Review of Related Literature

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Review of Related Literature

During this pandemic of COVID 19, people are impacted in different ways. Lockdowns
affect all people in the globe and strictly follow rules. (UNESCO, 2020) Different governments
make certain that the learning of the students will not be stop. (Chang & Yano, 2020). First, we
will discuss the traditional learning and its temporary modalities during the pandemic and also its
advantages and disadvantages. We will also tackle the parent’s involvement to the new learning
modality of the students.


The traditional learning or face-to-face modality refers to the physical interaction

between the teacher and students. This gives of the students to be more active and to be more
engage in the school.

Advantages of face to face learning

1. It is proven and tested that it is essential to the learner’s effective learning.

2. The answers to your questions can be responded instantly. The interaction between the
teacher and students are firm and whole.
3. You can stay motivated since you have companions to lean on. The obligatory attendance
will be your advantage to have more to spend with your friends.
4. There are minimal distraction in schools compared to our houses. The students can more
focus or concentrate to their learning.
5. The teachers may present real-world examples from the students. They are much
convincing and interesting when you heard it personally.
6. Since you have a whole day in school, there are wide range of exchanging backgrounds
that can help each students to learn from each other.
7. Traditional learning provides real-time face to face instruction that lead to enhance the
students critical thinking skills.
8. Peer to peer interaction helps in learner’s retention. Although they are sometimes
discourage or unmotivated, they can talk to their classmates for some help or advice.
(Kemp and Grieve, 2014).
Disadvantages of face to face learning

1. It can bring up students bad past memories spent in school such as bullying whenever he
or she is feeling isolated, closed or in a full room of people.
2. You can apply for online tutoring and you will not have to answer any follow up
questions or query.
3. If you are a working student, attending everyday maybe an interruption. You need to
choose where to attend. There are time that the schedules are conflict.

Distance Learning

The Chief of the Department of Education, Leonor Briones, stated that the school year
2020-2021 would start on August 24 implementing different learning modalities. The data from
the Students Enrollment Survey showed that over 8 million parents and favored modular learning
while the remaining 3 million preferred blending learning. DepED face various challenges with
the new way of delivering the education to the students at home. (Megan Leonhardt , 2020)
The challenge for a more flexible learning opportunity intensified as the pandemic shifts the way
we live.

"One of the major challenges experienced by the teacher, of course, would be the
distance of the houses of these learners and the kind of road that they have to pass through,
some have to cross rivers," said (Estela Cariño, director of the Department of Education's office
in the Cagayan Valley region)

For the meantime, DepEd make a temporary solution to give schools freedom in what
learning modality is applicable in their schools. Face to face classes are prohibited except if there
will be a vaccine against COVID 19. (Jaehwa Bernardo, ABS-CBN News 2020)

According to (Gary A. Berg), there are different form of distance education now a days
such as e-learning, and online learning where there is physical separation of teachers and
students. Different modalities were offered without having to set up multiple classrooms. In
addition, homeschooled students gain access to centralized instruction. Students who love
routines and schedules like traditional education my not like distance learning. Schools and
students adopt distance learning with a challenge. Distance learning is most suitable for
independent learners who do not need supervision. However, there are students who needs
assistance for further discussion. (Moneymax, 2020)
There are many characteristics classified in distance learning. It is defined to carried out
through institutions and different schools. It gives student accessibility of their time in home and
also doing their home work freely at no limited time. It also boost their cultural, social, mental
and intellectual aspects.

This distance education has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online
Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction.

Modular learning

This a kind of distance learning between students and teacher who are separated. In
modular distance learning set up, they give modules to the students to answer and give allotted
time to return it. (Gary A. Berg), Monitoring learners progress is a job of the teacher. The parents
of the learners cam ask the teacher questions with regards to their subject thru messenger or text.
There are times that the teacher also do home visitations to the learners who needs follow up

Online Distance Learning

The internet becomes the new platform of the teacher and learners. The teacher is the
facilitator and organizer of the class. There is only a downside for this distance learning. It is the
internet connection that the learners have. But in contrary, it is more interactive than modular
learning. The learners will download their materials to the internet, complete and submit it.
Example of this is DepED Commons.

TV/Radio-Based Instruction

This uses SLMs converted to video lessons for Television-Based Instruction and SLMs
converted to radio script for Radio Based Instruction.

