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Croscaramelosa Sodica

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Croscarmellose Sodium

C 1 Nonproprietary Names
BP: Croscarmellose Sodium
SEM 1: Excipient: croscarmellose sodium (Ac-Di-Sol); manufacturer: FMC
Biopolymer; magnification: 100.

JP: Croscarmellose Sodium

PhEur: Croscarmellose Sodium
USP-NF: Croscarmellose Sodium

2 Synonyms
Ac-Di-Sol; carmellosum natricum conexum; crosslinked carbox-
ymethylcellulose sodium; Explocel; modified cellulose gum; Nymcel
ZSX; Pharmacel XL; Primellose; Solutab; Vivasol.

3 Chemical Name and CAS Registry Number

Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt, crosslinked [74811-

4 Empirical Formula and Molecular Weight

Croscarmellose sodium is a crosslinked polymer of carboxymethyl-
cellulose sodium.
See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium.

5 Structural Formula SEM 2: Excipient: croscarmellose sodium (Ac-Di-Sol); manufacturer: FMC

See Carboxymethylcellulose sodium. Biopolymer; magnification: 1000.

6 Functional Category
Tablet and capsule disintegrant.

7 Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation or

Croscarmellose sodium is used in oral pharmaceutical formulations
as a disintegrant for capsules,(1,2) tablets,(3–13) and granules.
In tablet formulations, croscarmellose sodium may be used in
both direct-compression and wet-granulation processes. When used
in wet granulations, the croscarmellose sodium should be added in
both the wet and dry stages of the process (intra- and extra-
granularly) so that the wicking and swelling ability of the
disintegrant is best utilized.(11,12) Croscarmellose sodium at
concentrations up to 5% w/w may be used as a tablet disintegrant,
although normally 2% w/w is used in tablets prepared by direct
compression and 3% w/w in tablets prepared by a wet-granulation
process. See Table I.

Table I: Uses of croscarmellose sodium.

Use Concentration (%)

Disintegrant in capsules 10–25 9 Pharmacopeial Specifications
Disintegrant in tablets 0.5–5.0 See Table II. See also Section 18.

10 Typical Properties
Acidity/alkalinity pH = 5.0–7.0 in aqueous dispersions.
8 Description Bonding index 0.0456
Croscarmellose sodium occurs as an odorless, white or grayish- Brittle fracture index 0.1000
white powder. Density (bulk) 0.529 g/cm3 for Ac-Di-Sol

2 06
Croscarmellose Sodium 20 7
4.0 0.5

10000 × [2nd deriv. log(1/R)]

13 Method of Manufacture
Alkali cellulose is prepared by steeping cellulose, obtained from
2404 wood pulp or cotton fibers, in sodium hydroxide solution. The
2239 alkali cellulose is then reacted with sodium monochloroacetate to
1388 2310
2017 obtain carboxymethylcellulose sodium. After the substitution

reaction is completed and all of the sodium hydroxide has been
0.0 used, the excess sodium monochloroacetate slowly hydrolyzes to
2085 glycolic acid. The glycolic acid changes a few of the sodium
1430 2325
carboxymethyl groups to the free acid and catalyzes the formation
of crosslinks to produce croscarmellose sodium. The croscarmellose
2279 sodium is then extracted with aqueous alcohol and any remaining
sodium chloride or sodium glycolate is removed. After purification,
−4.0 −0.2 croscarmellose sodium of purity greater than 99.5% is obtained.(4)
1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 The croscarmellose sodium may be milled to break the polymer
Wavelength/nm fibers into shorter lengths and hence improve its flow properties.

