term 2 lesson 12 Spelling Corner 24

Join the word parts to make compound words.

Write the words on the lines below.

coast storm snow load

pillow barrow under guard
snow crow coast flakes
scare line over coaster
wheel coat bow growth
rain case roller string

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 71

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team oo (book);
lesson 13 Irregular past-tense verbs;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

cook ■ Board Work Button Work
took • Set up the board with vowels on the left • Show your students how to represent the
and endings on the right. Review the short, letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
shook snappy vowel sounds. tWo letters,
• Today we will look at a double-letter vowel one sound
good team, oo. This team represents two different b oo k
sounds: the short sound, oo as in book and
stood • Ask students to spell some words orally using
the long sound, oo as in moon.
wood a button pattern.
Let’s look first at the short (hooked) sound, oo
as in book.
Write book on the board.
rite the first letter of another word that
tough stuff rhymes with book and ask:
How do you spell: hook? took? look? shook?
crook ed cook?
wool len
• Remind them that oo has a short (hooked)
Wool worths
cook er y

Words ■ Book Work Open Book Work
• Point out that when a word contains the letter
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
caught team oo, we just add our endings.
book to page 6, List 13.
could • Ask the students to refer to their list. Work
• Work through the top part of the list. through the list and ask students to spell
For some students, it may be helpful to some words with any common endings that
should highlight oo. apply, e.g. looking, books, cooker, poorest,
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady woolly.
Closed Book Work
• Dictate words containing oo (short sound)
with endings added. Use the language word
+ ending.
• Note that the plural of foot is feet.

72 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 13

■ Word Work • Continue to use the Compound Word baggies.

• Write these words on the board: took, shook, stood. • Review syllables. Write these syllables on the board and
Explain to the students that these are past-tense forms ask students to read them: crook ed, un der stood,
of the verb and establish their present-tense forms, wood en, cook er y. Return to the list on page 6 and
e.g. take, taking, took; shake, shaking, shook; work through the Tough Stuff.
stand, standing, stood. Disc Work
• Give students an oo disc each and ask them to use it
Regular past-tense verbs have ed on the end, with the cards to make and write a minimum of ten
e.g. look looked; cook cooked; hook hooked. words in their notebooks.
Irregular past-tense verbs DO NOT, • Give each student some or all the common endings.
e.g. take took; shake shook; stand stood. Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words
they make before writing them down. This reinforces
• Discuss compound words containing oo (short sound), concepts such as plurals, present and past tense,
e.g. football, footpath, footprint, goodbye, bookmark, adjectives, adverbs and comparisons.
bookcase, bookshelf, bookends, firewood, woodland. • Ask them to read their list to a partner.

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding oo words, compound Spelling Corner
words, opposites and word building. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 25
and 26.
Word of the Week
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students Practice Work
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

oo, word + ending
caught ❥ I stood outside the door and knocked.
could • looked • sooty ❥ I looked on the bookshelf for a good book.
would • wooden • booking
should ❥ She caught a fish on her hook.
• hooks
busy ❥ I shook the dust out of the woollen mat.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 73

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 13
Pencil Work 13
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Spell the missing words. All words have four letters.

Dad will __________________________ sausages on the barbecue.
Open your __________________________ at page forty, please.
__________________________ comes from sheep.

Robbie is hopping on one __________________________.

Someone is knocking on my __________________________.

❂ 2 Write the opposites of these words.

straight _____________________________________ young _____________________________________

rich _____________________________________ long _____________________________________

bad _____________________________________ over _____________________________________

slow _____________________________________ wide _____________________________________

high _____________________________________ far _____________________________________

❂ 3 Write all the compound words.

ball __________________________________________

print __________________________________________

path __________________________________________

foot sore __________________________________________

loose __________________________________________

stool __________________________________________

fall __________________________________________

❂ 4 Add an ending to the first word to complete the sentence correctly.

cook A smell of _____________________________________ was coming from the kitchen.
WOW look I ___________________________________ everywhere for my missing hat.
Word of the Week
wool I am wearing a thick ___________________________________ jumper.
Write about your book There are hundreds of _________________________________ in our school library.
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop. wood We sat on a ___________________________________ bench in the park.
Do not speak.

74 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 13 Spelling Corner 25

Write sentences to show you know the meanings of these homophones.

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

two, too___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

wood, would___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

pour, poor_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

deer, dear________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

term 2 lesson 13 Spelling Corner 26

Write the missing words in these sentences.

All words have four letters.

1 Sheep are shorn for their ________________________.

2 I will ________________________ the biscuits in a hot oven.
3 I turned the knob and opened the ________________________.
4 We said ________________________bye to our auntie and left.
5 Have you read this ________________________ about pirates?
6 He cut his ________________________ on a broken seashell.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 75

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team: oo (moon);
lesson 14 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

noon ■ Board Work • Try some others: pool, fool, tool, drool?
pool • Set up the board with vowels on the left • Remind them that oo has a long, drawn-out
cool and endings on the right. Review the short, sound.
snappy vowel sounds.
food Button Work
mood • Today we will again look at the double-letter • Show your students how to represent the
hoop vowel team oo. This team represents two letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
different sounds: the short sound oo as in
snoop tWo letters,
book and the long sound oo as in moon.
boot one sound
Let’s look today at its long, drawn-out sound,
shoot m oo n
oo as in moon.
Write moon on the board. • Ask students to spell some words orally using
hoof a button pattern.
loose W
rite the first letter of another word that
rhymes with moon and ask:
How do you spell: soon, spoon, noon?
tough stuff
kan ga roo
cock a too
■ Book Work • Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
some words with any common endings that
cuck oo Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups apply, e.g. snooping, hoops, loosely, moody,
book to page 6, List 14.
spoo ky coolest.
• Work through the top part of the list. • Note that the plural of goose is geese.
sight For some students, it may be helpful to
highlight oo. • Note that the plural of roof is roofs. Do not
Words change the f to v. However, the plural of hoof
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady can be hoofs or hooves.
talk Closed Book Work
almost Open Book Work Dictate words containing oo (long sound) with
• Point out that when a word contains the letter endings added. Use the language word +
alright team oo, we just add our endings. ending.

Compound word list

afternoon broomstick footloose goodbye tablespoon toothache
beetroot classroom footpath moonbeam teaspoon toothbrush
bootlaces dessertspoon footprint moonlight toadstool toothpaste
bootstraps foodstuff footsore schoolhouse toolbox toothpick
bridegroom footfall footstool schoolroom toolkit waterproof

76 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 14

■ Word Work Disc Work

• Together, build some lists of rhyming words, e.g. hoop, • Give students an oo disc each and ask them to use it
loop, snoop, coop, troop; boot, scoot, shoot, loot; moon, with the cards to make and write a minimum of ten
noon, soon, spoon, balloon. words in their notebooks.

• Ask students to spell, orally, some of the words with • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
endings added. • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
• Discuss compound words containing oo, e.g. make before writing them down.
moonlight, afternoon, toothache, toothbrush. • Ask them to read their list to a partner.
• Continue to use the Compound Word baggies.
• Review syllables. Write these syllables on the board and
ask students to say what the words are: kan ga roo,
wall a roo, cock a too, cuck oo, roo ster, fool ish ly,
sham poo.
• Return to the list on page 6 and work through the
Tough Stuff.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Remind students that all becomes al in words like
as before. alright, although, altogether.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on both the long and the short Spelling Corner
sound of oo, compound words and word building. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 27
and 28.
Word of the Week
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students Practice Work
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

oo, word + ending
walk ❥ We’ll go swimming in the pool this afternoon.
talk • shooting • boots ❥ We took some food to our pet white goose.
almost • moody • roosters
alright ❥ My bootlaces are loose!
• cooler
other ❥ I could see the full moon above the school roof.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 77

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 14
Pencil Work 14
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Illustrate the following:
a goose feather a wooden spoon a bottle of shampoo
sch _ _ _
sp _ _ _ two mushrooms a pink toothbrush a football
st _ _ _

dr _ _ _
st _ _ _
❂ 2 Add endings to build new words. Read the new words to
a friend. Remember the rules.
scoot + er + s ________________________________ soon + est _______________________________
sn _ _ _
sl _ _ _ loose + ly ________________________________ mood + y _______________________________

sc _ _ _ cool + er ________________________________ fool + ish + ly _______________________________

groom + ed ________________________________ roof + s _______________________________

gloomy + ly ________________________________ roost + er _______________________________

❂ 3 Circle the correct word in the brackets.

The dentist filled two of my (tooths teeth).
My bootlaces are (lose loose).
I like swimming (to two too).
Many of the (rooves roofs) in our city are red.

WOW The farmer has a large flock of (geese gooses).


Word of the Week 4 Colour a word in the top row and a word in the bottom
row to make a compound word. Use different colours for each
Write about your compound word.
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop. tool school tooth table foot moon after food
Do not speak.
room stool spoon noon box stuff ache light

78 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 14 Spelling Corner 27

Write down the letters in front of the correct answers only.

This will spell out a secret message for you.

1 My shoelaces are too … (F) loop (C) loose.

2 Yesterday, I was late for … (H) school (O) scoop.
3 Someone has been here, I can see … (O) footballs (A) footprints.
4 Fishermen often wear rubber … (L) books (M) boots.
5 I hung my belt on a … (I) hood (P) hook.
6 I can hear the rain drumming on the … (I) roof (S) root.
7 I put the eggs in boiling water to … (H) cool (O) cook.
8 Last night, there was a full … (Y) mood (N) moon.

YOU ARE A _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ !

term 2 lesson 14 Spelling Corner 28

Draw an old shack like this one.

Draw in some more details.

■ A wooden stool is under the lamp.

■ A goose is eating food from a dish.

■ A broom is leaning against the door.

■ A rooster is up on the roof.

■ There are footprints going around

the shack.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 79

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams oo (moon);
lesson 15 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

spoon ■ Board Work Button Work
• Show your students how to represent the
tool • Set up the board with vowels on the left
letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
stool and endings on the right. Review the short,
room snappy vowel sounds. tWo letters,
one sound
broom • Review the short and long sounds of oo.
brood r oo m
• Let’s continue to look at the long, drawn-out
droop sound of oo as in moon. • Ask students to spell some words orally using
scoop Write room on the board. a button pattern.
tooth W
rite the first letter of another word that
boost rhymes with room and ask:
roost How do you spell: broom, bloom, doom?
• Try some others: hoop, loop, scoop, droop?
• Remind them that oo has a long, drawn-out
tough stuff sound.

scoo ter
fool ish ■ Book Work Open Book Work
sham poo • Point out that when a word contains the letter
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
bal loon team oo, we just add our endings.
book to page 6, List 15.
• Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
sight • Work through the top part of the list. some words with any common endings that
Words For some students, it may be helpful to apply, e.g. soonest, spoons, tools, drooping,
highlight oo. scooter, rooster.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady • Note that the plural of tooth is teeth.
eleven pace.
fruit Closed Book Work
juice Dictate words containing oo (long sound) with
endings added. Use the language word +

80 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 15

■ Word Work • Have a Spelling Bee. All students stand up to begin the
contest. Ask students, in turn, to spell a word you have
• Together, build some lists of rhyming words, e.g. hoop,
been studying. A student sits down when a mistake
loop, snoop, coop, troop; boot, scoot, shoot, loot; moon,
is made. No second chances! Don’t forget to include
noon, soon, spoon, balloon.
compound words and multi-syllabic words. The winner
• Ask students to spell, orally, some of the words with
is the last one standing.
endings added.
• Discuss compound words containing oo, e.g. Disc Work
moonlight, afternoon, toothache, toothbrush, beetroot. • Give students an oo disc each and ask them to use it
• Continue to use the Compound Word baggies. with the cards to make and write a minimum of ten
• Review syllables. words in their notebooks.
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students to • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
say what the words are: mon soon, ty phoon, co coon, • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
car toon. make before writing them.
• Return to the lists on page 6 and work through the • Ask them to read their list to a partner.
Tough Stuff.

■ Memory Work
• Point out that we can usually tell when a word looks
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
as before.
• Point out that every second letter in eleven is e, which
• Notice how the ui in fruit and juice has the same sound
helps us to remember how to spell it. Just like every
as oo. Look at how we might write them: froot jooce or
second letter in banana is a.
even froot joos! Do they look right?

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on both the long and the short Spelling Corner
sound of oo, compound words and adding common Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 29
endings. and 30.

Word of the Week Practice Work

A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

oo, word + ending
money ❥ Soon I will own a red scooter.
eleven • roots • drooping ❥ I have a loose tooth.
fruit • roomy • soonest
juice ❥ The rooster is on top of the toolshed.
• scooped
please ❥ I took some balloons to school.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 81

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 15
Pencil Work 15
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Join the words to make compound words.

floor brush class stick
tea shelf tool stood
book boards broom path
tooth steps under room
foot spoon foot box

❂ 2 Now use some of those compound words to complete

these sentences.
People usually clean their teeth with a ______________________________________________.
A baby eats food from a ______________________________________________.
I heard ______________________________________________ on the wooden floorboards.
There are two computers in our ______________________________________________.
Dad sweeps the leaves off the ______________________________________________ every day.

❂ 3 Add an ending to the first word to complete each sentence correctly.

scoot Andy rides his red ______________________________________ in the park every Sunday.
droop The flowers ______________________________________ under the hot sun.
cool This is the ______________________________________ day we have had all month.
scoop I asked for three ______________________________________ of ice cream in a cone.
spoon Emily is ______________________________________ custard over my apples and jelly.

❂ 4 In the space below, draw your favourite cartoon character.

Word of the Week

Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

82 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 15 Spelling Corner 29

Write the rhyming words.

Read your words to a friend.

cool boot hoop room

f__________________ l___________________ l___________________ d___________________

p__________________ h__________________ c__________________ b__________________

st__________________ t__________________ dr__________________ z__________________

sp__________________ r__________________ sn__________________ bl__________________

dr__________________ sh__________________ sc__________________ br__________________

sch__________________ sc__________________ st__________________ gr__________________

term 2 lesson 15 Spelling Corner 30

How many compound words can you make?

Your target is 30.

table foot room ache sun tea

book head light spoon wood tooth
brush cloth path moon shelf ball
end prints bed mark week class






TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 83

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team ar (car); Adding
lesson 16 common endings (doubling r);
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

far ■ Board Work • Make a list of other “odd bods”, e.g. fast, last,
past, glass, after, ask, father, pasta, raft, blast,
star • Set up the board with vowels on the left
calf, half, nasty.
start and endings on the right. Review the short,
part snappy vowel sounds. • Tell the students that we best learn these
words with our eyes.
yard • Review all short and long vowel sounds
covered so far.
hard Button Work
guard • Write car on the board. • Show your students how to represent the
bark Today we look at another two-letter team, ar. letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
shark C ircle ar. These two letters work together to tWo different letters,
farm make one sound, ar. (Say ah.) one sound
harm • Write other ar words on the board, each time b ar k
dark saying a-r spells ah, e.g. far, star, card, bark.
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
spark • Ask selected students to say the words as you a button pattern.
smart write them.
• Sometimes we see words where the a works
by itself to say ar (ah).
odd Bods
• Write path and bath on the board. Say the
path words and point out the ar sound.
■ Book Work Open Book Work
sight Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
Words some words with any common endings that
book to page 7, List 16.
apply, e.g. stars, parted, hardly, farmer, darkest,
myself • Work through the top part of the list. For smartly, marching.
yourself some students, it may be helpful to
highlight ar. Closed Book Work
right Dictate words containing ar with endings added.
through • Chant the words together, keeping a steady Use the language word + ending.
• Read the Odd Bods list.

