Siemens - g120 Cu250s-2 List Manual
Siemens - g120 Cu250s-2 List Manual
Siemens - g120 Cu250s-2 List Manual
CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual
Edition 01/2016
s Fundamental safety
instructions 1
Parameters 2
Valid for
Control Units Firmware version
CU250S-2 USS 4.7 SP6
CU250S-2 CAN 4.7 SP6
CU250S-2 DP 4.7 SP6
CU250S-2 PN 4.7 SP6
Legal information
Warning concept
This Manual contains information which you must observe to ensure your own personal safety as well as to avoid
material damage. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to equipment damage have no safety alert symbol. Depending on the hazard level,
warnings are indicated in a descending order as follows:
indicates that death or serious injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or serious injury could result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one level of danger is simultaneously applicable, the warning notice for the highest level is used. A
notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may only be operated by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and safety
instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying
risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products are only permitted to be used for the applications envisaged in the catalog and in the associated
technical documentation. If third-party products and components are to be used, they must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. These products can only function correctly and safely if they are transported, stored, set up,
mounted, installed, commissioned, operated and maintained correctly. The permissible ambient conditions must be
adhered to. Information in the associated documentation must be observed.
All names identified with ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Any other names used in this publication may
be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of liability
We have verified that the contents of this document correspond to the hardware and software described. Since
variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. The information given in this document
is reviewed at regular intervals and any corrections that might be necessary are made in the subsequent editions.
Risk of death if the safety instructions and remaining risks are not carefully observed
If the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed in the associated hardware
documentation, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
• Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
• Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.
Danger to life or malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
• Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access.
• Respond to possible malfunctions by applying suitable measures
Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, devices, and/or networks. They are important
components of a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens’ products and
solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly
check for product updates.
To ensure that Siemens products and solutions are operated securely, suitable preventive
measures (e.g. cell protection concept) and each component must be integrated into a state-
of-the-art holistic industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should
also be considered. You will find more information about industrial security at:
To receive information about product updates on a regular basis, register for our product
newsletter. You will find more information at:
Danger as a result of unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulation (e.g. by viruses, Trojan horses, malware, worms) can cause unsafe
operating states to develop in your installation which can result in death, severe injuries
and/or material damage.
• Keep the software up to date.
Information and newsletters can be found at:
• Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
For more information, visit:
• Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security
- - - - - - - - - - - - Start of example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - End of example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The parameter list can contain parameters that are not visible in the expert lists of the particular
commissioning software (e.g. parameters for trace functions).
A BICO input (BI/CI) cannot be interconnected with just any BICO output (BO/CO, signal
When interconnecting a BICO input using the commissioning software, only the corresponding
possible signal sources are listed.
Function diagrams 1020 ... 1030 explain the symbols for BICO parameters and how to deal
with BICO technology.
CU/PM variants
Specifies the Control Unit (CU) for which the parameter is valid. If no CU is listed, then the
parameter is valid for all variants.
The following information about "CU" can be displayed under the parameter number:
Access level
Specifies the minimum access level required to be able to display and change the relevant
parameter. The required access level can be set using p0003.
The system uses the following access levels:
• 1: Standard (not adjustable, included in p0003 = 3)
• 2: Extended (not adjustable, included in p0003 = 3)
• 3: Expert
• 4: Service
Parameters with this access level are password protected.
Parameter p0003 is CU-specific (belongs to the Control Unit).
A higher access level will also include the functions of the lower levels.
Specifies whether the parameter is influenced by automatic calculations.
p0340 determines which calculations are to be performed:
• p0340 = 1 includes the calculations from p0340 = 2, 3, 4, 5.
• p0340 = 2 calculates the motor parameters (p0350 ... p0360, p0625).
• p0340 = 3 includes the calculations from p0340 = 4, 5.
• p0340 = 4 only calculates the controller parameters.
• p0340 = 5 only calculates the controller limits.
For p3900 > 0, p0340 = 1 is also called automatically.
After p1900 = 1, 2, p0340 = 3 is also called automatically.
Parameters with a reference to p0340 after "Calculated" depend on the Power Module being
used and the motor. In this case, the values at "Factory setting" do not correspond to the actual
values because these values are calculated during the commissioning. This also applies to the
motor parameters.
Data type
The information on the data type can consist of the following two items (separated by a slash):
• First item
Data type of the parameter.
• Second item (for binector or connector input only)
Data type of the signal source to be interconnected (binector-/connector output).
Parameters can have the following data types:
• Integer8 I8 8-bit integer number
• Integer16 I16 16-bit integer number
• Integer32 I32 32-bit integer number
• Unsigned8 U8 8 bits without sign
• Unsigned16 U16 16 bits without sign
• Unsigned32 U32 32 bits without sign
• FloatingPoint32 Float 32-bit floating point number
Depending on the data type of the BICO input parameter (signal sink) and BICO output
parameter (signal source), the following combinations are possible when creating BICO
CI parameter BI parameter
CO: Unsigned8 x x – –
CO: Unsigned16 x x – –
CO: Unsigned32 x x – –
CO: Integer16 x x r2050 –
CO: Integer32 x x r2060 –
CO: FloatingPoint32 x x x –
BO: Unsigned8 – – – x
BO: Unsigned16 – – – x
BO: Unsigned32 – – – x
BO: Integer16 – – – x
BO: Integer32 – – – x
BO: FloatingPoint32 – – – –
Legend: x : BICO interconnection permitted
–: BICO interconnection not permitted
rxxxx: BICO interconnection is only permitted for the specified CO parameters
Can be changed
The "-" sign indicates that the parameter can be changed in any object state and that the
change will be effective immediately.
The information "C(x), T, U" ((x): optional) means that the parameter can be changed only in
the specified drive unit state and that the change will not take effect until the unit switches to
another state. This can be a single state or multiple states.
The following states are available:
• C(x) commissioning C: Commissioning
Drive commissioning is in progress (p0010 > 0).
Pulses cannot be enabled.
The parameter can only be changed in the following drive commissioning settings
(p0010 > 0):
• C: Can be changed for all settings p0010 > 0.
• C(x): Can only be changed for the settings p0010 = x.
A modified parameter value does not take effect until drive commissioning mode is
exited with p0010 = 0.
• U Operation U: Run
Pulses are enabled.
• T Ready T: Ready to run
The pulses are not enabled and the status "C(x)" is not active.
Specification of the reference variable with which a signal value is automatically converted for
a BICO interconnection.
The following reference variables are available:
• p2000 … p2007: Reference speed, reference voltage, etc.
• PERCENT: 1.0 = 100 %
• 4000H: 4000 hex = 100 % (wort) or 4000 0000 hex = 100 % (double word)
• p0514: specific normalization
Refer to the description for p0514[0…9] and p0515[0…19] to p0524[0…19]
Information on the data sets can be taken from the following references:
• Operating Instructions SINAMICS G120 Frequency Inverter with CU250S-2 Control Units.
0 1 2
7_4 Nm lbf ft Nm -
14_6 kW hp kW -
25_1 kg m2 lb ft2 kg m2 -
27_1 kg lb kg -
28_1 Nm/A lbf ft/A Nm/A -
1 2 3 4
2_1 Hz % Hz % p2000
3_1 1 rpm % 1 rpm % p2000
5_1 Vrms % Vrms % p2001
5_2 V % V % p2001
5_3 V % V % p2001
6_2 Arms % Arms % p2002
6_5 A % A % p2002
7_1 Nm % lbf ft % p2003
7_2 Nm Nm lbf ft lbf ft -
14_5 kW % hp % r2004
14_10 kW kW hp hp -
21_1 °C °C °F °F -
21_2 K K °F °F -
39_1 1/s2 % 1/s2 % p2007
Value Unit
9_1 The values that can be set and the technological units are shown in p0595.
Function diagram
The parameter is included in this function diagram. The structure of the parameter function and
its relationship with other parameters is shown in the specified function diagram.
Parameter values
Min. Minimum value of the parameter [unit]
Max Maximum value of the parameter [unit]
Factory setting Value when delivered [unit]
In the case of a binector/connector input, the signal source of the
default BICO interconnection is specified. A non-indexed connector
output is assigned the index [0].
A different value may be displayed for certain parameters (e.g. p1800)
at the initial commissioning stage or when establishing the factory
The setting of these parameters is determined by the operating
environment of the Control Unit (e.g. depending on converter type,
power unit).
Explanation of the function of a parameter
Lists the possible values of a parameter.
Information about recommended settings.
The name and meaning of each individual index is specified for indexed parameters.
The following applies to the values (Min, Max, Factory setting) of indexed adjustable
• Min, Max:
The adjustment range and unit apply to all indices.
• Factory setting:
When all indices have the same factory setting, index 0 is specified with the unit to
represent all indices.
When the indices have different factory settings, they are all listed individually with the unit.
Bit field
For parameters with bit fields, the following information is provided about each bit:
• Bit number and signal name
• Meaning for signal states 0 and 1
• Function diagram (FP) (optional).
The signal is shown on this function diagram.
Conditions that must be fulfilled in conjunction with this parameter. Also includes special effects
that can occur between this parameter and others.
Where necessary, "Refer to:" indicates the following information:
• List of other relevant parameters to be considered.
• List of faults and alarms to be considered.
Safety guidelines
Important information that must be observed to avoid the risk of physical injury or material
Information that must be observed to avoid any problems.
Information that the user may find useful.
Danger The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this
manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4).
Warning The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this
manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4).
Caution The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this
manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4).
Notice The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this
manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4).
The following number ranges represent an overview for all the parameters available for the
SINAMICS drive family.
The parameters for the product described in this List Manual are described in detail in "List of
parameters" (Page 25).
Range Description
From To
Range Description
From To
Range Description
From To
Note: A higher set access level also includes the lower one.
Access level 3 (experts):
Expert know-how is required for these parameters (e.g. BICO parameterization).
Access level 4 (service):
For these parameters, it is necessary that authorized service personnel enter the appropriate password (p3950).
r0027 CO: Absolute actual current smoothed / I_act abs val smth
Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2002 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 5730, 6799, 8850,
Min Max Factory setting
- [Arms] - [Arms] - [Arms]
Description: Displays the smoothed absolute actual current value.
Dependency: Refer to: r0068
Notice: This smoothed signal is not suitable for diagnostics or evaluation of dynamic operations. In this case, the
unsmoothed value should be used.
Dependency: The thermal motor utilization is only determined when the motor temperature model 1 (I2t) or 3 is activated.
The following conditions are a prerequisite for additional information.
- a temperature sensor has not been parameterized (p0600, p0601).
- the current corresponds to the stall current (p0318).
- speed n > 1 [rpm].
For firmware version < 4.7 SP6 or p0612.12 = 0, the following applies:
- the temperature model operates with an ambient temperature of 20 °C.
A motor utilization of 100% is displayed (r0034 = 100 %) when the following conditions are permanently fulfilled:
- the ambient temperature is 40 °C (model 1: p0625 = 40 °C, model 3: p0613 = 40 °C).
From firmware version 4.7 SP6 and p0612.12 = 1, the following applies:
- the ambient temperature can be adapted to the conditions using p0613.
Refer to: p0605, p0611, p0612, p0613, p0627, r0632
Refer to: F07011, A07012
Notice: After the drive is switched on, the system starts to determine the motor temperature with an assumed model value.
This means that the value for the motor utilization is only valid after a stabilization time.
Note: Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
For r0034 = -200.0 %, the following applies:
The value is invalid (e.g. the motor temperature model is not activated or has been incorrectly parameterized).
r0047 Motor data identification and speed controller optimization / MotID and n_opt
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 300 -
Description: Displays the actual status for the motor data identification (stationary measurement) and the speed controller
optimization (rotating measurement).
Value: 0: No measurement
115: Measurement q leakage inductance (part 2)
120: Speed controller optimization (vibration test)
140: Calculate speed controller setting
150: Measurement moment of inertia
170: Measurement magnetizing current and saturation characteristic
195: Measurement q leakage inductance (part 1)
200: Rotating measurement selected
220: identification leakage inductance
230: Identification rotor time constant
240: Identification stator inductance
250: Identification stator inductance LQLD
260: Identification circuit
270: Identification stator resistance
290: Identification valve lockout time
300: Stationary measurement selected
02 OC / OFF3 No Yes -
03 Operation enable Yes No -
04 Ramp-function generator enable Yes No -
05 Continue ramp-function generator Yes No -
06 Speed setpoint enable Yes No -
07 Acknowledge fault Yes No -
08 Jog bit 0 Yes No 3030
09 Jog bit 1 Yes No 3030
10 Master control by PLC Yes No -
11 Direction reversal (setpoint) Yes No -
13 Motorized potentiometer raise Yes No -
14 Motorized potentiometer lower Yes No -
15 CDS bit 0 Yes No -
Note: The following control bits are displayed in r0054:
Bit 00: r0898 Bit 0
Bit 01: r0898 Bit 1
Bit 02: r0898 Bit 2
Bit 03: r0898 Bit 3
Bit 04: r0898 Bit 4
Bit 05: r0898 Bit 5
Bit 06: r0898 Bit 6
Bit 07: r2138 Bit 7
Bit 08: r0898 Bit 8
Bit 09: r0898 Bit 9
Bit 10: r0898 Bit 10
Bit 11: r1198 Bit 11
Bit 13: r1198 Bit 13
Bit 14: r1198 Bit 14
Bit 15: r0836 Bit 0
r0060 CO: Speed setpoint before the setpoint filter / n_set before filt.
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 2701, 6030, 6799
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the actual speed setpoint at the input of the speed controller or U/f characteristic (after the interpolator).
Dependency: Refer to: r0020
Note: The speed setpoint is available smoothed (r0020) and unsmoothed (r0060).
r0062 CO: Speed setpoint after the filter / n_set after filter
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6020, 6030, 6031
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Display and connector output for the speed setpoint after the setpoint filters.
The value corresponds to the number of the assigned encoder data set.
Encoder 2 in drive data set 2 should be assigned to encoder data set 1.
--> p0188[2] = 1
Note: A value of 99 means that no encoder has been assigned to this drive data set (not configured).
Note: The parameter is used to identify when the drive is being commissioned for the first time.
The power unit commissioning can only be exited (p0201 = r0200), if the actual and acknowledged code numbers are
identical (p0010 = 2).
When the code number is changed, the connection voltage (p0210) is checked and, if necessary, adjusted.
Notice: If, in the switched-off state (pulse inhibit), the supply voltage is higher than the entered value, the Vdc controller may
be automatically de-activated in some cases to prevent the motor from accelerating the next time the system is
switched on. In this case, an appropriate alarm A07401 is output.
Note: Setting ranges for p0210 as a function of the rated power unit voltage:
U_rated = 230 V:
- p0210 = 200 ... 240 V
U_rated = 400 V:
- p0210 = 380 ... 480 V
U_rated = 690 V:
- p0210 = 660 ... 690 V
p0230 Drive filter type motor side / Drv filt type mot
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(1, 2) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 4 0
Description: Sets the type of the filter at the motor side.
Value: 0: No filter
1: Motor reactor
2: dv/dt filter
3: Sine-wave filter Siemens
4: Sine-wave filter third-party
Dependency: The following parameters are influenced using p0230:
p0230 = 1:
--> p0233 (power unit, motor reactor) = filter inductance
p0230 = 3:
--> p0233 (power unit, motor reactor) = filter inductance
--> p0234 (power unit sine-wave filter capacitance) = filter capacitance
--> p0290 (power unit overload response) = inhibit pulse frequency reduction
--> p1082 (maximum speed) = Fmax filter / pole pair number
--> p1800 (pulse frequency) >= nominal pulse frequency of the filter
--> p1802 (modulator modes) = space vector modulation without overcontrol
p0230 = 4:
--> p0290 (power unit overload response) = inhibit pulse frequency reduction
--> p1802 (modulator modes) = space vector modulation without overcontrol
The user must set the following parameters according to the data sheet of the sine-wave filter and also the user must
check whether they are permitted.
--> p0233 (power unit, motor reactor) = filter inductance
--> p0234 (power unit sine-wave filter capacitance) = filter capacitance
--> p1082 (maximum speed) = Fmax filter / pole pair number
--> p1800 (pulse frequency) >= nominal pulse frequency of the filter
Refer to: p0233, p0234, p0290, p1082, p1800, p1802
Note: The parameter cannot be changed if the power unit (e.g. PM260) is equipped with an internal sine-wave filter.
For sine-wave filters, the test pulse evaluation to detect short-circuits is always de-activated.
If a filter type cannot be selected, then this filter type is not permitted for the power unit.
p0230 = 1:
Power units with output reactor are limited to output frequencies of 150 Hz.
p0230 = 3:
Power units with sine-wave filter are limited to output frequencies of 200 Hz.
Note: The parameter value includes the sum of all of the capacitances of a phase connected in series (phase - ground).
When exiting the quick commissioning using p3900 = 1, the parameter value is set to the value of the defined
SIEMENS filter or to zero. For this reason, the parameter value of a third-party filter only has to be entered outside
the commissioning phase (p0010 = 0).
The parameter cannot be changed if the power unit has an internal sine-wave filter.
p0294 Power unit alarm with I2t overload / PU I2t alrm thresh
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8021
Min Max Factory setting
10.0 [%] 100.0 [%] 95.0 [%]
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the I2t power unit overload.
If this threshold is exceeded, an overload alarm is generated and the system responds as parameterized in p0290.
Dependency: Refer to: r0036, p0290
Refer to: A07805
Note: The I2t fault threshold is 100 %. If this value is exceeded, fault F30005 is output.
Notice: If a catalog motor is selected (p0300 >= 100) and an associated motor code number (p0301), then the parameters
that are associated with this list cannot be changed (write protection). The write protection is canceled if the motor
type p0300 is set to a non-Siemens motor that matches p0301 (e.g. p0300 = 1 for p0301 = 1xxxx). Write protection is
automatically canceled when the results of motor data identification are copied to the motor parameters.
The motor type of a catalog motor corresponds to the upper three digits of the code number or the following
assignment (if the particular motor type is listed):
Type/code number ranges
100 / 100xx, 110xx, 120xx, 130xx, 140xx, 150xx
104 / 104xx, 114xx, 124xx
107 / 107xx, 117xx, 127xx,
108 / 108xx, 118xx, 128xx, 138xx, 148xx, 158xx
271 / 271xx, 281xx
277 / 277xx, 287xx, 297xx
Note: Motor without DRIVE-CLiQ: Once the Control Unit has been switched on for the first time or if the factory settings
have been defined accordingly, the motor type is pre-configured as induction motor (p0300 = 1).
With p0300 = 10000, for a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ, the motor parameters are automatically downloaded, with p0300
= 10001, the motor parameters of a second data set (if available).
If a motor type has not been selected (p0300 = 0), then the drive commissioning routine cannot be exited.
A motor type with a value above p0300 >= 100 describes motors for which a motor parameter list exists.
Motor types with a value below p0300 < 100 correspond to the selection of a third-party motor. When appropriately
selected, this means that the motor parameters are pre-assigned the settings for a third-party motor.
This also applies for parameters for a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ. In this case p0300 can only be set to p0300 = 10000
or 10001 (read motor parameters) or to the corresponding non-Siemens motor (first digit of the motor code number)
in order to be able to cancel the write protection.
Notice: If a catalog motor is selected (p0300 >= 100) and an associated motor code number (p0301), then the parameters
that are associated with this list cannot be changed (write protection). The write protection is canceled if the motor
type p0300 is set to a non-Siemens motor that matches p0301 (e.g. p0300 = 1 for p0301 = 1xxxx). Write protection is
automatically canceled when the results of motor data identification are copied to the motor parameters.
The motor type of a catalog motor corresponds to the upper three digits of the code number or the following
assignment (if the particular motor type is listed):
Type/code number ranges
100 / 100xx, 110xx, 120xx, 130xx, 140xx, 150xx
104 / 104xx, 114xx, 124xx
107 / 107xx, 117xx, 127xx,
108 / 108xx, 118xx, 128xx, 138xx, 148xx, 158xx
271 / 271xx, 281xx
277 / 277xx, 287xx, 297xx
Note: Motor without DRIVE-CLiQ: Once the Control Unit has been switched on for the first time or if the factory settings
have been defined accordingly, the motor type is pre-configured as induction motor (p0300 = 1).
With p0300 = 10000, for a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ, the motor parameters are automatically downloaded, with p0300
= 10001, the motor parameters of a second data set (if available).
If a motor type has not been selected (p0300 = 0), then the drive commissioning routine cannot be exited.
A motor type with a value above p0300 >= 100 describes motors for which a motor parameter list exists.
Motor types with a value below p0300 < 100 correspond to the selection of a third-party motor. When appropriately
selected, this means that the motor parameters are pre-assigned the settings for a third-party motor.
This also applies for parameters for a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ. In this case p0300 can only be set to p0300 = 10000
or 10001 (read motor parameters) or to the corresponding non-Siemens motor (first digit of the motor code number)
in order to be able to cancel the write protection.
r0302[0...n] Motor code number of motor with DRIVE-CLiQ / Mot code mot w/ DQ
Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the motor code number from the saved motor data from a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ.
Note: Drive commissioning can only be exited if the code number that was downloaded (r0302) matches the stored code
number (p0301). If the numbers differ, then the motor data set should be re-loaded using p0300 = 10000.
The motor data are always expected from the first encoder that is assigned to the drive data sets (refer to p0187 =
encoder 1) data set number.
The value is not updated cyclically but only on specific events (e.g. update DRIVE-CLiQ device).
r0302 = 0: No motor with DRIVE-CLiQ found
Note: When the parameter value is entered the connection type of the motor (star-delta) must be taken into account.
Once the Control Unit has booted for the first time or if the factory settings have been restored, the parameter is pre-
assigned to match the power unit.
Note: Once the Control Unit has been booted up for the first time or if the factory settings have been defined accordingly,
the parameter is defined in accordance with the power unit.
r0313[0...n] Motor pole pair number, actual (or calculated) / Mot PolePairNo act
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 5300
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the number of motor pole pairs. The value is used for internal calculations.
r0313 = 1: 2-pole motor
r0313 = 2: 4-pole motor, etc.
Dependency: For p0314 > 0, the entered value is displayed in r0313.
For p0314 = 0, the pole pair number (r0313) is automatically calculated from the rated power (p0307), rated
frequency (p0310) and rated speed (p0311).
Refer to: p0307, p0310, p0311, p0314
Note: For the automatic calculation, the pole pair number is set to the value of 2 if the rated speed or the rated frequency is
p0316 = 0:
The torque constant is calculated from the motor data.
p0316 > 0:
The selected value is used as torque constant.
Dependency: Refer to: r0334
Notice: When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.
Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: This parameter is not used for induction motors (p0300 = 1xx).
p0325[0...n] Motor pole position identification current 1st phase / Mot PolID I 1st ph
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 [Arms] 10000.000 [Arms] 0.000 [Arms]
Description: Sets the current for the 1st phase of the two-stage technique for pole position identification routine.
The current of the 2nd phase is set in p0329.
The two-stage technique is selected with p1980 = 4.
Dependency: Refer to: p0329, p1980, r1984, r1985, r1987
Refer to: F07969
Notice: When the motor code (p0301) is changed, it is possible that p0325 is not pre-assigned.
p0325 can be pre-assigned using p0340 = 3.
Note: The value is automatically pre-assigned for the following events:
- For p0325 = 0 and automatic calculation of the closed-loop control parameters (p0340 = 1, 2, 3).
- for quick commissioning (p3900 = 1, 2, 3).
Notice: When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.
Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: This parameter has no significance for induction motors.
For synchronous motors without reluctance torque, a angle of 90 degrees must be set.
When quick commissioning is exited with p3900 > 0, then the parameter is reset if a catalog motor has not been
selected (p0300).
p0340 = 4:
--> p1290, p1292, p1293, p1338, p1339, p1340, p1341, p1345, p1346, p1461, p1463, p1464, p1465, p1470, p1472,
p1703, p1715, p1717, p1740, p1756, p1764, p1767, p1780, p1781, p1783, p1785, p1786, p1795
p0340 = 5:
--> p1037, p1038, p1520, p1521, p1530, p1531, p1574, p1750, p1759, p1802, p1803, p2140, p2142, p2148, p2150,
p2157, p2159, p2161, p2162, p2163, p2164, p2170, p2175, p2177, p2179, p2194
Note: p0340 = 1 contains the calculations of p0340 = 2, 3, 4, 5.
p0340 = 2 calculates the motor parameters (p0350 ... p0360).
p0340 = 3 contains the calculations of p0340 = 4, 5.
p0340 = 4 only calculates the controller parameters.
p0340 = 5 only calculates the controller limits.
When quick commissioning is exited using p3900 > 0, p0340 is automatically set to 1.
At the end of the calculations, p0340 is automatically set to 0.
p0342[0...n] Ratio between the total and motor moment of inertia / Mot MomInert Ratio
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(3), U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6020, 6030, 6031
Min Max Factory setting
1.000 10000.000 1.000
Description: Sets the ratio between the total moment of inertia/mass (load + motor) and the intrinsic motor moment of inertia/mass
(no load).
Dependency: This means that together with p0341, the rated starting (accelerating time) of the motor is calculated for a vector
Refer to: p0341, r0345, p1498
Note: The product of p0341 * p0342 is used when the speed controller (p0340 = 4) is calculated automatically.
p0344[0...n] Motor weight (for the thermal motor model) / Mot weight th mod
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(3), T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: 27_1 Unit selection: p0100 Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.0 [kg] 50000.0 [kg] 0.0 [kg]
Description: Sets the motor weight.
Dependency: IEC drives (p0100 = 0): unit kg
NEMA drives (p0100 = 1): unit lb
Notice: When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.
Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: The parameter influences the thermal 3 mass model of the induction motor.
The parameter is not used for synchronous motors (p0300 = 2xx).
Notice: When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.
Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: The parameter is not used for synchronous motors (p0300 = 2).
r0384[0...n] Motor rotor time constant / damping time constant d axis / Mot T_rotor/T_Dd
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6722
Min Max Factory setting
- [ms] - [ms] - [ms]
Description: Displays the rotor time constant.
Note: The parameter is not used for synchronous motors.
The value is calculated from the total of the inductances on the rotor side (p0358, p0360) divided by the rotor
resistance (p0354). The temperature adaptation of the rotor resistance for induction motors is not taken into account.
Notice: This parameter is automatically pre-set for encoders from the encoder list (p0400).
When selecting a catalog encoder, this parameter cannot be changed (write protection). Information in p0400 should
be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: The lowest permissible value is 250 nm.
p0412[0...n] Measuring gear absolute encoder rotary revolutions virtual / Abs rot rev
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4704
Min Max Factory setting
0 4194303 0
Description: Sets the number of rotations that can be resolved for a rotary encoder with activated position tracking of the
measuring gear.
Dependency: This parameter is only of significance for an absolute encoder (p0404.1 = 1) with activated position tracking (p0411.0
= 1) and for an incremental encoder with activated position tracking (p0411.3 = 1).
Note: The resolution that is set must be able to be represented using r0483.
For rotary axes/modulo axes, the following applies:
p0411.0 = 1:
This parameter is pre-set with p0421 and can be changed.
p0411.3 = 1:
The parameter value is pre-set to the highest possible value. The highest possible value depends on the pulse
number (p0408) and the fine resolution (p0419).
For linear axes, the following applies:
p0411.0 = 1:
This parameter is pre-assigned with p0421, expanded by 6 bits for multiturn information (maximum number of
overflows) and cannot be changed.
p0411.3 = 1:
The parameter value is pre-set to the highest possible value. The highest possible value depends on the pulse
number (p0408) and the fine resolution (p0419).
p0413[0...n] Measuring gear position tracking tolerance window / Pos track window
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 4294967300.00 0.00
Description: Sets a tolerance window for position tracking.
After the system is switched on, the difference between the saved position and the actual position is determined, and
depending on this, the following is initiated:
Difference within the tolerance window --> The position is reproduced as a result of the encoder actual value.
Difference outside the tolerance window --> An appropriate message is output.
Dependency: Refer to: F31501, F32501
Caution: Rotation, e.g. through a complete encoder range is not detected.
p0419[0...n] Fine resolution absolute value Gx_XIST2 (in bits) / Enc fine Gx_XIST2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned8
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4704, 4710
Min Max Factory setting
2 18 9
Description: Sets the fine resolution in bits of the absolute position actual values.
Dependency: Refer to: p0418
Note: This parameter applies to process data Gx_XIST2 when reading the absolute value.
p0422[0...n] Absolute encoder linear measuring step resolution / Enc abs meas step
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4704
Min Max Factory setting
0 [nm] 4294967295 [nm] 100 [nm]
Description: Sets the resolution of the absolute position for a linear absolute encoder.
Notice: This parameter is automatically pre-set for encoders from the encoder list (p0400).
When selecting a catalog encoder, this parameter cannot be changed (write protection). Information in p0400 should
be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: The serial protocol of an absolute encoder provides the position with a certain resolution, e.g. 100 nm. This value
must be entered here.
Notice: When the firmware is upgraded from V2.3 to V2.4 or higher, the value must be reduced by 60° if all the following
conditions are fulfilled:
- the motor is a synchronous motor (p0300 = 2, 2xx, 4, 4xx).
- the encoder is a resolver (p0404.23 = 1).
- the actual speed value is inverted (p0410.0 = 1).
The angular commutation offset cannot be generally taken from other drive systems. As a minimum - the sign of the
offset determined for SIMODRIVE 611 digital and SIMODRIVE 611 universal must be reversed for SINAMICS
(p0431 (SINAMICS) = -p1016 (SIMODRIVE)).
Note: Angular commutation offset, angular difference between electrical position of encoder and flux position.
For p0404.5 = 1 (track C/D) the following applies:
The angular offset in p0431 acts on track A/B, the zero mark on track C/D.
For p0404.6 = 1 (Hall sensor) the following applies:
The angular offset in p0431 acts on track A/B and the zero mark.
p0434 = 1013
--> The evaluation is switched in and the error bit is at position 13 with a low level.
p0434 = 1113
--> The evaluation is switched in and the error bit is at position 13 with a high level.
p0446[0...n] Encoder SSI number of bits before the absolute value / Enc SSI bit before
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 0
Description: Sets the number of bits before the absolute value in the SSI protocol.
Notice: When selecting a catalog encoder, this parameter cannot be changed (write protection). Information in p0400 should
be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: This parameter is automatically pre-set for encoders from the encoder list (p0400).
For example, error bit, alarm bit or parity bit can be positioned at these bits.
p0447[0...n] Encoder SSI number of bits absolute value / Enc SSI bit val
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 25
Description: Sets the number of bits for the absolute value in the SSI protocol.
Notice: When selecting a catalog encoder, this parameter cannot be changed (write protection). Information in p0400 should
be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: This parameter is automatically pre-set for encoders from the encoder list (p0400).
p0448[0...n] Encoder SSI number of bits after the absolute value / Enc SSI bit after
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 0
Description: Sets the number of bits after the absolute value in the SSI protocol.
Notice: This parameter is automatically pre-set for encoders from the encoder list (p0400).
When selecting a catalog encoder, this parameter cannot be changed (write protection). Information in p0400 should
be carefully observed when removing write protection.
Note: For example, error bit, alarm bit or parity bit can be positioned at these bits.
p0449[0...n] Encoder SSI number of bits filler bits / Enc SSI fill bits
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 1
Description: Sets the number of filler bits for double absolute value transfer in the SSI protocol.
p0453[0...n] Pulse encoder evaluation zero speed measuring time / Enc_ev n_0 t_meas
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.10 [ms] 10000.00 [ms] 1000.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the measuring time for evaluating zero speed.
If no pulses are detected from track A/B during this time, a speed actual value of zero is output.
Dependency: Refer to: r0452
Note: This function is required for slow-running motors so that actual speeds close to zero can be output correctly.
r0477[0...2] CO: Measuring gear position difference / Meas gear pos diff
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the position difference before the measuring gear between switching off and switching on.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: F31501, F32501
Note: The increments are displayed in the format the same as r0483. The position difference should be read in encoder
r0479[0...2] CO: Diagnostics encoder position actual value Gn_XIST1 / Diag Gn_XIST1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4704
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and connector output for the encoder actual position value Gn_XIST1 according to PROFIdrive for
In contrast to r0482, the value is updated in each DRIVE-CLiQ basic clock cycle and displayed with sign.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
Caution: Following ramping-up or after a data set changeover, the new value is present at connector inputs which are
interconnected to connector output r0479 and under certain circumstances take 100 ms to become available.
These interconnections are updated in the background, unlike interconnections involving other connector outputs
(e.g. CO: r0482).
The value is immediately available when non-cyclically reading r0479 (e.g. via the expert list).
p0480[0...2] CI: Encoder control word Gn_STW signal source / Enc Gn_STW S_src
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4720, 4750
Min Max Factory setting
- - [0] 0
[1] 0
[2] 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the encoder control word Gn_STW according to PROFIdrive.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
p0480[0...2] CI: Encoder control word Gn_STW signal source / Enc Gn_STW S_src
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer16
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4720, 4750
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - [0] 2520[0]
CU250S_V_PN [1] 2520[1]
(Position control) [2] 2520[2]
Description: Sets the signal source for the encoder control word Gn_STW according to PROFIdrive.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
4: Cancellation, reference block search (e.g. reference mark not available or input terminal for external zero mark not
set). Zero mark is requested, however according to p0404.12/13/14 there is no zero mark (alarm A07565).
5: Cancellation, fetch reference value (e.g. illegal change from reference mark search to flying measurement).
6: Cancel flying measuring (e.g. input terminal for probe not set).
7: Cancellation, fetch measured value (e.g. illegal change from flying measurement to reference mark search).
8: Abort, absolute value transfer.
3841: Function not supported.
4097: Abort, reference mark search due to an initialization error.
4098: Abort, flying measurement due to an initialization error.
4099: Abort, reference mark search due to a measuring error.
4100: Abort, flying measurement due to a measuring error.
r0485[0...2] CO: Measuring gear encoder raw value incremental / Enc raw val incr
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the raw value of the incremental encoder actual value before the measuring gear.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
r0486[0...2] CO: Measuring gear encoder raw value absolute / Enc raw val abs
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the raw value of the absolute encoder actual value before the measuring gear.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
For p0496 = 18 (sin/cos 1 Vpp, EnDat): angle: signal period <--> 2^16, absolute value: 500 mV <--> 10650 dec
For p0496 = 19 (resolver): counter: dec, channel A: 2900 mV <--> 26214 dec
For p0496 = 19 (resolver): counter: dec, channel A: 1300 mV <--> 11750 dec
For p0496 = 19 (sin/cos 1 Vpp, EnDat): counter: dec, channel A: 500 mV <--> 21299 dec
For p0496 = 22: 180 ° <--> 32768 dec
For p0496 = 23, 24: r0497.31 (r0499.15) set for at least 1 current controller cycle when encoder zero mark detected
For p0496 = 24, 25: 500 mV <--> 21299 dec
For p0496 = 30: Rotary: 1 singleturn measuring step <--> 1 dec, linear: 1 measuring step <--> 1 dec
For p0496 = 31: Absolute position, incremental in 1/4 encoder pulses
For p0496 = 32: Zero mark position in 1/4 encoder pulses
For p0496 = 33: counter offset absolute value in 1/4 encoder pulses
For p0496 = 40: r0498 <--> (R_KTY/1 kOhm - 0.9) * 32768
For p0496 = 42: 2500 Ohm <--> 2^32
For p0496 = 51: 1 rpm <--> 1000 dec
For p0496 = 52: In 1/4 encoder pulses
For p0496 = 60: voltage, channel A in mV, voltage, channel B in mV
For p0496 = 61: Channel A: encoder periods <--> 2^16, channel B: encoder periods <--> 2^16
For p0496 = 62: encoder periods <--> 2^16
For p0496 = 70: r: 100% <--> 10000 dec, phase: 180 ° <--> 18000 dec
For p0496 = 80, 81, 85, 86: 1V <--> 1000 inc
r0498[0...2] CO: Encoder diagnostic signal low word / Enc diag low word
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the trace signal for encoder diagnostics (low component).
The signal to be output is selected in p0496.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p0496, r0497, r0499
r0499[0...2] CO: Encoder diagnostic signal high word / Enc diag high word
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the trace signal for encoder diagnostics (high component).
Notice: For p0530 = 101, 102, 103, 104, the maximum bearing speed (p0532) is write protected. Write protection is
withdrawn with p0530 = 1.
If p0530 is changed during quick commissioning (p0010 = 1), then the maximum speed p1082, which is also
associated with quick commissioning, is pre-assigned appropriately. This is not the case when commissioning the
motor (p0010 = 3). The maximum speed of the bearing is factored into the limit for the maximum speed p1082.
Note: For a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ, p0530 can only be set to 1.
p0544[0...n] Load gearbox overall ratio (absolute value) numerator / Load grbx ratio N
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 2147483647 0
Description: Sets the numerator for the overall ratio of the load gearbox.
p0545[0...n] Load gearbox overall ratio (absolute value) denominator / Load grbx ratio D
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 2147483647 0
Description: Sets the denominator for the overall ratio of the load gearbox.
p0546[0...n] Load gearbox output direction of rotation inversion / Load grbx outp inv
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 2147483647 0
Description: Sets the inversion for the direction of rotation of the load gearbox.
The measured speed is multiplied by the BERO gear factor and is displayed in r0586.
If value = 2:
An alarm is output and a timer is started. A fault is output if the alarm is still active after this timer has expired.
If value = 12:
Behavior is always the same as for value 2.
For motor temperature monitoring without temperature sensor, when switching off, the model temperature is saved in
a non-volatile fashion. When switching on, the same value (reduced by p0614) is taken into account in the model
calculation. As a consequence, the UL508C specification is fulfilled.
p0622[0...n] Motor excitation time for Rs_ident after switching on again / t_excit Rs_id
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(3), U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 [s] 20.000 [s] 0.000 [s]
Description: Sets the excitation time of the motor for the stator resistance identification after switching on again (restart).
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p0621, r0623
Note: For p0622 < p0346 the following applies:
If identification is activated, the magnetizing time is influenced by p0622. The speed is enabled after measurement is
complete, but not before the time in p0346 has elapsed (see r0056 bit 4). The time taken for measurement also
depends on the settling time of the measured current.
For p0622 >= p0346 the following applies:
Parameter p0622 is internally limited to the magnetizing time p0346, so that p0346 represents the maximum possible
magnetizing time during identification. The entire measurement period (magnetizing plus measurement settling time
plus measuring time) will always be greater than p0346.
r0623 Rs identification stator resistance after switch on again / Rs-id Rs aft sw-on
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [ohm] - [ohm] - [ohm]
Description: Displays the stator resistance determined using the Rs identification after switching on again.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p0621, p0622
Dependency: For 1LA7 motors (p0300), the parameter is pre-set as a function of p0307 and p0311.
Refer to: p0625
Notice: When selecting a standard induction motor listed in the catalog (p0300 > 100, p0301 > 10000), this parameter is
automatically pre-assigned and is write protected. Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing
write protection.
Note: When quick commissioning is exited with p3900 > 0, then the parameter is reset if a catalog motor has not been
selected (p0300).
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
p0635[0...n] Q flux quadrature axis current constant unsaturated / PSIQ KIQ UNSAT
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(3), U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [Arms] 10000.00 [Arms] 0.00 [Arms]
Description: The non-linear and cross-coupled quadrature axis flux functions are defined using 4 coefficients.
This parameter describes the interdependency of the unsaturated component of the quadrature axis current.
Dependency: Refer to: p0634
p0636[0...n] Q flux direct axis current constant unsaturated / PSIQ KID UNSAT
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(3), U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [Arms] 10000.00 [Arms] 0.00 [Arms]
Description: The non-linear and cross-coupled quadrature axis flux functions are defined using 4 coefficients.
This parameter describes the interdependency of the unsaturated component of the direct axis current.
Dependency: Refer to: p0634
Note: When changing p0756, the parameters of the scaling characteristic (p0757, p0758, p0759, p0760) are overwritten
with the following default values:
For p0756 = 0, 4, p0757 is set to 0.0 V, p0758 = 0.0 %, p0759 = 10.0 V and p0760 = 100.0 %.
For p0756 = 1, p0757 is set to 2.0 V, p0758 = 0.0 %, p0759 = 10.0 V and p0760 = 100.0 %.
For p0756 = 2, p0757 is set to 0.0 mA, p0758 = 0.0 %, p0759 = 20.0 mA and p0760 = 100.0 %.
For p0756 = 3, p0757 is set to 4.0 mA, p0758 = 0.0 %, p0759 = 20.0 mA and p0760 = 100.0 %.
The scaling characteristic for the analog inputs is defined using 2 points.
This parameter specifies the y coordinate (percentage) of the 2nd value pair of the characteristic.
Index: [0] = AI0 (T. 3/4)
[1] = AI1 (T. 10/11)
Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect.
p0762[0...1] CU analog inputs wire breakage monitoring delay time / CU wire brk t_del
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 9566, 9568
Min Max Factory setting
0 [ms] 1000 [ms] 100 [ms]
Description: Sets the delay time for the wire breakage monitoring of the analog inputs.
Index: [0] = AI0 (T. 3/4)
[1] = AI1 (T. 10/11)
Note: AI: Analog Input
r0772[0...1] CU analog outputs output value currently referred / CU AO outp act ref
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 9572
Min Max Factory setting
- [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Displays the actual referred output value of the analog outputs.
Index: [0] = AO0 (T 12/13)
[1] = AO1 (T 26/27)
Note: AO: Analog Output
T: Terminal
Notice: The memory card must not be removed while data is being transferred.
For p0014 = 1, the following applies:
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
Note: If a parameter backup with setting 0 is detected on the memory card when the Control Unit is switched on
(PS000xxx.ACX), this is transferred automatically to the device memory.
When the memory card is inserted, a parameter backup with setting 0 (PS000xxx.ACX) is automatically written to the
memory card when the parameters are saved in a non-volatile memory (e.g. by means of "Copy RAM to ROM").
Once the data has been successfully transferred, this parameter is automatically reset to 0. If an error occurs, the
parameter is set to a value > 1000. Possible fault causes:
p0804 = 1001:
The parameter backup set in p0802 as the source on the memory card does not exist or there is not sufficient
memory space available on the memory card.
p0804 = 1002:
The parameter backup set in p0803 as the source in the device memory does not exist or there is not sufficient
memory space available in the device memory.
p0804 = 1003:
No memory card has been inserted.
Value: 0: Inactive
1: Memory card to device memory
2: Device memory to memory card
1001: File on memory card cannot be opened
1002: File in device memory cannot be opened
1003: Memory card not found
1100: File cannot be transferred
Recommendation: When switching off/switching on, a possibly valid parameter backup is loaded to the memory card with setting 0.
Therefore, we do not recommend parameter backup with setting 0 (p0803 = 0) in the non-volatile device memory.
Dependency: Refer to: p0802, p0803
Notice: The memory card must not be removed while data is being transferred.
For p0014 = 1, the following applies:
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
Note: If a parameter backup with setting 0 is detected on the memory card when the Control Unit is switched on
(PS000xxx.ACX), this is transferred automatically to the device memory.
When the memory card is inserted, a parameter backup with setting 0 (PS000xxx.ACX) is automatically written to the
memory card when the parameters are saved in a non-volatile memory (e.g. by means of "Copy RAM to ROM").
Once the data has been successfully transferred, this parameter is automatically reset to 0. If an error occurs, the
parameter is set to a value > 1000. Possible fault causes:
p0804 = 1001:
The parameter backup set in p0802 as the source on the memory card does not exist or there is not sufficient
memory space available on the memory card.
p0804 = 1002:
The parameter backup set in p0803 as the source in the device memory does not exist or there is not sufficient
memory space available in the device memory.
p0804 = 1003:
No memory card has been inserted.
p0810 BI: Command data set selection CDS bit 0 / CDS select., bit 0
CU250S_V_DP Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_PN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8560
Min Max Factory setting
- - 722.3
Description: Sets the signal source to select the Command Data Set bit 0 (CDS bit 0).
