MSC Salunkhe T P 2018

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Improving Employee Retention by Predicting

Employee Attrition using Machine Learning


Dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of

MSc I.S. with Computing

at Dublin Business School

Tanmay Prakash Salunkhe

MSc I.S. with Computing 2017-18


I, Tanmay Prakash Salunkhe, declare that this research is my original work and that it has never
been presented to any institution or university for the award of Degree or Diploma. In addition, I
have referenced correctly all literature and sources used in this work and this work is fully
compliant with the Dublin Business School’s academic honesty policy.

Signature: Tanmay Prakash Salunkhe

Date: 18/08/2018


I would first like to thank my Dissertation Supervisor Dr. Shazia Afzal of MSc Information
Systems with Computing course at the Dublin Business School. Dr. Shazia was always open to
help me whenever I was in trouble or had questions about my research or writing. She consistently
ensured that my research paper was unique and my own work. She also corrected me at times when
she felt any glitch in my research artefact or writing. As Dr. Shazia was lecturer for the Advanced
Databases and Data Analytics subjects and my research was in the same field, I learned a lot from
her lectures and followed her advices during the Dissertation.

I would also like to thank the Research Methodology Professor, Dr. Brid Lane, who is also the
Program Director for IT and Management Masters at Dublin Business School for sharing the
information on how to carry the Research work from start till end and what all factors to be
considered while doing the research and writing Dissertation. Also, I would like to thank Dr. Alan
Graham professor at Dublin Business School, for giving lectures on Writing for Graduate Studies
which helped me to improve my academic writing and Mr. Trevor Haugh, Assistant Librarian at
Dublin Business School for providing lectures and guidance on Referencing.

I would also like to acknowledge the HR Professionals from Ireland and India who took part in
survey and provided with the valuable inputs which helped me for progressing in Dissertation.

Finally, I wish to express my profound gratitude to my parents, sister, girlfriend and friends for
providing me with constant support and continuous encouragement throughout my year of study
and process of Dissertation. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them.

Thank you.

Tanmay Salunkhe


This Dissertation aims to help the HR and Project Managers in improving the retention rate of the
valuable employees in an organization, thereby minimizing the employee turnover cost of the
company. The research was carried out in three stages. To improve the retention rate, efforts were
made to first, predict the employee attrition; secondly, decide on which employees are valuable
and their retention is profitable to the company. Finally, the factors that influence the employee’s
intention to resign from a company is found out and provided to the HR and Project managers
through the HR Analytical application developed using R and Shiny R framework.
Good amount of research has been done while considering the factors for the employee attrition
prediction. Also, the survey for these factors has also been carried out among the HR professionals
in my network.
Various analysis has been done while selecting the Machine Learning algorithm for training the
predictive model. Logistic Regression algorithm is used for building attrition prediction model as
it gives the most accurate result. Then, after doing considerable analysis on how to choose the
valuable employee and applying methodological assumptions, Decision Model was prepared with
the help of conditional logic statements which showcased which employees are valuable and which
employees are not. Then the separate employee source file was prepared consisting of the valuable
employees and who were also a potential candidate for resignation.
Using the R condition statements, the dashboard was developed which shows all the factors
influencing employee attrition so that HR and Project managers can use them accordingly retaining
valuable employee.
For developing and testing the application IBM Employee dataset was used (IBM , 2018). This
application can be used by the HR Managers to simplify the employee retention decision.


List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. 7

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. 7

Chapter One .................................................................................................................................. 10

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 10

1.3 Roadmap to the Dissertation ................................................................................................... 13

Chapter Two.................................................................................................................................. 15

Literature Review.......................................................................................................................... 15

2.1 Factors responsible for the employee attrition ................................................................... 15

2.2 Study of Data Mining Techniques for predicting Attrition. .............................................. 18

2.3 Study on factors to be considered for deciding valuable employee................................... 21

2.4 Building Decision Tree Model for deciding on valuable employee .................................. 22

2.5 Retention Factors and Designing of Result Dashboard displaying the retention factors to
users (HR Managers) .................................................................................................................... 24

2.6 Study on IBM Kenexa Talent Management Tool for Attrition Prediction and HRM
decisions:....................................................................................................................................... 26

2.7 Literature Conclusion......................................................................................................... 27

Chapter Three................................................................................................................................ 27

Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 27

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 27

3.2 Research Philosophy .......................................................................................................... 28

3.3 Research Approach ............................................................................................................ 28

3.4 Research Strategy............................................................................................................... 28

3.5 Primary Data Collection Method ....................................................................................... 28

3.6 Secondary Data Collection Method ................................................................................... 29

3.7 Data Sampling .................................................................................................................... 29

3.8 Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................................... 29

3.9 Methodological Assumptions ............................................................................................ 30

3.10 Technical Framework ........................................................................................................ 31

3.11 Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................ 34

3.12 Contextualization: .............................................................................................................. 34

Chapter Four ................................................................................................................................. 35

Artefact Design and Development ................................................................................................ 35

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 35

4.2 SDLC Methodology ........................................................................................................... 35

4.3 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements .................................................................. 35

4.4 System Design ................................................................................................................... 36

4.4.1 Use Case Diagram .......................................................................................................... 36

4.4.2 System Diagram ............................................................................................................. 37

4.4.3 UML Activity Diagram .................................................................................................. 38

4.4.4 Sequence Diagram.......................................................................................................... 39

4.4.5 Application framework .................................................................................................. 40

4.5 Development ...................................................................................................................... 42

4.6 Testing..................................................................................................................................... 48

Chapter Five .................................................................................................................................. 49

Data Analysis and Findings .......................................................................................................... 49

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 49

5.2 Findings.............................................................................................................................. 49

5.3 Data Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 53

5.4 Artifact Results .................................................................................................................. 60

5.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 65

Chapter Six.................................................................................................................................... 65

Discussions ................................................................................................................................... 65

Chapter Seven ............................................................................................................................... 66

Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................................ 66

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 68

Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 76

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 76

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix C ................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix D ................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix E ................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix F.................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix G ................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix H ................................................................................................................................... 78

List of Tables

Table 2.1 1: Correlates of Turnover .............................................................................................. 15

Table 3.7 1: Selected Prediction Models for Attrition prediction 32
Table 5.2 1:Attribute Weighted Multiplier 51

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 1: A model of relationship between quality of work life, satisfaction and retention .. 17
Figure 2.1 2: Model for attrition (Gupta, 2010) ............................................................................ 17

Figure 2.2 1: Decision Tree .......................................................................................................... 19

Figure 2.2 2: Pseudo Code for the Support Vector (Kotsiantis, 2007) ......................................... 19
Figure 2.2 3: Formalized form of XGBoost.................................................................................. 20
Figure 2.2 4: Logistic regression (Rohit Punnoose, 2016) .......................................................... 21
Figure 2.2 5: Functional form of the Logistic Regression (Phanish Puranam, 2018) .................. 21
Figure 2.2 6: (Rahul Yedida, 2006) ............................................................................................. 21

Figure 2.4 1: Entropy (Quinlan, 1985).......................................................................................... 23

Figure 2.4 2: ID3 (Prof. Prashant G. Ahire, 2015) (Quinlan, 1985) ............................................. 23
Figure 2.4 3: AF-Association factor ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 2.4 4: Normalized Form .................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2.4 5: Gain – Decision Node ......................................................................................... 24
Figure 2.4 6: Improved ID3 (Prof. Prashant G. Ahire, 2015) (Quinlan, 1985) ............................ 24

Figure 2.5 1: Employee retention and Job Satisfaction Model (Bidisha Lahkar Das, 2013) ....... 25
Figure 2.5 2: Basic Model of retention of employees (Gupta, 2010) ........................................... 26

Figure 2.6 1: IBM Kenexa Talent Management System by IBM Watson (IBM Watson, 2018) . 27

Figure 4.4 1: System Diagram ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 4.4 2: UML Activity Diagram ........................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.4 3: Sequence Diagram ................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.4 4: Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................... 36

Figure 4.5 1: Application Framework 1 ........................................................................................ 41

Figure 4.5 2: Application Framework 1 ........................................................................................ 42

Figure 4.6 1 : Python Jupyter sample Program for prediction of Employee Salary ..................... 42
Figure 4.6 2: Python Jupyter sample output for prediction of Employee Salary .......................... 42
Figure 4.6 3: HTML Integration with Python Jupyter | Sample Code.......................................... 43
Figure 4.6 4: Before Data Pre-processing | UTF Character setting .............................................. 44
Figure 4.6 5:After Data Pre-processing | UTF Character setting .................................................. 44
Figure 4.6 6: With Row Identifier................................................................................................. 45
Figure 4.6 7: Without Row Identifier ........................................................................................... 45

Figure 5.2 1: Attrition Attributes selection and weightage ........................................................... 50

Figure 5.3 1: KNN Model Accuracy => 85.92% .......................................................................... 54

Figure 5.3 2: XgBoost Model Accuracy => 86.97% .................................................................... 54
Figure 5.3 3: Decision Tree Model Accuracy => 86.97% ............................................................ 54
Figure 5.3 4: Random forest Model Accuracy =>86.97% ............................................................ 54
Figure 5.3 5: Logistic Regression Model Accuracy => 91.01% .................................................. 55
Figure 5.3 6: SVM Model Accuracy => 88.03% .......................................................................... 55
Figure 5.3 7: Graph Plot for Age, Business travel, Daily Rate and Department .......................... 56
Figure 5.3 8: Plot for Distance, Education, Education level, Education satisfaction and gender. 56
Figure 5.3 9: Plot for Hourly rate, Job Involvement, Job level and job satisfaction .................... 57
Figure 5.3 10: plot for marital status, monthly income, monthly rate and no. companies worked
....................................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 5.3 11: Plot for Over time, percent hike, performance rating, relationship satisfaction ... 59

Figure 5.3 12: Plot for stock level, total working years., training times last year, work life
balance .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 5.3 13: Plot for years at company, years in current role, year since last promotion, year
with current manager .................................................................................................................... 60

Figure 5.4 1: File Browsing .......................................................................................................... 61

Figure 5.4 2: Load Cleaned data ................................................................................................... 61
Figure 5.4 3: Model Summary ...................................................................................................... 62
Figure 5.4 4: Prediction output ..................................................................................................... 62
Figure 5.4 5: Prediction output table............................................................................................. 62
Figure 5.4 6: Valuable employee .................................................................................................. 63
Figure 5.4 7: Valuable employee table ......................................................................................... 63
Figure 5.4 8: Retention factors...................................................................................................... 63
Figure 5.4 9: Retention factor table .............................................................................................. 64
Figure 5.4 10: Data visualization .................................................................................................. 64

Chapter One

1.1 Introduction

Analytics can be defined as a “logical progression and set of statistical tools”. In a simple way
Analytics is a science of analysis (Fitz-enz, 2010). HR analytics is defined as “demonstrating the
direct impact of people data on important business outcomes” (Scott Mondore, 2011). “HR
Analytics is the systematic identification and quantification of the people drivers of the business
outcomes” (IBM Inc., 2017). HR Analytics is the need of the company so that they can spend the
money on the right employees rather than spending on wrong ones. With the help HR Analytics,
HR Managers can take numerous decisions on investment on employees to get the excellent
outcomes that benefits the stakeholders and customers (Scott Mondore, 2011). HR Analytics deals
with the Human Resource Management processes and can be used by HR Managers, Project
Managers and Line Managers (Fitz-enz, 2010).

