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Activity 5: Directions: Complete The Table Below. (40 PTS.)

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John Enrico S.

12- Canary

1. Biological and cultural development

- The biological evolution refers to the changes in the physical body of humans, the changes in
the shape and size of their bones, brain, dentition, and fingers for instance. Included in the
study of biological evolution are the changes in posture, movement, and the development of
bipedalism or walking on two feet in an upright position. While Cultural evolution or
sociocultural evolution refers to the changes or development in cultures from a simple form to
a more complex form of human culture. Sociocultural evolution happens because of human
adaptation to different.
- Biological evolution explains the physical transformation of modern humans from Hominids
into Homos sapiens the same pool while the cultural evolution of humans includes the social
and political evolution of modern man.
2. Hominids and the Homo sapiens
- Hominid is the general term used by scientists to categorize the group of early humans and
other humanlike creatures that can walk erect during the prehistoric times. While the Homo
sapiens are considered as the modern humans. Their physical anatomy is very similar to the
modern human beings that is why it is considered as the species where all modern humans
belong to.
Directions: Complete the table below. (40 pts.)
Forms of
Stages Economic Social Developments Cultural Developments

Hunting and Foraging, To ensure mutual Hunter Gatherers

Gathering pastoralism, survival, everyone is actively kills its prey
horticulture, and expected to help find rather scavenging meat
agriculture sustenance and share it left behind by predators.
with others. According to
Produce simple forms of
anthropologists, Hunter
tools used to hunt for
Gatherers and its society
animals and gather plants
are fairly egalitarian.
and vegetation for food.
In this society, men are
tasked to hunt large
They usually have a
animals available in their
shaman or a priest who
areas. The women, on the
acts as the leader of the
other hand, are
group. Since hunters and
responsible for the
gatherers rely on nature
collection of vegetation,
for food and survival,
berries, and small edible
they believe that spirits
crops. Because of this
live in the world
setup, scientists describe
the relationship between
man and women as being
Small scale, low Horticultural and Horticultural uses hoes
intensity farming. Pastoral often manage to and other simple
Horticultural and
produce surplus allowing handheld tools to grow
them to trade from other crops. Pastoral raises
societies. This allows herd of domesticated
them to have a better animals for food source.
population size than
Hunting and Gathering.
Horticultural and pastoral
societies involved
disputes regarding
difference in wealth.
Agricultural societies’
greater size and
Societies and the Agriculture Transitioned from
inequality also produce
Neolithic hunting and gathering to
more conflict. Some of
Revolution one of agriculture and
this conflict is internal, as
settlement, making an
rich landowners struggle
increasingly large
with each other for even
population possible.
greater wealth and
These settled
power, and peasants
communities permitted
sometimes engage in
humans to observe and
experiment with plants,
learning how they grew
and developed. This new
knowledge led to the
domestication of plants
Goods are Due to the works of Post-industrial society
produced for the globalization and emphasized knowledge
consumption and automation, the value as the source of our
survival of one's and the importance to the power and technology as
family group economy of blue collar, an instrument. Education
labour union including became more and more
manual labour decline, oriented towards
and those of professional producing people that are
workers developed its capable of answering the
value and prevalence. need for self-
actualization, creativity,
and self-expression of

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