Advantages of Distance Learning

1. It is self-study. You may answer it anytime and anywhere as long as you can submit it on
the specific time your homeroom teacher assigned. You can answer this to a place in your
house which is the most comfortable place for you such as in the kitchen or living room.
2. In distance learning, the students have their time to play and study if they finish their
tasks fast. They don’t need to go to school and wake up early.
3. Public schools offer modules for free that is cheaper unlike in private schools where they
pay for the books they needed.
4. If you are having trouble understanding or comprehending a specific subject, you have a
lot of time to study it. You are not pressured to go to the next topic without fully knowing
the previous lesson. Every learners are unique.
5. The learners build self-inspiration and self-disciplined to submit their task on time. They
unknowingly take responsibility to organize their modules.
6. Even though the students are prohibited to go out, schools sometimes make a virtual visit
to different places that is related to their topics. They enjoy the class as well as they also
learn from it. It makes the students more engage to different cultures and traditions.
7. In online learning, the students have only limited time to class. Sometimes they want to
ask questions but their time is up so their questions remained unanswered. (Salcedo,

Disadvantages of Distance Learning

The benefits of distance learning to the students are clear but there are also cautions when it
comes to this. Let’s consider some of these disadvantages. On top of this is the distraction of the

1. The learners somehow lose social interaction to their teacher.

2. Other learners don’t have the means to continue learning because they don’t have
electronic devices for communication. Accessibility may be a hindrance. A slow internet
connection is an interruption for them to participate.
3. Some parents don’t have the means to get tutor for their children. They only depend on
their background knowledge about the different subject matter. It is very challenging to
the parent’s side.
4. The learning environment of the learners help them to contribute in positive ways. If they
are in a comfortable place, they can more focus on what they are doing. It requires self-
5. Students learn differently. Some understands the lesson fast but others don’t.
6. Since students are used to sit in the classroom listening and taking down notes yet some
of them are not familiar with technologies. Others have phobia on using it because they
do not know how to properly use it. (Roval and Jordan, 2004).
7. The students can easily drop any subjects if they don’t want or like their professor or the
way the he or she teaches. Since most of them work independently, self-motivation and
self-direction is important.
Parental Involvement

Parental involvement refers to a situation where parents are directly involved in the
education of their children. They involve themselves in school and they fulfil their duties as
parents in making sure that their children is assisted in the process of learning as much as they
possibly can. It does not just refer to parents enquiring about the performance of a learner in
schools but also in them taking a role in communicating with their children with the aim of
having a healthy relationship with them, so that the process of encouraging, mentoring, leading
and inspiring may be genuine (Clinton & Hattie, 2013).

Parents’ Experiences with Enhance Distance Learning during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents’ involvement is even more important, yet it is
also more challenging as parents are more directly responsible for aspects of their children’s
online education and modular classes that were formerly handled at school. Researchers who
study parents’ involvement in education define involvement in a variety of ways, ranging from
conveying to children the importance of education such as by talking with them about what
they’re learning in school (Jennifer E. Lansford, Ph.D.,2020).

Hence, this aimed to investigate parents’ experiences and struggles during school closure
using an online survey. The results indicate parents agreed with the school closure policy and
were generally satisfied with the level of support provided by school districts while describing
some areas of struggle. Individualized instruction in modular distance learning is useful in
remote areas with limited internet access such as mountains. Learners use self-learning modules
in print or digital format. They may need home visits by teachers for learners’ remediation or
assistance. If it is workable, students could reach their teacher via email, telephone, text message
or instant messaging (Noemi Lardizabal-Dado, 2020).

Parents described having difficulties with balancing responsibilities, learner’s

motivation, accessibility, and learning outcomes. The results of the study suggest some important
implications and recommendations for educators and policymakers (1, AM J QUALITATIVE
RES, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 45-65).

Parent’s Involvement in Learning

According to Garcia and Thornton (2014) current research shows that the involvement of
family in learning helps to improve student performance, reduce absenteeism and restore parents'
confidence in their children's education. Learners with parents or caregivers who are involved in
learners’ education, earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills and show
improved behavior.

Moreover, parental involvement is a significant element in education and can also be

achieved through home-based parental involvement like listening to the child as they read,
helping them in completing their homework as well as school-based activities (Hornby and
Lafaele ,2011).