84 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2
lesson 16

■ Word Work • Point out that, if a word ends in ar, we need to double
the r before adding ing, ed or y, e.g. starry, starring,
• Explore compound words: farmyard, farmland,
starred, barred, jarring.
farmhouse, bookmark, carport, faraway, armchair,
sharkskin. • Explore simple word building using prefixes, e.g.
restart, upstart, depart, unharmed.
• Review antonyms. Discuss far, near; dark, light.
• Review syllables. Disc Work
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students to • Students practise making and writing words containing
say what the words are: part ner, car pet, car pen ter, ar, using Disc Work.
ar tist, ar son, ar cade, art e fact, art er y, art ic le, • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
Ar gen tin a, start le, spark le. • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
make before writing them.

■ Memory Work • On the board, show the students the reflexive

pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
as before.
• Note the spelling of the plurals. Change f to v and
add es.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding and application Spelling Corner
of words containing ar, on compound words and word Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 31
building. and 32.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

letter team ar
myself ❥ The guards marched smartly through the park.
yourself • startling • farmer ❥ I hear dogs barking in the farmyard.
right • darkest • depart
through ❥ A shark has sharp teeth.
• unharmed
could ❥ Grass is growing beside the footpath.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 85

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 16
Pencil Work 16
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Quiz time! All answers have ar in them.

What is a fish with very sharp teeth? _____________________________________________

What is a place for growing flowers? _____________________________________________

What sparkles in the night sky? _____________________________________________

What do most people drive? _____________________________________________

Who grows crops like wheat and corn? _____________________________________________

❂ 2 Colour a word in the top line and one in the bottom line to make a
compound word. Use a different colour for each compound word.
farm book tow car art arm shark
chair bar skin mark house work port

❂ 3 Complete the words in these sentences.

The army is mar___________________ through the city.
I can hear a dog bar___________________ somewhere.
The far___________________ is driving his tractor across the paddock.
The teacher star___________________ to mar___________________ our work.
I need to sharp___________________ my pencil because it is blunt.

❂ 4 Put the syllables together and read the words.

tar + get _____________________________________ har + vest _____________________________________

a + part + ment _____________________________________ pop + u + lar _____________________________________

shar + pen + er _____________________________________ ar + cade _____________________________________

par + cel _____________________________________ mar + vel + lous _____________________________________

col + lar _____________________________________ gar + den + er _____________________________________

WOW ❂ 5 Use two of these words in sentences.


Word of the Week __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

motorbike __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write about your

WOW word for three __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

86 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 2 lesson 16 Spelling Corner 31

Join the syllables and write the words.

Read them to a friend.

art + ist car + go part + ner shar + pen

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

ar + tic + le dol + lar ar + son guar + di + an

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

cal + en + dar ar + cade bar + gain ar + till + er + y

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

bar + ber tar + get har + bour mar + bles

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

term 2 lesson 16 Spelling Corner 32

Join the word parts to make compound words.

art port farm wash

barn board life away

arm work far skin

card light shark house

star chair car land

car yard park guard

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 87

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team ir (bird);
lesson 17 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

• Sometimes we see words where or makes the
third ■ Board Work same sound, er.
shirt • Set up the board with vowels on the left
rite word and worm on the board. Say the
skirt and endings on the right. Review the short,
words and point out the or, making an er
dirt snappy vowel sounds.
girl • Review ar.
• Make a list of other “odd bods”, e.g. work,
twirl • Write bird on the board. worth, worthy.
swirl Today we look at another two-letter team, ir. T ell the students that we best learn these
whirl words with our eyes.
C ircle ir. These two letters work together to
stir make one sound, ir. (Say er.) Button Work
• Write other ir words on the board, each time • Show your students how to represent the
firm saying i-r spells er, e.g. fir, first, stir, shirt, letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
first skirt.
thirsty tWo different letters,
• Ask students to say the words as you write
one sound
tough stuff
b ir d
cir cle
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
thir teen a button pattern.

odd Bods
■ Book Work Open Book Work
worm Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
world some words with any common endings that
book to page 7, List 17.
worst apply, e.g. birds, dirty, twirling, swirled, firs,
• Work through the top part of the list. For firmly, firstly.
sight some students, it may be helpful to
Closed Book Work
Words highlight ir.
Dictate words containing ir with endings added.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady Use the language word + ending.
• Read the Odd Bods list.

88 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 17

■ Word Work students know what each words begins with. Cut the
words into their syllables and store in a zip-lock bag.
• Explore compound words. Discuss girlfriend, birthday,
Students, working in pairs, rearrange the syllables into
birdsong, whirlwind, worldwide, firsthand, artwork,
• Throughout the term, make several sets, so work can be
• Continue to use the Compound Word baggies.
rotated through pairs.
• Review antonyms: dirty, clean; girl, boy; first, last.
• Review homophones. Discuss fir (type of tree) and fur
(of a cat); great and grate; blue and blew. If a word ends in ir, double the r
before adding ing or ed,
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students to
e.g. stir, stirring, stirred.
say what the words are: cir cle, cir cu lar, thir teen, thir ty,
thirst y, cir cum fer ence, cir cum stance. Disc Work
• Read the Tough Stuff from the Warm-ups list. Students practise making and writing words
• Explain the use of bad, worse, worst. containing ir, using Disc Work.
• Point out that if a verb ends in ir, we need to double the
r before adding ing or ed, e.g. stir, stirring, stirred.
• Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Prepare some Syllable baggies. Prepare word cards
using words of two or three syllables (maximum ten • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
words per set). Place a dot on the first syllable so make before writing them.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Remind them that all becomes al in words like
as before. altogether, alright, always.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

The worksheet focuses on encoding and application of Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 33
words containing ir and on word building. and 34.

Word of the Week Practice Work

A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team ir, Dictation

word + ending
great ❥ Jim came first and I came third in the race.
also • swirling • firmly ❥ The girls are wearing orange skirts.
blue • stirred • thirsty
orange ❥ The boys have red shirts and blue shorts.
• birds
talk ❥ After the game, he was dirty and thirsty.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 89

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 17
Pencil Work 17
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Spell the missing words.

Andy came f______________________ and I came th______________________ in the race.
Cory keeps his pet b______________________ in a cage.
Charlie got d______________________ playing football on the muddy field.
The boys wear red school sh______________________ and blue shorts.
The girls wear red tops and checked sk______________________.

❂ 2 Illustrate these two texts.

A boy in a green T-shirt and black A girl in a white T-shirt and a dark
shorts has a pet bird on his shoulder. blue skirt is wearing sunglasses.

❂ 3 Add endings to the words in the boxes to complete the sentences.

stir Jan is _____________________________________ the soup in the pot on the stove.
dirt His hands are _____________________________________ from digging in the garden.
twirl The dancer _____________________________________ around on the tips of her toes.
firm The teacher spoke loudly and _____________________________________.
squirt Trent _____________________________________ me with his water pistol.

WOW ❂ 4 Be a word finder. S

Word of the Week firmer skirt
excellent girl dirty S L F I R M E R
Write about your squirted girth P R T R I K S T
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop. birthday shirt B I R T H D A Y
Do not speak.

90 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 17 Spelling Corner 33

Make compound words by joining two words together.

Write the words on the lines.

black work _________________________________________________________

world hand _________________________________________________________

pass bird _________________________________________________________

first friend _________________________________________________________

art wind _________________________________________________________

birth word _________________________________________________________

girl day _________________________________________________________

whirl wide _________________________________________________________

term 3 lesson 17 Spelling Corner 34

Join the syllables and write the words.

Read the words to a friend.

swirl ing firm ly dirt i est

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

cir cle stir ring thir sty

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

cir cu lar whirl ing cir cum stance

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

first ly con firm cir cum fer ence

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 91

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 18
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team er (her); Adding common endings; Compound words; Syllables

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

■ Board Work • Sometimes we see words where ear makes the
same sound, er.
serve • Set up the board with vowels on the left
and endings on the right. Review the short, W
rite earth and early on the board. Say the
snappy vowel sounds. words and point out the ear, making an er
swerve sound.
perch • Review the r-controlled vowels in ar and ir.
• Make a list of other “odd bods”, e.g. earn,
jerk • Write her on the board.
pearl, hearse.
kerb Today we look at another two-letter team, er.
T ell the students that we best learn these
fern C ircle er. These two letters work together to words with our eyes.
stern make one sound, er.
term Button Work
• Write other er words on the board, each time • Show your students how to represent the
germ saying e-r spells er, e.g. herd, term, perch, letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
tough stuff tWo different letters,
A sk students to say the words as you write
one sound
per son them.
ser vant R emind students that er on the end of a word h er d
ner vous has a different sound. Remember, this is the • Ask students to spell some words orally using
sound that rolls off the end of the word. Give a button pattern.
examples: mother, sister, teacher, longer,
odd Bods taller.
earth ■ Book Work Open Book Work
heard Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
some words with any common endings that
book to page 7, List 18.
apply, e.g. serving, swerved, perches, jerky,
sight • Work through the top part of the list. For
Words sternly.
some students, it may be helpful to
highlight er. Closed Book Work
fifteen Dictate words containing er with endings added.
water • Chant the words together, keeping a steady
Use the language word + ending.
together • Read the Odd Bods list.

92 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 18

■ Word Work
The letters er in the middle of a word have a
• Review compound words. Discuss waterfall, waterworks, different sound from er on the end.
waterway, waterbed, waterwise, earthbound. On the end, er rolls off the end of the word,
• Review homophones. Discuss kerb and curb. e.g. teacher, dancer, taller, longer.

• Review syllables.
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students Disc Work
to say what the words are: per son, per son al, Students practise making and writing words containing er,
per son al it y, serv ant, serv ice, nerv ous. using Disc Work.
• Return to the Warm-ups list and work through the Extension
Tough Stuff. • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Continue to add to your Compound Word and Syllable • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
baggies. make before writing them.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Look at all the teen numbers.
as before.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

The worksheet focuses on common endings, alphabetical Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 35
order, definitions and cloze. and 36.

Word of the Week Practice Work

A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

er, word + ending
fifteen ❥ I heard a person moaning.
water • germs • swerved ❥ She parked her car against the kerb.
while • jerky • sternly
together ❥ If you’re not early, you won’t get served.
• herds
through ❥ This term we are learning about our planet, Earth.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 93

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 18
Pencil Work 18
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Add endings to the first words to complete the sentences.

Remember to drop the e before adding.
serve Mr Jiggs is _____________________________________ his customers.
stern The coach spoke _____________________________________ to his team.
term There are four _____________________________________ in our school year.
nerve She is rather a _____________________________________ person.
perch Crows are _____________________________________ high in the gum tree.

❂ 2 Place these words in alphabetical order.

fern term alert swerve perch stern

❂ 3 Match the words and meanings by putting a number in the box.

Use a dictionary to help you.

1 jerk 2 herd 3 ferns

4 person 5 stern 6 kernel
plants found in a rainforest inner part of a nut
man, woman or child back end of a boat
large group of animals sudden, sharp tug

❂ 4 Write these words to complete the sentences.

t There are four _________ in a school year.
k I stepped off the _________ onto the street.
p He is a tall _________.
g Coughing and sneezing spreads _________.

WOW p The bird is sitting on its _________.

Word of the Week

Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

94 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 18 Spelling Corner 35

Fill in the missing letters correctly. Choose between ir and er.

Check. Do the words LOOK RIGHT?

1 Jason came th ____ ____ d in his race,

2 A magpie is p ____ ____ ched on the flagpole.
3 He was the f ____ ____ st p ____ ____ son to walk on the moon.
4 The little g ____ ____ l wore a yellow sk ____ ____ t.
5 Stella is st ____ ____ ring the cake mixture.
6 The wind sw ____ ____ led through the f ____ ____ n leaves.
7 That g ____ ____ l will be th ____ ____ teen on her next b ____ ____ thday.
8 The cattle dog c ____ ____ cled around the h ____ ____ d of cows.

term 3 lesson 18 Spelling Corner 36

Join the syllables and write the words.

Discuss the words with a friend.
Check the meanings of words you don’t know in a dictionary.

per son al i ty ser vice mer maid

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

ser vant Ger man y Mer cu ry

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

ter min us ner vous mer chant

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

cer tif i cate ther mom e ter cer tain ly

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 95

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team ur (turn);
lesson 19 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

turn ■ Board Work Button Work
church • Set up the board with vowels on the left • Show your students how to represent the
and endings on the right. Review the short, letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
spurt snappy vowel sounds. tWo different letters,
burst • Review the r-controlled vowels in ar, ir and er. one sound
surf • Write nurse on the board. t ur n
turf Today we look at another two-letter team, ur.
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
C ircle ur. These two letters work together to a button pattern.
purse make one sound, ur (pronounced er).
• Write other ur words on the board, each time
curve saying u-r spells er, e.g. burn, turn, curl,
tough stuff
A sk students to say the words as you write
tur key them.
fur ther
nurs er y
■ Book Work Open Book Work
odd Bods Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
• Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
some words with any common endings that
journey book to page 8, List 19.
apply, e.g. burning, churches, curly, bursting,
journal • Work through the top part of the list. nursing, curved.
For some students, it may be helpful to Note that burned and burnt are both correct.
sight highlight ur.
Words N
ote that burst and hurt don’t change in their
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady past-tense form.
pretty pace.
Closed Book Work
picture • Direct students to the Odd Bods journey and
Dictate words containing ur with endings added.
purple journal. Explain that these words come from
Use the language word + ending.
the French word jour meaning day.
T ell the students that we best learn these
words with our eyes.

96 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 19

■ Word Work
How will I know which
• Review compound words. Discuss surfboard, nursemaid,
team to use, ir, er or ur?
sunburn, turnstile.
• Review syllables.
rite these syllables on the board and ask students to
say what the words are: mur der, fur nace, fur nit ure, Disc Work
pur chase, hur dle, burg lar, ham bur ger. Students practise making and writing words containing ur,
using Disc Work.
• Return to the Warm-ups list and work through the
Tough Stuff. Extension
• Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable
baggies. • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
make before writing them.

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding and application of Spelling Corner
words containing ur, on adding common endings and Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 37
syllable work. and 38.

Word of the Week Practice Work

A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

ur, word + ending
pretty ❥ A car came around the curve at great speed.
picture • curved • churches ❥ The hose burst and water spurted everywhere.
purple • turn • burnt
nearby ❥ We went surfing in the curling waves.
• curly
ready ❥ She is nursing a hurt bird.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 97

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 19
Pencil Work 19
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Add the endings below to build some new words.

Remember to drop the e before adding.
Add s Add ing Add ed

nurse ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

curl ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

curve ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

surf ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

spurt ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

❂ 2 Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

furniture curtains purchase hurdle purple
He jumped the last _____________________________________ and raced to the finishing line.
Pretty, checked ______________________________________ hang over the windows.
She went to the shopping centre to ______________________________________ a new coin purse.
______________________________________ is my favourite colour.

Mum and Dad bought some new outdoor ______________________________________.

❂ 3 Build these words by joining the syllables.

Check meanings in a dictionary.
tur + key nur + ser + y tur + nip fur + ther
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

bur + den burg + lar ham + bur + ger tur + tle

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

WOW ❂ 4 Spell the missing words. All words have ur in them.

My balloon b________________________________ with a bang.
Word of the Week
Ayeng has short, black c________________________________ hair.
pyjamas Did you h________________________________ yourself when you fell over?
Write about your
WOW word for three Save water! T________________________________ off the tap!
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. We’re off to the beach to go s________________________________.

98 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 19 Spelling Corner 37

Place ir, er or ur in the spaces to complete the words.

Check: Do the words LOOK RIGHT?

1 That g___________l has thick, brown c___________ly hair.

2 B___________ning rocks h___________tled from the exploding volcano.

3 T___________n the meat over, so it doesn’t b___________n.

4 H___________ hands are very d___________ty now.

5 The boys ran f___________ther than the g___________ls.

6 They s___________ve hamb___________gers here on Th___________sdays.

7 Dad buys petrol at a s___________vice station.

8 Not one p___________son in our class has a b___________thday in May.

term 3 lesson 19 Spelling Corner 38

Identikit! Here is the outline of a man.

