Tubular Solar Batteries
Tubular Solar Batteries
Tubular Solar Batteries
Over the last decades, the focus on renewable energy usage to meet the growing power demand of the country has increased
manifold. There is a need to explore renewable energy resources to reduce the carbon emission, rapid depletion of fossil fuels
resulting global warming. It is considered to be the efficient solution to vast stretches of remote areas where mains power is yet to
reach in an economic manner. The success of SPV system largely depends on the efficiency of its storage. Storage of solar power is
a challenge as the electricity produced from solar panels is intermittent. Exide solar batteries are specially designed to suit the rigors
of daily charge-discharge cycle at an high ambient temperature, work efficiently in Partial State of Charge (PSOC) condition where
the battery will operate successfully even in consecutive non-sunny days and recharged at a fast pace. The performance of a renew-
able energy system depends on the design, quality, efficiency, durability and reliability of its equipment. In line with the above scenar-
io, Exide Industries Limited, the leader in Lead Acid Battery in India for the last 65 years is proud to present the widest range of Lead
Acid Batteries manufactured with TORR Tubular Technology which stands for reliable and consistent performance for Solar Photovol-
taic and other Renewable Energy based applications.
LMXT - 2V Cells
Overall Dimension
Type of Nominal Capacity @C10 upto Battery Weight
Battery Voltage 1.80 v.p.c at 27qC with Acid ± 5% Length ± 5 mm Width ± 5 mm Height ± 5 mm
(V) (Ah) (kg)
6LMS20 12 20 13.2 260 172 250
6LMS20L 12 20 14.3 260 172 250
6LMS40 12 40 25.5 410 176 292
6LMS40L 12 40 26.5 410 176 292
6LMS60 12 60 28.0 410 176 292
6LMS60L 12 60 28.0 410 176 292
6LMS75 12 75 32.0 410 176 292
6LMS75L 12 75 42.5 530 220 294
6LMS100 12 100 43.0 533 220 294
6LMS100L 12 100 52.0 500 187 421
6LMS120 12 120 52.0 500 187 421
6LMS120L 12 120 56.0 500 187 421
6LMS150 12 150 56.0 500 187 421
6LMS150L 12 150 62.0 500 187 421
6LMS180 12 180 62.0 500 187 421
6LMS180L 12 180 69.0 500 187 406
6LMS200 12 200 65.0 500 187 421
6LMS200L 12 200 75.0 500 187 421
3LMS300 6 300 66.3 500 187 421
Overall Dimension
Type of Nominal Capacity @C10 upto Cell Weight
Battery Voltage 1.85 v.p.c at 27qC with Acid ± 5% Length ± 5 mm Width ± 5 mm Height ± 5 mm
(V) (Ah) (kg)
LMXT300 2 300 21 125 158 543
LMXT400 2 400 27 125 158 699
LMXT500 2 500 37 173 158 699
LMXT550 2 550 39 173 158 699
LMXT600 2 600 40 173 158 699
LMXT650 2 650 41 173 158 699
LMXT700 2 700 51 205 158 753
LMXT750 2 750 52 205 158 753
LMXT800 2 800 53 205 158 753
LMXT850 2 850 65 416 172 535
LMXT900 2 900 67 416 171 535
LMXT1000 2 1000 72 416 171 535
Overall Dimension
Type of Nominal Capacity @C10 upto Battery Weight
Battery Voltage 1.80 v.p.c at 27qC with Acid ± 5% Length ± 5 mm Width ± 5 mm Height ± 5 mm
(V) (Ah) (kg)
6SBZ40 12 40 19 303 171 247
6SBZ40L 12 40 25.2 304 172 247
6SBZ75L 12 75 30.3 410 176 292
6SBZ105L 12 105 43.5 530 220 294
6SBZ150 12 150 50 530 187 320
Batteries are made of Torr Tubular Positive Plates
No acid stratification
SOLATRON 12V & 2V Gel ranges meets IS 15549, IEC 61427, IEC 60896 – 21& 22, BS 6290
Part IV, IEEE – 1188/1189, Eurobat Guide 1999 – Classified as “Long Life”
Regional Offices
Kolkata : 6A, Hatibagan Road, Entally, Kolkata – 700 014
Phone : + 91 33 2286 1860/6193/6032
New Delhi : Exide Industries Ltd, Exide House 8/42, Kirti Nagar Industrial Area, Opp. MDH Spice Factory, New Delhi-110015