Income Taxation: (Keynotes) : Nature of The POWER of Taxation
Income Taxation: (Keynotes) : Nature of The POWER of Taxation
Income Taxation: (Keynotes) : Nature of The POWER of Taxation
*It is also an important characteristics of most taxes that they are commonly required to be paid
at regular periods or intervals EVERY YEAR.
Revenue Raising
-provide funds or property -> to promote the general welfare and protection of its citizens
*if the purpose is primarily revenue = TAX
NON Revenue/Special or Regulatory
-also known as Sumptuary.
1.Strengthen anemic enterprises or provide incentive to greater production through grant of tax
2.Protect local industries against foreign competition - by imposing additional taxes on imported goods.
or encourage foreign trade by providing tax incentives.
3.Be a bargaining tool - by setting tariff rates @ relatively high level.
4.Halt inflation- to curb spending power and ward off depression in periods of slump to expand
5.Reduce inequalities in wealth and incomes.
6.Promote Science and invention; Finance educational activities; improve the efficiency of local police
7.Trigger for the implementation of police power to promote general welfare.
*As long as tax is for public purpose, its validity is not affected by collateral puposes or motives.
tax laws are prospective in operation.
It is a cardinal rule that laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided.
the language of the statute must clearly demand or press that it shall have a retroactive effect.
GENERAL RULE: Any Revocation, modification or reversal of rules and regulations; rulings or circulars
promulgated by CIR
that is prejudicial to the taxpayer, shall NOT be given retroactive effects.
1.misstatements return or any required doc of him by BIR.
2.facts subsequently gathered by BIR are MATERIALLY different from facts on which the ruling is based
i.e OR
3.Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
Unless otherwise provided by the tax itself, TAXES are imprescriptible.
Means taxing twice the same taxpayer for the same tax period upon the same thing or activity, when it
should be taxed but once,
for the same purpose and with the same kind of character of tax.
Double taxation, standing alone and not being forbidden by our fundamental law, is not a valid defense
against the legality of a tax measure
But from it might emanate such defenses against taxation as oppressiveness and inequality of the tax.
Double taxation in its narrow sense is undoubtedly unconstitutional but that in the broader sense is not
necessarily so.
Where double taxation (in its narrow sense) occurs, the taxpayer may seek relief under the uniformity
rule or the equal protection guarantee.
IMPACT OF Taxation
is the point on which a tax is originally imposed. In so far as the law is concerned, the taxpayer, the
subject of tax,
is the person who must pay the tax to the government.
INCIDENCE of Taxation
is that point on which the tax burden finally rests or settles down. It takes place when shifting has been
effected from the statutory taxpayer to another.
method of escape in taxation whereby the manufacturer or producer upon whom the tax has been
imposed pays the tax and endeavors to recoup himself
by improving his process of production thereby turning out his units of products at a lower cost.
The taxpayer escapes by a transformation of the tax into a gain through the medium of production.
A contract whereby the parties, by making reciprocal concessions avoid litigation or put an end to one
already commenced. (Art. 2028, Civil Code).
It involves a reduction of the taxpayer’s liability.
Requisites of a tax compromise: (a) The taxpayer must have a tax liability. (b) There must be an offer (by
the taxpayer or Commissioner) of an amount to be paid by the taxpayer.
(c) There must be acceptance (by the Commissioner or the taxpayer, as the case may be) of the offer in
settlement of the original claim.
partakes of an absolute forgiveness or waiver by the Government of its right to collect what otherwise
would be due it
and in this sense, prejudicial thereto, particularly to give tax evaders, who wish to relent and are willing
to reform a
chance to do so and become a part of the new society with a clean slate.
Tax exemption
is an immunity from all civil liability only. It is an immunity or privilege, a freedom from a charge or
burden of which others are subjected.
It is generally prospective in application.