Draw the details and colour them in.

■ This man is a burglar.

■ He has a red T-shirt and

dirty blue jeans.

■ He has curly brown hair and

a scar down one cheek.

■ He has a silver teapot

clutched in his left hand.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 99

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams or, ore, oar; Adding
lesson 20 common endings; Compound words;
Syllables; Homophones
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

form ■ Board Work • Ask the students how they might spell these
words: more, core, sore, store.
force • Set up the board with vowels on the left
horn and endings on the right. Review the short, • Write roar on the board. Circle oar.
born snappy vowel sounds. Here are three letters that also say or.
cord • Review the r-controlled vowels in ar, ir, er • Write other oar words on the board, each time
sword and ur. saying o-a-r spells or, e.g. oar, soar, boar,
sort • Today we look at three teams, all with the board.
port same sound, or.
Button Work
• Write for on the board. • Show your students how to represent the
C ircle or. Here is our first team. These two letters and sounds in words with these
sore patterns.
letters work together to make one sound, or.
core • Write other or words on the board, each time
saying o-r spells or, e.g. born, torn, port, short, t or n st or e
force (remind them of soft c).
A sk students to say the words as you write
oar them.
roar • Write shore on the board. r oar
soar C ircle ore. Tell the students that when a word • Ask students to spell some words orally using
board has the letters or, an e is usually added. a button pattern.
Remember, e on the end of words keeps its
sight mouth shut.
cousin ■ Book Work Open Book Work
Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
bread Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
some words with any common endings that
among book to page 8, List 20.
apply, e.g. stormy, swords, porter, sorest.
• Work through the list. Ask the students to
Closed Book Work
highlight the three different patterns for the
Dictate words containing or, ore and oar with
sound or.
endings added. Use the language word +
• Chant the words together, taking a break ending.
between each set.

100 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 20

■ Word Work • Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable

• Review compound words. Discuss thunderstorm,
rainstorm, hailstorm, snowstorm, sandstorm,
stormwater, swordfight, swordfish, forecast, porthole, When the sound or is on the end of a word,
portside, ripcord, seaport, seashore. we usually add an e, e.g. sore, more, store, wore.
• Review homophones. Discuss the differences in
meaning between saw, sore; sort, sought; wore, war; Disc Work
or, oar, ore; roar, raw; board, bored; coarse, course.
Students practise making and writing words containing or,
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students ore and oar using Disc Work.
to say what the words are: cor ner, hor net, or der,
dor mant, cor di al, as sort ment, lic or ice, for mal, Extension
re port er, orn a ment, or din ar y, ex tra or din ar y.
• Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Explore simple word building using prefixes, e.g.
• Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
inform, deformed, enforce, resort, import, export,
make before writing them.
report, restore, overboard.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Review other words beginning with a: along, ago, away,
as before. afraid, about, above.

■ Pencil Work
• The worksheet focuses on adding common endings, on Spelling Corner
homophones, compound words and rhyming words. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 39
• Rhyming words continue to support the visual and and 40.
auditory patterns of spelling. Practice Work
Word of the Week se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a 9 and 10).
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

or, ore, oar, word + ending
family ❥ There is more stormy weather ahead.
cousin • sorted • snoring ❥ Stay close to the shoreline on your surfboard.
bread • sorest • porter
among ❥ I scored good marks on my report card.
• roared
would ❥ There are more shops around the corner.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 101

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 20
Pencil Work 20
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Circle the correct homophones in these sentences

I have a (saw sore soar) finger.
The teacher wrote a few words on the (board bored).
He works in an iron (oar ore) mine in Western Australia.
My father is playing golf on the golf (course coarse).
(Paw Pour Pore) the dirty water down the drain.

❂ 2 Colour a word in the top row and one in the bottom row to make a
compound word. Use different colours for each compound word.
port snow sea sword rip sea storm story
cord water hole shore storm port book fish

❂ 3 Add the endings ing and ed to these words. Don’t forget the rules!
Add ing Add ed

score ___________________________________ ___________________________________

storm ___________________________________ ___________________________________

force ___________________________________ ___________________________________

roar ___________________________________ ___________________________________

order ___________________________________ ___________________________________

store ___________________________________ ___________________________________

board ___________________________________ ___________________________________

❂ 4 Write the rhymers!

port sore

Word of the Week s____________________ sh____________________ m____________________ sh____________________

cousin f____________________ sn____________________ b____________________ sn____________________
Write about your
WOW word for three
sp____________________ c____________________ st____________________
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

102 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 20 Spelling Corner 39

Write the compound words.


port side _________________________________________________________________

food gull

horse sea shell _________________________________________________________________


weed shore

bed board _________________________________________________________________



term 3 lesson 20 Spelling Corner 40

Here are some interesting or words.
Find their meanings in a dictionary and illustrate them.

orchid orchestra ornament

orphan cornet cormorant

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 103

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team ou (cloud); Adding
lesson 21 common endings; Compound words;
Syllables; Antonyms
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

about ■ Board Work • Write other ou words on the board, each time
shout • Set up the board with vowels on the left saying o-u spells ou (loud), e.g. ouch, loud,
and endings on the right. Review the short, pouch, pout, snout, found.
cloud snappy vowel sounds. A sk students to say the words as you write
• Now we are going to study two teams with them.
mouth different spelling, but with the same sound. Button Work
pouch • Write cloud and cow on the board and point • Show your students how to represent the
out the two teams: the ou in cloud and the ow letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
in cow.
sound tWo different letters,
round P oint out that this sound is very different and one sound
is not like any other we have looked at so far.
count l ou d
It’s like the sound we make when we hurt
doubt ourselves – ouch. • Ask students to spell some words orally using
tough stuff • This week we will look at the first of these two a button pattern.
• Write out on the board. Circle ou.
round a bout
Here is our first team. These two letters work
pro noun
together to make one sound ou (as in loud).
moun tain

■ Book Work Open Book Work

sight • Ask the students to refer to their list and
Words Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
spell some words with any common endings
book to page 8, List 21.
that apply, e.g. cloudy, pouches, rounded,
• Work through the top part of the list. It may sounding.
sure be helpful for students to highlight the ou in • Point out the silent b in doubt. Ask how they
quite each word. might spell doubtful and doubtfully.
quiet • Chant the words together, keeping a steady
Closed Book Work
Dictate words containing ou with endings
added. Use the language word + ending.

104 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 21

■ Word Work • Write these syllables on the board and ask students
to say what the words are: foun tain, moun tain,
• Review compound words. Discuss southbound,
moun tain eer, coun ter, count less, south ern, pro noun,
roundabout, hourglass, playground, background,
dis count.
lighthouse and the many words that begin with out
(see Pencil Work 1). • Return to the Warm-ups list and work through the
Tough Stuff.
time out • Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable
• Collect a list of words that students might see baggies.
on a day-to-day basis in their neighbourhood.
Disc Work
• When you have spare moments, ask them
Students practise making and writing words containing ou
to try to spell some of these words, e.g.
using Disc Work.
Childcare Centre, broadband, network, Optus,
Facebook, Officeworks, superstore, Roadworks Extension
Ahead. Encourage students to bring in two • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
words each to challenge the rest of the class. • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
• Words could be collated on an Everyday make before writing them.
Words chart.

■ Memory Work
• Explain the difference between quite and quiet.
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
as before. • Make a list of words that rhyme with light.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

The worksheet focuses on words containing ou, building Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 41
plurals and on compound words. and 42.

Word of the Week Practice Work

A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

ou, word + ending
light ❥ He ran out of the house shouting loudly.
sure • loudest • houses ❥ The lighthouse stands on rocky ground.
quite • sounded • crouching
quiet ❥ Dark clouds are growing in the south.
• doubts
also ❥ Crouch down and don’t make a sound.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 105

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 21
Pencil Work 21
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Write these compound words.

side ______________________________________ skirts ______________________________________
board ______________________________________ break ______________________________________
line ______________________________________ doors ______________________________________
out out
fit ______________________________________ field ______________________________________

law ______________________________________ burst ______________________________________

bound ______________________________________ last ______________________________________

❂ 2 Use some of those compound words to complete these sentences.

Ned Kelly was a famous Australian _________________________________________.
Four cricket players were placed in the ______________________________________.
Jilly bought a new ______________________________________ to wear to the school dance.
He couldn’t start the ______________________________________ motor on his boat.
She drew the ______________________________________ of a balloon and coloured it in.

❂ 3 Join these words to make compound words.

light dated south about
loud glass back out
play speaker round bound
hour house mouse ground
out ground black trap

❂ 4 Write the plurals of these words.

counter ______________________________________


mouth ______________________________________

Word of the Week sound ______________________________________

crazy fountain ______________________________________

Write about your

WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

106 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 21 Spelling Corner 41

Write some sentences. Include all of these words.

outside outline outfit outdoors











term 3 lesson 21 Spelling Corner 42

Join the syllables.

Write the words and read them to a friend.

a + stoun + ding _______________________________________ cloud + less _______________________________________

proud + ly _______________________________________ doubt + ful + ly _______________________________________

an + noun + cer _______________________________________ south + er + ly _______________________________________

thou + sand _______________________________________ loud + ness _______________________________________

moun + tain + eer _______________________________________ hour + ly _______________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 107

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team ow (cow);
lesson 22 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

bow ■ Board Work • Write other ow words on the board, each time
row • Set up the board with vowels on the left saying o-w spells ow (cow), e.g. cow, how,
how and endings on the right. Review the short, brown, crowd.
howl snappy vowel sounds. A sk students to say the words as you write
growl • Today we will continue our study of the ow them.
fowl Button Work
prowl • Write cloud and cow on the board and point • Show your students how to represent the
town out the two teams: the ou in cloud and the ow letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
in cow.
tWo different letters,
drown Remember o-u and o-w both spell ou (as in
one sound
t ow n
flower Remember, it’s like the sound we make when
tower we hurt ourselves – ouch. • Ask students to spell some words orally using
• This week we will look at the second team. a button pattern.
tough stuff Write town on the board.
cow ard C ircle ow. These two letters work together to
now a days make one sound, ow (as in cow).
town ship
down wards
■ Book Work Open Book Work
sight Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
• Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Words book to page 9, List 22.
some words with any common endings that
apply, e.g. bowing, howled, prowler, flowers.
only • Work through the top part of the list. It may • Point out that bow and row can both be
past be helpful for students to highlight the ow in pronounced in two ways.
first each word.
last Closed Book Work
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
Dictate words containing ow with endings
added. Use the language word + ending.

108 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 22

■ Word Work How will I know which

• Review compound words. Discuss downhill, downtown, team to use, ou or ow?
downstream, downstairs, downhearted, downfield, The word will
townhouse, cowbell, cowshed, cowboy. LOOK RIGHT!
• Review homophones. Discuss the differences in
meaning between fowl, foul; flour, flower. Disc Work
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students to Students practise making and writing words containing
say what the words are: drow sy, cow ard, now a days, ow using Disc Work.
down wards, pow der y. Extension
• Return to the list and work through the Tough Stuff. • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
baggies. make before writing them.

■ Memory Work • Remind students that a sometimes has the sound ar

(ah). List some other words: last, past, pasta, fast, calf,
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
half, calm, palm.
as before.
• E xplain the difference between past (adjective, noun,
preposition, adverb) and passed (past-tense verb).

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on words containing ow, word Spelling Corner
building, compound words and cloze. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 43
and 44.
Word of the Week
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students
Practice Work
se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a
to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

ow, word + ending
only ❥ The cat howled and the dog growled.
first • towering • flowers ❥ How many people live in your town?
past • bowed • prowler
last ❥ It is showering over the mountains.
• nowadays
often ❥ He is milking the cows down in the cowshed.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 109

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 22
Pencil Work 22
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
& Say
❂ 1 Add endings and write the new words.
power + ful flower + s
t___ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

g___ shower + y prowl + er

cr _ _ _ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

br _ _ _ howl + ing browse + ing

fr _ _ _
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

dr _ _ _
town + s growl + ed
cow ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

b__ ❂ 2 Use some of these words to complete these sentences.
The wind was _________________________________________ through the trees.
It is a cool and _________________________________________ day.
The dog _________________________________________ when the cat walked by.
An elephant is a strong, _________________________________________ animal.
We gave Mum a large bunch of pretty _________________________________________.

❂ 3 Colour a word in the first row and a word in the second

row to make a compound word. Use different colours for
each compound word.
cow town sun down eye how
hill brow ever bell house flower

❂ 4 Write the words in the boxes to complete these sentences.

I rode d__________ the hill on my bike.

WOW She lives in a small t__________.

Word of the Week I cut the f__________ to put in a vase.
chocolate H__________ old are you?
Write about your
WOW word for three The farmer is milking his c__________.
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

110 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 22 Spelling Corner 43

Write a short paragraph about the King of Ud. A paragraph has a

Here are some words to trigger your thinking! number of sentences
around one idea.
town tower crown crowd flowers










term 3 lesson 22 Spelling Corner 44

Write three words that rhyme with each of these words.

flower how growl town

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 111

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams ou (out), ow (cow);
lesson 23 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

house ■ Board Work • Ask the students to spell some other words
found • Set up the board with vowels on the left orally, e.g. frown, shout, cloud.
ground and endings on the right. Review the short, A gain stress the importance of remembering
our snappy vowel sounds. what words look like.
hour • Today we will continue our study of the ow Button Work
sour sound. • Show your students how to represent the
flour • Write cloud and cow on the board and review letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
bounce the two teams, ou and ow, which have one
tWo different letters,
pounce one sound
Remember, o-u and o-w both spell ou (as in
now cow). t ow n
brow It’s like the sound we make when we hurt
l ou d
browse ourselves – ouch. • Ask students to spell some words orally using
brown Today we will look at some more words with a button pattern.
clown this sound.
• Remind them that, because these two teams
frown have the same sound, we have to remember
powder what the words look like to spell them
vowel correctly.
towel W
rite pairs of words, each with a different
team, and ask the students which one they
sight think is correct in each pair, e.g. down or
Words doun? howl or houl? sownd or sound? howr or
hour? Which one looks right?
begin ■ Book Work Open Book Work
receive • Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
some words with any common endings that
book to page 9, List 23.
apply, e.g. houses, hours, bouncing, browser,
• Work through the list. powdered.
• Ask students at random to close their eyes • Point out that the plural of mouse is mice.
and try to spell words from each list. Remind
them to think about what the words look like. Closed Book Work
Dictate words containing both ow and ou with
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady endings added. Use the language word +
pace. ending.
112 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 23

■ Word Work How will I know which

• Review compound words. Discuss any from the two team to use, ou or ow?
previous lessons and add others, e.g. mousetrap, The word will
lighthouse, housemaid, henhouse, sportsground. LOOK RIGHT!
• Review homophones. Discuss again the differences in Disc Work
meaning between our, hour; flour, flower. Students practise making and writing words containing ou
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students to and ow using Disc Work.
say what the words are: brown ish, hour ly, an nounce, Extension
an noun cer, pro nounce. • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
baggies. make before writing them.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Introduce the generalisation i before e except after c.
as before. Give examples and exceptions: relieve, chief, thieves,
• Remind students to double the n in begin before but deceive, ceiling.
adding ing. (The doubling rule applies because the
second syllable, gin, is a stressed syllable.)

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on discriminating words containing Spelling Corner
ou and ow, on adding endings, on antonyms and Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 45
compound words. and 46.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

ou, ow, word + ending
sugar ❥ Don’t bounce the ball in the house.
salt • pounced • hourly ❥ I found a hole in my brown socks.
begin • ours • towels
receive ❥ After my shower, I dried myself on a blue towel.
• browner
pretty ❥ We were out in the playground for half an hour.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 113

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 23
Pencil Work 23
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Complete the words. Add ou or ow.