Dependency: Refer to: r0050, p0811, r0836
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: The Command Data Set selected using the binector inputs is displayed in r0836.
The currently effective command data set is displayed in r0050.
A Command Data Set can be copied using p0809.
p0810 BI: Command data set selection CDS bit 0 / CDS select., bit 0
CU250S_V Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8560
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the Command Data Set bit 0 (CDS bit 0).
Dependency: Refer to: r0050, p0811, r0836
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: The Command Data Set selected using the binector inputs is displayed in r0836.
The currently effective command data set is displayed in r0050.
A Command Data Set can be copied using p0809.
p0811 BI: Command data set selection CDS bit 1 / CDS select., bit 1
Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8560
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the Command Data Set bit 1 (CDS bit 1).
Dependency: Refer to: r0050, p0810, r0836
Note: The Command Data Set selected using the binector inputs is displayed in r0836.
The currently effective command data set is displayed in r0050.
A Command Data Set can be copied using p0809.
p0820[0...n] BI: Drive Data Set selection DDS bit 0 / DDS select., bit 0
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: C(15), T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8565, 8575
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the Drive Data Set, bit 0 (DDS, bit 0).
Dependency: Refer to: r0051, r0837
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
p0821[0...n] BI: Drive Data Set selection DDS bit 1 / DDS select., bit 1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: C(15), T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8565, 8570
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the Drive Data Set, bit 1 (DDS, bit 1).
Dependency: Refer to: r0051, r0837
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: If the motor numbers are identical, the same thermal motor model is used for calculation after data set changeover. If
different motor numbers are used, different models are also used for calculating (the inactive motor cools down in
each case).
For the same motor number, the correction values of the Rs, Lh or kT adaptation are applied for the data set
changeover (refer to r1782, r1787, r1797).
Notice: For binector input p0840 = 0 signal, the motor can be moved, jogging using binector input p1055 or p1056.
The command "ON/OFF (OFF1)" can be issued using binector input p0840 or p1055/p1056.
For binector input p0840 = 0 signal, the switching-on inhibited is acknowledged.
Only the signal source that originally switched on can also switch off again.
The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For drives with closed-loop speed control (p1300 = 20, 21), the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (braking with the ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression)
For drives with closed-loop torque control (p1300 = 22, 23), the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: immediate pulse suppression
For drives with closed-loop torque control (activated using p1501), the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: No dedicated braking response, but pulse cancelation when standstill is detected (p1226,
For drives with closed-loop speed/torque control, the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (pulses can be enabled)
For active infeeds (Active Line Module and Smart Line Module) the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (reduce Vdc along the ramp, then pulse suppression and precharging contactor/line
contactor open)
- BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (precharging contactor/line contactor close, pulses can be enabled)
For passive infeeds (Basic Line Module) the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (precharging contactor/line contactor open)
- BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (precharging contactor/line contactor close)
r0863.1 of a drive can also be selected as signal source.
For the PROFIdrive profile, this command corresponds to control word 1 bit 0 (STW1.0).
Recommendation: When the setting for this binector input is changed, the motor can only be switched on by means of an appropriate
signal change of the source.
Dependency: Refer to: p1055, p1056
Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective.
Notice: For binector input p0840 = 0 signal, the motor can be moved, jogging using binector input p1055 or p1056.
The command "ON/OFF (OFF1)" can be issued using binector input p0840 or p1055/p1056.
For binector input p0840 = 0 signal, the switching-on inhibited is acknowledged.
Only the signal source that originally switched on can also switch off again.
The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For drives with closed-loop speed control (p1300 = 20, 21), the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (braking with the ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression)
For drives with closed-loop torque control (p1300 = 22, 23), the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: immediate pulse suppression
For drives with closed-loop torque control (activated using p1501), the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: No dedicated braking response, but pulse cancelation when standstill is detected (p1226,
For drives with closed-loop speed/torque control, the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (pulses can be enabled)
For active infeeds (Active Line Module and Smart Line Module) the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (reduce Vdc along the ramp, then pulse suppression and precharging contactor/line
contactor open)
- BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (precharging contactor/line contactor close, pulses can be enabled)
For passive infeeds (Basic Line Module) the following applies:
- BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (precharging contactor/line contactor open)
- BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (precharging contactor/line contactor close)
r0863.1 of a drive can also be selected as signal source.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For Active Line Modules, Smart Line Modules and binector input p0844 = 0 signal or p0845 = 0 signal, the following
- precharging contactor/line contactor is additionally opened.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For Active Line Modules, Smart Line Modules and binector input p0844 = 0 signal or p0845 = 0 signal, the following
- precharging contactor/line contactor is additionally opened.
p0848[0...n] BI: No Quick Stop / Quick Stop (OFF3) signal source 1 / OFF3 S_src 1
CU250S_V_DP Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_PN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2501
Min Max Factory setting
- - [0] 2090.2
[1] 1
[2] 2090.2
[3] 2090.2
Description: Sets the first signal source for the command "No quick stop/quick stop (OFF3)".
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For drives with closed-loop torque control (activated using p1501), the following applies:
BI: p0848 = 0 signal:
- no dedicated braking response, but pulse suppression when standstill is detected (p1226, p1227).
p0848[0...n] BI: No Quick Stop / Quick Stop (OFF3) signal source 1 / OFF3 S_src 1
CU250S_V Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
CU250S_V_DP Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2501
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the first signal source for the command "No quick stop/quick stop (OFF3)".
The following signals are AND'ed:
- BI: p0848 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 1"
- BI: p0849 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 2"
For the PROFIdrive profile, the result of the AND logic operation corresponds to control word 1 bit 2 (STW1.2).
BI: p0848 = 0 signal or BI: p0849 = 0 signal
- OFF3 (braking along the OFF3 ramp (p1135), then pulse suppression and switching-on inhibited)
BI: p0848 = 1 signal and BI: p0849 = 1 signal
- no OFF3 (enable is possible)
Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For drives with closed-loop torque control (activated using p1501), the following applies:
BI: p0848 = 0 signal:
- no dedicated braking response, but pulse suppression when standstill is detected (p1226, p1227).
p0849[0...n] BI: No Quick Stop / Quick Stop (OFF3) signal source 2 / OFF3 S_src 2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2501
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the second signal source for the command "No quick stop/quick stop (OFF3)".
The following signals are AND'ed:
- BI: p0848 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 1"
- BI: p0849 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 2"
For the PROFIdrive profile, the result of the AND logic operation corresponds to control word 1 bit 2 (STW1.2).
BI: p0848 = 0 signal or BI: p0849 = 0 signal
- OFF3 (braking along the OFF3 ramp (p1135), then pulse suppression and switching-on inhibited)
BI: p0848 = 1 signal and BI: p0849 = 1 signal
- no OFF3 (enable is possible)
Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is effective.
Note: For drives with closed-loop torque control (activated using p1501), the following applies:
BI: p0849 = 0 signal:
- no dedicated braking response, but pulse suppression when standstill is detected (p1226, p1227).
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
For the PROFIdrive profile, this command corresponds to control word 1 bit 10 (STW1.10).
BI: p0854 = 0 signal
No control by PLC
BI: p0854 = 1 signal
Master control by PLC.
Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: This bit is used to initiate a response for the drives when the control fails (F07220). If there is no control available,
then binector input p0854 should be set to 1.
If a control is available, then STW1.10 must be set to 1 (PZD1) so that the received data is updated. This applies
regardless of the setting in p0854 and even in the case of free telegram configuration (p0922 = 999).
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: This bit is used to initiate a response for the drives when the control fails (F07220). If there is no control available,
then binector input p0854 should be set to 1.
If a control is available, then STW1.10 must be set to 1 (PZD1) so that the received data is updated. This applies
regardless of the setting in p0854 and even in the case of free telegram configuration (p0922 = 999).
p0867 Power unit main contactor holding time after OFF1 / PU t_MC after OFF1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.0 [ms] 500.0 [ms] 50.0 [ms]
Description: Sets the main contactor holding time after OFF1
Dependency: Refer to: p0869
Note: After withdrawing the OFF1 enable (source of p0840), the main contactor is opened after the main contactor holding
time has elapsed.
For p0869 = 1 (keep main contactor closed for STO), after withdrawing STO, the switching-on inhibited must be
acknowledged via the source of p0840 = 0 (OFF1) – and before the main contactor holding time expires, should go
back to 1, otherwise the main contactor will open.
When operating a drive connected to SINUMERIK, which only closes the main contactor with the OFF1 command
(blocksize, chassis), p0867 should be set as a minimum to 50 ms.
r0944 CO: Counter for fault buffer changes / Fault buff change
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8060
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and connector output for the counter for changes of the fault buffer.
This counter is incremented every time the fault buffer changes.
Recommendation: Used to check whether the fault buffer has been read out consistently.
Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109
Notice: The Control Unit power supply may only be switched off after data has been saved (i.e. after data save has been
started, wait until the parameter again has the value 0).
Writing to parameters is inhibited while saving.
The progress while saving is displayed in r3996.
For p0971 = 30:
The original state when delivered is overwritten when executing this memory function.
Note: Parameters saved with p0971 = 10, 11, 12 can be loaded again with p0970 = 10, 11 or 12.
Identification and maintenance data (I&M data, p8806 and following) are only saved for p0971 = 1.
Note: If value = 1:
Reset is immediately executed and communications interrupted.
After communications have been established, check the reset operation (refer below).
If value = 2:
Help to check the reset operation.
Firstly, set p0972 = 2 and then read back. Secondly, set p0972 = 1 (it is possible that this request is possibly no
longer acknowledged). The communication is then interrupted.
After communications have been established, check the reset operation (refer below).
If value = 3:
The reset is executed after interrupting cyclic communication. This setting is used to implement a synchronized reset
by a control for several drive units.
If cyclic communication is not active, then the reset is immediately executed.
After communications have been established, check the reset operation (refer below).
To check the reset operation:
After the drive unit has been restarted and communications have been established, read p0972 and check the
p0972 = 0? --> the reset was successfully executed.
p0972 = 0? --> the reset was not executed.
Note: Modified parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 298. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. In a
long list, index 299 contains the parameter number at which position the list continues.
This list consists solely of the following parameters:
r0980[0...299], r0981[0...299] ... r0989[0...299]
The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be
read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master).
Dependency: Selects the required fixed speed setpoint using p1020 ... p1023.
Displays the number of the actual fixed speed setpoint in r1197.
Sets the values for the fixed speed setpoints 1 ... 15 using p1001 ... p1015.
Refer to: p1070, r1197
Note: If a fixed speed setpoint has not been selected (p1020 ... p1023 = 0, r1197 = 0), then r1024 = 0 (setpoint = 0).
p1043[0...n] BI: Motorized potentiometer accept setting value / MotP acc set val
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3020
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to accept the setting value for the motorized potentiometer.
Dependency: Refer to: p1044
Note: The setting value (CI: p1044) becomes effective for a 0/1 edge of the setting command (BI: p1043).
r1045 CO: Mot. potentiometer speed setp. in front of ramp-fct. gen. / Mop n_set bef RFG
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3020
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Sets the effective setpoint in front of the internal motorized potentiometer ramp-function generator.
p1051[0...n] CI: Speed limit RFG positive direction of rotation / n_limit RFG pos
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3050
Min Max Factory setting
- - 9733[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the speed limit of the positive direction on the ramp-function generator input.
Note: The OFF3 ramp-down time (p1135) is effective when the limit is reduced.
p1052[0...n] CI: Speed limit RFG negative direction of rotation / n_limit RFG neg
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3050
Min Max Factory setting
- - 9733[1]
Description: Sets the signal source for the speed limit of the negative direction on the ramp-function generator input.
Note: The OFF3 ramp-down time (p1135) is effective when the limit is reduced.
Notice: The drive is enabled for jogging using BI: p1055 or BI: p1056.
The command "ON/OFF1" can be issued using BI: p0840 or using BI: p1055/p1056.
Only the signal source that was used to switch on can also be used to switch off again.
r1112 CO: Speed setpoint after minimum limiting / n_set aft min_lim
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3050
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the speed setpoint after the minimum limiting.
Dependency: Refer to: p1091, p1092, p1093, p1094, p1101
r1114 CO: Setpoint after the direction limiting / Setp after limit
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3001, 3040, 3050
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the speed/velocity setpoint after the changeover and limiting the direction.
r1119 CO: Ramp-function generator setpoint at the input / RFG setp at inp
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3050, 3070, 6300,
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the setpoint at the input of the ramp-function generator.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: The setpoint is influenced by other functions, e.g. skip (suppressed) speeds, minimum and maximum limits.
The ramp-function generator ramps-down the speed setpoint from the maximum speed (p1082) down to standstill
(setpoint = 0) in this time.
Further, the ramp-down time is always effective for OFF1.
Dependency: Refer to: p1082, p1123
Note: For U/f control and sensorless vector control (see p1300), a ramp-down time of 0 s does not make sense. The setting
should be based on the startup times (r0345) of the motor.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: In the case of sensorless vector control, the ramp-function generator must not be bypassed, other than indirectly by
means of interconnection with r2349.
p1138[0...n] CI: Ramp-function generator ramp-up time scaling / RFG t_RU scal
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3060, 3070
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for scaling the ramp-up time of the ramp-function generator.
Dependency: Refer to: p1120
Note: The ramp-up time is set in p1120.
p1139[0...n] CI: Ramp-function generator ramp-down time scaling / RFG t_RD scal
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3060, 3070
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for scaling the ramp-down time of the ramp-function generator.
Dependency: Refer to: p1121
Note: The ramp-down time is set in p1121.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Description: Sets the signal source for the command "enable ramp-function generator/inhibit ramp-function generator".
For the PROFIdrive profile, this command corresponds to control word 1 bit 4 (STW1.4).
BI: p1140 = 0 signal:
Inhibits the ramp-function generator (the ramp-function generator output is set to zero).
BI: p1140 = 1 signal:
Ramp-function generator enable.
Dependency: Refer to: r0054, p1141, p1142
Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Notice: The ramp-function generator is, independent of the state of the signal source, active in the following cases:
- OFF1/OFF3.
- ramp-function generator output within the suppression bandwidth.
- ramp-function generator output below the minimum speed.
Notice: The ramp-function generator is, independent of the state of the signal source, active in the following cases:
- OFF1/OFF3.
- ramp-function generator output within the suppression bandwidth.
- ramp-function generator output below the minimum speed.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: When the function module "position control" (r0108.3 = 1) is activated, this binector input is interconnected as follows
as standard:
BI: p1142 = 0 signal
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: When the function module "position control" (r0108.3 = 1) is activated, this binector input is interconnected as follows
as standard:
BI: p1142 = 0 signal
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: When the function module "position control" (r0108.3 = 1) is activated, this binector input is interconnected as follows
as standard:
BI: p1142 = 0 signal
p1143[0...n] BI: Ramp-function generator, accept setting value / RFG accept set v
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3060, 3070
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for accepting the setting value of the ramp-function generator.
Dependency: The signal source for the ramp-function generator setting value is set using parameters.
Refer to: p1144
p1148[0...n] Ramp-function gen. tolerance for ramp-up and ramp-down active / RFG tol HL/RL act
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3060, 3070
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 [rpm] 1000.000 [rpm] 19.800 [rpm]
Description: Sets the tolerance value for the status of the ramp-function generator (ramp-up active, ramp-down active).
If the input of the ramp-function generator does not change in comparison to the output by more than the entered
tolerance time, then the status bits "ramp-up active" and "ramp-down active" are not influenced.
Dependency: Refer to: r1199
r1150 CO: Ramp-function generator speed setpoint at the output / RFG n_set at outp
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3001, 3080
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the setpoint at the output of the ramp-function generator.
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
r1169 CO: Speed controller speed setpoints 1 and 2 / n_ctrl n_set 1/2
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 3080
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the speed setpoint after the addition of the speed setpoint 1 (p1155) and speed setpoint 2 (p1160).
Dependency: Refer to: p1155, p1160
Note: The value is only correctly displayed at r0899.2 = 1 (operation enabled).
Dependency: A differentiation is made between flying restart for U/f control and for vector control (p1300).
Flying restart, U/f control: p1202, p1203, r1204
Flying restart, vector control: p1202, p1203, r1205
For synchronous motors, flying restart cannot be activated.
Refer to: p1201
Refer to: F07330, F07331
Notice: The "flying restart" function must be used in cases where the motor may still be running (e.g. after a brief line supply
interruption) or is being driven by the load. The system might otherwise shut down as a result of overcurrent.
Note: For p1200 = 1, 4, the following applies:
Flying restart is active after faults, OFF1, OFF2, OFF3.
For p1200 = 1, the following applies:
The search is made in both directions.
For p1200 = 4, the following applies:
The search is only made in the setpoint direction.
For U/f control (p1300 < 20), the following applies:
The speed can only be sensed for values above approx. 5 % of the rated motor speed. For lower speeds, it is
assumed that the motor is at a standstill.
If p1200 is changed during commissioning (p0010 > 0), then it is possible that the old value will no longer be able to
be set. The reason for this is that the dynamic limits of p1200 have been changed by a parameter that was set when
the drive was commissioned (e.g. p0300).
p1201[0...n] BI: Flying restart enable signal source / Fly_res enab S_src
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source to enable the "flying restart" function.
Dependency: Refer to: p1200
Note: Withdrawing the enable signal has the same effect as setting p1200 = 0.
Note: In U/f control mode, the parameter serves as a threshold value for establishing the current at the beginning of the
flying restart function. When the threshold value is reached, the prevailing search current is set dependent upon the
frequency on the basis of voltage inputs.
Reducing the search current can also improve flying restart performance (if the system moment of inertia is not very
high, for example).
For a reluctance motor, the parameter is only changed after the motor data identification has been carried out.
Note: The parameter factory setting is selected so that standard induction motors that are rotating can be found and
restarted as quickly as possible (fast flying restart).
With this pre-setting, if the motor is not found (e.g. for motors that are accelerated as a result of active loads or with
U/f control and low speeds), we recommend that the search rate is reduced (by increasing p1203).
For the flying restart of a reluctance motor, the minimum search velocity is limited (p1203 >= 50 %).
Notice: If p1215 was set to 1 or if p1215 was set to 3, then when the pulses are suppressed, the brake is closed even if the
motor is still rotating. Pulse suppression can either be caused by a 0 signal at p0844, p0845 or p0852 or as a result
of a fault with OFF2 response. If this is not desirable (e.g. for a flying restart), then the brake can be kept open using
a 1 signal at p0855.
Note: If the configuration is set to "no holding brake present" when booting, then the motor holding brake will be
automatically identified. If a motor holding brake is detected, the configuration is set to "motor holding brake as for
sequence control".
If a motor holding brake is used via the brake connection of the Power Module integrated in the drive, then it is not
permissible that p1215 is set to 3.
if an external motor holding brake is being used, then p1215 should be set to 3 and r0899.12 should be
interconnected as control signal.
The parameter can only be set to zero when the pulses are inhibited.
The parameterization "no motor holding brake available" and "Safe Brake Control" enabled (p1215 = 0, p9602 = 1,
p9802 = 1) is not practical if there is no motor holding brake.
The parameterization "motor holding brake the same as sequence control, connection via BICO" and "Safe Brake
Control" enabled (p1215 = 3, p9602 = 1, p9802 = 1) is not practical.
Recommendation: This time should be set longer than the actual closing time of the brake. This ensures that the pulses are only
suppressed after the brake has closed.
Dependency: Refer to: p1215, p1216
Notice: If the selected closing time is too short with respect to the actual closing time of the brake, then the load can sag.
If the closing time is selected to be too long with respect to the actual closing time of the brake, the control works
against the brake and therefore reduces its lifetime.
Note: For a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ and integrated brake, for p0300 = 10000, this time is pre-assigned the value saved in
the motor.
For p1231 = 5:
DC braking is activated if the OFF1 or OFF3 command is present. Binector input p1230 is ineffective. If the drive
speed still lies above the speed threshold p1234, then initially, the drive is ramped-down to this threshold,
demagnetized (see p0347) and is then switched into DC braking for the time set in p1233. After this, the drive is
switched-off. If, at OFF1, the drive speed is below p1234, then it is immediately demagnetized and switched into DC
braking. A change is made into normal operation if the OFF1 command is withdrawn prematurely (the system waits
for demagnetization). Flying restart must be activated if the motor is still rotating.
DC braking by means of fault response continues to be possible.
For p1231 = 14:
In addition to the function for p1231 = 5, binector input p1230 is evaluated.
DC braking is only automatically activated when the speed threshold p1234 is fallen below if binector input p1230 = 1
signal. This is also the case, if no OFF command is present.
After demagnetization and after the time in p1233 has expired, the drive changes back into normal operation or is
switched-off (for OFF1/OFF3).
If a 0 signal is applied to binector input p1230, for OFF1 and OFF3 no DC braking is executed.
DCBRK: DC Braking
p1240[0...n] Vdc controller configuration (vector control) / Vdc ctr config vec
PM240 Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6220
Min Max Factory setting
0 3 1
Description: Sets the controller configuration of the DC link voltage (Vdc controller) in the closed-loop control mode.
For U/f control: see p1280.
Value: 0: Inhib Vdc ctrl
1: Enable Vdc_max controller
2: Enable Vdc_min controller (kinetic buffering)
3: Enable Vdc_min controller and Vdc_max controller
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1245
Refer to: A07400, A07401, A07402, F07405, F07406
Notice: An excessively high value in p1245 can possibly negatively influence the normal operation of the drive.
Note: If a braking resistor is connected to the DC link (p0219 > 0), then the Vdc_max control is automatically de-activated.
p1240 = 1, 3:
When the DC link voltage limit specified for the power unit is reached the following applies:
- the Vdc_max controller limits the regenerative energy in order that the DC link voltage is kept below the maximum
DC link voltage when braking.
- the ramp-down times are automatically increased.
p1240 = 2, 3:
When the switch-in threshold of the Vdc_min controller is reached (p1245), the following applies:
- the Vdc_min controller limits the energy taken from the DC link in order to keep the DC link voltage above the
minimum DC link voltage when accelerating.
- the motor is braked in order to use its kinetic energy to buffer the DC link.
If p1254 = 0 (automatic sensing of the switch-in level = off), then the following applies:
r1242 = 1.15 * sqrt(2) * p0210 (supply voltage)
PM230: r1242 is limited to Vdc_max - 50.0 V.
If p1254 = 1 (automatic sensing of the switch-in level = on), then the following applies:
r1242 = Vdc_max - 50.0 V (Vdc_max: Overvoltage threshold of the power unit)
r1242 = Vdc_max - 25.0 V (for 230 V power units)
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Notice: If the activation level of the Vdc_max controller is already exceeded in the de-activated state (pulse inhibit) by the DC
link voltage, then the controller can be automatically de-activated (see F07401), so that the drive is not accelerated
the next time that it is activated.
Note: The Vdc_max controller is not switched back off until the DC-link voltage falls below the threshold 0.95 * r1242 and
the controller output is zero.
p1271[0...n] Flying restart maximum frequency for the inhibited direction / FlyRes f_max dir
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 [Hz] 650 [Hz] 0 [Hz]
Description: Sets the maximum search frequency for a flying restart in an inhibited setpoint direction (p1110, p1111).
Note: The parameter has no effect for an operating mode, which only searches in the setpoint direction (p1200 > 3).
Note: If the configuration of the motor holding brake (p1215) is set to "no holding brake present" when booting, then an
automatic identification of the motor holding brake will be carried out. If a brake control is detected without
diagnostics evaluation (e.g. Brake Relay for AC Drive), then the parameter is set to "brake control without diagnostics
It is not permissible to parameterize "brake control without diagnostics evaluation" and also enable "safe brake
control" (p1278 = 1, p9602 = 1, p9802 = 1).
p1285[0...n] Vdc_min controller switch-in level (kinetic buffering) (U/f) / Vdc_min on_level
PM240 Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
65 [%] 150 [%] 76 [%]
Description: Sets the switch-in level for the Vdc-min controller (kinetic buffering).
The value is obtained as follows:
r1286[V] = p1285[%] * sqrt(2) * p0210
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
Warning: An excessively high value may adversely affect normal drive operation.
r1286 Vdc_min controller switch-in level (kinetic buffering) (U/f) / Vdc_min on_level
PM240 Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2001 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6320
Min Max Factory setting
- [V] - [V] - [V]
Description: Displays the switch-in level for the Vdc_min controller (kinetic buffering).
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
Note: The Vdc_min controller is not switched back off until the DC-link voltage rises above the threshold 1.05 * r1286 and
the controller output is zero.
p1287[0...n] Vdc_min controller dynamic factor (kinetic buffering) (U/f) / Vdc_min dyn_factor
PM240 Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6320
Min Max Factory setting
1 [%] 10000 [%] 100 [%]
Description: Sets the dynamic factor for the Vdc_min controller (kinetic buffering).
100% means that p1290, p1291, and p1292 (gain, integral time, and rate time) are used corresponding to their basic
settings and based on a theoretical controller optimization.
If subsequent optimization is required, this can be carried out using the dynamic factor. In this case, p1290, p1291,
and p1292 are weighted with the dynamic factor p1287.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
p1294 Vdc_max controller automatic detection ON signal level (U/f) / Vdc_max SenseOnLev
PM240 Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 1 0
Description: Activates/de-activates the automatic sensing of the switch-in level for the Vdc_max controller. When the sensing
function is de-activated, the activation threshold r1282 for the Vdc_max controller is determined from the
parameterized connection voltage p0210.
Value: 0: Automatic detection inhibited
1: Automatic detection enabled
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
Notice: If a time threshold has been parameterized, the Vdc_max controller should also be activated (p1280 = 3) so that the
drive does not shut down with overvoltage when Vdc_min control is exited (due to the time violation) and in the event
of fault response OFF3. It is also possible to increase the OFF3 ramp-down time p1135.
At low output frequencies, there is only a low output voltage in order to maintain the motor flux. However, the output
voltage can be too low in order to achieve the following:
- magnetize the induction motor.
- hold the load.
- compensate for losses in the system.
This is the reason that the output voltage can be increased using p1310.
The voltage boost can be used for both linear as well as square-law U/f characteristics.
Dependency: The starting current (voltage boost) is limited by the current limit p0640.
The accuracy of the starting current depends on the setting of the stator and feeder cable resistance (p0350, p0352).
For vector control, the starting current is realized using p1610.
Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
Refer to: p1300, p1311, p1312, r1315
Notice: The starting current (voltage boost) increases the motor temperature (particularly at zero speed).
Note: The starting current as a result of the voltage boost is only effective for U/f control (p1300).
The boost values are combined with one another if the permanent voltage boost (p1310) is used in conjunction with
other boost parameters (acceleration boost (p1311), voltage boost for starting (p1312)).
However, these parameters are assigned the following priorities: p1310 > p1311, p1312
Dependency: The following applies to the frequency values: p1320 <= p1322 <= p1324 <= p1326. Otherwise, a standard
characteristic is used that contains the rated motor operating point.
Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1310, p1311, p1320, p1321, p1322, p1323, p1325, p1326, p1327
Note: For p1333 = 0 Hz, the FCC starting frequency is automatically set to 6 % of the rated motor frequency.
p1334[0...n] U/f control slip compensation starting frequency / Slip comp start
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6310
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [Hz] 3000.00 [Hz] 0.00 [Hz]
Description: Sets the starting frequency of the slip compensation.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
Note: For p1334 = 0, the starting frequency of the slip compensation is automatically set to 6 % of the rated motor
Note: The resonance damping function dampens active current oscillations that frequency occur under no-load conditions.
The resonance damping is active in a range from approximately 6 % of the rated motor frequency (p0310). The
shutoff frequency is determined by p1349.
For the open-loop control modes p1300 = 5 and 6 (textile sectors), the resonance damping is internally disabled in
order that the output frequency can be precisely set.
r1348 CO: U/f control Eco factor actual value / U/f Eco fac act v
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6300, 6301
Min Max Factory setting
- [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Displays the economic factor determined for optimizing motor consumption.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1335
Note: The value is only determined for operating modes with Economic (p1300 = 4, 7).
p1352[0...n] CI: Motor holding brake starting frequency signal source / Brake f_start
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6310
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1351[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the frequency setting value at the slip compensation output for starting up with motor
holding brake.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096 = 2)
Refer to: p1216
Note: A value of 100% corresponds to the motor rated slip (r0330).
The setting of the starting frequency begins after magnetizing (see p0346, r0056.4) and ends once the brake opening
time (p1216) has elapsed and the starting frequency (p1334) has been reached.
A setting value of zero means that no setting procedure will take place.
p1402[0...n] Closed-loop current control and motor model configuration / I_ctrl config
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3 Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0000 bin
Description: Sets the configuration for the closed-loop control and the motor model.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
02 Current controller adaptation active Yes No -
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1442[0...n] Speed controller speed actual value smoothing time / n_ctr n_act T_smth
Access level: 2 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6020, 6040
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [ms] 32000.00 [ms] 4.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the smoothing time for the actual speed value of the speed controller for closed-loop control with encoder.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Note: The smoothing must be increased if there is gear backlash. For longer smoothing times, the integral time of the
speed controller must also be increased (e.g. using p0340 = 4).
r1443 CO: Speed controller speed actual value at actual value input / n_ctrl n_act inp
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6040
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the speed actual value at the speed controller's free-wiring actual value input p1440.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1440
Note: This speed signal is only used by the speed controller and not by the motor model.
r1444 Speed controller speed setpoint steady-state (static) / n_ctrl n_set stat
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 5030
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the sum of all speed setpoints that are present.
The following sources are available for the displayed setpoint:
- setpoint at the ramp-function generator input (r1119).
- speed setpoint 1 (p1155).
- speed setpoint 2 (p1160).
- speed setpoint for the speed pre-control (p1430).
- setpoint from DSC (for DSC active).
- setpoint via PC (for master control active).
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: r1119, p1155, p1160
p1452[0...n] Speed controller speed actual value smoothing time (sensorless) / n_C n_act T_s SL
Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6020, 6040
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [ms] 32000.00 [ms] 10.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the smoothing time for the actual speed of the speed controller for encoderless closed-loop speed control.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Note: The smoothing must be increased if there is gear backlash. For longer smoothing times, the integral time of the
speed controller must also be increased (e.g. using p0340 = 4).
r1454 CO: Speed controller system deviation I component / n_ctrl sys dev Tn
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6040
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Display and connector output for the system deviation of the I component of the speed controller.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
p1456[0...n] Speed controller P gain adaptation lower starting point / n_ctrl AdaptKpLow
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6050
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [%] 400.00 [%] 0.00 [%]
Description: Sets the lower starting point of the adaptation range for the additional adaptation of the P gain of the speed controller.
The values are in % and refer to the set source of the adaptation signal.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1455, p1457, p1458, p1459
Note: If the upper transition point p1457 of the speed controller adaptation is set to lower values than the lower transition
p1456, then the controller gain below p1457 is adapted with p1459 and above p1456, with p1458.
p1457[0...n] Speed controller P gain adaptation upper starting point / n_ctrl AdaptKp up
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6050
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [%] 400.00 [%] 0.00 [%]
Description: Sets the upper starting point of the adaptation range for the additional adaptation of the P gain of the speed
The values are in % and refer to the set source of the adaptation signal.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1455, p1456, p1458, p1459
Note: If the upper transition point p1457 of the speed controller adaptation is set to lower values than the lower transition
p1456, then the controller gain below p1457 is adapted with p1459 and above p1456, with p1458.
p1462[0...n] Speed controller integral time adaptation speed lower / n_ctrl Tn n lower
Access level: 2 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6020, 6040
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [ms] 100000.00 [ms] 20.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the integration time of the speed controller before the adaptation speed range (0 ... p1464).
This value corresponds to the basic setting of the integral time of the speed controller without adaptation (p1461 =
100 %).
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1463, p1464, p1465
Note: The integral component is stopped if the complete controller output or the sum of controller output and torque pre-
control reach the torque limit.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
p1475[0...n] CI: Speed controller torque setting value for motor holding brake / n_ctrl M_sv MHB
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6040
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the torque setting value when starting up with motor holding brake.
Recommendation: To hold the actual torque when stopping the motor, you are advised to set p1400 bit 1 = 1. As a result, the integral
component of the speed controller is frozen when changing to the open-loop controlled operating range.
Dependency: The switching in of the torque setting value for the motor holding brake has a higher priority than the setting of the
integrator value using p1477 and p1478.
Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Note: The setting of the integral output of the speed controller begins after magnetizing (see p0346, r0056 bit 4) and ends
at the end of the brake control opening time p1216. A setting value of zero means that no setting procedure will take
If p1351 is used as a signal source for the torque setting value, the percentage value is interpreted in relation to the
rated torque (p2003).
p1477[0...n] BI: Speed controller set integrator value / n_ctrl integ set
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2520, 6040
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to set the integrator setting value (p1478).
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1478, p1479
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
p1479[0...n] CI: Speed controller integrator setting value scaling / n_ctrl I_val scal
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6040
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for scaling the integrator setting value (p1478) of the speed controller.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1477, p1478
p1501[0...n] BI: Change over between closed-loop speed/torque control / Changeov n/M_ctrl
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2520, 6020
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for toggling between speed and torque control.
0 signal: Closed-loop speed control
1 signal: Closed-loop torque control
Dependency: The input connectors to enter the torque are provided using p1511, p1512 and p1513.
Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Refer to: p1300
Notice: If the closed-loop torque control is not activated (p1300) and a change is made to closed-loop torque control (p1501),
OFF1 (p0840) does not have its own braking response but pulse suppression when standstill is detected (p1226,
Note: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
r1508 CO: Torque setpoint before supplementary torque / M_set bef. M_suppl
Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 7_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6030, 6060, 6722
Min Max Factory setting
- [Nm] - [Nm] - [Nm]
Description: Displays the torque setpoint before entering the supplementary torque.
For closed-loop speed control, r1508 corresponds to the speed controller output; for closed-loop torque control,
r1508 corresponds to the torque setpoint of the signal source assigned in p1503.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Notice: A BICO interconnection to a parameter that belongs to a drive data set always acts on the effective data set.
Note: The torque limit is limited to 400% of the rated motor torque. When automatically calculating the motor/closed-loop
control parameters (p0340), the torque limit is set to match the current limit (p0640).
Notice: A BICO interconnection to a parameter that belongs to a drive data set always acts on the effective data set.
Note: The torque limit is limited to 400% of the rated motor torque. When automatically calculating the motor/closed-loop
control parameters (p0340), the torque limit is set to match the current limit (p0640).
r1526 CO: Torque limit upper without offset / M_max up w/o offs
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 7_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6060, 6630, 6640
Min Max Factory setting
- [Nm] - [Nm] - [Nm]
Description: Display and connector output for the upper torque limit of all torque limits without offset.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1520, p1521, p1522, p1523, p1528, p1529
r1527 CO: Torque limit lower without offset / M_max low w/o offs
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 7_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6060, 6630, 6640
Min Max Factory setting
- [Nm] - [Nm] - [Nm]
Description: Display and connector output for the lower torque limit of all torque limits without offset.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1520, p1521, p1522, p1523, p1528, p1529
r1547[0...1] CO: Torque limit for speed controller output / M_max outp n_ctrl
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 7_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6060
Min Max Factory setting
- [Nm] - [Nm] - [Nm]
Description: Displays the torque limit to limit the speed controller output.
Index: [0] = Upper limit
[1] = Lower limit
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1552[0...n] CI: Torque limit upper scaling without offset / M_max up w/o offs
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6060
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for the scaling of the upper torque limiting to limit the speed controller output without taking
into account the current and power limits.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1554[0...n] CI: Torque limit lower scaling without offset / M_max low w/o offs
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6060
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for the scaling of the lower torque limiting to limit the speed controller output without taking into
account the current and power limits.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1560[0...n] Moment of inertia estimator accelerating torque threshold value / J_est M thresh
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(3), U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.10 [%] 100.00 [%] 10.00 [%]
Description: Sets the threshold for the accelerating torque for the moment of inertia estimator.
p1563[0...n] CO: Mom. of inertia estimator load torque direction of rotation pos. / J_est M pos
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-340.28235E36 [Nm] 340.28235E36 [Nm] 0.00 [Nm]
Description: Display and connector output for the monitored load torque in the positive direction of rotation.
The moment of inertia estimator estimates the load torque drawn while the speed is constant.
Dependency: Refer to: p1400, p1560, p1561
p1564[0...n] CO: Mom. of inertia estimator load torque direction of rotation neg. / J_est M neg
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: p2003 Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-340.28235E36 [Nm] 340.28235E36 [Nm] 0.00 [Nm]
Description: Display and connector output for the monitored load torque in the negative direction of rotation.
The moment of inertia estimator estimates the load torque drawn while the speed is constant.
Dependency: Refer to: p1400, p1560, p1561
p1584[0...n] Field weakening operation flux setpoint smoothing time / Field weak T_smth
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6722
Min Max Factory setting
0 [ms] 20000 [ms] 0 [ms]
Description: Sets the smoothing time for the flux setpoint in the field-weakening range
Recommendation: Smoothing should be especially used if there is no regenerative feedback into the line supply. This means that the
DC link voltage can quickly increase in regenerative operation
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Note: Only the flux setpoint rise is smoothed
r1593[0...1] CO: Field weakening controller / flux controller output / Field/Fl_ctrl outp
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2002 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 6_2 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6724
Min Max Factory setting
- [Arms] - [Arms] - [Arms]
Description: Display and connector output for the output of the field weakening controller (synchronous motor).
Index: [0] = PI output
[1] = I output
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1654[0...n] Curr. setpoint torque-gen. smoothing time field weakening range / Isq_s T_smth FW
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6710
Min Max Factory setting
0.1 [ms] 50.0 [ms] 4.8 [ms]
Description: Sets the smoothing time constant for the setpoint of the torque-generating current components.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Note: The smoothing time does not become effective until the field-weakening range is reached.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Note: The parameter is effective for permanent-magnet synchronous motors.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
p1730[0...n] Isd controller integral component shutdown threshold / Isd ctrl Tn shutd
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
30 [%] 150 [%] 30 [%]
Description: Sets the speed threshold for de-activating the integral component of the Isd controller.
The d current controller is only effective as P controller for speeds greater than the threshold value. Instead of the
integral component, the quadrature arm decoupling is effective.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Warning: For settings above 80%, the d current controller is active up to the field weakening limit. When operated at the
voltage limit, this can result in an unstable behavior. In order to avoid this, the dynamic voltage reserve p1574 should
be increased.
Note: The parameter value is referred to the synchronous rated motor speed.
p1731[0...n] Isd controller combination current time component / Isd ctr I_combi T1
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [ms] 10000.00 [ms] 0.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the time constant to calculate the d current DC component difference (combination current) to add to the d
current controller actual value.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Note: It is not added for p1731 = 0.
p1740[0...n] Gain resonance damping for encoderless closed-loop control / Gain res_damp
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 10.000 0.025
Description: Defines the gain of the controller for resonance damping for operation with sensorless vector control in the range that
current is injected.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1744[0...n] Motor model speed threshold stall detection / MotMod n_thr stall
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [rpm] 210000.00 [rpm] 100.00 [rpm]
Description: Sets the speed threshold value to detect a stalled motor.
If the adaptation controller output exceeds the parameterized speed difference, then in status word r1408.11 is set =
Dependency: If a stalled drive is detected (r1408.11 = 1), fault F07902 is output after the delay time set in p2178.
Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p2178
Note: Speed monitoring is only effective in operation with a speed encoder (refer to p1300).
Stalling is also identified if steps/jumps occur in the speed signal, which exceed the value in p0492.
r1746 Motor model error signal stall detection / MotMod sig stall
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Signal to initiate stall detection
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Note: The signal is not calculated while magnetizing and only in the low speed range (below p1755 * (100 % - p1756)).
p1749[0...n] Motor model increase changeover speed encoderless operation / Incr n_chng no enc
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.0 [%] 99.0 [%] 50.0 [%]
Description: Minimum operating frequency for rugged operation.
If the minimum value is greater than the lower changeover limit parameterized with p1755 * (1 - 2 * p1756), then the
difference is displayed using p1749 * p1755. The parameter value cannot be changed.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1752, p1755, p1756
p1752[0...n] Motor model changeover speed operation with encoder / MotMod n_chgov enc
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [rpm] 210000.00 [rpm] 210000.00 [rpm]
Description: Sets the speed to change over the motor model for operation with encoder.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1756
p1758[0...n] Motor model changeover delay time closed/open-loop control / MotMod t cl_op
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
100 [ms] 10000 [ms] 500 [ms]
Description: Sets the minimum time for falling below the changeover speed when changing from closed-loop controlled operation
to open-loop controlled operation.
Dependency: The wait time has no significance if the setpoint speed before the ramp-function generator lies in the open-loop
speed controlled operating range. In this case, the change is made without any delay.
Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1755, p1756
Note: If p1758 is changed, commissioning must be selected in order to validate the value for the blocking monitoring.
p1759[0...n] Motor model changeover delay time open/closed-loop control / MotMod t op_cl
Access level: 3 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,5 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 [ms] 2000 [ms] 0 [ms]
Description: Sets the minimum time for a transition from open-loop controlled to closed-loop controlled operation after the lower
changeover speed p1755 * (1 - p1756 / 100 %) has been exceeded.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p1755, p1756
Note: With p1759 = 2000 ms, the delay time becomes ineffective and the model changeover is determined by the output
frequency only (changeover for p1755).
p1764[0...n] Motor model without encoder speed adaptation Kp / MotMod woE n_adaKp
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6730
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 100000.000 1000.000
Description: Sets the proportional gain of the controller for speed adaptation without encoder.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1767[0...n] Motor model without encoder speed adaptation Tn / MotMod woE n_adaTn
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1,3,4 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6730
Min Max Factory setting
1 [ms] 200 [ms] 4 [ms]
Description: Sets the integral time of the controller for speed adaptation without encoder
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
r1770 CO: Motor model speed adaptation proportional component / MotMod n_adapt Kp
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: 6730
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: Displays the P component of the controller for speed adaptation.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
p1774[0...n] Motor model offset voltage compensation alpha / MotMod offs comp A
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-5.000 [V] 5.000 [V] 0.000 [V]
Description: Sets the offset voltage in the alpha direction; this compensates the offset voltages of the drive converter/inverter at
low speeds. The value is valid for the rated (nominal) pulse frequency of the power unit.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Note: The value is pre-set during the rotating measurement.
p1775[0...n] Motor model offset voltage compensation beta / MotMod offs comp B
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-5.000 [V] 5.000 [V] 0.000 [V]
Description: Sets the offset voltage in the beta direction; this compensates the offset voltages of the drive converter/inverter at low
speeds. The value is valid for the rated (nominal) pulse frequency of the power unit.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1), "Dynamic Drive Control" (DDC, p0096
= 2)
Note: The value is pre-set during the rotating measurement.
Dependency: Not visible with application class: "Standard Drive Control" (SDC, p0096 = 1)
Refer to: p0826, p1780
Note: The display of the inactive data sets is only updated when changing over the data set.
r1808 DC link voltage actual value for U_max calculation / Vdc act val U_max
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2001 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 5_2 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [V] - [V] - [V]
Description: DC link voltage used to determine the maximum possible output voltage.
Caution: For operation with encoder, if the output phase sequence is changed, under certain circumstances it may be
necessary to change the direction of rotation for the encoder (see p0410).
The encoder polarity is also checked for the rotating measurement (see p1959).
Note: This setting can only be changed when the pulses are inhibited.
p1822 Power unit line phases monitoring tolerance time / PU ph monit t_tol
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
500 [ms] 540000 [ms] 1000 [ms]
Description: Sets the tolerance time for line phase monitoring for blocksize power units.
If a line phase fault is present for longer than this tolerance time, then a corresponding fault is output.
Dependency: Refer to: F30011
Notice: When operating with a failed line phase, depending on the active power, values higher than the default value can
either immediately damage the power unit or damage it over the long term.