Employee Turnover is the most important factor that causes the huge loss to the company. There
are many reasons for which the employees leave the company, such as; salary dissatisfaction,
stagnant career growth, etc. The loss is not only in terms of the money but also the company
sometimes loses the skilled employees who are the most valuable assets to the company (Morrison,
2014). If the company can predict the employee attrition (employees which are going to leave the
company) in near future, they can also work on retention beforehand and avoid the loss of valuable
employee. The prediction of attrition and retention is the part of the HR Analytics.

Using Machine Learning technique, more specifically Predictive Analytics, we can predict the
employee attrition. Machine Learning is a technique used in Artificial Intelligence. “Artificial
Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines; especially intelligent
computer programs” (Mitchell, 1999). “Predictive analytics is the practice of extracting
information from existing data sets to determine patterns and predict future outcomes and trends”
(Kelleher, et al., 2015). Employee Attrition Prediction helps HR Managers to predict how many
employees will resign from the company during a particular period (IBM Inc., 2017). Thus,
Managers can work on deciding on the valuable employees and try to retain them. Employee

Attrition Prediction and automation of the retention decision can be done by applying supervised
training method and various classification algorithms (Kelleher, 2017). “Supervised machine
learning is the search for algorithms that reason from externally supplied instances to produce
general hypotheses, which then make predictions about future instances” (Kotsiantis, 2007).

It is important to predict employee attrition and analyze retention decision because according to
Morrel (Morrell, 2004), intentional turnover acquires the noteworthy cost, both in terms of:

1. Direct costs (replacement, recruitment and selection, temporary staff, management time)
(Morrell, 2004).
2. Indirect cost (morale, pressure on remaining staff, costs of learning, product/service quality,
organizational memory) (Morrell, 2004).

Also, the biggest impact of Employee Turnover includes:

1. Manager faces with lack of employee continuity.

2. The high costs involved in the induction and training of new staff.
3. Issues of organizational productivity (Firth, 2004).

Few of the Currently Used Tools for Employee Attrition Prediction are as follows:

IBM HR Analytics: (IBM Inc., 2017).

IBM Software has one of its products in Talent Management software category called IBM Kenexa
HR analytics, powered by IBM Watson Analytics. One of the solutions provided by IBM
workforce analytics is “Prediction of employee attrition rate”. It analyses the key drivers for
attrition and then the employee attrition is predicted.

SAP Workforce analytics: (SAP Inc., 2017)

SAP SuccessFactors is using predictive analytics to help answer questions related to understanding
turnover and identifying and managing flight risk.

Thus, IBM and SAP have found a solution and developed their own application to predict the
employee attrition rate, so that company can found a replacement of an employee beforehand.

Research Question - Research Question primarily focuses on how to predict employee attrition,
choose valuable employee from them and then find the most effective employee retention factors
with the help of machine learning techniques.

Research Objectives - Research objective aims at finding the attributes responsible for employee
attrition and then predict the employee attrition with the data mining technique. Once the attrition
is found out, study on the factors deciding the valuable employees and after finalizing those factors,
build the decision model for valuable employees. And then find the retention factors and display
the most effective retention factors for each employee to improve the employee retention.

I am finding the attributes for employee attrition with the help of previous research studies and
survey among HR professionals, with the help of questionnaires. Also, with the help of previous
study and research on prediction of employee attrition, the most accurate prediction model was
developed. Then with the previous case studies, research and methodological assumptions as
discussed in methodological chapter, I built the decision model for the valuable employees. Then
again with another methodological assumptions I found out the factors most effective for retention
and displayed on dashboard.

I have chosen this research topic as I am more interested in Data Analytics and Machine Learning
and I have seen the challenges faced by Line Managers, Project Managers and HR Managers in
previous companies, when many employees resigned at a same time and project faced various
challenges to complete the task in given timelines due to unexpected employee turnover. So, I
decided to make an HR Analytical tool so as to help the HR professionals in the employee attrition
and retention processes.

Conclusion: Thus, I have explained the research question, research objectives, how I am going to
meet the objectives and my interest this research topic.

1.2 Scope and limitations of research

The Scope of the research is divided into five parts - First part contains the study of the factors
influencing employee attrition. Second part has study on predictive model analysis along with
model accuracy for predicting the employee attrition. Third part has the study on qualities of the
valuable employee. Fourth part has study on the Decision tree to be built for deciding on which

Employee is more valuable (like high performance rating) to be Retained. In fifth part I have
integrated all the Machine Learning Models and data source and developed the Machine Learning
Application displaying the prediction results, model summary, valuable employee and retention
result table on dashboard along with graphs and plots. The ML Models and application is
developed in R shiny.

The budgeting of the employee turnover to indicate how much the company has saved the
employee turnover budget after retaining the valuable employee is not included in in the
Dissertation as it gets into the completely other filed of human resource management budget. And
hence, I have limited my research work till improvisation of employee retention.

Limitation includes implementation of Prediction System for Employee Attrition due to less
training data set, implementation of Decision Making System for Retention due to complex
development of the Classification Tree and Algorithm and inconsistent data, accuracy of Decision
result, limited access to employee dataset due to GDPR.

My dissertation has a major contribution in the field of HR Analytics in improving the accuracy
of the prediction of employee attrition and advancing the application for helping the HR and
Project Managers to improve the retention rate of valuable employee by building Decision tree for
selecting the valuable employee and finding the factors influencing them to resign, thereby saving
the employee turnover budget of the company.

1.3 Roadmap to the Dissertation

The Dissertation is divided into various chapters.

Chapter two consists of the literature review as given below.

Literature theme one shows the study about the factors influencing the employee attrition and the
conclusion of the HR survey done for examining these factors.

Literature theme two shows how the machine learning algorithm was chosen for building the
predictive model for predicting employee attrition based on the accuracy calculated by confusion

Literature theme three illustrates the qualities considered during choosing the valuable employees.
This also includes the conclusion for qualities chosen for the valuable employee based on research

Literature theme four includes how the decision tree model is built for choosing the valuable

Literature theme five illustrates the study on retention factors and design of result dashboard that
was developed for displaying the factors most influencing the valuable employee to resign. So that
HR and Project manager can consider those factors while retaining that employee and thereby
improve retention rate of the company.

Literature theme Six shows how the IBM Developed the Talent Management System, Kenexa. It
also illustrates the features included in it and how the HR Managers utilize it for predicting attrition
and taking Human Resource decisions.

Finally, the Literature Review ends with the Conclusion which shows, how the research is different
from the previous research and studies done on employee attrition and retention.

Chapter three consists of the research method and methodology wherein I have explained about
how I have chosen this research hypothesis, research approach, data collection method, data
sampling method and research strategy and its uniqueness along justification for the chosen

Chapter four illustrates the artifacts design like application design, UML diagrams of the system
design, development method, application testing and process followed during application
development and result. It also illustrates how the result was obtained answering the research
question on improving the employee retention. It shows all the aspects of the application like data
source, data cleaning, data processing, building predictive and decision model for employee
attrition and retention respectively.

Chapter five emphasis on data analysis and findings from the research. It also includes how
accuracy analysis for the prediction model from the confusion matrix and the analysis on
methodological assumptions chosen for finding the valuable employees and retention factors. It

also includes all the parts of the application showing the summary, graphs, tables and analysis
results. It shows how the dissertation has brought change in the field of HR Analytics.

Chapter Six includes the in-depth discussion on the research. It shows the objectives of the research
and how those objectives were met, and the research was successfully completed. It also shows
the limitation of the dissertation and the advancements that can be done to dissertation for
obtaining industrial application which can be used in real world industries.

Chapter Seven concludes with the summarization of the findings done during the research work.
And the result obtained from the research. It also explains, how this dissertation can further be
modified for combining HR and Finance application which shows the budget saved after retaining
valuable employee than to hire new employee. Thus, company’s overall employee turnover budget
can be managed along with Human Resource Analysis.

Chapter Two
Literature Review

2.1 Factors responsible for the employee attrition

There have been considerable studies on Factors responsible for Attrition. One of which is the
meta-analysis (“label for a variety of procedures that statistically summarize the information
gathered in a literature review”) done by John Cotton and Jeffry Tuttle from Purdue University.
(John L. Cotton, 1986). The 26 variables which were found out to be responsible for the attrition:

Table 2.1 1: Correlates of Turnover (John L. Cotton, 1986)

Organizations invest much in the employee hiring, induction, training, development and retention
and hence losing an employee is huge loss to the company. Hence, managers must reduce the
employee turnover to reduce the loss of the turnover. “Research estimates indicate that hiring and
training a replacement worker for a lost employee costs approximately 50 percent of the worker’s
annual salary (Ongori, 2007). Another important factor that plays an important role as a turnover
predictor is the job involvement. Job Involvement is the factor that indicates how much an
employee is involved in a particular job and carry out the job from start to end with various
responsible role. This gives an employee feeling of ownership and motivate him to do that job
effectively (Ongori, 2007). One of the factors that help retention, is providing healthy work
environment. Also, if reason of attrition is found out, retention can be improved through planning
and involvement in discussion with employee (Alex Frye, 2018).