I saw a br___________n snake going into the henh___________se.
I raced d___________n the hill in my go-kart.
He can c___________nt to one hundred, but I can c___________nt to one th___________sand.
I picked a bunch of fl___________ers from my garden.
I can hear the s___________nd of rushing water.
The wind is h___________ling through the trees.
Jesse is building a t___________er of blocks.

❂ 2 Circle the correct word.

There are storm (could clouds clown) in the (sow south sour).
She opened her (month mouth) to speak.
Come with me (cow how now)!
I saw a (down brow brown) snake under the (house how horse).

❂ 3 Draw a line between the words that are opposite in meaning.

town inside cloudy whisper
sour up loud soft
outside country south lost
now sweet shout north
down then found fine

❂ 4 Build some new words by adding beginnings. Read them to a friend.

Add out Add in

_____________side _____________ side

WOW _____________doors _____________ doors
Word of the Week
_____________bound _____________ bound
bouquet _____________wards _____________ wards
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop. _____________field _____________ field
Do not speak.

114 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 23 Spelling Corner 45

Add down to the beginning of each word in the first list.

Add out to the second list of words.
Read the words you have made to a friend.

down out

______________________stairs ______________________break
______________________stage ______________________fit
______________________stream ______________________line
______________________town ______________________field
______________________light ______________________board
______________________hearted ______________________side
______________________wind ______________________bound
______________________hill ______________________right

term 3 lesson 23 Spelling Corner 46

Quiz time!
All answers contain ou or ow and have five letters.

1 What do people live in? ________________________________________

2 What colour are nutshells? ________________________________________

3 From what does rain fall? ________________________________________

4 What does a queen wear on her head? ________________________________________

5 Who has a big smile and a red button nose? ________________________________________

6 What is one animal hunted by cats? ________________________________________

7 What is bread made from? ________________________________________

8 What shape is a circle? ________________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 115

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 24
term 3
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team aw (saw); Adding common endings; Compound words; Syllables

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

jaw ■ Board Work • Ask the students to help you build a list of
raw • Set up the board with vowels on the left rhyming words, e.g. saw, paw, jaw, claw, raw,
and endings on the right. Review the short, draw, flaw, straw.
claw snappy vowel sounds. The letter team a-w spells aw (saw).
straw • Now we are going to study two teams with
different spelling, but with the same sound. Button Work
lawn • Show your students how to represent the
dawn • Write saw and sauce on the board. Say the letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
fawn words, circle the two teams: the aw in saw
and the au in sauce. Tell the students to listen. tWo different letters,
These two teams have the same sound. one sound
P oint out that this sound is the same as the
shawl l aw n
or in storm, the ore in more and the oar in
crawl board. • Ask students to spell some words orally using
drawl a button pattern.
• This week we will look at the first of these two
tough stuff Write saw on the board. Circle aw.

straw berry Here is our first team. These two letters work
together to make one sound, aw (or).
aw ful
draw er

sight ■ Book Work Open Book Work

Words • Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
watch some words with any common endings that
book to page 9, List 24.
apply, e.g. drawing, claws, dawned, hawker,
• Work through the top set of words. It may be trawler.
before helpful for students to highlight the aw in • Explain the meanings of any unfamiliar
after each word. words.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady
Closed Book Work
Dictate words containing aw with endings
added. Use the language word + ending.

116 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3
lesson 24

■ Word Work
• Remind students of irregular past-tense forms: see, saw How will I know which
and draw, drew. team to use, aw or au?
The word will
• Review compound words. Discuss strawberry, sawmill, LOOK RIGHT!
drawback, sawmill, jawbone, drawback, lawnmower.
• Review homophones. Discuss the differences in Disc Work
meaning between raw, roar; saw, sore, soar; flaw, floor. Students practise making and writing words containing aw
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students to using Disc Work.
say what the words are: aw ful, awk ward, awe some, Extension
daw dle, aw ning, draw er. • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Return to the list and work through the Tough Stuff. • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
• Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable make before writing them.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Remind the students that er is the sound that rolls off
as before. the end of a word (schwa).
• Note that before and after are opposites.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on encoding and recognition of Spelling Corner
words containing aw, on adding common endings and Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 47
word meaning. and 48.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

aw, word + ending
watch ❥ We saw green ants crawling across the lawn.
twelve • dawned • drawing ❥ She was drawing a picture of a baby fawn.
before • claws • trawler
after ❥ He works on a prawn trawler.
• hawks
quite ❥ She took her shawl out of the top drawer.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 117

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 24
Pencil Work 24
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Complete the underlined words correctly.

The cat dug its claw_______________ into my arm.
The prawn trawl_______________ left as day was dawn_______________.
My baby sister is now crawl_______________.
The snow thaw_______________ overnight.
The timber has been saw_______________ into boards at the mill.

❂ 2 Quiz time! All answers have aw in them.

What is the foot of a dog called? p_______________________
What are the sharp nails on the feet of some animals? c_______________________
When does daylight first appear? d_______________________
How do you move on hands and knees? c_______________________
What is a shellfish with ten legs? p_______________________

❂ 3 Match these words and meanings by putting a number in the box.

Use a dictionary to help you.

1 awful 2 awkward 3 awning

4 awesome 5 dawdle 6 shawl
something worn over the shoulders waste time
something great or grand clumsy or hard to handle
something bad or unpleasant roof over a window

❂ 4 Be a word finder.

saw claw W A R T S C
shawl straw S H A W L L

WOW paw
Word of the Week A W E P A W
draw prawns
favourite C A K Y W A
Write about your
WOW word for three P R A W N S
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

118 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 3 lesson 24 Spelling Corner 47

In your spelling notebook, draw pictures of the things listed.

■ a strawberry milkshake in a glass with a straw

■ a prawn trawler on the sea at dawn

■ two children on a seesaw

■ a lady wearing a pink shawl

■ a boy mowing the lawn

term 3 lesson 24 Spelling Corner 48

Write the rhyming words.

saw lawn shawl

p_____________________ f_____________________ b_____________________

r_____________________ s_____________________ tr_____________________

j_____________________ p_____________________ dr_____________________

cl_____________________ d_____________________ br_____________________

dr_____________________ pr_____________________ cr_____________________

str_____________________ br_____________________ scr_____________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 119

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter team au (sauce); Adding
lesson 25 common endings; Compound words;
Syllables; Homophones
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

■ Board Work • Write pairs of words, each with a different
team, and ask the students which one they
haunt • Set up the board with vowels on the left think is correct in each pair, e.g. sauce or
sauce and endings on the right. Review the short, sawce? pause or pawse? haul or hawl? haunt
saucer snappy vowel sounds. or hawnt? Which one looks right?
cause • This week we will continue our study of the aw • Again stress the importance of remembering
pause sound. what words look like.
autumn • Write saw and sauce on the board and review
Button Work
August the two teams, aw and au, which have one
• Show your students how to represent the
letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
caught Remember, a-w and a-u both spell aw, (as in
taught tWo different letters,
one sound
daughter • Today we will look at some more words with
slaughter Silent e
this sound. p au s e
• Remind them that, because these two teams
tough stuff have the same sound, we have to remember • Ask students to spell some words orally using
what the words look like to spell them a button pattern.
au burn
naugh ty
au to mat ic
au di ence
■ Book Work Open Book Work
sight • Ask the students to refer to their list and
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
Words spell some words with any common endings
book to page 10, List 25.
that apply, e.g. haunted, causes, pausing,
nothing • Work through the top set of words. It may daughters.
until be helpful for students to highlight the au in
• Explain the meanings of any unfamiliar
none each word.
other • Explain to students that gh is not sounded in
many words. It is a “ghost” sound. The words Closed Book Work
in the next set – caught, taught, daughter Dictate words containing aw with endings
and slaughter – all have a silent gh (or ghost added. Use the language word + ending.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady

120 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 25

■ Word Work
• Remind students of irregular past-tense forms: teach, How will I know which
taught and catch, caught. team to use, aw or au?
The word will
• Review compound words. Discuss causeway, LOOK RIGHT!
stepdaughter, saucepan.
• Review homophones. Discuss the differences in
meaning between sauce, source; pause, paws; Disc Work
haul, hall; taut, taught; caught, court. Students practise making and writing words containing au
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students using Disc Work.
to say what the words are: naugh ty, haugh ty, Extension
nau tic al, au burn, aug ment, au to mo bile, au to mat ic, • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
au to graph, au di o, au dib le, au thor it y.
• Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
• Return to the list and work through the Tough Stuff. make before writing them.
• Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work Spelling Corner

The worksheet focuses on encoding words containing Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 49
au, adding common endings, on syllables and sentence and 50.
construction. Practice Work
Word of the Week se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a 9 and 10).
short, uninterrupted piece of writing.

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter team Dictation

au, word + ending
nothing ❥ Dan pressed the pause button on the TV.
until • haunted • causes ❥ Leaves turn golden yellow in autumn.
none • paused • hauling
other ❥ Paul caught two fish in August.
• taught
sure ❥ My daughter put out cups and saucers for tea.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 121

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 25
Pencil Work 25
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Complete the words by adding au.

The c____________se of the accident is not known.
Our teacher t____________ght us about earthquakes and volcanoes.
Paul likes pies with tomato s____________ce.
Joe c____________ght the ball and the game was over.
Mr Kidd collected ____________tumn leaves with his d____________ghter.

❂ 2 Add an ending to the first word to complete the sentence correctly.

haunt They tell me that the old stone house is ________________________________________.
pause We ________________________________________ to catch our breath.
author Who are your favourite ________________________________________?
haul The men are ________________________________________ in their fishing nets.
cause Heavy rain ________________________________________ major flooding in the town.

❂ 3 Put the syllables together and read the words. Check meanings in
a dictionary.
au + to + mo + bile _________________________________________ au + thor ___________________________________

au + di + ence _________________________________________ au + dib + le ___________________________________

au + to + graph _________________________________________ Au + gust ___________________________________

au + burn _________________________________________ au + di + o ___________________________________

❂ 4 Write three sentences about autumn.






Word of the Week


Australia __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

122 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 25 Spelling Corner 49

Write sentences to show you know the meanings of these homophones.

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

hall, haul__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

caught, court__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

paws, pause_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

taught, taut_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

term 4 lesson 25 Spelling Corner 50

Write down the letters in front of the correct answers only.

This will spell out what the garbage collector said.

1 Jordan threw the ball and Paul __________ it. (P) caught (C) catch
2 Leaves turn red and golden yellow in __________. (S) summer (I) autumn
3 We __________ the big fish into the boat. (C) hauled (D) shark
4 Kerry likes tomato __________ on chips. (L) source (K) sauce
5 The __________ clapped and stamped its feet. (P) author (I) audience
6 Do they know the __________ of the accident? (T) reason (N) cause
7 We __________ to watch the brilliant sunset. (G) paused (O) paws
8 Our teacher __________ us a new song. (Y) teach (U) taught
9 Jackson is the __________ of this new novel. (P) author (S) aunt

BUSINESS IS P_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ !

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 123
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams oy, oi (toy, boil);
lesson 26 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

■ Board Work • Point out that we use o-i in the middle of a
word and o-y at the end.
joy • Set up the board with vowels on the left
and endings on the right. Review the short, • Remind them we did a similar thing with a-i
snappy vowel sounds. and a-y.
royal • Now we are going to study two teams with Button Work
different spelling, but with the same sound. • Show your students how to represent the
letters and sounds in words with these
• Write boy and boil on the board. Say the patterns.
words, circle the two teams: the oy in boy and tWo different letters,
boil the oi in boil. Tell the students to listen. These one sound
coil two teams have the same sound. Repeat the
spoil words.
b oy b oi l
coin • Under the word boy, build some rhyming
join words with the students: toy, joy, soy, enjoy, • Ask students to spell some words orally using
joint ahoy. a button pattern.
point • Under the word boil, build some rhyming
voice words with the students: soil, spoil, toil, coil.
■ Book Work Open Book Work
• Ask the students to refer to their list and
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
spell some words with any common endings
book to page 10, List 26.
that apply, e.g. boiling, coiled, voices, noisy,
sight • Work through the list. It may be helpful for pointed.
students to highlight the oy and the oi in • Explain that spoiled can also be written as
group each word. spoilt (like dreamed and dreamt, learned and
young • Chant the words together, keeping a steady learnt).
listen pace. • Explain that choice is a noun derived from the
heard verb choose.
Closed Book Work
• Dictate words containing oy and oi with
endings added. Use the language word +

124 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 26

■ Word Work
oi is in the middle of a word.
• Review compound words. Discuss boyfriend, cowboy, oy is on the end.
tomboy, topsoil, oilcan, pinpoint. e.g. boil, boy; toil, toy; soil, soy.
• Review homophones. Discuss the differences in
meaning between boy, buoy.
Disc Work
• Write these syllables on the board and ask students Students practise making and writing words containing oi
to say what the words are: roy al ty, de stroy er, and oy using Disc Work.
em ploy ment, re coil, en joy a ble, joy ful.
• Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
• Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
• Point out that when words end in oy we add s, e.g. boys, make before writing them.
toys, enjoys. Do not change y to i.

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Review silent letters. Look at words with silent t: e.g.
as before. whistle, listen, castle, thistle, fasten, rustle, wrestle.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on discriminating and applying Spelling Corner
words containing oi and oy, on syllables and word Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 51
meaning. and 52.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

oi, oy, word + ending
group ❥ The boys sang in loud voices.
young • joyful • coiled ❥ Rain spoiled our picnic in the park.
listen • joining • coins
heard ❥ Young children often have many toys.
• choice
already ❥ I didn’t enjoy the show. It was too noisy.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 125

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 26
Pencil Work 26
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Add an ending to the underlined word to complete each

sentence correctly.
The water in the kettle is not boil__________________.
Our captain hoist__________________ the flag to the top of the pole.
My dental appoint__________________ is at four o’clock.
Steve has join__________________ the local cricket club.
There are four main point__________________ on a compass.

❂ 2 Join the words to their meanings.

poison lift or raise something
coin someone who is paid to work for another person
hoist trusty, faithful and devoted to another
employee metal piece of money
loyal something that can cause sickness or death
if swallowed

❂ 3 Join the syllables to build some new words.

an + noy + ance moi + sture
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

oy + ster poi + son + ous

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

joy + ful + ly oint + ment

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

roy + al + ty em + ploy + er
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

WOW ❂ 4 Complete the words by adding oi or oy.