Note: For the setting p1822 = maximum value, line phase monitoring is de-activated.
p1900 Motor data identification and rotating measurement / MotID and rot meas
PM240 Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(1), T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 12 0
Description: Sets the motor data identification and speed controller optimization.
The motor identification should first be performed with the motor stationary (p1900 = 1, 2; also refer to p1910). Based
on this, additional motor and control parameters can be determined using the motor data identification with the motor
rotating (p1900 = 1, 3; also refer to p1960; not for p1300 < 20).
p1900 = 0:
Function inhibited.
p1900 = 1:
Sets p1910 = 1 and p1960 = 0, 1 depending on p1300
When the drive enable signals are present, a motor data identification routine is carried out at standstill with the next
switch-on command. Current flows through the motor which means that it can align itself by up to a quarter of a
With the following switch-on command, a rotating motor data identification routine is carried out - and in addition, a
speed controller optimization by making measurements at different motor speeds.
p1900 = 2:
Sets p1910 = 1 and p1960 = 0
When the drive enable signals are present, a motor data identification routine is carried out at standstill with the next
switch-on command. Current flows through the motor which means that it can align itself by up to a quarter of a
p1900 = 3:
Sets p1960 = 0, 1 depending on p1300
This setting should only be selected if the motor data identification was already carried out at standstill.
When the drive enable signals are present, with the next switch-on command, a rotating motor data identification
routine is carried out - and in addition, speed controller optimization by taking measurements at different motor
p1900 = 11, 12:
The same as p1900 = 1, 2 with the difference, that after the measurement, the system immediately goes into
operation. For this purpose, p1909.18 is set = p1959.13 is set = 1 .
Value: 0: Inhibited
1: Identifying motor data and optimizing the speed controller
2: Identifying motor data (at standstill)
3: Optimizing the speed controller (in rotating operation)
11: Motor data ident. and speed controller opt., switch to operation
12: Motor data identification (at standstill), switch to operation
Dependency: Refer to: p1300, p1910, p1960
Refer to: A07980, A07981, F07983, F07984, F07985, F07986, F07988, F07990, A07991
Notice: p1900 = 3:
This setting should only be selected if the motor data identification was already carried out at standstill.
If there is a motor holding brake, it must be open (p1215 = 2).
To permanently accept the determined settings they must be saved in a non-volatile fashion (p0971).
During the rotating measurement it is not possible to save the parameter (p0971).
For p0014 = 1, the following applies:
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
Note: The motor and control parameters of the vector control are only optimally set when both measurements are carried
out (initially at standstill, and then with the motor rotating). The measurement with rotating motor is not performed for
p1300 < 20 (U/f controls).
An appropriate alarm is output when the parameter is set.
The switch-on command must remain set during a measurement and after the measurement has been completed,
the drive automatically resets it.
The duration of the measurements can lie between 0.3 s and several minutes. This time is, for example, influenced
by the motor size and the mechanical conditions.
p1900 is automatically set to 0 after the motor data identification routine has been completed.
If a reluctance motor has been parameterized, a pole position identification is carried out during the stationary
measurement. As a consequence, faults that occur can also be assigned to the pole position identification.
p1900 Motor data identification and rotating measurement / MotID and rot meas
PM250 Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
PM260 Can be changed: C(1), T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 3 0
Description: Sets the motor data identification and speed controller optimization.
The motor identification should first be performed with the motor stationary (p1900 = 1, 2; also refer to p1910). Based
on this, additional motor and control parameters can be determined using the motor data identification with the motor
rotating (p1900 = 1, 3; also refer to p1960; not for p1300 < 20).
p1900 = 0:
Function inhibited.
p1900 = 1:
Sets p1910 = 1 and p1960 = 0, 1 depending on p1300
When the drive enable signals are present, a motor data identification routine is carried out at standstill with the next
switch-on command. Current flows through the motor which means that it can align itself by up to a quarter of a
With the following switch-on command, a rotating motor data identification routine is carried out - and in addition, a
speed controller optimization by making measurements at different motor speeds.
p1900 = 2:
Sets p1910 = 1 and p1960 = 0
When the drive enable signals are present, a motor data identification routine is carried out at standstill with the next
switch-on command. Current flows through the motor which means that it can align itself by up to a quarter of a
p1900 = 3:
Sets p1960 = 0, 1 depending on p1300
This setting should only be selected if the motor data identification was already carried out at standstill.
When the drive enable signals are present, with the next switch-on command, a rotating motor data identification
routine is carried out - and in addition, speed controller optimization by taking measurements at different motor
Value: 0: Inhibited
1: Identifying motor data and optimizing the speed controller
2: Identifying motor data (at standstill)
3: Optimizing the speed controller (in rotating operation)
Dependency: Refer to: p1300, p1910, p1960
Refer to: A07980, A07981, F07983, F07984, F07985, F07986, F07988, F07990, A07991
Notice: p1900 = 3:
This setting should only be selected if the motor data identification was already carried out at standstill.
If there is a motor holding brake, it must be open (p1215 = 2).
To permanently accept the determined settings they must be saved in a non-volatile fashion (p0971).
During the rotating measurement it is not possible to save the parameter (p0971).
For p0014 = 1, the following applies:
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
Note: The motor and control parameters of the vector control are only optimally set when both measurements are carried
out (initially at standstill, and then with the motor rotating). The measurement with rotating motor is not performed for
p1300 < 20 (U/f controls).
An appropriate alarm is output when the parameter is set.
The switch-on command must remain set during a measurement and after the measurement has been completed,
the drive automatically resets it.
The duration of the measurements can lie between 0.3 s and several minutes. This time is, for example, influenced
by the motor size and the mechanical conditions.
p1900 is automatically set to 0 after the motor data identification routine has been completed.
If a reluctance motor has been parameterized, a pole position identification is carried out during the stationary
measurement. As a consequence, faults that occur can also be assigned to the pole position identification.
Bit 22 = 1:
Only that measurement is carried out that is required for the flying restart of a reluctance motor. The bit is reset after
a successful measurement
Notice: After the motor data identification (p1910 > 0) has been selected, alarm A07991 is output and a motor data
identification routine is carried out as follows at the next switch-on command:
- current flows through the motor and a voltage is present at the drive converter output terminals.
- during the identification routine, the motor shaft can rotate through a maximum of half a revolution.
- however, no torque torque is generated.
Note: If there is a motor holding brake, it must be open (p1215 = 2).
To permanently accept the determined settings they must be saved in a non-volatile fashion (p0971).
When setting p1910, the following should be observed:
1. "With acceptance" means:
The parameters specified in the description are overwritten with the identified values and therefore have an influence
on the controller setting.
2. "Without acceptance" means:
The identified parameters are only displayed in the range r1912 ... r1926 (service parameters). The controller
settings remain unchanged.
3. For settings 27 and 28, the AVC configuration set using p1840 is active.
The switch-on command must remain set during a measurement and after the measurement has been completed,
the drive automatically resets it. The duration of the measurements can lie between 0.3 s and several minutes. This
time is mainly influenced by the motor size. At the end of the motor data identification, p1910 is automatically set to 0,
if only the stationary measurement is selected, then p1900 is also reset to 0, otherwise, the rotating measurement is
For bit 12 = 1:
The selection only has an effect on the measurement p1960 = 1, 2. For the shortened measurement, the magnetizing
current and moment of inertia are determined with a somewhat lower accuracy.
For bit 13 = 1:
After the measurement has been completed, the system immediately goes into closed-loop speed controlled
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Enc test active Yes No -
01 Saturation characteristic identification Yes No -
02 Moment of inertia identification Yes No -
03 Re-calculates the speed controller Yes No -
04 Speed controller optimization (vibration test) Yes No -
11 Do not change the controller parameters Yes No -
during the measurement
12 Measurement shortened Yes No -
13 After measurement direct transition into Yes No -
Dependency: Refer to: F07988
Note: The encoder is only tested if the rotating measurement with encoder is selected (p1960 = 2).
The following parameters are influenced for the individual optimization steps:
Bit 00: None
Bit 01: p0320, p0360, p0362 ... p0369
Bit 02: p0341, p0342
Bit 03: p1400.0, p1458, p1459, p1460, p1462, p1463, p1470, p1472, p1496
Bit 04: Dependent on p1960
Bit 05: p0391, p0392, p0393, p1402.2 only for induction motors
p1960 = 1, 3: p1458, p1459, p1470, p1472, p1496, p1400.0
p1960 = 2, 4: p1458, p1459, p1460, p1462, p1496, p1461, p1463
The identification of the q leakage inductance can only be carried out for unloaded motors or motors with a low load
(load approx. 30% below the rated motor torque). Only then is a current controller adaptation (p0391 ... p0393)
parameterized if the q-leakage inductance under no-load conditions is at least 30 % higher than the total leakage
inductance (p0356, p0358).
r1970[0...1] Speed_ctrl_opt vibration test vibration frequency determined / n_opt f_vib det
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [Hz] - [Hz] - [Hz]
Description: Displays the vibration frequencies determined by the vibration test.
Index: [0] = Frequency low
[1] = Frequency high
Dependency: Refer to: p1959
Refer to: F07985
r1973 Rotating measurement encoder test pulse number determined / n_opt puls no. det
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the number of pulses determined during the vibration test.
Note: A negative signal indicates an incorrect polarity of the encoder signal.
p1974 Speed_ctrl_opt saturation characteristic rotor flux maximum / n_opt rot_fl max
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
104 [%] 120 [%] 120 [%]
Description: Sets the maximum flux setpoint to measure the saturation characteristic.
Note: When the pole position identification routine is executed several times, the spread of the measured values can be
determined using this value. At the same position, the spread should be less than 2 degrees electrical.
p1999[0...n] Ang. commutation offset calibr. and PollD scaling / Com_ang_offs scal
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
10 [%] 5000 [%] 100 [%]
Description: Sets the scaling for the runtime of the pole position identification technique in which the current is injected.
Dependency: Refer to: p0341, p0342
Caution: For p1999 > 100 % (setting large moments of inertia) the following applies:
There is no locked rotor monitoring (F07970 fault value 2).
Note: For high moments of inertia, it is practical to scale the runtime of the calibration higher.
All speeds or frequencies specified as relative value are referred to this reference quantity.
The reference quantity corresponds to 100% or 4000 hex (word) or 4000 0000 hex (double word).
The following applies: Reference frequency (in Hz) = reference speed (in ((rpm) / 60) x pole pair number)
Dependency: This parameter is only updated during the automatic calculation (p0340 = 1, p3900 > 0) if motor commissioning was
carried out beforehand for drive data set zero. This means that the parameter is not locked against overwriting using
p0573 = 1.
Refer to: p2001, p2002, p2003, r2004, r3996
Notice: When the reference speed / reference frequency is changed, short-term communication interruptions may occur.
Note: If a BICO interconnection is established between different physical quantities, then the particular reference quantities
are used as internal conversion factor.
Example 1:
The signal of an analog input (e.g. r0755[0]) is connected to a speed setpoint (e.g. p1070[0]). The actual percentage
input value is cyclically converted into the absolute speed setpoint using the reference speed (p2000).
Example 2:
The setpoint from PROFIBUS (r2050[1]) is connected to a speed setpoint (e.g. p1070[0]). The actual input value is
cyclically converted into a percentage value via the pre-specified scaling 4000 hex. This percentage value is
converted to the absolute speed setpoint via reference speed (p2000).
Notice: If various DDS are used with different motor data, then the reference quantities remain the same as these are not
changed over with the DDS. The resulting conversion factor must be taken into account.
p2002 = 100 A
Reference quantity 100 A corresponds to 100 %
p0305[0] = 100 A
Rated motor current 100 A for MDS0 in DDS0 --> 100 % corresponds to 100 % of the rated motor current
p0305[1] = 50 A
Rated motor current 50 A for MDS1 in DDS1 --> 100 % corresponds to 200 % of the rated motor current
When the reference current is changed, short-term communication interruptions may occur.
Note: Pre-assigned value is p0640.
If a BICO interconnection is established between different physical quantities, then the particular reference quantities
are used as internal conversion factor.
For infeed units, the rated line current, which is obtained from the rated power and parameterized rated line supply
voltage (p2002 = r0206 / p0210 / 1.73) is pre-assigned as the reference quantity.
The actual value of a phase current (r0069[0]) is connected to a test socket (e.g. p0771[0]). The actual current value
is cyclically converted into a percentage of the reference current (p2002) and output according to the parameterized
Note: If a BICO interconnection is established between different physical quantities, then the particular reference quantities
are used as internal conversion factor.
The reference power is calculated as follows:
- 2 * Pi * reference speed / 60 * reference torque (motor)
- reference voltage * reference current * root(3) (infeed)
p2016[0...3] CI: Comm IF USS PZD send word / Comm USS send word
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) to be sent via the commissioning interface USS.
The actual values are displayed on an intelligent operator panel (IOP).
Index: [0] = PZD 1
[1] = PZD 2
[2] = PZD 3
[3] = PZD 4
p2022 Field bus int USS PZD no. / Field bus USS PZD
CU250S_V Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 9310
Min Max Factory setting
0 8 2
Description: Sets the number of 16-bit words in the PZD part of the USS telegram for the field bus interface.
Dependency: Refer to: p2030
Note: The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting.
p2023 Field bus int USS PKW no. / Field bus USS PKW
CU250S_V Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 9310
Min Max Factory setting
0 127 127
Description: Sets the number of 16-bit words in the PKW part of the USS telegram for the field bus interface.
Value: 0: PKW 0 words
3: PKW 3 words
4: PKW 4 words
127: PKW variable
Dependency: Refer to: p2030
Note: The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting.
Value: 0: No protocol
Notice: For p0014 = 1, the following applies:
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
Note: Changes only become effective after POWER ON.
The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting.
Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) with word format to be sent to the fieldbus controller.
Index: [0] = PZD 1
[1] = PZD 2
[2] = PZD 3
[3] = PZD 4
[4] = PZD 5
[5] = PZD 6
[6] = PZD 7
[7] = PZD 8
[8] = PZD 9
[9] = PZD 10
[10] = PZD 11
[11] = PZD 12
[12] = PZD 13
[13] = PZD 14
[14] = PZD 15
[15] = PZD 16
[16] = PZD 17
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
[4] = PZD 5 + 6
[5] = PZD 6 + 7
[6] = PZD 7 + 8
[7] = PZD 8 + 9
[8] = PZD 9 + 10
[9] = PZD 10 + 11
[10] = PZD 11 + 12
[11] = PZD 12 + 13
[12] = PZD 13 + 14
[13] = PZD 14 + 15
[14] = PZD 15 + 16
[15] = PZD 16 + 17
Dependency: Refer to: p2051
Notice: A BICO interconnection for a single PZD can only take place either on p2051 or p2061.
The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
22 Bit 22 ON OFF -
23 Bit 23 ON OFF -
24 Bit 24 ON OFF -
25 Bit 25 ON OFF -
26 Bit 26 ON OFF -
27 Bit 27 ON OFF -
28 Bit 28 ON OFF -
29 Bit 29 ON OFF -
30 Bit 30 ON OFF -
31 Bit 31 ON OFF -
Notice: A maximum of 4 indices of the "trace" function can be used.
r2065 PB/PN controller sign of life diagnostics / PB/PN ctr SoL diag
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2410
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays how often the sign-of-life from the clock synchronous PROFIBUS/PROFINET controller last failed.
An appropriate fault is output when the tolerance, specified in p0925, is exceeded.
Dependency: Refer to: F01912
p2072 Response receive value after PZD failure / Resp aft PZD fail
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0000 bin
Description: Sets the response for the receive value (r2090) after PZD failure.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Unconditionally open holding brake (p0855) Freeze value Zero the value -
r2074[0...11] PROFIdrive diagnostics bus address PZD receive / Diag addr recv
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the PROFIBUS address of the sender from which the process data (PZD) is received.
Index: [0] = PZD 1
[1] = PZD 2
[2] = PZD 3
[3] = PZD 4
[4] = PZD 5
[5] = PZD 6
[6] = PZD 7
[7] = PZD 8
[8] = PZD 9
[9] = PZD 10
[10] = PZD 11
[11] = PZD 12
Note: Value range:
0 - 125: Bus address of the sender
65535: Not assigned
r2075[0...11] PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD receive / Diag offs recv
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2410
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive receive telegram (controller output).
Index: [0] = PZD 1
[1] = PZD 2
[2] = PZD 3
[3] = PZD 4
[4] = PZD 5
[5] = PZD 6
[6] = PZD 7
[7] = PZD 8
[8] = PZD 9
[9] = PZD 10
[10] = PZD 11
[11] = PZD 12
Note: Value range:
0 - 242: Byte offset
65535: Not assigned
r2076[0...16] PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD send / Diag offs send
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2410
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive send telegram (controller input).
Index: [0] = PZD 1
[1] = PZD 2
[2] = PZD 3
[3] = PZD 4
[4] = PZD 5
[5] = PZD 6
[6] = PZD 7
[7] = PZD 8
[8] = PZD 9
[9] = PZD 10
[10] = PZD 11
[11] = PZD 12
[12] = PZD 13
[13] = PZD 14
[14] = PZD 15
[15] = PZD 16
[16] = PZD 17
Note: Value range:
0 - 242: Byte offset
65535: Not assigned
r2077[0...15] PROFIBUS diagnostics peer-to-peer data transfer addresses / PB diag peer addr
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned8
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the addresses of the slaves (peers) where peer-to-peer data transfer has been configured via PROFIBUS.
[6] = Bit 6
[7] = Bit 7
[8] = Bit 8
[9] = Bit 9
[10] = Bit 10
[11] = Bit 11
[12] = Bit 12
[13] = Bit 13
[14] = Bit 14
[15] = Bit 15
Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: For clock synchronous operation, bit 12 to 15 to transfer the sign-of-life are reserved in status word 2 - and may not
be freely interconnected.
[10] = Bit 10
[11] = Bit 11
[12] = Bit 12
[13] = Bit 13
[14] = Bit 14
[15] = Bit 15
Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089
r2089[0...4] CO: Send binector-connector converter status word / Bin/con ZSW send
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2472
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Connector output to interconnect the status words to a PZD send word.
Index: [0] = Status word 1
[1] = Status word 2
[2] = Free status word 3
[3] = Free status word 4
[4] = Free status word 5
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Bit 0 ON OFF -
01 Bit 1 ON OFF -
02 Bit 2 ON OFF -
03 Bit 3 ON OFF -
04 Bit 4 ON OFF -
05 Bit 5 ON OFF -
06 Bit 6 ON OFF -
07 Bit 7 ON OFF -
08 Bit 8 ON OFF -
09 Bit 9 ON OFF -
10 Bit 10 ON OFF -
11 Bit 11 ON OFF -
12 Bit 12 ON OFF -
13 Bit 13 ON OFF -
14 Bit 14 ON OFF -
15 Bit 15 ON OFF -
Dependency: Refer to: p2051, p2080, p2081, p2082, p2083
Note: r2089 together with p2080 to p2084 forms five binector-connector converters.
r2120 CO: Sum of fault and alarm buffer changes / Sum buffer changed
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8065
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the sum of all of the fault and alarm buffer changes in the drive unit.
Dependency: Refer to: r0944, r2121
Dependency: If the fault/alarm set in p2128[0...15] occurs, then the particular binector output r2129.0...15 is set.
Refer to: r2129
p2144[0...n] BI: Motor stall monitoring enable (negated) / Mot stall enab neg
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8012
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the negated enable (0 = enable) of the motor stall monitoring.
Dependency: Refer to: p2163, p2164, p2166, r2197, r2198
Refer to: F07900
Note: When interconnecting the enable signal with r2197.7 then the stall signal is suppressed if there is no speed setpoint -
actual value deviation.
p2158[0...n] Delay for n_act comparison with speed threshold value 5 / Del compar n_5
CU250S_V (Ext msg) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
CU250S_V_CAN (Ext Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
CU250S_V_DP (Ext
Min Max Factory setting
0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 10 [ms]
CU250S_V_PN (Ext
Description: Delay time for the comparison of the speed with the speed threshold value 5 (P2157).
Dependency: Refer to: p2150, p2157
p2160[0...n] Delay for n_act comparison with speed threshold value 6 / Del compar n_6
CU250S_V (Ext msg) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
CU250S_V_CAN (Ext Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
msg) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
CU250S_V_DP (Ext
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN (Ext 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 10 [ms]
Description: Sets the delay time for the comparison of the speed with the speed threshold value 6 (p2159).
Dependency: Refer to: p2150, p2159
p2171[0...n] Current threshold value reached delay time / I_thresh rch t_del
CU250S_V (Ext msg) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
CU250S_V_CAN (Ext Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
msg) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8022
CU250S_V_DP (Ext
Min Max Factory setting
0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 10 [ms]
CU250S_V_PN (Ext
Description: Sets the delay time for the comparison of the current actual value (r0068) with the current threshold value (p2170).
Dependency: Refer to: p2170
p2176[0...n] Torque threshold value comparison delay time / M_thrsh comp T_del
CU250S_V (Ext msg) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
CU250S_V_CAN (Ext Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
msg) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
CU250S_V_DP (Ext
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN (Ext 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 200 [ms]
Description: Sets the delay time for the comparison of the torque actual value (r0080) with torque threshold value 1 (p2174).
Dependency: Refer to: p2174
p2216[0...n] Technology controller fixed value selection method / Tec_ctr FixVal sel
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7950, 7951
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 1 2 1
Description: Sets the method to select the fixed setpoints.
Value: 1: Direct selection
2: Binary selection
p2220[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 0 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 0
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7950, 7951
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select a fixed value of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2221, p2222, p2223
p2221[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 1 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7950, 7951
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select a fixed value of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2220, p2222, p2223
p2222[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 2 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7950, 7951
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select a fixed value of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2220, p2221, p2223
p2223[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 3 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 3
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7950, 7951
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select a fixed value of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2220, p2221, p2222
r2224 CO: Technology controller fixed value effective / Tec_ctr FixVal eff
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7950, 7951
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Display and connector output for the selected and active fixed value of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: r2229
r2225.0 CO/BO: Technology controller fixed value selection status word / Tec_ctr FixVal ZSW
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and BICO output for the status word of the fixed value selection of the technology controller.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Technology controller fixed value selected Yes No 7950,
r2231 Technology controller motorized potentiometer setpoint memory / Tec_ctrl mop mem
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7954
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Displays the setpoint memory for the motorized potentiometer of the technology controller.
For p2230.0 = 1, the last setpoint that was saved is entered after ON.
Dependency: Refer to: p2230
p2235[0...n] BI: Technology controller motorized potentiometer raise setpoint / Tec_ctrl mop raise
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7954
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to continually increase the setpoint for the motorized potentiometer of the technology
The setpoint change (CO: r2250) depends on the set ramp-up time (p2247) and the duration of the signal that is
present (BI: p2235).
Dependency: Refer to: p2236
p2237[0...n] Technology controller motorized potentiometer maximum value / Tec_ctrl mop max
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7954
Min Max Factory setting
-200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 100.00 [%]
Description: Sets the maximum value for the motorized potentiometer of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2238
p2238[0...n] Technology controller motorized potentiometer minimum value / Tec_ctrl mop min
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7954
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] -100.00 [%]
Description: Sets the minimum value for the motorized potentiometer of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2237
p2240[0...n] Technology controller motorized potentiometer starting value / Tec_ctrl mop start
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7954
Min Max Factory setting
-200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%]
Description: Sets the starting value for the motorized potentiometer of the technology controller.
For p2230.0 = 0, this setpoint is entered after ON.
Dependency: Refer to: p2230
p2247[0...n] Technology controller motorized potentiometer ramp-up time / Tec_ctr mop t_r-up
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7954
Min Max Factory setting
0.0 [s] 1000.0 [s] 10.0 [s]
Description: Sets the ramp-up time for the internal ramp-function generator for the motorized potentiometer of the technology
Dependency: Refer to: p2248
Note: The time is referred to 100 %.
When the initial rounding-off is activated (p2230.2 = 1) the ramp-up is correspondingly extended.
For bit 06 = 1:
In r2349, bit 10 and bit 11 are not displayed when reaching internal limits (e.g. for OFF1/3).
r2260 CO: Technology controller setpoint after ramp-function generator / Tec_ctr set aftRFG
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
- [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Sets the setpoint after the ramp-function generator of the technology controller.
r2262 CO: Technology controller setpoint after filter / Tec_ctr set aftFlt
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Display and connector output for the smoothed setpoint after the setpoint filter (PT1) of the technology controller.
p2265 Technology controller actual value filter time constant / Tec_ctrl act T
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 [s] 60.000 [s] 0.000 [s]
Description: Sets the time constant for the actual value filter (PT1) of the technology controller.
r2266 CO: Technology controller actual value after filter / Tec_ctr act aftFlt
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
- [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Display and connector output for the smoothed actual value after the filter (PT1) of the technology controller.
p2267 Technology controller upper limit actual value / Tec_ctrl u_lim act
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 100.00 [%]
Description: Sets the upper limit for the actual value signal of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2264, p2265, p2271
Refer to: F07426
Notice: If the actual value exceeds this upper limit, this results in fault F07426.
p2268 Technology controller lower limit actual value / Tec_ctrl l_lim act
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] -100.00 [%]
Description: Sets the lower limit for the actual value signal of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2264, p2265, p2271
Refer to: F07426
Notice: If the actual value falls below this lower limit, this results in fault F07426.
p2271 Technology controller actual value inversion (sensor type) / Tech_ctrl act inv
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
0 1 0
Description: Setting to invert the actual value signal of the technology controller.
The inversion depends on the sensor type for the actual value signal.
Value: 0: No inversion
1: Inversion actual value signal
Caution: If the actual value inversion is incorrectly selected, then the closed-loop control with the technology controller can
become unstable and can oscillate!
r2272 CO: Technology controller actual value scaled / Tech_ctrl act scal
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 2 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Display and connector output for the scaled actual value signal of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2264, p2265, r2266, p2267, p2268, p2269, p2270, p2271
p2298[0...n] CI: Technology controller minimum limit signal source / Tec_ctrl min_l s_s
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1087[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the minimum limiting of the technology controller.
Dependency: Refer to: p2292
Note: If the technology controller is rotated in a negative direction in mode p2251 = 0, its lower limit p2298 should be
connected to the actual minimum speed r1087.
In mode p2251 = 1, p2299 must also be connected to the output of the ramp-function generator r1150.
p2302 Technology controller output signal starting value / Tec_ctr start val
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 0.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%]
Description: Sets the start value for the output of the technology controller.
If the drive is switched on and the technology controller is already enabled (see p2200, r0056.3), then its output
signal r2294 first goes to the start value p2302, before the controller starts to operate.
Dependency: The starting value is only effective in the mode "technology controller as main speed setpoint" (p2251 = 0).
If the technology controller is first enabled when the drive is switched on, a start speed remains ineffective, and the
controller output starts with the actual setpoint speed of the ramp-function generator.
Note: If the technology controller operates on the speed/setpoint channel (p2251 = 0), then the starting value is interpreted
as the starting speed and when operation is enabled, is connected to the output of the technology controller (r2294).
If fault F07426 "technology controller actual value limited" occurs while ramping up to the starting value and if the
associated reaction has been set to "NONE" (see p2100, p2101), the starting value is kept as the speed setpoint
instead of a switch to closed-loop control operation.
p2339 Techn. controller threshold value f. I comp. hold for skip speed / Tec_ctrl thr_skip
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: 9_1 Unit selection: p0595 Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 0.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 2.00 [%]
Description: Sets the threshold value for the system deviation of the technology controller, which controls holding the controller
integral component in the range of the skip speeds of the ramp-function generator.
Recommendation: To avoid speed setpoint steps in the range of the skip speeds, we recommend setting p2252 bit 4 = 1 (ramp-function
generator bypass de-activated).
Dependency: The parameter has no effect for p2252 bit 5 = 1 (integrator hold de-activated).
Refer to: r2273
Note: Only p2251 = 0:
If the output signal of the technology controller reaches a skip band in the speed setpoint channel, then the integral
component of the controller is held, if at the same time, the system deviation is lower than the threshold value set
here. By holding the integral component, it can be avoided that the controller oscillates in the range of the skip bands.
r2344 CO: Technology controller last speed setpoint (smoothed) / Tec_ctrl n_setp_sm
CU250S_V (Tech_ctrl) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(Tech_ctrl) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7958
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - [%] - [%] - [%]
Description: Displays the smoothed speed setpoint of the technology controller prior to switching to operation with fault response
(see p2345).
Dependency: Refer to: p2345
Note: Smoothing time = 10 s
1 signal = falling edge of the measuring probe (p2510) is activated for BI: p2509 = 0/1 edge.
0 signal = rising edge of the measuring probe (p2510) is activated for BI: p2509 = 0/1 edge.
Index: [0] = Position control
[1] = Encoder 1
[2] = Encoder 2
[3] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p2502, p2509, p2510
p2512[0...3] BI: LR pos. actual value preprocessing activate corr. value (edge) /
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4010, 4015
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - [0] 2684.7
CU250S_V_PN [1] 0
(Position control) [2] 0
[3] 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the function "activate position actual value preprocessing, corrective value (edge)".
0/1 signal:
The correction value available via CI: p2513 is activated.
Index: [0] = Position control
[1] = Encoder 1
[2] = Encoder 2
[3] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p2502, p2513, r2684
p2513[0...3] CI: LR Position actual value preprocessing corrective value / Act val_prep corr
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4010, 4015
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - [0] 2685[0]
CU250S_V_PN [1] 0
(Position control) [2] 0
[3] 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the corrective value for position actual value preprocessing.
Index: [0] = Position control
[1] = Encoder 1
[2] = Encoder 2
[3] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p2502, p2512, r2521, r2685
Note: For BI: p2512[0] = 0/1 signal, the position actual value (CO: r2521[0]) is corrected corresponding to the value via CI:
p2513[0]. In so doing, the sign of the corrective value present is taken into account.
p2514[0...3] BI: LR activate position actual value setting / s_act setting act
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4010
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - 0
(Position control)
Description: Sets the signal source to activate the function "set position actual value".
Notice: When the function "set position actual value" is activated while the function "reference mark search" or "measuring
probe evaluation" is activated, then the corresponding function is de-activated.
Note: BI: p2514 = 1 signal:
The position actual value is set to the setting value in CI: p2515. Alarm A07497 "position setting value activated" is
output. Encoder increments that are received in the meantime, are not taken into account.
BI: p2514 = 1/0 signal:
The position actual value preprocessing is activated and is based on the setting value.
p2515[0...3] CI: LR position actual setting setting value / s_act set setVal
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4010
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - 0
(Position control)
Description: Sets the signal source for the setting value of the function "setting position actual value".
Index: [0] = Position control
[1] = Encoder 1
[2] = Encoder 2
[3] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p2502, p2514
p2519[0...n] LR position actual value preprocessing config. DDS changeover / s_act config DDS
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
control) Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) 0 5 1
(Position control)
Description: Sets the behavior of the position actual value preprocessing for the position controller for a DDS changeover.
For p2519 = 1:
In the following cases, for a DDS changeover, the actual position actual value becomes invalid and the reference
point is reset:
- the EDS effective for the closed-loop position control changes.
- the encoder assignment changes (p2502).
- the mechanical relationships change (p2503 ... p2506).
- the direction of rotation changes (p1821).
For absolute encoders, the status of the adjustment (p2507) is also reset if the same absolute encoder remains
selected for the closed-loop position control, but the mechanical relationships or the direction of rotation have
In the operation state, in addition, a fault (F07494) is generated.
Notice: The remaining setting values are intended for expanded functionality.
Note: The behavior for a DDS changeover is determined using the value of p2519 in the target data set.
r2520[0...2] CO: LR Position actual value preprocessing encoder control word / ActVal_prep STW
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
control) Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4010
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - -
(Position control)
Description: Display and connector output for the encoder control word generated by the position actual value preprocessing.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Request function 1 Yes No -
01 Request function 2 Yes No -
02 Request function 3 Yes No -
03 Request function 4 Yes No -
04 Request command bit 0 Yes No -
05 Request command bit 1 Yes No -
06 Request command bit 2 Yes No -
07 Flying measurement mode/search for Flying measurement Reference marks -
reference mark
13 Request absolute value cyclic Yes No -
14 Request parking encoder Yes No -
15 Request acknowledge encoder fault Yes No -
Dependency: Refer to: p0480
Note: r2526.2 = 1 --> The measured value in r2523[0] for the position control is valid.
r2527.2 = 1 --> The measured value in r2523[1] for encoder 1 is valid.
r2528.2 = 1 --> The measured value in r2523[2] for encoder 2 is valid.
r2527.0...2 CO/BO: LR actual value sensing status word encoder 1 / ActValSensZSW enc1
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
control) Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - -
(Position control)
Description: Display and BICO output for the status word of the position actual value sensing from encoder 1.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Position actual value valid Yes No -
01 Referencing active Yes No -
02 Measured value valid Yes No -
r2528.0...2 CO/BO: LR actual value sensing status word encoder 2 / ActValSensZSW enc2
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
control) Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - -
(Position control)
Description: Display and BICO output for the status word of the position actual value sensing from encoder 2.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Position actual value valid Yes No -
01 Referencing active Yes No -
02 Measured value valid Yes No -
Notice: When speed pre-control is active (p2534 > 0 %), the following applies:
In addition to the set dead time (p2535), internally two position controller clock cycles are effective.
When speed pre-control is inactive (p2534 = 0 %), the following applies:
No dead time is effective (p2535 and internal).
Note: Together with p2536, the timing behavior of the closed-loop control loop can be emulated.
p2541 CI: LR position controller output speed limit signal source / LR_out n_lim S_src
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4015
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - 2540[0]
(Position control)
Description: Sets the signal source for the position controller output limit.
Dependency: Refer to: p2540
Note: Position actual value <= cam switching position 1 --> r2683.8 = 1 signal
Position actual value > cam switching position 1 --> r2683.8 = 0 signal
Note: Position actual value <= cam switching position 2 --> r2683.9 = 1 signal
Position actual value > cam switching position 2 --> r2683.9 = 0 signal
p2552 BI: LR signal travel to fixed stop active / Signal TfS act
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4025
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - 2683.14
(Position control)
Description: Sets the signal source for the signal "travel to fixed stop active".
BI: p2552 = 1 signal:
The activity associated with travel to fixed stop is signaled and the detection of the fixed stop is started via the
maximum following error (p2634).
Dependency: Refer to: r2683
r2556 CO: LR position setpoint after setpoint smoothing / s_set after interp
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
control) Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4015
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - [LU] - [LU] - [LU]
(Position control)
Description: Display and connector output for the position setpoint after setpoint smoothing.
r2557 CO: LR position controller input system deviation / LR_inp sys dev
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
control) Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4015
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - [LU] - [LU] - [LU]
(Position control)
Description: Display and connector output for the difference between the position setpoint and the position actual value at the
position controller input.
p2578 CI: EPOS software limit switch minus signal source / SW limSw Min S_src
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3630
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2580[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the software limit switch minus.
Dependency: Refer to: p2579, p2580, p2581, p2582
Refer to: A07469, A07477, A07479, F07481
Notice: A change to the software limit switch becomes immediately effective.
If the software limit switch is changed, then this results in the positions in the traversing blocks being checked.
Note: The following applies for the setting of the software limit switch:
Software limit switch minus < software limit switch plus
p2579 CI: EPOS software limit switch plus signal source / SW limSwPlus S_src
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3630
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 2581[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the software limit switch plus.
Dependency: Refer to: p2578, p2580, p2581, p2582
Refer to: A07470, A07478, A07480, F07482
Notice: A change to the software limit switch becomes immediately effective.
If the software limit switch is changed, then this results in the positions in the traversing blocks being checked.
Note: The following applies for the setting of the software limit switch:
Software limit switch minus < software limit switch plus
p2581 CO: EPOS software limit switch plus / SW lim switch plus
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3630
Min Max Factory setting
-2147482648 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 2147482647 [LU]
Description: Sets the software limit switch in the positive direction of travel.
Dependency: Refer to: p2578, p2579, p2580, p2582
p2594[0...2] CI: EPOS Maximum velocity externally limited / v_Max ext lim
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3630
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the externally limited maximum velocity.
Index: [0] = Setpoint limit absolute
[1] = Setpoint limiting positive
[2] = Setpoint limiting negative
Dependency: Refer to: r2524, p2571, p2593
Warning: In order that the externally limited velocity can be effective for the EPOS operating modes, connector input p2593
must be correctly interconnected.
p2598[0...3] CI: EPOS reference point coordinate signal source / Ref_pt coord S_src
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V (Position Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612, 3614
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V (EPOS) - - [0] 2599[0]
CU250S_V_CAN [1] 0
(Position control) [2] 0
CU250S_V_CAN [3] 0
(Position control
(Position control)
(Position control
(Position control)
(Position control
Description: Sets the signal source for the reference point coordinate.
This value is used as reference for the following referencing operations:
- search for reference
- set reference point
- flying referencing
- absolute value adjustment
Index: [0] = Position control
[1] = Encoder 1
[2] = Encoder 2
[3] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p2502, p2507, p2595, p2596, p2597, p2599
Note: Incremental measuring system:
After the reference point is reached, the drive accepts the actual axis position from the position received via the
connector input p2598[0].
Absolute encoder:
When adjusting the encoder, the position received via the connector input is set as the actual axis position. The
position offset to the actual encoder value is displayed in p2525.
p2599 CO: EPOS reference point coordinate value / Ref_pt coord val
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
control) Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) -2147482648 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 0 [LU]
(Position control)
Description: Sets the position value for the reference point coordinate.
This value is set as the actual axis position after referencing or adjustment.
p2600 EPOS search for reference reference point offset / Ref_pt offset
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN -2147482648 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 0 [LU]
Description: Sets the reference point offset for search for reference.
Dependency: Refer to: p2598
p2604 BI: EPOS search for reference start direction / Srch for ref dir
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal sources for the start direction of the search for reference.
1 signal: Start in the negative direction.
0 signal: Start in the positive direction.
Dependency: Refer to: p2583, p2595, p2597
p2605 EPOS search for reference approach velocity reference cam / v_appr ref_cam
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
1 [1000 LU/min] 40000000 [1000 LU/min] 5000 [1000 LU/min]
Description: Sets the approach velocity to the reference cam for the search for reference.
Dependency: The search for reference only starts with the approach velocity to the reference cam when there is a reference cam
(p2607 = 1).
Refer to: p2595, p2597, p2604, p2606, p2607
Note: When traversing to the reference cam, the velocity override is effective.
If, at the start of the search for reference, the axis is already at the reference cam, then the axis immediately starts to
traverse to the zero mark.
p2606 EPOS search for reference reference cam maximum distance / Ref_cam max s
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
0 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 2147482647 [LU]
Description: Sets the maximum distance after the start of the search for reference when traversing to the reference cam.
Dependency: Refer to: p2595, p2597, p2604, p2605, p2607
Refer to: F07458
Note: When using a reversing cam, the maximum distance must be set appropriately long.
p2607 EPOS search for reference reference cam present / Ref_cam pres
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned8
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 0 1 1
Description: Sets whether or not a reference cam is present for the search for reference.
Value = 1: Reference cam present.
Value = 0: No reference cam present.
Dependency: Refer to: p2595, p2597, p2604, p2605, p2606
p2608 EPOS search for reference approach velocity zero mark / v_appr ref_ZM
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
1 [1000 LU/min] 40000000 [1000 LU/min] 300 [1000 LU/min]
Description: Sets the approach velocity after detecting the reference cam to search for the zero mark for the search for reference.
Dependency: If there is no reference cam (p2607 = 0), the search for reference immediately starts with the axis traversing to the
zero mark.
Refer to: p2595, p2597, p2604, p2607, p2609, p2610
Caution: If the reference cam is not adjusted so that at each search for reference the same zero mark for synchronization is
detected, then an "incorrect" axis reference point is obtained.
After the reference cam has been left, the search for the zero mark is activated with a time delay due to internal
factors. This is the reason that the reference cam should be adjusted in this center between two zero marks and the
approach velocity should be adapted to the distance between two zero marks.
Note: The velocity override is not effective when traversing to the zero mark.
p2609 EPOS search for reference max distance ref cam and zero mark / Max s ref_cam ZM
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 0 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 20000 [LU]
Description: Sets the maximum distance after leaving the reference cam when traversing to the zero mark.
Dependency: Refer to: p2595, p2597, p2604, p2607, p2608, p2610
Refer to: F07459
p2610 EPOS search for ref. tol. bandwidth for distance to zero mark / Tol_band to ZM
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 0 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 2147482647 [LU]
Description: Sets the tolerance bandwidth for the distance to the zero mark
The zero mark is evaluated within the maximum distance between the reference cam and zero mark (p2609) minus
the tolerance bandwidth for the distance to the zero mark (p2610).
p2611 EPOS search for reference approach velocity reference point / v_appr ref_pt
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 1 [1000 LU/min] 40000000 [1000 LU/min] 300 [1000 LU/min]
Description: Sets the approach velocity after detecting the zero mark to approach the reference point.
Dependency: Refer to: p2595, p2597, p2604, p2607, p2609, p2610
Note: When traversing to the reference point, the velocity override is not effective.
p2613 BI: EPOS search for reference reversing cam minus / Rev minus
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for the reversing cam in the negative direction of travel.
1 signal: Reversing cam not reached.
0 signal: Reversing cam reached.
Dependency: Refer to: p2614
Note: If, during the search for reference from the reversing cam minus and plus, a 0 signal is detected, then the axis
remains stationary (at standstill).
p2614 BI: EPOS search for reference reversing cam plus / Rev plus
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
- - 1
Description: Sets the signal source for the reversing cam in the negative direction of travel.
1 signal: Reversing cam not reached.
0 signal: Reversing cam reached.
Dependency: Refer to: p2613
Note: If, during the search for reference from the reversing cam minus and plus, a 0 signal is detected, then the axis
remains stationary (at standstill).
p2625 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 0 / Trav_blk sel bit 0
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3616, 3640
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the traversing block, bit 0.
Dependency: Binector inputs p2625, p2626, p2627 and p2628 are used to select one of the maximum of 16 traversing blocks.
Refer to: p2626, p2627, p2628
p2626 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 1 / Trav_blk sel bit 1
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3616, 3640
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the traversing block, bit 1.
Dependency: Binector inputs p2625, p2626, p2627 and p2628 are used to select one of the maximum of 16 traversing blocks.
Refer to: p2625, p2627, p2628
p2627 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 2 / Trav_blk sel bit 2
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3616, 3640
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the traversing block, bit 2.
Dependency: Binector inputs p2625, p2626, p2627 and p2628 are used to select one of the maximum of 16 traversing blocks.
Refer to: p2625, p2626, p2628
p2628 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 3 / Trav_blk sel bit 3
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3616, 3640
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to select the traversing block, bit 3.
Dependency: Binector inputs p2625, p2626, p2627 and p2628 are used to select one of the maximum of 16 traversing blocks.
Refer to: p2625, p2626, p2627
p2633 BI: EPOS external block change (0 -> 1) / Ext BlckChg (0->1)
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3615
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for "external block change".
BI: p2633 = 0/1 signal
Dependency: The evaluation of the signal is only active p2632 = 1.
Refer to: p2623, p2632, p2640, p2641, r2677, r2678
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: A 0/1 edge initiates a flying block change in the subsequent traversing block.
When the external block change is identified, the actual position is saved in r2678.
A traversing task can be influenced using the following signals:
- intermediate stop via BI: p2640.
- reject traversing task via BI: p2641.
p2634[0...n] EPOS fixed stop maximum following error / Following err max
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
control) Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3617, 4025
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) 0 [LU] 2147482647 [LU] 1000 [LU]
(Position control)
Description: Sets the following error to detect the "fixed stop reached" state (r2526.4).
Dependency: Refer to: r2526, p2621, r2675
Note: The state "fixed stop reached" is detected if the following error exceeds the theoretically calculated following error
value by p2634.
p2638 BI: EPOS fixed stop outside the monitoring window / Fixed stop outside
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3616, 3617
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2526.5
Description: Sets the signal source for the feedback signal "fixed stop outside the monitoring window".