One of an early voluntary study has found that the strongest predictors for voluntary turnover were
tenure, overall job satisfaction, job performance, individual demographic characteristics
(age/experience, gender, ethnicity, education, marital status), geographical factors, salary, working
conditions, job satisfaction, recognition, growth potential etc. (Edouard Ribes, 2017). One of the
study reveals about the push factors which includes employee mismatch with job requirement,
unbalanced interpersonal relationship with supervisor and peers, work stress, unsatisfactory work-
life balance which results into employee unhappiness and influences an employee to resign from
an organization (Jessica Sze-Yin Ho, 2010). In a survey of 10,447 business and HR leaders,
Deloitte (2017) found that although 71% of companies believe using workforce analytics is
important for business performance (Derrick McIver a, 2018).

Another research done on the Indian IT firms reveals the factors responsible for the attrition are
Below expectation salary, Low incentives, Relationship with superior, Relationship with
subordinates, Job knowledge, Skills utilization, Skills recognition, Acknowledgement of work by
superior, Lack of appreciation, Unsatisfied work culture (Archita Banerjee, 2017). The managerial
rewards also play an important role in retaining the employee. Thus, manager’s interpersonal skills
play a very important role in holding on the evaluable employee (Mitchell Hoffman, 2018).

I have studied the factors influencing the employee attrition in two main industries – Healthcare
and BPO. Below are the factors that influence the employee attrition in healthcare industry.

Figure 2.1 1: A model of relationship between quality of work life, satisfaction and retention
(Musrrat Parveen, 2016)
The factors influencing the employee attrition in BPO can be illustrated as below:

Figure 2.1 2: Model for attrition (Gupta, 2010)

Another mediated and moderated regression analyses states that employee organization misfit and
dissatisfaction do not necessarily lead to employee turnover (Anthony R. Wheeler, 2007).

Conclusion: Thus, the factors influencing employee attrition were studied from various above
different research studies and case studies.

2.2 Study of Data Mining Techniques for predicting Attrition.

The Predictive Model can be developed by various methods of data mining. Data mining can be
helpful to Human Resource Managers in identifying factors influencing employees for high
attrition. “Data Mining is a process through which valuable knowledge can be extracted from a
large dataset.” One of the researches on the prediction of Employee Attrition was done using
Decision Tree as a data mining tool. “Decision Trees are tree-shaped structures that represent
decision sets.” It uses Classification algorithms for data mining. It is used to explore the possible
outcomes for various inputs (Alao D., 2013). Predictive Analytics is the prediction of future by
using past and current data. Predicting future depends on four things which are knowledge of past
and present events, cause for the events, understanding of patterns and pattern variations, correct
tool to predict the future and accuracy of the same. This can be done by statistical modelling and
data mining techniques (S. Chitra, 2018). The model developed for prediction of attrition need to
be checked for under-sampling and oversampling. “In under-sampling a random subset of the
majority class is used for training, whereas oversampling randomly duplicates instances of the
minority class.” (Bernd Bischl, 2016). One of the research studies was carried on using SVM and
Random Forest models for employee attrition prediction (Rohit Punnoose, 2016) and another was
carried on using KNN algorithm for employee attrition prediction (Raschka, 2017). In one of the
researches xgBoost model was used for carrying on the research on employee attrition prediction
(Greenwell, 2017) and in one research, GLM i.e. Logistic regression was used (Raschka, 2017).

The ML Algorithms studied are as follows:

Decision Tree – “Decision trees are trees that classify instances by sorting them based on feature
values.” Each node in a decision tree signifies a characteristic in an instance to be classified, and
each branch denotes a value that the node can assume (Kotsiantis, 2007). The Decision Tree can
be depicted as below:

Figure 2.2 1: Decision Tree
The decision tree algorithm studied by Kotsiantis was the C4.5 which is an extension of Quinlan's
earlier ID3 algorithm (Kotsiantis, 2007). It is given as J48 in R-Weka. Another study makes the
use of C5 decision tree algorithm (Rohit Punnoose, 2016). Bagging is one more type of Decision
tree Algorithm which is studied by S. Chitra and Dr. P. Srivaramangai (S. Chitra, 2018). CHi-
squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID). Performs multi-level splits when computing
classification trees also comes under the umbrella of the Classification and Regression Tree
(CART) Analysis (Alao D., 2013).

Support Vector Mechanism – Support vector machines (SVMs) does a class division by finding
a division point for categorizing in a hyper plane in a high dimensional space. A decent partition
is done by the hyper plane that has the separation between the separate categories as wide as
possible. The bigger the edge is, the lower the error and inaccuracy of the classifier (B-Gent, 2006)
(S. Chitra, 2018).

Figure 2.2 2: Pseudo Code for the Support Vector (Kotsiantis, 2007)
SVM can solve linear as well as nonlinear binary classification problems (Rohit Punnoose, 2016).
SVMs are also referred to as maximum margin classifiers (Edouard Ribes, 2017).

K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) – Neighbors based order is a kind of instance-based learning.

Characterization is figured from a basic greater part vote of the k closest neighbors of each point
(Raschka, 2017). “The 2 stages for classification using KNN involve determining neighboring data
points and then deciding the class based on the classes of these neighbors” (Rohit Punnoose,
2016). “KNN is a non-generalizing method, since the algorithm keeps all of its training data in
memory, possibly transformed as a ball tree or a KD tree”. The Manhattan distance is computed
using the formula 𝐷 = Σ |𝑥𝑖 − 𝑦𝑖 | (Rohit Punnoose, 2016).
Random Forest – Random Forests (RFs) (Wiener, 2002), result from the combination of tree
classifiers. Each tree depends in the estimations of an irregular vector inspected separately. RF has
characteristics of correcting decision tree over-fitting for the training dataset.

Random forests are different from standard trees as its each latter node is split using the best
category split among all variables. “In a random forest, each node is split using the best among a
subset of predictors randomly chosen at that node” (Rohit Punnoose, 2016).

xgBoost (xgbTree) – XGBoost is a boosted tree algorithm. It uses a more regularized model
formalization to control over-fitting, which gives it better performance.

Figure 2.2 3: Formalized form of XGBoost

Where ‘w’ is the vector of scores on leaves, ‘q’ is a function assigning each data point to the
corresponding leaf and ‘T’ is the number of leaves (Rohit Punnoose, 2016). xgbTree is the method
used for the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (method = ‘xgbTree’) and is used for classification and
regression with the help of xgboost and plyr packages (Kuhn, 2018). XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient
Boosting) is a general library providing enhanced distributed gradient boosting that is precisely
designed to be highly efficient and provide accurate result (Greenwell, 2017).

Logistic Regression (GLM) – Logistic Regression is a machine learning calculation for
characterization. In this calculation, the probabilities portraying the possible results of a separate
trial are displayed utilizing a Logistic Regression (Raschka, 2017).

Figure 2.2 4: Logistic regression (Rohit Punnoose, 2016)

Figure 2.2 5: Functional form of the Logistic Regression (Phanish Puranam, 2018)

Logistic regression is a regression model that fits the values to the logistic function. It is useful
when the dependent variable is categorical (Rahul Yedida, 2006). The general form of the model

Figure 2.2 6: (Rahul Yedida, 2006)

2.3 Study on factors to be considered for deciding valuable employee

Work Engagement describes the extent to which employees are involved in their work. According
to the study by Mark Attridge it is revealed that the position and the level of job also decides the
employee engagement with work. Employees with Director and Executive level are more involved
in the work than the support staff. Also, highly educated and highly skilled workers are also
involved more in their work (Attridge, 2009). “Human Resource Information System (HRIS)”
plays an important role in the decision-making process for effective Human Resource Management
(HRM). “Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS)” along with “Knowledge Discovery in

Database (KDD)” is applied in HRIS to improve structured, especially semi structured and
unstructured HR decision making process. This module will offer a total performance index,
considering all criteria, for an employee. This process is very complex as there are many rules for
each criterion with different priority. It is one of the factors to be considered during choosing
valuable employee. These are the skilled employees and are predicted by Machine Learning and
decision-making criteria using historical data (Abdul-Kadar Masum, 2015). Another study reveals
that the employee performance is more if the job satisfaction is more and hence the job satisfaction
is indirectly responsible for deciding the valuable employee (Alf Crossman, 2003). One of the
studies done shows that the work relevance and the employee skillset play a very important role
in deciding on the performance of an employee (Blake A. Allan, 2017). Performance of an
employee help decide Positive Organizational Behavior based on which valuable employee can be
determined (Fred Luthans, 2008). Another thing that impacts the employee performance is the
social relationship factor. This needs to be considered while deciding valuable employee (Nina
van Loon, 2018). Another major factor to be considered for deciding on employee value is the
employee loyalty i.e. how long an employee has been employed with the one organization. This
all depends on the job satisfaction (Onsardi, 2017).

2.4 Building Decision Tree Model for deciding on valuable employee

At present in HRM (Human Resource Management), it is necessary to take the timely decision
and correct decision for which Intelligent HR Decision Making System is made, one of which is
Decision Support System DSS which helps HR to take the decision in shorter period. For this, DSS
(Decision Support System) and KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) and Data Mining is
implemented for Extraction of Knowledge for HRM (Abdul-Kadar Masum, 2015). Valuable
Employee can be predicted by the Employee Performance and the employee performance can be
found out by K-Mean Clustering Method or Decision tree Method. Decision Tree generates a
decision tree from the given training data. “Decision Tree is one of the most used techniques, since
it creates the decision tree from the data given using simple equations depending mainly on
calculation of the gain ratio, which gives automatically some sort of weights to attributes used, and
the researcher can implicitly recognize the most effective attributes on the predicted target.”
(Ananya Sarker, 2018). While choosing the valuable employee, various factors were taken into

consideration, hence enhanced decision tree was required. One of the studies revealed about the
improved ID3 algorithm which is the enhanced version of the ID3 Decision tree algorithm. ID3
algorithm is a recursive method and there is an evaluation of each subset and decision node is
created based on metric known as Information Gain. ID3 uses two major concepts – Entropy and
Information Gain. “Entropy is a measure in information theory to measure the impurity of
arbitrarily collection of items.” For set S, being pi the probability of S belonging to class I,
formulation is (Algorithm, 2009)

Figure 2.4 1: Entropy (Quinlan, 1985)

Information Gain = I (S1,S2,S3,…, Sm)- E(A) Algorithm for generating a decision tree according
to a given data sets (Prof. Prashant G. Ahire, 2015) (Algorithm, 2009).