Word of the Week
None of the b___________s in our class enj___________ playing chess.
shadows I took a two-dollar c___________n out of my pocket.
Write about your
WOW word for three The snake lay c___________led, ready to strike.
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. Abby p___________nted to the t___________ she wanted.
If it rains, it will sp___________l our picnic.
126 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 26 Spelling Corner 51

Build a sentence around each group of words.

a noisy crowd _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


an oily rag _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


two gold coins ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


joyful voices ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


a poisonous snake ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


term 4 lesson 26 Spelling Corner 52

Join the syllables. Write the words.

joint + ly a + void join + ing

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

hoi + sted roy + al + ty em + ploy + ment

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

moi + sture re + joice + ing boi + ler

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

joy + ful + ness dis + ap + point + ment an + noy + ance

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 127

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Letter teams are, air (care, chair);
lesson 27 Adding common endings;
Compound words; Syllables; Antonyms
Start the first teaching session of
the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of • Remind them that, because these two teams
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.
have the same sound, we have to remember
what the words look like to spell them
bare ■ Board Work
• Point out that there are a number of words
mare • Set up the board with vowels on the left
that can have either spelling, but they have
dare and endings on the right. Review the short,
different meanings, e.g. fare, fair; hair, hare;
rare snappy vowel sounds.
stair, stare.
stare • Now we are going to study two teams with
R emind them that these words are called
spare different spelling, but with the same sound.
share • Write stare and chair on the board. Say the
words. Circle the two teams: the are in stare Button Work
and the air in chair. Tell the students to listen. • Show your students how to represent the
hair These two teams have the same sound – air, letters and sounds in words with this pattern.
chair like the air we breathe. tHree different letters,
lair • Under the word stare, build some rhyming one sound
fair words, e.g. care, bare, fare, share, dare, snare.
pair • Under the word chair, build some rhyming
stairs words, e.g. stair(s), pair, fair, flair, hair. c are ch air
• Ask students to spell some words orally using
odd Bods a button pattern.

bear ■ Book Work Open Book Work
pear • Review the rule to drop the e before adding
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
swear ing or y, e.g. care, caring; stare, staring;
book to page 10, List 27.
scare, scary.
• Work through the top two sets of words.
sight • Ask the students to refer to their list and spell
Words • Chant the words together, keeping a steady some words with any common endings that
pace. apply, e.g. barely, staring, scary, fairy, carer,
build • Sometimes we see words where ear makes the chairs, wearing.
find same sound, air. • Explain the meanings of any unfamiliar
aunt W
rite wear and tear on the board. Say the words.
uncle words and point out the ear, making an air
Closed Book Work
Dictate words containing are, air, ear with
• Read the Odd Bods list. endings added.
E xplain that wear, ware; bear, bare; and pear,
pair, pare are also homophones.
T ell the students that they need to learn the
words and meanings together.
128 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 27

■ Word Work • Write these syllables on the board and ask students to
say what the words are: bear able, fair ness, un fair ly,
• Review compound words. Discuss armchair, wheelchair,
spar ing ly, re pair.
chairperson, fairground, barefaced, barefoot, caretaker,
scaremonger, scarecrow, shareholder, warehouse, • Continue to use the Compound Word and Syllable
hardware, welfare, thoroughfare, farewell, airbrush, baggies.
airport, hairbrush, hairline, hairdo, hairsbreadth,
hairline, staircase, stairwell, upstairs, downstairs. How will I know which team to
use, air or are?
• For interest, discuss some everyday expressions around I know which one LOOKS RIGHT
the word spare, e.g. spare time, spare moments, in the word I want to write.
spare tyre, spare change, spare cash, time to spare,
room to spare. Disc Work
• Review homophones. Discuss the differences in • Students practise making and writing words containing
meaning between bare, bear; fare, fair; flare, flair; are and air using Disc Work.
stare, stair; hare, hair; ware(s), wear(s) ; pair, pare, pear; • Give each student some or all of the common endings.
air, heir. • Ask them to add appropriate endings to the words they
make before writing them.

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on discriminating words containing Spelling Corner
air and are, on homophones, common endings and Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 53
compound words. and 54.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, letter teams Dictation

air, are, ear, word + ending
build ❥ Kate wears her hair in a ponytail.
find • carer • barely ❥ I took two spare pairs of socks on our trip.
aunt • sharing • fairly
uncle ❥ It was scary climbing up the dark staircase.
• pears
none ❥ I spend all my spare time reading in an armchair.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 129

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 27
Pencil Work 27
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Circle the correct homophone in red pencil.

She paid the bus (fair fare) to go into the city centre.
His feet were (bare bear) when he ran across the sand.
The lost sailors sent up a distress (flair flare).
She has a (pear pair) of yellow ribbons to tie in her (hair hare).
We ran down the (stares stairs) and into the city square.

❂ 2 Complete the table by adding an ending to each word.

Add s Add ing Add ed

❂ 3 Join the words to make compound words.

fare ware wheel case
hard foot hair chair
scare taker air person
bare crow stair brush
care well chair port

❂ 4 Be a word finder.
chairs rarely S C H A I R S E
bare bear E R A B S A W R

WOW daring
Word of the Week
bald farewell hairdo
Write about your
WOW word for three X Y G Q D L V Z
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. F A R E W E L L

130 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 27 Spelling Corner 53

Make compound words by joining two words together.

hair wear bare foot

scare ground wheel case

air brush ware taker

foot ware stair chair

fair crow care stairs

hard port down house

term 4 lesson 27 Spelling Corner 54

Write the rhyming words.

care dare air

p__________________ sp__________________ f__________________

r__________________ sc__________________ l__________________
d__________________ bl__________________ p__________________
f__________________ fl__________________ h__________________
h__________________ sn__________________ ch__________________
m__________________ gl__________________ fl__________________
sh__________________ squ__________________ st__________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 131

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 28
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Nouns, adjectives and verbs ending in y; The y rule

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
■ Board Work 2
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.
• Now write some adjectives ending in y on the
nouns board, e.g. happy, silly, crazy.
For this lesson there are three sections of Board
city Work and three sections of Open Book Work. T alk about how we can change many
baby Follow Board Work 1 with Open Book Work 1 adjectives so we can compare one thing to
body and continue with Board Work and Open Book another, e.g. big, bigger, biggest and tall,
key Work 2 and 3. taller, tallest.
boy • Explain that when adjectives end in y, we
■ Board Work 1 change the y to i before we add er, est or ly.
• This week we are going to look at the rules • Demonstrate: happy, happier, happiest,
Adjectives around words that end in y. happily; silly, sillier, silliest; crazy, crazier,
lazy • Write these words on the board: day, boy, key. craziest, crazily.
busy A sk students how to write their plural forms.
Write days, boys and keys.
■ Board Work 3
R emind them that, because there is a vowel • Write some verbs ending in y on the board,
before the y, we just add s to form the plural. e.g. play, stay, enjoy, employ.
• Write these words on the board: baby, lady, R emind students that we just add endings to
windy words ending in ay, ey or oy.
country, gully, party.
Verbs R emind them that, because the letter before W
rite the words with endings on the board,
carry the y is not a vowel, we must first change the e.g. plays, playing, played, player; enjoy,
y to i before we can add the plural ending es. enjoys, enjoying, enjoyed.
study Demonstrate. • Write these verbs on the board: carry, hurry,
• Write the plurals under the words babies, study. Tell students that we can just add ing
ladies, countries, gullies, parties. to verbs ending in y. However, for words that
enjoy do not have a vowel before the y, we must
• Write other words on the board and ask the change the y to i before we add s, ed or er.
sight students how to spell their plural forms, e.g.
Words poppy, poppies; pansy, pansies; fairy, fairies. • Demonstrate: carry, carrying, carries, carried,
carrier; hurry, hurrying, hurries, hurried.
• Make the generalisation that we change the
y to i before adding the plural ending, unless
children the letter before the y is a vowel.
■ Book Work • Remind them to ask: Do I need to change the
y to i before I add an ending?
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
book to page 11, List 28.
Open Book Work 1 To form plurals of nouns ending in y:
• Ask the students to read the list of nouns. • add s to nouns ending in ay, oy and ey.
Then ask them how to spell each plural form. • change the y to i and add es to all others.
Each time they will need to change the y to i
and add es.
132 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 28

Open Book Work 2 Open Book Work 3

• Ask the students to read the adjectives. Then ask them • Ask the students to look at the verbs. Then ask them to
to spell their comparative forms. Each time they will add endings.
need to change the y to i and add er or est. • Remind them to ask: Do I need to change the y to i
Remind them to ask: Do I need to change the y to i before I add an ending?
before I add an ending?
Closed Book Work
Dictate several words ending in y with endings added.
Evaluate student learning.

■ Word Work Peg Work 4

• Discuss compound words: boyfriend, cowboy, jellyfish, • Students can practise the y rule using the y-words Peg
keyboard, keyhole, somebody, nobody, everybody, Work. (Word cards and instructions for use are on the
lazybones, busybody. CD.) Students should decide whether to change the y to
• Explain that many adverbs, which describe the manner i before adding endings.
in which things are done, are made by adding ly to the • Ask the students to write their words in their notebooks.
adjective. Explore lazily, busily, tidily, prettily (noting the Ask them to write a minimum of ten words. At the end
y rule). of the session, tell the students to read their list to a

■ Memory Work
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words • Note the difference in meaning between bought (past
as before. tense of buy) and brought (past tense of bring).

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on plurals of words ending in y, Spelling Corner
adding common endings and discriminating between Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 55
bought and brought. and 56.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, y endings, Dictation

word + ending
across ❥ She enjoys studying old books.
children • jellies • carrying ❥ I have been to many cities in many countries.
bought • busier • hurries
brought ❥ The ladies hurried home with their babies.
• cities
group ❥ They found old bones buried in two dry gullies.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 133

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 28
Pencil Work 28
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Write the plural form of these words.

toy _____________________________________ baby _____________________________________

day _____________________________________ party _____________________________________

trolley _____________________________________ family _____________________________________

key _____________________________________ jockey _____________________________________

lady _____________________________________ body _____________________________________

❂ 2 Put in the correct word: bought or brought.

Jacob and Ryan ________________________________________ their dogs to the pet show.
Miss Rigg ________________________________________ a new small car yesterday.
Have you all ________________________________________ your money for the bus?
We ________________________________________ iceblocks at the shop on the corner.
Mum ________________________________________ us to school, but we must walk home.

❂ 3 Complete this table by adding the endings to these words.

Add s Add ing Add ed

❂ 4 Add endings to the underlined words.

Think about when to change the y to i.
My dog often bury________________ his bones in the backyard.
I feel like the lucky________________ person in the world!
WOW The boy________________ went to the zoo to see the monkey________________.
Word of the Week It is windy________________ today than it was yesterday.
stretch Gabby is the bossy________________ person I know!
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

134 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 28 Spelling Corner 55

Complete the table of adjectives.

Don’t forget the rules.

Add er Add est


term 4 lesson 28 Spelling Corner 56

Write these words in plural form.

gully _____________________________________________ chimney _____________________________________________

city _____________________________________________ jetty _____________________________________________

key _____________________________________________ Sunday _____________________________________________

hobby _____________________________________________ body _____________________________________________

belly _____________________________________________ jockey _____________________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 135

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 29
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Reviewing contractions

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up Pair off your students. Ask
them to select a list each and
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
read it softly to each other.
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

wouldn’t ■ Board Work
isn’t • Write the words did and not on the board. • Caution them against writing we’re as where.
can’t R emind the students that we often push these • Change we to you and repeat the process. Try
haven’t two words together to make one word. some others orally, e.g. he will, they would,
we’d When we do this we squeeze out the o. Watch.
I have.
we’ve • Write it’s, he’s, she’s, who’s, where’s and what’s
• Write and say didnt and then show the
we’re on the board.
students how we add an apostrophe to mark
they’ve where the o should be: didn’t. These words are also contractions – two words
they’re • Give some other examples: aren’t, hasn’t,
pushed together to make one word. What are
the two words? Establish the following:
wasn’t. Each time, talk about squeezing
out the o and marking the spot with an it’s = it is OR it has
he’s apostrophe. where’s = where is OR where has
you’d he’s = he is OR he has
• Remind them that we use these shortened
they’d who’s = who is OR who has
words in speaking most of the time.
we’ll she’s = she is OR she has
Remind them that these shortened words are what’s = what is OR what has
called contractions.
• List these words on the board: we would, we
have, we are. Ask the students how we would
what’s contract these words. Beside each, write the
where’s contraction: we’d, we’ve, we’re. The contraction it’s means it is.
Its is a pronoun showing ownership.
It’s a parrot. Its wings are red and blue.
push ■ Book Work
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
pull book to page 11, List 29.
• Ask the students to read through the list, first
saying the contraction and then the two words
it represents.
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady

136 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 29

■ Word Work Reinforcement

• Review contractions. Ask the students to jot down any contractions they find
• Discuss other negative contractions, e.g. can’t, don’t, in their reading during the week. When they share their
doesn’t, hadn’t, and pronoun contractions, e.g. they’re, findings with the class, make a list to pin on the wall. This
you’d, they’ll, she’ll, we’ve. list can be added to in ensuing weeks and becomes a
reference for the students to use when writing.
• Reintroduce the students to your Contraction baggies
(see Lesson 8). Tell the students, in groups, to match
contractions and words. They should write the The contration should’ve means
contractions in their notebooks. should have NOT should of.

■ Memory Work push on, give someone the push; put: putdown, put
up with, put upon, put on, put off, put out, put forward,
• Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words
put across, put about; pull: pull apart, pull to pieces,
as before.
pull in, pull up, pull out, pull yourself together, pull your
• Introduce students to some typically Australian weight.
expressions, e.g. push: push off, pushover, push-up,
• Say and spell all the Sight Words aloud together.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on recognising and applying Spelling Corner
contractions. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 57
Word of the Week and 58.
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students Practice Work
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

bush ❥ He doesn’t have any money.
push • won’t • can’t ❥ He’s living in a city apartment.
pull • they’re • there’s
put ❥ They’re watching the bike race.
• who’s
heard ❥ Where’s he gone and what’s he doing?

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 137

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 29
Pencil Work 29
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Write the contraction for the two words underlined.

Sarah could not see over the fence. ________________________________________

I have not been to the Australia Zoo. ________________________________________

Brett has not been to Hobart before. ________________________________________

Why did you not eat your lunch? ________________________________________

Amy is not going home until five o’clock. ________________________________________

❂ 2 Match and colour the contractions. Use different colours for

each contraction.
it’s they will wouldn’t you would haven’t do not
they’ll you are he’s who will there’s what is
we’ve she would you’d he is don’t where is
she’d we have should’ve would not what’s there is
you’re it is who’ll should have where’s have not

❂ 3 Complete the sentences using a contraction of the two words in

(They are) _________________________________ coming to my birthday party.
(We will) _________________________________ wash the clothes and hang them out to dry.
(Let us) _________________________________ have some ice cream with chocolate topping.
(can not) We _________________________________ go until the bell rings.
(She is) _________________________________ running to catch the train into the city.

❂ 4 Match the contractions and words by placing a number in the box.

you will they are
1 we’ve 6 can’t
2 that’s 7 won’t we have that is

WOW 3 who’s 8 doesn’t who is could not

Word of the Week can not have not
4 they’re 9 haven’t
bushfire 5 you’ll 10 couldn’t will not does not
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

138 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 29 Spelling Corner 57

Make a list of the words that have been “pushed together”

to make these contractions. Read your list to a friend.
won’t it’s they’re
___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

should’ve there’s we’d

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

doesn’t I’ve she’ll

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

can’t what’s I’d

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

hasn’t he’ll where’s

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

who’s you’ve they’ll

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

term 4 lesson 29 Spelling Corner 58

Underline the contractions in these sentences.

Beside each one write the two words they replace.
1 I’d like a peanut butter sandwich. I would

2 After school, they’re going to football training. __________________________________

3 We’re going to the beach with our cousins. ___________________________________

4 Thomas doesn’t know what time the plane is leaving. ___________________________________

5 Where’s my shoe? ___________________________________

6 She’ll have a cup of tea, but I’d like coffee. ___________________________________

7 Kimberley isn’t as tall as Emily. ___________________________________

8 He’s going to the pool, but I’m not. ___________________________________

9 It’s too far to go and I’m too tired. ___________________________________

10 Who’ll come for a walk on the beach with me? ___________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 139

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 30
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Reviewing compound words

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up Pair off your students. Ask
them to select a list each and
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
read it softly to each other.
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

penknife ■ Board Work
rainfall • Write the words water and hole on the board. • Give them several other examples:
paintbrush What are these words? water, hole day + light, clothes + line, flag + pole.
goalkeeper • Ask the students to recall that these words are
• Rewrite the words as a compound word.
weekend called compound words – two words joined
If I joined them together like this, what word together to make one word.
would I have? waterhole
■ Book Work Closed Book Work
footpath • Dictate several compound words, as much as
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
possible using words met in previous lessons,
firewood book to page 11, List 30.
or known Sight Words, e.g. wintertime,
moonlight • Notice how the first word in each compound blackboard, teaspoon, mousetrap.
tablespoon word is in bold type. This is to remind you to • Evaluate the learning.
farmyard clearly say the end of this word. This will help
bookmark you to remember how to spell these words. Reinforcement
During reading time, ask the students to write
outdoors • Remind the students that the words all have
down any compound words they find. At the
downhill sounds in them they have studied before.
end of reading time, share their findings. Add
birdsong • Work through the lists. any words they have found to a chart on the
surfboard • Chant the words together, keeping a steady classroom wall headed Compound Words.
Say the words clearly.
beneath Listen to what you say.
whose This will help you with your spelling.