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: This signal is only effective in the modes "traversing blocks" and "direct setpoint input/MDI".
When activating the intermediate stop, the axis brakes with the parameterized deceleration (p2620 or p2645).
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: This signal is only effective in the modes "traversing blocks" and "direct setpoint input/MDI".
When activating reject traversing tasks, then the axis brakes with the maximum deceleration (p2573).
p2642 CI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI position setpoint / MDI s_set
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3618
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2690[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the position setpoint in the mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
Dependency: Refer to: p2648, p2649, p2650, p2690
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: Depending on p2649, the position setpoint is either transferred continuously or edge-triggered.
The position setpoint input is interpreted as length unit [LU].
p2643 CI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI velocity setpoint / MDI v_set
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3618
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2691[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the velocity setpoint in the "direct setpoint input/MDI mode".
Dependency: Refer to: p2649, p2650, p2691
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: Depending on p2649, the velocity setpoint is either transferred continuously or edge-triggered.
The velocity setpoint input is interpreted as [1000 LU/min].
p2644 CI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI acceleration override / MDI a_over
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3618
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 2692[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the acceleration override in the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
Dependency: Refer to: p2649, p2650, p2692
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: Depending on p2649, the acceleration override is either transferred continuously or edge-triggered.
The signal value 4000 hex (16384 dec) corresponds to 100 %.
p2645 CI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI deceleration override / MDI -a_over
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: PERCENT Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3618
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 2693[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the deceleration override in the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
Dependency: Refer to: p2649, p2650, p2693
Notice: If, when calculating the traversing profile, it is identified that the target position with the programmed deceleration
override cannot be reached without reversing the direction, then when accepting the dynamic values, the larger
deceleration override is accepted and becomes effective.
The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: Depending on p2649, the deceleration override is either transferred continuously or edge-triggered.
The signal value 4000 hex (16384 dec) corresponds to 100 %.
p2648 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI positioning type / MDI pos_type
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the positioning type in the mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
BI: p2648 = 1 signal
Absolute positioning is selected.
BI: p2648 = 0 signal
Relative positioning is selected.
Dependency: Refer to: p2649, p2650, p2654
Refer to: A07461, F07488
Notice: Absolute positioning:
To traverse, the reference point must be set (r2684.11 = 1).
Relative positioning:
To traverse, it is not necessary that the reference point is set.
Note: Depending on p2649, the positioning type is either transferred continuously or edge-triggered.
Binector input p2648 is only evaluated when connector input p2654 = 0. If p2654 is a value other than 0, the
positioning type is evaluated by means of the set signal source.
p2649 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI transfer type selection / MDI trans_type sel
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to define how values are transferred in the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
BI: p2649 = 1 signal
Values are continually transferred (refer to parameter under dependency).
BI: p2649 = 0 signal
The values are transferred for BI: p2650 = 0/1 signal.
Dependency: Refer to: p2642, p2643, p2644, p2645, p2648, p2650, p2651, p2652
Caution: For BI: p2649 = 1 signal, the following applies:
Motion starts without any explicit control signal.
Note: Parameter p2649 can only be changed when p0922 (p2079) = 999.
p2650 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI setpoint acceptance edge / MDI setp_accept
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to accept the values for edge-triggered selection (BI: p2649 = 0 signal) in the operating mode
"direct setpoint input/MDI".
BI: p2650 = 0/1 signal and BI: p2649 = 0 signal
Values are accepted, edge-triggered (refer to parameter under dependency).
Dependency: Refer to: p2640, p2641, p2642, p2643, p2644, p2645, p2648, p2649, p2651, p2652, r2684
Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed.
Note: The status signal r2684.12 = 0/1 signal is used for acknowledgment.
The operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI" can be influenced via the following signals:
- intermediate stop via BI: p2640.
- reject traversing task via BI: p2641.
p2651 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI direction selection, positive / MDI dir_sel pos
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the positive direction selection in the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
Dependency: Refer to: p2576, p2648, p2649, p2650, p2652, p2653, p2654
Note: The following applies for "setting-up":
- the traversing direction can be entered using this binector input.
- if both directions (p2651, p2652) are selected, then the axis remains stationary (zero speed).
- if both directions (p2651, p2652) are de-selected, then the axis remains stationary (zero speed).
The following applies for "positioning":
Using binector inputs p2651 and p2652, when the modulo correction (BI: p2577 = 1 signal) is activated and for
absolute positioning (BI: p2648 = 1 signal), the traversing direction is specified as follows:
BI: p2651 / BI: p2652
0 signal / 0 signal: Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
1 signal / 0 signal: Absolute positioning in the positive direction.
0 signal / 1 signal: Absolute positioning in the negative direction.
1 signal / 1 signal: Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
p2652 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI direction selection negative / MDI dir_sel neg
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the negative direction selection in the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
Dependency: Refer to: p2576, p2648, p2649, p2650, p2651, p2653, p2654
Note: The following applies for "setting-up":
- the traversing direction can be entered using this binector input.
- if both directions (p2651, p2652) are selected, then the axis remains stationary (zero speed).
- if both directions (p2651, p2652) are de-selected, then the axis remains stationary (zero speed).
The following applies for "positioning":
Using binector inputs p2651 and p2652, when the modulo correction (BI: p2577 = 1 signal) is activated and for
absolute positioning (BI: p2648 = 1 signal), the traversing direction is specified as follows:
BI: p2651 / BI: p2652
0 signal / 0 signal: Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
1 signal / 0 signal: Absolute positioning in the positive direction.
0 signal / 1 signal: Absolute positioning in the negative direction.
1 signal / 1 signal: Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
p2653 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI setting-up selection / MDI setting-up sel
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for setting-up in the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI".
BI: p2653 = 1 signal
Setting-up selected.
BI: p2653 = 0 signal
Positioning selected.
Dependency: Refer to: p2651, p2652
Note: In the operating mode "direct setpoint input/MDI", it is possible to make a flying changeover between setting-up and
For "setup" (BI: p2653 = 1 signal), the following applies:
A traversing direction must be selected via binector inputs p2651 and p2652.
p2654 CI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI mode adaptation / MDI mode adapt
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer16
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3620
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source to interconnect the MDI mode to the operating mode "direct setpoint input MDI" via
PROFIBUS telegram 110.
CI: p2654 = 0
The binector inputs listed below are evaluated.
CI: p2654 > 0
The following binector inputs are not evaluated:
- BI: p2648 (positioning type)
- BI: p2651 (direction selection, positive)
- BI: p2652 (direction selection, negative)
In this case, the following definitions apply:
Signal via CI: p2654 = xx0x hex -> absolute
Signal via CI: p2654 = xx1x hex -> relative
Signal via CI: p2654 = xx2x hex -> abs_pos (only for modulo correction)
Signal via CI: p2654 = xx3x hex -> abs_neg (only for modulo correction)
Dependency: Refer to: p2648, p2651, p2652
p2657 CI: EPOS position actual value/position setting value / Pos act/set value
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3610, 3616, 3620,
CU250S_V_DP 3635
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2521[0]
Description: Sets the signal source for the position actual value/position setting value.
Dependency: Refer to: r2521, p2658
Note: In the tracking mode, the position setpoint is taken from this connector input.
p2658 BI: EPOS pos. actual value valid feedback signal / Pos valid feedback
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3635
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2526.0
Description: Sets the signal source for the feedback signal "position actual value is valid".
BI: p2658 = 1 signal
The position actual value received via CI: p2657 is valid.
BI: p2658 = 0 signal
The position actual value received via CI: p2657 is invalid.
Dependency: Refer to: r2526, p2657
Note: While a 0 signal is present, the position setpoint (p2665) is held at the value of 0.
p2659 BI: EPOS referencing active feedback signal / Ref act fdbk
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 2526.1
Description: Sets the signal source for the feedback signal "referencing active".
BI: p2659 = 1 signal
Referencing is active.
BI: p2659 = 0 signal
Referencing is not active.
Dependency: Refer to: r2526
p2661 BI: EPOS measured value valid feedback signal / MeasVal valid fdbk
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612, 3614, 3615
Min Max Factory setting
- - 2526.2
Description: Sets the signal source for the feedback signal "measured value valid".
BI: p2661 = 1 signal
The measured value received via CI: p2660 is valid.
BI: p2661 = 0 signal
The measured value received via CI: p2660 is invalid.
Dependency: Refer to: r2526, p2660
p2662 BI: EPOS adjustment value valid feedback signal / Adj val valid FS
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN - - 2526.9
Description: Sets the signal source for the feedback signal "adjustment value valid".
BI: p2662 = 1 signal
The adjustment value received via CI: p2660 is valid.
BI: p2662 = 0 signal
The adjustment value received via CI: p2660 is not valid.
Dependency: Refer to: r2526, p2660
r2670.0...15 CO/BO: EPOS status word active traversing block / ZSW act trav_block
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3615, 3625, 3650
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the status word for the active traversing block.
r2670.0: Active traversing block, bit 0
r2670.5: Active traversing block, bit 5
r2670.15: MDI active
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Active traversing block bit 0 Active Not active -
01 Active traversing block bit 1 Active Not active -
02 Active traversing block bit 2 Active Not active -
03 Active traversing block bit 3 Active Not active -
15 MDI active Active Not active -
Dependency: Refer to: p2631, p2647
Note: For bit 00 ... 05:
Displays the active traversing block in the traversing blocks operating mode.
For bit 15:
For a 1 signal, the operating mode - direct setpoint input/MDI - is active
r2678 CO: EPOS external block change actual position / Ext BlckChg s_act
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3615, 3616, 3620
Min Max Factory setting
- [LU] - [LU] - [LU]
Description: Displays the actual position for the following events:
- external block change via measuring probe (p2632 = 0, BI: p2661 = 0/1 signal).
- external block change via BI: p2633 (p2632 = 1, BI: p2633 = 0/1 signal).
- activate traversing task (BI: p2631 = 0/1 signal).
Dependency: Refer to: p2631, p2632, p2633, p2661
r2680 CO: EPOS clearance reference cam and zero mark / Clearance cam/ZM
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3612
Min Max Factory setting
- [LU] - [LU] - [LU]
Description: Displays the clearance determined between the reference cam and zero mark in the search for reference.
p2692 CO: EPOS acceleration override, fixed setpoint / a_over fixed val
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
(EPOS) Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3618
Min Max Factory setting
CU250S_V_PN 0.100 [%] 100.000 [%] 100.000 [%]
Description: Sets a fixed setpoint for the acceleration override.
Dependency: Refer to: p2572, p2644
Note: As standard, the following BICO interconnection is established: CI: p2644 = r2692
The percentage value refers to the maximum acceleration (p2572).
p2693 CO: EPOS deceleration override, fixed setpoint / -a_over fixed val
CU250S_V (EPOS) Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
CU250S_V_CAN Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 3618
Min Max Factory setting
0.100 [%] 100.000 [%] 100.000 [%]
Description: Sets a fixed setpoint for the deceleration override.
Dependency: Refer to: p2573, p2645
Note: As standard, the following BICO interconnection is established: CI: p2645 = r2693
The percentage value refers to the maximum deceleration (p2573).
p2721[0...n] Load gear rotary absolute encoder revolutions virtual / Abs rot rev
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(1) Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 4194303 0
Description: Sets the number of rotations that can be resolved for a rotary absolute encoder with activated position tracking of the
load gear.
Dependency: This parameter is only of significance for an absolute encoder (p0404.1 = 1) with activated position tracking of the
load gear (p2720.0 = 1).
Note: The resolution that is set must be able to be represented using r2723.
For rotary axes/modulo axes, the following applies:
This parameter is pre-set with p0421 when activating position tracking and can be changed.
For linear axes, the following applies:
This parameter is pre-assigned with p0421 when activating position tracking, expanded by 6 bits for multiturn
information (maximum number of overflows) and cannot be changed.
p2722[0...n] Load gear position tracking tolerance window / Pos track tol
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(1) Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 4294967300.00 0.00
Description: Sets a tolerance window for position tracking.
After the system is switched on, the difference between the saved position and the actual position is determined, and
depending on this, the following is initiated:
Difference within the tolerance window --> The position is reproduced as a result of the encoder actual value.
Difference outside the tolerance window --> An appropriate message is output.
Caution: Rotation, e.g. through a complete encoder range is not detected.
r2724[0...n] CO: Load gear position difference / Load gear pos diff
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the position difference before the load gear between switching off and switching on.
Note: The increments are displayed in the same format as for r0483/r2723.
If the measuring gear of the motor encoder is not activated, the position difference should be read in encoder
If the measuring gear of the motor encoder is activated, the position difference is converted using the measuring gear
p2730[0...3] BI: LR pos. actual value preprocessing activate neg. corr. (edge) / ActV_prep neg corr
CU250S_V (Position Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
control) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 4010, 4015
(Position control)
Min Max Factory setting
(Position control) - - 0
(Position control)
Description: Sets the signal source for the function "activate position actual value preprocessing, negative corrective value
0/1 signal:
The correction value available via CI: p2513 is negated and activated.
Index: [0] = Position control
[1] = Encoder 1
[2] = Encoder 2
[3] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p2502, p2513, r2684
Notice: A BICO interconnection to a parameter that belongs to a drive data set always acts on the effective data set.
Note: The value can, for example, be used to interconnect a supplementary torque.
p3112[0...n] BI: External fault 3 enable negated / Ext flt 3 enab neg
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the negated enable signal of external fault 3.
External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation:
- BI: p2108 negated
- BI: p3111
- BI: p3112 negated
Dependency: Refer to: p2108, p3110, p3111
Refer to: F07862
p3230[0...n] CI: Load monitoring speed actual value / Load monit n_act
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: CDS, p0170
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 8012, 8013
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the speed actual value of the load monitoring.
Dependency: Refer to: r2169, p2181, p2192, p2193, p3231
Refer to: A07920, A07921, A07922, F07923, F07924, F07925
Note: The parameter is only effective for p2193 = 2.
r3333.0...3 CO/BO: 2/3 wire control control word / 2/3 wire STW
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2272, 2273
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the control word for the two wire control/three wire control.
The control signals are dependent on the wire control set in p0015 and the signal states at the digital inputs.
p3843[0...n] Friction characteristic frictional torque diff. smoothing time / Frict M_diff t_sm
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [ms] 10000.00 [ms] 0.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the smoothing time constant (PT1) for the friction torque difference.
Smoothing is activated when switching over from status bit r3840.9.
Dependency: Refer to: p3844
Note: When the friction characteristic record is active, it is not possible to save the parameters (p0971, p0977).
When the friction characteristic record is active (p3845 > 0), it is not possible to change p3820 ... p3829, p3830 ...
p3839 and p3842.
When recording the friction characteristic, in addition to the friction, the motor losses are also determined (e.g. iron
losses, eddy current losses and re-magnetizing losses). A differentiation is not made between these individual loss
components. We recommend that a motor temperature sensor is used because torque deviations can also be
emulated/mapped on the characteristic due to the thermal influence.
Note: The parameter value is entered relative to the rated motor current (p0305).
Compound braking is de-activated with p3856 = 0%.
r3859.0 CO/BO: Compound braking/DC quantity control status word / Comp-br/DC_ctr ZSW
PM240 Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 6797
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and connector output for the status word of the compound braking and DC quantity control.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Compound braking active Yes No -
Dependency: Refer to: p3856
r3926[0...n] Voltage generation alternating base voltage amplitude / U_gen altern base
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: MDS
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [V] - [V] - [V]
Description: Displays the base voltage for the alternating voltage in the context of motor data identification.
No alternating voltages. The function is de-activated.
Automatic determination of the base voltage and wobbulation / self-setting based on the converter and the connected
Base voltage for alternating current generation in volts (wobbulation active).
r3929[0...n] Motor data identification modulated voltage generation / MotID U_gen mod
Access level: 4 Calculated: p0340 = 1 Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Configuration of voltage generation for the various MotID sections in the case of the most recent successful MotID.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Wobble U_generate to determine dead-time Yes No -
01 Wobble U_generate to determine stator Yes No -
02 Wobble U_generation to determine rotor Yes No -
time constant
03 Wobble U_generation to determine leakage Yes No -
04 Wobble U_generation to determine dynamic Yes No -
leakage inductance
05 Wobble U_generation to determine Yes No -
magnetizing inductance
08 Alternating U_generate to determine dead- Yes No -
time correction
09 Alternating U_generate to determine stator Yes No -
10 Alternating U_generate to determine rotor Yes No -
time constant
11 Alternating U_generate to determine Yes No -
leakage inductance
12 Alternating U_generate to determine dyn. Yes No -
leakage inductance
13 Alternating U_generate to determine Yes No -
magnetizing inductance
p4641[0...2] OEM encoder diagnostic signal selection / OEM enc diag sel
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 0
Description: Trace functionality for OEM encoder manufacturers.
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Encoder 3
p4673[0...n] Analog sensor channel A voltage per encoder period / Ana_sens A U/per
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-10.0000 [V] 10.0000 [V] 6.0000 [V]
Description: Sets the output voltage range to be mapped for the connected analog sensor.
The voltage range is determined by the following parameters:
- p4672 (voltage at actual value 0)
- p4673 (voltage per encoder period)
Note: The minimum actual value which can be mapped is equal to p4672 - p4673/2.
The maximum actual value which can be mapped is equal to p4672 + p4673/2.
p4675[0...n] Analog sensor channel B voltage per encoder period / Ana_sens B U/per
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-10.0000 [V] 10.0000 [V] 6.0000 [V]
Description: Sets the output voltage range to be mapped for the connected analog sensor.
The voltage range is determined by the following parameters:
- p4674 (voltage at actual value 0)
- p4675 (voltage per encoder period)
Note: The minimum actual value which can be mapped is equal to p4674 - p4675/2.
The maximum actual value which can be mapped is equal to p4674 + p4675/2.
p4681[0...n] Zero mark monitoring tolerance window limit 1 positive / ZM tol lim 1 pos
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 1000 2
Description: Sets the positive tolerance window in encoder pulses for limit 1 for the zero mark monitoring.
If the deviation is less than this limit, then the pulse number is not corrected. If it is higher than this limit, fault F3x131
is triggered.
If fault F3x131 is re-parameterized to alarm (A) or no message (N), the encoder pulses which have not been
corrected are added to the accumulator (p4688). The accumulator can be de-activated using p0437.7.
Dependency: Refer to: p0437, p4688
Refer to: F31131
Note: This monitoring is activated by setting p0437.2 = 1 (position actual value correction).
The positive limit describes additional pulses due to EMC.
p4682[0...n] Zero mark monitoring tolerance window limit 1 negative / ZM tol lim 1 neg
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-1001 0 -1001
Description: Sets the negative tolerance window in encoder pulses for limit 1 for the zero mark monitoring.
If the deviation is less than this limit, the PPR is not corrected. If it is higher than this limit, fault F3x131 is triggered.
If fault F3x131 is re-parameterized to alarm (A) or no message (N), the encoder pulses which have not been
corrected are added to the accumulator (p4688). The accumulator can be de-activated using p0437.7.
Dependency: Refer to: p0437, p4681, p4688
Refer to: F31131
Note: This monitoring is activated by setting p0437.2 = 1 (position actual value correction).
For a set value = -1001, the negated value of p4681 is effective.
The negative limit describes the pulses lost due to a covered glass panel in the incremental encoder.
p4683[0...n] Zero mark monitoring tolerance window alarm threshold positive / ZM tol A_thr pos
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 100000 0
Description: Sets the positive tolerance window in encoder pulses for limit 2 for the zero mark monitoring.
Accumulator (p4688) is compared with this parameter, and where relevant, alarm A3x422 is output for 5 seconds.
Dependency: Refer to: p0437, p4681, p4682, p4688
Refer to: F31131, A31422
Note: Zero mark monitoring is activated by setting p0437.2 = 1 (position actual value correction).
p4684[0...n] Zero mark monitoring tolerance window alarm threshold negative / ZM tol A_thr neg
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-100001 0 -100001
Description: Sets the negative tolerance window in encoder pulses for limit 2 for the zero mark monitoring.
Accumulator (p4688) is compared with this parameter, and where relevant, alarm A3x422 is output for 5 seconds.
Dependency: Refer to: p0437, p4683, p4688
Refer to: F31131, A31422
Note: Zero mark monitoring is activated by setting p0437.2 = 1 (position actual value correction).
For a set value = -100001, the negated value of p4683 is effective.
p4685[0...n] Speed actual value mean value generation / n_act mean val
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(4) Scaling: - Dyn. index: EDS, p0140
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 20 0
Description: Sets the number of current controller clock cycles for mean value generation of the speed actual value.
Note: Value = 0, 1: No mean value generation.
Higher values also mean higher dead times for the speed actual value.
p4688[0...2] CO: Zero mark monitoring differential pulse count / ZM diff_pulse qty
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-2147483648 2147483647 0
Description: Display and connector output for the number of differential pulses for the zero mark monitoring that have
If fault F3x131 is re-parameterized to alarm (A) or no message (N), the encoder pulses which have not been
corrected are added to the accumulator (p4688).
Index: [0] = Encoder 1
[1] = Encoder 2
[2] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p4681, p4682, p4683, p4684
Note: The display can only be reset to zero.
p4692 SMI spare part save data of all SMIs / Save SMI data
Access level: 1 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 29 0
Description: Setting to back up the data of all SMIs and DQIs featured in the target topology.
Value: 0: Inactive
1: Save data of all SMIs and DQIs
10: Save all data successful
13: Insufficient memory space for backup
16: Transfer fault during data backup
20: Component does not contain any data
29: Not all components from target topology saved
Note: SMI: SINAMICS Sensor Module Integrated
p4692 = 10: Automatic on successful completion of backup procedure.
p4692 = 13, 16, 20, 29: Error values if the procedure could not be executed successfully.
The procedure must be repeated if the data save operation was interrupted (e.g. if the power supply voltage failed).
Help for error value = 13:
- Use a memory card with more memory space.
Help for error value = 16:
- check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring.
Help for error value = 20:
- Use an SMI that is not blank.
Help for error value = 29:
- check and correct the target and actual topologies for the SMIs.
- Repeat the save procedure.
p4693[0...1] SMI spare part data backup directory / SMI dat_bkup dir
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 399 0
Description: Sets the directory for downloading and saving data.
The SMI has the component number 5 and the SMI data (motor/encoder data) is to be stored in subdirectory C205.
--> p4690 = 5, p4693[0] = 205, p4691 = 1
Index: [0] = Subdirectory selection
[1] = Reserved
Dependency: Refer to: p4691, r4694
Notice: If p4693[0] is not equal to 0 and p4693[0] is not equal to p4690, the following applies:
- Only a number >= 200 may be selected for the subdirectory when saving.
- in the case of downloads, a selection for the subdirectory may only be made for an SMI/DQI with a component
number >= 200 (preliminary component number) (p4690 >= 200).
Note: DQI: DRIVE-CLiQ Sensor Integrated
SMI: SINAMICS Sensor Module Integrated
For index 0:
This index is used to select the subdirectory for saving and downloading data. The motor order number (MLFB) of the
corresponding data backup is displayed in r4694.
For p4693[0] = 0, the following applies:
The directory is determined by the setting of p4690.
r4694[0...19] SMI spare part data backup motor order number / SMI dat_bkup MLFB
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned8
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the motor order number (MLFB) of the data backup selected with p4693.
Dependency: Refer to: p4691, p4692
Caution: If the selected subdirectory contains a number of data sets, "More Datasets" is displayed in r4694[0...19].
If there is no SMI data (motor/encoder data) in the selected subdirectory or if the selected subdirectory does not exist,
the following applies:
- the number of the next subdirectory located is displayed.
- this subdirectory is not checked for valid SMI data.
- if another subdirectory cannot be located, nothing is displayed in r4694[0...19].
Note: SMI: SINAMICS Sensor Module Integrated
p6397 Motor module phase shift second system / MM ph_sh 2nd sys
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 8 0
Description: Sets the phase shift of the second system with respect to the first system for the motor module for a 12-pulse gating
Value: 0: Shift by +30 °
1: Shift by -30 °
2: Shift by 0 °
3: Shift by +90 °
4: Shift by -90 °
5: Shift by +120 °
6: Shift by -120 °
7: Shift by +150 °
8: Shift by -150 °
Notice: The parameter is only evaluated if p7003 = 2.
Note: For p6397 = 0 the following applies: The second systems leads for a positive direction of rotation.
For p6397 = 1 the following applies: The second systems lags for a positive direction of rotation.
p7759[0...19] KHP Control Unit reference serial number / KHP CU ref ser_no
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned8
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Sets the reference serial number for the Control Unit.
Using this parameter, if a Control Unit and/or a memory card is replaced at the end customer, the OEM can again
adapt the project to the modified hardware.
Dependency: Refer to: p7765, p7766, p7767, p7768
p7762 Write protection multi-master fieldbus system access behavior / Fieldbus acc_behav
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 1 0
Description: Sets the behavior for write protection when accessing via multi-master fieldbus systems (e.g. CAN, BACnet).
Value: 0: Write access independent of p7761
1: Write access dependent on p7761
Dependency: Refer to: r7760, p7761
p7763 KHP OEM exception list number of indices for p7764 / KHP OEM qty p7764
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
1 500 1
Description: Sets the number of parameters for the OEM exception list (p7764[0...n]).
p7764[0...n], with n = p7763 - 1
Dependency: Refer to: p7764
Note: KHP: Know-How Protection
Even if know-how protection is set, parameters in this list can be read and written to.
p7769[0...20] KHP memory card reference serial number / KHP mem ref ser_no
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned8
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Sets the reference serial number for the memory card.
Using this parameter, if a Control Unit and/or a memory card is replaced at the end customer, the OEM can again
adapt the project to the modified hardware.
Dependency: Refer to: p7765, p7766, p7767, p7768
Note: KHP: Know-How Protection
- the OEM may only change this parameter for the use case "Sending encrypted SINAMICS data".
- SINAMICS only evaluates this parameter when powering up from the encrypted "Load into file system..." output or
when powering up from the encrypted PS files. The evaluation is only made when know-how protection and memory
card copy protection have been activated.
146: Nanometer
147: Joules
r8541 CO: Speed setpoint from BOP/IOP in the manual mode / N_set OP
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: 3_1 Unit selection: p0505 Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm]
Description: For the manual mode: Display of the speed setpoint entered at the BOP/ IOP.
p8542[0...15] BI: Active STW1 in the BOP/IOP manual mode / STW1 act OP
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - [0] 8540.0
[1] 8540.1
[2] 8540.2
[3] 8540.3
[4] 8540.4
[5] 8540.5
[6] 8540.6
[7] 8540.7
[8] 8540.8
[9] 8540.9
[10] 8540.10
[11] 8540.11
[12] 8540.12
[13] 8540.13
[14] 8540.14
[15] 8540.15
Description: For the manual mode: Setting of the signal sources for STW1 (control word 1).
Index: [0] = ON/OFF1
[1] = OC / OFF2
[2] = OC / OFF3
[3] = Operation enable
[4] = Ramp-function generator enable
[5] = Continue ramp-function generator
[6] = Speed setpoint enable
[7] = Acknowledge fault
[8] = Jog bit 0
[9] = Jog bit 1
[10] = Master control by PLC
[11] = Direction reversal (setpoint)
[12] = Enable speed controller
[13] = Motorized potentiometer raise
[14] = Motorized potentiometer lower
[15] = CDS bit 0
p8543 CI: Active speed setpoint in the BOP/IOP manual mode / N_act act OP
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T Scaling: p2000 Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 8541[0]
Description: For the manual mode: Sets the signal source for the speed setpoint.
p8558 BI: Select IOP manual mode / Sel IOP man mode
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
r8572[0...39] Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for speed setpoints / Macro CI n_set
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the ACX file saved in the appropriate directory in the non-volatile memory.
Dependency: Refer to: p1000
Note: For a value = 9999999, the following applies: The read operation is still running.
r8573[0...39] Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for torque setpoints / Macro CI M_set
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the ACX file saved in the appropriate directory in the non-volatile memory.
Dependency: Refer to: p1500
Note: For a value = 9999999, the following applies: The read operation is still running.
p8608[0...1] CAN Clear Bus Off Error / Clear bus off err
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 1 0
Description: As a result of a Bus Off error, the CAN controller is set into the initialization state.
Index 0:
The CAN controller is manually started after resolving the cause of the error with p8608[0] = 1.
Index 1:
The automatic CAN bus start function is activated using p8608[1] = 1.
At 2 second intervals, the CAN controller is automatically restarted until the cause of the error has been resolved and
a CAN connection has been established.
Value: 0: Inactive
1: Start CAN controller
Index: [0] = Manual controller start function
[1] = Activating the automatic controller start function
Note: For index 0:
This parameter is automatically reset to 0 after start.
p8641 CAN Abort Connection Option Code / Abort con opt code
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 3 3
Description: Sets the drive behavior if a CAN communication error occurs.
Value: 0: No response
1: OFF1
2: OFF2
3: OFF3
Dependency: Refer to: F08700
p8684 CAN NMT state after booting / NMT state aft boot
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
4 127 127
Description: Sets the CANopen NMT state that is effective after booting.
Value: 4: Stopped
5: Operational
127: Pre-operational
Dependency: Refer to: p8685
Note: Booting in the NMT state pre-operational corresponds to the CANopen standard
Dependency: A valid COB-ID can only be set for the available (existing) channel.
Note: Corresponds to the CANopen object 1401 hex.
Transmission types 0, 1, FE and FF can be set.
PDO: Process Data Object
r8745[0...15] CO: CAN free PZD receive objects 16 bit / Free PZD recv 16
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: - Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Access to free PZD receive objects 16 bit using the SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = PZD object 0
[1] = PZD object 1
[2] = PZD object 2
[3] = PZD object 3
[4] = PZD object 4
[5] = PZD object 5
[6] = PZD object 6
[7] = PZD object 7
[8] = PZD object 8
[9] = PZD object 9
[10] = PZD object 10
[11] = PZD object 11
[12] = PZD object 12
[13] = PZD object 13
[14] = PZD object 14
[15] = PZD object 15
Note: Index 0 corresponds to the CANopen object 5800 hex
Index 1 corresponds to the CANopen object 5801 hex
Index 2 corresponds to the CANopen object 5802 hex
Index 3 corresponds to the CANopen object 5803 hex
Index 4 corresponds to the CANopen object 5804 hex
Index 5 corresponds to the CANopen object 5805 hex
Index 6 corresponds to the CANopen object 5806 hex
Index 7 corresponds to the CANopen object 5807 hex
Index 8 corresponds to the CANopen object 5808 hex
Index 9 corresponds to the CANopen object 5809 hex
Index 10 corresponds to the CANopen object 580A hex
Index 11 corresponds to the CANopen object 580B hex
Index 12 corresponds to the CANopen object 580C hex
Index 13 corresponds to the CANopen object 580D hex
Index 14 corresponds to the CANopen object 580E hex
Index 15 corresponds to the CANopen object 580F hex
p8746[0...15] CI: CAN free PZD send objects 16 bit / Free PZD send 16
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer16
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for free PZD send objects 16 bit for SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = PZD object 0
[1] = PZD object 1
[2] = PZD object 2
[3] = PZD object 3
[4] = PZD object 4
[5] = PZD object 5
[6] = PZD object 6
[7] = PZD object 7
[8] = PZD object 8
[9] = PZD object 9
[10] = PZD object 10
[11] = PZD object 11
[12] = PZD object 12
[13] = PZD object 13
[14] = PZD object 14
[15] = PZD object 15
Note: Index 0 corresponds to the CANopen object 5810 hex
Index 1 corresponds to the CANopen object 5811 hex
Index 2 corresponds to the CANopen object 5812 hex
Index 3 corresponds to the CANopen object 5813 hex
Index 4 corresponds to the CANopen object 5814 hex
Index 5 corresponds to the CANopen object 5815 hex
Index 6 corresponds to the CANopen object 5816 hex
Index 7 corresponds to the CANopen object 5817 hex
Index 8 corresponds to the CANopen object 5818 hex
Index 9 corresponds to the CANopen object 5819 hex
Index 10 corresponds to the CANopen object 581A hex
Index 11 corresponds to the CANopen object 581B hex
Index 12 corresponds to the CANopen object 581C hex
Index 13 corresponds to the CANopen object 581D hex
Index 14 corresponds to the CANopen object 581E hex
Index 15 corresponds to the CANopen object 581F hex
r8747[0...7] CO: CAN free PZD receive objects 32 bit / Free PZD recv 32
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Access to free PZD receive objects 32 bit using the SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = PZD object 0
[1] = PZD object 1
[2] = PZD object 2
[3] = PZD object 3
[4] = PZD object 4
[5] = PZD object 5
[6] = PZD object 6
[7] = PZD object 7
p8748[0...7] CI: CAN free PZD send objects 32 bit / Free PZD send 32
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Integer32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for free PZD send objects 32 bit for SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = PZD object 0
[1] = PZD object 1
[2] = PZD object 2
[3] = PZD object 3
[4] = PZD object 4
[5] = PZD object 5
[6] = PZD object 6
[7] = PZD object 7
Note: Index 0 corresponds to the CANopen object 5830 hex
Index 1 corresponds to the CANopen object 5831 hex
Index 2 corresponds to the CANopen object 5832 hex
Index 3 corresponds to the CANopen object 5833 hex
Index 4 corresponds to the CANopen object 5834 hex
Index 5 corresponds to the CANopen object 5835 hex
Index 6 corresponds to the CANopen object 5836 hex
Index 7 corresponds to the CANopen object 5837 hex
[9] = PZD 10 + 11
[10] = PZD 11 + 12
[11...14] = Reserved
r8792[0] CO: CAN velocity mode I16 setpoint / Vel mod I16 set
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: - Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and connector output to interconnect standardized I16 setpoint CANopen objects of the velocity mode for
SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = VL Target Velocity
Note: For index 0:
Corresponds to the CANopen object 6042 hex.
The displayed parameter value is scaled via the reference speed p2000:
4000 hex corresponds to p2000
r8796[0] CO: CAN profile velocity mode I32 setpoints / Pr vel mo I32 set
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and connector output to interconnect standardized I32 setpoint CANopen objects of the profile velocity mode
for SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = Target velocity
Note: For index 0:
Corresponds to the CANopen object 60FF hex.
The displayed parameter value is scaled via the reference speed p2000:
4000 0000 hex corresponds to p2000
r8797[0] CO: CAN profile torque mode I16 setpoints / Pr Tq mod I16 set
CU250S_V_CAN Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: - Scaling: 4000H Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and connector output to interconnect standardized I16 setpoint CANopen objects of the profile torque mode
for SDO transfer.
An index can only be used, if the corresponding object has not been mapped in a PDO.
Index: [0] = Target torque
Note: For index 0:
Corresponds to the CANopen object 6071 hex.
The displayed parameter value is scaled via the reference torque p2003:
4000 hex corresponds to p2003
r8859[3] = 0
r8859[4] = 1300 --> first part, firmware version V13.00 (second part, see index 7)
r8859[5] = 2011 --> year 2011
r8859[6] = 2306 --> 23rd June
r8859[7] = 1700 --> second part, firmware version (complete version: V13.00.17.00)
Value: 0: No function
1: Reserved
2: Save and activate configuration
3: Delete configuration
Dependency: Refer to: p8920, p8921, p8922, p8923, p8924
Notice: When the DHCP mode is active (p8924 > 0), then PROFINET communication via this interface is no longer possible!
However, the interface can be used by the STARTER/SCOUT commissioning tool.
Note: For p8925 = 2:
The interface configuration (p8920 and following) is saved and activated after the next POWER ON.
For p8925 = 3:
The factory setting of the interface configuration is loaded after the next POWER ON.
[3] = Gearbox 4
[4] = Gearbox 5
[5] = Gearbox 6
[6] = Gearbox 7
[7] = Gearbox 8
Dependency: Refer to: p9322
Notice: It is not possible to change over the gearbox stages. Gearbox 1 (index 0) is always active.
p9342 SI Motion act. val. comparison tolerance (crossw.) (processor 2) / SI Mtn actV tol P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.0010 [°] 360.0000 [°] 12.0000 [°]
Description: Sets the tolerance for the crosswise data comparison of the actual position between processors 1 and 2.
Dependency: Refer to: p9542
Refer to: C01711
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
Note: For a linear axis, the tolerance is internally limited to 10 mm.
For a "linear axis with rotating motor" and factory setting of p9320, p9321 and p9322, the factory setting of p9342
corresponds to a position tolerance of 36 ° on the motor side.
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
Note: SAM: Safe Acceleration Monitor (safe acceleration monitoring)
SSM: Safe Speed Monitor (safety-relevant feedback signal from the velocity monitoring)
p9348 SI Motion SAM actual velocity tolerance (processor 2) / SI mtn SAM tol P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [rpm] 120000.00 [rpm] 300.00 [rpm]
Description: Sets the velocity tolerance for the "SAM" function.
p9358 SI Motion acceptance test mode time limit (processor 2) / SI Mtn acc t P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
5000000.00 [µs] 100000000.00 [µs] 40000000.00 [µs]
Description: Sets the maximum time for the acceptance test mode.
If the acceptance test mode takes longer than the selected time limit, then the mode is automatically terminated.
Dependency: Refer to: p9558
Refer to: C01799
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
Note: The set time is rounded internally to an integer multiple of the monitoring clock cycle.
p9381 SI Motion brake ramp reference value (processor 2) / SI Mtn ramp ref P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
600.0000 [rpm] 240000.0000 [rpm] 1500.0000 [rpm]
Description: Sets the reference value to define the brake ramp.
The rate of rise of the brake ramp depends upon p9381 (reference value) and p9383 (monitoring time).
Dependency: Refer to: p9382, p9383
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
p9385 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless fault tolerance (MM) / ActVal sl tol MM
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-1 4 -1
Description: Sets the tolerance of the plausibility monitoring of the current and voltage angle.
A higher value results in a higher degree of ruggedness when reversing at low speeds, as well as in the field
weakening range for load steps.
An increase is advantageous, if the current or voltage at the motor become small.
p9386 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless delay time (P2) / ActVal sl t_del P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
5.00 [ms] 1000.00 [ms] 100.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the delay time to evaluate the encoderless actual value sensing after the pulses have been enabled.
The value must be greater than or equal to the motor magnetizing time (p0346).
Dependency: Refer to: C30711
Caution: The safety functionality is only completely guaranteed after this time has expired.
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
If this value is reduced, this can have a negative impact on the actual value acquisition and plausibility check – and
result in Safety message C30711 with the message value 1041 or 1042.
Note: This parameter is only effective for encoderless actual value sensing (p9506/p9306 = 1, 3).
The set time is rounded internally to an integer multiple of the monitoring clock cycle.
p9387 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless filter time (P2) / Actv sl t_filt P2
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [µs] 100000.00 [µs] 25000.00 [µs]
Description: Sets the filter time for smoothing the actual value with sensorless actual value sensing.
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
A longer filter time results in a longer response time.
p9388 SI Motion actual value sensing minimum current (P2) / ActVal sl I_min P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [%] 1000.00 [%] 10.00 [%]
Description: Sets the minimum current for encoderless actual value sensing referred to 1 A (i.e. 1 % = 10 mA).
- the value must be increased if C30711 has occurred with message value 1042.
- the value must be decreased if C30711 has occurred with message value 1041.
For synchronous motors, the following condition must be fulfilled:
|p0305 x p9783| >= p9388 x 1.2
Recommendation: If required, the correct value of the motor minimum current should be determined by making the appropriate
Dependency: Refer to: r9785
Refer to: C30711
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
If this percentage value is reduced excessively, then this can result in a safety message and an inaccurate actual
p9389 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless accel. limit (P2) / ActVal sl a_lim P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
10.00 [%] 3300.00 [%] 100.00 [%]
Description: Sets the acceleration limit to filter velocity fluctuations.
If this percentage value is increased, when accelerating, velocity peaks that do not reflect the real velocity
characteristic can occur.
If this value is decreased, and this dampens the velocity peaks when accelerating.
- the value must be increased if C30711 with message value 1043 has occurred.
- the value must be lowered if acceleration procedures have led to an excessive Safety actual velocity.
Recommendation: The setting of this parameter depends on the motor and closed-loop control, and must be newly determined for each
To do this, a measurement should be performed while the actual value jumps, and the limit in r9785[0] must be set so
low using p9389, so that it is exceeded by the value in r9785[1] a maximum of four times per second. The actual
value correction filter intervenes at this instant in time. The step is no longer so drastic.
Dependency: Refer to: r9784
Refer to: C30711
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
r9485 BICO interconnections signal source search count / BICO S_src srchQty
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the number of BICO interconnections to the signal sink being searched for.
r9486 BICO interconnections signal source search first index / BICO S_src srchIdx
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the first index of the signal source being searched for.
The signal source to be searched for is set in p9484 (BICO-coded) and the search result is specified using the
number (r9485) and the first index (r9486).
Dependency: Refer to: p9484, r9485
Note: The signal source to be searched is set in p9484 (BICO-coded).
The search result is contained in r9482 and r9483 and is specified by the count (r9485) and the first index (r9486).
p9495 BICO behavior for de-activated drive objects / Behav for deact DO
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 2 0
Description: Sets the behavior for BICO interconnections to drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have been de-
BO/CO parameters are on the drive object that is either not capable of operation or has been de-activated (signal
Value: 0: Inactive
1: Save interconnections
2: Save interconnections and establish the factory setting
Dependency: Refer to: p9496, p9497, p9498, p9499
Refer to: A01318, A01507
Note: For p9495 = 0, the following applies:
- the number of interconnections is zero (p9497 = 0).
For p9495 not equal to 0, the following applies:
- the BI/CI parameters involved are listed in p9498[0...29] (signal sink).
- the associated BO/CO parameters are listed in p9499[0...29] (signal source).
p9496 BICO behavior when activating drive objects / Behav when act DO
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 2 0
Description: Sets the behavior when activating BICO interconnections to drive objects that are either not capable of operation or
have been de-activated.
Value: 0: Inactive
1: Restore the interconnections from the list
2: Delete the interconnections from the list
Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9497, p9498, p9499
Refer to: A01318, A01507
Note: The BI/CI parameters involved are listed in p9498[0...29] (signal sink).
The associated BO/CO parameters are listed in p9499[0...29] (signal source).
After p9496 = 1, 2 the following applies:
- p9497 = 0
- p9496 = 0
p9497 BICO interconnections to de-activated drive objects number / Interconn obj qty
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 0
Description: Displays the number of saved BICO interconnections to drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have
been de-activated.
BO/CO parameters are on the drive object that is either not capable of operation or has been de-activated (signal
Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9496, p9498, p9499
Refer to: A01318, A01507
p9498[0...29] BICO BI/CI parameters to de-activated drive objects / BI/CI to deact obj
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Displays the saved BI/CI parameters (signal sink), whose source is located on drive objects that are either not
capable of operation or have been de-activated.
Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9496, p9497, p9499
Refer to: A01318, A01507
Note: A BICO interconnection (signal sink, signal source) is displayed in the same index of p9498 and p9499.
p9499[0...29] BICO BO/CO parameters to de-activated drive objects / BO/CO to deact obj
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Displays the saved BO/CO parameters (signal source), which are located on drive objects that are either not capable
of operation or have been de-activated.
Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9496, p9497, p9498
Refer to: A01318, A01507
Note: A BICO interconnection (signal sink, signal source) is displayed in the same index of p9498 and p9499.
p9533 SI Motion SLS setpoint speed limit (processor 1) / SI Mtn SLS set_lim
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: U, T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.000 [%] 100.000 [%] 80.000 [%]
Description: This is an evaluation factor to define the setpoint limit from the selected actual speed limit.
The active SLS limit value is evaluated with this factor and is made available as setpoint limit in r9733.