Title =


Yes No Yes No

Figure 2.4 2: ID3 (Prof. Prashant G. Ahire, 2015) (Quinlan, 1985)

The shortcoming of the ID3 is only one attribute is tested at a time and it may be over fitted or
over classified. To overcome this shortcoming, improved ID3 is used. Complexity is reduced, and
time is saved in Improved ID3 algorithm. In Improved ID3, the same gain which is calculated
initially in basic ID3 is used which get changed every time when the dataset gets modified as tree
grows (Kirandeep, 2018).

Figure 2.4 3: AF- Figure 2.4 4: Normalized Form Figure 2.4 5: Gain – Decision Node
Association factor

(Prof. Prashant G. Ahire, 2015) (Quinlan, 1985)



Yes No

Figure 2.4 6: Improved ID3 (Prof. Prashant G. Ahire, 2015) (Quinlan, 1985)

2.5 Retention Factors and Designing of Result Dashboard displaying the retention factors
to users (HR Managers)

Various tools have been developed for improving customer retention by various companies,
similarly tools for employee retention needed to be developed for employee retention and the case
study done by Edouard Ribes, Karim Touahri and Benoit Perthamez shows how machine learning
can help in employee retention by using Employee turnover prediction and classification method
(Edouard Ribes, 2017). Employee retention can be defined as an “effort by an employer to keep
desirable workers in order to meet the business objectives” by keeping the right people on the right
jobs (Jagun, 2015). Bidisha Lahkar Das and Dr. Mukulesh Baruah have found out the various
factors affecting the employee retention through their study. These factors are Compensation,
Rewards and Recognition, Promotion and Growth opportunity, Participation in Decision making,
work-life balance, Work environment, Training and development, leadership and job security
(Bidisha Lahkar Das, 2013) (Jagun, 2015).

Figure 2.5 1: Employee retention and Job Satisfaction Model (Bidisha Lahkar Das, 2013)

While deciding on the retention, the efforts should be made on holding on the best employee. The
best employee can be chosen by his/her loyalty. That is the number of years spend in the company
shows the loyalty of the employee (T.MURALIDHARAN, 2017). There was recently one paper
published from a Conference in University of Salford, Manchester, which showcased the important
factors of employee attrition and retention while comparing between the retention in inhouse
offshoring and offshore outsourcing in software development industry (Bass, 2018). Santoshi Sen
Gupta has developed a basic retention model after the study done on the attrition and retention of
the employee in BPO. The model is as given below: (Gupta, 2010).

Figure 2.5 2: Basic Model of retention of employees (Gupta, 2010)

2.6 Study on IBM Kenexa Talent Management Tool for Attrition Prediction and HRM
IBM has developed a Talent Management tool called “Kenexa” and is used to predict the employee
attrition with the employee data which is input manually by HR Managers (IBM , 2018). The
working and UI Application of the IBM Watson Talen Management tool, Kenexa is as described
below (IBM Watson, 2018). IBM Watson has prepared its own UI Application for HR and Hiring
Managers. Below is the preview of it and the development and working of an application are
explained in the “Appendix A”.

Figure 2.6 1: IBM Kenexa Talent Management System by IBM Watson (IBM Watson, 2018)

2.7 Literature Conclusion

Thus, we can see that till date there has been various theoretical and technical research and studies
have been carried out to find the attrition prediction. But there has been no significant study or
research on development of tool which can take automated decisions on categorizing valuable
employees and ordinary employees. And there is no application that shows the final dashboard
that shows the retention factors which HR Managers must consider while retaining the valuable
employee; so that the Human Resource Management budget can be reduced significantly if
retention rate is increased.

Chapter Three

3.1 Introduction
This section provides the theoretical and technical walkthrough of the research method used for
building an analytical application using R for predicting employee attrition and how to recognize
the valuable employee and retain them, thereby saving the company HRM budget on hiring new

employee. This chapter describes the set of methods used for carrying out the research and building
a software application. It also covers the data collection and data analysis methods.

3.2 Research Philosophy

The purpose of this research is to predict the employee attrition and improve retention of valuable
employee, thereby saving the HRM cost. For the research study, both the qualitative and
quantitative methodologies are used. Qualitative methodology is used for gathering the employee
attributes and demographics for predicting attrition as well as finding the retention factors for
retaining a valuable employee, whereas I used the quantitative methodology for weighting the
factors influencing the attrition and analyzing the accuracy of the prediction model build for
predicting attrition.

3.3 Research Approach

For completing my research, I followed the inductive approach. Inductive approach is the one in
which there is a systematic study on observation and previous research for proposing the theories
and fining the patterns with the use of various assumptions and hypotheses. The assumptions and
the approach for research changes with the progress in the research.

3.4 Research Strategy

For successfully completing the research I took the help of Survey which was carried among the
HR Professionals to collect the factors and attributes of employee for predicting employee attrition
and improving employee retention. Also, Experiments were carried on processing and application
of machine learning algorithms on the dataset and increasing the accuracy of the research result.

3.5 Primary Data Collection Method

The primary data source is the most important aspect of any research as it is the initial point of
starting the dissertation. Hence it requires to be genuine and must provide accurate data with
evidence. In this research, the primary data was collected by the study on various research papers
and case studies on employee attrition, predicting employee attrition and Factors influencing
retention. The weighting for each factor influencing the attrition was given after the survey was
carried among the HR Managers and Professionals. The detailed information about the survey is
given in “Appendix B”.

3.6 Secondary Data Collection Method

Secondary data was used in my research for implementing the research technically. Thus, whatever
was studied theoretically, needed to be implemented practically wherein I referred to Technical
thesis and other research Journals for transforming business logic to technical implementation.
Here, I studied about the Machine Learning Algorithms and how they can be implemented for
predicting employee attrition and implementing decision tree for categorizing the valuable
employee from ordinary one. I also studied about the previous implementations done by IBM
Watson for workforce analytics and Talent Management tool (IBM Watson, 2018) and how I can
improvise those tools and make considerable advancements in those.

3.7 Data Sampling

For data sampling, I have used the Convenience sampling technique. Convenience sampling is
a type of non-probability sampling that includes the sample gathered from that part of the
population that can be easily approached. In this case it was collecting the employee attrition and
retention factors from the HR professionals within my social connections with the help of Survey
questionaries’ form, as it was easy to connect with them and get the survey done.

3.8 Theoretical Framework

Attrition attributes – With the study on various research papers and surveys from HR managers
located in India and Ireland, the important attrition factors were found out and those were used as
predictors for predicting employee attrition. Those factors are listed below:

Percent Salary Hike, Monthly Income, Years Since Last Promotion, Distance from Home, Job
Role, Performance Rating, Job Level, Environment Satisfaction, Years in Current Role,
Relationship Satisfaction, Years with Current Manager, Job Satisfaction, Work Life Balance,
Number of Companies Worked, Years at Company, Over Time, Total Working Years, Marital
Status, Age and Gender.

Valuable Employee Attributes – Similar to the attrition factors, valuable employee factors were
found out by study on various research papers. And with the help of methodological assumptions
and conditional logic, the valuable employees were categorized from the ordinary ones.

Retention Attributes – Likewise, after doing research on the case studies on retention, the
important factors were found out for improving retention. And with the help of conditional
statements and logic the respective factors were displayed on the dashboard of the application.

3.9 Methodological Assumptions

While developing an employee analytical application, I made use of two theoretical and two
technical assumptions.

Methodological Assumption 1: The first assumption was theoretical and made while choosing the
attributes for deciding on the valuable employee. The assumption was made based on the study
about past researches and case studies mentioned in Literature. So, the attributes I considered for
deciding valuable employees are as follows: (John L. Cotton, 1986) (Jessica Sze-Yin Ho, 2010)
(Gupta, 2010) (Archita Banerjee, 2017) (Edouard Ribes, 2017) (Alex Frye, 2018).

Employee Performance, Peer-Manager Relationship, Number of years at current company,

Education level, Job Level, Job Involvement, Job Title, Job Satisfaction.

Methodological Assumption 2: Similarly based on past research and case studies, I had considered
following attributes as effective retention factors: (Edouard Ribes, 2017) (Bidisha Lahkar Das,
2013) (Jagun, 2015) (T.MURALIDHARAN, 2017) (Bass, 2018) (Gupta, 2010).

Promotion, Percent Salary Hike, Work Life balance, Work environment, Job satisfaction, Job
involvement, Peer relationship.

Methodological Assumption 3: For developing decision tree algorithm for choosing valuable
employee, decision tree and advanced decision tree algorithm was chosen. But due to data
inconsistency and data quality issue, the decision tree was not able to build due to underfitting
data. Hence, as a work around, I decided to build the decision tree using if else conditioning
statement. For this to work, I grouped the attributes in two parts – one with highest priorities and
other with lowest priorities. The Highest priorities attributes would come with the Boolean “OR”
logic and lowest priorities attributes would come with Boolean “AND” logic in if else statement.
I calculated the threshold value for each column. Based on the value, if any record has highest
priority column above the threshold it would come in valuable employee category or if all the
lowest priority columns come above the threshold then the employee would be categorized as

valuable. The threshold value was calculated by taking the 1st quartile value (value at approx. 30th
percent of the all the records when arranged in ascending order).

Methodological Assumption 4: Similarly, while developing if else conditioning statement, the

threshold value was calculated for all the columns considered as retention factors. Here, it was the
mean value of the total records from the original dataset. If the value of the attribute is below
threshold then it is added in the “retention factors” column or else is “x” character is added. Thus,
finally the “retention factors” column will display all the attribute names for all the records whose
values are below threshold value. Thus, HR Managers need to pay more attention on those factors
while retaining the valuable employees.

3.10 Technical Framework

Data selection and Data processing – As per the above study of Research Journals and various case
studies, I have chosen the IBM Watson Data (IBM , 2018) for Building the HR Analytics Attrition
and Retention Model and Testing it with the same data.