140 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 30

■ Word Work
• Give the students practice in assembling compound
words from your Compound Word baggies. Students
work in pairs to assemble and write the compound
words in their notebooks. They should read their
finished lists to each other or to the class.
• Ask the students to select three words from their list to
“test” their partner by asking them to write the words
from memory.
• Remind them that saying the word parts clearly and
listening to what they say will help them with their

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on developing a strong Spelling Corner
understanding of compound words and how they are Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 59
formed. and 60.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

though ❥ We went outside to collect some firewood.
beneath • coastline • footpath ❥ We are going skateboarding this weekend.
whose • moonlight • surfboard
both ❥ I have a box of watercolours and a paintbrush.
• indoors
another ❥ I do my homework in the afternoon.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 141

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 30
Pencil Work 30
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Join two words to make a compound word. Write it on the line.

any crow ________________________________________

pass ground ________________________________________

sun about ________________________________________

round where ________________________________________

scare word ________________________________________

sports glasses ________________________________________

❂ 2 Now use some of those compound words to complete these

I waited for the car to pass through the ________________________________________.
You will need a ________________________________________ to log on to the computer.
She couldn’t find her ________________________________________.
We went to the ________________________________________ to watch the cricket.
A ________________________________________ frightened birds away from the farmer’s crops.

❂ 3 Two words join to make a compound word. Circle the first word in
red and the second in blue.
silkworm hardware toothache headlights seatbelt slowcoach
portholes snakebite rosebuds haircut notepaper teacloth

❂ 4 Illustrate the following compound words.

a surfboard a mailbox a horseshoe

Word of the Week a scarecrow a lighthouse
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

142 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 30 Spelling Corner 59

Write the compound words to complete this table.

Read your list to a friend.

Add some Add any

where somewhere anywhere





term 4 lesson 30 Spelling Corner 60

Add sea to the beginning of the words in the first list.

Add out to the second list of words. Read your words to a friend.

Add sea Add out

side seaside side outside
weed doors
shore field
gull line
shell break
horse right
board skirts
bed burst
food law
TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 143
ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 31
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Prefixes un– (not), dis– (opposite of )

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up Pair off your students. Ask
them to select a list each and
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
read it softly to each other.
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

unfair ■ Board Work
unhappy • We have done a lot of work on adding • Establish that by adding un– we have a word
unfold endings to words. This week we are going to that is opposite in meaning.
unlike look at how we can add beginnings as well.
• Give them several other examples: clean,
unopened • Write the word load on the board. unclean; cooked, uncooked; paid, unpaid;
unkind Ask a student to use it orally in a sentence. known, unknown.
untidy • I can add un– to the beginning of this word. • Tell the students that un– is a prefix – a
untie syllable fixed to the beginning a word to
Write un in front of load. change its meaning.
A sk the students to tell you the new word – • Repeat the above procedure for introducing
dishonest unload. the prefix dis–.
dislike A sk a student to use this word orally in a
displease sentence.
■ Book Work Closed Book Work
• Dictate several words with prefixes un– and
sight Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
dis–, e.g. unclear, unseen, unreal, unpopular;
Words book to page 12, List 31.
disloyal, displace, distaste, disuse.
• The prefixes un– and dis– are in bold type • Evaluate the learning.
to help you to remember how to spell these
yesterday words.
These prefixes never change their spelling.
• Work through the words in the list,
establishing that adding un– and dis– make
words of opposite meaning.
A prefix is a syllable “fixed”
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady to the beginning of a word to
pace. change its meaning.

144 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 31

■ Word Work Open Book Work

• Prepare some Prefix baggies. One set could contain • Refer students to their word list and ask them to add
two prefixes and ten words they can be placed before. common endings to some of the words, e.g. unfolded,
Students work in pairs to assemble words and write unfairly, untied, unkindly, disappearing, discontinued,
them in their notebooks. dislikes, dishonesty.

Note: Some words may have either prefix attached, • Point out how we can change words from one form
e.g. like, unlike, dislike. to another, e.g. unhappy can become unhappiness;
disappear can become disappearance; disbelieve can
• Students should read their finished lists to each other or become disbelief.
to the class.
(This is intended only as an informal introduction to the
later complexities of morphemic knowledge.)

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching the Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on introducing students to un– and Spelling Corner
dis– as prefixes that make words of opposite meaning. Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 61
Word of the Week and 62.
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students Practice Work
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

prefixes un–, dis–
move ❥ Ann is unlike her twin sister.
yesterday • dislike • uncooked ❥ I was unhappy to hear that he had been unkind.
country • displease • unfairly
morning ❥ The unopened box was on the table.
• disobey
receive ❥ Her room is untidy and her bed is unmade.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 145

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 31
Pencil Work 31
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Build these words with prefixes.

done ____________________________________ appear ____________________________________

healthy ____________________________________ appoint ____________________________________

tangle ____________________________________ coloured ____________________________________

un dis
fit ____________________________________ mount ____________________________________

certain ____________________________________ abled ____________________________________

worthy ____________________________________ believe ____________________________________

❂ 2 Now use some of those words to complete these sentences.

You may need to add endings.
We helped the ________________________________________ person in the wheelchair.
He ________________________________________ his bike and placed it in the bike rack.
Her shoelaces are ________________________________________.
We were ________________________________________ when our school trip was cancelled.
The clouds ________________________________________ and the sun shone brightly.

❂ 3 Select the correct prefix to complete the words. Choose un– or dis–.
We had to ______________continue our work when the bell rang.
I ______________like waiting in line to be served.
I wanted a book about possums, but is was ______________available.
Do you think the new student is ______________friendly, or is she just shy?
I felt ______________easy as the storm rolled overhead.

❂ 4 Highlight the prefix in each word. Say the words to a friend.

uneasy disease
dismay unsteady
WOW uninterested disgraceful
Word of the Week disbelief unfasten
porridge unlikely disprove
Write about your
WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak.

146 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 31 Spelling Corner 61

Add the prefixes to complete these tables.

Read your list to a friend.

Add un– Add dis–

able unable
________________________________________ appear disappear

cover ________________________________________ trust ________________________________________

dress ________________________________________ please ________________________________________

selfish ________________________________________ obey ________________________________________

even ________________________________________ regard ________________________________________

important ________________________________________ honest ________________________________________

sure ________________________________________ embark ________________________________________

term 4 lesson 31 Spelling Corner 62

Write antonyms by adding the prefix un–.

Read the words to a friend.

happy ___________________________________________ comfortable ___________________________________________

healthy ___________________________________________ like ___________________________________________

painted ___________________________________________ guarded ___________________________________________

fit ___________________________________________ usual ___________________________________________

wise ___________________________________________ screw ___________________________________________

roll ___________________________________________ popular ___________________________________________

pack ___________________________________________ lock ___________________________________________

equal ___________________________________________ common ___________________________________________

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 147

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
lesson 32
term 4
Teaching notes
Focus: Suffixes –ful (full of ), –less (without)

Start the first teaching session of

the week with a Word Warm-up Pair off your students. Ask
them to select a list each and
Word using a previous list. For the rest of
read it softly to each other.
Warm-ups the week, use the current list.

helpful ■ Board Work
joyful • We have done a lot of work on adding • Underline helpful and ask students what type
doubtful endings to words. This week we are going to of word it is (adjective).
cheerful look at some others. E xplain that –ful means full of, so helpful
colourful • Write help on the board. means full of help.
tearful B eside it write this sentence: I help my • Tell the students that –ful is a suffix – a syllable
playful friends. fixed to the end of a word to change the way
hurtful we use it.
• Underline help and ask students what type of
plentiful word it is (verb). So, when we add –ful, the word becomes an
adjective used to describe something.
I can change this verb to something else by
adding an ending. • Give them several other examples: peaceful,
friendless shameful, graceful.
cloudless • Write help again and add –ful: helpful.
Note the spelling: –ful not –full.
pointless Beside it write: I am a helpful person.
• Repeat the above procedure for introducing
the suffix –less.
E xplain that –less means without, so useless
means without use.

sight ■ Book Work Closed Book Work

Words • Dictate several words with suffixes –ful and
Tell the students to open their Word Warm-ups
–less, e.g. playful, handful, spoonful; shoeless,
book to page 12, List 32.
tomorrow hatless, tasteless.
usual • The suffixes –ful and –less are in bold type • Evaluate the learning.
to help you to remember how to spell these
These suffixes never change their spelling.
• Work through the words in the lists
establishing that adding –ful and –less make A suffix is a syllable “fixed”
words of opposite meaning. to the end of a word that changes
• Chant the words together, keeping a steady the way we use it.

148 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4
lesson 32

■ Word Work Open Book Work

• Prepare some Suffix baggies. One set could contain two • Tell students that often we can form adverbs (words that
suffixes and 10 to12 words. Students work in pairs to say more about the verb) by adding ly to the end of an
assemble words and write them in their notebooks. adjective, e.g. late, lately; clear, clearly; sad, sadly.
Note: Some words may have either suffix attached and • Refer students to the word list and ask them to spell
will become antonyms, e.g. useful, useless; helpful, some words where ly can be added, e.g. helpfully,
helpless; graceful, graceless. joyfully, tearfully, carelessly, fearlessly, harmlessly.
• Students should read their finished lists to each other or
to the class.

■ Memory Work
Use the same procedure for teaching Sight Words as before.

■ Pencil Work
The worksheet focuses on introducing students to –ful and Spelling Corner
–less as suffixes that change words to adjectives, and on Learning is reinforced by Spelling Corner activities 63
forming adverbs by adding ly. and 64.
Word of the Week Practice Work
A Word of the Week (WOW word) is provided for students se word games, hands-on materials and other activities
to “show what they know” about spelling by composing a to build skills and strategies (see Introduction, pages 6, 7,
short, uninterrupted piece of writing. 9 and 10).

■ Assessment
Use the assessment items to check the progress of your students. Dictate the words and sentences, and use the results
to diagnose problems, intervening if necessary. Choose all items or make a selection to suit the needs of your class.

sight Words Focus Words, Dictation

suffixes –ful and –less
tomorrow ❥ A harmless tree snake slid past our tent.
usual • helpful • useless ❥ He stood fearlessly as the bull approached him.
afternoon • harmful • cheerful
picnic ❥ We handed our colourful pictures to the teacher.
• fearless
before ❥ We had a picnic under cloudless blue skies.

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 149

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 32
Pencil Work 32
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

❂ 1 Build these words with suffixes.

Add –ful Add –less

❂ 2 Add the correct suffix. Choose from –ful and –less.

What a help_________________ person you are! Thank you!
I am so tired today because I had a sleep_________________ night.
Please be care_________________ when you cross the street.
Many snakes and most spiders are harm_________________.
An elephant is a strong, power_________________ animal.

❂ 3 Add –ly to these adjectives to form adverbs.

fearless __________________________________________ useful __________________________________________

hurtful __________________________________________ doubtful __________________________________________

restless __________________________________________ careless __________________________________________

peaceful __________________________________________ thoughtful __________________________________________

hopeless __________________________________________ cheerful __________________________________________

❂ 4 Write three sentences.

Include these words: playful, careless, colourful

WOW • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Word of the Week _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

exciting • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write about your

WOW word for three
minutes. Do not stop.
Do not speak. • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


150 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
term 4 lesson 32 Spelling Corner 63

Add suffixes to the words to complete the tables.

Read the words to a friend.

Add –ful Add –less

use useful friend friendless
peace time
truth point
plenty mother
wonder father
thought breath
hurt speech

term 4 lesson 32 Spelling Corner 64

Complete the table of adjectives.