In addition, (Ivory A. Toldson &Brianna P. Lemmons) states that social demographic

factors, school environmental factors, and parenting practices are associated with child academic
success and school-based involvement. Parent's participation in school is linked to better grades
and is related with supportive schools and positive parenting practices.

Challenges of Parental Involvement in Education

Strengthening the quality of education is not a single issue. Many factors need to be
involved such as school, teacher, student, parent, and other relevant parties. Importantly, it needs
a very strong commitment of involvement from those parties to make it happens. The most
difficult problem that we have faced is the lack of involvement from the students’ parents. We
have been trying to deal with this issue, as we believe that parental involvement plays an
important role in their children’s education (Salin,2020).

Benifits of Parent’s involvement to their Children

Parents become comfortable when the education system requires their involvement in
school activities. The strong collaboration of parents with school authorities can lead to increased
improvement in both physical and academic performance of the school. Hence, school
administrators have to encourage parents to get involved and make contribution towards helping
the school achieve its missions and goals (Sapungan & Sapungan, 2014).

Researchers report that parent participation in their children’s schooling frequently:

─ enhances children’s self-esteem
─ improves children’s academic achievement
─ improves parent-child relationships
─ helps parents develop positive attitudes towards school
─ and a better understanding of the schooling process.

Parental Involvement Factors

There are many reasons from the parents and also from the school for this lack of
involvement (Salin,2020). Through our experience of working with student’s parents, we can
conclude that the parental involvement is challenging because:
 Shortage of time – Parents have to work to maintain the financial standing of the family.
They have to work from dawn to dusk every day.  In particular, if there has been a
divorce or death in the family, they probably have trouble financially.
 Bad experience – Some parents don’t feel welcomed to go to school. They might have
bad experience or memories at school such as they are the victims of school violence or
they have failed in school. Therefore, they would not have desire to return to a place that
they only served to remind their own failures or nightmares.
 Illiteracy – This is also a case that some parents do not want to go to school because they
think that they are illiterate, they feel not confident to talk or don’t know what to talk to
teachers, and they don’t know the system of the school. This also the reason that most
parents use it as an excuse to neglect their children’s education. In addition, they are not
aware of the significance of education so that they just don’t care about it. Moreover,
they also believe that only teacher have to be responsible for their kids’ education. If their
kids don’t do well at school, they will blame teacher. They don’t understand their
responsibility towards their children’s learning.
 Lack of sensitiveness from the school system – when the school does not care about the
parental involvement in education, most of the student parents just don’t care, too. Some
parents really need to be encouraged to involve more in their children’s education and
they need the school to understand their socioeconomic level, personal, and financial
problems, etc. Furthermore, when the parents want to involve in their children’s
education, some schools don’t encourage or sometimes accuse them of interference.

What can we help to enhance the parental involvement in their children’s education?
There are many ways to enhance the parental involvement in children’s education, as it depends
on the real situation. Here are the two main ideas that would help you to deal with this issue:

 Create parental involvement policy – The school should form a clear policy in order to
smooth the involvement of parents in their children’s education and make sure the
parents are encouraged to talk and discuss about their children’s problems. It sometimes
does not an easy task to do, as it will take a lot of time and effort; therefore, we need the
committed principles or teachers to do such thing. In addition, the school can provide
consultation service to assist them with solving their personal, financial, and children’s
problems. If the school works with the poor, if possible, it should provide short-term
training about the skills that most parents in that community need to better their lives
because when they have a better life, they will have more time to concentrate on their
children’s learning.
 Building good communication – People always talk conveniently to people they trust.
Building trust with them is a crucial way to show that we understand and care about them
and their children. The school should keep in touch with student parents about the
progress of their children at school and provide suggestion of the ways that they can give
assistance to their children’s education on an ongoing basis. Be friendly and show our
sympathy to them. By the school being more aware of the circumstance of those families,
better communication can be established. Where necessary, the schools can organize the
meeting with student parents in a certain time consistently to update the information of
the school, their children’s education, and so on. It might not works well for the first time
as they need some times to understand and later on they will involve more in this kind of
meeting after they understood the process of the school system and their responsibilities
and build sufficient confident to share and discuss about their children’s learning.

Synthesis of Review of Related Literature

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