In the beginning, I tried to develop the prediction model for attrition using Python Jupyter by log
in with the help of Anaconda Command Prompt. But then I wanted to develop an application for
data visualization too and user interactive application, so I decided to go with Python flask and
Django. But the installation of the libraries and environment setup was too time consuming and
complex. Hence decided to move with Tableau and HTML for application development, but with
Tableau, only data visualization was possible and Predictive Analytics and decision tree logic was
not possible. Hence, I required a tool which can do both Machine Learning task as well as Data
Visualization and I can use it as user interactive application. Hence, I decided to go with R
framework and in R, “R Shiny” provided me the platform to develop the analytical application
(Hadley Wckham, 2017).

Before using the data for training in Machine Learning Algorithm and testing the test data, I have
preprocessed the data into usable format by performing following steps: (Hadley Wckham, 2017)

1. Removed NULL values

2. Removed Columns with non-unique values
3. Removed unnecessary columns

4. Transformed the unsupported UTF format to supporting UTF format
5. Rearranged the columns according to weightage of each column
6. Saved the cleaned data in a csv format file

Predictive Modeling for Attrition – After studying various algorithms from above research journals
and case studies, I have selected following Algorithms to develop a predictive model for attrition,
as these algorithms provided the desired result for the prediction. I wanted to build a classification
model and these algorithms helped me to develop the same with various ranges of accuracy. (Alao
D., 2013) (Bernd Bischl, 2016) (Kotsiantis, 2007) (Rohit Punnoose, 2016) (Edouard Ribes,
2017) (Raschka, 2017) (Wiener, 2002) (Kuhn, 2018) (Greenwell, 2017) (Phanish Puranam, 2018)
(Rahul Yedida, 2006).

 KNN (k-Nearest Neighbor)  Decision Tree

 SVM (Support Vector Machine)  Random Forest
 GLM (Generalized linear model)  XGB Tree (Extreme Gradient Boosting)
Table 3.7 1: Selected Prediction Models for Attrition prediction
After developing the prediction models with above algorithms and training the models with
training data set, I ran the test data for each model and validated the confusion matrix. Confusion
matrix shows the various accuracy of the model based on prediction result. After comparing the
confusion matrix of all, I found out that GLM had the most overall accuracy from all the other
models. Hence, I chosen the GLM algorithm to build the model in the final Analytical application
(Peter Bruce, 2017).

Decision Tree modeling for Valuable Employee – Then with the help of decision tree Algorithm
(Peter Bruce, 2017) and “if else” conditional statement, I found out the valuable employee from
the given data. In the Decision model the following attributes were given the most preferences.
Performance Rating, Job Involvement, Years at Company, Job Satisfaction and the least preference
is given to Job Level, Relationship Satisfaction and Education. Then for Building Decision Model
for Deciding on valuable employee, the methodological assumptions 1 and 3 were considered.
With the assumption 1, the threshold value of the all the attributes was decided by calculating the
value at 30th percent of each data columns. First, I made each column in ascending order. Then, I
calculated the count of record at 30th percent of the total count of records. Then, in each column if

the employee had value less than the value at 30th percent, I considered him as ordinary employee
and all the above as valuable employee based on the preferences of the attributes. The Decision
tree was to be used for the same but due to data inconsistency and data quality the decision tree
was not able to be applied. This part of research failure is explained in “Appendix C”. And hence
the manual if else conditioning was needed to be done. The company can change the threshold
value and the preferences according to their use for further application to get the desired output.
According to assumption 3, I have taken the threshold as the value at 1st quartile of the total record.
Then the column was added in front of each record that whether an employee is Valuable or Not
in form of “YES” and “NO”. If its valuable, the record has “YES”, else its “NO”. The Yes and No
decision can also be validated by HR Managers and Project Managers during real time run.

Application building for displaying retention factors of Valuable Employee – Similarly, while
displaying the factors for retention, I used the methodological assumption 2 for finding the
attributes which would help HR Managers to take into consideration the most while retaining
valuable employee. Here I have considered the assumption 4 for deciding on the threshold value
of the retention factors attributes. Thus, according to assumption, the threshold value for the
decision is taken as the value at the median of the total record. As did in deciding valuable
employees, similarly, the attributes required for retention decision were arranged into ascending
order and the value at median of the total record was found out. If an employee has any selected
attribute value less than the threshold value, then the attribute is added into the retention factor’s
list for that employee. Finally, all the attributes whose value are less than threshold value, are
concatenated and displayed in one single column for all the employee record.

In the application I have made the functional button which does the above given tasks. The
“Logistic Regression” Button helps to build the prediction model and give the prediction output
and model summary.

The “Retention Factor” Button displays the valuable employee list along with the factors
responsible for improving the retention of valuable employees.

Finally, I have made the provision for the data exploration (John D. Kelleher, 2015) of the given
data, where I have provided the drop-down menu for plotting the two 2-Dimensional plots/graphs
with one constant axis of Attrition and one 3-Dimensional plot/graph with one constant axis as
Attrition. Thus, HR Managers and Hiring Managers can work on Human Resource Analysis for

Predicting Attrition, working on retention and thereby engaging in saving the HRM budget cost of
the company.

3.11 Conclusion:

Thus, I developed an analytical Application for the HR Managers to predict attrition and improve
retention of valuable employee. For this, first I gathered the attributes required for attrition
prediction, deciding on valuable employees and displaying the retention factors. Then I
preprocessed the data and using the predictive model predicted the attrition. After, the attrition was
predicted, with the help of four methodological assumptions given above, I was able to categorize
the valuable employee from the ordinary one and display the most effective retention factors which
HR Managers can pay attention to the most while retaining the valuable employees.

Finally, everything was put in an application to perform these activities of predicting attrition,
selecting valuable employees and displaying retention factors. Also, drop-down menu for the
attributes helped in data visualization and data exploration. Thus, user interactive data
visualization and data analytical application was developed using R framework due to its
uncomplicatedness (Hadley Wckham, 2017).

3.12 Contextualization:

Thus, it can be seen from the above researches, case studies and IBM Kenexa talent management
tool description, that there has been various research on prediction of employee attrition, but there
is no application which includes all the three functionalities of attrition prediction, decision on
categorizing valuable employee from ordinary ones, displaying most effective retention factors.
Whereas, my HR analytical application for the employee performs these three functionalities and
help to provide the most effective retention factors to the HR Managers so that they can pay more
attention on those factors while retaining valuable employees, thereby saving the Human Resource
Management Budget. Along with it, I have also provided the user interactive space in application
for the user to perform data exploration and data visualization for further data analysis and taking
customized decisions.

Chapter Four
Artefact Design and Development

4.1 Introduction
This section tells about the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology used,
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, System Design including System Diagram,
Sequence Diagram, Application framework, UML Activity Diagram, Use-case diagram along with
various use case scenarios, Development and Testing processes performed.

4.2 SDLC Methodology

I have chosen the Agile methodology for the development of an application. I have chosen this
method for development to complete the work in given timelines. I completed the work in sprints
and constructed the application with unit testing in every step after development.

4.3 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

There are four main functional requirements. Those are as follows:

a. Predict Attrition – User must be able to predict the attrition of the future employee based on the
historical dataset of previous employees.

b. Decide on Valuable employee – Allow user to categorize the employee into valuable and
ordinary ones.

c. Find out and list down the factors affecting the retention decision – Display the retention factors
on a dashboard, for improving the retention of the valuable employees.

d. Data Exploration and Data Visualization – User Interactive selection of attributes for plotting
the graphs against the Attrition.

The Non-Functional requirement included the time required by the application for making
prediction of attrition, decision of valuable employee and displaying retention factors should be

minimal. I have taken it as 90 seconds on an average (for dataset record of 1470) to perform all
the tasks in application except data exploration task.

4.4 System Design

4.4.1 Use Case Diagram

The Use case design is as follows which shows how the user (HR Manager) can interact with the
application and take decisions with regards to valuable employees.

Figure 4.4 1: Use Case Diagram

Below are the various scenarios and exceptions that can take place while user (HR manager)
interact with an application.

Use Case Scenario 1: The data is perfectly fed into the system and attrition is predicted with the
expected accuracy. The employees who are going to resign from the company are then categorized
into valuable and ordinary employees using decision tree. The most effective retention factors for
valuable employees are then displayed on the dashboard.

Use Case Scenario 2 (Exception): The data is perfectly fed into the system, but the attrition
prediction does not give the expected accuracy. User can manually perform the data analysis with
the help of user interactive data visualization tab provided in the application.

Advancement in application to handle these exceptions can be made if the application allows the
user to customize the conditioning logic for choosing the valuable employee and finding
retention factors of the valuable employees.

4.4.2 System Diagram

The system diagram below, shows the system design of an application which illustrates how the
raw data is provided to the system and then retrieved as an output and again fed to system as a
second input and get the final report (dashboard result in this case).

Figure 4.4 2: System Diagram

4.4.3 UML Activity Diagram

The system design can be explained with the help of the following UML Diagram which represent
the working of the Analytical Application. According to below UML Diagram, I have collected
the data from IBM created by IBM Data Scientist for academic and research work. Then I have
chosen the attributes for the prediction and further analysis based on HR feedback form circulated
to HR professionals through LinkedIn. Then, I preprocessed the data and stored in csv format in a
local directory. Then, the test data is run through the trained predictive model which classifies the
data into positive and negative attrition and the result is shown as “YES” or “NO” for the attrition.
If the result is YES, all the records with that result are stored in an object and then that data is run
through “if else” conditioning statement. This decision statement is to classify the valuable
employee from the ordinary one. Once the valuable employees are categorized, that list is stored
in another object and all the factors affecting the retention are found out and displayed in the last
column of the data set. Thus, in the final stage of application, all the retention factors which are
maximal effective to improve retention are displayed on a dashboard. The UML Activity diagram
is as follows:

Figure 4.4 3: UML Activity Diagram
4.4.4 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagram demonstrates the sequence of action performed during the run time of an
application. The below diagram shows, how the user sends the request to each block of code and
receives the output in return.

Figure 4.4 4: Sequence Diagram

4.4.5 Application framework

I have chosen R as an application framework as it is less complex, provide both the Machine
Learning and data visualization functionality. Also, it’s very easy to develop an analytical
application with R. The final application representation is as follows:

Figure 4.5 1: Application Framework 1

Here, the predefined data set is used for the analysis and prediction testing. I have provided two
buttons; one for logistic regression for predicting attrition and other for retention factors
publishing. Retention factor button performs two tasks – finds the valuable employee and then lists
down the retention factors for each record.