Figure 1: Near-infrared spectrum of croscarmellose sodium measured by 14 Safety

reflectance. Croscarmellose sodium is mainly used as a disintegrant in oral
pharmaceutical formulations and is generally regarded as an
Table II: Pharmacopeial specifications for croscarmellose sodium. essentially nontoxic and nonirritant material. However, oral
consumption of large amounts of croscarmellose sodium may
Test JP XV PhEur 6.5 USP32–NF27 have a laxative effect, although the quantities used in solid dosage
Identification þ þ þ formulations are unlikely to cause such problems.
Characters þ þ — In the UK, croscarmellose sodium is accepted for use in dietary
pH (1% w/v dispersion) 5.0–7.0 5.0–7.0 5.0–7.0 supplements.
Loss on drying 410.0% 410.0% 410.0% The WHO has not specified an acceptable daily intake for the
Heavy metals 410 ppm 420 ppm 40.001%
Sodium chloride and 40.5% 40.5% 40.5%
related substance carboxymethylcellulose sodium, used as a food
sodium glycolate additive, since the levels necessary to achieve a desired effect were
Sulfated ash — 14.0–28.0% — not considered sufficient to be a hazard to health.(14)
Residue on ignition 14.0–28.0% — 14.0–28.0% See also Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium.
Degree of substitution 0.60–0.85 0.60–0.85 0.60–0.85
Content of water-soluble 1.0–10% 410.0% 410.0% 15 Handling Precautions
Settling volume 10.0–30.0 mL 10.0–30.0 mL 10.0–30.0 mL Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances and
Microbial contamination — þ þ quantity of material handled. Croscarmellose sodium may be
Aerobic — 103 cfu/g 103 cfu/g irritant to the eyes; eye protection is recommended.
Fungi — 102 cfu/g 102 cfu/g
16 Regulatory Status
Density (tapped) 0.819 g/cm3 for Ac-Di-Sol Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (oral capsules,
Density (true) 1.543 g/cm3 for Ac-Di-Sol granules, sublingual tablets, and tablets). Included in nonparenteral
NIR spectra see Figure 1. medicines licensed in the UK. Included in the Canadian List of
Particle size distribution Acceptable Non-medicinal Ingredients.
Ac-Di-Sol: not more than 2% retained on a #200 (73.7 mm)
17 Related Substances
mesh and not more than 10% retained on a #325 (44.5 mm)
mesh. Carboxymethylcellulose calcium; carboxymethylcellulose sodium.
Solubility Insoluble in water, although croscarmellose sodium
rapidly swells to 4–8 times its original volume on contact with 18 Comments
water. Practically insoluble in acetone, ethanol and toluene. Croscarmellose sodium is one of the materials that have been
Specific surface area 0.81–0.83 m2/g selected for harmonization by the Pharmacopeial Discussion
Group. For further information see the General Information
11 Stability and Storage Conditions Chapter <1196> in the USP32–NF27, the General Chapter 5.8
Croscarmellose sodium is a stable though hygroscopic material. in PhEur 6.0, along with the ‘State of Work’ document on the PhEur
A model tablet formulation prepared by direct compression, EDQM website, and also the General Information Chapter 8 in the
with croscarmellose sodium as a disintegrant, showed no significant JP XV.
difference in drug dissolution after storage at 308C for 14 months.(9) Typically, the degree of substitution (DS) for croscarmellose
Croscarmellose sodium should be stored in a well-closed sodium is 0.7.
container in a cool, dry place. The EINECs number for croscarmellose sodium is 232-674-9.

12 Incompatibilities 19 Specific References

The efficacy of disintegrants, such as croscarmellose sodium, may 1 Botzolakis JE, Augsburger LL. Disintegrating agents in hard gelatin
capsules. Part I: mechanism of action. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1988;
be slightly reduced in tablet formulations prepared by either the
14(1): 29–41.
wet-granulation or direct-compression process that contain hygro- 2 Dahl TC et al. The influence of disintegrant level and capsule size on
scopic excipients such as sorbitol.(10) dissolution of hard gelatin capsules stored in high humidity conditions.
Croscarmellose sodium is not compatible with strong acids or Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1991; 17(7): 1001–1016.
with soluble salts of iron and some other metals such as aluminum, 3 Gissinger D, Stamm A. A comparative evaluation of the properties of
mercury, and zinc. some tablet disintegrants. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1980; 6(5): 511–536.
2 08 Crospovidone