Add –ful Add –less


TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © blake educaTion 2015 151

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 4 spelling Corner 13
1 Mum, eggs, pan 1 bundle, candle, saddle, riddle, cuddle; bacon, diet, motel, motor, notion, pupil, recent, title,
Jack, Jill, ran, hill crumble, jumble, scramble, stumble, bubble; silence
sit, under, lunch juggle, jiggle, bangle, single, jungle spelling Corner 14
hit, with, bat 2 fiction, middle, Soccer, ribbon, fraction e.g. aim, air, airy, alit, alter, amen, an, ant, antler,
clap, hands, stamp 3 pickled onions, dinner plate, soccer match, arm, army, art, arty, at, ate, ear, earl, early, earn, eat,
2 socks, flags, nests wriggly worms, chicken nuggets, silver bangle; immortal, in, into, iota, item, lair, lame, lament, lane,
3 flag, pink, sun, socks, lambs pepper pot, quick action, sudden storm, sizzling late, later, layer, lean, leant, learn, learnt, lemon,
4 backpack, sunhat, dustpan, stopwatch, pancake, sausages, scrambled eggs, bottled water lent, liar, lie, lime, line, lint, lit, loam, loamy, loan,
eggshell, matchbox, windmill, handbag, 4 answers will vary. lone, loner, lore, lot, mail, maim, main, male, malt,
padlock, lipstick, anthill spelling Corner 7 man, mane, many, mare, mate, me, meal, mean,
spelling Corner 1 fiddle, pebble, giggle, knuckle, settle, wobble, meant, meat, melt, men, mental, met, metal, mile,
lamp, stamp, champ, camp, ramp, tramp, clamp, bundle, angle, trickle, grumble, nestle, whistle, milo, mime, mine, miner, minor, mint, minty, mire,
scamp wrapper, rubbish, stubborn, election, protection, mite, mitre, moan, moat, mole, moment, money,
bend, lend, mend, send, tend, trend, spend, blend infection more, mortal, motel, my, oar, oat, oaten, oil, oily,
omen, on, oral, rail, rain, ram, rant, rat, rate, real,
spelling Corner 2 spelling Corner 8
reality, realty, ream, rein, relay, rely, remain, retail,
jump: dump, lump, hump, pump, rump, plump, struggles, struggling, struggled; whistles, whistling,
retain, renal, rent, rental, rile, rim, roam, roan, rot,
thump whistled; trickles, trickling, trickled; tingles, tingling,
rota, rote, tail, tale, tame, tamer, tare, tea, teal, team,
lip: sip, nip, hip, grip, ship, trip, slip tingled; crumbles, crumbling, crumbled; bubbles,
tear, ten, tier, tile, tin, tine, tire, tone, toner, tore, toy,
hot: got, lot, not, dot, slot, shot, trot bubbling, bubbled
trail, train, tram, tray, trial, trim, yarn, year, yearly,
pest: nest, test, rest, best, west, quest, chest
Lesson 5 yearn, yet, yeti
pack: tack, sack, rack, black, stack, track, quack
1 shaping, stony, skated, lining, tunes
Lesson 2 2 faces, tubes, kites, brakes, poles,
Lesson 8
1 doesn’t – does not; they’re – they are;
1 hedge, people, pink, bed, dance roses, games, bones, prices, whales
she’ll – she will; can’t – can not;
2 cutting, butter, dropped, misty, stopped, rushed 3 plane, woke, fine, drives or drove, plates
wouldn’t – would not; it’s – it is;
3 hear, want, their, some, here, sent 4 won, sore, with, too, There
you’d – you would; should’ve – should have;
4 thickest, bumpy, blocked, longer, patches, spelling Corner 9 haven’t – have not; there’s – there is;
slipper, planting, dishes, funny, rocks tame, fame, same, shame, game, came, frame, lame; don’t – do not; we’ve – we have
spelling Corner 3 made, fade, trade, blade, spade, wade, grade, shade 2 The boys in our class don’t collect stamps.
hip, hill, hid, hit, him, spin, spill, spit, trip, trick, trill, spelling Corner 10 You haven’t set the table for dinner!
trim, rip, rick, rill, rig, rid, rim, fin, fill, fist, fig, fit, bin, chases, chasing, chased; pastes, pasting, pasted; no, we weren’t climbing trees.
bill, big, bid, bit, dip, din, dill, dig, did, dim, lip, lick, ices, icing, iced; saves, saving, saved; 3 We’d, its, it’s; i’ve, it’s; i’m, we’re; You’re; it’s,
list, lid, lit, nip, nick, nit pokes, poking, poked; lives, living, lived; can’t
spelling Corner 4 closes, closing, closed; uses, using, used; 4 answers will vary.
help, spots, brushes, digging, flash, cricket, jumper, glides, gliding, glided; laces, lacing, laced spelling Corner 15
quickly, dusty should have, could not, they are, where is, she would
Lesson 6
Lesson 3 1 were, was, was, Were, was, were (or she had), you will, who is (or who has), will not
1 There, hear, went, some, where 2 plane, white, slicing, knife, make, cake, ice, icing, spelling Corner 16
2 dusty, windy, singing, clapping, knocked, smiled, gave, joke, game, Snakes 1 would not 2 will not, it is 3 can not, do not
opened, bossiest, baker, crusty 3 rider, shining, lively, used, spicy 4 did not 5 where have 6 she will, i would 7 was not
3 somewhere, sometimes, somehow, something, 4 placing, placed, dining, dined, poking, poked, 8 he is, i am 9 it is, i am 10 they have, can not
somebody, someone using, used, staging, staged;
anywhere, anyway, anyhow, anything, anybody, nosy, crazy, shiny, bony, slimy
Lesson 9
1 painted, waiting, afraid, fingernails, staying
anyone spelling Corner 11 2 mane, tail; bails; ate, waste; sale; plane
4 cents, accident, fringe, ledge, city gliding, blaming, living, fading, hiding, taking, 3 sailing; staying, painting; snails, trails; players,
spelling Corner 5 roping, dozing; closed, hoped, named, wired, saved, training; staying, days
sandpit, candlestick, pancake, backyard, flowerpot, liked, guided, waved 4
lamppost, lipstick, backpack, lamplight, everybody spelling Corner 12 g p r a i S e Y T l
or everywhere, nowhere or nobody, underground lazy, nosy, icy, posy, slimy, tasty, smoky, stony; a l W a Y S g J k a
spelling Corner 6 safely, wisely, bravely, lonely, surely, gamely, timely,
trams, plants, sticks, patches, boxes; gravely d a r S a i l i n g
grabbing, catching, dropping, sending, flapping;
Lesson 7 F i c T e r a g i a
slammed, listed, munched, spotted, wrecked;
1 Spiders, station, metres, paper, stable, lotion
stretcher, camper, knitter, locker, shopper; p n T r W F i Y a i
2 music: tunes that are sung or played on
sunny, windy, crunchy, foggy, risky;
quickly, crossly, sadly, oddly, gladly S c H a i n d M r n
feline: having to do with cats
nation: many people living in one country o k b i l S V M b Y
human: man, woman or child
notion: thought or idea r a i n Y l X a F T
solar: having to do with the sun
M T e e u F a i n T
3 rifle, title, secret, paper, tiger, station
4 answers will vary. T c Z r i k o l S W

152 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © 2015 blake educaTion

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
spelling Corner 17 spelling Corner 24 spelling Corner 32
daytime, railway, paintbrush, fingernail, raincoat, coastline, pillowcase, snowstorm, scarecrow, artwork, barnyard, armchair, cardboard, starlight,
mailbox, roadway, mailman, daylight, rainbow, wheelbarrow, raincoat, snowflakes, undergrowth, carport, farmhouse, lifeguard, faraway, sharkskin,
playtime, nailbrush coastguard, overload, bowstring, rollercoaster carwash, parkland
spelling Corner 18 Lesson 13 Lesson 17
waiter, baited, faintly, decayed, painter, 1 cook, book, Wool, foot, door 1 first, third, bird, dirty, shirts, skirts
staying, trainer, swayed, painful, drainage, 2 crooked (bent), poor, good, fast, low; 2 illustration exercise
brainy, straighten, praising, plainly, displaying old, short, under, narrow, near (close) 3 stirring, dirty, twirled, firmly, squirted
Lesson 10 3 football, footprint, footpath, footsore, footloose, 4
footstool, footfall S Q u i r T e d
1 wheels, feet, deer, streets, sheep, knees,
speeches, weeks 4 cooking, looked, woollen (woolly), books, l k r g T F n i
2 saw, fed, met, kept, slept, felt wooden
3 green, bees, freezer, cheese, three spelling Corner 25 S l F i r M e r
4 deeply, cheeky, freezer, greedy, sneezing, answers will vary. p r T r i k S T
greeting, freely, feelers, screeched, agreement spelling Corner 26
spelling Corner 19 1 wool 2 cook 3 door 4 goodbye 5 book 6 foot b i r T H d a Y
feel: reel, heel, kneel, steel, wheel k g W H S o M r
Lesson 14
seek: peek, week, meek, sleek creek
1 illustration exercise
green: seen, been, keen, preen, screen spelling Corner 33
2 scooters, loosely, cooler, groomed, gloomily,
feed: weed, need, seed, deed, breed blackbird, worldwide, password, firsthand, artwork,
soonest, moody, foolishly, roofs, rooster
meet: feet, sheet, sweet, tweet, street birthday, girlfriend, whirlwind
3 teeth, loose, too, roofs, geese
spelling Corner 20 4 toolbox, schoolroom, toothache, tablespoon, spelling Corner 34
streetlight, freeway, wheelbarrow, wheelchair, footstool, moonlight, afternoon, foodstuff swirling, circle, circular, firstly, firmly, stirring,
wheelhouse, weekday, weekend, deerskin, whirling, confirm, dirtiest, thirsty, circumstance,
spelling Corner 27
beehive, beekeeper, walkway, sheepskin, daylight, circumference
c loose, H school, a footprints, M boots, p hook,
greenhouse, greenkeeper, seaweed, seaway,
i roof, o cook, n moon Lesson 18
treehouse, lighthouse, housekeeper, reindeer,
You are a cHaMpion! 1 serving, sternly, terms, nervous, perched
spelling Corner 28 2 alert, fern, perch, stern, swerve, term
Lesson 11 illustration exercise 3 1 jerk – sudden, sharp tug
1 tealeaves, teapot, tea; heated, meal; lead, beach; 2 herd – large group of animals
east, seaside; eat, peaches, cream Lesson 15 3 ferns – plants found in a rainforest
2 creamy, speaker, teaching, dealer, cleanest, 1 fl oorboards, teaspoon, bookshelf, toothbrush, 4 person – man, woman or child
easterly, weakling, screamed, beastly, squealing footsteps, classroom, toolbox, broomstick, 5 stern – back end of a boat
3 seashell, seashore, seaweed, seabed, seaside, understood, footpath 6 kernel – inner part of a nut
seaworthy, seamen 2 toothbrush, teaspoon, footsteps, classroom, 4 terms, kerb, person, germs, perch
4 answers will vary. footpath
3 scooter, drooped, coolest, scoops, spooning spelling Corner 35
spelling Corner 21 1 third 2 perched 3 first person 4 girl, skirt 5 stirring
4 illustration exercise
tealeaves, seaweed, mealtime, heatwave, sealskin, 6 swirled, fern 7 girl, thirteen, birthday
spearmint, dreamtime, jellybeans, teaspoon, spelling Corner 29 8 circled, herd
meatloaf, teardrop, seashore cool: fool, pool, stool, spool, drool, school
boot: loot, hoot, toot, root, shoot, scoot spelling Corner 36
spelling Corner 22 personality, servant, terminus, certificate, service,
hoop: loop, coop, droop, snoop, scoop, stoop
1 streamers, tree germany, nervous, thermometer, mermaid, Mercury,
room: doom, boom, zoom, bloom, broom, groom
2 sweep, leaves, please merchant, certainly
3 been, eating, peaches, cream spelling Corner 30
4 year, keep, neat, clean tablespoon, tablecloth, footpath, football, footprints, Lesson 19
5 week, meeting, beach footmark, sunroom, sunlight, tearoom, tealight, 1 nurses, nursing, nursed; curls, curling, curled;
teaspoon, teacloth, bookshelf, bookend, bookmark, curves, curving, curved; surfs, surfing, surfed,
Lesson 12 headroom, headache, headlight, toothache, spurts, spurting, spurted
1 coaching, foals, slowly, soapy, loaded, goats, toothbrush, toothmark, brushwood, brushmark, 2 hurdle, curtains, purchase, purple, furniture
groaned moonlight, ballroom, bedroom, bedhead, bedend, 3 turkey, nursery, turnip, further, burden, burglar,
2 rollercoaster, coastline, arrowhead, boatshed, weekend, classroom hamburger, turtle
undergrowth, goalkeeper, powerboat, toadstool 4 burst, curly, hurt, Turn, surfing
3 overcoat, raincoat, topcoat, undercoat, waistcoat, Lesson 16
1 shark, garden, stars, cars, farmer spelling Corner 37
2 farmhouse, bookmark, towbar, carport, artwork, 1 girl, curly 2 burning, hurtled 3 turn, burn
4 foal: coal, goal, shoal
armchair, sharkskin 4 Her, dirty 5 further, girls 6 serve, hamburgers,
toast: roast, coast, boast
3 marching, barking, farmer, started, mark, Thursdays 7 service 8 person, birthday
road: toad, load, goad
goat: boat, coat, throat sharpen spelling Corner 38
moan: groan, loan, roan 4 target, apartment, sharpener, parcel, collar, illustration exercise
harvest, popular, arcade, marvellous, gardener
spelling Corner 23
5 answers will vary.
croaking, roasting, groaning, coaching, rowing,
following, showing, growing spelling Corner 31
poached, floated, loaded, toasted, lowered, mowed, artist, article, calendar, barber, cargo, dollar, arcade,
bellowed, crowed target, partner, arson, bargain, harbour, sharpen,
guardian, artillery, marbles

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © 2015 blake educaTion 153

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Lesson 20 spelling Corner 46 Lesson 27
1 sore, board, ore, course, pour 1 houses 2 brown 3 clouds 4 crown 5 clown 6 mouse 1 fare, bare, flare, pair, hair, stairs
2 porthole, snowstorm, seashore, swordfish, 7 flour 8 round 2 shares, sharing, shared; cares, caring, cared;
ripcord, seaport, stormwater, storybook Lesson 24 pairs, pairing, paired; flares, flaring, flared;
3 scoring, scored; storming, stormed; 1 claws, trawler, dawning, crawling, thawed, sawn stares, staring, stared
forcing, forced; roaring, roared; 2 paw, claws, dawn, crawl, prawn 3 farewell, hardware, scarecrow, barefoot,
ordering, ordered; storing, stored; 3 1 awful – something bad or unpleasant caretaker, wheelchair, hairbrush, airport,
boarding, boarded 2 awkward – clumsy or hard to handle staircase, chairperson
4 port: sort, fort, sport, short, snort 3 awning – roof over a window 4
sore: more, bore, core, shore, snore, store S c H a i r S e
4 awesome – something great or grand
spelling Corner 39 5 dawdle – to waste time e r a b S a W r
seaside, seagull, seashell, seashore, seaboard, 6 shawl – something worn over the shoulders
seabed, seaweed, seahorse, seafood, seaport 4 l a i r H e k a
W a r T S c
spelling Corner 40 F r r i a b J l
orchid – tropical flowering plant S H a W l l
orchestra – large group of players of musical Y e d a r i n g
instruments F W a r d a
o l o p e H n M
ornament – beautiful object or decoration a W e p a W
orphan – person whose parents have died X Y g Q d l V Z
cornet – wind instrument like a small trumpet c a k Y W a
cormorant – fish-eating bird F a r e W e l l
p r a W n S
Lesson 21 spelling Corner 53
1 o utside, outboard, outline, outfit, outlaw, spelling Corner 47 hairbrush, scarecrow, airport, footwear, fairground,
outbound, outskirts, outbreak, outdoors, illustration exercise hardware, barefoot, wheelchair, warehouse,
outfield, outburst, outlast staircase, caretaker, downstairs
spelling Corner 48
2 outlaw, outfield, outfit, outboard, outline
saw: paw, raw, jaw, claw, draw, straw spelling Corner 54
3 lighthouse, loudspeaker, playground,
lawn: fawn, sawn, pawn, dawn, prawn, brawn care: pare, rare, dare, fare, hare, mare, share
hourglass, outdated, southbound, background,
shawl: bawl, trawl, drawl, brawl, crawl, scrawl dare: spare, scare, blare, flare, snare, glare, square
roundabout, mousetrap, blackout
air: fair, lair, pair, hair, chair, flair, stair
4 counters, pouches, mouths, sounds, fountains Lesson 25
spelling Corner 41 1 cause, taught, sauce, caught, autumn, daughter Lesson 28
answers will vary. 2 haunted, paused, authors, hauling, caused 1 toys, days, trolleys, keys, ladies, babies, parties,
3 automobile, audience, autograph, auburn, families, jockeys, bodies
spelling Corner 42 author, audible, august, audio 2 brought, bought, brought, bought, brought
astounding, proudly, announcer, thousand, 4 answers will vary. 3 cries, crying, cried: tries, trying, tried;
mountaineer, cloudless, doubtfully, southerly, dries, drying, dried; fries, frying, fried;
loudness, hourly spelling Corner 49
answers will vary. spies, spying, spied
Lesson 22 spelling Corner 50
4 buries, luckiest, boys, monkeys, windier, bossiest
1 powerful, showery, howling, towns, spelling Corner 55
p caught, i autumn, c hauled, k sauce, i audience,
flowers, prowler, browsing, growled smellier, smelliest; dizzier, dizziest;
n cause, g paused, u taught, p author
2 howling, showery, growled, powerful, flowers happier, happiest; tinier, tiniest; crazier, craziest;
buSineSS iS picking up!
3 cowbell, townhouse, sunflower, downhill, busier, busiest
eyebrow, however Lesson 26
1 boiling, hoisted, appointment, joined, points
spelling Corner 56
4 down, town, flowers, How, cows
gullies, cities, keys, hobbies, bellies, chimneys,
spelling Corner 43 2 poison – something that can cause sickness or
jetties, Sundays, bodies, jockeys
answers will vary. death if swallowed
coin – metal piece of money Lesson 29
spelling Corner 44 hoist – lift or raise something 1 couldn’t, haven’t, hasn’t, didn’t, isn’t
e.g. flower: shower, power, tower; employee – someone who is paid to work for 2 it’s – it is
how: cow, now, brow, sow, bow; another person they’ll – they will
growl: howl, fowl, jowl, prowl; loyal – trusty, faithful and devoted to another we’ve – we have
town: down, frown, brown, crown, clown 3 annoyance, oyster, joyfully, royalty, moisture, she’d – she would
Lesson 23 poisonous, ointment, employer you’re – you are
1 brown, henhouse, down, count, count, thousand, 4 boys, enjoy, coin, coiled, pointed, toy, spoil wouldn’t – would not
flowers, sound, howling, tower spelling Corner 51 he’s – he is
2 clouds, south, mouth, now, brown, house answers will vary. you’d – you would
3 town, country; sour, sweet; outside, inside; should’ve – should have
spelling Corner 52 who’ll – who will
now, then; down, up; cloudy, fine; loud, soft;
jointly, hoisted, moisture, joyfulness, avoid, royalty, haven’t – have not
south, north; shout, whisper; found, lost
rejoicing, disappointment, joining, employment, there’s – there is
4 outside, outdoors, outbound, outwards, outfield;
boiler, annoyance don’t – do not
Inside, indoors, inbound, inwards, infield
what’s – what is
spelling Corner 45
where’s – where is
downstairs, downstage, downstream, downtown,
3 They’re, We’ll, let’s, can’t, She’s
downlight, downhearted, downwind, downhill;
outbreak, outfit, outline, outfield, outboard, outside,
outbound, outright

