Check Your Answers: Later
Check Your Answers: Later
Check Your Answers: Later
Episode 4
Check your answers
1 2 Later
Sarah Hi, Jordan. Are you going to work? Peter Hi, Sarah. Come in.
Jordan No, I’m going to the DIY store for some paint. Sarah Hello, Peter. Hi, Jordan. No Lucy?
Sarah Oh, are you decorating your flat? Jordan No, she’s at home. She’s writing her CV.
Jordan Yes, I am. I’m painting the living room. Sarah Oh, is she looking for a new job?
Sarah Would you like some help? I’m not doing Jordan Yes, she is. Anyway, we’re just moving the furniture
anything today. at the moment.
Jordan That would be great. Thanks a lot. Lucy and Peter Sarah OK, let me give you a hand.
are coming to help, too. Jordan Thanks … (RING RING) Excuse me.
3 4 5
Now ...
3 listen and practise saying the story.