4 Shangraw R et al. A new era of tablet disintegrants. Pharm Technol 13 Ferrero C et al. Disintegrating efficiency of croscarmellose sodium in a
1980; 4(10): 49–57. direct compression formulation. Int J Pharm 1997; 147: 11–21.
5 Zhao N, Augsburger LI. The influence of product brand-to-brand 14 FAO/WHO. Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants.
variability on superdisintegrant performance. A case study with Thirty-fifth report of the joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food
croscarmellose sodium. Pharm Dev Technol 2006; 11(2): 179–185. additives. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser 1990; No. 789.
6 Zhao N, Augsburger LI. The influence of swelling capacity of

superdisintegrants in different pH media on the dissolution of
hydrochlorthiazide from directly compressed tablets. AAPS Pharm Sci 20 General References
Tech 2005; 6(1): E120–E126.
7 Battu SK et al. Formulation and evaluation of rapidly disintegrating DMV-Frontera Excipients. Product literature: Primellose and Primojel,
fenoverine tablets: effects of superdisintegrants. Drug Dev Ind Pharm August 2008.
2007; 33(11): 1225–1232. European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare
8 Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. Effect of tablet solubility and hygroscopi- (EDQM). European Pharmacopoeia – State Of Work Of International
city on disintegrant efficiency in direct compression tablets in terms of Harmonisation. Pharmeuropa 2009; 21(1): 142–143. http://www.edq-
dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1987; 76: 907–909. m.eu/site/-614.html (accessed 6 February 2009).
9 Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. The effect of aging on disintegrant FMC Biopolymer. Material Safety Datasheet: Ac-Di-Sol, May 2008.
efficiency in direct compression tablets with varied solubility and JRS Pharma. Product literature: Vivasol. http://www.jrspharma.de/Pharma/
hygroscopicity, in terms of dissolution. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1990; 16: wEnglisch/produktinfo/productinfo_vivasol.shtml (accessed 6 February
437–447. 2009).
10 Johnson JR et al. Effect of formulation solubility and hygroscopicity on
disintegrant efficiency in tablets prepared by wet granulation, in terms
of dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1991; 80: 469–471. 21 Author
11 Gordon MS et al. Effect of the mode of super disintegrant incorporation
on dissolution in wet granulated tablets. J Pharm Sci 1993; 82(2): 220–
RT Guest.
12 Khattab I et al. Effect of mode of incorporation of disintegrants on the
22 Date of Revision
characteristics of fluid-bed wet-granulated tablets. J Pharm Pharmacol
1993; 45(8): 687–691. 6 February 2009.


1 Nonproprietary Names 7 Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation or

BP: Crospovidone Technology
PhEur: Crospovidone Crospovidone is a water-insoluble tablet disintegrant and dissolu-
USP-NF: Crospovidone tion agent used at 2–5% concentration in tablets prepared by direct-
compression or wet- and dry-granulation methods.(1–6) It rapidly
exhibits high capillary activity and pronounced hydration capacity,
2 Synonyms with little tendency to form gels. Studies suggest that the particle size
Crospovidonum; Crospopharm; crosslinked povidone; E1202; of crospovidone strongly influences disintegration of analgesic
Kollidon CL; Kollidon CL-M; Polyplasdone XL; Polyplasdone tablets.(7) Larger particles provide a faster disintegration than
XL-10; polyvinylpolypyrrolidone; PVPP; 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone smaller particles. Crospovidone can also be used as a solubility
homopolymer. enhancer. With the technique of co-evaporation, crospovidone can
be used to enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drugs. The drug
is adsorbed on to crospovidone in the presence of a suitable solvent
3 Chemical Name and CAS Registry Number and the solvent is then evaporated. This technique results in faster
1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer [9003-39-8] dissolution rate.

4 Empirical Formula and Molecular Weight 8 Description

(C6H9NO)n >1 000 000 Crospovidone is a white to creamy-white, finely divided, free-
The USP32–NF27 describes crospovidone as a water-insoluble flowing, practically tasteless, odorless or nearly odorless, hygro-
synthetic crosslinked homopolymer of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone. An scopic powder.
exact determination of the molecular weight has not been
established because of the insolubility of the material. 9 Pharmacopeial Specifications
See Table I. See also Section 18.
5 Structural Formula
See Povidone. 10 Typical Properties
Acidity/alkalinity pH = 5.0–8.0 (1% w/v aqueous slurry)
Density 1.22 g/cm3
6 Functional Category Density (bulk) see Table II.
Tablet disintegrant. Density (tapped) see Table II.

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