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Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Used in Dental Terms

One of the fun parts of learning dental/medical terminology is making difficult, long,
impressive-looking words understandable. By learning what the word parts mean, it is much
easier to understand what a brand new word is, even if you have never seen or heard it
before. Most medical terms originated in either Greek or Latin, so when someone says, “It’s
Greek to me” … it really is!

Once again, the prefixes and suffixes that follow are by no means all inclusive, but will
provide a starting place of commonly used word parts. There are specific rules for combining
words and for the order of the root words within a word, so it would be a good idea to study
further to really understand how dental/medical terms are put together and read. Two
excellent resources for additional medical terms are Building a Medical Vocabulary or Quick
& Easy Medical Terminology both by Peggy C. Leonard, published by W. B. Saunders
Company. The intent here is just to provide a starting place for building a good, useful dental

When words are combined, they often acquire an “o” to make the word flow better and be
more pronounceable. Words sometimes end in -ia for the same reason and/or to indicate a
condition of:

Prefix/Suffix Definition Example

-algia pain odontALGIA = tooth pain
-a without Acellular = having no cells
arth- joint ARTHOscope=an instrument to see inside a joint
ODONToma = tumor composed of tooth
dent, odont tooth or teeth
-ectomy excision appendECTOMY = excision of the appendix
hyperEMIA = above normal amount of blood in
-emia blood
an a tissue
endo- within ENDOdont =inside a tooth
-gen- beginning, produce pathoGENic = disease producing
pertaining to the
gingiv- GINGIVitis = inflammation of the gums
glyc- sugar GYLColysis = sugar dissolving
over, excessive,
hyper- HYPERmobility= more mobility than normal
below, under,
hypo- HYPOthermia = below normal temperature
-ia, -iasis condition odontalgIA = condition of tooth pain
infra- below INFRAorbital = below the eye
inter- between INTERcellular = between cells
intra- within INTRAoral = within the mouth
periodontITIS = inflammation of supporting
itis inflammation
structures of teeth
pertaining to the LINGUal surface = the surface closest to the
tongue tongue
-logy study of pathoLOGY = study of disease
-lysis glycoLYSIS = dissolving sugar
muc- mucous MUCositis = inflammation of mucous membrane
neo- new NEOplasm = new growth
wordOID = resembling a word (this is not a real
-oid resembling
-oma tumor odontOMA = tumor composed of tooth structures
-osis condition, disease periodontOSIS = condition of the periodontium
-path, -pathy disease PATHOlogy = study of disease
peri- around PERIoral = around the mouth
PERIOdontal = involving the supporting
perio- structures of the
structures of teeth
-phil- love acidoPHILic = acid loving
gingivoPLASTy = repair of the gingiva to
-plast, -plasty repair, form, grow
functional form
post- behind, after
py pus PYogenic= pus producing
-rrhea burst forth, pour sialoRRHEA = excessive flow of saliva
instrument used to
-scope arthoSCOPE = an instrument to see inside a joint
sial- saliva SIALorrhea = excessive flow of saliva
-stomia mouth xeroSTOMIA = dry mouth
super- above, excessive SUPERnumerary = excessive number
supra- above SUPRAgingival = above the margin of the gums
xero- dry XEROstomia = dry mouth

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