In Addition to that, I have made arrangement where user can manually choose the file and do the
further analysis on the chosen dataset. Though, only the prototype is developed for that, but it can
be further used in actual application.

Also, there is a provision for data exploration and data visualization, where user can choose one
of the attributes as one axis to plot the graph against the Attrition and any two attributes to display
the 3-D plot with one axis as Attrition.

Figure 4.5 2: Application Framework 1

4.5 Development
The development was started with the gathering of data and choosing the attributes for analysis
and prediction. I chose the IBM Employee Dataset for building application and testing it. After the
data and attributes were finalized, the main task was of choosing the application development
framework. In the beginning, I tried to build application by Jupyter Python as below:

Figure 4.6 1 : Python Jupyter sample Figure 4.6 2: Python Jupyter sample output
Program for prediction of Employee Salary for prediction of Employee Salary
But, as I had to prepare a Web Application, I wanted something that can be integrated with the
HTML and then I decided to integrate Jupyter with the HTML as below:

Figure 4.6 3: HTML Integration with Python Jupyter | Sample Code

But, the result was not obtained when the code was run as it failed to export the csv file from the
local desktop. And, then due to limited timeline, I had to go with some other alternative. The other
alternative was using the Django or Flask for building the data Visualization application. But
again, while loading and installing the libraries of Django and Flask in Ubuntu Virtual Linux
System, I faced various difficulties like missing previous library, etc. Hence, I decided to go with
R for building the prediction model and R Shiny for building the frontend application which would
perform all the tasks including prediction, decision making, display of result of retention attributes
or factors on dashboard and even the user interactive data visualization for data exploration.

Once the framework and Data source was selected and finalized, I loaded the data into the R system
and then preprocessed and cleaned the data. If the data is not cleaned or preprocessed it does not
give the desired output or even sometimes the code fails to run. For cleaning and preprocessing
data, I followed below steps:

1. Loading data with UTF-8-BOM compatibility:

Before using the UTF compatibility, I got the unknown characters in the data set like “Age”
instead of “Age” which created problem during recognizing the column name.

Figure 4.6 4: Before Data Pre-processing | UTF Character setting

After setting the UTF 8 character, I got the required result without any unwanted characters.

Figure 4.6 5:After Data Pre-processing | UTF Character setting

2. Removing columns with same values

Another task in data cleaning was removing the columns that had no significant role in prediction
or analysis. These were the columns with a same value for all the records. Like in the case of IBM
Dataset, it had columns like “Employee Count”, “Over 18”, “Standard Hours” which had the same
value of “1”, “YES” and “80” respectively. And hence I deleted those rows.
3. Remove all the rows containing NA
From the remaining rows, I deleted the columns with Null value or “NA” value.
4. Move Attrition column to last
As the Attrition column is the one to be predicted, I brought it to the last place from the second
place in the dataset for the easily verifying the prediction result.

5. Removing all unwanted columns
As mentioned earlier, I selected few rows for the attrition prediction based on the previous research
work, case study and Survey from HR professionals. And deleted all the other remaining unwanted
6. Storing Processed data without the Row identifier
After the data was cleaned and pre-processed, I stored the data in a local directory in csv format. I
saved the data in such a way that it does not populated the row identifier as it usually does.

Figure 4.6 6: With Row Identifier Figure 4.6 7: Without Row Identifier

Though it does not matter while building application, but it makes the presentation better for the

Then, I had to choose the prediction model to predict the attrition. The prediction model in an
application is chosen after the analysis and calculating the accuracy of the prediction models. As
mentioned earlier, I had chosen six predictive classification algorithms which included KNN,
SVM, Decision tree, XgBoost Tree, Random Forest and GLM. Each one gave the different
accuracy for the prediction result. I calculated the accuracy with the help of confusion matrix.
Confusion matrix compares the prediction result with actual result and calculate the accuracy.
After analyzing the selected prediction Algorithm, Logistic Regression, GLM gave the most
accurate result. Hence, I used the GLM Algorithm while building a final application. After, it was
finalized that I must use GLM model, I included the same in the Application program.

Then I tried to apply the decision tree algorithm to build the decision model for choosing the
valuable employee. But due to inconsistent data and data quality, the decision tree was not able to
be implemented as it gave incorrect output. Hence, I had to make use of the four Methodological
Assumptions, as mentioned in Methodology, to find out the valuable employee and factors of
retention. The above four assumptions were logically coded in the program and the output was
found out and displayed on the dashboard.

Thus, after executing first and second methodological assumptions, I got the result of valuable
employees and then on that result dataset, I executed the second and third methodological
assumption, to find out the retention factors and display on the dashboard.

I also developed the tab which displayed the data visualization for data exploration. It displayed
two 2-Dimensional graphs and one aesthetic mapping plot. The 2-Dimensional graph has
predefined Y axis, which is X-axis variance and X axis can be selected by user from the drop-
down menu provided in the application. The drop-down menu contains all the attribute names in
the dataset. Thus, it provides the graphical representation of the measure of factors affecting the
attrition with Negative attrition in Red color and Positive Attrition in Blue color.

The development was done step by step with each functionality developed in separate sprint. All
the missing and required libraries and packages were installed with the “install.packages()”
command. The important libraries that are installed are dplyr, shiny, caret, ggplot2 and grid (Peter
Bruce, 2017). The related packages are downloaded and installed before using those libraries in
application program.

I used the “dplyr” library for using the select function for data manipulation task while removing
the unwanted columns (Peter Bruce, 2017). “caret” library was used for implementing the machine
learning algorithm for classification and regression training (Hadley Wckham, 2017). “shiny”
library is necessary to run the shiny application. “ggplot2” is required for plotting the aesthetic
mapping in the data visualization tab. “grid” library is used to add nx by ny rectangular grid to an
existing plot after using the ggplot2 (Hadley Wckham, 2017).

Before implementing the glm (logistic regression) machine learning algorithm (Peter Bruce, 2017),
I have also made arrangement for reproducing the result for debugging purpose. The set.seed()
function does the work of generating the random number so as to generate the reproducible results
for validation and debugging (John D. Kelleher, 2015).

I had given the user to select the file format of the data. Such as comma separated, or tab separated
(Here, only comma separated is shown in the prototype of the application.) Thus, user has a choice
of selecting the file as well as the format of the file. Secondly, I have also provided a space to alter
the percentage of training dataset, minimum from 0.5 to maximum 0.9 i.e. from 50% to 90% of
the total data can be treated as training dataset and remaining as a test data set. The ideal percentage

of the training dataset is 70-80 % i.e. 80:20 or 70:30 ratio between training and test data set should
be there for the better quality and accuracy result. I have also developed two buttons, one of which
does the function of running Logistic regression algorithm for predicting the employee attrition.
The button includes the functionality of predicting the attrition and displaying the model summary
and prediction output.

I have also developed another button which performs two functions of finding the valuable
employees and secondly display the most effective retention factors of the valuable employees.
This button has the functionality of running the conditional logics aligning to the assumptions
requirement and provide the desired output.

Now, talking about the development of the methodological assumptions; the first and third
assumption was of the decision of valuable employee wherein I had to calculate the threshold value
which was the value at the 1st quartile (approx. 30th percent) record of the total records. So, to
calculate the threshold value, I first, arranged the columns in ascending order and then calculated
the 1st quartile of record and assigned the value at that location to the threshold variable.

Similarly, I calculated the mean of all the values of the required columns and assigned them as the
threshold value while finding the factors for the retention.

There are mainly eight tabs developed in the output panel. First tab shows the file information of
the user file selected by browsing the file in the local machine. Second tab displays the file data
records with the column names. Third displays the sample test data, forth tab shows the model
summary of the prediction model, and fifth tab shows the prediction output. Sixth and seventh tab
shows the valuable employees list and retention factors most effective while retaining valuable
employee is displayed on the dashboard in the form of table records. Finally, the last tab is the data
exploration tab which show the graphs and plots plotted by the user from the attributes selected
from the drop-down menu.

Thus, the application is divided into mainly two parts; input which is at left-side panel of the
application and output at the right-side panel. The application when run in the R app, it can also
be opened in the local host at “” in this case (Hadley Wckham, 2017).

Advancement - The application can be further uploaded on the cloud using the Google cloud or
AWS cloud and can be used as a web application.

4.6 Testing
As I followed the Agile methodology, I tested the application unit by unit as it got completed. The
very first unit was the prediction model for the attrition. So, I tested the prediction model by
running the test data and comparing the prediction result and actual result.

Secondly, I tested the working of two assumption models – Valuable employee decision and
finding of retention factor.

Next, the testing was done on the front-end application. Whether the three functionalities
(Attrition prediction, Decision while categorizing employees into valuable and ordinary employee
and finally displaying most effective retention factors). Also, the user interactive data exploration
with the help of data visualization was tested by plotting various graphs and plots on the dashboard.

As the prediction functionality was enclosed in the button named as “Logistic Regression”, it was
tested by clicking and checking the output panel and the model summary and prediction result tabs
in the output panel.

Similarly, the retention factor button performed two tasks of categorizing the valuable employees
with ordinary one and finding the most effective retention factors. Those conditioning logics were
based on assumptions as mentioned in methodology; hence the result was tested according to the
assumptions. By comparing the sample records value and threshold values, I tested whether the
decision taken by the if else conditioning logic is proper or not. Like, according to assumption for
deciding the valuable employee, if the value of the any of the highest priority is attribute is above
threshold value then it is categorized as valuable employee or if all the attributes with least priority
are above threshold value then the employee is valuable employee; else it comes under ordinary
employee. In the same manner, according to assumption for the most effective retention factors, if
the value of any attribute is below the threshold value then it is added in the retention factor list
else not. Thus, the unit and functional testing was carried out.

Also, as a future advancement, the option for browsing the data file is provided if user wants to
work on any other dataset, other than the predefined dataset, but with same column names. So, the
browsing functionality was also tested by browsing the test file and displaying its data in the Data
tab as a record table.

After all the test cases were passed, the system application was integrated, and integration and
smoke testing were performed when run on R framework as well as on local host. Testing was
successful at both the places and finally the application was declared completed. But then too, it
is a prototype of a real commercial application. And can be enhanced more further with the same
functionalities and making functions more user interactive as discussed in above methodology and
development section.