Dependency: This parameter only has to be parameterized for the motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive (p9601.2 = 1)
r9733[0] = p9531[x] x p9533 (converted from the load side to the motor side)
r9733[1] = - p9531[x] x p9533 (converted from the load side to the motor side)
[x] = Selected SLS stage
Conversion factor from the motor side to the load side:
- motor type = rotary and axis type = linear: p9522 / (p9521 x p9520)
- otherwise: p9522 / p9521
Refer to: p9501, p9531, p9601
p9542 SI Motion act. val. comparison tolerance (crossw.) (processor 1) / SI Mtn act tol P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.0010 [°] 360.0000 [°] 12.0000 [°]
Description: Sets the tolerance for the crosswise data comparison of the actual position between processors 1 and 2.
Dependency: Refer to: C01711
Note: For a linear axis, the tolerance is internally limited to 10 mm.
For a "linear axis with rotating motor" and factory setting of p9520, p9521 and p9522, the factory setting of p9542
corresponds to a position tolerance of 36 ° on the motor side.
p9548 SI Motion SAM actual velocity tolerance (processor 1) / SI mtn SAM tol P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [rpm] 120000.00 [rpm] 300.00 [rpm]
Description: Sets the velocity tolerance for the "SAM" function.
Dependency: Refer to: C01706
Note: SAM: Safe Acceleration Monitor (safe acceleration monitoring)
p9558 SI Motion acceptance test mode time limit (processor 1) / SI Mtn acc t P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
5000.00 [ms] 100000.00 [ms] 40000.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the maximum time for the acceptance test mode.
If the acceptance test mode takes longer than the selected time limit, then the mode is automatically terminated.
Dependency: Refer to: C01799
Note: The set time is rounded internally to an integer multiple of the monitoring clock cycle.
p9559 SI Motion forced checking procedure timer (processor 1) / SI Mtn dyn timer
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [h] 9000.00 [h] 8.00 [h]
Description: Sets the time interval for carrying out the forced checking procedure and testing the safety motion monitoring
functions integrated in the drives.
Within the parameterized time, the safety functions must have been tested at least once (including de-selection of the
"STO" function).
This monitoring time is reset each time the test is carried out.
The signal source to initiate the forced checking procedure is set in p9705.
Dependency: Refer to: p9705
Refer to: A01697, C01798
Note: STO: Safe Torque Off
Note: Acceptance test mode can only be selected if the motion monitoring functions, which are integrated in the drives, are
enabled (p9601.2/p9801.2).
p9581 SI Motion brake ramp reference value (processor 1) / SI Mtn ramp ref P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
600.0000 [rpm] 240000.0000 [rpm] 1500.0000 [rpm]
Description: Sets the reference value to define the brake ramp.
The rate of rise of the brake ramp depends upon p9581 (reference value) and p9583 (monitoring time).
Dependency: Refer to: p9582, p9583
p9585 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless fault tolerance (CU) / ActVal sl tol CU
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
-1 4 -1
Description: Sets the tolerance of the plausibility monitoring of the current and voltage angle.
A higher value results in a higher degree of ruggedness when reversing at low speeds, as well as in the field
weakening range for load steps.
An increase is advantageous, if the current or voltage at the motor become small.
Dependency: Refer to: r9787
Refer to: F01681, C01711
Notice: Reducing this value can adversely affect the actual value sensing and the plausibility check.
When the value is increased, this results in a longer evaluation delay and a higher velocity deviation (r9787).
Note: This parameter is only effective for encoderless actual value sensing (p9506/p9306 = 1, 3).
For synchronous motors, the value 4 must be set.
If value = -1:
- for synchronous motors, the calculation is automatically made with the value 4.
- for induction motors, the calculation is automatically made with a value of 0 (if the code number of the power unit
p0201[0] < 14000, otherwise with a value of 2).
p9586 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless delay time (P1) / ActVal sl t_del P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
5.00 [ms] 1000.00 [ms] 100.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the delay time to evaluate the encoderless actual value sensing after the pulses have been enabled.
The value must be greater than or equal to the motor magnetizing time (p0346).
Dependency: Refer to: C01711
Caution: The safety functionality is only completely guaranteed after this time has expired.
Notice: If this value is reduced, this can have a negative impact on the actual value acquisition and plausibility check – and
result in Safety message C01711 with the message value 1041 or 1042.
Note: This parameter is only effective for encoderless actual value sensing (p9506/p9306 = 1, 3).
The set time is rounded internally to an integer multiple of the monitoring clock cycle.
p9587 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless filter time (P1) / Actv sl t_filt P1
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [ms] 100.00 [ms] 25.00 [ms]
Description: Sets the filter time for smoothing the actual value with sensorless actual value sensing.
Notice: A longer filter time results in a longer response time.
p9588 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless minimum current (P1) / ActVal sl I_min P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [%] 1000.00 [%] 10.00 [%]
Description: Sets the minimum current for encoderless actual value sensing referred to 1 A (i.e. 1 % = 10 mA).
- the value must be increased if C01711 has occurred with message value 1042.
- the value must be decreased if C01711 has occurred with message value 1041.
For synchronous motors, the following condition must be fulfilled:
|p0305 x p9783| >= p9588 x 1.2
Recommendation: If required, the correct value of the motor minimum current should be determined by making the appropriate
Dependency: Refer to: r9785
Refer to: C01711
Notice: If this percentage value is reduced excessively, then this can result in a safety message and an inaccurate actual
p9589 SI Motion actual value sensing sensorless accel. limit (P1) / ActVal sl a_lim P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
10.00 [%] 3300.00 [%] 100.00 [%]
Description: Sets the acceleration limit to filter velocity fluctuations.
If this percentage value is increased, when accelerating, velocity peaks that do not reflect the real velocity
characteristic can occur.
If this value is decreased, and this dampens the velocity peaks when accelerating.
- the value must be increased if C01711 with message value 1043 has occurred.
- the value must be lowered if acceleration procedures have led to an excessive Safety actual velocity.
Recommendation: The setting of this parameter depends on the motor and closed-loop control, and must be newly determined for each
To do this, a measurement should be performed while the actual value jumps, and the limit in r9785[0] must be set so
low using p9589, so that it is exceeded by the value in r9785[1] a maximum of four times per second. The actual
value correction filter intervenes at this instant in time. The step is no longer so drastic.
Dependency: Refer to: r9784
Refer to: C01711
000C hex:
Extended functions are enabled via PROFIsafe (permissible for r9771.4 = 1).
000D hex:
Extended functions are enabled via PROFIsafe and basic functions via onboard terminals (permissible for r9771.4 =
In addition to all of the combinations listed above, using bit 7, the "STO via Power Module terminals" function can be
enabled (this is permissible for r9771.19 = 1).
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Enable STO via terminals (processor 1) Enable Inhibit 2810
02 Enable drive_integr motion_monitoring Enable Inhibit -
functions (processor 1)
07 Enable Power Module STO Enable Inhibit -
Dependency: Refer to: r9771, p9801
Note: A change only becomes effective after a POWER ON.
STO: Safe Torque Off
Note: For a crosswise data comparison between p9650 and p9850, a difference of one Safety monitoring clock cycle is
The set time is rounded internally to an integer multiple of the monitoring clock cycle.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
p9661 SI forced checking procedure STO via PM terminals time / FCP_dyn STO PM-T t
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0.00 [h] 9000.00 [h] 8.00 [h]
Description: Sets the time interval for monitoring the forced checking procedure and testing the Safety switch-off signal paths for
STO via terminals on the Power Module.
Within the parameterized time, STO must have been de-selected at least once.
Dependency: Refer to: r9662
Refer to: A01678
Note: STO: Safe Torque Off
p9705 BI: SI Motion: Test stop signal source / SI Mtn test stop
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2837
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the test stop of the safety-relevant motion monitoring functions.
r9712 CO: SI Motion diagnostics pos. act. val. motor side (processor 1) / SI Mtn s_act motP1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the actual motor-side position actual value for the motion monitoring functions on processor 1.
Note: The display is updated in the safety monitoring clock cycle.
r9713[0...5] CO: SI Motion diagnostics position actual value load side / SI Mtn s_act load
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the actual load-side actual values of both monitoring channels and their difference.
Index: [0] = Load-side actual value on processor 1 (P1)
[1] = Load-side actual value on processor 2 (P2)
[2] = Load-side actual value difference P1 - P2
[3] = Load-side maximum actual value difference P1 - P2
[4] = Load-side actual value as safe position via PROFIsafe
[5] = Load-side additional actual value difference CU - second channel
Dependency: Refer to: r9708, r9724
Note: The value of this parameter is displayed in r9708 with units (mm or degrees).
The display is updated in the safety monitoring clock cycle.
For index 0:
The display of the load-side position actual value on processor 1 is updated in the monitoring clock cycle.
For index 1:
The display of the load-side position actual value on processor 2 is updated in the CDC clock cycle (r9724) and
delayed by one CDC clock cycle.
For index 2:
The difference between the load-side position actual value on processor 1 and load-side position actual value on
processor 2 is updated in the CDC clock cycle (r9724) and delayed by one CDC clock cycle.
For index 3:
The maximum difference between the load-side position actual value on processor 1 and the load-side position
actual value on processor 2.
For index 4:
The content corresponds to the value in index 0.
CDC: Crosswise Data Comparison
r9720.0...13 CO/BO: SI Motion control signals integrated in the drive / SI Mtn integ STW
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2840, 2855
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Control signals for safety-relevant motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 De-select STO Yes No -
01 De-select SS1 Yes No -
04 De-select SLS Yes No -
07 Acknowledgment Signal edge active No -
09 Select SLS bit 0 Set Not set -
10 Select SLS bit 1 Set Not set -
12 Deselect SDI positive Yes No 2824
13 Deselect SDI negative Yes No 2824
Note: This parameter is only supplied with actual values if SI Motion functions are active. For Safety Integrated Basic
Functions (STO), the value is equal to zero.
r9722.0...15 CO/BO: SI Motion drive-integrated status signals (processor 1) / SI Mtn int stat P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2840, 2855
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Status signal for safety-relevant motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive on monitoring channel 1.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 STO or safe pulse suppression active Yes No -
01 SS1 active Yes No -
04 SLS active Yes No -
07 Internal event No Yes -
09 Active SLS stage bit 0 Set Not set -
10 Active SLS stage bit 1 Set Not set -
12 SDI positive active Yes No 2824
13 SDI negative active Yes No 2824
15 SSM (speed below limit value) Yes No 2823
Notice: For bit 07:
An internal event is displayed if a STOP A ... F is active.
The signal state behaves in an opposite way to the PROFIsafe Standard.
Note: This parameter is only supplied with actual values if SI Motion functions are active. For Safety Integrated Basic
Functions (STO), the value is equal to zero.
r9723.0...16 CO/BO: SI Motion diagnostic signals integrated in the drive / SI Mtn integ diag
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the diagnostic signals for safety-relevant motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Forced checking procedure required Yes No -
01 STOP F and then STOP B active Yes No 2819
02 Communication failure Yes No -
03 Actual value sensing supplies valid value Yes No 2821
04 Encoderless act val sensing acc to Yes No -
technique for U/f control
09 Safe pulse suppression active Yes No -
12 Test stop active Yes No -
16 SAM/SBR active Yes No 2820
Note: For bit 01:
This bit can be used to execute a control-based ESR.
ESR: Extended Stop and Retract
SAM: Safe Acceleration Monitor (safe acceleration monitoring)
SBR: Safe Brake Ramp (safe brake ramp monitoring)
r9724 SI Motion crosswise comparison clock cycle / SI Mtn CDC clk cyc
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- [ms] - [ms] - [ms]
Description: Displays the crosswise comparison clock cycle.
The value indicates the clock cycle time with which each individual CDC value is compared between the two
monitoring channels.
Note: CDC: Crosswise Data Comparison
Index 1: For a two-encoder system, with just non-safety capable encoders, this means the poorer value of the two
encoders. Index[1] takes into account the coarse resolution of the encoder only
r9734.0...14 CO/BO: SI Safety Info Channel status word S_ZSW1B / SIC S_ZSW1B
CU250S_V_DP Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned16
CU250S_V_PN Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Display and BICO output for status word S_ZSW1B of the safety information channel.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 STO active Yes No -
01 SS1 active Yes No -
04 SLS active Yes No -
06 SLS selected Yes No -
07 Internal event Yes No -
09 Select SLS bit0 Yes No -
10 Select SLS bit1 Yes No -
12 SDI positive selected Yes No -
13 SDI neg selected Yes No -
14 ESR retract requested Yes No -
Note: SIC: Safety Info Channel
For bit 07:
An internal event is displayed if a STOP A ... F is active.
r9742.0...15 CO/BO: SI Motion drive-integrated status signals (processor 2) / SI Mtn int stat P2
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2840, 2855
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Status signal for safety-relevant motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive.
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 STO or safe pulse suppression active Yes No -
01 SS1 active Yes No -
04 SLS active Yes No -
07 Internal event No Yes -
09 Active SLS stage bit 0 Set Not set -
10 Active SLS stage bit 1 Set Not set -
12 SDI positive active Yes No 2824
13 SDI negative active Yes No 2824
15 SSM (speed below limit value) Yes No 2823
Notice: For bit 07:
An internal event is displayed if a STOP A ... F is active.
The signal state behaves in an opposite way to the PROFIsafe Standard.
Note: This parameter is only supplied with actual values if SI Motion functions are active. For Safety Integrated Basic
Functions (STO), the value is equal to zero.
Not all of the settings listed below will be permissible, depending on the Control Unit and Power Module being used:
0000 hex:
Safety functions integrated in the drive inhibited (no safety function).
0001 hex:
Basic functions are enabled via onboard terminals (permissible for r9771.0 = 1).
0004 hex:
Extended functions are enabled via onboard terminals (permissible for r9771.5 = 1).
0008 hex:
Basic functions are enabled via PROFIsafe (permissible for r9771.6 = 1).
0009 hex:
Basic functions are enabled via PROFIsafe onboard terminals (permissible for r9771.6 = 1).
000C hex:
Extended functions are enabled via PROFIsafe (permissible for r9771.4 = 1).
000D hex:
Extended functions are enabled via PROFIsafe and basic functions via onboard terminals (permissible for r9771.4 =
In addition to all of the combinations listed above, using bit 7, the "STO via Power Module terminals" function can be
enabled (this is permissible for r9771.19 = 1).
Bit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP
00 Enable STO via terminals (processor 2) Enable Inhibit 2810
02 Enable drive_integr motion_monitoring Enable Inhibit -
functions (processor 2)
07 Enable Power Module STO Enable Inhibit -
Dependency: Refer to: p9601, r9871
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
Note: A change only becomes effective after a POWER ON.
STO: Safe Torque Off
Notice: This parameter is overwritten by the copy function of the safety functions integrated in the drive.
p9915 DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold master / DQ fault master
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(1) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0000 hex 0007 07FF hex 0007 02FF hex
Description: Only for internal Siemens service purposes.
p9916 DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold slave / DQ fault slave
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Unsigned32
Can be changed: C(1) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0000 hex 0007 07FF hex 0007 02FF hex
Description: Only for internal Siemens service purposes.
r9943 DRIVE-CLiQ detailed diagn. individual connection error counter / DQ det err counter
Access level: 4 Calculated: - Data type: Integer32
Can be changed: - Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
- - -
Description: Displays the connection errors of the individual connection that have occurred within the time interval (p9939).
The detailed diagnostics for the individual connection is activated via p9938 > 0 and is selected via p9942.
Dependency: Refer to: r9936, p9938, p9939, p9942
p10006 SI Motion acknowledgment internal event F-DI (processor 1) / SI Mtn ackn int P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 255 0
Description: Select a fail-safe digital input (F-DI) for the signal "acknowledge internal event" (internal fault).
The falling edge at this input resets the status "internal event" in the drive.
The rising edge at this input acknowledges any existing discrepancy errors.
Value: 0: Static selected
1: F-DI 0
2: F-DI 1
3: F-DI 2
255: Static deselected
Dependency: Refer to: p10106
Refer to: A01666, A30666
Note: The values "static selected" and "static deselected" result in an inactive function of the safe acknowledgment.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
p10007 BI: SI Motion forced checking procedure F-DO signal source / SI dynF-DI/DOs_src
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 2848
Min Max Factory setting
- - 0
Description: Selects an input terminal to start the test stop.
The test stop is started with a 0/1 signal at the input terminal and is then only possible if the drive is not in
commissioning mode.
Dependency: Refer to: p10001, p10002, p10003, p10046
Note: If value = 0:
No terminal assigned, safety function always selected.
If value = 255:
No terminal assigned, safety function always deselected.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
SLS: Safely Limited Speed
p10030 SI Motion SDI positive input terminal (processor 1) / SI SDI pos F-DI P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 255 0
Description: Sets the fail-safe digital input (F-DI) for the "SDI positive" function.
Value: 0: Static selected
1: F-DI 0
2: F-DI 1
3: F-DI 2
255: Static deselected
Note: If value = 0:
No terminal assigned, safety function always selected.
If value = 255:
No terminal assigned, safety function always deselected.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
SDI: Safe Direction (safe motion direction)
p10031 SI Motion SDI negative input terminal (processor 1) / SI SDI neg F-DI P1
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 255 0
Description: Sets the fail-safe digital input (F-DI) for the "SDI negative" function.
Value: 0: Static selected
1: F-DI 0
2: F-DI 1
3: F-DI 2
255: Static deselected
Note: If value = 0:
No terminal assigned, safety function always selected.
If value = 255:
No terminal assigned, safety function always deselected.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
SDI: Safe Direction (safe motion direction)
Note: If a safety function is assigned to an input (e.g. via p10022), then the following applies:
- logical "0": Safety function is selected
- logical "1": Safety function is de-selected
The interrelationship between the logical level and the external voltage level at the input depends on the
parameterization (refer to p10040) of the input as either NC or NO contact and is aligned to the use of a safety
With 24 V at the input, NC contacts have a logical "1" level, for 0 V at the input, a logical "0" level.
This means that an NC/NC contact parameterization of 0 V at both inputs of the F-DI selects the safety function, for
24 V at both inputs, de-selects the safety function.
With 24 V at the input, NO contacts have a logical "0" level, for 0 V at the input, a logical "1" level.
This means that for an NC/NO contact parameterization, the level 0 V/24 V selects the safety function, the level 24
V/0 V de-selects the safety function.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
The state of parameter r10151 is delayed by one monitoring clock cycle in relation to r10051.
The parameter is only updated in the following cases:
- if the Safety Extended Functions are enabled by means of activation via F-DI.
- if transfer of the F-DIs via PROFIsafe is enabled (see p9501).
In this case only the F-DIs transferred for PROFIsafe are displayed and updated (see p10050/p10150). All F-DIs
which have not been transferred have a static zero value.
p10106 SI Motion acknowledgment internal event F-DI (processor 2) / SI ackn int evt P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 255 0
Description: Select a fail-safe digital input (F-DI) for the signal "acknowledge internal event" (internal fault).
The falling edge at this input resets the status "internal event" in the drive.
The rising edge at this input acknowledges any existing discrepancy errors.
Value: 0: Static selected
1: F-DI 0
2: F-DI 1
3: F-DI 2
255: Static deselected
Dependency: Refer to: p10006
Note: The values "static selected" and "static deselected" result in an inactive function of the safe acknowledgment.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
Note: If value = 0:
No terminal assigned, safety function always selected.
If value = 255:
No terminal assigned, safety function always deselected.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
STO: Safe Torque Off
p10130 SI Motion SDI positive input terminal (processor 2) / SI SDI pos F-DI P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 255 0
Description: Sets the fail-safe digital input (F-DI) for the "SDI positive" function.
p10131 SI Motion SDI negative input terminal (processor 2) / SI SDI neg F-DI P2
Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: Integer16
Can be changed: C(95) Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: -
Min Max Factory setting
0 255 0
Description: Sets the fail-safe digital input (F-DI) for the "SDI negative" function.
Value: 0: Static selected
1: F-DI 0
2: F-DI 1
3: F-DI 2
255: Static deselected
Note: If value = 0:
No terminal assigned, safety function always selected.
If value = 255:
No terminal assigned, safety function always deselected.
F-DI: Failsafe Digital Input
SDI: Safe Direction (safe motion direction)
5: SLS active
6: SSM feedback signal active
7: Safe state
9: Internal event
12: SDI positive active
13: SDI negative active
Index: [0] = AND logic operation input 1
[1] = AND logic operation input 2
[2] = AND logic operation input 3
[3] = AND logic operation input 4
[4] = AND logic operation input 5
[5] = AND logic operation input 6
Note: F-DO: Failsafe Digital Output
p10050 / p10150
Refer to: r10049
Note: The function blocks with a lower run sequence value are calculated before function blocks with a higher run
sequence value.
p20245 BI: PT1 0 accept setting value S / PT1 0 acc set val
CU250S_V Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
(FBLOCKS) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7262
Min Max Factory setting
(FBLOCKS) - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the "accept setting value" signal of instant PT1 0 of the smoothing element.
p20251 BI: PT1 1 accept setting value S / PT1 1 acc set val
CU250S_V Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
(FBLOCKS) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7262
Min Max Factory setting
(FBLOCKS) - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the "accept setting value" signal of instant PT1 1 of the smoothing element.
p20260 BI: INT 0 accept setting value S / INT 0 acc set val
CU250S_V Access level: 3 Calculated: - Data type: U32 / Binary
(FBLOCKS) Can be changed: T Scaling: - Dyn. index: -
CU250S_V_CAN Unit group: - Unit selection: - Func. diagram: 7264
Min Max Factory setting
(FBLOCKS) - - 0
Description: Sets the signal source for the "accept setting value" signal of instant INT 0 of the integrator.
Note: The function blocks with a lower run sequence value are calculated before function blocks with a higher run
sequence value.
Note: The function blocks with a lower run sequence value are calculated before function blocks with a higher run
sequence value.
Note: The clearance to the PZD telegram can be increased using p2071.
After changing p0922/p2079 or p2071, then p60122 must be set again.
The telegram interconnections can only be changed if p60122 and p0922 are both set to 999.
p1143[0...n] BI: Ramp-function generator, accept setting value / RFG accept set v
p1144[0...n] CI: Ramp-function generator setting value / RFG setting value
p1155[0...n] CI: Speed controller speed setpoint 1 / n_ctrl n_set 1
p1160[0...n] CI: Speed controller speed setpoint 2 / n_ctrl n_set 2
p1201[0...n] BI: Flying restart enable signal source / Fly_res enab S_src
p1230[0...n] BI: DC braking activation / DC brake act
p1330[0...n] CI: U/f control independent voltage setpoint / Uf U_set independ.
p1352[0...n] CI: Motor holding brake starting frequency signal source / Brake f_start
p1440[0...n] CI: Speed controller speed actual value / n_ctrl n_act
p1455[0...n] CI: Speed controller P gain adaptation signal / n_ctr adapt_sig Kp
p1466[0...n] CI: Speed controller P-gain scaling / n_ctrl Kp scal
p1475[0...n] CI: Speed controller torque setting value for motor holding brake / n_ctrl M_sv MHB
p1476[0...n] BI: Speed controller hold integrator / n_ctrl integ stop
p1477[0...n] BI: Speed controller set integrator value / n_ctrl integ set
p1478[0...n] CI: Speed controller integrator setting value / n_ctr integ_setVal
p1479[0...n] CI: Speed controller integrator setting value scaling / n_ctrl I_val scal
p1486[0...n] CI: Droop compensation torque / Droop M_comp
p1492[0...n] BI: Droop feedback enable / Droop enable
p1500[0...n] Torque setpoint selection / M_set sel
p1501[0...n] BI: Change over between closed-loop speed/torque control / Changeov n/M_ctrl
p1502[0...n] BI: Freeze moment of inertia estimator / J_estim freeze
p1503[0...n] CI: Torque setpoint / M_set
p1511[0...n] CI: Supplementary torque 1 / M_suppl 1
p1512[0...n] CI: Supplementary torque 1 scaling / M_suppl 1 scal
p1513[0...n] CI: Supplementary torque 2 / M_suppl 2
p1522[0...n] CI: Torque limit upper / M_max upper
p1523[0...n] CI: Torque limit lower / M_max lower
p1528[0...n] CI: Torque limit upper scaling / M_max upper scal
p1529[0...n] CI: Torque limit lower scaling / M_max lower scal
p1545[0...n] BI: Activates travel to a fixed stop / TfS activation
p1552[0...n] CI: Torque limit upper scaling without offset / M_max up w/o offs
p1554[0...n] CI: Torque limit lower scaling without offset / M_max low w/o offs
p2103[0...n] BI: 1st acknowledge faults / 1st acknowledge
p2104[0...n] BI: 2nd acknowledge faults / 2nd acknowledge
p2105[0...n] BI: 3rd acknowledge faults / 3rd acknowledge
p2106[0...n] BI: External fault 1 / External fault 1
p2107[0...n] BI: External fault 2 / External fault 2
p2108[0...n] BI: External fault 3 / External fault 3
p2112[0...n] BI: External alarm 1 / External alarm 1
p2116[0...n] BI: External alarm 2 / External alarm 2
p2117[0...n] BI: External alarm 3 / External alarm 3
p2144[0...n] BI: Motor stall monitoring enable (negated) / Mot stall enab neg
p2148[0...n] BI: RFG active / RFG active
p2151[0...n] CI: Speed setpoint for messages/signals / n_set for msg
p2200[0...n] BI: Technology controller enable / Tec_ctrl enable
p2220[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 0 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 0
p2221[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 1 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 1
p2222[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 2 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 2
p2223[0...n] BI: Technology controller fixed value selection bit 3 / Tec_ctrl sel bit 3
p2235[0...n] BI: Technology controller motorized potentiometer raise setpoint / Tec_ctrl mop raise
p2236[0...n] BI: Technology controller motorized potentiometer lower setpoint / Tec_ctrl mop lower
p2253[0...n] CI: Technology controller setpoint 1 / Tec_ctrl setp 1
p2254[0...n] CI: Technology controller setpoint 2 / Tec_ctrl setp 2
p2264[0...n] CI: Technology controller actual value / Tec_ctrl act val
p2286[0...n] BI: Hold technology controller integrator / Tec_ctr integ hold
p2604 BI: EPOS search for reference start direction / Srch for ref dir
p2612 BI: EPOS search for reference reference cam / Ref_cam
p2613 BI: EPOS search for reference reversing cam minus / Rev minus
p2614 BI: EPOS search for reference reversing cam plus / Rev plus
p2625 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 0 / Trav_blk sel bit 0
p2626 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 1 / Trav_blk sel bit 1
p2627 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 2 / Trav_blk sel bit 2
p2628 BI: EPOS traversing block selection bit 3 / Trav_blk sel bit 3
p2631 BI: EPOS activate traversing task (0 -> 1) / Trav_task act
p2633 BI: EPOS external block change (0 -> 1) / Ext BlckChg (0->1)
p2637 BI: EPOS fixed stop reached / Fixed stop reached
p2638 BI: EPOS fixed stop outside the monitoring window / Fixed stop outside
p2639 BI: EPOS torque limit reached / M_limit reached
p2640 BI: EPOS intermediate stop (0 signal) / Intermediate stop
p2641 BI: EPOS reject traversing task (0 signal) / Trav_task reject
p2647 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI selection / MDI selection
p2648 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI positioning type / MDI pos_type
p2649 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI transfer type selection / MDI trans_type sel
p2650 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI setpoint acceptance edge / MDI setp_accept
p2651 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI direction selection, positive / MDI dir_sel pos
p2652 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI direction selection negative / MDI dir_sel neg
p2653 BI: EPOS direct setpoint input/MDI setting-up selection / MDI setting-up sel
p2655[0...1] BI: EPOS select tracking mode / Sel tracking mode
p2656 BI: EPOS enable basic positioner / EPOS enable
p2658 BI: EPOS pos. actual value valid feedback signal / Pos valid feedback
p2659 BI: EPOS referencing active feedback signal / Ref act fdbk
p2661 BI: EPOS measured value valid feedback signal / MeasVal valid fdbk
p2662 BI: EPOS adjustment value valid feedback signal / Adj val valid FS
p2663 BI: EPOS clamping active feedback signal / Clamping active FS
p2730[0...3] BI: LR pos. actual value preprocessing activate neg. corr. (edge) / ActV_prep neg corr
p2731 BI: LR reduce I component / Reduce I comp
p3111[0...n] BI: External fault 3 enable / Ext fault 3 enab
p3112[0...n] BI: External fault 3 enable negated / Ext flt 3 enab neg
p3232[0...n] BI: Load monitoring failure detection / Load_moni fail_det
p3330[0...n] BI: 2/3 wire control command 1 / 2/3 wire cmd 1
p3331[0...n] BI: 2/3 wire control command 2 / 2/3 wire cmd 2
p3332[0...n] BI: 2/3 wire control command 3 / 2/3 wire cmd 3
p4655[0...2] BI: XIST1_ERW reset signal source / XIST1_ERW resS_src
p5614 BI: Pe set switching-on inhibited signal source / Pe sw on_inh s_src
p7781 BI: Start Lua BICO script / St Lua BICO script
p8542[0...15] BI: Active STW1 in the BOP/IOP manual mode / STW1 act OP
p8558 BI: Select IOP manual mode / Sel IOP man mode
p8785 BI: CAN status word bit 8 / Status word bit 8
p8786 BI: CAN status word bit 14 / Status word bit 14
p8787 BI: CAN status word bit 15 / Status word bit 15
p9705 BI: SI Motion: Test stop signal source / SI Mtn test stop
p10007 BI: SI Motion forced checking procedure F-DO signal source / SI dynF-DI/DOs_src
p20030[0...3] BI: AND 0 inputs / AND 0 inputs
p20034[0...3] BI: AND 1 inputs / AND 1 inputs
p20038[0...3] BI: AND 2 inputs / AND 2 inputs
p20042[0...3] BI: AND 3 inputs / AND 3 inputs
p20046[0...3] BI: OR 0 inputs / OR 0 inputs
p20050[0...3] BI: OR 1 inputs / OR 1 inputs
p20054[0...3] BI: OR 2 inputs / OR 2 inputs
p20058[0...3] BI: OR 3 inputs / OR 3 inputs
r2120 CO: Sum of fault and alarm buffer changes / Sum buffer changed
r2121 CO: Counter alarm buffer changes / Alrm buff changed
r2131 CO: Actual fault code / Act fault code
r2132 CO: Actual alarm code / Actual alarm code
r2169 CO: Actual speed smoothed signals / n_act smth message
p2201[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 1 / Tec_ctrl fix val1
p2202[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 2 / Tec_ctr fix val 2
p2203[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 3 / Tec_ctr fix val 3
p2204[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 4 / Tec_ctr fix val 4
p2205[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 5 / Tec_ctr fix val 5
p2206[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 6 / Tec_ctr fix val 6
p2207[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 7 / Tec_ctr fix val 7
p2208[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 8 / Tec_ctr fix val 8
p2209[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 9 / Tec_ctr fix val 9
p2210[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 10 / Tec_ctr fix val 10
p2211[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 11 / Tec_ctr fix val 11
p2212[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 12 / Tec_ctr fix val 12
p2213[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 13 / Tec_ctr fix val 13
p2214[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 14 / Tec_ctr fix val 14
p2215[0...n] CO: Technology controller fixed value 15 / Tec_ctr fix val 15
r2224 CO: Technology controller fixed value effective / Tec_ctr FixVal eff
r2245 CO: Technology controller mot. potentiometer setpoint before RFG / Tec_ctr mop befRFG
r2250 CO: Technology controller motorized potentiometer setpoint after RFG / Tec_ctr mop aftRFG
r2260 CO: Technology controller setpoint after ramp-function generator / Tec_ctr set aftRFG
r2262 CO: Technology controller setpoint after filter / Tec_ctr set aftFlt
r2266 CO: Technology controller actual value after filter / Tec_ctr act aftFlt
r2272 CO: Technology controller actual value scaled / Tech_ctrl act scal
r2273 CO: Technology controller system deviation / Tec_ctrl sys_dev
p2291 CO: Technology controller maximum limiting / Tec_ctrl max_lim
p2292 CO: Technology controller minimum limiting / Tec_ctrl min_lim
r2294 CO: Technology controller output signal / Tec_ctrl outp_sig
p2295 CO: Technology controller output scaling / Tec_ctrl outp scal
r2344 CO: Technology controller last speed setpoint (smoothed) / Tec_ctrl n_setp_sm
r2520[0...2] CO: LR Position actual value preprocessing encoder control word / ActVal_prep STW
r2521[0...3] CO: LR position actual value / s_act
r2522[0...3] CO: LR velocity actual value / v_act
r2523[0...3] CO: LR measured value / Measured value
r2524 CO: LR LU/revolution / LU/revolution
p2525[0...n] CO: LR encoder adjustment offset / Enc_adj offset
p2540 CO: LR position controller output speed limit / LR_outp n_lim
r2556 CO: LR position setpoint after setpoint smoothing / s_set after interp
r2557 CO: LR position controller input system deviation / LR_inp sys dev
r2558 CO: LR position controller output P component / LR_outp P comp
r2559 CO: LR position controller output I component / LR_outp I comp
r2560 CO: LR speed setpoint / n_set
r2561 CO: LR speed pre-control value / n_prectrl val
r2562 CO: LR total speed setpoint / n_set total
r2563 CO: LR following error dynamic model / Follow error dyn
r2564 CO: LR torque pre-control value / M_prectrl val
r2565 CO: LR following error actual / Following err act
p2580 CO: EPOS software limit switch minus / SW limSwitch minus
p2581 CO: EPOS software limit switch plus / SW lim switch plus
p2599 CO: EPOS reference point coordinate value / Ref_pt coord val
r2665 CO: EPOS position setpoint / s_set
r2666 CO: EPOS velocity setpoint / v_set
r2528.0...2 CO/BO: LR actual value sensing status word encoder 2 / ActValSensZSW enc2
r2670.0...15 CO/BO: EPOS status word active traversing block / ZSW act trav_block
r2683.0...14 CO/BO: EPOS status word 1 / POS_ZSW1
r2684.0...15 CO/BO: EPOS status word 2 / POS_ZSW2
r3113.0...15 CO/BO: NAMUR message bit bar / NAMUR bit bar
r3333.0...3 CO/BO: 2/3 wire control control word / 2/3 wire STW
r3840.0...8 CO/BO: Friction characteristic status word / Friction ZSW
r3859.0 CO/BO: Compound braking/DC quantity control status word / Comp-br/DC_ctr ZSW
r4654.0...8 CO/BO: XIST1_ERW status / XIST1_ERW stat
r5389.0...8 CO/BO: Mot_temp status word faults/alarms / Mot_temp ZSW F/A
r5613.0...1 CO/BO: Pe energy-saving active/inactive / Pe save act/inact
r7760.0...12 CO/BO: Write protection/know-how protection status / Wr_prot/KHP stat
r7780.0...13 CO/BO: Lua script status / Lua script status
r8795.0...15 CO/BO: CAN control word / Control word
r9720.0...13 CO/BO: SI Motion control signals integrated in the drive / SI Mtn integ STW
r9722.0...15 CO/BO: SI Motion drive-integrated status signals (processor 1) / SI Mtn int stat P1
r9723.0...16 CO/BO: SI Motion diagnostic signals integrated in the drive / SI Mtn integ diag
r9734.0...14 CO/BO: SI Safety Info Channel status word S_ZSW1B / SIC S_ZSW1B
r9742.0...15 CO/BO: SI Motion drive-integrated status signals (processor 2) / SI Mtn int stat P2
r9772.0...25 CO/BO: SI status (processor 1) / SI status P1
r9773.0...31 CO/BO: SI status (processor 1 + processor 2) / SI status P1+P2
r9872.0...25 CO/BO: SI status (processor 2) / SI Status P2
r10051.0...2 CO/BO: SI Motion digital inputs status (processor 1) / SI DI status P1
r10052.0 CO/BO: SI Motion digital outputs status (processor 1) / SI DO status P1
r10151.0...2 CO/BO: SI Motion digital inputs status (processor 2) / SI DI status P2
r10152.0 CO/BO: SI Motion digital outputs status (processor 2) / SI DO status P2
If p0010 = 1 is selected, p0003 (user access level) can be used to select the parameters that
are to be accessed.
At the end of the quick commissioning, set p3900 = 1 to perform the required motor
calculations and reset all other parameters (not included in p0010 = 1) to their default settings.
This only applies for the quick commissioning.
Function diagrams
rxxxx[y..z] unit [Unit] and index range pxxxx[y..z] with index range [y..z] pxxxx[y..z] with index range [y..z] or rxxxx Connector/binector output
T >
1 1
1020 – Explanation of the symbols (part 1)
[y..z] or data set [C/D] (Def) 1 (Def.y) 1 data set [C/D] and rxxxx CO/BO
or data set [C/D] factory setting.bit 1
and factory setting number (Def)
(Def) *)
Data sets Information on parameters, binectors, connectors Cross references between diagrams
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
pxxxx[C] Parameter belongs to the Parameter name Parameter name (up to 18 characters) Signal The function diagrams are sub-divided into
T Command Data Set (CDS). path signal paths 1...8 in order to facilitate
[Unit] [dimension unit] orientation.
Text Text = Unique signal designation
pxxxx[D] Parameter belongs to the rxxxx[y] or "r" = monitoring parameter. These parameters are read-only ------+ [aaaa.b] aaaa = Signal to target diagram aaa
T Drive Data Set (DDS). rxxxx[y...z] or "xxxx" stands for the parameter number
b = Signal to signal path b
rxxxx[y].ww or "[y]" specifies the applicable index, "[y…z]" specifies the index range
rxxxx.ww ".ww" specifies the bit number (e.g. 0…15).
[cccc.d] _______.
Text Text = Unique signal designation
pxxxx[E] Parameter belongs to the cccc = Signal from source diagram cccc
T Encoder Data Set (EDS). pxxxx[y] or "p" = setting parameter. These parameters can be changed.
d = Signal from signal path d
pxxxx[y...z] or "xxxx" stands for the parameter number,
pxxxx[y].ww or "[y]" specifies the applicable index, "[y…z]" specifies the index range ".ww" To "function diagram name" [aaaa.b] = binectors.
pxxxx[M] Parameter belongs to the pxxxx.ww specifies the bit number (e.g. 0…15).
pxxxx[P] Parameter belongs to the (xxxx[y].ww) Parameter number (xxxx) with Index number [y] and bit number .ww.
Symbol Meaning
T Power unit Data Set (PDS).
(Def) Factory setting. e=]
pxxxx= Original parameter of signal
aaaa = Signal from source diagram aaaa
(Def.w) Factory setting with bit number as prefix. b = Signal from signal path b
[aaaa.b] Diagram references for setting parameters that occur a multiple number of times.
[Function diagram number, signal path]
*) For some parameters the value for the factory setting is calculated during commissioning for they are dependent on Power Module and motor (see Section 2.1.1 "Calculated").
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Explanations on the function diagrams fp_1020_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 1020 -
Explanation of the symbols (part 1) 07.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-2
Pre-assigned binectors and connectors Symbols for logic functions Symbols for computational and closed-loop control
Fixed percentage values functions
1 NOT element S
Fixed value 1 [%] Logical inversion (negation)
-10000.00 ... 10000.00 [%] Threshold value switch 1/0
p2900 [D] (0.00) AND element
1021 – Explanation of the symbols (part 2)
p2902[0] = +0 % p2902[5] = +100 % p2902[10] = -20 % y Comparator
p2902[1] = +5 % p2902[6] = +150 % p2902[11] = -50 % = y = 1 when x1 = x2 is.
p2902[2] = +10 % p2902[7] = +200 % p2902[12] = -100 % x2
p2902[3] = +20 % p2902[8] = -5 % p2902[13] = -150 % Threshold value 1/0 with hysteresis
p2902[4] = +50 % p2902[9] = -10 % p2902[14] = -200 % 1 Outputs a logical "1" at y if x < S.
R/S flip-flop x y
If x S + H then y returns to 0.
S = setting input
Fixed speed values R = reset input 0
R Q Q = non-inverted output
n_set_fixed 1
-210000.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm] Q = inverted output
p1001 [D] (0.000)
or n_set_fixed 1 S
-210 000.000 … 210 000.000 [1/min] Symbols for computational and closed-
p1001[D] (0.000) loop control functions
Threshold value 0/1 with hysteresis
n_set_fixed 15 x 1 y
-210 000.000 … 210 000.000 [1/min] x y Sign reversal Outputs a logical "1" at y if x > S.
p1015[D] -1 If x S - H then y returns to 0.
p1015[D] (0.000) y = -x
Fixed torque value x y Absolute value generator
y = |x|
3 Function diagrams
Axxxxx Monitoring SET
Monitoring or Differentiator Sample and hold element.
In the bottom right-hand d
Fxxxxx corner of the diagram.
x S&H y y = x if SET = 1
y= (not retentively saved at POWER OFF)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Explanations on the function diagrams fp_1021_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 1021 -
Explanation of the symbols (part 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
n(- ) s 2 2 • D_n
+ •s+1
Delay (switch-on and switch-off) 2 fn_n n- 2 fn_n
H(s) =
n(- )
pxxxx pyyyy s 2 2 • D_d
x y + •s+1
T1 T2
|y| 2 fn_d n- 2 fn_d
x D y
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
x T1 T2 y
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Analog adder can be activated
pxxxx pyyyy f
The digital signal x must have the value "1" without interruption
during time T1 or must have the value "0" during time T2 before
output y changes its signal state. Transfer function x1
T1 T1 T2 T2 y The following applies to I = 1 signal: y = x1 + x2
H(s) = x2
s 2 2 • D_d The following applies to I = 0 signal: y = x1
+ •s + 1
n(- n
) -
· •
x 2 fn_d 2 fn_d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Explanations on the function diagrams fp_1022_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 1022 -
Explanation of the symbols (part 3) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-4
Handling BICO technology
Binector: Binectors are binary signals that can be freely interconnected (BO = Binector Output).
They represent a bit of a "BO:" display parameter (e.g. bit 15 from r0723).
1030 – Handling BICO technology
Connector: r0723 Connectors are "analog signals" that can be freely interconnected (e.g. percentage variables, speeds or torques).
Connectors are also "CO:" display parameters (CO = Connector Output).
At the signal destination, the required binector or connector is selected using appropriate parameters:
"BI:" parameter for binectors (BI = Binector Input)
"CI:" parameter for connectors (CI = Connector Input)
The main setpoint for the speed controller (CI: p1070) should be received from the output of the motorized potentiometer
(CO: r1050) and the "jog" command (BI: p1055) from Digital Input DI 0 (BO: r0722.0, Terminal 5 (Kl. 5)) on the CU.
·- - - - - - - - - - -
:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: : .:· · · ·0: T: :
I Digital Input DI 0 1
1 1 Control bit 8 r0967.8 1 1
Kl. 5 H
: r0722.0 )\..--.. .¡::¡_.. . :. . : .. IL-
-+:---. ) 722.0 1 ___.___-1::
:------------------ �
1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _: 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -·
[2220] [2501]
1 -----------------------------------------------
Motorized potentiometer
1 Main setpoint
1 p1070[C] Speed controller
1 Raise
1 - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[3020] [3030]
Parameterizing steps:
3 Function diagrams
1 p1055[0] = 722.0 Terminal 5 (Kl. 5) acts as "Jog bit 0".
o2 p1070[0] = 1050 The output of the motorized potentiometer acts as main setpoint for the speed controller.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Explanations on the function diagrams fp_1030_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 1030 -
Handling BICO technology 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.3 Input/output terminals
Function diagrams
Fig. 3-5
Simulation for DI 0 ... DI 5, DI 6… DI 19, DI/DO 24 … DI/DO 27 [2242] 3 Digital outputs
CU DI status inv
CU DI simulation CU DI t_debounce CU DO inv
@$-- - -
p0795.0...27 p0724 p0748
Kl. 9 +24 V OUT r0721.0...27
0 CU S_src DO 0 NC Kl. 18
Kl. 28 GND T 0 CU DI status
p0730 0
r0722 NO Kl. 19
2201 – Connection overview
YfütJ ·
Kl. 40 DI COM3 1 = Simulation on CU S_src DO 1
L-------------- �J.-L-------------------------------------------------1� $-----------
p0731 0
-Kl. 5 DI 0 <1>
[2221] 7 Digital inputs
) (52.7)
NO Kl. 21
DO 1
CU DI status inv 1 COM Kl. 22
Kl. 6 DI 1+ <1> 24 V r0723 CU DI status
YfütJ $-- - --
1 r0723.0 r0722 CU S_src DO 2 NC Kl. 23
Kl. 64 DI 1-
r0722.0 p0732 0
Kl. 7 DI 2 <1> NO Kl. 24
(52.2) DO 2 <2>
Kl. 8 DI 3+ <1> 1
1 COM Kl. 25
Kl. 65 DI 3-
Kl. 16 DI 4 <1> ... ...
