1.7 Doctrines of Taxation

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DOCTRINES OF TAXATION Misdelcaration as to quantity, quality, weight, or

measurement of the goods, or misclassification through

Doctrines are the set of principles that must be followed insufficient or wrong description of the goods or use of
and remembered in Taxation. wrong tariff heading resulting to a discrepancy in duty
1. Prospective Application of Tax Laws and tax to be paid between what is legally determined
upon assessment and what is declared.
Like other statues, tax laws operate prospectively,
whether they enact, amend, or repeal, unless the Tax Evasion connotes the integration of three factors:
purpose of the legislature to give retrospective effect is 1. The end to be achieved, the payment of less
expressly declared or may be implied from the language than that known by taxpayer to be legally due,
used. or the non-payment of tax when it is shown
A tax bill must be only applicable and operative after that a tax is due.
becoming a law. Thus, the effectivity of the tax law 2. An accompanying state of mind which is
commences upon its approval and its scope would only described as being a “evil”, in “bad faith”,
cover the present and future transactions. “Willful”, or “deliberate and not accidental”
3. A course of action or failure of action which is
2. Strict Construction of Tax Laws unlawful

Statutes levying taxes or duties are to be construed Tax Avoidance

strongly against the government and in favor of the
object or citizens, because burdens are not to be Tax avoidance on the other hand is a tax saving device
imposed or presumed to be imposed beyond what within the means sanctioned by law. This method
statutes expressly and clearly declare. No person or should be used by the taxpayer in good faith and at
property is subject to taxation unless they fall within the arm’s length.
terms of plain import of a taxing statute. Also called tax minimization, the exploitation by the
Tax laws should be clear, concise and specific. taxpayer to legally permissible alternative tax rates or
methods of assessing taxable property or income, in
order to avoid or reduce tax liability.

Tax Evasion A tax payer has legal right to decrease the amount of
what would otherwise be his taxes or altogether avoid
Under this method, the taxpayer uses illegal or unlawful
them by means which the law permits.
means to defeat, evade, or lessen the payment of tax. It
presupposes malice, fraud, bad faith or willful intent on TAX AVOIDANCE TAX EVASION
the part of the taxpayer to substantially under-declare VALIDITY
income. Legal and not subject to Illegal and subject to
criminal penalty criminal penalty
An illegal means of escaping taxation. It connotes fraud MANNER OF COMMISSION
through the use of pretenses and forbidden devices to Accomplished by legal Accomplished by breaking
lessen or defeat taxes. It subjects the taxpayer to procedures or means the letter of the law
further or additional civil or criminal liability. which may be contrary to
the intent of the law yet
Example: do not violate the letter of
the law
Misdelcaration, misclassification, undervaluation in EFFECTS
Goods Declaration (Sec. 1400, CMTA) Minimization of Taxes Almost always results in
the absence of tax

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