154 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © 2015 blake educaTion

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
4 we’ve – we have Lesson 32 Year 3 term assessment (Proofreading)
that’s – that is 1 helpful, helpless; careful, careless; fearful, term 1
who’s – who is fearless; useful, useless; hopeful, hopeless tossed, middle, shuffling, station, doesn’t
they’re – they are 2 helpful, sleepless, careful, harmless, powerful
you’ll – you will 3 fearlessly, hurtfully, restlessly, peacefully, term 2
can’t – can not hopelessly, usefully, doubtfully, carelessly, leaves, afraid, peaches, grown, loose
won’t – will not thoughtfully, cheerfully term 3
doesn’t – does not 4 answers will vary. playground, mouth, circle, serving, bounced
haven’t – have not
spelling Corner 63 term 4
couldn’t – could not
useful, peaceful, truthful, plentiful, wonderful, carefully, autumn, unfair, it’s, useful
spelling Corner 57 thoughtful, hurtful
will not, should have, does not, can not, has not, friendless, timeless, pointless, motherless,
who is, it is (or it has), there is, i have, what is, fatherless, breathless, speechless
he will, you have, they are, we would, she will,
spelling Corner 64
i would (or i had), where is, they will
harmful, harmless; joyful, joyless; hopeful, hopeless;
spelling Corner 58 fearful, fearless; colourful, colourless; useful, useless
1 i’d (i would)
2 they’re (they are)
3 We’re (We are)
4 doesn’t (does not)
5 Where’s (Where is)
6 She’ll (She will), i’d (i would)
7 isn’t (is not)
8 He’s (He is), i’m (i am)
9 it’s (it is), i’m (i am)
10 Who’ll (Who will)
Lesson 30
1 anywhere, password, sunglasses, roundabout,
scarecrow, sportsground
2 roundabout, password, sunglasses, anywhere,
sportsground, scarecrow
3 silk worm, hard ware, tooth ache, head lights,
seat belt, slow coach, port holes, snake bite,
rose buds, hair cut, note paper, tea cloth
4 illustration exercise
spelling Corner 59
someone, somebody, something, somehow, anyone,
anybody, anything, anyhow
spelling Corner 60
seaside, seaweed, seashore, seagull, seashell,
seahorse, seaboard, seabed, seafood
outside, outdoors, outfield, outline, outbreak,
outright, outskirts, outburst, outlaw
Lesson 31
1 u ndone, unhealthy, untangle, unfit, uncertain,
disappear, disappoint, discoloured, dismount,
disabled, disbelieve
2 disabled, dismounted, undone, disappointed,
3 discontinue, dislike, unavailable, unfriendly,
4 un easy, dis may, un interested, dis belief,
un likely, dis ease, un steady, dis graceful,
un fasten, dis prove
spelling Corner 61
unable, uncover, undress, unselfish, uneven,
unimportant, unsure; disappear, distrust, displease,
disobey, disregard, dishonest, disembark
spelling Corner 62
unhappy, unhealthy, unpainted, unfit, unwise,
unroll, unpack, unequal, uncomfortable, unlike,
unguarded, unusual, unscrew, unpopular, unlock,

TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © 2015 blake educaTion 155

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Word Warm-ups book
The Word Warm-ups book is the starting generalisations about spelling. These two
point and focus of each spelling lesson and all platforms will give students a solid foundation
students will need their own copy. The following for future work in spelling. Students will soon
pages can be photocopied to create the be able to spell a wide range of words within
16-page Year 3 Word Warm-ups book or you the context of their writing and within the limits
can use the file on the CD. Students will use of their speaking and reading vocabulary.
this book throughout the year as you use the The Warm-ups book also includes lists of
Targeting Spelling program. homophones and antonyms, and a sight
Through the Word Warm-ups, students will word checker that can be used to gather
be introduced to a number of important valuable diagnostic information on incoming
phonic elements and a range of core sight or graduating students. it also lists the basic
words. The lists are also the springboard for spelling rules as a reference for students. The
teaching students how to apply rules and make content is tailored to each year level.

Creating the
Word Warm-ups books
The following pages can be photocopied
(double-sided) to create the 16-page These pages are also supplied on the cd if you
Word Warm-ups book. prefer to print from there. There is an optional
colour cover on the cd. otherwise students
should be encouraged to colour their own covers
to create their own unique booklet.
To print a single copy from
the cd do the following:
1 Select and open the Word Warm-ups PDF file.
2 load at least four clean a4 pages on your printer.
3 Select odd pages only.
4 Set page Scaling to none.
5 collect the printed pages, noting which edge is the top of the page.
6 l oad the printed pages, without changing their order, and with the
blank sides to be printed next and the top at the correct edge.
7 Select even pages only.
8 Fold in half and staple in the centre.

156 TargeTing Spelling Year 3 © 2015 blake educaTion

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6
Spelling Rules Targeting
The doubling rule
When a one-syllable word

The e rule
has a short vowel followed When a word ends in e,

by one consonant, double drop the e before adding an
that consonant before ending that begins with a
adding –ing, –ed, –er, vowel or y, e.g. ride, riding;
–est, –y, e.g. run,

hope, hoped; shine, shiny;
running; hop, hopped; fame, famous; safe, safer.
mud, muddy; big, bigger; When a word ends in e,
tall, tallest. do not drop the e before
Do not double if there are adding an ending that
two consonants after the begins with a consonant,
short vowel, e.g. jump, e.g. use, useful; price,
jumping; send, sender; priceless; close, closely;
milk, milked; mist, misty; safe, safety; like, likeness.
fond, fondest. Year 3

The y rule
When a word ends in y, change ❂
The f rule
the y to i before adding an When a word ends in f,
ending, e.g. baby, babies; busy, change the f to v and add es
busily; dry, drier; lazy, laziest. to form the plural (you will
Do not change the y before hear the sound you need to
adding ing, e.g. dry, drying; write), e.g. leaf, leaves; wolf,
carry, carrying. wolves; half, halves.
Do not change the y if the letter Two exceptions are: Name: ________________________________________________________________

before the y is a vowel, e.g. roofs, chiefs.

boy, boys; day, days; employ,
employed; play, player.
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups
2 15
Can you say these words? Can you spell these words?

1 Short vowels 2 Short vowels 3 Short vowels

Check in with your teacher.

hat catch jam ask ball open horse
rat hatch slam its also just always
flag plant clap did once kept around
drag grant strap old does door almost
get edge hen any cold upon should
net hedge then get fall many mother
best cent fetch why done round father
nest went stretch how been school sister
sit list sing got baby carry before
knit mist wring may girl apple beside
pink flip think eye must about pretty
think slip wink are more since because
new very could
sock lost toss
rock cost cross but goes would isn’t
drop clock stock far seen again can’t
flop block flock big give while don’t
has look never won’t
sun bunk must ate know every I’m
bun trunk dust
let gone money you’d
numb bump budge
crumb clump boy only grass she’ll
too much laugh it’s
Sight Words
ran over often we’ve
they want here there down with
few made house they’re
any many where some come their
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups
14 3
Can you say these words? Can you spell these words?
Check in with your teacher.
 4 Two syllables 5 Long vowels 6 Long vowels
a and can went
sudden game make
at the may jump
pepper flame shake
an see put with
ribbon tape page
am she out away
nugget shape stage
as yes for were
soccer face late
it saw all your life ride
on run off want bottle
knife slide
go you stop down middle
bite dine
in hot fell came shuffle
write shine
into dribble
to sit this mice twice
I but that what
sniffle hose hole
is yet they have
bubble close whole
me had then four
ripple phone joke
my his some five
struggle stone broke
do him come nine wriggle smoke rose
up her when after tube use
he hit play going action
cube excuse
no our push there fraction
cute tune
we was pull where flute dune
us one will which rule duke
if two like three
of not from seven Sight Words
so now said eight above below one two was were
climb ask saw done these those
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups
4 13
Homophones: Same sound, different spelling

beach / beech flour / flower shore / sure

7 Open syllables 8 Contractions 9 ai ay bight / bite foul / fowl stair / stare
tiger doesn’t main board / bored groan / grown steal / steel
secret hadn’t train blew / blue heard / herd team / teem
pirate shouldn’t mail cellar / seller hoarse / horse tide / tied
metre won’t snail cheap / cheep knight / night to / too / two
robot weren’t wait chews / choose knot / not toe / tow
paper I’d bait
dew / due knows / nose wail / whale
silent I’ve paid
die / dye paw / poor waist / waste
pretend you’ve afraid
draw / drawer sail / sale war / wore
spider they’ve rain
ewe / you saw / sore wear / where
stupid could’ve grain
paint farther / father scent / cent wood / would
stable I’m
I’ll waist Antonyms: Words and their opposite meanings
rifle you’ll day ahead / behind sink / float happy / unhappy
title you’re clay cheap/expensive stand / sit usual / unusual
bridle we’re pay kind / nasty stop / go lock / unlock
it’s pray smooth / rough dawn / dusk tie / untie
nation here’s say smooth / coarse day / night certain/uncertain
station that’s stay ugly / pretty morning/afternoon like / unlike
motion he’s may slowly / quickly late / early like / dislike
notion she’s tray come / go sooner / later honest/dishonest
Sight Words open / close now / then agree / disagree
open / shut often / seldom obey / disobey
else what new work fast again throw / catch ever / never believe/disbelieve
why who often because today always ebb / flow life / death appear / disappear
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups Word Warm-ups
12 5

31 Prefix un– dis– 32 Suffix –ful –less Troublesome words 10 ee eer 11 ea ear 12 oa ow
undo useful feet seat boat
unfair helpful meet heat float
unhappy joyful green cream coast
unfold doubtful queen dream toast
unlike cheerful need meal load
speed steal toad
unopened colourful
keep beak coach
unkind tearful
sleep speak poach
untidy playful kneel lead moan
untie hurtful wheel leaf groan
unclean plentiful reef
dear low
dishonest useless beef
clear slow
dislike friendless deer near mow
displease cloudless peer spear grow
disbelieve pointless cheer fear row
discontinue harmless steer tear blow
disobey restless jeer hear arrow
distrust fearless veer rear narrow
sheer gear follow
disappear scoreless
queer dreary hollow
disconnect careless
Sight Words Sight Words
move yesterday tomorrow usual already pass please friend few many
country morning afternoon picnic early school very every more most
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups Word Warm-ups
6 11

13 oo (look) 14 oo (moon) 15 oo (moon) 28 y endings 29 Contractions 30 Compound

look moon soon Nouns didn’t milkshake
cook noon spoon city wouldn’t penknife
took pool tool baby isn’t rainfall
book cool stool body can’t paintbrush
shook food room key haven’t goalkeeper
foot mood broom boy we’d weekend
good hoop brood jelly we’ve mealtime
stood snoop droop Adjectives we’re heatwave
wood boot scoop lazy they’ve coastline
wool shoot tooth busy they’re boatshed
door roof boost ugly it’s footpath
poor hoof roost tidy he’s firewood
loose root pretty
Tough Stuff you’d moonlight
goose scoot windy
crook ed they’d tablespoon
wool len Tough Stuff Tough Stuff Verbs we’ll farmyard
carry they’ll bookmark
Wool worths kan ga roo scoo ter
hurry there’s outdoors
cook er y cock a too fool ish
study who’s downhill
cuck oo sham poo
bury what’s birdsong
spoo ky bal loon
enjoy where’s surfboard
Sight Words Sight Words
caught could walk talk money eleven across children bush push though beneath
would should almost alright fruit juice bought brought put pull whose both
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups Word Warm-ups
10 7

25 au 26 oy oi 27 are air 16 ar 17 ir 18 er
Paul boy care car bird her
haul toy bare far third herd
haunt joy mare star shirt serve
sauce enjoy dare start skirt nerve
saucer employ rare part dirt swerve
cause royal stare yard girl perch
pause loyal spare hard twirl jerk
autumn scare guard swirl kerb
oil bark whirl fern
August share
boil shark stir stern
caught coil farm fir term
taught spoil hair harm firm germ
daughter coin chair dark first Tough Stuff
slaughter join lair spark thirsty per son
Tough Stuff joint fair smart Tough Stuff ser vant
au burn point pair march cir cle ner vous
naught y voice stairs
Odd Bods thir teen Odd Bods
au to mat ic choice Odd Bods path Odd Bods early
au di ence noise wear bath word learn
bear class worm earth
pear grass world heard
swear worst
Sight Words Sight Words
nothing until group young build find myself yourself great also fifteen water
none other listen heard aunt uncle right through blue orange while together
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

Word Warm-ups Word Warm-ups
8 9

19 ur 20 or ore oar 21 ou 22 ow 23 ou ow 24 aw
burn storm out cow mouse saw
turn form about bow house jaw
church force shout row found raw
hurt horn loud how ground draw
spurt born cloud howl our claw
burst cord south growl hour straw
surf sword mouth fowl sour lawn
turf sort pouch prowl flour dawn
nurse port crouch town bounce fawn
purse sound down pounce prawn
curl round drown hawk
sore now
curve count shower shawl
wore brow
Tough Stuff doubt flower crawl
core browse
tur key Tough Stuff tower drawl
score brown
fur ther merry-go-round Tough Stuff trawl
store clown
nurs er y round a bout cow ard crown Tough Stuff
Odd Bods oar pro noun now a days straw berry
journey roar moun tain town ship aw ful
journal soar down wards draw er
Sight Words Sight Words
pretty picture family cousin light sure only past sugar salt watch twelve
purple nearby bread among quite quiet first last begin receive before after
Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education Targeting Spelling Year 3 © 2015 Blake Education

ISBN 978 1 92570 921 6

also available:
Targeting Spelling is a whole-school spelling
program that has been developed and trialled
in classrooms over many years with outstanding
results. It can be used equally successfully by
individual teachers and will provide students
with a solid foundation in spelling.

This book contains:

★ A comprehensive introduction ★ Blake’s Spelling Games
from the author explaining CD-ROM with 10 spelling
how to use the program and games written to support
its various elements to achieve the program
outstanding results ★ A Targeting Spelling
★ 32 weekly lesson plans CD-ROM – with
with teaching notes and photocopiable word cards
photocopiable worksheets for hands-on activities,
★ A photocopiable Word Warm- games, assessment record
Ups booklet for use by each keeping, Pencil Work and
student throughout the year Spelling Corner cards.

each weekly lesson plan contains the following elements:

★ B OaRD WORk — developing ★ P enCil WORk — photocopiable

concepts through explicit worksheets and Spelling Corner
teaching and demonstration cards to enable students to
★ BOOk WORk — using the word apply the skills and strategies
lists in the Word Warm-Ups they have been learning
booklet as a focus for learning ★ PRaCTiCe WORk — using
★ WORD WORk — exploring hands-on materials and
word use, word building and spelling games to consolidate
associated rules and build skills
★ MeMORy WORk — providing ★ aSSeSSMenT — dictation of
help to students to memorise words and sentences using the
sight words week’s focus list.

includes ISBN 978-1-92570-921-6

9 781925 709216

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