[2230] 2 Digital inputs/Digital outputs bidirectional
Kl. 17 DI 5+ <1> CU DI status inv
5V r0723 CU DI status r0723 p0728.24 Kl. 31 +24 V
Kl. 66 DI 5-
Kl. 67 DI 6
1 r0723.6 r0722 r0723.24 1 Kl. 32 GND IN
r0722.6 r0722
r0722.24 Kl. 51 DI/DO 24
CU S_src DI/DO 24
[2222] 4 Digital inputs
p0738 1
CU DI status inv (0) Kl. 52 DI/DO 25
Kl. 41 DI 16 ... ... ...
r0723 CU DI status
24 V 1 r0723.16 r0722 Kl. 53 DI/DO 26
... ... ...
Kl. 42 DI 17 r0722.16 r0723 p0728.27
... CU DI status inv ... r0723.27 1
Kl. 43 DI 18 r0722
r0723 CU DI status 0
r0722.27 Kl. 54 DI/DO 27
1 r0723.19 r0722 CU S_src DI/DO 27
Kl. 44 DI 19 5V r0722.19
p0741 1
1 Kl. 50 GND
Kl. 1 +10 V OUT
ó GND [2251] 2 Analog inputs
[2231] 2 Digital inputs/Digital outputs bidirectional
Kl. 2
ó I�
A CU AI value in % [%]
Kl. 3 (Kl. 10) AI 0+ (AI 1+)
r0755 [0..1]
> [2261]
CU AO S_src
2 Analog outputs
AI 0- (AI 1-)
Kl. 4 (Kl. 11)�
p0771 [0] D Kl. 12
CU AO S_src
3 Function diagrams
p0771 [1] D
Kl. 15 � T2 MOTOR � D
Kl. 26
AO 1
<1> If the Safety Integrated Extended Functions are activated, can also be used as F-DI, see [2850].
<2> If the Safety Integrated Extended Functions are activated, can also be used as F-DO, see [2853].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2201_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2201 -
Connection overview 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
p0796.0 & r0722.0
Kl. 6 DI 1+ Kl. 6 DI 1+
24 V 0
T 0
1 r0723.1
CU DI status
Kl. 64 DI 1- Kl. 64 DI 1-
p0796.1 & r0722.1
1 r0723.5
Kl. 17 DI 5+ Kl. 17 DI 5+
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
0 CU DI status
T 0
Kl. 66 Kl. 66 r0722
DI 5- DI 5-
p0796.5 & r0722.5
L o 1
·············-�------- · : Kl. 67
º DI 6 Kl. 67 DI 6 0
T 0
1 r0723.6
CU DI status
p0796.6 & r0722.6
Kl. = Terminal Sampling time of the DI: 2 ms
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2221_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2221 -
Digital inputs, electrically isolated (DI 0 … DI 6) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-7
•..... -----�---·-·······
Kl. 42
DI 17 .,,,. Kl. 42
¡-- --- r:
DI 17 Kl. 42 DI 17 0
T 0
1 r0723.17
CU DI Status
p0796.17 r0722
1 &
1 r0722.17
1 p0795.18 CU DI t_debounce CU DI Status inv
1 p0724
r0721.18 r0723
t---., ,.---s
Kl. 43 DI 18 Kl. 43 DI 18 Kl. 43 DI 18 0 1 r0723.18
T 0 CU DI Status
p0796.18 r0722
1 1 &
. ..... , 1
'- 'j, .
1 p0795.19 CU DI t_debounce CU DI Status inv
1 r0721.19 p0724 r0723
1 1 r0723.19
·· Kl. 44 ,:_·.: DI 19 L....,.,,,. Kl. 44 S DI 19 Kl. 44 DI 19 0
T 0 CU DI Status
p0796.19 r0722
1 &
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2222_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2222 -
Digital inputs, electrically isolated (DI 16 … DI 19) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Kl. 31
2230 – Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 24 ... DI/DO 25)
CU DI term act val p0796.24 (0) r0723
Kl. 32 GND IN
r0721.24 1 r0723.24
CU DI or DO 1 CU DI status
p0728.24 (0) r0722
DI DI r0722.24
0 CU DO inv
Kl. 51 DI/DO 24
24 V p0748.24 (0)
<1> ,- -:
,• <3>
CU S_src DI/DO 24
r- - - - - - -f ,,r- _,. 1 (0)
i ..: 1
1 CU DO status
1 1 0
1 I
1 1 CU DI simulation
CU DI simul setp p0795.25 (0) CU DI Status inv
CU DI term act val p0796.25 (0) r0723
i I r0721.25 1 r0723.25
CU DI or DO [4735.1] 1 CU DI status
1 p0728.25 (0) <2> r0722
1 DI DI r0722.25
1 0
0 CU DO inv
1 Kl. 52 DI/DO 25 p0748.25 (0)
<1> / (0)
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
11 �-J
1 1
1 CU DO status
1 r0747.25
Kl. 50
<1> The wiring represented by a dashed line applies <2> Can be used as fast measuring probe inputs.
for use as a digital output (p0728.x = 1). <3> The access authority to the digital output is displayed in r0729.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2230_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2230 -
Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 24 ... DI/DO 25) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-9
24 V DC to next device
Kl. 31 +24 V
Kl. 31
2231 – Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 26 ... DI/DO 27)
CU DI term act val p0796.26 (0) r0723
Kl. 32 GND IN
r0721.26 1 r0723.26
CU DI or DO 1 CU DI status
p0728.26 (0) r0722
DI DI r0722.26
0 CU DO inv
Kl. 53 DI/DO 26
24 V p0748.26 (0)
<1> ,- -:
,• <3>
CU S_src DI/DO 26
r- - - - - - -f ,,r- _,. 1 (0)
i ..: 1
1 CU DO status
r0747 .26
1 1 0
1 I
1 1 CU DI simulation
CU DI simul setp p0795.27 (0) CU DI Status inv
CU DI term act val p0796 .27 (0) r0723
i I r0721.27 1 r0723.27
CU DI or DO [4735.2] 1 CU DI status
1 p0728.27 (0) <2> r0722
1 DI DI r0722.27
1 0
0 CU DO inv
1 Kl. 54 DI/DO 27 p0748.27 (0)
3 Function diagrams
<1> The wiring represented by a dashed line applies <2> Can be used as fast measuring probe inputs.
for use as a digital output (p0728.x = 1). <3> The access authority to the digital output is displayed in r0729.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2231_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2231 -
Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 26 ... DI/DO 27) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
CU DO inv
2242 – Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 2)
CU DO status
CU S_src DO 0 r0747.0
p0730 0
(52.3) DO 0
1 NC
Kl. 18
Kl. 19
Kl. 20
CU DO inv 1
CU DO status
CU S_src DO 1 r0747.1
p0731 0 1
1 1
--···········�DO 1
Kl. 21
Kl. 22
CU DO inv
p0748.2 1
CU DO status
CU S_src DO 2 r0747.2 1
p0732 0
(52.2) DO 2
1 NC
Kl. 23
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
Kl. 24
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Kl. 25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2242_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2242 -
Digital outputs (DO 0 … DO 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-11
0 ... 4
p0756[0..1] (4)
CU WireBrkThresh CU wire brk t_del CU AI status word
CU AI sim_mode 0.00 ... 20.00 0 ... 1000 [ms]
0 ... 1 p0761[0..1] (2.00) p0762[0..1] (100) r0751
p0797[0..1] (0)
20 mA T 0 F03505
20 mA "Wire
CU AI U/I_inp act <2> <2>
I I r0752 CU AI char x1 CU AI char x2
AI 0/1 U I -50.000 ... 160.000 -50.000 ... 160.000
CU AI sim_mode p0757[0..1] (0.000) p0759[0..1] (10.000) CU AI T_smooth
Kl. 3 U U Voltage 0 ... 1 0.0 ... 1000.0 [ms]
Hardware smoothing p0797[0..1] (0) p0753[0..1] (0.0)
(Kl. 10) 100 µs
AI 0/1 CU AI char y2 y [%]
U I + A -1000.00 ... 1000.00 [%] y2
<1> Type switching 0 p0760[0..1] (100.00)
Analog input x y [%]
– D x1 x2 x
1 CU AI char y1
Kl. 4 -1000.00 ... 1000.00 [%] y1
p0758[0..1] (0.00)
(Kl. 11) <5>
CU AI sim setp Scaling
0 … 20 mA -50.000 ... 2000.000
-10 … +10 V p0798[0..1] (0.000)
Reference quantities x1
CU AI value in % [%] p2000 … r2004 x y
x1 • x2
100 %
3 Function diagrams
When the load resistor is switched in (DIP switch in position ĹI), the voltage between the input terminals = 3: 4 mA ... +20 mA with monitoring
must not exceed 10 V or the impressed current 80 mA. If this is not observed, the input will be damaged. = 4: -10 V ... +10 V (Default for AI 0 and AI 1)
<2> For p0756 = 2, 3 the units are mA. <4> Wire breakage sensing only activated when p0756 = 1, 3.
Kl. = Terminal For p0756 = 0, 1, 4 the units are V. Sampling time of the AI: 4 ms <5> Values in brackets --> AI 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2251_97_52.vsd Function diagram
- 2251 -
Analog inputs 0 ... 1 (AI 0 ... AI 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
l ¡i;ii;i¡ AIVoltage
0/1 U1t I <1>
2256 – Analog inputs as digital inputs (DI 11 ... DI 12)
Kl. 2 GND
1 = Simulation on
CU DI simulation
1.6 V 4.0 V p0795.11 CU DI t_debounce
r0721.11 p0724 CU DI status inv
Kl. 3 AI 0+ (DI 11) 1 r0723
Kl. 4 AI 0- T 0 1 r0723.11 CU DI status
0 r0722
p0796.11 &
1 r0722.11
1 = Simulation on
CU DI simulation
1.6 V 4.0 V p0795.12 CU DI t_debounce
r0721.12 p0724 CU DI status inv
Kl. 10 AI 1+ (DI 12)
1 r0723
Kl. 11 AI 1- T 0 1 r0723.12 CU DI status
0 r0722
p0796.12 &
1 r0722.12
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
<1> Notice:
The operating mode selector switch of the
analog input has to be set to "Voltage" (U).
The 10 V or 24 V voltage source will destroy
the analog input if the operating mode
selector switch is set to "Current input" (I).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2256_97_52.vsd Function diagram
- 2256 -
Analog inputs as Digital inputs (DI 11 … DI 12) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-13
Voltage output
y (21[0])
x1 x2 x ············¡
0 … 20 mA
1 4 mA A
CU AO char y1
0 … 10 V
-20.000 ... 20.000 [V] y1 r�·:i
[0] (0)(0.000)
<1> Scaling
x1 Kl. 13
x1 • 100 %
Reference quantities
CU AO outp act ref [%]
r0772 [1] CU AO char x1 CU AO char x2
-1000.00 ... 1000.00 [%] -1000.00 ... 1000.00 [%] CU AO type
p0777[1] (0)
(0.00) p0779 [1] (100)
(100.00) 0 ... 2
CU AO absVal act CU AO T_smooth p0776 [1]
0 ... 1 0.0 ... 1000.0 [ms]
p0775 [1]
(0) (0) p0773 [1] (0)
(0.0) <1> <1>
CU AO char y2 y CU AO U/I_outp
CU AO S_src -20.000 ... 20.000 [V] 0, 1 r0774 [1]
p0771 [1] 0 [1] (20)
p0780[0..1] (20.000)
x 0 2 y D AO 1+ Kl. 26
Voltage output
y (27[0])
x1 x2 x J '------------ • ••
-..... . .
0 … 20 mA
1 4 mA A
0 … 10 V
CU AO char y1 [%]
-20.000 ... 20.000 [V] y1 r�·:i
[1] (0)(0.000)
Kl. 27
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2261_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2261 -
Analog outputs 0 … 1 (AO 0 … AO 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
0 ... 4 0 ... 4
p3334 (0) p3334 (0)
2272 – Two-wire control
CU DI status 2/3 wire cmd 1 2/3 wire STW ON / OFF (OFF1) CU DI status 2/3 wire cmd 1 2/3 wire STW ON / OFF (OFF1)
r0722 p3330[C] r3333 p0840[C] r0722 p3330[C] r3333 p0840[C]
r0722.x (0) r3333.0 (2090.0) r0722.x (0) r3333.0 (2090.0)
2/3 wire STW Setp inv 2/3 wire STW Setp inv
r3333 p1113[C] r3333 p1113[C]
r3333.1 (2090.11) r3333.1 (2090.11)
CU DI status 2/3 wire cmd 2 CU DI status 2/3 wire cmd 2
r0722 p3331[C] r0722 p3331[C]
r0722.x (0) 2/3 wire STW r0722.x (0) 2/3 wire STW
r3333.2 ---D---!--------------:;;
<1> <1>
2/3 wire STW 2/3 wire STW
-, , ,
•........ � :··············
•........ �:··············
.. r3333 .. r3333
L_____t-" "!"r3333.3 \
1 1
L_____t-" ·¡ r3333.3 \
Command ignored
ON / OFF1 !.. ON / OFF1
Clockwise Clockwise
t t
Command ignored
: f=,
Counterclockwise Counterclockwise
t t
1 1
1 1
1 1 OFF1 Setpoint OFF1
OFF1 Setpoint 1 1 OFF1
Motor speed Motor speed
Clockwise Clockwise
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
Counterclockwise t Counterclockwise
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
<1> Ongoing interconnection is either possible from r3333.0/r3333.1 or from the inverted signals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2272_97_62.vsd Function diagram
- 2272 -
Two-wire control 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-15
Three-wire control (p0015 = 19 or p3334 = 3) Three-wire control (p0015 = 20 or p3334 = 4)
enable clockwise/counterclockwise enable ON/reversing
0 ... 4 0 ... 4
p3334 (0) p3334 (0)
2273 – Three-wire control
2/3 wire STW Setp inv 2/3 wire STW Setp inv
r3333 p1113[C] r3333 p1113[C]
.CU DI status 2/3 wire cmd 2
r0722 ·. p3331[C] r3333.1 (2090.11) CU DI status
: r0722 · .....
2/3 wire cmd 2
r3333.1 (2090.11)
1:::::::::::::< ---�
r0722.x (0) r0722.x ------1 (0)
2/3 wire STW 2/3 wire STW
CU DI Status 2/3 wire cmd 3 2/3 wire STW CU DI Status 2/3 wire cmd 3 2/3 wire STW
: r0722 · ..... : r0722 · .....
p3332[C] p3332[C]
·--------0---\ --------------:-:;
(::::::::::::·:: r3333 (::::::::::::·:: r3333
r0722.x ------1 (0) 1 r3333.3 r0722.x ------1 (0) 1 r3333.3
Enable / Enable /
p ó p p ó
1 •
t t
Counterclockwise ¡ p 1 t
Motor speed Setpoint I 1
Clockwise : 1 1 Clockwise
Counterclockwise t Counterclockwise t
3 Function diagrams
<1> Ongoing interconnection is either possible from r3333.0/r3333.1 or from the inverted signals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input/Output Terminals fp_2273_97_62.vsd Function diagram
- 2273 -
Three-wire control 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.4 PROFIenergy
3.4 PROFIenergy
Function diagrams
1 = Inhibit
1 &
1 1 0
min max
Energy-saving mode 2
. . / ·¡
r5600 = 2
PROFIenergy ¡111
interrogation commands ""·;
Time_to_pause Time_to_operate
: ..
Pe mod t_pause min
3 Function diagrams
3.4 PROFIenergy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIenergy fp_2381_97_62.vsd Function diagram
- 2381 -
Control commands and interrogation commands 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 PN
3.4 PROFIenergy
3 Function diagrams
Fig. 3-17 PROFIdrive states PROFIenergy states
1 1 1
2382 – States
':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1
PROFIenergy Energy-
S1: Switching on inhibited <2> saving mode active
PROFIenergy Energy-saving mode 2 A08800
& 1 = PE active
1 = Inhibit PROFIenergy
p5611.0 &
1 = Trans into energy-saving Start_Pause
mode from PROFIdrive 1 = PE inactive
state S4 possible 1 r5613.1
S2: Ready for switching on p5611.2
Drive at standstill
Pe mode ID
1 = Inhibit PROFIenergy r5600
1 = Drive initiates OFF1
1 End_Pause
Connection termination
Pe sw on_inh s_src 1
OFF1 PROFIenergy Ready for
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
.·············································· .
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
<1> Excerpt from: Basic state machine of a PROFIdrive drive axis (source: PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation (PNO)).
<2> Diagnostic alarms to the CPU inhibited.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIenergy fp_2382_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2382 -
States 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 PN
3 Function diagrams
3.5 Communication PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP
Function diagrams
2468 – PROFIdrive - receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 764
2470 – PROFIdrive - send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 765
Fig. 3-18
Interconnecting the permanently assigned receive telegrams.
Signal assignment
Signal x PZD7
Free telegrams PZD8
3 Function diagrams
[2470], [2472]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2401_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2401 -
Overview 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
Diag offs recv
All DIP switches to ON or OFF r2075
PROFIBUS Diagnostic parameters
==> set the address using p0918 address
Diag offs send <1> The response monitoring time t_An is automatically defined by
r2076 the configuration tool (e.g. HW Config made by Siemens) within
PB addr_sw diag p0918 the framework of PROFIBUS configuration.
r8930 PN IF config
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
Fig. 3-20
2421 – PROFIdrive - standard telegrams and process data (PZD)
p0922 (999)
Standard telegrams
tion is made [2440], [2450] automatically
according to
Telegram 1 2 3 4 7 9 20
Receive telegram from
Send telegram to
3 Function diagrams
<1> If p0922 = 999 is changed to another value, the telegram is automatically assigned.
If p0922 unequal 999 is changed to p0922 = 999, the "old" telegram assignment is maintained.
<2> Freely interconnectable (pre-setting: MELD_NAMUR).
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2421_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2421 -
PROFIdrive - Standard telegrams and Process Data (PZD) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
Manufacturer-specific telegrams Free telegram
2422 – PROFIdrive - manufacturer-specific/free telegrams and process data (PZD)
V 1
tion is made [2440], [2450] automatically
according to <4>
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
<1> If p0922 = 999 is changed to another value, the telegram is automatically assigned.
If p0922 unequal 999 is changed to p0922 = 999, the "old" telegram assignment is maintained.
<2> Can be freely connected.
<3> In order to comply with the PROFIdrive profile, PZD1 must be used as control word 1 (STW1) or status word 1 (ZSW1).
p2037 = 2 should be set if STW1 is not transferred with PZD1 as specified in the PROFIdrive profile.
<4> The arrangement of process data (PZD) for the telegram 700 depends on the telegram selection (p0922, p2079) and the receive and send words reserved (p2070, p2071).
The telegram 700 is appended to the telegram selected resp. the words reserved.
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2422_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2422 -
PROFIdrive - Manufacturer-specific/free telegrams and Process Data (PZD) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-22
2440 – PROFIdrive - PZD receive signals interconnection
r2090...r2095 Bit Signal receivers for PZD receive signals <1> <2>
PROFIdrive receive r2050[0...7] WORD
r2060[0...10] DWORD Signal Meaning PROFIdrive Interconnection Function Data type Scaling
Signal No. parameter diagram
Header ...
STW1 Control word 1 1 (bit serial) [2442] U16 -
STW2 Control word 2 3 (bit serial) [2444] U16 -
Trailer Telegram
assignment p1070 [3030.2]
according to p0922 NSOLL_A Speed setpoint A (16-bit) 5 I16 4000 hex "' p2000
p1155 [3080.4]
[2421], [2422]
p1070 [3030.2]
NSOLL_B Speed setpoint B (32-bit) 7 I32 4000 0000 hex "' p2000
p1150 [3080.4]
MDI_VELOCITY MDI velocity 35 p2643 [3618] I32 1 hex "' 1000 LU/min
MDI_ACC MDI acceleration 36 p2644 [3618] I16 4000 hex "' 100 %
MDI_DEC MDI deceleration 37 p2645 [3618] I16 4000 hex "' 100 %
POS_STW Pos control word 203 (bit serial) [2462] U16 4000 hex "' p2003
OVERRIDE Pos velocity override 205 p2646 [3630] I16 4000 hex - 100 %
POS_STW1 Pos control word 1 220 (bit serial) [2463] U16 -
<4> M_LIM Torque limit 310 p1552, p1554 [6060.1] U16 4000 hex - 100 %
<1> When selecting a standard telegram or a manufacturer-specific telegram via p0922, these interconnection parameters
3 Function diagrams
of the command data set CDS are automatically set to 0.
<2> Data type according to to the PROFIdrive profile: I16 = Integer16, I32 = Integer32, U16 = Unsigned16.
<3> Display parameters for receive data according to [2468].
<4> Only SIEMENS telegram 350.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2440_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2440 -
PROFIdrive - PZD receive signals interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression & ready for switching on)
f = Acknowledge faults p2103[0] = r2090.7 [2546.1] [8060] -
STW1.8 Reserved - - - -
STW1.9 Reserved - - - -
STW1.12 Reserved - - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
STW1.13 Reserved - - - -
STW1.14 Reserved - - - -
p0810[0] = 2090.15
STW1.15 1 = CDS selection - [8560] -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2441_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2441 -
PROFIdrive - STW1 control word interconnection (p2038 = 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-24
Signal targets for STW1 in Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0)
Signal Meaning Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Inverted
parameters internal control word signal target
(braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression & ready for switching on)
f = Acknowledge faults p2103[0] = r2090.7 [2546.1] [8060] -
STW1.8 Reserved - - - -
STW1.9 Reserved - - - -
STW1.12 Reserved - - - -
STW1.15 Reserved - - - -
3 Function diagrams
<1> Bit 10 in STW1 must be set to ensure that the drive accepts the process data.
<2> The direction reversal can be locked (see p1110 and p1111).
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2442_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2442 -
PROFIdrive - STW1 control word interconnection (p2038 = 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
STW2.0 Drive Data Set selection DDS bit 0 p0820[0] = r2093.0 - [8565] -
STW2.1 Drive Data Set selection DDS bit 1 p0821[0] = r2093.1 - [8565] -
STW2.2 Reserved - - - -
STW2.3 Reserved - - - -
STW2.4 Reserved - - - -
STW2.5 Reserved - - - -
STW2.6 Reserved - - - -
STW2.9 Reserved - - - -
STW2.10 Reserved - - - -
STW2.11 Reserved - - - -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2444_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2444 -
PROFIdrive - STW2 control word interconnection (p2038 = 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-26
Signal targets for STW3 in Interface Mode SINAMICS <1>
STW3.7 Reserved - - - -
STW3.10 Reserved - - - -
STW3.14 Reserved - - - -
3 Function diagrams
<1> Used in telegram 350.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2446_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 2446 -
PROFIdrive - STW3 control word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
Signal Description Function diagram Data type Scaling telegram
Signal No. parameter r2063[0...12] DWORD
ZSW2 Status word 2 4 r2089[1] [2454] U16 -
NIST_A Actual speed A (16 bit) 6 r0063[0] [4715] I16 4000 hex A
p2000 Trailer
Telegram assignment
according to p0922
NIST_B Actual speed B (32 bit) 8 r0063[0] [4715] I32 4000 0000 hex - p2000 [2421], [2422]
G1_ZSW Encoder 1 status word 10 r0481[0] [4730] U16
NIST_A_GLATT Actual speed, smoothed 57 r0063[1] [6799] I16 4000 hex - p2000
<1> Data type according to the PROFIdrive profile: I16 = Integer16, I32 = Integer32, U16 = Unsigned16, U32 = Unsigned32.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2450_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2450 -
PROFIdrive - PZD send signals interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-28
Signal sources for ZSW1 in Interface Mode VIK-NAMUR (p2038 = 2)
Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram]
Signal Meaning Inverted
parameters internal control word signal target
ZSW1.1 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) p2080[1] = r0899.1 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.2 1 = Operation enabled (drive follows n_set) p2080[2] = r0899.2 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.4 1 = No coast down active (OFF2 inactive) p2080[4] = r0899.4 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.5 1 = No Quick stop active (OFF3 inactive) p2080[5] = r0899.5 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.8 1 = Speed setpoint - actual value deviation within tolerance t_off p2080[8] = r2197.7 [2534.7] [8011] -
ZSW1.12 Reserved - - - -
p2080[15] = r0836.0
ZSW1.15 1 = Display CDS - - -
3 Function diagrams
<1> The ZSW1 is generated using the binector-connector converter (BI: p2080[0...15], inversion: p2088[0].0...p2088[0].15)
<2> Interconnection is not disabled.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2451_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2451 -
PROFIdrive - ZSW1 status word interconnection (p2038 = 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
ZSW1.1 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) p2080[1] = r0899.1 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.2 1 = Operation enabled (drive follows n_set) p2080[2] = r0899.2 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.4 1 = No coast down active (OFF2 inactive) p2080[4] = r0899.4 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.5 1 = No Quick stop active (OFF3 inactive) p2080[5] = r0899.5 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.8 1 = Speed setpoint - actual value deviation within tolerance t_off p2080[8] = r2197.7 [2534.7] [8011] -
ZSW1.15 1 = No alarm, thermal overload, power unit p2080[15] = r2135.15 [2548.7] [8021] ,1
<1> The ZSW1 is generated using the binector-connector converter (BI: p2080[0...15], inversion: p2088[0].0...p2088[0].15).
<2> The drive is ready to accept data.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2452_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2452 -
PROFIdrive - ZSW1 status word interconnection (p2038 = 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-30
Signal sources for ZDSW2 im Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0)
Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram]
Signal Meaning Inverted
parameters internal control word signal target
ZSW2.2 Reserved - - - -
ZSW2.3 Reserved - - - -
ZSW2.4 Reserved - - - -
ZSW2.7 Reserved - - - -
ZSW2.9 Reserved - - - -
ZSW2.11 Reserved - - - -
3 Function diagrams
<1> These signals are automatically interconnected for clock-cycle synchronous operation.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2454_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2454 -
PROFIdrive - ZSW2 status word interconnection (p2038 = 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
ZSW3.12 Reserved - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
ZSW3.13 Reserved - - -
ZSW3.14 Reserved - - -
ZSW3.15 Reserved - - -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2456_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2456 -
PROFIdrive - ZSW3 status word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
MELDW.1 1 = Torque utilization < torque threshold value 2 (p2194) p2082[1] = r2199.11 [2537.7] [8012] -
MELDW.2 1 = |n_act| < speed threshold value 3 (p2161) p2082[2] = r2199.0 [2537.7] [8010] -
MELDW.3 1 = |n_act| > speed threshold value 2 (p2155) p2082[3] = r2197.1 [2534.7] [8010] -
MELDW.5 Reserved - - - -
MELDW.7 1 = No alarm, thermal overload, power unit p2082[7] = r2135.15 [2548.7] [8021] .;
MELDW.8 1 = Speed setpoint - actual value deviation within tolerance t_on p2082[8] = r2199.4 [2537.7] [8011] -
MELDW.9 Reserved - - - -
MELDW.10 Reserved - - - -
MELDW.14 Reserved - - - -
MELDW.15 Reserved - - - -
3 Function diagrams
<1> Used in telegrams 110, 111.
<2> PM240
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2460_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2460 -
PROFIdrive - MELDW status word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
POS_STW.3 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.4 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.6 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.7 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.8 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.9 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.10 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.11 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.12 Reserved - - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
POS_STW.13 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.14 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW.15 Reserved - - - -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2462_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2462 -
PROFIdrive - POS_STW positioning control word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
POS_STW1.4 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW1.5 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW1.7 Reserved - - - -
p2651 / p2652
POS_STW1.9 p2651 = r2091.9 - - -
0-Signal / 0-Signal: Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
1-Signal / 0-Signal: Absolute positioning in the positive direction.
0-Signal / 1-Signal: Absolute positioning in the negative direction.
POS_STW1.10 p2652 = r2091.10 - - -
1-Signal / 1-Signal:Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
POS_STW1.11 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW1.13 Reserved - - - -
1 = MDI selection
POS_STW1.15 p2647 = r2091.15 - - -
3 Function diagrams
1 = MDI deselection
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2463_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2463 -
PROFIdrive - POS_STW1 positioning control word 1 interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
POS_STW2.3 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW2.4 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW2.6 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW2.7 Reserved - - - -
POS_STW2.12 Reserved - - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
POS_STW2.13 Reserved - - - -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2464_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2464 -
PROFIdrive - POS_STW2 positioning control word 2 interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
POS_ZSW.3 Reserved - - - -
POS_ZSW.10 1 = Direct output 1 via the traversing block p2084[10] = r2683.10 - [3645] -
POS_ZSW.11 1 = Direct output 2 via the traversing block p2084[11] = r2683.11 - [3645] -
POS_ZSW.15 Reserved - - - -
3 Function diagrams
<1> Used in telegram 110.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2465_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2465 -
PROFIdrive - POS_ZSW positioning status word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
POS_ZSW1.4 Reserved - - - -
POS_ZSW1.5 Reserved - - - -
POS_ZSW1.6 Reserved - - - -
POS_ZSW1.7 Reserved - - - -
1 = MDI active
POS_ZSW1.15 p2083[15] = r2670.15 - [3650] -
0 = MDI inactive
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2466_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2466 -
PROFIdrive - POS_ZSW1 positioning status word 1 interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
POS_ZSW2.3 1 = Print mark outside the outer window p2084[3] = r2684.3 - [3646] -
POS_ZSW2.10 1 = Direct output 1 via the traversing block p2084[10] = r2683.10 - [3645] -
POS_ZSW2.11 1 = Direct output 2 via the traversing block p2084[11] = r2683.11 - [3645] -
3 Function diagrams
0 = Axis stationary
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2467_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2467 -
PROFIdrive - POS_ZSW2 positioning status word 2 interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
PZD recv DW
r2091.15 PZD2 recv bitw
PZD receive word 2 r2050 [1] PZD recv word
r2060 [1] PZD recv DW ...
PZD3 recv bitw
2468 – PROFIdrive - receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999)
p2098 [1].15
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
0 Con/bin outp
<1> In order to maintain the PROFIdrive profile, receive word 1 must be used as control word (STW1) r2095.15
(due to bit 10 "control requested"). 1 1
<2> Using the connector-binector converters, the bits can be extracted from two of the PZD receive words 3 to 8 and used as binectors.
<3> The following representation applies for words: 4000 hex = 100 %.
The reference variables p200x apply for the ongoing interconnection (100 % -> p200x).
The following applies for temperature values: 100 °C -> 100 % = 4000 hex, 0 °C -> 0 %.
<4> Every PZD word can be assigned a word or a double word. Only one of the 2 interconnection parameters r2050 or r2060 can have a value <> 0 for a PZD word.
<5> When interconnecting a connector output multiple times all the connector inputs must have either Integer or FloatingPoint data type.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2468_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2468 -
PROFIdrive - Receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
PZD send word p2051[15] •
PZD send word 16
PZD send DW p2061[15]
(0) PZD send word p2051 [16]
PZD 16+17
PZD send word 17
Reference quantities for
further interconnection
3 Function diagrams
<1> To comply with the PROFIdrive profile, send word 1 must be used as status word 1 (ZSW1).
<2> Physical word values are inserted in the telegram as referenced variables. p200x apply as reference variables (telegram contents = 4000 hex, if the input variable has the value p200x).
The following applies for temperature values: 100° C -> 100 % = 4000 hex; 0° C -> 0%.
<3> A PZD send word can either be supplied via connector input p2051[x] (WORD) or via p2061[x] (DWORD). The two corresponding connector inputs cannot be interconnected.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2470_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2470 -
PROFIdrive - Send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
(0.0) [1] 1
Bin/con ZSW inv
p2088 [0].0
Bin/con ZSW inv
Bin/con ZSW1 p2088 [2].15
p2080[0…15] [0] 0 Bin/con ZSW send
(899.0) r2089 [0]
[1] 1 1 0
1 1
Bin/con ZSW inv
p2088 [0].15
Bin/con ZSW inv
p2088 [3].0
(0.0) Bin/con ZSW4
1 1 p2083[0…15] [0] 0 Bin/con ZSW send
(0) r2089[3]
[1] 1 1
Bin/con ZSW2 0
p2081[0…15] [0] 0 Bin/con ZSW send (0.0)
(0) r2089 [1] 1 1
[1] 1 1
Bin/con ZSW5
0 p2084[0…15] 0 Bin/con ZSW send
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
[15] [0]
(0) r2089[4]
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 (0.0)
[1] 1 1
1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2472_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 2472 -
PROFIdrive - Status words, free interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-42
Eth/IP profile
0 ... 1 r2090...r2095 Bit
p8980 (0) r2050[0...7] WORD
r2060[0...10] DWORD Signal receivers for PZD receive signals
[2401] – [2472]
... PROFIdrive Interconnection Data type
„EtherNet/IP“ Signal Equivalent at ODVA Scaling
Signal No. parameter
2473 – EtherNet/IP - control word / status word interconnection
PZD telegr_sel NSOLL_A Instance 20, Byte 2, 3 5 p1070 <1> I16 4000 hex p2000
1 ... 999
PZD send word 1...8
p0922 (1)
p2051[0...16] WORD
r2061[0...15] DWORD
Signal sources for PZD send signals
Interconnection is made according to PROFIdrive Interconnection
Signal Equivalent at ODVA Signal No. parameter Data type Scaling
Telegram PZD1 PZD2 ZSW1 Instance 70, Byte 0, 1 2 (bit serial) U16 -
STW1 NSOLL_A NIST_A Instance 70, Byte 2, 3 6 r0063 I16 4000 hex p2000
1 PZDmaxIntercon
ZSW1 NIST_A r2067
Bit 1 Reserved
Eth/IP ODVA STOP Signal targets for Basic Speed Control (Instance 20), Byte 0, 1
0 ... 1
p8981 (0) Interconnection [Function
Signal Meaning parameters diagram] internal
ON / OFF (OFF1) control word
p0840 [C]
0 p0840[0] = r2090.0
(2090.0) p0844[0] = r2090.1
Bit 0 = ON (pulses can be enabled) [2512]
OFF2 S_src 1 p0848[0] = r2090.2
1 0 = OFF p0852[0] = r2090.3
p0844 [C]
(2090.1) Bit 1 Reserved
OFF2 S_src 2
Bit 2 1 = Acknowledge fault p2103.0 = r2090.7 [2546]
p0845 [C]
(1) Bit 3 … Bit 15 Reserved
3 Function diagrams
<1> p1070 will be scaled via p8982. ODVA: Open DeviceNet Vendor Association
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2473_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2473 -
EtherNet/IP - Control word / status word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 PN
SATZANW.4 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.5 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.6 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.7 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.8 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.9 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.10 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.11 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.12 Reserved - - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
SATZANW.13 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.14 Reserved - - - -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2476_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2476 -
PROFIdrive - SATZANW block selection interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
SATZANW.4 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.5 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.7 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.8 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.9 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.10 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.11 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.12 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.13 Reserved - - - -
SATZANW.14 Reserved - - - -
1 = MDI active
SATZANW.15 r2670.15 - - -
3 Function diagrams
0 = MDI inactive
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2477_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2477 -
PROFIdrive - AKTSATZ status word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
p2651 / p2652
MDI_MOD.1 p2651 = r2094.1 - [3620] -
0-Signal / 0-Signal: Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
1-Signal / 0-Signal: Absolute positioning in the positive direction.
0-Signal / 1-Signal: Absolute positioning in the negative direction.
MDI_MOD.2 p2652 = r2094.2 - [3620] -
1-Signal / 1-Signal:Absolute positioning through the shortest distance.
MDI_MOD.3 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.4 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.5 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.6 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.7 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.8 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.9 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.10 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.11 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.12 Reserved - - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
MDI_MOD.13 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.14 Reserved - - - -
MDI_MOD.15 Reserved - - - -
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
PROFIdrive (PROFIBUS/PROFINET), EtherNet/IP fp_2480_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2480 -
PROFIdrive - MDI_MOD - MDI mode interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
3 Function diagrams
3.6 CANopen communication
Function diagrams
Object 4 PZD recv word
PZD3 recv bitw
r2092.0 Bit 0
Receive PDO 2 Mapping RPDO 2 ...
p8701 p8711 r2092.15 Bit 15
CANopen The assignment is made PZD receive word 3 r2050 [2]
receive telegram from RPDO 1, RPDO 2 ... PZD recv word
RPDO 2 RPDO 8 and from receiver PZD4 recv bitw
COB-ID buffer word. r2093.0 Bit 0
Object 1 ...
Object 1 r2093.15 Bit 15
PZD receive word 4 r2050 [3]
Object 2 PZD recv word
• > of the Object 3
• Object 4 PZD receive word 5 r2050 [4]
PZD recv word
Object 4
Receive PDO 8
• Mapping RPDO 8 PZD receive word 6 r2050 [5]
p8707 p8717
PZD recv word
Objects available a multiple
RPDO 8 number of times are
marshalled to the same
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
Object 1 position in the receive buffer. PZD receive word 7 r2050 [6]
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Object 3
PZD receive word 8 r2050 [7]
Object 4 PZD recv word
<1> To use automatic BICO interconnection (p8790 = 1), one of the receive words 1 - 4 must be used as control word 1 (STW1). RPDO: Receive Process Data Object
<2> Telegram: up to 4 words or 64 bits. The sum of the various objects must not exceed 8 words. COB-ID: CAN object identification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CANopen fp_9204_97_68.vsd Function diagram
- 9204 -
Receive telegram, free PDO mapping (p8744 = 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 CAN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-47
Receive PDO 1 Mapping RPDO 1
0000 hex ... 8000 06DF hex 0000 hex ... FFFF FFFF hex
p8700[0..1] (8000 06DF hex) p8710[0..3] (0000 hex)
9206 – Receive telegram, Predefined Connection Set (p8744 = 1)
Automatic assignment of the PZD1 recv bitw
RPDO 1 RPDOs to the receive buffer. <1> Receive buffer r2090.0 Bit 0
¡ PZD receive word 1 r2050 [0]
r2090.15 Bit 15
Object 1
l ¡ I
PZD receive word 4 r2050 [3]
r2093.15 Bit 15
Object 4
Objects available a PZD receive word 6 r2050 [5]
multiple number of PZD recv word
times are
Receive PDO 4 Mapping RPDO 4 marshalled to the
p8703 p8713 same position in the
receive buffer.
PZD receive word 7 r2050 [6]
RPDO 4 PZD recv word
3 Function diagrams
PZD recv word
<1> To use automatic BICO interconnection (p8790 = 1), one of the receive words 1 - 4 must be used as control word 1 (STW1). RPDO: Receive Process Data Object
<2> Telegram: up to 4 words or 64 bits. The sum of the various objects must not exceed 8 words. COB-ID: CAN object identification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CANopen fp_9206_97_68.vsd Function diagram
- 9206 -
Receive telegram, Predefined Connection Set (p8744 = 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 CAN
Object 2
PZD send word
p2051 [1] Object 3
(2089[0]) PZD send word 2
Object 4
Object 4
PZD send word
p2051 [5]
(2089[0]) PZD send word 6
Transmit PDO 8
Mapping TPDO 8
PZD send word Objects that occur a
p2051 [6] multiple number of times
are updated from the same TPDO 8
(2089[0]) PZD send word 7
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
send buffer.
Object 1
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Sub-D socket
PZD send word Object 2 CAN bus
p2051 [7]
(2089[0]) PZD send word 8
Object 3
Object 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CANopen fp_9208_97_68.vsd Function diagram
- 9208 -
Send telegram, free PDO mapping (p8744 = 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 CAN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
t-·············+····· 60410010
(2089[0]) PZD send word 5
PZD send word t······················
p2051 [5]
(2089[0]) PZD send word 6
Objects that
PZD send word occur a multiple
p2051 [6] number of times Sub-D socket
(2089[0]) PZD send word 7 are updated from Transmit PDO 4 Mapping TPDO 4 CAN bus
p8723 p8733
the same send
3 Function diagrams
TPDO: Transmit Process Data Object
<1> Telegram: up to 4 words or 64 bits. The sum of the various objects must not exceed 8 words. COB-ID: CAN object identification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CANopen fp_9210_97_68.vsd Function diagram
- 9210 -
Send telegram, Predefined Connection Set (p8744 = 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 CAN
(braking with RFG, then pulse suppression and ready for switching on)
<2> -
STW.8 1 = Stop <3> [3060], [3070]
STW.9 Reserved - - -
STW.10 Reserved - - -
<1> Depending on the position of the CANopen control word in p8750, the number of the binector to be connected changes.
<2> Not taken into account for the automatic control word interconnection (p8790).
<3> Interconnection via p8791.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
CANopen fp_9220_97_68.vsd Function diagram
- 9220 -
CANopen control word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 CAN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-51
Status word
Bit No. Status word CANopen r8784
9226 – Status word CANopen (r8784)
Status word bit 8 1 p8785 1
) (0) 1 8 Freely interconnectable (BI: p8785)
CANopen control word bit 8 = 0: from speed signals [8011.8] (r2197.7) <2> �.... 10 1 = Target reached <1>
CANopen control word bit 8 = 1: from speed signals [8010.8] (r2199.0)
Status word bit 14 1 p8786 1
) (0) 14 Freely interconnectable (BI: p8786)
3 Function diagrams
Status word bit 15 1 p8787 1
) (0) r 15 Freely interconnectable (BI: p8787)
<1> With setpoint channel: connect p2151 with r1119 [8011.3].
<2> Only if p8791 = 1 or 3.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
CANopen fp_9226_97_68.vsd Function diagram
- 9226 -
Status word, CANopen (r8784) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 CAN
3 Function diagrams
3.7 Communication fieldbus interface (USS, Modbus)
Function diagrams
9360 – Receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 782
9370 – Send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 783
Fig. 3-52
Fieldbus configuration Monitoring functions
Fieldbus t_monit
0 ... 1999999 [ms]
p2040 (100)
9310 – Configuration, addresses and diagnostics
ON 0
No protocol
1 Telegrams to the
2 master
1 2 4 8 16 32 64
>0 Memory
SET Modbus
Fieldbus times configuration
Modbus parity
3 Function diagrams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fieldbus Interface (USS, Modbus) fp_9310_97_66.vsd Function diagram
- 9310 -
Configuration, addresses and diagnostics 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
j = ON (pulses can be enabled) p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] Sequence control -
9342 – STW1 control word interconnection
0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression & ready for switching on)
STW1.8 Reserved - - - -
STW1.9 Reserved - - - -
STW1.12 Reserved - - - -
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
STW1.15 Reserved - - - -
<1> Bit 10 in STW1 must be set to ensure that the drive accepts the process data.
<2> The direction reversal can be locked (see p1110 and p1111).
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Fieldbus Interface (USS, Modbus) fp_9342_97_62.vsd Function diagram
- 9342 -
STW1 control word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-54
Signal sources for fieldbus ZSW1
Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram]
Signal Meaning Inverted
parameters internal control word signal target
ZSW1.1 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) p2080[1] = r0899.1 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.2 1 = Operation enabled (drive follows n_set) p2080[2] = r0899.2 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.4 1 = No coast down active (OFF2 inactive) p2080[4] = r0899.4 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.5 1 = No Quick stop active (OFF3 inactive) p2080[5] = r0899.5 [2503.7] Sequence control -
ZSW1.8 1 = Speed setpoint - actual value deviation within tolerance t_off p2080[8] = r2197.7 [2534.7] [8011] -
ZSW1.11 1 = I, M, or P limit not reached p2080[11] = r1407.7 [2522.7] [6060]
ZSW1.13 1 = No motor overtemperature alarm p2080[13] = r2135.14 [2548.7] [8016]
ZSW1.15 1 = No alarm, thermal overload, power unit p2080[15] = r2135.15 [2548.7] [8021]
3 Function diagrams
<1> The ZSW1 is generated using the binector-connector converter (BI: p2080[0...15], inversion: p2088[0].0...p2088[0].15).
<2> The drive is ready to accept data.
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Fieldbus Interface (USS, Modbus) fp_9352_97_62.vsd Function diagram
- 9352 -
ZSW1 status word interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
p2098 [1].15
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
0 Con/bin outp
1 1
<1> The receive word 1 must be used as control word (STW1) (due to bit 10 "control requested").
<2> The preconfiguration with the speed setpoint is set automatically via p1000 = 6.
<3> Using the connector-binector converters, the bits can be extracted from two of the PZD receive words 3 to 8 and used as binectors.
<4> The following representation applies for words: 4000 hex = 100 %.
The reference variables p200x apply for the ongoing interconnection (100 % -> p200x).
The following applies for temperature values: 100 °C -> 100 % = 4000 hex, 0 °C -> 0 %.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fieldbus Interface (USS, Modbus) fp_9360_97_52.vsd Function diagram
- 9360 -
Receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-56
9370 – Send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999)
Reference quantities for
further interconnection p200x
3 Function diagrams
<2> The preconfiguration with the speed setpoint is set automatically via p1000 = 6.
<3> Physical word values are inserted in the telegram as referenced variables. p200x apply as reference variables (telegram contents = 4000 hex,
if the input variable has the value p200x).
The following applies for temperature values: 100° C -> 100 % = 4000 hex; 0° C -> 0%.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fieldbus Interface (USS, Modbus) fp_9370_97_62.vsd Function diagram
- 9370 -
Send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
(0.0) 1
Bin/con ZSW inv
p2088 [0].0
Bin/con ZSW inv
Bin/con ZSW1 p2088 [2].15
p2080[0…15] 0 Bin/con ZSW send
(899.0) r2089 [0]
[1] 1 1 0
1 1
Bin/con ZSW inv
p2088 [0].15
Bin/con ZSW inv
p2088 [3].0
(0.0) Bin/con ZSW4
1 1 p2083[0…15] [0] 0 Bin/con ZSW send
(0) r2089 [3]
[1] 1 1
Bin/con ZSW2 0
p2081[0…15] 0 Bin/con ZSW send (0.0)
[0] 1
(0) r2089 [1] 1
[1] 1 1
Bin/con ZSW5
0 p2084[0…15] 0 Bin/con ZSW send
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
[15] [0]
(0) r2089 [4]
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 (0.0)
[1] 1 1
1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fieldbus Interface (USS, Modbus) fp_9372_97_52.vsd Function diagram
- 9372 -
Status words, free interconnection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.8 Internal control/status words
Function diagrams
2634 – Sequence control - missing enable signals, line contactor control 803
p0845 [C]
1 = Operating condition, no coast down active (OFF2 inactive)
1 r0898.1 To control word 1 [2512.4]
0 = OFF2 active
OFF3 S_src 1
1 = Operating condition, no quick stop active (OFF3 inactive)
<2> p0848 [C] 2 r0898.2 To control word 1 [2512.4]
0 = OFF3 active
<3> (2090.2)
OFF3 S_src 2
p0849 [C]
& t Operation enable p0852 [C]
<3> (2090.3) 3 1 = Enable operation r0898.3 To control word 1 [2512.4]
11 Reserved
13 Reserved
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2501_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 2501 -
Control word, sequence control (r0898) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-59
ZSW seq_ctrl
Bit No. Status word sequence control (r0899)
2503 – Status word, sequence control (r0899)
From sequence control 1 = Ready (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) [2510.1]
[2610] 1 r0899.1
From sequence control 1 = Operation enabled (drive follows n_set) [2510.1], [4015.1]
[2610] 2 r0899.2
& 7 1 = Drive ready r0899.7 [2510.1]
1 From sequence control
8 1 = Controller enable r0899.8
OFF3 [2610]
Bit 9 = 1 --> Ready to exchange process data 9 1 = Control requested <1> r0899.9
Enable internal
missing or Reserved
fault with 10
this reaction
From sequence control
11 1 = Pulses enabled r0899.11
From the brake control [2701.8] 12 1 = Open the holding brake r0899.12 [2510.1]
3 Function diagrams
15 1 = Setpoint enable from the brake control r0899.15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2503_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2503 -
Status word, sequence control (r0899) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
4 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
12 Reserved
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2505_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 2505 -
Control word, setpoint channel (r1198) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
[2503.7] 1
r0899 >
1 r0899.0 '
ZSW seq_ctrl
.... 0 1 = Ready for switch on f-----1 r0052.0 )
2510 – Status word 1 (r0052)
[2503.7] 1
r0899 »
1 r0899.1 ,
'\ ZSW seq_ctrl
�.... 1 1 = Ready (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) f-------1 r0052.1 )
[2503.7] 1
r0899 >
1 r0899.2 '
ZSW seq_ctrl
2 1 = Operation enabled (voltage at output terminals) f-----1 r0052.2 ) [7958.1]
[2548.7] 1
r2139 » ZSW fault/alarm 1 � ,.., Signal is inverted if connected to a Digital
1 r2139.3 ,
'-' 3 1 = Fault present (pulses inhibited) <1> f-------1 r0052.3 )
[2503.7] 1
r0899 >
1 r0899.4 '
ZSW seq_ctrl
4 1 = No coast down active (OFF2 inactive) f-----1 r0052.4 )
[2503.7] 1
r0899 »
1 r0899.5 ,
'\ ZSW seq_ctrl
�.... 5 1 = No quick stop active (OFF3 inactive) f-------1 r0052.5 )
[2503.7] 1
r0899 >
1 r0899.6 '
ZSW seq_ctrl
6 1 = Switching on inhibited active f-----1 r0052.6 )
[2548.7] 1
r2139 »
1 r2139.7 ,
'\ ZSW fault/alarm 1
�.... 7 1 = Alarm present f-------1 r0052.7 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 >
1 r2197.7 '
ZSW monitor 1
8 1 = No deviation setpoint/actual speed f-----1 r0052.8 )
[2503.7] 1
r0899 »
1 r0899.7 ,
'\ ZSW seq_ctrl
�.... 9 1 = Control request f-------1 r0052.9 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 >
1 r2197.6 '
ZSW monitor 1
1 = Maximum speed reached (f_act p1082 (f_max))
0 = f_act < p1082 (f_max) f-----1 r0052.10 )
[2526.7] 1
r0056 » ZSW cl-loop ctrl � ,..,
1 r0056.13 ,
- '-'
11 0 = I, M, P limit reached f-------1 r0052.11 )
[2503.7] 1
r0899 >
1 r0899.12 '
ZSW seq_ctrl
12 1 = Motor holding brake open f-----1 r0052.12 )
[2548.7] 1
r2135 » ZSW fault/alarm 2 � ,..,
- f-------1 r0052.13 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 >
1 r2197.3 '
ZSW monitor 1
14 1 = Motor rotates forwards f-----1 r0052.14 )
[2548.7] 1
r2135 » ZSW fault/alarm 2 � ,..,
1 r2135.15 ,
'-' 15 0 = Alarm drive converter overload f-------1 r0052.15 )
3 Function diagrams
<1> When p1210 > 0, the source is r1214.10.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2510_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 2510 -
Status word 1 (r0052) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
[7017.5] 1
r1239 >
1 r1239.8 '
.... 0 1 = DC braking active f----1 r0053.0 )
2511 – Status word 2 (r0053)
[2534.7] 1
r2197 » ZSW monitor 1 � ,...,
1 r2197.5 ,
'-' 1 1 = |n_act| > p1226 (n_standstill) f------4 r0053.1 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 > ,...,
ZSW monitor 1
1 r2197.0 '
J '-'
2 1 = |n_act| > p1080 (n_min) f----1 r0053.2 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 »
1 r2197.8 ,
'\ ZSW monitor 1
�.... 3 1 = I_act p2170 f------4 r0053.3 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 >
1 r2197.2 '
ZSW monitor 1
4 1 = |n_act| > p2155 f----1 r0053.4 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 »
1 r2197.1 ,
'\ ZSW monitor 1
�.... 5 1 = |n_act| p2155 f------4 r0053.5 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 >
1 r2197.4 '
ZSW monitor 1
6 1 = |n_act| r1119 (n_set) f----1 r0053.6 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 »
1 r2197.9 ,
'\ ZSW monitor 1
�.... 7 1 = Vdc p2172 f------4 r0053.7 )
[2534.7] 1
r2197 >
1 r2197.10 '
ZSW monitor 1
8 1 = Vdc > p2172 f----1 r0053.8 )
[3080.7] 1
r1199 » RFG ZSW � ,...,
1 r1199.2 ,
- '-'
9 1 = Ramping finished f------4 r0053.9 )
[7958.7] 1
r2349 >
1 r2349.10 '
Tec_ctrl status
10 1 = Technology controller output at the lower limit f----1 r0053.10 )
[7958.7] 1
r2349 »
1 r2349.11 ,
'\ Tec_ctrl status
�.... 11 1 = Technology controller output at the upper limit f------4 r0053.11 )
12 Reserved
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
13 Reserved
14 Reserved
15 Reserved
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2511_97_59.vsd Function diagram
- 2511 -
Status word 2 (r0053) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
12 Reserved
Mop raise p1035 [C] r1198 [2505.7]
r0836 [8560.7]
r0836.0 15 1 = CDS bit 0 Sequence control
3 Function diagrams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2512_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 2512 -
Control word 1 (r0054) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
[2505.7] 1
r1198 > STW setpoint chan
1 r1198.0 ' 0 1 = Fixed setp bit 0 f------+ Fixed speed values
2513 – Supplementary control word (r0055)
[2505.7] 1
r1198 »
1 r1198.1 ,
'\ STW setpoint chan
�.... 1 1 = Fixed setp bit 1 f------+ Fixed speed values
[2505.7] 1
r1198 > STW setpoint chan
1 r1198.2 '
J 2 1 = Fixed setp bit 2 f------+ Fixed speed values
[2505.7] 1
r1198 »
1 r1198.3 ,
'\ STW setpoint chan
�.... 3 1 = Fixed setp bit 3 f------+ Fixed speed values
[8565.7] 1
r0837 > DDS selected
1 r0837.0 '
J 4 1 = DDS select. bit 0 f------+ Sequence control
[8565.7] 1
r0837 »
1 r0837.1 ,
'\ DDS selected
�.... 5 1 = DDS select. bit 1 f------+ Sequence control
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
[7958.6] 1
r2349 > Tec_ctrl status ,,.....
1 r2349.0 '
J '-' 8 1 = Technology controller enable f------+ Technology controller
1 r1239 »
1 r1239.11 ,
�.... 9 1 = DC brake enable f------+ DC braking control
10 Reserved
[2520.7] 1
r1406 »
1 r1406.11 ,
'\ STW n_ctrl
�.... 11 1 = Droop enable f------+ Speed control
[2520.7] 1
r1406 > STW n_ctrl
1 r1406.12 '
J 12 1 = Torque control active f------+ Speed/torque control
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
[2546.7] 1
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
.... ,,....
� '-'
STW fault/alarm
1 r2138.13 ,
13 0 = External fault 1 (F07860) f------+ Sequence control
14 Reserved
[8560.7] 1
r0836 »
1 r0836.0 ,
'\ CDS selected
�.... 15 1 = CDS bit 1 f------+ Sequence control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2513_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2513 -
Supplementary control word (r0055) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
0 Reserved
2520 – Control word, speed controller (r1406)
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
14 Reserved
3 Function diagrams
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2520_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2520 -
Control word, speed controller (r1406) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
... Reserved
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2522_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2522 -
Status word, speed controller (r1407) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
12 1 = Current limiting controller, voltage output active <1> f-----1 r0056.12 ) [8012.5]
[6220.8], [6320.8] �� 14 1 = Vdc_max controller active <2> f-----1 r0056.14 ) [6031.6], [6710.2]
[6220.8], [6320.8] �.... 15 1 = Vdc_min controller active <2> f--------1 r0056.15 ) [6710.1]
3 Function diagrams
<1> Only for U/f control.
<2> Only for Power Module PM240.
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2526_97_66.vsd Function diagram
- 2526 -
Status word, closed-loop control (r0056) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
2 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
[2536.7] 1
r2198 > ZSW monitor 2
1 r2198.7 '
J 12 1 = Motor stalled f-----1 r1408.12 )
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
15 Reserved
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2530_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2530 -
Status word, current control (r1408) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 0 1 = |n_act| n_min p1080 f-----1 r2197.0 ) [2511.2]
2534 – Status word, monitoring functions 1 (r2197)
From speed signals [8010.8] - .... 1 1 = |n_act| speed threshold value 2 (p2155) <1> f--------1 r2197.1 ) [2511.2]
1 2 1 = |n_act| > speed threshold value 2 (p2155) <1> f-----1 r2197.2 ) [2511.2]
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 4 1 = |n_act| n_set f-----1 r2197.4 ) [2511.2]
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 5 1 = |n_act| n_standstill p1226 f--------1 r2197.5 ) [2511.2]
From speed signals [8010.8] �.... 6 1 = |n_act| > n_max f-----1 r2197.6 ) [2510.2], [8023.1]
From speed signals [8011.8] �.... 7 1 = Speed setpoint - actual value deviation within tolerance t_off f--------1 r2197.7 ) [2510.2]
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 8 1 = I_act I_threshold p2170 f-----1 r2197.8 ) [2511.2]
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 9 1 = Vdc_act Vdc_threshold p2172 f--------1 r2197.9 ) [2511.2]
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 10 1 = Vdc_act > Vdc_threshold p2172 f-----1 r2197.10 ) [2511.2]
From monitoring functions [8023.8] �.... 12 1 = |n_act| > n_max (with delay) f-----1 r2197.12 )
f--------1 r2197.13 )
3 Function diagrams
<1> n_act = smoothed speed actual value r2169 [8010.2].
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2534_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 2534 -
Status word, monitoring functions 1 (r2197) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
From monitoring functions [8023.8] �.... 0 1 = |n_act| speed threshold 5 f-----1 r2198.0 )
2536 – Status word, monitoring functions 2 (r2198)
From monitoring functions [8023.8] �.... 1 1 = |n_act| > speed threshold 5 f--------1 r2198.1 )
From monitoring functions [8023.8] �.... 2 1 = |n_act| speed threshold 6 f-----1 r2198.2 )
From monitoring functions [8023.8] �.... 3 1 = |n_act| > speed threshold 6 f--------1 r2198.3 )
From speed signals [8011.8] �.... 4 1 = |n_set| < p2161 f-----1 r2198.4 )
From torque messages, motor locked/stalled [8012.8] �.... 6 1 = Motor blocked f-----1 r2198.6 )
From torque messages, motor locked/stalled [8012.8] �.... 7 1 = Motor stalled f--------1 r2198.7 ) [2530.2]
From monitoring functions [8022.8] �.... 8 1 = |I_act| < I_threshold p2170 f-----1 r2198.8 )
From monitoring functions [8023.8] �.... 9 1 = |M_act| > torque threshold 1 and n_set reached f--------1 r2198.9 )
From torque messages, motor locked/stalled [8012.3] �.... 10 1 = |M_set| < torque threshold 1 (p2174) f-----1 r2198.10 )
From load monitoring [8013.8] �.... 11 1 = Load monitoring signals an alarm f--------1 r2198.11 )
From load monitoring [8013.8] �.... 12 1 = Load monitoring signals a fault f-----1 r2198.12 )
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
From monitoring functions [8023.8] ....� 13 1 = |M_act| > torque threshold 1 f--------1 r2198.13 )
14 Reserved
15 Reserved
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2536_97_63.vsd Function diagram
- 2536 -
Status word, monitoring functions 2 (r2198) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-71
ZSW monitor 3
Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 3 (r2199) 1 r2199 >
1 r2199 )
From speed signals [8010.8] �.... 0 1 = |n_act| < speed threshold value 3 (p2161) <1> f------i r2199.0 )
2537 – Status word, monitoring functions 3 (r2199)
From speed signals [8010.8] �.... 1 • 1 = f or n comparison value reached or exceeded (p2141) f--------1 r2199.1 )
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
From speed signals [8011.8] �.... 4 1 = Speed setpoint - actual value deviation within tolerance t_on f------i r2199.4 )
From speed signals [8011.8] �.... 5 1 = Ramp-up/ramp-down completed f--------1 r2199.5 ) [8012.1], [8023.1]
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
From speed signals [8012.5] �.... 11 1 = Torque utilization < torque threshold value 2 (p2194) f--------1 r2199.11 )
12 Reserved
14 Reserved
15 Reserved
3 Function diagrams
<1> n_act = smoothed speed actual value r2169 [8010.2].
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2537_97_63.vsd Function diagram
- 2537 -
Status word, monitoring functions 3 (r2199) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
0 Reserved
2546 – Control word, faults/alarms (r2138)
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
1st acknowledge
p2103 [C] 5 Reserved
6 Reserved
2nd acknowledge
p2104 [C]
(722.2) 7 1 = Acknowledge fault r2138.7 [2512.4], [8060.1]
3rd acknowledge
p2105 [C] 8 Reserved
9 Reserved
Pulse generator
External alarm 1 p2112 [C]
(1) 1 10 1 = External alarm 1 (A07850) effective r2138.10 [8065.1]
T 0
External fault 1 p2106 [C]
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
(1) 1 13 1 = External fault 1 (F07860) effective r2138.13 [2513.2], [8060.1]
Ext flt 3 enab neg
p3112 [C] External fault 2 p2107 [C]
(0) (1) 1 14 1 = External fault 2 (F07861) effective r2138.14 [8060.1]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2546_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 2546 -
Control word, faults/alarms (r2138) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
... Reserved
From the fault buffer [8060.7]
- 3 1 = Fault present f--------l r2139.3 ) [2510.2]
... Reserved
... Reserved
From the alarm buffer [8065.4] �.... 11 1 = Alarm class bit 0 f--------l r2139.11 )
From the alarm buffer [8065.4] -.... 14 1 = Maintenance urgently required f--------l r2139.14 )
From the fault buffer [8060.7]
- 15 1 = Fault gone/can be acknowledged f--------l r2139.15 )
ZSW fault/alarm 2
Bit No. Status word, faults/alarms 2 1 r2135
1 r2135
... Reserved
From the thermal monitoring, power module [8021.8] -� 13 1 = Fault, thermal overload, power module f--------l r2135.13 )
3 Function diagrams
From the thermal monitoring, motor [8016.8] 14 1 = Alarm motor overtemperature
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Internal control/status words fp_2548_97_61.vsd Function diagram
- 2548 -
Status word, faults/alarms 1 and 2 (r2139 and r2135) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
<2> Pulse enable HW 2000.00 µs
1 Fault with OFF1- or
<4> [2701.8]
1 OFF3 response ...
S1: Switching on inhibited Drive at standstill
ZSWA.06 = 1, ZSWA.11 = 0 From all states
ZSWA.00/01/02 = 0
2610 – Sequence control - Sequencer
(r0046.27 = 0)
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
<1> POWER ON = 24 V electronics supply OFF --> ON or RESET button. Pulses enabled
Controller enabled
<2> The sequence control is implemented according to the PROFIdrive profile.
No jog operation: Setpoints enabled OFF3 (has priority over jogging)
<3> These control commands can also be triggered by a fault response.
<4> STWA.xx = control word, sequence control, bit xx (r0898) [2501]; ZSWA.xx = status word, sequence control bit xx (r0899) [2503]. Faults
Missing enable
F07300...F07802 [2634]
<5> Only if "Safety Integrated" is active. signals (r0046)
<6> The parameters p1226, p1227 and p1228 influence this status.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2610_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2610 -
Sequence control - Sequencer 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-75
Missing enable sig
Bit No. Missing enable signals (r0046)
r0046 Control Unit 2000.00 µs
0 1 = OFF1 enable missing r0046.0 [3020.5]
3 Function diagrams
30 1 = Speed controller inhibited r0046.30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Internal control/status words fp_2634_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2634 -
Sequence control - Missing enable signals, line contactor control 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.9 Brake control
Function diagrams
Fig. 3-76
ZSW seq_ctrl
Pulse suppr t_del
p0858 r0898
1 = Command close r0899 <7>
[2501.7] r0898.14 brake
0.000 ... 299.000 [s] r0899.13 [2503.3]
p1228 (0.010) RESET
(Q=0) Q
p0856 r0898 1 = Command, close holding brake
[2501.7] r0898.12
1 = Enable speed
Close brake RESET Close "normal" brake
n_act [rpm] 1 T 0 (Q=0) Q
SET p1215 = 0
2701 – Basic brake control
r0063 Q
(Q=1) ZSW seq_ctrl
smoothed <1>
0 1 Open brake SET
r0899 <4>
n_act [rpm] (Q=1) r0899.12
[4715.6] r0063[0]
& [2503.3]
1 = Open the holding brake
n_standst n_thresh n_standst t_monit
0.00 ... 210000.00 [rpm] 0.000 ... 300.000 [s] <2>
p1226 [D] (20.00) p1227 (300.000) Brake t_close
0 ... 10000 [ms]
n_set before filt. p1217 (100)
[rpm] 1 T 0
[6030.2] r0060
0 T 0
OFF 1 present 1 (Q=0) Q
OFF 3 present 1
Pulse enable HW
ZSW seq_ctrl
(Q=1) [6730.6]
r0899 1 = No coast down active [6731.6]
[2503.7] r0899.4
Pulse enable
<3> <2> <8>
STW seq_ctrl Brake t_open
STW seq_ctrl
p0852 r0898 RESET 1 = Command open 0 ... 10000 [ms]
[2501.7] r0898.3
\____ __-----,
1 = Operation enabled 1 (Q=0) Q
p0855 r0898
brake p1216 (100)
Missing enable sig
[2501.7] r0898.7
ZSW seq_ctrl (Q=0) Q r0046.21 <5>
r0899 SET T 0 PU enable internal missing
1 = Switching on inhibited
[2503.7] r0899.6 & (Q=1)
Q 1
active p1215 = 2 SET
ZSW cl-loop ctrl
& (Q=1)
r0056 1 = Magnetizing completed
[2526.7] r0056.4
<1> Priority assignment (high -> low): p1215, p0858, p0855, p0856, sequence control.
<2> If p1215 = 0, 2 -> t = 0 ms.
<3> Only if "Safety Integrated" is active.
<4> If an external motor holding brake is used, p1215 should be set to 3 and r0899.12 should be interconnected as control signal.
<5> r0046.21 = 0, as long as r0046.0 = 1 (OFF1 enable missing or switching on inhibited).
r0046.21 = 1, if p0858 = 1 or p0856 = 0.
3 Function diagrams
The signal generation is shown simplified.
<6> The internal signal includes signals that lead to OFF1 or OFF3 (e. g. BICO or fault response).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Brake Control fp_2701_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2701 -
Basic brake control 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.10 Safety Integrated Basic Functions
Function diagrams
2810 – SS1 (Safe Stop 1), STO (Safe Torque Off) (Part 1) 810
Safety parameterizing =
Safety Integrated commissioning
p0010 = 95
SI password inp Enter password Safety parameters Safety parameters
p9761 & can be changed. & are valid.
SI password new x =
p9762 Checksum check
y for safety
= y=x
Effective password
SI ackn password
SI act_chksm P2 SI setp_chksm P2
r9898 p9899
3 Function diagrams
[2810.1] p3900.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2800_97_63.vsd Function diagram
- 2800 -
Parameter Manager 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
r9770 r9780
[2810.1] STO-Klemme P1 (r0722.4) Safety monitoring functions F30611
1 = Faults with response "NONE"
STOP F SI status P1
[2810.1] STO terminal P2 (r0722.5) r9772
1 = STOP F active
[2800.3] Safety commissioning mode
Faults/alarms SI Status P2
P1: F/A01600 ... 01699 r9872 SI status P1
[2804.3] r9772
P2: F/A30600 ... 30699 r9872.15
[2810.6] DIAG_U 1 r9772.10
1 = STOP F active
1 = STOP A active
1 = Faults with response "immediate pulse suppression"
[2810.6] DIAG_L SI Status P2
1 = Faults with response "immediate pulse suppression" 1 = STOP A active
Additional diagnostic information
that cannot be acknowledged
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
SI status P1
1 = STOP A cannot be acknowledged, active
SI Status P2
r9872.9 [2804.3]
1 = STOP A cannot be acknowledged, active
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2802_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2802 -
Monitoring functions and faults/alarms 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-79
Status word Safety Integrated Status word Safety Integrated Status word Safety Integrated
Processor 1 SI status P1 Processor2 SI Status P2 Processor 1 and Processor 2 SI status P1+P2
Status (Processor 1) �1---��>
Status (Processor 2) 1
> Bit
Status (Processor 1 + Processor 2)
1 r9773 > )
1 r9773
-------------- l._____) 1 ) -----------
[2810.6] 0 1 = STO selected on Processor 1 [2810.6]
0 1 = STO selected on Processor 2 & ==D--+t------t-------
0 1 = STO selected in drive
2804 – Status words
[2810.3] 2
1 = SS1 delay time on
Processor 1 active
1 = SS1 delay time on Processor 2 active
& ==D--+t------t-------
1 = SS1 delay time active in the drive
1 = SS1 selected on Processor 1 (Basic
Functions) ....................................................................... ===i]---+
1 = SS1 selected on Processor 2 (Basic
Functions) & 5
1 = SS1 selected in the drive (Basic
1 = SS1 active on Processor 1 (Basic
1 = STO terminal state on processor 1
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ==D--+�---------1
1 = SS1 active on Processor 2 (Basic
1 = STO terminal state on processor 2
& 6 1 = SS1 active in the drive (Basic Functions)
7 7
(Basic Functions) (Basic Functions) 1 = PM terminals shutdown paths must be
[2810.6] 30
... Reserved ... Reserved tested <2>
[2802.8] 9 1 = STOP A cannot be acknowledged, active [2802.8] 9 1 = STOP A cannot be acknowledged, active [2810.6] 31 1 = The shutdown paths must be tested
[2800.3] [2800.3]
16 1 = STO cause: Safety commissioning mode 16 1 = STO cause: Safety commissioning mode
[2810.4] [2810.4]
1 = STO cause: selection via terminal (Basic 1 = STO cause: selection via terminal (Basic
[2810.4] 17
[2810.4] --+ 17
1 = STO cause selection via Safe Motion 1 = STO cause selection via Safe Motion
[2810.3] 18
Monitoring (SMM)
[2810.3] --+ 18
Monitoring (SMM)
1 = SS1 cause selection terminal (Basic 1 = SS1 cause selection terminal (Basic
[2810.1] 22 [2810.1] 22
Functions) Functions)
1 = SS1 cause selection PROFIsafe (Basic 1 = SS1 cause selection PROFIsafe (Basic
[2810.3] 23 [2810.3] 23
Functions) <1> Functions) <1>
... Reserved ... Reserved
1 = STO cause, selection via terminal on 1 = STO cause, selection via onboard PM
3 Function diagrams
[2812.6] 25 [2812.6] 25
Power Module <2> terminal <2>
1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2804_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2804 -
Status words 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
& 1 r9772.17
p9601.2 = 0
p9601.3 = 1 & [2804.1]
1 V
[2804.1] r9772.2 T 0 [2813.8]
F01611 (P1) [2812.3]
1 F30611 (P2)
1 = STO cause: selection +5 V
Processor 2 PROFIsafe (Basic Functions)
1 = STO cause: 1 = STO selected on P2
selection PROFIsafe 1 r9872.0 [2804.3]
1 = SS1 cause p9801.2 = 0 [2804.3] r9872.20 (Basic Functions)
selection terminal p9801.3 = 1 & & &
(Basic Functions) 1 r9872.20
0 = Request pulse suppression P2
r9872.22 [2804.3] 1 = SS1 cause & [2804.3]
selection PROFIsafe <3>
(Basic Functions) 1 = "STO active" for
CU DI status &
Kl. 17 r0722 & r9872.23 [2804.3] sequence control &
1 = STOP A Lower IGBT
bridge halve
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
1 [2802.2] DIAG_U
p9801.0 = 1 [2840.5] 1 = STO cause:
selection via SMM p9301.0 = 1 1 <4> [2812.5]
Enable STO via r9772.7
r9872.18 p9801 0 1
terminals (P2) & <1> Switch-on delay starts when the "request pulse
p9852 0 1 = STO cause: Safety commissioning suppression P1" is withdrawn.
mode [2800.3] r9872.16 <2> Redundant functions in the Processor 1 (P1) and
T 0 Gating unit
& [2804.3]
Processor 2 (P2).
p9801.2 = 0
& 1 r9872.17 <3> Transistors inhibited for a "0" signal.
p9801.3 = 1 & [2804.3] <4> Only for PM240-2 FS D-F.
SI Status P2
PM-IF: Power Module Interface , SS1: Safe Stop 1
SS1 delay time on P2 active STO: Safe Torque Off
[2804.3] r9872.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2810_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2810 -
SS1 (Safe Stop 1), STO (Safe Torque Off) (part 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-81
- 11 -
2812 – STO (Safe Torque Off) (Part 2) - PM240-2 FS D-F
+24 V
1 1
1 1
3 Function diagrams
<1> Switch-on delay starts when the "request pulse 1 1
suppression P1" is withdrawn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2812_97_56.vsd Function diagram
- 2812 -
STO (Safe Torque Off) (part 2) - PM240-2 FS D-F 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Kl. 69 DI COM
Kl. 34 DI COM2
Kl. 28
SI STO t_debou P2
0.00 ... 100000.00 [µs]
p9851 (1000.00)
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2813_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2813 -
F-DI (Fail-safe Digital Input) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-83
Processor 1 . ......
. ......
1 = "SBC enabled"
Enable signals for SBC P1
SI enable fct P1 >0 F07930 "Incorrect brake control"
& F01630 "Incorrect safety brake control, P1"
SI enable SBC P1 =1
<2> <2> Not if:
2814 – SBC (Safe Brake Control)
p9602 = p9802 = 0
1 = "Fault, brake control" and p1278 = 1
Causes for "close brake"
0 = STO_P1
From the STO 1 0 = "SBC requested"
shutdown paths
[2810.6] 1
0 = STO_P2 Safety Logic P1
DIAG_U <2>
0 = Pulses
suppressed & 1 = SBC (Implementation and monitoring of brake
[2810.6] requested
DIAG_L r9772.4 control)
Safety fault [2804.1]
1 = STOP A
[2802.8] 0 = "SBC
selected" BR1* BR1 BR2* BR_DIAG
Processor 2
Causes for "safely close brake"
Power Module Interface
Diagnostic signal
0 = STO_P1
From the STO 0 = "SBC selected" BR1* BR1 BR2 BR_DIAG
shutdown paths Upper gating control channel
[2810.6] 0 = STO_P2 +24 V <1>
0 = Pulses
{ DIAG_U &
Safety Logic P2
· ·00~ M
3 Function diagrams
SI enable SBC P2 =1 r9872.4 <2>
The BR+ and BR-
p9802 [2804.3] outputs are only
& F30630 available for compact
1 = "SBC enabled" "Incorrect safety brake control, P2" drive units.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Basic Functions fp_2814_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2814 -
SBC (Safe Brake Control) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.11 Safety Integrated Extended Functions
Function diagrams
Safety parameterizing =
Safety Integrated commissioning
p0010 = 95
SI password inp Enter password Safety parameters Safety parameters
p9761 & can be changed. & are valid.
SI password new x =
p9762 Checksum check
y for safety
= y=x
Effective password
SI ackn password
Safety parameters
SI Mtn enable P2 (except of the
p9301 = 0
password) can be
reset to the factory
SI Mtn enable P1
p9501 = 0 settings via p0970,
3 Function diagrams
[2810.4] p3900.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2818_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2818 -
Parameter Manager 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
<1> r9722
1 = SS1 active Safe Acceleration Monitor /
[2855.5] r9722.1
<2> Safe Brake Ramp exceeded
STO initiate
Actual value speed < p9360/p9560
& [2810.1]
<1> r9720
[2855.4] 1 = STO deselection r9722
<2> r9720.0 [2840.5]
[2858.3] SI Mtn IL t_del P1
0.00 ... 3600000.00 [ms] 1 = STO or safe pulse
<1> STOP A cancellation active
r9720 p9556 (600000.00)
[2855.4] 1 = SS1 deselection
<2> r9720.1
SI Mtn IL t_del P2
0.00 ... 3600000000.00 [µs] STO selection because of missing actual r9772
value (pulse suppression) [2804.1]
p9356 (600000000.00) r9772.19
1 = STO cause: actual
value missing
1 = SS1 active
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2819_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2819 -
SS1 (Safe Stop 1), Internal STOP A, B, F 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-86
SI Mtn ramp t P1 SI Mtn rp t_del P2 SI Mtn ramp ref P1 SI Mtn ramp ref P2
10.00 ... 99000.00 [ms] 10000.00 ... 99000000.00 [µs] 600.0000 ... 240000.0000 [rpm] 600.0000 ... 240000.0000 [rpm]
p9582 (250.00) p9382 (250000.00) p9581 (1500.0000) p9381 (1500.0000)
2820 – SLS (Safely Limited Speed)
3 Function diagrams
<1> With p9306/p9506 = 3. 1 ... 2147000000 1 ... 2147000000
<2> With p9306/p9506 = 1. p9521 (1) p9321 (1)
<3> This applies to activation via F-DI (p9601.2 = 1, p9601.3 = 0).
<4> This applies to activation via PROFIsafe (p9601.2 = 1, p9601.3 = 1).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2820_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2820 -
SLS (Safely-Limited Speed) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2823_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2823 -
SSM (Safe Speed Monitor) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-88
2824 – SDI (Safe Direction)
3 Function diagrams
SDI positive + SLSx p9531[x] x p9533 0 |p9531[x] x p9533|
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2824_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2824 -
SDI (Safe Direction) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
2 Reserved 2 Reserved
3 Reserved 3 Reserved
<1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 4 1 = SLS deselection f------1 r9720.4 ) <1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 4 1 = SLS active ----1 r9722.4 )
5 Reserved 5 Reserved
6 Reserved 6 Reserved
<1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 7 1/0 = Acknowledgment f------1 r9720.7 )
<1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 7 1 = Not an internal event ----1 r9722.7 )
8 Reserved 8 Reserved
<2> [2858.3] + 9 1 = Select SLS bit 0 <3> f--------1 r9720.9 ) <1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 9 1 = Active SLS stage, bit 0 ----1 r9722.9 )
11 Reserved 11 Reserved
<1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 12 Deselect SDI positive f--------1 r9720.12 )
<1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 12 1 = SDI positive active ----1 r9722.12 )
14 Reserved
<1> [2855.5]
<2> [2858.6] .... 15 1 = SSM (Speed below limit) ----1 r9722.15 )
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2840_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2840 -
Control and status word 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-90
SI Mtn DI chg t P1 SI Mtn F-DI t P2
Kl. 9 +24V OUT 1.00 ... 2000.00 [ms] 1.00 ... 2000.00 [ms]
p10002 (500.00) p10102 (500.00)
Kl. 28 GND SI DI t_debounceP1
0.00 ... 100.00 [ms] SI DI status P1
p10017 (1.00)
Kl. 69 DI COM 1 r10051 T 0
r10051 .0 =1 C01770 “Discrepancy error“
2850 – Fail-safe digital inputs (F-DI 0 ... F-DI 2)
Kl. 5 DI 0
F-DI 0
Kl. 6 DI 1+ & [2855.2]
Kl. 64 DI 1-
SI DI status P2
SI DI t_debounceP2 r10151 .0
0.00 ... 100.00 [ms]
p10117 (1.00) SI Mtn DI chg t P1 SI Mtn F-DI t P2
1.00 ... 2000.00 [ms] 1.00 ... 2000.00 [ms]
p10002 (500.00) p10102 (500.00)
SI DI t_debounceP1
0.00 ... 100.00 [ms] SI DI status P1
p10017 (1.00)
r10051 T 0
r10051 .1 =1 C01770 “Discrepancy error“
Kl. 7 DI 2
F-DI 1
Kl. 8 DI 3+ & [2855.2]
Kl. 65 DI 3-
SI DI status P2
SI DI t_debounceP2 r10151 .1
0.00 ... 100.00 [ms]
p10117 (1.00) SI Mtn DI chg t P1 SI Mtn F-DI t P2
1.00 ... 2000.00 [ms] 1.00 ... 2000.00 [ms]
p10002 (500.00) p10102 (500.00)
SI DI t_debounceP1
0.00 ... 100.00 [ms] SI DI status P1
F-DI 2
Kl. 17 DI 5+ & [2855.2]
Kl. 66 DI 5-
SI DI status P2
SI DI t_debounceP2 r10151 .2
0.00 ... 100.00 [ms]
3 Function diagrams
p10117 (1.00)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2850_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2850 -
Fail-safe digital inputs (F-DI 0 … F-DI 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
2853 – Fail-safe digital output (F-DO 0)
SI DO status P1
SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1
�I r10052
-1 r10052
>) 1
0 ... 13
p10042 (0) 1
T DO 0
... �
Kl. 18
Safety control _j_ NO
Processor 1 CU DO status M Kl. 19
+24 V
r0747.0 COM
Kl. 20
F-DO 0 CU DO status
[2857.8] r0747.2
DO 2
JjtK] e
Kl. 23
Safety control NO
Processor 2 M Kl. 24
SI F-DO S_src P2 SI DO status P2 +24 V
·I 3
0 ... 13 COM
r10152 Kl. 25
p10142 (0)
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Kl. = Terminal
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2853_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 2853 -
Fail-safe Digital Output (F-DO 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-92
2855 – Extended Functions via F-DI (p9601.2 = 1 and p9601.3 = 0)
3 Function diagrams
[2824.1], [2840.1]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2855_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2855 -
Extended Functions via F-DI (p9601.2 = 1 and p9601.3 = 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
1 = Power removed 1-
1 = SS1 active 0
[2855.6] 0
� •
• -
• •
1 = SLS active
• • - >1 1 = Safe state
p10039.6 • -
1 = SDI pos active
1 = SDI neg active 1 -:
0 0 .______
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2856_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2856 -
Safe State selection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-94
2857 – F-DO assignment
0: No function
1: 1 = STO active
2: 1 = SS1 active SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1
[2855.6] p10042 [0]
p10042 [1]
SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1 <1>
1 -
SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1 -
p10042 [2]
5: 1 = SLS active 2
[2855.6] SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1
p10042 [3]
6: 1 = SSM feedback signal active 3
[2855.6] SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1
F-DO 0
7: 1 = Safe state p10042 [4] &
4 [2853.1]
[2856.8] SI Mtn F-DOs_srcP1 -
p10042 [5]
9: Internal event
[2855.6] 6
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2857_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 2857 -
F-DO assignment 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
1 = STO active
r9722.0 ,'
2858 – Extended Functions via PROFIsafe (9601.2 = 1 and 9601.3 = 1)
[2819.8], [2840.5]
1 = Deselection STO
r9720.0 ', 1 = SS1 active
r9722.1 ',
[2819.1], [2840.1]
[2819.8], [2840.5]
1 = Deselection SS1
1 r9720.1 '
[2819.1], [2840.1]
1 = SLS active
r9722.4 ',
[2820.7], [2840.5]
Internal event
1 = Deselection SLS 1
r9722.7 ',
PROFIsafe r9720.4 ', Safe motion [2840.5]
Communication via PROFIsafe
[2820.1], [2840.1] monitoring 1 = Active SLS stage, bit 0 set Communication via
functions PROFIBUS/
1 = Acknowledgment
r9722.9 ,' PROFINET
r9720.7 ', 1 = Active SLS stage, bit 1 set
[2840.4], [2840.1]
r9722.10 ',
Select SLS bit 0
r9720.9 ,'
[2820.1], [2840.1]
[2824.7], [2840.5]
1 = Deselection SDI positive
1 = SDI neg active
r9720.12 ', r9722.13 ',
[2824.1], [2840.1]
[2824.7], [2840.5]
1 = Deselection SDI negative 1 = SSM (n below limit)
r9720.13 ', 1
r9722.15 ',
[2824.1], [2840.1] [2823.7], [2840.5]
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8
Safety Integrated Extended Functions fp_2858_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2858 -
Extended Functions via PROFIsafe (p9601.2 = 1 and p9601.3 = 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
3 Function diagrams
3.12 Safety Integrated PROFIsafe
Function diagrams
tion is made
according to
Telegram 30 1
PZD1 S_STW1 1 S_ZSW1 1
PZD2 :
1 1 1
PZD3 l 1
PZD4 1
1 1 V
Send telegram to
Receive telegram from
PZD15 !
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated PROFIsafe fp_2915_97_63.vsd Function diagram
- 2915 -
Standard telegrams 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
tion is made
according to
Telegram 900 1
PZD1 S_STW1 1 S_ZSW1 1
PZD2 S_STW5 1 S_ZSW5 1
PZD3 1
PZD4 1
PZD5 1 : '.,,
1 1 -V
Receive telegram from
Send telegram to
PZD16 i
3 Function diagrams
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Safety Integrated PROFIsafe fp_2917_97_58.vsd Function diagram
- 2917 -
Manufacturer-specific telegrams 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2 DP/PN
3 Function diagrams
3.13 Setpoint channel
Function diagrams
Fig. 3-98
STW seq_ctrl
STW seq_ctrl
3001 – Overview
Jog 1 n_set
-210000.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm] pos
p1058 [D] (150.000)
Jog 2 n_set 1 1 neg
-210000.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm] (-1)
p1059 [D] (-150.000)
[3030] Main/supplementary setpoint, setpoint [3040] Direction of rotating [3050] Skip (suppression)
scaling, jogging limiting/changeover bandwidth and speed limiting
3 Function diagrams
Simulate ramp-function generator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3001_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 3001 -
Overview 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
n_set_fixed 6 [rpm]
0 1 1 0
p1006 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 7 [rpm]
0 1 1 1
p1007 [D] (0.000) n_set_fixed eff [rpm]
n_set_fixed 8 [rpm]
1 0 0 0
p1008 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 9 [rpm]
1 0 0 1
p1009 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 10 [rpm]
1 0 1 0
p1010 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 11 [rpm]
1 0 1 1
p1011 [D] (0.000)
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
n_set_fixed 12 [rpm]
1 1 0 0
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
n_set_fixed 13 [rpm]
1 1 0 1
p1013 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 14 [rpm]
1 1 1 0
p1014 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 15 [rpm]
1 1 1 1
p1015 [D] (0.000)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3010_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 3010 -
Fixed speed setpoints, binary selection (p1016 = 2) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
[2505.6] r1198.0 2
1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 1
p1021 r1198
[2505.6] r1198.1 2 n_setp_fix status
1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 2 r1025
p1022 r1198
[2505.6] r1198.2 2
1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 3
p1023 r1198 1
[2505.6] r1198.3 2
n_set_fixed 1 [rpm]
p1001 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 2 [rpm]
p1002 [D] (0.000)
n_set_fixed 3 [rpm]
p1003 [D] (0.000)
+ + + n_set_fixed eff [rpm]
n_set_fixed 4 [rpm]
1000 r1024
p1004 [D] (0.000) + + +
Save in NVRAM active 0 Not saved in the NVRAM (NVRAM = Non Volatile Random Access Memory).
3 1 Save in NVRAM active.
Ramp-function generator is always active 0 Ramp-up encoder inactive with pulse inhibit.
