Gec Elec 2 Great Books Syllabus
Gec Elec 2 Great Books Syllabus
Gec Elec 2 Great Books Syllabus
VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University shall be a center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.
MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through distinctive research, sustainable extension, and production services for improved quality of life for
nation building.
QUALITY POLICY LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, sustainable extension, and production services.
Thus, we are committed to continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the university
stakeholder’s highest level of satisfaction through an excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professional ism and innovation
Great Books is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique literary works. It is a survey of the selected greatest
masterpieces of literature from all over the world, embracing more than 5000 years of development of world literature, in different literary forms or genres,
with representative pieces from various places, cultures, and periods that produced them.
as worker-leader in the field of expertise apt to b) Create innovative practices and solutions
the global needs. guided by proper values. 2) Enjoy literature in its broader social
context and thereby garner insights
c) Engage collaboratively with others into the human condition.
3) Identify the literary elements and
d) Develop solutions to real-world problems devices employed in each text and
3. Creative and Critical Thinker, who articulates in various fields. analyze their function and relation to
and produces entrepreneurial resources one another within the framework of
extended to families and community for e) Cope with one’s knowledge, skills, and the genre.
improvement. values for upright and fruitful living.
4) Enhance writing and communication
4. Competent Research Oriented Individual, who f) Evaluate “texts” (written, visual, oral, etc.) skills useful in academic and
is able to analyze facts methodically, discover analytically. professional settings.
and establish new theory to use in solving
problems and decision making contributory to g) Display proficient and effective 5) Gain intellectual growth by
the sustainability of the needs of the communication (writing, speaking, and use strengthening students' abilities to
community. of new technologies). read analytically and creatively.
L – Learned
P – Practiced Skills
O- Opportunity to Learn
Determine students’
expectations of the
Introduce basic
parliamentary practice.
Week 2 ILO 1: Review the 1.1 The Nature of Literature Lecture/Discussion Graded Recitation
nature of literature, the
reasons and tests for 1.2 Reasons and Tests for Reading Literature Technology Based Learning Activity: Video
reading literature, its Evaluation Chart
1.3 The Genres of Literature Video: How and Why We
literary elements
language, and Read Research: Elements of
1.4 The Language of Literature
standards; and Fiction Chart
Research Based Approach
1.5 Literary Standards
Increase students’ Research: Literary Devices
Project Based Approach Chart
understanding of the
intricacy of the reading Research: Elements of
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
Poetry Chart
Research: Figures of
Speech Chart
Research: Sound-effect
Devices Chart
Week 3 ILO 2: Introduce the 2.1 The Hero’s Lecture/Discussion Activity: Video Evaluation
idea of Joseph Journey - Mythic Chart
Campbell’s monomyth, Technology Based Learning
Structure of Joseph
or hero’s cycle;
Campbell’s Monomyth Activity: The Hero’s
Discuss the qualities of by Dan Bronzite Video: The Hero’s Journey and the
a hero; and Journey and the Monomyth Chart
Monomyth: Crash
Learn the stages of Course World
the archetypal hero’s Mythology #25
journey and decide
for yourself if a story
you are reading
follows this cycle.
Week 4 ILO 3: Describe the 3.1 Ancient Guided Reading Approach Activity: Video Evaluation
character of Gilgamesh; Middle East Chart
(Mesopotamia) FGD
Identify the epic
conventions and the Quiz:
3.2 “The Story of the Technology Based Learning Characteristics of an Epic
key elements of the
cycle of a hero; Flood” from The Epic of Gilgamesh by Sin-
leqiunninni Video: The Epic of Character Profile
Compare and Gilgamesh: Crash Chart: Gilgamesh
contrast different Course World
versions of flood myths; Mythology #26 Research: Comparing and
and Contrasting Different
Research Based Approach Versions of Flood Myths
Explain the thematic
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
meaning of the epic.