Chapter Five
Data Analysis and Findings

5.1 Introduction

This chapter mainly focuses on the Findings obtained from the research and how they were used
for progressing in the research work. It also includes the Data Analysis with covering the both
Qualitative and Quantitative aspects of the research. Finally, it highlights the result obtained from
the research in the same manner how they would be presented to the user. Also, this includes how
the Methodological Assumptions were used to complete the research work and build the final
working analytical application.

5.2 Findings

When the, research was started, with the study on the previous research work and case studies, I
found that various methods and tools were developed for predicting the attrition, but it was for
making the company ready for the new hire as a replacement of the old one. Sometimes, company
lost the valuable employee and had to spend a good amount of money on hiring new employee and
on new hire’s training. There was no tool developed which performed the automated decision of
retention. HR Managers needed to take the decision manually by involving in the discussion with

the line managers and employee’s reporting managers to know about the capability of the
employee and decide whether to retain the employee or not and what are the factors which can
help them to retain a valuable employee.

But, with the help of an analytical application, it performs the two main type of analysis –
predictive and prescriptive analysis. With the predictive analytics it predicts the employee attrition
and the prescriptive analysis helps HR Managers to decide on valuable employees and know the
factors most effective in retaining the employees.

The weightage of each of the factor is calculated with the help of survey done for analyzing the
attributes. The weightage graph of all factors is as below:

Attrition Attributes weightage

30 32 29
27 25 26 27 27
23 22 22 21 18 21 24 23 24 21
13 13 14






[Years At…
[Years In…
[Job Level]
[Job Role]

[Over Time]

Figure 5.2 1: Attrition Attributes selection and weightage

Thus, with the help of the above attributes and their respective weightage attrition was to be
calculated. But due to non-numeric values of few of the attributes, the weighting of the attribute
was not possible. It can be done in future advancement while developing application for
commercial purpose. Thus, above weightage can be used for calculating the weightage of the
attributes by multiplying the actual value with the proportionate value as below:

Attribute Multiplier
[Age] 0.03
[Distance from Home] 0.06
[Gender] 0.03
[Job Level] 0.06
[Job Role] 0.06
[Job Satisfaction] 0.05
[Marital Status] 0.03
[No. of Companies Worked at] 0.05

[Over Time] 0.05
[Peer Relationship] 0.05
[Performance Rating] 0.06
[Salary Hike] 0.07
[Salary] 0.07
[Total Working Years] 0.04
[Work Env. Satisfaction] 0.05
[Work Life Balance] 0.05
[Years at Company] 0.05
[Years in Current Role] 0.05
[Years Since Last Promotion] 0.06
[Years with Current Manager] 0.05

Table 5.2 1:Attribute Weighted Multiplier

Even though the weighted attributes were not considered, the prediction result was found out with
maximum accuracy by studying and implementing the best selected prediction algorithm from the
previous research work. After comparing the prediction result from the selected six algorithms, it
was found that Logistic Regression, GLM gave the most accurate output. The accuracy was
calculated by the confusion matrix.

Suppose, “cleaned_att_data” is a cleaned data file and is saved in “ind” object. Training dataset is
stored in training and test dataset is stored in test and “test_glm” has the GLM prediction model
stored. “predict_glm” predicts the value for the target in test dataset. Now once the test dataset has
the predicted value, then the confusion matrix calculates the accuracy of the model by comparing
the actual target value with the predicted target value.

GLM Algorithm Code with ratio of training test data of 0.8:0.2 and “Attrition” as a target.

“test_glm <- train(Attrition~.,training, method = 'glm',trControl = trainControl(method = 'repeate

dcv',number = 3))
predict_glm <- predict(test_glm, test)
The output and the interpretation of the Confusion matrix result is as below:
Confusion Matrix and Statistics The first part is the contents of
the matrix. Within each row is
Reference the prediction and diagonal

Prediction No Yes represent instances where our
No 223 17 observation correctly predicted
Yes 7 20 the class of the item.

Second is the overall accuracy

which we have considered as a
main factor for selecting the
Accuarcy is < 90% with a p-
Accuracy : 0.9101 value of 0.01.
95% CI : (0.8692, 0.9416) In Statistical modeling, p-value
No Information Rate : 0.8614 is the probability for a given
statistical model.

P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.01031

Kappa : 0.5753
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.06619
Sensitivity : 0.9696 Next the sensitivity and
Specificity : 0.5405 specificity help us measure the
performance of the classifier by
measuring the true positive and
true negative performance.
Caret also calculate a
Prevalence : 0.8614 prevalence of a class within a
Detection Rate : 0.8352 population.
Detection Prevalence : 0.8989
Balanced Accuracy : 0.7551

Pos Pred Value : 0.9292
Neg Pred Value : 0.7407 With the help of the sensitivity,
specificity and prevalence,
caret calculates the Positive and
'Positive' Class : No Negative prediction value.

The Decision tree and Advanced decision tree algorithm was to be used for deciding on the
valuable employee. But, it was found that, due to data inconsistency and low data quality and
attribute underfitting, the decision tree was not able to be implemented as it gave the undesired
output. So, I made use of two methodological assumptions to make decision of valuable employee
and other two for finding the retention factors. The assumptions are as explained in the
Methodology. It was also found that, the result obtained from the application of the assumptions
gave the desired output. Though, the result can be modified by making the application more user
interactive where, they can choose the criteria for deciding on valuable employees and the most
effective retention factors; users can get the more desirable output rather on staying on any
assumptions. This also increases the efficiency of an application and accuracy of the predictive
and prescriptive analysis.

5.3 Data Analysis

There was excessive study done on attributes for predicting employee attrition and various
analysis was done on selecting the machine learning algorithm. The accuracy and the confusion
matrix were deeply analyzed for selecting the algorithm. The research study for predictive
algorithm can be found in “Appendix D”. All the prediction models and their respective accuracy
is given below:

Figure 5.3 1: KNN Model Accuracy => Figure 5.3 2: XgBoost Model Accuracy =>
85.92% 86.97%

Figure 5.3 3: Decision Tree Model Figure 5.3 4: Random forest Model
Accuracy => 86.97% Accuracy =>86.97%

Figure 5.3 5: Logistic Regression Model Figure 5.3 6: SVM Model Accuracy =>
Accuracy => 91.01% 88.03%

Thus, from the above all confusion matrices, it can be seen that; GLM Algorithm provides the
most accurate result. The accuracy provided by the GLM is 91.01%. Hence, I have chosen the
GLM Algorithm for building the predictive model in application.

Further the data analysis was done for finding the factors responsible for attrition and help HR
Managers during retention of the valuable employees. Various graphs and plots were plotted for
analyzing the effect of the attributes on attrition.

Below is the detailed analysis done while selecting the attributes for predicting the employee
attrition. The program and coding for the below data analysis can be found in “Appendix E”.

As per the below, graphs (Figure 5.3.7), it can be seen that, most of the employees between 25 and
35 leave the company. People who travel most for Business, mostly leave the company. Daily rate
and Department did not help to distinguish between attrited and non attrited employees.

Figure 5.3 7: Graph Plot for Age, Business travel, Daily Rate and Department
It is also seen in another graph (Figure 5.3.8) that, employees staying closest to the office have left
the company. Education, Education field, Employee count, Employee number are all insignificant
for the attrition analysis. Environment satisfaction does not play important role in analyzing the
attrition. Though the most people attired with the least environment satisfaction i.e. “1”. It is found
that 11.76% of total female employees attrited, 19.82% of total male employees in dataset attrited.

Figure 5.3 8: Plot for Distance, Education, Education level, Education satisfaction and gender

From the next graphs (Figure 5.3.9), it can be seen that nothing can be interfered from the Hourly
Rate. Also, the employees with Job Involvement rating “3” attrit the most while with job
involvement “4” attrit the least. From the Job Level graph, it can be seen that employees with Job
level “1” i.e. Entry level have the highest attrition. Job Satisfaction does not infer any significance
about attrition.

Figure 5.3 9: Plot for Hourly rate, Job Involvement, Job level and job satisfaction
Now, let’s look into the other given below graph (Figure 5.3.10); it shows that employees with
“Single” marital status have most attrition. Also, higher attrition is seen at lower segment of
Monthly Income. Monthly rate does not show any trend for attrition while employees who have
worked in 1 or 2 companies before the current company quit a lot.

Figure 5.3 10: plot for marital status, monthly income, monthly rate and no. companies worked
Another graph (Figure 5.3.11) indicates that Over18 and Over time attribute does not signify
anything about attrition, but Percent Salary hike, performance rating and relationship satisfaction
does. Employee with less than 15% salary hike have more chances of quitting and employees with
lower rating, here we have only “3” and “4”, hence employee with rating 3 attrit the most. It is
seen that people with higher rating in peer relationship satisfaction quit company the most.

Figure 5.3 11: Plot for Over time, percent hike, performance rating, relationship satisfaction
From the below graph (Figure 5.3.12), it is seen that standard hours, stock option level, training
times last year does not interpret anything about attrition. Also, it can be seen from the total
working years graph, that employees with 1 to 10 years have larger proportion of attrition than the
senior employees. Also, employees with the least rating for work life balance quit the most.

Figure 5.3 12: Plot for stock level, total working years., training times last year, work life

The Final graph (Figure 5.3.13) below shows the few important factors that can be used for
interpreting the attrition. Years at company, years in current role, years since last promotion and
years with current manager. It is also evident from the graph that most new joiners quit the job
with least number of years at company. Graph shows the employee with the 0 years in current role
quit the most. Also, it is seen that the employees who have been promoted recently have quit the
organization. Also, it is found that employee with new managers quit he most.

Figure 5.3 13: Plot for years at company, years in current role, year since last promotion, year
with current manager
Thus, the data analysis of the data set which was considered was made and similarly user can
make the further analysis on various datasets and interpret the conclusion.

5.4 Artifact Results

After the application was finally completed and tested, the results of the working of an application
were captured and are explained as follows: (Refer “Appendix F” for the source code of an

File Browsing and Data Loading: Below figure shows the file browsing functionality and display
of the file information and data on the dashboard.

Figure 5.4 1: File Browsing

Cleaned data Loading: This part shows the clean data loaded into the application with the sample
test data displayed on the dashboard along with the selection of the training data percentage.

