Maseno University School of Business and Economics
Maseno University School of Business and Economics
Maseno University School of Business and Economics
a) Title Page
i) Title of the Thesis/Project
ii) Name of the Candidate with the registration number
iii) ‘ This thesis/project is submitted in partial fulfillment for the
requirement for the award of degree of ……of Maseno
iv) Affiliation (Department/School)
v) Year
b) Declaration Page
i) The student declaration
‘ This Thesis/ project has not been submitted for examination
in any other institution for award of a degree. Where other
references have been used, it has been acknowledged where
Name, Signature and Date.
e) Abstract
i) This is the snapshot of your thesis/project it summarizes
the content of five chapters of your thesis/ project.
ii) It should encompass the following – background, statement of
the problem, knowledge gap, objectives (both main and
specific), theoretical framework/ conceptual framework,
research design, target population and sampling design,
iii) data collection (type of data, instruments, reliability and validity
tests), data analysis methods, significance of the study.
f) Table of Contents
g) List of Tables
h) List of Figures
i) Abbreviations and Acronyms
j) Operational Definition of Terms
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Hypotheses/ Research questions
1.5 Significance/Relevance/Justification of the Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Conceptual Framework/Theoretical Framework
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Philosophy of the study
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Area of Study
3.4 Target Population and Sampling Design
a) Inclusion and Exclusion criteria for the respondents
b) Sampling formula
3.5 Data Collection
a) Data collection procedure
b) Instrument testing
i) Reliability
ii) Validity
3.6 Data Analysis
a) Estimation models
b) Definition of variables and their apriori signs.
c) Estimation method
d) Diagnostic tests for the model
3.7 Ethical considerations