Week 5 ILO 4: Describe the 4.1 Ancient Guided Reading Approach Graded Recitation
character of Rama; India: Ramayana
Identify the epic Technology Based Learning Activity: Video Evaluation
conventions and the 4.2 Book IX (Ravana-Sabha) from Ramayana Chart
key elements of the by Valmiki Video: Rama and the
cycle of a hero; Ramayana: Crash
Activity: Character Profile
Course World
Appreciate and Mythology #27 Chart: Rama
understand the
meaning of the
selected text; Film: The Legend of Activity: Character Profile
Prince Rama Chart: Ravana
Explain the significant
Project Based Approach Quiz: Characteristics of an
human experience
expressed in the text; Epic
Project # 2: Ramayana
Clarify and extend Characters Photo
ideas through Collage Rubric
discussions and
Week 6 ILO 5: Describe the 5.1 Ancient Guided Reading Approach Graded Recitation
character of Odysseus; Greece: The Odyssey
Technology Based Learning Quiz
Identify the epic 5.2 Book I: Lines 1-34
conventions and the from The Odyssey by Homer
key elements of the Video: A Long and Activity: Character Profile
cycle of a hero; Difficult Journey, or The Chart: Odysseus
5.3 Book IX
Odyssey: Crash Course
Appreciate and from The Odyssey by Homer Activity: Video Evaluation
Literature # 201
understand the Chart
meaning of the
selected text; and Film: Hallmark
Entertainment, “The Activity: Film Evaluation
Explain the significant Odyssey” Chart
human experience
expressed in the text. Module: The Odyssey:
Exploring The Text and
Week 7 ILO 6: Identify literary 6.1 Book III from Guided Reading Approach Graded Recitation
elements and The Metamorphoses: “Narcissus and Echo”
techniques in literary by Ovid Technology Based Learning
genres and tell how Graded Recitation
they affect the story;
Video: The National
Gallery, “Who was Activity: Author Study:
Appreciate and
understand the Ovid?” narrated by OVID
meaning of the Bernadine Corrigan
selected text. Activity: Character Profile
Project Based Approach Chart: Narcissus
Improve the students’
analytical and writing Activity: Character Profile
skills; and Chart: Echo
Improve the
students’ analytical
and writing skills.
Week 13 ILO 11: Read 11.1 The Renaissance Lecture/Discussion Activity: Author Study
Shakespeare’s selected Rubric
sonnets with proper 11.2 Selected Sonnets of Guided Reading Approach
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
emotion. William Shakespeare
Technology Based Learning Activity: Poetic Form:
Train the students to
Shakespearean Sonnet
have an
Video: Shakespeare's Life Rubric
understanding of the
various structures of a and Works from Sparknotes
sonnet; and Quiz
Video: Shakespeare’s
Sonnets: from Crash
Point out the Activity: Video Evaluation
Course Literature
elements of poetry, hosted by Chart
figures of speech and John Green
sound-effect devices
in the selected
sonnets of
Week 14 ILO 12: Familiarize 12.1 The Enlightenment Lecture/Discussion Activity: Story Chart
students with the
conventions of satire. 12.2 Memnon (“Human Wisdom”) Guided Reading Approach Activity: Author Study
Demonstrate the
application of the Technology Based Learning
elements of fiction in Activity: Video Evaluation
the selected short #TheSchoolOfLife Chart
story. LITERATURE – Voltaire
Week 16 ILO 14: Identify the 14.1 Realism Lecture/Discussion Activity: Sequence Chart
literary style of the
text to enhance 14.2 “The Lament” by Anton Chekhov Guided Reading Approach
meaning and
Be familiar with
common literary
devices in the selected
texts; and
Evaluate important
themes and topics by
using accurate
interpretations of the
Week 17 ILO 15: Identify the 15.1 Modernism Lecture/Discussion Quiz
literary style of the
text to enhance 15.2 “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka Guided Reading Approach Activity: 5Ws and H Chart
meaning and
Activity: Plot Diagram
Ascertain literary Rubric
elements and
techniques in literary Activity: Character Traits
genres and tell how Chart
they affect the story.
Activity: Foreshadowing
Week 18 Departmental/Final
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
Part 5. Textbook
Medrano, M., Fernandez, M., and Solmerano, E. (2019). Great Books: Selected Masterpieces of World Literatures. Manila: Fastbooks Publishing,
LCD Projector
Activity materials
White board and marker
Quizzes 20%
Requirements 60%
Total 100%
1. Regular attendance is required for all students; six (6) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course.
2. Wearing of the University students’ ID and school uniform at all times are required for all the students except when having field activities.
3. Active participation individually or in a group is expected.
4. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence.