Croscaramelosa Sodica
Croscaramelosa Sodica
Croscaramelosa Sodica
C 1 Nonproprietary Names
BP: Croscarmellose Sodium
SEM 1: Excipient: croscarmellose sodium (Ac-Di-Sol); manufacturer: FMC
Biopolymer; magnification: 100.
2 Synonyms
Ac-Di-Sol; carmellosum natricum conexum; crosslinked carbox-
ymethylcellulose sodium; Explocel; modified cellulose gum; Nymcel
ZSX; Pharmacel XL; Primellose; Solutab; Vivasol.
6 Functional Category
Tablet and capsule disintegrant.
10 Typical Properties
Acidity/alkalinity pH = 5.0–7.0 in aqueous dispersions.
8 Description Bonding index 0.0456
Croscarmellose sodium occurs as an odorless, white or grayish- Brittle fracture index 0.1000
white powder. Density (bulk) 0.529 g/cm3 for Ac-Di-Sol
2 06
Croscarmellose Sodium 20 7
4.0 0.5
reaction is completed and all of the sodium hydroxide has been
0.0 used, the excess sodium monochloroacetate slowly hydrolyzes to
2085 glycolic acid. The glycolic acid changes a few of the sodium
1430 2325
carboxymethyl groups to the free acid and catalyzes the formation
of crosslinks to produce croscarmellose sodium. The croscarmellose
2279 sodium is then extracted with aqueous alcohol and any remaining
sodium chloride or sodium glycolate is removed. After purification,
−4.0 −0.2 croscarmellose sodium of purity greater than 99.5% is obtained.(4)
1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 The croscarmellose sodium may be milled to break the polymer
Wavelength/nm fibers into shorter lengths and hence improve its flow properties.
4 Shangraw R et al. A new era of tablet disintegrants. Pharm Technol 13 Ferrero C et al. Disintegrating efficiency of croscarmellose sodium in a
1980; 4(10): 49–57. direct compression formulation. Int J Pharm 1997; 147: 11–21.
5 Zhao N, Augsburger LI. The influence of product brand-to-brand 14 FAO/WHO. Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants.
variability on superdisintegrant performance. A case study with Thirty-fifth report of the joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food
croscarmellose sodium. Pharm Dev Technol 2006; 11(2): 179–185. additives. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser 1990; No. 789.
6 Zhao N, Augsburger LI. The influence of swelling capacity of
superdisintegrants in different pH media on the dissolution of
hydrochlorthiazide from directly compressed tablets. AAPS Pharm Sci 20 General References
Tech 2005; 6(1): E120–E126.
7 Battu SK et al. Formulation and evaluation of rapidly disintegrating DMV-Frontera Excipients. Product literature: Primellose and Primojel,
fenoverine tablets: effects of superdisintegrants. Drug Dev Ind Pharm August 2008.
2007; 33(11): 1225–1232. European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare
8 Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. Effect of tablet solubility and hygroscopi- (EDQM). European Pharmacopoeia – State Of Work Of International
city on disintegrant efficiency in direct compression tablets in terms of Harmonisation. Pharmeuropa 2009; 21(1): 142–143. http://www.edq-
dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1987; 76: 907–909. (accessed 6 February 2009).
9 Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. The effect of aging on disintegrant FMC Biopolymer. Material Safety Datasheet: Ac-Di-Sol, May 2008.
efficiency in direct compression tablets with varied solubility and JRS Pharma. Product literature: Vivasol.
hygroscopicity, in terms of dissolution. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1990; 16: wEnglisch/produktinfo/productinfo_vivasol.shtml (accessed 6 February
437–447. 2009).
10 Johnson JR et al. Effect of formulation solubility and hygroscopicity on
disintegrant efficiency in tablets prepared by wet granulation, in terms
of dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1991; 80: 469–471. 21 Author
11 Gordon MS et al. Effect of the mode of super disintegrant incorporation
on dissolution in wet granulated tablets. J Pharm Sci 1993; 82(2): 220–
RT Guest.
12 Khattab I et al. Effect of mode of incorporation of disintegrants on the
22 Date of Revision
characteristics of fluid-bed wet-granulated tablets. J Pharm Pharmacol
1993; 45(8): 687–691. 6 February 2009.