Figure 5.4 2: Load Cleaned data

Prediction Model Summary after the Prediction Model is run: After the Logistic regression button
is clicked, it runs the prediction algorithm and shows the summary of the model which can be seen
below which shows the Deviance residuals. “The deviance residual is the measure
of deviance contributed from each observation”. It also shows the min, max, median, 1st and 3rd
quartiles from each observation. Also, it shows the estimated standard error, standard error and
predicted value for each attribute. Also, the Prediction tab shows the prediction result with the
actual and predicted attrition column at the last of the table grid in the output dashboard.

Figure 5.4 3: Model Summary
Prediction Model output: This is the predicted output as displayed in the dashboard.

Figure 5.4 4: Prediction output

Figure 5.4 5: Prediction output table

Valuable employee output after clicking retention factors button: After clicking the Retention
factors, it executes the conditioning statements which run the conditioning statements satisfying
the methodological assumptions and decide on valuable employees and retention factors as below.

Figure 5.4 6: Valuable employee

Figure 5.4 7: Valuable employee table

Retention factors displayed on dashboard after clicking retention factors button:

Figure 5.4 8: Retention factors

Figure 5.4 9: Retention factor table
Data Visualization: Data Exploration and Data Visualization with the graphs and plots plotted with
the help of attributes selected by the user.

Figure 5.4 10: Data visualization

Thus, the results of the application can be illustrated. This application can be used by HR
Managers and Project Managers while retaining the valuable employee so as to reduce the hiring
cost of the new employee as well as preserve the quality employees.

5.5 Conclusion

Thus, the Artifact findings included how the employee attrition retention were found out including
the factors for choosing valuable employees. Also, data analysis was done included data
exploration for selecting the data for predicting attrition and deciding on retention factors. Artifact
results were also added in this chapter to show the working of the application.

Chapter Six

This chapter shows the objectives of the research and how those objectives were met with the help
of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. It also explains various aspects of advancements for
overcoming the limitations while developing the HR Analytics application for commercial use.

The primary objective of the research was to improve the retention by finding the most effective
factor to be considered while retaining the valuable employee. But, before this, it was necessary
to predict the employee attrition so as to know which employees would be leaving in near future
and work on their retention. Also, to manage the employee management budget it is necessary to
know on which employee to make investment on. Hence, decision model was to be developed for
choosing valuable employees. For carrying the research, it was required to gather the data and get
the factors responsible for employee attrition and retention and factors for deciding on valuable
employees. Also, the machine learning algorithm was to be selected which provided the most
accurate output.

With the help of previous research studies and survey conducted among the HR Professionals, the
most important factors influencing employee attrition was found out. In the similar way, factors
for deciding valuable employees and retention factors were found out with the help of previous
case studies and research work. The machine learning algorithms which were used in previous
researches were studied to select one of them which provided the maximum accuracy.

With the dataset collected form the IBM and selected six data mining algorithms (Decision Tree,
SVM, Random Forest, xgBoost Tree, KNN and Logistic Regression), various experiments were

carried out to predict the employee attrition and the algorithm (Logistic Regression, GLM) which
provided the most accurate output, was selected for developing an application.

Finally, with the methodological assumptions, valuable employees and their retentions factors
were found out and displayed on dashboard in table format.

The application framework for developing analytical application to carry on the research was
selected. From the Python and R, R was selected due to its uncomplicatedness.

The application also requires few advancements to improve its efficiency. The very first
advancement that can be done is allowing user to browse and load the dataset of his interest and
make the predictions of attrition on the same and find the valuable employees and most effective
retention factors used while retaining valuable employees. Secondly while predicting the attrition,
user can be given the option of choosing the prediction algorithm and not depend only on Logistic
regression as in this case. Another advancement is using the advanced decision tree instead of
conditioning logic for deciding on valuable employees. Also, if decision tree is not be used, one
can even make the use of the methodological assumptions and provide the user the option to select
the threshold values for the attributes while deciding on valuable employees and even retention
factors. As, in the application prototype, I am taking the threshold value as 1st quartile of the values
while selecting valuable employees and mean value as a threshold value of the all the attributes
while displaying the retention factors. This would help the HR Managers to get the desired output
from the application.

Chapter Seven
Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter concludes the research work and recommends on the future advancements of the
application and research.

Thus, it can be seen from the above Literature reviews how the study on previous research work
and case studies helped to find the attributes for predicting attrition, know the valuable employee
and select the retention factors. From the study it is found that the factors responsible for attrition

and retention are - Attrition, Percent Salary Hike, Monthly Income, Years Since Last Promotion,
Distance From Home, Job Role, Performance Rating, Job Level, Environment Satisfaction, Years
In Current Role, Relationship Satisfaction, Years With Current Manager, Job Satisfaction, Work
Life Balance, Number of Companies Worked, Years At Company, Over-Time, Total Working
Years, Marital Status, Age and Gender. Methodology demonstrated the processes followed while
carrying on the research and developing an analytical application prototype. Finally, an Artifact
design illustrated the development and working of system and application architecture. The
advancement for improving the result accuracy is also mentioned so that it can be used for
developing the application for commercial purpose. In this research, it is found that with the above
attributes and Logistic regression algorithm, most accurate prediction result is obtained if the
training dataset is 80% of the total data.

As a recommendation, the above analytical application can be integrated with the Human resource
management finance budgeting application and there by predict the overall profit or savings in
Human Resource Management process which include attrition, retention, hiring of new employee,
amount spent on the training and development of new employee and loss to the project due to loss
of valuable employee and prescribe on the further actions to be taken Thus, company can keep
track of the amount of budget it had spent on Human resource management and budget to be spent
on future and take necessary actions. Also, the system can be put on cloud and the data can directly
be taken from the cloud storage through server connections by using FTP and SFTP commands in
Unix environment.


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Appendix A

Appendix A explains the development and working of the IBM HR Analytical tool Kenexa
developed by IBM Watson.

IBM has prepared the Predictive Model by following the below steps:
Data Loading and Pre-processing
1. Data Preparation: IBM Data Scientist have prepared dataset which is of score of 68. This score
indicates that the dataset is of Medium Quality. Hence before using the data they have cleaned
the data before uploading to IBM Watson. To clean the data, they have followed below steps:
a) Remove summary rows and columns from your data file.

b) Eliminate nested column headings and nested row headings.

2. Data Quality and Usage Optimization: After cleaning the data also, it cannot be directly used
for prediction. It must be of better quality. Hence to improve the data quality IBM follows the
following steps:
a) To improve the data quality, first decide on the attributes to be used for prediction. IBM has
provided with option to select and deselect the attributes for prediction.
b) Set the proper Fields as Input Field and Output fields.
c) Consider the missing values of the required attributes and see how it affects the result.
d) Make use of more attributes for better results.
e) Make use of domain knowledge to check whether the result makes any sense.
3. Using Aggregate Calculation Functions: Using functions like ABS, COUNT, SUM, MIN,
MAX, MEAN, MEDIAN, etc. for exploring the dataset.
4. Changing the Data Format: Date, Time, Currency, etc.
5. Creating Hierarchies of the fields to be used for prediction: IBM has provided an option of
refine to choosing the hierarchy for the Attributes and to add the additional field for prediction
6. IBM provides the option of grouping of the data columns: It also provides the option to group
the non-group columns in another group. Thus, the new column containing individual column
set is prepared and is used for prediction.
7. Filtering the Columns: IBM provides filter option to remove unwanted columns.
8. Replace Dataset after use: Use Specific dataset when needed.
9. Combining Data Sets option: IBM has combining datasets option by Joins method.

1. Opening Prediction: The prediction opens for viewing. Use the Top Predictors, Main

Insight and Details pages to view the prediction’s insights. Steps to be followed:
a) Go to the IBM® Watson™ Analytics Welcome page.
b) Tap the name of the prediction that you want to view. Use the filter box to view a subset of
predictions that match the entered text.
2. Exploring Prediction: Explore the fields for the prediction. AS soon as the Prediction page is

open it shows the most Top Predictor. We can then increase the predictor fields based on the
3. Editing Prediction: Can change the predictor name and field properties.

Insights in Prediction:
a) Text insights - Text insights describe the results.
b) Visual insights - Visual insights are visualizations that support and visually demonstrate the text
c) Dynamic visual insights - Dynamic visual insights are dynamic changes to the visualization that
result from expanding a text insight. It uses animation for visualization.
4. Setting aside Visualization from Predict use it Assemble: IBM provides option to set aside

interesting or important visualizations from Predict. You then add the visualizations to the
dashboards and stories that you create in Assemble. It can be used for reporting purpose.

Visualization - Visualization contains following features:

Interactive Tile, Changing Columns in Visualization, Adding More columns to a visualization,

show multiple measures in one Visualization, Navigate your data, Sorting in Numerical order,
Sorting in alphabetical order. Visualization Type: Bar, Bubble, Packed Bubble, Line, Area, Pie,
Tree Map, Heat Map, Map, World Cloud, Grid, Summary, Network.

Appendix B
The survey result obtained from the seven HR professionals is provided in the attached password
protected excel sheet named “MSc Information Systems and Computing Research Project
(Responses)”. Due to GDPR, the responses from the HR professionals is password protected to
maintain the privacy of the survey and related result. It can be found in Primary Data Source folder.
The questionnaire used for doing the survey can be found at
“”. The dataset used as a primary dataset can be found
in csv file named “WA_Fn-UseC_-HR-Employee-Attrition.csv” in Primary Data Source folder.

Appendix C

The source code for the research part failure for the implementation of decision tree for deciding
on valuable employees can be found in the R files “Failed Tree 1.R” and “Failed Tree 2.R”. It can
be found in Artifact folder.

Appendix D
The source code for the research on predictive algorithm for attrition prediction is given in R file
named “PredictionModel.R”. It can be found in Artifact folder.

Appendix E
The source for the data exploration and data visualization can be found in file “Attrition Data
Analysis Graphs.R”. It can be found in Artifact folder.

Appendix F
The final application source code can be found in the file
“10364706_Dissertation_FinalApplication.R”. It can be found in Artifact folder.

Appendix G

Dissertation Timeline Grid is given in Information sheets folder.

Appendix H

Dissertation supervisor meeting report is given in folder Information sheets folder named as
“Dissertation meeting and progress monitoring report”.


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