4 1 The ramp-up encoder is calculated independently of the pulse enable.
11 y=0
Reference value for the ramp-
MotP inv function generator
p1039 [C] [3050.8] Mop start value
(0) Mop set val -210000.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm]
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3020_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 3020 -
Motorized potentiometer 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
p1056 r0898
[2501.7] r0898.9
Main setpoint eff [rpm] Total setpoint eff [rpm]
Main setpoint r1073 r1078
p1070 [C] <4> 1
0 0 0
+ 0
Total setp 1
Main setp scal Jog 1 n_set
p1109 [C] 0 1
p1058 [D] (150.000)
p1071 [C] <3> (0)
(1) n_set_1
Total setp sel [3040.1]
p1108 [C] Jog 2 n_set
<2> 1 0
(0) p1059 [D] (-150.000)
1 1
0 . .... t
Suppl setp
p1075 [C]
<4> Suppl setpoint eff [rpm]
{ r··· ·.
' '
3 Function diagrams
<1> Jogging can only be activated in the operating state “Ready for operation (S2)“. -p1082
<2> If technology controller is activated (p2200 > 0, p2251 = 0) connected with r2349.4.
<3> If technology controller is activated (p2200 > 0, p2251 = 0) connected with r2294.
<4> The connection to the source for the main and additional setpoint is estabished automatically via the setting in p1000.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3030_97_59.vsd Function diagram
- 3030 -
Main/supplementary setpoint, setpoint scaling, jogging 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Setp_chan n_lim
0.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm]
1, p1063 [D] (210000.000)
1• 1•
n_set_1 1, 0
J... I 1,
J... I 1, 0 J... I
0 Setp after limit [rpm]
-1 1 -1 1 ,,,..--.. : -1 1 '--/ 1 : -1 .......----,... r1114 [3050.1]
1 0 1
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Setpoint channel fp_3040_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 3040 -
Direction limitation and direction reversal 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-104
n_skip 1 [rpm] n_skip 2 [rpm] n_skip 3 [rpm] n_skip 4 [rpm] n_limit pos
p1091 [D] (0.000) p1092 [D] (0.000) p1093 [D] (0.000) p1094 [D] (0.000)
p1085 [C]
<1> <1> <1> <1> (1083[0]) n_limit pos eff [rpm]
n_skip scal Min r1084
p1098 [C] [6030.1]
3050 – Skip frequency bands and speed limitations
n_min s_src
p1106 [C]
-1 -1 -1 -1
(0) Reference value for the ramp-
n_max [rpm] function generator
n_min [rpm] y p1082 [D] (1500.000)
p1080 [D] (0.000) [3020.5]
n_limit RFG pos
Max p1051 [C]
(9733[0]) Maximum
w limiting
0 1 active
effective [3080.5]
minimum speed
w n_set aft min_lim [rpm]
w = p1101[D] <3>
RFG setp at inp
Setp after limit [rpm] Skip speed [rpm]
w bandwidth y
r1114 r1119
[3040.8] [3060.1]
-1 [3070.1]
-1 [6031.1]
w [8022.1]
n_limit neg
p1088 [C] 0 n_limit neg eff [rpm]
w (1086[0]) Max r1087
1 = r1170 within the
n_ctrl setp sum [rpm] 1 skip band Limiting to negative
values [6030.1]
r1170 r1099.0 [6640.5]
� n_limit neg [rpm]
p1086 [D] (-210000.000)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3050_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 3050 -
Skip frequency bands and speed limitations 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
0 0
STW setpoint chan
<3> p1122 r1198 0 1 0 1
[2505.7] r1198.15
1 = Bypass ramp-function generator
Ramp flattening-off
STW seq_ctrl
Tup Tdn
p1142 r0898
Freeze ramp-function generator
[2501.7] r0898.6
1 = Setpoint enable
x Tup Tdn
RFG setp at inp [rpm] 0 0
1 1 p1082 0 n_set_4
[3050.8] r1119 x y [3080.1]
1 t 1
0 0 0 0 -p1082 STW seq_ctrl
p1140 r0898 1 = Enable ramp-function generator
STW seq_ctrl <2>
y [2501.7] r0898.4
<1> p1141 r0898 1
[2501.7] r0898 .5 p1082
0 = Freeze ramp-function generator
1 = Internal RFG enable -p1082
[2634.8] RFG acceleration [rev/s²]
Tup Tdn
0 = Internal quick stop <4>
RFG accept set v Other status bits
p1143 [C] 1
Ramp-up active
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
(0) x
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3060_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 3060 -
Basic ramp-function generator 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-106
RFG ramp-down time
0.000 ... 999999.000 [s] OFF3 t_RD RFG t_start_round RFGOFF3 t_strt_rnd RFG t_end_delay RFG OFF3 t_end_del
p1121 [D] (10.000) 0.000 ... 5400.000 [s] 0.000 ... 30.000 [s] 0.000 ... 30.000 [s] 0.000 ... 30.000 [s] 0.000 ... 30.000 [s]
RFG t_RD scal <4> p1135 [D] (0.000) p1130 [D] (0.000) p1136 [D] (0.000) p1131 [D] (0.000) p1137 [D] (0.000)
RFG ramp-up time p1139 [C] <4> <4> <4> <4>
0.000 ... 999999.000 [s] (1)
p1120 [D] (10.000)
3070 – Extended ramp-function generator
!, t
RFG setting value
p1144 [C]
! : : ¡ __
.--------:__Other status bits
Le ---------..
Tup_eff <2> Tdn_eff <2>
1 Ramp-up active
<1> Inhibited during jogging.
r-· A·- - - -
<2> Effective ramp-up time: Tup_eff = Tup + (Ti/2 + Tf/2) + Ramp-down active
Effective ramp-down time: Tdn_eff = Tdn + (Ti/2 + Tf/2) 0
y –
<3> p1134 = 0: Rounding-off is always active. t p1082
1··· !'···· ·· ·· ·· ·
Overshoots can occur.
3 Function diagrams
when the setpoint is suddenly nsoll ..J--L.__ Reference value for the ramp- RFG tol HL/RL act
reduced during ramp-up. t
function generator 0.000 ... 1000.000 [rpm]
<4> Value range and/or factory setting depend on Power Module. p1148 [D] (19.800) [3080.5]
<5> With activated Technology controller (p2200 > 0, p2251 = 0) the ramp-function generator is bypassed (r2349.5). Ramp-function generator,
status bits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3070_97_51.vsd Function diagram
- 3070 -
Extended ramp-function generator 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Ramp-function generator enable
STW seq_ctrl
1 r0898.4
n_ctrl n_set 1
1 p1155 [C]
1 n_ctrl n_set 1/2 [rpm]
Ramp-function generator selection <2> (0)
3080 – Ramp-function generator selection, status word, tracking
1 1 r1169 >
n_ctrl n_set 2�
0 1 x,y x
0 T1
0 + y
1 p1160 [C]
RFG selection
[3060.8] +
RFG n_set at outp [rpm]
x,y T1 x 0
From the basic ramp-function generator
> ' .._. n_ctrl setp sum [rpm]
¡1 r1150
y r1170 [3050.1]
� - + �
� �
n_set_5 .i [6030.1]
[3070.8] 1
1 [6822.1]
From the extended ramp-function
generator RFG track intens �t [8011.2]
0.0 ... 50.0 Interpolator From the ramp-function generator
p1145 [D] (0.0) friction characteristic [7010.6]
......................................................................................� .... !
T Ramp-function generator tracking
ZSW n_ctrl <4>
Ramp flattening-off
[2522.7] [3070.3]
r1407.7 RFG ZSW
responds. This means that the speed controller output only exceeds the torque limit by a 5 Ramp-function generator tracking active <1>
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_3080_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 3080 -
Ramp-function generator selection, status word, tracking 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.14 Setpoint channel not activated
Function diagrams
n_limit pos
0.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm]
p1083 [D] (210000.000)
1 -
-- n_limit pos eff [rpm]
Min .. r1084 [8010.2]
0.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm]
p1082 [D] (1500.000)
1 -
1 -
Reference value for the ramp-function generator
-- [3060.4]
Speed limits if a setpoint
channel is not activated
[3070.4] (r0108.8 = 0."
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
Max :' 1
r1087 [8010.2]
n_limit neg
-210000.000 ... 0.000 [rpm] 1 -
p1086 [D] (-210000.000) 1v- -
<1> For OFF1/OFF3, the down ramp of the basic ramp-function generator is active (p1135 or p1121).
<2> Only for the non-activated "extended setpoint channel"" function module" (r0108.8 = 0).
For r0108.8 = 1, the following applies [3050].
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Setpoint channel not activated fp_3095_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 3095 -
Generation of the speed limits (r0108.8 = 0) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.15 Basic positioner (EPOS)
Function diagrams
3650 – Status word, active traversing block / MDI active (r2670) 858
Jog 2 S_src
3610 – Jog mode
(722.4) Jog incr
(722.5) D Q
0 [LU] 0 0
s_set act [LU] 1 = Travel parameterized distance (incremental)
Jog 1 distance [LU] 0 1 0 = Travel endlessly
p2587 (1000) r2671
<1> <2>
-1 1
x y
Jog 2 distance [LU] 0 +
1 0 Store +
p2588 (1000) 0
0 1
Start of traversing range
End of traversing range
0 [1000 LU/min] 0 0
100 %
a_over act [%]
r2673 <1>
Keep old setpoint 1 1
100 %
-a_over act [%] Motion variables
r2674 <1> in “jog“ mode
<1> The connector outputs are only supplied with values from here if the “jog“ mode is active. [3630.1]
<2> Jog incremental: The edge is only effective for setpoint = 0 (exception: Override = 0 %, CI: p2646).
Renewed jogging can only be activated after the jog motion has been completed (0/1 edge).
<3> The second "jog" is not evaluated while "incremental jogging" is running.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3610_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3610 -
Jog mode 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-110
Srch for ref dir
1 = Negative Ref_pt offset
p2604 -2147482648 ... 2147482647 [LU]
0 = Positive Approach direction
(0) p2600 (0) POS_ZSW2
T .."1
<1> A II B r2684.11 [3646.3]
Ref_cam pres
0 ... 1 tr"TI 1
3612 – Referencing/reference point approach mode (p2597 = 0)
Set ref_pt p2605 (5000) I
p2596 100 %
<5> a_over act [%]
r2673 <3>
v_appr ref_pt
1 ... 40000000 [1000 LU/min] 100 %
Ref_typ select p2611 (300) III Motion variables in “referencing/
-a_over act [%]
p2597 <3> reference point approach“ mode
<2> r2674 [3630.1]
[3614.1] v_appr ref_ZM
1 ... 40000000 [1000 LU/min] �....
p2608 (300)
\ II
(0) s
Ref act fdbk
�:· · · · · · +· · · -�
p2659 Zero marks (ZM) F07458
(2526.1) "Reference cam not found"
[4010.8] Tol_band to ZM
Zero mark evaluation 0 ... 2147482647 [LU] <1>
MeasVal valid fdbk activated <1> p2610 (2147482647)
p2661 <1> "No zero mark"
Feedback Max s ref_cam ZM
signals � 0 ... 2147482647 [LU]
:------� :
[3614.2] p2609 (20000)
3 Function diagrams
<1> If no reference cam exists, the axis directly moves to the zero mark (in the defined start direction). Without a reference cam, the tolerance bandwidth is not evaluated.
<2> When "flying referencing" is selected (passive referencing, p2597 = 1 signal), this function diagram is of no significance => refer to [3614].
<3> The connector outputs are only supplied with values from here if the “referencing“ mode is active.
<4> The reversing cams are low active. When a cam is actuated, motion (reference cam search) is continued in the opposite direction.
<5> Reference point setting is only effective in the initial state [3625].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3612_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3612 -
Referencing/reference point approach mode (p2597 = 0l) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
r2684 Reference point set
r2684.11 F( s_ corr)
1�/ . .
With referencing POS_ZSW2
Ref start Without referencing r2684 Reference point
Inner window F1 = Inner window
p2595 F2 = Outer window s_set r2684.11 set
0 ... 2147482647 [LU]
<1> (0) p2601 (0) 1 s_act
[3612.1] Outer window F( s_ corr )
0 ... 2147482647 [LU] 0 POS_ZSW2
p2602 (0) 0 F2 F( s_ corr )
Ref_typ select r2684
p2597 F1 Flying referencing active
Ref_pt coord S_src r2684.1
<1> (0) p2598 t [3646.1]
[3612.1] (2599[0])
+ s_ corr
[3612.4] –
Meas val ref F1
p2660 t
(2523[0]) F2
<1> When "reference point approach" is selected (active referencing p2597 = 0 signal), this function diagram is of no significance => refer to [3612].
Active traversing is not directly associated with the "flying referencing" mode (passive referencing, p2597 = 1 signal).
The mode can be superimposed on the "jog" [3610], "traversing blocks" [3614] and "direct setpoint input/MDI" [3618] modes!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3614_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3614 -
Flying referencing mode (p2597 = 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
MT_eval select
p2510 [1...2]
· ·· · _··· ·_
· ··· _·
2 3
=: ZSW act trav_block
. ¡ i Signal for external block change
has not been received
a b c
---�·__ ::�---------------------·�;.-;-·-·-.�..........
��-: : t Ext BlckChg s_act [LU]
o External block change (via the measuring probe or BICO)
3 Function diagrams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3615_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3615 -
Traversing block mode, external block change 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
<1> External block change r2683.10 Direct output 1 via traversing block [3645.3]
Actual traversing block
p2632 [3650.2] r2683.11 Direct output 2 via traversing block [3645.3]
[3615.7] Status signals r2684.12 Acknowledgment, traversing block activated [3646.3]
Trav_blk, blkNo. r2683.12 Fixed stop reached [3645.3], [3617.7]
-1 ... 15 Block number r2683.13 Fixed stop clamping torque reached [3645.3], [3617.4]
p2616 (-1) Task act
<3> r2683.14 Travel to fixed stop active [3645.3], [3617.7]
Trav_block task Task ENDLESS_POS or ENDLESS_NEG
1 ... 9 Task
Positioning mode,
p2621 (1)
Trav_blck task_par
-2147483648 ... 2147483647 Task parameter r2676 <3>
p2622 (0)
[3617.6] p2637 100 % override
Block selection 0
[4025.8] (r2526.4)
<1> Evaluated only in the following cases:
[3617.6] p2638 p2625 Current job/traversing block and step enabling CONTINUE_EXTERNAL, CONTINUE_EXTERNAL_WAIT,
[4025.8] (r2526.5) p2626 CONTINUE_EXTERNAL_ALARM. [3630.1]
p2627 <2> The tasks are sorted according to their traversing block number in the parameter index (the task with the lowest Motion variables in
p2639 [3640.7]
[2522.7] p2628 number in index 1). "traversing block"
(r1407.7) <3> The connector outputs are only supplied from here when the “traversing blocks“ mode is active. mode
p2663 <4> p2615 specifies the maximum number of traversing blocks.
[4025.8] [3640.7]
(r2526.8) <5> Torque limits are only influenced by the "FIXED STOP" job. A value of 100 % is specified in all other cases.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3616_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3616 -
Traversing block mode 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-114
Overview Following err max
0 ... 2147482647 [LU]
Target position p2634 [D] (1000)
Fixed stop reached
3617 – Travel to fixed stop
Fixed stop reached
0 p2637
Fixed stop outside
1 Fixed stop outside window
Programmed setpoint position r2526.5 F07484 “Fixed stop outside the monitoring window“
. ·······1 .i
··························-r·· 1
Actual position to fixed stop [4025] [3616]
______________________________ ¡ J ¡ _
¡ 1 ¡ Tracking
Programmed setpoint position Fixed stop reached POS_ZSW1
Fixed stop reached p2637 r2683
r2526.4 (2526.4) r2683.12 Fixed stop
reached M_max upper scal
M_limit eff [%] p1528 [C]
p2634 1 [6630.3]
r2686[0] (1524[0])
p2635 Torque limits
M_max lower scal
M_limit eff [%] p1529 [C]
1 [6630.3]
Traversing block 2 r2686[1] (1525[0])
3 Function diagrams
M_set [Nm]
Fixed stop clamping torque reached
··········! r2683.13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3617_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 3617 -
Travel to fixed stop 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
MDI s_set
Pos fixed value
-2147482648 ... 2147482647 [LU] (2690[0]) 1 [3620.1]
p2690 (0)
MDI v_set
v fixed value
1 ... 40000000 [1000 LU/min] (2691[0]) 1 [3620.1]
p2691 (600)
100 %
MDI a_over
a_over fixed val
0.100 ... 100.000 [%] (2692[0]) 1 [3620.1]
p2692 (100.000)
0.1 %
100 %
MDI -a_over
-a_over fixed val
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
p2693 (100.000)
0.1 %
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3618_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3618 -
Direct setpoint input / MDI mode, dynamic values 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-116
Pos act/set value Ext BlckChg s_act [LU]
p2657 1
y r2678 <3> 0
[3635.5] (2521[0]) x
Controller enable
MDI trans_type sel
<4> p2649 1 = Continuous
0 = Edge F07488
3620 – Direct setpoint input / MDI mode
'->--� - - - - _ _j
3 Function diagrams
Based on the value of the connector input, the following IDs are evaluated xxXx: [3630.1]
xx0x = absolute => p2648; xx1x = relative => p2648; xx2x = ABS_POS => p2648, p2651; xx3x = ABS_NEG => p2648, p2652. Motion variables in "direct
<2> Only evaluated with transfer type "edge evaluation" (BI: p2649 = 0 signal). setpoint input/MDI" mode
<3> The connector outputs are only supplied with values from here if the "direct setpoint input MDI" mode is active.
<4> For the transfer type "continuous transfer" (BI: p2649 = 1 signal), relative positioning is not permissible.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3620_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3620 -
Direct setpoint input / MDI mode 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
••• ••
<1> POWER ON r2669 = 0 hex
p2589 = 1 (722.3)
Initial state
Jog 2 S_src p2590 1
3625 – Mode control
Jog 1 S_src p2589 "Select reference type" p2597 = 0
p2589 = 0 (722.3)
"Stop referencing"
Jog 2 S_src p2590 & p2595 = 0
r2669 = 1 hex p2590 = 0 (722.4) Drive at r2669 = 2 hex
Jog mode Ref. point approach mode
[3610] "Do not reject traversing task" p2641 = 1
r2684.10 = 0
r2199.0 = 0
"No intermediate stop" p2640 = 1 & Reference point approach active:
Ramp stop "MDI selection" p2647 = 1 r2684.10/11 = 0, r2199.0 = 0
r2684.10 = 0 / r2199.0 = 0
Trav_task reject p2641 The drive is ramped down with
p2641 = 1 (0) the maximum deceleration rate r2684.10/11 = 1, r2199.0 = 1
Traversing task (p2573)
Intermediate stop p2640 completed Reference point approach completed:
p2640 = 1 (0) & "Reject traversing task" "Direct setpoint input"
1 Trav_task act p2631 p2641 = 0 p2647 = 0
Direct setpoint input/MDI active 1
p2631 = 0/1 (0) r2670.15
Direct setpoint input mode [3620] Positioning/setting-up r2669 = 8 hex/10 hex
__ _
Traversing block mode
Traversing blocks
r2669 = 4 hex
r2684.15 = 1
r2684.15 = 1
"Intermediate stop"
p2640 = 0
Traversing blocks active
r2684.10 = 0 / r2199.0 = 0
Flying changeover between
positioning p2653 = 0 and setting-up
"Reject traversing task"
p2641 = 0
p2653 = 1 possible Traversing task
"Intermediate stop" r2684.10 = 0 / r2199.0 = 0 Ramp stop
Ramp stop r2684.10 = 0 / r2199.0 = 0
p2640 = 0 and 0/1 at r2684.12 "Activate traversing task"
r2684.10 = 0 / r2199.0 = 0
p2649 = 0 and p2650 = 0/1 The drive is ramped down
"Activate The drive is ramped down or continuous transfer (p2649 depend. on the maximum
traversing task" depending on the deceleration = 1 and signal off CI: p2642 deceleration (p2573)
Ramp stop p2631 = 0/1 rate of the traversing block (old <> new ))
r2684.10 = 0 / r2199.0 = 0
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
"No intermediate stop" "No intermediate "Do not reject Drive at standstill
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
•• •
Drive at Intermediate stop 1 r2684.10 = 1 / r2199.0 = 1
standstill r2199.0 = 1 "Activate traversing task" p2649 =
0 and p2650 = 0/1
<1> The more points exist at a transition, the higher the priority.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3625_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3625 -
Mode control 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-118
SW limSwPlus S_src
SW lim switch plus p2579
-2147482648 ... 2147482647 [LU] (2581[0])
p2581 (2147482647) End of traversing range
SW lim sw act 0
p2582 A07478
3630 – Traversing range limits
Motion variables of the 1 ... 2000000 [1000 LU/s²]
"Jog" mode p2572 (100)
"Reference point approach"
"Traversing blocks" Motion variables Acceleration
[3616.8] a [3635.1]
"Direct setpoint input/MDI" override
Initial state -a_max
1 ... 2000000 [1000 LU/s²]
v = 0, a = 100 %, -a = 100 %
-a [3635.1]
3 Function diagrams
<1> When the “reference point approach“ mode is active, the velocity override influences the approach velocity reference cams (p2605).
However, the approach velocity reference zero mark (p2608) and the approach velocity reference point (p2611) are not influenced.
<2> The STOP cams are low active.
When a cam responds, the drive brakes with maximum deceleration along the ramp. After the fault has been acknowledged, only movements away
from the STOP cam are permitted.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3630_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3630 -
Traversing range limits 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Residual distance [LU]
[3630.8] A r2682
Up v v_set [1000 LU/min]
-a r2666 [4015.1]
[3630.8] Down s
v 1 1
[3630.8] V 1
1 v_set 1
1 s_set [LU]
s S 1 r2665 [4015.1], [4020.1]
[3630.8] Modulo corr act
S (0) SET CORR. r2683.0 Tracking active [3645.3]
V [3630.1] 0 1 SET VALUE VALUE r2683.2 Setpoint available [3645.3]
[3646.3] r2683.3 Target position reached [3645.3]
r2683.4 Axis moves forwards [3645.3]
r2683.5 Axis moves backwards [3645.3]
Sel tracking mode r2683.6 Software limit switch minus reached [3645.3]
Modulo corr range
p2655 1 ... 2147482647 [LU] r2683.7 Software limit switch plus reached [3645.3]
(1) p2576 (360000) r2684.4 Axis accelerating [3646.3]
r2684.5 Axis decelerating [3646.3]
EPOS enable r2684.7 Activate correction [3646.3]
p2656 r2684.15 Traversing command active [3646.3]
(2526.3) 1
Corrective value [LU]
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3635_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3635 -
Interpolator 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-120
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
12 Reserved
14 Reserved
3 Function diagrams
) (0) 1---+ 15 1 = MDI selection To “direct setpoint input/MDI“ mode [3620.1], [3620.4]
To mode control
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3640_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3640 -
Control word, block selection / MDI selection 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
From “traversing block“ mode [3616.7] 10 1 = Direct output 1 via the traversing block r2683.10
From “traversing block“ mode [3616.7] 11 1 = Direct output 2 via the traversing block r2683.11
From “traversing block“ mode [3616.7] 12 1 = Fixed stop reached r2683.12 [4025.1] / p2553
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
From “traversing block“ mode [3616.7] 13 1 = Fixed stop, clamping torque reached r2683.13
From “traversing block“ mode [3616.7] 14 1 = Travel to fixed stop active r2683.14 [4025.6] / p2552
15 Reserved
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3645_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3645 -
Status word 1 (r2683) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-122
[3612.7] 1
r2684 > ��
1 r2684.0 ' 0 1 = Reference point approach active f--------i r2684.0 ) [4010.1]
3646 – Status word 2 (r2684)
[3614.7] 1
r2684 > ��
1 r2684.1 ' 1 1 = Flying referencing active � r2684.1 ) [4010.1]
From "referencing/flying referencing" mode [3614.4] -----+ 3 1 = Print mark outside the outer window � r2684.3 )
From dynamic following error monitoring, cam controllers [4025.8] -----+ 8 1 = Following error within tolerance f--------i r2684.8 )
� r2684.9
From traversing range limits [3630.1]
From interpolator [3635.4] -----+ 9 1 = Modulo correction active
From standstill/positioning monitoring [4020.8] -----+ 10 1 = Target position reached f--------i r2684.10 )
� r2684.11
From "referencing" mode [3612.7]
From "referencing/flying referencing" mode [3614.8]
-----+ 11 1 = Reference point set ) [3614.3], [3630.1]
From traversing range limits [3630.3] -----+ 13 1 = STOP cam minus active � r2684.13 )
3 Function diagrams
<1> By default, the status bit is supplied with values from the “traversing block“ mode.
However, if the “direct setpoint input/MDI“ mode is active, it is supplied with values from this mode.
<2> The signal is only effective when the drive has reached the "Ready" state.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3646_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3646 -
Status word 2 (r2684) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
12 Reserved
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
13 Reserved
14 Reserved
Mode control
�.... 15 1 = MDI active � r2670.15 )
1 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Basic positioner (EPOS) fp_3650_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 3650 -
Status word, active traversing block / MDI active (r2670) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.16 Position control
Function diagrams
1 ... 2147483647 [LU] 1 ... 2147483647 [LU] -1048576 ... 1048576 r2520 [1] [4720]
r2684 p2508 p2503 [D] (10000) p2506 [D] (10000) p2505 [D] (1)
[3646.7] (2684.0) s_act [LU]
MT_eval act Load gearbox for r2521 [1] <3>
r2684 __ p2509
absolute encoder s_act [LU]
[3646.7] (2684.1) r2521 [2] <3>
MT_eval select [4704.4] Mot/load motor rev
Enc grid div Rot enc pulse No. 1 ... 1048576 v_act [1000 LU/min]
p2510 0 ... 250000000 [nm] 0 ... 16777215
<3> 0 = Measuring probe 1 p2504 [D] (1) r2522 [1] <3>
(0) 1 = Measuring probe 2 p0407 [D] (16000) p0408 [D] (2048)
v_act [1000 LU/min]
MT_eval edge r2522 [2] <3>
<3> 0 = Rising edge
(0) 1 = Falling edge
1 0 1 0 Measured value [LU]
0 = Rotary encoder r2523 [1] <3>
[4704.2] p0404.0
1 = Linear encoder Measured value [LU]
Enc fine Gx_XIST1 Position offset r2523 [2] <3>
2 ... 18
p0418 [D] (11) 0 p2516
Enc fine Gx_XIST2 ActV_prep neg corr
0 _f 1 (2667) s_act [LU]
r2521 [0]
[3635.4], [4015.1],
2 ... 18 �
--· + [3635.7]
<2> [4020.1], [4025.1]
p0419 [D] (9)
(0) v_act [1000 LU/min]
Encoder assignment
Enc Gn_XIST1 – 0 ... 2 r2522 [0] <3>
<4> Inkr Position difference between Xn p2502 [D] (1)
[4704.8] r0482[n -1] +
Yn s_act Measured value [LU]
LU 2 sampling times + Yn = Yn - 1 + Xn
+ + r2523 [0] [3612.1] <3>
Enc Gn_XIST2 1
[4704.8] r0483[n -1] LU/revolution [LU]
+ 2
r2524 [3630.5], [4015.1]
0 1
Direct MT 1
0 ... 27 <1> 0
p2517 (0) Abs_enc_adj stat
0 ... 3 r- ----------------------------,
Direct MT 2 ZSW
0 ... 27 p2507 [D] (1)
r2526 [3635.1]
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
p2518 (0)
r2526.0 Pos act val valid [4015.1]
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
ActVal_prepCorrAct Act val_prep corr s_act set setVal r2526.1 Ref active [3612.1]
r2684 p2512 <3> r2685 p2513 <3> p2515 <3> r2526.2 Meas val valid [3612.1]
[3646.7] (2684.7) [3635.7] (2685) (0)
s_act setting act Encoder 1 = r2527.0 - 2
p2514 <3> Encoder 2 = r2528.0 - 2
<1> The parameter is only relevant for absolute encoders. p2598/p2599 is used to perform the (0)
adjustment. The position is entered via p2598/p2599 [3612].
<2> p2502 = 0: Position actual value preprocessing is not assigned to any encoder. Position controller A07454, A07495, F07453, F07493, F07494
<3> [0] for position control; [1...2] for encoders 1...2. Encoder 1 A07587, A07596, A07581, A07593, A07590
<4> Index [n-1] -> encoder n. Encoder 2 A07588, A07597, A07582, A07594, A07591
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Position control fp_4010_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4010 -
Position actual value preprocessing 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-125
Enable 1 ZSW
1 = Position control active r2526
: �
L � t= f-------- L
r2566 1
d 1 d M_prectrl val [Nm]
dt dt r2564
[4010.8] r2526.0
Pos act val valid Kp
0.000 ... 300.000 [1000 rpm] 21t
p2538 [D] (1.000)
LU/rev LU/mm Adaptation
r2524 p2555 p2537 n_prectrl val [rpm]
[4010.8] (2524[0]) (1) r2561
LR_outp P comp [rpm]
r2665 p2530
y r2558
[3635.7] (2665) x,y x <2>
y Pre-control [4025.1] + n_set total [rpm]
v_set balancing
Tn ����---+-��-+-...--+("}--���-���>
r2666 p2531 + LR_outp I
Simulation of the build-up of the –
[3635.7] (2666) t t pre-control speed comp [rpm]
r2559 -1
Act val_prep corr n_set [rpm]
r2685 p2513 r2560
n_prectrl filt PT1 n_prectrFlt t_dead
[3635.7] (2685[0]) 0.00 ... 100.00 [ms] 0.00 ... 2.00
p2536 [D] (0.00) p2535 [D] (0.00) ZSW
ActVal_prepCorrAct Tn
<1> 0.00 ... 100000.00 [ms] r2526
r2684 p2512
p2539 [D] (0.00) r2526.6
[3646.7] (2684.7)
1 = Position controller output
<1> limited
ActV_prep neg corr Reduce I comp
+ Following err act [LU]
p2730 p2731
(0) r2565 (1407.16)
s_act –
r2521 p2532
(2521[0]) LR_inp sys dev [LU]
L _
LR_out n_lim S_src
LR_outp n_lim p2541
0.000 ... 210000.000 [rpm] (2540[0])
p2540 (210000.000)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Position control fp_4015_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4015 -
Position controller 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Mess setp fixed
r2683 p2551
4020 – Standstill monitoring / positioning monitoring
[3645.7] (2683.2)
POS_ZSW1 "Standstill monitoring has responded"
r2683 l---.......-----l----........-------1
[3645.7] T 0
1 = Tracking active
t_standstill monit Single evaluation
0.00 ... 100000.00 [ms] Position during the positioning monitoring function
; • t
p2543 (200.00) value p2544
: : : : �'. '. .' �:· .: ¡:· ·: : : : : l: : : : rr====:-- p2542
� p2545 �
0.00 ... 100000.00 [ms]
p2545 (1000.00)
Positioning monitoring
Sig trav_cmnd act
r2684 p2554 & L,......J..__------+-+---------1
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
s_act r2684
r2521 p2532 1 Q r2684.10 [3646.3]
(Q=1)R Q
[4010.7] (2521[0]) 1 = Target position reached
s_set + 0
r2665 p2530
[3635.7] (2665[0])
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Position control fp_4020_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4020 -
Standstill monitoring / positioning monitoring 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-127
Dynamic following error monitoring
Position setpoint after the pre-control
ballancing filter n_prectrl fact s_delta_monit tol
[4015.5] F07452 "Following error too high"
0.00 ... 200.00 [%] Follow error dyn [LU] 0 ... 2147483647 [LU]
p2534 [D] (0.00) p2546 [D] (1000)
r2563 POS_ZSW2
4025 – Dynamic following error monitoring, cam controllers
p2534 >= 100 % 1
1 r2684.8
1 = Following error
PT1 p2534 < 100 % + within tolerance
model – 0
Following err max
s_act 0 ... 2147482647 [LU] Signal TfS act
r2521 p2532 p2634 [D] (1000) p2552 ZSW
[4010.7] (2521[0]) (2683.14)
r2526 [3616.1],
[3645.7] r2526.4 [3617.6]
1 = Fixed stop reached
p2547 (0)
s_act POS_ZSW1
r2521 p2532 1 r2683
[4010.7] (2521[0]) r2683.8
0 1 = Position actual value cam switching position 1
Cam position 2
-2147483648 ... 2147483647 [LU]
p2548 (0)
L__���tLL--�����-----¡� 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Position control fp_4025_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4025 -
Dynamic following error monitoring, cam controllers 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.17 Encoder evaluation
Function diagrams
4715 – Speed actual value and pole position sensing motor encoder ASM/PMSM (encoder 1) 866
4735 – Reference mark search with equivalent zero mark, encoder 1 869
Fig. 3-128
Configuration, absolute value encoder
Encoders Control Unit Enc grid div <1>
Enc_config eff 0 ... 250000000 [nm]
Enc_typ sel p0404 [D] p0407 [D] Rot enc pulse No. Enc abs multiturn Enc abs meas step Enc abs singleturn Enc rot dist ZM
0 ... 10100 Sq-wave enc A/B 0 ... 16777215 0 ... 42949672950 ... 4294967295 [nm] 0 ... 1073741823 0 ... 16777215
Temperature sensor p0400 [D] (0) p0405 [D] p0408 [D] p0421 [D] p0422 [D] p0423 [D] p0425 [D]
To speed sensing
4704 – Position and temperature sensing, encoders 1 ... 2
o o o.h..n..n..h-
CU detection LED Enc fine Gx_XIST1
0 ... 1 2 ... 18
1 2 A p0418 [D] (11) 1 2 No. of signal
p0124 [D] (0) inkr
2n periods
B A .Il. Diag Gn_XIST1
� x2n ¡ ¡ up
31 n n-1 0 r0479 [n-1]
Raw position dn III
Invert position
signals 2n actual value Dir of rot
Multiplication B Fine resolution
by hardware 32 Bit p0410.01 p1821
SM properties Multiplication
A Free-running <3> by hardware
r0458 <2> <4>
1 signal period position
sin/cos counter j 232 -1 j 0 0 Enc Gn_XIST1
B Mot/load motor rev
1 ... 1048576
p2504 [D]
_ v_ Jt__v_ v. 0
-1 1
-1 1
r0482 [n-1]
1 signal period For SSI encoders: Absolute position information
Sequence control
Enc fine Gx_XIST2
2 ... 18
p0419 [D] (9)
Mot/load load rev
-1048576 ... 1048576
p2505 [D] Reference mark position
---[j- Dir of rot
3 Function diagrams
<4> Gn_XIST1 is a free-running position value.
The external control must process the overflows.
<5> The contents of r0483/r2723 are determined by the encoder
status word/control word. Refer to [4720] and [4730].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_4704_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 4704 -
Position and temperature sensing, encoders 1 … 2 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
0 Transformat_angle [°]
Pole position sensing r0094 <2>
-1 1
Zero mark
n_act T_smooth
n_act_measurement Enc inv act value 0.00 ... 50.00 [ms]
p0410 [D] p1441 [D] (0.00)
ZSW n_ctrl
r1407 1 = Sensorless operation active
[2522.6] r1407.1
n_act [rpm]
<1> Only for vector control without encoder.
r0063 [1]
<2> Only for operation with encoder and PMSM.
<3> For induction motors only (ASM).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_4715_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4715 -
Speed actual value and pole pos. sensing, motor encoder ASM/PMSM (encoder 1) 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-130
<1> <5> PROFIdrive-Bit
Enc Gn_STW S_src
p0480 [n-1] Geb Gn_STW To the position sensing,
encoder n [4704.3]
(0) Bit Control word for encoder n (n = 1 or 2) r0487[n-1] To Reference mark search
with equivalent zero mark,
encoder 1 [4735.3] <1> Index [n-1] --> encoder n
Selects the function to be activated (with bit value = 1)
4720 – Encoder interface, receive signals, encoders 1 ... 2
4. r0481[0...3] must be active depending on the activated function.
1 2 Reference mark 2 Measuring probe 2 5. Overtravel zero mark(s) until all bits in r0481.[0...3] are reset to 0.
6. Select r0487.[0...3] individually and activate with r0487.5 until r0481.[4...7]
is equal to 1 and read out the position values in r0483.
2 3 Reference mark 3 Measuring probe 3 7. Reset all bits, starting with r0487.5 followed by r0487.[0…3].
The following pulse diagram is an example for reading in the position at the
3 4 Reference mark 4 Measuring probe 4 reference mark 1 (mode: bit 7 = 0).
<3> The bits are processed with the following priority sequence (highest
1 = Request cyclic transfer of the absolute position value in
priority --> lowest priority bit): Bit 14 --> Bit 15 --> Bit 4...7 --> Bit 12 -->
13 Gn_XIST2
Bit 13.
(e.g. EQN absolute track; acknowledgment in Gn_ZSW bit 13)
<4> The checkback signal is provided in Gn_ZSW bit 14, but the encoder is
14 1 = Request parking encoder (handshake with Gn_ZSW bit 14) <4> not actually parked.
3 Function diagrams
performed according to the specifications of the standard telegrams
<3> [2420].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_4720_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4720 -
Encoder interface, receive signals, encoders 1 ... 2 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
Bit 0 1 reference mark 1 or measuring probe 1
Bit 1 2 reference mark 2 or measuring probe 1
Bit 2 3 reference mark 3 or measuring probe 2
Bit 3 4 reference mark 4 or measuring probe 2
Bit 4 1 = Position actual value from function 1
Bit 5 1 = Position actual value from function 2 Generated
Position value 2 from encoder n
The contents of position actual value 2 (Gn_XIST2) at [4704] depends on Gn_STW and Gn_ZSW.
Bit 6 1 = Position actual value from function 3
in Gn_XIST2
(and can be
This can be done as follows:
- Undefined for a parking encoder (Gn_ZSW.14 = 1).
- For Gn_ZSW.15 = 1 the fault code for encoder faults is located here.
Bit 7 1 = Position actual value from function 4
- Position actual value at the reference mark (for Gn_STW.7 = 0 and Gn_ZSW.4-7 > 0; with handshake).
- Position actual value due to flying measurement (for Gn_STW.7 = 1 and Gn_ZSW.4.7 > 0; with handshake).
- Cyclic absolute position value (free-running value, e.g. from the SSI absolute track (for Gn_ZSW.13 = 1).
Bit 8 1 = Measuring probe 1 deflected (high signal)
{: •
From the measuring probe
Bit 9 1 = Measuring probe 2 deflected (high signal)
Bit 10 Reserved
Bit 11 1 = Acknowledge encoder fault active
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Bit 13 Absolute value is cyclically transferred
Bit 14 Parking encoder active (i.e. the encoder is not operational)
Bit 15 Encoder fault, the fault is in Gn_XIST2 (r0483)
1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Encoder evaluation fp_4730_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4730 -
Encoder interface, send signals, encoders 1 ... 2 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-132
Activate selected function
Geb Gn_STW
Selecting the function to be activated Position actual value 1 from encoder n
[4720.5] r0487[n-1].0
4735 – Reference mark search with equivalent zero mark, encoder 1
D memory D
element (flip-flop) Q
ZM_equiv inp_term
0 ... 27
p0494 [D] (0)
"Fast inputs"
Measured value memory
No equivalent zero mark
0 <3> Reference mark
(p0494 = 0)
Pr or ZM_equiv inv (evaluate the encoder zero Gn_XIST2 position to the
p0490.25 x y
mark for encoder n) for function no. = 1 encoder interface
& Store [4704.5]
From the 0
digital [2230.5]
inputs/ 1 1 Pr or ZM_equiv inv
outputs p0490.27
0 27
1 1
3 Function diagrams
<2> All other bits in the encoder control word must be 0.
<3> Increasing position actual values (r0482): The 0/1 edge is evaluated.
Decreasing position actual values (r0482): The 1/0 edge is evaluated.
This means that the same reference point is always used when traversing to an equivalent zero mark.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_4735_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 4735 -
Reference mark search with equivalent zero mark, encoder 1 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
4750 – Absolute value for incremental encoder
p4652 = 1
<1> Gn_XIST2
Reset input
p4652 = 2 XIST1_ERW
Reset output
p4652 = 3
Reset output
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
<2> (0)
1 Basic function function
Enc Gn_ZSW r4654.0 Encoder 1 XIST1_ERW moved back
r0481 r4654.8 Encoder 2 XIST1_ERW moved back
Reset output
XIST1_ERW resS_src
<1> Only applies for p0437.13 = 1. p4655 Reset with Reset input
<2> Bit 13: Request absolute value. (0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_4750_97_03.vsd Function diagram
- 4750 -
Absolute value for incremental encoder 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
3 Function diagrams
3.18 Vector control
Function diagrams
6020 – Speed control and generation of the torque limits, overview 873
6723 – Field weakening controller, flux controller, Id setpoint (ASM, p0300 = 1) 894
No application class (p0096) possible. Chapter "Vector control"
Power Module
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
1 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 1 8
Vector control fp_6019_97_52.vsd Function diagram
- 6019 -
Application classes (p0096), overview 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-135
[6050] Kp_n-/Tn_n adaptation
Kp adaptation Tn adaptation M_suppl 1
n_ctrl SL Kp n_ctrl SL Tn p1511 [C]
n_ctrl setp sum [rpm] p1470 p1472
Mot MomInert Ratio n_ctrl Kp n lower n_ctrl Tn n lower (0)
r1170 p0342 p1460 p1462
M_suppl 1 scal For Kp
[3001.8] <1> <1> adaptation
Mot M_mom of inert
6020 – Speed control and generation of the torque limits, overview
p1512 [C]
p0341 a_prectrl scal (0)
M_suppl 2 scal
n_set_filt 1 T p1514 M_suppl total
M_suppl 2 r1515
p1513 [C]
n_ctrl n_set [rpm] (0)
n_set after filter [rpm] r1438
M_accel [Nm]
r0062 r1518[0]
– Kp
Symmetrizing p1300
– (r1407.2)
n_set I_comp
Droop input M_set [Nm]
p1488 – r0079
r1508 [6700.1]
[6030] Speed setpoint, [6031] Acceleration model control M_set bef. M_suppl [Nm]
3 Function diagrams
P_max mot P_max gen
p1530 p1531
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vector control fp_6020_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 6020 -
Speed control and generation of the torque limits, overview 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
0 MN
STW n_ctrl
0 1 ZSW n_ctrl
p1492 r1406
[2520.7] r1406 .11
<1> 0
Mot M_mom of inert [kgm²] 1 = Sensorless vector control,
p0341 [D] (0.000000) speed pre-control active 1 0
n_ctrl config
a for M_ctrl scal
Mot MomInert Ratio ZSW n_ctrl
0.0 ... 400.0 [%]
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
r1407.11 0
Pre-control speed
M_set [Nm] [2522.3]
r0079 [6730.1]
[6060.8] ZSW n_ctrl [6731.1]
[6060.3] r1407.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vector control fp_6030_97_55.vsd Function diagram
- 6030 -
Speed setpoint, droop 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
List Manual (LH15), 01/2016, A5E33842890
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
Fig. 3-137
6031 – Precontrol balancing, acceleration model
0 Calculated accelerating torque
Acceleration calculation 0
n_set after filter [rpm]
Pre-control balancing n_ctrl n_set [rpm]
r1438 [6040.1]
[6030.8] r0062
3 Function diagrams
3.18 Vector control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vector control fp_6031_97_53.vsd Function diagram
- 6031 -
Pre-control balancing, acceleration model 09.12.2015 V4.7.6 G120 CU250S-2
-----------------------------------------· ------------------------··············································································--------------------------------------------. 1
ZSW n_ctrl
r1407 a_prectrl scal
r1407.24 1 = moment of inertia estimator active p1496 [D]
r1407.26 1 = moment of inertia estimator stabilized
J_est t J